#staged was a treasure trove
mizgnomer · 2 years
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Furniture Abuse by David Tennant - Part Six
Even more Furniture Abuse: [ One ] [ Two ] [ Three ] [ Four ] [ Five ]
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ilovetodrinkwater · 2 years
MY SELFIE TAG is soooooo fucking funny theres a good few of this year (especially when i had blue hair that was good i should do it again the one i just posted is from this summer) and then just a bunch from when i was 14 . this time capsule
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nasa · 6 months
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What We Learned from Flying a Helicopter on Mars
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The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter made history – not only as the first aircraft to perform powered, controlled flight on another world – but also for exceeding expectations, pushing the limits, and setting the stage for future NASA aerial exploration of other worlds.
Built as a technology demonstration designed to perform up to five experimental test flights over 30 days, Ingenuity performed flight operations from the Martian surface for almost three years. The helicopter ended its mission on Jan. 25, 2024, after sustaining damage to its rotor blades during its 72nd flight.
So, what did we learn from this small but mighty helicopter?
We can fly rotorcraft in the thin atmosphere of other planets.
Ingenuity proved that powered, controlled flight is possible on other worlds when it took to the Martian skies for the first time on April 19, 2021.
Flying on planets like Mars is no easy feat: The Red Planet has a significantly lower gravity – one-third that of Earth’s – and an extremely thin atmosphere, with only 1% the pressure at the surface compared to our planet. This means there are relatively few air molecules with which Ingenuity’s two 4-foot-wide (1.2-meter-wide) rotor blades can interact to achieve flight.
Ingenuity performed several flights dedicated to understanding key aerodynamic effects and how they interact with the structure and control system of the helicopter, providing us with a treasure-trove of data on how aircraft fly in the Martian atmosphere.
Now, we can use this knowledge to directly improve performance and reduce risk on future planetary aerial vehicles.
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Creative solutions and “ingenuity” kept the helicopter flying longer than expected.
Over an extended mission that lasted for almost 1,000 Martian days (more than 33 times longer than originally planned), Ingenuity was upgraded with the ability to autonomously choose landing sites in treacherous terrain, dealt with a dead sensor, dusted itself off after dust storms, operated from 48 different airfields, performed three emergency landings, and survived a frigid Martian winter.
Fun fact: To keep costs low, the helicopter contained many off-the-shelf-commercial parts from the smartphone industry - parts that had never been tested in deep space. Those parts also surpassed expectations, proving durable throughout Ingenuity’s extended mission, and can inform future budget-conscious hardware solutions.
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There is value in adding an aerial dimension to interplanetary surface missions.
Ingenuity traveled to Mars on the belly of the Perseverance rover, which served as the communications relay for Ingenuity and, therefore, was its constant companion. The helicopter also proved itself a helpful scout to the rover.
After its initial five flights in 2021, Ingenuity transitioned to an “operations demonstration,” serving as Perseverance’s eyes in the sky as it scouted science targets, potential rover routes, and inaccessible features, while also capturing stereo images for digital elevation maps.
Airborne assets like Ingenuity unlock a new dimension of exploration on Mars that we did not yet have – providing more pixels per meter of resolution for imaging than an orbiter and exploring locations a rover cannot reach.
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Tech demos can pay off big time.
Ingenuity was flown as a technology demonstration payload on the Mars 2020 mission, and was a high risk, high reward, low-cost endeavor that paid off big. The data collected by the helicopter will be analyzed for years to come and will benefit future Mars and other planetary missions.
Just as the Sojourner rover led to the MER-class (Spirit and Opportunity) rovers, and the MSL-class (Curiosity and Perseverance) rovers, the team believes Ingenuity’s success will lead to future fleets of aircraft at Mars.
In general, NASA’s Technology Demonstration Missions test and advance new technologies, and then transition those capabilities to NASA missions, industry, and other government agencies. Chosen technologies are thoroughly ground- and flight-tested in relevant operating environments — reducing risks to future flight missions, gaining operational heritage and continuing NASA’s long history as a technological leader.
You can fall in love with robots on another planet.
Following in the tracks of beloved Martian rovers, the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter built up a worldwide fanbase. The Ingenuity team and public awaited every single flight with anticipation, awe, humor, and hope.
Check out #ThanksIngenuity on social media to see what’s been said about the helicopter’s accomplishments.
Learn more about Ingenuity’s accomplishments here. And make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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hynzsn · 3 months
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chapter one of ₊˚ ꒰ 𖦹﹕STRAWBERRY KISSES ꒱ ˚₊
☆ choi soobin x male reader
-> sunshine baker!soobin x grumpy (secretly soft) farmer!reader
꩜ .ᐟ fluff
contents: loosely inspired by strawberry shortcake (tv show), opposites attract, m/m, strawberries, romance, slice of life, slight enemies to lovers (at least grumpy x sunshine potential), humor, bakery, farm, forced proximity, small town setting, mutual pining (brewing already!), summer, summer vibes, lighthearted & sweet, slow burn, feel good, height difference, summer berry festival, awkward encounters, did someone say strawberries?
wc: 2.3k
summary: meet soobin, the sunshine baker known for his award-winning pastries and infectious laugh. his bakery, "crumbs & co.," is the heart of shortcake springs, especially during the annual summer berry festival. but disaster strikes – he's out of strawberries, his star ingredient! enter you, the gruff but handsome owner of "sun-kissed berries," known for your organic, mouthwatering produce. soobin, desperate and flustered, begs you for help. you, initially hesitant due to the last-minute request and your own demanding schedule, is charmed by soobin’s passion and agrees to help, setting the stage for a week of unexpected collaboration.
♡︎♡︎♡︎ likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated ♡︎♡︎♡︎
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welcome to shortcake springs, a place where life was as sweet and satisfying as a perfectly crafted strawberry shortcake. nestled amidst rolling hills and fields bursting with color, the town was a patchwork of charm and rustic elegance. the air, always tinted with the sweetness of ripening berries, carried the laughter of children playing in the town square, a space as inviting and comforting as a fluffy biscuit base. quaint brick buildings, their faces adorned with overflowing flower boxes, lined main street, each shop a treasure trove of local delights, much like the hidden pockets of juicy strawberries within a well-made shortcake.
and just like the crowning dollop of whipped cream, the annual summer berry festival was the pinnacle of the town's year, a celebration of all things fruity and joyful. it was a time for neighbors to come together, for traditions to be shared, and for the air to be filled with the irresistible aroma of freshly baked dreams.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
the aroma of baking bread and simmering fruit usually heralded the dawn in this quaint corner of the world. but today, a different kind of energy crackled through the air - a blend of rising panic and the sweet, sharp scent of desperation. it clung to choi soobin like a fine dusting of flour as he frantically rummaged through his walk-in refrigerator.
"no, no, no!" the word escaped him, a low groan that echoed off the stainless steel shelves, starkly contrasting with his usually disposition. his bakery, "crumbs & co," was a symphony of warmth and light, the kind of place where worries melted away with the first bite of a blueberry muffin. but right now, the only thing melting was soobin's composure.
he was out of strawberries. completely, utterly, devastatingly out. and not just any strawberries - these were the plump, ruby-red jewels destined for his legendary strawberry shortcake, the crown jewel of the annual summer berry festival, just a week away.
