#sorta depressing but also funny in a way lmao
randomsloredrops · 5 months
Random's Lore Drops - Under the Un-hair-dying
Another GAME THEO- I mean, actual canon lore stuff alongside my opinion. Howdy. Today, we'll be talking about...
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Undyne and her sister, Undyne (Undyne does not have a sister). You probably know her, you may love her, I've rarely seen anybody hate on her personality (aside from Dorked not liking how Undyne's mini-arc on not telling Papyrus why he can't join the Royal Guard (I also didn't like her just never mentioning it afterwards nor fixing the problem)), it's fish lady the first instance of a rhythm game in Undertale. Undyne is pretty obvious in a few traits, like being a lesbian fish, and also being VERY FUCKING RECKLESS (she burnt her own GODDAMN HOUSE TO THE GROUND, LIKE WHAT THE FUC-). She's usually only depicted based on her post-friendship act, instead of her pre-friendship act, where she fucking hates humans, and only became friends with you because of Papaya doing his signature technique, psychological manipulation (reverse psychology). Before becoming friends with her, she's EXTREMELY reckless, and also does have a bit of sympathy as to a few things that she does. Such as the time that she managed to win against Asgore, where she outright admits that she felt bad. But then it gets overshadowed by her going "I'd never met someone so eager to get their butt kicked" with happiness. The reckless part is learned via both the hangout with Undyne, and talking to Gerson. First, Gerson (since you can learn from him faster than fighting Undyne, backtracking, and hanging out with her), where you learn that she challenged King Asgore because she thought the mf was WEAK (JUDGEMENT, THY END IS NOW-) so she challenged him, and got her ass kindly handed back to her on a golden platter. BUT, Asgore saw potential, offered to train her, and thus, she became a Royal Guard after extensive training and probably Asgore's wish. The hangout... Well, she burns her house down because she's not good at cooking. Need I say more? Oh, and she's one of the strangest cases of "ayo check this sick-ass character design", featuring NO REAL FUCKING REASON AS TO WHY SHE LACKS ONE EYE. Anyways, back on topic, she's gay af. Specifically for the current Royal Scientist, Alphys, who showed her anime. She's also another variation of "Strange fucking case", because, aside from Flowey, who's SOUL-less, Undyne is the only living NPC that has used Determination. What I mean by that is Undyne the Undying, who denies death, both with the power of "nuh uh, I have one trillion HP" and DT, which we actually get to see her try and use in her neutral death, in which she tries to go Undying mode (presumably), but because she doesn't have a complete reason to kill you, she fails. Hence why she melts before dusting, instead of just dusting away after getting stabbed. She's capable of using her own Determination, but if she isn't completely DETERMINED for something, she can't keep using it. Once again, the only example is that of her neutral run death, where she states that she "WON'T DIE" multiple times, slowly melting each time, before dying. What else melts? That's right, AMALGAMATES. But hey, that's just a theor-
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #25
• Some Aquarius mars people tend to not want to have kids if they think the society they live in is corrupt.
• Capricorn/Scorpio mix in the chart can indicate being born left handed! I have a close friend who’s a Capricorn sun & Scorpio stellium and she’s left handed, my mom’s a Scorpio sun/mercury & Capricorn venus and she’s also left handed. Then I’m a 8H Capricorn mars & I was born left handed!
• Capricorn mars with a water sun are dangerous!! I know a few men with these placements that will say “I would never hurt you baby, you know that.” In a sweet tone and then be cheating.
• You might not be specifically attracted to people who have their natal ascendant opposite your sidereal ascendant and there can be a little tension/awkwardness because of that. E.g. If you’re a sidereal Taurus rising you might not be that attracted to tropical Scorpio risings but they might find your personality/looks attractive & tend to develop crushes on you even if they don’t tell you.
• You know those celebrities that you don’t know much about because they didn’t share their personal life much or they had biopics made after their passing to share their story? They probably have Water in their big 3! E.g. Freddie Prinze Sr (Cancer sun/Pisces moon/Scorpio rising), Prince (Pisces moon/Scorpio rising), Bobby DeBarge (Pisces sun), etc…
• Water suns tend to have fuller cheeks & rounder faces!
• Water in big 3 also tend to have dimples!
• Gemini placements be out here lying for fun lmao.😭
• I think Water moons can also relate to Air moons and some can also be wise because they tend to have their sidereal moon in an air moon. E.g. Pisces moon can relate to Aquarius moon, Cancer moon can relate to Gemini moon & Scorpio moon can relate to Libra moon.
• I’ve also noticed Water moons tend to enter depressions at times..
• I know some Pisces moons who feel like people don’t get them and so they get sorta depressed.
• Leo sun/mercury/venus people are so cool imo.
• They also have great taste in music and are intelligible.
• Cancer suns with Gemini moons and Leo mercuries are really funny, mentally stimulating and caring all in one.
• Air moons are normally collected people but they can spontaneously lash out too.
• Yes fire risings are outgoing, fiery and loud but can we also normalize them being introverted? I know some fire risings especially Sagittarius risings to be introverted and on the other hand I know some water risings especially Scorpio risings who are bold to a certain degree and also outgoing.
• Checking the degree of your sidereal ascendant is also essential! E.g. my sidereal rising is at a Leo degree, Leo is in my 3rd natal house and it shows through in the way I express myself! Like when I dance/sing I’m somewhat confident & sassy lol.
• Virgo moons with Aries influence in the chart will start firing shots/getting a aggressive if you don’t listen to them.
• 9H moons 🤝 being unconsciously self-righteous.
• People with venusian Jupiters (Libra/Taurus) tend to get baby fever a lot!
• People with their mercury in a fire house (1, 5, 9) tend to curse a lot, maybe unconsciously so, it doesn’t matter if they have a water mercury either.
• Scorpio moons will be willing to go to the ends of the earth for you if they love you. Don’t take them for grated though.
• Some people with Earth mars have a ‘mami’/‘daddy’ kink. Yes, I’m looking at you specifically Capricorn mars.🌚
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is-that-plural · 1 month
While I'm on my kagepro insanity. Submitting Shintaro Kisaragi specifically.
It's sorta funny, even before we realized "ah. Fuck. System," we read him as system-coded in a kinda crazy roundabout way lmao
Like obviously the way it happened is very fictional (time loops and magic) buuut still reads plural
(spoilers for manga route 2, aaand the anime I think? And just general kagepro spoilers. For TWs, mass murder and general death I'd say? It's just touched on briefly but is key to the theory. And suicide-)
Okay! So start at the beginning. Kagepro, chronologically, is a mess. We know which "route" (loop of the time loop) is the start (manga route 2), and which one ends the loop (the anime), but there are countless routes in-between, only a handful of them having been touched on, pretty much making endless possibilities for fan content and canon content alike.
