#starshine if you see this sorry if i worry you
ashtraysystem · 1 year
I'm so freaking frustrated.
I wanted to enjoy my dinner in peace, play a little sims, watch some tv, relax!! Because I've been working on homework and trying to get stuff done!!!
and then my dad starts badgering me about the cats litter box even though I'm the only one who does it consistently. I do what I'm asked to do!!! and then we get on this whole convo about how our cat might need to go to the vet and being accused of wrongfully giving him wetfood after hes gotten sick even though thats actually the right thing to do because it keeps his liquids up because thats a cats preferred source of hydration!!!
and then after all that and after very clearly hearing that I am upset and stressed he asked me to do the dishes!! as if that would help????? yes i know the dishes need to get done but there are what, 4 other very capable individuals in the house who can do it???
If others can say no to doing chores when they are grumpy or tired or sad or mad or whatever then I get to too!!
I just wanted a solid 20 minutes to watch an episode and relax before having to do homework again and now im pissed the hell off and would much rather break a dish than clean any.
My dad doesn't understand that doing the dishes in this household takes so much of my energy that I'd much rather run a fucking marathon than do them. Dishes hurts my legs, back, feet, hands, and wrists, like hell do I want to stand there doing them! If there was a more accessible way to do them, then sure, I'd do it, but in this household it feels like anything any of us try to do that's considered accessible is deemed either laziness or selfishness by him.
He doesn't understand any of us when it comes to our disabilities. He doesn't understand that even though I don't complain all the time like my sibling does, I have chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and I live through it while my doctor just says "oh its probably just bc ur fat" or some bullshit like that. I'm so done. So done!!!
I want it to be the future already. The future where I live in my own little space and can do whatever the fuck I please, where I dont have to constantly clean up after 6 people who don't know how to pick up after themselves and 2 cats.
I got in fucking trouble TWICE earlier for leaving a fucking can out. A. CAN. specifically a can of wet food for the cats bc I had fed them and accidentally left it on the counter. Meanwhile everyone else leaves bowls of cereal and cups of milk to go rancid on the table. Crumbs left all over the floor. Drop some food? Oh no worries it'll just stay on the floor for the next however many months until parents decide to have adult company over. I'm jiust so extremely frustrated about it all and trying to teach myself that I can say no, that its literally okay for me to say "no im not going to do that" is okay because fuck it, theres no consequences! what are they gonna do, kick me out? stop paying for my phone bill? Stop paying for my college? No, they would never, they care too much. And so do I. So I do whatever the fuck I can to survive. Surviving college, surviving this damned house, surviving surviving surviving.
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luvtak · 9 months
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baby i'm yours, lee felix
✧ pairing lee felix x gn!reader
✧ genre/tw fluffy fluff! kinda hurt/comfort, reader has a migraine and felix is a little lovebug as always, too many petnames, kissing and sleepy cuddles
✧ w/c 1000
✧ a/n something small inspired by my own migraines, i hope anyone who relates starts to feel better and feels comforted by the sweetest boy <3 title is after this song it reminds me of him 💗
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The house is filled with sound, circling around the space with laughter and music and video game noise. Lively melodies of boyishness, teasing and yelling; roughhousing so loud you’re sure the neighbors can hear.
The house is filled with sound, all except for your place in Felix’s room. Behind the door it’s silent, no sound but your gentle breath hitting his skin. He’s always so warm, a space heater personified, heating you everywhere his star-studded skin touches. You can feel his smile moving across your neck, placing soft little kisses on his path from your clavicle to your throat, all the way up to the side of your mouth.
“Feeling better?” he asks, his voice is gruff from lack of use and his eyes are light when they meet yours. His question seems more like a wish than an inquiry, he always worries when you get these headaches. Pain throbbing underneath your eyes and inside your temples, sometimes you feel so sick, nausea begins to accompany the migraine, and the only thing your boyfriend can do is wrap you up in his arms and his blankets and hope for the best.
You both know it’s easier to cure these moments away from the boy’s dorm. The cozy quiet of your apartment is much better suited to comfort the constant pounding, but there’s something magic to the noise. A curious familiarity surrounds the home, in some ways it reminds you of being a little kid and going to bed to the sounds of your parents still awake. A memory from an easier life, a moment trapped in time, but relived in these hurtful days inside this room.
“Just a little, I’m sorry I’m not very fun right now.” Your voice is a whisper, and your eyes are still squinted shut, but you hope your words are enough to convince him to stop worrying.
“Don’t be sorry, my love, I’m having a blast laying here with you.” Felix’s grin is sunlight, as bright and pretty as the rest of him, and you think it doesn’t matter if he’s lying—your head is already starting to ease just from the sight of your starshine boy smiling down at you.
His hands are in your hair and his smile is on your forehead, and you think you’ll be better in a few minutes. When you came over you had plans to watch movies and play Mario Kart with the rest of the boys, and maybe in just a few more minutes you can. You can almost envision it, opening up your eyes to a clear head and telling Felix that you feel so much better, joining the rest of the dorm in their night of laughter instead of this sickly quiet you currently inhabit.
You can tell your boyfriend doesn’t mind, he’s always happy to take care of you, but you’re sorry that another fun night has become the opposite.
“Really, Lixie, Go have fun with the boys… I can do all this by myself.” You don’t want him to go, but you need him not to feel trapped. Popping one eye open, you can tell what he thinks about that offer—if the slight squint of his eyes having anything to do with his emotions, he must think you’re crazy for even posing it as an option.
“And what? Sit in the living room with people I see every day instead of lying here with you? Are you insane?” He’s laughing as he says it, and his arms escape from your hair to gently play with your fingers. “You must be, my crazy little love… where does it hurt?”
His touch is light as a feather, pulling at your hands and rubbing up and down your arms. The skin to skin contact makes you shiver, even after all this time all it takes is a few gentle touches to start up the butterflies in your belly. You tell him about the pain under your eyes, huffing and whining when his body moves too much atop yours, but you stop as soon as his lips land softly on your eyelid; pressing down gentle and tender where the pain started.
“A kiss to make it feel better, okay baby?” Even through the pain his voice (so deep and quiet in the dark room) makes you smile. So typical of him, to be as sweet and sugary as the treats he cooks up. A boy who grew up on kiss cures and tickle fights, what a blessing to have him lay with you in the dark.
You’ve been smitten with him from the first time he shot his shiny smile at you, in love with each picture perfect piece of him. With hands grasping out to hold his, you kiss wherever you can reach: his shoulder first than the divot of his adams apple, all the way up to his uplifting lips.
“I love you, sweet boy… thank you for being with me.” You can’t tell if you mean here in the moment, or just in general, but either way it’s true. You’ll never stop being grateful for his place in your life, a light in the darkness and a heart to hold you when you don’t feel good.
He kisses you again instead of a response, slow and closed mouthed—desperately trying to express his feelings in all the ways he knows how.
“I love you too, you know I do.” He rolls off you, tucking you just underneath his chin; keeping you as close as possible. Legs on legs and hands clasped together, you can’t seem to find where you begin and he finishes—you’re as close as you could be with your warm pajamas on.
Everything is burning up, his skin and your love for him. So, cozy you can’t help but feel your eyes flutter close again. This close you can hear all his sounds, his heartbeat and his breath, and his sweet voice like a lullaby lulling you to sleep.
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© luvtak
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Twenty questions that he has to answer.
How is your sleep schedule like? Don't mess with Theodore's. I annoyed him for a year about it and finally he got it right. Tho I am sure he got it right because of someone else. (Aka you) 😏
What are your friends like? Explain in brief. Treat this like a three marks question.
What is your ideal way to spend weekends? Will you take Theodore to museums or not? Will you stay in and cancel your plans if Theodore doesn't feel like going? Without blaming him?
Do you know your love language? Do you know how to convey it? (You don't have to tell me what it is just say yes or no)
What's your favourite thing about dating my best friend? Treat this like a three marks question too.
What are some things you and him have in common?
Will you give all your chocolates to him if he asks?
What's your favourite movie?
Favourite way to relax?
Will you say sorry after an argument even if it wasn't exactly your fault? I believe that saying sorry doesn't mean that you are wrong it just means that you care enough to keep your ego aside and take accountability.
Do you like Spiderman/Percy Jackson? (Very important question)
Any new hobbies you want to pick up?
Will you read a book just because it is Theodore's favourite?
Favourite poet, if any?
Will you get Theodore roses?
Will you help/ask whether you can help Theodore with his chores without him having to ask you?
Extroverted or introverted?
Most played song on your playlist?
If you could master any instrument than which one?
That's it. I guess. Hope you have a wonderful day, take care of yourself and him. Also, nice to meet you, I am Eleanor. Theodore is my best friend, I am his casual friend. I am from India. Eleanor is not my real name but that is what you can refer to me, for now. Any queries? Message me. Take care of my best friend for me. Give him hugs from my side. Time to time, lots of hugs. Theodore, give him a handshake from my side. Thank you.
passing the phone to him
Shalom!! Eleanor (can I call you Ellie?  Oo or even Elea ~pronounced Ella??~ if not that’s groovy too)
I’m very excited I’ve heard lots about you! All good don’t worry babes)
I try to sleep about seven hours a night but sometimes I sleep 8 but I couldn’t do anything less unless absolutely necessary I physically could not lose a day of beauty rest of it would ruin me
Friends….all pretty diverse actually and there are several different personalities.. I’ll give you my ride or dies so okay we All went to an alternative school not because we had disciplinary problems but because we had different problems that made normal schools challenging. Like I for example have dyslexia and ADD. Anyway my best friends and I sorta bonded over this and I’ve been friends with Elton since grade five and we still keep in touch even now but he decided to go to college and I did not he’s a literal fashion icon and the sweetest smartest cinnamon roll you could meet but if he’s not doing his work you need to get on him because he procrastinates like crazy. So now we only see each other on weekends. Kaleb on the other hand went overseas and we FaceTime every morning except Sundays because of church and she’s really into anime and I can’t tell you much about that stuff except the seven deadly sins is better than demon slayer and bleach is something Kaleb rewatchs every few weeks so you best expect that it’s going to be playing when you visit but my life really doesn’t have interesting drama thank goodness. (No offence starshine👀)
I love to spend my weekends exploring I used to hike a lot but Arc is not a fan of the outdoors though we’ve found he has a knack for gardening and does very good on the family farm he just really doesn’t see the point and I don’t really blame him I suppose it’s not for everyone and I know Arc is more of a moon person. Yes actually we do go to museums and no I wouldn’t ever get mad at him for that we all have our off days
Yes and yes but ours is not the same so it’s good to keep of communication in our relationship so we stay afloat. We really haven’t had any problems though as words of affirmation is something Arc is good at unknowingly because of his poetry addiction and I’ve always been a really touchy person
My favorite thing about dating Arc is his ability to express himself though body language for example we’re at a party I don’t have a ask in front of everyone if he’s tired from all the human interaction he just shows it with expressions or posture..or whatever he chooses to convey but I never have to ask. This can be a problem on the small occasion that I can’t see him because I cannot rely on him to tell me because I usually know.
