#spiderman desk meme
shiveagit · 3 months
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The spider-fam picked up huge readings of muta-nomalies all converging in one place and are tasked to figure out this 'whole situation' before it becomes.....a situation. ♥Slider-punk ♣Spider-shine ♦Spider-gal ♠Spider-Dee and cameos if you can spot them.
[I'm NOT in the competition . but i wanted to doodle a thing anyway. Think of them as volunteer staff that no one questions, but maybe you should. ] @tmntaucompetition
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sleeping-donkey · 2 years
Late night sleep
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shadowglens · 2 years
the office for my new job is so nice!
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headcanons for the male spouses as transmascs/trans men?
Sure thing, dear anon 💕 (Sorry the headcanons turned out short):
Some random headcanons with SDV bachelors as a transmascs/trans men:
Harvey loves it when Farmer rests on his chest, showering him with tender words and kissing the scars under his pecs. Nowhere does he feel more calm and happy than in bed in the early morning, where Farmer, half asleep, rests their head on his chest and both lovers enjoy a peaceful morning. Are Farmer sure they have to go somewhere else on business? Maybe they and Harvey should stay in bed for another hour or two?
Even having an unpleasant period, Elliott doesn't abandon his writing desk, hoping that the very muse is about to appear to help him find inspiration and finish the last chapter of his novel. Except that Farmer is not happy to see the writer torturing himself like this, so they persuade him to drag the workaholic writer back to bed to rest, give him painkillers and whatever else he needs to feel better. Elliott is truly grateful to his spouse for taking such good care of him 💕
Shane isn't usually a fan of committing his feelings and worries to someone else, but he loves Farmer, they've been together for a long time. So Shane thought it was only fair to tell them that because of who he was, his parents had literally kicked Shane out of the house. They weren't a perfect family as it was, but this... His aunt and niece, and then his beloved Farmer, had made him feel what a real family was like.
In summer, the clean and beautiful beach at Stardew Valley are a favourite spot not only for locals but also for tourists. One such tourist shouted to the volleyball-playing Sam and Farmer "Yo!" pointing to Sam's top surgery scars. Sam saw their top scars and responded with the same "Yo!" and the two stood there pointing at each other like that Spiderman meme. They both exchanged warm words and goodbyes, and Farmer watched with a smile as his spouse just glowed with joy and positivity.
Sometimes Alex can get so enthusiastic about his workout that he completely forgets to take off his binder before the workout. Thankfully, his spouse always reminds him before he starts heavy physical exercises. It's just that Alex is so used to them that sometimes he doesn't even notice. Farmer decided to give him an electronic watch in which you can put memos. Now Alex will remember to take his binder off, stay hydrated, and even know how many calories he burned today. Hey, this thing is neat!
Sebastian used to be pretty quiet (more quiet than usual) because he didn't like the sound of his own voice. The local emo when talking to friends or grocery shopping at Pierre's always tried a lower tone of voice to see how it would be. He still has that voice, although smoking has made it a bit muffler. The Farmer still loves Sebastian and his voice, especially they love listening to his laugh after another bad pun or joke. If they can, Farmer would listen to him all day long.
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Hey raven, there gonna be a Crowley ssr card (im not joking)
[Referencing this post!]
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RIP Cater 💀 Now he knows how Trey feels whenever his birthday gets overshadowed by Halloween event news…
It’s true what they say, boys (nb). Cope hard enough and your wishes and prayers for NPCs to become actual cards will become a reality… Happened with Rollo, now it’s happening with Crowley—and presumably other NRC Staff. (I wonder if Year 4 of JP anniversary will feature staff in the groovy with Grim??)
IT’S SO FUNNY THAT THEY MADE THE MOST USELESS STAFF MEMBER THE FIRST STAFF CARD 😭 I thought for sure they would “save the best for last” but I guess Crowley isn’t really “the best”, huh… BUT HEY, at least now we can chuck him into battles against OBs and make him be a responsible adult and actually work to earn his coin 💰
I hope we get vignettes and not just furniture for Crowley! It would be cool to have a short story that centers around him, even if it’s just him goofing around and being unproductive. I’ll happily take a day in the life of Crowley anytime!!
I have so many questions about how Crowley would work gameplay-wise?????? ?? ? ? ????? ?? ? I wonder if we’ll be able to make staff members attend class…? But that’s odd, isn’t it?? Why would teachers be studying? And what happens if there’s a situation where like. Crowley is a student but also Crowley crashed in for a Special Lesson segment? Double Crowley?!?!?!?! The Spiderman meme where they point at each other?? Or will staff not be able to attend lessons at all and you just have to feed them materials to level them up outside of class… (You know what, leeching off of resources that the students worked hard to farm is very in-character for Crowley, so if this is the case then I won’t be upset 😂) What about Duo Magic??? Will Crowley actually be able to combo with a student??? Or will it be with Grim or whatever staff card is coming next...?
