#sorry this is a vent feel free to scroll
seiwas · 11 months
i’m terrible omfg my bf was an angel today even tho i was so snappy fr 😭
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Well, that was a much bigger shitstorm than I had been expecting.
First of all, kid's ok, they just kept him over night because he's so young and concussions are a bit more of a risk, especially given his extensive medical history. Thankfully though, he seems to be on the mend, and he should be home by the time you Darlings are seeing this post.
As for why you're seeing this post, originally I was just meant to be playing emergency babysitter until the dad finished work and got home, but unfortunately he's just as big of a piece of shit as he usually is (Why they're still together and actively having more kids I have no idea) and decided that since someone was already with the kids, then instead of rushing home like he was asked to by his wife, he was going to make the best of it and go out drinking with his friends.
Both his wife and his elderly mother in law tried to contact him, but after the third set of calls, he turned off his phone. Not once did he ask who was with his kids, or how his injured son was, all he cared about was going out and drinking. (I sincerely hope she leaves his arse soon. Holy shit)
The mum did apologise to me repeatedly, but since their only living family is her elderly mother who is by no means capable of looking after five kids under the age of seven, she really didn't have a choice but to rely on me until her or her (shitty) husband could return home. And for obvious reasons, she couldn't exactly leave a four year old in the hospital by himself.
In the end, the "dad" didn't get home until about nine am this morning, stinking of grog, and I don't feel comfortable leaving them with him. I did quickly head back and grab a charger for my phone so that I could type this up, but since the youngest ones will be waking from their after feed nap soon, and the mum is still a way's off from getting back, I'm probably not going to have time to sort through my reblogs properly.
On a small positive note though, it does look like all my stuff is back now, so I should be able to go back to posting older reblogs tomorrow. For now, I'm just going to focus on the kids and then go back and crash into my own bed.
Thank you for your understanding and patience, Darling ones. Please remember to take care of yourselves 🖤
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princessg3rard · 5 months
slight vent about sensory issues below the cut :3
why is everything so loud and itchy and weird Jesus fucking christ !! can the idf really not afford to not yell at 18yo for like 3 sec ?? just those 3 like pls I just want a tinsie winsie break that’s all
I’m really grateful that I serve but also I want to kill everyone and run away into the woods
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cookiescr · 1 year
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iknowicanbutwhy · 1 year
12 hour shifts should be illegal. Holy hell.
#venting. Feel free to scroll past#so tired of being stuck in a hole of a town#you try to look for a job and it's like hey! your options are: 10 jobs where there's never enough people working and you have to do#5 tasks at once or 3 jobs where you slave your entire day away in a factory with hypersurveillance and no social interaction#and hey haha maybe you'll get a break?? It's totally not guaranteed in your first 10 options hahaha#FUCK#the nearest marginally okay job is an hour away#gas cost is up the fuckin roof#but hey! there's ways of getting around earning money. You could buy something and make other people's lives more miserable by letting them#borrow it and holding power over them because there's no place to escape to except for another person who owns their shit :)#LIKE YOUR FUCKING HOUSE#AND YOUR CAR#AND THE MONEY YOU SAVE FOR YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR CAR THAT YOU'RE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO USE MOST OF THE TIME#GOD KNOWS I CANT FIX MY GODDAMN TEETH#you could join the shitshow that is online investing- sorry i mean advanced pyramid scheming with a little bit of actual stake in the world#please. please oh my god#the only way to make things even a little easier is to live in a housefull of 5-6 working people but god. At least kids don't have to#work anymore because of government assistance. But once you're an adult with anything a tad over minimum wage? You're on your own buddy#Life was never supposed to be about living hand to mouth. We surpassed that way of living as soon as agriculture became a thing.#automation. surplus. the ability to relax can be mass produced.#please. i just want a job to support the few people i have without turning into some stressed asshole that either sleeps or rages at them
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furcoveredinblood · 2 years
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dollsandmasks · 1 month
You know that moment where you have a crumb of free time and you could be writing, you could be finishing that fic, you could be catching up with your friends, you could take out your sketchbook and draw the most self-indulgent things, you could at least be reading or watching something interesting, but you happen to have a minor task that you don't want to do, your body is slightly uncomfortable from typical body things and your work has been a bit stressful today, so now you are in a restless scrolling more and opening the same three social media apps hoping that something will give you that hit and send your brain in motion and make you either work on tasks or do something fun.
Why am I procrastinating making a single phone call, and then doing fun things forever.
#me#mental health#I know that restless scrolling won't alleviate the slight discomfort I'm feeling from not catering to my bodily needs#but bodily needs require too many steps to fulfil#and phone calls are exhausting what if the person on the other end is mean to me#and if I start doing tasks I might have to do other bigger tasks too#ugh... tasks#it should be “you are free to write your silly little fanfics forever” not “you have already agreed to do that compendium”#“and to make that PowerPoint”#“and to read that book even though it's not something you usually read your colleague was just too passionate with recommending it to you”#no no you don't get it I have the “I'm tired all the time and my eyes hurt” syndrome I can't do shit#btw my psychiatrist refused to diagnose me with ADHD because I get distracted by my own thoughts more than I am by outside stimuli#(even though I do get distracted by outside stimuli all the time)#no idea what's wrong with me then 'cause I'm not going to a new psychiatrist#the last batch I've seen and spent a shitton of money on either refused to diagnose me outright or were openly hostile and demeaning#one tried to institutionalize me against my will and make me take three new medications after I told her how my last ones nearly killed me#guess I'll just tough it out#I should take care of my physical health first but finding a doctor who won't insult you and refuse to treat you is hard#“your test results are good you shouldn't be having symptoms”#Lady I Am Having Symptoms#sorry for the vent y'all#trying to survive out there
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cloudyf0x · 2 years
a thought
you know, i've noticed something. never ever in my life would i have considered myself an optimist. i always thought i was a realist, because i logically weighed situations in my mind and came up with the answer, be it good or bad. my family and friends backed me up. ig you spent five minutes with me and my sarcasm and darkish humor, you would said i was anything but positive, anything but hopeful. but now i realize that i am possibly the only optimist i know. everyone around me has lost hope in humanity, a failing system, a dying planet. i too recognize our society for what it is, a system made to beat us into submission and keep us poor. but something deep inside me will always and relentlessly believe that things will work out. when people joke that they don't see themselves living past 30, i laugh and agree, even though no such thought has ever crossed my mind. the world has beaten down my friends and my family and made them believe that there is nothing but suffering, nothing but darkness, though i see them smile at the sight of a dog, and close their eyes while eating their favorite food. i watch people spread their arms and lift their faces in the rain, smile as they breathe in the steam from a cup of hot tea, watch them lovingly stroke the cover of their favorite book and i wonder, is this not goodness? i will always believe that there is good in this world, that there is good in people. i choose to believe that it is circumstance that turns people bitter and mean, not nature. and i choose to believe this because i see or hear of the selfless works that people do every day, i see the trees and the bugs and the moon. i look at the moon and i believe that this world is good because there is good in me, and i see good in others. i refuse to believe the world is all selfishness and greed and power-hungry businessmen because i have to. because nobody else can.
