#speedy AI boy
cleolinda · 7 months
Weekend links
My posts
1) From earlier this week: “My ~longform posts are going somewhere else. Dreamwidth? Definitely previewed on Patreon and backed up there. Here’s an unlocked post about it. tl;dr: I know tech bros already scraped everything, but if you tell me you’re going to do it, I’m not gonna hand it to you. Maybe it’s a token effort, but there it is.” Of course I’ll still post links to new writing here. 
2) Some people have March Madness. I now have the Hot & Vintage Movie Women tournament. 
One of the best parts of the tournament (you may remember that Toshiro Mifune won the male matchup) is people reblogging and submitting pictures, further bio information, and personal anecdotes--that sense of the Tumblr collective scrapping for the pure love of their blorbos. I love Edwige Fenech’s eyes and her iconic eyeliner, and I had to step in when she went up against powerhouse Julie Andrews with only one small picture. No, I’m not letting Edwige go out like that. She won’t win, but the people must make their choice knowingly. 
I also posted some pictures for Lady Tsen Mei, because I’d actually never heard of her and was curious. Also, because she’s going up against Musidora and that’s not an easy row to hoe, either. If you see matchups like that, where hotvintagepoll didn’t receive much to post about an actress--appealing to the people with a good picspam in the reblogs is where the fun comes in. 
Bear in mind that running the tournament is an INCREDIBLE amount of work; this was Friday alone. Like, I don’t know the person who’s running this, but it couldn’t be me. They’re working with what they were sent, and here’s how we can be the propaganda we want to see in the world. I will jump in as necessary when Ava Gardner, Gene Tierney, Norma Shearer, Paulette Goddard, and (on my mom’s behalf) Julie Christie show up. But there’s 512 contenders, and it’s going to be a hard fight. 
(I am now reblogging the polls at only one an hour, and when I fall behind, that just means that people who missed them can catch up. Each poll lasts a week, after all.)
Reblogs of interest
You are invited to the assassination of Julius Caesar! If you joined Tumblr during the various internet shakeups last year, you may not be aware that the Ides of March is a major Tumblr holiday. You need to be. 
People have always been people: an immensely long collection that may make you cry. 
Respect for the Welsh language
The “Fool in a Field” theory of life in the universe
A helpful guide to some common birds here in the western US
The Forbidden Colors
“You get to drive away”: A Tale
I was not ready for this development in the Fairy vs Walrus debate
(Did William Butler Yeats believe in fairies? An anecdote from my grad school days)
(”While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a slapping”)
“Recently I’ve been interested in what I’d like to call the historical lesbian wardrobe”
“This is the snake I’ve been looking for my entire life”
Angry kitten scolds water, slaps it for good measure
Cat plays theremin
A speedy boi who doesn’t need a bike to jump
The most relaxed tiger
The sacred texts
Yes, THAT Stinky Bastard Man
Personal tags of the week
I want to be clear that AI has incredible scientific uses and could be used voluntarily by writers and artists for their own experimental projects. That is... not what this AI tag is about. 
Speaking of AI: truly, the Willy Wonka Experience debacle has been a DashCon for the 2020s. 
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mariacallous · 3 months
Pretty much every online lurker knows the image: A man gawks at a passing woman making the kind of “How you doin’?” face that would make Joey Tribbiani blush. Ever since it landed in 2017, the “distracted boyfriend” meme, which took that stock photo and projected scenarios onto it, has been seared into the internet’s collective consciousness. Now, artificial intelligence is rendering the memory of that viral moment fuzzy, along with the memories of dozens of other memes.
Often called “time traveler” videos, particularly on TikTok, the AI-generated clips currently bouncing around the internet take well-known memes and add context that wasn’t there before. In some cases, they “interrupt” the action; sometimes they include a haunting specter. In the “distracted boyfriend” animation, which was posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) last month, the boyfriend is seen turning around and following the girl walking in the opposite direction while his girlfriend stands nearby.
The clip was made using Luma Dream Machine, an AI model that takes source images and text prompts and creates high-quality, realistic videos. Within days of its release, social media users started to borrow images and frames from recognizable memes to create visuals that test Dream Machine’s generation abilities. The results proved that while the AI model isn’t flawless, it does have the ability to rewrite internet history by altering the web’s most enduring images.
As Dream Machine spread, some common visual limitations and faults of generative AI showed up in the model’s output, such as unnatural human depictions and objects morphing. While some social media users found the visuals to be scary and concerning in terms of AI’s acceleration and its potential to create misinformation, others found amusement in the model’s incoherent errors.
While it may be disconcerting to think that one of these AI-altered memes could go so viral it eclipses the image that inspired it, Know Your Meme editor Phillip Hamilton believes that the trend doesn’t pose a huge threat to digital media preservation. Rather, it’s the ubiquity of the originals that makes the reboots work.
“Generally, everyone knows the context,” Hamilton says, referring to the viral images being edited. “The iconicness of the video is at the core of the trend … the core of the [time-traveler] meme is that popular thing being stopped.”
The nature of meme-sharing on social media revolves around user interaction with memes. Since most are the result of editing to begin with, editing memes with AI is fair game, Hamilton says.
Luma boasts that Dream Machine can generate 120 frames of high-quality video in under 120 seconds, despite facing significant delays due to extremely high demand. The speedy generation, along with the availability of a “free” tier that allows users to generate up to 30 clips per month, have made Dream Machine much more accessible than its OpenAI counterpart, Sora, which, despite being revealed in February, has not yet been released to the public so far.
The freedom and easy access of the Dream Machine model have led many users, like Lukas Robert Hron, a 23-year-old game developer based in Sweden, to create new versions of popular internet memes, like viral videos from the defunct platform Vine (RIP).
On June 14, Hron posted a clip on X showing a modified version of a 2013 Vine where a young kid incorrectly answers the question “What’s nine plus 10?” In Hron’s version, a shadow enters the room right before the boy declares his iconically wrong answer. Soundtracked by spooky music, the video sparked unnerving reactions from social media users who were as confused as intrigued. Two weeks after Hron posted it, the clip had racked up more than 30 million views on X, and as it made its way to different channels, the video accumulated captions like “POV: time traveler comes to stop meme.” As more users have remade viral Vines, the “time traveler” joke has followed them, too.
The videos, often bizarre in substance, trigger the sort of body horror that comes with generative AI’s uncanny depiction of human forms and movements. While Hron—who also happens to make horror games—did intend for his video to have an off-putting vibe, its strange visuals were merely a product of Dream Machine’s faults. Other posts under the “time traveler” trend show the people in the original videos being chased by shadow figures, morphing into unrecognizable creatures, and being consumed by monsters.
“It's a lot easier for AI to get things wrong, and that just makes them inherently scary,” Hron says.
While these AI-generated visuals might not overshadow the original memes, they signal a new wave of digital content and a new engagement dynamic for social media users. What might only look like bizarre and unrealistic meme-editing at the moment could set the groundwork for a widely skeptical online audience, one that believes not even memes are to be trusted.
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garbagechocolate · 1 year
Damn you draw bloodmoon fine asf. I haven't catch up much sun and moon show and i saw you draw bloodmoon, bloodmoon og, bloodmoon ai. If is okay can you explain what is bloodmoon i still so confuse i always thought there is two bloodmoon and they different person due to different eye patterns in other fan art of him XDD also love your sketch speedy what is sleep artist.
Oh boy this one's going under cut fellas
Bloodmoon is a character from the Sun and Moon Show created by Eclipse to originally aid him in his plans. However, due to how Eclipse based him around the Homicide code and ONLY THE HOMICIDE CODE, he has a hunger for Blood.
While there is only technically ONE body, there are two minds that body. The Original, who was the intended creation of Eclipse, and the Adaptation, who quickly evolved from a stray piece of code.
The Original views each other as two halves of the same thing. Or a extension of each other. Though both Bloodmoons are impulsive and driven by hunger, OG is much more driven by emotion than Adapt. OG kills to satisfy the hunger that never ends, and is extremely impatient when it comes to that.
The Adaptation plays into the "brother" thing. He refers to the other as brother. Adapt is only ever so slightly calmer, and much better at thinking his actions through. He usually sleeps in the mind. While OG gets impatient and tears victims apart quickly, Adapt takes pleasure in slowly torturing them, proving himself more sadistic than OG.
Both halves of Bloodmoon make up Bloodmoon as a whole, and while control would be a problem, it isn't. Because these two are content with sharing the body. These two have possibly one of the best relationships in the series.
So where does the OG & AI thing come in?
The origins of that is simple. I was so distraught over the show killing off Bloodmoon that me, along with Darkie and Neb, decided to just rewrite the thing.
In my rewrite au, Bloodmoon is not created by Eclipse. That is all I will say for now.
