#spiritual beliefs aren't a mental disorder
aplpaca · 2 years
thinking about how I've seen OCD get talked about now, but haven't really seen many posts that actually explain what it is. And like, obviously people shouldn't get all their info about mental conditions from posts, but u can't deny that internet communities and stuff play a major role in people recognizing and putting names to their own experiences.
But like since the general public has like absolutely no idea of what OCD actually is (no thanks to popular media), and a lot of things I see talking about intrusive thoughts don't mention OCD (either bc they originated in OCD circles or bc intrusive thoughts aren't Exclusive to OCD or for some other reason), there should prob be more explanation put out on what OCD actually consists of.
Which is kinda hard in some ways, bc there are so many ways OCD can present in terms of what "themes" a person experiences, so someone talking about what their themes are might not ring a bell with someone who experiences different ones. But like, the core thing with OCD isn't the presence of certain themes, it's a specific pattern of spiraling thoughts and reactions.
Like. OCD is a mental condition/illness where people experience stressful, unwanted, repetitive thoughts. These are intrusive thoughts are what make up the "obsessions" part of the disorder. In response to these intrusive thoughts, a lot of people will perform certain actions or think certain things in an attempt to neutralize or disprove the threat they represent. These are the "compulsions" part of the condition.
For a more "traditional" example, someone experiencing intrusive thoughts that they might catch a communicable disease may obsessively wash their hands or google their symptoms to try to lessen the anxiety. While someone who is worried they might hurt someone (even though they very much do not want to hurt someone) may avoid being near sharp objects or may avoid the people they're afraid of hurting.
One of the issues with OCD is that performing the compulsions provides short term relief, but in the long term it only strengthens the stress caused by the intrusive thoughts, thus furthering the thought spiral and actively making it worse, to the point where, depending on your themes, you may be (almost) convinced that your intrusive thoughts represent the truth or the inevitable or something permanent.
Intrusive thought themes cam be literally anything, but some of the common ones are stuff like
Questioning your sexuality, gender, etc (what if I'm actually straight/gay/bi/trans/cis/etc?)
Being worried about losing control and hurting yourself or others physically, sexually, emotionally, basically any way (what if I want to kill someone? What if I'm a pedophile? What if I'm an abuser? What if I want to stab myself? Etc)
Fear of becoming or being sick
Worrying something bad will happen to you or people you care about
Worrying about your spiritual beliefs or lack thereof (what if I'm actually Christian? What if I'm actually atheist? What if i don't believe in the faith i ascribe to? Etc)
Worrying about relationship status (what if I don't actually love them? What if they're not "the one"? What if they're cheating? What if *I'm* cheating? Etc)
What if I'm a bad person?
Fear of losing things
Fear of things not feeling right (this is often be related to other themes via magical thinking. ex: if I don't have my things organized Just Right then something bad will happen)
Fear of unreality
Compulsions vary by theme a lot obviously, but some common ones include
Hand washing
Organizing things until they Feel Right
Checking and double checking and triple checking to make sure you did something correctly
Obsessively reviewing your memories to disprove a thoughtor make sure you don't believe something
Arguing against the thoughts in an attempt to disprove them
Testing your mental reactions to a thought or to certain kinds of content, to show yourself you don't actually believe or feel something
Obsessively googling symptoms, testimonies, things related to your thoughts
Obsessive prayer
Repeating phrases, mantras, affirmations, etc in an attempt to make thoughts go away
Avoiding things and situations that set off your intrusive thoughts
Repeatedly asking for reassurance from others ("I'm not being xyz, right?")
But yeah this obviously isn't exhaustive but, just, if this kind of thing sounds familiar, you should probably do some research on OCD, bc while intrusive thoughts can occur with other conditions, the intrusive thought-compulsion spiral is the core of OCD and isn't really a subaspect of depression/anxiety/ptsd/etc. and the treatment and management of OCD can look different from other stuff, so its a good thing to look into.
(Also it's important to keep in mind, esp if you're someone that doesn't have it, that someone's intrusive thoughts Are Not "secret desires" or "repressed urges" or anything the person even remotely wants to act on. Someone having harm-related intrusive thoughts is not at risk of actually acting on them, no matter how worried they are of doing so.)
Anyway this was a long post and I don't have a neat way to wrap it up and also I accidentally added a poll and now can't get rid of it so here's free poll. I'm running on nyquil and a small amount of straight gin (which works very well at numbing a sore throat) rn gnite
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astroscientia · 1 year
🌊Neptune in the Houses🌊
1st house:
You choose how to act and project yourself to others based on the subconscious cues that you acquire from them. Your identity is often based on how others see you and talk about it. There is a degree of loss when it comes to self-expression- the unheard child learns to perform to express identity.
2nd house:
Poor with managing, organizing, and structuring finances and possessions. Overly generous with resources. Might make money in nefarious ways if Neptune is poorly aspected. More positively, these natives might profit from pharmacology, marine biology, medicine, or NGO work.
3rd house:
The local environment has a Piscean element. Early school years also were characterized by daydreaming and escaping from learning. The loss of a sibling to unknown or sudden causes is likely in some cases (depending on the aspects). It could suggest that your siblings/cousins/classmates that are close to you are artists, singers, or dreamers. In a negative sense, this might attract escapist friends with a heavy victim mentality.
4th house:
Issues with water, pipes, and flooding in the home. Home near bodies of water. Your mother or a potent female figure in your life might be sick and require care from you or your family members. In this case, the gist is that the family might cause you to feel neglected and forgotten, making you want to escape the domestic setting through art or physical separation. These natives are quite nocturnal- they sleep all day and stay up all night to avoid their families in some cases.
5th house:
Death of children. Loss of lovers to illness, substance abuse, prison, crime, or mental disorders. Lovers might be absent while present either because of their own commitments to helping someone old/vulnerable or through escapism (drugs, sex, alcohol, etc) or poor health.
6th house:
Watch out for the immune system. Habits and routines might not express a desire for a person to live well. Poor habits. Disorganized. No discipline and routine when it comes to eating, working, exercising and taking care of oneself at the bodily level. Neglected as a child and did not learn to properly care for themselves.
7th house:
Attracted to partners that aren't really "there." This sense of absence in presence can be because of the following things: frequent travels, substance abuse, prison, mental illness, philanthropic work that takes the person's time, religious fidelity, etc. You might "lose" a partner to their vices and blame yourself for it.
8th house:
Potential for misunderstandings in transactions (financial) with others. Deception when it comes to money that you get from others. There is vagueness and gullibility when perceiving people's sexual or financial advances toward us. Be careful of who you let into your life sexually or romantically.
9th house:
Confusion regarding beliefs, higher education, and vision for the future. If in university, the campus might be located near water, or you might study subjects related to the pharmaceutical industry, oil, gas, pharmacology, parasitology, virology, marine studies, psychology, or you might enter esoteric fields (astrology, tarot, etc.) or you might study theology.
10th house:
Confusion about future and career. Fear tied to career prospects and the father. The father might have been absent or neglectful which manifests in an inability to be stable in a job.
11th house:
Friends slip through your fingers. We may need clarification about our hopes and life goals because Neptune here makes our ideals changeable. So, our vision for life is usually mutable and influenced by external forces that people rarely have the self-awareness to explore. This is also a highly intuitive placement.
12th house:
This is a good placement because Neptune is comfortable in the 12th house. Intuition is good. Sleep is very essential for you. Heightened motivation to get to know yourself through self-reflection, meditation, and spirituality, and project these learnings to heighten your empathy.
Thank you for reading!
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icanseethefuture333 · 10 months
Celestial alignment: Pick a pattern in the sky
Messages to realign you with your soul path
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Replay by Lady Gaga
JMK by Sango ft. Xavier Omar
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Ten of Wands, Eight of Cups, The Magician, The World, & Three of Cups
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There is a call for you to let go of thoughts that are holding you back. There is something about repetition here that is preventing you from progressing into the next chapter of your life. You could be taking on the burdens of other people as a way to help them. Your guides are urging you to please stop. You are constantly making sacrifices for others when they aren't doing this for you. Your lesson right now is to focus on making yourself the top priority. You are always putting yourself on the back burner. Some people here take care of their family members or work in the medical field. It's understandable to be worried and to care for your loved ones or other people, but who's be concerned about you? Who is making sure that you are alright or have what you need? If nobody is there for you, then you have to be there for yourself. Start making goals or a list of things you wish to accomplish. You need to realize you are worthy and deserving of what you desire, start dreaming again, pile 1. The universe is waiting and ready for your call and demand. Once you have faith in yourself, the universe will be ready to make your dreams come true. A journey of peace, abundance, and celebrations will be coming your way soon.
Change your thoughts & way of thinking.
Practice mindfulness & work on releasing limiting beliefs.
