#state sponsors of terrorism
minnesotafollower · 7 months
U.S. and Cuba Expand Their Competing Messages About Terrorism  
As has been discussed in this blog, the U.S. has a long history of identifying Cuba as a “state sponsor of terrorism” except for the two-plus years that President Obama cancelled that designation, while Cuba has objected to that designation by the U.S. And this blog repeatedly also has objected to this U.S. designation.[1] Recently there have been two additional competing exchanges by the two…
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chawsl · 1 year
Another view. There will not be peace until Lord Jesus arrives. But a false peace treaty soon. Anti.christ cometh.
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sevenoctober7 · 5 months
The movement spreads across Europe...
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avizou · 10 months
Pakistan is in the process of deporting 1.7 million Afghan refugees.
At least 60% of them are children born and raised in Pakistan, as Afghans have been seeking refuge within their southern neighbour's borders since the 1970s. Harrassment by Pakistani law enforcement has increased to unprecedented levels as they have started raiding refugee camps. People are held at newly constructed detention centers without transparency or access to legal representation.
Afghans are now being forced to return to a country ruled by a group that doesn't grant women equal rights and is aiming to establish a gender-apartheid state. Ethnic and religious minorities continue to suffer state-sanctioned violence. Among these refugees, journalists, former government employees and ISAF collaborators will all have to fear for their lives upon return.
Additionally, Afghanistan is facing a humanitarian crisis. Higher grain prices, an on-going draught and continued international sanctions are currently putting 20 million people at risk of a famine. Just recently, several magnitude 6 earthquakes killed over 3,000 and injured over 10,000 in the Western province Herat.
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agentfascinateur · 2 months
“Any reasonable person can see that the military presence is not helping to bring the hostages back. If anything, some of these operations have endangered the hostages, and the army has also killed some by mistake"
- Israeli reservist
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news4dzhozhar · 11 months
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ivygorgon · 6 months
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Credit Adam Ellis
Stop the attacks on trans people! Introduce and pass the EQUALITY Act now!
2,621 so far! Help us get to 3,000 signers!
I’m writing out of great alarm at the attacks on LGBTQ people in our country. I’m particularly horrified at how trans people—especially trans kids—are being targeted. I agree with President Biden—it’s the duty of national legislators “to protect all the people’s rights and freedoms,” and to “pass the bipartisan Equality Act to ensure LGBTQ Americans, especially transgender young people, can live with safety and dignity.”
Right now, there are hundreds of state bills aimed at denying the LGBTQ+ community the free speech, health care, civil rights, and public accommodation due ALL Americans. Together with encouraging hateful rhetoric and physical violence, this is akin to state-sponsored terrorism against a peaceful minority. Historically, we’ve seen this before. It is a precursor to genocide.
Have you publicly spoken against anti-trans and anti-gay state laws? What other actions are you taking to protect the rights and freedoms of their LGBTQ+ constituents? What level of tragedy will it take to change this?
Attacking marginalized communities is the opposite of what our country is supposed to be about. I expect to see you take strong action to oppose it. Thanks.
▶ Created on March 21, 2023 by Jess Craven
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The inscription on the Russian soldier's body armor: "Speak Russian or die." This is what pure Nazism looks like in August, 2023. ІнфоВійська України
P.S. Western "pacifists" who fight for "peace" by selling Ukraine to the Kremlin and delaying arms deliveries are by nature direct supporters and accomplices of war crimes
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katchwreck · 2 years
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minnesotafollower · 8 months
U.S. Senators and Representatives Demand Ending U.S. Designation of Cuba as State Sponsor of Terrorism     
On January 2, the two U.S. Senators from Massachusetts (Elizabeth Warren and Edward Markey) and five U.S. Representatives from that state (Jim McGovern, Ayanna Pressley, Lori Trahan, Seth Moulton and Stephen Lynch) released a letter (dated December 14, 2023) they had sent to President Biden demanding the cancellation of the U.S. designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism.[1] That letter…
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sevenoctober7 · 4 months
A Palestinian child left to die on a stretcher after Israel bombed the hospital he was in. His arm stretched out calling for help.
This is the Israel. The truth that the media will never show you.
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ICE Is Grabbing Data From Schools and Abortion Clinics | WIRED
US IMMIGRATION AND Customs Enforcement agents are using an obscure legal tool to demand data from elementary schools, news organizations, and abortion clinics in ways that, some experts say, may be illegal.
While these administrative subpoenas, known as 1509 custom summonses, are meant to be used only in criminal investigations about illegal imports or unpaid customs duties, WIRED found that the agency has deployed them to seek records that seemingly have little or nothing to do with customs violations, according to legal experts and several recipients of the 1509 summonses.
A WIRED analysis of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) subpoena tracking database, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, found that agents issued custom summons more than 170,000 times from the beginning of 2016 through mid-August 2022. The primary recipients of 1509s include telecommunications companies, major tech firms, money transfer services, airlines, and even utility companies. But it’s the edge cases that have drawn the most concern among legal experts,
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There is no mistake about it. With the Feb. 27 release of the State Department Country Report on Terrorism 2021, President Biden accepted ownership of the illegal U.S. economic war on Cuba, following suit with Donald Trump, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan’s hawkishness with the false designation of Cuba as a so-called “State Sponsor of Terror.”
Unbelievably, Biden’s Secretary of State asserts that “Cuba had repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism since its State Sponsor of Terrorism designation had been rescinded in 2015.” Despite this untrue report, Pres. Biden need only review the past six months and accept Cuba’s unequivocal rejection of terrorism to take Cuba off the list.
The real purpose of slandering Cuba as “terrorist” is to justify the criminal blockade on Cuba. Biden is choosing to join his predecessors in failure – failure to defeat the Cuban people’s centuries-long determination for sovereignty and self-determination on the road to equality, full human development and socialism.
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agentfascinateur · 2 months
Third countries can be held accountable in international courts for collaborating in or contributing to genocide.
The ICJ's 2007 ruling on the Srebrenica Genocide affirmed that states, not just individuals, bear responsibility for such crimes.
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news4dzhozhar · 11 months
So....what's the excuse now? Israel recently decided it was a good idea to arm settlers. Today while out harvesting olives on his farm this Palestinian was murdered by armed settlers for simply daring to exist. Israeli's are monsters and continue to get away with murder. Why isn't this all over the news? Just another day for these sociopaths. Who are the real terrorists?
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nando161mando · 5 months
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The western 'enlightened humanitarianism' is such a fraud.
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