#space buns are cute too ・3・
pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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chaser!James Potter x chaser!fem!reader
Summary: James is threatened by how good you are at Quidditch which means he hates you. And what emotion is closer to hate than love?
Genre: Angsty Fluff, 'rivals' to lovers <3
Warnings: James is seriously a dick in the beginning, teasing, slight bullying, swearing, fighting, social class differences, reader is an only child, didn't really understand how Quidditch Captains are appointed but bare with me <3
~ finally finished this! loved this ask anon! thank you, my lovely! ~
James Potter is sprawled across the large, maroon, couch in the center of the Gryffindor Common room, his arms draped over the cushions as his legs lay across Sirius Black's lap.
Sirius, who would probably mind more if he wasn't as drunk as his best friend. 
"I mean, fuck me, she wasn't even that good and McGonagall saw her and still looked at her like she'd just hung the moon in the sky!" James exclaims, his ears burning as he recalls Quidditch tryouts that morning. 
He's pissed. 
"You're just annoyed that she just started and now has a chance at Captain because Mini liked her so much," Sirius points out, which earns him a harsh swat on the top of his head.
James's face sours and he restrains himself from whining like a petulant child. Sirius was right, he was mad because you gave him a run for his money and no one has done that until now. 
This was supposed to be his year. McGonagall loved him (mostly)! The Captain position was basically promised to him since his second year and now you've come around and ruined this for him! 
"She's seriously not even that good, it's infuriating," James lies and looks around the small gathering they're having. He knows everyone can hear him but he doesn't care. "And she's so fucking annoying," he sounds bitter, "she's always talking everyone's ears off— and have you seen her stupid hair? She wore those fucking space buns just to make herself look cute, I swear!" He lifts himself off the couch for a moment, his arms raising in exasperation, and then lets out a sigh. 
"That is usually the reason girls do their hair, James, yes," Remus interrupts from the floor where he's reading his book, his back leaning against the couch. 
"Shut up," James grumbles and slumps back down. "I don't want her on the team. She's a nuisance already." 
"Speaking of," Peter adds, his voice smaller as he glances towards the stairs to the girls' dorms. James whips his head around and his eyes narrow. You're walking towards the small gathering with some friends. 
You're dressed in a Quidditch sweater that is only slightly oversized as the sleeves cover your hands. You're blissfully unaware of how much James Potter hates you so when you see him staring, you assume he wants to talk to you. You liked his company during tryouts. He was funny.
You'd always found him funny. 
So, you walk over with a smile and James struggles to sit up. He's very obviously sloshed. 
"Hello, Potter," you say and your smile widens. "This is Jane and that's Gabrielle," you introduce your friends. "I enjoyed try-outs, you were amazing. If I'm honest, I've always admired you during games. You're so talented," you feel yourself rambling but you're smiling too much to stop yourself, "I'm so happy we're gonna be on the same team now! I think we should–" 
James cuts you off, a mean smirk on his lips as he looks at his friends and the students around you, "What did I say? A little chatterbox this one is," he quips, not completely unaware of how harsh his words are even in his drunken state. 
Your hands fall at your sides, and the wind feels like it's been knocked from your lungs at his words when you realize he's making fun of you. You look at your friends and they stare at James with pronounced frowns.
"Oh," you whisper, but then you add, "That's not very nice, Potter." 
A little surprised you'd had the guts to stand up to him, James retorts instantly. "Yeah? Is it now, Y/l/n?" He sounds mocking again and you don't understand why. 
Your friends pull on your sleeve. "C'mon, Y/n, he's a prick," they turn you around, feeling how hurt you are as they walk away from James and his friends. 
"Classy, James, real classy," Remus mutters under his breath. 
And as awful as sober James might admit it is, he feels like he'd won something against you. 
* * *
You can't understand why James seems to hate you as much as he does. 
You've never been mean to him or done anything to harm him— on the contrary, you've only ever spoken highly of him and you know you've made a point of showing him that you trust him as a player when you're practicing. You want him to trust you too. 
And still, James hates you and he makes that very clear. 
He turns anything into a competition when it comes to you and it's obvious he takes pleasure in making you feel like shit.
As the days turn into weeks, you feel hopeless and even now you find yourself sitting alone on the grass during breaks, adjusting your uniform so you look busy as you hold in your tears. 
You can hear James's cruel whispers about you to your teammates, purposefully creating rifts between you and them so you'll feel even more alone.
"She's so desperate," James's mockery causes another ache in your stomach and you chew on your lip so hard you're afraid you'll draw blood. You try not to listen to him as the whistle blows and the practice game starts again. 
You're not on James's team this time–which means he either ignores you completely or targets you over anyone. As he hovers near you, you realize this morning it's the latter. 
Maria Baker throws you the Quaffle and just as she does, you can sense James coming. You avoid his shoulder just in time and, with a huff, you score into the nearest hoop.
This just infuriates James even more and ups his game—which means the next time you have the Quaffle, he flies up to your shoulder again and pushes you hard to the side. He jabs his elbow into your ribs, purposefully playing dirty. 
You wince. "O-ow, James, that hurts," you hiss, focusing on staying in the air as James rough-houses with you.
Your anger builds now and you shove him back, almost slipping from your broom as you try and defend yourself.
The Quaffle falls from your arms as James hits your shoulder with his again and you gasp. You expect him to rush to the ball and continue the game but he's furious from you shoving him so he grabs one of your braids and pulls. 
You feel yourself fall from your broom as you cry in pain and you turn your body, clutching the end of James's uniform and, with a grunt from him, you're suddenly both plummeting to the ground. 
You roll onto your stomach, falling onto James's chest as his arms automatically wrap around your back and he groans, looking up at you as you practically straddle his lap. Your head is throbbing from where he'd pulled your hair, your left braid messier than your right, and pure fury flashes in your eyes. 
You lean over James, grabbing a handful of his curls and you pull. "What the bloody hell is your problem? How do you like it, hm?! You insufferable jerk!" 
James doesn't take too kindly to this and he grabs your wrists, flipping you over so you're the one under him. His mum had told him never to hit a girl but oh does he want to hit you right now. You're staring up at him with that look he hates—the one that makes him feel all fluttery in his stomach.
You're struggling against his grip, grass in your hair. James's cheeks must be just as covered in dirt as yours are and his shoulder aches from the way he'd fallen. 
"Potter! Y/l/n!" The whistle blows and the current Captain, Ines Clarke, runs up with McGonagall behind her. She'd seen the commotion from inside and seemed more than furious as she rushed over.
Some of your teammates follow, including Sirius Black who grips James's collar and pulls him off you. You hear Sirius hiss, "Prongs!! What in Godric's name is wrong with you?!" and then McGonagall pulls your attention to her. 
Ines helps you up, looking concerned but then turns her attention to James. McGonagall walks over and when she sees the mess James has made of you, she frowns. "Are you alright, Miss Y/l/n?"
You nod, your lips pressed tightly as you see a bunch of your teammates have gathered around James as he rolls his shoulder. You look at your broom, which lies broken on the grass, and your eyes water. McGonagall senses your distress and she glances at James. 
"James Potter!" She suddenly snaps her dainty fingers and James is next to her in seconds, both hands gripping his only slightly damaged broom. 
It had been better quality than yours anyway. 
His nervous eyes dart from McGonagall to you as he takes you in. You stare at him, unable to look away from how messy you've made his naturally tousled hair and you wonder if grass and dirt stick to your cheeks just as they do to James'. 
"This," McGonagall points in between you both, "isn't how we do things here—you know this better than anyone, Mr. Potter. Your behavior is unacceptable." she reprimands him sternly and then looks at you, "and Miss Y/l/n, no matter how other teammates provoke you, you don't have the right to lay your hands on them either."
"No. No more buts." McGonagall ignores both your protests as she looks down at your broom. "You need to learn how to behave like a team."
She thinks for a moment. "Tomorrow morning, you'll travel to Hogsmeade so Miss Y/l/n can replace her broom. Mr. Potter, you'll help her without any complaints, and neither of you better step foot on the pitch again until you've worked out whatever this feud is." 
Your eyes widen. You want to tell McGonagall you cannot buy a new broom right now, but she clearly doesn't have anyexcuses about her new team bonding exercise. This means, much to your dismay, you end up waiting for James early the next morning, hugging your arms around you as you pick at the wool on your sweater. 
James is ten minutes late. You want to kill him. 
"Oi," his voice calls from behind you, irritatingly nonchalant. You turn and see he's also wearing his Quidditch sweater—which means you're now unintentionally matching—and a pair of casual trousers. James sends you a lopsided smirk, pushing his hands into his pockets as he sways on his feet almost awkwardly. "Why so gloomy, newb?" he mocks, the nickname rolling cruelly from his tongue.
You scrunch up your nose and spin around, walking in front of him as you clutch your purse. You don't want to give him a reaction and have him mock you the entire way into town. Instead, you both walk in silence, taking in the morning air and the sound of the birds.
Occasionally your purse will hit James's hip and he'll frown, opening to say another snarky comment until he sees a keychain; the one you have of Olive Gnats, a famous chaser from the Montrose Magpies.
"Oh, Gnats, I like her too—" he finds himself admitting before he can remind himself he hates you. 
You startle and clutch your keychain, wanting to hide it from him but then you look down and then back up at James. "O-oh, yeah, she's my favorite player. Her technique is incomparable."
"Seen her match last year?"
"'Course," you say, your tone less on edge now that you're talking about something you clearly love, and the rambling you do so much kicks in, "I would watch her every game ever since I was six years old. Have around ten posters in my room at home, some are old now but—I- I studied her moves when I would play around with my mum and dad—they also played in school—that's how they met—" You cut yourself off, James's earlier taunts ringing in your head. 
Your rambling is ignored as curiously overpowers him and James asks, "You have no siblings to play with?"
You shake your head. "Nope. Only child."
James's hazel eyes soften and he feels a funny feeling in his chest. "Oh, m-me too. Has its perks and its downfalls, y'know?" he whispers as he looks at you from the corner of his eye. His heart pounds.
The sun hits your skin just perfectly and your hair smells like cinnamon shampoo. James feels drawn to you again—just like he had in the beginning—and he wants to stop himself but when you laugh at his comment, he feels like an arrow has just shot his heart. 
"Oh yeah, it certainly does," you sound guarded again and James can't even be upset.
It's his fault you're like this around him.
He opens the door for you when you enter Quality Quidditch Supplies and the little bell rings. Instantly, you're drawn to the newest broom—displayed with polished wood and improved flying qualities—but you turn your head, knowing instantly you can't pay for a broom like that—
"Hey, look at this one," James's excitement tugs at your heart and you walk over, standing beside him as you can't help but admire the broom up close. "It feels amazing," James says as he runs his hand over the smooth wood. He's grinning. "This is the one, isn't it?"
You bite your cheek. You want it to be.
"I don't know, I–haven't seen the others," you whisper, avoiding James's eyes.
"What? What are you talking about? This one is the best by far, you aren't gonna find a better broom."
"I want to look around," you whisper, looking at the price of this broom, and your heart sinks.
"Y/n, this is ridiculous—"
"James, stop," you snap, very clearly annoyed. You can't tell if he means well by being persistent since he's only just now started to show you any form of kindness and this still feels like some cruel joke he's playing on you.
"I can't pay for this one—and the truth is I can't pay for any of these so—I- I think—" you pause, clutching at your purse desperately as you hold in tears of embarrassment. "I should tell McGonagall I couldn't find a broom I liked and I'll borrow an older one from my parents—
—plus, if I buy this one you'll just have another reason to hate me," you finish. 
Your words hit James hard as he takes in what you mean. Shame sneaks up on him instantly as he knows exactly why you would think that. It suddenly hits him just how threatened he's been and as silly as it sounds the only image in James's head is the disappointed look of his mother if she knew he had taken out his own insecurities on you. 
If Euphemia Potter knew how much of a dick he's been to you, she'd be horrified.
He looks at you closely, taking in how embarrassed you look. During tense moments with his friends, Remus had sometimes told him he was a spoiled rich boy—unaware of real struggles — and he'd always brushed him off.
Only this time, he can't unhear Remus's jab as he realizes how foolish he had been to assume anything about you.
"Oh," he whispers.
You look away at the other brooms. "I- I honestly didn't realize how expensive new brooms are. My mum and dad had gotten the other one for my eleventh birthday—I should have been more careful—" You sound sad and James's heart sinks. 
"Hey, listen, it's my fault your broom is broken. I- shouldn't have been so rough on you like I was. I'm sorry," he speaks up, sounding sincere and you look up at him, expecting a better explanation than that. 
"It's no excuse but, the truth is, I was incredibly threatened by you. You're so good, better than me even, and I really want Captain so—"
"I don't want Captain," you say instantly. "I just wanted to be on the team—"
At that point, James remembers what you'd said that night when he was piss-drunk in the Common Room. 'I've always admired you during games.' It dawns on him that you just wanted him to like you and, instead, he'd gone and seen you as an enemy. His chest hurts. 
He has never felt more like an ass than now. 
"Okay, well, um," he whispers, rubbing his nape, "Let me make it up to you then. I'll buy you the broom." James means well, he truly does, but it only makes you feel more embarrassed and you shake your head. 
"No. I don't need your pity," you say instantly as you stare at him, eyes narrowed. 
"I'm not pitying you! I'm fixing my mistake," he exclaims, his voice strained.
You open your mouth to protest when he adds, "Please."
James looks determined as he rummages through his robes for any spare change he can use and then he curses. "Shit, I didn't bring enough money," he mumbles and lifts his head, looking up at you with his puppy-like brown eyes. "I promise I'll buy it for you, Y/n. Okay? I'll make this right," he adds again and your expression softens. 
"Sure, James," you whisper, not entirely sure if you believe him. 
* * *
He did buy you the broom.
James had it wrapped neatly with a small letter signed J.P accompanied with the words, "I'm sorry," scribbled onto the parchment. 
Since that morning, he didn't ignore you anymore, he included you with the other teammates, and he played fair with you—even complimenting you sometimes. McGonagall had seen the change in dynamic and so had Ines, which she'd praised you both for.