Manga route 2 is different from the formula of other routes, where Shintaro and Ayano never meet in highschool. (Shintaro managed to break both his arms and was in the hospital for a while lol loser)
Instead, Shintaro was a shut-in due to another friend's death, in a depression for 2 years, but eventually has to go out himself when he accidentally spilled soda on his rabbit's food. He may not take care of himself but he loves his rabbit !! Lmao . Anyways a Lot of Shit happens, he meets other people with these strange eye abilities like what his sister has, there's a lot of death, etc. Eventually he meets Ayano, who also has one.
After everything is said and done (aka literally everyone got killed off except him, Ayano, and Mary [a descendant of the original Medusa, and who the snakes go to when their body has died. She takes on their powers and is typically so overcome with grief she rewinds the world]), Ayano convinces Mary to effectively turn her into a new snake, and gift her to Shintaro. We'll effectively call her Ayaki from here on out to avoid confusion. Unlike the other snakes, who are gifted every loop from a situation that should've killed the characters as kids (or some teens) but didn't, Ayaki is always with Shintaro, every loop, forever.
Now that Ayaki is in there, Shintaro's eye power is retaining eyes, where he can remember every single route that's happened. However, it's not straightforward. He doesn't remember them without Ayaki's help, where she has to tell him what's happened. This usually happens in dreams or similar such things, where he'll find himself in his highschool classroom, with Ayaki appearing as Ayano, his friend from highschool in all other routes, who killed herself. So he's got this headspace classroom with ayaki who is there and explains everything that's happened lmao.
Ayaki can see everything that happens through a window in the classroom, seeing through Shintaro's eyes. It takes work on her part to be able to reach him, and often this happens after he meets the other characters in the route and shit starts hitting the fan, but sometimes he doesn't remember at all, or sometimes he finds out too early and he's unable to take it (see route XX, where he's alone and unable to take it, so he ends up uhm... Cutting the route off early, let's say).
So pretty much long story short, he's got this chick in his head who tells him about his trauma and could technically comment on his day-to-day life and speak to him but chooses to be cryptic instead lol. It's also implied though not touched upon that in the anime route, where they finally break out of the time loop / all survive, that she, like the other snakes, never actually leaves and is always there even after the trauma is over and some with.
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Rating: timey wimey loopy woopy shenanigans often lead to plurality, huh !
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allisluv · 4 months
Hello I'm not sure how the 🫶 works but I'm presuming we describe ourselves for it lmao?? Could I have mine for the Hunger Games please 🙏
Im 5'5 with brunette hair which is actually naturally curly which is my biggest flex 💪 my friends describe me as someone who's usually the funny friend with a pretty dark sense of humour lmao. I have my moments of being the logical one but usually I just roll with the punches. My friends usually can't tell if I'm being serious or not since I'm always so sarcastic. I also find it funny to 'flirt' with my friends, so atleast i got some sorta rizz 😭 i have an unfortunate tendency to get targeted during messy friendship situations for some reason so im usually beefing with someone like 24/7 😭. I don't actually open up about my feelings too much, and when i do I tend to make it into a sort of joke so that people dont realise its depressing lmao, and my family lore goes crazy. Also I'm bisexual so I can go either way 🤷‍♀️
Im not sure if I did this right but I love your work and I am NOT used to requesting, take as long as you need 💜
anon this was perfect, please don’t be worrying!! i’d say you would be a good fit with finnick or johanna, mainly because you both have the same sense of humour <3
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procyo9 · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
OK this won't be about cyberpunk this time bc I'm really proud of that raziel rig i did for the shits and giggles like
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i worked so hard on this and im just kldahfkjlsd
like if a person who happens to know how to rig properly would prolly kill me on sight but. it works haha!!!!
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basically what i did was spawn a basic rig w/o facial bones and all that and adjusted everything to be sorta right?? the only bones i added were hand bones - i needed that to pose his claws separately
he's even got some titty bones (used to rig his wings and i kept laughing at this for way longer than i should (he's a nonbinary icon to me)
i also have a lot of green screen shitposts with him doing fortnite dances but. i don't think i wanna talk about this today lmao
his model definitely wasn't prepared for these kinda stretches but. who cares let the depressed boy sit on the funny ass chair for our amusement
i spent about 60h on this (including rendering time)
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godstrain · 1 year
weeps into my hands was chatting in a server and i guess now i address some spicy wesker things that are also just depressing because this man has never actually know happiness ever and whenever he was close to it he managed to fuck it up ANYWAY
i mentioned briefly that wesker has basically felt what he can only assume is "romantic attraction" for 4 people in his life- birkin, jake's mother, chris, and jill- and as we know all of those relationships were disasters in the end and only one was actually ever fully a relationship- and wesker has had very few sexual partners due to just not... putting that as a priority. it's funny in the sense that people around him assume he's asexual or that he can get laid whenever he wants and neither of those are true- he's the last person that anyone would expect to be sorta awkward in sex, but he is.
not that he isn't quick to learn, he's always been quick to learn, but also intimacy terrifies him. he'd been told his entire life that basically relying on someone else made him weak and he couldn't be weak in the environment he was in- so whenever he felt love he just sorta burned bridges.
the birkin situation resolved itself when william married annette- wesker knew to back off and even then it's not like he made really obvious moves on william so ok yeah,
jake's mother was a complex case in the fact that wesker had been good to her- people don't speak highly of abusers, and while jake only knew his dad as some deadbeat, it wasn't that his mother was saying that wesker was some sort of monster- it seemed she was quite in love, and honestly he was also smitten. and that terrified him. being smitten is the only thing that allowed him to be as gentle as possible about letting go, and even then, something in him just broke seeing how sad she was that he was parting ways and after that wesker decided that he was just Not going to feel anything ever again,
which lmao he was WRONG! of course he was wrong because here come chris and jill (at the same time) and of course it's a situation where he can't do anything because no fraternizing!!! thats literally just not a thing he can do, so it sorta made it easier but also made everything so much worse, because wesker came to the conclusion that if he WASN'T S.T.A.R.S. captain, he wouldn't be fraternizing, but he couldn't just be like lmao dropping this job going back to being an umbrella researcher hey guys want to date, that would NEVER have flown- and as we know, wesker's way of showing his love was obsessing over chris and using P30 on jill-
which moves us to the next point- really it's a loop back to earlier points: wesker's problems with intimacy. he's terrified of being vulnerable but also he's terrified of hurting someone he loves, because his track record is Just Doing That and never being able to have anything good in his life and he also hates how much he wants to just feel safe and have someone show him affection, because his brain tells him "you don't need that, love makes you weak" and if he's weak he's just another failed experiment- and of course, he also has goddamn superpowers lmao so it's easy for him to cause injury if he somehow loses control in some moment of passion and he'd straight up just dissociate and have a meltdown-
any partner he takes ends up treated like glass because he's so terrified that he'll just wreck everything, everyone is so fragile around him, humans are fragile and die so easily and it's just a lot because he'd really like to just have someone to hold, someone who would want to hold him
this man needs some massive therapy, once again
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falinscloaca · 2 years
unhinged rant about recent events in kill six billion demons and how it isn’t actually shitty queer tropes but also very well might be but its also not finished so who knows whats actually going to happen it makes my head hurt a bit i saw a comment on twitter mentioning it and my brain internalized the FUCK outta wanting to bring up that topic somehow somewhere all this is pointless i’m going to explode. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ksbd: here! have some (questionably oversexualized) sapphics!
