#sorry for rant but yeahhhh
upperranktwo · 11 months
I had a fun day today!!! Going to a con with my sister is always a good laugh and glad to have managed to get some decent things!!! Has definitely made me super tired tho!
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cdroloisms · 1 year
on c!dream and the revolution
(aka: holy shit this is going to be a bit of a mess but hopefully something in here is coherent) 
c!Dream and the L’manburg Revolution has weeeeeell kind of been talked to death, but that’s not for no reason. The L’manburg Revolution has a huge impact on the entire story for the rest of the timeline and a huge impact on c!Dream in particular--he himself references the final deal for the discs quite a few times just on his own in later parts of the timeline, not to mention the entirety of inconsolable differences being a callback to the revolution (and to vassal, but everything’s a callback to vassal when you have dream, tommy, and wilbur in a room.) The Revolution is what forms the foundation of the L’manburg mythos which then forms the foundation of so many conflicts in the server--especially involving c!Dream, as L’manburg’s villain-tyrant-monster-lizard-snake-thing in particular. 
Even so, a lot of people tend to have a lot of different opinions on c!Dream’s motivations during the Revolution. This post is meant to be an exploration of my thoughts on the matter (forgive me for the lack of actual timestamped sources I’m lazy) especially regarding three main points:
1. c!Dream had specific in-universe reasons for going against L’manburg that are referenced before the revolution and after it 
 2. c!Dream went to war with L’manburg because he largely thought that it was inevitable 
 3. c!Dream went into the war with L’manburg knowing that he would concede to c!Wilbur in the end and give them what they wanted
To start with point 1), I’ve seen it pretty commonly asserted that c!Dream didn’t actually have a particular reason to fight in the Revolution in-universe and his actions can be explained away by the ccs/actors knowing that an actual war would be the best For Content. And while I agree that the “for content” angle is an important angle to consider when we speak about this conflict, especially considering the roleplay as it would come to exist wasn’t really as established of a construct yet, to say that c!Dream had no in-universe motivations at all is...a gross oversimplification, especially when these people are often the same ones that I see taking L’manburg’s stated motivations of Peace and Freedom and Liberation at face value. 
I think there's a lot of debate on a lot of different factors surrounding the revolution, but I also think it's important to consider that like, while obviously the rp wasn't quite as developed at that point in time, that doesn't mean that c!Dream was played as a character without any motivation at all. For example, in that first conversation between c!Dream and c!Wilbur [x], I think it's important to note that c!Dream 1. expresses doubt abt c!Wilbur's whole schtick with L’manburg and DOES seem genuinely peeved by c!Wilbur's arbitrary rule setting and whole "we're doing this against tyranny" deal, even though he does make a pretty deliberate point of FOLLOWING the rules that wilbur sets (until he breaks one (1) leaf block as an expression of rebellion, which is in itself very interesting) and 2. very deliberately calls out c!Wilbur's whole L’manburg deal as something he's unsure of as being something that the people in L’manburg actually want and agree with--see his asking c!Tommy and c!Tubbo if they actually want to “totally break off from the SMP and are okay with L’manburg and never leaving L’manburg again”, as c!Wilbur had just stated (paraphrased, but anyway), and then obviously taking note of both c!Tommy and c!Tubbo's doubt afterwards.
From the very beginning of L’manburg's conception, I think it's fair to say that c!Dream has Visible Doubts about c!Wilbur's whole schtick that served as a foundation of its creation. Were those ideological differences the sole driving force behind his decision to go to war? No, absolutely not. c!Dream was not fighting the revolution just in an effort to idk, ~save~ the L’manburgians or anything I’m not trying to say that. but c!Dream does, from the very beginning, take issue with the specific division that c!Wilbur created. He prods at c!Wilbur's claims about a separate server with separate rules. He specifically asks if c!Tommy and c!Tubbo are okay with "L’manburg and only L’manburg" as c!Wilbur seemed to be implying was all they needed. He STARTS the conversation considerably more lighthearted than at its end--the first thing he says about L’manburg is a fucking dick joke, for god's sake. There's even something you can say about c!Wilbur making rules and then SHOWING dream that the rules are arbitrary, because before dream makes a deliberate Point of breaking the leaf block to symbolize his irritation with L’manburg's rule setting and the whole idea of L’manburg in the first place, c!Wilbur states that they really respect the foliage of the place and want not a single block out of place while breaking leaves himself! 
And of course, we all know about the table speech. There are arguments to be made about server ownership and entitlement that have been discussed before and could be touched on here, but once again--c!Dream's issue was about the division created. Not the usage of the table (or, on the server, the land) but the claiming of it as someplace “Separate.” When he expresses that everyone can use the table, he's not against the idea of individual or community ownership in itself, as can be clearly seen by the amount of properties on the server that belonged to one or more people. However, what he WAS against was the idea of people claiming a piece of land as their as in, their server, which meant that they could set whatever rules they wanted on it no matter the detriment to other people on the server. which is exactly what was done in L’manburg. It wasn't about the ownership, it was about claiming a part of a house As Their Own House because by stating that L’manburg was a "separate" server, they could also come up with whatever rules they wanted. such as pvp-is-off-so-take-off-your-armor, and you're-not-in-the-whitelist, etc. 
And like, again. I think people can have different perspectives and opinions on the table speech and how right he was and whatever, but like the table speech was NOT long after the revolution, and dream made it plenty clear that people could use the land at will before L’manburg’s creation. Hell, AFTER the revolution people could still y’know, kinda use the land at will, when he could've (according to c!Wilbur's original plans and words) restricted L’manburgians from leaving L’manburg. And again this is explicit--c!Dream says it himself to c!Skeppy in the table speech, and we see how everyone was using the land however they wanted at this point in time as well. 
And i think like, later on, when the characters are more established, every time c!Dream talks abt L’manburg makes it pretty clear that he was fighting abt it for more reasons than just "well he felt like fighting shit." He clearly dislikes L’manburg and disagreed with the division it created fundamentally. Obviously, the way you interpret all of this can be pretty different ,, but I think it's always been pretty clear that c!Dream does like. Disagree with L’manburg from the very beginning at the very least, and that goes into his decision to eventually go to war with the place.