"Good job, Y/l/n," Ines grins as she packs up her bags, "you and Potter seem to be getting on much better now." She winks and her comment passes over you as you focus on untying your ponytail, rubbing your scalp. 
The rest of the team has fallen in front of you, laughing and chatting as they walk back to the dorm. You're lost in the moment, struggling with holding your bag as you run your hand in your hair, the tightness of the ponytail was causing you a headache. 
Suddenly, you suddenly squeal when you almost trip over James—who had bent down to tie his shoes and had been separated from the group. 
He grunts and stands up, turning around and catching your arm as he steadies you. 
"Oh hey, Y/n," he grins, and then he glances at your poor bag hanging from your arm. Swiftly, he takes your bag and holds it over his other shoulder, not even commenting on the gesture. 
"Want some company walking back to the Common Room?" he asks casually.
You blow some strands away from your eyes as you look up at him, grateful for the momentary relief from your bag as the pain in your scalp subsides.
"Sure," you say, reaching for your bag but James holds it up and away from you. 
"Let me be a gentleman here," he teases.
You roll your eyes with no malice. "Hero complex much, Potter?"
He chuckles as you walk inside the school, side by side. James winks at you. "On the contrary, Y/l/n, I am the hero. Don't need a complex when you are one, y'know?"
You laugh, hearing the joking infliction in his voice as your heart feels lighter. Much to your better judgment, you've actually been enjoying James's company these last weeks, and talking to him alone like this has been even more fun. "I think you think much too highly of yourself, James." you tease him back. 
"I am wounded, Y/n." He fakes hurt as he puts a hand over his heart. 
"It's true is it not?" you say with a smirk and James narrows his eyes as you turn a corner, getting closer to the Common Room. You shrug, catching yourself. "Nothing wrong with some confidence." 
James grins, his eyes sparkling playfully as he gently nudges your side with his elbow. "You could learn a few things from me, eh?"
You frown. "Are you saying I'm not confident?"
James hums, smirking, "'M just giving you some advice, love. You have the skills now, you gotta trust yourself." You both approach the entrance and you mutter the secret word to the Fat Lady Painting and the door cracks open. You push it further with your palm. 
"Since when are you giving me Quidditch advice to make me better?" 
James turns around once he's inside and hands you your bag. "Since I realized if you can't beat them, join them," he jokes with a smile, "We're a team now, Y/n. I know I was a real dick in the beginning, but I look out for my teammates. You're my teammate, so now I look after you."
Your shoulders relax and a small smile tugs your lips. "Thanks, James," you say honestly and rest your bag higher on your shoulder, tucking some hair behind your ear as you smooth the knots a little. "I really appreciate that."
"Anytime," James whispers as you walk up the stairs to the girl's dorm. Sirius whistles from where he's sitting on one of the couches, his head leaning against the armrest as he watches you and James. Once you disappear from view, James spins around, his eyes narrowing at his best friend. 
Sirius winks and looks at James's sneakers. "This is the third time this week you've used that stupid shoelace excuse, Prongs. At this point, just stay back and ask her to walk with you, you chicken."
James's cheeks turn crimson and he walks over to shove Sirius, "Shut up." 
Sirius just laughs loudly. 
* * *
You've never felt so nervous in your life as you clutch the wood of your new, expensive, broom. The wind has picked up and everyone can tell the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor seekers are having a hard time finding the snitch. You're breathing heavily as you look around, seeing Maria—the third chaser—throw James the Quaffle. 
James easily catches the Quaffle, avoiding the Ravenclaws on his right as he swoops lower. Your adrenaline is pumping and you think you know what he's doing. You hope. You fly closer and higher to the hoops, letting James know you're open.
Your memory flashes to the beginning when he wouldn't pass you the Quaffle under any circumstances, even if it cost the team the point. He can be so headstrong and your body is buzzing as you watch him closely.
What if he doesn't throw it to you? You have the perfect shot. 
James looks at you from the corner of his eye, shoving a Ravenclaw with his shoulder to disorient them.
He could want the score for himself—but he's surrounded, he could miss.
The sound of the crowd is drowned out when you see his arm raise and he's communicating with his eyes. You nod, jumping into action as you fly closer and avoid the Ravenclaws as you catch the Quaffle and throw your arm back, throwing the Quaffle directly into the middle hoop. 
Just as you score, Oliver—Ravenclaw's seeker—catches the snitch and the whistle blows. Gryffindor was leading already and you glance at the board. It didn't matter that Oliver caught the snitch, your goal had helped secure Gryffindor the win. Cheers erupt around you and you find yourself in a trance as your feet hit the ground and you clutch your broom.
"Y/n!" Someone calls your name as the ringing in your ears dies and you feel hands wrap around your waist, hoisting you up in the air as you twirl around. A gasp escapes your lips as you clutch onto the culprit's shoulder, the cheers continuing to echo around the pitch.  
"You did so amazingly," James's excitement shines as he slowly lowers you back onto the ground, your chest brushing against his as your hands find themselves wrapped around his neck. You stare into his eyes, feeling his proximity and you suddenly feel warm and dizzy.
Has he always been this handsome?
"James." His name is the only thing your brain can think to say as he refuses to let you go. He also looks breathless and his cheeks have turned a faint shade of pink as his eyes roam over your features. 
You want to tell him a thousand things. How good he was, how you're so happy the team won, how honored you are he trusted you enough to throw you the Quaffle to make the score. You want to ask if you were more confident this time and if he's noticed your effort—but instead, any attempt at words is drowned by his lips meeting yours. 
You don't kiss him back for a moment, your hand faltering behind his neck as your fingers find the baby hairs on his nape. He feels so close and your lips part a little, kissing him back carefully as your eyes shut. 
James's hands squeeze your waist and for a moment the crowd and the team are completely forgotten until James pulls away, and the sound of cheering returns as the realization of what happened dawns on you both. 
"I'm sorry," James mutters, stepping away but he keeps a hand on you. 
"You're sorry?" you ask, your voice small. 
James hesitates, looking at you seriously and then he shakes his head. "No. I'm not sorry."
Your lips curl upwards and, still ignoring everyone around you, you pull him down by the collar of his shirt and kiss his lips again. James grins against your mouth, his heart thumps in his chest as all he can think about is you.
"Oi, no PDA on the pitch, you pervs!" Sirius's teasing voice suddenly shouts out from somewhere beside you but you're almost positive no one else is worried about you and James considering everyone's celebrating on their own.
James must feel the same because he throws up a middle finger with the hand that leaves your waist and you laugh into his mouth, reaching for his arm to stop him.
"Prick," James mutters to Sirius, "You're annoying," he adds with some playful bite. 
He turns to you and his gaze softens. "But you're lovely," he whispers, earning him the prettiest smile he's ever seen and he's never been more proud.
tags: @mischievousmoony, @sayitlikethecheese
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nerujikam · 9 months
Coincidence? I think not.
Modern!AU | mizu x fem!reader
tags fluff, meet cute(?), drabble, mentions of other characters
words around 400
a/n is this my first fic here? anyways, a little warning this was a complete brainfart. its 3 am and i typed this on my notes app so, obv not beta proofed. related to this btw? will crosspost this to ao3 later!!
a/n crossposted on my ao3 here!
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"Oh, sorry."
You looked up to where the voice was coming from. A tall raven haired woman clad in a cropped checkered knit in a blazer, sleeves folded up to her elbow. Her hair was put in a tight bun, strands of hair falling on her face, looking down on you after barging the kitchen.
Looks... familiar.
You were in the midst of getting out a plain cake for the host's, Akemi's, birthday today. With the people coming in on the dining room and living room, Akemi had to greet them leaving the counter a mess prior from cooking a big meal. Hence you squatting down to the floor and make shift the cake box as a cake stand.
"No problem. Sorry, I was..."
"For Akemi?" she cut, pointing at the cake on the floor.
You nodded, "Yeah, it's a surprise. She doesn't know," you stood up to free some space from the mess on the counter.
She walked up towards you, "I'll help you with those,"
You mutter a small thanks, reaching down to the cake carefully before finally placing it on the counter.
"Thanks so much, um...?"
You mentioned back your name,
"Nice meeting you," you shook her hand, calloused, "I think we were in the same class?" you wondered.
"You think so, too?"
"Uh-huh, Research Method?"
"Right." Mizu nodded.
Ah, that’s where...
As you cut open the piping bag to decorate the cake, you took a glance outside the kitchen, checking who else is already here. Ringo and Taigen who came in moments ago after you, setting up the dishes they brought on the dining table. An older woman and a bunch of girls piling up with Akemi in the living room, catching up with her. All that’s left were her boyfriend (who planned this surprise cake) and a few of your friends.
Amidst that, one thing amusing catches your eyes. You scanned through one more time before looking back at Mizu to check. She was in the middle of tidying up dishes. You let out a chuckle.
"What's up?" Mizu questioned upon your amusement. You gave her a second glance before continuing squeezing down the decorative whipped cream,
"I think we're the only ones in a tartan tonight," you smiled at the tiny coincidence. Silly, you thought.
Mizu looked down on her own top. Light brown knit with a subtle checkered pattern under her blazers. She averts her stare to your brown skirt, also checkered. You stared at Mizu checking you up as her eyes trailed up, finally locked eyes with you. You were lost under her blue irises for a moment, forgetting the whipped cream in your hands. You felt your heart stammering before quickly letting out an awkward giggle, going back to work on your cake.
The same blue eyes lingered on you for a little more while.
iM so crazy for her. crazy? i was crazy once.
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asexualsinner · 1 month
Ghoul Hair Headcanons
This wouldn't leave my brain until I put it out into the world
Pin straight corn blonde that goes to his mid back
Very thin
Dry and damaged from his fire transition (Cumulus bullies him into letting her put oils and serums in it to help. He won't admit that he likes it)
Will wash his hair everyday/every time he takes a shower. This is sometimes multiple times a day. (Cumulus and Rain cry in despair)
Cowlick at the front part. Annoys the shit out of him when it dries funny
Let's his hair air dry after a shower
His hair used to be normally oily pre fire transition from the ministry's lake but noticed that if he swims for long periods of time his hair will be greasy and gross
Leaves hair EVERYWHERE. In the shower, on the furniture, clothes, you.
Uses everyone else's shampoo and conditioner bc he's too lazy to get his own
Will wear it up in a spider clip when practicing
Doesn't like people touching it, will let the other ghouls braid/style it on occasions or if they give him their best puppy dog eyes long enough
Somehow manages to not have bed head. Wakes up and his hair is fine. The pack considers this the 8th wonder of the world
Gets annoyed when his hair gets caught in his mask/balaclava bc he was too lazy to either tie it up himself or let one of the others do it for him preshow
Wavy hair that curls up just under his ears, blackish almost dark blue in certain light
Hair defies logic, will curl/wave in patterns that don't make sense
Uses 837+ products in it to make it glossy and soft after swimming (screams internally after Dew leaves barely a squirt of shampoo left in the shower and doesn't replace it)
Sleeps with a silk pillowcase
Will pin his hair back with pearl barrettes that papa gifted him
BEDHEAD. The WORST BEDHEAD out of all the ghouls. Wakes up looking like he lost a fight with a moose
Will let anyone run their fingers through it/brush it/style it. He will make you wash your hands beforehand though
Dries it using a cotton T-shirt. Usually the one he was wearing pre-shower
Washes his hair every 3-5 days
Brown 3b curly mullet/Mohawk
Shaves the sides bc he finds the hair tickling his ears and horns annoying
Usually has leaves or flowers caught in his hair
Bangs cover his eyes
Cowlick at the crown of his head
Oil? Seums? Who is she, bc Mountain has never heard of her
His horns make headbands impossible so he will use bobby pins to keep his bangs out of the way while in the greenhouse or practicing
Bobby pins are everywhere. In the greenhouse, the practice room, living room, kitchen, EVERYWHERE
Consequently knows how to lockpick doors with said Bobby pins. No he will not tell you how he knows how to do this
Wraps his hair in silk handkerchiefs to sleep
Will wash his hair once a week if he remembers
Shakes his hair out like a dog to dry unless one of the others corner him with the Dyson hair dryer. (He won't admit that he hates the sound it makes)
Will throw in leave in conditioner overnight
Let's Phantom and Aurora put in cute clips that he forgets about
Once showed up to practice with a head full of colorful butterfly clips bc he forgot about them. Copia didn't say anything, wanted to see how long it would take Mount to notice while head banging. He didn't notice the entire practice until one flew off and hit his drum set
Dark brownish black locs, sometimes will braid in colors if he's feeling like it. Mostly dark colors like burgundy or purple. Has been convinced to do gold before tours by the others
JEWELRY!!! LOTS of metal rings, cuffs and jewels. Loves being the shiniest thing in the room
Has as many if not more hair care products than Rain. Takes care to make sure his hair doesn't get damaged and is healthy
Sleeps with a silk bonnet to protect his hair
Has done fun style like space buns with his locs but will usually leave it down or in a top knot
Will wash it every 7-10 days or so unless it gets super dirty
Will take care of the rest of the packs hair, is the pack mom about it
Dew/Sodo frustrates the HELL out of him. What do you mean you don't use conditioner??
Will chew on the cuffs like a fidget toy
Takes great pride in his hair, will spend forever in the bathroom if you let him
If his hair isn't cooperating with him, that's it for the day you will not see him
Has injured himself/others while practicing from all the metal in his hair while headbanging/throwing himself around (was forced to wear a cone of shame during the rest of that practice)
Very wavy almost curly black hair with white streak on the left side
Hair thins out and curls around his shoulders with whispy bangs
Wolf cut girlie ✨
Soft and fluffy, loves to have his scalp scratched and hair played with. Will absolutely fall asleep while it's being done
Has tinted his hair with purple bc he likes the aesthetic
The others have found him in the bathroom at 3am with scissors bc he saw a trend on TikTok and wanted to try it (he was banned from scissors for 3 months)
Swiss cried when he saw it in the morning (what did you do??)
Forgets to wash his hair but is still better than Mountain about it
Washes every 5-7 days
Originally would use a towel to dry until he found the Dyson and now is a menace
Will chew on his hair until it's brought to his attention
Headbands, headbands, HEADBANDS! LOVES THEM.
