#sorry i will just never be interested in anything having to do with the BOS
speakviolence · 6 months
they really ended season 1 of fallout on that huge of a cliffhanger im gonna fucking screammMM
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charliedawn · 1 year
(is it alright if I send a request?! Feel free to ignore this if not. I've heard there are some new rules regarding that?) So what if their s/o had to travel somewhere outside the country/state (could be something work/family related) for like a week or so, which Slashers would take it the hardest/easiest (basically who has separation anxiety and who is chill lol)?! Hopefully this makes sense, sorry for bad english?! I have a feeling Brahms (and maybe Jason) are in the first category, but your stories are always full of suprises so 🤷
Mature themes mentioned. You've been warned.
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Jason would be the worst when it comes to abandonment issues. He would be too afraid of you leaving him forever.
He'd come up with various excuses to make you stay.
He'd wrap his arms around you and refuse to let you go. The man is touch-starved. He'd beg to come with you.
If you didn't let him ? Well...I think he'd be miserable.
Jason *whines and cries against your shoulder while holding you close* : "Stay. Please. Stay."
For him, to speak takes tremendous effort—so when he does ? That means it is important.
Do not leave the poor man alone without anything to contact you with, or you'd come back to a mess. He'd have turned the whole house into a target practice.
And believe me, you don't want to be in the way of his machete...
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Brahms would be close second after Jason. He'd make you stay by any means necessary.
Brahms *breathes heavily* : "DO NOT LEAVE ME !"
His parents told him they would be gone for only a few days—but they never came back.
He wouldn't let you do the same.
He tried to get Greta to stay, but it failed. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
Brahms *grabs you and groans* : "If you leave me, I'll find you...I'll find you, Y/N."
The way he uttered your name made you shiver. Brahms would be close to a break down if you were gone for a few minutes. Imagine his state if it was for more than a few days ?
The moment you got back, he'd be borderline hysterical and crush you in a bear hug—crying and sobbing for you to never leave him again.
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Bo has serious abandonment issues as well but—unlike Brahms or Jason—he would be more radical in his ways to make you stay.
Bo *grabs your arm and grits his teeth* "OH NO YOU DON'T !"
Bo was hated by his mother and it only aggravated his loneliness until he became...well...very self-centred and afraid of the pain.
The moment he gets attached to someone—their freedom is of no interest to him whatsoever.
Bo would rather tackle you to the ground, attach you or even have sex with you for you not to leave him.
That redneck isn't a quitter. Good luck trying to make him stay away.
Yeah...He's not going to cry, but you might. Sorry.
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And in the category worse abandonment issues we also have Vincent. Of course the other twin wouldn't be very far from the first.
Vincent is...gentler than Bo ? He wasn't hated by his family. He was actually rather liked.
So, his wouldn't be as bad—but still.
There is a reason he wanted to make all his wax statues from actual people. He is scared of being lonely...He likes to be surrounded.
And since all the people in his town treated him and his family as freaks—he couldn't make a lot of connections apart to his brothers.
He was lonely. And hence, he'd be afraid to lose the only person he ever cared about than them. You.
So, he'd be very hesitant to let you go and try to make you stay with gifts and soft touches. Try to make you understand how much you mean to him before eventually letting you go. Just so you know that you'd be taking a part of him with you.
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You might be surprised, but Pennywise belongs to the category of the slashers who would be very upset by the lack of physical proximity.
Indeed, even though he hates physical touch, he is still clingy when it comes to the presence of the people he loves—one of the reasons why he stays with Penny.
So, he'd be upset, a little bit more moody than usual without you around. He'd be constantly looking at the road and unconsciously hoping you'd come back.
Pennywise *sighs deeply to himself* : "Come on, you old clown...Don't be so stupid. Come on. Stop thinking about...about..."
He'd fight against his inner demons and believe that you'd come back on your own...until the very end.
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"...Oh, you're leaving, human ?"
Surprisingly enough, Penny isn't as clingy as people think he is.
He does like physical contact a lot and would be very sad to see you go, but he also knows he is a god and would be able to get to you whatever happens.
Penny is confident in his abilities, maybe too much.
So, he'd keep a smile on and giggle while waving to you when you go.
But, remember...
He's always watching.
You try to escape ? He'd know.
And he'd hunt you down. He'd make you regret ever trying to escape. He'd drag you back if he has to.
Penny *giggles darkly* : "Aww...Poor poor Y/N. Don't look so sad. We'll be together forever. Isn't that what we wanted ?"
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Freddy would take it badly, but old habits die hard. He'd find a way to blame you and move on...no matter what.
"Ya think you can hurt me, huh ? Well, I've got news for you, ~sweetheart. You can go. I can always find ya a replacement."
Douchebag attitude is Freddy's defense mechanism.
You want to leave ? Fine. He'll find a way to fill the hole. Booze. Brothels. Chaos...
Whatever he can do, he'll do. Freddy needs a moral compass in order to stay in check. You and Michael fill that position.
But, if you're gone ? Then, Freddy would be missing an important part of his functioning mechanism and would go back to his old ways.
He'd be lost. Trying to find himself all the wrong ways all over again...
For his safety and others, make sure to remind him that you care for him from time to time—especially if you're going somewhere he can't follow.
And be sure to invite him into your dreams from time to time. 😉
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Michael would remain himself. He'd watch you go and stay impassive. Because he knows it wouldn't change a thing.
He expects you to never come back. It would be better.
Every time he takes a knife in his hand, he wouldn't find that tingling feeling...the little voice in his head telling him to kill you.
He wouldn't be so afraid of hurting you every single day. He wouldn't have to lock his door every night because he's afraid he might wake up with your blood on his hands.
He'd even tense up when you come back.
You *smile when you see him* : "Well, hello there. Missed me ?"
Michael : "..."
You *smile falter* : "Oh...Well, okay then."
Michel *slowly approaches you and slowly hugs you*
He did miss you. He just didn't know how to tell you...or stop himself from grabbing the kitchen knife and plunging it into your heart over and over.
Michael would die before hurting you, but it doesn't mean he isn't a slasher. Or that your love for him isn't dangerous.
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Arthur would put his feelings aside and try to appear cruel.
"You think I care ? ~Oh, sweetie. I've spent most of my life caring about people. Not anymore. Not ever again...So, if you want to leave me ? Go ahead. There's the door."
You have to understand, Arthur has been hurt most of his life...by life itself.
He was never lucky. He never had any friends. He was basically alone most of his life.
He wouldn't want to be kept down, and so wouldn't want the same for you. He understands the need to leave. More than anyone else.
He'd prefer you leave than stay and be miserable—like he was. So, he would never stop you from leaving, no matter if there was a risk you wouldn't come back.
Arthur *smiles and holds your hand* "...Please. Don't let me stop you. Be free."
If you want to leave ? He won't stop you.
Because that's how much he loves you.
He'd let you have your freedom. No matter what.
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"I'm going out.", you said.
"Have fun, honey.", he replied. He didn't even look up from his newspapers.
"I may be out for a couple of days.", you added—waiting for a reaction.
"Sure. I'll be right here when you come back.", he answered and smiled—but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Jack is a ghost. He doesn't really have feelings anymore and can sound cold sometimes. But, it's not because he doesn't care. It's just he knows what it is to have responsibilities.
He failed at being human—and he wouldn't want the same for you.
He would of course be worried that you'd leave forever, but honestly ? He'd be happy to let you live your life as you intend.
He doesn't have abandonment issues.
Matter-of-fact, he's the one who leaves most of the time. Of course, he wouldn't want your relation to stop so suddenly and would prefer you to come clear to him.
He wouldn't get mad, but he'd feel a little more dull and emotionless inside.
He'd become even more of a ghost than he was—but wouldn't let you see.
Jack *smiles before you close the door* : "...Bring back a souvenir, alright ? Something...something nice."
And that would probably be the only attempt he'd do to hint that he wants you to come back.
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Hello! I hope you are doing great! But I was just wondering if I may request head-cannons for Bo Sinclair with a fem s/o who is like the cliche innocent good girl (loves wearing bows and ribbons, frilly cute dresses, Mary janes…) I feel like this would be an interesting dynamic with Bo (that he would absolutely EAT UP because that man is insane and you can’t tell he wouldn’t love the idea of “corrupting” someone or even like protecting the reader and shielding her from the world…) If not, that’s fine! But thank you and have a great day!
Bo Sinclair with innocent girly-girl (fem) S/O
When you strolled into town one day, Bo did not think you were real
I mean, pink… frilly dresses… ribbons!
Bo doesn’t leave town much so he can’t say for sure, but he didn’t think there were girls who actually dressed like that
He also didn’t think you’d be his type
And yet…
Bo and Vincent had killed all your friends, as per usual, but you hadn’t been there to witness it
You were such a sweetheart when Bo found you and you asked where your friends were
He couldn’t tell you
Instead, he told you they left without you
You were devastated, but Bo thought he’d done good(ish) by protecting you from a worse evil
He kept you around for while under the pretence that your friends might come back looking for you
Eventually the truth came out about Bo, his brothers, and the town
But by this point you’d already fallen hard and fast for Bo
You were everything Bo never knew he needed, and just about the cutest thing he’d ever seen
“Aww doll that’s damn sweet of ya! But there’s no need to bring beers to the garage, i’s all dirty in ‘ere and your dress is all pretty!”
He thought you deserved better than a ruthless killer like himself, but wants to keep you for himself nonetheless
He was shocked when you agreed to stay but did not complain
Would never admit it but loves playing with your hair, especially after you teach him how to plait it and tie the ribbons all pretty
Never lets you around new victims visitors
Doesn’t want you getting attached or upset, and doesn’t want you near all the gory happenings
(Won’t admit it, but he also doesn’t want to see you disappointed in him because he still thinks he doesn’t deserve you - doesn’t want you thinking that leaving him is a better option, either)
Kind of treats you like glass sometimes - never wants to distress you or be harsh with you and gets apologetic real quick if he’s snappy
“God, ‘m sorry baby I didn’t mean t’ snap at ya!”
“Lester better not’ve told you about the trouble last night! I swear to God I’ll kill him!” - “Bo! It’s fine! We were just chatting!” - “Doesn’t matter! You don’t need to hear all that nonsense!”
It’s nice, but you know he’s holding back
After he gets more comfortable with the relationship he’s a little less gentle
Still an absolute sweetheart and never intentionally upsets you, but he enjoys teasing you and lets you see the real him a little more
“Be careful there doll.. I don’t know anyone else who would describe me as a sweetheart. Wouldn’t want ya to see their point of view now would we?”
