#sorry for the mistakes :))
pumukli74 · 2 months
Let's savor the moment
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Pairing: Jude Bellingham x femreader/ you or whoever you want
Warnings: I think 18+, vowels and consonants, commas and periods and lots of love, unprotected sex
It was morning, there was endless silence around me. I stretched sleepily on the fluffy carpet spread in front of the fireplace, my fingers hid in the snow-white fluff with a pleasant feeling. I felt a muscle fever in every part of me, a smile appeared on my face thinking about the events of the past night.
He was worried about me, but I returned home safely.
My son and I luckily escaped the car skidding on the icy road. My hands and my already happy thoughts slid to my slightly bulging stomach. Yes! I am sure that I will present my beloved soccer player with a boy.
Wandering down the empty corridor of the hotel, Jobe let me into the room with a wide grin on his face and a gracious wave. Now I know where the brothers disappeared to after Jude arrived. The sides of the huge, hardy acacia tub were painted golden yellow by the fire in the fireplace. The steam completely filled the room. The heat stung my skin like sharp needles, but it had nothing to do with the warmth of the air.
Brown eyes decorated with gold flecks flashed at me as soon as he heard my footsteps on the worn stone floor. I stood next to him and knelt down.
- Hello, baby! - I greeted.
Jude stretched out in the tub and soaked himself. My hungry eyes ran over his face, then hungrily followed the line of his arms and chest. Many years of training carved flexible muscles on his body. To get my attention back, he took my hand. Our fingers intertwined, then he leaned towards me and pressed a soft kiss on my wrist.
- Jump my beauty! - Jude issued the order. - Come here next to me!
- But I'm dressed.
- In clothes, then - he nodded, and I, like a dutiful lady, got up and climbed into the tub next to him.
I slowly sunk into the water, resting my head on his shoulder and with a soft sigh I nestled into the embrace of my love's arms.
- I'm glad you're finally back - Burying my face into his neck, I inhaled the scent of his skin while drawing different shapes on his chest.
- What did you promise me? How do you take care of yourself, right? - Although he was whispering, his reproachful, rumbling voice still felt like a roar. The deep vibrations ran through my body, igniting the last spark hidden in my chest into heat, forcing the silently singing heart to move. - You're driving me crazy! - His long, slender fingers were on my face, his forehead pressed against mine. Her hair smelled like a memory, pine, rain-soaked earth and sky-splitting lightning. - I almost lost you - He reminded me of what I wanted to forget. I reached for his hand, and he let me hold it, and then I stroked the calluses of his fingertips.
- I'm not that fragile. Anyway, that great English prince of mine is looking after me - I looked at him. My fingers easily ran up his neck, following the sharp line of his jaw. - And fame obliges you - I continued with a smile. I pressed a kiss to the center of his palm before he could pull his hand back. The pair of chocolate eyes flashed and darkened.
- The little one is naughty. I'm about to teach you good manners! - he pulled his mouth into a grin.
I held my breath, waiting for our lips to touch as he leaned forward in the water. I felt like I would give Jude everything he wanted. I was getting more and more impatient, waiting for him to kiss me again, for his tongue to touch mine.
Jude grabbed my face with both hands to pull me back to him and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I felt trembling that he wanted me with his hands, his mouth and his whole body.
He ran one of his palms along my back to take off my bra. He was breathing almost as raggedly as I was as we kissed.
His mouth wandering over me wasn't enough to keep reality at bay. I wanted him completely.
- I'm a lucky man - he breathed into my mouth. - And I won't let anything stand in our way - he caressed my hips before grabbing my butt. - So help me take off this damned dress!
Grinning, I began to undress, my wet clothes landing on the floor with a loud thud as I ran my mouth over the tense muscles and tendons on his neck. I took off all the clothes I had on. I ran it down my leg, off my ankle and that's it. There's nothing left.
Jude gasped again as he scanned me. I was there naked and I wanted to die. His labored breathing pulsated in rhythm with mine. I rose with him, I fell with him - always together.
Before long I found myself on his cock, resting on his chest. My face was hot, burning with the emotions that rushed at me. I heard the soft words in my ears, felt his breath on my neck, the bite of his teeth on my collarbone. Staring at his beady face with beads of sweat, I rode Jude, sometimes fast, sometimes slowing down my movements. I felt it was a matter of minutes and we were done, but the dice had turned, meaning that our body, throbbing with lovemaking, could not yet receive the long-awaited release.
- We're not done yet - I heard Jude's voice from afar. Are we not ready? What more could you want? I could sense what he might want, as his stiff cock still filled me inside. - Yes, it's still me - a majestic smile spread across his face.
He helpfully reached out to me, helped me out of the tub and led me to the double bed.
After lifting my legs onto his shoulders, his hips went to work again. After a couple of quick thrusts, he was playing on my nerves, slowly, but pushing deeper and deeper.
- Faster! - I gritted my teeth, but he just laughed and shook his head.
- We'll get to it - Screw you, Jude Bellingham! Only you can do it, and I'm hanging here between hell and heaven. I reached for her shapely bottom to urge to move faster, but he grabbed my arms and pinned them to the covers above my head.
- Please! - I looked into the mercilessly grinning face. He wasn't really impressed by my pleading look. He didn't react to my protest, he pulled out of my pleasure-hungry body.
I almost sent him to hell when he turned me over and hit me on the bottom and penetrated me from behind. Holding my hip tightly, he started moving. After a while, I felt like a man on a stake. How true. He almost impaled me with his cock, he was moving so hard inside me. My body cried out for salvation, my arms began to shake, I could hardly hold myself. My brain went numb from the lustful intoxication that came over me. Jude made his final moves towering over me, our skin meeting with a loud snap. I fell into the deep chasm with my head thrown back, almost whimpering, my love followed me with a loud moan.
- Be sure to tell my mother if you need help! - It was always difficult to avoid Jude's searching gaze. The eternal mission impossible.
- Okay - I nodded forcedly. As he stood there facing me, his powerful figure, his pupils dilated, I saw a destructive storm in his eyes, swirling emotions behind the fire raging inside him. I tried to close my eyes and turn away, but I couldn't compete with the impossible. The heat from his body could even seep through his clothes and it made me feel very vulnerable. Just one look, and I immediately rubbed against him like a kitten longing to be touched by its owner.
- But really! - Before giving me one last hug, he kissed me on the temple and grinned as he told me the simple fact. - I love you.
Then my boyfriend was no longer there, his huge figure was swallowed up by the suddenly risen gray fog. And there was nothing left but crumpled chewing gum paper lying on the cobblestones.
( english isn't my first language ) - just the usual
stay with me-50 likes ,made me cry , thank you very much everyone
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lej222 · 5 days
Supernatural Involvement and Ominous Signs in ASLFUA
For a while, many readers have theorized that there is some kind of a higher power/higher being in ASLFUA, and looking at the latest episodes it seems to have been confirmed. With this post, I've tried to gather every instance of the higher power's implied presence and all the ominous scenes in the story. I also included foreshadowing scenes that could have made Miae aware of certain things if she had paid attention because coincidences are important in the story, and certain moments that were defining in the plot.
Episode 2 :
Miae is reading a book in the library about how the last day of 1999 will be the end of the world: "'1999, a terrifying overlord is coming...the end of the human race.." -> this might be a reference to the famous prophecy of Nostradamus in which in the 7th month of 1999 a great king of terror would descend from the skies (which makes me think...is it July in the story right now?)
The Hwang family's phone stops working
Miae's dresser breaks and therefore she has to take out the trash, where she sees Cheol crying
"This boy is about to be this girl's most special person, someone whom she will never be able to forget."
Episode 3
Miae and her mother visit the Buddha statue and Miae's wish is not to be in the same class with Cheol - it doesn't come true.
Miae, Cheol and Jisu all become classmates in their last year. Miae and Cheol become deskmates by coincidence.
Episode 4
Cheol's furniture becomes Miae's, along with the contents of his dresser, something only he knows about
Episode 5
Yunhui calls Miae on their new cordless phone, the line is interrupted by another conversation, "Did you get the present I sent you?" - it sounds like a message to Miae from the higher power about Cheol
Episode 8
Miae ruins her bangs, her mother says she should do something about her hair - the first time we are told Miae should go to a hairdresser to fix it
Hwanggeum Academy uses corporal punishment - might be relevant later on?
Miae has to go to karaoke so she gives up on going to the hair salon (this foreshadowing is super crazy btw)
Episode 9
Cheol is compared to the protagonist of the comic Miae reads, 'My First Love Next Door Is Number 1' - gets into trouble and transfers, fights the school bully and wins, nicknamed Lucifer, has a facial scar, lives next door
As Miae is thinking about Cheol, her thoughts are interrupted by a cockroach in the classroom
Episode 11
Miae notes how strange it is that she keeps seeing Cheol while they didn't bump into each other the previous year (just like how Jisu later keeps commenting how strange he keeps meeting Miae) - Miae acknowledges the higher power
Yunhui's pager says "between friends goodbye"
Episode 12
Miae has a weird feeling when she's talking to Cheol's shoe as if it understands what she's saying
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Episode 15
In her dream, Miae remembers Cheol crying and her making a wish with a stone tower about how she wants to be his friend. The phone suddenly rings, the TV becomes static and there's a storm outside despite the weather forecast not saying anything about it. The other end of the phone is silent and the lights go out.
Episode 17
Cheol's shoe gets smudged with ink so Miae cannot give it back to him. She cannot concentrate on her practice test, foreshadowing her involvement with Cheol's academy.
Episode 21
Miae again remembers some memories about Cheol saying he doesn't want to be her friend while she's sleeping
Side note: while Soonkki is a great writer, there's some inconsistency about Jisu's seating arrangement. I think she always meant him to sit in Block 1, that's why we got limited panels of that area of the classroom, but his position kept changing until his official introduction. Here, he should have been sitting in front of Seonghan, but there's another boy in that seat. In episode 23, we get a panel of Block1 again, and there's a boy who looks like Jisu from behind in that.
She again remembers her time with Cheol while sleeping on the bus
Episode 24
Daebak Academy notebook says "The teacher is spoon-feeding you, so why can't you pass" -> the higher power is giving hints to Miae, why can't she understand them?