Has demon horns ones, cat ear ones, regular ones, even those zig zag ones that hurt he doesn't care he loves them
Will use whatever's in the bathroom but prefers softer smelling products
Hates hairspray with a passion
Doesn't sleep with any special pillow cases, etc
Double cowlick where his bags sit and at the crown
Gets really REALLY bad knots at the base of his skull. Will cry when Swiss or Cumulus has to brush them out
Strawberry blonde short hair and shaved on the sides
Slicked back fade, likes the greaser look from the 50s
Do not touch this man's hair
Not only is it slicked back with 50lbs of product he will also bite you
Has sideburns
Somehow still uses 3-in-1 despite being picky about how his hair looks
Will sing into the hair dryer while using it
Hair is dry, not damaged but definitely not hydrated/healthy enough
Doesn't wear any accessories except for a beanie in the winter
Looks like a peacock in the morning, hair is just everywhere. Sticks up in every direction when he wakes up
Washes it everyday due to the product he puts in it
Fell asleep on the tour bus once and there was a grease spot left from his hair gel
Uses hair pomade that smells like vanilla and sandalwood
Goes through a jar of pomade every two days. The ministry's budget is crying, shaking in their boots bc of this ghouls usage of hair gel
Is a walking fire hazard from the gel
4b curl pattern, rocks the afro with bangs
Natural color is a dark reddish brown but dyes it fun colors like sky blue
Loves to tie it up with a cute designed handkerchief or bun, etc
Will accessorize with butterfly clips or spiral hair wyrms/Jewels
Washes it once a week but uses hair oils/serums daily
Bullies Dew/Sodo into letting her care for his hair
Is the go to for hair advice after Swiss
Uses a silk bonnet and silk pillowcase to sleep
Will use a cotton T-shirt to dry it/scrunch it and then finishes with the dyson
Second biggest hair shedder after Dew/Sodo
Will style it like Rosie the Riveter for practice
Doesn't like it when people touch her hair unless they ask first
Even then the answer may be no
Likes floral scented shampoo/conditioner
Straight flat hair with choppy bags
THICCCC hair, goes to the bottom of her shoulder blades
Platinum blonde but dyed underneath
Enjoys the shocked gasps she gets when she pulls her hair up to show the rainbow underneath
Doesn't hold a curl for the life of her, she's tried
Usually keeps her hair down, will do a low ponytail for practice
Twin braids on sides framing her face
Likes playing with the others hair since hers doesn't hold different styles well
No cowlicks but her hair knots horrendously. After show care includes at least two other ghouls trying to help her unknot her hair from her balaclava
Washes it once a week,prefers cinnamon scented soaps
Super greasy if she uses too much product
Is in love with the Dyson hair dryer, fights with Aether on who gets to use it as a mic
Thin, straight dark black hair to her mid back
Twinning with Dew/Sodo except she takes care of her hair ✨
Shorted whispy hair framing her face
Her hair looks blue in certain light, almost like an oil slick
Split ends? Couldn't be her
Favorite shampoo scent is mint
Will spend hours combing her hair
Prefers combs over brushes
Doesn't get bad bed head but her hair is super static-y.
Will wear twin braids when practicing or pin the braids to her head with clips
Hair always looks super elegant
Like Aurora her hair can't hold a curl
Doesn't use anything special to sleep with
Will wash every 3-5 days
Uses serums as needed but her hair is super hydrated
Very soft
Prefers not to be touched but will allow certain ghouls to braid it if asked
Is the one who bought the Dyson hair dryer, is super amused by everyone's feral reactions to it.
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calicoups · 11 months
౨ৎ 3:37 AM — csc
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synopsis you need to pee but there’s a slight issue… pairing seungcheol x reader genre fluff, timestamp note i just fucking miss this man so much. it’s 4:37am. i miss you, scoups :c word count 0.9k
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you need to pee. like really bad. one small issue: there’s a thick & heavy arm over the middle of your torso which is making it difficult for you to move because if you just tried to push it off, you might wake the sleeping bear in human form next to you. aka, your boyfriend.
seungcheol’s fingers twitch a little from where they’re tucked between your body and the mattress, he always twitched a little when very deep in his sleep. you found it sort of…endearing, causing you to go absolutely heart-eyes at his sleeping form.
your boyfriend was a deep sleeper — especially when he’s had a long & tiring day — which is why you started contemplating whether you should just shove his arm off you & go pee or just forget about that option so that he doesn’t wake up with a pout (although you love to see it).
at first, you decided with the latter option & tried to fall back asleep…it didn’t work, the urge to relieve yourself intensified. so you decided to go with the other option. slowly placing your hands on seungcheol’s forearm, you push it away as carefully as you can in order to not wake him up. he stirs, mumbling a quiet ‘hm, cinnamon buns’ and a giggle begins to build in the back of your throat because is this man seriously dreaming about cinnamon buns? you might just have to go out & buy him some tomorrow.
nevertheless, you carry on with your mission. gently, you push his arm away inch by inch until it’s no longer resting on you but the tiny space between you & him.
the blanket, you slide it off your body & sneak out of your bed after slotting your feet into the fluffy cow slippers seungcheol bought for you (he saw you browsing them & ordered them secretly). mouthing a small ‘phew’ as you reach the bathroom, you quickly look back before shutting the door & doing what you came to do.
when you were done, you quickly slinked back to your & seungcheol’s bedroom to get back into bed. but you jump as soon as you turn around after closing the door because there’s seungcheol…sitting up against the headboard of your bed, with the comforter wrapping him up.
“why are you awake? did i wake you up? sorry, cherry, i didn’t mean to…” you voice out after gathering yourself.
“where did you go? it was warm but then all of a sudden it got cold” his voice was heavy & thick with sleep. you walked closer & he lifted a corner of the comforter, giving you access to get under the covers.
“i just went to the bathroom, cherry, and i didn’t wanna wake you,” you replied, “come on, let’s get back to sleep.”
“mm, s’okay. just missed holding you in my arms”, he pulls you down into his embrace & burying his nose into your hair.
“you were holding onto me so tight, you know. and i needed to pee so bad but i thought ‘leave it, i’ll pee in the morning’ and then you tightened your hold on me, you monster!” with fake annoyance in your voice, you nudged him a little & watched as a lazy smile appeared on his face, dimples peeking out faintly. you adored his dimples, loved seeing them, too.
“sorry, baby, just wanted to hold you…” his body became lax in your reciprocating hold the more you snuggled into him, “but, baby, why do you keep calling me cherry?”
“hm? you don’t like it? okay, let’s try somethi—”
“no! i mean, no, i didn’t say that…just answer the question.” your left brow goes up as you stare at him with amusement.
“okay. well, i don’t know, it just came to my head. maybe it’s because of your cute lips, cherry coloured and cherry flavoured. they’re just so pretty, i just wanna kiss you all the time!” your pointer finger goes to poke his plush lips & his pout reappears once more.
“and that pout! you’re so” you pinch his cheeks with your pointer finger & thumb, “so adorable, my silly cherry!” now, you pull and squish his cheeks. a giggle falls from his squished lips & it’s contagious. his laugh is so beautiful & contagious, it makes you laugh too.
“hm, if they’re so pretty to you then why don’t you kiss them?” he says slowly while stopping your finger & thumb from pinching any further while moving closer to you. you pretend to think it over before giving him a sweet kiss on the very lips you love & adore, pulling away with a ‘mwah!’.
seungcheol loves it when you do that. he loves dearly the random yet fitting nicknames you give him, the warmth you give him on a cold & rainy day, the hugs you give him after trudging up behind him on a lazy sunday morning, watching him cook scrambled eggs — just the way you like them. seungcheol loves you.
seungcheol lets out a yawn and moves closer to you — if that’s possible, given how close he was to you already.
“m’ sleepy ‘nd warm now, let’s sleep.” he says quietly, replacing that same arm around your torso that got you into this cutesy situation.
“goodnight, my silly cherry.” you kiss his forehead and bring your head back down to his chest. his heartbeat is fast, it makes you smile knowing you can still do that to him.
“mm, night night, my silly girl.”
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author’s note: no this not me self indulging, what are you talking about??? sigh i just wanna be his silly girl, cooped up in his arms in our bed on a rainy day while we watch a movie we took 15 minutes to pick. i miss him. a lot. like more than i can explain through text. my cherry :(
btw i actually needed to pee & then thought of this & bam. this happened. I MISS HIM wanna kiss his cheeks & cute lips so bad & wanna hug him sm.
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gamma-rae-bursts · 1 year
Courtroom Obsession pt.1
y/n is an ADA assigned to Special Victims Unit. She’s been dating Olivia Benson for the past couple of months and despite their crazy workload things have been going great between them. This is until y/n’s office is flooded with mystery flower deliveries that don’t seem to stop.
Pairing: Olivia Benson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: y/n has a stalker, it's mild in this one tho, lil makeout sesh.
Genre: Mostly Fluff, will lead to angst.
Word Count: 1400+
A/N: Would you look at that, I finally wrote something! This is a part 1 of what will probably be a 2/3 part mini series. Covers a square of my bingo.
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It started with flowers. You didn’t think much of it, after all being an attorney meant that sometimes you would receive gifts from grateful families for getting a conviction. But the flowers kept coming throughout the week, all kinds of bouquets bound together with ribbons, sometimes even placed in white twined baskets, with no notes attached. You looked at the colourful petals displayed in your office, the white lilies perfectly complimenting the vibrant colours of tulips and irises. The types of flowers varied in each of the bouquets, but it was never roses. You hated roses. 
After a few days you started thinking it was your girlfriends doing, who else would have known this small rose-hating side of you. 
When you finished work on a Friday evening, you headed straight to Olivia’s apartment, hopeful to finally get a free weekend after closing multiple cases during the previous week. Considering the field both of you were working in and the recent increase in cases you’ve barely seen each other outside of the precinct for the past couple of weeks. You’ve only been dating for a few months, although things were official between the two of you, you opted to keep the relationship private from work. You aimed for your professional relationship to remain unchanged and as far as you were aware it was working. After all the last thing either of you have wanted was to become the centre of attention of the 16th precinct and 1 Hogan Place. 
The uber ride, although long, was very peaceful. You looked out the window at the streets of New York City that were beginning to fill with the darkness of dusk, taking in the sight of people rushing down the streets, probably hurrying to their homes before the city was consumed by darkness. After what felt like eternity you finally arrived at your destination, thanking the driver and handing him the cash, with a few extra notes as a thank you for not bothering you too much during the ride. 
You used the key Olivia gave you just a few weeks earlier to open the apartment door, just as you entered the space you smelled the array of scents of what you presumed to be Olivia’s cooking, wafting through the air, filling the space with warmth. You smiled to yourself while taking your shoes off, before following the aromas deeper into the apartment.
Olivia was standing in the kitchen, fully consumed by preparing on of your shared comfort meals and as it turned out, one of her specialties. You always begged her to teach you how to make the signature mac and cheese, but she always joked that if she let you in on the secret you wouldn’t need her anymore, hence keeping the recipe hidden away from you.
 You took in the sight of her, she was wearing a checked apron on top of her comfy clothes, her hair was in a half-up-half-down style, with a little bun on top back of her head. The domesticity of it almost melting your heart.
“You’re staring, again.” she said softly as she turned around to face you, with a warm smile on her face.
“I can’t help it; you just look really cute.” you laughed, as you kept shamelessly staring at your girlfriend. 
“Here, try this.” the detective reached out to you with a forkful of the broccoli she roasted to go with the dish, always adamant to up your vegetable intake. 
 You gratefully accepted the food, opening your mouth and letting Olivia feed you. You practically moaned at the tease of the perfectly roasted broccoli, making her smile. “This is so good.” you added when you finished chewing the food.
“I’m glad you like it my love” she whispered, placing a kiss on your forehead before getting back to cooking. 
You watched Olivia gracefully move around the kitchen for a little longer, before wrapping your arms around her waist and resting your head on the back of her shoulder. She hummed and gently leaned into your embrace, happy to finally get to spend some time with you and you had no plans on letting her go now. 
The two of you stayed like this for a while, Olivia effortlessly finishing grating the additional cheese and you only restricting her movements a little bit.
“You can stop hugging me now, you know?” she laughed while you only tightened the grip you had around her.
“No, I don’t think I can” you giggled and placed a kiss in the crook of her neck. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too sweet girl.” She turned around in your arms to face you, cupping your cheek she placed a soft kiss on your lips. One of your hands moved from her waist to the back of her head deepening the kiss. Her lips moved against yours in perfect harmony, you pulled her closer to you, desperate for the contact as she traced your bottom lip with her tongue, making you smile into the kiss. She reluctantly pulled away “If you keep this up the dinner is gonna get burned”  
You giggled and placed one last peck on her lips. “You know I wouldn’t mind, I’m sure it would still be better than that disaster of a carbonara I made before”
“It wasn’t that bad” she laughed before getting back to the task she was occupied with before you successfully distracted her.
“Oh really? How about I make it again this weekend then?” you asked raising your brow at the detective. The carbonara was indeed that bad and both of you were fully aware of it.
“Okay maybe I’ll stay on the food duty for now, but you can watch!” you laughed at her statement, happy with the offer as you didn’t want to risk poisoning your girlfriend with your cooking.
You moved around the kitchen in silence, while Olivia continued working on finishing the meal, when everything was either fully out of the oven or with only a few more minutes left to go you finally broke the silence in the room.
“Thank you for the flowers by the way.” you whispered looking at her, a warm smile spread across your face. “they’re beautiful.”
“What flowers?” she questioned, not having a clue what you were referring to.
“The ones that were coming into my office the whole week?” you raised your brow, now also confused. “I assumed they were from you since there was no notes and none of the bouquets had roses in them.”
“No, they weren’t from me but now I wish they were.” she looked at you, a slight glimpse of worry in her eyes. “Is there someone I should be concerned about?”
“If by that you mean whether there is some rookie detective or ADA waving their eyelashes at me then absolutely not” you assured her, brushing her through her hair with the tips of your fingers. “I’m sure they were from the families from previous cases, you know they like to show their appreciation for getting the perps convicted.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.��� she said letting out a deep sigh.