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mxnsterbabe · 3 months
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Male Naga/Female Reader SFW Wordcount: 2,940 Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist
You get a text from a wrong number, and it sounds like they need a shoulder to cry on. Except, you keep texting, and eventually Teng asks you to meet.
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Elodie sat in her cosy cottage, the fire crackling softly in the hearth. The countryside around her was quiet, a serene backdrop to her evening routine. She sipped her tea, enjoying the warmth that spread through her. The room was bathed in a soft, amber glow from the table lamp beside her. She glanced at her phone, idly scrolling through social media when a notification popped up—a text from an unknown number.
Hey, it's Teng. I got your new number from Jenna. I really need someone to talk to. You free?
Elodie frowned, curiosity piqued. She didn’t know anyone named Teng, and certainly hadn’t given her number to anyone recently; but the message was so earnest, so heartfelt. She hesitated for a moment before typing a response. 
I think you might have the wrong number, but I’m here to listen if you need to talk.
Almost immediately, her phone buzzed again. Oh, I’m sorry! I thought this was my friend’s new number. 
Elodie could have left it at that. It was already late, the guy had no idea who she was, but… well, curiosity had always been her weakness.
She sent another quick message asking if he needed to talk, not expecting him to answer. After all, who wanted to vent to a stranger?
To her surprise, though, he came back with yes, please.
Elodie’s heart softened. She knew all too well what it felt like to be isolated. Living in the countryside had its perks, but it also meant long stretches of solitude.
It’s no problem at all. I’m Elodie. What’s going on, Teng?
There was a brief pause before the next message came through. Thanks, Elodie. I guess it’s just difficult to talk about this stuff with people I know. They’d deny it, but I don’t think my friends really get me.
Elodie replied quickly, her fingers flying over the keys. I get that. Sometimes it feels like no one really sees you, you know? If you need to rant, rant away.
Teng's reply was swift and candid. I’m not stupid, I know I don’t exactly fit in. At work, it's even worse. I'm always the odd one out, and it’s exhausting trying to fit in.
Elodie frowned, her heart aching for him. What do you do for work?
I'm a software developer,Teng responded. It’s a job that allows me to hide behind a screen most of the time, but meetings and social events are a nightmare. Everyone is so... human.
Oh. Her heart did a little flutter. So, he wasn’t human?
Elodie paused, contemplating her next move. Would you like to call me? Sometimes it helps to talk things out loud.
There was a longer pause this time. She waited, watching the little dots on her screen that indicated Teng was typing. Finally, the message came through. I’d like that.
Elodie took a deep breath, then dialed his number. It rang only once before Teng picked up. "Hello?" His voice was thick and raspy, with a lilting Chinese accent; it sent a shiver down her spine.
"Hi Teng, it’s Elodie," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "It’s nice to talk to you."
"Nice to talk to you too, Elodie," Teng replied, his voice softening. "Thank you for listening to me. I really needed this."
"Of course," Elodie said warmly. "So, tell me whatever you want to. Get it off your chest."
Teng sighed, and she could almost see him running a hand through his hair. "It's challenging, but I enjoy my work. The problem is the people. They always seem to be staring, judging. It’s hard not to feel self-conscious."
Elodie’s curiosity got the better of her. "Why do you think they judge you?"
There was a brief silence before Teng spoke again, his voice tinged with nervousness. "Elodie, I need to tell you something important about myself.”
She rose a brow even though he couldn’t see it, waiting silently.
“I’m a naga."
Elodie’s breath caught in her throat. She had heard of nagas, of course she had, but she’d never met one before. As far as she knew, they didn’t get along with many other people. 
"That… explains some stuff," she said carefully. "Is that why you feel so isolated?"
"Yes," Teng admitted, his voice heavy. "My people usually prefer seclusion, away from the hustle and bustle of city life; but I wanted to try living in the modern world. It’s been... difficult."
Elodie’s heart ached for him. "I can only imagine how hard that must be.”
"Thank you for understanding," Teng replied, his voice softening. "Most people don’t. I moved to Oceanhall a year ago for work, but I haven’t made any friends."
Elodie felt a surge of empathy. Oceanhall wasn’t too far from her. "Hey, I get you,” she said softly. “I live in the middle of nowhere, a real countryside cottage; I’ve not exactly been making a lot of friends lately either. Maybe we could both use a friend."
"I Iknow I could," Teng said. "You have no idea how much this means to me."
They continued talking for a long time, after that. The hours ticked by without Elodie even noticing; she was so absorbed in Teng’s beautiful voice, in everything he had to say. 
Despite his struggles, it was pretty clear that Teng was handling it the best he could. He told her about his attempts to fit in at office parties, the difficulties of having a six foot tail in the cramped city spaces. And, of course, his strict dietary restrictions. 
"People don't get why I don't eat like them," Teng said with a chuckle. "Humans, orcs, goblins; they might have different preferences and allergies, but it all boils down to the same thing. Three meals a day, veggies carbs and all that… but us nagas are pretty much exclusively carnivores.”
“Huh. I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah. There’s one vegan at work who really doesn’t appreciate it.”