"okay, soobin, think," he muttered, pushing a hand through his already-tousled hair. he looked like a classic storybook baker, flour-dusted apron slightly askew, a smudge of strawberry jam on his cheek, and eyes wide with a mixture of distress and determination. "who has the best damn strawberries within a fifty-mile radius?"
the answer, as clear and bright as the summer sky outside, slammed into him like a runaway pie cart. it was a name whispered with reverence by townsfolk and pastry enthusiasts alike: y/n, the enigmatic owner of "sun-kissed berries."
y/n. even your name sounded like something out of a folk song, rough around the edges yet undeniably alluring. soobin had only caught glimpses of you at the local farmer's market, and there was always one thing that stood out to him the most - your eyes. your eyes which could probably melt glaciers with a single glance. you had a reputation for being a bit gruff, a man of few words and even fewer smiles. but damn, could you grow some strawberries.
soobin glanced at the calendar on the wall, each day marked with a reminder of the rapidly approaching festival. it was a long shot, a desperate plea. but desperation, as they say, was the mother of all questionable life choices. and right now, soobin was ready to adopt that questionable life choice and call it his own.
"alright y/n," soobin muttered, grabbing his keys and mentally preparing himself for potential rejection. "time to see if those rumours about your heart being as soft as your strawberries are actually true."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
the drive to "sun-kissed berries," was a blur of verdant fields and soobin's increasingly frantic internal monologue. he'd rehearsed his plea at least a dozen times, each iteration more desperate than the last. he just had to convince you to part with your precious strawberries. his reputation, his sanity, and possibly the entire happiness index of the town depended on it.
he pulled up to the farm, a charmingly rustic spread with a weathered wooden sign that read "sun-kissed berries - taste the difference." soobin's heart hammered against his ribs, a frantic rhythm that rivaled the beat of a hummingbird's wings. he took a deep breath, the air thick with the scent of freshly turned earth, and, yes, the unmistakable sweetness of ripe strawberries. it was like walking into a goddamn fruit-themed fairytale.
he spotted you immediately. you were bent over a row of strawberry plants, a straw hat shading your eyes as you inspected the fruit with a focus that bordered on reverence. even from a distance, soobin could see the way the sun glinted off your hair, the way your shoulders moved with an easy strength that made his stomach do a weird little flip.
"okay, soobin," he whispered to himself, "play it cool. be charming. channel your inner pastry god."
he strode towards you, each step a symphony of squeaking sneakers and mounting anxiety. as he got closer, he could hear you humming a low tune, a melody as warm and comforting as a summer breeze. you still hadn't noticed him, too engrossed in the world of your berries.
"um, hello?" soobin called out, his voice a little higher-pitched than intended.
you straightened up, turning to face him with a slow deliberateness that sent a shiver down soobin's spine. your eyes, sharp and startingly intense, met his, and for a moment, soobin forgot how to breathe.
"can i help you?" you asked, your voice a low rumble that resonated deep within soobin's chest. it was the kind of voice that could narrate audiobooks and make grocery lists sound like poetry.
"i, uh..." soobin stammered, his carefully rehearsed speech dissolving like sugar in rainwater. he felt like an idiot, standing there with his mouth flapping like a landed fish.
you raised an eyebrow, a flicker of amusement dancing in your eyes. "cat got your tongue?"
"more like strawberry stole my vocabulary," soobin blurted out, mentally kicking himself for the lame joke.
to his surprise, a low chuckle rumbled from your chest. "that's a new one." you leaned back against a weathered fence post, crossing your arms over your chest. "so, what brings the town baker to my humble berry patch?"
soobin took a deep breath, willing his heart rate to slow down to something resembling a normal rhythm. "right, well, you see, y/n," he began, trying to inject his voice with a confidence he definitely didn't feel, "i'm in a bit of a predicament."
"predicament?" you echoed, tilting your head slightly. the sunlight caught the side of your face, highlighting the sharp line of your jaw and the faintest hint of stubble. soobin briefly wandered what it would be like to trace those lines with his fingertips, then mentally scolded himself for having inappropriate thoughts about a guy who could probably bench-press a tractor.
"yes, a predicament of epic, pastry-related proportions," soobin said, wincing internally at his own rambling. "you see, the summer berry festival is in a week..."
"i'm aware," you interrupted, a hint of amusement in your voice. "it's kind of hard to miss all the posters plastered around town with that giant strawberry mascot on them."
soobin blushed, realizing he was stating the obvious. "right, of course," he mumbled. "well, the thing is, my strawberry shortcakes are, like, a huge thing at the festival. people line up for hours. there are even rumours of a black market for the last few boxes."
you chuckled, a deep throaty sound that sent a pleasant shiver down soobin's spine. "sounds serious."
"it is!" soobin exclaimed, his desperation finally breaking through. "and the thing is, i, uh, i may have...miscalculated...the amount of strawberries i needed."
"miscalculated?' you repeated, raising an eyebrow.
soobin cringed. "okay, fine, i completely forgot to order more and now i'm completely out and the festival is in a week and..." he trailed off, realizing that he was starting to hyperventilate.
you studied him for a moment, your gaze intense and unnervingly perceptive. soobin felt like you could see right through his flour-dusted apron, into the depths of his slightly panicked soul.
"so," you said slowly, "you're asking me..."
"for your strawberries?" soobin blurted out, his voice cracking slightly. "please. y/n, you're my only hope! your strawberries are legendary! they're like little drops of sunshine kissed by angels!"
okay maybe he went a tad overboard with the description, but he was desperate!
you didn't reply right away. you just stood there, arms crossed, a thoughtful expression on your face as you surveyed soobin with those intense eyes. soobin resisted the urge to fidget, reminding himself that he was a pastry god, a master of dough and sugar, and he could handle a little bit of awkward silence.
"you know," you finally said, your voice deceptively casual, "most people place orders in advance."
soobin winced. "yes, i’m aware of how business transactions usually work," he said, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. "but this is... a unique situation. a perfect storm of baking enthusiasm and forgetfulness."
you let out a low chuckle, the sound unexpectedly pleasant. "let me guess, you were up all night perfecting a new glaze, lost track of time, and by the time you remembered the strawberries, it was too late?"
soobin stared at you, his mouth slightly agape. "how...how did you know that?"
you shrugged, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of your lips. "lucky guess. plus, you've got a bit of flour in your hair."
soobin's hand flew to his head, self-consciously brushing away the stray but of baking evidence. he was mortified. he prided himself on his usually impeccable appearance, but clearly, his strawberry-induced meltdown had taken it's toll.
"look," you said, your voice softening slightly, "i appreciate the...enthusiasm. and your shortcakes do sound legendary."
"they are!" soobin interjected. clutching at the compliment like a lifeline.
you held up a hand, silencing him. "but," you continued, "my strawberries are spoken for. i've got contracts with half the restaurants in town, not to mention the farmer's market this weekend."
soobin's heart plummeted. he knew it was a long shot, but hearing you confirm it felt like a punch to the gut. his festival dreams, his reputation, his very existence as a baker flashed before his eyes.