Learn how to include self care in your daily routine
Set boundaries
Think about what your goals or dream are
Make a list or a vision board
Research information on manifestation or spirituality that aligns with your beliefs
Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Bruises by Kelela
Brain by Mariah the Scientist
Omega by SAAY
Seven of Wands, King of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, The Aeon (Judgement), & Nine of Pentacles
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This pile gave me goosebumps when shuffling - You have a very intense aura and strong presence, pile 2! Something about having to "fight" or the "brain" being significant. I'm reminded of this wounded emoji: 🤕. You could suffer from past trauma or have a mental disorder. I had to rewrite for this pile because it didn't save and I felt so frustrated having to write for this pile again, but it made me realize that this is possibly how you feel in life. You are constantly having to work with difficult circumstances without seeing any progress of the outcome. There were a lot of struggles that you had overcome and I am reminded of movie The Truman Show. His entire life was just programmed for him and he was forced to live a life he didn't want for the entertainment of others just so they could have a TV Show to watch. So I feel like people found joy in your misfortune and suffering, which I am terribly sorry for. The thing is though that was in the past and you don't have to deal with these people anymore. You don't have to pretend to be this character that obviously doesn't resonate with you. You can create an entirely new life, new self concept, new everything for yourself. Think of who you want to be as an individual, not what other people have labeled you as or want you to be. You have to start realizing that you are free to do as you please. Life can be like a simulation and we could all be considered avatars, but we don't realize is that we are able to customize our reality in anyway we wish. You have the inner strength and passion but you are just stuck in this survival mode that is not serving you anymore. It is time for you to move on and your spirit guides are being stern with me right now but they're saying "take this shit seriously". If you have a dream or goal you know you wanna do, take action and stop complaining. Stop with the excuses, the self pity, and the martyr complex. Once you start asking the universe for help is when you can start to achieve your dreams. "It's like clockwork". I am seeing that you feel that you're running out of time in life to accomplish your goals but I am reminded of Maddy from Euphoria when she said "Don't worry, this is only just the beginning". Your "shift" or soul purpose has only just begun and time is ticking for real now. I am getting a vision of someone holding a bright lantern in a dark cave and they are like making a come hither motion with their hands. So I believe this is the universe and your guides saying if you need guidance and you are unsure what to do or where to go or how to even begin the project you wish to work on - Ask them. Once you start asking the universe for help shit is going to change in your life dramatically because your purpose is very significant and it is going to be for the better of society but you have to stop being in your ego and acting stubborn because it is not helping you or anyone else for that matter. I'm not saying you have to be some sort of holy messiah or the rebirth of Jesus Christ himself, but you are going to be someone who will make a difference in this world. As you embark on this journey, it is crucial that you pay attention to the signs the universe or spirit gives you. It is okay if you make mistakes but you have to be careful and aware of people or vices that will sabotage you in the end. So listen to your intuition and notice those gut feelings. I feel like people will be giving you your flowers in the future, that could mean you will be someone who has a certain level of status, or this means people will show appreciation or gratitude for your benevolence and charity. You have this gift or tool that the universe has blessed you with and you have to utilize it for the good will of others.
This is a powerful message I channeled from spirit: "Others who have begun early are merely the matches that were chosen out of indulgence, for candles & waxes, the faster they burn, the quicker their ashes will fall. The last one to be picked, is the match that is the resource for those in need of hope and warmth when faced with the darkness."
Use your intuition
Release the version of yourself that is no longer serving you
Embrace change & endings
The end of a chapter means a new beginning
Rely on your inner strength & wisdom
Ask for guidance
Focus on what it is meant for you
"All that glitters isn't gold"
Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Lemon by N.E.R.D ft. Rihanna
Starface* by Jean Dawson
Screen Time by Epik High ft. HOSHI
The Tower, Four of Pentacles (reversed), Three of Wands, The Sun, & Four of Wands
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The pile's energy instantly chirped me up and made so happy! Its interesting how the piles are always so unique in their own way. You could have been or are currently in denial with your circumstances. It reminds me of Hey Ya! by Outkast. Go take a look at that music video or listen to the song if you're unfamiliar with it. It's a fun happy song, but the meaning of the lyrics are actually quite depressing. You could have this mindset of: "Y'all don't wanna hear me you just wanna dance!". You could be someone who is pessimistic and a downer, always wanting to look at things from a more "realistic" perspective. Although, your spirit guides are asking you to actually change this way of thinking. I actually see that you have a really bright and energizing aura! You could be really funny, pile 3! Your purpose could align with having a good sense of humor or being a source of hope and optimism for others. You could be interested in working in the entertainment field. Once you get past this, you will realize how much fun life can actually be! Your past challenges could also be viewed from a more positive standpoint. For example, the situation might have been unfortunate, but did you learn anything valuable? Or was there any positive outcomes because of that said situation. Reflect on your life experiences and lessons to see where the universe actually might have helped you dodge a bullet or blessed you with protection or love. You could also attract new people into your life who will make you feel a sense of joy and gratitude. This pile just reminds me of a fun summer day, where people eat watermelon or have fun at the pool. Another song I'm channeling is Summertime by DJ Jazzy Jeff & Will Smith. You will be celebrating and having a good time with your loved ones in the future soon. I believe honestly your path for now is to focus on happiness and sharing love and light with others!
Have fun!
Make jokes that uplift people's energy
Focus on the good vs dwelling in negativity
Try to make someone laugh or smile!
Make plans for the summer
Hang out with your friends or spend time with family
Your past struggles are why you're still here. You overcame a great deal and should be proud of yourself!
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childofthewolvess · 5 months
My experience with spiritual psychosis as a practicing pagan and how to recognize the signs of a psychotic episode in contemporary witchcraft practices.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of S/H, schizophrenic behaviors, psychosis, religious manipulation.
Buckle up, because this is going to be one hell of a ride.
A DEFINITION OF SPIRITUAL PSYCHOSIS - "Religious-spiritual crises include distress associated with the weakening or loss of faith, turbulent conversions, and affective states associated with negative spirituality. The differential diagnosis in regard to psychosis is often challenging... Although the crisis and psychosis groups scored similarly on perplexity, self-disorder, depression, and anxiety, the disturbance of social contact and cognition was observed only in psychosis" (Kállai & Kéri, 2020: Religious-spiritual crisis or psychosis? The impact of basic symptoms in the differentiation of prepsychotic states).
To summarize the above definition, Kállai & Kéri (2020) differentiated spiritual crisis with spiritual psychosis through one particular symptom: social withdrawal and disturbance of cognitive functions. If you Google the word "spiritual psychosis", you'll get a wealth of articles and websites cautioning on symptoms that aren't entirely accurate to spiritual psychosis. It is important to consider that spirituality, especially witchcraft and paganism, have been demonized since Christianization and it is integral to recognize that these beliefs still exist today. This heavily impacts spiritual psychosis and its diagnosis, especially within pagan communities, as there are still individuals who want to convince others that if they are a pagan, they must be ""clinically insane"" (I say this, as someone federally disabled from clinical OCD, PTSD, and ASD). It is super important to realize that a lot of people will point the fingers at pagans very quickly to say "HEY! That person is insane because they are talking to a god!" when the same person goes back home to pray every night to God and ask them for forgiveness. This isn't meant as an attack on Christians, but rather to point out the hypocrisy that can occur when this topic arises in religious spaces.
I say this, as a medicated, healthy, and healing individual who practices deity worship, work, tarot, astrology, and spirit work! Not all paganism is "spiritual psychosis", but there are definitely facets and wings of spirituality/neopaganism (in particular) that can lead right down the path of the red pill and psychosis to the right-wing ideology (looking at you, Grimm).
To begin my story: my spiritual psychosis took place pre-COVID, around 2017-2018 timeframe.
I also want to note that this is my experience; this experience does not define everyone who has experienced spiritual psychosis, nor meant as a diagnostic tool. I am simply here to share my story and hopefully spread awareness in the pagan community to help others recognize the signs of potential psychosis and ultimately make our community safer, more inviting, and more healthy.
I also want to make this ABUNDANTLY CLEAR: you do not have to have preexisting mental/emotional disabilities to experience spiritual psychosis.
Anyone can experience spiritual psychosis, and that's what makes it so incredibly dangerous! The above belief is what ultimately led to my downfall and unfortunate experience with psychosis, almost causing to my own death. I am not an individual with any preexisting mood disorders; I do not experience mania symptoms or psychotic symptoms, and never have, outside of this experience. When I was going through spiritual psychosis, I told myself that "this must be real, because I don't have BPD or mania or schizophrenia!" In my head, I was "happy and healthy", and I continuously told myself that because I was happy, it couldn't have been psychosis. It's also important to mention that I was 15-16 years old when I experienced this, so I was already within a vulnerable population to religious manipulation due to being in a rough mental state and exploring who I was as a teenager.
Please do not try to diagnose me in the comments. I am monitored and medicated by a physician, psychiatrist, and therapist, and have been evaluated again and again for mood disorders since this experience. I have consistently, multiple times, failed the diagnostic measures for disorders consisting of psychotic episodes, mania, or bipolar-type disabilities. Trying to diagnose someone actively experiencing spiritual psychosis and slapping a label on them will only make the problem worse, I PROMISE. Same goes for individuals in recovery from psychosis.
On a similar note, if a loved one is going through spiritual psychosis, and needs help, simply telling them that it's "not real" or that they're in psychosis will probably not work; it didn't work on me, at least. What I needed was medical intervention, and this problem marinated in my head for over a year because of negligence and ignorance to the severity of my state. Telling someone with spiritual psychosis that they have spiritual psychosis WILL NOT WORK, I promise. Reach out to their doctor, a hotline, or a professional in a medical field if you suspect a friend or loved one is in a psychotic episode. Please, for me—don't try to play the savior, because they might think they are the savior.
That being said, I also will say that OCD can share a lot of similarities with BPD, and I've talked to a ton of fellow OCD-ers that have had spiritual psychosis experiences.