Elodie smiled, feeling a growing affection for him. "You sound like you’ve been handling it well, all things considered. It must take a lot of strength."
"It does," Teng admitted. "I didn’t realise how much better I’d feel just by talking about it, though."
Elodie’s heart swelled with warmth. "Hey, I’m glad I could help."
There was a brief pause on the line before Teng spoke again, his voice filled with an almost shy hesitation. "I just realised the time. I’m so sorry for keeping you up this late."
Elodie glanced at the clock and saw that it was indeed late, but she smiled to herself. "It’s fine, really. I’ve enjoyed every minute of our conversation."
Teng’s voice softened. "I’ve enjoyed it too. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt comfortable talking to someone."
Elodie’s heart fluttered at his words. She could hear the sincerity in his voice, and it made hersmile even broader. She was about to say something when Teng’s voice came through the line again, this time with a touch of nervousness.
"Elodie, I was wondering... I know it’s a bit of a distance, but would you maybe like to meet up sometime? We could meet halfway. I’d love to take you out to dinner as a thank you for tonight."
Elodie felt a rush of excitement at his suggestion. She had grown so fond of Teng already, and the idea of meeting him in person made her heart stutter. 
"I’d love that, Teng," she said, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "Dinner sounds wonderful. Let’s plan it."
There was a palpable sense of relief in Teng’s voice when he replied. "Really? That’s great. How about this weekend? I can find a nice place for us to meet."
Elodie smiled, her heart racing with anticipation. "This weekend works perfectly. I’m really looking forward to it."
"Me too," Teng said, and she could hear the smile in his voice. "I’ll figure something out. Thanks for humouring me.”
Elodie wasn’t sure how to tell him she wasn’t humouring him at all. If anything, she wanted this even more than he did. Instead of saying so, though, she simply said,”I can’t wait."
They said their goodnights, andn Elodie hung up the phone. She sat back, her mind buzzing with thoughts of Teng. 
As she got ready for bed an hour later, Elodie found herself thinking of Teng’s laugh, the way his voice had that soothing, raspy quality to it, and the thoughtfulness in his words. She was excited about the prospect of meeting him, and the anticipation of their dinner date filled her with a sense of joy she hadn’t felt in a long time.
Climbing into bed, Elodie turned off the lamp and settled under the covers. She closed her eyes, a smile playing on her lips as she replayed their conversation in her mind. There was something special about Teng, something she couldn’t quite place.
Elodie arrived at the little cafe Teng reccomended, her heart pounding against her ribs. The gentle hum of conversation and the clinking of cutlery created a comforting atmosphere, but her mind was racing. She checked her watch and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She had been looking forward to this moment ever since she and Teng had agreed to meet. Now that the time had come, she felt a swirl of nerves.
She chose a table near the window, the warm glow of the café’s lights reflecting off the polished wooden surfaces. The cafe was charming, with an eclectic mix of patrons. She noticed a couple of orcs sharing a hearty meal in one corner and a small group of elves enjoying delicate pastries in another. It was a place that welcomed everyone, no matter their background or dietary needs.
Just then, she heard a soft rustling at the entrance. Turning, she saw him. Teng was more striking than she had imagined. He had a striking face; high cheekbones and full, plush lips. His eyes were a deep, warm shade of brown, looking about the cafe cautiously. 
He was gorgeous, no doubt, buy it was his lower body that truly set him apart. Where his waist should have been, his body transitioned into a long, sleek serpent’s tail, covered in iridescent golden scales that shimmered under the café's lights.
For a moment, Elodie was taken aback. She had known Teng was a naga, but seeing him in person was a different experience entirely. Her initial surprise quickly gave way to a sense of awe. Despite his inhuman features, there was an undeniable beauty about him, and she felt drawn to him in a way she hadn’t expected.
Teng approached slowly. “Elodie?” he asked softly, his voice thick and raspy. His accent seemed thicker in person, with a slight lisp.
She nodded, managing a smile. “Hi Teng. It’s really nice to meet you.”
His eyes softened with relief. “You too.”
They stood there for a moment, taking each other in. Elodie could see the nervousness in Teng’s eyes, and she felt a wave of empathy wash over her. She stepped forward and gestured to the table. “Shall we sit?”
Teng nodded, and they made their way to the table by the window. As they settled down, Elodie couldn’t help but glance at Teng’s tail, which coiled gracefully beneath the table. The scales glinted under the warm café lights, creating a mesmerizing pattern.
“This place is wonderful,” she said, breaking the silence. “Thank you for suggesting it.”
He smiled, showing sharp teeth. “I’m glad you like it. I thought it would be a good spot for us, considering they cater to all kinds of people.”
Teng’s eyes met hers, and she could see a flicker of appreciation at her easy acceptance.
They perused the menu together, chatting easily about their options. The café offered a diverse array of dishes, from hearty stews and fresh salads to more exotic offerings tailored to different species’ needs. Elodie noticed Teng’s eyes light up when he found a section dedicated to naga cuisine.
“What are you thinking of ordering?” Elodie asked, curious.
Teng smiled, a hint of excitement in his eyes. “They have a dish here that I haven’t had in years. Fresh, raw fish and local herbs.”
“Kind of like sashimi?”
“Yeah, exactly!”
Elodie nodded. “That sounds amazing. Maybe I’ll give it a try too.”
“You don’t have to,” Teng said, and he seemed to wilt in front of her. “It’s an acquired taste, don’t force yourself.”
Her heart ached for him. Without thinking, she reached across the table and took his hand in hers. His skin was cool to the touch, dotted with beautiful gold and amber scales. His fingers curled around hers, and so Elodie gave him a light squeeze.
“I know we don’t know each other well,” she admitted. “You seem like a really good guy. I’m not forcing myself to try your food, or whatever else you’re thinking. I want to be here.”
“I’ve always felt like an outsider,” Teng admitted. “People see me and believe a whole host of things that aren’t true. I guess it’s difficult not to assume the worst.”
Elodie reached out and placed her hand on his, her touch gentle and reassuring. “I can’t imagine how tough that must be. For what it’s worth, I think you’re pretty great.”
