#sorry I kinda got frustrated rn lol
grossgeck · 4 months
How many of y’all are gonna start getting pissed at me if I put “Ani//matedJames supporters dni” in my bio
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sutorus · 8 months
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DESCRIPTION: my hcs on what it’d be like to be in a situationship/fwb situation with the jjk men hehe
FEATURED: gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, fushiguro toji
WARNINGS: 18+ MINORS DNI. fem + afab reader, this is fully self indulgent i'm just taking my own shiddy experiences and coping via hot anime men, suggestive content/smut, pretty standard manwhore behavior, slightly toxic, not wholesome, kinda crack tbh, some mentions of degradation as a kink, objectifying women, just like the real thing lol!
A/N: LONG BUT READ! this will Not have an ending where you get together at least not rn these are just my hcs all in good fun ur just having fun ok ur not heartbroken everything is okay. they are not good boys here they are normal regular boys
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has way too many hoes. way too many
so much so that he gave up on remembering their names and just saves their numbers like “osaka w the hand kink”, “big tits shibari”, “slut from trig”, “hostess best bjs”
has someone’s boobs with his name written on them in sharpie as his wallpaper
says i love you when he cums inside and you never know if you should believe it
throws you off when he agrees to meet your friends only for him to flirt with them in front of you
takes you to the best clubs with bottle service, lets the girls sit on his lap and laughs when you get mad
pays for your ubers everywhere every time
into the weirdest shit like wearing your underwear laughing like a lunatic the whole time he’s fucking you then after he cums gets sulky and embarrassed
lays it on thick with the pet names, gives zero fucks if that confuses you even further
very public with you and it makes you wonder how many other girls put themselves through this humiliation just for the d
gets jealous about you being with other people and needs to prove himself by eating it from the back or something
fwb with gojo is just a huge mindfuck honestly he doesn’t take anything seriously and this is no different sorry! it’s fun tho!
keeps it extremely platonic because he likes to tell himself he has a conscience
too busy for regular chit chat ignores your texts all day then hits you up when he wants to fuck
even more of a whore than gojo is which is why he makes sure not to lead anyone on he just does not need the trouble
answers all your personal questions about him with one word answers
he lets you choose the movie for netflix and chill at least! but will never remember it or the fact that it’s your favorite :(
cleans you up after sex and brings you water
has female hygiene products in his bathroom which is both a red and a green flag
lets you stay after sex and you just lay there on his bed watching him do stuff on his computer but he will not be talking to you
never calls you baby or anything when he’s fucking you just goes oh fuck yeah right there fuuuuck your pussy
genuinely respects you and has nice decent sex with you unless you tell him that you’re kinky
in which case he fucks you just how you want it and gets off on how turned on you are
not one of those guys who gets jealous of sex toys and holds the wand on your clit for you
likes to make you cum over and over and over again
fwb with geto makes your heart clench because he’s just such a gentleman but you got way too much competition to even think about it
a professional in every sense of the word
uses sex as stress relief
thinks he's too old for this shit but you make him feel alive so he fucks you like he can empty all of his frustrations into you
invites you to his apartment serves you expensive liquor and lets you initiate things most times unless he’s too pent up
can actually have very nice conversations with you
never has the “what are we talk” because he makes it clear he’s too busy for a relationship
lets you spend the night if it’s too late but solely for your safety/logistics
does your taxes for you but will not call you anything beyond an “acquaintance”
texts you happy holidays but does not know when your birthday is
gets tested consistently even though he’s not fucking anyone else and always uses a condom unless you beg him not to
eats you out because he thinks it’s relaxing and spends hours prepping you
the sexual tension is soooo thick when you two fuck all you can hear is grunts and growls and moans and wet slapping sounds and it’s so hot
has some random turn ons like gets bricked up when you’re wearing lipstick or stockings
fwb with nanami is very enjoyable and easy it’ll get complicated if you develop feelings because he does not want to date but who cares yolo am i right
broke ass deadbeat dad why are you into him
absolutely nasty sex
you know if he had a girlfriend he’d respect her too much to do the things he does to you
dick game so bomb that you’re scared he’s gonna give you a child even when he’s wearing a condom
wants to fuck you every way he possibly can on every fuckable surface with zero regard for your physical integrity
eats his cum right out of you
ego is so big, grins so wide and fucks you so hard when you stroke his muscles
loves to eat pussy but only after he’s fucked you because he likes it tight and hot with minimal prep
doesn’t follow you on any social media but jerks off to your instagram pics
has like 3 different phone numbers and you don’t know why
has only let you come over once, didn’t let you shower after
no pet names but calls you a dirty whore and other degrading shit
loves it if you cry on his dick
doesn’t give a fuck about your safety sorry you’re on your own
has never told you his last name
one time you asked to see a picture of his son and he didn’t speak for 3 whole minutes
fwb with toji is the nastiest sex you’ve ever had truly it’s just sinful and everyone’s dark hidden fantasy half of it you couldn’t tell your closest friends because it’s just too much
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a/n sorry
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veespee · 2 months
Hey!! your writing is AMAZINGGGG and I love how you view characters.
Do you have any headcanons for vinnie everyman?
MOON!!! HI HI you are literally the reason why i made this account and started taking writing seriously,,, sobbing rn
i was planning on making a post about Vinnie but i couldn't come up with any interesting ones, so here are some that i brainstormed. sorry if there are any mistakes, i wanted to make them close to canon but i put some of my theories in there too :)
Vinnie Everyman Headcannons
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-(this one's kinda sad so apologies) He sees Evan through HABIT, and HABIT through Evan. Basically: when HABIT jokes with Vinnie, he sees Evan. He sees his jokey and rowdy friend at that moment. But he has to remind himself; that's not Evan, that's a monster. But. When HABIT left Evan's body for some time, Vinnie could only see HABIT. He tells Evan that he doesn't think he's a monster, but i believe in the back of his mind, there's some bitterness. He knows this isn't Evan's fault, but he's still frustrated. He's so confused, no one's giving him answers. Except for HABIT.
That's why i think he's disappointed in a way, he wants HABIT to stay in Evan's body. HABIT is useful, although destructive. He doesn't like HABIT, he doesn't want to like HABIT, but he still needs him. He needs someone to tell him what to do, a higher being that knows more than him.
-^ continuing that, that's the reason why he didn't take Corenthal's warning seriously. He believed HABIT over his own father, biological or not, figure because HABIT is so knowledgeable. He thinks HABIT is so wise, and that's what HABIT wants Vinnie to believe. It feeds his ego, and he keeps Vinnie under his control.
-Also, it's not really hard to be manipulated by HABIT. He talks and acts like he's wise and knowledgeable, and honestly, he's good at it. Vinnie's intimidated by his threats, but also follows him around like a dog. Again, i'm repeating myself, but he's so infatuated with HABIT cause he feels like he's the only one that can answer him. And HABIT keeps him around to feed his ego, and to get his plan going.
-Furthermore, I think his relationship with Corenthal is SO interesting. Although i think Corenthal in general is such an interesting and underrated character, but that's a whole another post. Now, for this one I'll go a bit far from canon, but these are HCs so i guess that's the point lol: Basically, i think Vinnie DOES see Corenthal as a father figure, but he has complicated emotions. He distances himself from Corenthal, possibly out of just bitterness. Now i'm talking about the YouTube iteration, not Fairmount or Princeton, so that means that Vinnie has his own biological parents. However, Vinnie's memory got wiped (i mean, he knows he has parents and siblings, but he can't remember anything about them) so who's the only one he can remember? Dr. Corenthal.
