#sorry colorado i still love you you know i do i just wanted to win
goaliesarethebest · 1 year
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road trip as a teenage avenger headcanons!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1k
request: yes / no
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: lots ofc but i'd say big emphasis on reader (duh), harley keener, peter parker, miles morales, scott lang, clint barton, bucky barnes, sam wilson, tony stark, happy hogan, natasha romanoff, and bruce banner. more are prob in it but i don't wanna type it all out lol
a/n: y'all i think my pictures are getting more chaotic & tbh i think it's a good thing anyways requests are still open, send in an ask whenever :)
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
it was an annual tradition for the avengers to go on a road trip.
steve always said it was "team bonding". it was honestly kind of fun.
better than the other "team bonding" you did, which mainly consisted of running long distances!!
anyways, they usually would do it soon after you, harley, peter, and miles finished school (also yes im including miles now bc i love him)
tony would come over the intercom while you all were lounging around and tell you to pack your bags.
packing is always a big issue.
let's just say that SOME people are big overpackers...
no offense to him but like ppl have had to sit in the trunk before because of him
and he overpacks with stuff that rly doesn’t make sense
like once y’all went to colorado
and he packed snorkeling equipment
and so you were like “scott. seriously?”
and he looked at you with such a serious face
“y/n. what if all the snow melts? then we would be underwater!! i have an extra snorkeling mask too. i was gonna give it to you, but now idk….”
bruce overpacks too
but he overpacks in a good way
guys bruce is like the mom on vacation
well him and tony both
you’d think steve would be but he is NOT
like the man doesn’t even wear sunscreen
and then here comes bruce with a tote bag full of snacks
which tony eats half of by the way
the best part of having thor on a trip is that he will ALWAYS pick you up if you’re too tired
like once he had you and peter under both his arms like footballs bc u got tired
and clint was sad bc he was tired too
he tried to get scott to pick him up but scott wasn’t ready and they both fell and they like hit their heads
that was an interesting day
ok so setting the scene again
you, peter, harley, miles, natasha and bruce were in the middle of a very competitive round of uno
like y’all
competitive doesn’t even begin to cover it
anyways you were about to get uno
you put down your card and suddenly 
“HEY EVERYBODY” “SHHH you’re being too loud” “ohh sorry HEY EVERYBODY”
you started laughing at the quite obvious blunders of thor and clint in the intercom room
“thor, buddy? you don’t need to be kissing the mic when you speak, alright?”
tony, from another room, always quick with the jabs.
natasha just shook her head but you and peter, harley and miles were DYING
with that done, you all got up, groaning.
“uno.” natasha smirked at you, noticing that you only had one card.
“darn it!!!” you said. “well, doesn’t matter now. we have to go anyways.”
“we can always resume it later, y/n :) “ 
“fine, nat. but i’m going to win this time!! right bruce??”
“well, kid, you know i’m usually on your side, but…”
“aw, come on!!”
ok fast forward. 
you were in the family room
aw guys isn’t that cute that they call it a family room
bc ur a family
ok anyway
and here comes scott with his fifty bags
“relax sharpay, we’re not gonna be gone for THAT long”
guys i wanted a cool tony nickname and tbh i just remember vaguely that sharpay had like suitcases on the cover of her movie i never even watched it so i could be wrong but that was my intention
“tony, these are my essentials.”
“scott, why don’t you just shrink that down? like seriously, man.” miles remarked, and you couldn’t help but agree.
“hey, y’know what? that’s a great idea miles!!”
and so he ended up shrinking his luggage
but then he couldn’t find it
oh scott
anyways tony and happy did a lot of car assignment work
to make sure everyone would get there safely
and your car
drum roll please
ok also this was only for the trip there
the trip back would be different
ok the car was
tony, happy, clint and peter
tbh this was not a bad car at all
poor miles and harley were stuck with scott, bucky, sam and steve
natasha and wanda and pietro and thor were the other one
although here’s the issue
tony is a bad driver
but happy didn’t feel like driving
and u were just starting to drive so clint was like “NO WAY do i trust y/n in a car!!!”
that goofy clown fr
so tony was driving
oh and btw y’all were going to the compound
tony told you and you were like 
“dude, that’s not a road trip”
and he was like “we’re in the car for more than an hour. it’s a road trip, kid.”
and miles and harley kept texting like theorizing about where u were going
harley said europe
and you were like
anyways ya 
so tony is like swerving and speeding everywhere 
ok maybe thats dramatic
but happy was holding the little bar
and he was like yelling at tony to slow down
meanwhile clint is just singing along to the music thats BLASTING
and u and peter are ready to accept ur deaths
like u literally texted sam a video of what was happening and he almost called happy to tell him to pull over 😭 
sam’s got ur back thats for sure!!
anyways tony pulled into a drive thru
bc he needed coffee
guys hes tony stark he needs stuff like that
and he got u and peter and clint happy meals :D
and clint was so excited like 💀 
love him
happy made sure u and peter had ur seatbelts on 
he said it was bc he didn’t want to have to explain to midtown why yall didnt come back for the next year 😭 
that and “too much paperwork”
anyways tony finally got it together
u and peter decided that he just needed an acoustic song on the radio bc as soon as something more relaxing came on he was a lot better lol
the rest of the drive was pretty alright
i'm gonna do another headcanon set about the avengers actually on vacation but yeah there ya go :)
thats how the road trips work yahoo
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
Bestie, I absolutely love the reactions, and the potential upset picks based on nothing but vibes (because is there any other way to pick them really?), the silly goofy vibes F4 predictions! All of it!
Ok, so I've created a few too many brackets lmao, some (read: most) with all vibes and zero logic, and a couple with slightly more logic, maybe, lol. But I guess my "primary" bracket consists of the following, and I'll start from sweet 16, to make it shorter (yk when i say shorter i really mean longer):
Sweet 16
Albany 1:
SC vs Oklahoma (I actually think Indiana could get through over Oklahoma but for humanity's sake, I'm manifesting the Sooners) Oregon St vs Notre Dame ( I wanted to give Nebraska and/or Ole Miss the upset in Rd 2, which I have in a couple of my other brackets, but ultimately, I think Oregon St and ND get through)
Albany 2:
Princeton vs Kansas St (ok so my primary bracket should really be one of my more logical ones but fuck that, it's March Madness for a reason, and I desperately want Princeton to get through and upset Iowa. I mean, just imagine being the team that sends CC and the Hawkeyes packing, and to do it in Carver? Give me a Kaitlyn Chen buzzer-beating game-winning shot for the theatrics! Oh and Colorado and Kansas St is a toss-up for me rn, but I'll go with Ayoka Lee)
LSU vs UCLA (I badly wanna see Louisville upset LSU bcos in Jeff I trust buuuut I just can't see it rn, I'm sorry Jeff)
Portland 3:
USC vs Columbia (yeah that's right, fuck it, Columbia in against Vandy then upsets Baylor and VT cos it's Abbey Hsu's last year and the universe owes her one! 😌)
UConn vs Ohio State (Does a Syracuse/Auburn/Arizona matchup scare me a little? Sure, but just a little, cos March P and MVLi will get them through. Also, what's with the committee and setting up players against their former team - HVL vs Louisville and Celeste vs Duke, lmao committee be a lil messy sometimes)
Portland 4:
Texas vs Utah (I know people are expecting Utah to stumble early, maybe even in the first round, but not me bestie, NOT ME)
Tennessee vs Stanford (you're right that there's really no in between with TN, either they upset NC State or get blown out by them but I'm going with the upset)
Elite 8
South Carolina vs Oregon State (I know, I have Oregon St with the upset over ND, but idk i think a part of me is a lil biased towards PAC 12 teams just given what they'd had to contend with even though ACC was a tough one too, so I'm giving Oregon St the slightest edge)
Kansas St vs UCLA (I wanna take Princeton all the way to an Elite 8, I do, but I didn't 😭 And maybe I'm too high on UCLA but like you said, they're just more consistent and I trust them more than LSU and most other teams)
USC vs Ohio State (I'M SORRY Y'ALL! Ok, look, as I might have said before, I'm a massive Jacy and Cotie fan and because it's Jacy's final year, I kinda have a slight bias towards OSU right now. But what about Aaliyah and Nika, you ask?? What about "bleed blue always"? I know, I'm such a traitor, but in my defence? my main attachment to UConn is Azzi, even though I do love the rest of the team - and since Azzi isn't playing, my attachment to a few other players (read: Jacy and AP) have been a little stronger this season. PLS FORGIVE ME)
Utah vs Stanford (read previous statement and my said attachment to certain players - I'm wishing on any and every shooting star that AP goes on a generational run and takes Utah this far 🙏 I also have TN upsetting Stanford in some brackets, but not this one)
Final 4
South Carolina vs Stanford (Given I'd been letting my heart dictate most of these picks, I really should have just gone with Utah to make it here, but this is the one time my brain actually took over)
UCLA vs Ohio State (like you, USC still doesn't move me as much as other teams, although I do think they're actually a solid team even outside of Juju, but hey if I picked Ohio State over UConn then I should really stand by that now huh)
National Championship
South Carolina vs Ohio State
Ohio State (I will say, I think after the second sweet-16 reveal, I picked OSU to win then and so I thought well I might as well stand ten toes down and stay consistent 😅)
Again, I'm sorry for betraying UConn like this, I know pookie would be disappointed in me 😔 but fear not y'all, I swear I made another bracket where I have UConn win it all soooo, call it even?
Anyway, this is all from an unqualified, amateur, and unserious wcbb fan who used simply nothing but vibes and a quarter of a brain cell to make these picks!
I'm sorry you had to read through all that, bestie. I know you're probably like, i didn't ask for this!! But I hope it was entertaining, if anything 😂
Biggest love to you always, Nivi. 💗
Hi bestie <3
Now that, that's out of the way (I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed 🥲) I actually see the vision with your bracket but I'm ngl babes we are on very different wavelengths for the first time lol because "main" bracket is not this at all (well kinda).
I have SC vs Indiana (still rooting for Fairfield) because I have Oklahoma losing to FGCU and I picked the Nebraska upset so I have them vs ND but I have SC coming out of that region as well.
Also babes I'm with because I have Princeton making the sweet 16 as well like it's what we deserve but I'm picking the Louisville upset because fuck Kim Mulkely lmao but I do ultimately have UCLA coming out of that region.
Our Portland 3 region is so insanely difference because I'm so sorry bestie I have OSU getting upset by Duke in the 2nd round. And this is gonna backfire but I have USC getting upset in the 2nd round by Kansas and then obviously I have UConn coming out of the whole things.
But we see each other with Portland 4 because I have Texas vs Utah and Stanford vs Tennessee as well but then listen APHive, I'm so sorry, and I have Utah going further in my fun brackets, but in the main, I had to put Texas above. I have Stanford coming out of that one though.
Anyways all of this to say that I have Stanford vs UConn in the national championship with UConn winning it all. I genuinely tried to make *1* bracket where UConn didn't win and I just couldn't so basically in every world in my brain UConn wins.
I love your thoughts always babes (even when you're betting against my huskies) and I love that they're always long. <3
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
So I have a question, I’m in Texas and abortion has been banned, as a woman I’m at a loss for words still…especially coming from a family who cheered when the news broke out and having very different opinions then them I feel like I can’t speak on it….now they’re coming for the LGBTQ+ so do you or anyone else have any recommendations on other states to move to and/or any tips on how to move to a new state? I’m not part of LGBTQ+ but I have many friends who are and I’m so scared for them and most of us are trying to find a way to gtfo before things get worse….it’s sad but I can’t live in a state or around so many people who want to control one’s body or how someone lives their life.
first off, i'm so sorry you and your friends aren't in the safest of environments. if you can, keep your head low, save up as much money as you can, and gtfo asap.
colorado, in terms of closest to you, is the best state to go towards. they're both lgbtq+ friendly, and also have access to abortions safely. that being said, a lot of states surrounding have trigger laws, and bc of that, some news outlets (and also the state itself) expects a lot of ppl to either move there or travel there for abortions since it is the closest spot. so, keep that in mind, especially if you plan to look for housing soon. god knows landlords will be dicks and raise prices bc the state will be in high demand.
california would also be okay, but it's expensive. if you want a completely opposite place to go, like up north-east, delaware is surprisingly good. besides the fact it's surrounded by other states that rank high on the treating lgbtq+ well, it's also has a codified law for abortions. the only state that's near delaware that would kinda be a little unsafe, depending on what happens in the near future and who wins our upcoming election, is literally pennsylvania. so… gotta love that for me lol
two states that are closer to delaware, maryland and new jersey are also good places for lgbtq+ and safely accessing abortions. maryland just expanded their abortion laws, and new jersey also has plans to expand their abortion laws (and they also refunded PP after the previous gov slashed the budget).
the two sources i used to look up some of this info is here and here in case you want to look into it more. make sure to look at those sources on a device you can remove the history from, or at the very least an incognito window. maybe use a vpn if you have one too. stay safe <3
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
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౨ৎ ─ summary | this is part one, brother's best friend trope! bryce and paige had been best friends since they were kids, and she's never really been close to his little sister, y/n until she transfers to uconn after a tumultuous freshman year. part two!!!!!!!!!
─ word count | 10k words (holy fuck i'm so sorry)
─ warnings | VERY UNEDITED (just wanted to get this masterpiece out for yall since i've been teasing for a couple months) brother's best friend trope, language, kinda suggestive, couple kisses pretty fluffy, lots of tension, pretty fast-paced, LOTSSSSS of straight up yap, allusions to SA but could be interpreted as something else, drinking/alcohol usage, idk nothing else?
─ ev's notes | this might be straight up trash but this was a request from like early march, i wanted to do it justice and hopefully ???? i did. i'm gonna be honest, i blacked out while writing this and i'm too lazy to edit but hopefully it's good enough for yall!!!!!!!
pls lmk what yall thought!!!!!! i love hearing yalls feedback in my inbox 💘💘 mwah mwah mwah, enjoy!!!!!!
⇨ missing out on updates? check out my wcbb masterlist!
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"LET'S GO, THAT'S MY BOY!" PAIGE SHOUTS loudly from the stands, earning a few amused glances from others in the bleacher.
Bryce, her best friend, hadn't done anything special but Paige was the ultimate hype-woman. Bryce heard her shout and shot her his signature smirk before focusing back on the game. They'd know each other since middle school ─ and they've been practically inseparable since.
After winning the game by 3 points, Paige walked through the crowd to try and find Bryce. And after searching for a moment, she spotted Bryce talking with a girl outside the locker room and began walking toward them. Before she could tease him, she quickly recognized the familiar face.
"Y/N?" She called out and both of the siblings turned around. Paige was almost shocked at how much you'd grown up. She glanced up and down, taking in your appearance.
"Paige!" Your eyes widened, your lips curving up in a smile as the taller blonde pulled you into a tight hug. "How the hell did you manage to get even taller?"
Paige chuckled as she squeezed you tightly in the embrace. "I guess I just can't help it," she joked, releasing you from the hug but keeping her hands on your shoulders as she looked at you. The last time she saw her sophomore year at UConn and your senior year at Hopkins, which has been almost three years.
After your senior year, your parents moved out to your grandparents house up in Colorado so even during holidays, she didn't see you or your brother anymore.
You grinned, shaking your head in amusement. "Well, you definitely make me feel short," you joked back.
"Well, you are short. Don't know how Brycey here got so tall." Paige teased as you laughed. Paige was shocked at how much you'd changed; your skin was glowing, your hair was longer, you'd gotten your braces off, you finally found your sense of style... She couldn't help but stare.
"Well, I guess he got all the height genes," you joked, playfully poking fun at Bryce's towering stature. "Maybe not the cute genes, though."
That's for sure, Paige thought to herself as she gazed at you. She realized she was staring before she glanced back at Bryce, a laugh escaping her mouth.
"Okay, okay." Bryce rolled his eyes as you joined Paige's laughter. "Me and the boys are gonna go celebrate. You guys down?"
"Well, I'm still trying to unpack-"
Paige cut you off as she spoke for you. "Oh, we're down. You can unpack later, B will help you."
"Wait, what." Bryce looked in between you two as he scoffed.
Paige flashed Bryce a smirk, clearly enjoying the moment. "Yep, you heard right. Consider it a big brother duty."
"I didn't sign up to be her brother." Bryce rolled his eyes playfully but quickly relented as Paige sent him a mocking glare. "Fine, fine whatever."
You chuckled at Paige and Bryce, realizing how much you'd missed their banter. "Looks like I've got myself a brand new big brother," you teased, giving Bryce a playful nudge.
Bryce grinned, shaking his head in amusement. "Lucky you," he replied with a smirk, playfully ruffling your hair.
"Hey! I just got a blowout!"
You and Paige sat in a different table than the team, opting for a table without a group of noisy college boys. Neither of you minded though, you finally had the chance to catch up since either of you had seen each other in so long.
"So, how's basketball?" You sipped on your fountain drink as Paige chewed on the pizza, trying to swallow quickly to speak. You let out a laugh at Paige's eagerness to talk about her sport.
"Basketball's been good, really intense this season," Paige replied once she managed to swallow her bite of pizza. "We've been training hard, but it's paying off. We're getting some great wins," she continued, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
You nodded, feeling a surge of pride for Paige. "I know, I've been keeping up with your games. Dad always watches your games and texts us updates on the groupchat, it's so funny."
Paige laughed, your family had always been really supportive of her ─ they'd slowly become her second family. "Dude, that's so funny. He doesn't even like basketball."
"He probably watches more of your games than Bryce's," you quipped with a playful grin, earning a chuckle from Paige.
"Don't let Bryce hear you, he'll kill me." Paige shook her head in amusement as she took another bite of the pizza. "Anyway, how are you liking UConn? Bryce told you'd transferred but you know how my schedule can be-"
"No, Paige, I totally get it." You smiled softly at her, nodding understandingly. "UConn's been great, actually. It's been a big adjustment, but I'm starting to settle in."
"I'm glad you liked it. Honestly, I never knew why you didn't come here in the first place ─ imagine, two of L/N at UConn." She exaggerated as you laughed, finishing up your slice of piece of pizza.
You chuckled at Paige's playful exaggeration, shaking your head in amusement. "I just didn't wanna go too far from home."
Paige understood why you were so scared, she remembers how shy you were when you were a kid. You really kept to yourself, the only reason why people even knew of you was because of your brother, who was a basketball legend. But seeing you now, she's sure no one would believe her.
You carried yourself so much differently, you were so much more well-spoken and confident. But it was a subtle difference, you hadn't changed so drastically to the point where she didn't even recognize you. You had kept all the parts that made you, you and gotten more comfortable in your own skin. You were so alluring to Paige, something about you just made her feel good.
"I get it, but hey. You're here now." Paige grinned as she finally finished up her food. She glanced around the shop before she turned back to you. "Do you wanna go walk around campus? I can show you around, so you know where all cool places are at."
If Paige was being honest, she just wanted to spend some more time alone with you. She convinced herself it was simply because she'd wanted to catch up more, I mean... she hadn't seen you in over two years.
You glanced over at Bryce, he was so engulfed with his friends you were sure he had forgotten you were even here. Plus, you did want to go explore the campus a little more. You snapped your gaze back to Paige, a small smile playing on your face.
"Sure, let's go."
You and Paige got up from the booth and left the shop, out into the cool night air. Despite the late hour, it wasn't completely empty ─ there were a couple people still out. You began walking, the cool air flowing through your hair.
Paige glanced back at you, continuing to analyze you and how much you'd grown up the last year. She'd always been closer to Bryce because they shared so many interests but also because you'd always been very shy and closed off. Up until your sophomore year, she hadn't really talked to you ─ but now, it felt familiar but different all at once.
However, Paige didn't mind one bit. She'd always wanted to be closer to you and now it seemed like the perfect time.
You caught her gaze and mirrored her smile, amusement evident in your expression. "What?"
"What do you mean, what?" She mocked your voice and you shook your head in faux-annoyance. "Can't I look at you? I mean jeez, you... you were always pretty but damn."