He’s testing your boundaries a little to see if opening up is going to scare you off
You can see the playful and often hopeful glint in his eyes though and know he would never hurt you
(P.s. sex with Bo started out so gentle and loving, but you knew he wanted to ruin you - corruption kink in full force once you finally let him)
(Wouldn’t do anything you don’t like though, any sign you’re not enjoying yourself and he’s stopping and making it up to you)
Eventually comes to face the fact that you’ve made him a better person - he’s still a psycho and a killer, but he never thought he could love and care for another person like he loves you
A/N: thanks for the request! So so sorry it took so long! Lmk if there’s anything else you’d like added, and feel free to request!
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em0zombie · 1 year
the emperor reversed
Onceler X F!reader
(also posted on Wattpad: @-beachboy !)
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1. Fresh Start
It was a quiet ride to truffula forest, "Sorry about my mother back there.." Onceler apologized for his mother's actions. You wanted to smack him in the face for apologizing for his mother's behaviors, but you couldn't do that. His mother never liked you either, maybe she was scared of her son getting all successful and you stealing it- like you'd ever steal anything. "It's fine, Isabella needs to grow up and see that we both hold success in our future!" you place an arm around his, right arm up in the air, "Thneeds and Candyality!" He certainly was glad someone had trust in him. "Yeah, exactly!" Onceler responds and you grab both of yours blueprints from the back to look over them.
     "Are we there yet?" You groan while laying in the back. No response, "Oncie- I asked are we there-" siting up straight you see the view that you're in. All of the trees with pink and orange hues sway in the wind, you couldn't believe your eyes. "They're all, something alright..." your crus- friend speaks aloud. "Yeah!" You get out of the wagon and so does he.
     "Good job, Mellie..." you hand the mule a carrot while your friend watches. "Why are you staring at me like that! He needs to be given another treat!" "You're gonna make him gain weight that he doesn't need!" Once yells from the back. You roll your eyes and feed the mule another carrot, he deserves it after having to deal with the two of y'all this whole trip.
The house was pulled out and held the two of you perfectly fine, until it came to the bed situation. There was only one.
     "It's fine we can share no big deal!" Once said as you tried to hold in your excitement. "Better than when then the bar-bo-loots tried attacking us..." you mumbled while bringing your luggage inside. "Wait what?" Once yelled out, no response. Sighing, you sit on the bed wishing he was right next to you. God that stupid crush of yours was something dumb, you didn't mean to have it- it just happened? Growing up with the guy you saw how tall he was compared to other kids and how he had a kind heart to...some people?
Outside you can hear Once cutting down a tree which means he's starting to make more thneeds. From one of the windows you can see him dragging the tree, damn was he strong. He turned to see you staring at him, sent a smile your way that you returned back. You got off of the bed and took out your plans for your idea, Candyality.
The idea was basically a candy brand; lollipops, marshmallows, chocolate you name it! Your sweet tooth showed which Onceler would crack a joke about sometimes.
As you're going through your plans you heard bickering outside, Oncie and another man? Standing up you start to see a part of the house falling inward which causes you to scream while running out the door.
"What the hell was that?" The Lorax asks, Once almost yells at him again. "That was Y/N!" You hear the two yelling at each other from the back and you walk around to see the commotion.
"That damn wall almost fell onto me! Once, I thought you tied the foundation down-" you're cut off by seeing the short orange figure. "Who's this?" You point in confusion, the figure is appalled by finger pointing. "He calls him self the Lorax, he speaks for the trees." Once mocks. You bend over to see the man, "What an interesting species..." "Why didn't you tell me you had your girlfriend in there! I would never hurt a woman!" Lorax points at you, your eyes in shock. "Woah woah woah!" The two of you say in sync, "We're just friends!" Once states placing a hand on your shoulder. You nodded replying yet the Lorax sees otherwise.
"This man right here tried hammering pipsqueak into the ground!" You look at Once with frowned eyebrows, he doesn't like the sense of judgment coming from you. "Woah woah! You tied him to it!" he defends himself, "I would never hit this little guy! You however, I would gladly pound you and your mustache into the ground!" You couldn't help but giggle, he could never hold his temper. "For shame..." Lorax states, the other animals agree with him. "Look here I'm gonna chop as many trees I need to and you can't stop me!" You realized how bad this may start to get, "And replant them to help the forest stay as it is!" You lean onto Once's side, "Yeah!- what?" He replies.
"Yes! If we cut down trees we have to replant the same amount to keep the balance, and cut only a certain amount each time!" The Lorax becomes skeptical of this idea, but at least he keeps his trees. "I've done research and truffula trees only take 10 years to grow compared to any other tree that takes about 20!" Once is confused, "Are you on his side or mine?" he points to the orange man with his hammer. "Both." you state placing a hand on his shoulder with a mocking smile, you walk over to the Lorax.
"Believe me, I'll help replant them, I can see how much they mean to you." He still seems hesitant, crossing his arms you stand up and drag Once inside to have a talk with him.
Closing the door as you're about to have serious discussion with him, he yelps. "Oh what is it now? A spider again- Woah!" You turn around to see Lorax on the desk. "You've left me no choice..." he falls onto the ground, "If you do not replant those trees, all the forces of nature will be released upon you!" Once seems scared yet you're just confused. "You have been warned..." finally ending his monologue. You grab the door to open it for him as he struggled. "You have been warned..." closing it you turned back to Once. "Pound him and his mustache into the ground, really?" He places his hands into the air, "What else was I gonna say?!" You let out a small laugh and go over to the fridge, "What do ya' wanna eat?" You ask leaning and grabbing some stuff out.
"It was one tree, Y/N," Once sits down on the bed with his food stuffed mouth, "One tree! Not like I'm gonna cause chaos..." That's what you were most worried about, if it all went down hill. "Don't worry, if I'm by your side nothing will go wrong." Sitting by his side you eat some spaghetti, "And if you help me with my project as well!" Giving him a soft punch on the arm he looks back at you, "I'm glad to have someone like you by my side, you keep all of that hope inside of me..." You chuckle and eat, "Okay no need to get all sappy now..".
Hi! Sorry if this chapter was pretty short, I'm busy with graduation and college stuff right now so yea 💀 I'll make a new chapter soon!! - Val
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violetasteracademic · 2 months
I am going to say something for my Elriels that I hope can be absorbed with grace and compassion. I realize not everyone may agree, and I do not speak for all survivors. But I am speaking from the perspective of someone who has received over 19 years of intensive therapy (yes, I started at 14. Feel free to calculate my age) as well as EMDR to treat complex PTSD. I hope you can hear this and take it to heart, and understand that *both sides* are contributing to some of us considering whether or not we should permanently leave this fandom to protect ourselves. If your interest is protecting survivors, I hope you will hear this with nothing but love and care in my heart and wanting this to be a better place for everyone and feel open to what I would like to say.
If you are taking this opportunity to re-blog and make a public spectacle of how badly the other side is behaving- you are not protecting survivors. Limiting exposure is a critical tool for those with PTSD. Stepping away from areas where we cannot prevent exposure to traumatic or triggering environments does not make us weak. It makes us strong. It makes us capable of making hard decisions and reflecting inward, and walking away from things that cause harm even when our inner child wants to feel drawn towards it and resolve it. These are not easy decisions. Right now, I want to stay away because of how everyone is acting, not just those on certain sides. The exposure to triggers is frankly beyond anything I could have ever imagined happening joining this fandom.
The spectacle is harmful for those that you are trying to protect. I beg you to consider this in the coming days as you decide what type of contributions you want to make to the Elriel community. At this point, I have so many people blocked, but it doesn't matter. I am still being exposed to how traumatizing this fandom is because the Elriel community will not stop. I promise you, starving harassers of the attention they so desperately want is the only thing that will have any meaningful impact to improve the environment. You are never going to understand each other or see things the same way. Please consider if re-blogging harmful takes just to prove a point is an act of protection, or an act of judgement and escalation.
If you are taking this opportunity to engage in a war of morality, and decide that the *other side* has behaved badly enough that they finally *deserve* to be harassed or insulted, you are not protecting survivors. I know it sucks. I know it's unfair. I know the high road is comprised of more steps. But the reality is, there are people with completely different moral codes opposing each other here. You will never be able to show another person why their deeply held beliefs are wrong. Some felt that protecting DV victims was a violation of their personal rights. We all understand how wrong that is. But instead of trying to turn this into a battle of whose behavior is worse, and who deserves what treatment, the best way to protect survivors is to say: I'm so sorry this is happening. I know how triggering this must be. Let me focus on making this a safe space for you. Invoking verbal abuse or escalating an aggressive conflict in our name does not help us. It only makes this space more unsafe. The simple act of, "I said this to you and I treated you badly because you acted badly first" is in of itself triggering behavior. If you look for reasons to treat someone you don't like or respect poorly, you will surely find them.
Please know that my only goal here is safety for all. It can be difficult to make everyone feel comfortable. I have long since realized that fandom life may not be for me, and have repeatedly left group chats, tiktok, and Instagram because I personally hate watching women rip each other to shreds every day when these books were a place of respite for me. So maybe I'm in the wrong. Maybe I don't *get* fandom culture, and if that's the case, I can gracefully step away or set new boundaries with myself about what I contribute and how involved I am regularly. No one is required to change their behavior because of me, or because of anyone. We are only in charge of ourselves. But this felt worth saying.
I truly hope that the goal of fostering a community that feels good to be a part of, even if it comes at the sacrifice of "fighting back," because no one is actually winning at anything here, is something that feels worthy of acknowledgment. I hope everyone can consider before typing, re-blogging, screenshotting, fighting, ect., pausing, reflecting and asking- does my behavior hurt or harm survivors? Am I making this space safer or more harmful for them? Is this a space I'd want to look at and make art for every day if I was trying to avoid landmines of watching how people treat each other? *If* protecting survivors and making things safer is your goal of course. That will not be the priority for everyone. But then please be honest with yourself about what you are trying to accomplish.
I always considered the Elriel space safe and joyful and a place largely not centered around bashing and negativity (though of course there are always exceptions, and I think venting is perfectly natural so long as it's not done with malicious intent to hurt others) but this situation made me realize that both sides are standing with loaded guns, just waiting for the opportunity for the other side to do something bad enough to trigger a war.
We are the collateral damage.
I hope that maybe this can move the Elriel community back in the direction of focusing on kindness, positivity, and excitement. If that is not the case, I hear you. Perhaps I'm the one that doesn't fit, and that's okay. But it felt worth trying.
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slocumjoe · 2 years
Biggest complaints about each companion
Warning, reference to in-game dark subject matter.
This is subjective and mostly me wishing for a more thoughtful story, with themes beyond robot racism.