ksbd: here! have a character who was continually given transfeminine motifs actually (magic) transition! (for the record unlike the other parenthesis i don’t think this was badly handled much. (magic) is not a wince.) 
ksbd twitter: hey i know this is going to look bad and i promise i hate “this trope” (???? everyone assumes it is “bury your gays” but i don’t even know if that was what he was referring to????) but you gotta trust me
ksbd: ok so one of these disappears completely (and is implicitly dead by the others dialogue + not being seen later or anything) or die trying to save protag (also.... fellas devils can revive with their masks and they can have a *chance* at preserving *some* of their identities but. the mask fucking... *melted*. its a pile of sludge. three years in the narrative past. i’m not saying her making a comeback is *impossible* but the common “oh yeah allison will put the mask back together obvi” is so stupid) (also who knows if literally precidenceless angelhumans can revive like angels do. we do not know shiiiit yet)
ksbd: the omniscient character keeps implying that everything is prewritten and is rather ambivalent on whether our “hero” has the ability to still like. DO anything significant in the grand scheme anymore. like on one hand thats sorta implied but also like the insistence that free will is an illusion doesn’t mean that the character can’t actually start trying to Accomplish gay-people-who-died-related stuff anymore LMAO. like theres still an overall “give up and move on” vibe pervading all of this (which.... are we SURE “the trope” isn’t smth about “hero uses power of love to defy death” or some related shit like “hero... is a hero in the conventional sense and saves the day”? are we SURE this is about burying your gays or fridging women or something?? did abaddon say smth on discord or somewhere????) 
ksbd twitter: for once please take a character being defined one way (omniscent) at face value jesus christ guys (both related and unrelated to the whole Rocks Fall thing its just. added flavor to that whole last barely-can-even-be-called-a-paragraph)
ksbd: ok now that this whole depressing stint into our plucky implicitly-lesbian-but-never-actually-stated-to-be(PLEASE JUST CALL YOURSELF A DYKE ALICE. I. ACK. AUTHORS USE *WORDS* CHALLENGE) protagonist withering away completely is OVER, its DONE, the ultradepression segment is moving on, here comes *some guy!* (that people are making huge assumptions about being her ex-failed-fling and then making assumptions on top of that about him being here to try to help her somehow)
like, none of this is actually inherently shitty (well, none of the things that are actually the point of this, i dislike how cio and allison were framed since first official Couples Moment but that doesn’t REALLY factor in with this). gay people dying is fucking *fine* if the plot actually works. and i’m not actually worried it won’t! it *might* fucking suck but i’m not nearly as invested in “oh this is the worst thing on earth the author BETRAYED his gay fans” as the like two or three people in comments sections and tweets i saw (thus granting me this god damn thought cabinet affliction). the hyperbole that like three (other) people i’ve seen about “here comes some guy!” (which i will continue to mention like that bc even though i don’t take issue with it its FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) is just *delightfully* misplaced imo. but this is still stuff thats like... i don’t want to say trouble-ING but at the very least a bit trouble-SOME? its the kind of shit that’ll seem completely different (for better or worse!!) once the story actually finishes but for now is just like..... *Ehhhhhh...* 
(also a lotta people are more worked up about Cio which like, fair, she just got a god damn collectible statue made and has a massive sub-fanbase of her own, but like. she had arguably the *entire* comic being subtextually sapphic and about ~two books worth of being textually very much bi. white chain meanwhile transitions in a moment of triumph immediately before her moment of triumph gets blown the fuck up sflkdhlsdhlkhlkgsd. one (fucking LONG) fight scene later and she’s completely MIA and we have no *clue* how her dying would work out (though again thankfully for her that ambiguity means that unlike Cio her coming back to relevance one way or another is kiiiinda all but confirmed. like the possibility exists that she doesn’t get to reincarnate she’s a human now Git Gud Scrubs but that writing decision sucks so bad that not even my worst-faith version of the author would pull that lksfdjlkfsdljksfdjkl) so she’s just kinda In Limbo And We’re Supposed To Just Kinda Treat Her As “dead details pending”. it sucks ass.) 
but yeah all this is like. seeing hints of genuinely fucking terrible writing flaws but they don’t *actually* exist yet but they do but they don’t yes they don’t no they do </3. (also with a queer author i wouldn’t even bat an eye at this. like who cares. in my writing ideas i have a *terrible* track record at killing anyone but i strive for the guts to just drop pianos on my hapless transsexuals)
so all in all this was pointless but if i didn’t write it i would physically explode
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acluelessfangirl · 21 days
Now I am the first to admit that I am terrible when it comes to consistent spirituality and witchery; the result of many things that's a way more personal post than I'm gonna put on tumblr but I digress. However, I am both pleased and exasperated to say that when my spirit team needs to get a message through they have figured out how to hit me over the head with a proverbial brick.
Or rather a proverbial shield.
About, oh three years ago now? I fell head first into arthuriana as a special interest (among other big positive changes) and my spirit guide team went 'Ah, now see we can work with that' (apparently anime is not their preferred appearance lmao) and since then that's how I get everything and honestly I'm very much ok with it. My parents even got me the Arthurian Magic book (a good resource but I also have feelings about parts lol), and I found one very specific tarot deck they like that I use a combination of physical and digital cards for.
For me, the most amusing part of it all is that when my guides want my attention they start throwing names in my path. It's not that hard since I work in customer service; names, addresses, emails, and all sorts of things suddenly become full of familiar names of people and locations. (there was one week at an old job where I swear to god I helped every Morgan in the city.)
So for the past two weeks, I've been having that experience, including an incredibly funny (to me) moment where a guest in the lobby goes "Where is Sir Lancelot?!" and I snap to attention (because Lancelot? in my workplace?). But the stress has been a lot so I haven't really been paying attention to this other than momentary chuckles and lift-me-ups. Until today when I pulled up a guest's information to get their account settled and their name is Percival.
Now mind you I also helped an absolutely adorable grandmother named Kay, but Kay has been one of my known guides since they decided that this is how they want to present themselves. I adore him, both the knight proper and my guide who presents as him, but I don't always listen to him right away. (in fact, when I'm stressed and depressed listening to my guide team is the last thing I wanna do even though it's the first thing I should do.)
No, the reason why Percival got my attention (in hindsight you'd think it'd have been the guy shouting about Lancelot, but alas) is because Percival is a Grail Knight and... Well...
I kinda, sorta, really hate the Holy Grail.
Like, it's no secret in my house that I am so exasperated by how grail-centric all of the Arthurian magic books are. I did not find Arthur's court because of the grail, I do not want the grail and do not ever intend to even think about going on a quest or search for the grail. I hate that damn cup.
But also that's not a name you see every day, at least not where I live..
So I came home, walked the dog, and finally did cards and... Yeah, Percival. First as Justice, then the High Priestess, and then the Knight of Cups.