I will also mention that certain chemicals or medications can influence the onset of spiritual psychosis! At this time, I was struggling through a lot of menstrual issues, and was placed on a oral birth control (progesterone) that was notorious for causing delusion, with users of the hormone reporting that "they literally felt like they were going insane". I snapped out of my spiritual psychosis the second I went off the medication. This is not to blame pharmaceuticals or scream out to the void that medicine is bad (I am happily medicated and monitored by a doctor, psychiatrist, and therapist now!) but to emphasize that outside influences can, and will, encourage the onset of spiritual psychosis.
Here is a list of some of the events, symptoms (unique to me), and beliefs I held during my spiritual psychosis. I've bolded critical drivers of my episode.
I was a "Christian witch" at this time, and believed that I was a lightworker sent by God among a group of 20 or so individuals to "heal" others
I was socially withdrawn, without any true friends. I had one online friend at the time, who was also going through spiritual psychosis with me, making this problem much worse.
I was constantly compulsion-checking (OCD) for signs such as angel numbers, words, messages, to the point where I could not concentrate because of the desparate need for reassurance
I was obsessed with the concept of talking to and doing spellwork on real people in the astral to "heal them", and it gave me a sense that I was not alone; this was not consensual to these people, who I did know in real life, and I was convinced that was okay, because...
I believed in twin flame ideology, which I have consistently not only seen mentioned from other survivors of spiritual psychosis, but often encourages toxic relationships, abuse, and stalking.
I thought I was an earth angel who had a past life as an angel. This included delusions so severe that I thought I could "feel my wings" and that I "wasn't meant to be on earth" (this can slip so quickly into su*cidal ideation, and it did for me)
I created my own world in my head that I would meditate to enter, essentially, where I had an entire family of spirits taking care of me, including my "future kids" (I had internalized homophobia)
I could not sleep, function, and barely could eat. This is a defining, tell-tale sign of any form of psychosis: I was so obsessed with meditating and entering the astral realm, that I was completely dissociated from the real world. In a sense, I was not existing in the physical world, at all.
I could hear and see "spirits" who would tell me uncomfortable things. They would appear as voices in my head that I didn't want there, but believed I had to let be there if I wanted to continue on my path as a healer.
I had gone from a state of depression so badly that I was unable to function, to "happy and healthy" in my psychotic mania during this. If you find yourself quickly turning from a down to an up, be aware.
I thought I was pregnant with a spirit unconsensually. This one I will say with certainty (and love): guys, please, if you think you have a spirit child and you are the equivalent to the modern-day Virgin Mary, please walk yourself into the nearest ER.
I was obsessed with conservative, right-wing beliefs to the point where it was the only media I consumed. This was also in-part because I grew up on military bases, but most definitely worsened during my psychosis.
I believed I was more important than others to God, my life had more value.
I could go on, but I think these bullets sum up my experience pretty well.
How I recovered and realized my spiritual psychosis episode, and what that looked like.
This is where it can get extremely dangerous! I was lucky enough to have my driving factor as a medication, but that was not the sole influence.
I kid you not: I woke up one morning after switching meds, realized that it was literally all in my head, and entered the worst depressive episode I've ever had in my life, to this day. I was unable to sleep from paranoia, struggled eating, would refuse to talk to my parents, and was terrified of anything to even remotely do with religion. It got to the point where I was, quite literally, on my death bed. The only thing that saved me was going into therapy and establishing connections, getting diagnosed with OCD, and ultimately, aging and maturing.
The story of my recovery is a much, much longer road with unrelated events, so I won't go into that. But I will emphasize that this event almost caused me my life on a few occasions, and led to a multi-year journey to reexplore spirituality, morality, and religion. It took me years upon years to recover, and I believe that I did the right thing: if you ever have spiritual psychosis, take a step back for awhile and evaluate first what caused the psychosis, what your symptoms were, and identify your coping strategies and networks to avoid the situation reoccurring in the future.
Spiritual psychosis is dangerous, it's scary, and it's not talked enough in pagan communities. I think my end-all advice for this post would be just that above: be aware, be educated, and be monitored by a medical team. If you are ever hearing things you don't want to hear, thinking your gods are upset at you (they're not, I promise), experiencing mania or depressive symptoms, please please please speak to a medical professional or something you love and trust.
Today, I am an eclectic Hellenic/Norse pagan with spirit guides and gods who I have boundaries with. My healthy spiritual practice looks like being grounded in my body, in nature, my friends around me, my family, and most importantly, maintaining good mental health. It includes working a job I love, telling stories of nature to others (I'm a tour guide/naturalist), and writing. I go to therapy weekly, I'm medicated, and I actively take steps to heal and recognize how my psychosis impacted both my spirituality, religion, and path. Recovery is possible. You are never alone.
I'm more than happy to open conversation about this topic and answer any questions! Please also feel free to correct me on anything I said.
I'm hoping this helps someone who needs to hear it, spreads awareness, and most importantly, promotes healthy religious practice. I'd like to thank my deities (Loki and Aphrodite) for encouraging me to make this post and speak up about my experience <3 It's always wonderful to have a spiritual team that is truly on my side.
Blessed be, my friends! Stay happy and healthy!
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
This is a rant that is going to end in a question that I genuinely want the answer to.
I've recently seen (in the past year or so) an uptick in people online using the word "delusional" casually or as an insult. Worse even than that, "delulu" which I believe originated on Tiktok or Twitter (likely places for ableism to come from, yeah, fork found in kitchen etc etc). The only people I really see calling this behavior out are, you guessed it, actually delusional or psychotic people.
Typically it's thrown around to describe someone's "weird" or "chronically online" beliefs. Like using it to talk about reality shifters or RPF shippers who think their ship is actually together or etc. And, like, while I don't disagree that spiritual psychosis or "the belief that someone is sending me signals via social media" are real actual delusional behaviors/can lead to actual delusions, I really don't think that believing you can shift to Hogwarts to see Draco or that you have a mental connection to the Stranger Things universe or that Taylor Swift is queer and flagging via music videos really fits the criteria for spiritual psychosis or erotomania or what have you *in itself* - meaning if you live an otherwise normal life and only get out of touch with reality when you're on #MaraudersTok or r/LarryStylinson, you're likely not delusional, or at least not delusional enough for it to impact your functionality.
So, that begs the question, WHY? Why use delusional to describe stupid chronically online drama? Like, I'm being genuine, I truly do want to know why. Are these people misusing/misunderstanding what the word delusional means? Are they armchair diagnosing? Do they think these people are actually experiencing psychosis, and if so, why are they using said diagnosis as an insult or as part of their moral flaws? Why are they so bothered and obsessed with someone else's "delusion", especially when the delusion in question isn't hurting them and is just a stupid thing like thinking that some random celeb is about to hard launch their coming out or that they can teleport to a fictional world?
(also, PLEASE, I know it sounds like I have specific beef with shifters or gay rpf truthers, I DON'T, nor am i necessarily 'defending' these communities, 'cuz i know they do have actual issues outside of just being cringe or whatever. I don't want gaylor shift malfoy snapewives discourse, i want "why are you using a psychotic disorder to describe these fringe fandom communities" discourse, and in the circles i run in that's just the type of people who are described as delusional the most - I know that the overall issue runs much deeper, I just figured Id ask a fandom blog why the word is so prevelant in fandoms, especially in specific "types" of fandoms)
Like, I'm not looking for an argument of "it's ok to use delusional so casually" or "yeah i agree it's so fucked up that people throw that word around :/" all i want is an honest and concise answer of WHY delusional has become the Hot New Armchair Diagnosis For Weird People On TikTok or whatever.
Lots of words get used with a colloquial definition and people aren't really thinking about their technical meaning.
K-pop fandom. Blame them.
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✨Welcome to 69 Constellations* in a Trenchcoat✨
*alters (our increasingly misnamed system blog, we don't have 69 alters.)
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Welcome to CC's little corner of the internet. We go by Constellation, or the Consellation Collective. Formerly 69consellationsinatrenchcoat (lmao dumbass typo) & 69ottersinatrenchcoat
We have medically recognised dissociative identity disorder (DID), diagnosed PTSD, autism, ADHD, and a variety of chronic illnesses… we're a bit of a medical problem.
We tend to post a mix of things we enjoy and informative content.
A lot of our posts are posted from queue, so you may be speaking with a different alter than who is currently making posts and we aren't online all the time :)
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.°˖✧ Posting ✧˖°.
Main topics: DID, OSDD & other CDDs, mental health, psychology, disability & neurodiversity
Side topics (aka a system's worth of interests, and this is no where near all of them): LGBTQ+, books, fanfic, heartstopper, zelda, minecraft, pjo, musicals, kaos, disney/pixar/dreamworks, taylor swift & other music, cats, philosophy, enneagram & mbti, poetry, art, dnd, hermitcraft, fourth wing, warrior cats, arcane, she-ra and the princesses of power, lord of the rings, marvel (specifically deadpool & wolverine, and agatha all along)....
more here
#totally missing some things, but that's okay
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.°˖✧ Meet the Team ✧˖°.
Amber they/she (🔥)
Kaden, they/he (🐚
Kyle, he/him (💜)
Lillia, she/her (🪻)
Wild, they/she/he (🗡️)
Eddie, they/he (🌻)
Ash, they/them (🌿)
Following some concerns around privacy, we have removed all alter intros, apologies.