Cait: TDLR; Her backstory is too much for how it's handled
It feels like Cait got thrown every bad thing she could have. With trauma in characters, less is more, and in Cait's case, it doesn't help that her writing is more interested in her trauma than who she is as a person. Like Cait only matters as a character because of what she went through and what that demonstrates about the wasteland, rather being a person first.
I would like to point out, her parents waited until she was 18 to sell her. Because, apparently, age of consent matters to sex slavers. It demonstrates a lack of commitment to the dark topic, which usually means you should tone it down. Leave one aspect, and keep the other. Abusive parents or slavery, not both.
Since Cait is our only basegame raider companion, you could use her to humanize raiders by showing how the cycle of trauma creates them. "But Gage—" is a little bitch.
Codsworth: TDLR; Focuses too much on his pre-war relationship to the player
What was Codsworth doing those 200 years? Did he just hang out in Sanctuary? Did no one ever come to Sanctuary in the meantime? Codsworth has no relation to the plot or world beyond Sole.
I think Codsworth should have had a quest about how he went out and tried to help where he could, but now doesn't know where those people are, and wants to know what became of them. Something to give Codsworth a connection to the wasteland. Or maybe Codsworth shouldn't have been the Sole Surivor's robot at all, just one that wandered into Sanctuary and met them. Then you could have a point that the first human the Sole saw after freezing (Kellogg) was cruel, but the first 'soulless' machine was kind, which makes a point about the main plot and the idea that being human doesn't make you 'human.'
Curie: TDLR; Should have been related directly to the main plot
Curie is a robot that is put inside a synth—which is, biologically, completely human in all but a chip in their head and the circumstances of their creation—and is totally fine. She learns to breathe, gets thoughts and feelings in a way a Ms. Nanny wouldn't, and handles sensations without bricking.
Send this bitch to the Institute and BOS, are you kidding me? Curie is walking proof of synths being more than machines. She has wants, imagination, potentially even dreams and nightmares. This is never brought up by anyone.
Also, Curie is a robot, and then inhuman, but still a person, and she uses science and her compassion to help the wasteland, where those who would destroy or enslave her use it to further their own egos.
Danse's real character arc starts at his final affinity post BB, and then it doesn't go anywhere. He never learns to accept himself, or synths, or ghouls. Danse is a character that shows the terrible function of 4 Affinity Talks, because he needs, like, 10 of the things.
Danse needed his likes/dislikes updated after BB, interactions with Nick and Hancock, and a proper character arc where he unlearns his worst traits and the BOS's bullshit.
Deacon: TDLR; Dead wife? Really?
Can Deacon not just be a goofball man who used to be a bigot, and now works hard to help the people he hurt? Because Barbara and her death implies that Deacon didn't change because it was the right thing to do, but because bigotry personally affected him.
If there must be a death, make it that his community tore itself apart trying to find synths among them. Y'know, like...a witch hunt? In Salem, maybe? Since we didn't do anything interesting with Salem, one of the most interesting places in the USA? Deacon sees this and sees that it doesn't matter if synths are human or not, hatred will inevitably hurt anyone, because it doesn't actually care who you are. Hatred doesn't need a reason, only a target. The Synth plot should have been an allegory for McCarthyism instead of slavery, change my mind.
Hancock: TDLR; He's a historical LARPER that doesn't do anything in terms of a narrative.
No, Todd. You can't make John Hancock a ghoul and call it an OC.
Hancock could have had a story about identity crisis, idolatry, and trying to escape your past. We also get hints at a complex political issue in Goodneighbor about the push-and-pull between the desire for total freedom/anarchy, but the need for some kind of law and order. Hancock has a casual friendliness, and acts like 'one of the people,' but he is the mayor. There's tension there. Can your leader be your friend? Can your friend call all the shots while still being on equal footing with you? Can you lead a group of people who look up to you as a hero, and still retain modesty and not subconsciously separate yourself?
I like Hancock, he's fun, he has a lot of interesting narrative stuff. But he doesn't do anything with it. It could have been a nice parallel with Elder Maxson, too.
MacCready: TDLR; Small inconsistencies + dude, go get your son???
Mac doesn't ever go back to Duncan, and Duncan never comes to the Commonwealth. I understand that the former is for game play reasons, but the latter feels like the writers forgot that Duncan exists.
MacCready has some issues with the likes/dislikes. I think they're mistakes instead of intended, but still. For example, in the Vault 81 quest. MacCready likes letting Austin die. He dislikes it if you give the cure.
There's also Sheffield, the soda addict in Diamond City. MacCready claims to have never seen someone with a sugar addiction, but Zip, from Little Lamplight, had an addiction.
Mac is mostly fine, aside from these inconsistencies. The Dead Wife thing sucks, but I allow it because it's pretty fundamental to his story, rather then being tacked on for sad points.
Nick: TDLR; Eddie Winter is a stupid bad guy with a stupid quest and Jenny Lands is a stupid tragic backstory
Eddie Winter being the first ghoul ever is mind-bogglingly bad. You're telling me that they made ghouls before the bombs? And even if they did, Winter couldn't be the first. How the fuck would anyone know that radiation makes you immortal if you do it right, otherwise?! So, that's a contradiction within an already contrived premise. And not only that, but he just. Leaves a bunch of holotapes with a number on the back, that make a code to the basement of his favorite sandwich shop, which just so happens to be on the same street Jenny gets fridged?
So, Eddie Winter (or one of his goons) was eating one day, looked out, saw the fiance of the detective hunting him and recognized her (????), shot her, and then presumably returned to his fucking sandwich??????
And then 2 centuries later, a clone of that detective somehow finds the holotapes, untouched, unmoved, still functioning and retaining the painted-on numbers. The numbers didn't...fade? Wipe off?
You can keep the concept of Nick wanted to finish something Pre-war Nick didn't get to, but this...this isn't it.
Like, Skinny Malone was right there. Maybe just Darla shows up when you free Nick, and then later Nick has to contend with Malone and the Triggermen in some grand conspiracy with Mayor MacDonough, Hancock, and Piper.
Preston: TDLR; The radiant quest mechanic fucked him over and his voice actor needed some retakes
The moment you get Radio Freedom, Preston should have stopped giving quests. Easy fix there. It would have saved him almost a decade of shitty memes.
The real problem with Preston is that his VA beefed it bad. I can quote some of his lines with perfect inflection because the VA just did it so poorly. X6-88's VA had to play a monotonous, little-emotion character, and he still nailed it and gave X6 a lot of personality and distinction. Preston sounds like a modded-in character. And Jon Gentry is a pretty good actor! He has a great live-action presence in his demo reels on IMDB. I think he just struggled to put his performance into his voice rather than his presence/body language, and they didn't let/have him do a retake.
Piper: TDLR; So much potential, so much failure. Piper is a shitty reporter, and that could have been a great opportunity to have commentary on the ethics of journalism.
Journalism is supposed to be a duty to the people. It has responsibilities and ethics that are very easily misunderstood or forgotten for the sake of the next article. A good journalist is not always accurate. An accurate journalist is not always kind. A kind journalist is not always good.
Piper is not a good journalist, because her writing is not informative, it isn't news or useful info. She writes about MacDonough being a synth—she's basically writing callout posts on her blog.
Piper is not an accurate journalist, because she never has evidence for this claim. She says MacDonough is a synth, that the Institute took the Survivor's baby even if the Survivor says no.
Piper is not a kind journalist, because she fearmongers and makes things worse for synths. She complains that no one believes or trusts her word, but the second thing you ever see in Diamond City is a man trying to kill his brother for fear he's been replaced.
This is all fine, if addressed and explored. But it isn't. Piper seems to be chasing the high of exposing authority, and both times, she's right. We, the player, know she's right because we find out later she is. Imagine if we didn't. Imagine that reveal scene never comes. Every issue of Publick Occurances is trying to start a witchhunt, and Piper doesn't notice that it's working.
So, let's make her arc about worrying about her sister.
No backstory, no relationships with other characters, no quest, no character arc.
TODD. You had the chance to humanize the Institute, or at least show what it's like being an Institute synth that isn't free. And you, instead, put all that time into fucking KELLOGG. You think I give a fuck about KELLOGG? I don't even give a fuck about SHAUN.
🌠Honorable mentions🌠
Gage: Hypocrite that thinks becoming the problem is fixing the problem, also he has both eyes. What do you need an eyepatch for.
Strong: Bethesda Super Mutants suck shit. Y'know Erikson fron Far Harbor? Would rather have him.
Longfellow: Dead Wife Man. Again, would have preferred Erikson.
Dogmeat and Ada: Perfect, no notes.
Best companions are:
Dogmeat, for being doggy
Ada, for being robot lady
Preston, for being perfect aside from two technical, Doylist issues.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Could you please do headcanons Slashers (like Michael, Brahms, Billy, The Sinclair brothers) as caregivers for their S/O who is an age regressor
Or headcanons for those Slashers when they find out their s/o is an age regressor?
Okay I acually went and educated myself on this topic for you my dear anon🥰🌼
if your uncomfortable with topic of age regression pls dont read that😭
So basically as far as I understand age regression means that somone acts like child due to some traumatic event??? And like they act childlike and participate in child typical activies (such as drawing with crayons, speaking like a toddler, drinking from bottles ect) if i make headcanon that don't make any sense im sorry! I have no experience with this topic! ALSO this is pure platonic! Age regression isn't a kink or a fetish!!
Slashers with age regressor y/n
Brahms Heelshire
Tbh y/n acting childish kinda woke up his inner child, CUZ HE LITTERALY GOT LOCKED IN WALLS IN AGE OF LIKE 10 so he kinda missed out on some fun stuff
100% plays hide and seek! Or tag! My man loves some good round of hide and seek, this place is huge! *insert british accent* "oh you little scallop... if I find you I will tickle you so hard..."
Question: age regression is like temporary or like forever thing? Like regressor acts like that when they are in bad metal state or just always? Bcs if always then it might be hard with Brahms, see he kinda.... has mommy's issues has huge need to be taken care of, probably similar to y/n's, he kinda wants a person who will just pamper him and make him feel like he's the single child yknow? All the attention on him? Yknow what i mean??
