#professor quirrel
acdedits531 · 1 year
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 10
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖞 𝖙𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝖇𝖔𝖙𝖍 Hermione and I about the invisibility cloak when we got back to school. Hermione was shocked and disappointed that he hadn't found out about Flamel yet. She kept looking at me because on the train, I had finally told her about my visions and seeing the future, but had asked her not to tell a soul, including Harry and Ron.
I envisioned that Snape was refereeing the next match. Harry would find out, go to Ron and Hermione playing wizard chess in the Gryffindor common room, Neville would hop through the door, Harry would give him a chocolate frog, and they would all discover who Nicholas Flamel was. It all works out well, I thought dismally, wishing that I could just say 'Nicholas Flamel created the Sorcerer's Stone.'
I was in the library, finishing my Defense Against the Dark Arts essay on the differences between Gargoyles and Grotesques. The others left for the Gryffindor Common room.
Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall came into the library, both of them carrying stacks of library books. Professor Flitwick was carrying a stack taller than he was. I quickly laid my quill aside and jumped up.
"Do you need any help Professors?" I asked.
"Ah, Miss Kane." Professor Flitwick said in a squeaky voice, "Thank you."
I took some of the books off his stack and headed off into the library. I had the library memorized and knew where most of these went. I returned the books and then returned to my seat to finish up my essay.
Hermione and Harry came into the library at that moment, having left Ron in the common room. Hermione put down a very large book in front of me, spilling some of my ink. I quickly pulled out my wand "Tergo." I said and the ink was cleaned up. "What's up?" I asked, frowning slightly at them.
"We found out who Flamel is." Hermione said in a whisper.
"Really?" I asked in fake interest. "I figured out who he is too. I was going to wait until tomorrow to tell you guys."
Hermione glared at me. I smirked.
"So you know about the sorcerer's stone?" Harry asked me.
I nodded. "The stone that turns metal into gold, gives the owner eternal life, revives dead plants, turns crystals into diamonds, creates flexible glass, perpetually burning lamps, and a homunculus, yeah I know about it." I had counted out the properties on my fingers and now reached for my Herbology textbook.
Harry and Hermione stared at me. "I didn't realize it did so many other things." Hermione said, frowning and picked up a huge book from her bag, slamming it down on the table. I jumped at the loud noise as she scanned a certain page.
I shrugged, "They are the lesser known properties of the stone. What people really care about is the gold and living forever. I mean really, who cares about making flexible glass?"
"Good point." Harry said, pushing his glasses up on his nose. Even though we'd been friends for a little bit, I still wasn't used to his presence. But that could just be because he was Harry Potter and he was my brother who didn't know he was my brother. "What do we do now?"
"First, let's get you through that Quidditch match." Hermione said.
I turned back to my Defense Against the Dark Arts essay. "Harry will be fine." I said without looking up.
"Snape's refereeing." Harry said.
"Yeah, I know." I said, annoyed. Was a bit of peace to do my homework to much to ask?
"Oh!" Harry said in surprise. "You do?"
"You're playing Hufflepuff, aren't you?" I said, not looking up at him, though I shot Hermione a side glance. Her lips were pursed. I think she thought I should tell Harry and Ron about my ability to see into the future.
"Harry, we should go one back to the common room." Hermione said. "You go on ahead, I want to talk to Elizabeth for a second."
I finished off the last sentence and set my essay out to dry. I'd added more than a foot more than I was supposed to, perhaps I had measured wrong. I didn't suppose it mattered, Quirrell would give me a 100% anyways.
"When are you going to tell Harry and Ron about your future seeing ability?" Hermione demanded, crossing her arms, looking haughty.
I sighed, screwing the top back on the bottle of ink. Man, I missed my Muggle pens. "Hermione, look. I can't just go shouting about my visions. One, I barely understand them myself. Two, people are going to keep asking me about the future which I can't tell them about. Three, the future is supposed to unravel. If I share something about the future at the wrong time, the future could change for the worse. If I give subtle hints then everything's okay. I'll tell them eventually Hermione. I didn't tell you for a long time because I knew it wasn't the right time. When I feel that it's the right time, I'll tell them too."
