#sorry but raven is the fucking master to me
emeritusterzo · 1 year
dreamer screaming in visceral agony then it cutting to raven’s devil primo is one of those wrestling things that is deeply engraved into my brain
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
Could I request a Principal Larissa Weems or Lesso? with 52,54,59? Maybe with her assistant? Maybe with some smut🫣. I was thinking that they would be cold to the reader bc they like them and then the reader says something like why do you hate me and then it leads from there.. but do what you feel most comfortable with!!! ( Also I love your writings they are so good and you are so talented<3)
Quivering at Your Touch ~Sub!Larissa Weems xFem Mommy!Younger(20s)!Assistant!Reader (feat. Morticia Addams)
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Summary— Sub!Larissa fic where Reader is Larissa’s assistant at Nevermore and they don’t really get along because Larissa is just cold to Reader all the time. But when Reader confronts Larissa, Reader finds that the tall blonde principal is a desperate sub who just wants to be a good girl for her mami… Anon Response— Hello anon!! You can absolutely request this! I would love to write this for you. I admit, I got a little carried away… Enjoy♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#52. “Fuck… Mommy! … Oh my, I’m so sorry, it just… slipped out…?”
#54. “You can call me Mommy/Daddy if you want too…”
#59. “You… find this attractive?”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, little fluff, eating out (oral sex), fingering, age gap (all legal), clit stimulation, grinding, humping, squirting, voice kink, sexy Spanish— I am not fluent so I apologize in advance for any mistakes, mami(mommy) kink, desperation, teasing, praising, light begging, light taunting, implied light overstimulation, implied Morissa, Morticia Addams, comforting, physical comforting, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
You walked into Ms. Weems’ office before the sun had even come up, handing over the paperwork that she had sent you home with last night. Being Ms. Weems’ assistant was your dream job. But it was not easy. The tall, blonde principal had high standards for herself and everyone else, especially her assistant.
After her near death experience, Morticia had convinced Larissa to hire an assistant, because according to the raven haired goddess, “You cannot carry the weight of the world, neigh Nevermore, on your shoulders alone, Mon Chérie…” Morticia had cooed late one summer night into the blonde’s exposed ear.
So, Larissa had began looking and interviewing two weeks before the new school year started. She had put out the news that she was interested in hiring an assistant, and soon the woman had resumes to look through. It had been almost two weeks and Larissa hadn’t found anyone suitable, when you had walked through the door of her office.
Larissa took an immediate liking to you. You were intelligent, organized, well-dressed and well mannered. After a mere twenty minutes, the tall blonde was offering you the job. You had eagerly accepted and moved into Nevermore at once. And the new school year started with a quick bang. And just as quickly, your work began.
“Here is your schedule for the week and those quarterly reports for this semester that you requested, Ms. Weems.” You spoke in a professional and formal manner, as always and as expected, as you handed the blonde principal the files.
Larissa looked up from her computer, reaching out and taking the files.
“Thank you, Miss L/N.” Larissa hummed, then standing up and going over to her cabinets of files, “One thing before you leave…”
You knew that Principal Weems was on first names basis’ with most of the staff, as far as the tall principal using pet names for some of your colleagues. The fact that after over nine weeks of working for this woman that she never wavered from Miss L/N, and she always expected Ms. Weems or Principal Weems made you sad. You knew it shouldn’t, she was your boss after all. But it did.
“Yes?” You asked, raising your head in her direction as she moved across the room.
Larissa paused to look through the many files, before pulling one out and coming back around her desk and up to you. She handed you the file, looking at you expectantly.
“Parent Teacher Conferenecs are coming up throughout the week, I need these typed up and reviewed before the end of today.” Larissa instructed you in her professionally cold tone, the tone that she only used for formal principal meeting, events and for you.
You nodded, taking the file, and looking away to blush at the intense eye contact.
“Yes Ms. Weems…” you spoke out, “Is there anything else…?”
Larissa went back to sit at her desk chair, then looking back at you with a stoic face.
“That will be all, Miss Y/N.” The blonde principal calmly stated, “You are excused until my first parent teacher conference, where I will be expecting you to take notes.”
You nodded and murmured, “Yes ma’am…”, before shuffling out of her office and going back to sit back in your tiny assistant area, designated to you by Ms. Weems.
You sat down with a deep sigh, Larissa’s tone internally eating away at you. You hated how cold she always was… You didn’t think you’d ever down anything to her. But you must have. Because the warm, caring, tall Principal that you saw interacting with students and her staff was a shallow, cold bitch to you when you were alone.
For the rest of the day, you made sure to attend all of the woman’s meetings, taking diligent notes and remaining silent, as she would glare at you if you said a word. By the end of the day, you were tired and still had some of the papers for the conferences to finish. You worked until you had completed all of the work Ms. Weems had given you. You walked into Ms. Weems’ office, it was way past time for you to be off for the day, but alas.
“Ms. Weems?” You called, knocking and then opening the door, only to enter when she permitted you.
“Come in…” Larissa hummed, not even taking the moment to meet your gaze in curteous recognition.
You closed the door behind you, before taking a deep breath.
“Here are the conference files you asked me to fill out, along with my notes from today’s meetings…” You spoke, waking up to her desk and handing over the files.
Larissa continued working.
“Leave them here, Miss L/N…” the woman coolly spoke out, “You are excused for tonight. I will see you early tomorrow.”
A wave of frustration came over you, as you left the papers and turned to leave. You felt your eyes begin to water, as her hurtful treatment seemed to finally hit a nerve. Something about today, and maybe all the other times, made you turn swiftly on your heel, back towards the woman.
“Ms. Weems…?” You choked out, your voice faltering.
The woman hummed lightly, letting you know that she heard you, but not giving you the time of day for any eye contact or actual words.
“I…” you walked back to her desk, “Why do you hate me…? Have I… done something…? Is… my work not up to your standard…?” You stammered, your voice breaking throughout your sentences.
At your words, Larissa stopped typing on her computer. She then very slowly raised her head and her intense gaze finally met yours. She then closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose with a deep sigh.
“No Darling, your work is impeccable…” Larissa sighed.
The petname sent warm shivers down your spine and goosebumps across your skin. And at hearing her compliment, a faint blush immediately began to creep up around your cheeks. You were able to take a little sigh of relief at her words, but an underlying pit in your stomache still tugged at you nonetheless.
“Oh—Ok. Then… why do you treat me like…” you stammered, struggling on how to express your feelings without offending your boss.
“Cold? Abrasive? Harsh?” Larissa scoffed at herself, finishing your thought far more direct than you would have ever admitted to.
Your blush deepened and you nodded slowly.
“Yes” you softly stated.
“Because…” Larissa sighed, clasping her hands together and biting her lip before continuing, “I don’t hate you, Darling… Far from it.”
You knew you could hear Larissa’s words, but they didn’t seem to register, as your face was still plastered with confusion and broken spirit.
Larissa’s expression slowly softened at the sight of yours. She then proceeded to stand up, coming over to the other side of her desk, the one closest to you. She indicated for you to sit on the couch by the fire. As she walked to the burning fireplace next to the couch, you scurried to take a seat, then looking up at the woman, whose face was now a myriad of emotions.
“Y/N… You…” Larissa began softly and with the most vulnerable tone you’d ever heard from the formal woman, “You are the most marvelous woman—person, that I’ve ever encountered…”
She paused to take another deep sigh before continuing, “You are brilliant at your job, I have never had anyone do their job as well as you do yours, the passion and effort you put into your work is unmatched. From the very first time I met you, I knew there was something about you. Your personality, your heart is so warm and you are so caring…”
Your eyes widened the more the woman confessed, and your lips parted slightly in shock. You wondered if this was a dream… Where you hearing the woman correctly…?
But when Larissa leaned forward and grasped your hands in hers, you knew this was no dream. Her sapphire gaze bore into yours intensely, and her eyes radiated truth. You gasped lightly at the touch, and found yourself immediately yearning for more. But her gaze and face then turned sad. And in the at moment, you would have some anything to make the tall blonde smile.
“I… I apologize for the way I treated you… I thought… I thought that if I kept you at a distance that I wouldn’t get hurt… But I see now that my actions, while protecting me, ended up hurting you… and that was never my intention, Darling. For that I am truly sorry…”
She squeezed your hands reassuringly, as her remorseful gaze met yours. The realization of the woman’s words started to creep into your mind. A rogue tear managed to slip past your watch, rolling down your cheek. Larissa’s heart nearly broke them and there, having to watch you process your past few months of agony.
“Protect yourself from what…?” You whispered, as you met her gaze once more.
At your question, Larissa looked away and a light rosy blush flushed her cheeks. She sighed once more and then began to chuckle lightly at herself.
“Protect myself from my feelings…” Larissa admitted, biting her lip anxiously, “And now that I think about it, it seems so absurd.”
These words were the final piece of the puzzle that you had spent months searching for. Suddenly, all the pieces came into place, it all made sense. And a wave of calm seemed to flow over you.
Without thought, instinct had you raise your hand and cup the woman’s flushed cheek. Her head immediately swiveled back toward you, her eyes widened at your bold move. But she didn’t pull away, quite the opposite in fact, you found that the woman only leaned into your touch, closing her eyes and letting out a hum in contentment.
“Larissa Weems, are you saying that you like me?” You softly asked, with a little smile and a light twinkle in your eyes.
The woman’s eyes fluttered open and at first, her face was panicked, but once she saw the calm expression on your face, she seemed to relax a little.
“I… I suppose so…” Larissa whispered, her face radiating raw vulnerability.
You smiled even brighter, caressing the woman’s cheek with one hand, as her hands held your other one. The tall blonde then fell gracefully to her knees, now sitting right in between your legs and right up against your couch. And she looked up at you, searching for some, any direction.
“I like you too…” you whispered back.
Larissa entire body seemed to be needing to hear those words, because as soon as they left your mouth, a weight was lifted from the blonde’s soul. And before you knew it, the woman was curling up in your lap. Your jaw threatened to drop, but you restrained yourself. Never in your life had you expected the cold, formal Principal Weems to be in your lap and purring like a content cat.
You gently reached out to her, running your fingers along her tight back hair. She raised her head into your hand with another hum, encouraging you. So you began to take out the pins of the woman’s hair, one by one, until her curls were falling onto your lap and you could run your fingers through her hair freely. The entire time, Larissa was snuggled up in your lap, purring in delight.
You chuckled to yourself, wondering what it would be like if someone walked in… but that thought quickly slipped away, as the ambience of the moment took over your mind. The fireplace crackling and giving a soft glow to the room, seemed to make it all feel more intimate. Not to mention Larissa being literally in your lap, also made it far more intimate..
Time passed naturally, as the woman continued to purr in your lap and you continued to run fingers through her hair, eventually moving to massage her tense shoulders. The blonde let out little whimpers and groans every now and then, which you found to be utterly adorable.
Larissa began adjusting her position for you, so that you could scratch and massage all the itches and tensions littered around her stressed out body. The woman ended up straddling your lap, her head tucked into the crook of your neck as you massaged a particular knot from her upper spine.
She let out a groan as you kneeded the knot out of her tense muscle, inadvertently bucking her hips into your lap and releasing a particularly breathy whimper along with it. Larissa’s mouth opened and her eyes widened in light shock at her overtly sexual actions.
Your eyes sparkled at the shift in tone of the scene, your hands traveling to the woman’s hips, starting to guide her hips to lightly grind against your form beneath her. Larissa’s hands shot to your shoulders as she arched her back and rolled her head back with another groan, this one most definitely sexual. Her eyes fluttered shut as you helped her get off against your frame.
“That’s it… Let me help you relax, Ms. Weems…” you cooed lovingly, eagerly drinking in the other woman’s frame.
“L-Larissa please Darling…” Larissa insisted with another breathy groan, as she continued to grind down against your lap.
You chuckled lightly and nodded.
“Alright Larissa…” you teased her name on your tongue, making the woman melt into a puddle in your lap.
You slowly shifted her frame onto one of your thighs, so that she could grind her core against your tensed thigh more effectively. The blonde was quick to catch on, letting her dress rile up her thighs as she began to put her grinding weight against your tensed muscles.
Larissa let out a mutter of expletives, words that you never would have thought to come out of such a proper woman’s lips. But it felt so right in the moment as the blonde was holding onto you for dear life, as she rutted against your thigh. You could feel the warmth of her pussy on your thigh, as you tightly held her hips and guided her further towards her impending climax.
Breathy whimpers and groans spewed from Larissa’s lips, her eyes were screwed shut tight, all of her previous inhibitions lost, as she unabashedly got herself closer and closer to her high. When she was teetering on the edge, you gripped her hips tighter, keeping her sloppy grinding in a rhythm and your lips snuck to the shell of her ear.
“Cum for me, Larissa… Te ves tan hermosa así… Let go, let it all out.”[You look so beautiful like that…] You purred into the blonde’s ear.
It only took a couple more grinding motions before the woman was coming undone on top of you. Letting out a strangled moan, she rode her high as best as she could before collapsing on top of your chest with heavy panting.
“Eres una chica muy buena, Larissa…”[You’re such a good girl, Larissa…] you praised the blonde.
Larissa couldn’t help but blush, she could recognize praise, even when it wasn’t in English. You let her gather her self in your lap, and the minutes past in comfortable silence. Eventually, Larissa stirred, sitting up once more and meeting your gaze.
“You’re sexy when you speak Spanish…” she breathed out, before her eyes went wide and she instantly began to correct her statement, “What I meant…! You’re always sexy— no I…!”
You hushed Larissa by leaning into her and connecting your lips swiftly with hers. Larissa immediately leaned in, impossibly close to you, her hands coming to cup your cheeks, pulling you even closer. You hummed into the passionate kiss, which seemed to be reigniting Larissa’s lust once more. Not to mention your own…
“You… find this, my Spanish… attractive?” You breathlessly whispered into her lips.
Larissa eagerly nodded before smashing her lips back into yours, and you practically purred in delight. Your lips and teeth began to clash together as hour respective hungers grew. Larissa happily allowed you to slip your tongue inside her mouth, deepening the kiss even further. Pretty soon, the woman was encouraging you to pick her up, which you eagerly did, carrying her to her attached private quarters.
“Eres tan hermosa, mi amor. Quiero mostrarte lo guapa que eres...”[You are so beautiful, my love. I want to show you just how gorgeous you are…] you whispered against her hungry lips, as you devoured one another.
Larissa bucked her hips against your frame and spewed a string of breathy whimpers as a result of your Spanish. You placed Larissa on the center of the bed as your mouth began to wander past the woman’s lips and towards her neck and shoulders… Larissa gasped as you sucked on her pressure point, her hands scrambling to pull you even closer, tugging you onto the bed with her.
Soon, hands were flying to zippers and buttons, as the two of you practically tore each other’s clothes off in the heat and passion of the moment. The blonde’s dress pooled at her feet as you unbuttoned your pants, both being thrown aside, along with your shirt. Your nimble fingers unclipped both her bra and your own, both of which were also tossed aside.
Now left in nothing but your knickers, you guided the woman to lay back on the bed, propping herself up by her elbows. You crawled on top of Larissa, perching yourself to straddle her stomache before connecting your lips together once more. The blonde let out a whimper into your lips, as her hands dropped her fully on the bed and shot to your exposed skin, wandering and feeling their way down your body. Her fingers stopped and paid special attention to your sensitive buds.
“Dios mío, vas a ser mi muerte...”[My God, you’re going to be the death of me…] you breathed out into her lips, her teasing causing you to buck your hips against the blonde’s form.
Another whimper erupted from Larissa’s throat in response, desperate for more friction. You pressed your lips once more time against her plump red ones, a mere ghost of a kiss, before starting to slowly run down her body, paying special attention to each bit of exposed skin that the woman had to offer. Larissa’s one hand shifted to your head, eagerly attempting to push you further down, down to where she needed you most. Her other hand wandered up to her own nipple, teasing and tugging to deepen her own pleasure. When you showed no signs of speeding up your worshiping of the woman’s body, Larissa began to beg,
“Darling P-please… I need you… need you so bad… need it… give it to me—” Larissa chocked out in a mewl.
Your mouth was attached to her left nipple as she spoke, arching her back into your touch. You let go of her tit with a pop!, and then smiled before shimmying your body further down her frame. Lowering your face down to her clothed, needy cunt, you licked a stripe along her underwear, right above her core. Larissa’s knees buckled and her hips jerked upwards, towards your face.
“¿Es esto lo que quieres? Te ves tan bien, cariño…”[Is this what you want? You look so good, my darling] you purred, fanning your hot breath onto her quivering pussy.
You were quick to hold her shaking thighs down, so that she didn’t accidentally suffocate or hit you from her impending intense pleasure. Larissa struggled a little against your firm hold, but as your grip tightened on her thighs, she quickly became even more desperate in her pleading.
“Christ Y/N Please!! Stop teasing and just… just fuck mami please!” Larissa cried out, desperately bucking her hips to encourage any kind of friction with the throbbing heat.
Her face flushed and all her motions came to a halt at the name just uttered from her lips, and the blonde began to stamer.