“Hey, no need to get worried.” you gently cupped her cheek as you looked into her eyes. “I’m a big girl I can take care of myself.”
“I know you are.” she ducked her head down a little “But you are also my girl, so I am going to get worried regardless.” Her hand softly rubbed your back as she burried her face in the crook of your neck.
The rest of the evening as well as the following days passed and before you knew it you were getting ready to return to the office on a Monday morning. You and Olivia slept in that day so both of you hurried to get ready and rushed out of the apartment, taking your respective rides to your workplaces.
When you entered your office, a white basket filled with tulips, lilies and dahlias as well as small strands of forget me nots was nestled in the middle of your desk. You examined your surroundings before examining the basket itself. It looked like every other one you received the previous week, although this time it came with a small envelope attached to it. You opened it, finding a rather simple card inside, with a handwritten note. 
“Can’t wait to see you again, V.”
Taglist: @bratty-subby-girly @ashbones
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queenie-avenue · 8 months
Kissed by Aphrodite.
—> how they look in the mirror.
⤻ no content warnings, basically. just how the yanderes look and their favourite feature of themself
notes: i felt a bit lazy this time and decided to make a small post, sorry yall.
🦋 ⤻ archives.
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Many articles have regarded him as the top bachelor, not just because of his money, but because of his looks. A handsome actor or celebrity is easy to come by, but a handsome CEO? It's a bit hard. Just look at all the rest of the CEOs alongside Adrian, who have bald heads.
Unlike them, Adrian has a full head of luscious blonde hair inherited from his grandmother. You know those hairstyles on 1950s men in those posters? Adrian's hairstyle is similar to that, if not just a slight bit more tousled.
His eyes are icy blue. With warmth only present in them when you're around. His eyes are hooded and sharp.
He's clean shaven with no stubble at all, and he wears a bit of makeup to hide the blemishes on his skin. Nothing is more attractive than a man who knows how to look presentable. He likes to wear a chapstick with just a hint of tint, just to make himself pop a bit more. He has a rather pale complexion. His jawline is sharp and strong, and his nose is straight with the base slightly upturned. His lips are slightly downturned, but his eyes are always smiling.
When it comes to smell, he probably wears a very stereotypical cologne of Tom Ford. However, there's always a hint of mint of him.
Katie is the stereotypical pretty cheerleader, but it's not her looks that draws people in the most — though it certainly helps — is probably her ability to charm and manipulate anyone into doing her bidding.
Katie has really dark skin, and she wears it proudly. Her foundation and concealer is always dewy and bright as opposed to matte.
She loves makeup, looks like the 'cold girl' makeup, paired with some bold eyeshadow. Her eyes are double-lidded and are of a rounder shape with false lashes always on them. Sometimes, it's like she never takes them off. Some of her roommates in her sorority like to make funny rumours about it to tease her.
Her lips are plump, and, like a 2000s girlie, she loves wearing shiny lip gloss and lipstick. She doesn't overline her lips, though. They're big enough.
Her hair is naturally curly and she takes good care of it, like any other part of her appearance. She likes to wear her curly hair in space buns with little pom poms in her scrunchies. She really loves selling that cheerleader look as much as possible.
Her perfume is from Bath and body works, and she likes to experiment with it. She finishes most of her products every two months and will show up to class with a new perfume. Some of the girls in the school like to mirror her perfume too when she gets a new one. She's that popular!
Jesper is a brunette, and his hair is always tousled and fluffy. Even when it's wet, it has that bit of volume in it. He styles it everyday with a bit of gel but it always gets messy during practice. If you both are close enough in your relationship, he likes when you style it for him.
His skin is slightly tan from hours of playing in the sun but he makes sure to wear sunscreen, especially after finding out from videos that not wearing sunscreen can cause skin damage. He cringes everytime he remembers how he rejected sunscreen, deciding he was too 'macho' for it.
He has rather soft features for a guy. If he had a skinnier body, people would no doubt mistake him for a girl. He has soft rounded eyes with double eyelids, a cute button nose and heart-shaped lips and bushy eyebrows.
When it comes to scent, he's pretty basic about it. Just deodorant is fine with him. He's particular about sunscreen, but when it comes to shampoo and all, he's the type to use a 3-in-1.
Min-jun looks like your stereotypical Korean boy. Sure, he's basic, but he knows how to style well so he goes from average to god-like. He has permed his hair and gotten it a bit more fluffy and curly, the bangs swooped to the side to compliment his face shape.
His skin is pale and soft from all the skin care products and sunscreen he uses. He has a bit of a bigger nose and mono-lidded eyes — he's a bit insecure about these traits, give him compliments about it to make him feel better — but very pretty lips and a somewhat sharp jaw.
He has black eyes and black hair, but when he's alone, he likes to wear some contacts to play around with it. He does wear contacts on a daily basis though, but they don't add any colour, it's mainly to help with his eyesight because glasses give him a migraine and he can't find any shape that compliments his face well enough. Can you tell he's vain?
For scent, he probably wears a custom perfume made by some shop.
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cottonlemonade · 4 months
Hello again it's me. I may I please have a menu B with strawberry milk and purin and I'll sit next to Ren Oomimi please
The Wrath Of Oomimi Ren
word count: 818 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: Oomimi x chubby!Reader (feat. Atsumu)
genre: fluff
warnings: none
request: fluffy jealous upperclassman Oomimi, as manager
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It was never a good sign to see the twins huddled together with Suna in an obviously plotting manner. Whispers and giggles, a short screech of approval here or there - it was all rather disconcerting.
Oomimi frowned and went back to his conversation with the other two third years. However, he didn’t let the chaotic trio out of his sight. Kita wasn‘t here yet, being stuck in a meeting of the class presidents, so it fell upon him, Michinari and Aran to keep the younger members of the team in check until the training began (certainly a three person job). The gym door opened and their trainer along with their manager came in, the cute kohai holding a water carrier in each hand. Almost automatically he made a move to hurry over and take them off your hands but one side glance towards the menaces from year two stopped him in his tracks. He had already been too obvious about his crush on their curvy manager, having gushed about you one too many times to his classmates in the locker room. Even though, “gushed“ might have been the wrong word. He talked about you. Too often.
Thinking out loud if the team should invite you along for an after training snack run to the nearby convenience store or wondering if you‘d maybe be interested in joining them for a (not really) friendly game of Mario Kart that weekend. Or invite you to a movie with them. Or suggesting to have you join their study group. Or sit with them at lunch. Or if they should bring you a bun when they went by a bakery on their way to school.
Everyone knew about his crush, even the trainer. Except, of course, you.
To you, Oomimi was a thoughtful, albeit quiet player who was an important component to Inarizaki‘s defense along with Suna. To you, he was simply being polite and tried to include you as often as possible. And, to be honest, he was the reason why you joined the team as the manager.
Whenever you called for the team’s attention for the coach, Oomimi was the first to come running but always stopped himself a few meters before reaching you, slowing his steps and suddenly becoming very interested in retying his shoes or straightening his jersey as to not make it seem like he was too eager to get to you. He knew he had an intimidating aura and the last thing he wanted was to scare you by towering over you.
And today was no exception.
Once Kita arrived the team gathered in a half circle around you and the trainer - Oomimi stole glances at you throughout the coach’s game plan. When it was time for the warm up drills, he paused in his movements when he saw that instead of dispersing like the rest of the team, the chaotic trio stayed behind to talk to you while Coach Kurosu went outside to take a phone call.
“How about it, y/n-chan?”, he heard Atsumu say loudly, “This friday night. We can go to the arcade or see a movie.“ The setter shuddered, feeling a sudden icy chill on the back of his neck but soldiered on, “Why aren’t ya sayin’ anythin’? Don’t wanna go on a date with me?”
He was sure when he turned around he would come face to face with Kita but instead he stared at the chest of the middle blocker, slowly raising terrified eyes to look at him.
“H-hey, Oomimi-san.”, he stuttered, “I was just askin’ our manager to go out with me.”
“I know, the whole gym could hear ya.”, Oomimi replied calmly.
“O-okay then. Uhm… would ya give us a bit of space so she can answer me?”
Oomimi looked at you - your face telling a detailed story of confusion and reluctance.
“No.”, he said, glaring down at Atsumu.
“And why is that?”, Atsumu asked, hoping his knees wouldn’t give out. He hated Osamu and Suna for this. Sure, the sacrifice for their cause was chosen via rock, paper, scissors but now that The Wrath of Oomimi Ren was upon him, he really badly wanted to reconsider, even if that would give his friends the right to his lunch desserts for the next month.
“Well…” Oomimi hadn’t thought that far. “Because…-“
“Because I’d actually much rather go out with Oomimi-san.”, you said, cheeks as red as tomatoes, “Sorry, Tsumu. You’re … okay and all but I’m not interested.”
Osamu and Suna doubled over with laughter - the latter still holding up his phone to capture the moment for all eternity.
Atsumu would have been extremely offended if he wasn’t so relieved that the giant third year was too distracted by your confession to hurt him and grabbing his brother and friend by the sleeves dragged them off to leave you and Oomimi to blush at each other in private.
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a/n: thank you so much for your request! I hope you enjoyed it ^^ 🌟
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madelynraemunson · 11 months
(strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!x reader)
Ch 007: Buckle Up, Baby
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A night in the town with Eddie takes a spicy turn when an outfit on display catches your eyes. And what do ya know? It’s your exact measurement…
* = somewhat smut
** = smut
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014**, 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
word count: 3.5k words
disclaimers & warnings — dialogue heavy, arguing, trauma dumping again, angst, yearning, shy girl yelling at eddie (as she should), sexual tension, grinding, thigh riding, car canoodling 🫣
“She’s a black magic woman, she’s trying to make a devil out of me.”
Spellbinding is the best word you can think of to describe Nocturna, a town spookier than Hawkins just 20 minutes inland. It sure lives up to its name, with the average closing time for restaurants, bars, and shops being 3:30 AM.
“This city is so cute,” you beam. “Love the late night vibe it’s got going on.”
“Right?” Eddie agrees. “If Hawkins were a Spencer’s, ‘Turna would be the back of it.”
Eds takes you to El Diablo Bar & Grill where you settle for a ‘TURNA Tossed salad’ and beer. ‘The Eddie Special’ may have left you full, but there’s no way you’d ever pass up free food.
Your boss helps himself to a couple of beers as well, both of them way too hoppy for your liking. And just as you predicted, downing two of those bad boys after smoking a shit ton of weed has its repercussions.
“Eddie, what the fuck are you doing?”
Personal space is a foreign concept for Eddie whenever he’s under the influence. Not like that’s any new information. You just didn’t expect him to be so tender, affectionately fiddling with your hair, using it as a mustache, and then attempting to braid it. You’re surprised because he actually does pretty well.
“Where’d you learn how to braid?” you ask.
“Taught myself,” he replies. “That way if Nancy ever calls out, someone at Hellfire would at least know how to do hair. Luckily I haven’t ran into that problem yet.”
“That’s really thoughtful,” you swoon as Eddie goes to braid your other side.
“I’m also learning how to curl hair,” Eddie adds. “If I could get past burning myself with the iron, that’d be great. Until then, I’ll always vouch for a traditional sock bun.”
You watch has he loops your hair around itself to secure the braid, just as he did the first one. Then comes the unpredictable. Suddenly, you’re taken aback when Eddie gives your hair a tug. Aggressively.
“Eddie!” you cry out.
He spirals into an outrageous belly laugh.
You shove Eddie away from you in a playful form of disgust, his dramatics launching him right out of his seat. Customers start to look your way. You hide your face in embarrassment.
“I think you’ve flown off the handle,” you accuse.
“No,” he denies. “Just comfortable that’s all.”
“Yeah and a bully,” you hiss, undoing your braids out of spite. He knows you’re kidding around.
“What?” Eddie questions, reeling you in via bar stool, smirk growing more and more prominent the closer you get. “You don’t like that I pull hair?”
“That’s enough, you little freak.”
Eddie stops, jokingly wincing at your harsh words. "Thought you were into freaks."
"...Shut up,” is all you can think to say.
"Come on..." he taunts, giving your side a soft pinch. “You know I'm right."
He is right.
You poke his stomach with one of your pointy fingers.
"Okay, and what if I was? Does that get you off? Mr. Know-It-All?”
Eddie clears his throat and squirms in his seat.
"No, actually,” he shakes his head, leaning into your touch. “Cuz that's just not true.”
Your eyes find each other again.
An apology lingers in the air. Eddie bites his lower lip as he stares, closing the gap between you two with a slight turn of his knee. You explore his dark irises, his wide pupils. When fixated on you, they emit what appears to be sorrow, with just a pinch of regret.
"Sometimes I'm wrong. And I fuck up,” he admits. “Whether I like to admit it or not."
Eddie chugs the remainder of his pint before slamming it.
You shrug. “Yeah. Like when you told me to get off my phone today but stayed on yours the entire time.”
Eddie chuckles away from you.
“Playing music…” you persist, leaning into him a little more. “Texting people…”
“You jealous?” he questions, tongue rolling around in his cheek.
“In your dreams,” you lie.
You’re so close to him now you can practically smell the beer. He inches closer, the front portion of his curly locks tickling the side of your face.
“In your dreams.”
Your thighs clench. In your dreams, indeed. Eddie winks at you like he knows.
“Whatever you say,” you scoff. “Freak.”
———— 🌹————
After dinner, you and Eddie decide to walk around the shopping strip. Eddie walks closest to the street, leaving you on the innermost part of the sidewalk like a gentleman.
“So who’s Wayne? Heard you and Henry talking about him before we left.”
“He's my uncle,” Eddie answers. “Pretty much raised me since I was a kid. I owe a lot to him.”
You continue to walk. Somehow along the way, you and Eddie end up strolling with your arms around each other. He turns to ask,
“Who is Max?”
“Max?” you’re stunned to hear that name roll off his tongue. Despite him helping with her YMCA membership, you had always registered them as being worlds apart from each other. “She’s my sister.”
Eddie slowly nods in understanding.
“Her full name is Maxine,” you explain. “Max for short.”
“No wonder,” Eddie chuckles. “I always hear you mentioning a Max and have been wondering who that is.”
“You jealous?” you echo him.