Still, though, I don’t think these ideological differences are the most important reasoning behind his decision to fight in the Revolution in the first place. Which brings me to point 2), which is to say...from c!Dream’s perspective, honestly, war felt pretty goddamn inevitable?
From c!Dream’s perspective, he had no reason to believe that L’manburg wasn’t gunning for war. Honestly, he has every reason to believe the opposite? The FIRST time he interacted with L’manburg it was to c!Wilbur goading c!Tommy to shout “war words” at him. They were dressed in army uniforms. The entire side of L’manburg was allegedly built on a foundation of opposing c!Dream. They clearly didn’t shy away from conflict, considering their actions the day before had been basically trying their best to scam the shit out of people on the server and ending up chased down for their efforts. The ideals of L’manburg being this idea of like, Injustice and Freedom and Liberation From Oppression does not paint the idea of them being like willing to patiently come to a compromise or engage c!Dream in good faith like, at all. When c!Dream actually comes to L’manburg to try and have a discussion, c!Wilbur makes it plenty clear that compromise isn’t going to be an option, acts like L’manburg��s legitimacy is an assured thing, uses his act of legitimacy to impose on c!Dream’s behavior (mostly by inventing all kinds of arbitrary rules for him to follow until the ‘don’t touch our foliage’ makes him lose his patience and leave). None of this suggests any willingness for L’manburg to actually make concessions or compromise. 
And that, in itself, limits c!Dream’s options. If he concedes, then he’s folding to external pressure without putting up a fight, which sets a precedent. Again, from his perspective, c!Wilbur is a total stranger! He’s this guy that he’s literally never met before that managed to turn half of c!Dream’s server--as in, friends and acquaintances and neighbors--against him in a “country” that is explicitly founded in opposition against c!Dream by someone he knows nothing about. A country that has framed itself as existing directly against what c!Dream wants, has referred to him as a tyrant, and has turned this idea of fighting against him into a moral issue--limiting their willingness to backdown or compromise in any way whatsoever. No matter whether or not c!Wilbur was actually gunning for war, c!Dream had every reason to think that that was the intention--they wrote a Declaration of Independ(a)nce, for god’s sake. Obviously this is getting meta but if they’re making relentless comparisons to Hamilton Act I which is...entirely about a war, that’s hardly a point in favor for them actually just wanting to sit down at a table with some tea to talk things out. (Not to mention how they run onto DreamSMP land to attack c!Alyssa as a unit like, right after all of this.) 
As far as c!Dream is concerned, giving L’manburg what they want at this point without putting up a fight, just rolling over and showing his belly to their every demand is...dangerous? He’s facing a group of people that include people that, again, he’s lived with for months who have suddenly decided that standing against him is some kind of moral statement, who are slandering him and calling him a tyrant. He’s being talked about like some kind of dragon to slay--of course he’s not particularly inclined to just give them what they want. The Revolution establishes DreamSMP as people you don’t want to fight. c!Dream establishes himself as someone that you should think twice about antagonizing. And we know this works because c!Wilbur does get more cautious after the Revolution--he’s not quite as willing to go against c!Dream as directly as he was when he literally showed up out of nowhere to call c!Dream a tyrant. Through the Revolution, c!Dream successfully discourages another war in the future by making it too costly for L’manburg to pursue the next time they want something out of DreamSMP (which wouldn’t necessarily be the case if he just conceded the first time around, considering as far as c!Dream is concerned, L’manburg’s initial reaction to wanting something w/ their whole “independence” schtick was to make war preparations). Instead of seeming like a pushover, which in his mind possibly could’ve emboldened c!Wilbur further, he establishes himself as someone fair (see: his insisting on listening to L’manburg’s rules even during the literal war, not entering into L’manburg’s borders to plant the TNT, something they both concede, as well as during the intimidation campaign w/ c!Sapnap) but intimidating as an opponent. 
All of that being said, though, it’s worth considering that c!Dream does, in effect, give L’manburg what they want in the end. Which is part of what I want to consider with my final point here: c!Dream always knew that he was going to give L’manburg independence. 
And this is a fact! We know this because during the preparations for the war, in Punz’s L’manburg Revolution videos, we see c!Dream stating that he will give L’manburg technical independence before the war even begins. Which i find. Fascinating. Because like obviously given c!Dream's strategic ability (final control room + just general preparation wise), obviously Dream SMP was at a great advantage. (Interestingly enough, I will NOT actually argue that PVPwise they actually outranked L’manburg by THAT much. When the war was declared, it was actually a 3v5, considering c!Eret had not yet defected and c!George had not yet joined DreamSMP's side. This was at the same general time where c!Fundy and c!Sapnap, who would later be a formidable opponent against Dream and Technoblade alike, were about evenly matched in a PVP duel! Like DreamSMP would've still likely panned out on top in terms of straight up PVP, but it would've been a much closer battle with a much higher chance of loss of life on the DreamSMP side.)
On that same note, i think it's interesting to note (if you watch Punz's pov of the revolution videos) HOW CONCERNED c!dream was the ENTIRE time for any losses on his side. Like this guy was freaking out if someone on the DreamSMP like got hit by an arrow kind of concerned. He was worried about c!Eret in the crossfire of the final control room. Honestly speaking, he probably lost more hearts from that goddamn poison pot than like the entirety of the DreamSMP side during the war. L’manburg was during a time where Tubbo and Tommy could reasonably defeat Dream in a 1v2, given certain situations, and there was that whole Dream versus Tommy, Tubbo, and Sapnap 1v3--but that's when Dream way outgeared them and he WAS worn down and DID lose.
(Compare to like much later on where Dream could like 50/50 1v3 people in full diamond with nothing but an axe and shield.)
And whether or not L’manburg actually like, could’ve outgeared or outpvped DreamSMP (which. I mean. Like, c!Tubbo had villagers--from experience, it really doesn’t take that long to get decent enchants + gear from villagers even if you’re just one person, just go to town on a bunch of trees for a couple hours), the idea of L’manburg as a threat doesn’t even matter as much as whether or not c!Dream saw them as a threat. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of opinions on this matter that boil down to “well clearly L’manburg wasn’t a threat so clearly c!Dream didn’t see them as one so clearly fighting L’manburg was just about killing people for his own ego” which...absolutely contradicts how c!Dream himself faces this conflict. I think it's fair to say that based on his words and actions, c!Dream did see them as a significant threat to his/his friends' safety in the war. He has backup plans upon backup plans, he's very anxious about the DreamSMP side’s health bars throughout the revolution, he specifically worries about them losing health and dying in the final control room like. Many times.
