#sorry if i repeat anything i've said in past asks the last few days have been a bit sick hazy for me
bonesandthebees · 10 months
YOOOO so excited for the new glass update tomorrow AND I SHOULD BE ABLE TO READ IT RIGHT AWAY TOOOO
Also completely off topic but i just watched the im in love with an egirl lovejoy version and i got curious-- what's ur fav song from the egirl series??
My personal fav is Internet Ruined Me the guitar is SOBFUCKINGOODJFLGJFK it makes me go BONKERSJDJFKGLS
But i adore all of them
Ynb gives me the nostalgia vibes of 2013 radio music. Just that song that everyone knows all the lyrics too and screams at the top of their lungs even tho i realise its very niche and only in this fandom LOLLL
Im in love w an egirl is hilarious and soft boy is sooo<333 i prefer the acoustic version of soft boy ngl!! But it was still super cool seeing it finally released
Actually my fav version of soft boy is literally that one second clip in tommys vlog of lovejoy performing it 😭😭 i need to see lovejoy perform soft boy live that would be the greatest thing ever
Ynb live would be SO cool too tho omg.. im just picturing rhe crowd shouting jason derulo LMFAOO
I have such a basic answer my favorite is your new boyfriend bc it was actually the first one of the egirl trilogy I heard so it's the one that stuck with me the most lol
I actually avoided listening to wilbur's music for a long time after I started watching his content bc I just didn't think I'd be interested? like I'd seen youtubers who did music before, comedy and serious music both, and usually didn't like 'youtuber music' so I figured it'd be the case with wilbur. and then with the comedy songs especially I'm not someone who listens to comedic music a lot so I just really didn't think I'd enjoy it, so I gave in and listened to ycgma first way before i heard the egirl trilogy
(fun fact the only thing that got me to actually bite the bullet and listen to ycgma was that I was just looking at the album out of curiosity and saw he had a song called la jolla and was like "...why did wilbur write a song about the town I live in" so then curiosity got the better of me and I was like "wow this is actually a really pretty song also I'm miserable now I need to hear more")
(also I did not just doxx myself wanna clarify I do not live in la jolla anymore lmao)
but yeah! I finally listened to ynb so that's my favorite :) it definitely gives me that 2013 radio song vibe it's very fun
hot take... I do not like soft boy. was never a fan of the clips he shared on stream, and then I didn't like it that much when a proper studio version was released. just not my thing :(
your new boyfriend was VERY fun to see live. me and firesnap just have this strange luck where the only two times we've gone to lovejoy gigs together happen to be the only gigs wilbur has played his comedy music at. and yes the entire crowd shouted jason derulo it was great
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Hi there darling, saw your requests open, so I decided to slide in like the snail i am
Aventurine x reader arguments ansgt to fluff
BUT! if you're not comfortable with that, you can also write
aventurine X reader whos love language is also gift giving (like his) and reader likes to receive gifts too but feels guilty when aventurine spends too much money on them
Risking too much (ft. Aventurine)
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Pairing: Aventurine x reader
Tags: angst to comfort, established relationships, slightly dark themes
Warnings: spoilers for 2.1 (mentions of Aventurine's real name), non-native english writer, might be OOC
A/N: Thank you for your request! ♡ It took some time to write, I was insanely busy the last few days, sorry qwq Don't know if this is what you wanted, but I've tried my best
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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Aventurine is constantly putting everything on the line, even himself.
Needless to say, the constant risk intertwined with his life was making you terribly anxious every day. You knew that he was scared for his life, too, waiting for the fortune to leave him at any moment.
One of his recent missions was supposed to take no more than a day. "It should be a piece of cake", he said. But in the evening you were still alone, staring at the phone screen with a dozen unanswered messages. Aventurine had been online that morning, not so long after he left, but you hadn't heard from him since.
Just a horrifying emptiness.
Three long days passed before he showed up on the doorstep of your shared home, absolutely exhausted. Needless to say, you hadn't eaten or slept much the whole time, checking your private messages every now and then.
"Hey, love…" he was trying to hide his own storm of different emotions behind his usual smile. "I'm sorry, I…"
But you didn't let him finish.
"You disappeared for three days! Three!" there was so much pain and despair in your voice that every word felt like a stab to his heart. "I thought you were dead!"
To be honest, he thought he was going to die too. Maybe he lied a little about the complexity of the mission so as not make you worried, hoping that he'd get lucky and everything will end much quicker.
"Not everything went according to plan," he was ashamed to hide anything from you, even the gruesome details. "There were… Problems with some hostile people who didn't want to negotiate with IPC representatives."
"Like?.." you asked, preparing for the worst.
"Like... I was captured and they really wanted to get rid of me. But… They didn't succeed. Everything's okay now, right? I'm here. And I'm alive," Aventurine tried to smooth things over, but judging by the way tears started rolling down your cheeks, he didn't succeed either.
"Everything's okay, you say? After you nearly died?!"
His facade immediately dropped. Aventurine pressed his lips tightly together, realizing how much stress was weighting not only on him, but on you too every time. And he couldn't blame you for reacting so emotionally.
If you suddenly disappeared from his life without a word, he'd go insane.
"I'm sorry."
"I don't want an apology!" you sobbed. "I want to know that my beloved is alive and safe, that I won't have his corpse brought home to me! I'm tired of not knowing where you are or if you're okay."
Aventurine knew you had every right to be angry, to scream and cry. He just held you in a tight embrace, silently listening as you expressed everything that had built up inside you over the past three days, still repeating how sorry he was for leaving you worried.
Slowly but surely, your anger subsided, leaving only a heavy feeling somewhere in your chest. You were still crying, hiding your face in his chest. But a great weight had been lifted from your shoulders anyway.
"Please, Kakavasha," you felt him flinch at the mention of his name. "Please be careful. I don't know how I will survive without you if something happens. I've almost gone crazy these days, not knowing what to expect."
Aventurine could understand your feelings. The whole time he'd been held hostage, his thoughts were all about you, about how worried you must be, waiting for him to return.
"I won't leave you alone, no matter what, I swear," Aventurine whispered back. "I was blessed to meet you. No way I'd do anything to lose you."
You were still holding him tightly in your arms, trying to calm your racing heart. Oh, Aeons, there was no way you were going to let him get out of your embrace anytime soon.
"I'll take a few days off... A week. We can spend all this time together, alright?" he continued, gently rubbing your back. "Just you and me, doing whatever you like."
As you slightly nodded, he let out a soft sigh. How lucky he was for having you, the only person alive who really cared about him no matter what. And how ungrateful he was for keeping you worried all the time.
"Good. I've been missing you so much."
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© do not repost, translate or modify without permission
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scarletwinterxx · 2 months
wait for your love - haechan scenario
hellloooo so this one is a request. I've mentioned it before, i'm still not the best at writing angst but I try😅 when i saw this request, a few scenes immediately popped in my head. Hope you like it🥺 also I was listening to We Can't Be Friends by Ariana on repeat while writing this.
Also a short anecdote, when I saw nct dream last year during Sorry, Heart stage I literally bawled my eyes out. Like full on ugly sobbing in my seat haha I was okay during the first verse but when it got to Haechan's turn to sing the chorus the tears just went falling like waterfalls
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"What are we then?"
Those words shouldn't scare Haechan as much as it does. He hates it too. He hates how he can't say it to you but he doesn't want to let you go either.
He hates this grey area the two of you are in now.
"We're us. Isn't that enought?" he asks back
"For fuck's sake, we've been seeing each other for what? like 2 years now? And until now you still can't commit? I can't call you my boyfriend, you don't like it when people ask if we're dating"
"Because it's none of their fucking business"
"Well it's my business, I'm asking you right now, what the hell am I to you?" you stare at him, waiting for an answer. Any answer.
At this point hearing him say you don't mean anything to him would make more sense than the usual silence he'd give you.
"Baby, please I don't want to argue" he mumbles
"See, this is what you do all the time. I'm not a play toy. I'm not some past time you can call whenever you're bored, Haechan. We're adults now. I've invested my time, my feelings, a fraction of my life to you. For this. And you can't even answer me, is that too much to ask? Am I too much?"
You look at him, waiting for him to argue back. You didn't know it was this draining to be in a relationship or situationship or whatever it is you have with him. At some point you got tired of asking him what this all means. When it's clear he's not going to answer you, you stood up from your seat
"I can't do this" you whispered
"I can't. I can't do what you're asking, Haechan" you speak clearer this time
He waits a few moments, letting the words sink in.
"What do you mean? I thought you said... you said we can"
With every word he tries not to show he's breaking right and the only thing keeping him together is you, and here you are about to slip through his fingers.
"We can't keep all promises, right? Like how you promised you'll try. This isn't trying."
"Baby-" "Don't" you cut him off. You know it will be a lot harder to walk away if you hear him call you that, it's already hard on you now.
"This is me letting you go" were your last words to him before walking away. You wipe the few tears that escaped, plastering a very fake smile before taking the first step away.
One of many you'd try to take just to get away from this heartbreak.
You would want to say that's not how it ended, that he changed his mind and finally mustered the courage to call you and say what he's really thinking. You want to say that he came the next day and surprised you, knocking on your door holding sunflowers for you.
But no.
After that day you never heard from him again. When you got the (unspoken) message that he'll never try to reach out and fix things between the two of you, you blocked him on everything. Your friends didn't ask questions, you went on with your life. Trying your best to bury and let that part of your story go.
From spending every day and most nights together to being strangers. You acted like he never existed to cover up the hurt you're feeling.
It's been over a year since that. You haven't really cried about it. Not even the day after he left. It's like you're just a shell now. You locked everything in a pandora box in your head, to be forgotten for the rest of time.
"Hey did you hear Dreamers new song?" your roommate asks the moment she steps through the door. You were sitting on the dinning chair, stacks of works and your laptop infront of you
She hears the song playing in the background, "Of course you have, it's good right?" she smiles
"Mhm, I like it"
"Sorry, Heart. Definitely an anthem for the broken hearted" she says withouth meaning out, "I meant like you know it's a sad song" she adds
You chuckle, she probably thinks this song is very fitting for you and you kinda agree with her.
"Anyways, I'm going to the lounge later. Want to come with?"
"Sounds good, I actually need to go out, stretch my legs and get some fresh air"
"Okay, let's leave after lunch"
You met with other friends at the lounge, chatting and sharing notes together. It was a good way to pass time. These days you find that it's best to keep yourself occupied so as not to think about things you'd rather not think about. You kept yourself busy. Finding random hobbies, fixation. For a while you liked running after class, then you got into baking, then crocheting. Activities that keeps you busy, distracted long enough not to remember.
One day you were at a record store, your newest hobby. Browsing for a new record to take home. Today out of the days you forgot to bring your headphones so you hum along the music playing in the store.
While reading the back of the record you were holding, you hear it.
A familiar voice you haven't heard in a long time, a voice you didn't think you'd hear again.
Your head shoots up, looking at the other side of the aisle.
You'd know his voice anywhere. You can be inside the loudest room and you'd still be able to single out his voice.
There he stands right across you, signing out your favorite bands newest song while he has his headphones on. Probably not realizing he's singing a bit too loud.
When Haechan felt someone staring at him, he looks up not expecting you to be looking back at him. He blinks a few times, comtemplating if this was all a dream or he's going crazy and started to hallucinate.
Immediately you put back the record you were holding and ran out the store. Once again leaving Haechan behind.
You're already far by the time he takes the steps to follow you, thinking this time he's not going to make the same mistake but you were already gone.
He knows you blocked him. Of course he tried to call you but his efforts were shut down when he couldn't reach you or his messages won't deliver.
Similar to you, he tried to find distractions. To drown out the thoughts, he drinks, goes out to parties, too many nights he drunk texted you, saying how much he missed you only to see it in the morning unsent. Most of the time there's music directly blasting through his ears. Music being his only escape from his own thoughts, if he's left long enough it's like his own mind is beating him up.
That's how he got into collecting records. He was on the look out for this new record so he decided to drop by the store that day. He didn't expect to see you there.
Out of all the places he'd see you again.
He's not going to lie, he imagined this moment many times before. Even rehearsed what he'd say to you when he see you again but now that it happened he just froze on the spot.
Just like that it's like he back in his room, watching you walk out his door for the last time. He's back to square one.
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It's been weeks and no sign of Haechan. It's a good thing, you think.
Also you've been subtly avoiding going to public places just in case you accidently see him again. You thought you're ready, but the moment you saw him it's like all of these emotions you've repressed since you left came back again.
Your roommate finally convinced you to come out. A few of you were gathering for karaoke night. You almost said no again but you need a night out, one more night in your room might just drive you crazy.
"Oh my gosh, girlie you're hereeeee" one of your friends squeals when she saw you walk in the room
"I'm here as a spectator, not to sing" you tell her, accepting the bottle of beer she hands you
"Alright by me, you better cheer the loudest when I sing"
You got invited to karaoke night. A couple of students from campus got together tonight to hang out for chill night. Even though you don't really sing, you do enjoy hanging out with your friends.
You were talking to another friend when suddenly you hear the intro to a familiar song being sung by a familiar voice.
왜 이리도 쉽게 토라지는지? (Why do I become mad so easily) 내 맘이 작아서 너무 한심하지? (It's pathetic that my heart is so small right?)
You look over the makeshift stage to see Haechan holding the mic, singing out one of your favorite songs.
어떻게 널 볼까? (How can I see you?) 밤새 뒤척인 맘의 조각들 반짝이지 않아 (I toss and torn all night The fragments of my heart don't shine) 난 알고 있는데 내가 할 수 있는 건 (I know it, what I can do is) "I'm sorry", 그 말뿐이란 걸 (Only those words)
Before the chorus starts, Haechan looks through the crowd finding you. He looks straight at you as if he's singing every word to you.
Words you wished you heard from him a long time ago.
Tell me why I let you down Any chance I get, I'm breaking down 잘못인 걸 다 아는데 (아는데), 왜 힘든 걸까? (I know I'm at fault but why is it tiring?) To tell you that I'm sorry, heart
For the rest of the song the two of you look at each other. You listen to him, imagining it was really him who was saying those words and not through the song.
When he finished, you stood up to go outside and get some fresh air.
Of course he's here. Luck was never on your side and fate seems to like playing jokes on you.
Haechan watches your back, giving the mic to the next person before following you out. You hear the footsteps behind you, knowing who it might be without looking back.
You're now at the rooftop of the building, a fewer people were hanging out here than inside. Feeling another presence beside you but they haven't said anything yet.
Even though you already know who it was, you don't say anything instead you get another beer from a nearby cooler and passing it over to Haechan without a word.
For a while neither of you said anything, watching the view in front of you.
“I get flashbacks when I see you and not the good kind” you finally speak out loud
“You’re saying that like I was the worst thing that ever happened to you” he snickers, holding the bottle up to his lips to drink his beer
He really didn’t think you’d talk to him or even acknowledge his existence at all. But now here you are, at some rooftop at a party he least expected to see you. 
He’s trying not to be too obvious but he can’t keep his eyes off of you. Maybe it was the way the light hit your face, or how the cold breeze was hitting his skin and yours. The moment he arrived he was kind of hoping to find you here tonight. He knew some of your friends were coming, you did use to have the same circle of friends until he started to distance himself.
He's glad though knowing you found good people who'll be there for you.
He's looking at you again, not being able to stop himself. It was at this moment he realized. Realized something he never thought he was ever capable of ever doing again. 
Feeling. Loving. Falling and accepting. 
The sound of horns from cars and the murmuring people in the background, the city lights in front the two of you and the stars as the witnesses. Witness for something that’s about to unfold.
It was scary. This new found knowledge scared him. 
In the past it was scary to him to even think about being tied down. To be committed to someone. All of this comes from his fear of failing. He wanted to tell you that before, the last day before you ended things between the two of you he wanted to let you know the reason why he couldn’t set things straight with you was because he was scared of letting you down. He was scared you might feel trapped. 
It's wasn't you who was too much for him. He was the one who felt like he was too much for you. He thought he was being too fast, too careless. His fears got the better of him, costing him a future with you.
You walked away and everything in his life got worse. Like the only light in his life was extinguished. 
Right now feels like that one chance to get things right. Even though he still feels scared, this time he’s willing to take that risk for you.
There are other things to be scared of, like your gaze. It was the way you were looking at him.
Like you can just consume all of him with those eyes. How you’re saying a thousand words with them without saying a single syllable.
One look into his own eyes and he's ready to surrender everything to you.
“Do you really want to hear my answer to that or are you still emotionally unavailable?” you ask, taking a sip of your own drink. 
“At what point did you realize you liked me? Like really liked me?” he asked instead, all he got was a laugh from you. You were laughing out loud like it was the funniest joke you’ve ever heard. 
“We were watching a movie, I mumbled something under my breath. I think it was something along the lines of ‘oh that’s so cute’, talking to myself. Then I felt you hold my hand, you kissed it before holding it in yours for the rest of the movie. It’s not the grandest gesture but at that moment I felt so content. It was all I wanted but I knew you didn’t think the same way” you smile sadly recalling that memory. Giving him an answer, wondering why you did.
"I guess I never said sorry, I'm sorry"
You shrug, taking another swig from your drink. "What's done is done. I would say no hard feelings but I kinda do hate you for what you did"
"Good. I'd be sadder if you said you didn't care. Hate isn't the opposite of love, it's indifference" he says
"Was that what you felt for me before? Indifference?" you can't help but ask, in your mind you're not sure if you're ready to hear his answer but it's too late to take it back
He shakes his head, drinking the rest of his drink before standing straight to face you
"I felt more for you, more than I ever said. In that I was wrong, I admit. I should've told you. It might be no use in telling you now, but I did feel something for you. I was being stupid and was too scared to admit it"
"Then why are you telling me now?"
"Because I realized not having you in my life is scarier than the thoughts in my head. I was too scared of my own mind, I sacrificed you instead when I shouldn't have. I could've told you. I wish I told you"
You listen to him, letting it sink in. For so long you asked just what went wrong, what you could've done differently or what would've happened if you stayed.
"I waited, I waited until you told me you liked me. But the more I waited, the more I started to not like myself. I knew I deserved more but I stayed because I wanted to be with you. You were always first to me" you say
Hearing you say those words breaks something in him. He did like you, he still likes you. Haechan has always kept a safe distance from everyone, you were the only exception.
"I'm glad we got to talk" you say to him with a smile, then you walk back inside.
This time Haechan didn't follow you because he knows this won't be the last time he sees you.
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"Oh my gosh, so that's what happened between the two of you?"
After that conversation with Haechan, you went back to your place and called it a night. The next day your roommate noticed you were staring blankly into space, out of concern she asked you what's wrong. You told her all that happened in the past 24 hours then you told her all about your history with Haechan.
"Yep, I haven't seen him around campus that much after that"
"You know, one of his friends is my blockmate and we go to the same gym. I heard he did an exchange program for a year, maybe that's why you haven't seen him around" she tells you
"Oh really, he did mention it before. Maybe he went through with it" you mumbled
"So you guys were like in a situationship then?"
"I guess so. We weren't exclusive, but he was the only guy I was seeing for like 2 years. Remember when I was barely home"
"Oh! That was him? He used to like send food here all the time whenever you were busy studying"
"Oh my god I forgot to tell you that? yea this was like when you guys were a thing. During exam season or when you're busy with reports and stuff, he'd drop off food for you" she tells you
"I thought you had those delivered"
"Girl no, half of the time he leaves it at our door. The only reason I know is because I caught him one time and he fessed up"
No, you definitely didn't know that.
Haechan never told you. He never told you anything. At some point you thought it was better to not ask instead of being met with silence as a reply.
One thing you know though is he's the type to take action rather than say it. You won't be surprised if he did it before, he might not be good at expressing himself but he never passed the chance to make you feel like you're the only girl in his world.
It feels like that was another lifetime ago, that at some point in your life you'd rather be the backburner than totally lose him.
Seeing him again was no help. It's like you spiraled down again. You thought he didn't have this effect on you anymore but you were wrong. You'd be lying if you say you haven't thought of him since you saw him last.
What you didn't know was Haechan felt exactly the same. He's trying to think of a way to reach out to you without seeming to needy, he didn't want you to think he's forcing himself back into your life.
Another week has passed and still no sign of you. He decided to get drinks with his friends, he's a few drinks in when he decided to call it an early night. This really wasn't where he wanted to be.
He's not sure where he wants to be. All he knows is his night would be a thousand times better if he sees you, even just a glimpse.
On his walk back to his place, he plucked a branch from a random plant. Picking out the leaves one by one, leaving a trail behind him.
You're on your way back from the library, deciding to get some midnight snacks first. You noticed the scattered leaves on the road, chuckling at the sight. The more steps you take, you slowly realized it's the same path to your apartment.
You slowed down, looking around to check if anybody was close to you but the street is empty. You grab your phone in your pocket just in case, while you hold your keys with the other hand.
When you're nearing your front door, you see someone sitting at the steps. Head lying low, you can't even see his face but you'd know that brown mop of hair anywhere.
"Haechan?" you called out for him
Haechan looks up, seeing you walking towards him. At first he thinks he's dreaming, he wipes his eyes to clear his vision. Even pinched his arm to check if this was real.
You're here.
He's here.
"What are you doing here?" you asked once you're standing right in front of him
"I grabbed drinks with Yangyang and Jeno, I swear I was walking home. I guess I got confused" he mumbles, now holding a branch with no leaves on it.
You look at it, then looked back at the trail of leaves behind you.
"Do you want to come in? Go drink some water or coffee first before you head back" you offered
"Are you sure?" he asks back, standing up from the steps
"Wouldn't offer if I wasn't. Let's go inside, it's getting chilly"
He steps aside to let you go first, following behind you. The elevator ride up to your floor was quiet, even after going in your apartment Haechan didn't say a word.
"Here, have some water. I can make coffee but it's too late to drink it, do you want ramen or something?" you ask him while getting the snacks you got out of the grocery bag
"Do you usually ask guys to come in with you and cook ramen for them?" he asks
He meant to only think of it, but with the little amount of alcohol in his system seems to have turn the filter off.
You snicker at his question. Instead of answering him, you grab two ramen cup noodles from your cupboard and turn the kettle on. You wait for the red light to turn green before pouring it in the cups, bringing it over the kitchen island and taking the seat beside him.
"I can't even order late night snacks without thinking about you, we used to do it all the time when I came over at yours or when we're having late night hangouts. You ruined a lot of things for me" you finally say
Haechan just looks at your profile. Even though you say it like that, there's really no trace of anger on your face. Maybe you are, but to him you look so pretty and cozy. He wanted to beat himself up for ever thinking he can walk away from this. From you.
"For what it's worth, whenever I get drunk I used to text you all the time. You probably blocked me because the messages never got delivered. Every morning I see that on my phone, message after message until I lost count. I knew you weren't going to answer but I still did it"
"Why?" you ask him
"I missed you. I wanted to tell you I was being stupid, I wanted to beg for you to take me back. But all of those thing I could only say with a bit of help from alcohol. That's how I knew I couldn't go back, not yet anyways. You deserved more than drunken confessions"
You look over at him, for the first time since that night you really look at him. The same eyes that used to feel like home to you.
He looked so different yet the same.
You still feel the same.
"It's been 3 minutes, you hate soggy noodles" you nod at his ramen. Opening your own cup to start eating. Neither of you said anything after that. It wasn't awkward, you actually enjoyed the quiet.
For the first time since Haechan came back and you saw him again, your mind was at peace. You weren't overthinking things. You weren't wondering your long list of what if's.
It's like a part of you knew he's finally here again.
After the quick snack session, he helped you clean up before walking towards the door.
"Thank you for the uh snacks and water" he didn't know what to say, a shy Haechan is a rare sight so you can't help but smile.
Haechan sees this, he can feel his own cheeks redden. You still look so beautiful when you smile, so beautiful that he's ready to fight anyone who makes you smile that isn't him.
"Go home, it's late. You're sober now right?" you ask him
"Yea, I'm good"
"Okay, don't want you getting confused and going to someone else's front door"
"I promise I won't drunk text you again so will you unblock me now? Or if you have a new number you can text me or whatever. Actually you know what, do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Don't listen to me, I'm just blabbing now"
You can't help but giggle at him, the action making Haechan's heart skip a few beats.
"I'm imagining this is how those drunk texts would sound like" you say
"I missed you, Y/N" he mumbles
You don't say anything. He can hear his own heartbeating, each thump like it's the last then you're smiling back at him
"Goodnight, Haechan"
He smiles at you, waving goodbye before finally walking out. He gestures for you to close the door behind him, only leaving after he hears the lock from the other side. He skips back home.
The next few days were back to normal, you weren't feeling gloomy. You were going out with friends. All in all, you're in a great mood.
"Hey, somebody left this outside. Tell me I'm crazy but is this from Haechan?" your roommate hands you over a small bouquet of flowers with a paper bag full of snacks.
"Uh yeah, I think so"
"I know things didn't end well between the two of you, but the boy is still so whipped for you" she mumbles, watching the small smile on your face
"Maybe it's just a peace offering"
"Right, well whatever it might be I say go for it. As long as you're happy"
You look up at her, shocked to hear that all of a sudden "Isn't that what you're worrying about? You really think I didn't notice it, you were listening to Sorry, Heart on repeat the other day then now you're listening to love songs. If he's it for you, then give it a chance"
She left after that, leaving you alone at home.
You take the gifts Haechan sent to your room, putting the flowers in a vase. You see a small note attached,
xx12131xxx just in case you lost it or changed your number. - H
You get your phone and dial the number, it's still in your phone. You unblock it first before you click call, waiting a few rings before you hear his voice
"How did you know it was me?"
"I wasn't expecting anyone else, and uh it looks like you didn't change your number"
"Oh yea uhm so you're unblocked now" you told him, not really sure what else to say
He chuckles, "Thanks, so I'm guessing you got the flowers and the snacks?"
"Yeah, thanks by the way. Why though?"
"You shared your stash with me the other night, just wanted to pay you back"
"You didn't have to, I offered. But thanks again"
"Hey uh are you busy right now? or tomorrow or really whenever you're free"
"I don't have anymore classes today"
"Do you want to go grab coffee or food or anything really. Whatever you want, my treat"
If someone told you you'd be going out to get drinks with Haechan, you'd say they're out of their mind. But here you are, visiting a new cafe you've never been to with a guy you thought you'd never be with again.
"I'd get the taro milktea, thanks"
"I'll take this one" he points at the drink in the picture, "And two of the cookies please, thank you" he pulls out his card to pay for the both of you. When you got your drinks and food, you walked back outside to sit on the vacant seats. The weather was nice, it wasn't too hot or too cold. A perfect day to be out.
You open your drink, taking a quick sip while Haechan does the same. You notice he made the face, like when he drinks or eats something sour.
"It's lemon flavored isn't it?" you chuckle, taking the drink from him and giving yours to him instead
"No, it's fine. I'll drink it"
"You hate anything sour flavored, I like lemon it's fine" you sip his drink, it does taste good but you know he won't like it
He watches you get the cookies, breaking it in half before giving him the other.