He sneers, “You wish.”
You take this time to admire Eddie. His wanderlust eyes. His pronounced Cupid’s Bow. His thick, wavy locks. The tiny freckle at the crook of his neck that you were sure a lover left for him in a past life. The way his dark clothes always seem to hug him so nice. He’s breathtaking. The hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
"WHOA!" Eddie brings you back. "That's the hottest shit I've ever seen!"
There he goes again. You race after Eddie as he scampers across the street, leading you to what appears to be a lingerie-slash-sex shop. On display is a beautiful scarlet red two piece with fluffy wings behind it to match.
DEVIL WOMAN, is what the set is advertised as.
"Whew, lord," Eddie whistles, pressing his hands against the plexiglass.
He turns to you desperately.
"You can make SO many tips with this on," Eddie insists. "I'm telling you right now woman, you need to seize this opportunity."
"Are you gonna pay for it?" you joke, batting your lashes seductively.
"Sure!" Eddie exclaims. "A-anything you want tonight, you'll get."
It sounds too good to be true.
"Not you trying to spoil me..."
"Definitely me trying to spoil you,” a sneaky smirk forms across his face yet again. “Especially since I’ve been an asshole lately.”
It’s a fair bargain. Not like you can deny it either.
You two shake hands, deal, and make your merry way inside Madame Sédutrice’s Love Boutique.
Time to make his pockets — and heart — hurt.
————💋 ————
It fits you like a glove.
Everything is just right. There is no free space, but there is some real estate to breathe. The set is also squat and split proof. Perfect for a good show.
You strut in front of the mirror like a Victoria’s Secret Devil, relishing over how well the fiery red set accentuates your bust, hugs your hips, and highlights the cheekiest parts of your ass with just enough coverage to have the men wondering.
To leave Eddie wondering.
You’re parading around some more, taking selfies at all angles while Eddie talks to the cashier about guitars. Eventually he does circle back around, as you've been in here for a long period of time.
"Shy Girl," Eddie checks on you from outside. "Did you die in there?"
You put your phone away.
"No, but you're about to."
He laughs. "I love the confidence. Let me at her."
You pull the curtain over so that Eddie can see.
“Jesus fuck.”
Eddie sinks down to his knees, the tips of his fingers trailing from your hips to your thighs, down to your calves. He’s being dramatic again, you think, evident by the three bows of resignation he gives you as he continues to take in your beauty.
"What do you think?" you ask him.
"Simply out of this world," Eddie gasps. He stands to spin you around like he once did before. "You look... like an absolute fantasy. Destined for some alternate dimension."
His breathing heightens as his rough hands trail down to your birthmark. And soon, you’re up there with him.
“I can already see you on that stage,” Eddie gushes. “Doing your thing, stealing the show, driving customers wild. The spotlight soaking in all your beauty...”
“The version of me living in your head sounds pretty damn cool,” you giggle.
You snake your arms around the nape of his neck. Eddie blushes. “She’s a lot like the girl in front of me, actually.”
Either of you can let go now. But you both don't.
“Wanna get out of here?” he asks.
"Mmm… I don't think I'm done just yet," you bat your eyes once more. "What’s a set like this without some accessories?"
You grab his hand and he watches in shock — almost starstruck by you — when you manually wrap his hand around your neck.
“Like a necklace of sorts,” you continue. “A choker, maybe?”
“A choker,” Eddie nods. “Yeah, I can do that.”
He gives you a teasing, gentle squeeze. You’re an absolute puddle.
He grins at you connivingly, playfully.
"Lead the way, m'lady. Anything you want tonight is yours.”
———— 🔥 ————
Satisfied is an understatement. You’re strutting back to Eddie’s van now as he trails closely behind, hauling shopping bags that belong to you in each hand.
“Thank you Eddie,” you say as he manages to open the door for you too.
“Anytime, Princess,” he insists.
You get settled on the passenger side while Eddie starts the van back up again. He waits for a while in his seat.
“You looked stunning in that piece,” Eddie raves, the image of you strutting around still living in his head. “I almost don’t want you to wear it anymore.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What? Why?”
“I wanna be the only one who gets to see you in it,” he explains.
“Gatekeeper much?”
“No, I’m just selfish,” he says. “Especially when you look like that.”
Eddie takes it upon himself to fasten your seatbelt for you.
Your eyes trail along as he clicks it in place, adjusting the seatbelt so that it laid perfectly and untangled, protecting your hips…shielding your chest…
“My eyes only, you know?”
“Just yours?”
“Mhm,” he strains. “Mine and only mine.”
His gentle eyes are begging, glued to your lips like bees to honey. His tongue pokes out again, and you watch as he licks his lips in lust. Fuck. You can’t help it anymore. You decide to lean into him and try again.
But hostile air stops you in your place. There's fear in that man's eyes the closer you get and he pulls away from you.
You swat the rest of him away. “You’re doing it again.”
Eddie sighs in defeat.
"I know."
The fact that you didn’t have to elaborate is very telling. Eddie is not stupid. He knows the game he’s playing.
You watch with zero sympathy this time as Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation. He lifts a hand. You flinch. Then you relax again when you realize the man isn’t trying to hit you.
“I’m VERY aware of what I’m doing, Hargrove. Okay? That’s the worst part.”
“And you think it’s okay? You like stringing me along, is that it?”
“There’s MORE TO IT, alright?” he groans. “I just don’t know how to explain it to you just yet.”
Eddie starts up again.
“I…” he says, his haunted eyes sparkling. “I just. CAN’T. get. involved. with a coworker. Let alone someone who works under me. Think of all the legal issues that can rise up.”
“That is a FUCKING LIE!” you scream. “A fucking LIE, Eddie and you know how I know that?”
He looks back over at you.
“It’s because you didn’t think twice about it when you were hooking up with Chrissy.”
You’ve had enough of his excuses. Startled, Eddie shies away from you, surprised that you knew of what he so desperately wanted to conceal.
“Who told you that?”
“Who else would know?”
“Everyone at Hellfire, basically,” Eddie laughs pettily. “I just hoped it wouldn’t get around to you.”
Frustrated, Eddie turns off his car. He tosses his keys onto the center console between you both.
“Chrissy and I happened like two or three times. Is that what you wanted to hear?” he asks you. “She was horny, I was horny. She never gave me the time of day in high school so I got all excited. One thing led to another. Thrill eventually wore off. Now she’s just one of my good friends.”
You cross your arms and glare out the window.
“But the reason I was soooo okay with the Chrissy thing is because I only saw her as a fling,” Eddie continues. “End of story.”
“Where exactly are you going with this?”
“The difference with you is that a part of me actually wanted this to go somewhere.”
Does he think you’re stupid? Surely Eddie can’t think you’re just going to fall for his words instead of his actions.
You scoff. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“Am I?”
You muster up the courage to look over at him again. And there he is, his big brown doe eyes glimmering under the full moon.
“I’ve never met anyone like you before, Hargrove,” he mumbles softly. “That shit’s terrifying. For the first time in an incredibly long time I feel like someone gets me.”
You attempt to look away again. Eddie cranes his neck over towards you to meet you where you’re at.
“Someone who gets what it’s like to have a shitty, absent father,” Eddie continues. “Someone who also had to learn how to navigate grief before getting a fucking learner’s permit.”
“You can stop,” you choke. “I get the picture.”
But Eddie continues.
“…Someone who also has to be the bread-winner of the family, not by choice, but by necessity. And someone whose now got a shit ton of trust issues cuz somebody else had to go and fuck ‘em up THAT badly.”
Your throat begins to burn. A soul cry marinates at the pit of your stomach.
"I'm so infatuated with you, Hargrove,” your boss insists. “Okay? You have no idea.”
You tsk.
“You’re infatuated with me,” it’s more of a statement than a question of yours. “Yet you push me away.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Oh, come on, like you don’t have trouble accepting things you so rightfully deserve?”
He reaches over to grab your hand. You let him.
"There's nothing scarier than falling for someone who is your literal mirror," Eddie whispers. "Especially when you don't like anything about yourself."
“I know.”
You two fall silent and end up staring ahead for quite some time.
Both of you observe a couple cross the street together. The smitten pair are taking a stroll on the sidewalk, hand in hand and falling into one another like missing puzzle pieces. The guy kisses the girl's forehead, his silhouette reminding you so much of Steve.
“I also didn’t wanna get in between you and Harrington," Eddie mumbles.
“I told you we’re just fuck buddies.”
“But he really, really likes you.”
“Yeah, but if he’s not over Nancy, then what’s the point?”
It’s been a decade since Steve and Nancy broke up and he’s still lovesick over her. When you realized that she couldn’t ever be replaced, you stopped trying to pursue Steve romantically. Eddie falls mute again.
"I'm just his lil pocket pussy for all I know," you break the ice with a laugh.
"Don't say that," Eddie disapproves. "You are more than your body, Shy Girl."
“Then tell me what I am, Eddie,” the wounded part of you speaks. “Since I don’t seem to know.”
His gaze softens. “Well, it’s easy.”
You look at him.
"Corn ball alert,” Eddie prefaces. “But you’re the conversations you have with your regulars, asking them about their day and if they have any updates for you… You're the friendships you make with girls that you don't see a need to compete with. And you're that silly little dance you do when Argyle makes you food. And you’re also the destructive parts of yourself that you keep hiding from but little do you know that even those parts of you tell a story."
The sound of police sirens divert your attention. You shudder at the noise. Eddie seemingly makes note of it and clears his throat as a placeholder.
"…I didn't think you paid attention to any of that, Eds."
"I'm more observant than you think."
You believe him. After all, there are instances when you catch him sneaking a glance at you, turning away too late because you’re caught by his eyes to do the same.
A sigh escapes your body. You interlock your fingers with his.
“I don’t know what... this… is,” you begin. “But all I know is that I really enjoy your company. And that I’ve had a crush on you since the day I met you. If it wasn't obvious already."
Eddie snorts. “Even when I was freaking out over kegs and ground chili?”
“Especially when you were freaking out over kegs and ground chili.”
And now forgiveness is in the air. Monkey see, monkey do, and soon both you and Eddie are grinning at each other from one side of your faces to the other.
“Please,” Eddie requests politely with a gulp. “Will you let me kiss you?”
To your surprise, Eddie leaves a peck on your cheek out of all places. This fucker, still so polite. He doesn’t touch or graze anywhere else while he does.
“Thanks,” he says as he pulls away. “I guess.”
But you only want him closer now.
“Oh don’t be stupid,” you giggle grabbing his face with both your hands. “Just fucking kiss me.”
You rest your hands at his chin when you pull him closer. And with Eddie’s permission, you sink your lips onto his. His warm breath circles you as your lips attach to one another.
There’s no turning back now.
Eddie’s lips are as soft as a cloud, and they seem to know yours very well. When he’s latched on, Eddie synchronizes with your rhythm almost immediately, getting a few more kisses in before his tongue begs you for entrance. You deny him access and push him back.
“Oooh,” you taunt him, causing him to laugh. “Someone likes me.”
“Maybe,” Eddie blushes, cupping the side of your face with one of his rigid hands. He gives the back of your head an endearing little scratch.
“But you…can’t get involved huh?”
Eddie shakes his head, doing his very best to stand his ground. He’s back to staring at your lips. “No. Definitely can’t…get involved.”
Of course not.
“Not even if I do this?”
You swoop over to press down on the button of Eddie’s seat belt to unbuckle it. Click. He restrains himself, but there’s wonder in his eyes.
“Or this?”
Your hands travel to the side furthest from you as you lean to crank the lever, lowering the head of Eddie’s driver seat to a 30 degree angle.
Amused now, he furrows his brows together and rests his hands behind his head, manspreading as you play that agonizingly long game.
“You’re pushing it, Hargrove…”
Using his unavailable hands to your advantage, you climb over him and assert yourself on his lap. A low groan escapes Eddie’s nose. You make sure to strategically situate yourself right on his crotch. Eddie’s breath hitches, hand hovering over your birthmark as you sink those hips into him. He bucks his up in return, trying to keep up with you.
“What about this?”
“Oh, that’s not fair…”
His hands are back at your waist.
A protruding essence grows in size as you continue to ride Eddie’s thigh. Soft, low whimpers escape from his chest, his dark eyes now beseeching at his mercy. Eddie’s fingers curl, enclosing themselves tightly around the fabric of your baby tee. His available hand gnaws at the seat below him.
“I don’t like playing fair,” you whisper huskily. “I just like getting even.”
Both of yours eyes are glued to what you’re doing, where you’re grinding, and how.
“Why do you do this to me?” he whispers longingly.
“I think it’s safe to say that you’ve been edging me for quite some time, Munson,” you shrug angelically. “Now it’s my turn to give you a taste of—”
You squeal suddenly when Eddie’s hand flies to your throat. The grip he has on you tightens hastily, long before you can even process it.
Shock overpowers you as Eddie studies you eagerly, with flared nostrils and a hot chest. You peer down at him with glossy eyes and yearning lips.
“Back of the van,” Eddie orders. “Now.”
tag list: @battymunson , @the-fairy-anon, @ali-r3n, @corrodedcoffincumslut, @bebe07011, @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @hideoutside , @motherfckerrr , @jxpsi , @munson-magic , @lindseyj23, @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @holabeans00, @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse
author's note: i'd be lying if i told you guys i didn't play imaginary barbies in my head in order to map out the argument between eddie and shy girl dfsjklfdkgfgsg would you say I’m a puppet master?
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girls-alias · 8 months
Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester P4
Title: Have A Little Faith - Dean Winchester Part 4
Words: 1,361
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
For @deans-spinster-witch
Part 3
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I put his hand on my shoulder to keep his balance as I pulled the pants past his hips, as slowly and softly as possible. Making everything as comfortable and painless as possible. His butt was a noted attribute I now noticed. I stood and looked him in the eyes. We were so close, I just wanted to kiss him but knew I shouldn't it would be like taking advantage of him or would hurt him. Instead, I kissed his cheek and smiled. He instantly smiled back.
"Does that count as the one kiss you're hoping for?" I asked with a giggle. He just lightly shook his head as he continued to stare into my eyes and smile at me.
"How are you so good at being a nurse?" He asked softly.
