#sorry this part is soooo long overdue.
Hit ‘Em Up! (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Cowboy!Gojo Satoru x Cowboy!Geto Suguru x Black!Cowgirl!Reader (Slow Burn/Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You get to meet Geto & Gojo the Gunslingers, the notorious outlaws that have every town and law enforcement in a twist, when your bum-ass BF offers you as payment to avoid going to prison. Little do they know that this is only a part of your plan to get what you desire. But when you realize that the infamous gun-slinging, smooth-talking cowboys could be everything you want and more when they offer you a deal to team up with them, will you successfully be able to go through with it? 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINOS GTFO); poly!SatouSugu; Reader is Black & Fem; Mention of other JJK characters; Porn with Plot; Tragic Backstories; T/W for Childhood Trauma, Parental Death, Violence, Panic Attacks & Torture; Angst/Hurt/Comfort; Hand Kink; Masturbation; Voyeurism; Gay Sex; Polyamorous; Double Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Fingering; CMNF; Spitroast; Riding; Unprotected PiV Sex; Creampies; Outside/Public Sex; Shotgunning; Multiple Positions; Spit Kink; Facials; MDom/fsub Undertones; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: Hey, y'all! I'm so sorry that this update is so long overdue. A bitch has been soooo BUSY omg these past 2 weeks have been all about homework & work plus low energy because my cycle is on now. I hope y'all will take 4 chapter updates as apology gifts. Please enjoy! -Jazz
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen PT I & II. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Epilogue. Soundtrack.
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Once in Sage County, a day’s walk away from the Devil’s Trail, you go shopping. 
“So remind me,” you say as you look through a rack of skirts in the little store. “What’s the plan again?” Gojo is happy to ​​run it by you again: “You’re an aristocratic woman here on business with her two personal escorts, so you’ll have to act like a bitch, but that won’t be too hard for you.” 
You strike him in the side twice, hard. “Ow, ow, I’m kiddin’!” he exclaims. Geto glares at you both under his hat from a rack of dresses, eyeballing two beautifully sewn pieces. “Don’t attract any unwanted attention, you two,” he criticizes. “Hmm…this isn’t quite your color. Maybe somethin’ red…” 
“And you think that this is gonna work?” you ask. “‘Cause you realize this entire plan could go to shit.” Gojo goes to take out a cigarette, only stopping when the shopowner eyeballs him. “Have some faith in us, sugar,” he scoffs at you. “You’re lookin’ at two seasoned actors here. None of our plans go to shit!” 
After running like hell away from Benji’s men who rudely ambushed you, you three finally made it to Sage County.
It is truly the crowned jewel of this Northside of the county––buildings towering over you, steam rising from chimneys connected to homes, businesses, and shops; automobiles traveling down the street so fast that you, Gojo, and Geto had to walk your horses on the sidewalk; train stations and food carts and people trying to sell you shit, not recognizing you behind your bandana and hat. But as soon as they saw the Gunslingers, they backed off. 
“We’ll have to lay low for a minute if Benji is really here,” Geto said as you walked, his hat tipped low to not give off any red flags or tips to anyone who could recognize them. “So stayin’ at a hotel for a day or two might be the move. It won’t knock us off course either.” 
You walked between the duo, pulling Reneigh along behind you. “I don’t get it,” you scoffed. “How did he even find us?” For Benji’s men to know exactly where you were is no coincidence. 
“Benji’s got his ways, little miss,” Geto says, puffing on a cigarette Gojo passes him. “He’s got people all over the place; a whole operation of members. I wouldn’t be shocked if his bandits in Bull’s Creek said somethin’ about us lookin’ for him.” Now it all makes sense! Someone snitched! 
“So now he’s tryin’ to take us out,” you sighed. “Great. Maybe they’ve got a Willow Springs in the afterlife.” Gojo’s blue eyes lock on yours, irritation swimming in them. “Don’t say that,” he said, so firmly that it shuts you up completely. “Nothin’ is gonna happen to us. We’re gonna get you to Willow Springs and bag Benji ‘cause that’s what we agreed on.” 
The blue-eyed outlaw stands with you now, pulling out a slim, violet dress decorated in beads. “Oooh, this is pretty,” he coos. “Rich-lookin’, dontcha think?” He shows Geto who taps a thoughtful finger against his chin. “It’s her color,” he says, delighted by the little article of clothing. “Now all we need is some accessories.” You snort as you watch the two grown men look for necklaces and earrings. “Y’all are enjoyin’ this more than me. 
Gojo laughs, passing you the dress with some satin shoes. “It’s always fun to play some dress-up now and again. Now put this on and show us how ya look.” He shoos you off to a try-on room while he and Geto look for accessories to hide their features. 
You try on the dress and the slippers, noticing how soft they are and how the dress hugs you tight. You feel good in it. Normal, even, like a regular woman who doesn’t bust guns and jump from county to county. You look at yourself out of your hat, boots, and bandana, feeling different, but a good different. You feel beautiful. When you walk out to show Gojo and Geto, they are busy counting their coin to pay for the items. 
“How do I look?” you softly ask, making them stop. You immediately have their attention, their eyes grazing over your body and the extra layer of skin that the dress provides. “Like you could win an award,” Gojo chuckles. You instantly feel like maybe this plan could work. 
After the boys change into their own disguises–suits and fake mustaches–, you head over to the five-star hotel you had your eyes on before and park the horses outside before heading into the clean, sophisticated-looking lobby. A man in a doorman uniform looks up from his book, immediately frowning at the sight of the Gunslingers. 
“Are you hear to purchase tickets for the opera tonight?” he asks, nervously staring up at the very tall, very muscular men holding your bags behind you. You shake your head, though it does explain why so many rich-looking folks are here. “Can I help you then?” 
“I hope you can,” you snootily respond, trying not to laugh as you do. “I’m attending the opera tomorrow and ordered a room here beforehand, but it was taken without my knowledge! I’d like to pay for another, please.” 
The man, still nervous, nods and flips through the book where a bunch of room numbers sit. “May I have your name so I can put you on the waitlist?” he asks. 
That’s when you muster up as much of your acting skills as you can. “Waitlist?” you scoff, putting a hand to your heart. “Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?” The man stays silent, so you continue. “Alana Tabuki, first of my name, owner of several acres. Now, I don’t want to believe that you’d disrespect me, sir, because you’d also be disrespecting my men.” 
You turn to the Gunslingers who still look menacing despite their disguises. You offer them your arms dripping in bangle bracelets. “They don’t take too kindly to that, do you, boys?” you titter. 
The duo takes each of your hands and begins to pepper them in kisses, starting from your knuckles to up your arm to your shoulder. Each kiss leaves a trail of fire up your skin, similar to have Gojo’s kiss made you feel. Once they get to your neck, you start to feel liquid heat pour into your stomach, especially when the two begin to softly moan in your ear. Is this still a part of the plan? 
“O-Okay, that’s enough,” you stutter, feeling hot in your dress. “We don’t want to make the poor man feel uncomfortable.” 
The desk clerk, sweating bullets and looking like he wants to die, rapidly grabs a room key from behind him and drops it into your hand. “O-oh, look at that!” he squeaks. “We have a room that just opened! Please follow our luggagemen to take your bags, ma’am!” He nods at the two luggagemen near the elevator. 
You nod your thanks and slip Geto the key. “Nicely done,” he whispers, pocketing the key before walking off with Gojo who gives you a wink. You proudly smile and follow them close behind as they help the luggagemen with their bags, probably weary about giving them their shit. 
But before you can walk into the elevator, someone comes around the corner and bumps into your side, nearly knocking you down. “Oh, excuse me!” you gasp, stumbling to the left. What you really want to say is, “Hey, watch it!”, but you know that would gain too much bad attention. 
However, when you look at the stranger, all words and thoughts cease to exist. All you feel is fear and dread wrapped up in one as you stare at the man before you. Benji the Bandit is much bigger in person–about six-something feet towering over you and even bigger because of his hulking frame. You bet he’s even taller than Geto and Gojo combined. 
He is much older with long, black hair streaked in gray, a salt-and-pepper beard, an eyepatch that covers his scarred right eye, and a smile glittering in gold that sends shivers down your spine. Despite the wrinkles by his eyes, obvious aging, and the suit he wears, he still scares you like he’s the Boogeyman. 
“No,” he says in a deep, gravelly voice that sends shivers down your spine. “Excuse me, ma’am. I’m so desperate to get these opera tickets that I forgot my footing.” He laughs, the sound like a rumbling earthquake, and gives you a nod before heading off to do his business, walking with a slight gate on his long cane, his big, ringed hand tattooed with a rose on it. 
You don’t get a chance to say anything else because Gojo is pulling you inside the elevator and the doors shut, and with it, your target. 
Your five-star hotel room is much better than sleeping in a tent or in the open by a fire. 
The clerk hooked you and the Gunslingers up with a hotel suite with two separate bedrooms with their own washrooms, a kitchenette with appliances for brewing tea and coffee, and a lounging space with two fluffy armchairs and a couch near a window overlooking the streets below. The floor is shag carpet, the walls are painted a buttercream yellow, and sweet-smelling, red flowers sit on the table in front of you where you sit on the couch. 
Included with the flowers are two trays of food, a bucket of ice, and a complimentary bottle of champagne that Gojo has already popped open. The trays are littered with finger foods: crackers, all kinds of cheese, fruits, meats, and mustard. Gojo sits next to you, chomping on cheese and sipping bubbly, his bare feet kicked up and having ditched his disguise for a wife beater. 
You hear the water in his and Geto’s chosen bedroom shut off and out walks Geto in a robe, his muscled calves and chest dripping in water on full display. He pulls his wet locks into a bun, looking like a wet, dark-haired Adonis. “Ah,” he sighs. “Much better, though I am jealous of the two of you for havin’ such a beautiful view durin’ your soak this mornin’.” 
He smiles at you but you can’t find it within yourself to return it. You would be indulging in the luxury of the room with them if it wasn’t for Benji the Bandit taking up your thoughts. “You should,” Gojo chuckles. “It was a very beautiful view…I mean, before we were rudely interrupted by bullets, don’t you agree, Y/N?” 
You don’t really hear him, staring blankly down at your satin slippers sitting by the door. You haven’t yet changed out of your dress, even though your bag is in your bedroom now. “Y/N?” Gojo repeats.
You turn to him, finding him and Geto staring at you. “S-Sorry,” you say, flushing with embarrassment. “I’m just a little tired is all.” 
But Gojo isn’t dumb. “Bullshit,” he scoffs. “You’ve got somethin’ on that mind of yours.” He pours you a glass of champagne and passes it to you. You barely take a sip.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, worried. “Can’t we talk about it? It’s important that you’re feelin’ as good as we do.” 
You want to tell them you saw Benji, but at the same time, you don’t want to worry them. They seem so relaxed. “How come y’all wear gloves all the time?” you randomly ask. They blink at you, confused. You nod down at Geto’s bare hands which are bigger and thicker than Gojo’s. “I noticed even when we’re not on our horses, you wear gloves. Y’all germophobes or somethin’?” 
You make the joke to avoid getting forced to cough up the truth, but you even feel weird doing that. Gojo snatches a strawberry from the tray. “Nah,” he chuckles, chewing on the fruit. “But Sugu is. I’m shocked he hasn’t wiped this place down yet.” 
His partner glares down at him. “Not yet,” he growls, snatching the champagne glass from a giggling Gojo. “The gloves are for protection. Not only to avoid leavin’ fingerprints on our targets but to also hide our tattoos.” 
He shows you his rose tattoo inked on his knuckles, the same as Gojo’s. “Benji made us get these when we started,” he explains. “He wanted us to prove our loyalty to him by gettin’ his symbol on our skin forever.” He snorts crudely at the ink, shaking his head. 
Seeing the distaste in his and Gojo’s faces at the sight of the ink on their skin, forever bonded to them whether they like it or not, you break. “I saw Benji earlier,” you finally confess.
A tense, shocked silence falls onto the room and you instantly regret saying anything. “What?” Geto asks and his tone shocks you––it’s sharp and intimidating like an angry father would use. “When?” he demands. 
You swallow hard, knowing you can’t button your lip now. “Earlier while y’all were takin’ the luggage to the elevator. He bumped me comin’ around the corner.” 
The duo continue to stare you down, making you feel uncomfortable. “Did he say anythin’ to you?” Gojo asks. You passively shrug, hugging yourself as a way t self-pacify. “Just that he was sorry and he’s goin’ to the opera tonight…which I also think we should attend.” 
The white-haired outlaw scowls at you. “And how in the fuck are we supposed to do that?” he scoffs. “We don’t even have tickets!” 
You scoff, glaring at him. “This is comin’ from the same guy who scammed a motel clerk out of some rooms,” you sharply retort, eyeing the both of them suspiciously. “What’s up with y’all anyway? All of a sudden, y’all sound like y’all don’t wanna catch this big-bodied bitch.” 
“That’s not true, Y/N,” Geto firmly protests. “We wanna catch Benji as much as you do, but this is also the same guy who tried to kill us just this mornin’. If he knows we’re here, we could be in big trouble and blow this whole operation to hell. That’s why I said we need to lay low for a bit.” 
But that isn’t good enough for you. “So we just…sit here and let him get away?”
You can’t help but be increasingly pissed at this new “plan”. You would think that the Gunslingers would be jumping at the chance to get Benji, but instead, they’re hesitant. Resistant. Not at all the Gunslingers you met and thought they were. 
“It can’t be just a coincidence that he’s here at the same time as us, Geto,” you argue. “It’s a miracle! Obviously, somethin’ in the universe is tellin’ us to get this guy and y’all are more concerned about blowin’ your cover?” 
Geto sighs, looking physically tired of your shit. “This isn’t about our cover. It’s about keepin’ us safe and alive until it’s the right time to pounce.” 
“This is the right time!” you argue, standing up from the couch. “What other time do we have to wait?” The duo just stare at you, neither one backing down from their decision. You simmer, angered at them.
“Maybe I was wrong about y’all,” you hiss. “Fine, since y’all wanna be pussies about it, then I’ll go myself.” 
You begin to stalk towards the door, but Gojo gets up and blocks you from going any further. “No, you’re not,” he sternly says. He looks strange without that usual, gigawat smile on his face. Scary, even. His blue eyes look like ice to you, making you feel like you’ve been dipped in a pool in the Arctic. 
But the stubborn, bratty bitch in you just scowls up at him. “And who the fuck is gonna stop me?” you fridigly ask. Before he can answer, you push past him and continue to walk towards the door. 
You barely make it to the knob when you suddenly feel something tighten around your midsection. You look down, finding a leather whip wrapped tight around you. “Hey, let me go!” you snap, pulling at the whip. “Dammit, Gojo, I said let me go!” 
Gojo just stands there, holding onto the whip with one hand, watching as you as struggle. “Nah, I think I’m gonna let leave ya there to think about your bratty behavior.”
He yanks on the whip, causing you to forcefully be jerked toward him. You try to dig your heels into the floor, but it’s no use. He’s just too strong. 
“Satoru,” Geto firmly says. He stands from the couch, fists clenched. “Let her go.”
Gojo scowls at him, but releases you anyway. You stagger away from him, finally feeling like you can breathe. Geto strides over to you and stands in the middle of you and Gojo, not wanting the suite to turn into a battlefield…but it already has. 
“Let’s just calm down, okay?” he suggests, collected and composed. “Y/N, I’m sorry, but this is the way it has to be for right now. We’ll find out where Benji is headed next and go from there, but for now, let’s just relax and get some rest.” 
He tries to take your hand, but you flinch away from him and storm off to your bedroom to get the rest he speaks of. But you can’t get rest, especially when night falls. You toss and turn, haunted by vengeance, leaving you hotblooded and your pistol hand itching. 