Episode 29
Miae thinks about how she doesn't bump into Cheol as much as before, we get a close-up of the shoe and the Daebak Academy notebook
Episode 37
Miae falls on Cheol while playing soccer
Episode 39
Miae and Cheol are arguing but still bump into each other because of their parents
While Miae thinks about how Cheol should smile at people, she almost gets hit by a ball but Cheol saves her.
Episode 40
Cheol goes to Miae's house to do their homework. Miae's mother says she wonders if it will rain before she leaves. Cheol tries to change the lightbulb in Miae's room, but the lights go out because of the storm. Miae thinks "again?" and they fall on each other. She tells Cheol they should be friends.
Episode 41
Cheol agrees to be Miae's friend and we see a flashback of young Miae wishing they would be friends. While they are doing their homework the rain stops. Miae says planes even fly in the rain and Cheol replies that airplanes fly above the clouds.
Episode 42
Miae answers their phone and the line is interrupted again. Someone thanks their boss for the present and says they will do well on their own from now. -> is it a sign Miae should do well on her own after the hints?
Interesting to note that every time Miae might be involved with the higher power, certain objects in her room are highlighted - Cheol's shoe, the lamp, the notebooks. They all give signs to Miae that she keeps ignoring.
Episode 43
Cheol and Yonghui point out that Miae should get a haircut. Miae ends up cutting it herself instead of going to a salon.
Episode 45
Miae wishes upon a star instead of a plane so that the presentation in class will go okay. This actually comes true, as also noted by the narrator in ep 46.
Episode 46
Daebak Academy booklet says "nothing comes easy"
Episode 47
Something I've noticed is that throughout the story Miae keeps thinking she forgot something, and there's usually a situation that seems like the answer to it. Here, it turns out she forgot about Jinseop's homework. And Taekwang's song is about how someone cannot do both things at the same time. It was the same when she forgot about her homework while playing soccer. Forgetting about things is a recurring plot point for Miae, which culminates in the Jisu subplot where we learn Miae completely forgot about his existence even though she didn't have many friends who were boys.
Episode 50
Cheol's father wants to take a picture of Cheol and Miae, but Cheol refuses
Episode 51
Miae again cuts her own hair and wonders if she cut it too straight
Episode 55
Cheol kicks Miae's pencil into Jisu's chair (side note: you can see here again how Jisu's seating arrangement was inconsistent, he should have been closer to the window)
Episode 56
Miae gets sent out to the corridor with Jisu
Miae's friends talk about handsome boys and someone mentions the number1 student (Jisu)
Episode 60
Jisu becomes Miae's folk dance partner - the first time Cheol and Miae are not doing something together
Episode 61
Hwanggeum Academy booklet says "there's nothing you can't do if you put the work in, do not expect a miracle" when Miae is struggling with the dance
Episode 65
Cheol's father takes a picture of Cheol and Miae after the sports festival
Episode 66
In Miae's dream, Cheol's sister says for a while means 5-6 yrs, Miae counts she will be in middle school by then. There's also a memory of Miae running after Cheol, saying "wait for me".
Miae's mother tells her to get a haircut but Miae replies she needs a bigger allowance for it.
The narrator says Miae should watch where she's walking after she bumps into Cheol.
Episode 67
Miae loses her name tag and Jisu finds it
Episode 70
Miae wonders how her wishes never come true, but remembers she also made one with the stone tower as a kid, but cannot recall what it was about.
Episode 71
Miae's mom notes their phone keeps ringing since yesterday. The day before Miae wanted to tease Cheol with how she heard him saying he "loved her" in the shop and she saw him shirtless the same night.
Miae doesn't realize it was Jisu who called her a pervert
Episode 72
Miae notices someone wearing her name tag (Jisu), but doesn't find the culprit
Episode 75
Cheol wants to ask Miae something, but the homeroom teacher interrupts. Miae and Jisu get called to the teachers' room and have to do cleaning duty together for a week.
Episode 76
We see Miae's mom at a hair salon - could the lady in orange be Jisu's mother? who knows
Episode 77
Cheol stands up for Miae, but when Honggyu asks if they are dating, they both vehemently deny it. It suddenly starts raining.
Episode 78
Miae and cheol promise to be friends for real, forever. The narration comments, "But will they end up regretting their promise?". The rain stops. "1999, the final year of the century is half over" -> Miae's story is half over at this point. I have pointed out this before, but the series seems to be about the transition period between childhood and young adulthood, symbolized by the last year before the new millennium. Hence the title, 'green apple academy'
In her dream, Miae remembers asking Cheol if they are friends. She is awoken by their phone. the Daebak Academy notebook says "you are in danger if you are relaxed" and we see a girl talking to Cheol.
Episode 81
Cheol and Miae fall on each other and almost kiss, but the phone rings. Later, they do end up in the same position with an accidental kiss.
Episode 82
Miae wants to confront Cheol about the kiss and gets embarrassed, but her actions are interrupted when the trash bag she gave Jisu splits open, spilling its contents. Miae runs to him to collect it.
Episode 83
While Miae talks to her friends, she thinks back on her memories with Cheol and the narration says "I always liked.." and Miae looks surprised by it.
Episode 86
Interesting detail that Cheol doesn't know why Miae keeps looking at airplanes. If we assume she has a reason for doing it from the past, it's likely not related to Cheol.
Episode 87
Miae uses the trashbag as an excuse to run away from Cheol, repeating how she has to throw it out. All of a sudden, Jisu appears and takes it out of her hand, giving her a chance to run. It's just my personal theory that the trashbag here symbolizes Miae's vulnerability and reluctance to face her feelings, and Jisu takes it from her hand. It makes sense when we remember how his words made her think about her actions when she wanted to interrupt the confession. It's a great early foreshadowing that Jisu might play an important role in Miae's growth story as her voice of reason.
Episode 89
Cheol and Miae take photos together in a photo booth, first with Jinseop and Song-I, then the two of them alone. We don't know if Miae still has her pictures, but we can assume she somehow lost them during running around from the bullies because we never see them again. Cheol gives her a new name tag in the next episode.
Episode 95
Cheol gifts Miae an airplane model for her birthday. I personally believe this episode marks the end of the first part of the story and it's a turning point, but more about this under ep96.
While Miae leaves for school, their phone suddenly rings and her mom answers it. Miae sees posters about love on her way to school. For the first time, Jisu arives early for cleaning duty.
Episode 96
The series has had 2 symbolic illustrations at the end of 2 episodes. The first one was at the end of ep2, when Cheol and Miae's story started in the present:
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Miae is offering a green apple to Cheol - a biblical allusion, here, the green apple probably signifies how Miae helps Cheol in the first part of the story to mature and grow as a person with her own knowledge.
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This illustration comes at the end of ep96. Like I mentioned, I believe this marks the start of the second half of the story which focuses on Miae's growth as a person. Space is an important concept in the series, Miae also has planet stickers on the wall of her room,has a charm on her bag, etc.
"16 years old. An age much like the universe." "16 years old. An age where it's like you're thrown into space." - highlights the narration.
But why is it compared to space? We have the illustration right after Jisu splashes water on Miae's face and Cheol wakes up from his dream. In my opinion, it's because this is where these kids' limited worlds start to expand. In part 1, Cheol and Miae were mainly together, but as you grow up you start to feel like you're just one insignificant part of a greater whole. You might feel like you're the center of the universe when you're a teenager, and that the world is ending when you experience negative emotions, but as the illustration shows us, it's not just Miae and Cheol standing alone in the universe. There are other people, facing different directions, but they are all interconnected by an invisible force. Miae is looking at Cheol, but Jisu is standing in her shadow- because even though she was not aware of him, Jisu had his own life happening parallel to what we saw in part1, and this is where he starts to have an intersection with Miae. If there is a higher power in the story, it is aware of all these connections and talks about youth in a nostalgic way. The sense that these moments are fleeting is always present in the story, however, connections formed between individuals will always have a lasting impact, just like how the universe will continue to exist. Being thrown into space might feel like losing your footing, but here it's the personal relationships that ground these teenagers and make them stay close to Earth.
Episode 98
The teacher tells Miae to cut her hair after Jisu takes the blame for ruining the plant.
Cheol is acting strange because of his dream, and while Jisu looks at Miae the narration box says: "16 years old. An age riddled with the unknown, just like the universe."
Episode 99
Miae's hair gets stuck in the zipper of Cheol's bag and he pulls it out, ruining her bangs in the process. They go to the infirmary after Miae gets scratched by the zipper.
Episode 100
At the countryside, while Miae picked a flower she thought how nice it would be if Cheol came to her school - and it became true. She thinks how it was so strange -> Miae again unknowingly acknowledges the higher power when it comes to Cheol
Episode 101
It's raining and the TV is not working in Cheol's home. He remembers taking a picture with Miae in the countryside. He asks his father about the picture on the sports day -> the data was lost. Miae gets grounded by her mother and she wants her to quit the academy.
Episode 102
I've mentioned symbolic objects in the story, but this one was noted by other readers as well: in ep 101, Miae accidentally drops the chalkboard eraser out of the window and Jisu fails to catch it - but Cheol does. However, in this episode Miae tosses it back to Jisu before saying she hopes they'll never see each other again (it's the first, but not the last time she declares it).
Cheol fails to convince Miae's mom about the academy -> Miae's mom points out Miae's grades have been dropping since last year. She makes her stance clear - she wants Miae to study.
Episode 103
It's raining and Miae cannot open Cheol's drawer in her room.
She tries to cut her hair, but the phone rings. On the other line, Miae hears someone saying "I only did what I did because you wanted it so bad, but you screwed up that chance! You don't deserve that project, I'm going to hand it to someone else." -> the first time the higher power tries to directly say Miae is late
Miae's mom cuts her hair instead of sending her to a salon...
Miae loses the name tag Cheol gave her
Episode 104
Jisu says "see you again" to Miae (and will keep saying for a while lol). Miae points out she never wanted to see him again.
Episode 106
After the teacher discovers their conversations in class, Miae and Cheol get separated and Miae becomes Jisu's deskmate. Miae and Cheol are not allowed to interact until the final exams are over.
Hwanggeum Academy's notebook remarks "Do you regret it now?"
Episode 107
Miae dreams about the flower from the countryside and a voice says she should hurry up and do what she wants about her wish if she remembers. She doesn't remember and the voice gets angry, Cheol appears and crushes the flower, telling her if she doesn't remember she should just forget it. The voice remarks Cheol is angry because Miae is late.