We’re people pleasers and that’s one of things we sorta bonded over when we first met we feel horrible égéen if the thing wasn’t our problem or responsibility because it made whoever upset. We don’t have very good people skills I’m overbearing and him not enough which has lead a lot of people to sorta stay away unless of course you’re also like us. I’ve found that we both share an appreciation of art mine is more in fashion design and makeup while his is writing and visual sorta stuff
Without hesitation(I’m not a huge fan of chocolate)
Geek charming (I’m not sorry)
Yes because I will feel bad for making him upset though he’s probably right anyway as he’s more logical than me…but one cannot always choose mind over morals so maybe I might be right on the off occasion
Not really l…sorry..but I think wonder woman is cool if that’s the same fandom? 
Crocheting, sewing, working out, and I love to sing but I’m not very good at it despite what Arc says but I do want to get into photography 
I would if he asked me but I don’t really read them because he likes to tell me about them and I love hearing about them…he also probably wound be very happy at my reading for him because he knows reading is a struggle for me
Oh this is a good one! Probably the Edgar guy I like when Arc recites them especially Anabel Lee
No because he prefers Aster white aster to be exact..
Of course! Most our chores are mutual so we don’t have it set on who does what but if he’s doing something I’d definitely help him finish whatever it is
Teenage dirtbag by weetus I honestly have no Idea how I’m not tied of it yet and a close second is  in this shirt by the irrépressibles which I listen to while designing 
Definitely guitar it’s just so pretty but Theodore might get me into piano he plays like a dream
I do Hope your next three days go spectacularly well and this was really fun I definitely might consider this app or the website at the very least thank you.
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changingplumbob · 4 months
Knightstone Household: Chapter 8, Part 5
Today Silas heads off for his first day of school, Suzanna works with Pollock to try reach more milestones and Silas wants a real piano.
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Nicknames Suzanna is Mummy or Starlight Adam is Pops or My Heart Silas is Starshine Pollock is Pol or Moondust If Pollock is trying to babble real words they will be in brackets
Adam: Did you let your brother get a good sleep? He’s got a big day today
Pollock: Ye ra po (yes Pops)
Silas is sitting having breakfast still in his disguise.
Suzanna: Are you going to wear your disguise to school
Silas: Probably Mummy. I don’t want to hide that I’m an alien but for my first few days I’d rather not stick out
Suzanna: Your choice. We'll see you when you get home okay
Silas: Yes Mummy, look after Pol for me
Suzanna: *chuckles*
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Adam: So he’s been fed and changed, all set
Suzanna: Thanks Adam
Adam: No worries, I just will be busy cleaning before my shift
Suzanna: Of course, now Moondust, who’s ready to try some… ice cream!
Adam: Wait... Ice cream for breakfast?
Suzanna: Not breakfast. You said it yourself, he’s already had milk
Adam: I don’t know Pollock, sounds like she’s trying to fatten you up already
Suzanna: Nothing wrong with a chubby infant Adam
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Suzanna goes to get some carrots to try next while Adam begins to vacuum the house. Pollock wonders what is going on and in the end is overwhelmed by the noise, bursting into tears.
Suzanna: Do you have to vacuum just there Adam
Adam: You know queuing it for nooks and crannies can be tricky
Suzanna: Come on then Pollock, we’ll head outside and let Pops clean
Suzanna scoops Pollock up and Adam calls after them.
Adam: Sorry son, good luck calming down
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Suzanna: You can go here with all the stars and mummy will just pump before she tends the garden. Go on Pollock, touch the stars
Pollock: *giggles* Noo be star (I’m with the star)
Suzanna: You said star? You said star! Well done Moondust, you’ll be talking in no time
Pollock: Fo star um (Stars are fun Mummy)
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Inside, Adam makes sure to get rid of the basement dust. Outside, Pollock spends time happily batting the stars around before switching to some solo tummy time. Suzanna happily tends her garden but can’t help wondering what’s happening at the lab while she’s using her watcher given maternity leave.
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Pollock has his nap while Adam goes to work but Suzanna wakes him up just before Silas gets home.
Suzanna: Let’s have some milk then we can go see how Silas did on his first day, huh? Won’t that be exciting
Pollock: *burps*
Suzanna: I knew you would agree
Pollock: *giggles*
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Suzanna: How was your day Starshine
Silas: Pretty good. Although my teacher told me off for not doing an assignment
Suzanna: ...but it was your first day
Silas: Exactly! They didn't like me pointing that out. Anyway we did some art after lunch and I made you something
Suzanna: You did? Okay let’s have a look here. A unicorn picture? Oh it’s a masterpiece. We’ll have to make sure we show your Pops huh, he'll be impressed
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*grinding noise*
Suzanna: Stupid washing machine. I have to go fix it, could you watch Pollock for a minute? Unless you have homework
Silas: I’ve already done my homework Mummy
Pollock: He la boo (Hi brother)
Silas: Hey Pol. Have you been good today? I bet you missed me, I missed you *blows raspberry*
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Silas takes a seat at the table and begins pulling funny faces. Pollock happily giggles until he covers his face.
Silas: Pol? Do you need a rest
Pollock: *removes hands* BOO
Silas: *laughs* Oh you scared me good! Are you the peek a boo champ now? Are you?
Pollock: *giggles happily*
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Silas: MUMMY! Pol learned how to do peek a boo
Suzanna: He did? That’s impressive when he normally bursts into tears if we try. Could you set the table while I take care of somebody’s diaper? Your Pops should be home really soon
Suzanna takes Pollock to the nursery bathroom where he does his best to scoot away.
Suzanna: Oh no no no, we are not having another blowout Moondust. Come here!
Pollock: *giggles and scoots*
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Adam comes home with good news, he’s reached level 9 of his Art Critic job, Syndicated Superstar. But even superstars have to make dinner.
Silas: Hey Pops, you know how you got me that piano book for my birthday
Adam: I do. I wanted to get you guitar but your mum told me I’m not allowed to make you a clone of me
Silas: *laughs* I don’t mind learning piano. But Pops… I think it would go better if I had… you know… an actual piano to practice on
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Suzanna: Okay Pollock, I know you don’t like being carried. So can we try to crawl? Crawl for Mummy
Pollock: Do at ow (Do what now)
Suzanna: So you’ll need to push, push yourself on to your hands and knees, just like when you learned to creep
Pollock: I ow (right now)
Suzanna: Come on Moondust, crawl to Mummy, crawl to Mummy
Pollock: *tries, fails, cries*
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Suzanna: Is dinner ready yet
Adam: As soon as Silas stops distracting me
Silas: Hey! I’m helping Pops
Adam: And…
Silas: *sighs* and trying to convince him to get me a piano
Suzanna: An actual noise making piano? You do remember we have a sensitive infant
Silas: But Mummy he won’t be an infant forever
Adam: Tell you what, you do the dishes and your mum and I will talk about it
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Silas clears the table while Suzanna gets Pollock ready for sleep then she tucks her eldest in bed.
Silas: I lost my tooth today Mummy
Suzanna: Did you put it under your pillow
Silas: Yes. Do you think the tooth fairy will really come
Suzanna: You just wait, when you wake up you’ll see they came
Adam is messing about upstairs when Suzanna heads up to bed.
Suzanna: You want to get a piano for our kid who can't play
Adam: Can't play yet. And not just a piano. I seem to have lost my guitar in the move so I need one of those
Suzanna: *smiles* Then it’s good you got a raise with your promotion huh
Adam: Are you impressed
Suzanna: I don’t know. I think I’ll have to see more of your talent to decide
Adam: Deal
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The tooth fairy did indeed visit Silas and he scored some sweet simoleons. Other tooth fairy propaganda of course but mainly simoleons. Since Suzanna did bedtime Adam gets Pollock up and fed before taking him for a morning bath. It seems like Pollock is all smiles today and Adam remembers what Suzanna said about needing to enjoy the time. Yeah, Pollock as an infant is pretty cute.
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Adam: All clean, time to get on with our day
Adam puts Pollock down by the blocks. Pollock scoots over and begins trying to pick them up, laughing to himself the entire time. Adam meanwhile tells the delivery service where to place the piano and begins breaking in his new guitar. The cloud will definitely be something to get used to.
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Out in the garden Suzanna is delighted to find that several of the plants are ready to evolve. It may have been all replanted with the move but it’s coming along nicely. When she heads inside she finds that Pollock has learnt a new skill, putting his foot in his mouth. Then we have some routing drama (post to follow because I lost my mind) and only get things resolved as Adam leaves for work.
