#stare at a white wall instead it's more fun
bobbinalong · 7 months
i just cannot stand the way bendis writes. if 40% of the page is covered in speech bubbles, maybe cut down the fucking dialogue, dear god
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enwoso · 1 month
Lovie having an even worse day than the grump story and hitting Vic pelova and having an all mighty meltdown
TINY TEMPER — alessia russo x child!reader
a long one🙃 got a little carried away when i was writing this, but ENJOY!
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grumpy masterlist
travelling was tiring for the average person. travelling to the other side of the world was exhausting. travelling to the other side of the world at the age of four was anything but tiring, until it hits you like a brick wall that is.
alessia knew this would happen. she's tried so hard for it not to happen but when your so little and you get to do exciting things there's no containing your energy.
but it was now officially day two of arsenals post season trip to melbourne and you were past the point of tired.
when the flight landed at seven am yesterday morning you were fast asleep, alessia not thinking anything of it. more thanking her lucky stars she was going to be able to get through customs a little quicker without having to have eyes in back of her head in case you decided to bolt. something you'd done on the layover finding it the funniest game ever.
however, alessia wished she could have gone back in time and told herself to wake you up instead of just trying to make things easier for herself as when it came to bed time last night you had more energy than a duracell battery meaning you didn't exactly have the longest night sleep.
but hey you were four and had no concept of time never mind time zones..
"oh did someone not have a good night sleep?" steph giggled slightly as you sat at the breakfast table with your arms on it as your head rested on them an almighty frown on your face.
"who you asking tiny or less?" kyra teased as alessia glared at the young australian a cup of coffee secured tightly in her hands. steph slapping kyra on the shoulder also giving the girl a warning glare. your mummy placing a bowl of cereal in front of you and a bowl of fruit next to it.
you would usually start digging into it but not today, instead you pushed it as far as you could away from you. not wanting it anywhere close to you. pushing it until it hit steph's plate as she was the one who was sat in front of you.
"lovie, don't do that please" alessia said firmly as she pulled your bowl back to be in front of you. you huffing as you turned your head away from the bowl.
"i never thought i would see the day tiny not eating her coco pops!" kyra tried as you gave her a cold stare. you didn't want to eat them, you wanted to sleep but every time you closed your eyes mummy was tapping you on the shoulder waking you up.
"you'll have to be quick, otherwise they'll go all soggy and yucky-" kyra tried again, usually you would listen to kyra as she helped you create some fun when everyone else was being all dull and serious.
"just leave her kyra, she's not gonna eat them" alessia sighed as she watched you turn so you were sat on the on edge of your chair, kicking your legs back and forth. your white crocs which were on your feet close to coming off.
you swinging your feet further and further until your crocs flew off you feet. them being very close to landing on the table next to you. where katie, cailtlin and teyah were sat talking and eating their breakfast.
"ay whose little croc is this" katie's thick irish accent coming out as she picked up your croc, sending you a pointed smile. you giving katie a frown in return as you went back to swinging your legs back and forth.
"do you want it back?" katie had got up and walked the few steps handing your croc back to you but you just ignoring her as katie looked up at alessia who was shaking her head telling the irish girl a no. katie giving a nod understanding you clearly weren't in the mood.
"i'll just give it to your ma" katie nodded to alessia handing your shoe over as alessia mumbled a small thank you as katie returned back to her seat.
alsssia was exhausted already and the day had nearly just begun and that wasn’t due to jet lag although it probably played a big factor but from the fact she knew she was in for a day from hell with you and your grumpy mood.
you come out your shell a little, playing around with vic in a soft play area that the hotel had, most of the girls had been told to chill before it was time for meetings.
alessia was a little more content knowing you were playing with vic, although she would have preferred it more if you’d had a nap but you were having none of that when the idea was suggested.
so alessia sat in the little cafe next to it doing some uni work. her eyes glancing over every so often to where you and vic were. vic admittedly looking like she was having way more fun in the small play area sitting in a ball pit filled with colourful plastic balls.
you were sat playing with building blocks, building them as high as you could before barrelling most definitely a little too aggressively your foot in the bottom of it watching it tumble before restarting.
“vic me wan that one!” you pointed to another little boy who was in the play area on the other side playing with what looked to be his younger brother, as he also was building a tower with other coloured blocks.
“no tiny, you can’t right now someone else is playing with it” vic smiled gently as she picked up another ball in the ball in the ball pit.
“me wan that one!” you demanded a little louder this time, looking over to the little boy as you glared at vic who was starting to get a little uncomfortable as she didn’t exactly know how to respond or handle the situation which in her eyes looked like it wasn’t going to end with your usual cheesy grin.
“tiny you’ll have to wait your turn.. why don’t you play in the ball pit with me” vic tried, hoping it would help for you to forget about the building blocks.
unfortunately for vic it couldn’t be that easy, you instead shaking your head totally uninterested in the ball pit that was filled with colourful plastic balls.
instead you got yourself up from where you’d been sat, vic seeing you were making a beeline for the little boy. in a blink of an eye vic was up out of the ball pit, colourful balls flying out the pit as she lifted you up just inches away from the little boy.
you letting out an angry scream you began to kick your legs into viv’s body as well as flaying your arms around. what vic hadn’t realised is that there was a building block still in your hand and with your arms flaying around, the block hit vic straight in the eye.
the scream alone was enough to catch alessia’s attention as she shot up leaving her uni work, seeing your temper tantrums finally happen. quickly getting to vic’s rescue you were taken out of vic’s arms as you carry on kicking your legs and screaming just this time on the floor.
alessia quickly asking is vic was okay, the dutch girl flashing a smile and nodding her head. her eyes watering a little bit in all she was in fact okay.
alessia’s attention moved to you, as you were still on the floor of the hotel. screaming and crying while you kicked you legs out in pure frustration. alessia could sense the other guests wondering the hotel where staring at the scene that was happening.
alessia trying to pick you up by your hand but you were having none of it, just letting your entire body go limp. to the point where alessia’s patience had worn and she had to pick you up.
"tiny temper strikes!" kyra says with a proud smile, as the others look at her with a pointed look, totally unimpressed.
"you've been waiting ages to say that haven't you-" steph asks as kyra nodded her head enthusiastically watching on as you pull a tantrum in the middle of the hotel lobby. your over tiredness really kicking in.
"that's a singer you tool!" katie laughs at the young australian as the others look on, kyra sat with a confused look.
"what, no it's not" kyra shakes her head not understanding what katie was saying as it breaks katie into another fit of laughter, caitlin hitting katie on the shoulder for her to quieten down.
“katie your thinking of tinie tempeh” steph corrected the irish girl as katie rolled her eyes playfully, “same thing”
alessia managed to get you back to the room, where your sobs had quietened down as you face was now stained with tears as the occasional sniffle came from you.
you had been sat on your own for the past minutes, your mummy giving you the space you clearly needed before trying to talk to you. alessia had tried to talk to you but you just kept moving your head away from her every time she spoke.
“lovie?” your mummy said calmly, as she stood a few inches away from you. alessia was upset with your behaviour but she also knew it wasn’t entirely your fault as you were only acting this way because you were overly tired and overwhelmed. but still it was so excuse.
you glanced over to your mummy as you came a little closer, sniffles still coming from you. your mummy bending down so that she matched your height as you sat on the end of the bed.
“now y/n you understand that what you did to vic wasn’t very kind?”your mummy spoke in a serious which told you she was disappointed in you, you bowing your head so you just looked at your feet, a little hiccup coming from you from spending twenty minutes sobbing.
“you could have really hurt her or yourself with how you were acting” your mummy continued as you still were looking down at you socks and the patterns that were on them.
“do you understand where mummy is coming from?” she asked as you nodded slightly, you understood that what you had done was wrong and you didn’t feel a little upset with yourself for the way you had acted.
"how uncle gio would think if he saw you acting like this?" your mummy asked as you shrugged your shoulder, slightly confused as to why she was bringing up gio he wasn't even here, you hadn't seen him in person since christmas just before he set off on his big adventure around the world.
you shrugged, "uncle gio not here though"
"well he was coming to see you but i don't think he'll want to now especially if you being not very kind" alessia told you as you lifted your head a little. uncle gio was here, how?
“m’sorry” you mumbled under your breath, still looking at your feet.
“i know you are lovie, but when we see vic next i would like you to apologise to her, can you do that for me?” your mummy asked as you looked up from you feet and nodded a small squeak of a yes coming from you as you nodded.
“good, now lovie i want you to promise if you ever get any big feelings that you don’t know what to do. i want you to tell me and mummy can help you” your mummy told you as you slides down from the bed and hugged your mum. alessia’s arms going around you tiny waist tightly as she stroked her hand up and down your back just like she always did.
“can i make a card for vic to say sorry?” you asked quietly, as you mummy flashed a small smile before nodding.
“i think that would be a lovely idea lovie! i’ll get your pens from the suitcases”
you had spent all your time in the afternoon while your mummy trained making vic a card, drawing yourself on it with vic and all of her favourite things — that you could remember that is.
you wanted it to be perfect, and after training you asked your mummy to help you write what you wanted in it.
your mummy writing it while you told her what to write. you making sure to add your own little personalisation into it.
vic was one of the last ones out of training, having went to make a trip to see the physio. just to get a ice pack for the small bruise you had given her on the side of her eye,
your mummy had told you to leave it on her bag, so you doing as you were told you did just that.
mummy was in a strange hurry to leave training you weren’t quite sure why, but you did as you were told. putting your shoes and jumper on when asked before holding tightly onto your mummy’s hand. saying bye to couple of arsenal girls that had managed to get back to the changing room.
your mummy lead you to the front of where you had been training, stopping in the front lobby. as you looked up and asked why.
“just waiting for a second lovie, then we can go on a walk” your mummy smiled as she looked around the lobby.
“can we go to the park?” you asked with hopeful smile, you had seen one on the coach on the way to the hotel and it looked pretty cool and had things you hadn’t seen in the park near your house in london.
“maybe, we’ll see” mummy said quickly as you frowned a little. you hated when people older than you would respond to you with that as it usually meant no, and that was no fun to you.
but the frown was quickly turned around into a smile as your mummy pointed to someone coming around the corner, you gasped as you realised just who it was.
"uncle gio!" you called out excitedly as he lifted you up in the air, throwing you slightly as giggles escaped you as he caught you. your mummy stood recording the whole interaction.
"hey kiddo, you've gotten so big since i last saw you!" gio smiled as you nodded proudly starting to babble how you'd grown and show him how much with your hands.
"i heard you've been causing some trouble!" gio whispered as you gave him a blank smile back, moving your head to face your mummy who's eyebrows were raised.
"i think we are still adjusting to the new time zone in australia, but still we've had a little chat and tomorrows a new day isn't it lovie!" alessia have you a small smile as you nodded your head before resting it on gio's shoulder.
your mummy and your uncle gio began to talk as gio carried you walked through the streets of melbourne. your mummy claiming she wanted to go shopping as you felt comfort in your uncles arms, pointing things out as he gave you a reassuring nod and smile.
but before you had even got to the first shop, you had fell into a trap of dreams. your eyes had felt heavy when walking past a cute little coffee shop but that's the last thing you remember before your eyes, which had felt heavy since the moment you woke up, closed.
"wait- what how on earth have you done that..." your mummy stopped before entering the first shop, noticing you had fallen asleep, something she had been trying all day to get you to have a short nap.
"done what?" gio looked at alessia with a confused look not quite sure what she meant. he hadn't done anything except walk along the streets with you in his arms.
"got her to sleep!"
"cause i'm an amazing uncle duh!" gio laughed once he realised, alessia shaking her head at her older brothers cockiness.
"well she's got half an hour for a nap, you can be in charge of waking her up" alessia smiled sarcastically before continuing.
"and with those amazing uncle skills i’m sure you'll have no problem with lovie's grumpiness when you have to wake her up" alessia continued, the same smile still plastered on her face as she tapped her brother on the back before leaving him to go and look in a shop.
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liked by leahwilliamson and 839,065 others
alessia eventful few days😅 tiny on tour continues🛫🧳🦘
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hot physiotherapist | j.potter
SUMMARY, james has a rugby accident and has to take physiotherapy - he’s pretty down about, but all that depressions forgotten as soon as he sees you, his physiotherapist. why had he not done this sooner?
James Potter was miserable.
A very odd occurrence, although it did happen (evidently). He was pouting the whole way as Remus drove them to the physiotherapists, Sirius was giggling to himself in the backseat the whole time—Remus, ever the angel he was, tried to cheer James up by giving him complete control over the music in the car and even greeting him with his coffee order and a chocolate croissant.
James was still miserable.
“Have fun, darling boy!” Sirius chirped out the window as James got out of the car, “try not to break any bones on your way in. God forbid you need physiotherapy.”
He burst out into borderline manic cackles and fell down completely into the row of backseats, never one to wear his seatbelt as he hated being constricted—James glared with upmost venom and hatred at the backseat windows, Tarzan looking cunt.
“I hope everything goes well.” Remus’ voiced gently, shooting his boyfriend a blank stare even as he tried to stop his own amusement. “D’ya want me to fetch you any food or anything for you when you come out?”
“No. Thanks.”
Remus winced.
James was still miserable.
He trotted his way indoors, cursing inside his head at the shooting pains all up his back and his hips, with the largest pout there ever was he made his way over to the reception and told them who he was—why he was here, before behind asked to take a seat in one of the rooms where he would be joined shortly by the physiotherapist.
He sat, frowning at the large room with equipment and soft turquoise coloured walls for a short about of time and then the door opened.
And then his world stopped.
In you stepped. . your hair was tugged into a low ponytail, front strands out of the pony to frame your face. He had died, he was certain. Your skin looked so soft, the beaming white lights giving you the most heavenly glow, he was sure you were an actual angel. Your eyes gleamed beautifully, and he was lost in the exact shade of them—trying to pinpoint every little detail and speck of colour. Your lips were pulled into such a fucking lovely smile, he could’ve melted (he did melt). Even from where you stood in the door, he was greeted in the pleasant aroma of your perfume and he felt like he was floating.
Your mouth was open—oh my god he was missing an opportunity to hear your voice—wait, what had you been saying. Balls.
Double balls.
Your beautiful smile didn’t even waver in the slightest, though, amusement weaved it’s way into your eyes and created a mesmerising pattern into your irises that he forever engraved into his memory.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Mr Potter! My names Y/N and I’ll be your physiotherapist for the foreseeable future.” You grinned, walking closer to him, “Hopefully.”
Wha—was that flirting? No! You had said it in a normal tone, like Hi I hope I stay your physiotherapist because it is literally my job, James and I enjoy it. But—yeah, no. It was like that. You were so close to him now—so so much more beautiful up close, he didn’t think that was even humanly attainable.
“Yeah—i—I hope so too, ma’am.”
Somebody sedate me, he thought.
You didn’t seem thrown off or even slightly offended, or disgusted by him. Which was, good, really, really good.
Instead, you let out this little bubbly burst of laughter and fucking hell, James knew from that point he was gone and could never return. His eyes were probably comically wide and maybe in literal heart shapes but he could truly care less. He look at you in awe—your nose scrunched when you laughed, your eyes squinted and to James you just became even more perfect.
“Please, call me Y/N—Ma’am sounds overly American anyway—“
“Would you prefer Miss?”
I’m never leaving the house again.
You blinked.
He almost stumbled to his knees in apology though that would obviously only give you the impression he was more of a creep than you already thought he was—but—hold on. He watched, mouth falling open just slightly, as your cheeks flushed a very very pretty pink and your mouth formed into the cutest smile he’d ever seen in his entire life.
He was definitely leaving the house again, and it was going to be to come here everyday.
“Just Y/N is fine, thank you for being so considerate though.” You laughed teasingly.
“Can I be upgraded to just James?”
“Oh? You don’t want to he called miss? Or Ma’am?” You grinned at him, white teeth glistening from under your full lips, cheeks turning a faint rosy shade under the strength of your grin and a strand of hair swooping in front of your eye. He was in love. “Or, Sir maybe?”
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
James is one hundred percent that he would’ve fallen over fast first had he been standing and he’s never been more thankful he’s not. He can feel his cheeks turn red—his face heating up to an embarrassingly tomato red state at an embarrassingly quick rate.
“Nah—Ju—Just James, please.” He huffed out, moving the material of his shirt dramatically off his chest and fanning himself. “Is—um, is it hot in here or is just you? Me! Is it just me?!”
You smile at him, adorably crinkle eyed and slightly pink cheeked, looking every bit the goddess and the angel James already knew with certainty that you were.
James Potter was, as it turns out, no longer miserable.
In fact, he can’t wait for his next appointment.
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nwjws · 1 year
in my head - yjw
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; pairing - jungwon x fem!reader
; synopsis - you’ve hated jungwon ever since you two met on the train to hogwarts back in first year; he’s self-centered, lazy, and always coming out for you. now in your seventh year, you’ve been named head girl (woohoo!). unfortunately, the head boy position was given to the one and only yang jungwon (boohoo…). with no other choice, you’re forced to face the annoyingly attractive boy and work with him for the rest of the year - if you can even last that long.
; tags - fluff, angst, crack, ravenclaw! headboy!jungwon, slytherin! headgirl!reader, rivals to lovers, enemies to lovers, hogwarts au (with a modern twist), bc they have tablets and stuff
; warnings - a little bit of swearing, a lot of hostility between yn and jw, lmk if i missed anything!
; wc - 12.9k words (umm.... have fun!)
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everyone’s eyes are on you as you stand up at the front of the great hall while the headmaster - professor bang si hyuk - introduces you as this year’s head girl. looking at all the students staring back up at you, you almost feel proud of yourself (keyword: almost). 
you’d think someone would be overjoyed at being acknowledged and recognised enough to have been given such a high position, but you aren’t. 
instead, you’re silently fuming, just barely keeping your temper in check as you plaster a fake smile on your face. your eye twitches as you hear a low chuckle from-
“the head boy, yang jungwon!” the headmaster announces. cheers erupt from around the room, all clapping for their new heads. 
“i can feel the waves of anger practically radiating off of you,” he murmured quietly.
yang jungwon. 
the boy you despised so much. 
listen, you don’t really hate anyone, but you’re pretty sure that what you feel towards the boy you called ‘yang’ is close enough.
in all your six years at hogwarts, you two have constantly been at each other’s throats. arguments often broke out between you in corridors; fights wherein one would end up stupefied or thrown against the wall; even little sabotages against each other that were subtle enough that teachers could pass off as an accident or your own fault rather than the other’s. 
for example, back in third year, yang had tripped you on your way into the great hall after everyone got off the hogwarts express. you had flashed everyone behind you and scraped your knee when you landed on the ground.
although no one saw him do it, you immediately knew who the culprit was, especially when he smirked down at you over his shoulder as he walked ahead. oh how badly you wanted to slap that smile off his face in the moment.
you retaliated the next week by mixing his white laundry with red clothes, so he was forced to attend his classes with pink uniform until he got new shirts. nothing satisfied you more than the glares he sent your way throughout the first day of his pink week, you could feel him boring holes into the back of your head even when you weren’t looking.
making your way back to the slytherin table, you thought back to when you got that fateful letter a few weeks back.
you slid the window open after spotting an owl from afar flying towards your house.
the bird flew in gracefully, and dropped your letter from hogwarts on the kitchen island counter, accepting the treats offered from your hand.
“y/n, please. close the window, would you? it’s so windy outside - it’s blowing away my papers!” your mother scolded from her seat at the table.
“sorry, my bad! i just got my grades.”
“ah really? let’s see it then.”
you scanned the letter, satisfied to see an O on all your subjects. although they weren’t your final NEWTS grades, they were an indication of how you did throughout sixth year according to teachers’ assessments. 
you’d been nervous at seeing anything below an O, but your friends had told you not to worry all summer.
“you’ve never dropped from the top rank in our year ever since first year, why would you now?”
“hiyyih, it’s only because of how much i’ve studied, but what if the expectations this year are higher? what if it’s not enough? what if i spent too many free periods sitting with you guys by the lake instead of-“
“be for real, you only did that twice! you’re the only person who’s actually spent their free periods studying,” rei said.
“well that’s what they’re supposed to be used for!”
“who actually does that! besides you, of course.”
“rei’s right, even yang jungwon often spends his frees with his friends.”
“that’s why he’s number 2,” you roll your eyes. “maybe if he studied during his frees, he’d finally get that number 1 spot he's been telling me he'd get for years.”
“it’s the fact he doesn’t have to study as hard to easily get second top student in our year. besides, weren’t you just worrying about not being first this time ‘round?”
that set you off into another episode of wailing and worrying about your results.
reading the letter, your eyes zeroed in on a shiny gold badge attached to the bottom.
  dear kim y/n,  we are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen as head girl for this upcoming academic year. you will be working alongside the head boy, yang jungwon, and all prefects across the four houses. you and the head boy’s duties will be relayed to you after the sorting ceremony. congratulations once again, you are well deserving of the title. sincerely, headmaster bang si hyuk
you still remember your mother questioning you after watching your figure suddenly go from jumping around the kitchen all giddy, to sulkily dragging your feet to the table.
of course, you were honoured to be picked, but did they really have to choose your enemy as your partner? i mean, the whole school knows about your rivalry, and you guys have been told off countless times by teachers! so was this really a smart idea?
when the ceremony ended, one of the professors led you and yang to the head dormitories.
(a “benefit” of being one of the heads was getting your own room, separate from your own house dorms. but you’d still be sharing the common room with yang, so that wasn’t exactly the biggest plus in your books.)
“as you can see, you will have separate private rooms, each with their own bathroom,” the professor pointed at the doors on opposite sides of the common room.
“but you two will share this living space. there’s a little library in the corner as well. 
“now for rules..." he started listing a bunch of obvious rules - like what's allowed in the head dorms and what isn't, when you can bring your friends, etc.
“and last but not least, you aren’t allowed in each other’s private quarters,” he paused before glancing at both students. “although, i don’t think that’ll be a problem.” 
he’s right there, you thought bitterly.
the idea of even sharing the common room with the boy irked you, let alone entering his own room. you could only imagine all the stupid tricks he was planning on you right now - but you were doing the same.
after the whole ordeal, the professor finally left you two alone, but not before telling you that you should start planning out the prefects’ patrolling schedules so that you could meet up with them as soon as possible.
you and yang stared at each other for a moment, apprehension hanging in the air. this is the first time you two have directly looked each other in the eye tonight.
“so… i guess we should get to sorting out those schedules,” he breaks the silence, gesturing to the scroll of names in your hands, which the professor had left with you.
nodding, you followed him to the large table in the middle of the room, where you’d hold a meeting with the prefects tomorrow morning.