I stood up, put my ink and quill into my bag, picked my books up off the table, and placed them in the bag as well. Blowing on my essay to make sure the ink was dry, I rolled it up and tied a piece of string around it loosely. "But really, we don't have to worry about Harry tomorrow."
Hermione seemed unsatisfied with this answer, but I got her confirmation that she wouldn't tell them yet.
I walked down the hallway and suddenly I heard a voice. I'd heard the words before as well. "Keep an eye on Quirrell, won't you Severus?" That line was being spoken at this very moment, I could feel it.
I froze in the middle of the hallway, my eyes roving to find a purple turban. The halls were busy but I found the flash of purple in the left hand corridor and followed. I kept a distance, always pretending to be looking in my Potions textbook whenever Quirrell looked over his shoulder. I was just glad that other students were walking the way I was.
As the crowd started to thin out, I let longer stretches of space happen between the two of us. He approached the third floor corridor. There were no students now. He was talking to himself and it nearly sounded like someone was talking back. I shivered. That would be Voldemort on the backside of his head.
He was reaching for the door to the third-floor corridor when I heard a different voice. It wasn't a vision voice, it was more distant in my memory.
"I'd rather that you were safe." Lupin's voice whispered in my ear.
I turned away from the corridor and from Quirrell and Voldemort. There was no better advice than dad's advice.
𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝕳𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖑𝖊𝖕𝖚𝖋𝖋 was playing Gryffindor today for Quidditch, I decided not to go. Instead, tightening my cloak around my shoulders, I set off for the Forbidden Forest. I hadn't been back to visit with the Centaurs since break had ended.
I found Firenze first who was sitting in a meadow, looking over a dead unicorn. It was a beautiful creature, pure white with such silverly-white hair that it was almost glowing gold. It's eyes were open, revealing such green eyes, you could've thought they were emeralds. Silver blood trickled from wounds in it's neck and chest. I gasped in shock and my heart thudded with sadness and fear.
"Oh." I exclaimed sadly. "What happened?"
"Ah Elizabeth Kane. You've come back." Firenze said, moving his head to look at me. His voice was sad. His white-blond hair looked brighter in the sunlight. His palomino body was sleek and stained with silvery blood from the unicorn. His sapphire eyes pierced me and I thought of the necklace I wore with the sapphire attached to the bottom of it.
He stood and asked without preamble, "Do you know why someone would do such a terrible thing?"
I knelt on the ground by the unicorn. I had not seen a real-life one yet, and this was the closest that I was getting to one. It made me ashamed to be a human at that point. "Because he was already evil. He is already evil, so it doesn't matter." I murmured. "And he wants to come back to life- Voldemort does."
Firenze stared down at me, not saying a thing. I hesitantly placed a trembling hand on it's neck. It's pearly white mane was splayed out on the ground, the legs looking as though it was running laying down. Thick silver blood was wasted on the ground in small pools. I let out a sob, not realizing I was crying. It was so terrible and beautiful and dangerous and horrible.
I wiped away my tears, for once though, not feeling ridiculous for crying.
"Yes." Firenze finally said as I stood. "Voldemort wants to come back indeed. The body host he is using however, still remains a mystery."
I kept my mouth closed about Quirrell. Not yet, I thought. "You said his name."
Firenze looked at me, perplexed.
"Voldemort." I repeated, "I've never heard anyone but Dad use Voldemort's name. I didn't realize. . ." I drifted off.
"We Centaurs don't fear the names of wizards, evil or good." Firenze said simply.
"Of course not." I said, trying to tease, but felt to sad for it.
I heard cheers from far away and I realized the Quidditch match was probably over, Gryffindor having won.
"I should go." I said, realizing my voice was shaking. I ran a hand through my hair, looking at the unicorn again. "What a waste of beautiful life." I said in a whisper.
"Indeed." Firenze said. "Come back to the forest soon, Elizabeth Kane, we Centaurs miss your human insight on worldly affairs." He trotted off deeper into the forest.
