#steve rogers x reader x peggy carter
captainsophiestark · 2 months
Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Requested by @flowers-and-fichte! Hope you enjoy, Novalis, and thanks for the request!
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Bucky's gotten close with Peggy's best friend, the two bonding over the reckless mavericks they both chose to care so much about. But Steve and Peggy aren't the only couple dancing around each other in this war.
Word Count: 1,396
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: I can't believe this is my first time writing for Bucky, lol. Most of the rest of the fandom has been here since Winter Soldier, but better late than never I guess!
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I shook my head as I barely managed to put one foot in front of the other, heading through the front door of my favorite dive bar. The Howling Commandos and I had spent many a night here, toasting success or planning our next move, but tonight I was without the rest of my group.
Peggy Carter was going to well and truly kill me, and I needed a night to process that.
She'd been my best friend for just about as long as I could remember; we'd joined SOE together, and somehow managed to end up on General Philips' staff, two of the only women getting as close to combat as we did. We made an excellent team, and normally, I had no complaints. But sometimes she could just be so reckless, flying head first into insane danger, that my heart needed a break lest it burst on the spot.
Tonight had been no exception. Peggy and Steve Rogers, the one and only Captain America, had worked together on a Commandos mission just across enemy lines. We'd been successful, and the two of them together had made an incredible difference in the war effort, but damned if I didn't also rue the day they'd met.
I slumped into a stool at the bar, barely registering my surroundings until someone slid a glass of my favorite drink in front of me. I frowned at it, then turned to my left to see who exactly it had come from.
Sargeant Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers' best friend, stared back at me with a faint smile on his face. He looked almost as tired as I felt.
"You look like you could use this," he said. I huffed.
"Thanks. How'd you know what I liked?"
He just shrugged, his eyes never once leaving mine as I took a drink, the corner of his mouth gently tugging up.
"I usually pay attention to the drink orders of pretty girls."
I snorted so hard a bit of my drink came out of my nose. It burned like hell, so it took me a few moments to recover myself enough to meet Bucky's gaze again. He'd leaned forward a bit, one eyebrow raised, looking a bit concerned.
"You alright there, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, fine. Just wasn't expecting you to hit on me, especially with that lame ass pickup line."
"Lame?" Bucky asked, a hand flying to his heart in mock-outrage. "That hurts."
I just rolled my eyes. "Knock it off, Barnes. We've quite literally been through hell together, I think we're a little past you trying to get my number in a bar."
"Well then how would you suggest I get your number?"
I paused, drink halfway to my lips again, and cut my eyes towards Bucky to let him know how truly ridiculous I thought the question was.
"You already have my number. It's the same one for Peggy and all the Commandos, as long as we're all stationed at the same camp."
Bucky just stared at me for a long moment. I sipped my drink and set it back down on the bar before he finally spoke again.
"Yeah. Nice try though."
Bucky huffed a laugh and took a sip of his own drink, then turned back to me with renewed energy and a bright, charming smile. I held up a hand before he could launch into whatever he was planning to say next.
"Okay Buck, why don't you just tell me what this is about. Because I came in here exausted after dealing with our best friends, and I don't have the energy to coach your rusty ass on how to flirt, if that's what you're trying to practice."
Bucky cleared his throat, deflating a little, but not all the way. He sighed, then set his shoulders and met my stare again with a determined expression.
"Actually, I'm trying to ask you on a date."
I laughed, until I realized Bucky wasn't laughing.
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Very. Although you're really testing my resolve, since you've now laughed in my face twice. You know I used to be good at this before the war?"
I shook my head, a disbelieving smile subconsciously forcing its way onto my face.
"Bucky... I'm not saying no, but... I mean, why? Why me, why now? We've known each other and been working on missions since Steve got you out of that prison... what changed to make you think this was a good idea all of a sudden?"
He sighed heavily, the muscles in his jaw working as he apparently forced the words to come.
