#sorry mayor holiday
evanture · 2 years
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a little comic about my interpretation of dess in undertale. shes taking care of noelle on her own after rudy passed
Heres a little doodle of Sans deersitting Noelle.
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skymantle · 1 year
a post dedicated to the mayor holiday theory because I don't want to clog the tags on posts about it</3 just a collection of evidence I think💛
the holidays in general have SUCH mystery attached to them especially the mayor and dess
both sites that were likely planted by them are areas that noelle frequents?? the hospital and the church being likely future dark worlds makes it all the more suspicious (as opposed to like, the grocery store and graveyard)
the festival has been hyped up and she's the one preparing it. specifically she's "very, very" busy. I'd say it's coincidence but the double very has for real only been used by spamton, the narrator when throwing away the ball of junk, and most notably gaster
the BIGGEST part I feel lies with this though. queen in chapter 2 (who is clearly meant to represent the mayor) encourages noelle to make a "neo dark fountain", a dark world inside a dark world. during the spamton sweepstakes, there is a page with a chair from the hospital or town hall, titled "but what if…..it could get darker than dark?"
adding on to this, noelle has a heavy angel motif, and the prophecy warns against the "angel's heaven". this combined with the (possible) hospital chair suggest that the dark worlds could all be out of a misguided desire to help her family
serves as a parallel to asgore in undertale… and both of them could have children who were the angel of their respective prophecy
women deserve this win
like. out of any character we currently know it only makes sense for it to be her!
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lisandyk · 1 year
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finally have a design i like for mayor holiday!! in terms of name and personality yeah she’s pretty basic. just the usual “strict overworked mom who yells at her kids” because… there’s not many other ways to interpret the current info.
also YES i based her off of a musk ox. im sure she’s gonna be a reindeer in canon but i am BEGGING toby for more interspecies families so. i didnt do that
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
Okay so I never actually want to see Disney or Tim Burton touch this with a thirty-foot pole because they’d fucking ruin it, but. May I present to you The Nightmare Before Christmas 2 that lives in my head rent-free:
Jack Strikes Back.
It’s another ordinary year in Halloweentown when there’s a knock at Jack’s door. He opens it and there’s an extremely burly dude in a loincloth, a fairy, and a walking pot of burning oil.
They want to talk to Jack.
He has experience, they’ve heard, with a certain big red lobster man yelling about how holidays are supposed to give each other their space and not railroad over each other, and our motley band of new protagonists could use his expertise on the matter. Because it seems old Sandy Claws might be just a leeeeeeeettle bit of a hypocrite.
These three representatives have a favor to ask of Jack: help get Claus back where he fucking belongs and out of Chanukkah.
—a running gag where the Chanukkians go to utterly ridiculous, Rube Goldberg-like lengths to keep the pot of oil lit. It never goes out, but good lord at what cost.
—this gag finally pays off right at the very end when everybody thinks Santa’s extinguished the oil. After a moment’s horrified silence the flame appears again and everybody from Halloweentown loses their shit cheering, because it’s been thirty years and they’re STILL a little confused but they got the spirit.
—the mayor is absolutely delighted by the presence of gelt. Candy? Your holiday includes CANDY? How excellent! Forward-thinking, even! Kindred spirits!
—everybody is confused by the fairy, including the fairy. She tells people she wasn’t originally from Chanukkahtown, she was from an ad campaign. She thinks. She’s not really sure. Characters from Chanukkahtown who speak Hebrew don’t seem to notice she’s there.
—of course there’s a group of arguing rabbis. OF COURSE there is. And yes, it is of course implied that two of them are Shammai and Hillel, because they’re arguing about which way you’re supposed to light the chanukkiyah.
—Santa tries to blame Jack because after all, Jack wanted more Christmas! Santa’s just being nice! Jack is having none of this.
—Lock, Stock, and Barrel are basically in love with Judah Maccabee (the big burly dude, of course) because he enjoys catapults.
—Jack does actually try to learn about Chanukkah. The problem is, every question he asks, he gets multiple, wildly various, all correct answers. The only time everybody agrees is when he says “and when is this Chanukkah?” and Judah goes THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF KISLEV and Jack goes “which is…when, exactly?” And everybody just stops and stares at each other before they all go “uh….we can check. Yeah. We’ll check.”
—the fairy is horrified to find out the reason she doesn’t remember where she’s from is because the answer is “Christmastown.” She was basically a Smurfette. When Santa tries to recall her she’s like “D: nope sorry I’m defecting I’d rather have no past and make people happy even if I AM an ad campaign”
—the rabbis thank Jack at the end by giving him “a traditional Chanukkah token.” It’s a pair of socks.
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rustboxstarr · 11 months
🏖Grown Ups🏖 part 1
Summary: You've been pulling away from Eddie recently its not until summer vacation that you finally find your way back to him.
Pairings: Dad!Eddie Munson x PlusSize!Mom!Reader
Warnings: Holy hell prepare yourself -> worrying about R potentially cheating, angst, talk of sex, slightly derogatory talk of sex, Gareth is a womanizer (Sorryyyyy needed someone to be!), alcohol consumption, thoughts of sex, thoughts tiddie fucking, kissing, Eddie being kinda desperate and horny for sex but trying to be respectful, nudity, R has tattoos, nipple and belly button piercing, body insecurity (Don’t worry Eddies just being a weirdo, she loves herself otherwise!), smoking, Steve being an insightful mama hen and apparently knows how women function (Steves a sweetheart, we want all men to be like Steve), light confrontation, looming anxiety, drunken accidental grinding, groping, R being to drunk to remember ALMOST having sex , threats of violence, tiddie sucking, hickeys, oral f receiving, fingering, squirting, interruptions, talk of oral m receiving, Smut P in V, no cut offs or dividers, sorry forgot to put them in. I tried to stay away Y/N I rly did but I think it slipped in once or twice (Sorry not sorry 😈)
Wordcount: Short and sweet only 22.2k........ (Yeah this fic quite literally ripped the idea in my head and sprinted away with it like it was wanted for murder (Get it? HAHAHAHA (Explaining my jokes, I love myself))
A/N: So I was watching Grown Ups (2010) the other day and thought it was so funny when all the guys talk about how little they have sex with their wives, but then it spiraled and got slightly angsty but personally I love this! Character list and ages under the cut :)
Love yas!
Part 2
Drawings I made for the fic for some visuals 😊
Grown Ups masterlist
Check out my other works!
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Max (35), Lukas (35) - twins Eric (6) and Billy (6)
El (35), Mike (35) - no kids
Dustin (35), Suzie (35) - Willow (11 months)
Eddie (41), You (40) - Ophelia (10) and Roxette (7)
Gareth (37) - single, no kids
Luke -unnamed freak (39), Simone (38) - Tom (5) and Oliver (3) - not that it matters but Simone is african american so the kids are mixed incase it might be nice to visualise 
Jeff (37), Tracy (45) - Ariana (16) (Tracy's daughter)
Will (35), Winter (33) - no kids
Steve (40), Nancy (39) - Mercy (11), Lousie (9), Rachel (7), Marcus(5), Bianca (3) and Dustin (2)
Jonathan (39), Charlotte (41) - Emma (6), Charlie (4) and Lilly (2)
Robin(39), Vickie(39) - no kids
Argyle (40), Eden (38) - no kids
Summer 1998, the sun was shining bright against the pastel blues of the sky, temperatures rising all over the country, it was the best time of the year, 10 year old Ophelia and 7 year old Roxette were off school for the summer holidays, you had your 6 weeks off and Eddie took leave from work, cashing his holidays in broken up during the 9 weeks of summer to be with you and his kids. Mid june and the Munson family had gotten the chance to rest for the first 5 days before the roadtrip to Dustin’s late granny’s lakehouse in Muskegon, the five hour road trip delayed with multiple food stops, toilet breaks, a few car boot sales which signs had caught you eye, one mall trip to stave off Roxy’s crying when she realised she forgot to pack her bathing suit and a few leg stretchers to keep both the kids from going crazy in the backseat. 
Ophelia had grown up to become a relatively quiet kid, calm, never too temperous and always content with following around with the grown ups plan, god knows how, neither you nor Eddie were ever people to be considered calm and peaceful. In your youth running around being chased by Hopper after breaking into abandoned places, caught drunk encouraging Eddie to piss on the large bronze statue situated in front of the mayor's office, shoplifting, vandalism, disturbing the peace, there had even been one time where Hopper had knocked on Wayne’s trailer door, two embarrassed soon to be adults stood behind him, wrapped up in blankets with not a single other article of clothing on for modesty after giving you both a ‘ride home’ as you liked to joke. 
The straight defiance of US laws simmered down after Ophelia came along but partying, loud obnoxious jokes, crazy schemes and dramatic displays of affection were still something very normal for the two of you. Well normal up until the last six months or so where it had simmered down. The both of you were still cuddly and giggly and chummy with each other, but lately it seemed you both had drifted apart, admittedly you more than him.
Roxette however seemed to have taken to both of you, couldn't sit still, always loud, always on the move, yup she was the embodiment of both yours and Eddie’s personalities, the same reason as to why the five hour road trip pushed 9 hours. Roxy could barely handle the 20 minute drive to school…
Up at 8 am packing the kids into the car with plenty of books, comics, cd’s and toys you set out. Eddie at the wheel of your 95 Mitsubishi Mirage while you cozied under a blanket next to him, head lolling on your shoulders threatening to tip you over until you adjusted yourself to sit up against the window as you let that comforting dull, cloudy feeling overtake you and drift you off to sleep. In the back Roxette was fast asleep while Ophelia bobbed her head in tune to Tupak Shakur’s latest album R U Still Down? playing in the round silvery cd player Eddie kept in the glove compartment, staring out at the trees whizzing past the window. 
The clock was nearing 5 pm when the car pulled off the bumpy road -with Eddie in the passenger seat- over the gravel parking lot to what Dustin had called The Henderson Castle. A quaint surprisingly large cabin in dark mahogany wood panelling, green chipping edging and beams matching the green steps to the bright blue double doors. Lake Michigan painted the horizon behind the garden, a small private beach next to a short dock attached to a boathouse and a sailboat tied to the wood panels, a rack of 5 canoes resting on the old water stained wood. Wooden beach chairs and plastic loungers framed in by the litter of trees and behind a picnic table and worn down monkey bars. 
Eddie took to emptying the boot of duffle bags and food bags while you urged Ophi and Roxy out of the back. Cars of different prince rages surrounded them as things were retrieved out of the vehicle, “Well well well look who decided to show up!” Dusting grinned from the front door, carrying a little girl on his hip who tucked her head into his shoulder in shyness. 
Matching grins were shone at the 35 year old as he descended the steps to greet you “What's up man!” Eddie patted him on the back in a one armed hug before he went around to give you a proper hug. “Hi! I’m Roxette” your daughter said excitedly, Dustin bent down to talk to her “I know, we've met before” his voice was sweet and mischievous as he stuck out his hand for Roxette to shake. 
You were all hustled into the house where a large group of people were scattered around the kitchen, dining table to your left and living room to your right behind the kitchen, all hollering in delight as your family of four stepped over the threshold. Hugs were exchanged as well as ‘took you long enough’s and ‘did you learn to read the clock in your three years of senior year’s, soon enough a wide spread of food, carefully put out by Dustin's wife Suzie had been devoured and catch ups had been exchanged. 
Dustin had taken the duty of showing everyone to their rooms, Jonathan’s three kids, Emma, Charlie and Lily, Luke’s Carl and Tom, Steve and Nancy's six nuggets Mercy, Lousie, Rachel, Marcus, Bianca and Dustin, Max and Lucas’s twin boys Eric and Billy, as well as Ophelia and Roxette were all given the privilege of sharing the well lit and cozy basement. 17 kids with the exception of Willow who had her own little bed with Dustin and Suzie and Ariana, Jeff’s 16 year old step daughter who got her own room, were all over the moon, excited about causing as much ruckus as they could. Parents and couples alike all directed upstairs to the second and third floor for their own bedrooms in the impressive lakehouse. 
The time on Eddie’s watch showed 11:32 as he took it off and placed it on his temporary nightstand for the next week when you crawled under the patchwork cover and got yourself comfortable on your side. Teeth brushed, clothes changed, good nights said and bags unzipped it was time to turn in for the night. Something about being on the go for 8 and a half hours and then making conversation in a room full of 39 other people was extremely exhausting and it caught up to you as your head nestled into the plush worn cotton pillow. 
You heard Eddie yawn loudly behind you as he no doubt flung his balled up fists out in the air, stretching like a cat by the side of the bed. He rustled behind you until you felt the cover lift and a warm body dip into the mattress, humming as he scooted over to wrap his arms around you and hold your back to his chest. You bathed in his embrace, happy and content cuddling up with your husband until, you felt him move again to press his hips against your. A soft grunt escaped your lips as Eddie pushed his hard on to nestle between your ass cheeks, on display from the back of your threadbare t-shirt riding up. 
“Mm Eddie I’m really tired” you groaned quietly, nestling further into his arms wrapped around you. You heard him sigh and had your eyes been open you would have undoubtedly rolled them at his reaction “We’ve been on the go since 8 am, I’m really not in the mood” you further explained “I know baby” Eddies breathed slightly disappointed, in the back of his mind he had hoped that the change of scenery might get you exited, possibly put a stop to the dry spell you had seemed to be going through. “Lets just go to sleep yeah?” he whispered, fingers crossed that his disappointment and slight annoyance at his idea being wrong couldn't be detected in his voice. You hummed in agreement as Eddie slackened behind you and fell asleep. 
The morning had been hectic, starting off already at 7 am when both girls rushed in to find their clothes, awakening you as they spoke loudly “Girls you know this” Eddie sighed as he tiredly sat up on his side of the bed, pulling his warm grasp away from you “Knock on the door, don't just barge in” he was slightly exasperated as he told them off “But were on vacation!” Roxette whined as she paused in rifling through one of the bags “Yeah well the rule still applies”. Even though it might be mostly your fault it was still funny that he was dictating a rule set in place so they wouldn't walk in on you having sex when you actually hadn’t even had sex in god knows how long. 
The reason why you were mostly at fault for the fact was that yes you were the first to cool down with initiating it but you didn't accept Eddie’s advances even when he tried. But recently you just hadn’t been in the mood, work had been hectic and you barely had time for each other, to top it all off lately you’d just felt a dip in your confidence. The fact that you were now in your 40s just seemed to catch up with your busy brain, you didn't look the way you did when you and Eddie first got together, or even the way you did just a few years ago. You'd always been on the bigger side of scales but that never bothered you, in fact your looks weren’t even the problem, objectively. It was the way you felt inside, old, tired, unnatractive, it had caused you to pull back from him, curl in on yourself and throw yourself into being a mom and a good boss. 
Eddie had to keep reminding himself that there wasn't a chance in the realm of possibility that the reason you were staying late at work had anything to do with anything other than work. Something he found himself telling his brain a lot whenever your nearest colleague Greg resurfaced in his mind. Greg was a sweet lovely man who worked just below you, but it was hard to remind himself of that as he thought about the many hours you spend at work alone with him. Even though he was a good kind soul he was undoubtedly attractive, even though he knew you were loyal to your husband and he to his wife and even though he knew he was more your type than Greg was it was still a constant bicker in his brain. 
The rest of the morning was even worse, such a drastic change from lounging around the house or almost falling asleep on a blanket in the yard as you attempted to read. Kids were everywhere, everyone was talking, moving around and trying to get to the food served for breakfast, it was stressful to say the least. You were used to large crowds, parties, concerts and other events but now it was just too much, and it seemed to show as Eddie wrapped his arms around your shoulders behind you, planting a kiss to your temple as you talked to Tracy, Jeff’s wife. You appreciated the gesture, even though you hadn’t been all too close to him recently and it was clearly beginning to frustrate him he was still there for you, something that made your heart squeeze. 
Finally around noon the pace had slowed, some kids were occupied with games and crafts inside while your own played with Luke's, Steve and Nancy's kids in the water. Splashing around happily as Nancy floated around nearby while you took the chance to get to know Luke's wife Simone and Jeff’s Tracy better. Eddie, Steve, Gareth, Jeff and Luke all lounged around on the chairs pushed into the sand just as it turned to grass behind them. 
“So Gare, still sad and single?” Jeff chuckled as he sipped a matching cool beer to the rest “Hah! Sad? I’d take being single any day over commitment and fuckin’ kids” he scoffed, legs spread wide as he tanned under the sun in baggy ombre trunks. “Hey having kids aint that bad” Steve grinned “Oh sure, I bet it's a riot being woken up at 5 am by 6 little assholes every morning” he chuckled. 
The sun was high up in the sky, water glittering under the shine as it splashed around by the kids shrieking and laughing. “Ugh, had to remind mine to knock on the fucking door this morning, both of them just waltzed in like they owned the place” Eddie supplied as he looked over at you. Stood by the waters edge laughing at a story Simone was telling, his eyes scanned down your frame quickly, lavender purple full briefs that came up to your waist, just below that glittering jem butterfly hanging from your belly button, a ruching detail at the front and a matching purple halter top to match. He had to look away before he began oggling at your round curves at the way the haltertop bikini pushed your tits up to each other, fuck he would have loved to kiss all the way down your throat and over your chest. 
“Ooh ‘fraid the kids are gonna walk in and be scarred for life by your pasty white ass?” Gareth laughed at his joke as his eyes flicked over to you too. “Pffft” Eddie deprecatingly shooed “Nah man, that hasn't been a risk for like ages” he took a large gulp of the cold beer in his hands “Now that I think about it, hasn't been a risk since like before christmas” 
“That's what marriage does to ya, too high on the feeling of new love and sparkly lights of wedding planning till they dim and she sees your ugly face at the altar” Gareth sat up to inspect Eddie slightly, Eddie laughed along with the others “Man shut up” he managed through a smile.”She's not pregnant is she?” Luke piped up as everyone was now looking over at the subject in question. 
From the corner of your eye you noticed the attention and turned slowly with a soft confused frown, Steve and Luke smiled at you as Jeff quickly averted his gaze, Eddie giving you a forced smile before he slapped Gareth's hand down which was waving at you, fingers wiggling as a seductive smiled painted his features. Your frown deepened as you awkwardly waved back and turned back to the other moms. 
Eddie's face switched from annoyed to questioning as he turned from Gareth to Luke “What?” his brows pinched as wrinkles formed on his forehead. “Well when Simone is pregnant she gets kinda distant, doesn’t wanna do anything” he further explained. “Nah man she’s not pregnant, she's got an implant” 
“Eh, dont beat yourself up about it, me and Nancy barely have any time for ourselves let alone fucking” Steve waved him off. “Yeah well she's had six kids, probably sick of your junk by now” Jeff chuckled, an eye roll from Steve in return. 
“I dunno, she's just busy, got alot on with work and the kids” he pushed his sunglasses further up his face as the sun resurfaced out of a cloud. He did not want to mention Greg and listen to Gareth's lude comments or let any of the others feed him delusions. You were not cheating. “Who knows, maybe she's sick of your junk too. Tell ya what, send her my way I’ll get her walking out a happy woman” Gareth smirked wickedly. “If you don't shut your mouth I’m gonna come over there and beat the shit out of you” he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees to look over at Gareth who put his hands up in surrender. 
“Apart from Steve am I the only one not getting some action” before Gareth had a chance to open his mouth Eddie pointed at him “and you shut up” he sneered. “I mean Ariana’s like 16 so she's never really home, so we do.. get the house to ourselves quite a bit..” Jeff answered sheepishly “Great” Eddie turned to Luke “Mine are fuckin’ 3 and 5 but I mean we have some time sometimes” Luke shrugged “How often is sometimes?” Luke cleared his throat and dropped his voice to an awkward tone “Like.. two… three times.. a week” he looked out at the water. 
“Jesus christ, so it's not like a normal thing?” he slumped back in his chair, looking back at you, smiling widely as you now stood splashing water at Roxette, not on the beach anymore. “Have you talked to her?” Jeff asked “I mean no not really, but she's made it obvious she doesn’t wanna do anything, so I've just kinda backed off” he looked back at his friend. “But you've tried like starting something?” “Yeah, less and less now but yeah” 
“You tried getting her drunk?” Gareth chuckled but fell dead silent as Eddie began to lean forward about to get up and smack him “Chill chill!” he held his hands out in front of him, awaiting the attack. “I just meant loosen her up a little, get her relaxed maybe put her mind off things” 
“You're a dick” Eddie flipped him off “He does kind of have a point, maybe she’ll relax a bit” Luke cleared his throat “We could I dunno all sit ‘round the fire after all the kids have gone to bed. Then she might not have to worry about that ya know?” 
“I mean I guess, but isn't that like a complete asshole move, get her drunk just so I can get her into bed?” he made a slight look of disgust at the thought “Not drunk, just a little I guess tipsy?” 
The conversation continued for a while before the topic changed to Jeff's new job, all sat in the sun basking in the light, soaking it up and talking about nonsense. Ophelia and Roxy came out of the water and Eddie watched as you dried them off lovingly and led them up to the house. He was nursing his fourth beer, head starting to go a little fuzzy as Simone too sent Tom and Oliver up to the house, Nancy was left throwing Bianca around in the water as the other three laughed and all shouted me! me! Me!’s, Dustin the two year old splashing happily by the waters edge. Simone and Tracy made their way up the sand to sit with the guys. 