"but..." you added, and soobin dared to hope again.
you pushed away from the fence post, tilting your head back slightly to meet soobin's eyes. even with the height difference, your gaze held steady, those same intense eyes studying him with an unnerving perceptiveness. soobin was really fighting the urge to fidget under your scrutiny, but he also couldn't help but feel a little thrill at the way you had to look up at him.
"i might," you said slowly, your voice low and a touch of conspiratorial, "have a small surplus."
soobin's head tilted in response, hope surging through him like a shot of espresso. "you do?"
"maybe," you said, a playful glint in your eyes, "but it'll cost you."
soobin would have empties his bakery fund, his savings account, and possibly sold his prized collection of vintage rolling pins at that moment. "anything," he blurted out. "name your price."
you let out a deep an rich chuckle, taking a step closer, closing the distance between you. "relax, baker boy. i'm not going to bankrupt you. at least, not today." you paused, tapping a finger against your chin thoughtfully. "tell you what. you help me around the farm this week, leading up to the festival - i’m harvesting the last of the season's - and those surplus berries are all yours."
soobin blinked, momentarily distracted by how close you were now. he could practically smell the fresh earth and sunshine clinging to your clothes. "help you...on the farm?"he echoed, trying to focus on the conversation ad not the way your presence seemed to fill his senses. he couldn't help but picture himself, covered in dirt and probably a few insects, fumbling his way through a field of strawberries. it wasn't exactly the image he usually projected.
you seemed to find his hesitation amusing. "don't worry, i won't put you to work on any heavy machinery," you said, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. "unless you're secretly a tractor enthusiast in disguise."
soobin laughed, a wave of relief washing over him. "i think i'll stick to my ovens for now," he said. "but a deal's a deal. you've got yourself a farmhand, y/n."
you extended your hand, your grip firm and surprisingly warm against soobin's. "welcome aboard, soobin," you said, a genuine smile finally spreading across your face. it transformed younfrom gruff owner to someone....well, someone soobin could definitely see himself spending a lot lf time with, both in the strawberry fields and maybe, just maybe, somewhere a little more...private. he quickly shoved that thought aside. focus, soobin. strawberries. festival. right.
"so," you continued, your voice snapping soobin out of his daydreams, "be here bright and early tomorrow, and wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty. and soobin?"
"leave the fancy pastries at home. we'll have our work cut out for us, and i prefer my sugar rush in the form of freshly picked strawberries."
soobin grinned, his heart feeling lighter than it had in days. "deal." he gave you a little wave, unable to contain his happy energy. "i should probably let you get back to it. i’ll be here bright and early tomorrow, ready to work...and maybe sample a few strawberries." he added the last part with a playful wink, earning himself another chuckle from you.
turning to leave, soobin felt a lightness in his step that hadn't bee there before. as he walked back to his vespa, the setting sun casting long shadows across the farm, he couldn't shake the feeling that this unexpected turn of events might just be the sweetest thing. he'd stumbled upon all year.
he slid onto his vespa, the scent of strawberries clinging to his clothes, his apron, and pulled away from "sun-kissed berries," his heart full of anticipation for the week ahead. he had a feeling that it was going to be a berry good one.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Just hear me out,
Wild west outlaw König.
That's all ,please and thank you❤️
P.s I love love love your work and you inspire me so much more than words can express,so thank you so much
Wild West Outlaw König Headcanons
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Warnings: Outlaw König, König Kills People, Obsessive König, König (DEEP) in Love, Looting, Kidnapping, Implied Smut, Non-Explicit Descriptions of Smut, Dominant König, Submissive König, Mention of Ghost, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Petnames, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You.
A/N: Thank you so much for your kind words, my lovely ! Your kind words have touched my heart, and I hope your creative endeavours flourish <3
Man owns a pair of handcuffs and KNOWS how to use them.
Let’s work on the assumption that he kidnapped you.
Perhaps you were already partially romantically involved but your family would never let you marry someone like König, so he stages a robbery and takes you as part of the ransom.
One he has no intention of accepting any payment for because he’s never letting you go.
König’s monstrous proportions make it easy for him to physically overpower aggressors – other bandits, outlaws, authority figures.
However, he does pose something of a hazard to himself because there’s (much) more of him to hit.
Luckily, he’s straight out of a situation the minute it gets sticky – as if he just disappears into thin air.
Just one of the reasons why he’s called the Phantom Outlaw.
Not to be confused with Ghost, who is also an outlaw but never leaves a trace (or a witness), making his reputation far more ghoulish than König’s.
Though, König does excel in the fear factor, his sheer size and notoriety – his trenchcoat and mask the very visage of Death – forcing everyone who sees him to relinquish their goods in exchange for their lives.
Speaking of, König’s ability to swing thousands in cash makes for a happy home life, given how he spends much of his fortune on you.
Clothes, jewels, literature, instruments, automobiles: you name it, you’ve got at least a treasure trove of each.
Even if you try to resist these gifts, König refuses to let up.
“Can’t have my precious little Engel going without, can I ?”
So, in return, you typically handle all the chores, though König insists you don’t have to.
“It’s not like we can hire a maid to do it for us, can we ?” you tell him. “Especially not when there’s a handsome bounty on that even more handsome head of yours.”
Said bounty is what makes it difficult for the two of you to stay in one place for too long.
And whenever you move, you always try to make the house a safe space for König.
Blankets in his favourite chair, his favourite meal on the table for him whenever you know he’s going to have a rough day, a bit of fun before bed, etc.
You can tell whenever he feels really comfortable, because he takes up three quarters of the bed, just sprawled out like a rapidly growing infection.
And you always fit neatly against his side. Or on his chest.
König calls you his “Little bunny” (or “Bun-Bun”) because of how small you look when you’re nuzzled into his chest.
He never takes you, or anything you do, for granted.
You don’t know this (so keep this a secret between you and I) but König watches you when you sleep. More than you’d think.
Truth be told, the outlaw life terrifies him.
Sure, he has the swagger and the notoriety to make off with thousands in gold, jewels, and lavish material items, but, really, his greatest, most prized treasure is you.
There is only one of you. You cannot be bought, or replicated, or found in the wild like an ore of purest diamond.
Simply put, König’s success is entirely down to the fact that he can’t be caught lacking.
If he ever was to, he knows he’d lose you. Whether you’re taken by a stray bullet in a shoot-out or your town’s rangers come to tear you from his cold, lifeless grip, König takes every precaution to circumvent these tragedies by remaining the fastest hand in the west. And the most ruthless.
Even for an outlaw, his kill count is exceedingly high.
And it’s no coincidence that the numbers began to climb after he met you. Fell in love with you.
People who he’s seen giving you lecherous stares, or those he can sense have poor intentions, he’s taken them out the back and absolved the world of their presence.
And, at the end of every excursion, every execution, every haul, the weight of the world falls from König’s shoulders as he comes back to you.
He takes his mask down around you, hangs his hat upon the coat rack. You’re the only person who he shows his face to.
But, whenever you can tell a fragment of the day resides pinned in his mind, shrapnel of his self-inflicted lifestyle, you make sure to service him before bed.