“here’s the list of all the prefects, plus their student ID numbers.”
“okay, we can use those to add them all into a group chat on hog-messages and inform them of the meeting tomorrow.”
one of the newer developments at hogwarts in recent years was the addition of electronic tablets given to every student, so they’d be able to communicate faster with each other. it had an app programmed within it called ‘hog-messages’ where students could message each other or their teachers, and create group chats, all activity being monitored by staff.
the tablets also allowed the students to be able to write notes down on it, but most teachers often preferred all homework to be written on paper scrolls anyway. 
all this was provided by yang enterprises.
yup. yang was the son of the wizard who introduced muggle electronic devices into the wizarding world, instantly boosting their family into riches and success.
the world was given to him on a silver platter, so he’s always had it easy. and unfortunately for you, the boy not only grew up snobby and privileged, but was smart too. 
coming from the muggle world, you entered the wizarding world with an open mind. despite this, you hated the ravenclaw almost as soon as you met him. 
his ego was high up through the roof way before he’d even been placed in the house, and he emanated a strong intimidating aura. as soon as yang saw you on that hogwarts train, he turned his nose up at you like you were dirt before you’d even spoken a word to each other.
nonetheless, you managed to work out a schedule together smoothly. but the lack of clashing heads for once put you on edge, you felt like something was just wrong.
“alright, i’ve sent a message to the group,” he said, staring at his screen.
“okay…” you trailed off, unsure what to say. “um, let’s be civil this year, yang,” you say instead, putting a hand out.
the boy looked up at you, before glancing down at your hand then laughed in disbelief. as if you had said you were going to run 100 laps around the castle.
“duh, i knew that when i got the letter. that doesn’t need to be said. are you an idiot?”
now it was you who stared at him in disbelief. there’s the yang you know.
lowering your hand, you scoffed and stormed into your room, which was luckily closer so you didn't have to spend another second looking at his pretty face.
you should have known nothing would ever change. you can’t believe you almost thought that yang had changed. of course he’d never grow up, maybe he was just made this way. 
on the other hand, the return of his ugly personality brought you some comfort. it was just something you were more familiar with. you weren’t used to the driven and focused attitude he had on earlier when sorting out the schedule, and you’d prefer to keep it that way. 
unpacking your bags and showering before changing into pajamas, you set an alarm for 6:30am, so you’d have time for the meeting at 7:30 and can end it before classes began at 8. you went to bed feeling prepared for tomorrow.
the next morning however, you woke up late. 
the sunlight seeped in through the curtains, and after a moment, you checked your phone for the time.
you practically jumped out of bed and began to frantically get ready, pulling on the first shirt and skirt you could grab from your closet.
why hadn’t your alarm woken you up? you set the alarm two hours earlier. had you accidentally typed 630 into the calculator app instead from a tiring day?
however, when you check your alarm clock, you saw that it had been turned off. although, you clearly remember pressing save and checking that it was on before tucking yourself into bed.
you pause as you brush your hair, your thoughts coming to a stop.
it was yang, you realised. 
is this his idea of civil? you wonder what he's on as you slip on your uniform in panic. 
quickly brushing your teeth, you put on your tie as you ran out the room, a chill hits you when you remembered the prefects’ meeting you were supposed to have this morning.
oh my god, they probably think i'm an irresponsible head girl. there’s no doubt the bad impression being late on your first day as head girl would leave on not only the students, but the teachers as well. 
will they revoke your position? will they give the badge to another, more responsible girl? who preferably doesn’t have beef with the head boy? 
you cringed at the thought you might be punished because of something entirely yang’s fault, and he’d get away with it. as he always does. 
you ran down the moving stairs, almost slipping off the edge when it suddenly changed paths, towards your first class as you cursed out the head boy in your mind. 
but soon enough, nervousness took over as you neared the classroom.
there was only about 15 minutes left of the period, so was it even worth it to go? and besides, yang was in this class too. you’d hate to see the gloating smirk on his face when you enter and get scolded by the professor.
before you could decide however, the door opened, revealing the very boy you’d been planning revenge on all morning.
yang didn’t look surprised to see you there, evident by the grin on his face.
he faked a shocked tone though, when he announced your presence to the professor (and the whole class).
it goes without saying that you definitely had a bad morning, being held back in class for another half hour to make up for what you missed that morning. 
thankfully, you had a free period next, so you weren’t missing your next class this time.
although you hated yang jungwon with every fibre of your being, you weren’t a snitch. you wouldn’t dare expose him - mostly because it would be useless. who would really believe you, when you were already messing up so early in the year? and certainly not when it accused the school’s beloved heartthrob. 
so you took your punishment on without a complaint, pointedly ignoring yang the rest of the day, who didn’t even try to hide his smile.
you sighed as you made notes on griffin claw substitutes, all alone in the potions classroom.
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september and october rolled by; even though you and yang continued your little pranks and tricks on each other, you guys managed your head duties just fine. he did his work and never slacked, so you were satisfied.
you had gotten your revenge on yang by charming his wand to vibrate uncontrollably two days later. you remember barely being able to hold in your laugh as you watched him struggle to conjure a flock of birds, an explosion of feathers popping from the tip instead.
from what you heard, he also struggled in his other classes you didn’t share, which delighted you to no end. 
“what are you skipping around all giddy about?” hiyyih asked you sceptically.
“just that yang seems to be struggling in herbology class, according to jang wonyoung.”
“what did you do?” rei eyed suspiciously.
“how could you accuse me of doing something?” you gasped.
“it’s pretty obvious - head boy and student #2 wouldn’t just struggle in a class he’s always done well in,” minji shrugged.
you rolled your eyes at your friends, but then smiled cheekily when you admitted how you’d snuck into his room that morning and cast a charm on his wand with a spell that would only stop after twenty-four hours.
“okay, that’s pretty funny. i’m gonna have to ask wony about it later,” rei laughed. 
your phone buzzed, and upon checking it, you were surprised to see a text from the one and only yang jungwon.
Hog-Messages YANG JUNGWON (ID: 78395) professor kim wants to see us
“speak of the devil,” you tell your friends and show them your screen. 
you watched as the three glanced at each other, equally surprised.
“wow, a text! from yang jungwon! and it’s not some evil curse or cryptic message!” hiyyih remarked, which you nodded to in agreement. 
rei laughed. “you guys act like he’s incapable of simple communication; he’s just relaying a message.”
“sometimes rei, i think he is,” you joked.
YANG JUNGWON ID: 78395 professor kim wants to see us
KIM Y/N ID: 78384 when?
YANG JUNGWON ID: 78395 after classes today at his office
KIM Y/N ID: 78384 ofc it’s at his office, you think he’d want to meet us in the restrooms?
YANG JUNGWON ID: 78395 i hope u fall off your broom on the pitch also come un-charm my wand or something right now.
KIM Y/N ID: 78384 can’t 🤷‍♀️  sux 2 b u
"honestly, if i didn't know better, i'd think you two had a hate-love relationship," minji teased.
"ew, anything above dislike is something i will never feel for yang jungwon," you scrunched your nose in distaste. how could minji even think something like that?
"whatever," she snickered.
arriving in front of the professor’s office door, you opened it to find jungwon already inside and seated on one of the chairs opposite the teacher’s desk. you bowed in greeting before taking the other empty seat.
“so,” professor kim started. “we need to talk about your behaviour as the head students.”
you gulped. had you done something wrong? were those threats to revoke your position on the first day real? 
looking over at your co-partner, his face was unreadable, as always. he looked perfectly calm, which infuriated you.
“as head boy and girl, you two are setting the standard for the rest of the school. you guys are supposed to be role models. but i’m sure you already know this.” professor kim paused and looked at both of you intently before continuing.
“so why is it i’m finding out that you two have not been doing your patrols together?”
oh. so that’s what this is about.
you and yang had completed one patrol session together on the first week of school, and it’s safe to say that it was… horrific. without going into too much detail, you guys had practically argued the whole two hours that night; although it was unlikely, if there were any couples making out or young students causing trouble, they probably heard you two from a mile away and hid before they were caught.
at the end of the night, you both agreed that you’d just swap your schedules and patrol with other prefects - possibly the only thing you two had ever agreed on.
“we weren’t aware that we had to patrol together,” you replied when the head boy was clearly not going to speak up first. what a pussy.
it was a lie; you guys obviously knew that head students were supposed to patrol together. having been prefects in previous years, you knew how things worked. it was why you had done the first patrol together after all. 
but you figured that since it wasn’t a specifically given instruction, you didn’t actually have to do it together.
professor kim stared at you two incredulously for a moment, his expression somewhere between exasperation and disbelief. a pool of anxiousness swirled in your stomach at the way he sighed and pinched his nose bridge frustratedly.
“listen, i don’t know what si-hyuk was thinking when he had chosen you two as the heads, given your history and all. but he chose you. so please show that you’re worthy of the title - let go of your childish rivalry. otherwise, we may actually have to find new head students.”
“you could just let go of her, professor. i’d be able to work with any other girl,” yang finally spoke up. of course the first thing he'd say is an insult.
you gasped and glared at him. 
“clearly, you’re the one who’s childish and immature here. maybe you should be the one to get replaced.”
“enough!” the teacher slammed his hands on the desk. “if you two keep this act up, we will not hesitate to replace you both.”
and so with that, you and yang left the office in uncomfortable silence. not a word was spoken between you until just before you parted ways.
“guess we’ll use the old schedule again,” he said. you nodded.
being the end of the day, you were both too tired to argue. the heavy workload that comes with NEWTS in addition to the responsibilities of your positions, you both left for your own common rooms without sparing another glance.
the dreaded patrol round came sooner than you would have liked, and you found yang waiting by the castle doors. you always seemed to be the later one, as if he’d placed a curse on you with that trick at the start of the year.
he kicked himself off the wall he’d been leaning against when he saw you, and began to walk without so much as a ‘hi’ or ‘let’s go’. you had to quickly jog to catch up to him.
the air between you two as you walked around was silent and tense, so thick that you could probably cut it with a knife.
surprisingly, yang was the first to break the silence.
“i was thinking - we should plan the first hogsmeade trip for this term.”
“mhm,” you hummed in agreement. “i think it’s best to have it after the quidditch match in november.”
“yeah, at the end of the month. and people would be able to go before the winter break.”
you fished your phone out from your pocket and opened the calendar app.
“when should we have it?"
yang leaned over your shoulder to look at your screen. “let’s have it on the twenty-seventh," he says, pointing at the date on the calendar. "it’d be good to have the week between the match and the trip free so we can prepare.”
you nodded as you listened, typing up a reminder to speak with the professors about it. 
“hey!” the head boy suddenly shouted, causing you to jump. “what are you kids doing here?”
you looked up to find he had opened a classroom, in which three students in around 4th or 5th year were standing. they stared up at the pair of you with wide eyes, like a dear in headlights.
“what are you doing?” you asked, regaining your composure. looking at their ties, you realised they were in slytherin, like you.
the students glanced at each other worriedly and slowly backed away from the two of you. you noticed them hiding something behind them on the desk.
pointing your wand at the items behind them, you summoned it nonverbally, yelling ‘accio!’ in your mind. the items flew into your arms.
“you all better go back to your common room. it’s way past your curfew,” yang warned them. “20 points from slytherin.”
the group shuffled out of the room and quickly ran back to the dungeons.
“isn’t 20 too many?” you grumbled. maybe you were a little biased since they were in your house though.
ignoring you, yang sighed as he turned back to look at the contents in your hands.
“what is it?” he asked.
upon closer inspection, it seemed to be the plannings or blueprint of a large snake puppet that moved on its own, the quote ‘slytherin slays’ painted along its body.
you held back a giggle as you read the notes on how to make the snake glare and breathe flames out when faced with a ravenclaw. yang snorted as he read them as well.
“you slytherins are always so immature when it comes to quidditch matches.” you rolled your eyes and glared at him, imagining you were breathing flames like the puppet snake.
“at least we have a strong sense of support for our house. what’re you birdies doing? painting little flying banners that the players won’t be able to read on the pitch?”
“my team doesn’t need to read our house’s support. we’re good enough and know if.”
“sounds like there’s just no house spirit.”
“say that to me when your team loses,” he challenged.
“you’ll be waiting forever then,” you retorted.
“let’s place a bet. 20 galleons that ravenclaw wins.”
“fine! if we wins, i want you to pay my monthly subscription in an online game for a year."
“i need money," you huff, crossing your arms indignantly.
“you need muggle money.”
“well, yes. but i mean, you can convert your wizarding money into muggle money, then pay for my monthly subscription in a game so i get game money.”
“that sounds useless; for a kids’ game? and you called me the childish one?” he raised a questioning eyebrow.
“i wouldn’t need to find peace in an online game if you didn’t bother me all the time, you know," you complain. "you’re like a piece of gum i can’t get off my shoe.”
“you could just cast a spell to get the gum off,” he shrugged.
“you’re right, i’ll just cast a spell on you!” you smile brightly. “stupe-“
“oh my god, okay! i’ll pay for your stupid game - if slytherin wins, which you won’t.”
you smiled to yourself, a skip in your step for the rest of the patrol.
soon, the day of the match arrived; ravenclaw against slytherin (because of course it was). 
the morning of the match was lively as usual, everyone split between green and blue. 
you watched the large snake float above everyone’s heads in the great hall, breathing (harmless) flames into every ravenclaw’s face. 
just at that moment, you bumped into the trio of students who’d been planning the little surprise. you sent them a discreet smile.
“20 points to slytherin,” you awarded for the clever trick, but also to make up for the twenty that yang had taken.
suddenly, you screech when a flock of small origami birds flew and pecked at your hair, ruining the braid you’d put your hair in for the match. 
looking up, you noticed the small paper birds flying about the hall, pecking at every slytherin-supporter. this was definitely ravenclaw’s idea; no doubt yang had gotten inspiration from the those students you two had caught.
“you good, kim?” a familiar voice greets you. you turn to see the devil himself smirking at you, pleased with the mess you are.
“i was, until you got here.”
“maybe it’s a sign that you’ll lose today.”
“maybe it’s a sign you should shut up.”
the match started without a hitch. 
you scored the first 10 points of the match within 6 minutes, and by the first half hour, slytherin was ahead by 30 points. 
you enjoyed the thrill of being a chaser, trying different ways to get the quarrel past the keeper. in fact, you enjoyed flying in general, and being on the pitch.
that is until, you started getting pestered by the other team’s seeker.
you noticed yang seemed to be flying around you after a few laps, and sent him a questioning look.
“what are you doing, yang?”
“looking for the snitch, it’s my job.”
“well, i’m not the snitch. so keep looking!”
“well i’m certainly looking at a similar word.”
it took time to process what he meant, but when you realised, you glared at the boy.
“focus on the game- if you keep your eyes on me, you’ll be paying for my subscription soon!”
yang scoffed and looked away, searching the pitch for the snitch, sending you a glare before zooming away.
the game ended in slytherin’s favour, your team’s seeker barely clutching the golden ball in his hands before the head boy could reach it.
cheers roared across the stadium when it ended with your team’s success, students running onto the pitch in excitement to congratulate you and the other players.
“seriously, the way you threw the quaffle into the hoop while gliding through the air - it was so smooth!” minji gushed as rei nodded in agreement. 
“let’s go, there’s going to be a congratulatory party in the common room!” rei says, taking your hand to drag you.
“can i come?” asked hiyyih excitedly, who was a gryffindor.
you laughed as you followed your three best friends, when you caught sight of a certain person in the corner of your eye.
“wait, i have to do something real quick,” you pause to tell the girls. they stopped as well and looked at you curiously.
“what is it?”
“wait for me. i just need to talk to yang - head stuff,” you tell them off-handedly, before running off to the ravenclaw team.
“it’s definitely not about ‘head stuff’,” hiyyih nudges rei, who nods as they watch you leave.
you make your way to the losing ravenclaw team, even congratulating some of them on a good game. 
when you reach your target, you tap on his shoulder to get his attention, before smiling triumphantly up at him (wow, you never realised how much taller he was than you until now).
“what is it, kim?” he drawled with an eye-roll.
“the bet. i won.” you gloated, the smile never leaving your face, widening instead when he wore a look of disbelief.
“oh, right.” he sighed before scratching the back of his head, looking around thoughtfully. “let’s sort it out tomorrow, at patrol.”
“okay! don’t back down from your end of the bet.” 
“i may hate you, but i’m not a sore loser. see you tomorrow night, kim.”
“with my monthly subscription payment!” you say, waving tauntingly as you ran back to your friends.
“what did you need to talk to him about?” minji asked, putting her hand out to hold yours as you four made your way to the slytherin dungeons.
“we’re making monthly plans to help a student who needs it,” you say smugly.
“sounds like you’re twisting the truth,” rei laughed.
“but it is the truth!” you protested.
you found yourself happily scrolling through the game's catalog, looking to spend your newly-bought robux.
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ever since your deal on the match, you found yourself slowly warming up to yang.
well, not to the point you’d consider each other friends, but you acknowledge each other in passing with a nod or quick wave instead of pointedly looking the other way like usual.
you also argued less, much to the relief of the entire school. however, they were still apprehensive, waiting for something to blow up eventually. it was simply too suspiciously calm and quiet without your voices yelling down the hall or in the corner of a classroom.
as the weeks went on, you two learned to get along better and better everyday, even willingly becoming partners in potions once.
sometimes, you would walk to the great hall together for lunch or dinner after a meeting. you even spent your free periods with yang, which you told your friends was because ‘they didn’t have any frees with you’ so you ‘might as well spend it productively’ with the head boy who coincidentally shared the same free periods schedule.
you did lots of stuff together, as expected of the head girl and head boy.
yet, you always avoided studying together.
others might think it’s because of your rivalry; how one might copy off the other’s or something.
sure, you laugh to yourself. let people think what they want.
but the idea of studying with yang again brings back memories of fifth year.
you didn’t tell anyone about it, not even your own friends. 
at the end of the year, you’d been practically glued to the library for two months, studying for your OWLs.
“mind if i sit here?” 
you turn up to see a familiar face.
“there’s no other free space in the library,” he rolled his eyes, making up an excuse.
looking around, you realised he was right. the only other free spots were next to students that were notoriously weirdos who everyone avoided. maybe he doesn’t want them to copy off his work, you think to yourself.
“um, okay,” you agreed hesitantly while sucking on a sugar quill, moving some of your books to make space for him. those sweets often helped you focus.
yang pulled the seat out and sat down, before beginning to study himself.
you tried to continue as you were, but had lost focus. not even the green apple-flavoured sweet in your mouth could help you concentrate.
you were hyper aware of his presence - the way he hunched over the table with his hair falling over his face. you watched him from the corner of your eye.
why had he chosen to sit with you? were there seriously no better places to go? what about his room? the astronomy tower? the little corner window by the potions classroom downstairs?
“relax. i can feel how tense you are from here.”
“does your oh-so-precious pure-wizard blood give you the ability to sense emotions like a dog?” you scoffed. he looked up sharply and gave you a serious look.
“i just want to revise for my OWLs; let’s keep our disputes outside the library, where we won’t get hexed by madame park over there.”
you rolled your eyes and kept your head down, going back to your own business.
over the course of the month, a routine slowly began wherein you would often study together in the library. 
sometimes it was you joining him instead, and you would just wordlessly take the seat opposite him. even when there were other spaces to sit, you two always chose to sit together in the corner table, hidden from the rest of the school.
a word was never spoken between the two top students. and you never told your friends about the little arrangement either.
his presence quickly became something of a comfort for you - it was easier to focus on your studies when he was there. and if you ever needed help with something, he’d give you a few pointers when you finally begrudgingly asked.
he never asked you for help though, which always reminded you why he was number 2. it infuriated you how you had to work twice as hard than him just to barely surpass the boy.
whenever you heard people talking of him in passing, he was always nicknamed ‘the prodigy boy’. what were you called? ‘the girl that was good for a muggle-born’.
he was your rival, but you weren’t his. and he’s made that clear since the day you met.
and yet, despite all the resentment you held for him, you enjoyed his company. OWLs were stressing the life out of everyone, but it felt like you could get through it with him sitting across you.
maybe it’s because he motivated you to keep working harder, to try more so you could widen the gap between your ranks. seeing him everyday reminded you of why you tried so hard. maybe you wanted to show him (and everyone else) that being muggle-born doesn’t mean you’re any less than those born in this world. 
at least that’s what you told yourself. 
but it doesn’t explain why you began to glance at his lips every time he sat across you. 
it doesn’t explain why butterflies began to flutter in your stomach when you felt the warmth of his body close to yours as he’d lean over your shoulder and point at the book when you asked for help. or why you felt giddy when you’d play with each other’s feet under the table.
until one day, he’d dropped his smart-quill on the floor, and you were quicker to kneel down from your seat to get it. 
“here,” you said, handing him the quill, still on your knees on the floor.
as you faced him, you realised the close proximity only then. 
you stared into his eyes that pulled you in, keeping you locked and unable to escape from his gaze. he stared right back, the quill forgotten in your hand, which now lay on his left knee.
you didn’t even realise the way he slowly leaned down until he cupped your cheek.
his touch was soft; you leaned into it. 
“is this okay?” you could barely hear him whisper over the rapid beating of your heart. all you could do was nod.
your eyes fluttered shut as your lips finally connected. a mix of pretty emotions burst in your stomach, filling you with a giddiness you never knew before.
it might have been just a few seconds, or it could have been hours - you didn’t know. that first kiss was everything you ever imagined it to be.
you pulled away first, finally running out of air. but he chased after your lips, kissing you again. 
the memory of your first kiss will forever be cemented in your memory. you were just two 16 year olds, softly holding onto each other in the corner of a library, hidden from the rest of the world.
you scrunch your nose at the bittersweet memory. who would’ve thought your first kiss would be with the person you hate the most in this world. 
when you returned to school for sixth year that september, yang acted like nothing happened between you two. 
he ignored you for the first month of school, not even bothering to taunt you like he used to. everyone had been stumped, including you, but he eventually went back to his usual tactics, albeit with a noticeable lack of ‘stupid muggleborn who can never be on our level’ comments. soon you two were back to your regular bickering as if he didn’t ignore your existence for the first month of school. 
as if you hadn’t shared a kiss just three months before.
now, your developing friendship scared you. you didn’t want a repeat of last time; his actions had really hurt you back then.  
you remember all the nights you spent in the library, waiting. waiting for him to come, to explain why he was acting like that. waiting for something.
thoughts ran through your mind, trying to reason why he might do this. maybe he realised he didn't feel for you the way you felt for him. maybe he went back to his room that night and wiped all the muggle germs off his face. maybe he realised he was too good for you.
you remember all the times you cried yourself to sleep, eyes puffy for weeks that even your teachers asked if you were okay. if maybe you’d eaten something bad or been cursed. that maybe you should go to the infirmary to fix it.
hiyyih, rei, and minji had no idea how to help you, because you refused to tell them what was wrong. 
and you never did. it’s simply too embarrassing. explaining that you kissed your number one enemy and then he ignored you for month and acted like nothing happened between you two was humiliating. you knew your friends wouldn’t, but surely if other students found out, they’d laugh at you.
yang probably laughed with his friends about it. you were just waiting, dreading to hear the rumours of how you’re a bad kisser and how no one should ever want your muggle-born, good-for-nothing ass. 
every time you walked past him and his friends, you’d walk faster and look everywhere but their direction. you imagined their snickers and smirks as they watched you run by like a pathetic loser.
the rumours never came however. 
no one ever looked at you weirdly, or laughed at you. you ended sixth year with a big sigh of relief, releasing a breath you didn't realise you'd been holding the whole year.
now, you found yourself standing next to the very boy who you had spent the end of your 5th year with, walking a big group of students towards hogsmeade.
you sigh as you think about your astronomy test on monday, which you’d rather spend the weekend studying for.
unfortunately, as the heads, it’s you and yang’s duty to chaperone the students on their trip to the village. 
you sigh and pull on your strap, hiking your heavy bag higher up your back. you think of the long day ahead, studying in the corner of one of the quieter cafés, freezing your toes off. it’s not preferable, but it’ll have to do.
yang watches you, eyeing your heavy bag of books.
