#started yet so i am looking for recommendations and i trust his
quiltedlovers · 10 months
im not booktok’s intended audience and am a hashtag hater for many reasons but jack edwards is doing something right
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7seas-of-ryy · 2 months
Another Hangover Cure
Author’s Note: I got this idea from @yearninglustfully on this post! I recommend reading Hangover Cure first!
Summary: You, Rhys, and Cassian aren't allowed to be together alone anymore... but what about when the three of you are paired up for business?
Pairing: Azriel x Reader, Platonic!Rhys x Reader, Platonic!Cassian x Reader
Warnings: drinking, implied smut, let me know if I need to add any others :)
Your specialty for the Night Court had always been spells and wards. You could easily place a spell or ward anything. Your intelligence is what made Rhys invite you to work for him so long ago. That is how you started at the Night Court and it quickly became your home.
For a while, you had been practicing breaking wards and spells. It was much harder than it seemed and you had yet to master it.
Rhys had brought you a box that had been warded many many years ago and after working on it for a month, you told him you needed help. It was a much older and stronger magic than you were used to and you weren't afraid to admit when you couldn't do something.
After much contemplation, Rhys decided he would go to Helion, the High Lord of the Day Court, to get his help. He wanted you to come with and told Cassian he would also be coming for extra security.
You were currently in a meeting with everyone in the IC discussing this.
"Absolutely not. You three cannot be trusted together." Az immediately stated.
Feyre and Nesta immediately agreed with the male.
"Listen, we need Y/N for this so she can learn and see how its done. This is literally her area of expertise, she is crucial for this. I am the High Lord, it is a curtesy for me to go and the only reason Cass is going as security is because the rest of you are busy." Rhys told the group.
"Don't think I forgot about the tree you three stole!" Az responded.
"You told him?!" Cassian asked you.
You grimaced and gave him with a sorry look.
"This won't be like us going out for a night out, this will be us doing work." You reasoned with Az.
"Yes, strictly business" Cass added with a salute to the shadowsinger
"Fine, but not for too long. You three have to come back by tomorrow." Az compromised.
"Deal." You, Rhys, and Cass all said in unison.
Azriel pulled you aside before you left.
"Please be safe my love. And as much as I am worried about the three of you together, I do want you to enjoy yourself still...just not too much. Helion can get handsy." He ended the sentence with a scowl.
"You're the only one I could ever want. I promise I will be safe and responsible." You told him
He placed a kiss on your forehead and helped you strap on your bag.
"I love you so much, have a safe trip." He spoke and then placed a loving kiss on your lips.
You heard Cass make a gagging sound and Az rolled his eyes at his brother.
You walked over to him and Rhys and the three of you started the journey to the Day Court.
Azriel, Nesta, and Feyre all stood watching you three leave.
"This is not a good idea" Nesta spoke
"Terrible idea" Feyre agreed.
"Lets just hope they learned their lesson last time." Azriel added
The three split up and went to do their work for the day.
Once you made it to the Day Court, Helion was quick to greet you.
"Ahh Y/N, my protege! I am so excited to teach you my ways." He announced and brought you in for a kiss on the cheek.
"Hands off, Helion. I promised my brother I wouldn't let you be all over her." Cassian told him
You all laughed and after the rest of the greetings, he led the three of you inside.
The warded box was laying on the table in front of you all while Helion examined it.
"Hmm this is rare and old magic indeed. I believe the reason you could not crack it was that it requires two to break the spell." He told you.
You let out a sigh in relief, knowing that it wasn't entirely your fault that you couldn't figure it out. The Day Court High Lord explained what you had to do and how these specific wards worked. You actually learned a lot from him and were grateful for this experience.
The two of you worked on the box and eventually broke it open. Rhys stored the contents of it in his bag and began to talk.
"Alright, well thank you for all of your help. This has been very-" he started but Helion cut him off.
"You're leaving already? I had a whole meal and night planned, which included the finest wine we have to offer." He told you three with a smile that showed all his teeth.
You looked over at Cass who was already smiling at you and then Rhys who looked to be contemplating his next words.
"It would be rude to leave when they went through all the effort of putting it together for us." Cass spoke before Rhys could.
"So its settled! You're staying. I have rooms for you all so you can stay the night as well. Our wine is no joke, you probably won't be able to have three glasses before blacking out." Helion stated, leading you to the dining room.
The four of you ate a lovely meal, sharing stories and enjoying the wine. It seemed every time you would drink it, it would fill itself up. Perhaps thats why a few glasses would get someone drunk beyond belief.
Before you knew it, you were already feeling tipsy. You could tell the others were as well, due to their pink cheeks and loud voices.
"Are you guys interested in seeing how the Day Court parties?" Helion asked.
"Absolutely!" Cass responded.
"I'm intrigued." Rhys added.
You just nodded and giggled, knowing the wine was taking over quickly.
That was the last thing you remember from the night. Well, you remember dancing and laughing, a lot of laughing.
"I can't believe they did it again!" You heard Feyre speak.
"I can. I told you it was a bad idea." Nesta added.
Azriel just stood in silence watching the mess on the ground with a smile on his face.
He didn't care that he had to come help you after you had a fun night. He trusted you and he trusted his brothers. He secretly enjoyed getting to take care of you for the day. He was just concerned with you getting so drunk that your shields would be down.
Your eyes slowly opened and the feeling of drinking too much wine last night hit you. You were laying on your back sprawled out like a starfish. Everything hurt and you had no idea what you were even laying on.
You slowly began to roll over and continued rolling as if you were going down a hill until you hit the floor. Once you looked over, you realized you were laying on top of Rhys, Cass, and Helion, who were all bunched into a ball, and there was a...door laying between Rhys and Helion. You weren't even sure who's limbs belonged to who, they were so twisted up.
They all started to wake up after you moved off of them and all were groaning and grunting in pain.
"Is this what you call strictly business?" Az asked with a smirk on his face.
"Don't tell me we did it again." Rhys mumbled
"Cass why are you wearing my socks as gloves again?" you asked, holding your head to stop the pounding.
"At least I didn't go through a wall this time." Cass said in defense.
"Actually..." Helion stated as he raised his pointer finger and pointed it at the wall behind them, "we both went through that wall. Y/N sure can make one hell of a ricochet ward."
"Helion, you told me you would watch over them so it wouldn't happen again!" Feyre scolded him
"After you told me about how these three party, I wasn't going to let the night go to waste. I wanted to have some fun!!" He defended himself.
"So that's why my glass kept refilling itself!" You said in an accusatory tone, pointing at him.
"Ok I'm leaving for 20 minutes to let you four figure out what happened and once I get back I want to know everything." Nesta stated and Feyre and Az followed her.
"Well, it could be worse than this, I guess." Cass stated
"Could it?" Rhys retorted.
You grimaced and looked around as a memory hit you.
"Helion, did I ride a pegasus last night?" You asked
"I believe you did and I believe it bonded with you." He replied with a nod of approval.
You looked over at Cassian and only then realized he was entirely orange.
"What happened to you?!" You exclaimed.
"I don't know!" He replied starting to freak out.
"I can help with that one. You said you could pull off any color so Y/N bet that you wouldn't look good if you were orange." Rhys said, his voice rough
You looked at the orange male with a sorry look and said, "oops?"
"Rhys, why are you laying with a door on top of you?" It was Helion's turn to ask.
"I was cold." Your High Lord told him.
The four of you were silent for a few moments, just watching each other.
"You have a black eye." Cass told Rhy.
"You're missing a tooth." Rhys told Cass.
"Y/N warded my hand to make it stick to whatever it touches so when I peed, it got stuck to my..." Helion admitted, his voice getting softer towards the end of his sentence.
"Oh, Y/N, no..." Cass said in horror.
"You have got to stop drunk warding things." Rhys added.
You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment.
"This is worse than last time!" Cass exclaimed.
"Our 20 minutes are almost up and we still don't have our story straight. I mean, I don't even know how they knew to come for us. Do you guys?" You exclaimed
Cass and Rhys shook their heads no.
"I think I let them know their assistance would be needed in the morning... but I might have also sent them our breakfast order." Helion explained.
"Breakfast sounds so good right now" Cassian groaned and the rest of you made noises of approval.
"Ok, heres the plan. We pull ourselves together and act like we had a normal night with a normal amount of drinking." Rhys told the rest of you.
"They saw you using a door as a blanket!" You whisper-shouted at him.
"It's not the best plan but its the only plan we've got." He replied in the same tone.
"I think they're coming. Act natural." Cass whisper yelled.
Feyre, Nesta, and Azriel all entered the room and looked around.
You were leaning with your elbow against a wall, resting your hand on your head. Rhys was sitting on the couch with his legs crossed, his ankle resting over his knee while he pretended to be deep in thought. Helion was leaning against a table pretending to read a book. And Cassian was standing in the middle of the room with his eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
"You're all idiots." Nesta deadpanned.
"Rhys, how could you let this happen again?" Feyre spoke dissapointed.
Azriel was quiet so the sisters looked over at him, they were expecting him to scold the group as well. When he didn't, Feyre nudged him.
"Do you have anything to add Az?" She asked him
He was still just smiling at your attempt to be normal and shook his head no.
"I just want to get my mate home as quick as possible." He stated
Everyone snapped their attention to him, even you.
"Mate?" You questioned.
"Mate." he stated with a huge smile, "in the middle of the night, I recieved a breakfast order from Helion. I assumed that meant the four of you were incredibly drunk. I was going to let you have your fun and wait til you got home to poke fun at you but this morning I felt it snap into place."
You walked to each other and he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you in for a kiss. The urge to be close to him was stronger than ever now.
"Let's get home." You told your mate, bringing him in for another kiss.
"Quickly please, before the two of you start devouring each other's faces in front of us" Cass spoke with a gross look, but you knew he was happy for you.
Azriel lifted you up and started flying with you, headed back to the Night Court.
"Do you want me to make you some food once we get home?" Your mate asked you.
"No, I just want to get home as fast as possible. I need you." You told him, his eyes darkening at your insinuation.
"You seem to be feeling much better than when you woke up. I think I truly am the best hangover cure." He joked.
After you got home, the frenzy started and lasted a little over a week. Once it calmed a bit, you finally showed up to the River house for a nice family dinner.
Conversation was flowing and that night out got brought up.
"You know, I really don't remember much of that night." Cass said.
"I know everything that happened." Azriel spoke before taking a bite of food.
"WHAT?! How?!" You exclaimed.
"After everything that happened last time, I made sure to send a shadow with you for your safety. It hung back and watched, it would alert me if you were in real danger. Before we showed up to get you guys that morning, it reported back to me what happened the entire night." He spoke so matter of fact.
"Show me." Rhys told the shadowsinger.
You watched as a grimace overtook the High Lord's face, watching your entire night get played in his head.
"Yeah, the three of us aren't allowed to be alone together anymore." Rhys stated with a horrified look on his face.
"We want to know!" Cass complained.
Rhys replayed everything in your and Cass' mind. There was nothing but silence for a few moments.
"I'm deeply sorry." You told Cass with a grimace.
"You pulled my tooth out!" Cass shouted, jumping up.
"In her defense, you did tell her, 'I bet you can't pull my tooth out.'" Rhys added.
Azriel pulled your chair closer to him, wrapping an arm around you. The three of them might be idiots but he loved them and felt grateful for his family.
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist :)
@darkbloodsly @xtreme-shipper @rcarbo1 @shamelessdonutkryptonite @anna-reader-blog
@favsrachz @julesvanslutta @kitsunetori @i-am-infinite @cat-or-kitten
@tele86 @popcornlauncher @proclivity-for-fantasy-97 @anxious-cactus @amara-moonlight
@whosmys @vanserrasimp @whoevenfrickenknows @secondratecomplaint @fightmedraco
@watermelomsuger @lillilwil @kaitttttttt @andreperez11 @irelanrose
@myromanempiree @s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @thestartitaness @macimads @shizukestar
@iluvyewman-blog @mybestfriendmademe @jesskidding3 @secret-sheee @mariahoedt
@lilah-asteria @thebeautifulmysteriesoflife @sinfully-yoursss @hellohauntedturnstudent @acourtofbatboydreams
@halo-mystic @tenshis-cake @vhjlucky13 @littlelunatica @blessthepizzaman
@miadialila @knittedchapters @wxhxixtxexroses
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jjoongiesbetter · 2 months
✎ᝰ. mon's ateez fic recommendations (part 1)!
│hi there! i haven't read much lately so the first part came across as a bit shorter than i expected but the next ones will surely be longer!
— as a writer myself, i just wanted to take a moment to thank all the authors for sharing such incredible writing, your hard work is truly appreciated! thank you for sharing your writing with us! ♡
──────── ♡⸝⸝
⤷ kim hongjoong x reader
♡┆ugh, as if by @ennysbookstore; the whole mini-series is just amazing and i enjoyed each part a lot! once i started i couldn't stop reading! loved how well hongjoong was written! the build-up of the first part was top-notch! and the character development... i should thank the author on my knees for writing this masterpiece. one of the best authors out there! definitely will read again!
♡┆swapped by @daisykihannie; the prompt is just so fun and interesting, one of the most creative ones i stumbled across! i haven't read something like this before. enjoyed it very very much!
♡┆punching bag by @mulloey; i must admit it was so just so undeniably hot, angry hongjoong and also so well-written! you will find me re-reading it an unholy amount of times.
♡┆clumsy hearts, steady love by @edenesth; WHAT IF I TELL YOU I CRIED? i already commented on this one on my main but im going to repeat myself! incredibly written, hongjoong suits the concept so well, my heart hurt a bit while reading but it's hongjoong, of course, i forgive him. somehow still very cute.
⤷ jeong yunho x reader
♡┆active recovery by @k-hotchoisan; y'all so i was always so shy about commenting on smut but tbh don't we all read it? author killed it yet again! got me hot, bothered and i am starting to consider a gym subscription!
♡┆the drill by @byuntrash101; look i know this one was posted last year, and i am so mad for not reading it sooner😭 i loved the storyline, wooyoung as a side character was just so funny, yunho without rizz altered my brain chemistry. i can't lie i was thinking about this fic for days after i read it! it's the perfect blend of fun and smut.
♡┆private lessons by @bombuni; i must admit i love professor yunho and it is always a pleasure finding and reading such fics, especially when it's as good as this one! (would love to see a part two one day)
♡┆muffled by @desirehorizon; the plot!!! the writing!!! the smut!!! and it was funny too!!! what more can i want? perfect!! imma say it once again but i enjoyed every word of this fic!!! can't wait to read more from the author!
⤷ song mingi x reader
♡┆still your biggest fan by @byuntrash101; good god it was just so incredibly hot, we need to appreciate the idea because it surely is creative! who doesn't just love teasing mingi? let's agree that we all do.
♡┆sour candy by @0097linersb; loved the idea🙂‍↕️ needy mingi is my favorite mingi, it was very very hot. you better find the time and read it!
⤷ choi jongho x reader
♡┆minor nuisance by @everyonewooeverywhere; i tell you they are in love love! trust me, you definitely need to read this one! jongho was just so sweet, a great fluff/smut combo and now i need jongho in my life even more :(
♡┆freestyle lap by @bro-atz; we all should know by now that bro is just simply one of the best when it comes to smut and they never, never disappoint. i definitely needed to read this one after i saw that pool jongho pics. if you haven't read it yet, what are you even doing?
♡┆falling and sleeping by @seonghwaddict; it was posted earlier this year but i just had to include it :( it was just utterly cute, jongho is adorable. well-written, and melted my poor heart.
multiple members:
⤷ choi jongho x kang yeosang x reader
♡┆the post show high by @bombuni; i must shamelessly admit while reading it i felt like the author somehow got into my brain and just picked one of my fantasies, hope it's not tmi. so saying i loved it it's an understatement! one of my favorite authors for real!