You let out a breathless laugh as you rolled your eyes, despite the warm feeling that began to form on your face. Paige had always had the teasing personality but for some reason, it felt different now ─ more personal. Maybe you were just over analyzing it. "Shut up, says you."
"What about me?" Paige teased as her gaze lingered on your face. The cool air did nothing to soothe the awful warm feeling on your face as you scoffed, Paige was such a tease.
You stumbled over your words as Paige laughed, trying to explain yourself. "Well... you know what I mean. You're really pretty."
Paige's laughter softened into a warm smile, and for a moment, the air seemed charged with a new sense of closeness between you. "Aw, thanks, Y/N," she replied, her tone sincere as she reached out to gently nudge your shoulder.
You felt a rush of relief at her response, grateful that she hadn't misinterpreted your awkward attempt at complimenting her. "Yeah, of course," you replied as shy smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"I mean... you're always teasing me, and now you're all... complimenting me and stuff," you stammered, feeling the weight of Paige's gaze on you.
Paige's expression softened, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Hey, I'm just speaking the truth. You know," she replied, her voice soft and sincere. "When we were in high school I knew, like five guys who had the biggest crushes on you."
Your eyebrows knitted in confusion as you laughed, why would she bring that up? "Really? Well no one ever asked me out," your tone came out amused but there was an underlying hurt to it.
Paige shook her head as she scoffed, "Yeah it's Bryce's fault. He told all the boys if they ever asked you out, he'd break their kneecaps or some shit like that."
You burst into laughter at Paige's remark, the tension dissipating as you realized the absurdity of the situation. "Seriously? Bryce said that?"
Paige nodded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh yeah, he was very protective of you. Said something about not wanting anyone to break your heart or something like that."
"Well, I guess that explains why no one ever asked me out," you replied with a chuckle, feeling a sense of gratitude for your brother's unwavering support. "I don't blame him, the boys on the basketball teams were always sluts."
"Sluts is one way to put it," She laughed at your wording, nudging you playfully. "Looks like you were always off-limits." Paige wet her lips as she kept gazing at you, a smile playing on her lips. You didn't miss the way her tone shifted, her eyes scanning your body.
You couldn't help but notice the change in Paige's demeanor, the way her laughter faded into a more contemplative silence. Her gaze felt almost... lingering, and you couldn't shake the feeling of warmth that spread through you under her scrutiny.
There was something different in the way she looked at you, something that sent a shiver down your spine and made your heart race. As the moment stretched on, you felt a rush of uncertainty wash over you. What was happening between you and Paige? Was it just a fleeting moment of attraction, or something more?
You felt like your mind was racing, you were absolutely insane. You couldn't gather your thoughts as you swallowed.
"Yeah, I guess so," you replied, your voice slightly breathless as you tried to shake off the wave of uncertainty. Paige's playful teasing had taken on a new tone, one that left you feeling both exhilarated and very, very nervous.
Paige's smile widened into a smirk. "So, what about now? Are you still off-limits?" She asked, her voice low and. And before you could respond, she continued. "You know, you've really grown up a lot since high school,"
"Thanks, Paige," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper as you struggled to meet her gaze.
Paige's gaze softened, her gaze lingering on you in a way that made your cheeks flush with heat. "Anytime." She replied, her tone light. "So, where's your dorm?"
You cleared your throat, trying to compose yourself as you gestured in the direction of your dorm. "It's just a couple of blocks from here, Hilltop Halls"" you replied, your voice a little steadier than before.
"Oh shit, me too. How'd you manage that?" Paige laughed as she shook her head in amusement. Those were usually the dorms for student athletes and honors students, and she didn't recall you being either.
You shrugged, a sheepish grin spreading across your face. "Honestly, I have no idea. Just got lucky with the housing assignment, I guess."
Paige raised an eyebrow as she eyed you. "Hmm, mysterious," she teased as she smirked, her tone suggestive. "Maybe you have some hidden talents you haven't told me about."
You burst out laughing, rolling your eyes. "Oh yeah? Like what?"
Paige kept smirking back at you before you nudged her shoulder playfully, she let out a couple chuckles. "Hey, I don't know what you've been up in college. Who knows, you might be a party girl or something."
"Oh shut up," you couldn't hide the smirk as she let out a dramatic gasp.
"You are a party girl! Bad, bad girl Y/N." She tsk'd dramatically as you rolled your eyes. "Does Bryce know you're out here causing trouble?" Paige continued, her voice dripping with mock concern.
You laughed, shaking your head at Paige's exaggerated antics. "Oh please, Bryce doesn't need to know anything,"
Paige smirked, her gaze lingering on you with a playful glint. "Well, then, it'll be our little secret then."
You and Paige arrived at the entrance to Hilltop Halls, walking into the building then up the stairs. "What floor are you on?" Paige's voice rung in the otherwise, pretty dead hallway.
You glanced over at Paige, a smile playing on your lips. "I'm on the third floor," you replied, leading the way up the staircase. "It's not too far."
"Damn, I'm on the fifth floor." She spoke as she followed closely behind you, her footsteps echoing softly on the stairs as you ascended to the third floor. "But I do know someone who lives on this floor."
And right as those words flew out of her mouth, the door on their right opened to reveal a very tired KK. Paige let out a laugh at the coincidence, looking in between you two.
"Well, speak of the devil," Paige remarked with a grin, her eyes dancing with amusement.
KK rubbed her eyes sleepily, a yawn escaping her lips. "Hey, Paige. Who's your friend?" Her lips curved into a tired but otherwise friendly smile.
"It's Bryce's little sister. She just transferred and she lives on this floor," Paige introduced you with a warm smile. "Y/N, meet KK, one of my teammates."
"Oh, Bryce's little sister? What are you doing with his little sister?" KK's smile turned into a smirk as she raised her eyebrows, gazing at Paige knowingly.
"Oh shut up, it's not like that." Paige's face blushed as KK laughed, examining you with a smile. "She's like a sister to me."
KK's smirk widened as she continued to tease Paige. "Uh-huh, sure she is," she replied, her tone laced with amusement.
Paige rolled her eyes, her cheeks flushing slightly as she shot KK a mock glare. "Seriously, KK. Bryce would kill me," she insisted.
"Yeah and you always like a challenge." KK raised her eyebrows before she finally met your gaze "You're a lot prettier than Brycey, I'll tell you that. Nice to meet you, Y/N," her gaze lingered on you longer than Paige liked, sending her a glare (that went unnoticed by you).
You smiled, feeling grateful for the warm welcome from both Paige and KK. "Thanks, KK. It's nice to meet you too," you replied warmly.
Before KK could respond, Paige grabs your arm and flashed you a grin. "Well, it's getting late and Y/N needs her beauty sleep. I'll see you later KK, love you."
Paige's words came out quick as she practically dragged you down the hallway, KK letting out another laugh. "Nice meeting you, KK! See you around," you called out with a smile.
As you guys finally got to your dorm room, Paige gave you a smile. "Sorry 'bout that, KK just likes to tease."
"No worries, Paige. It's all good," you reassured her with a smile, appreciating her protective nature. "She seems really fun."
Paige returned your smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yeah, she is. She means well."
There was a comfortable silence as you gazed at each other for a few moments. Paige was the first to break the eye contact, chucking as her gaze lingered on the door then back to you.
"This was fun," Paige remarked, her voice soft but filled with warmth as she glanced around the hallway. "Let's hang out more, yeah?"
"Yeah." You smiled as your cheeks flushed slightly, nervously chuckling. "Just let me know when, cus I know you're a busy woman."
"I definitely will," she assured you, her tone eager. "And don't worry, I'll make time for you."
You flushed as you gazed back at the blonde. "Thanks, P. Really,"
"Why are you thanking me, I'm your friend. Of course I'm gonna make time for you," Paige scoffed as if it meant nothing at all.
"Well you're a student athlete-"
"So what?" Paige laughed as she shook her. "You have to get inside your room before we talk out here for another hour,"
"Alright, alright, I'm going," you replied with a grin. "Goodnight, Paige,"
With a final wave, you entered your dorm room, ready to settle in for the night but you couldn't help but grin. Your cheeks had begun to hurt from how much you'd been laughing, you couldn't remember the last time you'd laughed that hard. And it was all because of a certain blonde.
You shook your head as you sighed at your own thoughts, you needed to relax. That's just how Paige is ─ flirty and a tease, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less.
"How was it?" Bryce's voice snapped you back to reality, pulling your attention away from the task at hand. You blinked, lost in thought as you turned to face Bryce.
You and Bryce had been silently sorting through your stuff for the past half hour, both too exhausted (and maybe a little hungover, in Bryce's case) to engage in much conversation.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you turned to face him. "How was what?"
"Hanging out with Paige?" Bryce's voice slightly agitated as he spoke in a matter-of-factly tone.
His question caught you off guard, and you paused for a moment before responding. "Oh, it was good. We caught up and uh, walked around campus," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant despite the butterflies at the mention of the girl you'd been thinking about non-stop for the last 24 hours.
"Turns out she lives a few floors above me," you added with a smile as you kept on sorting through your make-up.
"Oh, wait." Bryce paused as he processed the information, realization striking his expression as he smiled. "Oh, yeah! And the rest of the girl's basketball team, too. That's cool, though now I can just hang out with you for an hour and then Paige, don't have to waste gas or anything."
"You just realized that?" Your voice was amused as you glanced at Bryce, shaking your head in disbelief at your brother's stupidity.
Bryce chuckled, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. "Hey, cut me some slack. My brain's still waking up," he replied with a grin. "Why'd you and Paige decide to run off like that. I looked away for two seconds and you were both gone."
"Well, uh..." You didn't know why you were so nervous under Bryce's gaze ─ it wasn't like he was accusing you of anything nor have you done anything wrong. "We just felt left out cus you were with your boys. And we needed some fresh air."
Bryce raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Fresh air, huh?"
"Yeah, you know, just wanted to stretch our legs a bit," you replied with a shrug, hoping to brush off any suspicion.
And as if right on cue, you heard a knock on your door. Before you could call out to whoever it was, the familiar voice spoke up. "It's me, open up."
Bryce dropped the piece of clothing he was folding to open the door for Paige, a smile on his face. You leaned so you could also greet her, a bright smile on your face.
Paige laughed as she took in Bryce's disheveled appearance. "How hungover are you, 1 to 10?"
Bryce just rolled his eyes and opened your door wider so that Paige could enter the room as he walked away to continue the task at hand. "Shut up, Paige."
"Ooo, someone's cranky." Paige's voice was laced with amusement as you began laughing, soon joined by Paige as Bryce glared at the two of you.
Paige chuckled as she stepped into the room, glancing around with curiosity. "So, how's the unpacking going?"
You shrugged, gesturing to the scattered boxes and bags around the room. "We're getting there."
"Well I have something that might help you unwind. We have a kickback at my friend's place, are you two down?" Paige's invitation took you by surprise, but the prospect of unwinding after a long day of unpacking sounded appealing. You glanced over at Bryce, silently gauging his reaction.
"Not tonight, I'm still recovering from last night. And uh... I don't think you should either, you're gonna be hungover as hell." Bryce's voice was filled with concern as he glanced toward you then back at Paige.
Paige just rolled her eyes at his words. "Hey, don't let Brycey over here ruin the good mood. It'll be fun. And B, would I ever let anything bad happen to your little sister?"
Bryce's concern for both of your well-being was evident, but Paige's reassurance seemed to alleviate some of his worries. He sighed, shaking his head in resignation. "Whatever, just don't drink."
"Says you, I'm pretty sure you're still drunk right now." You joked as Paige swallowed a laugh as she exchanged a glance with both you and Bryce.
Bryce just rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Just remember what I said."
Paige waved him off with a grin, turning back to you. "So, what do you say, Y/N? Kickback tonight?"
Your lips curved into a smile as you nodded. "Yes, for sure."
The party was going great, it was exactly what you needed after a weekend of just unpacking and settling in. It wasn't as big as you were used to but you were still having fun with Paige and her friends.
However, you did take Bryce's advice and opt out on the drinking, at least for tonight. You didn't wanna make a fool out of yourself in front of all the D1 athletes you were suddenly best friends with.
"Can't believe you're Bryce's little sister," Azzi laughed as she took you in once again. You were so much more put together and very pretty.
You chuckled, feeling a little self-conscious under Azzi's gaze despite her very friendly demeanor. "Yeah, I get that a lot," you replied with a smile, trying to remain modest despite the compliment.
Azzi nudged you playfully. "Well, you'll fit right in with us. Maybe even better than Bryce does," she teased, earning a laugh from Paige.
"He doesn't fit in with us. He fits in with Paige and KK, not us. He's very..." Ice tried to put into words but decided to just shrug, a sheepish smile on her lips. "He's just Bryce. No offense,"
You laughed at Ice's comment, nodding your head in amusement. "None taken. Yeah you're right, Bryce is... well, he's Bryce," you replied, knowing exactly what Ice meant.
Bryce had always been a bit of a character, and while you loved him dearly, you could understand why people might not get along with him.
Azzi laughed, nodding in agreement. "Exactly! But you, on the other hand, you're like... the cool, mysterious sister," she continued with a playful smile, causing the others to laugh and nod in agreement.
Paige grinned, coming to Bryce's defense per usual. "Hey, leave my boy alone. He's just special, okay? So what if he's cocky and kinda annoying."
"You guys don't know how annoying Bryce can get until you've had to share a hotel room with him," you sighed dramatically as you rolled your eyes.
"God bless you, I couldn't imagine." Ice replied with a chuckle, shaking her head in amusement. "I've heard stories from Paige and KK, the one with the toothbrush," she pretended to gag as Azzi laughed.
"It wasn't that bad-" Paige protested as you shushed her dramatically, laughing.
"It's okay, P, you don't have to lie and defend him." You laughed as Paige rolled her eyes, leaning back on the table with a smirk.
"I'm telling him you said that," Paige threatened with a playful grin, raising an eyebrow in mock warning.
You gasped dramatically, pretending to be frightened. "You wouldn't!"
"Yes, yes I would."
"You would not!"
"Yes, I would!"
Before you could reply, you were suddenly pushed slightly into Paige. Her hands instinctively reach to hold you up by your waist as her expression turns into a protective one as she glares up at the person. Not only were you knocked into, their drink had spilled all over your shirt. You felt the cold liquid seep through your shirt as you stumbled, caught off guard by the sudden push.
"Oh shit, I am so sorry." The man's voice rang out as he looked down at you then Paige. "Didn't see you two there," he spoke as he noted Paige's hands on your waist.
You nodded, trying to ignore the warmth spreading through your cheeks from both the embarrassment of being pushed and the closeness to Paige. "You're all good, don't worry about it."
Paige's grip on your waist loosened as she stepped back, her eyes scanning you to make sure you weren't hurt. "Watch where you're going next time."
However, the man did not walk away after that. His gaze lingered on you as he slowly wet his lips, a smile on his face. "I've never seen you here. You go to UConn?"
You exchanged a glance with Paige, feeling a bit uncomfortable under the man's intense gaze. "Yeah, just transferred here,"
Paige stepped in, her protective instincts kicking in as she subtly positioned herself between you and the man. "We were just heading to the bathroom to clean up. If you'll excuse us."
The guy didn't budge as he kept his gaze on your figure. "You know where that is? Maybe I can show you ladies."
Paige's expression turned icy as she stepped even closer to you, clearly not amused by the man's persistence. "We'll find it ourselves, thanks."
"Come on, don't be like that. I'm just trying to be friendly." he insisted, his tone taking on a slightly aggressive edge.
Azzi and Ice exchanged glances before Paige's nose flared in anger. "If you don't back up right now, I'm gonna punch you in the nose," her voice was sharp as she eyed him up and down.
He sighed as he pushed his hair back before finally backing off, walking away. Paige's grip never left your arm as she gave Ice and Azzi a thumbs up before leading you to the bathroom. She walked next to you, her hand on the small of your back.
As you reached the bathroom, she closed the door behind you with a sigh. A guilty look crossed her features as she met your gaze in the mirror. "I'm sorry about that, Y/N. That guy was way out of line," she apologized, her voice tinged with frustration.
You met Paige's gaze in the mirror, appreciating her concern. "It's okay, Paige," you assured her, giving her a grateful smile.
Paige returned the smile as she sighed. She grabbed a paper towel then gestured for you to sit on the sink, which you obliged. She wet the paper towel and began cleaning up your shirt that was now soaking wet with beer and God knows what else.
There wasn't much use though, there was no way she was getting it out. But she kept dabbing slowly, catching your gaze every once in a while and giving you a small smile. The moment felt intimidate especially with the close proximity and the gentle touch of her hands on your shirt. You couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth in your stomach as you watched her, her focused expression softened by the dim lighting of the bathroom.
"So," Paige began as she met your eye. "Tell me more about your party girl era, I bet you lived it up in Minnesota. You were probably the life of the party."
You chuckled softly at Paige's teasing, feeling a slight blush creeping onto your cheeks. "Yeah it was fun for awhile. But y'know... got a bit carried away," your tone slightly changed as you a forced a smile, which didn't go unnoticed by Paige.
Paige noticed the shift in your tone and expression, her playful demeanor softening into one of concern. "Hey, you okay?" she asked gently, her eyes searching yours for any sign of distress.
You sighed, a wave of vulnerability washing over you as you met Paige's gaze. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just... reflecting, I guess," you admitted. "A lot happened at Minnesota, y'know."
You didn't why you were opening up, you hadn't even been drinking that night. It was probably you just needed to talk to someone about it other than your brother or your mom, and Paige was here. She looked confused as she stopped dabbing on your shirt, putting the towel down.
"You wanna talk about it?" Her voice came out soft as she looked into your eyes, and you felt vulnerable but in a good way. You could trust Paige, no matter what.
You hesitated for a moment, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside you. But something about Paige's comforting presence encouraged you to open up. "It's just... a lot of stuff happened back there," you began, your voice wavering slightly. "I made some mistakes, got caught up in things I shouldn't have."
Paige nodded in understanding, her hand reaching out to squeeze yours reassuringly. "We all make mistakes, Y/N. It's part of growing up," she reassured you, her tone gentle.
"They're mistakes I can never... undo, you know." You were being cryptic for a reason, you didn't wanna tell her straight up. "It's bad," you whispered as Paige shook her head.
"They can't be that bad, I promise you. As long as you didn't end up in jail, you're fine." Paige joked slightly as you sighed, leaning back slightly. Paige's expression flickered back to serious. "Wait did you?"
"No, no." You shook your head quickly. "Something may have happened at a party and I wasn't totally aware of it happening until the next day, and um... well, I just left after."
Paige put two and two together as her eyes widened, squeezing your hand. "Oh shit, Y/N."
"Yeah," you whispered softly.
"I... I'm so sorry that happened," Paige pulled you into a hug as you leaned into her embrace, feeling a mixture of relief wash over you. Her comforting presence offered solace in a moment of vulnerability, and you were grateful for her understanding.
"It's okay," you murmured, your voice muffled against her shoulder. "I've been trying to put it behind me, but it's been tough."
"Who else knows?" Paige asked as she pulled away slightly to meet your eyes.
"Just Bryce and my parents. And now, you." You paused, feeling a weight lifting off your shoulders as you shared this burden with Paige. "I haven't really talked about it with anyone else. It's just... hard, you know?"
Paige nodded, her expression filled with empathy. "Thank you for trusting me with this," she said softly, her hand reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair away from your face.
You gazed into her eyes for a few seconds before averting your gaze, feeling nervous. "But that wasn't the only reason why I left. The people there sucked, they were so close-minded and like... awful,"
Paige nodded, she understood how it was like because she had grown up in that town. "I don't know how you stayed that long," she joked slightly as your lips began to curve up into a smile.
"Yeah, well, I guess I was just trying to fit in," you replied with a wry smile, though there was a hint of bitterness in your tone. "But it's hard to fit in when you don't even belong there."
Paige's expression softened as she finally put two and two together. "I get it. It's tough when you're surrounded by people who don't understand or accept you for who you are."