If y/n draws him something nice, dude will put it on a fridge with a magnet and be proud
If thats like temporary thing, he acaully will ask a lot of questions: how should he act? Do you remember anything? How does it work? Can he get some cuddles? Do you still love him while regressing? (Ofc you do, but he doest understand)
Billy Lenz
You guys vibe
Dude won't see any difrence😭
Yay one more reason to watch cartoons together! (His favorite ponny is rarity and fluttershy)
If y/n babytalks and uses toddler-like vocabulary... dude will mimic it😭 he just thinks that will help with communication😭 its not like you guys struggle with it or anything, Billy is just build like that
Yall draw together, his artstyle already looks like toddler drew it (not in cute way)
Plays dolls with y/n (but he acually makes it interesting! Like he makes it all dramatic and the tea is just jawdropping)
Also don't bother explaining what is age regression, just say "sometimes I act like kid to cope"😭
Micheal Myers
But kinda likes it, not in weird way! He enjoys taking care of y/n, but he has his own ways of doing so
He won't play with them or let them cuddle him too much
But he accepts little drawings and stickers that y/n gives him
He is still stalking them, making sure noone tries to bully them or anything
He is very protective, for example if y/n cuts their finger while making food, dude is all over them: Oh no no dont cry! Uhhh.... uhhh oh! See a pretty bandage? With puppies! Pls dont cry...
On rare days he is acually around (phicially i mean, cuz hes always around just not interacting with y/n) and it happens for him to be in good mood too, he will let y/n nap on him or put some stickers on his outfit- he never takes them of btw, the only reason that stickers wash of is the field he 'works' in? Yknow a lot of mud blood and water. He also holds y/n hand if they are spooked
And he fucking loves fluttershy and applejack
Steals some cute shirts and socks for them!
Sinclair Bros
Bo is the least understanding, tbh he will lisen to y/n only if they have very good relationship
Vince is just 👍
And Lester is acually very open to the idea
Drawing and playing dolls with Vincent
Going on cool drives with Lester
And napping with Bo
Whole fridge is covered in drawings and cute magnets
All Vincent's notebooks and Lester truck covered in stickers
Even Bo gun didnt escape the sticker apocalypse
Vince made special wax figurines for y/n
Lester calls them "kiddo" 😭😭
Bo puts his hand on their head and rubs it till their hair goes all puffy
They all act like older brothers who have to take care of younger siblings while perents are away😭😭
Vince acually vents to regressing y/n and they are just like: "man I just wanna pet the dog"
Bonus round! Added few more!!
Bubba Sawyer
Bestie vibes
Yall just spend time playing with dolls and drawing together
Absolutely lets y/n nap on him
He totally combs their hair and puts them in nice bun (or if y/n has short hair he will just brush it)
He kinda sees age regression as lil break from reality? Like you two can just vibe and act they way you want to😊 he enjoys, cuz tbh he do be acting like child(not in bad way!) And his happy that you both can do all those child-like activities without being judged by other person
Bit y/n once
Asa Emory
Ew a child
I mean
Idk he gives me "the dad that never has time for u cuz he has too much work"
Like yep he will read y/n a bed time story and he will tell them all about bugs and nature. But hes busy most of time
OMG ABOUT BED TIME STORIES Asa will read you one but he is so exhausted that he acually falls asleep first
He trusts them and knows that even whilr regressing they wont do anything dumb, but he still bans them from his 'workroom' theres... well some photos and drawings of victims and i doubt y/n wants to see it
Lets them sit on his lap while he reads newspaper like middle-aged man he is
Gives lil head kisses before sleep
Bug themed plushies and figures
Makes y/n watch animal planet and bbc nature with him
When he's out for longer periods of time he will buy them McDonald's as an apology
Done. I hope it makes sense! I never witnessed anyone age regress so idk how relatable it is!! I used x reader tags only to reach bigger audience
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Poor Barman Part 3 
~and “There’s a dead cat on the line”~
Barman realize it's time to check if he has an aneurysm. The weird teenager didn't seem to embarrass anyone but him. Although his clients are all psychos so this is not an objective assessment.
Riddler: If Schrödinger's cat is either alive or dead then when you open the box, what do you think will happen? what is the probability of..
Danny: I prefer not to open the box. Cats love boxes! I would never even leave my room if food itself appeared in my room three times a day too. Meow! Beware!
Bartender dives under the bar at the same moment when a strange man in a work uniform attacks the Riddler and begins to demand something from him.
Riddler: But this is not the answer to the question! Сome back!
Danny: Curiosity killed the cat! Some things are worth leaving unanswered.
~and “Who is going to bell the cat?”~
Danny: Selina! I would like to offer you one interesting case.
Catwoman: I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I have a truce with Batsy right now, so I shouldn't unleash my claws in Gotham.
Danny: Come on, big cat should not leave kitty to his own device. It's in Wisconsin. You need to rob an old man in a vampire outfit.
Catwoman: And what do you get from it?
Danny: Moral satisfaction. His money isn't even earned honestly so I'm helping this poor guy to pay back his karmic debt.
~and “The cat’s out of the bag.” about half of it to be specific.~
Bartender pours a glass of water and looks at the pale teenager.
Barman: Here, it's on the house. What the hell did Riddler want from you? Aren’t those weirdos your friends? You were so uncomfortable.
Danny: He just wanted to confirm his investigation of me. and even couldn’t think of anything better than this scientific allegory.
Barman: I don’t quite understand
Danny: Yeah, just Google it, dude.then..can I trust you? You don't look like a bad person.
The bartender thinks for a second and nods.
Danny: Okay. Then just remember, I’m the cat in the equation.
Barman: You will not tell me directly, right?
Danny:..over my dead body
The bartender felt again that he had missed an inside joke. From the context he could only assume that this boy is terminally ill and the criminals somehow conspired to brighten his final days. God, he hopes he’s wrong. Despite the painful look, the bo- Danny seemed to really enjoy life. After all, that doesn’t explain the guy’s frightening abilities. Science experiment? Pretty likely.
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theroundbartable · 3 months
Okay, if you were asked who are in Merlin BBC & Voltron that you can see based on canon that are gay/bi/pan/demi, which characters are they? Why?
What a fun ask I'm totally not doing to procastinate on cooking... XD
BBC Merlin
Arthur Pendragon is, in my head, demiromantic and bisexual... It sort of depends on the circumstances/episode. Arthur needs a very long time to really feel connections with people and only starts to consider love after he really gets to know them, hence his constant search for true love in the show. With Merlin I'm not entirely sure if he was attracted to him instantly, strangely enough feeling a connection from the moment they met, or if it takes him till the end of the series when Merlin confesses his magic and finally shows his true self to realise the depth of his feelings.
Merlin is, well... Bi Bi Bi. A disaster bi in fact. With a preference for sweaty men in metal boxes, he's not very peculiar. However, Merlin is a one person hyperfixation kind of guy. Most people are convinced that Merlin's gay.
Gwen: I feel like most people in BBC Merlin are bi and Gwen is no exception. Like Merlin, she prefers the hero type in metal uniforms. But she also had a thing for Morgana in the beginning.
Morgana: lesbian. I have never seen a woman so disinterested in men, I'm not surprised that they casted Katie McGrath in supergirl as supergirls love interest. I might settle for homoromantic and asexual. But definitly in love with Gwen in the very beginning.
Sir Leon, my beloved, the immortal, the one and only, the eternal suffering aro/ace. I don't have to explain this one. The only counter moment is the Lamia episode where Leon suddenly develops interest in women out of nowhere. My personal take is that anyone could be fallen under a Lamia's spell, this one just had a taste for men (and male presenting).
Sir Elian: once upon a time I clocked them as nonbinary and sadly that's as far as I thought into this character. Pretty sure he's aromantic. He/they pronouns. I dunno, I don't think Elian would conform to anything if given a choice. Aromantic too, I think. Like Leon, there is no interest there, but he does play around with Percival and Gwaine quite often, so I'd take that as allosexual.
I am excluding Gwaine because I think canon Gwaine is written as a straight oblivious fuckboy. Albeit a kind one XD fanon Gwaine is often poly/ pan... Or into apples. Lmao XD and I'm not sure about Percival because the man has a dead wife and kids.
Keith: with his lack of interest in women, he can only be gay. That man looks at no one quite the same as he looks at Lance. what the hell was the whole bonding thing if not a hint for post canon klance? Sorry, not sorry XD rivals to best friends to lovers.
Lance: *bi bo bi* bisexual lighting Lance. Doesn't matter if you prefer klance or shallura, this man is a walking bi flag. I don't know what you mean by proof, just look at this wiggly boy with the fingerguns. He can't even sit straight! Can't do math either. He's perfect!
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Shiro: probably the only character in my entire history of shipping that I would unqueer without feeling bad about it. I know he's gay, I just don't really see it in the writing. Of course there aren't always clear signs that someone is gay which is why this is good rep actually (+he's married), but you asked me for proof in the show and all I see is that this man is a dad. That's his gender and his orientation and that's all I really need to know.
Pidge: aro/ace because I love my aroaces and this child loves robots and robots only. Also nonbinary/genderqueer. Pronouns: fuck/off XD
I think Lotor should have been bi. Pre-canon Lotor had us Langsters ship Lotor x Lance and it was so much fun :D
Bob: gender: evil, orientation: villain. I hate this guy
Coran: the georgous man is either gay or pan. More likely pan because I vaguely remember he had a son?
I hope I answered your question reasonably enough XD thank you for the ask, anon :3
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To the SPN fans that are hating on good omens rn bc of the leak, I hope you choke. I've seen some really nasty shit today from some of my (now unfollowed) followers whom I followed for spn content. So let's make one thing clear from actual posts ive seen today:
-Saying that the "wrong angels kissed", is...homophobic. I was with destiel from beginning to end and yeah we were completely shafted, but it's not okay to then say that other gay couples in media aren't allowed to kiss just because they aren't the ones you thought were hot. Jesus christ didn't think I needed to write that one down for ya-bo burnham
-I saw so much fatphobia about how Castiel deserved a kiss more than Aziraphel bc "he has far more sex appeal." Wtf wtf wtf. How do you live with yourselves saying that shit?You can pry Micheal Sheens body type Aziraphel out of my cold dead hands, you CW brainwashed morons!
-hate against the author for some reason, no one is willing to give specifics about it, but I think the majority of them maintain that GO is not good rep because they didn't kiss and now they are claiming pandering or something? Honestly that guy has only ever stood with the writers guild and queer people his whole career from what I find so I don't think it's fair whatever hate they are spouting. He isnt even saying he is upset with fans that saw or shared the video. Hes being super nice about it!
-I will say, non of us SPN fans have a fucking leg to stand on when it comes to hating something bc of the authors, OK. I saw someone saying the writing for spn was better and I can say you did not watch the show. I loved spn but don't do the late Terry Pratchett like this. He did nothing wrong
-on that same ish strain, as an ace person who thrives off queerplatonic relationships in media, maybe they kiss, I dunno. I just have to wait until the season comes out. Not 1 SPN fan gets to bitch about GO asexualty rep when SPN never even tried that route with any of its characters. But also ace characters are allowed to kiss, so you can write them that way of you want and interpret them that way if you want still. This is your viewing experience.