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Suzanna gets Pollock settled for his nap and pumps as he drifts off to sleep. Silas is delighted to arrive home and discover the piano. After his homework he sits down and begins plunking away. While Pollock continues to sleep Suzanna starts on a task she keeps putting off, necessary upgrades. First up are some additions to the sink.
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Next up, the oven needs a tune up. Of course all that meddling with the sink has left puddles over the floor. Thank goodness these ones are just water (iykyk). Suzanna wakes Pollock for a dinner bottle then, when Adam arrives home, the family take a human picture together on the porch.
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Adam cooks and Silas sets the table while Suzanna again works with Pollock. With oodles of encouragement he… falls and rolls on to his back. Then from lying down he begins to sparkle, the milestone music starts, and we officially have a crawling infant!
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
A/N: Hi guys okay this is my first story. Its just a little oneshot. Thanks to @theaufanartist for reading it first!! ❤️❤️ I'm really nervous. I couldn't decide who to write about at first so I just went with who I thought about while writing. I have more in the works but they're definitely going to be longer than I anticipated. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: None but I could be wrong. I really just tried to write fluff!
Pairing: Yunho x Reader
Jeong Yunho, Stage name: Yunho, Birthday: March 23rd, 1999, Zodiac Sign: Aries, Height: 185cm (6’1”), Weight…
“WEIGHT?!” I screamed looking at the web page again. “First of all, that's so creepy and second, who cares?”
“y/n?!” said the 185cm man who just ran into the living room of our shared apartment. “What’s wrong? Why are you yelling?” He looked at me with a pout.
“Nothing just internet stalking you like I do every month, did you know kprofiles has your weight listed?” I held up my computer.
“Why did I think it was going to be an actual emergency?” Yunho let out a sigh as he sat on the couch next to me. “You can’t just scream like that. It makes me worried you’re hurt.”
“Aww does someone care about lil ole me?” I smiled up at him.
“As your secret idol boyfriend I absolutely do.” he smiled back at me as he pulled me into him from my spot on the couch.
“And what about as my not secret idol boyfriend?”
“Yes he cares about you too.” he kissed the top of my head. “Are you done stalking me on the internet now that I’m right here?”
“For now.” I closed my laptop and set it on the coffee table.
Yunho and I grew up together, the Jeong’s were my neighbors when I was a kid and since Yunho and I are the same age we were practically forced to hang out by our parents….although a few years down the line we stopped hating it so much. Yunho was my best friend, we could never stay apart for long even after he moved to Seoul. I remember when he left Gwangju in high school, of course he left right as I figured out that….maybe I liked him a little more than just my best friend. I didn’t want to hold him back from doing what he wanted. I was never one to be selfish, so I let him go. I would come visit as often as I could with school and getting a part-time job. I hated asking my dad for money all the time. It was weird my last visit 4 years ago ended with me staying, I just had finally had enough of being apart from him. My dad convinced me to just do what made me happy. I moved to Seoul for University and got an internship as a stylist at KQ.
The guys, especially Mingi, would tease Yunho all the time for his crush on me. I think they figured it out before he did. Well that’s what they’ll say, sometimes I think Yunho was scared to “ruin” things.
“Starshine, where’d you go?” The man next to me pulled me back from my daydream.
“Hmm?” I looked up at Yunho who was rubbing my arm. “Sorry just reminiscing. What’s up?”
“I asked what you wanted for dinner?”
“Oh, Fried Rice? I have a lot of leftover rice I should use and various things.”
“Sounds perfect.” he smiled.
Yeah 4 years together does sound perfect.
Yunho does his best to keep me protected from the limelight. Stay a little mysterious, doesn’t mean I don’t see the hate comments, or the tweets or anything bad. Sometimes they hurt a little more than I should let them, I mean these people don’t know me but….you still don’t want to hear or read that you’re hurting your boyfriend's career.
“Our anniversary is coming up!….4 years!” Yunho called out from the living room.
“I know dummy. I wouldn't forget it.”
“I can’t wait to give you your gift!!”
“Is it you in that tight black sweater?”
“No…..I could make it a part of that I guess!”
“I’d like that!” I called back after finishing up dinner. “Now get in here and eat.”
We had to work the day of our anniversary. There was a comeback soon so we had to finalize the designs for the outfits. The boys were in dance practice all day but we stole them a few times to measure and look at fabrics. Not the most stressful day but you know what they say, the calm before the storm. Yunho had worn that black sweater originally but I knew he wasn’t going to dance in it all day, he’d definitely overheat and pass out and then I’d be upset. He did wear it for me though. He also bought dinner for us to have at the studio since we were going to be running late. It’s not the most romantic but we’ll celebrate formally when we have time, you’d think he’d figure out that as long as he’s there that’s all I want.
The stylist team and I had finally finished our schedule for the day, unfortunately or…fortunately the boys were still practicing. So I had popped in like normal to wait until they finished. Yunho of course had the biggest grin when he saw my head peek through.
“Y/N!!!!” A chorus of boys yelled.
“You act like I haven’t seen any of you all da-aaAYY Yunho! Put Me Down!” I squealed being lifted off the ground.
“I missed you.” he said, putting me down cupping my cheek.
“You saw me 3 hours ago for dinner.” I chuckled.
“I miss you everytime.”
“Aww Yuyu.”
“Pffft Yuyu.” Wooyoung and Yeosang chuckled quietly behind the man at his nickname.
“You only do that to embarrass me.” Yunho rolled his eyes.
“And it works every time!” I smiled and pecked his lips which he hungrily returned full force.
“Okay just one more song to practice. Watch us pleaseeee” he pouted and squeezed my hand.
“Okay okay, not like I’m going anywhere.” I nodded and went to sit down before Yunho practically threw a chair right next to the camera that was filming them.
“There please!”
I gave him a knowing look, he was up to something. All the guys gave each other a nod. I see this is part of a surprise he had planned.
The music had started and it was one of my favorites. Of course I’d say that about any of their songs if I’m honest. However, the song was Promise, it's surely one of the more love song…songs. I watched as they did the choreography I’ve seen a million times (and probably done in my living room while Yunho was in the shower.) The lyrics hit me the way they always do, especially when I can’t help but feel like Yunho is performing this one for me. It’s the final chorus, just before that outro when Yunho takes a suspicious walk over to his jacket hanging on the wall hoping he was quick enough I wouldn’t notice. Jongho and San are finishing their part before they all part like the sea and Yunho walks to the front….Well that’s different from the original…….
“No one take you down.” San had finished.
Why is…..Why is Yunho….on….his….knee….
“Y/N. Starshine.” Yunho started. “When I first left to come to Seoul I didn’t understand why it hurt so bad to see you standing on the platform. I understood those feelings more and more every time I had to say goodbye when you’d leave again- ``''Yunho, if you're doing what I think you are, I really need you to ask faster.” I said tears already forming in my eyes.
“Let me finish!” he smiled. “I don’t ever want to go a day without you by my side any more. Remember what I said, I won’t let go of your hand. I promise you. Y/N, I love you will you-” “YES!” I jumped on him.
“You didn’t let me finish.” he chuckles but I was already crying into his shoulder.
“You ask too slow, and you used song lyrics.” I said through the happy sobs. “It doesn’t change my answer anyways. It’ll always be yes.”
No matter what darkness you walk in
Even if the only road is blocked on all sides
Remember what I said
I won't let go of your hand
I promise you.
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pickinglilahs · 6 months
Blackeclipse for the soul
Part 24; Part 25; Part 26 Hey...I know I've been away but here's a new chapter. Also, I wrote a 18+ one-shot that may or may not fit perfectly between this chapter and the last... Also, this chapter is, like...a week or so after the last one so you don't have to remember what happened
"Hey, Starshine? Have you seen James?"
Regulus looked up from his book with a frown. "Not since this morning." A beat. Then, "Should we be worried?"
Remus worried his lip as he sat in his chair in their hidden alcove, holding his school bag to his chest like a lifeline. "Maybe? He was okay yesterday, right?"
Regulus shrugged. "I didn't notice anything wrong, but I don't know him as well as you do."
Remus looked up at him. He knew that was a bit of a sore spot; Regulus often felt behind because of how in tune James and Remus were. It was inevitable, given their prior relationships, but Remus and James both hated it, all the same.
Remus tried to shake the worry for James off. After all, "It's too soon to tell. He slept last night so he could just be off with Siri or something. Sorry for bothering you with this. It's probably nothing."
Regulus set his book down deliberately and came over to kneel at Remus' feet, taking both his hands and holding his gaze. "Moonbeam," he admonished, "Don't ever apologize for worrying. If something feels wrong, I want you to tell me,” he tilts his head, and adds as an afterthought, “Or James. Instincts are our subconscious trying to warn us of things our conscious mind hasn't picked up on yet. And you, Moonbeam, have incredible instincts."
Remus forced himself to relax, closing his eyes and letting out a long breath. "He said he would meet us here after class. It's not like him to forget or bail."
Regulus nodded, stroking the backs of Remus' hands with his thumbs. "Do you want to go look for him?"
The older boy hesitated but eventually shook his head, "No. If he is with Siri, we won't be able to find them anyway. And if he isn't... He's probably in bed. He usually just wants to be alone when he's depressed."
Frowning, "Is it okay to leave him alone?"
"For a while," Remus sighed. "He doesn't think he deserves love and comfort when he's like this and he reacts badly if you try to force it on him too soon."
"Badly how?"
Shrugging, "Sometimes he disappears; takes the map, and hides so we can't find him. Sometimes he yells. Usually, though, he forces himself to act okay. Tries to prove that he doesn't need help. That's why it's so hard to tell when he's depressed sometimes; he's good at hiding it."
"I guess we'll just have to watch him close, then." Regulus squeezed Remus' hands. He leaned up to kiss the other boy's Marked cheek before standing slowly and going back to his own chair.
Remus sighed and pulled out his homework, trying to focus.