You swallowed hard, feeling a lump forming in your throat as you struggled to find the right words. "Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's not like I ever really belonged there anyway," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Paige's gaze held a mixture of understanding and sympathy as she nodded. "Well, you're here now. And you belong here," she reassured you, her tone firm yet gentle. "And if anyone gets that feeling, it's me," she joked as she rose her eyebrows.
You laughed softly as you met her eyes, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. "I'm glad you understand the feeling, then."
Paige gazed back at you, a small smile playing on her lips. She was slightly confused but it didn't even matter, her heart was beating so fast she thought it was about burst. As Paige's heart raced, she found herself drawn to you in a way she hadn't fully realized before.
"Yeah," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I understand more than you know."
Paige's smile widened slightly, her eyes reflecting a warmth that sent a shiver down your spine. You couldn't help but feel drawn to her in that moment, your heart fluttering with an unfamiliar sensation.
Before either of you could say anything else, the bathroom door creaked open, interrupting the moment. Ice's voice broke through the quiet atmosphere, pulling you both back to reality.
"Hey, you two still in here?" Ice called out, oblivious to the tension in the air.
Paige cleared her throat, breaking eye contact with you as she turned towards the door. "Yeah, we'll be out in a sec," she called back, her tone casual. "Are you okay with-"
"Yeah, yeah." You responded as you hopped off the sink, grabbing Paige's wrist as you opened the bathroom door. You met Ice's gaze as she noticed the proximity between you two.
Ice's eyebrows raised slightly in curiosity as she took in the scene before her, but she didn't comment on it. Instead, she offered a small smile before turning to lead the way back to where the rest of the group was gathered. Paige pulled you slightly closer as Ice guided you two back to the group, her hand on your waist as she did so.
Her touch seemed to natural, so casual that you didn't even bat an eye. It was as if you both had done this a thousand times before, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Despite the lingering warmth of her touch, you tried to keep your thoughts from straying too far.
Hanging out with Paige became a normal occurrence ─ Paige would always come by your dorm after practice, you'd watch a movie or eat dinner together. And on weekends, you were at her dorm playing Fortnite with her friends.
The more time you spent with Paige, the more you found yourself enjoying her company. Whether it was the easy banter between you two or the comfortable silence that sometimes fell between conversations, being with her felt right.
"You headin' to Paige's tonight?" Bryce called out from the kitchen as you entered it.
You nodded as you grabbed a bite of his sandwich, earning a glare from your brother. "Yep, we're probably gonna go out to eat. You wanna come?"
Bryce gave you a skeptical look, a smirk playing on his lips as he shook his head. "Nah, I don't wanna third wheel."
"What do you mean?" You responded as you mimicked his skeptical look, trying to ignore the warmth in your cheek as he gave you another glance. "She's your best friend."
"Yeah and your girlfriend." Bryce joked as you choked out a nervous laugh, immediately diverting your gaze from his and grabbed your purse. Bryce's teasing hit a nerve, causing your cheeks to flush as you tried to maintain your composure.
"Ha ha, very funny," you retorted, hoping to brush off his comment with a casual tone. "We're just really close, you jealous now?"
Bryce raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he ignored your comments. "Sure," he teased, his tone laced with amusement as he watched you squirm slightly under his gaze. "I know you and Paige very well, probably better than you know yourselves-"
"You're so annoying, shut up." You cut him off with a scoff as you began walking toward the door, your cheeks red in embarrassment.
"Hey, I'm just messing with you," he laughed, his tone very amused. "Have fun tonight. And tell Paige I said hi."
"I will, don't worry!''
You didn't expect to hear a knock on your door at nearly one in the morning, especially since you had just settled into bed after a long day. Curious, you got up and made your way to the door, wondering who could possibly be visiting at such a late hour.
Opening it, you were surprised to find Paige standing there, exhaustion on her face. "Hey," she greeted softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she sniffled.
She looked up at you with bloodshot eyes before she took in your appearance. "Shit, I'm sorry. Were you asleep-"
"Paige, no it's fine. Are you okay?"
That was all she needed to pull you into a tight embrace, almost knocking the wind out of you. All you did was wrap your arms around her waist as she buried her face in your shoulder, her body trembling slightly. You held her close, feeling her heartbeat against yours, the warmth of her embrace providing some comfort in the darkness of the night.
"It's okay, P," you murmured softly, rubbing her back soothingly as you felt her tension slowly start to ease.
After a few moments, Paige pulled back slightly, gulit on her face. "I'm sorry for showing up like this. I just got home from the game and I didn't realize it was late."
It was slowly adding up as you gave Paige a sympathetic smile. "Don't apologize please, you wanna come in?"
You stepped back to let her in, closing the door behind her as she entered your dorm room. She took a seat on your bed, looking visibly exhausted as she leaned back against the pillows. You followed close behind, leaning back next to her as she sniffled.
"I'm really sorry for waking you up, you were just the first person I thought of." Paige spoke quietly, gulit plaguing her expression. "I shouldn't have, I should've just waited til the morning."
You shook your head gently, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "No, no it's okay. I wasn't even asleep, I swear," you reassured her.
"I know but you have classes tomorrow morning and I should've been-"
"Paige," you interjected sternly as she sighed. "It's okay, I promise. I'm here for you, remember?"
Paige gazed at you as she frowned, feeling the weight of the entire team on her back. She shut her eyes as she sniffled, feeling the tears burn in her eyes as you reassured her. She felt them slowly fall as she sniffled, feeling your gaze soften as you watched her.
"Talk to me, please. Tell me what happened," you whispered gently, reaching out to wipe away her tears with your thumb.
Paige sniffled, leaning into your touch as she let out a shaky breath. "The game went fucking terrible. I played like shit but we kept getting fouled and the ref wouldn't call anything, leaving us at a disadvantage the entire time," she explained, her voice trembling with frustration. "And then, in the last couple minutes, I missed a shot that could've turned the game around. It's like... I let everyone down."
You listened attentively, your heart sinking at the pain evident in Paige's voice. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, P. You're still an amazing player,"
"It just felt like shit, it felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, and I couldn't handle it," Paige continued as she sniffled again, wiping her tears.
Paige kept venting the entire night and you listened attentively, letting her pour out her heart. Despite the exhaustion you felt, you wanted to be there for Paige like she had done for you multiple times before ─ and of course, you couldn't bear seeing Paige so broken and hurt after a game.
It was around four in the morning when Paige had finally worn herself out, passing out in your bed as you sat beside her, gently stroking her hair as she slept. You couldn't help but feel a deep sense of affection for Paige, admiring her strength and resilience even in moments like these.
You fell asleep a few minutes after her and when she woke up, you were gone, presumably at your lecture. Paige woke up feeling a lot lighter than she had in awhile, knowing that you had been there for her through the night. She glanced around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings of your dorm, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her.
You were such a comfort to her, even the mere thought of you had her smiling. She stayed in your bed for a few minutes, the moments last night replaying in her head; the terrible game and how you had comforted her and let her rant until God knows how late.
Paige didn't know even know where she was going after the game until she had ended up at your doorstep ─ it was subconscious, effortless and almost second nature for her to come to you. The more she thought about you, the more her stomach began flutter and her lips began to curve up into a smile.
Then, her smile dropped. Oh shit, did she like you?
"Dude, I told you that was gonna be on the exam, didn't I? Didn't I, P?" Bryce leaned back in his chair before he glanced back at his best friend, who was currently zoning out on her food. "P? Paige, you good?'
"Huh?" Paige finally met his gaze as she nodded, processing his words. "I'm good, sorry uh... what?" She glanced in between Bryce and his teammate, a confused expression on her face.
Bryce sighed as he glared at her. "Oh never mind,"
"Bro, don't never mind me. Come on now, don't act like a twelve year old," Paige mocked as she nudged Bryce playfully with her elbow, earning a groan from her best friend.
Bryce sent her a glare before he continued. "I was just telling him that I said that was gonna be on the exam," he explained as Paige's expression turned more confused. "You don't even know what we're talking about, never mind."
Paige rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh, I'm sorry, Professor Bryce, I didn't realize we were having a pop quiz in the middle of Chipotle," she teased, earning a laugh from Bryce's teammate.
Bryce chuckled despite himself. "Very funny, Paige. But you might want to pay attention if you don't want to fail your finals."
"Bro, you can't be talking. Where were you last night?" Paige raised her eyebrows as he opened his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Paige. "Yeah, yeah exactly. You're probably drunk right now,"
"Oh my god, shut up," Bryce rolled his eyes as he shook his head, trying to hide a smirk. "I can't say no to pretty girls, you know this."
"Yeah but you say no to me all the time?" Paige's tone came out annoyed as Bryce sent her a glare.
Bryce scoffed, playfully rolling his eyes. "Pretty is stretching it, buddy. Plus, you're not my type..." He gestured to her Nike tech outfit as she shrugged, taking a sip from her fountain drink.
"You got the ugly genes, so..." The words came out of her mouth before she could process them and as she glanced up to meet Bryce's glare, she knew she messed up. Bryce's teammate just laughed, nodding along to Paige's words only to be met with both their glares.
"Says you, bro. You're uglier," Bryce's words came out stammered as Paige's lips turned upward into a cocky smirk.
"That's not what your sister said," she shrugged as his jaw dropped in shock.
Bryce finally found his voice, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "You... you did not just say that," he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.
Paige shrugged nonchalantly, taking another sip of her drink. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger," she quipped as she put up her hands in defense.
Bryce's teammate continued to laugh, thoroughly entertained by the exchange. "Man, you two never fail to entertain," he said between laughs.
Despite the initial shock, Bryce couldn't help but chuckle at Paige's boldness. "Alright, alright, you win this round, P," he admitted with a grin. "If only you had a sister, damn it."
Paige just shrugged as she laughed, unable to suppress it any longer. She'd been hanging out too much you to realize how much she actually missed Bryce. However, the new revelation as of this morning made it slightly bittersweet ─ if she began going out with you, everything would change. Would there be anymore banter? Would she have to choose a relationship with you or a friendship with Bryce?
She decided in that moment, she wasn't going to do that to Bryce. He'd been there for her through all her highs and lows, and she couldn't bear to jeopardize their friendship for anything. As much as she might have feelings for you, Paige knew that her bond with Bryce was irreplaceable.
"Hey, P," Bryce's voice interrupted her thoughts, bringing her back to the present moment.
Paige looked up, meeting his gaze with a smile. "Yeah, what's up?"
Bryce smirked as he glanced up from his phone. "You ready to lose at Fortnite later?"
Paige laughed, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Oh, it's on. Get ready to get your ass kicked, Brycey boy."
The adrenaline from the game was still pumping through Paige's entire body as she walked off the court, feeling like she was on cloud 9. The game had been intense, with both teams giving it their all until the very end. But in the end, it was UConn that came out victorious, thanks in no small part to her incredible performance on the court.
The thrill of victory filled her with an indescribable sense of joy, and she couldn't wipe the smile off her face if she tried and she swore that nothing else could possibly make her happier. Until her gaze met yours, her heart swelling as she read your obnoxious poster.
"No, you fucking didn't," Paige muttered as her grin somehow grew as you laughed.
She recounted the late night conversation where she had told you she's always wanted one of her friends to make a poster for one of her games, and she can't believe you actually had done it for her. In that moment, Paige felt an overwhelming rush of emotions flood through her, filling her heart with warmth and gratitude.
As she made her way over to where you were standing, Paige couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for you. The sight of your familiar smile and the playful look in your eyes made her heart skip a beat, and she couldn't suppress the grin that spread across her face.
"Surprised to see me?" you teased, holding up the poster proudly.
Paige laughed, shaking her head in disbelief as she pulled down the poster so she could embrace you tightly. "Nah, I knew you were here cause I saw your location," she confessed as you laughed. "You're the best, you know that? You made my night,"
"Really? Even after the amazing game you just played?" You smiled, teasing her as you wrapped your arms around her in return.
Paige rolled her eyes, but there was a fondness in her gaze as she looked at you. "Yes, even after the amazing game I just played. You just make everything ten times better, you know that?"
You laughed until you met her gaze, and if this were any other moment, she would have been laughing too. She looked serious though, her eyes scanning your face to take in your reaction.
Paige thought back to lunch with Bryce, how she would never even think about going out his little sister ─ he wouldn't be that mad, right? How could he? You made her feel things she swears she's never felt before, she couldn't ignore the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach or the warmth that spread through her chest.
What if pursuing something more with you ruined the easy dynamic they had? What if it didn't work out and she'd lose both of you? However, all those what if's were thrown out the window as she gazed into your eyes.
"God, you're beautiful." Paige's words came out effortlessly as she pulled you closer. She'd told you plenty of times, but it felt more different now. She was fucking whipped, that's for sure.
You let out a soft laugh at her words, a rush of warmth coursing through your veins. You met her gaze with a mixture of surprise and adoration, her confession caught you off guard.
Paige kept gazing back you, taking in your features as if she were seeing them for the first time, her heart fluttering with excitement. There was something about the way you looked at her, with such warmth and affection, that made her feel like she was the most important person in the world.
In that moment, everything else faded away ─ the doubts, the fears, the uncertainties. Fuck it, she was sure you'd felt the same and if you didn't, she rather that than feel regret.
In an instant, she pushed her lips against yours. You were surprised for a second before you quickly melted into the kiss, the poster falling to the ground as your arms wrapped around her shoulders.
Lost in the heat of the moment, you surrendered to the intoxicating sensation of her lips against yours, the world around you fading into oblivion as you lost yourself in her.
Paige's fingers tangled in your hair, pulling you closer as she deepened the kiss, her lips moving hungrily against yours in a frenzy of desire. Your senses were overwhelmed by the sweet scent of her perfume, and the taste of her lips that sent shivers down your spine.
"Hey, uh Paige?"
You both quickly pulled away as Paige whipped her head toward the voice. Ice and KK were standing there awkwardly as they glanced in between you, embarrassment and amusement on their faces. Paige wiped her lips with the back of her hand as she cleared her throat, sending them a glare as they exchanged glances.
"We just wanted to ask if... uh, you were going to dinner with us?" Ice asked quietly as you avoided their gaze, embarrassment clear in your expression.
"Obviously not, she's gonna be celebrating differently-"
"Shut up, KK." Paige sent her a glare as she giggled, Ice stifling her laughter as Paige looked back at you with a sympathetic smile. "Yeah, we'll go."
We? You smiled softly at the sentiment as KK kept giggling, her laughter echoing in the hallway. Paige glanced at you for affirmation as you nodded slowly, warmth filling her gaze as she nodded back at her friends.
Ice and KK exchanged a knowing look, their amusement evident as they tried to suppress their laughter. "Great! Y'all can come like... whenever. Sorry for interuppting," Ice said, her voice tinged with amusement.
"Are you, really?" Paige mumbled as KK let out another laugh.
"Someone's sassy tonight, ooo." KK joked as her and Ice began walking away, their laughter trailing behind them as they disappeared down the hallway. Paige rolled her eyes playfully at KK's comment, her lips quirking up into a smirk.
"Well, that was unexpected," you remarked with a chuckle.
Paige nodded, a grin spreading across her face. "Yeah, but you know what? I don't even care. I'm just... so happy right now,"
Her enthusiasm was contagious, and you found yourself grinning in response. "Me too," you admitted, unable to hide the warmth in your voice as you met her gaze.
Everything else was put in the back-burner and right now, it was just the two of you. The noise of the hallway, the hustle and bustle of campus life ─ all of it melted away, leaving just the two of you in your own little world.
After dinner, Paige drove you back to your dorm since it wasn't too far from the restaurant. It went well, you were pretty much friends with the entire team and it felt like your own special night too. And in some ways, it was. Paige's hands didn't leave your body the entire night, it was obvious something had shifted in the dynamic ─ however, it wasn't too much of a difference since she'd always been touchy with you.
As Paige parked the car outside your dorm, the atmosphere between you was charged with a new sense of intimacy. You lingered for a moment, neither of you eager to end the evening just yet.
"Thank you for tonight," you said, breaking the silence that had settled between you. "It was really fun."
Paige smiled warmly, her eyes shining with affection. "No, thank you," she replied softly. "For being you, for being here with me, for everything."
You felt a rush of warmth flood through you at her words, a sense of gratitude for the connection you shared with her. In that moment, you realized just how much Paige meant to you, how much her presence brightened your life in ways you couldn't even begin to describe. And how you couldn't even imagine a time when you weren't close with her, where she wasn't your conscious thought.
Without hesitation, you leaned in closer, your heart pounding with anticipation. Paige mirrored your movements, closing the distance between you until your lips met in a soft kiss.
As you pulled away, breathless and exhilarated, you found yourself lost in Paige's gaze. "I like you,"
You let out a breathless laugh at Paige's words, her kiss still lingering on your lips as you smiled. "Oh really? Couldn't tell,"
"Shut up," Paige laughed as she shook her head, her laughter filling the air with warmth and affection.
"I'm serious," Paige insisted, her expression softening as she gazed at you with unwavering sincerity. "I really do like you, more than I've ever liked anyone before."
You wanted to joke but you just couldn't, your heart beginning to race. "I like you too, P," you admitted, your voice filled with warmth and affection. "More than I ever thought possible."
You left the car after a few more passionate kisses, Paige's mind buzzing with pure excitement. As she began driving out of the parking lot, she felt her phone buzz and she quickly answered it.
"Hey, P, you still coming over to play some Fort?" Bryce's voice echoed through the speaker as her heart dropped. She glanced at the time before cursing under her breathe. "Jeez, did I catch you at a bad time?"
He let out a laugh as Paige joined him awkwardly, "Uh no, just kinda forgot. We just had dinner and I'm kinda tired."
"Bro, I have Redbulls and some beers in the fridge. Unless you're with a girl than you have no excuse," Bryce teased, his voice laced with amusement.
"Fine," Paige mumbled as she shut her eyes for second, before refocusing on the road. "I'll be there in 10,"
"Awesome, can't wait. Wait, can you get some pizza on the way I'm hungry," Bryce yawned as Paige's lips quirked up into an amused smile, shaking her head at her best friend's antics.
"Fatass," she joked before sighing, gulit tugging at her. "Fine, okay. I guess I'll be there a little later then."
"Great, see ya in a bit, P."
As she gathered her thoughts and prepared to head over to Bryce's place, Paige couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of guilt that settled in the pit of her stomach. But for now, she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on being there for his friend and enjoying their time together, just like normal.
She then decided that, what he didn't know couldn't hurt him. Paige found herself more determined to bury those doubts deep down inside. She couldn't risk jeopardizing her friendship with Bryce, not when it meant so much to her. And if keeping her relationship with you a secret was what it took to preserve that bond, then so be it.
"Paige," you laughed quietly as her hand kept inching up your thigh, embarrassment in your expression as you sent her a warning glare. Everyone's attention was toward the current basketball game that was happening, but Paige seemed more interested in teasing you than paying attention to her best friend's game.
You couldn't help but squirm uncomfortably in your seat, shooting her a warning glare in a futile attempt to deter her advances. "What? No one's looking," she gave you a smile as you sighed, your heart beginning to beat out of your chest.
Despite your initial annoyance, you couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through you at her touch, the heat of her hand sending shivers down your spine.
"Oh, don't tell me you're nervous. Aww, you're nervous?" Paige's lips were close to your ear, her breath warm against your skin as she teased you.
"I'm not nervous," you protested weakly, though the rapid beating of your heart betrayed your words.
Paige chuckled softly, her hand still resting on your thigh as she leaned in closer, her lips hovering just inches away from yours. "Sure you're not," she whispered, her voice playful and teasing.
Paige swiftly turned her head toward the game before anything else could happen, annoyance filling your veins as you shook your head. Paige was having too much with this whole arrangement ─ practically everyone knew you were a thing at this point (well, with the exception of your brother and her best friend).
Paige loved teasing you, it was a part of what drew you to her. The way she could effortlessly lighten the mood and bring a smile to your face even in the most mundane of moments.