I hurried through the forest and then stopped, hiding myself behind a tree. Quirrell was there, murmuring to himself again. My heart thudded in my chest, my nerves on fire, ready to flee at the first sign of danger. I closed my eyes briefly in annoyance at myself. Of course, Snape and Quirrell were going to meet here. How had I forgotten that?
I peeked around the tree and saw Snape walking into the forest. His black hair hid his face, his long black cloak billowing out behind him. His boots crunched heavily on the leaves. I ducked back behind the tree so he didn't see me. Thank Merlin I was so small.
"I-I d-don't know why you wanted t-t-t-to meet here of all p-places, Severus. . ." Quirrell was saying. His fake stutters were being exaggerated which annoyed me.
"Oh, I thought we'd keep this private," said Snape, his voice was ice cold and I was glad he was tearing down on Quirrell. "Students aren't supposed to know about the Sorcerer's Stone after all."
Quirrell started to mumble something but Snape interrupted him, "Have you found out how to get past that beast of Hagrid's yet?"
"B-b-but Severus, I-"
"You don't want me as your enemy Quirrell," Severus said and I heard leaves crunch as though he was taking a step towards him. No, I wouldn't want Severus as my enemy either. He was so intimidating.
"I-I don't know what you-"
"You know perfectly well what I mean." Severus voice was razor sharp. An owl hooted loudly, covering up his next words. The next thing I heard was Quirrell saying, "B-but I d-d-don't-"
"Very well." Snape said frustrated. "We'll have another little chat soon, when you've had time to think things over and decided where your loyalties lie."
He stormed out of the forest, leaves crunching noisily under his boots again, and many moments later, Quirrell followed, muttering to himself. Or, maybe not so much to himself as he was talking to his master. I stepped out from behind the tree, wanting to get back to the castle before it was fully dark. I heard a noise behind me and I turned around calmly. "Hello Harry." I said.
"You heard the conversation?" Harry asked. I thought it might be just a mite bit obvious.
I nodded, sweeping my hair over my shoulder. "Let's find Hermione and Ron."
Harry climbed onto his broom and I climbed on behind him, circling my arms around his waist. He flew back to the castle, cutting our time by about fifteen minutes. We landed, and hurried inside where Hermione and Ron were waiting for Harry.
"Harry, where have you been?" Hermione asked, frantically, throwing a quick glance between the two of us.
"We won! You won! We won!" Ron kept shouting frantically. I pursed my lips, annoyed. Must he be so loud?
Ron thumped Harry on the back. "And I gave Malfoy a black eye, and Neville tried to take on Crabbe and Goyle single-handed! He's still out cold but Madam Pomfrey says he'll be all right- talk about showing Slytherin! Everyone's waiting for you in the common room, we're having a party. Elizabeth, even you could come, no one would mind if you left before curfew. Fred and George stole some cakes and stuff from the kitchens."
"Never mind that now." Harry said hurriedly. "Let's find an empty room, you wait 'til you hear this. . ."
We went into an empty classroom and Harry quickly checked to make sure that Peeves wasn't in the room. I sat down on a desk, pulling my knees up so I was sitting crisscross applesauce and closed my eyes.
Harry repeated the entire conversation between Quirrell and Snape. I gritted my teeth. There was nothing Quirrell said that would make him look even remotely suspicious. If I didn't have my visions. . . well, I'd probably think Snape was guilty too. That was an unpleasant feeling.
And the thing was, Professor Snape looked suspicious. He was so mopey and grouchy and mean. Always wearing black and swooping around the castle. I mean, anyone would think he was the bad guy! He even looked like a bad guy. Quirrell looked cowardly, but nice.
"So we were right, it is the Sorcerer's Stone, and Snape's trying to force Quirrell to help him get it. He asked if he knew how to get past Fluffy- and he said something about Quirrell's 'hocus-pocus'- I reckon there are other things guarding the stone apart from Fluffy, loads of enchantments, probably, and Quirrell would have done some anti-Dark Arts spell that Snape needs to break through-" Harry said, and probably would've continued on his anti-Snape rant if Hermione hadn't interrupted.