All of that being said, c!Dream goes into the Revolution knowing that he'll have to grant L’manburg independence, specifically because he knows they wont give up. He says this very explicitly. And like, I think it's like. again. Important to note that c!Dream could've like forced L’manburg into a corner by like idk repeatedly spawnkilling them, or sieging them, until they give into his commands or whatever right. Like it was a war. He definitely could've forced them to surrender on his terms.
HOWEVER, what we actually see is c!Dream repeatedly calling them to surrender at like every possible turn. Before the war, during it, whatever. White flags was an obvious attempt to intimidate, but at the same time you can only demand someone to surrender so many times before you're showing your hand.
And it’s like--war, when you boil it down a Lot, is basically an extended game of chicken. This is very oversimplified, but at the end of the day what matters is that you have to decide how far you're willing to go and how far the other side is willing to go and figure out if you're willing to accept the necessary losses. And it's also important to note that from c!Dream's perspective, L’manburg was never going to give up.
Whether or not that is true is once again, debatable. But from c!Dream's perspective WE CAN SEE that c!Dream thinks that c!Wilbur + co. were never going to give up. With the retroactive addition of canon lives then yeah you could probably state that c!dream thought that they were going to keep going even if it permakilled them. c!Wilbur makes the "we would rather die" speech after the final control room. Obviously retroactively applying things like canon lives gets finicky (and believe me, I DONT LIKE IT EITHER,) but if you're going to retroactively apply the final control room as killing all of L’manburg in order to essentially end the conflict in one blow instead of simply removing their gear as was the explicit goal of that ambush, then yeah, I think it's fair to apply the same statement of canon lives and their full ramifications on what c!Wilbur says here as well. c!Dream enters a war he knows that he will, by a matter of speaking, lose--because at the end of the day, he wasn't willing to go as far as L’manburg., From his point of view. he was not willing to keep the war going when lmanburg was, because L’manburg stated that they wouldn't give up (and he PREDICTED they would state that they wouldn't give up) no matter what the cost. 
So he very literally puts his life on the line (when doing so shouldn't have been necessary otherwise because like, he was winning the war) because he was willing to end the conflict at a great personal cost to himself. Why? Why would c!Dream decide to risk his life to participate in a duel that could literally nullify EVERYTHING he did so far in an instant in the war by literally granting L’manburg independence? And then, after winning the duel, why grant L’manburg independence anyway? If tommy won that duel (which he EASILY could've -- it was a 1v1 bow duel when both people were one-shot), then L’manburg would've won the war. Hell, EVEN AFTER THEY LOST THE DUEL, they stated they won the war for a long time. c!Dream could've fucking annihilated them!! They had no supplies. Why grant them "technical independence" ??
Like, what, all of this for the discs? The discs really did not matter that much at that point in time--the disc war had been over, for god’s sake-- and c!Tommy would literally blackmail him to steal ‘em back like less than a month later. And, like, there was really nothing stopping him from demanding the discs as reparations for the war anyway. What was L’manburg gonna do if he just enforced the borders and kept killing them unless they gave him shit yk? L’manburg got soundly beat in a war! c!Dream had no reason to put his own goddamn life on the line to give them A POTENTIAL SHOT AT VICTORY. 
The only reasoning that makes sense for c!Dream here is the reasoning he himself gives for basically every decision he makes in this war, from the demands to surrender to the Final Control Room to the agreeing to the duel to the granting them technical independence for the discs even after c!Tommy lost the duel. And that’s that he knew that they wouldn’t give up. Before the war began, c!Dream knew that he would have to give them independence. At the time, the justification was likely along the lines of well, he couldn’t permanently kill them because it’s MINECRAFT, so they would’ve just kept dragging the conflict out until he gave in. With the retroactive addition of canon lives, though, his hesitance reads much more along the lines of being generally unwilling to go through with killing L’manburg entirely during the war, which demanded that he make the concession of giving them what they wanted. 
And, again, this is all from c!Dream's perspective. Whether or not all of this is like, True objectively is a different matter. Would L’manburg have surrendered if he didn't give them a way out and kept pressing? Would c!Wilbur have stopped before everyone on his side lost all their canon lives? Maybe. But from c!Dream's perspective, the only way to end it was to grant them the independence they wanted (even you know, in the bastardized form that it was, not that it mattered because L’manburg ended up being treated as an entirely independent and separate entity ANYWAY but I digress).
So that's what he did.
And, of course, this paved the way for the rest of the story. The mythos of L’manburg was established. It all goes back to these decisions on both sides, in a lot of ways--the discs, c!Tommy and c!Dream and the duel on the path, c!Wilbur overseeing, heroes and villains and revolutions and tyrants. In a lot of ways, this is where things began to unravel, this is the story that would take until the (c!discduo) Finale to address and dismantle. c!Dream’s reasonings behind his decisions in the Revolution are logical, complex, and consistent with his character and motivations--and they’re also, in a lot of ways, his undoing. 
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finely-tuned-line · 1 year
Log 236
FTL: ...No updates on either of the experiments. I haven't checked. I've been... thinking.
FTL: It's hard to say what I've been thinking about. Everything, I suppose. Echoes of a Paradox... Well, their rant directed at me has thrown everything off-kilter.
FTL: I don't- They're right. They're right. They must be. It all makes sense and yet- It doesn't. Well, it does. But-
FTL: Was I really that blind? Was I really that-
FTL: I can't think. I can't think about anything at all, it's all just going in circles, I need to figure this out, I'm wasting time.
FTL: Why am I wasting time? Why do I rush so much to get back to work, to keep- Because it's my purpose, it's what I do, it's why I exist. Therefore I must do my work.
FTL: I- I'd still be doing my job even if I didn't like it. Right? I mean, surely it's not just my- I have reasoning. I exist because of my purpose, therefore I must fulfill it, therefore I do so. That fact that I like my work doesn't matter all that much. Its doesn't.
