#sort of!!!
javierpena-inatacvest · 4 months
She's Alive?!? (Alive may be a stretch LMAO)
HEY FRIENDS, IT'S ME 🥹 (Madeline fills y'all in below the cut)
Safe to say from the absolute radio silence on here for the past month and a half, life has been absolutely kicking me right in the tits. As of today (after telling my principal), I am officially done with teaching at the end of this school year. It's been the strangest feeling ever- while it is such a huge relief to know the tremendous amount of physical and mental stress that teaching has been for me is only 15 days away from coming to an end, it also hurts to think that the thing I once had so much passion and love for has burned out so quickly. I've been having such a hard time coming to terms with the fact that teaching isn't where I want to be anymore, and the teacher guilt in me about it is still eating me alive.
This school year has been so draining for me that the past month I have done the same routine every single day as followed: Wake up, cry going into work, try to make it through the day without having a mental breakdown from kids screaming/ridiculous parent emails/insane requests from the district/one of my kids threatening to bring a gun to school (yes, this did happen, and yes, it's the 3rd grade!!! 🙂), cry on my way home from school, look for jobs and change my resume for the thousandth time and cry again bc no one will hire me, and then go to sleep and do it the next day!! On top of that, I've just been dealing with a lot of other big life things that have taken up so much time/mental energy, I am legit crawling to the finish line that is the last day before summer break.
I will be completely honest with you when I say that I legit have not opened a Google Doc for NTL in a month and a half, and truth be told, I don't know the next time that I will. I truly do miss being on here and all of the wonderful people, and I feel terrible that I have been no where to be found. Thank you to everyone who's sent me a DM or an ask to ask if ya girl is okay, I really appreciate you more than you know 🥺💛
I'm really hoping the summer brings some new peace/inspiration to start writing again, but please know if you don't hear anything from me in the near future, either know 1. I didn't make it out of the school year alive or 2. I am sitting in the sun like a lizard on a hot rock letting all of the stress dissolve from my body until I start to feel like a normal human again 🥴
I love all of you so much, I hope that everything in all of your lives are going well and that I am giving each one of you a big kiss on the forehead and sending you all of my love 🥺💕
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thousand-winters · 1 month
I do not have the drawing skills to even try to make a silly drawing about this but actually there's this one part of the movie that was insane especially by thinking of the characters as Kuboyasu and Saiko.
Like... it was established not-Kuboyasu had dyscalculia and could only register numbers in the right order if they were written down. So he was having a whole breakdown in that little control room because not-Saiko was passed out from bleeding out and the other two were gone doing other things, so it was up to him to have a code spelled out to him and he just couldn't compute with it.
And then not-Saiko just. woke up enough to write down the code for him with HIS OWN FUCKING BLOOD???
Now considering actual Kuboyasu sometimes shows up with clothes stained by Not Ketchup, that's... I'm not sure even, but that's something.
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lilithpleasant · 5 months
Hello, would you be willing to share the floorplan for the Walrider house please? /post/734424674208038912
absolutely!! @raventheshadmock
first floor:
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second floor:
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and there's also a third floor deck that is currently inaccessible lol
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oflights · 1 year
Sorry to bother you but your response to that ask about writing dialog over descriptions was interesting to me because I think you write amazing descriptions! And you said you work really hard at it so I was wondering if you can talk about that more and give some advice? Your writing advice is so good so thank you in advance!
hi!! no worries, though i don't know how helpful i can be! i'm flattered that you asked, though.
you're talking about this response, right? i guess beyond the bits about making sure description is useful to the narrative beyond establishing setting (which i think is the most important thing and is what really bogs writing down) is that i'm really careful about POV when i'm describing things, especially characters.
i almost always write a very limited POV, which means i'm constantly thinking about that character would observe, note, and describe. and i'm also thinking about how that character would describe themself. there are a lot of ways to establish what your POV character looks like without having them stare at a mirror or whatever unless that's a moment integral to the plot (i am ironically writing a scene like this lol, which is why it's on the mind). as a reader, idgaf what they're wearing unless that's important to the plot; it breaks the immersion to get into description like that.
and i think about how the POV character would describe their own features. would they say they have "milky-white skin" in their own internal monologue? have you established vanity or self-confidence, in that case? would they describe themself as a lover would describe them? and what do they notice about other people; what makes them constantly note someone else's eye color when they see it all the time? is that a constant thought you have when interacting with someone with a distinct eye color?
those are just random examples that i try to be aware of. i hope this makes sense!
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hydrattan · 3 months
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I was feeling agitated and artblocked yesterday so I decided to give my brain a rest by watching TV and then the next thing I knew these were in front of me
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carlsdraws · 21 days
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miku but she’s in a medieval manuscript
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straightlightyagami · 8 months
u ever see someone with extremely fucked up views (or actions) and think wowww if a couple of things in my life went the tiniest bit differently that would have been me
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tothechaos · 1 year
glad that im not popular enough to have an evil shadow version of my blog that exists just to make contradictions on my posts
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jackalspine · 3 months
@schnuffel-danny hehehe
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regarding this post: from schnuffle
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dumbandpoetical · 1 month
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nobody tweets like hozier...I love him so much
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eerieseelie · 2 months
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Bill’s cringefail attempt at a serenade
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so-many-ocs · 9 months
[on the verge of having a complete breakdown] i need to make some kind of list or perhaps sort things into categories
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obsob · 8 months
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i am a being capable of immeasurable love and whimsy
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liquidstar · 11 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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jonnywaistcoat · 8 months
I low-key love the fact that sci-fi has so conditioned us to expect to be hanging out with a bunch of cool space aliens, that legitimate, actual scientists keep proposing the most bizarre, three-blunts-into-the-rotation "theories" to explain the fact we're not.
Some of my favourites include:
Zoo Theory: What if there are loads of aliens out there, but they're not talking to us because of the Prime Directive from Star Trek? (Or because they're doing experiments on us???)
Dark Forest Theory: What if there are loads of aliens out there, but they all hate us and each other so they're all just waiting with a shotgun pointed at the door, ready to open fire on anything that moves?
Planetarium Theory: What if there's at least one alien with mastery over light and matter that's just making it seem to us that the universe is empty to us as, like, a joke?
Berserker Theory: What if there were loads of aliens, but one of them made infinite killer robots that murdered everyone and are coming for us next?!!
Like, the universe is at least 13,700,000,000 years old and 46,000,000,000 light years big. We have had the ability to transmit and receive signals for, what, 100 years, and our signals have so far travelled 200 light years?
The fact is biological life almost certainly has, does, or will develop elsewhere in the universe, and it's not impossible that a tiny amount of it has, does, or will develop in a way that we would understand as "intelligent". But, like, we're realistically never going to know because of the scale of the things involved.
So I'm proposing my own hypothesis. I call it the "Fool in a Field" hypothesis. It goes like this:
Humanity is a guy standing in the middle of a field at midnight. It's pitch black, he can't move, and he's been standing there for ages. He's just had the thought to swing his arms. He swings one of his arms, once, and does not hit another person. "Oh no!" He says. "Robots have killed them all!"
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