Yes, he is a Grail Knight, but that's not why he was brought to me and it's not relevant to our upcoming adventure outside of the fact that it's a title he has.
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samplingmoonsters · 3 years
Hear me out— Dream, a average normal guy, suddenly got transported into his favorite novel "The Making of DSMP", as the main Villain— bUT, Instead of doing the whole evil thing he just kinda stays in the sidelines hoping that the plot can continue without him, unbeknownst to him, he sorta low-key kind of made Prince Technoblade of the Antarctic Empire, Who's suppose to be his sworn lifetime enemy throughout the whole book— falls for him instead. Cue funny plot speed run >:D — || Owline Hoot ||
That would be such a good idea 😭 everyone would just be so confused why the villain suddenly stopped doing bad things! And the plot reminds me so much of isekai animes :o does this mean Dream would be OP in the world he got sucked into like the average Isekai protagonist? Would make it even more funny since Dream would have all that power but he doesn't do anything with it!!
I guess Technoblade would fall in love with him during a duel, seeing how powerful Dream is and what a sweet nature he has would make him instantly simp for blonde. He's a simple man, you see, one good duel and a cute guy smiling at him and he's done for lol
Also, what if Dream was like a engineer or something in the real world, and now that he's trapped in a magic world that's basically plays around in the middle ages or something, Dream could do so much good with his modern knowledge!!! Just imagine him fusing technology with magic and creating fantastic things.
Maybe at this point we can add some drama, like people thinking that the new guy that came out of the feared forest unharmed, and who wears strange clothes, is a witch. Now Dream is hunted by the church and prince Techno has to safe him before he gets burned on a cross in the middle of the market. Maybe after that, Techno makes Dream his court inventor.
And so they fall in love and do cute stuff and have sex lmao.
About the end...
We can either make it fluffy or angsty.
Angst option: Dream finally finds a way to go back to his own world. He can't stay here forever. On earth there are people waiting for him, friends, family etc. So he says Goodbye to Techno and goes away.
Fluff option: Dream didn't have a happy life on earth. He was depressed, poor, no friends, and no contact with his family. Getting sucked into a alternative dimensions was a blessing. He met a lot of amazing people, and even fell in love with a prince. When he finds a way to return to his own world, he doesn't take it. He stays with Techno and his friends inside the story book forever :) (this ending would certainly suit the isekai vibes I was going for more. Most protagonists from those animes didn't have a good life in the real world and it was a blessing for them to escape to another dimension)
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elfyourmother · 2 years
okay i guess we’re grief processing on tumblr. i’d appreciate it if you don’t reblog this because i legitimately don’t have the spoons rn to deal with anyone acting up on it
my aunt was so wonderfully weird. and ftr I do mean weird, not eccentric. “Eccentric” would imply money we absolutely do not have lmao
Imagine Ouiser from the original Steel Magnolias as a broke ass Black woman and that was my aunt. (But she used to hate when we would call her Ouiser fjdfs) She even had the big gigantic dog with anxiety. (RIP Fats, your mom’s finally home with you again.)
Like the rest of my mom’s siblings she was creative and artsy. she drew like the rest of them, and adored classical music and opera, but she also studied ballet at the Joffrey Ballet and desperately wanted to be a dancer. They found cysts on her spine though, so that took care of that. She didn’t let it stop her from loving the arts though, even though she what my mom did and gave it up for a more “practical” career.
Shrimp Fried Rice was her favorite thing in the world to eat. She’d eat the cold leftovers for breakfast while we watched the Twilight Zone. Mind you everything I learned about cooking I learned from her, including how to make that marinara sauce I just posted. She was Iron Chef Italian. Learned at the feet of an old nona in her building growing up, even. (Brooklyn was a lot less segregated back then, funny enough.) But that shitty shrimp fried rice was like the gods’ own ambrosia to her.
She loved loved loved sci-fi and fantasy and horror. We bonded over Lord of the Rings, when I showed her the extended versions (she rarely if ever went to theaters tbh). We would marathon them every Xmas and drive my mom insane. And she really did go to the very first Trek con ever held, the one at the Hilton in Manhattan in the 70s. Still had her ticket and everything. It’s probably worth a small fortune tbh. (I told y’all this shit was genetic) She was TOS only though, as she would holler to anyone who would listen, including me. Picard was “pointy bald headed motherfucker” according to her. Somewhere she still has TOS zines and like, Spock was her Blorbo, if ever there was one. Years ago when I was living out west, she even called me in the middle of my work day solely to brag about how she met Shatner and Nimoy at one of the casinos because they were making an appearance at a fan event together, something they very rarely did in later years. “Hey Aurora I just met Nimoy again. Have fun at that shitty ass job today.” was the entire voicemail she left me fsdjkfsdfs
That’s just how she was though. Extra at all times, snarky, witty, phasers set to roasting (affectionate) at all times. The quintessential Gemini if ever there was one (her birthday is 2 days after mine, even). I still laugh about the look of absolute murder she gave my sister’s stereotypically, painfully Midwestern friend when she suggested we eat at McDs while we were on a post-cruise vacation in Rome.
She did slip into Archie Bunkerism in her later years and eventually I sorta had to take her in small doses, if I’m honest. She was very set in her ways in a lot of respects. But she was still wickedly, wickedly funny, even when the dementia started getting bad. In hindsight there’s a lot of her in me, the best parts I think. Well, and the depression. (The queer part I got from my uncle, who was equally weird and artsy.)
I mean she was 86 and had been sick for a long time but I’m honestly still in shock. I found out on Friday night and I still can’t really believe it. She was such a larger than life character, the sort you just kind of assume will be around as long as Keith Richards. Never, ever boring and never, ever apologetic. The world is a little more boring without her in it hollering about Patrick Stewart’s pointy bald head.
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vimbry · 2 years
thoughts on Undyne for the character opinion bingo thing please :D
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undyne may not fill a lot of squares on here but I really enjoy her as a character! the villain-turned-goofy ally is such a treat when executed well, which she is, massively. it's so easy to forget she's initially presented as a threat because her mid-game-onwards screentime makes her friendlier characterisation the most memorable. when they're thrust into social situations they're completely unprepared for and have never let their guard down before, so they're really intimidating and overdramatic, like just. trying to be hospitable to frisk at her house, it's peak comedy. (lmao she's a f. fish she's. fish out of w)
I think it's so funny how she's essentially a spoof on the tortured anime warrior/atoner-type and sorta bases her personality off the stuff alphys shows to her. I love that she's a big idiot softy who seems to prioritise physical strength and power at first, but can't help but love her and also papyrus even if they're a bit pathetic in some ways, because she admires their passion.
and there's actually such little on her in the story beyond her present character! we get how she challenged asgore when she was little, and met alphys after talking her out of a depressive episode, both of which are such fasciating insights into her character. but they kinda stop there! there's still a lot of mystery to her. she's so dedicated to her cause that she's fully willing to kill frisk at first, until their kindness/monster kid's influence makes her reconsider everything.
she turns so quickly that it could be argued her heart was never really in the idea violence for the sake of it as she appears, or maybe that she's never had to question it before. what made her so passionate in the first place, did asgore end up training her as a successor to his goals or did she follow it to please him? why is she only monster able to withstand the attacks in the no-mercy route? she seems so naive about anything outside of fighting, so what were her life experiences like growing up? undertale you have too much going on (in a good way).
also her design, is fantastic. I love an anthro-aquatic/fish creature they're so visually appealing!