Episode 111
Jisu, who has also become aware of the coincidences, tells Cheol he's not the only one having something special with Miae.
When Miae calls Jisu her friend from the same class and tells him he should learn for himself, Jisu tries to say something, but he is interrupted by Cheol.
Episode 112
Miae thinks about their bet and how she should ask something serious, something more than friends do from Cheol, and we get a bunch of error messages. Cheol's dream is all fuzzy.
Jisu wins the bet, but we never get to know his wish because Miae gets angry at him.
Episode 115
The narration points out Cheol has changed and matured a lot, is it Miae's turn?
Episode 116
We see some posters about a summer festival, the forest in Midsummer Night's Dream and how everything is the product of coincidence. The forest in Shakespeare's play is dominated by the supernatural - what we have in common with this story is the forest Miae and Cheol played together as kids, and obviously the involvement of a higher power. The coincidences poster is possibly a reference to Carl Jung's Synchronicity, a concept that states that seemingly meaningful coincidences have a deeper meaning, they don't have a rational explanation - almost like destiny, a deeper order in the universe. It's a connection between one's psyche and the material world (so you have to notice and acknowledge the deeper meaning of these coincidences in order to experience synchronicity). Jung used this to argue for the existence of the paranormal. For example, if you cannot decide something, you might come across a book on the topic. What a coincidence, right? In this interpretation, everything is interconnected in the universe, and we are a part of this web of connections. So those coincidences...were actually not coincidences. -> Hmmmmm.....I wonder.....meaningful coincidences, the universe, connections...why do they sound familiar??? BECAUSE OUR STORY IS EXACTLY ABOUT THIS NOTION! Who notices these coincidences? Miae about Cheol, Jisu about Miae....One has to be open to the possibility of the connection between our inner world and the outside world, only then they can start to notice the signs the universe is sending them. Soonkki, you deserve my applause! Because it was exactly what I said about the art at the end of ep 96 and the placement of the characters. Mind? Blown!
Miae thinks that she feels something is wrong
Yunhui's pager says friends goodbye
Jisu gets involved in the Yonghui-Yunhui storyline by coincidence
Episode 117
We see all the coincidences from Jisu's perspective and how he became aware of them. And what does he say about them? That they are fascinating and kind of funny! My boy Jisu got the synchronicity message.
This is the 3rd time Miae and Jisu didn't hold hands. The first time Miae pretended to help him up, only for him to fall back. Then Jisu held out his hand after the exam, but she didn't take it. Here, he again reaches out and Miae doesn't take his hand. Remember this later!
Episode 118
Someone steps on Cheol's bag, and he's worried it might be Taeuk
Jisu wants to join in another bet in exchange for his help
Episode 119
Jisu gets involved in the Shim storyline, and as we know from later he picks up the cigarettes to get revenge on him
Episode 122
Miae learns that Cheol rejected Seonyeong and the lights flicker in her room
She cannot remember her dream. The narration says that she should have realized that something changed.
Episode 123
Miae notes that she experienced the kiss in the comic book with Cheol
Jisu almost catches her, but Cheol pushes him away
Episode 126
The parents are having dinner together at a pig feet restaurant and toast for the future of their children. The TV is not working, and a boy who looks like Jisu tries to fix it.
Miae kisses Cheol
Episode 127
Miae has a dream again in the white dress. As she realizes she might like Cheol, the voice says she's too late and there's no use regretting it.
Episode 129
Miae remembers that they took a picture in the countryside together and wants to take one now. She makes a wish to an airplane about how she just wants one photo, and remarks that the planes never granted her wish before. Spoiler, they won't this time, either.
Miae chooses to take the picture with Cheol. The narration box says "she's always done whatever she sets her mind to. That has always been one of her better attributes. But Mi-ae, it seems as though you keep forgetting something. I told you, you're too late."
The pager's message means idiot, cancelled and it suddenly starts raining. Maie and Cheol cannot take their photo and Cheol cannot give her back the hairpin she dropped a few eps ago.
Episode 132
Graduation photos were postponed until the second semester
In Miae's dream, the voice says she's all over the place and cannot decide what she wants from Cheol. In her memory, Miae wishes at the stone tower that Cheol would like her back. The voice angrily remarks how it must not mean much to her.
Episode 133
While Cheol and Miae are looking at each other, Miae is smacked in the face by a flyer. Later while they are riding the bike, Cheol almost says she looks pretty but he is hit in the face with a flyer that belonged to Jisu.
Episode 134
Miae takes the cigarettes from Jisu and puts them in her backpack
While Jisu and Miae look at each other, the narration box says "Well. this is what we would call fate. What do you think?" Miae can sense the voice and dismisses it.
Jisu again says "see you later" and Miae answers let's not, but Jisu replies they never know and it would be fun.
On the radio in Miae's room there's a voice speaking, asking if it was a success and how there is something you can't stop thinking about. "A friend? The fact that you weren't wrong? Whatever it is, I don't think it's such a bad thing to obsess over it a little bit. I hope you have no regrets about it."
Episode 135
Miae's eyebrow and bangs are so ruined she has to finally go to a hair salon. Yunhui gives her money and says there's a cheap place where she can go. It turns out Jisu's mother is a hairdresser and after realizing she is Jisu's friend, she doesn't ask for money. So if anyone ever wondered why Miae kept ruining her hair in the story, here's the answer....
a little bit of strange wording here:
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The narration says "Now that I think about it, this was about the time..wait,no, it was a little bit earlier that things started to go wrong, little by little. You two were completely oblivious, though. Just you two."
Miae's mother goes to the academy. One theory I can give on this is that Miae's family might be moving. She wished for it at the start of the story, mentions it in a later episode as well. Who knows ~
Episode 138
Miae doesn't tell Cheol her feelings because of her pride as she feels like she would lose first
Miae has a feeling as if something is trying to make her look bad in front of Cheol and her gun suddenly starts working
Everybody forgot to buy the picture they took together in ep 139
Episode 140
After conveying their feelings indirectly to each other, Miae tells Cheol they cannot date right now because her mom wouldn't allow it. She plans to go to the same high school, university, everything and thinks there's no one to stop them so nothing can go wrong.
Episode 141
Cheol imagines high school together with Miae and their friends
Every time Cheol is flustered, he accidentally drinks his sister's coffee and he cannot sleep at night..in a story where dreams are relevant I'm sure this is just a coincidence, right???🧐🙃😏
Miae says they should not be obvious before the entrance exam and they start to think of it as a competition
Someone watches them from the street
Episode 144-145
We get everything from Cheol's POV
Cheol got his scar because he wanted to give Miae the romance book she liked before they left and he fell on the stone tower
The picture his dad took of them is about a young Cheol accidentally kneeling with flowers in his hands, the same flowers from Miae's dream, in front of Miae. This picture was in the book Cheol and his family kept.
Cheol realized the book was in his dresser that is now in Miae's room, the one she couldn't open before
Episode 146
Miae sees two flyers in the newspaper, one is about how a student still didn't give it up, the other is about changing one's car
On the street, the same car ads keep flying after her in the wind
Miae goes with Yonghui to wait in a line and the same flyers are all over the place
Episode 147
Miae wants to call Cheol, but Jisu stops her. Miae notices how often they have met during vacation, and Jisu says these coincidences are fun. Miae is standing on the car ad, they look down on it with Jisu, then she kicks it away. Jisu tells her he has a feeling they will meet again, but Miae hopes they won't.
The academy is also full of the car ads and Miae falls on them
Miae ends up with a bubble gum in her hair and goes to Jisu's house to fix it. Jisu tells her she should stay because he is bored, and there is a car ad on a stool.
Episode 148
We see some of Jisu's childhood memories and he was called a magpie by Miae which was a symbolic choice (I also made a post about it). Jisu in this story is the grateful magpie.
Miae and Jisu "touch hands" for the first time when they high-five (I wrote about how their hand hold never happened before)
After spotting some men smoking, Jisu tells Miae to go inside (one of them might be his father?)
Episode 149
Miae finally remembers Jisu
the narration boxs keeps saying how Jisu is cool and showing heart-thumping sounds and Miae is confused about these strange things
Miae not remembering Jisu was an important plot point considering she recalled everyone else from her past. As I theorized, memories and fate seem to be intertwined, the synchronicity theory also supports this. Synchronicity happens when seemingly unrelated events coincide and they become significant to you. It's easy to see why Jisu was aware of this notion, but Miae was not - because Miae had no idea about those coincidences other than meeting Jisu randomly. Him being her classmate, being the one who found her pencil, who helped her in the crowd, found her name tag, etc. - only Jisu knew about these. But right now, Miae was made aware that they knew each other in the past - a pretty big coincidence.
So now that Miae might have kickstarted her own fate, the question is whether she will be able to fight it or if there are certain things bound to happen no matter what. Is the narrator omnipotent and omniscient? So many questions that will hopefully get answered.
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nexilu · 2 months
I absolutely love the false theories the fbi got on Sam and Dean ! I know they think that they are a serial killers duo, but I can’t seem to remember how they imagined the roles each brother occupied in the duo. I think it changed with time but my favorite one is them thinking that Dean was the leader of the duo and that Sam was his puppet or something like that 😂. I also wonder what are the theories on the brothers childhood.
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ernestnott · 2 months
- Sirius just drop the tin can on the flor.
- Remus always have an opener on himself and know how to use it.
- James never finds the opener and so try it with a knife and straight up cut his palm.
- Barty opens it with his teeth and somehow survive it with the tin can open.
- Dorcas and Mary don’t use tin can because they cook from fresh aliments.
- Marlene is like Sirius except she at least try to open it correctly first but when she doesn’t succeed she just get frustrated and throw it on the ground.
- Lily buys only the ones with the opener directly on it.
- Regulus doesn’t cook, he let other do it for him.
- Evan does it with his pocket knife but unlike James he make a very good and clean job.
- Pandora has the tin can, put it on the counter and turns to take the opener and when she turns again the tin can has disappeared (it’s Evan taking it from her because the only time she open a can she almost cut his throat).
- Peter manages to open it, but he gets it everywhere, especially on himself.
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thefrenchydude · 5 months
Could we have a character sheet for Macaque and Wukong, and for the other characters in the visual novel, please?