They lapsed into a comfortable quiet, Elodie watching Teng from the corner of her eyes. He really was handsome, all dark hair and shining eyes.
When the food arrived, Elodie’s eyes widened at the sight of the meal. The dish was beautifully presented, with fresh fish slices arranged artfully over a bed of herbs. It looked almost too beautiful to eat, but the raw aspect was slightly intimidating. It wasn’t like sashimi at all.
“I have to admit,” Elodie said, glancing at Teng with a nervous smile, “this wasn’t quite what I expected. I’m a little intimidated.”
Teng chuckled softly. “Don’t worry. I’ll show you how it’s done.” He picked up a piece of fish and dipped it into what looked like a lemon sauce, then ate the piece whole.
Following his lead, Elodie picked up a piece of fish, imitating Teng’s movements. She dipped it into the sauce and took a tentative bite. The flavour exploded in her mouth; fresh and citrus, with a hint of sweetness
“Wow,” she said, her eyes widening. “This is really good!”
Teng smiled, clearly pleased. “I’m glad you like it. It’s one of my favourites.”
Elodie took another bite, enjoying the silky-soft texture of the fish. “So, what other foods do you enjoy?” she asked.
“I eat a lot of meat,” Teng explained, picking up another piece of fish. “Mostly raw. There’s one dish my mum used to make; raw tuna and watermelon salad.”
She had to admit, that was difficult to imagine. “I love trying new foods,” she said. “This is definitely new, but I’m really enjoying it.”
When he grinned, she glimpsed those sharp fangs again. It made her stomach flip and oh, she wanted to know what it felt like to kiss him.
Wait, where had that come from?
“Nagas have a drink called vargash,” Teng said, snapping Elodie from her thoughts. “It’s a fermented drink kind of like a sweet beer. It’s a shame they don’t sell it here, it goes well with fish.”
Elodie leaned forward, trying not to look at him for too long. Could he tell that she was thinking of him like this? She distracted herself by saying, “I’d love to try it sometime.”
Teng smiled. “Maybe next time we meet, I can bring some for you to try.”
Elodie felt a warm flutter in her chest at the thought of another meeting. “I’d like that.”
As they finished their meal, the underlying  thrum between them became almost unbearable. Every glance, every touch seemed charged with a subtle electricity that made Elodie’s heart race. 
When the server cleared their plates and brought the bill, Teng turned to Elodie with a gentle smile. “Would you like me to walk you to your car?”
Elodie’s heart skipped a beat at the thought of spending a little more time with him. “I’d like that very much.”
They stood up and made their way out of the café, the cool evening air a pleasant contrast to the warmth inside.
When they reached her car, Teng hesitated for a moment before turning to face her. “Elodie, I’ve really enjoyed tonight. Could we do this again?”
Elodie’s stomach flipped as she blurted, “yeah, I’d love to.”
Teng took a step closer, his voice soft. “Can I kiss you goodnight?”
Elodie’s heart fluttered, and she nodded. “Absolutely”
Teng leaned in slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. When their lips met, Elodie felt a surge of warmth and affection. His lips were cool and soft against hers, his fangs pressing lightly into her lower lip. He tasted of fresh herbs and lemon.
When they finally pulled away, Elodie’s heart was thudding so fast, she swore he could hear it too.
“I’ll see you again?” she asked softly.
“Of course. Same time next week?”
Elodie didn’t know how she could wait an entire week to see him again, but she nodded anyway.
They exchanged a lingering look before saying their goodnights. He kissed her again, one arm snaking around her waist to pull her close. His tail got in the way, but he curled it around her feet and Elodie shivered in delight.
“Goodnight,” Teng said quietly. “Get home safe.”
Elodie watched as Teng disappeared into the night, her heart full and her mind buzzing with thoughts of him. Next week couldn’t come quickly enough.
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experimentfae · 11 months
Marshall Lee x fem! reader
You were at your job sadly that job was the unfortunate retail, at a music shop “hey do you where the flutes are?” Asked a women who weirdly look identical to you’re friend fionna “yeah there best to the drum sticks.” She thanked you headed there. 
You sighed going through your phone to pass the time not realizing someone entered the store. While continued you’re scrolling around you’re favorite app you heard someone come up.
You put your phone and your eyes widen and felt your cheeks become red to see a super hot guy, “hey can I a guitar pick?” Took you a minute but you realized they’re right behind you “o-oh sorry I’m.. let me g-get this for you.” Inside you are feeling embarrassed that you’re stuttering.
“No biggie.” You put the Guitar pick on the scanner “is that all.” He seemed to be in thought it he quickly got out of it “na this is all I need.” “That… um well be 1.30.” You spoke avoiding eye contact. “Here you are and see ya.” He handed the money and head out with his new guitar pick.
You banged your head onto the counter “I completely embarrassed myself, he probably thinks I’m some weirdo now.” You groaned out “um hello.” You looked back up now extremely embarrassed you forgot that chick was still here “Sorry! Um I’ll scan that for you.” You replied just wanting this interaction to be over.
After she payed her flute she left, you sighed you took your phone, beginning to text fionna need to vent what just happened.
[y/n]: Fionna I did something stupid I need you to make me feel better!
[Fionna]: what happened?
[y/n] I embarrassed myself in front of this hot guy, then I embarrassed my self again with some that look like you’re twin but that’s besides the point.
[Fionna]: weird properly saw her before. It’s ok (y/n) that guy will forget eventually and next time you see him you can re introduce yourself.
[y/n]: you’re probably right just also upset is because I didn’t even get to know what his name was. Hopefully I do see him again.
[Fionna]: I’m sure you will (y/n) are you busy this weekend?
[y/n]: Nope my weekend is free.
[Fionna]: Awesome I been wanting to try the new boba shop that opened up, been dying to try one of those.
(Y/n): then I’ll see you tomorrow bye bud lunch break is starting and I’m super hungry.
[fionna]: Bye Bud.
After lunch breaks me more work you finally finished work, you headed home and was thankful the weekend came quicker then you thought.
Next day you and fionna were at the boba shop getting your orders “maybe I should get this one.” Mutters fionna as she looked around the boba options. You already made you’re choice waiting for you’re drink.
