#sorry this is brought on by me thinking about my blades character who I cursed and haven’t played in ages but have so many plans for
ttrpgs and similar games are interesting because you’re telling an elaborate story with a small group of people. you’re putting in effort and having all these ideas that sometimes 3 other people in the entire world will see come true. you think about aspects of the story that you sometimes never get the chance to share. and that makes things lightly tragic sometimes, but hell if it isn’t the most fun you could possibly have sometimes, just telling silly stories with your friends.
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purpleprincessonfyre · 2 months
OUAT AU Season 2 - Take a look what you've done
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Setting: The Enchanted Forest
Main Characters: Maleficent/Liane Felton, Charming/Nikolai, Hook/Jeremy, Belladonna and Joshua
Other characters: Alice Liddell, Sleeping Beauty/Petra Summers
IB: OUAT Season 2, Bad Blood (Taylor's Version)
Once again Liane found herself in that fire room, struggling to see as the flames encircled her. It was like hell as she tried to make her way across the glass floor, looking for a door or anything. She tried throwing her own fire at it but her powers weren't working for some reason. The flames burned at her vision, her eyes starting to water in the room, the room starting to fade as she began to hear a voice.
"Don't. Move."
Liane's eyes snapped open to see a dagger pointed at her face, an angry redhead holding the blade, making eye contact with her.
"Hello, Maleficent."
Liane sighed. Of course the first person she'd meet in this land would be the one person with a bone to pick.
"Princess. Pleasure as always."
"Don't even try to use your magic, this dagger will go right through your neck."
"And I thought alarms were a rude awakening."
"Whatever you have planned, we will stop it."
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Liane groaned but the realisation hit her.
"Where's my daughter?"
"Your- what?"
"My daughter. Belladonna. Dark hair. Bad attitude. Doesn't smile much."
"Oh uh, I think Alice has her."
"If you lay a finger on her I swear-"
But the Princess didn't even flinch holding her dagger tighter, the blade starting to dig into her skin. Liane stood up slowly, holding up her hands in surrender. The Princess lowered her dagger a little, seeing her not fighting back.
"Good. No fire."
"Wasn't planning on it."
"Al! I got Maleficent covered!"
As the Princess led Liane away from the tree, a short young woman stepped out of the shadows, sword in hand, Bella's neck being held under the sword.
"Let go of my daughter."
"I said, let go of my daughter.." Liane growled, her eyes changing colour as she spoke.
"No fire or off with her head!" The blonde with the sword replied, holding the flat of the blade to Bella's throat. Liane calmed down, her eyes returning to normal.
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"Now let go of my daughter. Joshua put the gun away, that really won't help us here."
"I beg to differ, I have a firearm, she has a butter knife."
"Joshua just put it away."
"Fine." Joshua pocketed the gun and the blonde lowered her sword from Belladonna's neck. But the redhead wasn't dropping her gaze from Liane's.
"Whatever your plans are, Maleficent, you're too late. This land is already a wasteland."
"Look I do have a name yknow? Petra, I know you're pissed I cursed you but that was...years ago! I was a dumb teenager then!"
"Okay fine it was my early twenties but still!"
"Why are you here?"
"We were trying to banish something called a Balance Knight that came after Alexander and got sucked into the portal with it."
The blonde put away her sword, her eyes widening.
"You brought the Balance Knight to the forest?"
"Sorry but who are you?"
"I'm Alice Liddell. Slayer of the Jabberwock, Protector of Wonderland."
"Wonderland? You know my husband, Ethan, The Ace of Hearts?"
"You married The Ace of Hearts? He was sent to kill you!"
"Yeah about that-"
"Can you tell your daughter to stop staring at me? She's got a very Cheshire stare."
Liane looked over at Belladonna who had her gaze fixed on Alice. She knew that look. She'd seen that look when Bella had requested they watch Twilight. And when she'd watched Edward Scissorhands. And Sleepy Hollow. She sighed.
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"Bella honey you're staring."
"Right, sorry Miss Alice ma'am, uh I've just never met someone like you before."
"From Wonderland?"
Petra rolled her eyes. Clearly she was tired of this sidetracked conversation and wanted answers. And moony eyed Alice was not helping her situation.
"Alice! Focus. So you admit you brought the Balance Knight here?"
"Yes. Like we said."
"So you intentionally killed my future wife?"
"Wait what?"
"The Princess of Sunlight?"
"Oh I remember her. No! Of course not, we didn't even know the forest was still here.."
Liane continued, yawning hard. Petra backed off just slightly after hearing that, slightly less threatened by the former Bad Fairy. But she still had questions.
"Where are your horns?"
"Oh uh I still have them I just, they don't really fit in the world we've been stuck in for 28 years."
"And you're still wingless?"
"Thanks for that. Yeah I am. But if I know my husband he'll have stolen them back from Alexander by now."
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The two assailants started lowering their defences as they received explanations just as Nikolai and Jeremy returned to the camp. They were just as baffled as Alice and Petra but the Princess seemed to recognise Nik at the very least.
"Your Highness, I didn't know you were here."
"Petra? Oh my God, have you been stuck here?"
"We were trapped here frozen until this past few weeks. I was found by Alice and Ethel when the curse was lifted. But it turns out the land wasn't destroyed by magic. But by ogres."
Nikolai tensed at that name. He'd heard stories about The Ogre Wars his father had taken part in. They had been ugly and brutal, tearing away innocent lives in their time. Knowing that despite the efforts of his family, they had returned brought him no comfort. Liane looked uncomfortable too.
"The ogres returned?"
"With a vengeance. We've been trying to find people who were trapped during the curse to no avail. Many of them must have followed you to the other land."
"True. Alex wanted to hurt people associated with myself and he left no stone unturned."
"The Dark Prince is in your world."
"Aye, but he's a mayor over there."
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Jeremy chimed in, inspecting his hook.
"But we're still forgetting something rather bloody important I feel. How do we get home?"
Alice's eyes lit up.
"Oh! I had a friend who had a magical hat that could transport you anywhere! We could-"
"See darling that's how we got here. And that hat is now useless given the power it took to open the portal."
"Oh. Right."
"What about magic beans?" Liane queried, remembering what she'd heard from Ethan about travelling between worlds.
"Well they say its impossible to find them in these times, but I think of at least six impossible things before breakfast to decide they are possible. But we may want to keep moving, those ogres may have already heard us."
There was suddenly a tremendous thudding sound on the ground as heavy footsteps approached the camp ground. There was fear in Petra and Alice's eyes as they knew the sound well. Ogres had indeed heard them. The trees were trampled around them as they started to close in. Nikokai didn't hesitate, pulling a sword and belt from one of the corpses.
The group ran for their lives away from the camp ground, Liane shot them with her fire to try and stop them in their tracks but only got one down as they escaped. Then she saw Petra's bow on her back.
"Nock an arrow, I have an idea!"
"Do it!" Petra did as she was told and as she pulled the bow back, Liane lit the arrowhead on fire, sending the flaming arrow into the ogres eye as they managed to get the two in pursuit down, hopefully dead.
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"Good thinking."
The group looked around, seeing they were no longer surrounded by ogres and needed a new place to hide out. Nikolai was the first to speak up.
"I think I know somewhere we can hide. My old house should still be here in the forest. We can stay there if its not been destroyed."
"And how do you know it hasn't been?"
"I don't. But a little bit of faith might mean it is."
With no other options the group followed Nikolai through the trees until they came across a beautiful cottage that was still perfectly intact, and still looked like someone was living there. Very much so. Especially since there was steam coming out of the chimney. Nikolai drew his sword and Joshua held his gun tightly, unsure what his father was thinking. The group approached the house tentatively and opened the door to see a woman with blonde curls sat at the table, stuffing bread into her mouth, dressed in armour.
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"I can explain-"
That's all for now and yes @gcthvile I searched your old Tumblr for Ethel's name, tag you're it @ask-missparker for Part 3
Tagging: @jackiequick @askstevella @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @thechoooooosenone @marvelsfavoriteuncle @wizzzardofoz @ethan-lensherr @finlayholmes @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @blueboirick @meiramel @cherrysft
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helloescapist · 8 months
okii, i'm ready to make a request now! just a reminder tthat u don't have to do it now - your health and the other works gotta come first yknow
Request (SFW, KNY):
you know how the spider mother in rui's family was technically a child demon forced to be a "mother" to demons who were older than her?
ok well what if she was somehow saved by a fem!uppermoon!reader who took her away from the abusive spider Family? What if Reader started acting as a mother figure to her? (poor kid seriously needs a better authority figure in her life than rui lmao)
Hello, hello!
I'm so sorry for how long it has taken me to get to this request anon. You are absolutely so sweet, and I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. This was a really interesting request, and one that had me really thinking. When this season aired, it honestly... left me with all the creepy crawlies thinking about the "Spider Mother". I hope you're ready for what I have in store for you.
A Thousand Summers | Spider Mother
Word Count: 2508?
Setting: fem!uppermoon!reader x spider mother [reader acts as an adopted mother]
Content Warning(s): hints of abuse (p and s), trauma, adoption
Summary: A child you had never intended to care for, but one you would protect at the cost of your own life.
A/N: I utilized details of the yokai Ubume, alongside the character of Queen Im Hwa-ryeong from the Queen’s Umbrella (one of my absolute favorite shows by the way).
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Your throat seared, scratched upon the edge of a blade. The touch of iron that threatened your taste buds, hissed out curses that brought on the infinities. The past centuries near meaningless, as the screams that shattered your teeth. Her form, so petite beneath your gaze; the horror painted on her face as delicate as rouge. The quiver of her helianthus eyes, the fading of light in her maroon x-shaped irises as her sight met your own. Run, your senses screamed. The tears that threatened to spill over, the touch of the wind through her coffee bean hair, as rare as the imports that frequented Lord Muzan’s shop. Extravagant, run, her bangs curled to the edges of her face, the ends of her hair touched upon the highs of her cheeks. Youthful in her features, a child who had witnessed far more in this life and the last than your heart could ever hope to accept. Severed from humanity, painted in blood as the strands that stained the corner of your lips.  Seared your lungs, choked upon the air that hindered your breaths, the weapon lodged upon the shreds of your flesh. Her scream that vibrated through her ears, hollowed your heart as though someone had carved the organ from your chest cavity with a ladle as if the core still served a purpose. Though it had not filtered blood in generations, it was merely ornamental throughout the decades. Brought to life only at the sight of her tears. Run, p-, the tears that touched upon her eyelashes, as her knees met the soft earth beneath her. Fragile as the day you had met her. Please, your voice only left a desperate growl caught against the edge of the nichirin blade, as vibrant as sapphires beneath the moonlight. As otherworldly as the breathing technique that had captivated your flesh, claimed your throat. The strength of the wielder scented of fresh rain as his drawn eyes revealed his resolve. Determined to claim your life, the threads of your neck bone shattered against its drawn, his muscles pushed further and further, slowly but surely, forcing its way through the last shreds of skins that clung to your life. Your nails struggling to cling to the edges of existence leaving claw marks against the metal sheath. If only for a moment longer, clinging onto the frays of hope that she would find the legs beneath her, to flee from this battleground. From the Hashira, who’s expression was as vacant as death. His hair as black as the Demon Slayer’s crow feathers, the swordsman who would claim your life, an inevitable fate that you knew there was no escape, but if only for a moment, “C—Chi-n-natsu,” your voice a mangled scratch of a yowl, as pitiful as a cat in heat as your nails gathered at the blade, beckoning her sense to return to her. Your other hand struggling to clench the umbrella in your grasp, please, please, you have to run.
              Trembled as a leaf as her x shaped irises struggled to follow your voice through the fog of her fears. The tremor of her form, petite and small, tears that struggled past doll like eyelashes, and the small whimper of a sob that spilled through her lips. Reminiscent of the night you had happened upon her, three years ago.
The moonlight flickered amongst the mountains, peeked beneath the shadow of the trees. Illuminated the glow of the yellow tinted moon, ushered the depths of the night, whispered horrors beneath the flicker of glistened silk. The stench of blood littered amongst the ground, soaked into the depths of the soil. Tarnished the once substantial grounds, ushered no signs of life within the mountains rather only welcomed death upon its playground. Bodies twisted and mutilated and disfigured, crafted into various forms. Others dismembered, and askew from their natural forms. Tattered uniforms bearing the marks of the enemy’s insignia. The occasional monstrous creature that crept across Mount Un Natagumo. Lowly lifeforms that bore little speech, useless in deciphering the situation amongst the summits. Only the occasional arachnid is capable of the basic pattern of communication. Nothing tangible, or intellectual, rather a messenger of some patchwork family. Each step that followed your ascent into the depths of the mountains only validated Lord Muzan’s frustrations. Your intrusion upon the lower kizuki no mere mistake of wandering; each step intentional announcement upon the demons that masqueraded as a family. A vision amongst the moonlight, an unusual sight upon the foliage. Long hair that reflected the era you had ailed from when the veins in your body served a purpose. A time when your heart would beat, nearly a millennium ago. The antique charms weaved carefully into your hair. Adapt at having threaded the embellishments in your luscious hair, practices that had escaped the generations that had followed kept secret in your routines. No longer to recall a time in which the weight of the many layers of kimono you bore affected you, far too accustomed to the burden. Unable to even question if it had ever been a hinderance to your movements, unaffected in the way you maneuvered your form up the mountain regardless of the steep tread. The roll of your sleeves betraying a lifetime of extravagance, though you could no longer recall such days, finding only the occasional comfort in their weight. Familiar as the movement of your body, posed amongst the thorns, the veil of midnight kissed upon the sheen of your weimao shielding your from the repulsive manifestations of a child’s loneliness ran rampant into the night. None such daring to cross your path, only hindering the delivery of your lordship’s message.
              That was until you happened upon a clearing, in which a woman adorned the marks of the lower Kizuki, the damning markings etched upon her face, the sorrow that filled her expression, the touch upon her features that beckoned you forward. The twitch of threads caught between her fingers, and at first, it was merely your intention to question where the kizuki could be found. To inquire upon his location and determine the state of matters upon the mountain—Lord Muzan was nearing his limits. His generosity for the creation of the child a whisper of pity, rumored amongst the Upper Moons. Details you rarely entertained, uninterested in the affairs of the lower ranks. They so very rarely remained in power that you had never considered committing their names to memory. Yet, when you had been introduced to the spider child, sparking a deeply buried desire, one that you could not place. Echoed faint memories of a past that resembled more of a daydream, but as the years had pass, the amusement of one so young. A child drunk on power, rampant to fabricate a family, to craft love, and trap those within his net. Desperate to cling to those around him, regardless of the cost sharing his art would damn him. Yes, you had merely intended to inquire as to how it she had come to be, your opportunity to inquire challenged by a predator that leapt from the shadows, and the eager way in which the woman greeted death. Her fingers free of the tangle of silk, eyelashes closed as though she whispered a prayer unheard by the gods, and for a shift of the years you had endured, the intrusion caught your interference. The twirl of your weimao beckoning for the drizzle of rain, illuminating an illusion as you pulled the woman’s kimono between your fingers, allowed her to dream of death, to utter the existence of the kizuki upon the mountain. Enough to send the young slayer deeper into the thicket of the trees. An illusion shattered by the startle state of your fingers touched upon a youthful cheek. The round high of her cheek distorted under the pad of your finger. The tremble of one so young, no more than a girl new to the world. New to the night. Tremoring beneath your touch, the tears that caught between her eyelashes. One so eager for death, a desperate plea that recoiled into itself. Revealed fear, and abuse in the way she dared to flinch from your grasp.
              No, the situation had been far from redeemable.
              The lower kizuki’s influence sponged from her pores beneath your own art, a tremble of bones and fragile regard.  Tears that caught on her long eyelashes, the tremble of her shoulders that curled down her spine far too willing to except a blow that you had not administered.
              And so, the young demon remained in your care. An added burden that you had not considered undertaking and yet for all your wandering had brought you, you had not the ability to push her form your care. Ushering her from the spider’s care as merely a mean’s to verify Rui’s failures. Your travels to his lordship having bonded you. The first night in which you had ushered her at an inn, further sponging the stench of the blood art that had morphed her body, manipulated her features. Matured her in ways that a child should never endure, the way her body had shuttered beneath your gentle touch, the tears that had found the corner of her eyes. Never daring to allow them to fall, far too anxious to reveal her own terror at your touch. Merely having intended to change her kimono, repulsed to see such exposure on one so young, her response leaving you only to withdraw your hand. Appraise the stutter of her voice. The occasional way her eyes found you in open defiance, ignorant of the way her body betrayed her aggression. Nor the confusion that found her large eyes upon your acceptance. Delicately folding the kimono inwards, before placing it before her. Urging her to change while you were out, your return upon wandering the gardens of the inn after a suitable amount of time, to find her curled up in the webs of a kimono that seemed nearly too big for her to shoulder. No—one in which she did not know how to adorn, the small chuckle that escaped your rouged lips. The little one before you resembling a little girl as she should, before she submitted to the well practice or your hands as you secured her belt properly. Far too aware of the bruises at her neck, nor the marks upon her thigh when she sat indignantly as children so often do.
              Nights spent at an arms’ length, though it never seemed enough. Only her curiosity gathering the better of her at times, to draw herself towards you if only to peer at the umbrella that you kept at your side. A knowing smile of a little girl who’s eyes found the embellishments from time to time. Enthralled, and perhaps dreaming of the day in which she too may wear one appropriately. Though you never revealed the way her eyes wandered to your own when she believed you ignorant.
              The night in which the fireflies fluttered amongst the summer’s breeze. A rare opportunity to enjoy her company in your own abode. One that you had garnished time after time, greeted in the way you had arrived from an upper moon’s meeting; his lordship especially temperamental at the advancement the Slayer Corps had managed in the prior weeks before dispatching Hantengu and Gyokko, and dismissing the remainder of you to await his commands. The little one, so quick to greet you. The shadow of who she once was left behind in the corners of the night. The smile she offered you as warm as one seeking praise from their mother. Tempting the touch of your hand as she beckoned you forward, wishing to share the growth of blossoms amongst the gardens. A skill she had accomplished under your care. The joy evident upon her features as her fingers found the petals of a small flower, chattering on without a care. Sharing everything the textbooks you had provided her had to share upon these specific species. The leaves of her tireless efforts tangled in a mass upon the growing tangles of her hair, oblivious as a child should be. Blissful of the care she had received, and eager to bask in your touch as you beckoned her to the veranda. Delicately obscuring locks from her face. The small touch of her hair caught against your fingers as she accepted your touch. Weary and fatigued from the chores of the day, fallen into the space upon your lap, curled up and secure. All evidence of who she had been, and what she had endured was erased from her features. “[LN], you’ll be going soon, won’t you.” The touch of her eyes, fallen to the lows of the garden, allowing your hands to continue to put aside her hair as you dusted the twigs and leaves from her mane.
              “Will you miss me?” You teased.
              “Ah, no I,” haughty at first before the uneasiness to gather into her features, “please, return home safe.”
              The small murmur of a hum as you accepted the depths of her sentiments, never openly acknowledging the way she waited for your return after each voyage. “You know, I’ve been thinking.” Allowing a gentle smile to touch upon your lips at the curious way her eyes glanced upon your own, peering up at you from your lap. “You have yet to think of a name.”
              “That,” she sighed before averting her eyes. Puffing her cheeks as though a means to pout before heaving her small breath. “I’ve no name. I-I must have, once, but…” The silence to fill the gaps, revealing the anxiety or perhaps the depths of her loss at the way her fingers clasped upon your kimono.
              Nodding only quietly, “Then perhaps, Chinatsu will do.”
“RUN,” You screamed, utilizing the remainder of your strength to frce upon your blood art. A flurry of rain that sent her reeling into the depths of the forest. The ache of your heart at the way she screamed upon your name, desperate to remain at your side. To greet death together, a fate you could never allow to come to pass. The slump of your form, and the limp regard of your nails as the blade slashed through, the Water Hashira capitalizing on your last attempt to send your child from your reach, if only to give her the chance to escape his clutches.
              The thud across the ground, and the metallic jingle of your ornaments were audible. Loud, in their revelation as was the sheath of the blade that had claimed your final moments. The touch of cold eyes that appraised you curiously, a life a millennium ago, and a child you had never carried to term, the wept of your tears, and the anguish of your final moments echoed upon your resolve as the smile that met your lips. Yes, Chinatsu. A name that uttered your wishes for a child you had claimed, a thousand summers would never be enough.
              Please, run, my love.
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You can find the requested prequel here, A Thousand Dreams | Spider Mother.
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mattsunnn · 4 years
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Title : Mind-Numbing
Character/s : Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma
Warning/s : Threesome, Dom!Tetsu, Switch!Kenma, Sub!Reader, orgasm denial, cum play, degradation, dumbification, breeding kink, mating press, blow job, throat bulge (is that a term? Y’all get it anyways hehs), usage of toys (one time), Daddy Kink. Just these two nekoma boys using you, basically. Established Relationship.
a/n : I am late. I am v v late.
Kuroo knows it is his birthday, and that gives him the “birthright” for his special day. He just wants to share you with Kenma. Who are you really to refuse?
and... he also might want to coax his bestfriend to join this... cute little relationship?????
This will be the best birthday for him.
“You look like a desperate whore.” You whined under the predator like gaze Kuroo has on you, legs twitching uncontrollably as the vibrator inside you was put into maximum. The tall male smirked above you, playing with the small controller on his hand as Kenma pushed his body near your head, his cock in full display infront of you. He slapped your puffy lips with the head of his member, looking up to Kuroo when you opened your mouth so willingly.
“Can I?” He nonchalantly asked, looking back down at your opened mouth to watch his precum smearing over the pink muscle like paint on a canvas.
Kuroo hummed, pulling you to the edge of the bed as your head dangled from the lack of mattress. He motioned for Kenma to stand infront of you before slapping your clit to gain your attention. “You’ll suck him off like the good little slut you are, right?”
You eagerly nodded, mouth immediately opening as your tongue rolled out. Kenma groaned at the heavenly view before thrusting his hips a little, only pushing the head in, making you suck harshly and using your tongue to tease the slit. Kuroo grinned as he watched the two of you, Kenma letting out grunts caused by the tightness provided by your mouth while you gave your outmost attention to his cock.
The raven haired man looked down once he noticed you twitching and trembling. He smirked before turning off the vibrator and yanking them out of your hole, successfully snatching away your orgasm. You whined and inhaled sharply, cunt clenching and unclenching around nothing as Kuroo watched in amusement. “Look at your pussy. It’s begging to be filled. I bet you want another cock to stuff you full.”
Kenma huffed when you rubbed your thighs together in response to your ebony-haired boyfriend’ dirty talk, “She wants your cock too, Tetsu.” He pressed a hand down to your throat and another one to the side of your head before thrusting his hips forward to the hilt, the tip of his member going in so deep, you tried not to choke and gag. “Tetsu, look.” He detached his hand from your skin, pulling back before pushing back in sharply. Kuroo grunted in reply, watching how your throat moved and bulged whenever Kenma moved inside your mouth.
“That’s hot. Who knows this slut can suck like a good girl?” Kuroo tormented before aligning his large member to your core, he rubbed the head to your glistening heat before going up and circling you puffy clit. “You want my cock inside you, don’t you? You want both of your holes filled with dicks. You’re such a whore.”
Before you can even answer with whatever you can, he suddenly bottomed out inside you. You choked on Kenma’s cock as your cunt spasms around his thick girth at the sudden intrusion and stretch. Kuroo took in a sharp breath, rolling his hips in a slow pace as he let you adjust for a moment before pulling out and leaving the tip in then shoving his cock back deep inside.
Kenma pulled away after like a million years to let you breath. You take in the air desperately before cursing when Kuroo pushed himself even deeper than before, you can feel the tip kissing the entrance of your cervix, wanting to potrude and evade. Your eyes widened when he brought your legs up, pressing them down to your body as your cunt was in full sight, still connected with him. You let out a wail when he completely rammed himself into you, repeatedly snapping his hips with vigor that had you rolling your eyes to the back of your head.
“Who told you to stop sucking Kenma?” Kuroo tsked before planting his palm on your lower abdomen, grinning when he felt himself. He looked back up at you, your hazy eyes and opened mouth expression sent a shiver down to his spine, loving how fucked up you look right now. “Answer me, Kitten.”
“No-No one! M’ sorry, Daddy!” You cried out as your body bounced alongside Kuroo’s thrust. He was completely and consistently hitting your special spot, making you clench your eyes and at the pleasurable jolts you received.
Kenma shrugged his shoulders at the display before grasping your neck and snappily turning your head to face him, “We’re not finished yet.” You opened your mouth in response, eyes clenching shut when he sheathed himself in one go. He stayed there for awhile, opting for you to swallow around his length as you breathed in through your nose.
Kenma patted your cheek, making you open your eyes and hum around his cock, indicating him that he has your attention. “I’ll fuck your mouth now, slut.” You whimpered, about to nod your head when he already started moving pugnaciously. It has your hands clenching on his thighs as you forced your mouth to stay open for the male to abuse.
“So rough, Kenma. Our baby’s trembling.”
That you are. Your legs are twitching and shaking, your core was even more wet now, making a white, translucent circle around the base of Kuroo’s cock. You couldn’t even think anymore because of the two cocks fucking you out of your mind, you could only obey and receive what they give to you.