Corenthal falls under someone I believe Vinnie gets attached to; someone who's wise, knowledgeable. He's a doctor, and a much older man, and he knows a lot about the boys' situation. We don't see a lot of interactions between them, so I'll just use my imagination for this part, but i believe that Vinnie is bitter because of how little Corenthal has said. He knows the Doctor knows what's going on, yet he's such a mysterious figure. He only appears a handful of times, and the other information they have about him are from old letters he had written. So Vinnie must be thinking, why isn't he helping? Why isn't he protecting us, if he has so much knowledge? So when Corenthal does contact him, he's suspicious. He doesn't believe him, instead, he believes HABIT. HABIT's there for him, even in a twisted way, and Vinnie believes that there's no way he's being lied to. So when Corenth tries to open Vinnie's eyes, he keeps them shut, and stays blind to HABIT's manipulation. Thus, resulting to Vinnie's death. Thus, resulting to another iteration where Corenthal can't save his children.
alright that's all :3 thank you for reading and thank you Moon for the request!!
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michelletsw · 1 year
Twisted wonderland boys with a s/o that's deathly scared of spiders
Twisted wonderland boys reactions to walking in on there s/o standing on something looking like there going to cry trying to kill a big spider. I'm changing them up a bit gets kinda random with the hair spray lol. What I don't have jack favoritism?? Shush
This is just the savanaclaw bois I'm working on diasomnia in my drafts rn so sorry for the wait I also finished vila part sorry about that TwT
Warnings ⚠️ cursing, not spell checked,
Heartslabyel, octavinelle, scarabia, pomefiore, ignihyde, savanaclaw, diasomnia.
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He was at spell drive practice while you where in his room waiting for him to come back, you where siting on his bed doing school work taking a small break and stretching you flop down on his bed and looking at the ceiling... 🕷... *Insert blank stare* it moves, you jump and scream falling off the bed your school work forgotten as you back yourself into a corner still sitting on the floor as you stare up at the spider teary eyed. Leona walking back to his room frustrated from practice and just wanting to take a nap he hears your scream as he walks down the hall then a thud he immediately run to his room throwing the door open only to see you in the corner of his room and his bed a mess "what the hell happened?" Pointing up at the spider he's sighs rubbing the back of his neck, he grabs one of his shoes he gets the spider to move on the wall and he kills it mumbling about "your lucky I love you" under his breath you stand up and he grabs your waist and pulls you in bed with him "don't you think it's only fair to be my pillow after I helped you?" You end up napping together. Rip your school work
That evneing he was off running around doing tasks for leona and what not you wanted to do something nice so you got him some doughnuts. you where waiting in his room and thought maybe you should clean alittle picking up laundry and trash nothing to big like moving his stuff around but you moved the laundry basket to the side and boom the loudest scream could be heard coming from ruggies room, you jumped on the bed falling over in the process but quickly got up a spider could be seen crawling away from where you where standing 0.5 seconds ago and climbing up the wall watching it the entire time as your eyes got teary. Ruggie was on his way back to his room happy to see you after a long day a cheary smile on his face till there was a loud scream from down the hall in his room. His ears straightened and he started sprinting to his room opening the door he see you standing on his bed "what happened? Are you okay?" Very much confused and concerned the boy started at you, lifting your arm up and pointing to the wall you looked at him with tears forming in your eyes. Looking where you where pointing he sighed "your going to have a hard time back home.." mumbling under his breath he took his shoe off and killed the spider. looking back at you he walked over and started teasing you till he smelt doughnuts "got something for me?" His voice very playful seeming to be calm now you reach in your bag and hand him a box of doughnuts.
Out for his morning run you of course still in bed because I'm not getting up at the ass crack of dawn to go running anyway you stayed the night at his dorm and where just waking up did your morning stuff Yada Yada then you decided to check out Jack's cacti. Examining them and looking at the ones starting to sprout flowers, you turned one of the pots to see one of the sprouting flowers and almost dropped the pot you placed it down and backed away immediately a brown garden spider crawled away and into another pot. You where leaned up against his bed and almost stared crying, jack opened the door to his room surprised to see you still here you look up at him and he sees youe teary eyes "what happened?" You explained theres a spider in his cacti pots and he sighed "you mean the garden spider? Was it brown?" You nod your head "oh they actually help the plants they eat other bugs and stuff but I can take it outside if it bothers you" you can see his tail wagging slightly he grabs an empty water cup from his desk side and a piece of paper caught the spider and took it outside after he comes back he takes a shower then if you ask about it he'll explain more about cactus facts with spiders and bugs! Sweet boi!
@student-in-devildom ♡
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spacedlexi · 4 months
sorry if this is a personal question ... 🐛... but what are you doing for college and how did you decide to go for it?
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im going to school for animation but im realizing how much i love storyboarding specifically (and how little patience i have for full animating/not having the time i need to make animations that arent quick and stiff to meet a deadline (also i want adobe animate obliterated off the earth)). ive cried about how much i love boarding LMAO its that serious. but i love working with Little Guys and putting them in Situations plus theyre characters i dont have to make up myself?? im adapting a script?? but i might still be able to have fun with it? and as a lover of visual mediums i get really excited about being able to control a camera/composition for Maximum Emotional Effect, plus the idea of leading a viewer through a scene. knowing "rules" and breaking them with purpose. im in an editing class rn thats got me really excited aha
it was NOT an easy choice to make. im going back to school so late because i kept telling myself i shouldnt do it and should pick something non art related but well.... here i am.... (my mom kinda pushed the idea even tho the concept of going into art school debt keeps me up at night 💀)
i stumbled around community college for a few years hoping something else would Click for me but in the end i just kept taking art classes. i knew i would be miserable doing anything else. its still Work but its a kind of work i still derive enjoyment from even when im tired or frustrated. i think i would hate the academia world when it comes to my more scientific interests, and i dont have the patience to put up with the bs of being female presenting in a male dominated field like engineering (plus my math brain got broken by a bad calc teacher so...), so instead im taking those inspirations and using them for my art :) im a little engineer at heart so being able to apply that kind of thinking to my art inspires me (and i hope maybe something i make one day will inspire some scientists too lol). plus i dont think i would be happy if i wasnt surrounded by other artists
i doubt my choices every day 😭 but i really do love it a lot. im hoping that my passion and vision takes me SOMEWHERE in the industry, but its scary for everyone out there right now... i mostly try not to think about it honestly
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coconutredbulllover · 1 month
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hi melty face anon! 😊i saw ur ask earlier today and now im not busy so i can finally actually go thru it and answer it LOL!