"I've been feeling like I wanted to ask you out since I saw you, honestly. But we were going to have to work together, and I think it's pretty clear I'm a little rusty. So I waited, and I was just starting to convince myself to wait all the way to the end of the war, until I tried to get Steve to ask Peggy on a date."
My eyebrows shot up. "You did? How did that go? Those two have been dancing around each other for way too long, I've been trying to tell Peggy the same thing-"
"Well, maybe between the two of us we can actually get them to take the leap. But I realized when I was talking to Steve that I can't expect him to take my advice when I won't take it myself. I'm turning into the biggest hypocrite in the world encouraging him to talk to Peggy while chickening out on talking to you. So... here we are."
"Here we are..." I repeated, my voice a little faint as the full weight of Bucky's confession sank in. He had feelings for me, and apparently had for a while now. And now he was asking me on a date, the fact that we were in the middle of a war be damned.
I grinned.
"Is that a good sign? That looks like a good sign, but now I'm not sure..."
"It's a great sign, Bucky," I said, meeting his eyes and feeling a spark of excitement in my chest. "I'm glad you decided to take your own advice."
"So that's a yes?"
"That's absolutely a yes." Bucky's shoulders finally relaxed, a smile appearing on his face to match my own. "So... when do we do this? Do we call tonight our first date? We're out together, the two of us, at a bar..."
"No. No way," Bucky quickly decided. I raised an eyebrow at him, so he continued. "Tonight's not a date, sweetheart. Even in the middle of a war, I can find a way to make our night on the town something special. A little magical, and definitely just about the two of us. Tonight might be just the two of us, but it's about the two reckless idiots we call friends."
I laughed, then reached for my drink and raised it towards Bucky.
"I'll toast to that. To taking tonight to cope with the people we care about, and putting something on the books for a real night out together soon."
"Hear hear."
Bucky and I shared a smile, then each took a drink. I finished mine off, then sat back in my chair and stared at the man before me.
"So... how do you feel about a game of darts? Person who's not throwing is allowed to distract the other person, but only by relating the most insane shit our friends have done lately. True stories only."
"Bring it on. I've known Steve long enough that nothing's gonna surprise me anymore."
I snorted as the two of us grabbed another round of drinks and headed for the dartboard at the back of the bar.
"Look, Peggy might've gone through a phase of trying to be a proper lady, but she's been making up for it by doing even more ridiculous nonsense lately. Your boy's got nothing on her."
"I guess we'll just have to see about that, won't we?"
Bucky and I shared another smile. The routine was familiar, but now, there was an extra spark attached that hadn't really been there before. Even though tonight wasn't a date, spending time with Bucky felt a little different, now, in a very good way.
Maybe this could be the silver lining I held on to the next time Peggy tried to kill me via heart attack, until the end of the war and beyond.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @songbirdcannabe @infinetlyforgotten @coinsublime
If your name is crossed out, Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you for some reason
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scarfacemarston · 15 days
Pride Month Requests!
My specialties are character x reader mainly because I've never received requests for ships and I'm not experienced in it! If you don't see a character, I can still likely write it. For male characters it will be MLM Reader x character and WLW for female characters. (Trans characters hcs and readers always included. Edit: Non Binary and gender neutral also welcome!) Reblogs appreciated! SFW preferred.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader Steve Rogers x Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Reader Yelena Belova x Reader Peggy Carter x Reader Arthur Morgan x Reader John Marston x Reader Anakin Skywalker x Reader Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Hawke x Fenris Hawke x Isabela Hawke x Merill Dorian Pavus x Inquisitor Cullen Rutherford x Inquisitor Cassandra x Inquisitor Leliana x Warden
More by Request!
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listen instead of using Nat as the jealous girl in your Steve x reader fics how about we use Peggy instead. like she’s already a crazy jealous person. the shooting the shield scene. she’s perfect for it. nat deserves better. peggy does not
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 1 year
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Summary: You're in a relationship with Steve Rogers, but his best friend just always seems to be around!