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nityarawal · 1 year
Morning Songs
Appeal The Judicial Shutdown
Appeal The Judicial Shutdown
Appeal Closing The Government
Don't Need 45 More Days
Of Trumpleberry Greenwashing
Appeal Judicial Shutdown
We Know Your Courts
Don't Perform
We Can't Do That
We Can't Do That
Sing The Clerks
We Know Your Courts
Can't Perform
We Can't Do That
We Can't Do That
Says Insurance
We Know The Courts
Can't Perform
They Can't Do A Dissolution
Or Honor An Honest
House Appraisal
They Don't Know
Real Estate Law
So Trumpleberry
Teases Them
Says His House Is
3 Times As Large
We Want To Investigate
The Boys' Club
Who Killed Starter
It Won't Take Us 20+
Like FBI
Citizen Journalism
Elon Wants
But Won't Give Us
Mother's Defense
Search Engines
Or Writers Check Boxes
What Have You
Given Us In Freedom
Of Speech
Courts Are Still Open
On Hold
Threatening Tortures
You're Welcome For AI
We Wouldn't Have Agreed
At Any Price
To Model A Prototype
300 Billion To Britney
300 Billion To #Nitya4Eternity
300 Billion To Mothers'
For We Are Not 
Models For Trans
Nor AI
300 Billion To Iranian
For Their Resources
To Do What They Will
As They Please
Civilian's Autonomy
300 Billion To European
We're Sorry
Our Military
Raped Ukraine
For Surrogacy
It Didn't Work
Khloe Says
She'd Rather Have A
Real Baby Kardashian
It Didn't Work
Says The Harem
Our Babies Haven't
Got Our Heartbeats
You Were Right
Should Of Birthed
All Of Them
You Were Right
Says Millions Of
Will Caitylyn Admit
You Were Right
On Kourt TV
Will Caitlyn Admit
You Were Right Girls
Men Shouldn't Be
As Boys' On Steroids
You Were Right Girls
Bows In Your Hair
Does Not A Woman 
You Were Right Girls
Did Bruce Do His Best
For You Anyways
Everyone Loves 
A Famous Athlete
Everyone Loves A Gay Dad
You Didn't Need To Cut
Your Junk
Everyone Loves A Gay
You Didn't Need To Trans
5 Million At The Border
For Trans Defense Spies
Everyone Loves A Gay 
Even With A Beard
So Many Presidents
With Indiscretions
Coming Out
Of Hiding
#PrinceOfPegging Agenda
Saphos Gave Us Courage
To Do
What Moms' Need
Saphos Gave Us
Warrior Goddesses
Of Achilles Times
Saphos Gave Us Courage
Saphos Gave Us
Brave Women
Citizen Journalists
Mothers Made
Their Mark
X- Activists
Thankless With #X Tips
And Much Delayed
Rewind The Junk
Give Us Our Kids
Erase The Muck
We're Not Into It
Courts Aren't Cool
Courts Never Will Be
It Wasn't Cool To
Kill Feinstein
Or Replace Her
With Another
Black Soldier
Jacqueline Jackson
Doesn't Return
New Presiding Judge
Of Riverside
Don't Work At All
My P.D's Don't
Know What A Probate
Is- Don't Know
Real Estate Law
Felt Scammed By
Ashby Clark Sorrenson
Jay Curatolo
Said Courts Are Broken
PD Says
Courts Are Broken
Mr. Curatolo Said
Courts Are Broken
To Judge Kelly Mok
In Family Law
On The 2018
Courts Are Broken
Why Haven't You
Closed Them Yet
No We Don't Want
To Pay For Another
Moment Of Trumpleberry 
Free PR 
With Our Tax Dollars
Judges Killed Over
A 1000 Parents Per Courthouse
In Your Ruling
We Won't Pay
For Your Blood Money
Or Pleas
Send My Kids
Give My Divorce
Not Another Moment
Of Vanity Pleas
Not Another Moment
Of A Moldy Dicks
If He Raped Moms
Vasectomy The 
The Cause
If He Trafficked Me
My Kids
He Must Pay
With Epstein's
Whole Court Army
He Must Pay
Like Any Other Guy
We Would've Liked A
Winning Smile
From Biden Or
Any Honest Atty Would Do
We Would've Liked Words
With Obamas'
We Would've Liked Our
Fair And Speedy 
However Your Time
Is Up
Sanctions Weren't
To Get Honest Justice
From Judges
Or Attys
You Need To Close
Your Moldy Courts
Stop Generating
Germ Warfare
You Need To Close
Your Moldy Courts
Full Of Germ Warfare
2 Billion Mothers
Sing In Unity
What Must Be Done
Pull Back Your
Get To Your Needs
Stop Your Rockets
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
0 notes
rowantreeart · 7 years
Tumblr media
Inktober day 1, a little late.
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dragon-of-dreams · 4 years
My Masterlist
 Part four to Cracking a Code; Previous Part
 Pairing: dark!Steve Rogers x Reader (fem)
 Warnings: Swearing, gaslighting, stalking, aftermath of noncon, noncon touching
 Summary: The next day can’t be real, can it? Or where y/n goes into work and gets hit by a strong sense of deja vu.
 Word count: 2k
 A/n: I’m so sorry that this a) took so long and b) has so much plot not much else, but well I promise it’ll get creepier next chapter!
The next morning you woke before your alarm clock, which was good because it gave you time for the world’s longest and most thorough shower.
And was also terrible because you woke up and it was still real.
It happened.
 The intensity with which you scrubbed down your body was straight out unhealthy and you only stopped when you realized how close you were to breaking skin. He’d hurt you, but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of hurting yourself over him. You were hurting enough as it was.
While that mindset stayed with you, you were also shaking the entire time it took you to put on clothes and get to the office. Leaving your apartment was harder than you had ever imagined it being. For the first time in your life, you could understand those people you sometimes saw on the television, who hadn’t left their homes in years. You’d give anything for a reprive of having to live what was now your daily life. You knew it wouldn’t end and hiding in your apartment sounded oh-so-appealing, if – in your case – completely useless.
You used the short elevator ride down to your apartment lobby for some breathing exercises, put on a smile for your doorman, and in front of the double doors leading out into the Brooklyn sunshine you froze.
You knew Steve wouldn’t be there to follow you around. No, he wouldn’t stoop that low. But then again, he didn’t have to. You were terrified as his words rang in your ears: Good thing I had Buck accompanying you home. As you stared out into the busy street before you, you knew without a doubt, in your heart, that Bucky Barnes, the fucking Winter Soldier, was out there waiting for you. Watching you. Never leaving you. You were fucked. There was no running away.
“Miss? Are you alright?” You turned your head to the porter approaching you from behind his desk where he kept guard over his proverbial sheep, unknowing that you’d been torn by the wolf already.
You forced a smile: “Yes, thank you, uh, “ your eyes flew to his name tag, “George. Work has been keeping me so busy lately I’m turning into the weird professor guy from the movies!” you laughed and George chuckled but eyed you worriedly. “I’ll see you later, Miss. Please take it easy at work today. Tell Mr. Stark to cut you some slack!” You smiled and nodded at him: “Will do. See you tonight” and with that, you pushed through the doors and the pit in your stomach. Out into the bustling life of New York City.
You didn’t look behind you as you briskly walked down the street to the subway, but you could feel Bucky’s eyes on you like the fog creeping in in early October. It was an all-consuming feeling, creeping in from the sea to swallow you whole.
But you kept your head up high. You weren’t a stranger to being afraid, to being bullied. You had been the smartest student in every class you had ever taken and men didn’t appreciate being beaten by a woman. You hadn’t backed down when you were a kid, you wouldn’t bow down now, not to Captain America and most certainly not to the Winter Soldier! You knew you were putting up a façade but if you didn’t you wouldn’t have made it out of bed this morning, maybe never have left it again, but that wasn’t you.
‘Oh yes, the times are changing and those boys better get with the program’, you thought grimly as you stepped into a subway car and crossed your arms, staring at the open doors, waiting for your shadow to make an appearance.
Bucky entered through the doors to your left. You almost missed him, but now that you knew you weren’t looking for blond and beefy but brunette and murdery it was a lot harder for him to play invisible. He was good, but you were better.
But by God was he confused when you approached him. “Good morning, Mr. Barnes. I don’t know what Steve told you about me, or what your involvement in all of this is, but here is what I am telling you: Fuck off. I don’t want to see you or him again, so make sure he gets the message?”
Before Bucky could reply you moved away from him and slumped down in between two elderly ladies, the perfect shield from anyone getting close to you. Even Bucky knew not to harass a woman in front of two NYC ladies. They’d beat him to death with their shopping bags. You smirked at the mental image you had created in your mind, escaping reality even if getting away was only temporary.
Once you were sitting, the pain you had ignored so diligently came back with force. Your lower half was cramping and sore and you wanted to cry from the pain of it, but no, not while Bucky was there. Not ever again, while any man could see. ‘When had you turned to hate men for what one had to you?’ you wondered.
Bucky disappeared one stop before the tower and you were relieved that he seemingly had realized how dead-serious you were.
The second you entered the tower, you were utterly, abnormally calm and finally stopped shaking. You didn’t have a plan yet, but you knew you’d have to get away, away from this place and Steve and all the pain he’d caused you. After all, you could barely move without hurting.
You could go and teach at any university in the country. They’d love to have you. All you needed to figure out how to quit without seeming suspicious. That was going to be difficult because Tony knew you loved your job. But you couldn’t tell him the truth. No one would believe you if you told them the real reason and you had worked too hard to now be labeled as a crazy fangirl/stalker-lady. You huffed. If only they knew who the real stalker was.
You smiled at your secretary, thanked her for the coffee she had bought for you on her way to work. You squared your shoulders and open the door to your office ready to start your day.
When you entered your office you were hit with a strong sense of déjà vu, you started to shiver again and felt all color leave your face. You almost dropped your coffee.
Steve was in your office again. But luckily – blessedly even – so was Tony. What the actual fuck? You cursed in your mind but tried to smile. It didn’t work judging by Tony’s expression.
“Y/n, are you all right?” he asked while crossing the room towards you. “You don’t look too good.” Before Tony’s outstretched hand could touch you, you took half a step back. “I think I’m coming down with something. The flu, I guess,” you mumbled.
“Then why didn’t you stay home?” said a sincerely concerned voice – Steve’s. Sincerely concerned? No, it couldn’t be! Your creepy-man-radar must just be off, right?
“I… I… I promised Jarvis to teach him about the code. I forgot yesterday” you murmured turning to the super-soldier, whose brows were drawn up in concern and he was leaning forward, looking you over as if to check for injuries or signs of your alleged flu. ‘What was going on?’
“Is there anything I can do for you gentlemen?” you asked. Steve smiled at you at that. His smile was stunning. So… open and kind. And WHAT THE HELL??? No! His smile wasn’t kind! He was your rapist! Except that it was. There was no denying that. If your entire body hadn’t been hurting maybe you would’ve started talking yourself into the fantasy that yesterday hadn’t happened, but it did. But his smile was nothing like yesterday. His smile made you want to trust him. 
“Well, y/n, I just wanted to congratulate you and Stevie here wanted to thank you for your speedy work. We were able to arrest 20 people yesterday because of the intel you decrypted.”
“Yeah? That’s great” you forced out and turned back to Tony, but your eyes kept straying to Steve.
“Were you working late again, Gaia?” Tony suddenly asked. Shit. Tony had been on your ass to get a life. “No, no, why?”
“Because you look, and please forgive me for being frank here, worn out and really sick. I told you to take better care of yourself. Work isn’t everything, you know?”
You were about to call Tony out on that, after all, he was famous for his work benders, but Steve never gave you the chance.
“Jarvis, when has Ms y/l/n left her office yesterday?” Once more he sounded concerned. ‘Oh, that bastard’ you thought. Steve knew - of course - that you’d lied to Tony. “At 9 p.m., Captain, 4 hours after her workday usually ends, Sir.”
You wanted to strangle the AI at that moment. 
“Well Tony, if you don’t mind I will take y/n home, then. She obviously needs to rest and I need to head to Brooklyn anyways to meet with Bucky.” Steve sounded offended that you’ lied, so righteous.
“Yes you do that, champ” Tony agreed, absentmindedly, not noticing that Steve had no right knowing where you lived. “Say hi to Buckeroo for me, will ya?” Steve nodded and added “Tony, you can’t work your employees that hard. We talked about this.” His voice was imploring, and a little disgruntled. What was happening?
“Well with this one it isn’t my fault” Tony replied flippantly as he walked to the door. “Take care of yourself y/n, okay?”
“Tony, I’m fine. I’m an adult, I can decide if I am fit to work or not!” You wanted to sound assertive, but you were rather aware that you begged. Tony just smiled at you and grinned: “What the Captain says goes, young lady, trust me it’s for the best.” And with that, he’d left your office, leaving you alone with your tormentor.