"You mean the Stone's only safe as long as Quirrell stands up to Snape?" Hermione asked in alarm.
"It'll be gone by next Tuesday." Ron said gloomily.
I rolled my eyes but said nothing. Hermione turned to glance at me, taking all my actions in with scrutinizing eyes, analyzing everything I did to figure out what I knew. I stared back at her, uncaring.
We left the classroom and they turned to go to the Gryffindor common room. "Are you coming?" Ron asked. Hermione hesitated, probably wanting to tell Ron it was against the rules for me to come into their common room, but also not wanting to put me off. We were friends after all. But I waited because at the moment, neither of their opinions mattered.
Harry turned and smiled at me, "Yeah, come on, it'll be fun." He held out his hand.
I smiled and nodded, taking his hand. Now there was the opinion that mattered. And besides, a party that Fred was attending- and I could attend as well- was something that I was looking forward to.
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Does anyone find it strange that the character with a turban is the one that ends up being evil in Harry Potter?
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inwhichiramble · 2 years
Chrysalis: Chapter 12
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Caelia may have had no experience with sneaking anywhere in Hogwarts, except for maybe the kitchens (though that was an open Hufflepuff secret), but she did have experience with Transfiguration.
Harry had warned her about Peeves, Filch, and Filch’s cat, Mrs. Norris, and using what she learned in McGonagall’s class, she decided that Mrs. Norris was who she would have to take out of the equation first. In a fun, safe, cat-friendly way of course. She didn’t grow up being babysat by Mrs. Figg for nothing.
Taking a couple of her spare quills, she finished writing a letter to her father as her dormmates left the common room, bidding her good night. Finally, she was alone.
Tiptoeing out of the common room and into the hallway, she glanced around, and then, setting a quill on the floor, transfigured it into a rat, which scurried away quickly. That would keep Mrs. Norris busy and her nose out of Caelia’s business.
She began to make her way down the hall by the Slytherin common room to head upstairs, but froze as she saw someone exiting Professor Snape’s office.
He stilled at the sight of her, and his eyes widened. Quietly, he hurried towards her.
“Hi Draco,” she smiled sheepishly.
“What are you doing out here?”
I could ask you the same thing, she thought. But she was already late. “Draco, you know this is only the first time I’ve snuck out.”
“I know. So it must be something important…”
“Draco… do you trust me?”
He nodded.
“I’ll tell you everything later. I promise.”
“You don’t have to. Just… are you okay?”
She smiled. “I will be.”
The two of them parted ways, Draco to his common room and Caelia upstairs as fast as she could. She had to set another rat loose when Mrs. Norris came too close, but blessedly nothing else obstructed her path. She met Harry, Ron, and Hermione--who appeared seemingly out of nowhere--at the door in the third floor corridor, which was already ajar.
“Well, there you are,” Harry said quietly, “Snape’s already got past Fluffy.”
“Fluffy?” Caelia gasped. “That’s such a cute name, what is it that we’re facing?”
The three of them stared at her.
“Right. Nevermind. Sorry.”
Harry turned to the other three. “If you want to go back, I won’t blame you. You can take the cloak, I won’t need it now.”
Caelia frowned. “Are you serious?” “Don’t be stupid,” Ron chimed in.
“We’re coming,” said Hermione.
Harry pushed the door open.
Caelis peered into the dark room, and flinched slightly when she heard low growls coming from the back of the room. “What is that?” She whispered.
Ron rested a hand on her shoulder. “Caelia… meet Fluffy, the three headed dog.”
“What’s that at its feet?” Hermione whispered.
“Looks like a harp,” said Ron. “Snape must have left it there.”
“It must wake up the moment you stop playing,” said Harry. “Well, here goes…”
He pulled out a short wooden flute and blew a tuneless stream of music, lulling Fluffy back to sleep.
Ron and Hermione led Caelia to a trapdoor next to the dog’s great paws.
“Want to go first, Hermione?”
“No, I don’t!”