James had not been with Sirius.
Sirius himself said as much when Remus and Regulus sat down across from him later that evening. And while James did join them for dinner, Regulus noted that he didn't actually eat anything.
Remus and Regulus shared a look that James didn't see; Regulus decided to stay up in the tower that night.
After dinner, the trio stopped at the Slytherin dorms and made their way up to bed. They tried to put James between them, but he hauled Regulus over to put him in the middle. They didn't protest.
When they woke up to find James absent the next morning, there was no denying it. Something was up.
"So... What do we do?"
Remus ran a hand over his face, letting out a long sigh. "Same as before? Make sure he's taking his potions and keep an eye on him. Not really much to do."
Regulus could only make out his outline with the early morning light illuminating the closed curtains. "It frustrates you. That you can't just hug his pain away. Take away the ache like we do for you."
Remus turned his face towards him. It hadn't been a question—more an... observation—but it was true, nonetheless. After a moment, Remus snorted and placed his hand back over his face.
"And you complain that you don't know us well enough."
Regulus 'harrumphed' and rolled to crawl on top of Remus. He took the other boy's hands from his face and glared down at him. "It's not about knowing you. Anyone with decent enough observation skills can know a person. It's that... I mean- You two have known each other for years and I..."
Remus brought a hand up to tuck a wayward curl behind Regulus' ear, fingers lingering to stroke over his cheekbone. "And you feel behind. James and I have had time to learn to work together and you haven't."
Regulus' glare slid into a pout, bottom lip sticking out in the most adorable way. Remus bit his own lip to suppress a smile, but Regulus noticed and pouted even harder.
Chuckling, Remus leaned up to nip at his lip. Regulus jerked in surprise, letting out an indignant sound. He tried to pull away, but Remus rolled with him, pinning the younger boy to press kisses all over his face.
Just then, James pulled back the bed curtains. Remus and Regulus froze, squinting into the sudden sunlight. James took one look at them and grinned mischievously. "Are we smothering Regulus?"
James' smile grew as he launched himself onto the bed. He flopped down just beside them and started peppering Regulus' face with kisses himself.
Laughing and tickling and kissing, the boys wrestled across the bed.
"OI! At least close the curtains!"
Remus nearly fell off as they all startled to attention. Luckily, his two quidditch-playing boys had cat-like reflexes—literally in Regulus' case—and caught him just in time. Hauling him into the safety of their arms, James and Regulus looked up to find Benji standing in the bathroom doorway with his arms crossed.
"Sorry," Regulus and Remus chorused, while James grumbled about 'not doing anything.'
Benji and Peter shared an amused look, but the trio were too busy scrambling from the bed to get ready for class to notice.
Remus and Regulus were also focused on James. They discreetly watched his face and body language as they got ready and headed down to breakfast. When James filled his plate and dug in, they shrugged at each other.
Maybe it was just a one-off.
Only time would tell.
@starchasersunseeker @poetrypirate @niad4827 @bradley-95147-blog @shyshadows430
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miracleonice87 · 1 year
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“Don’t call me cupcake in public, I have a reputation!” with Tyler Seguin (1) - from m’s two year tumblrversary prompt list
9 months later and I’m finally fulfilling this request from @starshine-hockey-girl, though the original ask just got eaten by my inbox 😵‍💫 thankfully I remembered who this was for! hope you enjoy after all this time 🫶
- - -
Game 5: Minnesota Wild at Dallas Stars
Stars win, 4-0
You stood scrolling your phone postgame, shoulder leaned against the cool, painted cement block corridor wall deep in the hidden heart of American Airlines Center, across from the entrance to the families room as you waited for your boyfriend to exit the locker room. The corners of your lips automatically pulled upward as you pored over the Stars’ Instagram stories showcasing Tyler’s legendary pregame stretching and warmup routine, followed by the numerous goal celebrations throughout the night, including one of his own. You were so engrossed in your feed that you didn’t hear the sound of footsteps falling down the hall toward you.
“What are you smilin’ about over there?” a deep, unmistakable voice rang out a few yards in front of you.
You immediately stood up straight upon hearing Tyler, tucking your phone into the pocket of your playoff jacket and crossing your arms casually over your chest.
“You, Mr. Four-Goals-in-Five-Playoff-Games,” you retorted. He beamed, now just a few steps away.
“Do I get a kiss for that achievement?” he inquired, the way his one brow quirked above his playful honey brown eyes eliciting a tingle up your spine.
You tapped a finger against your chin and hummed, feigning contemplation. You were now toe-to-toe with your partner, though his frame towered over yours and melted you instantaneously.
“Well, I suppose,” you muttered, barely getting out the last syllable before he dipped his head down to capture your lips with his. The kiss lingered despite the bustle of the surrounding staff and fellow players and families, and you physically had to press a hand to his chest to bring it to a halt, though you wrapped your arms around his waist to keep him close.
“Easy, tiger,” you joked softly, making him giggle.
“Sorry, guess I’m a little keyed up,” he admitted.
“No wonder – you were amazing,” you praised. You pressed a chaste kiss to his neck, inhaling his familiar post-shower scent as you nestled your head against his. “I’m so proud of you,” you whispered against his skin.
He let out a low chuckle and squeezed you appreciatively.
“That’s what keeps me goin’,” he told you sincerely, kissing your cheekbone before you pulled away.
“How you feelin’?” you asked, your hand falling from his collar in favor of rubbing his back through his suit jacket.
He exhaled through pursed lips. “Tired,” he admitted, rolling his head from one side to the other. “Sore.”
You hummed in understanding but couldn’t resist the urge to tease.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go home and run you a bath, cupcake,” you told him, playfully patting his bearded cheek.
Tyler gasped dramatically, smirk on his lips, and he pried your fingers from his face.
“Don’t call me cupcake in public! I have a reputation!” he exclaimed, hand still clasped around yours.
You chuckled devilishly as he turned your hand to press a kiss to your wrist.
“But seriously, thanks for taking care of me, especially this time of year,” he said, allowing your joined hands to fall as he spoke. “Couldn’t do what I do without you.”
You smiled, squeezing his hand affectionately. “Nothing I’d rather do, babe,” you assured him softly. “See you at home.”
Tyler nodded, kissed you one last time, then, with a wink, disappeared down the hallway.
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rei-does-stuff · 7 months
EPISODE 1!!!!!!
-FIRSTLY I’ve been so fucking excited for this that I dreamt about it THATS RIGHT I DREAMT ABT IT
-This is gonna be the last mym chapter….:(((((
-“Hold onto your cutie marks!” IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE SUNNY
-I love you izzyyyyy
-All the dragons have the same model yes, but they all still look unique and pretty good IN MOTION
-Aww trying to put on her tough voice this is why ur my favorite sunny!!!
-Leaf is cuteee
-Tumble and him are def gay
-FOUNTAIN IS A LITTLE CREATURE….Well big creature but yk
-God that was sooo goodddd
-Love sunny rushing in to defend alicorns
-Also her putting her hoof around zipp GAYYYY
-Hitch and your dad jokes I love youu
-Sunny trying to make friends with Blaize, IS THAT A PERSONALITY I SEE?
-Also her and Blaize? Rlly gay
-Love this green dragon (already forgot his name im a little dumb)
-OH HIS VOICE WILL TAKE A WHILE TO GET USED TO BUT ITS NOT BAD, he finally has the deep voice he’s always wanted, good on you for the transition, plus he is total nonbinary goals
-Also Sunny fangirling a bit
-okok so we were all pretty right on the real story!
-“You lost magic??” LMAO EVEN SPIKE IS LIKE ‘rlly???? After everything you rlly lost magic yall are wild mannn”
-When sunny gets excited her alicorn-ness starts to show, I’m not saying its a stim but it’s totally a stim
-Love his speech but I wish they referenced how he thought the same but realized his true family were with other ponies
-GAYYY i need to see ship art of sunny and Blaize NOW
EP 2
-The townsponies still freak just the same as g4, some things never change
-‘And Pipp’s hair is still fabulous!’ I LOVE YOU ROCKY
-“That is…An option!” SUNNY DONT BE MEAN
EP 3!!!
-‘We could just call’ I LOVE THEMMM
-NOT OPALINE PLAYING THE “you and I were not so different” CARD
-New threats maybe?
-Auroricorns! New name for Crystal ponies?
-This is def giving me comfort special vibes!!!!
-Never allowed to leave? Ooooo
-If this keeps going this well this might be my fave ep
-This is some freaky shit
-So she’s like Opaline, but probably less fun? Interesting….
-Messed up tbh
-Maybe Allura will get a redemption arc?
-WOW she is stupid I love it
-So she might be back!
AAAAA I LOVED THAT, even tho there’s no more mym I’m sure tyt will be just as good once the episodes get longer!!
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venomous-qwille · 1 year
Hullo, uh, for the ask mayhaps "I'm just glad you're okay" ... Sun-centic (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) i am in-love with your Astral Bodies story 💖
I most certainly can do :) I'm glad you're enjoying Astral Bodies- here is a drabble that fits in the same universe. Thanks for the ask (I'mma big fan of your art!! <3)
"I'm just glad you're okay" Sun / Reader Words: 858
When you slam back into consciousness you are lying supine on the floor. Your legs are raised, resting on the slope of something hard and your skin goose-pimples where it meets cold, silky fabric.
You blink and above you Sun’s face crumples with relief.
“There you are, Starshine.” He says softly, as if you are some skittish wild animal he might somehow frighten away.
“Mmsunny-“ you slur, eyes squinting against the ceiling lights “m’head hurts.”
He lowers a palm to cover your eyes, ever so gently, and you watch his face as it disappears beneath the horizon of his hand. His fingers are cool and soft and you let out a blissful whimper as the aching in your head subsides.
“You took quite a tumble there, Starshine,” his voice is light as he smooths a thumb over your temple, “You had us very worried for a second.”