His card art looks hella cool ✨ It’s really atmospheric but also has a bit of that unique Crowley flair if you notice where exactly he’s seated (on his own damn desk www) while posing so sassily. And is that the word RAVEN literally making up the teeth at the end of his key-like staff????? That’s so Crowley of him…
What I am slightly concerned about is…
***Spoilers for the full Crowley card illustration + book 7 main story below the cut!!!***
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… Why is the composition of Malleus’s Dorm Uniform card and Crowley’s card kinda similar…
Malleus is clearly turned to the side, but the slight worm’s eye view is the same and the lighting is somewhat close (relatively dark)… and both of them are holding staves while sitting. Plus the timing of Crowley dropping mid-book 7… AND sharing elements in Malleus’s Masquerade (Crowley notoriously wears a mask) groovy of all things (similar angle, chandelier overhead)… With the fan theory of Crowley actually being Malleus’s missing dad at an all-time fever pitch in popularity, this has me a little worried (since I personally think the theory doesn’t have a lot of solid proof and leaves a lot to be explained in terms of his actions).
Maybe that’s me overthinking it, but TWST has been known to intentionally do parallel or mirrored designs before (though I’ll admit this instance isn’t as clear cut as previous instances). I’m just pointing out what I see and I’ll leave the final judgment up to you, dear readers! I’m sure the “Crowley is Malleus’s dad” theorists will be in a frenzy picking apart these details www
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hyperfizationss · 11 months
can i request some hcs for spiderman noir x gender neutral reader who's a singer?
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Spider-noir x singer reader hcs
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-literally love this request❤️if I could I would kiss it
-totally try’s to make it to all your shows
-he’ll come to your shows as both Peter and spider-noir,but if he shows up as spider-noir it probably b/c he just got done fighting a villain
-now he does live in the 1930s I’m imagining the reader with like a Marilyn Monroe (I don’t know any male old singer/idols sorry!)
-definitely likes to help you write songs
-if you ever asked him to sing with you he’d never actually do it.
-as Peter
-but if spider-noir just happened to to show up he’d definitely sing with you
Spider-noir: a friend of mine told me you wrote a duet but no one will sing it with you
Y/n:really may I ask who this friend is?
Spider-noir: I think you know ;)
-like just a bit of nfsw here scroll on if u don’t like that
-I imagine after a few of your shows he’d slowly slip of your dress/suit backstage and kiss every part of you while telling you how good you were on stage
-ok nsfw over
-if you wrote a love song dedicated for him he’d fall in love with you all over again
-as Peter in that situation,he’d immediately head backstage and give you a very passionate kiss
-but as spider-noir in that situation,he’d head to a back alley that’s near the place you were singing (I’m imagining an old timely club/pub) and do the classic Spider-Man kiss thing
-he’d sometimes wonder how he was able to pull such a talented individual
-you guys would so be that meme “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic”
-imagine if you two had to travel for shows and you got to pay for the prettiest hotel ever
-if you ever watched home alone 2 that’s the kinda hotel you two would stay in(just not in New York,cause that’s where you’d live)
-he likes to pick out what you wear before shows,it makes him feel special
-like either necklaces or ties he just likes to pick it out
-if he ever missed a show he’d never stop apologizing for it
Y/n: Peter I have another show next week,it really doesn’t matter
Spider-noir:I still shouldn’t have missed it
Y/n:Peter,baby,love of my life.you were saving a kidnapped lady from a gang,my show was the least of your worries
-I think you’d make more money than him as a singer so you love to but him gifts and Knick knacks
-you’ll also get him new glasses if he ever breaks his(he’d totally ramble abt how glasses should be free,cause why should someone pay for disability care?)
-if you ever got so big that you made it on the radio he’d set up a whole ass party for you just to hear your song on the radio for the first time
-he supports you through everything,the good the bad you name it he’s there
-whenever he’s at actual work and not being spidey he has a radio on his desk just to see if one of your songs come on
-and whenever one of your songs do play he always whispers to himself “that’s my partner”
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EEEKK loved this request so cute!
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sigmabateman · 10 months
thank you so much @velvetcrowbar444 for tagging me to talk about 5 things im obsessed with at the moment!!
this got longer than i anticipated so im putting it under the cut, but for simplicity's sake i'll tag people up here: @nights-decay, @boycentriccplot, @flaming-tsunami, @sourgelatin no pressure though of course!
persona 5... ok i have to be honest ive been really reluctant to talk about this on here and its why ive been quiet the past at least week or so. no idea why. i guess cause its so different from the stuff i usually post about that i feel like, embarrassed? but i started playing persona 5 royal around may and really liked it but i didnt have the time to properly get into it until now and it has completely taken over my life entirely without me even realising. to be honest i could obsess over like a rock on the ground if i saw it at the right time in my life but hands down persona 5 is one the best if not the best game ive ever played in my life. the story is engaging, the characters are distinctive and realistic and i really really care about all of them, the gameplay is so much fun and combat is buttery fucking smooth like nothing ive ever played before, the music is top tier and what got me interested in the game in the first place, and the ART DIRECTION. it speaks for itself to be honest ESPECIALLY compared to the older games. i was shocked starting persona 4 because of how different it is to persona 5 like, persona 5 has SUCH a distinct visual identity as well as tone, themes, imagery etc it is all just so stunning and perfect and i want to live in it. but i think about it so often like literally 24/7 that i may as well be. i <3 persona 5 and i <3 YUSUKE KITAGAWA. he's definitely my favourite character and he came out of NOWHERE but hes actually everything in the world to me. one of the characters ever.