Tracy told Jeff she was going to check on Ariana as Simone plopped herself down in Luke’s lap happily giving him a kiss following up with a giggle when she pulled back “Jesus how many beers have you drank”. She sat mostly quiet as they all continued, now about some recent U.S news, jumping in to add to the conversation as she draped her arm around Luke's shoulders. 
Eddie had his back to the house as he opened his fifth beer and leaning back even more into the chair, he didn't see as you came back out of the house walking down towards them. Only laying eyes on you as you rounded his chair at the end of the row of them facing the water, barely registering you before you stood before him. As the others continued talking he looked up at you expectantly, waiting for you to say something, assuming you had come to ask something of him. His heart skipped a beat as you inched closer to him, his fingertips grazing your thigh. “Can I sit?” you ask with a sweet smile, his cloudy brain was too gone with the cool fizzing beer to register that you had spoken as he broke out in a grin witnessing your happy face, it warmed him to see you, you being happy made him happy. He suddenly realised you had talked to him and shook his head attempting to look up at you more serious, you giggled softly at him as he straightened his face up, but hearing those sweet little noises of content made that dopey grin fall right back into place “I said, can I sit?” your voice was so sweet it made his whole brain stop. 
“Oh, yeah” he chuckled as he sat up properly, hands itching to touch you. His dopey grin became even dopier, even wider as you turned and bent down to place yourself in his lap, legs coming to curl up and feet slot between his thigh and the space under the armrest. When you settled Eddie’s hand holding his beer settled over your thighs and his other came around your waist, wrapping around you and pulling you towards him to lean against his chest. He almost died as he saw your smile widen at the action and nestle into him, and then even wider as he placed a kiss to your shoulder. He was on cloud nine at the fact that you were sitting in his lap, smiling away. You haven't sat in his lap for a long looong time and the fact that you did it so easily made his heart squeeze and his head spin. 
“Oh Simone you never got to tell me about your trip!” you exclaimed as the conversation quieted down “Oh right! So-” she began to recount her crazy trip to Japan she had taken a few weeks ago for work as Eddie took another sip of his beer, light shock painting his features as you took the bottle from him and took your own gulp while you listened intently. The sun was almost right behind Simone and you began to squint as you tried making eye contact with her, you turned to look down at Eddie for only a second before you realised he had his sunglasses on. Casually you reached up a hand to pull them off him and place them on your nose, Eddie chuckled at the action which made you giggle slightly as you continued listening. 
With no glasses on now, everything was a lot brighter, he settled into the new position and calmed down from his excitement and finally got a chance to register what you were wearing. A floral short white skirt he had seen before, he remembered well, because last time you had worn it was last year dropping the kids off at Steve’s for a sleepover. Oh he remembered it very well, last time your worn it you'd snuggled up to him on a blanket in the far end of the garden, hidden by trees and bushes, only to be seen from the house and gotten a little bit frisky, teasing turned to tickling which turned to Eddie lying on top of you pounding into you at a furious pace with your panties pushed to the side. 
The memories flooded back to him and he realised that if he just moved his hand on your waist down a little bit, and then a little bit more he would find the hem of it and could slip his hands under the fabric to rest his broad palm on the fat of your ass, give you a little squeeze. Before he had time to consider it his eyes cast a glance at your top. Fuck. That brown crochet halter top that he had seen you curled up on the couch making as you watched tv in late January. From his position he could see right over you, tits pushed together by the way the triangles tied behind your neck, could see that one little freckle he always liked to give a kiss, could see that little scar almost hidden on the right. Fuck he wanted to grab them, and kiss them, and suck on your nipples to draw that one little whine at first contact, no he wanted to watch them bounce up and down in you bra as you rode him, no! He wanted to watch them bounce up and down as he sat back on his calves thrusting into you so aggressively that your tits would bounce up and slap you in the face and make you roar out laughing, NO! he wanted to hover over your ribs as you looked up at him with that twinkle in your eyes as you held your tits together, mushing around his cock slipping back and forth in the lube he kept in his nightstand. FUCK. 
He had to look away, something, something that could find his attention, yes the tag on the bottle you were holding, yeah he was gonna read that. Now is not the time to get hard you asshole, she’s only just sat in your lap, for the first time in ages! on your dick… like right on it… no, fuck, you piece of shit, she’s gonna feel if you get hard and she’s not gonna be happy about it. Well she is smiling, she seems really happy.. Yeah so don’t ruin it fucker, remember last night? Yeah exactly. He was fighting with himself as he pretended to read the beer bottle, eyes following as it moved from its place on the arm rest with your hands loosely wrapped around it, followed it up to your lips as he saw you laugh and press your lips to the rim. 
Oh shit those lips he wanted to kiss so badly, wait maybe he could? That's ok right? Kissing? We still kiss? It's not like we don't kiss? Fuck it, if he wanted to kiss his wife, he was going to kiss his wife. 
As you brought the bottle back down to the armrest Eddie moved on instinct, his body working faster than his brain, his hand slunk out from under your arms and up to cup your cheek, causing you to turn to him in question, eyebrows raised awaiting him to say something. He didn't say anything, he only began to pull his hand back, slowly bringing you with him. He closed his eyes, it felt like forever, forever forever forever, until suddenly soft lips on his. Everything was in slow motion as if the world stopped around him as moisturised soft plump lips met his own, barely a craze, just a touch and then more, closer, lips pressing slowly to each other and then at its destination, pressed against your lips in a kiss that made him explode inside. Suddenly your lips drew back and so did you. 
It was just a peck, a simple peck, but it made his heart stop, as well as time, the world and just about everything else around him. A sigh escaped his chest in content as he opened his eyes to see you smile down at him, his own smile quickly matching yours before you drew back and looked back to Simone. His brain was swimming around in a pool in his head, everything was a daze as he watched you lick your lips and grin slightly, turning to him again to whisper “Taste like beer” that cute nose in a scrunch as you spoke to him. 
The daze halted as he chuckled “You too” which earned a smile from you and moved his hand back to splay across your thighs. Finally he turned to the rest of the group and lay notice to Steve a knowing wide grin directed at you, Simone in full ramble as Luke looked up at her in awe, Jeff listening in, and Gareth with an evil smirk on his lips, staring right at him. Eddie's smile faded and was replaced with a sneer directed towards his friend. Gareth's eyes flicked to you and back to Eddie as he mouthed an ooh which made Eddie's loose grip on you tighten immediately and pull you even closer to him, this time not easing up on his hold but insistent on holding you close, as if shielding you from Gareth. 
Lunch came along not soon after, thankfully not as hectic as breakfast as Dustin and Suzie had grilled a bunch of hotdogs of various diets and put them all on one table along with bread, ketchup, mustard and dried onions. Everyone free to get drinks out of the various coolers around the kitchen. 
The rest of the day was very similar to the morning, everyone hustled outside once the temperatures dropped a few degrees. Both you and Eddie had kept an eye on the girls as you mingled with all the parents and friends around the beach until eventually you walked up to Eddie placing your hand gently by his elbow to tell him you were going to go further up and lie down on a blanket and read in the grass. Eddie had taken the role of watching over the kids as they swam in the lake, at first only watching from the waters edge as he spoke to Dustin and Mike until he ran out on the jetty and cannonballed right next to Roxette, hitting the bottom immediately and landing right on his ass bouncing up to be splashed back in the face by Ophelia. She screamed in laughter as he picked her up and threw her away from him. 
When he came up again water dripping down his skin he rejoined Steve and Lucas, as Lucas turned to tell Max something Steve nudged him and cocked his head behind him to the grass “Your wifes asleep” he chuckled as he motioned for Eddie to see you on your stomach, face resting in your crossed arms and book falling from your loosened grasp on it. “Go, I’ll look after the kids” he grinned as Eddie turned back to him. “You sure? I don't wanna-” “Yes I’m sure, just go spend some quality time with your girl” he grinned “Doubt it’ll be much quality time seeing as shes passed out but yeah ok, thanks dude” Eddie patted him on the back as he trudged through the sand, grabbing his towel on the way and patting himself dry. 
Yup you were fast asleep he noticed as he got to the blanket and heard your soft snores, he bent down and picked your book up, dog earring the page, closing it and tossing it down into the grass. He groaned softly as he crouched down, falling flat onto his back next to you. Propping his head up on one hand while the other lay limp against his stomach he stared up at the sky through his now retrieved sunglasses. His gaze broke to turn and look towards you as he heard you stir in your sleep, you twisted your hips to pull the leg facing him up in a bend, knee nudging his hip. You seemed to relax for a few seconds before you grunted and turned to fully lay on your side, hands coming to press together and hold your head up only slightly. 
Once again you relaxed and Eddie watched you amused with a smile on his face until suddenly an annoyed groan left you and the hand not forced against the ground slipped out from under your head shooting out in search of something. You blindly slapped lightly at the blanket before moving and slapping again, and again until your pinky came in contact with his skin, you hand lifted and slapped lightly against Eddie's chest, he had to fight the snort that threatened to fall from his throat as he watched you. 
Finally your hand seemed to find the right place on his chest but surprisingly enough you didn't relax again, instead still hazy with sleep and with your eyes closed you moved on the blanket towards him, forcing your hips forward until you were flush against him. A heavy head thudded to his chest forced an oof to spill from his lips and a thick thigh moved and dropped heavily to drape across him. 
You nestled up against him and finally you seemed to relax. 
Eddie was beaming, the hand previously on his stomach searching for his towel to prop it up under his head and letting him wrap his arms around you to hold you to him. Soft breathing matched up to an even rise and fall of both your chests as Eddie soaked you up. The happiness he was feeling didn't last though, soon enough he too had fallen asleep under the hot sun and your skin against his. 
Both of you awoke with groans as something landed on you, a very wet, very excited Roxette. “Why are you sleeping it's swim time!” she squealed as she rolled off Eddie and sat up. You groaned in pain as you too sat up “Cuz mom and dad are tired Roxy, so please don't jump on us” you told her as you stretched, Eddie doing the same from the ground. “But mom I wanna go play!” she stood up jumping up and down “Ok ok I’m coming hang on” Eddie was about to say something when you stood up and were whisked away by his daughter. 
Dinner was tapas, everybody had brought a dish or some sort of food from the store ready to eat from the get go and was set up this time by someone other than Dustin and Suzie. You talked happily to Robin, Nancy, Will and his boyfriend Winter as you all set out plates, cutlery and food for tiny hands to grab excitedly. You ate in conversation with most of the hellfire club as you sat next to Eddie on a worn leather couch, pressing up to him and letting him give you the occasional kiss to your temple or lips, smiling the whole time. Eventually your plate was finished off and Eddie felt you slump against him after putting your plate on the table. His hand wrapped around your shoulders to rest your head on his for a while until eventually you leaned up and told him you were going to lay down for a bit. 
You left with a squeeze to your hand and a sympathetic smile from your husband. You were planning on just having a lie down or maybe a quick nap but suddenly your clothes were to hot and too tight and too stifling so you quickly changed out of them and threw on the same ragged t-shirt from last night, falling onto the bed, not getting too comfortable because you didn't really want to fall asleep. The universe didn't seem to hear you though and soon you were fast asleep on top of the bed. 
That's how Eddie found you after putting the kids to bed an hour later, knowing they wouldn't sleep with all the excitement of the other kids around but getting them to brush their teeth and change into their pyjamas. They had asked Eddie where you were and why you weren't saying goodnight so Eddie had to explain “Moms not feeling very well so she's resting but she’ll probably come say night night later”. When you told him you were going to your room it seemed like you just needed some quiet but that was clearly not the case when he found you like a log atop the covers. 
He sighed, you needed your rest, the past year of work was clearly catching up to you but yet again he couldn't help the slight disappointment when he found you, he'd gotten hopeful and excited from the day, you'd been a lot more touchy than you ever had been the past few months, cuddling up to him, stealing kisses and it seemed that whenever you were near him you had a need to have some sort of contact, whether it be pressed up against him or his arm around you or even just your hand on his arm or thigh but he had to accept that you were too tired and needed to sleep. 
Carefully he pulled the covers from under you and placed them back on you as you adjusted in your sleep to lie on your side. Just like yesterday he got in next to you and wrapped his arms around you as the big spoon. Falling asleep to the scent of your hair which his nose was nuzzled against. 
This morning the girls actually knocked, waking Eddie from his light slumber to hum a yes at them to come in. Slowly you roused and sat up in bed to listen to your two excited girls tell you all about the cup phones they all made yesterday after dinner and how they had them crisscrossed around the room to talk to each other as Eddie rounded the bed, giving a kiss to your forehead before leaving the room to take a shower. 
You were more relaxed at breakfast now that you knew what was coming and you even enjoyed it, sat at the dining table in conversation with Argyle and his girlfriend Eden, Winter and Jonathan's wife Charlotte who got the group's attention by balancing her cereal bowl on her 8 months pregnant belly which you found out would be her and Jonathan's fourth. 
Across the room Eddie sat in an armchair next to Steve and Gareth “So you and your girl seemed to be very close yesterday” Steve leaned over and dropped his voice, “Yeah pay off? She put out?” Gareth grinned “That threat of me beating you ass is still on the table” Eddie stared at Gareth who only chuckled “But to answer your question, no she was asleep by the time I got to our room” Eddie shrugged, even if Gareth could be an assshole when it came to women he didnt want it to show that he was disappointed, it would only egg him on. 
“Maybe we could do that bonfire thing tonight?” Steve suggested lightly “Besides I wouldn't mind some fun with Nance, she gets so exited when shes drunk its fuckin hilarious” he grinned and looked over towards how wife “Last time she was jumping around imitating a bunny she saw on kids tv” the other two laughed at the picture. 
“Sure, we’ll go into town get some drinks, I think Dustin said he only had beer” Eddie shrugged happily. 
Today was not the different from yesterday, things to do inside and people down at the beach splashing away. “Hey” Eddie bent down to talk to you as you sat on the couch playing shoots and ladders with a few of the kids after lunch “so were all having a bonfire night once the kids have gone to bed” Eddie smiled wide at your happy smile “so me and some of the guys are heading into town to pick some stuff up” you nodded and gave him a kiss before he headed off with Will and Dustin. 
Dinner passed and you were pleasantly surprised that tiredness hadn’t overcome you. All the parents tucked their kids into bed and made a clear point that if anything were to happen they were just outside and to come get them if they needed to. 
Eddie called your name with a yo you in here? as he knocked on the bathroom door nearest your bedroom, instead of answering him you unlocked the door and peeped out an intense stare directed his way “Sorry you can't come in without a warrant” you broke out into a grin as you went to shut the door, Eddies hand grasping onto the wood and forcing it open in a fit of giggles as you tried to fight him. Finally he stumbled in, almost knocking you over and catching you in his arms. 
He locked the door behind him as he looked down at you “Mmm you smell nice” he hummed as his eyes took in your bare face, damp to match you hair, you giggled “Just had a shower” you explained as you slid out of his hold to pick your clothes off the floor. Eddie was slightly miffed as you brushed past him in just your towel and unlocked the door but he followed nonetheless. 
Walking behind you as you tread carefully over the floorboards, hips swaying from side to side as you walked, Eddie leaned back to get a full view of you, hair wet and dripping water over your shoulders, thighs peeking out from under the towel, only long enough to cover your ass, eyes rolling to the back of his head as the towel pulled up slightly to reveal a peak of the bottom. Within an instant his hands circled your waist and picked you up, leaning back on his feet to pull you up off the floor. You squealed at him to let you down as you giggled, only dropping you back down to land softly when he thought he might fall over backwards from bending to steep. 
“What was that?” you whispered as you began walking again, Eddie awkwardly tumbling along with his arms still around you “You just looked so liftable” he whispered back biting your cheek mischievously. You snorted an ok and opened the door to your bedroom. 
Today you had been in a good mood, it seemed the long night sleep and absence of pressure to be productive had taken to you and you were still on a high from it. So pleased that you didn't even let your mind work up into a frenzy as Eddie let you go and flopped onto the bed. 
You didn't think anything of it as you dropped the towel to change, the fact that Eddie hadn’t seen you naked since before christmas didn't even cross your mind. 
Stood with your back to him you rooted through your bag to find a comfortable pair of sweats and a hoodie, preparing for the cold outside now that the sun had gone beyond the horizon. Eddie sat up straight in an instant. Eyes bulging wide and trained on you as the towel dropped to the floor when you found your clothes. He swallowed thick as you moved to another bag to look for underwear. 
Holy shit. You were naked, like fully naked, no towel, no nothing covering you. Fuck he hadn’t seen this sight in over six months and here you were bathed in the moonlight and dim lighting of the old ceiling lamp, gold cast over your body, spotlighting the smooth skin, and rolls of your back, the stretch marks and cellulite of your thighs, the dimples in your back, every little colour and inked tattoo that showed in your skin. All out for him to see, all for him. 
You turned with your clothes clutched to your chest to see a pin straight Eddie with wide awestruck eyes, mouth open in shock. “What?” you chuckled confused as you walked over to the foot of the bed, dropping your clothes onto the fabric. Eddie's brain stopped working as your front was revealed to him, soft breasts sloping down in a natural drop, a sliver of metal and nipples almost out of sight, round and calling to him like two beams of light in the night, your soft stomach spilling down, a patch of hair covering your puffy mound, framed by your soft doughy thighs. Fuck he just wanted to grip and suck and lick and kiss everything he saw right now, matter of fact he wanted to get down on his hands and knees and worship the ground you walked on as well as whatever higher entity out there that had created you. 
You started to grow slightly uncomfortable under his gaze, suddenly feeling extremely exposed, an urge to cover yourself growing strong. In a rush you reached for your underwear to pull the black brazilian cut lace panties over your ass and hips. You looked over at Eddie again to see his mouth open and close as he blinked, awfully resembling a fish, it only encouraged you to get dressed faster, clasping the black bra and spinning it around to pull the straps up your arms. Once again you looked at Eddie, whose expression still had not changed, you threw the t-shirt over your head and jumped into your sweats, pulling the hoodie over yourself as you looked back. “Umm” Eddie started but trailed off “I'm going to the bathroom” you blurted out and within seconds you had practically ran out of the door. 
Eddie stayed still, blinking and trying to wrap his head around what he had just seen. Finally he snapped out of it and shook his head, falling over on his side with a loud groan, pulling at the sheet to cover his face. What is wrong with you?! Your wife is naked for the first time in fucking forever and you just sit there?! He groaned even louder as he smushed his face into the comforter. 
Finally you came to the realisation that you had just been naked in front of Eddie for the first time in a really long time, you rushed back into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet with your face in your hands. Well clearly you weren't just ugly on the inside now, you were ugly on the outside too. Why else would he just sit there and stare at you like you'd grown a second head? UGH what were you going to do?! You had finally loosened up, you were happy within yourself for the first time in ages and felt comfortable around Eddie again, you clearly should have had more control over yourself. He no longer found you attractive, Jesus Christ why were you kidding yourself?
A knock on the door broke you out of your spiral as you weakly asked a yes, the person outside of the door cleared their throat. It was Eddie. Oh, no, no no no no no. “Um, uh you wanna go down? Uh Mike just said the fire is lit” his voice sounded strained, uncomfortable. He was uncomfortable because he’d seen you naked and didnt like it, and now you had nowhere to hide AAAARGHHHH. “Yeah sure” your voice was broken as you spoke. 
Slowly slowly you stand, slowly slowly you step towards the door, and slowly slowly you turn the nob. Eyes pinned to the floor as you walk out of the door, you see Eddie's feet as you walk past them and walk down the hall, you hear him follow behind you. This is the worst feeling, so much worse than coming home late from work hungry, or being in too big of a crowd, or too tight clothes on a hot sweaty day, this unease is so much worse. 
Time ticks by slowly as you feel like you're walking to your execution, feet dragging across the floor shameful as Eddie walks behind you. Anxiety, heartbreak, stress, unease, insecurity all bubble up in your chest, threatening to bubble up to the surface through hot tears if you let yourself. You feel it in your chest, plummeting down to your stomach and spreading all through your body like slim black vines as if a disease, darkening everything inside you. Until a touch, a slight intentional braze of fingers that send sparks, gold touching at your hip and overpowering some of the black. Gold vines take over throughout your hip as you feel a soft hand grasp onto it, guiding you down the stairs. 
Another spark of gold bleeding out into your vines on the other as Eddie holds softly onto your hips as your feet hit the ground floor. Gold vines that threaten to overpower the black and meet in the middle just below your belly button. Your breath hitches and speeds up in anxiety. 
One hand leaves your hip and the gold dies off as quickly as it came, as the first on your right hip slips to hold the small of your back, the gold follows, bleeding from its starting point and stretching as you bend down to slip into your sneakers. The hand never wavers as Eddie leans down to slip his own shoes on, the heat from it causing the gold to continue without the order of touch, spreading slowly through your back, creeping up your spine in a shiver. 
He opens the door to near 20 people scattered around a brazen fire, reds and oranges contrasting the deep dark blues of the sky and the shade its cast around them all. You step cautiously down the now dark green stairs, feet hitting the gravel before they hit grass as you veer off to the side away from the parking lot. “Hey” Eddie whispered beside you as you walk, coming to a stop as you turn to look up at him. Eyes glassy and scared at what his words might do to you. Just as he opens his mouth “Hey!” Robin runs over and pulls you off by the arm so she can show you something. 