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: angst
The murky morning light barely permeated the drawn curtains as your eyes opened to your phone alarm. Steve's place was empty beside you, he had gone for his morning run and let you sleep in. You were glad, it had been a late night and you were struggling to get up as it was. The sound of wind and rain pounded on the glass and a chill crept through your spine as you eventually threw back the covers. You sighed, it looked like it was going to be a rather gloomy day.
Steve hadn't made it home before you needed to leave and Bucky was nowhere to be seen. A pang of loneliness stabbed your heart and you tried to shake off the ridiculous feeling. You had no reason to feel that way, you had a wonderful boyfriend who loved you and a secondhand best friend who continued to keep you at arm's length, but had a strangely comforting presence in your life. So you shook off the insecurities and set up the coffeepot for them to use when they got home. 
The morning seemed to plod along as a series of mundane lessons, the kids in your classes seemed just as apathetic as you felt that morning. So instead of micromanaging their activities, you let them run wild with their training. At least you had lunch with May to look forward to, her pragmatic approach to life would shake you out of the Monday slump you were in.
You were imagining just how she'd roll her eyes and glare at you until you had forgotten about your problems. Head in the clouds you almost ran face first into Agent May.
"Hey!" you smiled at your friend and colleague. 
"Come," she turned on her heel and marched off in the opposite direction from where you'd come.
You sighed. This wasn't going to be good.
"Where're we going?" you asked. "May?"
Melinda May ignored you, and kept walking. And like the good agent you were, you followed orders. She led you to her car and got in. 
"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" you asked, sliding into the passenger seat.
She started the ignition and pulled out of the car park.
"May, you're scaring me. What is going on?" You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, the anxiety bubbling up, just waiting to boil over as you demanded an answer. 
You studied May's impassive features,  watching her open and close her mouth a few times, trying to find the words. "There was an… incident."
"What kind of incident?" You felt exasperated by her lack of clarity. 
"We found a time jumper."
"Ooo…kay? And how exactly does this affect me?"
"It's Peggy Carter."
May's words rang in your ear like an exploded bomb. It felt like your whole world had slowed down, your heart sounded louder than you'd ever heard it, your mouth went dry and you couldn't focus on the road in front of you.
You hardly registered May calling your name or the short lived hand on your shoulder. The transference of your emotions from you made her withdraw sharply.
Thoughts whirled around your brain like a tornado. How did this happen? Why did it happen? Why was she here? Was there another end of the world catastrophe that needed to be dealt with? In the end, none of those questions mattered. You knew one thing was certain, you'd just lost the man you loved. 
You heard your name again.
"Yeah?" you turned to face May, eyes taking in your familiar surroundings. She had pulled up outside your apartment building. "Why are we here? 
"Peggy is asking for him," she said, softly.
"So you brought me here because…?" 
"I thought you should tell him."
You scoffed. "Gee, thanks. What do you expect me to do? Go and tell him that the love of his life is back and that he can have her?" You sounded slightly hysterical and tears had filled your eyes.
May's stoic expression remained unchanged, but her eyes betrayed her sympathy.
"I assume he is upstairs?"
"Yeah," you sighed.
Reluctantly you climbed out of the SUV and trudged up the stairs to your second floor apartment. You paused at the door, steeling yourself to the inevitable conversation once you'd entered. The key slid in and turned with ease and the door swung open without you even trying.
"Ace? What're you doing home?"
You opened your mouth to answer but no sound came out. As soon as you told him everything would change, was it wrong of you to cling on to those last fleeting moments of happiness? You walked over to where Steve was washing dishes. 
The urge to break down and let him hold you was overwhelming. The blonde had the warmest, most comforting embrace and you wanted nothing more to be consoled by the one person who was about to break your heart.
"Ace?" Steve's look was concerned.
"Yeah?" You pushed back the tears.
"Everything OK?"