persona 4 is it a copout to say that? i did try and condense both games into one bullet point but 1. they're such a mainstay in my life right now i was struggling to think of more points and 2. it kind of lost its precision and didn't effectively convey just how personapilled i am right now. i originally wasn't gonna play 4, all i knew is that it was more difficult and less good so i thought i should stay away. but if you go anywhere persona-related on the internet (which i would warn against, the fandom is a fucking cesspit the likes of which i havent seen in a long time as an obscure-shit-enjoyer) you'll quickly run into adachi. and as a lover of men with high-pitched voices and sexypedia entries... i couldn't stay away. before even starting the game i had made a d6 and d20 with different adachis on each face so really it was just a matter of time. and you know what... it's not that bad. the graphics were a SHOCKING step down but i find the low(er) poly style really charming. the adachi model is too cute T_T whenever i see it in the game world i just wanna sit with it for ages. i wonder if i could get it like 3d printed so i could keep him on my desk with me at all times... its bad for me ! the combat is fucking clunky espeically compared to 5 and i kind of hate it but that just makes it more rewarding when i can finally stop LOL. some of the characters (especially the main few (yosuke, chie, yukiko)) took a bit to grow on me but its kind of sweet.. its like authentic.. our relationship is growing as i get to know them better... but dojima and nanako ive loved since i first set eyes on them. too cute. it makes me feel so fatherless. its like.. a lot more magnetic than i expected it to be. i love it even with all its flaws. i saw a meme about it being like twin peaks and thats kind of so real. and you know i love a murder mystery... so yeah tldr i like persona now. but its hard to talk about it on here because it is such a big fandom but not like an active one like spiderman or like good omens or whatever slightly more normal people are watching so its kind of intimidating. maybe ill get over myself, maybe ill go silent for 3 months until i get into something new. we'll see i guess LOL
my gender identity TUMBLR MOMENT I KNOW but i dont know.. ive had a lot of time to myself recently and its kind of brought things to the surface that i just didnt have time or space to think about before. turns out there was a LOT OF STUFF i was repressing without even knowing. like that tweet 'im probably nonbinary but i have a job so idrc about that rn'. i posted on instagram "gender around cis people: boy, gender around trans people: girlboy, gender by myself: computer program" and that kind of sums it up i think. can i coin like.. complicatedgender. where your answer to the question "whats your gender?" is "it's complicated..." cause thats me. its just COMPLICATED okay!!!! but my pronouns havent changed or anything so its chilllllll
going to bed at a reasonable time. i phrased that like a joke answer but its true. i downloaded pokemon sleep and now i go to bed at 11:30pm cause at 11 i get a notification saying my pokemon are sleepy and shit i gotta take care of my pokemon!! i dont even know if its doing me any good to be honest like i dont feel much better when i wake up but making myself get into bed and shut my eyes means more thinking time and to be honest my favourite activity is thinking. even if as silly as it sounds i never give myself time to do it. its playing a weirdly big role in my life rn so yeah id say im obsessed with it!!!
this asmr video. im secretly always posting about asmr so really i could just say that, but like, ASMR | The Mortician (No Talking – You're Dead) specifically is such a mainstay i can feel its influence seeping into my life like an infection. this video would actually show up in my recommended for YEARS but i never watched it. gave me a major ick for some reason. but then i got into this guys stuff and saw it again and thought id give it a go and now its like an extra limb. fuck my 3rd bullet point, this is my gender identity. i could not articulate in words what it is about the mortician that i love so much, but i really really do. i am certifiably obsessed. cant believe i made it through this whole thing without mentioning alex. but there you are. yay this was fun :D
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
11/14 with the twins?
11. Do I actually have to swear a blood pact for this?
There were many conversations one could have in the kitchen at half past two AM. Lots of heartful moments, a ton of weird, goofy, and maybe like, a smidge sexy times. Mostly, it's quiet words exchanged between the noise of a boiling teapot and the kitchen tap running as someone washed dishes. Mostly, there are no words, just company.
A few nights ago had not been that. A few nights ago, Taako tried to sleep for a total of five minutes before deciding that, actually, fuck this, and went to make himself some eggs. Lup didn't even move in her sleep as he hopped off the upper bunk and left the room. The kitchen light had already been turned on and Taako walked in on Magnus attempting to fix their microwave (it hadn't been broken).
Lots of conversations can happen at two AM. Taako was expecting a "hey" or a "what the fuck" or a momentary reenactment of that spiderman meme where two identical spiderman's pointed at each other. Instead, he cracked an egg open into a pan and was met with,
"Is it just me or has Lup been acting... strange?"
"Just you, homie," Taako had said.
"Ah," Magnus had said. That would have been a neat place to end the conversation, but instead, he continued with, "because like, we were hanging out and having fun and stuff, and then Barry came back from- from wherever the fuck he went with Lucretia-"
"Right, the library. And then Lup was like. Not... Lup-like. Y'know?"