How he likes to be serviced can change on a day-to-day basis. He’s not fussy.
The only thing that changes is whether he wants to be handled by you or if he wants to slam you into the pillows.
Possessive sex <333.
“Tell me you love me,” he rasps into your ear, pinning you to the mattress with his body, making escape an impossibility to you. “Tell me I’m the only one that will ever have you like this,”
As stated previously; he has a pair of handcuffs and knows how to use them.
Or, if they’re too far out of reach and he needs you bound now, he’ll use rope. Or even just his hands.
Eye contact. The whole time.
It’s as if a different person inhabits him when he gets like this; something dark and jagged, no mere demon, possesses his form. And, by extension, yours.
König’s not stopping until you’re full, he’s empty, and he’s confident you’re not leaving the house for the next few days.
But, when König is feeling fragile, he lets you take the lead.
Just lies back while you’re on top of him, calling him your “Good boy”, “my Prince”, “my protector,” – anything that reaffirms that he holds a great deal of importance in your life.
More often than not, he ends up with tears in his eyes.
Nobody has ever been so gentle and loving towards him as you have. And coupled with how you’re taking him slowly, taking the time to make sure you’re hitting all bases and he’s thoroughly loved, sends him over the edge.
Kiss his tears away and his soul leaves his body.
It’s times like these that, more than anything, König wants a simple life. A paroxysmal desire to lead an ordinary existence where the two of you can live together happily, without the threat of being chased out of town every few months.
And, maybe, one day, even have a family together.
Until then, König will continue to dream, to give you a lifestyle of sapphires and gold and every delicacy the human mind can conjure.
And whenever he looks at you before he leaves, he sees his good luck charm, the light at the end of his tunnel. And, most importantly, the embodiment of love itself.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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ratttgay · 2 months
google search history is such a treasure trove of content actually. phil's searched for the avril lavigne clone conspiracy 5 years ago? dan puts in his comedy stage show. phil's searched for what root beer is in 2019? according to mukbang 2 he still doesn't know what it is. idk knowing what is to come while watching videos like these gives so much insight to the little parts of their lives that aren't very prominent but so so special
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spdrvyn · 6 months
before i get to requests again, punk miguel has been on my mind! i'd like to think that he's in a band with some of the other senior spiders like jess, peter, and ben. hobie could be there too, because he's obviously also punk.
i'm also thinking about a reader who's an independent artist, they got big due to sheer creativity and social media. they're nearly the complete opposite of miguel's aesthetic. sweet, soft, and serene. he was naturally drawn to you the moment he walked by you backstage.
"hey, you." he'd caught you in the break room, the music festival that you two were invited to had allowed some downtime before the big act later at night. to which you diligently took the time to devour all of the free snacks that they left in the cupboards and mini fridge, so you were more than embarrassed that the leader of woven wishes caught you.
"i'm sorry, were these yours?" you muffled with a mouthful of cheese fries, slowly pushing them away from you. blasted, you were caught cheese-handed. but miguel simply chuckled loudly, before setting himself in front of you on the small round table.
"nah, they're peter's, but i'm sure he wouldn't mind." they were still somebody else's lunch, so you decidedly tucked the box away for now. hastily grabbing some tissues from the nearby dispenser to freshen up a little, god forbid anyone see how not soft you get when eating. "so, i heard you're fresh in the industry. is that right?"
he heard. he's heard about you. "oh, uh, yeah! i'm pretty new. the internet has been my stage for a while, so it's pretty surreal to feel the physical eyes on me now..."
"i get that, minus the internet bit, don't really use it, but hey. you've got a lot of good material, jess played me one of your songs." miguel shrugged, "keep it up, don't give any of this shit to the big corps, okay? trust me."
"i- i wasn't really planning on that, haha. don't worry," you felt awfully awkward. what could you say to someone with as much experience as miguel? you knew of his reputation despite not being in his genre, his presence was just that powerful. "you... like my songs?"
"of course, guess you could say that i'm bit of a, uh–" miguel cheekily swooped his hands through his ruffled hair, as he flashed a darling smile at you. "... romantic at heart."
immediately, you roared with laughter. miguel didn't think that he could achieve it, hearing how smooth your voice sounded through your recordings couldn't compare to how good you sounded when you laughed.
"ahh... i'll take it your word for it then. miguel, if i'm right? you're infamous."
"don't let that scare you, 'm perfectly harmless."
"i wasn't worried about that," you giggled lightly, still recovering from his joke. "trust me, i've heard nothing but good things about you. i've heard some of your band's songs from time to time and i can see you why you're so beloved in the community."
miguel didn't know why he had such a hard time believing it, his music was critically acclaimed to be glorious, he built tough skin from the amount of bullshit he's faced in the industry. yet, hearing your opinion felt oddly refreshing. maybe there was a lot more to you than what he'd seen so far. a treasure trove of a person waiting to be discovered.
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mirai-e-jump · 9 months
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Duet January 2024 Issue ft. Ikeda Masashi Mini Interview (translation below)
Publication: December 7, 2023
Trust your intuition! Searching for fashionable Winter items -Let's go find your "Individuality"-
Ikeda: I want to go shopping for used clothes for the Winter!
"At the request of Ikeda Masashi-kun, we went to Shimokitazawa, where many secondhand clothing stores are located. He went looking for fashionable items that can be used this Winter."
Ikeda: Fall and Winter are especially enjoyable seasons because you can wear layers, allowing for all sorts of fashion variations. I like secondhand clothing and often go shopping for them, but I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to go, so I'm looking forward to today~
"He said, as he entered a secondhand clothing store with an excited look on his face."
Ikeda: Uwah~ It's a treasure trove!
"The first thing he picked up was a parka."
Ikeda: Today, I want a top and a hat. I like to combine various colors in my own style, so I have clothes in a variety of colors, from brights to monochrome. My favorite color is white, but for some reason, I tend to pick reds…maybe I actually like them (laughs).
"Ikeda-kun said. He also seems to wear flashy coordinated clothes."
Ikeda: My parents used to say to me, "What are you wearing?" (laughs). But, I believe in my own sense of style, and I'll wear things without being discouraged.
"He said, with a shy smile. One after another, he picked up clothes, including a leather jacket, a knit cardigan, and more."
Ikeda: I guess I'm not particular about the genre of fashion. Alternative fashion, casual styles, whatever, I like them. Color matching and the shape are very important though, and I'll buy pants in a variety of shapes, wide and thin, even if they're the same color. For tops, I often play with flashy patterns and colors, and choose simple ones for the pants.
"While picking things out, he said,"
Ikeda: This! It's interesting!
"He found a nylon track jacket in the shape of a vest."
Ikeda: When I buy something, I always trust my intuition to tell me "it's good," and I'm drawn to shapes that I've never seen before. However, it's difficult to match them, so I often end up content after wearing them a single time (laughs). Because of that, my room is full of clothes. While I trust my intuition, I also try to think about if I already have something similar.
"While keeping the track jacket, he heads towards the hat corner!"
Ikeda: I like caps because they have unique logos.