Oki doki (sorry for the time it took me to anwser it ;-;)
Name: Sun Wukong
Age: ??? (physical appearance: 27)
Place: Flower Fruit Mountain
Status: Demon King
Physical description:
Sun Wukong has a sleek, athletic appearance, with supple, powerful muscles. His sparkling eyes reflect a sharp intelligence mixed with a glint of madness. His golden skin seems to emit a glow of its own. His smile is often teasing, but behind this facade lies a deep intensity.
With an oversized ego and an impulsive temperament, Sun Wukong is as charismatic as he is dangerous. His self-confidence borders on arrogance, and he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Beneath his mischievous exterior lies an obsessive possessiveness and a sickly jealousy. He'll do anything to protect what he considers his, even if it means resorting to extreme methods (unless it hurts his beloved Peach).
As Monkey King, Sun Wukong is a master of the martial arts, able to fight with superhuman agility and power. He is also a master of the mystic arts, including metamorphosis, teleportation and the manipulation of natural elements. He can also duplicate himself and use his hair to create things like objects or food. His magic staff, the Ruyi Jingu Bang, is a formidable weapon capable of changing size at will.
Sun Wukong is deeply obsessed by his love for his Reader. His relationship with Reader is intense, oscillating between all-consuming passion and overwhelming possessiveness.
Sun Wukong's main motivation is to protect and conquer Reader at all costs. Nothing can stop him in his quest to obtain the absolute love of the person he desires, even if it means destroying everything in his path.
Special note:
Due to his yandere nature, Sun Wukong is extremely dangerous to anyone who comes between him and his Peach. His actions are often unpredictable and violent. Better not get close to Reader.
Name: Liu'er Mihou
Age: ??? (physical appearance: 27)
Place: Flower Fruit Mountain
Status : Demon king
Physical description:
Liu'er Mihou is a demon physically quite similar to Wukong. He has silky black fur that glistens in the sunlight, and he takes good care of it. He has three ears on both sides of his face -6 in all-. His charming smile can go from warm to menacing in an instant, revealing his sharp, pointed teeth. His posture is always elegant, accentuating his aura of mystery and danger.
Liu'er Mihou is closed and calculating towards anyone other than Reader and Wukong. Once he's with Reader, things change and he becomes a lamb who loves the touch of his love. His jealousy is fierce, and he's ready to get rid of anyone who come between him and Reader.
Liu'er Mihou possesses demonic agility and strength, as well as exceptional intelligence.
He excels in the art of combat and manipulation, and can use his charm to get what he wants from Reader. He can also blend into his natural environment and move with silent grace. His acute sense of hearing and smell enable him to track any prey with frightening precision. He can also manipulate shadows to: control someone's movements, duplicate himself, open portals or plunge places into a kind of shadow dimension…
Liu'er Mihou is deeply obsessed with Reader, whom he considers the love of his life. He can't stand the idea of anyone else getting close to his Reader, and is ready to eliminate any perceived threat. His relationship with Reader oscillates between tenderness and ardent desire, not hesitating to tease his love. And he's ready to use any means necessary to make sure Reader is his forever.
Liu'er Mihou's main motivation is to keep his love safe and close at all costs. He's willing to sacrifice everything to ensure that no one else can get close to him -unless it's Wukong, both are cool with the sharing part, even if it wasn't easy at first-. His obsession is fueled by an insatiable desire for more of Reader.
Special note:
Due to his yandere nature, Liu'er Mihou is extremely dangerous to anyone who comes between him and his Reader.
For the rest I will write it later, I have other ask to anwser. I know I'm very slow to do it, but I will so no worry.
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Harry Potter lived a simple life. He had one of those tiny houses without a lot of fuss. He traveled a lot but he didn’t bring back souvenirs for himself apart from a picture here or there.
Pictures were, in fact, the closest he got to keeping things, but even then the pictures had just been uploaded to one of those odd muggle frames that rotated images through. Draco didn't entirely understand how it worked, but he always got a pleasant swooping sensation in the pit of his stomach when one of the two of them (or even one of just Draco) appeared in the frame.
Draco, on the other hand, saved everything. He had the ticket stub from the first show at a cinema that Harry had ever taken him to. The petals of a rose given to him on their first date were pressed into the first edition of 'The Picture of Dorian Grey', a book Harry had found for him on one of his trips. He had seashells from beaches that Harry'd brought him, magnets and postcards that the other man had sent him. Hell, he even had a couple of post-it notes that Harry had scribbled notes on and left for him.
They'd been dating for eight months and Draco had kept so many tokens of that time together because it was time that he cherished.
He couldn't help but wonder if maybe Harry didn't quite feel the same. Rolling onto his side in bed, Draco enjoyed the fact that Harry's tiny house didn't have any walls except around the bathroom. The unobstructed view of Harry's bare broad shoulders and tapered waist while he made them omelets made his mouth water.
Harry scratched his hip and his sweatpants rode a little lower and Draco almost lost his train of thought.
"Mmm?" he hummed, glancing over his shoulder at Draco before going back to his eggs.
He swallowed down the nervousness, they'd been friends for half a decade at this point, what was the worst that could happen? Surely he’d asked the other man harder things than this. "Why don't you keep things?"
"What do you mean?" Harry asked, flipping the eggs with a flick of the wrist.
"Like mementos," he said, "trinkets, things to remember me by."
"Remember you by?" he asked, "Are you going somewhere?"
He huffed, "I don't plan to. I just-" he broke off, not sure how to finish that sentence without sounding incredibly needy.
Harry flicked off the burner and carried their plates over, climbing back into bed and handing a plate over to Draco once he was sitting. "Just what?" he asked.
"I-" he said, swallowing and trying a different tactic, "Like to keep things from our relationship because it reminds me of you and they make me happy."
"Like what kinds of things?"
He shrugged, "I dunno," he said, even though he could have listed a dozen things off the top of his head, "like the fortune that said, 'contentment will soon find you' that I got on our second date at that Chinese restaurant. Or that pretty green wine bottle from the wine we drank the night you got back from Greece."
"The night I kissed you," Harry said, grinning broadly at him.
Harry was quiet for a few minutes, chewing his food while he thought. "I don't like things," he said finally, frowning a bit. "I don't like clutter and complications. I feel like I don't know what to do with all of the little things, or how to decide which are important and which aren't if I have to keep some. And when we were cleaning out Grimmauld," he shrugged, "I just kept thinking it was insane for someone to keep this much stuff. Stuff that mattered to them but not to anyone else. And when I die, I don't want to just become someone else's burden, you know?"
He frowned, “you’re not a burden.”
Harry shrugged, it was a battle they had often that Draco didn’t know if he’d ever win. “Maybe,” he conceded and Draco knew it was primarily because he didn’t want to argue. “But I don’t need stuff to remember you,” he continued. “There are so many places and things seeped with you. Restaurants we’ve been to, mud puddles that you’d jump in with both feet. Soft blankets and colorful scarves, the smell of books and earl gray tea,” he shrugged. “I think of you every time I dice tomatoes because I know how much you hate them,” he chuckled. “You’re in so many things in the world around me, I see you everywhere.”
Draco stared at him for a long moment before closing the gap between them and kissing him soundly. “I love you.”
Harry grinned brightly at him, “I love you too.”
And when they moved in together, six months later, it was a transition for both of them. But they both learned to love each other a little deeper because of the different ways they loved.
Written for the @hdcandyheartsfest prompt ‘mementos’
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annmarcus63 · 1 year
Litte Julian was lost, utterly and irrevocably lost. He just wanted to look for flowers for his mom, lilies, lavender, daffodils and of course dandelions but he got lost somewhere along the narrow path. It's getting dark, he forgot his coat so he's cold and yeah a little bit scared. His parents say that there are drowners and big insects out here. That's the main reason why he can't wander far alone.
After a while, when it is already dark, he finds a tree with its roots raised to sit on. That's when the growls started. Little Julian walked very fast among the trees, trying with all his might not to cry, to be brave. Something lunged at him, on the ground, Julian spun around in a valiant effort to escape whatever was holding him. And then a blaze of fire lit up the space. The arachnas cried painfully, some died on the spot, others ran to the trees. Julian saw a big man in a black armor with his arm raised from where the fire was coming and a big scary sword on one hand.  
"You shouldn't be here," said the man with an odd voice. Just in that moment Julian saw the most fascinating thing in the whole world. 
The man had black eyes, deep black, like the night sky.  Julian jumped with his hand raised "My name's Julian, what's yours?"  the man laughed perplexed but oddly charmed. He walked past Julian and said "Come on, I'll take you back to your house."  On the way back, Julian tells him about mom and dad, and mom sickness and that the reason he got lost was because he wanted to pick her flowers. 
"My favorites are dandelions, yours?" The man doesn't reply but Julian doesn't mind. He concludes he likes the man with night sky eyes.  It didn't take long for his house to appear in the distance. "Is it here?" Asked the man, Jaskier smiled and nodded. 
"Come! I'll show you my room" exclaimed Julian grabbing the man's hand. 
"No." Julian stopped and turned to look at him. 
The man crouched down to his level, he had a soft smile on his face "I can't, I'm sorry" 
"Oh, ok" replied Julian, quite saddened.
"You're very brave back there. Here." The man took a handful of dandelions from somewhere on his back "For your mom."  
Julian smiled, took the flowers and threw himself to the man's neck in a quick and joyful hug. "Thank you, sir." 
The man laughed softly, "Go." Julian walked back to the path "Will I see you again, sir?" 
"No." replied the man sincerely. 
"Ow." he keep walking, until "But why?" 
"I travel a lot, I won't be here by tomorrow." 
"Then take me with you." 
"Ow." Julian kept walking, until "But, why?" 
"Maybe when you're older" replied the man to reassure him.
In that instant little Julian swore to himself that he'll find this man, one day, he'll see those night sky eyes again.
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estcaligo · 1 year
Twisted Thoughts: Silver’s UM
One may think that Silver’s UM is weak and even useless, mainly because what we used to call “strong” often has something to do with physical damage.
However, many would agree that it’s not about what tools or abilities you possess but how you use them. Any tool can be a deadly tool. Any knowledge or skill can make you dangerous and powerful. Question is, whether you realise the full potential of your “weapon” or not.