⤷ kim hongjoong x jeong yunho (hohong)
ao3 ♡┆darling, you will bury me (before i bury you) by SunshineAndRayne; cute cute cute! i loved every letter of it, yunho is so whipped and i am living for it!
ao3 ♡┆waiting for you by marspacz; i absolutely loved this one so much! my heart needed this, had me smiling the entire time i was reading! and then the shotgun scene—damn, that was hot!
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daisygirlwrites · 2 years
Task Force 141 + Reader (Callsign-Crash): friendship headcanons
a/n: Hello hello! Just some random headcanons that I had written down for Crash and her relationships with the members of the 141 team. Nothing romantic, just some wholesome stuff.
original gif by @collinnmckinley
also, this is really freaking long, sorry in advance. enjoy reading! 
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Before getting thrown out the window and getting her callsign, she was quiet and shy around the group. Opting to listen to others conversations, rarely adding to it.
Honestly intimidated with how tightly knit the team is, and given her previous team’s history, she was scared to get close.
Volunteered to be the DD whenever the group goes out to a bar. Fortunately, most of the time, Ghost is sober(enough) to help her get everyone into the car and into their rooms
Would silently comfort Soap and Gaz whenever they threw up, rubbing their backs and getting them water.
In the mornings after, she got everyone a breakfast burrito. Soap and Gaz are eternally grateful. Got a little information about her when they asked why she got them food. “Help with my hangovers during college.” Soap and Gaz gave each other a look as she walks away
After the window incident, Crash becomes a lot more open. Seeing how they treat her as if she has been with them for years, it wasn’t fair to them with how closed off she was.
He talks to you a lot and you don’t mind. He just comes out and starts rambling on whatever he has interested him at that moment. You don’t really say anything, just sitting there awkwardly (because why would he want to talk to the newbie instead of his friends) but nodding to what he says anyways. One time though, he looks at you and says “Thanks for listening to me. It’s nice to have someone not tell me to ‘Shut the fuck up Mactavish.’”
Literally you after he tells you this:
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“you’re my friend now. we’re having soft tacos later” vibes
Would send him memes and funny videos whenever you guys are on leave
His contact name on your phone is “Bubbles”
Would show you how to make bombs out of random shit. Set them off in bare fields or abandon buildings. Had a couple close calls
Will let you call him Johnny but you call him Mac instead.
“Aww, why not, lassie?”
“I’d rather not get my ass beat by your boyfriend.”
Calls you Lassie along with your callsign. When he wants to piss you off, he calls you Mini Ghost or Little Ghost
Like Ghost, you rarely take off your balaclava and tactical glasses
“The mask, take it off.”
“Nah, I don’t wanna.”
“You ugly?”
“Not as ugly as you old man.”
Has yet to seen you drunk though and he intends to get you there some day
Holds his hand when he’s throwing up
You would use him as a pillow during rides back to the base
The first person to tell him about any drama that’s happening in your life
Gives you advice about men
"Men are stupid, trust me, I am one."
Loves it when you would go on ramblings about the things you like. Anime confuses the hell out of him but he would always ask you about the plot and your favorite characters. He’d ask you about the current artist you listen to and has a list of recommendations from you so he could look them up when he gets home
After a mission gone wrong and believing that it was his fault, you seek him out, finding him sitting alone in the meeting room. You tell him
“It’s going to be okay. I trust you, John.”
He tears up and you wrap your arms around him.
With you two being the youngest, you bond over similar experiences
Sometimes share exactly one brain cell with each other. Sometimes you, Gaz and Soap share a brain cell
Brings out the chaotic gen z energy of each other
Your guys’ energy:
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Follows each other on social media and would send each other tiktoks at ungodly hours
Kind of have a competition against each other to see who’s Price’s favorite child is
Gaz finally has someone who he can talk about anime with
Favorite shows to watch together: Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo  and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Similar music taste. The whole team listens to Queen, David Bowie, Pink Floyd and a few more others. However, Gaz and Crash have the same love of rap and indie pop. Anything they find on tiktok will be added to their shared Spotify playlist.
Gaz would ask about how college was like. He thought about going but ultimately for him, the military was the better option
“Were you part of a sorority?”
“Oh hell no. Loved going to the parties though. Always had top shelf vodka.”
“Really? Thought students couldn’t afford it.”
“When it comes to alcohol, we find a way.”
Share the same sentiment of feeling like they’re not doing enough in the team. After a particularly rough mission, you two would find a corner and just sit together in silence.
Would break the silence by quoting something from vine or tiktok and all things would be okay again
He has adoption papers ready
Crash, despite your name, is polite, respectful and responsible. Would always help Price clean up after meetings and briefs
Same with Soap, you would listen quietly to Price’s war stories and even his favorite fishing trips
Saw in your file about what happened to your old team and captain. Vows to never pull the same stunt as them
Sadden to see how you’re so young and has seen and dealt with many things already. It breaks his heart that there’s more that you’ll experience. 
You, Soap and Gaz would do dumb shit all the time but you knew when it was the right time to bail. Of course, they would snitch on you to Price. You’d rarely get in trouble though
Basically you two:
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Would gift him cigars from the countries you’d visit during leave
Also a matching set of torch lighters. His has a special green flame while yours is pink. 
You don’t smoke anymore but you would hangout with him and help him finish reports together.
Price often thinks about a life where he didn’t join the military. A life of normalcy. To go to a home filled with life. 
Would have loved to have kids and technically, he still can but his job makes it almost impossible. 
But with Gaz and now you, you two are his pride and joy.
Would be the “hip” dad and will always ask about the new slang and memes
“This food is-what you kids call it...uh, busting!”
You and Gaz look at each other, “It’s bussin’.”
“This food is bussin’!”
Did not to want to get close to you at all. 
Was honestly peeved when Price told him that he was going to mentor you
“I don’t want to play babysitter, Captain.”
Surprised to see how short you were. All of the rumors and information he was told, they never mention your size
At first, he hated how you would follow him around like a lost puppy. 
“Leave me alone, go bother Soap or something.”
Doesn’t miss the flash of hurt in your eyes but you turn around anyways.
Before you joined, he, Price and Laswell were all sitting in Price’s office, his phone on speaker. He was reading over your file before Price’s contact said
“She reminds me of Ghost when I worked with him seven years ago.”
He looks up from the folder, Price’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise and Laswell nodding.
“I think we’ll have her transferred to us,” Price replies.
Hates to admit but he’s impressed. Thought the rumors was bullshit but you proved him wrong, time and time again
You still have a lot of things to learn and even more practice to do but he believes in you
Does not go easy. He’s merciless. Has put you down countless times and reprimanded you more. You would always leave training sessions with a new bruise. The rest of the team gets concerned with his training methods.
But you still get up and you blink away the tears whenever he shouts at you
At about five months after you joined, on a mission, you spot an enemy behind him before he does and without a word, you quickly take your knife out and throw it towards the man behind him. 
He opens his mouth to yell at you but he sees the enemy on the corner of his eye and watch him slump down. Your knife stuck in his bleeding neck
Gives you a nod after that. Pulling out your knife and handing it back to you
Knife throwing would be one of the training sessions you’d do. It was also a good time for some small chat
Finds out that you’re also a part of the “Dead Mom, Shitty Dad” club
It takes a year for him to SLIGHTLY open up to you
Told you about one of his favorite dishes his mom made and his favorite Queen song was ‘You’re My Best Friend’
Even told you how he likes his Earl Grey prepared
It scares him of how much you remind him of his mom and brother. You have her kindness and his determination. He will never tell you this
You, along with the team, become the very thing he cares about and will protect you to the best of his ability.
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sssilverstoned · 8 months
couples quiz ꩜ ln4
type: transcription from a youtube video
The GQ couples quiz goes precisely how you both, and your PR teams, expect it to
lily said: i just love world building (even if im not the best at it) so i can't ever leave a concept or pairing alone, so it goes!
part 1 part 2 part 3 2.5ish interlude
Y/N: Why do I feel like I left the oven on in the kitchen?
Lando: Well, because you did. I turned it off on our way out, don't worry about it.
y/n turns to the camera with a bright smile, and lando smiles at the sight of her own.
Y/N: My hero, everyone!
Y/N: And um, I guess we're getting started now? So hi, I'm Y/N L/N, a model and creative director currently based out of Europe.
Lando: And I'm Lando Norris, a driver for McLaren Racing's Formula 1 Team, and this is the GQ couples quiz. And if I may add, I absolutely think I'm going to win.
Y/N: I'm not even dignifying that with banter.
lando turns to the camera, an eyebrow raised.
Lando: Fun fact: Y/N's quite genuinely the most competitive person I've met in my entire life.
y/n's jaw drops with a scoff.
Y/N: No shot! You race for a living, for crying out loud.
Lando: Trust me, Love, you take the cake.
y/n rolls her eyes with no charge, a smile still on both of their faces and small looks exchanged between the two of them,
Y/N: Alright, you first. What's my favorite color?
Lando: (your favorite color), easy. it's the color of your phone case right now too.
Y/N: Yup. What's my favorite place I've traveled?
Lando: You loved Venice, no?
y/n winces, weighing her hands back and forth.
Y/N: I did, but that's not my favorite. In my whole life, I'd say,
Both: Jamaica!
they laugh at their unison.
Lando: And I knew that, I knew that! Because of your grandparents.
y/n nods fondly, giggling at how lando beats himself up about getting one wrong.
Y/N: Alright, what am I most scared of?
Lando: You're petrified of spiders.
y/n gags, and shudders.
Y/N: Don't even get me started.
lando turns to the camera with a faux look of exhaustion.
Lando: This girl refused to go into our bedroom for 3 hours once when I was out because there was a spider on the vanity.
Y/N: Whatever. Where did I go to school?
Lando: Switzerland and New York, very posh.
Y/N: You're calling me posh?
Lando: Can't the pot and the kettle both be black?
a producer bursts out in laughter in the background, making the couple do the same. there's a fondness in both their eyes as they double over in laughter.
Y/N: Okay, okay, almost done. What food do I love and hate?
Lando: You hate mushrooms, and for some reason, you really don't like salmon. As for what you do like, you get stir-fry and noodles a lot, but only from specific places. And you love tomato soup, that's the number one.
Y/N: Right again, nice baby! You make a good one now, by the way.
he winks at her.
Y/N: Who is my celebrity crush?
lando scoffs.
Lando: Dylan O'Brien.
Y/N: Forever and ever. My birthday?
Lando: March 10th, a spicy pisces, as you say.
Y/N: Hey, Olivia Rodrigo herself called me that.
Lando: And what about Scorpios?
Y/N: Nope, not your turn yet, I've got one last question.
lando takes a dramatic breath.
Lando: Alright, hit me with it.
Y/N: Where did we go on our first date?
a big smile grows on lando's face.
Lando: We went to a music show one of our friends recommended, and we both thought it was awful but didn't say anything because we didn't want to leave and have the date be over, so we listened to the most shit jazz music for an hour and a half just to be around each other.
Y/N: Best result from the worst music I've ever heard.
Lando: Ditto. Now, hand me the cards, yeah? I'm about to stump you so good.
the camera transitions to y/n now in the hotseat answering questions, lando teasingly taking his job very seriously with the question cards.
Lando: Alright. Where am I from?
Y/N: Bristol, thought you said you'd stump me?
Lando: This is literally question 1?
lando turns to the producers.
Lando: You see what I mean? Ferocious.
Lando: Moving on, what is our favorite show to watch together?
Y/N: We're rewatching Prison Break, so I'd say that?
Lando: I'll give you that one. Ugh, what was I wearing when we first met? Fucks sake, can we skip this one?
y/n sputters over him.
Y/N: Absolutely not, we're not skipping over this!
Lando: Oh come on, Love-
Y/N: I swear to you, the very first time I met Lando, he came to my 18th birthday party in a full on basketball kit!
Lando: I was told it was "Space Jam" themed!
Y/N: As in dress like you're in space, you fool! Not the Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny movie!
Lando: Needless to say, I was mortified. Seems like she still thought I was cute though, no?
another wink is sent to the camera.
Lando: What's your biggest pet peeve about me?
Y/N: You spoil everything. I can't ever watch a show or a movie without you walking in and going, "Oh, this is the episode before he dies." Like? Who does that?
Lando: Yeah, ah, guilty. Working on it. Eh, not really. What's my nickname for you?
Y/N: Cradle robber.
another producer reacts to this. a sputtering shock of laugh. "you call her WHAT?"
Y/N: We're the same age, mind you.
Lando: Wrong, you've been alive 8 months longer than me on this planet! 3/4 of a year, mind you. But I've got real nicknames for you.
Y/N: Yeah, you do. You call me Love, more than you say my name, so it always feels odd when you do say it.
lando doesn't respond with his voice, but the fond look in his eyes and nod at her answer.
Lando: What irritates me the most?
Y/N: About me? Or, like, in life?
Lando: Life, nothing irritates me about you.
Y/N: Oh, please. But, in life, you're pretty irritable when it comes to selfish people. You've always been like that, though, very compassionate and not a fan of people who aren't.
Lando: Very true, never thought of it like that, I guess. Just don't be an asshole, you know?
Y/N: See? Irritated.
Lando: Anyway. We're on our last question, so I guess you've won because it's not a point question.
Y/N: I won't rub this one in your face, just because you've been a great interviewer.
he gives her a gracious nod, and y/n rolls her eyes.
Lando: You'll never ever know how grateful I am. Final Question, what's something that you weren't expecting about me that you love about me?
Y/N: Oh goodness, are you wanting me to cry? Well, I think something that was initially a hard adjustment was the intensity of your racing schedule, and doing long distance sometimes. We don't really see each other sometimes, but when we do, you always sleep in. And at first it was really annoying to me, because we only have like, 3 days together, wake up! Let's do something! But once you told me that you let yourself sleep in on those days because it's a time to just, be, and we can do it together. So I guess my answer is, I wasn't expecting to love how much you love little moments. You've taught me to be grateful for things we take for granted, and I don't know, I think it's helped me through a lot.
lando stays still for a bit, an adoring look on his face as his eyes swell with what we think were happy tears. we're hoping so, at least.
Lando: I can't wait to marry you one day.
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g1rld1ary · 17 days
chilli margaritas - spencer reid x bartender!reader
wc: 852
cw: alcohol, one kinda rude man
you didn't expect to see reid back at the bar so soon. granted it wasn't the next time you saw the bau, but it was close. it must've been a long case since the team were all looking worse for wear, but you imagined they'd caught whoever they were hunting since they were in good enough spirits.
derek got the first round, as was tradition, but you counted more bau members than drinks ordered. you didn't even get to ask, morgan explaining preemptively.
"pretty boy says he wants another drink recommendation," he said with a smile, "i think he just likes you."
"tell him he's welcome over any time, i think he's cute." it was bold, even for you, but doctor spencer reid was fascinating and you really wanted to talk to him more. derek made a face that you hoped meant he was impressed with your forwardness and headed back to his table with the beers.
later in the night, spencer was finally back. you'd been completely in the zone for a while, giving drinks and taking payments as if you didn't even need to think about it. you did, however, almost spill some man's drink all over you when you caught sight of reid standing awkwardly at the bar, watching you work. you all but threw the drink at whoever had ordered it, racing over to where the special agent stood.
"hey," you tried to sound smooth, "back so soon?" spencer smiled softly, endearingly uncomfortable.
"last time wasn't as bad as i anticipated." he shrugged the non-answer.
"and yet i'm getting the feeling that i'm not getting a repeat order?"