“Oh my, I’m so sorry, it just… Darling it, slipped out…? I—”
With a chuckle, you hooked your fingers along the waistband of her knickers. Tapping her hips, the woman couldn’t meet your gaze from the embarrassment but nonetheless she instinctually raised her hips and thighs for you. You then pulled off her last garment, throwing it into the abyss. Your eyes sparkled at the sight of Larissa’s glistening cunt. You looked up and met the blonde’s goddess figure and then her lustful, hooded gaze. She nodded in desperation, encouraging you to take her.
With one final teasing, hot breath to the woman’s cunt, you finally gave in and began lapping your tongue through her folds. Her back arched deliciously into your hot touch, her fingers curling in your hair and into the bed sheet. As your tongue flicked her clit, the woman’s head lolled back and her eyes fluttered shut, completely forgetting her verbal slip up for the moment.
“Oh yessss… Yes yes yes…!” She chanted, her mind swimming in overwhelming pleasure.
You swiftly pulled away however, making Larissa’s head shoot up and give you the most needy pout and whimper.
“You can call me Mami if you want too…” you purred wickedly, before swirling two fingers in her wetness and then sliding the digits into her core.
Larissa let out an unbridled groan, her fingers digging into your scalp as her walls fluttered around your fingers. You fucked the woman at a decent pace, pumping and curling your fingers inside her core, paying close attention to what motions made her toes curl especially. Her eyes fluttered closed. Larissa was huffing and whimpering more and more, and soon the sounds turned into full on moans.
“Eyes on me, hermosa…” you lustfully purred, drawing the blondes hooded gaze back to yours.
“Y-yes mami—” Larissa choked out.
Her blown out pupils met your sultry gaze. Her face flushed at the intense eye contact. She held your head in a vice grip as your fingers thrusted inside her expertly and your mouth latched onto her aching clit. Larissa’s back arched desperately in your touch, and one of your hands moved up from her thighs to tease her perked, straining buds.
It didn’t take long for the blonde to be teetering on the edge again…
“Mami mamiiiii…!!” Larissa babbled, shaking her head violently and fighting the urge to screw her eyes shut tight and scream,
“AhgghhhhHhH GOD pleaseeee—!!!” She cried out, her hips thrashing and body spasming.
“Vamos, vamos... Cum for me… lo tienes, mi dulce chica…”[Come on, come on…You’ve got it, my sweet girl…] you purred gently, curling your fingers with huge words to perfectly hit that spongey spot inside the woman’s core.
Larissa’s breath faltered and suddenly her orgasm was washing over her, her juices gushing out of her and onto your fingers as her walls clenched around your fingers. Your tongue eagerly lapped up all the woman’s arousal, practically keening over at her taste. Then with sudden force, the woman’s core squirted all over your fingers and face. You moaned in delight, eagerly taking all that Larissa would give you.
She was so wrapped up in her orgasm, Larissa hadn’t even registered that she had squirted. But even as she came down from her high, the older woman still seemed to be not fully satisfied. She was squirming in pleasure, in need for more, babbling and begging for it…
“Mami mami—por favor, necesito más, necesito más…!!”[Mommy mommy—please, I need more, I need more…] Larissa pleaded with a desperate cry, her hips bucking against your face is desperation.
You nearly moaned into the woman’s cunt at her pleading, her tone, her words, her voice… You couldn’t deny the fact that even broken Spanish sounded sexy on her tongue… It made you shiver with anticipation. With one last lick to her cunt to rock her back from her orgasm, you pulled out of her cunt. Larissa immediately whimpered at the loss of feeling.
“Vale, vale, te escucho, dulce chica… Tell me what you want, bueno chica… Use your words for me…”[Ok ok, I hear you, sweet girl… good girl…] you cooed.
The following sweet babbles that flowed out of the submissive blonde’s mouth were like music to your ears. And you were more than happy to grant any request this woman made of you. Hell, with a simple please from her lips, there was nothing you wouldn’t do for that woman…
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Icarus Part 3
Hello! If you haven't seen it yet, I've got a set schedule for what story posts on what days now (as seen here) and this one as well as Well Met By Moonlight, Batshit Soulmates, and Never Hold Back Your Step... will still be posting just on rotation until I can finish some of my WIPs. (I may be stretching myself a bit thin having six going at the same time.)
In this one we have the concert. Eddie stumbles on something big and doesn't know how to deal with it all. And Uncle Wayne is bestest as always.
@emly03 @redfreckledwolf @itsall-taken @rozzieroos @mira-jadeamethyst
Part 1 Part 2
The day of the concert dawned abhorrently cheerful and bright. Not a cloud in the sky or any accidents that would prevent Eddie from having to take Dustin to this event. He wouldn’t deign to call it a concert. He had heard the album and seen their posters, but he refused to wander over to YouTube and watch videos of their concerts, interviews, their music videos.
He didn’t want to be even more disappointed that they were all flash and no substance then he was sure he was going to be for the next two hours.
Dustin rolled his eyes when Eddie parked in the huge concert parking lot.
“You’re just salty because I like them as much as I like Corroded Coffin,” he huffed getting out the car. “You have to concede that Abaddon’s vocals are killer.”
Eddie scoffed. “Do not. I haven’t heard them live. Way too many artists use autotune too much these days.”
“You sound like that meme,” he sneered, “‘Old Man Yells at Cloud’.”
Eddie swatted at him playfully. “Am not.” Dustin raised his eyebrow skeptically and he threw his arms in the air. “I’m not. I am a very serious musician, Dusty. The last thing metal needs is some band that can’t write or even play their own instruments. This isn’t pop.”
“You are such an asshole,” he said and turned toward the entrance, leaving Eddie to jog to catch up with him.
Eddie sighed and put his arm around Dustin’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I am being an asshole. I turned into the person I swore I would never be. Those shit for brains critics that hated Corroded Coffin when we first got on the scene. And that was wrong of me.”
Dustin sighed, too. “I just want you to like them too. They are so good if you’d just give them a chance.”
Eddie breathed out through his nose. “Yeah. I can at least give them that.”
They got to their seats and Eddie was a little impressed at Claudia Henderson’s Ticket Master foo. They weren’t front row, but they were only a couple of rows back so you could actually see the stage without having to strain their necks and smack dab in the center of the row.
Dustin would have the best time. And now it was up to Eddie not ruin it for the kid. Because yes, he was still a kid as far as Eddie was concerned. Twenty-one was so fucking young. That was how old most of the band was when they got their record deal, after all. They weren’t prepared for what came next, that’s for sure.
They got settled into their seats and Eddie watched as the rest of the crowd shuffled in. They were all about Dustin’s age with very few exceptions in either direction.
There seemed to be a color theme going on with the girls in the audience though. They were grouped in clumps of red, black, blue, or white. Which made sense if each band member stuck to a certain color palette.
Well he was about to find out, he supposed.
The lights dimmed. The crowd quieted down. The spotlight lit up the drumkit first. And Eddie knew that Gareth would be drooling over it. It was all black with black metal fittings. The kit seemed to collect light almost like a blackhole.
Then from the ceiling, a man dressed all in black being lowered onto the stage with large black raven wings on his back. He wore a black hooded coat over what, Eddie couldn’t tell. It was all black. The shirt, the pants, the boots. Even his mask was all black with even the eyes appearing closed. His feet touched the ground and the crowd went wild.
“Azrael!” the announcer called out.
Azrael settled on the throne and picked up black drum sticks.He counted time above his head and played a wicked solo to the adoring crowd’s absolute delight.
Dustin jumped up and down, screaming.
The spotlight moved to the right side of stage and the next band member descended from the ceiling. Large bat wings adorned his back and he was dressed in red leather fetish gear. Complete with tight leather pants that looked painted on and a matching harness highlighting his bare chest, peeking out from the red leather hooded coat.
His guitar was fucking gorgeous, though. A Warlock, much like Eddie’s own. It was custom painted red with black flames licking up the neck.
Eddie rolled his eyes, but it seemed he was the only one who thought the whole thing was over the top judging from the screams from the girls in the audience.
He didn’t just land gently on the stage like the drummer did, oh no. He fucking stomped onto the stage with a howl.
His wings, like the drummer’s ascended back into the rafters as the announcer shouted, “Asmodeus!”
And then Eddie really did roll his eyes. The demon of lust. Of course he was.
But seconds later Eddie’s jaw dropped to the floor as the man wailed on his guitar driving the crowd further into the frenzy.
Once he finished his solo the crowd quieted again and he could see why. Because just then, descending on gossamer wings that shimmered like starlight, was their bassist.
Everything about him was midnight blue and shimmering like the night. His mask was the face of the moon. He had his own hooded coat, but it was like the night sky, with some kind of crystal or gem sewn in to make the coat glimmer like stars.
His bass was something that Brian would have sold his own mother for and they were as thick as thieves. Eddie didn’t know much about basses considering his sweetheart was an electric guitar, but he could tell it wasn’t expensive but was perfect for his style. A style he showed off with gusto to the audience’s obvious delight.
“Astraeus!” the announcer cried.
Eddie decided that this one was his favorite. It played up the whole mysterious thing without the over the top flash of the guitarist or the sheer void of the drummer.
The audience hushed as the three members of the band began to play what was clearly the lead singer’s entrance music.
And holy fuck was Eddie screwed. This man was descending like a fucking angel sent from God, Jesus pose and all.
He was all in white with an opaque lace mask that had his mouth and chin cut out for him to sing. That surprised Eddie somewhat. He figured that the guy would have his whole face covered like everyone else in the band and that he could lip sync.
But nope. Apparently no one in this band did anything by halves.
The lead singer was wearing a sheer mesh crop top under the hooded floor length coats the whole band was wearing. Only his was white with a silk powder blue lining.
Eddie winced in sympathy. They must get boiling under the lights with those things on.
A few feet from the stage floor there was an explosive pop! And the feathers from his wings flew out into the crowd who was now screaming as if their life depended on the sheer volume coming out them. He looked over at Dustin who was no different.
When Eddie could see the stage again, this angel’s wings were now skeletal and gothic.
He landed in front of microphone whose stand had been decorated with a scarf in each of of the band members’ signature colors.
“Abbadon!” the announcer yelled for the final time.
And Eddie was in love. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Dustin must have seen his expression because he was suddenly tugging on Eddie’s arm and screaming, “I told you!!”
“Indy!” Abbadon growled, grabbing the mic. “Thank you so much for having us! Let’s get this started.”
Then he began to sing and yeah, Eddie knew that the guy had charm, but this was a whole new level of epic. He was enthralled.
He didn’t utter a fucking word for several songs. But then it happened. Eddie couldn’t believe it. He hurried to snap a picture to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
But there it was it in living color. He turned to Dustin to see if he saw it too, but the kid was too busy screaming and jumping up and down.
Eddie’s jaw fell.
That couldn’t be right, couldn’t it? That Dustin didn’t know? Eddie looked back up on stage and a lot of the puzzle pieces started slotting in place. His heart sank a little.
He shook his head to clear it of dark thoughts. He didn’t know the reason for any of this and leaping to conclusions would only get a shit ton of people hurt. Especially the boy next to him.
Eddie let the music wash over him. Let the magic of metal soothe his soul. Soon he was jumping up and down and headbanging with the rest of the crowd. Right hand flashing the devil’s horns, left hand out to steady himself he let himself enjoy the band’s stage presence.
To say that Eddie’s mind was fucking blown would be an understatement. He pestered Dustin all the way home with rapid fire questions. Where did the band tour last time? What was their schedule this time? Was it a six month tour or an eighteen month tour last time?
Dustin answered each question with growing excitement, thinking that Eddie had finally grown to love this band as much as he had.
Eddie on the other hand felt a growing sense of dread. Well... maybe dread was the wrong word. It was certainly a sinking feeling. One he really had to exam closely.
At least he could honestly say that he fell in love with the music before he found out his little secret.
And fuck what a secret it was.
He dropped Dustin off at home and drove out to the ranch that he had gifted to Wayne when Corroded Coffin first made it big. It was a beautiful, sprawled out home surrounded by acres of land and Eddie loved it even more than Wayne did.
Eddie stumbled through the door and was surprised to see Wayne drinking hot chocolate and reading a sports magazine in his expensive recliner. And yet, at the same time, not really that surprised.
“You do realize I’m no longer that fucked up kid with anger issues,” Eddie huffed on his way to the kitchen to grab a beer, “that were almost as bad as the troubles with the law, right?”
Wayne chuckled. “Maybe so. But you’re still my boy and I’ll keep worrying about you until the day I die.”
Eddie popped open the can of beer and sat down on the sofa. He leaned his head back on the back cushion with a heavy sigh.
Wayne raised an eyebrow. “What’s stewing around in that head of yours?”
Eddie slowly raised his head. “What would you do if you accidentally found out something about a friend that they were keeping from everyone they knew?”
Wayne set down his magazine. “That would depend on the secret. Is it hurting anyone?”
“Is what hurting anyone?” Eddie asked. “The secret?” Wayne nodded and Eddie frowned, really thinking about it.
“Maybe some feelings,” he said after a moment. “But it’s not dangerous like they committed a crime or anything. It’s not even about their sexuality.”
Wayne hummed thoughtfully. “And is it a big secret or a little one?”
Again Eddie was forced to think hard about what that meant. “I guess it depends on the person, but in my eyes it’s pretty big.”
The elder Munson nodded. “Do you feel hurt by this secret?”
“Yeah, yeah. I guess I do.” He bowed his head and let out a shuddering breath.
“Is there a reason you think he wouldn’t have told you?” Wayne pressed.
“Of course no–” Eddie stopped as his brain caught up to his mouth. “Shit.”
Wayne raised a questioning eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Eddie admitted shyly. “There’s a pretty good reason why he wouldn’t have told me. And now I feel like the shit friend.”
Wayne stood up and pulled Eddie into a big hug. “Maybe so, but you have the time to course correct and show this friend that you are worthy of his secret.”
Eddie nodded. “Thanks, Uncle Wayne,” he mumbled into Wayne’s neck.
“I’m just glad I could help.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
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queenendless · 1 year
🔞🌃Nights (Adult!SatoSugu x Fem!Reader)🌃🔞
A/N: This is a short smut piece, serving as the follow-up to Moving Day.
CW: MATURE 18+ CONTENT INSIDE. NSFW, P in V, P in ass, double penetration, MMF, threesome, throuple, polyamory, short smut.
I'm no master at writing smut so sorry if it's not longer and stuff but writing short pieces means more often posts.
All credit for the characters/show goes to Gege sensei.
* Please DON'T plagarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC content. Reblog, like, and follow instead.
I hope whoever reads this enjoys.
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Gojo boastfully laughed as he regaled with tales of pissing off the stingy higher ups, Geto whisking his drink about in his hand with a wry grin and invested eyes, and you sitting in between them.
Sushi dinner with your two loves. What a way to celebrate this newest chapter in all your lives.
You resting your face in your folded arms as their banter rang richly to your ears, lulled by their shared warmth. Feeling cozy, at ease, and entranced in ways you didn't think you'd ever receive. With them, it was like you three were in your own little world.
It had gotten late. Leaving the sushi joint with leftovers in bags, you three were heartily full, light-headed and happy. Driving back home in your five seated cozy car with Geto at the wheel. Gojo leaned his head back in the passenger seat while you kissed them both on the cheek, making small talk with Geto while Gojo zoned out to nap.
Honestly … you felt on top of the world.
Like right now.
In the comfort of your newly shared bedroom.
As your soaking cunt gobbled up Geto's shaft with such ease as he lowered you down slowly enough to slide it in; his giant hands squeezing you from your hips to your thighs.
"Fuck~" His raven hair fanned out beneath him, panting heavily already. "Honey, you are heaven sent~" Geto's lovesick smile made your bud tingle at his girth stuffing.
"Aaah~!" Your erotic moan made Geto swell up even further. His cheeks turned more red, sweat trailed down his enamored face and his flexing muscles; his veins popping out in the process.
Scratching your nails down Geto's ribs elicited rough hisses from him that made you carefully lay down atop him so you could smooch him. "Sugu~" Your shortened nickname for him made Geto smile further as he opened his mouth to let you two French kiss sloppily.
The moment you felt Gojo's lean warm presence lay atop your back, his girth throbbed as he jerked off in his hand whilst rubbing his dripping head in between your peaches.
"Nngh!" Geto grinded his hips forward just to get friction stroking his balls against Gojo's.
"Mmph!" Your lips broke off, head reeling as your arse swayed in the air, just begging to have Gojo's girth stretch you out. And that's what he did, your scorching wet caverns sucking him up just as greedily. "Ha – Aah … Toru~" Your shortened nickname for him, panting needily, had his hips jolting into yours, kneading your cheeks roughly, leaving scratch marks in their wake.
"Fuuuck~! Tight as ever, sweetie~ You've really missed me, huh~?" His head plopped down on your back as his hand fondled your right tit from behind simultaneously with Geto massaging your left tit.
"Missed us both, honestly~" Geto drawled, flitting his tongue along your neck, suckling your collar bone, grinning at the red welt marks now imprinting you. "The feeling's mutual~"
With Suguru's left hand gripping your right hip, and Satoru's own left hand grabbing your left hip, you felt somewhat anchored through your heated mindset. Your hands dug into Geto's broad shoulders for steadiness, your hips rotated upwards as they together lifted you up only to pull you down to take them in further, striking every nerve ending ingrained inside.
When they thrusted upwards, you jolted forward. When they pulled back, your walls fluttered, squeezing their cocks desperately.