The best example would be Jade. And I think it’s been discussed a lot how smartly he utilise his ridiculously impractical UM. So back to Silver.
Won’t go deep into descriptions. Basically, Silver’s UM is dreamwalking, visiting dreams of other people (and animals?? just joking). That’s it. That’s the UM.
It can’t be used in a battle, it can’t protect, it can’t hurt, unless…?
Mind control. Driving someone mad. Pushing them to a dangerous point. Haunting them in their dreams every night. Making them see nightmares. Making them regret waking up or making them scared of going to sleep. Exhausting them so they know no rest. So they can’t differentiate between dreams and reality. Make them loose their mind.
Physical abuse isn’t the most dangerous thing. Mental torture can be far more painful sometimes.
We’re lucky that Silver is a good boy. Having someone getting into your subconscious with ill intent can bring some really dreadful consequences.
P. S.
Naturally, I cannot help but mention The Inception - the film I had in mind writing this. So, some quotes from there:
“In the dream state, your conscious defenses are lowered, and it makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft.”
“What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed—fully understood—that sticks; right in there somewhere.”
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bettercalllacho · 11 months
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End of Lachoweek2023 but not the end of this brilliant fandom.
I've been a huge fan of Nacho and when Lalo appears in 4x8, when it first aired I got the sense he would be another type of Salamanca. I felt immediately deeply fascinated by Eduardo. My favorite in BB was Gustavo Fring and Lalo Salamanca in BCS is "the Gustavo Fring of BCS", I'm talking as the main villain and his level of smartness, cunningness, charisma, charm. He's so badass!
I've been a fan of Nacho and Lalo separately then, felt that underlying tension between them. Yes Nachito was already "marked" in BB as the traitor and in BCS we cried with him, knowing he made mistakes but was good at heart. He wants a new life, with his dad. Who could not stand with Nacho through the seasons ?
"It wasn't me, it was Ignacio"
But I was wondering, what would happen, will Lalo learn the truth about Tuco and Hector ? No because he was really too blinded by Nachito. Funny knowing Lalo is so smart, the creators of BB/BCS even compared him to Hank Schrader but from the Cartel.
I saw the beginning of Lacho fandom and his continuation, and I've loved all the eras when S4, S5, S6 aired. And even when the show ended, there were still new fans, wonderful people and artists. We've got theories, analysis, fanfictions, arts, videos...
I want to thank you all for your devoted past and present works in this community of fans. This week eased a bit of my pain, because I've lost someone dear to me recently, in a tragic way. So seeing all these fan works was helping me to think a bit about one of my passion.
I can't wait to see lachoweek2024 after lachoweek2023. Love you all and take care of you and your relatives.
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sstrange-cloudss · 4 months
People were so fucked up toward me in high school when I was just a mentally ill teenage girl who made some mistakes while hurting
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night-blackcat · 5 months
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Ngl I love these, although I know there's SO MANY mistakes
(especially with the HANDS n the capes)
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rainybubbles · 2 years
He's so pretty. You thought. Yes "thought" because that's the only thing you could do. He probably doesn't know who you are.
Your name was just one of his classmates. Something you're hearing every day but becomes slowly forgotten over the time. Nevertheless, he is pretty, factually. You tried to disguise this as an observation. People can be pretty after all. Yes. But he is more than this. He's the kind of pretty that catch your eyes and let you wonder how someone can be so...
So what ? Not a word could suit the view. Not a word could describe how the sun seems to light up him all the Thursdays during your literature lectures. Yes. He's pretty because you don't have any other words to do him justice. But what you don't know too is he found this one word , about you.
And for him, it's soulmate
Akaashi, Osamu.
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Till death brings us together
It is a continuation of my last story, but I guess you can read it as a stand-alone. Enjoy :)
Niten was standing in front of a mirror wearing a black outer robe with white inner layers. His family crest was embroidered on both sides of his kimono – it was a discreet white crest with two arrows flying beside each other.
It reminded him of her.
Of his fiancée. They, too, had been flying beside one another for so long that he forgot to even hope to have his feelings returned. Until he died and was brought back to life by Tsagaglalal and Prometheus’ aura.
He remembered her strong small body embracing him, calling out to him, getting angry at him. The last one wasn’t surprising. It happened from time to time. But then he had taken the leap he had feared for so long. He had told her how he felt, because then at least, she would know the truth, if nothing else. She teased him, breaking his heart in the process, then she had accepted and kissed him.
Aoife had kissed him.
Niten smiled to himself when he thought about that moment. It was engraved in his mind forever.
He was so in thoughts that he completely missed the dressing room door being opened. Although, he would never admit to such a heinous accusation. He had a reputation to uphold.
“How fares the groom? Having cold feet?” teased Prometheus from the corridor leaning heavily onto the doorpost. When Niten turned around to look at the man, he couldn’t help but smile along. The Elder looked good for his age and the events that had occurred. His reddish hair was somewhat recovered, only a small portion of grey hair peeked through the red. His suit was…acceptable, not Niten’s personal choice, but clothes did not matter to the man. It was already than enough to have the elder man there, even though his orange suit made the groom’s eyes water.
“Never,” promised the swordsman, smiling even wider. How could he ever, when this was everything, he had ever wanted?
Prometheus huffed and straightened himself up. “Alright, alright. The first one out of the two of you, who would break this up, would probably be my niece.” Niten’s eyes betrayed his shock, and his hands trembled. Did Aoife say something? Do something? Was that why the older man was there? Had she changed her mind? Did she not want him anymore?
“Ah, you misunderstood me, my friend, I was merely being hypothetical.” The younger man gave the Elder a warning look. His shoulders slumped as his breathing became regular again. The swordsman had really lost a considerable number of years just from the teasing of this family. The number of times, he had had a heart attack, because one of the redheads or their uncle decided to be playful and lead him astray with their words, was astronomical. He could have grey hair just from those three. Not counting their grandmother, who said would show up for the wedding, making the Japanese swordsman sweat even more.
She had made her threat come true, because Niten had already gotten a glimpse of her when he had checked the garden if everything had gone according to plan. He had contemplated whether to approach the Witch of Endor and risk losing his head for asking Aoife’s hand or just pretend he didn’t see her and bolt. His immaculate upbringing hadn’t allowed him not to greet his fiancée’s family member. But the Witch had decided for him when she turned her back to him and went to greet her brother. Somehow the Japanese had known that she had known he was there. When he turned back to get dressed, he felt a big mirror to his left watching him.
The Elder moved closer to his soon to be son-in-law. He considered the twins to be his daughters so… “She is getting ready for the ceremony just as you are.” Prometheus bowed down to whisper into smaller man’s ear. “And, honestly, being even more nervous than you.” He pulled back. “She is fidgeting around the room like some ancient god is about to attack her. But then again, she would probably be even calmer if that were the case. Aoife can fight with everything…hold a decent conversation and talk about her feelings…not so much. The fact that she is doing both with you, means you are the perfect one for her.” Aoife talked with him about her feelings to a degree, would have the Japanese added, but kept it to himself.
Niten smiled for the hundredth time this day as he thought about his future wife. It was too good to be true, but over time the Japanese had learned to take everything given to him. It would only take a second to be lost, so he intended to make every moment count.
“And your purpose here is to make me even more nervous?” asked the Japanese with a grin as he straightened his kimono and pushed away dust particles, that had found a way to his robe.
Prometheus grabbed an apple form the wood cabinet standing near the door and took a huge chunk from it. “Exactly,” crunched the older, making both laugh. “No, actually I am here for the free food and alcohol, messing with you is just a bonus.” Niten heard him laugh in the corridor as he left the Japanese alone again.
The ceremony was about to start in 30 minutes. Niten couldn’t be happier and more rigid at the same time. In an hour he would be Aoife’s husband to take care of her, to be there for her and fight beside her. And she in return, would be there for him.
So why couldn’t he stay calm? His heart was beating like crazy; his hands were all over the place and his controlled breathing, he had worked for so long and maintained throughout his immortal life, was nowhere to be found. What a swordsman he was when he couldn’t handle his own wedding?
Perhaps, it was his biggest challenge yet. And the most rewarding one. Being Aoife’s husband was both terrifying and everything he could ever want. What if he disappointed her?
“Knock, knock,” said an angel or a demon, depended on who to ask, from the doorway. Though, the man was almost a hundred per cent sure, that he was the only one, who would call Aoife of the Shadows an angel. Even her uncle considered the twins to be little rascals.
Niten stood with his back to the door, but he could see the smiling redhead, when he looked at his fiancée from the mirror he was standing in front of. When their eyes met, the man gave her his biggest smile, which reached almost to his ears, and his dimples framed his already happy face.
“You know, in some cultures the groom should not see the bride before the ceremony,” said Niten to his wife-to-be, who had begun to sneak towards him with inaudible steps. His beloved wore a long black cape that covered most of her dress. Some of the green material still peeked through the opening in the front, leaving Niten no doubt that she will look gorgeous in it. The colour matched the green of her eyes perfectly.
Aoife smirked at him: “And there are cultures, where the bride will feast on her husband’s heart after the wedding.”
He chuckled and turned around just in time to catch Aoife securely in his arms, when she jumped at the man without much thought. The redhead put her hands in Niten’s combed hair, making a mess of it within seconds, and wrapped her legs around his body, taking him into her strong embrace. The cape and the dress underneath it, did restrict some of her movements, but both paid it no heed, while smiling to each other.
The Japanese proposed, while supporting his future wife with his hands around her back: “How about we disregard both of these traditions?” He caressed his beloved’s spine with his right hand, making the woman lean in even closer.
“Mm, and I so looked forward to the second one,” said Aoife slily, while sliding her fingers across his husband-to-be’s face making the swordsman’s face flustered, before finding Niten’s lips with her own.
Showing intimacy in public or even in their own home hadn’t come easily for the warriors. Niten could tell that most of the time, she was worried that she had crossed some lines, even if he had stated many times that she had a permission to kiss and hug him whenever she felt like it. Even the man was not sure, how much he could allow himself to do, what she was comfortable with. That required talking and while Niten had no problem talking to others, it seemed that every time he looked at Aoife, his breath caught, and his face started burning. She made him nervous. So, both held back in fear of hurting or insulting the other.