When you rise from your bed in your PJs, Geto and Gojo have already gone to bed, their door cracked and the sound of Gojo snoring heard throughout the suite.
You slip into your purple dress and heels from earlier, make your hair look presentable, and slip on your leather jacket. Once you’re dressed, you add your accessories: a gold necklace, bracelets, a knife in a garter belt strapped to your thigh, and a pistol that you slip into your purse. 
You don’t bother leaving a note. You know that the boys will know where you’ve gone. So you slip out of the suite, locking it, and down the quiet hallway to the elevators. You don’t turn back. You’re afraid that if you do, you’ll rethink this and decide to stay. So when the elevators ding, you walk in and head to the lobby. 
Once the doors open, you give the doormen a nod as you head outside in the summer night. Reneigh is waiting for you along with Geto and Gojo’s Broncos, all of them chuffling when you see you. You pet Reneigh’s nose and untie her before hiking your dress up and mounting her, feeling weird without your riding boots and pants. 
 “C’mon, girl,” you whisper before softly clucking your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Reneigh takes off clicking down the path, leaving the hotel behind.
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
i’m such a big fangirl of you. please share more of your writings😭😭😭😭
I'll soon release the second part of the overdue Xmas fic for sure 💜 There is soooo much I wanna write and I have millions of ideas, it's just that I critic my own self super hard and thus stall on everything ;-;
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Veritaserum Prompt Fic (Part 9)
(It has been a minute since I've posted anything on this fic. Sorry friends-thanks for your patience! If you'd like you can start at the beginning, Part 1 on Tumblr and click through or head over to AO3 to read the whole thing.) ============
One week.
It took one week for Draco to make all of the arrangements; to brew the potion and to get in touch with Granger to make a plan without Harry knowing.
None of it was easy, of course. Harry spent so much time with him that it was hard to have secrets, but Draco couldn't ever find it in himself to complain. If he was a better man maybe it would have gone faster but in the grand scheme of things what was one week against the balance of the rest of his life?
But, as he stirred the potion seven times counter-clockwise and it changed to a dark purple, he knew that his time was up. This was the last piece. He already had the portkey from Granger that would deliver him to her house, she'd drawn up the contract that he would sign when he got there granting Harry immunity, and now the sleeping draught was complete. A few drops in the tea that he was going to make for Harry right before bed and he'd be able to leave.
His heart clenched traitorously and his brain continuously searched for ways to weasel its way out of spending his life in prison. But this was the only way. The only that Harry would have a chance at the life that he deserved after all he'd been through. It wasn't fair for him not to get to enjoy the world he'd saved.
It was time for Draco to do the right thing. For once. He had to, Harry was his now and he had to protect him, he had to do what was best for him. The only way to give Harry his freedom was to give up his own.
"Hey," Harry said, voice warmer than the sunshine on the beach as he wrapped his arms around Draco's waist and buried his face in the side of Draco's neck, interrupting Draco from his thoughts. And Draco's entire soul ached.
(Read more below the cut)
"Hi yourself," he managed, keeping his voice light and cheerful.
He felt Harry grin against his neck, "How are you?" he asked as through they hadn't seen each other a mere hour ago.
"Good," he whispered, pressing back into Harry's arms, because how could he be anything else when Harry was holding him. "Did you finish that table you were building?"
"Mmhmm," he hummed, kissing the spot just behind Draco's ear that made him feel a bit weak in the knees. "I thought maybe we could eat dinner outside."
He nodded, "Let me just tidy up out here first."
"Kay," Harry replied, pressing one more smacking kiss to his neck and making Draco laugh. "I'm going to start grilling the salmon we picked up yesterday, okay?"
He nodded. "I'll be out in a minute."
Harry gave him a wave and then disappeared out of the work room, traipsing through the green house.
Draco took a steadying breath and pulled out a small phial that he filled with the sleeping draught.
Only a few more hours.
And the hours passed far too quickly, eating dinner, then sitting close to the ocean where the waves could wash over their feet as they drank beer and laughed up at the stars.
"Harry?" he said.
"Mmh?" the other man asked, pressing his shoulder against Draco's.
He gave him a little smile, "This is the happiest I've ever been."
Harry turned his head to look at him and smiled back, "Yeah?"
Draco nodded.
"Me too," he replied, leaning in to kiss him softly.
His heart twisted uncomfortably in his chest, squeezing and wrenching like a wet towel being wrung out. "Love you," he whispered.
He felt Harry's smile as he kissed him, mouth stretched too wide, "I love you, too," he replied.
They sat staring out over the ocean for long moments and Draco knew he had to do it now. If he let the other man take him to bed, if he let Harry tell him how happy he was and how much he loved him, he wouldn't be able to do it.
"Do you want another?" he asked, pointing to Harry's beer. "I'm going to use the loo, I can grab you one while I'm up," he offered.
Harry tilted his head back to look up at him, curls spilling across his face and catching in the breeze. "Maybe a glass of water?"
"Alright," he replied, trying to figure out what he was going to hide the sleeping potion in as he brushed a few curly strands of hair out of Harry's eyes. "Be right back, then."
Harry caught his hand and tipped his head up so he could press a kiss to the inside of Draco's wrist and he felt his eyes well up. It shouldn't be possible to feel this much, shouldn't be possible for a heart to soar and clench at the same time.
He gave Harry's hand a squeeze before releasing him and heading toward the house, taking gasping breaths as he tried to calm down, tried to force the tears and the panic away. Once inside he looked around in the kitchen, water wouldn't mask the taste of the sleeping draught, he needed to find something else.
After a moment, he pulled down the biscuits that they'd baked together the day before, setting a few out on a plate, then pouring a glass of milk that he slipped several drops of the sleeping draught into.
It took him several minutes to work up the nerve, Merlin knew that he'd never been good at being brave; it's what had landed him in the situation in the first place. Squaring his shoulders, he levitated the plate and the glasses of milk, being sure to keep track of which one he'd put the potion into, outside to the beach.
Harry laughed when he saw him, reaching out to pluck the glass of milk closest to him from the air, "You're going to make me fat," Harry said. "And then you won't love me anymore."
Draco shook his head as he sat down next to Harry, leaning over to him to kiss him, "Impossible," he murmured. He cupped Harry's cheek, brushing his thumb over his cheekbone, "There is no possible version of us where I do not fall in love with you."
A pleased grin stretched Harry's mouth wide, "I wouldn't have pegged you as a romantic," he said.
"No?" Draco asked as he picked up one of the cookies.
Harry shook his head, "I would have imagined you having sharp edges still, with practical ways to show your love, not all-" he broke off and gestured to Draco, "soft."
He shrugged one shoulder, "We've had enough sharp, haven't we?" he asked.
"Definitely," Harry agreed, taking a cookie off the plate and dunking it into the milk.
Draco swallowed against the guilt and the desire to just make it all stop.
"These turned out really well," Harry said through a mouthful of cookie. "I can't believe you'd never baked cookies before yesterday."
He smiled, "Lots of firsts here."
The corner of Harry's mouth tipped up and he leaned over to kiss Draco again, soft and sweet. "What should our next first be?" he asked when he pulled back.
"I don't know," Draco replied, watching him dunk his cookie again, the milk soaking it and making a chunk break off and sink to the bottom.
"Drat," Harry said before taking a bite out of the remainder of it. "I've always wanted to take a trip to the states," he said. "And we all know that the Ministry doesn't work well with the one in the states. We probably wouldn't even have to hide."
He hummed, watching as Harry stifled a yawn.
"I want to go to that muggle amusement park," he added.
"Alright," Draco agreed. "We'll go, then."
Harry gave him one of those guileless grins of his before starting to lift the glass of milk to his lips.
"Kiss me," Draco blurted, needing just one more kiss before the end.
The other man obliged him, "Twist my arm," he said with a wink, leaning over and drawing Draco closer, so he could kiss him.
"Sorry," Draco said when they broke apart, "Finish your milk and biscuit."
"Don't be sorry," Harry said, "I will kiss you any time, love. Literally anytime." He drained his glass of milk, making a pleased little hum when he caught the piece of the biscuit he'd lost earlier.
The effects of the potion were immediate, as they always were, Draco watched as Harry's eyes started to droop.
"Merlin," he said through a yawn, "Draco I'm exhausted all of the sudden."
He nodded, "Let's go to bed," he offered, standing up and reaching for Harry's hands.
Harry allowed himself to be tugged to his feet and he stumbled into Draco, his body sinking into him like they'd been made to fit together.
"I've got you," Draco whispered, wrapping his arm around him and holding him for a minute, memorizing the curves of his body and the way they felt pressed together. "Come on," he said after a minute.
"Don't wanna," Harry mumbled against his collarbone. "M'comfortable."
"Bed will be more comfortable," Draco assured him, nudging him toward the house.
"You'll be there, too?"
"Yeah," he whispered, knowing that his heart would live here with the other man, tucked between his ribs next to his own for safe keeping.
He managed to navigate Harry inside and they crawled into bed, Harry curled around him, drawing Harry's back against his chest and holding him.
"Love you," Harry mumbled sleepily.
"I love you too," he managed, throat tight and raw as he clutched Harry tighter and held him impossibly closer. He stayed there for longer than was strictly necessary, Harry's body was lax in his arms, he let out a soft huff snore ever few exhalations, and there wasn't a doubt in Draco's mind that the other man was in a deep sleep.
"Okay," he whispered to himself. "Okay, you've got to get up." He pressed a kiss to the soft skin on the back of Harry's neck and slid out from under him, drawing away. "Don't think about it," he muttered as he made his way out of his room, quietly closing the door.
He went to the island in the kitchen and left a note, the closest thing to a love letter he'd ever written, and laid his wand on top of it.
"Don't think about it," he repeated, opening the cupboard under the sink and digging out the old scrub brush that Granger had sent him. He took a breath and closed his eyes, not giving himself even one more moment to think and talk himself out of it, and activated the portkey.
He was sucked through time and space, and the next thing he knew his feet hit the floor in an unfamiliar living room. The door opened and Granger and Weasley came in a moment later.
"Sorry," Granger said, "We weren't sure when you were coming."
"It's fine," he said, breathing through his nose and trying to fight the tears prickling the back of his eyes.
Granger held out a parchment, "You're sure you know what you're doing?"
He nodded and reached out for the quill set out on the desk.
"Malfoy," she said, pulling the contract back, "Draco," she added, voice soft in a way that made Draco want to cry and scream. "If you sign this you can never appeal the decision the court reached. You will be in prison for the rest of your life."
"I know."
Weasley cleared his throat, "Does Harry know you're here?"
"No," he said, looking up at them. "No, I gave him a sleeping draught. He can't know until it's finalized," he added. "You saw what happened at the trial. He's so-" he shook his head, he couldn't say it, couldn't make himself voice the words. Not to them, not to anyone; they were his, all he had left, and he buried them in his chest where his heart used to be. "He can't know."
"Are you certain?" Granger asked again.
"Give it to me," he snapped. "Just give me the damn contract. I can only be tested so many fucking times and if you think leaving Harry wasn't hard enough, if you think-" He broke off, realizing that he was gasping in ragged breaths and that tears had spilled down his face. He wiped his eyes furiously. "We all know that I am not the pinnacle of valor. Doing what is right when it is difficult has never been my strong suit. So please," he said, "please stop asking me."
"You love him, too," Weasley breathed as though it was some sort of revelation.
He snatched the contract from Granger's hand and signed it before either of them could say anything else. "You said you'd have someone from the ministry ready to take me?" he said, thrusting his chin up in the air and refusing to give in to the urge to break down.
"I'm taking you," she said softly.
He nodded, "let's go, then."
"Is there anything-" Weasley started.
He shook his head and ignored the way a tear slipped down his cheek, "There is only one thing I want and we all know I can't have him."
"Come on, then," Granger said, holding out her elbow.
Just as they apparated Weasley called out, "You're a good person, Draco Malfoy."
"He's right, you know," she said when their feet hit the ground.
Draco shook his head, "I'm not, obviously," he said gesturing to the prison doors they were about to walk through. "Will you do something for me?" he asked.
She nodded, "What do you need?"
"Don't let him do anything stupid," he said.
She laughed, "I've spent my whole life failing at that."
"Tell him it's okay," he pleaded, "It's fine to move on, to live a happy life. Tell him I want that for him." He swallowed around the tears. "Tell him he deserves to be happy more than anyone, that he deserves the best life," he said, an ugly sob escaping.
Before he knew what was happening, Granger wrapped him in her arms and pulled him into an uncomfortably tight hug. "We'll figure this out," she said fiercely.
He pulled back, shaking his head and wiping his face. "Don't. And please don't say that to him."
She searched his face for a long moment and Draco tried to pull himself together. "Right," she said, nodding once and squaring her shoulders, "This way."
He closed his eyes and let the memory of the sound of the waves crashing to shore, of Harry's hand in his, and the warm sun on his face, fill him up one more time before the darkness ahead.
Part 8 | Part 10
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talaok · 2 years
hi there, I just read and loved “long overdue” and I was wondering if you could write another story about Joseph, kinda same plot with y/n being an actor in ST4 and some (a lot of?) smut with Joseph being of the dom kind and being into choking and spanking and stuff like that, and the sexual tension being soooo noticeable on set.
Please please please, your writing is SO good x
Pairing: Joseph Quinn x fem!reader
Summary: You are part of the stranger things cast, and even though you never admitted it, you and Joseph both like each other, and one day, when he invites you to his house to "practice a scene" your true feelings find a way to come out.  
Warnings: SMUT: unprotected sex, choking, spanking, and prob. other things
A/n: This...this is dirty.I feel like I enjoyed writing it much more than I should have. ALSO thanks a lot for saying that my writing is good. It means the world, really.
