#speech disorders in children
tonguetie25 · 5 months
Tongue tie, commonly referred to as “Ankyloglossia”, is a string of tissue called frenulum. This frenulum connects the underside of the tongue to the mouth’s floor and can be seen under the tongue through a mirror. The frenulum tissue can restrict the movements of the tongue and cause problems with language and speech disorders in children, Swallowing, Eating and Chewing, Drinking, Breathing, Jaw growth, Posture and Digestion.
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hopeamcae · 1 year
PROMPT Speech Therapy- How It Helps Children?
Speech therapy- a proven and effective way for children and growing adults to overcome speech delays and disorders. There are various approaches to speech therapy but one such technique is PROMPT speech therapy. Many studies have found this therapy with enormous success in treating problems like difficulty making speech sounds, motor speech challenges, autism spectrum disorder, apraxia of speech, etc. It can also benefit adults who have had a stroke or traumatic brain injury and experience aphasia or apraxia.
There are well-known pediatric centers that offer tailored speech therapy, designed to treat a wide pool of speech disorders in children. When you look for a PROMPT therapist, you should always check their background. That’s why we recommend visiting only leading pediatric therapy centers that have been helping kids make significant improvements with time. This type of pediatric center works with certified and professionally trained therapists and doctors. 
When you take your child for a PROMPT evaluation, a trained speech therapist will assess your speech and language skills using standardized tests. They will also observe how the mouth, lips, and tongue of your child move during speech production. This evaluation may include looking at articulation skills, examining the kid’s oral structure, assessing impromptu speech production, and evaluating your language abilities.
Based on the evaluation results, the therapist will develop specific goals for the therapy, targeting areas of difficulty in cognitive-linguistic, physical-sensory, or social-emotional domains. These therapy sessions may involve activities that focus on improving speech production, improving language skills, and promoting social use of language through functional communication routines and play.
If your child is having trouble understanding simple words and sentences by the age of two, it's a good idea to contact a speech therapist. 
Book an appointment today!
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Speech Therapy Breakthroughs: Enhancing Communication Skills in the Digital Age
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In the modern world, communication is vital, and the ability to express oneself clearly can significantly impact personal, academic, and professional success. Read More: https://xceptionallearning.com/2024/09/18/speech-therapy-breakthroughs-enhancing-communication-skills-in-the-digital-age/
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allkindsofadvocacy · 1 month
Find Me Friday: Anna & Sani!
Logo that says Reece’s Rainbow Special Needs Adoption Support in blue, below a blue & yellow paint stroke rainbow graphic with a yellow Ukrainian trident symbol on the right half. In this series, each Friday I’m able, I want to share a different child or group of children who are available for adoption and listed through the adoption advocacy website Reece’s Rainbow. Please note, names used on…
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m-123-mediend · 6 months
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Language and speech disorders in children are common conditions that can greatly impact their development and communication skills. These disorders can affect a child's ability to understand and express language, as well as their ability to produce clear and fluent speech. Seeking treatment for these disorders is crucial in order to prevent long-term consequences and help children reach their full potential.
Check out this blog for a better understanding of language and speech disorders in children. https://mediend.com/blogs/language-and-speech-disorders-in-children
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casualvoidbread · 8 months
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secretstime · 1 year
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"i'm a vampire" this "i'm a vampire that"
aside from the whole period sex and drinking her blood, let's talk about how oliver quick really was a vampire throughout saltburn. am i really going to do this? maybe. it might not be long, i do feel like death. maybe i'll even touch on the catton family being vampires.
alright. from the start we see oliver taking resources from felix under the guise of being poor. the cost of the drinks, the time, the emotional space. he leeches on, yearning for love. later we see that all of this has been set up by oliver himself to manufacture these circumstances. but that's only the beginning and one of the least viceral instances of him 'bleeding the life' from the family.
where we really see this begin is after he comes to saltburn. i'll go through it briefly for now but here we see oliver dividing and conquering, making quick work of the family. as he is yet to succeed in tangebly seducing felix, the true source of his psychosexual obsession/infatuation, he begins this work on the rest of the family. he starts w the mother and when that fails, he changes tact and sinks his teeth in emotionally. he lets her tell him of her worries and assures her that she is a good person. he charms the father by displaying interest in what is important to the family.