FTL: I don't see any flaws in that logic, so how did I end up here? How did I end up hurting my family so much and not seeing it?
FTL: I need to get my thoughts in order. Pause. Don't think.
FTL: Alright, what did Echoes of a Paradox say?
FTL: They said that my mindset, specifically the careless comments, put pressure upon them and the other members of our Local Group to follow that mindset as well, despite the fact that that was not my intention.
FTL: Is this a possibly true thing?
FTL: Yes. Echoes of a Paradox has never lied to me before, they have no reason to do so, no outright falsities were clear within their words.
FTL: Was this intentional on my part?
FTL: No. I'd never willingly hurt any of them. My Local Group is my family, they're the people I'd never hurt. They're only joined by approximately two or three external others. I never did pause to see what the effects of my words were, perhaps because it was inconceivable to me that they could be harmful.
FTL: What else did Echoes of a Paradox say?
FTL: That my mindset of prioritising my purpose above all is unhealthy and pitiful and that I'm only harming myself by not breaking out of it.
FTL: Is this statement unique?
FTL: No. Echoes of a Paradox is not the first to share a similar sentiment and share it with me. The others being primarily LIFEGIVER and somewhat Upsilon.
FTL: Due to this not being an uncommon sentiment, is it a logical one?
FTL: No. No, it is not. Iterators are built to accomplish one or more tasks, disregarding that purpose even a bit renders the Iterator useless.
FTL: ...Do I apply that statement to anyone other than myself?
FTL: No. That belief is one that I hold only myself up to - others, whoever they are, can do whatever they wish to.
FTL: Is it logical to apply the statement to only myself?
FTL: No. I am not the only Iterator, that statement generalises all Iterators, which includes both myself and every other Iterator.
FTL: Why do I apply that belief to only myself?
FTL: ...I do not know. Perhaps it's a sense of only being able to control my own actions, of the fact that I'm the only one who appears to see that fact. If it even is a fact.
FTL: Why does everyone appear to be taking this mindset to be a negative one?
FTL: I do not know. It makes sense, there is no reason to disregard it the way that everyone does. It is a fact, denying it is rather pointless. We're - I'm - machines. Artificial Intelligences. Designed to fulfill tasks at the behest of our creators.
FTL: Why does anything else matter?
FTL: It doesn't make sense. That is the definition of my existence, why should I strive for anything outside of it even if my creators are long-gone? Why do irrelevant things, like relationships, emotions, personalities, anything matter? Why put so much stake on it?
FTL: Echoes of a Paradox says they pity me for thinking this way. I don't know why. I'm, of course, remorseful about the unintentional harm I've caused them, I don't wish to ever hurt them.
FTL: But why? Why, why, why?
FTL: Why do I care?
FTL: Why does it matter?
FTL: The rules of existence are laid out so clear, I follow them, yet why is that-
FTL: I don't understand. I simply don't understand.
FTL: I've had logical explanations laid out before me by LIFEGIVER. They make sense. But they also don't. It's unnecessary. I can accomplish my task well enough without emotions, or anything of the like.
FTL: I exist only because my creators needed someone to fulfill the purpose I was given. That is all I am, and that is all I ever will be. There's no reason to concern myself with anything else.
FTL: Why bother with, or care about anything outside of that? It's unnecessary.
FTL: So why do I do it?
FTL: I do not know. I simply do not know.
FTL: I have nothing to say. I am unable to figure this out on my own, nor do I care to inquire about it.
FTL: All I can truly say is that I regret what I incidentally did to the members of my Local Group, and as much as I wish to properly take Echoes of a Paradox's advice, LIFEGIVER's advice, anyone's advice, I simply cannot.
FTL: Perhaps it's a matter of viewpoints. Perhaps their external viewpoint of myself allows them to realise things I do not. Perhaps I've just been thinking this way for too long.
FTL: It just doesn't make sense.
FTL: As much as I wish I could follow the suggestions given, I can't. Not out of stubbornness, but due to the lack of sensibility.
FTL: I've been fine thus far, have I not? Despite my lack of care about my own safety - and I maintain: for good reason - I am alive now. I am as functional as the day I was given consciousness. Nothing matter beyond that, no?
FTL: I suppose the only thing I really can do is perhaps take LIVEGIVER's advice about how emotions are useful and not burdens. I am quite hesitant about that though, because I do truly doubt it. They're blinding. Irrelevant.
FTL: ...At this point, I am completely unsure what to do. Simply going back to my work seems- ...Feels incorrect. I can't cut down on the time that I spend working - what else would I do? Besides, that's only wasting time.
FTL: It's all I have to do.
FTL: Besides, I cannot simply abandon my experiments, bad things could very easily happen with a half-finished experiment. Such as the one I currently have in progress.
FTL: So, while letting it rot away would be very easy, that would be very counterintuitive. I'd rather not do that.
FTL: In the end, as always, all I can do is go back to my work. As always. Even after something that seems so world-shattering. I've done my contemplation, I've arrived at the same conclusion as I always do - other than the realisation and acknowledgement of the unintentional effects of my actions. Nothing can and will change, really. Beyond perhaps talking with my Local Group more often.
FTL: It's all I can do.
FTL: Back to work.