"My parents were sick so I was in charge of looking after them when I was young," I shrugged with sad eyes. I sighed slightly at the thoughts. "Do you want a shirt on or do you think you'll get too hot?" I asked softly.
"I don't think you want a half-naked guy in the same bed as you," He commented diverting his eyes.
"You don't know what I want and I'll be half-naked too so I don't mind. Your comfort is more important than my preference." I replied stubbornly making Dean smile.
"I prefer it off," He specified making me smile. I get to share a bed with a shirtless Dean… Hells yeah!
"You clean your teeth and I'll get changed," I informed and his eyebrows instantly lifted at the mention of me getting changed, I laughed and rolled my eyes. I helped him to the sink, which he used to hold his weight. I took a few steps to the side where he couldn't see me through the mirror but I expected he would peek anyway. I got changed into his shirt, I hid my pained grunt by sucking air through my teeth. Moving around to put clothes on seemed to pull on my wounds but I ignored it.
"Are you okay?" Dean asked quickly, panic written across his tone. I chuckled lightly, ignoring the stinging along my entire back and spine.
"Yep," I sighed and tied my hair back into a messy bun. I looked over to see that Dean was cleaning his teeth and not peeking at all. I giggled slightly. "Hmm, I'm impressed. I expected you to be watching with popcorn," I joked making him chuckle before packing up.
"I'm going to keep you one day and then I'll have all the time in the world, I don't need to peek now." He smiled at me as he studied my face. I smiled at him before thinking.
"So, what do you think?" I asked gesturing to me wearing his shirt. His eyes closely surveyed my body.
"You're gorgeous." I was kind of surprised that he was being so genuine and kind of romantic as I expected him to just always be flirty but this was making it harder not to fall in love with him I know we both have to resist as he might not have long to live and we aren't guaranteed anything. I walked over with a smile and gently hugged him making sure not to put pressure on him so I wouldn't hurt him. He hugged me back making sure not to touch my back and I could feel that he was resisting the urge to hug me tightly and never let go. I slowly pulled away and smiled at him. I offered him a hand before helping him out of the room. Sam was already in one of the beds and didn't take notice of us coming back as he read an old journal. That must be their dad's journal that he mentioned earlier. I helped Dean into the double-sized bed before walking to the other side and climbing in. We were sure to keep our space.
"Thank you for today," Dean softly spoke.
"You're welcome," I brightly smiled back making him smile. Once Sam was done reading he turned the light off and we all tried getting some sleep. I was lying on my back while Dean was on his side, facing me. I felt his hand touching mine and thought it was an accident until he intertwined our fingers. I looked over to see he had his eyes closed but was smiling. He wasn't asleep but he was being cute as hell. Why did I have to meet him too late?!?! If I had met Dean earlier things could have worked out. I fell asleep thinking of Dean the entire night. He's perfect! Now I know, I'm madly and deeply in love with the fool.
"Y/N?" I hear Dean whisper. I felt his hand on my cheek, I opened my eyes to see a sleepless Dean facing me. One of his hands is on my cheek, the other is in my hand. His eyes peer into mine through the dark making me smile. He weakly smiles back.
"Do you need the bathroom?" I whisperingly asked earning a nod. I quietly got up and tiptoed to Dean's side in an attempt not to wake Sam. I helped him up but he seemed to be in more pain than before. He was wincing profusely but staying quiet so he didn't wake his brother. We slowly made our way to the bathroom. "Would you like me to stay?" I asked sympathetically. Dean lightly nodded so I turned away and took a few steps. Once he was done I walked over and saw him wincing in pain from just standing. I quickly put the toilet lid down and sat him on it. I knelt in front of him, placing my hands on his knees with a smile.
"I'm normally stronger than this," Dean commented annoyed at his own 'weakness'.
"Dean, you had a heart attack," My tone showed my disbelief. Dean just sighed. "Admittedly, you're dying and you're the only one who's expecting yourself to run a marathon, don't be an idiot." I justified telling him how it is. Dean chuckled, making me smile. Damn, he's perfect!
"You're the only girl to talk to me like this," He paused. "You know how I'm dying? Have you heard of the 'make a wish' thing?" I nodded when he paused again. "Before I die can I have one make a wish?" I looked deeply into his eyes as his voice was soft and serious. I nodded again I had no idea what his wish was, I would guess that it would be the one kiss he kept mentioning but the look in his eyes showed his nervousness to ask. "Will you at least pretend to be my girlfriend?" I didn't know how to answer. Why me? I understand that he's dying and wants someone there but he has Sammy. "I just need to know what it's like to have someone so perfect as my own, even if it is a lie," He added, melting my heart. I decided actions were better than words so lightly hugged him. He hugged me back with a smile. As I pulled away I kissed his cheek again, making him smile some more. After a little protest, Dean let me give him some morphine to help him through the night. He insisted I take some too. He cares about me, it's adorable.
"Come on, we should get to bed," I commented and helped him up. Unlike all the other times, Dean now had his arm around my waist as we walked and I couldn't help but smile. I helped him into the bed before climbing in myself. I turned seeing Dean already smiling at me making me instantly smile. He intertwined our fingers again but this time raised our hands and kissed mine. I couldn't help but blush. He's such a sweetheart!!!! We both fell asleep with huge smiles on our faces. Dean's my fake boyfriend?! Is it too far to kiss him? I'm dying to just kiss him and hug him and be his real girlfriend! Either way, this is going to end in tears.
Working On
Part 5
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6okuto · 9 months
Can you do some Vere general headcannons I’ve been really like your writings of the characters:3
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gn!reader | ...hey. im doing my months old reqs good evening handsome beautiful people. im so sorry. i need them to drop more lore btw omg please...pleak....
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Of course he'd like homemade gifts... i think something that could be fun is taking what would be expensive gifts and doing a spin on them ? origami tulips instead of a big bouquet, jewelry you've made yourself...also those handmade coupons where it's like... "free massage from me" etc etc... i think that'd be silly but he'd take advantage of it. "i don't need a coupon for you to do this, though, do i?" okay shut up vere /affectionate
^ he enjoys sketching himself? okay! this is for the artists but you sketching him, crocheting a fox, making something out of clay or something like that... i think it could be very cute and special :-)
obsessed with his tail wagging when he's happy. he unfortunately is not as happy but it'd be so fantastic saying the shittiest dad joke ever and him pretending his tail didn't twitch. "your tail twitched." "are you sure?" "yes." "you must have come down with something, might even be fatal."
evidently doesn't enjoy being compared to a dog. there's a decent chance someone will try to goad him on, making fun of his status with the senobium at some point and i hope mc gets a chance to start shit if i'm being honest. and vere doesn't seem like the type to Stop them so. LOL.
....lipstick....lip gloss... dark red. smudged? think about it
steals your snacks. if you want to snack around him be prepared to share because he's going to take some without asking, even if you did get him his own. just eating his own isn't as entertaining is it?
vere and scents...you wearing a signature perfume/cologne... him noticing when you've switched it out... if he doesn't like it as much he says you should ask him next time. i'm not sure if his nose is too sensitive to enjoy shopping himself but who's to say!
two truths one lie and he fucks with you by saying 3 truths or 3 lies
sneaks a peak at what you've set as his icon in your phone. Will confront you if it's ugly, or his contact name is. not up to his expectations
glamper. why are you even taking him camping. glamper
always opts for the comfortable reclining seats with extra space at the movies come onnn... doesn't seem like a 3D fan but that might be me projecting. he says the glasses are ugly
long hair means new hairstyles.! sorry! braid in his hair vere High Pony vere space buns etc etc!
hides the last piece of the puzzle you're doing for like 10 minutes and then is like isn't that it right there? and you're like. Vere. but unfortunately for you, you don't have proof he did anything do you.
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apparently i've gotten really good at having closeted queer vibes while still presenting as very fem, so i've decided to put together a bit of a list of tips
(btw this is coming from an afab person who still has to present as fem, as in dress fem and not cut my hair too short and etc. this probably wont apply to masc presenting people as much)
1. first, confidence, especially around people of the opposite gender. think "one of the boys" but not "let's go play football". in my experience, this helps to separate a fem person from the stereotype of thinking all boys are cute and giggling about them.
TLDR: be confident and friendly to everyone regardless of gender presentation.
2. halter tops and turtlenecks are your best friend. anything with a high neck, but in the summer, high neck + showing shoulders has gotten me on so many peoples gaydar without being obvious
3. if you have naturally curly or wavy hair, wear it natural, especially if you have shorter hair
4. if you have longer hair, do something other than wear it straight or in a ponytail. go for space buns or a single dutch braid or something else creative.
5. siobhan thompson glasses, or any wire glasses in an interesting shape (picture example below)
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6. pants. if it's an event where you need to look nice, dress pants.
7. lipstick. preferably in a bolder color (i like browns and reds). also eyeliner on the outside corner of your eye, or more if that's your vibe. i always have to have natural looking makeup, so corner eyeliner is a great addition
8. converse, vans, or in the case of a nicer event find unique sandals or flats. avoid heels.
9. bracelets, dangly earrings, layered necklaces. avoid single necklaces.
10. [IMPORTANT!!] wear flattering colors. wear things that make you look great. don't conform to any trends. don't conform to my advice, even. wear what will make you the best you you can be. if you are authentic, other authentic people will know.
(these are just some tips that have worked for me. they may not work for everyone, but i've managed to find the few queer people in very anti-queer crowds at like a dozen events over the past year by following this advice. i felt lost when i first was discovering my identity, so hopefully some of this might help someone out)
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sharkdenwrites · 2 months
Hello, Hello! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
May I request "Can I call you tonight" w Goro Akechi with a female Reader ?
A/N - oml, sorry this took me so long to get out, I was in China to see my grandparents until today and wrote this is a haze in between naps on my 13 hour flight on the way back. It wasn't what I was originally planning to go with, but I like this version better :3
cw: none rating: G
Akechi was screwed. He really messed up this time.
His finger hovered over your name in his phone. Instantly falling for you was a mistake, a gross miscalculation that had his mind and heart in conflict. He knew it was a bad idea, letting his emotions get the better of him. That didn't change the fact that he had added a little heart to your contact info.
You reminded him of Robin Hood with your pure heart and good intentions.
He felt so bad lying to you.
Previously, before meeting you, he hadn't found a good reason to live. Sure, he was playing Shido's game, but things had only grown more complicated with the development in Sae Niijima's Palace. In that wretched casino, he'd seen the worst of his senior colleague's psyche, the manifestation of her desires led astray. Between that and meeting that bastard Ren Amamiya, he'd begin to question whether what he was doing was actually worth it.
Then you'd bumped into him at his favorite jazz club. You had a gig lined up as a guest singer with Lyn, the usual vocalist. He discovered that you were a vocal student, one of the most promising soprano singers in Tokyo at the moment. He was entranced by your voice, like a songbird with an innocent twinkle in your words.
What was he supposed to do? You were everything he wasn't, what with your flowing ensemble of multilayered skirts and sleeveless blouse. You were even decorated with little hummingbirds, which helped project your picture of freedom and purity. Your hair was done up in a half-up-half-down bun with two hair sticks that twisted around themselves and ended in pearls. Everything about you screamed "good."
He was enamored, but kept his distance that night. Just his luck that you'd run straight into him as he was slinking out of the club.
"Oh, I'm sorry, sir! I wasn't watching where I was going, my apologies." You had bowed deeply before meeting his inquisitive gaze, voice ringing sweetly through the empty hallway. Akechi held his breath, expecting you to recognize him and start bothering him for an autograph.
"You're Goro Akechi, right? Fancy meeting you here! What a funny circumstance." Giggling, you had straightened up and offered a hand out in a gesture of goodwill. "I thought a great detective like you would be busy solving Japan's next biggest case, but I'm honored you had time to come to my show!"
"Actually, it really is a funny circumstance. I usually come here on Fridays to wind down after a hard week. I had no idea there'd be a different performer this time!" He turned up the charm, not wanting to let down someone so humble. "I can't say I was disappointed, though!"
There was that laugh again, carrying through the quiet space around the two of you. It sounded like starlight looked, bright yet gentle.
Akechi winked, much like he did for his fangirls, but it felt less disingenuous somehow.
"Who do I owe this pleasure and an amazing performance to?"
You gave him your name. Your last name caught his ear, foreign yet beautiful.
Finch. You certainly lived up to your surname.
"Well, Ms. Finch, that was certainly the most enjoyable evening I've had in a while."
You laughed, melodic and soft, hardly more than a breath, and gave him a stunning smile. Akechi noticed that you had a beauty mark to the right of your lower lip.
"Thank you so much! It was actually my first gig, so I was nervous. Glad I didn't disappoint, though!" You blushed lightly and averted your eyes.
Oh, you were too cute. Akechi could almost forget that he was a criminal with how innocently you smiled at him.
"If I may be so forward, I'd love to get to know you more. Could I be so bold as to ask for your number?" Lord, his heart never fluttered like this before. It was almost like your presence could take away his pain, if just for a moment.
You had agreed in the end, but not before flushing a bright red and stammering out an enthusiastic reply.
Now, here he was, the Detective Prince, reduced to a yearning mess. That interaction had been two nights ago. It was Monday now, which meant that he had failed to work up the nerve to text first for a whole 72 hours. He was pathetic.
Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and hit sent on the message he had been typing and re-typing for nearly half an hour at this point.
Hello, this is Goro Akechi. Apologies for waiting so long to text you. Would I be able to call you tonight?
If falling in love with you was his biggest mistake, then so be it.
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hearts4golbach · 3 months
Get the Angles Right!
chapter 2.
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
warnings: none
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you paced around your living room as you waited for Johnnies arrival. the clock had just reached 3:59. a cute guy was about to see your tiny, cramped apartment. shit. you snapped out of your thoughts and ran to your bedroom, where all of your supplies were. it was a pigs stye. you sped around the room, picking up all of the scraps of fabric and the miscellaneous notebooks scattered everywhere. you muttered curse words as you scrambled to get your space together.
knock, knock, knock.
you had finished your room just in time. who knew you could clean up your huge mess in two minutes?
you ran to get the door. "Hey." Johnnie smiled at you.
you brushed a piece of hair out of your face as you adjusted your messy bun. "Hey, come in." You led him inside. you probably should've changed out of your Bart Simpson pajama pants, but who has time for that? "You thirsty? I have water, diet coke, and I don't even know."
you grabbed a diet coke out of the fridge. "I'll take a diet coke, too."
you swiped up another. "Welcome to my humble abode, aka my 2 cm big apartment. I'm sure you know how NYC is."
he laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I do. it's really nice in here. you seem happy in this tiny apartment."