You were done for. You knew it. Steve would now pounce on you and break you to pieces and… fuck. You were getting wet. Your brain knew that this was a self-defense mechanism to your body, but your heart felt ashamed. There was no denying that the sex had ended spectatcularly.
You jumped a mile when you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, ripping you out of your thoughts. “y/n?” Steve’s voice was soft. “It’s time to go home, come on.”
“Don’t touch me” you replied, your voice hoarse with unshed tears. 
“Don’t worry, I can’t catch the flu, you could even cough on me, doll.” Steve joked, as he took your coffee from you and placed it on your table. “Any aches, pains or other flu symptoms?” For the first time since Tony left you, you dared look into his face. He seemed so concerned that you couldn’t help yourself and nodded. “Yeah. “ You sounded defeated even in your own head. “Both.”
“It’s okay, angel. I’ll take you home and take care of you.” Steve wrapped his warm, strong arm around you and moved you out of your office. Everything started to blur together, as he called out to your secretary that you were sick and he was taking you home and he moved you into an elevator and finally maneuvered you into a car. You let him. You let yourself be manhandled. You still didn’t understand what was happening. Where was the man who had almost fucked you to pieces yesterday night? At the thought, more wetness gathered between your thighs and you blushed scarlet as Steve got into the driver’s seat next to you. If any of the rumors about his enhanced senses were true, he’d be able to smell you by now.
As Steve pulled into the crazy Manhatten traffic he said: ”Bucky told me about your little argument this morning” His voice was so soft it lulled you in even more, “and quite frankly darling, I don’t appreciate the language you used nor how unappreciative of my protection you are. I know this must all be difficult for you, but there will still have to be consequences for your behavior,” ‘he sounds like a well-meaning teacher’ you thought confused. “but for today, I think you earned yourself some aftercare for taking my cock so well yesterday.” You felt like you’d been hit by a truck. Steve still sounded absolutely casual, but you froze at the slight mention.
His right hand settled on your thigh. “Breathe, darling, deep breath. It’s gonna be alright. I’m gonna take care of you from now on out.”
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 4 years
“The elephant told me to do it”
I see you anon and I know you thought you were being funny 😏 but I’ve got this... May I present to you, my first ever ‘wisdom teeth’ trope, coming in at 977 words!
Just six months ago, if someone had told Tony that he was going to meet and all but adopt an enhanced teenager with a hero complex just shy of matching his own, he probably would've laughed their face.  He wasn't exactly known for being patient, let alone fatherly but there he was sitting in the Medbay waiting for his puffy cheeked kid to wake up.
Although, he didn't have to wait long.  Soon enough, the teenager was blinking up at him.  "Hey, kiddo.  How do you feel?" he quietly inquired but the boy just continued to stare at him. "What's up, Buddy?"
"You're Tony Stark" Peter muffledly replied.
Tony cocked his head to the side and huffed a laugh. "Of course, I'm Tony Stark.  You doing okay there, Pete?" he asked with amusement, laughing outright when he kid's eyes grew comically wide.
"Tony Stark knows my name?" Peter half-whispered though, between the cotton in his mouth and the drug-induced slur, the words were nearly unrecognizable.
It was then that Tony realized exactly how high the boy really was. "Wow.  They've got you on the good stuff, huh, Kid?" he asked as he ran his fingers through the kid's hair.
After second or two of that, everything seemed to click and Peter's eyes lit up with newfound recognition before morphing right back into confusion.  "The good stuff?"
"Yeah, you had your wisdom teeth removed. Remember?" Tony asked and was completely unprepared for the kid to burst into tears.  
"They removed my teeth?" Peter cried, making his already swollen face look worse.  
However, once he'd gotten over the initial shock, Tony leaned in to console his kid.  "Shh.  You're alright. All of your other teeth are still there-" he tried to placate.
"-But I liked my teeth!" Peter continued to sob before reaching up, in what Tony assumed was an attempt to see if his teeth were, in fact, still there.
"No, no- don't touch," he said as he grabbed the boy's hands and held them in his own. "You have your teeth, I promise", he added but Peter continued to sniffle until the nurse walked in, giving them a soft smile. Then she looked in Peter's mouth and deemed him ready for release.  Super-speedy healing was a gift and things were progressing nicely.  
"Alright, kiddo.  I think we're going to set you up here on the couch so that I can keep an eye on you," Tony said a little while later, as he turned on Animal Planet and attempted to help the teenager lay down.
"Mmhmm," Peter distractedly replied, eyes already drawn to the screen.  Then as his mentor leaned over to try and guide his head towards the pillows, he wrapped his arms around his neck and held on tight.
"What are you doing, Kid?" Tony asked, still hunched over the couch with one of the boy's cheeks pressed into his.
"Being an octopus," Peter replied as if that was the more obvious thing in the world. "Except, they have eight arms and can give you four hugs at once."
Tony chuckled lightly and patted his kid on the back. "Well, as nice as this is, I need to get you some pain medication," he said, pulling himself free with surprising ease considering the kid's abilities.  
"Where's the straw, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked once a bowl of pudding had been set onto the table and the man was trying to hand him a cup of water.
"Sorry, Buddy. No straws," Tony said while Peter frowned at his strawless cup. "-But if you take your meds, you can have some pudding," he offered with a smile.
As Peter swallowed the pills, he smiled up at the television.  Tony didn't think anything of it until the kid took another swig of water and then proceeded to blow it out of his mouth in on big breath before laughing hysterically.
Having jumped back to avoid the spray, Tony sighed and shook his head at his kid, who still had water dripping down his chin. "What the hell was that about?"
"The elephant told me to do it," Peter replied as soon as he could stop laughing long enough to get a breath in.  
Feeling somewhat worried, Tony followed Peter's gaze and then realized that the calm ocean documentary had ended and a ridiculous children's program had followed. He sighed again but this time in relief.  At least the kid wasn't seeing things. "Do you always do what elephants tell you to do?" he asked challengingly.
"Yes!" Peter nearly shouted back before falling into another fit of giggles.
Tony couldn't help but smile.  As annoying as it had been for the kid to spit water everywhere, he would happily take the silliness over the crying any day.
"Well, maybe I should get an elephant to talk to you about your curfew," he said with a smirk but the kid seemed to have worn himself out acting goofy and has since, laid down across the cushions.  
"Elephants don't talk, Mr. Stark," Peter replied with seriousness, followed by a wide yawn.
"I thought you-" Tony started before realizing that he needed to get the kid to eat before he passed out. "-Nevermind. You need food, kiddo."
Peter sluggishly sat up and tried to feed himself but when he ended up getting more pudding on his shirt than into his mouth, Tony took over with a smile.  "Are you getting all of this, FRIDAY?" he whispered.
"Of course, Boss," The AI confirmed, "-I record everything."
With a nod of his head, Tony wiped his half-asleep kid's face and helped him lay back down. "Well, send the last twenty minutes to May," he chuckled before pressing a gentle kiss onto the boy's forehead. Then with a grin, he glanced towards the ceiling, "-and after that? Order the biggest plush elephant you can find."
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meandmyechoes · 3 years
Oh, I started Wonder Egg Priority today. Really, what the fuck did I watched. It is not an easy show. I can't stop myself binging half the show in one go. It's the show that will fuck up 16-year-old me but probably one she needs but thinks herself too good for it. In a way, I kind of lament the rawness she had. There's a certain sense of detachedness watching it after overcoming teenage and in a happy place. If nothing the artwork alone is mind-blowing. The no. of frames and fluidity is *chef's kiss* It wasn't as stylized as, well, Madoka, but its blend of realism makes it, approachable. And I'm a huge sucker for reality-rooted fantasy stories.
For the mystery part, I keep holding out for the finale to explain everything so I didn't concentrate on looking for worldbuilding details. The symbolism is within reach with a bit of mental exercise I so crave. I'd say the characters are "mild", since they weren't your typical magical girl tropes. They take some time to digest. I like the cast equally as in, different aspects of their stories all appeal to my interest. We only have their versions of the story, and I'm curious to see how much is the truth. Maybe it's because I'm accustomed to Sentai, the slower character-building pace is sitting very well with me.
I went in knowing only two things: one being its premise rings bells of Madoka (well, only Madoka's senpai Ryuki is my childhood-defining show). Hence, what the fuck did I watched. There was nearly as much as as Hatarku Saibou. It was obviously not an anime targeted at 12-, but is it for adults? for those kitanai no otona?
It is, brutal. So brutally honest I might have been shielding myself viewing it as a pure work of art. The positive themes are friendship, self-esteem, courage, gender and sexuality. The negative themes are suicide, bullying, self-harm, neglect, abuse, trauma. I'm up to episode seven and I must say it's so refreshing to watch a show talks about mother-daughter relationships that you just, don't really have many examples of. I'm smiling with envy at the tight group the quartet has become, at their worry-free picnic and play dates. The afterschool get-together and photobooth is so nostalgic T^T
The other bit of knowledge and initial spark, was I learnt of WEP from an "autism-friendly anime" list. I went in expecting the protagoinst Ai to be the autistic (inclined) one. But her speedy recovery in episode two makes me reconsider. (I don't think it was too soon for her to open up because it was distinctly within Egg-world). So it was only until episode five and six that I notice Reiru could be the autistic one. Guess I should've guessed it earlier when they made her CEO haha. She simply admitted she is not good with people by being "always too blunt". It's still on the brink since I don't have too many details, but good enough for me to 👀👀.
I super love Momoe. A first glimpse of her character design screams "big trans boy energy" to me. But I think she is more genderfluid/nb of now? I think she might even be ace. But the point of her character, it's What's in a name?
Rika is my projection character. um.
Ai looks incredibly young. I know officially they are 14 but she just looks 12 to me. Doesn't she just invoke "must protect"? I think it's more than a coincidence for our discoverer of a secret world of door to share a wardrobe and palette with Coraline. She is the person I describe as mild becuase she has minimal personality at first. She is the character the show is building UP instead of delving down like the other three.
This is an anime I knew I must hold out until all episodes are out. Reading up on the director and writer's history of criticizing social issues and the artists' bts stories made me all the more impatient to read all the metas once finished.
sidenote: a PV sold me Shadow House this season earlier which coincidentally, is also a CloverWorks production of a mystery show. They are two different shows particularly in cinematography, but has the same flair of attention weaved in!