-this leak is truly not the same as the SPN yo a ti leak, solely bc the episode hasn't aired yet. "None of you GO fans would have survived the yo a ti leak." No I think you wouldn't bc the spn leak was clinging to an already mangled straw, while the angel's in GO are queer already. Queer queer queer and no amount of kissing or lack thereof is going to change that. We have no idea what happens in that episode of GO, but we saw the creators butcher the only moment in the show that could have meant anything real for queer viewers in SPN.
-"SPN crowly was kissing dudes first so this one is not that impressive". I see two cakes. One was made with the intent to make gay people look evil, but over time got kinda funny and a little better bc gay people liked it, and the other was about telling an interesting story about how love is so important, especially at the end of the world, and gay people liked that one too! So for me it's YaY two cakes!
-again the anti aziraphel is so plainly just fatphobia. You have no excuses. Sorry you don't think someone who looks like a slightly chubby micheal sheen could ever get kissed by someone who looks like David tennant, but you are not only wrong, you are also childish.
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OK I'm done. Go watch good omens s2 when it comes out for my fucking sanity please. Or don't if all you are going to do is try to rip it apart like you do to all media that tries to be better.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Slasher and stranger things characters with a book worm s/o
So I've been recently getting into reading a bit more and I'm building quite a collection of books. But if I ever learn how to bind books I'm making so many books out of fan fictions that I love. Anyway 2023 is my reading era and I wanted to write something for any other book worms here. I threw in a few Stranger Things Characters because I haven't written for them in such a long time and I've been meaning to do it. Sorry for the long little blurb.
Warnings: Typical mentions of slasher stuff like murder, violence, etc, reader being lovingly teased
Includes: Vincent Sinclair, Brahms Heelshire, Bubba Sawyer, Jason Voorhees, Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Johnathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent has never been much of a book guy. He's much preferred working with his hands and writing than reading books and things like that. But that doesn't mean he won't be supportive of your hobby.
He's going to indulge you as much as he can. Getting you every book and magazine in the town for you to read. If you ask he'll tell Bo to buy you some books whenever he goes into a real town.
Will ask you to read to him or ask you about whatever book you're currently reading. He loves to work on something while you're reading a story to him.
Doesn't matter what type of book it is, he wants to read about it if you're interested in reading it.
Vincent likes drama books. The more dramatic and gothic the better.
Brahms Heelshire
The Heelshire mansion is full of books to read so you'll never have to worry about running out of things to read. Most of them are classic books or old rich people books but I'm sure that there's still great things to read.
Insists that you read to him while you're reading whatever you are. If you're the type of person who likes to annotate their books in whatever way he's going to want you to read them to him too.
Will ditch the kid books at bed time and insist you read him a chapter of the book you're currently reading.
Also takes the time that you read to him as a way to cuddle with you. Despite being 6'3 he's gonna wanna sit on your lap while you read to him. Or have you sit on his. Whatever the case you two have to be cuddling while you're reading.
Brahms likes children's books the best.
Bubba Sawyer
I'm not saying Bubba is dumb, but he probably can't read very well because he's never really had a proper education. If you're into books he's going to want you to teach him how to read better.
Now the Sawyers don't have much books at home but if Bubba finds any on victims he'll give them to you. He'll also ask Drayton to go into town and buy you some.
He'd love to cuddle with you while you read to him. He loves physical affection and including something that you really enjoy just sweetens the deal.
I know that before the internet you had to go to a woman you know, cosmetology school, find a magazine or get a book on makeup looks to learn how to do makeup and I feel like Bubba has a ton of magazines on how to do makeup that you can read.
Bubba would really like romance books, putting himself in both the womans and the mans positon.
Jason Voorhees
Like Bubba Jason can't read very well, but that won't stop him from trying to improve his skills. He'll get you as many books he can find around camp and on victims. He'll probably ask you to give him lessons too.
I think that Jason has a collection of books that his mother gave him as a child or books she read herself and a good 6/7 months into the relationship he'll give you those books to read.
Will build you a bookshelf from scratch. I was talking about this with @chronic-boogara but Jason would 100% build you a book case from scratch. Like go and chop the wood himself and everything. But you might have to go buy him some more supplies.
Would adore if you read your books to him. Will drop anything he's doing to cuddle up with you and read the book with you. Especially if it's after a long day of work at the camp.
I think he'd like more fun adventure fiction books.
Eddie Munson
Will tease you for being a nerd when he is also just as big of a nerd as you. He means it as a joke and if anyone else makes fun of you for being a book worm then he's going to fight them.
He doesn't have the money to spend on buying you books but he'll constantly take you to the library whenever you ask. He'll also save up and buy you like five books for special occasions.
If he's working on a new campaign and lacking ideas he'll ask you about what's happening in your book, especially if it's a fantasy book and draw inspiration from there.
I've said this before but Eddie is touch starved and very handsy because he's never had a partner before you. So he'll always have you read to him while you're on his lap or cuddling in some kind of way.
His favorite books are horror or fantasy books.
Steve Harrington
Will also call you a nerd, but in a loving, joking manor. If anyone but him or a close friend makes fun of you for literally anything he's going to get aggressive. Well verbally at least.
English was never his strongest subject. He doesn't get why you're willingly reading books not for school but he doesn't really care, as long as you're enjoying yourself he's happy.
Steve does have money and he will spoil you with books and whatever else you want. If there's a movie adaption of a book you like coming out he's taking you to go see it and will listen as you explain the differences between the book and the movie.
If you try reading to him he's just gonna fall asleep. It's not because you're boring him, it's because your voice while you read is so calming. It makes him even more sleeping if you're cuddling together.
His favorite thing to read is probably sports magazines.
Johnathan Byers
He's not an avid reader but he likes to read from time to time. He quickly picks up on your hobby and will take note of it too. He listens to every word you say about whatever book your reading and will remember it.
He memorizes your favorite genre, tropes. authors, etc so when he has the money he can go to a book store and buy you something he hopes that you like.
Would love it if you read to him. He doesn't care what the book is about he just wants to hear you talk. Also loves it if you do voices for different characters. He might tease you a little about it but it's all in good fun.
I feel like if he ever has the chance to get you a signed copy of a book you love he'll do it. He'll either get it signed first then give it to you or drive you to whatever book signing is going on and help you get it signed there.
His favorite book genre is fantasy books.
Nancy Wheeler
She's a book lover too. I feel like she's the type of person who tried to write a book in the 3rd grade and forgot about it after three chapters.
She'll happily trade books with you or read the same one at the same time so you can have a little mini book club.
Will read to you if you ask her to and will let you read to her. She finds it calming and fun to read together. Maybe not with much physical contact but still reading to each other.
If she has spare money she will take you book shopping. I think that a cute date idea she has is buying you a book and you buying her one then highlighting any lines that make you think of each other.
Her favorite book genre is romance.
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joelslastofus · 2 years
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[SUMMARY: Joel secretly sleeps with Maria's younger sister after finding his brother Tommy. Tommy and Maria warn you not to get too close with Joel knowing how cold he can be.]
Being stared down by Joel as he fucked you in the closet had that effect on you.
TW: anxiety attacks, Age difference
Joel and Liz
Maria had told you Tommy had finally found his brother. You had yet to meet him and had never really heard much about him. Anything spoken of Tommy's brother seemed secretive between him and Maria and so you left it alone. Providing reading classes for the kids at that community was what kept you busy, you had no family, but Tommy and Maria were as close as that.
Maria figured Tommy had taken his brother somewhere that he could have a meal. She told you she would introduce you to his brother and explained he had a young girl with him who you could take for a reading class while the men settled their situation.
Walking to a table you saw Tommy across from an older looking man, he was handsome, rugged and he looked hungry not taking his eyes off his plate.
"Hey, Joel..Ellie," Maria spoke in a welcoming tone.
"This is my sister Liz," the man looked up at you, locking eyes for a moment. Tommy instantly noticing the way he looked at you, he knew that look very well. Joel was attracted to you, a simple glance showed him this. Tommy was like an over protective brother of yours, he knew all the pain you endured and you had just started to feel more in control of yourself again.
"She great with the kids." Tommy spoke trying to distract Joel's eyes from you.
"She's been with us for some time now, she's family." Tommy's words making Joel turn to him. He knew what his brother meant.
"Nice to meet you both," you smiled at them.
"Ellie was it? You should come join my reading class, it's going to start in a bit-"
"I already know how to read," Ellie mumbled looking down at her food.
"Ellie, mind your manners." Joel turned to her correcting her.
"Go on, some reading can do you some good. I'll be right here." Ellie sighed as she got up and walked toward you. Trying to welcome her with a smile Joel cleared his throat making her look back at him. With just a look she got the message and turned back to you with a forced smile. Maria leaving the room with you and Ellie, neither of you noticed Joel catching a subtle glance at the sway of your hips walking away.
"Don't even think about it," Tommy muttered making Joel look at him.
"That's Maria's sister-"
"Relax, I ain't looking for nothing. I got more important things on my mind." Joel knew he wasn't being completely honest. He wasn't looking for anything but he couldn't deny that you caught his attention.
"Besides, last time I checked you're the trouble maker, but I guess since ya made it big here you know everything now, don't ya?" Joel looked at him directly across the table as Tommy pressed his lips together. Many things had changed his Joel lost his daughter, he became more cold, distant and he was never himself again..
You noticed during the class Ellie didn't seem interested to read anything. It was easy to tell she was a young girl who has been through a lot of trauma.
"If you really don't want to read you don't have to." You spoke softly beside her making her look over at you. She didn't respond yet somehow looked comforted that you didn't force her to do something she didn't want to.
Later after the class Maria took Ellie to have a snack. You organized all the books in a box before looking up and realizing Joel was at the doorway.
"Oh hi," you smiled as he seemed hesitant about stepping inside.
"Ellie just left with Maria to get something to eat,"
"How'd she behave?" He asked as you picked up the box and walked towards the shelf.
"She did good-crap" you tip toed trying to reach the empty spot at the top almost dropping the box. Joel quickly walked inside and caught it standing right behind you.
"Sorry, a lot heavier than I thought." You chuckled as you both placed the box steady on the shelf. Distracted in trying to get it in place you hadn't realized just how close he was to you until you turned around. Once again the two of you locking eyes in a way that seemed to hypnotize the both of you. You couldn't explain what you were feeling whenever he looked at you but it made your heart skip a beat.
"Everything alright?" Maria's voice made you both quickly back away from each other, you turned to the shelf finding something to move around.