Kuroo noticed that unfocused look your eyes gave off despite being covered by Kenma’s body, half-lidded and a dark mist filtering the colors. He smiled while still ravaging your pussy with his cock, a hand going down to your waist to give small, comforting circles. “Kitten’s gone dumb?”
You whined around Kenma’s cock, tears are already forming in your eyes as he continued to thrust into your mouth in an even more fastening pace, him groaning out a “cummin-!” as his head was thrown back, his long blonde hair sticking to his cheeks with his eyes closed before he finally stilled inside you, thinck spurts of cum painted your insides white ad you swallowed them all.
He sighed, slowly pulling out his now soft cock with a loud pop. He stared at your figure, lips gone red and eyes watery as your chesg heaved up and down from exhaustion. He crouched down on the ground, placing you head on his shoulders as he rubbed his palm softly on your throat, massaging and giving you light kisses on the side of your head.
Kuroo cooed at you, “Can you still take my cock, our dumb kitten?”
You nodded shakily, keening when Tetsurou had started moving again. You didn’t even notice that he stopped when Kenma had reached his orgasm. The pudding head gave you marks on your neck and shoulder blade, loving how the red and purple suited your skin. He looked up to his bestfriend, his hand slithering down your stomach and to your clit that had you wailing, “Don’t you think this stupid baby girl deserves to finally cum?”
“Do I?”
You whined, legs kicking and body squirming, desperate to cum after having it snatched away by your wodnerful boyfriend. “Please! Daddy! I want to cum! Make me cum, please.” It was the only thing on your mind by now, having been fucked so good and still was.
Kuroo chuckled, leaning down and placing a sloppy kiss to your lips, “Anything for our dumb, dumb, little Kitten.”
You screamed when Kenma has started to run harsh circles on your clit, his other hand groping your breast and tweaking your hard nipples. Kuroo has already started to ram his cock in and out of your cunt with a fastening pace, hard thrusts that has his tip rubbing against your g-spot and touching your cervix repeatedly.
It was really mind-numbing.
You noticed the familiar coil in your stomach, forming and churning as Kuroo’s cock abuses your cunt. His actions has started to get faster and sloppy, indicating that he too is reaching his peak. You gasped, “M’ cumming!”
“Me too, pretty girl.”
Kenma watched as your face contorted into a pleasurable one while letting out a whine, legs twitching uncontrollably as Kuroo stilled inside you, spilling his hot cum into your hole. You can feel how his member throbbed inside you, still painting your insides white. Kuroo slowly pulled out when he felt the tinge of overstimulation, watching in amazement as your pussy oozes out the excess cum he has given you. He huffed before using his fingers to push the liquid back into you, the squelching sounds surrounded the room and making your face go red in embarassment.
“You okay, Y/N?” Kenma asked, fingers massaging your scalp as you snuggled to his neck and responding with a small hum. The blonde looked up confused to his bestfriend, who is still busy watching your cunt but noticed the gaze nonetheless, and motioned to the sleepy face of yours.
“It’s alright. Baby’s first time having both of her holes filled so it has taken a lot of energy out of her.” Kuroo cooed, leaning down to kiss your lips, “Thank you and goodnight, baby girl. Love you.”
You lazily smiled, “Love you too, daddy. You too, Ken.” Slumber has now taken your being as Kenma smiled softly, pressing a small kiss to you cheeks before muttering a quiet, “I love you too.”
Kuroo smirked at your exchange, helping Kenma to properly place you on the bed. “You wanna join?”
Kenma stilled, eyebrows furrowing at the straight forward question. He turned his head to his bestfriend, staring at him weirdly before looking back at you. “Poly?”
“Hm. Wouldn’t mind sharing this pretty baby to someone I trust.” Kuroo answered before going to the bathroom to get a cloth and to clean you guys up.
Kenma sighed once his bestfriend’s back disappeared to the restroom. He leaned down and caressed your cheeks, gazing at you lovingly before shrugging. “Kay kay.”
Kuroo chuckled behind the door before turning the doorknob and throwing a spare cloth to the other male, “Next time, it’s you who’s gonna get fucked, baby boy.” Kenma squinted his eyes at him in suspicion.
Kuroo smirked, what a birthday.
You guys will never imagine on how many times I changed this one shot.
N e ways!!! Happy belated birthday to our dearest Daddy, Kuroo Tetsurou!!
I was planning on publishing this on the exact day of Kuroo’s bday but I wasn’t satisfied and changed it. Again and again :>
Oh my god the likes. I didn’t kno you guys love to be fucked numbed by these two boys🥺 THANK YOU SO MUCH HINUHUJUHU
Stay safe and stay hydrated!
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alberivh · 3 years
devotion (ROYAL AU) — pt.1 : realization.
Butler! Diluc X GN!Reader . Royal! childe (as supporting character), butler! Kaeya (supporting cast ; in pt2 story line)
contains : heavy angst, comfort/hurt, isolation, arranged marriage, major character death, mentions of blood, injuries, execution, abusive relationship, abandonment, ‘consumption’, false accusation, blades
summaries : arranged marriage has always been one of your family ruthless tradition. You were allowed to love them you couldn’t reach, yet the feeling of being abandoned once and for all by those who you truly treasured was more than numbness could ever describe. Diluc who’s your lover need to accept this tradition, yet he, himself need to get his life down for your future sake.
A/N : thank you for 100 followers!! It has been a wild ride since i’ve just joined this community. Thank you very much and as a rewards, here’s a token of heavy angst for y’all. I have a really bad writing block right now, so this might took more than you think hehe. So once again, thank you very much! ( i actually hate this, tyvm)
“Your majesty…please allow me to hold y—“
“No. I simply do not have time for people pleaser, please let yourself be out from here..” , you cursed your future-husband out of from your bounties. It startled all of the maids and butlers in your room, it even make your somewhat-fiancé looked awful. You were pissed by him, by the structure of his eyelids, the heavy breathe from who-knows-where and many more part of him you don’t even want to recognize.
There’s no reason to deny that you hate this, all of this, Known as the maiden of the family, you were nothing but their only pry. It pissed you, it really does. How come you are holding the throne at the age of 25? Aren’t you supposed to check your garden instead taking all of your well-behave throne and the awful arranged marriage your family has made? No? What an unlucky person you are, the butlers thought.
“Diluc please guide master tartaglia to the upfront door, i have no intention to see him now. If you already had brought him downstairs, get back to my resident immediately.”
“this is the main reason why everyone despis—“
“Please leave Immediately. My master have no further interest to speak with you, master tartaglia.” Diluc shouted your internal response to the group of scums in front of your sight. He heard enough of this small talk your future-husband has been talking about. Diluc wasn’t jealous, he was simply too disturbed with your disgusted face everytime tartaglia walks around your residence. just how much pressured you had been under to make you act so ruthless in front of the man you’ll called husband in no time?
he silently observing him down the hall. Not wanting to have a talk with a scum like him, he avoid any sights of his ‘particular’ interest. After all, in his eyes, tartaglia doesn’t deserve any part of you. He acts too normally, there diluc suspicion of your fiancé grown. There must be something behind his motive. Tartaglia have recognize diluc’s gaze for a while now. Though, he pretend none of those bothering suspicion triggered his rage. And so, he fired him up with a quick straightforward awareness. Or as the citizen say, A threat.
“mr. Butler..stop loving my future partner or tomorrow you’ll have the consequences..got it? And do not touch them..i’ve warned you when you were alive, i like my future partner to be a virgin ins—“
“master tartaglia i have no relationship with the majesty, how come you assume such a thing from a humble butler like me? I was just simply following orders, hope you could understand, master tartaglia.” , answering his rage. Tartaglia found his emotion drains wild. It look like those bothering emotions he hide finally show diluc their true intention to spoiled you. Diluc’s eyes met your fiancé terrifying visions, the murderous aura in it explains his true intention. Diluc could only plea inside, let my majesty be safe.
“don’t you dare say anything to your master, mr butler. My partner has been mine all along, stay away from our relationship or tomorrow would be your last day…”
“Though, i simply wouldn’t mind, ajax.” , he gurantees tartaglia’s eyes.
The night came. the breeze flew through your open windows, leaving chills through your spine. it was an unsurprisingly beautiful night, you quoted. Diluc was preparing your bed, as you humm through the southed area of your room. The melodical sound of your humming have always soothes his grudge from afar. It was always been his favorite sound.
“ your majesty, the bed has been done. You may rest peacefully now..so please excuse m—“
“Diluc…stop making it seems like i’m the only one who loved you..just stay here, i missed you a lot..” , in a sudden your arm was attached to his body, his dirty and ordinary body. You embraced him so tightly, as if diluc were going to some place you wouldn’t want him to cross. You were scared of losing him. You don’t want any of this marriage, you don’t want tartaglia to even acknowledge your presence. You just want diluc to stay by your side, even if you both have considered how selfish it is.
You clunge onto his chest, pressing gentle kiss on his cheeks. Not wanting him to leave nor to leave you behind. So desperate of you to feel this way.
“you’ve been doing great darling,i’m proud of you..”
“please stay like this for a while, i love you. So please, don’t go..don’t go..” , diluc watch your flattering smile turns into a small-sobs, it cracks him, he doesn’t want to let you go either. He was simply following your fiancé awareness, he doesn’t want anyone to harm you, even if it meant for you to see him in agony. Diluc Carries your figure into your bed in return, not wanting to bare any of his emotions. Feelings are fragile and so do he. giving soft and gentle kisses to your forehead as he wiped your tears, whispering a ‘goodnight’ before he left you again. If he was being honest, he wants to be more selfish, he wants to be with you, forever.
“hmm..i’ll be waiting for you, goodnight my beloved..”
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“What’s with the inconvenience…?” The loud atmosphere greet you with chills. What time is it? You don’t even know. All you know is the sunrise have yet to grown out from the wave of the clouds. but why must all of your maids gather themself on your room, something important? But why must them gather at the edge of dusk..? Did your mother fucked up again? But actually, what happened?
At the same time, you mumbled a form of question. Where’s diluc? You asked yourself.
“Y-Your majesty! d-diluc have now been courted by the queen, i-i don’t know what happened but please stay put i shall help you! Yes! I-i—“ courted? In sudden, you dropped your glasses. The broken piece of the glasses shard scarred your leg. It was painful, but you didn’t care. The blood shed of your scars leave the carpet of your resident turn into a red motives of blood. What did diluc do to make himself courted by your own mother? All he did was to love me, mother. The maid beside you were in all panics, trying to brag your arm from leaving the room. Although you declined the embrace of it, you were still running in pain, it made the maids panics turn into vomits.
Rushing through the open corridor of your resident in sweats and blood shed, You found diluc. His hands tied with a rope, a slight red bruises covered his face. He was Courted by your mother because of an unknown letter that has been sent to the queen herself, it was dumb for her to court an innocent person like him. Though, at last, you found yourself screaming his name. The pain which hold onto your consciousness leave your body in a second. diluc was aware of this, Everything. His hands wanted to touch you and lead you to rest. but he couldn’t, the execution would be in front of his eyes in no time.
“you did harm my child don’t you? Look at those blood on their legs! How come a butler like you harmed my precious child..?! They are unconscious because of you filthy butler. Know your degree, h—“
“you abuse them, your highness. You abuse them, ever since their father die, you abandoned them and break them to pieces. How come you only care about them dying when their time to hold the throne came? They were dying because of you, those consumption they witness are all because of you. And you dare to tell me what to do when all i did was just to love them?!” He quoted every single words you wish you could say to your mothers face. You wished you have the audacity to tell her the truth, yet your weak body refuse it’s urge to make diluc out of the execution lines. I’m sorry, i’m really sorry.
silence fill the room. You were laying in pain, as you heard diluc’s defense and your mother’s lies. You realized once more, you were nothing to them. Just a pry for the throne. none of the guards have pitied you either, they are too focused on never-letting diluc’s eyes or hands meet your figure in this state of time. Those scarred glasses on your legs have made you lose too-many bloods, it scared diluc. After all, as a lover he is, he has devoted himself to protect you in all cost. let them be safe and take me away. It’s his last hope for you to stay awake for him.
“no execution needed. I have no reason to pay attention to fools like you. so isolation it is. This is all because of you, my child is dying and you’re the one at fault. Noticed how they haven’t even called your name again? They died because your lack of responsibility.” , spitting her mucus in diluc’s knees. You could barely saw diluc chills which you usually saw in his eyes. He’s about to cry..you think.
“Guards, please take my child away and let them rest in their bed. And so for this butler, put him in the isolation room, make sure to let him eat only once in a day, understood? Ah..don’t let my child see him, i don’t want them to see an abuser like him crawling out their life’s on my window.” , orders from your mother are none to first. They couldn’t be disobey and you understand them. You understand how ruthless it is, you understand it. But why must diluc? Why him? You saw the sight of him, blades are all over his neck. For what reason actually? To let him never see you again.
carried by the guards to your room and diluc was gone from your vision. He is not wrong, your highness. So why must those who loved me left my side, mother? Why won’t these bruises you add to my flawless skin never leave me? Is it because i’m a procession of your own sin? It was a cursed to fall in love with those you could barely reach.
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this is shitty, really shitty in fact. Though, thank you very much for reading this. Part 2 will come soon, if i had some energy to write the readers mother personality without getting pissed off. But anyways, see y’all soon at part 2 <3
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kaylathekittykat225 · 3 years
Carnival Ride of Horror // Steve Harrington x Reader
Carnival of Horror // SH
Warning/s: Cursing, laughing at inappropriate times, (very minimal) mentions/implications of abuse/stalking (just wanna warn, its super small but just in case!)
Word Count: 3.5k
Hey guys! It’s been a bit since I’ve written, lemme tell you, life has been kinda crappy and its just a little less crappy now! So I decided to start pecking at the keyboard again and this is what came of it! This lovely person requsted this work and I just got around to starting to really write because I had a free week. Anywhoodles, it’s good to write something again and I hope yall enjoy it!
Again thank you for this idea @seraphiiii
omg i came across your post about writing ideas in my feed and got so excited to see both steve harrington and young justice in the tags lmao. but i think a steve harrington x reader where reader and him go to an amusement park and reader is terrified of the rides so he’s like comforting her throughout them and encouraging her but also laughing (in a good natured way obvi) about how scared she is and stuff? i think that would be so cute!!
Here’s my Masterlist.
“Stevie, when we agreed to have a date night away from the kids, I didn't think we would be going into a mass of more kids.” As he pulled the keys out, you stared at the bright light shining machinery that had been set in the middle of a field outside the city. The annual summer fair had finally made its way to Hawkins, and it had left a buzz in the air as everyone planned when they would go, talked about what rides had come this year, who their ride buddy would be; it had been all the kids had been talking about for weeks. They put a day together the coming weekend to go as a group and they planned to drag Steve and you along on the off chance that they needed an “adult” to allow them on the rides.
Funny how they assumed either Steve or you knew how to adult.
“Cause I thought it would be a nice change from us just watching movies or having dinner.”
“Oh, so dino nuggets are no longer date-worthy for you.” Steve almost took you seriously, but he saw the grin that has graced your lips at your own comment. He relaxed a little knowing that you weren’t upset with his idea for date night, but he had always wanted to kiss someone at the top of a Ferris Wheel, and he would do anything to get you to the top of the rotating ride.
“So, you’re not mad that I chose here for tonight?” You shook your head and pulled at the door handle separating the two of you from the outside life.
“Of course not Stevie, I just thought it was an interesting choice.” The smile you chose to have was one that hopefully convinced him that you were okay with where the pair of you were going, even if you weren’t happy with the choice.
You can be happy with the idea of going to a carnival as long as you don’t go on-”Cool, so what ride do you want to do first?”
“Shit.” The world slipped out before you could stop yourself as Steve finished paying for your tickets and asked what you had said. “Nothing just kicked myself. Um…” You looked around frantically for something to do that wasn’t flashing brightly and spinning faster than the legal highway speed. “Let’s go over there!”
Steve followed your hand as he saw you point towards the stands of games that were rigged and way too fricking expensive, but he would do it for you. “Alright, starting out with some games I see, I like it.”
The two of you ran through a few of the games, most of them where Steve got way too into it and you had to step between them as he tried screaming that he deserved that stuffed bear/pony/cat/fish, because he almost had it every single time. He did beat out the basketball one, one of the last ones the two of you did on that strip, bolstering his confidence just enough to get him into a cheery enough mood.
“Alright! We played some games, and let the crazies test out the rides so I’m pretty sure they won’t break down on us. Which one should we do first? They got a drop tower, or how about the pit viper swings? Or, or, or how about we…” The night had been going enjoyable up until Steve turned to the rides you had managed to distract him from and pointed at the glowing and fast-moving monsters.
“How about we do the haunted walk over there?” Steve followed your pointing finger with a quizzical look, he hadn’t really taken note of the scary attraction before, never thought to really look to it with everything else going on. “I bet it won’t even be scary to us after everything we’ve been through right ha.”
You took off with a dry laugh without waiting for a response from him; his cries were head behind you, but the haunted house looked better than anything else around you. “Y/N.” He called you again, but you walked faster. By the time you got to the stairs leading into the building, you were practically running up them to get into the dark house with smoke billowing out of it.
“Y/N!” Your name was the last thing you heard before diving through the door and physically bumping into one of the scarers dressed as a zombie. He seemed nice, breaking character enough to ask if you were okay before you had already turned the corner and left him behind too.
Twisting and turning, you didn’t pay much mind to the screaming witches, zombies, skeletons, or anything that happened all around you; over the music and screaming, you could vaguely hear your name, giving you an indication that Steve followed you.
Not too far in, you found a quieter corner with only a couple cobwebs around it where you quickly ducked back into and tried pressing yourself into it deeper, hoping to watch Steve walk right by you.
Why the hell were you running from your boyfriend? You gained a sense of logic for a second where you paused. Why were you running? This was super childish of you and really had no reason. All Steve wanted to do was go on a few rides and you were being selfish and completely ruining what was going to be one of the few evenings you didn’t have to babysit the kids.
As the guilt started to swirl with your desire to not be found, you didn’t notice as the Frankenstein in the room had taken notice of you hiding in the corner and started to tromp over to you. “Hey, miss, you can’t be hiding in here, you gotta keep moving.”
“I’ll be out in a second, sir, let me just-” “You can’t be here-” “If you give me a second, I will leave as soon as I can-” “Miss you have to leave-” “Give me one dan minute-” “Y/N!”
Among all the screaming the Frankenstein and you had been doing was your name being called by a third and new voice along with a hand clasping onto your shoulder. Looking to the hand, you saw the unmistakable outline of the man you were hiding from. “There you are babe, why were you running off.” Just looking at the Frankenstein’s demeanor, you could tell he went into defense mode suddenly.
“Were you hiding from him miss? Are you okay? Do you feel safe?” The painted man moved to step between you and Steve in an attempt to separate you two.
“Whoa, whoa buddy, back off. She’s my girlfriend, chill out.” Steve tried stepping around the man o little success.
“Oh, your girlfriend? And she’s running from you? I don’t think this is looking very good for you, buddy.” The two were shooting back and forth at each other, getting chest to chest, and starting to cause a larger disturbance that started o be heard over the music and background scream noises. More workers it looked like started to slip into the room and try to get the two men to quiet down, going so far as to begin threats of throwing them out of the haunted house.
You were pulled away from the situation before being pushed away and into the next room, looking like it was on its way to the exit in the next two or three rooms: your destination.
“Y/N?” His voice finally chirped up next to you as Steve took a seat next to you on the grass at the edge of the carnival. “You okay?” When he saw you sitting over here, he had quickly jogged over and took her in as he did so: sitting with her face pressed into her knees and arms wrapped tightly around her legs as she kept herself in as tight of a ball as possible.
You didn’t respond at first, only moving your head to look up at your boyfriend, the person you have embarrassed tonight and most definitely pissed off with your childish antics tonight. “I’m sorry.”
“Whoa what do you have to apologize for? I’ve been worried about you and wanted to make sure that you are okay.” His hand found its way to your back and began rubbing circles into your shoulder blade.
“I was really childish today and you didn’t deserve it, all because I was scared of the stupid rides.” Your words may have been mumbles, but he heard every word clearly.
“Hold on. Babe, did you say you were scared of the rides?” Your small and timid nod was enough for him to understand. “Why didn’t you tell me? I never would have brought you here if I knew that!”
Swallowing the thick feeling in your throat, you looked up at him and saw the disappointment and hurt in his face and that hurt. “Because you were so excited about it, I thought I could get through it and do at least one or two with you. But as we got closer, I guess my nerves got the best of me and I just...ran. Like a stupid child.”
“Hey, hey, hey, no.” Steve quickly shuffled to kneel in front of you and grabbed your hands, holding them in his own and your legs fell down to where you were now criss cross apple sauce. “I’m not gonna force you to do any of these rides if you don’t wanna. If you want to just go home, we can make this a movie night if that works better for you.”
“No, Stevie,” His mouth quirked up at this name. “You already bought the tickets; I don’t want you to waste the money you earned because I’m a scaredy cat.”
Steve took a second to think, racking his brain on how to salvage what has been an eventful evening. “How about…” He paused again and just stared at you with you staring back at him, waiting to hear what he wanted to say. “You can say no, how about we try a few rides, to try and get you on some. If you don’t like riding after one, we can go home, and you can at least say you did it.”
Mulling this idea over in your head, your eyes shifted from where your boyfriend sat in front of you to the bright and joyous scream filled rides were. “I suppose they don’t all look so bad.” You murmured to him, staring particularly at the giant Ferris Wheel that turned, a small memory from early on in your relationship popping into your head. Steve had mentioned a few times that his dream date would be to take a girl up on a Ferris Wheel and cuddle her and kiss her when they got to the top.
“Okay, we can try a few.” Though shaky, your voice was a little stronger this time and you gave Steve a small smile.
“You sure?” A nod. “Okay, I’ll let you choose which one we go on, okay?” Another nod.
Together, the two of you stood to your feet and approached the hustle and bustle of the carnival grounds again. “What did that Frankenstein do to you? I hope he didn’t get you in trouble or anything.” You asked as you laced your hand with Steve while the other went to hold onto his arm, squeezing it slightly as you got closer to the machines and your stomach growing heavy again.
“Oh him, he didn’t do much, just tried scaring me when he though I was some creep chasing you.” He chuckled at the short story, glancing over to you as you took in the carnival for really the first time, looking for something that didn’t freak you out. “How about we start with those spinning pods over there? All they do is spin around and if you want it to, we can make it spin on the inside too.”
Following his finger, you saw what he was referring to as it did spin around, the four small egg things with windows in them were spinning on the main machinery but also appeared to be spinning on their own. As you got closer and apparently joined the line, you could see inside one of them a group of middle school boys cackling as they pulled on the weird center disk that kinda looked like a pizza pan. “Yeah, we can give it a try.” The shakiness in your voice had come back and your grip on Steve tightened.
“Hey, you got this I’ll be right here with ya.” He returned the squeeze to your hand and fishes through his pocket for two tickets to hand over at the entrance. “Up ya go.” He mutters as he helps you up the three stairs leading into the egg ride thing you were entering before he stepped in behind you and took his place next to you. You were already holding a death grip on the center console when the door was shut, and Steve sat next to you. “You know what this is?” He asked gesturing to the disk you were holding onto with the vice grip.
“Something for me to hold onto?” You shocked yourself with how violently your voice was shaking as you heard something start to rumble around you. “Oh, shit its moving.” Steve let a quick chuckle out before he stopped himself and tried explaining the center console would cause the pod thing to spin. “Fuck no! Don’t you dare make this thing spin.” Bloody murder was not even near definitive enough of how much you were screaming.
“Babe, babe calm down, it’s fine! I promise, ha!” In comparison to your screaming, Steve seemed to be having the time of his life as he laughed; at least he wasn’t making the ride spin. “Babe, babe, babe, I’m so sorry I’m laughing, I promise I didn’t mean to, but you were screaming so much! And it was hilarious!” Steve held onto his sides as he nearly fell out of the pod and waited for you to follow his laughing self. When you didn’t step out, he turned back around and saw you still had your hands clenched very tightly to the metal plate, your eyes wide and your lips pursed together. “Sweetheart, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad about the rides, do you wanna go home?”
Hearing him soften up got you to finally look at him and slowly let go of the wheel. “N-n-no. I’m…” You paused to catch your breath and steady your voice. “I’m good, I just don’t know if I can do any more of these kinds of things.” Taking his hand, you pulled yourself up and stepped out from the ride and have yourself a few seconds to remember how to use your legs.
“You okay?” You nodded at him and gave a shaky, but okay smile. “You sure you wanna do another one? Cause we can go-”
“No, no, I can do…” The carnival really did have more rides than just ones that wanted to make you die, but none that really made you want to jump on them. “Can we do the carousel? I know I can do that one at least, my mom took me on them enough as a kid to be desensitized to those ones.” Steve looked over and saw the carousel that was filled predominately by smaller children, but if you wanted to do this and it was because he bought the tickets, he couldn’t make her do something else.
“If that’s what you wanna do, then we can do the carousel all night long, babe.” You nodded at him and followed him as he took your hand and the two began the walk to the carousel.