"Yeah." You made a show of taking off your jacket and putting it on a chair so you could hide your face. It was annoying how easily he could read your emotions.
"Give me a minute, I'm almost done with this."
You couldn't wait, you didn't want to. It was much easier to wrap your arms around his waist and bury your face between his shoulder blades. So you did just that. The heat he emanated, his strong steadfast sturdiness is what you clung to.
Steve dried his hands and wrapped his fingers around your wrists. Gently he pried your finger apart and turned around to face you. 
"Talk to me Ace, why are you home in the middle of the day?"
You shrugged, "I wanted to see you?"
"Now why don't I believe that?"
"OK, but I need you to do one thing before I tell you."
"Ace, what is it?" Concern was etched across his face.
"I just need one thing from you first."
"What do you want?"
"Kiss me," you whispered.
"What?" Steve was astounded by your request. 
"Kiss me, please?" You wished you didn't sound so desperate. 
He complied with your request, leaning down he placed a quick peck on your lips. 
"No, Steve. Kiss me like you mean it."
"I always mean it, Ace."
"Then show me."
Steve wanted to demand a reason for your behavior from you but he knew you could be just as stubborn as he was. It was easier to give you what you wanted. Not that it was a difficult request.
He bent forwards again, locking his lips with yours and you closed your eyes to take in every sensation, committing it to memory; the pressure, their texture, how soft they felt against yours. The eternity you wanted to be lost in was over in mere seconds. Steve’s hands lingered on your face, his thumbs caressed your cheeks for a little longer, leaving you with a gentle forehead kiss. 
You held his hands to your face, hoping he would never let go.
“Hey, talk to me,” his voice was low, as though he was talking to a scared animal.
That’s how you felt, skittish and ready to run with the slightest movement. Instead you took a deep breath and broke away from the perfect bubble you’d wrapped yourself in. You took his hands from your face and led Steve to the couch.
“Let’s sit for a bit.”
Steve sat beside you, your knees touching, your hands wrapped around his. He watched you expectantly.
“Steve… you remember how you were able to time travel?”
Steve nodded and you heard yourself continue to speak, almost like you were watching someone else.
“Well that’s not the only method of time travel. We’ve had someone who has traveled here from the past. Someone you know.”
Steve frowned quizzically at you.
“Peggy.” Your voice was barely audible.
It was slow, but you could feel him pulling his hands from yours. Your doubts, your fears, your worries, every single one of them had been confirmed at that moment.
“Are you sure?” The hope in his voice felt like a knife through your heart.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “May told me.”
“Where is she?”
“S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.”
Steve stood up, he looked like a deer in headlights, not knowing what to do next. He was looking at you but you knew he didn’t see you.
“May's waiting in the car.” You heard yourself say the words, all the while a voice inside you was telling you to shut the hell up. Instead you put a hand on his back and guided him to the front door. “Let’s go.”
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The car ride to the new S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters was deadly silent. It wasn't that you were a stranger to silence, you'd spent enough quiet time with both people in the car in the past, but today was different. May was driving, her grip on the steering wheel was more tense than usual and you knew her empath powers could sense both your emotions and Steve's. 
You cast your eyes across to the side mirror where you could see Steve's reflection in the back seat. He was staring out of his window and though his eyes were open, he looked like he was lost so far in his thoughts that you'd never find him again. Steve had always been a pensive soul and there had been many occasions where he'd float away to a place you couldn't follow.
What was he feeling? Steve had always kept his cards close to his chest but you'd thought he had let some of his guard down around you in the last year. But the man who sat behind you was much more like the closed off person you'd met all those months ago. You'd spent so much time peeling back the layers of thick skin, coaxing him out of the shell he'd built around him, only for the barriers to go back up in mere moments. 
You tried to put yourself in his shoes and exercise some of that empathy you were supposed to have. What would it be like to have someone you'd loved in the past come back to the present? Someone who had been ripped away from you, someone you'd never stopped loving. The feeling of tightness in your chest worsened. Empathy didn't feel like a helpful skill to utilize at this moment in time. You looked back at Steve in the mirror, wanting to wrap your arms around him and hold him closely until the anguish left his beautiful features.