You then suddenly see the hot guy again you almost gasped let’s pray that you good maybe even ok at least “hey fionna.” He spoke heading towards her…. Wait what.
“Hey Marshall Lee just getting some boba with (y/n).” She knew him?! You watched as his eyes widen when he looked your way “It’s you from that music shop.” NOOOOO HE REMEMBERS!!!! “I um… I need to use the bathroom!” You yelled speeding away.
Thankfully the place did actually have one, so you went in trying to hide until he left “why the did I do that.” You groaned out feeling frustrated at yourself, you embarrassed yourself again, You immediately beginning texting fionna.
[y/n]: you knew him?!
[Fionna]: Marshall Lee was the guy you were talking about? Small world.
[y/n]: how come you didn’t tell me? Who else do you know?
[Fionna]: well I know this guy named Gary and that’s about it really and I guess, and LSP oh almost forgot Hunter.
[y/n]: Wait isn’t Hunter you’re boyfriend?
[Fionna]: What no! This is about you not about me and if you’re waiting for him to leave he left, so come out of the bathroom.
You let out a sigh of relief and came back out to see fionna with her boba waiting for you. “Done chickening out?” Fionna asked “I’m not chickening put I’m just… needed to genuinely use the bathroom.” “Huh uh.” She replied with a knowing smirk.
“If you’re interested he told me he thought you were cute.” Fionna stated while drinking ther boba “wait really?” You asked with hope in your eyes “yeah.” She simply said like it wasn’t a big deal. You became flustered.
“You know what I should get you guys to officially meet!” Fionna suggested with excitement “I… maybe I would be more prepared.” You replied feeling hopeful this time “yeah, maybe you, me, cake and Marshall Lee can have a hangout.” “Sounds cool.” You agreed feeling a bit of confidence.
“So how about Wednesday?” Fionna suggested “yeah I could do that.” You replied “cool.” You two counties with your day out until night time, you were home now hoping you could be able to face Marshall Lee in person, after all he thinks you’re cute.
Couple days later, Wednesday came and After work you got dressed and waited for fionna to tell you the location.
[y/n]: where’s the location at?
[Fionna]: where at a Marshall Lee place’s he wanted us to hang out to watch the movie me and cake found called ‘heat signature’ .”
[y/n]: I did hear that movie was pretty good alright guess I’ll head over there.
Fionna sent you the location, thankfully it wasn’t that far, you checked to see it was the right apartment and it was, so you knocked on the door making sure you looked good then you see Marshall Lee opening the door.
“(Y/n) you made it, come in.” You wanted to see something but it’s like the words got stuck in your throat so you just walked in. “Alright.” He spoke seating down on his red sofa. “Yes! movie night, oh can you make nachos I always wanted to try those.” Spoke cake in excitement “alright I’ll be back and you guys make yourself comfortable.” Cake and Fiona sat together while Fiona assured for you to sit next to her.
“So got the hots for Marshall Lee.” Stated cake making you blush “it’s obvious isn’t it?” “Yeah.” Cake simply said while eating chips, “don’t worry remover what I said about Marshall Lee he thinks you’re cute.” Reassured Fionna “thank’s fionna.” We then see Marshall Lee back with the nachos.
“Be careful cake I p- cake didn’t wait time and grabbed a nacho and ate the whole chip until you started screaming my a little and immediately grabbed her drink and gulped the whole thing. “What.. the Glob.. was that?!” Yelled cake between breathes this made Marshall Lee laugh “there are jalapeño peppers in there, I tried to warn you.”
Cake could only grunt while the rest of us laugh, “you have a nice, laugh.” You paused you’re laughing to see Marshall Lee was talking to you, “I-um t-thanks.” He smiled “you’re welcome. “Now let’s watch this movie.” He said Turing the light off and starting the movie.
While watching the movie you grabbed the nachos and other snacks you hummer in delight of tasting the food “glad you like it, I’m not much of a chef but… I try.” He spoke “yeah it’s… it’s good.” You agreed making him smile.
“I gotta use the bathroom.” Fionna stated while nudging cake “huh.” Cake looked confused until she seemed to remember something “oh! Um right I’ll come with.” They both got up and left.
You both Continue to watch. “Sir I can’t get a radar it’s like… they be one have a heat signature?!” Spoke one characters you forgot the name of already. “You know they did that to give us alone time.” Spoke Marshall Lee with a knowing smirk.
“That’s explains w-why they both went to the bathroom.” You replied “and I know that you have a thing for me girl it’s apparent.” This comment made you blush like crazy you’re hands instinctively covers you’re face. “wait no I-!“it’s ok no need to shout I think you’re cute, and I wanna get to know you more.”
You slowly uncovers your hands “really?” “Really now when can we hang out again?” He asked with hope making your confidence come through “I… maybe next weekend would be cool to hang.” You’re face no longer you showed you’re small smile to him “cool then let me give you my number.” He text you his and you text him your number.
“Well then cutie can’t wait for next weekend.” You smiled “yeah can’t wait too.” Fionna and Cake came back with smiles “so you gonna date now?!” Cheered Cake “that takes time cake.” You replied “makes sense, I guess.” She replied.
You guys continue to watch the movie but you couldn’t help but continue about your next hangout with Marshall Lee.
<- Back to MasterList or back to Fionna and Cake/ adventure time
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seiwas · 11 months
a good cry always does wonders
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navybrat817 · 2 years
A Phone Call Away
Pairing: Motocross!Ari Levinson x Female Reader Summary: No matter what, Ari is just a phone call away. Word Count: Almost 1.1k Warnings: Pining, slight angst and hurt/comfort, fluff and feels, reference to cheating (not by Ari), motocross!Ari Levinson (he’s a warning, okay? A/N: Fourth day of my Naughty & Nice Nonsense belongs to Beast and Sweetart! I can't wait to share more of them. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Banner and moodboard by yours truly. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You sat on the floor as you unpacked your last box and took a moment to glance around your bedroom. You didn't realize how little you had at Carter's place until you went to get your things. True to his word, Ari got your phone back and helped you get everything out of there not long after. A couple of his friends showed up and were nice enough, but didn't say much to you. They made sure your ex wouldn't bother you or interfere. You only saw him for a split second and took great satisfaction when you noticed his black eye.