your friends sound like nice normal casual fans so cheers to that! the side by side for the lulugirl description vs the fyp of possibly one of the gayest most downbad fanbases is also pretty funny LMAO yall rlly found a way to bond over the most unexpected mutual interest 🤣 do u guys ever send eachother an edit and the other is like ‘actually i already had that one liked 😝’
yeah i agree it rlly is hard out there for new fans rn the ‘you just had to be there’ thing is js completely true. like theres so much to explain that you have to either have been there or u gotta crawl into my brain and see for yourself 🤷‍♀️. the disconnect between new/old fans is tough like its not really their fault for being new wave but why did the new wave have to be crazy invasive 😭? yeah i dont blame other blog people for not having the energy to reexplain old stuff or not wanting to go find links everytime someone asks 😭 its pretty nice some anons go through the trouble of finding them tho. they got a W community fr✊(side note i like how i know exactly what your talking abt having seen other blogs LMAO). about the paige obsessed fans i do agree they have a problem with trying to find out every little bit of info about her like some kind of trend hyper fixation. however sorry but i dont think i see the connection to specifically highschool students 🤷‍♀️. i think plenty of people of all ages have joined the popularity wave and while the actually chronically obsessed ones are most likely younger (like i dont really see a 50 year old discovering tumblr to find out every little detail abt a college bb player 🤣) i dont feel like its all high schoolers esp bc theres plenty of college students on here supporting the true delulu agenda 😭.
no literally abt the pazzi tags thats so true, honestly tho the majority of the videos in the pazzi tag on any site is all still a bunch of random italian stuff LMAO (if anyones curious just look on instagram scroll for like 5 seconds and italian stuff pops up 😭). the publicity for the game was truly amazing but sadly the secret society couldnt stay hidden forever 🥲 my entire life tumblr has been known as like a dead site so i was really shocked that tiktok somehow found it like she really blew up so hard yall rediscovered tumblr for her!?!? like i said tumblrs always been a niche kinda dead website unless you stumbled across it when you were younger and saw something it in. there arent tons of people out there who want to run blogs for things they like anymore. i dont blame new people for not knowing the tumblr lore (you js had to be there in the 2000s) i dont even remember how i discovered tumblr 😭 i havent even always been an active user like now i js knew it existed and my head recognized it as a media site and i never thought more to it. i wonder what the tumblr discovery pipelines are 🤣.
i get what u mean abt blogging you thoughts .the line between speculating because your curious and wanna know but also trying not to feel creepy is so hard because you really cant deny that its creepy to be looking closely at someones life like that😭 but its like yeah i dont judge other ppl bc i like reading abt it and talking abt it😭😭😭. having an interest in smth and wanting to show your interest is literally js so human and to have to holdback your interest because the thing your interested its creepy to be TOO interested is the most frustrating thing 🥲 if i had friends who would hear out my thoughts i would not have a tumblr blog. the purpose of my blog really is simply just me wanting to talk abt smth i like with people. how i see it is keeping thoughts to yourself isnt as fun bc like who will give you a second perspective on your theories!
LMFAO they really are a family they in this together frl. i think the sense of exclusivity comes a little from the fact that they’ve been interacting with eachother for a while and have seemlessly connected with eachothers views over time so its js rlly easy to be talk about basically anything when you know all abt the other people your talking with. anyways i love your asks i js like laying down and reading it all while writing my response its so entertaining i think ive been writing this for like 2 hrs im watching baby driver on the side😭. im on the last sentence of ur ask🎉!! about my grammar and spelling its jsut like i type what im thinking and i dont wanna go back and reread it to see where there needs to be a comma 😫 LMAO. its not even just when im high but when im high i care even less 😅. you wished you were high 😯 pookie do u smoke like that? i wanna know all abt it
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asiogie · 1 year
You don’t have to answer this but you’re the only person I’ve seen talk about how weird people are being about commenting on Dream’s body and I’ve seen people defending it today and it’s driving me crazy so I’m complaining here lol. It’s just making me so uncomfortable how people are acting rn
im gonna answer this and then just leave the situation alone sorry this got kinda long
i think a lot of people aren't understanding why we're upset and have missed the point entirely. no one is mad at people for saying "i love dreams tummy" "he has a nice tummy" etc
its when you use words like chubby that things start to get a little rocky, chubby/fat etc are not bad words inherently and thats what people are arguing, however you can't ignore that these words often do have negative connotation when used ESPECIALLY to describe other people
i understand the frustration and i understand that fatphobia is a real problem, but i just dont think that that is what is happening here
like i just don't think calling someone chubby without knowing EXACTLY how they feel about that word is a good idea. these words can be very triggering to people and i just don't understand wanting to risk upsetting someone by calling them that. you have no idea if someone has trauma with that word so why risk it?
i am solely talking about being aware of the language you use when describing people's bodies. thats all
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Hiiii, you’re writing is AMAZING!! Thank you for blessing us with it🙏🏼
I have a smutty Ronance idea for youuuu, let me paint you a little picture
So, after all the Vecna stuff Nancy and Robin would stay at each other’s houses almost every night for months. It started off because they both needed someone and they were both having bad nightmares about everything. The first couple weeks they just kept each other company, sharing a bed but not touching. That blossomed into one night Nancy nervously asking Robin if they could cuddle and Robin of course agrees. After that it becomes part of their nightly routine when they spend the night together. Nancy’s the first to notice that she gets this weird feeling around Robin and she attempts to push it away, but she can’t stop thinking about her. It started off with just thinking about what they might do later and just missing her presence. BUT, then it turns into her thinking about Robin’s smile, her eyes, her hands, how she just wants to be with her 24/7, etc. Nancy has her “Oh shit” moment and realizes that she indeed has a crush on Robin. She doesn’t say anything about it though, she doesn’t want to ruin what they have going right now. Then, BOOM Nancy’s taking a nap one day after school and she has a sex dream about Robin. When she wakes up, she is soaked, so unbelievably wet. A few minutes later, there’s a knock at the door and surprise, it’s Robin. Nancy was so tired from finals and still dazed from her dream that she totally forgot the two of them had plans to study for a final they had in a couple days. When she opens the door she’s stuttering because all she can think about is her dream. While they’re studying Robin notices her inattentiveness to the material in front of them and her lack of being able to focus. After an hour, Nancy gets frustrated and blurts out,
“Can we can talk? I need to tell you something”
Nancy tries to tell Robin that she likes her, but Robin isn’t getting it. So, the only way Nancy can think of getting her point across is by kissing her. They kiss and Nancy accidentally says,
“So much better than the dream”
and Robin looks at her so confused, but intrigued. Nancy tries to drop it, but Robin won’t let that happen. Robin ends up getting Nancy to tell her, which leads to Nancy’s dream becoming a reality.
(I’m so sorry if this is too much detail, my brain has just been rotting away thinking about this)
Lowkey begging on my hands and knees for you to write this
omg omg omg YOU'RE SO NICE ILY
ok you def have this pretty well thought out iiiiiii am gonna kinda pick up in the middle a lil since you did really good at laying it all out for me, I hope this lives up to what you expected!! (also sorry I got to this so late, life got busy againnnn)
Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler, 1.8k words CW: fluff, smut (18+), fingering, no ending bc ending things is hard rn lol
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Nancy and Robin got close after Vecna. Neither of them expected it—Nancy usually went to Jonathan and Robin to Steve—but then Jonathan pulled away to take more care of Will and Steve pulled away to comfort Dustin since Eddie was gone.
So it just made sense that Nancy and Robin would move to cling to each other with the others drifted away.
It was only sleepovers for a while. Robin never needed anyone around until after Vecna and once Nancy broke up with Jonathan, she missed having someone familiar nearby. It was always just the warmth of another’s body that they wanted, that they needed.