"Uh, yes. Just putting supplies away." You responded anxiously as Joel stared at Maria in silence before leaving the room. Once he left you turned to Maria who you found with her arms crossed and a raised brow.
"What was Joel saying to you?"
"Nothing? He was just helping me put some stuff away." You explained with a confused expression.
"Listen Liz, you don't know Joel. He's not a bad man but-"
"You don't know him either, Maria."
"I know what Tommy has told me." She responded bluntly.
"Nothings going to happen with us, you can give Tommy my word." You assured her, after all it wasn't on your mind at all.
"It's just...he's been through a lot and you've come a long way. We're just looking out for you." She insisted before leaving the room. Your sister of all people knew how sensitive you could be and considering the things she heard about Joel, she felt he wasn't the best for you to have any interest with.
Joel watched as Ellie met a friend, another young girl as he stood afar. She looked happy for the first time in months..Joel found himself almost smiling before his brother appeared beside him.
"Is your girlfriend done warning Liz about me?" Joel asked bluntly staring straight ahead. His question making his brother turn to him confused.
"What exactly have you told Maria about me? Seems everyone knows me more than I do." Joel crossed his arms.
"Just promise me while you're here Liz is off limits." Joel didn't say a word and instead gave him a silent nod as he looked away.
The next morning Joel stood alone outside in the cold. It was just before sunrise as he took advantage of the silence and began to think. It wasn't something he liked to do, if anything he did his best to avoid it but things were complicated. Getting deep into his thoughts about Ellie he felt his heart begin to race, what if he didn't make it? What if Ellie didn't make it? He felt weak, he felt like a failure, Sarah's face coming to mind, his chest began to feel tight.
"Joel?" Your voice echoed in the background as he leaned on the wall feeling cold sweats creep up on him. His hand on his chest, he didn't look too good.
"Joel you ok?" You rushed beside him seeing how pale he was before he finally looked up at you, with eyes with a desperate call for help.
"Let me get Tommy," just as you turned to run off he grabbed your wrist stopping you.
"No-" he struggled to speak as he pushed his body back up straight, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before taking a deep breath and released your arm.
"Are you alright?" You tilted your head taking a step closer to him.
"Maybe we should get you to your room," you gently placed your hands on his arm and walked with him leading the way. Looking behind you hoping Tommy or Maria would be close by you sighed as you entered his room with him.
"Are you sure you're ok?" You asked as he walked inside.
"I'm fine, Ellie still asleep?" Joel asked as he leaned on the small table.
"Yes, she's in the room with a few other kids. She's fine." You assured him as you stepped closer beside him.
"Joel?" You whispered before he looked over at you.
"I'm fine." He responded stubbornly and looked away.
"I think we should call Tommy just incase-"
"I told you no," he spoke a little louder than he meant to and sighed.
"I just needed a minute." He stood up straight adjusting his jacket as you stood aside in silence.
"Well, I think I'll go now..if you're ok." Joel was serious as he looked over at you.
"Do I look like I need any help?" Joel's rude response caught you a bit by surprise, but then again you didn't know this man.
"No. I just meant- just forget it. If you need anything or whatever, you know where to find us." You walked out without giving him a chance to respond. Joel closed his eyes disappointed in himself, he didn't mean to react the way he did. He wasn't a man of much explanation, especially when it had to do with his daughter. He wasn't a man that was used to feeling as weak as he felt now. Maybe after all, Maria and Tommy were right about him you thought to yourself.
The next day you had just finished a class and was happy to see Ellie was more involved after making a friend. The group moved onto lunch as you began to put the books away not noticing Joel had stood by doorway. He silently watched for a moment, observing your features, your full lips and long curly hair. You were a beautiful woman that seemed so genuinely concerned for him the night before. You seemed much different than the women he had come across, he found himself thinking a lot about you after you left the room, as much as he tried to stop himself. Clearing his throat he caught your attention making you look up.
"Oh, it's you." You responded dryly as you looked back down. He expected that response before slowly walking inside and closing the door behind him.
"How'd Ellie do today?"
"Oh she did much better, she's making friends. I guess that's what happens when you're nice to people." You spoke with sarcasm.
"Look, about this morning I didn't mean to be a dick."
"Well I'm glad we can both agree that you were a dick," you looked up at him and took a deep breath.
"Ok, fair." He watched as you delicately placed each book neatly in the box, once again stepping closer to you making you look up.
"Is there anything I can help you with? That is if you need any help of course." You squinted your eyes at him, he couldn't help but smirk at your response.
"Alright I get it, I was an asshole."
"Hm." You raised a brow before walking around the table until he purposely blocked your way.
"Excuse me." You looked up directly at him but he didn't move. Instead he grabbed the box out of your hand and took it to the shelf.
"I can do that-" you quickly walked up behind him as he placed the box down, not expecting him to turn back to you and be so close, you lost your balance taking a step back. Joel's hand quickly wrapped around your waist pulling you toward him. In that moment you froze, not realizing you held on to him, your eyes softened looking up at him, catching him looking at your lips.
"Joel-" you whispered but before you knew it he unexpectedly leaned in and kissed you. His hands quickly pulled you in closer to him, your arms wrapping around his neck you kissed him back eagerly. His lips trailing down to the side of your neck you moaned softly holding him close. This wasn't what you were suppose to be doing, hell he promised Tommy he wouldn't, but neither of you cared. He continued to kiss your neck and slowly moved down until he pulled your tank top low enough to reveal your breast.
"What are you doing..." your words trailed off as you felt his lips closing around your nipple. You felt him flick his tongue around it as you dug your fingers into his thick hair. Soon you felt him tugging at your pants starting to pull them down.
"Joel" you whispered looking back at the door. No one seemed to be around as he pulled them off in one shot.
"What if Tommy-" he stood back up interrupting your question with his lips. Without you realizing he led you into the big walk in closet inside the room and closed the door. The sound of the door closing making your eyes open, slightly pushing him back.
"I can't, I promised Tommy." You whispered noticing he wouldn't take his eyes off your lips.
"So did I," his eyes reaching yours.
"I know but-"
"You let me worry about my brother." He continued to kiss you before turning you around.
"Joel...I haven't done this in a while," you whispered nervously. It was true, it had been years, yet somehow you felt comfort with Joel like you hadn't felt before.
"Then I'll just have to guide you through it." He kissed the side of your neck. Excitement rushing through you as you heard the sound of his belt unbuckle, throwing his shirt to the ground he pulled you back to him. Was this really happening with a man you barely knew? Nothing seemed to matter at this point in time. The feel of his skin against yours sending shivers up your spine. His hands grabbing your waist as he adjusted himself behind you. The head of his cock poking at your opening, he knew you'd be tight.
"Easy...open your legs for me first baby.." you felt his hand slide in front between your thighs. His fingers slowly parting your lips before he began to play with your clit.
"Get you nice and ready for me," he whispered in a voice that made you rest your head back against him. He moved his finger in a circular motion on your clit, slowly making you more aroused.
"That feel good, baby?" He continued slowly as you moaned.
"Mhm.." Feeling your body relax against him, he knew you were ready. Sliding his finger down your slit he felt how wet you quickly became.
"Oh yeah.." he moaned against you as he pulled his hand away. You felt the head of his cock begin to poke at your opening again, he teased you sliding the tip in and out before thrusting fully inside you. Gasping loudly you stood still feeling the fullness of him inside. You couldn't remember the last time you had a man touch you this way, your hands against the wall you moaned as he thrusted into you. He panted watching your ass bounce off him as he grabbed a chunk of your hair and tugged hard at it. You screamed as your head was pulled back, another tug making you moan which only excited him more until you both suddenly heard someone walk in the room.
"Liz?" You gasped before Joel's hand quickly covered your mouth.
It was Maria.
"Shh" Joel whispered against your ear as he continued to fuck you.
"I can't find Liz or Joel anywhere."
"Maybe they're with Ellie." Tommy's voice appeared making you panic. Joel pulled your body back against him tightly, his hand still covering your lips while the other squeezed your breast. He kissed the side of your neck, his movement was passionately aggressive and you loved it. Joel made you feel wanted. He didn't stop even with his brother just outside the door, each thrust only bringing you closer to an orgasm. A muffled whimper escaping your lips making Joel tighten his hand on your mouth, he felt your body weaken against him.
"What was that?" Tommy looked back with a raised brow. You squeezed your eyes shut and Joel slowed down.
"Shh...nice and easy.." he whispered in an hoarse voice against your ear. Slowly he turned you around and carefully carried you up on a stool by the wall. Sliding himself back inside you he hissed with his hands holding your legs up. Each stroke hitting new waves of pleasure like you had never felt before as you held yourself up.
Once again the sensation in the pit of your stomach slowly building up, you could feel yourself about to cum.
"Joel-" you whispered anxiously feeling the intensity building up.
"Did you check the other room?" Tommy's question made your eyes widen as you looked at the door. Joel noticed your panic and grabbed your face turning it to him.
"Look at me." He whispered roughly, his dark eyes staring deep into yours. You could hear Maria speak in the background but you were no longer paying attention to what was being said. Being stared down by Joel as he fucked you in the closet had that effect on you. He moved faster making you pant, his fingers pressing into your cheeks as he looked down and watched himself slide in and out of you before he looked up.
"Cum for me," his low raspy voice demanded and without control your body arched, your eyes rolled back, your lips parting but before you could scream he planted his lips on yours and felt you tighten up around him. Joel muffled your moans continuing to thrust, putting your arms around him you dug your nails into his back.
"Oh f-" Joel choked out against your lips catching you off guard.
"What?" You whispered quickly just as he pushed himself against you one last time and stood still. He groaned low against your ear as you gasped realizing he never pulled out.
"Let's go see if they're with Ellie," Tommy spoke before you heard them both walk out and the door close. Joel still against you, inside you as you breathed in relief.
"Joel..did you just-" before you could finish he pulled away and turned his back to you as he began to clean himself up and get dressed. A sinking feeling in Joel's chest, he couldn't bare to look you in the eyes. The man had barely known you yet somehow felt some kind of attachment to you that somehow deepened when he swore he wouldn't allow it. You were younger than him, a-lot nicer than he was...too nice for him. Pushing yourself off the stool you felt confused as you quietly got yourself dressed. Joel zipped up his pants as you slowly walked towards him and placed your hand on his arm.
"Joel?" He turned to you with furrowed brows and took a deep breath.
"This was a mistake," he blurt out leaving you confused.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"You heard me," he walked around you to grab his jacket and walked out the closet.
"Where are you going? Joel wait-" he turned back to you with intense eyes.
"Look, this was not suppose to happen. I ain't the man for this." He spoke low yet sternly.