After the game had ended, Paige led you through the crowds as you looked for Bryce. Her hand was clasping yours tightly, not really caring who was looking as you navigated through the crowd.
Finally spotting Bryce amidst the crowd, you felt a surge of relief wash over you. With a smile, Paige led you towards him, her hand naturally pulling you toward him.
"B!" Paige called out, her voice cutting through the noise of the crowd as she waved to get his attention.
Bryce turned towards you, a smile lighting up his face as he caught sight of the two of you approaching. "Jeez, there you are! Took you long enough," he teased, his tone lighthearted as always. His gaze slowly dropped to your hands before you quickly pulled out of her grasp, nervousness etching your features.
"It was a big crowd, she was gonna get lost," Paige spoke quickly, her words tumbling out in an attempt to diffuse the tension. She shot you a reassuring glance, her eyes filled with understanding and empathy.
He looked at you two with a confused expression. "O-kay, whatever. You guys wanna go get food then head home, I'm starving." He looped an arm around both of you, pulling you into a tight embrace as he started leading the way through the crowd.
You and Paige exchanged a quick glance, a silent understanding passing between you as you fell into step beside Bryce. His demeanor helped to lighten the mood, and soon enough, the awkwardness of the earlier moment began to fade away.
After they'd gotten food and dropped you off at your dorm, Paige and Bryce began to walk to her dorm. There was silence between them for the first time in the night and Paige couldn't help but feel
A sense of unease settle in the pit of her stomach. She glanced over at Bryce, noticing the furrowed brow and distant expression on his face. It was clear that he was lost in thought, his mind preoccupied with something weighing on him.
"Hey, you okay?" Paige asked softly, her voice filled with concern as she reached out to gently squeeze Bryce's arm.
Bryce glanced back at Paige with a sigh, his expression turning annoyed. "Do you think I'm stupid?"
Paige looked taken aback as she scoffed, "What do you mean by that?"
Bryce let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair as he averted his gaze. "Bro, I know you and Y/N better than you know yourselves. You're both my family, you think I wouldn't notice you two are hooking up or something? It's kinda insulting, Paige."
The way he said her name made her stomach squeeze in discomfort, and Paige felt a pang of guilt at Bryce's words. "You're angry?"
"Angry isn't the word for it," Bryce sighed, his frustration visibly melting away as he looked back at Paige. "Seeing my sister and my best friend keep something from me isn't fun, like at all."
"I know, Bryce," Paige said earnestly, her gaze filled with remorse. "I'm really sorry. I should have been honest with you from the beginning."
"Did you think I would like, freak out or something?" Bryce's words came out quiet as he studied Paige's expression, searching for some explanation behind her hesitation to confide in him. "Because I wouldn't, Paige. I want you to be happy, you know that."
Paige shook her head, her expression filled with regret. "No, it's not that, Bryce," she replied softly. "I was just... scared, I guess. Scared of how you might react, scared of what it might mean for our friendship."
Bryce sighed, reaching out to give Paige's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, you don't have to be scared, P," he said gently. "Whatever makes you two happy, makes me happy too. It's honestly kinda great, cause like... I've always said that you're my sister and now that you're dating my sister, you're my sister-in-law so basically, we're related."
Paige couldn't help but snort at Bryce's ramble, shaking her head. "We're not dating," the words came out of her mouth before she could really process them.
Bryce's expression turned into surprise. "Wait what? Why not?"
Paige shifted underneath his gaze, uncertainty in her expression. "I guess it was too official, you know? I needed to tell you first, to get your stamp of approval."
"That's kinda thoughtful," Bryce's expression was confused before he smiled. "Alright, okay. I give you permission to ask out my little sister,"
"I never said permission, I said approval. You're making me sound like a pussy, B." Paige joked as Bryce sent her a glare.
"Same thing,"
"Not really," Paige felt his glare on her cheek before she laughed. "Fine, Brycey, you win."
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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jdgo51 · 5 months
Hoping through Grief
Today's inspiration comes from:
Reflections for the Grieving Soul
by Nike Nappa
Editor’s note:��Mike Nappa’s book Reflections for the Grieving Soul was written after his dear wife, Amy, passed away from cancer. Mike sought refuge in Scripture when bereavement became his constant. Here’s a little of what Mike wrote in forward for you:
If you’re reading this book, your world has been irrevocably changed by the death of someone you love.
I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.
You are in an awful time. And you deserve help as you grieve.
Right now is unbearable, I know. Forget about “one day at a time,” right? Let’s shoot for “the next ten minutes” and see how that goes. That’s why this book exists. For you, for me, for the next ten minutes.
So this is my prayer for you now, after the funeral:
May God be noticeably near to you. May the promises and pains of His Word comfort you today as they did for me yesterday. And may they give us both the strength we need to wake up and face tomorrow. Or at least the next ten minutes.
I hope that when I’m gone, you’ll still see God’s goodness. Still see His love for you. Still find joy in each day. ~ Amy Nappa, Journal entry, July 8, 2016
But God knows the way that I take, and when He has tested me, I will come out like gold. — Job 23:10 NCV
Before she died, I asked Amy to write her own obituary. I just couldn’t do it. I told her I would put in the appropriate dates, but she had to do the rest. So she did.
May God be noticeably near to you.
This is how she wanted to be remembered...
Amy Wakefield Nappa was born on November 10, 1963, in Portsmouth, VA, to Norm and Winnie Wakefield. She moved to Heaven on Sunday, September 11, 2016.
Amy was a sister, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a friend. She loved her family and her friends dearly. Her greatest joys were to spend time with family, to hang out with her friends, to laugh, and to mentor those a little behind her in the journey of life.
Amy loved Jesus with all her heart, and her greatest desire was to be remembered as a woman who shined the love of Jesus.
Looking at this now, months later, I feel a touch of pride. She was everything she said in this obituary — and much more. She left out the parts about how she was a successful business executive, a bestselling and award-winning author, a woman whose published works influenced the lives of millions of people in nations all over the planet, a speaker to thousands, and (because she ranked it highly in her life) an annual volunteer at the “Imagination Station” of our local VBS productions.
Amy changed the world. I’ve asked myself how she did it, how one little woman living an obscure life in a small town in Colorado could make such a difference for millions of people. The only answer I can come up with is this:
Amy’s greatest desire really was to be remembered as a woman who shined the love of Jesus.
That was just who she was; it was natural for her. And God used Amy just being herself to shine His love through her and spray it out into the world. And when she suffered, when her body failed her and her faith was tested in the extreme, she was still just Amy being Amy, shining His love on all of us who were near.
It was the worst time of my life. And the most extraordinary time I’ve known. God knew the way that Amy took, and like Job of old, at the final end she came out shining... like gold.
Dear Father, I think I’d like to shine — just a little bit. When I’m tested today, may Your Spirit be the help I need to come out of everything shining. Like gold.
Excerpted with permission from Reflections for the Grieving Soul by Mike Nappa, copyright Nappaland Communications, Inc.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
I don't know, if I enjoy the company too much, I might never leave hahaha 😅
No sorry, I meant that I like mango smoothie. Imagine though if they did make mango sticky rice as a drink... I don't think I'd enjoy it. It'd be okay, but the consistency might be weird.
Maybe someday, I make something for you to try, and you can make whatever you're good at cooking or baking. Then do like a master chef kind of thing, where we taste it and then make comments and win a prize haha 😄
Oh it makes sense. You gotta let loose of all that pent up anger if you have any, not good to keep it all in.
Ahahahahaha sinchan! I remember that cartoon! Wasn't he like a little perv or smart-ass?
What is something you regret doing, or not doing?
Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Haha its okay...i like to cook n share it with people, n let them eat at my place n just sit n drink n eat, talking about stuff. Im not a people person but i love it when my friends n my family come and give me company. It's in my culture i guess n i grew up with bunch of family gathering..sometimes i dont want to be in it sometimes i do.hahhaha.
Haha yeah mango smoothies is good.i like it. But i love eating the fruit more. Especially if it's cold n sweet and have that mango scents. I remember my mom like to cut them in half n cuts in cubes but didnt cut all the way in so it will still to the skin n i will just eat it off of it when i was a kid. My dad likes to cut all of them put them in tupperwear n store it in fridge so we can always have snacks.
Haha mango sticky rice is probably to thick to be in a smoothie.lol
Hahaa that sounds like a good idea, i like it.. u make something n i'll make something too. Then we r just not only gonna be the eyebags duo but also foodie duo n gain weight together 🤣😅 i hv a bestfriend here, before she moved to colorado, we alwyas pick the same day off, every monday we gonna go n visit different koren bbq place or other food, then go to costco or asian stores n shop snacks together 🤣 both of us love the sparkling wine Stella Rossa, n we bought like 10 or 12 different flavors (i forgot) so we can have them together ocasssionally, people were looking at us weird 🤣
Yeah, it takes so much to get me mad, when im upset i try not to say anything because i know i will say something hurtful. So i prefer to keep them myself but i can only keep them so much, u know. 😊
Haha yeah kinda..it was pretty funny though..when i see it again now, i dont think sinchan is a good comic or cartoon for kids 😅🤣
Something i regret doing, i was a very workaholic n ambitious with my work n i didnt spend much time with my mom. When i moved here, time difference n i was tired from work, i didnt call her much. N then she passed away.
What i regret not doing, to explore more with women i guess. 😅 n also regret not find new friends i can practice my french with. So far thats what i think of. Will let u know if i found more.
Whats urs?
Have i broken someone's heart? I dont know. I hope i havent. I dont if this counts, but there'e this girl from wattpad, she is 15 she talks to me, she said she wants a friend n i was being nice so i talk to her but she turns so weird, found my tiktok n saying my daughter is cute bla bla bla. N when i dont reply she complaints while i already told her that i cant talk so often because i have a life. N she turns really toxic n told her that i hv to block her because she is acting weird n make me uncomfortable. N she blows up sending me long upset text..so i dont know if i "break" her heart or make her upset. 😅
U seems like a sweet person, so i doubt u broke someone's heart, but have u?
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lukeevangelista · 2 years
meet trooper - cale makar
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i couldn’t help but write a cale adopting a puppy piece. i’m sorry. i’m not sorry
in honor of the avs winning the west, here’s this i’ve been sitting on for a hot minute.
by far my favorite thing i’ve written.
DONT forget about the avs event i’m hosting! check my pinned for info.
no warnings!!
“how about a lab?” cale asked, reading off a list of dogs that he had found on google.
“no, too basic.”
“a golden retrieve-“
“do not finish that sentence makar.”
“well babe, you’ve vetoed pretty much every dog i’ve listed.” he sighed as he leaned up out of his laying position on the couch.
you and cale had been together for a couple of years now and now that you finally made the decision to buy a house in colorado, you finally agreed to his begging for a dog.
“i told you my suggestions.” you shrugged as you took a bite of the banana that you had just grabbed from the kitchen before you cut cale off.
“but why those?” he whined as he shoved his phone in your face, a golden retriever showing on his screen, “look how cute he is!” he grinned, his phone getting even closer before you finally grabbed his wrist, shoving it out of your face as you let out a laugh.
“don’t you think he’s a little… basic?” you giggled as you watched him act offended.
“of course not! he literally looks like ej.” he snickered, “is that something you would like to tell ej? that he looks basic?”
you rolled your eyes, muttering out a soft ‘no’ before pulling up the local animal shelter website. a couple of babies had stuck out to you, but not one that was like, the one i guess. a soft gasp left your lips as you saw a one year old german shepherd male named trooper.
“cale, i found him.” you grinned as you locked and tossed your phone to him, him quickly swiping it off the couch before unlocking and seeing the pup on the screen.
“isn’t he older than you want though?” he asked, “i mean, i’m fine with whatever you want babe, but i know what you said earlier.”
you quickly shook your head, “he’s perfect cale.”
“this is your backyard trooper!” you laughed as you watched the dog wag his tail, ready to be let off the leash.
the moment you laid eyes on him, you knew he was meant to be with you and cale. it didn’t take cale long to fall in love with him either. once cale had looked into his big brown eyes, he was sold on the sweet baby.
“i can’t believe we adopted a dog,” cale smiled as he walked up behind you, resting his hands on your hips as he watched trooper play with the toys you had put in the backyard, having the time of his life.
“me either cale,” you whispered back, resting your head back on his chest, “me either.”
“puppy!” it wasn’t long before jt and tyson were busting into your home, more excited to see the dog before you guys, them running out to the backyard, cale not far behind them.
cale had mentioned the dog to them, them being all excited to meet him, finally. even though tyson had been traded in that previous season, he still owned a home in colorado and still considered the state one of his many homes.
“he’s so cute.” tysons girlfriend grinned at you, jt’s girlfriend joining in on the fun when it came to playing with your sweet new baby.
“he is. i just hope he adjusts well.” you started, “cale just wanted me to have someone or something here when he’s on the road.” you added, her nodding.
“that totally makes sense.” she said.
a comfortable silence fell among the two of you as the august heat warmed your skin up as the two of you stepped outside with the boys.
“he sure does love cale.” she grinned at you as she watched trooper playfully tackle cale.
“i think cale loves him more.”
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scorpionyx9621 · 3 years
Do you think Jason Todd fandom is kinda toxic? Because it seems like NO MATTER what DC do, there'll always be complains. Forget the bad adaptation like Titans. Even Judd Winick cannot escape the criticism with how he potrayed Robin!Jason. They just never satisfied.
SORRY, IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND TO THIS. I just moved from Washington D.C. to Seattle, which, for my non-American friends, that's 4442km away. And I DROVE THERE ALL BY MYSELF. And now I'm trying to find new work in a new city and trying to stay mentally healthy and positive. Life is exciting but hard and scary.
As someone who was a fandom elder with V*ltr*n. I've seen some of the worst when it comes to fandom behavior. I'm talking people baking food with shaving razors and trying to give them to the showrunners. I'm talking leaking major plot details and refusing to take it down unless they make their ship canon (I am looking at you, Kl*nce stans) For the most part, DC Comics has had a decades-long reputation of treating their fans like trash and not caring what they think so from what I've seen, we all just grumble and complain in our corners of the internet about how we don't like how X comic portrays Jason Todd.
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The challenge with Jason Todd is that he's your clinical anti-hero, the batfamily's Draco in Leather Pants, he's a jerkass woobie, and on top of all of that, he's a Tumblr sexyman. It's a perfect storm for a very fun but frustrating character to be a fan of. It doesn't help that every writer decides to re-invent the wheel every time Jason comes up so his canon lore is confusing at best and inconsistent as a standard.
I guess starting with a general brief on who Jason is and what is uniform about him with every instance he's appeared in comics/media.
Grew up in a poor family in Gotham with a dad who was a petty-mid-level criminal, and a mother who dies of a drug overdose.
Survives on the street on his own by committing petty crimes and potentially even engaging in sexual acts to keep himself alive.
Is cornered by Batman and taken in after Dick Grayson quits/is fired
Becomes the second Robin, but is known for being the harsher, more brutal Robin.
Is killed by Joker after being tortured, but somehow comes back to life and regains senses through the Lazarus Pit
Resolves himself to be better than Batman by basically being Batman but kills people.
Where there has been a lot of conflict in the fandom is the fact that Jason Todd is not a character that is written consistently. DC Comics loves to go with the narrative that Jason was "bad from the start" and was the "bad robin" when, yes, he has trouble controlling his anger, but he also still is just as invested in seeing the best of Gotham City and trying to be a positive change for the world as any other DC Comics hero.
Where I get frustrated with the fandom is its ability to knit-pick every detail of a comic they don't like while completely disregarding everything that makes the comics great and worth it to read. My example being Urban Legends. To which most people had pretty mixed reactions to. I was critical of the comic at first but as it went along I ended up really liking it. I have a feeling DC Comics went to Chip Zdarsky and told him he had 6 issues to bring Jason back into the Bat Family, and honestly he didn't do a bad job. Did it feel rushed? Absolutely. I wish there was more development of Jason and Bruce's characters and their dynamic as a whole. However, where I see a lot of people being angry and upset with Urban Legends is that they feel Zdarsky needlessly wrote Jason as an incompetent fool who needs Bruce to save him.
Whether or not that was the intention of Zdarsky is up to debate. However, and this may be controversial, but I don't think he wrote Jason Todd out of character at all. For as fearsome, intimidating, and awesome as Red Hood is. Jason is a character who is absolutely driven by his emotions. Why do you think he donned the role of Red Hood? As a response to his anger towards The Joker for killing him, and towards Bruce for not taking action against The Joker and for seemingly replacing him so quickly after he died. Jason didn't care about being the murderous Robin Hood or for being the bloody hammer of justice against N*zi's and P*d*ph*les. He only cared originally about making The Joker and Bruce pay. It wasn't until he trained under the best assassins in the world and realized most of them were horrific criminals who trafficked children and were p*dos that Talia began to realize that the teachers that she sent Jason to train under started dying horrific and painful deaths.
The entire story of the Cheer story in Batman Urban Legends was started because it finally forced some consequences upon Jason. Tyler, aka Blue Hood's father was a drug dealer who gave his supply to his wife and kids. And when Tyler's father admitted he gave the drugs to Tyler, it immediately made him fall within the self-imposed philosophical kill-list of Jason Todd. And Jason, well, he proceeds to kill Tyler's father. When this happens, Jason is in shock. Tyler's dad fit the bill to easily and justifiably be killed by Jason. We've never seen Jason having to deal with the consequences of being a murderous vigilante on a micro-level. When Jason realizes what he's done in that he's murdered Tyler's dad, he's shocked. He tells Babs the truth. He does a rational thing because he's in shock. He doesn't know what to do, he never has had to face the consequences of his actions as Red Hood and now the gravity of befriending a child as a vigilante hero who kills people just set in when he killed the father of the same child he was just introduced to.
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(Oh here's a little aside because it had to be said, Jason would not have been a good father or a good mentor to Tyler and absolutely should not have been his new Robin. Jason is a man who is in his early 20's (not saying men in their early 20's can't be good fathers at all) who is a brutal serial killer using the guise of a vigilante anti-hero to let him escape most of the law. the complications of having the man who murdered your father adopt you and make you his sidekick are way too numerous for me to explain in a long-winded already heavy Tumblr essay post. There's a reason why we don't advocate for a story where Joe Chill adopted Bruce Wayne or one where Tony Zucco took in Dick Grayson.)
The next biggest argument is that they feel that Jason is giving up his guns as a means to just be invited back into the Bat-Family. To which I will tell anyone who has that argument to go actually read Urban Legends. Already have and still have that argument? Please re-read it. Don't want to? That's okay, I will paste the images from the comic where Jason specifically says that he doesn't want to give up his weapons for Bruce and his real reasoning down below since the comic isn't exactly readily accessible.
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Jason gave up the guns because he felt the gravity of what he had done and knows how it'll effect Tyler. Thankfully his mom is alive and in recovery. But Tyler doesn't have a father anymore. And Jason killed Tyler's father. It may have been in accordance to Jason's philosophy, but it was a case where it blurred the lines. Jason Todd isn't a black and white character, just very dark gray. He doesn't kill aimlessly like the Joker. If you are on Jason's list you probably have done something pretty horrific, and also just in general, being in his way or being a threat to him. Mind you, in early days of Red Hood and the Outlaws (Image below) Jason almost killed 10 innocent civilians in a town in Colorado all because they saw him kill a monster. That being said, Jason isn't aimless in his kills.
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(Also can we just take a moment to appreciate Kenneth Rocafort's art? DC Comics said we need to rehabilitate Jason Todd's image and Kenneth Rocafort said hold my beer: It's so SO GOOD)
That being said, the key emphasis in the story of Cheer asides from trying to introduce Jason Todd back into the Bat Family and give an actual purpose for him being there, other than him just kind of being there ala Bowser every time he shows up for Go Kart racing, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, and the Olympic games when Mario invites him, is that Jason and Bruce ultimately both want the same thing. Jason wants to be welcomed back into the family and to be loved and appreciated. Bruce want's Jason back as his son and wants to love and protect Jason. Both of these visions are shown in the last chapter of Cheer while under the effect of the Cheer Gas. It's ultimately this love and appreciation they both have for each other that helps them overcome their challenge and win.