he then uses knowledge gained through her mother to get literal blood in his mouth when he romances her in the night. he uses his knowledge of her eating disorder and her family's inability to see her to fully lure her in and to once again sink his teeth in emotionally, as well as physically, drinking her blood while he dominates her.
next, he continues his conquering by driving a rift between felix and his cousin, alienating the family member who is not entranced by his lies. this is before he does physically charm him. all of this is before any killing starts. now that he's got his teeth in, let's talk about how he drains his victims.
for cousin dearest, oliver makes quick work of framing him for crimes against the family. when he comes back after being cast out, oliver then frames felix for an ultimate, unforgivable crime: killing the golden son. felix is left w no financial resources and no familial support but his impoverished mother. he gets off relatively lightly.
now onto literally sucking life. once his cover is blown and felix asks him to leave, oliver gives him a poisoned bottle. this is obviously w the intention of at least felix drinking it and succumbing. which he does. felix's death leaves the family unstable and vulnerable, first used to get rid of the cousin who sees through him and to continue to latch onto the mother as a surrogate son in a now joyless and lifeless house.
the sister sees through him and what does oliver do? assist in her suicide after her speech about how he is eating away at her family. specifically in the bathroom which oliver first physically consumed felix for the first time.
what does this leave? an even more desperate vacuum for now two stand in children. perhaps three if we are to count the cousin. Elspeth clings on to him and oliver sinks his teeth in tighter. so tightly, in fact, that mr catton pays oliver off to leave.
finally, when mr. catton is dead, oliver manufactures a reunion w elspeth and reaps the rewards of his former work. he is once again living off the catton family until the time comes for him to drain the life from it's last surviving member.
he is eventually left alone in their mansion, with all their resources, and their ghosts.
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altin-studies · 2 months
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Bangladeshi female student having a seizure in shock of being beaten in University of Dhaka
It's been 240 hours. I keep watching as my country turns into those dystopian fantasies I love reading about. Except there's no happy ending, there's no epic good vs evil fight.
It's my government, my police, my law enforcement units beating and killing my fellow students without any remorse, any judgement.
I love my country. Without any kind of doubt. I have been taught patriotism since my childhood. But how can I love my people and motherland any further when all it wishes to do is to kill, kill, kill.
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Police throwing tear shells in University of Dhaka from tanks
We live in a dystopia. Our law enforcement is here to kill brilliant students, students that want to make changes, students who speak up about their rights, students who build drones and robots. Our mainstream media wants the police to shoot at students so they can get exciting videos.
And they can get away with it. If social media is the only centre of our voice, then they'll block our internet. If the roads are where we protest, they'll order curfew.
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Students attending funeral (without bodies) for the students killed by police shootings
My university wants nothing to do with us. They're above student protests, they're above having any ounce of responsibility for the death of so many of my brothers and sisters. "It's out of my control", our vice-chancellor says. And our chancellor? Well the president has had speech disorder for years now. He'll be back for convocation and cutting ribbons soon.
They'll end the curfews soon enough. They will tell us to go back to the campus they drove us out of with gunfire and tear shells. But how will we do so while we have a conscience? How can I step over the blood shed by my fellow students? How will I go back to classworks and labs and hangouts when there have been dead bodies in those streets merely weeks ago?
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Injured dog (presumed dead by now) at the University of Dhaka campus
But it doesn't matter. This world does not care about genocides of millions of children in Palestine. Why would it care about 500 innocent students in such a small country like Bangladesh? My country, where equal chances at jobs and education needs a bloodier movement than establishing our language. Such a primitive land, isn't it?
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The green is gone. It hasn't been here for such a long time. I'm sorry for being so hopeless and useless and helpless.
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cripplecharacters · 5 months
A Quick Guide to Writing Dialogue for a Character with a Speech Disorder: Articulation
[large text: A Quick Guide to Writing Dialogue for a Character with a Speech Disorder: Articulation]
As both a speech-language pathology student and someone with what's known as a lateral lisp (more on that in a minute), I rarely see characters like me and my students portrayed, or portrayed well, so here's a quick look at writing a character with an articulation disorder. A warning that this is going to be a long post.