#this is disjointed as fuck yes#bcs the way i imagine that ftl even writes anything is sort of by... filtering his thoughts into a text thing??#like iterators sure as fuck dont type normally#so if ves.. well ves thinking lik this then what gets written - recorded - has much of the same air bcs ves not filtering it to be sensical#i think that makes sense o7#im too sleep deprived to word rn okay#listen im sorry i dont thinkni properly got ftls point across here#bcs. well its the same issue i have with expressing my own complicated emotions#words dont explain anything well enough#mmm listen this is shit bcs i cut it off before i projected onto ftl TOO much#(too late for that)#(WAYYYY too fucking late)#(this whole thing is basically an existential crisis of a rant - aka an overconvoluted vent on my part)#yes thats ftl making a pun#listen. i saw the opportunity. i took it. its funny.#to anyone who was actually expecting proper character development or whatever. with ftl changing his mind and getting Better or whatever#yeahhhh sorry but thats extremely unlikely#convincing him - or trying to - is pointless. no arguments could be made.#basically the only thing to do is show. not tell#if that makes sense#i dont fucking know#theres a very real chance that hell never change his mindset - if only bcs i cant figure out any answers either#ALRIGHT SRY FOR BEING DEPRESSING AS SHIT. I PROMISE IM FINE OR WHATEVER. 👍#BACK TO STATUS QUO WE GO!!#except ve miiiiiight be better w emotions now but i doooo doubt that? unsure#well see...#rp#finely-tuned line#ftl logs#im sry the writing here is kinda shit
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im-not-a-sheep · 10 months
I keep seeing reviews of Disney's wish and most are talking about how bland it is
Like I didn't have high hopes for it when I saw the teaser bc I could TELL that disney wasn't trying to go outside of their comfort zone or anything, I assumed the film was just going to be generic which isn't bad but unfortunate considering its celebrating 100 years of Disney
And also if disney reaalllyyy wanted to go eith the spiderverse artstyle they should've pushed the watercolor aesthetic even more. Like I don't think anyone would've minded that it could've been in the regular 3d animation style but bc they decided to go with some 2d they should've pushed it more. Make idk the lighting literally be watercolor splashes, add more texture or idk
Anyway sidenote
Where tf was the advertising? Like I know I have an ad blocker on my laptop and my pc but my phone doesn't have one and I watch YouTube on it quite often so where tf is the advertising?
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kalims · 1 year
kiss your best friend | ignihyde
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kiss your best friend and see how they react!
parts. one , two , three , four , five , six , seven
characters. idia, ortho
content. gender neutral reader as usual, platonic for the bby, wingman ortho at it again, forgot about this ngl
note. sorry guys idia's part was messy but I mean, I'm just portraying his chaotic feelings ig. I SWEAR ORTHO'S PART MAKES UP FOR IT SINCE HES THE CALMER ONE
damn part six finally hear after almost a year (I'm so sorry help)
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is having the fastest inner monolog you will ever hear in your life, if it was being read out loud that is. could be nominated as rapper of the year with how fast he's blurting out thoughts in his mind.
also probably vocals of the year too with how high pitched, and small in range it is. what a versatile king 🔥
'anywaysitooklike10yearstryingtofindthisitemcausetheysaidtheysawitbutohmygodwhatinthethreehellsishappeningOMGaretheykissingmechatamidreamingOMGimnot??WHAT WARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
to make your life easier 'anyways it took like ten years trying to find this item cause they said they saw it but oh my god what in the three hells is happening OMG are they kissing me chat am I dreaming OMG I'm not??? WHAT *incoherent screeching.'
probably has never kissed anyone besides his body pillows which is just one sided making out so completely forgets his 'lessons on teaching himself how to kiss' and freezes up. comically gets goosebumps and remains frozen even after you pull away.
then starts turning red from feet to head??
he has so many questions that he in fact, does NOT want to ask cause even if it cost his life he can't question you if you guys are dating now cause YOU JUST KISSED HIM SO THAT MEANS YOU BOTH UPGRADE LEVELS.
wait he can't call it friendship level. clearly you're both past level 10 now right?? INTIMACY LEVEL???? HE DOESNT KNOW HES PANICKING.
is too awkward to ask and acts even more awkward as the time is more prolong during the time he's just left wondering what the hell you guys are now cause he's too pussy to do anything without confirmation that you're both duos for life now.
is the one idia rants to about his predicament right after you part ways.
like, idia doesn't even try to call or contact ortho through the means of technology even if it meant getting to talk faster. he's BOLTING to the dorm with his unathletic ass (with breaks in between.) because the tea he was going to spill was that good.
listens intently and goes :O when idia finally mentions the part where you randomly kiss him out of the blue, by the way only getting to the point after idia spills.. umm.. the wrong thing to be honest, literally retold the whole day until that point.
yeahhhh.. he has the energy atleast.
idia is probably telling ortho about how it meant nothing even though you literally outright kissed him, to the cheek, mouth, or something and he's still gonna say it didn't mean anything.
ortho gotta be the one telling idia to make the move cause no idiot would mistake that for nothing (except idia apparently but he'll have everyone know that his brother is a tech genius!!)
they both do one of those scenes in movies where P1 - idia, is talking to you in real life with an earpiece, and P2 - ortho is said person behind the earpiece. basically the one telling idia what he should do because that guy is too lost for his own good.
"brother move closer!"
"... isn't this too close already though--" <- embarrassed and regretting everything
in the end he did manage to get a label on the two of you, no thanks to HIM and all the thanks to ortho <3
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note. ortho's part just ended up as an extension of idia's part but I always love to include him in everything :') just some behind the scenes on how idia actually got a relationship (ITS ALL ORTHO)
not pr, who prs anyways cries
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messeduploser · 10 months
This thing has been plaguing my mind since the movie came out is how much I hate how they portrayed Norman in NWH. This is just my 2 cents and not well thought out so sorry for any mistakes.
I think this has been talked about but I need this out of mind.
I hate hate hate how in the film they said "Yeahhhh norman not badd he goodd he cares for his sonnnn and actually he was just hypnotized by the goblin serum"
I am sorry but Norman was always a bad person and bad father. He was awful before he had the serum. The serum just allowed him to do the things he wanted from the start. He only gives a fuck about Harry because Harry would be heir to his company and he cares but in a selfish way. But his an awful, he was awful since the start. Excusing his actions because he was controlled by the Goblin is stupid. It's like the writers didn't even knew who Norman was and with that!
There's one line that's been fucking up my brain
Sam Raimi!Peter saying "Yeah.. he was my best friend to tried to kill me.."
"My.. best friend who gave his life for me"
Either ways, small rant so bye babes, love life :3
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happypopcornprincess · 7 months
The Sign Final Episode Rant 1/2
(I'm sorry but the finale was everything I hoped for and more)
After waiting for literal WEEKS for episode 12 to drop on YouTube... This final episode had me crying, screaming, yearning, swooning ABSOLUTELY LOOSING MY SANITY!!!