But then something changed. Nancy started to want the faint smells of lavender and spearmint that surrounded her Robin’s room. In Robin’s bed. She wanted to be closer to that, wanted it to envelop her, wanted it even when it was a week that they stayed in her own room, so she asked for something more.
“Hey Rob?”  she started.
Robin finished pulling a shirt over her head and turned towards Nancy who was already in her bed—it was a Nancy’s place week.
“Yeah?” Robin asks pulling back the covers and sliding in beside her.
“Could we-uh, could we cuddle this time?”
“Oh, uh-“
“Sorry, it’s weird I know we don’t have to.”
“No-no it’s ok, we can cuddle, I was honestly gonna ask you that like a week ago,” she laughs shyly.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to push you though—with Jonathan and everything—I know that was rough for you.”
“Oh, yeah, that,” Nancy trailed off.
“Sorry, sore subject still?”
“No,” Nancy smiled. “Not really anymore.”
Robin nods, “so who’s the big spoon and who’s the little one?”
“I mean, you’re taller so obviously you’re the bigger one,” Nancy laughs.
“Alright alright fine. C’mere.”
Nancy snuggles into Robin’s awaiting arms and ends up having the best night of sleep she’s had in a while. It felt nice, it felt right.
And it became their new normal. Every night, they’d cuddle. They’d get closer and hands would travel innocently along bodies and mornings would bring feelings to the pit of Nancy’s stomach and the apex of her thighs.
But Nancy pushes those feelings away and tells herself it’s only because Robin is so close to her all the time. The sleepovers, the cuddling, they’re messing with her head, it can’t be anything more than that. Right?
No, wrong. Because it’s not even about the sleepovers and the cuddling and the feelings and sensations they elicit anymore. Now it’s Nancy thinking about daily plans and wishing they included Robin in some capacity. It’s Nancy randomly thinking about Robin’s smile. It’s Nancy hearing Robin’s laugh in a group of people at the mall and turning towards them to hopefully see her. It’s Nancy staring at the blue tiles at the bottom of the community pool and trying to pinpoint the exact shade that matches Robin’s eyes. It’s Nancy thinking about Robin’s hands and how soft and warm they were on her waist last night, how they might feel between her–
She realizes that this is what she thought about with Steve and Jonathan. She realizes she has a crush on Robin.
And she can’t say anything or do anything about it because she doesn’t want to lose her.
But the thoughts get worse and more persistent. Robin is on Nancy’s mind 24/7. In her college classes, at work, at the store, at home, in bed.
That’s where Nancy was now, in bed napping around after a particularly rough day of classes at Hawkins Community College where she takes summer classes.
Well, she was napping, but now she’s awake and breathing heavily remembering the faint remnants of the dream she jolted from. The ghost of Robin’s touch lingered on her body, on her breasts, between her legs. She followed the trail that dream Robin’s hand had walked and rubbed her fingers over her clothed pussy to find herself absolutely dripping wet.
But instead of taking what images were given to her by her subconscious and finishing what was started in her dream by herself, Nancy tore off her soiled panties and rinsed off the sheen of sweat from her dream and the faint feeling of phantom hands on her body.
As soon as Nancy finished putting on a clean pair of panties and sofee shorts and an oversized tee, the doorbell rang. And who else would be there except for Robin.
“I know I’m a little early but band practice got out early and I snagged food for us and a movie if you’re up for a movie night after we study?” Robin says holding up a bag of takeout in one hand and the movie in her other.
“Shit, right,” Nancy says, pushing her hand into her forehead as if she has a headache. “I forgot.”
“I mean, that’s okay! If you have a headache we can reschedule,” she smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“No,” Nancy laughs and steps to the side to let the other girl inside. “We gotta study now or I’ll wait until the last minute and that will not go well.”
Having the girl that was just so vividly in her dream with her hands all over her body had Nancy’s head spinning. But she did her best to push aside the memories and lingering feelings and focus on studying.
Robin was sitting on the floor, her back to Nancy’s bed, while Nancy was laying stomach down on the bed above her, their heads close enough to read from the same book if they needed to. Constant movement and huffs from the girl above her let Robin know that Nancy was barely paying attention anymore, warranted since they’ve been at this for at least an hour now. She’s about to offer to microwave their takeout and start the movie in the living room but Nancy beats her to it.
“Can we can talk? I need to tell you something.”
Taken aback Robin just looks up, her eyes meeting Nancy’s quickly with how close they were. Robin clears her throat and moves to get up. “Yeah, of course.”
Nancy sits up on her bed and Robin gets comfortable seated in front of her. After a few minutes of silence Robin probes, “What’s up Nance?”
She’s trying to figure out how to tell her. To tell her that she’s all she can think about lately, that she wants her near all the time, that she wants her, but nothing comes out.
“I really like hanging out with you.”
“Oh, uh, I like hanging out with you too, Nance.”
“No, ugh, fuck I can’t,” Nancy is struggling to think of how to get Robin to understand so instead of speaking she puts one hand on Robin’s cheek and the other on her knee.
“Can I?” Robin doesn’t say anything but Nancy can see it in her eyes, so she moves. She leans forward and Robin meets her in the middle. A brief, sweet kiss.
Eyes still closed, the two pull apart slightly before Robin’s hands find Nancy’s cheeks and pulls her back in for a heady kiss. One that’s all teeth and tongue and hot and wet. They keep kissing as Robin moves up to her knees leans towards Nancy enough to get her to lean back onto her pillows.
Robin tears her lips from Nancy’s with a nip to her bottom lip before trailing kisses down her jaw and neck.
Nancy’s hands run through Robin’s hair as she says breathily, “so much better than the dream.” 
That has Robin pausing her kisses and looking at her so confused, but intrigued. “Dream?”
“Oh, uh, nothing, it’s nothing, forget it,” she stumbles, her hands pushing hair behind Robin’s ears and trying to distract her by pulling her back in for a kiss.
“Nancy, what dream?” Robin laughs at the other girl’s attempt at a diversion.
“Pleaseee forget I said anything,” Nancy begs with a pout. Robin’s gaze is as firm as her grip on Nancy’s waist, she’s not going to let this go. “You’re not going to let this go are you?”
“Nope,” Robin smiles. “Not until you tell me about this little dream of yours.”
Robin’s hands are warm on Nancy’s skin and distracting where they sit just above the waistband of her shorts. Her gaze is lowered from the other girl’s as she starts talking.
“I might’ve woken up from a…vivid dream just before you got here today.”
“Just before?”
“Yeah,” Nancy breathes lightly as Robin’s thumbs start to trace circles into her hips.
“What happened in this dream?” she eggs on.
“Um-we were kissing a lot, in bed, like this.”
Robin moves one hand to tilt Nancy’s head back and latches her lips onto the newly exposed skin of her neck.
“And-uh-you were touching me-“
“Touching you where?” Robin asks, hands traveling beneath the big t-shirt that hides Nancy from her. Fingers brush over taught nipples and Nancy gasps at the contact. “Here?” she asks, pinching and rolling a hard bud between her fingers.
“Yes,” Nancy moans. “I-I mean no, no, not there.”
“No? Then where?”
Nancy’s hips buck with each tweak of her nipples by Robins deft fingers.