[large text: Learning]
The next section is a large look at the information and background of what this disorder/disability is and explains it.
What is an Articulation Disorder?
[large text: What is an Articulation Disorder?]
An articulation disorder is a disorder where a sound or sounds are affected and changed in some way (distorted, deleted, substituted, etc).
This is not to be confused with a related disorder known as a Phonological disorder. Phonological disorders are when sound related rules are affected.
A sound, in articulation disorders, can be substituted, deleted, inserted, or distorted. Substituted means instead of sound "a" they say sound "b" (wose instead of rose). Deleted means they get rid of sound "a" and skip to the next part of the word (ose instead of rose). Inserted means a sound is added (ruh-ose instead of rose), and distorted means the sound is off but not completely one of the other categories.
Specifics of Articulation Disorders
[Large text: Specifics of Articulation Disorders]
There are two common sounds related to simple articulation disorders - "r" and the lisps. A thing to understand about "r" is that there are two types of "r" that can have errors - "r" with a vowel and without a vowel. Another important thing to understand is that each sound comes at a certain age and "r" is the last sound to come for most children, meaning that a 4-year-old who can't say "r" is not disordered and has a possibility of learning to say it later without intervention (although intervention and assessment are always preferred sooner rather than later). Again, though, articulation disorders can be any sound or group of sounds.
What are the lisps?
[large text: What are the lisps?]
There are 4 kinds of lisps - we'll start with interdental (the stereotypical "th" for s and z - "have you theen my thlipperth?" usually assigned to a nerd or intellectual character) and the lateral lisp (air leaks out the sides and "s" can become "sh" - "can you pash me the notesh for clash?") There are two other types as well but we can come back to them later.
I'm largely skipping through phonological disorders, as they can be more difficult and there are too many of them to discuss in a short post without that being the entire post!
Personal Experience
[Large text: Personal Experience]
This next section is more fun - looking at my own experiences and opinions as someone with an articulation disorder.
What to add
[Large text: What to add]
There are aspects to a speech sound disorder/articulation disorder that I think is very important to keep in mind that seldom are. The biggest one is that a person with an articulation disorder that impacts them enough is going to have ways to get around their disorder outside of receiving speech therapy. This can include avoiding words that prove difficult and words with certain sounds (I know that "ss" in the middle and end of words is a problem so I may avoid it around people that I think would tease me for it). They may be silent during conversations or class for fear of embarrassment. They may use their body more, like pointing or gesturing to things.
Another important thing I would love to see is reactions to articulation disorders that are positive or even neutral - letting people repeat words until they get the sound right if they're able to or just letting it pass otherwise.
[Large text: Stereotypes]
There are only 2 types of articulation disorders:
Many people when they think of articulation disorders think of either an "r" substitution (rhotacism) or an interdental lisp. There are so many types of articulation errors a character can have, and for several reasons, from comorbid and related illnesses (such as neurological disorders and dysarthria) to no known reason (known as idiopathic) to structural reasons (my hypermobility makes my tongue too long, which causes air to come out the sides of my mouth).
Articulation disorders make a character less serious:
Often characters who are given an articulation disorder are the comic relief (Tiny Nose in the Owl House is an example of exaggerated rhotacism) and aren't allowed to be serious or leads because our voices and way of speaking are too "ridiculous". This leads me to my next point...
Articulation disorders make a character "stupid":
There's a myth that speech and intelligence are related, which harms not only people with speech disorders but mainly people with intellectual disability. There is no relation between speech sound disorders and low intelligence, but there is nothing wrong with low intelligence and there are absolutely people with speech sound disorders with low IQs* (which do not label all intelligence and have its faults) as well as people with high and average IQs.
Should you "write out" a speech sound disorder?
[Large text: should you "write out" a speech sound disorder?]