This addicting pattern was quickly escalating as neither man was not even close to fully truly releasing. And so, their now frenetic rhythm had you a moaning yelling mess as familiarity of times before began racing through your memory. Them pounding into your soaking tightness specifically.
"God, this feels right~!" Gojo buried his face in your neck, kissing and biting you insistently enough to leave marks as much as possible in every inch of skin there. "So fuckin hot~!"
Geto took in a mouthful of your bountiful breast that he was just twisting your nub with his fingers, now tracing patterns with his sizzling tongue as he nibbled on your bud starvingly, his lips curling on both ends up at you. "Agreed~ Such a fine tasting angel~"
God, their teething, their burning mouths, their firm-built hands fondling and rubbing your skin, everything drove you up the wall. Their touch. Their taste. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
Dopamine jutted through all three of you.
Pushing yourself off Geto as you raised your hips frenzy in tune with them pulling away just as swiftly.
Only to SLAM yourself down on them both, earning lustful swearing yells from them, amorously smiling looking at their squeezing eyed, panting, sweating flushed beauty. Up and down you went, rewarding you with unreasonable pleasure and their deep enriching symphony of moaning.
"Horny little lady~" Gojo hissed as his hand released your abused red boob to grab your chin and turn you around enough to kiss you savagely; your surprised mewls mingling with his growls as he won supreme exploring every inch of your mouth.
Pulling your hands off his shoulders to intertwine with his, the squelched sounds of Geto popping out your breast heard loud and clear; a line of drool connected his tongue to your drool covered hill as he pushed up on his elbows, dark lust coating his eyes. "Satoru, let me take the lead here."
"Aw~! But taking her from behind is heaven~!" Gojo's whine as he parted from your swollen slick mouth was accentuated by thrusting in one fast thrust up said ass, having your loud squealing self lean back against his front; your horny tongue out expression had their dicks twitching.
"So is this." Geto's devious smirk was your only warning as he quickly pushed off the bed, situating yourself straddling him, when his hand released yours to grab your right thigh and heaved it high enough and far apart to stretch your pussy to go with another angle had you crying out. "Well~?"
Pulling your left thigh enough apart to drape over his hip from behind, Gojo followed his lead, earning him the same result, seeing your wanton crying self hugging Geto around the neck.
"Huh … not bad Suguru~" Gojo chuckled before leaning over your curling whimpering self to kiss Geto deeply.
"I try~ Now Satoru, shall we~?"
"W – wait~!" Your breathless plea had both men watching and amazed that you turned around to tug on Gojo's black blindfold, pulling it off to let his hair down and his eyes be free. "Beautiful~"
Gojo blushed darker, his heart felt struck harder by Cupid's arrow, and his eyes brightened with unbridled love before he kissed you his thanks, smiling cheekily as he rubbed noses with you. "Kawaii~!"
Holding your legs up from under the knees in one hand, lifting you higher off the bed, you were blown away by their sheer strength electrifying your nerves in this new angle, taking turns thrusting in and out, tugging your legs further apart in tune to their spasming pegs.
Burying your face in Geto's thick neck as your boobs aligned against his boob like pecs, you chewed on them luscious builds before biting hard enough to leave teeth marks. "Goddess~!" Geto gushed, dazedly smiling at you marking him as yours.
Shaking the bed insistently enough had the headboard smacking the wall a lot as one slid in and the other slid out, shaking you back and forth between them as they sucked and bit every inch of you they could reach, further claiming you.
The cacophony of profane, raunchy yells and screams served as the melodies to your ears, bouncing off the walls from the overwhelming sensations rendering you unable to spot when blue and brown gazes made eye contact.
Both slid out until only their tips remained inside. Then they struck in unison. Your tender flesh stretched to its limits until they reached that right spot. You then saw blinding white, popping off Geto's pec to breathlessly gasp. Your cunt and a-hole slick and swollen enough for another double pining.
Grinding as one, their composure long lost, all that mattered now was carnal release. Your breath hitched at the overwhelming high, your nails dragging down Geto's back; his pained growl giving you goosebumps before devouring your open mouth, swallowing your cries.
Blood rushed to your core chaotically. The air between you all got so smothering hot, difficult to breathe calmly. You barely able to pull free from Geto's swollen wet mouth before Gojo's head swerved around to entrap you in a deep tongue fuck.
Your hair stuck to your forehead, gleaming from sweat, you were losing composure. You felt muscles tighten as you were literally pressed in between their built chests, bruising left on your knees from their grip digging in painfully.
"T – Toru! S – Sugu! I – I'm – !" You struggled to utter against Gojo's perfect lips as you felt yourself about to reach the precipice.
"S – Same! Sh – Shit!" Gojo gritted through his teeth before going back to sucking and nibbling roughly at the back of your neck.
"Come, love! C – Come for us~!" Geto croaked out as narrowed brown eyes blazed with vigor; his furrowed brows and set jawline evident signs of him barely keeping it together.
The same was said for you as your continued insatiable clenching around their lengths had them pegging you in their hardest drive. Combined, it all drove you over the edge.
All you saw and felt was that same white hotness, wailing out loud as you unraveled. Drenching their abdomens, their thighs, the bedsheets covers. A lot really.
Your obscene wail was what set their beings spasmodic; the trigger warning, as their guts tightened in unison as they convulsed hard, roaring out loud, bursting the dams, painting your insides with their essence, leaking out of you, down their lengths and mixing with your own.
Dissolved into pleasure, you all came undone, the highs coming in waves of heaven. Wanting to chase that high, the chaotic duo kept at it, their cream coated loads still hitting your deepest crevice just to get the rest out, grunting whilst you were an exhausted mewling wreck.
Finally, their own highs in the clouds faded off, leaving their once stiff dicks now softened up. They lowered you down, releasing your knees, setting your legs draped against the soiled sheets.
Gojo collapsed against your backside, resting his sweaty warm face against your right shoulder while Geto draped himself over you up front, his face buried in your tits. You shuddered as one hand draped through Geto's ruffled raven locks while your other hand brushed back Gojo's snowy locks stuck to his sweaty forehead.
"Y/n-chaaaaaan~" Gojo cooed teasingly despite the fatigue, no doubt smirking. "Hands on practice, success~"
"Quite the memorable lesson, indeed~" Geto's soothing voice also teemed with wry humor as he looked up at you with his nose lodged between your hills.
Of course, they'd be smug about making you cum hard.
"J … Jerks." Your halfhearted jab was overshadowed by you nearly fainting sideways, instinctively triggering their sudden boost in reflexes, having them grabbing you before laying you gently down on your side.
"Maybe we pushed her too far." Gojo hinted at.
Geto raised a questioning brow at his crazy bestie lover. "Maybe?"
Still, they chuckled weakly at the night's events as they laid on their sides, keeping their shafts inside your comfy self; the bump in your tummy being sheer physical evidence of them in the womb. Their arms encased you, flushed between their glowing drenched selves, their legs entangling with your own.
"Love you two." Your nearly silent murmur added to your overall allure as your hands balled up against Geto's abs, your cheek pressed up to his scar covered chest as your own pillow for the night, dozing off leisurely to la-la land.
Gojo kissed your free cheek, using your shoulder as his pillow, whispering into your ear, "We love you too, beautiful~"
Geto kissed your forehead, smiling looking at your precious self snuggling into him. "Always."
As the iconic sorcerer duo kissed each other goodnight, they too conked out, leaving cleaning up to the morning.
For now, three being one, in their own little world, was like and will be like many more nights to come.
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hunterofartemis7 · 3 months
*next morning*
Jason: *just trying to eat his breakfast*
Stephanie: *runs in with her laptop* y’all did an interview without me!?
Steph: *shows the interview that Raven and Damian did the day before* Well?!
Jason: well what?
Steph: y’all did an interview without me!
Jason: fuck we didn’t even want to do the interview! And it was mostly Raven and Damian, me and Dickybird were just there as backup
Steph: STILL! I wanted to be included
Jason: that’s a conversation for Raven and Damian. Now leave me to my breakfast *waves her off*
Steph:🙄 *walks off*
Jason: *sighs and keeps eating*
Damian: *comes down looking very tired*🥱
Jason: you look like crap
Damian: shut up *making coffee*
Dick: *comes downstairs* morning!
Jason: *waves*
Damian: *doesn’t acknowledge him*
Dick: you good little d?
Damian: I’m fine🥱
Jason: he’s dying
Dick: WHAT!?
Damian: no I’m not!
Jason: well you look like you are
Dick: I mean, you do look tired
Damian: I am tired
Jason: why? Rae keep you yep
Damian: sorta
Jason: I swear I was joking
Dick: how’d she keep you up?
Damian: she kept waking up from nightmares and then got really sad cause she wanted chicken nuggets and we didn’t have chicken nuggets
Jason: *cracks up*
Damian: shut up
Jason: do you got kept awake over some chicken nuggets?😂
Damian: *throws a knife near his head*
Damian: I said shut up
Jason: jackass!
Alfred: *walks in* language, Master Todd
Jason: sorry Alf
Damian: *in the corner trying to drink a whole pot of coffee*
Dick: he didn’t sleep at all
Alfred: *takes the pot* you don’t need that much coffee
Damian: Drake drinks twice as much as this!
Alfred: that’s why he’s in timeout
Damian: you suck.
Raven: *comes into the kitchen*
Damian: *gets up* morning beloved
Raven: morning🥱 *snuggles into his chest*
Damian: *holds her*
Jason: can you two go be cute somewhere else? I’m trying to eat here
Damian: shut it, Todd
Raven: *mumbles* food..🥺
Damian: *kisses her forehead* go sit. I’ll make us breakfast
Raven: thank you *goes sit by Jason*
Jason: so all she has to do is give you puppy dog eyes for food, but when I ask for just a sandwich when I broke my legs, you told me to crawl and get it myself
Damian: yes.
Jason: your an ass😑
Damian: deal with it *makes him and Rae food*
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Damian: enjoy beloved
Raven: thank you ☺️ *digs in*
Jason: where’s mine?
Damian: make it yourself *sits with raven and eats*
Jason: 🙄
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I saw your hc post with Nathan with a feminine s/o and the part where he liked listening to her talk and that got me thinking about this. He would love it if his s/o played piano. Like, he puts a piano in places like the living room and his office just so when he's there he can listen to them play. Sh maybe you could make a small hc post based on that idea
Ahh, I love this! Sorry it took me so long to post!
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Nathan Bateman GN!Reader • Rating: T•Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | requestinfo• ko-fi •
Warnings: Soft!Nathan , swearing, over use of italics, typos, not beta read, railroad sentences, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 455
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Oh my gosh, literally pianos everywhere. You have to tell him to calm the fuck down. 
“Do you want a new piano?” “No, you bought me five already.” “Do you need one in a different colour?” “No.” “What about another grand piano for the-” “Nathan.” 
Doesn’t pester you to play for him, but is very happy whenever you play. Even if you’re trying out a new piece and feel like you're constantly messing up, he’s just 100% heart eyes at all times.
Will, however, act like he isn’t if you call him on it. 
If you’re playing and it isn’t within his earshot you’re gonna get a series of, ‘why aren’t you playing near me so I can listen?’ type messages.
You end up just practising near him so he doesn’t complain. 
You call him a baby (affectionate) about it. 
He says he isn’t and sulks for 3 hours. 
When you find him you show him a little song you’ve written for him. 
He gets a little over emotional that you made something for him. And tries to hide it. (He does a bad job.)
Asks you to teach him how to play.
He understands the theory really well, but gets annoyed when he can’t play perfectly after 30 seconds. 
“You’re really good Nathan!”
“I’m shit.”
“You can’t expect to play it perfectly the first time.”
You roll your eyes. “Because you have to learn the muscle memory, you couldn’t box amazingly the first time you tried could you?” 
“I could.” 
“Fuck off.” 
You give him little lessons every day, which he adores. He progresses well, he’s obviously trying really hard, but after a couple of weeks, you realise he’s doing it more to spend time with you and to share in something you enjoy than to become a master at it. (Which surprises you.) 
He likes calling you ‘bossy’ when you tell him to practise or play something. This morphs a little and sticks into a nickname, ‘boss’. 
Whenever he’s on a conference call and someone asks him to do something he doesn’t want to, instead of saying a flat ‘no.’ he just starts shrugging and saying ‘you better ask the boss.’ 
He does not explain this to anyone, causing a lot of confusion (which he loves). 
No one has any idea that you’re ‘the boss’ until a rare in-person event when Nathan isn’t being his hermit self and he refers to you by the nickname in front of a couple of staff. 
What you expect to be the end of the joke turns into people asking and emailing you for permission and sign offs. (And to get Nathan to do things.) 
Nathan finds this all hilarious and will not correct the situation.
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Thank you for reading!
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moosesarecute · 2 months
Part 9: The Shadows Sing
Part 8 Part 10
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“What?” You almost yelled out.
“You heard what I said, Y/N,” Master Raven told you and looked at you with his serious eyes. You felt yourself shrinking under his gaze. “Their cabin is burned to the ground. Someone has to house them and your cabin is the biggest.”
You opened your mouth to protest.
“Or you can take Sole and I’ll take Sherry,” Master Raven said before you could speak and you knew you had lost the argument. “That’s what I thought.”
Sherry walked towards you. She was drenched, but looked okay otherwise.
“Rough Night?” You asked her.
“You could say that,” she answered in an awkward tone.
“I’ll need an hour to clean before you can come over,” you told her and then you started on the way home before she could say anything.
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“For fucks sake,” you said the second you closed the door to your cabin. “Of course it had to be fucking Sherry.”
“You were going to stop swearing!” Your shadows called you out.
You ignored them as you sprung into action.
You hid the extra food Azriel had given to you, you ate the rest of the chocolate cake that you had planned to save for a few days and then you put away Azriel’s note.
You then rushed towards your table with a piece of paper and a pen.
“Elizabeth?” You asked aloud and not long after your shadow, that you had named Elizabeth, stood before you. You didn’t know why Elizabeth was the name you ended on, but it felt like a good name for a leader. “Do you think you can find the way to Velaris?”
What she told you next surprised you.
“You have a secret meeting place to meet Azriel’s shadows?” You asked her. She nodded. “That’s unbelievable. Does Azriel know?”
When you mentioned his name, your shadows surrounded you. They danced in happiness.
“Azriel doesn’t know. Only us and friends!” Your shadows answered.
“Okay, you go and meet his shadows at your meeting place and go with them to Velaris. Make sure Azriel gets this.” You gave her the paper you had written. “I need all of you to stay in Velaris for a while. Elizabeth, you will follow the others and then come back here.”
“Your not coming?”
You let out a sigh and shook your head. Your shadows started to hug your entire body and tried to pull you towards the front door.
“You know I can’t leave,” you tried to remind them. “I would come if I could. But you’ll be safe with Azriel. He’ll protect you. And it’ll only be a week or two. Please behave.”
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Azriel was in the middle of training when he got a hug attack from the shadows that made him fall over.
“Cauldron!” Cassian exclaimed with a laugh. “Are you okay brother?”
Azriel sat up and the confusion in his face turned into terror as he saw your shadows mixed with his.
Something had to be seriously wrong.
“I’ll be back soon,” Azriel told Cassian as he ran inside The House of Wind.
First when he had closed the door to his room, one of your shadows flew towards him with a folded paper in its hand.
Azriel opened the paper and almost immediately smiled at your messy handwriting.
The twins’ cabin burned down after the thunderstorm. I have to live with fucking Sherry until they have build it up again. Can you babysit? I don’t want them to be alone for that long. I would say it’s going to be a week or two. Elizabeth (the shadow that gave you this note) can answer back to me.
I’m sorry, I know it’s asking for a lot. I owe you.
x your huntress
PS. did you know our shadows have a secret meeting place?
Azriel read the note twice. He could almost hear the panic in your voice.
“Of course you can stay here,” Azriel told your shadows. They hugged his arms as an answer.
The second he agreed a shadow, Elizabeth he presumed, flew out his window.
Azriel looked at all the shadows that took up almost all the place in his room. It would be a long week.
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The first thing that divided your shadows from Azriel’s was how curious your shadows were.
Every time Azriel walked into a new room, they would explore. They would look in all shelves, corners, cupboards or windows. They loved to see new things, and Azriel quickly realized most of the things he owned or used daily was new to them.
Where you would clean yourself in a lake, Azriel was used to the bathtub. You would get water from a river, he got it from a sink. Your shadows were mesmerized.
Azriel wished you could have been there with them to make you understand that you deserved more in life.
The thing your shadows didn’t like was people.
The same evening they arrived was family dinner and the second Azriel walked into the room where his family already was your shadows clung to his body and did not leave. They almost hid away.
Azriel realized they probably hadn’t met many people, it least not many nice people. You had been hiding them for most of your life.
The only problem was that they clung so tightly to his body, that he found it hard to move.
“You alright there, Az?” Rhys asked him.
“Yeah,” he answered wanting the least amount of questions.
“Are those your shadows?” Cassian asked. “They’ve been acting out all day!”
“They’re new,” Azriel said.
This entire family looked at him confused. He felt Rhys’ touch on his mental shields, but he didn’t let him in. This was your secret, if you wanted it to be a secret, it would be.
Lucky for him no one asked more questions.
Throughout the dinner, your shadows started to relax more. They wandered around. Never too far away from Azriel, of course, but they moved further and further away.