Eddie stands frozen, What just happened? he was about to apologise to you for being so weird. His feet drive him forward however and before he can think it over he’s by the mass of people, eyes zoning in on the table of drinks set up he makes a beeline for it. Pouring a shot of tequila he downs it, and then a second, before he can get ahead of himself he picks up a beer can, popping the tab he scans the crowd. His eyes find Steve not far away and quickly he's marching over “I need to talk to you” he says with a grip on the man's arm almost pulling him away from the scene. 
A few metres away from the nearest cluster of figures he stops “Dude what's up?” Steve chuckles, confused “I just saw her naked” is all Eddie can say, Steve's confusion just deepens on his face “For the first time in over like six months” he widens his eyes willing Steve to understand. “Oh, oooh how’d it go?” Steve grins. “Fucking terrible!” Eddie shouts exasperated, quickly straightening up with eyes wide turning to see if someone heard. Everyones too fixated on their own conversation as he looks over at the people around the campfire but he finds you at the drinks table with Robin and Nancy cheering you on as you seem to be taking three shots in a row. 
He turns back to Steve “How was it terrible?” Stevs confused again as he stares up at the taller man “Because Steve, she took her towel off and I just sat there” Steves face shows once again that he doesn’t understand “I just sat there, gawking at her like I’d never seen tits before, like some fuckin’ teenager” he grits. “Oh. Wait so walk me through it” he took a swig of his own can, some fruity cider. “Ok. So she was in the room, well actually, no, here” Steve frowns at Eddie's backtracking “So she was in the bathroom so I knocked on it and she stuck her head out grinning saying I needed a restraining order” Steve smirked but chose not to make a comment “And so she liked tried to close the door and I tried to open it and get in. Ah before you say anything it was just like flirty fun, nothing weird” Steve nodded “And she was all giggly, then we left the bathroom and I like picked her up and she was all giggly then too” “Ok ok” Steve nodded along “Then when we got to the room I just sat on the bed and she just like dropped the towel while she was looking for her clothes, then she turned and I think she said something I can't remember, but then she started like pulling all her clothes on, said she was going to the bathroom and ran off” he finished his recounting of the recent events with a few large gulps of his beer, almost downing half of it. 
“Sounds like you freaked her out dude. Did you like explain why you were being so weird?” Steve tipped his head back to finish the rest of his cider. “Well I was gonna but then Robin just came up and ran off with her” both of them looked over to see you now stood with Robin, Nancy, Max and El a large glass of wine in your hand. 
“Just go up and talk to her now, explain” Eddie screwed his face up at the thought of pulling you away to awkwardly explain why he just sat there “Listen, Nancy gets insecure about her body sometimes maybe she is too” Steve shrugged as they looked back to each other “She's like never ever insecure though, and I don't even think its hiding, she likes her body ya know” the rest of Eddies beer was slung down his throat. “Yeah but you might have made her insecure dude” “Ugh don't say that!” Eddie groaned, his beer was gone he needed something to fiddle with, to distract him, patting his pockets he found his packet of cigarettes, ones he usually kept out of view so the kids wouldn't see him smoking. He flicked his zippo and took a long breath once the cigarette was lit. 
“I’m serious dude, it's not just the first time you've seen her naked it's the first time she's been naked in front of you, might be kinda scary” 
“Since when do you know all about women?”
“Don't start” Eddie held his finger up to silence him. 
“Just go talk to her ok?” 
“Fine, but I’m gonna finish this up first, think you can go get me a beer? Don't really wanna look like im ignoring her” 
“Sure” Steve walked off as Eddie turned his back to the fire to crane his neck back in frustration, looking up at the sky. 
“Steve used to be like that with me” Nancy giggled in the huddle as Steve walked up to grab a beer and another cider. “I used to be like what?” he grinned as he leaned over the table “Butt out dingus” Robin stuck her tongue out “Nothing babe” Nancy hid a grin behind her solo cup as she looked away. Steve narrowed his eyes in suspicion at his wife “It's just girltalk” you smiled at him which made Steve's face break out into an expression you couldn't read. 
“Alright well” Steve spun on his heel and  power walked back to Eddie “You better talk to her now, I’m pretty sure I overheard the girls talking about it” Steve rushed as he forced the cold can into Eddie's hands. “Oh for fucks sake” he groaned as he took the beer and began walking over to the table. He saw as Robin awkwardly hushed the group as she laid eyes on him which made his nerves bubble up, yeah they were definitely talking about it. 
“Drink all that beer that fast?” Robin chuckled as Eddie neared “Mmhmn no” Eddie held his unopened can up for show as he arrived behind you “Can I talk to you?” he bend down as he dropped his voice lower, breath fanning over your ear as he spoke. “Ok” you whispered back meekly. He had no idea about girl code, and had absolutely no clue what the looks all the others were giving you meant as you set your plastic wine glass on the table and turned to walk away from them. 
You walked silently side by side as he nonverbally steered you towards the cars, the three shots and half glass of wine causing for a pleasant buzz, dampening some of the anxiety you felt “Um you want a beer?” he asked quietly as he held out the can towards you when you came to a stop by your own car “No thanks” you mumbled as Eddie seemed to cage you in at the hood of the car. You frowned surprised when he flung the can behind him to softly roll into the grass, he needed his hands free for this and he hadn't had a chance to drink it before he came over. 
“So what you wanna talk about?” you fiddled with the string of the cuffs of your worn out hoodie which was actually Eddies as you leaned back to prop yourself slightly on the hood of the car. “Um I just wanted to uh tell you I'm sorry for just like sitting there super awkward before” he looked down at you as you stared into his stomach unwilling to meet his gaze. “If I’m being honest I was just like shocked, we haven't really uh done.. that, in like a long time and it was just sudden” he saw you physically curl in on yourself which made him freak out “No no not like bad sudden, good sudden” you finally met his gaze, looking up at him confused “Fuck, I just mean like I’ve missed you and my brain just like short circuited” he tried to get you to understand. 
A breath he didnt know he had been holding finally escaped his lips as he saw a small smile tug on your lips “I dont wanna make you like uncomfortable, but when I saw you I was just like, holy fuck, she’s naked and I think this is the best thing I’ve ever seen” the grin that spread on his face was a relieved one as you snorted a laugh “Im serious, like baby” his hands came to rest on your shoulder “You are so fuckin’ sexy and just every part of you is like some greek goddess has sculpted you or something. I’m totally ok with us not being intimate, even though I do miss you I just want you to feel safe and comfortable, and for you to be happy but I really do miss you. Obviously I miss you like as a person, you're my wife, and the mother of my children and I love you so much, but like above that fuuuuuck I miss being with you” he groaned as he thought about how long it had been. 
Something swelled within you at his words, you wanted to laugh at his phrasing of being sculpted by a greek goddess but the meaning behind the words were just too flustering and sincere. And following up with that stupid wording he knew made you weak in the knees, mother of my children, yeah you liked that. You were the mother of his children, his wife. 
“I’m sorry” you whispered as Eddies hands travelled down to rub up and down your arms “It’s just been a lot recently, in my head and work and all and I pushed you away I’m sorry” Eddie manoeuvred his knee to push yours apart so he could stand between them and be closer to you “Don’t say sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for. We’ve both just been shit at telling each other things” as he towered over you you craned your neck back to see him properly, a grin spread across your face as you said in a whiny voice “Communication is key”. 
Eddie laughed and brought his arms to wrap around your shoulders, pressing your face into his chest as he hugged you, kissing the top of your head as your own arms wrapped around his waist. You both lingered for a while as you hugged each other tight until Eddies arms loosed and he pulled back to look down at you again “While I do want to know what's been going through your pretty little head lately, why don't we go enjoy the fire and talk more when we get back?” you nodded with a smile. Eddie turned to walk back with you but spun around as you called his name. “One more thing” “Mm?” you grasped onto the fabric of his sweatshirt and pulled him down towards you. 
Lips meeting his in a desperate hungry kiss you wrapped your arms around Eddie's neck as his hands went to your hips, holding you softly to keep himself upright. He thought you were just going in for a long kiss when you broke off but soon enough your lips were back on him again as your fingers snaked through his locks. Another kiss and a tug at his hair had him groaning into your mouth as his hands squeezed tighter at your hips. A few more kisses and he felt your tongue poke softly at his lips telling him to open them. He pulled you flush against him as tongues swiped at each other, his hands moving from your hips past your back to grab angrily at you ass, pulling you up to stand and pushing your hips against his, forcing his hard cock against your mound, groaning at the contact and pressing even harder against you. 
You pulled away from his lips and quickly out of his grasp “Ok now I’m happy” you laced your fingers with his as he stood dumbstruck, you began walking pulling him along with you “What??” his voice was slightly loud as he stumbled along after you “What? I said one more thing, that was my thing” you turned to grin at him wickedly “Oh you little-” he let go of you to run after you and lift you up off your feet as you squealed. The second he let you down you ran off with Eddie hot on your tail, tackling you almost immediately and turning you in his hold to face him so he could attack your hips with wiggling fingers, laughing as you shrieked from the tickling. 
He ceased his attack on your sides as you stepped closer to the group, wrapping his arms around you once again and stepping up behind you to join the group around the drinks table. Steve gave him a knowing smirk as you bent over still attached to Eddie to retrieve a beer for him from the cooler on the ground and your wine, you giggled as he shoved the hand hold the ice cool beer under your hoodie to press against your warm stomach, fighting to move his hands away from you. “OOH smores! Come on!” Robin beckoned the group to sit in the half circle of logs around the fire, all squeezing together to fit as Robin planted herself on the ground to fish marshmallows out of ita bag. 
“May I interest you in a shot of everclear mi ladies?” Gareth grinned as he stumbled over to you, Eddie, Nancy and Steve on one of the longs “Nah nah” Eddie waved the hand not wrapped around you in dismissal, “We got kids you dummy, gotta get up in the morning” Steve rolled his eyes at him. “More for me!” Gareth swiped all four each one after the other “I am NOT on duty to take care of this one!” Eddie held a hand up in the air as Gareth finished his last one. “Whaaaat? You don't wanna be my daddy?!” Gareth whined as he toppled over onto Eddie, Eddie’s hand coming to push him off, pressing hard against his stomach while everyone else laughed. 
“Go sit down you drunk” Eddie motioned for Gareth to sit down next to Steve. “Oh hey Rob’s can you get me a vodka coke?” You smiled as the woman in question pushed herself off the ground, she gave you a thumbs up as Eddie leaned in “Vodka? How much have you drank already?” His breath fanned once again against you ear as he spoke to you in a low murmur “Eh its fine, I’m not planning on getting drunk” you waved him off “Mhm” Eddie hummed sarcastically as you grinned up at him. 
“Jesus Robin how much did you put in here” your face scrunched up as you took a sip, you didn't particularly mind the taste of alcohol but you hadn't expected it to taste so incredibly strong “Like 80% vodka 20% coke” she grinned a dopey mischievous grin as she found her seat again “Chug it ya wont taste it” her grin widened even more “Come on chug chug chug!” she clapped her hands together as a few of the girls chimed in “You don't have to” Eddie searched your face with serious eyes “No no it's fine” your grin matched Robins as you looked up at him before swallowing the whole of the contents in the red solo cup. You cheered along excitedly as you crushed it and threw it down onto the ground. 
Eddie felt you sway slightly as you sat up straight, well it seemed like the getting tipsy had gone a little too well, no doubt by the end of the evening you would be hammered and pass out again on the bed. It's fine he told himself, we’ll just do something.. another day.  “Yo lets go get the chairs it's getting kinda cramped over here” Dustin walked over with Lucas and Mike on his tail “Oh sure. You gonna be ok?” he bent down to ask you as you stared up at the sky in a daze. “Huh? Oh yeah yeah” yup you were definitely drunk as you tried to focus your eyes on his face, he had a slight suspicion Robin hadnt put one single brand of vodka in your cup before handing it to you. “Nance could you..” he trailed off as he motioned to you, asking her to keep an eye on you, she nodded happily as he stood up, hands hovering around you to make sure you didn't fall over. 
When he saw you could sit by yourself he grabbed into his sweatshirt by the collar and pulled it over his head, the fire was getting too warm for him, dropping it down next to you to occupy his place he got up and followed the others down to the edge of the beach.
“Oh!” you squealed as you planted a hand on his hoodie to feel the square cardboard box, digging through his pocket in mass concentration you managed to free the cigarettes and flipped open the top to see his zippo and a few cigarettes. Pulling the zippo and a cigarette out you turned to face Nancy, Tracy and Simone again as you lit the cigarette. Happily taking the next red solocup handed your way by Tracy. Taking a long breath and giggling as the nicotine swam up to your head, mind feeling floaty as you swayed from side to side, even more so as you sipped what seemed to be more vodka coke, this time not as strong. 
“Aw man who let you-” Eddie cut himself off as returned a few minutes later, plucking the zippo and carton out of your hands after placing a chair down in the half circle of logs. You cackled as you watched him shove the packet out of view, this time into his jeans “Baby you know how you get when you smoke drunk” he grabbed into your free hand helping you stand up as you sucked down your second cigarette, almost empty solo cup left behind on the log. He led you back to the chairs to see one empty chair left “Really dude?” Gareth grinned as he spread out into the chair next to the empty one, revelling in Eddie's annoyance “Fine” Eddie breathed “Wait here” he told you as he turned to get his sweatshirt. 
Gareth mumbled something to you as you swayed, trying not to fall over “What?” you almost shouted as you leaned forward, placing your hands on the armrest of Gareth's chair and dropping your head down to hear him. He said something again but your mind was too  fuzzy to understand as you brought the cigarette back up to your lips. “Gareth stop flirting with my wife” you heard Eddie grit behind you as his hands slithered around your hips to bring you down with him as he sat down in the chair. “Whoo!” you squealed as you fell into Eddie's lap, flinging your hands into the air as if you were on an amusement park ride. 
When you’d brought them back down you took another drag of the cigarette, closing your eyes as you exhaled, falling backwards onto Eddie's shoulder as your head began to spin back and back with the kick. 
Eddie chuckled as he plucked the tobacco from your fingers and began talking to Will and Winter, he knew this was going to happen, everytime you drank and smoked your head began to spin, same with weed and smoking, if he wasn't careful enough you would fall flat on your ass with the dizziness. Suddenly you shot up, leaning forward “Oh Ophi loves that magazine!” you must have picked up on Winter talking about some fashion magazine Eddie hadn't heard of before. Soon you were in a deep conversation about the fashion industry and how hiphop had had an effect on it but within seconds Eddie zoned out. 
You kept swaying back and forth, body vibrating with laughter as you flung yourself from side to side varying between leaning over to listen intently as catching up with your brain to form words. You were clearly quite out of it, wrapped up in your conversation and thinking nothing of it but Eddie did. The first few times you moved he didn't pay it any mind, but soon you were almost squirming above him, no longer just swaying but moving your ass, soon enough you were situated right on his crotch. 
Eddie tried to pay attention to what Will was telling him, he really did but you just kept moving around, pressing even harder against him as you relaxed and dropped your weight down. The friction was just too much. Can she feel this? Does she even know she's moving so much? No she can’t feel I’m hard she’s too drunk. Fuck please don’t realize, shit. He wrapped his arms tighter around you, subtly trying to press you up against him more. What are you doing there’s people around! Fuuuuuck, you moved a little just as he pulled you flush to his chest and now he was situated right between your cheeks, pressure coming from all sides. He snapped his head when he heard you hum, could you actually feel him? Were you doing this on purpose? 
Suddenly you turned your head and before he even had a chance to think about it your lips were on his in a hard kiss. As you broke apart he pulled away to frantically look around, Will and Winter were no longer next to you, he noticed them at the drinks table, now talking to Suzie, everyone else were in conversation all in their own worlds, drinking or making smores. Gareth had passed out next to him, Steve listened with a grin as Nancy talked excitedly, Jonathan and Charlotte were whispering to each other, matching smiles as their noses pressed to each others. 
He found your eyes again, looking down at him with a drunken smile, eyes darting down to his lips with your pupils blown wide as glossed over, he gulped. That was a sight he hadn't seen in a long time, the want, need, in your eyes as you looked at him. You leant down again, capturing him in a sloppy kiss, he groaned into your mouth as you wriggled in his lap, turning to face him better. Hands coming up to wrap your arms around his shoulder as you sat twisted to face him. Lips smacking against each other desperately, hands planting firmly on your hips and squeezing, trying to twist you, and pull your chest to his. 
Finally you broke apart with a heavy breath, Eddie's closed eyes opened slowly to admire your face with a smile. Before he had the chance though, you were sliding off him and getting to your feet with a grin, Eddie groaned and toppled over, hands coming to his crotch as his forehead almost nudged his knee. It had been a natural reaction, to cover his boner, now that he had he realised hiding it just made his problem all the more noticeable. He gave Steve the finger as he cackled at him just as you skipped off saying something about getting a drink. 
Clearing his throat he had no other option but to follow his drunken wife, he reached for his sweatshirt that had been hung on the armrest and pulled it over him, making an effort to pull it down low in the front. Reluctantly he pulled himself out of the chair, his slow steps turning into large strides as he saw what you were doing. Within a second he was next to you pulling the bottle of everclear out of your hands “Hey!” you whined as you set your solo cup down. “Babe this is 95% alcohol, and I am not having you throw up all over me tonight” he set the bottle down and gathered you in a hug.
“Mean, you dont wanna take care of me? I see how it is” you joked as you made a show of untangling yourself from him, only making Eddie hold onto you tighter. “Of course I wanna take care of you” I’ll show you how fucking good I can take care of you “But I’d rather have you not throw up if I can” you made a mocking whine which caused a chuckle bubble up from Eddies chest. 
“Let's get you some juice or something yeah?” he grinned down at you as you nodded “Jesus christ all these drinks and not a single thing alcohol free” he frowned as he inspected the table, all the mixers now gone. “There's some cartons inside” Dustin chipped in “Thanks dude”.
So Eddie was turning you in his arms to hold at your hips as he led you steadily up to the house, laughing as you stumbled and almost tripped over your own feet, slowly he led you up the steps and through the door. “Okay” he breathed as he walked you to the kitchen island, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up to sit on the wood “Oh my god!” you squealed as he lifted you “I forgot you could do that! Do it again!” you squealed. Eddie shushed you quietly “I will if you keep your voice down a little, the kids are asleep downstairs” he pecked your lips as he turned to open the fridge “Oh riiiight” you leaned towards his back with an exaggerated whisper. 
Just as Eddie turned he saw you about to fall over the edge, shooting a hand out to catch your arm, placing the juice on the table and coming around to hold onto both your arms and coax you upright. “Ok my little fall risk whose like a newborn baby that can't support its head” you snorted loudly as Eddie grabbed the juicebox next to you and poked the straw through the seal. Legs pressing up against the table to stand between your thighs, keeping you sitting up “Here, drink this” he held out the juicebox to you, which you took and drank all within one breath, slurping noises within the carton as you finished it. 
Wiping your mouth you looked back up to him with a wide grin, collapsing into his chest and mushing your cheek to the green fabric. Eddie chuckled as his hands came to circle your back “I think it's time for you to go to bed yeah?” he whispered as you pushed yourself closer to him humming in agreement “But you have to carry me” Eddie laughed. He hadn’t carried you for a while, but he’d like to think he was still strong enough, lean muscles hidden under all his clothes from hard work at the auto shop. The only thing was that you were very drunk and he was afraid he’d drop you. “Ok” he whispered, marvelling in your giggle as he bent his knees and wrapped his arms around your thighs, throwing you over his shoulder. 
“What? You told me to carry you” he drummed on your ass as he began walking past the dining table earning a drunken laugh from you. 
Somehow he managed to make it up the stairs and down the hall, throwing you playfully onto the bed, just as he was about to pull away from you to stand up two hands fisted at his sweatshirt, pulling him onto the bed sloppily as your lips connected to his. As you continued kissing him he moved, never disconnecting his lips from yours as he lay himself between your thighs. 
His brain stopped as he heard your soft moan against him as he pushed himself flush against your clothed cunt. He needed to hear that sound again. He thrusted his hips hard against yours to hear your moan again this time slightly louder, quick to muffle it by kissing you harder. One of his hands on your hips travelled quickly under your hoodie to first at your breast over your bra. FUUUUUCKKK he hadn’t gotten to feel your tits in so long and now that he did it felt like fucking heaven. 
Grabbing onto you desperately as he set a pace of thrusting his hard cock against you, sloppily swiping his tongue against yours. Soft groans and moans from both of you muffled by each other as you made out. Eddie couldn't begin to explain how good this felt, kissing you, touching you, it was too much for him. His pace quickened against you as you pulled at his hair, other hand pulling at the hem of his sweatshirt. Getting the hint he sat up on his calves to rip his shirts off, cock throbbing with eagerness as your hands travelled lightly over his happy trail, past his stomach and up his chest, hand grabbing at his neck pulling him back to you. 
His lips connected to yours again as he cupped your face and let your hand trail up his side and grip at his shoulder. He pulled away to breathe, staring down at your face, eyes blown wide and filled with lust, kiss bitten lips, hips squirming for friction against him. You were drunk, he knew he shouldn't be doing this when you were drunk but he couldn't help himself, he hadn't felt you in ages and now that he’d gotten a taste he couldn't stop himself. 