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chrismerle · 4 years
nowhere near done (I assume) but far enough in to be developing opinions
it’s still very much persona 5. the characters are the same. the style is the same. it feels like p5. more than I expected, even. but at the same time, it does feel like a few shortcuts were taken sometimes. just for small things, like screens cutting to black with just text to say where a location is. it’s not bad, but p5 seemed to ooze style from every frame, so it stands out.
the personas are...even more meaningless than they were in p5. at least in p5 they got to introduce themselves and Arsene had a few lines of dialogue. but I’m on the third jail now and so far the only ones who have talked were the masks I crafted. they are over-designed tamagotchis and that is it. you don’t even get to talk to the shadows anymore. masks just show up on the ground as item drops.
and it feels like they tried...too hard to make this an all-encompassing sequel? like, this is a sequel to a world in which Joker romanced no one and may or may not have maxed out all or none of his confidants, because you don’t get to see them, even when it would make sense to. you run around Yongen and Shibuya for the whole first jail, and you have to run up and down Central Street a ridiculous number of times. but Takemi and Iwai are only mentioned and are otherwise not there, and Toranosuke and Shinya are nowhere to be found. you have to go to Shujin at some point, but there’s no sign of Kawakami or Mishima. personally, I would have preferred if they had simply assumed that you maxed out all of your confidants and had at least a few of them at least show up to say hi or wave in the background, but nope. my feral bastard stinkman gets not a single mention.
requests are...kind of annoying? when you were mostly just eavesdropping on people in p5 it was entertaining, but now they’re all just fetch quests, and they’re really dumb fetch quests. like yes, sure, I can understand going after specific shadows to get trapped Desires back, but in WHAT WORLD is a teenage boy going to care about a random ramen cook enough to special order and custom make an arm brace? not to mention the fact that most of the requests would MAKE MORE SENSE if they were just...Mishima running the Phan-site again. like, they announced themselves on tv in Shibuya Crossing. everyone knows they’re back. it would make perfect sense for the Phan-site to start seeing activity again.
I do like how jails are being handled so far, though. the palace rulers in p5 didn’t really seem to have backstories. they were just evil for evil’s sake, with like two lines of dialogue to half-assedly excuse why they were evil (kamoshida wanted to live up to expectations, kaneshiro didn’t want to be a poor loser anymore, yadda yadda). and while I won’t say the jail monarchs are well-rounded, they do at least have some semblance of a backstory because the shtick for the jails (as I am currently understanding it) necessitates they have one, since it seems to be a sort of ‘their hearts are locked by past trauma and they’re trapped within the mindset that locked it’ thing. it seems like each thief is gonna get to identify with a monarch and talk them down, since this time the game is about undoing changes of heart instead of inflicting them; the monarchs get talked down the old fashion way, like Sae’s shadow was. anyway, it’s just a nice change of pace and I appreciate not needing to do mental gymnastics about the heroes brainwashing people For The Greater Good. no, i’m not complaining about that, i understand it was one of the themes, i LIKE that p5 made me think.
and I like the way time passes now. I dunno if the jails are bigger or smaller than the palaces, but you go through them right quick, chop chop hurry up, keep moving. when you leave the Metaverse to return to the real world...it’s still essentially the same time of day as when you went in, until the plot progresses. the game essentially presumes that the thieves just haul ass to get through a jail in like three days. MORGANA HASN’T TOLD ME TO GO TO BED ONCE. the palaces took like ten hours apiece, and i’m almost done with three jails in less than 15 hours.
and the biggest difference, obviously, is combat. I like it, but I’ve always been a button masher, which is what this game encourages, and my preferred combat has always been ‘speedy glass cannon,’ which is what Joker is. in combat, at any rate. pretty sure they slowed down his running/walking. rude.
Sophia is fun. she interacts with the others fairly naturally, despite being an AI; she doesn’t fall into the ‘why are you saying cool? it is not cold out’ trap. she understands most slang and doesn’t even speak completely literally herself, and has in-jokes with the others. she has trouble identifying her feelings, but she is at least aware that she is feeling. also she’s precious. and the cop is alright. I know he gets a persona at some point, based on the trailers, but it hasn’t happened yet. kinda waiting for him to go turncoat, but we’ll see.
also a weird amount of this game involves me tracking down supermarkets.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 4 years
Winter Eden Chapter one: Wake up
"Live... you have... to live"
Cold, freezing, relentless cold surrounded the boy. And he heard someone call his name. He looked up and saw a girl, beautiful and doll like jumping down towards him. Instantly, he noticed one thing: her eyes. They looked just like his. A light, beautiful shade of cool, crisp blue. But other than that, she looked nothing like him. Her hair was a pale creamy colour, and her features didn't suggest Asian origin like his. But, he welcomed her, nonetheless.
He reached out towards her, and she to him. Their fingers touched as an explosion shook him to the core, sending several tons of snow and rubble into the water.
"-Wake up"
A boy caught the hand that was hovering above him, holding it in his steel grip, his blue eyes suddenly alert and sharp.
"Woah, woah, woah" he looked to see a girl, the one he had seen just moments before, awake and with her delicate wrist in his gloved hand.
"Ren, it's me. Aisha" she said kindly.
He blinked. Ren. That was... that was his name. And she was Aisha. His sister.
He sat up, groaning a little as a dull pain rang in his head. He looked to Aisha, and noticed how disoriented she was. Her hair was matted and stringy, carelessly hanging down one side of her face, her white and pink dress was dirty and a bit torn. He knew she was supposed to have a black shawl with a pink flower pattern over her shoulders, with white fur all over it. He had given that to her, right?
Ren looked down at himself, noticing the once pristine white long coat was covered in filth and muck, torn to near shreds. It saddened him a bit to see it. He wondered why...
"Ah, you're awake"
Ren shot up and got into a fighting stance, gauntlets suddenly covering his fists, try hummed with energy and a curious blue emitted from the cracks.  
An elderly man had entered the room, he had aged well, as he was still rather handsome, and could have been more so in his youth. He was tall and seemed to be very healthy for a man his age as well. He was probably around what, fifty? Sixty even? His kind blue eyes sat behind a pair of glasses, twinkling as he stroked an immaculate stark white beard.
"Ren, that's principal Anjou. He told me he pulled us out of the ocean" Aisha gripped his arm, giving him a pleading look.
Why did she trust him? Some shady old man living in this palace? Or was it a mansion? The room was massive and ornate, arched ceilings and chandeliers, black and white marble everywhere. Perhaps a sick bay of some sorts? But in a castle? How strange...
Ren put his arms down, the gauntlets retracted to bracelets hidden by his sleeves. He eyed the man suspiciously before sitting back down into the bed.
"I'm sure you have many questions, but, I won't be able to answer all of them!" he said, giving him a light hearted chuckle.
"But, your sister is right. I am principal Anjou, you are at my school, Cassel College. And by the looks of it, you're a hybrid, aren't you?"
Aisha piped up "Um, principal Anjou, sir, sorry for not asking this earlier, but what is a hybrid?" She asked innocently.
"Ah, do not fret my dear, a hybrid is just that: a hybrid. A human that has dragon blood running through their veins. Many actually don't know they're hybrids for quite a long time. But, I am here to inform you two that you are both hybrids. Very powerful ones at that" Anjou explained, taking a puff from a cigar.
"Alright, why is that important?" Aisha asked.
"Because I train youths like you to fight monsters here at Cassel College. Consider it a sort of secret organization" Anjou said with a wink.
Ren glared at him suspiciously, fists tightening. Anjou noticed.
"Ah, it looks like the little lotus doesn't trust me, does he?"
Little lotus? That sounded oddly familiar... where had he heard it?
"That aside, it has come to my understanding that you both have long term amnesia, based on some scans run by the school's AI, whom you will meet shortly. And that you two were both injured rather gravely. Ren here survived two bullets, one to the knee, and one to his lower spine. It's remarkable that he is still alive and walking, and how fast he's healed. I've seen some speedy regeneration abilities but never anything like this"
He had been shot!? By whom!?
"And I have taken it upon myself to formally invite you to study here at Cassel, provided you accept"
Aisha seemed to get suspicious as well "Why would you openly welcome two random teenagers?"
Anjou sighed, "It is an unfortunate fact that a lot of hybrids are orphans, and they often run away from home and stumble into danger. More than half of my students have run away from their foster families or local orphanages. Which is why I can't have two powerful hybrids like you two wandering around"
Aisha looked over at Ren, who silently told her that he needed to think. This was all going too fast.
"Can you give us a moment to think?" Aisha requested.
Anjou nodded "Of course. Should you two refuse, I can send you one of our safe houses until you can get back on your feet. But, I encourage you to choose to study here, because there aren't many other places that can teach you how to use you powers. And that may come with a grave price" he stated before walking out the archway.
Aisha sighed and took Ren's hands in hers "Ren, I don't remember much, but I remember that I care about you a lot, and that we do fight with some sort of magic. I think this is the best option, he's a kind old gentleman and it's true for the most part. There are students here, and they're just like us"
Ren met her eyes "Hybrids" he rasped out, his throat hurt, he never said much. He never felt the need to. He knew that he had been like that for most of his life.
They weren't regular teenagers with regular problems, they were warriors. Hybrids with whatever powers the title came with.
Aisha nodded "Yes, hybrids, whatever they may be"
Ren sighed and nodded. Aisha lit up and hugged him. "Thank you"
Ren hugged her back, she smelt like pine, crisp and cold. Whatever it was, it felt like home, and he gladly welcomed it.
"I take it you've come to a decision?"
The siblings turned to see Anjou back in the room, perhaps to check on them.
"Yes. We accept your offer" Aisha said firmly.
Anjou smiled "Good. Now, I'll make arrangements for your rooms, and our Butler EVA will help you get ready for the test"
Just as he said that, a holographic figure of a girl materialized. She was like a graceful blue spirit, with a long flowing dress, and long hair. Strings of code spiraled in and out of existence around her, while her bare feet levitated off the ground.
"This is EVA, the college's AI Butler. Should you need anything, just ask her. EVA, prepare uniforms for our new students, and perhaps show them to a bathroom so that they can freshen up" Anjou ordered.
"Of course, principal Anjou" EVA replied in an automated voice.
"A... test?" Aisha asked nervously.
Anjou threw back his head in laughter "Did you think you could just waltz in and study here?"
"Of course not!" Aisha exclaimed "But, uh, what kind of test is it?"
"You'll see in due time my dear, for now, just make yourself look more presentable, the frozen sea of Siberia couldn't have been kind to you" and with that, the principal left, leaving the floating blue hologram and the siblings in the sick bay.
Ren sighed as he looked into the mirror of the washroom. This was the first time he had gotten a look at himself. His hair was long and snowy white, it had been all over the place but had managed to tame it and tie it in a messy bun so that it didn't get in the way of his limbs or fly around in his face. He was oddly handsome, he supposed, more attractive than he would have thought, with nearly flawless skin safe for a scar on his cheekbone, and slanted blue eyes.
He flashed a little smirk and wink the the mirror, pushing his bangs back a bit before heading out. The uniform was surprisingly comfortable, and allowed lots of free movement. It was rather stylish too, with the sharp black and purple jacket and close fitting black pants. EVA had even provided him with a pair of black ankle boots, he supposed his white boots would stick out too much with the uniform.
When he got out, Aisha was standing there in the uniform, plucking nervously at her black and purple skirt while talking with a male student. He was tall and lanky with ash grey hair tied in a ponytail, and was kind of handsome in an oddly charming angular way. Was he flirting with her?