"He said, picking up some and trying them on. In the end, he got a simple black knit hat and a denim cap with a distinctive logo! After walking around the store a few times, he also got the vest track jacket mentioned earlier."
Ikeda: As I thought, this is still the cutest.
"And so, he decides to buy it."
Ikeda: I got some wonderful items~ This Winter, I'm going to use them to try out different coordinations!
"Ikeda-kun reported with a sparkling smile. It's been a long time since he went shopping, and he was very satisfied with the results!"
-Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger- Insider Info
Ikeda: Episode 38 was the episode where one of the Royal Sentai members, Rita Kaniska, became an idol, however, the other Royal Sentai members were mixed in with the audience at the front row of the stage (laughs). It was my first time waving and cheering with a penlight, and I had alot of fun~ We wear disguises including fluffy hairpieces and sunglasses, so please be sure to look out for that!
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hayatheauthor · 8 months
Ten Websites Every Author Should Know In 2024
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When I started this blog, one of the first posts I penned was "Websites Every Author Should Know in 2023." Now, as I return to breathe new life into this platform in 2024, it feels only fitting to offer an updated edition of that beloved post. 
Whether you're struggling with brainstorming ideas, organizing your plot, finding publishing opportunities, or simply seeking some writing motivation, here are 10 websites that every author should know in 2024. 
1. Artbreeder
If you're anything like me, you know the frustration of staring at a blank page, waiting for inspiration to strike. Well, say goodbye to writer's block because Artbreeder is here to rescue you from the depths of creative stagnation.
At its core, Artbreeder is a brainstorming tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help you generate ideas and explore new avenues of creativity. Whether you're crafting characters, creating scene locations, or conceptualizing entire worlds, Artbreeder's AI can help you create any image. 
But don't just take my word for it. Countless writers, from aspiring novices to seasoned pros, have sung the praises of Artbreeder for its role in fueling their creative fire.
2.  OneStopForWriters
If you've ever found yourself drowning in a sea of character arcs, struggling to untangle a convoluted plot, or simply searching for that elusive spark of inspiration, then OneStopForWriters is here to be your guiding light.
At OneStopForWriters, you'll find a treasure trove of resources designed to empower writers at every stage of their journey. One of the standout features is its unparalleled collection of writing tools and resources. From character development worksheets and plot structure guides to brainstorming prompts and writing exercises, this platform offers a wealth of resources to help you hone your craft and overcome any writing challenge that comes your way.
3.  Milanote
With Milanote, organizing your thoughts has never been easier. Whether you're plotting out your next novel, storyboarding a film, or brainstorming ideas for your next project, Milanote's intuitive interface and versatile features make it a breeze to bring your ideas to life.
But Milanote isn't just about organization – it's about inspiration, too. Dive into Milanote's vast collection of templates, images, and resources, curated to spark your creativity and fuel your passion for storytelling.
And let's not forget about collaboration. With Milanote, you can seamlessly collaborate with fellow writers, sharing ideas, giving feedback, and working together to bring your collective vision to life. Let me know if you'd like to collab! 
4. Inkarnate
Whether you're a fantasy author crafting intricate realms, a sci-fi writer mapping out distant galaxies, or a historical fiction enthusiast recreating the past, Inkarnate is your ultimate tool for world-building.
With Inkarnate's powerful mapping tools and customizable features, creating stunning and detailed maps has never been easier. From sprawling continents to intricate cityscapes, Inkarnate allows you to bring every aspect of your world to life with breathtaking detail and precision.
But Inkarnate isn't just about maps – it's about storytelling. Dive into Inkarnate's vast library of assets, from characters and creatures to landmarks and landscapes, and use them to enrich your world and enhance your storytelling.
5. World Anvil
With World Anvil's array of interactive tools and features, you can meticulously craft every detail of your world, from its geography and history to its cultures and languages. Whether you're creating a sprawling fantasy realm, a dystopian future, or an alternate historical timeline, World Anvil provides the tools you need to breathe life into your creations.
But World Anvil is more than just a repository for world-building information. It's a platform for storytelling, collaboration, and engagement. Share your world with readers, invite them to explore its intricacies, and immerse them in the rich tapestry of your imagination
6.  Scrivener
At its core, Scrivener is a comprehensive writing software designed to meet the unique needs of authors, screenwriters, academics, and more. With its flexible interface and robust features, Scrivener allows you to organize your thoughts, structure your writing, and bring your ideas to life with ease.
One of Scrivener's standout features is its ability to break down your writing into manageable chunks, or "scrivenings," making it easy to focus on individual scenes, chapters, or sections of your manuscript. With its intuitive corkboard and outlining tools, you can visualize your project's structure and rearrange it on the fly.
But Scrivener is more than just a writing tool – it's a creative hub where ideas flourish and projects take shape. With its built-in research capabilities, you can keep all your notes, references, and inspiration in one place, ensuring that nothing gets lost in the shuffle.
7. Dabble
One of Dabble's standout features is its seamless integration of plotting, outlining, and writing tools. Whether you're a die-hard plotter or a pantser at heart, Dabble has the flexibility to accommodate your preferred writing style, allowing you to create detailed outlines, jot down notes, and dive into writing whenever inspiration strikes.
But Dabble is more than just a writing tool – it's a community of writers united by their love of storytelling and their commitment to helping each other succeed. Here, you'll find support, encouragement, and invaluable feedback as you navigate the ups and downs of the writing process.
With Dabble's cloud-based platform, you can access your work from anywhere, on any device, ensuring that your novel is always at your fingertips, whether you're at home, at work, or on the go.
8. Literature Map 
Literature Map is a visual mapping tool that helps you discover new authors and books based on your literary preferences. Whether you're a fan of classic literature, contemporary fiction, or niche genres, Literature Map provides personalized recommendations to help you expand your reading horizons.
Using Literature Map is as easy as typing in the name of an author you love. Instantly, a constellation of related authors appears, each connected by their thematic, stylistic, or genre similarities. From there, you can explore new authors, discover hidden gems, and embark on new reading adventures with confidence.
But Literature Map is more than just a recommendation engine – it's a gateway to a world of literary exploration and discovery. Here, you'll find a community of fellow book lovers, eager to share their favorite authors, discuss their latest reads, and connect with like-minded readers from around the globe.
That concludes our exploration of the 10 essential websites every author should know in 2024. May these tools and resources empower you on your writing journey, from the spark of inspiration to the final flourish of your manuscript. Happy writing, and may your creativity know no bounds!
I hope this blog on Ten Websites Every Author Should Know In 2024 will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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subliminalbo · 18 days
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The Pleasure Method
This is a continuation of Return to Office
It was simply dumb luck that Futurum had stumbled upon their newest tech. The Conditioning Initiative was a success, but its limitations were beginning to show. If the goal was to create the perfect workplace free from distractions or inefficiencies, they needed their employees to embrace the Initiative in every phase of their lives. This was how R&D shifted to The Pleasure Method.
The Pleasure Method was reversed engineered from hardware discovered in the basement of a sorority house near the campus of Carpenter State University. The program was a sophisticated set of stimulants delivered through a pair of noise canceling headphones and a VR headset. Futurum recovered a treasure trove of hypnotic audio and video files from a hard drive in the basement, but the files themselves weren't fundamentally different from what Futurum had achieved with The Conditioning Initiative. What really fascinated researchers were the testimonies culled from members of that sorority.