The carousel ride was much less curse filled, thankfully. You and Steve had found a pair of horses sitting side by side and the two of you quickly claimed them. Like you had said, you did get to enjoy this ride due to having done it before and you were able to just chat between the two of you, talking about how the kids were cute, how excited you were to take the kids to the park and not have to rides. It was a fine ride, definitely better than the last one.
“You ready to go home, babe?” Steve turned to you with a smile on his face. Getting you to ride two of the rides was honestly enough for him, plus, he knew Dustin would ride all of them with him later, with you waiting at the end for him.
You were about to agree and leave this eventful evening behind you, but you saw what Steve was standing near and bit your lip. Should you do it? Could you do it? “Actually, I wanna do one more.” He gave a quick quirk of his head before he followed your eyeline and turned around.
“What? Babe, we don’t have to do that, you have been through enough today and you were great, you don’t have to prove anything.”
“But...you have been wanting to do it, you told me about it one time.” You responded a little shyly as you confessed that you were doing it back of what he told you that one time. “I just...I really want you to be able to do it.”
“You...you remembered?” Steve was kind of shocked that you remembered him mentioning it, he had told that to girls in the past, but none of them really went out of their way to think about it, hell, even to remember it. “Are you su-”
“Steve, yes, I wanna do it with you.” The grin on his face was immaculate and contagious as one grew on your face as he quickly took this well and pulled you towards the line to the Ferris Wheel and dug around in his pockets for another round of tickets.
As it went around, you felt your stomach grow heavy again when you finally saw how high it got and had to calm yourself down without causing another scene. “Come on, babe, looks like ours is up.” He gently tugged on your hand and pulled you into the seat next to him before the handlebar was lowered and locked in front of you. “And here we go!”
The squeak that left your mouth was nothing but surprise and terror as you clung onto the bar for your life, your knuckles turning white with the sheer force you were holding on. “It’s really stupid you know that the only thing holding us back from falling to our death is this small bar and it’s really stupid because was if I was reall-holy shit this is really tall!” You finally removed your hands from the bar and moved to press yourself in Steve.
You could feel him trying to stop himself from giggling as he moved his arm to wrap it around you. “You can laugh you know; I really don’t care. I’m the coward of an almost twenty-year-old who’s scared of a carnival.” A chuckle did come through as the ride kept rotating and you slowly moved closer to the bottom.
“I’m not laughing at you, babe, but the noises you are making are fricking hilarious.” His voice still held the chuckle as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, and you responded with another squeak of shock as you started rising again.
Making it to the top again, you were waiting for it to hit its peak and for the relief of lowering the cart to begin, but instead there was a shudder before the ride stopped. “What’s going on, what’s going on, why are we stopped? Oh god we are about to die, fuck, shit, I don’t wanna die.”
“Babe, calm down, someone below us is getting off so they had to stop the ride for a bit. Remember when we had to get on? Same thing probably happened to someone else.” You nodded your head and just stared ahead to the tops of the trees you never thought you would have seen.
“It’s...it’s not too bad up here.” You finally mutter after a few beats of silence and getting your bearings. “I wouldn’t want to stay up here, but it does look nice.” Steve hummed in agreement and pulled you a little closer. “Hey Stevie?”
“Hmm?” He responded looking down at you.
“Thanks, tonight was fun.”
His face broke out into a grin again at your thanks. “Of course, thanks for giving a few of these rides a chance.” Smiling up at him, you sat a little straighter and caught his lips with your own, the two of you humming to the other that you were happy with your evening.
Though it was not as long as Steve would have wanted to stay in that moment with you (the ride started again and you broke away with another shriek), but he wouldn’t have traded that moment for anything else in his life.
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Elf-On-The-Shelf Trouble
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Characters: Reader, Dean, Sam, Castiel, Jack (all platonic)
Warnings: None.
Summary: Something unnatural enters the bunker - unnatural and Christmas-y.
A/n: Happy Holidays, my loves!
It had been a quieter week for hunting almost as if the monsters had taken the holidays seriously. This gave you and the boys time to yourselves to properly enjoy the time off. It was two days before Christmas and you wanted to take advantage of the spirit.
Sam had taken Jack into town for a grocery run in which you had requested a few extra ingredients to create a nice holiday feast while Dean and Castiel were in the library clearing up the spare decorations.
In the kitchen, you pushed your sleeves up and began to strategise how you were going to tackle the challenge. You stooped down and opened up the cabinet to retrieve your cookbook. Well, it started as ‘your’ cookbook but overtime, Sam and Dean added to it until it was just a mashup of the Kitchen’s Greatest Hits. 
You gathered the ingredients for gingerbread and eggnog only stopping briefly when Dean walked in, dusting his hands of ornament glitter.
“The library is clean as a whistle and Cas is heading out for more of your tinsel crap.” He approached the bench with the bottle of rum. You turned around to pick up a spoon and smiled at the jab.
“Calm down, Scrooge. It’s festive.” You replied and then sighed. “All we’re missing is a star for the top.”
“We could just stick Cas on there instead.”
The thought of Castiel perched at the top of the tree with his trench coat made you laugh which infected Dean until you were both in stitches.
The pair of you had just started folding base ingredients together when Sam and Jack announced their arrival, finding their fellow hunters in the kitchen. They carried in the grocery bags and set them on the table, Sam starting to unpack while Jack approached you with a grin.
“Hey.” You greeted. He was curiously happy and it made you smile.
“I met a nice old lady in town today and she gave me something that I think you’ll like.” Jack told you while you caught the small bottle of nutmeg powder that Sam had tossed over.
Unscrewing the bottle, you tilted your head. “I do love surprises.”
As the words flew out of your mouth, in your face, was a doll dressed in a white-collared red stocking, blue eyes staring to the side, a smile completed by its rosy cheeks.
You almost jumped back when you saw it. In a world of demons, ghouls, wraiths - no real monster creeped you out more than the elf on the shelf and Jack had brought one home as a gift for you.
“Oh...!” You didn’t really know what to say so you gave a small nervous laugh, taking the doll in your hands. “Jack, this is so... sweet...”
The nephilim beamed. He had never given a gift before and Sam was right - it filled him up with so much happiness.
“You like it?” He asked and you replicated the smile.
“Of course, I do. Hey, why don’t you set this little guy down, go upstairs and get changed and come back to help me with these cookies?” You suggested quickly.
Jack cast his eyes down at the bench stop filled with various ingredients and was overtaken with excitement to learn how to make gingerbread. “Okay.”
He set the elf to sit upright on the kitchen table before disappearing to change into more comfortable clothes. You waved the young boy off and then cast a beady look at the toy, not noticing Sam’s smirk.
“Wow. For someone who enjoys the holiday spirit, you really hate the Elf-On-The-Shelf.” He chuckled and you shook your head, eyes still fixated on the small object.
“He looks like he knows something.” You said suspiciously. “And why is he always smiling?”
Sam chuckled and then mentioned wanting to go for a walk. You m nodded and let him leave just as Jack returned with a bright grin and rolled up sleeves. “How can I help?”
You had a plan laid out for him but it turned on its head when Dean ‘donated’ his bowl of dough to the nephilim, “You can start with that.” He said and grabbed a towel, wiping his fingers of any excess. “I’m going to set the table.”
You thanked him for the help and watched the man leave as well.
Now left with Jack, you taught the boy everything you knew about gingerbread. As the day was pleasantly quiet on the hunting front, you both spent the majority of the time baking and getting the occasional helping hand from one of the brothers or Jack. Castiel had appeared briefly to help but he confused salt with sugar and received a temporary ban.
When night came around, gingerbread was successfully baked and you were exhausted. Thankfully, there were no hunting drama about hormonal teenagers summoning the Krampus which meant that you could finally rest.
After bidding everyone a goodnight, and warning Dean of the repercussions if he tried to steal a cookie early, you climbed into your bed and were swept away in a peaceful dreamless sleep.
A giggle came from right beside your ear. You swat out of instinct and sat up in a daze. The room was dark and you thought your mind was playing tricks but then you made out a small movement across the floor - it looked... red?
Now on high alert, you grabbed your gun from beneath your pillow and jumped out of the covers. You walked silently across the room and flicked on the lights, pointing your gun at an empty floor.
Then you heard the giggle from the hallway and you spun around to wrench the door open only to find nothing. Rubbing your eyes, you let out a sigh until you heard quick receding footsteps and a shout.
You bolted for Room 11, almost at the door, when you skid to a halt. Standing just outside Dean’s room was the elf doll that Jack had brought home - it was holding a kitchen knife.
Hell. No.
You raised your gun and fired into the dolls chest sending the scent of burnt cotton into the air. Instead of dropping to the ground, the doll turned to you and vanished in a wisp of smoke.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t over. You felt a weight on your shoulder and Dean emerged from his room just in time to see the elf raise its blade. The older Winchester pulled out his own gun and took a shot, effectively disarming the elf as the weapon clanged on the floor.
You jumped and reached back to pull it off - but it wouldn’t budge. This was like dropping into a nightmare. And just when it seemed like it couldn’t get worse, you felt a bite at your neck.
“Get it off!” You screamed, flailing around the corridor as panic actually set in.
Suddenly, a grey sweatshirt came into view. “Okay, okay - hold on!” Sam instructed. You could tell he was trying to help but when he yanked at the doll, the pain in your neck increased and you struggled against the tall man.
Sam huffed, a little frustrated with how much you were moving which made his task more difficult.
“Damn it, Y/n - hold still for Sam.” Dean told you tensely.
And you stopped moving - you stopped only to give the blonde-haired man a scathing glare and a piece of your mind.
“Don’t make me shoot you - ow!”
“Sorry!” Sam apologised. “I need an angel blade.”
Dean whipped around to fetch the one from his room when he saw Jack jogging over after being woken up from the commotion.
“Kid, angel blade - now!”
The nephilim’s eyes glowed and, instantly, Sam’s hand wielded the angelic weapon. The man was hoping to cut the thing off but one touch of the silver and the elf unlatched itself, springing back.
You gasped in relief, leaning against the wall as you clutched your neck, noticing a few spots of blood. Dean and Jack rushed over to your side hurtling questions to ask if you were okay.
“Do you feel any odd... sensations?”
You rolled your eyes at Dean. “I was bitten by a Christmas demon - not a radioactive spider.”
Dean made a quick comment about how you could never be too sure but was interrupted when when Sam called out for the three of you.
Looking over at where he stood, you noticed that his eyes were fixed on the elf who had gotten to its feet and was walking in the direction of the fallen knife.
Dean pointed at the doll, “We should run.”
Without a second thought, the four of you bolted through the hallway into the furthest room you could find - a high pitched giggle nipping at your heels.
“In here!” Sam ushered everyone into a storage facility. Once the lock was clicked, you all let out a collective sigh.
You pressed your hand against the wound and found that the blood had mostly dried up. “What the hell was that?”
“A seriously pissed elf.” Dean said instantly. “Scared the crap out of me when it blew my door open.”
You blinked at him as something awful dawned on you. “It blew your door open?”
“That’s what I said. There were three knocks and then bam!”
You turned towards the door of the room and quietly walked closer. You pressed your ear against the dark wood and waited.
“Why didn’t it go inside?” Jack wondered and the Winchester shrugged, not sure how to answer.
Then his eyes widened.
“I spilled holy oil on the floor when I knocked the bottle over.”
Knock, knock...
Dean was at your side instantly helping you brace the door as it rattled, the elf trying to gain access. Jack paced nervously and Sam pulled out his phone as he attempted to do some quick research in the chaos.
You glanced up at the hinges and saw them loosen slowly. “Cursed object?” You guessed.
Sam gnawed at his lip as he thought, “Maybe but it hasn’t done anything curse-y.”
“It bit me!” You snapped.
Dean pushed harder while frowning at your argument. “Y/n, you didn’t let any of us eat your cookies - I’d bite you.”
“It’s not a cursed object...” Sam realised as he scrolled through his phone quickly. Dean slammed his shoulder against the door with a grunt and a shot a scowl in his brothers direction.
“Did you see that thing with the knife? It’s cursed!”
“No - Dean, I think it’s been possessed by the - well, the literal Spirit of Christmas.”
You frowned at the man and tilted your head. “Are you saying Santa bit me?”
Sam looked up from his device at your admission and exhaled at the foolish answer, not surprised that you had given it. He then looked over at Jack, the young boy had been the one to bring the elf into the bunker with innocent intentions.
“Jack, when the woman gave you the elf, did you walk under any evergreen?”
With furrowed brows, Jack thought hard as he recalled his steps that morning in the small town.
“I had just picked up the pie and left the store when the sweet old lady gifted it to me. Then I crossed the street to meet with you at the car.”
It sounded simple enough until you remembered a small detail from when you ventured the same road several weeks ago. “The lampposts have fresh evergreen leaves hanging between them. You would have crossed beneath it to get to Sam.”
“That’s probably what set the spirit off.” Sam nodded while you helped his brother brace the door. “Okay - there’s an ancient fable here that says ‘without a sacrifice, the spirit comes down, until presented with a stem of green from the town’ - a stem of green?”
“Like a branch from the tree we have downstairs?” You asked, feet almost sliding out from under you as the spirit slammed against the only thing keeping it out.
“Son of a bitch.” Dean cursed at the tiny toy. “You just had to convince us to celebrate the holidays!”
There was a scowl on your face the moment his tone hit your ears. Turning to the man, you slapped his shoulder.
“How do we know that this isn’t because of your ‘grinchy’ behaviour? Honestly, I’d set a psycho-Christmas spirit on your ass too.”
“Believe me Y/n I haven’t started being-“
“Guys?” Sam’s call drew your attention and that’s when you and Dean realised that it had gone quiet. Leaning forward you pressed an ear to the door and listened to what seemed like little footsteps running off.
The spirit appeared to have moved on to another part of the bunker and you weren’t sure if that was comforting or more alarming. You and Dean stepped away from the door with a small sigh of relief.
Now, you needed a plan to kill the spirit and quick.
All heads worked together to form a rough sketch of how to tackle the issue before unlocking the door and creeping out of the room. With minimal noise, you all managed to get to a hallway opening that allowed you see a top view of the crows nest and a part of the library where the tree was - and the damn elf.
It was sitting there on the edge of the table with its rosy cheeks, blue eyes, and uncomfortable smile.
Oh, how you hated that thing.
There was a nudge to your right, pulling you from your thoughts and you saw that Dean and Sam had disappeared to lay their plan in motion which left you with the nephilim. Nodding at the boy, you stayed quiet before retracing your steps and headed down the hall towards Dean’s room. Thankfully, it was only two corridor turns away.
Turning the handle, you quickly entered and spotted the weapon that was needed hanging on the wall above his desk. You grabbed it, knocking a few pens over in the process, and bolted out. As you neared Jack, you heard a commotion downstairs which could only be Dean and Sam attempting to distract the spirit and you sped up.
Sliding to a stop, Jack presented you with the sharp-edge of a branch that he managed to snap off while the elf was occupied. You took it from his hand and stealthily moved down the stairs, staying out of sight. You reached the tree and loaded the branch into the crossbow as you heard a body fly against the wall, hitting the opposing bookshelf, and a seperate grunt that landed on the floor by the foot of the tree.
Taking in a deep breath - it was now or never.
You whipped around the side of the tree, spotted the little red holiday-demon pinning Dean to the floor and fired the evergreen. The branch sank itself into the elf’s soft body and flung it away from the Winchester who gasped for air. Sam got to his feet, rolling out his aching shoulder and walked over to where the Christmas entity laid still.
You, Dean and Jack did the same, still a little jumpy in case the thing attacked.
“Is it over?” Jack asked curiously.
Suddenly, the spirit shook the walls for a few seconds before combusting into a tall white cloud that dropped small snowflakes.
Talk about dramatic.
“Yeah - it’s over.” Sam sighed.
The door to the bunker screeched open, reminding you to oil the hinges later, and Castiel walked in with eyes fixed on the boxes in his hands. He didn’t notice the messed state of the bunker until he approached the four of you in the library, disheveled and breathless.
“What happened in here?” He frowned, blue eyes darting about for the danger. Jack smiled at his fatherly-figure. “We were attacked by a holiday spirit but it’s just a pile of snow now.”
Castiel was thoroughly confused at how this chaos transpired and opened his mouth when you caught his inquiry.
“It’s a long story.” You said quickly and diverted the attention to the item in his hands. “What’s that?”
The angel would get himself the details a little bit later and entertained your question. He moved forward and set the first box on the table before opening the second and a beautiful gold light sprang forth. Reaching in, Castiel gingerly picked up the contents and revealed a small glowing ball.
“I believe you said that you wanted a star on the top.”
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing and Dean playfully bumped into your shoulder.
“Happy holidays, Y/n.”
Looking to your side, you saw Sam and Dean smiling back at you - they knew.
There weren’t enough words to describe what it was you were feeling in that moment but it was strong. Forget the trees and presents, Team Free Will 2.0 was your forever gift.
Castiel handed the glowing star to the nephilim and stepped back beside you, Dean and Sam - the four of you watching as Jack reached up to placed it on the top where it hovered silently, emitting its warm light.
It was perfect.
“That reminds me... I found this on my way back.” Castiel moved over and picked up the second box and presenting it to everyone in the room. In his hands, and sitting neatly inside, was a little santa-hat wearing elf with his smile.
“I believe that you put them on the shelf.”
You swallowed nervously and glanced over at the brothers and Jack.
Sam caught your look and nodded.
“Yeah - I’ll get the holy oil.”
Masterlist here
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Bedrest Company - fic
Characters: Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, bits of Jason, Tim and Alfred Summary: Sometimes Damian forgot just how much his father(s?) loved him. A/N: An unasked-for companion piece to my years old story Bedside Manner. Why? I don’t know. Y’all know why Dick is in here too.
It was an understanding Damian had come to early in life, thanks to his mother and his training.
When you fail, it’s your own fault, and you deal with the consequences on your own.
He knew that. He understood that. He expected no more or less.
Not even in Gotham.
So, he was confused, that first time he woke up in the cave under the manor. He was in the medbay, and it felt like his chest was on fire.
Grayson was slumped at his bedside, still clad in half of the Batman uniform that didn’t quite fit him, fast asleep.
Waiting for him, Damian realized with dread. Waiting for him to wake back up so they could continue the patrol route Damian had so selfishly took them from with his mistake in the field.
He pushed himself up on shaky arms, tried to drag himself from the bed. Collapsed off the side of the mattress instead when his elbow gave out from under him.
There was a clatter of equipment. Damian’s groan of pain, Alfred’s quick footsteps and exclamation of surprise. Grayson’s curse as he jumped out of sleep.
“…Sorry.” Damian found himself growling as Alfred tried to help him sit up, and Dick came careening around the cot. “S-sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, my boy.” Alfred promised, ghosting a hand over Damian’s hair. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine.” Damian lied. “I-I…just give me a moment and I’ll be suited back up and ready to go…”
“Go?” Dick barked almost harshly. Alfred sent a glare towards him as he loomed. “Go where?”
“B-back out.” Damian grunted out. His chest was killing him, he could hardly breathe. And now that he had moved, he could feel a tug along his thigh, like a deep cut. “We didn’t finish the route…”
“The route…” Dick scoffed, and suddenly he was in Damian’s space, lifting him carefully off the floor. “Fuck the route, kid.”
“Master Richard!” Alfred scolded. “You are in rare form tonight, aren’t you!”
“Sorry, Alf, I’m just…” He trailed off in a sigh, and Damian felt him squeeze his arm. Disappointment, surely. How could Damian be his Robin if he was already failing on such a simple patrol? “…I need to know Damian’s going to be okay.”
And despite the years between the moments, the first failure with his father was no less confounding. Because, surely, a warrior as fierce as his father would be disgusted by such actions, such inadequacy. The Batman had no time for that. Bruce Wayne expected, and deserved, more.
So it was odd, to say the least, when his eyes slowly fluttered open, and found his father where Alfred normally was, checking the medical machines he was hooked up to. Prepping tools for stitches, pulling on the latex gloves.
Suddenly, he dropped the needle, and it clanged loudly in the otherwise silent cave. Bruce let out a quiet curse, fumbling with the other tools, trying to return to that previous sense of order.
“Bruce?” Someone called out in concern. Drake, if Damian had to guess, but his mind wasn’t clear enough to distinguish the voices of his less favorite brothers right now. Damian saw the shape of someone  - Drake’s height, he thought – walked behind the curtain and Bruce instantly spun around, furiously shushing them. The other held their hands up in surrender. “…Let me help?”
“I can take care of him.” Bruce said almost desperately. “I don’t need any help.”
“You…sure?” Maybe-Tim asked. “…Have you been checked out yet?”
“I’m fine.” Bruce countered. “He comes first.”
There was a pause, the silence saying that Maybe-Tim absolutely did not believe him.
Bruce was undeterred. “He. Comes. First.”
“…At least lay down before you fall down, B.” Probably-Tim said. Damian tried to squint to confirm, but his vision just was not working. He heard a noise from his father, the beginning of an argument, but the Most-Likely-Tim cut him off. “I’ll finish Damian up first if you’re that damn adamant about it.”
Damian drifted back off before the solution presented itself, but he could have sworn he felt his father’s fingers run gently through his hair.
Once, he awoke in his room, curled into his favorite pillow, the scent of lavender drifting from a candle he knew sat on the mantle of his fireplace. Titus had his head resting on Damian’s stomach, his nose shoved under Damian’s hand.
“This…you did this so many times when you were a kid.” Bruce huffed softly. He sounded like he was across the room, over by that fireplace maybe.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” A closer voice, Grayson, and it made Damian twitch in surprise. Damian turned his head just slightly, let his eyes creak open. Grayson was in a chair next to his bed, looking away, most likely at Bruce.
“That means that you taught this to him.” Bruce accused. “You made him this reckless. He wouldn’t have run off on his own and try to take that bastard down alone if he hadn’t seen you do it.”
“…That’s not fair.” Dick snapped back. Damian watched his hand curl into a fist on the chair’s arm. “You…I get that you’re worried about him, so you’re lashing out, but that’s not fair, Bruce. I never let him go off alone like this. I went after him every time, I- we had screaming matches about this every other day. I would rather die than ever let this kid get hurt on my watch. Since day one.” Dick inhaled slowly, crossed his arms. “But I know you have.”
“You’re blaming me?” Bruce asked angrily.
“Immediately? Yes.” Dick decided. “Because he was with Batman before he ran off. And, as you’re so fond of reminding me, I’m not his Batman anymore.” Dick leaned back in his chair. “Besides, do I really need to give you a list? You haven’t even been working with him that long and I would need more than ten fingers to name all the instances that I know about.”
Bruce didn’t answer that. That didn’t stop Dick.
“But you know what? Why don’t we just give that Morgan Ducard fella a call, huh?” Dick hissed. “Maybe he could name a time or two when you let Damian disappear on his own and it almost got him killed.”
Even if Damian wasn’t fully conscious, he could feel the fury rolling off Bruce in waves. Even sensed his father was about to speak, about to fall into that old, familiar routine of fighting with Dick for the sake of an injured loved one, when suddenly, Titus gave a soft warning growl.
Both men stopped and looked over. Titus gave a quiet, disappointed woof.
“…Sorry, B.” Dick whispered, dropping his face into his hands. “I just…sorry. That was low.”
“I…apologize as well.” Bruce sighed. “I just…don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to get him to see how worried we get when he does that. How unnecessary it is.” A moment. “How much we love him, and don’t want him to...”
Damian’s heart thudded in his chest, and it hurt. Hurt so much it grabbed onto his consciousness and began pulling him back under. He was able to keep his eyes open just long enough to see Dick look down at him with sad, guilty blue eyes.
“Me neither.”
Then, he died.
Like he deserved. He understood that consequence. He was weak, he failed. This was how it was supposed to be.
Then, for some reason, they brought him back. For some reason, they missed him. For some reason, they wanted him.
And he’d never gotten used to their affection before, their worry when his injuries were warranted, but now it was different. So different.
It was a simple fall from a building, one Jonathan Kent had caught him from in the nick of time. So, no worries. No splatter on the sidewalk. Injuries and unconsciousness from the rest of the event, sure, but. Whatever.
But when he woke up this time, he was in his room, and could feel pressure on his hand.
His first thought was that he’d broken it. He didn’t throw his weapon right, and the enemy was able to counter the move. He remembered yelping in pain, clutching his hand, but jumping back into battle anyway, and forgetting about it.
But then he looked over, and found that there was no bandage on his hand at all. At least, not that he could see. Because he couldn’t see his hand. Because it was clutched in both of Dick’s.
Dick himself was asleep, cheek resting on their combined hands, and that’s what the pressure was, his head. His face was turned towards Damian’s, and even in his waking haze, Damian recognized the moisture on his face, the redness around his eyes.
He’d been crying.
“You worried him to tears, brat.” Damian heard from the door. Glanced up and saw Jason sauntering in. “Cried himself to sleep.”
“I’m fine.” Damian whispered hoarsely. “He…none of you should be that upset about it.”
“You fell off a fucking skyscraper.” Jason scolded. “And fell off said skyscaper because you’d been beat to hell before that. Why shouldn’t we be upset about that?”
Damian shrugged. He felt his shoulder blades pulse at the action. “If I failed, it’s what I deserved. I can deal with the consequences.”