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Some of us don't post here and/or don't want info up. They may post at their leisure, but will usually sign off in the tags with "posted by [emoji]"
Poster lists will remain incomplete, and alters go by pseudonyms for privacy.
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.°˖✧ System Info ✧˖°.
We go by Constellation and use they/them pronouns. We're bodily an adult, bi, polyam (though we just say queer), and as far as we're aware, an INFJ 1w2 125 overall.
We post in British English, usually fkgkjgfkjk. Pls, stop saying we're spelling things wrong just because we spell colour with a 'U'.
We're studying to become a psychologist… which… is fun when you have experience with a lot of the things they talk about lol
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.°˖✧ Syscourse ✧˖°.
If discussing system origins, we prefer to have measured and respectful discussions, or to avoid it all together.
We recognise that experiences with multiplicity and plurality vary drastically, and that spiritual multiplicity exists and is recognised in the DSM-V-TR, as are DID and OSDD.
Multiplicity is a controversial topic within psychological communities and that there are varying opinions on the existence of non-trauma sourced multiples.
We avoid the 'fandom' attitude to DID as we believe that we should not be watering system experience to the belief that it's fun to have alters, as it invalidates negative experiences. However, there is joy in this disorder.
As with every community, certain things shared in multiplicity spaces are completely false, and we disagree with on a fundamental level. For example, system hopping does not exist (alters, created by one mind cannot magically appear in another's mind unless that system has split an introject [factive] based upon that alter), selling alters is wrong, impossible and immoral, etc
To have DID, individuals must reach certain diagnostic criteria, including showing amnesia between personality states. Some clinicians argue that for a diagnosis of DID to be valid, one must also reach diagnostic criteria for PSTD, meaning you can't have DID without traumatic experiences - however, that does not mean plurality doesn't exist outside DID.
We want to see some solid research into all plural experiences (including those who report non traumagenic origins) but unfortunately there aren't many people doing the research.
There's enough evidence to suggest that plural experiences do exist outside of trauma and that suggests that something is psychologically 'unusual' with those who report plurality outside of trauma.
Traumagenic plurality and various non-traumagenic plural experiences are two different things, however there is overlap. Creating separate language for traumagenic multiples, and endogenic multiples is something we believe may help to create clearer divisions within the communitie; limiting confusion between when a systems is speaking about traumagenic experience, or endogenic experience.
A vast majority of young teens who identify as endogenic or plural without trauma are misinterpreting experiences as a teen by placing labels on things that may perpetuate harmful beliefs. We don't wish to dismiss anyone's experiences by stating that teens cannot be systems (they absolutely can be), however, certain parts of the online system communities, especially system related discords, can be harmful to developing brains and developing personalities.
That being said, we are a diagnosed DID system, and the majority of our posting will be about our experiences with DID, and we will, mostly, interact with trauma based posting. :)
TLDR: our syscourse stance is complicated and each alter in our system has different opinions on it — but basically we believe that endogenic systems do experience multiplicity, just in a different way to disorders like DID, OSDD and P-DID.
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Remember, your brain doesn't finish the majority of its development until you're in your mid-twenties!
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°˖✧ Tagging system ✧˖°.
#Posted by [emoji/name]: posted by that alter
#CC original post: an original post by someone in the system
#CC original poetry: original poems by us
#CC favs: favourite posts
#constellation collective theming
#CC important posts
this is all pretty self-explanatory
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.°˖✧ Please don't follow if.. ✧˖°.
You are here with the intent to be homophobic, transphobic, queerphobic, sexist, etc. Please don't be an ass.
You're a neo-nazi. Just no. Fuck off.
If you are "transautistic" or support transautism (autistic trans people are welcome, I am referring to the bullshit that is transitioning from allistic to autistic; I am not wasting my breath explaining why that is impossible). Trans ID aren't welcome either.
You are under the age of 16. This blog occasionally contains sexual content (no visuals), experiences and triggering content, and we want to keep you safe. We aren't entirely happy with minors interacting but, 17+ is fine.
Do not interact with any of our content if you post screenshots to r/systemscringe. Yes, sometimes people do shit for attention, but mocking them publicly is not okay. Go away, you are not welcome here.
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Our DMs are open :)
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/// blinkie & flash warning ///
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blinkies made using blinkies cafe
plain text: [medically recognised DID system], [this system is neurodivergent], [I ended up trans, don't ask how], [ambulatory wheelchair user], [disabled DID system], [due to personal reasons, this user is bisexual], [caution: stubborn fuck], [psychology degree loading..] [we like stars lol] [AuDHD], [chronically ill, chronically tired], [f*ck this shit], [healing takes time], [ironically we can't deal with blinkies due to flash sensitivity]
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[smile, you're beautiful]
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Profile picture made by us: flag link
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🚩Witchcraft Red Flags🚩
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🚩In Witches
🚩Believes only women can be witches, gatekeeping practices, worship, tools, etc 🚩Believes that magic/spirituality/energy/crystals can cure mental illness, physical illness, chronic illness, and disorders 🚩Doesn’t respect closed paths or practices 🚩Tells others how their paths should be 🚩Won’t stop telling witches they need to protect themselves from deities 🚩Thinks they are more powerful than anyone else, won’t stop talking about how powerful they are 🚩Judges all witches with Wiccan rules 🚩Treats baby witches like they are idiots and don’t deserve respect 🚩Calls themselves a fancy title without being able to back it up 🚩Thinks hereditary witches are more powerful/better than first generation witches 🚩Dianic Wicca [heavily infested with terfs/radfems and lesbian separatists] 🚩References Silver Ravenwolf, Raymond Buckland or any of these authors 🚩“G*psy witch” 🚩Tells you they can help you be more powerful or you NEED them in particular 🚩Anything that would go on a cult warning list 🚩Tells you to go off your meds 🚩Claiming natural is better for you than man-made 🚩Gives lists of herbal remedies without providing any safety information 🚩Acting like Science is evil, or unfeeling, or inferior to magic 🚩“Only white people can follow the Norse pantheon” 🚩Claiming witch-hunters were targeting secret pagans instead of just heretics and self-sufficient women 🚩Acting like Wicca is “ancient” or calling it “the Old Religion” or tracking it back further than Gerald Gardner [the guy who invented it] 🚩“Wicca and Witchcraft are the same thing” 🚩Claiming St. Peter's cross is Satanic, or that Ankh is Christian 🚩Anything new age [Illuminati, New world order, talks about Atlantis like it's real, aliens, ect] 🚩Claiming they'll provide you forbidden knowledge 🚩Tribal tattoos from a tribe they aren't apart of 🚩"You were meant to see this video" 🚩Recommending any work from scammers 🚩Discouraging learning the history of a practice 🚩Claiming deities from different pantheons are the exact same 🚩 AI art
Toxic Mentors
Quick note: Never trust your mentor as a end all be all source of knowledge, always do other research
🚩Discourages you from learning on your own 🚩Belittles your experiences and undermines your knowledge 🚩Refuses to allow you to have your own beliefs and or opinions 🚩Tries to change your practice and/or push you around 🚩Gaslighting 🚩Berating you when you get information or talk to other witches 🚩Do things that upset/hurt you in the name of ‘keeping you safe’ 🚩Warping your experiences so they fall in line with their own 🚩Telling you that they are the chosen one, or a prophet of god in order to keep you in line by fear mongering 🚩Attempt to build relationships with your spirit companions as an attempt to steal them from you and control you further 🚩Tries to or insists to preform magic on you that is supposed to be connected to your aura, your energy, or your soul 🚩Everything that happens to you seems to magically line up with what is going on with them or something that only they can help you with
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🚩In books:
Note: Any extremely old book will have red flags, mostly due to Christianization to when reading books from like 200 years ago keep that in mind and take it with a grain of salt
🚩Anything new age 🚩Uses “Witchcraft” and “Wicca” interchangeably 🚩Black v white magic, Light v Dark 🚩No bibliography 🚩No academic or historical sources sited 🚩Saying baneful magic is evil 🚩Saying baneful magic will always backfire 🚩If you don't cast a circle the spell won't work 🚩The G slur 🚩Using deities or spirits as tools 🚩Westernized Chakras 🚩Suggests that “witch” is a gendered term or refers to witches (and possibly the reader) exclusively with she/her pronouns 🚩It sets hard timelines on length of study before you can call yourself a witch or learn certain skills or try certain activities 🚩It says anything about youth being inherently magical 🚩Law of attraction 🚩Suggests or even hints that witchcraft, magic, whatever can replace medicine or therapy
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🚩In Covens
🚩Intimidation, fear, and isolation [key factors to running a cult] 🚩Egotistical leader, they are “always right”, ect 🚩Pay to join 🚩Gender identity/sexuality requirements 🚩Puts their leader on a pedestal 🚩Leader claims they have special abilities/claims they are more powerful or special than the other members, self deification 🚩Any signs of abuse 🚩Instant initiation 🚩Hazardous/puts you, others or animals in harms way 🚩 No age restrictions 🚩Tells you to stop taking your meds, going to the doctors, ect 🚩Forcing beliefs and/or traditions onto you 🚩Forced sexual practices, alcohol use or drugs 🚩Unnecessary security 🚩Lost touch with the physical and mundane world 🚩Distance you from others 🚩Being told by friends and family that your changing (not in a good way) and/or spending too much time with them 🚩Illegal activities 🚩Religious lies 🚩Overly sexual 🚩Make you make changes in your life to be more like them or their standards 🚩Lead by inexperienced members 🚩Tries to get you to rely on them 🚩New members are belittled and treated as inferior to established members 🚩Leaders demand unreasonable amounts of time dedicated to the coven 🚩Coven limits the type of witchcraft that members can practice 🚩Leaders place more importance on serving them than on practicing your craft 🚩Anything that would go on a cult warning list that I haven't already mentioned
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genuine question, how can you be a system and not have dissociative disorder or vice versa? isn't "seperate identities/people/minds/ what have you" both of those things?
also, what exactly distinguishes DID from just being a system?