Two shadows in particular had found Nyx and seemed to enjoy being in his company. When the two year old threw his cup on the floor, your shadows would pick it up. Nyx found it hilarious.
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“I’m going to bed,” Azriel said to his family as he slowly moved out of the living room.
Both his and your shadows moved with him. Your shadows had been swirling around the entire day, but had calmed down the last hour or so. He understood they were tired, but they didn’t want to leave him.
“They’re scared,” his shadows explained to him.
Azriel felt his heart stop a little and remembered back to last time his shadows had told him their friends were scared.
“Does that mean that Y/N is scared?”
He waited patiently for an answer.
“They are too far away to be fully connected to their mistress. They’re scared because they haven’t been this far away from home before.”
As Azriel went to bed he couldn’t stop his thoughts from wandering. Were you also scared, because you had never been that far away from your shadows either? He definitely hadn’t. He had experienced times where his shadows for different reasons had been absent, but they always came back after a few hours.
This could take weeks.
As Azriel laid into bed he felt shadows swirling up his chest, where they eventually stopped. Your smell of pines and night air lingered on them.
A smile spread on Azriel’s face as he had the best sleep he had slept in months.
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Azriel had been babysitting as you called it for over a week now. He missed your training session and waited patiently on your call that everything was alright and that he could come back to you.
He had multiple times had to hold both yours and his shadows back from going back to you. Azriel had a good life. He enjoyed his work and his family, but you made his life so much lighter. He eventually found it hard to keep himself from going back to you.
He had realized how much he liked to be with you ages ago, but it was first now he realized just how much you changed his everyday life.
If he had a rough mission, he would come train with you. If he was happy, he wanted to tell you about it. He felt himself needing to know what you had been doing. He felt himself going crazy without knowing if you had been eating or if you didn’t have money for food.
He wanted to know if you had won the latest fight rounds or if you still were longing for the chicken.
He felt himself missing the smile that grew on your face when you were proud of yourself. The one where you would bit your lip to prevent it from growing too big.
Azriel realized, after knowing you for over half a year, after dreaming about you for over 2 years, after four hugs and one cuddle session, that he was in love with you. His huntress.
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“It should be fast,” Rhys explained to Azriel and Cassian. “It’s only rumors, but if it’s true we’re in deep shit.”
Rhys wanted Azriel and Cassian to check up on some rogue illyrans. They are rumored to be in The Middle plotting a coup.
Azriel immediately tensed as the High Lord mentioned your home. He hated that you might be in even more danger than you already were. It had been over two weeks now, and he still hadn’t heard from you.
To say he was going crazy was an understatement.
“We’ll go right away,” Cassian told Rhys and Azriel transported them into the forest he had learned to know.
They landed in a clearing far away from where you usually would go.
“Tell them that they have to hide here,” Azriel asked his shadows to tell yours. “We’ll be back in an hour or two.”
Azriel relaxed a little when he saw your shadows starting to hide in different trees and bushes.
They had been the most obedient he had ever seen them the last two weeks, but they were not trained for spying.
Azriel and Cassian began to move deeper into the forest. They had passed the river where he first talked to you and were now moving towards the lake.
They followed no specific path, they were now just looking for signs of living or movement of a big group.
How many rogue illyrans there were, they didn’t know. But he knew that your hunting group had specific places to fight, so if he found something, he would know who it was.
What he didn’t know about, was the black Raven that sat at the top of the trees, preparing to let the rogue illyrans know that their High Lord’s men was looking for them.
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@i-have-a-thing-for-the-dark @saltedcoffeescotch @rcarbo1 @mrsjna @kitsunetori @thecraziestcrayon @blessthepizzaman
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borbygorlinbbqworld · 5 months
The Resort
For saving his life, your friend Georgie had booked you at a resort as payment.
"Just make sure you don't eat or drink before going to this place, and just go along with their process. Won't tell you why, but you'll thank me later."
'This place,' he had explained, was a resort for men. It sounded similar to a brothel, but Georgie insisted it was a ritzy, upscale place. Given you were his only non-billionaire friend, you begrudgingly accepted his word as truth.
So when you arrived and your personal guide showed you to your large penthouse suite overlooking the ocean on one side (and a very public hotspring bath), you were glad you took his advice. Even the bathroom had an oversized shower you were certain was larger than your shoddy apartment.
After letting you get settled, your guide returned to the door with a young woman.
Her long auburn hair hung in waves that curved around her chest. You couldn't help but notice she was extremely busty, if not otherwise petite. The cute brunette had attempted to go with a modest shirt, but the buttons gaped huge holes from the massive tits trying to pop them open. The outline of her bra was clearly visible through the thinner fabric. The bra itself must not have been padded or lined in any way, because her fat areolas made their presence just known enough for your dick to twitch.
Oh fuck...
"This is Estie. She will be taking care of you this week. You, and only you." With a curt bow, your guide left you standing, still staring at Estie's tits.
It took you a moment, but you finally remembered staring was rude. You shook yourself. "Sorry. I didn't mean to be creepy... I'm just... I'm really not sure what this place is about."
Estie smiled sweetly and tucked an auburn strand of hair behind her ear. "Your friend booked you here, right Master?
You were sure she was forced to call you that, but hearing her say it definitely stiffened your cock. "Yeah."
"Well, he booked you a week at our resort, where we pamper men through nourishment and sensuality." She dropped her gaze, a slight blush creeping across her cheeks as she twirled a piece of hair. "He booked you in for our VP package."
"You mean VIP?"
In shaking her head, her huge melons swayed this way and that. "No... Virgin Premium, Master."
Your mouth went dry. Georgie may have had a sense of humour, but surely he didn't think you were a virgin? Unless... could it have meant something else?
Your stomach growled, reminding you of your decision to take your friend's advice in the first place. Estie looked a little uncomfortable at the sound and pressed her and against the side of her boob; it was the same sort of motion you'd seen your sister do to check how full she was before feeding your nephew.
And, if you had to be honest, Estie's breasts looked really fucking full. And not just because they were big tits to begin with, but the buttons that had already been struggling to keep her huge mammaries contained started popping open one by one. With each release, her swelling breasts pushed her shirt open, until finally you were left looking at a pair of fleshy fat mounds. Blue veins ran along her skin, connecting to what you assumed had to be her nipples. Though the tiny bra was still in place, the thin fabric was only able to cover most of her areolas.
Better off yet, the pink fabric was damp at the spots her hard nipples poked through.
Words. You could barely manage them. Between your ravenous stomach, hard-as-a-rock dick, and urge to squeeze those massive udders, your body was at a stand still.
As she stepped further into your room, closer to you, her tits sloshed. "You must be super hungry."
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Her beads of milk spattered against the hardwood. This girl was literally so full of milk, her expanding breasts were leaking. You had to tuck your rock-hard dick up into the brim of your boxers, hoping it would contain it.
"Did you know a woman's breasts can tell how hungry you are, just from your saliva, or lack thereof?"
Your own mouth felt dry, thirsty. What you wouldn't give to be below those leaking udders right now...
"I'm a virgin, but they give us fertility drugs so we can assist with your nourishment needs... among other things."
So that's what Georgie had meant by coming hungry. Still...
"O-Other things...?"
Estie nodded. "Virgin premium members are permitted to... impregnate us to keep us lactating, Master."
The brim of your boxers wasn't enough to hold back your erection it throbbed and slipped from its confine so it stood at attention. It had been a while for you, but the head dampened with precum at the thought of burying your seed deeply within her.
Her breasts swelled again. With the sound of stretching fabric, her thin bra finally snapped, letting those ginormous milky mounds free. Her rouge areola looked more than a mouthful, but her hardened, leaking nipples begged you to try anyway.
The gravity of her swelling breasts pulled her forward, and Estie squeaked.
"They can also tell when you're horny, Master," she whispered breathlessly. "Would you rather I relieve your hunger or sexual urges first?"
What a choice to have to make.
Evidently, the stricken feeling was pasted all over your face, because she gave a little giggle. Estie walked over to your bed, her swollen mammaries sloshing so much milk around, the droplets turned to tiny rivers running down her stomach.
She sat at the foot of the bed, her nipples grazing her thighs as her breasts had expanded to take up all her torso.
Food first, you decided.
You knelt down before her and reached a shaking hand out. She let out the tiniest squeak as your fingertips grazed her warm skin; her tit were soft, but so fucking full. Daring to go further, you squeezed the front most part of her breast, as much of a handful as you could manage.
She moaned as hot milk sprayed you in the face.
"I-I-I'm so sorry!"
You licked your lips. Her milk was sweet, like milk candy, and you knew you needed more. And given how much her tits were already soaked and leaking, you were willing to wager she probably needed to be emptied.
You took her swollen udders in you hands, lifting them up and down and feeling the milk slosh inside like water balloons close to popping. They weighed a ton!
Without another thought, you put your mouth to her nipple and gave a gentle suckle. Your mouth flooded with delicious milk you happily guzzled.
On your knees in front of her, you nursed on her one breast while the other soaked your shoulder. She snaked a hand through your hair and gave a huge sigh of relief, which made your dick give a wild twitch.
Never before had your sweat pants felt so tight, but there you were with a massive erection needing release.
You let go of her breast, your lips making a loud pop when you unlatched. You were still so hungry, but incredibly horny.
You gyrrated your hips against her legs as you guzzled more delicious milk from her other breast. After finally getting your fill, you knew you needed to relieve yourself.
Yanking her panties down wouldn't have been in your normal repertoire of moves, but then again, you hadn't been this horny before.
As you shoved your cock in her, you both let out a pleasureful moan. You jammed it deep inside her, savoring just how fucking tight she felt around your throbbing cock. With each thrust, she made a sound that drove you mad with desire. You couldn't stop humping her, even if you wanted to at this point.
"Make... sure... you... cum... inside... me... Master..."
It was the final word that made you release your load. You thrust it deeply inside her, feeling your balls give everything they had. With another few pumps, you pulled out and stared down at her n the bed.
On her back, her massive breasts were leaky, fat mountains whose veins were slightly less prominent. She panted, her eyes hooded with pleasure. Though you knew there was far more that came out of you, only a little bit of cum had seeped out of her.
She sat up and bit her lip as she stared at you. "I... I didn't know it would feel so good..."
You smirked. "Guess you won't be giving anyone else the Virgin Premium package anymore, huh?"
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jujutsubaby · 5 months
after hours (part 9)
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☆ pairing: toji fushiguro x afab!reader, satoru gojo x afab!reader ☆ summary: the morning after your ravenous night with toji leaves you wanting more, especially after being interrupted by the weight of all your responsibilities. thank god gojo is there to help, right? ☆ tags: modern au, babysitting au, academia au ☆ warnings: 18+ !! MINORS DNI !! oral sex (m!recieving), dirty talk, gojo being a male menace ☆ a/n: one chapter, two guys...y/n is on a roll xD she's living her best life. also this one is a bit short but i promise it's bc i've got a lot cooking for the next chapter!! sry it took so long to update too i'm still getting thru a bunch of asks and other fics and everything and also starting a new job. life is weird but fun! 🖤🤍 series masterlist 🤍🖤
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you wake up feeling extremely tired and groggy; the sun is hidden behind the clouds this morning, but it’s the after effects of the joint you smoked with toji last night that gives you a brutally rude awakening. feeling more sluggish than usual, it takes you a while to remember where you are, the lack of decorations in a plain master bedroom throwing you off. it’s not until you hear toji shifting next to you that all the memories from last night flood your mind: his call you accidentally accepted, him hearing everything you and satoru did, cumming three times – no four times last night…
oh god. you really went all out this time. you had fun but oh my god, you have a final to prep for! you turn over and face toji and see he’s still fast asleep and then you check the time: 6:30am. still pretty early. you check your phone and see a couple messages from shoko and satoru. you check shoko’s first: 
shoko: comin home tn?
shoko: everything good????
oh my god, you totally forgot to tell shoko you would be potentially spending the night with toji, and your stomach drops at how worried she must’ve been. you quickly type out a response: 
you check satoru’s texts: 
satoru [10:04pm]: missed ya at the study group :( 
satoru  [10:06pm]: wyd tmw? wanna study? 
satoru [1:17am]: what position he got u in?
wow. it started off so nicely until he… gojo’d it up. so close. you’re not even sure why you got into this complicated mess with him to begin with. 
y/n: ur sooo insufferable
y/n: i’ll be in the university library if u wanna come in the afternoon to study  🙄
“am i interrupting something?” you’re startled as toji wraps his muscular arms around you, holding you closer to his chest.. your bad mood quickly dissipates as you feel something hard grazing your ass. you turn your head to face toji as you grin groggily. 
“you’re not but it seems like you wanna start somethin’...” you say, slowly shaking your ass  against his erect member. toji’s hands slip under your sweatshirt and travel up to your chest, finding the mounds of your titties and playing with them as he thrusts his hips against your ass. 
“maybe…” you bite your lip and lean closer to him, engulfing him in a messy, sloppy kiss. his tongue darts out, rediscovering your mouth again as you sigh into him. you shift your body so that you’re facing him, and wrap your legs around his waist as his hands move slowly from your titties to your cheeks of your ass, massaging them as they grind slowly on him. 
“fuck, pumpkin, you’re gonna drive me crazy,” toji groans as his sweats become increasingly uncomfortable due to how much his throbbing member is straining to get out. you playfully bite his lip, driving him even crazier. in swift motions, he pulls on top of him without breaking the kiss, and you yelp in surprise. your core reflexively starts to grind properly on his arousal, causing you to soak through your panties. 
toji unexpectedly thrusts into your clothed core, causing you to yelp before toji quickly slaps a hand over your mouth. “shh, can’t wake up –” he grunts as you desperately rut against his arousal,  “can’t wake up megumi…” his eyes suddenly snap open in panic as he stills your hips. he quickly grabs his phone and checks the time and swears under his breath. 
“what’s going on?” you whine, upset that he put an end to your early morning shenanigans. you lay your body on top of him while cradling his face as you press small wet kisses to his jawline, hoping he’ll forget about whatever he has to do today. ugh, just thinking that thought makes you annoyed about all the things you have to do today, now…
toji groans, willing himself to focus in spite of your soft kisses and whines. “gotta wake megumi up in 30…soccer meet…” 
oh, fuck. you totally forgot about that – the whole reason you and toji baked brownies in the first place. there’s no arguing with him about this and you know it, but god, you really wish you didn’t have to face reality so soon. you’d do anything to stay in a little bit more of momentary bliss before having to get back to the real world with final exams. you complain and sigh under your breath as you slowly slide off toji, as he apologizes and gets up slowly, both of you still trying to shake the sleep from your body. 
your eyes pan down to the tent in toji’s sweats, still visible. hm, maybe you don’t have to leave just now. you bite your lip in anticipation as you touch toji’s chest lightly, and drag your fingers slowly down to the waistband of his sweats, and then on top of the bulge of his own arousal. you apply some light pressure as you loosely grip it, causing toji to suck in a sharp breath. 
“fuck, don’t make this harder than it has to be, pumpkin. just told you we can’t…gotta get ready and –”
“c’mon toji~,” you coo sultrily, using your finger to trace the outline of him, “it’ll be a quickie. i’ll suck you off and you’ll finish before it’s even time…” you make a show of swallowing in anticipation and hunger to have him in your mouth, and toji pinches the bridge of his nose. he wants you. bad. and maybe it won’t hurt anyone if megumi is like, what, 5 minutes late to the meet? it’s just fucking soccer. 
“you’re gonna be the death of me.” he says sharply, but you can hear the hint of playfulness in his voice. “y’got 5 minutes to make me cum, think you’re up to the challenge?” toji teases, as he already begins to bunch your hair up in a makeshift ponytail and pulls you close down on him. 
you giggle, and bite your lip to look up at him. “bet.” you immediately get straight to work on him, palming him through his sweats before slowly bringing down his sweats. you use your palm to rub against his raging arousal, and his guttural moan only spurs you on. 
“no teasing, pumpkin, time’s ticking…” toji keeps his hands firmly grasped in your hair, having full control on your head. you would be lying if you weren’t turned on at the fact that he could start fucking your mouth anytime he wanted to with his vice like grip, but you ignore the pool forming between your thighs. toji releases his throbbing member from its confines, the tip begging for attention.
you start slow, kissing his tip delicately and gradually taking more of him with every kiss, until you have him inside your mouth. you use your tongue swirl around his tip, causing him to let out a breathy groan. “f-fuck, pumpkin, just like that…” he lightly pushes your head down, carefully allowing you to take in more of his length. “i know you can take more. such a slutty girl dying to suck me off first thing in the morning.” 
you moan against him, his filthy words spurring you take even more of him and until he hits the back of your throat, making you gag a little. toji takes control of your movements and starts bobbing your head up and down his shaft.
you feel his shaft twitching and his breaths getting shakier and you know toji is close. “fuck, pumpkin, gonna cum all over you.” toji increases the pace in which he fucks your mouth and you get ready to feel his spillage down your throat before he abruptly lifts your mouth off of him. he guides to the ground on your knees, while he strokes himself off. 
“wanna see myself all over you face, pumpkin,” he groans, increasing the speed of his strokes. “y’gonna let daddy cum all over your face?” you nod your head enthusiastically, and take your tongue out so that the tip touches it as it bobs from toji’s strokes. just as he promised, toji splatters your face with his cum like a jackson pollock painting, and whatever gets on your tongue, you make a lewd attempt to swallow. 