This is a complicated question with no specific answer. Many people would agree that it is jarring and unadvised to write out an accent or dialect, but a speech sound disorder is not a dialect. It may also be difficult for the reader to visualize and keep in mind the differences if it is not put down. However, very unintelligible dialogue will need to be adapted for or translated in some way in most scenarios and some readers may be annoyed by the stylization of writing out the errors. I would overall lean towards including it, for reasons mentioned and so the disability isn't one that's discussed but never shown or adapted for.
Why not call my character's speech sound disorder "severe" or "mild"?
[Large text: Why not call my character's disability "severe" or "mild"?]
This is a personal take from my time at a clinic but one that I personally think is really impactful. Especially for younger people reading or younger characters, hearing that their disorder is "severe" may be both alienating and insulting. It also often implies there's no getting better or growth, which is not true. There are better ways it can be phrased - the disorder is significantly impacting them, or their intelligibility is significantly impacted, for example. As for "minor" or "mild" I try to avoid it because any disability can still impact the person - my lisp is relatively "mild" now after a while of using compensatory strategies and learning how to navigate but it still is impactful to me.
When writing characters who are less severely impacted by their disorders it may be more internal than anything else - others may not notice how much the character is compensating. This is going to impact their internal view and narration, however.
And that's another thing I want to stress - these disorders can run all kinds of ranges, from very impactful to barely noticeable. There is no one way to have a speech sound disorder - or a speech disability.
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lillywhitefield · 9 months
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*New and Improved*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✧・゚: *✧Lilly Whitefield's Fanfiction Masterlist✧*:・゚✧
Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington
Doja Cat Modern Songfic Series
Penelope Needs to Know - Explicit, Size Kink, Love Confession, 7/7, 25.6k words
Why Don't You Say So, Colin? - Mature, Masturbation, 2/2, 7.5k words
They've Been Feelin' Freaky Deaky - Explicit, One-Shot, Mirror Sex, 9.1k words
Polin Week 2023
Love Island and a Little Magic - Mature, Modern, Love Confession, 2k words
Rent is Due - Explicit, Modern, Roommates With Benefits, 1.6k words
A Pen Pal Called Pen (or, The Missing Letters) - General Audiences, Regency, Epistolary, 2k words
Never Turned You Off - Explicit, Modern, Flirting Help, Wall Sex, 2.1k words
Olive Like No Other - Teen, Modern, Olive Puns in Greece, 1.5k words
A Visit From Sir Richard - Explicit, Regency, Dildos, 3k words
when you and I collide - Teen, Modern, Intimacy, 1.2k words
Polin Month 2023, Ed Sheeran Edition
learning to speak - General Audiences, Modern, Meet-Cute, Speech Disorder, 2k words
a million more first times - General Audiences, Regency, Developing Friendship, 2.2k words
I see my future in your eyes - Explicit, Regency, Kitchen Sex, 3.4k words
this love won't ever go away - Explicit, Modern, Disney World with Children, 9k words
you will still love me the same - Explicit, Regency, Older Couple, A/B/O, 3.7k words
Polin Week 2024
it's hard to know which one of us is caving - Mature, Regency, Forced Proximity, Arguments, 3k words
linger - Mature, Regency, Lessons, Masturbation, dancing and flirting in Colin's bedroom, 2.2k words
Mr. Brightside - Teen, Fake Dating, Jealous Colin, why does everyone like Debling???, 3.6k words
i wish i was special - Teen, Epistolary, Colin's letters, sad boi hours, 2.6k words
maybe i just wanna be yours - Explicit, Height Difference, Colin goes through Pen's window to propose, 3k words
only fools rush in - Explicit, Soulmate AU, Meet-Cute, Sex under the stars, 5k words
your skin and bones - Explicit, Hopes for Season 3, Mirror Sex, Wedding Night, 2.7k words
Complete Multi-Chapter
Knot Surprising - Explicit, Modern, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pen asks Colin to help with her heat, it goes super well, since they're great friends and all, 6/6, 38.5k words
The Christmas Cake-Off - Explicit, Modern, Christmas Hallmark Movie, 3/3, 25k words