Hey, it definitely is possible to both be a system without a dissociative disorder and to have a dissociative disorder without being a system. This is a huge question that has lots of different angles... but we'll give our best shot at parsing a response.
Preemptively going under a cut because we just know this is going to get long.
Being a system without a dissociative disorder:
There are many, many forms of plurality besides just DID. DID absolutely is not just “separate identities/people/minds”… rather it is a mental disorder based in repeated childhood trauma. Lots of systems out there aren't even disordered at all, don’t have a history of repeated trauma in childhood, or their system is disordered, but doesn't qualify for a DID diagnosis. Here's some examples of systems who wouldn't have DID, but are still absolutely plural:
Someone who created imaginary friends who views those imaginary friends as separate beings who share their mind together. They might have created these imaginary friends in childhood and they just never went away, or they might have created them later in life. If someone with imaginary friends likes the plural label or thinks the presence of imaginary friends makes them a system, they're plural and their system is valid.
Someone who consciously created a headmate through practice or using guides to aid in this process found online. There are lots of websites out there where folks have put together resources for creating a headmate from scratch, from daemonism to "tulpamancy" and more. If someone who consciously chose or created a headmate feels like they're sharing their mind with another being, and if they want to use the plural label, they're more than welcome to.
Someone whose system was created through trauma, but who doesn't qualify for a diagnosis of a dissociative disorder. Many systems find that they are trauma-formed, but they don't experience amnesia or dissociative barriers, or perhaps while their trauma responses are disabling or disordered, their plurality simply isn't. A person's system doesn't just disappear if they don't qualify for a dissociative disorder. Many systems may have created headmates to cope with trauma consciously or unconsciously. They're still plural as long as they wish to identify this way.
Someone whose cultural or spiritual beliefs include plurality, or who considers their plurality spiritual in nature. Many systems may find their plurality inherently connected to their religion or spiritual practices and beliefs. Whether they believe they're sharing their mind with angels, spirits, deities, ghosts, or anything else, these folks are still welcome in the plural community. As far as we understand, there are many cultures and religions outside of the west where spiritual plurality is commonly practiced and understood.
These are just a few examples. We could continue this list infinitely (eg writers who share their minds with their characters, patients who use the Internal Family Systems model to build self-esteem, etc etc). If someone feels like they're plural or more than one, or finds the plural framework useful for them, they're welcome to identify as plural. So there are nearly limitless ways to be plural or a system without having a dissociative disorder.
Having a dissociative disorder without being a system:
It is also entirely possible to have a dissociative disorder without being a system.
First of all, some folks with dissociative disorders may start out as systems, but reach a state of oneness through healing, recovery, and fusion. These people still absolutely have dissociative disorders, but through a process of healing, are no longer systems.
Also, many folks with dissociative disorders may technically qualify as systems or plural, but don't benefit from using that language to describe themselves. So while they may have separate parts, they prefer to call themselves "A person with (DID/OSDD/etc)," use exclusively "I/me" pronouns, refrain from naming their parts, and/or their parts may identify with their own body at different ages rather than having their own separate, distinct personalities. Even if a system with a dissociative disorder HAS alters with distinct and separate personalities, they don't have to identify as plural or a system if they don't want to. We firmly believe these are opt-in labels.
Further, there are more dissociative disorders than just DID and the type of OSDD which presents with alters. There are many ways that OSDD may manifest, and it is absolutely possible for some folks to be diagnosed with a dissociative disorder without being a system. They may have less distinct parts, they may lack amnesia, they may feel like one person who's fractured or in pieces rather than "sharing their mind with others," and they may not feel fractured at all, but still have lots of problems with dissociation. There's also DPDR (depersonalization/derealization disorder), which is a dissociative disorder that is not characterized by having parts or alters at all. These folks still definitely have a dissociative disorder, but they're more impacted by depersonalization and derealization and don't have separate parts or alters at all.
(note: depersonalization and derealization are both symptoms of dissociation and are almost always found in those with dissociative disorders that DO present with alters like DID. But it is possible to have a disorder where the DPDR exists without alters or parts.)
Hopefully this was able to demonstrate how DID does not = system, and how system does not = DID. There so much diversity within plurality, and there’s so much diversity within those struggling with dissociative disorders, and those two things (plurality and dissociative disorders) don’t always overlap.
At the end of the day, we’re just one system sharing what we believe. If you’d like to learn more about dissociative disorders and other forms of plurality, our resource post for questioning systems might be a good place to start. It’s not exhaustive by any means, but there’s plenty of resources included for a jumping off point.
Let us know if you have further questions or if this response doesn’t make much sense, and we’d be happy to try and elaborate further. Also, to others who read this, feel free to correct us if we’ve been misinformed or if something we said here is inaccurate.
💫 Parker and 🐢 Kip
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Religion is a mental illness?! For fuck’s sake, let people believe whatever they want to. I believe in God. You don’t. That’s perfectly fine. Stop being so rude about it.
Schizophrenia is a mental illness?! For fuck's sake, let people with a distorted, delusional view of the world believe what they want to and influence society. I believe in a cabal of walruses who monitor me through my microwave. You don't. That's perfectly fine. Stop being so rude about it.
"Faith is a belief without evidence and reason; coincidentally that's also the definition of delusion." -- Richard Dawkins
That's quite pithy, but it's also accurate. Here is the dictionary definition for "faith" in the religious sense:
faith | fāTH | noun strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof
Here is the definition for "delusion" in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:
“delusion A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly held despite what almost everyone else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary.”
Among the subtypes is:
“grandiose A delusion of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity, or special relationship to a deity or famous person.”
Such as a "personal relationship with god/Jesus." Now, they cowardly go on to couch that in an unjustified exception:
“The belief is not ordinarily accepted by other members of the person’s culture or subculture (i.e., it is not an article of religious faith).”
Except, whether a belief is generally accepted or popular doesn't actually make a false belief true. This is a fallacy called Special Pleading.
You're allowed to believe in your god. People are allowed to be wrong, mistaken or simply not care what's true.
But I don't have to facilitate or enable that delusion, mistake or disregard, or play along with it. We don't live in the Dark Ages anymore when people like you called the authorities to have people like me arrested, tortured and put to death. I don't have to shut up to protect you or others like you from figuring out it's all nonsense.
Because I'm allowed to notice and point out that your beliefs are ridiculous, and are a delusion based on many things including ignorance, superstition, fear, childhood indoctrination, social pressure, primitive magical thinking and emotional reasoning, and that believing there's a magical space wizard monitoring whether you're naughty or nice, for which there is literally no verifiable evidence, is exactly the same as believing in a cabal of eavesdropping walruses, for which there is exactly as much verifiable evidence. You might not like that, but it doesn't mean it isn't true. (If you had evidence, you wouldn't need faith, would you?)
Don't like it? Keep scrolling or block me. You've had the power to resolve your discomfort all by yourself this whole time, without involving me at all, instead of making your emotional wellbeing my responsibility.
"You've always had the power to go back to Kansas." -- Glinda, the Witch of the North
My blog is for my thoughts, not yours. I don't demand you reconfigure your blog to suit me, yet you demand I comply with your sensibilities. You demand I allow your freedom of belief, which I do, but doesn't mean your beliefs aren't open to scrutiny and criticism, while you overtly deny mine.
That's like going into a town square, seeing a big noticeboard, and there's a notice, 'Guitar Lessons,' and you go... "BUT I DON'T FUCKING WANT GUITAR LESSONS!!" -- Ricky Gervais
You're arrogant and out of your lane. Get yourself back in order. You think my blog is "rude"? You ain't seen nothing yet. Next time I won't be this pleasant.
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
I was thinking about your post calling anti-endo ideology a religion (or at least, comparing it to one). And I wanted to point out that the way they're so intolerant of religious + spiritual origins just makes their whole thing sound like some weird missionary shit. "You must give up your beliefs and join us (and our beliefs) if you don't want to be harassed by us repeatedly telling you that your metaphysical beliefs are wrong" like. Could these people get any more preachy?? It's really, really not a good look, to say the least...
This is so true! I can't think of another so-called mental health community that just... demands you leave your religion and spirituality at the door to get help and avoid facing hate for your beliefs.
One thing that is really not brought up enough, especially as it pertains to DID, is the ableism in policing people's religious beliefs because of their mental disorder.
If you have DID, even diagnosed by a doctor, sysmeds will still try to deny you access to community resources because of your spirituality and beliefs!
One of the unspoken core tenets of system medicalism is apparently that religion and spiritual beliefs are exclusively a singlet thing that can only be defined by singlets, and any beliefs aren't singlet-normative are a threat to them.
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asinwhywereyouborn · 2 months
₊✩‧₊˚౨ ℋℯ𝓁𝓁ℴ, 𝓂𝓎 𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ𝓈! ৎ˚₊✩‧₊
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My name is Wybie, and this page is going to be very miscellaneous.