There is no reprimand there but you can’t help but cringe away from him, shrugging away from his touch like a burn. Your eyes dart up to him, still frozen with his arm outstretched. You move to drag your legs off his lap but-
He stops you.
It takes so little effort on his part, just a single motion. His arms reach out to grip your thighs firmly; that same kind of careful, certain pressure you’d use to hold a cat at the vet. You fight the animal urge to writhe and spit in embarrassment, a red hot flush rising up your neck- but you know he can see it all on your face anyway. Sun had always been very good at reading you.
“Don’t move yet.” He slides you forward until you’re back over his lap, ankles draped against his other arm. “You need to keep your legs elevated while you recover.”
You unclench your fingers where they’ve formed fists against the floor and he tilts his faceplate down to look at you, casting a shadow over his features. The low light lets his pupils dance like fireflies across your face. You shiver.
“I’m sorry Sun-“ you begin, shuffling your body like a caterpillar as you rise to rest your weight on your elbows. His smile ticks in frustration.
“Lie down, darling.”
You give him a long look, which he returns flatly. You know when you are beat. With a long suffering sigh you lower yourself back to the floor and you can feel something tightening behind your eyes. You take a deep breath-
“I mean it.” You swallow. “I’m sorry.”
Sun tuts lightly but doesn’t say anything. You shut your eyes.
“I mean it Sun. I knew I was in no state to practice today- but I…” you furrow a brow and bring your hands up to grip the sweaty mess of your hair, “…I was angry, and so sick of people telling me what to do and I feel like everything is falling apart and I just wanted to dance it out you know? I needed to. Stupid. I know. Such a stupid thing to get sick over. This whole thing is my fault I-”
He smooths a thumb over the flesh of your hamstring, shushing you gently. “Oh Starshine, it’s not-“
“No but it is Sun. It is and I’m sorry. I should have listened to you. I knew I wasn’t feeling 100% when I woke up today- I shouldn’t have pushed the boat out so far- and you told me- you all but begged me not to work myself too hard- but I was just-“ your voice quavers and you bury your face into your hands, vision swollen with little black spots that fade like drops of ink in water.
There is a rustle of fabric and in one dizzying shift you find yourself scooped up into his arms. His chassis is hard and soft at the same time- that always surprises you, the singularly unique feeling of silicone over steel. Your cheek is pressed against his chest and you can feel the low tick-tick-hummm of his internals vibrate against your skin. You hide your face against it.
“None of that now, sweetheart. None of that.” He tips his face forward to touch the crescent of his mouth to your temple. “No blame, no fault, no tears, none of that.”
His kindness only makes it worse. You need him to understand and you almost choke on the words as they bubble out your throat “-I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to frighten you, passing out like that- I didn’t think-”
He exhales a hiss of soft static against your hairline. “You will take better care of yourself next time won’t you?”
“I promise Sunny, I-”
He boops you on the nose.
“Then there is nothing to forgive, Starshine. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
It’s as if some invisible thread has been cut; all the tension rushes from your body and you feel yourself relax into his arms. You thread your fingers into the fabric at his neck.
“Sunny I…”
“Hmmm?” He hums at you, the sound muffled by your hair. His arm around your back twitches, just a little, just once.
You close your eyes.
“…Thank you.”
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lalacliffthorne · 26 days
This actually is going to be my first ever message to someone else in tumblr...I hope I'm doing this right... In the 9 years I have been in tumblr I've always been a lurker but I think that this situation deserves for me to be a little bit brave and actually say something!
I discovered your writing around February-March of this year, I think? It was definitely after you took your break and I have to say that it has become a little joy of mine to read in my free time (and not really free, I even read it when class gets too boring).
Starshine has really become THE comfort fic for me. Maybe is the way you write their emotions, maybe it is how despite not having done anything romantic exclusive Rhys and reader are so clearly in love that you can't miss it, maybe it is because the way you write about hope and healing makes you feel lighter, maybe it is a lot of things. I kinda wish that you could see statistics of how many times one of your posts was seen, because if you could you'd see that there is a new view every week. Or twice a week to be honest. That's me enjoying your story, a little bit obsessively, and getting my weekly shot of serotonin.
I am really glad that you decided to come back, that I get to enjoy your writing in a live way, instead of getting here too late to tell you how lovely it is.
Sorry if this got too long and a little bit too emotional, I tend to get a little bit rambly and formal, especially in English!
Thank you for coming back and sharing your writing.
Much love,
A great fan of yours 🪻🌌
okay, I've just been sat here for the past few minutes like 🥹🥹🥹
first of all, I feel SO blessed and honored that you sent this message?? look at you!! 💕
and then... omg this made me so emotional. 😭
honestly, starshine really just started bc I had this idea about this really lovely and powerful faerie who's just a total sweetheart. and bc I felt like I wanted to give Rhys THE biggest hug possible by written word 😂
but as I got into writing it, I was thrown into how much his trauma GOT me. and so it kinda turned into saying all the things that I wished I could've been able to tell him through the pages - and consequently, everyone reading it. because everyone needs to hear these things sometimes, this reminder and assurance. and I wanted to try and adress his trauma in a way that did it justice while also never letting it slip into such angst that it turns hopeless. so I tried giving it these heavy moments that still never lose that spark of hope, as well as those that are just so full of warmth and light, and I feel so incredibly happy that this feeling translates through writing for you. 🥹
got a bit poetic there
I am SO incredibly glad to be back here too, just alone because of wonderful messages like this one. 💞
(also you have nothing to worry about, this was perfect, and I know all about becoming all rambly in English, so - you're good babes ;))
thank YOU, for reading?? for loving this SO much, which I can't rlly wrap my head around - it means a lot to me that my writing brings you so much joy, truly. 🥺💕
SO much love right back to you, mwah
xx Lala ✨️
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nussiesimps · 2 years
Sweet Dreams Interrupted
-One Shot
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• DESCRIPTION: You've never had a good sleep in a while now... The sleep was so nice it made you dream about your celestial lovers,but unfortunately some things must come to an end.
• PAIRING/s: Sun x Reader x Moon
• WARNINGS: Cussing
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5:31 A.M.
5:32 A.M.
5:33 A.M.
"Starshine! You're back!" Sun greeted you with a bone crushing hug. Oh how he missed you so much! He couldn't wait all week to see your adorable face! You've been gone for so,so long that he and Moon thought you left them. You wouldn't do that,would you?...
Oh what is he thinking?! You would never leave them behind,you promised after all! You would never break any promises,you're not the type to!...Or at least,not their promise... But who cares? You're back! Happy and Healthy (physically),just like last time! Oh he can't wait and-
"...S-sun..." You patted his arm to release you from his bone crushing hold. Oh,He almost forgot! "Oh! I'm so sorry Starshine! I couldn't help myself,I just missed you so much!"
He gave you another hug,but this time it was gentle. "Haha,I missed you too Sunny,Moony." You gave him a pat on the head,to which he happily accepts. His rays' are spinning wildly because of your affection. He gave you a love sick grin,holding you tighter and tighter until you pat his arm again as a warning that you might not breathe because of how tight he's hugging you.
'..Our Starlight is back... Tell them i miss them too...' Moon missed you so much..It had been exactly 1 Week and 2 days since you've left. He has been worried sick 2 days ago as to why you weren't greeting them at the daycare entrance since you said you'll only be gone for a week.
Moon has been...Pretty rough since day 1 without you. He's snapping on co workers left and right,staying on the ceiling so he wouldn't get bossed around by some annoying fools... And maybe throwing tantrums in one of the storage rooms. He's been doing that until they threatened to go "Fix" him at Parts And Service..
But that doesn't matter. You're here,with them now. And there's alot to catch up on. He'd be dammed if he let anyone separate you from them by even just for a second.
"Moon said he misses you too,Starshine." Sun picked you up and carried you to the center of the daycare. You giggled. "Is that so? Well then, I don't think y'all would mind if i stay over here for the night? To make up all the week we hadn't spend time together?" You watched as Sun's eyes lit up,and if you could see Moon right now,you bet your ass he'd be grinning mischievously.
5:49 A.M.
5:50 A.M.
5:51 A.M.
"Oh we'd love that Starshine! There's so many things we could do! Hey,how about we continue that one movie! I wanna watch the sequel!" Sun sat you down on his lap,facing him. Running his fingers at your soft hair whilst placing his other hand at your back.
"Sure! I downloaded the sequel of it while i was gone... It may or may not have reminded me of you two.." You looked away from him,not wanting them to see you blush..But also wanting to...
" Aww you're so cute Starshine!" Sun pinched your cheek,then giving it a little kiss. You know your face is red but you still tried to play it cool and totally ignoring the fact that their affections doesn't get your heart 'Doki Doki'.
Moon giggled in Sun's mind. 'How cute...Trying to hide the fact that our affections gets them red.. I could hear their heart beat pounding,so adorable~...' You may not see it but Moon is giving you a look full of love and adoration. Sun quietly chuckled. 'Too bad you can't give them kisses.' Sun gave a him playful smirk. This irked Moon. He thought of savaging the lights off just so he could show you just how much he missed you. But he needed to wait patiently to get his Sunnyself back.
'Just you wait,by the time the lights are off i'll be sure to turn off our shared vision and our shared senses so you won't be able to feel their touch and see their flushed face when i drown them with my love..' This time,it was Moon who was giving Sun a playful smirk and Sun being irked by Moon's words. 'You wouldn't dare.' Sun hissed.
'Oh I will~...' Moon purred.
"What are you guys talking about?" You asked. Sun jumped slightly,before quickly recovering. "Oh nothing much,just a playful banter is all!" He gave you a kiss on the nose as to not concern you. "Mhmm...Well if you say so.." You leaned on his chest,looking up at him. "Any ideas on what we should do after watching a movie?"