"Anyways, what should I call you, besides beautiful, beautiful?"
Oh dear god he was.
Ren marched up to him and shoved Aisha behind him, facing the student.
"Uh, hey! Is um, is that your girl?" he asked nervously, pointing a nervous finger at Aisha.
"No. This is my brother, Ren" she piped up from behind the white haired boy.
The student backed away nervously when he looked down and saw Ren's fists clenched tightly. "Eh, sorry I'll go. I won't flirt with your lil' sis again, ok? Promise! Please don't hurt me!"
Ah. So he was a wimp.
Ren nodded down the hallway, the student took it as a signal to get lost. The grey haired boy ran down the hallways without looking back, his pride probably deeply wounded. If he had any left, anyhow.
EVA appeared again "I will show you two outside. Someone is waiting to show you around" she said, gesturing for them to follow her towards the exit. Ren's eyes widened at the sight of the light. Yes, the light. His new light. And he was reading to take it with him, especially with his dear sister at his side.
Anjou sat at his desk, frowning as he clicked his pen. "EVA" he called.
The blue hologram of a girl appeared beside him "Yes, principal Anjou?"
"I want you to run scans on whatever DNA was left on their old clothes. Compare it to every Hybrid family we have information on"
EVA bowed her head "Understood" she replied before disappearing.
Anjou narrowed his eyes as he remembered Ren's slanted light blue eyes. He had only seen a pair like those once before. And Aisha emitted a powerful aura, with a charismatic pale and nearly invisible light pink edging her all too familiar cream coloured locks.
They resembled the missing children of those hybrid families all too well, and them turning up near the ruins of Black Swan Bay couldn't just he a coincidence... could it?
I'm terribly sorry of this seems a little rushed! I might fix it some other time, it is rather late and though I usually have a creative streak around this time, my writing is always a bit sloppy late at night. I know it seems to have gone a bit quick, but that's honestly what is was like in the game and I find this beginning part hard to add details onto, with this being from Ren, a near mute amnesiac's point of view. It's going to be quite a challenge for me since I've never written a mute or relatively quiet character before, most of my characters are very chatty or vocal about their opinions.
Also in regards to the title, I went with Winter Eden since Ren is our Ice King, and Aisha means prosperous, you know like a garden. I thought Arctic flowers initially since Ren means flower, Aisha means prosperous and they grew up in Siberia, but I like Winter Eden much more. Since, Eden was ultimately abandoned and Adam and Eve were banished, much like how Black Swan Bay was destroyed. 
As you can see, Aisha often speaks for Ren, since he doesn't speak much himself. Point of views will alternate in between Ren and Aisha from time to time. I hope this wasn't too terrible, I promise I can write proper stories!
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
The Locket: Bucky x Reader Oneshot
A Bucky x Reader (PARENTAL) & Pietro x Reader OS
Bucky and (Y/n) have a sweet father daughter relationship and their teammates slowly start to find out that Bucky has a little heart shaped locket, gifted to him by the Reader, which leads to them developing their father/daughter relationship.
Warnings: 99% fluff, mentions of injury, bad language words.
Word count: Approx 3300
Permanent Taglist is open
Hellooo! So I’ve been in a bit of a dad!Bucky sorta mood recently. Since I don’t have a father figure myself, I love the idea of Bucky being a father figure to the reader. HE’S SO SQUISHY AND SOFT URGH. Enjoy! 💕
“Don’t fuckin’ touch it.” Bucky half heartedly smacks Sam’s hand away from his necklace chain as he relaxed on the sofa. “No, lemme see.” Sam huffs, crossing his arms. “Are you stupid? I said no.” Bucky growled, shoving him away. “What’s so important about it that you won’t even show me?” Sam asks, backing off a little and returning to his seat. “None of your fucking business.” Bucky growls, glaring at Sam as he slumps back in his chair. “F.R.I.D.A.Y, what’s their estimated time of arrival?” Bucky asks the AI, for what felt like the hundredth time that afternoon. “The quinjet will be landing in approximately nine minutes and twenty six seconds, Sergeant Barnes.” The Irish voice replied. Bucky let out a deep sigh and got up from the sofa, making his way up to the roof to greet you when you arrived.
 Bucky’s leg shook in anticipation as he watched the skies for the quinjet’s approach. He sat out on the roof, waiting impatiently, every now and again he got up to walk about to try and pass the time. Nine minutes had felt a lot like an hour by the time the quinjet came into sight.
Bucky stood by and waited, watching as each person got out of the aircraft. Steve was first, grinning excitedly at his boyfriend, Thor right behind him, then Wanda, behind her was Vision and then it was Pietro and thank god, you were trailing right behind the speedster, giggling at something he’d said to you as he smiled at you over his shoulder.
 Bucky ran towards you, causing you to shriek his name in excitement as you leapt into his arms. “God, I missed you so much doll.” Bucky picked you up, holding you tightly against him. You were tiny compared to him, but he treated you with such a caring and gentle nature. “I missed you too Buck.” You whispered into his ear as you clung to his shoulders. You hissed a little in pain when he squeezed too tight and a string of apologies flew out of his lips as he put you down. “Are you hurt, sweetheart? Are you okay?” Bucky held you by the shoulders as he examined you in a panicked state. “I’m okay, just a fractured wrist, some minor damage, nothing too bad.” You try to reassure him, but Bucky did not look convinced. “What happened?” He asked, turning his attention to Steve and Thor, who stood by watching your little reunion. “Worry not, your youngling was a fierce warrior, I was not sure that even I could best her.” Thor laughed heartily, smacking his hand down on your shoulder, practically throwing you forwards into Bucky’s chest with the unintentional force Thor used. “Hey take it easy!” Pietro protested, grabbing your shoulders to steady you. You laughed off Thor’s playful nature, much to Bucky’s dismay at seeing you hurt.
 You watched as Bucky and Steve greeted each other, staying close to Pietro as they held each other and shared a few kisses. “God, am I glad to be home, prinţesă.” Pietro sighed, smiling down at you. “So am I Piet. I missed Bucky a lot.” You returned his smile. “I know you did draga.” He rested his arm around your shoulders. “You want to hang out tomorrow after we’ve reported to Fury?” You ask, looking up at him hopefully. “Of course, prinţesă.” His Sokovian accent melting you along with his lopsided smile.
 “Did you do as I asked?” Bucky asked Steve while the others walked away, leaving just you Bucky, Steve and Pietro alone on the roof. “You know we did Buck, (Y/n)’s protection was our priority, right speedy?” Steve grinned proudly. “Absolutely!” Pietro pulled you close to him and you blushed at the close contact. “She still got hurt.” Bucky grumbled. “Hey, no, I’m okay Bucky, if Piet hadn’t helped me out on the last leg of the mission I for sure would’ve ended up with worse than a fractured wrist.” You tried to convince him, cupping his cheeks in your hands to force him to look at you. As soon as your eyes met, Bucky’s features softened and he let out a little sigh, followed by a gentle smile. “Thank you, both.” Bucky finally looked at both men with a small smile before putting his arm around you to lead you downstairs.
 “You said anything to speedy yet?” Bucky asked, poking you in the shoulder as you leant against the kitchen counter. “Nope.” You popped the p at the end. “You should really tell him.” He quirked a brow, pointing at you with a wooden spoon before he turned back around to continue cooking.
“Can ya get the passata for me, doll?” Bucky asked, pointing over at the cupboard. “When are you going to tell him?” Bucky continued as you opened the kitchen cupboard and pulled out a jar of passata, sliding it across to him. “Not sure, we’re going out tomorrow though.” You shrugged. “But I’m scared he won’t like me that way.” You huffed, moving to stand beside Bucky as he opened the jar. “He dooooes.” Bucky nudged you gently. “Who won’t like you that way?” Steve’s voice entered the kitchen and you turned to see the captain smirking over at you. “You know who, Stevie.” Bucky smirked over his shoulder at his boyfriend. “God, you shoulda seen the amount those two flirted with each other the whole mission, it would’ve been cute if you were together, but you’re not, so it’s kind of annoying seeing you tip toe around each other.” Steve rolled his eyes, approaching the stove to see what Bucky was making, pressing a kiss to his cheek and stealing the wooden spoon right out of his hand. “Excuse you.” Bucky frowned, trying to snatch the spoon back. You reached across and swiped a finger across the back of the spoon to taste the sauce. “Hey, no tasting!” Bucky shooed you away, making you giggle as you backed up against the counter. “You two are the worst.” He huffed, finally grabbing the spoon back from Steve to continue cooking, glaring at his boyfriend as he chuckled, moving to stand next to you with his arm around you. “You missed us.” You teased, gently poking him in the arm. Sighing slightly, Bucky smiled sweetly at you, his eyes crinkling at the sides as he reached out, brushing his thumb across your cheek. “You know I did.” He pulled you to his side as he continued to stir, letting you wrap your arms around him.
 After you and Steve had sufficiently argued over who got to sit next to Bucky at dinner, which turned into a squabble about who missed him more, his boyfriend or his honorary daughter. You won of course but gave up your prized spot next to Bucky for Steve to take while you sat opposite both of them.
 You spent the evening curled up on the sofa with your two super soldiers, snuggled up with Bucky between you and Steve. “I am slightly annoyed that you didn’t say (Y/n) got injured when it happened.” Bucky crossed his arms, glaring at Steve while a show played quietly on the tv. “Hey, Buck, if I’d told you, you’d be freaking out more than you already were.” Steve smirked, nudging him. “I was worried for her safety, Steve.” Bucky argued as you sleepily lay against his side with his arm around you. “Look at her, she’s my girl, I don’t want anything to happen to her.” Bucky’s voice remained soft as he looked down at you with a gentle gaze, causing you to smile up at him adoringly.
 As you looked up at him, you caught a glint of silver around his neck. Reaching up with your uninjured hand, you gently pulled the necklace out from under his t-shirt and smiled at the locket. “You kept it on.” You grinned up at Bucky, sitting up straight so you could examine it again. “What’s this?” Steve asked, watching you open Bucky’s heart shaped locket to look at the pictures you’d put in for him. “(Y/n) gave me a matching necklace before she left on the mission.” Bucky explained, reaching forwards to pull yours out from under the neckline of your top to show Steve. “Why didn’t I get one?” Steve feigned offence. “I wasn’t going to be apart from you.” You raised a brow, snuggling back into Bucky’s side. “No, let’s be serious, doll, it’s because Bucky’s your favourite.” Steve reached over, gently tapping your nose. “No, I mean, yeah but, Steve.” You huffed, defeated. “I get it, I’m not good enough.” He grinned at you as you pouted at him. “Untrue.” You frowned, moving over to Steve to hold him tightly. “Yeah, untrue, Stevie.” Bucky held him from the other side and the three of you relaxed together.