As a basic overview of me, I'm 18 years old, queer (she/he) and I really like plants! I have ADHD and a number of other blogs, so this one might be very erratically updated, which I apologize for in advance. I call pretty much everyone love, doll, and/or dear, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please please please let me know so I don't upset or harm you in any way. I also (attempt to) flirt quite a lot, so, again, tell me if that makes you uncomfortable.
If you couldn't tell, I really love Coraline. That and Across the Spider-Verse are my favorite films. I love psychological films and psychology in general, so if you have any recommendations of movies that will fuck up my head, please let me know!
Some things that might be featured on this blog~
。°✩ Music I Like~ this can range from hard rock to K-pop to 2020 music from POVs to David Bowie (I adore Bowie). My favorite groups are Måneskin, Black Veil Brides, and Sleep Token. My favorite solo artists are Dean Lewis, Vana, Chappell Roan, Ashnikko, Hozier, and others. I'm sorry ToT I'm bad at picking favorites!! The music tag will be #wybiesmusic. ✧˖°
。°✩ Poetry~ while I won't say I stand up against the greats, I'm not a horrid poet and am interested in sharing it. I'll also be reblogging other poetry, because the poets of tumblr are wonderful and deserve the recognition. The reblog tag will be #wybiepoetryreblog and my poetry will be #wybiespoetry. ✧˖°
。°✩ Art~ again, I'm no Monet, but I'm not the worst artist on this site. I'll likely be sharing here, as I can't share on any other platform and if my art can make someone smile or feel something, I've accomplished my goal. Of course, I'll reblog other people's art, too, especially fanart of my favorite things. The reblog tag will be #wybieartreblog and my art will be #wybiesart. ✧˖°
。°✩ Religion~ you might even find the occasional religious or spiritual post from me, as I'm pagan and have a lot of (apparently strange) spiritual beliefs. I'm primarily Hellenic, however I do follow Loki and, while I don't follow every god, I do believe in every god, even the Christian one (I don't like him, though. Jesus is cool.) I'd like a bit more into astrology and the like, so if anyone knows any resources for that, please let me know! The tags will be #wybiespaganismreblogs and #wybiespaganism. ✧˖°
。°✩ Mental Health~ I have undiagnosed (but I fit damn near every parameter for) ADHD, autism, and anxiety, and I also have an eating disorder. Every post about food will have a "tw food" tag, and every ED post will have a "tw ed" tag as well because I know they can be harmful. I struggle a lot with executive dysfunction, mental spirals, social anxiety, and intrusive thoughts, and I figure that if I share my own experiences, I can help others and they can help me! The tag will, of course, be #wybiesmentalhealth, as well as ADHD, autism, and anxiety tags. ✧˖°
。°✩ Fandom Nonsense~ I'm a bit of a dork, so I'll be posting a lot of little nerd things. This primarily will include Harry Potter (and Marauders), MCU, Criminal Minds, Percy Jackson Universe, ACOTAR, Miraculous Ladybug, and others. I've recently decided I want to start getting into anime and have watched a bit of Spy X Family, so if anyone has any recommendations, I only really have Netflix, Hulu, and I definitely don't use pirating sites because those aren't safe and they're harmful to the economy. The tags will be #wybiesfandomnonsense. ✧˖°
Basic DNI! Zionists, antisemitics, Islamophobes, radical conservatives, homophobes, transphobes, zoophiles, anti therian or furry, racists, misogynistic, science or Holocaust deniers, religious bigots, racial bigots, classists, generally cruel or bigoted individuals, people who will attempt to convert me or send me nudes, or overall dickfaces.
There is not an MDNI, but minors, please don't try to DM me without prior consent; I have no filter and don't feel like doin' time. Ageless blogs as well, unless specifically marked as adult.
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7 notes · View notes
oddlittlemiss · 2 years
Clairaudience (Clair's Pt1)
Clairaudience is the gift of hearing from the those on the spiritual realm. These voices can be heard within the mind and even right outside your ear. Clairaudience receive intuitive information by audio. You might hear song lyrics that relate to your question, hear short sentences, hear conversations, and hear sounds from the past.
*Disclaimer: Not everything is from the spiritual realm, your guides, etc. Mental illness/disorder, trauma, and medical issues can cause you to experience similar things as well. Don't hesitate to reach out towards someone from the medical field (doctors, psychiatrist, therapists, etc.) and take medications if prescribed!*
Some signs of being clairaudient are as follows. When learning something, either in class or an event, someone with clairaudience is happier with lectures because it allows them to use their hearing. You might have sensitive hearing and have a habit of lowering the volume or avoiding loud places. You can also hear answers to your mental questions. You experience buzzing or ringing in one or both your ears despite not having any medical hearing issues. Whispers can be heard when no one is around you
Being able to hear messages can be quite helpful during our daily lives. A message can be sent through your hearing that protects you from potential danger. You might even hear words of encouragement when feeling down. You can freely speak to the spiritual realm out loud or in your mind and hear a response. Having a conversation is possible with clairaudience. Giving you helpful advice on any area of your life.
The problems that comes with clairaudience, just like in the real world, is that the spiritual realm consist of both good and bad spirits. If you don't know how to tell who is who, you might be hearing messages from a negative spirit that could be pretending to be a friend. Telling you lies and bringing you down a wrong path. Having clairaudience means tuning into the spiritual realm even when we aren't choosing to do so. So, you could be falling asleep and hear voices. You could be doing something quietly and then you hear voices. It can get annoying at times.
To protect yourself pray to your god, goddess, ancestors, angels, etc. first thing in the morning, and before going to bed. To surround you and your spiritual gifts with a protective shield to help repel negative influences. Or if you don't have anyone to pray too then imagine yourself being surrounded in a white bubble of light that repels negativity. You can also carry certain crystals to protect yourself. Beings that genuinely care about you raise your spirit up. They NEVER put you down negatively, cause you any fear, or encourage negative beliefs like hurting yourself.
If it's a negative spirit, know you have power. You can smoke cleanse, do a banishing spell, use bells, etc.
If you discovered you have clairaudience or like to strengthen it, here are some exercises you can do to help develop your clairaudience. Remember to protect yourself before starting these exercises so you experience positive results! And also practice, practice, practice. If nothing pops up the first few times don't worry. You are learning and if you keep at it eventually you will see results :) Do these exercises in a calm, and quite area.
Song Lyrics Exercise
✨Find a spot where you won't be disturbed. Cleanse and place protection.
✨Take 5 minutes to relax, clear your mind.
✨Ask the spiritual realm for a song that relates to your life.
✨Write down what pops in your mind.
✨Reflect on how the song applies to your life. Feel free to look up the entire lyrics of a song if need be.
✨Make time for at least 1-5 minutes a day
✨Sit or stand still and listening to your surroundings.
✨Make out all the sounds you hear. Birds, cars, people, leaves, whatever is around you.
✨Try to ignore your other senses, and focus only on hearing.
✨Soon you will be able to pick up more sounds at a longer distance. Including the spiritual realm.
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interstellarsystem · 4 months
Our Tag List
Hey! Our tag list in our pinned post has gotten very long, so for our own sake, we're moving it to this post so we don't have a mile-long intro. We like keeping our stuff organised and searchable for our own sake, so we don't mind it being long, it just needs to be kept in another space than our regular intro for now.
Organizational Tags:
#intro - Intro/pinned posts.
#(name+pronouns) - Personal tags for system members, reblogs included.
#op - Original posts.
#rb - Reblogs.
#srb - Reblogs from our own blog(s).
#ask - Asks.
#ask game - Ask games.
#not alterhuman related - Posts that aren't alterhuman related.
#creatureposting - Posts related to our pets.
Alterhuman Tags:
#everything althu - All alterhuman related posts.
#althu info - Informational posts about alterhumanity in general.
#althu experiences - Experience posts about alterhumanity in general.
#althu memes - Funny alterhuman posts.
#althu art - Art posts related to alterhumanity--includes all art, not just visual.
#althu positivity - Alterhuman related positivity.
#althu survey/poll - Alterhuman surveys/polls.
#flags and symbols - Alterhuman related flags, symbols, etc.
Community Specific Tags:
Community specific tags are the same throughout communities, just replace "althu" in the list above with the community tag and it’s in the same format. Current community tags include:
Plural - All plural topics, including endogenics, DID/OSDD/other disorders, daemons, tulpas and soulbonds and more.
Otherkin - All types of ‘kinity, including otherkin, therians, fictionkin and more.
Link - Everything related to otherlinking, copinglinking and more.
Hearted - Everything related to hearttypes, hearthomes and synpaths.
Flicker - Everything related to flickers and cameoshifts.
Experience Specific Tags:
#althu dysphoria - Species dysphoria and uncomfortability surrounding alterhumanity in any way.
#althu euphoria - Species euphoria and euphoria surrounding alterhumanity in any way.
#althu expression - Self expression--gear, behaviours, clothing and habits relating to you and your surroundings.
#althu relationships - Anything related to alterhumans being in relationships. In-system dating, being medusan, etc.
#instincts - Instincts and urges related to alterhumanity--digging, foraging, hunting, etc.
#phantom sensations - Phantom limbs and other phantom shifts or experiences.
#shifting - All types of shifts--mental, phantom, etc.