Sitting up again he pulled at your hoodie, urging you to sit up so he could pull it off you, nimble fingers eagerly unclipping your bra before pushing you back against the bed. Breath cut short as his nose pushed against your cheek and his lips connected to yours. His hips gave a particularly hard thrust as his hand went back to squeezing at your now naked breast, barbell piercing pinched between his fingers as his other hand propped him up, causing you to moan against him as the zipper of his jeans caught against your clit, igniting a fire within your core you hadn't felt for a while. 
Your moan egged him on to thrust even harder as his lips relentlessly kissed yours. He heard a knock at the door but chose to ignore it, he had you here, in your bed for the week, topless, kissing him, moaning for him, wanting him, there was nothing he would do to stop this moment. The knock came again and he pulled away yelling an angry “WHAT?!” into the room. Aggravated and annoyed that there was something outside of this room, the world that had stopped around him, that needed him more than you did right now, more than he needed you. 
It showed on his face, the annoyance which dropped immediately as well as his heart as he heard the low scared whisper “Daddy?” his forehead dropped to yours as he closed his eyes, breathing out a sigh “Yeah?” he called without moving from his comfortable position against you. “Um.. I peed” the voice whispered shamefully, Roxette on the other side of the door, no doubt clutching her teddy bear close to her as she called for her dad. 
Eddie sighed against you as you let out a low giggle, the whole situation was kind of funny. Eddie straining against his jeans and boxers, frustrated and only thinking of you naked below him and his daughter interrupting to tell him she peed herself. 
“Coming!” he moved slightly above you, staring down in to your eyes as he whispered “Don't go anywhere I’ll be right back” a hard kiss to your lips as he scrambled off you, making no effort to cover his bare chest as he walked to the door, opening it and slipping out you heard Roxy on the other side of the door ask curiously “Where’s mom?” “Uh she’s sleeping”. Boner gone, and everything else that surrounded you, gone for the moment as he took his daughter into the bathroom, placing her in the shower as he ran to retrieve a fresh change of clothes and bedding in your room, groaning as he saw you now on the bed in only a pair of panties. Rushing as fast as he could to change the sheets, his daughter and then soak them all off and hang them up outside to dry. 
The five minutes he thought it would take stretched to a near half hour as he was caught up having to explain to multiple people why he was hanging bedding up and then staying with Roxette as she begged him to stay till she drifted off. 
Finally he made it back to your room, taking a heavy breath in preparation before opening the door, heart dropping as he found you naked atop the covers, on your side, and fast asleep. 
He loved his daughters but could they be more of a cockblock?! He went through the same motions as yesterday, tucking you in and shuffling in next to you to wrap his arms around you. He had to remind himself that there were five days left of this trip, plenty of opportunities to get you alone.
You woke up confused, head throbbing and.. naked? Why were you naked? You frowned as you tried to remember last night: Getting dressed and feeling insecure, shots, talking to Eddie about it, more drinking, something in the kitchen and oh right you and Eddie made out shirtless but you couldn't remember anything else. “Hey Eddie” you nudged the man behind you who groaned “Eds” your shook him slightly “What?” he grumbled behind you “Did we have sex last night?” you turned in his arms to face him as he opened his eyes “We were about to but Roxette peed herself” he murmured, there was a hint of annoyance and frustration in his voice as he recounted last nights events before nuzzling into your shoulder and pulling you tighter against him. “Oh” you breathed as you hand found his back, “Total cockblock” he mumbled against your skin drawing a snort from your throat.
So you were about to have sex with Eddie last night, for the first time in over six months. You found as you thought about it that you weren’t totally against that idea, it felt strange thinking about it, for so long you’d set up walls to block him out and now you felt like you didn't want them there anymore. They were in your way. 
A knock at the door pulled you out of your thoughts “Just a minute baby!” you called as you scrambled to get away from Eddie, turning to look down at the floor, Eddie's Metallica t-shirt that lay inside his sweatshirt was the closest, you hastily pulled it to you, throwing it over your head as you sat up against the headboard. “Yeah come in!” you called to the door as you felt Eddie's hand fall limp on your thigh. 
Ophelia and Roxette shuffled through the door, Ophelia going straight for her clothes and Roxette climbed onto the bed, laying her head in your lap and onto Eddie's hand. “Dad moooove” she shoved at his hand as he grunted in his sleep, flicking his hand in an attempt to move her head away “Daaad” she whined as she pushed at his hand, his hand slid down to hold your knee instead. 
“I heard you had a little accident, you ok baby?” you stroked her hair as she settled back in your lap “Mm peed myself” she pouted “But no one saw so I think its ok” she told you. “And your dad cleaned you up you ungrateful” Eddie mumbled the rest of his sentence into the pillow as he rolled onto his stomach. “Oh, yeah dad helped” 
Soon enough everyone was dressed and downstairs, “So!” Dustin clapped his hands together, gaining the attention of the room “Today is waterpark day!” he referred to the plan he had already set in place. Kids excitedly shovelling food into their mouths after the walkthrough of the day before running to their parents rooms to get dressed and ready. 
Roxy was very excited about her new swimsuit, a blue flowery two piece with a blouse resembling top, but huffed when Eddie told her to come over so he could put sunscreen on her before they went out because she’d want to jump in the water as soon as they got to the waterpark. 
Bags were packed, cars were started and everyone changed as 10 cars and two minivans rolled out onto the road. Setting up camp in a cluster of beach chairs under parasols plans were made. All the kids were very excited, making it quite difficult to get them all gathered and keep them from running off. “Mom I don’t wanna wear the floaters!” Roxette whined as you blew the arm puffs up for her. “Baby you have to” popping the cap closed you started with the other “But Ophelia doesn’t have hers!” She stomped on the ground “Yeah but Ophelia's older she knows how to swim” you explained as you coaxed her over to stand between you knees “I can swim too! No! I don’t wanna!” She ripped her arm away from you as you held it “Baby look a bunch of the other ones are wearing them” you pointed over at the other parents putting arm puffs on their own kids, Eddie stood nearby lathering sunscreen on your eldest. “Fine!” She whined as she let you pull one up her forearm “Be good and you’ll get an ice cream later” you grinned as her face broke out into a toothy smile “Ok!” She happily accepted her fate and let you put the other arm puff on her. 
Argyle and Eden excitedly signed up for chaperoning the kids as well as Robin and a cautious Vickie, Lukas, Mike, Dustin and Suzie joining in as they set off with the kids for a waterslide, Steve and Eddie telling them they would catch up with them. 
You, Nancy, Simone, Tracy, her daughter Ariana, El, Max and Charlotte all huddled together on the beach chairs, lounging as you looked over the waterpark. Will and Winter walked off to get some fancy waterpark drinks that caught their eye as Eddie, Steve, Luke, Gareth and Jeff looked over the map of the waterpark. 
“Oh what a beautiful day!” Nancy smiled brightly as she sat down with baby Dustin in her lap, Simone undid her beach wrap and sat down in a cheeky black bathing suit with straps lining up to her hips, halter top neckline with an open back. “Oh it is hot!” she commented as a few of the other girls cheered at her. “We really doing bathing suits?” Charlotte asked cautiously “Oh come on girls we don't know these people who cares?” Simone smiled brightly as she took her sunglasses off and dropped them onto her wrap on the ground, “Yeah you're right who cares? I've been working on this six pack all spring!” Charlotte pulled her cover up off, thrusting her pregnant belly for show under her punch pink pregnancy dress bathing suit “Yeah baby got front!” she laughed as the girls cheered her on, “Come on Y/N its your turn to strip!” she grinned as she sat back down “Oh no I don't know” you shyed away. 
The swimsuit you were wearing today was not one you were extremely comfortable in, it had been a gift from your friend and you brought it with you just in case, but your bikini had been haphazardly shoved into a ball in your room out of sight and out of mind and therefore not washed deeming it unwearable as it began to smell. This one was a blood red one piece instead, the hem was high on your hips and practically a thong at the back, low cut in the back and round cups pushing your tits together above an upside down triangle showcasing some skin and the undersides of your boobs. “Oh come on! Like Simone said no one cares!” Nancy grinned as she clapped, the others joining in and clapping along. “Oh ok!” they cheered as you stood up and made a show of dropping your towel and filing it onto your chair, even going as far as a little spin. 
Not far away Gareth whistled, causing the group of guys bent over the map to look up, Eddie with his back to you asked “What?” following Gareth's eyes, turning around to see you throwing your towel away and spinning around. He swallowed. Have I seen that before? I don't think so, is it new? his eyes scanned your body, cheeky thong tucked between your ass cheeks, tits pushed together round. “You sure you still set on this marriage thing? Cuz if not I’ll happily take her off your hands. Get her on her knees for me.” Eddie turned back around to see Gareth grinning. 
“Alright that's enough” Eddie lunged “No!” Gareth screeched as he ducked and took off towards you all, scuttling between plastic lounge chairs to stand behind yours which you now occupied. Eddie stopped by your feet as Gareth hopped from side to side “What’s going on?” you asked confused, other girls chiming in as Eddie matched Gareth's movements “If you say one more word I will personally see to it that you're six feet under by the end of the day” Eddie gritted through his teeth. “Eddie!” you shouted, shocked at his words. 
Gareth suddenly became bold “Nah you're too much of a softy” he grinned as he stilled and leaned over the back of your chair, making a show of peeping down you to look at your tits “HEY! Stop looking at my wife!” he shouted, making you turn in confusion to look up at Gareth who quickly disappeared out of view as he ran again. Eddie followed him shouting “You wanna see how much of a softy I am?!” and just like that both of them were out of sight. 
You turned back to the rest “What was that?” they all shrugged telling you how they had no clue, you sighed and stood up walking over to Steve. “Can you tell me what's going on?” you crossed your arms, sweet Steve looking you directly into the eye as he awkwardly murmured “Uh Gareth said some things that upset Eddie so” he shrugged “What did he say?” you frowned “Uh you don't wanna know” Steve brought a hand up to rub at his stubble. Rolling your eyes you walked off in search of Eddie, who was now running through a children's pool. 
“Eddie!” you shouted sternly causing him to stop in his tracks and turn to you “Come here” you stated frustrated. Eddie turned to Gareth who also stood frozen, back to you, to Gareth and finally back to you. He sighed and trudged towards you. 
“What the hell is going on?” you crossed your arms again, watching as Gareth faking nonchalance walked off behind him. “Gareth uh was just annoying me” he brought a hand up to scratch at the back of his neck “So you chase him?” you inquired “Well yeah” Eddie turned to give Gareth an angry glare as he neared the group again. He set his gaze back onto you, your facial expression telling him that that wasn't an answer and urging him to explain “Ugh, he, he just kept saying some things, and I told him to stop and he still didn't” he set his hands onto your hips as he looked down on you. 
“What stuff?” you asked exasperated, Eddie opened his mouth “And don’t tell me I don’t want to know” you held a finger up to him, his mouth closed again, you could see his brain working to think of something to say “Just, well some things about your body” your face softened into scared hurt, Eddie understood instantly that you though Gareth had been making fun of you, your size, but he didnt know how to explain “Fuck sake, he kept saying how he was gonna” he closed his eyes annoyed “Fuck you and shit” he breathed. 
The snort that left your throat caused him to open them again “Baby, just because he says that doesn't mean it's gonna happen” you placed a soft hand on his cheek. Immediately his mind brought up Greg, stupid fucking Greg who had him doubting himself. -doesn’t mean it's gonna happen, doesn’t mean it's gonna happen, doesn’t mean it's gonna happen. He softened against your touch, nothing was going to happen, not with Greg, not with Gareth, not with anybody. “I know” he sighed, more of an admittance to himself  “I just don't like him talking to you about that” he continued as he stepped closer to you, leaning further into your touch “Yeah well he's a pig, but it's just harmless stupid jokes baby” you leant up on your toes to give him a kiss. 
“I’m only for you remember” you held your hand up to him, wiggling your fingers up to show off your engagement ring and wedding band.
Eddie hummed, why was he ever worried? You were his, you were married to him, had his babies, you’d been with him since you were 16 and him 17 for god's sake. Maybe it was the time spent together that had him worrying you had gotten bored of him, but no, it was the time together that only made the two of you stronger. You’d always been attached at the hip, stuck to each other like glue since his first senior year. Yeah you had your rough patches but you always found your way back to each other in the end.
Taking your hand and placing a kiss to the back of it before kissing your lips. “Now come on, you can buy me a gelato cuz it's too damn hot out here” you grinned as you took his hand. “Mm know something that's hotter” he snapped the elastic at your hip against your skin as he captured your lips in a kiss again.
Rejoining the group you stood with Eddie behind you, whose hands wrapped around your waist as his chin dropped to your shoulder. “Gareth, you're disgusting” you sneered “Anybody want ice cream?” you grinned to the rest, Eddie snorted behind you as the rest laughed. Soon enough you were back in your lounge chair leaning onto Eddie's chest as you sat between his thighs, happily eating your gelato while talking to Tracy, Ariana and Max. 
You had so much fun going on slides with Eddie and the kids, throwing Roxette around in the water, your two girls fighting to get the other off each parents shoulders, slurping on ice cream, chatting with everyone and it wasn't as hard as you'd all though getting each kid into their respective car and away from the fun, all exhausted from the day and ready to go home.  Dinner had been munching on whatever snacks there were around the house as kids were put to bed by nightfall.
“Damn forgot to brush my teeth” Eddie sighed as he walked into the bedroom with a towel low on his hips, tattoos on display under the same gold light Eddie had seen you in. “Ok well I’m dying for a shower so you're gonna have to do that while I’m in there” you told him as you brushed past him in a throw over beach dress, bathing suit still on. You didn't see Eddie grin behind your back as you clutched your toiletry bag on your way down the hall, quickly snapping up his things before following you.
“Oh I don't mind” he breathed as he caught up to you, you turned, rolling your eyes at him playfully as you pushed open the door, locking it after letting Eddie through, “Think I can join you?” he grinned down at you as the hand not clutching his toothbrush and toothpaste came to rest on your hip “Pretty sure you just showered baby” you smiled as you pulled away from him, pulling your dress over your head as Eddie flung his things into the sink. “Mm can’t be too clean sweetheart” he smirked as he crowded you from behind. “I’ll let you join me if you just think about this first” you turned around “You really wanna have sex for the first time in a shower in a home that's not even ours?” you began pulling the straps of your bathing suit down. 
Eddie looked off into the distance thinking it over “No you're right” he sighed “Wait wait wait, you're saying we're gonna have sex?” His eyes found you eagerly as you stripped of your bathing suit and stepped into the shower, looking back with a cheeky smirk. Eddie groaned and fell back against the sink as you turned the water off. Fuck… YES! It was happening! It was really fucking happening! 
You pulled the shower curtain closed, putting you out of view as Eddie turned and began brushing his teeth. He sat down on the toilet lid waiting for you to finish and it felt like the time droned on forever, even though it was just 10 minutes. His head perked up excitedly as you stepped out, reaching for your folded towel on the counter and wrapping yourself up in it. “Ugh fuck you’re so sexy” Eddie breathed against your ear as he wrapped around you from behind, you giggled as you picked up your stuff and unlocked the door. Walking slowly down the hall Eddie pressed his painfully hard cock against you, the evidence of the daydreaming he had been doing while you were in the shower. 
“Can't wait to get my hands on you” he whispered as you made your way down the hall. Eddie wasted absolutely no time as you got to your room, pulling the towel off you and letting it drop to the floor. Eyes roaming the various ink splatters littered over your body, shining oh so beautifully in the dim light of the room, soaking in every inch of your undeniably perfect body. “Funny I’m usually the loud one but I have a sneaking suspicion you might beat me to it this time” you grinned as you let his towel fall to the floor. “Oh do you now?” his hands went down to grab a handful of your ass “Mhm you're gonna have to be quiet” you whispered as he captured your lips in a kiss.
Blindly he led you backwards till the backs of your knees hit the mattress, falling onto it, instinctively spreading your legs to make room for Eddie. “Fuck” he made an audible groan as his hard cock came in contact with you slick wet folds, pressing into you. “Ugh fuck I’m not gonna last long baby” he breathed as he broke apart from you “Would be surprised if you did” you panted as Eddies lips began kissing down your jaw and throat, lingering on occasion to suck harsh bruises into your skin, more than on occasion, he seemed to be doing it with every kiss.
You let out a breathless moan as his lips wrapped around your pebbled nipple, sucking lightly as his hand came up to give similar attention to the other. Two metal balls cold on his muscle as he licked at your pierced nips. He didn’t hover there long though, he continued his descent kissing down your body till he slid to his knees on the floor, hands wrapping strong around your hips to pull you to the edge as he kissed your things. 
“Ughhhh fuck I’ve missed this” he groaned as he spread your folds “Missed sex or missed staring at my pussy?” You grinned down at him as you sat up on your elbows, he looked up at you mischievously “Both” and without warning he dove in, licking a broad strip from your hole up to your clit. Your head fell back as a moan ripped through you, you know Eddie had taken to pleasuring himself but above not doing anything with Eddie you weren’t doing anything alone, the feeling of Eddie's warm tongue rolling through you a second time was almost overwhelming. 
A third long lick before he focused on your clit, shorter even licks right in the nub had you gripping the sheets. His lips wrapped around you, sucking hard as his tongue flicked up and down, your hand came to snake between his damp curls and tug harshly causing Eddie to groan as he went faster. 
“Shit baby, we- we gotta be quiet” you forced out a strained whisper between pants as the vice grip on Eddie's roots tightened, all Eddie did was hum in response as one of the hands snaked around the backs of your thighs holding you to him lifted. The hand that had previously been gripping onto the bed sheets for purchase whipped away to hold a tight fist against your lips, biting down hard on your knuckles as you felt a long thick finger slip easily into you. 
“Mm fuck” you whined against it as he pushed a second in, pumping in and out furiously as his tongue flicked at an angry pace. Just as you were about to open your mouth to say something a harsh knock sounded at the door. Startling both you and Eddie as he pulled his mouth off you, head dropping down to rest his head on your mound “You gotta be fucking kidding me” he gritted through his teeth. 
You took a deep sigh as you slackened your grip on his hair, other hand coming down to the sheets to half push yourself up. “Hang on baby, mommy’ll be right there” you called strained to the door as Eddie knocked his head on your mound, the hair tickling his forehead, fingers still deep inside you. “Uh it’s just me, Steve” a deep voice sounded from the other side. 
“Oh” you fell back down on the bed, “Uh yeah?” you managed to even out your voice as you spoke, “No no don’t come in!” You shouted as you saw the doorknob turn, hand held out in the direction of the door as if to stop him. You sighed as it flung back into place “Uh I was just looking for Eddie” he tried keeping his voice down as he called through the door “What do you want?” Eddie hollered as he raised his head, irritation dripping from his voice “I was just gonna talk to you about uh my car, we talked about it earlier” 
“Yeah yeah I’ll take a look at it tomorrow” he set his chin pushing down onto the sparse hair on your mound again as he looked over to the door Aalright great I was just-“ “Steve I’ll be knuckle deep in your car tomorrow right know I’m knuckle deep in something else” he called, the offended gasp you let out as you scolded him “Edward!” with a light slap to the back of his head only had him grinning up at you smug. “Haha alright dude see ya tomorrow” Steve laughed on the other side as he heard the smack “Ok BYE Steve!” Eddie almost shouted. 
You both listened intently as you heard heavy footsteps lead away from the door “Eddie rea- ooooh shit” you broke off as Eddie set his lips back onto you, pumping his fingers in and out of you equally as fast if not faster than he had before, resuming his tackle on your clit as if nothing had happened. 
With each pump he worked faster and faster until his hand was working at an angry pace to get you to the edge, your hand pulled harder at his hair as you writhed beneath him turning to sink your teeth into the comforter. You whined as you felt that familiar feeling boil in your core, only egging Eddie on as he sucked harder. 
“Fuck I’m-I’m c-close” you whined as your hips inched away from him, Eddies fingers sinking into your skin in a bruising grip and forcing you back to him “Shit shit shit!” was all the warning as a spray of warm liquid hit him in the face, causing him to reel back. Watching in awe as you drenched his neck, chest and hand into a furious squirt. 
Within seconds it slowed to a stop as well as Eddie's fingers as he watched you panting heavily in front of him. Eyes bulging he watched as the hand that had previously ripped away from his hair to grip the sheets and fall slack next to you as you sunk into the mattress panting heavily. “Holy fuck” he breathed as he himself panted, getting to his feet and looming over you, hand falling out to keep him raised off you as his other held your shoulder gently, smoothing over your skin as he went to cup your cheek, capturing your lips in a desperate kiss, pausing your panting to kiss him back. 
The skin previously dried from his shower now soaking pressing against you as he fell onto you, both hands coming up to hold you in place as he pulled you to him, head lifting from the bed to meet him. The long kiss broke apart and you fell back onto the bed, breathing slowing as you gathered yourself. 
“Scootch up baby” Eddie whispered as he pushed himself off you “Hm?” You hummed as you opened your eyes, hands pushing into the patterned throw as you pushed yourself off the foot of the bed and up to land against the pillows. Eddie crawled up the bed, hand pushing softly to part your knees and make room for him. 
Finally your daze melted away as you looked up to find Eddie on his calves, hand wrapped around his throbbing cock as he stared down at you in awe, slowly pumping himself, each stroke revealing his angry red tip dribbling a hefty amount of precum. 