"I do not, in fact, know," Taako said.
And then he spent the next thirty minutes, diving a little too deep into what Magnus had noticed about Lup's body language (Taako never wanted to hear an analysis of how he and his sister interacted with people again. But he supposed being stuck on a spaceship with six other people tends to put you through the mortifying act of being known much more than you would like.) and her word choice and all of that and all Taako really got from it was "Magnus is a fucking creep who likes to watch us like a fucked up science experiment".
But now that it had been pointed out? Yeah. Yeah. Lup was acting weird. She would stop halfway through a conversation if Barry came into the room. And she seemed to go out of her way to avoid interacting with him directly. One day, they had been making dinner, and Lup straight up left the kitchen when Barry came in for something. Either they had somehow had a fight without anyone noticing or Lup had caught a bad case of Feelings. And Taako was pretty sure he'd know if Lup had gotten Feelings for Barry, so it had to have been a fight.
So, like any good brother, that also meant Taako was now Against Barry. Did he know what the fight was about? No. Did he care? Maybe a little bit. Barry had seemed chill but now Taako wasn't sure. Like, they were nineteen years into this and that might seem like a lot for some people (cough cough, Magnus), but that wasn't even a tenth of Taako and Lup's lifespan before the mission. Yeah, sure, he liked them well enough, but he was ride or die with Lup. But hopefully the dying wouldn't happen too much.
It was two weeks after his conversation with Magnus in the kitchen when Lup approached him. Or rather, Taako walked into their room and Lup immediately said,
"What the hell has your problem been with Barry lately?"
Taako paused. He shut the door. And then he turned back to Lup, squinting at her.
"What's been your problem with Barry lately?" Taako asked, because he wasn't going to rise to whatever bait this was.
"What's my prob- I'm not the one avoiding him!" Lup said. "You're making him feel weird!"
"I'm avoiding him because you're avoiding him, doofus," Taako said, calmly, like an adult. He sat on his bunk (the bottom one this week, as scheduled) and crossed his legs. Lup was sitting on top of the desk that was shoved into the corner, holding a notepad in her hands.
"I- what?" Lup said. "Since when was I avoiding Barry?"
"Since like, two weeks ago," Taako said. "Three weeks?" How long has Magnus said again? "Three weeks now."
"I have not-"
"You leave the room whenever he's there," Taako said, holding up a finger to start counting. "You talk weirdly to him. You've stopped looking at him-"
"'Cause he's weird," Lup said.
"Yeah, but he's been weird for the last twenty years, bud!" Taako said. "He's not gotten any weirder this cycle! The only thing I've seen him do is fuck with the robot parts and we're all doing that. I don't know what kind of fight you had but obviously, if you don't wanna be around Barry anymore, then we're not gonna hang around Barry anymore. The world can end as many times as it wants but we're still gotta be a team about things, dumbass. It's bond science, or whatever the fuck."
"What fight have I had with Barry?" Lup asked, looking genuinely confused now. "Did he- did he say I had a fight with him?"
"He-" Taako paused. Closed his mouth. "...No. But your avoiding him, so like, cha'boy assumed-"
"Babe, I didn't have a fight with Barry," Lup said with a little nervous laugh. "I just- y'know. He's weird."
"Again, Barold has been weird for much longer than we've known him," Taako said. "So if you're not avoiding him for it, then there's really no other- oh, shit."
"Taako," Lup said warningly.
"Oh, shit," Taako said. He slammed his hands down on the bed. "You caught Feeling for Barry!"
"Shh!!" Lup said, gesturing for him to be quieter.
"You've got romantic feelings towards Barold J. Bluejeans," Taako said. "D'you hear those words I just said? Do you know how fucking ridiculous that sounds? Like, what the fuck would that couple name even be-"
"Taako," Lup groaned, sinking into a heap on the desk.
"Barup," Taako said. "Larry."
"Taako!" Lup was now sliding off the desk, her head in her hands. "Shut the fuck up!"
"I think this is the best day of my life," Taako said. "You've got feelings for the guy who keeps getting his fingers burned by the toaster."
"It's a hard toaster to navigate-" Lup started.
"Do you even hear yourself right now?" Taako said, absolutely delighted. "Lup, be honest, are you avoiding him because you've forgotten how to talk to him like a normal person? Does talking to the guy who dresses in the same stupid outfit every day make you embarrassed?"
"I hate your fucking guts," Lup said. "You can't tell anyone- I'm gonna make you take a blood pact-"
"Lup, I rolled a nineteen, you gotta tell me," Taako said, climbing off the bed to sit next to her on the floor. "It's important. What the hell about that man is attractive to you? I mean, the ass, obviously-"
"Gods, the ass," Lup sighed. "In those jeans."
"Lup," Taako begged, on the brink of laughter. "You gotta be goofing me. You gotta be."
"But you've seen the ass," Lup said, as if that explained everything. Maybe it did. "Like, you've seen the ass-"
"Too many times," Taako said. "I want my eyes removed from my skull."