Individual Identities:
#animal identity - Any identity relating to animals, fictional or otherwise.
#conceptual identity - Any identity relating to concepts (e.g. conceptkin).
#factbased identity - Any identity relating to factbased sources.
#fictional identity - Any identity relating to fictional media.
#nonhuman identity - Any identity relating to nonhumans.
#object identity - Any identity relating to objects.
#plant identity - Any identity relating to plants.
Identity Origins/Beliefs/Etc:
#physical identity - Posts about physical alterhumanity.
#psychological identity - Posts about psychological alterhumanity.
#psychotic althu - Psychosis in relation to alterhumanity, such as clinical lycanthropy, endels or any other way they intersect.
#spiritual identity - Posts about spiritual alterhumanity.
Plurality Subsections:
#created plurality - Created systems such as tulpas, soulbonds, etc.
#daemonism - Daemons/daemians.
#disordered plurality - Disordered plurality such as DID, OSDD, UDD, etc.
#nondisordered plurality - Plurality that isn't caused by disorders.
#soulbonding - Soulbonds/soulbonders.
#thoughtforms - Tulpas, daemons, NPCs and other thoughtforms.
#tulpas - Tulpas/tulpamancers.
Plurality Experiences:
#headmates - Anything about system members. Roles they might have, types of headmates, etc.
#headspaces - Inner worlds, headspaces, mindscapes, etc. This also includes headspace-adjacent worlds that function similarly but are not within the brain such as spaces within spiritual realms.
#switching and fronting - Anything about switching or fronting. Switching methods, what switching/fronting feels like, etc.
Community Intersections:
#disabled althu - Alterhumanity in relation to disability.
#neurodivergent althu - Alterhumanity related to neurodivergence.
#queer althu - Queerness in relation to alterhumanity.
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childofthewolvess · 3 months
Regarding your spiritual psychosis posts: How does intersectionalism come into play when discerning and getting support with spiritual psychosis (or any psychosis for that matter).
I've seen the kinds of people who say some delusions aren't that serious, use miscellaneous excuses for it, ect. Some of them are personal experiences said individuals have had- I've also fallen down the rabbit hole of questioning that kind of thing myself.
That being said- a main pattern I've noticed with people who say these kinds of things, is that more often than not they have been harmed by the psychiatry industry. PoC and chronically ill individuals, queer people, ect. People who live in conservative areas where there *aren't* many good options for mental health help. Hell most doctors I've met throughout my life have been very similar, I've been falsely diagnosed with things I don't have or out right had doctors refuse to treat me for one reason or another. Medical abuse, especially against minorities is a very real and common issue. Discrimination against non Christians and having diagnostic criteria ignored because they're non Christian is a real issue.
You say to seek medical assistance if you suspect you or someone you know is going through spiritual psychosis but how do you manage the fact that in a lot of cases, seeking help can actively harm someone? I ask this genuinely because I think a lot of what you say regarding spiritual psychosis is something to be taken seriously but I struggle to trust anyone who simply says "Just go see a Dr" without acknowledging the amount of harm that could come of that. Bad health care isn't a rarity it's the norm in so many places.
Hey Anon! Thanks for the good question! This is a whole other topic, and I appreciate you bringing it up.
I want to make it clear that I keep telling people that if they recognize signs, they need to seek medical assistance, because there is truly nothing else I can do in this case. The only other thing I can do in this case is to keep spreading awareness - but I’ve also been yelled at numerous times on here for “armchair diagnosing” with my posts and so I am forced to make it very clear that I am not out to diagnose people, and I’m not a medical professional who can diagnose.
I also want to emphasize that like any other medical condition, psychosis is dangerous. It is not just a belief or experience. It should be treated as such. Like depression or other psychiatric disorders, we can’t separate them medically from other medical conditions. If you have a broken leg, you need to get it treated eventually; if you have psychosis, you need to get it treated eventually. Like a broken leg can end up in infection and worsening health, psychosis can end up as a life-threatening dangerous condition. Someone with psychosis, no matter their identity, is an at-risk individual who needs to find safe medical assistance as soon as possible. While I understand that safe healthcare is tough, especially in the United States for us marginalized folks, this is why it’s important to know your safe medical resources in your area and available to you.
At the end of the day, letting the problem worsen because of bad experiences with psychiatric care due to being marginalized identity are going to be more harmful than finding a safe resource and seeking help. Trust me, I understand this at the very bottom of my heart. I was a kid with psychosis in a military family and almost died because I was not aware of the resources I could reach out to. I lived in rural Kansas at the time. As sad at it is, this is reality: the problem gets treated, or it doesn’t. I got lucky and found that I could trust my social worker at school, and my parents were forced to take me to psychiatric care. I wouldn’t have survived if the school district didn’t make it clear that I needed immediate medical intervention. Even if it may be harmful at first to an individual, in the long run, it’s critical that any kind of medical problem that presents a threat to you others needs to be treated.
Here’s the other thing: even in these tough situations, there’s not much else you can do other than to encourage folks to seek safe healthcare and medical attention. Otherwise, you may be encouraging the problem or causing someone to fear medical help.
As a chronically ill queer and trans individual, I have been harmed by the psychiatric industry, but I also know that it’s important to understand that knowing your resources and safe spaces are integral. It took me years (and a couple of moves across states) to find a safe psychiatrist and therapist as well as medical care. Between a help line in your area, to an online therapist or psychiatrist, or any kind of hotline. There are outlets to seek help, especially for marginalized folks in mental health care. And I know this from first-hand experience. You must know your safe resources.
In fact, I grew up in a military family, and for those of you that are unfamiliar, mental disability and awareness is non-existent in military culture because if you had a disability, you were discharged. If you were suffering mentally, you’d lose your job. This is a rampant problem in our homeless veterans in the US. This mentality extended from active duty members to their families. PTSD in veterans was, and still is, the only recognized military psychiatric medical care. I grew up in a family that had the mentality of “fix it yourself.” I couldn’t get my psychosis treated until I was diagnosed with OCD far after my family was retired from the military. I’m a severely autistic and ADHD adult who was never diagnosed as a child because of mistrust in psychiatric fields and it caused a whole minefield of other problems years down the line. I grew up in the south and the Bible Belt, where safe resources were nill to none - but there were still resources. In this era of the internet, it’s better to seek that assistance than let the problem worsen.
Know your safe sources and medical help. Research in your area doctors or clinics that specifically mention queer care and support for marginalized communities. In the age of the internet, finding a hotline or safe nurse line you know that you can call to is critical. Find trusted friends or loved ones who can reach out for you when you can’t do it yourself. Create a circle around you of medical assistance you can at least try to trust.
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praphiteyes · 9 months
A little while ago Praphit Productions had two Mental Health Awareness meetings. We covered a lot of Q&A. Here's some of it.
1) Mental Health Def: a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.
1A) Mental Illness Def:
1B) There are different types of mental illnesses/disorders and varying degrees of severity. Ex. Circumstantial or Clinical or even spiritual (based off of one's beliefs) OR more serious ones.
1C) The serious stuff
2) Taking care of ourselves
a) Times of personal checking/awareness - ex. If you had a third arm growing out of your butt, you might decide to get that checked out. It's not something that you'd ignore. So, don't ignore emotion/mental issues either.
b) Figure out what the problem is (might require professional help to do so).
c) Figure out a plan to deal with that issue (a method that's most comfortable for you).
3) Mental Health Awareness:
a) An Economic Crisis b) Social Media c) Overall Health
4) NAMI is a great place to start
5) What the crappity crap is "Deeply"?
Pretty much, It's Praphit Productions' Mental Health Support Community. The name comes from the bible (1 Peter 4:8) - that we would love another another "deeply".
The goal is to intentionally create a safe space for people to gather (online and in-person) to share life and serve/love one another. That's what the Church is supposed to be doing anyway, but… you know how that goes :) So, if you happen not to have that type of support in your life, the idea is that you could find it at DEEPLY.
6) People who believe that others mental health problems aren't real problems. Honestly, those kinds of people are a big part of the Mental Health Crisis in our country. Any medical professional IN THE WORLD would tell you that mental health issues are real, and need to be taken seriously.
So, at this stage in human social evolution, if one says that they don't believe in such things, then they're being willfully ignorant ("damned fools" as the bible might say:)
Scripture (one of many proverbs on foolery): Proverbs 10:8 -
"The wise in heart accept commands,   but a chattering fool comes to RUIN."
Stand your ground (wisely). Try to enlighten them (graciously and wisely) if opportunity allows. But, DO NOT partake in their RUIN.
7) Hollywood's responsibility?
I would say that they only have a responsibility to try to entertain us. It's our responsibility (every one's) to educate ourselves and then act and teach accordingly with that knowledge. BUT, if you find a Tv Show, Book, Movie, etc that is portrays those struggling with mental health issues in a good light, maybe pass those on. In the same way, if any shine a bad light on those struggles, perhaps send out a warning.
Maybe Hollywood could do better in regards to warnings.
8) Can religion help? - Depends. In some cases, religion births or assists in trauma leading to mental health issues. However, I can speak for myself in saying that without my faith in Christ, I would not be able to endure my own mental health battles. So, to answer the question - YES, but tread with caution.
9) Safe Work Places for Mental Health Struggles
Good luck with that. I mean that… perhaps you'll find a safe place like that. But, businesses are about making money, not the worker's personal well-being. Whether they should be or not is up for debate. This is why it is wise to take your mental health seriously, and to be diligent in managing it. If you don't, you might find that it's hard for you to keep a job, or at the very least to be as productive as you know you could be.