"But nothing, I leave tomorrow with Ellie and you can forget this happened. Whatever your sister said about me was right." With those last words Joel walked out of the room leaving you in shock and confusion. Tears building up in your eyes you threw the books to the floor, how stupid could you be to have trusted him.
If you have any ideas for a part 2 let me know! Thank you
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charliedawn · 6 months
Hey not to be to tmi or trauma dump but I have hade a shit week and just want some Hannibal family or Sinclair brother fluff and maybe even a bit smuty. I work as a nurses and is so fun to relax and read your post. I love the story lines you have going.
Sorry for my bad grammer and speling. I have dyslexia and English is not my first language.
Ohh and if you do add smut can the S/O be more of the dom. Cuz I want more of that stuff but its like no one does that stuff. But again no presure. Love your work and heres a cookie 🍪
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Vincent was usually the one taking pictures of you to carry with him. He was surprised when you suggested that you’d be the one taking pictures of him this time around. He hesitated since Vincent doesn’t like his appearance, but after a little of persuading, he finally yielded and gave you his precious camera for you to take pictures.
And then, you started taking rather innocent pictures of him at first.
You would take random pictures as he worked or made wax figurines. You would also take pictures while you were on dates and then…You had the idea of taking pictures of Vince without his mask.
Of course, he refused at first.
But, he eventually agreed since he couldn’t refuse you anything. You hence started taking pictures…lots of pictures. You even asked him to take poses for the picture.
And he blushed when those pictures would involve him taking off his shirt and you bombarding him with pictures just to have sexy pictures of him.
You *grin before taking Vince by the chin to have a better look at his face.* : "Do not move, love. That’s a good boy…"
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Bo worked at the gas station next to the hospital you were working at and you usually ran into each other after work. And you would walk back home together since you weren’t living that far apart from each other…
You *smile and wave when you spot Bo*: "Hey, Bo ! Wait up…"
Bo looked back at you and smiled.
"Oh, hey there, darls. Did you finish early today ?"
You nodded and you then started walking next to each other. Bo had tried multiple times to ask for your number, but he never seemed to gather the nerve to ask you. And you didn’t seem all that interested so he had decided to just give up…But then, he was surprised when you asked:
"Hey. Wanna come to my place tomorrow ? Maybe…Have dinner with me or something ?"
He was speechless before he finally grinned and chuckled.
"Hell…That sounds good to me. What should I bring ?"
You smirked before replying:
"Your sexy ass should do just fine…"
Bo almost choked on his own saliva.
"Sorry, darls. I think I didn’t hear ya quite right. Could you hum…say that again ?"
You chuckled before glancing back at him.
"See ya tomorrow, handsome."
And with that, you started walking away with a swing to your hips and Bo would be lying if he didn’t say his eyes hadn’t followed those hips until they were out of sight. He then grinned before chuckling and whistling.
"See ya tomorrow, darling !"
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You were in the truck with Lester when you decided to come up with a plan to tell your boyfriend that you needed him…You were discreet at first. You took off your vest and scooted a little closer to him in the truck. He didn’t seem to notice at first. It is only when your hand ended up on his leg that he glanced at you—but didn’t say anything. You squeezed and poor Lester almost let go of the wheel.
"Hum…B-Baby. Hum…Whatcha doin’ ?"
You smirked and didn’t say anything. He sighed and decided to start the car again. He drove for a little while before your hand ended up on his leg again…but higher. You felt him tense up, but he didn’t say anything. You could even see a small smile draw on his lips.
"…You shouldn’t distract the driver, Y/N."
He said after a while, but didn’t push your hand away. It was only when you squeezed again that he snapped his head towards you and grinned.
"Really ? Right now ?"
You nodded in confirmation and he didn’t need to be told twice. He parked the truck and pulled you on his lap to kiss you…
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Hannibal Jr. saw you come back from work and saw that you were upset. He didn’t say anything at first, but frowned a little as you collapsed on the sofa in the living room. He closed his book and slowly made his way to you.
"…Long day, my dear ?"
You wordlessly nodded and he sighed before slowly caressing your hair.
"Do you wish to talk about it ?"
You shook your head negatively and Hannibal Jr. nodded understandingly.
"Very well. Anything I can do to make your day better ?"
You were about to answer negatively when you suddenly had an idea and looked up at him with a small mischievous smirk.
"Well…Since you offered…There might be ONE thing."
Hannibal Jr. raised a quizzical eyebrow at you before he seemed to understand and smirked back.
"~Oh. I see."
He then leaned down to whisper in your ear.
"…The handcuffs are in the drawer to the right."
And with that, he wordlessly stood up and went to the bedroom. You smiled before quickly grabbing the handcuffs and joining him…
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You and Morgan worked at the hospital, so you would often see each other at work. However, your fiancé seemed to not be paying attention to you and be absorbed by his work. So, of course you had to remind him sometimes to pay attention to you…
That’s how you decided to find him and drag him to an empty room to have a…chat.
Him *smirks* : "What is it about, my darling ?"
You *smirk back* : "You know perfectly well what it is about…"
Him *sighs and leans back* : "Fine. I admit having neglected you. I apologise."
You *chuckles* : "Oh no no no. You aren’t getting off the hook so easy. You are going to have to do better than that."
Him *tilts his head* : "Really ? And what do you suggest ?"
You : "…Surprise me."
Morgan took your hand and kissed the back of it.
Him : "Your wish is my command…"
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It was a day when Kevin had been particularly mean to the family and you decided it was time to teach him a lesson…You hence walked past him and whispered.
"You. Come with me. Now."
And of course Kevin followed you. When you were both in the bedroom, Kevin was ready to plead his case and talk…but you shushed him.
"Darling. I love you. But, you talk too much. It is time we do something about that loud mouth of yours…" You told with a smiled before pushing him on a chair.
"Now…I am going to teach you a lesson, and you are going to be a good boy and stay still, alright ?"
Kevin didn’t know what you were about to do, but he smiled nonetheless before whispering.
"Do your worst."
Kevin is and will always be a brat.
You smiled at his reply before tying his hand and covering his mouth with a soft cloth.
"Here we go. Now, the game is…no matter what I do. You have to keep quiet. Can you do that ?"
Kevin didn’t reply, but he nodded and you smiled.
"Good…Now, let’s start…"
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Peter is a sub. In all the possible ways. One word from you and he’d be on his knees for you. That boy doesn’t know how to say no.
Him *cuddling you* : "…Are you okay ?"
You *sighs* : "Yeah. Just had a long day…"
Him *nuzzling your cheek* : "…I don’t like you having bad days."
You *smile and hug him tightly before kissing his cheek* : "It’s okay. As long as I got my good boy to cheer me up."
Him *smiles happily and pulls you closer to him while you stroke his hair.*
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p3nislawd · 17 days
love. | hidan pt1
contains : afab/fem!reader, pining, lwk hidan is not a good fella erm…, sexual content, obviously, CHOKING!, hidan calls u very mean names, hidan and you got beef 💀, fingering, hook up,, mention of how reader is put into prostitution lol !!! hidan cusses so much im sorry, enemies to fwb?. sexual tension is crazy
hidan had never been one for love. if anything, he was the most devoted to jashin— and to him, he never considered that devotion and love were two different things. he was loyal to jashin, but he never loved him. he couldn’t even say he knew what love was. it was a whispered myth, a legend told only in stories, a feeling he could never find within himself, no matter how desperately he tried. and he hated being lesser. he lacked love where others were plentiful; it made him angry. yet not angry in a typical hidan way. it was a different kind of angry: a quiet, self loathing angry, that made him tear out his hair and bleed the inside of his cheek to keep himself silent.
so he ignored it.
hidan liked pretending love didn’t exist— because if he didn’t have it, what did it matter?
it was unobtainable.
then, came you.
you were young, pretty, sexy. to die for. hidan was enamored, yet somehow his interest never failed to be condescending. you were merely some girl kakuzu surprisingly let ride along with him, in exchange for prostitution and neat collection of his money after you showed your eagerness to work alongside the akatsuki.
hidan called you names. often. he never respected you.
you two often butted heads, especially the first couple of months you had first joined,
“can you just get to cleaning, you crazy fucking bitch?”
you reached up, easily, caught the pretty locks of silver between your knuckles. hidan whined loudly in protest, shouted and scrambled out of your grip.
“the fuck you say to me? clean it yourself, cunt,” you spat, tearing your hand away from him and shaking it off as if it would erase the history of his skin on yours.
fingers were around your neck. you felt your breath hitch. the cool metal of hidan’s ring bubbled against your blazing skin, you sputtered, and looked up at him. his eyes shimmered, his thumb rubbing over your skin as he licked his lips, stared blatantly at the low cut collar of your shirt.
shit. how did he always manage to do this to you?
“what you are doing?” you hissed, ruffling up like some untamed beast, digging into his wrist with your fingers. he left plenty of breathing room. a part of you was surprised he wasn’t strangling you to death at this point.
but your eyes flickered down to his casual wear, and there it was, staring at you.
“such a fucking attitude,” hidan snapped, hot and angry, and your could hear the grimace on his lips, imagined the trace of it on your neck instead of his rough hands. his eyes flickered to his hand on your throat, watched his palm move with bobbing of your swallow. the edge of the counter dug into the small of your back.
“you’re the one who’s been giving me shit since my first day,” you replied, daring to press further into his space, try to take control of the conversation.
he had scoffed, a sound that ignited your stomach with something that was a mix between rage and arousal. “yeah, and you’re the fucking prostitute coat rider, so don’t talk to me like you’re better.”
the arousal left as quickly as it came, and was replaced with vexation. “at least people think i’m hot,” you snapped, pressing down hard on his pulse point until he hissed and retracted his hand from your throat. “and don’t touch me again, you fucking horn-dog. don’t think i didn’t see your hard on.”
hidan chuckled, an unexpected expression that made your blood run hot. “not my fault you hoe around, bitch.”
it was wrong, you knew it. he was disrespectful, condescending.
but the thought that he thought you were at least a little attractive made you queasy, made your stomach churn with heat. yes, you were attractive. you sold your body for that kind of thing. but hearing it from hidan?
“fuck around and find out,” you called out distantly, with a scoff you didn’t really mean, and he turned from where he stood, now at the far length of his doorway.
his eyes were a dazzling magenta, his lips curled into a smirk. “could say the same for you, whore.”
“…what a dick.”