Some days felt like the old days, like nothing had changed, like they hadn’t gotten engaged or expressed their affections. Niten would wake up alone for Aoife needed very little sleep, Niten would make breakfast, they would go hunt demons or other creatures or the couple would practice or watch TV. The night would roll, and the man would go to bed.
Niten didn’t know how to break the cycle until one rainy day, he took a leap, because the last time he allowed himself to chicken out, he became to regret it a little too late.
The Japanese had sat on a couch and read a fairly good book, when he couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted Aoife to know the depth of his adoration for her. After that morning at the bay, when he had poured out his heart, and occasional words, he hadn’t really had a chance or rather given himself a chance to convey his devotion to her.
“Aoife,” started Niten carefully and stared at the woman training with her nunchaku inside their apartment near the pier, where his boat was. He sat in his reading corner as Aoife had once called it, while she destroyed yet another training doll in the living room. She wore black training clothing, not even a strand of hair out of place, when he drew her attention to himself.
She looked back at him with curiosity in her beautiful eyes. “What is it?”
“Would it be agreeable if I expressed my love for you?” asked the swordsman. He wasn’t satisfied with how the question came out, it left out so much, but it would have to do.
As expected, it brought more confusion than clarity. The redhead blushed, brought her weapon to a standstill, and stammered abashed: “Like right now or…?”
Niten stood up and placed the book on the counter. The Japanese offered the warrior a little smile while explaining: “I meant…always.” The woman put the nunchaku silently on the table and came closer her eyes searching for his. Have they always been that green? That beguiling? “Maybe not always, but more often. You accepted my hand in marriage and yet, sometimes I don’t see any difference, while I loved what we had before my death,” Aoife flinched, her lips grimaced at the horrible memory, “now that you know my feelings and aren’t repulsed by them, I don’t want to keep them silent, I would like to say, you mean the world to me, many worlds, I would like to hug you once in a while and…”
Niten stopped abruptly to shake his head. In his enthusiasm, he had completely forgotten that the redhead could decline any time and decide she didn’t want his affections to be expressed every day. To mend his mistake, he switched the theme and offered quickly: “If you don’t want, I, of course, will…”
Aoife wrapped her hands around his neck to put her head against his shoulder. Niten, while freezing for one second, recovered fast and pressed the woman as close as possible with his hands around her slim frame. He lowered his face into her soft spiky hair to breath his love in. While not having spores, Niten could swear she did have unique smell to her that he could recognize anywhere. To him, she smelled like home.
“Niten,” whispered Aoife, her warm breath against his neck making Niten shiver.
“Yes,” he wasn’t sure, he should add that little endearment, but couldn’t hold himself back, when his heart was overflown with love for his fierce warrior, who clutched him so firmly to her, “my love?” The swordsman had called her that also on that fateful day, when he felt, he could do anything.
The redhead blushed furiously against him, but the man didn’t miss the small smile that had crept up her face and refused to go away.
“What is it?” repeated Niten overjoyed with happiness of being that close to the one he loved.
Suddenly, Aoife looked up at him and removed her hands from around him, letting the cold air hit against his neck once more. She stepped a few steps back and began waving with her hands in no direction: “It’s just, I don’t know how to…to do all of this. I’ve never been engaged before; I’ve never had someone I…someone I…someone I love. Romantically at least, that much. You will have to tell me, what I must do and when I do something wrong.” Niten’s face lit up seeing her saying the words once more. He never doubted the sincerity of her feelings, but it was nice to hearing them out loud.
She remembered an error in her earlier words and added: “Well, there was Cuchulain.”
Niten didn’t think there existed anyone he hated more than Cuchulain. The human had lived hundreds, if not thousands, of years before he was even born, but that did nothing to quell his rage for him. Partly because he was the core reason for so much of Aoife’s sadness; this man had separated her from her beloved sister. While not entirely his fault; the twins should have communicated better or, from Niten’s understanding and few pieces of information from Aoife, at all; the Japanese found himself hating the human.
The second reason was a little bit silly and a lot more personal. Cuchulain had been in love with Aoife, the woman he loved. While Niten was busy pining over Aoife, the unattainable warrior, she had confessed that there were some romantical feelings involved from her part with this Irish warrior. Although Scathach seemed to have been the one that had been falling harder for the man, it had come as a shock to Niten when the object of his affections had said that she had feelings for this ancient fighter.
The night after this discovery was one of the very few nights immortal Niten, the fierce Miyamoto Musashi got absolutely wasted. He didn’t remember half the things he did the next morning, only the ugly emotion of jealousy that had clouded his mind and heart. Aoife made a few comments about his unusual behaviour but didn’t pry further. The man wished she had, maybe then he would have had the courage to state his feelings, but no, he sulked in the shadows and trained harder than ever, so his dreams would not revolve around the happy couple, making him sick and broken-hearted.
Niten really hated the man, this Cuchulain.
It was a few years back, when they heard about the Las Vegas incident with Scathach and Billy the Kid of all people. Cuchulain or Setanta, like he had called himself, had, in fact, survived and tried to kill Scathach, blaming her for his fate. Niten had to physically restrain Aoife from going to Las Vegas and destroying the entire city. The swordsman hadn’t the faintest clue, what that would accomplish, but he felt the urge to do the same. The man he had hated had somehow survived and going after the twins.
Not on his watch.
Their fury was unnecessary, because Scathach had already killed him. Niten didn’t want to know, what Aoife would have done, if the immortal had harmed or, even worse, killed the twin, Aoife’s baby sister.
So now, he took a deep breath and reminded himself, that Aoife loved him and not the dead warrior.
At the same time, he had contemplating bringing back Cuchulain so he would kill him himself, Aoife muttered quietly to herself: “Aoife, you coward, you can fight anyone, but can’t say Niten you love him?” She kicked a cardboard box lying on the ground towards a small ocean view window.
The man watched her adoringly. Niten told Aoife as she finally made an eye contact with him: “I love you, too, very much. I, too, have no previous experience in marriage or that kind of companionship. But…Every romance I have read or heard about is different, unique. I don’t think there is one right way to do things.” The Japanese began to cross the room with steady steps. “It is just us. Do what feels right because our relationship isn’t defined by someone else’s. It’s ours. So, kiss me when you feel like it, hug me when you like it or don’t, and I promise to do the same. If we don’t cross each other’s boundaries and talk about those things, it will be whatever we make of it.” He came to stand in front of red-faced Aoife and held his hand out for her. “So, would you like to learn and explore together?”
Aoife hesitated only for a second before taking his hand and pulling him down to kiss her.
After that, things got easier. Niten allowed himself to hug her from behind when he found her irresistible. Only when she knew it was him because he didn’t wish to end up dead. She kissed him sweetly when he made her a warm drink on a cold winter night.
It was good. Very good.
This was how things got to this point that these two ended up choosing January the 3rd as their wedding date.
“We are not having sex before our marriage ceremony,” told Niten breathlessly as he slowly and regretfully pulled back from Aoife’s relentless kissing, his lips swollen and his black hair like a bird’s nest.
Niten had stumbled, after the first few kisses, Aoife clinging to his shoulders and feet like vices around his midsection, backwards into an armchair, while losing his common sense and deciding that 30 minutes before the wedding would be the perfect time to have a make-out session.
But how could he deny her anything, when she looked at him like he was her world?
Aoife smirked happily and not flustered at all for she didn’t need to breath: “You want to wait until marriage?”
The man smiled slyly: “A little late for that, I think.” Aoife lowered her lips to his neck to bite there, being careful with her vampire teeth, and Niten would have let her; even when a horrible image of him standing in front of the altar with a visible hickey on his neck, came to his mind; when a shriek filled the room, making the woman hop to her feet in less than a second to fight whatever was coming their way. Niten was not far behind.
“MY EYES! I never want to see this ever again!” came an upset voice from the doorway. It was a pitch higher than Aoife’s. “You have 20 minutes to get ready and you two decide to…Never mind, you will have to come. And soon.” Scathach had covered her face and was grimacing while backing away from the dreadful scene that had unfolded before her very eyes.
“Well, you will have to because I am going to kiss my husband in front of everybody,” declared Aoife victoriously. The groom shook his head at the twins. She laughed at the sulking twin: “Nice dress, by the way.”
Scatty looked at the verge of killing the bride before the wedding in her pink bridesmaid’s dress. Niten didn’t think the dress was that bad, but clearly the Shadow thought something else, if her expression was anything to go by.
“I can’t believe I agreed to this,” muttered Scatty to herself and crossed her arms. Then, still upset from walking in on them, she directed her next saying at the man. “Niten, and I thought you had some sense of property. Clearly, I was wrong! I hate both of you.”
With that she walked away but was back half a second later: “You have 20 minutes, well, 19 now. Hurry up! Or you are not getting married!”
Then she was gone.
“Don’t worry,” murmured Aoife catching her fiancé’s arm, rising to her tiptoes, and whispering into his left ear, “I quite like this adventurous part of you.” She let her lips linger on the swordsman ear.
“Was I not adventurous before?” asked Niten with a sly smile. After all those wonderful trips to various Shadowrealms; fights, encounters with strange species and narrow escapes; he still wasn’t adventurous enough for his darling wife?
Aoife smirked close to his face. He felt her breath on his lips; that reminded him of the sweetness of her kisses. Unknowingly, the swordsman licked his bottom lip and Aoife’s gaze was taken over by lust.
She leaned closer so she could touch his lips with her own: her hand found a way to his hair. Niten drew the warrior closer by putting both his arms around her to flush her against himself. Had she always been this soft?
Aoife whispered: “Scandalous.”
Niten snapped. Their lips finally moved against each other, and their tongues danced together. The Japanese lifted the woman up and curling her into himself, while she threw her both arms around his neck and held onto Niten like she never intended to let go of him. The swordsman reciprocated the action. After all, she was his future, how could he ever let go?
A faraway gong brought the couple back to reality, only to realize that they had exactly ten minutes before the ceremony. And they, in fact, were still very interested in getting married; they had to control themselves. To some, it was easier (not easier per se, but they had more control over their desires), to some, it took a bit of persuasion and promises of making it up to them, to get them finally to let go.
The swordsman suggested quietly, while still holding her between his arms: “We should tidy up lest we make it very clear to everyone out there, what we did in here.”
“And how is that their problem? You are to be my husband, I can do what I want with you behind closed doors,” answered in her usual challenging way.