You didn't think you hit Carter hard enough to do any damage and Ari didn't mention punching him when he retrieved your phone. He only said that you wouldn't have to worry about your ex bothering you again. If he had hit him, you hoped he didn't get in any sort of trouble. You weren't worth it.
"You call me if you need anything," Ari said after he helped drop everything off. "Even if it's just to vent."
He saved his number as "Beast" under your contacts.
Thinking of that made you smile before you pulled a hand painted picture frame out of the box, staring at the photo of you and Carter inside. Most didn't know you well enough to spot that your smile in the picture was a bit forced. You may have pushed the red flags to the back of your mind, but your smile couldn't lie.
You glanced at your bed as flashes of Carter whirled through your mind. The physical part never seemed to be an issue, but it wasn't enough for him. Your stomach turned and you fought down bile that threatened to rise in your throat. You hadn't told your parents yet. They would find a way to blame you for him cheating.
But it isn't my fault, right?
You sniffled as you grabbed your phone and scrolled until you got to Ari's number. He had done more than enough for you and you didn't want to bother him, but the thought of talking to him comforted you. Was it because he looked like he could break you, but showed you a softer side?
You still couldn't believe you cried in his arms the way you did, but it was freeing in a sense to be vulnerable. Ari didn't seem like the type to judge either. A gentle giant.
He said he wants me to go to his next race, so maybe he wouldn't mind hearing from me.
Pressing on his name, you sniffled again as you waited in anticipation for him to answer. Your heart sank as three rings went by and he didn't pick up. He was probably busy between work, practice, and his friends. Or maybe there was someone else.
If there is, I can't be upset. I just got out of a relationship and he doesn't owe me a single thing.
"Hey, Sweetart," he answered on the fourth ring.
"Hey, Beast," you smiled, blood rushing to your cheeks as the nickname rolled off your tongue. "This isn't a bad time, is it?"
"I was just about to take a shower."
"Oh," you said, wondering if he was still dressed or if he was naked.
His massive body probably looked glorious under a spray of water.
Now that image is in my mind.
"I'm sorry I bothered you. I can talk to you later."
"No, no. It can wait," he assured you. "And you aren't bothering me. Told you to call me if you need anything."
"Thanks," you said softly.
You weren't sure what to say next and wondered if it was a mistake to call.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, breaking the silence. “Is he bothering you?”
So protective.
"No, he isn’t, but I don't know if I’m okay. My mind wandered a bit once I finished unpacking and I could feel that I was starting to get upset, so I called you," you explained, wiping at your eyes as you took a deep breath. "And since you aren't here to hug me, I wanted to talk to you. Hearing your voice is making me feel better."
This is the part where he tells me I'm crazy and to lose his number.
"I make you feel better?" he asked after a moment.
"Yeah, you do," you said truthfully.
You almost giggled at the admission. It probably sounded like you had a silly crush on him. Maybe you did. Beyond the physical attraction and intimidating aura was a protective and thoughtful man. He didn't strike you as the type to cheat or hurt anyone without good reason.
So if there was a positive in being hurt by Carter, it was meeting Ari.
"I thought I scared most people," he said quietly.
"You don't scare me," you said above a whisper.
Beast or not, you weren't afraid of him.
"You're just saying that because you want one of my amazing hugs."
"I could definitely use a hug," you smiled, imagining his arms around you. "You really have done a lot to help me recently and I can't thank you enough."
"You have nothing to thank me for. I wanted to help you."
Ari's voice soothed you as you tucked your knees under your chin. "I owe you and the guys pizza and beer, at least."
They took time out of their day to deal with your mess and refused to let you pay them for helping you get your things. You wanted to do something. It was the least you could do.
"Don't tell Barnes and Rogers that because they'll take advantage of your generosity," he chuckled, making you smile. "But if you really want to, I can set something up after the next race. You're still going, right?"
Does he sound nervous or am I imagining that?
"I'll be there," you promised. You wouldn't break your word. "Why do I have a feeling I won't end up paying a cent?"
"Because your money's no good here."
"That isn't fair," you giggled.
"Maybe not, but it made you laugh," he pointed out.
"Yeah, it did," you said.
"So, what's your favorite kind of pizza?"
You spent the next hour talking to Ari, eventually moving from the floor to your bed so you could get comfortable. He kept the conversation light, like he knew you didn't have the energy to discuss anything too heavy. By the time you wrapped up the call, your ex and the unpleasant feelings from earlier were far from your mind.
All thanks to Beast.
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Slow(ish) burn of sorts? He'll be so good to you. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Misc. Chris Evans Characters Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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theangelcatalogue · 3 months
❝ You can't see me behind the screen! ❞ ― ABOUT THE BLOG
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❝ I'm half human and half machine! ❞
Hello, I see you found my post! Keep scrolling, or read it! It's your choice!
Ah! You decided to read it! Welcome to my blog!
About the mythic bitch(Aka me, the owner, Heathers reference) :
Name/Nicknames: Abbey, Sky, Richie, Duke, i have too many nicknames! You can see me more at my about me post, this part is just a resume!
Age: 14 years old! Yes, i'm a minor <3
Pronouns: Any!
Location: Brazil!
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What i don't write for/What you won't find here:
Homophobic content, Transphobic content, Xenophobic content, Islamophobic content, etc.
Misogynistic content
Racist content, sexist content, ableist content, discrimination content, etc.
Content that invalidates a character's pronouns, gender or identity!
Pedophile, Sexualizes Minors, Yandere x child Y/N(unless is Platonic!), Jokes About R×pe, etc.
Comship, Darkship, Proship, etc.
Nsfw/Smut, i'm not really into it, sorry!
Yandere Y/N, sorry Yandere Y/N lovers!
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What I Write:
Yandere fanfiction! This is a blog only for yandere x reader content, so no Yandere Reader or Yandere character X Yandere character!