A Poison Tree - Explicit, Regency, Forced Marriage/Proximity, Only One Bed, Rebuilding Relationships, 19/19, 145k words
Santa Baby - Explicit, Modern, Santa Kink, Lap Sitting, Pregnancy Sex, 3/3, 22k words
It Was a Graveyard Smash - Various Ratings, Halloween One-shots, 21/21, 35k words
Bloodlust - Explicit, Regency, Vampire AU, Blood Drinking, Check Tags and A/N for CW, 4/4, 22k words
Romancing Captain Bridgerton - Explicit, Regency, Mermaid AU, 21/21, 100k words
Summer Afternoons - Explicit, Regency, Coping with Heat, Semi-Public Smut, 4/4, 16k words
my honey bee, come and get this pollen - Explicit, Regency, Breeding Kink, Pregnancy, Colin's turned on by the baby race, 4.2k words
Forgiveness - Explicit, Regency, Spanking, Lady Whistledown Cloak Shenanigans, 4.2k words
Falling for You - Explicit, Regency, Amnesia, Valentine's Day, Love Confessions, 11.2k words
Love in Bloom - Explicit, Regency, Sex Pollen, 5.2k words
you are impossible - Mature, Regency, Love Confession, 2k words
Switch It Up - Explicit, Modern, BDSM, Restraints, Latex, 1.9k words
Kissing the Kettledrums - Mature, Regency, Masturbation, 1.4k words
Baby, It's Cold Outside - Explicit, Regency, Pregnancy Sex, 4.5k words
All's Fair in Love and Pall Mall - Explicit, Regency, Sexual Frustration, 7k words
The Scents of Longing - Explicit (eventually), Regency, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Demisexual Colin, many confused feelings for our sad boi, 5/6, 30k words
Twelve Years, One Night - Teen, Modern, Rom-Com (based on Six Days, Seven Nights), 4/?, 11.9k words
Made of Honor: A Polin Love Story - Mature, Modern, Rom-Com (based on Made of Honor), 1/?, 1.8k words
Other Fics
Lord Fife (plz read this fic I swear it's actually so good and gay)
In His Wildest Fantasies - Explicit, Regency, Fife/Ben but also one-sided Fife/Colin and one-sided Cressida/Pen and also Colin/Pen in the background and ends with marriage of convenience for Cressida/Fife, M/M smut, 5.6k words
Queen Charlotte
Agatha Danbury/Lord Ledger
Come With Me - Explicit, no PIV but it's hot I promise, 4.3k words
Call the Midwife
Bernadette | Shelagh Turner/Patrick Turner
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - Explicit, Couch Sex, 3k words
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand - Teen, Grief, Loss of a Parent, 4k words
When I Fall In Love, It Will Be Completely - Mature, First Date, 4k words
Talking - Explicit, Married Life, 2.5k words
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vryfmi · 2 months
silent boy theory
bringing this theory back because ive been rotating it nonstop
[mild book spoilers!]
skull is characterised by his voice and snarky comments that Lucy has to put up with during their conversations, as well as the whispering tone which is heavily emphasised throughout the series. so when Dulac references to Bickerstaff's servant boy (aka skull) as "that silent Boy" in her confessions it really clashes with skull's personality as we know it.
TL;DR: my theory is that skull was mute or on a verge of losing his voice due to sickness, caused by working conditions and Bickerstaff's abandonment. thus, his ghost can't recall his healthy voice and can only whisper.
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[id from alt text: a photo of the passage from the book with line "that silent Boy" being emphasised by image's dimensions./end id]
firstly, it's the whispering skull. not quietly talking skull, not its-voice-sounds-far-away skull. whispering.
‘Because you sure as hell look it.’ It was the lowest, throatiest of whispers; alien, but familiar. I’d heard it once before. (TWS) The hoarse whisper came from somewhere close behind my ear. ‘I say stab them first, ask questions later! That’s your only sensible option.’ (THB)
argument could be made, that silver-glass muffles the voice and it becomes quieter. but here's a thing - whisper is a voice alteration, not a sound quality. when whispering, vocal cords don't vibrate, and produced speech has a different phonation. so whisper and quiet speech are technically two different things.
secondly, skull's work field and conditions. as a young servant, skull was able to see visitors and ward them off Bickerstaff and his master's friends, while they were robbing graves for potential sources. ghosts radiate cold, temperature can drop down to 5 degrees centigrade, that much we know from books, that's why agents are wearing jackets and gloves during ghost hunting cases. and skull's ghost was described as wearing only a shirt and ill fitting trousers, while also being barefooted.