"If you have anything to say, just say it. You're too in your head again" you tell him
"Sorry, I was just..." he's at lost for words, but this time not for the wrong reason.
It's like his mind can't put what he's feeling in to words.
"Did you get the record you were looking for?" you ask him, changing the topic
"At the record store"
"Oh I wasn't really buying anything, I was just browsing around. They didn't have the vinyl version of the album I wanted, I'll come back some other time" he tells you, taking a sip of your well now his drink.
"You were singing to the Dreamers, you know them?"
"I know a few songs, Sorry, Heart is good. I like that one"
"Me too. You sounded good when you sang it" you complimented him, this made him smile shyly at you
"Isn't it a bit too sad?" he asks, you shrug your shoulders
"I like it, although my roommate said I've been playing love songs these past few days" you shake your head, remembering what she told you
"Thank you by the way" Haechan suddenly says
"For what? You paid for our drinks"
"I meant for agreeing to get drinks with me. I was an asshole to you. All the time I was gone, I was thinking about how to make it up to you. That is if it's okay with you" he tells you.
He mentally pats himself on the back for not messing that up. Maybe slowly he'll learn how to speak his true feelings, he just hopes you'll be there to listen to him. Even though it took him this long.
"The last thing you asked me was what are we, I was being stupid. I wanted us to be more. I wanted us to be official but I was always scared to say it. I don't know why I was ever scared of committing, I could've been with you. That's my regret"
"You're not a playtoy to me or just some past time whenever I'm bored. You were never too much for me. If anything I was the one who lacked. I don't blame you for walking away, I deserved that. I needed that so I could finally grow up"
You listen to him. You listen to him finally say the words you've been waiting to hear from him.
"This time I want to do it right, I want to take you out on dates, be there to go on night walks with you, go buy records we'd listen to, whatever you want to I just wan to do it with you. If you'll still have me"
The last words was barely a whisper, like he's scared to say it outloud, scared you might turn him away.
Haechan feels his heart beating wildly again, one day he might pass from arrest he thinks. Then you smile at him and it's like everything in his world stops.
You lean over, kissing the corner of his lip lightly. It was so quick but to him it felt like long time
"All I wanted was that, when it gets too much in your head you can talk to me. I'll listen. We don't have to walk away from each other" you tell him
"I'm sorry" he whispers
"I forgive you, the same way I forgive myself from everything that has happened. We need to heal from those wounds for us to move forward"
He smiles at you, he didn't even notice he got a bit teary eyed until a few tears escaped. He wipes it away before looking back at you again.
You stand up from your seat, holding out your hand to him. He looks at your hand then your face then your hand again before intertwining it with his.
There wasn't a destination in mind, he's probably thinking the same. The two of you just walk where your steps lead you to, with him following beside you holding you close to him.
Haechan looks at your hands, a smile forming on his face. He leans towards you to kiss you on the head, the action making you smile too.
"Thank you" you hear him mumble. You didn't say anything back but he felt you grip his hand tighter. Squeezing it three times.
And he knew everything was finally going to be okay. This time, you won't let go.
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ckret2 · 3 months
Chapter 43 of suddenly human Bill Cipher is pretty eager to remain imprisoned inside the Mystery Shack:
The Eclipse: Part 1
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Gravity's disappearing in Gravity Falls. Bill has an explanation for what's going on that has absolutely nothing to do with him, and also doesn't make any sense. Fiddleford has an alternate theory that makes a lot of sense, and has a whole lot to do with Bill. Ford trusts Fiddleford.
"An eclipse," Ford repeated. "Gravity's vanishing, you're floating, and you expect me to believe that it's due to an eclipse."
Bill shrugged. "I don't expect anything out of you. Believe whatever the heck you want. That's what it is, though."
"Even if it wasn't a ridiculous notion, there aren't any solar or lunar eclipses anywhere near Oregon this summer—"
"Did I say the eclipse was solar or lunar?" Bill asked. "No. I didn't." He breezed past Ford, heading to the kitchen. "Hey, is anybody gonna eat those pancakes?"
"Mine." Dipper ran past Bill to his abandoned plate.
"Then what kind of an eclipse is it?" Ford demanded.
Bill leaned on the kitchen counter, crossed his arms, and pursed his lips thoughtfully. Finally, he said, "Gravitational eclipse."
"There's no such thing!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, Dr. I Think Having A Mere Five PhDs Means I Know Everything! Please, enlighten the trillion-year-old all-seeing eye who spent a year correcting all your math with your superior knowledge of physics!"
"It's twelve PhDs and you know it."
"Oh, so what! I can still count 'em on one hand." (Dipper gave Bill's hand a puzzled look.)
"Is that how it is!" Ford huffed angrily. "Fine, great teacher—would you be so kind as to educate your student on what the devil a 'gravitational eclipse' is!"
He fully expected Bill to start spouting some absurd science fiction explanation; but instead, Bill hesitated, gaze flicking nervously toward the ceiling. Ford looked up, but didn't see anything.
"Just don't worry about it." Bill rubbed his right eye. He turned away from Ford to watch Dipper struggle to squeeze pancake syrup out of an uncooperative bottle. "Everything will go back to normal in three days. Just—don't look at the sky."
"Why not?"
"Don't worry about it," Bill repeated.  "Hey, take off the lid and stick a knife in, you're never getting anything out that way."
"I've got it," Dipper said testily.
Soos came downstairs at about the same time Stan joined them from the hallway. "Dudes, I think something weird's going on," Soos said.
Ford turned his back on his fruitless conversation with Bill. "We've noticed. Gravity's decreasing."
Soos paused. "Oh," he said, slightly deflated. "I thought I was developing super strength."
"Sorry to disappoint."
"So what's causing it?" Stan asked.
"I don't know yet."
From the kitchen, Bill called, "I just told you!"
Ford didn't look at him. "I don't know the real reason yet."
Stan asked, "Think it might be a portal thing? When it was powering up, gravity got kinda screwy. It wasn't like this, though. Any time there was a surge, gravity hiccuped for a few seconds. It never just... went down a little."
"And not for this long, either," Soos said. "It's been like this all morning." He paused; then asked, hopefully, "You sure we aren't just all developing super strength at the same time?"
Ford shook his head apologetically.
"I suspected the portal first," Ford said. "But I just looked it over and checked the equipment. There's no way any of it could have powered on. It's been completely disassembled since last summer." 
Stan shrugged. "What else could it be?"
"The gravity anomalies occurred whenever the portal was connected to the Nightmare Realm. All I can think is that perhaps it's something else with a connection to the Nightmare Realm that might be having a destabilizing effect on the fabric of reality. Something much weaker, but steadily regaining power..." He turned to cast a venomous look at the kitchen. "Power like the ability to float..."
Bill had been preoccupied with dipping a strip of raw bacon into a stolen uncapped syrup bottle; but at the accusation, he stared at Ford in disbelief. "What—are you kidding me?"
"Have a better explanation for why, the moment all this starts, you can suddenly hover down the stairs?"
"Sure," Bill said. "I'm better at floating than the rest of you because I've been doing it longer."
"Oh, that's stupid!"
"You're stupid."
"You're up to something," Ford snarled. "I know it."
"What could I possibly be up to!" Bill spread his hands, exasperated. "Seriously! Tell me! What could I possibly be up to?"
Ford screwed his face into a scowl, trying to think of any way Bill could have orchestrated the gradual decline of gravity while imprisoned in the Mystery Shack. "You are up to something," he said firmly.
Bill groaned and rolled his eyes. "Well if you ever figure out what, let me know! I'm dying to find out what I'm plotting." He chugged from the syrup bottle like it was a flask. And then had to keep holding it up while he waited for the reduced gravity to work on the syrup.
"Hey, Dr. Pines?" Soos held up his phone. "Just got a text from Tate. He says Old Man McGucket wants to know if you can come discuss the gravity issue?"
"I was just thinking the same thing. Let Fiddleford know I'll be there as soon as I can. Does he want me to bring anything?"
"Nope. Just your handsome face." Soos chuckled. "He—he didn't say that part, though. I did. I just think guys should compliment each other more."
Ford nodded solemnly. "Thank you, Soos."
"Grunkle Ford, can I come too?" Dipper dumped his dirty dish in the sink. "I could—I dunno—help brainstorm solutions, or something...?"
"I'd be delighted." Ford had wanted to spend so much more time with Dipper this summer. By now, he'd thought they would have had at least one hike through the mountains around Gravity Falls and maybe dug into a couple of old mysteries he'd never solved. At least this was one mystery Ford could bring him along for.
Dipper's face lit up. "Hold on, let me go get my journal." He ran upstairs, bouncing up two steps at a time in the reduced gravity.
Ford murmured to Stan, "You can hold down the fort while I'm gone?"
Stan nodded slightly. "I'll keep a close eye on him."
When Dipper had returned and they were headed out the door, Bill called from the kitchen, "Keep your head down out there. And get inside as soon as you can."
Ford shot a dark look at Bill, but said nothing. "Let's go." He shut the door behind them a bit harder than necessary.
Soos headed into the kitchen to make breakfast. As he passed, Bill said, "Hey. Does the 'guys complimenting guys' thing only apply to humans, or what?"
"Oh. Uh..." Soos pulled his head out of the fridge to look at Bill. "You... look good in yellow? Is—is that a good compliment? I don't know what triangle demons consider a compliment."
Bill considered it. "Sure, it'll do." He dipped another strip of bacon in the syrup. "I look even better in gold."
A quarter mile from the shack, Ford drove over a small bump in the road he'd gone over a hundred times before.
The car bounced so high that Ford's head hit the car roof.
Somewhere, he just knew, Bill was laughing at him.
Dipper's knee had been bouncing for three minutes straight by the time they approached the gate to the Northwest Manor. "Dipper, are you alright?"
"Sorry." Dipper planted his foot flat on the floor. "It's just—we're driving really slow, and this whole gravity thing is kind of an emergency..."
Just nervous. "I know," Ford sighed. "I can't go any faster without losing control. Lower gravity means lower traction between the tires and the road." But it was driving him mad.
At the manor, Tate greeted them at the door with a slight nod. "Hey. Dad's in the lab."
"Thank you, Tate. I know the way."
When they entered the lab, Fiddleford was working with a soldering iron on an electronic device the size of a toaster. He looked up as soon as they came in. "Stanford, Dipper! Good timing. Come in. How's the shack?"
"Down a few rubber balls."
Ford left Dipper to drift around the lab inspecting Fiddleford's equipment and listening in on the conversation as he and Fiddleford caught up. Fiddleford had first noticed something was wrong during his usual morning post-coffee rambunctious rollick, when he leaped high enough to bang his head on the ceiling. ("All the way to the ceiling? In this house?" "Well, I was standing on the counter, you see." "Ah, of course.") He'd immediately built a vacuum chamber he could drop various tools and cutlery in so he could measure the acceleration of gravity. Usually, objects on Earth fell 9.8 meters per second. When Fiddleford first measured, falling objects accelerated by 7.9 meters per second—almost 20% slower than they were supposed to. Now, it was 7.7 meters per second. If that rate of decline was steady, gravity must have been going down overnight without anyone noticing. By Fiddleford's calculations, gravity was decreasing by around 1.5% an hour—and, if it continued at this rate, it would be gone the day after tomorrow, by early afternoon.
(Bill had said three days. That wasn't even two and a half.)
Fiddleford had done some scans and called some old college pals down in Texas to ask if they'd noticed anything strange—and it seemed that Gravity Falls was the only place in the country experiencing anything unusual, at least according to NASA's data. Fiddleford had asked Tate to drive around town dropping things; quelle surprise, the gravitational oddity seemed perfectly contained to the circumference of the town's weirdness barrier.
"If you're in communication with NASA, I don't suppose you could ask if..." Ford winced at himself, "they've... noticed any astronomical anomalies?"
Fiddleford stroked his beard. "I reckon I could, but—why?"
Ford sighed. "Bill said this is being caused by what he calls a 'gravitational eclipse.' Which sounds like patent nonsense, but—on the one percent chance he's telling the truth..."
"I getcha. That Bill's as trustworthy as a rattlesnake with rabies—but until we know what's happening, we ought to consider every possibility."
"Yes. Precisely." Ford paused. "Can... rattlesnakes catch rabies?"
"Absolutely not! Which is why you should never trust one what says he's rabid."
"Ah. Yes. I see," Ford said uncertainly.
Like Ford, Fiddleford's first suspicion was that this had something to do with the portal—a suspicion that was scuttled when Ford informed him he'd already checked the portal. Ford's own next theory was that Bill personally was somehow behind this. His gravity already seemed to be far lighter than the rest of the town. But Ford didn't know whether that was because Bill was causing the gravity-reducing anomaly, or because the gravity-reducing anomaly was disproportionately affecting Bill. And even if Bill was causing it, as yet Ford had no idea by what mechanism he was doing it.
Fiddleford had the first idea that might explain how this was physically happening: dimensional rips.
At the end of last summer, the town and surrounding woods had been lousy with small dimensional rips torn in spacetime by Weirdmageddon and its aftermath. A few had been large enough for a grown man to stumble through, but many were barely as long as a fingernail. Ford and Stan had spent the last few days of summer running through the town and the woods with the kids, armed with alien adhesive, glueing shut the rips; and then—after traveling back and forth to California to attend Dipper's bar mitzvah and to get hollered at by Shermie for disappearing and/or faking a death—they'd spent most of the next month taking care of even more rips. (Just enough time for gnomes to steal Ford's new Journal 4.)
The remains of the rips could still be seen throughout Gravity Falls: odd invisible seams in the air that seemed to make the woods behind them bend strangely, like the transition between air and water where light refracted differently. Sometimes the sun would line up just right with a gap in the leaves so that you could see a sunbeam bending in midair.
Fiddleford had two theories:
Theory one: even after they'd sealed up all the rips, the distressed fabric of reality around Gravity Falls had grown threadbare. Rather than a few huge rips tearing through to the Nightmare Realm, countless micro-rips were forming—hundreds of thousands of holes between the fibers of reality, too tiny to be seen or detected—and they were reaching critical mass. The structural integrity of reality itself was about to catastrophically fail. The barrier between here and the Nightmare Realm could shred apart at any minute, ripping open a massive maw too wide to ever be repaired, irreversibly swallowing Gravity Falls into Bill's dying dimension of madness and leaving a frothing pustule of chaos trapped inside the weirdness barrier, ready to spread across all of Earth if anything should ever pop it!
Or two: something else was happening.
Ford thought it was worth investigating. The damage was already there; maybe Bill knew it, was exacerbating it—perhaps by his mere presence—and was just hoping the humans wouldn't figure it out before his homecoming.
"You remember the wormhole detector I built last September to sense when new dimensional rips were openin' up?" Fiddleford asked. "Well, it ain't detected a thing in town since March—but if these micro-rips are real, they'd be too little to detect from any farther than forty or fifty feet. So's I whipped up a portable scannermadoohickey!" He picked up the object he'd been working on when Ford and Dipper arrived. "You can take it to the places with the most damage and wave it around to see if it senses anything!"
Ford inspected the scanner. "It says it's detecting eighteen right now."
Fiddleford waved him off. "That's fine, a few itty bitty little tears oughta be expected for the kinda damage we got last year. But if my theory's correct, there's somewhere in Gravity Falls that'll have hundreds of thousands of tears within the scanner's radius. That's what we're looking for."
"Great. And, what do we do if we find them? Such small rips would be impossible to individually seal with my adhesive applicator."
"I thought of that, too!" Fiddleford scrambled over two tables, knocking tools on the ground as he went, to grab a plastic cone-shaped object the size of a football. He scuttled beneath the tables back to Ford. "Look! I made a glue grenade!"
"A—a what?"
"Once you figure out where the micro-rips are concentrated, just pour that alien adhesive of yours into this spout here, pull the pin, and chuck it! It'll instantly seal up all the micro-rips in the area and then cover the whole town in a cloud of alien adhesive, closing any remaining rips!"
"Hmm... It sounds risky. It would use up the rest of our andhesive all at once," Ford said. "And the environmental impact could be devastating."
Fiddleford blinked. "Environmental impact?"
"Just think of an adhesive this powerful settling over the whole town and forest in a thin film. It would glue people's pores shut! They wouldn't be able to sweat! Imagine. And that's just one example of the potential consequences."
"Hm." Fiddleford scratched his head. "I could invent a body lotion with alien adhesive solvent?"
"Or, maybe we should only use the grenade once we're sure that such an extreme measure is necessary."
"Aww." Fiddleford kicked his foot in disappointment. "Hold on—let me at least whip up a spray attachment for your adhesive gun. So's you can patch up any clusters you find as you go." He darted between several tables, searching through drawers and tool chests for supplies, and then returned to his soldering station.
"Wait, hold on," Ford said. "In the space of a morning, you've built a vacuum chamber to calculate the gravitational acceleration in Gravity Falls, called NASA to get ahold of somebody to collect data across the rest of the United States, built a handheld version of your wormhole detector, and built a grenade to distribute alien adhesive?"
"I sure did!"
"And, how long have you been awake?"
"An hour and a half!"
Ford stared. "Where do you get your coffee?"
Fiddleford glanced across the room at Dipper, and whispered, "I'll tell ya later."
Dipper had drifted over to the miniature particle accelerator and was slowly circling it, inspecting all the pipes, trying to figure out how it worked. He was leaning over the trash can when Ford drifted over to join him. "Hey, Grunkle Ford? I... think there's a cat in here?"
"You don't know that!" Fiddleford shouted. "It could be dead!"
"No it's not, I can hear it meowing."
"That might be something else! You can't tell!"
"I could just open it—"
Fiddleford chucked an empty plastic spool of solder wire toward Dipper. "Don't you touch that!"
Dipper withdrew his hand from the trash can lid and looked at Ford, baffled.
"I'll explain how it works," Ford said.
While Fiddleford worked, Ford caught Dipper up on the details of the fuel they needed for the Quantum Destabilizer, the contraption Fiddleford had built to synthesize it, and the complicated way they'd tried to paradoxically (not) observe the experiment in progress. When Fiddleford came over to offer the completed spray nozzle, Ford asked, "Any progress on figuring out how to get this thing working?"
"No," Fiddleford sighed. "I've been lookin' into more stable paradoxes to replace the cat. But as far as the observer—I'd hoped usin' twins might just get close enough, but I've redid my cac'lations three times and I'm afraid the only way to get this thing working is by gettin' one person to both observe and not observe it at the same time. If we can just do that, we'd have all the fuel we need. But for the life of me I can't figure out how."
"Maybe if we had two versions of the same person from different dimensions..." Ford mused. "But that would require opening up a portal to reach another dimension, and there's the risk that uniting parallel versions of the same person might destabilize our entire dimension. It's not worth the risk."
"It sounds like one of those impossible riddles," Dipper said. "Like, 'If only a barber shaves people who don't shave themselves, and if anyone who shaves himself isn't a barber, then who shaves the barber?' Because if he shaved himself he wouldn't be a barber but since he shaves other people he has to be a barber..."
Ford said, "A second barber shaves him."
Fiddleford said, "He just don't shave at all."
Dipper paused. "I think I told it wrong."
Ford patted his shoulder. "But I think you're on to something. We need to think of this as a riddle; and every riddle has a solution. We just need to find it."
"After we save the town, right?" Dipper asked.
Ford smiled wanly. "One crisis at a time."
They agreed that investigating all the potential micro-rip hotspots around town would probably necessitate a camping trip—which was the only bit of good news to come out of this mess so far. Due to all of this summer's Bill bullsoup (as Stan had taken to calling it in front of the kids), Ford and Dipper had hardly gotten to see each other so far, much less do any serious paranormal investigating together. Hiking and camping while in search of the strange sounded like exactly what they'd been missing out on—and it would've sounded even better if the situation weren't so dire.
Ford and Dipper came back in the Mystery Shack as Shandra Jimenez said on TV, "Today's top story in Gravity Falls is that gravity isn't falling. Many residents recall similar incidents around this time last summer, when gravity intermittently shut off entirely, leading many to ask: could this possibly be another devastating effect of global warming? Temperatures today are—"
Ford scoffed. "Global warming. Of all things. Gravity is probably the only part of the environment it isn't affecting."
"I dunno, Ford, maybe you oughta consider it." Bill was sitting cross-legged on the couch, chin in his hand. He had his eye patch over the eye he'd been squinting that morning. "As long as you're already rejecting the real explanation to make up one you like better, why not go whole hog? Let's adopt a real crackpot theory."
"You want to talk about 'crackpot theories'? Global warming sounds at least as likely as an eclipse."
"That says a lot more about your education than it does about the theories."
Ford grit his teeth. "You know I'm one of the most educated men on Earth."
"And that says a lot about your planet's educational system."
Stan, sitting in his armchair reading the paper, folded it down to glower at Bill. "Stop antagonizing my brother."
"Tell him to stop making it so easy."
Ford grit his teeth harder, but ignored Bill. "Dipper, go pack your backpack. I'll check the basement and meet you when I'm done."
"Right!" Dipper hurried up the stairs.
Ford crossed the living room, checking the micro-rip scanner—88 detected rips, over five times higher than at Northwest Manor, but still nowhere near the 100,000 rip danger threshold. He'd see whether that remained true next to the portal. He paused next to Stan's armchair, "Stanley, do you remember where we stored the alien adhesive applicator?"
"Uhh... when's the last time we used it?"
"Last fall, right before we headed to Seattle."
Stan lowered his paper, staring at the ceiling. "I think we stored it in one of the lockers in the basement, right?"
"It's not there," Bill said.
Ford gave him an exasperated look. "And how would you know."
"Because the first day I came here, I emptied out all those lockers and hid their contents while I was waiting for the rest of you to get downstairs."
Ford smacked the back of the armchair, making Stan start. "So that's what happened to my infinity-sided die! Where the devil did you hide it?"
"Frankly, I don't think you're responsible enough to handle that kind of power," Bill said archly.
"Where's the adhesive applicator!"
"What do you need it for?"
"That's none of your business."
"Pity." Bill turned up the volume on the news.
Ford moved between Bill and the screen. "If you don't tell me where you hid it..." What threat could he make? This was the demon willing to threaten suicide if his captors didn't keep him entertained.
"Tell me why you need it."
"As if you'd give it to me if I did!"
"Maybe I'll find your cause noble," Bill said flatly. "Try me."
Oh, what did he have to lose. "Fine. I'm testing to see if imperceptibly small rips are opening between Gravity Falls and the Nightmare Realm. If they are, I'm going to seal them shut." He hoped the revelation would throw Bill off—he hoped he was close enough to the truth to shock Bill into giving something away.
Bill's eye widened, eyebrows shooting up; and then he burst out laughing. "That's what Specs filled your head with? Embryonic wormholes? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! And you're turning to him for an explanation when you've got a being with infinite answers sitting in your living room?"
Ford scoffed. "Sure, infinite answers—and just like the infinity-sided die, whatever I get is infinitely more likely to be trouble than anything useful. Now tell me where you put my adhesive applicator."
"I didn't put it anywhere." Bill held the remote out to the side to change the channel and stared at the TV straight through Ford, as if he didn't exist. "It's still in the basement. A little adhesive leaked out, I couldn't get the locker door open."
"Ha!" Stan slapped an armrest.
Ford whirled around to glare at him.
Stan held up his hands appeasingly. "Sorry! Sorry. That's not funny. Wasn't—wasn't funny at all. How dare you, Bill."
"I know, I'm just the worst."
Ford held in a harsh sigh and stalked out of the room. He didn't have time for this—not when they were on a deadline to prevent whatever was happening. (What if it became too late to reverse before gravity even reached 0%? What if they were approaching a tipping point when the whole sky would rip open?)
He opened the vending machine and headed downstairs.
He had to break the locker door to get the alien adhesive applicator out. He'd have to figure out how the nozzle had leaked before he stored it again.
According to the sensor, there were over a thousand micro-rips detectable just from standing near the portal controls. The number increased as he approached the portal itself; the highest quantity the scanner detected was nearly 5,000. Over fifty times higher than on the shack's ground level. It was clear some sort of damage had been done here.
But Fiddleford had said, for them to be concerned about reality shredding, there should be hundreds of thousands of micro-rips in one location. And Ford trusted any numbers Fiddleford gave him; wherever Ford tended to double-check his math, Fiddleford quintuple-checked his.
Even at the interdimensional portal itself—the spot where the veil between Gravity Falls and the Nightmare Realm had been ripped open and stitched shut so many times, the spot where the rift that nearly ended the world had been formed—there were less than 5% of the rips they needed before they started reaching dangerous levels.
Ford looked up at the portal, frowning.
The portal's torn and crumpled pieces lay against the cavern walls where he'd left them last summer.
Never mind. There were several other places that could be hotspots for micro-rips. He couldn't draw any conclusions about what was happening here until he'd checked them too.
But whatever was happening, it certainly wasn't an eclipse.
He added Fiddleford's spray attachment to the adhesive applicator and filled the chamber with a mist of glue, until the scanner read less than 200 micro-rips; then stopped by his study to grab a couple maps of the mountains around Gravity Falls, his antique lantern, and a tent; and headed back up to the house.
During their past year of travels, Stan and Ford had started keeping two emergency backpacks stocked in case they needed to flee on short notice. The backpacks contained everything they'd need to survive in the wilderness or a strange city for three days; and Ford had thirty long years of experience to teach him exactly what supplies that necessitated. He grabbed his backpack out of the guest room, and then spread out his map on the kitchen table to show to Dipper.
"If our micro-rip theory is correct, there are four potential places where I suspect they'll be most densely concentrated: the place where the interdimensional rift formed; where it was unleashed; where it was suspended for the majority of Weirdmageddon; and where it was sealed."
"And you've already checked the portal where it formed," Dipper said. "What about the place it was suspended? It was floating in the sky over town. There's no way we can get up there until gravity's completely gone, and by then it'll be too late."
"I've considered that. The closest we can get is Gravity Peak, but from there we should be able to get the sensor close enough to tell if there's an unusual amount of rips." Ford circled three spots on the map, and drew a dotted line connecting them. "We're heading out late, but we should be able to hit the locations where Weirdmageddon began and ended today. We can cross the lake to camp in the cavern behind Trembley Falls, get an early start, and take the hidden cave tunnel up to Gravity Peak."
"Not the best time for a hiking trip," Bill said.
Ford shot him an exasperated look. Bill was leaning in the kitchen doorway, arms crossed, smirking condescendingly. "Or maybe it is, if you're trying to avoid as much effort as possible," he says. "But I still wouldn't go if I were you. You don't want to be outdoors during an eclipse—and you don't want to be on a mountain when gravity comes back."
"Nobody asked you," Ford said, turning his back on Bill. "Now—cooking will be difficult as gravity decreases, but not to worry—" he unzipped his backpack, "—I've already prepared everything we'll need." Grinning, he pulled out what looked like a toothpaste tube with a "beef and vegetables" label. "Astronaut food!"
