#sort of outgrowing it or smth
shahrwrites · 1 month
I headcanon that in an alternate universe where aDitF didn’t happen, Jason joins his college’s football team.
He’d been wanting to play football with his high-school’s team for the longest time, but he was never the right fit (physically) so he puts in the extra effort to build up his body.
Some days feel like his work is finally paying off, and others are just spent scrutinizing himself and every little flaw detail about himself in the mirror.
Bruce is very encouraging about it, reminding him on the worse days that Jason will achieve whatever he sets his mind to, and optimistic that all that work will definitely amount to something. He’s still a growing boy after all, and he’s got a lot of time till college to turn things around. Bruce makes sure to praise Jason’s hard work and give extra tips here and there on what workout or diet regimen could use an improvement.
This also means he has to sacrifice a few things, like avoiding certain foods at all costs, which proves to be a challenging feat for him for obvious reasons. Once upon a time he had to teach himself not to be picky about food because any kind of food at all was a luxury, which most of the time meant he had to make do with least beneficial kind, hence the predicament he was in right now. This, in turn, had caused sever changes to his digestive system and his taste buds. (His body had rejected the healthy food on the first few weeks he'd come to live with Bruce.)
Of course things had changed over the years, what with him having to adapt to becoming Robin. But it was different now, because he had to actively avoid certain foods and it went against a fundamental instinct.
Nothing is too great a feat for him, though.
So then he’s in college, and he's finally gotten into the team he'd always dreamt of one day playing in. Jason's in the field, and the benches are overcrowded with spectators and fans, other students or the family of the other players, an then his eyes lands on his family. Because they never lose a game, always there to cheer him on and raise his spirits specially during difficult matches. Bruce and Alfred can always be seen among the crowd, and Dick, whenever he's in town.
And that's why he can never help turning to find their faces in the crowd when his team wins, specially when he's the one scoring the win, the biggest of grins on his face, looking to share all his euphoria and happiness with the most important people in his life.
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Chuuya and typical mafia work thoughts [pt1 or smth]
I've had this thought for a while, but Chuuya actually cares about new Mafia folk, and a lot, -- the so-called "green", -- even if he avoids them at most costs. sort of afraid of seeing familiar faces or anyone who's close in character to his old friends, the old well-known circle of people is safer. he knows what it takes to join PM, and what it takes to actually stay here, and that few people can manage that
usually Tachi or maybe Higuchi are in charge of the shooting range, but when Chuuya is, this is quite an experience. Chuuya is a good teach, even when he's being harsh. in this sense, he is the epitome of "gently, but firmly"; more of "firmly" than "gently" ofc, but nonetheless
he knows what it takes to survive here, and he can pick the bad apples out: the ones who won't make value for the Mafia or will have more of a challenge doing so. some might agree with his opinion on people, some might not, and other Executives are usually better at this than he is, but, he'll do, yeah
he's also the one who trusts people with a chance when they screw up -- if it's not too bad, of course. he believes people can outgrow themselves, even if rarely and apart from a few exceptions, but I'm unsure if he's ever told Dazai that
he would refuse personal care over someone if it was offered to him, perhaps realizing how f_cked up he is himself; entrusting him with another living being would be a literal death threat to whoever that is. he needs to sort himself out first, even if all he does is work to survive and survive to work (add workaholic to his troubles list). he would copy kouyou's sort-of-parenting style to the best of his ability, I think, if he had to care after someone. he's a good older brother, after all, and he's really nice with kids. though he might too get attached too soon. he's a team player, but solitude grew on him
he drowns in fighting and paperwork, and if that's out of reach he compensates that by harsh training, be it fencing, fist fighting, running or any other activity. do I think he has a training room in his home from now on? yes, I do. can't stop me. a fencing mannequin (Dazai's picture is on its face sometimes as well as the punching bag, but that's seldom, and that pic must be really old :( ), a punching bag, a treadmill. why bother going around when everything can be done from the calm and the safety of one's own home? Kouyou might come check his fencing skills from time to time, be it spectating his training, coaching or sparring; like I said, she's really nice towards him
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mothervvoid · 1 year
For the writing ask, 10, 22, 43, and 99! 🧡
for this meme
thanks for the sneak peak at the new bit you wrote for abandon, btw, i loved it! i've said this already so many times before but the way you write obito's dialogue... :chef's kiss: it's just amazing dude.