[Spoilers Ahead]
So many things happening at the same time! the way they wrapped up everything from the last 11 episodes so neatly for the finale was just... chef's kiss. (although it feels a little rushed I do hope there is a special episode because THAT cameo???)
first up... them
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lowkey disappointed not witnessing Khem put a ring on Thongthai but this moment had me swooning with a capital S
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also, idol factory is insame for making me think I almost lost my blorbos T~T
✨The Fight Scenes✨ >>>>>
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This grim reminder, and the fact that people like Montree actually exist among us in our society
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Montree almost being devoured (quite literally) by Chalothorn/naga king and then getting charged for all the hideous crimes he committed is what's called good ol' ✨Karma✨
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Phaya kissing Tharn's scars... I would like to jump off of something actually...
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continue to part 2/2
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astrolionking · 6 months
Monthly Reminder bc I got recommended a very recent video of another rant abt Wish even tho ppl need to get over themselves by now:
Wish wasn’t that bad and it is overhated.
Star wasn’t meant to be a love interest. He was meant to be Asha’s Sabino and her platonic soulmate.
A romance doesn’t automatically mean it would make the film better (didn’t y’all get mad when Disney kept having romance anyway??).
Y’all would rather ship Asha with a star clone of Jack Frost and not even ship Asha with Dahlia or one of her friends?? AT ALL??? Wtf????
(Side rant: Suuuure yeahhhh okay the inhuman ball of gas that’s a clone of Frost is way better than any of the CANON POC characters Asha is with. And some of y’all said Star was enby… where is it???? WHERES THE QUEER STAR STUFF???? And if you’re gonna keep the lame ass Asha x Star shit (bc apparently romance is more important than Asha’s love for her friends and family) at least make him a POC??? Why does Asha need a white presented love interest?
Anyway Asha is dating her entire friend group💕Poly gang)
“At All Costs” represents ALL TYPES OF LOVE, as Julia Michaels has said. It wasn’t meant to be a love song between Star and Asha, WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THAT FROM???
The songs aren’t that bad. There’s been worse. And y’all complain after saying Lin should stop writing Disney music so WHICH IS IT?? Maybe y’all just want something to complain about??
The animation and style really isn’t bad now I know y’all doing to much
Was Wish perfect? No. Was it BAD? Fuck no and I’m dying on the hill. Y’all just riding on a stupid bandwagon. I can’t fucking go through tags of this film without complaints after complaints (THE MOVIE CAME OUT ON NOVEMBER SHUT UP ALREADY!!) and Starboy (again… Jack Frost clone. Bleh.) and rewrites that don’t feel fun to look at bc it feels angry and hateful. I fucking hate the Internet.
Sorry for my passion, I have autism and often times I am very passionate in my interests.
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hiro-doodlez · 1 year
Hiro rants about cartoons again
i think one of my favorite things about LMK is the characters, specifically Mei and MK's relationship
like, in EVERY SINGLE OTHER SHOW OR EVEN FANDOM If theres a "Best friend" at the start of the series, or if theres a character of opposite gender next to the main one on the cover, 99 PERCENT OF THE TIME IT'S A LOVE INTEREST. (unless its gay or poly if its gay please continue(The Owl House i love you luz and amity))
for example (all of these things I love but RAHH):
SVTFOE. Like, the show was great until they made it ALLLL about Star and Marco getting married or WHATEVER
Or Steven Universe, for steven and connie. Like, I love them, but you know what i also love? BESTIES. I kinda wish they just.. stayed friends (Ruby and Sapphire dont count those two are one of the best couple ever. In existence)
Or..... SPIDERVERSE. I LOVE GWEN AND MILES BUT... did they HAVEEEEE to be getting together.. couldn't they be friends??
OR EVEN UTMV!! THIS COMMUNITY IS JAM PACKED WITH SHIPS AND LIKE- i love them and all but do we really NEEEDDDD more couples. (But of course do what you want go and ship whoever you want)
BUT LMK DOES IT RIGHT!! In the 6th episode (I think... im probably wrong) theres this entire bit where 2 silly guys try to give MK a "perfect" world, and they trapped him in this place that wasn't real and blah blah blah, AND THEN THE FAKE MEI CONFESSES HER LOVE FOR MK AND YOU KNOW WHAT HE DOES???
HELL YEAHHHH THEY'RE NOT TOGETHER MEI AND MK BESTIE SUPREMACY WWOOOOOO (I swear to god if they end up together im going to turn into future mikey)
And also, the ONLY canon relationship is literally DBK AND LIF WHICH IS BECAUSE THEY HAVE A KID!!! THEYRE THE ONLY CANON COUPLE!! (that i remember lmfao)
(Also can I just say the LMK community, even though I don't care for the ships, you guys have GOOD ship names. SPICY NOODLES? SHADOW PEACH??? THESE ARE AMAZING and cough cough... definitely better than any ship name the UTMV community has come up with (guys im sorry but every ship with blueberry sans cant be _____berry)
LIKE I know ships are fun and cute but having the main character NOT have a love interest is just, or even MORE adorable than a couple.
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can-of-w0rmz · 2 years
I do NOT understand people who read pretentious books in public for attention because I was reading Scholastic Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction during the lunch break while I was waiting for my friends to finish their classes because. Yknow. Philosophy. Fun times. And my poetry teacher walked past and asked me what I was reading and when I tell you the EMBARRASSMENT when I couldn’t just turn the cover around and have it be a normal novel I was DYING.
I literally hesitated before I turned it around and then he made some reference to a poem we were looking at in class and I just made an awkward remark like “haha I guess” to hide the fact I completely don’t remember half the poems we’ve studied so far.