“All right,” said Ron, gritting his teeth. He pulled open the trapdoor and he and Caelia peered inside.
“It’s pitch black,” she muttered. “Is it too risky to try Lumos?”
“I haven’t practiced that spell yet,” Hermione admitted. “But I’ve read about it in the second-year textbooks. Can you do it?”
“Yeah, my Dad taught me. Lumos,” she whispered, sending a tiny ball of light into the pitch-black hole to reveal a large mass of vines. “That looks like a pretty soft landing.”
Harry had made his way over to them, and handed the flute to Hermione for her to keep playing. “That’s good news, but just in case, I’ll go first,” he said. “If anything happens to me, don’t follow. Go straight to the owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore, right?”
“Right,” said Ron.
“Harry…” Caelia started. “We can go at the same time, if you like.”
He seemed to consider it for a moment, but shook his head. “It’s alright. See you in a minute,” he smiled to reassure her.
And Harry dropped into the hole, straight into the bed of vines. After a moment, he called back up to them. “It’s okay, you can jump!”
Ron went next, then Caelia, then Hermione.
They looked around. “We must be miles under the school,” said Hermione.
“Lucky this plant thing’s here, really,” said Ron.
Caelia paled.
“Lucky!” shrieked Hermione, “Look at you three!”
Harry and Caelia were wrapped up to their necks in the vines, and Ron’s legs were encased by them as well. Hermione pulled free and scrambled over to a wall.
The boys began to struggle, but Caelia remained as still as she could. If there was one thing she’d learned from Professor Sprout this year, it was that getting sent to the hospital wing with Devil’s Snare choking the life out of your wrist was not fun.
“I know what this is--” said Hermione “--it’s Devil’s Snare!”
“Hermione, can you light a fire?” Caelia gasped.
Ron’s jaw dropped. “What would that do, we’d all be caught up in it!”
“That’s how you kill it!” Hermione cried, wringing her wrists. “But--but there’s no wood!”
“Oh, right!” said Hermione, and she conjured her trademark bluebell frames, sending them through the plant, allowing Harry, Ron, and Caelia to escape.
The next room was filled with flying keys, and the door across the room was locked. Ron figured out what key they should be looking for, and the four of them mounted brooms, flying into the mass of wings keys.
Caelia’s tactic was to grab handfuls of keys and rifle through them, looking for a silver one, but Harry, being seeker, was a bit faster--he spotted the silver key with bright blue wings and the four of them dove for it so Harry could capture it.
Once unlocked, the door revealed a room filled with, of all things, chess pieces.
“Now what do we do?” Harry whispered.
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” said Ron. “We’ve got to play our way across the room.”
Ron replaced each of the black pieces with one of them, taking the knight for himself, and expertly navigated them across the board. Caelia’s very bones shook each time a piece got knocked out, but she resolved to trust that Ron wouldn’t allow one of them to be hurt.
That is, aside from himself.
“Yes…” said Ron softly, upon observing the white, faceless queen before him. “It’s the only way… I’ve got to be taken.”
“NO!” The other three shouted.
“That’s chess!” snapped Ron. “You’ve got to make some sacrifices! I take one step forward and she’ll take me--that leaves you free to checkmate the king, Harry!”
“Do you want to stop Snape or not?”
“Look, if you don’t hurry up, he’ll already have the Stone!”
In the next moment, Ron had moved forward and was swiped off his place atop the horse--Hermione and Caelia screamed, and Harry flinched harshly--and he was knocked out, dragged onto the other side of the room by the queen.
Shaking, Harry quickly moved three spaces to the left, forcing the white king to accept defeat.
The three of them quietly moved on to the next room, groaning in disgust at the sight of a knocked-out troll, and quickly continued to a room only populated by a table full of vials. Caelia was doing everything in her power to stay calm, but nearly jumped out of her skin when two barriers of fire--one purple, one black--trapped them within the room.
Hermione took no time at all to decode the riddle, but when it came time to decide who would drink what, they all drew a bit of a blank.