at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
because of just the sheer amount of failed projects i've had in the past (mostly bcos i started writing fic when i was in middle school and thus very bad at planning) i still associate naming things before they're finished to be bad luck. because of this, most of my fics are named right as i'm about to post! notable exceptions to this include Dogteeth, call me what you like and do it again; and do it again is actually a title i stole from a project i ended up abandoning!! (the concepts are similar tho).
it's kinda hard for me to come up with titles for fics im writing at present bcos i REFUSE to name most of them until they're finished. so then i'll just sit at the post box and glare at it bcos now i have a finished fic and no name. i've got a list in my notes app full of potential titles i think up for this very reason but sometimes none of them fit. and then there's times where i come up with the perfect title! once in a blue moon occurrence though.
describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
okay so, the process:
step one: come up with scenario. typically smth i want to see that i haven't seen yet. or it is something i've already seen i just want to do it myself.
step two: daydream about it. come up with a few vague scenes. i often imagine my fics as movie trailers funnily enough.
step three: keep daydreaming. there's a lot of daydreaming involved in my process unfortunately, about 70% of it is daydreaming and then translating that daydream onto paper. i think in both pictures and words so this is, thankfully, usually easy for me. during step three we've moved past vague scenes and have started fleshing out the meat of the really important scenes and have started on the connective tissue between, like motivations and how everyone got there to begin with.
step four: actually writing. typically this happens after a period of procrastination where i start writing it in my head, and then i write and rewrite it over and over again until i like it. (< this is the part of the process where my unfinished projects will usually die because i will start writing and then become daunted by the enormity of the story i've dreamt up. longfics scare me! there's a reason why even my chaptered fics are short. this is something i'm slowly outgrowing.)
and that's it!
how did writing change you?
it's given me a lot of questionable knowledge on subjects i am not majoring in.
but if i'm being honest? i think writing has helped me through some pretty dark times in my life. the pandemic ruined my mental health, and there's a fic i wrote from 2019 (it's batman & rhato related) where that really shows. i figured out i could express myself through writing and i just kinda ran with it lmao.
i also think it's made me better at expressing myself period tbh.
was being a writer a dream of yours when you were little? or did it spring up when your older? or is it just a hobby? 
i didn't really think about being a writer when i was a kid, i was very much your stereotypical child, i wanted to be a movie star or a singer. then i got older and it sort of sprung up on me--i see this as more of a hobby than a career though. i've toyed with the idea of writing something and trying to get it published, but i'm a little soured on the idea because so many members of my family keep pushing me to monetize something that's been a beloved hobby of mine for years, something i really don't want to turn into work, yk?
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otonymous · 4 years
hiii, first off i love your works 🥺💕 they’re so good and that angst 😪👌 gorgeous. sooo, i myself am also a fanfic writer and tbh that’s what i’ve always specialized in when i first started writing. that’s why when i say this, it honestly hurts me a bit... but i feel like i’m gonna outgrow writing fanfics. what makes me feel sad is that, i don’t actually want to outgrow it. i just feel like at my age i shouldn’t be writing it or smth along those lines. like whenever ppl ask me my hobbies my immediate thought is always writing. then they proceed to ask what genre and i always feel kind of scared to say fanfic since i feel like i’m kinda getting old for that... i still love reading it ofc, tbh it’s better than a lot of actual books i’ve read. but i just feel that if i say it out loud people will judge me. (that last one is more of a self confidence issue but yeah 😞) seeing you and other fanfic writers rlly inspire to continue doing it but i’m not rlly sure anymore ig. i still love writing it, i do. but ig i’m just scared to tell others? i’m not sure... but what would you do 👉👈😞
Hello dear Nonny!
Thank you very much for your kind words!  I really appreciate all your support! 💖
Furthermore, thank you for sending me this very important Ask.  I honestly think it’s something that a number of fanfic writers may come across at some point or another.  Let’s examine this question from a few different perspectives.
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1) Many famous authors write fanfiction
Just for the record, there are a slew of published authors who have written fanfiction at some point in time.  
Naomi Novik, for instance — founder of the Organization for Transformative Works (from which the Archive Of Our Own is derived!) and author of Uprooted— wrote fanfiction.  So did Andy Weir, author of The Martian.  He wrote fanfics based off of Ernest Cline’s awesome Ready Player One.
(Check out this article by Catherine Kovach on Bustle.com for more!)