10) Creative ways to cope - There are a variety of ways. The best place to start though is with a support group. (If you can't find one, you can start with DEEPLY:)
Talking out your issues will hopefully lead to others being there for you and perhaps sharing some things that have worked for them or those that they know. Be patient as you try what works best for you. But, PLEASE KEEP TRYING. I believe that wise and earnest trying with equal succeeding.
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mordigen · 3 years
I had not written anything in a minute, as I typically use this as my sounding board, or soap box, if you will....but I guess things just hadn't gotten under my skin lately to make me feel the need to sound off. Which is a beautiful thing, I suppose, even if writing is lacking.
Indeed it has been quite....quiet, quite harmonious within the circles I frequent. Which is unusual, especially as we've had a couple Holidays, which usually stirs all the controversy. And I know with my last 3 part post I noted I had much more to talk about....but I've forgotten them all. So, they must not have been that important, eh?
It has been nice.
But (as there's always a but) in this quiet time I noticed something else - something I am certainly not unfamiliar with, but have never talked about, or confronted at all really.
I find myself feeling drawn away - and no, not in the depressive sense, as I am also certainly not unfamiliar with, but in a way that I have a hard time defining.
It is melancholy in the sense that it feels like a deep seated yearning - but not in a bad way, by any means, as I feel like if those yearnings didn't come and go over time, then I wouldn't be wholly myself. They are a part of me - they are not a bad thing, even if bittersweet.
They ebb and flow, and sometimes recede completely - at other times consume me completely. Though they usually hit me without warning, they start gradually and I can feel the oncoming tide. And once they've run their course, they recede just as swiftly, and gently, as they've rushed upon me.
It has happened for as long as I can, lucidly, remember. Though putting an exact date or age to it is difficult, as childhood memories tend to mesh and bleed together over the years, it can easily be said adolescence, at least, so it has been quite some time. But I still haven't ever gotten used to them, or have figured out how to cope with them - mentally or emotionally, anyhow. They do not prevent me from functioning or living my life, but they do wreck my mental state in a way. Though, I'm not sure I want to figure out how to cope with that...
I have been told by various people, at various points in my life, that I suffer from various forms of a disassociative disorder. Knowing I have depression issues I have investigated....but, No. Just no - it's not right. In all the many ones I have done ample research in, it's just not right - that is not me, that is not what I am experiencing. That is not what is happening, the "symptoms", even if some appear similar superficially, are all wrong.
When I say I feel drawn away, I do not mean I feel *detached*. That is a very big distinction - I'm feeling pulled away, to somewhere or something else, I do not feel disconnected. You can feel a connection to multiple things at once - so to be pulled into a something or somewhere else doesn't mean I have to detach, or "disassociate" with the here and now. I don't. Perhaps it is a foreign thing to try to describe to someone who has never experienced it before, and yes it is a hard to find the right words to begin with to really explain it in depth - but it's not that I "disassociate". Stop calling it that.
It is this very reason why I have never talked about it in depth at all, because even the slightest mention of anything puts others on high-alert. I know they are only trying to help, but no - you are not listening, you are not understanding. The best, and simplest, way I can recount it is like prioritizing. This thing - it's always there. It's always in me, and sometimes it just needs it's time. It doesn't even come first, as I still put all the needs and wants and important bits of this finite world first and foremost, but it needs its time in the sun, too.
As a child, they would say I was "dreamy" or just had an active imagination - I would day dream frequently, locked up inside my own head. Though I loved to play, and read, and write, and draw, I didn't need those things to enjoy my time. I could lay around for hours, in my own thoughts, completely happy and content, drawn away, off on an adventure, listening to the silent things whisper when they think no one is listening. I would doze and nap, and sleep extra long through the night - not because I was bored, or tired, but just because it gave me time in my own head - in my 'dreamland', where all these other things happened that wouldn't - or couldn't - in the waking world. As a young child, these were always described as good things....as a teen, it's often described as having your "head in the clouds" - something that is not necessarily good or bad, potentially problematic if left unchecked, but still nonetheless endearing. But as an adult? Phh. Well. Something must be wrong with you.
You're expected to grow out of it, but I find in adulthood it hits harder, and comes heavier, than ever as a child. Possibly because as children we're given room to indulge...it's creative, imaginative, learning to be content with your own company is touted as idealistic means of coping skills and personal growth - until it isn't.
For an extended time of my adult years I was wrongfully persuaded that it was hormonal as others had noted I tended to feel this 'drawing' around my cycle. I do get more emotional, and boy does the fatigue hit hard - but that still didn't make sense to me as it didn't happen *every* time on my cycle, and there were plenty of times it happened not on my cycle at all. Well, it doesn't have to happen everytime for it to be related, and hormones fluctuate throughout the whole month, so you don't have to actually be physically bleeding for it to be cycle related. What a cop out. With that logic, anything and everything under the sun and moon can be "cycle related". Bonus points deducted for the fact that every person telling me this was also, in fact, a woman. Shame. Lazy medicine right there. Lazy womanhood right there. And that's not even a feminist statement - that's just a common sense statement. Oh, so is every possible problem you ever have because of your period, M'AM ? So stupid. Stupider, yet, is that I listened to them. But I did, and I followed their suggestions - none of them worked, but with each new wave I would think the next would be better and easier if I just stayed the course - ignoring the fact that nothing was inherently wrong, and that this was only deemed an "issue" as it was categorized as "abnormal" and therefore must be fixed.
What I have come to realize now is that all those incidents - people wanting to categorize me with mental disorders, emotional disorders, or hormonal imbalances - call came at I time when I was, in fact, disconnected with something : my spirituality. I didn't have any type of falling out, or disillusioned from anything I ever believed in. Life just simply got in the way, I had more important things to worry about and do, and much less time to do them all in, so you just let certain things go that are not as pressing. Looking back at it now, I think maybe that is why they pulled on me harder in those years. Perhaps it was something drawing back in... I'd like to believe so, anyhow. And that's why I was stupid enough to believe doctors, and counselors, about stupid things I knew were not right - because I wasn't listening to the other half. And of course, nothing the ever suggested ever made one bit of difference - because it's not what was happening to me. And truthfully, because nothing was ever wrong.
As life started to level out, I slowly started doing little things here and there with my beliefs, with my workings. Little things, but baby steps, right? You can't just get off the couch and run a marathon - you have to warm up those muscles, start exercising those parts that have atrophied, and retraining your skills. Same applies - baby steps. It grew slowly over a few years - the tidal waves kept their course, as they do, and I just sort of accepted it at face value. But then the pandemic hit, and the world shut down. And boy, did I have all the time in the world.....and I used it.
Over this last year what I have come to realize is that, firstly - I was absolutely not alone. But also that I wasn't really paying as much attention as I thought I was - or my attention was skewed , by 'professionals', to focus on the wrong things. There was much more a pattern than I had ever noticed. These waves didn't come out of nowhere - though once they were on me, I could feel the gradual build - but before they ever even tickled my feet there were signs, there were patterns. I'd have days of restless nights, strange dreams, then it would fold into die-hard sleep, with absolutely no dreams at all - but waking as if I hadn't slept a wink and had been working all through the night. I'd wake with aches and strains, sometimes even bruises. We'd joke that our mattress was beating us up at night - we even forked out decent money for a brand new one. It's fabulous, and it solved zero of my problems, though my husband now sleeps like a baby...
It's only after these restless, exhausting nights does the tide start to flow back in, and the dreamy, dozey longing set in. The ache for something I cannot put my finger on, and the willingness to relent and let it take me away, even for just a time, and indulge in that pulling out to sea. I let it take me now - I do not fight it, I do not endure it, I let it take me and draw me out. And this is what so many professionals call "disassociating" - but that's not right. That's not what's happening.
And this is not some great spiritual come to Jeesus moment I am preaching to any of you, or certainly not meaning to be, but just the simplicity of paying attention. We, as pagans, just have the driven, inherent understansung that there are many more forces, and much more out there than what you see on the surface. And I had forgotten. Though I've kept my mouth shut, I've taken note when the topics and discussions come up - tons of people were in my very shoes. But they had been paying attention all along. I had forgotten. Some of the stories thrown out there I can't always get behind. Some of them are just flat out - No. But there were many more that weren't - they talked of the moon. The conjunctions. Astral travel. Being spirited away in the night. The veils. The Oran Mór. I was so stupid, I had been so blind.
And then, this year of much more laxed time gave me the opportunity to actually listen. These tides... their pattern.
The restless nights always came with the moons - these tides, they always came around significant dates....days when the veils are thinning. And now, as I feel the sweeping tides begin to pull again - here we are. Bealtaine is on the horizon. And as I wrack my memories.... every time.
Every. Time.
What is happening to me exactly? I still do not know - is this the call of the Oran Mór? Are the veils pulling at something deep inside me? Are the Fae trying to steal me away, as so many are quick to warn... Is there danger in letting the tides take me? Is this some deeper part of me being drawn home, trying to jar me to pay closer attention to things I have left forgotten? Something in there makes me think of my brothers...
I don't know all these answers, but I can't ignore them now that I've taken the time to listen. What I do know is that, whatever they may be - I don't want these tides to leave me. And believing that doesn't give me a dissociative disorder.
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