This line of thought got you wondering about Peggy Carter. She was the founder of the organization you had worked for, she’d accomplished so many incredible things and had done so at a time where women got even less respect than they do in the present. You hated yourself for comparing your own achievements to that of another woman, but the overwhelming feeling of inadequacy was crushing. In your heart of hearts, you knew that your relationship was over but you were looking for a way for it all to hurt less. What chance did you have against the legendary Agent Carter?
Directing your resentment at Peggy would be the simplest solution, but the logical part of your brain strongly advocated her innocence. You wanted to hate her, the person you had held in such high regard, almost worshiped prior to this day. Did you dare fight for him? You’d heard the tales of their romance and you knew he still kept an old compass with her photograph in the cover. You’d found it once at the back of his sock drawer. How could you even compete? He had previously confessed that the only reason he had stayed with S.H.I.E.L.D. was because of her association with it. 
Did you know him as well as you thought you did? Steve was a man of few words, but what he lacked in language use, he often made up for with small acts of service. One of your favorite things that he would often do, without you even realizing when he had done it, was fill your car with gas. It was never empty! He’d make small sketches and leave them on your bedside table for you to find when you woke up, or would slip them in your bag for you to find at work. They were often accompanied by a quote or poem which warmed your heart and brought a smile to your face. It was often little things which made you happiest and to you it counted more than larger romantic gestures which were few and far between. He made you feel comfortable in a way that no one else had and you thought you were special to him. 
Sam had often regaled you with tales of their old exploits, saving Bucky from his HYDRA tormentors, the feud over the Sokovia Accords and so many others. You recalled a fond memory of you, Steve and Bucky visiting him in Delacroix, where you’d ended up spending most of your time helping him fix the family’s fishing boat and it almost made you smile. Steve gave his time often and freely to people he cared about. But he did the same for strangers too. He was willing to lay down his life for people he barely knew or had never met. Did that lessen his feelings for you? In the past you would have said no, but the crippling anxiety you sometimes felt was rearing its ugly head.
The emotions and thoughts swirled around inside you, threatening to erupt like a volcano, waiting to leave disaster in their wake. Just when you thought you couldn’t cope with sitting in the SUV any longer and May pulled up in front of your destination. Every movement you made after that felt like you were submerged under water, every step you craved oxygen, but wave after wave pushed you further down. You tried to claw your way to the surface, but you were met with paralyzing resistance, your anguish weighing you down like an anchor, suffocating your very essence. You watched the events unfold through the lenses of frosted glass; entering the building, watching Peggy run towards him, the way he wrapped his arms around her. He didn’t look away, he didn’t look back.
It was excruciating and yet you watched. You watched until you couldn’t. Then you waited. What if he needed you?
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At the end of the day, May took your arm and guided you out of the facility. She didn’t drive you home, instead she drove to her house. You’d often suggested that the two of you should live together after you’d left S.H.I.E.L.D. but May had vetoed the idea with a look of pure disgust. But if you’d never moved into your apartment, you’d never have met Steve. 
“Do you need help?” you asked. Standing nervously at the breakfast bar watching May move around the kitchen.
“Yeah, make dinner.” She handed you a knife and you standing alone in the kitchen.
One skill that May had never mastered was the art of cooking. You were happy to start slicing and dicing vegetables, trying not to let the knife accidently take off your finger tip as you vehemently attacked the innocent onions. You’d reached the stage of throwing food into hot oil when May returned, with a ridiculously large glass of your favorite wine. 
“Wine, really?”
“What were you expecting?”
“To be honest, a sparring session.”
“Easily arranged. But no physical contact, I’m not in the mood to deal with your emotions today.”
“That makes two of us.”
“You’d prefer I get drunk and you get high from that?”