Dipper grimaced. "Great."
"You should have asked me," Bill said, a bit louder. "Considering that Specs is sending you on a wild goose chase. But hey, if you're that determined to waste your time, just don't say I didn't tell you so."
"You haven't even told us what an 'eclipse' is," Dipper said. "If it's not important enough to explain, I don't see why it's important enough for us to listen to you."
"Well said," Ford muttered.
"It's too important to explain," Bill retorted. "I've told you everything you need to know!"
Ford said, "Ha," and started folding his map to pack.
There were a few seconds of blessed silence; and then Bill walked into the room, leaned on the fridge, and glowered at Ford. "Listen. As far as you're concerned, the eclipse is probably harmless. It should peak in three days—"
"Fiddleford said at its current rate of decrease, it should be the day after tomorrow."
Ford expected Bill to argue; but instead, he frowned uneasily. "I—Sure, fine, whatever, he's probably done the math, I've just been eyeballing it. Did he say what time?"
Surprised, Ford said, "early afternoon, by his measurements."
Bill nodded vaguely, glancing again toward the ceiling. "Whatever time it happens—gravity will gradually decrease until totality, and then it'll come back very quickly, so—if you want to help your town so much, tell them that they don't want to be climbing trees in zero G. Otherwise, the best thing you can do is stay inside, wait for it to pass, keep your eyes shutduring totality—and do not look up."
"Why can't we look up?" Dipper asked.
Bill laughed derisively. "Would you stare at the sun during a solar eclipse? It's like I'm talking to babies!"
The last fraying thread of Ford's patience snapped. He seized Bill's hoodie by the strings and dragged him closer. "Enough!"
Bill flailed, kicking the table as he tried to back out of Ford's grip, and ended up losing his footing and landing on the floor. It was too easy to drag him around—he was so light. Ford leaned down to glare straight in his eye. "If you're so worried about how we're handling this eclipse of yours, maybe you should come with us!"
Horror bloomed in Bill's eye. "What? No no no, that's—that's fine, I told you everything you need, I'd just slow you down, I'd really be much happier in here—"
"I bet you would be," Ford snarled. "As far as I'm concerned, the fact that you want to stay inside so much is reason enough to bring you along! Either something out there scares you, or there's something in here you want to be close to during totality! Maybe something will happen at the portal! Whatever it is you want, I don't want you to get it."
"Grunkle Ford?" Dipper had gotten out of his seat and was looking uncertainly between Bill and Ford. "I'm not sure about..."
Bill's gaze snapped from Ford's face to Dipper's, and Ford could almost see the gears shifting in his head as he latched on to a more vulnerable target. "Kid. Remember when I told you there are things out there you don't want to meet? Stay inside—let me stay inside—find a good book to distract you the next couple of days, and don't worry about things you don't want to know too much about. As far as you should be concerned, this is a weather phenomenon. You don't want to dig any deeper than that. Stay. Home."
The corners of Dipper's mouth turned down. He grabbed Ford's coat sleeve and said, voice low, "Great Uncle Ford, I... I'm not sure he's lying. I've never seen Bill scared like this before. And when he told me about things in other dimensions, this gravity thing hadn't even started, so he couldn't have..."
"Unless Bill was expecting this to happen, and everything he told you yesterday was the groundwork to make us believe whatever he wants us to believe." Bill had wormed deeper into Dipper's head than Ford had realized, if it was enough to make him consider Bill's nonsensical claims. Ford should have asked more about what Bill told him yesterday. The monster could have been filling his gnephew's head with all sorts of nightmares. "Doesn't it seem a little lucky that he told you all that one day before this?"
Dipper grimaced. "I mean..."
Ford glared at Bill again. "I'm not buying it. And the more you make up ridiculous explanations like 'gravitational eclipses' and 'things from other dimensions,' the more you insist that this is somehow both no big deal and incredibly dangerous just to witness, the less I believe this is anything but a patently ridiculous attempt to keep us from interfering with whatever is about to happen! And frankly, that makes me want to interfere even more!"
Bill let out a strangled laugh. "You've gotta be... If you think I'm that suspicious, how do you know this isn't reverse psychology?! Maybe I want you to take me outside!"
"Maybe you do. That's the awful thing about you, Bill: I can second-, third-, and fourth-guess everything you say, and I'll never be sure I've figured out the truth! At some point I just have to make an educated guess."
There was a knock at the doorway. "Hey, Dr. Pines?" Soos leaned into the kitchen. "I heard furniture and anger. Is everything... uh..." He trailed off, taking in the scene—Bill on the floor backed up against the fridge, Ford crouched over him, Dipper watching anxiously. "Everything cool here?"
Ford got to his feet. "Dipper and I are going on an expedition—and unfortunately, he has to come along. Soos, do you have a spare backpack we can use for his supplies?"
"Uh, I think so—"
"Great," Dipper snapped. "This is just perfect. I've been waiting a month and a half for us to do something cool together, and when we're finally about to go on an expedition, it's ruined by him?" He gestured angrily at Bill. "He's already ruined the rest of summer!"
Bill said, "Hey, I didn't consent to this plan either."
"You shut up," Dipper snapped. "This is all your fault! You could have just left us alone, but...!" He let out a frustrated noise. He pushed past Soos out of the room and ran up the stairs.
Ah. Ford's shoulders slumped. Sometimes he wasn't quite sure where he'd misstepped in a conversation, but this time it was pretty obvious. Between this and the nearly-disastrous trip to Portland, Ford was well in the lead for Worst Grunkle of the Summer.
"Wow. You broke that kid's heart," Bill said. "Not too late to make it up to him by going back to the original plan."
Ford shot him a dirty look.
Bill shrugged. "I'm trying anything I can think of at this point!"
Ford sighed harshly, and left to follow Dipper upstairs.
Bill sat up and waited until Ford's footsteps had receded. Voice low, he said, "Questiony, listen, I need your help. Stanford's gone completely insane. You didn't see how he was ranting and raving before you got in here. Who knows what he'll do to me if he gets me alone outside the shack with only his junior sycophant as a witness—?"
Soos looked deeply uncomfortable, but he shook his head. "Not buying it, dawg."
Bill groaned.
Ford knocked, and gently pushed the kids' damaged door open a crack. "Dipper?"
Dipper grunted. He was sitting on his bed, chin in his hands, glaring down at his journal in his lap.
"Can I come in?"
Dipper grunted again. Ford wasn't being ignored, so he took that as permission to enter. He delicately sat next to Dipper and tried to figure out what to say next. (He was surprised at how firm the mattress was—and then realized the real reason he wasn't sinking as far into it as he expected.) "Dipper..."
"You don't need to say anything," he sighed. "You're right—Bill probably is up to something. If he wants to be in the shack so much, and won't give us a straight answer why, then... it's probably safer to keep him out of it." But he sounded so terribly resigned.
"All the same, I understand your disappointment," Ford said. "I'd far rather go hiking with you than with him."
Dipper nodded. "Yeah. It's just..." He trailed off.
"I know. I wanted this summer to be different, too." Ford sighed. "As soon as he's gone, I owe you another hiking trip."
Dipper nodded again. He mumbled, "I've never gone hiking before."
This was some way to experience it for the first time. "We could treat this like a practice round? A warm-up with lower gravity to make it easier. Next time will be a real trip—without any crises to worry about, and without Bill."
"I don't mind the crises," Dipper said. "I'm kind of used to them, actually. They're almost fun now."
In his mind, Ford knew that this was probably another thing that should earn him a Worst Grunkle award. But in his heart, he was proud of Dipper. That was an adventurer's attitude.
"It's just... I haven't been able to get away from him all summer," Dipper said. "And even when I'm avoiding him, Mabel's spending all her free time either with her friends or trying to reform him, and you're spending all your time trying to figure out how to kill him, so I barely see you two..."
And that wasn't even something Ford could blame on Bill, was it? He hadn't been spending his time trying to figure out how to kill Bill since he'd handed over the Quantum Destabilizer design to Fiddleford. He'd simply been... obsessing. Hiding and obsessing. Ford stared down at his hands guiltily. "Tell you what. As soon as this is over, we can go do—something. I don't know what yet, but we've got a couple of days to think it up. I've spent too much time underground the last few weeks, anyway. We may not be able to go on that big adventure until Bill's gone—but it's something, for now."
"Yeah, I'd like that. Thanks, Grunkle Ford." 
Ford nudged him. "And as long as you do have to put up with Bill for this trip... look on the bright side. Haven't you been wanting to get a crack at him without your sister around? See if you can pry out any more alien wisdom before his execution?"
Dipper huffed—but one corner of his mouth reluctantly quirked up. "Thanks, but I'm starting to think that's a bad idea. Every time I try, he just says stuff that gives me nightmares."
"Well—consider it an intellectually broadening experience."
Dipper gave him a weak smile.
"Anyway, with a little luck, it won't be long before you'll never need to deal with him again."
Soos had an old Monster-Mon backpack with cracked vinyl around the straps that he hadn't used since he outgrew it in fifth grade. "Lucky I didn't throw it out when we moved. You never know when you're gonna need old stuff!"
Bill had no idea what he was supposed to take on a forced camping trip. He knew what humans took, but humans craved all kinds of material comforts that meant nothing to him. After a couple minutes staring at the bag forlornly, he stuck in a spare shirt and leggings—he doubted he'd need extra underwear or socks, right?—and the Pony Heist bedsheet he'd been using as his sole blanket the last month, his toothbrush and toothpaste, a cider six-pack, two boxes of cereal, a kazoo, and the TV remote.
"I need some first-aid supplies. In case of emergency," Bill told Soos.
"Sure, whaddaya need?"
"Bandages, painkillers, matches, and a knife."
"You got—" Soos paused, then pursed his lips at Bill disapprovingly.
Bill sighed. "Bandages and painkillers. And cold medicine. Woods get chilly."
He glanced up as he heard footsteps upstairs. Not much longer until he was dragged outside. He grimaced. "One more thing, Jesús. This is important."
"Whoa. Full-first-name important?" He stuck a bottle of cold syrup in the backpack, hit something hard, and peered in confusion at the six-pack.
"Stanford's being petty and refusing to believe anything I say, but I know you're not that stupid," Bill lied. "So listen: this thing will peak in a couple of days and then go back to normal. It's mostly harmless to humans—but once the peak has passed, gravity's coming back like that." Bill snapped his fingers. "So anyone you want to come out of this intact needs to do two things. One, the moment gravity completely disappears, they need to anchor themselves, as close to the ground as possible, before it comes back. And two, do not look at the sky. Got it?"
Soos hesitated; but then nodded. "Y-yeah, got it."
"So are you like... trying to protect the town now?"
Bill laughed bitterly. "I'm trying to cover my base. When this is all over, even if all my warnings were ignored, at least nobody will be able to say I didn't try. I could have sat on everything I know! But I didn't! And I'm going to rub. It. In. Ford's. Face." He punctuated each word with a jab to Soos's chest.
Soos endured the jabbing with a patience Bill didn't deserve. "Byyy protecting the town?"
Bill opened his mouth, reconsidered, and said, "Sure! Of course I'm protecting the town! Why would I want any harm to befall the citizens of my once and future capital?"
"I mean, no offense, but you befelled a lot of harm on us last year—"
"I did not," Bill snapped. "Everyone was perfectly comfortable in my throne of frozen human agony." He yanked the backpack's zipper shut, pulled it on, and pushed Soos aside to leave the kitchen.
Stan had stopped Ford at the foot of the stairs. "But if this is some nightmare dimension thing, isn't that just another reason not to take Bill outside? What if one of those wormholes opens up and he dives through? Maybe escaping back to his dimension will give him his power back, we don't know."
"I've considered that—but if that is what he's planning, all the more reason why he should stay with Dipper and me, so we can stop him if he tries anything."
"Are you nuts? It'll be two of you in the woods versus four of us here in the shack! We outnumber him more than you do! Plus walls and doors!"
"We have the hexed bracelets, he won't be able to escape us," Ford said.
"Aww, I get to share matching friendship bracelets with someone?" Bill gave Dipper and Ford what he hoped was his most obnoxious smile. "Who's the lucky guy?"
Scowling, Dipper raised his hand.
Bill's smile dimmed. "You are the lesser evil," he admitted grudgingly. "But I'm surprised ol' Six-Fingers doesn't want to keep as tight a grip on me as possible."
"We decided that if you try to kill your bracelet partner and escape, Grunkle Ford would have a better chance of avenging me than I would have avenging him."
Bill's brows shot up. "Ruthlessly utilitarian. Was that Stanford's idea?"
Ford ignored the question, pushing on with his conversation with Stan: "And anyway, there might be more people in the shack, but none of them would be me. I know him better than anyone else."
Bill laughed hard enough that his feet momentarily lifted off the floor. "Oh do you!"
Ford's gaze shot to Bill's face, eyes blazing with fury. "You know I do. I've spent thirty years learning every trick, every lie, every betrayal that's made you who you—"
"What's my favorite food."
Ford's mouth worked uselessly. "That—doesn't matter—"
"You think you know my innermost soul when you don't even know my favorite food?"
"Favorite... human food, or...?"
"Oh, sure, I'll give you a fighting chance. Human."
Ford chewed on the inside of his mouth for several seconds. Finally, he said, "Jalapeños."
Bill crossed the entryway, leaned into the hallway, and took a deep breath. "HEY, MABEL!"
From the far end of the house (where Mabel was seeing how high she could jump in the floor room), she shouted, "YEAH?"
Bill gestured down the hall, ta-da. "THANK YOU!"
"I was close," Ford grumbled. "Nachos have jalapeños."
Stan said, "You're not even out of the house and he's getting under your skin. Are you sure you wanna—?"
"I am not," Ford said, "leaving him in the house. And if you'd heard how he was fighting to stay under this roof, you wouldn't trust him in here either."
Stan looked at Bill.
Bill looked Stan dead in the eyes and said, "I don't know what he's talking about. I agreed to go as soon as he asked."
"Oh, shut your—" Ford snatched the bracelets off the coat rack, flung one end at Bill, and handed Dipper the other. "Put these on. We're leaving."
Bill scowled, but considered his odds of successfully resisting, reluctantly put his end of the bracelet on, and yelled down the hall, "BYE, MABEL! I'M BEING KIDNAPPED BY YOUR UNCLE AGAINST MY WILL! I MAY NEVER RETURN!"
Ford opened the door and gestured impatiently. Bill took a couple reluctant steps closer, but stopped to look at Soos and say, "Remember what I said. Do not let Mabel be in the air when gravity comes back, you know if someone doesn't watch her she'll launch herself as high as she can—"
Ford snapped, "Either you walk or I drag you, Cipher."
"I'm coming." He stepped outside, paused, and cast a worried look at the sky; then squeezed his eyes shut, lowered his head, and walked into the sunlight.
(That's this week's chapter! I'd love to hear your comments and thoughts. Next week: I'm gonna do my level best to shatter your hearts. Look forward to it!)
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etherealacoustic · 2 years
Lifeless Eyes pt.3
Pairing - Wolfstar x daughter!OC, Fred Weasley x OC!
Summary - Nova Lupin-Black comes home for the Easter holidays and her parents are in for a shock.
Warnings - breakdown, depression and cursing.
Here is the final part of the small series, my first ever as well! Hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing this <33
Link for pt.1 here
Link for pt.2 here
And before she knew it, a pair of arms were wrapped carefully around her vulnerable frame.
Sirius held her close, pulling his daughter close against him as much as possible, wanting to hide her away safely from all of her demons.
"Shhh," he murmured and pressed his lips to the top of her head.
"Da," she sobbed, her hands tightening as she gripped his shirt. "I c- can't- 's too much- I can't do- I'm sorry-"
"Hush love," Remus whispered from her side and rubbed her back. "Let it out".
"Pa," she stuttered and lifted up her head to look at him and Remus had never felt his heart being broken like this before.
A huge amount of pain had struck his chest as he looked at her destroyed state. He himself was shaking and he could also feel his eyes starting to water.
Her eyes on the other hand were crimson red, puffy and all wet with the tears that continued flowing down. She was shattered, as though she really had enough of everything.
Remus swallowed down his own lump and cupped her face, "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm right here," he said desperately and she fell right into his arms.
"I'm right here," he repeated and shut his eyes tightly, a lone tear slipping down at last as he hugged her.
Nova Lupin-Black cried.
She cried and cried and cried.
She cried till there were no more tears left to fall, she cried till her throat was sore, she cried till her eyes were a deep red and her face a mess, she cried till every broken piece inside of her was free of all the emotions that were kept bottled inside for too long.
Her body stopped trembling after a few minutes and she lifted her head from its place on Remus' shoulder.
She let a deep breath escape her lips as she wiped her face, feeling her heart lighten at the breakdown.
"Sit down," Sirius instructed softly and directed her towards the bed while also handing her a glass of water.
"Feeling better now?" Remus asked.
"Loads," she answered and sniffed. "My shoulders seemed to have lost half the weight".
The two just smiled at her, their faces the embodiment of gentleness and comfort. They glanced at each other and both had the same thoughts.
They sat in silence after that, both men in no way intending to pressure or rush her.
"Can- can I tell you everything?" Nova broke the quiet hesitatingly.
"Course you can, love," Sirius grinned, extremely glad at her decision.
"Take it at your own pace," Remus suggested. "Go slow if it gets too hard".
She nodded gratefully but was then stumped, "From where do I even start?" She laughed nervously.
"Anyhow you like it," they said in unison.
"Alright," she said and bit her lip before beginning. "Well I've been like this for the past 3-4 months at least. And I didn't know what was happening. One day everything just suddenly went dull, black and ugly. I was no longer happy, or enthusiastic or passionate about anything anymore. It took a lot of effort to even smile, you know? It was like my face was a statue, like my very heart had gone numb".
"Dolores Umbridge," she muttered suddenly and both of their eyes narrowed at the rather familiar name. "She's the main reason, Dad," she mumbled, addressing them both.
"That woman is horrible, vile, cruel, evil, monstrous and every other synonym there is left. She tortured everyone, Da!" She exclaimed with slight emotion.
Sirius didn't say anything but Remus noticed the way his jaw had tightened considerably.
"She- She still has us read all those useless textbooks that have nothing apart from ridiculously long theories and boring passages. We still don't do any practicals because she's afraid we're gonna start our own army or something. And she's turning a blind to Voldemort as well! Talking about Cedric that way-" her voice broke as she took a minute to collect herself.
Cedric Diggory. Her best friend, the type of brother she never had. The loving, handsome, funny, brave and pure Hufflepuff.
Her Ced, whose memory was tainted everyday by the woman's false statements.
Now the only thing Nova felt was anger, and both of her parents sensed it quickly.
"I tried Pa," she said honestly and looked at him, her grey eyes meeting his honey ones. "I really tried to be as quiet as possible and not let her taunts get to me. And I was good, seriously I was".
He nodded, knowing there was a huge but coming up. He wasn't angry at her of course, he knew she had tried.
"But you can't expect me to stay quiet when that bitch mentions you," she said through gritted teeth.
"She what?" Sirius asked sharply, his gaze an identical one to his daughter's.
"Yes she did!" Nova said, glad that someone was now on the same level of furious as her.
"What did she say?" Remus questioned, his mind once again filling with thoughts of self-hatred.
"I can't even say it for merlin's sake! She- she insulted you because of- because of your furry little problem. In front of the whole fucking class!" Nova seethed.
"She did not," Sirius now whispered in a deadly tone.
"She did, Da!" Niva riled him up even more, but the pair fell silent at Remus' warning look.
"What did you do?" He asked cautiously, not wanting her to be in trouble because of him.
"I defended you," she answered with an innocent smile that was failing to hide the satisfied smirk. "Respectfully".
"Sure you did," he scoffed but a smile spread across his face anyways at seeing Sirius high-five her and at the huge grin adorning her face now.
"I got detention, but it was worth it," she shrugged. "And don't you dare tell me off for that. Even if you do, it'll be all worthless as I'd do the entire thing again in a heartbeat," she warned.
"I won't say anything," he rolled his eyes playfully. "But you should've been careful".
"Godric do I feel so much better now that I've got everything off," she laughed .
She laughed.
The two men stared at her for a second before laughing out loud themselves.
"This was the main part, the rest was just stress, tension, pressure from the exams and studies," she added.
"Sure," she nodded. "Hogwarts has really become a terrible place since that wretched thing has stepped foot inside. I don't even wanna go back," she mumbled.
"No problem!" Sirius said with a very obvious glint in his eyes. "We have a teacher at home, you'll be all set".
Remus shook his head as the two shared a wicked laugh. "As much as I would love to keep you here, darling, you have to go. Unfortunately".
Nova faked a pout and huffed dramatically before resigning to her fate. "Well, the force can't always be with me".
He chuckled and leaned back against the headboard of the bed, "What did she have you doing in detentions?"
Silence. And more silence.
Remus' smile faded as his eyes glanced between Nova and Sirius, who looked a bit anxious too.
"Love, what are you not telling us?" Sirius asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion and also anger at Umbridge.
"I- um- she had me doing lines," she answered, not fully honest but not lying either.
"And?" Remus prodded her, knowing there was something to add.
She sighed, her eyes wandering for a second before she slowly lifted up her sleeve and put forward her left hand.
All that followed her action was a deadly calmness, one that was so intense that she was sure there was going to be a murder happening soon.
Remus swallowed and his eyes pierced the swollen skin of his daughter's hand, his entire figure radiating anger.
"Always a monster, always a disgrace," Sirius read it out through gritted teeth. "She's etched these words, Nova!"
"She didn't do it by herself," Nova mumbled. "I was given a blood-quill, where you use your own blood to write and the words appear on your hand".
"That absolutely revolting and bloody maniac-" An endless stream of curses fell from his lips as he paced around the room.
"Pa?" Nova said cautiously.
Remus didn't say anything and just took her hand in his, his touch filled with every bit of gentleness that his eyes were failing to provide at the moment. He tapped the red skin with his wand and she hissed a little as he healed the deep cuts.
"It looks fresh," Sirius added as he sat down again and watched the wound being treated.
"Well I did have my last detention just a day before coming here".
"For how long?" Remus questioned.
"Almost a month now".
"Why didn't you send a letter?" Sirius muttered and was already planning different ways to commit a crime.
"She would've intercepted it and the result would be more detentions," Nova grumbled. "But it's okay though, I'm fine now".
"It's not okay!" Remus exclaimed. "It's not right to use these things on students. This is a form of torture for godric's sake!"
"I know, Pa," she nodded and spoke softly. "And believe me I would love nothing more than to beat the shit out of her, but it'll not only land me, but us all in trouble too. And it's not worth the risk".
"And where did that girl go who always quoted, 'What's life without a little risk?'" Sirius frowned, not at all liking this.
"I'm still the same, Da," Nova smiled. "But it's really not worth it".
"It bloody is, it's you who's on the line. It's worth every fucking risk," Remus scowled but he did understand.
"Yeah yeah whatever," she brushed it off and flopped onto his lap while keeping her legs in Sirius'.
"If you happen to get the news of Dolores Umbridge mysteriously turning bald, I didn't do anything," he said suddenly and the other two burst out laughing.
"You'll be the first to know," Nova grinned and poked his stomach.
The trio sat there till it was quite late. Just speaking randomly and enjoying each other's presence after being away for so long.
"I'll go get some water," Nova got up holding her stomach as she wiped tears of laughter from her eyes, the reason being Sirius' very bad joke.
She still had a smile on her face as she reached the kitchen and was met with her best friends.
"Hey boys," she greeted cheerfully and the two turned around unbelievably fast.
"Nov," George breathed out and his lips rugged upwards at seeing her back. He quickly went over and hugged her tightly, almost squeezing the life out of her.
She grinned and pulled away to see him pushing Fred towards her and then shooting them a wink before leaving the two alone.
"Hey Freddie," she whispered softly and snaked her arms around his neck as he pulled her close.
"Hullo love," he smiled giddily and wasted no time in pressing his lips to hers with double the passion.
He kissed her with every bit of emotion that was filling his heart, all for her. He kissed her as a sorry for not doing more, for not helping out more. He kissed her as a thank you for fighting the battle and coming out victorious. He kissed her lovingly, feeling his happiness rise upon seeing hers.
"Thank you," she said after they pulled away. Breathless and overwhelmed.
"Every time," he replied and pecked her cheek gently.
"And sorry too".
"I'll take that one as well".
The couple laughed like buffoons, being crazily drunk over each other that they were unable to form a meaningful sentence.
Fred gave her a beautiful smile and wrapped her in an embrace, "I love you".
Her lips twitched and she leaned her head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth and intimacy. "I love you too".
She then pulled back and gave him one last kiss before saying good night.
"Night," he whispered back and watched with a daze as she walked up the stairs.
Nova still had the red hue that had coated her cheeks during the kiss and as she entered her room, her parents were quick to spot it.
"Took you long enough to just get some water, eh?" Sirius teased and lifted his eyebrows while Remus smirked.
"Oh shut up," she grumbled and laughed despite herself as she finally settled on the bed.
"Of course," Remus smiled, one that wasn't sincere in any kind of way making her roll her eyes.
"Sleep now," Sirius said after toning down the teasing session and turning off the lights.
"Yeah," she answered, grabbing the blankets and closing her eyes.
"Love you, darling," said Remus.
"Tons and tons," completed Sirius.
"I love you 3000," she offered them a cheeky grin and wink before letting sleep take her.
The two men chuckled fondly at her antics, glad to have their little star once again. They looked at her adoringly before gazing at each other with the same amount of love.
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Claimed | Anything For You
Franchise: Percy Jackson
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Nick Oliver (original character, pronouns are he/him/his)
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: swearing, injured Luke
Series Summary: Nick Oliver was on track to figure out his life after high school. One day in a bookstore, and suddenly, post-high school plans were the farthest thing from his mind. One day in a bookstore, he met Luke Castellan.
Chapter Summary: Nick is late and so is Luke. Unfortunately, Luke has a slightly more valid reason to be late.
A/N: Part two finally going up! I've got a few parts worth written but I feel like I shouldn't spam-upload everything I wanna have y'all out for blood for a new chapter <3
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Nick is late.
Noon in three days at the bookstore; they had both agreed. Now, it’s 12:30 and Nick is scrambling to get a cab to Brooklyn Heights.
When Nick arrives at the store, he pays the driver and steps out. Luke is nowhere to be found. He does a quick walk around to see if Luke had just gone inside to wait, but there’s no sign of the blond. Nick returns to the bench outside and takes a seat with a sigh. Maybe Luke’s the one who’s actually late. Nick tries not to entertain the thought that he may have left.
After about 45 minutes, another cab pulls up in front of him. Nick hopes it’s Luke, but it isn’t. The boy who steps out of the vehicle, however, seems to recognize him. He has blond hair and violet eyes, which Nick absentmindedly thinks is pretty cool.