"...Well.." Sun looked at the side,trying to think about some other activities. 'What do you think Moon?' Sun asked him for any suggestions. 'Mhmm... How about.. Something... New,something long lasting..Something...' Moon's grin widen. Sun is blushing,he feels like he knows what he's going to say next. 'Something...Le-'
"-No!" Sun shouted. You jumped by the sudden loud noise Sun emitted. Sun realized he said that out loud. "Whoops! Sorry Starshine!" He scratched the back of his neck,looking away,embarrassed. "Damn...Moon's fucking with you,isn't he?" You chuckled. Moon could be a lil shit to be honest. But you love that part of him. You love every part of him,every part of them.
5:54 A.M.
5:55 A.M.
"He could be an A hole sometimes!" Sun crossed his arms and quietly grumbling,his face still red. 'You didn't let me finish,Solar boy.. I was going to say "Something Less tiring" ... What were you thinking i was going to  say,hmm~?' 'Nothing!'
Sun's face is red as Moon's eyes. You covered your mouth,trying not laugh at how cute he is being right now. Sun noticed this and pouted,pinching your cheeks.
"Starshinnne,don't laugh!" He started stretching your cheeks,you had to hold both of his hands to stop them from further stretching your cheeks,"My bad Sunny,i just can't help it! You're too cute!" You quickly gave him a kiss on the lips.
He let's go of your cheeks to hold his own,trying to calm himself down. His rays' are spinning so fast you thought he's gonna fly!
'Your welcome.' Moon chuckled.
5:57 A.M.
5:58 A.M.
"Well,we should get up and ready some stuff,the kids are about to come here any minute now." You are about get off of Sun's lap but he wouldn't let go. "Uh,Sunny?" You looked at him to see if he's ok. "How about we just..Stay like this? Just a little more,please?" He quietly whispered.
You gave him a soft look,then smiling. "Sure Sunny,just a little more.." You leaned on his chest once again.
5:59 A.M.
"Thank you Starshine.." He hold you close to him as he could. "Your Welcome...Love you Sunny,love you Moony." You kissed both of his cheeks. "We-" A bunch of rowdy children came in from the daycare doors. "Wha-"
6:00 A.M.
6:00 A.M.
6:00 A.M.
The sound of your alarm on your phone beside you jolted you awake from how loud it was. You took your phone and closed the alarm. "Fucking cockblocks." You quietly hissed,glaring at your phone and giving it a hard squeeze.
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• AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm finished with school stuff and I've already cleared my mind off of things now so all I'm gonna be doing right now is making fanfics. Thank you guys so much for being patient with me and again I'm really sorry for making you guys wait! I've decided to start with something short,what do you guys think? Let me know! And also,if there's any wrong grammar and misspellings please let me know,it would be a big help and i'll be sure to fix it quickly! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this!!
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ourvanishingghosts · 1 year
Milo x Kabu x Fem! Shiny Delphox Reader Part 2
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I made this story into two parts because the last part was getting a little long. And sorry for the cliffhanger that I left this story on.
After waiting for a few moments Kabu answered the door. You immediately hugged him as tightly as you could without hurting him. He was a little wet, so you assumed he got out of the shower. You pull away from him with some tears in your eyes.
"Sunshine, what happened? What upset you?"
Kabu asked you as he wipes away your tears
"I thought something happened to you since you were not answering the door."
You answered
"I'm quite alright. Would you like some water, Y/N?"
You knew Kabu was concerned because he didn't call you Sunshine. You nodded and all three of you went inside. You and Milo sat down in the living while Kabu got you some water.
"Starshine, do you want to tell Kabu why we are here?"
After you drank the water you nodded and then looked at Kabu
"I am worried that you are overworking yourself and I do not want you to become overwhelmed."
Kabu blushed a little bit and looked up at Milo and then back to you.
"Thank you for telling me. How about I take the whole week off since there aren't any more challengers this season?"
You smiled at him and kissed his cheek. You, Kabu, and Milo watched some movies that night. Kabu picked you up and placed you in his bed tucking you in. He went back to sit next to Milo.
"Yes, Honeybun?"
"Do you think Y/N loves us?"
"Well, yes I do think she loves us."
"No I mean like love us more than friends."
Kabu freezes
"Well, I don't know, Milo. We could ask her tomorrow. Let's just go to sleep."
Both of them end up sleeping on the couch. The next morning they wake up to the sound of someone or something eating cereal. They walk into the kitchen only to see you eating cereal in the bowl with milk. They smile at the sight because they know that you are taking the steps you needed to become independent.
"Good morning, Sunshine. How did you sleep?"
Kabu asks you as he grabs a bowl, sits next to you, and pours some cereal.
"I slept okay. Thank you for asking, Fireworks."
Both he and Milo freeze and look at you.
Milo questions trying not to laugh at the nickname you gave Kabu
"Yeah. Why not? It makes sense because he is the Fire Gym Leader and loves Fire Type Pokémon."
"What nickname did you come up with for Milo?"
You blush and shake your head no.
"I do not think Milo would like it very much."
Milo sits across from you and holds your hand.
"I promise you that I will love any nickname you give me, Starshine"
You take a deep breath
You say quietly
"It is Strawberry, okay? I thought of it because of his hair and he always smells like strawberries."
"I love it, Y/N"
~5 hours later at lunch~
Kabu was making all three of you sandwiches.
"Y/N, we have a question for you."
Milo speaks up
"What is it?"
"Do you love us?"
"Yes. I love you, Milo. I also love Kabu."
"I mean do you love us more than friends?"
There's a pause and you could cut the silence in the room with a knife. Your face turns a bright shade of violet.
"Yes. But I know that you two do not return the feelings because of what people might say."
Kabu hugs you from behind and rests his head on your shoulder.
"I will love you no matter what other people might say. And if anyone says anything negative about our relationship Milo will send a herd of Wooloos after them."
Hearing that you and Milo laugh. You turn around to face the older man and kiss him on the cheek. You then walk over to Milo and try to kiss him on the cheek, but he is too tall for you to do so. He chuckles and bends over so that you can complete your mission. The first person to know about the three of you being in a romantic relationship is Nessa. She adores you and takes you out shopping with Marnie, Melony, Bea, and Sonia.
You instantly become friends with Allister and Piers since you really think they understand what you are feeling. Whenever you are feeling down and Kabu and Milo are not available you would go to either of them to vent. You end up being taught how to play video games by Hop, Leon, Gordie, and Raihan. Your favorite video game is Spyro because you see yourself in him.
Gloria will tell you stories about her youth and you happily listen. You would even help her train Bede to become the next Fairy Gym Leader. You end up buying a pink coat to match Bede and buy a boa scarf to match Gloria to wear whenever you visit them. Gloria puts up a picture of you in the gym since you are an honorary member of the gym despite you not participating in fights. You just like to watch how she does what she does.
In your bedrooms (1 in Milo's house and 1 in Kabu's house.) you put up selfies that you took with all of the gym leaders. Yes, you were given a phone. The first picture you took was of Milo and Kabu doing a duo Pokémon battle. Your favorite picture that you put up is of you, Bede, and Gloria because that is the last picture you have of the older woman. You know that she is wearing all the pink clothing she could ever wear.
Kabu and Milo end up getting married first. Then they finally proposed to you after five years of dating you. You ended up wearing a beautiful country wedding dress in honor of Milo and had your hair dyed a fire red for Kabu. Bede was your best man and Nessa was your Maid of Honor. Allister was Milo's best man and to everyone's surprise, Kabu chose Piers to be his Best Man. Piers played for your first dance with Milo while Marnie played for your first dance with Kabu. You ended up performing a dance that one of your old friends had taught you. The dance used fire and it was easy for you because you are a Delphox hybrid. Everyone had a wonderful time at the wedding.
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
hii! can you write an imagine about seven comforting you after failing an exam? I think it's be super cute 🥺
To say you were devastated would be like saying nothing at all. So many gruelling nights were spent hunched over at your desk, putting everything you had into memorizing every bit of useful info you could possibly get your hands on. It was exhausting and at times outright unbearable. Still, regardless of how tough your studying sessions would get, you grit your teeth and pulled through it all, determined to prove not only to others but to yourself as well, that you could do it on your own.
Perhaps, putting this much pressure on yourself wasn't a good idea from the very beginning, but it's hard to see clearly when you've got piles and piles of work to get through. Sometimes, even finding a single minute to just breath and rest your eyes was something you couldn't achieve. To realize that all that hard work was for nothing... It felt like the weight of the entire world came crashing down right onto your shoulders.
You managed to keep yourself together at first, putting on a fake smile and waving off all concern coming your way from your friends, pushing the bitter tears into the darkest corners of your mind and continuing on with your day as if nothing was wrong.
You didn't want others to pity you right now.
Though, all that self-resolve came crashing down once you finally made your way to the bunker, barely gathering up enough strength in your trembling legs to step over the doorstep. You knew that you had to bring up the news to Saeyoung, whether you wanted to or not. You couldn't hide this from him, now when he spent these past few days never once leaving your side, always encouraging you and reminding you to take care of yourself with a warm glint in his amber eyes. You'll have to look him straight in the eyes and come face to face with your failure.
And this exact realization was what finally broke the camel's back. All the emotions you skillfully avoided and pushed away throughout this horrendous day came flooding back in a form of ugly tears burning at your eyes as you were completely helpless to stop them now. Shortly after the first tear have wet your cheek, a choked up sob wrecked your entire body as you slowly slid onto the floor, hiding your face in your hands and attempting to muffle the sounds of your crying to the best of your abilities, even if you knew that it won't be long until you will be found.
You were a complete mess and you hated every single second of this pathetic display.
"Y/N? Oh my God, are you okay!?"