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Jason Todd is a character who, just like Bruce, has been through so much pain and so much hate in his life. The two are meant to parallel each other. While Bruce chose to see the best in everyone, giving every rogue in his gallery the option to be helped and give them a second chance, hence why he never kills, Jason has a similar view on wanting to protect the public, but he understands that some crimes are so heinous they cannot be forgiven, or that some habitual criminals are due to stay habitual criminals, and need to be put down. But at the end of the day, the two of them both try to protect people in their own ways.
I am aware that through the writings of various DC Comics authors such as Scott Lobdell and Judd Winick, the two have had a very tumultuous relationship. And rightfully so, I am by no means saying that Scott Lobdell writing an arc where Bruce literally beats Jason to within an inch of his life in Red Hood and the Outlaws, nor Judd Winick's interpretation of Under the Red Hood where Bruce throws the Batarang at Jason's neck, slicing his throat and leaving him ambiguously for dead at the end of the comic is appropriate considering DC Comics seems to be trying everything they can to integrate Jason back into the family. That being said, a lot of these writings have shaped the narrative of Jason and Bruce's relationship and have an integral effect on the way the fandom views the two. It doesn't help that Zdarsky acknowledged Lobdell's life-beating of Jason by Bruce at the very end of Cheer by having Bruce give Jason his old outfit back as a means of mending the fence between the two of them. That does complicate a lot of things in terms of how they are viewed by the fandom and helps to cause an even greater divide between the two.
Regardless, I want to emphasize the fact that Jason Todd is a part of the family of his own accord. Yes, he's quite snarky and deadpan in almost every encounter. However, Jason is absolutely a part of the family and has been for a while of his own will. There's a great moment in Detective Comics that emphasizes this. Jason cares about his family because it is his found family. Yes, they may be warry about him and use him as a punching back and/or heckle him. At the end of the day, we're debating the family dynamics of a fictional playboy billionaire vigilante whose kleptomania took the form of adopting troubled children and turning them into vigilante heroes. Jason Todd wants a family that will love and support him. This is a key definition of his character at its most basic. This was proven during the events of Cheer and is being reenforced by DC Comics every time they get the opportunity to do so.
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Now, none of this is to say that I hate Judd Winick. I do not, I don't like the fact that in all of his writings of Jason, he just writes him as a dangerous psychopath, and Winick himself admits to seeing Jason as nothing much more than a psychopath. Yet Winick is the one who the majority of the fandom clings to as the one true good writer of Jason Todd because 'Jason was competent, dangerous, smart' Listen, friends, Jason is all of that and I will never deny it. However, what I love about Jason isn't that he's dangerously smart of that writers either write him as angsty angry Tumblr sexyman bait or that they write him as an infantile man child with a gun. There's a large contention of this fandom that has an obsession with Jason Todd being this vigilante gunman who is hot and sexy and while I definitely get the appeal. It is very creepy and downright disturbing that all of you hyperfixate on his use of guns and ability to be a murderer. It is creepy and I'm not necessarily here for it.
What I love about Jason Todd is that despite all of the pain, all of the heartache, all of the betrayal, and bullying, and death, and anguish. Jason Todd is one of the most loving and supportive characters in all of DC Comics. Jason has been through so much in his life, but he still chooses to love. He still chooses to see the bright side in people. Yes, he takes a utilitarian approach and chooses to kill certain villains, but at the end of the day he wants to see a better world, and he wants to be loved. It takes so much courage and so much heart to learn to love again after one has been abused or traumatized. I would not blame Jason at all if he said fuck it and just went full solo and vigilante evil. He has every right to, but he still chooses to be with the Bat Family of his own accord. That's something that I see a lot of in myself. I have been through a lot of trauma and yet I try to be a better person myself in any way that I can. It is extremely admirable of Jason to allow love back into his heart when he really doesn't need to. He kills and he protects because he has this love of society. It may have been shaped by anger and hatred, but Jason has found his place amongst people who love him and value him. I think Ducra, from Red Hood and the Outlaws put it best in the image given below.
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To end this tangent, I love Jason Todd and all of his sexy dangerousness, but it's far more than that. As much as Jason may be dangerous and snarky, he loves his family without a shadow of a doubt. I look up to Jason Todd because despite all of his pain and all of his trauma, he still choses to love. Jason Todd is a character who is someone I love because despite all of his flaws and having a very toxic fandom, he still serves as a character filled with so much heart and so much passion. I wish more writers would understand that. But for now I will live with what I have. Even though the fandom may be vocal about it's hatred for his characterization, I choose to love Jason regardless because he is a character who chooses love and acceptance regardless of his pain. Jason Todd is by no means a good person in any sense of the word. He has easily killed upwards of 100 people by now. He is a character who is flawed and complex but ultimately is one who powers forwards and finds love and heart in a place from so much pain and anguish. That is what I love about Jason Todd. After all, to quote a famous undead robot superhero, "What is grief, if not love persevering?" Jason Todd chooses to love despite all of the trauma and pain and grief. Yes, he is hardened in his exterior, but inside there is a man with a lot of love to give and someone who deserves the world in my eyes.
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puckngrind · 3 years
Leave Her Wild: chapter 3 - N. MacKinnon
Summary: MacKenzie heads to Washington and cashes in her bet with Nathan.
Warnings: swearing, fluff and stuff
Word count: 2,565 (swear they will get longer)
Series masterlist / Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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The two texted back and forth over the week. Mostly randomness with a splash of real life. A friendship was blooming with the text conversation but what else could come of it? Neither one seemed to want to touch the subject. Kenzie wasn't even sure what to make of the attention from Nate. She threw herself into work as she normally would.
MacKenzie spent a few days in Colorado Springs for work but took advantage of her time off by hiking the Garden of the Gods. She was was halfway through Palmers trail when she feels her phone and decides to stop for water and take in the view plus check her phone thinking it was work. She laughs to herself realizing it was in fact not work.
Nate: how’s Colorado Springs?
She snaps a picture of her view and sends it.
Kenzie: gorgeous as always
Nate: holy shit are you hiking alone?
Kenzie snaps a selfie where you can see she’s alone and sends it.
Kenzie: don’t worry not anything too dangerous today. Lol
Nate: ok… not worried. Anyways, thought maybe dinner could be in DC since we will both be there next week.
Kenzie thinks about it and starts walking again. She realizes dinner out of town may in fact make things less awkward.
Kenzie: depends on my schedule but that should work
Nate: good. Enjoy the rest of your hike.
MacKenzie did just that. One thing most people knew about her was she loved adventures and trying new things. She rarely goes to the same vacation spot twice. Always wanting to try new restaurants and really only frequents Gus’s place in Denver. She liked to be free which drove her mother insanely crazy but MacKenzie didn’t seem to care. Her dad was her biggest supporter. Constantly sending her wanderlust Instagram posts after she taught him how. At least her mom had home in Kenzie’s brother, Cameron. Cam was doing everything he was expected to do including recently proposing to his high school sweetheart which Kenzie thought was dumb as seniors in college. His life was his life that was for sure, well and maybe their mother's life too. She couldn't control Kenzie which meant Cam got all of her energy.
The flight to D.C. was a breeze but busy would be an understatement as MacKenzie met her client at the end of the week. The demands were insane in the time frame. She spent almost all weekend in her hotel room working and talking with her team back in Colorado.
Nate: would you want to come to the game? I have tickets.
Kenzie: I would love to but I don’t even know if I can do dinner I’m so swamped
Nate: you need to eat right?
Kenzie: I mean, yeah. I’ll order in
Nate: how about you come to my hotel, we have an amazing restaurant here. You can work and eat
MacKenzie thought it over as she looked out her window. Walking the block and a half to Nathan’s hotel tomorrow night seemed doable. He had a point that she needed to eat and could work while they ate. It would complete their wager from the card game in the same instance. Wondered if Gabe or one of the other players would be around to ensure the dinner happened. MacKenzie thought she wouldn’t have the awkwardness of it feeling like a date this way. Plus, she wanted to try the restaurant out since last time she was in town and another client mentioned it. Mosi was all for the dinner when she called ensuring Kenzie her condo's mail was indeed checked. She thought this was the perfect arrangement and MacKenzie couldn’t find a reason to say no. Thinking Nate would already be at the arena for the game she sent a text.
Kenzie: Yes, to dinner at your hotel if you are still up to it after the game
She starts typing away again and laughs when the ping is almost immediate.
Nate: Perfect. I'll text you when we are back on the bus.
MacKenzie decided to turn the game on while she worked. She normally would have something on as background noise while she worked. She knows she can get lost in work and wanted to make sure she knew to pack up her laptop and such waiting for Nathan's call. She hears his name and looks up to see him score with less than a minute left. The Avalanche was already been leading but that goal ensured their win. She decided to change then couldn’t decide if she should pack up her work yet. “How sure how much time would he take between the game and the bus?” Kenzie asked her reflection. She texted him nice game to see if he would respond. He did a few moments later so she packed up slowly. Kenzie walks down to the street turning to head over to his hotel, humming to herself trying to not over think this very simple dinner. She slows down as she sees the charter bus in front of the hotel. Fuck.
"MAAAAC! Good to see you!" Gabe's voice comes booming out of the bus with some others chiming in as the stepped off the bus. MacKenzie awkwardly smiles at the team and then catches Nathan out the side of her eye. He’s staring at her as he walks down the step.
"Did you walk?" Nathan looks down at MacKenzie puzzled.
"Well, hello. Nice game. And yes. Just two blocks." MacKenzie pulls at her loose curl and then slides her finger down her messenger bag.
"Ready for dinner? I see you brought your work." Nathan taps her bag with his knuckle. MacKenzie nods and follows Nathan into the hotel. She awkwardly stops and he realizes it. “Whatcha doin’ there?” Nate walked back so he was standing in front of Kenzie.
“Isn’t the restaurant that way?” She points in the direction of the sign she stopped next to.
“Yes but they deliver to the room and I’d rather change into sweats and let you work in comfort.” He pulls at his tie. “Less eyes too. Come on.” Nathan placed his hand briefly on MacKenzie’s lower back to lead her to the elevator.
“I normally take the stairs.” MacKenzie looks around Nate for the steps.
“My room is on floor 12 and I just had over 20 minutes of ice time. Can we please take the elevator?” Nathan looked into MacKenzie’s questioning eyes.
“Fine. You have a point.” She smiles but gets lost calculating if that time is high or low for him.
They make their way to Nathan’s room. MacKenzie is surprised how nice it is. She’s not sure what she expected but it wasn’t this. Nathan’s suits neatly hanging up. Sweats sitting in his open luggage next to the closet. She realizes he hasn’t moved from behind her.
“Everything okay?” He moves to grab a pair of shorts and shirt.
“Yeah. Just not what I was expecting. You literally live out of suitcase don’t ya?” She watches him take off his suit coat and gulps at how his shirt is sticking to him.
“Some trips it feels like that. This one we won’t be home until the 26th… then a home stand with a few games on the road… and I’m boring you. Set up wherever you want and I’m gonna go change then will be right back.” He heads to the bathroom shut the door softly.
MacKenzie stares at the uncomfortable looking desk chair in a moment of indecision wanting to be set up so she’s working when Nate returns, she decides the bed was a better option for her to sit. Getting out her laptop Kenzie starts typing as soon as she hears Nate opening the door. He smirks when he sees Kenzie on the bed and moves to the desk to find the menu. She cannot help watching him. His muscles easily seen in the shirt and shorts he picked. He hikes up his pant leg exposing his thigh. Kenzie coughs focusing back on her work again.
"Here it is." Nathan turns around and walks towards MacKenzie handing her the menu. She stares at the menu then her finger lands on a cheeseburger and fries. Nathan moves to the other side of the bed, sitting to call in the order. He hangs up and starts to move.
"You can stay here. That chair is horrible looking." MacKenzie looks over at Nathan and he stops moving then looks down at his feet before swinging them up and adjusting to sit on the bed.
"Thanks." He looks over at her screen. "So what exactly do you do?"
"Simple description... I am a social media consultant." MacKenzie giggles. "Speaking of... your social media..." "Is non-existent." Nathan finishes her statement.
"Yeah, only two posts. That’s shocking for someone your age. Nate, do you know how you could amplify your earnings post career?" MacKenzie moves her computer and shift so look at him. He rubs the back of his neck and rotates on his hip to look at her better.
"Yeah. No, yeah. I get it. Just not my thing but you looked at my socials?" He bites his lip.
"I did after we ran into you at the bar post-game. Would've felt funny giving you my number if you had a girlfriend." MacKenzie admits.
"No girlfriend. So did you say you watched the game?" Nate changes the subject which Kenzie made a mental note of.
"Background noise while working. You can turn the tv on now or just talk to me. You scored." Kenzie looks over at Nathan.
"Empty netter but yeah. Nice win." Nathan says softly. The knock on the door stops their conversation. "Oh, dinner!" Nathan pops up and answers the door.
Dinner was delicious. The two shared backgrounds such as where they were from, college for MacKenzie, boarding school and early days of hockey for Nathan. They were laughing at each other's stories which lead to both laying on their stomachs watching a video for MacKenzie's work on her laptop.
"Kenz... Kenzie. Wake up!" Nathan whispers and MacKenzie's groggy self pops up and lands on Nathan's naked torso.
"Holy fuck!" She yells out. Nathan's hands steady her.
"Hey." Nathan backs up and bends to look her in face. Panic written all over her face. "You okay? We fell asleep talking." He looks at her.
"Why didn't you wake me? What time is it? Fuck. Sorry. I'm on a schedule." MacKenzie pulls away and looks for her bag realizing Nathan plugged her computer in at some point.
"It's 6:30. We just slept. I sleep shirtless and, uh, must've taken it off in my sleep. Sorry, should've put in on before I woke you. Hold on." Nathan moves to the other side of the bed and throws his shirt back on. "Let me call you an uber." He grabs his phone.
"I can walk. I don't have a meeting until noon so I'm fine. Thank you." MacKenzie points to the bathroom and Nathan nods.
She stands in front of the mirror for way too long just looking at herself. Pinches her cheeks and starts ranking her fingers through their loose blonde curls making them manageable enough to put up in a high ponytail. She grabs Nathan’s toothpaste and brushes her teeth with her finger.
“Well, Mac. This will have to do.” She bobs on the balls of her feet to psych herself up. Returning to the room she notices that Nathan had changed and slipped on some shoes. “Whatcha doin’ Nate?”
“I’ll walk with you. I wanted to grab coffee from down the street before we leave for the airport.” He grabs his wallet.
“You don’t have to.” Kenzie whispers as she heads to her bag.
“I don’t, but I wanna.” Nate smiles at her. She notices those soft eyes again. Almost gray but then again blue.
They head out of room to the steps. MacKenzie took a deep breath not realizing she was holding it until they got to the door.
“Why good morning you two!” Gabe’s voice comes from around the corner with a bag and coffee in hand.
“Mornin’” Nate answers and pushes the cross walk button.
“Glad to see you Kenzie.” Gabe nods and starts whistling while heading back to the hotel.
“Don’t mind him.” Nate breaks the silence after crossing the street.
“I’m assuming he’s thinking you got lucky last night.” MacKenzie tries to control her racing heart.
“I’ll talk to him.” Nathan assures her. She stops and looks up at him.
“Did you want to?” She puts her hand on her head not sure she really said it out loud.
“What?” Nathan stops and looks at her confused.
“Did you want to sleep with me?” She looks to see if anyone could hear her.
“No. Well… damnit. Hi. Let me start over.” Nathan looks deep in her eyes and cups her face.
“Go ahead.” She’s not sure if the words actually could be heard or not.
“I like you. You are easy to talk to. In the short time I’ve known you I’m constantly wanting to know more. I’m just bad at dating.”
“Why do you say that?” She moves closer to him without thinking.
“I’m not romantic. Plus my job isn’t the easiest for most of the year to maintain a healthy relationship. Plus, there is those who just want me for what I could give them.” He drops his hand to her hip. She sees his chest rise and fall.
“Who says you aren’t romantic?” MacKenzie questions.
“Every girl I’ve dated.” Nathan grumbles. This makes Kenzie laugh. “Well, they have.”
“I like you too, Nate. You intrigue me.” She feels the heat in her cheeks.
“So to answer your original question, yes. I would very much like to be physical with you but I also want to date you. Like not to fuck it up by…” She stops him by pushing herself to her tip toes to softly kiss his cheek.
“Well, saying all that is a start in how not to fuck it up.” She smiles at him. “Let’s get me back to my hotel then we can visit this whole dating thing when you return to Denver.” She starts walking and he quickly grabs her hand to walk with her.
“Here we are.” He stops at the doors of her hotel. “So, I’ll see you in two weeks, Kenzie.” Nathan drags out the two while contorting his face.
“It’s not that long plus you will be busy and I have this plus another project to finish before then.” She rubs the back of his hand with her thumb realizing how large his hand was in comparison which could crush her hand if he wanted. “Thanks for dinner Nate.”
“Can I?” He starts and gulps. MacKenzie watches his Adam’s apple bob. “Can I kiss you?” He asks with a quiver in his voice. She nods her head yes. Nate brings his hands up to her jaw holding her face up while he leans in pressing his lips to hers. Kenzie kisses him back and cannot remember a first kiss quiet like that. He releases while sucking in a deep breath.
“I…” Kenzie touches her lips.
“Well, see you soon Kenzie.” He kisses her forehead then turns quickly to head back down the street leaving Kenzie wanting more.
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blueskrugs · 4 years
Some People Do | Nathan MacKinnon
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title from an Old Dominion song of the same name. highly recommend a listen while reading.
the only other words I have are that I cried while writing this.  
length: 6.2k words
I know that time just keeps going on And words by themselves can't right all the wrongs
No one ever claimed that dating an NHL player was easy. In fact, it was hard as hell. Dating the face of a franchise, the savior of a franchise, was hard as hell. It wasn’t that you didn’t love Nate. You loved him more than anyone else, more than you sometimes thought was possible. But sometimes you wondered if your relationship was doomed from the start, if carrying the weight of the expectations of Denver on Nate’s shoulders was too much for both of you to handle. 
Nate had proclaimed himself unromantic before, but you didn’t really need flowers and extravagant gifts. With Nate, it was always the little things. He would cook you breakfast in the mornings before you left for work and he for practice. He would sneak into your apartment when you had a long day at work and clean up. (Never laundry though. He always said he was too scared of fucking that up.) It was letting you cuddle on the couch, no questions asked, no words spoken, on days you really needed it; he always seemed to know about those days even before you did. You knew the other boys teased Nate sometimes, everything from ribbing him about being whipped to roasting him for his somewhat abysmal gift-giving skills. Nate would just blush and give them that shy little smile you loved so much. 
That’s the way things were for a long time. You were both happy, comfortable. You wondered sometimes, on the hardest nights, if you had gotten too comfortable. If you had forgotten just where you were, who you were with, and how lucky you were that Nate had ever given you the time of day in the first place. 
You missed the drama of the Avalanche’s historically bad, never-before-seen debacle of a year that had been the 2016-2017 season and came into Nate’s life when they were back on their feet, making a name for themselves in the standings again. You still saw the damage it had done to him, though, in the way he blamed himself for losses, took them a little harder than anyone else– except maybe Gabe– in the way he dialed up his intensity even stronger than ever until he was satisfied. Except he was never satisfied, probably would never be, bar winning a Cup or three. 
The Avs dug themselves out a hole. And then they hit a wall again.
It was the same old shit that always seemed to dog the team, injury after injury, games that just never seemed to go their way, no matter how hard they fought. 
October started out fine. They won more than they lost, and it looked like they could have a chance at being something this year. The end of October came with a string of losses. Mikko went down with a lower-body injury on Halloween. 