"I am, to be honest. it's nice having my own little space to myself, you know?" You cracked open your soda.
you led him through the living room and kitchen. you showed him where the bathroom was before leading him to your bedroom. "This is where the quote unquote magic happens." You sat on your fuzzy stool, letting him sit in the comfortable chair. "Make yourself at home."
he took a sip of his drink. "Thanks, y/n."
you pulled your tape measure out of the drawer. "So, I need to take your measurements. your jeans are tight, so they'll work. but," you hesitated, "if you're comfortable, I'd prefer if you took your shirt off so I can get the exact measurements of your torso. is that okay?"
"Yeah, whatever you need to 'do your magic.'" he air quoted. you giggled at his joke. "You're gonna see me shirtless all of the time, probably.
you raised your eyebrows.
"Since I'm modeling for you and shit." he added, a light pink shade spreading across his face.
"Right, well, I'll start with your legs or whatever. does that work?" You couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "Would you mind standing back up for me? sorry."
"No problem." he stood up and walked closer to you. he watched carefully as you kneeled down in front of him. "you seem really fucking nervous." he teased. "you okay?"
"yeah, I'm fine. Just giddy because I have so many amazing ideas for you. I'm bursting at the seams."
"fuck, don't get me too excited. I was already super excited before I got here, don't make it worse." the atmosphere was peaceful as you silently worked on getting his measurements.
"now that I'm fucking doing it, you'll actually fit this shit." you mumbled, dissing the woman from yesterday. this made Johnnie let out a small giggle.
you stood up so you two were face to face. he slipped off of his shirt, revealing more tattoos than you expected him to have. your eyes grazed over them before you got back to work. whenever you measured his waist and hips, you felt how soft his skin was. you both stayed silent as your hands grazed his bare skin.
you cleared your throat. "okay. I've gotten all of your measurements. Do you still want your first few designs to be a surprise?"
he nodded. "yes, I wanna be so fucking surprised. I know you'll make me look great."
"You'll look great in anything, believe me." You smiled before sitting down, writing down his last measurement. "So, about dinner. have you ever had a true New York style pizza?"
he shook his head. "Only people who claim to have it in LA, but not yet in New York."
"Then, I have the perfect place in mind. are you feeling pizza tonight?" You grabbed your shoes from your closet and slipped them on. "If not, i can show you other amazing restaurants around the city."
"pizza sounds fucking amazing."
it was a short walk away from your house, only about 10 minutes. whenever you two arrived, it wasn't hard to get seating. you ordered the classic 'New York style pizza' before going to sit down.
"is fashion designing your, like, full time job?" Johnnie asked you, taking a sip of the water brought to the table. you nodded. "how do you pay for everything, if you don't mind me asking? I'm curious."
you cleared your throat. "well, my mom passed away about a year ago. she was a fashion designer as well, but she was huge. since I'm an only child and my father left before I was born, I got everything. it was a lot of money. enough to sustain my apartment and to get me going."
"I'm sorry to hear she passed away." he looked down at his water before looking back at you.
"it's okay, I miss her but like goes on, you know?" You shot him a half smile. "Tell me about your family."
"Well, my dad passed away whenever I was young. I talk to my mom all of the time, though." he grinned. "I try to call her every day, but life gets really fucking busy."
"my condolences." you two make eye contact before you get anxious and look away. "are you in New York alone? ew, sorry, that sounds hella creepy."
he laughed. "no, I'm here with 3 other people."
"oh? tell me about them." you were interrupted by a waiter bringing a pizza to the table. luckily, it was precut. you take a piece, and so does johnnie. you set it on a small plate.
"their names are Jake, Carrington, and Tara." he takes a small nibble of the pizza, making his eyes go wide. "this shit is good."
"I know, right? I told you I know all of the best restaurants since I've lived here my whole life."
he nodded. "Jake is my best friend. Tara is his ex, but we're all pretty close. Carrington is also one of my good friends."
you made an 'ah' sound. "What did they think about you modeling for me?"
"they thought it was pretty cool, especially since you're a small creator. they didn't say much besides that, though." with every bite of the pizza, johnnie seemed to become more in shock because of how good it actually was.
"what? does LA have shitty pizza?" you teased.
he laughed, covering his mouth with his hand. "comparatively, yeah."
"I've always wanted to travel to LA. That's where all the stars and, like, famous people are. my mom would always travel there for runway shows and shit." you reminisced.
"yeah, LA can be pretty fucking sick. other times, it's just too much, you know?"
"Same thing with NYC. I hate it here sometimes."
Johnnie seemed to be lost in thought as he finished his second slice of pizza. you didn't bother asking in fear of digging too deep on the first day of getting to know each other.
there was a comfortable silence for the next couple of minutes as you two ate. the occasional eye contact was starting to kill the both of you, but neither of you would admit that.
you both reached for the same piece of pizza. his hand grazed over top of yours. "shit, sorry." he laughed nervously.
"You're good." You giggled. "What are your plans for tomorrow?"
"I have all day off tomorrow, surprisingly. I think I have a meeting over the phone first thing in the morning, though." he sighed, clearly dreading that meeting. "Jake and Carrington are busy, and Tara is meeting up with some old friends, so I'm alone all day."
"why don't I show you around NYC? all of my favorite spots. the walk isn't terrible, by the way. I'm game if you are." you offered. your stomach was bubbling with anxiety as you awaited his response.
"definitely. I'd love to get to know the area better." his face lit up. "and you."
your face heated up. "well, I'd like to get to know you better, too. you're really intriguing mr...?"
"Guilbert. and you are too ms...?" he copied you.
"L/n." you smiled. "what time is your meeting?"
"8 am." he groaned. "fuck waking up that early."
"I agree. fuck that. meet at my apartment at 10? Then, we have all day." you were giddy with excitement.
"fuck yeah."
you two finished off the pizza and went your separate ways. neither of you wanted to part, but you had to. there's no way you could fall for this guy whenever he's leaving eventually, right?
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gingernut1314 · 8 days
Touch Me...If You Want, Of Course pt. 2
Kakyoin x GN!Reader
Summary: How Kakyoin likes to be touched.
Warnings: Takes place during JJBA part 3, feel-good fluff, saying "I love you", MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE END OF PART 3 AND KAKYOINS STORY, canon typical violence, mention of death
Word Count: HC: 980+, Drabble: 530+, Total: 1.5K
A/N: I'm just going to say a quick sorry for the ending....I am a lover of angst and hurting my own feelings....buuut I hope you enjoy!!!
Taglist: @arielbeflyy @cinnbar-bun @lostfirefly
↞ to Jjba Masterlist | Request Rules | Blog Navigation ↠ part 1
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You need to be willing to set boundaries with Kakyoin about this new okay to touch him
Kakyoin struggles to communicate what he feels, so he will be forever thankful if you are ready to listen and help him through his thoughts
He isn’t a big PDA guy
But please still touch his arm or back gently 
Please still hold his hand
But big displays such as kisses and hugs 
Even brushing your knuckles over his cheeks and moving that bit of hair out of his face are going to be a no-go
That is until you both are out of the public eye and away from the other Crusaders
Then please please pleaseeeee pull him down and plant kiss after kiss to his lips and cheeks 
Please nuzzle your nose against his
PLEASE wrap your arms around his neck and hold him close
And if you’re in a space where you can sit and hold each other
Expect to not be getting up any time soon
Kakyoin not only wants you to touch him but he want to be able to touch and hold you too
He’s going to try and get you both your own room so that he can hold you close throughout the night
But the other Crusaders are not going to allow this without some teasing
So please be ready to snap back at them, snag the room key Polnareff was guarding, take Kakyoin’s hand tightly in yours, and guide him to your room
As you two fall asleep please run your fingers through Kakyoin’s hair and press soft kisses to his forehead
He’ll be out like a light and just oh-so-happy
While out and about during your travels, Kakyoin is going to be your shadow 
He’s following you everywhere
He’s sitting next to you at meal times, while on the train or plane or boat or car
He needs to be near you
Not only will he grab for your hand and hold it in his lap
He’s going to rub circles into the back of it
And if he feels there are too many eyes watching him
He’ll make sure to still find a small way to touch you
Whether that be the tips of his fingers brushing against your own fingertips
Or his foot resting next to yours
You, Kakyoin, and Jotaro had chosen to separate from the other Craudasers to look around a cute little shop you had spotted just on the way to the hotel. Jotaro had followed along upon your invitation, sensing he had been growing more and more weary of Polnareff and his grandfather by the second. 
Shelves rose throughout the small shop, turning it into a small labyrinth of trinkets and goods that blocked the view of the clerk and other customers from you. It was quiet and smelled of the species lining one of the shelves. 
Kakyoin held your hand and you held his as you guided him through the shop, Jotaro looming behind you two with hardly an interest for the things within the shop. 
Despite all the wonders this shop held, Kakyoin couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Not as your happy face grew excited at new discoveries. Discoveries you would turn and show to Kakyoin who would nod and, if he could think of one, tell you a fact of the item. His facts only seems to excite you further and it made his heart flutter like some caged bird in his chest. 
Kakyoin only took his eyes off you once and it was when he noticed Jotaro taking an interest in a little gold hair comb. It spurred an idea to form in his mind. He loved his friend but oh dear did he wish to feel your hands on his cheeks. So, with a quick pull of your hand, he rushed around the corner into the next, thankfully empty, aisle. 
“What--” He cut you off with a simple kiss to your knuckles. A kiss that made your skin spark.
“I love you.” He murmured against your skin making you smile wider. You quickly pulled closer, pressing your body against his. His cheeks flushed a dusting of pink at the closeness. A pink that only deepened as you stood to your tippy toes to press a single kiss to his cheek. 
“I love you more, sweetness.” He smiled, just about ready to lean down and press a tender, fleeting kiss to your lips when he caught the black-clad Joatro round the corner. He sighed through his nose, giving your hand a squeeze that you squeezed right back. 
“Jotaro, that’s beautiful.” You said, commenting on the hair comb in his hand. “For your mom?” Jotaro’s face never once shifted from its cool calm, but Kakyoin was skilled enough to catch the slight twitch at the corner of his friends lips. 
“Yes,” Joatro said in that gruffing way of his. 
“You know, Kakyoin told me the flower on that comb is a lotus flower.” You said, looking up at Kakyoin in such an adoring way it took the very air from his lungs. “It symbolizes rebirth, strength, the heart, as well beauty. It’s perfect for her.” Kakyoin nearly pulled you right back in then. 
You remembered. You listened. No one had cared enough to listen to what he had to say, let alone remember. And here you were always listening. 
“I saw some earrings that would match perfectly! I’ll show you.” You said, beginning to guide Kakyoin and Jotaro back through the shop. Kakyoin followed more than happily. 
He isn’t so shy about Hierophant Green touching you through
That Stand his going to be wrapped around your neck like a scarf every chance he gets
He is a quiet Stand, but his actions speak volumes
He’ll nuzzle his head into your cheek or neck
Cling to your back like some strange backpack
Rest his chin on top of your head
Hugging you whenever Kakyoin wishes he could but feels as if there are too many people around
The only time Hierophant is missing from your side is when Kakyoin is or whenever the other Crusaders are around
During battle, Kakyoin will send a tendril from Hierophant to wrap around you and pull you out of the way of an attack you might not have seen or been able to dodge
Kakyoin knows you can fight and knows you can fight well so he tries to let you do what you do best without his consistent hovering and concern 
But he is still sticking as close to you as he can and keeping a close eye on you
Just in case you needed some backup
The only time Kakyoin had felt your side truly is during the battle against DIO and his horde of Stand Users
While he was pulled into a portal with Joatro and his grandfather, you were left with Polnareff, Iggy, and Avdol
And even then you were separated from those three
The Stand User you had been pitted against had dragged you from DIO’s manor to wage war on you throughout the streets of Cairo
And when you had finally met back up with Kakyoin, you were quick grab his face and make sure he wasn’t too hurt
And Kakyoin was glad for the touch
A touch he gave you right back 
In a flash, DIO was upon you all once more
So fast and otherworldly
Blink after blink you seemed to lose time
You were saved by Hierophant from getting your throat ripped out by the last second and thrown through the window of an empty coffee shop just to get away from the brutal speed of DIO
You came to with broken bones, bleeding you couldn’t find the source of, and pain radiating throughout your whole body
But you pulled yourself to your feet and out of the shop
Only to find Kakyoin going head-to-head against DIO
You blinked, time seeming to be lost to you once more and Kakyoin was gone from where he had just been
Mr. Joestar screaming out Kakyoin’s name echoed through the air and through your mind
And you found a rush of water pouring down the side of a building from the water tank that sat up there
You didn’t let your eyes travel further up than that
Didn’t let brain catch up to the reality that had just unfolded within the small second of a blink
You didn’t let it catch up to what your heart knew to be true
All you knew was DIO had to die 
All you could do was fight until the battle of over or until your last breath
Kakyoin had thought of many things as sound stopped ringing in his ears
As his body began to grow numb and cold
As he gave forth his last Emerald Splash
He thought of his family
Of his friends
Of what DIO’s stand was capable of 
And he thought mostly about you
About you and what could have been
He thought about your touch
A warm touch he could have sworn he felt wrap around his broken body as all thought and strength escaped him
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Impress the press
*cracks knuckles* *blasts 1D* *ill be UP ALL NIGHT writing this*
Disclaimer: any and all similarities to anything boyband connected are absolutely intentional, and highly entertaining
@ziptiesnfries I will forever be grateful to you for the idea, and will start every chapter telling you this, and I hope you like it <<<3
Oli's first public appearance poor baby
previous masterlist
CW: pet whump, dehumanisation, ‘it’ as a pronoun (only like once), past abuse mention, humiliation, public (TV) appearance
Oliver tried his best not to be too distraught by the boys’ general disregard for him. He had a home now and new owners, he repeated it in his head over and over like a mantra, but still couldn’t help but be a tad disappointed. His home was this tour bus now, that smelled like day old pizza, it was messy and suffocatingly crowded even though it was a lot more spacious than it looked from the outside. His new owners didn’t even care for him for the most part, and he couldn’t think of himself as Diana’s, which she made more than clear to him. Hell, all of them, but one seemed to be rather uncomfortable with his presence.