"Yeah," Lup said dreamily. Taako was going to lord this over her for years. A crush on Barry Bluejeans, good gods. She's had space madness. Taako was going to ride this serotonin into cycle twenty.
"...Do I actually have to take a blood pact for this, though?" Taako asked. "Like, I'm not gonna tell everyone-" Just Magnus, to prove him wrong that they hadn't been fighting, thank you very much. And Davenport, for like, mission safety. And Lucretia, so she could accurately write their interaction down. And maybe Merle, too, actually-
Maybe Magnus had been right about this body language stuff. Taako had got to get more dets from him later.
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inkdemon-whore · 1 year
Ink Demon Henry au where the toon Henry just walks in on him drawing at his old desk. Still addicted to drawing. It's a way of escaping his harsh reality for a while.
Ink Demon Henry: >.>
Toon Henry: <.<
*Insert that one Spiderman meme where two Spidermen point at each other*
Henry: "my old word de-"
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the-navistar-carol · 2 years
Met another ace person today! I went to go print something at the library and needed a stapler, went up to the guy at the desk and he went “hey! we’ve got matching rings!”
I look up and spot a nice ol’ black ring on his right middle finger. Cue internal Pointing Spiderman Meme. “…ace ring?”
So yeah! Positive experience at the library today! Now if only I could ask my lab friend who also has a black ring on his right middle finger…… curious curious
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alfredolover119 · 2 years
hi i'm here to ask abt zukka ghost fic even tho i already know the premise because i want to hear it again and maybe it will inspire u to write it <3
you got it exie
modern au. sokka has a boring desk job during the day, but at night and on weekends, he and suki are paranormal investigators who have a podcast together talking about ghosts n shit. sokka does not believe in ghosts and suki does. he doesn't believe because of SCIENCE, obviously. they have guests on the podcast who they will try to sway one way or another.
enter zuko. back in college, zuko and sokka were besties. roommates, even. sokka had it bad for zuko but he thought zuko was straight since he was always hanging out with mai and ty lee. (no gaydar sokka 🚫🚫🚫 izumi has to get it from somewhere. [reference to vee littlespoonsokka's homophobic dog izumi hc]). zuko also had it bad for sokka but he was sorting through his Traumas so he didn't make a move bc he was giving himself time to heal god 👍👍
we're a couple of years past college at the time of this fic. they're instagram mutuals. sokka scrolls back through zuko's account to look at old pictures of them together sometimes. he's COMPLETELY over zuko though. 100%. (he scrambles to unlike posts after he accidentally likes them.) he doesn't answer zuko's texts or calls.
however, sokka comes home to his usually empty apartment (why is suki always at her girlfriend's place now? doesn't she care about him?), planning to reminisce about the good old days, when lo and behold, zuko manifests in his living room.
he is really freaked out!! obviously. science says you can't manifest people into your living room!!! he's obviously just reached rock bottom. his mind is just creating versions of his college crush to comfort his loneliness.
but then zuko TALKS to him and he's like "sokka why are you in my apartment" and sokka is like "zuko. why are YOU in MY apartment" (spiderman pointing meme.)
and now that he's talked, sokka is pretty sure zuko is real. he must've blacked out and forgotten that he caved and invited zuko over.
but then they're BOTH confused, so sokka tries to take zuko's arm to make him sit down on the couch and his hand goes THROUGH zuko and sokka promptly passes out.
he wakes up and not-zuko is still in his apartment!! so he tries to call suki and she doesn't pick up. so he calls katara because she's a psychiatrist she should know what's wrong with him. she tells him to lay off the bean juice and take a nap.
so he calls toph and toph is convinced he's going crazy so she comes over because she wants to witness sokka's fall into madness so she can mock him forever. but then she gets there and SHE can hear zuko too. and she's like hey buddy long time no see. and sokka passes out again before he can ever roll his eyes at her pun.
essentially, zuko is a Ghost and for some reason (wink-wonk) his tether to earth is sokka... they think.
i have about ... 4k written on this and i am not even to sokka and zuko talking yet shhsjshsjsh. haven't worked on it in a few months. it is my comfort wip.
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tc-mon-cheri · 3 months
...so i'm back with an update <3
okay so uhhhh i'm back after like 2 flipping years of not updating my interactions with A (well i was active but it was just manifesting because the universe is on my side).
i graduated a little while back :D so that's pretty cool!! pretty emotional day because it meant A and i wouldn't be in the same school and that pretty much was the only reason i dragged myself to school D: it was still pretty cool tho and we shared a lot of sweet memories but i realised that i had to part away from him now that i moved into a new stage of my life (we still got a lot of photos and he met my parents which went well so yay). And i thought it was the end of that...
UNTIL NOW because of course I couldn't come back to this weird diary of mine without a great update.
I still kept in contact with my tc (biggest W of my life) met up with my friends and spent the summer just settling in to my new stage of life, and eventually got accepted into a university (how g r e a t).
tell me why my tc is my uni professor after i thought that my senior years of dreaming about him were over. I KID YOU NOT, i stood there a pointed like that one spiderman meme, like my dude wtf are you doing here. THIS MAN decided to message me being all like "surprise XD" like WDYM SURPRISE. But uni has been great because once again, my tc has consumed my life (thats a good thing btw if he somehow reads this) and now the only reason i even go is because of him.