November continued a downward spiral. Nate stopped scoring, Burky broke his wrist, and they only won a handful of games the entire month. Nate started coming home late from the arena, sweaty and exhausted; you knew he was running himself ragged, literally, on the treadmill and on drills. His blue eyes were hard as stone, and the set of his jaw grew more tense with each loss the team strung together. 
Road trips were the hardest. From the start of your relationship, you and Nate made a point to FaceTime during roadies. You looked forward to those calls all day, because no matter how terrible the game had been, Nate would see you and smile. You would always do anything for him to smile. The calls continued that terrible season, and for a while, it seemed like nothing had changed. Nate’s eyes were more tired than usual, his brow permanently furrowed, but you would answer the phone, and that would all disappear for a moment when he grinned at you.
You had just gotten out of the shower when your phone started ringing with a FaceTime call. You were surprised to see that it was Nate. You hadn’t been officially dating for very long at all, and he had only left for the road trip that morning. 
“What the hell is on your head?” was the first thing out of Nate’s mouth when you answered the call. Somewhere off camera, you could hear Tyson Barrie cackling. 
Your hand flew up to your hair, which was wrapped in a towel. “It’s a towel, dumbass. And I just got out of the shower, I’m not wearing makeup or anything,” you whined. 
Nate rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to respond when Tyson leaned into frame. “Hi, Y/N!” he yelled. Nate flinched.
There was a moment of darkness and what sounded like the two wrestling on the bed for a moment, before a whispered, “Get out of here!” and a door closing. “I’m sorry about him,” Nate said, picking his phone back up. 
You just laughed. You had only met Tyson one time so far, and he seemed like fun, if not a little crazy. “Let me just-” You reached up to tug the towel off your head. 
“No, don’t! I mean, I think it’s cute,” Nate said. You froze, staring at his blurry face on your phone screen. You were pretty sure he was blushing in the shitty hotel light. “I just- I missed you, and I don’t care what you look like. I mean-wait, I don’t want you to think you need to have makeup or shit on for me to think you’re beautiful.” Yeah, he was definitely blushing now. He was also smiling a little bit, cautiously, as if he was afraid of your response.
You smiled back, settling in against the pillows on your bed, and saying, “Nate, I literally saw you this morning.” He shrugged.
“Wanted to see your face again,” he mumbled. Then, “Can I call you tomorrow after our game, too?”
He did call you the next night, and the night after that, and then roadtrip FaceTime calls became a routine.
As the season went on, you waited by the phone every night Nate was out of town, but slowly the calls became few and far between, until they stopped entirely. 
Most wouldn't forgive what I put you through But I'm here tonight, hoping some people do
Nate started watching game film obsessively, coming home and sitting up for hours. He would watch his own clips, his teammates’ clips, clips from every other team, watching for any mistake or flaw, some way to fix this. He’d always been so serious about schedules and routines, but he started coming to bed later and later. You always tried to get Nate to come to bed with you, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and murmuring a, “Babe, c’mon, it’s getting late,” but he’d shrug you off and say back, “Just a few more minutes.”
You resigned yourself to going to bed alone. Cox started laying in Nate’s spot on the bed. 
The Penguins came to town. The slump continued, for the team and for Nate. Nate got benched. It was December, and all the Crosbys and MacKinnons had come to town, too, planning to celebrate Christmas a little early while everyone could be together. 
Bednar had told Nate he wouldn’t be playing against the Pens following a morning skate. Cale told you he had broken his stick against a wall afterwards. His temper followed him home, came back with a vengeance, and you would never forget the sadness on Taylor’s face and the anger on Sarah’s when he snapped at Taylor over something stupid and let the door slam behind him for good measure. He didn’t talk to any of you for the rest of the night, and he drove to the arena alone.
The Avs won in a game that was nothing short of a Christmas miracle. Nate came home in a slightly better mood, apologized to Taylor, and started channeling his anger into his time on the ice instead. It might have had something to do with the fact that you were sure he hadn’t missed the way you flinched when he had yelled. 
The end of December saw a win streak for the Avs and a scoring streak for Nate. 
“I thought about asking for a trade,” Nate said casually one January night. It was the All-Star break, and Nate had found a cabin on a lake in California to rent for bye week. He didn’t look up at you as he said it, gazing instead up at the stars, and your heart broke.
Nate’s arm was draped around your shoulder, and it had been a comforting weight, but suddenly it felt like it would crush you. You hadn’t been in Denver for the drama of the last teammate that had requested a trade midseason, but you knew the tale, knew the bitterness that was still in that locker room. You knew how it could destroy a team. And you’d had no idea Nate was even considering it.
He kept talking. “Thought about trying to go somewhere where people didn’t care about hockey, somewhere where it didn’t matter if I had been a fluke.” His voice broke. “I just want out sometimes. Get away from all the fucking expectations, the hope that I’ll bring the Cup back to Denver, that I can be the next Sidney Crosby, just the next best thing out of Cole Harbour.” It was the first time you had ever heard Nate say Sid’s name like that, with venom and bitterness.
You were speechless, couldn’t find the words to respond to Nate. You weren’t even sure he wanted you to respond, to argue with him. So you just shrugged off his arm from your shoulders and pulled him into your chest, resting your chin on his head as you watched the stars together.
The trade deadline passed. Nate still wore an A for the Colorado Avalanche, and no one would ever know any differently. 
I know you're hurt, I know it's my fault But I've kept "I'm sorry" locked in a vault
You called Sid late one night in March. He answered quickly, because he always did when you or Nate called, even though it was after midnight in Pittsburgh.
“Sid, I don’t know what to do anymore,” you had cried, with Cox curled up next to you on the couch in the dark. Nate was asleep upstairs, gone to bed early for the first time in a long time. Cox heard your tears and shoved his face into your hand, asking for attention, letting you use him as comfort. You petted him absently as you told Sid everything. And Sid listened, even as you told him stories of the season he already knew, told to him by Nate in similar late night phone conversations, even as it ticked past 1 in the morning in Denver. Sid waited until you finished talking before responding, spewing sympathy and advice that you only half listened to, still caught up in your thoughts. 
In the best days of your relationship and in your worst, you didn’t know what you would do without Sid.
You thought back to the first summer you visited Nate in Cole Harbour. You hadn’t gone the first summer after you’d started dating, as you’d only been together a couple of months, although Nate had begged you pretty much the entire summer. The next summer, though, there was absolutely no getting out of visiting. 
You had never been to Canada before, and you had grown up spending your summers on a lake, but you were convinced nothing would ever compare to Nova Scotia. Nate had laughed at you when you ran out onto his deck, a wide smile on your face. You spun around to look up at him.
“I love it here,” you said. Nate laughed again.
“You’ve barely even been here. You haven’t seen the good stuff yet.”
“I have a house, water, and you, what else is there to see?” Nate chuckled fondly at you. 
You spent the day out on the water with Nate, Sid and the dogs. It was peaceful out there in the sun, the silence only occasionally broken by Sid’s ridiculous laugh or one of the dog’s barks. You were dozing in the sun when Nate came over to you.
“Come swimming with me for a bit.” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“I’m tanning, Nathan.” Sid laughed. Next thing you knew, you were being picked up and thrown over Nate’s shoulder. Sid laughed louder. Sometimes you really hated him and that fucking laugh. “Nate!” you shrieked. “Put me down!”
Nate simply said, “Okay,” before he was throwing you in the lake. You came up spluttering. Nate and Sid were both doubled over in laughter, and dogs were caught up in the excitement and barking. 
“Help me out,” you whined, reaching a hand out of the water. Nate took pity on you and grabbed your hand.
You pulled him headfirst down into the water. 
Sid came up to you on the dock on your last night in Cole Harbour. Nate was up at the house, getting you a blanket and more wine, and you were watching the stars.
“You’re really good for him, you know,” Sid said without preamble, settling next to you on the dock. You waited for him to continue. “I’ve known him for years, and I’ve never seen him as happy as he has been this week with you here.” You blushed. “And you should hear the way he talks about you on the phone, God, I didn’t know it was possible for anyone to get him out of his head and stop focusing on hockey, I don’t know how you do it.” He paused, gazing up at the clear sky.When he spoke again, his voice was soft. “Nate takes everything so seriously. He’s gotten pretty fucked up over bad relationships in the past. I was a little worried when I saw how fast he was falling for you, when he’d call or text me like a middle-school girl with a crush. But I don’t have to worry, because you two are so good together, like you’ve known each other forever, and will be together forever.” 
Nate chose that moment to reappear. “Talkin’ about me?” he asked, pushing Sid out of the way so he could sit next to you. 
“Only good things,” Sid smiled.
Nate draped his arm across your shoulders and the blanket over your legs. You leaned your head on his shoulder.
“I love you,” Nate whispered into your hair, brushing a kiss to the top of your head. 
Nate came downstairs not long after you hung up with Sid. He found you crying on the couch, trying to muffle your sobs into the sleeves of one of his Avalanche hoodies. He made a soft, wounded sound, and you startled. You didn’t have a chance to apologize– for waking Nate, for breaking down– before he was climbing onto the couch next to you. He pulled you into his lap wordlessly, kissing away your tears, holding you as you shook. 
He whispered sweet things to you as you calmed down, I’m sorrys and I love yous breaking the silence of the night. Cox whined, crawling his way into your lap as well. Nate’s heartbeat was steady beneath your ear, his breathing even, and you found yourself soothed by it. The two– well, three, if you counted the German Shepherd who was decidedly not a lap dog– fell asleep on the couch like that. When you woke up again, sunlight was streaming into the living room, and you were still safely wrapped up in Nate’s arms.
He looked younger, softer, in his sleep, the burden of being Nathan MacKinnon momentarily forgotten. You couldn’t help but stare, a soft smile on your face. Nate shifted under you a couple of minutes later, eyes blinking sleepily open. He grinned when he found you inches from his face, already watching him. 
“Good morning,” he whispered, stretching up to kiss you gently. “D’you want breakfast?”
You buried your face in Nate’s neck. “In a minute,” you mumbled. “Comfy.” Nate laughed, loud, and you felt it in every inch of your body that was touching his.
As you sat sipping your coffee in the kitchen later, watching Nate cook you breakfast, like he had for so long, you could almost convince yourself that everything was fine, that the stress fractures of your relationship weren’t on the verge of breaking completely. 
Some people say sorry to hear it's okay But I know it's not so you don't have to say That you understand 'cause I know you don't
In the living room where you had left your phone after last night’s phone call, you got a text. Then another. And another. Nate’s phone started ringing; his face went white, and he dropped the spatula he was using.
Confused, and starting to get worried, you set your coffee down and rushed to pick up your phone. The first thing you saw was a text from Mel, simply saying, “i’m so sorry.” Nate was still on the phone in the kitchen, speaking in an anxious hushed tone to whoever was on the other end. You ignored the handful of other texts you had received in favor of looking at your Instagram and Twitter notifications which were blowing up. You clicked on one with a shaky hand.
Your heart dropped. Your phone fell to the floor with a clatter. 
In the kitchen, Nate’s voice rose, but you couldn’t hear any of the words he was saying over the pounding of your heart in your ears. 
You sank to the floor and picked up your phone again. You had been tagged in a series of pictures, all of Nate. There was Nate with a girl in a bar, with a girl in his lap, his arm wrapped around her waist, his lips on hers. There was more than one post, too, all dated, starting all the way back in November. All nights when Nate and the Avs were on road trips. Different cities, too, but always the same girl.
Blonder than you. Prettier than you. Better than you, apparently.
There were dozens of pictures. Some were dark and kind of blurry, but all were unmistakably Nate. 
You scrolled through all of the pictures again. Cox whined next to you. Nate still hadn’t left the kitchen, but you knew he had been tagged in all of the posts too. Texts and notifications were still rolling into your phone, from friends and family and strangers. You turned your phone off.
Then Nate was crouching in front of you, brushing your tears away. You hadn’t even realized you had been crying. You scrambled away from Nate’s touch like it burned you; his hand stayed outstretched in the air.
Just ten minutes ago, you had been beginning to think that things could get better again, that you could fix the damage in Nate, in your relationship. Now, everything you had known for the last two and a half years lay shattered at your feet, spread out for the whole world to see.
“You weren’t supposed to find out like this,” Nate murmured.
A hysterical laugh forced its way out of your throat. Your hands were still shaking, but your anxiousness had just been replaced with anger. “I wasn’t supposed to find out like this, or I wasn’t supposed to find out at all?”
Nate flinched a little, and you felt a brief flash of vindication. “I didn’t mean-”
“You didn’t mean what, Nathan? Didn’t mean for me to find out, for the whole world to find out? Or you didn’t mean to say it like that? Like you were just waiting for the right time to tell me, but it never worked out?” Nate had stood up again, but he wasn’t looking at you. “God, I was sitting around like a fool all season, waiting for you to call me, but of course you never did, because you had found someone better than me. Did she get to go to games, too, when you were flying her all across the country?”
Nate was flushed with anger now too. “You don’t understand-”
You cut him off. “No, Nate, I don’t fucking understand. I thought, I don’t know, maybe the past two years actually meant something. So tell me, make me understand, because you lost me a long time ago.”
“Just shut up!” You took a step back from Nate, though he hadn’t moved. You weren’t sure Nate had ever raised his voice at you. “We were in Ottawa in the beginning of November, and we all went out to a bar because we finally got a fucking win. She started flirting, and she had no idea who we were, and it was so nice to meet someone and not have the expectation of being Nathan fucking MacKinnon. I never had to listen to her lie to me about how well I played or some shit about how the team would figure it out, that we could get better.”
“Did all the boys know?” you whispered. “Have you all just been laughing at me behind my back all season, while I’ve been blindly in love with a boy who’s been flying another girl to all of his road games?”
Nate paled and took a half-step in your direction. You backed up again, until your knees hit the couch. “No, they- they knew I was taking the season hard, I guess, so they gave me space. Gabe might’ve been getting suspicious, but I- they would never do that to you.”
“Excuse me for not believing that. I believed you would never cheat on me, either, but here we are.” You turned to leave the room. 
“If you’d just-” Nate was angry again. You spun around, your heartbreak fanning the flames of your own anger.
“If I’d just what, Nate? Stopped caring about you and hockey? Stopped supporting you? Stopped caring about us?” Your voice broke, and you blinked back the tears burning behind your eyes. You had started out yelling again, but now your voice was quiet. “I’m sorry I tried, Nathan. I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough for you.”
You turned again, started making your way towards the stairs. 
“Wait, Y/N, please.” Nate’s voice came out desperate, like he was choking back tears. You couldn’t possibly understand why; he had done this to himself. “I never actually slept with her.”
“Good for you, Nate.” You let out a humorless laugh. “I hope the PR team has fun trying to save you and your fuck-ups. The posterboy of the Colorado Avalanche showing his true colors at last.”
Nate finally let you turn and make your way upstairs. He didn’t follow as you made your way into the bedroom and packed a bag with enough clothes to last you until the next road trip. He was sitting on the couch, stiff and tense, but he jumped up when you came back down the stairs. 
“Where are you going?” he asked, starting to reach out to grab your arm, but stopping himself at the last second, grasping at the air instead. “Please, Y/N.”
“I don’t know, Nate,” you sighed. “But I can’t stay here. I’ll be back to get the rest of my stuff while you’re on your next road trip. Say hi to your other girlfriend for me.”
Nate followed you outside. Cox barked once as you climbed into your car. “But-but you live here, with us! Please, let me fix this.”
You turned to Nate one last time. “You know, you could have fixed everything else that screwed us up this season. I really thought we could’ve been fine. But this, Nate? I don’t know anymore.” 
Nate flinched as your car door slammed. You watched in your rearview mirror as you drove away. His hands were shoved in his pockets, unmoving, and then he was out of sight. 
You drove aimlessly around Denver for a while. You let yourself get lost before you found somewhere quiet to pull over. Except, the breakdown, the tears, never came. Instead, you felt numb and hollow. You had really been foolish enough to believe that you could love Nate through everything, and that he would love you back. Hadn’t Sid said it seemed like you would be together forever?
When Nate showed up at the game the next night with a fresh black eye, no one commented on it. No one commented on EJ’s freshly bruised knuckles, either.
The season ended quietly. The Avs had managed to turn the season around, stop the bleeding, but they never quite could fix the damage. You had moved out of Nate’s house after the fight. You rarely saw each other anymore, but you didn’t tell him you kept going to games until the very end. You just couldn’t keep yourself away, no matter how much it hurt to watch him down on the ice.  
Nate went home to Cole Harbour. You stayed in Denver. 
Sometimes you thought back to the beginning of your relationship with Nate. You remembered what it was like when you first met, when Nate was still shy and quiet. It had been so stupidly fucking cliche, too: in a goddamn Starbucks. 
You listened to the man next to you in line rattle off a list of coffee orders, ranging from basic to borderline ridiculous. The baristas were already beginning to look overwhelmed as the cups lined up. He had the grace to look sheepish, at least, and tucked what looked like a ten dollar bill into their tip jar. You didn’t pay him much more mind after that, stepping to the side and trying your hardest to stay out of the way of other patrons while you waited. Then your grandmother had called, asking for technology help, even though you were hundreds of miles away from home, and you had other family that literally lived five minutes away from her. You were distracted and missed that a barista had called your name. You were still caught up with your phone and didn’t realize until someone was tapping you on the shoulder and tentatively saying your name.
You looked up, surprised, and your entire field of vision was filled with one very blond, blue-eyed, broad-shouldered man. First, you made the connection to him being the one with the list of coffee orders in line next to you, and then, that the man standing in front of you, struggling to balance several coffee carriers, was Nathan MacKinnon. 
“I grabbed your coffee by mistake,” he said. “It got mixed in with all our orders, and I only just noticed it had a different name on it. I’m really sorry.”
You smiled, taking your coffee. “It’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it. I didn’t even hear them call my name.” Nate still looked apologetic. “Did you lose a bet or something?” you asked then, looking at the stack of coffee cups Nate still held. 
He grinned at you. “Something like that.”
You had left the Starbucks that day with Nate’s phone number. At the time, you had no real intent to use it; you didn’t kid yourself. Nathan MacKinnon was a former first-overall draft pick, hero of the Colorado Avalanche, and you were just some girl whose coffee he accidentally stole. 
Nate texted you first. He did that a lot in the beginning. He was always a little awkward– a life spent focused on hockey meant that he wasn’t the best at small talk– but he was sweet and could make you laugh.
When he first asked you out, you said no. You had watched his face fall, watched him bite his lip and take a step back from you. You felt a surprising rush of sadness settle in your chest as Nate’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. You had said no because you didn’t want to be just another girl, another fling that meant nothing. Suddenly, you weren’t sure if that’s all you would be to Nate, and you were a little scared by how willing you were to see how far it could go. 
“Ask me again in a couple weeks,” you said softly. Nate startled, still looking a little bit like he wanted to run. You looked up at him fondly.
Life went on in Denver that summer without Nate. You went to work. You went home to your empty apartment. Really, it wasn’t all that different from life with Nate in Denver, at least not in the last couple of months. You texted with Sid and Sarah every once in a while, but you got complete radio silence from Nate. Tyson Barrie texted you a video of Cox and Ralph playing one day in mid-July, and you could hear Nate laughing somewhere in the background. You didn’t reply. You didn’t want to admit to how many times you watched the video, just to hear Nate’s laugh again, either. 
“You are not getting my dog a fucking-what it’s called? A puppuccino?” Nate gripped his iced black cold brew tightly in his hand and glared at you. Cox sat patiently at your feet, eyeing the cup of whipped cream in your hand and licking his lips eagerly.
“It’s just whipped cream, babe! And, look, he likes them!” 
Nate raised an eyebrow at you. You had forgotten that the trips you took to Starbucks with Cox while the boys were on road trips were secret. “Y/N.” Nate crouched down and squished Cox’s face. Cox looked unimpressed. “This is a highly trained guard dog. He does not need any fucking whipped cream.” Cox’s tongue darted out and licked Nate’s nose. It was Nate’s turn to look unimpressed.
You bent down to give Cox his puppuccino. He lapped it up excitedly, getting whipped cream all over his nose and whiskers. Nate rolled his eyes at the both of you. 