"actually the drink wasn't bad! i like really sweet things, my coffee needs a lot of sugar too -- otherwise it's too bitter. so, um, yeah, sex on the beach was pretty good. but i was thinking that maybe you could show me some other drinks too? i never go out drinking and while I've researched different drinks i assume it would be more useful to taste them by someone who can make them properly. I'm twenty four and i've had one cocktail, i need to catch up." you vaguely wondered how he could get so many words out in one breath, but stopped to consider them.
"let's start with the fact that it's okay to not have drunk a whole heap of alcohol. i'm a bartender and i only really drink one or two. but i am more than happy to be your guide into the dazzling world of alcohol." spencer smiled at you again, earnest and trusting and you felt immense responsibility to make him happy. you moved to say something, continue the conversation, but a gruff man's voice interrupted your train of thought.
certain patrons had evidently lost their patience despite there being two of you behind the bar, and your supreme efficiency all night.
"save the flirting for after there's a beer in my hand," he called with a laugh. you turned to face him, dangerously slow, the night's exertion catching up in a moment.
"if you speak to me that way again, i will never serve you another drink for as long as i work here. understood?" your tone was icy, intentionally resisting a peacemaking smile that evidently threw the man off, used to being served hand and foot by women twenty years younger than him. he had the decency to look mildly ashamed, pushing away from the bar to go take a lap of the room.
you turned back to spencer with your good mood reinstated.
"i was thinking we could maybe take a different flavour profile to last time -- a chilli margarita?" spencer was staring at you, eyes wide and dazed.
"that was amazing... um, yeah, that sounds great." you laugh loudly, getting to work on his drink.
"hey," you say as you hand him the glass, "didn't you say you were twenty-four before? last time morgan said you were twenty-three." spencer blushed, avoiding eye contact.
"yeah, it was my birthday."
"and you didn't tell me? i thought we were friends -- i'm your alcohol guide! your drink is on the house then."
"what! no, that's okay i can pay!" you almost groaned at his obliviousness. you were trying to make a move! you argued with him until he surrendered, smiling graciously, though with that already familiar awkwardness.
you watched him go fondly. as your eyes passed the bar counter on the move to get back to work you caught some cash. spencer had tipped the entire cost of his margarita. you rolled your eyes, putting the cash in your apron with a smile you were trying to bite back.
the rest of your night consisted of you watching spencer try and surreptitiously lick the spicy chilli rim off his glass while his teammates were in conversation, and one of them inevitably catching him and teasing him for it. it was a good shift.
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viridwns · 5 months
The way I've been daydreaming about an innocent and go lucky darling slowly being caged by demon!Chrollo.
Also I wrote this at 2 AM so expect spelling mistakes and the plot making no sense. Tbh this sounds like regular Chrollo as well.
Demon!Chrollo, who was summoned by some low ranking mob boss. The idiot thought that with a demon by his side, he would quickly rise the ranks.
Demon!Chrollo, who manipulated said boss in summoning his troupe as well. After he didn't even need to flick his wrist or bloodsplatters already tainted the walls
Demon!Chrollo, who has waited millenias to be summoned again. Being locked away by the zoldyck's for messing with their affairs was a greater problem than Chrollo would've liked.
Demon!Chrollo, who kept a low profile, preparing him and his troupe to start hoarding things from the human world again. Especially rare ones that were not easy to obtain. He was crazy about that.
Demon!Chrollo, who slowly but surely gained power again, wreaking havoc on everyone who did him wrong. He stayed in the shadows while he did, pouncing on human souls when they least expected it. Oh, how he missed feeding of the people from earth.
Demon!Chrollo, who first saw you in your pretty white sun dress wearing a big white bow in your hair to match. You were sitting by a window reading in a smalltown bookshop. He had been planning on taking over this town soon enough. He needed to gain as much strength as he could before terrorizing the big cities like York New.
Demon!Chrollo, who grows curious of you. The bookshop itself was deserted. It also didn't help that you were wearing something so bright in contrast to the dim shop. Even the town was somber, so why were you dressed all pretty and light?
Demon!Chrollo, who couldn't help but focus intensly on your soft face. You honestly looked like the human version of a bunny. Is this what humans meant with cute?
Demon!Chrollo, who is amused by your lack of awareness. He's been standing in the middle of the shop for 10 minutes staring at you, and you were totally captivated by your book
Demon!Chrollo, who can't help but clear his throat. Biting back an involuntary smile when your head moves into his direction, but your eyes stay on your book a while longer.
Demon!Chrollo, who says he didn't mind when you apologize vigorously for making him wait once your focus shifted on him. He finds it strange how he didn't kill you yet. You were alone in a deserted place, this was the perfect opportunity, but yet he can't help to find out more a about you.
Demon!Chrollo, who finds out you were the owner of the shop, but business has been running slow. You were still weirdly upbeat, even when you were on the verge of going broke.
Demon!Chrollo, who buys a few books based on your recommendations, you just keep rambling on to him, not a care in the world. He lets you reach for books on the highest shelves, just to see you stand on your tippy toes. Your frilly dress lifting ever so slighty for him to see where exactly your stockings stop. Mid thigh. He swoops in last second, when you were about to get a ladder, leaning over you from behind and getting the book; apologizing for letting you do so much work.
Demon!Chrollo, who can't get enough of your soft smiles, small giggles and your sunny personality. When you're from a world that has only seen the worst of mankind, you were a welcomed refreshment.
Demon!Chrollo, who thinks it's stupid how fast you trust him, but it bothers him more to think about how quickly you would trust others. You just don't seem to think you can get hurt.
Demon!Chrollo, who takes the initiative to visit you every day. He must protect his angel.
Demon!Chrollo, who is surprised by how little you know about the actual world. You see the world in rainbows and glitter, not having seen what's out there beyond this smalltown life. When he told you one of his 'adventures' (leaving the not so pleasant details out) you couldn't get enough of it.
Demon!Chrollo, who has to hold back when you listen to him with your eyes wide and big, your mouth slightly parted, and your overhelming load of questions.
Demon!Chrollo, who secretly wants to corrupt you. Every time you wear a pretty bow or a white dress with lace stockings hugging your legs so nice, he can't help the urge to bend you over the cashier, lift up your so easily accessible dress to find out you are wearing silk panties and fuck you so hard your purity ring shatters right off your finger.
Demon!Chrollo, who wants to show you what he is, what an angel like you has been spending time with. He wants to drag you with him to hell, to consume your soul and make you like him.
Demon!Chrollo, who likes to show off just a fraction of his strength to you by moving furniture where you want it. Or who uses his speed to steal some of your stuff from right under your nose. You won't know it was him, you're too oblivious.
Demon!Chrollo, who never had such intense attractions to a human before. He wasn't inexperienced when it came to mates, but those were all to quench his needs. He couldn't help but want to lock you up and keep you at his side forever.
Demon!Chrollo, who uses his alluring voice to make you do what he wants. You won't even remember the next day. Thinking the bruising on your thighs is just from bumping into too many corners (even though some bruises look like very clear bitemarks of something that has sharp canines)
Demon!Chrollo, who won't penetrate you just yet. He wants you conscious for that. He uses his outwordly looks to seduce you. You're very playful, he finds. He never knows if you are flirting or just being...you. When you steal his book from him and he responds with cornering you, coming up all nice and close in your face, but you only respond with giggles, slapping the book in his chest and booping his nose before escaping his trap.
Demon!Chrollo, who also wants to keep you the way you are. Who wants to keep you as his little human who fills his day with a lovely smile. He wants you at his side as he destroys town after to town, as he becomes stronger and more powerful.
Demon!Chrollo, who keeps his cool with you but slowly cages you in. You don't leave the bookshop that much anymore, not when he is there most of the time, keeping you company and somehow taking care of your every need. He has taken a personal claim on your pure soul, and demons are very posessive of what is theirs.
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Cigarettes, Gunpowder, and Whiskey (Thomas Shelby x Reader) (Smut)
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*This story is 18+ no minors interact* Summary: Thomas Shelby befriends his maid when he finds her taking books from his library. TW: Sex, Cigarettes, Alcohol Word Count: 4561 (Largest one yet!)
----------------------------------- It’s been the same routine for weeks. I finish up cleaning for the night at Mr. Shelby’s mansion. I pretend to say goodnight to the other housekeepers and then suddenly I’m sneaking myself into Thomas Shelby’s gigantic library. I hover over a million books trying to find the perfect escape from my dull life. My sunken, tired eyes don’t recognize that a man comes walking into the room followed by a puff of cigarette smoke. I turn my head and see Mr. Shelby himself in a long white sleeve Henley with black suspenders to match his black slacks. It finally hits me that I’ve been caught, and I am on the verge of fainting from anxiety. “Having fun?” He asks. I hold my breath as Mr. Shelby walks up and swiftly pulls the book from my hand to read the cover. “Not a good one” He stated.
“And if I happened to like that one?”  I questioned him with a cherry red blush spreading across my face.
“I’ve been aware since you started taking books Y/N…trust me when I say that you would find that one rather boring” He spoke low and soft whilst his thumb lightly caressed my cheek. I looked up at him in awe. If it had been anyone else, I’d probably kick them in the shins but there was something about Thomas Shelby that made me melt unlike anyone I’ve seen before. 
“So…you’re stalking me?” I inquired.
“Only when you’re stealing” He chuffed. “Fair enough…you have any recommendations Mr. Shelby?” I stared at his darkened blue eyes that paired so well with his short dark hair. In the dim lighting he still looked picture perfect, and it was unfair. 
“Quite a few” He licked his lips and walked towards different bookshelves, picking out certain books that piqued his interest.
Once he finished, he set about five books on his desk and went to fetch a whiskey from his mini bar. As he poured the drink I walked over to the desk and looked at the books on the desk. “These seem awfully long Mr. Shelby” I said as I picked through the different books.
“Well, you’ll be working here for a while, yes?” He prodded.
I nodded my head and flipped through a few pages of the first book I picked up…Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. A romance novel. “Romance?” I questioned.
“Something against it?” He implored.
“Not at all, I just…didn’t think you would be for it” I spoke softly.
“Neither for nor against it. It’s honest. It’s secretive, passionate. Loyalty seems to be a big theme” He said before walking over to me and pinning me up against the desk. I was practically sitting up on the desk trying to get my grip together as he leaned in and asked, “You think you’re loyal, Y/N?”
“I like to think so Mr. S-Shelby” I croaked. Thomas nodded his head and stepped back to sip his whiskey once more. Relieving me of the awful feeling of the wooden edge of the desk imprinting on my thighs.
“I’m sure you are… we’ll finish this another night” He claimed and walked out the door with his whiskey. Leaving me in a room full of books to read for the night. I felt like I could finally breathe. --------------
A few nights later, I found myself one night in my bed with one of the books Mr. Shelby suggested, Dracula. It had been keeping me busy for quite some time. I was engrossing myself further into the pages when the old housekeeping bell to my room was going off, ordering me to the kitchen quarters. I walked into the kitchen with my silk night gown on and a long-sleeved cardigan. I was so tired and could barely see in the dark. As I walked deeper into the kitchen, I spotted Mr. Shelby sitting at the kitchen nook with a glass of whiskey by his side.
“Mr. Shelby? Are you alright?” I turned the kitchen light on and walked towards him.  
“Never better…Which book tonight?” He questioned.
“Dracula this time” I said sheepishly.
“Didn’t think you’d be interested in that one…Read it to me?” He requested. I nodded at him with a smile and pointed to the library with a raised brow. He nodded and we both tried not to make the hardwood floors creak as we snuck to the library. I turned back around to face him and noticed a grin on his face.
“What is it” I asked. “I just never thought these books would make anyone this happy. I’ve had them for years and they have yet to be read by someone other than myself” He gushed. “They help me pass the time” I explained and began to get comfortable on the red couch in the library. I tried hard to find my spot without thinking about Thomas looking at me as I flipped through pages. He sat down on the couch beside me and pulled out a cigarette. I found my place and looked back at Thomas who happened to be eagerly awaiting my reading. His bottom lip tucked behind a front tooth as he looked back on me with anticipation. I was jealous his lip couldn’t be one of mine. I shied away from his gaze and focused back onto the book, trying hard not to corrupt my own reality.             "If that other fellow doesn't know his happiness, well, he'd better look for it soon, or he'll have to deal with me. Little girl, your honesty and pluck have made me a friend, and that's rarer than a lover, it's more selfish anyhow. My dear, I'm going to have a pretty lonely walk between this and Kingdom Come. Won't you give me one kiss? It'll be something to keep off the darkness now and then. You can, you know, if you like, for that other good fellow, or you could not love him, hasn't spoken yet."
I read to Thomas aloud with my heart racing. He knew something was up when I stopped reading, he gently put a finger under my chin and brought me to meet eyes with him. “Another romance” He spoke lowly.
“You have a pattern with books Mr. Shelby?” I inquired with a soft blush forming onto my cheeks.
“Only with you” He admitted. I bit my lip and went back into reading, trying not to analyze his words. I wanted more but didn’t like rejection. I preferred to keep my feelings below the surface as much as possible. We spent the rest of the night together reading further into the book and having moments to ourselves. Eventually both of us drank glasses of whiskey and got comfortable enough to be laying on one another. My head resting against his chest as I read, trying to keep my heart from pounding out of its chest. "We want no proofs. We ask none to believe us! This boy will some day know what a brave and gallant woman his mother is. Already he knows her sweetness and loving care. Later on he will understand how some men so loved her, that they did dare much for her sake.
JONATHAN HARKER”  I closed the book and sighed. Another ending. Another time I’m brought back to reality. I got up off of the couch and put the book away onto one of the large bookshelves. Thomas got up right behind me, getting closer as I continued to take a deep breath and marvel at all of the books around me. He placed his arms around my waist, wrapping himself against my small figure. My cheeks began to heat up.
“I think we can call it a night, don’t you?” He asked. I began to sink back into him and breathed in the smell of Thomas Shelby. Cigarette, gunpowder, and whiskey. A scent that is begging for death and yet so intoxicating to anyone near him. It grabs your attention like a lost puppy you see wandering a busy street. He let his right arm free and gently moved my hair back behind my shoulder. I had chills run up my spine. Thomas placed soft kisses against the crook of my neck. It all felt so natural, something I could get used to. “Do you know how badly I’ve wanted you Ms. L/N” Thomas pressed up against me with his hand running up against my breast. I moaned lightly as he kissed up my neck, making me tilt my head to the opposite side.
“T-Thomas” I breathed out.  He caressed my right breast as he gently sucked and bit my neck. Driving me into an unexpecting madness. He spun me around smoothly so I faced him and brushed the hair out of my face, gently caressing my cheek afterward. I looked up at his sauntering blue eyes and bit my lip.
“Don’t do that” He ordered. I let go of my lip and was instantly met with his lips on mine.
I reciprocated his drunken kisses with welcoming lips. He held the back of my head, pushing it towards him more with every kiss, making sure he stayed in control. I fell right into him, and with it I felt a hardening in his pants. He broke the kiss to start taking his button up shirt off and with it he happened to lift up my silk white night gown. Thomas proceeded to kiss me, biting my lip as we’d break kisses to come up for air. He pressed my back up against the bookshelf. His hand slid up my thigh to meet my core over my embarrassing beige grandma underwear. I felt overwhelmed and completely unprepared. His hands guided themselves and rubbed against my clit in circles with the perfect amount of pressure. As Thomas played with me, he simultaneously licked and sucked sensitive spots on my neck that I didn’t know existed. I panted and whined as he kept going faster with each stroke. “I’m going to make you cum more than anyone else ever will” He growled. I moaned louder as he slid between my underwear and I got to feel his actual fingers on my pussy. It sent me into a spiral and I only craved more of him. His eyes grew wide as he heard me squeal. He stopped rubbing for a moment and placed his other hand over my mouth. “You have to stay quiet until I take you to the bedroom” Thomas ordered. I nodded my head, my core flooding as his hand stayed on my mouth. “Good girl” He praised and continued massaging my warmth.