“There’s three of us, and each of those bottles has barely one swallow’s worth of liquid,” said Caelia.
Harry stared intensely at the bottles. “Which one will get you back through the purple flames?”
Hermione pointed at the right bottle.
“Hermione, you drink that,” said Harry. “No, listen, get back and get Ron. Grab brooms from the flying-key room, they’ll get you out of the trapdoor and past Fluffy--go straight to the owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore, we need him. I might be able to hold Snape off for a while, but I’m no match for him, really.”
Hermione nodded weakly. “Wait--but then, what will Caelia do? You can’t both drink the vial to get through either fire.”
Caelia squinted. “Can’t wine put out fire?”
Hermione tilted her head. “Yes. I don’t know about magical fire, but it’s worth a try.”
Caelia nodded, and Hermione indicated the two wine vials. While Hermione went to give Harry a hug, Caelia took one of the vials over to the black fire and poured a very tiny bit over the fire, smiling weakly when she saw it begin to die down.
Going back to join them, Caelia gave Hermione a tight hug before the bushy-haired girl drank her vial and rushed back through the purple flames towards Ron.
Harry, however, was frowning. “Aren’t you going to go with her?”
Caelia shook her head amusedly. “Remember what I said? I’m not leaving you behind. Besides…” she went over to the purple flames and poured a bit of the wine over them. Nothing happened. “Apparently these are wine-proof flames. Professor Snape is very, very weird.”
Harry sighed in defeat, but drank his vial and motioned for her to follow him. She poured the two wine vials over the flames, allowing her just enough time to slip through the heat.
Harry had frozen. Caelia looked past him.
There was someone already there.
It was Quirrel.
“You!” gasped Harry. Caelia’s jaw had hit the floor.
Quirrel smiled, completely calm. “Me. I wondered whether I’d be meeting you here, Potter.”
Harry had tried to shove Caelia behind him, out of Quirrel’s view, but the so-called professor noticed.
“Well, well, well… who else do we have here?”
Caelia snapped.
Storming out from behind Harry, she made her way all the way into the room and marched straight up to Quirrel, thrusting her wand towards his throat.
Quirrel, for a moment, seemed to retreat back into the professor they thought they’d known--fumbling helplessly for his wand as he was held and wand-point by Caelia.
“Try it, I dare you,” she snarled. “I may be a first year, but having an auror for a dad made up for having to sit through your miserable class for a whole year. Harry, go ahead and question him.”
Harry, who had only ever seen Caelia act this way on three specific occasions before, had frozen in fear. Finally coming to, he noticed the Mirror of Erised behind Quirrel and Caelia. He cleared his throat.
“Caelia, lead Quirrel to the mirror.”
Caelia grabbed Quirrel’s arm and jerked him around, keeping her wand pointed at his head.
“What do you see in the mirror?” Harry bit out. He was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that it was not Snape standing before him.
Quirrel chuckled, and Caelia jammed her wand further into the side of his turban, causing him to flinch. “I see the stone… I am presenting it to my master… but where is it?”
Harry frowned. “Who is your master?”
Quirrel smiled once more. “Why, Lord Voldemort, of course. I used to be foolish, full of ridiculous ideas about good and evil… he showed me how wrong I was. There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to see it. I cannot fail him again…” he murmured, shuddering.
Caelia rolled her eyes. “Yeah, we get it, You-Know-Who is a really great guy--moving on!”
“What I am trying to understand is where exactly the Stone is. Is it inside the mirror?”
Caelia glanced at Harry and it was clear that all the gears were connecting in his head. Unfortunately, she made the mistake of glancing at the mirror for just a moment--she thought she saw a goat?--but Quirrel used this moment to grab ahold of her and cast her aside, causing her to slam into the stone wall--then, not a second later--
She screamed.
She screamed until all she saw was white. White hot pain coursed through every fiber of her being, tears poured down her face and she cried out Harry’s name.
But there was nothing Harry could do, as Quirrel forced him in front of the Mirror and he pocketed the stone.
Quirrel pushed Harry out of the way, and the distraught boy rushed over to Caelia, who was still violently shaking and crying.
