#spoiler: they're all all three
tuesdaygray · 5 months
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waterme-stories · 1 month
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Chewing on a headcanon that Wade let Cable walk away... and he wasn't going to make the same mistake with Logan
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Bridgerton Season 3 Incorrect Headlines Part I
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anistarrose · 1 year
I think the thing about Barry Bluejeans that has captured my hyperfixation for years now is that he's like if a genre-agnostic comedy relief character was also a fantasy villain who was a scifi-horror protagonist who was an epic space opera love interest. there's just so many facets of him to observe when I rotate him in my brain.
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blackmosscupcakes · 7 months
I'm fascinated by how this arc of The Wizard the Witch and the Wild One has really flipped the narrative on who's in the right and wrong compared to the first arc, because the key thing is NONE OF THEM are acting differently than they did then--they're all acting incredibly true to character traits that were established from the get go--the only thing that's changed is the surroundings and the context of the backdrop around them.
Out in the world, among ordinary people, Suvi often came across as imperial-minded, deeply indoctrinated, and carrying a feeling of being superior to those who weren't of the citadel. Her feelings and actions were understandable, but the reaction of the audience was often to read her as being overly hostile to the other two and determined to cleave to the Citadel and the beliefs of her upbringing to a degree that was detrimental to their task.
Ame and Eursulon showed a willingness to go off half-cocked and act impulsively based on their feelings in the first arc just as they did in this latest episode, but in the context of the wider world this often came across as deep empathy with ordinary people and spirits and a sense of responsibility to deeper matters beyond the politics of humans. Sure, their actions were a bit reckless and had some negative consequences, but they were acting with their hearts and for the right reasons and everyone was down for Quest Fever!
And then last night we see exactly the same dynamic play out once again--Suvi trying to balance the needs of her adoptive mother and her home and the entire institution in which she grew up against the needs of her friends, while her friends run off and literally blow up the Citadel's shit in absolute defiance of everything Suvi was raised to believe. Now, standing there alone and reeling from a curse as her friends tear off leaving destruction in their wake, she seems understandably hurt, as well as obedient, measured, restrained, sensible, if perhaps a little too blindly trusting in Citadel processes*. And likewise, amidst the context of seeing how the Citadel runs and how generally well it's treated Ame and Eursulon, the two of them seemed reckless, ungrateful, disrespectful, and short-sighted with an unwillingness to play along with the realpolitik of going through the proper channels. Instead they (quite literally) burned important bridges and damaged Suvi's life in the process (though it's also understandable that in light of the revelations about Eursulon's sister they rightly felt unsafe even if Steel was understanding).
It's fascinating how incredibly similar the climactic sequences from these two arcs have been. The characters have followed their natures and it's led them down exactly the same path twice in a row. But the context surrounding their actions is VERY different this time, and each mirrors and recontextualizes the OTHER occurrence. People were largely on Ame and Eursulon's side last time, and they're largely seeing Suvi's side this time. It's been a really complex ethical and practical tangle to navigate both times (and good on Brennan for setting it up that way), but I feel like seeing the two together helps us understand and respond to ALL of the characters in a better way than just having one of these situations would have. It's been really cool to watch, and I've been absolutely loving reading all the thoughts and opinions from people on every side of it. It's already been some of the best fandom discussion I've seen about a TTRPG show.
*I read an interesting perspective from someone who believed they would have had to escape even if they'd trusted Steel, as she already went from "meet me at this time" to "give me more time to talk to the diviners" and they thought she would have continued to delay and delay in order to check all of the Citadel's bureaucratic boxes--I'm not sure whether that's what would have happened but it's an interesting possibility, and one that prevents Steel being used as basically a deus ex machina powerful ally any time they're in trouble.
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theerurishipper · 3 months
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I really need Nightwing to be taken away from TT post-haste. I can't take it anymore. This whole dumb ass plot is so nonsensical and relies heavily on everyone in the room losing all sense of logic and reason. If Dick Grayson was any kind of in character this whole plot would have been over before you could say "Heartless fucking sucks." Please god when will the nightmare end
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lady-charinette · 1 year
Rei shooting himself in his dominant arm, most likely permanently injuring most if not all of his nerves so he could effectively only use his left hand.
Rei most likely not being able to play any video games anymore, his main coping mechanism and hobby throughout the show, something he did in the beginning to the point of neglecting to take care of Miri and doing house chores.
Rei most likely, after extensive physical therapy and relearning how to use his right hand as his dominant one, trying to find other stuff he could turn into hobbies except gaming.