It was a matter of minutes before he used his fingers so fiercely that I felt like I was about to explode. I rocked my hips against his hands, and I felt two of his large fingers slip into my vagina. I almost screamed in that moment, and my eyes squeezed shut. I was met again with the pressure of his hand upon my mouth and all I could do was moan into his hand as I felt his fingers plunged into me. “You like that my girl? You gonna cum, eh?” He asked me as he sped up his pace. I whined incessantly.  His two fingers curled inside of me, hitting my g spot as he kept plunging into me. I moaned harder with each pump of his fingers and felt like I was going to burst. “Cum for me baby girl” Thomas instructed. I felt his fingers thrust faster and my hips rocked up against them until I felt my body clench up around him. I opened my mouth as much as I could and whimpered. “Cum baby” He repeated. It took one more slam of his fingers for my back to arch and release juices against his fingers. I felt so weak and embarrassed, I refused to look up at him. Thomas slipped his fingers out of me and uncovered my mouth. He saw me looking down at the floor and took a thumb to my chin to lift my face up so I was forced to look at him. “You gonna taste yourself?” Thomas questioned my reddened face. He put the fingers that were just inside of me up to my mouth. “Open up” Thomas ordered with a stern voice. I opened my mouth wide and didn’t close it until his two fingers were touching the middle of my tongue. “Suck” He insisted, looking me dead in the eye as serious as possible. I made sure I sucked his fingers as deeply as possible, doing anything to please him. He bit his lip as I did my best to clean his fingers off. Thomas slid his fingers out of my mouth and licked his lips. “Your ass is coming to my bed” He spoke.
“Yes sir” I mumbled with a deep blush spread over my cheeks. Thomas lifted me up by the waist and threw me over his shoulder. I giggled as he walked out of the library and dropped me off in front of the giant staircase. “Go up, I’ll be there in a second” He insisted while giving me a light smack on my ass. I was flustered and embarrassed, feeling the anxiety from the possibility of one of the staff catching me with Mr. Shelby alone.
I walked up the stairs, trying my best not to make them creak. Once I was in the hallway, I noticed a door halfway shut and walked into the room that I hadn’t explored yet. There was a lamp that dimly lit the entire room. I spotted a huge king sized bed covered with pillows, two big dressers and even a large couch in the middle of the room. If this wasn’t Thomas’ room I’d be shocked. I stepped towards the couch and saw another door. The room had no lights on, and the door was once more halfway shut, so I decided to let myself in. I looked for a lightswitch beside the door and turned on the lights. It was a giant bathroom. A large, clawfoot bath tub and a shower besides it.  I smiled to myself, I hadn’t seen a bathtub this nice before. “You should get in” Thomas scared me with his presence. I jumped in my slippers and he fully saw this embarrassing moment. I looked at him with my hand over my heart and he started to smile. “Did I frighten you” He smirked, coming closer to wrap his arms around me. I nodded at him, fully embracing the way he enveloped me in his arms. “I brought us more to drink, do you want me to run you a bath?” He asked me.
“Sure” I agreed. He let go of me softly and began to prepare the water. Once the water began to run, Thomas excused himself out of the room to get some drinks and a towel for the bath. By the time the bath was halfway full I decided to shimmy off my silk nightgown and surprise him.
Thomas came back with a cigarette in his mouth and a glass of whiskey in hand. When he saw my nude body his cigarette fell out of his mouth. “Oh fuck me” He spoke and went after the cigarette that fell on the tiled floor. When he came back up, I gazed at him with a smile.
“Thank you for the whiskey” I smirked and stole the glass from his hand, taking a small sip before handing it back.
“Where have you been, Y/N” He put his hand against my face, stroking his thumb against my cheek. I looked up at him, biting my lip.
“All of the wrong places I suppose” I mumbled out. He ran his thumb across my bottom lip before stepping away, putting the cigarette out on the ashtray conveniently placed on his bathroom counter.
He placed the glass of whiskey down on the counter next to the ashtray, then turned back to me.
“I’m going to do everything in my power to keep you here, eh?” He promised, moving in closer to me. I nodded my head. “I’d like that” I croaked out. He leaned down, crashing his lips against mine for only a single time. Then placed kisses down my neck, onto my collarbone, and down towards my chest.
“You’re a fucking goddess” He hummed against my breast, then began to kiss my nipple and suck gently, swirling his tongue in circular motions. As he went to my other breast, I involuntarily let out a moan and that forced Thomas to look up at me with a smirk. He knew he was doing something right. I continued to whimper as he kissed and sucked on my other breast, but I soon became unprepared as he started kissing down my stomach. Soon ending his rampant kisses at the start of my pussy, I couldn’t bear to hold in another sound.  “You okay?” He asked me kindly. I looked down at him and his perfectly tousled black hair.
“More than okay” I let out. He nodded and continued with his playful schemes.
Slowly he licked my clit and I let out a high pitched whimper involuntarily. As he continued I got more used to the warm feeling of his tongue down on me. I let myself go into the pleasure of Thomas’ tongue and was riding a high that I had never felt before. He licked down my slit, diving into my entrance with his tongue, causing my legs to shutter. Thomas knew I was crumbling and immediately stopped what he was doing. I almost cried at his immediate stop until I saw his pitch black eyes come up from below me. He kissed me immediately and I met his lips with the same immense desire. He pushed me up against the counter behind us and slipped his tongue into my mouth playfully. I followed his movements, slowly dancing with his tongue against mine. Suddenly, I felt his hands against my ass and he swiftly lifted me up on top of the counter. He finished our kiss before spreading my legs with his hands and moving back down between my legs. I cried out as he continued lapping up my wetness, shortly finding myself in the same position I was in earlier. I tried to grasp his hair with my hands thinking he would slow down but that just made him hungrier for more.
“T-Thomas” I cried out but it was no use. I was close to orgasm and he wasn’t fighting me from the deep release. I felt my stomach tighten and knew I was a goner. As I moaned out louder, Thomas began to move his tongue left to right quickly, making me tighten up. “Thomas p-please” I cried again. His tongue was no match for me, and I felt myself cum as he kept licking me. I gasped as he kept licking. He wanted every ounce of juice for himself and all I could do was whimper and cry out to him. He licked my slit once more before looking at me. I was a lousy, panting, naked mess. “You tasted amazing” He licked his lips. “You kill me, Thomas Shelby” I shook my head and smiled. He smiled back at me and stood up. “Want a bath now?” He asked me with his hand out for me to hold. I nodded at him.
“If I can even stand” I giggled, making note of my shaking legs. “I got you, come here” Thomas scooped me up from the bathroom counter, lifting me bridal style and softly letting me down into the warm bath. “I don’t want to…but I’ll let you rest for a minute. I’ll be in the other room finishing up some papers from work. Just come out when your ready” Thomas spoke, giving me a kiss on the forehead and leaving me to be by myself. I didn’t expect Thomas Shelby to be so caring, or even so mature. Nobody has ever given me this amount of care after anything sexual. I lay back into the bathtub, sinking in down to my shoulders, properly relaxed. After a while in the bathtub, I noticed my legs stopped shaking and I was ready to settle down into bed. I popped up the drain for the bathtub and carefully lifted myself up from the bath, grabbing the towel hanging on a hook off the wall.
I wrapped myself and stepped out of the bath, turning off the bathroom lights and heading into the main bedroom. I saw Thomas at his desk, seriously glancing down at his papers with his rounded glasses on. “It’s not all just reading books all day is it?” I asked from the corner of the room. He turned around and looked at me with tired eyes.
“Unfortunately…come sit” He insisted and patted his lap. I nodded and walked up to his desk, I glanced at his paperwork. Tons of papers full of writing, about racehorses, financial audits, and taxes. It looked to complicated for me to make sense of, especially at this hour of the night. I sat on his lap and leaned against his chest. “I do a lot of horse races, and bets…I’m trying to make my family the first legitimate race business” He mumbled out.
“Well, trying is better than nothing” I murmured. He let out a “Hmm” and began to place one of his hands on my thigh as he read a paper in his other hand. The hand on my thigh moved up inch by inch. The further he read his paper the higher his hand went. Thomas turned the page of the paper and slid his hand up towards my pussy. I gasped softly, unprepared for him to want to touch me again. “You need me to fuck you on the bed, eh little one?” He asked me with a deep voice. I moaned out softly as he kept touching me. “You need to tell me baby” Thomas ordered. “Y-yes” I whimpered. “Say yes sir” He ordered again. Rubbing my clit softly, teasing the hell out of me. “Y-ye-yes sir” I struggled to speak as he kept stroking with a steady speed. “Good girl” He praised me before stopping his strokes and lifting me up off of his lap. Thomas removed my towel and stood up. He pointed to the bed and I walked over to it, letting my self sit on the edge. Thomas pushed me down gently and spread my legs. “You okay with another round?” He asked me gently. I nodded my head and saw his eyebrow raise. “What’d I tell you?” He asked. “Yes sir” I told him. Thomas nodded and leaned down, hovering his body over mine. He gave me a gentle kiss on the lips before sliding down towards my core once more. I held my breath as I knew what he was about to do. He kissed down my mound before slowly using his tongue against my folds. I grabbed. His hair once more and I cried out his name. He stopped his licking to grab my wrists and place them to my sides. He held down my hands as he kept licking and sucking on my clit. I was overstimulated and about to burst, but before I could I felt his hands release mine and he came up for air. “You ready for me?” He questioned me.  
“Y-yes sir” I moaned out, gazing deeply into his blue eyes.
“Good girl” He praised once more before unbuckling his belt and sliding his pants off, revealing an enormous bulge in his boxers. My eyes darted from his boxers to his eyes. “See something you like?” He smirked. I blushed hard and slid myself up in the bed. Adjusting my head to the pillow, trying to prepare myself for whatever he was about to put me through. He removed his boxers and sprung his large cock free. I looked back up to him again, but this time a bit apprehensive and he could sense it. “We’ll go slow okay?” He promised me. I nodded at him and he leaned down to kiss me gently on the lips. He smiled into this kiss and began to lock lips with mine. As he did this he also reached his hand down to rub my clit softly, making me buck my hips and squirm against his hardened bulge. He kissed me deeper with each stroke of his hand, slowly entering his tongue into my mouth and having to battle me for dominance. I began to moan into each kiss and with a random kiss he slid his hand away, using it to guide his cock slowly into my pussy. I nearly yelped as his thickness filled my entrance. He pushed further inside of me, giving me time to adjust to the size of him. I moaned more into his kisses until he pulled away to kiss my neck. “You’re so…tight, Y/N…fuck” He groaned as he thrusted into me. Suddenly the pain turned to pleasure and I welcomed every one of his thrusts.
“Th-Thomas…Pl-Please” I cried out as he increased his speed. His thrusts grew faster with each of my moans. I wanted him more than I ever thought I did. He kept steadying his pace, each thrust of his cock made my toes curl and suddenly I felt myself about to release.
“You gonna cum on my cock babygirl?�� Thomas asked as he kept thrusting, speeding his thrusts up to match my cries.
“Y-Yes sir” I whined, feeling him bottom out into me.
“Cum for me, Y/N” He insisted as he kept his fast pace. I cried out in pleasure with each thrust. I couldn’t help but to give in to his massive size. My muscles clenched as he pulled out and pushed into me with his full size. I nearly died with his pace. My body started giving in to him, and as he thrusted one last time I came onto him. “Good girl” He kissed my neck and sucked hard, giving a hickey in the process. I panted as he kept going, but this time slowing down his pace. “You’re gonna make me cum, babygirl” He groaned and leaned down to kiss me. This time he bottomed out into me and picked up his pace, grunting with each thrust, I could tell he was close. “Fuck, Thomas” I whined and unintentionally clenched up around him. He grunted harder and bottomed out into me once more before quickly pulling out and spilling himself onto my stomach. His six pack clenched up as he went to stand up off of the bed. I looked at his abs and then back to him. He winked at me and walked towards the desk where my bath towel hung off of his office chair. As he returned, he wiped off his cum off my stomach and threw the towel on the floor.
“Get under the blankets now, princess…Get some rest. You need it” He insisted and kissed me one last time before lifting the blankets up and placing them over me. Thomas then slid into bed beside me and turned off the lamp. I could get used to the feeling of being in bed with this man.   “Goodnight Thomas” I mumbled before quickly drifting off to sleep with him up against me.
“Goodnight, Y/N” He answered, wrapping his arm over my abdomen and cuddling me tightly.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
A Broken Sort of Normal Part 11
WC 1326, Masterpost CW: anxiety
“Hey, kid,” Flash the older said as he raced up beside Danny.
“Still not a kid, old man,” Danny replied. It was already a well worn argument by this point after several dinners or weekend meals over at the Flash’s household. Sure it was used before that, but once Danny had started seeing Barry out of the mask, he’d only been worse about it. Danny guessed it was their thing now. It was weird to have ‘things’ again with people, but a good sort of weird.
“Still not an old man, kid. I’m not even a grandpa yet!”
Danny almost dropped the tablet he was working on. Barry didn’t have any kids, not aside from Wally who might as well count. Did that mean…?
“I’d tell you to watch your sass in your new position,” Barry continued, unaware or uncaring of Danny’s sudden crisis about the idea of children, “but one, I’d be a hypocrite and two, it’s a solid third of the reason I recommended you.”
“Well, that’s good because the sass isn’t going awa— wait, what new position?”
Barry grinned under his mask in a way that just felt dangerous. Not, like, dangerous in general, but dangerous for Danny who was the focus of that smile. “You’ll see. Flash Two will pick you up Monday at nine am. Don’t worry, you’re cleared off work already.”
“Fla— and he’s gone. That’s great. What the fuck,” Danny said to himself. It was a struggle to focus on finishing up the post event check in and then his reports and then going over his team’s report and then some more paperwork, but Danny managed. As soon as he got home he was immediately was texting Wally.
After the Reveal, Danny had gotten Wally’s civilian number too, but there were strict rules for using that number. Danny understood the caution. Apparently the first number he had been given was encrypted by Batman’s crew, which was crazy to think about, even when he was dating a Flash, so there were less rules other than no civilian names. Just for the ease of it, Danny mostly stuck to the old number unless they were planning a purely civilian date. Or if Danny wanted to say things that he knew would make Wally blush. Things Danny would very much never want anyone else to read. They may have mostly kept to kissing in person, but teasing Wally was just too much fun.
Danny: Why is Big!Flash having you pick me up on Monday??? What did he mean about a ‘new position’?????? I like my job! FLASH!
Quick Boy: You’ve got to give me a second to answer, dude!
Danny: You’re supposed to be fast. 😑
Quick Boy: Who’s always telling me electrical signals can only move so fast?
Danny: FLASH 🤬
Quick Boy: Sorry, babe, I’m not allowed to tell! But you’ll love it! Promise!
Danny: 🥺
Quick Boy: Don’t make those eyes at me! Trust me, babe, just wait until Monday.
Danny: Fine. But know I’m pouting.
Quick Boy: 😭
Danny behaved. He didn’t bother for updates. He sent more cats dressed as Justice League members and finished off the last Percy Jackson book, sending Wally updates along the way. But the whole weekend the fact that he apparently had a new job he knew nothing about and would be taken to Monday churned in the back of his mind.
It made him anxious in a way that he hadn’t been since he left Amity Park for Central city.
He didn’t much like it.
“Please at least tell me that I’m dressed fine for this new job?” Danny asked when he opened the door to Wally’s knock.