“Let me speak to him… face-to-face…”
Harry was frozen next to Caelia, who had finally begun to calm, but the two of them trembled with fear as Quirrel unwrapped his turban to reveal, quite literally, the most horrifying face they had ever seen--chalk white, a nose replaced by snake-like slits, and deep, soulless red eyes that glinted in their direction. Caelia screamed once more.
She had lost all concept of what was happening around her. Voldemort--Quirrell was advancing upon Harry, who was shouting angrily--he had run away, the two-faced man in pursuit--Harry grabbed Quirrel, who screamed--Voldemort was screaming just as loud and desperately, which later caused Caelia just how pathetic of a villain he was, considering how often he lost to a literal child.
Eventually, all the screaming came to an abrupt halt--until Caelia came to and saw Quirrel’s dead body, devoid of Voldemort’s face, and Harry’s unconscious one beside her.
It didn’t take much longer for Professor Dumbledore to rush into the room, followed by McGonagall, Snape, Ron, and Hermione--the latter of whom screamed as well. It was all getting to be too much for Caelia’s head to take--she remembered stuttering worse than Quirrel while trying to explain what happened--the next thing she knew she was in a very soft bed and she just couldn’t take it anymore, falling asleep while tears streamed down her cheeks.
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inkyarcturus · 2 months
Does anyone ever think about the fact the Harry killed a man at 11? Like, how did that not mentally fuck him up? Did I just misread that part or?
Like he kills Quirrell right? I know he’s got Voldemort on the back of his head and all, but like, he was still his teacher for a year. Harry didn’t even hate Quirrell that much, how did he not break down over that realization?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but he literally BURNED HIM when he touched him, then saw as Voldemort stopped possessing him and supposedly left him to die? That’s gotta be the thing of nightmares.
And even if he DIDNT kill him directly, waking up after you saw as just your touch burned your Professor to only be told he was “gone” still seems pretty traumatic- i don’t know? I think an 11 year old would make the logical leap that he accidentally killed a man.
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waywardwindee · 2 months
A list of every harry potter character who I think lived in the marauders era.
This is in order from oldest to youngest and separated by years. A lot of the years are headcanons, but everything fits in the canon timeline.
If there's a character I'm missing let me know! I want this to be as comprehensive as possible. Also, send an ask if you want to know my headcanons about any of these characters, obviously some have more than others but I have at least a few for all of them!! <3
(hogwarts starts 1961 graduate 1969)
Molly Prewett
Arthur Weasley
Bilton Bilmes
(hogwarts starts 1962 graduate 1970)
Alastor Moody
Rita Skeeter
(hogwarts starts 1963 graduate 1969)
Bellatrix Black
Rodolphus Lestrange
(hogwarts starts 1964 graduate 1970)
Antonin Dolohov
Ludovic Bagman
(hogwarts starts 1965 graduate 1971)
Andromeda Black
Ted Tonks
Rabastan Lestrange
(hogwarts starts 1966 graduate 1972)
Bertha Jorkins
Otto Bagman
Lucius Malfoy
Fabian Prewett
Gideon Prewett
(hogwarts starts 1967 graduate 1973)
Narcissa Black
(hogwarts starts 1968 graduate 1974)
Frank Longbottom
Alice Fortescue
Benjy Fenwick
Caradoc Dearborn
(hogwarts starts 1969 graduate 1975)
Amos Diggory
Evelyn Zabini
Bertram Aubrey
Emma Vanity
(hogwarts starts 1970 graduate 1976)
Alecto Carrow
Felix Bones
Sybill Trelawney
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Xenophilius Lovegood
(hogwarts starts 1971 graduate 1977)
Mary MacDonald
Sirius Black
Severus Snape
Lily Evans
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Dorcas Meadowes
Charity Burbage
Edmund Avery II
Peter Pettigrew
Bruce Mulciber
Emmeline Vance
Marlene McKinnon
(hogwarts starts 1972 graduate 1978)
Wilhelm Wilkes
Dirk Cresswell
Aurora Sinistra
Amycus Carrow
Amelia Bones
Evan Rosier
Pandora Rosier
Regulus Black
Barty Crouch Jr.