“Are you Nick Oliver?” He asks.
Nick frowns. “Who’s asking?” The boy raises an eyebrow. “Yes, I’m Nick.”
“Thank the gods,” the boy says, clearly relieved. “Luke was so incoherent, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to find you.”
“You know Luke?” Nick asks immediately. “Where is he? He said he’d be here over an hour ago. Is something wrong?”
“Slow down, man,” he says in a reassuring tone. “Did Luke mention a camp when you last saw each other?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, he did.” Nick does 75% of the Macarena trying to find the card that Luke had given him. He finds it in his back pocket, holding it out to the purple-eyed boy. “This place, right? In Long Island?”
“Yes, exactly.”
“Um, also, I apologize if this comes off as rude, but who exactly are you?”
“Gods, I’m sorry. I’m Pollux, I’m a friend of Luke’s from camp.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“I have an offer for you,” Pollux says. “Luke didn’t want you to worry about him too much. So, either I give you the light-hearted, sugar-coated version of why Luke can’t make it and schedule another time for you two to meet up, or I can tell you the whole truth and you can make a decision from there.”
“I want the truth this time,” Nick says. He takes a step towards Pollux. “Luke offered me the truth the last time we talked and I wasn’t ready. I think I’m ready now.”
“Well, Luke is injured pretty bad. He’s in the camp infirmary.”
“I want to see him,” Nick says without missing a beat.
“Man, it’s not that simple.”
“I. Want. To see. Luke.”
Pollux grimaces. “I guess we’ll make it work. C’mon.”
Nick climbs into the back of the cab with the boy, and they drive towards Long Island.
Pollux has the driver drop them off at the bottom of a seemingly random hill, but doesn’t question it when Pollux hands him a roll of cash. “Over the hill,” Pollux tells Nick.
“What are we waiting for, then?”
“Nick, wait!”
Pollux has to chase after Nick as he makes a beeline for the top of the hill. Nick tunes out Pollux’s shouts when he finds a tree with a living, breathing dragon curled around it. For some reason, the creature doesn’t scare him at all. In fact, it hardly fazes him. He sprints right past and down the other side of the hill.
“Pollux, where’s the infirmary?” Nick yells up the hill as the blond starts to catch up.
“How did you get past Peleus?” Pollux exclaims.
“The infirmary!” Nick repeats loudly.
“The big blue house past the strawberry fields.”
Nick keeps running while Pollux stays back to catch his breath. On the porch of the house, Nick encounters an older nam in a leopard-print Hawaiian shirt.
“Who are you?” The man asks.
“I’m Nick. Where’s Luke?”
The man shrugs. “Inside, I suppose.” There’s a scream of pain from somewhere in the house and Nick rushes in.
“Luke?” He calls out. “Luke!”
Nick almost misses the door for the infirmary. He sees Luke squirming on a bed across the room and he ducks in. “Luke, holy shit.”
“Nick? You came?”
Before Nick can reach Luke’s side, someone shoves him against a wall and holds a knife to his throat.
“Who are you?” The boy demands.
“I’m Nick, I’m a friend of Luke’s.” Nick maneuvers his way out of the boy’s grasp, kneeling down at Luke’s side. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, never better,” Luke says in a strained voice. “Sorry I couldn’t make it.”
“Don’t apologize, dumbass, you’re injured.”
The boy who attacked Nick isn’t done with him quite yet. “How did you get through the barrier?” He inquires.
“Barrier?” Nick says with a confused frown. “What barrier?”
“You’re telling me Peleus just let you pass?”
“Chris, chill,” Luke says.
“Peleus… what, the dragon on the hill? He hardly looked at me.”
“Chris, you can interrogate him later,” Luke says protectively, holding Nick’s arm. Nick’s face grows hot.
“I’ll interrogate him now,” Christ retorts. “Who the hell are you? How do you know Luke and how did you-”
“I’m getting a little tired of your questions, Chris,” Nick says angrily, glaring at him.
“Nicky,” Luke murmurs. Nick’s face heats him again and he look back at the blond. Luke’s eyes widen in surprise when Nick meets his gaze. “Hm. That’s new.”
“Your eyes.” Luke reaches his hand to the side table and grabs a hand mirror. He holds it up in front of Nick’s face. “Purple.”
Nick blinks a few times in an attempt to comprehend what he’s seeing. His irises are glowing purple, the same way his cane and umbrella glow. The purple flickers before fading back to his usual ivy green.
“I’ve never seen anyone’s eyes do that,” Luke mutters, resting the mirror in his lap.
“Well, that’s fucking reassuring.”
Luke manages a laugh, but winces and reaches for a wound at his side.
“Can you guys leave for a minute?” Luke asks Chris and the others in the room.
“But-” Chris starts.
“But nothing. I need to talk to Nick.”
Reluctantly, the small group leaves. Chris casts one last dirty look at Nick before disappearing from view with the others.
“What do you need to talk about?” Nick says gently. Luke shrugs.
“Anything at all. I kind of just wanted them to leave. Maybe today, you and I could hang out like we were going to earlier?”
“I’d love that, but you’re hurt.
“Nah, I’ll heal fast. Some nectar and ambrosia and I’ll be all set. Sound good?”
Nick smiles a little. “Sounds perfect.”
Luke hesitantly reaches for Nick’s hand and holds it, looking up for confirmation that it was okay. Nick’s smile widens and he holds Luke’s hand tighter. Luke’s stiff body relaxes while Nick absentmindedly runs his thumb over Luke’s knuckles periodically.
Once Luke is feeling better, the two boys wander around camp while Luke explains to Nick everything that’s going on. The Demigod Talk.
At dinner, Nick sits with Luke at Luke’s cabin’s table. Hermes cabin, apparently. Luke is a son of Hermes, which makes his vendetta against the deity make simultaneously more and less sense to Nick.
After dinner, Luke and Nick go for a walk through the camp.
“How are you processing everything?” Luke asks.
“Well, in one day, I met a dragon, found out my eyes can glow purple when I’m angry, discovered that I’m literally half-god, and took an archery lesson from a centaur,” Nick replies. “I’m just fine, Luke.”
“Yeah, no, I get that.” Luke pauses. “You’ve got me, though. You always will.”
Nick reaches for Luke’s hand in the dim light of the sunset.
“I really hope you’re not another Hermes kid,” Luke states. “This kind of thing would kinda be super weird if that was the case.” He holds up their intertwined hands.
“Shit, that’s true.” Nick crosses his fingers on his free hand. “Here’s hoping.”
Just then, Luke glances up and his jaw drops. “Holy shit,” he whispers.
Nick looks up, but whatever Luke had seen has disappeared.
“You just got claimed, Nicky,” he says slowly.
“By who?”
Luke swallows hard and meets Nick’s eyes. “Hades. God of the Underworld.”
A/N: Went back and found the original document for this and found out I truly did start this over a year ago, around March 25th 2022. Oddly enough, my sister's birthday. Thank you for reading! I hope to be back with part three soon! Feedback is encouraged and appreciated! Have a lovely day!
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 years
An entire novel in one song!!! I remember you mentioning how some Hiiragi Magnetite fans are just there for the music and not the story…I completely understand the annoyance. This is a lot of work and dedication to ignore wtff.
Btw is there an actual order in a timeline? Or is there mostly snippets of specific events…does anyone remember anything when the world ends or are these people just dead now? (Literally or figuratively?) They’re all different people now? I can understand the concept of time overlapping and repeating but it does bring up a lot of questions. (Swampman is funny eheh) aND whats the deal with miss angel from oumen mokushiroku? You draw her often! I could keep going with the Q’s but I’ll stop there…actually I already asked a lot I am sorry asgkdgkdj _(:3 」∠)_
i love all hiiragi magnetite fans but im extending friendship to anyone who cares about plot bc those are kind of few even on the jpn side of things
in terms of timeline the one thing i can say for sure is kyuuyaku hankagai is the furthest is the past, though i dont think it's the start of everything. the rest of the timeline im not quite sure about and its not posted in time order.
aru sekai shoushitsu is more of an objective overview im not sure i'd put it on the timeline or if i did it'd be near the end since they know of everything that's happened. so we'll start with kyuuyaku as the oldest. the next place could go either shuuen touhikou since i dont think the chara's clothes or the fact katanas are mentioned so often are exactly modern, though they also have technology so it's not too ancient OR kugutsu ashura since they seem to be so heavily implied to be related. everything else seems to be more in present day so to speak. i think i'd say marshall maximizer → oumen mokushiroku → canon → unplanned apoptosis is the most likely order, but they're all from different chara's perspectives so its a little hard to say for sure since theyre all in different scenarios. these all seem to be in the same instance of the world too for the most part.
im not sure how much they remember between repeats. it hasnt been shown off much that i've noticed. there is a line in the text of aru sekai that's like "she closed her eyes, and i softly opened mine, that world had disappeared" so i think that means they're pretty aware of what's happening & they remember what they've tried before in order to tweak it and try again. i think they're at least vaguely aware that they died & i guess in a way theyre all the swampman in that sense.
there's actually nothing special about the angel in oumen mokushiroku i just think she's neat. she wants to help but due to things (whatever happened in canon i think) she cant actually reach out and do anything about it so she's just as distraught as everyone else. she's not even the one we have a possible clue on her name (a friend and i think the kyuuyaku girl might be named layla possibly even layla kyuuyaku bc kyuuyaku is in fact a valid last name & we cant figure out any other meaning for レイラ in the aru sekai lyrics for kyuu) as of right now all the names are secret as said by hiiragi magnetite themself though. she's got a lot of symbolism in just her art alone though with the whole broken umbrella and everything. like she's supposed to be everyone's protection and she cant even do that one thing. i just like her
u can absolutely keep asking questions i love this series theres so much going on its fun to try explaining
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
I have been sleeping early than usual actually. I think I am just ready for the last few days to past but it feels like the week is dragging lol
Oh wow that is pretty late. I'm surprised that Emily had energy to open presents and play at that time hahaha I would have been telling her to go sleep or santa will take the presents back lol just kidding I wouldn't do that to a 2 year old.
By the way, has it snowed there yet?
That's exciting! Are you guys going to just drive to Texas or fly again?
I tried moscow mule once.. was not a big fan of it 😅 I think I only really ordered it for the little mug hahahaha 😆
Same, I think most places that I've been to that served tiramisu only uses sponge cake. Yeah, I'm planning on making that mango dessert again but with less condensed milk. I am already too sweet. Hahahaha just kidding 😂
CA does have a lot of filipino places 😭 my uncle lives there and I want to visit him next year so that he can take me to all the restaurants that have good filipino chefs. Here there's only one place I know that was open a few years ago, but I don't know if they still are after the whole covid thing 🥲 there is a lady that I found on Facebook that caters and does pick up orders for filipino food though. I ordered her food once and it was decent.
Do you guys have Indonesian snacks that you'd recommend? Since I can't find any Indonesian restaurants here, I may be able to get snacks at the small oriental store we have in Omaha.
Hm that's interesting 🤔 all your movie choices have barely any dramatic scenes. Have you always been like that, not wanting to cry because you think it shows weakness? (Sorry if that came out bad and rude, I don't mean to be rude)
I have to think about mine too because I am drawing blank for 3 movies. I can only think of one that always make me cry and that's the Phantom of the Opera - the part where they sing all I ask of you and then the ending part around where Christine kisses the phantom.
Next, name 3 movies that you could watch on repeat and never get tired of.
By the way, I made a separate account and started writing! Well I don't know if you'd consider it writing, but I posted mostly conversation stuff between r and characters (mainly Wanda).
Hello hello corn-punn!
How r u today? Aw thats no fun u sleep earlier than usual.. just kidding.
Why u cant wait for the days to past? R u that ready for new year? 😆😁 whats ur plan for new year?
Haha yeah, i let her play but then she followed whn i said it's time to bed..thank god..hahahha.
No, it hasnt been snow or anything here..im so upset right now..🙄 it's not even that cold here.. only 66.
We r driving to t3xas.. it's only 3.5 hours.
Haha i love moscow mule. It's one of my favorite cocktails. I have a set of the copper mugs n the shakers. My husband gave me. Lol. I guess i love moscow mule that much that he gave them to me.lol. my most favorite drink is apple martini and a cocktail named buttery nipple 😅 (it's baileys and butterschotch schnaps).
Haha i used to joke like that about me being too sweet already n thats why i dont need any more sugar on anything 🤣
But i agree with u, u r a sweet person so dont put too much condensed milk,okay?
Hmm right now i cant think of any snacks.. i like Beng Beng it's like snickers but more chocolaty n less caramel. I like the superman wafers.hahah. there is this sweet tea it's called teh botol but it's in a box 😅 it's my favorite. It's very famous there.
Ah i see. Yeah sometimes facebook have some information of our country food..sometimes it can be pricey though. U can google indonesian food n if u have any questiom about it, u can ask me.
Yeah,i'm always like that. I guess it's because i try to look strong in front of my sister. U know, to be a good example for her.
My sister is more expressive than i am. I would try n pretend to be strong until i break down n even that i usually choose to be alone when i have a break down. 😅
So it will hurt my pride too if i cry just because of movies.
I love phantom of the opera.. n that All I Ask Of You is one of my favorite song from that show.
3 movies i never get tired to watch..well,since im in the mood of rebel so i will give u more than 3. 😅😆
1. The Proposal
2. White Chick
3. Any modern family episodes
4. Devils Wear Prada
5. Age Of Ultron
6. Greta
7. 13 Going 30
8. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
9. Hot Chicks
How bout u?
Next questions
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anystalker707 · 2 years
Past your limits
Pairing: Ray x [afab] Reader Word count: ~ 4 100 Genre: Smut Summary: Ray is so gentle, but (y/n) has an idea about how to get him to be harsher. Kind of content: Spanking / Degrading / Manhandling / Harsh
Requested by anon [I've seen so little oneshots with ray and I'd like to add some spice in a request 💫ray x female afab reader(...)]
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Ray is the gentlest person ever and as much as it can be an advantage, it is also extremely annoying when I’m trying to get him to be harsher when fucking me, though something has come to my attention the past month—Ray can easily snap if the annoyance is continuous to certain degree and also accumulated, like when he’s already sighing sharply whenever Frank or Gerard make a dumb comment by the end of the last band practice of the week or an important rehearse, hence I made an extra effort this week. Ray was holding himself back during the first days, but I doubt he will go past today; he complained about having to go fix a new pedal with Frank, Matt and Mikey the whole time while getting himself ready to leave, and I don’t think these three together may be a nice combination with Ray.
This heavier mood follows Ray as he walks past the door with a sigh and leaves his shoes by the door, eventually making his way upstairs to come down with more comfortable clothes.
“Hey, I didn’t see you there,” he hums on his way to the kitchen, “is there any dinner?”
“Yeah.” I lean forward on the couch to see him open the fridge. “You just gotta heat it up.” He stops, though, and looks at me whilst raising an eyebrow sharply. “What?”
“You know I don’t like— Whatever, it’s fine,” he sighs.
I need to hold back the smile that threatens to tug on my lips once I look over at Ray. “Sorry, there wasn’t anything else! There’s some yakisoba and instant ramen in the cabinet, though, if you want it.” Of course there is—I’m bad, but not that bad. He only bothers to hum in response, quickly going to take a look through the cabinets, and he’s already heating up the water when I walk into the kitchen. “So, how was everything?”
Ray shrugs a little, watching the water heating up. “Well, at least we could get everything we needed, y’know? But you know how the guys can be, so I swear we went from No Angel to Rock Stain at least three times, even if Mikey kept repeating the prices and the stuff for Frank and Matt.” He groans a little, and turns the stove off, moving to fill the paper cup with the hot water then cover it.
“Does sound like them...” I nod. “Wait— Hell, Ray, you didn’t go with that black shirt you were wearing in the morning, did you?”
He raises an eyebrow at me. “What’s up with it?”
“It’s already all worn out and stuff, I told you to change!”
“No, you didn’t!” He glares. “And I even asked you if I looked fine or if I needed to change before I left, you could’ve said something!”
“Well, I didn’t notice!”
“Then don’t complain, please!” Ray’s eyebrows knit together as he exhales sharply, moving to grab a fork from the drawer before finally sitting down to eat. Great. It’s nice, though, how there’s still some softness lacing the frustration in his voice despite how annoyed he is.
Silence sits between us until Ray is finished eating and all the dishes are washed, and he wraps his arms around me from behind while I’m rinsing the last plate, nuzzling my neck lightly.
“What do you want?” I raise an eyebrow as I glance back at him.
“To give you love,” Ray answers, though it sounds sort of questioning. I slowly nod, a little too sarcastically, at least enough to have him narrowing his eyes and pouting at me. “I’m serious!”
“I want nothing!” He groans and rests his forehead on my shoulder, and it’s hard not to laugh at how desperate he seems. Poor thing. “What’s gotten in you lately?” He lets go as I tap his arm a few times once I’ve finished washing the dishes, so I turn around, drying my hands on the dish towel. “Like, I don’t know, you’re...” He clicks his tongue and scratches the back of his head.
“I am?” I raise an eyebrow, leaning back against the counter whilst putting the cloth away. Ray inhales, just to let out an incoherent mumble I can’t quite catch on. “What...?”
“Nothing.” Ray shakes his head with a sigh. “Anyways, I’m tired. I’m going upstairs.”
“Ray!” I climb on the bed, grinning, and take Ray’s phone away from his hand to put it on the nightstand instead while moving to his lap. Of course he rolls his eyes and leans back against the headboard, sharply raising an eyebrow at me, but all I do is to place my hands on his shoulders to lean in for a kiss; he does return it, even if not so soon.
Ray deepens the kiss with a soft hum, making me sigh and melt against him, even more with the way his hands wrap firmly around my hips, squeezing and rubbing circles into them, so I don’t even hesitate to roll my hips against his, snatching a gasp from Ray. I take the opportunity to slip my tongue past his lips, meeting his hips the next time he is pushing them up, kissing him deeper, but I am soon pulling away with soft pecks so I can move off of him.
A sigh escapes my lips as I reach for my phone on the opposite nightstand... it actually gets farther. Ray takes a hold of my hips once again to pull me closer to him, so easily it’s almost a shame; I can’t even hold back a whiny groan, letting him drag me closer then adjust myself on his lap when I’m close enough, though I sit across his lap this time.
“Ray,” I sigh, “let me go...”
Ray scoffs, rolling his eyes at me, and I don’t even have time to complain at it before my back is meeting the mattress and he’s moving my legs apart to kneel down between them whilst pinning me down to the bed. “No, c’mon, you’ve been getting on my nerves the whole week, you’re not getting away with this!”
“What do you—”
“I don’t want to hear your arguing, (y/n), I’m tired of you being a brat,” he says sharply enough to send a shiver running down my spine. “What’s gotten into you this week? Honestly, it even seems like you are having fun with all of it! Fuck, it’s not even like it, you are having fun with it, aren’t you?” He falls silent and, fuck, I can’t help but to feel my cheeks heating up according to how my heart beats faster, and I almost jump with how he hums. “God, you really are!” Something between entertainment and anger laces Ray’s voice, and whatever it is, makes me want to disappear under him.
“No, I’m not!” My cheeks burn each time more with a warmth that seems to spread itself down my neck and to my ears. I mean, I wanted this to happen and all, yes, but I have the feeling it doesn’t matter what Ray does to me—or how many times he does it—, I’ll always be dumb horny.
“‘Knew there’d be a reason for you to be so fucking bratty lately!” He clicks his tongue and only lets go of me so he can move back and get rid of his shirt, looking down at me with a small grin tugging on his lips. “Thankfully, you’re not getting away with it now that I know what you’re doing. Maybe it—”
“Ray, look—”
“Safeword?” He raises an eyebrow at me, his face falling unimpressed again.
He interrupted me to ask for it? I furrow my eyebrows, thinking for a moment. “Uh, remember.”
“Good.” Ray hums with a nod before his hand meets my cheek not so harshly, but it is enough for the skin to burn a little, though I’m sure the suddenness of the slap is worse; I let my head fall to the side, pressing my eyes shut for a long moment, and as bad as it seems to be, the slap stirs something in my lower stomach. “Now, quit interrupting me, I can’t handle it anymore!” He is glaring at me when I open my eyes a little and nod.
Things take a sudden turn again, though it’s not that bad this time. Ray takes a tight grip of my hips as his lips meet mine in an urgent kiss—the urgency being his, given how he presses his lips to mine in a firm kiss that he only deepens and softens a little once I finally manage to kiss back. My lips tingle a little when Ray finally pulls away, leaving me panting whilst he continues to kiss his way down to my neck, alternating between kissing, sucking and nibbling onto the skin, and it’s difficult to decide which is better, even more with how his hands start slipping under my shirt, rubbing circles into my hips and then trailing up to my waist, where they get a stronger grip so he can pull me closer to him, easily snatching a moan from me with how his hips roll against mine. Fuck.
My hands ache and fuck, I’ve been gripping onto the sheets so damn tightly; I open and close my hands a few times as I throw my head back with a sigh, only for my breath to hitch in my throat when Ray’s teeth sink harder into a spot under my ear. He continues nibbling on it for a moment before his tongue runs across the skin a couple of times, letting the cold air hit the wet spot rather soothingly after he pulls away, mumbling something I can’t quite catch on, but he’s quickly moving down instead.
Ray pulls my shirt up to my abdomen, bending down to press his lips to the exposed skin along the way, but I can’t fucking hold myself back when his lips linger over a sensitive spot near my hip, gasping and throwing my hips up against his face—involuntarily.
“I— (Y/n)! Holy fuck!” Ray clicks his tongue and he slaps me again, this time letting the hit land across the side of my thigh, a little harsher than the last time.
“Fuck,” I gasp softly at the sting, groaning as Ray holds onto my hips again, stronger this time, pinning me down to the mattress while he goes back to what he was doing. The same happens when he reaches that spot, and his fingers dig into my hips to stop me from moving this time. A whimper escapes my throat, but I try to suppress it, trying to keep myself still as Ray’s lips trails up my body until he is eventually helping me out of my shirt, shorts, then underwear.
“Why did you do all of it, hm?” Ray raises an eyebrow at me, humming. “What was the point of—”
“You wouldn’t fuck me hard enough, that’s the point!” I glare, and it doesn’t take long until his hand is meeting my other cheek on yet another slap, sending the stinging sparkling through the skin more intensely this time, but still not bad. Hell, I really got on his nerves. A chuckle almost slips past my lips.
Ray’s eyebrows raise as he looks at me, slowly nodding. “So you were just being a fucking whore this whole time? Doing all of that just so you would get a nice fuck?” There he goes again, making me wish the mattress would swallow me or something. “Well, you better enjoy it, then!” He gropes onto my thigh, making me gasp with the force of it, though also squirming at the same time, which isn’t exactly useful given how he’s not close enough and I can’t press my thighs together; it seems to be very entertaining to him, whatsoever. “Don’t you dare cumming until I tell you to.”
My eyes widen as I glare at him. “Ray— Fuck,” I groan as he slaps the side of my thigh again, just making the lack of touch fucking worse.
A sharp sigh escapes Ray’s nose as he moves back, finally getting rid of the rest of his clothes and allowing me to press my legs together, humming softly at the 'relief'. It doesn’t last long, of course.
“Can’t even hold yourself back for a fucking second?” Ray slaps the opposite thigh this time, hence I flinch, tensing up, but he’s still able to pull my legs apart and assume his previous position. “Have you been such a slut this whole time or what? If you’ve kept that hidden until now, I’m sure you can hold yourself back, right? As much as these handprints look pretty on you, I’m not sure you’d like too many of them...” His voice gains a softer tone that has me melting against him, even more with how his hand runs up and down my thigh nicely. “A slut, yeah, but thankfully all mine,” he mumbles, and I take in a breath to complain just to let out a moan instead with Ray’s hand slipping between my legs and his fingers sliding past my folds, trailing up and down. “Soaking.”
I exhale shakily, remaining silent this time, only observing Ray as he seems to think for a moment before he is motioning for me to... what? He rolls his eyes and makes me move instead, pulling me to sit up then straddle his lap once he sits down. “Show me how eager you are, will you?”
How am I even supposed to do it? The idea of asking him about it does cross my mind, but I don’t think it would be a smart thing to do, so I just move to do whatever I want to him, starting by pulling him for a kiss as my hands rest on his chest.
Ray hums in appreciation, taking a hold of my thighs this time, giving them a soft squeeze once I deepen the kiss and let my tongue slip past his lips. As much as I want to keep going, the way my lungs achingly protest have me pulling away with a gasp sooner than I’d like, so I instead let my lips trail down his neck, not minding the salty taste of the sweat as I wrap my lips around the skin to leave back at least a mark on his neck that matches mine. I’m not sure if it’ll turn out dark enough, though, not with how feeling Ray’s leg shift between my legs has me pausing with a gasp, involuntarily letting my hips move against it.
“Ray, fuck— Please,” I groan softly against his neck, letting my head rest against his shoulder for a moment, wrapping an arm around his neck. “I need you so fucking bad, please, I’ve been needing you for the whole week!” My words are sort of muffled against him for a moment along with a moan given how I roll my hips against him again—I just can’t help it.
“Yeah, I gotta be honest, that was some great effort you put in there!” He chuckles in a way that almost makes me want to choke him so he stops, another thing I restrain myself from, sighing. “Did you have it in mind every time you annoyed me? Kept thinking about how hard I’d fuck you by the end of it? Maybe touched yourself to the thought of it? Fucking dirty whore!” I’m about to argue, but the slaps from earlier make me think, in a way I instead groan, burying my face in the crook of his neck; he chuckles again. “C’mon, you can ride me,” he mumbles lastly with a nudge on my thigh. Fucking finally.
It takes me a moment to remember how to fucking control my body, but I’m soon pulling away a little so I can position myself, with my hands on his shoulders for support. I’m about to reach down for Ray just to feel a pressure against my entrance already at the same time his hand on my thigh pulls me down, so I slowly give in to his touches, lowering down onto him.
The soft burning resulting from the stretching has me gasping, though it’s not that bad—not after a few successive nights of being home alone—, hence it doesn’t take that long until my body meets his and I give myself a short moment to start moving. It’s sort of messy at first, given how I try to look for the perfect angle to finally settle down and start a proper rhythm with it, making up for the whole time spent with teasing, and it’s fucking worth it.
“Damn, Ray,” I gasp with how a wave of pleasure makes my thighs quiver a little, only compelling me to slow down for a few seconds, but I barely have the opportunity to regain the rhythm.
Ray groans, not long before he takes a firm hold of me by wrapping his arms around my waist and leans back a little, and I don’t even have time to wonder why he’s doing it before he’s thrusting his hips upwards, his arms helping me meet him halfway, and fuck, wow.
Moan after moan slips past my lips after Ray manages to hit just the right angle, and I decide to gather the little strength I have to meet his movements, wrapping my arms tightly around his shoulders and letting my fingers sink into his back. The sweat does make the grip difficult though, in a way my nails are trailing up his back every few thrusts; Ray’s upper back slowly gets littered with pretty bright red lines.