“You ever think about how those consequences don’t just affect you?” Jason asked. Damian just now noticed he was carrying a tray of food, and put it on the table next to Dick. “Your friend, the little Super who caught you, he’s been half traumatized since. Lois called and said he’s been having nightmares of not catching you in time. Alfred won’t sleep because he’s afraid you’ll have an emergency and will wake up to you dead…again. Your dad’s sunk down into his emo-boy stage and I don’t even know where the fuck he is.”
Damian blinked slowly, glanced away. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, well. I know you’re not apologizing for the right thing, but whatever.” Jason said grumpily. “You’re apologizing for worrying everyone, not for not caring about yourself and what happens to you, and believing yourself deserving of this pain and suffering, which is the root of this problem.”
Damian paused, furrowed his brows. “…But I do.”
“Debatable. In my opinion, and knowing what I know about the world you lived in before, probably not.” Jason hummed. “To them? You absolutely do not. And by letting yourself get hurt, you’re hurting them, because they love you, and absolutely cannot lose you again.”
Damian still didn’t look at him. “…They shouldn’t.”
“Not your call. So stop feeling guilty because they do.” Suddenly, there was a hand in Damian’s hair, ruffling his locks. “Now rest up, kiddo, so I can kick your ass on the mats again soon.”
Jason left without waiting for a response, softly closing the door behind him. Damian waited a second, before slowly rolling to his side, and carefully shifting to curl around his eldest brother’s head. He stared at Dick’s wet face for a moment before squeezing the hand cupped in his palm and closing his eyes once more.
Another time, he doesn’t even recall what happened. A fight in Gotham, perhaps? Maybe against his mother? Maybe against Lex Luthor? Was it in California? He wasn’t sure.
He doesn’t even remember losing consciousness, or waking up. He remembers, vaguely, the feeling of being scooped into someone’s arms, of going through a boom tube, of hearing voices he recognized as Justice Leaguers.
Everything became clear, though, when he felt himself being lowered onto a cot. Suddenly everything was too loud, too bright, too painful. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t feel his legs.
“…fix this.” He heard someone saying. J’onn J’onzz? Red Tornado? The Flash? “I…I really don’t know, Bruce.”
“He’ll need surgery.” Diana Prince. “I’ll take him to the operating room.”
Suddenly, something squeezing his hand. “No.” His father. “I’ll take him.”
“Bruce, you’re hurt too.” Diana tried. “We’ll do what we can for him while we also take care of yo-”
“I’m not leaving him.” Bruce shouted over her. Furiously, desperately, he said, “You want to take him from me? You’ll have to kill me first.”
Diana sighed. “Bruce…”
“I…” Instantly, Bruce sounded weak. Small. Petrified. “I won’t try to help. I won’t get in the way. I…” A pause, and a hand on his head. “Please don’t make me leave him, Diana.”
There was a moment, then: “Fine. But if an emergency arises in surgery and we ask you to move, you have to promise me you will. For his best interests.”
“If it will help fix him, I will. I swear.” Bruce said eagerly.
Damian didn’t recall being lifted again. Didn’t recall movement. Just woke again to a mask being strapped over his nose and mouth. He must have jerked, showed signs of life, fought a little, because suddenly that hand was back on his head, pushing his hair.
“Shh, it’s okay, son.” His father came into view. Not Batman, there was no mask. Just his father. Just Bruce Wayne, face gray and dirty, five o’clock shadow leaning towards a small beard. A tired, scared smile. “I’m here. I’m not leaving you. You’ll…” Hesitation, and Damian’s stomach dropped. “You’ll be okay.”
“F-father…” Damian tried. He saw J’onn J’onzz come into view. Diana. Barry Allen. Simon Baz.
“Just go to sleep, Damian.” Bruce whispered. Damian heard the word anesthesia somewhere in the room. “I’ll still be here when you wake up. I’m not leaving. You’ll be okay.”
The last thing he saw was his father’s terrified smile.
The first thing he saw when he woke up in a small room in the Watchtower was his father in ugly sweatpants and a sweatshirt that he was pretty sure he didn’t own. His beard was longer now, and looked itchy. He was fast asleep in the chair next to his bed, and snoring.
His grip around Damian’s hand was still tight.
Then, Damian got hit with fear gas.
And it was awful. One of the most awful things he’d ever experienced. He saw so much. Saw so many people. The people he’d killed, the people he’d hurt. The people he loved, telling him how much they hated him.
He couldn’t stop shaking, couldn’t stop trembling. Couldn’t catch his breath, couldn’t stop the tears pouring down his face.
Logically, he knew it wasn’t real, kept trying to remind himself of that. That the voices when he closed his eyes weren’t real. The scenes when he opened them weren’t either. All that seemed to be real was touch. Feeling.
He felt someone carry him to the Batmobile. He felt someone holding him as the car sped through the streets.
He felt someone lowering him onto a mattress, someone strapping his ankles down as he kicked furiously at them. He felt himself begging for them to not hurt them. That he’d be good. He’d be a good boy. He’d be a good solider. He’d do what they asked, no matter what it was.
He felt a warm hand take his. He felt another, larger one take the other.
He couldn’t stop sobbing.
A kiss was pressed to his knuckles. His palm held against a warm jaw.
“We’ve got you, sweetheart.” Someone said. Grayson, maybe? Or his father? He didn’t know. He could see their shapes, even amongst the visions. He recognized they were the ones sitting with him, as other, blurry shapes moved around them. Ghosts? The family? Demons? Assassins? He…he couldn’t tell.
“You’re safe.” A second voice said. His father, no doubt. It was deep and gravely. Bordering the Batman voice, and Damian would never dare forget the sound of that. “Deep breaths, son. You’re safe.”
“I’m sorry.” He shouted. Felt someone press a cloth to his face, wiping the tears. “I’ll do better. I’ll do better, I promise.”
“I’m sorry!” He screamed, tried to yank his hands back to hide his face. To maybe dig his nails into his skin and pull it away. Disappear from reality. “I’ll take the punishment. I deserve it. I deserve all of it…”
But the hands holding his both just squeezed their grips, as he felt a needle dig into his neck.
He was grateful for the darkness. The silence.
And when he awoke, his hands were still held. His father and his brother were still at his side. Both still awake, but clearly in desperate need of sleep.
“…you believed us, kiddo.” Dick was saying mournfully as he played with Damian’s hand. Held it tenderly in the palm of one while he slowly moved and bent Damian’s fingers with the other. “I just wish you believed us when we say how much we love you.”
“Sometimes,” Bruce hummed under a yawn. “…Sometimes I hate Talia the most for this.” Even without opening his eyes, he could feel his father’s stare. “How much she made him doubt himself. Doubt what love is.”
“Normally, I’d happily agree with you, blaming Talia. But this isn’t just her fault.” Dick reminded. Damian felt a kiss pressed to his fingers again. “We’re just as bad as she is, in this aspect.”
His body suddenly acted on his own, fingers twitching in their holds as his mouth quietly gasped, “No.”
The men both quieted, and watched as Damian slowly opened his eyes. Bruce watched in silent excitement as Dick stood, wrapping an arm around Damian’s head and pulling him into his chest.
“…You’re not.” Damian whispered. “As bad. As she was.”
Dick let out a soft chuckle as he kissed Damian’s head. He hadn’t let go of Damian’s hand, and gave it a squeeze.
Bruce smiled too. “Perhaps not.” He shrugged. “But we are nowhere near as good as you, Damian.”
“How you feeling?” Dick asked into his hair.
“The visions stopped.” Damian said weakly. “So…good, I guess.”
“Great.” Dick hummed. Bruce, also not letting go of his hand, leaned down and began pulling at the knots of the restraints on his ankles. “Perfect.”
Damian pushed into his embrace, hoping Dick could feel his gratitude. But when he glanced up, he saw Dick was frowning. “…Grayson?”
“Just…some of the things you said. From what you were seeing.” Dick mumbled. “They…they were awful.”
“…And our fault.” Bruce added. He gently began running his thumb over the back of Damian’s hand. “I’m sorry, Damian. That we haven’t…been listening.”
Damian gave them a sleepy smile, pressing further into Dick’s embrace.
“You’re here, now.” He decided, flipped his hands to be the one holding Dick’s and Bruce’s instead. “And I…I didn’t wake up from those nightmares alone.”
“And you never will.” Dick promised. “We will always be here for you.”
“Always.” Bruce echoed.
“You…you will?” He let hope ebb into his voice, just slightly, because for once, he believed it. Let himself believe it. “Really?”
“No matter what.” Bruce reiterated with an eager nod.
“…Okay.” Damian whispered. Let his body slump back against the pillow, back against Dick’s arm. “Okay.”
He was comfortable, that was his first conscious thought. Comfortable and warm, and it’d been a while since he’d felt that way. Months, maybe. Years? He wouldn’t put it past himself.
So he shifted to turn, and a jolt of pain went up his body.
He involuntarily twitched and suddenly, his comfort shifted. He realized instantly – he wasn’t lying in his bed. He was laying on someone.
He let his eyes crack open to look up at who it was, conclude if they were a threat or not. The person was rubbing his shoulder now, smiling.
“Hey, kiddo.” Dick whispered. There was a noise across the room and Damian spun his head around, seeing his father standing from a desk, all but jogging towards them at the sound of Dick’s voice. That’s when the setting became clear. They were in his father’s home office. “How are you feeling?”
“Wha…?” Damian looked back up to his brother, whose lap he was using as a bed, the crook of his elbow acting as a pillow. “What’s going on?”
“Are you in pain?” Bruce asked, kneeling beside them. They were on the small couch Bruce kept in the office, for visitors or meetings. It was rarely used. Damian surely never sat on it before. “Does anything hurt?”
“Yes.” Damian admitted, and for once, his stomach didn’t flip in guilt, in disappointment, as he said it. He didn’t fear retribution or punishment. “What happened?”
“Bad fight. You came across the gang before we did. There were more lieutenants there than we thought. You got outnumbered, and they…” Dick frowned, and Damian felt him squeeze his shoulder. “They weren’t. Nice.”
“Well.” Damian sighed wistfully. “I imagine neither were you.”
Because over the years, he’d learned Grayson’s bleeding heart. He’d learned what made that man tick. He also learned that if you hurt someone Dick Grayson loved, you paid the price, no matter what that price was. He would destroy you, slowly and painfully, if you touched someone in his family, and, as much as Damian still felt he didn’t deserve that attention, that care, he recognized he fit in that category. He somehow gained that protection.
Dick blinked down at him, then gave him a sly grin. “You should have seen your dad.”
Damian let his head lull to the side, to look towards Bruce. His smile was, surprisingly, a little shyer. “Do you need any pain meds?”
“No.” Damian hummed, feeling the pulse of dull pain flow through his veins. Nothing he hadn’t dealt with before. “How bad is it?”
Bruce snorted. “Do you want a detailed list or a general one?”
Damian raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“Concussion.” Bruce tapped his forehead gently. “Broken nose.” He poked the tip of his nose. “Various bruises and gashes that we could clean up pretty well on our own. Sprained knee.” He gently touched Damian’s right knee, wrapped in a bandage. “Broken ankle and a few broken bones in your foot.” He wrapped his hand around Damian’s toes, the only thing visible outside the sturdy booted cast. Then, more slowly, he raised his hand back to Damian’s chest, pressed his hand over Damian’s heart. “…Broken ribs and a punctured lung.”
He left his hand there, pressing slightly every time Damian’s heart beat. He had a feeling those injuries were the ones Bruce was most worried about. The ones that dealt with his air, his ability to get oxygen. The one that could, potentially, kill him.
“I think I’ll be okay.” Damian tried softly. “Can’t keep a good Robin down, after all.”
Bruce stared solemnly at him for a moment, then let his face relax, lips twitch up for just a moment, then leaned down and kissed Damian’s forehead.
“You still need your rest.” Bruce chuckled. “And a few weeks off.”
“A few days maybe.” Damian scoffed. “Really, I don’t feel too bad.” He glanced around the room, the family photos on the wall. “Why are we in here?”
The men both glanced at each other, then Bruce stood, turning back towards his desk.
“We…wanted to keep an eye on you.” Dick admitted sheepishly. “But we still had some work to do for the company.”
Damian glanced at the desk his father was returning to. Folders and papers and a calculator littered it. He looked up at Dick. “…You don’t work for Wayne Enterprises anymore.”
Dick smiled again, soft and embarrassed. “…I just…wanted to keep you company. And had nothing else really going on.” I was so worried I couldn’t function, he didn’t say. “But so did your dad and he was busy.” Bruce was so beside himself our identities were in jeopardy because his work wasn’t getting done. “So…it seemed the only logical thing was to all come in here.”
“Logical.” Damian repeated. Smirked a little. “You used logic once in your life?”
“Shut it, squirt.” Dick laughed. “Did you wake up because you were uncomfortable? Alfred would scold me for holding you like this. You probably really should be in a bed. I can…”
Dick shifted to stand, but Damian immediately reached up, tugging at Dick’s shirt.
“No. I.” Dick stopped, looked curiously down at him. Damian allowed himself to smile. “I’m…good. Right here.”
Dick’s eyebrows shot up, but then he smiled too, let himself melt back into the couch, and repositioned his arms around Damian’s torso, brushed Damian’s hair off his forehead.
Damian looked over to find Bruce watching them, a gentle grin on his otherwise stoic features. Damian smiled back to him, leaning his cheek against Dick’s chest.
“Thank you.” Damian whispered. Stared at his father as he clung to one of Dick’s arms. “Thank you for staying with me.”
Bruce shook his head. “No.” He mumbled. “Thank you for staying with us, son.”
He stared for another moment, like he was committing the scene to memory, then returned to his paperwork, his shoulders relaxing. Damian watched for his own second, then curled into childishly into Dick’s embrace and closed his eyes once more, Dick’s shirt still in his fist. Dick chuckled in what sounded like relief, then began stroking at his hair, softly humming a lullaby.
Damian fell back asleep feeling content. Happy. Safe. Loved.
And feeling, for once, like he deserved it.
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myinconnelly1 · 3 years
The Omega’s Curse 4 (final)
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Square Filled: one character worrying anxiously about another Ship: Geralt x OFC Rating : Explicit A/N: This is Part 3 of the Omega’s Curse By popular demand (like 3 people) Warnings: 18+ NSFW,  a/b/o dynamics, canon violence canon gore, purposeful scaring, branding (kinda), unplanned pregnancy, non-graphic labor, labor complications Summary: When a sheep farmer thinks his daughter is cursed, he pays the Witcher to help. Word Count: 1346 Created for @anyfandomgoesbingo.
Special thanks to @firefly-graphics for the Witcher themed Dividers!! Check her out the stuff is amazing!
It took 3 days to sort everything out with the sheepherder.  Sharra seemed to recover from the wounds quickly, the magic aiding in the healing and scarring of the glyph.  Geralt spent some time with Sharra explaining that the Ifrit was trapped in her skin, but was likely not to fight back since she was an omega.  He had heard of something like this happen once before and the Omega lived a full and happy life.
“A life that I hope you can have back,”  Geralt said before standing and taking the coin bag from Sharra’s father.  “Sorry about the chickens,”  Geralt said to the man as Sharra snorted and the Witcher left to get Roach splitting paths from the bard.
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“Geralt!”  Jaskier called as he saw the Witcher on the road several months later.
“Jaskier, who have you pissed off this time?”  Geralt smiled at the bard as he continued to walk, mostly uninterested.
“Not me pissing people off this time,”  Jaskier almost bragged.  “I thought you made a point to not go through the same towns?”
“It’s been a while since I’ve been through here.  I’m sure they won’t mind me passing on,”  Geralt shrugged.
“Oh, it’s been a while alright.  Actually, I was on my way to find you with some interesting news I gathered,”  The bard dangled the gossip in front of Geralt like a carrot.
“I am not interested in the gossip of your high light dandies and rich ladies,”  Geralt rolled his eyes.
“Oh no!  This is not about my life or the people that I spend time with.  Actually, it involves a very pretty Omega girl and a curse… Do you know anyone like that?”  Jaskier was literally shaking as he attempted to hold the news in.  Geralt gave in.
“Alright, yes.  Sharra, what about her?”  Geralt asked.
“OH, You remember her name?!”  The bard almost jumped up and down with excitement.  “Well, I heard that a certain Omega was with child.”  Geralt looked at Jaskier with a pained and dirty look.  “And she is due any day now,”  The bard wiggled his eyebrows.
“I’m sure she and the Butcher are quite happy then,”  Geralt growled lowly.  He didn’t know why he was so jealous about the entire thing.
“No, the Butcher moved to a different town,”  Jaskier side-eyed him.  “There seemed to be quite a scandal when he tried to offer to buy her with a cow and no chickens?”
“I hope there is a point to all of this, Bard,”  Geralt’s patience with games was at an end.  His feelings for the Omega being brought back up to the surface.  Feelings he could not acknowledge because Witcher’s weren’t good mates.
“She’s having your pup?”  Jaskier had stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the witcher.  “Are you that dense?”
“Witcher’s can’t have children,”  Geralt said with a deep-seated anger.
“Sure.  Geralt, you should go there.  Just see her,”  Jaskier said quietly.
“Fine,”  Geralt growled.  “Fuck.”
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“This village was much more pleasant without you,”  Jaskier whispered as they met the cold and angry stares of the town-folk.
“I imagine,”  Geralt said as he stabled Roach.  “I’m looking for Sharra, has she moved from her parent’s house?”  He asked the stable boy.  He seemed unable to speak to the witcher and simply pointed out of the barn to a house that was several houses away.
“How long ago were you here?”  Geralt asked as he walked with Jaskier toward the house.
“It was several days ago,”  Jaskier said as they got close and saw the sign for the town’s midwife.  Two young boys were playing in front of the house.
“Is your mother here?”  Geralt asked the older boy holding up a small coin.  The boy ran over to him to take it.
“She is busy with Sharra,”  the boy said inspecting the coin closely.  “You can’t go in.  No boys allowed,”  He said nodding to the other boy he was playing with.  A cry came from inside the house as if on cue.  Geralt restrained himself from rushing in to help his omega.
A thought occurred to him as the impulse to run to her side passed.  He brushed off the notion that she was his omega.  He hadn’t thought that before when they had fucked.
“Let’s get a drink.  We can wait them out,”  Jaskier pulled at Geralt’s arm subtly, and the Witcher noticed he had taken a rather aggressive stance.
“Witcher!?” An older man called as he walked into the bar.  Several people turned to look at the scene, as the sheepherder came over to the table Geralt and Jaskier were sitting at.  “You’ve killed my daughter, Witcher.”
“She was alive and well when we left,”  Jaskier said standing defensively for Geralt.
“The child you left in my daughter’s belly won’t come.  She’s been at it for almost two days.  The midwife says it’s likely neither of them will survive,”  Tears were flooding the older alpha’s eyes.
“It’s not my child,”  Geralt sighed.
“HORSESHIT!”  Sharra’s father roared.  “The butcher rejected her when she was well enough to visit him again.  She was already pregnant, and you know better than anyone else here that she was a virgin before you came to town.”
“I saved her life,”  Geralt said uncomfortably calm.
“The child trapped in her belly is proof otherwise!”  The sheepherder cried.
“Trap…”  Geralt mused as Jaskier shot him a look that told them they both understood.
Geralt stood and pushed past everyone in the bar running back to the midwife’s home.  Jaskier was slower getting past people but he was close behind.
“Look out, boy!”  Geralt called as the young boy they had talked to earlier dodged to the side of the crazed looking Witcher.  Sharra’s hoarse cries were still coming from inside the house, and Geralt followed them.
“Wait?!”  Jaskier cried out as he saw Geralt pull out his dagger when he entered the room that Sharra was in.  
“Geralt?”  She panted.  Her hair was wet with sweat and her clothing was mostly removed to make her as comfortable as possible.  The scars on her belly were clearly visible. Geralt caressed her cheek, as Jaskier blocked the midwife from stopping Geralt.  The Witcher cut a shallow line through his glyph carefully.
Energy surged threw the house in a tidal wave-like surge knocking everyone back, before reforming into the smoky, monstrous Ifrit.  Sharra yelped in surprise as her water broke, and the midwife coached her saying something about seeing the child’s head.  Jaskier got back up from the ground and saw the Witcher get the Ifrit’s attention to take it away from the women.
“Stay here and guard the door,”  Geralt said to Jaskier as he led the monster away from Sharra.
“WITCHER!”  The monster’s fire-crackle of a screech roared across the field in front of the midwife’s home.  The boys scattered to hide as Geralt readied himself to fight it.  “SHE’S MINE!”
“You won’t touch her again,”  Geralt growled.  “She’s mine,”  he said without a second thought.  Then fought the monster.
“Alpha!”  Sharra whined just as Geralt’s silver blade plunged through the smoke and it dissipated.  He ran back inside to his mate.
“I’m here,”  He cooed comfortingly as he knelt next to her.  Jaskier came over with the midwife and he clasped a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“It’s a boy,”  The midwife smiled in an exhausted yet genuine smile as she handed a small bundle to Sharra.
“What should we name your son, Witcher?”  Sharra sighed looking at the babe with relief.
“You choose.  You did all the hard work,”  Geralt teased her.  Jaskier stood and walked to the doorway.
“I shall write this beautiful chapter, and no one will believe it,”  Jaskier pouted.
“Why not?”  Sharra giggled tiredly, looking over the dramatic bard.
“No one will believe the White Wolf has a child!  Besides, I’m not sure fatherhood would suit you Geralt,”  he teased in mock disinterest.
“I think it would suit me just fine.  If you’ll have me,”  Geralt hummed against his mate's forehead.
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@waywardbaby @destielhoneybee @snffbeebee @deangirl7695 @spnbaby-67 @maddiepants @ladywinchester1967 @woodworthti666​ @miraclesoflove @tumbler-tidbits @emilyshurley @akshi8278​ @mannls​ @wendibird​ @bobasheebaby​  @chelsea072498​ @donnaintx​ @justsomedreaming​ @supernaturalenchanted​ @kalesrebellion​ @prettydeaneyes​ @emoryhemsworth​  @dontshootmespence​ @its-a-spn-thing​ @vicmc624​ @idreamofplaid​ @anaelsbrunette​  @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @wayward-mikaelson​ @electraphyng​ @mariekoukie6661​  @katelynw93​ @manawhaat​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​
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hello, i am back and requesting more stitch x naga content for this world :)
Sorry this took me so long to get to, but I turned it into a nice lil oneshot! Also written for @last-operator-standing who requested it as well!
AO3 link will be in the reblogs! 
тупой идиот
Characters: Stitch x Naga
Warnings: Violence, blood, language 
Word Count: ~2100
That was the first thing Stitch thought when he met Kapano “Naga” Vang. He was arrogant. Naga was someone who was so full of himself that he would go out of his way to let everyone know who he was and exactly what he thought about them. All. The. Time. 
God, he was annoying.
Had Perseus not expressed the importance of the warlord’s supply chains, Stitch would have killed him ten times over already, something he had already done countless times in his imagination. Thinking about the ways Stitch could go about killing Naga, to make him finally shut up, was the only thing that got him through days like today, where he was put on a mission with the other. Currently, Stitch was wondering how quickly it would take to suffocate the man with his Nova-6 gas, what Naga would look like as he withered away from the toxic chemicals. 
It almost brought a smile to his face. At least, it would have if he hadn’t just watched Naga breached into the building they were supposed to infiltrate silently with a grenade launcher.
“тупой идиот!” Stitch yelled, cursing the man in Russian as an alarm began to sound throughout the base. Whether the other had even heard Stitch was unclear as Naga had already run into the building, swinging around a fancy assault rifle from his back with a mad laugh. With an exasperated sigh, Stitch pulled out his own weapon, trudging into the base behind Naga, where inside, bodies were already beginning to pile up.
“‘Bout time you showed up!” Naga laughed, turning his head to greet Stitch. Although he had his mask up and had those stupid sunglasses on, Stitch could see the fire in Naga’s eyes, the wicked grin he had on his face as he reloaded his weapon. The man was passionate about his job; Stitch could give him that. “So, are you going to help or what?” Naga asked, a sense of mockery in his voice. 
“We were supposed to move in silently,” Stitch hissed back, moving to take cover beside Naga as a horde of enemies emerged on the other side of the hallway. 
“What difference does it make?” Naga laughed, wanting to get a reaction out of Stitch. 
The man was too serious all of the time, always looking at Naga with that look of disapproval. Like Stitch thought he was better than him with his cold, brooding exterior. Kapano had been quick to pick up on the fact that Stitch didn’t like him and even quicker to realize just how easy it was to get under his skin. And, with how easy and fun Stitch made it, how could Naga not want to try and press all his buttons? Surely at some point, he was going to snap and Naga couldn’t wait to see what kind of person was lurking under Stitch’s silent demeanour, especially after all of the stories he had heard about him. 
“What difference does it make?!” Stitch retorted, his voice filled with a wave of certain anger that brought a grin to Naga’s face. “If we are unable to complete this mission successfully, it will be your head that Perseus puts on a spike,” Stitch spat. 
“Then I guess we should complete the mission,” Naga smirked. “Unless, of course, you don’t think you have what it takes. Because I can do this without you if you need.” 
Stitch growled in response, physically pushing past Naga with his shoulder, knocking the smaller man out of the way; if Naga wanted to play this game, there was no way in Hell Stitch would let him win. Stitch opened fire on the wave of enemies approaching them, his LMG tearing through a dozen of them within seconds. 