Rei most likely finding true joy in not just playing games himself, but watching others play them.
Watching Miri and Kazuki battle it out in the kid friendly and later on more action video games together and having fun and bonding over how bad of a sore loser Papa Kazuki is and how well Rei taught Miri how to play by supporting her with tips from the sidelines.
Rei most likely finding that, even if he can't play himself, he enjoys watching his loved ones play his video games in his stead because he gained something so much more to hold dear in his heart by losing his arm.
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yesokayiknow · 9 months
frequent questions i keep getting on the bigeneration au(s):
-why don't ten (point five) and eleven tear each other apart/beat each other to death with hammers/eat each other
eleventh hour starts like normal, since they can't exactly leave while the tardis is redecorating, and then rory's like but how can they be here?? how can the raggedy doctors be real?? they were a game?? you made me dress up like the funny one all the time?? and ten's like sorry what. the funny one? and rory's like yeah uh [points at eleven] the funny one and the uh. um. [looks at ten] the uh. hot one. and That's How It Starts. every single interaction is an opportunity to show eleven up. does he want to beat eleven to death after they've spent longer than an hour together yes of course but good god the spite of it all. the DRAMA. the whole of leadworth knows him as The Hot Doctor. the ponds and clara ADORE ten. they love him so much. like sure he's a massive dick but compared to eleven he's the nicest guy in the world. he's incredibly suave and incredibly smooth and is capable of dressing like a normal person and literally everyone keeps commenting on it. sometimes he goes off on his own just bc the ponds throw him a party when he comes back. eleven keeps trying to get him killed and he just keeps slipping out of danger and it drives eleven up the fucking wall
-why does twelve allow eleven to travel with them
he simply does not notice him. just constant white noise. he's not clara and therefore he's insignificant. the three of them keep going on trips and then clara and twelve leave before he gets back to the tardis and it's not even on purpose they just literally forgot he was there. one time they accidentally leave him in victorian london while visiting the paternoster gang and he gets a boat to new york and ends up spending ~50 years with the ponds and when he finally gets to modern day london a century later clara's like huh you look different did you change your coat. and then hell bent happens and twelve finally throws eleven out (eleven didn't get wiped and twelve isn't gonna live with that reminder) and eleven retaliates by showing up to every single one of his lectures. the only reason he isn't dead is because missy would definitely find out about it and twelve can't deal with how incredibly smug she'd be
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flyiingsly · 7 months
I was absolutely clenching my teeth during Paths Unknow because I was so afraid that something could happen to Hunter or Wrecker in that abandoned facility with those hell plants.
But then my boyfriend just let out a random "Gonky isn't gonna survive" in the most chillest tone of voice.
I have many fears about that season, but this one wasn't part of my list before, thanks, love.
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bloomingbluebell · 3 months
me @ characters who were trained to be not much more than a weapon from a young age
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(id: a quick drawing of a person holding what looks like a toy between very sharp teeth. their eyes are red and they're panting. they then start shaking their head viciously and are nothing but a blur)
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swan2swan · 2 months
Every live-action Star Wars show when it comes time to stick the landing:
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midnight-els · 10 months
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For All Mankind - Aleida & Margo
4x02 - Have a Nice Sol 1x08 - Rupture 2x08 - Don't Be Cruel 3x07 - Bring It Down
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danwhobrowses · 5 months
So after four months, Bell's Hells are off the moon
0.5/5 Stars - Some of the locals were nice but activities were shit and needs new management.
But what's this? Aabria with a steel chair!? She's probably cackling looking at the socials right now
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Magneto had a really great character arc in the 80s which just got completely chucked in the bin because the new editor taking over the title thought that he should always be a one-note maniacal villain, and I'm disappointed to see X-Men '97 doing the same because the ex-showrunner wanted to recreate his favourite issue.
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magneticflower · 18 days
I am respectfully asking them not to kill Ekko or Jinx or Vi thanks
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glambots · 9 months
MAN. I am so conflicted about sun being mean cause I want to say its the virus making him act erratically cause I love him being a golden retriever sweetie pie but also. sun being a tsundere unhinged little shit is so fucking funny hfhfdhg
Listen I Do Not Blame him for being a little salty under the collar about everything. Man gets so little attention, and yet has (arguably) the toughest fucking job in the entire PizzaPlex. He probably gets so little respect that he's just jaded and tired and is This Fucking Close to losing it at any given moment. (Imagine if he was super closed off at the beginning of your relationship, only to go full golden retriever mode once you've finally broken down the walls. Pretty much like Moon, but more Buppy than Kibby.)
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