“fuck,” toji says, out of breath, “you’re such a fuckin’ slut you know that?”. he leans down and wipes some of his release from your face with his thumb and you open your mouth to suck on it. “bet you’re soaked under there…” toji murmurs, as his eyes trail down to your shorts. you bite your lip in anticipation as his hands trail down to the waistband of your shorts. he dips his fingers under your panties, and just as his fingers are about to touch the one place you really needed him to, the alarm in toji’s room and megumi’s room goes off. 
both you and toji quickly snap out of your lustful trance and remember reality. “oh, fuck” toji swears as he quickly puts on his pants as you grab tissues from the bedside drawer to clean up the mess on your face. if there’s a term for getting blue balled but for girls, you have it for sure, but you feel bad whining about it since there’s nothing the both of you can do about it. 
you’re about to head to the bathroom to wash up as toji puts on a jacket before heading to megumi’s room to wake him up. meanwhile, you use the toothbrush that toji had been so kind to bring for you the last time you spent the night and freshen up. it’ll be fine. just don’t think about how your clit is literally throbbing right now or how your panties are soaked. don’t think about how close his fingers are. don’t. don’t. DON’T! 
you frustratedly head downstairs to pack up your stuff. maybe if you make it home fast enough, you can use your vibrator to get some quick release from this morning. yes, that seems like the way to go. your thoughts are interrupted by toji coming downstairs with megumi.
“good morning, megumi”, you sing. he looks especially cute when he’s just tired and just woken up, with his big little yawns and droopy eyes. 
“mornin’...” he mumbles as toji puts him down. he rubs his eyes as he goes into the garage to get his cleats. 
toji walks to you and gives you an apologetic look. “sorry, pumpkin, i hate you leave you needy like this.” toji playfully pouts as he pulls you into a hug. he runs his fingers through your hair as you inhale his scent – spiced wood and a hint of his laundry detergent. 
“you owe me,” you say, looking up at him. “it’s taking everything in me to not jump your bones right this second.” you’re not totally lying when you say that. 
toji leans down to whisper in your ear. “the next time i see you, i’m gonna be eating you out for fuckin’ hours, pumpkin.” you shudder in anticipation, and you realize this conversation is not helping your situation… 
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you pull up to the driveway of your apartment and quickly take the stairs two at a time, as you want nothing more than to take a quick shower (and maybe cum your brains out, too, who knows? hard to tell.). you open the door to see shoko already dressed and making waffles for breakfast. the smell of maple syrup and butter makes your mouth salivate as you realize just how hungry you are. 
“welcome back, slut!” shoko shouts from the kitchen. 
“mornin’ bitch!” you greet, as you take your shoes off at the entrance. shoko pokes her head out of the kitchen and eyes you up and down. “wait, what are you doing up so early?” you ask, realizing shoko usually is never awake before 10. 
“remember? i told you i needed to start studying step 3 like yesterday!” she says. you can’t recall if she ever said anything about taking the medical licensing exam before right now, but it does no good for you to fight her on it. 
“wait, are you going to the library to study, then?” maybe you could tag along with her and then you’ll be forced to actually make progress with the final exam. 
“yes, wanna come? you and satoru have a final right? and you’re just out and about “babysitting”?” shoko does dramatic air quotes around that word, making you roll your eyes. 
“you’re one to talk when you apparently have step 3 and you were with utahime last night,” you retort. 
“she’s a teacher, okay! she was teaching me!”
“teaching you to put your tongue down her throat.” you try to hold back your smile but fail. 
shoko laughs before going back to her playfully stern face. “get your shit ready for the library quickly, slut. i made you an extra waffle.”
you promise you’ll be out as soon as possible as you head to your room and take the fastest shower known to mankind. no really, you do not want to be caught dead being late for something shoko wants to do. you chuck your clothes into the laundry hamper as you decide on what to wear to study on a…damn. a rainy sunday. you decide on a cashmere blush pink turtleneck sweater with a pair of comfy black mom jeans. underneath it, you layer a skin tight full sleeve gray shirt to keep you warm. you quickly do your skin care and apply minimal make up, before grabbing your black raincoat and bag and going back to the kitchen. 
you see shoko almost finished with her waffle while yours is neatly set on a plate with strawberries (your favorite fruit), butter, and maple syrup. you quickly pat down your wet hair as you take a seat (you’re just gonna have to settle for wet hair in the rain today but it’s okay, it’s not like you have anyone to impress). you quickly scarf down the semi-cold waffle while you and shoko update each other about yesterday. 
“i can’t believe he blue balled you like that! jobless and a menace!” shoko says sympathetically. 
“stop calling him jobless! his job is being a father.” you defend toji, but you won’t lie, it’s a bit hard. 
shoko and you both giggle as you guys head to the campus library. 
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you yawn as you take a sip of your iced hong kong coffee milk tea. this shit’s doing nothing to keep you awake. you check the time. 2:56pm. you’ve been studying for around 6 hours already, and your brain is fried. you’ve tried to take frequent breaks with shoko, but she has very unconventional study methods – study for hours straight and then sleep for double the amount of time and then rinse and repeat. it was psychotic to say the least. that is to say, you haven’t had a chance to wind down in between hours. the bright side, however, is that you were lightyears ahead of your study schedule. maybe you could afford to fuck around a little bit… 
you grab your phone from your bag and see 2 missed calls from satoru. shit. you can’t call him from this particular campus library since it was a designated quiet library, so you text him insead: 
y/n: sorry i missed ur calls what’s up
satoru: comin in 5 what floor u at babygirl
y/n: 5th and don’t call be babygirl 
satoru: np babygirl 
you roll your eyes. it’s so infuriating to talk to satoru sometimes, but especially now after you both shared an unexpected kiss (and more) together. now that you think of it, this is the first time you’re seeing him since the barcade. should you be feeling nervous? strangely, you’re feeling fine. if anything, you’re feeling that unfortunate familiar feeling down there that you forgot about after toji left you hanging, but are now remembering because of satoru. 
you’re not one to make moves on someone like satoru, but you bite your lip thinking about how maybe (read: definitely) convince him to…take a walk with you as a study break. you ponder on it a little bit more, weighing out the pros and cons. 
pros are that you’ll finally be able to get a release, especially after this morning and working so hard. the cons, however, are mainly that you’ll be doing that with…satoru. your best friend. your annoying will-definitely-make-fun-of-you-for-this-request best friend. with satoru being around a minute from getting here, you decide on just winging it based on how you feel. 
shoko and you hear sounds coming from the corner entrance of the floor and look up to see nanami, haibara, and satoru trailing behind them, balancing three cups of coffee in one hand with ease. satoru and haibara are snickering about something and nanami looks embarrassed to be near them and starts walking a bit faster ahead of them. you wave your hand and grab his attention as the group walks to your table. 
“hey y/n! how’s it goin–”
“if any of you idiots even speak more than a word above an undetectable whisper, i’m going to kill you all.” shoko says, interrupting nanami’s greeting. 
you all look at each other silently, taking shoko’s threats to heart. 
“gojo, i swear to god if you say even a single thing–” shoko starts as satoru’s shit eating grin starts to form slightly as he pulls a chair next to you. 
“relaaaaaax, ieri. you won’t even know i exist, besides, you can’t hate me. i got you coffee!,” he assures, placing one of the three coffee cups near shoko. you don’t believe him and you suspect shoko doesn’t either.  haibara and nanami sit across from you next to shoko as they keep their heads down and pull out their books and laptops as quietly as humanly possible. you give a meek wave to them. 
gojo silently hands you a clear iced cup, with what you can only deduce to be an iced matcha latte with oatmilk. you apprehensively take a sip. unsweetened. just how you like it. “wow, my signature order?”
“what can i say? i’m a guy who pays attention.” satoru says, shrugging overtly humbly. 
“more like you’re obsessed with me.” you take another sip. 
“is that such a bad thing?” he says, lowering his voice, and bringing his face closer to you.
“you guys need to shut the fuck up.” shoko says, not looking up from her laptop and whatever she was writing in her notebook. 
“hey, i just booked a study room on the floor. let’s head there and study so we don’t bother shoko-san.” says haibara, as he closes his laptop and slowly gathers his stuff from his desk. 
“good idea!” you say, as you grab your stuff to move. satoru hasn’t bothered to take a single thing out, so he grabs your coffee and waits for you to pack up your things as nanami and haibara go ahead of you to secure the room. you and satoru follow closely behind. 
“sooo…” satoru starts. 
“sooo what?” your voice a low whisper as you walk away from the table shoko is studying at.
“how was last night?” 
you roll your eyes. of course he wants to know that. you spin the question back to him. “how was your night?” 
“it was fine. boring, really, because we kept on talking about quantum theory and like, all i could think of was, ugh.” satoru dramatically rubbed his temples to feign agony. “all i could think of was bending you over on a table and using my tongue to lick your–”
“WHAT?! SHUT THE FUCK–” you quickly lowered your voice as people gave you dirty looks around the library at your outburst. “shut the fuck. up. satoru.” your eyes widen at how bold he was to say something like that at a library. with nanami and haibara just a little ahead of you. 
gojo seems unbothered and shrugs. “you asked?”
“yeah, people ask and you just say ‘it was good, thanks.’ not explicitly laying out all your thoughts!” you chastise. you’re choosing to ignore that oh so familiar feeling between your legs. 
gojo takes a sip of his coffee. “c’mon, y/n. let’s just…man, fuck this ‘study session’”. you’re unsure why he does air quotes around ‘study session’ because for all intents and purposes, you did plan to use this time to get ahead of your study plan. “let’s just go back to my place or somethin’. suguru’s not home, we can just chill. do some of that studying you wanna do, and like, whatever else.” 
“you’re literally too horny function.”
“don’t act like you don’t wanna as well.”
ok, he got you there. “not right now, i wanna study!” you look at him, this time with pleading eyes. “don’t say anything horny in there, please. i can’t have people know about this, it’s so embarrassing.” 
“don’t say anything in there and i’ll blow you in the library after you explain the quantum theory stuff that’s gonna be on the final to me.”
this deal makes satoru’s eyes widen. it’s too good to be true for him, because if there’s one thing he’s good at besides being a male menace, it’s explaining tough science concepts to cute girls. “deal.”
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wonderbias · 1 year
Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) - Chapter Two
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x OC (Visenya Targaryen)
Warnings: MDNI, +18, language, violence, manipulation, sexism (style a la medieval), blood, angst, kinslayer Aemond, Valyrian supremacist Daemon.
AN: The dividers are from @itbmojojoejo. Their work is awesome, and they make one of the prettiest dividers I've seen. Any questions/asks/any kind of message, feel free to contact me. Enjoy!
AN2: So...here it is. I've been typing as fast as I can once I got the idea, not even my college projects got this much attention from me. Thank you so much for the support and for waiting, you don't know how much it means to me! As always, this isn't beta-ed so...any mistakes, it was a fairy or a witch. Thank you!
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Aemond had never felt so confused in his life. The past few days had been a whirlwind of chaos, tears and so much confusion.
The news that his wife had vanished from their chambers had been sent to every House of the Realm. Everyone was distraught -even his grandfather had been very vocal about his worry- and the Lords were pressing on his family for any information.
The day that Rhaenyra renounces her claim to the Throne her only daughter disappears?
“A plot” “A trap” “Too many coincidences” “Doesn’t look good” “Where does this leave us?”
The Lords whispered in the hallways and even in front of the King, the atmosphere was filled with tension and it seemed like nobody wanted to be on the Targaryen’s side.
But the days passed and, as Rhaenyra’s cries could be heard at every hour, the questions started to change -especially when the servants started whispering of seeing the Rouge Prince praying on the Godswood of the Red Keep- towards the Royal family.
“I’ve heard that the princess was lonely.” “She was locked in her room.” “Queen Alicient had forbidden her from contacting her family.” “Silverwing is locked in the Dragon’s Pit, she wasn’t allowed to fly.” “They wanted her gone.” 
Still, even with more questions, not even an answer came. 
The Hand was quick to diminish the rumors and assured everyone that there was a search party for the Princess, ravens had been sent and every House had been ordered to make a search party. The City Watch, with Daemon at its head, had raided Kings Landing in search for any clues or rumors, but it came back empty handed.
Nobody knew what to do.
At the advice of the Master of Law, the Crown and Rhaenyra -after some convincing of the Dowager Queen and Lord Corlys- had agreed on an interrogatory of servants, guards, lords, ladies, and any person who had been that day with Visenya.
After listening to the fifth servant describe how she had been scrubbing the floors of the Great Council’s room, Aemond had felt a stinging pain in the empty eye socket, caused without a doubt by the stress and the lack of sleep. He had tolerated it for some time, focusing on the table and not looking directly at the light, but as time passed the nausea appeared. He had been granted permission to leave the interrogatory by the Hand -the King was obviously very occupied fucking some maid to be present-.
As he moved through the room towards the door, he could feel Daemon’s and Rhaenyra’s eyes piercing his back.
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He was pulled from his slumber by a knock in the wall.
A knock in the hidden passageway.
His hand searched for his dagger as he moved out of the bed, swiftly walking to the wall he knew hid the passageway.
Only when he moved closer did he hear the pattern.
tap tap
tap tap tap
Quickly and with his heartbeat resounding in his ear, he opened the entrance.
A body crushed into his, its scent of sandalwood and dried flowers hitting his nose. He pressed his face against the thick black hair, his hands roaming the curves of the body he knew so well, covered by a thick dress. After a few minutes they parted, and the green -almost feline- eyes locked with his lone violet one.
"My Prince...I'm sorry, but I had to see you...alone," thin, bony hands were grabbing his forearms, and her green eyes were shining with something he couldn't pinpoint. "The Master of Whispers has forbidden me from leaving my rooms, and all that I know I've picked it from the servants."
His knuckles softly caressed her cold face, his voice merely a whisper, "She's gone, my Lady."
Alys head tilted slightly forwards, her eyebrows furrowing - not in the gesture he liked oh so much - "What do you mean?"
"Visenya has disappeared, no one knows where she is," was his stoic answer. "Seems like the Seven have blessed me and cursed me at the same time."
The look in his Lady's face slowly morphed from one of slight nervousness to something that the Strong bastard never had shown him: confusion.
A pale hand, a hand that had caressed him and satisfied him so many times, moved to rest on his chest, "My dearest...I've not seen it."
A soft breeze filled the chamber, the light of the candles trembled, projecting shadows behind them. 
'A candle is an offering,' -his Alys had once said- "we ask the Lord of the Light to come into the room...to chase the shadows away, to chase the bad spirits away from us.'
He could see her green eyes fixed on the candle and then moving to the fire at the hearth. A soft furrow appeared between her eyebrows.
'But, sometimes, we can see more in the shadows...the shadows hold all that is putrid... and that the fire can not burn.'
The hand on his chest fell slowly. Mumbling a soft apology, she went back through the same passageway, the door closing behind her.
'The shadows hold the darkest intentions of a person.'
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"Princess Visenya was absolutely miserable here, the only thing that gave her joy was sneaking around and going outside to help the people of Flea Bottom," Lady Reyne's voice filled the room. Her honey colored eyes went through every single one of the members of the hearing, staying a bit too long on the Princess parents, her gaze softening. There was a rumbling of papers and Lord Jasper Wylde cleared her voice, "My Lady, all the gates are protected by Gold Cloaks and White Cloaks, there's no proof of-" Her nostrils flared, "Surely a man as intelligent as you knows that there's other ways of sneaking out of the Red Keep. Visenya knew them. And we used them." The Lord Hand's eyes narrowed, but the Lady's tongue was quicker, "Visenya was unprotected. Even I, a mere wife of a minor House that was staying as a guest, had more protection than her." Daemon's eyes fixed upon the Lord Hand, "You kept my daughter without protection?" Otto's answer was quick, his voice raising, "There was no threat to the Princess and she's in the most safe place of Westeros." "Safest place in the world but a Princess of House Targaryen disappeared under all your noses!" Daemon was almost screaming, ready to throw himself at the man, his wife's hand holding him back. "My Lord Hand, Prince Daemon, please, let us calm down," one of the Lords tried to keep peace, and both men sat back down. "My Lady, please continue." Lady Reyne nodded, her chin going slightly up and her hand resting over her pregnant belly, "As I said, the Princess and I are close confidants, we have a beautiful friendship. I had to see my friend withering away every day that passed, and it broke my heart…it still does." She took another breath, "I suggested she run away, back to her parents, she has a dragon, after all. But she didn't want that, her duty was to mend her marriage, even after…" The Lady stopped talking as a sob came over her, her eyes filling with tears, "I-I…forgive me." There was an awkward silence between the people present, only those genuinely worried about the Princess seemed to worry over her tears, Lord Corlys even offered Lady Reyne a handkerchief, which she took with a soft smile. "T-Thank you, my Lord," she dried her tears and took a deep breath. "I am very lucky in my marriage, even though it was born of duty, I have three magnificent children. I know that men have…needs but…” She raised her head, “Prince Aemond took everything from Princess Visenya.”
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As soon as he stepped a foot into the dining room, his mother was moving towards him.
"Where were you? You didn't join the search party!" her fingers were digging into his arms, her auburn curls coming out from the green and gold headpiece.