“So you do remember how to shoot!” Naga exclaimed from behind Stitch. Instantly Stitch turned his head to shoot him a death glare but only saw the man pointing his handgun at him. Before either had the chance to say anything, Naga had fired a shot, the bullet flying just past Stitch’s shoulder and into the head of someone else approaching. “You missed one,” Naga pointed out, another smirk under his mask. This time, he was the one pushing Stitch aside to advance. 
The alarms were blaring as the two of them made their way through the compound, each room seeming to have more armed guards waiting for them. The flashing red lights illuminating the base were soon the only source of light after Naga had made the bright decision to pull out his grenade launcher again when the duo made their way into the control room. 
“You know you could have just flipped the switches, right?” Stitch asked, clear annoyance in his tone.
“Well, yeah, but, c’mon!” he proudly held up the weapon in his hands. “You wanna give it a go?” he asked, holding the launcher out to Stitch, who crunched his nose in disgust.
“A weapon like that demonstrates no skill of the man wielding it,” he stated, turning away. Naga jogged to catch up with him,
“I don’t think I like what you’re implying,” he said, jabbing a finger at Stitch. “The way I see it, I’ve done a lot more work here today than you have.” 
“The only work you’ve done today is fuck everything up!” Stitch’s voice was getting louder with each word he yelled. 
“Then why am I the one with the intel we need?” Naga smirked, holding up a floppy disk in between his fingers. Stitch’s eyes went wide,
“How long have you-” 
“It was in like, the first room we went into.” 
“And you-!” Stitch huffed in frustration, curling his hands into tight fists. “I am going to tear you limb by limb and watch as the maggots-” 
“Over here!” a voice interrupted Stitch’s threats. The shout was followed by the sounds of even more guards on their way up to where Stitch and Naga were standing. 
“I am going to slaughter you once we make it out of here,” Stitch growled at Naga, moving to position himself behind cover. They were currently in the middle of the building. The room was wide open and already littered with bodies from when they first arrived.
“Please,” Naga started, reloading his rifle. “How many more of them can there even be at this point?” However, as he said this, both entrances to the room they were standing in were suddenly filled with a dozen more people, at least, on each end. Stitch shot Naga another death glare, who just grinned in response.
Stitch shook his head, holding his tongue as the enemy began to push their way into the room. At the front of the line advancing, the guards were equipped with much heavier gear, meaning it was taking a lot more bullets to get them down. By the time the armoured ones were out of the way, the remaining enemies were within close range, giving neither of the two men time to reload their weapons. 
Naga was quick to pull a knife from his pocket, lunging towards the person closest to him and driving the blade through their neck. 
“Messy,” Stitch mumbled, watching as Naga quickly moved to the next person, using his knife to paint the floor a new shade red.
 Instead of using a knife, Stitch simply grabbed the barrel of the gun from the person closest to him, twisting it out of the way as the person holding it held down the trigger, splattering the wall behind Stitch with bullet holes. Stitch then brought his knee up into the person’s chest, and as they stumbled backwards, he snatched the gun from their hands and shooting them point-blank in the skull. There were just enough bullets left in the magazine that Stitch was able to easily pick off the rest of the people on his side just as Naga finished filleting those on his. 
“See?” Naga asked, wiping blood off of his blade. “That wasn’t so bad.” Stitch shook his head, 
“Do you ever shut-” he cut himself off as he noticed one of the men on the ground still moving behind Naga, reaching for a gun inches away on the floor. “Get down!” Stitch yelled, not even hesitating to run towards Naga, pushing him out of the way just as the gun was fired. 
“Damn!” Naga exclaimed, quickly scrambling back to his feet. “Did you just save my life?” he laughed, scooping up the gun that had just been fired. “I didn’t think you had it in you, Stitch,” he chuckled again as he put a bullet into the skull of the person who had just tried to take his life. However, as Naga put the gun away, he realized that he had received no reply for his snarky comment.
“Stitch?” Naga turned around, his eyes scanning the room for the other. “Oh, fuck, Stitch!” Naga exclaimed, rushing over to where Stitch was on the ground. He was currently clutching his side, blood oozing through his fingertips. “Oh, no, no, no,” Kapano muttered, quickly looking around the room for something he could use to help. There was a first aid kit on one of the walls that he scrambled towards, simultaneously pulling out his radio to call for evac as he rushed back over to Stitch. 
“So,” Stitch started, a small laugh escaping his lips. “You can care about someone other than yourself.” 
“Please,” Naga remarked, pulling out bandages. “We already discussed whose head it would be on a spike if I fucked up this mission.” 
“Well, we did get the intel,” Stitch said, his breathing getting raspier. Naga shook his head, 
“This is my fault,” his words were so quiet that Stitch could barely hear them. “Can you even breathe with that thing on?” he asked a second later, looking towards the gas mask over Stitch’s face. Without waiting for an answer, Naga moved to undo the straps holding the mask in place. 
“H-hey,” Stitch tried to protest, watching as the other tossed his mask to the side before applying more pressure to the gunshot wound on his stomach. “That’s not fair,” Stitch coughed. 
“Why-” Naga started to ask,
“You can see my face, but I can’t see yours?” Stitch laughed a little again, a laugh that turned into a groan from the pain in his stomach. Naga rolled his eyes, but he did decide to humour the old man and pulled the mask off his nose to under his chin. 
Stitch shook his head, his mind suddenly seeming detached from his body as he reached his hand up to Naga’s face, gently grabbing the side of his sunglasses, slowly pulling them off his eyes. Naga wanted to smack his hand away, but for some reason, he found himself unable to move, his breath caught in the back of his throat as Stitch gazed into his eyes.
“Now I’m happy,” Stitch muttered, a slight grin on his face as he lowered his hand, placing the sunglasses on the ground beside him, his eyes also locked on the other. “Hm,” Stitch started, interrupted by a cough that left a trail of blood under his chin. “I didn’t think your eyes were brown. They’re beautiful...” 
Naga opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly he found himself at a loss for words, though he could feel the redness in his cheeks grow the longer Stitch stared at him, and he quickly averted his gaze, praying to god the evac would get here soon. 
“Ah,” Stitch chuckled, having noticed the other’s reaction. “There is a way to shut you up,” he laughed again, leaning his head back to rest it on the wall behind him. Stitch closed his eyes, “That’s good to know,” he said quietly. 
Before Naga had the chance to say anything as if he would have had something to say anyone, the evac team burst into the room, the medics shoving Naga off of Stitch to take over on applying pressure. They moved fast, lifting Stitch up onto a stretcher, leaving Naga standing there, suddenly feeling helpless. 
“Do not let him die!” Naga heard himself yelling as Stitch was ushered away from him. “If he dies, I will personally see you all to your graves!” He could tell that he meant every word he was shouting. 
He needed to see Stitch try to shut him up again… 
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laequiem · 3 years
No tricks, only treats [ONESHOT]
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/ Cardan and Jude join the rest of the family to enjoy Halloween in the Mortal World.
Part of Tales from the Mortal Realm, a collection of random moments in the lives of the Queen and King of Elfhame.
"Is it strange that I find you attractive dressed as such?"
I was looking at myself in the mirror, assessing my outfit, when Cardan sneaked into the room. His training with The Ghost was paying off, he was as silent as ever.
"Strange? Yes. Surprising? No."
Read it on ao3
"Is it strange that I find you attractive dressed as such?"
I was looking at myself in the mirror, assessing my outfit, when Cardan sneaked into the room. His training with The Ghost was paying off, he was as silent as ever.
"Strange? Yes. Surprising? No."
I saw him prowl towards me through the glass. He slid his arms around my waist, staring at me through my reflection.
Today is October 31st and Oak insisted we join him in celebrating Halloween. Of course, this means we all need costumes. I decided to go as the one character I knew more than anyone else.
I looked through his wardrobe for my outfit. It was quite hard to find a top that was loose enough to account for my breasts, as most of his clothes were tailored to fit him perfectly. I also found a dark blue coat, its collar covered in iridescent feathers. I gave up trying to find pants in his collection, as my hips would never fit, and just wore a pair of black leggings with black combat boots.
"What do you mean, dear Jude?"
"The only thing you love more than booze is yourself."
He raised his brows, making a show of looking offended. 
"Your capacity to lie to yourself will always impress me,” he said then plucked a kiss to my temple, “I love you more than I love wine."
I don’t think I will ever get over him being  caring . It felt as if he was a completely different person from the boy who would disturb lessons just to get attention.
Cardan turned me to face him, then inspected my face. “Something is missing.” He took my hand and directed me to his personal vanity. He opened the drawer and pulled out some cosmetics. He lined my eyes with kohl and coated my lashes with dark mascara. I suppressed my laugh when I saw he was so concentrated that he had stuck out his tongue. Then, he took out some glittery gold powder and applied it on my cheekbones. 
He took a step back to look at his handiwork and smiled.
“And the final touch,” he said as he plucked his crown off his head and put it on my head at an angle, “Voilà!”
I looked at myself in the mirror. I did not bother with any kind of wig. I put my hair up in elaborate braids, letting a few short curls hang in a few places. Yet, even without his signature dark hair, I still looked like him. I made faces at myself in the mirror, trying to get his grin right. 
Finally, I got up. “Your turn now, dearest Cardan.”
When Heather learned that Cardan would be coming too, she started suggesting outfits for him. She even went as far as drawing some of them. Something about his otherworldly looks inspired her. Maybe it's the tail, since a lot of her designs included it: a devil, sexy cat man and my personal favorite, a cute puppy.
In the end, I chose my own, petty idea. I walked in the closet and pulled out the outfit I had the servants clean for the occasion. 
“A King needs his Queen,” I grinned as I revealed the Queen of Mirth dress and crown.
Cardan threw his head back laughing. “You sure know how to hold a grudge.”
Thankfully, my husband was a team player, and he went with it. Even in this, he looked strikingly handsome. Or pretty, I guess. Unfair.
We landed in Maine in the early afternoon. It was strange to be awake so early, but Cardan did not seem bothered at all. We met up with Vivi, Heather, Oak, Taryn and Garrett at the entrance to FallFest, some kind of harvest festival that was held every October in the local park. It had everything from harvest contests to food stands, a section with typical carnival games, a small hay maze and even a haunted house.
I was not surprised to see my eldest sister dressed up, she went crazy for Halloween every year. Vivienne would dress up for a week straight before Halloween, even when she still lived in Elfhame. She was wearing a tight black bodysuit with a tail and claws as well as a black leather mask with cat ears. Heather dressed up as some kind of … plant lady? She had a short bodysuit made of green ivy leaves, green stockings and a long red wig. Oak was with them, wearing a reddish pink shirt with a big yellow star on it. I can only assume they went for pop-culture references I am unfamiliar with.
The real surprise was seeing my twin Taryn and her quiet lover also dressed up.
"What are you dressed as?", Cardan inquired, cocking his head to the side, "You ought to have dressed as Jude, you have already proved to be so good at it."
I snapped my head at him and slammed my foot as hard as I could on his. He was joking, of course. But the peace between me and Taryn was still fairly new. We mostly kept to ourselves and rarely talked. Garrett was back with the Court of Shadow and we were friendly, but he kept his professional and personal lives completely separated.
Cardan was hopping on one foot, scowling at me like he did not understand why I was upset. Taryn understood, though. She was sheepishly looking at the ground.
"I… I'm sorry for tricking you, Cardan."
I tried finding something to say to end the awkwardness. I wanted Cardan to apologize for what he said, but I knew he would not. Fae don't apologize.
Thankfully, Vivi broke the silence. "C'mon guys, we're here to HAVE FUN!" she complained, "What ARE you two dressed as?"
"Phantom of the Opera." Garrett replied.
"Says the one dressed up as Catwoman." Garrett mocked.
The bickering continued, though less mean-spirited than Cardan’s original comment, as we walked down the main path. Our first stop was the pumpkin carving station. Each couple got their own pumpkin to carve, though Vivi and Heather’s pumpkin was mostly Oak’s handiwork and the couple making sure he did not stab himself. Taryn and Garrett made some intricate flower design on theirs, Garrett being the one doing the carving of course. As for us, well… Cardan had creative ideas, but no skills with a blade, and my skills were more of the  stabbing  variety. We settled on giving our pumpkin a traditional jack-o-lantern face. 
After the effort of carving pumpkins, we were starving. Oak was complaining, dragging his feet on the ground so much that Vivi and Heathers were holding both of his hands to pull him along. Behind them, I saw Taryn with her arm looped around The Ghost's.
I was suddenly very aware that Cardan and I were the only ones not holding hands.
Nobody knows us here. We needn't keep the appearance of the power couple, together to rule and nothing else.
I took my hand out of the pockets of my borrowed coat and tentatively brushed my fingers against Cardan's hand. I saw him whip his head towards me, and I blushed when I witnessed the surprise in his face. Soon enough, he smiled. One of those smiles he kept for me and only me, blissful and happy. The smile he gives me when we have the time to spend hours cuddled together in bed, enjoying each other's presence.
Cardan took my hand and squeezed. I squeezed back.
We spent the rest of the afternoon eating good food, trying to guess the weight of giant pumpkins and visiting a haunted house. Cardan was fascinated by the weird human traditions and absolutely ecstatic about the food. Pumpkin-spiced flavored food will become the new trend in Elfhame, judging by his reaction.
When the sun started to go down, Taryn and Garrett left for Madoc’s, who decided to try giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Heather and Vivienne had initially volunteered to take Oak trick-or-treating himself, but when one of their friends invited them to a party, we offered to take him instead. Oak was excited to spend more time with me and “Uncle Cardan”. 
I had not gone trick-or-treating in...10 years? Maybe 12? Since my parents died. Cardan, obviously, had never gone. So, dressed up as each other, with Oak dressed as some cartoon character, we roamed the residential streets of the city to beg for sweets.
“If it is called ‘trick-or-treat’, does that mean I can make bargains if someone refuses to give me candy?” Cardan asked as we watched Oak go up to a house.
I gave him my best ‘I’ll-strangle-you-if-you-do’ stare. “No. No turning people into cats, no curse making them hear imaginary insects buzzing around their ears.”
“Why is it called trick-or-treat, then?”
Vivienne told me they had to explain this to Oak, too, a few weeks ago. Someone at school had mentioned being excited to go trick-or-treating and my brother had been very confused.
“I don’t know.”
Cardan hmmed and smirked, “Perhaps the Folk were involved when the holiday was first established.”
I crossed my arms.
“If that’s the case, not all traditions need to be brought back.”
He laughed at that, then reached around me and pulled me closer to him.
“You win. I won’t trick anyone,” he crooned in my ear, “but I want a kiss for being well behaved.”
I rolled my eyes dramatically. “So needy.”
Once again, I had to remind myself that nobody knows us here. Nobody recognized our costumes today: in the mortal world, dressed as each other, we were only The Guy In An Ugly Dress and Fashionable Emo Boy. Nobody knew we are King and Queen of Elfhame, therefore there are no expectations to be the hedonistic king and his murderous wife.
I slid my hand behind his neck and pulled him down. I felt him smile as I captured his lips with mine.
“Ew, gross!” Oak’s voice came from the other end of the driveway, “Stop that, come here.”
Reluctantly, we pulled away from each other and looked towards the house. Oak was in front of the opened door, talking with a couple. 
“Honey, look,” the tallest woman exclaimed as we walked down the driveway, “She’s dressed as High King Cardan!”
“Oh my god,” the other one replied, sounding so very human, “that sounds kind of profane. Do you think he would have her hung for this?”
As I looked at the two women, I realized that Oak had stumbled upon the house of a Fae couple. They saw through his glamour, and he saw through theirs.
“This is my sister Jude,” Oak started, “and this is my Uncle Cardan.”
Both females had gone completely still and were staring at Cardan with wide eyes. Simultaneously, they bowed deeply. 
“Forgive us, Your Majesty. We weren’t expecting you.”
“We so rarely see our kind around here,” the shorter one said nervously, “we… wanted to meet who little Oak was with.”
“We have tea, if you would like.”
I dared a glance at Cardan and noticed he seemed amused. Was he delighted to make them uncomfortable?
“That won’t be necessary,” he said as he took my hand, “My  wife  has us on a tight schedule, we have other houses to visit. Have a nice evening.”
I caught the emphasis on  wife  and realized they only recognized him as royalty. ‘  Your Majesty ’, singular. I could tell from the two females’ expressions that they also understood their mistake. I felt bad for them knowing they had no ill intent, probably unaware of the situation in Faerie. Yet, I could not help the grin that crept on my face. I worked hard to become High Queen. I fought and killed my way through the ranks, almost dying. Multiple times. I made decisions that will haunt me until the day I die. I am High Queen, and the Folk must know. 
“It was nice meeting you,” I say as I take Oak’s hand, “You are welcome to visit us at the palace if you wish.”
My memories from before Faerieland were to blurry, I did not remember getting so much candy. Did Taryn and I get that much? How could we possibly have eaten all of that? Cardan and I each had a smaller bag, only accompanying Oak to some of the doors, but Oak had multiple full bags. Once he went to sleep, Oriana was more than happy to give us some. She had learned how bad candy was for children’s teeth - even little Fae kids. She filled little bags for us to take back to Elfhame. 
Like anyone eating candy for the first time, Cardan went a little crazy. He wanted to try everything. Faeries might be different in a lot of ways, but I now have proof that chocolate is addictive even to them. 
The High King of Elfhame ate so much candy that he fell asleep on the couch, to the former General’s dismay.
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Open your eyes (Prologue)
This story started out as a Merlin AU with the SW character and then went completely off the rails. I hope you enjoy it. Credit for the charsacters goes to @lumosinlove. 
@waltzintherain @clearsuitcasecookienerd hope this lives up to your expectations <3. 
Remus stood in shock, staring at the center of the square as the crowd thinned around him. The king had just killed someone, and these people were acting like nothing happened. He shook his head, as if to dislodge the image of the axe falling down from his mind. He knew that the laws on sorcery were nothing short of ridiculous in the kingdom of Slytherin, but he hadn’t expected to find himself witnessing an execution less than an hour into arriving. 
He walked towards one of the guards nearest to him. “Hey”, he tried to sound like he hadn’t just witnessed one of his own get murdered, “do you know where I can find the physician's chambers?”
The guard pointed to the entrance to his left, “up those steps, it's the first door to your left.”
“Thank you.” 
Remus went up the steps, trying to forget the execution he had just witnessed. He stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath. He reminded himself that Minerva was his mother’s friend, she knew about everything, it would be fine. 
He pushed the door open, only to discover an empty room, well not empty, the room was filled with herbs and vials and medicine, but there was no one there. He walked in, hovering awkwardly in between a table and the patient cot. 
He heard footsteps approach from outside before someone opened the door. “Hey Minnie do you- oh hi”. 
Remus blinked slowly when he saw the newcomer. He was tall with broad shoulders, black hair and sharp grey eyes. It took Remus a second to remember he was supposed to answer. “Hi” 
“You’re not Minnie”, the stranger said, confused.
“Astute observation”, Remus retorted, tone dripping with sarcasm.  
The stranger blinked at him, mouth slightly open in what appeared to be shock. “You can’t talk to me like that”, he said after shaking off his confusion. 
“Oh, really”, Remus said, “and, do tell, why not”. 
“Saying because and pointing at yourself isn’t an answer.” Remus sounded amused. 
“I could have you thrown in the dungeons for that”. The other man didn’t sound offended, more teasing than anything else. 
Remus cocked an eyebrow at him. Stood in front of him was who he now recognized as Slytherin’s prince and heir to the throne. He had heard of Sirius Black in passing. He maybe came up in conversation once or twice, but Remus had never met him. People said he was the spitting image of Orion, but seeing him now Remus couldn’t help but notice how unlike his father he looked. Orion looked cold and distant, even the few glimpses that Remus had gotten of the king were enough for him to notice how above it all Orion thought he was. 
“I would like to see you try” 
Sirius barked out a laugh, “You have to be the most moronic person I have ever met. Challenging the prince in such a fashion” 
Remus smirked. “Well to throw me in a dungeon you’d have to catch me first.” 
“You think I can’t catch what’s right in front of me?” 
Remus pretended to think about it. He knew the prince wouldn’t be able to catch him. He had years of practice from running away from Finn and Thomas. “Maybe if what was in front of you wasn’t me”, he made a pause to give the prince an exaggerated look. “Maybe then you could catch it.” Whatever Sirius was going to retort got interrupted when a man opened the door. He was all but screaming at Sirius and he hadn't even entered the room. 
“Sirius Orion Black, get your lazy arse back to training and stop bothering Minerva.” 
“You wound me Logan.” Sirius said, putting a hand over his heart dramatically and turning to face the newcomer. “You think I, Sirius Black, would dare skip training just to annoy Minnie.”
Remus wanted to laugh. This was nothing like what he had expected from Sirius Black, Prince of Slytherin. “I have known you for less than five minutes”, both men turned to look at him, “but even I can tell you’re skipping.” Sirius gasped. If Remus thought Thomas was dramatic, this guy was worse. 
Logan laughed at Sirius’s betrayed expression. “I like you”, he said, “what’s your name.” 
“I’m Remus, Remus Lupin,”, he shook Logan’s offered hand, “and you are.” 
“Logan Tremblay, a pleasure to meet you.”
“I’m sorry to interupt what is surely some form of traitorous meeting,”, Sirius didn’t sound at all sorry, “but we have to go.”
Remus sighed, letting go of Logan’s hand. “Oh, well, it was nice meeting you Logan.” 
“Skipping training again, your highness?” A beaming smile took over Sirius’s face at the woman’s voice.
Minerva stood in the entryway, not at all phased by the two knights that were standing in the room. Remus wondered if this happened often.
“Hello Remus”
“Wait”, Sirius said putting his hand up, “you two know each other”. 
Logan rolled his eyes, “yeah yeah, they know each other. Now let’s go”. He grabbed Sirius by the arm and dragged him out of the physician's quarters. Remus chuckled lightly, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. 
“It’s good to see you”. Minerva greeted warmly. “It’s been a few years.” 
“Last time we talked I was, what” he stopped to think about it, “5 or 6 years old?” 
Minerva nodded before adding, “your mother said you wanted to learn medicine.”
“Yes. Thought I should learn, since my heale-”. He stopped himself, he couldn’t talk about his magic so casually anymore. Minerva seemed to understand what he meant anyway. Remus would have to be careful, he was grateful that he learned to control his magic when he was younger. He couldn’t afford accidental magic here. 
“Well there isn’t much for you to do today.” Minerva’s voice brought him out of his thoughts. “You can go explore the citadel if you want.”
Remus smiled at her. “That would be nice.” He spent some time in the room Minerva had prepared for him before going out. He thought about Sirius, he seemed like a good guy, but he was still raised by a man that couldn’t even bare the mention of magic. Maybe he thought people who chose to learn it would turn evil, but he didn’t seem like the type to kill someone without reason. 
Remus wouldn’t think about it too much. Even if he ended up befriending the prince, there was no chance Remus would share his secret until he knew for certain he could trust him. After he unpacked all of his belongings and wrote a letter for his mother he headed out of his room, crashing with someone right outside his door. He managed to regain his balance easily, the other person wasn’t so lucky. He heard the sound of metal and someone hitting the floor,  muttering a curse. “Oh gods, I am so sorry” Remus offered his hand to help the person up. It was a girl, with dark curls and tan skin. 
“That’s ok, I had to fix those anyway.”
“Still”, Remus bent down to pick up the armour the girl had dropped, “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you”, she said, accepting the chainmail he was handing her and putting it in the basket she had been carrying. “I’m June”
“Remus”.  He handed her a damaged gauntlet. 
“Are you new here, I don’t think I've seen you before.” 
“Is it that obvious?” Remus asked sheepishly. 
“Very”,  she said, trying to smother her giggles behind her palm. “Want me to show you around?” 
Remus nodded, “yeah that’d be great. Thank you.” 
“Great. We just have to drop these off at my house first.” 
The two of them walked in silence for a bit, passing through the citadel before heading towards the lower town. Remus was looking around trying to memorize where everything was but quickly becoming lost. June stopped in front of a small hut besides the forges and went in, probably to drop the damaged armour off. 
Remus felt only slightly dumb for not expecing June to live besides the forge. She had said she needed to fix the armour and now that he looked at her properly she didn’t look like all the other women in the lower town. She was muscular, definitely stronger than your average peasant woman. Her hands had burn marks and her fingers had thin scars, probably from accidentally cutting herself on blades. 
“Ready”, June's voice cut through his thoughts.  
“Yeah.” They began walking back towards the palace. “So, where are you taking me?”  
“The training grounds.”
 Remus just stared at her. “What?” He noticed she had something in her hand. 
“Well, you wanted a tour of the citadel, and I have to give this”, she showed him the dagger she was holding, “to sir Pascal, thought we would kill two birds with one stone and start the tour there.” 
“Can I see it”, he said pointing towards the blade. She handed it to him and he took it out of its sheath. It was a very detailed knife, it had a gladiolus flower engraved into the silver blade, and it had a small blue opal snake encrusted into the hilt. 
“Did you make this?”
She grinned at his surprised tone. “Why are  you so surprised? Didn’t think a girl could make something like that.” Remus didn’t miss the edge on her teasing tone. 