You chuckled breathlessly “Don’t want me to return the favour?” Eddie shook his head furiously as he toppled over to rest on top of you “Uh uh” he breathed and without warning lined himself up with you thrusting himself into the hilt. He let out a loud groan while you gasped in surprise. “Aaahahahuuuuh fuck” he complained breathlessly as the hand on his cock slithered up to grab at your hip. 
“Shiiit feel so good baby” his breath fanned against your ear as he buried his face in your shoulder, setting a slow pace of his hips, lips attaching back to your neck. The low whine of your throat only made Eddie speed his hips up “Baby, s-s’too big” Eddie laughed as you whined “Mm been a while?” he pulls his face out of the crook of your neck to grin down at you. As you roll your eyes Eddie plants both of his hands just below your armpits, leaning down to kiss you as he places one hard thrust into your hips, the head of his cock hitting that spot inside you he liked to call the danger zone for some stupid reason, actually the reason being that it either caused you incredibly pleasure, or incredible pain depending on what position you were in. This particular position was the former, and it showed as you moaned loudly against him. 
Braking off the kiss he moved a hand to plaster over your mouth as he thrusted another hard thrust, somehow managing to hit even deeper inside you, his head nuzzling back into the crook of your neck to leave bruises all along the expanse of your throat. Muffling the second loud moan as your eyes rolled to the back of your skull, mouth dropping in pure pleasure. Eddie hummed in agreement as he thrusted again “Mhm yeah thats the spot, fuck” he was now setting a slow pace of hard thrusts, each time inching deeper inside you as your hands pulled angrily at the roots of his locks. 
Your left hand moved from the grip near his neck to circle around his arm, fingers pressing harshly into the skin of his shoulder, nails digging in to leave small crescent moons into the inked slightly tanned skin. The same tattoo which had Eddie moaning in something other than pleasure as he first lay down on his back after a five hour appointment, complaining that he had to lay on his stomach till it healed. 
Now as you touched the ink Eddie only groaned as your nails scratched at his shoulder blades, hard thrust transitioning to quick smacks of his hips against yours, skin slapping against skin. That would have been the only sound apart from moans that would have been heard if it weren't for “Eddie the bed” you panted as the old wood and springs began squeaking with each of Eddie's movements. “You know how many beds I had to listen to rattling last night?” he pulled away from his attack on your reddening neck to stare down at you, panting between each word “Yeah it's our turn” he dove back in to suck hard at your collarbone. 
His hips were now at a furious pace, how he hadn't cum already he had absolutely no clue but somehow he had managed to hold off. That was until he felt your walls squeeze tightly around him, the burning in his belly he’d been ignoring became reality all too quickly. Hips working faster as he pulled off your collar to look back at you, hand still collapsed over your mouth, neck craned back into the pillow to match your eyes practically looking at the back wall. “Fuck ba- shit” he broke off in a groan as you squeezed harder around him “S-Sweetheart, n-not gonna last loOoong!” he tried to whisper but failed miserably as your ankles locked behind him pressing him further into you. 
Bed squeaking, skin slapping, throats groaning and moaning in blinding pleasure echoed all around the room as Eddie's movement stopped, bottoming out inside you in a loud groan as hot spurts of cum painted your walls. 
For minutes both of you just lay panting, a jumble of limbs as both of you tried to catch your breath. It was nice, lying tangled up with Eddie, naked and sweaty, totally counteracting your shower but it was nice, until it got too hot. You pushed Eddie off you, a reluctant grunt sounding from the back of his throat as he pulled out “Where you going?” he whispered as he felt a dip in the bed next to him while he lay eyes closed on his back. “Gonna open a window it's boiling in here” you stepped cautiously over the floorboards as you opened the old window, sighing as cool night air hit your skin. You looked back to see Eddie fucked out and spent with his eyes still closed on the bed and awkwardly picked up one of the towels discarded on the floor and whipped yourself off.��
Eddie peeked his eyes open as he saw you walk over to the duffle bags, dropping both towels on the bench “You-you getting dressed?” there was a hint of nervousness to his voice as he sat up, as if the prospect of you putting clothes on was like you closing yourself off again. “Relax I’m just putting on some underwear” you chuckled as you fished out a pair of forest green brazilians and pulled them over your legs. 
Eddie fell back against the bed again, laughing as he felt a pair of clean boxers hit his face. Pulling them on he hopped back onto the bed with a wide grin, beaming at you like a child receiving a bag of candy or their favourite toy. “What's got you so happy?” you chuckle as you nestle up to him, pushing his hands away as he was about to wrap them around you, turning to lay on your side and rest your head on his chest instead of his face buried  in your shoulder. 
“Oh you know my stock shares went up” his joke earned a laugh as he held your waist and trailed his fingers up and down your arm. The giggle you let out had his smile cracking wider and his arms holding you to him tighter. “Yup I stiiill got it” he smirked as you slapped his chest lightly. 
For once it seemed neither of you were woken by any distractions, Eddie roused slowly face mushed against your hair as he pulled back to see that during the night the both of you must have moved and he was now back to spooning you just like every other night. As the numb feeling of sleep tingled away he squeezed his fingers to find his hand cupping your breast. He chuckled as he heard the low whine from your throat, the sound jogging his memory. 
Oh fuck, hed gotten to touch you, fuck you, even made you squirt! That wasn't even something normal when you were having sex on a regular basis. Memories of being inside you, a tangle of legs, you pulling at his hair, sucking at your neck, all swam to the forefront of his mind. Leaning over he found himself stunned by the amount of deep purple and brown hickies that littered your skin, he couldn't even count them on his fingers Jesus Christ. Dark marks going all the way from just below your jaw all the way down to an inch or so away from your nipples, when did he even have time to do all that?
He was torn from his thoughts as you stirred, turning in his grasp to lay on your back, eyes slowly opening to see Eddie hovering above you, dopey grin painting his face. Your hands went up to the hem of the comforter when you frowned, lifting it up you peeked at what was hidden, frown dissipating to realisation as you whispered an “Oh right” which had Eddie snorting and dropping his forehead on to yours. 
“Mm morning handsome” you hummed as his lips pulled away from a deep passionate kiss “Morning beautiful” he croaked, head pulling back in shock “Beautiful” he croaked again, voice strained, he cleared his throat “Beautiful, there we go” he laughed as you giggled, those sweet noises once again having his heart doing flips in his chest. 
“So beach day again or you wanna do something else? Dustin mentioned a hike” Eddie rolled off you to lie on his back as you propped yourself up on an elbow next to you “Hmm well I am torn, can either watch you hopp around in that sad little excuse for a bathing suit you wore yesterday or stare at you ass in those bike shorts, it really is a tough decision” he grinned down at you, snorting you told him “Well my regular bikini is all dry now so don't worry you don't have to watch me hopp around in that other one” Eddie shrugged “Probably for the best, not easy hiding a boner in swim trunks, trust me” he widened his eyes. 
Ophelia and Roxette strolled in not much later to find Eddie getting dressed as you had wandered off to the bathroom. 
“Why are you wearing a hoodie? It's like 90° outside” Lucas threw his hands out as he plopped down next to you on the couch, everyone eating an assortment of fruit, cereal and toast. Eddie snorted from the other side of the table which had both of you turning towards him, Lucas with a confused frown and you with a warning glare “I’m just cold” you explained weakly “How on earth are you cold?” Mike sat down on the arm of the chair El was occupying. “Uh I just am?” “Oh come on, just take it off” Mike shrugged. 
“I-I’d rather not” you tried taking a bite of your toast to signal the end of the conversation, “Yeah she's gotta hide those massive hickies” Gareth sauntered over to hang of the back of Eddie's armchair taking an animalistic bit of a baconstrip “Not doing a good job by the way” you pulled the hood up further around your neck as the people around the living room area all turned to you. “Whats a hickey?” Jonathan's son Charlie piped up “Oh it's like a-” “Gareth” you turned to him to glare at him too who held his hands up in defeat “It's just a bruise sweetie, like when you fall and hurt yourself” Charlotte waddled over to pat her son on the head, everyone on the couch scooching up to make room for the pregnant lady. 
“Eh no one cares babes just take your hoodie off, you must be boiling” Charlotte smiled happily as she waved you off next to you, sighing you set your plate down and pulled the hoodie over your head, “Jesus christ!” the room erupted in laughter as near 20 hickeys in a steady flow down to the hem of your tanktop was revealed. You forced a straight tight lipped smile and gestured your hands out. Gareth slapped Eddie on his shoulder as he laughed “Didn’t know you had it in ya big guy” chuckling he stood up straight behind him “Mm thanks” Eddie grumbled as he finished the rest of his cereal. 
“Seriously what did you guys do yesterday?” Mike laughed, “Didn't you hear them?” Gareth imitated a high pitched version of a bed squeaking as you curled in on yourself. Roxette hurried over and climbed into you lap as she laughed “What is uncle Gareth doing?” the supposed uncle in question was in the midst of thrusting his hips back and forth, thankfully not making any lude imitations of moans “He's just being silly” you explained as you wrapped your arms around her. “Oh god” you sighed amused as Charlie and Lucas's son Billy copied Gareth's movements “Would you please refrain from teaching my kid that stuff? He’s four” Charlotte complained as she grabbed her son by the arm and yanked him to her “Yeah dude stop, no one wants to see that shit” Lucas chimed in. 
Soon enough almost everyone was outside gathered by the beach, save from Charlotte who went inside to rest, Jonathan following her and trusting Dustin to keep an eye on his kids. Blankets and towels were spread out in the sand and grass as the same group from the first day lounged on the chairs now back in their place from bonfire night. Kids splashed in the water as well as adults, some lying tanning in the sun or forcing sunscreen onto stroppy children. 
Roxette and Ophelia ran up jumping excitedly as you pulled your shorts down to tan, begging you to come jump off the jetty with them. After some faux complaining and getting a rise out of Roxy you agreed, laughing as they ran off in front of you. Walking past Eddie caught his attention immediately, the rim of the beer bottle he was holding falling away from his lips as it seemed that the world stopped around him and watching you move in slow motion. Teeth showing in a happy laugh, fingers wrapped around the hem on each side of your bikini bottoms, securing them to your hips, thick thighs rubbing against each other with each step, tits in a soft bounce from your movements. Faded ink tattoos mixed with fresher ones glittering in the sunlight as it sat high up in the sky. The quick one second of a flash of a smile towards him was the equivalent of an hour as you turned and continued walking. 
The laughter and chatter died around him as if he was submerged under water simply listening to the sounds of the ocean. In the back of his mind he thought he may have cooled down with his rapid heart beat and tensing in his thighs whenever he was around you in anything close to the line of modesty after you’d finally had sex, but no. If anything his heart was beating even faster than it had before in his life, not even the muffling of his chest could hide the beats from sounding out around him, much less hide the feeling of his swim shorts tightening around him. 
Sitting up straight from his wide legged slackened position he stared in awe at the plush thickness of your thighs, to your concealed mound up to the soft rolls of your tummy, slight jiggle of the fat around your arms and bounce of your tits, and Oh. My. God. As he zoned in on the particular area which consumed his mind most of the time he saw those faint outlines of hearts, pressing against the lavender fabric, had it not been for the sun beating down on you he most definitely would have seen the shape of your hardened nipples framed so perfectly by those little diamond encrusted silver hearts. 
Since this morning you had switched your nipple piercings, at some point, without his knowledge, and he knew you knew those little hearts were his absolute favourite of all the body modifications you had. She’s put those on for me. The hearts disappeared out of his view as you veered off to the small wooden dock, the globes of your ass swaying from side to side with every step you took, following your girls down as they desperately jumped up and down in waiting for you. 
Just as quick as the moment came, it was gone, as he watched you disappear under the surface of the water, cannonballing in with a large splash, Roxette eagerly on your tail, copying you and cannonballing in only a few inches away from your face. You laughed as you splashed her back, clapping as Ophelia too resurfaced. 
“Yo you listening to me?” Gareth slapped Eddie's arm in an attempt to regain his attention, not having noticed you walking by, he turned away from the small dots of your heads floating in the distance. “Hm? Oh right Zander yeah what about him?” Gareth repeated his comment about how their boss at the auto shop had slipped up with a recent purchase that was vital in the repair of a snazzy Rolls Royce he had been working on. 
Eddie's attention drifted way off from the conversation again as he saw you swim up to the ladder and pull yourself up. Water dripping off your body as you shoved your hair out of your face. Time slowed again as you dipped your fingers into the hem of your bottoms, pulling at the fabric to lay back properly over your ass from the water forcing them up to nestle between your cheeks as you jumped into the lake. The action wasn’t graceful, in fact it was far from it, but from the edge of the beach where Eddie sat currently having an out of world experience it was the sexiest, hottest thing he had ever witnessed you doing. Even though he couldn't see it he just knew the skin of your ass would jiggle as the elastic snapped back against it. 
“Seriously dude!” This time Gareth shoved him, almost spilling the beer in the bottle over his lap, most definitely making the little situation with the raging boner straining against the mesh a lot worse had it gone further than sloshing around the neck.
Somehow he managed to regain focus and partake in a conversation which mostly consisted of slagging his boss off, coupled with a few swares which had several moms turning their heads in a glare. And somehow he managed to calm down and let his mind focus on other things as his cock slowly softened beneath the black and blue fabric. 
“So Edward Munson” Steve grinned as he walked over the sand and slapped his friend on the shoulder “Don't let Nancy hear your wife calling you that, she'll start walking around calling me Stephen” he grimaced as Eddie turned from Gareth chuckling at his comment. “Seems something you did was successful” he walked over and sank down into the chair Gareth previously occupied, walking off to answer Jeff calling him over. 
“Seems so” Eddie raised his bottle in a mock cheer as Steve uncapped his own “Seriously dude you gotta tell me how the fuck you manage to hold out that long” he leaned in, deepening his voice so no one could overhear. “What hold out for six months? a hellofalot of polaroids and dirty magazines and taking alleged showers” Eddie’s smirk matched Steves as he chuckled, Steve let out a loud obnoxious snort “No, bro, you're like 40 years old-” “41” Eddie grimaced as he cut him off “Right well 41, I’ve never in my life heard a bed make so much noise, you were going at it for like 30 minutes with constant eek eek eek” it was Eddies turn to snort now as Steve copied Gareth's form of imitating the bed squeaking.
“Do 50 hour weeks at an auto repair shop and maybe you'll catch up to me” Steve laughed as he spread his legs and sunk further into the wood. Ophelia ran up dripping cold water all over him as she hung off the armrest of his chair “What's up rugrat?” Eddie ruffled her already tousled and drenched hair “Dad wanna come play princess with me, Mercy, Louise and Emma? Roxette doesn't want to, says it's for girls. Even though she is one which I don't understand” Ophelia mumbled the last sentence as a low rumble left Eddies chest in the form of a deep chuckle “Not right now sweetheart, daddys talking to Steve right now but maybe later” he offered an apologetic smile towards his daughter. Even though he loved her, he wasn't quite fond of having her smear her moms makeup on his face as he wore a blanket for a dress, he was banished from wearing your dresses since he almost flashed Roxette while jumping on the couch. 
“Okeeey” Ophelia grumbled and ran off to join Steve and Jonathans daughters who were already pulling at Charlottes arms. His gaze turned from his eldest to find you stepping off the jetty and making your way through the sand towards him. It was almost uncharacteristic how quickly he switched from trying not to upset his daughter to hungrily watch you in motion. Sure he drifted off and lost focus sometimes, ok a lot, but this wasn't something normal for him, he didn't even hear as Steve barked out a laugh beside him at the change in demeanour, before he even got a chance to let his eyes drift up and down your body you were stood in front of him, lips moving as you talked but not a single word registering to him. 
He straightened his back and fought with himself as he desperately tried not to let his eyes roam your body and instead look into your eyes giving you his full attention “Huh sorry what?” Steve barked another laugh beside him, you giggled “I just said hi” you reached over behind him to grab your towel on the back of his chair, “Oh hi” Eddie breathed as your tits hovered two inches away from his nose, suddenly all the air had left the sphere around earth and he had to sputter to find his breath.
A pressing matter swam to the front of his mind and ripped him out of his trance “Where's Rocky?” he whipped his head around to look behind you and scan the beach “She’s inside, Arianas showing her the wonders of The Notorious B.I.G” you ran the towel over your head, squeezing the water out of your hair “Great first Tupac now B.I.G, you know I really had hope for her, she was listening to Mötley Crue and everything” the brown bottle raised to his lips as he took a sip of the now luke warm beer, he scrunched his face up in disgust and propped the drink into the sand. 
“Hah relax babe, she still obsessed with Mötley Crue, not that I’m very happy about it, the day she starts fangirling over them is the day I divorce you” Eddie scrunched his face up again, soft lines forming on his nose as his brows furrowed “Im kidding!” you held your hands up. With your towel in your hand and arms out by your sides Eddie was fighting for dear life to keep eye contact with you, if only he had his sunglasses on. 
“Oh yo the car” Steve cut into the admittedly mundane but to Eddie, it was a heart squeezing conversation with his wife “Oh right!” Eddie made to stand up as you moved out of the way, eagerly you took his place as the seat next to you vacated with Steve standing to join him. 
It was your turn to oggle now. 
For the first time since December, watching Eddie pull at the neck of his threadbare t-shirt was exhilarating. Unbeknownst to you you were falling into the exact same trance Eddie had been, where the world fell silent and time stopped. Your eyes widened as you saw the sun bleached fabric float over his skin, inch by inch revealing that faint happy trail and that toned v-line pointed down like an arrow towards the price you were now dying to win over. Toned abs revealed themselves slowly next to a set of sleek inked hips, twigs and vines littered with roses winding down the v-line, roses matching the ones that sat under your right breast, peeking out from under your bra. A demon head and a spider showed on his left peck, hovering above a large majestic dragon protecting its four ribbed eggs, each symbolising a different person he admired and loved deeply, a constant reminder that he never wanted to lose them. Ophelia, Roxette, Wayne and you. 
Tattoo sleeves windled from his shoulders down to his wrists, puppet masters, bats, more dragons, daggers, dice and so much more all woven perfectly together resting under the surface of the soon to be golden brown skin. Formerly pale now tanning shining under the brightness of the sky, reflection of the water sparkling at his sides.
It was your turn to not register a word as Eddie spoke “We’re just gonna go have a look at Steve’s car, I’ll be back in a bit” you felt your neck twist as you followed the collections of tattoos on chiselled muscles past you where a hand dropped his shirt onto the arm of the chair and back behind you, leaning in your chair and twisting uncomfortably to follow the wide spread wings connecting to a female form, organs on show and hands displayed to its side, a tribute to his musical hero and favourite album In Utero by Nirvana. 
You felt like a teenager caught staring at her crush as you whipped around to look back at the beach when both Steve and Eddie turned to look back at you. 
“Dude she was totally checking you out?” Steve slapped him on his chest as they tread through the grass “What? Who?” Eddie turned to see you quickly pull back in your chair “Who do you think idiot?”.
Part 2!
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hoony-parker · 2 years
miss the kids, love the kids - s.h
a/n: a lil drabble for domestic!steve cuz i'm soft for him.
warnings: a mayor amount of fluff, tired steve and domestic!steve :) also, not proofread aksrfbq sorry
summary: you and steve moved out of hawkins, and he's having trouble with being away from the kids.
w/c: 0.6k
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
part two here!
talk steve to me
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it hadn't been too long since you and steve had moved in together. maybe an hour or two.
finally, finally, after everything that had happened with the upside down and saving enough money after taking extra shift after extra shift at the video store, you and steve had made it possible to move to a two-bedroom apartment in pennsylvania.
now, you and steve were both showered and in your pajamas, which consisted of steve's old basketball tees and his boxers. you were both seated in what later would be your living room, with your small tv in front of you, playing some shitty soap opera while you ate some crappy pizza you had bought in the pizzeria in front of the apartment building.
you hadn't had the time to get your table and chairs from steve's van, so here you were, sitting on the floor in your new home, eating pizza in the dark with only the light coming from the tv lighting up the room.
when you finished eating what you were sure was going to get you a stomach bug tomorrow, you went to your en-suite bathroom, doing your routine while steve waited on the mattress, still laying on the ground, for him to use the bathroom after you.
when you came back, using your hands to gather your hair to make a ponytail, your scrunchie between your teeth, you frowned at steve, who was sitting with his legs crossed and head hanging down, an almost invisible from the angle pout. "what'sh gotchu sho pfouthy?" you mumbled incoherently with the hairtie still in your mouth.
you finished up your ponytail, walking towards your boyfriend and croushing down in front of him, laying a hand in his that were locked together in his lap. "honey? you okay?"
steve huffed and turned to lay on his back, acting childishly by stretching his arms up and making grabby hands at you. you laughed and carefully laid on his chest, one of your hands supporting your body so you wouldn't potentionally crush your boyfriend, and the other went up to his hair, hands combing through the strands.
"will you tell me why your pretty face is lookin' all sad and moody, baby?"
he hugged you tighter and buried his face in your neck, inhaling your scent and pressing kisses on the bare skin, making you hum contently. "i mhsh the kifs," he mumbled into your neck, and you giggled at the vibrations of his voice on your skin. "what was that, stevie?"
he groaned and broke away from the warmth of the crook of your neck, looking at you through hooded eyes and with a frown on his lips. you pecked his nose, getting his lips to twitch upwards your slightly. "you gotta tell me what's in that pretty, hairy, head of yours, harrington. that's how's gonna be from now on. no more hiding from each other, got it?" you squinted at him with a smile, and he mirrored your grin, though his was weaker.