The power of sexual stimulation in subverting a subject's will had been documented in the past, but Futurum's interest was in testing its absolute limits. In their deprogramming, the sorority sisters who were rescued from the Alphas house recalled being hypnotized and fucked senselessly. Deprived of sight and sound from the headphones and visor, there was nothing left to focus on but the feeling of hands on flesh, teeth grazing nipples, tongues rolling along clits, and slick, thick silicone cocks penetrating as deep as they could go. The sorority sisters were programmed to desire only this feeling, and after several hours of unceasing stimulation they would do everything in their waking minds to feel that level of pleasure again. They would even obey.
Futurum built their own program from the Alphas' testimonies. The Pleasure Method was a more sophisticated apparatus than the crude setup recovered in the Alphas basement. R&D had long rooms filled with rows of examination chairs where subjects were strapped in and treated to days—not simply hours, but days—worth of sexual stimulation. Mechanical arms loomed above every chair in these R&D rooms. The whole area was called a Pleasure Station. The arms were bolted to the ceiling and were fitted with long, motorized silicone rods for vaginal or anal penetration. Regular electric shocks were delivered through a subject's nipples to maximize the body's capacity for pleasure.
All of this was conducted under deep hypnosis. Audio files droned reinforcing messages of submission in a subject's ears while a visor lowered over the eyes ensured that the subject remained entranced with synchronized light displays. Subjects were fed intravenously so that they could remain under The Pleasure Method for days.
The end results were a monumental step forward from the simple subliminal messaging of the first phase of The Conditioning Initiative. The Pleasure Method had been one hundred percent successful in shaping Futurum employees into re-writable worker drones.
The applications were endless. The efficiency crisis that had plagued workplaces since the pandemic wouldn't just be solved, Futurum could guarantee that no energy would ever be wasted in an office or a factory or a boardroom ever again. The future of work was mental conditioning, and the key was sexual pleasure.
You would be hard pressed to find a better example of this than No. 14. Formerly known as Shelby Irving, No. 14 was a graduate student at Carpenter State University who had worked on the initial stages of The Conditioning Initiative as part of a summer job program. When No. 14 returned the following year, she dutifully submitted herself for processing at a Pleasure Station. Though technically still a student at CSU, No. 14 accepted a full time job as a researcher in Futurum R&D, assisting in the processing of new subjects. Despite balancing two full time jobs, the new perspective afforded to No. 14 by her conditioning made her exceedingly efficient and she felt no difficulty in transitioning between both worlds every day.
Sometimes No. 14's worlds would collide, like when she was tasked with processing a new recruit who studied in the same rhetoric program at the school. On Shelby's recommendation, Josie had applied for the summer work program. By the time she stood naked before a Pleasure Station, she had undergone hypnotic conditioning through Futurum's new on-boarding program. That conditioning began to slip when Josie was strapped into the chair and No. 14 inserted the IV into her arm.
"Shelby?" Josie squeaked. She awoke to the sound of a dozen subjects undergoing their own processing. The subjects' thoughtless moans filled her ears like a ghoulish chant.
It wasn't uncommon for a subject's conditioning to fail during preparation. This only proved the need for a more permanent solution to The Conditioning Initiative.
"Shelby, please!" Josie begged, but there was no recognition in No. 14's eyes. "Oh, god!" she cried as the mechanical arm dropped down from the ceiling. The longest dildo she had seen in her life was just inches from her pussy. "What is that?"
"It is advisable that you remain relaxed through the preparation process," No. 14 instructed. As her glassy eyes floated from the terrified expression on Josie's face to the mechanical arm in front of her, they lingered on Josie's soft, round tits jiggling with each sob. A subtle, nearly imperceptible twitch of No. 14's eye displayed a potential hiccup in The Pleasure Method: that subjects could be molded and trained, but an increased desire for sexual satisfaction could take them at any minute. This time, however, the desire passed, and No. 14 continued with her programmed duties.
"Subjects find the pleasure distributor to be extremely arousing," No. 14 explained. "It will be a pleasant experience for you."
"Fuck you, Shelby!" Josie cried. She pulled hard at her restraints, but she couldn't shake the straps free.
When Josie knew that she couldn't find her way out, she tried to appeal to the friend that she knew from school.
"Shelby, please," she pleaded again. "You have to fight this! Whatever they've done to you. I know you're in there. I know you're still you."
But No. 14 was unmoved by Josie's pleas. She slipped the noise cancelling headphones over her ears and lowered the visor plate over her eyes, a neon glow illuminating along the rim of the visor as the program took effect. Josie released a sharp, surprised gasp when the pleasure distributor entered her pussy. It started with slow thrusts and picked up speed as her pussy responded with more lubrication.
Josie's pleas quickly softened until there was nothing left but a hungry moan that was indistinguishable from the rest of the noise in the R&D room, Josie's voice becoming another part of the chant.
No. 14 was practically dripping as she watched Josie become No. 500. With that same little twitch of the eye, she came. It washed over her so silently that an observer would never know the level of pleasure firing off all over No. 14's body.
If No. 14 had a thought left in her head, it may have been that she fucking loved this job.
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Avaloketishvara with the thousand arms / hands is one of the most known bodhisattvas.
In the vast realm of Mahayana Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara emerges as a beacon of compassion, a celestial figure celebrated across diverse cultures. This intricate exploration embarks on an odyssey through the layers of Avalokiteshvara's essence, unraveling the origins, various interpretations, and the profound symbolism encapsulated in the Thousand Arms manifestation.
Essence of Avalokiteshvara Avalokiteshvara, the compassionate Bodhisattva, embodies the very essence of Karuna—a boundless commitment to alleviating the suffering of all sentient beings. As we embark on this journey, envision Avalokiteshvara's form, standing as the earthly manifestation of the eternal Amitabha Buddha. His compassionate gaze spans the cosmos as he guards and protects the world during pivotal transitions, such as the departure of Lord Buddha and the anticipated appearance of the future Buddha, Maitreya.
Interpretations of Avalokiteshvara: The name "Avalokiteshvara" is not a mere label but a doorway to myriad interpretations. It resonates as "the lord who looks in every direction," reflecting his all-encompassing compassion. Yet, as we traverse cultural landscapes, his name transforms—becoming "Spyan-ras gzigs" in the lofty terrains of Tibet, "Nidü-ber üjegi" echoing in the vast Mongolian steppes, and "Lokeshvara," reverberating through the temples of Indochina and Thailand.
Origin in Mahayana Buddhism Within the embrace of Mahayana Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara emerges as a central figure—a Bodhisattva of profound significance. Dive into the core teachings as Avalokiteshvara, with unwavering resolve, vows to assist those in the throes of adversity. A pivotal decision unfolds as he postpones his own Buddhahood, choosing the arduous path of the Bodhisattva for the sake of sentient beings. The Mahayana Sutras, sacred scriptures revered in the Mahayana tradition, unfold a tapestry of wisdom surrounding Avalokiteshvara.
The Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Pundarika Sutra): Amidst the vast literature of Mahayana Buddhism, The Lotus Sutra emerges as a treasure trove of teachings. Avalokiteshvara takes center stage within its verses—a compassionate Bodhisattva, depicted with profound care for sentient beings.
Tibetan Tradition Avalokiteshvara's narrative takes on hues of mysticism and devotion in the highlands of Tibetan tradition. Delve into tales that weave dual origins—one from the heart of a compassionate monk and the other as the universal manifestation of the compassion of all Buddhas. Each story, a brushstroke on the canvas of Tibetan spirituality, adds layers to Avalokiteshvara's celestial portrait.
Thousand Arms Avalokiteshvara As we stand on the precipice of profound transformation, Avalokiteshvara's vow reverberates: "Should He Ever become disheartened in saving sentient beings, may his body shatter into a thousand pieces." Witness the symbolic metamorphosis as Avalokiteshvara becomes the Thousand Arms Bodhisattva—a visual symphony of overwhelming compassion and unwavering determination.
Symbolism and Miraculous Transformation: Marvel at the symbolism encapsulated in Avalokiteshvara's Thousand Arms and Heads. Amitabha Buddha, witness to the Bodhisattva's unwavering commitment, grants a divine intervention. Eleven shattered heads are replaced, not merely for aesthetics but as instruments to hear the cries and pleas of suffering beings. Thousand-fold arms unfold, not as a display of power but as a manifestation of compassion—reaching out to touch, heal, and uplift.
Mantras for Spiritual Connection In the sacred realm of spiritual practice, mantras serve as resonant chords connecting devotees with the divine. Here, we explore the melodic nuances of mantras associated with Avalokiteshvara, each a celestial invocation fostering a profound connection.
Notable Mantras:
O Mai Padme H: Within the cadence of this six-syllable mantra, Avalokiteshvara's compassion echoes through the chambers of Tibetan monasteries, a harmonious call to enlightenment.
Nama Saptn Samyaksabuddha Kon Tadyath o cale cule cunde svh: In the intricate brushstrokes of Shingon Buddhism, practitioners intone this mantra, unlocking layers of mystical significance.
On Arurikya Sowaka: The resonance of this mantra within the Shingon tradition unfolds like a sacred dance, each syllable invoking Avalokiteshvara's benevolent presence.
Namah Srimadavalokitesvaraya: Across the serene landscapes of Himal Pradesh, India, devotees chant this mantra, seeking solace in the compassionate embrace of Avalokiteshvara.
1000 Armed Chenrezig Avalokiteshvara Thangka
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idiots-assembled · 1 month
Fane will be hosting another event with the Ghosts crew on Friday 25th October at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane in London:
Calling all Ghosts fans! For one night only, float into this ghoulishly entertaining evening to celebrate the release of Ghosts: Brought to Life, the official behind-the-scenes companion book to the hit BBC sitcom.  Live on stage, the show’s beloved creators - Laurence Rickard, Martha Howe-Douglas, Mathew Baynton, Jim Howick, plus a further special guest host to be announced—will share a treasure trove of stories, memories, and secrets to fill the Ghosts-shaped hole in your life.   Hear from the iconic team as they uncover what it was like to write, film, and star in the beloved series. Discover everything from the ghostly art of walking through walls to the epic saga of how long it took to do Robin’s makeup, who swiped what from the set to the cast’s favourite moments on set.   Experience the magic first hand and bring your family along for a ‘pretteh spookeh’ evening packed with laughter, nostalgia, and a chance to get up close and personal with the ghosts of Button House.  For those who are unable to attend the live show, the event will be live streamed via Fane Online. Worldwide viewing is available and the stream will be available for one week on demand after the initial broadcast, so you can watch at anytime if the initial broadcast time doesn't suit your timezone.
Tickets go on sale to Friends of Fane on Thursday 15 August at 10am and on general sale on Friday 16 August at 10am.
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jamlessjj · 1 month
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Hey team (I say as I make prolonged eye contact with my U2 mutuals) so while I was on a road trip a few weeks ago I chanced upon a record store that had an absolute treasure trove of old magazines and managed to find these gems. Would you all like me to post some scans of the articles and/or covers? Here is a list of what's pictured. If any of these strike your fancy, lemme know:
U2's Propaganda, Issue 15, Winter 1991/2: A special edition that focuses on the release and making of Achtung Baby. Its contents are very campy design-wise with a cool arts and crafts type of vibe. Lots of photos from the late 80s and early 90s, at least half of which I hadn't seen before. Contents include an Achtung Baby scrapbook, an article detailing the making of "The Fly" music video, and an article about the process behind designing the Achtung Baby album cover.
U2's Propaganda, Issue 16, Spring 1992: A pretty text-heavy issue with a well-rounded bunch of articles in terms of topics. The entire first half of the issue is dedicated to coverage of preparation for the Zoo TV tour, focuses on the band as well as artists and others involved in various aspects of the tour. This article's look is giving "graphic design is my passion" in the best way possible. There's also an interview with Brain Eno, an article on the spoof tribute band "The Joshua Trio," and a report on the Negativland thing that happened.
U2's Propaganda, Issue 17, Winter 1992/3: Its cover story, "Sixty Nine Things You May Not Have Known About Life in the Zoo," is a rapid-fire and visually immersive list of happenings from the Zoo TV tour. Big photos of the band and the staging, including some of Bono in the foregone but never forgotten red version of The Fly costume. This issue also focuses on fan content, with a mailbag section and some stuff about various fanzines.
Rolling Stone, Issue 761, May 29, 1997: Pop-era U2 on the cover, looking extra cool. The article is titled "The Wizards of Pop." I haven't read all the way through this article, but this is the premise we're given: "Who are those men behind the curtain? It's Bono! The Edge! Adam Clayton! Larry Mullen Jr.! On the eve of their supergiant '97 world tour, U2 reveal the heart inside their consumer-nightmare machine." A couple of neat photos, too.
Rolling Stone, Issue 986, November 3, 2005: Bono on the cover, and a suuuuuper long interview with him, like, including photos, this thing is about 16 pages long with a teeny tiny font size. I've only skimmed the text but the whole thing seems to have a relatively down-to-earth vibe, which the photographs compliment well. Pretty biographical, based on what I've seen it vaguely reminds me of Bono's Surrender. Found this quote while skimming and I like it a lot: "I've always had these melodies in my head. If I'm beside a piano, I put my finger on a key. I hear a rhyme."
Rolling Stone, Issue 1074, March 19, 2009: U2 on the cover, shot in a way that seems to call back to their cover on the aforementioned 1997 issue. Published around the release of No Line on the Horizon, this is definitely more of a journalism piece as far as I can tell, rather than an interview piece. I like how this article is laid out visually. Focuses on the process of creating and recording NLOTH, and includes some photos of the band working on the album. Also, eyeliner Bono. Dude absolutely dominates one of the pages.