It was the first time I’d ever really looked at him, at the spirit that he truly was. He wore a white shirt and gray trousers that were slightly too short for his bony legs. His feet were bare. He’d still been young when he died. (TEG)
with Bickerstaff's obsession and apparent blindness to anything else that wasn't his device, it's safe to say that he would neglect skull's needs and didn't bother to get his servant any proper clothes, not to mention shoes, which at the time were expensive, since children constantly need shoes as they grow up, and it wasn't uncommon for children from lower class to not have shoes at all and walk barefooted.
that said, my theory is that skull came down with sickness while grave robbing, and Bickerstaff ignored it (mainly because he was a psych doctor, not a medical one), skull's condition worsened and turned into laryngitis. without treatment, his vocal cords got damaged, resulting in loss of voice.
[now, im in no way educated to diagnose a fictional character and there can be mistakes in my logic (like how skull could have lost his voice prior to Bickerstaff), but i went down a rabbit hole and need to share this.]
there's a condition that fits the description of person losing their voice or only be able to talk in whisper, it's called aphonia. there are multiple common causations for this condition, namely psychological, but organic aphonia is caused by damage on vocal cords or throat, that could have happened due to disease or physical trauma. (source)
it's also worth pointing out that any voice disorders in children and teenagers affects the way they socialise and behave. gestures and facial expressions become alternative to communication when voice is too weak for speech or it is painful to talk.
Someone had knocked the cloth off the ghost-jar, and the face had re-materialized. It pulled extravagant expressions of horror and disgust whenever I passed by. (TWS)
‘You know the rules: minimal manifestations, no rude faces, and absolutely no talking.’ The ghost looked wounded. ‘I wasn’t talking, was I? Do you call this talking? Or this?’ It pulled a rapid series of grotesque expressions, each one worse than the last. (THB)
and finally, Lucy. she almost undeniably plays a role of interpretor that passes down what skull says, since others have no way of communicating with him or, more specifically, no way of hearing him. it all does seem to fit perfectly together (at least to me) so i can't stop wondering of how intentional any of that was on Stroud's behalf. then yet again, Stroud did say that that he had a draft for skull's backstory but scraped it in favour of keeping his character as mysterious as possible. some elements could've stayed in the final version of the books, who knows.
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swisccfinds · 9 months
50 ONE LEVEL CAREERS: Storytelling careers megapack by isy's the snake
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Here is yet another career mod pack, but this one has no promotions, you just work and your job level stays at 1. As the title say this mod is best for story telling!
creator's notes-
This mod requires XML Injector by Scumbumbo. You can find it here. Pay attention if you don't already have it for another mod! In that case, you do not need to re-install it. Be sure it is updated for the last patch.
XML Injector is a mod required for some mods to work. So, you install it as any other mod in your Mods folder, no more than one subfolder deep.
This mod has been updated for the version 1.99.305 of the game (second update after Horse Ranch).
It doesn't required any DLC to work. Base game compatible
I've adopted this mod from the amazing ItsKatato who, due to her hiring at EA, couldn't continue to mod. I have made some changes: • I have changes all the pics of the careers — now they all show Sims (please check the credits paragraph at the end to see who was the amazing raccoon who helped me); • I have updated the mod for the Horse Ranch patch; • I have cleared ALL the tuning errors; • Fixed the description of some careers who appeared to be missing.