“what the hell? don’t tell me you’re spending this trip studying.”
“alright, i won’t,” you roll your eyes at him as you two trudge behind the large crowd of students. it was 9 in the morning, and you were too tired to reply.
“wouldn’t you rather spend your time with your friends? you somehow have those,” he teased.
“well yeah,” you huff, a little irritated at his care-free attitude. “but not everyone can pass an astronomy test without needing to study like you. some of us actually have to work our butts off for good grades.”
yang stopped in his tracks, causing you to follow and look back at him questioningly.
to your surprise, he wore a serious expression, glaring forward and refusing to look at you. you must’ve struck a nerve.
“stop acting like you’re the only one in the world that has to fucking work hard,” he fumed. you’ve never seen him this mad, even in all your arguments throughout the years. 
“you’re always going on about how much you have to study this, how you need to work harder than me that - blah blah blah. 
“why do you always feel the need to undermine my work? always downplaying my accomplishments to ‘mere talent’. what about the tens of hundreds of hours i’ve poured into my own studies? the hours i’ve spent sat by a tutor since i was 6?”
surprised by his outburst in combination with your own irritation and jealousy, you couldn’t help but retort.
“are you serious right now? do you have to make everything about yourself?”
“oh because the world revolves around you? you are so fucking entitled!”
“me? entitled?” you laugh in disbelief. “you’re talking about how i undermine and downplay your work, when you’ve always been the one to yell out to the whole world how i’m a ‘stupid, pathetic muggleborn who’s lacking and can never fit in this world’!” students were beginning to notice your argument and were looking behind as they walked at you two now.
“so that’s what this is about? some shit i said two years ago?” he scoffed.
“some shit you threw at me for 5 years!” you throw your hands up in frustration.
“well maybe you’re proving me right with all your talk about just how much you need to study because you’ll 'never have it as easy as us'!” he yelled right back, mocking you. “you don’t know a thing about me.” 
you stared at him, panting heavily. everyone’s attention was now on you two, people watching instead of walking.
“kim y/n! yang jungwon!” you hear the booming voice of professor kim shout over the crowd. 
he stormed to you two, face red and veins popping out his neck.
“this behaviour is incredibly inappropriate of role model students! you two are supposed to be guiding the students towards the village, is that such a difficult task?” he scolded you and yang in exasperation.
“could you at least keep your feud behind closed doors? it’s incredibly selfish to ruin everyone’s day with your constant fights!”
you looked down ashamedly as your friends took this as their sign to finally drag you from your spot. jungwon’s friend, nishimura riki from 5th year copied their actions.
professor kim looked at the crowd which had now completely stopped to watch the show. 
“keep moving kids!” he sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.  
“park gunwook,” he called. the gryffindor jogged towards the teacher. “pham hanni.” the hufflepuff followed. “you two will take over the role of chaperoning the students, since our head students are clearly unsuitable for the job,” he instructed, throwing you a dirty look. 
the two 6th year prefects nodded and began to walk behind everyone, feeling a little awkward at being put on the spot. 
you glared at yang one more time, but was met with a different expression instead.
yang met your stare with concern written on his face, as his tall friend dragged him away. it confused you; just a moment ago, he’d been furious with you, and now he looked worried? what was he worried about? what’s with the switch up?
you couldn’t ponder on it any longer, what with your own friends shuffling you away from the crime scene.
the rest of the day was spent tucked away in a little corner of a small café you found, one people didn’t go to as much.
the girls had tried to convince you to join them on their fun, but let you go when you told them you had star charts to memorise for your upcoming test. they seemed hesitant, but after witnessing your recent fight with the head boy, they reluctantly allowed you to go off on your own with promises of saving you a butterbeer.
you busied yourself with your books, not wanting to think about the weird events this morning. from your first disagreement in a while, to yang’s mood swing - it was better to spend your thoughts on what was more important.
eventually, you woke up in the late afternoon, only realising then that you had fallen asleep. the rays of light from the sunset seeped through the window, waking you up with its blinding brightness. 
how long had you fallen asleep? you could have been revising in the time you dozed off. astronomy was your weakest subject, so you really needed that precious time.
you groan in frustration, sighing as you sit up to straighten your back. but something falls off your shoulders as you do. 
you look behind you and realise it was a jacket, which had been left on your shoulders by someone. but who?
bewildered, you pick up the jacket (which had an oddly familiar scent to it) and turn back to your table of books. but before you can return to your studies, something catches your eye.
there, on top of a pile of textbooks, lay a green sugarquill. 
had my friends stopped by while i slept?
it didn’t particularly make sense though, since you agreed to meet up with them later tonight when you headed back to the castle. 
you picked it up, then noticed the note it had been sitting on.
sorry, i shouldn’t have said any of that earlier.  found you sleeping, don’t beat yourself up. you can do this. i remember sugarquills help you focus, right? don’t worry, it’s not poisoned or anything… goodluck on monday.
your heart squeezed painfully. his short message spoke volumes.
yang jungwon wasn’t one to apologise, seeing as he either never felt bad, or never really did anything wrong (in the eyes of everyone else).
you felt guilty too, seeing as it was your fault as well. you made a mental note to apologise to him in person later.
secondly, this was the first time he ever acknowledged the time you spent together in 5th year. it surprised you, because at this point you wondered if he had forgotten about it, or if it was all some sick dream you had.
heat rushed to your face and you had to put considerable effort into keeping your composure and not kick your feet and screaming right then and there. somehow, he’d remembered such a small detail about the sweet he left for you.
maybe the whole 5th year incident affected him more than he let on. maybe there really was something that happened between you guys.
or maybe you’re just being hopeful again. 
one thing you’re sure about though, is that yang jungwon is most certainly crazy.
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“welcome back everyone!” you greeted.
it’s the first prefect meeting of the term, everyone who left for the winter break having just returned two days prior.
“we have quite a bit to discuss today,” you started, before looking at jungwon to continue.
“let’s start with the more interesting news first.” he paused, looking at everyone before going on.
“me and the head girl have been planning something this winter, and with the approval of the headmaster, we can finally reveal it to you: the spring ball.”
you watched proudly as the prefects began whispering amongst themselves excitedly. you were so hyped up to be able to plan and make the event come to life.
“we wanted to give the students something more exciting to look forward to. you know- before OWLs and NEWTs completely take over our lives,” you joke, pulling chuckles out of everyone in the room.
“the idea is a formal, floral-themed event that’ll take place in the great hall. it’s only for 5th years and up, but younger years may attend if invited as a date.”
“since you guys are prefects, we’re asking for your help setting up the event. let’s talk ideas for decoration,” you say, pulling out your tablet to take notes.
as you wrote down the prefects’ thoughts and input, you were already drafting a schedule in your mind for preparations. that was until, you felt someone lean over your shoulder.
forcing yourself to keep writing, you tried to ignore the way your shoulder brushed against yang’s chest. one hand holding onto the backrest of your chair whilst the other lay on the table, next to your arm as you wrote on autopilot, your mind circuiting at the proximity. straightening your back in an attempt to compose yourself, you only push yourself against the boy more.
you were sure your face was as red as a tomato. your heart was beating so hard you were scared jungwon could hear it.
judging by the way he huffed in amusement, he probably realised the effect he had on you. 
“focus, kim,” he whispered so only you could hear, leaning lower to your level. you could imagine the smirk on his face.
“i am,” you tried to say with as much nonchalance as you could.
honestly, the moment was really reminding you of all those times he’d helped in the library. deja vu was really hitting you hard right now.
the rest of the meeting went smoothly - at least, as smooth as it could be with yang constantly flustering you as he subtly kept grazing your skin. 
now that you think about it, jungwon’s been acting strange lately. more… bold? that’s the best way you could explain it.
you don’t know how it happened, but ever since the hogsmeade trip, you two got closer. after you apologised to him, the incident in question was never spoken of again, never referred to. but it’s clear something shifted in your relationship with the head boy.
gradually, he began to fill up your everyday life, seeing him more often in the day than you used to.
in the mornings, you’d bump into each other in the common room after getting ready, and go down to the great hall for breakfast together. or, if one of you seemed to be running late after breakfast, you’d make sure to save some food and leave it in the common room for the other.
in the day, you two shared free periods, and so spent it lounging in the common room, simply doing work at the coffee table or reading a book on the couch. music would play in the background as you two sat in comfortable silence, basking in each other’s company.
in the evenings, you might come back from a late class to find him napping on the couch. so you’d shake him awake with a “jungwon, let’s go get dinner.”
you could be studying in the library corner of your shared living space, and he’d always remind you to eat. even when it was past any meal time, he’d drag you off the chair for a trip to the kitchens, where he’d get a house elf to make you two a snack. he often asked for eclairs, noticing it was your favourite.
but yang jungwon didn’t just take up your daily activities, he was always on your mind too.
thoughts of how he wouldn’t like the cold dim lights of the slytherin common room, or seeing students that he’s told you he isn’t particularly fond of floated in your mind when you visited your friends.
you even found yourself comparing him to characters in whatever series you absorbed yourself in. you seriously couldn’t stop thinking about him.
the fights stopped completely, but you two continued your flirting friendly banter all the time.
once, you managed to find time in your busy schedule to sit down and watch barbie movies. jungwon (when did you even start calling him that?) had walked in to the common room to find his bag which he had left there, only to see you huddled up in a blanket while watching barbie as the island princess magically projected onto the wall.
“what’s this?” he’d asked.
“muggle movies from my childhood. this girl here grew up on the island when one day, she was found by a prince who was intrigued by her, and brought her back to the city, where she finally learns who she really is,” you explained while keeping your eyes trained on the projection.
“and who is she really?”
“why don’t you sit down and watch, kitty?” you’d always called him by that nickname during your petty fights, since his face reminded you of a cute cat. now though, it became more of an endearing nickname for the boy.
“i have to write 10 inches on the use of the lumos solem spell by tuesday.”
“that’s 5 days away! come on, don’t you wanna know? it’s really good, i promise. we can watch from the start, and i’ll help you with that charms essay, since professor song assigned it to us to, and i already got started on it,” you asked, twisting to face him with the best pleading look you could muster.
“fine, but only because you begged," he relented with a playful smile.
so that’s how you ended up binging barbie movies into the wee hours of the morning, sharing a blanket with your proclaimed enemy on the sofa.
“you honestly look more like serafina,” you tease him.
“what? but she’s a girl! wouldn’t wolfie be a better fit?”
“but serafina has more cat-like eyes! you guys have similar eyes.”
“are you serious right now? they’re both cats!” he gestures to the movie, paused at the last scene.
“but you really look like her!” you insist, using both hands to point at each corner of his eyes, shifting closer to him. “they’re upturned.”
“didn’t realise you knew that about me, babe.” he wrapped his own hands around your wrists, as they hovered above his face. “if i’m serafina, you must be wolfie.”
“why? because we’re partners in crime?” you snorted at his suggestion. “they get married at the end and have a bunch of little kitties too. you want that?”
“if that’s what you’d like,” he shrugged, his lips pulling into a downwards smile.
you stared at him incredulously, heartbeat suddenly pounding as you looked into the growing smug look on his face. his eyes that managed to shine even in the dark never failed to root you on the spot, unable to look away.
what were you feeling? you've looked at jungwon so many times over the past 5 years, but the boy's gaze never made you feel like this way before. like you were floating on air; like you could do anything with him by your side, looking at you like that.
in fact, thinking back to all your years of knowing him, it's funny how much things have changed in the past several months.
you actually giggle a bit, sitting back, further from his warmth. you immediately miss the soft touch of his fingers around your wrists.
"what are you laughing about?" he asks, but he's laughing too.
"you. me; us."
"are we comedians now or something?"
"no, but we're definitely clowns of the circus." jungwon grinned at your statement, an amused huff escaping his lips.
"penny for your thoughts?"
"i was just thinking... how did we go from having wars in the middle of DADA in 3rd year, to watching muggle barbie movies at 2am on a saturday?" you think out loud.
"when you put it like that... we do sound like the comedy act of a show," he admits, scratching the back of his neck.
"at least i do."
"what do you mean?" you ask, shifting your position on the couch to sit up. you move your cold feet so they rest between jungwon's ankles, soaking in their warmth.
"our little feud - you know, the fights, the hexes, all that. it was all because of me."
"what? no it wasn't - i instigated a lot of them too," you say, trying to reassure him. was he feeling guilty and blaming himself?
"but, it was! honestly, if it wasn't for my stupid shallow thinking, we might've been friends way earlier." you looked at him patiently, nodding for him to continue.
"i used to think that muggle-borns were stupid and would fall behind in everything - school, work, just because you had no idea of how our world worked. honestly, i pitied and felt sorry for you guys, because i thought you could never be on our level. i know now how ignorant i was, obviously," he scoffed at himself.
"so when i met you, i thought you were an idiot. you are, don't get me wrong-" he teased you, causing you to roll your eyes, although smiling lightly. "but even though you're muggle-born, you always managed to do better than me.
"you were constantly the best student in our year- no, our school. you were faster at understanding concepts than i was, immediately getting things right on the first try. hell, even when i would go flying on the pitch to relieve my stress and then got recruited into the ravenclaw team in third year, i finally thought i was better than you at something. and then you joined your team in 4th, and was called the 'ace' of slytherin. what a blow all of that to was to my ego."
"i joined the team to annoy you," you shyly admit. "but why did you even think that in the first place?" you asked, not angry. you wanted to hear him out and finally get answers to questions you've asked yourself for so many years. you wanted to understand, and know the boy in front of you.
"well, you know that my father's company is successful. so growing up, i was given the best. my parents hired the best tutors for me, so i'd be ahead of everyone else when i started hogwarts. my teachers said i was their best student, my parents showed me off to their friends as their 'pride and joy' or something dumb like that. other parents compared their kids to me, i was that kid.
"i knew i was privileged though - that i had money and could afford to have this good education. so i made the best of it and constantly told myself that others would be lucky to have my life, so i wanted to prove i was worthy of it by working hard and pushing myself all my life.
"but with that, i developed the mindset that people who don't have money like i do can't have as much knowledge as me since they don't have access to it - and that included muggle-borns. you had zero knowledge of this world, which works incredibly different to yours. we have different moral compasses; notions of common sense; understanding of how things worked.
"so imagine how surprised i was to find that you were doing better than me in school. me, who had sat beside a tutor since i was 6, who was learning OWL content at 12. all this only for a girl who didn't even know magic existed until a month before to top me in school.
"that's why i was always angry; i was angry with my tutors for not teaching me better; at you for being better. but most especially at myself. for deluding myself into thinking that way." you two were silent for a moment.
"what changed?" you asked.
jungwon breathed in, preparing himself.
"5th year. i was finally learning to respect you, so when i walked into the library that was full of students, you seemed like the best option to sit next to."
"really? still hadn't gotten over that 'i'm better than everyone blah blah blah' attitude?" you asked, smugly tilting your head to the side.
"shush," he hid his face. "but... i got to learn how hard you really worked back then. i used to think you just had some gift for learning. but watching you with your head down for hours, i felt like i was discrediting all that with something like 'innate talent'.
"i went back home that summer confused and having a mid-life crisis at 16. my dad talked to me though, knocked some sense into me.
"he said that just because muggles don't know magic, doesn't mean they can't do anything. i mean, the whole idea of smart devices that our company is literally known for was taken from muggles! without you guys, we wouldn't have that in our world either. you created it, we just used magic to expand it.
"i was pretty shaken up after that, and was in a daze when 6th year started. it took me a while to sort my thoughts out and gather myself."
it was silent for a while, now nearing 3am.
jungwon just spilled out his guts to you, in the dim atmosphere of your common room. now you were the one collecting your thoughts.
"i'm sorry too."
"what? you never did anyth-"
"but i basically did the same thing as you. you studied for years and years, and i just always thought you were also naturally smart; that you never needed to study like i did because you already knew it all."
silence enveloped the two of you once again.
"...so i guess we're more similar than we thought, huh?" he smiled softly at you. you felt like you were floating again.
"i guess so."
jungwon unfolded his legs and opened his arms out as a gesture, which you gladly accepted and fell into his embrace.
"so, are we good now?" you asked.
"hmm, i still feel like you owe me something for all those years of endless anger and feeling like shit."
"you mean for enlightening you that we stupid muggles aren't so stupid?" you asked, face still buried in his chest, your voice muffled against his sweatshirt. "shouldn't you owe me? for teaching you a lesson?"
"but i want something," he pouted, pulling on your wrist.
"what is it? as long as its affordable."
"is going to the spring ball with me affordable?"
you turn your head to look up at him, who's looking down at you with shy eyes, waiting for your answer.
"i don't know... how much does it cost?" you play along. you already know your answer anyway.
"it'll cost you about..." he pulled out the calculator app on his phone, pretending to add up a total. "one kiss."
you laughed at him, finally pulling away from his arms.
"was that at the end of 5th year not enough?"
"no," he pouted, eyebrows knitted. so cute, you thought.
"alright then, but is it okay if i pay you that hefty price later at the ball?" jungwon sighed dramatically, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
"i guess... but the price might increase to 10."
"that's okay, i'll give you as many as you want, as long as the first one is special."
"i didn't know you were sentimental like that," he smirked at you, kissing your cheek. you shrugged nonchalantly, smiling at him.
"i didn't know you were so needy for kisses like that."
"touché," he laughed, dragging you in for another hug, cuddling you until you both fell asleep in each other's arms.
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since that night, you and jungwon gradually learned to be comfortable each other. and with the ball preparations, there was lots of opportunities to do so.
you realised that - without the hostility between you two, it was much easier to find compromises when you disagreed on something. jungwon did things differently from you, but listened to your thoughts and offered his too.
as the weeks went on, you found yourself looking forward to meetings with him, missing his presence when he wasn’t with you.
something in the way he’d nudge you lightly when you were worried about something, wrap his arm around you and squeeze your shoulder, or simply smile at you brightly with those cat-like eyes of his - they were all comforting.
the change in atmosphere didn’t go unnoticed by your friends either.
"what was that??" rei interrogated you when jungwon pulled you aside for the nth time this week.
"oh, he just wanted to talk about putting up decor later," you answer nonchalantly, taking a bite out of your toast.
"he has the same conversation with you practically every day," minji rolled her eyes.
"yeah, and i'm more surprised that you don't come ranting to us about every interaction you two have," hiyyih agrees, eyeing you suspiciously.
"well, i just grew up and matured," you try to defend yourself.
"if growing up and maturing means developing a crush, then yeah. you sure did." rei pauses before continuing. "is there something you aren't telling us?"
technically, yes. you weren't telling them about the development between you and jungwon - at least not yet. but you didn't exactly have a crush on the boy, in the sense that it was a one-sided thing and you were too shy to confess. but you didn't really want to tell them what was going on between you two, because you didn't know yourself.
were you and jungwon friends(-ish)? yes. but were you dating? no, definitely not. there's no doubt though that your strange, blurry, undefined relationship will develop soon enough, and you'd rather wait until everything's clear before telling your friends.
"she's not saying anything - something is definitely up!" hiyyih gasped excitedly, causing rei and minji to giggle, and you to shake your head.
you had noticed that jungwon seemed to always find reasons to talk to you, even if it's little things you've already discussed before, or silly simple questions like 'how's your day going?' or 'what barbie movie are we watching tonight?'
yeah, you two often found yourselves watching barbie movies late into a friday night.
you also ended up cuddling on the couch almost every evening after a long day of duties, particularly on patrol nights. after your rounds, you two would head back up to the head dormitories, where you'd flop onto the couch, and he'd jump onto you soon after.
the others would go crazy if they ever found out, you laugh to yourself.
the next day would be the night of the ball, so you were pretty wrapped up in helping out throughout the day.
"everything's set up," haerin, a 5th year gryffindor prefect told you.
"it looks really good," you tell her, looking at the great hall. it looked great now, and you were excited for how it would turn out in the dark of the night later.
"did you manage to complete the spell?" she asked curiously.
"i did, but i'm only 89.7% sure it'll work," you say, biting your lip. you hated not being completely sure about something, like an answer, or in this case - a self-made spell.
you turn when you hear a laugh behind you.
"i like how you have a specific percentage even when it comes to feelings," jungwon says through a grin. "your brain works weirdly"
"whatever, kitty," you roll your eyes light heartedly at him.
facing the great hall again, you take a deep breath as you cast the spell on the great hall, chanting the incantation as you wave your wand.
in a moment, the hall was filled with falling petals of different colours, though they didn't litter the ground messily, simply disappearing when they reached the ground. vines reached out from between the tiled floor, wrapping around table legs and growing bright vibrant flowers of their own. small orbs of light flickered throughout the ceiling, like fairies illuminating the scene.
"wow, it looks amazing, y/n!" one of the professors helping around praised.
"it really does," jungwon says, snaking his arm around your waist, his hand clinging onto your side snuggly.
"thank you," you mumble, as you both look up at the pretty scene in front of you.
soon, night falls and you're running down the staircase with your friends, holding up the ends of your dress to avoid stepping on it.
"careful y/n! or you might trip!" you hear hiyyih call out from behind you.
"she's just excited to see her prince charming," minji laughs, but the three of them are also running, holding up their own dresses.
the doors of the great hall open, revealing the breathtakingly decorated room, some guests already having arrived at the scene.