“You remember that alcohol is a depressant, miss M.D?” she said dryly.
You glared at your friend before taking an unnecessarily large mouthful of wine. Even though May had little time for comforting others, she cared deeply for you, something you had once doubted. You were very grateful for her friendship and the support she was currently giving you. It was the small act of kindness which tipped you over the edge. Tears welled up in your eyes, spilling over drop by drop.
“What do you think he's going to do?” you whispered, your lip quivering dangerously.
“Does it matter what I think?”
“He isn’t going to stay with me.”
“He doesn’t deserve you.”
“You think Captain America isn’t good enough for me?” you asked skeptically.
“Is anyone?”
May shrugged.
“But I want him,” you sniffled.
Even as the words left your mouth you felt pathetic and desperate. He had never stopped loving her. The voice in your head scolded you for ignoring the fact that you were the one he had settled with. It was your fault for wanting to be special. 
Your mind wandered back to the weekend you’d spent with Steve and the baseball game you’d taken him to. It was one of your best memories with him. The joy on his face throughout the game had warmed your heart. You didn’t know a thing about baseball, nor did you care to and it held not a single iota of interest for you. But just because you didn’t understand it or find it interesting, you understood why people could be passionate about a sport. That passion was one of the reasons you’d fell in love with Steve when you’d met him.
That was when you felt like Steve had really opened himself to you. It wasn’t the sex, it wasn’t the words he had used, it wasn’t the way he had said ‘I love you’. It had been the moment he had let himself be vulnerable with you. Steve didn’t talk about his fears to anyone, except maybe Bucky. He was a very reserved individual with strong morals and being given the mantle of Captain America had given him an even bigger reason to uphold an image of strength. It wasn’t an easy responsibility to shoulder and it clearly weighed on him a great deal. Everyone needs someone who they could share their burdens with.
Bucky Barnes was Steve’s best friend, they had a number of shared experiences, he would have been the natural choice to be Steve’s confidant. Except Steve now spent most of his time and energy taking care of the broken supersoldier. It made you feel special, to think that you were the one he had chosen to take care of him, to be his partner, to be worthy of his love. But now you had lost it all.
Dinner was a somber affair following which you curled up on May’s couch. Sleep didn’t come until the early hours of the morning when the tears finally stopped falling.
The coming days were spent hiding out at May’s. Steve tried to call you a number of times but you couldn’t bring yourself to face the situation. You knew you had to go home eventually and there was no way you could avoid him then.
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You felt instant regret as you entered your apartment late that night. Sleep deprived and physically exhausted after an intense day of training with May, you rushed into your home and fell into bed. It didn't take long for you to enter a deep slumber, dreaming of the life you could have had.
Morning came far sooner than you would have liked. You washed and dressed on autopilot, trying not to think of the different ways you might run into your beloved Captain. It happened much sooner than expected and liked. On your way out, you heard voices through the door. They sounded happy, full of laughter. 
Maybe if you waited, they would leave and you could escape undetected. After a few moments of silence, you peeked through the peephole, the coast looked clear. You pulled open the door and ventured out only to come face to face with the happy couple locked in a kiss.
There was nowhere to go. You'd already closed your front door, trying to unlock it would attract attention, so would any attempt to slip passed. You were well and truly trapped in a nightmare.
Peggy spotted you first. "Oh, hello. You must be our neighbor!"
"Ace," Steve said your name so softly, you wondered if you imagined it.
"It's nice to meet you," Peggy held out your hand.
The years of training allowed your body to respond appropriately while your brain felt like it had been put through a blender. You shook Peggy's hand politely.
"Nice to meet you, too."
Steve was looking at you like he'd been caught committing a crime.
"Hi," you felt compelled to fill the silence.
"I didn't know you were here."
"I got home pretty late last night."
"You two know each other?" Peggy interjected. 
Steve introduced you to Peggy. "She used to be a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Now she is a teacher to some pretty special kids."