“Of course not. I don’t doubt your blacksmith abilities. It’s just that-” Remus was looking for the right words. 
“Just what?” 
“This is one of the most beautiful designs I have ever seen.”
“I can make one for you if you want”
Remus hummed in acknowledgment, handing the sheathed dagger back to her. “I’ll think about it.” When they reached the grounds they saw Sirius and Logan sparring. Logan seemed to be struggling to hold himself up as Sirius pushed down on The shorter man’s sword with his own. June whistled towards the crowd of armored knights and everyone but the two fighting men turned to look at her. A man started to walk towards her with a warm smile on his face. Remus guessed that was sir Pascal. 
“Here you go.” June said, handing him the dagger. “I hope Katie likes it. 
“I’m sure she will. Just like she loved all the other things you’ve made for her.” 
The knight turned to look at Remus and offered his hand. “Pascal Dumais, pleasure to meet you.” 
“Remus Lupin”, he said, shaking Pascal’s hand. 
“Have we met before?” The knight looked him over, as if trying to find an answer to his own question in Remus’s face. “You seem familiar.” 
“I don’t think we’ve met.” Remus managed to keep the panic from his tone, if someone here made a connection between him and his father it would end badly. “My father is a lord from Gryffindor, perhaps that’s where you see a resemblance.” 
Pascal looked at him for a second longer, then spoke. “That’s certainly a possibility.” 
“Well, I hate to be the one to break this meeting but I have to show this guy around”, June said, pointing at Remus and then at Pascal, “and you sir have to make sure Logan doesn’t get his ass beat for not knowing when to hold his tongue.”
The knight threw his head back, barking out a laugh. “The only people that could ever manage to make that boy behave are Celeste and his mother.” 
“You say that like your wife isn’t the scariest woman in this kingdom”, June said before grabbing Remus by the elbow and dragging him off to wherever was next. “Goodbye, see you later”, she said over her shoulder to a waving Pascal.  
“Where are we going to next?” 
June hummed in acknowledgement before answering, “I thought, since you’re probably going to be helping Minerva with handing out medicine, we should start with all the different castle wings.” She guided Remus through a series of elaborate corridors and showed him some of the different servant entrances, he didn’t think he would have to use those too often but if he ever needed to escape they would be useful for him to go unnoticed. She showed him the guest quarters, took him down to the kitchen, and finished in the royal chambers. 
“The big doors at the end of the hall are the King’s chambers, and these are Prince Sirius’s chambers”, she said pointing to the doors they were passing, “I would suggest you stay as far away from here as possible.” Even though her tone was even there was a teasing glint in her eyes. 
“Wow June”, said a voice from down the hall, “and here I thought we were on good terms.”
She smirked. “After what you did last week Black?”. She raised an eyebrow, “I don’t think I’m capable of such forgiveness.”
Remus looked at Sirius with a questioning look, the other man was pouting. “What did you do?” Sirius answered “nothing” at the same time the June said “he ruined Katie’s surprise.” 
Sirius threw his arms up dramatically, “I already apologized for that June.”
June sighed heavily. “Give me some time to plan my revenge and then maybe I’ll forgive you.” Remus watched Sirius’s eyes widen comically, his mouth opening a closing like he couldn't find what to say to that. He suspected that threats of a night in the dungeons wouldn’t mean much to the blacksmith. Remus tried not to laugh at the entire interaction, it was almost like Sirius forgot he was the prince. It reminded Remus so much of Finn it made him feel a little homesick. 
June grabbed Remus by the wrist, not giving Sirius the chance to respond to her threat, and guided him towards an opening at the end of the corridor. He heard Sirius run to catch up with them, his steps echoing through the hallway. “Where are you taking him?”, Sirius asked once he caught up to them.  
She turned to look at him, “Regulus’s chambers. It’s the only place left apart from the library.” Sirius hummed. The three of them lapsed into a comfortable silence. They started going up a narrow winding staircase that took them to the top of one of the towers. “Ok, so, that over there”, June said whilst pointing at the double doors at the end of the small hallway, “are Regulus’s chambers. And that”, she pointed at a single door half hidden behind a tapestry with the Black Family crest, “is either a servants entrance or a way to escape if there’s an attack.” Remus nodded, if he was honest he had already half forgotten what way was what. 
“Well, I have somewhere else to be right now, but I look forward to seeing you around”, Sirius said, extending his hand for Remus to shake.
 Remus took his hand, giving it a firm shake. “Sure thing, I certainly can’t wait to see what revenge June is planning.” He let go of Sirius’s hand, ignoring the pout on his face in favor of turning to June. “Remind me to never get on your bad side.” 
June laughed, shaking her head lightly. “Will do”. The three of them went down the stairs, Sirius going to his chambers to get out of his armour and sweaty clothes from training. Remus and June continued their tour around the castle for a while longer before she brought him back to the physician’s chambers. “It was nice meeting you Remus”, she gave him a small smile. “See you around?”
Remus smiled at her, “Definitely Good night June.” 
“Good night”
Hours later, when Remus was lying down in his bed staring up at the ceiling, he thought about how that morning had gone. The image of the axe falling, the old woman threatening the king, swearing she would avenge her son. The entire thing left him feeling uneasy, there was nothing he could do now, he knew that. 
He moved so he could see out the window, he tried to find some constellations in the night sky, giving his mind something to do other than worry about vengeful sorceresses. He mapped some of his favorite constellations, trying to imagine his brother doing the same back home, the thought calmed him a bit. The last thing he saw was Sirius’s soft glow, so much brighter than the other stars, before he drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 
Three years later
Sirius had just called the end of practice when he saw someone hovering along the edges of the training grounds. A girl around his age was looking around with a frustrated expression on her face. He waved at Pascal and Logan, telling them he would see them at Sir Pascal’s house and walked over to the girl. 
“Hello”, her gaze focused on him, eyes flashing briefly. “Are you looking for someone?” 
She looked at him for a moment before answering. “Yes actually. Do you know where I can find Remus Lupin?” 
“No, sorry. I haven’t seen him all day.” Her face fell slightly, the irritated look returning to her expression. “I can help you look for him though. I’m Sirius” 
Something that looked like apprehension mixed with relief crossed her expression. “I’m Heather. And thank you, for the help.” He gave her a curt nod and they began walking away from the training grounds, heading to the castle.
“Why were you looking for him in the knights training area?” Sirius asked conversationally. 
“Oh, I thought maybe he’d be there. I need to give him a letter.” 
Sirius looked at her, confused. “Why would Remus be with the knights while they’re training?” It was her turn to look confused, it only lasted for a second, her face going back to a neutral expression. She didn’t say anything, shrugging lightly. 
They lapsed into awkward silence. Sirius took her to the physician's chambers first, hoping Remus would be there so that he could get out of the uncomfortable situation. They stopped in front of the door, Sirius said his goodbyes, telling her he had somewhere else to be. Heather smiled kindly at him, nodding. After he left she faced the door and pushed it open, sighing in relief when she saw Remus reading a book on the table. She walked towards him and sat down on the stool beside the table, dropping the stachel she had been carrying on the ground soundlessly. Remus jolted when she touched his arm, the feather-light touch raising goosebumps on his skin. She giggled at his startled expression. “Hello Remus.” 
“H-Heather?” Confusion and happiness flashed across his eyes in equal measure. He pulled her in for a hug, the angle a little awkward from their position. “What are you doing here?” 
“I’m just passing by”, she turned to look for something in her bag, “Finn asked me to bring this for you.” She handed Remus an envelope.
 He frowned at the golden seal. Finn never sealed his letters in gold, the color much too formal for a message between friends. He would usually use red wax, the color of Gryffindor’s banner. He opened the envelope, the golden wax crumbling and falling onto the table, and brought out a single page of writing. His eyes read over the words, the letter was unusually short and it had ink stains between words, almost like Finn had hesitated when writing them. His eyes widened mid-way through the first paragraph, a gasp escaping his lips. 
Heather watched him, making sure to mask her excitement with a carefully blank expression. When Remus finished reading he stared at the last sentence, his eyes reading it over and over again, a hundred different emotions flashing through his eyes before settling somewhere between surprise and indignation.  He turned around to look at her with a weird glint in his eye. 
“Since when is Finn getting married?”
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Please Fix the Story pt 11- Fantasy World
Here it is! The last part of the Fantasy World! 
Master post linked here. 
Liam and I stared at him in shock.
“Stella… the Chosen One meant to save the world… took the forbidden dark magic artifact?” I rubbed my forehead. “What is she thinking?”
“Well obviously she isn’t the savior that the prophecies have made her out to be.” K’llean laughed bitterly. “They got a lot of things wrong now, didn’t they?”
Ignoring him, I threw on a cape over my sleeping clothes, grabbed some boots and headed towards the village center. Liam and K’llean trailed behind me silently, keeping a good distance between them.
As I reached the back room where the artifact had been kept, I paused in the doorway, staring at the empty pedestal where the amulet had rested.
Why would Stella take it and run off? Isn’t it the Dark Lord who is supposed to want the amulet? How far off course is this story?!
“K’llean.” I turned slowly to face the elf, who couldn’t meet my eye. “Did you plan this?”
His face paled, and he backed away from me a few steps. “Belaire, I…”
“After your plan to force me to form a life oath with you, to exile Liam or join him with someone else… Did you plan this next? As a way to force me to bond to protect everyone?”
“NO! I wouldn’t put the forest at risk like that…”
I grabbed his arm, stopping him from backing away further. “Then why do you look so guilty?”
“It’s not... I mean...” He trailed off staring that the ground.“Because…” 
“Because what?!”
“BECAUSE IT’S MY FAULT!!” The words burst from him as he finally met my gaze, the pain in his eyes shocking me into releasing his arm. “I was supposed to make sure no outsiders could enter… but in the end… I left her alone next to an unguarded room.” He looked over to the empty pedestal where the amulet had sat and groaned. “I failed in my duties, practically handing over something that could destroy our home. I ran away.”
I shook my head. “Why…?”
“If I had stayed in here any longer, I would have taken the artifact instead.” He whispered, crouching down, covering his face in his hands. “It spoke to me in my head, offering me everything I ever wanted: home… a family…” he looked up, guilt distorting his features. “…you.”
“So you ran.”
“And put us all at risk.” He stayed crouched down, seeming too tired to stand again.
K’llean… Stella… these characters are broken. I sighed as I stared down at the desolate elf. Is it all my fault? Did I change the story too much?
But… it’s not like I can just sacrifice myself for them like the original story called for.
“Get up.” My words were cold, but K’llean almost seemed relieved as he jumped to his feet.
I interrupted him. “Gather the best warriors you’ve got. We’ll track down Stella before she can do anything bad with the amulet.
“Priestess, bad news!”
Dangit! Curse my foreshadowing mouth!
I looked over, surprised to see Violet the fairy, waving her hands anxiously as she called out to me. I reached out to her, and she landed on my shoulder collapsing and trying to catch her breath.
“Violet, what’s going on?”
“The Dark forces are rising deep in the forest.” Her small hands clutched by hair, trembling as she spoke. “The monsters are gathering.”
I felt my stomach drop. “how many?”
“Too many to count!” Purple colored tears dripped from her eyes. “They destroyed our flowers!”
“And they’re on their way here.” Prince Henry walked in behind her, his face grim. “My men have confirmed it. A shadow monster horde. Larger than anything we have ever seen.”
He winced at the name. “She’s… leading them. Her magic has converted to dark magic now, but it’s much more powerful than it ever was in the past.”  
To my surprise he fell to his knees in front of me, bowing his head in shame. 
“I’m sorry, Priestess. We brought the enemy right through your doors, claiming her to be the savior. I ignored her willful and selfish ways, spoiled her shamelessly, always thinking she was the one spoke of in the prophecies that would save us all.” His head slowly raised. “But I was wrong.”
I grabbed his hand, pulling him to his feet. “We all make our own choices, prince. And we will all face our own consequences for them. I won’t hold you accountable for her mistakes.”
“Thank you.”  A small smile flitted across his features. “I almost wish you were from another world. You are definitely someone I could trust with the fate of us all…”
I felt my smile stiffen in place as I turned towards Liam who winked at me, frowning back at him. Ignoring him as he broke into laughter, I finally met K’llean’s uncomfortable stare.
“Gather all the warriors, as well as everyone who can use magic.”
“Will we be able to defeat them?” He asked quietly.
“The horde? Definitely. Stella? It depends.”
“Depends on what?”
“Depends on just how much magic that amulet gave her.”
Taking a deep breath, I headed back towards my home.
“Where are you going?” Liam caught up with me.
“Changing clothes. I refuse to die in my pajamas.”
“…How about not dying at all?!”
I grinned, touching his face. “Of course. I haven’t kept my promise to marry you yet.”
“Belaire.” His voice was serious, catching my attention, forcing me to a halt. He seemed to be struggling to find the words to say, reaching over to pull me into a tight hug. “What if we’re not strong enough to beat them?”
“I’ll find a way.”
“But a life oath would multiply your strength ten times.” My face was pressed against his chest so I couldn’t see his expression, but his voice sounded near tears. “I can’t…”
“Liam.” I pulled back from his hug, reaching out to hold his face between my hands. His eyes widened at the short distance between us. “I won’t betray you.”
“No buts.” I leaned forward, kissing him gently on the lips. “Stay by my side.”
“Okay.” Nodding with a helpless smile, we headed back to change.
Despite my confident words however, I felt a growing sense of dread. My mission was to push back the darkness without sacrificing the life of the priestess. It would have been fine if it was the original Dark Lord from the stories, but this was the Chosen One. She had already been powerful before encountering the dark artifact. If I wasn’t strong enough to take on Stella and the amulet alone…
You can’t escape your fate.
I shivered, feeling cold despite the summer’s warmth.
“They’re coming.”
I stood at the main gate of the Elven Village, K’llean, Liam and Prince Henry at my side. Behind us were all the elven warriors, the rest of Stella’s party, as well as a few human guards that had come on the prince’s Request. We numbered less than a hundred, a pitiful few compared to the force we were facing.
I smiled at Liam. “Let’s move forward. I’ll keep a ward around the village, while everyone who can fight can try to take out as many monsters as possible.
“Wait.” Prince Henry frowned. “Why not just stay behind your ward if it’s so effective?”
“First, I don’t have infinite magic, and shadow monsters don’t tire like normal creatures. They would still be here long after my ward is down. Second, although it is a very powerful defense, I don’t know how much stronger Stella has gotten.” I gestured to the dark, shadowy forms in the distance. “She’s doing us the favor of sending her army in first, so we need to take the opportunity. If I have to face her and the monsters together…”
The prince grimaced, nodding his head. “Great, just great.”
“Regretting joining with us yet?”
“Give me a minute, I’m trying to find a suitably diplomatic answer.”
I laughed and walked forward, pulling Liam beside me. K’llean called out an order to the warriors behind us, and the elves marched behind, brandishing their weapons. I caught him glancing at me in the corner of my eye, and seeing my attention, he looked away uncomfortably.
“Don’t get hurt.” Mumbling softly, he drew his large sword, checking it over carefully.
“Same.” I closed my eyes briefly, finding my magic source and bringing it to reality. A light-filled dome surrounded the village, closing in behind the warriors that stepped forward. I opened my hand, and a sword made of light magic formed in it. Ready for battle, I watched, my heart racing as the twisted army approached.
One of the lead monsters, a seven foot long centipede-like creature with bright red eyes and large fangs, lifted its head up to the sky and let out a terrifying scream. The surrounding monsters, more than I could count, roared back, and then charged towards our small force.
The fight for survival had begun.
I leapt forward, blade raised, slicing off the head of the centipede before slipping between the first line of creatures. Every step I was avoiding an attack, each movement a close brush with death. I struck left and right, leaving most of my technique behind. The monsters were so tightly crowded that even wild swings had a large effect. With each attack of my blade, light magic moved out in waves, burning and destroying the creatures around me.
To my right I could see K’llean, swinging his sword with both hands, taking out multiple creatures at a time with ease. The harsh training he had undergone, working tirelessly day and night to get stronger shined brightly, his movements flawless as he attacked in every direction. He coated his sword in light magic, occasionally sending out beams of it to assist some of the elven warriors who looked overrun.
Even in battle he’s still looking out for them.
Liam hung back, avoiding getting in the way of our light magic attacks. His bow drawn he shot arrows made of dark magic into the crowds. The arrows disintegrated each of the bodies it passed through, a wholly deadly force. It seems like as long as the dark magic is strong enough, it is definitely deadly even to shadow creatures, same element or not.
The angry cry of the creature in front of me brought my attention back to my own fight. Slowly, as I danced in between the monsters, I slipped into a comfortable mentality, one I hadn’t used since coming to this world. This was the me after Liam’s death in the zombie apocalypse. A warrior. Something that only existed to destroy all the monsters around me. I gave myself over to it, fighting on instinct, rampaging through their ranks.
I lost track of the hours, continuing to fight.
“She’s coming!” Violet’s whisper in my ear broke my daze, I sent out a wave of light magic, clearing enough space for our remaining fighters to fall back. As we gathered at the edge of my ward, I took gauge of our losses, feeling a pang as I realized that a quarter of our warriors were gone.
This wouldn’t have happened if I had formed a life oath. I wouldn’t have had to reserve my magic in fear of fighting Stella.
Selfish. Cruel.
Pushing these thoughts back, I had K’llean bring the fighters within the ward and turned back to see the situation.
Hundreds of shadow monster corpses littered the ground, splintered and broken. With my last magical attack the main wave had broken, the monsters fleeing back to hide behind their master who was walking slowly towards us.
She looked the same but different. Dark mist surrounded her, moving restlessly along the ground, killing every plant it touched. Her body seemed unreal, as if the edges of her form were pushing against the air, breaking the reality around us. Her eyes glowed a bright red, the light in them pulsing in time to the glowing black jewel hanging around her neck.
She came to a stop a 50 yards away, speaking normally but her voice echoed in my ear as if she were right beside me.
“Belaire. I bet you weren’t expecting me...”
“Hey Stella. Going for a walk?” I smiled as I greeted her nonchalantly. “That’s great! Good for the health, you know, get outside, and breathe in that fresh smell of the rotting corpses of your evil minions.”
“YOU…!” Stella’s face distorted with rage, but I interrupted her swiftly.
“By the way, love the new look! The glowing red eyes really suit you!” I glanced down, grimacing. “Can’t say the same about your accessories, though, your taste in jewelry is just awful.”
Prince Henry sighed. “Please don’t antagonize the new Dark Lord before the final battle priestess.”
“What? I’m complimenting her!”
Stella couldn’t stay silent at that. “Shut up! I won’t let you annoy me this time around, elf!”
“Really?” I tilted my head quizzically.   “Cause it sure seems like I’m annoying you.”
Prince Henry turned to Liam. “Can’t you rein her in a little?”
He shook his head. “No. I like her like this.”
“Don’t bother with them, Henry.” K’llean exited the ward after helping the last of the injured across. Ignoring Stella, he came to stand on the other side of me, shaking his head. “I’ve been trying for years to correct their bad attitudes without success. Something small like the end of the world wouldn’t be near enough to set them right.”
“Ah, I’ll bow to your superior experience then.”
I shrugged at Liam. “Why are they acting like we’re the strange ones?”
“Beats me.”
“STOP IGNORING ME!” Stella’s voice was inhuman, a monstrous roar that echoed through the forest. Her power soared. The skies started turning dark as all the surrounding areas filled with dark magic.
Ooh, that struck a nerve. Looks like becoming the new Dark Lord didn’t rid her of her inferiority complex.
I made sure Liam was out of the way, and then enlarged my ward to protect all of us, pouring as much of my magic as I could into it.
“You think you can beat me now?” Stella laughed excitedly. “You have no idea!” Her magic continued to grow, the trees and grass between us and her completely died as the space condensed with darkness. I felt the pressure against my ward, it bent inwards against the pressure.
The dome of my magic glowed brightly, but I could no longer see beyond it, everything outside my ward was filled with darkness.
She’s… a lot stronger than I was hoping she’d be.
A hand wrapped in dark magic could be seen just outside my ward, the fist coming down to strike it with a large ringing noise. I felt a stabbing pain in my head at the blow, forcing myself to stay focused, to strengthen the ward.
Stella’s eyes shone through the darkness as she stood just outside my protective spell.
“Do you know what wish the amulet granted me?” Her whisper traveled across the space louder than a shout. “My greatest desire was to be strong enough to utterly destroy you.” Her fist slammed against the ward again. I swayed in place.
BAM! Her fist struck the ward again, fine cracks appearing at the blow. I hastily repaired them.
Is this really it?
All those years of work, of getting stronger, of slowly feeding my life force to grow my magic, and she can be twice as strong with a WISH?!”
I felt a strong rage building within me; a frustration against the world that only gave benefits to the heroine, evil or no.
I hate main characters.
“Belaire.” Liam’s pained cry distracted me for a moment. I could barely see through a red haze that was filling my vision, I felt something warm dripping from my nose. I reached up to wipe it with my hand, and it came away bloody.
“You can’t beat her.” His voice was filled with agony, as if he were the one Stella was attacking with her fist.
“I can handle it.” I struggled to talk, blood spitting out with the words.  My head was splitting, the pain increasing with every blow.
I have to save everyone from the Dark Lord to finish the mission. If I fail…I wasn’t sure what would happen, but I felt in my heart that it would be worse than death.
But the mission also states I can’t sacrifice my life like the previous priestess did. Given how powerful Stella is now, it would take every ounce of life force I have to beat her.
Is there really no way?
“Belaire.” K’llean sighed stepping in front of me, his face hazy in my blood stained vision. “She’s too strong.”
Blood was dripping constantly on the ground, I pressed my hands against my head as if to hold it in.
“Please.” He begged. “Please, form a life oath with me.”
“It’s okay if you don’t love me. But if you can’t combine your magic, you’re going to die!”
“…” I shook my head, having a hard time speaking any more.
“PLEASE!” He grabbed my face, his  tear-filled eyes the only thing I could see. “Don’t throw your life away! Even if you form the life oath, I’ll let you go with him! I won’t bind you to me, just don’t die!”
All nice sounding words. But he was wrong. A life oath would bind our souls together. For me to leave him would mean tearing his or my soul, like the priestess had suffered in the original story. There was no simple way to untangle a life oath.
But the harsh truth was I didn’t have enough magic to win.
“I could try.” Liam’s defeated tone made my stomach drop, even as I struggled to hold on to my ward. “If I fuel my magic with all of my life energy, I might have enough to win. “
“Don’t you dare!” I snapped, trying to focus through the pain. “I won’t lose you again!”
The look on Liam’s face as he died in my arms in the zombie world was imprinted on my brain, unable to be removed. I missed my chance in the last world. I can’t let him sacrifice himself for me again.
“Belaire, please. It’s the only way to save us all.”
Is it?
I felt like everything had slowed to a standstill around me.
Is this the only way? A life bond with K’llean? Is this some sort of twisted destiny I can’t avoid?
Is this my fate?
I walked down a path, silk cloth rustling as I moved. The garden around me was beautiful, teeming with life, the heavy scent of flowers hanging in the air.
“Mistress! Please slow down!”  A voice called behind me, but I didn’t turn back.
“I can’t! He’s waiting for me!” My voice was filled with anticipation, excitement.
With love.
A white blur rushed past me, landing with a crash at my feet. I paused, my feet slowing coming to a stop as I stared down with confusion and growing horror.
A dove?
It had dived into the ground in front of me, landing head first on the stone path. Its neck was bent at a severe angle, clearly broken, its form was still.
From the ruined mess of flesh that had been its head, blood pooled, far more than could ever be contained within the body of such a small creature. The red liquid condensed, forming letters at my feet.
“No.” I was whispering, my head pounding, my vision tunneling.
“MISTRESS!” I head one last scream behind me, before I felt my whole body descend into darkness.
I spoke out loud, blinking back a memory that had overwhelmed my senses, coming and leaving without warning. “I won’t accept my fate.”
K’llean was crying now, trying to heal me even as I continued to sway on my feet. “Belaire… I know you love him, but magical attributes are an integral part of magic. It cannot be changed.”
It can’t be changed?
Isn’t that what we said about the amount of magic? That we are born with a fixed final amount? But I proved that wrong. The priestess proved it wrong in the original story.
Magic can be changed.
It just comes at a price.
I looked up at the sky, laughing with relief.
“Liam.” I called out softly, immediately feeling his hand grasping mine.
“If I told you there was a way to save everyone, AND stay by my side, but that it would cost you almost everything, would you do it?”
His hand tightened on my own, as he answered without hesitation. “Even if you want my life, its yours.”
“I won’t take everything.” I turned around, pushing away K’llean’s hand that was applying healing magic and grabbed Liam’s face, bringing it close to my own. “But we’re not going to live long after this.”
“Belaire!” At K’llean’s shout I turned to look at him
“Get ready to protect the village, my magic won’t work well for wards in a few moments.”
“I’m sorry, K’llean.” I smiled. “I’m not a heroine. I’m actually pretty selfish.”
Before he could answer I looked back at Liam and kissed him deeply.
The ward around us disappeared, but K’llean immediately replaced it, his face turning bright white at the strain. He was powerful, but nowhere near my level.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOUR STRUGGLES ARE MEANINGLESS!” Stella screamed as she attacked again. “I AM THE CHOSEN ONE!”