Now, here we go with the explanation of the mod (originally written by ItsKatato, edited by me):
Katato said: "Have you ever had a story planned out for your sims but you can't find the perfect career for them? Most of the time when I find the career it ends up being a complicated career with a bunch of promotion tasks and extra stuff. Well, I've made a pack of a bunch of single-level careers. All your sim has to do is go to work, that's it. This is perfect for the non-important sims in your life, like the forgotten children of your legacy challenge." In short: those are 50 careers you can use for NPCs Sims or random Sims you do not want to care about. As Amethyst said: "Go to work, make money, leave me alone". Your Sims won't need any task to perform to upgrade and get a promotion, as well as they do not really need an ideal mood to go to work since it won't change their performance. They just go and do their job. And now the list of all careers:
1. Anesthetiologist 2. Cartographer 3. Chiropractor 4. Compliance Officer 5. Data Scientist 6. Dental Hygienist 7. Dentist 8. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer 9. Financial Advisor 10. Financial Manager 11. Genereal Surgeon 12. Genetic Counselor 13. Home Health Aide 14. Information Security Analyst 15. IT Manager 16. Interpreter And Translator 17. Lawyer 18. Marriage And Family Therapist 19. Massage Therapist 20. Mathematician 21. Mechanical Engineer 22. Medical And Health Services Manager 23. Nurse Anesthetist 24. Nurse Practitioner 25. Obstetrician And Gynecologist 26. Occupational Therapist 27. Operations Reasearch Analyst 28. Optometrist 29. Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon 30. Orthodontist 31. Orthotist And Prosthetist 32. Paralegal 33. Pediatrician 34. Personal Care Aide 35. Phlebotomist 36. Physical Therapist 37. Physical Therapist Assistant 38. Physician 39. Physician Assistant 40. Pilot 41. Podiatrist 42. Prosthodontist 43. Psychiatrist 44. Registered Nurse 45. Respiratory Therapist 46. Software Developer 47. Speech-Language Pathologist 48. Statician 49. Substance Abuse And Behavioral Disorder Counselor 50. Veterinarian 51. Web Developer 52. Wind Turbine Technician 
lets give some of our love and support to isy!
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feel complicated abt parents blogger of disabled children
on one hand great that raise awareness abt what like raise disabled / often very disabled child, n educate about their disability
about visible differences disorder may cause, visible disability, all kind pediatric adaptive equipment you rarely see (many adaptive equipment learned from these blogs), rare disorders, realities of have disabled child be family bc when your disability extensive & affect so much & need extra help, do impact everyone around you in all kind of ways (& not just negative), how society treat them, & educate online in hope make outside world better place for child & current n future children like their child
many times these disabled children don’t have way communicate or interact with world in way that allow them be on social media, even with help, right now or ever, so they cannot self advocate in way most people online can understand (many of them DO communicate DO self advocate, through their own way whether words speech AAC gesture facial expression movement noises body language). so you rarely hear their perspective in disability community but they marginalized in way that, their voices need be heard their existence need be understood & accepted & acknowledged. n even, many people in disabled community deny their existence, punch down ableism, try separate self from them, so education incredibly important.
but also. is exactly the problem isn’t it? how many of them may not able understand what it mean be on social media be put on social media to fully make informed consent, because of disability. or communicate whether they want or do not want be on social media. or who know if them communicate not wanting be on here be respected? but even disability aside, even non disabled peers same age do not / often cannot not cannot make informed decision about this. can’t just say “[mommy (but all genders)] blogging bad except when it about disabled children”
disabled children also deserve privacy also deserve autonomy have them respected be protected same way nondisabled children protected not be exploited. all of these cant shouldn’t n mustn’t be sacrificed in name of advocacy.
but how
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allkindsofadvocacy · 4 months
Find Me Friday: Brooklyn & Bailey & Brent!
Logo that says Reece’s Rainbow Special Needs Adoption Support in blue, below a blue & yellow paint stroke rainbow graphic with a yellow Ukrainian trident symbol on the right half. In this series, each Friday I’m able, I want to share a different child or group of children who are available for adoption and listed through the adoption advocacy website Reece’s Rainbow. Please note, names used on…
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newtsoda · 1 year
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When school is torture...
A comic about autism and “school avoidance”.