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"good morning my love" Joseph said walking towards you. You snorted and tilted your head to the side, looking at him "My love?". "Absolutely" he whispered as he got closer to you, put his hands on your waist, and kissed your cheek. You felt a shiver go down your spine, just like you always did when he greeted you like that.You had noticed he only did it with you a long time ago, but had never said anything, It's not like you were gonna complain. You loved feeling his hands and lips on you, even if not where you wanted them the most.  "You look really beautiful today" he leaned away, not letting go of your waist. Your mouth opened to speak but the words got stuck in your throat. He smirked at your reaction "Oh, come on, I'm sure people tell you all the time" he said in a low voice and you felt yourself blush. You swallowed nervously and laughed softly, trying to play it off, still not able to produce a coherent sentence. He still had that smug grin on his face, undoubtedly conscious of his effect on you. His eyes darted to your lips before coming back up to your eyes. "This is new" You frowned, confused He leaned into your ear "I usually have to use other methods to render women unable to speak" You widened your eyes as he backed away, smirking at you one last time before walking away. You remained there, frozen as he calmly made his way out of the set. What just happened? "Cut!" the director yelled. You stopped and took a step back, bumping into someone, your behind hitting them first. "Oh shit, sorry" you said turning around and placing your hands on their chest "I'm not sorry at all" Joseph chuckled  You rolled your eyes playfully "Of course it's you" "Like you wanted it to be someone else" he said, moving some hair away from your face. "Maybe I did"  His lips twitched into a sly smile "Sure" he said, putting his hands on your waist  "Sure you did sweetheart" he murmured making you squirm at the pet name. You bit your bottom lip, trying to keep a straight face as your heart was pounding in your chest. "stop" he whispered, bringing one of his hands up to your face and using his thumb to stroke your lip, signaling you to stop biting it "you have a way too beautiful mouth to be treating it like that" he murmured, getting closer to you "and secondly" he looked at you hungrily "it's very distracting" Your breath hitched as you started feeling dizzy. God, this man "Are you two done?" Gaten's voice startled you " we have a scene to shoot" "hey, so I was thinking," Joesph said as he pulled you to the side. You had finished the last scene of the day and everyone was already leaving. "oh-oh" you joked, feigning concern He rolled his eyes at you "We have that scene tomorrow. Y'know, the one just you and me." he looked into your eyes" And I think we should practice it together" he said. "You know, it's a really important one and I wanna do it well" You raised your eyebrows and nodded "Yeah, sure" He smiled and you noticed something creep into his eyes, something you couldn't quite identify. "Great. my house in like" he looked at his watch "two hours?" he asked "All right" you smiled "See you in two hours then" you said as you started towards your trailer. You wanted to get away from him as soon as possible before he could, as per usual, say something that made you weak in the knees, making you change your mind about going to his house. Which, you were just now realizing, meant being alone, just the two of you, with no way out of his penetrating gaze or of his flattering words. Oh god. What had you done?   "What was that about?" Natalia asked as you walked towards her. She was waiting for you to walk to your trailers together since they were next to each other. "What?" She tilted her head to the side and glared at you  "Oh, that?" you asked pretending to just have understood the question. "Nothing" you paused. You knew what her reaction was gonna be and you were trying to come up with a lie. Nothing came to mind. Whatever "I'm going to his house to practice tomorrow's scene" you said, trying really hard to sound casual. She opened her mouth in shock  and you shot her an annoyed look" We're just going to run lines, it's not a big deal" "You know, for being an actor," she chuckled to herself " you're a really bad liar". You took a deep breath before knocking on the door. You had taken a quick shower, changed into a pair of jeans, and put on a  black t-shirt, which you were now noticing, was very tight. You wanted to look good but not too good. You were just going to practice a scene after all. "Hello my darling" he said as he opened the door. You smiled "hello to you too" "Please," he said, gesturing you to enter "Come in" You did as told and looked around while he started walking towards what looked like the living room "It's a very big place you have here" "Big?" he turned towards you "Big" "It's big" he agreed, a slight smirk forming on his face. "You want something to drink?"  "Oh, no thanks. I'm fine "  He turned to you, his eyes traveling up and down your body, stopping for a second too long at your cleavage. "You look pretty" You laughed softly "That's the second time you've told me today"  "I can't help it" he liked his lips "What, you don't like it?" You swallowed nervously "N-no, I do. It's just-" you had no idea how to explain to him that every time he complimented you your brain would turn to mud and your heart would start racing so fast you thought it was gonna explode. "Or do you not like the way it makes you feel?" he asked in a low voice, taking a step towards you. You cleared your throat. Oh god, you had entered the house not even 2 minutes ago and you were already unable to speak. Great.Just great. "W-What are you talking about?" "Oh come on" he chuckled "Do you think I'm blind Y/N?" he asked, taking another step. He was looking straight at you and you swore you could see a  fire burning in his eyes. "You think I don't see the way you look at me?" he took another step. "The way you stare at me when you think I don't notice?" another step. he was now right in front of you, gazing at you hungrily. "You think" he brought his right hand up to move some hair away from your face. lingering for a moment to stroke your cheek." I haven't noticed how your breath hitches every time I touch you?" a shiver went down your spine. He put his other hand on your waist and leaned closer to you"You think I haven't noticed how you blush every time I kiss you?" he whispered to your ear before gently placing a kiss on your cheek. he put both his hands behind your back, forcing you closer to him. You felt like you were about to faint and have a heart attack at the same time. What the fuck was happening? Was this some kind of extremely vivid dream? "J-Joe" you managed to stutter in a thin voice. "I know you want this Y/N" he murmured, leaning even closer to you. You could feel his hot breath on your lips and his scent was intoxicating you. "Tell me you want this" he growled You opened your mouth to say something but immediately closed it again. Was this real?  You lifted your eyes and looked into his. Lust was all you could see. You bit your lip, god you wanted to kiss him. "I told you not to do that"  You frowned. he brought one of his hands to your mouth, calmly placed his thumb on your lower lip, and dragged it downwards, freeing your lip from your teeth' grip. His finger lingered on your mouth for a moment, before he moved his hand, placing his palm on your cheek and his fingers on either side of your ear, holding your face. He wet his lips and looked at you sternly "you still haven't answered me Y/N" To say that your heart was racing was an understatement. You peeked up at him, desire evident in your eyes. "Please" you whispered "please kiss me, Joseph" you begged. You saw his eyes light up and before you could even process what was happening his lips were on yours, and oh god, they felt like heaven. He tightened his grip on your face as he deepened the kiss, forcing his tongue into your mouth. The hand that was on your back started to explore every inch of skin accessible. He started caressing your ass as he moved his other hand to your hair and tugged them, making you gasp softly. You felt a smirk form on his lips and he didn't give you enough time to comment before he pushed you against the wall beside you. Your back hit the wall and you looked at him, your mouth wide open. He slowly looked at you up and down and smugly grinned "Finally" he whispered, more to himself than to you, you suspected, and in one second he was on you again. God, his lips on you felt a thousand times better than you could have ever imagined. They were so gentle and yet so aggressive just like his hands, touching you all over like you had dreamed times and times again. You moaned softly into his mouth as he squeezed your ass hard. you heard him chuckle softly as his other hand grabbed your leg and brought it up to his waist, starting to caress your thigh as he took you by surprise and bit your bottom lip, looking up at you cockily You felt all of your desire and need pool in your lower belly as you gave him a pleading gaze. He let go of your lip and kissed you briefly. "How about we go to my room?" he asked in a deep voice.  "Please" you exhaled. He pushed you onto the bed and placed himself in front of you. You sat up confused. "get up" he ordered. You frowned. He had quite literally just thrown you there. Why did he want you to get up? "Get up Y/N" he urged again, and this time you obeyed. He smirked subtly, clearly pleased "good girl" he gave you a quick kiss and took your place on the bed. You turned towards him, your brows still furrowed, your confusion evident. "Take off your shirt" "W-" You opened your mouth to protest but he cut you off "take off your shirt Y/N" he purred and you swallowed nervously. You slowly took the end of your shirt and pulled it off, looking at him anxiously. His eyes immediately fell to your breasts and he bit his lip, holding back a grin. "See? I knew you would be good sweetheart" he praised you with a deep voice. "Now take off your pants for me, will you?" he asked, and you obeyed hastily this time. quickly taking off your shoes and jeans. You knew it was wrong but you were starting to like this. Putting on this little show just for him, just as he wanted was turning you on even more. You were sure your panties were gonna be drenched by now. His eyes traveled down your whole body and he smirked smugly. "Take off your bra"  You started taking it off. Slowly. excruciatingly slowly "Y/N" he warned you, and you smiled softly, happy to know that he was desperate for you just as much as you were for him. You unclasped your bra and let it fall to your feet. Joseph groaned loudly, his eyes glued to your now free breasts. He got up and stepped towards you. His eyes hungry and full of desire. He grabbed your waist and pulled you so close to him you could feel his hot breath on your lips. "You did good" he whispered before crashing his lips with yours. His tongue immediately found its way into your mouth as his hands started roaming everywhere on your body, with particular attention to your ass. He gave your ass a small spank, before pushing you onto the bed again. You propped yourself up on your elbows as he undressed in front of you, his eyes never leaving your body, as you admired the view. You blushed as you realized he had caught you staring at the obvious erection in his boxers and he just smirked, getting on top of you. His mouth found yours again in a passionate kiss, as one of his hands found your breasts and started desperately squeezing and stroking them. "You tell me a word and I'll stop, ok?" he said, catching you off guard. You nodded  "Use your words sweetheart" he said coyly, looking into your eyes. You swallowed thickly "O-ok" "good girl" he praised you as he tore your panties off of you and pushed two fingers into you. "OH MY GOD" you yelled "Sh,sh,sh" he shushed you, continuing to move his fingers in and out of you. "It's just my fingers" he whispered curling them inside you and hitting the spot perfectly, making you moan"if you make this much noise for just those" he chuckled as he sped up his movements"I don't know how you could react to the real thing" he stopped, making you whimper. he leaned away and took off his boxers. You liked your lips as your mouth involuntarily widened. "You're gonna be good for me, aren't you?" he asked as he positioned himself between your folds. "You're gonna take it all the way right?" you nodded   "your words Y/N, use them" "Yes-I'm sorry.Yes.I'll be good" you promised He groaned softly "that's what I like to hear" He looked at you one last time before slowly starting to push into you. You winced at the stretch and shut your eyes, already feeling tears starting to form in your eyes. He didn't stop and slowly continued filling you until he was completely inside you. He hissed just as he did and you opened your eyes back again. He brought one of his hands to your face to wipe a tear away from it and he kissed you quickly before, without any warning, thrusting into you aggressively. You gasped loudly and he bit his lip., enjoying the view under him. He thrust into you again and this time it didn't hurt as much, and you moaned softly. "good girl" he spoke proudly, as he started pounding into you relentlessly, making your tits bounce with each thrust. One of his hands made its way to them and started to not-so-gently play with them, squeezing and stroking, uncaringly about how you liked it. You were moaning his name like a prayer as his pace quickened and the hand that was on your chest made its way up to your neck, tightly gripping it. Your mouth widened as a loud moan escaped your mouth "That's right baby" he pounded into you even harder "take all of it" the sound of your body slapping together was brutal. "take it like the good girl that you are Y/N" His grip on your neck tightened and your vision started to blur. "So good for me baby" he said, bringing his thumb to your clit and circling it. "Oh god!Joe!" you cried out, shutting your eyes. You were close. you could feel it and joe felt it too. "Oh, no sweetheart" he pushed himself into you and leaned closer to your face, tightening his grip on your neck " Until I say you can" he moved his waist in a circle, making you moan faintly "You're not allowed to come" he whispered lowly, ghosting your lips and leaning away. "b-but Joe" you pleaded, already feeling way too close to your release. "Do as I say Y/N" He thrusted into you again, making you moan loudly. "pl-please" he thrusted into you again and freed your neck from his grip, rendering you able to breathe normally again. He stroked your cheek as he continued with his pace. You felt pressure build up in your lower belly and you knew you were close. "Please Jose-"you tried begging him but stopped as he ceased his movements and pulled out of you. He looked down at you smugly. Your mouth opened to protest but he instantly cut you off. "Turn around" he instructed. You immediately did as told, desperate for your release. You got on all fours and looked behind you to see him. He was biting his lip and staring at your ass, just like you could have probably predicted. "God you're hot" he mumbled as he put his hands on either side of your waist and got to his knees. "Even hotter than I had imagined" he said before licking a stripe through your folds without warning. You groaned at the feeling and pushed your back against him. He chuckled at your reaction and kissed your clit before coming back up. "Don't worry sweetheart" he pushed into you" It's coming" he promised. He picked up his pace quickly, making you cry out his name desperately. Somehow he was getting even deeper from this angle. "Joe!" you screamed. He brought his hand down to your right ass cheek, striking it hard "That's right baby" he spanked you again "Scream my name sweetheart" and again. You did. you cried out his name as he spanked you again, even harder. You were getting closer. You could feel the pressure continuing to build. "Please" you moaned as he caressed your backside after one last spank "P-please Joe. I'm gonna cum"  "I can feel it baby" He groaned "God, you're squeezing me so good Y/N" his voice strained. He was close too. "Come for me sweetheart" he trusted into you hard "Come on my dick baby". You didn't need to be told twice. You let yourself go and with one loud moan, you came all over his cock. He grunted at the feeling  "So good for me" he mumbled"such a good girl" he muttered as he pounded into you one last time before he came too, filling you up completely.
"Was this your plan all along?" you asked him through half-lidded eyes "maybe" he grinned, leaning closer to you "you didn't even wait 5 minutes after I got in the house"you smiled. "I know, I just couldn't resist anymore"
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raineydays411 · 2 years
Best of Friends
Peter Parker x reader 
Part 8
a?N: HI... so i know this is looooong overdue, i am so sorry about that. I know how frustrating it must have been to wait so long. Honestly i just got really wrapped up with life and i had gotten a job, and school, then i got a boyfriend so it just really consumed my time. But i got fired, i'm on break, and me and my boyfriend broke up soooo here's that story lol.
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That's really the only word you could use to describe the next few days leading up to your hangout with Peter.
Whether it was Wanda and Nat attempting to play dress up with you, or Pietro and Bucky ;( a surprising team up) pestering you about how Peter better watch his back. Not to mention your father and Pepper telling you how you don’t have to push yourself. 
Really it was exhausting. Especially because you were already nervous as it is. 
Peter had really hurt you. It hurts when someone you love just up and decided to cut you out of there lives with no notice, ANd even if its not what Peter intended, it's how you were effected. So yes, you were a bit weary. How could you not be? 
“Miss Y/n, Peter Parker has arrived.” FRIDAY stated, even she sounded annoyed.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you shakily called out a thank you. 
As you got your stuff together, you wondered what was going to happen. Obviously it was a good thing that Peter wanted to see you. He even said he wanted to make everything up to you. 
So why were you so anxious?
You finally reached the main room, where Peter was there waiting. Again surrounded by passive aggressive superheros, doing their best to make him regret ever making you cry.
As soon as he saw you he stood, faster than you had ever seen him move before. 
“Y/N!”, he shouts, sounding relieved, “ Are you ready?” 
You send him a small smile, nodding your head and then glaring at the group of adults behind him. 
“Yeah, lets go” You say as you walk to the elevator, leaving Peter to follow behind, feeling the scorching gaze of the avengers on his back. 
“Have fun, Y/n. I am but a phone call away~” Pietro coos, sweet words with an intimidating message behind it.
You smile to yourself, seeing Peter sigh in relief as the doors shut and the elevator moves to the lobby.
An awkward silence falls upon you two. One that is unfamiliar, as you and Peter have always had something to talk about. 
“I’m sorry Y/n...” Peter says suddenly, “ I don’t know what I was thinking...”
You glance to the ground, not knowing what to say. You really were never good at speaking your emotions. 
“I think I was just used to being your number one... so when he came along I didn’t know how to handle it.”
“You really hurt me.” You state quietly, “ I know that’s probably not what you meant to do”
“Its not” Peter says quickly, “ Trust me Y/n, seeing you sad and knowing that I’m the reason will always haunt me. I never want to be the reason you cry.”
“But you were” You whispered, looking at your feet. 
Peter swallowed, “ I never wanted to ... I just needed space to think.”
“Peter... needing space is fine. Understandable, but the way you went about it is what hurt me. You went from texting me and seeing em everyday, to ignoring me and making excuses not to see me. That's what hurt me.” You say, finally telling him how you feel, “ If you felt that strongly about Jason, then you should have told me. Before you jumped to conclusions and cut me off. If you needed space then you should have told me.” 
Peter looked at the ground, taking in what you were telling him. 
You felt bad laying into him like that but it had to be said. 
“ You’re lucky I love you.” You say with a sigh. Hearing those words Peters heart nearly stopped, looking at your face in surprise, 
Did you feel the same as him? 
“You can mess up a thousand times and I’d still want you as my friend.” 
“Yeah...friends” Peter says in a tone. 
You notice the shift in tone, but before you can comment on it Peters phone goes off. As he checks it his face changes, at first excitement but then it morphs into a look of guilt. 
You frown, “Peter who is it?”
“Oh!...uh its Liz.” He stumbles, “But! But! I promised it was just you and me today, and it will be.”
You look at the ground, “If you need to take it then I understand...”
“Hey, no, look I’m putting it away.” He says, pocketing the phone after putting it on silent, “ come on, I’ve been craving a hot dog from a shady stand for the longest time.” 
He takes your hand and leads you through the busy streets of Manhattan. The feeling bringing a heat to your cheeks. It was warm and familiar. Being with Peter always brought you a sense of comfort you weren’t able to feel with anyone else. He was your home away from home. Being away from him felt like a piece of you was missing. You didn’t truly understand these feelings, Peter really being the only guy you’ve gotten to know like this, but you’ve seen it before. 