“Fuck, ah-lower.”
Robin runs her hand down Nancy’s stomach but not far enough.
“Rob please.”
Robin moves her hand lower, but now too low, as she ran her fingertips across Nancy’s thighs. “This low?” she asks.
Nancy squirms below the other girl, impatient and dripping, waiting for her to touch where she needed her most.
Sighing in frustration Nancy grasps Robin’s hand that was traveling her body and places it on her clothed cunt. “Here,” she groans. “You were touching me here.”
Robin chuckles and drags her hand across Nancy’s clothed cunt and revels in the shiver it sends through her body.
“Want me to touch you like I did in your dream?”
And she does. Nancy lifts her hips and lets Robin discard her shorts and panties to the floor. Trailing fingers meet the wetness at her center and Robin kisses Nancy and swallows the moans that escape her lips when her fingers begin to circle her clit. The kisses are hot and wet and burning with lust and feel as though they go on forever.
And then Nancy is pulling away and her back is arching off the bed when Robin pushes two fingers into her aching cunt. Pants of ah, oh, fuck, Robin, drop from Nancy’s lips as Robin continues to piston her fingers into her, reveling at the sweet noises that leave her pink lips and the dirty wet sounds of Nancy’s arousal on her fingers.
The coil in Nancy’s stomach tightens and tightens and soon she’s caving in on herself in pleasure as she cums around Robin’s fingers with Robin’s soft praise being whispered into her ear.
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*MY Opinions on dating the Obey Me! brother's*
Couldn't find someone to write it for me so I'm doing it my self(I've never written before, especially on Tumblr, but this idea is driving me insane so I'm putting it in words for my own sake)
Like i said this is mostly for my sake but if anyone can relate or has they're own thoughts on it pls tell me, would love to talk about this more. 😊
This is my opinion/reasons why i personally would never by romantically involved with any of the brothers
English is not my first language so excuse any/all Grammer mistakes cuz I'm also on mobile while writing this lmao
Warning: Slight NSFW (mostly talk), cursing, talk about hitting/hurting someone
I still would be friends with them, i wouldn't treat them differently but when it comes to being romantically involved with them I would a hundred percent say no, regardless if I like them or have been with having sex with them for a while and feelings arose (so fwb or whatever).
So this is kinda my take on how would I be/explanation if the brothers sin got to much for me or if they were to ask me out and i said no and they were to ask me for the reason.
Lucifer - I (personally) would not date this man bc he's the embodiment of Pride itself and he refuses to be wrong(even if he is) and I'm way to stubborn so we'll clash a lot. Also something I've seen is Lucifer getting mad at mc for failing grades or whatever and MC apologizing like??? I'm sorry but who do you think you are?! Like I struggle with my memory and that frustrates me a lot so if i fail and this man starts to shit on me for it acting like he's a saint I'm gonna drag him out of anger. I'm talking about I'm gonna bring up every single thing he's done wrong, especially how he's the reason all he's brothers fell bc they followed him after he fell(this is mostly based on a other headcanon/theory i found a while back that really intrigued me). Like he'll have to kill me to shut me up bc I hate people criticizing others as if they're perfect or ignore their efforts to do good(like how they all bully mammon despite how they all use there sin as an excuse just like he does)
Mammon - so i wouldn't date him cuz he'll steal from me and if he does I'll brake his ankles without hesitation. Also while i do feel bad for this man being bullied despite greed being his literal sin if he were to steal from me(i collect a lot of stuff like Levi lol) i would make this man wish he died in the war or I would either make him get my item back, buy me a new one or pay back i spent. And honestly? If that were to happen, him stealing, i wouldn't really trust him anymore or at least have the same level of respect for him bc how can you be a thousand year old demon and not have a sure way to have money? Like? My man you're freaking greed! There are humans rn that are a thousand times more greedy than you'll ever be like wtf? How can you be outstaged like that? And he doesn't even really buy stuff(besides cars) he just spends it the minute he gets it but again how can you not know how to make money already?
Levi - sooo oof this is like so hard bc while Levi has almost the exact same taste in everything as me i wouldn't date him bc of his insecurities and hear me out. I know that makes me sound bad but i also have similar insecurities if not the same but i don't use them the same way i feel Levi does? Like i genuinely feel he uses them as a guilt trip bc he wants you and only you and doesn't want to share? Idk if that makes sense but i personally cannot be with someone that needs constant reassurance everytime you even breath near another person and i have my own issues to deal with so i can't be with him
Asmodeus - so here's the reason i won't date him and i stand by it a 100%. This man will cheat on you literally all the time and also he will make you insecure. I'm sorry but i refuse to believe that a single human can keep the avatar of Lust satisfied like that makes no sense to me? The minute y'all finish fucking he's gonna go out and get with some succubus bc he's still horny and ik for a fact he'll say it means nothing bc he loves you and you should understand bc of his sin. Now onto the insecurities, humans have a lot things that causes wrinkles or blemishes hell even ageing a year can change you a lot so i feel like Asmo would point that out A LOT as small comments like "mc try this new cream for your face" or whatever like at first it might seem sweet but it will bring you down.
Satan - okay so I'm actually very 50/50 with this man bc i feel like he'll be a good partner and he's the only one that actually tries to be in control of his sin but that's not always the case. Here's the reason i won't date him, i feel like it'll be a lot of like walking on eggshells with him bc from what I seen it's the small things that make him angry and i wouldn't want to be with a partner that might possibly hurt me for something i couldn't control you know?
Beel - again another character I'm very 50/50 with bc i genuinely see no issue with Beel or his sin. He does seem like a good partner that cares for them and his loved ones. The only issue i see is slightly similar reasons to Satans, that i might be in danger so it's like a gamble with them. Bc Beel goes full demon mode if he's to hungry or you eat his food(even though he's always eating your food), so that's dangerous bc he can hurt you/eat you.
Belphie - so I wouldn't date him for two reasons. One i truly believe this man is a narcissist or just plain psychotic. He'll gladly hurt you bc he knows with a few words you'll forgive him and come back. Two Just his sin. If you want to date this man DO NOT except to go out or celebrate ANYTHING bc he won't care/try to do anything. He'll sleep through it and not feel bad bc i feel like he'll say that you should know who he is by now and not be mad so yeah. Also he killed us so fuck him for that.
So yeah that's that. Lol i only wrote this bc i saw some writing about the brothers sin and how MC would react but they seemed so sad?(on MC's part, like how MC handled it) Idk if that's the correct word it just seemed to basic? I'm aware that everyone's writing is different and how they interpret the brothers/MC so this is my take on the whole thing and how i would be.
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the-batgirl · 1 month
I'm sorry I'm venting in your inbox but I'm so frustrated rn. Feel free to ignore.
I haven't brought a Catwoman book since the failed wedding because I didn't like how Selina was being written, I was hoping to wait it out until a good writer came in. Tini Howard will not let go of Selina and I was hoping the pause in the Catwoman run meant another writer was taking over. Well I was kinda right only to be more disappointed because it's one of my least favourite comic writers, Leah Williams, she's writing a goddamn Gotham Sirens series. The series sounds terrible, it mentions half naked cowboys, a bunch of new oc villains, and Punchline. I'm so tired of Catwoman content being so rubbish.