"miss the kids," he told you. you pouted, throwing yourself to the side so you could lay on the bed, cuddling up to him with your arms around your neck.
steve laid his head between your brests, nuzzling into the soft skin of your chest and sighing when he got comfortable. "oh, baby," you cooed. "you know they're gonna finish highschool soon, right? and then they're gonna go to college somewhere near and they're gonna visit all the time, and they'll sleep here in our living room in sleeping bags, and we'll have sleepovers all the time," you went on, making his smile slowly grow on his face. he sighed, giving your covered breast a kiss.
"yeah, you're right."
"and remember, we always visit my family for the holidays, so we can just get together then," you reminded him. he nodded into your chest, hugging you tighter.
you pressed a kiss to his head. "get some rest, honey."
"g'night, sweetheart."
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ace7librarian · 4 months
Hatchetfield Jewish headcanons!
Based on surnames and some unrelated headcanons.
*After Jane died, Tom really wanted to keep the Jewish traditions for Tim, but he had zero clue what to do, so he called Emma. She also had no idea what to do, but she tried her best.
*Ruth and Richie make fun of Pete for being the only goy in the squad. Everyone just assume he's Jewish, and that makes him really confused. Also, Ruth unironically ships Tanakh characters.
*Shapiro has a Jewish dad and a Catholic mom, so she got the Jewish surname and the Catholicism. She breaks the glass in her and miss mullberry's wedding. Miss mullberry is also Jewish.
*at one timeline Steph finds Solomon with the black book or something and blames him for encouraging the stereotype that Jews worship Satan.
*Dan Reynolds is Jewish. I have no reason for this.
*the following conversation happened at some point.
Emma: and I'm not going to let some republican, Christian old man-
Bob Metzger, offended: Christian????
Emma: ....
Bob: there's ONE synagogue. How did you never see me there???
Emma: I was smoking outside???
Bob: we're a big family! My grandchildren were outside! Our last name is Metzger!!
Emma: ....sorry. A republican old man.
Bob: there you go.
*Karen Chasity is very upset about having Solomon lauter as a mayor. Sam sweetly as well. I just know these two would want a Christian mayor.
*Daniel/stopwatch invites the other kids to celebrate Jewish holidays with him. Sophia melts some candlesticks and Hannah starts having visions when they read the Haggadah, but they still had a great time.
Characters that deserve an honourable mention:
The spankoffskis sound very Jewish, but we know ted is a Christian, and they both went to a Christian summer camp.
Linda says "mensch", but with the implications of the rich bitch being Jewish? No thanks. Plus she has way too much Christian symbolism in her character. My headcanon is that she heard Jews were controlling the media so she started using Yiddish slang to look richer. I'm sorry, but she would.
I love Gary Goldstein, but he is a walking stereotype.
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lotus02lavish · 1 year
some angst of breakup Headcanons with SWK, MK and Mayor from LMK? GN Reader btw. i just need some angst.
[Pain shall be fed into the beating heart] 💥
【If we ever broke up, I'd be sad. 💔】
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{Sun Wukong, Mk, and Mayor breakup with GN! Reader}
➳ Lego Monkie kid (LMK) // Headcanons // Seperated // Angst! ✍🏻
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them ... but still move on without them." - Mandy Hale.
Sun Wukong
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The realization about a mortal human being and the immortal monkey king put into a loving relationship would not work.
Sun Wukong could give you his peaches of immortality to accompany him until the end of time. Except the horror that if you live forever, everyone and everything around you will move on. Somethings will die and forgotten without you. No peaches for you, hun.
Sun Wukong does not allowed to let anyone notice you as his lover, he just want to protect you from anyone that cause harm. Which makes you believe he is embarrassed to have you.
Sun Wukong is lacking the ability to explain of how he truly feeling towards you. From time to time again to have communication problems and abuse that cannot be solved.
In Sun Wukong's opinion, love is just another useless emotion to express that lead to heartbreak and disappointment. He is not ready to handle any of those qualities.
In conclusion, Sun Wukong is unexpectedly certain to break up with you, just to save you from himself. He is arrogant and a trickster is known to everyone who has heard of or had the chance to meet the legendary Monkey King.
"Eternal life can bring eternal suffering, I don't want you to feel the same way as me."
The fact that Sun Wukong has said his goodbyes to you and gone from your sight, the good thing is glad to know that you have great life and bright future ahead from destiny than his. The bad thing is, he will miss you deeply more than you ever know.
────・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe.
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At first, Mk does not understand why you would choose someone like him to be your boyfriend, and he felt that not asking about it was better. He always thinking that he does not deserve your love.
Mk ponders about you cherish them because they are a powerful hero, and everything else within them has no importance. That is why the noodle boy worried that one day they would accidentally use their unnatural monkey magic skills to hurting you, and afraid they might fail to save you from danger.
Mk is often excusing himself with his training, delivering noodles, saving the world/universe, and joining his friends to avoid you.
Mk repeatedly forgets the important events, such as your birthday, the dating anniversary day, the national holidays, and meeting with your friends or family. Heis busy to handle with the fate of being heroic rest on his shoulders, and gaining more trauma through the rest of his journey.
One time, Mk send one of their clone to accompany you in the entire day. Later, the copy of them bluntly told you that they (Original self) actually felt forced in love and does not feel the same way as you anymore.
You have grown tired of him and finally choose to breakup for the best, which Mk had expected and planned this all along.
"I'm very sorry! You deserve someone else better than me."
Though still feeling awkward, you and Mk agree to became friends once again. Furthermore, both of you always ignoring the questions of "That's your ex?"
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"Sometimes the only way to let go is to love someone enough to want the best for him or her, even if that means not being together." - Anonymous
The Mayor
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After years of dating, there is nothing special happening between the two of you. No happiness and no pleasure, just empty.
Oh, how unfortunate you do not know so much about him, even his real name is remain unknown. The Mayor is most likely to kept horrifying secrets and plans to himself from you.
Sadly, whenever the Mayor is near you, he did not have a smile on his face. Only emotionless can be seen in your eyes. Revealing his true colors.
The Mayor would rather focus on granting his Lady's requests than to spend all of his time with you.
It is a ridiculous suspicion that the Mayor is cheating on you simply because he worships The Lady Bone Demon as his only goddess until the bitter end.
At long last, you decided to breakup with the cold-hearted and odd man, his response is none other than a giggle and does not mind.
"You see, dear?" Mayor spoke up as he turn around, "letting someone go is actually easier than we thought."
At that exact moment, the Mayor show his silly toothy smile to you for one last time before he disappeared. Leaving you heartbroken and wish him for the best to accomplish his duty.
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
True Colors - SLAVES
"Wait, did you ever take a moment just to think
About anyone, anyone other than yourself?!
Give me back the love I wasted now
Cold, one day it's gonna hit you, you're alone
I won't be there, won't be there
It's cruel to turn around
Give me back the love I wasted now."
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sunnynwanda · 1 year
Blind or blinded: Part 2
Part 1
It was not a date. Not in the conventional sense, at least. Rather, a business meeting. 
They decided to get a coffee to avoid suspicions. After all, two adults sitting in a book cafè without any coffee or books would look weird, right? So, while Hero ordered their coffees, Villain browsed the bookshelves, picking a random book for them to have on the table.
After their disaster of a blind date, they spent two hours each lecturing Anita on the horrible mistake she had made by setting them up. She apologised, of course. Even though the knowing smile never left her eyes. 
They met two days later to discuss the results of the ‘educational work’ only to conclude that their friend didn’t seem sorry, not in the slightest. Both knew they had to retaliate in some way as punishment. This led to the third meeting, in which they designed a plan and the fourth, in which they might have celebrated the successful implementation of said plan. 
The fifth time they had come across each other was more of an accident. One that ended up with them on a rooftop, talking over politics and agreeing that the mayor needed some jail time.
Villain stops for a second, hand mid-air in front of the shelf. This was the sixth time they were meeting outside of the usual Hero vs Villain dynamic, and they hadn’t killed each other. In fact, they were able to communicate quite well. 
They notice Hero is back at their table and walk over, a heavy folio in hand. The smell of cinnamon and caramel hits their nostrils, earning a satisfied yet puzzled smirk. "You know my order?"
Why can't you just smile at me? Hero wants to ask. Instead, they run their fingertips over the cover of the book handed to them. “You know my favourite book?" 
Villain shakes their head, accepting the rules of the game. Uncomfortable questions with no answers, it is, then. Will you go out with me for real?
"What did you want to discuss?" They opt for the safer option, taking a sip of their drink. The sweet taste warms their tongue. Hero mirrors the action, drinking their double espresso, no sugar. Villain thinks only absolute lunatics can drink something so sharp and bitter with such a sweet fucking smile. Quite fitting.
"Our plans for the next two weeks," Hero says, meeting their nemesis' eye. "Or rather, the absence of those." They elaborate. Villain has to stop the cup from meeting their lips to avoid choking. 
Oh, right. It’s December 20th. 
"I remember. You and Anita demand a Christmas vacation," Villain replies, attempting to sound disdained and failing miserably. "What am I supposed to do, though?” 
Die of boredom? Another uncomfortable question Villain’d prefer unanswered and unuttered. 
"That's what I wanted to talk about, actually," Hero finds themselves unable to look at Villain, shifting slightly to face the window. For some reason, they were even more nervous now, after five full dates that did not result in murder. “Do you have any plans for our impromptu holidays?”
“Not... exactly,” Villain admits, reaching for their backpack and pulling out a book of their own. Hero offers them the most charming irritating cheerful smile, so they hurry to add before their enemy has a chance to mock them. “I’ll just spend some time on my hobby.”
“Your hobby?” Hero struggles to contain their excitement, the stupid butterflies tickling their lungs. Villain, however, seems oblivious to the glint in their eyes, going for an offended tone again.
“Yes,” they retort, indignation filling their voice. When they agreed to go on a blind date with Anita’s second best friend, they might have suspected something. They might have chosen to act clueless about her scheme. They might have even accepted the possibility of seeing something more in their archnemesis. That was one of the two things Villain would never admit to. “What’s so surprising?” 
“I’m your hobby,” Hero claims, absolutely unashamed as they stare into Villain’s increasingly pink face. “Are you gonna spend some time on me?”
“That’s not what I...” their explanation is interrupted, but Villain fails to grasp the meaning behind Hero’s short comment. Their mind wanders towards their actual hobby, which does, in fact, involve Hero. For quite sometime now. And that is the second thing they weren’t willing to admit. 
“’Cause I don’t mind,” Hero claims, leaning back in their seat and emptying their cup in one gulp. The nerves are getting the best of them while the gorgeous nincompoop sits there, looking out of this world under the cold winter light.
“...meant,” it takes Villain several moments of silence and one teasing grin from Hero to register what their opponent has said. “Wait, what?”
Their brain positively short-circuits as they stare into negative space. Hero ignores that, reaching for their book to hide their trembling fingers. That blind date was the happiest accident that was granted to them by the universe, and Hero would be damned if they let the opportunity slip out of their hands. 
“You know what?” Villain starts, and Hero is about to apologise when Villain strikes them with the most ravishing smile imaginable, rendering them speechless. “I might just do that.”
With that, Villain leans back against their chair, opening the sketchbook on their lap. They watch Hero’s flustered expression turn ecstatic in a matter of mere seconds as the wheels spin harshly in their head. Now, this is a look they’ve never captured before. 
Their pencil barely manages to touch the clean page when Hero breaths out, half-choked. “God, I’m in love with you.”
Villain’s head snaps up as they drop the sketchbook, not noticing the pencil that rolls off their lap when they lean over the table, grabbing Hero’s chin and kissing them without warning.
Anita has to bite down her palm to suppress a victorious yelp as she walks away from the cafe with a jump in her steps. “I think it’s safe to say you both owe me one. Oblivious Idiots.”
Part 1
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tencrushesperday · 2 years
W.I.T.C.H. - Xavier x reader
You find Xavier in the forest and try to save his life, happens before the show
it’s 4:33 am i SHOULD be asleep but i’ve been insomniac lately so at least i have time to write something fun
i’m obsessed with this show and my tiktok fyp is full of Xiaver and Tyler edits and bc i find the actor Percy so attractive i think i’m starting to have a crush on Xavier (also who doesn’t love a boy with some daddy issues)
angst bc that’s the only thing i manage to write correctly ( i have never experienced fluffy romance not once in my life so i can’t picture that sorry)
i’m thinking about making this a series
Nobody would have ever thought that shy, little, normie you was a witch. Growing up in the small town of Jerricho, you were close to Nevermore. But you never suspected you might have to go there. That was until you were 14.
You always loved going on walks in that forest. Whenever you would come visit your grand for the holidays. your mom would always take you for a walk at least twice a week. Sometimes your grandma would join the two of you. It was a very fond memory for you.
So when you moved to Jerricho after your mothers death you started doing it again. It was a way for you to stay connected to her, but also have your own time. She had been a doctor and died during a humanitarian mission in a country in South America. She was supposed to be gone for three weeks during summer, while she left you with your grandma. But you would always remember, your grandma’s shifty eyes when she told that you were going to stay with her for longer than planned. It took her a few days to say the real words, but you already suspected the truth by then.
Your mom had always been your hero. Ever since your dad left when you were a baby, it was just the two of you. She used to teach you little tricks to make bruises go away quicker and scrapped knees hurt a little less when you used to fall at the playground. She taught you so much. And you never thought it would help you save a life someday…
You were taking your daily walk around the forest when you heard suspicious noise. Usually it was calm around that time of the day because most adults were at work and kids usually didn’t dare venture so far into the forest. But you were on your ground around here, you weren’t scared.
You walked closer to the sound to see what was going but the closer you got the more scared. It sounded very much like fighting. You should have probably walked away and called an adult but curiosity got the best of you. So you approached as silently as possible, and hid behind a tree.
There, in the small clearing, you could see four boys from your school, two of which you recognised : the mayor’s and the sheriff’s sons. Another one of their buddies was holding another kid down, while Galpin was throwing punches at him.
You had never witnessed something like this, something so cruel. They were throwing punches and kicking the kid so badly. You have seen bullying before in school. You even experienced some mockeries yourself for living with your grandma at the beginning when you moved here. But never ever have you seen something so horrific.
Silent tears were streaming down your red, red cheeks. It was cold outside and the kid on the ground was only wearing something you assumed to be a school uniform. His purple stripped blazer and white button down were all dirty, muddied and bloody now. But the boys didn’t seem to be ready to stop anytime soon.
Panic took over you, as you noticed that the boy was barely moving on the ground. No fighting back anymore. You couldn’t let them kill him.
Trying to make as little much noise as you could, you looked for a rock or something that could distract them.
Once you found one on the ground, you threw it as far away from you as possible.
Your plan worked. The boys stopped their assault, raised their head in the direction of the sound, and starting running the opposite way as fast as they could, afraid that an adult would discover them.
As soon as you deemed the field clear, you got out of your hiding spot and ran towards the boy. You had to make sure he was alive before running to call for help. From where you were, you knew you could reach your grandma’s house in 10 minutes if you ran fast enough. However you couldn’t leave him there to freeze.
You fell down on your knees next to him. The first thing you noticed was that he was still breathing. That was a good sign. Then you noticed his beautiful features, and if the situation at hand wasn’t so critical you would have probably stayed there to stare at him for a while. But his eyes fluttered and he groaned in pain.
“Where are you hurt? Can you hear me? Can you speak?” your question were frantic but you were so scared.
“Cold” he whispered, and if your gaze wasn’t fixated on his lips you would have probably missed it.
You took your jacket off the moment he said it and put it over him. That’s when you noticed the logo on the pocket of his blazer. An “N”.
So he was from the local boarding school for his outcasts. How could he been an outcast? he looked to pretty for that.
“Are you bleeding from somewhere? Tell me how i can help you? I should probably go get help. Just give me te-” he didn’t let you finish your sentence.
“ribs..” he had to take a breath before adding “i think they’re broken”
Oh my god… what would you do know… You slowly lifted your jacket off of him.
“Can i look?” You shot your eyes at his, only to find them closed. “You have to remain conscious, please… What’s your name again?”
he let out in a ragged breath “Xavier”
“Okay Xavier, i’m going to unbutton your shirt and look at your ribs. I’m not expert but my mom was a doctor and she’s taught me a few things, okay?”
He only hummed in response and that was good enough for you. As long as he stayed conscious.
You slowly unbuttoned his shirt, making sure to not move him as to not hurt him. It felt like an eternity before you’d undone enough of them so you could pass you hand and have a look.
That’s when you had to remember what your mom taught you.
Pain is only an emotion. Emotions are like waves. You can change the wave’s motion, of your own as well as those of the people around you if you get enough sense of them around you.
You closed your eyes and focused on what you were feeling underneath your fingertips as you gently grazed his skin. He, indeed, had two broken ribs on the right side. It was a miracle they didn’t pierce his lungs and kill him.
But it didn’t, he was still alive. It was now your job to keep him alive. You focused all you could on his injury. You had to make it hurt less if you wanted to have enough time to run back home for help.
You cleared your mind and assessed the feeling under your fingers, the air around, your own body, you own feelings, Xavier’s feelings. Before letting all of that go, slowly pushing out of the way, letting it wash over you, like a wave on the shore. Once the shore was clean, you used the wet sand to built a sandcastle. Piece by piece, just like his bones would heal, piece by piece.
You mom always said visualising the healing process was the best way to accelerate it. If you could see yourself heal, if you could feel the pain leave and the body would have no choice but to follow the mind.
Once you were satisfied with your castle, you took a moment to come mentally back to the forest. To feel the leaves on the ground, the crisp air of late fall. You felt Xavier’s breathing, more even now than a few minutes prior. You slowly opened you eyes.
Only to find him staring back at you, with wide green eyes.
“How…? How did you do that…?”
You had no idea.
“I have no idea” You were probably as shocked and as wide eyed as him.
It was the first time you’d healed such an injury. You only healed your own small scratches before, little insignificant bruises here and there from knocking your leg against a furniture or scraping your finger with a knife.
But this was something else.
“You just saved my life” He was out of breath but for a totally different reason now. “Th-Thank you.”
“Do you think you can stand?” you asked him because you would have to take him home and get him to the hospital.
“yeah.. Yeah sure” He threw off your jacket, handed it back to you and sat up.
You whispered to him to do it slowly. You were so unsure of what you’d just done. For all you knew his ribs were still broken. They probably were. You were no doctor, you didn’t perform surgery on him. He was probably still hurting as hell. He probably just wanted to get the hell away from you. you were certainly just scaring away an outcast. How did it come to this??
As you started freaking out, he slowly pulled himself up. But once he was standing, his knees buckled and he almost fell back down.
Startled by his sudden movements, your reflexes kicked in and you caught him before he fell.
He chuckled “I need to stop getting saved by girls”
Did he just laugh?
“We have to get you to the hospital” you were ready to walk him back to the town’s ER, even if you had to carry himself all the way there.
“Nonono” he shook his head.
“You were literally about to die. Xavier i’m taking you to the hospital” you didn’t have time for this bickering. It was cold and he needed medical assistance.
“I should go back to my school. I wasn’t even supposed to be out” He spoke all while you were dragging him towards your house.
“Once we’re at my house we’re gonna call for someone from your school to come and get you, deal?” you had to get him to come with you somehow, right?
He agreed to that. So you threw his right arm around you shoulder, after putting your jacket on his back, and then you wrapped your other hand around his middle and you started the walk towards your house.
Alone you would have made it in 20 minutes tops. But he was injured and the more time passed, less energy he had. Ten minutes into the walk, he got twice as heavy in your arms. But you had to get him home.
By the time, your house came into view you didn’t know who was the most tired between the two of you. You pushed on all your remaining strength to get through that door. And once you were in, you used your last strand of energy to oh so slowly put him down on the couch.
He was asleep. At least you hoped. He was still breathing for sure. So you called his name a few times. Just to make sure he was conscious.
“You should come to Nevermore” he whispered with a smile on his lips before giving in to slumber.
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beauleifu · 3 days
I’m back in my kung fu panda phase and I’m appreciating each moment of it HEHEHE Could we perhaps get the reader who grew up with Chinese martial arts and they’re often sparring with Macaque, while Mayor just watches behind and supports them both ? this is after lbd’s whole fiasco, and they’re all platonic friends !
Thank u fren, take your time with it and it’s totally okay if you can’t do it ! Don’t forget to drink water :Dc happy holidays !
YESSSS oh gosh i loved kung fu panda, such a good phase I respect you for that fren lmao
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Lego Monkie Kid
Context: You. With the boys. Your best friends, who will support you no matter what (and also thoroughly enjoy the trials and terrors they put your sorry ass through). Today, you're training with Macaque on the temple grounds. Using weapons, like usual. What can go wrong?
CW: Language
"Carry me, I say!" You chirp, grinning widely.
Macaque stares down his nose at you, unimpressed. "It would be an insult to my strength. I've lifted stuff fifty times heavier than you."
You huff, scrunching your nose at him.
The three of you are strolling through the temple, admiring ancient pieces of Chinese weapons, offensive and defensive, as well as the armor section and a few old relics. However, your destination is the training hall, where you and Macaque shall test each other's fitness and skill levels after technically leveling up both areas. You feel confident, rolling your shoulders experimentally and tightening your grip on your signature fighting weapon.