You’ve seen it in movies, dreamy scenes where the protagonist goes through a montage of activities with the love interest, only to end with them falling in love. You see it with your parents, the way your father looks at Pepper, as if she hung the moon and stars herself. Its a feeling that you long to have. 
And with Peter, you think you’ve found it. You love being around him. The way his hair looks when the sun hits it just right. The way he slightly dances to a song he likes, not enough to be obvious but just enough to be noticable. You love the way he sends you pictures of things he wants before he buys them to get your opinion. Or the way he laughs when you say something that surprises him. The little things that nobody else has noticed but you have.
As you were thinking about all this, you didn’t realize that you stopped walking and were staring at Peter, slightly freaking him out.
“uh...Y/n..are you okay?” He asks, feeling awkward but worried since you just stopped out of nowhere. 
Shaking yourself out of it, you smile, “Yeah! Sorry I got lost in thought I guess.”
You couldn’t feel this way for him. How could you when he doesn't feel the same? He made his choice and his choice was Liz. You really were only a friend to him. 
“Hey, wanna swing up to the top of my school? We could eat there?” Peter says with a mischievous smile, knowing you get motion sick. 
“Peter...” You warn with a slight smile. 
You squeak as he suddenly pulls you in an alley and leaps, webs shooting out of the hidden shooter under his sleeve.
“PETER” You shout, burying your face in his shoulder, trying to hold onto the bag that contained your hotdogs and hold in the contents of your stomach. You flinch every time you feel your bodies drop and rise, the momentum making your stomach twist. Finally, after what felt like forever, you land with a jolt. 
“Jeez you really have a tight grip” Peter says with a small chuckle, “Sorry, I know you hate that.” 
You huff for a second trying to keep the contents of your stomach in your body. Then you shoot him an sharp glare. 
“I hate you.” You say with a slight laugh. Peter puts his hand on his heart feigning a hurt look.
“Don’t say that.” He says with a smile, “Come on, lets eat.”
And you do. While this whole thing hasn’t truly been resolved, it was nice to just be with him. To enjoy his presence once more, and be Y/n and Pete again. In fact this was the thing you missed the most. The comfort he brought to you. The feeling of content and happiness, like you two were the only two people in the world. And as far as you were concerned, at this very moment, you were.
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dangan-imagine-plus · 4 years
kokichi x Curvy! Tall! reader pt2
kk so this one is looong overdue, i kinda didn't have the energy to finish it after 5 paragraphs, but I finally got it done so sorry anon, and it might not be as fluffy as imagined but mind imagines this situation the most. -mod ouma
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Would it really be worth it to go, would it be safe, with Kokichi you could never know. Right now you were thinking of whether or not it's actually practical to go. He didn’t even give a time, when you were supposed to go, you really can’t tell. Doubts flooded your mind, was the master of deceit just playing with feelings, going so long without reassurance was playing on your brain.
That however was a thing no one would ever know. Kokichi is someone you can never be sure about with anything, nevertheless you got ready to go to his lab the next day, curious but still on guard. You did your hair, got changed and made sure you smelled nice. 
The hallways seemed longer than usual, time slowing as all possible outcomes played in your head. Kokichi was all that was on your mind- *bamn*, you ran into tenko. Tenko held her head and slightly growled at the pain, “Stupid degenerate ma-, Y/N!! Oh I’m so so sorry, my fault. You look amazing by the way, stunning!!” 
“Ah, Tenko! Thank you, are you ok?” You said. “O-of course, I’m sorry for making you feel worried. Where are you going? let me protect you from degenerate men.” This was a dangerous topic, surely if Tenko knew you were going to Kokichi’s ultimate lab, she would do something to avert you, and either lecture you or try to hurt Kokichi.
“It’s okay Tenko, why are you out anyway?” changing the topic. “To see Himiko of course, I wanna learn how to do cute mage girl spells like her!!!” This conversation was dragging on a tad bit, so you had to wrap it up with a clever closing statement. “I’m sure you’d be an amazing mage, thank you for trying to protect me but I am not going far and am confident I’ll be safe.”
Tenko, happy with that answer, let you go and you two went your own separate ways. With her gone, your mind was left back to wonder what Kokichi had planned for this meeting. That was until someone pulled you round one of the pillars and pulled you along, your hand in theirs, it didn’t take long however for you to recognise the dark to pink ombre hair. “Kokichi, what the hell! You’re going too fast, slow down.”
He turned around for a second, “Nah~” and then upped his pace. You two stopped outside Kokichi’s lab, he let go of your hand, turned around and lent on the wall “I’ve been waiting forever, geez took ya long enough, slowpoke.” like the male had never dragged you along and instead stood there the whole morning.
You were in a slight shocked state and also breathing heavily, so you couldn’t talk. Kokichi took this to his advantage and opened the door with an overly exaggerated butler-like pose. You walked in and took in the sight of his lab, you’ve never seen before. “W-wow, This is so… COOL!” You ran around the room looking at practically everything, leaving a laughing Kokichi, although he got slightly frustrated when you paid no attention to him.
As you were inspecting the throne He grabbed you by the hand and spun you around to face him, making you both fall onto the chair, him sitting either leg besides you in your lap. Kokichi got up real close and personal, finally addressing why you were there. “Not gonna lie ,for once, I didn’t think you’d care enough to come, well I kinda dragged you, but I knew you were headed here anyway, nishishi.”
He paused “Look, I like you, believe it or not~ that’s your choice, I’m afraid. The biggest issue with that is, you don’t like you, so I brought you here to show you everything I love about your body.” he got your face in his hands and slightly smushed your cheeks. “Your face is beautiful and your eyes draw me in so much, like freakin’ magnets. I like that I can squish your face between my hands, it’s just soooo god damn cute!!!”
Kokichi got up and pulled you with him to a hidden mirror in one of the walls. Both of you were seen him pointing at your body in the mirror “Look, sure (sarcastic voice incoming) You’re taller than me and you think that I don’t like that.” He turned you towards him, “but let me tell you crackerjack, I really don’t care and if you ask me-” leaning up to whisper in your ear “I think it’s super sexy~” getting back down changing expressions extremely fast and walking aimlessly around the room.
“It just makes me soo sad when I hear that you don’t like your perfect body…” stopping at a halt and turning to face you. “I mean, we can’t have a potential candidate for my partner in crime, my second in command being unconfident.” then he walked back to where you were still standing, letting him talk. “Y’know if my secret organization were here we’d have a whole meeting about how amazing you are, all 10.000 of us nishishi.”
“Kokichi, I’m not amazing, I mean I’m fat, and especially in a country where being skinny is an extremely important beauty definer. Aren’t you embarrassed to be seen with me?” Kokichi seemed unsurprised yet, his head dropped shadows now covering his hidden face, and he grabbed your hands. “Nishishishishi” His head popped back up with a big smile on his face. “Are you fucking dumb? No no, you’re Kaito, Miu or Gonta, you think I care what people will say nishishi.” “I love it, I love all of it. You are like a human pillow, do you understand how many people strive to be beautiful only to not realise that nobody’s opinion actually matters but their own.”
“Kokichi…” but he wouldn’t let you speak. “If I have to do it I’ll go through EVERY body part and prove to you that it’s beautiful. Crackerjack, let me make you a deal, everytime you say something bad about your body, I’ll pull a prank on you, buuut if you say something good I’ll reward you.” you got kind of confused “what’s the reward?”
His face slightly burning up but nonetheless pretending that it's not happening. Kokichi put his hands on your hips in a suggestive manner (idrk) and said “That’s a special surprise crackerjack.” He pulled his scarf up to hide his face. His and your face darkening. “Anyway I think I should do supreme leader stuff now, doesn’t mean I’ll leave you alone, just means I have evil plans to get on with.” He ushered you out the door, still trying to hide the evidence the thoughts he was having were less than family friendly and sent you on your way, half confused, half hot and bothered and fully ready to try to love yourself despite what the world had to say.
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btsrmono · 4 years
Trial & Error | chapter 13
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Main Pairing: (jimin): student/idol x (main): foreign student 
Side Pairs: main x (nct) jaehyun
“Would it hurt you to stop checking your phone for five seconds?”
You looked up at your mother whom was at her wits with you. After seeing a play that she’s been wanting to see since moving to Korea, she took you out for some shopping in Myeongdong, only for you to be paying hardly any attention.
With Jimin and Heejin constantly texting you, it was hard for you to not at least look to see what they were saying.
Jimin was apologizing and Heejin looked to be stressing over a test? Or something along those lines. You weren’t able to fully read what she said before your mom interrupted you.
“Sorry.” You threw a quick smirk her way before turning around to look at the jeans section behind you.
“You know, I’ve been trying to give you as much freedom as I can now that you’re 18 but last night was just unacceptable. You didn’t come home until the late morning, we heard you.”
You turned back around to face her, not feeling in the mood for this conversation. “I told you I was spending the night at Kayla’s place.”
“No, you said you were going to Kayla’s, nothing else.”
Your mom closed her eyes momentarily as she placed her cell phone that was in hand into her purse. She then looked at you, taking a moment to try and read your mind. “You do it again, you’re grounded.”
Now you were annoyed. She hadn’t threatened to ground you since you were sixteen, what made her so uptight all of a sudden? “You can’t ground me, I’m an adult.”
“Whose living under my roof—”
“Dad’s roof.”
It was the deafening silence from your mother that made you realize off the bat that maybe you shouldn’t have said that.
“I’m sorry,” you started.
“A week.” Your mom raised her chin, eyes fixed on yours. You could tell she didn’t want to ground you but did it to assure her authority. “No friends over and no going out.”
Your jaw dropped so fast, you were sure you heard it hit the floor. “But mommy, Winter break starts after tomorrow.”
She stook her index finger up, waving you off. “Aht! Should have thought about that before back talking.”
She started to turn around as you quickly hug her from behind, making her stop in her tracks. “Please? Please, please?”
She looked down at your now pouting face and couldn’t help but to crack a smile. “There goes the kid I know. Let’s make an agreement.” She took your arms from around her waist and turned back to you before sighing. “No more use of your phone around me for the rest of the day and the punishment is lifted.”
That was it? Sheesh, you sure did have an easy parent.
You agreed and apologized to her before taking the next two hours to just hang out with your mom, no distractions. And you had fun. She purchased a lot of new clothes for you two and ended it off with a meal at a new restaurant that had just opened not too far from where you lived.
By time you guys got back home, it was 7pm and the sun was setting. You were surprised to be greeted by Jinsoul, whom looked to be slightly upset, at your front door.
You raised your eyebrows in confusion upon seeing her. “Hey, Jinsoul.. Is everything okay?” you spoke slowly.
She instantly put on an obviously fake smile, seeing the both of you approaching. “Y/n! Mrs. y/l/n, so nice to see you.” She pauses before turning to you. “Y/n, I haven’t heard from you all day. Is it okay if I grab you real quick?”
You glaced at your mom, knowing she was just on the verge of grounding you earlier. She smiled at you as she began to take the shopping bags out of your hand. “Go, it’s okay. Just be home before 10, you girls have school tomorrow.”
You nodded and said goodbye before Jinsoul pulled you away, storming out of the apartment building.
“Jinsoul, what is it?” you asked, wondering why she was acting so strange.
You guys continued to walk in the direction of her apartment as she let go of your arm, pointing at you. “Well, maybe if someone would have been answering their phone!”
You grunted. Of course, the one time your mom makes you put your phone away, you miss all the emergencies.
“Sorry,” you apologized, starting to take your phone out your back pocket to see what all the hype was. But just then, you a heard a thunder crack throughout the dark sky.
It was a bit cloudy all day but you didn’t predict that it was going to rain.
Jinsoul got even more annoyed. “Ugh, let’s hurry so that we don’t get caught up in this mess.”
You both picked up the pace and before you knew it, you were inside of her apartment. After taking off your shoes, you said hello to her father, who usually didn’t come home until late, from you what you remembered. Same as your dad.
“Hi, Mr. Jung! You’re home early.”
He smiled at you widely, happy to see you again. “Y/n, long time no see! So happy you could also join us tonight—”
You felt a hand grip your wrist before tugging you away. “She’s coming in my room, Dad, thank you!”
You smiled and waved at her dad as you passed the kitchen to go to her room. As soon as she opened the door, you saw Heejin there, sitting on the floor, wearing biker shorts and a t-shirt.
She was surrounded by multiple cases of water and chugging down a water bottle. If you thought you were confused before, you were utterly confused now. “Heejin? Why are you here? Is Kayla also here?” You looked around, wondering what she was doing by herself.
Heejin quickly finished the bottle and took a deep breath as she looked at you. “I existed before I met her, you know.” Then she picked up another bottle and started chugging.
“No, I know, it’s just...” You had never seen her without Kayla by her side, that’s all.
“Weed?!” Jinsoul yelled at you as she closed her door.
“Weed?” you repeated, lost.
“You let her smoke weed, Y/n?”
Ooohhhhh, you saw now. The party. You winced, now realizing that you probably shouldn’t have. “To be fair,” you started. “I’m not the one that made her. I had nothing to do with that.”
Heejin continued chugging water bottles in the background while Jinsoul rolled her eyes and moved to her bed.
“Ok well, you should have stopped her. Our company is making us take a drug test soon, how is she supposed to pass that?”
Your jaw dropped in shock. The thought of that happening didn’t even cross your mind. How could you guys be so reckless?
She looked at Heejin, disappointed. “You know if you fail, it’s over for you right?” 
Heejin frowned after swallowing. “I know... This isn’t good.”
“Soooo... are you attempting to detox right now?” you carefully asked, taking a seat next to Heejin on the floor.
She confirmed, nodding her head, making you giggle. “First of all, you don’t need to drink this much water.” You pointed at the ten cases stacked up behind her in a messy pile. “It’s a good start but you don’t need to overdue it. Make sure you exercise for the rest of the week and also try cranberry and lemon water as well.”
Attentively listening, Heejin made sure to make a mental note of what you were saying in her head. “Got it!”
You smiled at her but it was cut short when you began to frown. “Also,” you began. “I’m sorry, I should have been a better friend to you that night and made sure you didn’t do it. I wasn’t thinking and now you have to go through all of this.”
Heejin put the finished water bottle down before placing her hand on your knee reassuringly. “Y/n, don’t beat yourself up over it, it’s okay... Plus, if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s Kayla’s. Why do you think she’s not here right now?”
As she rolled her eyes at the thought of Kayla’s name, you couldn’t help but to feel some kind of way. Why would she place all of that on Kayla?
You looked at Jinsoul to see if she felt this way too but all she could do was shrug. “That girl is bad news, I knew it all along.”
“Wait, you’re backing her up on this?” you questioned, trying to sound neutrual but it was obvious you were annoyed by the tone of your voice.
Heejin scrunched her eyebrows at you, wondering why you cared. “I would have never done it if it weren’t for her, you were there, you know this.”
You slightly frowned, upset with how they were pinning the entire situation on Kayla. “I just think... you should also own up to your decisions as well.”
Both Heejin and Jinsoul looked at each other in union, as though they were expecting you to agree 100% with this. Well they were wrong, you knew that what Kayla did wasn’t right but it’s not like she put a gun up to Heejin’s head that night.
“All I’m saying,” you continued, “is that Heejin, you’re your own person and at the end of the day, Kayla didn’t force you to do anything. It’s okay to admit that you messed up, hun.”
The room was silent for a while as they let what you said soak in. Of course they didn’t agree with you and it was obvious the only reason they were keeping their lips zipped was because they had nothing nice to say.
Until Heejin felt bold enough at least.
She took a breath in before giving you a snarky look. “I don’t know why you’re even defending her, the only reason she even became your friend and invited you to be a part of that stupid club anyway was because you were popular and she wanted to be friends with Jimin.”