"Wow, everyone's part of the family here." She smiled at you warmly. 
"Ace, do you think we could have a chat, please?" His eyes were pleading silently.
He wanted to talk about your relationship, your former relationship. Did he want to do it in front of her?
"Maybe we could go for a walk later? After you're done at work?" he clarified.
"Yeah, after work. I should go there, to work, now." You nodded and pushed past them.
"Have a good day," Peggy called after you.
"Thank you," you answered without looking back, not wanting either of them to see your pain. 
There was bedlam when you arrived at the Academy. Two of your students had taken it upon themselves to practice their sparring while they waited. Needless to say you spent most of your morning mediating the animosity that had been created in your absence.
By the time you had scratched the surface of your lesson plan, it was 4pm and your students practically dismissed themselves.
"We're not done here! I'd better not come in to any more destruction tomorrow!" you yelled after them.
You received a cacophony of goodbyes with few assurances of peace. You loved your kids but they were exhausting! As you finished cleaning up and making progress notes, you noticed the time and the conversation from the morning came flooding back to you. It was probably time you headed home to face the music.
Steve was waiting for you outside the building. You spotted him before he saw you and you grabbed that moment to admire his physique and how much you missed how he held you.
His voice broke through your reverie. “Steve,” you greeted him softly. “It’s nice to see you.”
You weren’t lying. It was wonderful to see him, regardless of the situation and what you knew was coming next. Neither of you seemed to know what to do next, the temptation was to fling yourselves into the other’s arms, but that was out of the question. And you could tell Steve was thinking the same.
“Can we go down to the park?”
“Let me take that for you.” Steve took your bag from your arms, chivalrous to a fault.
You let him, you would have let him do anything in that moment. The walk down towards Prospect Park was tense, both of you felt like you were walking through a field of landmines.
“I spent the whole day trying to figure out what I wanted to say when I saw you. None of it sounds right now you’re actually here.” Steve finally spoke.
“I don’t know if there is anything to say, Steve.”
“The last thing I want to do is hurt you, Ace. I lo-"
"Don't." You reached up and put your fingers across his lips. It was a little more invasive a move than you'd intended but you couldn't bear hearing Steve tell you he loved you. Not after you'd seen him kissing the love of his life that morning.
"What do we do now?" he asked as you withdrew your fingers.
"Judging by Peggy's greeting this morning, I assume you haven't told her about our… the relationship we had."
Steve didn't answer but the shame on his face spoke volumes.
"Then the answer is simple. We're neighbors. Do you think we can do that?"
"Ace, I don't want to lose you."
"We don't always get what we want, Steve."
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romanoffshouse · 8 months
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sweetangel1111 · 6 months
Natasha, Peggy, Steve and Bucky in a single episode together??? 😭 I love this!! Bucky was old, he hadn't noticed that he was the one. LOL
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bigbadripley · 1 year
hi could you do one where reader and steve are together and some kind of multiversal rift happens that causes captain carter to show up and reader starts to pine for peggy as well as steve, and steve obv still has a thing for the peggy he knew, and peggy still has a thing for the steve she knew, but also reader, so they do a threesome k thanks bye
Moments Stolen Taste Better
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader x Captain!Peggy Carter | 18+ Minors DNI!!  ⚠️
Warnings: Dom!Steve and Dom!Peggy, mention of stillbirth (idk it just gets brought up in the plot), reader has a mombod (we love it), voyeurism, thoughts of cheating, threesome, unprotected p in v
Words: 3.4K Words
Title based on "Used" by SZA ft. Don Toliver
A/N:  You are responsible for your own consumption. DL;DR. As always, if you find anything that needs to have a warning or I mislabeled something, please let me know~
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"Babe? Have you seen my screw box?" You yelled through the house. After looking through the garage and not finding the Altoid tin where you kept your oddball screws, it was time to face that your boyfriend likely took it. "Babe!" You yelled out once more, not getting a response the first time. 