“You’re not allowed to spoil our children.” You paused, still watching Cox try and get the last of the whipped cream out of the cup. Nate had never mentioned kids before, but you sometimes watched the smile he had when he played with Linnea or Sophie, even though he was still a little terrified of holding a baby. You looked at him, but he was still watching Cox calmly.
“Are you saying that Cox isn’t already your son?” you asked, only deflecting a little, and trying very hard to not picture Nate with a tiny baby of your own. 
Nate scoffed. You both looked down at Cox, who had rolled onto his back, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. “Besides,” he said, tugging you closer by your hips, “I think Cox will be great with kids, and there’s only one way to find out.”
You just rolled your eyes.
You always had to grit your teeth and smile when someone heard that you weren’t originally from Denver and asked, pretty much without fail, if you had moved for Nate. The answer was always that you had moved for work and had met Nate by chance. If Nate was a part of the conversation, he would chip in that he’d had to work to even get you to consider dating him. He’d always kiss you after that, on the forehead, on the cheek, and he’d look at you like he was the lucky one. And you could look into his eyes and forget for a moment that you’d been upset.
You always wondered why everyone assumed you had dropped your life, your family and friends and your hometown just to follow Nate and his hockey career. Now, you were wondering if you were ready to drop your life, your friends, and everything you loved about Denver just to get away from Nate and his hockey career. 
You didn’t hear from Nate when he returned to Denver for training camp. It hurt in a way you couldn’t articulate, a bone-deep ache, a hollowness that you had never felt before, the fear that you had both let your relationship go past the point of no return while neither of you were paying attention. You thought wildly as you laid in bed alone, if you would ever see Nate again, be able to look him in the eyes and tell him you loved him one more time.
Because you did. You still loved Nate, maybe always would, and you missed him, spent the whole summer missing him, had missed him long before he went back to Cole Harbour by himself. You were terrified that you lost the best relationship you’d ever had. You were too scared to reach out to him yourself, half-sure that he’d never even respond, and that would be all you needed to know that you had reached the end. 
You watched the boys’ Instagram stories as they went golfing everyday after practice. You watched Nate smile and laugh with Gabe and Burky, though you noticed that the smiles never quite seemed to reach his eyes. You looked at the Avs’ social medias every day for the pictures they inevitably posted of Nate. He never seemed to be smiling. You would drive down near the Pepsi Center, only to see his face plastered everywhere. Seeing Nathan MacKinnon around Denver seemed unavoidable; he was on posters and on shirts and jerseys. Seeing Nate, though? Your Nate, with the lisp and the love for dogs, who yelled at his teammates on Fortnite and loved his family more than anything? You weren’t sure you’d ever see him again. 
So whether you kiss me or you close the door Just know that I'm better than I was before
You were surprised when someone knocked on your apartment door one night after dinner, only a couple of days before the regular season began. You were even more surprised when you pulled open the door to see Nate. He startled a little when you opened the door, and you leaned against the doorjamb, allowing yourself to just look at him.
His summer tan had already started to fade. He was wearing jeans, but an old Avs T-shirt, and he was picking at the fraying hem. He was no longer as lean as he was the last time you’d seen him towards the end of the season, but he looked exhausted the same way he did in the final stretch.
It hurt to look at him for long, so you cleared your throat, tore your gaze away from the dark circles under his eyes. Nate shook himself a little, looked away from the 29 on your right shoulder. You had forgotten that you had put on an old, stolen hoodie after work. For a while, it had still smelled like him, but now it didn’t smell like anything. 
“I thought you gave everything of mine back,” was the first thing he said.
You shrugged, tugging the sleeves of Nate’s hoodie over your hands. “Couldn’t bring myself to give it up.” You looked back at Nate. He looked pained. “What’re you doing here, Nate?” The exhaustion of the last couple months, the heartbreak, the worry, showed in your voice.
“I just-I wanted to see you. Wanted to try and explain, if you wanted to listen. I know I’ll never get the words right, and you could slam the door in my face right now, and I wouldn’t blame you. And if you do, I’ll leave you alone. But if you don’t, I will spend the rest of my life apologizing, trying to show you how much I love you.”
You covered your mouth to cover the sob that rose out of your chest. Nate’s eyes snapped up to yours, those bright blue eyes that you still loved so much, and he looked panicked. “Nate, I-”
“Look, if I were you, I’d hate me. Hell, EJ socked me, and I thought Sid was gonna leave me out on the lake to die when I first flew home. If you spend the rest of your life hating me, it’s all on me. You probably wouldn’t be the only one. But, fuck, Cox misses you. I miss you.” Nate stepped closer, reached out to brush his thumb across your cheekbone. 
You let yourself revel in that touch for a moment before you took a step back, clutching your door for support. “I spent all summer wondering if we were over, Nate. Wondering what I could’ve done differently.” Nate bit his lip. He was still standing in the hallway outside your apartment. You hadn’t invited him in, and you weren’t sure you were going to at all. “I don’t know if I can do this again. If I can fall in love with you, be in love with you, and watch you go off on road trips and wonder if I can ever trust you again. I don’t know if I can do this,” you repeated. 
Nate closed his eyes, seemed to be steeling himself for something. He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. And I know it’s not enough, will never be enough, and I’m sorry for that, too.”
You hesitated. Nate blinked once, twice, fidgeted with the hem of his T-shirt again. It would be so easy, you thought, to let him back into your life. 
You closed the door.
The last thing you saw was Nate’s face, hurt but resigned. You leaned back against your door, slid down to the floor, and let the tears that had been burning under the surface for months out.
Part Two! 
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lovemeleo · 3 years
19 & 20 for O'Knutzy? Idk if you're still taking prompts but just if you are.
I love your fics <3
I am still taking prompts! Thanks so much, anon, I’m glad you love them. I hope you like this one as much as you loved the others! These lovely OCs belong to the amazing @lumosinlove :)
TW: injuries and blood
Prompt #19: “Oh god, you’re bleeding.”
Prompt #20: “Hey, just look at me. Breathe.”
Here they were with 4 minutes left of the final period, and this game seemed to be dragging on. They were playing Colorado, and the score had been stuck at 2-2 since the start of the second period. 
Leo stood in front of his goal, watching as the puck flew back and forth across the ice. As he looked up, Leo saw Rantenen heading his way with the puck but then Logan swooped in, stealing the puck out from under him.
The Avalanche player chased after Logan, both of them swinging behind his goal when-
Rantenen slammed Logan into the boards. There was a scuffle, Logan falling to the ice. Blue eyes watched Rantenen skate away before he realized there was no Gryffindor player following after him. Logan hadn’t gotten up.
“Tremz?” Leo yelled, trying to get his attention. There was no answer. As he skated around his goal, Leo heard the whistle blow behind him, calling a stop to the game.
Logan was sprawled on his stomach on the ice, “Medic!” Leo shouted as he threw his gloves to the side as he tried to get Logan turned over who let out a groan, “Leo.” 
Hestia and a couple other medics over seconds later, helping him get the other boy onto his back. Leo let out a gasp as he saw Logan’s face. He must’ve caught one of Rantenen’s skates on the fall,  a long gash went from above the left eyebrow down to his jawline. 
“Oh god, you’re bleeding.” Leo croaked out, crouching next to Logan as Hestia checked him over. 
Logan let out a groan, trying to push her away as she pressed gently over the player’s sides, checking for breaks in the ribs. “It hurts, mon dieu.” He gasped, his head falling back onto the ice.
They brought out a stretcher for Logan as he gasped for breath, the adrenaline beginning to wear off. He brought a hand up to his face, skin going pale as he saw the blood on his fingers, “Oh no. Oh fuck.” 
Leo quickly grabbed his hand, wiping the blood off of Logan’s fingers, “Hey, just look at me. Breathe, Tremzy. You’re going to be okay.” He murmured, only letting go once the medics got him on the stretcher, carting him off.
Hestia brought out some gauze, gently pressing it over the gash, “Deep breath, Tremblay.” She murmured as he let out a hiss, fingers gripping at the stretcher as they wheeled him off the ice and down the tunnel. 
Leo skated off to the bench where the rest of his team was waiting anxiously as they had to get out the zamboni to clean the ice. “What the fuck happened?” Finn said as he pulled Leo onto the bench. 
Shaking his head, Leo ran a hand through his hair, “I’m not sure. It didn’t even seem like that bad of a scuffle, but then I looked back a-and Logan was still on the ice. Hestia was checking his ribs and they seemed at least bruised but.. His face caught the blade of Rantenen’s skate.” He shook his head as he stared at the spot where Logan had fallen.
“I’m sure he’ll be alright. Tremzy’s strong. We’ve just gotta go out there and win this for him.” Sirius said, clapping the boys on the shoulder.
The team nodded, as the zamboni finished, moving off the ice and they were out there.
And win they did. In the last couple minutes, they managed two more goals, one by James and another by Finn, and Leo blocked three goals from the Avalanche players.
As soon as the game was over, Finn and Leo were running to find Hestia. She was of course waiting for them in the hallway outside the locker room after they had changed. 
She held up her hands, “He’s alright. No broken bones, just a couple bruised ribs. And the gash. It’s gonna scar, needed a couple stitches but it should heal up within a couple weeks.” She explained, leading them back to her room. “He’s gonna need some help getting around but I’m sure you boys can handle it.” 
Opening the door, she led them inside where Logan was laying, “I’ve gotta finish the paperwork, but let me know if you need anything else. I let Logan know how to rebandage the cut and keep it clean.” She grabbed her bag before heading into the attached office.
“Lo, baby.” Finn murmured with a frown as they walked over to the bed. Logan turned from where he was laying shirtless on the bed, the left side of his face was covered in bandages. 
“I’m gonna look like fucking Nado” was the first thing that he came out of his mouth. 
Finn couldn’t help but laugh, though it was probably out of relief, “That’s not a bad thing. Nado isn’t bad looking, and Kuny certainly seems to like it.” He smiled, brushing his hand through the smaller man’s hair.
Leaning into the touch, Logan let out a sigh, “I guess. Can you help me sit up? I’m sick of staring at this ceiling.” Leo quickly moved in front of him, grabbing his hands and pulling Logan up gently.
“We brought your stuff, did you wanna get something on?” Leo asked, pulling out one of Logan’s hoodies, which he was pretty sure actually belonged to him.  Logan raised his arms carefully, trying not to bother his ribs as the other two helped him get the soft material over his chest.
Once Logan had the hoodie on, Finn grabbed their bags, throwing in the extra bandages from Hestia, “Let’s get you home and resting.” He suggested as Leo helped Logan off the bed.
They made their way out to the car slowly and Leo quickly got them home, settling Logan into the bed.
“We’ve got you, mon chou. What do you need?” Leo murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
Logan reached out, making grabby hands towards his boys, “Just want a cuddle.” He pouted. They both crawled in next to him, Finn pulling the blanket over all three of them. 
Gently wrapping an arm around the other two, Leo pressed a kiss to Logan’s shoulder, “‘m glad you’re okay, mon chou. You had me worried.” He murmured quietly, resting his head on the pillow. 
Finn nodded, “Me too, fuck. I had no clue what was happening. Just saw you sprawled out there, felt like my stomach was in knots.” He cuddled as close as he could without hurting the smaller man. 
Smiling, Logan looked at his boys, “I’m sorry I worried you. It felt like I was fine one second and then the next, I was staring at the ice. Glad it wasn’t something worse though. Don’t want to bother you both all the time.” He continued.
Leo leaned up on his arm, meeting Logan’s gaze, “Sweetheart, you could never be a bother to us. We love you so much and are here to help you with anything you need. Anything.” He emphasized as Finn nodded his agreement, “Always, baby.”
Shaking his head gently, Logan looked between his two boys, “I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
Finn intertwined their hands together, “I think it’s a three-way tie.”
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bookishofalder · 3 years
Emergency Contact
Requested by: @beccaaurora 💜
‘One where Flip Zimmerman x reader get into a big fight and don’t talk for awhile . But then the reader gets a call that something happened to Flip cause the reader is still his emergency contact.’
Warnings: Language, angst, gunshot wound, hospital.
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! This was fun to write, I love a good argument that makes the audience go ‘wtf JUST SAY WHAT YOU FEEL’!
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You had been having an excellent dream about being a contestant on The Price is Right. You were spinning the wheel and Bob Barker was telling you to say hi to your family back home when the beeping from the wheel turning morphed into a shrill ringing.
Your phone was ringing, and it pulled you rudely from your dream. Now you’d never know if you were going to win.
Sighing, you rolled over and reached for the phone, squinting at the alarm clock. It was four in the morning. Fucking four am? Whoever was on the line better be dead, you thought miserably, pulling the receiver to your ear.
“Hello, is this Miss. (Y/F/N) speaking?” An efficient voice spoke down the line, and you frowned. You didn’t recognize the woman at all.
“This is she.” You replied, sitting up and flicking on your lamp. Concern already growing as you woke up.
“This is nurse Greer over at Colorado Springs General. I’m sorry to disturb you so early, miss, but we have an officer Philip Zimmerman in our operating room with a gunshot wound, and he has you listed as his emergency contact.”
You were glad, at that moment, that you were already sitting down. You felt the air evaporate from your lungs, your entire body going rigid in fear; you were pretty sure had you been standing you’d have fallen over “Wait-is he okay?” Your voice sounded small from the fear now growing within you.
Yet you were angry, too. If the last fucking time you spoke to Flip Zimmerman was last month when you...no, you couldn’t think like that. But if it was, you’d kill him. You’d bring him back to life yourself just to kill him.
“He took a bad hit to the shoulder, but it was clean through so the doctors are just repairing the nerves and assessing for any other trauma. He should be out within the next half hour.”
When your lungs began to work again, it was like you were learning to breathe for the first time. The air rushed into your grateful lungs and you heaved a small gasp as relief swept through you. You thanked the nurse and confirmed you were on your way.
After hanging up, you dropped your head into your hands and took a few deep breaths to steady yourself. Your thoughts turned to memories of the last time you’d seen the love of your life, fucking Flip Zimmerman.
Flip was staring across the diner table at you in surprise, his brows raised comically high, nearly disappearing into his raven locks.
“Darling, what?”
“I said...no, I don’t think we should live together, yet.” You shrugged, but leaned closer and took one of his hands into yours, rubbing your thumb across his skin reassuringly. “It’s not that I don’t want to, or haven’t been thinking about it myself. But, Flip, I don’t think you really want that.”
His surprise fell into a frown at your words, and he leaned across the table toward you, mirroring your pose. His eyes searched your face for a long moment before he spoke, “I asked you because it is what I want. If you want it as well then that’s all I need to hear, darling.”
“Flip, I’ve known you for a long time. Speaking as someone who was your best friend for most of that time until you finally admitted you loved me-which by the way, was only two years ago, I’m not sure this is smart.”
“What the hell does that even mean, (Y/N)?”
You sighed, “It doesn’t bother me that commitment and change is tough for you. Just getting you to leave a few extra pairs of pants and some shampoo at my place was an ordeal, remember? You really think taking both of our lives and putting them inside the same house isn’t going to...” You trailed off, searching for the right words. How could you tell him you were terrified he was going to leave you one day? Once he realized that he could do so much better. Moving in together seemed like the perfect storm for that to happen. “I don’t want you to regret moving too quickly. We’ve always taken our time, you and I. I’m not impatient.”
Flip leaned away, his hand pulling away from yours to cross his arms over his chest. He always took his time to speak whenever you had serious conversations. You were the live wire, the one who got emotional too quickly regardless of your intent. You took the opportunity his silence presented to take a breath, your eyes never leaving his.
“This really what this is about-you think I’m not ready to commit? Or is it you that ain’t ready?”
“Flip, you know I’m being careful here. I care about you, about us. I don’t want us to fuck this up.” You didn’t add the rest, the part where you’d waited too long to be with him, that every day together felt like a dream and you were waiting for the shoe to drop and wake you back up.
You probably should have just been honest.
One thing Flip was excellent at was shutting down. You read his expression the moment he decided the conversation was over, your stomach flipping over as you saw his disappointment and pain.
He raised a hand, “Don’t. It’s fine. Let me take you home.” And just like that, he stood up, pulling his wallet out and tossing some cash on the table to pay for your food before turning and walking away. It was this reaction that always, ever since you were stupid teenagers, set your teeth on edge. You couldn’t understand how he didn’t argue, how he didn’t have feelings bubbling up inside that threatened to spill out with every breath. He just took a moment, and then he’d walk away.
It made you want to scream.
Ever the gentleman, he was holding open your door for you when you joined him outside the diner. You settled into your seat, your mind reeling. Did he actually think you didn’t want to live with him? The idea of waking up every day in his arms was a fantasy you harboured for years before the night he showed up at your apartment two years ago. Before you could do more than open the door, he had cupped your face with his big hands and gave you the softest, sweetest kiss you’d ever had. Your knees had nearly given out, it was so perfect.
“Flip,” You began, watching as he started the car, his eyes fixed straight ahead, “Please, I know what you’re doing and I do-“
He froze in the process of reaching to shift the car into gear, his head whipping around at your words, “You know what I’m doing? Really?”
You gazed at him in surprise, but didn’t hesitate to reply, “You’re just giving up-you didn’t hear the exact answer you wanted and now the conversation is just over?”
He huffed out a noise of agitation, hands tensing on the wheel, “(Y/N), we don’t need to beat this around- you don’t think I’m ready, and I don’t think you’ll ever trust me enough to be convinced I am. I can’t see a way around it.”
“You think I don’t trust you?” You gawked at him, emotion swelling in your chest like it always did, bursting out. “That’s what you fucking think?” Your voice had risen now, as your mind began to scream at you that you were an idiot and deserved this fight, deserved this pain, so keep digging the hole.
He didn’t reply, he just gave you a rather pointed look. And then the fucker turned to the road, threw the car in gear and drove you home. You sat in a heavy silence the whole way, your mind swirling with so many thoughts you worried you might throw up. He believed you didn’t trust him, you saw it in his face. It had been like being slapped hearing him suggest that.
You were pulled from your thoughts when the car shuddered to a stop. Looking up, you saw the pathway to your front door. Flip put the car in park but didn’t shut it off. He wasn’t going to come inside.
“Just like that?”
He looked over at you, his expression unreadable. “Let’s just, cool it for a day and we can talk about this some other time.”
“Some other time? You want to just forget this conversation happened?”
“Yeah,” He rasped, voice low, “Yeah, I kind of fucking do.”
Letting out a breath, you shook your head in dismay. You’d been having a great day together before this fucking conversation. Maybe if it hadn’t caught you so entirely off guard, you would have had a better answer to him asking to move in together. Instead, you blurted out your concerns in the worst way and unintentionally hurt his feelings. You were angry at yourself.
“I think I’m going to need some time.” You said, looking away from Flip. He turned toward you in the cab of the car in surprise.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him reach toward you hesitantly before ultimately dropping his hand into his lap. “What do you mean?”
You flinched at the pain in his voice, “It means if you think I don’t trust you then we have bigger issues than I thought. It means we should take a break and think about what we want,” You looked up at him, meeting his dark eyes, “I’m sorry this conversation got away from us. I-I’ll call you.” And without another word, you had climbed out of the car and walked quickly toward your front door, never looking back.
You let yourself break down once you had locked your door, great sobs painfully ripping from your chest. So consumed by shame and anger, you never called him. Flip had left a few messages-all the same, that he missed you and was there whenever you were ready to talk. But you never returned them because it would mean having to admit to him all of the fear that was behind your words that night at the diner.
Maybe he deserved better, and this was his out, you thought.
But then nearly a month passed by and you were so miserable that you spent your free time watching the fucking Price is Right like an old lady and crying yourself to sleep each night.
And now he’d been shot.
“Excuse me!” You waved at the first nurse you saw once you’d entered the emergency department doors, frantically looking around as if Flip would be in the middle of the room.