Jinsoul quietly placed her hand over her mouth as you averted your eyes from Heejin, feeling embarrassed. You didn’t know how you were supposed to react to that. Like, what was she expecting you to do with that information? Talk shit with them?
While whatever she was saying could have been true, you were still firm with what you had just argued. And of course you were pissed, but you weren’t about to let them know that, you weren’t about to let them win.
Just then, a knock sounded on the door as Jinsoul’s father peeped his head through. “You have another guest,” he announced. “No more, Jinnie. It’s getting late.” 
She shook her head, yes, as we all waited to see who was behind the door.
He walked away and right after, the one and only Jimin walked through.
Speak of the devil.
You sighed deeply, the other two curious to know what he was doing there. “Jimin? Is everything OK?” Jinsoul asked, tilting her chin up.
He smirked slightly, his eyes landing on you, whom was already starting to collect your things. “Yeah, it’s just y/n’s mom said she was over here.”
“Well, I was just leaving.” You were a bit more aggressive with that statement than you meant to be, throwing everyone a little off with your attitude. But at that point, you didn’t care.
You secured your cross body purse over your shoulder as you stood before proceeding to walk right pass Jimin, not making any eye contact or even saying goodbye to the girls. Yes, you were mad. And you had every right to be.
You found yourself speed walking out of the apartment building but by time you reached the elevator, Jimin had caught up with you. He placed his foot in the closing door, causing it to open back up.
He walked inside, looking at you concerningly.
“What?” you barked.
He squinted his eyes, not letting your tone affect him in the slightest as he stood directly in front of you, getting closer to your face to examine you as the elevator door behind him finally closed.
Although he was extremely close to your face, you did everything in your power to gaze your eyes every place but his.
“What just happened back there?”
You rolled your eyes, already fed up with his prying as you crossed your arms in defense mood and suddenly you felt your face getting hot as you tried to hold back your tears. Just as you thought you were making real friends, you found out how fake they were just as quickly as you got them. It all made sense to you, the more you let it sink in.
He touched your elbow but you immediately snatched it away from him and turned your body slightly, hoping he would get the point.
Your intent wasn’t to be a complete asshole to Jimin but not only did you still feel some way about the comment he made the other day, you just weren’t in the best mood right now. You were slowly starting to feel like you didn’t have anybody.
Finally, the elevator dinged and the doors began to open up. You felt like you could breathe a bit more properly once you stepped out into the main lobby. You weren’t happy to see that it was still raining outside. You grunted, trying to decide if you should wait it out or endure when Jimin walked back in front of you.
It was then you decided to walk.
Although he would not let you peacefully. Every time you tried to maneuver around him, he kept stepping in front of you, not making it easy on you to leave. This somehow aggravated you even more and your eyes soon became watery as you finally snapped on him. “Get the hell out of my way, Jimin! I’m not in the fucking mood.”
Goddamn it. You were crying.
You ran your fingers through your hair, exhausted, letting out a deep breath you weren’t even aware that you were holding in. Jimin looked at you, uncertainly. You could tell in his eyes that he was genuinely worried for you right then.
“Y/n? Talk to me, you can’t trust me?”
“Why do you care? Mind your business!”
“Why do I care?” he yelled back at you. “Don’t even go there, y/n! You know I care!”
He was right. At the end of the day, you two were close. You were just too upset to be nice to anyone in the moment. Your guard was up. “You wanna know what happened? They were using me to get to you. Everyone here is phony and I want nothing to do with it, okay? That’s what happened.”
He was in shock, not being able to find the words to say. You chuckled at the ridiculousness of it all before attempting to leave once again. For a second, you thought you were finally getting away until he caught up with you once again, grabbing your arm from behind.
“I told you what you wanted to hear, what more do you want from me, Jimin?”
He suddenly grabbed you by your face, startling you but then, he began to wipe your tears away. The affection had you somehow crying even more. Maybe you did still have someone left that cared about you after all. “I’m sorry,” you managed to whisper.
He shushed you, gripping onto your face even more. “Don’t be sorry, don’t be sorry. I get it, y/n.”
You then found yourself burying your face into his bergamot scented chest. You were getting your tears on his sweater but something told you he didn’t care as he hugged you gently, placing one of his hands on the back of your head.
“Don’t let it get to you, you don’t need them. You got me and trust me... trust me when I say there are plenty of people that want to be your friend, y/n.”
“Yeah, probably for the same reasons as them.”
“Come on now,” he spoke to you, softly as he pulled back to look at you directly. “I know it’s easy for you to assume that right now but you can’t think that way about everyone, it’s not healthy. I’m letting you know this because I don’t want you thinking that about everyone that comes into your life right now. You’re a great person, there’s so many other reasons why people would want to be around you besides you being my friend. I promise you.” 
Slowly but surely, you felt yourself nodding your head in agreement. He was right, that definitely wasn’t a good way to think. And ugh, the sweet compliment. You were starting to feel like a complete bitch.
You stared at each other for a while. “Thank you, Jimin. I’m sorry for the way I acted.”
“No,” he spoke up, letting you go fully and creating some space between you two. “I’m sorry. I should have never... basically called you slut.” 
You lightly giggled, tilting your head to the side. “I guess I kind of was though.”
“You weren’t at all. And even if you were, I was wrong for that and it wasn’t my place, not even a little bit. I was just... going through it and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
You sucked your lips in as you awkwardly shook your head slowly, choosing to fully accept his apology. “You are...forgiven.”
He smirked, looking down shyly. “God, I hate when we fight.”
“Me too,” you admitted. “But I still have one question.”
He looked at you curiously, eyebrow furrowed.
“Why were you at that party and not in Busan like you said you would be?”
“Oh goodness, not that—”
He grimaced, a smile slowly appearing on his face. “I, uhm...” He looked down, suddenly not wanting to look at you now. “So... Taehyung and I kinda got into an argument. Like a big argument, which lead to me going back home early. I mean, as soon as the event was over.”
You raised your arms in shock. “Not again, are you guys serious?  What’d he do?”
“Jungkook told me, y/n.”
“About?” You weren’t understanding what he was hinting at.
“About the kiss between you and Tae.”
“Ooh... Oh.” That. Damn Jungkook. “It was barely a kiss.” He smiled at you. “What’s it have to do with you anyway?”
He shrugged, placing his hands in his front pockets. “It doesn’t, y/n. I just felt like you two were trying to hide something from me by not telling me and it made me feel some type of way. I just felt like with everything going on, you were pushing me away? If that makes sense...”
Now you really felt bad. You mean, you already thought he felt that way but hearing him confirm it didn’t make you feel good about it. “Please, Jimin. I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m sorry you felt that way, I’ll do better moving forward.”
He laughed, telling you to come closer before you two both hugged it out tightly. At least you knew for sure that you had Jimin by your side.
Right then, you both heard the rain lighten up. You pulled away, looking out the lobby windows behind you, seeing that it was doing nothing more than drizzling. “I should start heading back home,” you spoke.
“Let me walk you.”
After Jimin dropped you off, you wasted no time to take a shower and slip into some pajamas. You ate some food and chilled in the living room, catching up on a reality show before you went back to your bedroom, ready to wrap up the day. You picked up your phone on your nightstand as you flopped on your bed to check the time, only to see a text message from Jaehyun.
9:13 P.M hey we finished earlier than expected u can come sooner now
You threw your head back in exhaustion. “Dang it.” You actually forgot that you had a whole ass date with him and honestly, you were tired at the moment. But you made an agreement with him and wouldn’t want to break it. Plus, who in their right mind would leave Jaehyun hanging?
With that being said, you shot him a text back saying you’d be there soon and started to get ready. Luckily, your parents were in their bedroom, their door closed and on their way to bed, if not asleep already. They never bothered you at night so you didn’t worry much about them seeing that you were missing.
You made sure to disable the apartment door alarm before heading out and being on your way.
A/N: dude i feel like it’s been like a month since i’ve updated lol maybe it has haha my bad there was a lot going on. check up for y/n and jaehyun’s date next chapter! 
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spooky-skz · 5 years
Demon!Hyunjin AU PT. 3
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esketit lol
 this part is soooo overdue holy shit lmao. I’m so sorry for keeping you guys waiting. If you see me in real life, you have permission to drop kick my ass. (unless you’re tyler and you’re gonna kiCK MY ASS ANYWAYS NO MATTER WHAT)
so! it has been a couple months now since you and demon!hyunjin are living together. as it turns out, this boy couLD ActuaLLY LEAVE the apartment complex.
 you didn’t know he could do that.
you thought demons were meant to stay in one area for eternity to cause spoops but that’s not the case lol.
the way you found out was sorta wild
it was a really cold weekend and snow was decorating the environment outside.
you were on a day off from work and wanted to do a few fun things since free time was rare for your occupation. You had plans on visiting the library, cafe, small shops, and lastly your favorite restaurant for dinner before it was too late in the evening and your powerful roommate would be resting.
oh and you wore a thick black sweater (ik, sounds pretty random but it’s an important detail in the fic!)
the walk to the library was peaceful and nice since it most people were still sleeping and weren’t being rowdy yet.
an old woman bid you a warm welcome softly from her desk. you returned the greeting and began walking through the aisles of books, searching for any that looked interesting.
your eyes were glued to the back cover of a small book, reading the description when someone tapped you gently from behind.
a man who looked to be in his middle 20’s and dressed in a striped long-sleeve shirt with jeans smiled at you and said, “that book’s a good one! i relate to the main character’s father.” he was mere inches from you, being too near than what most would consider appropriate distance for a stranger.
you were like, “(ㆆ_ㆆ) why tf is he standing so close to me,” inside your head. on the outside, you politely smiled and said, “ah! really? I haven’t read this one before.”
he chuckled and paused to admire your face. “Y’know, you’ve got great complexion. i’d love to take a photo of your face for my photography class,” he pointed at his camera bag which loosely hung over his shoulder.
“no thanks, I’m not particularly interested.” you replied, putting the book back in the right place and moved along, having to scoot around the guy since he was sort of blocking your path.
a few minutes went by and no book really caught your interest, but your bladder got the best of you. the librarian said the restroom was just to the left of the biography shelves so you made your way there.
ahhhhhh the restroom was nice and clean so you had no problem setting your phone on the sink as you washed your hands after you had done your business.
the walk to the cafe was short as you hummed the tune to your favorite song.
you took a seat by the window since it had a nice view of the outside. the little bell chimed above the door, signaling that another customer had entered the cafe.
you glanced at them merely- a dude in a green jacket. not deeming them as interesting, you went back to watching the snow fall from the outside.
there was some fog on the glass of the window and suddenly, letters faintly started appearing.
“Be Cautious,” it said.
what the hell :-$
first, you’re living with a demon boy and now you think you’re being surrounded by ghosts.
what good luck you haaaave.
you were obviously still very shook after a minute or so of staring at the words that hadn’t faded away at all.
the employee who softly tapped your shoulder startled you so much, your gasp scared him as well. he had almost spilled your drink on you.
“are you alright, ma’am?” he had asked you.
You: O.O yeah, yeah. just a bit jumpy ahahahaha.
he probably thought you were a bit crazy but nevertheless bid you a good day after giving you your drink.
The warm brew felt nice in such a cold weather.
The town square was as busy as usual: people were scurrying along with their families and loved ones, children were holding colorful animal-shaped balloons, some lovers were fighting while others were doing hefty PDA, loud music blared from all over the place, and overall, the shops surrounding the square were having good sales.
you stopped by a small boutique shop, observing a set of earrings on display when the familiar voice of the man from the library came from the entrance of the store.
you could feel your heart beat quicken and the next thing you did was hide behind a rack of clothes.
“excuse me, did you see a person with this hair color, around this height, with a black sweater on?” he had asked the cashier woman.
a sense of suspicion laced her voice as she replied, “why’re you looking for her?”
he laughed awkwardly, as if the question made him nervous. “she’s my sister and i’ve been looking for her for a while. i lost her in the crowd at the square. mind helping me out?”
you silently crossed your fingers in hopes that the lady wouldn’t say anything.
“oh! since that’s the case, i recall her looking at the jewelry section一” he didn’t even let her finish and just sauntered over in your direction.
“shit. shit. shit.” you were thinking.
the only other way to get out of the store aside from going in the same walk-way as him was to run alongside the aisle of mirrors which would reflect you and alert him that you were leaving.
“fuck it. it’s all i’ve got.” you thought and made a bee-line for the exit as fast as possible.
the square is usually patrolled by policemen but for some freakin’ reason, nONE could be seen when you needed them.
you put on the hood of your sweater and started making your way to the restaurant that you’d planned on having dinner at as briskly as possible.
“early dinner it is then,” you thought to yourself.
TBH you were sorta down bc today was supposed to be relaxing BUT some stupid creep had to ruin it. NOW all you wanted to do was go eat some food, walk home and enjoy the safety of your apartment with your demonic roommate.
the sun was setting and the townsquare was getting less and less busy with people going home or having dinner elsewhere.
a rough grip latched onto your shoulder, and you were forced to turn around, coming face to face with the library creep.
he was scowling and obviously irritated.
“you’re the sneakiest bitch i’ve ever met,” he said through gritted teeth.
you were doing all you could to create some distance between you two.
“fuck off! let me go!” you demanded, trying to shove him away as far as possible but the man didn’t even budge an inch.
“oh, really sweetheart? are you sure you don’t want your phone back first?” he held up the device in his other hand.
you could feel the color draining from your face.
the phone was set on the sink of the bathroom while you were washing your hand and you must have left it in there.
which meant one thing: he had followed you inside the restroom, waited till you left, & took the phone.
for a moment in time, you were completely alone with this poor excuse of a man.
lord knows what could have happened...
your eyes landed on his outfit.
a green jacket concealing a long sleeved striped shirt.
if your eyes could get any wider, they would have.
that green jacket was the same as the one you’d seen at the cafe. it was used to cover up his striped shirt that you would have noticed right away.
this entire time, you were in his sight.
his clutch on your sweater allowed him to haul you to a vacant and dark alleyway.
you kept screaming for help but the loud music of the square drowned out your pleas.
his camera bag was unzipped on the ground of the alley and not a single camera was inside.
in it, there was a pocket knife, rope, tape, and a bottle of pills.
(hold onto your wigs ladies for these next parts :O)
WITHIN A SECOND OR TWO! the man’s grip on you loosened because his body was flung against a wall with such a violent force.
you were confused and still scared as fuck.
he was lost and in pain.
both of you glanced at the entrance of the alley.
to him, there were only people passing by, and nobody appeared to notice the scene.
to you, the shadow of a tall boy stood at the entry point of the alley with glowing eyes. you’d know those crimson orbs anywhere.
(this is basically what you were seeing.)
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a streetlight attached to one of the building walls turned on, illuminating the face of the demon.
his facial expression read anger, irritation, and murder.
he took one step forward:
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hyunjin slowly pointed his index finger upward and the body of the creep raised with it in the same pace.
this absolutely scared the crap out of the guy because he couldn’t see who was doing this to him.
his body was probably a good 8 feet above the ground.
“w-what are you doing?” you asked your roommate.
“If this dick is into dangerous situations so badly, i’m gonna put him in one.” hyunjin barked out.
“h-hey! who the hell are you talking to?!” the man frantically asked you.
hyunjin used his other hand to make a choking motion.
the creep suddenly grabbed his throat, feeling it closing up with an invisible power.
hyunjin’s eyes were glowing redder and redder the longer he tortured the man and his scowl grew scarier.
the pocket knife from the camera bag also rose up and stopped a few inches from the man’s forehead.
things were escalating so quickly before anyone could really react.
you ran to hyunjin and clamped your hands onto his arm.
(it wasn’t extremely cold or burning hot as you’d imagined, it felt human-like.)
“stop! you’re gonna kill him!” you pleaded.
a devilish grin (ahahah get it?) was plastered on his face as he said, “that’s the plan.”