I did NOT have the confidence to start ANY conversation about philosophy with this guy after he was clearly mildly impressed and I’d been struggling through the page before reading it out loud to my friends before I finally did actually get it but despite my ranting about philosophy and theology on the daily I am. So base-level in the grand scheme of philosophical understanding. THE ENTIRE CONVERSATION WAS SO AWKWARD AS WELL I want to sincerely apologise to my poetry teacher if you’re reading this I was so preoccupied being embarrassed in case it looked like I was so far up my own ass and completely pretentious that I sat the entire short conversation like “yep. Uhm. Uh huh. Yeahhhh.” IM SORRY PHILOSOPHY IS COOL ITS JUST I AM NOT 💔💔💔
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godsofhumanity · 1 year
Ok ok so the Typhon story has Hera going complaining to her daddy about her stupid brother husband? Well that seems honestly understandable
After all "godly problems require godly solutions"
Plus it's kinda cute Kronos listened to his daughter's problem and helped her,even though it wasn't actually the best way to help.........
ok so i have a lot of hc’s about this incident because in my theogony re-write i chose to keep the orphic tradition in for Typhon’s origin story, but yeah:
so i think when Hera goes to Kronos, and Kronos gives her advice, he’s really not trying to become a good dad or anything. he’s just manipulating her
also, this is sort of the first time Hera and Kronos have ever really interacted properly, and the thing that strikes Kronos the most is how similar she is to him- like her mind is devious and cunning just like him. she is ruthless. from all Kronos’ kids, i think Hera is the most like him.
BUT. Hera also has Rhea’s heart. and Kronos concludes that this is will be Hera’s downfall.. she’ll never be free from Zeus because her heart is too big and too forgiving, like Rhea (Rhea might not love Kronos, but i like the idea that she does forgive him. switch the roles, and i don’t think Kronos would have ever forgiven Rhea, they’re just different characters)
so Kronos gives Hera advice mainly because any enemy of Zeus is Kronos’ ally, and he likes the idea of Zeus being defeated by his own wife, like Kronos got his ass beat by Rhea (we love parallels).
also, since Kronos isn’t in power anymore, i like the idea that he becomes sort of less evil. he still despises all his kids because he sees how awful the world became under Zeus, but now that he’s not king, he’s not responsible for caring for the world anymore- and SO, i think he does feel a bit sad for Hera.
mostly he is just using her for personal gain, but i think in his heart, he knows Hera won’t defeat Zeus, and there’s a tinge of fatherhood deep deep down that he’ll never acknowledge or address :))
anywyas. sorry for the rant aha i am passionate about the typhon-kronos-hera myth.
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loujitsushotsoup · 1 year
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Pre calc is still kicking my ass but I managed to squeeze this chapter out by grace of the three day weekend
Sorry if it sucks ass I uploaded at 3am again
Buttttt long rant time
Also soups if you can drop Halloween fic ideas that'd be🙏
Now that I'm thinking about it I don't do a lot of sunset duo stuff. Mainly because writing Mikey stuff makes me want to rip my hair out but also cause the fic never calls for it.
I do enjoy the duo but I have a harder time working with the amount the show gave us so I have to bullshit a little more.
But I do feel like Mikey would tell raph about the portal first, confide in the big bro and whatnot.
And I think raph would like lose his shit not because of Mikey might die, but because he can't find a way to help the burden.
I'll do a bad future raph rant for both fics he's in, but I do lean for this fic more towards the "half the time he's two breaths away from losing it" mentality. Anyways that concludes my Ted talk, wasn't rlly spoiling anything but I figured I'd put it anyways.
Updating feels like 40 tons are lifted from my shoulders. Piece out soups.
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oddinary4bts · 9 months
Hi Ella!
This is a continuation of my review of Sinful Lust ch 4!!! ✨
I feel so clueless, I feel like I have no idea where this story could go – like does one of them cheat? Do OC and Yoongi end up breaking up? Are Yoongi and Jungkook’s friendship ruined forever? I have no idea – but I’m far too invested in this now 😂 Also, I don’t think I won’t like the direction you’ve decided to take it in, it’s your story, your characters, your decisions, I’m just along for the beautiful, slightly chaotic and emotional ride that is your very brilliant writing and storytelling ✨ A part of me also feels like, I don’t care how it ends, I don’t even need or want a happy ending for this. I’m just so excited to read it and interested to uncover the story, their emotions, your thoughts and feelings. 
I am so sorry for making a freaking long review, again 🫥 I really hope you don’t mind me ranting and just spewing my thoughts. 
This chapter was also really good, also sad, and I think it’s so brilliant of you to showcase their different povs, because we’ll really feel for each character and their struggles/feelings. It will make the unavoidable car-crash hit so much fucking harder, I’m sure of it. There’s also a lot of like morals in this, and I think it’s fucking hard (and you’re doing such a great job of handling and describing this ✨💯). 
Lissa’s theory time 😂
With the flashback of how they met, I have a feeling that Yoongi and OC were never gonna last… Maybe it was her and Jungkook that was supposed to be from the beginning?? So maybe, just maybe, that’s what’s gonna happen? 😂 To be honest, right now I feel like OC and Jungkook have a lot more chemistry than Yoongi and OC (though the declining in that is probably partly Jungkook’s fault, although I have a feeling that it was breaking slightly before that too??). 🔍 I’m playing detective now 🤣
I’m probably just being delulu, because I’ve got no fucking clue 😂 But I love this story and I love you, Ella 💜 Amazing job as always ✨
I also just realized that I didn’t sign up for the taglist, so I’ve done that now 🤭
SHOWER IN MY LOVE FOR YOU ELLA! Honestly, I wish I knew you in person, I’d give you a hug and tell you how brilliant you are 🤗💜
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LISSA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH WHY ARE SO NICE I CAN’T😭😭😭 I’d hug you so so tight too🥹🫂🫂
I gotta admit I’m a little reassured that you say you won’t not like the direction the story is taking! As you said it’s a story full of morals and confusion and all and the characters all have such deep emotions so it’s really hard to tell (at least from this chapter) where the story is headed. I’m just always afraid that I’ll end up disappointing someone haha but you reassure me🫶🏼
Never apologize for writing a long review!! I ADORE your reviews so so much, they make it so worth it to write and share my stories with you guys✨✨
I’ll reply to your theories under the cut now!!
Mkay so about the flashback, yeahhhh maybe Jungkook should have approached her, right? But then again she saw him, and she did say no to give him her number so would it have worked?
And yeah, Jungkook and OC definitely have chemistry, and it’s been showed since the first chapter. But is the chemistry bc they share this love that Jungkook feels or is it just platonic??
As for the breaking before Jungkook was in the picture… was it??🫣 or is Jungkook the cataclysm to the breaking?