We didn’t have much time.
I drew Liam’s magic towards me, our kiss dampening my gasp of pain as I felt it burning even as it just came near my soul. The light and dark attiributes were truly opposites, repelling each other even before they could touch.
But magic could be changed.
I drew from my life force, feeling it quickly drain from me.
Deep inside I felt a panic, an emotion not mine but from the priestess’ remnant.
I’m not sacrificing myself, Priestess. At least not my whole life.
Before I drew too much, I began pulling life energy from Liam as well. The power  within me was bursting at the seems, and I applied it to my magic without hesitation.
One of us had to change to combine. We both needed to be light or dark.
I started changing my magic to dark.
As I used the energy to change the magic within me, I felt the light that shined deep within my soul turn black. My hair which was always a golden blond, turned black at the roots, the color slowly taking over the long locks hanging down my back. It was painful, deeply painful. Not just losing my life force but the changing of something so integral to my existence was pure agony.
Which is why I changed my magic and not Liam’s
Besides, dark magic is a better fit for a villainess like me.
As my magic changed attributes, I quickly began forming a life oath with Liam, our thoughts integrating with each other, saying the words of the oath silently between us.
I trust you with my life, my heart, my magic.
I will walk hand and hand and face all danger with you.
I promise to stay by your side forever, until there is nothing left but dust.
As the last of our magic combined, I whispered out loud. “I love you.”
The life oath was complete.
As the magic combined, just as they said, the amount was ten times or more my natural source. Reaching for the unfamiliar dark magic, I stepped outside the barrier, smiling at Stella.
“Hey, Chosen One.”
Her dark magic crumbled around her, being overwhelmed by a much stronger force.
“Turns out you aren’t so special after all.” As her magic was crushed, I lifted her up into the air, separating the amulet from her.
I can give you everything you wanted.
I heard the faintest of whispers from the artifact, before using my dark magic to crush it to pieces. After not being able to leave even the smallest scratch on it when I had tried to destroy it months ago with light magic, the dark magic easily consumed it, seemingly breaking it down from the inside.
“NOOOOOOOO!” I wasn’t sure if it was Stella or the amulet that screamed in pain and anger, but I didn’t care. I walked closer to the heroine, my magic holding her in place. Leaning forward, I whispered in her ear.
“You’re not the only world traveling girl around. And I’m a lot meaner.”
Before she could respond, I reared my arm back and punched her in the face. She fell to the ground unconscious.
I heard cheering behind me, but I ignored it as I placed my hand against her head, using my powers to burn up all traces of her magic. When it was done, I leaned back with a sigh. 
“You’re not going to kill her?”
“Too easy.” I grinned. “The thing she hated most was being unimportant. And now she’s completely powerless.” I stood up, cleaning my hands. “You can have her. Imprison her, cast her out in exile. I don’t care. Just don’t kill her.”
It wasn’t that I was against killing. I had already done plenty of that. But I wasn’t sure what would happen to a story world whose heroine was killed early, even a broken one like her.
Turning around, I stumbled a bit, the loss of life energy and the depletion of my magic making me feel drained. An equally tired but happy looking Liam placed his arm around my waist, supporting me.
“Thanks.” I smiled at him, feeling the comfortable bond of his soul against mine.
Liam placed his forehead against mine. “Anytime.”
“… I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
I sighed. “I had to use up the majority of our life force. We’ll only be able to live another five or ten years.” Compared to the centuries that the life expectancy of elves normally ran, it was a blink of an eye, but Liam just shrugged, unconcerned.
“Better five years as your husband than hundreds without you.”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”
“…” An awkward silence fell as we reached K’llean, who was staring at me with a lost expression.
Finally I smiled sadly at him. “Sorry, K’llean, I won’t be able to be the priestess anymore.”
K’llean stared at my newly darkened hair, nodding slowly.
“Liam and I will get married, and then I think we’ll travel around…”
“WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” A loud shout interrupted  us, as the elder of the village came out of hiding, glaring at me. “I don’t know how you CORRUPTED your magic, but you will fix it immediately!”
I chuckled. “Sorry, can’t. Even if it wouldn’t literally kill me to change it again, I’m already bonded to Liam here.”
“You’re welcome, by the way, for saving the village… and the world.” I shrugged. “But I’m not your priestess anymore, and I don’t feel like sticking around and waiting for you to figure out how to use my newly upgraded magic for your own benefit.”
“You can’t leave! You made oaths to stay and lead us!”
K’llean laughed, but it was a deeply sad sound. “She can leave anytime she wants. Her oath was to stay, lead, guide and protect us for as long as the light magic shines within her.” He smiled at the elder, gesturing at my changed appearance. “As you can well see… it no longer shines. So she’s free.”
“Just shut up.” Sighing with frustration, K’llean applied magic over the elder’s mouth, as I had done multiple times in the past. I nodded with approval, giving him an awkward smile
“Don’t thank me.” He interrupted, no longer meeting my gaze. “You would rather risk everything, giving up the majority of your life span, than choose me.”
“…” I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. He was speaking the truth.
His eyes finally met mine, but the pain in them was hard to watch. “It’s better if you both leave sooner than later. The village won’t forgive what you’ve done.”
“… Will you?”
“Forgive you?” He gave a helpless smile, looking up at the sky. “I honestly don’t know.”
“Then I’ll say goodbye, K’llean. I’m glad you were my friend.”
I took Liam’s hand and we walked towards Prince Henry, but behind us I heard a soft whisper.
“Live well, my friends.”
I felt a deep sense of relief and gratefulness. The last of the Priestess’ remaining emotions. I had saved her people, and found my own happiness. I smiled, feeling the last remnant of her faded away.
“Rest in peace, Priestess.”
In front of me formed bright blue words.
100% complete.
**** You have finished the mission! ****
Stay in this world?
I smiled, and for the first time in response to this question, said “Yes.”
You will be transported to the next world at the end of your character’s natural life.
I was almost knocked over as Liam knocked into me, grabbing and holding me tightly to his chest, his face desperate.
“What’s wrong?”
He looked confused. “I don’t know. I just felt for a moment that you might leave me, and I was terrified to let you go.”
I grinned, kissing him. “Don’t worry. I’m here to stay.”
We lived for eight years together as husband and wife.
Although the life oath was more intimate than any title, Liam insisted that we hold a ceremony in the capital of the human territory. Prince Henry helped him plan it out, and since I was the technical savior of the world, it turned into a rather large party.
Looking at the lavish decorations, the happy faces and magical lights floating in the air like balloons, I felt something within me relax.
I wish the Blood Wolves could have seen this party. Although they would have complained about the lack of explosive balloons and weapons.
The fairies had shown up, dancing in the air and drinking too much wine. Violet became a purple blur as she whizzed over our heads, shouting “Congratulations!”
K’llean was invited, but he never came.
After the wedding, Liam and I traveled the world. Exploring dungeons, riding desert creatures, diving into the deepest of the dwarves mines, we tried it all, hand in hand.
One night, as we slept under the stars, a thought occurred to me, and I asked him.
“What do you think you would have done if we never met?”
Liam frowned, holding me tightly against his chest. “We did meet though. We’re married. No take backs!”
“No, I just mean, hypothetically, if you and I never met, what do you think you would have done?” I leaned into his embrace, patting his head comfortingly. It wasn’t as soft as his fur in his wolf form, but I did still like touching his hair.
“It… wouldn’t have ended well.” Liam sighed. “I was already on the brink of completely losing myself. I spent more time as beast than elf. If I hadn’t met you… I think I would have left to get stronger, and eventually come back to destroy them… maybe destroy everything.”
“So if you had run into the woods and say, found the amulet…”
“I would have immediately taken the power it offered.” Liam nuzzled my shoulder. “I’m not a good person, Belaire. Do you regret it?”
Did I marry the original Dark Lord?
I shrugged. “I’m not a good person either, so I think we’re even.”
After six years, we ran into Stella again. It was on the streets of an outer human town. We had come back from a monster slaying quest, and had just turned in our spoils for a good profit. As I skipped next to him, happily counting our coins and discussing the lavish meal we would buy with it, I heard an angry shout.
Liam eyes met my own.
“Is that…?” I hesitantly asked.
We both looked over. A disheveled young woman with wide eyes rushed towards a random pedestrian.
“I AM THE CHOSEN ONE! THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD!” She shook her head, confused. “No…. wait… I’m the DARK LORD! I will destroy you all!”
I stared at her, feeling conflicted.
What are the odds that we’d run into her?I shook my head. Nevermind, she’s the heroine, she runs into everyone.
I hadn’t liked her, in either the original story or this lifetime. But there was no escaping that I had changed her life.
Stella sat down, glaring at the ground. “If it weren’t for that stupid elf priestess, I would be living wonderfully. They’d be pampering me, protecting me... IT’S ALL HER FAULT! I’m going to kill her! Tear her to pieces!”
Well… not gonna lie… that makes me feel a bit better.
Liam was uncomfortably silent for a few moments. “Do you want me to kill her?”
I kissed his cheek, pulling him away. “Thanks for the thought, but she’s not a threat anymore.”
We left her behind, and never saw her again.
Years passed, we lived each day side-by-side, happy to be in each other’s company. But all things come to an end, and as we came close to the eight year mark after the defeat of the Dark Lord, I could feel the life energy within me running out.
“Liam.” I held his hand. “I want to go back to the forest.”
He stared at me quietly for a few moments, and then smiled. “Of course.”
When we entered the village, I noticed a few differences. The area was bustling, filled with activity. There were more people from other races, traces of multiple types of magic being used. I walked further in, hand in hand with Liam, staring around in excitement.
“Belaire?” A familiar voice called out, and we both turned to see K’llean standing off to the side, watching us with a complicated expression. Despite the passage of time, he hadn’t aged much, other than a gentle maturity in his eyes.
“K’llean.” I smiled tiredly at him. “We’re home.”
He brought us to a large home in the center or town, one that hadn’t existed when we left eight years ago.
“Is this yours?”
K’llean smiled. “Yeah, it’s mine.”
“How’d you get such nice place?”
“Well…”  Before he could answer fully, the door slammed open and a young warrior elf barged in.
“Elder, that brat the advance class is causing trouble again, can you come yell at him? You’re the only one he’s scared of.” He then noticed Liam’s and my presence. “Oh, sorry, didn’t know you had guests… dark magic elves?”
K’llean rubbed his forehead. “T’nial…”
“Do you know Belaire and Liam?” The young elf was too excited to notice K’llean’s warning tone. “They had dark magic too! They saved the world, you know, and they’re from our village!”
“What? Come on Teach, you act like you don’t talk about them all the time.”
Liam and I grinned. Seeing our expressions, K’llean frowned walking to the door.
“Out. Now.”
“Or do you want to take over training the youngest class?”
“I’m heading out now!” With a cheerful wave, T’nial ran out, leaving a slightly awkward silence behind.
“You talk about us?”
Liam and I asked different questions at the same time.
He sighed in response. “Yes I am the new village elder since the last one died three years ago. No I don’t talk about you all the time.”
We sat down, and K’llean made us some tea. As he poured, he asked quietly. “So what brings you two back? I thought you weren’t planning to come back.”
I leaned back in my chair, smiling at Liam. “We came back to die.”
K’llean’s hands faltered as I spoke, dropping the cup onto the floor, which shattered into multiple pieces. He blinked, staring down at the mess in confusion, and then looked up at me again.
“What did you say?”
“Our life energy is running out.”
“… “ He grabbed another cup, starting to pour tea again. “How long?
“A week, at most.”
He sat down hard, putting his head in his hands. “You really know how to break news, huh?”
“What do you mean? I’m super sensitive!”
Liam started to chuckle, a sound that he quickly disguised as coughs.  I glared at him, causing both K’llean and Liam both lose it and laugh loudly.
After things had calmed down, K’llean sighed. “You two haven’t changed.” Pausing he added. “No… you’re happier than you ever were here.”
“You’ve done well too.” I grinned. “The village is so exciting now.”
“Just a few small changes.” He shrugged. “If we stay mired in our past, we’ll never move forward.”
“Can we stay here until the end?”
“…” There was a long, tense silence before he finally grinned. “Until the very end.”
There were tears in his eyes, but we  all ignored them.
A week passed quickly. I spent time walking the forest with Liam and K’llean, visiting our old training spots, seeing all the new changes with a smile. We argued constantly over trivial memories, none of us mentioned the fights that had truly torn us apart.
My energy ran out first, which didn’t surprise me as I had originally taken more from myself than from Liam. As I rested in bed, feeling the remainder of my life fade. K’llean sat down to say his goodbyes.
He reached out and held my hand. “I‘ll always love you, you know.”
I smiled at him. “I know. I love you too.”
“… just not in the way I wanted.”
“No. But you’re family, whether you want it or not.”
He laughed, gripping my hand as if he was afraid to lose it. “No, I want it.”  Taking a deep breath, he added. “I’m sorry, that I tried to force you two apart.”
“It’s okay, fortunately you’re terrible at being the villain.”
“… Did I ever have a chance?”
I sighed quietly. “No. It was always him.”
“Well… at least you’re honest.”  He leaned forward and kissed my forehead, his eyes closed to hide his tears. “I’ll go get your husband before he thinks you’re running off with me.”
He paused, looking back at me. In his eyes I still saw the shadow of the arrogant boy declaring that he was the strongest elf and would protect everyone. “Yes, Belaire?”
“Live well. Be happy, please.”
“Hmm…” He leaned his head against the doorframe, forcing a smile. “I was fortunate enough in this lifetime to love you. How can I not live well?”
He left, and Liam came by. Skipping the chair by the bed entirely, He laid down next to me, gathering me in his arms.
“Liam, sorry, I have to go first.”
“… You should be sorry. Next time don’t divide things so unevenly.”
We hugged silently for a few minutes, before I finally spoke up, my voice soft.
“I’m scared.”
“Don’t be, I’m here.”
“What if I can’t find you in the next world?”
He paused at that. “Even if you don’t, I’ll find you.”
“But you never remember me.”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll love you each time we meet.”
I leaned close, kissing his cheek. “Good. Next time, you chase me, courting you is exhausting.”
“I’ll listen, wife.” Liam smiled. “I’ll definitely chase you next time.”
“Don’t forget your promise.” I tucked my head against his chest. “See you in the next world.”
He hugged me tightly. “See you soon.”
I closed my eyes, and in the darkness, bright blue words formed.
I felt the brief nothingness between worlds, and almost instantly arrived in the next one. Surprised, I realized I was still lying down, but the soft bed beneath me had been replaced by a hard flat surface.
I opened my eyes, but saw nothing but darkness. Trying to sit up, I immediately hit my head on something hard.
“OUCH!” the sound as I yelled with pain was muffled. Concerned, I reached around, realizing the confined space I was in, Just big enough to hold my body laying flat. As I felt the velvet inner lining around me, I came to a grim realization:
I was in a coffin.
K’llean sat up as he saw Liam enter the room, dried tears on his face.
“Is she…”
Liam nodded. “She’s gone.”
He let out a breath he felt he’d been holding all day.
She was gone.
Ignoring the stabbing pain in his chest, he looked up at the dark haired elf. “How much longer until you…?”
Liam shrugged nonchalantly, sitting lazily down on the chair in front of him. “I’ll go in a little bit. No use staying here without her. But you looked like you wanted to talk first.”
K’llean’s eyes narrowed. “Why are you so different?” The change after Belaire had passed was striking. He looked the same, his form unchanged, but his eyes…
They were suddenly filled with a sense of deep wisdom, of strong power…
Of horrifying sadness.
Liam smiled. “I only get to remember things at the very end. Kind of a middle finger to me from the universe as I realize just how futile our goal is.” He shook his head. “But you don’t need to know all that. Why don’t you ask the questions you really want to know the answer to?”
“Come on, don’t be shy, I’m in a bad mood right now, so I’m much more likely to tell you the unpleasant truth than a sweet lie.”
“…Why did she never even consider me?” K’llean threw up his hands. “We met when we were kids, for crying out loud! I know I was little annoying…”
“Very annoying.”
“I know I was very annoying, but I matured, grew strong. I always stayed by her side, supported her, helped her… but she never even thought about loving me the way she did you.” He leaned back with a groan. “I just don’t know why.”
“Well, leaving out the complex discussion of my amnesiac wife being the woman you fell in love with, and how you’re lucky you struck out… the easy explanation is that you already had your chance, and you blew it.”
“I what?”
Liam looked up in the sky, seemingly silently conversing with something. “You owe me.” He muttered out loud, before opening his clenched hand to reveal a small red object. ”Ooh, a red pill, very sci-fi.”  He tossed it to K’llean, who caught it, looking at it uncertainly.
“What is….”
“Swallow it.”  Liam spread out his hands. “It will give you memories that you never should have had. Of this world as it was before my wife fixed it for you.”
Feeling a deep sense of dread, K’llean lifted the pill to his mouth and swallowed it. Immediately it felt that his head was splitting open and he fell to the ground, gagging.
“Oh you can’t throw it up. Knowledge, once you gain it, is yours forever.”  He grinned. “Serves you right.”
K’llean blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of the completely different lifetime of memories that he had acquired. “I… married her?”
“Well, not really her. You did grow up with the Priestess. You married her. You betrayed her, and watched her die to save you and your lover.” Liam’s gaze was cold. “Now do you understand? You never had a chance because you already wasted it.”
“No… this isn’t right. Belaire… she never would have taken things so calmly… I could never turn my back on her.”
“On Belaire… no. On the priestess… definitely. You see, in the original, you grew up thinking you were the greatest. And the priestess always just agreed. You were an entitled, selfish brat who had everything, including affection, handed to you, and you thought it was what you were owed.”
“What I was owed…” K’llean winced. “It makes me sound like Stella.”
“Exactly, which is honestly why it’s surprising you hit it off with her so well. I assume it was some main character magic forcing the issue, at least partly.” He leaned forward. “At the end of the day, I don’t think you really loved the Priestess. I think you were fond of her. You saw her as a friend, as a companion. But, she was never as important to you as your happiness.”
“My wife on the other hand… She ran circles around you!” He laughed. “No matter how hard you tried, you could never be stronger than her. She worked harder, cared more, and did it all without ever looking your way. You learned from her how to care for others, how to put everyone else before yourself. But you never lost that desire… the desire for family, for that perfect happiness that you sensed was within reach but could never touch.”
Liam stood up. “You went a bit crazy back then… but all protagonists do when the world that used to revolve around them suddenly grows bigger. It seems that you’ve become a good person despite it all, and I applaud you for it.” He started walking back to the room where Belaire had rested.
“Where are you going?”
“To follow my wife. She’s gone to the next world without me, and I can’t let her down.”
K’llean stood up. “What if… what if I followed her… tried to win her over this time?”
“You could.” Liam laughed. “But you wouldn’t.”
“Why not?”
“It costs too much.”  
“I’m willing to pay any price!”
Liam shook his head. “You know, you’re better than that other asshole that half-heartedly follows her now.  I actually thought you might be him for a quick minute… but you’re too messy in front of her. That guy always has to be the perfect hero, because he thinks that’s what she wants. He refused to sacrifice anything really, so he can’t follow her carefully, he just depends on that damned protagonist luck of his.”
“What are you…?”
“You’d probably be willing to give up your life, your future, even your memories… But what about the village?”
“What about those kids out there that you’re teaching magic to? What if the cost was all of them as well?”
“…” K’llean hung his head, surprised when Liam patted him on the shoulder.
“It’s okay. That’s why you’re a hero.” His body started being covered in a black fog. “And why I’m a villain.”
Now in wolf form, the familiar dark blue eyes seemed to be laughing as he disappeared into the room next door.
Stunned, K’llean followed after him, only to see the two lying side by side, no longer breathing.
“You both keep calling yourself villains.” He muttered to himself. “Why can’t I believe it?”
Seven hundred years later…
K’llean found the old cave, the one where Liam, Belaire and him used to practice in. His bones creaked as he laid down, looking at the familiar patterns on the stone ceiling.
“I lived a long life, Belaire. I was happy enough I think. Are you proud?”
There was no answer.
He laughed softly, tears forming in his eyes. “I miss you, you know. Even after all these years.”
He rested in silence, counting his breaths, only to be shocked by the formation of bright blue words in front of him. He reached out to touch them, but his hand passed right through them.
“Magic?” He whispered, staring at the words.
Do you plan to reject your fate and follow?
“Follow?” His breath caught. “You mean see Belaire again?”
Part of him wanted to shout “yes.” But he remembered that conversation with Liam all those years ago.
“What would it cost?” he asked instead
Paragraph after paragraph filled out in front of him, which he read with increasing horror.
“Liam, you bastard.” He finally whispered. “No wonder you call yourself a villain.”
He sighed, leaning back and covering his eyes with a hand.
Do you plan to reject your fate and follow?
K’llean laughed bitterly to himself. “No.”
You were right, Liam. I wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice that much.
The words disappeared, never to be seen again.
As his breathing slowed, K’llean hummed a old childhood song to himself, dreaming of a day in the forest, when a young elf girl with bright green eyes saved his life with a confident smile.
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yukipri · 4 years
Marco’s Bauble Part 6 - a One Piece Mermaid AU Text Story
Next update for Marco’s Bauble!
Sorry for not posting much this past week, it was...eventful, and exhausting, and didn’t leave me much sanity for doing much other than just Living ^ ^;
In which Marco makes an appearance, and is Tired. He’s too old for this shit.
Continues off of, and should be read after:
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 1
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 2
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 3
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble, Part 4
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble, Part 5
Marco has an awful headache, and it's been getting worse all day.
It's now night, but he wants to finish reviewing the last of the surveys he's collected from the 2nd Division before he can grant himself rest.
Even though Ace is officially no longer in the running for the position of 2nd Division Commander, his presence and Pops planning for him to be appointed had led to the decision that it's time to find a replacement for Oden's old seat anyway. And so they'd taken surveys from the current members, to see if anyone's interested, or would like to nominate one of their peers.
While many in the 2nd Division had been excited at the prospect of being under Ace's command (no doubt influenced in part by the former Spade pirates among them), they're also a unique division, used to being without the direct guidance of a Commander after so many decades without one. They report to Pops, and to Marco, but other than that have a culture of flexibility that few want to go out of their way to change. There were very few nominations from among them, most opting to voice hesitant hope in Ace returning, or suggesting they don't need a Commander after all.
The lone candidate that stands out is Marshall D. Teach. The man's been on the crew for around as long as most of the other Commanders, so age and experience-wise, he fits. He doesn't stand out, but Marco knows he's strong in combat, and efficient at completing missions, if with a slightly worrying tendency towards unnecessary brutality. Only a couple of 2nd Division members mention him in their surveys, and it's mostly in reference to his seniority, not necessarily character.
Marco frowns. He doesn't strongly dislike Teach per se, but he doesn't quite like him either. The man's always struck Marco as a little off, certainly not enough to chase him off the crew, but enough to leave Marco with an uneasy aftertaste after their interactions. Marco honestly doesn't know how he'd feel about him as a fellow Commander, sitting in at all of their meetings with access to confidential information about the entire crew.
Marco needs to gather his findings to report to Pops. But without a clear answer from the 2nd Division, he supposes this is a good time to consult in his fellow Commanders.
Which is terribly convenient, because a large number of them are gathered just a mere two doors down from Marco's room.
Marco wonders if they're trying to be subtle, because they're not. They always seem to hold secret meetings in Jozu's room. Jozu, who as the 3rd Division Commander, has his room located only two rooms away from Marco, the 1st Division Commander, with the 2nd Division Commander room between them lying empty. Most things that go on in Jozu's room can be heard in Marco's, and vice versa, but the other Commanders always seem to forget.
In this case, Marco doesn't quite make out exact words, but it's more because he doesn't care to try, because he knows from experience that he could if he wanted to. In fact, Marco's been doing his best to shut them out this entire night, but they're being so obnoxiously loud, and he can hear Izo's piercing laughter and the unmistakable THUNKS of Jozu cracking his shoulder against the walls. Marco also thinks he hears his name a few times, which means they're probably gossiping about him. Which, of course, is all the more reason for him to not want to know, because goddamnit he's tired.
But unfortunately, even if he were to wear earplugs, Marco can't shut out his brothers entirely, because none of them are bothering to conceal their blazing Haki signatures. And why would they, while they’re at home on the Moby? But with all of the strongest members of the Whitebeard Pirates gathered in one condensed spot, and it's like this bright light in the corner of Marco's mind that won't go away. Damn his sensitive Observation Haki. Marco hopes they're not keeping Pops up, because they're certainly not helping with his headache.
He honestly finds it a little unfair that his brothers are socializing while Marco's still working, but that's how it usually is, and Marco's used to being mature about it. He just hopes that whatever they're planning, it doesn't lead to a mess afterwards, or at least leads to one they can clean up by themselves.
The last time there was a "secret meeting," they managed to get a handful of Commanders in on a prank to shave hearts into Vista's chest hair while he was drunk. Marco had unfortunately been informed of the operation, which Thatch had started. It lead to a pretty awful hangover squabble in the morning, which resulted in Izo losing a slice of hair to Vista's blades, flipping his shit as a result, and Namur having to fetch a handful of devil fruit users from the sea.