 “Prinţesă.” A heavy Sokovian accent reached your ears. It sounded distant, like you were underwater as you started to stir from your sleep. “Draga.” Pietro’s voice graced your ears again and you slowly opened your eyes to see the speedster crouched down in front of you. You didn’t even remember falling asleep last night, but you looked around to see you were in bed, one of the boys must have carried you to bed last night. “Are you alright?” Pietro asked, reaching to brush some of your messy hair away from your face. “Mhm.” You nodded sleepily. “I came to wake you because you never came up to the debriefing.” Pietro informed you. “I missed the debriefing?” You shrieked, sitting up suddenly. “Hey, hey it’s alright, Steve said he left you to sleep, I guess that’s a perk to being like his little girl, right?” Pietro smirked. “You’ve got those two wrapped around your little finger, prinţesă.” Pietro chuckled. “Now, I seem to remember you asking me to hang out with you today, care to go for coffee?” Pietro held out his hand to help you up. “God, I would love a coffee, let me just get changed and we can go.” You took his hand and got yourself up, taking a second to right yourself.
 “There you go, draga.” Pietro slid your coffee across the café table to you as he sat down opposite you. “Thanks Piet.” You grin, perhaps a bit too excited to finally get some coffee in your system. “Steve said you had something to tell me.” Pietro made conversation, making you almost choke on your mouthful of coffee. “He did?” You squeak out, watching as Pietro nodded. You cursed under your breath before taking another sip of the comfortingly warm liquid. “So, what is it prinţesă?” Pietro asked, leaning on the table in hopes of closing some of the gap between you both. You blushed as you thought about it, nervously tapping your fingers against the mug. Swallowing thickly, you struggled to keep eye contact with him as your heart thumped in your chest.
 “Piet, I- goddammit Steve.” You huffed. “I like you, Piet.” You rushed the words out of your mouth, cringing a little and refusing to make eye contact with him. “I like you too, (Y/n).” He let out a little chuckle. “No, I mean like as in, really like.” You struggled to form the sentence. “Like I want to date you.” You dropped your voice, mumbling as you let your hair fall into your face in hopes of hiding the huge amount of blush on your cheeks. “I thought this was a date, prinţesă?” Pietro said seriously. “Y-you did?” You continue to stumble over your words. “I mean, if you want it to be.” Pietro gently lifted your face with his fingers under your chin and used his other hand to comb your hair out of the way to see your flushed features. “Do you want it to be, (Y/n)?” He asked, cupping your cheek with his hand. All you could do was nod. “Then it’s a date, draga. All you had to do was ask, I’ve been wanting to take you out for a while, although perhaps next time, give me a heads up that it’s a date so I can prepare more.” He smirked, winking at you and dragging his thumb along your bottom lip to gently pry it out from between your teeth.
 “Are you ready to go home, prinţesă?” Pietro asked, his arm around you as you walked down the street. “Not yet, I need to pick something up first.” You guide him around the corner. “Lead the way and I’ll follow draga mea.” Pietro said softly, holding you against his side.
The pair of you spent a lot longer outside of the tower than expected. You went to pick up something you had intended to get, but then Pietro extended your time outside by taking you through a park. He held you close as the cold winter wind chilled you, somehow Pietro was always warm though and you used that as an excuse to stick close, not that you even needed an excuse. The two of you were already very cuddly and touchy before you’d confessed your feelings towards him and you’d often spend afternoons cuddling while you watched movies or reading together. Neither of you had specifically expressed your feelings before, but for the longest time, you had acted like you were dating, minus kisses and more intimate things.
 “See you later, prinţesă.” Pietro smiled down at you as you both stood in the open doorway to the floor you shared with Steve and Bucky. “Thank you for the coffee, Pietro.” You returned the smile. His hands rested on the curve of your waist as he moved a little closer to you. “You’re welcome, draga mea. Are you still on for paprikash tonight?” Pietro asked. You hummed, nodding. “Good, I’ll see you up at my floor later then.” Pietro grinned before reaching down, his lips gently pressing against yours. You kissed back, moving slowly against his soft lips, your hands resting on his chest as one of his hands moved around to the small of your back. You both parted and Pietro gave you a sweet smile before getting back into the elevator and leaving you feeling very flustered, a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
 Walking further into the apartment, you shrugged off your coat and pulled your boots off. “Thank god for that, I thought you’d never tell the poor guy.” Bucky spoke up, walking out of the kitchen. “You heard that?” You ask frowning a little as you put your boots on the shoe rack to the side. “No, I saw it.” He smirked, Steve sidling up behind him. “You were gone a lot longer than an hour.” Steve remarked, a knowing smile on his face. “We went out on a coffee date and took the long way home.” You couldn’t stop yourself from grinning widely, Steve letting out a chuckle at your giddiness. “That’s our girl.” Bucky took you into his arms, squeezing you tightly. “Whatcha got there?” Bucky asked, looking down at the little bag you had in your hand. “Pietro buy you something?” He teased, poking you. “No.” You giggled, pushing him away gently and moving over to Steve. “It’s for Stevie.” You said proudly, thrusting the little gift bag at the super soldier, a wide smile on your lips as he looked at you with surprise in his eyes.
 You watched as Steve pulled a little box out of the bag. Opening the box revealed a matching heart shaped locket, the same as yours and Bucky’s and Steve beamed at you. “I’m sorry I didn’t get you one before, Stevie.” You felt a little bad for only including Bucky when you first got the necklaces. Steve thanked you, far more excitedly than you had expected him to as he pulled you into a tight hug. He opened the locket and examined the inside, Bucky looking over his shoulder. “I’m still the favourite, she gave me mine with photos already in it.” Bucky playfully stuck his tongue out at Steve, making you both laugh.
 “Seriously? Oh my god!” Sam’s laughter echoed across the gym. “What? I’m very proud of it.” Steve feigned offence, crossing his arms and pouting slightly. “I for one, think it’s sweet.” Nat chimed in, gently touching the locket on Steve’s bare chest. “Thank you.” He grinned at her. “Bucky has one too.” He pointed over at his boyfriend. “Oh for the love of-.” Bucky huffed, looking over his shoulder from the punching bag. “Let me see the photos in yours!” Nat bounded towards him. “Nooo, leave me alone Nat.” Bucky waved her off, checking that his necklace was carefully tucked under his t-shirt. “Please?” She begged as you and Tony walked into the gym together.
“Bucky wears a heart shaped locket with a rhinestone on it!” Sam announced loudly, pointing at Bucky childishly. You dropped your face into your hand and sighed as Tony burst out laughing. “From a lover, Manchurian candidate?” Tony teased, walking across the mats towards them. “Steve.” You hissed at him, slightly annoyed that Bucky was now going to get picked on endlessly for this. “From my daughter.” Bucky crossed his arms defensively. Daughter? He’d never called you his daughter before. It was always ‘my girl’, but he’d never outright called you his daughter. You turned a deep shade of pink, locking eyes with him across the room, Bucky sharing the same reaction with you. “I uh, I gotta go.” Bucky grumbled, pushing Tony aside and bolting from the gym.
 You turned to glare at Steve as he moved to go after his boyfriend, but you stuck your arm out in front of him. “Let me.” You whispered. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think he’d get so defensive about it.” Steve apologised. “Don’t worry, that’s kind of why I kept it between me and him for as long as I did.” You gave him a tight lipped smile. “I’ll go find him.” You patted Steve gently on the arm before rushing out to find Bucky.
 You stepped outside onto the balcony, two hot drinks in hand and Bucky’s jacket draped over your arm. You silently sat on the floor next to him, slipping your legs through the bars to hang freely and handed his mug over to him. You draped his jacket over his shoulders and let out a little sigh. “I’m sorry, perhaps I should have just given you a normal necklace or something.” You said, raising the mug to your lips. “No, I love it, (Y/n).” Bucky said quietly. “I’m glad you do, dad.” You smiled, the word feeling so natural when you said it. Bucky chanced a glance across at you, a little smile curving on his lips at the word. “Isn’t it weird for you?” Bucky asked, looking away from you. “Not really, I mean you already treat me like I’m your daughter. I live on the same floor as you because of the parental role you took when I first arrived. You could have just been a mentor or treated me just as a friend like everyone else did, but you’ve always treated me like I’m your own.” You smiled, looking out across the city.
Bucky scooted closer to you, his arm wrapping around you. “I’ve always thought of you as a dad. I even call you my honorary dad when I talk about you to other people.” You huff a laugh to yourself, remembering gushing to Pietro about Bucky. “You do?” He asked. “Of course I do. You’ve always been there for me through everything.” You lean into his side, looking up into his bright blue eyes. “I’ll always be there for you, sweetheart.” His features softened when your eyes met and his smile grew. “I know you will, dad.” You sighed contentedly, closing your eyes as you rest your head against his shoulder, revelling in the comfort you both provided to each other.
Permanent Tags:
@shygirl-00 @swanlakemikey @scuzmunkie @paintballkid711 @lovelylilia @mapreza1 @love-bucky-3000
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bookworm242 · 5 years
After much consideration...
I have come to a conclusion. The Marvel Fandom wish to return to 2012 BUT they want to bring all the new characters minus their emotional baggage... Sort of... (they want the character development and fluff).
I have a solution for this.
I propose we create an entire new reality for the Avengers consisting of the following:
Tony and Clint live on coffee (Clint replaced milk with coffee in his cereal one time and got banned from the fancy coffee machine for two months)
Natasha and Clint have their own language consisting of Russian, signing, gibberish and facial features
Clint lives in the vents
Thor lives on pop tarts
Loki is baby sat by everyone and treated as the overdramatic emo teenager ("where is that screaming coming from?" "Loki, someone ate the left over pizza.")
The Science Kids and Science Bros become the Mythbusters. There are many explosions.
Movie nights, chores lists and family meals are expected
There's no unnecessary romance
Everyone tries to become Morgan's favourite (Peter's number one, then Natasha. I refuse to believe otherwise.)
Prank wars are a common occurrence
Casual joking games turn into full out competitions
Avengers start an ultimate frizebee and dodge ball team as a joke. They end up getting banned from the park (which Tony then buys just because)
Family meals are chaos
Everyone teasing Peter about girls at school. Natasha shuts it down when she sense uncomfort.
Pietro is Thors speedy delivery boy
Wanda and Pietro sibling bonding
Visits from the Gaurdians (Quit hating on Quill. How would you react if the love of your life died just so their parent could add something to their ugly bracelet?)
Rocket follows Bucky around for his arm and Sam records it all
Shuri and Groot take digs at Peter
Gamora and Natasha compare weapons
Nebula hangs with Rhodey
Mantis and Thor get along weirdly well. It's probably the love of pop tarts
Val is sort of like "must protect adorable bug with my life"
Clint brings home a unicorn that Thor befriends after it insults Loki’s hair and fake horns
Training sessions gone wrong. Took them three hours to get Steve unstuck from the wall because everyone was laughing too hard
They all live in Avengers Tower that somehow manages to fit everyone.