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riacte · 4 years
as the no 1 blue bats stan, how similar in vibes are purple penguins and blue bats???? because to me they are so darn similar,,,,, - ghastly-ghostie
😳😳 no 1 blue bats stan? Nah not me lmao, we have the animatic peeps and Frostbyte Freeman and Fruit himself—
But yes!! They may resemble Orange Ocelots in terms of the game order, but I think they had Blue Bats vibes!!
(Disclaimer: I did not fully watch Purple’s POV. I saw HITW, Terra Swoop Force, Rocket Spleef, SoT, Build Mart and ofc Dodgebolt.)
1) The Encouraging Leader (H and Pete)
Both didn’t win in their last MCC, and they’re given a chance this time. Both are charismatic and charming leaders in their own ways with a heavy respect for the hermits/Kara that many other competitive players don’t show.
2) The Chill Sensei (Fruit and False, kind of)
Both have proven their worth in past MCCs, but still sorta underestimate themselves while at the same time knowing they’re pretty damn decent players. Both are comparatively quiet and don’t like to interrupt others, but their ideas are often well thought out.
3) The Dodgebolt Prophecy/ The One Who Has Potential But Is Insecure (False and Grian)
Both are noted to be quite competitive and have pop off potential. They just need someone/something to make them go feral.
4) The Also Insecure Hype Support That Also Pops Off (Ren and Kara)
Both are extremely friendly and supportive people who never hesitate to offer an encouraging word. They keep on underestimating themselves and apologising for “performing badly” but everyone else, especially the leaders (H and Pete), are Having None of It.
Now onto the similarities:
Circumstances, maybe? Pete didn’t get into Dodgebolt last time so he probably wants to (like how H didn’t win in MCC8?). Grian has never been to Dodgebolt and desperately wants to step foot in the arena exactly like pre-MCC9 RenFalse. Kara and pre-MCC9 False were both loyal participants who got bottom half. Fruit and Kara both won once before.
Established duos: hermit duo (RenFalse and GrianFalse) and the non-hermit but we’re friends duo (Cherrybomb and PeteKara).
The structure. Two hermits and one S tier/ beloved leader. H and Pete are Known for getting into Dodgebolt. For the hermit half, Grian has never won, like RenFalse. (Also one HEP member and one MR member but that’s kinda irrelevant lmao)
Training arc. Both built up trust, affection, and there was a lot of chill bantering without ignoring strategy.
H and Pete wholly believed in their insecure teammates
Enter the Dodgebolt Prophecy: H screamed about False carry, Grian got an ace in practice Dodgebolt. Note: both are hermits who had never been into Dodgebolt before.
Slept on (kinda). Blue was almost completely slept on, while Purple was generally ranked 4th to 8th. Purple was not really slept on though because some people (like me haha) know their potential
MCC Day. Cherrybomb (H and Fruit) wanted to win, while RenFalse didn’t believe they could even come close. However, False is more confident now. On a whole, Purple wanted to win.
First half. Blue did average, while Purple... got kinda low to average tbh.
The First Game Changer: Ace Race and HITW. Fruityloops popped off in Ace Race while False magically glitched through the walls with the power of Protagonist Armour (yes she’s the protag no you can’t argue with me /lh). This boosted their morale after a rather depressing start. They all start screaming for the Chill Sensei (Fruit/False) and their amazing performance.
The Hype Support!! Ren and Kara were both ecstatic for the teammates despite thinking they did badly and “dragged the team down”. These two were literally like “Y’ALL AMAZING!! i just suck lmao”. They trusted their team more than they trusted themselves. H and Pete were quick to encourage Ren and Kara. (Of course the other teammates also did, it’s just that the Encouraging Leaders were a bit more significant.)
Then the TRUE GAME CHANGER. If Blue had SG, Purple had Rocket Spleef. Although Purple’s victory was predictable compared to Blue Stab Domination. Either way, this cheered them up immensely. Suddenly, the hermitteam was a threat! Wow! Reddit! Who could’ve known! Much surprise. I am so so surprised that the S tier with hermits (that have been playing for ten years)and amazing support is doing well. Wow. It’s almost like a very specific community totally didn’t believe in Blue and Purple from the very beginning. Underdogs RISE UP! :DDD
Sands of Time. Blue did okay and made smart moves, Purple was scuffed but they were also smart even though Pete died and Grian couldn’t get out. Either way, SoT allowed them to keep/improve their current ranking.
I’ll omit Build Mart, since that was almost exactly like MCC11 Orange Ocelots. However, one similarity: one very important late game. Blue got their least wanted game but did amazing anyway. Purple got their most wanted game and did amazing. They also upset everyone, which I will say again, is very sexy of them. Nothing is better than teams raising the middle finger to Reddit predictions. I’ll say Build Mart could be an extension of Rocket Spleef aka. Purple’s SG since both games brought the teams to Dodgebolt.
Dodgebolt. Oh man. Similarity: Reverse Sweep. Difference: ... on different sides of the reverse sweep
Dodgebolt Prophecy comes true: False almost managed a 1v3, Grian was a fucking beast with his quick fire. Audience started screaming/simping about False and Grian.
KARA CLUTCHED NOT UNLIKE FALSE SUPREMACY!! We have underestimated women on the arena with their boizz (and False for Purple) cheering for them!!
Let us talk about Fruity B and Grian. One takes his time to shoot and gets killed because of it. One does NOT take his time to shoot. Both strategies were successful to some degree. I just think this is funny.
One thing I’ll always remember is that how H screamed “LET’S MAKE THIS INTERESTING!!” This to me, boosted his team because it sort of implies even if they lost Dodgebolt, they already won because they gave Green a victory they had to fight for. Purple certainly made the Dodgebolt interesting with the initial domination and Grian’s quick fire. This is why I think they were happy with second— they popped off and had no regrets.
In conclusion: both teams completely fucking upset Reddit with SG and Build Mart. And they’re so (deservedly) smug about it because they KNOW their worth, it’s just that A Lot of People Didn’t. They had similar structures with similar dynamics and cheeky bantering/supportive/wholesome vibes. We have no choice but to stan.
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marswr1tes · 3 years
what do you mean, "you love me"?