"wow, this is amazing..." rei gasped, enchanted by the way coloured lights perfectly illuminate the hanging wisteria flowers, and butterflies fluttering throughout the room.
"you seriously outdid yourself. how did you even do this?" hiyyih asked.
"only y/n could make a spell as complicated as this," jungwon's voice says, announcing his presence. "you look good, by the way," he adds when you look at him.
a quick one-over of his look tonight does not do him justice. so you find yourself staring unashamedly at his figure.
the way his waistcoat hugs his figure emphasises his broad shoulders, something you didn't even realise you found attractive until you saw it on him. a red tie lazily tucked into the waistcoat plus the rolled-up sleeves - it all made your mind go haywire.
"you would know, having been subjected to all the spells she's made over the years," hiyyih laughs at the memory.
"didn't know you spent so much time thinking about me, kim," he goaded.
"oh trust me, she def-" you cut rei off by covering her mouth with your gloved hand.
"thanks, jungwon," you say quickly, giving him a smile and pushing your friends away.
"he was flirting with you!" rei loudly whispers into your ear.
"and what do you want me to do about it!" you say, making sure your friends couldn't see the deep blush on your face.
"flirt back!" minji huffs out exasperatedly. "i'm sick and tired of whatever has been going on between you two for years!"
"yes, please just end it tonight! whether you get together or never talk about it again," rei rolls her eyes.
"what?" you stop, looking at them.
"rei's right, although i'd prefer for you to finally get together."
"wait wait wait, what do you mean?"
"are you being for real right now? you two have clearly had a thing for each other this whole time!" rei says like it was obvious. "we've known it for years."
"go get your man!" hiyyih sighs, turning you by your shoulders and pushing you away this time.
you try not to dwell on the thought of your friends betting on your relationship with jungwon, and pretend you never heard a word come out of their mouths.
soon, the headmaster calls for everyone's attention.
"welcome students!" his voice echoes throughout the hall, the music quietening for his speech. "first and foremost, i want to thank this year's head girl and boy for organising such an event for us. give it up for kim y/n and yang jungwon!" he shouts, a spot light highlighting your two figures in the room. you quickly turn to look at jungwon, who looks back at you with a smile, as everyone claps loudly, some even whistling supportively.
"and with that, may the spring ball begin - with the spring dance, kicking off with the head boy and girl leading the first dance," professor si-hyuk ends his speech.
everyone cheers and makes way for you two on the dance floor, which magically raises up in the middle of the hall.
music begins to play as you face the head boy, who inches closer to you every second.
time slows as he places his hand on your hips, guiding your hand to his shoulders. all other noise is drowned out by the sound of your heart, pounding so hard it might come out your chest. you don't see anyone but yang jungwon.
and he's looking at you like he sees no one else but you either.
it's crazy, how you're here, dancing, in the arms of the person who you've hated since 1st year - who motivated you to work hard during all these years.
you think back to your first meeting with him.
you could imagine the sparkles in your eyes as you stare at everything in awe, still in disbelief.
last month, a weirdly-dressed person knocked at your front door, and told your parents that you were a witch.
of course, you hadn't believed her at first, until she pointed her wand at a decorative figurine and made it float upside down. you and your family had been absolutely floored and confused. how could something like that even happen?
last month, the weirdly-dressed lady described to you a world that sounded fictional, of magic and creatures you could never even imagine. she explained why you had all these weird happenings growing up, things that were simply unexplainable.
your world was turned upside down in a few moments, and now you were here, on a train, to a magical school.
of course, you were incredibly sad to be away from your family for the first time in your life, but you were assured that you still had many ways to connect with them. and so, you set off into a new world completely alone, but with a lot of excitement.
you walked around the compartments as the train set off, peering and saying hi to other students.
until, you bumped into a boy who had the prettiest eyes you've ever seen, and the cutest little dimple that had 11-year old you's heart melting.
"be careful and look where you're going," he says nonchalantly.
"i'm so sorry! i was just so excited - i mean, aren't you? could you ever believe magic exists? i won't until i try it for myself!" you ramble enthusiastically.
you trail off when you see him looking at you with a mix of pity and boredom.
"oh, so you're a muggle-born, huh?"
"what do you mean?" you ask confusedly.
"well, whatever you think, i'm not like you. i already know what you just learned, and i already know what you still have to learn," he shrugs, picking at his nails like he ha better things to do than talk to you. "sorry, i think you're going to struggle a little bit here," he simply says, and leaves you alone in the middle of the train corridor.
what the hell? you ask yourself.
snobby rich kids isn't something you thought you'd experience in the wizarding world, but i guess somethings are just universal, huh?
something about the way he looked at you; talked to you like you were below him though - it bugged you.
"i'm gonna struggle?" you ask yourself in disbelief. absolutely not, you didn't want him to be right. you'll make sure of it.
and so, you ran back to your own compartment and pulled out your books, making a resolution to study everything and make sure you knew all the content. you wanted to show whoever that kid is that he's wrong, that you're better than him.
and so, the rest of the long ride and even your first night was spent catching up on what you missed out on, making sure you were prepared for whatever this extraordinary world would throw at you.
and most especially, preparing for whatever trouble the boy, who's name you learned was yang jungwon would give you.
gradually, more people join the dance, but you're so entranced by the boy in your arms, you don't notice how he's whisked you away from the main dance floor.
now towards the side of the room, away from all attention, jungwon looks down at you with all the love in his eyes.
it's overwhelming, you can't escape your emotions anymore. you like jungwon, possibly even more. you feel like all these feelings are about to burst out of you, and jungwon's arms are the only thing keeping you together.
"y/n, i think you still owe me something," he whispered, his face dangerously close to yours.
"and what would that be?" you naturally retort, having developed the instinct to talk back when it came to him.
"don't play with me, please let me kiss you."
"i don't think so." you pause teasingly, trying not to giggle at his pout, his dimple coming out. "let me kiss you," you say, finally leaning in, sealing your lips.
it felt just like the one back in 5th year, but better. jungwon held you impossibly closer by the waist, as if fearing you would run away. but you won't, and you never will. because in his arms, you never felt as safe and comfortable in your own skin as you did then.
you finally part for air, but jungwon's eyes never strayed from your face.
"i lied earlier by the way, when i said you looked good." you raise your eyebrows at him questioningly, before he smiles cheekily at you. "you look like the stars that put me to sleep every night."
"i didn't know you were poetic like that," you laughed lightly, leaning your forehead on his chest. "you look like my boyfriend."
"that's because i am," he says pulling you in for another kiss.
you don't think you'll ever get tired of kissing him. it's an unforgettable moment, and an unforgettable night.
you never knew you were missing something until you met jungwon, and you think you can finally breathe with him next to you (and your friends passing riki 20 galleons each two tables away). 
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; author's corner! hii this was inspired by all the jily fics i've read over the years (whew i didn't even realise how long i've been reading fanfiction...) LMAO anyways may irls never find out this acc belongs to me bc my realistic self barfed at what i just wrote but my delulu self was kicking and giggling while editing but i hope you enjoyed!
; taglist @wonuslust @enhacatalog @makiswrld @forjungwons @yebin14 @lovelovelovebts @amanda-archives @beomgyusonlywife @bbinwrld@em-asian @enhamysunshines @ahnneyong @jungwonscafe bold couldn't be tagged!
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milfsloverblog · 9 months
Secret Benefits (part 4)
Previous part here
Sugar mommy!Larissa Weems x fem!reader
A/N: Guess who’s back, back again. I know, I know. It’s been a while. Life has been a crazy ride in the last couple of months and I just didn’t have the heart to be writing anything. But I thought it’d be nice to gift you this chapter as a new year present. Have fun! ps: this contains ANGST. You’ve been warned. Enjoy <3
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You could tell that The Paragon was another one of those ridiculously expensive restaurants as soon as you set foot inside. High ceilings, heavy velvet curtains hanging by the windows, paintings on the walls.
You took a deep breath and slid your hand into Larissa’s, intertwining your fingers with hers. It felt reassuring, feeling her skin against yours and knowing that she was there with you. Or that you were there with her.
A waiter quickly walked your way, flashing the two of you a bright smile before leading you to a table. You felt a couple of stares as you walked past the other seated people and realised what they were probably thinking about. A young woman with an older one, holding hands. You hadn’t even asked Larissa if this was okay - holding her hand in public. Holding hands like a couple would. That thought made you pull your hand away from Larissa’s as if you’d been burnt, much to Larissa’s dismay.
You sat down at the table and Larissa followed suit, sitting down in front of you. The older woman smiled when you didn’t bother opening the menu that had been handed to you by the waiter, knowing full well she’d be picking whatever you’d be eating.
Good girl, she thought as her blue eyes bore into yours before dropping to the menu in her hands.
Seared scallops with a saffron sauce as a main and a white chocolate and raspberry semifredo for dessert, that’s what she had picked for you that night.
Dinner went like it did last time, Larissa was always more willing to listen to you talking about your life rather than share about hers.
The tall woman chuckled softly when you pushed some semifredo in your mouth, making you look at her.
“You have some-“ Larissa didn’t finish her sentence, choosing instead to reach out and wipe the bit of cream from the corner of your mouth with her thumb.
Almost instinctively, your lips parted. Larissa’s breath hitched, her heart doing that damn fluttering thing in her chest. You looked so beautiful, she thought. So open to her, so inviting.
Without thinking about it twice, she pushed the tip of her finger between your parted lips. And without thinking about it twice, your tongue licked the pad of her thumb clean.
A shiver ran down Larissa’s spine and she pulled her hand away from your lips, leaving you with your mouth half open and a questioning look on your face.
“Larissa, I-“ you started apologising but the older woman cut you off, raising her hand to catch the waiter’s attention.
You stayed quiet as she paid the bill, following when she stood up and buttoned up her blazer. You weren’t sure what you had done exactly to warrant her whole demeanour to change, but it was clear that you had messed up.
She was still silent when you sat down by her side in the car, seemingly lost in her own thoughts as she drove away from the restaurant.
Larissa was as lost as you were, thousands of thoughts rushing through her mind as she remembered everything that had happened that day. This was nothing more than a beneficial agreement - she found herself thinking for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day.
She was still quiet by the time she dropped you off at your place, reaching for the envelope inside the glove compartment and carefully placing it on your lap.
“Larissa, you don’t have to-“
“I know. But that’s what we agreed on, I’m paying you for your time.”
You gave a slight nod and pushed the envelope inside your handbag.
“Well,” you started, turning a little to face Larissa who kept her gaze outside the windshield. “Thank you for today.”
The older woman nodded and gently squeezed your knee without looking at you.
For a second you wondered if that was it, if this was the last time you’d see her. And then it hit you, the sudden urge to lunge at her and pull her into a kiss. Maybe it would wipe the worry off her pretty blue eyes and the pout off her crimson lips. But you didn’t kiss her, choosing instead to mutter a quiet “goodnight” before getting out of the car.
You didn’t see Larissa again after that night, at least not for a while. She didn’t contact you anymore, not even a single text to ask how you were doing. And maybe, you thought, maybe that was for the best. Sure, money was tight again but…
“Fuck!” You dropped the letter on your coffee table. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You were fucked.
“What do you mean you don’t do instalments?!” You snapped at the woman on the other side of the phone that was pressed to your ear. “Yes, yes I get that! I get that it’s my fault but-“ you groaned when the woman cut you off again to remind you for the third time that you had missed part of the payment for your college fees and you had to pay for the remaining amount as soon as possible.
“For god’s sake, I’m a college student! Where do you think I’ll find two thousand dollars before Friday?! No, no my parents won’t-“ you pinched the bridge of your nose and took a deep breath. It was clear that the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, so you thanked the woman for her time and hung up.
You were fucked.
Asking your parents for help was useless, you already knew that. Maybe you could pick up a few more shifts at the bar but that meant you’d have to skip some classes and even then you would never gather that much money in a few days. And then it hit you. There was someone in your life who did have that kind of money.
You sighed loudly and sat down on the couch, staring at the phone that was still in your hand. You couldn’t just text Larissa asking her for two grand, not after you hadn’t talked to each other in weeks. No, you’d have to come up with a plan. And so you did.
It was a fairly simple plan. You texted Larissa asking how she was doing and chatting for a while before you offered to see each other. “A drink at my place,” you said. You knew that Larissa was attracted to you, a blind person could have told you that. Were you attracted to her though? You shook your head to get rid of the thought. It didn’t matter if you were attracted or not, all that mattered was that she was.
She had arrived at your place that evening with a bottle of Chardonnay. “I hate showing up empty-handed.” She’d told you when you said you had a couple of red wine bottles in the cupboard.
Larissa was a vision, as always. A beige-coloured coat that she shrugged off her shoulders to reveal a tight dress of the exact same beige fabric. Her hair was tied in one of those intricate updos, like the ones you’d seen in old movies, and her lips painted a darker shade of red. She was a vision.
“Make yourself comfortable, please.” You smiled and gestured towards the sofa. After a few seconds of hesitation, you opted to open a bottle of red. You had a feeling Larissa had a preference for it.
“There,” You said, placing the two glasses on the coffee table and sitting down next to the older woman. “Had a good day at work?”
“I did, it could have been worse.” Larissa gently clinked her glass against yours and took a swig of wine. She never shared much about her work which only made you more curious.
She asked about your day and you told her about it, avoiding mentioning the astronomical bill you had to pay.
“I’m glad you could come tonight.” You smiled and took a sip.
“I’m glad you invited me, I know it’s not an easy thing to let people into our space.”
“You’re right, but I trust you.“ How ironic. “It’s not much, but it’s home.” You added, looking around your living room.
Larissa hummed and took another sip of wine, uncrossing her legs and crossing them again.
“Do you live in a house?” You asked, hoping to learn more about her.
“I…No, it’s a bit complicated. I have my own apartments at work.” Larissa explained, visibly ill at ease.
“It’s fine, I know you don’t like sharing about your private life.” You pushed a small smile and carefully placed your hand on Larissa’s leg, right above her knee where the soft fabric of her dress gave way to her alabaster skin.
“Thank you,” Larissa whispered, adjusting herself so she could look at you.
You felt bad at the thought of what you were about to do. Your stomach twisting in your belly as Larissa’s gaze bore into yours. You liked her. You couldn’t do this.
Almost as a reflex you lifted your hand and emptied your drink to give yourself more courage.
“May I kiss you?” It left your lips without you even thinking about it.
Larissa’s eyes widened to the point where she looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a fast-approaching car.
Well, that did not go as you had expected.
The silence was almost too unbearable so you cleared your throat and moved to get up from the couch, hoping to pour yourself another glass of wine when slender fingers wrapped around your forearm and yanked you back down. Next thing you knew Larissa’s lips were crashing against yours, her right hand finding purchase on your cheek and pulling you impossibly closer.
“Yes,” she whispered out of breath when she eventually pulled away from you, her red lipstick smudged around her mouth up to the tip of her nose. “Yes, you may kiss me. And you may not stop.”
Larissa couldn’t help but notice the way your pupils dilated in reaction to her words. So you did want her. You wanted her like she wanted you and that made the woman’s heart swell in her chest.
“Kiss me again.” A demand that you couldn’t say no to, really. And so you kissed her again. And again. And again. Until she pulled you so you’d straddle her thighs and her lips eventually left yours, busying themselves on leaving red marks along your jaw and down your neck.
“Larissa-“ it came out as a strangled cry, your fingertips gently tugging on the woman’s hair and messing up her neat updo.
“Stop me if I go too far.” She whispered against your skin as her hands slipped under your dress to caress your thighs.
You weren’t sure if this was still part of your plan. Sure, you had hoped to seduce her thinking it might make her more susceptible to lend you the money but maybe this was actually going too far.
“I need two grand-“ it was out of your mouth in less than a second and Larissa’s hand instantly stilled their movements.
“What ?” She huffed in disbelief.
“I-I need two grand for a bill, but I’ll pay you back! I swear!”
Larissa huffed again and shook her head, her hands moving to her hair in an attempt to fix her updo - or perhaps to ground herself, you weren’t sure.
“This is why you called me here, isn’t it?”
You quickly stood up from the woman’s thighs and fixed your dress.
“No! Of course not-“ you swallowed thickly as she rose to her full height and towered over you.
Larissa’s face was flushed and you could tell it wasn’t the same flush as a few minutes before. No, this time she was furious.
“Larissa, Listen-“ You tried, taking a step back and watching her take one forward.
“No!” She growled with a severity that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. “It’s your turn to listen.”
You took another step back as she took one closer, then another one, until she had you trapped against the fridge.
“You lied to me,” she said. “You made me come here, made me believe that you wanted to spend time with me. But all you care about is my money, isn’t it?” Larissa hissed, baring her teeth like a rabid dog. “You would sell your body like some cheap whore on the street.”
“And you would buy it!” You snapped, unable to let her bite you without biting her back.
“No, that’s where you’re wrong. I wouldn’t. I don’t mind paying for your time, your company. But this? No. It would feel like using you, and I already feel guilty enough as it is. Although you obviously don’t mind using me.” Larissa took a step back and reached inside her handbag, pulling out her chequebook and opening it.
“What are you-“ you started, only to be cut off by the older woman.
“I care.” Larissa simply said as she wrote the cheque. “And I thought-“ she slightly shook her head and handed you the cheque. Two thousand dollars. “Yes, I thought.” She repeated before giving a nod and putting her beige coat back on.
“Larissa,” you tried, gently wrapping your hand around her bicep.
“No,” she shook her head again and pulled away. “You’ve played me. You won’t see me again, sweetling.” It was said without any animosity. Instead, you found that her blue eyes were filled with melancholy as if she had been through this before and life was just repeating itself.
I’m sorry, you wanted to say, I’m sorry I lied to you and manipulated you. And I’m sorry to be hurting you.
You wanted to rip the cheque into pieces, to show her that it didn’t matter. But it did. You needed the money or you’d be kicked out of college. But, Larissa. Larissa, Larissa, Larissa. Larissa and her melancholy-filled eyes. I’m not like the ones who’ve hurt you before, you wanted to shout. But you were. Perhaps you were even worse than them.
Larissa and her melancholy-filled eyes.
Larissa and her warmth-filled laugh.
Larissa and her love-filled kisses.
Love-filled kisses.
Oh, god.
Of course.
You hadn’t realised it. Not before that moment. Larissa didn’t just like you. She had feelings for you.
“Larissa!” You exclaimed, snapping out of your thoughts only to find your apartment empty.
She was gone.
You were fucked.
Taglist: @raspburrythief @weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @larissaoftarthweems @principal-weems09 @kimiinou @winterfireblond @im-a-carnivorous-plant @geekyarmorel @h-doodles @azu-zu @barbarasstar @witchesmortuary @m1lflov3rrr @dumbasslesbi @crow-raven-crow @fridays-coven @lilfartbox1 @shawncantwrite @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @gwens0girl @aemilia19 @the-bagel24 @lvinhs @thefutureisus2020 @gela123 @a-queen-and-her-throne @rando-mango @wheresmyboo @my-silver-spring @hillary-nicks @ablsk @natasha29romanoff @tallvampirelady12 @canyoufeelmyheartsayinghi @i-love-nerdy-stuff @1-800-milfdilf @scarlettssub @jasperobsidian-blog @i-write-sometimes-maybe @brienne-the-brave @slytherinthepms @non-binary-frogking @wife-of-gwendolinechristie @anjo-iludidoefudido @imnotafruitt @opheliauniverse
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her-favorite · 7 months
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warnings: (very vague) references to cannibalism (it’s b&a, do i even need to add this?), honestly, this is more cute than anything else, so.. fluff!!
wc: 2667
a/n: lee is my fav timmy character so i get soo excited when i get a lee request 🤭 i hope you like this anon! i had sm fun writing this; i’d love some more lee stuff in my inbox!!
SYNOPSIS: You felt the eyes on you, but you forced yourself to brush it off. You came to realize that was hard to do when the eyes came to you.
You’ve always been a careful person.
You’ve always looked both ways before you crossed the street; you’ve always checked expiration dates before you bought certain foods; and you’ve always took in your surroundings when you left the house.
Which confused you why you couldn’t see the man following you.
As you stalked the aisles in the store, your eyes gazed by each product on the shelf, waiting to find the one you came here for. When nothing caught your eye, you sighed and began to walk away. As soon as you turned your head to glance back, your eyes caught on a figure a couple feet behind you. You turned back around before you could bump into someone, but the faded red curly hair quickly stuck out in your mind. As well as the baggy clothes and the ripped jeans. You couldn’t get much of a look at his face, but you did notice that his head was turned towards you.
Looking down at your shoes as you walked away, you tried not to let it get to you. Letting out a deep breath, you kept walking towards the exit.
Rounding a corner, you ignore the footsteps behind you and convince yourself they were anybody else’s. When dirty white shoes fill your eyesight, you had no choice but to look up.
“Hey, sorry to bother you, but I was wondering where the candy aisle was?” His voice was smooth, something you weren’t expecting to like. His red hair stuck out in front of the bright white walls behind him, his dirty sleeveless graphic tee hung loosely on his body, putting his arms on display. His baggy jeans hung around his thin waist, just barely giving you a peek of the black boxers that hid the v-line that began to start. The holes in the blue material were large around his knees, showcasing his pale skin.
“Uh, it’s right over.. there.” You turn around and point to the right. With your back facing him, you had no idea if he was listening to you, but you could only hope.
“Right, thanks.” He replies, his voice, against your better judgment, slightly soothing your worries. When you turned around to face him again, your eyes immediately met his. He was already staring at you. “Hey, do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar.” The man moves slightly, switching his weight to his opposite foot.
You quickly shut down his strange start to a conversation, shaking your head. “No, I don’t think so. I’ve never seen you around here.” You deny, ringing your hands together anxiously as you subtly try to find the exit.
He seemed to pick up on your demeanor as he licks his lips, taking a moment to watch you. “Alright, well, thanks for telling me where the aisle is,” He breaks the silence and points in the same direction you had minutes ago. You nod, deciding to break the staring contest you had with your shoes to meet his eyes. They were a deep green, captivating you instantly. In a certain light, you would’ve been fooled they were brown instead. “Catch you around?” He says, as if he’s genuinely hoping he’ll see you soon.
You nod again and give him a smile before walking around him, darting towards the exit. Once you leave the store, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. Fresh air hits you as you walk through the parking lot, your mind racing.
Maybe you were just overthinking the entire situation. Maybe he wasn’t following you, maybe he just wanted to ask someone - who just so happened to be you - where the candy was in a store he was unfamiliar with. You forced yourself to go with that answer as you pulled the drivers side door shut, relaxing back in your seat. Before you could finish your deep breath, two knocks sounded from beside you.