I take a hold of the hair on the back of his head to tug on it lightly, enough for Ray to gasp against my chest as his hips snap upwards a little harsher; my thighs quiver as I cling to him, giving myself a moment to process what happened, and I presume it was just as good for Ray given how his thrusts stutter and he pauses. At least it gives me the opportunity to start moving by myself again, rolling my hips in that way that almost makes my legs give up under me over and over until I force myself to a stop, straining a moan.
Ray raises an eyebrow at me, blowing a few strands of hair away from his face. “What? What’s wrong? Did I tell you to stop?”
I look away with a groan, at least trying to buy myself more time. “I’m... uh, ‘m close...”
Rolling his eyes, he scoffs. “I didn’t tell you to stop, did I?”
“But—” I cut myself of with a hiss once his hand comes in contact with the side of my thigh heavily, enough to leave back another handprint, and the worst part is that it doesn’t fucking help, only making the arousal pool quicker in my lower stomach. Still, I start moving at the moment I notice he’s going to complain again, helplessly whimpering and gasping at how the distant sensation of release only feels closer and closer... and it stops.
Ray’s hands hold me in place, still on his lap for a few seconds until he pulls me away and I move back to the mattress, carefully following his movements so I won’t do anything he doesn’t want me to. A hand on my chest gently guides me into lying back down on the mattress, and I can’t help but to admire him as he’s over me, on hands and knees. He pants heavily, with a few strands of hair stuck to his face due to the sweat as much as he tries to swat them away every few seconds. His chest heaves up and down with how he breathes, and I easily get lost at watching it for a little. A fucking god.
“Turn over.” Ray nods and I promptly do as told, propping myself up on my elbows and knees just to have my face forced into the mattress by a hand between my shoulder blades before he is easily pulling me closer to him, bringing my hips up higher with his hands around them. Am I a damn rag doll to him?
“Pretty,” he mumbles, though I don’t believe it’s directed to me nor meant to be answered, even more given how he’s slapping my ass right after, sending the warm pain sparkling through the skin shortly previous to a next slap on the opposite cheek, and I just fucking moan with it. “Hell, I love how you just like it all,” Ray chuckles, pressing a few kisses to the spot between my shoulderblades. He gives my hips a squeeze as he pulls me closer and feeling his cock pressed against me is just— Fuck, he should just fuck me and let me cum already. Loser.
As if Ray read my thoughts—or not quite because I doubt he would even fuck me again if he heard me calling him a loser—, he’s pushing in again, meeting less resistance this time and easily fucking me harder, deeper with the new position, thankfully also giving my legs some sort of a break. Well, not a proper or a good break given how my thighs shudder and quiver every few thrusts.
“Ray,” I groan into the mattress, reaching a hand down to between my legs just to have it slapped away, making me curse and click my tongue, but still reach down again a few seconds later.
“Fucking stop trying to touch yourself!” Ray groans, taking a hold of both of my wrists to hold them tightly against my back. “Can’t you fucking listen for once?” His hips snap forward with more force this time as if to reinforce what he says, though it all just makes it harder to grip onto his words, drowning my brain more and more in the horny haze that clouds it more according to how close I get to my release.
“R-Ray, please,” I gasp, a string of moans following my words, high pitched and longer.
“Hold it...” Ray mumbles, and lets out a low moan, letting one of his thrusts last particularly longer before he resumes his rhythm.
“Ray, I—”
“Shush!” Ray’s grip tightens around my wrists and I fucking let out a cry, with pain already tugging on my shoulders and leg muscles at the same time it feels each time harder to try to suppress my release.
“C’mon, you can cum,” Ray breathes and it only takes him a couple of thrusts before the knot in my lower stomach finally fucking unravels, sending pleasure ringing up my spine and going down at once, having me curling my toes and leaving behind a throbbing sensation between my legs that matches how Ray twitches and also cums.
Ray is suddenly back with a cup of my favorite warm drink when I finally come back to reality, feeling my eyelids and limbs a little too heavy, but there’s somehow enough energy left in me to enjoy Ray’s softness that reigns again after releasing all the stress he had built up during the week. All the tender touches and soft kisses over each mark he left behind earlier only has me melting more and more, cursing at how hot the drink actually is so I can’t down it all at once to cuddle Ray already.
“So? How was it?” He runs his fingers through my hair, sitting beside me on the bed as he observes me carefully.
“Great,” I hum with a nod and take a sip of the drink. “Fucking awesome. I love you so much, thanks for, y’know, everything, I guess.”
A small smile tugs on his lips as he leans in to give me a peck. “That’s not something you should thank me for,” he chuckles.
“But I want to, okay?” I raise an eyebrow, humming.
Ray rolls his eyes with a small smile. “Alright.” He presses a kiss to my forehead. “Love you too.”
tagging list: @lubbockshusband | @trans-ylvania | @newgirlinhell
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anime-fan93 · 2 years
Camilo Madrigal || when he was a child he had an imaginary friend (who is the reader) he nicknamed ‘glitchy’ because they can glitch obvi they had colorful clown clothing when he started to grow he started to forget his friend then one day in the present he went to his room and found his old friend their colorful clown clothes were dusty and dark and they came back to haunt Camilo || if this is too much for you you don’t have to do it!
Sorry this took so long, I'm so sorry😭
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Glitchy! Camilo Oneshot
"Mami! Mami I made a new friend!"
"Did you? Where are they?"
"Right here! Aren't their clothes so cool??"
"...y-yes, they are, carino. What's their name?"
Camilo shot awake, breathing heavy and drenched in sweat. He looked at his shaking hands before burying them in his hair, taking deep breaths.
'I've had that dream... or should I say nightmare, for a week straight... Who is gl-'
A knock from his door caused him to jump. "Camilo? Are you awake?" He shakily stood up and walking to his door, taking a deep breath before opening it. "Yes, I-I'm awake, Papi,"
"Good, now c'mon, it's time to eat and you know what happened last time you were late," He forced a laugh and nodded. Felix patted his back, but frowned. "Why are you so... sweaty?"
He forced another smile and shrugged. "I don't know, it was pretty hot last night, I was surprised I got to sleep," Felix looked him up and down.
"Are you sure? 'Cause your mother had mentioned you being sweaty when she comes to check on you for the past few days-"
"I'm fine." Felix's eyes widened slightly, causing Camilo to sigh. "I'm sorry, I just- I'm fine, Papi. I'll be down in a minute," He closed his door and buried his hands in his hair.
"Get it together, Camilo. Get it together..." He repeated, taking a few sips of water. Once he was composed enough to where no one would notice, he got dressed and walked downstairs.
Camilo started his daily routine of babysitting and entertaining the kids around the Encanto, mostly forgetting about the nightmare.
He was surrounded by a group of 5 or 6 kids asking them to shapeshift into them, and he was teasing them, acting like he wasn't going to.
"You really want me to?"
"Yes! Please, please, please??"
"Hmmm," he paused, but shrugged. "Eh, why not?" The kids started screaming and laughing in excitement as he changed into a few of them.
He smiled softly seeing how much the kids enjoyed it. "Now me, now me!" He smiled, but he then heard a giggle. He would have thought it was the children, but it was eerie, it sent shivers down his spine.
He looked around but saw no one, and the kids around him didn't seem to notice anything. He shrugged it off, beginning to change into one of the kids, when he heard the same giggle, but louder.
He then changed, and became significantly shorter, but not short enough to be one of the kids around him, making him confused. He saw the kids around him looking confused and a bit scared.
"W-Who is that...?" He looked at his arms and saw long baggy sleeves with faded patterns. 'What...?' It then was like electricity was shot through his body as they became bright and colorful.
He winced in pain, hearing the laugh echo through his head. "Do you remember, Cami--"
He then changed back to himself, stunned, but he remembered about the kids. "S-Sorry, it was someone from... a book I had read to Antonio,"
The kids shrugged, and once he was done with the kids, he sat down on a bench with little people around. 'What in the world was that...? Why do the clothes look so familiar? When they changed... I don't know it was something like a...'
"Glitch," He unwillingly said it out loud, but someone else said it with him. He looked around, hearing laughing, obnoxious laughing, from all around him.
No one around was laughing, causing him to get frustrated, confused, and scared. He clutched his head, starting to run home.
He ran into someone, causing them to fall, making him gasp, part of it out of shock but most of it being he couldn't breathe.
"A-Are you okay? Let me help you up, I'm sorry-" he reached his hand out, but the person grabbed it roughly, looking up at him, but their eyes were fully black.
"Remember, Camilo--" The surroundings around him started to quickly disorientate, and he grabbed his head again, falling to his knees.
"Stop..." He opened his eyes again to see everything back to normal. He weakly stood up, and the only thing that got him home was adrenaline.
He burst open the doors to Casita, causing the people standing near the entrance to look over. Abuela smiled, beginning to walk over to him.
"Ah, Camilo, there you are. Come here, there's someone who would-" he unintentionally bumped into her to get to the stairs, causing her to frown. "Camilo?"
"I-I'm sorry," he whispered, trying to get up the stairs. Pepa walked over to him, trying to take his hands, but he walked around her. "Camilo, are you alright?'
"I'm f-fine," he muttered, weakly getting up the stairs, leaving the people below them confused and worried. He got to his room, struggling to open the door, and once he got in, he fell to his hands and knees, gasping for air.
The door closed behind him as he ran his hands through his hair in a vain attempt to calm himself. He then heard laughing again, making his heart speed up.
He looked up, expecting nothing as it was the other times, but he saw someone sitting by his windowsill.
He backed away from them until he was against the door. "W-Who are y-you?" He struggled to get out.
The person then looked over at him, and Camilo was barely able to observe their features, as they kept quickly moving, almost... glitching.
He saw their clothes first, he thought about when he was with the kids earlier. 'Is this who I changed into?'
Then he saw their face...
Everything froze. Literally. They smiled at him, but it wasn't welcoming, nor warm. It was... sadistic and hateful.
"You're remembering. Aren't you, Cami?" He started to tremble, barely being able to say it. "G... Gli-Glitchy...?" They disappeared, then reappeared right in front of him.
"That's right. You got bored of me, Cami. You left me alone..." He was about to say something, but they glared at him, leaving him speechless.
"Now I'm this. I didn't want to scare you, or hurt you, Cami... At first," They then smiled again, looking at their hand. "But now... Knowing that you left and ignored me all these years... It feels amazing,"
They then appeared in front of him again, faces inches apart. "You forgot once. It won't happen again," They then started laughing hysterically, causing Camilo to shut his eyes tightly.
He opened his eyes slowly after a few minutes, to see no trace of them. He slumped against the door, staring off into space.
I hope you enjoyed! Again, I'm so sorry for how long it took!
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interlunium-opus · 3 years
"I hate him spending time with you more than I hate running so you know, priorities." [ Jay. ]
[ Jay | fluff ]
Author’s Note: Here's a fluff in response to the following request "Can you maybe do a fluff/crack for Jay where maybe he felt a little jealous when you praised someone for their skill and he immediately goes competitive mode and openly tries to show how he's far better indirectly to the guy?" Hope it's close to what you have in mind and hope you like it :3
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“Do you have anything to explain to me?”
You jumped, startled, as Jay appeared beside you while you were busy shoving your textbooks into your locker, “Jay! What did I say about sneaking up on people?”
“And what did I say about not keeping secrets between us?” Jay snapped back, arms crossed, brows raised, “Is this how much our friendship is worth?”
“My goodness, what is it this time?” You sighed as he fished his phone out of his pocket, turning it to show you a candid picture of you and Sunghoon from last night.
“I mean seriously, of all people to date, you have to go for this pretentious prick?” Jay scoffed before gesticulating wildly, “Look, I know I said that you need to stop being aromantic and start planting some sort romantic interest somewhere — but Sunghoon is just ain't it. In fact ! I’d rather you date the spawn of the devil, Jungwon, instead.”
You snorted a laugh before shaking your head dismissively, “Dude, we were just running last night okay? Does that even look like a date to you?”
“Okay,” he repeated sarcastically, “but you love running alone! So why are you suddenly running with someone — and not just anyone but this prick???”
“I really don’t get why you two hate each other so much,” you raised an eyebrow at Jay, “Look we just happened to bump into each other last night and since we were heading the same way, he asked if I don’t mind him tagging along for the remainder of the way — no big deal.”
“Ughh, that’s the oldest trick in book,” Jay scrunched his face, “And you said yes?”
“I mean — we’re not exactly strangers, we have been in the same tutorial class together for more than a year now," you mumbled as you zip your bag up, "He's a good running partner too. His pace was so stable and steady that it made me stuck to mine as well — I mean, duh, he's an athlete after all."
"Hey, I can run well too," Jay grumbled defensively, "You know if you needed a running partner, you could've called me right?"
“Maybe if you were as fit as I am, she would have,” Sunghoon suddenly appeared beside Jay, peering over his shoulder to look at the picture on his phone, “That’s a good picture of me and y/n — no wonder you got jealous.”
“Speak of the devil,” Jay rolled his eyes, “Aren't you a bit too greedy over what I have? first, you took up my spot for the dance competition and now you're trying to make a move on my girl."
"Jay, that was 2 years ago — get over it. You've taken my spot afterwards for the Summer competition anyway so we're actually even," Sunghoon retorted, "Also, she's not your girlfriend anyway so your territorial behaviour is pretty misplaced."
"Guys, cut it out," you shut your locker close with extra force in an effort to shut the squabbles, "Also, why am I suddenly dragged into your petty fights."
"Right sorry about that, he's just always trying to pick a fight with me," Sunghoon shook his head dismissively before turning to you and beamed, "Just stopping by to ask if you're running again tonight 'cause I would love to join again. It’s off season for ice-skating so I thought it's the perfect time to get back to running again."
“Oh? Yeah I am going tonight as well, just a tad bit late in the evening though. I want to finish up some work at the library first,” you smiled back at Sunghoon, ignoring Jay’s burning stare, “You know you can start ahead if you want — don’t want you waiting too long in case I'll take too much time at the library.”
“I’ll go when you go, don’t worry,” he reassured as he backed away, joining Heeseung who was waiting for him, “I’ll text you alright? Looking forward to tonight!”
You nodded and waved at him before turning to Jay, “What?”
“That’s it,” Jay clasped his hands together, “I’ll run with you tonight — and the next.”
“Jay, don’t be ridiculous, you hate running,” you emphasized, “which is why I never asked you to run with me.”
“Hey — I can love running if it’s for you,” he winked, wrapping an arm over your shoulders, dragging you past the crowded hallway towards your next class, “Or let me paraphrase: I hate him spending time with you more than I hate running so you know, priorities.”
“your priorities are all skewed then," you clicked your tongue, "Well, as long as you don't hurt yourself."
The next morning however Jay did not show up in Modern Political Thought seminar that you guys have every Thursday morning. Though the guy is such a sleepyhead, he never misses a class even when he pulled up an all-nighter the night before. So this sudden absence, paired with the fact that he managed to run a whole 5km without stopping last night, was sowing seeds of suspicions and guilt within you. To make things worse, he did not even respond to any of your messages for the last 5 hours.
That was why you ended up being in front of Jay's apartment instead of having your lunch that noon. "Hi!" you immediately say as the door of Jay's apartment opened. It was Jake, his flatmate, with his lids only half-opened and hair all disheveled, "y/n?"
"Sorry for waking you up Jake," you smiled apologetically, "Is Jay home? He missed a Politics seminar this morning and he didn’t respond to my text at all — just wanna make sure he’s alright.”
“mmhmm, pretty sure he’s in," he answered drowsily before yawning, "but probably, still hibernating.”
“Oh okay, do you mind if I come in?”
Jake nodded, backing up as he held the door open, “Of course, come in — it’s messy though.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you reassured, making your way towards the room at the end of the hallway. As you knocked on his door, Jake suddenly shouted from the kitchen, “don’t bother knocking y/n — that guy sleeps like a log. Just go in.”
“Uhh…” you bit your lip, slightly hesitating but relented when your subsequent knocks yielded no answer.
“Jay? I’m entering okay?” you say as you let yourself in, carefully navigating around the dark room, stumbling a few times against some random furnitures.
"Jake, get out okay-" you hear him grumble from underneath the covers, tossing the other way, "just let me... sleep mo..re."
As you neared his bed, you reached over to his bedside table and turned on the lamp. Suddenly, Jay rose from the covers, his hand gripping your wrist, grunting "Jake what did I just say-"
Trailing off, he looked at you with brows furrowed in a mix of annoyance and confusion, before his expressions gradually soften "y/n?"
"dude, you almost gave me a heart attack," you muttered, sighing exasperatedly.
"Sorry, I thought it was Jake trying to disturb me again," he softened his grip and rubbed your wrist as if he had just hurt it, "Did I hurt you?"
"My heart, almost but my hand is fine," you pulled your hand away, "How about you?"
"What about me?"
"You missed class this morning," you crossed your arms.
"It's just one class, no big deal. I just overslept-"
"Is that all?" you raised an eyebrow before pointing at the crumpled muscle relief patch packs and pain relief creams strewn messily across his bedside table, "Did someone overexert himself last night?"
"Fine, I didn't come to class partly because my legs are sore," he shrugged, "but hey, I ran as much as Sunghoon did! Aren't you proud of me?"
"Not if it's at the cost of your legs!" you replied exasperatedly, "Come on, where is the rational Jay that I know? he wouldn't have let his competitiveness and ego cloud his judgements like this."
"It's just normal post-workout sore, I've had it a couple of times before," he reassured, "Also, I may hate running. But I'm actually good at HIIT and strength training so I'm not all that unfit as you think I am. Or he thinks."
"All that just so you can prove him wrong?"
"No of course not, I couldn't care less about him," he huffed, "I just wanted you to know that I can pace well with you too."
"Jay, that does not make it any better-"
"Probably also to convince you that I make a better running partner than Sunghoon," he sniggered.
"Well, guess what, you can't run if your legs are hurt," you quipped.
"Oh shit, that's true," he muttered under his breath, "Well post-workout sore usually last between 3-7 days so I'll be good as new after that. Running partners?" he stretched his hand out as if asking for a handshake.
You sighed, grabbing his outstretched hand, shaking it as if you guys are signing on a pact, "Only if you promise not to overexert yourself next time."
"Promise," his smile widened, "Have you had lunch? I'll cook something up for you."
"Your legs are hurt though."
"They're sore not hurt," Jay emphasized, scooting to the edge of his bed, "Also even if they are hurt, I cook with my hands not legs so..."
You chuckled, "Well sir, if you insists."
"Of course, wouldn't let my girl go out of this house famished," he wrapped an arm over your shoulder, grinning gleefully.
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Riye (A Favor) - Alpha-17/f!Reader fic
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Third installment of my Alpha-17/fem!reader fic!
Word-Count: 3,100
Warnings: aggressive flirtation, Alpha is rude.
You carefully straightened the neckline of your shirt, eyes on the refresher mirror. It might be silly, but today marked a full month since you had come to Kamino, and you wanted to look your best.
Your outfit had survived the morning, despite a meeting with several Kaminoans who wanted updates on your progress. You had been able to deliver good news - that you were right on schedule - but a sense of doubt overshadowed any triumph you might have felt. The first deadline had been met, but the next one promised to step up the workload, and you were already feeling overwhelmed at the idea.
Still, you were determined to push the negativity out of your mind. You would figure out a better schedule to complete the work later. Today was a celebration.
The bad thing about taking more care with your appearance was that it attracted more attention than usual from the cadets. You had politely turned away two different groups of young men by the time Alpha was due to arrive in the cafeteria. Another cadet - alone, this time - was doing his best to keep from being dismissed as well.
"Was it raining when you came in, ma’am?" he asked, leaning over you. "I have flight drills after this and it gets even more dangerous in the rain."
You did your best not to smile at the obvious way he was hinting about being a pilot. "You know, I think it was raining the last time I was near a window," you told him, voice grave.
"Then I'm going to need some luck to survive," he said dramatically, flashing you a smile he clearly hoped would be charming. "I've heard a kiss from a beautiful woman is a good start. What do you think? It might help me survive the afternoon."
"I wouldn't count on it," a dark voice warned.
The cadet stood as straight as possible as Alpha approached. The captain brushed your new pilot friend aside with a twist of his armored shoulders and sat down. He proceeded to start eating, ignoring the cadet completely.
Any other cadet would have backed away, thankful that Alpha hadn't decided to throw them directly into the oceans of Kamino, but this one was more determined than most.
He winked at you from behind Alpha's head. "By the way, my name is-"
"She doesn't want to know your name," Alpha told him. "Get out of here before I decide that I want to know it."
"Very flattering, Captain," the cadet said cheekily. "But Jango's face isn't the one I want to wake up to, yeah?"
Alpha swallowed his mouthful of food and deliberately set his fork aside, standing slowly from the table. He drew up to his full height before turning around. He was taller than the cadet, forcing the younger man to look up.
"Now I'm extremely interested," Alpha said slowly, his slow and methodical voice dripping with menace. "What's your designation?"
Behind him, you winced. You hated how glaringly obvious it was that the Kaminoans considered these men products. Also, this cadet might die in front of you and that would almost certainly ruin your ability to eat in the cafeteria anymore.
"CT-7115," the cadet said with a grin.
"Ah, part of Zackra Trem's group." Alpha raised his comlink. "Trem."
"Alpha," a female voice returned immediately.
"I've got one of your pilot cadets here in the cafeteria. 7115."
"Broadside," Trem said, clearly recognizing the number. "He's one of my best, Alpha. Don't break him too badly."
"No promises," Alpha replied, turning slightly back toward Broadside. Since you were seated directly behind Alpha, you couldn't see his expression yourself, but it was enough to make Broadside's grin slip for the first time.
"I'll make you a deal," Trem offered. "I'll give him hell here and then send him back to you tonight. I'm sure he could help you demonstrate something unpleasant to your ARCs."
Alpha considered that for a long moment while Broadside shifted uncomfortably. Eventually, he conceded, "That works."
Trem laughed. "Do I even wanna know what he did to you?"
"Harassed an uninterested female."
The laughter emanating from the comlink's speakers cut off abruptly. "In that case, I think we should coordinate punishments. I'll be in touch, Captain."
The transmission cut off suddenly and Alpha looked at Broadside once more. "You had best get to your training, son."
Broadside, looking suddenly concerned, nodded and hurried away. “What was that?” you asked quietly when Alpha had sat down across from you once more.
“I told his superior officer about his behavior.”
“What more than that?” you pressed.
Alpha grinned suddenly, and it was half a snarl. “It just so happens that his superior officer is Zackra Trem. It’s not my story to tell, but she’s got more reason than most to hate that kind of osik behavior.”
You could very well guess the rest of that story. Your heart twisted for Trem, though you had never met her. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Nice, but she wouldn’t appreciate the sentiment,” Alpha told you, not unkindly. “Feel sorry for your little pilot. She’s a Weequay who ran with Mandalorians for the past few decades. Whatever she makes him do, it won’t be pleasant.”
You chuckled at that, trying not to actually feel sorry for Broadside. In the time you had been hanging around Alpha, most of the cadets had eased up a bit on flirting, but every now and then, someone crossed the line.
Alpha picked his fork up again and shot you an intense look. “Why are you dressed like that?”
Though your immediate instinct was to be embarrassed about being overdressed, even mildly, you rolled your eyes at him. “Anything looks like too much when everyone else wears uniforms all of the time. Remember that day I wore a necklace?”
“Yeah, I remember,” Alpha said, snorting. “A necklace. What are you, a Senator?”
“Your ideas of fancy clothing are extremely skewed, I hope you know that,” you told him, adjusting your collar again.
“Hazards of the job,” Alpha replied with a casual shrug as he returned his focus to his food. “Looks okay, though.”
You paused, staring openly at him. Had Alpha just complimented you? Surely not… The universe wouldn’t survive such unexpected behavior, not without signs that space was collapsing in on itself.
Alpha noticed you watching him and lifted an eyebrow in question while he chewed. You just shook your head and applied yourself to your own lunch, avoiding his curious eyes. Explaining your thought process there would be an intensive effort, especially if your goal was to keep him from being uncomfortable.
Fortunately, avoiding Alpha’s eyes let you notice the approaching cadet sooner than your companion did, and you had time to brace yourself before the young man - even younger than you were used to seeing - opened his mouth.
“Excuse me-”
“Kriff,” Alpha said loudly, dark brows crashing down over his eyes. “Go away, kid. I’ve already ruined one cadet’s day and I have no problem adding to the list. She doesn’t want to talk to you.”
“N-no, sir, of course not,” the cadet told him, nodding respectfully at you as he went on. “I wanted to talk to you. Is it true you served with General Kenobi?”
"What?" Alpha asked, sounding uncertain for the first time since you had met him. You quirked your brows, unsure of whether to be amused or concerned.
"General Kenobi," the cadet repeated. "And General Skywalker, too! I heard you went on a mission with both of them. What was it like?"
"Look, kid, I don't have time to answer all your questions about Jedi-"
"That's fine!" the cadet told him. "I already know everything there is to know about the Jedi. I want to know more about your experience, specifically."
The muscles in Alpha's jaw flexed and you quickly interrupted. "What's your name?"
"Dogma, ma'am," the cadet told you, making an apologetic face. "I know names are against regulations, but my batchers won't stop calling me that. My designation is CT-4287."
“Nice to meet you, Dogma,” you said politely.
Dogma's cheeks darkened and he gave a tight nod. "You too, ma'am."
"Stop flirting with the poor boy," Alpha chided and you gaped at the captain. So much for trying to help him.
"Dogma, I'm sure Captain Alpha would love to answer any question you have," you told the young cadet, grinning triumphantly at Alpha.
"Wait," Alpha ordered, catching at your wrist before you could stand up. His hand was ridiculously huge and you found yourself shackled by his gentle grip. "You haven't finished eating."
You grinned wider at him, slipping your wrist out from between his fingers. "I'll take it with me. Have fun, you two!"
Dogma gave a half-hearted wave while Alpha glared.
The rest of the afternoon was spent locked away in your office, working on the second major project you had to complete. Your concerns about the deadline were unfortunately proving correct. The icy grip of stress and fear were squeezing your heart, and you were honestly relieved when someone knocked on the door of your office.
“One moment!” you called to the unseen visitor, but they didn’t seem to hear you. Instead, they continued to pound on the door until you opened it. You were unsurprised to see Alpha on the other side, glowering down at you.
“You’re mean for a nat-born,” he grumbled, brushing you aside as he pushed into the office.
After letting the door slide closed once more, you followed him over to your desk and plopped down in your chair. Rather than sit in one of the chairs opposite you, Alpha leaned his hip against the side of your desk, much closer than you were comfortable with.
In a show of belligerence, you crossed your arms and lifted your chin as you replied, “Serves you right for being rude about my outfit.”