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requested? yes / no
request: I wanna make a request for Leo Valdez pls anything angsty and lovey// Hi, about the Valdez imagine—I didn’t have anything specifically in mind just something angsty and romantic and stuff! I can’t find a lot of stuff on Leo and he’s my favorite // Actually an enemies to lovers Leo imagine would be rly cool now that I think about it
pairing: leo valdez x gn!reader
author's notes: hey ,, hey ,, how y’all doing....i’m so sorry i took a very long leave. after i got out of the hospital from being sick, my grandmother almost died from brain fluid leaking, and then i fell into a depressive episode, and a whole lot of shit happened so i couldn’t write. it’s honestly kinda pathetic of me though lmao, i should’ve gotten this out way earlier than i did. anywho, this is set around a week after july 4, you can decide the year x. also you'll have to forgive me if i got some things wrong, i haven't read the books in a while oops(i found the header here) ((ALSO THIS IS SO SHITTY AND SO RUSHED IM SO SORRY))
warnings: shouting/yelling, non-consensual kiss(but it's okay, because the person being kissed was okay with it)
tags: @stylishharry
word count: idk man i didn’t count lmao
peaceful dreams. you finally had peaceful dreams. well, sorta. you were having a dream about the second titan war -which wasn’t peaceful, believe me- but in the grand scheme of all demigod dreams, this was on the more relaxed side. you were currently fighting an empousa with your friend, rose , but just as you were about to stab it, the scenery had changed, and your older brother jake loomed over you.
"y/n." he shook your body. "y/n, wake up." you shielded your face with your arms and rolled over.
“what is it now?" you asked him.
"it's chiron. he wants you at the big house, says you're in big trouble. i think it has to do with the prank you pulled last week." you groaned. last week, while everyone had gone to the cookout and firework show, you had "rickified" every cabin, except for yours. every single cabin,building, and any place you could stick pictures, had been completely covered in pictures of rick astley. and while it wasn't your best prank, you had a very fun time watching everyone think they had found the last of the pictures, just to be met with more. needless to say, chiron was upset. wanting to get in further trouble, you hauled yourself out of bed and to your suitcase. you then grabbed an outfit and headed towards the bathroom to change.
inside the big house, you were met with two unfriendly faces. one belonged to your favorite centaur, chiron, and the other belonged to your least favorite person to exist, leo valdez. there actually wasn’t a good reason you disliked the guy. for gods’ sake, you barely knew him! at first you thought it was his face, but after thinking about it-though you would never verbally admit it-he was attractive. anyway, there you were, in front of chiron and leo.
“so,” chiron began. “both of you are here for chores. first you’ll be cleaning the stables, then you’ll be cleaning the armor and weapons, then you’ll be deep cleaning all the cabins while the other campers are out, and then you’ll be coming back here to clean the big house. i’ll be giving you the list in case you forget, and come back here if you have any questions throughout the day. understood?” you nodded. leo slightly adjusted his tool belt before opening his mouth to ask a question.
“we’re doing this all together?” chiron nodded.
“of course. i couldn’t imagine why you wouldn’t be.” he answered. then you piped up.
“could we split the list in half and work separately but still get everything done?”
“while that could work and i suppose i’d be pleased with the outcome, part of the punishment is working together. i’m not blind, you two. i know you dislike each other. and anyways, wouldn’t it take longer to do on your own?” leo and you stayed silent.
“well then, off you go, children. and leo, dear, before you go, your belt please.” chiron said.
“my what?” leo looked back at the centaur.
“your tool belt? hand it over.”
and so you went, to the stables and to the arena, to the cabins and back to the big house, cleaning and organizing everything without a word shared between you two. or rather, leo tried to make small talk, but you ignored him and moved away. finishing up, you put the mop back in the closet, before you dusted your shirt off and headed off to your cabin to freshen up for dinner. as you grabbed your comb off your nightstand, there was a knock at your door. assuming it was rose coming to walk you for dinner, you ran over with a smile on your face. opening the door, that smile immediately dropped.
“go away.” you said. and then you slammed the door on him. leo looked hurt, but he got over it, and he knocked again.
“just go away, leo, no one asked you to talk to me.”
“i’m not leaving.”
“please just go.”
“no, this isn’t up for debate. i’m staying.”
“what the fuck is your issue? what the fuck do you think you’re playing at?”
“i- what?”
“is this some sort of sick game to you? is this funny to you, leo?” you asked angrily.
“i don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, y/n?”
“the fact that you never seem to think of what’s going on through my head!”
“seriously, what on the gods green earth are you saying?”
“i love you, okay? i love you, i love you, i love you! and i’ve loved you since you camp to camp! i love the way you fix your hair, i love your smile, i love the way you jump around when you get excited, i love the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you’re passionate about, i love the way you play with those trinkets of yours, i love the way when i rant about something you actually listen, even though i’m not talking to anyone but myself and even though we’re supposed to be enemies because no one has ever cared about me that much before. i love you and you don’t even notice. and that drives me up the wall.”
“what do you mean ‘you love me’? i see the way you look at grayson. i hear you giggle when they say something flirty to you. i see how flustered you get when they smirk at you. i notice these things, y/n, i notice. and i notice that i’m never on the receiving end of these actions. oh my gods, i wish you looked at me like that. like i’m the only one that’s for you. like the world could be ending but at least we’re together.”
“did you ever stop to think that i was doing it for you to be jealous? because funnily enough, i did. i thought i could distract my own jealousy and anger and pain by becoming obsessed with grayson. i don’t know exactly what i expected from it, but i know that i didn’t expect to imagine that me and grayson’s interactions were ours.”
“...did you really?”
“of course i did. and i meant every word of loving you too. i truly love you, leo. and it’s kinda weird i’m saying this because i know you’re not supposed to drop the bomb this early on-“
he interrupted you with a kiss. his lips were chapped and tasted a little like chocolate.
“i love you too, y/n. and i’m sorry about all the things i caused.”
“don’t worry about all that, because at least we’re together, eh?” he grinned that perfect smile of his.
“at least we’re together.” he said, then placing his lips back onto yours.
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loseyoutoloveme · 3 years
will you do a song by song review for life support? i really liked the ones for sweetener and thank you next!
oh absolutely, i’d love to! thank you for asking and being interested 🖤 all thoughts below.
the beginning:
this was such a great way to open this album, it’s so cinematic and really sets the mood so perfectly. one of my fav instrumental intros i’ve ever heard.
good in goodbye: “you put the over in lover, put the ex in next.”
the lyrics are so wonderfully corny and i’ll love this song forever, like the chorus is literally just so fun to sing along to.
i do think it feels a little... shallow compared to the rest of the album, and the album being released so long after this song came out makes it feel disconnected from the rest. but i love it so i don’t care.
default: “i know, i know this must be coming for me, i swear, i swear i will be the end of me, the end of me.”
this song is just sooo...... OUCH!
i’m obsessed with the way the chorus just SOUNDS like an emotional spiral, like her life falling apart, like falling into a deep depression, and then the outro builds like destructive racing thoughts.
also i never noticed the wave crashing and the bubbles at the very beginning until really recently, and i love that little touch. the whole song feels so underwater. cloudy and fuzzy. it does a good job of depicting certain symptoms of various mental illnesses.
follow the white rabbit: “is it haunting, baby, that i’m wanting, baby, that i’m wanting, wanting you?”