Jumping up from your spot, you look to your left at your rolled up window. The same man from inside stood before you, his hand now lowering from the glass. His lips parted as he began to speak, but it was quickly muffled from the barrier between you both.
Against your better judgment, you rolled down the window, the summer breeze hitting you gently.
“Hey, sorry to bother again, but you dropped these while you were leaving.” The words left his mouth perfectly, almost as if he were rehearsing them beforehand. He brings his hand back up, your keys hanging on his pointer finger. You couldn’t help but notice the tattoos on his fingers, admiring the ink that stained his pale skin.
“Oh, thank you,” you reply. You realized that you hadn’t even looked for your keys when you entered your car, too busy thinking about the man that’s currently standing beside your car.
You started to reach out for them, when he suddenly pulled his hand away. “What’s your name?” You were caught off guard by his question, not expecting the words to leave him. You stared at him for a couple seconds before he continued, “I’m Lee.” He introduced himself, looking at you through your opened window, his eyes squinted slightly from the blinding sun.
You sigh lightly before replying, “Y/N.” You notice a small smirk form on his lips when you decide to answer him.
“Pretty.” Lee mumbles, taking a glance at the keys in his hands before looking back at you. “Actually,” he continues, bringing a hand up to his hair, brushing his fingers through it. “I was wondering if you could drive me somewhere, or even just take me with you. My car,” he turns and points to an old, blue pickup truck a couple feet away. “Broke down and I can’t call anyone or take it anywhere, so,” he purses his lips and shrugs loosely, his body language seeming to be very careless.
You noticed that he still held onto your keys as he explained his situation to you, no candy or anything in his hands or pockets. There wasn’t much harm he could do to you without a weapon, right?
Knowing you already lost the battle as soon as he stepped up to you in that store, you nod your head in agreement. “Yeah, sure. I can take you somewhere to get it towed if you’d like?” You offered, watching his reaction.
“Sounds great, thanks.” He smiles, showcasing his pearly whites. You silently admire the smile lines he has, adding to his already charismatic personality. He rounds the front of your car before hopping into the passenger seat, handing you your keys. “Sorry, I didn’t even realize I still had them.” Lee apologizes, watching you start the engine.
A minute or two pass by as you begin to pull out of the parking lot and turn on the radio. The soft hum of the music flows alongside the wind that passed through the car from the open windows. It was a beautiful day outside, the sun shining, birds singing and kids running around, chasing each other or playing on the playground. It was the perfect weather for a walk or a swim, something you now wish you had. As you slowly got lost in your thoughts, you watched the road ahead of you, not paying attention to the man beside you.
Lee never took his eyes off of you once, unless it was to turn if you took a glance at him. There was just something so intriguing about you to him, but he couldn’t place it. He has never spent more than five minutes looking for someone to fall victim to him before, but he’s spent two whole days on watching you. Had he not been a killer, he would’ve beat himself up for being so weird and stalking you the past 48 hours. But there’s not much else he can do that’s worse than what he’s doing now, he reminds himself.
As he observes the way your hands slide over the wheel; the way your eyebrows furrow when a car goes when it’s not supposed to; the way you relax back in your seat when you stop at a red light; or even just looking forward at the road, he realizes how beautiful you are. He can’t go through with this, he thinks. He can’t harm you, his body won’t let him. He knows your name now, he’s been in your car, in your head… he can’t hurt you.
Clearing his throat, he sits up and reaches over to turn the radio up. His washed out curls rest against the headrest as he closes his eyes, feeling the cool breeze hit his skin.
You take a glance over at him, quickly memorizing the picture of him. His nose arches perfectly as his eyelashes lay softly, his hair blowing slightly from the air, the piercing in his ear shining from hitting the sun, and his Adam’s apple sticking out as his neck is pushed out from his position. You bring your eyes back to the road in front of you, thankful that no other cars were near. You let your tense shoulders start to calm as you slowly drift into the music playing, licking your lips as they started to dry from the wind.
“You’re really beautiful,” had the radio been up a notch higher, the words would’ve passed by you. You quickly look over at him, smiling softly and noticing that he was already looking at you. You quietly thank him, looking back at the street, a straight road in front of you for a couple minutes.
“You’re not too bad,” you reply, laughing slightly to show him not to take you too seriously. Your smile grew when you heard a chuckle escape his lips, a deep but comforting sound you’d like to hear more of. You felt a nudge to your thigh in response to your teasing reply, noticing the tatted hand of his move back into his lap.
“Thanks, ma.” Lee smiles, looking at you and then in front of him, watching the trees and houses go by. The name catches you off guard, but doesn’t upset you. If anything, you try not to smile wider at the unexpected endearment.
As you take a right, you notice a sign for a car shop coming up. You point to it, “do you wanna stop there and pick up your truck?” You spare a glance at him as he follows your finger, quickly reading the small letters on the even smaller sign.
“Nah, it’s fine. I can go back later and pick it up. She’ll still be there, I’m sure.” He chuckles softly and runs his fingers through his curls, picking out a knot or two.
“You sure?” You doublecheck but agree once he nods his head again, looking over at you to make eye contact. “Okay… do you want me to drop you off anywhere? Your house?” You look over at him, gazing into his eyes for any type of emotion.
“Uh, I don’t really have much besides my truck. Kinda been livin’ with her the past few months, taking drives everywhere and nowhere, ya know?” Lee rambles, leaning back in the seat, looking over at you to gage your reaction. You nod in understanding, taking a deep breath as you try and figure out what to say.
“You can.. stay at mine? I mean, I just moved in so there’s not much furniture, but,” you shrug, “i’m sure it’s better than sleeping in a car all the time.” You suggest kindly, looking over once before moving back to the road, nervous for his rejection.
Lee watches the way you avoid his eyes, taking in your body language. He wants to accept your offer more than anything, for more reasons than one. But, deep down, he knows he shouldn’t. The urge inside him was going to get stronger the more he stayed with you… but what’s wrong with being selfish for once in awhile? He couldn’t remember the last time he’s felt this normal, besides with his sister Kayla, which he now came to realize he should probably visit her soon.
“You sure? I snore.” He teases, smiling as he watches your lips curl up. If your smile was the last thing he ever saw, he could go peacefully.
“I’m sure. I’m a blanket hogger,” you grin, laughing softly as you tease him back. He playfully groans and throws himself back in his seat.
“Oh, great.” He states loudly, drawing in more laughs from you. Lee smiles fondly at your reaction to his jokes, silently hoping nothing will go wrong in the next couple hours. How could he have ever thought about using you for his insatiable desire? He was far too infatuated with you now.
Putting the car in park as you pull into your driveway, the sun begins to set. The sky was turning into a bluish-purple as the sun slowly hid itself away, the moon revealing as it moved higher in the sky.
You shut off your car as the radio cuts off and the engine stops. Your eyes meet Lee’s as he glances at you before opening his door. You copy his actions as you step out of the car, walking towards your front door. He follows you, his baggy jeans swaying against his legs. You unlock the door, opening it and stepping inside, leaving it open so he can join you.
“This is nice,” Lee says, gesturing to the room he was in. You laugh lightly at his words, turning back to look at him.
“I’m only halfway done with it, I still have a lot more in mind.” You reply, now looking around your living room, taking in the scarce amount of furniture and decor.
He shrugs, “it looks like you.”
“You don’t even know me.” You smile, looking over at him. You both stood a couple feet away from each other, eyes locked. A smirk forms on Lee’s face at your words, dirty shoes making contact with your floor as he makes his way over to you.
“Then let me get to know you.” He whispered, looking down at you. He looks down at your lips before moving his gaze back up to your eyes, watching you repeat his actions. You meet him halfway as you lean towards him, closing your eyes as your lips connect with his. You feel his big hands curl around your hips, squeezing the skin. You subconsciously move closer to him, moving your hands to rest on his neck, your dominant one reaching up to brush your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
You pull away when the air dissipates from your lungs, but not moving far away from him. Your breath hits his as his lips stay inches away from yours. You open your eyes slowly, looking up into his. The green hypnotizes you as you stare into them, your hand moving from his hair to the side of his face.
“Why did you pick me, Lee?” You whisper, gently bringing him down a bit so you could rest your forehead against his.
“What do you mean?” He asks, matching your volume. A soft hum of music starts to fill the air, the radio you kept in your house just now starting to play, despite it being a couple minutes from when you turned it on.
“Why did you ask me - out of everyone in that store - where the candy aisle was? I saw you before you walked up to me.” You confess, starting to sway your body lightly to the music. He follows with you, copying your movements. His hands start to slide under your shirt, resting gently against your bare waist.
“Don’t know,” he shrugs slightly, his voice still quiet. “I guess you just captivated me the moment I saw you.” Lee responds, his thumb starting to rub soothing circles against your skin.
“Yeah?” You whisper, softer than before.
“Yeah.” Lee confirms.
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chris-prank · 25 days
I think about Esteban often.
Can we please have more smut with him?
I got you 😉
CW: NSFW, cock warming, slightly teasing, no condom, receiving reader/bottoming
Since its GN reader, their body is described neutrally.
Esteban was looking up at you with anticipation. You were on top of him, using one of your hands to position his cock as he laid down on the bed. You kept teasing him by rubbing his glans against your hole without ever putting it in. Wanting to speed things up a bit, he bucked his hips in a moment of impatience, making his tip kiss your entrance.
His eyes being shut tight, Esteban couldn’t see your eyebrows furrowing in response to his little disobedience. To his surprise and initial delight, you sank yourself completely onto his cock. Esteban’s back arched as the sudden warmth, his hands gripping the bed sheets so vigorously that the tip of his fingers was turning white.
He let out a guttural moan, his eyes filling with tears."Y-yes...mmmf! It feels so n-ngh good... you're so so t-tight..."
Esteban’s hips continued to twitch upward thinking that you would follow his movements. But instead of ravaging him for not following your instructions, like he expected, you just stayed there. A low whine escaped his lips and he gave you confused puppy eyes. You look back at him with an unbothered expression, as if what you did was perfectly understandable.
“You wanted to be inside me so badly, so there you have it.” You said in an innocent tone.
His eyes widened.“N-no! P-please, I am sorry!” I won’t do it a-again nfff… I-I promise.” He whimpered, dropping his back against the pillow, trying to focus on restraining his lower half from moving again.
You weren’t listening to his pleas, as a grin played on your lips. You then sensually cascade your hand down your chest and to your groin. You started to play with yourself, teasing him over the fact that he couldn’t join in the fun. Esteban whimpered once more, his body taunted by your little show.
Your inside were extremely warm, so having the taste of such an intoxicating feeling without being able to have the full experience was torture. Not to mention that every time a wave of pleasure came over you, your gummy walls would slightly clench around his shaft. He didn’t know what to do with himself anymore, in a desperate attempt to distract himself from the feelings he bit one of his fingers, hoping the pain would distract him.
After what seemed like the longest two minutes of his life, you gently cupped his cheek, taking pity on him. Esteban automatically kissed your inner palm and stared up at you with half lidded eyes.
“Are you ready to behave now?” You cooed.
“Yes! I-I’ll b-be… Aah… so good.” He whined, nuzzling his head against your hand.
Without warning, you moved your hips up and down in a rhythmic motion, the room getting filled with the sound of flesh hitting flesh. A cry of pleasure broke down his throat and his body shuddered under you. You could feel something filling your insides other than his cock. You looked down and evidently a white substance was leaking out of your hole. While you were stunned into silence, Esteban hid his face with his hand. Only one of his eyes was visible to you between two of his fingers.
“M’sorry… Felt s-so w-warm and good…” His facade of shame slightly broke as he followed with, “I can… always make it up to you in oth-others ways.”
Esteban is a little bratty freak that loveee to act all timid and embarrassed, but he (not so) secretly wants it 🤭
(Sorry for everyone that I haven't answered your ask yet, don't you worry I am working on it!)
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elllisaaa · 1 month
i’m staring at this and thinking how fun it would be to ride him till he can’t say a word anymore 😩
oooh yess this outfit on him is so pretty, i can't take it, he needs to calm down 😔
WOOYOUNG who's honestly a brat, no matter the time of the day or the place you're at. and if you usually love it, today he's even more annoying than normally. you've just been trying to tidy up your apartment and he's been bugging you all day. so when you finally have enough of his attitude, you think that it's time to shut him up a little.
you burst into the bedroom where wooyoung his seated on the bed, back against the headboard and looking at something on his phone. perfect. "you're finally going to give me some attention ?" you're not even softened by the cute pout on his lips, not saying a word and immediately going to tug down his sport shorts. an annoyingly attractive smirk takes over wooyoung's features as you get rid of your leggings and underwear too. "oh, you're eager baby ? so cute." the way he never stops is seriously getting on your nerves and you don't wait a second longer to straddle his naked thighs and sink down on his already half hard cock.
"shut the fuck up woo." - "make me" his proud grin is soon wiped off his lips when you start moving on top of him, one hand coming to tug on his hair harshly. a moan escapes him instead of the teasing words he wanted to say. wooyoung doesn't want to let control slip away from him so easily, but the way you're rolling your hips against his own is already sending him far away from reality. his eyes flutter shut for a moment, and he misses the mischievious glint in your eyes.
"you love to play baby but once you get a taste of my pussy you're so fucking pathetic." - "g-go to hell." wooyoung doesn't mean to sound so weak, but he's not even convincing with the way his hands desperately grip your waist, trying to entice you in moving faster. "you're eager baby ? so cute." you coo at him like he did to you earlier and wooyoung is ready to answer when you pull on his hair harder, eliciting another quiet whine from him. "fuck…" - "look at you woo, so pitiful when i take control." he wants to say no, but his body says yes by bucking his hips up into you, forcing you to bite your lips. however, his cocky expression doesn't last long as he soon feels your hand coming down to slap his face. "remember who says if you can cum." wooyoung's eyes widen at the threat, already pleading you with his gaze. "behave and maybe i'll let you."
and he really tries to stay still as you move up and down his dick, riding him as if you had been deprived of his cock for days. the feeling of your tight, wet, velvety walls squeezing him so good are sending him to another world, and seeing your lustful gaze as your hand releases his hair to go wrap around his throat is enough to bring him so close to his orgasm. you can feel it from how much he's throbbing inside of you, from how he cannot hold back his moans anymore, from his hazy eyes only focused on how you're dripping all over him. "p-please…" - "please what ? i need full sentences baby." - "i…" wooyoung tries, he really tries to talk but his mind doesn't even know how to put words together but he can't. so he relies on whimpering louder each time you're dropping back down on his cock.
"you're gonna cum inside, baby ? think you deserved it ?" wooyoung doesn't even have enough consciousness left to shake his head yes or no, and you smirk down at his contorted face - you fucked him dumb. he uselessly makes an attempt at stopping you, but he feels too numb and when you purposely clench around him, he paints your walls white. and for a moment, wooyoung thinks he sees heaven as you squeeze his throat tighter. when he finally comes down off his high, he's panting loudly and he looks at you as if you hung the stars in the sky. "you're a witch." wooyoung says in a whiny tone, still trying to catch his breath as you chuckle on top of him, your lips brushing against his when you lean down to answer. "maybe. i'm not done casting my spell on you though." and you start rolling your hips again and making him gasp loudly. "s-stop, i'm too sensitive, baby please…" - "you wanted to be a brat, now you take responsibility."
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zuntoshere · 4 months
White book that BadBoyHalo found in Pomme's adoption chamber (22 pages) .
Text version and other pages under the cut:
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" Once upon a time, there were three little eggs.
Three little siblings.
Full of life, they were happy to live. They loved playing with each other, and fell asleep at night while hugging each other.
They didn't know the reason of their existence, they didn't know anything about themselves, but they knew they had each other and it was all that mattered.
It wasn't an easy life they were living, but they had each other and everything was fine.
Full of love, they were kind souls at heart. Mischievous souls, they were having fun playing pranks together on their caretakers.
Sometimes, it was just playing hide and seek with them, finding all the best places to hide in these big white rooms, that were mostly empty.
Some other times, it was just taking some pencils and drawing on the walls with them.
And you may think, "what little devils they were!", but these three little eggs were always trying their very best to make their caretakers happy.
And they did everything they wanted them to do.
Being an experiment wasn't an easy life for them. Each day, they had to go through several batteries of tests.
Sometimes painful, sometimes not.
Sometimes, they swore they could hear a strange cracking sound, and the tests always immediately stopped, and the people around them were running frantically trying to find a way to heal them. Eventually, they were put to sleep and woke up feeling alright again.
Being an egg wasn't an easy life.
But despite how hard it was, the bedroom of these three little eggs was always filled with Laughter.
After all, they were only full of love to give.
These three little eggs were slowly discovering life.
All three of them loved flowers very much.
The first one loved poppies, the second one loved cornflowers, and the last one loved red coloured saplings.
One fell in love with music and playing instruments after a specific test studying reactions to sounds.
Another one fell in love with the snow after a specific test studying reactions to cold environments.
And the last one dreamed of living in a castle someday, after stumbling upon some fairy tales books for children.
Life wasn't easy. But they started having dreams, and were full of hope.
One sinister day, their caretakers didn't show up. It was other people instead. People who looked almost the same, but wore different clothes.
Because of their blank faces, it was impossible to guess what they could be thinking or what were their intentions. But something felt wrong.
Next thing these little eggs knew, they were separated from each other. Feeling lost, they felt anxiety overcoming them. A sense of dread filled them, wondering if it was time for them to start panicking or not. But brave little eggs they were, they just kept following these strange persons.
Eventually, they were led into very small rooms. Very tiny and cramped ones.
They got put into little glass cages, and they weren't able to go out of them by themselves.
Surely, it was just another test, right? They were used to it.
Everything was going to be fine.
The strange blank figures, although faceless, seemed to stare at them for a few seconds, completely silent. And without a word, they turned their backs and started to leave the rooms.
They closed the access to it, and silence filled the rooms even more.
And then, the little eggs started waiting.
They waited, full of hope these people would come back for them.
They waited.
They waited.
They waited.
No one came.
The days passed by. Each day felt harder than the previous one, each day felt more lonely. The hunger was unbearable, being more and more painful each day.
Eventually, they started giving up on hope to be found. But sometimes, you shouldn't give up on hope. Sometimes, you shouldn't let hope go away.
On a bright day of Spring, flowers were blooming. The wind was humming a soft melody. On April 15th, 2023, a little egg was found in an attic.
A month later, a plane crashed. Five French speakers survived. On May 16th, 2023, another little egg was found inside of a wall.
Some more months later, a detective walked into a room. journal was found. On August 30th, 2023, it was too late for this little one.
The first two survived, and despite how hard it was to survive on this island, they were still happy to live.
They had dreams and kept hoping for a better future, with their new-found adoptive families.
The two survivors became sisters again. They didn't know why, but both felt a connection with each other. Both felt very attached to memories.
At the end, they never really forgot Hope. "
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neonovember · 6 months
could even make the tattoo be his name or his initial or somethin 🤯🤯🤭😏
love you and your writing 😚
thanks for keeping us fed 😌
carmen berzatto x reader
okay so yes, maybe hozier has jolted me out of my writers block. i'm just a women after all.
Inked Devotion
this request was fun! i really didn't know what to make the tattoo so i left it a blank slate for whatever you wanna imagine, hope that's okay!
word count: 1.7k
things; tattoos, mentions of braces, carmen's unyielding devotion to you
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Your eyes dart across the tall walls lined with inked models and men in dark beards nervously. You can't shake the tension that seems to imprint itself under your skin, your knees jittering with a rapid tap against the linoleum floors. 
When you had brought up wanting to get a tattoo, a half joking mutter under your breath as you traced the many littered on Carmen’s body you hadn’t anticipated to actually go through with it. 
And yet here you were, shaking like a leaf despite the diffuser jutting out whisper of eucalyptus that was meant to be calming. Whilst Monica, a woman you'd meant a handful of times ran through the list of after care necessities you should be listening to.
You can’t though, you don’t hear a thing as you stare unseeingly through the dark auburn tresses of her short hair, wrapped up in the thoughts that have begun to eat away at the already dwindling confidence you had when you first walked in. 
“Hey, you still with me darlin’' Monica's Brooklyn drawl draws you back to her, and you duck your head sheepishly as you nod furiously. Like a goddamn high schooler getting caught looking out the window instead of listening to Hemingway.
Monica smiles toward you, humouring warmth filling her pale skin that, surprising to you, were incredibly stark of tattoos. In fact, if it weren’t for the posters taped to the walls, the black and white tiled floor, and the ominous tattoo bench in the corner you would have thought you walked it not the wrong place. It was stereotypical of you, and you had been a loud advocate for not judging a book by its cover, but goddamn, what tattoo parlour had potted plants and candles that smell like cinnamon?
“Sorry, uh, what did you say?” 
“It’ll be alright, the pain really does depend on each person but Larry here will catch you if you faint on my tattoo bed” Monica winks with a smile, and you shift your gaze to the man stationed unmoving near some marked drawers, the mass of muscle hidden beneath dark jeans and a shirt bursting out of him.
It wasn’t the pain you were worried about, you had period cramps that sounded worse than that, it was more so the prospect of having your virgin skin imprinted with something forever. You had never done something like this, teenage recklessness had passed you by without a blink, and you had little to show for it but carved words on your old dresser from a knife and a dark eyeshadow phase that lasted less than a month. 
It was a little pathetic, getting your first tattoo eons after any respectable age, and your trepidation seems blatantly clear as Monica shakes her head with a smile.
“Many people get their firsts well into adulthood, did I tell you about my last appointment? A 52 year old woman wanting a goddamn tramp stamp.”
You can't help but let a giggle out, the unsureness leaving you at Monica’s words
“You still want this right?’ Monica replies, and you shift your gaze to Carmen, who was already watching you fondly, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he pushes his golden strands back and gives you a nod
“It’s all up yo you gorgeous, if your having second thoughts there is a really good Thai place i wanted to che-” 
“No, no I want this”  You cut him off, and he chuckles softly, “Besides we already designed the stencil and everything” Carmen nods at that, placing his large palm onto your own, squeezing it with reassurance.
“Damn right we did, thinkin it's my best work yet” Monica chirps from the other side of the bed between you.
“Alright, just sit on that bed down there, get settles while I grab some things” 
You nod, walking stiffly towards the leather bed, tissue paper crinkly under your weight as you shift into a comfortable position. Your eyes follow Monica like a laser, watching as she santises her hands and slides on powdered sterile gloves. 
It reminds you of days spent in Dentists chairs, visions of rubbery fingers tightening wires into your teeth flashes behind the darkness of your lids. Funny, you had worried about your lack of experimental youth, and yet here you are now feeling like a kid again.