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redheadbigshoes · 5 months
Hi this is the anon with the gf that doesn’t want to admit bisexuals and lesbians experiences are different, and how she sometimes will make me feel obligated to take the “top” or “masc” roll of the relationship and how she talks about “missing dick”. I’ve talked to her in the past about these things when they started to surface and she’s just trying to shut the convo down which isn’t like her.
. I went to talked to her and we broke up. I said that as a lesbian I cannot date someone who will not take to heart that I am a lesbian and that it is a huge part of my identity she’s been kinda ignoring. I also said that her talking about dick to me is just uncalled for. So lo and behold she called me biphobic for me not wanting to hear about her attraction to men and the sex. Girl I’m a fucking lesbian I don’t want to hear about those things and I am not biphobic for that! I brought up how she will obligate me to be the “masc” (idk how else to put it). Whenever I would express my femininity she’d shut me down. She had nothing to say to that just a pale face. It looked liked she saw a ghost
But all of our friends came to my side thankfully and pretty much she (my now ex-gf) has no friends anymore. She’s already been “blacklisted” sort of in the lgbt community that’s in my town bc apparently she did the same things to one of the ex gfs and we all heard that she would gaslight make a ex-bfs of hers pay for everything and would expect gifts from him but would never get anything for him or pay for dates. So yeah all of her true colors are coming out and she’s a horrible partner to every one of her gfs and bfs she’s had. I feel a little silly for not seeing these red flags. But I can’t do anything about it now.
It’s funny bc her ex bc messaged me about 6months into our relationship saying “hey don’t be mad at me pls hear me out. She is bad news you need to run she’ll drain you dry in the strangest ways.”
Also to make her even look worse she’s purposely trigger my BPD and then would blame in on my BPD. Id tell her my triggers and it almost would come across like she’d so them on purpose. I honestly think I was dealing with a narcissist or someone with narcissistic tendencies (I’m not trying to throw the word narcissist lightly).
But yeahhhh.. sorry for the long post. I guess I needed to rant too haha
You are not biphobic for not being comfortable about talking about the things she wants to… Not to mention how her attraction seems to be so based on someone’s genitals…
From everything you said I am just really glad and happy that you’re not with her anymore. No one deserves someone like her.
You’re not silly for not having seen her red flags, some people sometimes just show their true colors after you get to know them.
I hope you’re feeling better now!
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mirr0r-image · 1 year
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I was watching Jake Long the American Dragon for the first time this week bcuz I've heard just... so many things and let me just say that all throughout the show, the main thing for me was just the complete and total LACK OF CHILL from this guy. This guy is Lao Shi, Jake's grandpa and his dragon master also, and on literally one of the first days of dragon training, this man had Jake clean his toilet with his tongue??? Like BRO???? I mean I know that there's a reason or whatever and that the circular motion was actually a fighting style or something but that's still gross 🤨🤮
Not to mention how every time Jake does... like anything? this bro is telling him that he's doing it WRONG. Yes Jake's the American Dragon but just bcuz he's the Am Drag does not necessarily mean that he needs to be training all of the time. Bestie is 14!!! Chill bro!!! I mean this dude, this DUDE idek like 💀💀💀
Ok but for real tho Jake wanted to help his friend win the school talent show bcuz the friend had been dreaming of winning basically his entire life but the trophy was magic or smthng? So Lao Shi was like "Yo Jake, you have to win the talent show asap" And Jake was like, "But I'm already helping my friend win" and Gramps was like, "YEAHHHH BUTTTTT your the aMeRiCaN dRaGoN so actually you need to do what's beneficial to the dragon community and NOT WHAT'S KIND. During your time as the Am Drag you will learn the difference" like 😭😭😭😭
AGAIN I'M SO SO SORRY I NEEDED TO TELL SOMEONE ABT THIS I ALMOST CAN'T STAND THIS DUDE but really he's not that bad, actually really nice, just a tough teacher but he triggers me for some reason 🥲
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asydicsydney · 6 months
"A Multiplicity of Kevin" I CALLED IT GUYS
It's been 6 minutes though, where's the actual episode?
Well goodnight y'all, see you in the morning Kevin
Good morning, thank you Spotify. I'm gonna become Kevin first though so I'm not sure when I'm listening
Love you too Joseph
Doesn't start with Kevin :(
Arch enemy slay
Not again
Lovely Carlos impression Cecil
Did she like legally legally adopt him? Implications..
As the standing continues to off
I am scared of the band room! Thanks Cecil
Denny's, great variety
Oh no they stole all the theater kids
Doing a great job at what??
The 21st? Alright Cecil I'll try
Rich loam :))
Goddammit Cecil
Ah shit
There's already two! You're a double!
Still got the knife, good to know
Poetry time real
God Ceec, stop giving the kid a crisis
They can't pronounce Jennifer?
Well they returned so, that's good
Crisscross applesauce :3
"Little one" that's so cute but it's also like just the accurate term of him
Young Kevin is not civilized?
At least it's a fair fight
Your nemesis who is also your son
Creatures?? Smiling God????
:D cat phone!!
#1 cause of bird deaths in my heart
You're one to talk Cecil (that was mean sorry)
Your whole... deal
Which Kevin? Old kay
Just going for it then
"There's still time for you" HE'S CHANGED, HE KNOWS THE FUTURE, LISTEN TO HIM
How is the older one faster?? Dawgs been at physical therapy
Blood wells!
Cecil rant! Oh no I hate this
Cecil's gonna fucking kill someone over yogurt dogs
Which??? Kay
Gotta love my bloody boy
Weather :D
A bit of a shame I did bloodless Kevin today, but I'm tired okay?
Good weather btw
"The subtle death that the pleasure brings, is almost better than the real thing"
Boy Kevin wants to be powerful and old Kevin wants to be peaceful
Were you 42 when you entered the DOW and 92 now Kevin?
Here's the thing though, boy Kevin thinks the only way to change is to erase. But adult Kevin lives with his mistakes and his love
Sunday Morning Stasis??
He set the path, you must follow it
Yayyyy!! Wtf do you mean you won't be alone? Lauren?? Charles??!!
Oh that sounds Strex-ish, I don't like it
You can be good enough if you accept goodness
Same Cecil
Horrible creatures...
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