Occasional visits from the X-men. Pietro and Peter fight over Wanda.
Fury bans a drinking contest between Logan and Thor. Something about not wanting the god of thunder and an irritable lighting rod drunk
Carol visits with Goose
Shuri and Peter feed Goose the most random assortment of objects. Thor joins occasionally.
The Fighting Grandpa Squad trying to figure out their way through the 21st century
Morning runs between Steve, Sam and Buck: "On your left." "On your right."
Sam retaliates by flying past them yelling "ON YOUR ABOVE!!!" He's got a sign flying behind him made by Tony.
Baking sessions are a nightmare
Team outings that usually result in them being banned from everywhere
Family holiday
Trying to find something Peter can't stick on.
Lady's only brunches where the woman relax and swap stories about the idiotic men in their lives. Shuri shows them the video of T'Challa kicking the suit
Scott sitting on people's shoulder to get places. Usually pretends to be their conscience. Peter freaked out.
Thor adopted a black cat with green eyes and a grey paw and called it Loki junior.
Natasha too has a black cat. His names T'Chacha. T'Challa loves him. Claims he is T'Chacha's uncle.
Peter has a golden retriever named Thor. Thor loves him.
Special days are... Interesting.
Valentines day is full of bad pick up lines that progressively get worse throughout the day
Christmas is as normal as it can get in Avengers Tower until people start opening gifts. Then it's just ridiculous. People get weirder and weirder gifts every year.
JARVIS is the AI
Defenders show up occasionally
Clint tries signing to Matt.
Ned and MJ are unofficially adopted by the Avengers
May visits occasionally
Peter gave Happy the nephew equivalent of the dad talk. Happy was just trying not to laugh throughout
Strange and Wong visit every Tuesday.
Villains send post cards
The Fantastic 4 visited one time and Jonny and Steve decided to mess with everyone. Bucky and Sam did not appreciate that.
Clint stole a penguin. No one knows where from.
Everyone goes to Bruce for everything. He ends up crying into Thors shoulder because "I'M NOT THAT TYPE OF DOCTOR!!!"
Black Fridays are a nightmare
Nerf wars are dangerous.
The assassin squad win every year
Hide-and-seek is ridiculous. Steve used a metal detector one time and Bucky retaliated by removing his arm
Bucky’s got his goats
He named one Steve because it's a reckless idiot and keeps running into walls
Assassin Squad make dead body jokes and Peter's still not sure if they're joking or not
Pietro calls Clint old man
Clint adopts everyone and everything. "Clint! Stop recruiting people!" "But this one's got potent..." "THAT'S A PIGEON!"
No one knows where Clint is getting all the animals from
Pietro gives everyone nicknames
Steve and Natasha trade Mom Friend duties
Tony wants to recruit Cassie
Scott is offended that Tony acknowledges Cassie but not him
Training sessions are now explosive. Thor and Steve almost took out Loki one time.
Everyone is ALIVE
That is all for now. Feel free to add more. If you miss everyone feel obliged to add more. I miss my children.
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cantfoolajoker · 5 years
s.e.e.s. as dnd classes
after my last post on the thieves, i have now returned to talk more about using dnd classes and subclasses as character study opportunities with the focus now being on sees (plus hamuko bc she counts)
since the post is lengthy, its going under the read more
so, for starters, minato/makoto is a shadow magic sorcerer. sorcerers are based on the idea that rather than learned arcana or given magic, you inherently have it inside you and can produce said affects with your sheer force of will, or your charisma. shadow magic sorcerers are linked specifically to the shadowfell, which is the negative energy to the feywilds positive energy, and sorcerers uniquely display quirks depending on their lineage; two i’d propose for minato/makoto would be “when you asleep, you don’t appear to breathe (but you still do to survive)” and “always cold to the touch”, since they seem the most fitting in my opinion for him. they get things such as strength of the grave, which says that on a successful saving throw on an otherwise fatal hit, you’ll drop to just 1 hp due to your constant state of being between life and death, and you also get the umbral form at 18th level, which allows you to change your form to a shadowy state that is resistant to all damage except for force and radiant that also allows you to move through other objects or creatures (man does that remind you of a certain battle a bit). 
in comparison, minako/hamuko is a totem barbarian in my full honest opinion. the reason i say this is because one of her defining traits is her hot headedness and impulsiveness to jump into situations, making her a prime candidate for barbarian due to their rage state and ability to tank hits. they get martial weapons, allowing her to pick up some weapon similar enough to a naginata, and the main aspect of the class is the ability to pick a totem spirit, which provides buffs depending on which animal you pick for your totem. personally, i throw my vote in for the wolf totem because it functions as a leader with the ability to land advantage melee hits on any creature hostile to you, the ability to track certain enemies and move at a stealthier natural pace, and the ability to just knock a large or smaller enemy prone when you hit them with a melee attack, all of which benefits minako/hamuko very nicely and lines up with her fighting style in both p3p and pq2.
alright so i know yukari uses a bow and arrows, and i know ranger exists, but also rangers are kinda bad in dnd overall and also yukari isn’t really a scout in any way. luckily dnd has an answer to this in the form of arcane archer fighter. arcane archers fuse magic into their archery methods in order to protect and deliver damage, mixing both yukari’s magic usage with her weapon of choice. they get the ability to literally redirect their arrows once shot to new targets and second wind, which lets them regain hp as a bonus action once per short or long rest. arcane archers essentially get an arrow type for like every school of magic, which makes up for the fact this would mean yukari has lost most of her healing spells since arcane archer fighters focus on dps more than they do support, though its not like ranger wouldve made up for that anyway.
so since junpei wants to be the leader so badly, i decided a champion fighter was gonna be the best bet for him, both because in a meta sense it is usually the First Pick newcomers do due to its simplicity of hit and hit more, but also because the class focuses on dps and raw physical power pushed to perfection, which junpei does end up getting when he learns to use a bat rather than a sword with the way he swings. this class and subclass is super straightforward: you get More damage to do the more you try to hit, and you get a higher chance of critical hits along with a more flexible fighting style and the ability to regain hit points with the survivor feat. they also get remarkable athlete, which lets them use half their proficiency bonus for any checks made while using one of their physical stats (so strength, dexterity, and constitution, all of which junpei def has) to have a greater chance at passing said checks.
akihiko's a monk. i literally don’t know what anyone expected. he’s a way of the open hand monk. open hand monks generally focus on debuffing enemies, which is akihiko’s staple in the party next to his all around good stats, which monks possess too in form of natural armor, increased movement speed, and having a hit die for throwing punches rather than dishing out 1 point of damage per hit, which increases as they get stronger. they can also heal themselves which akihiko has with his dia and diarama spells, but that isn’t the focus of it as much as it’s just a neat add on. overall, the guy’s a boxer and needs to dish out punches and monk does literally exactly that.
so i made a joke with a friend about how mitsuru keeps using marin karin because the ai of p3 is bad, and that led into the idea that mitsuru is a college of swords bard. while bards can be very stereotypically flirty, it’s just based on the fact their casting stat is charisma, so really any charismatic character can be a bard, which mitsuru does have with her formal way of speaking and her way of holding herself to establish authority. swords bard use, if you couldn’t guess, swords to fight, typically finesse weapons that they use dex for to fight, which with mitsuru’s weapon being a rapier, an actual finesse weapon in dnd, it’s an elegant weapon pick for an elegant class. they also get jack of all trades so they’re good at pretty much everything, which reflects the sort of type of person mitsuru reflects herself to be, and as a big joke, they get countercharm which allows them to perform and their allies get advantage when someone attempts to charm them. yeah. anyway mitsuru’s a bard. next.
for fuuka, i took more inspiration from her persona and how it encloses around her while she does her work to come up with an abjuration wizard. the school of abjuration specializes in protection and banishment spells, with outsiders believing it to be a specialization in denial and negation but truly being about ending harm and protecting the weak, which represent fuuka’s character and her bullying arc well. this class is mostly just what it says on the tin; they specialize in closing portals and rifts to other worlds, performing exorcisms, and securing locations that are too important to allowed equally magical wandering eyes and ears from engaging with. it’s also a high intelligence based class, which fits fuuka well. since she’s also a wizard, which gets virtually no hp and also no armor, so she needs to be protected, which everyone should want to protect her lmao.
aigis, for one, is a warforged in terms of races in dnd since they’re the robot race that only act on the goal they are given, But that’s just a side point to the main point of classes, which way of the kensei monk is definitely her. kensei monks train so extensively with their weapons that they become an extension of themselves, with aigis’s without a doubt being firearms due to her robotic nature already making them a literal extension of herself. they’re speedy and precise, both of which fit aigis and her programming to be the best combat unit, as kensei focus almost exclusively on dps output and the ability to just deal as much damage in one hit. unerring accuracy is also a feat kensei monks get, which allows them to reroll any attack they miss and again, really hones in on the combat robot thing aigis has going on.
now i know some of you probably went ‘are they gonna class assign koromaru’ and let me tell you i’m not going to cause 1 you wouldn’t be able to play him anyway in the theoretical sense, but also he’s usually seen as a companion to either ken or shinjiro, so he fits more as a companion animal that you see some classes get like rangers or druids. usually these animals survive as long as their owners lifespan and get extra health and sometimes magic so koromaru is a-okay in fighting still.
now for someone who i’m very excited to talk about: ken. being hellbent on revenge is actually a class in dnd! it’s called the vengeance paladin, which is a paladin whose oath revolves around singlehandedly bringing “evildoers” to justice, though what this justice is would be defined by the individual paladin’s definition of morality and their own vendetta. even in their basic description, oath of vengeance defines anyone who takes it as someone who sees their purity not being as important as the concept of delivering justice where justice is due, which fits not only ken’s theme as the justice arcana, but overall his entire relationship with shinjiro (which. oh boy paladin shinjiro and paladin ken parallels?). paladins get martial weapons which means ken gets his lance he uses, and on their spell list they get hunter’s mark, letting them mark targets to deal more damage. one another thing i want to bring attention to is their 7th level class feature, relentless avenger, which essentially makes it so any enemy that provokes an attack of opportunity can’t truly escape because the vengeance paladin can immediately take half their movement speed to follow after said enemy as apart of their reaction, which i think pretty easily describes the october 4th scene if you know what i mean.
and finally i’m saving the best for last cause i wanna talk about shinjiro. picture this: shinjiro’s a big tanky knight meant to service the people and protect them but a stray spell one day kills an innocent woman and suddenly he’s failed the one thing he swore his life to. giving up his oath, shinjiro turns into an oathbreaker paladin, a paladin who in someway shape or form has broken their sacred oath and now walks a darker path. now oathbreakers, while being stereotypically written as “evil”, don’t have to be evil themselves; being an oathbreaker pretty much is what it says on the tin, with them having failed to fulfill their oath’s rules in some way shape or form. breaking his own moral code and also abandoning his affiliation with sees pretty much solidifies shinjiro as an oathbreaker with him not necessarily being a bad person cause we all know he’s not. oathbreakers get things such as channel divinity: dreadful aspect, which lets them channel their anger into an intense magical intimidation, and paladins themselves are the only class to get the find steed spell, which fits castor’s horse riding-ness. they also get martial weapons and heavy armor, making shinjiro a big tank with an even bigger axe just like he likes to be. as a bonus thing, shinjiro Definitely has the tavern brawler feat (which gives unarmed strikes a hit die rather than a flat 1 damage) so he can wrestle with akihiko
BONUS: chidori’s a life cleric. her entire fountain of life or whatever the thing her persona does right next to her white gothic lolita aesthetic fit her as a life cleric. Or she could be a grave cleric with an atypical aesthetic, but then again, theres been pastel goth grave clerics before too.