Headcanons, Oneshots, Love Letters, Imagines, Multi chapter fanfics and many other! Just request and i will try my best! :D
Team ups, poly or rivals? Why not! (I personally love writing Team ups or Yandere Vs Yandere is so ksosoakkskaoap)
Romantic and Platonic! Maybe even both! Exemple: Yandere team up with one being romantic and other being platonic
My fandom list/masterlist is here! But i also write for my ocs! ^^
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What to expect here:
Not so regular updates, and things made by a bored teenager
Writing prompts and a bunch of weird ideas
Me saying random shit
Reblogs of things i like
Musical- Wait i already said that, didn't i?
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Feel free to send me asks, vents, ideas messages, requests, etc! My askbox is open! Don't be shy angel! <33 (Say the one that is scared to even breath wrong near people)
If you don't like me content, it's okay! You can unfollow anytime! Or just ignore my blog! Tumblr it's a huge place with many blogs, i promise that you will find one with things you love!
Thanks for reading! Your lucky number is 7. You will soar to great heights. Be sure to ride The Cyclone! Wait- Wrong musical- Anyways!
I hope you enjoy my content!
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little-worm-grant · 6 months
Marc's POV: The Weekend
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1,013 words / 18+ only, no minors
If you like what you see, leave a like or reblog and follow me ♥ Summary: Marc has a weekend to himself and is trying a hand at this whole self-care crap that everyone's on his ass about. Turns out he can't get away from himself. Warnings: No smut. Mentions family death, C-PTSD, childhood trauma, self-hatred, hurt/comfort. I'm all up in my feels and wanted to write a character that can relate. Sorry not sorry in advance 8) Most important thing to remember: Take care of yourself first, no one can do it better than you can.
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Marc was having a good weekend. There was nothing special about it but that was the whole point. Layla was going to be gone for another week. He wasn't out on a job. He wasn't tasked with doing anything special for Steven. There was a few jobs around the apartment he could be doing - he probably should be doing - but instead, he'd decided to try that whole self-care crap the others kept getting on his ass about.
So he tried doing nothing. A day of rest. A whole weekend of it.
Admittedly, at first, it was an unsettling sensation. Didn't feel right that he wasn't trying to be useful to someone else. He'd always pushed Steven to the front to take up the majority of their free time. Now that he had it, what would he do with it?
Turned out that doing nothing was doing something. He doom-scrolled on his phone for the longest time. Longer than he cared to admit. Not entirely permitted on a day of rest but it was enjoyable and no one was there to stop him.
More importantly, Steven wasn’t there to stop him.
He remained in bed. Finding no motivation alone to get out of the pit he'd settled into and called home. Letting himself rot was self-care, right? Wrong. Steven didn’t need to be there for Marc to hear that little British voice saying otherwise.
Eventually, hunger took over his needs. Prepared a meal in the form of leftovers. Told himself not to meal prep for the others while he was at it. He should. They needed to eat properly too. This weekend was about doing something for himself. Why was that so much harder?
Found himself venting to Gus. Even with his whole weekend shtick of only focusing on himself, the fish needed to eat. Little bastard relied on them. Plus he really didn't need another fish funeral as part of his self-care routine. Marc found he was indeed a good listener. Even if he was ranting about nonsensical things. It felt good to get it off his chest.
The evening was spent reading but that soon put him back to sleep.
Overall, if someone asked, he'd say it was a pretty decent weekend.
By Sunday, it did feel like it'd taken some of the weight off his shoulders. Lost a lot of the day to a game he discovered where he could renovate houses. Something about the repetition relaxed him. Let him switch off while still being very much at the forefront of their mind.
At some point his phone buzzed. Expected it to be Layla calling and paused his game to take it. Froze when he saw what name that came up.
It was his ma calling.
He hadn't spoken to her on the phone in years. Watched the phone buzz with some underlining urgency. Knowing it wouldn't be forever but that moment felt like an eternity. Staring at the screen. Suspicious and unmoved. That churning in his stomach. He should take it. He knew he should. Could take a good guess at what would come if he did.
The call rang out and stopped, but Marc was still staring at the screen.
Why now? What did she want?
He should call her back. Apologize for not picking up. Make up some excuse why he couldn't. Nothing came to mind. He pushed the phone away from himself. Couldn't bring himself to go back to his game. He pushed away from the desk. Needing to move. To find something to distract him. To ground him.
His ma had called. He checked again. Sure enough, a missed call.
No message. No voice mail.
Another punishment of hers. Only this one was of his own doing. A reminder of what a bad son he was. He should call her back.
He paced his apartment.
What if something bad had happened?
What if it's nothing and she's just drunk again and wants to lash out?
But what if she doesn't? What if she actually wanted to talk to him?
He threw his phone on the bed. Watching it bounce off and go clattering along the floorboards. Another thing that went out of his control. Hand wiping over his face and into his hair to pull. It hurt but he needed to feel something. It was that or he'd hit himself.
Why was she calling him? Hadn't she died? That unsettling logic in the mess of his thoughts brought him back to himself. He checked his phone again. The bottom right of the screen was all cracked, but it still functioned. Couldn't find it in himself to care about the damage. He was going back to the call logs.
Ma had called. It was there in plain sight. Tears welled in his eyes. He dropped down into his bed and curled up in his sheets. Tried holding it in but alone with the missed call he found it all came crashing down. He sobbed like a little boy again. That was easier to do than to call her back.
Had to remind himself he was safe, he was okay. That he wasn't that kid anymore.
He should call her, but everything in his brain told him he shouldn't want to call her. He couldn't even say he hated her. The truth was, he didn't. He wanted to love her. As he'd grown, he came to an understanding that he could love her at a distance and accept she couldn't love him back.
It couldn't be his ma that called. She was dead. Maybe he was losing it again. That made more sense.
He thumbed at his contacts. Hitting the call button and bringing the phone to his ear. Listening to the ring until she picked up.
"Hey." His voice cracked.
Layla’s voice on the other end. Concerned but trying not to be. Marc uncurled and rolled onto his back. Taking a breath. The corner of his lip quirked to something she said.
"Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you."