“The door was not closed, my love, as your sister demonstrated,” brushed Niten her unkept hair out of her eyes, “also, I believe I saw your grandmother. Do you want…”
“Tidying up is an excellent suggestion, husband mine,” said the woman quickly and letting the man slip from her grasp to take up a comb. Niten laughed.
Aoife hesitated for a moment in the doorway with a strange expression. The Japanese looked at her in worry.
“I’ll be the one in green,” stated Aoife a little bit wobbly. It was finally here! Their wedding. It was not happening in his dreams. This was reality.
He smiled blindingly at his one and only, at his love, at the reason he still felt alive after 400 years, at his Aoife. He knew that she was nervous. It was his honour to reassure her.
The swordsman placed the comb on the table to cross the room and take Aoife’s hands in his own. “It’s just me out there. Like I said, it’s for us. This wedding is a way of telling everyone what we already have. Do you plan on running away?”
“No,” came an instant reply.
“Do you think I will abandon you at the altar?”
“No,” came a strong answer, but Niten detected a look of fear behind those gorgeous eyes.
He smiled at his wife and didn’t bother on correcting himself because that’s ultimately what she was – his other half. “Alright then, we have nothing to worry about. The only essential people in the wedding are the bride and the groom. And the last time I checked; they are here.”
“Well, there is the one who conducts the ceremony…”
The swordsman sighed. “You have a way of turning my every romantic declaration into…something else.” He was loss for correct words.
“It’s just my charm,” smiled Aoife, but turned serious quickly. “Also, thank you.” She kissed his cheek sweetly.
The Japanese caught a glimpse of her forest green dress underneath of the black cloak. That reminded him. “Beloved, I don’t need anything to recognize you from the others. Never fear that.”
“You can’t just say things like that!” declared Aoife with reddening face. She pulled her hands free at his scandalous behaviour. Ah, so the make-out sessions are fine, but his darling drew a line at romantic nothings. Too bad.
“It’s my wedding day, I can say whatever I want to my bride,” said grinning Niten turning her earlier words to work in his favour.
Blushing woman grinded her teeth. Aoife said an ultimatum: “I still have a chance to not show up!” Both knew that to be a playful bluff.
Niten couldn’t help but take advantage of this. He sighed with a mournful expression: “Well, then I have to preserve them for someone el…” Before he could finish, he had an armful of furious warrior, who would make sure that every single one of his romantic sayings would be directed at her. She would just have to put up with those, because the thought of not having his love was too much, a reality she didn’t want to live in. As if he would ever have anyone else.
She was his forever.
“Don’t you dare! You are mine, Miyamoto Musashi!”
“I have been yours since the moment I met you, Aoife of the Shadows,” assured Niten to Aoife with all his heart.
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sleepngwriter · 2 years
Show don’t tell tips
Today I’ve been feeling particularly inspired. Not enough to write my wip, but enough to write some posts on a blog I didn’t remember I had.
So, in my last post I mentioned the show don’t tell rule, but what is it exactly? When and how should we use it? [n.b. I am not a professional writer (yet), these tips aren’t all mine, feel free to plenish!]
This technique is a very important part of the narrative, it helps the reader understanding implied details, it can make a scene less trivial and more intense... For example, if your character is feeling sad, instead of writing “Jimmy is sad”, try with “he felt the tears rolling down his cheeks”. Can you see which sentence is more impactful?
These some other tips that can help you improve your writing:
If your character isn’t aware of something, it shouldn’t be clear to your reader either. Of course, this depends on the type of narrator you chose for your story, but the concept is kinda the same. If your character is starting to feel depressed, but he doesn’t know it, don’t write “I’m depressed” or “Jimmy is depressed”, write the symptoms. Did he lose his interests? Did he lose his appetite? Does he have trouble sleeping?
Describe body language. Is your character feeling nervous? Don’t limit yourself to this, write the effects that those feelings are having on your character’s body. For example: He could feel the sweat on his face, his hands were shaking and his heart was beating fast.
Use the dialogues. Your characters can say much more than you can, let them speak. If your characters are fighting, don’t just write “they started to argue”, but show the argument.
-Son of a b***h!- she said. (Don’t be afraid of using curses if they are required. People use them, it will make your characters more realistic, there’s nothing wrong with it).
-How could you do this to me?!-
-I hate you!-
And so on. See, you don’t need to write that they’re angry, it’s perfectly clear.
I’m sure that the most of you already used this writing hack, even if you didn’t know its name. But if you didn’t, try this out in your next rewrite, I can promise you it will completely change your life!
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thefrenchydude · 6 months
love your concept of a male reader, but in all the aus I've seen, the reader is always a human, so I'd like to know how you think our lovely yan monkey boys would react to a Demon reader, maybe a Demon monkey like them , maybe just a random demon? It's up to you, but it would be fun
I imagine the boys thinking: Oh look, our lovely Y/N is now a demon. I guess we can be a little tougher on him😉😉😉.
By the way, thank you for your hard work and your art, you make many people happy with your writings, take care of yourself, kisses
I think there was one au from semisolidmind that was about reader being a divine being. But I can’t find it anymore ;-;
I already tough of it and I think Reader could be anything but it wouldn’t change how much Wukong and Macaque loves him.
But yeah, they would be hella surprised to see their reincarnated love being anything else than human. 
If Reader would have been a demon, he would be less hesitant, more prideful (almost all demons are like that :’) ) and also more powerful, depending on what types of demon he is. (If he is a monkey demon, I don’t think he would be that way.)
1- Reader being a foreign demon
I imagine that Reader reincarnated into a tiger demon (but truly it could be any other types of demons.)
He grew up in a secluded tribe of tiger demons, living in a hidden place on a mountain. 
As he grew up, he became more and more involved in the life of his village. He wasn’t the tribe leader, but he did everything he could to help. 
But as times passed, his tribe was endangered, as another demon king would soon try to invade their territory.
Reader was sent by his leader to go ask for help to two demons kings that lives not too far from where they lived.
By the time Reader arrived, Wukong and Macaque were hella tired and irritated from their previous audience they had. Reader arrived at the very end of the day and was the last hearing.
He entered the throne room, knelt and bowed down. He didn't want to show it, but the aura of kings frightened him. Besides, they were piercing him with their gazes.
Wukong snapped his fingers and the guards left the room. It had been an exhausting day, and he needed to let off some steam. He left his throne and walked over to Reader, warming up his numb arms.
"I will send his tribe some flowers and gold", he thought with a smile.
Sensing the king approaching, Reader raised his head and gazed into the red of the king's eyes.
Wukong gasped, taken aback by what he'd just felt when he plunged his eyes into those of the tiger demon. Was it possible, after all this time? Was this demon Reader?
He turned to Macaque, who had already joined him, and confirmed his doubts. It was their lost love.
Reader looked at them, completely lost by what was happening. He had felt nothing except fear at the murderous look the king had given him for a moment, just before looking shocked. For a moment, he thought that Wukong was going to kill him.
Wukong and Macaque knelt down to face their peach. 
Not understanding what was going on and a little embarrassed by it, Reader explained why he had come.
Macaque smiled. He proposed a deal: they would help and protect Reader's village, and in exchange, Reader would stay by their side and become their husband.
Reader thought of it and finally accepted.
His tribe is saved by the warlords and they live a happy life.
He agrees to eat a peach of eternity and slowly falls in love with the Kings.
Even if he is a demon, they would still treat him like if he was made of glass (like during the trainings, they still wouldn’t want to hurt their love.) 
There is one place, and one kind of moment, where I believe they would be a little bit tougher on Reader.👀
(They would love sleeping with Reader because he would purr whenever he feels good or cozy.)
2-Reader being a monkey demon.
Ok, so… Reader from the Murderous Lust au dies (by being killed or by miracle he got away and lived his mortal life with Lex before dying of old age).
The monkeys go wild and become feral warriors filled only with rage and bitterness.
Decades later, after the two warlords had begun to give up hope of ever seeing their Peaches again, they had to celebrate the day their love disappeared.
A sad event that deeply touched all monkey demons from the mountain.
For the celebration, the kings went to the tomb/altar of their deceased husbands to meditate.
(If Reader hadn't been killed but had escaped, then it's not a grave but an altar with all Reader's belongings).
On this day, the monkey demons came to place offerings on the grave/altar.
Night was beginning to fall, and no one but the kings were around.
Wukong and Macaque knelt before the tomb/altar and bowed their heads. They couldn't hold back their tears any longer.
After crying for a long time, Macaque withdrew and disappeared into the shadows. Leaving Wukong alone.
Wukong dried his tears and got up to leave. That's when a monkey arrived, breathless, with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He apologized for arriving so late, and explained that he had done so because he wanted to make the best bouquet possible.
The monkey handed him the bouquet, and Wukong took it and placed it on the tomb/altar.
He turned to thank the monkey and patted him on the head.
As he touched him, Wukong felt something he hadn't felt for centuries.
Reader, on the other hand, was at a complete loss as to why one of the kings was suddenly hugging him. But he attributed it to the emotion of the loss of his love and patted the king on the back. 
Wukong gently grabbed the monkey's face and lifted it so he could look into his eyes. And he felt just as he had felt when he first met Reader.
He immediately embraced Reader as tears of joy rolled down his cheeks.
He had finally found his Peaches. Plus, now he was one of them !!! A monkey demon. (I really think they would be even softer with this Reader.)
At first, Wukong doesn’t tell Macaque about it. He wanted to be the first one to be close to Reader. In all previous lives, Wukong and Reader had a difficult relationship. Reader was always angrier at Wukong, because he was always the one who decided to kidnap him. 
So he wants to make sure this time, that Reader will not have a preference for Macaque. If he could get Reader to prefer him over Macaque, that would be the best thing ever. (And as Macaque had done it in Reader's previous lives, he would rub it in his face).
But Macaque was increasingly suspicious of Wukong. He seemed too happy all of a sudden. Plus, Wukong would often leave without saying where he was going and return several hours later, with a big smile on his face.
One day, Macaque decided to follow Wukong in his shadows form to where he goes and he saw Reader. Sitting in his house, reading a book.
At first, Macaque would be delighted to see Reader again. Then, he would be furious about Wukong hiding it to him, but would finally forgive him. After all, Macaque had already done this to Wukong.