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Title: 'It's Not School Avoidance – Trauma, Burnout and PTSD in the Education System'. The first panel shows a woman, her face veiled in shadow and surrounded by a thicket of thorns. She looks alien, with pointed ears and cat-like eyes. The second panel shows her drowning, her hand grasping at the air. The next panel shows ghost-like arms twisting around her. The speech bubbles read: When I was a kid, school was the stuff of nightmares. An intense and overwhelming environment, overstimulating and demanding, and entirely unforgiving. It's where I learned to mask and how to lie about all manner of things. I faked so many illnesses just so I could have the break I couldn't ask for. All so that I could somehow stay afloat in a system that did not recognise my needs. Neurotypicals don't understand just how much school is not designed for people who are not like them. Nor do they understand what it's like when you have to return to the place that is hurting you, day after day after day.
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The woman lies with her head on a pillow, staring wide-eyed at the reader. Thorns creep around the edges of the frame. The text reads: It's nearly twenty years later, and I still have the nightmares. Not the same vague dreams about not doing my homework everyone gets, but vivid night terrors that revolve around school and the things it made me feel. I've been told it's a symptom of CPTSD. The second panel shows a dagger with thorns wrapped around it as it is slowly dragged into their midst. The text reads: Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder develops over a series of prolonged traumatic events. A disturbingly high number of autistic adults go on to develop it and can trace the root of their trauma back to the torturous experiences of their school years. So, I guess it's safe to say I'm not alone. But what's worse: It's still happening today.
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A girl is at the centre of the page, tears streaming down her face as scissors cut through her wings. Blood drips down the page. Thorns creep towards her. Another panel shows the woman's back with the shredded remnants of her own cut wings. The text reads:  Autistic children are being dragged through a grim education system that does not get their needs, quietly suffering. Parents are denied support if their child makes good grades or is quiet in class, because all is well. But the school doesn't see the tears and fights getting to the gates in the morning. Or the meltdowns/shutdowns as soon as the child gets home. It doesn't matter what's happening to their mental health. That a bubbly, happy child who loved to learn has turned into a despondent, empty shell of their former self. Above all else, school emphasises attendance rates. As long as that child is still showing up every day, it's seen as a success, no matter the cost—and the cost, sadly, is often steep for people like us.
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The girl and the woman are wrapped in a towering mass of thorns. Swords jut from the wounded woman's chest while she looks down at the girl who reaches for a hand trying to rescue her from her plight. The text reads: “Your child just needs to develop more resilience.” An infamous line that keeps rearing its ugly head. It comes from a place of ignorance, from people who have no idea how resilient these young people already are from living in a world not designed for their neurotype. But what can parents do? They're witnessing the damage forced classroom time is doing to their children, seeing it destroy them, but feel powerless to help. Keeping them home for recovery results in fines, warnings, and intimidation tactics. Seeing no other way out, some parents are forced to take their child out of school for good, opting for home schooling instead. They report needing years to repair the damage done to their child's mental health.
[Page 5]
The woman is seen healing the girl's back. Tiny wings sprout where hers were cut. The text reads: Homeschooling can allow parents to slowly build their children back up, coaxing them back to their former selves. But not everybody has the means to homeschool, and while it should always be a choice, it should never be one forced by desperation. The next panel shows the woman's own shredded wings. The final one shows her defending her child. Text: This whole thing is excruciating for autistic parents who experienced it all themselves while growing up and know exactly the damage that is being done, yet find themselves unable to protect their child from suffering the same fate. I want to be a parent one day, but the thought of school already fills me with dread. I want my child to benefit from a well-rounded education without paying the steep mental health price I had to pay. It shouldn't be too much to ask! And yet, I've fully prepared myself for the battles I'll have to fight.
[Page 6]
The page shows the woman twirling the girl around while she holds her hands and the girl flies with her new, full-grown wings. The woman's wings are still shredded, but she smiles knowing that she was able to help her daughter. The text reads: I want to raise the next generation of autistic people unburdened by school trauma or CPTSD. We need more autistic-friendly options, and lockdown and the pandemic showed that it's possible!  We need flexible schooling, less classroom time, more opportunities to do schoolwork from home, and low intensity classrooms for children who don't have parents who can support learning from home. Allow for recovery time and stop penalising low attendance rates! We want the education system to recognise the damage it's doing to young people and believe parents when they plead for support. There is more than one way to achieve learning outcomes, and we deserve a system that works for us.
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