“s-sir, please have mercy, wherever you are!” the man coughed out.
whaaaat? he’d heard hyunjin’s voice?
“he…. heard一” you spluttered out before hyunjin interrupted you.
“demons can allow humans hear them if they have enough juice of power. i want this son of a bitch to know that this is his end.” he answered your following question.
“a d-de-mon? oh god, no!” the man shouted.
hyunjin smirked and mocked him, “sorry, but your god isn’t here right now. leave a message after the beep,”
you saw his hands move forward, and the knife did as well but you demanded for him to stop again.
“why should i, huh? he hurt you!” hyunjin was livid at this point.
“i have a little brother, sir! please don’t kill me!” the creep begged.
“well you should’ve thought about him before going after innocent women. remember lee mijung? choi eunbi? or kim seohyeon? those are the women whose lives you’ve fucked up. they’ve got families too. families who will never get the old mijung, eunbi, or seohyeon back after you were done with them.” hyunjin growled.
“how can you know those people?” you asked him.
“we can see in your past memories too. this guy is as sick as perverts get. you would have been victim #8 if i hadn’t done anything.” he answered.
“please! i’ll do anything!” he prayed.
“hyunjin, i know he deserves to be punished but not like this. please. there has to be another way. ” you said.
it took some time but the man finally ended up on the ground with his wrists and legs tied and tape around his mouth.
a swoosh sound came from somewhere and a young boy appeared before you. he had dimples on both cheeks, black hair, doe-like scarlet colored eyes, and wore braces.
hyunjin and the mystery boy did a small handshake and exchanged a few words.
“meet jeongin. he’s a soul collector.” hyunjin introduced the boy who held his hand out.
“a... a what?” you asked as you shook jeongin’s hand.
“a soul collector! i reap souls who do the dirtiest deed on earth and bring them to hell where they will be tormented in the worst ways possible,” jeongin answered and faced the creepy man, “you thought my friend was horrifying? wait till felix and jisung get their claws on you!” he said and winked.
the creep desperately tried to scoot away from the younger boy but failed. they both disappeared in a swoosh.
hyunjin’s eyes met yours and his showed a hint of concern.
“...are you alright? he didn’t hurt you too badly, right?” he asked.
you nodded in reassurance and also asked,  “how’d you find me in the first place?”
he answered, “i’d been with you since you’ve left the apartment. who do you think left you the, ‘be cautious,’ message at the coffee place? i knew that guy was no good ever since he spoke to you at the library but i didn’t wanna interfere too much until you absolutely needed me.”
you smacked his shoulder in embarassment and shock, completely forgetting the fact that this kid was a DEMON. “DOES THIS MEAN YOU WENT IN THE BATHROOM WITH ME TOO?!”
the tips of his ears turned pink and he looked like he wanted to knock you out. “WHAT THE FUCK一 NO! i left for a bit while you were in the bathroom which is why i didn’t know he followed you inside or else i would have killed him right there!” hyunjin exclaimed.
“...well… i haven’t had dinner yet. how about we get some takeout and eat at home?” you suggested.
he shrugged and said, “sounds good to me.” 
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crazed-rambling · 5 years
Unconfirmed Conversations of the Werewolves of Lancaster
“Has everyone got their spare change of clothes in the cars?”
A chorus of grumbled agreements and head nods followed
“I know I know we all know but it’s my job to ask. Remember Jack?”
“-I was 15! It was 20 years ago man”
Gethin continued as though the indignant yell had not happened, this in itself was as much a part of the routine as anything else. “We don’t want another repeat of – Are those jeans Colin? What happened to your shorts?”
“They’re in the wash” A sigh.
“Well take them off and put them in the van”
“I’m not taking them off its like 3 degrees out”
“Enjoy the chafing.” That image is enough to have the older members of the group wincing, they’ve all made that mistake at least once. The 70s were a rough time between the denim and the leather.
It seems to be enough to convince Colin as he grimaces and sending one last look to the heavens praying for another option shucks off his jeans and begins his walk of shame through the trees towards the church car park. The chuckles die down quickly as people are soon distracted by their own preparations.
Only his companions continue to look back through the trees, waiting for their friend to reappear.
“Could he be any slower, my dissertation is due next week”
“And I want to be at the Netball social Nathan but unless you’ve listed your fursona as a co-author I don’t think you’re getting much done tonight” quipped the girl next to him, as she pulled her box braids out of her face using a scrunchie.
“Piss off you meme loving fuck”
“Amanda! Noah and Adam are right there.” Shit. A glance to her right confirms that the alpha was right, there were in fact two six-year olds looking at her in a mix of horror and fascination. “Sorry James”
“Don’t worry about it they already heard me watching Game of Thrones, there’s no way around our hearing”
“Still let’s try and control our language while we’re here, no need to make James’ life any harder” ensuring he made clear eye contact with the main offenders before the reappearance of Colin clad only in striped boxers put an end to any attempts Gethin could make at being serious.
“Dad! Adam took the ipad!”
“You said I could have a go next”
Sure enough the moment they realised that the attention was no longer on them the twins began to fight. At this age they were more wolf than child, especially around full moons, they would fight over anything and everything, they’d mellow out soon…
“My turn wasn’t over”
… hopefully.
He glanced to the balding man beside the two hellraisers, who mouthed “sorry” across the clearing, resignation in his eyes. Clearly this was not a new fight.
“What is the ipad doing here? Go put it in the car, before it gets broken” Two identical faces began to open their mouths in protest… “Now.” …and closed
He watched the two backs retreat for just long enough to ensure that they were doing as he said before turning to the teenage girl at his side, with thinly veiled frustration “Why did you let them bring the ipad?”
“I didn’t know they had it,”
“Why didn’t you ask?”
“I didn’t know I had to”
The longer they spoke the more defensive Lydia seemed to become, it felt like that’s all James did with his daughter these days was argue.
“I asked you to look after them Lydia!”
The last straw, and her round face began to contort; nose and mouth pushing forwards, remaining baby fat retreating, fangs bared as she snarled “And I’m not mum!”
Even as she said it her eyes widened as if she, as well as everyone who couldn’t help but eavesdrop, was taken aback by her outburst. At the reminder of what they’d lost both seemed to visibly deflate, her face transforming back into a mask of regret, she never meant to hurt her father.
“I’m sorry honey. I’m just. It’s.” They rarely seemed to speak of April these days, too scared of hurting the other, so when the time came, he could never seem to find the words. It would be easier not to say anything, to let things return to the status quo on their own; his daughter already seemed to regret yelling. It would be easier. But his daughter was in pain, her lips pressed flat and eyes staring resolutely ahead in the way she only did when she was trying to hold back tears.
“I’m sorry. I just miss your mum on transformation nights. It feels like she was able to do anything.”
“She was pretty awesome” a small smile, “I’ll keep an eye on Adam and Noah tonight.” An olive branch; not quite forgiveness but an understanding. This didn’t mean there wasn’t a long overdue conversation to be had when they got home. James felt a comforting presence at his shoulder as she watched her retreating back. It had been months but he still couldn’t shake her, sometimes it seemed all that she left behind was Lydia’s hair, and the twin’s eyes.
“She’s a good kid”
“I know, God knows she gets it from her mum”
“And you.” He wanted to say more, but it would have to wait as his attention was drawn to the moonlight shining from behind the clouds. It was almost time. As much as James needed his friend, everyone here needed an alpha and this was the night when Gethin couldn’t afford to play favourites.
  “Everyone back? Yes. Good.” Few words were required after a transformation, no one was really listening. The only thing that mattered to anyone at this point was food and sleep, in that order. So after a perfunctory check that everyone was no worse for wear, beyond a couple of pairs of torn shorts, Gethin dismissed them and everyone began walking in the direction of the cars.
The church car park was always just a little too small, so people crowded around the cars as they changed into slightly less torn clothes, murmuring goodbyes and promises to see each other soon as they attempted to stay out of the way of cars as they manoeuvred out
Normally ride sharing would not be a great difficulty, but Gethin couldn’t help but feel like he’d somehow drawn the short straw with his group. Didn’t students own cars these days?
“Did we have to be a bible study group, if I have to bail out on a social for ‘Bible Study’ one more time just kill me ‘cause god knows my social life will already be dead”
“Do you have any other ideas for why a group of random people meet up once a month in the woods behind the church? Because I’m all ears.”
“Satanic cult? Family Reunion?”
“-Is it really a reunion if its once a month?”
“Amanda you’re black, I’m Chinese, and Colin is so white the moonlight would burn him if we weren’t so goddamn hairy. No one will believe we’re related.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s racist”
“No one cares Colin”
“Enough. We are a bible study group; we’ve been a bible study group for years and it has worked fine. Plus, it would be a little awkward if an actual bible study group decided to use the church hall while we’re out there, wouldn’t it? I don’t remember you complaining when you first came Amanda,”
“I was 13 and thought that this would be more Twilight and less leg hair”
“Get in, I’ll drop you guys off. Then if anything else happens I’m not alpha for the next 12 hours” He loved his pack, they just made it very hard sometimes.
“I’m not sure that’s how it works” One flat glance over his shoulder was all that was needed to communicate how little Gethin cared for the students bickering.
  There were few words spoken until the three were left on the pavement besides M&S watching the van tear off into the distance. Once they were sure they were out of hearing range
“I don’t know how Arjun puts up with him.”
“He’s working the graveyard shift at St James, Gethin will be out by the time he gets back. But he leaves breakfast out and no one wants to make their own eggs after an eight hour shift.”
“That’s true love that is” says Colin putting on a performance of being deeply moved by their alpha’s attempts at romance, before the rest of his brain caught up with the connotations of what she’d just said “Wait how do you know all this? Gethin tells me nothing!”
“Me and Arjun have a doctors group chat”
“You’re not a doctor yet Amanda”
“But I am suffering so….” she shrugged as though the others were meant to understand how these two concepts related.
“We’re all suffering!”
“Piss off Colin freshers don’t know shit about suffering”
“I’ve got coursework too you know”
“Awww….are you handies hurting from too much colourwing”
“Geology not geography!”
Nathan stared longingly in the direction they last saw the van; it was too soon after a transformation for this. If he didn’t intervene soon these two would be at each other’s throats, and knowing them they wouldn’t stop until the police broke them up or they finally dealt with their sexual tension; right here, outside M&S. But either way a trip police station would be inevitable.
“I’m starved, when does ‘spoons open?” Food possibly the only thing which could distract a pissed off werewolf, transformations were one hell of a work out. Sure enough Colin was fishing his phone out of his pockets. Mission Distraction: Success.
“Shit we got another two hours. Kings might be open?”
“Hell no last time I had one of their kebabs I spent the next day puking my guts up”
“Are you sure that wasn’t the tequila shots?”
“Piss off Colin” Mission Distraction: Success Failure.
“I should have gone with James and them lot I bet you they have food at home”
“Is that you volunteering to sit between two six year olds who haven’t slept in 24 hours, because Edith will be thrilled.” ….Maybe it was better to be their third wheel, the twins were a handful even at the best of times, but exhausted and hungry children are always worse.
“She loves the twins. She says they remind her of when her grandkids were their age” Better to bail out before someone takes him seriously, even Edith, sweet, sweet Edith would take any sign of weakness as an opportunity to switch rides.
“No one loves the twins on transformation night Nathan.”
“Soooo…. Maccies?”
An agreement seemingly reached the three turn and begin walking, just another group of students in search of junk food after a long night.
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ammiiexxx · 6 years
36 + Malec for the prompt thing. Love your writing!
Ahhh thank you so much! :D I’m sorry this is long overdue oml i’m finishing up uni this week and i’ve had exams from HELL soooo
For my 100 follower special, which you can still send prompts for until THIS FRIDAY!
36. “I don’t know who I am without you.”
Read on AO3!
The silence is deafening.
The key slides into the lock, metal scraping together andsending shivers through his bones. With a slow turn, the door clicks, openingelegantly.
It doesn’t squeak open.
It doesn’t make a sound.
With each step, he can hear the sound of his feet thuddingagainst the floor. The sound is loud against the stark silence around him. Thezipper on his jacket jingles as he turns, and it’s chime sends chills up hisspine.
It’s too loud.
The door closes behind him, and he turns towards the livingroom, padding through the familiar halls of the entryway. His hands slide overthe shelves, eyes trailing across the random items stocked in them.His eyes find that familiar box.
His breath hitches, but he doesn’t reach for it.
His thoughts, once quiet and cooperative with the silence,roar to life. Memories of their fights, of the squabbles over what was in this box come back to haunt him. There’sregret laced in the memories, humiliation and shame. It fades into sadness, andhe can feel the tears threatening to show themselves once more.
His eyes drift from the box, leaving its memories in wakebehind him. His loud footsteps continue to thunder in his ears. He can hear theslide of the fabric against his body, the gentle inhales and exhales as hestrides into the living room.
The lights are off, and the living room itself is dark, withthe only light coming from the skyline outside. It’s haunting almost, thedarkness. It envelopes the area, suffocating the warm hues from the couches andreplacing it with cold tones. The flowers on the coffee table have died, robbedof their source of life.
He understands the feeling.
As he turns, he notices the book on the edge of the couch,pages splayed open and abandoned for something else. He balls his fist, closinghis eyes before continuing forward.
He doesn’t know what to really expect. Perhaps he was hopingto find a light on, to find a familiar figure sleeping soundly under thosesatin sheets he’d come to love. Perhaps he was looking for a sign, a sign thatsomeone was here, that this place hadn’t been left to collect dust until hereturned.
Perhaps…perhaps it was too much to hope for.
He’s been in every room, checking high and low for a sign oflife. Magnus’ apothecary is neat and tidy, with ingredients for potionsproperly placed out of the way and locked up for safe keeping. Even the kitchenis spotless, not a damn dish in the sink. The place is—dare he say—absolutely spotless.
Just the way Magnus had left it.
Alec’s stomach lurches at the thought. His unsteady breathbreaks apart the frozen silence of the loft.
Magnus is gone.
It’s only been three days. Three long days of stiffening,deafening silence. His phone only goes off when the Institute needs him, andeven then, its far less often than he’d like. He hasn’t come back to the loftsince Magnus left for Edom. Without Magnus, there’s been nothing for him here.
Even outside of the loft, he can’t escape the imprint Magnushas made on his life. Everything reminds him of Magnus, whether it be news ofWarlock activity, or the Downworld Cabinet meetings in the Institute. He’stried taking walks, tried to get out of the Institute in hopes that he could forgetthe pain of Magnus leaving, just for a little while.
It never works.
There’s always something that reminds him of Magnus.Restaurants and small shops remind him of their dates. Advertisements of thelatest fashion trends remind him of Magnus’ impeccable fashion sense. Even thedifferent bars he visited remind him of Magnus, of their first date, of the dayhe came home drunk and—
Alec’s heart aches in his chest, his mind swirling.
His feet have led him into the apothecary, hovering close tothe wooden desk. His eyes trail across the mahogany, across its polishedexterior, across the papers of ingredients and lists of clients, until he liftshis gaze upward. His breath dies in his lungs.
On Magnus’ desk lies a single picture frame of standardsize, and in it houses the picture of them lying together on the couch onenight. He remembers that night clearly, when they invited everyone over to playmundane board games. There was glasses of wine and a very heated game ofMonopoly, but it had felt so domestic, so…normal.
While waiting for their turns, Alec had snuggled next toMagnus on the couch, head ducked into the crook of his neck, resting silentlyon his shoulder. His eyes had closed, wearing a soft smile as Magnus wrappedhis arm around him. At the time, he didn’t know Izzy took the opportunity tosnap the picture, but when she gave it to them a few days later, he wasn’t somad.
But now, seeing this photo and of them together, happy, here…
It hurts.
He picks up the frame, fingertips trailing over the photo.The pads of his fingers brush against the glass, across the loving expressionhis boyfriend gives him.