i actually was fully not expecting to like this that much based off the snippets she’d shared, but omg this left me WEAAAAK on first listen, which was the best surprise
there are definitely so many layers to these lyrics too, despite it being just a bombastic sexy toxic love song on its surface, particularly when thinking about the album as a commentary on mental illness, and some of the breakup/love songs as metaphors rather than straightforward love songs. definitely about infatuation and toxicity and perhaps knowingly entering a bad relationship as a bad coping mechanism, a way to avoid dealing with your pain or (as we see in effortlessly) a way to just feel anything at all.
effortlessly: “i hold my breath to breathe, hurt me so i feel, used to do these things so effortlessly somehow.”
oh god this song is just a punch in the stomach
i ALSO didn’t really expect to love this one based on snippets but the lyrics are just devastating and perfect and i hope speak to anybody who has struggled with self-harm and medication.
i don’t even have thoughts on this song, it just makes me go jsn*@(#nkdasdnkasd7*@U#j2k3n
love that this is such a fan favourite. it deserves!
stay numb and carry on: “truth is it was never love, your fault if you thought it was.”
the reverse “i’ve become emotionless” at the beginning >>>
also love the “i was gin and you were toxic . . . wish we’d just stayed plaTONIC” like a platonic relationship would be the opposite of toxic. it’s such fun wordplay.
also “i don’t feel like anyone” makes me emo, she really just slid the most simple but heartbreaking lines in everywhere and you don’t notice them until they hit you out of nowhere one day and you’re like ...OH
in conclusion, madison beer is a vessel for god
blue: “you could be as sweet as honey but i knew the darkness in your mind.”
this is my least favourite on the album but it’s still fantastic
the lana influence is clear without being too copycat, like it’s still SO madison. sorta like lana’s video games modernized and adapted into something truer to madison’s vibe.
love love love the whole outro
glad that this wasn’t a single like it was planned to be
interlude: “would you do that shit for me too?”
this album in general is just not really for people who don’t like vocoders and lots of technical effects. i looove that she leaned into it so hard bc it’s so HER.
this song also has so much depth for an interlude, relaying the experience of feeling SO hard about people, and realizing like you’re putting in way more than you’re getting back.
the post-chorus is like... 🤩🌌💫☄️🌠
homesick: “these humans speak my language, still don’t understand it.”
THIS SONG...... IS MY BABY......
oh god it just breaks my heart on every listen. the image in my head is of a little girl talking to the stars.
and why does the line about her mom and dad make me wanna cry every time? i have no idea.
i’m sure she’s not the first person to ever use this metaphor for mental illness, expressing the alienation of mental illness (especially one as stigmatized and misunderstood as bpd) by talking about LITERAL aliens sdkjfsdfksd, but she does it SOOOOO well and sincerely that it feels like it’s uniquely hers.
the rick & morty sample is so funny and so weird and so madison. i will probably never watch an episode of that show in my life.
10000000000/10 this song is the loml
selfish: “shouldn’t love you but i couldn’t help it, had a feeling that you never felt it.”
my absolute favourite of all of the singles, noooo question about it. it’s a perfect, perfect, perfect song.
two years, alone on new years’, nightclubs, gemini... women writing lyrics with very specific details about the shitty men that the song is about... it’s everything to me.
this song will just NEVER age. every time i listen to it, it’s like the first time all over again.
sour times: “don’t know what song of mine you heard that made you think i’d want to spend the night with you.”
home with you’s big sister<3 
not the strongest lyrics, but the concept and production are more than strong enough to carry the song.
she came on this bitch mad as hell
also love that this have been another fan favourite, seemingly??
men gross
boyshit: “don’t know how to talk or communicate, we’re so on and off, to you it’s a game.”
it took me awhile to get into this when it was a single ngl, probably because it came out the same night as evermore sjdknfsfnkjsd, but once i got into it, it became the best song ever
she’s soooo reliable with her “men ain’t shit” songs ugh
baby: “i’m a handful but that’s what hands are for.”
when this came out as a single it was the only thing i listened to for a solid week and a half. just an excellent song. the chorus is evvverrryttthhhiiinnnnggg.
stained glass: “my life’s a still fading memory of what i can’t have, and everything ’round me is starting to fade into black, but black and white is so much better, i’m learning how to hide my colours.”
i’m so surprised by how much non-stans seem to love this omg, it’s never been a fav of mine, as much as i still love it
but i’m obsessed with how different and distinctly madison it is
also this is a much more genuine take on the “pls stop being mean to me just bc i’m famous / you don’t know what people are going through” type of song than most of the others i’ve ever heard. her pain is evident, and the soft “i just might break” is just..... </3
the glass breaking and little scream are so good
she loves a good metaphor and so do i!
emotional bruises: “how do i word this? was about to write you this letter, but it was just curses in cursive, you probably deserve it.”
this was definitely my most anticipated song along with everything happens for a reason, like i listened to the snippet on repeat CONSTANTLY lmao. and the full song definitely lived up.
the scribbling sound is so fun, i love her obsession with little real-life sound effects
everything happens for a reason: “i still can’t find a reason you’d wanna hurt me so bad.”
again, this was for sure one of my most anticipated songs and just kjsadsdkajsm god i love love love it
i think she posted a video one time of the song over a clip of the mermaids from peter pan and it was so pretty and i still picture that video when i hear this song. it’s just soooooo hazy and dreamy and retro and perfect.
also the song on the album where she got to show off her vocals the most. she found her niche with this song, truly.
oh my god i was FLOOOOOORED at the dear society clip. dear society was and is one of my FAVOURITE songs, and i appreciate her reasoning for not including it on the album (just wanting some space for a new song instead of one we’d already had for so long), but it did hurt a lil. i was so happy she found a little way to include it :’) rip to hurts like hell tho since she didn’t get the same treatment sjdnksd.
the channel surfing is also just such a fun concept for an outro.
and her laughing with her producers at the end followed by such a sweet calming tropical instrumental...... oooo it’s so nice, it feels like the calm after the storm.
overall, this album was just SO worth the wait, it’s so fantastic, it’s the loml, one of my favourite albums ever. i LOVE that it’s helped anyone with BPD feel seen and understood, and as someone who doesn’t have bpd but has a couple of loved ones who do, the emotions she expressed in these lyrics have helped me to understand this disorder more too. just such a special album.
most of the criticism i’ve seen of the album has been that it’s overproduced, and that’s definitely criticism that i understand, bc it IS heavy on the technical side and some people just don’t like very heavy production, buuuut... some people do! i do! madison does! and heavy production does not automatically make an album bad. this type of production isn’t something that i expect her to move away from, because it’s clearly her thing, and maybe that just means her place in the industry will be more with the heavy heavy pop fans and maybe even in more hyperpop circles. i also think it’s SUPPOSED to be overproduced; it’s supposed to be a mess of emotions and sometimes a little chaotic. she executed it very well.