I think 'okay it's not all bad after all', when Batman: The Caped Crusader screen shots are released. Only to be let down again after Selina's background description says she grew up as a millionaire heiress with a silver spoon in her mouth, her father lost all the money, now she steals stuff because basically she loves money. How have they fucked it up that bad. It sounds more like Penguins origin then Selina's.
I didn't always love how Tom King wrote Selina, but I thought after the Batcat wedding they'd be a different writer to take over and we'd get something new and interesting. Only for the cluster fuck that was that entire event and it ending with Selina being written so horribly, to getting the complete nothing burger that was Joelle Jones Catwoman run which added nothing, to Tini Howard just making to worst decisions possible. Even in Batman related books it's either Selina from another dimension/timeline or she's just there as a reminder she exists (sometimes in a way that is disrespectful, like when Ram V had Bruce talk how much Selina is important and means so much to him only to then turn around and sleep with another woman- why bring up Selina then?!)
It's even worse because apparently despite the success of The Batman the next live action Batman movie isn't using Selina. Idk I'm just mad.
I know exactly how you feel anon, it's looking like it can't get much worse, and then it dose
I'm incredibly frustrated with the way catwoman comics have been for YEARS now. Her classic stories are getting big reprints along with heros like Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Superman, Batman- and her modern comics are just....ugh they wouldn’t even feature her in the pride event!!!! SHE IS A CANON BISEXUAL AND A MEMBER OF THE BATFAM and she got NOTHING
I saw that news abt Caped Crusader as well :/ the copy paste of Penguins origin when Selina already has MULTIPLE origins that make so much more sense for who she is as a character!!
I so so miss having a writer that understands and respects Selina
I wasn't totally shocked that ram v couldn't resist having him sleep w T*lia, disappointing and ooc, but ultimatly it's somthing that every title that isn't tec could and probably will ignore lol, most of the time it feels like none of these writers are reading each other's comics, you can never tell if something is going to have consequences or be completely forgotten and all the bat related series really do feel like they’re in different dimensions (in a bad way) and as much as dc jerks them around, they capitalize big time on batcat. the statues, makeup collections, celebration books entierly about their relationship, jewelry- it's the bat and the cat forever even if dc is too scared to commit to anything these days. They know who their 2nd most popular couple ever is. If they could only find good writers💀
On the bright side...Selina will probably be in dkos: allwinter, and the ongoing batman dark age features a nice version of her as well!
But anyways yeah FUCK GCS all my homies hate gcs, the people yearn for Lois&Selina !!!!
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robotvampire · 1 year
ahh I just finished the first chapter :( I love it!! So many option tho, you had to go crazy with so much coding xD
I love Sameer with all my soul, but I don't really know if I can trust him completely, imagine if his master plan (and a very simple one /sarcasm) failed and he founds out he can't do it, and the only way is going along with the prophecy... I mean, it would be a downfall if you are making me love you and trust you for something even himself dont really, really know if it could work...
And what frustrate me more is that my friends apparently prefer to risk Mc live and go with him, even without knowing him than thinking about the other possibilities
Im curious, so in my mind I choose the option of "No." when Izzy and Jess asked about if Mc would kill Sameer. But I wanted to know all the options XD so that was what I did. I was a little surprise with the "I dont know" Cause, in my mind is the most logic one to do. I mean, I kinda understand that, if mc kills Sameer, the apocalypse it may or may not be near, and that is not a good thing... at least not for humanity xDD, but its not totally fair for Izzy say things as "[…] but at least he knows what he wants" its like, of course he knows what he know he had like +20 years to think about it??? and what is more, we dont really know if he knows something that MC not... there is so many variables to considerer :(... can you really trust someone you met for the first time two days ago? and one of them was not even present?
so right now im kinda tempt to put the worst answer or the idk answer just to mess with them like «fuuuk u friends who think of me as a possible murder but it does not cross their minds to believe that the other person, who you DONT know, could try to kill me» (Its more sad for me cause Jesse is probably my fav character rn, lol, like he is maybe in the same place as Sameer, I think he is such a cute and sweet boy and I want to protect him lol), so, there will be any punishment in the future if you choose the options that lower the friendship score with your friends?
Can we pleeeeease in the future have an interaction with them like: "oh, wow look at this, I didn't kill him, what a surprise" in a sarcastic, sassy way? extra point if we add something like "the only time things got hot was in bed", for romance lol
I love this story and the way you write it, so thanks for your work! and sorry for my mumbling XD
Hello! I'm glad you enjoyed the demo!! ☺️ The coding is a bit tedious at times, but there are a lot of stories I want to tell within the story, so it's been worth it! (Not saying I won't want to kick myself in the future, though, lol.)
I can't really comment on your mistrust of Sameer too much without getting into ~spoilers~, but he does have a fairly good reason for believing his plan will work. If he knew of another solution (that didn't involve dragging MC into it), he would absolutely have gone that route.
As far as Izzy and Jesse go, from their perspective, what MC is telling them has to be the truth. It's too outrageous not to be, right? And presumably if Sameer wanted to hurt/kill MC, he would've done it already.
For any of the non-no responses about whether you could kill Sameer, Izzy and Jesse respond negatively because they're thinking about it from their own perspective - that they, and everyone they love (with the exception of MC), would die. They can't fathom that MC could really look them in the eye and say anything other than "no". It certainly can be argued that they're placing too much responsibility on MC's shoulders too quickly, but keep in mind that they've had this information even less time than MC has. I think if they'd waited to ask that question at a later point, they would have been able to respond better. (Though depending on the MC, they may realize that they would NEVER do that and not ask at all.)
There won't be any punishment, per se, at this point if you lower your friendship score with Izzy/Jesse. It may change some of the dialogue, but there's still time to earn those points back. You're not going to get rid of them that easily!
"Wow look at this, I didn't kill him," does sound like something sarcastic!MC would say, so we'll see! 😂
And never apologize for mumbling! I appreciate hearing from folks!! ❤️
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onlyswan · 10 months
Hiii Art!! How have you been and how's your work/studies whatever it is that you do. Good? Eh? Well mine's kinda on a dry and wet mode rn lol.
Mind if I rant here?
I have 2wk worth of exams coming up and I have no motivation to study. I honestly regret taking up the course im studying for. I mainly took it up because its lucrative and helpful in today's economy. But honestly I should have just pursued 14yo Lyfie's dream to become a nurse. It wouldve been so much more rewarding🥲🥲🥲.
Anyways despite that im just praying my gpa doesnt go down the drain, and im gulity right now because i wasted the whole day doing nothimg even though i told myself to go study. I couldnt do it. I just......well i knew what i was doing was bad but everytime i looked at my notes i felt as if i knew them all, and in the end achieved nothing. Sigh i hate myself for how repetitve this unhealthy cycle has become. Parental pressure isnt helping either. I try ranting and they say its just momentary tiredness and it would go away soon and then further guilt me into wasting time :((((.
Wow that became long. Im so sorry for litterally trauma dumping on you, especially if tou had a long day. It would be the last thing you'd wanna worry about 😂😂😂
Anyways i wanted to ask you about your writing, both as a fellow fic author and as loyal reader of yours. What inspires you to write?