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brown-little-robin · 14 days
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𓃦 introduction post ahead 𓃥
I'm Robin, and you can call me by that name <3
My inbox and messages are open for anyone to drop by. I'm a little slow to reply, sometimes, but I like talking to people <3
If you talk to me about things I'm into, tell me about your ocs, or share about your mundane life, I may become fond of you for the rest of time. this is your warning.
I like it when other people put their interests and likes in their bios, so here are some of mine: I'm always thinking about Mob Psycho 100, The Murderbot Diaries, and The Goblin Emperor. Currently obsessed with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I like brownies and canids and clowns (ask me about clowns I'm so normal about clowns) and dancing badly alone. I'm learning Japanese. I have synesthesia and love explaining what it's like.
Tags to be aware of: I try to remember to tag for blood and gore ("tw blood" and "tw gore"). I also try to tag for cursing ("tw language") but don't always catch things right away. "memento mori" is my tag for posts that center death and mortality, "faith tag" for posts that are explicitly about religion. "discourse sorry" is for anything I feel might evoke anger or stress related to the real world. (I avoid spreading that in general, but occasionally do reblog with that tag.) "Robin speaks" is for me talking, and "Robin processes emotions on main" is my tag for messy personal posting. I also have sorting tags for things like fandoms (e.g. "jojoblogging" and "mob meta") and art forms (e.g. "ceramics" and "fabric art").
Feel free to block any of my tags; I never mind. Also, note: I have plenty of emotional support that is not tumblr-based, so please Don't be shy or guilty about scrolling past my emotions-posting. That's all just me venting.
Links: I've got a ceramics sideblog at @robinsceramics where I post pictures of my stuff :] and I occasionally write fanfiction here.
and finally. I will leave you with this
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fictionfreedom · 2 months
Having been more on the anti side even if I didn't know about shipcourse really gives me a lot to think about. It was cause I was reactionary and had triggers.
(long rant ahead)
And most of the time, it wasn't even stuff I just stumbled upon. Either it was someone I followed and didn't know was into that or it was an algorithm recommending it (like finding stuff in google images or told "you may like this!") or I would actively search for it and scroll to be mad.
It's a miserable way to live. Learning to block is so freeing honestly. Like I mean. I've undone a lotta that thinking and even have a lot of egregious things that would get me looked at weird. But also if you are in that mindset because of triggers, it just keeps you triggered. It just keeps you hurting yourself because you're so busy being mad and trying to feel justified. You aren't helping people by focusing on this "problematic content." And most of the time, you're just exposing that content to more people that don't want to see it just for the sake of being mad and harassing a stranger for a fucking coping mechanism.
"it's not a healthy coping mechanism" that's not for you to decide. "I used to do it and it made me worse." Sorry for you, but that doesn't mean it's unhealthy for them. "But it could trigger others" that's why tws and tags exist. It IS possible to avoid seeing content that upsets you. I've managed to do it as I was leaving the anti side of things.
For antis, they expose themselves the most to that form of content just to be mad about it and feel like they're protecting minors. And even if it comes from a place of trauma like mine, it doesn't help. And even if it WAS an unhealthy coping mechanism for someone, it is not YOUR JOB as a complete stranger to handle that. It is not your job to decide what's best for someone that you don't know a single thing about. You don't know their face, their legal name, their life, their family, their friends. And yet you're deciding what's best for them. They'll share screenshots of the posts, talk all about it, share it around. I saw more harmful triggering content as an anti than I ever have since being more proship/just not giving a shit cause I'm too busy focusing on taking care of myself.
But antis make it seem like they're shoving it down people's throat. When most of the time you either have to go looking for it or it's some algorithm that makes it show up. In which case, it's not their fucking fault it "breached containment."
It's really easy to cater your space especially on tumblr of all places. You don't have to understand or like it. But you do not know that person or anything.
Also the "you can use it to cope, but not publicly" is just bs. It still encourages shame of it. And a lot of the time to help people is needing a community.
(this turns vent below. personal experience related to the above phrase.)
I've had that phrase used against me for my sfw agere because I referred to my caretaker as "daddy" and got made fun of for being cringe and treated like it was a fucking kink. Because I was too dissociated at the time to remember to add an agere tag above it on the app I was using. And instead of just letting me know, they mocked us and made fun of us and said it was a "borderline kink." (Not even against the kink myself. It was just the fact that it was our sfw agere coping. We felt little after a horrible day.) and made fun of us for a simple post being happy at our caretaker caring for us.
They used my little mistake of not putting it under a tagline (like under the keep reading line on here, that app was very different) and noting it as agere to be disgusted at the word daddy. "I don't need to see 'daddy' on my timeline. You should think of other people on this app." (Because the way the app works is that in the most recent feed you see every single post unless blocked or privated. So the shitty way the app worked led to this even happening.) To say it was cringe and should be done in private. On an app meant for mental health venting and posting. To make me seem like a creep. For a like two sentence post. And cause I, a dissociated autistic individual, didn't know how to properly tag my post.
That app was filled with essentially cliques and high school mean girls so it's a big part why I left. That and the terrible staff. And it was filled with antis and discourse and drama. And bigots and predators. It was a whole mess.
But back to original point. Having been on the anti side as well is like. You really have to realize that making sure to manage your triggers is YOUR responsibility. I would spend so much time being angry at these people by going INTO THEIR TAGS. To scroll and be mad. Never bothered anyway cause I don't interact with people, but still. And now when I see someone with a rancid opinion or being an asshole or I just don't vibe, ✨ b l o c k ✨ Actual harmful abusive and predatory people are everywhere and it is never as easy as looking at the content they like to be able to tell. That's why they often are outed by people before you know what they were doing. You don't need to harm prevent by removing things that are coping mechanisms. Because if they were used in a bad way, that is not the fault of the creator. If it breaches containment, that is not the fault of the creator that tagged it properly and shit.
And realize that it's not up to you to protect the imaginary minors being groomed. Because if one of them is being harmful to minors or others, that is not because of them being proship. :) same reason there are predators and abusers everywhere. Every community has them. It is not because of the content they make or enjoy that a person in their community is harmful.
(sorry for poor wording, trouble thinking and keeping brains straight and semiverbal, disorganized thinking and speech, hope could get points across)
(Sorry I don't have any add-ons rn lol)
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