i hope by the time her next album is out, people will stop comparing her to like every single artist out there. some reviewers seem determined to pigeonhole her and compare her to every female artist under the sun, which feels like an absolute disservice to me. she is influenced by many different people and they comes out in her music, as it does any artist’s because everybody has their inspirations, but her sound is VERY much her own. as someone who has liked her for years, i can absolutely feel her essence in each song and nobody else’s.
a 10/10 album and such an amazing, promising debut<3  
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schaefferisqueen · 4 years
Starship Song Ranking
ughhhh so so little songs why that makes it harderrrrrrr. okay so it was kinda easy but rlly depressing cuz I love most of these song and I didn't want to but I had to oops. also I didnt include beauty reprise cuz it not on soundtrack (if I had it would be last btw) BUT OMG THE PUPPETRY AND THE ACTING AAAAHHH AND THE SONGS DARREN KILLED ITTTTTT
9. Beauty (ok I know this is unpopular but lets be real its pretty on point for me lmao; dont get me wrong I love brant he's amazing and his voice is great I just dont like this song it kinda awk and I just never really vibe with it)
8. Get Back Up (WWOOO YA LAUREN ok so this song is great I just,,,, like others more I also dont vibe with it that much oh well; also joes up voice is so fuckign funny and perfect for the character also Lauren accent is great I love taz and the DANCING omfg dancing I dieeeeeee and Joe m and Julia as krayonder and specs is so good like hell ya love them)
7. Kick it Up a Notch Reprise (hELL YA GO BRIANNNNNNN king kills it I love him YA IM SMOKIN POT lmaoooooooooo the line kills me every time and this would have been higher but um,,,, its not soooooooooo oh well it so funny and the vfx in the recording are so dumb but make it so fucking funny and junior just flat out murdering every bug he sees RIP Buggette)
6. Life (HELL YA JOEY GO JOEY he kills this entire fucking show like wtf he's puppeteering, playing the lead, acting, and singing for like 3 hrs straight so fucking impressive go OFF king also I love this song and how they incorporate it into Kick it Up it such a great sweet sad song aahhh I stan)
5. Hideous Creatures (hOly shit I LOVE this song I dont know why so many people including the starkids hate it I think its amazing such a bop and so catchy and you can here who is singing what part which I love trying to pick apart aaaahhhh it so good FIGHT ME I DARE YOUUUUUUUU)
4. I Wanna Be (aaaaa this is amazing opening number like it sets up the show so well and shows off the puppeteering skills of everyone and how practiced and rehearsed they are and I love and Joey and Brant slay the song they are so good and have so much talent and I love listening to this song I also love how they put it in homecoming it was so funny and iconic and joey messing up was funny but great and amazing and aaa I can't wait to rank hoco anyways everyone is so good in this and the harmonies and the jokes and brant being like YOU IDIOT lmaoooo I love this song)
3. Status Quo (hELL YAAAAAA GO JOEYYYYYY this song slays so hard and Mariah and Alex singing at hoco broke me I cant ANYWAYS I love this song and it so good and I love the fucking message kill the status quo it is toxic and complete SHIT omfg I hate cliques and status quo and it go DIE not jeez anyways kudos to Darren for writing a bop with an amazing message he so good at that ahujfkhsdfjk)
2. The Way I Do (ok I love this song especially the apocalyptour version but I sadly tend to forget that this is not just Dylan and Meredith killing it but Denise and joey are killing it tioooooo also joey’s lines in this song are so deep if you think abt it cuz he is directly contradicting what legit everyone else in the song is saying about knowing each other deep down and he's trying to admit to Denise that he's a bug but she so sweet and naive that she doesn't let him tell her and then the consequences later in the show aaaaaa I love it im sry I think abt this a lot and I always listen closer to joeys lines ANYWAYS great song makes me think deep thoughts all 4 kill it there u go)
1. Kick it Up a Notch (aAAAAAAAAA THIS FUCKING SONGGGGGGGGGG if u know me at all u know I am obsessed with this song and I may or may not have kinda sorta tried to record myself doing all the parts before and ya this song SLAPSSSSS so fucking hard like GO DYLAN WOOOOOO nD THEN BRIAN AND JAIME AND JIM WOOOOOOO THE SLAYYYYYYYYYY also Joey hell ya go joey but srsly I love this song it amazing and the harmonies and the vocals and everyone just all around killing a 7 min song is so iconic and I cant also this is one of the first songs that made me realize no matter what ensemble song jaime is in you can always hear her no matter what like im not kidding listen to any ensemble song jaime is in especially in homecoming lmao and you can hear her over everyone and I am here for it I love her my queeeeeeennnnnnn she slays ANYWASY ya this is Dylan ultimate villain song I love it this song is also the reason that Dylan jaime and brolden dominate rogues medley lmao)
OOOOOKKKK so that was long af (dont worry the one imma do for sk homecoming is longer) anyways thx for reading if u did! dm me or reblog or comment or smtg to let me know what you think! I enjoy doing these and reading ppl responses it is funnnnnn 
thank you glorious human beings for reading the whole fucking thing u absolute angels! good news, avps, mamd, avpm and others are already ranked! just waiting to me to add commentary lmao
<3, alimay
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queerdiaz · 4 years
was tagged by @meangirlsx and @dontfreakout. thank you sooo much for tagging me!!!
named after someone?- my middle name is after my grandma who I was born on the same birthday as hers, which I think is pretty cool! (we were also really close)
last time you cried?- yesterday. i’ve been crying a lot lately tbh 
do you have any kids?- lmao NOPE. the way i’ve been having to live i’m practically still a kid myself. BUT i do have 8 nieces and nephews and one on the way!
do you use sarcasm a lot?- oh for sure. i think i use it more irl than online tho. it’s more like funny/sassy/good natured sarcasm if that makes any sense? (usually)
what's the first thing you notice about people?- in person, their smiles/their sorta vibes. online, i’d say still their sorta vibes and their kindess. 
eye colour? hazel that sometimes turn into blue or green.
scary movie or happy ending? HAPPY ENDING ALL THE WAY. irl is already so damn scary/hard to deal with sometimes that i watch/read/cinsume stories to escape, i don’t wanna watch my characters go THROUGH IT and not get a happy ending. that’s hella depressing. also i don’t do scary movies. i get scared so easily and major nightmares (i used to get night terrors so watching a scary movie def never helped with that) 
any special talents- i honestly don’t know atm ngl ajhskjshkjsh
what country were you born in?- the us. 
what are your hobbies?- watching shows and movies. reading,  writing, spending times with my sis and mom. talking about fandoms/our books with my sister. 
what sports do you play or have you played?- when i was like 4 and 5 i played soccer and that’s about it besides the mandatory sports we had to play in P. E. alksjhjhsskjhd
how tall are you? 5'5
favourite subject at school? english literature
dream job?- published author and some kinda of psychologist. 
gonna tag: @dirtycandyy @alleyesoncarrie @dr-rigatoni @justaphantomband @oozing-chemistry and all of my awesome friends/mutuals/followers who wanna do this please do! (also if you already did this or don’t want to please don’t feel obligated to do so!)
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