The nurse paused and gave you a knowing smile as if your current state of undress was something she’d seen many times before. You had been sleeping in a silk pyjama set Flip had gotten for you last Christmas, and you hadn’t bothered to change. You’d simply thrown a cardigan on, not bothering to button it, slipped on your converse and driven to the hospital, ignoring the rules of the road in a fashion that would have gotten you in a lot of trouble with Flip.
You were thankful that it wasn’t too cold out, as the sleep set did little in the way of keeping you warm. Which had been the point, Flip had told you, because he liked holding you while you slept together and he didn’t want you getting too hot. The man was a furnace. The shorts only came mid-thigh, though they were loose-fitting at least. All the same, the amusement on the nurse's face was clear. You would laugh about that later.
“Are you here to see the detective who was shot?” She asked you kindly. You nodded feverishly, and she gestured over your shoulder.
“His colleagues are just in there waiting. You can join them until his nurse comes out for you-shouldn’t be long now honey.”
Thanking the nurse, you spun around and walked into the waiting room. It was a quiet night, the only people in the room were Flip’s partner, Jimmy, fellow detective Ron and Sergeant Trapp. They all looked up as you came into the room, Jimmy standing quickly to meet you.
“(Y/N), it’s alright he’s just fine-“
Your eyes widened at him, “Just fine? He was fucking shot-who the fuck shot him? What the fucking shit happened?”
One of the things that Flip loved about you was your mouth. For various reasons, but he’d always appreciated just how many curse words you could contribute to a basic sentence. It always made him laugh, endeared him to you even as teenagers. All of the men in front of you had to decency to gulp as they took in your dangerous expression.
Ron rubbed his hands down his thighs, “Perp had a partner we were unaware of, Flip caught him sneaking around to ambush Jimmy but the guy got a shot fired off before he took him down.”
You continued to glare at the men and Jimmy cleared his throat, “Perp that shot him is in custody, we booked him before coming straight here.” You crossed your arms, sighing as you nodded curtly.  
You were incredibly worked up despite their assurances. You didn’t trust yourself to speak again. The silence in the room only lasted a few moments before Jimmy spoke up again. “He’s going to be thrilled you’re here, you know. Man hasn’t been right all month.”
“You two sure had one hell of a fight.” Ron supplied, forcing you to respond.
“It was stupid,” You ran your hands across your face, exhausted and filled with regret “Listen, thank you for having his back.”
Before Jimmy could reply, a nurse entered the room and called your name. You quickly followed her out, your heart rate increasing with each step that took you closer to Flip.
He was sitting up when you came into his private room, his face pale but looking otherwise healthy. His arm was well bandaged and skin clean. He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of navy briefs you had gotten for him at a sale a few months prior. His lean muscles and broad chest always made you blush-he was just so big, so strong. When he looked up and saw you moving toward him, his mouth opened in surprise. You weren’t sure if it was for the fact that you were there, or if it was from seeing the fiery expression on your face, but before he could do more than choke out your name, you were on him.
Taking great care not to touch his left arm, you wrapped Flip Zimmerman in your arms, leaning across the narrow bed and burying your face into his neck. A sob broke out when you spoke, “I’m so, so fucking sorry, Flip.”
His good arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer so that you had to sit on the bed next to him, tucking yourself into his side. You rested on hand on his chest, just over his heart so that you could feel it beating. He dropped his head and placed a kiss on top of yours, rubbing up and down your back comfortingly.
“Sweet girl,” He breathed, his voice thick, “Missed you so fucking much. I’m so glad you’re here.” He was holding you so tightly, as if afraid you’d disappear.
Tears that had been threatening for a while now broke free, streaming down your face. The emotion bubbling in your chest peaked. “Of course I’m here. Fuck, Flip-you scared the hell out of me.” You pulled back slightly to meet his eyes. They were warm tonight, gazing at you with affection you certainly did not deserve.
“Scared the hell out of myself,” He admitted, raising his free hand to stroke your jaw, pushing your hair over your shoulder, “Thought I’d never see you again, never get to apologize for for-“
You shook your head, abruptly cutting him off, “Flip, it’s me who should be apologizing. I fucked up. I freaked out when you asked to move in together and convinced myself it was the worst idea because you’d realize how uninteresting I really am and how much I’m not worthy of you and you’d want to leave before the moving boxes were fucking unpacked.”
He stilled, his eyes searching yours to seek out how truthful you were being. He looked utterly astonished, “Christ, sweet girl, you really don’t see how much I fucking love you, do you?”
You looked down in shame, “Never really felt like I deserved to be loved by a man like you, Flip Zimmerman.” More tears slipped out, hot on your cheeks.
Flip sighed heavily, his hand sliding to cup one side of your face, thumb tilting you to look up at him. “Woman, you are everything to me. I don’t care anything unless you're with me. Not the sun or the stars or anything in this entire universe, got that? If I have to spend the rest of my life convincing you of that, then I will, but don’t ever say you don’t deserve me. You’re my soulmate, sweet girl. I love you.”
You blinked as the emotion swelled within you at his perfect fucking words, and then you were crashing your lips to his, releasing your hold on him to slide your fingers into his hair and tug his face as close as possible. He responded in kind, deepening the kiss despite your salty tears and trembling body. You both put everything into that kiss, the hospital around you fading away.
It was just the two of you and a million I love you’s.
Eventually, you broke the kiss to breathe, your cheeks and chest flushed. Fuck, you had missed him. Panting, you looked him in the eyes, enjoying the mixture of love and desire they reflected, before you smiled. “I love you too. And I’m moving in this weekend, so you’ll want to get those fuckers in the waiting room to help me so that you can rest up, okay?”
Grinning down at you, Flip kissed your forehead happily. “Yeah, they owe me anyway.” He chuckled, his entire chest rumbling with the deep, warm sound.
And just like that, the worst night of your life became the best and the world felt whole again.
Once Flip was discharged, you took him home, driving much more carefully now and helping him inside when you arrived at his place. Despite the early hours and the lack of sleep, you followed Flip Zimmerman to his bed. You spent the next few hours showing each other how much you loved and missed one another before eventually succumbing to the best sleep you’d had in weeks, curled up against his good side in his bedroom.
Well, you supposed, it was your room now too, wasn't it?
Did you enjoy this story? Please consider reblogging or commenting to ease my inner turmoil as a writer. Likes are basically just a bookmark!
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bones2bones · 2 years
 Good evening fellow pals,  It's about 7:30 pm out here in Colorado, and I am feeling TIRED, in the worst way-- raise your hand if this mercury in retrograde fucked you up, because same. Although I must say it's nice to know that although I am all alone at this laptop typing away that I am not alone indefinitely...or am i? It's hard for me to sit here and contemplate realities and what is real or not. If we are all one then that would mean I am you, and you are me (I'm sorry, haha) but we are separate entities living separate realities, the good news is if I am you than I am WAAAAY hotter than I am right now, and that- for me- is a major win. I basically created this blog as an online source of relief, at least for now, I have no intention of gaining followers or becoming this big blogger. I don't even know what I would do with all that attention and other people's opinions constantly flowing in and out, it's gotta be draining, right? However, I am putting all of this out there knowing that anything is a possibility so please feel free to engage in whatever way you deem fit. I am literally the worst with my words, and I am hoping that having this outlet will improve my communication in some way, but I also think I am the only one who thinks I am aggressively boring and hard to understand.  I also created this blog in hopes to reach as many or as few people who feel and see the world, universe, consciousness in a similar light or maybe even not, maybe to gain some new insight into other views. I mean there is no right or wrong answer to anything. There just IS. I am. You are. We are. It is.  I also have been trying to write more poetry, not consistently but in the means of having an idea and just flowing with it in the moment, I intend to share some of my poetry here in the future & although I have this as a creative outlet now, i will still always be a gal who loves her journals and books. I just have been feeling the need to connect modernly, and the short reasoning for that is... you're not at my house reading my journals (something you could probably be grateful for). I do have instagram and I do share some thoughts and ideas there but the platform doesn't seem like the right way to express myself, it's very surface level for me. It's like as soon as I stopped posting my tits, and irrelevant things, and recreated my page to better represent who I am and what I want to give to the world I lost followers and likes which honestly kind of sucked to deal with at first. I relied solely on social media after a really rough break up, i mean really rough relationship too, the break up was just the cherry on top. Social media gave me a sense of love and attention that I hadn't received during my relationship, and I honestly relied on those likes to feel okay with myself. Now, that's not the case but I am super bummed that more people aren't intrigued by what I have to say-- because I am BRILLIANT-- just kidding, however if you ask my dad or my dog they might agree with that statement.  Anyways, I hope y'all decide to stick around for this journey, and hear what I have to say, and also express your own ideas, thoughts, opinions, beliefs, etc.  later taters 
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jdgo51 · 10 months
Hoping through Grief
Today's inspiration comes from:
Reflections for the Grieving Soul
by Nike Nappa
Editor’s note: Mike Nappa’s new book Reflections for the Grieving Soul was written after his dear wife, Amy, passed away from cancer. Mike sought refuge in Scripture when bereavement became his constant. Here’s a little of what Mike wrote in forward for you:
"'If you’re reading this book, your world has been irrevocably changed by the death of someone you love.
I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.
You are in an awful time. And you deserve help as you grieve.
Right now is unbearable, I know. Forget about “one day at a time,” right? Let’s shoot for “the next ten minutes” and see how that goes. That’s why this book exists. For you, for me, for the next ten minutes.
So this is my prayer for you now, after the funeral:
May God be noticeably near to you. May the promises and pains of His Word comfort you today as they did for me yesterday. And may they give us both the strength we need to wake up and face tomorrow. Or at least the next ten minutes.
I hope that when I’m gone, you’ll still see God’s goodness. Still see His love for you. Still find joy in each day. ~ Amy Nappa, Journal entry, July 8, 2016
But God knows the way that I take, and when He has tested me, I will come out like gold. — Job 23:10 NCV
Before she died, I asked Amy to write her own obituary. I just couldn’t do it. I told her I would put in the appropriate dates, but she had to do the rest. So she did.
I hope that when I’m gone, you’ll still see God’s goodness. Still see His love for you. Still find joy in each day. ~ Amy Nappa
This is how she wanted to be remembered...
Amy Wakefield Nappa was born on November 10, 1963, in Portsmouth, VA, to Norm and Winnie Wakefield. She moved to Heaven on Sunday, September 11, 2016.
Amy was a sister, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a friend. She loved her family and her friends dearly. Her greatest joys were to spend time with family, to hang out with her friends, to laugh, and to mentor those a little behind her in the journey of life.
Amy loved Jesus with all her heart, and her greatest desire was to be remembered as a woman who shined the love of Jesus.
Looking at this now, months later, I feel a touch of pride. She was everything she said in this obituary — and much more. She left out the parts about how she was a successful business executive, a bestselling and award-winning author, a woman whose published works influenced the lives of millions of people in nations all over the planet, a speaker to thousands, and (because she ranked it highly in her life) an annual volunteer at the “Imagination Station” of our local VBS productions.
Amy changed the world. I’ve asked myself how she did it, how one little woman living an obscure life in a small town in Colorado could make such a difference for millions of people. The only answer I can come up with is this:
Amy’s greatest desire really was to be remembered as a woman who shined the love of Jesus. That was just who she was; it was natural for her. And God used Amy just being herself to shine His love through her and spray it out into the world. And when she suffered, when her body failed her and her faith was tested in the extreme, she was still just Amy being Amy, shining His love on all of us who were near.
It was the worst time of my life. And the most extraordinary time I’ve known. God knew the way that Amy took, and like Job of old, at the final end she came out shining... like gold.
Dear Father, I think I’d like to shine — just a little bit. When I’m tested today, may Your Spirit be the help I need to come out of everything shining. Like gold.
Excerpted with permission from Reflections for the Grieving Soul by Mike Nappa, copyright Nappaland Communications, Inc.
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oldguardhc · 4 years
Old Guard hc #101
Summary: Part 2 of the Decennial Awards (Part 1)
“Our next category is the Weirdest Sleeping Spot! As the title suggests, this category is based on the weirdest spot one has been caught sleeping.” Joe turns on the TV behind him and starts the slideshow of them all snoozing in various spots and positions. “We require plenty of rest to remain youthful. This, unfortunately, means we have to catch our Z’s in some unconventional places.”
“When did you take all these pictures?” Booker asks, leaning forward on the couch. Joe glances back and sees a picture of Booker asleep on top of a fridge. The man wasn’t even curled up on top like one would assume. No, he was half-draped over the top, head and arms hanging on the other side, looking as close to dead one can be while still alive. He looked like a poor Halloween decoration. “I don’t even remember that.” 
“That’s because you’re senile,” Joe retorts and immediately wishes he can take it back. Three unimpressed faces stare back at him from the couches and Joe knows that this is going to be counted against him. Dammit. He wants to win the best host at the end of the century. Joe plasters on a winning smile. “I apologize; that comment should have been saved for after the show. All of the pictures were taken some time in the last 10 years; anything before was disqualified. Now, our first nominee, Nicolò, fell asleep in-“
Booker stands up and turns around to look at Andy and Nicky. He gestures wildly at them, some of his drink sloshing onto the floor and all over his hand. Booker slurps up what he can on his hand before saying, “Are we not going to talk about how Joe’s been taking pictures of us sleeping? For more than a decade?” 
Andy lobs a peanut at him. “Sit down!” Booker catches the peanut and pops it into his mouth. For a second, Joe hopes he chokes on it. 
When it’s clear that he will not, Joe says, “No, we are not. Please take a seat, sir.” 
Booker whirls around, spilling more of his drink. “This is an invasion of privacy!”
“You were in a public area.”
“If you have to start with technically, you’re wrong,” Joe sighs, motioning to the couch more insistently. He feels like he has just finished 8 hours of customer support and was told by his manager to cover for the coworker they’re currently sleeping with. Andy snags the back of Booker’s pants and whatever was left in Booker’s cup is now sitting on the carpet. Wonderful. “As I was saying, Nicolò, over here, fell asleep on a crane that was on top of a 500m building. He had a couple of hours to kill until his target arrived and rather than playing on his phone like any other sane person, he decided to take a nap.” Everyone turns to look at Nicky. 
“I still don’t see the issue here. I even set an alarm for an hour before the scheduled arrival,” Nicky says and Andy squints at him. 
“The construction workers were using the crane. It was literally spinning the entire day,” Booker says and Joe nods. Some carousels spin less than that crane. 
“You cost me 500 euros,” Andy adds with a scowl. “It was supposed to be an easy win. You puked after the teacups.” 
Nicky gapes at her. “That doesn’t count! Booker made me eat 5 bananas and drink 2 cans of sprite!” 
“It was a projectile. You could calculate the angle of it.” You could. It was absolutely disgusting. Joe had made sure to slip the janitor an extra hundred as he tended to his violently sick husband. 
Knowing that this will lead to a full-blown argument, Joe quickly interjects, “Now Sebastien, he fell asleep in the trunk of the wrong car and ended up giving a poor old lady quite the scare. Later, I would like to discuss Sebastien’s concerning taste for younger women.”
“Yeah, she was less than half your age. That’s gross, Book,” Andy teases.
“Preying on the young and vulnerable?” Nicky tuts. “Where're your morals?”
“Fuck you guys,” Booker groans.
“I like older men,” Nicky says. “Thank you, though.”
With a smirk, Joe continues. “Next is Andromache, who fell asleep on top of a moving train and managed to stay on it the entire duration of her nap. In fact, she did not even sway an inch; not even when the train was climbing the side of a mountain.”
“Less stuffy up there,” Andy says, taking a sip of her drink.
“I believe you.”
“Plenty of space.”
“No one’s going to join you, Andy,” Booker groans, leaning back on the couch. “It’s fucking cold up there.” 
Nicky tilts his head, eyebrows furrowing. “That’s-,” Joe shares a look of incredulity with his husband and slowly shakes his head. It’s probably best that they leave this one alone for a couple of centuries. 
“For our last nominee, Yusuf managed to find a yak and fall asleep on its back.”
“You conveniently left out the part where it woke up startled and kicked you 20 feet away.”
Joe gives him a tight-lipped smile. “Thank you, Sebastien. As always, your contribution is entirely unwanted.” Joe pulls the second envelope out. “Now for our winner,” he opens it and snorts as he reads the card. “Sebastien! Congratulations! You won this decade’s weirdest sleeping spot.”
Booker slowly gets off the couch, like he expects Joe to say ‘Psych!’ and call out somebody else’s name. Andy decides he’s moving too slow and slaps him on the ass.
“Here you go,” Joe hands him the prize when he’s a foot away and Booker frowns. 
“A sleeping mask from Delta Airlines?” It’s folded in half and barely thicker than a paper towel.
“To make your sleep more pleasurable.”
“There’s a better one in the bathroom upstairs.”
“Don’t be ungrateful, it’s rude.” Did no one teach their kids manners these days? “What do you have to say?”
Booker shrugs and rubs the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, Margaret. Both cars were extremely similar.” It’s not a bad apology. Joe has definitely heard worse. 
“One was a minivan, the other was a hummer, you dumbass!” Andy heckles. Sadly, she’s not lying. 
“Looks the same when you’re drunk and have your eyes 90% closed.” 
“Alright, thank you, Sebastien,” Joe nudges him back to his seat. “Continuing with the weirdest theme, our next category is Weirdest Death.” 
Andy and Nicky groan, Booker smirks. 
“Just give it to Booker already,” Andy says. “Fucker always dies in the weirdest manners.” 
“He’s won every single time since he joined us,” Nicky adds, waving a dismissive hand. “Give him his prize and let him do his speech.”
“So you guys can count me off later? No way!” Joe’s not a fool. This is their test. “Unlike our previous categories, this nominee will cover both Nicolò and Yusuf. Our dearest Nicolò and Yusuf were having a lovely picnic in the middle of the safari. They were enjoying a nice Pinot Noir with some young cantal cheese when they were rudely trampled by a stampede of elephants. ”
“Picnic,” Joe really wants to wipe that stupid smirk off of Booker’s face. Nicky, his dearest heart, reaches over to smack the bane of Joe’s existence over the back of his head. It’s a satisfying thunk too. “Ow! I only have one brain, Nicky, Jesus!”
“More like one brain cell,” Nicky responds. Joe almost bends down onto one knee right there. 
No. He has a plan. He’s not going to ruin it because he’s too impatient. 
Joe gestures to Andy, “Andromache, was taking a stroll in one of Colorado’s mountains when she accidentally walked into a cult’s trap. After being shot with an elephant tranquilizer, she woke up tied to a tree and was shot with a special marijuana filled bullet as a sacrifice to their Marijuana god.”
“Bullets filled with marijuana,” Booker says, impressed. “If I weren't here, that’d surely be the winner.”
“I know,” Andy grumbles, taking an angry swig of her drink. 
“For our reigning titleholder, Sebastien continued to drink an excessive amount of soda, despite everyone telling him that there were not going to be any bathrooms for another hour. Our stubborn Sebastien, of course, ignored us and after drinking 64oz of Pepsi, he had to pee. So in the pouring rain, Andy pulled over. Sebastien sprinted to the treeline and as he began to relieve himself, Zeus struck our poor nominee. He died in his puddle of pee.”
Nicky shakes his head, looking at Booker with a little bit of awe. “How do these things keep on happening to you?” 
“The comedic gods really like me.” Something out there really likes him, that’s for sure. 
Joe pulls out the correct envelope and is completely unsurprised with what he reads. “Our winner is, of course, Sebastien! Congratulations!” Joe picks up the prize and holds it out; Booker takes it with a grin.
“A voodoo doll of myself?” The doll has a denim jacket and the same haircut Booker has been sporting for the last six years. Booker pokes the doll’s eyes and squishes its plump body. “I’m keeping this.”
“And not the other prizes?”
“This one is custom made; it gets custom treatment.” He has a point. “As for my speech, I would like to thank myself, the greatest and worst person to exist.”
Joe shares another look with his husband. Andy, on the other hand, says, “The prize should’ve been therapy.”
“Okay,” Joe says after an awkward moment of silence. “Thank you for your speech; please return to your seat so we can continue.” 
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