He didn’t really have many other options if Wally said no, he already had on his best dark jeans, cleanest boots, and his new cross body bag. He might have a button up shirt he could change into instead of the long sleeve one he was in, but that was as good as it was going to get. He just didn’t have business casual clothes with the jobs he had.
“You look fine,” Wally said.
“Not exactly a supersuit,” Danny said with a sigh, taking in Wally’s uniform.
Wally pressed a quick kiss to Danny’s cheek. “Not the kind of hero you are.”
That was something Wally had been doing, insisting that Danny was a hero. Whenever he protested, it only seemed to make Wally more insistent so Danny mostly let it be. Plus, the cute smile Wally got for ‘winning’ was nice to see.
It was gracing Wally’s lips now as Danny stepped out of his apartment, locked the door, and shoved the keys securely in his bag. One lost set of keys due to super speed was enough to make sure they were safely clipped in from then on.
“Okay. Right, let’s get this over with.”
“It’s a good thing,” Wally insisted as he squatted down for Danny to climb onto his back, “not your execution or anything.”
“I just don’t like not knowing,” Danny said.
“You love surprises.”
“Little surprises like picnics and presents, not life changing ones.”
“You’ll love it,” Wally insisted and then they were off.
“I’ll love an abandoned warehouse?”
“Apparently abandoned warehouse,” Wally stressed with a wave of his hands, like he was a two-bit magician.
“Convincing appearance. Once again, Flash, it’s a good thing you’re a hero because this as serial killer vibes.”
The windows were blacked out. There was a heavy layer of dust on most surfaces. The stairs to the foreman office were long rusted away. It was a mess.
But there was that feeling of being watched that crawled up Danny’s spine. None of the dust actually moved as they crossed the floor over to Barry. And the doors were either welded shut or solidly reinforced.
“Ready kids?” Barry asked.
“Still not kids,” Danny replied almost absently.
“Still don’t care!” Barry pressed one of the bricks on the wall and the whole thing shuddered and pulled back like some massive pocket door to reveal a… a portal behind the wall.
“Ta-da!” Wally said, complete with jazz hands.
Danny couldn’t tear his eyes away from the portal to look at him.
Did they know? Was this…?
“What?” Danny started, forcing himself to look over at Wally who was beside him again.
“You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Danny winced. He just couldn’t hold back the twitch of his body at that word. “Sorry. Um, so what is that?”
“A Zeta tube, it’s how we travel to the Justice League. It’s like a transporter,” Barry explained.
Okay, right, not a portal to the Ghost Zone. No one knew. He was safe. Danny closed his eyes. It was just a transporter that looked a lot like a portal.
Wally rested his hand on Danny’s arm and Danny almost jumped from the light touch. “Babe?”
“Um, remember how I told you there was an accident in my parent’s lab when I was a kid? Yeah, um, sorta similar look, is all. It just freaked me out for a moment.”
"Oh, shit, I’m sorry,” Wally said. He squeezed Danny’s arm gently.
“No way you could have known. Who has a phobia over portals, right?” Danny said as he summoned his best attempt at a smile for Wally.
“Are you okay to…” Wally glanced from Danny to the portal nervously.
“I, yes? Can you just explain to me how it will go?” Danny asked. He pressed himself close to Wally, doing what he could to scrape together his frayed nerves. It wasn’t like he hadn’t gone through the actual portal that had killed him all the time. It was just that now all that felt like a lifetime ago, a lifetime no one remembered but him.
“Of course, babe,” Wally said, twining their arms together before he launched into a passionate explanation of the Zeta tubes.
It would be alright.
He could do this.
He had Wally.
AN: Wally and Barry: We have something so cool to show you! Danny: *has portal based ptsd* ._.
I no longer tag people, but you can subscribe to the masterpost!
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emergency-plan · 6 months
DPxDC Idea
I had a little idea an have no time to actually write a fic, so I just wrote a sorta-summary and am posting it like this.
This is inspired by the game Home Safety Hotline and may contain hints to spoilers for that game. It's really clever, I really like it. I recommend you play it if slightly spooky without any "real" horror appeals to you.
Alright, Danny's been Ghost King for a few years and has realized more than just his usual rogues make their way to the living world, and a lot of those ghosts don't stay in Amity. By himself, it'd take forever to track down all those spirits and specters that are out causing mischief. Luckily, not many that escaped his notice are all that powerful and could only cause minor disturbances, just enough to get noticed by the living.
Many people outside Amity don't even recognize the activity as ghosts, so they blame other sources. Scratching in the walls is mistaken as mice, whispers and apparitions are mistaken as hallucinations and carbon monoxide hallucinations, attempted overshadowings mistaken as stokes or migraines. In this day and age, where does everyone turn to when looking for advice or how to solve problems? The internet.
Team Phantom devise a method to try and track down ghosts that are stuck or tormenting the living by building a website meant to look like a help hotline, and with some algorithm trickery make it one of the top options when searching for signs similar to ghost presences. Add some bits and bobs to make it appear as a more normal-looking website on any computer affiliated with government organizations, and you’ve got some protection from the GIW.
Calls start slowly, so the three of them can handle it by themselves. Once more people are calling, they decide to start a call center. They hired some trusted people around Amity and even a few ghosts who want to help. To get around worrying about the ghosts messing with the tech while personally taking a call, they decide to automate the system to record caller’s reports for the employees to listen to, and then send a report back, offering their services to bring the spirit back to the Realms.
It’s been surprisingly lucrative, and Danny hasn’t had to dip into his kingly funds much other than at the start. He still keeps prices low, just enough to not garner suspicions at offering a free service while paying his workers fairly (he doesn’t want to know why some of the ghosts want mortal money). What he’s started having more trouble with is not enough employees to take the calls. Sometimes ghosts lose track of time and don’t show up for their shifts (he doesn’t blame them, time gets weird in the Ghost Zone), and he’s run out of people he trusts who want the job.
Eventually he decides to put out an ad, deciding he’ll slowly trust whoever takes the job with a little more information over time, see how they react, and measure to see if they’re trustworthy.
What he doesn’t think about is how posting it on the website will let more people than just those that live in Amity apply.
Meanwhile, in Gotham, one Cassandra Cain is looking for a job. She doesn’t need the money, B gives her access to way too much, but she wants the experience. She’s at the age she’s heard most kids get a job, and she wants to see what it’s like.
And she quickly found out retail and fast food are NOT for her. She doesn’t think those conditions are fit for anyone, honestly. She’d have to see if she could get Bruce to work on that. But that still leaves her out of a job. She got overwhelmed with a lot of people, so virtual options would probably be best, and something that let her interact with people without having to speak. There weren’t a lot of options out there, and she wasn’t skilled enough with a computer yet to take programming ones.
That’s when she found the listing for the hotline call center. Based in a small Illinois town, but had virtual options, listen to recorded customer calls, diagnose their issue, and send an information packet on potential next steps. It was indirect, could also help her practice her reading, and flexible. It was perfect.
It didn’t take long to hear back after she applied (Danny was freaking out, he didn’t think anyone outside Amity would apply. He’d turn this kid down, but she’d mentioned her difficulties with speaking in her application and SWEETY YOU DONT MENTION STUFF LIKE THAT ON AN APPLICATION. But she said the job would be perfect for her and he just couldn’t…) and she got the job!
Her first day rolls around and she’s given access to the database. A lot has been redacted, but she has descriptions for common problems like mice, carbon monoxide, black mold, etc. she gets her first call recording and carefully reads through the entries before selecting the one that sounds right. She sends it off and waits for the next. The calls come a little too regularly, with too similar intervals between them, so she figures her new employer is testing how well she’s doing (Danny’s giving her previous resolved calls that weren’t anything supernatural. She even got the ants right! He had even gotten that wrong!)
Eventually, her shift ends and she tells her family how well her first day went at dinner. They congratulate her and go on patrol as usual. The next day, things ramp up a little.
She logs into the database at the beginning of her shift and noticed some new entries. She now had access to descriptions of shades, blob ghosts, will o’ wisps, and more minor spirits. She gets a recording reminding her all this info is confidential and that she’s not allowed to share it with anyone. She’s a little confused, but she reads through each just as carefully. The calls come less regularly, so she figures she’s actually connected to the system now (Danny gave her access to the most common ghosts they get calls about and is listening in while he’s handling ghosts to make sure she doesn’t get anything she’s not prepared for).
Her shift ends and over dinner, she mentions that she’s had to diagnose some odd things. They assure her there’s more pests and hazards out there than you’d expect. She doesn’t tell her family about the distraught woman haunted by the Ecto-Echo of her husband’s habit of making her coffee every morning after he passed a few weeks ago. Or the person who had a Shade masquerading as their shadow. Just about one of her caller's cockroach problem.
The next day follows a similar pattern; more entries, slightly more powerful ghosts, reminder that the info she's been given access to is confidential and could get people hurt if it got in the wrong hands, congratulated for her good work, read through carefully and learn signs of each, diagnose calls, before calling it a day (Danny was so proud of her, she'd only confused a blob ghost with a ghost animal once, and it hadn't caused him any trouble when he went to collect them).
She'd used the bat-computer to check up on some of the callers she'd diagnosed, and they seemed to be doing fine. Some had posted about their weird experiences on their social media and how her employer had somehow helped them, but often didn't quite know how (Danny liked to hide his powers, so most of what customers saw was him using ghost tech. When it couldn't be solved with just a quick souping, he had to pull a little ghostly trickery while the customer wasn't watching). She didn't know how her boss was somehow across the world multiple times a day to help clients in different countries, but he seemed to at least be helping people. She started not having any stories she could tell her family at dinner.
At some point, she heard reports that one of the speedsters probably messed with time travel again before clocking into her shift. She had almost all the available entries and had gotten very good at recognizing tricky cases. She answered a recorded call, just like at the beginning of each of her shifts, but this one was a little different. Danny had sent out an announcement to be on the lookout for a specific phenomena that often occurred after shifts in reality, as they were highly dangerous and needed to be dealt with swiftly.
She studied each entry and paused on what she was supposed to keep a careful eye out for. Revenants, corpses that came back to life, often seen shambling around the graveyards they were buried in. Something about that sounded familiar. A section in their entry said the person brought back often had a ghost in the Realms (which she still didn't know what that was) that was in terrible pain from shifts in reality trying to pull them back to their body, but the separation of dimensions preventing them.
Expectedly, she did get a call from someone convinced there was a zombie wandering somewhere along the east coast. She double checked it couldn't be anything else before submitting it and notifying her boss.
Curious, and she knew no one would be in the batcave around this time of day, she brought her laptop with her down to the bat-computer. She found cameras in the area the caller reported, and froze at what she saw. Shambling across an abandoned street was a rotting corpse. It really did look like a zombie. It was covered in dirt, wearing an old-fashioned suit, and had skin sloughing off its bones.
But what Cass could only focus on was how much its movements read that it was in pain. It was suffering in such a horrible way its mindless being didn't even deserve. It was horrible.
Then, there was a flash of green and an area of the cameras were covered in static. The glitched portion somehow read with kindness and pity. It slowly approached the corpse, simple reaching out gently (what was presumably a hand), ignoring the way it lashed out. It suddenly fell, caught and slowly lower to the ground by the strange being she couldn't see. It closed the thing's eyes before carrying it off in the direction the map said a graveyard could be found.
After that, she finished her shift and went to dinner. Her family asked if she was alright, and she only replied it'd been a long day.
She clocked in early the next day and messaged her boss for more information on Revenants. Dinner that night was one of the few times Jason agreed to come by, and if he noticed how she kept glancing at him, he didn't say anything.
A week later, she asked her boss what might happen if a Revenant was exposed to, as it was called in its entry, a "Corrupted Ecto-Spring" ("...an ugly hole in the fabric of reality that connects the world of the living to the Realms. The ectoplasm that leaks through the tear stagnates and festers into toxic pools that kills humans and makes ghosts sick."). Danny requested a video call.
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achy-boo · 9 months
Price for Falling in Love
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Summary: Loving a fae is something nobody even thought of. A human fallen in love with a fae but said fae..has his eyes on another person. Why is love so painful with those with a disease of unrequited love?
Ship: Malleus x GN!reader
Word count: 1,615 words
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Warning: Angst, unrequited love, death(reader dies), Malleus is already in love, reader is a Diasmonia 2nd year Student, gore
Recommend Listen to: Goodbye by Circus-P ft Hastume Miku + Heath by Okame P ft Hastume Miku
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Love. Is it a blessing or a curse?
For you..It is a blessing. You think love needs trust, affection, loyalty and all that lovely crap. But if that is true..why does a certain fae not know about your love for him? You were a regular Diasomina student in Night Raven College and you are a second year. You fall in love with Malleus Draconia, the head warden of Diasomnia and future prince. You know, everyone and their grandparents knew you were in love with him but…Malleus didn’t know that. No, he has his attention towards the new magicless student named Yuuken. Even though it is wrong, you can not help but feel a bit of jealousy whenever you see Yuuken and Malleus hanging out together. You heard Yuuken’s story, immediately felt sad for Yuuken and even asked him to be your friend in private. 
‘Love is fine. Love is getting closer.’ You thought to yourself in a naive way as if you were so pleased with everything in your life. In Yuuken’s room, helping him study when you felt a pain in your lungs, turning around and coughing. To say you were horrified when you see blooded blue roses and daffodils in the palms on your hand is an understatement, you were..speechless at the sight. “[Name},” Yuuken spoke up after he saw you standing still. “Are you okay? You are quiet-” Yuuken watches you show the blooded flowers in a way which makes Yuuken feel worried and concerned for you. “Yuuken,” You slowly speak up after a moment of silence. “W-What is this? W-Why am I coughing up these?” The magicless student just stands up and slowly walks towards you with a concerned and serious expression. “You..have..hanahaki disease. A disease of unrequited love.” This shocks you to your core as Yuuken later explains the hanahaki disease.
Hanahaki Disease..one of the two unrequited love diseases. Those who have hanahaki disease will start coughing up flowers. The person will have two choices: Confess their love or get surgery. But if they confess their love to the crush and their love was rejected, the hanahaki disease will claim another victim and if they have surgery, they will live; however they will never have feelings for the person they once loved. The Hanahaki Disease is a very rare yet tragic disease that there are very few reported cases. 
“So..[name], who do you fall in love with?” Yuuken asks the question to which you answer. “Malleus Draconia. However, he did not know about this..my love for him.” you started to cry while Yuuken hugged you tightly as he knows how dangerous yet tragic that disease is to love. “You have to get surgery to remove these flowers..” You heard Yuuken but you..simply refused because you never think that you will have this disease.
“I will not have the surgery..I would rather die than lose my feelings.” Yuuken only looks at you for a second before taking a deep breath. “I see. I will keep this a secret but we have to meet up secretly. If you do not want anyone to worry, trust me with this secret.” You were hesitant and you want to suffer this alone but you can not deny..seeing how Yuuken is so kind to you with no hidden intentions unlike certain people. So the promise was kept between two students one who is Diasomina student and a magicless student 
Malleus was confused by your actions. You were spending less time with him, avoiding him even in the hallways and class. He even watches you hang out with the first years, the second years with a pout on his face, he thinks that you are his friend..a friend who never abandoned him and you just ignore him completely. Lilia is not a fool..he had seen everything despite being the sneaky and mischievous third year. Yet..he cannot help but feel suspicious of you and Yuuken’s behavior. Secretly meeting each other, hearing your coughs while Yuuken comforts you and you both even left the meeting place with no evidence. He needs answers to this so when you and Yuuken are at the woods for another secret meeting, he appears behind Yuuken and speaks joyfully. 