So during my lecture, we were working on this assignment thing and my laptop was not helping me to save my life D:< and A is just walking around (i genuinely forgot how tall this dude was like sir ruin me-) and helping people out and THE AMOUNT OF TIMES HE SAT NEXT TO ME WAS WOAHHH
and it wouldn't stop there, he started to like circle my right thigh underneath the desk like super slowly and i nearly choked while trying to keep my composure. The way his hand was travelling like sir, those fingers can go somewhere else- and the ENTIRE TIME I SAT THERE JUST CRACKING MY FINGERS OR PLAYING WITH MY LAPTOP TO NOT JUST EVAPORATE like the chokehold this man has on me is unbelievable. HE TRIED TO MAKE ME ANSWER A QUESTION LIKE I CANT BECAUSE YOU ARE TEASING ME AHHH (ˢⁱʳ ʳᵃⁱˡ ᵐᵉ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ⁱᵐ ᵇᵉᵍᵍⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ ʷʰʸ ᵃʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵉᵃˢⁱⁿᵍ ᵐᵉ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵗʰⁱˢ)
Like his hands were so big compared to my whole existence, i could literally feel his body heat AND HIS COLOGNE ahhhh my new comfort scent.
and like the roach that he is, he lefttttt nooo :(( like please stay and continue omg-
anyway, that's pretty much my update <3 i'll probably be updating more and more because i do miss it so why not
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topknott · 3 years
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Watch it be true
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agentmika · 3 years
have just decided what that 😐 expression on cas's face from the 10x23 secret admirer deleted scene feels like to me
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kaelio · 5 years
I hate superhero movies and I hate Spider-Man in particular. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse should be an easy grab for the animation Oscar and is one of the most visually impressive films I have ever seen. It's extremely good across the board, it's exceptional. It's unbelievable how good it is. I’m almost furious with how amazing it was.
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realtalkswithfinn · 2 years
the spiderling // peter parker x avenger!reader
in which reader, the youngest avenger who was taken in by natasha romanoff, and peter parker are tasked with a mission they aren’t sure how to tackle- babysitting Morgan Stark.
a/n: my auto caps isn’t on, so please ignore all my lowercase i’s and sentence starters. we are also going to ignore all of endgame and spiderman no way home here <3
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“did you get Mr. Starks text?” peter asks. you don’t even look up from your homework.
“no, what did he say?”
“bug boy and baby widow, in the living room, now.”
“he has such a polite demeanor to him, don’t you think?”
peter snorts as he closes his lap top. “i just hope we’re not in actual trouble.”
“Please. if we were actually in trouble, he wouldn’t have sent a text.” you shove your papers into your back pack before walking over to peter, who was sitting at your desk.
it was nice to have your own room in the compound, you’d never had your own room before. not thay you could remember, anyway. natasha found you when you were ten on one of her missions. you were living on lies and had sticky fingers. every meal, article of clothing, you had stoeln. sleeping on the street scared you, so you learned to break into unoccupied motel rooms and apartment buildings.
homeless people and gangs in the area noticed this, and started bribing you to sneak into the places they couldn’t and steal for them. in exchange, they gave you money and food and protection from muggers and violent addicts that roamed the streets.
natasha was going to leave you. she knew she couldn’t save every child on every mission. but you were being used and exploited, and you didn’t know any better. she waited for you to fall asleep in your “borrowed” motel room, then snuck in and grabbed you. you woke up on a quinjet that night, with natasha there to calm your fears.
you never looked back.
she tried to get you to live with clint and laura, who both welcomed you into their family with open arms, but you were restless on the farm and begged to go to work with clint.
eventually they caved when you snuck your way onto a quinjet, thinking you’d be going to the compound to see natasha, but you actually ended up on a mission that lasted two weeks. the avengers decided to keep you informed after that. none of them wanted to risk the safety of a preteen.
so tony gave you a room in the compound and you stayed with nat. you trained every morning with the avengers and did school online in the labs while tony and bruce worked. when you got older, they took you to charity events and press conferences and political meetings to teach you the depths of being a public hero. natasha held your hand the whole time, walking you through the complexities.
though it wasn’t typical, it was a much better life than the one you came from, and you were grateful. you were wry of peter becoming an “intern” at first. you were the baby of the group and didn’t like the thought of having someone your own age around. but peter actually made your teenage years better.
the two of you quickly became best friends. he taught you about memes and took you out with his friends- he even convinced tony to let you come to public school with him.
now, having him around was second nature.
you pulled peter up out of the chair. “better go see what the big man wants.”
the two of you made your way to the living room. tony was there with sam, cap, natasha, bruce and clint, all dressed in suits. to your surprise, morgan was sitting on the couch coloring in a disney princess coloring book.
morgan adored you. how could she not? you were a real life super hero and you would play tea party with her.
plus, being a little girl and seeing female super heroes was kind of a big deal. she looked up to you. and nat and wanda, of course, but you were her favorite. you were just a teenager, which is wayyy less scary than a grown women to a 5 year old.
you were more of a god than thor in her eyes, and she wanted to be just like you.