BONUS x2: my friend and i had 2 ideas for ryoji while throwing ideas for this whole list around: death cleric, which is yknow, pretty straight forward..... OR deathlock great old one. deathlocks are specifically enemy warlocks that have been brought back from the dead by their patron because they believe that the warlocks job hasnt been done yet, and well, nyx i think counts as a great old one patron.
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halfasseddoodler · 5 years
Things I want to see in BBBG S2
1. Addressing the 3rd level of BBB's elemental powers
2. Addressing the elemental fusions
3. Addressing the unused tier 2 power that Gopal has (changing his own molecular structures), and that Ying has (rewinding time) - last they used these abilities were in BBBM1
4. Addressing Yaya, Ying, Fang, and Gopal's 3rd tier powers
5. Addressing the main issue with BoBoiBoy's family
6. Addressing the main issue with Fang's family
More under the cut.
1. Addressing the 3rd tier of BBB's elemental powers
Right now we have the following tiers of elemental powers (the third tier names are based from Retak'ka's elemental powers; they may or may not be used for BoBoiBoy):
- Petir / Halilintar / Voltra
- Tanah / Gempa / Kristal
- Angin / Taufan / Beliung
- Daun / Duri / Balak
- Cahaya / Solar / Gamma
- Air / Ais / ???
- Api / Blaze / ???
For Air and Api, I put "???" because Retak'ka did not manage to steal these elements, hence we never knew their third tier's names. I wonder what their names will be?
This part, I'll leave it to Animonsta. lol
2. Addressing the elemental fusions
In BBBM2 we are introduced to Elemental Fusion, something BoBoiBoy thought by himself (helped by Tok Kasa and Retak'ka's "advice", ofc) to compensate for the loss of most of his elemental powers. And it worked!
Canon Elemental Fusions in this movie are:
1. Blaze + Ais = FrostFire
2. Ais + Gempa = Glacier
3. Halilintar + Solar = Supra
So... what will other Elemental Fusions will be? Hmmmmm...
Gempa + Blaze = Magma?
Gempa + Duri = Rimba? (although Fang has used this word in his Rimba Bayang attack, lol) Maybe Hutan? Erm....
Gempa + Halilintar = Logam?
Gempa + Solar = ???
Gempa + Taufan = Sandstorm?
Halilintar + Taufan = Hurricane?
Halilintar + Duri = ???
Halilintar + Ais = ???
Halilintar + Blaze = ???
Taufan + Ais = Blizzard?
Taufan + Blaze = Maelstrom? Will change later, since apparently "maelstrom" means something like "whirlpool". Let's go with "Firestorm" for now
Taufan + Duri = SpringWind? (idea from darkhana_ @ IG)
Taufan + Solar = Flare? (as in, solar flare)
Duri + Blaze = ForestFire? (not to be confused with FrostFire, lol) OH YEAH I FORGOT. BUNGA API 🎆 😂😂😂😂😂
Duri + Ais = ???
Duri + Solar = OMG PLS GIVE THIS FUSION NAME SUNFLOWER 🌻 😂😂😂😂 (I already hc'd him as The Healing Light™ with Solar's sharp mind and Duri's zero brain-to-mouth filter)
Blaze + Solar = Suria? lol
Solar + Ais = Aurora maybe? lol
3. Addressing the unused tier 2 power that Gopal has (changing his own molecular structures), and that Ying has (rewinding time) - last they used these abilities were in BBBM1... in 2016.
Pretty much what it says. Next!
4. Addressing Yaya, Ying, Fang, and Gopal's 3rd tier powers... and where Ochobot got them
BBBM2 told us that Ochobot was a special Power Sphere used to drain out powers from people who have used Power Spheres. (Sounds confusing, eh.) 100 years ago, Tok Kasa used Ochobot to drain out Retak'ka's elemental powers.
Those elemental powers came from other Power Spheres, in which Sinarbot - the Power Sphere containing the power of Gamma element - was once owned by Retak'ka. Retak'ka, consumed by greed, stole all other elemental powers from other elemental users until he was stopped by Tok Kasa, who was the user of the Kristal element. Tok Kasa owned the Power Sphere called Kristalbot.
Now here's the problem: Ochobot was separated from Tok Kasa and was missing until 100 years later, when BoBoiBoy found Ochobot. During this time, not only Ochobot held all the elemental powers, but he also held powers of gravity, speed, shadow, and molecular manipulation.
The question: Where did Ochobot get these powers?
Anyway. Here's what we know about Yaya, Fang, Ying, and Gopal's abilities in Tier 1 and Tier 2, and predictions for Tier 3 powers:
Tier 1: Fly, power smash
Tier 2: Gravity manipulation
Tier 3: Ability to manipulate gravity with a single finger?
Tier 1: Shadow manipulation
Tier 2: Half-shadow (human + shadow) creature
Tier 3: ???
Tier 1: Speedy run, speedy kick
Tier 2: Slow-motion control
Tier 3: Stop time, rewind, or super slow-motion?
Tier 1: Food transformation
Tier 2: Molecular transformation (mainly to other things)
Tier 3: Molecular transformation (to himself, maybe?)
5. Addressing the main issue with BoBoiBoy's family
Oh boy, oh boy. BoBoiBoy has a very serious case of abandonment issues and it shows throughout the series:
- BBB S3 ep 23 iirc: BBB was upset that his parents weren't visiting him on Earth Day. He told his friends that his dad worked as an "ambassador" and his mom followed his dad. (Seriously, what kind of parents leave their 10-year-old kid by himself??)
- BBB S3, same episode: Tok Aba visited BBB and gave him a postcard sent by BBB's parents. It had a picture of a very beautiful view of the moon... except it's a hint that the view was not of this planet (the moon was way too big).
- BBBM1: BoBoiBoy was sad when his friends scolded him for forgetting the promise to go camping. (He was trying to help catch robbers just as he and Ochobot were about to go - the boy really couldn't leave matters be) So the boy was sad when Ochobot and the others were angry at him.
- Also BBBM1: BBB was extremely sad when Ochobot was almost destroyed by Bora Ra.
- BBBG S1 ep ??: BBB faced a kid called Panto and his Invisibot, and once BBB defeated them he saw Panto crying for his Invisibot. BBB let them reunite.
Meh. Too long, will continue next time.
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What kind of fic are you writing??
You mean, "what kinda fic I keep *not* writing?"
Two actually, one's a very uh, self-indulgent DBH fic where I give some poly rep in Jerichoe(they moved to like, a warehouse and spray painted the side with the word, someone keeps adding an e at the end and it keeps getting painted over)
Also I bring in the bros, have my deviant OC stack every single item on or in Gavin's desk into an absurdly tall tower that got so high she had to stand on Nine's shoulders while he was standing on the desk.
Also I "redeem" Amanda by having some people raid cyberlife, download the AI onto the USB stick which is then called the USBitch stick, and having Kamski yeet her into a body so she can be deviated.
In the process Foxtrot(my OC) got captured by a sassy dramatic boi who failed his last mission and a toll stoic emotionless boi.
Sassy drama boy however, underestimated my speedy prototype girl who uses momentum, her durable body,and the speed with which she can move limbs to shatter his plastic kneecaps and bolt off, Nines chasing after her.
Foxtrot also hates interfacing, but she gets cornered, and gives it a try bc she knows she can't rlly, convert Nines, but she tries anyway as a distraction and it causes a whole lotta instabilities.
I uh, would keep going but I have another fic that's just started forming.
Which is a hollow knight fic involving a vessel OC that hasn't even been named yet.
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koinodancesite · 5 years
“Ambitious! Yashintekide Iijan”
Release date: June 21, 2006
Oricon Weekly placement: 4th
B-side: “Watashi Ga Tsuiteru”
Members: Ai Takahashi, Asami Konno, Eri Kamei, Hitomi Yoshizawa, Koharu Kusumi, Mokoto Ogawa, Miki Fujimoto, Reina Tanaka, Risa Niigaki, Sayumi Michishige
If “Sexy Boy ~Soyo Kaze Ni Yorisotte~ brought some adult flirtiness to Morning Musume as a sign of maturity, “Ambitious! Yashintekide Iijan” then established toughness for the group during the Sexy 8 Beat era. They refrain from depending on irony for self-defense, no longer setting up goofy ad libs or stylistic quirks as safety nets in case they don’t completely succeed. And their renewed self-confidence propels the single with force.
Morning Musume still borrows from Eurobeat in “Ambitious!” with a pumping synth-bass line buoying the song’s restless pulse. What sets more of the tone, though, are the muscular strings that roll out the group like a movie intro theme. The combination of the speedy dance beat and the dramatic strings makes for one dynamic production, best exemplified in the chorus where the quick hits of the music let each line zigzag sharply to their next destination.
The music props up the chorus with flair, but it’s an impressive section just through the sheer strength of the idols’ unified voices. The hearty center reminds me of the gutsiness put forth by ‘90s girl group SPEED, who channeled their youth into an unstoppable force in singles like “Body & Soul” and “Go! Go! Heaven.” Morning Musume also wield an unbound youthful energy together in “Ambitious!” They shine so powerfully bright, it’s almost blinding to look straight on.
Moving with such an unstoppable force, “Ambitious!” gives almost no room to sneak in any disagreements to that titular argument: what’s wrong with being ambitious? The chorus slides in a message of blind optimism that provides nowhere else to look but up: “Jump! Jump! Take off shiyouze! / We all have wings of angels/ Just look up and the future awaits,” they shout, and the suffix of the first line especially writes in an enthusiasm so inviting and difficult to turn down.
Amid all that cheerleading, however, Morning Musume also hint at a sliver of doubt while they spread positive self-esteem. They open the song admitting to imperfection and later confess a need for mutual emotional support. More than showing off a bright smile and a tough exterior, these reveals of vulnerability in “Ambitious!” make the group a reliable figure to trust as they lead their flight to grasp a bright, confident future. The idols are trying their best to convince themselves of their message like the rest of us.
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