The thought makes you smile, and you open your eyes to feel the heated gaze of Carmen looming over you. Face distorting in horror when Monica’s tool makes a clatter, eyes widening comically in that way that always makes you laugh.
“Alright Doll, I’m just gonna need you to sit up for me whilst I get the skin prepped. Alcohols gonna feel a little cold to the touch, kay?” Monica says.
All you can do is nod as she rips open the matte packet, pressing it into your open skin shaved clean per her request a few prior. Who knew how much prep a tattoo would need, you were sure it was on par with even one of Carm’s dishes.
Unfortunately for you the only numbing cream useful for tattoos had something that would have made you break out in hives, so it was cold turkey for you. Monica had transformed the design into a stencil, and as she was transferring it into your skin it seemed to come to life all at once. 
You had spent hours going over designs, and whilst you were extremely happy with what you both came up with, it was like when the lines and shapes had traced your skin, you finally saw it. And the moment you did you couldn't stop the wave of emotion that rushed through you, filling your eyes.
“Hey, baby, hey what is it” Carmen rushed urgently, crouching down when he noticed the way you sniffled.
“Awe doll, you don’t like the design? I’ll change it in a flash, this is just the stencil it aint permanent at all” Monica quickly stopped, looking up at you with concern
“No no, I’m fine” You squeezed Carmen “It’s so, it's beautiful Monica” You rushed out, trying to ease the lines of concern that appeared on her face. Monica bloomed at your reply, fondness heating her cheeks as she traced your skin comfortingly.
“Thank you” You whispered to her as she shushed you.
“At least we got the crying bit over and done with, it might hurt less now” She winked, before reaching for her tattoo gun.
“Ah shit” You grunted, shooting daggers Carmen's way when he snorted out loud.
Returning to your skin, Monica pressed the pointed tip of the gun to your skin, the first sink of ink burrowed into your skin causing you to clench your jaw. 
Monica looked up to watch your expression with a smile,
“See, ain't too bad” Carmen replied before you gripped him white knuckled, making him wince regrettably.
It took some time, you won’t lie to yourself that is fucking hurt. But soon enough the sharp stab had resided to a dull ache, and you instead had become all too focused on the movement of Monica's hand swaying through the strokes of the design. 
You were in awe, she breathed her being into it, and as the design took inches and inches of your skin you understood why she was booked out for months. With one last intricate curl, and a wipe of cleansing soap across the inked skin it was finished. Revealed to both you and Carmen's eyes in all its glory, and you both just stared.
“God, now I wish my first was as good as that instead of wonky stick and poke” Carmen said after a pregnant silence had passed.
“It..wow, yeah. Yep, I want to be buried with this” You said softly, giddiness erupting in your body as you shook your hand grasped in Carmens.
“I’m glad doll, I mean this is meant to be professional but goddamn does your skin just take it. Fuckin’ gorgeous” Monica replied, leaning back as she places the gun on the table near.
“Hey, I'll report you to HR” Carmen bitterly replies, moving you closer to his side as you laugh.
“It’s my business, I am HR” Muttering under her breath as she rolls her eyes. Wrapping your skin in adhesive sheets, Monica repeats the after care instructions, thankfully and this time you listen.
Carmen had already grabbed your things, motioning for you to start heading out after you both furiously thanked Monica for everything. You crinkled with joy as she hugged you, breathing in the smell of old spice and medical grade rubbing alcohol that followed her. 
Her studded rings glistened in the afternoon sun as she waved you both goodbye, as you couldn't help but skip in your stride across the sidewalk. Finger tracing the raised blotted skin, whilst your other hand hung onto Carmen as he twirled you around.
“My gorgeous ink stained sweetheart” Carmen called to you, and you were brought back to his chest gently like a tide again.
“Thank you too, you know” You said into Carmen's cotton shirt. It was the one you got him after your first date, it had been a deep cobalt then. You regretted it just as you gave it to him, fearing you were being too forward. And then he wore it until it faded into a light blue.
“Wouldn't even have this forever on me if you hadn't been the one to bring it up again” You replied softly, fingers tracing his jaw.
“Would have spent a year learning how to tattoo myself if you wanted me too. Monica just seemed quicker” Carmen mumbled before you softly hit his chest with a smile.
“Hey, it’s true. Your skin deserves to be remembered, I could trace it till my fingers atrophied and I’d still have the memory of you under my skin memorised” Carmen divulged, eyelids drooping as he leaned down into your embrace. 
You shake your head, heart panging so deeply it hurt till you pressed your lips to his. Tasting the outpour of Carmen that he let loose into you everyday.
And Carmen had stayed true to his words weeks later when it had healed, tracing it till his fingers weren't enough. Till he had to wrap his mouth around it and taste it with his tongue.
He swears even your inked skin tasted sweet.
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tags <3 @parmforcarm @hansfics @kpopgirlbtssvt @nolita-fairytale
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the-kr8tor · 10 months
Hello!!! I have simple request if you don’t mind how about drunk Hobie with y/n…I wanna see how you would write their dynamic cause I love your writing <3
Thank you for requesting, lovely! 💛
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: use of Y/N sparingly, no specific physical description of the reader, drinking, cw vomit, FLUFF
You wake up groggily to the telephone ringing loudly inside your shared bedroom. With one eye open, you blindly reach for the receiver, hand bumping all over the mess that is your bedside table. Bringing the phone to your ear, face squished on the pillow, sleep still clinging to your lashes.
“Hello?” Your voice cracks.
“Y/N? It's Ned” you wake up in a flash, mind already flashing to Hobie or his friends having some sort of emergency during their weekly get together. Is there a fire? Did someone get alcohol poisoning? Is he okay?
“Come get your man. He's gonna get kicked out with how loud the fucker is right now. The owner’s staring daggers at him”
Sure enough, there's a loud booming laughter in the background and what sounds to be glass shattering. Ned's swirling his words together but sober enough to put together a cohesive sentence. But definitely not drunk enough to handle his friends' shenanigans.
“Oh shit! Please hurry, he's telling everyone that he's Spider-Man, what a weirdo.” there's a rustling sound then the phone falls, banging on the wall briefly. There's fast footsteps and a muffled, “Hobie! Christ, that's your third fucking glass!”
There's roaring laughter, and an unmistakable voice. “Who you callin’? The coppers? You're no fun anymore, Neddy”
The dial tone ends and you're already putting on your trainers, taking your keys, wallet and coat. You don't even bother changing out of your pajamas, they look presentable enough, right?
The train ride was awkward. You in your pajamas, hair disheveled, and mismatched socks. Good thing there weren't a lot of commuters this late or the staring would actually get to you. There was an awkward silence when you stepped inside, but with you staring right back at them with your sleep deprived eyes, they looked away immediately.
You practically ran to the white horse pub, the party was in full swing, people with sloshing pints in hand and men drunkenly trying to walk straight. Hugging your coat closer, you tie them closed, scanning the pub for the familiar figure.
Spotting Hobie halfway up the table with Ned trying to drag him off, his laughs would make you giggle if not for him being so inebriated, chugging an entire pint while his other friends cheer him on, banging on tables and guffawing over the already loud pub. A friend you've recognized before joins him on the table, finishing his own pint. Hobie eggs him on with him tipping his friend's pint closer to the man's lips, while chanting: you can do it, mate!
The wood wobbles and you quickly make your way towards him. Ned sighs in relief, you smile apologetically before he changes course for the other friend on the table, almost tackling him off it.
You hold onto his leather jacket in an attempt to balance him. He usually has great balance but you don't completely trust his coordination.
“Hobie!” You yell through the loud chatter of the pub. The owner watches on in your peripheral, “Sorry, Joe! I'll get him home!”
“You better! Your boy's a menace, he's been inciting everyone on his little drinking game”
“Isn't that good? People are buying more booze?”
“Don't push it, love. That's the only reason why I'm not gonna make him pay for the broken glasses”
You wince, “sorry about those” He grunts, waving off.
Tugging at his jacket, you call his name again. Hobie finally looks down, eyes flicking from your hands to your face. You'd expect him to greet you with a smile or even drop down and hug you, instead, he swats your hands away from him, his eyebrows knitted together in annoyance.
You blink in surprise, bewildered at his actions. “Hey! Hobie!”
“What?” he folds his knees to level with you, his eyes blinking a little too quickly, head tilted, hands on his knees for extra balance.
“What do you mean ‘what’? I'm here to take you home. You're too drunk” you hold his hand, tugging him down on the table.
“And you're too bloody handsy” he flings your hand away. “I'm–” he blinks slowly, trying to get his bearings. “I'm have a girl back home, yeah? Don't” Hobie pokes your forehead.
You get cross eyed, a minute ago you'd thought he was just a little too drunk, the kind of drunk where you're wobbly on your feet, now you know he definitely can't see straight. You decide to play along, just so you can tease him in the morning.
“Oh” you bring your hands on your chest in a mock surprise. “Didn't know that, so sorry”
“No harm, but she–she would…could throw hands if she saw you grope me like that”
Grope? “I wasn't– you know what, tell me more about her. She sounds nice”
Hobie beams at you, a resemblance of what he would usually look like once he sees you in a crowded room. He sits on the table like you just asked a child what his favourite dinosaur is.
“She– she's sooo good to me, y’know” you nod, biting your lip to stop a giddy laugh from escaping. “I told her that I was Spiderman and y’know what she did?!” He excitedly yells, good thing no one here actually believes his drunk ramblings or else the entire pub would know that they're currently drinking with spiderman himself.
“No, what did she do?” you smile, eyes twinkling under the dim lights of the pub.
“She said she loves me! And and” he gestures excitedly. “Supports me! Isn't that fuckin' amazing?!” Hobie sighs longingly. “I miss her, I wish she was here. She'd probably bonk me on the head with how much I've drunk though.” He trails off, his eyes glassy. “I should go home”
“Yeah, you should” you slowly inch closer to him. “Hey, babe?”
“Yes, lovie?” Hobie does a double take, his eyes wide as dinner plates. “Lovie!” He tackles you in for a hug. His face snuggling closer to your neck. You rub his back, giggling.
Now you're the one struggling to balance. “I miss you too” you kiss his temple. “Let's go home before you let out anymore of your secrets”
You would have struggled more if you brought him to the tube, luckily enough, you found a cab within five minutes of waiting (and wrangling) with Hobie.
After a round of goodbyes from his equally drunk friends, you finally got him inside the taxi. The driver clicks his tongue at another drunk passenger.
“He better not get sick all over my seats” the driver says gruffly.
“He won't, don't worry” you say with a fake smile.
“I think ‘m gonna be sick.” Hobie opens the car window, letting the cool air in.
“Please don't” you whisper to him, patting his back affectionately whilst you smile at the glaring driver so he doesn't kick you out.
After a car ride that seemed endless and one throw up outside the flat, you're both finally home. Getting him up the stairs was more of a struggle, he wobbled on his feet, almost tumbling off the staircase, if not for you clinging to him he would most definitely fall. Once inside the bedroom, he groans, leaning his entire body on you. Arms enclosed around your shoulders, head lolling to the side.
Hobie drops like a sack of potatoes on the mattress, bringing you down with him. You land on top as he traps you in his embrace.
“You're so good to me” he murmurs against the crown of your head.
“Mm-hmm, so I've been told” you cuddle closer, not minding the smell of alcohol.
“Because it's true” Hobie places a sticky kiss on your head then folding his neck just to reach your temple.
“You're gonna regret this in the morning” you help him in attacking your face by leaning over him, your elbows on the side of his head, fingers scratching his scalp. His hands skim over to your waist, holding you securely.
“I'll never” kiss “ever” kiss “regret” kiss “snogging you”
You laugh from the belly with every peck he leaves on your skin. “I know that, I’m talking about you drinking too much”
Hobie pauses, eyes narrowed from tiredness, lips still pursed together. “Ah that, sorry” he apologizes for his future self even though he would most definitely say it in the morning when you hand him some meds and lots of fluids.
“We'll talk about it once you're sober and without a banging headache. Rest, I'll take care of you” kissing his nose, you leave his side to grab fresh clothes for him to change into.
Before you completely leave, Hobie takes your hand, squeezing it.
“Love you, thank you” You let him bring your knuckles up to his lips, he sighs.
“Love you too, I think you're about to have the worst morning tomorrow” you chuckle, leaning closer to his touch like a planet orbiting its sun.
“With you, it won't be”
“You get cheesy when you're drunk” kissing the tip of his nose, you leave again, turning away, earning a grunt of disapproval from Hobie.
“I hate to see you go but I love watching you leave!” he says with gusto.
You should've brought a video camera with you when you were in the pub.
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dev1lm4n · 1 year
all glory
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masterlist | kofi (support me here!)
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
summary: joel has been feeling insecure, finding it hard to come to terms that he's indeed aging. tommy suggests a clever solution: a post-apocalyptic glory hole
word count: 4.8k of pure filth
warnings: minors dni (18+), post-outbreak, joel is 56 here hehe hot old men, insecurities, glory hole, fingering, unsafe piv, slight breeding kink, no pregnancy stuff tho cuz im terrified of that, reader calls him sir, pet name (darling)
note: i decided to create a kofi bcs im a broke college student lol. anyways hope yall enjoy this, do COMMENT and REBLOG if you enjoyed this :)
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Joel Miller had always been a man of confidence.
Being left as a single father for Sarah at an early age, he’s been through thick and thin, trying his best to make ends meet so that they wouldn’t have to end up in one of those run-down shelters. But never once did he question his ability to attract women. 
He’s always had it in him. With a mere glance from his expressive eyes, he can ensnare hearts and leave an everlasting impression on anyone fortunate enough to encounter him. Rugged masculinity and striking refinement; a deathly mix that kept girls swarming after him like bees. After the world descended into chaos, he’s not much different either. Perhaps the bone-deep trauma had left him looking eternally exhausted with sunken eyebags, or that gray filaments started becoming a welcomed addition to his beard, but all in all he’s still charming.
He didn’t have to seek, because people seek for him. Joel had plenty of erotic rendezvous in times where society crumbled and the rule of law eroded, more so now that everyday could be his last and he didn’t have the privilege to take it slow like a true Southern gentleman. He’s done it everywhere. Inside a stuffy closet while hiding from a clicking monstrosity, behind a thin wall while her husband sat cluelessly on the other side, and even taking sexual compensation for his little business. Joel Miller wasn’t a saint. Neither he one for God and he’d like to make it obvious.
Nowadays though, within the tall foreboding walls of Jackson City, that type of attention has faded away. He’s no longer getting those longing stares from across the floor, no longer being begged to corrupt just for some extra wad of cards, no longer being flirted and fawned over like a goddamn stud. Joel didn’t have any problem with it at first. He’s growing old. Instead of those naughty strands of white peeking out of his head, he’s now a complete mix of salt and pepper. Instead of just having a fun smile line, forehead rolls and crows’ feet are now imprinted deep into every crevice. Joel wasn’t the man he used to be. 
He’s weathered away, he thought, unsuited for fun and adventure.
Perhaps it had something to do with his daughter as well. Even when Ellie’s not from his actual blood, everyone in town viewed her that way. He’s her father. Thus, everyone seemed to perceive and treat him as merely a father and not as an actual person that has his own needs and wants. Joel loved his daughter. Terribly so in ways he couldn’t decipher. A part of him has made up his mind that this would be how he should spend the rest of his life: in celibacy. Though the retirement of his sexual and romantic life has slowly taken a toll towards his self-esteem. Tommy, who’s always known to be rather slow and imperceptive, was surprisingly the first one to take notice of his gradual change.
“Maria told me you might be here.”
Tommy’s gruff voice brought him out of his trance. Joel looked up, meeting the familiar figure crouch to get into his little workshop. It was his newfound hobby these days, becoming a hermit and isolating himself from the community. He’d craft a wooden figure or two each night while he relived each and every one of his memories. Good and bad. Of death and of birth. Then by the end of the night he’d feel mildly satisfied with a wooden sculpture shaped like memorabilia from the old world. Joel couldn’t admit it outloud, but insecurity had taken over him. It festered deep into his soul that he couldn’t even bear looking at himself in the mirror anymore or present himself to society.
“Yeah, just..” he paused to ponder on a better way to answer. “Just doin’ my own thing.”
“You skippin’ dinner again?” Tommy’s curiosity sounded oddly suspicious, enough that Joel already knew he’s about to say something obnoxious or entirely uncalled for. The older quirked his thick eyebrows in return.
“Made myself my own plate,” Joel cocked his head towards where a lone plate sat. Judging from the crimson stain smeared on top, it must’ve been one of those canned pastas that he picked out.
“Brother..” Tommy started out, visibly nervous of how his brother would take it. “Is there something wrong?”
“With me?”
“Yeah, with you.”
“No, not that I could think of,” Joel hummed. “I ain’t bitten or anythin’, why are ya asking such a dumb question anyway?”
“You’re just different these days,” Tommy reasoned with a small frown. “You barely come out of your house and if you do, you’re huddled up in this place, carving things for hours on end.”
“There’s nothin’ wrong with wanting to be alone. Is there?” he challenged.
“No, but you’re.. different. Almost like your mind’s troubled for once.”
“There’s nothin’ wrong, Tommy,” he insisted.
Joel was actively avoiding the accusations. He stood up from where he’s been perched upon for hours on end, bringing his half-carved wooden slab with him to set it on one of the displays he had. He’s grown quite the collection. It’s been going on far longer than he’d expected, the crippling fear of being undesirable and hideous, and it brought up an immense feeling of embarrassment. He couldn’t possibly admit such things to Tommy, could he? Tommy was different from him. His first child was on its way to be birthed, but girls still chatter about his charming smile and strong figure. They’d still gossip and make dirty guesses about his size. How long he endured such activities, the position he enjoyed best, and how sweet he was to his partner.
Tommy couldn’t possibly understand his fear.
“You can’t help me even if I told ya,” he grumbled.
“Put some trust in me, will ya?” Tommy chuckled as he spun around his seat to follow Joel’s every move. “Tell me what’s troublin’ you, big brother.”
“They don’t look at me the same way.”
“Who doesn’t?”
“The ladies,” Joel muttered.
His words were barely above a whisper. It almost seemed as if he saw the phenomenon as something humiliating, up to the point where he couldn’t even look Tommy in the eye in fear of having him laugh. He’s never talked about this with anyone else. It didn’t help that he truly didn’t have anyone to talk to in general aside from the few acquaintances his brother introduced him to and well.. Ellie. But none of them seem to be the right person to talk to regarding this. 
Regarding his failure in masculinity. His unspoken worries that he didn’t have any of the strong, chiseled jawline or any of the tightly packed abdomen with six separate squares to admire. He’s grown old and weak. Five years ago, he could’ve probably still sweet-talk his way into a woman's heart, but now he couldn’t even look one in the eye without the fear of being put to shame.
“They still do, Joel,” Tommy assured him. He’s telling the truth. Joel knew that Tommy didn’t have it in him to lie, he’d have sounded like a strangled bird or a squeaky dog’s toy if he did. But his mind couldn’t believe it one bit.
“I don’t know, Tommy..” he muttered. “They don’t look at me the same way. They don’t look at me at all even.. and I’m fine with that I 'spose. I ain’t a whorin’ bastard who couldn’t accept that he’s agin’..”
“But they do, Joel.”
“I’m old,” he sucked in the air. “Lately there are these moments where I.. where I’d look a girl in the eye and all I could feel was humiliation.”
“Like they’re lookin’ at me as if I’m some.. some sort of repulsive creature,” he whispered. “I feel like I could hear ‘em gigglin’ with their girlfriends on how shameless I am.”
Tommy was deduced into silence. Time ticked by as he cranked up his brain to figure out the best way to aid his older brother out of his misery. It’s all in his head, Tommy knew that Joel knew that as well, but it’s easier patching up an oozing wound than a troubled mind. He brought his hand together on top of his jeans as he waited for the younger to make another comment, whether of comfort or of a harsh reality.
“I’ll offer you a solution,” Tommy spoke up. “But you gotta promise not to lose your head over it.”
“It ain’t drugs, is it?”
“No, no..” Tommy chuckled humorlessly.
“I’m open to anythin’” Joel dropped his arms to his side as he curiously eyed Tommy.
“Have you ever heard of a glory hole?”
Joel’s expression contorted in such a way that the younger Miller couldn’t possibly read what he’s thinking any longer.
“I ain’t goin’ outside those borders just to go to some sketchy brothel, Tommy. That’d be pathetic.”
“Well, the thing is this whole operation ain’t sketchy,” Tommy reasoned. “The girls were tested and approved by the local doctor before..”
“Local doctor? You tellin’ me this is happenin’ within Jackson?”
“I operate it, Joel,” he sighed, knowing he’s about to be bombarded with a handful of questions. “And before you ask, no this ain’t considered prostitution as there’s no material exchange.”
“You mean..”
“Yes. The girls do it for free. Volunteers. They do it for their own pleasure and I help make their dreams come true.”
Joel looked at his own brother as if he was a mad man. Who wouldn’t? When he’s just told him that they had an actual glory hole installed without most of the public knowing. Or perhaps they knew, they were just not talking about it in front of Joel.
“Ten to twelve. There’s a small house across the sheep field. One girl every Friday night.”
“Jesus Christ, Tommy. Maria knows about this?”
Tommy shifted uncomfortably on the stool.
“No, but it’s better off she doesn’t.”
Joel felt his morals set askew for a second. This sounded like a terrible idea, despite the fact that he’s confirmed it himself that it’d be the safest a glory hole could possibly be. He scratched his beard and took it into deep consideration.
In the quiet stillness of a winter’s night, the world was wrapped in a soft, white blanket of snow. The moon hung low in the dark sky - a beacon towards those who chose to travel in the deepest hours of nighttime. Joel blew puffs of warm air onto his gloved fingertips, hoping it’d satiate the coolness that made his joints ache and his skin itch. The air was crisp and biting, each breath producing a frosty cloud which quickly amalgamated into the air. He watched as gentle snowflakes, alike to elegant ballet dancers, fell from the heavens up above and twirled and swirled into an intricate pattern. He’s been waiting for way too long.
“So what are ya sayin’? Are you gonna let me take you tomorrow night?” Tommy broke the silence.
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Tommy promised to meet him on the edge of the sheep field, where they’d herd livestocks all throughout the warmer times of the year, but he’s yet to see his tall nose and dark hair from any of the cardinal directions. He’s been waiting for too long to keep the same mindset Tommy’s trained him into, that this was simply a beneficial exchange for every party involved and that he shouldn’t feel shameful for something so instinctive. Waiting gave him time to weigh out the cons, how this was naturally an act of debauchery that wounded both his moral values and beliefs. He ain’t a God preacher, but he’s sure to keep some of those Southern manners.