“I didn’t say anything bad about your clothes!” Alpha denied, befuddled.
“Yeah, well, you didn’t say anything nice about them, either,” you argued childishly, conveniently forgetting his half-compliment at lunch.
Alpha frowned. “You want me to… talk about clothing with you?”
Well. Put that way, it did sound a little silly. Of all of the things you were sure Alpha did well, deep discussions about fashion might be beyond him. Honestly, they might be beyond you, too. You sighed. “No, I don’t want you to talk about clothing with me, but I was trying to look nice today. I put a lot of effort into this.”
“I don’t understand why,” Alpha said. “You look… fine… every other day.”
“Fine,” you repeated dryly. “Thanks, I was going for fine.”
“I don’t understand what I did wrong.” You were able to hear the growing frustration in his voice. “What do you want me to do?”
“Maybe don’t act like I’m wearing a ballgown to work if I show up wearing a necklace!”
“What is a ballgown?”
You stared at Alpha, the simple question making your brain screech to a halt. It was like a chasm had opened between you, and it made you reconsider a few things. Since you had arrived on Kamino, you had treated the clone troopers as if they were people you might meet out in the galaxy, but that wasn’t exactly true. You still believed that they were people - of course you did - but you were only just coming to realize how different they were from anyone you had ever met. While the troopers shared their own experiences on Kamino and had been trained to be perfect soldiers by the time they shipped out, they were startlingly young by the standards of the rest of the galaxy.
“You know what? It doesn’t matter.” You fiddled with one of the many datapads littering your desk rather than meet Alpha’s intense gaze. “I am sorry for siccing Dogma on you, though.”
“You should be,” he growled. “He asked ten questions before I could shake him off. Ten!”
“Wow, that’s what? Five days worth of questions?” you teased.
“Five days for you,” Alpha told you seriously. “For anyone else, that’s more than I would ever answer.”
You were unreasonably touched by the reminder that Alpha let you learn things about him that no one else would ever know. Moved by a sudden surge of warmth for the ARC captain, you repeated your prior sentiment, but more fervently. “In that case, I honestly apologize for unleashing Dogma. If there’s anything I can do to make him back off, please let me know.”
Alpha’s stare was level and unwavering. “Yeah?”
“Of course,” you agreed immediately, not understanding what a wildly stupid idea that was. That was fine - you would learn… and it didn’t take long.
That night at dinner, Alpha came in and sat across from you, but instead of starting the meal in silence, he leaned across the table slightly to get your attention. Lowly, he asked, “Are you still willing to help me with Dogma?”
“Yes,” you agreed simply. “Do you have a plan?”
“Yeah. Flirt with me.”
You fought not to react visibly to that. Carefully keeping your face blank and your voice flat, you replied, “What.”
He leaned even closer, eyes lit with excitement. “I’ve been threatening and trying to alienate Dogma all day, but the only time he was uncomfortable was when you flirted with him.”
“I didn’t flirt with him!” you reminded him. “I just said it was nice to meet him.”
“Fine,” Alpha conceded. “We’ll just have to do better than that if we’re going to convince him to leave me alone.”
Abruptly feeling like this was the worst idea anyone had ever had, you tried to speak in your own defense. “Alpha, I don’t think this is a good idea-”
“You said you would help me,” he reminded firmly. “He’ll be here in a minute. I need your answer.”
Your heart was pounding, one of many warnings that this was a bad idea, but you nodded anyway. Alpha smiled - he actually smiled - and the expression looked menacing on his face. “Good.”
In a moment, he had circled the table to sit beside you, his huge frame making you feel ridiculously tiny in comparison. He wasn't wearing any armor at all now, and you could feel the heat of his skin through what little space there was between you.
You tried not to obviously tense as he spoke next to your ear. "There he is, get ready."
Impossibly, Alpha managed to get closer to you, tugging behind your knee slightly so that you were angled toward him. When he had finished posing you, Alpha’s large hand lifted to cradle your face. His fingers brushed over your cheekbone before trailing down to your jaw.
"My little neverd," he murmured to you, face filled with affection.
You didn't have to feign embarrassment at the warmth in his tone matched with the intense eye contact he was giving you. When you replied, you tried not to sound squeaky but only managed to sound shaky instead. "You know Mando'a is my weakness."
He laughed, a low chuckle that sent delicious chills running over your skin. “Why do you think I use it?”
“Alpha…” you chided, managing to sound mildly flirtatious.
“Come on, little one,” he urged you, voice velvet in a way you hadn’t known it could be. “Let’s go back to your- Ah, one moment, neverd. Dogma, sit down.”
You looked over to see Dogma standing at the other side of the table. You had never even noticed, your entire focus narrowed down to Alpha. Dogma looked as embarrassed as you felt. While you were focused on Dogma, Alpha’s arm snaked around you, pressing against your waist to pull you flush against his side. Your face flamed and Dogma glanced away.
“Sir, I- I’m sorry, I forgot I’m on duty tonight,” Dogma muttered, speaking so quickly it was difficult to understand him.
“Sorry to hear that, cadet,” Alpha replied gravely, flexing his fingers against your side. It made you push a little closer to him in reflex, the tip of your nose brushing the space under his jaw as you tried to look up at him. Alpha shivered, and you weren’t sure how much of the motion was acting. “Maybe later.”
Dogma gave an awkward nod and hurried off.
Alpha started laughing even before he let you go, his muscular chest shaking against your shoulder. After a moment that felt like it had stretched an hour, he pulled his arm back and slid away a bit. You immediately felt the loss of his closeness and suddenly you were horribly uncertain of what expression you were wearing. Just in case it said more than you wanted it to, you looked back at the entrance of the cafeteria.
“I feel bad,” you admitted.
"Don't," Alpha advised, looking toward the door as well. “He’ll be fine. He’s a good soldier, just a little…”
He trailed off, apparently content to let his thought stay incomplete. You glanced over to him with an eyebrow raised, but his eyes were fixed on the door. “You can see every access point in the room from here.”
“That is why I chose this spot,” you agreed.
“Switch with me tomorrow.”
“Not a chance,” you refused. “This is my spot.”
“Then I hope you like sitting next to me,” Alpha told you. Surprised, you laughed up at him and he met your eyes. “You know, I’ve never seen anyone blush on cue.”
“Hidden talent,” you explained vaguely. Alpha didn’t seem convinced, so you changed the subject. “What does neverd mean?”
You laughed before you could stop yourself. “Civilian? That’s what you used as a term of endearment?”
Alpha blinked blankly at you. “What’s wrong with it? You are a civilian.”
“Yes, but,” you thought over it for a second, “-it’s not very romantic. Usually, people say things like ‘dear’ or ‘sweetheart’.”
“How should I have known that?” Alpha asked.
It was the ballgown situation all over again, and more than you were willing to tackle that day. “Well, some warning before you want me to go undercover would be helpful.”
Alpha snorted. “How much warning do you need?”
You pretended to consider that for a moment. “Two business days, minimum.”
He frowned fiercely. “If you get two full days of warning, I expect more. I need you to show up in a disguise with three different accents ready.”
“Harsh terms,” you told him with a smile. “With those negotiation skills, you’d make a great senator."
Alpha gave you the darkest scowl you had ever seen him muster. “Watch it, neverd.”
Idly, you wondered if Alpha would protect you from himself, but the amused glimmer in his dark eyes told you it would be unnecessary.
A/N - Pretty sure Broadside is wildly OOC, my bad. Also, sorry for the weird image for this chapter. I didn't really want the text bubbles in there, but I needed to keep Alpha's sassy hip lean.
Taglist - @imabeautifulbutterfly @cagrame @mysticalturtleenthusiast @marvel-starwars-nerd @lackofhonor
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
I've been reading some of your posts and I am a big fan🥰
I was wondering if its okay, maybe you could do a Loki x reader where they were best friends and denied each others feelings all the time and when Loki was brought to the TVA, he found reader there and lots of angst and fluff🥰💞😁
Have a great day😁😁💞💞🥰🥰
Nothing Gold
Relationship: Loki x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: thank you so much for enjoying me work I am so glad that makes me so happy! thank you so much for the request. I really liked this idea and I think it came out okay - sorry the ending it a bit abrupt! thank you again :)
Loki had to do a full-on, dramatic as hell, double-take while walking through the TVA library. He had come down to look for a variant file but had apparently ended up finding something else. More specifically — someone else.
You. You. You.
You, his best friend. You, the sweet girl he had a never-ending crush on. You, the one who had just gone missing one day.
Loki could never forget. It was like something wouldn’t let him.
He had invited you around the palace for breakfast before you left his chambers for the night. You two had been up late reading together. You frequently popped over, usually claiming to stay for a few hours, just enough for Loki to read to you some verses of a poetry book, but those hours got longer and longer each time.
Next thing you two knew, it was nearly morning and you needed at least a few hours of sleep in your own bed. He had walked you out, asking you to come back for breakfast in a few hours. You happily agreed, giving him a quick hug before parting. Loki didn’t want to let go. He remembered that detail very well. He wanted to pull you back in his chambers, just hold you for hours. Days. Months. Forever. But he didn’t. He let you go, watching as you made your way back to your modest home. He never realized that would be the last time he saw you.
Well, actually, it technically wasn’t. Because he was staring at you right now. You were at a table near the back of the library, head buried in some files but he could still recognize you. Could always point out that lovely, long hair and those soft, gentle hands. You were always a stark contrast against him.
Loki just watched you for a few moments, completely and utterly confused by the situation. The shock was wearing off and now question after question filled his brain. How did you end up here? What had you done? Were you okay? A million thoughts came over him but his legs had their own agenda. The next thing he knew, he was approaching your table. He almost didn’t know how he got there.
He stood opposite of your sitting form. You weren’t noticing him, apparently very invested in the file you were studying. Loki had to admit, that was quite like you. You were always one to get lost in the words, way deeper than he did.
Eventually, Loki cleared his throat, hoping that’d do something. Slowly, you lifted your head, brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at him from head to toe. You didn’t recognize him, Loki could see it in your eyes. He was just a variant turned agent to you. Something in him felt like it was stabbing his heart over and over again.
"Can I help you with something?" You hesitantly asked but your voice was still so sweet and kind, just as Loki remembered. You were far more patient and soft-spoken than he was.
He said your name like it was the greatest plead but you didn’t react. Loki didn’t know what to do then, realizing you were you but you also…weren’t. His face fell.
You were getting uncomfortable. "I-I’m sorry, I’m not sure I know who that is—,"
"You don’t?" Loki couldn’t help the hurtful gasp he let out.
"Sir, I’m sorry…" Your eyes began searching around frantically. Something was going on. You were getting scared, way past uncomfortable. You wouldn’t look at him anymore.
Loki said your name again, much forceful than the last. You jumped. You weren’t directly responding but Loki could see something in your eyes. He said your name again. Then again. Like it was the only thing he knew. Your eyes met one another intensely, hypnotically.
After maybe the sixth time, you snapped. You jumped out of your seat, breathing heavily, scared, surprised. It had all happened too fast Loki was also taken back. You two were more than just staring at each other. Your wide eyes were taking him in.
He felt so relieved to hear his name just float off your lips. It was as sweet as he remembered. Like a little lullaby. The stabbing in him stopped.
Loki nodded. "It’s me."
"What…" You looked around as if you had no idea where you were. And maybe you didn’t but Loki hadn’t expected your name to just snap you out of it. This opened a lot of questions for him but he didn’t have time. He raised his hand, cutting off your words.
Loki nodded towards one of the bookshelf aisles further away from everyone. You nodded in understanding, following him down the rows.
Once you were a safe distance away, Loki wasted no time collecting you in his arms, his head buried in your shoulder. You were surprised for a moment at the gesture but then you fell into it naturally, like you had just hugged him yesterday. And really that was how it had felt. But Loki knew better. You had been gone for so long…
"Loki," you mumbled his name, your head pressed into his chest. "What is going on?"
Loki stilled. "Why don’t you tell me what you know."
You scoffed, breaking off the hug. You were a sweet one but Loki was no stranger to your tiny temper. You put distance between you two and Loki allowed it despite how much it hurt.
"What I know?" You repeated, folding your arms. "What I know is that I’m standing in a library with you." You looked around at the space, noting an actual lack of real books. "What kind of library is this anyway? How did I—,"
"Do you remember anything before you got here?"
Your gaze dropped as you studied your shoes. They were some nice black flats but Loki knew that wasn’t your style. You were not the business causal type, usually pleased with the feeling of Asgardian silk gowns.
Something was coming to you as you let out a soft gasp. "I was walking home. We-We had just finished a poem written by that Midgardian… Gosh, what was his name? Winter or something—,"
"Frost," Loki mumbled. "His last name was Frost and you enjoyed his poem about how nothing gold can stay. You found it relatable. I’ll admit, you may have been onto something."
A light had gone on within you. "You thought it was pretentious." Your gaze met Loki’s once more. "I called you a fool and laughed. Then we saw daylight breaking and… and I had to go home. I missed my bed. You wanted breakfast in a few hours. I agreed to come back."
Loki nodded, encouragingly, but your words had fallen off. "What happened next?"
You shook your head, that blank expression washed over you again. "I don’t know."
Loki let out a sigh and leaned back on the shelf. "Do you remember anything after that?"
You looked back down at your outfit. At least the pencil skirt was nice. "Yes," you admitted. "I was hired here. I report on variants to protect the sacred timeline." It sounded to Loki like you were reading a script. What the hell was going on here?
"But you don’t know how you got from Asgard to…here?"
You sighed, a bit annoyed. "How did you get here?"
The snippy temper was back. You were still you. Loki could’ve kissed you, a feeling that had come over him before but was suddenly more intense than ever. He would, he promised himself. He couldn’t leave you again without doing so.
"I had a bit of an…incident."
"Really? You? I never would’ve guessed," you said, the sarcasm on your words dripped heavily. Loki gave quite the dramatic eye roll. You let out a little giggle.
"Yes, well, never mind what got me here, I am here," he said, motioning towards nothing. "And I am assisting with the hunt of a variant."
"You’re helping them?"
Loki scoffed. "Don’t act so surprised." A beat. "I didn’t have much of a choice."
You bit your lip, trying to hold back a smile but failed miserably. Loki had missed this. If he focused really hard, it almost felt like you two were back in Asgard, lounging around, talking about nothing. Teasing one another. His heart was aching.
"What do you know about the variant?" You eventually asked.
Loki glanced away. "It’s me."
He shrugged. "Well, a version of me. Another variant."
You slowly crossed the aisle, coming to stand right next to Loki, your shoulders pressed against one another. Loki’s breath hitched just a bit. He would never get used to this.
You asked, "Well, what have ‘you’ done?"
Loki resorted back to his witty humor. "Nothing good as you could assume."
"This mischief of two Lokis is unthinkable."
Loki let out a laugh which you followed suit with. You two were laughing over nothing in this random library in wherever this place was. He could barely understand it and you were absolutely clueless. But the moment of laughter was good, was familiar. Too bad it couldn’t last.
"I’ve missed you," Loki admitted after the laughter had faded out unceremoniously. You looked a bit surprised at the confession.
He nodded.
You blushed and looked down. "I’d say I missed you too but I don’t feel like we’ve been apart. How long has it been?"
When Loki wasn’t giving an answer, you forced yourself to turn back to him. He was staring at you quite intensely. You shivered under the gaze. It was an expression you hadn’t seen before, he hadn’t allowed you to see. It was one full of love and interest and adornment.
"Too long," was all he said before his lips were on yours. Loki finally took what he had been craving and it was happening in the TVA library. The fucking TVA. Loki’s head was still spinning with worries about this whole thing but, slowly, he got lost in you. In your lips and softness. Your hands grasped his shirt as you deepened the kiss — you. You wanted more from him. And he was happy to give.
His hands caressed your sides lovingly, feeling and holding you in the way he had always dreamed. It was better than anything he could’ve conjured. It felt right and real. Good and… Too good. Too powerful.
An alarm was going off somewhere now. You hadn’t seemed to notice it, still captivated in the kiss, but Loki was aware. He forced you two apart, reluctantly. You looked at him, ready to protest, but before you could ask anything, Loki was placing a hand over your mouth.
Footsteps were approaching. They were coming towards your aisle. Whatever had happened here wasn’t good, something had gone haywire. Had he broken the timeline? Was that even possible here? Loki didn’t know but what he did know was there was an army on the hunt for them. Without thinking twice, he grabbed your hand, looking for an escape route.
"Loki," you finally were able to speak, keeping your voice hushed as you two maneuvered the maze of shelves, "what did we do?"
"We love each other."
Loki stopped despite there being no time to stop. "Am I wrong?"
You didn’t answer. That was all he needed. Now to only get the hell out of here. Loki couldn’t tell if his encounter with the TVA had been a blessing or a cure as he held you close to him, refusing to lose you again to whatever trap this place planned to lay.
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blisschi · 3 years
i've been blessed bliss' requests are open 👁️👄👁️
would hurt-comfort with kaeya be ok? maybe them saying something they don't mean to reader/reader thinking he was gonna hit them? (because he's tired or they're arguing?)
- 🔪 (at this point i might as well be known as the karya simp anon)
Hello 🔪 nonnie! There's nothing bad about simping for Kaeya, I do the same with Zhongli!
I'm not quite sure if all I wrote in the scenario makes sense.. but I went a little overboard with it and it turned out way longer than I expected.👉👈
Either way, I hope you like it! 🌼🌿🍃
🌱Trust me🌱
Pairing: Kaeya x GN! Reader
Warnings: Hurt to comfort, jealousy,,
Notes: Reader just wants time with their lover, okay?? QwQ
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Lately it's been pretty hard for the cavarly captain. Kaeya all of his days spent at work, either training knights or doing paperwork in his office.
It's only natural that you became suspicious because of the time he was getting home, usually after midnight.
Kaeya could see that you are being irritated, but there wasn't really anything he could do about it. Coming back home from work, exhausted, all he could think about was just laying down with you and resting.
But you didn't really believe any of his words when he tried to explain he's been all day at work. Some time before, you caught your partner sneaking at night to Angel's Share, and from that time it was difficult to believe he was doing anything else. Even when he swore not to do it again without your aknowledge.
You just didn't want him to get in trouble, was being honest in a relationship that much to ask?
The other reason you were worried about, was of course that he might be meeting with someone else. You wanted to trust him, you really did, but how can you when Kaeya is avoiding to answer?
He is a handsome man, you were sure that many girls/boys dreamt about being in your place. You knew Kaeya, he liked flirting with people. You hated it, even though he assured you any of the words he's telling to others isn't true, you were scared.
Scared of losing him. Afterall, it's normal in a relationship.
You were at the edge of snapping when on the streets, you saw your partner with a girl, that seemed unusually affectionate towards him.
You wanted to walk up to him right then and there, but you decided to wait for him at home, giving him a last chance for explanation.
It was already far past midnight, yet you didn't feel like going to sleep at all. You needed to know, what exactly is Kaeya doing all those days.
You were sitting in the living room, arms crossed as you stared in front of yourself, repeating the words you wanted to tell him.
In few minutes, you heard the door opening, and you were more than ready to finally confront your partner. You waited for him to enter the room then got up and blurted out a simple question.
"You have five minutes to tell me what are you doing so late at work for almost a month now."
Your glare cold, concentrated on his face, as he let out a loud sigh and lifted up his hands in defense.
"Darling, I told you I'm having a rough time right now-"
"Don't call me like that!" You raised your voice, earning a surprised look from your lover. You were beyond mad at this point. You were ready to just tell him to pack his stuff and get out off your vision. "I saw you with a girl today. Do you perhaps call her 'darling' too?"
Kaeya looked surprised. However, after few seconds he smiled lightly and took a few steps towards you, shaking his head.
"You're jealous.~ Honey, the girl I was talking today was a knight-"
"I don't care if she was a knight or not! Do you think I'm stupid?!" You snapped, tears appearing in your eyes as you couldn't keep the calm expression anymore, no matter how hard you tried. Your heart ached to believe him. "Give me one good reason not to end this relationship right now and here."
His smile disappeared as fast as appeared when he realized that the situation is more serious than expected. He sighed once again and closed his eyes, visibly irritated by your behavior.
"We already talked about this, didn't we? You still don't believe me, do you?" Kaeya asked, his gaze more intense than usual. He was tired of always being accused by you. "I was working. Jean gives me a ridiculous amount of paperwork lately, and om top of that I have to train the newbies-"
"Of course! I'm sure that 'work' you're doing must be way more entertaining than me!"
"Are you even hearing yourself, [Y/N]?!"
You flinched when you heard your name. He never really called you like that, as he chose to give you cute nicknames. You just weren't used to being called differently.
He grabbed your wrist firmly, earning a gasp from you as he pressed you against the wall, glare cold as ice.
"What do I need to do for you to believe me?! Do you want me to lose the rank because of your fucking jealousy?!"
"N-no! I-I just want you to be a little more honest with me-"
"Quiet!" This time was Kaeya's turn to raise his voice. He really didn't wish to argue with you, but he was just so tired after this day. He was tired of your endless accusations towards him.
You lowered your head and sobbed quietly as you couldn't hold back your tears anymore.
"I-I'm sorry.." You whispered quietly, avoiding the eyecontact.
Kaeya widened his eyes and let go of your wrist quickly, coming back to his senses.
"I-I just miss you so much.. I don't want someone he steal you.." You continued, making him sigh and cup your cheeks softly, examining your expression. Eyes full of tears, lips shaky as if you wanted to hold back all the sobs held inside for a month of his absence.
Kaeya sighed softly and wrapped his arms around you, embracing you. Your face pressed against his chest as he stroked your hair carefully.
"My apologies.. I'm sorry." He said after a while, kissing the top of your head. "I'll try taking a day off or two, hm?"
You sniffed quietly and pulled back a little, to look up at his face before letting out a quiet 'really?'
He smiled softly and placed a kiss against your forehead.
"Trust me."
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
hi love, it's me again! i just can't get enough of your writing... i'm sorry to be asking for another fic, i guess i just can't help myself. lately i've been obsessed with the fake dating thing, so i was wondering if you could write a fred x reader (basically same reader as my last request, gryffindor, same year as ron) with that? like, maybe george knows they fancy each other and makes a bet with him so they start fake datig but realise they're in love with each other? aaa thank you so much, ly
bets off // fred weasley 
a/n: i used the same pronouns from the last request, hope you don’t mind!! i apreciate u sm ur always so active w my fics ily <3333 this is the first thing i’ve written in a while that i’m actually proud of so i hope u guys like it :D
summary: Fred makes a bet with George that entails fake dating you for at least a month. He never expected to fall in love with you. 
Competition was healthy. At least, that’s what Fred told himself as he looked at George’s outstretched hand, a cocky smile etching the boy’s lips. 
“Two weeks?” Fred asked, looking suspiciously at George.
“Two. Weeks.” George answered definitively, smirking at his brother. 
Fred considered this in his head. Two weeks to get you, someone who had never previously shown any romantic interest in him, to date him for at least a month. He doubted it would be hard, for he had never had any trouble getting girls to swoon for him in the past. A few winks and charming sentiments and you would be putty in his hand. With this air of confidence, he shook George’s hand.
“You idiot!” Lee, who had previously been silently watching the exchange, called from across the table, a baffled smile on his face.
George laughed, leaning back in his chair and looking at Fred like he agreed with Lee.
“What?” Fred asked, the overly confident look still littering his features.
“You can’t win with this one,” Lee explained, shaking his head, “you either piss off Ron when this goes right, you piss of Ron when this goes wrong, you come out the git for breaking a girls heart, or you come out the embarrassed git who was rejected by your kid brother’s best friend.”
“Hey,” Fred said, faking offence, “I never agreed to ask out Harry.”
George and Lee rolled their eyes, hiding smiles as they continued their homework.
Fred was not deterred by Lee’s warnings, for he had a plan to avoid all of that. He was simply going to tell you the truth.
He found you on your way to the green house, pulling you away from a Slytherin girl you were walking with.
“He just stared at her? Like he didn’t eve-” you felt an unexpected tugging, “Ah!”
You squealed, feeling your feet stumble under you for a moment as you gathered your wits again. You looked down at the hand pulling you, following it up to the face. It was Fred, which was odd, because you two were not known for pulling at each other in hallways.
“You’re going to miss Herbology!” your friend called out to you, a worried expression on her face.
“I’ll meet you there, save me a seat!” you called back to her, turning away and following Fred as he still dragged you.
“Fred? What are you doing?” you asked him, making no effort to move from his strong grip.
“Got to talk to you,” he said airily, barely looking back at you as he pulled you down an empty corridor. 
He let go of your arm, smiling down at you as you waited for him to speak. He didn’t take the hint, just looking at you.
“What did you want?” you glanced at your watch, seeing you only had a few minutes before Professor Sprout would start class.
“I have a proposition for you,” Fred drawled, a mischievous glint in his eyes as per usual, “what do ya say?”
You squinted your eyes at him, frowning, “I have to hear the proposition first.”
“Do you?”
“Yes, thats how propositions work.”
“I hadn’t realized,” he replied sarcastically, dropping his cool demeanor and letting some desperation seep into his voice.
“What do you want?” you repeated, slightly more annoyed.
“I may have made a bet that heavily relies on your willingness to do me a huge favor,” he said, a hopeful smile coming to his face.
“Oh god, Fred, what did you do?”
“George may have implied that I was in a dry spell when it came to girls,” he said, smirking, “and obviously that’s just not true. So, he suggested a bet to see if I still had my skills-”
“Your skills?”
��-yes my skills, would you listen?”
Fred leaned closer to you, his eyebrows raising as you rolled your eyes.
“Back to what I was saying,” he drew in a breath, dragging out this entire conversation, “George suggested a bet to see if I could still charm the ladies,” he wiggled his eyebrows and you quirked one of yours.
“Long story short-”
You interrupted again, “That was the short version of that story? Fred can’t we do this later, I’ve got class in,” you glanced at your watch. “two minutes.”
“No! Give me a second,” he ran a hand through his hair, putting his strong hands on your shoulders to keep you in place, “I made a bet with George that I could get you to fall in love with me in two weeks and date you for a month!”
You looked up at the boy, thinking he had gone off the end. He had to, either that or he was messing with you. Or maybe he had been slipped a potion of some sort.
“Fred,” you started, your kind tone giving Fred the impression you would agree to the plan, “you just waisted the very limited break I have between classes, successfully pulling me away from a very entertaining story about Snape, and probably making me late for Herbology.”
Fred groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance.
“I’m serious!” 
You pulled against Fred’s grip, but he kept you in place. His face lit up, obviously coming up with what he thought would be a great plan. He released you briefly, digging his hands in his bag and moving crumpled papers around. He pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper, brandishing it like it was a diamond. 
“This, my love, is going to get you out of Herbology this class period,” he said, unfolding the paper.
He revealed a blank piece of paper with tiny sparkles floating on the page. As he held it for a second longer, words began to form on the paper, writing something.