“Hello fellow lads,” You and Yuuken jumped in surprise when Lilia spoke. “A wonderful day in NRC, no? However I can not help but notice that you two are acting so..what is the word?..Ah! Sus are you young lads spoke of.” Yuuken gulps in nervousness as Lilia keeps speaking. “No there is nothing wrong with that but..I want an explanation from either of you two.” Silence fills the air as you three did not speak a word..that is until. “Lilia-senpai.” Yuuken speaks. “We have something to tell you but you must promise that you won’t make a peep of it to anyone..not even Tsunotaro.”
Lilia was…not expecting that from the magicless student but he did not know why this ‘secret’ shouldn’t reach Malleus’s ears. “Explain to me about this and I will determine whether to follow that promise or not.” You look at your feet, biting your lip however you gather your courage to speak. “Lilia..I have hanakai disease..” your voice is..not as strong and confident as Lilia remembers. “W-Who do you fall in love with?” Lilia knows the answer but he wants to hear it from your mouth. “Malleus Draconia. But I will not get surgery..I would rather..perish than lose my feelings for Mally..” Then suddenly, you started to cough up bloody green petals harshly which Yuuken later helped you clean up and take deep breaths with you. 
Lilia was..worry..scared and now deep concern for you. But since this is your wish…he had no choice but to accept it and follow the promise. Lilia and Yuuken only watched as your health is slowly declining. Pale skin, hollow cheeks, your eyes are bloodshot due to crying but you always have a smile on your face even when you can’t walk without looking like a skeleton. ‘This is your wish..we have no choice but to accept it.’ Yuuken and Lilia both speak in their minds while Malleus is oblivious to everything. Oh that poor poor boy..he will soon learn the terrible news that will happen tonight.
“My time is nearing.” You look at the night sky through the window in the empty classroom with Lilia and Yuuken. “It is hard..to live any longer as this disease is slowly killing me. I want to confess my feelings to Malleus but I..I cannot.” You chuckle weakly to yourself. “I think my fear of rejection has finally won.” Lilia went up to you, gave you a peck on the forehead as he saw you like a little sibling/child to him. Yuuken just hugged you tightly with tears flowing down his cheeks. “I will never forget you, [name]. You make my first year in NRC..worth it..Rest in Peace..” When he pulled away from the hug and took a few feet back.
You felt your lungs ache in pain as flowers started to grow rapidly, filling them up. You cough, gag and scratch your neck to breathe. You were tearing up as blood and bloodied flowers began to land on the ground where you had stood. You never noticed you had fallen on the ground until you saw the ceiling. You kept..choking on the flower petals but..you slowly stop resisting the urge to stop the disease from claiming you. As you stared at the ceiling, you felt warmth..but not one but two. It was Yuuken and Lilia! They hugged you as you took your final breaths. Lilia hummed a lullaby he once hummed to Malleus, making you tear up. “Thank..you..for..accepting my wish..” You spoke so weakly that Yuuken wanted to cry like a baby. You had passed on peacefully in both your vice warden and the magicless student’s arms with a small smile on your face. 
The news of your death spreads like wildfire, reaching the ears of many..even the lonely future heir of Thorne valley, Malleus Draconia. He was heartbroken by your death but was horrified when Lilia reported that you had fallen in love with him. “[Name]..is in love with me?” Malleus asked Lilia in a tone of disbelief. “Yes, Malleus. They were in love with you.” Before Malleus even tried to deny it, Lilia then spoke. “Think back to those memories you had with [name] and answer this. Is your relationship with them romantic or platonic?” Now that got Malleus into the memory lane, remembering each memory he has of you. The flirty banters, the playful yet cute nicknames you both give each other, the brushes of your fingers and then felt the spark in their veins. It is all there! Their actions are not..platonic. “It was..romantic. I was..too blind to see it.” He looks at Lilia for a while before tearing up. “Lilia..what did I do to [name]?” Malleus just broke down in front of Lilia who later hugged him silently, crying along with him.
It was a price for falling in love. But it was your price for falling in love with a fae like Malleus. It is not either you or Malleus’s fault. Fate is cruel but since you have passed away, you take away a piece of everyone in NRC’s hearts..and leave Malleus now regretting his actions. You never want to lose your love to Malleus and..it is your downfall. Rest in Peace [name]. You live a good life. 
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Taglist: @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @marrondrawsalot @another-twisted-wonderland-fan @captain-liminal @rrxaiky @areislol @dxmoness @kalims @ryuryuryuyurboat @mhiieee @hanafubukki @bertry3 @asoulsreverie @sennachi @ainescribe @yumeko2sevilla @the-weirdos-mind @zeina-is-bored @cupids-chamber (Idk..) @sakka-kyuu @abyssthing198 @sweetlyvibe
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© achy-boo All rights reserved
Please do not copy, translate or heavily imitate my work
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Japanese QL Corner
It's a quieter week as a few shows have just wrapped and the next wave hasn't started yet, but there is still Japanese ql airing, including what is shaping up to be an all time fav. Both of these current airing shows are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching!
Love is Better the Second Time Around
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This show is so good, and so mature in exactly the way I hoped. And I don't mean mature as in explicit--there is sex in this show but it's not some wild heat level. It's mature in that it's a story about characters who know themselves, know what they want, and draw boundaries. Both Iwanaga and Miyata are going down as favorite characters for me; I especially love that Miyata is a more knowing and self aware spin on a really well known bl archetype (think Rain from LITA but if he actually knew exactly why he was reacting the way he was to Payu and was mad about it instead of just overwhelmed and confused). This week we got a lot deeper into his teenage hurt over Iwanaga and now have a firm understanding of why he's alternately giving into and resisting this attraction. I am looking forward to Iwanga figuring out how to repair the damage he caused and earn his trust back.
My Strawberry Film
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This was easily my favorite episode so far of this meandering little show. Every week I am left wondering what exactly this drama is trying to say and be; it certainly doesn't feel like a bl. We have spent the vast majority of our time on doomed het romance while Ryo quietly pines for his oblivious friend in the background. But this week we finally got to know Minami outside of Hikaru's narrow gaze, and I like her a lot. Her scene with Ryo where they discussed their romantic woes and established each other as a safe zone was very sweet, and showed how perceptive she is about all these dynamics happening around her. I was discussing with @bengiyo whether the show is going for an aromantic read with her, and I'm not sure. I see the makings of it, but the presentation of her feelings on romance feels a bit muddled. I loved her calling Hikaru out on being self-centered and having absolutely no patience for his petty jealousy. Hikaru thinks he likes her, but he doesn't actually know her (or his own best friend). I liked the final scene between Ryo and Hikaru as well, and the terrible angst of Ryo's confession that he immediately took back. The way the lights and audio from oncoming traffic played over his face in that scene was a really fantastic way to communicate both a moment of clarity and a moment of fear in the aftermath. I'm curious to see where this show takes the ending; a romantic conclusion for the two boys would not feel genuine to me at this point, but I could see them leaving us on a note of burgeoning curiosity and hope.
Bonus: No Touching At All
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I recently watched this 2014 jbl on @twig-tea's recommendation, and I really loved it (I have already watched it twice and will definitely be doing so again). This is a classic office romance between a young gay man, Shima, and his "straight" boss, Toga. It's a simple story but well executed, and the film has a strong sense of place that I really loved. Shima and Toga have a fairly instantaneous attraction, and Toga is the kind of laidback character who simply never gave much thought to his sexuality and doesn't care about the fact that Shima is a man; he likes who he likes. Shima, however, is carrying a lot of internalized homophobia and trauma from closeted men messing him around in the past, and has a hard time believing in Toga's sincerity. I really love the way this conflict plays out in the story, and I especially love the way Toga talks to Shima. He's a no bullshit kind of guy and he tries his best to reassure Shima, but he's not a pushover, either. Ultimately Shima has to work through his own insecurities and make the choice to be brave to make the relationship work. The ending of this one is amazing and left me feeling very confident in this couple, and I can't recommend it highly enough. It's the grey for this one, unfortunately, but if you have trouble finding it in HQ let me know and I'll point you (don't watch it on YT, the version on there is potato quality).
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kkolg · 2 months
Hi there! I recently was recommend your Abyss animatic on YouTube and was like… whoa…. WHAT IS THIS I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS AU‼️I’ve been scrolling through your tumbler for several days just soaking in everything about The New Dawn and I was curios what’s happening in this world. are they in an apocalypse of some sort? Either I didn’t scroll far enough on your Tumbler to know more or you just haven’t revealed yet 💀 . Don’t spill anything you don’t want to, I am here for it all.
Trust me you are NOT ALONE 😭😭, I probably should’ve mentioned that I’m super bad at writing down my thoughts when it comes to storytelling in general BUT IM HERE TO CLEAR THINGS UP NOW I SWEAR‼️‼️ The New Dawn AU summary will be under the cut as it might be a bit long lol ANYWAYS THANKS FOR BEING SO INTERESTED IN THE STORY THAT YOU ASKED AND I APOLOGIZE FOR ALL THE CONFUSION 🙏🧎‍♀️also disclaimer because I’m writing this before the season finale some things may change to be in further line with the show which is another reason I didn’t write out the story before BUT ANYWAYS ENJOY‼️‼️
So basically after the events of the show N and Uzi defeat the solver with the power of friendship (also V’s back idk) and they go back to outpost 3 and are like “YIPEEEE WEVE FINALLY DEFEATED THE ABSOLUTE SOLVER WITH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP ALSO DO I HEAR A SONG COMING ON???” And then they all start dancing and Uzi is essentially the new leader of the colony (if you couldn’t tell this part of the story is not that important but you can interpret what I said here as fully cannon in the au if you want lol)
Not too long after that N is like “hey can we try to like reform the disassembly drones and let them into the colony?” And Uzis like “wait that’s an amazing idea” and then they make out but that’s not important- so they go out and start telling all the disassemblys they can find that the solver is gone and can’t spread anymore and that living with the workers is actually pretty lit. A good lot of them are like “woah I didn’t know you were chill like that” and most of them go to live in outpost 3, a few of them are skeptical and still wanna eat workers so not all of the disassembly are chill but most of them are.
While doing this they come across a disassembly drone named A and he’s like “sure I’ll join” and he does…..but he’s not a very cool guy- I plan to make a comic about this so I’m gonna be vague and just say turns out he’s insane and N basically exiled him from the colony.
Fast forward like a month from that incident and Kim is created, finally, and the Doorman’s live happily ever af- WRONG turns out A ganged up with all of the other mean disassembly drones and try’s to just OBLITERATE the colony during a raid and whoopdeedo Thad dies but I’ll make a comic about that later so I won’t get too detailed. OH YEAH KIM IS ALSO ABSOLUTELY TRAUMATIZED SO THATS GREAT-
Fast forward a few years and now we’re in the current time of where most of my comics/drawings take place. Kim is older and looks in the forbidden trauma closet that N and Uzi said never to look in but rebellious child I guess, and he finds stuff about the solver. Getting curious he pulls an Uzi to leave the colony and try to find out what the fuck this thing is and OH NO X JUMPSCARE, again another thing I’ll probably make a comic about but they fight, X says that a certain guy she knows might know about the solver thingy, they become buddies, C-1 is also there- weird visions start to make Kim have a robot seizures, and that’s kinda where we’re at rn
I hope this cleared up a lot of questions you guys may have had and I’ll be adding a link to this post on my pinned in case you ever need to refer back to this‼️‼️
anyways byeeeeeee
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vmpiires · 9 months
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𝐂𝐖;; mature content. afab!reader, stoner!choso, mentions of anxiety (once), non-curse/sorcerer AU, no uses of y/n. not proofread so i apologize in advance for any mistakes if they’re made.
𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓;; it’s finally fall during the mid 90s in shibuya, tokyo, japan. choso is a pretty hard working guy. he works as a bartender at a local bar on the evening shift. his baby brother yuji, who he thoroughly looks after and loves unconditionally, is babysat by some trusted neighbors. they also had a kid, so yuji wasn’t lonely. aside from his tendency to be disassociated, he meets someone so different…yet so alike.
: ̗̀➛ art creds by;; currently unknown. dividers are not mine, if you own these, you may claim them in comments.
: ̗̀➛ WORD COUNT;; 2.O4K
dark mode recommended
do not copy this plot. i’m perfectly fine with inspirations but give creds. if this plot his stolen in any way, the post will be taken down and you will be blocked.
𝐃𝐀𝐊𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 ✉️🖇️;; i really like this concept. i just randomly thought of it because i was struggling to make up a plot buttttt i think this gone be good. hope ya enjoyyyy. reblog to support meeee and if you want more :D
another note: might make a part 2 of this. if this does good i’ll do it :P
₊❏❜ ⋮ continue to part two ⌒
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it was a breezy autumn morning and sunlight started to creep through the cream curtains that hung up over the window. a groan rattled from under the large navy covers on the king sized bed. an arm slowly slid out from under the covers and pulled it down from over the owner’s head, revealing the one that was hidden underneath.
the digital alarm clock on the nightstand read ‘9:55 AM’. it made the male groan at how early in the morning it was. sitting up, choso would thread his hand hand through his brown medium length hair before slowly getting out of bed.
choso entered the bathroom and took a look at himself. the male wasn’t wearing anything but a pair of joggers with his boxers partially showing underneath. the drawstrings were untied. he didn’t even bother to tie them up again since he was about to shower.
after he had done his hygiene, he would take the rubber bands that were wrapped securely around his wrist and put his hair up in two high ponytails, making sure to tie them tightly. choso would examine the weeping wound across the bridge of his nose before covering it up with a bandage. something he normally did to forget about it being there. it made him insecure.
it was 10 AM now and choso was making breakfast for him and baby yuji. well, he wasn’t really a baby. he was five years old at the time so that meant choso didn’t have to fuss while feeding the pink haired boy baby food and he was old enough to eat foods like scrambled eggs and bacon.
with half-lidded eyes, choso’s signature face of apathy and boredom was plastered onto his pale skin. the male would light a cigarette and inhale the smoke before exhaling again shortly after. he was aware that smoking would lead to his demise but it wasn’t like he cared.
“yuji, wake up.” his deep voice echoed throughout the house, pushing the cigarette back between his lips when he realized that yuji wasn’t answering his call. he glanced at the now cooked food on the counter, carefully placed on two plates before making his way to yuji’s room.
the small boy was sleeping peacefully. curled up in the blankets and hugging the pochita plushie that choso had gotten him for his birthday. choso couldn’t help but smile. he quietly walked over to the bed and sat down on it.
“come on, yuji, get up. i made you breakfast and it’ll get cold if you don’t wake up.” he said quietly, gently rubbing his brother’s shoulder. it took a moment but yuji finally woke up, his eyelids fluttering as he did.
“morning, choso,” yuji answered drowsily. choso smiled and returned the greeting before picking the boy up and carrying him to the kitchen.
“alright, after you eat, get ready to take a bath, okay? you know i have work today and i want you to be ready before later.” choso would place the plate down in front of yuji simply watched as he quickly cleared his plate.
‘i guess i’m the one that needs to finish my food.’ he thought.
bath time was a bit of a hassle…like every other time. yuji would splash water everywhere, getting the bathroom floor and choso wet. the male was lucky to not be wearing his violet eyeshadow because he knew if he wiped the water from his face, it would smear all over his face and sweater.
“calm down. you know that’s more for me to clean.” choso mumbled as he cleaned his baby brother with the soapy rag. yuji would only laugh and play with his bath toys, not completely listening to what choso had to say, regarding the bathroom turning into a watery mess.
noon rolls around and choso is picking out clothes for yuji to wear. it was getting a little cold out, so he made sure to take out a long sleeve shirt, some joggers, and some clean socks that would keep his small feet warm.
though, choso’s shift didn’t start until 5, the male always liked to be ten steps ahead. he’d pack yuji a lunchable and a turkey sandwich, neatly placed in a ziplock bag with two capri-sun’s along with a pack of chips. in yuji’s small backpack, there was his DS with the charger just in case and all of his favorite games, a couple of his action figures just in case he got bored with the DS, pokémon themed headphones, a couple more snacks, and a change of clothes just in case.