Maybe this was a bad idea.
None of Tommy’s ideas are ever well thought out. Starting from his sudden gravitation towards the military, to his desires to hand over his entire life towards the Fireflies, and now this. He knew his younger brother wasn’t the brightest of men, but creating an entire glory hole to keep the town’s morale up might be the stupidest one he’s heard yet. Especially when Maria’s not aware of it. He feared for the day when the beans spilled out of its jar, but tonight wasn’t that day. During the time in which he contemplated his decisions, Joel didn’t notice the crunching of snow against thick boots. Tommy was here and he looked far too calm for a self-made procucer.
Tommy beckoned him to follow the path his boots had made. Joel sucked in some of that painfully cold air into his lungs, before he stuffed his hands in his pockets and started trailing along. There were a few street lamps across the field, a ruddy glow emanating from them as they were adorned with a light dusting of snow. He kept his guards up while he scanned through the whistling field of crop, that traumatized part of him always keeping in check of abrupt movements and unsettling sceneries. After a quiet walk for a good three minutes, they finally arrived. The house fronts looked dark enough, and the windows even darker, contrasting with the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs.
There was snow piling up outside as well, dirtier ones whose last deposit had been plowed up in deep furrows by the heavy wheels of carts and wagons. He scrutinized over the tracks, wondering if this was meant to be used as a makeshift grain tower. If it was, then Tommy must’ve been a great scheming asshole to turn such a place into his own little heaven. Not one soul was around, which confused Joel even more. Wasn’t this supposed to be a public glory hole? Weren’t it supposed to be disgustingly packed with sweating men, adorned with walls covered in left-over spurts of cum and other bodily fluids, and smelled like sex itself?
Joel continued to pursue Tommy even when he’s overly skeptical about this entirely new scene. His boots were scuffed as he was dragging his feet through the front door, a fight against his defense system that’s begging him to flee out the door at the unfamiliarity. The establishment consisted of a long narrow hallway that eventually led up to an imposing door. Wooden, large, and mysterious.
To his surprise, what was beyond that door wasn’t some tacky sex dungeon with rattling chains and leather whips, it was a modest looking box. Square, he’d assume one meter wide and half a meter tall. He took in the wood it was made from. His pointer finger slowly traced the circumference out of habit. Oak, he concluded, making it sturdy and cool even in the warmer weather. What he failed to notice from the get-go was a pair of legs that were stretched open, chained onto the wall from the considerably-sized gap. Joel’s heart dropped to his stomach, he forgot for an entire minute what he was planning to do, and he’s starting to get cold feet.
“Darlin’, I’ve got someone for you,” Tommy cooed.
“You do, Tommy?”
Normally, people acquire hobbies in order to soothe their brief but occasional boredom, though you have discovered a unique way to tackle long hours of the night. This brilliant discovery of yours was birthed from a fated moment. One where you accidentally stumble across the conversation Tommy had with one of his patrol friends. It began a fantasy in your head. One you didn’t believe could come true until you overheard a passionate storytelling session one of the barmaids gave their friend. Only then did you gather enough courage to talk to Tommy about it. Despite his initial disapproval, saying things like you look too good and gentle to be doing such things, you managed to convince him with a week's worth of nagging.
“Mhm, one of my good friends here,” he hummed. “You’ll let him use you like a good fucking girl, won’t you?”
Goosebumps trailed from your backbone down to where your legs spread wide. Your nervousness made you flinch, effectively causing your legs to rattle against the metal restraints.
“Yes, I will, Tommy.”
When did you get so.. obedient?
“Alright then. I’ll see you in um.. twenty?”
“Thirty,” the foreign voice spoke up, masculine with a twinge of accent.
“Thirty it is.”
The entire room went quiet for an entire minute, only then did you finally hear the door slammed back shut. You swallowed back the throbbing fear in your heart, pushing back those persistent thoughts constantly warning you of the dangers. Even if you trusted Tommy with all your life, you didn’t trust the random strangers Tommy’s picked out. How could you trust them when you didn’t know who they were for sure? They could’ve been someone you see on the daily. The friendly guards, the cafeteria guy who’d always beam a sweet smile your way and give out more bread than standard, or even.. Tommy’s hunk of a brother. The same one who wouldn’t even spare you a look when you’re obviously sending heart eyes his way.
“Darlin’ is your name, ain’t that right?”
There was something so.. alluring about his voice. The type that makes your knees buckle inevitably, despite your best efforts to push it apart.
“That’s right,” you squeaked out.
“Darlin’, it’s been a long long time since I’ve done this, so let me indulge in you alright?”
“Okay,” you breathed out unsurely.
Your eyes instinctively followed the direction of the hushed voice, but all you could see from the dim box was a piece of dark fabric that was hung from above the hole. It was to keep your identity a secret so that the patrons across from you could only see you from the belly button down. Though now you felt more inclined than ever to pull on the draping and meet this man’s eyes. Your thoughts soon diminished when you felt a large hand over your inner thighs. Nowhere dangerous, just resting below where your kneecaps sat. You closed your eyes to try and envision the kind of hands touching you.
Were they soft and unsullied like a baby’s bum? Or were they rough and ridged with years of work?
That large hand traveled down South, inching with an irritatingly slow pace down towards where you ached the most. He was a fair man. He treated both of your thighs in the same manner before the two gathered together in a v-shape over your cotton panties. You wondered if you should’ve worn something more enticing, something which suited a person like you - someone willing to spread their legs for a true stranger. But the man on the other side didn’t seem to have a problem. He didn’t seem like he was bothered by the simplicity of your presentation, instead he was keen on pressing his thumb down the center.
They were the latter. 
His fingers were textured and it felt too good to be true. At the briefest touch, you followed after his movement, hips reaching further up to chase after his departing touch. You whined. Frustrated that he’s cruel enough to press your sensitive clit and leave you all hot and bothered. He let out a deep chuckle, one that came out from the depth of his stomach as he placed his thumb back where it belonged. Your hole clenched and unclenched at the stimulating sensation. Your cotton panties seemed to be a great aid for your needy clit. It felt similar to grinding over a pillow, just this time, it felt a lot more real and animated.
“How long have you been doin’ this, darlin’?”
“Doin’ what, sir?”
So polite. It’s laughable the fact that you’re so soft spoken. Your lips spilled out a gentle moan as his thumb dug deeper into that sensitive spot.
“Lettin’ strangers fuck you,” he was frank with his words that’s for sure.
“This is my first time.. in the box that is,” your voice cracked almost immediately under pressure. “Been thinking of this for a long long time though.”
The gruff man hummed noncommittally as he continued to please you with his thumb. You used to be shy when it comes to being reactive during intercourse, but with the box, it almost felt like you could finally be your true primal self with your utmost carnal desires. He slowly eased your stained panties to the side once he saw an increasingly growing wetness, knowing that it’s time to move on to his next way of torture. Your pussy was exposed to the cool air immediately, it felt like the air was nipping at the sensitive skin all around. He took his two fingers - his middle and pointer finger being his favorite choice despite the controversy - and slowly dragged it atop the slick canal.
“A pretty girl like you gettin’ all wet from a little touchin’,” he chided. “You haven’t been fucked well or somethin’?”
What a considerate man. He called you pretty when he could barely tell what you look like.
“No, maybe, I-” you were flustered. You’ve never had to exchange proper talk when someone’s touching your dirty, wet cunt. “None of Jackson’s men did good. That’s why I hoped..”
Your voice trailed off into a garble of nonsense when he teased at your entrance, trying to decide whether you’re soaked enough to push a finger in comfortably. You whined, louder this time, as your legs fought against the uncomfortable metal cuffs wrapped around your ankle. He decided to play nice for once and made your dreams come true by inserting that thick finger of his. Fingering has never felt good for you, it always felt like an intrusion rather than a welcomed feeling, but he’s making it feel like heaven on earth.
“Hoped a stranger would fuck me well enough,” you took awhile to finish that statement.
He let out one of those noises of disapproval, at your skewed moral direction perhaps or at the tone of desperation your voice must’ve let out. You could only suck in a shallow breath when he started making proper, continuous motions with his finger. He pushed upwards to poke the tip of his finger onto that squishy part, playing around to find out where exactly made you react the most. You loved how he’s patient. You’re half-expecting the men to just stuff their cocks in you like you’re some sex doll instead of taking their time, which you don’t mind either. Half the pleasure was from being treated like nothing.
“Dirty gal,” he degraded, which you found both surprising and exciting. “Just wanted her pussy stuffed with any cock she could have, hm?”
Your hips thrusted up at a larger interruption. This time, the man managed to insert two of his thick fingers inside your eased cunt. He twisted it one-hundred-eighty degrees to the left, then back to the right, before he curled it in a come-here motion. The motion had left you dumb. A combination of ah ah ah’s and unfinished pleads for him to keep still. The man never once fully removed his fingers out of you. He’d slowly pull back to only have a single knuckle stuck inside before pushing it all the way in once more. For once, someone didn’t finger you like you’re a pizza dough waiting to be pounded.
“A-ah, sir. I really.. mmh- I really like that,” you moaned out shamelessly. “Feels really good in my.. in my pussy.”
“You like what, darlin’?”
“Like your fingers.. fingers in my ah- ah pussy!” you whined when he deepened his reach by rotating his wrist upwards. “Something- fuck- something’s coming! Please.. Please don’t sto-”
You warned him like a goddamn virgin and there it was, you couldn’t see it, but you could hear the way your pussy squelched around his finger at the new wave of sticky fluids. The noises were filthy and lewd that you were embarrassed for the first time that night. It coated your throbbing cunt and slowly ebbed out of your hole, dribbling down onto the wooden floor boards under. Strings of almost translucent thickness proof of his success. It’s pretty. The way you gaped around his fingers, tightened and relaxed at his fingers that still kept you full.
“Good girl,” he cooed.
He must be experienced, because he was quick to rub your clit precisely as you went through the throes of orgasm. His broad palm never missed where that bundle of nerves were, until you’re dripping all over the place. Only when you’re right towards the end did he land a small smack atop your pussy, keeping pressure where your womb is to maintain the pleasure for as long as you could. It felt like this wasn’t a shit place for once. It felt like this stranger could surely turn the flesh-eating monsters into a field of rainbows and flowers from how good he’s making you feel.
“You taste sweet,” he muttered. “Someone ever told you that?”
It took you a while to notice that his fingers weren’t there to stuff you full. He was busy tasting you. You could imagine him on the other side of the room, rough fingers deep in his mouth, drenched in your arousal. The thought made you squirm, growing wet once more. You shook your head as his hand slid back up. His fingers ran over your clit with one long stroke before they stayed there. His thumb sat right atop the throbbing spot, unmoving. 
"Perfect little thing, ain't ya?” he asked, and you nodded, your muscles tense as anticipation ran high. "Gonna fill you up real nice."
As soon as the dull tip of his cock prodded against your entrance, your whole body convulsed. Tears slowly crept into your eyes, frustrated, you might as well cry out a pathetic plea if he kept on stalling. Your palms banged flat against the side of the box. Overwhelmed and on the verge of tears when he purposefully missed your weeping hole. His length slid upwards, the warm tip rubbed against your clit from below before it shied away once more. Your toes curled and he must’ve taken the hint from behind the curtains.
The perfect stranger pushed himself up to where his mushroom-like tip ended, allowing you to adjust to the dimensions of his cock before he eased himself deeper.
You let out a strained moan. 
You almost bump the top of your head on the oak boards when he forced his way in. His cock was fully inside you at last. You were ecstatic. Eyes shut close as you bit into your bottom lip, flesh tearing beneath your canines. It was too much all of a sudden. Too good. Too large. Too full. You could hear the loud squelching noise your spongy hole made as he pulled back and stuffed himself back in.
“Fuck,” he groaned silently. “Don’t squeeze around me, darlin’. You're gonna get me in big trouble.”
He chuckled and fuck did it sound so hot.
You felt his fingers gently reach for the width of your hips. His grip was tight and harsh as he guided your every movement with them. He thrusted like a man on a shooting range, with much precision and prowess. You liked this. Liked feeling as if you’re just a doll for people to use and dump their loads in, especially when it's for someone like him. His cock made you writhe and fight against the metal cuffs holding your legs up. Eager to have him speed up to meet your desires yet he was persistent in keeping a stable speed. The sensation was growing. Slowly but surely.
“A-ah.. mmph.. oh God!”
“God ain’t here to save you, darlin’. It’s just this old man right here,” he cooed crudely. 
He made sure to keep you full at all times. Never once did his perfectly-sized cock leave your sloppy hole, it just kept on twitching and growing in size with the help of your warm embrace. “You like this, don’t ya?”
“Oh- oh yes. I like it. Love your..,” he stopped your lewd confession by placing his thumb back atop your once neglected clit, drawing lazily with what’s left of your wetness. You could feel him starting to seep. A tinge of his own arousal mixing in with yours. “Cock! Love your c- cock.”
His heavy pants started to intensify in volume, such a lovely melody when combined with your pathetic whimpers. He’s close.
“Gonna cum in you, darlin’” he muttered out breathlessly. “Gonna make sure you’re all fucked out with my cum.”
You couldn’t think straight. Not when you’re on a highway to heaven. Your little hole tightened, so eager to milk him dry.
“Yeah, you’d like that, won’t you?”
“O-oh.. oh yes. Please.. fuck,”
“Please fill me up.”
His tip started oozing out ribbons after ribbons of cum, quickly filling you up relentlessly. Though he hasn’t stopped bottoming himself up into you. His load sloshed around, coated his length a perfect milky shade, and dribbled down your rear deliciously. Did you really just let a complete stranger fill you up to the top? Did you truly just let him pour his seed up your needy hole?
Maybe you did.
And maybe it’s reckless.
But oddly enough, you don’t feel too bad about it.
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tiyoin · 7 months
pt 1 | 📍pt 2 | pt 3
“floyd you fucking dick” was all you said when you entered his house. a plastic bag in hand as you looped the car keys around your neck.
the house, bigger than jade’s didn’t have the same aesthetic. instead of presten marble floors, there was black quartz with white streaks and blobs. the house almost reminded you of a deep sea palace instead of a mansion with all it’s colors, architecture, and furniture.
his furniture was all brand new, and there were different family pictures lining the grandiose staircase. mounted in the teal wall were big photos, large photos, and even larger photos.
all leading up to the statement piece of a painted family portrait. from the quick glance in jade’s house, he had one too. yet it was only of him and his wife, while floyd’s was of him, his father, his mother, and jade.
no wife.
“ne, it’s not nice to barge in shrimpy, don’t ya think?” you heard his voice echo from somewhere in the house.
rolling your eyes, your footsteps thundered through the house as you stormed upstairs. you couldn’t help but feel angry. but there were too many things to be angry about. you were angry at floyd for setting this up when he knew about jade. you were angry at his wife, which you shouldn’t be because she’s his wife, which technically makes you the other women. and more than anything, you were angry at jade. for moving on, for doing nothing, for letting her touch him like that…
you clenched and unclenched your hand, now standing in front of the golden lined portrait.
from the looks of it, this was taken years ago, when they were younger. maybe 3 years ago? you weren’t sure. but you were able to make some sharp inferences.
like the ring on jade’s finger, the bags under his eyes, the slight dishevel of his hair.he looked horrible, but to the untrained eye, he looked perfect.
calculating eyes that stared into your soul. it felt like even here he had some kind of hold on you. sly smile, the one he’d get while screwing someone over. and his sharpened jawline only seemed to make the dangerous man all the more siren like.
you lost your grip on your bag, yet that didn’t seem to matter to you as you drank up every flaw, every imperfection the leech brother had. you weren’t sure if you were greedy- after all, you were listing over a married man. yet there was some small part of you that wanted to make sure everything was still there. that he hadn’t changed.
the stray hair in his eyebrow was gone, the slight sneer in his smile was gone- his heterochromia eyes, the thing you loved about him the most- seems almost dull. not full of life and wonder like they were in highschool.
he looked… different.
you frowned.
eyes looking down to the golden plaque on the bottom of the painting. ‘Leech Family’ is what it said, below that it listed all their names.
and yet… “irene is her name”
gasping from shock, you stumbled back towards the painting and saw ja- no, floyd.
floyd was grinning like a sea-urchin as his eyes flicked over your tensed body. “hehe, i forgot how fun you were y/n”
sending his good well, you let your shoulder untighten- only a little bit, as you were in floyd leeches house. alone.
and who knew what would happen.
“what happened to shrimpy?” you fought the cracks in your voice as you cleared your throat, your turn to study him.
you couldn’t tell if he grew taller as he was usually leagues above you in the height department. his hair was still messy, but in a cool, slicked back way… and yet, he wore nothing but red plaid pj pants and an off-white shirt which you knew costed much more than the money you had in your pocket.
his smile sharpened, nothing but pure glee on his features as he stalked closer. “ehh? wasn’t it you who told me to stop calling you that?” he raised his eyebrow in faux thought. even though his finger was tapping against his chin, you could tell from his leering that he wasn’t remotely serious.
“yeah, but that was years ago. and things change”
“like jade?” he stopped once you started craning your head to see him.
“like jade…” you finished softly. unable to meet his unnerving gaze, you ran a hand through your hair, yet every time you tried pushing the strands away from your hair your fingers would get tangled. like a mess of limbs in the sheets-
“heh, shrimpy looks worse than me” his teasing voice softened a bit. although you kept your gaze down, you tried watching his shadow through the floor, tried looking for his reflection-
yet there wasn’t one from how dark, the cold marble was.
a tingle shot through your arms as you felt a large, warm hand on yours. as gently as the merman could, he worked on untangling your hair from your hand. he’d pick at your scalp, caress your locks, even encase his hands over yours.
he’d move your head in every which way as he worked. but he made sure the last view you had was of him, smiling down at you. there was a crinkle on the side of his mouth, one that came with age. yet floyd couldn’t have been past 25. and mermen were known to have fantastic skin.
gripping your wrists, you flinched, eyes looking up towards the crown of your head before returning back to his.
slowly, he lifted them up over your head, his smile never quite waivering. you knew he could sense the internal panic in your bones, the frozen response in your muscles nothing new to him you realized.
thinking about high school days while you were about to get pinned to the wall was counterproductive. gasping a little when your hands made contact with the painting, you stared holes into his exposed collar bone.
he stayed there for a second before he spread your arms. slowly, he lowered them, extended, to your sides. each movement was slow, sensual. intimate.
you shook your heads from the cobwebs.
“eh, seems like you’re in your own little world again” you looked back at his face. the same gleeful expression was still there, yet his teeth were shining through the gaps in his lips.
once he reached your hips he stopped. looking down at you trapped in his gaze.
“i’m glad you’re back y/n” he said, eyes softening just a bit. you could tell he meant it, as someone like floyd was too genuine to lie. too bored to keep up with charades to trick you.
still, you tried budging, tried leaving his grip. yet with every struggle his smile only seemed to grow sharper and grip tighter.
unable to break free from him, you sighed. craning your neck to look at the painting behind you, you stared at him. at jade.
“not sure if i can say the same…”
i don’t think you guys understand how devious floyd is in this mini series. cause oh my god. even tho i wrote this as i came up with it, there’s definitely a few itchings of foreshadowing 😝
potential tag list? :
@hopefully-not @dmiqueles @ryuuisthecutest @kiwibirdmother
i tagged the people who seemed interested in another part. lmk if you want to be removed/ added
i also think this is trash and a quickly put together scenario but i’ll definitely add, and revamp it at a later time
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vienssunshine · 2 years
what if :reader tries provoking nanami so that he fails no nut november?? 👀 (u can choose what rlly happens!) if u do this, thank u! if not, it’s fine! have a good day! <3
Failing No Nut November with Nanami Part Two
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pairing: Nanami x fem reader nsfw word count: 2.2k author's note: A choice was made, dear anon. Hope you enjoy! Read part one here
No Nut November is a silly internet meme. It's a trend that somehow manages to blow up every year, its premise being trying not to cum for the month of November. It's stupid, right? Yet, you still participated and failed.
That's why your breath is uneven and shaky; you're still coming down from the orgasm attained by riding Nanami's thigh, the orgasm that made you lose.
Though your body is quivering, it feels like you're finally re-centered, free from the cloudiness your sexual frustration hindered you with. The fog has lifted, and anger remains.
You're angry with yourself for giving in to Nanami. That a few circles of his fingers had you writhing underneath his touch, moments away from begging for him. To add to your rage is the fact that he pretends to be so composed when you know he wants it just as bad as you do. He even had the audacity to deprive you of an orgasm you needed from him, instead working you up so much that you had no other choice but to satisfy yourself with his thigh.
It was an undignified way to lose, and you want revenge.
You use the wall to help yourself up and head out of the hallway to the living room. Nanami is sitting on the couch, legs spread open with a book in his lap. He's staring at the pages, not reading the words.
You slink around the side of the couch and step in between Nanami's legs, standing in front of the businessman. He doesn't react, so you unzip your pants slowly. Nothing. You tuck your thumbs into the waistband of your pants and drag them down your legs.
"Darling, we've been over this," Nanami says, refusing to allow his gaze to slip from the pages in front of him. He knows one glance at you will make it infinitely harder for his hands to remain on his book. Watching you cum all over his thigh almost broke him; he doesn't know how much more he can take.
You step out of the fabric pooling at your ankles and push the book in his lap away, an action that reveals he's still painfully hard. Poor Nanami.
"Kento, you have great self-control, right?" you ask, sliding down into his lap, your heated center pressing into his throbbing bulge, "So it shouldn't be a problem if I have a little bit of fun."
Nanami's jaw clenches; he regrets teasing you earlier. Your warm body on his is reminding him of how cold he's been without you. Many times throughout the month he's had to talk himself out of giving in and fucking you. He misses your touch so much.
"Dear-" he starts, but cuts himself off with a hiss when you begin to rock your hips in his lap, your wet underwear dampening the fabric of his pants. You shiver at the contact, even if separated by cloth, your clit is still sensitive after orgasming earlier.
He leans back, spreading his arms over the back of the couch. He's trying to appear relaxed, like you grinding on him while looking like an angel doesn't faze him, but his hands are clenched in fists. You place your palms on his shoulders, keeping your lidded eyes locked on his as you begin to softly moan at the contact of his hard dick on your clothed pussy.
He tries to avert his gaze from your lips as you breathe out his name, but you hold his face still with your hand, fingers pressing into the outlines of his sharp cheekbones.
"What, is something wrong? You're not feeling jealous, are you?" You make an effort to press your warmth into him as you speak; all he needs to do is say yes and give in.
"I'm fine, dear."