(I.e set time aside to write your fics and even feel motivated to open up that document? I have so many plot bunnies, headcanons and fic ideas, but no matter how enticing, everytime i try opening up my google docs, that burst of excited energy saps away. Urgh its so frustrating!!😠)
And for your fics, we had possible teases of engagement btwn jk and oc and even f2l hopelessly pining jk and oc. So i was wondering will we ever get a confession scene 👀👀👀?
I rmbr when jk ssid somewhr in an interview where he would love to lift his partner up and kiss them and my mind went str to the in which couple lol knowing your writing and since its jk its gonna be so cute cheesy and gonna involve tears 😇.
Funny enough i also know that both oc and jk are heavy on respecting e/o be it space or privacy, and when i heard Twice MISAMO's Do Not Touch song which was about consent and it was potryaed beautifully compared to art masterpeices, it got me thinking about their initial stages of skin ship or how they got comfortable around e/o physically or even their first time. Idk im just so invested in this universe lol 😭😂
Hmmm, but thats it for now. I'll reach out to you soon!!! :D
hiii lyf <3 work is draining and some customers are rude but my co-workers are fun to be with so it’s alright 🥲 uni also started this week and it’s nerve wracking but also soooo exciting !! i’m just gonna need some time to adjust to this new life + schedule 😬
i’m so sorry to hear that beloved :( i’m sure with the given the circumstances that you chose what you thought would be best for you at that time and i think it’s important that you recognize that too !! 🫂 and yesyes studying is so freaking difficult especially when you don’t feel motivated >:( for me personally time management has been pretty helpful. i love schedules ^^ sometimes i do house chores first to get my brain into work mode too and i give myself little rewards during break times (which are sooo important) or after studying hehe like snacks or screen time !! please look after yourself and your health. 🥺
dw i’m mostly fine with you guys ranting about stuff like school !! because same !! but i’m just putting it out there that when it’s abt triggering stuff i have to restrain myself 🥲 i don’t reply to those because it really affects me badly mentally too :(
hmmm when it comes to inspiration to write 🤔 like i said i do love schedules hehe i open a draft every night before bed + in my notes i also save words/phrases/scenarios that pop in my mind throughout the day but couldn’t write yet :D but i don’t really get to write everyday bcs i’m too tired or nothing just comes out. sometimes i only write one sentence or one paragraph then pass out lol. on a good day i finish one scene and maybe start writing the next too !! a jungkook weverse live will always 100% give me a big rush of motivation tho 🤭
and i doooo want to explore the earlier stages of oc and jungkook’s relationship 🥹🥹🥹 i have many many plans !! but i just want them to be perfect so it might take me a while </3 this is still a long journey if y’all are up for it hehe thank you so much for being invested in our little iw universe !! 🥰 it truly means the world to me that i get to enjoy my passion like this :") ilysm lyf 🫂
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circular-bircular · 2 years
“I don’t get why so many endos fight for non-trauma based CDDs”
I have some thoughts on this and wanted to send them (hopefully that’s ok, sorry about this being kinda long).
I don’t know why endos in particular fight for this, but I somewhat get why there are people who fight for non-trauma based CDDs (in the sense I can follow the path of reasoning)
1) Because a lot of times (even among practitioners), trauma is deemed to only mean ‘experienced physical/sexual abuse or was in armed combat’ and though I do not agree with that limited definition - sometimes the response to the very limited ‘accepted’ scope of trauma when trying to get people to support & respect CDDs is to fight for non-trauma based CDDs.
2) Due to the very limited definition of ‘socially accepted’ trauma (airquotes because it often gets acknowledged but not always actually respected or supported), trauma responses get deemed as ‘overreactions’ because people do normalise experiences. People learn that they don’t have trauma yet somehow have symptoms and traits of dissociative disorders. Sometimes it also can be beneficial to deny you have trauma outright in order to protect yourself, other times you don’t remember it.
3) Letting people use identity labels like ‘non-traumagenic DID system’ or ‘endogenic OSDDID system’ feels like allowing people to have complex relationships with diagnoses, in a way. I know this isn’t always the case and I also feel like I’m rambling here, but I know how much the psychiatric field has fucked over (and continues to) systems and trauma survivors and I know still that anyone with an experience of moderate dissociation + plurality can get diagnosed with DID/MPD against their will (“MPD doesn’t exist as a formal diagnosis anymore” that doesn’t seem to matter to the practitioners who are also still using psychoeducation from the 1960s). I know the situation is more complicated than that but idk
I don’t mind long asks at all!
I think my response to this all boils down to “so why can’t these people listen to CDD systems”
1. Yes, the definition of trauma is bullshit for so many reasons. Which is why most CDD systems I know are vocal that trauma is trauma, regardless of how severe it is compared to someone else. Rather than listen to those individuals, the result is “or maybe you just aren’t traumatized! :D” which is. Not a good look. I UNDERSTAND, but I don’t agree.
2. This one frustrates me as someone who accepted they had trauma without… actually digging for the trauma. I don’t remember most of my trauma, and what I do remember, I only got after therapy and my diagnosis! I hate that people spread “non trauma DID” because. If you have trauma responses, you have trauma. It leads to so many people being in denial.
3. This is… eesh. A hard one. And tbh I don’t have a good answer for it rn (esp since it’s 6:30 in the morning lol)
I guess I can understand these reasons. But it doesn’t make them good, or right.
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signedeclipse · 1 year
Omg I love your writing sm!!
Since I saw your requests open, could I request a matchup?
Preferably a male demon and/or demon slayer :)
I'm a 5'2" trans masc gremlin with short, side-shaven brown hair and eyes. I mostly dress in black, goth clothing and accessories (i.e., pentagram earrings, bird skull rings, chokers, etc.) but I have a hoodie collecting problem (I can think of at least a dozen I have lying around rn).
Since I have adhd, I'm very forgetful and have a bad habit of fidgeting when I'm under-stimulated and over-stimulated (they range from shaking my hands violently to scratching and biting myself, not too bad tho at most all it does is leave a few marks). I'm also introverted, preferring to keep to myself, only really talking when someone talks to me, but when I'm with people I'm comfortable with I'm pretty much the opposite, always talking and joking around and being an overall menace >:)
That said I'm always tired and can fall asleep anywhere (I'm also a huge night owl which might be part of the issue)
My love languages are words of affirmation, physical touch, and quality time since I'm really vocal about how much I adore my s/o, I'm kinda clingy and quite touch starved (i mean i collect plushies ffs), and whenever I'm out of energy, I enjoy just being in their presence, doing my own thing while I recharge.
Sorry if that was too much/not enough I never know how much to put in these things lol
Feel free to ignore this if you don't want to do it/can't think of anyone who'd fit my desc :)
Anyway, take care of yourself (drink some water, eat a snack, and take a nap/go to bed depending on what time you see this) and have a lovely day/night! ♡
You got…Sanemi!
Being polar opposites, Sanemi loves you because you bring the gentle personality he hides behind all the macho attitude. He gets frustrated as fuck about stupid things all the time, and you'll just chat to him while he beats up a punching bag till it breaks, not judging him once.
He's had people try to calm him down, try to interfere and change him, but he just wants someone who likes him now and not for what they want him to be, which you are great at.
In turn, he understands your habits of scratching at yourself aren't doing  a terrible amount of harm for how well it soothes you, so he won't try to stop you aside from trying to find something for you to do so you aren't so bored.