“choso, can i take my coloring book too?” yuji asked. the tall male looked down at yuji and sighed.
“your backpack is a bit small, you know. i don’t think your coloring book can fit.” choso said. “unless you want me to get you a bigger bag to take with you.”
“a bigger bag, please.” yuji answered. choso wanted to roll his eyes. everything in the bag was neatly packed. now he had to do it all over again…but in a bigger bag. he couldn’t be angry, though. he wanted yuji to be comfortable while he was away for a few hours.
everything was completely in order when it was time to walk yuji next door. there was a boy around his age that went by the name of megumi. he always looked bored for some reason, which choso thought was odd for a five year old.
“okay, you have a good time. don’t lose anything and keep everything close to you. um…call me if you—” choso rambled until he realized yuji was already off playing with megumi.
“call me if you need me.” he finally added.
choso was at work now. he got there earlier than he usually did, so he was able to clean the space off quickly before starting his shift.
the night went on smoothly. with him being so quiet and disassociated, it was easy for him to avoid interacting with others if he didn’t have to. as he worked, choso’s hair flowed gracefully as he moved around. he didn’t want to look too childish as a twenty three year old man, so he removed his high ponytails in the bathroom. like that morning, he had his rubber bands secured around his wrist, worn as bracelets.
that’s when you entered the bar area. you’d sit down on one of the stools, watching as each bartender made their way around. tonight was one of your nights where you just wanted to get away from your life’s problems. you needed a break.
“can i help you?” a tall male with medium length brown hair and tired eyes spoke. his voice was deep as if he hadn’t spoke in a while. his voice catches you off guard but you play it off and throw a small smile on your face.
you order yourself a strawberry lemonade that came with a cute little lemon on the side of the glass. you also ended up getting some mozzarella sticks that came with both ranch and marinara sauce. you weren’t much of a picky person, so you dipped the cheese sticks into both condiments.
“how long have you worked here?” you start, trying to spark a conversation with the male that served you. you noticed that he was getting ready to go on break. he had a pack of cigarettes sitting on the counter with a black lighter on top.
he had a black earring in the cartilage of his left ear, a couple rings on both of his hands, and violet eyeshadow around his eyes. that’s what made him look like he didn’t get any proper sleep.
he had on a black formal shirt with black pants. the same outfit the other bartenders had on. the only difference is that he wore black combat boots and everyone else had on sneakers.
choso was a bit taken aback by the question since no one else really asked him anything unless it was work related.
“for a couple years now.” he replied, his deep voice catching you off guard again. “i have a little brother to take care of. i just need money to keep the house up.”
you watch as he picks up the pack of cigarettes, his rings scraping the counter as he did. the lighter clicked before it finally caught a flame.
“you come here a lot?”
“oh, no…i only come here occasionally. tonight just so happened to be one of those nights.” you answer. life was truly kicking you in the ass. with college and everything shaking up your schedule, you found it a bit hard to focus.
“i see,” choso mumbled, taking a drag from his cigarette before pushing the pack towards you, subtly offering you a cigarette to alleviate your nerves. you weren’t a smoker and usually your first instinct would be to kindly decline the offer but this time you went against that.
the two of you talked for as long as you could, managing to get free refills on your lemonade without being charged at all. if you asked any one else, you’d be coming out fifty cents each time you wanted a refill.
you realized that the more you spoke to choso, the more you seemed to take a liking to him. the two of you weren’t the social types and you both usually kept to yourselves. there was a list of things you two had in common. the only difference was the fact that you didn’t have to worry about any younger siblings.
the night ended with the two of you exchanging numbers. you both seemed to really like each other.
choso had come home from work, carrying yuji back to his room because he had fallen asleep while spending his time with megumi and anyone else who may have arrived at the neighbor’s home.
he stared at the phone number on his wrist and he sighed. he enjoyed you. it was the first time he was actually pretty engaged in a conversation with anyone and not disassociating himself. but he couldn’t do it. he didn’t have time for a girlfriend.
he didn’t have the time to fall in love. he had better things to worry about. he couldn’t sit around worrying his tired mind about a woman that he just met.
choso was in deep thought, lying in his bed comfortably with his hair sprawled out over the pillow and his eyes closed, occasionally running a finger across his nose to make sure the bandage was still covering his nose. the male had on his usual tan sweater and some black baggy pants and white socks.
he was in a state of peace. the house was quiet and there wasn’t anyone to bother him. not even his odd intrusive thoughts came in to disturb him. but that peace was derailed when he felt a smaller pair of hands touch his.
“who’s number is this?” yuji asked, holding onto choso’s hand to read the number. he would mumble the numbers to himself. choso exhaled from his nose. it was a start since he wanted yuji to learn his numbers.
“no one’s. i just wrote them down when i was at work.” choso replied, keeping his bored, apathetic expression on his face but this response only made the little pink haired boy smile.
“is it a girl? do you have a girlfriend?”
suddenly, choso could feel the heat rising up in his cheeks, now having a flustered expression. a complete turnaround from his usual appearance.
“no, it isn’t a girl—it…it’s just a couple numbers.” choso was stumbling over his words, trying his hardest not to sound embarrassed by the sudden question.
“do you like her?”
choso sighed, realizing that yuji wasn’t letting up. hiding the truth wasn’t much of an option anymore. the male would smile a bit at his little brother and ruffle his hair gently.
“listen. we have a lot in common and she’s really pretty…i just don’t have the time for a relationship. i have to take care of you, i have work, and i have appointments. you know my anxiety is really bad.” choso rambled. “i’m always nervous about this stuff and—”
“huh? yes?”
“calm down.”
⋆。࿇ ·࣭࣪̇˖ 𖦹°༅༚
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angel-of-the-moons · 5 months
A Most Familiar Color
Charon x Fem!Lone Wanderer
TW/CW: NSFW, Periods/Menstrual Cycle, Period talk, blood, period sex, cramps, blood, violence, mentions of slavery and brainwashing
A/N: This is entirely self-indulgent. I am suffering from unusually horrible cramps and boom! This came to me. You guys can't tell me Charon will shy away from this sort of thing. Enjoy this... Word vomit lmao.
(caps divider by @/saradika-graphics. Check out their work, I recommend it!)
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You really missed your dad right about now.
With each stabbing pain, you remembered your time in Vault 101. You remember when Amata sat you down as preteens and helped you through your panic when you first found traces of blood in your underwear.
Amata herself had hit puberty a little young, and seeing as how you were best friends (and neither of you had your mothers) you confided in one another with everything either of you could fathom; best friends til the end. So, when the pains started and you bled more, Amata told you that you should probably go get your dad, seeing as how he was the resident doctor, and all.
The very thought had mortified you, embarrassed beyond all get-out at the thought of talking to your dad about something like this.
Amata had shrugged, "I had to talk to him about mine. He even gave me tips on how to lessen the cramping. Trust me, your dad is not going to think you're weird or gross."
You rolled in your sleeping bag, the faint memory of more pleasant times overshadowed by the pain you were feeling stabbing low in your abdomen.
You focused on the rest of your memory. As it played out behind closed eyelids.
"This is perfectly natural, sweetie." James had told you as you laid in the sterile-smelling clinic. His eyes, the same color as yours, smiled gently and with infinite patience as he explained what was exactly happening to you.
"It means you're going to be a woman now. And, when you're ready, you could have a baby, if you wanted to."
Your nose had crinkled, the worst of your cramps having died down thanks to the pain pills he'd given you. "I don't want to have a baby."
"I should hope not!" James had laughed. "Not yet, anyway. I'm not old enough to be a granddad yet."
You rolled your eyes and turned onto your side, pulling the blanket up to your chin as you peered at him while he continued to explain what would happen, what to expect, and how to take care of it.
He'd given you these weird things... pads, "sanitary napkins"... and these other cotton contraptions you didn't very much like--tampons. They looked uncomfortable, and when he explained how to use them, you did not like it. Apparently the Vault, when built, took into consideration the female residents and had mandatory cotton growing and harvesting alongside their usual crops for this very reason.
Since this was all new to you, your father suggested the pads and napkins first, and did a short demonstration on a piece of spare cloth how to apply it and wear it comfortably.
All this however, was drowned out when a horrible cramp bled past the barrier the painkillers had built up for you. James had frowned mid-way through his explanation and demonstration, his heart squeezing at seeing you--his only and beloved child--in so much pain. He reached out and gently squeezed your shoulder, "I'll get you some muscle-relaxers, sweetie. I'll have Jonah tell Mr Birch that your schoolwork will have to be done back in our suite until your cycle ends."
"Can you not say that part?" You moan, feeling shame bubble up in your chest. You weren't sure why, but you felt horrified that so many people might be aware of what was going on with you. "Just say I'm sick."
"Okay, if it makes you more comfortable." James said softly. "But I want you to know, that I've seen several of your other classmates about this very situation, honey. It's not gross, it's not strange; and it most certainly is nothing to feel ashamed of."
Your silence stretched in the room, the sound of the air system and rattling of air vents the only thing that filled the void of speech.
"You know... your mother had rather painful periods, herself." James finally spoke up.
Your eyes widened and you lifted your gaze, intrigued. Oftentimes, the only thing that he would mention about your mother was her favorite Bible verse, and her love for you, spoken in her last few moments of life.
"Yes, yes, she did." He continued, seeing your awe and curiosity. "Sometimes they would get so bad, the pains, that she would snap at anyone. She was also prone to mood swings." James chuckled fondly at a distant memory, one he did not voice aloud.
"So, I just want you to know, that I definitely understand how much this can hurt you, sweetheart. Especially when I would have to help massage her belly to ease the cramping."
"...I wish Mom was here." You mutter softly, barely audible. But James picked up on it, smiling bitterly and fixing you with a gaze of love.
"I do, too, sweetheart... God, I do, too."
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Yeah, you definitely missed your dad right about now... You missed his gentle words, you missed when his hands would help ease the hot water bottle into your grasp; you missed his ever-patient and comforting presence.
"You're tossing and turning a lot." A gruff and grating voice rumbled from nearby, stoking the fire he had lit hours ago in the tiny, decrepit house the two of you had taken shelter in.
Charon. The ghoul who said few words, the man who had been a slave to the cruel man in Underworld: Ahzrukhal. Charon had been brainwashed ages ago, forced into servitude and to obey the orders of whomever held his contract.
Which, after a difficult bartering session... was now you. Mere moments after buying said contract, Charon had gunned down his malicious former-"employer" with two taps of his hefty shotgun. The second shot completely unnecessary, as the first pull of the trigger completely obliterated the man's head; brain matter and blood and bits of skull painting the dingy walls a deep red.
During your travels, you had even gone so far as to hand Charon his contract to him, telling him he was free, now. He could go where he wanted, when he wanted. You'd even tried to give him a few caps and tried ordering him to buy his own contract from you. But, he explained that, infuriatingly, it "didn't work like that".
And in the stressful months you'd traveled together, things changed. The dynamic between you two. Eventually... that changed, too. Became something personal--intimate.
Before, you would merely knock back some painkillers here and there to offset the pain, exercise to mask the cramps, and hastily wash any blood from your clothes to conceal what exactly was happening to you every four weeks; that shame your father insisted wasn't necessary, ever present in the back of your mind.
"Sorry." You mumble.
"It does not bother me." Charon mumbled, his hazy eyes slowly gliding from the glow of the fire and towards you as you rolled to your other side so your back was too him. You just couldn't take his intense gaze. Not right now.
"Were you hurt in the fight earlier?"
And yeah, the two of you got into a rather violent melee when you were ambushed by a few raiders hyped up on psycho. You'd taken a bat to your gut, which, you swore, is what made your cramps worse, today; aside from the bruise that was likely there, now.
The wind rattled the boarded up windows, whistling angrily through cracks unseen as the first heavy winter storm swept over the Capital Wasteland.
"Yeah. I'm just--just sore." You mumble, tucking deeper into your bedroll.
That's when Charon said the words you had really hoped he would utter: "Let me see. We still have the ointment from the coots back in Oasis. It'll help with the bruise."
"No--Charon, I'm fine." You blabber out nervously, fingers gripping the thin fabric wrapping around you as you wished you could sink deeper into the ruined cushions of the rather questionable old couch you laid on.
You should have known better. Aside from your budding and confusing relationship, Charon still had his driven mentality to ensure the safety of his employer. You. Even if you didn't like it at the moment.
"No. Let me see." Charon insisted.
The shuffled of dirt and trash on the old wooden floors, coupled with the soft squeak of his old leather jacket and patchwork armor soon followed.
"Charon, I'm--" Your voice is cut short when his large hands are placed on your diminutive body. Or, well. You were average. Charon was... large. He was nearly as tall as someone in a suit of power armor.
You couldn't fight him as he gently manhandled you, unzipping your warm trappings to free you from your cocoon of privacy. His hands stayed at your sides, resting softly on your hips as he looked at you expectantly, his poker face, as usual, was absolutely impossible to decipher.
But you knew. He was waiting for your consent, or for you to start.
You sighed and began unzipping your vault suit. A bit flashy in the wasteland, for sure... but in the winter it served very well to keep you warm. You felt a flush rise in your cheeks as the chilly air in the house covered your bare skin as you shimmied the top half of your suit off, revealing the threadbare tank top you wore beneath.
Charon gently guided you back down, so you were laying flat on your back as his calloused and scarred fingers gently hiked your shirt up to your ribs, to peer at the injury he suspected you had.
You had turned your head, chewing the inside of your cheek as his absurdly hot hands smoothed over your belly. Yeah, you definitely had a bruise.
"It doesn't look that bad. The ointment from Oasis might help with the soreness." He grunted, turning to rifle through his duffel bag. After a few moments, he pulled back a brown jar from the depths of his things. He unscrewed the tin lid and the acrid smell greets your nose; the pungent ointment smelled awful. But you couldn't deny that it worked great in terms of pain relief.
He scooped out a glob of the murky-white slop and gently began to smooth it down, rubbing and pressing in soothing circles to cover the blossoming purple that covered your midsection.
And, honestly... it helped. Not the bruise, but your cramps. The weight and pressure from his heavy hand massaging your abdomen eased the throb your reproductive organs wrought within you. You sighed in relief at the touch, welcoming his easing of the tightness in your belly.
But, almost as soon as the relief began to seep into your weary body, Charon slipped his hand away. Your smaller hand gripped his thick wrist, "Wait."
He tilted his head, a ruined brow quirking up ever so slightly as scraps of rusty red hair flopped over his scarred and pitted scalp.
"I... can you... keep doing that? It helps. A lot." You say vaguely, looking away from him and biting your lip.
Charon eyes you for a few more seconds, before his hand began to press and soothe once more. As you relaxed into the cushions, Charon's cloudy gaze studied you intently, the gears within his mind grinding and turning.
"You're bleeding, aren't you?" He finally said, bringing your bliss to a screeching halt.
You move to sit up, cringing, "No, no that's not it. I'm just sore, and..."
His hand slid a bit lower, pressing down over the spot that hurt the most, right between your bones poking delicately through your skin. He grunted softly, "You should have said something. Especially if it's hurting you this badly."
"I--It's nothing, Charon." You say, trying to shove his hand away; but his strength did not waver. He continued to press his fingertips down into your smooth skin, rubbing short, tight circles as if he could feel every contraction and throb through your skin.
You groan deeply in relief, unable to contain it as the pain begins to slowly bleed away. "We're out of painkillers."
Charon grumbled in acknowledgment, nodding as his eyes focus on the task his hand was undertaking, the give and slight stretch of your skin as he pulled and pushed; fighting the waves of pain that swept up your body, engaging in a sort of combat with your cramps.