Now, why three?
A certain bone demon chuckles. "Apologies, (Y/N), but you must carry yourself for now."
"And you won't do it instead?"
"I'm afraid not. I'd like to sit and watch," the Mayor hums, hands clasped neatly behind his back as he strolls alongside the two of you. Macaque pushes open the large, accented doors and you all head into the training arena. "We both know if I were to enter the fray, neither of you would last very long."
The shadow monkey snorts, gruffly assessing the bone demon's frame. "Sure. You're built like a twig."
You flash him a wink. "A dangerous twig with magical powers."
"Precisely why I shall extend my mercy," Mayor says, smiling lazily as he manifests a seat made of bones, settling down on the cushioned surface. "Now please, don't let me interrupt your fun."
Giving him a thumbs up, you turn to Macaque.
He's already grinning down at you, thick, dark eyebrows raised. "Ready to get clobbered?"
"It's a simple sparring match," you reason carelessly. "What could go wrong?"
"Heh. Cocky. I like it."
The two of you face off on either side of the arena, grinning stupidly at eachother. You're glad for times like these, where the three of you can just relax after the tedious and dangerous trials you went through. It certainly seems like the worst is over, though.
All at once, Macaque jabs forward, lightning quick.
You gasp with delight, ducking to the side with a gleeful yelp, and thus begins your sparring match edged with weapons and talons galore. Macaque's offensive start gives you the adrenaline rush you need to counter his attack, using your weapon to propel yourself against the wall. Knees bending like springs coiling tight, you spring forward and jut your spear at the dark furred simian- luckily the tip is dulled and capped.
"Oh ho ho~! You're quicker than usual," Macaque purrs, evading you as easy as the breeze. He takes a few steps behind you, and his tail hooks around your ankle, giving it a swift tug.
The yelp that leaves your lungs is muffled as you collide with the hard, cold surface of the temple sparring grounds, and with a grunt, you raise yourself onto your elbows. "Using your tail?? So that isn't cheating, but me throwing my shoe at you is an instant disqualification?"
Macaque shrugs, smirking. "Are I not allowed to used all parts of my body to defend myself? Unless the shoe was a part of your anatomy..."
"Oh, suck on a dragonfruit," you huff, pushing yourself to your feet.
Deep down, you know he's right, and it just entices you to roll your eyes. Mayor, of course, sides with the six-eared simian, although he doesn't verbally express his share of opinions. Merely, you catch that subtle smirk on his pale features as you spar with Macaque, the subtle quirk of his eyebrow indicating his amusement at your frustration. You're not surprised. The bone demon has yet to drop the chance to get on your nerves.
In the end, you're a breathless puddle of adrenaline with a lingering fight that becomes the only reason you can still swing an scythe. Poor you.
Macaque, on the other hand, hadn't even broken a sweat.
It's been an hour.
Does this guy ever run out of stamina??
When Mayor calls for a breather, you're all but willing to collapse on the plush couch he'd manifested for your sake, the frame made out of bone- of course. You grab your water bottle, taking a huge swing before dumping some of it over your face.
"So how'd I do, huhh?"
Mayor tuts, his trademark smile still ever-present. His eyes flick to Macaque, who joins the two of you and leaning against his staff, supported by his thick tail. The simian clears his throat.
"Good enough. You almost beat me like three times, so . . . props for sheer, absolute stubbornness."
You stick your tongue out at him, still breathless, but silent as the bone demon chuckles. "What our dear friend is trying to say, is that you're improving. Maybe one day you might have the chance to spar against myself, although . . ." He gives a sinister smile. "The chances are slim."
"Awww, cmon. You can't be that good," You huff doubtfully, kicking one leg over the other. An old man like him, putting up a fight worthy of the powerful demons in this realm? Unlikely. However, there's an odd glint in Mayor's eyes that leaves room for doubt.
Macaque's ears flatten. "(Y/N), trust me. I hate to admit it, but . . . Bones here is more powerful than ya think."
The look on your face must've gone noticed by none other than the bone demon himself, who's eyes narrow at your prolonged skepticism.
"Perhaps I demonstrate?"
You're caught off guard as he suddenly stands up, all business as he adjusts his suit and fixes his tie. With a lazy smirk, he extends his hand towards you, a display of misleading courtesy that belies an undercurrent of sinister intentions. Poor, oblivious, gullible you- who takes his hand and allows him to lead you into the sparring arena. You're practically giddy with excitement, totally ready to see what this old bag of bones is capable of.
"Oh, you're on, old man," you hum darkly, sizing him up through narrowed eyes.
Macaque takes your seat on the bone couch, arms crossed over his chest. "Hey- go easy on 'em, Bones," he calls out, looking disinterested. "I'd rather not have to explain this to MK."
"Oh, worry not, my dear," Mayor chuckles humorously, letting you go in order to cross to the other side of the arena. Once there, he spins on his heel, eyes narrowed yet entirely focused on you. "I merely seek to avenge my status, as our dear little mortal appears to doubt me."
You tilt your head, wondering if he'd taken your tease seriously or not. "Uh. Mayor, I wasn't being genuine, you know-"
"Too late!"
Your eyes go wide as Mayor suddenly grins wide. His arms outstretch, wisps of blue and ice cascading from his fingertips and setting the whole arena floor aglow in a brilliant, ice blue hue. You suck in a sharp breath, taking a step back, trying to step off of the cold, ice tiles-
Fire licks at your calves.
You yelp, spinning around- why was it cold???
Then you realize- the Mayor had created a barrier of blue fire, serving as a ring for the arena and effectively trapping you inside. The breath leaves you in a single, shuddering gasp, your fingers tightening on the weapon given to you. A weapon- you're well aware- that will prove to be useless against a demon like Mayor.
Instantly, you realize your mistake, for a moment disregarding your guaranteed safety over the blind notion that you're in danger. You know he'd never truly hurt you but in the midst of all this?? Yeah. You freak out.
"Shit- Mayor, I take it back!" You call out, spinning around-
Only to find the bone demon a mere few feet from your trembling form.
He smiles, tilts his head. "Giving up already? Now that's hardly a warrior's downfall, (Y/N) . . . Go on, give me a good fight," Mayor purrs, before letting out a delighted, unhinged giggle, and lunges.
And boy, does he lunge.
A scream bubbles in your throat, yet you manage to cut yourself off and stumble to the side as Mayor darts forward, hands clasped behind his back. He manages to keep his offense to his feet alone, the thick, black boots kicking out in a series of martial arts moves that shatters your defenses like glass.
You do your best, of course. With each lash of his foot aimed to knock the air out of you or edge you closer to the wall of blue fire, you parry his attacks with your spear.
One- two- three hits, before he strikes a fourth time, harder than the last.
Your weapon splinters right down the middle.
Mayor lets out a mad chuckle, the whites of his eyes flashing in the corner of your eye as he suddenly reaches out, arms encasing your smaller frame and pinning you to the floor.
It took you a few seconds before you'd even realized you'd lost.
"Oh. . . . hgnh . . . O-Owww . . ." You groan, tilting your head to one side to watch the ring of fire slowly dissipate. The glowing tiles beneath your smushed face return to its normal ashen brown, and you're suddenly acutely aware of Mayor's knee pressing into your back. "Ow."
Macaque, who'd been watching the whole thing, rushes into the ring the moment a break in the fire forms. It licks at his hair but he shakes it off, coming to stand in front of you two. He looks . . . concerned.
"Oh my god, you killed them."
"I did no such thing!" Mayor protests, almost indignantly. As if he'd lose control and kill somebody on accident. "All the blood on my hands has never been an accident, shadow puppet. Now- help them up, please."
Macaque stiffens, bristling- but eventually grasps your hand the moment Mayor gets off of you. He hauls you to your feet, one hand on your head.
"You alright in there, bud?"
The moment your eyes meet, Macaque gets a face full of your pissed, frustrated, and still somewhat excited expression. "Fuck you, why didn't you warn me the old man kicks ass harder than my favorite music band?"
"Oh, thank god, you're still there." The simian rolls his eyes sarcastically, finding relief in your scathing remark. It just lets him know you're okay.
Mayor grins over your shoulder. "I didn't bruise you too badly, did I?"
"Mm . . . not really. A few here and there," you hum, scanning your body, pretending to be studious about it. "Mostly my pride and honor, but, y'know, when did I have any of that, anyways?"
Both of your friends manage an amused chuckle at your feigned indifference, knowing you're gonna hold a grudge for a day or so.
"My apologies, dear, but- you did challenge me," Mayor purrs.
"I called you old."
"Same thing."
"Macaque calls you old all the time!!"
"Yessss, but- I've beaten him more times than I can count. I decided to extend my mercy~"
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evanture · 10 months
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mayor holiday and toriel barbenheimer
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mingisdoll · 2 months
Easter drabble
Includes: bunny!Seonghwa, afab!witch!reader, mentions of other members but will mainly be Seonghwa centralized, set around the Easter holiday (sorta), cursing, mentions of being controlled and manipulated, mentions of hunting and killing
"Why the fuck are we in Wonderland again?" You asked your sister as you walked alongside both her and your other sister. "It's not for me. It's for Zelena. Lately, she's been stressed since she feel she hasn't given little Robin the childhood she deserves even though it isn't true." Regina explained.
You were the youngest of the Mills family. Regina Mills was the middle child, the mayor of Storybrooke and the Good Queen. Zelena Mills was the oldest of the three of you and the Wicked Witch. The Good Witch was already taken so Zelena stuck to her original title despite not being wicked anymore.
"I mean the little girl seems fine to me. She's always smiling and telling me how Zelena is a good mom. So why go through all this trouble?" You asked Regina and the queen shrugged. "I'm not too sure honestly. But hey. She did help us with that one mission so consider this like an IOU or something." You nodded firmly and shrugged off any more questions you had.
As you trekked through the seemingly restored landscape, you tried to lock away the painful memories that pertained to this realm.
There was a reason you ran away from here and became a wanderer.
You zoned out for a few minutes until you heard a twig snap. You immediately stood back-to-back with Regina as you both summoned fireballs in your hands. You were alert and prepared. Something rustled in the tall grass above you and the two of you set your eyes on it.
"I know you don't need the reminder since you grew up here, but be prepared, sis. Just because this realm is ruled by good people now doesn't mean that the dangers here stopped lurking around." Regina advised you and you nodded firmly in agreement. A head popped out of the grass and you were ready to aim
Until you saw two large pink bunny ears poking out of the top of the critter's head. Or should I say
The hybrid's head.
You were no stranger to hybrids, but Regina was. Hence why you stepped in between her and the quivering bunny. His big boba like eyes were shiny and almost brimming with tears. He seemed so lost and you'd punch yourself if you ever saw a tear go down his pretty face.
"Let me handle this."
Regina nodded slowly and diminished her fireball before stepping away a bit upon hearing your voice. You stepped forward and the bunny relaxed a bit yet remained apprehensive at your form.
He knew you. Or knew of you. After all, you still remained the most powerful person in all of Wonderland. His fluffle cowered in fear every time you walked past them. They heard rumors that you changed. They didn't believe it. Or at least half of his fluffle didn't believe it. Three other bunnies believed it. He was the only one that was debating.
Until you reached out and pet his ears, lightly patting down the soft pink fur.
The bunny relaxed under your touch and started thumping his foot a bit. His tail twitched and he visibly relaxed. He cursed himself internally for giving in so easily. Then again, he was a bunny. And perhaps his subconscious wanted to trust you.
"Hey. I'm sorry if we both scared you. We're on a mission right now and we happened to run into you. You know who we are huh?" You saw the bunny nod cutely, finding it endearing as his ears flopped along with his head.
"She's the Good Queen and you're the Demonic Ace."
A weak chuckle escaped at your title and he grew afraid since he thought you were going to smite him for messing up. When you saw the fear in his eyes, you sighed. "I may be the Demonic Ace, but I've turned my life around. Merlin cured me of my self-inflicted curse and our mother is long gone. So it's ok. We're the good guys now."
Regina saw the way you looked heartbroken and her own heart felt pain when your voice wavered as you tried to reassure him that you were a good person. Cora may have turned her life around in the Underworld, but it didn't excuse the pain and torture you went through when you used to live here and make Wonderland a living hell thanks to her. Stepping forward, it was her turn to speak.
"You look like you're on the run from something. May we help?" She asked him gently and he nodded quickly. He pointed behind him and whispered shakily.
"The Queen of Hearts may be gone, but some of her card soldiers still remain since they don't like the new rulers. They went rogue and they're rabid. Like... Lost Boy rabid."
You grimaced and you felt your powers rise to the surface of your palms. However, you remained calm. "Where's the rest of your fluffle? The queen will protect you. Are they hunting you down?" He quickly nodded.
"Our leader was taken by them and they won't stop until they kill all of us. Please help me!" He was crying now and you felt the urge to hug him yet you stood still and just watched him with sad eyes. Then he surged forward and hugged you tightly, which caught you off guard. Nonetheless, you hugged him back and glared at Regina when she sent you a teasing look.
"What's your name and what's your leader's name? We will help you." You asked the pink bunny and tried not to blush when the sweet critter nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck.
"Our leader's name is Hongjoong. My name is Seonghwa."
You smiled at him gently and held his face carefully when the bunny looked at you with shiny eyes. "Well it's nice to meet you, Seonghwa. The queen's name is Regina and I'm Y/N. Now go with her and lead her to where the rest of your fluffle is. I'll track down the card soldiers and rescue your leader. Ok?" The bunny nodded and reluctantly let you go.
"Be careful please."
You cooed softly at the way he was so concerned about you and you patted the top of his head gently. He giggled and you just about combust with cute aggression.
"I will."
With that, you teleported to the deepest parts of Wonderland to rescue this proclaimed leader of the hybrid's fluffle.
It was a mess.
Well, the rescue went fine. You took down the card soldiers with ease.
It was getting the orange furred bunny back to the location of Seonghwa's fluffle that made it a mess.
Hence, the way that Seonghwa was scolding Hongjoong when you came back with him covered in bites and scratches. Regina was busy telling tales of her adventures to the other bunnies to quell their fears while you were in the corner healing your wounds. After the loudness settled down, you saw a familiar head of pink fur hop over to you and sit in front of you. You smiled weakly upon seeing his pout when he gave you a once-over.
"Joong sends his apologies. He would've done it himself like I advised him to, but he feels embarrassed." He took the rag from you and patted your face gently.
Those card soldiers were a bit strong.
"It's ok. I forgive him. And I don't really blame him for what he did to me. But hey. At least I proved to the rest of your fluffle that I'm trustworthy."
Seonghwa nodded and hugged you again. "Thank you for protecting us." He said softly as he rubbed your back. "It's no problem. All within a day's work I guess." I reassured him. He then looked at me. His eyes were sparkling with wonder.
"Is Storybrooke nice? My fluffle and I heard about that place and we tried to find a way to get there but to no avail." You nodded and he smiled. "Can we go with you and Regina? Please?!" You were about to answer when you saw the others crowd around you with sparkling eyes as well. I saw the approval on Regina's face and I nodded when I looked at him once again.
"Yes you can."
That was months ago. You recalled that day randomly as you sat in your new apartment that overlooked the quaint town of Storybrooke. As you stood there and leaned against the railing of your balcony, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and you saw the familiar mop of pink fur nuzzle your neck and give light kisses.
You fell in love with Seonghwa and he returned your feelings.
He muttered against your skin and you greeted him back softly.
"Did you finally escape little Robin trying to tug at your ears after screaming over the fact that the Easter bunny does indeed exist in excitement?" You teased him and he blushed in embarrassment.
"Yeah. The rest of the guys are currently hiding right now. Did you seriously have to tell Zelena's kid that there were eight Easter bunnies? I figured this favor we're doing for you was easy but it isn't. And it doesn't help that Wooyoung is being a little shit by helping her, especially with Yeosang."
"Well can you blame her? Orange, pink, blue, purple, yellow, black, and brown are pretty common colors for bunny hybrids. But indigo? That's rare."
As you listed off the fur colors of Hongjoong, your lover, Yunho, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho, you can't help but giggle at the thought of poor Yeosang and his uniquely colored indigo fur. Seonghwa simply sighed and held you closer to him.
"Happy Easter, my jack of spades."
"Happy Easter, bun."
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Prompt: "We both kinda escaped the same party and there's only one place to effectively hide from everyone else, I'm sorry but could I please hide in this stupidly claustrophobic spot for just one minute, my heels are killing me?" AU
Characters: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 3,600
Trigger warning: Partying, alcohol use, drug use.
Author's Note: Happy New Years! Are all of my fics holiday themed now? See ya on Valentine's Day, I guess. Also, I was torn between writing this for Eddie or writing this for Argyle, but I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to nail the dialogue with Argyle- I need to study his character more (aka watch vol. 4 again). I really hope that you enjoy this 100% self-indulgent, steaming pile of crap.
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It was Robin's fault, truly.
Steve had originally asked her to go with him to Tina's party, but she wasn't able to get out of work. You already had plans with your mother, a few VHS tapes, and a giant bowl of popcorn, but Steve promised that he would make it up to you in some way, and having something to hold over him was enough to make you reconsider.
Still, you already felt out of place as you sat in Steve's passenger seat picking at the hem of your skirt while he fixed his hair in his rearview mirror. You weren't a huge fan of parties, never had been, especially parties where you didn't drive yourself and therefore could not leave on your own accord unless you wanted to walk a few miles in freezing temperatures.
Steve promised he'd have you home at a decent time, but it was New Year's Eve, and you knew that 'decent time' wouldn't be until at least after the ball dropped. His main objective was Kimberly Kline; a former varsity cheerleader who graduated at the top of her class and the mayor's daughter. According to your best friend, Kimberly had asked him if he was going to the party when she was checking out at the Family Video last week. Steve obviously took that as an invitation, despite not actually being invited.
You were just there as a buffer, in case things between him and Kimberly didn't work out. If they did, you were on your own.
"Your hair looks fine, Steve." You mentioned as he carded his fingers through his silky, brunette locks for what seemed like the thousandth time.
"Are you sure?" He asked. "My head doesn't look too square?"
You sighed and turned to face him. "I'm not sure how to tell you this, but your head has always been and will always be square."
His shoulders dropped as he flipped the visor up and pulled the keys from the ignition. "You know what? That's just great. Thank you, Y/N. Way to boost my confidence."
You pursed your lips to keep yourself from laughing. He rolled his eyes and began mumbling to himself as he climbed out of the burgundy vehicle and shut the door behind him. You let out a chuckle as he dramatically marched off toward Tina's house, leaving you to follow.
"Honestly, Y/N," Steve turned back to you sharply and put his hands on his hips. "I was hoping you'd, I don't know, hype me up and make me feel good about myself. I'm already nervous!"
"Clearly," you laughed as you joined him at his side. "Look, Steve," you reached out and placed your hand on his shoulder. "Kimberly Kline would be totally bonkers to not want to hook up with you. So stop worrying about how you look! If that's all she cares about then you're better off honestly."
Steve looked at you sheepishly with a small blush growing on his cheeks. "Thanks, Y/N."
Before you could say anything, an old, white van sped around the corner past the two of you; tires screeching on the asphalt, leaving a trail of exhaust fumes in its wake. You could hear Iron Maiden blaring as the driver came to a hard stop in Tina's front yard, knocking over a large plastic snowman. You rolled your eyes as Eddie Munson slid out of the driver's seat and took a long drag off of the cigarette hanging from his mouth; a bright cloud of smoke hanging in the air as he exhaled.
"What a jerk," Steve mentioned, pulling you from your thoughts.
"Who? Eddie?" You asked.
"Yeah," he replied. "He thinks he's so cool."
"You know, people used to think that about you," You teased, giving Steve's shoulder a little shove as you began walking towards the party.
It didn't take long before you were standing in Tina's kitchen with a plastic cup in your hand. Your head absentmindedly bobbing to the loud pop music playing through the stereo in the living room. The New Year's Eve special was playing on the television but you wouldn't have been able to hear it. Steve had already spotted Kimberly and had downed two drinks before building up the courage to go over and talk to her.
You were leaning up against the counter, making small talk with a girl that had been in the drama club with you for a few years; catching up, talking about work and college, the usual. Steve was on the couch with his arm around Kimberly, talking animatedly with his hands, and she was smiling. He caught eyes with you for a moment and gave you a quick head nod to let you know that things were going well.
A guy you didn't recognize was aggressively making eye contact from his place in the dining room. You looked for a quick exit, knowing that at any moment he would shove himself off of the wall and stagger over to you. Excusing yourself, you tried to make your way towards Steve but were blocked off by a keg-stand in progress. You peered through the party-goers and noticed the guy was just stepping into the kitchen, ducking your head, you didn't have many options other than out the back door or a random door to your left. Wanting to avoid what would absolutely be the most awkward encounter of your life, you slipped through the closest door hoping the stranger didn't notice.
After a few moments, you considered yourself safe and turned to see that you were standing in Tina's pantry, and there, sitting cross-legged on the floor with a bag of Doritos in his hand, was Eddie Munson; mouth slightly agape, eyes wide.
"Shit," you blurted. "I didn't mean to interrupt whatever it was you were doing in here." You went to turn and leave, your hand was hovering over the doorknob, but the thought of the creep on the other side made you hesitate. "Actually, do you mind if I hang out in here with you for a minute? I'm trying to avoid some weirdo who apparently was never taught that staring is rude."