Your head snapped into the direction from which your partner's voice came through, laced with worry and fear, only for you to realize that he was much closer to you than you were initially anticipating. You must have didn't notice him come running through all that whimpering and sniffling. Saeyoung was kneeling right in front of you, his expression full of concern and alarm. You couldn't really blame him for thinking of the worst possible scenario, considering the situation.
What a joke it was that you were having a full on breakdown just because of a stupid test.
"Saeyoung-" You managed to choke out through all the ugly hiccuping, trying to hurriedly wipe away the teary mess on your face, only for more tears to come out the longer you thought of your exam. "It's fine. I'm fine. I'm just being stupid. I-I didn't want to worry you."
He merely shook his head with a slight frown slowly adorning his face, reaching out to gently grab hold of your trembling hands into his own and carefully pulling them away from your face.
"You're not being stupid, and it's clearly not fine at all. I'm just glad to see that you're not hurt. When I heard you crying, I just... thought of the worst, I guess. Sorry for pressuring you, starshine." He explained patiently, not a single sign of annoyance in his quite voice as he instead took a seat on the floor beside you, not touching you directly in any way, but still making a point of him being there in case you'd want to lean on him. "Now tell me, what happened...?"
"The exam..." The words felt like poison as they flew off your tongue, making you hide your face in between your knees in response to the shame filling your every thought like a disgusting parasite who's only purpose was to cause you even more suffering. "I failed it. I worked so hard and I sacrificed so much of my time, and I put everything I had into it, and I still failed. And even after all that, instead of just accepting my failure, all I do is just- cry about it like a complete moron!"
You could hear a small gasp of surprise at your words from where he was sitting beside you. Saeyoung knew just how hard you worked for that test more than anyone else. He saw firsthand how you put your all into your studies, determined to get the right result, even at the expense of your own health at times. You were too scared to look up and see the disappointment in his eyes, so you just dug your fingers into your knees, trying your best to stop the trembling that came as a result of your petty tears.
"Oh, Y/N..." He sighed, this time, slowly putting his arms around you in a light hug, clearly waiting for your reaction to make sure that you weren't against such close physical contact right now. And regardless of how angry with yourself you really felt, you were helpless against his comforting scent and warmth welcoming you into their embrace so openly. So, you pressed up against his chest, curling up into him, as if you were trying to hide from the whole world inside of his arms, to which he did not object whatsoever, instead squeezing you tightly and starting to carefully caress your head without saying a single word and just letting you cry for as long as you needed to.
A couple of silent moments have passed as your sobbing gradually subsided, before he spoke up again, leaning down just enough to place a long and tender kiss onto the top of your head. "Please don't talk so badly about yourself just because of this one test, okay? You're not a moron for feeling upset... Of course you're crying: you've worked so hard and put yourself under so much pressure to succeed, only to not get the results you wanted! It's okay to cry, and it's okay to feel bad about this. You're not a robot to just brush away every single bad thing and move on with your life like nothing happened. I mean, do you remember just how much of a mess I was when we were in Rika's apartment? Back then, you told me to give myself time. So, do the same thing for yourself, starshine. You're not a failure and you're definitely not stupid. For me, you're the most amazing person in the entire universe... and my judgement of people is usually correct, just so you know."
You gave out a small giggle through your tears, unable to help yourself despite your somber mood. "You're such a dork sometimes..."
Saeyoung chucked in response, his soft laughter radiating through his chest right into your ear where it was pressed up against him. "Yeah, well, I'm your dork, forever and always."
He carefully shifted on the floor, just enough so that he could get a good look at your tearstricken face. This time, as you've calmed down a little, you didn't feel the need to hide yourself from him, so when he cupped your face into his warm hands, you just let him, pursing your lips into a thin line.
"Just please don't forget that I'm here for you, always. Even if you just hit your toe and want someone to nurse you back to health, I'll be there in half a second speed. So, don't think that your troubles are not worth my time, Y/N." He placed his forehead onto your own, closing his eyes and letting a gentle smile stretch the corners of his lips upright. You were too mesmerized to do that same, too transfixed on his comforting words and loving touch. "I know you better than anyone else in this entire world. You're so hardworking and intelligent, sometimes in such ways that I never thought were even possible. Your grades don't speak for even a fraction of your worth in this world, so don't let them define you. You continue to amaze me every single day, and I refuse a single bad grade to take that away both from me and from you."
"...That's easier said than done, but I do see what you mean, love. I'll... try to be kinder to myself in the future. I wouldn't want you to badmouth yourself like that, so I guess... It's only fair for you to feel the same, right?" You sigh, finally feeling like you can breathe freely once again.
"Then it's a good thing that we've got each other in this boss battle against our inner demons! Now, come on. I'll get a warm bath running for you. After so much stress, you should really take it easy and just relax for the rest of the day. Just so you know, Doctor Choi won't take no for an answer!"
You snickered, nudging him in a chest with your arm. "Only if Doctor Choi will join me."
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worldly-diversity · 4 months
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@mettledivory ○ 𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕕 𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕟 ○
          ⤷  『  "Riven!" Iridescent wings fluttered anxiously, Stella lowering herself to the ground before dropping to her knees by the Specialist's side. It had all happened so fast. One moment Darkar had aimed his palm her way to blast her with his dark powers, the next Riven had jumped in front of her to protect her.
Concern laced her features as she placed an arm beside him, balancing herself over him to then snake her other limb behind his head and gingerly lifting it up. Svelte digits dug into his rose frosted strands, guilt rooting itself in the pit of her stomach that he had gotten hurt in her place. She was a fairy, she could've taken the hit. It would've stung but her magic would've mitigated the pain to a degree she could handle. He didn't have to risk himself. Shouldn't have. Please be okay. You have to be. Please.
The seconds that ticked along felt akin to an eternity until he finally peered those beautiful amethyst eyes she had grown so fond of back open, and she heaved a sigh of relief. T'was in that moment that it clicked for her-- the feelings that had been steadily brewing over the last few months, how attached she had gotten to him. By the stars, she really had to fall for the man that seemed to delight in getting under her skin { as if she didn't counter his snarky remarks with equal sass }. But he was more than just the hotheaded, sarcastic, loner wolf persona he projected to the world, wasn't he? So much more.
"I don't recall giving you the right to scare me like that," she chided and huffed in faux annoyance, her voice ever so shaky. 'What were you thinking?' went unsaid as she brought him in for a hug, the blonde needing to feel him against her. His warm, breathing body. He was okay. Pulling back after a beat, her hazel hues locked with his and she moved her other hand to his cheek, tenderly cradling it. Her gaze searched his for approval, that he didn't mind her going further, and she smiled once it was granted. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to his.  』
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Generally speaking he knew better than to jump in front of a magic blast to protect someone who could handle it, and Stella is by no means weak, but her back had been turned and by the time he'd managed to shout to catch her attention she likely wouldn't have managed to pull up a shield. It had been instinct more than active thought which propelled him forward to catch the brunt of the blast. He'd held his sword in a defensive position, but magic being magic still got through for the most part, knocking him back.
He'd blacked out for a second, the hit heavier than he'd expected and the rocks not exactly gentle when he'd just been slammed back and into the ground. It jarred him and it hurt, but he'd be fine in a moment. Taking a second to catch his breath and calm the throbbing of his head, he finds himself lifted by someone, and blinks his eyes open to find his starshine fluttering anxiously over him. Shit, he hadn't meant to worry her like that…
Her words actually surprise a small chuckle out of him, making him smirk despite the situation. "Sorry princess, I'll ask for permission next time~" The words slipping out in teasing without really considering the implication that he would be taking hits for her in the future, it wasn't something he'd actively thought about and considered after all; but she was worth protecting.
She pulls him close and he shifts a little so he can wrap an arm around her in turn, basking in the gentle warmth of her natural radiance. She was always comfortable to hold, but it was different when she transformed, as though the rays of light from her powers sank into him, warming him from the inside.
Leaning his cheek into her palm, it takes him but a moment to realise what she's about to do, and the moment she sees acceptance in his expression, their lips meet. He can all but taste her worry for him and it invigorates him to reassure her with returned passion, holding her more tightly.
It's a pity they have to part shortly after, the battle far from done yet.
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tenebriism · 7 months
Another season sparks another letter; the idle but warm hearted chatter of a delicate cerulean scrawl once again having found its way into the Khaenri’ahn’s presence. There’s far less purpose to it this time beyond an open stream of consciousness tinged with endearing eccentricity - but Jean feels better for having sent it, all the same. A note to let him know she is thinking of him. A note to remind him that someone still cares. 
Dear nameless breath stealer, 
Can you believe it’s been another three months already? The seasons seem to be passing more and more quickly this year, with Autumn already bringing changes in on the breeze. I always thought Mondstadt was very much a city for Springtime, but as the leaves change to shades of orange and brown I can’t help but think perhaps I was mistaken. Perhaps next time you get a chance to steal away from your adventures, you’ll be able to walk with me and see it? I can’t promise I won’t be fully embracing my long forgotten youth and kicking my feet through piles of leaves, but I think you’d enjoy it. It’s peaceful and perhaps even homely. 
Not that I would dare to presume you need consider it a home of course! I know your roots lie in other places, but should you have need of a haven, at least for a little while, I like to think as a nation we might carry just enough charm to make it a pleasant stay. (And yes, dear knight, I am aware that every letter I send you sounds more and more like a tourist brochure for singing Mondstadt’s praises.)
I think I just want to show you so many things and share with you the snippets of mundanity that make me smile, it’s become a second nature now. The amount of times I’ll have walked past a shop window or seen a particularly nice flower and thought, ‘I know who would love this…’ is almost embarrassing to admit. Although these days, particularly now the nights are drawing in, it’s often more after dark that I find you once again in my thoughts. 
It’s definitely one of the perks of the Autumn season; knowing that the sky will drawn in a little bit earlier and the stars will once again twinkle to life. I still wholly stand by my belief you may well have fallen from those stars, but should the moon ever come looking for you, I’ll gladly throw hands to defend your honour, my starlight friend. 