“when i send a text with that much hostility i expect some hustle.” tony sassed.
you rolled your eyes. “if you wanted hustle you would have told us the mission was urgent.”
“oh it is. lives are at stake here honey bun.”
you scowled at the nick name. “don’t call me-“
“so what exactly is the mission?” peter interrupted cautiously.
“immediate conference in wakanda with select world leaders about new artificial intelligence weaponry.” Bruce said.
natasha walked over to ruffle your hair. “boring stuff.”
you smiled at her friendly greeting. she looked dazzling. not a strand of hair was out of place, and her eyeliner was sharp enough to slice a finger. leave it to natasha to make a meeting into a fashion show.
“well why did you call us out here? if you told us just to get dressed we would have been ready sooner-“
“ah, no, see, the conference is our mission.” tony interrupted. “your mission is to watch my lovely daughter.”
your heart sank. you loved morgan, but you wanted to be included in the mission, no matter how boring natasha said it would be. “but-“
“no buts, you’ll make her cry.” tony said.
“yeah, come on y/n,” morgan got up from the couch. “you can’t say no to this face.” she proceeded to jut out her bottom lip and stare up at you and peter with her big brown puppy dog eyes, and as much as you didn’t want to, you felt your heart melt just a little.
you knelt down to her level to look her right in the eyes and said: “if you weren’t so small i’d slap that look right off your face.”
“you love me too much.”
god, she sounded just like tony.
“i would trade you for a potato chip.”
morgan gasped and dramatically put her hand to her chest.
peter laughed. “well, i’d trade you for two potato chips, morgan, so i think i’m the better babysitter. ya know, cause my standards are higher.”
the little girl thought for a moment before nodding her head yes, that seemed fair, and dragged peter over to color.
tony clapped his hands and smiled. “well, that settles that! Avengers, roll out.”
the group brushed past you toward the door, all giving sympathetic smiles. nat put a hand on your shoulder as she made her way. “i’ll call you on the way home, alright? you’ll be apart of the debrief. i promise.”
that lifted your spirits. “thanks nat.”
you said your goodbyes and watched her walk out the door. you sighed, then walked over to the table where peter and morgan seemed to be playing hangman. you stood behind morgan, looking over her shoulder at the blank spaces of her sentence, and peters stick figure who was dangerously close to death.
“happy brought pop tarts?”
“YES!” morgan squealed before scribbling in the rest of the letters.
you stuck your tongue out at peter.
peter scoffed. “i could’ve got that easily!”
“please, your man was basically dead!”
morgan giggled. “shes just smarter than you peter!” she taunted.
“HA!” you yelled. “take that, spider boy!”
“yeah, spider boy!” morgan mimicked.
“okay spider GIRL,” he said, pushing his sleeves up as he stood up. “you’re turning her against me? there’s only one way to settle this.”
he lunged for you, then quickly changed direction and scooped up morgan before sprinting away. “come get your mini minon!”
oh, it’s on.
you took off after them.
morgan’s high pitched laughter echoed through the halls. peter was fast, but he usually used webs to get around. in less than a minute you had taken them both to the ground, careful of morgan’s head. she crawled out of peters grasp and into yours. you threw her up onto your shoulders and yelled “VICTORY!”
peter rolled around on the floor in fake anguish. “oh, great avengers! you have slain me!”
morgan’s laughter was uncontrollable now, rolling through her little body so hard she almost fell off your shoulders.
at about 7 pm, morgan decided she had to have a cheeseburger. you and peter knew that tony wouldn’t mind having food delivered to you- i mean, the guy is a billionaire. he wouldn’t mind a thirty dollar delivery. but still, you always felt bad spending his money, and you didn’t want to wait that long. plus, happy was home for the night, and you didn’t want to send the poor man out to deliver the three of you food. you recruited peter to swing to the place a few blocks over.
“i’ll be back soon m’lady.” he said, ruffling morgan’s hair from behind the couch. she waved to him as he opened the window.
“don’t fall off a building!”
you stifled a laugh watching peter brush off her comment. he looked cute with the little blush across his cheeks. “thanks, morgan. i’ll do my best.” he shot a web out the window, waved goodbye to you, and disappeared.
you stood up to close the window before sitting back down next to morgan. “well baby stark, what do you want to do while the boy is gone?”
she put a finger to her forehead, deep in thought, before shooting it out in an AHA! motion. “will you do my makeup?”
you smiled. “of course, princess morgan. give me one sec, okay?” you got up and ran to your room. you grabbed some mascara, a lash curler, the sparkliest eye shadow you owned and a bright red lip. morgan loved dramatics when it came to dress up, which wasn’t surprising, considering who her dad was. you didn’t really have room to talk though, considering your main role model was natasha romanoff.
you skipped back over to a clapping morgan and began applying a nude color to her eyelids. “can you make me look like auntie nat?” she asked, flashing big puppy dog eyes at you. you nodded. “oh yeah, i’ve got auntie nats make up down to a t, buddy.”
you were both quiet for a moment, then she said, “do you think peter will like my makeup?”