Spin, Volume 4 Number 10, January 1989: A brooding and melancholic Bono on the cover. I enjoy the cover's visual and emotional drama, and its mythical quality definitely goes hand in hand with the corresponding article. After getting past three ads for a multitude of cigarette brands, including one with a pop-up fish holding up a supposedly irresistible offer for a pack of Salems, you'll find an article titled, "Hating U2," with the premise, "U2 set out to become the biggest band in the world. Now they're fighting to avoid being crushed by their own myth." The magazine's overall minimalistic look matches well with how U2 was publicly perceived at the time. Again, haven't read the article in depth, but I think it's the one I look forward to reading to most. Seems to deliver a considerate/compassionate and entertaining look at celebrity, and the tensions between fame and music making, all in relation to Rattle and Hum. Includes some photos that when viewed in the article's context, totally showcase a tension between the mythicism of celebrity and ordinary personhood. Three out of the four photos were new to me.
I'm sure digital versions exist for some of these articles already. I at least know you can find some past Rolling Stone articles and interviews online. But still, I think there's something to be said about the original physical versions with all the photos, design choices, and whatnot. As a younger person, I find these physical copies especially valuable, as they're like primary sources that allow me to better connect with a time I didn't get to live through personally.
I'll probably have lots more to say about each of these at some point in the future, but in the meantime, I'd be happy to post scans if anyone so desires!
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Unusual and beautiful barn redo in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire UK has exposed brick walls, rough-hewn reclaimed wood and some steel to become an industrial treasure trove.
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Walk across the small footbridge to enter the upper level and the modern rustic kitchen. Isn’t this a cozy part of the barn?
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Through combination window/skylights in the low roof, you can see the garden from the kitchen table.
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I love how the blue floor makes it pop. Next to the old chimney you can see the stairs leading to the main floor.
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Industrial salvage metal stairs come down a vintage brick wall to the main floor living room. 
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In the modern living room, an art piece fireplace takes center stage in front of a large paned window.
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Beautiful beamed ceiling and brick wall in the main bd. Glass floor-to-ceiling windows and doors to the garden let in light and give the impression of being outdoors.
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A big copper tub is at the foot of the bed and in front of the windows.
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This room truly looks like an old barn, yet it’s so cozy and modern.
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Down a hall lit by gorgeous copper industrial lamps, is a vintage water closet.
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Smaller 2nd bd. has a brick feature wall and window that lets in lots of natural light.
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3rd bedroom is just as lovely. 
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Then come 2 children’s bedrooms in brighter style, like this one with twin beds.
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And, this very cool room with an aircraft theme. 
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A small outbuilding w/a sitting room gives access to the yard, as well as shelter from the elements.
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Beautifully redone property.
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Staged really is a treasure trove of DT's furniture antics
Thank you @birdandcatlover!
I welcome any and all tags and submissions of David and his truly unique relationship with furniture
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retronator · 1 year
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I never played Karateka in the 80s, but as a big fan of Prince of Persia and Jordan Mechner's journals, I was stoked to hear that an interactive documentary about Jordan's prototypical cinematic platformer was in the works by Digital Eclipse.
Released this week, The Making of Karateka on the surface looks like any other game you buy through Steam ($20, Windows-only), GOG, or whichever favorite store or console you prefer (available also for Xbox, PS4/5, Switch). Once the thing loads though, you really get 3 things: a documentary, the original Karateka, and a new remaster.
The documentary part is an audio-visual slideshow retelling Jordan's development story starting with his teenage years pitching his earlier title Deathbounce to the publishing house Brøderbund. It's an interesting look into the iterative process, seen through correspondence letters, journal entries, and many playable builds at various stages of completion. After we reach the eventual rejection of that title, Jordan comes back with a prototype of a visual-narrative experience unseen on home computers. We get to follow Karateka's full life cycle from pre- to post-production, ending with the conception of its sequel (which eventually turned into Prince of Persia). It's a real treasure trove! Fellow pixel artists will appreciate the many graph-paper sketches and interactive overlays of final game sprites compared to rotoscoped outlines and filmed footage. There are also video segments, from a comprehensive breakdown of the music to interviews with other developers reflecting on the impact Jordan's games had on their careers. You'll even encounter a fan letter signed by the one and only "John Romero, Disciple of the Great Jordan and worshipper of the Magnificent Mechner!" (I kid you not, you can't make this stuff up).
Perhaps just as crucial for an interactive documentary like this, you can launch any of the floppy disks in the emulator, trying out various iterations and ports of Karateka.
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The emulation is fantastic and lets you fiddle with display settings (monochrome or color display, scanlines, pixel perfect or zoomed) as well as enhance the frame rate. You can even rewind the many deaths you will face if you've never played the game before (like me). If you spend some more time obsessing over the weird artifacts of the Apple II hi-res graphics, you might even go down the rabbit hole of realizing that on the Apple II you didn't really paint colors as much as you used different monochrome dithering patterns that the graphics display would then turn into 4 different hues. A fascinating learning experience if you include some of your own research online!
Add to this the Commodore 64 and the Atari 8-bit versions to compare how the graphics got adapted across the earlier ports and you have a nice way to relieve the mid-80s with a bit of help from modern emulation (I did beat the C64 version without rewinding though!). I'd love to see more art from the other remakes, especially the 16-bit Atari ST port, but I understand their decision to omit playable versions of those due to the lower quality on the gameplay side of the translations.
This brings us to the final part of the package, the modern remaster. Unlike the 2012 complete reimagining of the game (with 3D graphics and all), Digital Eclipse approached the remake as the ultimate port of the original to an imaginary system along the lines of a 90s VGA PC.
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It's well done. Some of the fully-redrawn scenes are a bit overpainted for my taste (I'd prefer a pixel art rendition of the castle than a blurry photographic collage, although there were many games in the 90s that did take this approach), but the in-game graphics are really in style, including the smooth animations that are like one would imagine granted a beefier CPU. It's also a sort of director's cut with previously unseen scenes added, in particular, the battle with the leopard as a clever action-puzzle in the middle. The AI is unfortunately even less challenging than Jordan's implementation. As great as the 6-move fighting system could have been, you yet again resort to simply kicking away opponents as they tirelessly crawl into your range. There isn't even the nuance from the original where you were the one who had to approach some enemies with skilled timing. On the other hand, you now have optional goals and achievements that make the repetitive/easy combat work in your favor (stringing various combos, beating opponents or the level under a time limit …). As the Digital Eclipse president Mike Mika admits at the end of the welcome commentary mode, they didn't manage to achieve their perfect port, but they did come close.
In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed playing both the original as well as the remake and while the combat system lacks any sort of depth beneath its stunning animations, Karateka is instead a monumental experience for its presentation. Big characters with personality and realistic motion are displayed through cinematic camera cuts and story vignettes (3 years before Ron Gilbert came up with the word "cutscene"). There are details like animating the unfortunate falling off the cliff at the start of the game, or respectfully bowing to the first guard as they bow in return. Jordan's creative work is precious and worth the attention this release gifts it.
I highly recommend The Making of Karateka to all retro gamers and/or game developers for its immersive documentation which provides an experience that goes beyond the usual video documentaries. It's interactive—just like the subject it's talking about—something I want to see more in the future. And if the $20 by any chance seems high to you, consider that the original retailed at $35 (and that was in 1984 dollars).
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