So as a fanfiction writer, you’re in good company.  It doesn’t make you any less a student of the craft than someone who dabbles solely in original work.
2) Everyone doesn’t need to know everything
That being said, I still feel you, dear Nonny.  You may be at a party, meeting new people, and the question inevitably comes up: “So, what do you do for fun?”
And while there is no way of knowing beforehand who would be absolutely thrilled to have a fanfiction writer in their midst (for the record, I know I would’ve been even if I didn’t write them myself), there is also a chance that some people may not understand it.  And that’s perfectly fine too.  If you think about it, belonging to a fandom is a very special thing.  You, along with massive numbers of others (depending on how big your fandom is), have some sort of common ground which serves as a source of joy, fun and excitement.  It allows you to connect with people from all walks of life, all over the globe.  I know my life is enriched by the fandoms of which I’m a part of.  It’s honestly a wonderful thing.
But to the uninitiated, the concept may seem a bit alien.  They might not get it.  And if you’re concerned about what they might think to learn about your beloved hobby for any reason, then I would be inclined to say that they don’t need to know everything.
So if I were to find myself in a situation where I was uncomfortable with full disclosure, I would just simply state that I write fiction.  Romance, fantasy, adventure, horror, comedy, sci-fi, etc., all of these genres are found in the wonderful fanfics I’ve read.  If someone were interested in finding out more about what you write, try describing it in those terms.  
3) You never outgrow the things you love
Based on your Ask, dear Nonny,  I get the sense that you feel like some things have an “expiry date,” that once you reach a certain age, you should’ve moved beyond things you loved and enjoyed in the past, such as fanfiction.
There are some people who are old and grey and still live their lives to its fullest, smiling with a twinkle in their eye that makes them seem much younger than their years.  And then on the flip side, there are people who seem much older than they really are, perhaps by the way they carry themselves.  My point here is that age really is nothing but a number, and (biology aside) you are as old as you choose to feel.  No one has the right to dictate what is deemed acceptable behaviour for another person of a certain age, as long as what they’re doing isn’t hurting themselves or others.  
I’m aware that societal pressures exist, that we may feel like we have to conform to what others expect of us — family, friends, etc.  But we also have to remember that at the end of the day, this life is ours to live.  And it would be a very sad life indeed if we lived it solely according to the standards of those around us, allowing ourselves to be stripped of the things we hold near and dear, such as hobbies we thought we should’ve outgrown.
There are times when I like to engage in a thought experiment that goes something like this:
If this were my very last day on earth, what would I most want to do?  What kind of life would I have liked to have led?  What do I want to be remembered for?
Time is precious.  We can’t afford to waste it on caring about what others think of us.  Chase what makes you happy, my dear.  No one has the responsibility of living your life but yourself.  And it is you that you only need answer to.
I hope this helps you in some way, shape or form, dearest Nonny.  I wish you the best of luck in your writing journey. 💖
- XOXO, Otonymous
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eroticcannibal · 4 years
Yo so that chocolate thing is called OAS (oral allergy syndrome) & its weird! U can have it to all sorts of foods, develop or outgrow it whenever, & sometimes its only when u eat, like, 2 foods together, but separate theyre fine. Basically any weird taste or sensation in ur mouth (or lips, & apparently throat lol), so anything from tingly to spicy to minty to bitter. I get a minty reaction to smth in toothpaste (not to mint), which I didnt realize til I used a baby toothpaste that could (1of3)
not possibly be minty, but I still dont know what toothpaste I can & cant use cuz idk when the minty feeling is a reaction vs when its just minty. Im constantly having to ask my lil bro what random foods taste like cuz itll be like 'Ugh, I hate X, its so bitter' & everyone is like 'No its not wtf'. Ive mostly outgrown my pineapple OAS but that one took awhile to realize, cuz it /does/ feel like pineapple is supposed to feel, just way way easier than it should, like one piece & my whole (2of3)
mouth hurts. Idk if its actually common to have OAS with a bunch of different stuff or not, cuz Im weird & fucked up, but its def worth asking other ppl if theres foods u havent heard ppl talk abt tasting the way they taste to u. I feel u on the 'Fuck it Im having it anyway' tho lol. Like, does my mouth burn when I eat most melons? Yes. Did I eat a honeydew last week? Also yes. So long as I dont let it touch my lips, I can handle it, its fine. - Bananon (3of3)
This is incheresting and also that toothpaste one is akward as hell sjhfjsghs
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