“oh, of course honey!” you reassured. you thought it was a silly question. of course peter would like it, peter liked anything morgan did. peters always been an only child. he loved having morgan around and getting to play big brother.
she seemed to like than answer, nodding her head. “i don’t want him to be upset we left him out.”
you chuckled. “i’m sure you can do his make up when he gets back, bug.”
her eyes widened and she pulled away from your makeup brush. “don’t call me that!”
you were taken aback. “wha- why?”
“i don’t want to be a bug! i want to be a spider, like you guys! and bugs and spiders are different, i learned that in school!” she pouted.
your heart melted. “aw morgan-“
she threw her arms up in exhasperation- her rant was not over yet. “he’s spiderman, you’re basically a black widow, i want to be a spider too! how am i supposed to be a spider if you call me bug? huh? riddle me that!”
“okay okay!” you laughed. “you sound like your dad.” you thought for a minute. “you can be ‘the spiderling’, how does that sound?”
she squinted. “hmm, i guess that works for now. until i get bigger.”
you picked your eye shadow brush up again. “well okay spiderling, come back over here.”
she seemed content with her nickname and lean d back toward you. “you know, i like that you and peter are both spiders. it matches cause you’re in love.”
“WHAT,” this time, you pulled away. “morgan, what makes you think peter and i are in love?”
she looked at you with an equally confused face. “well he’s always with you, and you get excited to see each other, and he smiles at you when you’re not looking, and daddy says you’re gunna get married-“
“your dad says what?” you blinked at her.
she clapped her hands together and smiled. “he says that peter talks about you alllll the timeee and he thinks you’re going to get married! and that i’ll get to be your flower girl because peters afraid of him and you love me!” she squealed. “doesn’t that sound amazing?”
you reached down and grabbed the mascara tube. did tony really say that? was peter really in love with you and you were just too oblivious to notice?
to be fair, you were in love with him and he didn’t seem to notice.
“yeah, amazing morg.”
“that’s not my name anymore!”
“well, what’s your name now?” peter came in the door. “aw, did i break up girl time?”
“peter!” morgan yelled, getting up to run to him. she jumped into his arms, almost causing him to drop the bag of takeout. you caught it from his failing grip and set it on the table.
“wow, someone missed me,” he teased. “wow, look at those pretty eyes!”
morgan smiled and closed her eyelids to give peter a better look. “y/n and i made me a new name while she was doing my eyes- i get to be ‘the spiderling’ to match you guys!”
he raised his eyebrows in surprise. “oh wow!” he glanced up at you. “we all get to match now. you an avenger too?”
she sighed. “not yet.”
peter laughed at that, and the sound sent shivers down your spine. you watched him carefully as he set morgan down. “well, spiderling, go grab your burger.”
she ran over to the table where you set the food before rushing off the the couch to eat. “can we watch say yes to the dress?” she asked.
peter looked at you with an eyebrow raised. “i mean, yeah but, why?”
“y/n should look at all the pretty options before HEY-“ before she could finish her sentence you had run over and muffled her face with a pillow, your cheeks turning red. morgan thrashed around before yanking the pillow off her face and turning to you with a fury in her eyes. “what was that for?”
peter walked over, unwrapping his own burger. “why does y/n need to look at the dresses morg?”
you face flushed even darker.
morgan turned back around with a huff. “so she can know what to look for when you guys get married. duh.”
“MORGAN.” you yelled, lightly smacking the top of her head.
“OW, Y/N, STOP IT,” she screamed, tossing her burger aside and throwing herself over the backend of the couch to attack you. the sudden force of her knocked you to the ground. you tried to push her off of you, but she was little and squirmy, and you couldn’t quite get her in your grasp.
when you looked up, peter was grinning down at the two of you. he watched for a moment, just smiling gently. your heart could’ve exploded into a million pieces, watching him watch you like that. then, he reached down, plucked morgan off you, and set her back on the couch. “okay morgs, hand me the remote, i’ll put on say yes to the dress.”
and he did. he didnt say anything about morgan’s comment again, just sat next to her and ate his food. carefully, you sat down on the other side of morgan with your food in hand.
the three of you stayed there the rest of the night, booing the mean moms and critiquing each dress. it was fun, almost mindless, but still…
there was a little part of you that remembered how peter smiled when morgan asked for the show, and how he looked at you…
the two of them fell asleep after a while. morgan had sprawled between your lap and peters, and peters head rested on your shoulder, the way it had a million times before. it felt different this time, though.
at around 10:30, the avengers clambered into the compound, yawning and tugging at their ties, ready for bed. tony pulled morgan from your arms, and said a small, almost too sincere thank you before taking her off to bed.
nat came over and placed a hand on your shoulder from behind the couch. she looked tired in the pale light of the tv. still, she looked happy to see you. “hey kiddo,” she smiled. “i’ve got a lot to tell you.”
you returned her smile, and placed your hand on hers, before glancing at peters curly hair resting on your other shoulder. the smile grew. “i have a lot to tell you too.”
let me know what you thought :)
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