‘Professor Sprout,
Please excuse Y/n from Herbology this period, she came to me with a pain in her stomach and I gave her a potion to fix it. She stayed in the infirmary during the period.
You had heard about these before, enchanted notes that were written in authentic handwriting and enchanted the reader to believe it, no matter what they said. Perfect for forging notes from teachers. 
You stared at the paper in awe, grabbing it from Fred’s loose grasp.
“Yeah, you’re welcome. That’s the last one I have,” he said, feeling a bit remorseful having to give it up. He had been planning to use it to get out of Ancient Runes tomorrow. 
You folded the paper again, putting it neatly in your bag and looking back at Fred.
“Alright, let’s go,” you sighed, allowing him to lead you to the great hall, through the courtyard, and out to the Quidditch Pitch where no teachers would be. 
You sat in the stands, overlooking the empty and wet field,
“You want me to date you for two weeks?” you asked, sounding reluctant.
“No,” Fred said, sounding annoyed, “I want to fake date you for a month, but we won’t start until two weeks from now.”
You squinted, looking out at the stands on the other side of the field. You were thinking about this, finding the cons to outweigh the pros.
“What’s in it for me?” you paused, hearing Fred’s groan from beside you, “I mean, this could ruin my friendship with Ron, I get the embarrassing reputation when you fake dump me in a month, I don’t see how this is benefiting me.”
“Ron won’t care, I promise you,” Fred said acting as if this was obvious, “he lets Harry ogle Ginny all the time. And as for our fake dumping, that can be totally on your terms. I just need to win the bet with George.”
“What do you get if you win?”
Fred had hoped you weren’t going to ask that, but he was realizing you were smarter than he thought.
“Three Galleons,” he lied, looking at your skeptical face in the corner of his eye, “fine, six Galleons.”
You looked expectantly at him, waiting for his offer.
“I’ll split it with you,” he finally gave in.
He was a little upset at having to share his future winnings, but once you agreed to the bet and squealed excitedly at the possibility of some Galleons, a smile spread on his face.
Fred began laying the groundwork the next day. He made sure to send you flirtatious smiles when George was looking, waving to you in the halls, and talking to you in the common room.
You, Hermione, and Ron sat at a table in the corner, the three of you poured over a chess match. Ron was successfully beating Hermione, watching her as she tried to remember the rules he had taught her over and over. 
“You can’t do that,” he said impatiently as Hermione tried to move a pawn backwards. His hand reached out and returned the piece back to where it was, and Hermione groaned.
You leaned back in your chair, closing your eyes and turning your head up towards the ceiling. 
“Hello,” Fred purred from above you, looking down at you.
You snapped your eyes open, not entirely used to Fred’s flirting yet. It took you by surprise most days, and he always managed to get you when you weren’t expecting it. You looked to Ron, gauging his reaction. His eyes stayed locked on Hermione’s frustrated face, arms crossed as he waited for her move.
“Hello,” you replied, turning your head to face Fred as he move to your side. 
He leaned against your chair, his hand supporting his weight as he wrapped it around the back of your chair. The top of his hip bumped into your shoulder, and you resisted the urge to lean away from him. It’s not that Fred Weasley was disgusting or anything, he certainly wasn’t, but he had a reputation. Fred wasn’t known to be faithful or respectful of the usual rules regarding relationships. He wasn’t tied down, and half the student body has seen him naked (or wanted to). You had gone through your phase of liking Fred, and that phase lasted longer than you’d like to admit. You refused to boost his ego, though, and felt determined to not let this fake dating get to your head. 
Ron was still busy with his chess match, now watching Hermione’s focused gaze turn into a nervous one as she became aware of Ron’s eyes on her. She bit her lip, tapping her fingers on the table.
Fred glanced down at you, quirking an eyebrow and nodding his head towards Ron. He was showing you that Ron wouldn’t care if you two dated, testing Ron’s limits.
Fred’s hand moved slowly from the back of your chair to your shoulder. His slender fingers pressed gently on your clothed arm, moving to brush a piece of hair from your neck. He twirled a piece of your hair in his fingers, raising an amused eyebrow at Ron’s lack of reaction.
“Merlin, Hermione! I’ve taught you 100 times!”
Hermione scoffed, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms.
“Ron!” she exclaimed back, offended.
“Look,” he moved his hand to one of her pieces. He whisked it across the board, then one of his pieces, and then one of Hermione’s, and then one of his own, “Check.”
“Maybe if you had patience and didn’t stare me down every time it was my turn-” Hermione started, glancing to you for support.
Her eyes widened when she saw the somewhat intimate position you were in with Fred, her sentence dropping. 
“If you didn’t take so long, I wouldn’t stare you down!” Ron huffed and pushed his chair back, standing suddenly.
He hadn’t even glanced at you and Fred, missing Hermione’s shocked expression.
“What are you doing?” she questioned Fred, sounding even more offended than when Ron was yelling at her a moment ago.
“What?” Fred replied nonchalantly, pushing his body away from yours and taking Ron’s seat.
He moved the chair closer to the table, purposefully brushing his knee against yours. You knew he was watching your face, so you kept a neutral expression.
“He was all over you,” Hermione whispered to you, as if Fred wasn’t right in front of her,
“So?” you asked, acting as if it wasn’t abnormal for Fred to ‘be all over you’.
You were internally cringing at the whole thing, at Fred’s forwardness, lying to Hermione, the whole situation.
“Something must be in the air today,” Hermione said to no one in particular as she stood from the table, “everyone’s lost their minds.”
She left you and Fred, leaving him with a smirk on his face.
“I think that went well,” Fred said, moving the pieces on the chess board around swiftly as he set it up for a new game.
You moved to Hermione’s seat so you were across from him, rolling your eyes. 
“This is ridiculous, Fred,” you said, and at the sound of your genuine annoyance his eyes were on your face.
The board in front of you was set anew, white closest to you. You let yourself sit in your frustration for a moment, looking down at the board and moving a pawn. Fred made no move to his own pieces, just staring at you from his side of the table.
“What d’you mean?” he said, watching your hand retreat from the board. 
“These public displays of affection- isn’t it a little ridiculous?” you said, locking your eyes on the game in front of you.
A look of hurt flashed across Fred’s face, not that you would have seen it, and he cleared his throat awkwardly. His hand lazily moved one of his pawns.
“I don’t think so, no,” he said, leaning back in his chair and still studying your face, “I think they’re quite effective.”
“They’re only effective because I’m playing along,” you moved another pawn, hoping Fred would take the bait so you could steal his pawn.
“Which I appreciate fully,” he said, leaning forward and moving his pawn exactly where you wanted him to.
You stole his piece, advancing on the board. He hadn’t even registered the game, frankly, only looking at you.
“I feel like-” you didn’t know what you felt. You hadn’t put it into words, but you knew you didn’t like it.
Fred, and older, charming, handsome boy, was showing you a new amount of attention. Fred, a boy you had a crush on almost the entire time you’ve known him, was sending you flirtatious winks in the hallways and being very affectionate. Fred, your best friend’s older brother, was trying to date you to win a bet.
“-nevermind,” you finished, realizing you could not say any of this aloud. 
Fred had a quizzical look on his face, watching you as you silently sat across from him. You met his eyes for the first time since he sat down, swallowing hard. You stared at each other for at least a minute, neither of you moving or breaking the contact. His eyes had an intensity in them that you had never seen before, but they were also gentle and kind. He looked soft, his face illuminated by the faint candle light and fireplace, casting a yellow hue over his skin. His hair was grown out and pushed off his forehead, falling easily on the sides of his face. He had taken his tie off, though still in his school uniform, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His mouth, usually in a resting smirk, was thin and straight, making him look rarely serious. 
You felt like it took ages, but you finally broke his stare and cast your eyes downward at the board. You looked back up at him, seeing his eyes unmoving from your face.
“Your move,” you said, raising an eyebrow. 
Fred’s eyes shot to the board, and he moved the first piece he saw. His mind was racing as he tried to collect his thoughts, all of which were about you. 
He had no idea what happened, but his heart was beating incredibly fast and his hands were sweating. Fred, a man who had never once done anything serious, was feeling very serious. He didn’t know what was going on inside his head, but all he knew was that he thought you were remarkably beautiful. You were perfect, really, and he could not wait for this game of chess to end so he could get the hell away from you. 
Fred had never been in any sort of serious relationship. He had never dated a girl for longer than a few weeks, usually doing something that offended them (that was often mentioning how hot another girl was, or, in the worst case, snogging said other girl). He didn’t care for anything long-term, anything serious, because he couldn’t be bothered to find anyone that interesting. You, however, made his hands sweat. No one had ever made Fred’s hands sweat. No one had ever made Fred’s mind run blank.
He blinked at the board, realizing it was his turn again, and felt like giggling like a school girl. He shot his head up, looking around the common room and pretending to be in a hurry.
“Have you got the time?” he asked, watching as you looked down at your wrist- eyes flickering to your hand, which he realized he wanted nothing more than to hold in that moment- checking the time on your watch and telling him. He sprang from his chair, “I told George I’d meet him in a few, can we continue this later?”
He hadn’t even waited for an answer before he was running through the portrait hole, nearly knocking a few first years off their feet when he bumped into them.
Fred disappeared from the common room, leaving you with the chess board.
For the next few days, Fred’s flirting was non-existent. He wasn’t ignoring you, but the entire dynamic between you had shifted; something changed. He wasn’t painfully arrogant, seeming to take more effort in the way he treated you. There was no inappropriate flirting, no lustful winks. You wondered if the bet was still on.
You found out soon that it was. 
You and Hermione left the library fairly late into the afternoon, but neither of you minded the time that got away from you. You spent the day doing very little actual studying, talking and laughing instead. There was a very few amount of people who could tear Hermione away from her studies, and she didn’t often like to admit that you were one of them. 
“Are you going to tell me why Fred was so-” she broke off, shuddering in some sort of disgusted way that made you laugh “-touchy with you the other day?”
Hermione had been pressing a little bit every time she saw you about Fred, and you had been avoiding it every time. 
“I still don’t know what you’re talking about. That was just Fred being Fred,” you insisted, rolling your eyes playfully. 
The guilt of lying to your friends left you a few days ago, instead you only felt overwhelming uneasiness as your schoolgirl crush for Fred resurfaced. You couldn’t help it; the hot older boy you had liked since your first year was suddenly putting himself in compromising situations with you. So, you couldn’t tell Hermione about Fred’ bet, because then you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself telling her about your genuine crush. 
“Really?” Hermione teased, bumping her shoulder into yours.
“Yes, really,” you insisted, turning the corner to the main staircase that was crowded with students wandering the castle on the weekend afternoon, “ I don’t get why your fixating on this, ‘Mione.”
Your words, however, fell on deaf ears. Her gaze was locked on something on the stairs beneath you both. You followed it, seeing the heavy stream of students starting to part. From your position, you couldn’t see much through the crowd, but soon the crowd thinned around you and you got closer.
Fred stood on the landing, a huge bouquet of flowers in his hands. You bit your lip, trying to hide the laugh bubbling in your chest. Such a grand gesture for a fake one-month relationship, this boy was determined to beat George and win those three Galleons. You felt Hermione clutching loosely to your arm, a dazed sort of look overcoming her features. You couldn’t help but laugh at this, prying yourself free from her grip and walking down the stairs to meet Fred.
He also looked sort of dazed, and with a quizzical expression you felt your face heat up under the stares of everyone in the stairwell. You came to the landing, looking up at Fred. His hand shook a little as he held the flowers, and he bit his lip harshly. 
“Want to go out with me?” he asked, a surprisingly earnest voice replacing his usual smug one. 
You glanced at your watch, moving to stand on your toes to reach him. You moved your mouth to his ear, speaking so only he could hear you, “You’re about a week early with this gesture, Freddie.”
He chuckled, and from being so close to him his chest bumped yours slightly. You fell to stand flat on your feet, still close to him. He looked down at you, holding the flowers between your chests. 
“I don’t like following schedules,” he said, grinning down at you.
You resisted the urge to wrap your arms around his shoulders and never let go, settling instead on a bashful smile. He handed you the flowers, the brown paper they were wrapped in feeling a little damp from how profusely his hands were nervously sweating.
When he made this bet with George, he had just planned on kissing you in some busy hallway to announce the start of your relationship, as he did with most of his relationships. Somehow, though, you felt more special. His stomach sank every time he thought about the limited and fake month he’d have to with you, but he forced his way through it. 
So he went to the field by Hagrid’s hut and picked the best flowers he could find, wrapping them in a brown paper and organizing them so they were perfect, because you were perfect. 
He looked down at you, watching you as you held the flowers up to your face and smelled them. Your eyes were light and filled with innocent excitement, giving him an enchanting smile that showed all your teeth; you looked incredibly and undeniably happy, and that made Fred happy. 
You had both nearly forgotten about the entire student body surrounding you both, watching the exchange. Fred, feeling unnerved by the vulnerability he had exhibited in such a large crowd, looked up and smiled smugly, wiggling his eyebrows. The entire staircase erupted in a somewhat jumbled mix of cheers and laughter, sending a deep red blush to your cheeks. Fred looked down at you, and in a moment of unfiltered happiness, brought his hands to your cheeks. He lifted your head from where you had ducked it to hide the blush, forcing you to look up at him with the embarrassed grin on your lips. Before he could think about what he was doing, his face was leaning closer to yours and his hands on your cheeks were pulling you closer to him. You barely had the time to register what was happening, only hearing the laughter and cheers around you get louder as Fred’s face was pressed against yours.
He was fast at first, passionate and quick as if he thought he only had a second before you pulled away. You couldn’t though, even though every bone in your body was telling you to. Your lasting feelings for Fred were telling you that this kiss was okay, that your friendship with Ron would take the backseat for a while as you let Fred press himself against you. Your thoughts were fading, being replaced with the hyper awareness of everywhere Fred was touching you. His lips slowed and his breathing became slower too. He let out a sigh through his nose, the air hitting your face and sending a brand new flush to your cheeks. His hands on your cheeks stopped pulling you towards him, now being a gentle and soft presence on your skin. His left hand was grazing your jaw, his calloused fingertips tickling the skin lightly. His right hand cupped your cheek firmly still, but his thumb rubbed against your cheekbone. You held the flowers in one hand, and it wasn’t until a few seconds into the kiss that you had even remembered you had hands. You rested your hand holding the flowers against his chest, tilting the bouquet so it didn’t hit Fred in the face. Your other hand snaked up his arm, clutching loosely at his strong forearm as it hung between your bodies. 
You were both at each other’s wills, you would do anything Fred and Fred vowed to himself that he would follow you to the ends of the Earth, if you asked him to. 
The spark moving through Fred’s body was nothing he had ever felt before. He didn’t feel it when he kissed Angelina Johnson, his first kiss, after winning a Quidditch match. He didn’t feel it when he drunkenly kissed Alicia Spinnet at a party. He didn’t feel anything close to this when he kissed Katie Bell in a game of truth or dare last year. You were completely new to Fred, and part of him already knew he wanted to spend every second with you from then on out.
You pulled away first, entirely and completely breathless. You looked up at Fred, mouth opening and closing like an out of water fish as you tried to find words to say in this moment. Fred just chuckled, bringing his hand on your cheek to graze his knuckles against your swollen lips. You closed your mouth, feeling okay with having nothing to say, and figuring it was better to not say anything anyways. 
The crowd registered in your brain, making you feel extremely embarrassed again. You shoved your face into Fred’s chest, hiding the flush all over your face.
“Alright! Shows over, you perverts,” Fred called out, smiling widely at the group.
You heard the shuffling of feet begin around you, the traffic beginning once again. A few wolf whistles reached your ears, and you didn’t remove yourself from Fred’s chest until you were sure everyone had moved on. 
Fred’s large hand rested on the back of your head, soothing down your hair. You found it oddly intimate, and you knew letting all of this happen was only setting yourself up for hurt when this bet was inevitably over, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Pulling away finally, your flowers clutched at your side, you took a deep breath. You were bringing your gaze to look up at Fred, but a group of redheads standing behind him caught your eyes and made them widen.
“I am so telling mum you have a girlfriend!” Ginny squealed, her voice easily heard in the now empty stairwell.
Fred turned to face his family, seeing Ginny, Ron, George, Hermione, and Harry looking at him as if he’s sprouted five new limbs.
Ron elbowed Ginny, sending her a wide-eyed look, “my bestfriend is not his girlfriend!” Ron said confidently, then turning to Fred with a threatening look, “My bestfriend is not your girlfriend.”
Fred smiled nervously, “I’m not dating Harry, Ron,” he attempted to joke, only earning a laugh from George and an embarrassed look from Harry. 
You peaked from behind Fred, meeting the group. You smiled at them sheepishly, meeting Hermione’s baffled eyes.
“I knew it!” she called, causing the entire group to turn their heads to look at her, “I knew you fancied her.”
Hermione looked quite proud of herself, but Ron looked fuming. Harry had sort of a ‘I-saw-this-coming’ look on his face.
“Guys,” you said, stepping towards them, “Ron.”
You gave Ron a pleading look, prepared to embarrass yourself and set the whole thing straight, even prepared to lose 3 Galleons. Suddenly, Hermione stepped between you and Ron.
“Ronald,” she said sternly, snapping Ron out from his angry mood briefly, “I hope you are not about to prevent a lovely relationship just because you have no emotional intelligence or maturity regarding these subjects.”
Your eyes widened from behind Hermione, casting a shocked glance to Fred. George and Ginny stifled their laughter, saving an embarrassed Ron some of his pride after being scolded by Hermione. 
“But he’s my brother!” he whined, his anger leaving him and instead being replaced by some sort of tame disgust.
You couldn’t take it, every part of you wanted to tell them it was a bet, the galleons be damned. You looked to Fred with a warning look, only to see him digging in his pockets.
“George,” he called out, removing his hand from his pocket and clutching something, “catch.”
Fred tossed six coins at George, and George caught them with surprise.
“Bets off,” Fred said, looking painfully serious. 
You felt your breath hitch in your throat, an immense feeling of guilt wash over you. You had cost Fred six galleons, even after the work he had put in. He had kissed you for the sake of it, and you couldn’t go one month. 
“Fred,” you stuttered, looking at him with guilt
His mouth broke into a grin, however, and he took a few steps towards you. George watched Fred’s movements, and began pulling away the group. Ron, still standing there with a confused look on his face, was tugged away by the back of his collar.
“I don’t want to fake date you,” he whispered to you once he was close enough, tucking his hands in his pockets.
“Well, that seems like a lot of work for nothing, then-” you started, only for his lips to fall onto yours and silence you.
You couldn’t help it, again, as you let yourself melt into him. He pulled away all too soon however, resting his forehead on yours as he looked into your eyes. 
“I want to date you for real,” he said, biting his lip nervously, “not as a bet.”
Your eyes widened, and once again you could not think of anything to say. You opened and closed your mouth, searching for the words, but gave up. You gave a relieved sigh, hearing the words you had dreamed of hearing since you were 12, and kissed Fred Weasley. 
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delaber · 3 years
Coming Home
Note: The fic no one asked for but I still wrote because I had to. Pretty sure this will be my last Rafa fic. It’s been a ride. Thank you!
Words: 7.7K
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It was one of those blisteringly hot days where all you wanted to do was to laze about in front of a fan with your feet up and eat popsicles in the hopes of cooling just a tiny bit down. The sun was scorching and there was little to no wind at all, making it close to unbearable to be out of the shade for more than two minutes at a time - but unfortunately, you found yourself stuck in the middle of a very sunny lawn at Nat's garden-themed birthday party. Several times during the day, you had caught yourself looking jealously towards the enticing pool area at the end of the lawn but unfortunately had to settle for self-administered time-outs in the shade under various palm trees that were lining the garden.
At one of said time-outs, the birthday girl Nat approached you with a huge smile and two drinks in hand, "oh, there you are!" She exclaimed happily as she reached the same tree as you and handed you one of the piña coladas she was holding, "I've been looking all over!"
"Sorry," you smiled at your best friend and accepted the cocktail she was offering you, "I needed to cool down for a bit," you said while fanning your hand in front of your face
"Ooh, great idea - make room for me," Nat too stepped under the shade of the palm tree and immediately started fanning her top, "Jesus Christ, it's hot today!"
"Well, you were the one to insist on not having gazebos for your party," you shot your best friend a small smile, "it ruins the aesthetic," you mimicked her words from a few days ago with a laugh.
"Oh, shut up!" Nat let out a chortle, "I clearly made a terrible decision."
"Yeah, you should always listen to me and Diggs," you chuckled while having a sip of your tropical drink, enjoying how it slowly seemed to lower your core temperature as soon as the cold liquid hit your oesophagus.
"Hey, speaking of; have you seen him?" Nat squinted her eyes while shooting her phone a glance, "he's not answering any of my texts."
"I talked to him over by the snacks a little over an hour ago," you pointed over your shoulder, "he said he had to take off for a bit."
"He had to take off?" Nat furrowed her eyebrows, looking directly at you with disbelief written all over her face. From her expression alone, you could tell what was going through her head; as Nat's long-term boyfriend, Diggs knew exactly how important her birthday was to her. "That's seems a bit out of character..." she mumbled sadly.
"Aww, don't worry - he'll be back in a bit."
"What was so important for him to do on today of all days?" Nat sounded crestfallen.
"Come on Nat, what kind of an errand could he possibly have to run on his girlfriend's birthday?" You rolled your eyes.
"...But he already got me a present," she fiddled with the shiny new bracelet around her wrist.
"Maybe he's getting you a surprise," you shrugged mysteriously.
"Really?" The sad look on Nat's face was quickly replaced by wide eyes accompanied by a broad smile, "A surprise?"
"Don't tell him I said anything!" you laughed.
"Well, did he tell you what it was?"
"Nope... He probably knew we'd end up having this conversation," you chuckled.
"Slick bastard," Nat muttered under her breath before her voice returned to normal, "well, I hope he gets back soon. Of course I'm excited about the surprise but I don't want him missing out on the party."
As if on cue, a loud clanking noise coming from the shrub-embedded gate at the other end of the lawn had both you and Nat whip your heads around; Diggs had stepped inside the closed-off garden with a huge smile plastered on his face, stopping as soon as his feet hit the soft grass. He scanned the area for the birthday girl, and when his gaze finally landed on Nat, you watched how his face immediately turned soft as their eyes met across the lawn.
"Ah, there he is," Nat sighed happily as she took in her handsome boyfriend.
"...yeah, but he's empty handed," you added with a sigh after a quick scan for a birthday present in his open palms.
"Oh, you're right. Must be something he can stow away in a pocket..."
"Or something that's too heavy for him to carry alone," you added.
"Either way I'm just glad he's back," Nat said dreamily and send Diggs a small wave to which he replied with a sappy smile and a wink.
"Ah, I'm third-wheeling so hard right now," you gagged and with a grin turned your back towards Diggs in the hopes of making it less awkward for yourself.
"Yeah, sorry babe," Nat was biting her lower lip, trying to contain herself as she gazed at her handsome boyfriend over your shoulder.
"You look terribly confused all of a sudden," you laughed as you took in Nat's furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah, he's just... standing there - why is he not moving?"
"What? He's standing completely still?" you arched an eyebrow, looking at Nat who still wasn't sparing you a glance.
"No, he's... looking for something on the other side of the hedges. And he's talking to someone - I think?"
"On the phone?"
"No... - oh wait, looks like he brought someone along."
"He brought someone?" you repeated curiously, "who?"
"I don't know. I don't recognise him..." Nat looked confused as she squinted her eyes, trying to focus on what was happening at the other end of the lawn. Then suddenly, her face changed, "- hey, is that...? No - wait... - Oh my god! It is!" She finally whipped her head around, looking directly at you with huge eyes, "he's here."
"...Who is?" you looked at her confused.
Nat didn't have time to answer your question before a male voice that you didn't immediately recognise rang from behind you, "Ey yo, Nat!"
"I'm sorry..." Nat whispered, "- but I have to..." she shot you a pained look before she moved past you with a squeal as she briskly walked away from the shade under the palm tree.
Confused, you spun around and scanned the lawn for Diggs and his mystery companion. Diggs had put on one of his more colourful outfits, and your eyes were immediately drawn to him and the smug smile he was wearing as he took in Nat who was now running at full-speed towards a sharp-dressed man to his right.
"Rafa!" Nat exclaimed loudly as she fell into the well-dressed man's arms, "you're here! I can't believe it!" she squealed.
The mere sound of his name made the hairs on the back of your neck stand while the blood quickly drained from your face. You instantly felt your throat go dry and your head dizzying as Nat's words rang in your ears. Rafa was here? Rafa as in Rafael? No, it couldn't be...
You adjusted your gaze slightly but sure enough; there he was. In the middle of the lawn in a tight embrace with your best friend. None other than Rafael Casal.
That. Fucking. Prick.
"You're kidding me..." you mumbled under your breath.
What the fuck was he doing here?!
You immediately felt your heart rate increasing and your palms getting sweaty as you took him in. He had grown a beard and cut his hair short, making the area above his forehead strangely lonely without its familiar swoop of hair that he had been so fond of back when you had known him. Your eyes travelled across his face that was plastered with the toothy grin you had once loved, and down to the strong arms that you had once known every vein of. There weren't any tattoos on his arms that you didn't recognise but he had definitely built more muscle mass since the last time you'd seen him.
You had to admit that even though you were more than regularly annoyed with him, he looked good - he just didn't look like Rafa. Not your Rafa at least. He looked more man than jokester, a ghost of the boy you'd once called yours.
When the tight embrace in front of you finally ended, Rafa straightened up and looked over Nat's shoulder, his green eyes immediately piercing through you. He did a quick scan of you from the tip of your sneakers to the top of your head, and if it hadn't been for the fact that you knew that you looked good in your new dress, you might have grown flustered under his intense stare - but you didn't. He could stare all he wanted and meanwhile use the opportunity to think about what he had let go of - what he was missing out on!
He looked you up and down a few times and when his eyes reached yours, he sent you a tentative look and a careful smile that you didn't reciprocate. After all, pretending that Rafael Casal meant absolutely nothing to you was something you had perfected over the years.
When he finally realised that your face would remain stone cold and without the smallest trace of friendliness, he quickly looked back at Nat and sent her a broad smile as she began mumbling something to him about how he was the last person she'd expected to see today.
Meanwhile, you used the opportunity to march over to Diggs and pull him aside; "what the hell do you think you're doing?!" You hissed at him, your voice so low that only he could hear.
"Oh, I'm just watching my best friend and my girl reconcile after years apart," he smirked, his eyes still locked on the two friends talking excitedly in the middle of the lawn.
"Don't get smart with me, Diggs!" You said through gritted teeth, "why the fuck didn't you tell me that he was coming? You know how I feel about him! He's a snake!"
"Jesus Christ," Diggs rolled his eyes, "This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you. If you'd known that I was picking him up at the airport, you would've ended up faking an excuse to leave before I'd returned."