The silence comes back once more, louder than ever. Alec canfeel his bottom lip tremble, his walls around his heart crumbling.
“I don’t know who I amwithout you,” he whispers out loud, eyes still glued to the photo. “I feellike I’ve lost a piece of myself…like a part of me has died.” He frowns at thewords, dark brows creasing together. “It’s similar to when Jace died, but…athousand times worse.”
He inhales sharply, breath shuddering. His knees buckleunder him and he falls to the ground with a soft thud. He gives a second glanceto the photo before he brings it close, cradling it to his chest. His eyesflutter shut. “Please come back, Magnus.You promised you would.”
The whispered statements are weak, voice cracking andwavering with emotions he’s kept in for too long. He doesn’t want to livewithout Magnus by his side. He loves him so, so dearly. As he curls up on the floor hugging the photo, the tearshe’s held back start flowing down his cheeks. Sobs break from his lips. The silencearound him only amplifies the actions.
Magnus is gone.
It’s only been three days, but somehow, he knows that thisis only the beginning.
Come send me a prompt!
Prompt List!
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bloodyke · 3 years
A chibli esque vacation sounds really good actually! I don't really know what my dream vacation would be since there's many places I would like to visit, but I think my first choice would probably be somewhere really cold and peaceful, like Finland during aurora borealis season, I would literally do anything to experience that
My favorite movie was definitely Robots, I remember there was a period of time where I would watch it at least ten times a day without getting tired, as for favorite book I wouldn't know, since i picked up reading as a hobbie after turning twelve😅 My favorite song though was definitely this is me from Camp Rock, I really liked it
Favorite trend: I like the insurgence in wearing oversized clothes in general, I think it was long overdue. Being able to walk anywhere in comfortable clothes is everything that matters in my book honestly
Least favorite trend: definitely people bringing back 2000 fashion too, but not because I think it's ugly (it kinda is but I always viewed 2000 fashion as just people experimenting with clothes as much as they could which I think is pretty fun!) I can't fully put my finger in why I don't like it. It probably has something to do with current make up and beauty trends that clash with this style in a way that feels like people are trying too hard and still not being able to recreate it's essence as it is
New questions!!
Like This: If you could invite three people, living or dead, to a dinner party, who would they be and why?
Shine: What is currently your favorite movie/tv show/book/song?
Also, I never listened to Evanescence, would you like to give me your top three favorite songs?
-uni anon
hello sorry for the late response!! how have you been?
oooh thats a good choice aurora borealis are so breath taking that would be so cool to experience in real life! i also LOVE the cold so itd be a great time all around
i know i saw robots as a kid but for the life of me i literally cannot remember anything about it 😭😭 i remember i liked it but thats about it. what were your favorite parts of the movie? did you have a favorite character?
oooh yeah i agree i love oversized comfy clothes i wear them all the time! its my go-to outfit choice when im not going for a full dramatic all out look!
as for my answers:
hmm this is a hard one i have so many people id love to talk to that its hard to pick just three.... i guess i'd pick carrie fisher because i think shes hilarious and has a lot of good stories, amy lee because shes literally been my icon since i can remember and i desperately want vocal tips from her, and sunmi because i love her personality and i feel we'd have a lot to talk about! plus i feel like all three of them would being a fun energy to the table
my current fave everthing changes every three days 😭😭😭😭 right now im reading the annihilation series which i like (im almost done with the third book) its very very good (the second book was boring tho)! oh ive started listening to boys world and bella dose recently and i like their stuff! and ive been lostening to boa's BETTER album on repeat all month lmaoo its soooo good
ive been listening to evanescence literally since i was born (not even joking here my mom somehow had a copy of origin which is a super rare ep like only 50 copies made rare and that came out a year before i was born) so it would be impossible for me to only pick three of their songs so ill TRY to do my top three songs from each officially released album (so not counting the self titled ep from 1998, sound asleep ep, origin, mystary, the live albums, etc)
Fallen: obviously im picking my immortal its popular for a reason, whisper, and imaginary! honorable mentions to going under, everybody's fool, and hello
The Open Door: lacyrmosa, call me when your sober, sweet sacrifice. honorable mentions to good enough, all that im living for, and lithium
Self Titled: LOST IN PARADISE, my heart is broken, erase this. honorable mentions to oceans, sick, end of the dream
Lost Whispers: missing, breathe no more, last song im wasting on you. honorable mention to if you dont mind
synthesis (technically this isnt an album its a rerecording of old songs with 2 new ones added but im counting it): bring me to life synthesis vers (i like the iconic "original" version but THIS was amy lee's original vision so obviously its superior), ajd then the two new songs imperfection and hi-lo
The Bitter Truth: broken pieces shine, yeah right, feeding the dark. honorable mention to better without you and take cover
0 notes
brokemultidotexe · 6 years
1/2 soooo i’ve been super busy recently so i literally just read the last two parts of unexpected and guess what ? i’m actually crying as i type this lolll the ending - even tho it was v sad - it was perfect and realistic. things like jk and yns relationship is something that always seems to be picture perfect in stories but you took it this “cliche” and had a unexpected turn of events - see what i did there ;)
2/2 i can’t believe what an amazing first part of a series you have created. your writing style has grown and evolved so amazingly since i began reading (i sound like a mother) can’t wait to see what happens in part two ! lots of love💜💜KG also thanks for the shoutout at the end - get used to hearing from me ;)I know this is so long overdue KG since it's been sitting in my inbox for a month-ish (sorry!) but I wanted to get on my PC and write something in return but I always forget so we're doin this mobile style. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the series and liked the realistic part of the whole story. I really wanted to stick to that but you know that cause we've talked about it. I'm sorry you cried tho! Lol it seems I made a lot of people cry.I hope you enjoy Second Chances just as much as Unexpected. 😘
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powerdadbatman · 7 years
Love your blog so much!! I’m so excited for the next part of morning comes! Can you give us any sneak peeks? Love you soooo much
*sweats nervously*
I really wanna publish the next part as fast as I can. However it has a lot of plot points and I wanna make sure they all make sense before I hit the publish button. Sorry, I am fully aware it’s long overdue. 
Non-spoilery sneak peek under the cut:
“Aren’t you gonna be late for work?”
“Yeah. I think I already am.”
“Better go now. I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.”
“All right.”
“There’s gum in my coat pocket.” Bruce smirks as Clark groans loudly, his blush even more intense. He quickly gets ready and steals just one more kiss before leaving. “See you tomorrow then?”
“I’ll call you.”
“Okay. Bye.” One more quick peck on the lips and he is out the door, lighter than swan feather dancing in the wind.
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theheavymetalmama · 7 years
Soooo...Jason Momoa told a little kid that Superman wasn't in Justice League because he was dead, DC is making a Superman Year One comic with Frank Miller as the author, they're making a two-part animated movie based on "the Death and Return of Superman," and rumors are flying around that Supergirl is going to be in Justice League. Oh, and the Justice League trailer dropped. Your thoughts?
That’s a lot to take it. Let’s start with the big one. New Justice League trailer!
Sorry guys, still don’t like it. Granted, it doesn’t look as bad as the previous trailer made it look, but it still looks massively underwhelming. Hell, the only character presented I even like is Wonder Woman, because she’s the only one who’s been established.
Well, established in a good movie, at least.
The rest consist of a Batman who belongs behind bars just as much as any of his villains and three other characters we’re meeting for the first time fighting a villain that nobody gives a shit about, which could be forgiven if the characters were interesting but again Batman’s an asshole and we don’t know anything about Aquaman, Flash, or Cyborg yet. And am I the only one who cringed at Cyborg’s line? Not the line itself, but the flat, robotic delivery. Good god, they took one of the most expressive and emotional live-wires in comic book history and turned him into Arnold from Terminator 2, but without the charm and charisma.
I’m also not looking forward the role the Amazons play, which appears to be them being in the movie for the sole purpose of Steppenwolf to kill/mop the floor with them. Yeah, take the place and characters everybody who watched Wonder Woman fell in love with and just wipe them off the face of the Earth in their second appearance. No way there’s going to be any backlash from that!
Honestly, I could write an essay’s worth of things in the trailer that irked me, but topping that list are these lines from Batman.
“Superman was a beacon for the world. He didn’t just save people, he made them see the best parts of themselves.”
Tumblr media
Let’s forget for a moment that Superman has only been in two DCEU movies and you can count on one hand how many times he was shown in a heroic light. Let’s forget for a moment that Man of Steel and especially Batman v Superman spent more time hammering into audiences skulls that more people in this world are afraid of Superman than there are people who see him as a hero. And let’s forget for a moment that this Superman has spent more time feeling sorry for himself than he ever did being the symbol of hope the movies tried and failed miserably building him up to be.
Let’s instead take into account that these lines are coming from Batman. Oh yeah, Superman totally brought out the best in people. That’s why after the disaster in Metropolis, you took a deep breath, composed yourself, and reached out to him to see what he was really about before jumping to conclusions and-oh wait, no you didn’t, you obsessed over him for over a year and decided to straight-up murder his ass, you fucking hypocrite!
Seriously, what the fuck, WB? You spend two whole movies shitting on Superman, the people who love him, and his legacy, and now you’re trying to save face by saying that he brought out the best in people when you’ve only shown the BAD things that happened because he exists? Fuck off. No, seriously, fuck right off. You have to EARN that shit, which you fucking didn’t because you killed Superman before anybody could connect with him and threw the entirety of “The Death and Return of Superman” right under the bus in the last 20 minutes of a Batman movie! I honestly don’t know what’s worse. That Batman is being portrayed as a stupid and hypocritical murderous asshole, or that said stupid and hypocritical murderous asshole is leading the team that Superman is supposed to be the leader to!
Ugh, FUCK everything! But let’s move on, shall we? Frank Miller is writing Superman: Year One.
The very idea of Frank Miller writing any solo-Superman story makes my skin crawl. The fact that the same guy who turned Superman into Ronald Reagan’s personal attack dog who can’t read and raped Wonder Woman is retelling Superman’s origin story? Ugh. Just thinking about that makes me feel like I need to jump into a swimming pool filled with bleach and then get buried up to my neck in rock salt!
Let’s all just put aside that Frank Miller is a racist and misogynist scumbag who hasn’t written anything good since Robocop vs the Terminator. Let’s instead take into account that the man has been writing comic books for 40 years now and has written Superman several times, and every time he’s portrayed him as stupid, boorish, and incompetent while going out of his way to have Batman humiliate him in some way, shape, or form. Yes, I know, Miller has said that he actually likes Superman and only wrote him that way because the story was from Batman’s perspective and that he actually regrets writing him as a government tool, yeah, I don’t fucking believe him. He’s had dozens if not hundreds of opportunities to show Superman in a positive light and he’s never done it. He’s never done it before, so why would he now? The only time Superman has ever been portrayed with any semblance of who he actually is in a Frank Miller work was in Dark Knight III: the Master Race…you know, the one book in the series that Frank Miller didn’t write! Oh, but he wants to write part IV, so great, he’ll get to shit on Superman one more time before he either retires or his diseased liver and STD-ridden body do him in. “Oh, but Katie, he has cancer!” So? He’s still an asshole!
Well, that was grim. Let’s talk a little bit about Jason Mamoa telling a little kid that Superman was dead.
Okay, in the interest of fairness, I don’t think Mamoa had any malicious intent. I’m sure he was just caught up in the moment and wasn’t thinking straight, especially when he apologized to the same kid during an autograph signing that followed the panel. It was still a dick move on his part, but whether or not he gave it some thought, his fellow cast members told him “dude, that’s a little kid,” or his PR guy said “Look Mamoa, Warner has done a fine job of alienating Superman fans all on their own, they don’t need you helping. Now if you want to shrug off being typecast as an uncouth barbarian you’d better stop acting like one and say you’re sorry!” I’m glad he realized it was a dick move and took it back. I’m sure the fact that WB still wants to convince us that Superman is really dead wasn’t helping either. Speaking of which…
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The Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen are getting animated adaptations.
I have very mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, this was one of the stories I said deserved a faithful animated adaptation. Yes, some aspects don’t hold up anymore, but they can be worked around. This is also not the first time the story was adapted, as “Superman: Doomsday” was what kicked off the string of animated DC movies. But it was also very watered down and may as well have been called “Superman: the Clone Saga.” So the fact that they’re making a two-part animated adaptation should be good news…
Having said that, let’s get real. If they genuinely wanted to make a faithful adaptation of ‘The Death of Superman,’ they would have already. I can’t shake the feeling that the only reason it’s even being made is because Warner and DC realize that shoe-horning Doomsday into the end of BvS only succeeded in alienating Superman fans and they need to save face, not helped by the fact that the last animated solo-Superman movie they made, Superman Unbound, came out in 2013. Everything else since then has been either a Justice League movie or a Batman movie. Oh sure, Superman was in some of them, but the only one where he had anything resembling a leading role was in Justice League: Gods and Monsters…the alternate universe story where Wonder Woman is from space, Batman is a vampire, and Superman is the son of General Zod and his capsule lands on the US/Mexico border right as some refugees are crossing because apparently the writers felt that Superman being an alien just wasn’t quite on the nose enough.
Now I know what you might be thinking. “Okay, so maybe they didn’t make it as soon as you would have liked, but they’re making it anyway so what’s the problem?” The problem is the possibility that they’re making this not because they want to or feel that it’s a story worth adapting, but again just so they can save face for those of us Superman fans who felt alienated at the conclusion of Batman v Superman where the entirety of the story was boiled down to “Lex Zuckerburg creates Nuclear Man 2.0 and Superman gets stabbed to death at the end.” And a movie that nobody wants to make tends to be a movie that nobody wants to see.
That’s to say nothing of the fact that DC animated movies…well, they just haven’t been very good lately. Ever since their Flashpoint film, the movies have ranged from okay to outright bad. Justice League: War sucked, Son of Batman was obnoxious, Assault on Arkham was good but not great, Throne of Atlantis was a snooze-fest, Batman vs Robin sucked, Gods and Monsters was okay, Batman: Bad Blood had a good movie in it that was bogged down by the writers putting Batwoman’s story on the back-burner and insisting Dick and Damian arguing had to be on the forefront, Justice League vs Teen Titans could have been good if they didn’t put the least-interesting character Damian Wayne center-stage for no goddamn reason, Justice League Dark was hot garbage, Judas Contract was lame, and the less said about The Killing Joke the better.
In short…I hope it’s good, but given previous movies and the circumstance, I’m not holding my breath.
EDIT: Forgot about Supergirl apparently appearing in Justice League. I hope she kicks Batman’s ass. It’s long overdue somebody took Batman down a peg and I can think of worse motivations than “You got my cousin and only other member of my race killed,” as well as providing catharsis for Superman fans given he landed a grand total of two fucking punches in the title fight of Batman v Superman. Other than that, I don’t really care. Her inclusion can’t make the movie anymore troubled than it already is.
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See What is Right in Front Of You.
Request from anon: Archie having feelings for the reader and trying to get her to open up and stop being so self destructive (bar fights, excessive drinking, extreme sports). Would something like that be okay? :)
Note: I am soooo sorry! This request got lost in my dashboard and I can only apologise for the wait....I really hope you enjoy it anon and, again, I am really sorry for the delay in this.
Archie x Reader
Words: 1,731
Warnings: Hinted depression, excessive drinking, and lack of care for self from reader, also a lot of fluff so don’t worry! Think that’s all....if I have missed anything just let me know!
Disclaimer: None of the GIFs used are mine so all credit goes to their creators <3
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With a clatter an empty bottle was thrown onto the carpet of your apartment and joined the previous two that had made a new home on the floor, both of which were also completely bone dry, and although the room was spinning at an alarming rate you still hadn’t drunk enough. The thoughts that were running through your head were still coherent and that was the exact opposite of what you wanted.