His lone eye scanned the room: the King was sitting at the head of the table, his thumb and forefinger pressing the bridge of his nose -surely hangover, since there was no pitch of wine at the table; the Lord Hand was at his right, his eyes fixed on Aemond while he drank some tea, his hands rearranging the cutlery, and his sister -sweet Queen Helaena- was eating her fruits, her gaze lost in some corner of the room.
"I was sleeping," he finally answered.
Alicient looked at him dumbfounded, her fingers digging even more into his flesh and her eyes holding a storm of emotions, the same ones he had seen in the night of the famous dinner, "Sleeping?"
His hands moved to grasp hers, softly moving them away from his arms, "Yes, mother. I've been on Vhagar's back searching the Kingsroad and the alternative paths, also some forests and tricky spots. I needed sleep."
Aemond moved away from his mother and sat down beside his sister, his hands reaching for the tea and some sausages.
The steps of the Dowager Queen were heavy as she moved to sat down, her face resting on her hands - a moment of vulnerability, a moment where everyone could appreciate how much of a toll this was on the Queen Mother.
After a few minutes, she raised her head and fixed her eyes on Aemond. The regality was back, "Did you -"
"I've given the order to send the Strong bastard back to Harrenhall. She'll be parting tomorrow," Otto said nonchalantly, not caring if he was interrupting the Dowager Queen.
His head turned to look at his grandfather, but this one raised a hand, "Her presence isn't helping us here. The King has already signed the notice." Otto picked the napkin and cleaned his mouth before standing up and leaving the napkin on his seat. "If you excuse me, I have issues to solve, like the matter of a missing Princess."
Before the door closed on his back, the Lord Hand turned and fixed his eyes on Aemond - a gaze that Aegon and Daemon Targaryen knew a little too well, "If you decide to come to another meeting of the Council, by the Seven, have the decency of looking worried."
The door closed softly but slowly behind him, control in every single one of his movements. His words left a bitter taste on Aemond. He was worried, yes, but not for Visenya (how could one worry for someone who was a stranger?) but for his family, for the danger that a mourning mother and father with dragons represented.
His mother's voice distracted him from his thoughts, "I am taking my leave, too. Aemond, it would make me happy for you to join me in my prayers... I know that, if you ask for their guidance, the Seven will help you."
The Dowager Queen stood from her place at the table, lips pressed in a firm line and anguish in her amber eyes, Visenya’s disappearance was taking a toll on her too
"Just so you know, brother, I never signed any "notice" to your bastard lady," Aegon spoke immediately after their mother left, not daring to say the words in the presence of the ‘elders’. "I would never get in between a man's cock and his favorite cunt."
Aemond’s hands focused on cutting the sausage in equal parts, “That’s a consideration I have never expected from you, brother. You are getting softer…metaphorically…and literally too.”
The King laughed at his jab, his hand smacking the table, “Quite the humor for a widower!” Aegon leaned closer and there was now a hint of seriousness in his lilac eyes, but also of doubt, “Tell me, brother, what did you do?”
“You may want to be more specific, my King,” was the only answer he received.
With a quick and graceless motion of his hand, Aegon dismissed the servants, leaving the three siblings alone. He moved closer to his younger brother and, almost mumbling, he asked, “Did you kill her?”
There was no sound in the room, even Helaena had stopped eating and was looking at Aemond. The Queen had a face that was incredibly expressive, but it all lost meaning when one looked at her purple eyes that seemed far away.
Aemond sighed, his voice another whisper, “I did not do anything, she just…vanished.”
At that, the King relaxed back in his seat, but his expression remained the same, “I will be honest, brother: this does not look good."
That seemed to make the One-Eyed Prince laugh - a soft, humorless chuckle erupted from his mouth while his lone violet eye fixed on his brother. Aegon seemed displeased at that, his lower lip encased between his teeth. For the first time in their lives, they were acting just like their birth roles: the older brother scolding the youngest one.
The King drank more of his goblet and wiped his mouth with his sleeve, an expensive-looking black and golden tunic, "Listen…listen to me: I was out that night."
That seemed to catch Aemond's attention, so Aegon continued, "I was not that drunk, yes? I was a bit…lively, but I remember using the hidden passageways and…I locked them."
They locked eyes, really looking into each other's eyes, Aegon's eyes were a pale violet that showed no emotional restraint, so similar to their mother's eyes.
And, for the first time in his life, Aegon showed the same mix of disappointment and fear that Alicient usually had in her eyes when looking at her eldest son.
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The doors opened suddenly, interrupting the small talk of the people. The Princess and her Consort turned around to find her firstborn son walking towards them.
Rhaenyra's eyes softened but her tone was serious, "Jace, you shouldn't be here."
Her eldest son was breathing heavily, his eyes darting between his mother and his step-father, "I want to testify."
Daemon and Rhaenyra exchanged a glance between them, until Daemon whispered so that no one could hear them, "Have you been hiding something from us?"
Jacaerys eyes fixed on those of his step-father, "I have."
Rhaenyra sighed and turned around, to inform the other members of the hearing, "Prince Jacaerys will testify now." With that, she moved to sit on her designated chair, Daemon following her.
There was a soft murmur of some Lords whispering, the majority absolutely disinterested in the matter.
The Hand motioned to the chair, "Be brief, please."
Jace stared at him before sitting down, it was obvious nobody wanted to hear him.
"Nobody cares for us, Vis," he had said. "Even Lord Corlys looks at me as if I'm a…pretender."
His older sister had thrown him a cushion, "You're the child of the Princess, the Heir. You're legitimate."
He had rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean."
"The fact that our mother had an affair with a Gold Cloak doesn't make you less of a Targaryen," she had replied, her nose furrowed in a mocking manner.
"That's the point, Vis, I'm no Targaryen, I'm a Velaryon. Have you met a dark haired Velaryon?" 
She raised her eyebrows, "We could say that you dye your hair with those inks that father buys from Pentos."
He threw back the cushion, "Are you even listening to me? Stop joking!"
She kicked his calf, her pale eyebrows raised, "I'm listening to you, and what you say is utter shit. You know who is to blame that you are…you? Our grandfather and Lord Corlys. Four eyes and they were fucking blind to notice that Laenor liked men."
"Mother was already pregnant with you when she married, why did she decide to have me?" He whispered.
Her hands went to grab the collar of his chemise, pulling him closer, "Because she wanted to. And because she knew that she could protect you, and that I would when I become Queen."
Time stopped for a minute as brother and sister stared at each other, her hands holding him tight and a fire burning in her eyes. He could see tears pooling in her eyes, and that made his amber colored eyes wet too.
He gave her a watery smile and poked her cheek, "You love me."
"Yes, but I wouldn't dream of being your wife," she teased him, cheeks covered in tears.
"As if I wanted to be your husband, I prefer you as my sister. Mandia," he said.
"And I prefer you as my valonqar," she sniffed before giving him a nudge on his shoulder. "Now, let's finish this wine before father finds us. Where did you take this from?"
He saw her take a big gulp of the sweet drink, "From that room close to the Maester's room."
She stopped drinking, "That's the room of the Valyrian priest."
They both looked at eachother, amber eyes fixed on violet ones. Until she left the bottle of wine on the floor, "You fucking idiot, you grabbed the ceremony wine!"
His eyes opened wide, "What?! Are we married now?!"
"Do I look like I know?! I need to puke!" Visenya quickly stood up and went to the privy, her fingers entering her mouth.
Jace smiled at the memory, one of the many he had with his older sister. She loved them fiercely, and even though they were both stubborn and had many arguments, he knew she would always protect him.
Someone cleared their throat, a sign that they were waiting for him to speak, it brought him back to reality.
His baby sister. Luke. Vis.
His fists clenched and he straightened his back. Looking at no one in particular, his voice became sharp as he started talking, “Princess Visenya and I wrote to each other once a week.”
He saw Larys Strong leaning forward in his seat, his head tilting slightly towards Otto Hightower. Good, - he thought- you didn’t know that. His eyes moved towards Daemon and he could see he had also noticed Larys gestures.
Stil, Otto Hightower was adamant on passing this revelation as irrelevant, “I’m sorry, my Prince, but I can’t see how this information is relevant-”
“It is relevant, my Lord Hand, because I keep every single one of Visenya’s letters and, in those letters, she mentions, not only once but several times, that she keeps a diary in secret,” Jace interrupted him.
There was a silence, he could see that even his mother was surprised - no one had expected that.
A lord, Jasper Wylde, he believed, spoke first, “You mean that…there's a written record from the Princess.”
“I know what you are thinking, my Lord, and yes: my sister kept a record of her marriage, her life in the Red Keep and every political discussion she heard of,” he continued, not giving anyone time to think. “Find the diary and you will find out what happened to Princess Visenya.”
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A day had passed since that breakfast.
Five since the disappearance.
Of course there was no news about Princess Visenya. The lack of any clues meant that both parties -the Royal family and Visenya's parents- could switch the tides to their favor spreading rumors between the common folk and lower nobles.
What was certain was that the Lords interest in the disappearance of a Targaryen Princess had diminished. Even though Corlys Velaryon insisted that his House would demand answers, the truth was that almost every House was polishing her daughters of marriageable age to, when the time came, present them to the court as candidates to be the prince's wife. Obviously, some Lords were waiting for the opportunity to introduce their daughters to Aemond - Otto Hightower style.
But then, something happened.
After a ride on Vhagar's back, going over some roads and forests, again, Aemond came through one of the passages only to find some Kingsguards, a carriage and Daemon Targaryen in his armor.
Ser Arryk moved forwards, "We have orders from the King and the Council to deliver you to them, my Prince." The White Cloak motioned to the carriage, he seemed a bit distraught.
He took a deep breath through his nose, his eye never leaving his uncle's figure, "Was it necessary to come and pick me up?"
"The Queen Mother insisted," was his answer.
If it was a decision from his mother then she must have had her reasons, but it was somewhat strange that she had allowed this. She always waited for him to come to her to deliver some news. This was odd.
He nodded stiffly and stepped inside the carriage, not having another choice. As the door was closing, a blade made it's way through the crack of the door, "I will join my nephew. Take my horse."
His uncle didn't wait for an answer since he opened the door and climbed inside, sitting in front of him.
They looked at each other, both men analyzing and studying the other as if they were in a duel - slowly circling the prey and waiting for its movements.
The carriage started moving and, soon enough, all that was heard was the wheels through the potholes and the horses hooves hitting the stony pathway. 
He noticed that it was the first time that he was alone with his uncle, a person he had once admired and dreamed of being like him. Another second son. A second son who had made it's own name in the world.
The Rogue Prince. He inspired fear and hatred and his enemies knew him well. All across Westeros they knew Daemon Targaryen for his skills and for wielding Dark Sister.
Aemond Targaryen was only known for having one eye and for being a Kinslayer.
His mother had said that, as long as his actions were led by the grace of the Seven, he would find success and his own name. Everyone would remember him.
But he could see history. They would write about him, without a doubt, but he would be no more than a cripple, the one who had murdered in cold blood his nephew and whose wife had disappeared.
That was not what he had dreamed.
"When Visenya told me she intended to marry you I could not believe it," his uncle had spoken abruptly, his voice clear and firm through the noise. "Mine own daughter mixing with a cripple half-Hightower? I would have preferred if she boarded to Lys."
Daemon's fingers were twisting a ring on his little finger, his violet eyes fixed on it, "You know her answer?"
He kept his mouth shut, internally praying to the Crone to give him strength and prevent his uncle from carrying on this talk.
But the Gods hadn't answered before, why should they now?
"She told me: 'He's intelligent, a good swordsman and ambitious. A second son, after all. But he's incredibly kind and loyal to those who he loves. Just like you. What more can your daughter desire than a man who will love her as her father loves her mother?" his thumb caressed a small ring on his little finger. "So I gave her my approval, as if she needed it. But I gave it to her."
In a second, Dark Sister was stabbing the wood of the carriage beside Aemond - the movement too quick for him to react, "I even braided her hair for her wedding. Do you know that? I walked my daughter to you, you cunt, and you took her from us."
"I am sure that Lord Royce feels the same way about you," Aemond's voice came in a whisper.
Rage flashed in his uncle's eyes, he could now see why he was deadly in the battleground, "Do not even dare to compare my daughter to that bitch." The sword's edge moved closer to Aemond's face until it rested against his jawline, a threat that both of them knew that Daemon Targaryen could fulfill.
The older man moved his face closer, until their noses were almost touching, “You better start praying to the Seven for a quick and merciful death.”
The carriage came to an abrupt stop - Daemon took Dark Sister and pulled it from the carriage wall, sheathing his sword. “Come.”
The door opened and, once his uncle descended, he was facing the stairs to the Red Keep, the Dowager Queen waiting for them, her hands intertwined while her fingers picked against each other. The mask of regality fell for a minute when she saw him coming after his uncle, who immediately walked past her, barely giving her a glance. 
Alicient moved quickly towards her second son, her hands going to grab him in his arms, “What were you doing with him alone?”
“He came with the carriage you sent for me, mother,” his voice was a mere whisper, the close encounter was proof that there were certain ‘loyalists’ to Rhaenyra in the city.
His mother took a deep breath and whispered back, over her shoulder he could see Ser Cole watching over them, “The members of the Hearing want to see you. Your grandfather says that they are adamant on having you there.”
He closed his eye, just what he needed, “Lead the way, then.”
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“State your name,” said Lord Corlys.
Her hands grasped the rough fabric of her apron, “R-Rosey, my Lord.” She could feel the gaze of the Cro-Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon fixed upon her, hopeful and impotent. “I was, am, one of Princess Visenya handmaids.”
The sound of a feather against scroll is heard, someone is writing down what she's saying, but she doesn't know the name of the person (or Lord, she thinks for her insides). The Lord Hand looks at her, “What did you do the day of the disappearance?”
Everyone looks so bored, she's another mere servant girl after all, “Me and Wylla prepared the Princess tea and breakfast, as always. Wylla had spent the whole night sewing a dress for the Princess, so by morning she was quite tired, so I was the one to deliver the breakfast to my Lady. When I arrived at the chambers the guards told me that the Princess was indisposed, and that Prince Aemond had instructed to let her rest, so I retired.”
More writing and then the tired voice of the Lord Hand is heard, “Thank you, Rosey. You may retire now.”
She gulps and stands, her eyes fixed on the floor as she walks towards the door.
“Why did Wylla spend a whole night sewing the Princess dress?” Princess Rhaenyra’s voice sounded void of emotion.
“Princess, how is that relevant? The girl has already declared-” Otto Hightower started speaking again, only to be interrupted.
“The Princess is asking a mere question, as the mother of the Princess she has every right to keep the interrogation,” Prince Daemon interrupted the Lord Hand. His violet eyes moved until they were fixed on Rosey, “Sit back, girl.”
Rosey moved nervously on her spot and walked towards the chair, only to raise her eyes and find Lord Corlys giving her an encouraging nod, “It'll be just a few moments, Rosey.”
Biting her lip, she sits on the chair and looks at the floor, “Wylla did it because it was one of Princess Visenya's favorite dresses… and she wanted to wear it at the signing of the Peace Treaty.”
Unconsciously, she lifts her head to look at Princess Rhaenyra (Always look at me in the eye, -her Princess had said to her and Wylla- and be honest. I'll be honest with you too.) and she's struck by the similarity between mother and daughter, by the way their mouths curve in the same soft smile.
She can hear her lady's laugh in her ears, making her heart ache. She can also hear her crying, and she's reminded of the metallic scent.
("You must promise me that you will not say a word."
"Princess-" Wylla had tried to make her see reason.
"No, Wylla, not a word. And you too Rosey, not a word."
She had choked on her tears while cleaning the cuts on the delicate skin, "But, my Lady-"
"No. Just…obey. Not a word.")
Maybe it was the pain of losing her beloved Lady, maybe it was the sleepless nights, maybe it was the way she had seen Wylla praying on her knees hoping that their Lady would come back.
Maybe having lost everything meant that she had lost the fear.
"Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Daemon, there's something that you should know."
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As the doors closed behind him, he immediately knew something was wrong. There were four people sitting at the table.
His grandfather was standing at the end of the table, face red and morphed into a mask of rage. Larys Strong was standing in one corner, his eyes going over the people in the room, barely fixing on him
“Prince Aemond,” the voice of Rhaenyra filled the room. He barely turned his head, but it was enough to see some Lords and Ladies, not enough to fill the room, but enough to make his mouth go dry.
What in the Seven Hells was this?
“Brother,” that was a way to catch his attention, and he turned to look at Rhaenyra. Her hair was filled with braids, in the same way he had seen Visenya’s hair so many times, but her lips were pressed in a thin line. “You must be wondering what are you doing here, so I will be brief.”
Her pale hands moved over the table, the sound of parchment being moved was heard, “This…Hearing has received disturbing news during the few days we have been working.”
He opened his mouth to speak, his eye darting to his grandfather for a clue, only to receive an unperceivable shake of his head. Don’t say anything.
So he looked back at his half-sister and nodded, that seemed to surprise her but she hid that quickly, “Were you aware that the Princess Visenya, your own wife, felt lonely at the Red Keep? That she wasn’t given the same treatment as the members of the Royal Family?”