"And with good reason! You know what he did! I don't want to talk to him!"
"You need to resolve this shit between the two of you," he shrugged, "You need to learn to be in the same room as him. It's been way too long already, and it cannot go on like this forever."
"Oh, watch me!" You huffed childishly, looking over at Rafa's dumb smile as he said something incoherent to Nat.
"Bruh..." Daveed cocked his head and sent you an unimpressed look, "He didn't come to mess with you. He came for Nat... He misses her."
"- but," you tried to interject but Diggs immediately cut you off: "- And before you say anything -" he continued, "- look at how happy she is!" he gestured to Nat who had now gone back to hugging Rafa tightly, "I know that her loyalty to you dictates that she has to hate him or whatever, but she has clearly missed him too. So if you can't do it for yourself, please just behave yourself for Nat."
A guilty pang hit your chest when you looked at Nat's happy smile, and you realised that she had cut off all contact with Rafa for your sake. "For the record; I never told her she couldn't talk to him," you mumbled.
"I know," Diggs nodded, "that's just how good of a friend she is."
"Alright... I'll behave for Nat," you sighed with a slight scowl before you quickly continued, "- but I'm not going to talk to him! No way!"
Diggs shot his hands in the air in a surrendering manner, "hey: normal, regular behaviour is all I'm asking for! You can ignore him for all I care - just be civil."
You didn't answer Diggs but instead continued to scowl as you watched Rafa and Nat having a giggle about something. The sound of Rafa's obnoxiously loud laugh swimming in your ear canals made your stomach go annoyingly warm, and for a millisecond you actually wished that he was laughing at something dumb alongside you instead of Nat - or at least you wished for it until you reminded yourself of what he had done, and the familiar anger towards him soon returned.
"Aw, come on," Diggs let out a laugh when he saw your angry face. He gave your shoulder a playful shove before he put his arm around you, "let's get you a drink - you look like you need it."
"Yes, I need it!" you groaned as he led you away from Nat and Rafa, "- and a big one too 'cause my dumb friends had my nemesis fly in from New York behind my back."
Diggs laughed a little at your miserable tone of voice, "cheer up," he chuckled, pulling you a little closer, "...and to be fair, I did the inviting. Nat had nothing to do with this."
"God, you're the worst," you mumbled as you reached the self-service bar, "I cannot believe you'd spring this on me after what he did!"
"Come on. It's been three years," Daveed shrugged and smiled down at you before he pulled out two clean glasses.
"That's easy for you to say when you weren't implicated in it," you mumbled sourly without looking directly at him.
"I may not have been directly involved, but you know I still got caught up in the middle," Diggs sent you a short look before he poured both of you a drink, "- and I still am."
"How?" You said incredulously, "I literally never talk about him."
"Exactly," Diggs shot you a sideways glance as he screwed off the cap of a tonic water, "you never talk about him. It's forced."
"It's forced? Since when is not talking about your asshole of an ex-boyfriend forced?"
"I know you miss him," Diggs said softly and sent you a careful look.
You forced yourself to scoff as you accepted the gin tonic from him, "I have no idea what you're talking about! I literally could not care less about Rafael at all," you looked across the lawn and immediately caught Rafa's gaze that was aimed directly at you. His eyes were huge, his gaze soft and longing. You thought to yourself that he looked as if he was the one who'd been wronged all those years ago. As if you were the one who had disappeared off to New York before royally fucking everything up. Which you absolutely weren't!
Rafa had been annoying as hell all night! Whenever you were no more than a few milliseconds away from letting down your hair and forget about the fact that your nemesis was attending the same party as you, you could hear his annoying foghorn of a laugh in the group of people next to you. And although you were trying your absolute best to avoid him completely, he still seemed to be all over, somehow always within a ten-foot radius from you, his cutting-torch-like voice constantly poking at your eardrums.
You were successful in avoiding him up until around midnight when you unfortunately were careless enough to lay down your guard for a few seconds too long, not realising that he had approached you at the self-service bar while you had been looking around for a lime for your drink. "Hey," you heard a low growl behind you as you were cutting the citrus into wedges.
You didn't have to look up from the table to know who the voice belonged to. "Rafael," you said neutrally while screwing off the cap of the tequila bottle you were holding, pouring up a couple of ounces of liquid without sparing him a glance.
"Hmm... Ra-fa-el," he repeated slowly, dragging out the name and smacking his lips as if savouring how it rolled off his tongue, "you know what? I don't think I've ever heard you call me Ra-fa-el before."
With your gaze still firmly placed on the tequila-filled glass in front of you, you arched an eyebrow but didn't say anything as you continued working on the cocktail, desperate to not give in to his antics.
You could feel his gaze burning on your skin, his eyes following your every move as you poured Cointreau into the cocktail glass and quietly waited for him to leave you alone again. He didn't budge, however, and when he realised that you intended to keep your silence, he quietly asked, "...How are you doing?"
"Great," you said and pressed your lips firmly together.
"Good..." Out the corner of your eye, you could see his head bopping up and down as he took you in, "I - uhm - I always liked you in green, you know," he grinned cockily. You knew he was just acting this way to get your attention but annoyingly enough; it was working for him. His comment made you dart your eyes towards him, shooting him an unimpressed sigh that he reciprocated with a careful smile, anxious to see if his compliment had tugged at your heartstrings. But even though his words had made your head dizzy and your diaphragm contract considerably, you still managed to keep a straight face as you took him in. His gaze was soft and satisfied, and a strange feeling hit your guts when you looked into his green eyes for the first time in over three years. Seeing the familiarity of his overly confident gaze made you realise that he hadn't exactly turned into the destructive villain that you had made him out to be after he had moved to New York three years ago. Behind the masculine beard and the buzzcut, the jokester with the soft chin and the long quiff was still in there. Your Rafa was still in there, and for a tenth of a second it made your heart ache as you wished for a time that he had long ago ruined.
He had clearly realised that you were checking him out because slowly, yet surely, his smirk grew considerably while he maintained eye-contact. It made you furious! He. Did. Not. Have. The. Upper. Hand. Taking in your angry expression, he shifted the weight on his feet while giving out a low chuckle, "I guess what I mean to tell you is that you look good. Like really good! - even when you're fuming."
"You look old," you stated flatly to make him stop feeling so overly confident.
To your dismay, however, he wasn't the least bit hurt by your comment but instead spluttered happily and let out a loud laugh, making the crow's feet around his green irises dance around as his eyes squinted tightly together in amusement. He looked irritatingly handsome, and it made you even more annoyed with him; he wasn't supposed to be amused by your low blow, he was supposed to be devastated!
You chewed your bottom lip as he annoyingly confident ran a hand through his beard and took you in with his forever playful smile. The fairy lights surrounding the self-service bar caught something shiny around his wrist as he caressed his chin, and you recognised the piece of metal immediately. It made you scoff, "you really still have that?" You nodded towards the golden band around his arm that you had given him for his 25th birthday some years ago. Even though it had been quite expensive, you'd figured that he had thrown it out long ago.
"You're kidding me?" He said incredulously, furrowing his brows and fiddling with the shiny links around his arm, "of course I still have this! It means a lot to me, I wear it every day!" He sent you a tentative smile, once again checking to see if he was so lucky that his words had defrosted you.
He wasn't.
"What?" He asked with an amused twinkle in his eyes when he took in your unimpressed face, "I swear; It's one of my most treasured possessions."
"Rafael... Just..." You let out a small sigh and folded your arms across your chest, "- just drop the pleasantries and tell me why you're really here," you demanded, "I highly doubt you're here to small talk."
"Aw come on - I'm just here for Nat's party. I didn't come to stir shit up. I promise!" He looked at you with honest eyes, still with a trace of a smile on his lips.
"Then why are you attacking me at the drinks table?" You were surprised to hear how steady you managed to keep your voice when it felt as if your entire body was shaking.
"I just wanted to say hi," he shot you a careful look, taking in every movement of your facial muscles, "You've been avoiding me all day."
"Wonder why," you clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth, looking away from him.
"I know it seems like an unnecessary question but are you still angry with me?" He asked, his smile still in place but suddenly a bit stiff.
"I was angry at first. Now I don't really care about you anymore," you smiled overly-sweetly.
"Yeah okay," Rafa's stiff smile faltered a bit and it looked as if you'd finally managed to knock him slightly off his course. This probably wasn't how he had imagined the conversation to go. It was a nice feeling to see him slightly panicked. "Ehm..." he smacked his lips, "would you like me to leave?"
"Yes," you breathed, but even you could hear the thickness of the lie in your throat. Even though you were keen on keeping your distance to him, you were still terribly curious as to why he had passed you up three years after your horrible break-up. After all, it had ended in lies and angry tears.
His smirk turned amused, and he could barely hold back a triumphant chuckle when he spoke, "I can tell you're not being serious," he tilted his head to the side.
"My God, you are insufferable!" you said through gritted teeth, "just tell me why you're here!"
"Well..." he licked his lips before he slowly stated, "Sofía's pregnant."
He had barely finished pronouncing the word pregnant before you felt the blood immediately drain from your face. "You're... having a baby?" You breathed and blinked a few times, bracing yourself for his answer. After everything that had happened, you couldn't believe that the mental image of Rafa with someone else was still able to make your stomach ache horribly, and you were immediately reminded of the fact that you hadn't left him because you had fallen out of love with him.
"Am I having a...-? Oh God no!" He laughed when he understood, "Sofía as in my sister! My sister is pregnant! I'm about to be an uncle. Tio Rafa."
You felt a wave of relief wash over you when his words finally settled, and the blood quickly returned to your cheeks making them unbearably hot. "Well, congratulations then, I guess," you mumbled, trying to conceal your flustered face.
"Thanks!" He smiled proudly and put on a goofy expression.
"I still fail to see what your sister's pregnancy has to do with me."
"Well, you see..." he licked his lips, "Sofía and her boyfriend are constantly talking about baby-stuff, and who in their lives are important to them, and insurances, and dying wills, and things like that - and I guess it kinda made me think about stuff in my life too," he gave out an awkward shrug, shooting you a careful look, "you know... Unresolved matters and so on..."
"...and then you thought about me?" You scoffed.
"Yeah," he nodded carefully, "I miss you."
"Rafael..." you closed your eyes and sighed in disbelief.
"Oof," he winced and it made you open your eyes and look at him. "- could you stop calling me that?" He looked pained, "It's - it's weird!"
"Well it is your name, isn't it?"
"I know, I know... Hearing it from you is just - it's just weird..." he mumbled while rubbing his neck, "only strangers call me by my first name."
"We're practically strangers."
"We are?" He looked taken aback.
You shot him a sideways glance, "yes, we are Rafael," you sighed and watched how his nostrils did an involuntary twitch at the sound of his given name.
He merely grunted while shooting you a weird look.
"What?" You asked incredulously, "you don't agree?"
"No. No, not at all," he shook his head, "I know you."
"Not anymore you don't," you turned back to your drink, stirring it a little just to give your shaking hands something to do.
"I know every freckle of your body..." he said quietly, his voice so full of emotion that it made your heart ache. "I know why you have a scar on your left knee," he continued, "I know all your guilty pleasures. What makes you tick. Your likes. Your dislikes. Of course I realise that we didn't end optimally but you can't pretend that we don't know each other," he ran a hand through his beard.
As soon as the words had escaped his mouth, you shot him an angry look, "we didn't end optimally?!" You hissed at him, "well, it was your fucking choice to end it that way, wasn't it?"
"Ah, so you are still mad at me," He stated flatly, taking in your expression.
You managed to turn off some of the fire you felt in your eyes before you spoke, "No I'm not, Rafael. As I said, I don't care about you at all," you said coldly, "Is that all? Can I go back to my best friend's birthday party now, or are you in the mood to ruin yet another one of my nights?" You shot him a deadpan look.
"I can't force you to talk to me," he said quietly, his eyes huge with disappointment.
"What do you even want to talk about?" Your voice was laced with frustration, "it's been three years! I've moved on - I don't need this, Rafa!" You wanted to smack yourself when you realised that you had let his pet name slip.
"I just want to apologise. Properly..." he said quietly while awkwardly rubbing his elbow, decent enough to let the use of his nickname slide.
"Apologising is not going to change what happened."
"I know... but you still deserve a proper apology from the guy who hurt you."
You gave out a scoff but didn't say anything.
"Look," Rafa continued, "can you please just give me ten minutes alone with you? Some place quiet. Ten minutes and I swear, I'll never talk to you again if you don't want me to. I just want to tell you how sorry I am. I think we both need it."
You weighed the pros and cons. Maybe it would actually be good for you to get some closure so you could finally forget about him? You decided that you might as well try. It'd be nice to stop thinking about him for good. "Fine! You have ten minutes and not a second more!" you said sternly, "but let me be very clear about one thing: I am not doing this for you!"
"I know," he nodded slowly, and followed you to a deserted bench a little away from the rest of the party.
He sat down next to you with a content sound, "Cig?" he asked while holding out a crumbled package.
"I quit," you pushed the package away, your fingers briefly brushing over his. It made him smile slightly but he quickly concealed it by clearing his throat.
"Good for you," Rafa nodded while lighting a cigarette for himself, taking a long drag while looking at you. "So..." he said quietly, "I hear that you finally landed that job you used to work so hard for."
"If you just wanted to smoke cigarettes and small talk, we didn't have to go all the way back here," you crossed your arms.
"Tough crowd," he laughed, "come on. Just humour me for a bit... I miss talking to you."
You scoffed, "you have nine minutes and fourty-five seconds left, Casal."
"Nine minutes and fourty-five seconds," he nodded in agreement, "so... that job of yours - congratulations! Your hard work finally paid off, huh?" He tried again.
"Have you been stalking my linked-in?" You said sourly.
"Nah, Diggs gives me little updates," Rafa chuckled awkwardly, "-or he did for a while at least. Up until about a year ago when he got real angry with me," Rafa clenched his teeth tightly together, looking uncomfortable.
"Diggs got angry?" You said in disbelief. Out of the two, Rafa was definitely the hot-headed one.
"Oh shit, yeah!" He nodded with a laugh, "I know it's hard to believe because it's such a rare occurrence but that just made it so much scarier! For a second, I thought he would punch me in the face!"
"Well, that should teach you to keep your abnormally large nose out of my business," you scoffed slightly.
"That's what he said too," Rafa chuckled, "-and that if I wanted to know how you were doing, I should give you a call myself," he sent you a small smile, "- but I knew you would have my balls in a wrench if I suddenly called you up out of the blue."
He smiled, "yet here we are. Talking quietly without screaming at each other. My balls free as ever."
"You're lucky I left my wrench at home today, Casal."
He let out an amused snort and took another drag of the cigarette, "yeah, I can't believe my luck this evening," he smiled without looking at you, "hey, while we're on the subject of updates; I - uhm - I also want to let you know that I heard about your dad. I was very sad to learn about his passing."
You felt a sharp pain in your chest, and you held your arms a little closer to your chest, "Diggs told you about that too, huh?" You mumbled, unable to look Rafa in the eye. Even though little over two years had passed since your dad had died, thinking about him still hurt.
You felt Rafa nod beside you, "Yeah. He called me right after it happened... I know your dad meant a great deal to you. Meant a great deal to me too to be honest..." he sighed.
"I know..." you thought of the special bond the two men had always shared. Even long before you and Rafa had fallen in love, your dad had hoped that you would end up together.
"I was seconds away from flying home to see him off at the funeral, you know - but given how you and I ended things, I didn't think you should deal with me on top of losing your dad..." he shot you a sideways glance.
You decided not to tell Rafa about how you had woken up on the morning of the funeral, wishing that he had been there. Wishing that everything had magically gone back to normal overnight. Instead, you merely mumbled, "you should've come. My dad would've loved that... He always liked you."
"Yeah, I liked him too," Rafa nodded, "I still think about him every time I hear a terrible joke or see someone in a Laker's shirt."
"Oh god, all those fucking shirts," you groaned and thought of the hundreds of basketball shirts that your dad had had stacked neatly away in his closet. You couldn't believe that you had completely forgotten about them.
Rafa chuckled, "what did you end up doing with them? I imagine that you donated them in your dad's spirit."
"Naturally," you nodded and felt yourself uncross your arms for the first time since you'd sat down. "My mom kept one, and the orphanage got most but we auctioned off the rarest ones and gave the money to charity. That was what he wanted, you know."
"Ah, what an icon," Rafa sighed, "well, you should be proud of him and the work he did for the community. He was a great man. A proper role model for the bay."
You nodded in agreement while scanning Rafa. It was nice to talk about your dad with someone who knew him but who hadn't seen him fragile and sick. Someone who didn't think of him as his diagnosis, and you realised that for the first time since his passing, things actually seemed fairly back to normal. Sitting side by side with Rafa actually felt welcome and normal. Maybe you'd grant him a couple of minutes more of your time.
Rafa's eyes skirted away from you, and he nervously cleared his throat before he continued, "Uhm... not that it matters but did you - did you ever tell him about what happened between us?"
"My dad? No..." you shook your head with a sad sigh, "he loved you like his own son, and I didn't want to break his heart. So I just told him that we couldn't make the whole long distance-thing work."
"Oh, right... Thanks," Rafa nodded.
"I didn't do it for you."
"Still... I'm glad he didn't get to know that side of me. I'm not so sure he would've liked me if he'd known the truth about how I broke his daughter's heart."
"I'm not so sure either..."
"I - I hated myself after, you know," He looked over at you with a pained expression after a couple of seconds of silence, "I have never regretted anything more in my entire life."
"What? Not going to the funeral?"
"No. You know... What I did..." he said sheepishly.
"The minute I woke up I - I wanted to undo everything," he looked at you pleadingly, "I felt so fucking terrible. Still do. I can't even think about it without wanting to stab myself. It is without a doubt the worst thing I have ever done, and I am so sorry for the pain it caused you," he said softly, "please understand that I didn't do it because I didn't love you. It wasn't because you weren't enough or something like that. You were perfect to me. I take full responsibility for the fuck-up, and I am so, so horribly fucking sorry!"
"Rafa, it's..." you gulped, the words somehow stuck in your throat. You were having a hard time acting as if his words meant nothing to you.
He carefully put his hand on top of yours before he continued, "do you think we would've been able to work around the long distance if I hadn't...?"
"Please don't..." you whispered and sent him a soft yet warning look, "I don't want to talk about what might've been."
"No, no of course not..." he nodded quietly, "I just - I can't believe it's been three years... Fuck baby I've missed you so bad," he carefully moved his thumb over the back of your hand and searched your face with furrowed eyebrows, "You have no idea of the relief I felt when I finally saw you today," he said quietly.
"Don't do this..." you closed your eyes and whispered.
Rafa continued as if he hadn't heard you, "I know we didn't work out the way neither of us pictured it but that doesn't mean you weren't the best thing that's ever happened to me..." he sounded desperate, and you couldn't look at him. The words he was saying was making you want to fall into his arms, "...I never should've let you go."
"Rafa," you sighed and summoned all your strength and looked into his glossy eyes, "you didn't let me go," your voice barely a whisper, "I broke up with you."
"I know, I know," his voice was oozing with pain, "but I hope you realise that I would've done everything to win you back. I would've come back to California if you'd only asked me to. Fuck the record deal."
"There was a reason why I didn't ask you to come back," you shot him a glance in warning, "you know that."
"Still, I should have done... something."
"You did exactly what I asked of you."
"Yeah... I stayed the fuck away from you," he mumbled. You could tell that he was replaying your last tearful conversation in his mind before he heaved a big gulp of air and glanced over at you with a valiant look in his eyes, "but I've come back to remind you who I really am."
"You don't have to remind me of anything... I remember who you were. What we had."
"Then let me be that guy for you again," he looked at you pleadingly.
"What's the point when you're still 3,000 miles away?" You sighed, "It's not as if we'll happen upon each other at the supermarket and go out for spontaneous coffees."
"Could be," he said with a small shrug, "I - uh - I'm moving back," he nervously ran his fingers through his short hair, "I want to be close to Sofía and the baby - and you."
"You're coming home?" You gulped. You couldn't believe him. Was this a good thing?
"Yes," he breathed, "And I want to try things out with you again. Please give me another chance..." his fingers moved from your hand to your knee. You briefly considered his words while you felt his thumb caress you through the green fabric of your dress. Right now, you were fighting hard to not give in to his embrace and the familiar set of lips in front of you, but you weren't sure how you'd feel about it come morning, so you remained poised.
He sensed your hesitation, however, and carefully put his forehead to yours "come on, baby," he said quietly and softly kissed your cheek, his lips warm against your skin.
"I don't know," you gulped as you involuntarily closed your eyes and breathed him in.
"It's okay," he said with whispered words, the stubble on his chin rough against your cheekbone, "you don't have to give me an answer right away," he gently kissed your jawline while his hand travelled from your kneecap to your fingertips, clearly desperate to remind you of what you could have back if you only agreed to let him in again.
"Rafa, I don't know," you said quietly although it was becoming harder and harder to remain steadfast and ignore his burning lips on your skin.
"Just consider it," he kissed the corner of your mouth, "I'll crawl. I'll beg," he whispered and pursed his lips against yours, "I'll do anything," he moved his body closer to yours, "just consider it," he whispered and placed a particularly gentle kiss to your already buzzing lips, "please baby."
You couldn't help yourself any longer and you involuntarily twitched your lips against his before you felt yourself being completely engulfed by him. The passionate kiss you shared was soft and bittersweet, reminding both of you of what had been.
His hands were caressing your neck and hairline and he hummed into your mouth as he savoured the feeling of finally having you kiss him back. "Fuck I've missed this," he gulped when he broke away and put his forehead to yours, his hand still on your cheek, "does this mean you'll at least consider it?"
"I'm still angry with you," you whispered without really answering his question.
"I know, love..." he caressed your cheek, "I was stupid," he searched your face, "it was a stupid mistake."
"Don't reduce it to a stupid mistake, Rafa," you whispered.
"Poor choice of words," he mumbled, "what I mean to say is that I hope you can forgive it," he placed a soft kiss to your jawline, "- forgive me."
"Even if I did forgive you, how do you expect me to ever trust you again?" You said quietly, and you knew that you couldn't dance around the elephant in the room any longer. "Rafa you had another girl's lips wrapped around your dick not even twenty-four hours after crying in my arms at the airport," you said with a heavy heart and watched him cringe his face at the harsh truth, "twenty-four after you'd sworn you'd do anything to make our relationship work despite the distance."
Rafa was still wincing when he spoke, "not that it's any excuse at all but I was exhausted and drunk and heartbroken," he croaked, "I had just left the love of my life behind in California... and this other girl was suddenly there and she got me high as balls and she-" he sighed without finishing his own sentence, "trust me when I say that it was the worst night of my life," he closed his eyes in a sad attempt at holding the tears at bay.
"Well at least you got a nice blowjob out of it." You smiled humourlessly, "I just wound up with all the lies you threw in my face."
"I never lied to you..." he mumbled, "I came clean as soon as you confronted me."
"How big of you!" you scoffed.
"Baby... I didn't tell you because I was so embarrassed," he gulped, the tears now evident under his green irises, "I wanted to throw myself off a cliff! I knew that if I told you, it would be the definite end of us," he looked at you with huge, bloodshot eyes, "I couldn't do that."
"I need you to understand that the worst part of it wasn't that you cheated on me. The worst part was that you pretended that nothing had happened at all," you couldn't tell whether the tears you felt in the corners of your eyes were from being angry or sad, "Imagine how dumb I felt when Diggs finally broke down and told me what you'd done," you said and Rafa suddenly couldn't hold back the tears any longer either.
"I wanted to tell you. Trust me, I wanted to," he sobbed.
"You had three weeks to say something to me for fuck's sake!"
"I'm so sorry," he whimpered.
"We facetimed every night for three weeks and you didn't say anything! You made a complete fool of me!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" his eyes fixed at his own feet.
"Rafa, look at me!" you said in a harsh tone of voice.
Immediately, his red eyes found yours. He looked as ashamed of himself as he possibly could, "I was a coward," he whimpered, "-and I knew didn't deserve you."
"Then what makes you think you deserve me now?" You said coldly.
"I have spent the last three years trying to forget about you and what happened but no matter what I do, you still linger in the back of my mind. Even after all this time you're the only one I can ever see myself with. I always return to you. On sleepless nights, you're dancing on the back of my eyelids. I see you in other girls when I pass them by on the street. You're in all my poetry. All my songs. I think about you constantly. Maybe I don't deserve you but I at least had to try."
"Rafa you broke my heart," you looked him dead in the eye and he visibly gulped, "you betrayed my trust and you did it in the most despicable way I could ever imagine. It's been three years and I still cannot believe that you of all people would do that to me. You were my ride or die."
"I can still be that," he said desperately, clinging on to the last bit of hope he had in him, "I'm still that guy! The guy who cheated on you that wasn't me! I wasn't myself! I'm aware of the agony it caused, and trust me: I've learned from my mistakes," he looked at you resolutely before he whispered, "I'm still your ride or die."
His words made your stomach hurt and you felt the heat rise throughout your body as your throat clenched tightly together. You felt suffocated and stood up from the bench so fast that black spots distorted your vision. "I can't do this!" you said desperately, "it's too much!"
"Okay," he gulped, looking up at you with desperation written across his face.
"I have to go back to the party. Nat expects me to be there for her."
"Alright," he gulped. He was having a hard time concealing his obvious disappointment.
"Don't look at me like that!" you whimpered, "what did you expect? That you could shed a few tears and everything would be alright again?"
"No, of course not..."
"Then don't look so fucking disappointed! You're making me feel like the bad guy and I haven't even done anything!"
"I know," he gulped.
"Yet you still think a drunk conversation erases everything? That I will take you back just because you're feeling sorry? You obviously don't realise the damage you caused."
"Then tell me!" He too stood up from his seat, "I want to make things alright again," he pleaded.
"I don't need you to make things alright again! I was doing just fine before you showed up!"
"Okay, I'm sorry," he sheepishly picked at his own elbow, "I just thought that maybe you felt the same way about me."
"I don't want you back!" You said roughly.
As soon as the harsh words had escaped your lips, you could see the heartbreak on his face; his cheeks paled, his lips quivered, a single tear left his right eye as he looked away. He ran his hand over the corners of his mouth, unable to look directly at you, "right," he said as a fresh set of tears formed in his eyes, "I'm sorry... I - uh - I had to try,” he sobbed although he was fighting to hold his voice steady, “I - uhm - I don't know what to say…”
"Don't say anything..."
"...so this is it?" His eyes found yours, "...for good?"
You nodded slowly but didn't say anything.
You watched how he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly without any words escaping him. He looked flustered, panicked almost when you turned around and stepped away from him. You could hear him panic-shift around behind you but he still didn't talk. He had probably expected you to take him back with open arms - anything but this!
Good. He deserved to fry a little.
And maybe you'd call him tomorrow. Just maybe.
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