Sometimes he just offers his arm to you, and lets you trace all the scars he has left in his skin, or fidget with his hand.
Sanemi isn't very demanding, so he'll do whatever you feel like doing. He prefers to have you there with him while he trains, though, so he's gotten used to training somewhere next to a porch where you can hide in the shade/away from bad weather.
Makes fun of you for dressing so dark, because he thinks of you as very flowery and sweet. Might say its some kind of scare tactic since you couldn't hurt a fly, but otherwise he doesn't care much for how you chose to dress yourself; so long as you are comfortable and happy.
Your hair reminds him a lot of his younger brother, and your sleepy nature only makes you two more comparable, so he feels this need to protect you in ways he couldn't his brother.
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Authors Note - My last matchup and you are very similar it's almost scary! But yes, please enjoy <3
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notcolleen · 2 years
im gonna take a second to be proud of myself for actually being assertive bc it paid off (literally!!!) and also vent abt family stuff and this is just a giant mess of words lol
so i leave for a work trip to oregon tomorrow and as excited as i am, it’s actually the worst timing ever bc 1) my family is having a memorial for my aunt tomorrow and i feel incredibly selfish for not being there and 2) my direct family (brother, middle sister, mom, dad) all have covid or assumed covid and it’s just a chaotic mess at that house rn
and this trip all happened really last minute (i got the email asking if i was interested on the 9th, everything was finalized on the 10th, found out my brother tested positive on the 11th) (i have tested negative every day since then and will test again before i leave) and bc of that/the covid situation i felt bad asking anyone in my family to help out with any logistical barriers (ie pet care while im gone, travel to/from airport, etc)
i finally did ask my oldest sister if she’d be able to watch phoebe and she’s totally fine with that, which is great bc i was literally 2 seconds away from paying someone random online just to avoiding inconveniencing her lol
and i was planning on taking a lyft there and i knew that would be ✨pricey✨ bc it’s 1.5 hrs away so i was just trying to mentally accept the cost of it (bc ultimately it’s worth it for the whole experience of traveling) but my anxiety kinda took off when i looked it up and it was $130 each away 💀
so i sent a text to my dad on wednesday asking if he would be able to drive me back from the airport on the 20th if he did not have covid and was feeling well
and he left me on read 🧚
so after a very frustrating conversation with my mom today (where she called me selfish for not considering the cost of tolls and gas rn) (which i was 100% going to pay if he drove, which i would have told him had he replied back) i ended the phone call in very dramatic tears and was like okay either im paying ~$260 and i can let that anxiety sit with me the whole trip (bc major ~scarcity mindset even with money) (it’s the worst!!!) or i can send an awkward email to the company asking if i could be reimbursed for that expense and hope the best
so i emailed a man named david whom i’ve never met (well first i edited my email until it no longer resembled a “sorry for existing !!! also no worries if not :)))) thank you so much even if not!! :))” monologue) and he responded right back with $400 worth of uber gift cards, no questions asked
and im still just sitting here amazed at how being an assertive adult / asking for things with the mindset of “the worst u can hear is no” can benefit you (also i still have to get used to working for a big company bc before this i worked for a childcare company based out of our towns little church and we were expected to pay for so much out of pocket and this company is just like gift cards all around and it’s so different)
(so now i have moved on to being anxious abt the 1.5 hr uber ride and hoping the driver is okay with literally 0 small talk) (i have more rambling thoughts re: birthdays and family resentment and expectations but this is long enough so goodbye thank u if you read this 😌)
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astrxealis · 2 years
Apollo hi hello, I hope you’re doing well <3
I keep seeing your hades II rbs on dash and I am looking 👀 (I love seeing them sm) I remember wanting to get into hades a while ago but I never got the time <//3
So I was wondering what you like about it the most?? I’m considering buying the first game since there’s a discount going on but I was just curious about how the game is and all that, like your general thoughts on it. Sorry if this is random and coming out of no where :’)) feel feee to ignore this if I’m bothering you in any way
Anyways, remember to take care of yourself. Drink lots of water and eat your meals 🫶🫶 remember to take breaks and try not to overwork !!
- tired
TIRED HELLO HI i am doing WELL RN !! but also not because there's so much reqs bcs final week before break but also i am doing mostly good <3 I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL AS WELL !!!!! <33
okay omg YEAH i am currently super obsessed my brain is so -@;!()!-?-&!;/!@,' (sobbing) but TYSM FR WAH ..... >___< and honestly i really do rec hades it's so good (I GET YOU BTW i haven't actually. like got incredibly far in the game but i do have a fair amount of time in it + the only reason why i have it tbh is bcs of a family member <//3)
(OKAY I PUT THIS UNDER A READ MORE IF THAT'S FINE I'M SORRY IF THIS GOT LONG i was just replying normally and didn't realize i said so much oh my god)
OKAY SO. okay. tbh i'm not completely sure what i like the most but it's probably a combo of the art design/style + gameplay + characters. the art i'd say is incredibly beautiful and unique !!! the designs are really lovely and all (esp as someone who is a big fan of greek mythology which is one factor as to why i love the game so much!) <3 the gameplay is REALLY fun. and good. it's a roguelike game and it actually ties to the game's concept of death and resurrection ?? (underworld stuff. zag is literally the god of rebirth) and it's REALLY good at what it does. very addicting. no run is exactly the same and i personally didn't think i'd be fond of roguelike games but hades just really hits with it !! (a lot of people who don't like roguelike games seem to think this way too). tbh if hades is your kinda game then it genuinely is. sort of. really a Perfect Game ?? story + gameplay + visuals are like the three pillars of it and as far as i personally know all of that is just incredibly good. the protag is likeable, the other characters are likeable, i don't know some of the most important story bits yet but so far it truly is very interesting, each run is connected to the last (such that if you get a different boss, zag actually says smth abt that! it is a very fluid game. if that's properly describing it). LOWKEY EVERYONE IN THE GAME IS HOT. most likely bcs of the artstyle which is really just so nice <3 BUT YEAH i don't really like roguelikes bcs you kinda restart progress right? but hades really feels productive with each run (i even look forward to dying in game!!!!!) and there's so much failure but i don't really feel frustrated. it's a really rewarding game imo and no wonder a lot of people considered it to be their goty of 2020 (and it won a few awards for that too i think) <33 SORRY FOR RAMBLING SO MUCH BUT YEAH .... the game genuinely is just so good. also the voice acting is actually great. ALSO the romance options are super cool (AND POLY IS ACTUALLY POSSIBLE I THINK. INCREDIBLY COOL) and yeah the devs are worth supporting from what i know and are very inclusive it seems. might be wrong tho FKHSKDNSJ (EDIT: I FORGOT TO MENTION THERE IS AN AROMANTIC CHARACTER IN HADES AS WELL. SUPER COOL. actually im not too sure but yeah)
DW THIS IS VERY WELCOME AND I WAS GLAD TO RECEIVE THIS FR !!!!! not a bother at all >;)) lowkey should put this writing for my school work SOBBING BUT NW LOL IT'S JUST A BIT FUNNY TO ME
so yeah SORRY IF THIS IS WAY TOO LONG and TYSM AGAIN !! and for the very much needed reminder gah i should drink water fr >___< <33
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