On the topic of Thatch, Marco wonders how he's doing, and whether the letter he sent his brother has safely reached its destination. Probably not yet, but in a few days; the blue gulls can be surprisingly fast, but they still need to cross the Calm Belt and then some. Marco hopes that Thatch's enjoying his time away, and almost feels bad for not actually sending him his hair wax as requested, but Marco thinks that perhaps a little makeover will do his friend some good. He's traveling with young people, might as well dress like one.
And that, Marco thinks regretfully, is something that only an old person would think, and old people need sleep. He slowly stands up, and grunts when his back pops. He really is getting old, he feels like he's getting closer to Pops every day, and isn't that a frightening thought.
Luckily for Marco though, he has a little cheat, and Marco activates it by turning on his flames. The soft blue fire momentarily consumes his body, bringing not burning heat, but a pleasant tingle. When it fades, Marco's joints are no longer popping, and he feels marginally better, if not necessarily younger.
It'll do for now, to get him through this task, and then he can sleep for a few hours before making his morning rounds scouting around the ship.
And so he stands up, brings a notepad and writing utensil just in case the idiots two doors down actually have anything helpful to say, and leaves his room.
"THE DRESS CAN'T BE PURE WHITE, YOU'RE BASIC," Izo's shrieking, when Marco opens the door.
Marco stares down, because Haruta's ass is blocking his feet.
There's an awkward silence.
"Haruta," Izo breathes. "You're shit at keeping watch."
"You're shit at keeping watch," Vista agrees.
"You're shit at keeping watch," Rakuyo nods.
"You're shit at keeping watch," Jozu sighs.
"You...could improve on keeping watch, a little," Namur concedes.
The last brother to speak is wearing dark eyeliner that Marco's never seen on him before. It's clearly Izo's work.
"It looks nice," Marco tells him, and Namur's blue skin flushes purple at the compliment.
"Of course it does," Izo snaps. "Marco, we're having a Secret Meeting that doesn't involve you. If you don't terribly mind..." He gestures with manicured nails back the way Marco'd come.
Marco sighs. "I don't care what you're talking about, and I'll leave in a second if you can keep it down, I can hear you from my room, yoi."
His statement's followed by curses all around and wide-eyed looks of horror. Marco shifts his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose as he sighs again.
So they really were talking about him, and by their reactions, were planning on playing a prank on him. Subtle.
(He wonders if they'll attempt to dye his hair green again (Just like a real pineapple! Thatch always insists with his trademark grin). It's almost a tradition at this point, attempted once every five years or so, and Marco tiredly notes that he's probably due another attempt. His brothers have yet to actually succeed, and Marco may be getting older but isn't about to let them get the best of him now. He'll need to be careful with what he washes himself with in the near future.)
Marco appreciates his brothers' playfulness at times, but also wishes they could sometimes act like the forty year-old men they are, and not gleeful pre-teens.
"I just have a question, and then I'll leave," Marco says, deciding to ignore his brothers whispering frantically at each other because it's late and he doesn't want to waste energy scolding them. He just wants to get this business over with, his bed is calling. "Regarding the appointment of the 2nd Division Commander, the members of the division are undecided, and Teach is the only candidate who stands out. Before I mention him to Pops, if anyone wants to give their input--"
Marco's wholly unprepared for the shocked gasps of horror.
"What, no!"
"Why would you do that?"
"You can't!"
"That seat's reserved for A--"
Vista steps on Rakuyo's foot, like he does under the table sometimes when the Commander gets a bit too chatty. Except there's no table in front of Jozu's bed to conceal the movement, and Marco's eyebrows rise ever higher.
Marco didn't think the other Commanders would have such strong opinions regarding a division other than their own, especially now that Ace's out of the running. They certainly hadn’t cared before, when the topic had been brought up at a Commanders meeting. Their reactions mystify him, but no one bothers giving further elaboration and they all avoid Marco's questioning gaze.
"...Alright then, I won't mention Teach to Pops, and will inform him that the majority of 2nd Division prefers the Commander seat remain empty for now."
There's a collective sigh of relief, which is also mystifying, but a mystery for the next day, Marco decides.
"A question for you, Marco," Izo says as Marco's turning to leave. "You're not...planning on leaving the crew any time soon, are you?"
Marco blinks. "Why would I do that?"
"Oh, oh good, just making sure," Izo nods, and everyone else looks like bobble head dolls, and Marco can’t find a single sliver of himself curious enough to care.
"You should feel more confident, they'll all be here with us soon," Namur says shyly, and kindly, and Marco feels like he ought to feel comforted if only he knew what for.
"Thanks, yoi? And good night. Try to keep it down," Marco says, before leaving the cramped room.
"We will!" his brothers chorus like school children.
Part 7 takes us back to the Merry, where Sabo confronts Koala.
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
Any comments are immensely appreciated, been feeling super drained and really in need of motivation ;_;
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
Read the next part: Marco’s Bauble Part 7
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 5
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A/N: Characters are above the age of 18! Iwaizumi is set as 21 and, reader is 19 turning 20!!
Warnings; closing up again, arguing, iwa being mean, slight angst, slight cursing, slight action (Im horrible at writing action scenes)
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“Wow...it’s been years since he’s shown his vulnerable side. I think you’re getting through to him Y/N“ Oikawa spoke with you in the garden that early morning. You woke you before Hajime and decided to take a walk in the garden and watch the flowers open up. From what Oikawa tells you he appreciated what you had done the night before.
“I don’t know....whenever he’s nice or trying to be it seems forced“ you answer disappointed. You won’t lie to yourself holding him as he held you was nice and something you would welcome again. Would you say it was love or feelings for him? 
You weren’t exactly sure for that matter.
“Well I think,“ Oikawa picks a flower and hands it to you “you my dear, are getting to our king and you want to know something?“
“someone has a crush~“ he wiggles his shoulders nudging you a bit 
“Me?“ you asked confused and he simply nodded with a huge grin. Oh goodness was he really playing cupid right now? Before you could answer someone had called your name 
“Y/N?“ Turning around you see Hajime still in his nightwear, just being silk pants and no shirt. He also looked as if he had been running? You stand as he approaches you 
“Are you okay you look-“
“I’m fine, you were gone and I was....I” he stops himself “We, have a meeting with a neighboring kingdom this afternoon and we aren’t ready yet“ 
“Oh I’m sorry. We’ll talk later Oikawa“ you wave as you follow Hajime back to your shared room. He immediately started to get dressed and so you did the same. Shimming out of your nightgown and walking to the the closet where all your dresses hung.
He seemed to be taking this one quite seriously so you take out your favorite dress. It was a pastel pink dress with delicate designs and small detail, simple yet lovely.  
Slipping in to it you go to Hajime and let him tie the corset behind you. This became routine for you now. Helping each other dress and look presentable, now it was just habit. Turning you fix up his buttons and make sure his hair is neat, meanwhile he clasps your necklace around your neck. You do the same for him as your final touches are done.
“How do I look?“ you ask once you were ready. You had never asked him that before and he was caught a bit off guard. He took a breath and did what Oikawa told him. To speak his mind 
“You look...beautiful..“ he said honestly. 
“T-thank you I um...you look handsome“ you compliment back “So who are we meeting, you seem a bit worried“ you said taking his arm 
“They’re a neighboring kingdom who like to pick fights and and battles for more territory“ he explains as you walk down the hall 
“Some time ago they’d pick on farmers who live on the outskirts of the kingdom and steal their goods. Which is why we hesitate to expand land. They had sent a request to become allies, but” he stopped turning to look at you 
“They tend to be very sneaky and will take every chance they can grasp to get their ways. So stay aware understand?“ you gave him a firm nod as his hand slips into yours. It was so...warm, something you had never felt before. It made you feel, safe, it wasn’t a strong hold not a weak one. Two guards stood outside the room and opened the doors.
Upon entering the meeting room sat a man with sharp eyes and a mischievous smirk. If you remember correctly from your lessons they must be from the Kingdom Nohebi, King Suguru Daishou. You and Hajime curtsy and they do the same before taking seats. 
“So the cold king has finally taken a bride, it was about time.“ he chuckles as the papers were laid in front of you all. You pick up your piece and begin to read. Most say to just sign the papers but this was something you were giving permission to, you should at least read it. 
“What are you thinking so far?“ Hajime asks 
“It all seems reasonable except for the part of farms having to house your men whether they want to or not.“ your brows furrow “In other words forced-“
“Well your highness, my knights work extremely hard and most nights are late patrols,“ he intertwines his fingers and rests his chin on them “When they need rest it’s dangerous to do so in the forest“ he smiles 
You still argue against it “Yes but our farmers and yours have the right to refuse if they feel it is needed-”
“It’s the least they can do seeing they’re nothing but dead weight on the kingdom. Just uh...crumbs“ he chuckles smiling at you 
“Do as you want with your kingdom but ours work tirelessly to plant and harvest crops and I will not allow for our soldiers or yours to force themselves into homes.“ You stand your ground with a fiery passion. This was a side Hajime had not seen..and he kind of liked it. Oikawa stood in his spot very interested with what you were saying. 
Suguru didn’t take it too well “If I remember well, the queen was simply there to give the kingdom beauty, she wasn’t to speak during trades.“
“Well then I’m the first. If I am queen, I will protect my people“ damn he felt his cheeks heating up 
“You need to learn to control your woman King Iwaizumi, teach her to hold her tongue” Hajime felt something boil within him. He was angry and wanted to punch him in his smug face but you had beat him to it. The sound of paper ripping filled the room as you threw the pieces at him.
“I reject your proposition“
“That’s really too bad“ he said calmly snapping his fingers. Next thing you knew you were held against cold armor with something cold help to your neck. Scanning the situation you had been brought to the edge of a sword threatening to pierce your skin. You breath was caught in your throat, your eyes frozen on Hajime
“Guards!“ Oikawa called out but only made the blade come against you more. You were genuinely scared at this moment. The guards come in and freeze in place 
“Now, now Iwaizumi, listen closely. If your guards try and come near me, you may big farewell to your queen.“ he said walking to you and pinching one of your cheeks 
“Or maybe I’ll keep her for myself she’d make a fine con-“ and just like a that a punch had landed him square in the jaw sending him to the floor. Quick reflexes allow him to take a hold of the guards sword and get you out of deaths grip.
He pushes you behind him keeping the sword in a strong hold. His guards rushing in to cease the enemy. 
“Get her to our room and do not let her leave“ he said handing her over to his guards 
“Yes sir.“ you were then escorted by three of his guards. Walking to Suguru he squats down and pulls him close to his face
“Pull something like that again, and it’ll be your head hanging on my wall....understand?“ Suguru nods as his body trembles in Hajime’s hold. Letting his go he walks to the door 
“Kick him out and cut our contact off. And I want more men to begin training.“ he said to Oikawa, his entire aura had changed. To one of anger and rage, this couldn’t be good could it?
You paced the floor of the shared room waiting for something, anything. You hand rests over your heart where it pounded in your rib cage. If it wasn’t for Hajime you would have been done for. Suddenly the door opens and closes again, turning quickly you see it’s Hajime  
“Oh you’re okay I um..“ you walk to him and take his hands in yours “Thank you...you really saved my life there I-“
“You’re absolutely careless,“ your eyes widen as your head shoots up to look into his eyes “Do you understand what an idiotic move that was I told you to keep your damn guard up and you go and pull that stunt!“ 
“But...it was wrong I had to-“
“What you had to do was keep your damn mouth shut and not say anything. I already told you we were not on good terms and he can now possibly declare a war upon us“ he snatches his hands from yours and walk about the room massaging the bridge of his nose. 
You felt a bit guilty about it “I-I’m sorry..I thought I was helping..” you say quietly 
“Helping?! You nearly got yourself killed! That would have been another death on my shoulders to carry. Damn woman, if it weren’t for you none of this would have happened.“
“Well at least I care for the people of this kingdom unlike you!“
“And you think just because you are here you’d make it better? Please, things would be much easier without you here to pester me.” damn he was angry “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you trying to be all nice to me, whatever in the hell is going on through your head, you’re mistaken“
“..you really are a cold king aren’t you. Not a single trace of compassion..“
“Of course I am. You may be crown queen but you mean nothing to me, if I wanted to have a passionate night I could have a concubine as soon as tonight if I wish“ he said carelessly
You felt the tears welling up from his words “Why did I expect any different from you“ you walk to the door and open it “you’re mother wouldn’t be happy with this.... would she?“ and off you went closing the door.
You run into the old room you were once in. Cold and unwelcoming, just like it’s king. You take the necklace off and toss it on to the vanity and lay on to the bed.
Your head was spinning and your heart throbbed. You thought you had progressed, but it was all for show. He said it, you meant nothing to him. Whatever it was you felt grief wash over you as a sob took over your body. A shaken sob falls from your lips as tears stain the sheets. A knock came to the door, a timid head came in 
“your majesty?“ it was Rose she came in and shut the door. “Ma’am, do you need something“ lifting your head to look at her. Her kind eyes only made you break down and fall into his seeking comfort. She patted your back and let you get everything out
“I tried Rose..s-so hard it just..rose...“ you look up at her with dreadful eyes “I-I think...“
“What is it ma’am?“
“I think I..l-love....“ she completely understood and just let you continue until you had fallen asleep from crying. She really did feel bad for you, you had tried so hard but only got his cold side as a result. After setting you properly in bed she walks out of the room quietly. Oikawa happened to be passing by and had gone to ask Rose what happened 
“She’s..*sigh* she’s very hurt. She had cried until she had fallen asleep. I think she’s developed feelings for the king and after their argument she’s just so broken“
“I’ll see what the king says then, get some sleep alright?“ he kisses her forehead and heads back to Hajime’s room. He simply walks in on the king sulking in his chair.
“What did you say to her?“
“What she couldn’t handle a few words? Pft, she’s weaker than I though-“
“Hajime!“ it’s been a few years since he used his first name “She just cried herself to sleep because of you! I don’t care what your argument was about but if you really want this to work this isn’t how you deal with a problem!“
Hajime was shocked to say the least.
“I thought she would have been someone to give you a wake up call and realize you don’t have to be so cold. And to think she actually cares for you....” disappointed was an understatement
“....I was afraid...”
“What?” Now Oikawa was just confused
“If I....if I had seen it coming she wouldn’t have been put in danger...” without another word he stands form his seat and leaves the room
“Damn him! He never listens!” Oikawa stomped his foot almost childlike.
Hajime walks to your old room and opens the door carefully. Peaking inside he sees your chest rising and falling slowly. Walking closer to you he could see how the moon reflected on the dry tear marks in your cheeks. On the vanity your necklace caught the light, shimmering every now and then.
He squats down to eye level with you and brushes some hair form your face. His heart had a slight pang seeing you like this.
“I can’t say this to you while you’re awake, but I was genuinely afraid of them taking you. I lost my parents and friends over the years....I’m not losing you either” he lays a kiss to your forehead and whispers against it “I’m sorry, please forgive me.” he pulled the covers over to keep you warm, he stands and walks back out of the room and calls over two guards.
“You already know what I want you both here for. Once she wakes escort her to where she what’s to go, and stay with her, understood?”
“Yes sir.” They stand their ground now, protecting by you as you slept. Hajime returns to his room and sits in front of his vanity. He removes his jewelry and strips form his clothing. The room felt heavy and empty without your presence. Without you cleaning up in the bathroom, or brushing your hair.
He slips under the covers and huffs out a breath. He looks to his left where you were supposed to be laying. His hand hesitantly reaches over and brings you pillow closer to him. It smelled of you, the gentle smell of flowers and soap filled his nose with delight. It should have been you in his arms, like that night you held him.
Oh how he loved being held and comforted, you more gentle then they had told him. He swore he would make it up to you, tomorrow was his chance to apologize. His chance to show you a different side of him, he can only hope you’ll accept his apology.
His sleep was restless, he tossed and turned not able to stay asleep. Just as the sun was rising Hajime got out of bed and ran straight to Oikawa. He woke with a start from knocking at his door, he grumbled over to the door. He scowled looking at Hajime
“If you think saying sorry before sunrise is romantic you should think agai-“ he tried to close the door but was stopped by Hajime
“I need your help, I want to apologize to her today but I’m not sure how“ Oikawa crossed his arms and leans on the door frame 
“Two conditions“ he held up his two fingers  “One, you have to follow my plan and do it with your heart and soul, two, you need to tell her how you feel“
“Fine, where do we start?“ he asked. Oikawa smiles and walks past him, following him Oikawa leads him to the servant floor. He walks down to the last door, he recognized it as the one maid who has been here since he was a child.
Oikawa goes in and comes back about 2 minutes later. He came back with a young girl who was rubbing sleep from her eyes. As soon as she sees Hajime she wakes up and bows to hi m 
“Good morning you majesty-“
“You don’t have to Rose but we do need your help“ Oikawa lifts her and cups her face “can you?“ she nods and he kisses her nose
“...Since wh-“
“Off we go!“ he was cut off being dragged down the hall into Oikawa’s plan. Hopefully this won’t make his position with you worse than it already was.
°°°° °°°° °°°°
Taglist; @vanilla-beanzz @hp-hogwartsexpress @sugarysweets-appreciation-blog @sophie-duck @mysteriousmagicx @toutorii @mystic-starlove @leviiiiiiiii @heavenly-warlord @birdiewolf @bakarinnie @torithetori @shoyosun @postsfromthe6 @yatoatyourservice @lola2001 @kameko-ko @chewymoustachio
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stars-trash-18 · 3 years
Adventures of Mando and his girlfriend chapter 4
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A/N I think I forgot to mention that this fic series has absolutely NO order. My brain skips around so ya’ll can buckle up and enjoy the ride of how I think these adventures go, think of it as a ride Yoda built, backwards. Also I write a female character since this is me shamelessly writing myself into this universe. I’m working on a non-binary story but I need to do some research before I release it.
Trigger warning: injury, minor cursing, choking (not the kinky kind), blood, stitches, death (RIP Davan)
You were gonna kill someone, and that someone was a twi’lek who couldn’t keep her eyes off your man and had a laugh that sounded like a dying Bantha on helium. Apparently Mando could tell because he had to gently maneuver the large wrench out of your white-knuckled hand and hide it along with your other tools. (Mando to this day wonders how you pick up that wrench like it weighs nothing because he sometimes struggles to hold it with one hand like you do)
 “So where’d he drag you from, little mechanic, some back-water planet?” she asked, that stupid grin on her face making your blood boil. You don’t get angry but something about Xi’an made you beyond mad.
“Actually he dragged me from the imperial college, where’d he get you, a hutt’s whorehouse,” you bit back, as soon as those words let your mouth you had a blade to your throat but a durasteel shard to her’s (Din wondered where the hell you got it) The tension in the place could be cut with a lightsaber but Burrg laughed with glee watching two women fight. Mando and Mayfield quickly jumped in to break you up, they hated each other but both men knew that when women fought, they fought to the death. So Mando entrapped your arms in his and pulled you to your little work station that was behind the carbonite capsules.
“Y/N you need to calm down, Xi’an is doing what she does best and that’s getting under your skin,” he huffed, using his hands to turn your face to his, resting his forehead against yours so he had your full attention. You know he wasn’t mad, just stressed so you receded and relaxed in his hold. Resting your hand on the back of his neck and fiddling with the fabric there.
“I know Mando, but what she’s saying about you makes me wanna eat my wrench. She's disrespecting your entire creed and I can’t stand it,” you grumbled, feeling him tighten his embrace. You both stood there for a moment before you had to return to the others. 
Everything was fine for a few minutes before they tried to take his helmet off, revealing the child. You barely moved in front of him before Mayfield took him in his arms making your heart stop. 
“Did you two make this?” he jested, the child looking at you and stretching his arms for you to help him. At that moment Zero decided to drop out of hyperspace sending everybody into the walls, you barely managed to catch the child before Mando shoved you both to the floor and shielded you with his body. You and the child clung together until the shaking stopped. That droid better pray that he didn’t shake anything loose or you’ll use his limbs as towel racks.
“You alright little one, nothing hurt?” you cooed looking over the child for any injury, but finding none you placed him back in his room with his stuffed frog and moved to your station, collecting your knuckle dusters and a dataspike before making your way to the hatch.
-------------------------------Star Wars transition theme song---------------------------------
“I told you we shouldn’t have trusted them Mando, but do you listen to me, NO!” you ranted, punching his shoulder, only to regret it since it’s beskar. Now you’re trapped in a cell and might have broken your hand on your boyfriend’s beskar. Just great.
You admit everything was fine at first, sure you got pinned by republic droids, but you got to watch Mando take them down and that was hot. But then you ran into your old academy buddy Davan and Xi’an murdered him in front of you. After rescuing Xi’an’s hutt looking brother you and mando got shoved into the cell, you narrowly missed getting shot by Mando’s richoted shot. While lost in your own universe Mando managed to get a droid's arm to unlock the cell, you made a mental note to get better hand to hand training from Mando.
You both rushed through the ship to the control room, you took a moment to close Davan’s eyes before Mando shut the doors. 
“Pretty boy lock down the ship and take care of everyone else, I have a score to settle with Xi’an,” you said hopping up into the vents and disappearing.
----------------------------------------transition music-------------------------------------------
You crawled through the vents for a good few minutes trying to find the twi’lek and when you did you slipped your knuckle dusters on before dropping in behind her, her reflexes were faster than you thought because one of her knives grazed your cheek before you even regained balance. But you shook your shock off before taking a running leap at her, dodging her knives as you landed a good hit to her chest with your uncovered fist.
You moved around her like a violent dance, dodging her knives and landing a blow where you could. Xi’an’s knives nicked you several times, one of them went a little deeper on your side so you had blood pouring. The only sounds being the various hits the other lands, your grunts as you dodged, and Xi’an describing very lewd scenes of her and Mando (which you knew were fake but you hated how she disregarded his creed and only spoke of him as an object). 
She managed to dig a knife into your shoulder but when you ripped it out you threw caution to the wind and grabbed her lekku into your hand and twisted it like Gida taught you and yanked her head back, using your weight to throw you both to the floor, your knuckle duster landing harshly landing into her shoulder, you heard a sickening crack. She fought like a loth-cat and raked her nails down the other side of your face and used your shock to throw you off her and into the wall where she wrapped her hands around your throat.
“Mando can’t save you now little mechanic,” she seethed as she tightened her hand as you felt around your belt for anything. Hand landing on one of your little inventions, causing you to smirk much to her confusion as she loosened her grip slightly.
“I didn’t just study mechanics in the academy, I double majored as an explosives engineer ge’hutuun,” you choked out before quickly pressing a shock puck to the back of her neck and activating it. You got some of the electricity but you only enough to cause spots to dance in your eyes, while she was knocked out cold. Xi’ans body falling backwards as her muscles convulsed and you sucked in fresh air like a dying man.
You slid down the wall you had been pinned to moments beforehand, your eyes catching the reflection of your Mandalorian’s armor as he rushed over to you. His words were garbled together and you couldn’t focus on what he was saying before you blacked out.
-------time skip brought to you by my laziness of writing the rest of the scene---
When you woke back up again you found yourself on your makeshift cot in the cargo hold. Your face burning with the telltale signs of bacta on the nail marks. You dragged yourself to sit upright but hissed as you felt the stitches in your shoulder rip open and the blood seep out onto your shirt. The sounds of you waking up must have reached the Mandalorian because he quickly made his way over to you and rested a gloved hand to your face, his thumb gently brushing over the stitches where the knife sliced into your cheek.
“What happened mando,” you asked, whining when he went to pull his hand away.
“What happened Cyare, was you fighting like hell against Xi’an and winning,” he said pridefully, before being replaced with worry as he saw the blood blooming on your shoulder, “you got several nicks that the bacta closed but your shoulder and cheek had to be stitched, i’m sorry but I have to lift your shirt to repair the stiches,” he noted. You blushed at his care and consideration for your privacy, helping him remove your shirt so that only your breast band remained. He went to work silently for a moment, answering some of your questions after you passed out.
“ I saw from the cameras that she was taunting you and you answered them, you never answered taunts,” he observed as he took the broken stitches out and thread the needle.
His obvious inquiry caused you to suck in a breath before replying, “she wasn’t taunting exactly she was saying lewd things about you, about what you two supposedly did back in the day and it angered me,” you paused to bite back a groan as you felt the needle dig in. “she was insulting you when she was describing what she was, she insulted your creed and I couldn’t handle that, insults to me are one thing but insults to you are another,” you explained as Mando continued until he was done stitching.
Mando didn’t say anything while he helped wrap your shoulder and gave you one of his shirts since all of yours were dirty. When he did finally speak he rested his helmet to your forehead, “thank you but next time please try not to get hurt so bad,” he breathed before pulling away and moving towards the ladder.
“Please you enjoyed watching me kick her ass,” you jested, a smile overtaking your face to lighten the heavy mood. Din just groaned and tilted his head down before climbing up, leaving you to inhale his scent from your new shirt (he’s never getting it back now).
Mando would never admit it, but he did find it a little hot to watch you handle yourself like you did. That he felt himself heat up listening to you spit out that Mando’an insult before outsmarting your target. He always found you beautiful, but watching you fight and outsmart Xi’an the way you did made you even more attractive to him. He thanked the universe for letting you run into him in the blaze of fire that you did on Canto Bight.
Taglist: @soradragon
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