You fight back a scowl. He's lying to you. It's clear he's restraining himself, the knuckles of his fisted hands are turning white like he's fighting a strong magnetic force willing them to your body. It appears that your hips aren't enough to soften his steel resolve, at least on their own. You need to overwhelm him.
You release Nanami's face from your grip but give him a warning glare to not look away. He concedes, his stern, amber eyes holding your gaze. You unbutton your shirt, slowly and sensually—Nanami always prefers a slow tease to a quickie—so the fabric opens and reveals just a glimpse of your flushed body underneath. At this point, you're being cruel, torturing him even. You look ethereal to him, glowing with desire as you continue to grind against his trapped cock.
He can't help his eyes from wandering to your exposed chest, following the line of separated buttons to realize you're conveniently free from a bra. You pull one of his hands from the back of the couch and guide it underneath the fabric of your shirt to your breasts. You try to hold back a victorious grin when his other hand follows suit, but fail when they begin to roam, stroking and squeezing at the flesh of your torso. Nanami's gaze remains harsh, like he's being betrayed by his own hands which are moving with a will of their own.
You peel your shirt off, bothered by the slight inconvenience of it, so you can feel more of his harsh palms against your skin. Nanami's breathing sharpens as his eyes drink in your bare chest. You hold his big hand to one of your breasts, encouraging him to squeeze it. He does, and you press your eyes shut, a sickeningly sweet twist of warmth curling around your stomach. It's hard for you to think straight when he leans forward and encircles your nipple with his hot mouth, sucking and flicking his tongue against it. The only thing you do know is that you have Nanami exactly where you want him.
You're proven correct when you feel him groan against your skin.
If there's one thing you know about Nanami, it's that pleasuring you gets him off the most. You know that once he starts touching you, making you moan his name and shudder beneath him, he won't be able to stop himself from fucking you. It's why he forced you to make yourself cum earlier, he couldn't bear it otherwise. Using this knowledge against him is playing dirty, but he brought it to that level when he made you lose on his thigh.
He ruts his hips into yours, searching for more pressure on his swollen cock. His hands now move with intention, cupping your breasts and sliding down the curve of your waist. It's clear he's paying attention to the places he knows you love feeling him the most. You've finally pushed him past his breaking point.
You lift yourself up so you can unzip his slacks to which there is no protest from Nanami. His dick is pressing against the fabric of his dark briefs, impatiently waiting to be freed. Precum darkens a patch of his underwear, his body once again traitorous to his resolve.
You pull his briefs down so his cock springs out, leaking and angry. The extent of his arousal looks, and probably is, painful at this point. You'd regret your cruelness, but you're only giving him a taste of his own medicine. He's had you aching this entire month.
He must have been missing you too because when you wrap your hand around him, he quivers in response.
"Fuck, darling," Nanami groans, his voice dark and husky. His hands travel from your waist to your ass, gripping it with a rugged force that sends electricity up your spine.
You spit on your palm and begin to stroke him, running your soft hand up and down his length. He stifles a groan, pressing his lips together and tilting his head up instead. He wants to deny the pleasure your touch brings him, to win the challenge he promised to, but it might not be possible anymore.
"Feel good, love?" you mock, leaning forward to press a wet kiss to the exposed column of his neck.
His fingers dig into the flesh of your ass, making you yelp. "Don't be a brat."
Grinning, you swirl the wetness leaking from his tip around with your thumb, "Hm? You're not enjoying this? Don't tell me you want to see this month through."
"I want to," Nanami hisses, watching as you push your underwear aside and align his length with your aching hole, "but I don't know if I can anymore."
You rub his tip through your folds, taking a second to appreciate his presence on your wet ridges, a feeling you've been longing for this eternal month. Nanami's hips kick up, desperate. He wants to be able to refuse you, to maintain his strict self-discipline, and yet, the next words breathed from his lips are:
"Love, I need you."
You smirk, satisfied. Granting his wish, you sink down on his cock, and immediately a broken whine escapes your lips. It's been too long, and having him filling you up again feels like an addict finally getting the hit they've been craving.
Nanami's head falls against the back of the couch, eyes pressing shut at the bliss being inside of you brings him. The feeling of your fingers stroking him was unbearably pleasurable, but the sensation of having your warm, wet pussy wrapped around his cock is something else entirely. It's making Nanami have trouble keeping his composure; he's feeling it slip away the longer you keep making him feel so fucking good.
His large hands begin to bounce you up and down his length, hungry to feel further inside of you. His pace is uncharacteristically rough; you have to clutch to his broad shoulders to stay stabilized, but you'd be lying if you said his thrusts weren't setting your stomach alight in a blaze of ecstasy. Nanami groans as he watches your face melt in pleasure, something that only makes him want to fuck you harder.
The sensation is overwhelming; he has you moaning out stilted calls of his name, unable to keep your voice steady with his vicious pounding. His pace is picking up; he's pissed at how much you turn him on, which is to the point he can't tell himself no anymore.
"Ken-to, too-ah-fast." You're grasping onto him, having trouble keeping up even though every time he slams you down into his lap your nerves buzz with dark pleasure.
"This is exactly what you wanted, isn't it? So take it, darling."
Even if his words are gruffer than his usual sweet praise, your body is still singing in response. You can handle a little teasing, so, you adjust to his pace, allowing his big hands to move you as they please.
Even as he's fucking you like an animal, you manage to capture him in an open-mouthed kiss. It's sloppy and passionate, with Nanami kissing you back hard, his sharp jaw moving up and down as he presses his lips into yours.
You wrap your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, pushing your bare chest to his. His skin is hot against yours, waves of warmth radiating off of his broad chest through his shirt.
The coil in your stomach is tightening to a dangerous extent, and as you lean further into him, his dick becomes angled just right so another orgasm overtakes you like a tsunami. You tighten your arms around his neck and rest your head against his shoulder, clenching your teeth as pleasure rolls over you. Ruthlessly, he grabs your chin and pulls you into another messy kiss as you ride out your orgasm. Your walls clamp down on him as he continues to pump in and out of your poor, shaking body, pulling a groan out of him that you feel reverberate in his chest.
You're gasping for breath as your lips crash into each other haphazardly, but Nanami manages to pant out: "Look what you've done to me, darling."
Watching you fall apart on his cock must've been too much because his fingers dig into your ass, hard. Even if exhausted, you can't stop yourself from smiling against his lips. It's time for him to lose.
His rapid pace falters, and he presses you down into his lap, letting out a guttural groan. You clutch at his button-up, the blue fabric bunching in your grip as he fills you up. His dick twitches and kicks inside you, emptying out the cum that's long overdue for release.
You fall forward onto his broad chest, spent. He wraps a heavy arm around you as you listen to his breath become even again. His fingers draw slow, comforting circles on your back, coaxing you further into the hazy pleasure of after-sex cuddling.
You both lost, but it still feels like a win for you. It's a remarkable feat that you lasted so long, and you wonder: how long has it been since you started the challenge? It feels like forever ago.
You turn your head up to face Nanami, "Kento?"
He looks down at you, his cheeks flushed and his perfectly-combed hair mussed, "Yes, dear?"
"What day is it?"
Nanami's eyes dull and his ever-present frown returns, "It's November 30th."
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lustfulslxt · 11 months
Party Revelations - Matt Sturniolo
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summary : basically oc and matt have sexual tension that they act on at a party
warnings : sexxxx
a/n : this is just one of my oneshots from my ao3 acc, enjoy 😘
vivian stood in front of her mirror, glancing at her outfit to make sure she looks good for tonight.
her and her best friends; madi, nick, matt, and chris were going to their other friend's party. chris and madi have been wanting to go out and have fun, but wanting the rest of them to join as well. so that's what they're doing tonight, going to a party.
as she stared at her reflection, a proud smirk pulled to her lips. she looked good. she had a mini black skirt with fishnets underneath, a fitted off the shoulder black mesh top with a tiny bralette underneath, and black docs laced on her feet. her hair was curled perfectly and she had a dark smokey eye going on.
"v, you ready?" madi calls out, opening the door to her friend's room.
"yup." vivian replied and grabbed her phone, following madi out.
the two girls made their way out to the mini van and squeezed in the back with nick, matt being behind the wheel and chris riding shotgun. they all greeted one another before matt started driving towards the party.
throughout the whole drive, matt and vivian kept stealing glances at one another. he kept finding his eyes watching her through the rear view mirror, loving everything about the way she looked right now. he couldn't help but stare at her lips, oh how badly he wanted them wrapped around him, taking all of him at once. and her body, the way she moved and how she looked in her skimpy clothing. he wanted nothing more than to take her on the hood of his van right then and there.
vivian was in the same boat. matt looked so incredibly breathtaking to her, it was making her hot. he was wearing his black ransom zip up hoodie, black sweatpants, and his white forces. it was a simple outfit that was similar to what he wore everyday, but it still made vivian's insides tighten. the way his hair fell over his forehead, looking so extremely pullable. she wanted nothing more than to become one with him.
the five friends had been at the party for around half an hour now, the majority having split up. madi and nick were drinking together, goofing off in their own little bubble. chris had met up with some of his other friends, smoking with them outside. vivian had already had quite a few shots, and was now dancing by herself as she felt the alcohol flow through her veins. matt was simply standing against the wall with a drink in his hand, watching her.
matt loved the way her body moved, the way she sexily swayed to the music. the way her hands found themselves moving up and down her body and tangling in her hair. she was in her own little world and all matt wanted to do was take her home and fuck her senseless.
see, sure they were friends, but it was different than all of their other friendships. there was deep sexual tension that neither of them acted on in fear of ruining their good relationship. however, the way she looked right now had matt wanting to risk it all.
the song that vivian was originally dancing to had ended, causing her to pause for a moment and observe her surroundings. that's when she noticed matt leaning against the wall with his eyes on her and only her. his intense gaze had her damn near clenching her thighs together to get some sort of friction where she wanted him most.
as a new beat started, vivian bit her bottom lip to prevent her smile from plastering over her face. the song was 'all the time - jeremiah' and it was only setting the mood even more, so she beckoned him over with her finger. he downed the rest of his cup before setting it on the table next to him and walking in her direction.
"dance with me, matty." she spoke in a sultry voice, wrapping her arms around his neck.
he didn't say a word, but pulled her hands from around him and stepped behind her instead. his hands met around her waist, softly running up and down her sides as she swayed to the beat. she placed one of her hands on his and the other went around to the back of his neck again. she continued moving to the music, grinding her hips against his. he pulled her even closer to him, her body flushing against his.
within seconds, his dick stiffened a bit, enjoying the movement of her ass pressed against it. she, too, enjoyed the feeling of it, causing her breath to slightly hitch. matt had leaned his head down, placing his face in the crook of her neck and deeply inhaling her scent. the warmth of his breath arose goosebumps across her skin, it now feeling like it's on fire beneath his touch. the moment he placed a soft open mouth kiss on her neck, she knew she was done for. the feeling of his wet lips on her made her let out a soft whimper, which caused matt's head to snap to her face. that sound went right through him and he knew right then, he needed to hear it again. over and over and over.
"let's go." his voice spoke, husky and rasp.
he didn't even wait for a response, just interlocked their hands and made his way to the stairs. she eagerly followed, not exactly sure of what was happening but still had somewhat of an idea. and that idea made her panties soaked.
matt had walked her all the way down to the end of the hall, entering the bedroom that's off limits to anyone other than their friend group. he pulled her in and locked the door behind them. the two just stared at one another in silence. vivian's big doe eyes gazed up at his and he just wanted to fuck her until they were rolling back into her head.
"you look good tonight." he spoke, his voice still low and slightly hoarse, as he looked her up and down.
"thank you." she smiled, doing the same to him, "you too."
he slowly walked over to her and placed his hands on her waist, pulling her chest against his. their eye contact remained unfazed and stayed connected, making the bulge in his pants grow even more. the two were so close, they could feel each other's breath fanning one another's skin. vivian's eyes flickered from his to his lips and back quickly, but he noticed.
matt swiftly grabbed her jaw and pulled her into him, crashing his lips down onto hers. they moulded together so perfectly, both wanting this moment to last forever. after a moment of their lips working together, he pulled back to look into her eyes again, trying to see if there was any hesitation or reluctance, to which he found none, so he continued.
once again, their lips met in a heated passion. vivian's hands traveled up matt's chest and one set on the back of his neck while the other grabbed a fistful of his hair. upon giving it a light tug, a low groan escaped matt's lips and it made her stomach twist in need. he was so pretty to her and the sound that just came from his mouth almost had her cumming already.
matt's tongue flicked across her bottom lip, begging for entrance, which she granted. their kisses were rushed and wet and hot, tongues gliding over one another with ease. his hands traveled down her body once more, gripping onto her ass and squeezing tightly, causing her to moan against his lips. it drove him crazy.
he briefly pulled away from her and ordered, "take your shoes off."
once both of them had removed their shoes, their lips reconnected. matt's hands went down to her thighs, swiftly pulling her up and walking her to the bed. he laid her down and crawled on top of her, his legs slightly straddling her thighs as his crotch rubbed against hers.
he broke their kiss and turned her head, and began leaving sloppy wet kisses up and down her neck, biting down here and there. both of their breathing's were heavy, lips swollen and red, glistening with each other's saliva.
"fuck, you look so good tonight, vivi." he groaned against her skin, grinding his hips against hers, a soft moan coming from both of them.
her hands immediately reached down to his sweatpants, her fingers tugging at the string the tightened them. once the tie was undone, her fingers looped behind the elastic, but his hand stopped her for just a moment.
"are we really doing this?" matt asks her, wanting nothing more than for them to finally give in to their strongest desires, but also needing to make sure this was exactly what she wanted as well.
vivian frantically nodded, "please. i want you so bad, matty.”
matt was rock hard at this point and her response caused his dick to twitch, begging for her. the two pulled apart once again, both of them removing their tops, before connecting again. their kiss was heated, both of their tongues exploring each other's mouths.
when she tugged on his hair again, he pulled away and began leaving wet kisses down her neck and to her torso. his hands roamed her body, before landing on her boobs. he took turns with them, squeezing and tweaking one nipple while his mouth was sucking and nibbling on the other. vivian was letting out soft moans that only encouraged matt even more. she was loving every bit of the way he touched her, and he was loving every bit of the way she felt from his touch.
"take these off." vivian spoke in a low tone, pulling at his pants once again.
he swatted her hand away and pinned them to her side, "ah, ah. we're doing things my way, pretty girl."
her hips bucked into his, her softly whining, wanting to just feel him already. he grinned at her reaction and kissed down her stomach, sucking at the skin on the way down. he parted from her and pulled her skirt down, tossing it to the side. his hand reached up and met her heat, rubbing her core through her panties and stockings. he could feel how wet she was through the clothing and it turned him on so much. she bucked her hips at him again, wanting to feel more.
"fuck, you're already soaking wet." he licked his lips, tossing his head back. "take these off, baby."
she hurriedly removed the rest of her clothes, as he did the same to himself, leaving them both naked. vivian was in awe of him. he looked so hot and the way his fully erect dick hit his stomach, once free from its restriction, made her want to take him down her throat. matt peered over at her body, his mouth watering at the sight. she was truly beautiful. he smiled at her and lent down, connecting their lips for a few soft kisses.
he then made his way down, lowering himself in between her legs. he was dragging his lips over her inner thighs and it was making her go crazy. he was teasing her and it was working.
"matt." she choked out, breathless from what he was doing to her. "p-please."
"please what, baby?" he smirked at her, licking all around her, except for where she needed him most.
"i want your face buried in my pussy." she admits, her face heating up at her own confession.
"as you wish."
with that, he began devouring her. his tongue was lapping her folds, sucking onto every piece of her. she was a moaning mess, her hands gripping his hair as she pushed them closer together. matt was in heaven. the way she sounded and tasted, he was close to cumming without her even touching him.
"you taste so good." he moaned against her pussy, sending vibrations through her body that left her trembling.
matt's finger found his way up, softly slicking between her folds while he sucked her clit. without warning, he shoved it into her hole, causing her body to slightly jerk as a loud moan escaped her lips. he kept pumping his finger in and out before adding another. with that, and his mouth doing wonders, vivian knew she was close.
"oh my- fuck." she moaned out, tugging on his hair. "i'm so close, matty."
he picked the pace up with his hand, inserting another finger as his thumb came into contact with her clit. he rubbed it back and forth, while his eyes watched her face. her eyebrows were furrowed with her eyes closed, and her bottom lip was between her teeth, attempting and failing to control her moans. upon feeling him stare, she looked down at him and both were starstruck. matt's face was glistening with her juices, his eyes holding so much lust and adoration in them. vivian's eyes were heavy and her face looked so fucked out.
"cum for me, baby." he orders, placing his mouth back into her, flattening his tongue against her pussy.
and just like that, her legs were shaking and she was releasing into his mouth with a loud pornographic moan. he sucked up every drop of her arousal, loving the way she tasted. then, he hovered back over her and shoved his fingers in her mouth for her to taste. she licked all over them and sucked hard, causing his dick to twitch. after removing his fingers from her mouth, he gripped her jaw and slammed his lips on hers. they shared an open wet kiss, tongues sliding all over as they both tasted her.
vivian reached her hand down, finally meeting his dick for the first time. he was rock hard, and emitting crazy heat. matt tossed his head back at the feeling of her hand on his shaft, inhaling sharply.
"i want you to fuck me so bad." she bit her lip and tightened her hand around him, pumping a few times before he abruptly flipped her over.
"face down, ass up."
she immediately complies, eager to be fucked like there's no tomorrow. her ass was in the air and her face buried into the bed, and matt sat there for a moment, taking in the view. he could see her pussy dripping, in need of his dick.
"you want me to fuck you like a little slut, huh?" he asks, his hands kneading her cheeks, his thumb running over her folds.
he placed his dick against her pussy, sliding it around, soaking it in her juices. once he rubbed it against her clit, she moaned and pushed her ass closer to him, but he stopped her. suddenly his hand came across her ass in a fast a hard motion, a loud smack sounding throughout the room.
she let out a whimper and he said, "i asked you a question.”
"please." she begged, "i just want you to make me your slut."
with that, he shoved his dick inside her without warning. she gasped loudly, not expecting all of him right away. he gripped her waist and began thrusting in and out of her. her shock immediately vanished and was replaced with pleasure.
"mm. you feel s-so good inside me." she moans in between each thrust.
"yeah, i bet you love the way i fuck you. i want you to cum all over my dick."
matt was fucking her fast and hard, her hands were clinging to the sheets beneath them. matt's breathing was heavy, he was doing everything in his power not to cum because she felt so good around him. as if he lost all control, he grabbed both of her arms and pulled them back, holding them together behind her, then started pounding even harder. she felt so full from him, she started bouncing her ass onto him, meeting him halfway, causing him to let out a string of moans and cuss words.
her entire body was shaking, the sound of skin slapping filled the air as she cried out. he was making her feel so good. he then reached below her, his fingers meeting her clit, and rubbing in a fast motion.
"OH FUCK!" she practically screamed, she was going crazy.
nobody has ever made her feel this way, and she wanted it forever. and so did matt. he was enjoying every single thing about it.
"i-i'm about to cum." she moans out.
matt groaned in return, "me too, baby. cum with me."
a second later, the room filled with loud high pitched moans. vivian's legs shook as she climaxed, her cum dripping down matt's dick. his hot load shot inside her, mixing both of their juices as he kept fucking her to ride out their high together.
vivian fell forward, matt collapsing on top of her. they were both trying to catch their breath, having just had the best orgasm of their lives. he pulled out and fell onto his back, laying right beside her. the two looked over at each other with goofy grins on their faces. she leaned into him, planting her lips on his, creating a passionate kiss between the two.
"i hope you know you belong to me now." matt tells her once they pull apart.
"that sounds like heaven." she smiled at him, "all i ever wanted was to be yours."
a/n : should i post the rest? i have another matt one and 2 chris, lmkkk. back to working on requests, feel free to send in more 🩵
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neverbeurs · 11 months
warnings : suggestive, no actual smut but implications.., band!jeno, cocky!jeno, big ego!jeno, HANDS, hand kink, breeding kink, reader has a thing for jeno’s hands (so do i TT), slight praise kink, slight size difference kink, jeno wears a chain 🫣, sub!reader, dom!jeno, petnames; reader; baby, princess, pretty, my love,; jeno; puppy
i hope u guys like this its very different from the usual fluffy stuff i write but i js wanna test the waters before i post my actual jeno oneshot TT
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one thing about jeno was that he loved the way you would mindlessly play with his large and veiny hands, trailing your pretty and delicate fingers up and down his fingers. another thing he loved to see was you moaning and whimpering as those same fingers pleasured you so perfectly.
“j-jeno..” you would mewl out softly as he whispered all those dirty words into your ears, telling you how he would love to fill you up over and over again as he makes you unravel all in the palm of his hand. your pretty, glossy eyes staring up at him, a silent plea for him to keep going.
“baby…” he leaned down to kiss you as his white gold chain dangled and made contact with your warm skin, making you shiver and have goosebumps at the foreign temperature. “look at you.. so pretty… all dumb on my fingers, hm?”
you nod dumbly, staring up at him with your pretty doe eyes once more. he coos and curls his fingers, pressing right against your g-spot as you let your mouth fall open into a silent moan.
“words, pretty,” he mumbles, pressing open mouthed kisses to your neck and the conjunction between your neck and collarbone.
“mngh… mhm… dumb on your fingers..” you mumble, one of your hands holding jeno’s free hand as the other one continues to rub and ram against your clit and g-spot.
he smirks and speeds up his actions, mumbling even more dirty words into your ears. “god, princess,” he curses as he ruts against the bed pathetically, wishing he was inside you instead. “cant wait to cum inside you.. fill you up and keep you all nice and warm.. gonna fucking breed you..”
you whimper loudly at his dirty words, feeling that familiar knot in your stomach start to tighten the more he toys with your velvety walls. you start to go cross eyed the more he continues to toy with you, thighs squeezing around him, yet all he does is speed up his ministrations even more and glue his forehead onto yours.
“there we go, my love.. c’mon.. cum for me..” he whispers against your skin as you clench around his fingers tightly, eyes shut and hips lifting off the large bed as he praises you for being such a good girl. he slowly takes out his fingers as you whimper at the sudden feeling of emptiness after having his fingers in you for most of the day, whether it be just to keep you full or play with you.
“you did so good for me, baby..” he kisses you sweetly before lapping at his fingers and moaning in delight at the sweet taste of your liquids on his tongue.
you whine loudly at his actions and jut your lower lip into a pout, eyes glossy. “puppy..”
he giggles before humming and kissing you. “now i think its time for my fun, pretty..”
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©️ crzns 2023
hope you guys enjoyed 🫶🏼
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