That was it? His mouth moved quicker than his brain, “Visenya never liked Ladies-in-Waiting, so if she felt lonely it was partly her fault. She insisted that she didn’t need ladies going over her as if she was a bored child.”
Princess Rhaenyra exchanged a look with her husband and Lord Jasper Wylde, “Your answer to the second question?”
He sighed, his thumb and forefinger pressing between them the fabric of his riding gear, “I can’t speak of that matter…she was always happy attending her own duties as the wife of a Prince.”
There was a mocking snort from Daemon, but it was Corlys Velaryon who spoke, “Wife of a Prince? She was already a Princess. And before King Viserys last wish, the heir of his heir.”
The man’s eyes fixed on him, “You meant to tell me that my granddaughter never attended a Council meeting? Never went to visit the city?”
Aemond shrugged his shoulders, almost imperceptible, “She liked to take Silverwing on long rides and reading.”
There was silence in the room, which Daemon interrupted, “I think I used to know my late wife, Lady Royce, better than that. And she hated me.”
There were some laughs in the room, but Aemond interrupted them, “We were just…distanced, but that does not mean that I didn’t know my wife.”
“I wonder what caused that distance,” muttered Daemon Targaryen. “Now, we have spoken to Layde Reyne and she states that Princess Visenya was more like a prisoner than a Princess.”
His eyebrows furrowed, “The lady wife of Lord Reyne? What does she have to do with this?”
He saw his grandfather close his eyes for a moment, until Rhaenyra spoke again, confusion in her voice, “You don’t know the name of your wife’s closest friend?”
He scoffed, looking over the four persons, “I would remember if Visenya told me that.”
The four members of the Hearing looked at each other, while his grandfather stared at him with pure anger.
Princess Rhaenyra started to talk but was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder, her husband and uncle now speaking, “Did Visenya write to someone?”
He pressed his lips together, “To her parents only. And to her brothers and siblings, but much more sporadically.”
He remembered Visenya writing on her desk, the calligraphy was precise and neat, her fingers never smudging the ink.
Prince Daemon smiled, the predatory smile that his mother swore he had when he killed someone, “So you don’t know that Visenya kept close contact with her brother, Jacaerys? They wrote once a week to each other.”
Once again, he furrowed his eyebrows, his lilac eye moving over the persons sitting in front of him, "I-I didn't know."
Rhaenyra looked at him, her lilac eyes void of emotion, "You don't know what my daughter did here. You don't know who her friends were. You don't know she wrote to her brother once a week. Tell me, Prince Aemond, what do you know?"
"I just know that I left my wife in our shared chambers in the morning five days ago, and she vanished," he quickly replied, his temper already showing. "We might have some differences, yes, but she's still my wife and responsibility, and -"
"A responsibility that you planned to shove away," Rhaenyra interrupted him, her tone cold and slightly shaky. "You planned to nullify your marriage to my daughter so that you could marry the new lady of Harrenhall."
It felt as if he had been punched, the air suddenly leaving his lungs and his eye moving to look at his grandfather, "I…" But what was left to say?
Rhaenyra stood and grabbed the papers, not minding him, addressing the guards, "You may bring her in."
He turned around when the doors opened, hoping to find his mother or his sister, someone to give him answers.
He certainly didn't expect Alys.
His lady walked into the room, clad into a dark green gown, her green eyes moving throughout the room. But she didn't look at him. Not once. Not even when she stood a few feet away from him.
"Alys Rivers. Soon to be Alys Strong. Repeat your words," was the order from Lord Corlys.
Alys took a deep breath, it looked like she was nervous, her hands fidgeting with her gown, but Aemond knew better: she was pretending, "Y-Yes, my Lord. I know that Prince Aemond Targaryen wanted his wife gone."
Liar. Traitor. Witch
"And how could possibly a woman of your…standing could be so close to the Prince," Rhaenyra asked, her tone filled with fake curiosity and superiority.
That made Alys press her lips together, a real sign that she was pissed, "I was close to him and-"
Somebody sighed and rumbled through the papers, "It states here that: 'Prince Aemond and I became closer during his stay at Harrenhall. First, I was his maid. Then, I became his lover. Our contact didn't cease even when he returned to Kings Landing, for he would visit me weekly. A moon ago he told me of his plan of leaving his wife and marrying me, that way he would become the new Lord of Harrenhall.' So…Lady Alys, is that true?"
For the first time since she entered, Aemond recognized the woman close to him - one full of resentment and bitterness, "Yes, your highness."
Rhaenyra stared at Alys, both pairs of eyes fixed on the other, a sort of unspoken threat in the former Crown Princess's eyes. A threat that the Strong bastard seemed to pick up quickly, since her whole demeanor returned to a submissive one, her head going down slowly.
A smirk appeared on Rhaenyra's face, a cold and calculating one, "Well…since that is clear, I want you to repeat your previous words, spoken to this Hearing earlier."
Alys swallowed and, for the first time since she had arrived, she turned her head slightly to look at Aemond, "Prince Aemond hated his wife and couldn't wait for her to be gone. My silence was bought with the threat of not legitimizing my birth."
Her voice turned firmer, "I realized I was being manipulated by him, it was all a plan so that he could earn a lordship easily."
“I had no way to turn against a Prince, I was his spoil of war. In Harrenhall I had no one that I could confide in or ask for help. His grip on me tightened when I revealed that I could see visions on the fire and…” she lowered her stare to the ground.
Traitor. Whore.
“And…?” Rhaenyra pressed, seeking an answer.
The dark-haired woman sniffed softly and straightened her back, “He asked me to perform a spell on her…one that prevented her from carrying a child.”
Chaos erupted in the room. Lords, ladies, servants screaming and talking in disbelief at the confession.
Aemond felt cold all of the sudden. The same sensation crawling up his spine like when he had returned from Storms End.
He could see his grandfather reaching for a chair, not being capable of staying on his feet for a minute longer.
Lord Jasper Wylde was white as a sheet, but his hand slammed the table several times, “Silence! Silence!”
Not many people obeyed. He could hear some insults thrown at him, there were people spitting on the floor, as if cursing him.
He turned his head to his left, his breath leaving his lungs as he watched his mother standing with her hands against her chest, tears falling from her eyes. It was her eyes that made him feel dizzy and sick.
You are not son of mine, they said.
Prince Daemon’s voice was heard, and that was all that it took for the people to calm down, “You may retire, Lady Alys.”
His former mistress turned around, walking towards the doors, not even sparing him a glance.
“Now, bring Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, Lady Reyne, and Princess Visenya’s maid, Rosey,” he commanded.
He had barely any time to react, his mind buzzing and his ears ringing, when his nephew and a young woman entered the room.
Clad in a Velaryon blue cape over a black and red riding gear, Jacaerys Velaryon did not even spare him a glance. Aemond gritted his teeth, even now the bastard thought himself more of a man than Aemond, a true born son.
The young woman beside him, wearing a simple servant dress and an apron over it, looked incredibly nervous, her hands playing with the fabric of her dress. 
The lady wife of Lord Reyne was wearing an ugly pink dress that looked like a huge cake giving the advanced state of her pregnancy, jewels sewn into her pronounced neckline, her brown hair twisted into some braids and a sour expression on her long face.
“Prince Jacaerys, reveal to the Prince what you have found,” commanded Daemon, a predatory smile on his face.
The oldest of Princess Rhaenyra’s sons stepped forward and raised a thick and worn out book, its cover black, “This is the diary of Princess Visenya Targaryen. In it my sister describes the entirety of her marriage to Prince Aemond…as well as the physical abuse to which she was subjected.”
More gasps from the court, more chills crawling up Aemond’s spine.
“Here is an entrance of a few months after-” Jacaerys interrupted himself, the words still hard to process. “After…Prince Lucerys death.”
Still, he continued, “In it the Princess wrote: ‘...when I finally mustered up the courage to mend the relationship with my husband and ask him to lay with me, to start trying to get pregnant, he laughed at me. I did not understand: I told him I had decided to put away the grief of the death of my dearest brother at his hands, so that we could return to our marital duties. He struck me. His hand went to my hair, tugging it so hard that it left a bruise on my scalp. Then he slapped me again before leaving the bedchamber. I stayed on the floor, the stone cold against my hot cheek.’”
“Here is another entry: ‘...the King called me a ‘whore, just like her mother’ during dinner. Nobody said anything to him. Not even my husband.’ And here is another: ‘...finally managed to get a dagger and a few hours of sleep a day. I need to be careful. There are so many people praying that I am gone.’ “
The court was in utter silence, no one daring to speak.
Jace closed the diary, “There are many more entries like that. But one thing is for sure: Visenya was being abused and her life was in danger.”
Daemon nodded, his hand grabbing his wife’s own, “Lady Reyne. Tell us.”
The woman in a pink dress stepped forward, her pointy chin tilted upwards defiantly, “The Princess told me how afraid she was of her husband, how he kicked her and slapped her. She also told me how she had found out about her husband’s plan to get rid of her and marry a mistress he had in Harrenhall. Apparently, he had been taking money from her dowry coffer to buy gifts for his mistress. He also was the one to order for her to be completely isolated.”
People started talking again, but that didn't seem to stop Daemon Targaryen, “Thank you, my Lady. Now, Rosie, please come forward.”
The trembling girl stepped forward, “W-What his highness, Prince Jacaerys tell us is true, my Prince. Wylla and I were the ones that cleaned up the bruises and cuts from the Princess. We bathed her bruised body and cleaned up her tears.”
The servant’s head raised and her brown eyes fixed on Aemond, her pale face filled with red spots, “You harmed my Princess, and even then, she asked you to try and mend things. My poor Lady still loved you, even though you hurt her, she longed for you.”
The memory of Visenya asking him to mend things came over him, her hands over his asking for a second opportunity.
Tears ran down the servant’s face, and Aemond did not need two eyes to see that every woman in there, and some men, were in the same state.
Still, the girl did not stop, “Princess Visenya asked that of you because she was with child.”
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TAG LIST: @snh96 @neenieweenie @marihoneywk @tinykryptonitewerewolf @tired-night-owl
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Can you do "Angry mommy morticica x r"?
when r flirt with marilyn and morticia had enough and decide to take r home and give her a painful punishment like 30 and they end up having comfort sex?
Hello there @batlove4ever 🙃 Thanks for the Morticia request!! I took some inspiration from @puppyboibutch , so check out their blog 💞🫰🏻 I also included a song for this Fic 😚🫶🏻 FYI this is pure. filthy. smut.
Pretty Pouty Puppy ~Morticia Addams xFem Reader xfeat. Marilyn Thornhill
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#30. “Fuck off” “What, on you?”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!!, smut, possible infidelity/cheating, possessiveness, possessiveness kink, kissing, overstimulation, smutty smut, mommy kink, punishment kink, angry mommy, pet names, bondage, vibrator use, orgasm denial, masturbation, overstimulation, strap-fucking, doggystyle, praise kink, implied degrading kink, bondage kink…?, etc.
Enjoy (;
You were straddling Marilyn’s lap on her chair, your lips intertwined with hers. You were both in her classroom, after school hours. Marilyn bucked her hips up into yours, eliciting a breathy moan from your lips into the red heads. You pulled back slightly and giggled.
“You really think this will work?” You panted.
You were met with a mischievous gaze from the red head.
“Babe, you said you wanted to make Morticia jealous right?” She reminded you of your past whinings and complaints of how nothing you did seemed to rile up the raven haired goddess.
You bit your lip and nodded with a cheeky grin.
“Trust me, this will get her panties in a twist…” Marilyn chuckled, “I already texted her; all we have to do is wait for—”
Your lips smashed back into Marilyn’s before she could finish her sentence. You were one hundred percent on board with this, because Marilyn was right. You wanted to make Morticia jealous, you had tried literally everything and you were desperate.
With a swift swing, Marilyn’s door suddenly opened. Everything went so silent, you swore you could have heard a pin drop… You froze in the red heads lap. Your breath hitched. You could feel the tension in the room. You could hear her breathing right alongside yours and Marilyn’s.
“Up. Right now.” Morticia gritted out.
You scurried out of Marilyn’s lap and stood by her desk, biting your lips and blushing. Morticia stalked her way over to you.
“I have tried to be patient.” She jeered, “I watched you mess around with her, watched you flirt with her, and now I find my puppy straddling her lap…”
You gulped.
Maybe you had taken this too far…? You completely underestimated how much your antics had actually gotten to the woman…
“I… I’m… sorry…” you chocked out, blushing furiously and looking to the ground.
Morticia chuckled wickedly.
“We’re going home. Not a single word.” She seethed.
You nodded immediately.
Marilyn sent you caring look as you quickly followed Morticia out. The whole ride to your house was silent. You clenched your thighs in anticipation.
“I want you on the bed, stripped, and kneeling waiting for Mommy.” Morticia practically growled, as you pulled into the driveway.
“Yes mommy…” you whimpered.
With that, you scurried your ass up to your shared bedroom, stripping as fast as humanly possible, and kneeling on the bed in wait for Morticia. Your heart was racing and your breathing was erratic as Morticia entered the room, wearing nothing but her black garter lingerie set. You gulped. Morticia walked up you, craning over your pathetically needy excuse for a body, and grabbing your chin.
“Mommy’s angry…” Morticia growled, “And you’re gonna pay, pet…”
“Yes mommy…” you whimpered.
“Oh puppy…” Morticia wickedly purred, “you look delicious all tied up like this… and that vibrator must feel so good on that needy pussy of yours!”
You mewled and pulled against your silk ties, restraining you to all four bedposts.
“Making such pathetic sounds, such a slutty pet…” she lustfully growled.
You incoherently cried out in pleasurable pain. She’d been at this for hours… But you couldn’t get enough, your hips desperately rutting against the the toy. But she wouldn’t let you cum.
“Little bitch in heat who needs to fuck so badly, hmmmm pet…?” Morticia tauntingly growled, “Too bad Mommy’s puppy has been such a bad girl…”
You squirmed in your restrained hold, the slight pain in your wrists and ankles, pushing you to the edge even further.
“That’s why Mommy has you tied there with that pretty little vibrator…” The raven haired goddess lustfully husked.
“Please mommy please…!” You whimpered and whined, desperate for some proper friction.
“Your little whimpers and whines will make the perfect background noise while Mommy makes herself feel good…” Morticia wickedly purred.
“Oh mommy no please…!!” You mewled, “mommy I’m sorry… I’ll be good mommy please!!”
Suddenly the vibrator went up a intensity, causing you to practically keel over in pleasure. But you couldn’t come. It was becoming painfully difficult.
And then you had to watch Morticia spread out on the big lounge chair across from the bed. She stripped her knickers and spread her legs so that you could see her glistening pussy perfectly. You groaned at the sight. She then began skillfully fucking herself while drinking in the sight of your pathetic being.
“Keep being good like this and I’ll personally breed you after I finish…” Morticia lustfully purred.
“Yes mommy I’ll be so good…!! Won’t cum promise please!!” You cried out.
“Fuck Mon Amour—! That’s a good pet…!” Morticia groaned as she fucked herself to her climax, toppling over the edge with a sinful cry.
You were still tied up and the vibrator was still relentlessly working your dripping hole.
“Are you going to be good now, puppy…?” Morticia purred.
“Yes wanna cum please let me cum mommy!!” You pled.
“Oh no no…” Morticia wickedly tutted, “You don’t get to cum yet…”
You were so frustrated and you made the grave mistake of speaking out…
“Fuck off…!” You cried out.
Morticia cocked an eyebrow at your sudden disobedience.
“What, on you?” She spat back.
“Wait no no— mommy I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’ll be good…!!” You cried, pulling against your restraints even more.
When Morticia finally relented on edging you on for hours, you were in for a whole other level of her anger…
She had you on all fours in the middle of the bed with your hands bound in front of you. She was pounding into you relentlessly with her favorite, girthy strap. Her hand was deliciously wrapped in your hair, as she pulled your head back towards her with each thrust.
“Fuck GOD Mommy—!!!” You cried out.
Mascara was running down your face and your clit was so sensitive you thought you would explode if you didn’t cum.
“That’s it’s, puppy…” Morticia angrily growled, “Take Mommy’s dick like a good little pet…”
By the end of the night (more like into the early morning), Morticia had milked the upteenth orgasm from you, finally allowing you to collapse from exhaustion and overstimulation.
Morticia was quick to throw the strap to the side and open her arms for you to snuggle her form. You happily complied, nuzzing into her form.
“I’m sorry Mommy…” you whispered.
“It’s alright, baby…” she husked in your ear, “but the next time you want Mommy’s attention, all you have to do is ask…”
You nuzzled your face into the crook of her neck and nodded, causing the raven haired goddess to chuckle.
“Such a good girl…” she murmured as you drifted off.
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ravencincaide · 6 months
A second chance at life 
Summary:  You were done with life, done with being trapped and abused. But it was just your luck that you’d try to take your life on the borders with Port Mafia territory. And that there’d be an executive who had opinions. OR the time you found out that not all Mafia are heartless bastards. 
Pairing: Suicidal reader  x Chuuya Nakahara 
Raven’s Special prompt: “Hi Raven, I'm the same anon that asked for the Chuuya x fem reader where she's abused and runs away, I forgot to add that reader is poc (brown skin).” 
Warnings: Dark content with triggers, proceed at your own risk!