"We will stay here for a few days." Charon continues as his hand smooths flat briefly, before massaging the last echoes of your aches away. "The storm will likely hang over us, and it isn't smart to go out in a blizzard, if this turns into one. We have plenty of provisions to last us until the storm passes."
You nod, your eyes slipping closed as, even though the cramps had lessened to almost nothing, Charon continued to massage your abdomen with his massive hand; the pain blooming into something... else. A fire, not unlike the one that burned in the rusted fireplace, glowed hot and low inside of you, making your body go slick with something other than the blood you knew soaked into the cotton strip in your underwear.
The heat thrummed in your chest and you swallowed, your hand squeezing his wrist once. "I... Y-You can stop, now."
Charon immediately halted, something his palm once again as he looked at you.
This sudden shyness was completely unlike you. You were loud, boisterous, giddy and able to talk down even the most hard-headed individuals; not this... shy little radrabbit.
You groaned again in frustration, gripping his wrist tight as you rode out a fresh cramp.
"There is something," Charon said slowly. "That might help."
"What is it?" You sigh, looking at him with pinched brows.
The moment your eyes fell on him, you swallowed a new lump in your throat as Charon leaned in over you, dwarfing and caging you beneath his massive body on the couch.
"There are ways to help the pains. Basic ones." He said softly, resting his forehead against yours.
You shivered, the heat rolling off of his body triggering a nervous sweat on you. Or maybe it was your body as your temp Rose ad fell--just as your father warned you would happen from time to time. Either way, the smell of him, the lingering ghosts of his touching, and now his innate closeness to you had that heat pool once more lowly in your belly.
"I... Charon, I don't think--" You began to awkwardly bumble out.
It wasn't that you were afraid of the prospect, not at all. You had had sex with each other once or twice already. But sharing your body in such an intimate matter, especially with the... mess going on with your lower half right now... let alone with someone who was, up until recently, your "employee" as he put it, had your stomach flipping with angry butterflies.
His hand that was used to massage your belly braced him up so he could stare down at you. That ever-steely gaze fixed against yours, your lip quivering a little in some sort of shame you cursed yourself for feeling.
"I can help you. It's my job." He says, his voice softer than usual; the deep grating almost missing from him altogether. This was... gentler, as if he was talking to a scared animal.
"Charon, you don't have to... this is..." You struggle out, a deep sigh heaving from you as you tried to come up with an excuse, your fingers toying blindly with his leather belts looped around his torso in an effort to calm down. "It's... gross. Messy."
Shockingly, the ever-rare smile slowly curves his lips, twisting his marred features in a humorous glow as he looked down at you further, a dry chuckle tumbling from him as though you just said the funniest joke on the planet to him.
"Doll..." He whispered to you, leaning in to press his lips on your jaw, just beneath your ear. God, that pet name sent shivers down your spine...
"I have been marred with death and grime for dozens of years. A long fucking time. I'm not afraid of a little blood."
"I..." You hitch, feeling his free hand slide down your front, his thumb sweeping over your pebbled nipple, feeling it through the thin fabric of your tank top. The ache you felt there, too, eased somewhat as he gently rolled and groped at the fat, wrenching something between a grunt and a moan from you.
"Let me help you. And it will help." He growled deeply, sucking a bruise into your throat in such a way that had your back arching and your walls fluttering at his promise.
"...Okay." You finally consent.
The moment you gave your permission, Charon reached down to grab at the edges of your suit, tugging it down your thighs enough to give him space to work while his hand worked its way past the worn elastic of your underwear.
The moment his fingers touched your aching clit, you made a shuddered sound, your hands gripping his leather jacket tight, gritting your teeth as his mouth worked at your throat; the callouses and pitted texture of his hand providing the perfect friction to your throbbing little nub.
Charon groaned against your soft skin, his crooked teeth scraping at your pulse as he spread your lips, his fingers moving to trace your leaking hole.
"You're forgetting that I've had many employers. Women included. I've done this before for them; an orgasm will help." He murmurs, sliding a thick finger inside of you, his thumb circling your clit mercilessly as you walls squeezed down around him.
His tongue traced a bead of sweat that rolled over the knot in your throat, "...you're the only one I'll enjoy doing it for."
The throb in your cunt matched the one in your chest; feeling humbled and happy that he trusted you so entirely--accepted you so fully that anything he did, that could bring you joy or relief, was his own; as though you two were the same person in separate and anything that helped soothe you did the same for him.
"Charon." You moaned weakly, your hips rolling in time with his fingers as he pushed another one inside of you, pressing and curling in the delicious pattern he already knew made you weak in the knees. He was a fast learner, figuring out all your bells and whistles after that first fleeting and awkward sexual encounter the two of you had back in your house in Megaton.
You panted and wheezed, his hand moving wonderfully slow in the best way, massaging your contracting walls as you pressed your legs wider for him; brushing against the rather intimidating bulge in his jeans that he neglected in favor of you.
Almost as soon as his fingers pressed on that spongy spot inside of you that had you seeing stars... A throb of pain overwrote it and you whimpered, your thighs squeezing tight around his wrist as your belly flexed once more.
Charon pulled his mouth free of your neck, looking down at you, his brows furrowed hard as he studied your pained expression. "Another one? How bad?"
"Hurts..." Was all you could sniffle out. "I'm sorry."
"Don't." He growled, leaning down to kiss you deeply, his tongue gently brushing your lips before pulling away again, pushing up on the couch until he stood on his knees and looked down at you.
"Don't ever. Say sorry. To me."
You looked up at him, feeling guilty as you dared spare a glance down at his hand as it withdrew from your heat, smeared with your blood. Your cheeks burned and you tried to hide your face behind your arm.
Charon wiped his hand on his pants and sighed down at you. It didn't surprise him, not really, that you felt shame regarding your monthly cycle. A lot of women had grown up being shamed; especially if any blood was visible on their clothes. Shit, even before the War, women and young girls faced a stigma if they spoke openly about their menstrual cycles.
He despised the fact that somehow, that shit survived into the apocalypse. He hated the fact you apologized for feeling that pain your body was inflicting upon you naturally; that you felt bad for being "messy".
But what irked him most in the moment, was the fact that his touches weren't enough for you right now. Charon grunted, pressing the heel of his palm into the bulge in his pants, hissing out a sigh between his teeth.
He leaned down, gently pushing your hand to the side so he could look into your watery eyes. Mood swings were common, too. That he knew obviously. His chapped and rough lips grazed yours softly in a gentle and well-rehearsed dance.
"Relax for me. Getting upset won't help you right now, doll." He whispered sweetly to you, his eyes softening as your gazes locked.
"I--I don't know why, I..."
"Hush." He says, hastily undoing his armor and jacket, lazily draping them over the back of the couch; reaching behind him to pull off his thin gray shirt over his head, revealing the twisted, marred, and damaged tissue of his body to you.
Many people were disgusted by ghouls, finding their skin (or lack thereof, in some cases) gross and unappealing. While yes, there were the scant few who found them attractive; both sexually and in general... The vast majority were uncomfortable with the prospect of having sex with one.
Your eyelashes flutter as you blink, swallowing hard; your tongue felt like all moisture in your mouth was absorbed, the muscle swollen so much that you couldn't find anymore saliva to moisten it. He had an amazingly built body. Not an inch of fat on him (but then again, very few even had fat anymore, given how scarce food could be from time to time) Charon was a solid wall of muscle and scars from past battles; both physically and mentally.
And he knew you loved every bit of him. Maybe you were naive, maybe you had just been lonely at first... but he was well aware of how intensely your attraction and affection burned for him.
His fingers slipped his belt loose, the buckle tinkling as the worn leather slipped free; before unbuttoning his jeans.
Charon looked into your eyes, his cock throbbing at the way you bit your lip, your soft eyes staring with heated want at the bulge that was so prominent in his confining clothes. But, as before, the look of doubt flickered in that little flame within you; shame.
He couldn't help but feel a small sense of smug pride, smirking down at you. "I know you might not want to do this... But--" Charon sighed as he freed his cock, holding the fat length of it in a tight grip.
As scarred as the rest of him, the sheer size and texture promised a head-spinningly good time.
"Let me help you." His other hand pinched your chin between thick fingers, making you look up at him and match his eyes. "Please."
Your heart squeezed in your chest. He was asking you, making sure above all else that this was what you wanted.
And... you did. Nodding as another new cramp slipped through your abdomen, you cringed a little. "Please..." You repeat back to him.
Charon nodded, pulling the rest of your suit off and tossing it to the floor, his thumbs hooking your bloody underwear down your legs, the coppery scent hitting his lack-of nose as he carefully set them aside. He kicked off his boots and pants before caging you against the couch once again, looking briefly at the slick of crimson that shone on your smooth thighs, the short hairs on your sex sticky with it.
He gave you another kiss, this one more heated than the last, your tongues twining and dancing as he aggressively fought to seek dominance over yours. He won, of course, you were helpless against him.
"Take deep breaths." He muttered against your lips, reaching down between you to notch his gnarled tip at your entrance.
You let out a shaky puff of air, before sucking in a tight lungfull as he pushed in, the stretch of his cock absolutely filling and oh, so pleasant. Your heels dig in to the muscles of his glutes, your nails biting into his pitted skin as he slid inch by torturous inch into your tight, clenching walls.
Charon tossed his head back with a groan, "Fuck. You need to relax as much as you can, doll... You're fucking tight."
You nod frantically, whimpering as you try to force your muscles to ease up their vice-grip on his shaft, mouth hanging open in hungry pants of air as he slowly withdraws, his cock painted a macabre red before thrusting back in.
It hurt, not just from the cramps you were feeling, but from the fact that Charon was going so slow, so gentle with you. You understood his concerns, yes, but... fuck. Your body screamed, your ovaries practically beat against your womb to just have him fuck you relentless, to pump you full of seed that would never take root.
You wheezed as his hips arch and press down against yours, rubbing your walls in a painfully erotic way, "Harder."
He stilled, then, bracing himself on his elbows to look at you, his scruffy scraps of hair hanging down like tattered curtains as your eyes locked once again. "You're sure?"
"Yes." You sob softly. "Fuck--yes. I--I need you to... to just..."
He growled, his mouth twisting into a snarl as he pushed up on the couch, leaning back as his hands reached around you, hoisting you up by your ass so his cock could angle blissfully within your cunt, wordlessly following your plea before settling into a bruising pace, rutting into you like a man possessed.
Your soft breasts bounced as he grunted, his cock stretching and fucking you so utterly it almost knocked all rational thoughts free from your brain; almost knocking your brain loose as you sob, tears prickling your vision as your eyes crossed, a wanton moan wrenched free from within you in concert with the howling winds that swept the wasteland outside.
The fire crackled and popped, dying down to lame embers, darkening the room as Charon pounded your sore and twitching cunt, the lewd sound of skin slapping on skin a constant sound going off like a gunshot in your ears.
Hell, each punch of his hips felt like a gunshot to your cervix; the pain mixing in a wondrous cocktail of euphoria as you felt your orgasm flutter from deep within you.
Your walls crushed down on his cock, your blood and slick letting him slide in and out of you with no effort as you whimpered and cried with every arch and fuck of his hips.
"Ch-Charon," You hiccup, your blood rushing so loudly in your ears it nearly drowned out the lewd sounds your bodies made as Charon gripped your hips in such a way that you were sure to have bruises in your ass cheeks tomorrow. "Charon, 'm gonna--"
"Do it." He groaned, his head hanging back and his mouth open in wet, hot pants; eyes screwed shut. "Cum for me, doll."
You arch your back, your nails digging into the frail fabric of the couch cushions, tearing the seams almost audibly as your climax rippled through your, your womb clenching finally in a way that blacked out your mind with not pain, but pleasure.
Blinding, searing, burning pleasure as your body turned to jelly in Charon's hands, letting him manhandle you through your final ebbs of nirvana as your pussy clenched around him.
He slowed his thrusts languidly, slowly easing you down onto the couch once again. Your blood would surely stain your bedding... But right now you couldn't care less; finally, blissful oblivion was granted to your cramps. Pain completely dissolved, you sighed in content as you heavy lids drew open to look up at him.
Charon let out a heavy sigh, his hand gripping your thigh softly, squeezing the fat there affectionately. "Feel better?"
"Yeah..." You sigh again, happily, your hands sliding up his shoulders to rest on the back of his neck.
But... some part of you roared to life, awareness spreading through your sex almost instincively.
"I... You didn't--"
Charon smirks at you, once again, the promise on his lips making your pussy flutter around him.
"This can last up to a week." He jerked his head towards the door he barricaded shut against the storm raging outside.
He snapped his hips into yours, grinding his cock head against your deepest reaches.
"So can this. I have plenty of time to get off. Right now... we're focusing on you."
You whimper as his teeth nip at your ear; "...And I think I feel you cramping again."
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erisweekofficial · 1 month
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Today we are celebrating the Amazing @the-darkestminds! 🤩
If you've ever wanted to dive into an Azris fic, we SUPER recommend her fic Autumn's Shadow which you can read on tumblr or ao3. This fic features enemies to friends to lovers and is so achingly soft!!
Definitely read this fic if you love stories that balance sensuality with tenderness and also feature a super unique plot full of mystery 👀
Read more to learn why @the-darkestminds started writing for Eris and what to do if Eris gets sick!
Would drew you to creating content for Eris? And especially for Azris other than any other ship for him?
I have the most fun writing for characters whose stories are largely untold. Angst/pain/hurt are my favorite themes to write and Eris fits into that mold well for me. There are no shortage of characters in the acotar universe with traumatic backstories, but to me Eris feels particularly tragic. We know he’s abused by his father, has likely been forced to wear a mask for his entire life. He cares about Lucien but is unable to show it in any open, meaningful way. He clearly cares about his Court and people, and yet he's treated like a supervillain by the main characters of the series. I think he’s extremely lonely. He doesn’t have an inner circle or a family he can trust. There’s so much to work with when it comes to his backstory because it hasn’t yet been written, which makes it extremely fun to fill in the blanks, specifically the events that shaped him into the male he is today. A lot of room to write about his pain and suffering. lol Because of this, I think he pairs well with Azriel’s darkness. They may appear completely different on the outside: Eris is snarky, bold, well dressed, vibrant, etc, whereas Azriel is brooding, quiet, always hidden in the shadows…but I like them together because they both have an inherent darkness to them. They’ve both known suffering. In my mind, they are able to draw each other out of it with lots of tension and passion. 
How do you choose which scenes or moments to focus on?
Again, I have the best time writing angst and pain, so I try to focus on scenes that depict how his suffering has shaped him as a character. We’ve only been told snippets of his past, so I like to fill in those gaps and try to portray what his suffering might’ve looked like. I decided to write one fic for Eris Week that focuses on when his childhood trauma first began, and another oneshot depicting his grief as a grown male. I swear I love him! 
What role do you think fan interactions play in your creative process?
A HUGE one. In fact, the only reason I ended up posting the first chapter of my azris fic was due to the lovely @unanswered-stars expressing interest and asking to be added to a tag list!  I absolutely love getting feedback on what I write and it motivates me to keep going. I’ve had people share their thoughts and theories, ask questions and wonder about certain elements of the story that in turn have given me ideas for later chapters. Their support is everything and I am a much better writer for it.
Eris is sick! What are you doing to help him get better?
Calling Azriel
Also: Can you give me a name for one of Eris's brothers? And also for one of his dogs?
One of Eris’s brothers is named Jasper. He is the second oldest after Eris and is featured in one of my Eris Week fics. One of his hounds is named Sol. Eris acquired this hound shortly after Lucien was forced to flee to spring and wanted something to remind him of his youngest brother. 
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