Suddenly, the kings were inviting him almost every day, and soon offered to stay at the palace (at this point, Reader assumed they wanted to become close friends with him for some reason).
One afternoon, at sunset, they confess their love and explain everything to Reader.
In this au, there are two scenarios. One is bad for Reader, the other is the best that could happen to him.
A - Reader don’t fall for the Kings
Well, story repeats itself. No happy Reader. Fall in love with another demon. This demon gets killed and so does anyone that insult or try to flirt with Reader (If it’s another monkey demon or a close friend of them, they would warn/punish them before killing.)
B - Reader fall for the Kings
The most logical scenario in this au, I think. The two Kings are handsome demons and would be hella kind and soft. Plus, in all his other life Reader felt in love with his husbands in a certain way, there was just always a barrier that couldn’t let him truly be in love with the Kings, let it be Lex or just being taken away from its life. But here, there is none of that.
It would be the best scenario for Reader. No need to feel sad or angry at the two kings.
Reader would accept the peach of eternity and would live a happy life with his two husbands forever. (I really think this one cannot die, after all that had happened, there is no way they would let anyone hurt Reader again.)
OMG, thank you anon :’) It makes me so happy to read that !!!
It also makes me feel better to work on this story. This unconditional love, even if it’s twisted, plus the eternity part just makes me feel great :) And I wants people to feel that way too, I’m so happy to know that it does :) 
Don’t hesitate to ask more questions, always a pleasure to answer !!!!!
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starlightrab · 2 years
HI, this little draft i made (while i couldn't sleep) does not really has a special point, i just wanted to write a really enamoured and confident Regulus and a really simp James because it's fun to have this scenarios on my head and sharing is caring so i'm sharing this with you. enjoy!!.
[little warning: english is not my first lenguage so i'm really sorry if you found misspelling words or mistakes with the stuff like time senteces]
They were on James' dorm. Completly alone thanks to the usuals Hogsmade visits that Remus and Sirius take to spend more time together and Peter take to spend his time with Sybill. Just like Barty and Evan spend doing Merlin knows what with Pandora and, sometimes, Dorcas too on the group.
Both boys were just resting on the bed of the eldest one, pretty comfortable just one on top of the other. The room was full of light directly from the windows and warm from a charm that Regulus did just so he wouldn't have to be all wraped in his jumper.
"You know..." James starts talking, taking once again all of Regulus' attention. He smiled when the boy between his arms rise his head from his chest to look at him in the eyes.
"No, i don't know" Regulus commented, like it was obvious. James bite his tongue and made a gesture, giving him the reason without talking.
"Okay, fair enough" He pass his fingers through Regulus' hair, moving some of the dark curls that fall on his eyes so James can see them better. God James loves Regulus' eyes, there's just so much emotions in them. Even when Regulus doesn't want to show how much he's feeling at the moment. His eyes can't lie like him.
James grew observing and understanding that. When Regulus' mouth lies, he just has to look at his eyes. Those grey stormy eyes that drag him deeper and deeper to somewhere he is enchanted to go everytime.
"Speak up" Regulus demands, sounding weirdly sweet even tho he was helding an strong tone on his voice. Something that only Regulus Black could manage to do.
"I was thinking that maybe we could, you know," James stood on silence for a few seconds. Regulus arched a eyebrown at him, a particular sparkle moved through his eyes. "Maybe--i was thinking that we could, ehm, make us official. Not that we are not, it's just that, at the same time, we really aren't."
James saw something flicker throught Regulus' expression. He wanted to laugh, but he didn't laugh and cheers for that because it would make James feel weird.
"We are not?" He asked playfully, raising his hand and placing it on James cheeks. His thumb was running through James' lower red lip while he just look at him
"Of couse we are, i mean..." James puffed and Regulus wanted to kiss him. "You know i like you and i know that you like me. I think that i could even take the risk and say that you're obsessed with me at this point..."
Regulus interrumpt him.
"I'm obsessed with you?" the black haired boy ask sarcasticly.
"Mhm, considering that you are constantly touching me and searching for me on every room i go in, yes, i would consider that you are quite obsessed with me, Lover." James answer, cupping Regulus face with his hands and slightly squeezing his cheeks.
"If i am constantly touching you is because you are a little needy thing that if is not showed that is appreciate constantly with touch then it will start moping around and we can allow to have a sad James Potter walking through the castle" Regulus responda, moving above James until he was settle on his thighs with the hands of the older boy leaving sweet touches on his legs. "But the tone voice you used is something that i actually didn't like, so if you don't feel comfortable with me touching you than maybe i could just..." He speaks while trying to get up and away from any possibility to touch the boy under him. James didn't like that, almost instinctively he grabbed Regulus' thighs and make him sit on top of him again, a little more up than before because James takes his chances, while he stands a little bit to sit.
"There wasn't any tone, stay there." Regulus laugh, his face lighting with a beautiful smile.
"I am pretty sure it was a certain tone of voice change but whatever you say, baby."
Baby. Oh, James never gets tired of hearing that pet name get out of Regulus mouth. He never gets tired of the warm and unspeakable wants to bite Regulus that growns in him knowing that he calls only him that way.
"You really liked that, didn't you?" The grey eyes boy ask, sounding playful once more when realize that James may, pheraps, have blush.
"Just has much has you like to get call Lover, Lover." and it was the way his breathe hit Regulus mouth, hot and soft, that let the boy malfunctioning for a couple of seconds until he gather himself together and lower his head to kiss James full in the mouth. Hot and maybe a little bit harsh, but James takes whatever Regulus gives him with pleasure and love.
Because James Potter loves Regulus Black.
"Alright, wait. You were going to say something about officialism." the black haired one remember, a little bit taken away has the lips of the older one make their way to his jaw, just to smoothly past through that place and get to his neck. "James."
"I forgot." He respond, getting his hands under Regulus' jumper and starting to leave soft touches on the dimples of his lower back.
"Well, i didn't. So, start talking again." Regulus demands, taking James face with his hands and putting some distance between their faces. Maybe Regulus felt a little weak when the Potter boy tried to duck in again on his neck but James didn't need to know that.
The older boy sighs. "Lover, i did really forgot. Don't do this to me, please."
"I'm doing this for you. You sounded really nervous when you were talking and i don't want to let you feeling that way about us."
"Oh, now you don't want to leave me nervous?" James ask a little bit alarm, remember two days ago on a Ravenclaw party they both attempt: James thanks to his friend Emmeline who invited him and Regulus because his best friend Pandora invited him too.
Party in where Regulus didn't stop for one moment to leave, not so, soft touches on James body every single time he pass around him. Party in where Regulus didn't let James breathe correctly every single time he find him looking so reckless under the colorful lights with his eyes already fixed on the Gryffindor boy.
Party in where Regulus had the briliant idea of flirt in a very not so subtle way with him after on of the lads from the Ravenclaw's Quidditch team aproach and start talking to James.
Party in where Regulus didn't miss the opportunity to take James breathe away and leaving him weak just to do nothing at the end because Sirius was meters close to them and some few friends of each boys where dancing around.
"You know that there's a difference from this and the other night."
"Is it?, i don't know, love. From what i see i was nervous back then and i'm now as well, thanks to you and the wonders you do."
"So, you are nervous." Regulus states and finally, for James bad luck, looks at him right in the eyes. "Talk to me, baby."
And it was the light on Regulus eyes that leave James weak. "It's just that we never really talk about what we are. There's a "us" here but i would really like to add something more. You know i like you and i know you like me. Merlin, Reg, i like to believe that at this point you know that i'm in love with you."
Regulus smile softly, moving his hands from James face to his neck to let them rest there. James move his head a little bit and now their foreheads where touching.
"I know." he whisper, and the next words comes out of him really clear, not whispering anymore. "I'm in love with you, too."
James knew. He might be a little bit disperse of his existence from time to time but he knew that Regulus was in love with him, that he is. Still, he goes really excited after hearing those words.
Yet nothing prepare him from Regulus' next ones.
"Would you like to be my boyfriend, Baby?."
James couldn't breathe. He forgot for a few seconds. The only thing he had the chance to do before his brain gets disconnected was to look Regulus Black's eyes, to sink on that grey storm that make him feel like he's drowning just to expulse him, all clean again and expecting the next time he could feel that thrill.
Suddenly, James was pulled back to that 1st of September on his second year and Regulus' first. The day he meet him. The day Regulus Black looked at him with no expression, blank like a parchment and ignored him when James introduced himself. James remembers that Sirius complained, asked Regulus to be nicer and explained him that James wasn't a bad person.
Regulus didn't cared, he didn't liked James on that time and everyone saw it.
Suddenly, James was on the astronomy towel with his cloath put it on and the Marauders Map on his hand. He was supposed to be helping Peter with their side of their next prank but the map showed up the name of Sirius's little brother on the astronomy tower and he couldn't help being nosey.
Regulus was stargazing. James found it sorta funny for a couple of seconds. The boy's name is after a star, just like Sirius one, and he was gazing at himself surely.
Jamws would've laugh a little, if it wasn't that he saw the exact moment in where Regulus Black rested is back on the wall being him and closed his eyes while the breeze was hitting him, making his curls wave.
James didn't laugh, no, he smiled.
Suddenly, James Potter was sitting beside an sleep Regulus Black on the couch in Potter's Manor, hours after Regulus Black run away from his own house and his parent, right to his big sister.
James was on the floor, closed to the boy that was minutes away from finally stop tremblering, while Sirius was on the kitchen with Effie and Monty.
He was resting, his face relaxed and breathes were continous but slow. James was hipnotized or maybe he was just worry, needing to make sure that Regulus was alright so he stood on the floor right beside the younger boy.
When Regulus opened his eyes, he just looked at James and took a deep breath. James found sadness on his eyes, found him upset, found him tired.
James found him beautiful.
In real time, James was in his dorm with the boy he loves on top of him asking him if he wants to be his boyfriend whule he's looking into his eyes and impregnating James' soul with something, he doesn't know what but he can feel it. James can feel him.
James smiles bigger and nods and nods and nods. "Yesyesyes"
Regulus glow and James thinks that if he was an animagus and his form was a cat, he could hear him purrs right now by the look on his eyes. But Regulus is not an animagus or a cat so his responds is to kiss James and kiss him and kiss him until they can't breath.
And even then, Regulus keeps kissing James.
James let him.
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