Immediately, Eddie's eyes shifted to the floor. "Uh, sure." He replied. You sighed in relief. "Unless you just want me to go out there and kick his ass."
You laughed and sat with your back against the wall opposite him. "I appreciate the offer, but kicking off the new year with an assault charge is probably not a good idea." Eddie smiled in reply and the pantry fell silent. "So what is Eddie fucking Munson doing sitting in Tina Burton's pantry?"
He looked up at you through thick, curly bangs and shrugged. "Came here to do a deal," he motioned to his little black box that you had seen a few times before. "But not really feeling the atmosphere," he drew out. "Too many jocks."
"Isn't that your van parked out front?" You asked, he nodded. "You can always leave."
"Suppose I could," he replied. "But then you'd be stuck in this pantry by yourself with a creep on the loose."
"You'd rather stay here at this lame party, despite the fact that you are completely miserable, for me?" His dark chocolate eyes connected with yours for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was shy. "You flatter me, Mr. Munson."
"What about you?" He asked, turning the tables. "You never really struck me as a party girl. I'm sure you came here with someone."
"I did, yeah, I came with Steve." You replied reaching over and grabbing a handful of Doritos from the bag Eddie was holding.
"Steve?" Eddie asked, his brows raised. "Harrington?" You nodded as you shoved chips into your mouth. "Let me guess, you were supposed to be his date but it didn't work out?"
You almost choked. "No! God, no." Eddie's eyes were probing you for an explanation but you were also hurriedly trying to swallow what was in your mouth before you began talking. "He's trying to get laid, and for fuck's sake, I hope he does. He has been such a little brat lately." Eddie laughed. "I'm his shoulder to cry on in case things don't work out for him."
"Hard to imagine that something wouldn't work out for Steve "The Hair" Harrington," Eddie replied almost critically. He flipped open his little box and pulled out a small, metal tin before producing a pre-rolled joint. Your eyes widened as he stuck it between his lips and pulled a lighter our of his pocket. "What?"
"In here?" You asked.
"You afraid we're going to get in trouble, Y/L/N?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow in your direction before lighting the end of the homemade cigarette. Eddie took a long drag and inhaled the smoke into his lungs and held it for a few moments before exhaling with a loud cough.
"Well, yeah," you replied but still took the joint from Eddie's fingers when he offered it to you. The smoke burned your chest as you inhaled, you couldn't help but cough, choking on the skunky taste before passing the joint back to him.
"You're adorable," he laughed and you immediately pouted. "Yep, that look right there. Let me just-" Eddie placed the burning joint between his lips and held his fingers up in front of his face to mimic a camera, pressing the invisible button with a click sound. "Commit that to my memory." You shook your head and giggled at his antics. "That one, too." He added, clicking his invisible camera, once more.
Sitting here, in the floor of Tina's pantry, you wondered why you hadn't hung out with him more than just the occasional drug deal. You had started buying pot from Eddie in your junior year when his band started practicing in Gareth Emerson's garage, but you had never actually hung out with him outside of that. You'd stay and watch them practice a few songs, but that was about it.
"So do you have any new year's resolutions?" You asked him after taking another hit, not wanting the conversation to die.
"Yeah, graduating," he replied as he sunk back against the wall.
"Any plans on what you're going to do after that?"
"What like college?" He asked taking one last hit before disposing of the smoldering joint in an empty can of beer, you nodded. "I don't really think I'm the college type. Besides, there's no degree for what I want to do."
"So you're going to hit the road?" You asked, "take Corroded Coffin on tour and sell out stadiums?"
"That's the dream," He replied and immediately frowned. "More like a fantasy, really."
"It's not." You reassured him. "There'll be thousands in the crowd screaming your name one day, and I'll be one of them. If I had a permanent marker I'd ask for your autograph now before you get too famous and eventually sell out."
"Never!" He laughed.
"Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say." You teased.
"What about you?" He asked in return. "Any new years plans?"
You shrugged your shoulders and shook your head. You hadn't really given much thought to the new year and you weren't the type to make any resolutions. After all, you lived in Hawkins, Indiana, a place where people didn't really make plans or have any goals outside of settling down and moving up in whatever dead-end job they were working. Every year you'd hear the same shit; "I want to lose ten pounds", "I'm going to stop smoking", "I plan to be more active", or "I'd like to read more books". They'd start off strong, but before January was even over, they'll forget they even set a goal to begin with.
Eddie had lit another joint, waiting for your response but there wouldn't be one. A silence made itself comfortable between the two of you. You could see Eddie was about to say something else, but outside of the pantry, the countdown was beginning; the last few moments of 1985. If you were to make a resolution, now would be the time to do it.
"Ten, nine-"
"We should kiss," you mentioned with a shrug of your shoulders, deciding that your resolution would be to take risks. "Wouldn't want to ruin the tradition."
"Seven, six-"
"What?" He asked, almost choking on the smoke he inhaled from the joint wedged between his fingers. His brows merged together as he coughed.
"Four, three, two-"
"I mean we don't have to," you answered, knowing that he had heard you the first time.
"Happy New Year!"
Eddie paused for just a moment, his tongue sliding over his bottom lip before he moved his hand to the back of your neck and pulled you towards him for a firm kiss. Before you had the chance to fully reciprocate, he pulled away; his eyes searching your features for any sign that he should stop- or continue. Without any hesitation, you snaked your hands around his neck and pulled him back to you, the kiss deeper this time. His lips were hot against yours as his fingers curled into the roots of your hair. Your tongue tangled with his in an eloquent dance that felt so familiar yet brand new.
You pulled away to catch your breath and looked up into his deep brown eyes which were full-blown with lust as he grabbed for you to come closer. Every few moments you'd giggle and he'd smile as you tried to navigate the positioning of your bodies in the small pantry, but your lips still made their way back to each other. His hands pushed your jacket down your shoulders as his lips left a trail of kisses along your neck. You moved to straddle his lap, desperate to be closer to him, but in the move your head collided with the shelf above, sending a couple bags of chips into Eddie's lap instead.
He couldn't help but laugh; his full pink lips stretched into a smile as he took your face in his hands. "You okay, there?"
"Ow," you winced as you rubbed a hand over your head.
"Let me see," he cooed and you tilted your head down to him. He placed a soft kiss on your tender scalp. "All better?"
"Yeah," you sighed. "Just ruined the moment, is all."
Eddie, with your face still in his gentle but calloused hands, placed a lingering kiss on your pouted lips. "You didn't ruin anything," He said softly, brushing your hair behind your ear. "Besides, we should probably get out of here."
It was hard not to notice the dirty looks on the faces of your peers as you and Eddie emerged from the pantry; some of them even pointed as they whispered to each other.
"Do you see Steve?" You yelled at Eddie over the music. "I should probably let him know I'm leaving!"
He scoured the crowd and shook his head. "Maybe things worked out for him!"
"Maybe!" You shrugged and made your way towards the front door; weaving in and out of the sweaty, drunken bodies. Eddie's hand was in yours so as to not get separated from you as he followed behind.
The air was brisk as you stepped out onto Tina's front porch, clearing your foggy mind the second you took a deep breath. You shivered as Eddie stepped in front of you, leading you to his van.
"Your chariot awaits, madam." He said, offering to open the passenger side door for you.
"Wait, one second!" You quickly dashed over to where Eddie had knocked over Tina's decorative snowman and sat him upright. "What, you hit Frosty!" You exclaimed.
Eddie just laughed and shook his head before quickly scrambling around to the driver's side and hopping in. He shoved his keys into the ignition and turned the heat on full blast. "Don't worry, she heats up pretty fast."
As Eddie backed out of Tina's yard you noticed Steve's car was no longer where he had parked it when you first arrived. You hoped that Steve didn't leave alone, and also that he didn't leave without at least looking for you first. Given that you were hiding out in the pantry for most of the night, you gave him the benefit of the doubt that if he had known where you were, he would have given you the heads up.
The drive back to your place was mostly quiet, save for the music coming from Eddie's radio. He had the volume turned low and his window was cracked as he smoked a cigarette.
"May I?" You asked, motioning towards the cardboard box of cassette tapes that sat on the floorboard between the seats.
"Go for it," he replied as he slowed to a stop at a red light. "Find something to put on." He ejected his Iron Maiden cassette and placed it back in its plastic case, giving you free rein to choose whatever you wanted.
You rummaged through Eddie's music selection, marveling at his taste. He had everything from metal to punk, the classics, and- "Hall and Oates?" You asked, almost teasing him.
"What's wrong with Hall and Oates?" He asked, snatching the tape from your hands. "Kiss On My List? You Make My Dreams Come True? Can't help but love 'em, they're catchy."
"I completely agree," you replied, still shifting through the box. "I'm just surprised is all, would have thought that there wasn't enough guitar for you."
"It's not always about the guitar!"
You picked out Bruce Springsteen and gently pushed the tape into the cassette player. Eddie nodded in approval as he began humming along to the melody. The blue lights on the dashboard illuminated his soft features, making you realize how beautiful he really was. A small smile pulled at your lips as your eyes took in the sight of him, wondering how you never saw it before.
"You're staring," he taunted, stealing a quick glance before returning his eyes to the road.
"I'm sorry," you laughed but didn't take your eyes off of him. "I just- I never realized how beautiful you are."
"You think I'm beautiful?" He asked, placing a hand over his heart and batting his eyelashes at you.
"And silly," you giggled. "But, yes."
Eddie shook his head in response, unable to hold back his smile. "You know, I had the biggest crush on you in school."
"You did not!" You gasped.
"I totally did!" He replied. "It was bad. I would take the long way to class just so that I could walk past your locker. Man, those days after school when you'd come over to Gareth's to buy some weed and you'd hang out and listen to our band- fuck!" He was shaking his head; beautiful brunette curls bouncing on his shoulders.
"I had no idea," you replied. "You were always so quiet, I thought you didn't like me."
"You thought I- what? Didn't like you!?" He exclaimed. "Come on! How could any guy not like you? You're so fucking funny! Plus, you're like actually a good person. You're compassionate and kind and smart as Hell."
"Why tell me now?" You asked as your heart skipped beats.
"I don't know, it's New Years, why not?" He answered. "Why'd you ask me to kiss you back at Tina's?"
You shrugged, "because it's New Years, why not?" Eddie smiled at your response as he pulled up to the curb of your house. You unbuckled your seatbelt and turned to face him, "I'd offer for you to come in, but I know my mom is waiting up for me."
"That's okay," he replied softly. "I really want to kiss you again."
"Yeah?" You bit your lip under his gaze.
"Mhm," he hummed.
Eddie leaned in to place his lips on yours one more time. It was slow and sweet; soft, like the glow of his headlights reflecting on the flurries of snow falling from the dark, midnight sky. You would have never thought that this night would have ended this way, but you were so thankful that it did. You weren't sure what 1986 had in store for you, but you were determined to make sure that Eddie was a part of it.
"I appreciate the ride home," you said barely above a whisper as you pulled away. "I should probably get inside, I bet-" you turned to look at your house and saw your mother's figure at the window. "Yep, she's watching."
Eddie chuckled and climbed out of the van. You smiled as he rounded the hood of the vehicle to open the passenger door for you. "Let's not keep her waiting." You slid out of his van and gave him a hug before heading up your driveway. "Maybe I'll see you are Gareth's or something?"
"Or," you turned back to him. "Maybe you'll see me at that new pizza place that just opened up? Maybe around 7:00 on Friday?"
"It's a date," he called to you as he brought his hands up to his face in the shape of a camera one last time, taking a mental photo of you before the night ended.
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December Drabbles
Prompt 11: Tradition
Characters: .....SEBEPPY I'm sorry I'm not reorganizing my prompt list to space out the Sebek and Epel stuff
Sebek's expression only made Epel's grin grow wider.
"Every year, everyone in the town gathers at town hall t'find the rotten apple ornament on the tree that the mayor hides. First person t'find it gets t'be Uncle Marley's tastetester for the community feast AND gets first choice of the gifts under the tree."
Sebek looked baffled, bringing a hand up to his head in bewilderment. "But it's an apple on a pine tree.....does that not stand out??"
Epel just grinned and grabbed his hand in both of his, pulling him closer to the mass of people waiting outside of town hall.
"Guess you're gonna have to see!"
There was a palpable excitement in the air. Even with many of the residents being more mature in age, there was child like enthusiasm that Sebek found himself trying to adjust to.
The mayor stood in front of the crowd, holding the small rotten apple ornament. Sebek ducked down to speak to Epel.
"I thought the mayor was meant to hide the apple ornament, why is he holding it?"
Epel paused and pouted a bit as he tried to step by another person "I can' even see the may'r yet, I dunno what he's doin'", before continuing his pursuit to make it to the front of the crowd. Sebek followed close behind, trying to be wary of the people around him. He barely noticed that he and Epel had stumbled to the front, though once he did he ducked down, not wanting to inhibit anyone from seeing what was going on. No sooner had he squatted to balance on the balls of his feet before the mayor spoke up jollily.
"Evenin' y'all! I know yer all chompin' at the bit to get things rollin' but as y'all know little Epel Felmier's got his friend over for the holidays-"
Epel's face flared red at his name being called out, and to the fact Sebek was being singled out along with him, but he had no time to protest or stop the mayor as chuckles rang out around him and a few people from the community cheered.
The mayor continued, speaking over the crowd. " 'nd I couldn't think of a better way to welcome Sebek 'nd teach'im how we do things here in Harveston than to have 'm be the one to kick off our annual tradition."
Sebek's eyes widened a bit, meeting the mayors excited look, and pointed to himself.
"....You want...me to hide the apple on the tree? I would be honoured to partake in your traditions, be as strange as they may be to me."
Epel elbowed him a bit, still embarrassed from earlier, but the mayor beamed in response.
"Come on in then young'n, I'll show ya where it was last year so y'don't put it in the same place."
Sebek straightened up a bit and glanced at Epel over his shoulder as he followed the mayor into town hall, shooting him a wide grin.
Once inside and the rules explained, the mayor watched Sebek hold the ornament at a few different heights against his chest. He nodded to himself once he got it to a particular point, then walked around the tree to find another ornament to hide the apple behind. At first, the mayor was confused as to why Sebek was so adamant about the height he held it at.
That was until he saw Epel's huge grin at having found the apple, and he realized that Sebek had put it right at eye level for his smaller friend.
The mayor chuckled to himself as he watched the two boys talk animatedly to each other, Sebek feigning ignorance as to how quickly Epel was able to find the ornament.
His wife came up to him, linking her arm in his and watching them for a moment with him, chuckling softly.
"I remember when we were young and in love. God bless their hearts."
The mayor looked down at her, then back at the boys, a blank expression on his face.
"They're gay?"
"Oh heavens to betsy, Charles 'course they are!"
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purpleprincessonfyre · 4 months
OUAT AU - Galentines and Valentines
Characters: Liane Felton and Belladonna St James
Mentioned: Ethan Lensherr Long
Category: Fluff and Platonic familial love and hints to possible romance
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Liane St James had never really hated any holiday before. Even when she was little. There were some she'd found boring or tedious but never any that just made her feel so low. Until of course now, when even the word Valentines felt like someone had put sandpaper on her tongue.
When you've had your heart broken as many times as Liane has, you almost become numb to the notion of romance and true love. She would watch Meredith flirting with McSteamy on Grey's Anatomy and feel nothing, see people kiss on the street and feel empty, and watch Romcoms like a zombie, just barely alive as the cutesy couples flirt and play cat and mouse.
For Bella's sake she still tried to show her love to her daughter on Galentines Day. A day out in town, a meal for two, a present, and Belladonna would accept them all in her usual manner. A slight nod, a mumbled thank you and then she would go back to whatever she was already doing. It still drove Liane a little crazy not being able to read Bella's emotions that well but she knew deep down that her efforts were appreciated.
But now with Bella's father in town, the Mayor wanting her to find dirt on him, information about a coma patient coming to light and so much going on, Liane had no time to plan anything for the 13th. Her head was too full of questions and concerns to even consider a moment for herself. Her world had been shaken up like a snow globe and the dust was still settling.
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Liane was still at the office long after school had let out. She felt awful that Bella would be walking out those doors with no one to greet her but she had deadlines to meet. So wanted to just throw all her papers into a fire but she continued to work, her tightly wrapped hair starting to unravel, layers of her neat suit coming off until she was sat hunched at her desk in just a cami top and pants, furiously typing away and writing as the clock ticked on, pushing her reading glasses onto her nose.
As her work day finally came to a close and the sun began to sink in the sky, painting the clouds orange and pink, Liane gathered herself up and trudged out of the office to her car, running to the supermarket for supplies. It would probably be an oven pizza night. As she entered the store she was bombarded by posters declaring "Show your love for that special someone" and cheesy cards saying "Be mine" in cute lettering with teddy bears hugging on the cover.
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Liane rolled her eyes and grabbed a basket as the realisation hit her. There was no gift for Bella! Frantically she searched through the store for something Bella might like, not wanting to let her down and she finally saw the perfect thing for her dark, gloomy daughter of shadows. She stuffed it in her cart and continued her shopping, starting to take more time picking out what she needed, grabbing a bottle of wine for herself.
"I'm home!" Liane called, opening the door with her foot as she brought in groceries.
"Sorry I'm so late, got held up at the office then went to grab groceries. You here?"
"I'm here." Came the response, calm and collected. Liane sighed in relief. She started carrying groceries to the kitchen and eventually Bella came to help her, putting away cereals and meats in the freezer.
"So how was school?"
"Kids were making Valentines cards. The jokes were unfunny and their messages insincere. I do not plan to send any of course but I doubt I will receive any either."
"Oh honey! Anyone would be lucky to have you as a Valentine."
"Inaccurate. But kind. What's for dinner?"
"Pizza! Listen kiddo I'm sorry I didn't plan a meal or do my cute Valentines sack lunch today. I've really dropped the ball this year. Forgive me?"
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Bella paused and surveyed her tired mother's eyes. She saw the pain in her face, the ache in her throat, the sadness in her eyes. She cleared her throat and spoke.
"I do not need a Valentines nor a Galentines to know you love me. You show you love me every day without sending flowers to my door or writing inane poetry. Your actions speak louder than any cheap box of chocolates or heart shaped sandwich. Love is a feeling, and I know your love is real."
Liane smiled, rubbing her daughter's shoulder kindly. She had raised this girl but that mind was often too smart for its own good. As she let go, Liane remembered the gift she had bought.
"So I know you said all that and I also know you aren't easily impressed but when I saw this thing I just...I thought of you so..Happy Galentines Day, Belladonna."
Liane reached into a large shopping bag and pulled out a soft black mass of stuffed velvet and handed the mass to her daughter. Bella turned the velvet egg shape around in her arms and saw it had a face stitched on it with bright green thread for eyes, black thread for whiskers and a triangular shaped nose, and two soft triangular ears. It was an egg shaped black cat plush toy.
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"I know you said you're too old for toys but I know you still have that old doll in your room and even though it is soft and cute I thought this one matches your aesthetic a bit more and I know that you don't mind hugs that are asked for and wanted so I just-"
"Mom. I love it."
Bella responded, her mouth curving up into a very small smile. She held the plush in her arms and squeezed it very gently. It was soft and warm like her mother's hugs. She looked up at Liane, satisfied.
"Thank you. I will treasure this." She put the plush down and opened her arms to her mother, wanting a hug. Liane's eyes were already filled with tears as she embraced her girl. Instead of rolling her eyes, Bella just let it happen, enjoying the moment.
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Liane had never seen Bella smile like that before and she was overcome with emotion, it was like she had finally done something right in this journey of motherhood. As she felt her daughters arms around her waist she felt a huge weight lifting off her shoulders. Her back had started to twinge but she didn't even care. She had made her daughter smile. And that was all she needed.
Eventually Bella pulled away and brushed herself off, picking up her plush and turning to face her mother, her dark brown eyes serious again.
"Since you have made my Galentines so special, I feel there is something you should know. You can choose not to believe me or you can realise this is fated to happen because its all happened before." Belladonna stated, holding her plush tight.
"What's this about?"
"About your Valentines. You aren't meant to be alone. You may say you are a Girl Boss all you wish but there is someone in this town who loves you and I think you also may have begun to love him."
"My father. Ethan. He has not said it to your face but he is clearly in love with you. And you have grown to love him despite the fact you are spying on him for The Mayor but that cannot be helped, he is an asshole and you can't refuse him."
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Belladonna stopped, her gaze fixed on her mother. Liane's cheeks had gone quite pink at this point and her eyes had widened very noticeably. She took her daughter by her shoulders to try and put her mind at ease.
"Sweetie. I- I wouldn't want to- how- that's very sweet, kiddo. But I doubt that. He would more likely hate me if he knew what I was doing. And you're right, I don't like it but I can't refuse the Mayor he's- I can't. But I do want to make you happy so I will stop trying to find dirt on your father if it will make you happy. I'm tired of this anyway, it's eating up my sleep and my time with you. Screw the Mayor. Ethan can do as he pleases in this town. Do you care that he has a record?"
"Then that's all that matters." Liane finished, smiling at Bella. Belladonna eyed her fairytale book, knowing Liane's actions would have consequences but knew that there wasn't much she could do to predict those just yet. But maybe...she could make sure there was someone to save her.
I know it's a day late but hope you enjoyed!
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