Every single day of your life in Storybrooke you were surrounded by people finding their ‘happily ever afters’ and enjoying their lives with someone they truly loved by their side. You, however, were yet to find anyone that cared about you enough to want to spend the rest of their life with you; a lot of people would think that your reaction towards your lack of happiness was rather overdramatic, that you just needed to get over it and live life to the full, but no matter how hard you tried to pull yourself out of your negative thoughts you just couldn’t.
You were drowning in them on a daily basis.
So…..another bottle of wine it was. Rather clumsily you dragged yourself up off the couch and stumbled over to the fridge…..of which seemed to be moving to a different location every time you thought you had managed to lock your eyes onto it, damn this spinning room! A growl of frustration escaped your lips before you finally managed to slap your hand down onto the fridge handle and throw the door open. It hit the worktop at the side of it violently but it didn’t register with you at all. You were much too focused on the fact that the kitchen appliance before you was completely void of any alcohol.
Now you were going to have to struggle over to the store to stock up. With the way the room was already spinning around you this was going to prove to be interesting.
                                                 * * * * * * * * * *
Fifteen minutes after leaving your apartment and you had only managed to make it halfway to the store…..that was only five minutes from yours to begin with. It felt like you were sat on a roundabout that was in full swing to the point where the moment your foot left the kerbside and was about to meet with the tarmac of the road your body lost all sense of balance it had left and you felt yourself falling.
Even in a drunken state you knew this was going to hurt and so you prepared yourself as best you could to meet with the hard floor…but the expected impact never arrived and instead you felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around you before pulling you up onto your feet properly. You were pulled flush up against someone’s body and once you turned your gaze towards whoever it was you recognised them immediately.
“Archie!” A dorky smile appeared on your face, stretching itself from one ear to the other, as you remained close to him out of need for balance more than anything else. “Well hasn’t my dull night just become a whole lot better!” Your words were slurred, falling over one another as they left your mouth, and the stench of alcohol must have been oozing from you because Archie’s nose scrunched up as you spoke.
“[y/n] I thought we talked about the alcohol.”
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Oh for the love of pixie dust here he goes. You loved the man currently holding you upright, more than he would ever know, but when he went into his psychiatry mode you could seriously begin to imagine throwing a bucket of ice water at him just to keep him quiet.
“Archie I…I don’t have the time for this. I need to…..I need to meet a friend.”
He raised a single brow, the expression on his face clearly showing that he didn’t believe you, and immediately the grip he’d had on you tightened.
“Right I am taking you back to yours. I think it is about time we sort this out once and for all.”
“Sort what out exactly?” Struggling in the new hold you found yourself in your once good mood was beginning to turn quite sour. “There is nothing wrong with me….how many times do I need to tell you that?!” All you wanted was to go across the road and the get the bottle of wine you had set out to get in the first place but Archie was proving to have quite the strength….which was pretty surprising for someone whose usual form was a cricket.
“Until I actually start to believe you. Now come on. Here was me thinking that the extreme sports was bad enough but all this drinking? Where exactly do you think it is going to get you?”
His parent-like tone caused you to roll your eyes. But that didn’t mean his question hadn’t struck a nerve.
“It helps me forget….well….sometimes it does anyway.”
Your admission had slipped from your lips before you had even been able to stop it from doing so but it was too late to take back your words now…..it was moments like this where you would have killed to have some kind of magic ability like Regina, or Gold, at least then erasing your words from existence could have actually been a possibility.
Archie’s face softened from the stern expression that had been etched all over it just moments before and he quickly removed one of his hands from your arms so that he could cup your cheek gently.
“Forget about what?”
You didn’t answer right away, fighting back the onslaught of tears that were already beginning to make their way to the front of your eyes, you hadn’t spoken to anyone about this properly, especially not Archie, and thanks to the alcohol all but erasing any inhibitions you had it was now beginning to pour out quicker than you would have liked.
“Forget about the fact that I am never going to find my happy ending. Everyone here is finding it; Emma and Hook, Snow and Charming, Rumple and Belle…..to name just a few, and yet I can’t even get anyone to look at me twice. I think…I think there is something wrong with me Arch.”
The tears had broken through any defences you had put up but not a single one of them managed to get very far down your cheeks because Archie’s thumbs were there to wipe them away. It broke his heart to see you like this and with each tear he wiped away he felt his eyes beginning to sting as tears of his own started to force their way to the front.
“There is absolutely nothing wrong with you at all my dear. You just need to open your eyes a little more.” Despite the hurt he was feeling at seeing you in such a state he managed to make the smallest of smiles appear on his lips as he tried to comfort you with his words. “You just need to see what is right in front of you.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion as the intoxicating effect of the alcohol made it difficult to really understand what he was trying to get at but then you saw the look in his eyes. You had only ever seen such a look between the couples you had just spoken of, never had you imagined that you would experience it first-hand for yourself, and yet here you were looking into the eyes of the man you had loved for some time now and you were seeing it completely envelop his hues.
“Yes….me. I’d have thought that by now it was pretty obvious, given how worried I have been about you lately, it is breaking my heart to see you like this. If you are doing all this crazy stuff because you are afraid of being alone then you can stop…because I am right here for you. I want to be here for you.”
True love was something you had read about thousands of times before in the books you had read growing up and although it briefly explained what it was supposed to feel like it didn’t even come close to what you were experiencing. The whole of Storybrooke seemed to just melt away as you leaned into his touch, leaving just the two of you behind, and your heart raced to the point where you were convinced it was about to rip right out of your chest. This had to be a dream.
“You’re not…..you’re not just saying that?”
“No I am not just saying that [y/n]. I should have said something a lot sooner but I feared that it would do you no good. I now see that it was a silly thought process.”
“Too right it was. I have needed you for so long Archie.” Clenching your jaw slightly a shaky breath escapes your lips as you move your face closer to his. He hadn’t specifically said in as many words that he held the same feelings for you as you did for him but there was something about this that felt so right. “I love you so much.”
Your lips connected with his before he could say anything in response and the very second you felt his warm lips against yours a wave of air passed over you. It was a rather large burst of air but it didn’t bother either one of you as you continued to enjoy the moment that had been long overdue. Unfortunately the need for air soon hit your lungs and so the kiss was broken far too soon.
You were both breathless but the smiles on your faces proved that your initiation of a kiss was indeed the right move to make.
“I love you too [y/n]. Now let’s get you back home. You are going to feel the worst for wear tomorrow so you need as much sleep as you can get.”
He wrapped a protective arm around your shoulder as he started to lead you back down the street….the bottle of wine you had been so desperate for earlier on that evening now didn’t even occupy the smallest part of your mind as you leaned into the warm body of your one true love.
Your happy ending had finally come true…..
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Permanent tag list: @fallenfairy16@brieflybigwonderland @gayvvarden @sammysgirl1997
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saitou-shuka · 8 years
shukamod @ First Live LV [1 of 4]
This post covers what I did before the LV and the LV itself up to the first six songs in the setlist!
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Hi everyone! This is a post that’s been long overdue and I truly apologize. Many things have happened over the past week, including tons of schoolwork, more than one all-nighter, more than one 14-hour-sleep day, and me snapping my chair in half cheering too hard for Shuka, among other things... not to mention general laziness and procrastinating on Discord :))))
Excuses aside, I know at least a few people were curious on my thoughts about the Live Viewing. I wasn’t actually sure how I wanted to write the post another reason it was delayed so much ... It kind of turned into a strange diary-style post about my entire experience. Hope you guys don’t mind hearing about my weekend too...
I’m also terrible at summarizing, so the whole thing got super super long. So long that I’m splitting it up into four parts. (This way you don’t need to wait for me to finish writing everything, too...) Each individual part is still extremely long, so under a cut it goes~
Sorry for the page stretcher, mobile-users ( ‾▿‾ ;;)
The Day Before Our LV was at 12pm on a Sunday. Turns out the earliest bus from where I live doesn’t actually reach NYC until 11:50am on Sunday (... lol), so I resigned myself to arriving in New York on Saturday and paying to stay the night. My friends and I ended up buying tickets for a five-hour bus ride leaving at 7am on Saturday (rip sleep) so we could have time to hang out with the /r/LoveLive Discord community later in the day. It was really lit! We went to karaoke, which was tons of fun, and then had KBBQ for dinner. Thanks to everyone who made sure I ate properly for dinner ;__; I made sure to eat a lot to honor the price tag on the buffet  (•̀ ∀ •́)ﻭ✧ I was actually super sleepy that day, so my bad if I seemed super quiet or dead ( ‾▿‾ ;;)
Also: It was cold it was cold it was cold it was so cold that day fml
The Day of: Pre-LV I think my friends and I left for the theater around 8am? On our way there we decided it would probably be wise to actually eat breakfast, so we stopped at an IHOP and met up with a bunch of people from the Discord community again. It was kind of difficult for IHOP to serve all of us quickly, so we didn’t get to the venue until like 10am instead of 9 or 9:30am like I was hoping for. There was already a sizable line forming by then. I handed out a bunch of call guides and UOs, as well as a couple of handwarmers (because it was still cold af) to people, and then we put the banner on the ground for people to sign. Thanks to everyone who signed the banner! I don’t really remember what else happened in line because I was trying to do so many things at once lol...
The theater let us inside earlier than expected (thank youuuu). Everyone was inside by about 11am. I was already super excited at this point. My group and I picked seats in the middle-back behind a railing. During the LV I leaned over this railing like Chika in Episode 2 more than a few times and people were afraid that I was going to fall off. After I got my stuff all settled, we set up a speaker to play Aqours music. Then at some point I got bullied into going up in front of everyone in the theater with a megaphone and introducing myself OTL
I got to talk to a few new faces too! I think it was @keipointo​ who greeted me first? I awkwardly offered to shake hands because I didn’t know what to say :’))) My bad. Also had a brief exchange with one of @takatsuking​‘s friends, which was nice! (waaaa I didn’t catch your name I’m sorry ;__;) I was probably also awkward then aaaaaaa I’m bad at one-on-ones Thanks for taking the time to greet me, all of you! :D
And now onto the Live itself, finally ꉂ(・∀・ゝ ≡ ・∀・)ゝ
Some background. We only saw Day 1 of the Live, since none of the American venues offered Day 2 viewings. I was already pretty much spoiled for the events for both days of the live due to Twitter, but being able to see it in person on a giant screen was still a whole different experience altogether. It’s a sensory overload, to say the least. Yokohama Arena is soooo pretty. It’s kind of hard to describe the structure in words, but there’s a main stage with steps and a screen in the back for displaying camera shots and special effects, like so:
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... which is connected to a circular center stage by a runway, which you can see here:
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The floor of this center stage was actually a giant screen which was used to display some amazing special effects in a lot of the songs; I was really impressed aaaaaaa
And, as some of you might remember from μ's concerts, sometimes the seiyuu will also hop onto carts and ride them around the arena, like so
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hi ainya
Here we go! ( *˙0˙*)
Aozora Jumping Heart The seiyuu rise up from below the stage and you can practically feel the tension in the air. I think... a bunch of people screamed when the music started, but I don’t remember too well. I broke two UOs off the bat because I was so excited lol. People behind me, I’m so sorry if I blinded you... Not much to say about this one, actually. Familiar song, familiar outfits. What was different this time was that they finally did the full version of the song! Since the solo lines in the second verse are done by subunit, there was some cute subunit interaction :D
Koi ni Naritai Aquarium Uhhhhhh.... lol. I didn’t want to die this early in the concert, but here we are... This song was 👌👌👌, and I pretty much... reacted how you might expect me to react. (:D)| ̄|_
Since I was spoiled for the setlist, I knew this song was coming up right after Aozora. I still wasn’t prepared. It’s just...... the choreography looks so good live and Shuka was so cute I was dying the whole time ashfsdkjfhsdkjfs. THERE ARE SPINS IN THE CHOREOGRAPHY (covered up by cutscenes in the PV) THANK YOU..............
The blue → orange → blue penlight color transition in the theater was also better than I expected wew, but then again my expectations weren’t that high in the first place.
In my humble, definitely not biased opinion, the Yousolo was amazing. I broke 8 UBs (uhhhhhh... LOL) and attempted a balrog for the solo but it was pretty spaghetti, considering how much I was freaking out.
I’m so proud of Shuka, especially because she talked about how nervous she was for this song in her blog post aaaaaaaaaaa. There must have been added pressure from having to perform it second in the setlist, too...
My voice was pretty much already dead after this song :)))))))) oops
After KoiAqua, intros happened! The usual calls and all. It was good seeing the seiyuu looking just as excited as we were! Hearing so many people in the theater do the Call & Responses was really refreshing as well :D
Aqours☆HEROES  I’m always hype for this song because I love the choreography (read: Shuka’s 128759 spins). The calls for this song are also tons of fun! They were displayed on the main stage screen for the fans. I think this was the first song where the seiyuu went out onto the center stage. A lot of different camera angles (they started singing on the runway part of the stage) and modified choreography to account for the circular stage shape. They ran in circles a lot and it looked pretty tiring tbh because they were running in circles I don’t think Shuka did her “muteki datte” spin (either way the camera wasn’t focused on her) T_T Still good though, I love Heroes :D
The seiyuu leave the stage, and a short intermission drama happens. I’m going to avoid summarizing what happens in the dramas just because my Japanese listening comprehension is really bad, but I’ll mention that the animation for the little talking heads has really improved since the μ's days. They’re much more dynamic, they have more expressions, they have necks... Man, I wish I could GIF this :’)))))
Kimeta yo Hand in Hand Second years take the stage in their Daisuki dattara Daijoubu! outfits! The outfits have pretty wide sleeves, so you can see hints of Yume de Yozora costumes underneath (it doesn’t help that Shuka and Rikyako are wearing blue and pink, whereas their Yume de Yozora outfits are red and blue, respectively...) if you look closely when they raise their arms up.
At the end of the first round of solos, Shuka does a really nice spin which has the unfortunate side effect of flashing the red skirt of her Yume de Yozora costume, as well as her safety shorts LOL.
I remember laughing super hard at the arm-flailing choreo in the chorus when I first heard the song in the anime, but it actually didn’t look that weird in real life. There’s one part where all three of them just grab each other’s hands to form a circle and then run around, which I thought was really cute... ;__;
Daisuki dattara Daijoubu! Err, let’s just say that when Shuka jumped for the “Jump da!” part I thought I was going to have a heart attack lmao :’D
Choreo was pretty much exactly like the anime. For the second half of the song, the three of them moved out to the center stage while holding hands. During the instrumental it looked like there was no choreography, so all of them just circled around the stage and waved at all the fans. Shuka bounced around like a little kid on a sugar high and it was adorable ;__;
Then we had a short second years MC, the highlight of which is seeing the three of them turn in a circle to show everyone their costumes! There’s a giant ribbon on the back :>
Yume de Yozora o Terashitai Okay I already posted the official picture for the Yume de Yozora performance but I have to post it again:
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This performance was sooooo beautiful, definitely one of the prettiest songs in the setlist. The whole performance itself took place on the center stage, where they could take full advantage of the screen display on the floor. Lots of aerial camera shots so we could see the evening sky displayed right under the seiyuu... Sooooo pretty. They put a really nice animation of the lanterns spelling out “Aqours” on the floor for Anchan’s solo as well :))))
There was this one part (or maybe two parts? I forget) where Aiai and King reach out and touch each other’s hands in this song, and I gotta say... their height difference is really moe. Ashkfhdsfjdkfh
... I would also like to personally thank the choreographer for putting in a Shuka spin in the second half of this song :)
You can’t see it too well in the photo, but the skirts on the costumes are all glittery. So prettyyyyy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
After that, the stage goes dark and the seiyuu leave the stage. Next up: Subunits! (and more) → [Coming Soon!]
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