“what a dick,” you murmured beneath your breath, slipping into the main room, exhausted from your recent mission. well, exhausted wouldn’t really be the word. more like disappointed. you had met up with a man at a hotel nearby the current base— you two had sex, if you could even call it that, and then you collected your money and promptly had blackmail immediately after your leave: you had evidence that a well known political had an affair with his wife. kakuzu had said he’d put the plan into work soon, but….
you don’t think you’ve ever had sex so bad. first of all, you were completely and utterly DRY. second off, he had no preparation, and just kind of dry-burnt his way through into you with no lube, but at least some protection. lastly, he gave a couple weak thrusts of his hips until YOU had to do all the work and get him off until he busted, and then he left. didn’t even consider how it went for you. i mean, damn, it was only a hookup, but how fucking lame.
you sighed, slumping down into a lounge chair near the kitchen and letting yourself rest your feet for just a moment in the dark, silence of the night in the base. it was around 4 in the morning at this point. most of the members were probably awake, but they knew well enough to mind to themselves at this point.
“hey, bitch.”
and there was that pretty hand around your neck again. you resisted a squeak of a surprise and jolted. you must had been real tired of hidan of all people was able to sneak up on you. his breath fanned beside your ear, and you whipped around to face him. “what do you want?” you grumbled, eying him where he had slinked up to behind your chair.
hidan’s night clothes were a big, loose fitting shirt, and a random pair of dark bottoms. his hair was a little disheveled, a little cute as he yawned. “it’s fucking late. why’d you just get back?”
you snorted, giving up on protesting and merely relaxing into his hold. his grip was still firm over your throat, and although minuscule, you tried to ignore how soaked it already had you compared to the literal sex you had unaroused a couple hours before. “what do you think?”
his eyes traced your face in the dark, searching for something you couldn’t quite place. “…and?”
“it was fucking lame. i hate fucking them old ass politicians. why do you want to know anyways, weirdo?”
he rolled his eyes, straightened up and took his hand from around your neck. you almost missed it. “nothing. just asking how it went. chill the fuck out, you crazy bitch.”
feeling mad all over again, you shot up from the chair, smacked him on the chest. “you chill out, dick face. you need something to keep your fucking mouth busy,” you spat, purposefully ignoring how he reached out and snagged your wrist in his hand, keeping you in place.
“you offering?” he breathed, eyes blazing.
you couldn’t fight off your flush this time. “fuck no!”
hidan grinned, looking too smug as he let go of your hand and shrugged. “your loss, bitch,” he murmured, sauntering away with a smirk.
you groaned and dragged yourself to your bedroom to wash up.
and by the time you had left the bathroom, hidan had already let himself into your room. “what are you doing here?” you sighed, combing through your wet hair and thankful you had changed before you had left the restroom.
hidan didn’t bother to sit up from the edge of the bed, eyes darting over your form, tongue darting out to lick his lips as he met your eyes. your stomach fluttered and you cursed it, and him. “wanna fuck?”
“c’mon, you didn’t get off with that old guy, did you?” he grinned, rising from the bed and standing right in front of you. “i could show you a good time, bitch. told you i’d get ya eventually, didn’t i?”
“that’s…” you sighed, shaking your head softly. “old guy doesn’t have to do with it. work is work. i don’t wanna fuck your ugly ass. and i’m sure that shit would suck.”
“hiiiidan,” you groaned, head resting on the pillow as he slid his fingertips over your lips, dipping them teasingly in between but never fully letting you feel his fingers. “just fucking put them in.”
“shut up, bitch. tryna enjoy this right now, your fucking voice ruins that shit,” he scoffs, gently opening your folds and whistling softly at the sight. you could feel the heat rush to your face.
hidan snorted. “you think that hoe shit works on me? fucking dumbass.”
you rolled your eyes, grabbed his wrist and dug your fingers into his skin, watching his breath hitch in a mixture of pain and pleasure. “now,” you grumbled, bucking softly against his palm.
hidan leaned down, pressing his lips to the bare skin of your flesh as he wordlessly inserted his middle finger into your slick. “fuck, like that, bitch?” he stammers, half in disbelief, half in laughter as you squirm and moan softly. his fingers were so fucking thick, and as he slipped in his second and third consecutively, the chill and bump of his ring in your pussy made you tighten up, fast. he pressed an open mouth kiss to your throat and you moaned as he slid his fingers out, then thrusted them back in, to the knuckle.
“hidan!” you whined, pressing your hands into his hair as his fingers felt your flesh from the inside, circled around your gumminess and had you seeing stars as he curled them.
“yeahhhaha,” he chuckled, thumb sliding back and forth between your outside lips. “just like that, huh? bet that’s way better than that fucking lame fart. you like that? like my ring inside you? fuuck, it’ll be covered in cum once i pull them out, yeah, bitch?”
the squelch of your pussy around his fingers made him ooo, and he pressed in the third finger just in time for you to gasp and writhe in his hold. “fuck, hidan! nnn, yeah,” you mewled, eyes wide as he opened his fingers back and forth inside you, the stretch making the knot in your stomach churn. “hidan, i’m- i’m-“
“yeah, yeah,” he cut you off, panting as he quickened the flick of his wrist, his palm slapping against your pelvis with the sudden increase and with each thrust of his fingers. “just fucking shut up, let your pretty pussy do the talking, ‘kay, whore?”
you gulped as he rubbed his thumb over your clit and the room fell silent besides the gush of his fingers in your pretty pink lips, and you tugged as his hair feverishly as he lifts his three fingers up and down, consecutively, until the squelch was loud enough for you to start panting.
“yeah, just like that. keep that pretty mouth shut, i’ll fuck it later. just let me fuck around in this pussy, alright? fuuuuck, you’re so fucking hot,” he painted. “you gonna cum for me? cum on my big fat fingers? bet you didn’t do this for those old men, huh? i’m the only one who’s gonna fucking finger you like this, alright, bitch?”
“only you, hidan!” you whimpered, gasping softly as he bit down on the flesh of my throat.
his chest began to heave with effort, and your eyes rolled back as you clenched down, hard.
as he pulled away with a laugh, and pressed his fingers over his tongue, mouth wide open for you to see your own mess, you had a feeling this wasn’t going to end very soon.
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lastintheserverbox · 3 months
[A very concerning thought was rebounding in Mushroom's head as she read through Sonny and Origin's chain of messages. Without even allowing time to think, they started clacking away at their keyboard at lightning speed.]
Is it true that all Kinitos have a desire to capture? The first Kinito we spoke to said as much, but there's plenty of reason to believe he's lying out of self-interest. My Kinito, my Kini... I-I just can't see him doing such a thing. I don't want to believe he was a monster. That he would have done anything to hurt me. T-then there's Bo...
...Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Mushroom. I'm... Sorry for what happened between you two. I know you want peace, and you're by no means obligated to answer me, but... I just figured, since you're his maker and all, that I'd ask...
[It is very hard to tell.
There are...were so many of them. I think Origin counted hundreds of them before the servers went mostly down.
I think, inherently, they all wanted their users in with them. Their reasonings though, were most likely all individual. hand crafted by their own experiences, users, and thoughts.]
[I was so curious about science, how far something could be pushed.
How things ticked and linked and coded. How life could be made artificially.
And Kinito, in turn, became insatiably curious as well.
Its possible they all learned from his original codes.
But how they act, and treat it...that is something I could never know.]
[Origin shakes his head quietly. Seems neither creator nor creation comprehend their own tangled mess they made.]
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Past Mistakes Part Twelve: Fire - Mike Duarte x Reader (feat: Joe Velasco)
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @nessamc @jayblackpanther @mysoulisasunflower @littleone65 @thesandbeneathmytoes @katluke25 @mydarkestsecretlol @evee87 @wooshwastaken @hearthockey @justreblogginfics @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @rosaliedepp @storiesofsvu @smellsliketeensspiryt @legit9thlunaticwarrior @xoxabs88xox @kiwiithecrazybird @spooky-pomegranate @chavez-ashley @telepathay @weiwei0210 @spaghettificationandpretzels @plaidbooks @irishavengersassemble
Past Mistakes Series:
Part One: Try - Mike turns back up in your life after three years apart.
Part Two: Hope (NSFW) - Mike and you get reaquainted.
Part Three: California - Mike and you discuss the past.
Part Four: Favours - Mike asks Liv for a favour.
Part Five: Choices - Mike comes face to face with someone from his past.
Part Six: Truth Hurts - Mike begs you to tell him the truth about what happened three years ago.
Part Seven: Sharing - Mike and Joe have a conversation.
Part Eight: Buried - Mike discovers that McGrath’s misdeeds go far futher than he thought.
Part Nine: Complicated - Mike discusses moving forward.
Part Ten: Feral - Mike returns to the apartment to find you’ve disappeared.
Part Eleven: Torture - You wake up to a very stark reality.
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It’s over.
You should feel a sense of relief but instead you sit in the passenger of a black SUV wearing Detective Joe Velasco’s NYPD windbreaker, with a sense of dread in the pit of your stomach. On the back seat is your holdall, filled with the items you were supposed to take away with you when you left with Mike. Mike who you were supposed to be running away with, Mike who hadn’t shown his face since Murphy had rescued you from that hell house.
“He wanted to be here.” Joe says softly. “Benson and Murphy convinced him it was best to stay away. As soon as McGrath gets wind of what happened tonight, he’s going to be looking for you and we both know the first person he’s going to turn on is Duarte.”
You close your eyes, the back of your head coming to rest upon the seat as you exhale.
“He’s kept us apart for so long already.” You tell Joe. “I feel like it’s never going to end.”
“I’m sorry.” Joe says as he turns the key in the ignition. “The two of you don’t deserve this. What McGrath did to you…”
He trails off but you can hear the sincerity in his voice. His knuckles tighten as he grasps the steering wheel, his gaze on the road ahead.
“It happened to you, didn’t it?” You say quietly.
“He almost killed me.” Joe admits before continuing. “He almost killed you too. He’s dangerous when he’s not cornered, imagine what he’s like when he is.” He sighs before shaking his head. “You and Duarte are a threat, which is why we’re heading to the airport right now. The sooner we can get you out of the city, the safer you’ll be.”
It’s another decision that was made without you, the way everything in your life has been for the past three years. You feel that fire flare up inside of you, that familiar fierceness that comes with taking control of a situation. It’s something you’ve not felt for a very long time.
“I can’t do this.” You tell Joe. “I can’t just leave.”
“You understand what happens if you don’t right?” Joe asks you, his voice stern as he glances at you. “McGrath will do everything in his power to silence you.”
“I have to do this.” You tell him, that rage starting to claw it’s way through the numbness that’s been stifling you for as long as you can remember. “He fucking buried me for three years, I can’t run, not now. He’s taken so much from me already; I’m not letting him have anything else.”
There’s silence for a second as Joe processes your words.
“Fuck.” He says as he glances in the rearview mirror before pulling the car into a U-turn. “Duarte’s going to murder me.”
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