The one, who Diana passed his leash off to, sat him on the beat-up couch that seemed to serve as the communal space, taking up one side of the aisle. 
Oliver sat, visibly tense and timid, feeling like a deer in headlights. He had the cute-brown doe-eyes for it, at least that was what he was told and the irony wasn’t entirely lost on him. The boy with the leash followed, after tossing some magazines on the floor to make himself some space. He pulled Oliver closer to himself by the collar, not hurting the pet but definitely making him uncomfortable. He ran his knuckles over his cheeks, and fixing a strand of his hair that escaped the bun on his head, and he sighed adoringly.
“You’re really pretty” he stated, and then abruptly let go of him to look around the rest of the band, who stood there awkwardly, and rather reluctantly accepting the situation “Come on, I don’t believe that none of you find him at least a bit pretty” Oliver watched as the boy eyed two of the bandmates up in particular, who shrugged and mumbled something, he hoped in agreement. The third one, glared at him, then at Diana, who was not gracing them with her attention anymore, and then simply turned around and climbed into his bunk without a word. The pet’s stomach dropped with shame. His conditioning running as deep in his mind as it did, he had a thought form. He would do anything to please the third boy, whose name he didn’t even know yet, he had to because  he was nothing if he wasn’t wanted. 
They set off as soon as Diana dismissed them with a wave of her hand and joined the driver in the front of the vehicle.
“Do you have a name?” The first boy inquired, a curious pair of grey eyes searching Oliver’s own, so close to his face he could see the way his pupils moved with the change of the light as they rolled out of the parking garage. The absurdity of the situation didn’t escape him, as he introduced himself to the other, whose name probably the whole world knew. One of the other two bandmates, who still stood in the common area, groaned and pulled the other one back towards the bunks. 
“Oli! That’s such a lovely name!” he gushed. Oliver wanted to correct him that it’s actually Oliver, but he bit his tongue. His new owners can call him whatever they wanted, he reminded himself. His training from his old home was still deeply ingrained in his psyche, he had to fight it with all his might. He wasn’t Oliver anymore if they decided so “I’m James” he introduced himself as well “I play the drums” As he chatted away, mostly about himself and his role in the band, he managed to introduce the rest of the crew as well, which he was grateful for. The two joined at the hip were the singer and the guitarist, Eddie and Will respectively. Will also sang a lot, according to James his voice was a tenor and that complimented Eddie’s baritone, whatever that meant. The one, who Oliver felt outright disliked him was Khai. He played the bass, and wrote a lot of their lyrics, as much contribution Diana allowed them to have, he had the most contribution.
“It’s not like we write all of our songs” he explained “Actually, fuck that, we don’t write most of our music, but Khai usually has a word or two in the writing process. He’s great with words and rhymes.”
James spoke a lot, Oliver noticed he loved hearing his own voice. He offered to show him a few of their tracks, before they heard a disgruntled “Anything, but our songs” from Will’s bunk, to which James responded with a soft laugh and dismissed the idea. 
He had to face it rather quickly that he would never have a moment of relaxation in his life as they pulled up to a building, surrounded by a horde of people. He also learned that he has to be at heel no matter what, when Diana snaps her fingers otherwise she’d simply catch his leash and forcefully drag him after herself. 
As they exited the bus, the boys were immediately ushered away by a bunch of people dressed in black, talking into their headsets, looking each of them over, turning their faces to the side and touching their hair and clothes. They didn’t seem to pay much mind to it, in contrast with Oliver, who was terrified, getting suddenly lost in a sea of people. He felt suffocated, even before Diana yanked on his leash actually cutting off his airflow, but at least it snapped him out of the panic that started rising up in his chest. She dragged him over to a different area and pushed him to sit down on a wobbly looking chair, her perfectly manicured nails dug into his shoulder with an intensity that made him wonder if she painted them red, because she draws blood every time someone comes into contact with them.
“Stay” she instructed before she let go of him and turned around yelling “Make him presentable!” to the mob of people that immediately swarmed over to him like a hive of bees. He wished he could remember their faces, but there were so many people, wearing the same things, approaching him with different items, like makeup and accessories.
His hair was pulled from the bun he had hastily put it in earlier that day, they brushed and straightened it, he winced when one of them burnt his ear with a careless movement of the straightener, which only earned him a slap on the back of the head and even rougher treatment.
It didn’t hurt too bad, but the pain he felt just grew stronger by the second, threatening to spill from his eyes in the form of tears. He wanted to go home, or at least back to the shelter to be adopted into a different life. Ungrateful thoughts, and they made him even more miserable. There was someone staring at his face up close, who he couldn’t see properly over the cloud of tears.
“Someone bring the foundation over” they yelled, in his face, making him flinch even worse than before “I can’t have it crying on live TV” It was too late to will the tears away, as he started sobbing pitifully. He’s ruining their public appearance, the entire reason they got him is to improve just that. They snatched his hands and pushed it back into his lap to prevent him from wiping the makeup away.
“Hair’s done” “Fixed it, makeup’s done” “Get a jacket or something, we don’t have enough time to fix the clothes” 
They continued to yell things to each other, sometimes into the headsets. He was a gazelle in a circle of lions. At least this was what he imagined the gazelle to feel like on one of the shows he had watched with the kids at his first home. His lips quivered, threatening a new wave of cries to break through, but he bit down and took some breaths. He was afraid of what the lions would do, if he ruined his makeup again.
Diana appeared out of nowhere again, just as they pulled his arms through the sleeve of an expensive plaid shirt. They left the buttons undone, showing off his collar.
“Come on, it’s showtime” The crowd automatically opened for them, as she pulled him away. They walked through a labyrinth of corridors, before she opened an unlabelled door on the left and they entered an entertainment show set he recognised from one of those shows his owners liked to watch on lazy nights after dinner.
The band was already there, wearing an outrageous amount of makeup that made Oliver wonder what he ended up looking like. He hoped it’s something they do for the cameras. Will had a guitar hanging lazily across his torso held up by a colourful strap. Eddie’s hair was styled to show off the long natural curls he had, and Oliver suddenly felt very conscious about his hair having been straightened. James and Khai were in the middle of a conversation, when the latter noticed him and his face darkened. James looked around confused as he searched for the source of tension, before his eyes settled on Oliver and he lit up. He sauntered over to Diana and him with a cheerful grin, and attempted to take his collar out of her hand.
She snatched it away with a frustrated look “No” she shook her head “He sits with Eddie, you still haven’t lived the incident in China down, I don’t want to wind up in another scandal like that”
“Fine” James replied with a pout, like a child that had just been scolded. He ran a hand over Oliver’s arm almost apologetically and walked back to continue his conversation with Khai. 
“All you have to do now is keep quiet and smile nicely at the boys and the host” she finally turned to him, the words falling from her lips with the average speed of a race car “They won’t ask you anything, only the boys. Don’t make faces, don’t start crying and most importantly don’t squint your eyes from the lights, it looks stupid. Unlike you they have years of proper media training under their belts” As if that was his fault “so just agree with whatever they say, even if they make it up on the spot. Clear?”
“Yes, mi- Diana” he corrected himself quickly.
“Good. Eddie!” she called him over. 
“Yeah?” He ignored Oliver, as he walked up to them.
“Take him” She passed his leash over to the singer “You’re sitting on the right in the front. He sits next to you. James on your side and Khai behind you. Will sits as far away from you as possible” 
“I don’t want to hear it” She dismissed them. Eddie looked at him hesitantly. 
“Are you okay?” he asked nervously, which finally brought a smile on the singer’s face. He felt a hive of butterflies being unleashed in his stomach fluttering as he looked into Eddie’s eyes for the first time up close. His eyes were piercing, green and still radiated warmth.
“Yeah” he led him with a soft pull towards the middle of the set where their seats were already set up. Two armchairs in front and two tall bar stools behind them “Are you okay?” Oliver looked at his back surprised. Was he okay? He felt it’s his duty to answer that he was, but he wasn’t supposed to lie.
“I’ve been better” he replied cautiously. Eddie sat down on the one of the chairs and he kneeled next to him obediently. At least that was something he knew how to do right.
“This isn’t going to take long. Not really our target audience, but a good place to introduce you and go about our day” he explained in a soft hushed tone, as the others took their assigned places as well. 
“Eddie, don’t forget to pet him” Diana instructed, having to yell over the noise of the crew who were running around making sure all of the equipment was set up right, checking the cameras and lights. Oliver felt the boy’s hand tentatively find its way into his hair at the nape of his neck, and he immediately melted into his touch, letting the world soften around the edges as he concentrated on the warmth of his owner.
“We’re live in 10” he heard someone yell.
“2…1… Action!”
It was hard to keep up with the witty back and forth between the hosts, who sat at a table,  warming up the audience with some quips and jokes, to introduce the band. The cameras panned over to their side of the stage. 
“So boys,” the man clasped his hands in front of him shooting a wide toothy grin to the camera, before looking at them “Tell me about this new project of yours”
“Well,” James started, mimicking the host’s commercial smile “his name is Oliver”
“Oh right, the pet!” he started, as if he forgot “I meant the new album” the man’s booming laughter sent shivers down his spine. The boys chuckled politely as a response “I’m just kidding around, boys, so this Oliver, I hear he is a rescue”
“We adopted him from a shelter, yes” James answered “The rescue cause is really close to our hearts. Especially since we heard his story, we knew we had to save him” Oliver glanced over at him confused, before quickly correcting his expression. Nothing James said was even close to the truth “We also decided to take action and donate a considerable amount to the charity supporting rescue shelters all around the country”
The memory of Johannah asking for a donation as Diana dragged him through the door flashed in front of his eyes. Like hell did they donate.
“Can you share his story with the world?” The other host, a woman, asked solemnly with both her hands over her heart.
“We would prefer to keep it private” Will chimed in, and Oliver sighed with relief, he wasn’t sure he could have handled anything being said about his first owners and home. He wondered if they were watching, and his heart shattered at the thought of the kids recognising him through the screen “It’s a sensitive subject, you know? Like, bringing up bad memories, for example, when I was a child, you know…” Will averted the topic with practised ease.
“And what’s next for you together? Will you let him play the triangle on a new track?” Another round of raucous laughter made its way out of the host’s chest. What an unpleasant man, he thought. But he was just as curious to know the answer. What comes next?
“Actually, we did bring you a new song, if you wanted to hear” Khai chimed in from the back.
“What a wonderful surprise! Let’s hear it”
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is 2WayStreet, with and exclusive new single that they'll release in 2 weeks, but you will be the first to hear it!"
Oliver heard as Will struck the first few chords on the guitar, and carefully turned his head to the side to watch them perform. Eddie’s hand never left his hair, but he started rhythmically stroking the top of his head, as he joined the song. They harmonised perfectly with each other, seamlessly letting the notes melt into each other in a soft but catchy tune. 
The interview ended with a round of applause from the entire crew.
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nogacheloveka-blog · 8 months
The Bad Sanses somehow ended up in the Backrooms. №4
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This is the translation of the another post from Russian to English. I understand English, but it is very difficult for me to write in English, so I asked chat GPT to help me. I have corrected some parts, but there still may be mistakes.
Hooray, my little obsession is still with me. And Killer is still my little bun that inspires me, appearing in the picture=)
The group wandered around IKEA for quite a long time. A couple of days for sure. They even met the local inhabitants - leather frights, people made of leather, bloodless, with 1 hp. They managed to earn only 1 EXP for them, apparently they are so pathetic. They pounced in the dark with a terrible muttering, but the rest of the time they were quite peacefully wandering around. Killer and Dust cut them out of boredom. Nevertheless, the Frights (that's what they decided to call these creatures) attacked more purposefully than the suddenly appearing Hounds. By the way, there was a note about them in the notebook:
Hounds They say they hatch in the Hive, like all the other creatures. I heard someone killed them and tried to eat them when the Almond Water ran out. Desperate guys. - Maintain direct eye contact with the Hounds if they approach you - Run away if you hear growling Prohibitions: - Run away from the Hounds if they have already seen you - Try to tame them
Well, Dust had to add something:
HP: 10-50 EXP: 10 Items: nothing. but they don't turn to dust. *not the most pathetic thing we've met. They die fast enough not to worry about them, but they attack suddenly.
Cross, like Nightmare, only resorted to attacking when the Frights got too close. Error acted the same way, considering it beneath his dignity to "scuffle" and moved around the top shelves with the help of threads.
Horror tried not to get involved in battles, letting others deal with the nuisances. He's not a fan of killing for fun. Although at some point during the "light time" he saw how these monsters were preparing food for the cafeteria and after that he looked with shame at the cheerful killers.
In the spaces of the trading halls, there were occasionally puddles of blood, but no one except the Frights. Perhaps some strangers passed by, but unfortunately (or fortunately?) no one except the monsters was visible.
Once again, moving to the exit points from the location, the group ended up in a strange room of screaming pink color. Fortunately, there was information about this place in the notebook.
Kitty's Room. Pink, with cats. Safe. Only Kitty herself is a creature. Black and scary, but safe. Don't touch her and she won't touch you. There's food in the kitchen - you can take as much as you need, Kitty won't mind. She'll just watch. She'll bring you back if you give her a trinket. You can sleep as much as you want. DON'T FORGET TO TAKE A TOY FROM THE GUYS. I don't want to end up in that horrible red corridor again.
Unfortunately, the group doesn't have any cute things to give Kitty and Error thought of tying something for her. He depicts a grumpy old man, but secretly he's glad to immerse himself in his hobby again. It's a pity that instead of Undenovelle - Cross is afraid of every movement Kitty.
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Error belongs to CrayonQueen Cross belongs to JakeiArtwork
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