(hogwarts starts 1973 graduate 1979)
Quirinus Quirrell
Gilderoy Lockhart
(hogwarts starts 1974 graduate 1980)
Edgar Bones
Hestia Jones
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psychoblaster · 1 year
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🌺 💔 🐍
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severussnapemylove · 7 months
Wait up! Hold up!
In Philosophers Stone, Quirrell tells Harry that Snape was trying to save Harry from him by casting a counter curse. Quirrell said that in front of (or behind, technically) Voldemort. How on earth did Voldemort later ignore that or Severus talk his way around that he was actively protecting Voldemort's arch enemy?
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scribbledoctopus · 2 years
I reclassed some HP characters into Dungeons and Dragons classes not one wizard in sight. ✨️
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Imagine having to DM for this crazy D&D team. 😂
I feel sorry for Sev, he would not enjoy putting up with Lockharts singing, Sirius being Sirius, the twinsies shenanigans and then being protected by Neville of all people. 🖤
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rudamaruda520 · 24 days
McGonagall: So Quirrell turned out to be Voldemort's evil henchman... this year we have to find someone competent...
Dumbledoor: *takes a huge rip from a bong* What about this fraud Lockhart?
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doting-dov3 · 5 months
I’ve never noticed before, but in the movie Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone once Harry’s made it through to where the Mirror of Erised and Professor Quirrell reside, you really see Tom Riddle in the way the Professor speaks.
I think it’s most prominent in some of his facial expressions and the almost cocky way he talks. The parallel of him claiming that no one would ‘suspect poor, stuttering Professor Quirrell’ and the horcrux of Tom Riddle in Chamber of Secrets whole speech around Ginny seems very similar to me.
I’m not sure if anything similar is detailed in the books as I haven’t gotten around to reading them yet, but I would say it seems like Professor Quirrell is talking through the mind of Tom/Voldemort over the mind of himself.
Of course, it’s still plausible that Quirrell was just as confident and trusting in their (namely Voldemort’s) plan as Voldemort was himself.
Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a lore around it in itself and if there is would anyone like to share it with me?
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snake-queen7 · 1 year
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So long without any HP art, soo here's Quirrell~☆ Ohh my I can't believe I never draw him before @ _ @
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loony-loopy · 3 months
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makin' poster typa things for the dadats
(will do Moody, Umbridge and Snape soon)
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soullessseraphim · 5 months
I just had an idea. let's all just turn ourselves into courtiers and see how funky shit gets
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Lore dump about him
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Muggleborn video game modders making hogwarts packs with inside jokes for each other to enjoy.
Cooking Mama but it’s Severus Snape and he teaches you how to “brew fame, put a stopper to death, bottle luck” and even more nonsensical claims. He doesn’t give outright praise but you’ll see “adequate” or “acceptable” and his face will be less pinched.
Pokémon but it’s Hagrid and he RAMBLES. There’s a second pack that emphasizes his accent.
Minecraft with magic creature mobs and enderman is Quirrel.
Slenderman but it’s Voldemort and you’re in the Forbidden Forest and the rest of the Hogwarts grounds. There is also a pack with McGonagall as slenderman which is somehow infinitely more scary because they spent so much time and effort into her expressions.
FNAF but it’s the prefects/professors and Filch. They randomly change who you get each night.
There’s a Stardew Valley mod pack with all the professors and a secret second pack where they’re all Severus except one of them is actually Snape and the rest are polyjuiced as Snape. You can’t romance anybody unless you expose the fakes.
Plants vs. Zombies but it’s Sprouts greenhouses and the zombies are NEWTS students.
The SIMS packs are the craziest though. No one talks about the SIMS packs, but if you want access, just ask around and someone will get you a link.
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scripturienting · 29 days
rereading hp rn and i can’t believe i forgot that back in first year Fred and George pelted the back of Professor Quirrell’s turban with snowballs
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