And yes, alright, perhaps I am talking nonsense now. It’s been a long day, but sharing these odd little thoughts with you makes the distance that bit more tolerable. Although on the bright side, at least as the season changes lantern rite creeps ever closer. 
In another few months, we’ll be back in each other’s company and keeping our time honoured tradition alive. But until then, know that I…miss you. And I hope above all else, that you are happy, healthy and safe. 
Stay out of trouble, starshine, 
- J. x
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The letter is somewhat STAINED, this time, and the handwriting quite MESSY in comparison to its writer's usual pretty cursive. Her letter finds him amidst a time he needs it MOST, and whether or not SHE knew that, or the gods are playing the game of MERCY with him again, he shan't take a blessing for granted. Perhaps he could have waited until he isn't struggling with himself so the letter could be completely legible, but reading her letter, and swiftly sitting down to RESPOND to it, means he may bask in the feelings and emotions she grants him with ease even longer.
The happiness may be shortlived, but he will cling to it, as he always does.
[ su nshine in dark ti mes ,
im sorry if this letter is a strug gle to deciph er. i fair les s th an well at p resent. do n o t worry , this wil l not kee p me fr om seein g you at the lant ern r i te. of that, iam cert ai n and pr omis e you.
The love and admiration you house for your nation is a pleasant comfort; in that regard, we are very similar. The times I have found myself in or around Mondstadt, I have always felt a sense of home and belonging. Perhaps it is because I know you are there, working tirelessly to ensure it continues to feel that way for both myself and the others who both live and travel there. Regardless, I can say for sure that, of all the nations I have visited, Mondstadt is the one that seems to care for its people the most.
Were I to ever settle down, unlikely though it may be, I am confident Mondstadt would be in my favored choices to do so.
My travels have taken me far from your wind-embraced home, but there is beauty in knowing we are gazing up at the same sky every night. It makes me feel like the distance betwixt us is not so heartbreakingly massive, even if the sun may banish the feeling come morning time.
That you would compare me to starlight is strange, but not unwelcomed. I have certainly fallen, yes, but not from the stars. I have fallen in a great many ways. If I am, indeed, some sort of fallen star, however, then it is befitting that you are the sun. The stars are always out, and whilst we cannot see them during the day, they are there. I like to think they find peace and respite when the sun comes up. A chance to have a break, to bask in the beauties and purities of the sun.
Then, nighttime falls and the sun retreats, bringing darkness and loneliness as the moon then rises to take its place. There, the stars shine again. I used to think I preferred the latter hours of the night, when all is quiet and I may exist undisturbed, though I am starting to enjoy the sun, too. It is blinding and powerful, but beneath it, I find peace. I can merely . . . be. ]
There is a tear beneath this section, where the force of his unsteady hand has ripped the paper. With how ABRUPTLY the letter then proceeds to end, 'tis evident he'd been afraid of tearing it entirely. He needed SOMETHING to send back to her. Something intact, something to let her know she hadn't been forgotten, and that she, too, was missed.
[ i mi ss y ou too. re m em ber to tak e car e of you rsel f, s unsh ine.
~ D . ]
@gunnhildred ;;
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Knightstone Household: Chapter 6, Part 4
With Silas finally being a toddler, I can go back to joining Suzanna at work for fun and shenanigans.
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Whoops. Looks like Suzanna was trying to sleep in, but early riser Silas does not think that's a good idea. I thought he might wake her up by babbling to her but no, looks like he is going to cry her awake instead.
Suzanna: Starshine are you okay? come have a hug
Silas: Mummy
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Since Adam was up he ushers Silas to have breakfast so Suzanna can get ready for work.
Silas: Pop pop sing
Adam: I don't sing, I have no singing skill
Silas: I sing
Adam: Can you eat first dude
Silas: la la ba la la fo de do de do
Adam: Few more handfuls son, come on
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Adam is writing his morning column when he hits level 7 writing skill. He is doing an excellent job at work so now that he meets the requirements, will today be a promotion day for him? Silas spends some time playing on the couch then we follow Suzanna to the lab.
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Suzanna has random tasks today. After viewing a piece of art she has to do some invention brainstorming and whip up a few serums. Then she needs to mind control workers to change outfits (we choose athletic wear today) and spends most of the afternoon on the microscope.
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When Suzanna arrives home it appears Silas has a full hunger bar. This makes it only too easy for him to sing to his parents as they eat.
Adam: Great news, I am now a Chief Critic
Suzanna: Congrats. What does that mean?
Adam: More respect and a higher salary for starters
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Something in the lounge/dining/kitchen area is annoying Adams squeamish side but do you think I can find what it is? No.
(Future me here again, pretty sure it's the frogs that are making him squeamish, but we are displaying our collections Adam so deal with it)
So I send him off for a run while Suzanna offers to teach some shapes to Silas. In this moment he levels up socially and can now talk!
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If only sims could sit down to teach blocks
Suzanna: That is a cube
Silas: The block is a queue be
Suzanna: Each side of the cube is a square
Silas: A square is a side of the queue be
Suzanna: You got it starshine!
Silas: A queue be has squares
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The next morning Silas has some play time in the backyard. Adam has successfully prevented abductions for the day so does some painting.
Silas: Chugga chugga vroom vroom
Adam: Don't run me over son
Silas: Beep beep *pushes horn*
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Guess who forgot to fix the plants? Still me. At least Suzanna can finish pretty quickly and get some time in with Silas before work.
Silas: Mummy, give hug
Suzanna: What a wonderful hugger you are
Silas: You the hugger
Suzanna: mwah mwah mwah
Silas: *giggles* mummy funny
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Suzanna: Larain? Why are you here?
Larain: They said it was an open day so we thought it would be fun to visit
Suzanna: Just make sure you keep your disguises on, my co workers haven't seen actual aliens before
Larain: But they see you everyday Suzanna: Not looking purple
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Larain: Don't worry, we're blending in experts
Suzanna: If you say so. Hey, since you're here, would you mind testing my serum
Larain: No problem, us aliens must stick together
Suzanna: Shh, here comes Faye, total non believer
Larain: I'll be cool. But maybe I'll be cool over there
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Faye: Damn tourist days, I'd rather aliens
Suzanna: Really?
Faye: I'm kidding, aliens don't exist
Suzanna: You sure?
Faye: Maybe there could be like space gnomes though
Suzanna: Space gnomes?
Faye: Just think about it, logic tracks, small green men
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Suzanna takes some time to study the stars, there's plenty of prints she has yet to unlock. When she heads back downstairs there's just 1 tourist left
Suzanna: Sorry, I forgot your name
M-something: It's okay, I forget my human name all the time
Suzanna: Tell me about it
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Suzanna: Were you looked after today
Silas: Pop pop fun, we play
Suzanna: That's great. Can you guess what mummy did today
Silas: Save world
Suzanna: Almost. I talked to some other aliens
Silas: Other aliens?
Suzanna: There's more than just you me and pops here
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In the morning Silas has plenty of time playing before he is caught for breakfast
Adam: Slide down son
Silas: Pops, other aliens, how many?
Adam: I don't know
Silas: A zillion?
Adam: More like a dozen
Silas: Dozen?
Adam: Some handfuls here
Silas: Hands full of breakfast?
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Suzanna spends her last day of work this week doing the regular tasks. Mix up some serums (with varying results), analyse some fruit, and of course brainstorm for a bit on the invention constructor. Can't forget to mind control the workforce either.
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Suzanna manages to get three coworkers into their party outfits. We just ignore the moral implications of mind control I guess?
Faye: Man my party outfit is so comfy
Nalani: I know what you mean
Faye: I just got this urge to change
Nalani: Why shouldn't we have causal Friday?
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Suzanna decides to not use her coworkers as test subjects today. She has unlocked a serum called Fixer's Luck that may improve her handiness skill so for accurate results we'll have to drink it ourselves. Bottoms up! Results in three, two one...
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Uh oh, science fail. Suzanna now has a sad moodlet titled "Can't fix my heart. My achy breaky heart. This is not the time to be romantic." Why do I find this so funny? Clearly Suzanna will have to step up her serum testing game to find more written gems.
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Sad Suzanna decides since she has finished her mandated tasks, she'll spend the afternoon outside the lab. All our digging and we only have 1 new collectable. She checks the alien crater and finds a Blue Slug which she already has, so sends the little guy back to Sixam. If only creatures of her size could be sent back as easily.
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Back home and the sad moodlet is still there
Silas: Why you sad mummy?
Suzanna: I had some bad serum
Silas: I'll sing after I finish sand mich
Suzanna: Thank you starshine, that'll help
Silas: I great at help, pops says I charming
Suzanna: You are a little charmer
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Silas: You listen mummy
Suzanna: I'm listening
Silas: La la lu la, ru rah ru rah, stars are fun fun, alien fun fun, I a star, la la lu la, ru rah ru rah
Suzanna: Did you make that up all by yourself?
Silas: Yes! I sing star
Suzanna: You are so imaginative starshine
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Adam: Did I hear the sound of a superstar
Silas: Pops I sing. Make mummy happy
Adam: Are you okay starlight
Suzanna: I will be, just had a bad serum
Adam: What happened to getting the workforce to test them
Suzanna: I can't give it to them every time, the testing won't register
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Adam: Great job making mummy happy my dude. It's always nice to cheer up a sad girl
Suzanna: Or a sad boy
Adam: Right. Boys can get sad to
Silas: I sad after potty accident
Adam: Exactly, and that's okay to be sad about
Suzanna: He needs sleep, can you read a story?
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We have arrived at the end of the Knightstone rotation. Silas is now level 2 at potty hooray for being able to try by himself! No pregnancy yet for these two, much to Adam's relief and Suzanna's disappointment, maybe next time we check in with the aliens...
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Previous Part ... Next Part (Nishidake)
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