This fic contains: suicidal reader (who’s making an attempt- jumping), hint abusive-manipulative past/family, Cursing & mature language, Chuuya comfort/help, I think I didn’t miss anything.. i hope. Hope this brings you comfort and that you enjoy~
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“ Oj don’ even think about it; I ain’t got any fucking wish to waste man-power on cleaning up civil splatter” 
You froze in your spot; your hands automatically re-grasped the safety bar of the rooftop,  keeping you upright and steady on the edge you were just about to leap off of. “ W-What?” you asked as you turned your head to the right, towards the stylish ginger haired man who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Instead of trying to talk you down from your suicide attempt however he just proceeded to light himself a cigarette. He took a deep drag of it before he pointed towards the ground below. “ The fucking ledge bottoms out onto Mafia territory. You jump- my men gotta clean that shit up” he answered in the most unbothered tone anyone could master as he took several steps towards you in warning. Something told you that even if you were to let go of the bar, he’d reach you quicker and pull you back to safety than you could accomplish your goal. Then he’d no doubt hound your ass for ignoring him.
You did not have the energy for all that drama. But you didn’t know what to say to him. You were so tired of life; of being a bother. A burden to everyone around you. Not good enough for anyone- in fact it was better if you weren’t around. But were you selfish enough to cause him more work? You glanced back at him; took notice of the dark rings below his eyes. The paleness of his skin made him look almost sickly. A powerful yet exhausted man. “ Sorry” you mumbled as you moved your body into a sitting position in defeated surrender. It seemed you were incapable of even dying right. Silence lingered for a while- you thought he had finished up his cigarette and left. Instead you heard him light another one somewhere above you.
“ So, why aren’t you trying again elsewhere? Packing your shit and getting away from whatever’s driven you up here?” You snapped your head up to face him but he wasn’t looking at you. His body leaned against the railing, his focus onto the city below. An unreadable expression on his face. 
You scoffed at him. “ Please, where the hell would I go? I’m penniless and unlike those pretty white chicks, I won’t get a job overnight. Even as an escort” you didn’t bother saying that your family held onto your payslips with no chance for you to gather even a little bit of savings. You were literally trapped under their control- a puppet to be pushed and pulled at their every beck and call. “ Ehh so you think it’s easier for ‘em?” He sounded doubtful yet curious. “ I know it is,” you answered somberly, “ It took me a year to get the job I have now- had to beg an old classmate for her to recommend me. Still I’m the lowest paid among all my other colleagues with the same title and less experience. And get reminded daily that if I don’t like it, I'm replaceable.” You sighed and rested your head back on top of your knees. “ ‘round here it’s hopeless and I got no money to go elsewhere” In your eyes, you were trapped with no reasonable way out. It left you with suicide as your only option. Your only hope. And even it was stripped away from you, leaving a dull numbness in your body. A defeated surrender to your fate. Silence lingered for a while longer as he finished his cigarette and lit himself another. Clearly not denying your words as if understanding both the said and unsaid implications behind them “ You willing to work hard?” he asked suddenly. You snapped your head up and fixed him with a determined look. “ Harder than anyone you know.” you promised in a heartbeat. You did not care to know what his offer entailed. After all, what did you have to lose? Your enthusiasm amused him. It prompted the man to stretch a gloved hand down towards you. You stared at it for a long while before you finally rested your fingers in it. The leather was cool to the touch, his grip strong as he pulled you up to your feet in a single tug. He shifted his hold and then shook your hand, as though you two had just reached a deal. A mutual agreement. 
“ Well kiddo I got an idea what the Port Mafia’s gonna do with you.” he smirked a boyish grin. An action that should have filled you with dread, but instead, you felt hope. A ray of light amidst the suffocating darkness “ Port Mafia?” you asked instead making him bark out a laugh. “ Damned right. From now on you’re Port Mafia property, and I, Chuuya Nakahara, am your boss”  
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Author note:  Sweden is placed in the top four for racial equality IN THE WORLD Still those with non Swedish sounding names get significantly less callbacks for job applications than those with Swedish sounding names. Of those called to interview, how many get rejected because of accent/way of pronouncing words, skin colour or religious expression is something we’ll never know. And the thought of what and how it is in the rest of the world just shows what a cruel, unequal and sad world we live in. Truly it is a heartbreaking reality we exist in. This fic tried to portray that while adding a tiny bit of hope that only Chuuya could gift.. Hope it served its purpose.
Liked this work and want to see more? Check out Raven's masterlist for more stuff to read! ©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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moon-mage · 4 months
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heaves a heavy sigh because fucking crap I am in LOVE Okay so. This was not meant to even go this far but here I am. Absolutely far gone. My INITIAL plan was to try to come up with a big bad villain to write a TWST fanfic about because I love taking all my favorite characters...throwing them in hell...and then orchestrating the drama and chaos while going: "why would anyone do this to these poor innocent peoples?" and "hahaha this is SO fun their suffering fuels me!".
One of my all-time favorite movies growing up was Anastasia. The 1997 animated Don Bluth film. So, I was like "oh boy what if I did a twist on that version of Rasputin?" Which holds promise considering he is a powerful lich sorcerer coded in death, ghosts, limbo...all my favorite tropes that I cannot get enough of. But Rasputin aint shit without his sassy bat familiar, Bartok. Their dynamic is interesting considering Bartok spends the entire movie telling Rasputin to get a life and stop trying to kill Anastasia. So, I thought on twisted Bartok more and....it just...it hasn't stopped. It hasn't stopped.
Now we got Sashmir Magnifico. The twisted version of Bartok AND Anastasia. Originally, he was just going to be twisted Bartok, but I ended up adding in elements of Anastasia to him as well and I liked it.
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Sashmir is a bat beastman and a lot of people assume he is an albino bat, but his lack of pigmentation is a side effect of his Unique Magic; "Together In Spirit". He doesn't go further into details about it other than 'the adults around him growing up were not knowledgeable of magic and forced him to use his magic for the benefit of others without thought of the consequences on him'. Only a few people know his UM and its capabilities, and he wants to keep it that way. The incantation for his UM is: "I am the key...that unlocks your potential...I promise we shall stay...TOGETHER IN SPIRIT." Sashmir is a 2nd year student at Night Raven College in Ignihyde dorm. He is interested in biology and the combined use of magic and science for enhancing and healing the human(oid) body and mind. He also has a passion for music, having learned how to play most instruments to a passable degree and he taught himself how to write sheet music. He does so with popular songs and makes them available to the public while recording himself playing them online. He loves teaching...and tutors for free on Monday and Wednesdays at 12AM in the Ignihyde dorm lounge. He had hoped to one day become a music teacher but decides the more practical route would be to continue magical medical sciences. He doesn't like shoes and has lost his shoes when taking them off and leaving them places. One of the first time of magics he had learned was levitating as it felt natural for him to not be on the ground all the time. Personality wise, he is rather chill and easy going. He speaks in a Romanian accent and isn't afraid to clap back with the sass or defend himself if challenged. Sadly, Sashmir is under the thumb of a powerful and dangerous sorcerer...and the days are numbered until his master makes his grand appearance and destroys the "peace" of NRC. All according to plan and...all that evil jazz. I have a LOT MORE THINGS TO SAY but I will make a post specifically for his info dump I guess. I'm sorry I love this boy... Also you see the candy and coffin...if you know...you know.
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 3 months
3, 11, 18, 22, and 29 for the aftg asks!
Thanks for the ask, sorry it took so long to answer. I got another ask but my dumb ass accidentally deleted it after like two hours of working on it and out of anger let this rot in my inbox for a bit lol.
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My favorite scene is not exactly one scene but more like, anytime Andrew and Neil interact.

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Wymack and bee. Good god I think about those two so much it’s not funny.
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None I fucking hate all the fancast things… like none of them look like the characters to me and in my mind any Aftg adaptation should be in the form of animation cause idk if live action could properly tell the story.
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Kevin for the longest time though he was bi cause he does not like men and he did not like women… so obviously he’s bisexual. He went on like that for years till he learned what being aroace is and then was basically like: oh 😃 that’s what that was.
I don’t think Kevin would be sex repulsed and I think he’d be more sex neutral.
He and Thea are both on the aro spec and in the nest got into a “relationship” which was more of a QPR that just so happened to involve getting off with each other sometimes. (Thea is not ace in my mind and Kevin likes the physical act of sex) They do the whole marriage and kids thing eventually but not in like a romantic way. They are just bros who got married and had a kid and love each other (again not in a romantic way)
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“more often Kevin had no choice but to distract the rest of the Ravens from Jean’s misery by being an insufferable bitch. Luckily for them both, Kevin was a master at the latter.”
That is by far the funniest sentence in the series (exaggeration)
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excelynch · 1 year
are you the king, mirror, ghost, magician or dreamer?
(write the letter of the answer you chose on a paper, at the end you will have the result of each letter)
1 - are you a poet, king or soldier?
a) poet
b) soldier
c) king
2 - choose a part of the song meet me in the woods by lord huron.
a) "I took a little journey to the unknown and I've come back changed I can feel it in my bones"
b) "I have seen what the darkness does. say goodbye to who I was"
c) "meet me in the woods tonight"
d) "I fucked with forces that our eyes can't see, now the darkness got a hold on me"
e) "show me yours and I'll show you mine"
3 - choose one of my opinions about trc that MAYBE you don't agree.
a) the dreamer trilogy has a slightly more interesting story.
b) the raven king ending sucks. like what is that DEMON?
c) adam and ronan were a little quick (but they're perfect anyway, maybe because it was so sudden, i wasn't expecting ronan lynch's secret)
d) declan was right most of the time, he just wanted to take care of what was left of the family.
e) noah deserved at least a decent goodbye.
4 - pick a random thing that was mentioned in the books
a) the pig
b) squash 1, squash 2, squash 3...
c) adam parrish's worn clothes.
d) lampshade dress (or ronan's lack of interest.
e) blue's pink pocket knife.
5 - you woke up at 03:49 am and you feel happy but you don't remember what you dreamed about. later, as the day goes by, you reflect. what did you dream about?
a) I don't remember exactly, just one person in front of me, they says my name and then they hugs me and I feel loved and then aliens take us to a distant planet and I turn out to be that person is a little girl who stole a lego of mine when i was a kid and we started battling for the hand of the cockroach queen.
b) I woke up happy that I finally got some sleep, but dreaming? it's something I'm still trying to remember how to do.
c) I can't remember what I dreamed about.
d) me in front of a mirror and in that mirror I saw myself as a kid. they told me in a calm voice "you can grow up now"
e) a house with all the ghosts that haunt me, they say they can move on now. I'm alone in the house, there's nothing left, but that emptiness doesn't bother me. I like the silence after so much noise.
6 - choose a quote from the books
a) "he threw me out the window"
b) "excelsior"
c) "maybe i dreamt you"
d) "safe as life"
e) "i am being perfectly fucking civil"
7 - ok, without judging the inside of the books, just choose by the cover.
a) the dream thieves
b) the raven king
c) the raven boys
d) blue lily, lily blue
e) call down the hawk / mister impossible /greywaren
8 - which of Ronan's dreams do you most identify with?
a) adam's perfect teeth (i know, i know)
b) matthew, the golden boy who just wants to be a normal boy
c) the other ronan who was born to die
d) forests and more forests
e) a hoverboard that will save everyone in the end
9 - if gansey is the king, blue is the mirror, ronan is the dreamer, noah is the ghost and adam is the magician so henry is...?
a) the one that's left (maybe you didn't care enough to give him a meaning)
b) madonna's number one fan
c) the bee
d) the son
e) the master
10 - if someone came and told you that you were going to die in a year, how would you react?
a) "no shit, sherlock! now say something new"
b) I would accept my fate and live normally. "After all, we're all going to die, I'm just going to die sooner"
c) I would do what I was always afraid to do.
d) "I've been dead for seven years"
e) I would do anything to change my destiny.
if you chose king add a point for ronan. if you chose poet add a point for noah and gansey. and if you chose soldier add a point for adam and blue.
now just add which letter you got the most and tell me in the comments the result :)
a = ronan
b = noah
c = gansey
d = adam
e = blue
I hope that you enjoyed and sorry for any mistakes, I'm learning english :)
I was thinking of doing a "which brother lynch are you" and one about the marauders, what do you think?
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sinkat-arts · 9 months
Blood Upon the Snow Master Post
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Daisuga | Western | Monster Hunter Suga | Shapeshifter Daichi
Rated E
COMPLETE | 15 Chapters | 184k
Ever since his family was murdered in front of his eyes by ravenous creatures known as shifters, Sugawara Koushi has lived a life fueled by anger and revenge. It's left him joyless and alone with only his horse to call friend, but it's turned him into a ruthless hunter with a path of blood a mile wide behind his cowboy boots. Skilled and fatally efficient, he's been trusted with the assignment to track down any stragglers from a pack of shifters his crew recently eradicated on a lone mountain. For him, it should have been an easy winter. What he discovered up there amongst the pines, however, would shake his beliefs and leave him questioning himself and everything he's ever done in the name of revenge.
Read it on AO3 >
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“It’s just how it is. We’re made to die alone,” he said, heart catching as more words tumbled out before he could stop them, “I’m sorry.”  Those big, brown eyes just kept looking at him. Maybe it was the tension of the moment or maybe Suga really was losing his mind, but the thing’s face seemed to soften as it dipped its snout in something like a nod. All right then , it seemed to say, go on . Its head fell back into the snow, its eyes closed in surrender. 
Chapter 1 on AO3 >
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Suga sighed, opening his mouth to tell him to stop that, for the love of god, but he closed it again before another sound could be made. Something about the angle of the shifter’s head as he looked mournfully down at the fabric that was confining and constricting him, and the way the light, soft and silvery through the clouds, was streaming down on him from the small window above struck him, silencing his tongue. Ephemeral and delicate, the winter sun lit him from behind, surrounding him like a damned halo glowing against his deep, rich skintone and the contrasting darkness of his corner.
Chapter 2 on AO3 >
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"Why Suka chain Daichi?” The fucked up thing was that for a minute there, I almost said I don’t know. Because sometimes, I look at him, and I cannot see danger. Sometimes, I look at him, and my mind refuses to connect the dots between that smile he gets when he’s learned something new or likes his dinner or plays with Percy to what happened to my family and so many other people along the way.
Chapter 3 on AO3 >
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He remembered thinking he’d been quite magnanimous, allowing a shifter to stay inside next to a warm stove and giving him pillows and blankets to rest on, but without Daichi there to add life, he could see it for what it was… just a pile of bedding on a cold, hard floor. I made him live in that. Like that.
Chapter 4 on AO3 >
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“This ok?” Daichi asked, that same need rumbling around the edges of his voice, but there was concern there now, too. “Talk to me, Suka.” “Daichi, I…” Suga started, responding to the command to speak but not knowing what to say.
Chapter 5 on AO3 >
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“Wish I talk your talk better. Then you listen… understand me, maybe. But this,” he said, gesturing to the wall in front of him, “This show you… I am not stupid, shifter not stupid. And I am not human, but I am a person. Person is family, pack, friend. Person is story. I have that. Wanted you to… see.” He stopped speaking and turned, pivoting so he was facing Suga. “Wanted you to see… me.”
Chapter 6 on AO3 >
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The horror was large, looming. It stole the air right out of his lungs - but fuck his lungs, he’d breathe when Daichi was safe. “Shut the hell up and shoot,” he hissed at himself as he fell to his knees, shouldering his rifle in one smooth motion.
Chapter 7 on AO3 >
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He thinks we’re at the happy ending of our fairy tale… but I know we’re just at the part where the wolf throws off the disguise and pounces.
Chapter 8 on AO3 >
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"So the way I see it… this is your chance.” “To what?” “Start over. Find your place. Be who you want to be."
Chapter 9 on AO3 >
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There were smaller deaths that happened all the time - of spirit, mind, heart - and he’d suffered each one throughout his life. But this one didn’t seem nearly as bad as all of those.
Chapter 10 on AO3 >
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“Another problem, then,” he said. “What problem?” “Can you forgive yourself?"
Chapter 11 on AO3 >
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The volume in the cave rose with it, rejection reverberating from every wall. Monster, killer, leave... words he knew, bouncing all around him as his body burned with fever and shame. Say something, he thought. Anything. This ain’t the time to be a coward, just cuz you feel puny and scared.
Chapter 12 on AO3 >
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“I need to say something,” Daichi said, and Koushi didn’t miss the sudden shake in his voice or the way he was twisting his hands. “Was going to wait more, but… I am tired of not saying it. Starting to hurt, not saying it.”
Chapter 13 on AO3 >
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“Me for you,” Daichi murmured, “And you for me.” “Us,” Koushi answered to complete the thought.
Chapter 14: After, and Always on AO3 >
Epilogue: Courage
The feelings washing over him were at odds with each other, pulling him every which way. There was the rough scrape of grief in his heart, but right next to it, a little pearl of happiness for the memory.
Epilogue: Courage on AO3 >
Asides and One-Offs
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Read after Chapter 11
Heart hurts. Everything heavy and bad because no Suga.   But it bad to miss Suga, I think. It bad to want someone who hurt my pack, kill my pack, trick me, lie to me.
Daichi's Journal on AO3 >
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Read after Chapter 13
He just hadn’t expected to walk into his den that summer evening to see Koushi curled up in his nest, sleeping the afternoon away without a care in the world.
Always Going This Way on AO3 >
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