As you entered the kitchen, you saw him quickly chewing a bite of the sandwich he held, leaning against the countertop comfortably. You saved for a moment, waiting for him to swallow before he could respond.
"Should be in the n-" Steve cut himself off, "-Second room." He corrected. He knew you told him already that he could call it the nursery and that it wasn't some word that shouldn't be spoken. It was the second room until you got pregnant, then the nursery. Since the pregnancy failure, it's become a dusty baby furniture storage room.
It had been months, and you and Steve had time to heal from it, but he still tended to call the room by its former name. At first, it hurt, but now it doesn't, and Steve still corrects himself when he catches it. You began to wonder if he was doing it for your sake or his. 
You enter the small, pale yellow room and avoid looking directly at the bassinet, which makes your heart ache. Steve was correct: the screw box was on the changing station. As you pick it up, memories of decorating the room flood your mind, causing you to turn around and immediately exit, closing the door behind you. 
Gotta sort that out one day. You thought. Today is not that day. 
Before you go back through the garage door, you hear a crashing sound and smell something burning from the other side. Thinking it might have been a small battery explosion, you rush through the door to grab the fire extinguisher to the right. 
Beyond the smokiness, there was no fire or sparks but a figure on the ground. You weren't sure how they got there or who they were, but your first instinct was to put the extinguisher back and rush to see if they were okay. You were able to make out long dark hair, red lips, and-
It's a woman! You thought.
"Steve!" You yelled out in a panic, trying to get his help to pick up the unconscious woman. The blanket of fog began to disperse little by little, and you started to recognize her as-
"Peggy?" Steve said as soon as he spotted her. The girl he keeps in his compass. The one he left behind when he went in the ice. The only problem was that he never mentioned how tall and strong she looked.
Steve took one arm, and you attempted to grab the other before he picked her up entirely to bring her into the house. Given your size, you likely would not have been of much assistance anyway in lifting her.
Once Peggy was on the couch, you could get a better look at her. She was even more captivating than the photo you knew her from, and even more, interestingly, she wore a suit that was a near-replica of Steve's, the only exception being the Union Jack over the chest. 
"This isn't the same Peggy I knew," Steve piped up, crossing his arms. He seemed suspicious of her, but you felt the need to help regardless. You rushed to get a cold washcloth and placed it on her sleeping forehead, figuring the cooling would prompt her awake quicker after whatever tumble she took. 
Sure enough, after staying next to her for nearly ten minutes, Peggy began to wake. Her big brown eyes darted around the room before landing on you, filling with confusion. 
"Where am I?" She asked, sitting up and letting the rag fall from her head to the floor. Her accent floated through the air as her heavy boots clunked when she dropped them from the couch. You told her your name and explained that you found her in your garage, and she listened like it wasn't as strange to her as it was to you. "So, what Earth am I on?" She asked nonchalantly. You raised your eyebrows,
"Uh... I didn't realize they were classified in any way. I know someone I can ask who may know, but-"
"Strange is busy. I already spoke to him on the phone." Steven interrupted you as he walked back in from the garage. The second Peggy spotted him, she was awestruck, flicking her eyes up and down his form. 
"Oh, you're not my Steve." She said. You gathered that the Steve she knew was likely much smaller, and given her reaction, you couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, but couldn't tell if you were more jealous of her or Steve. You watched her gaze return to you, then to Steve, as the gears turned in her head until she connected the dots. "I suppose he'd be your Steve, yeah?"
"Well, yes, he is." You answered, trying not to say it awkwardly. You were not a stranger to being attracted to women, but since you and Steve got together, your eyes never strayed. 
Until you met Peggy Carter. 
"It was Stephen Strange that I needed to see." Peggy circled back to the previous topic. "But even if he could help me, my Travelmaster seems to be broken." 
You realized she was talking about the device on her wrist that looked like a smartwatch. The face of it was cracked and chipped, likely from whatever knocked her into your garage. "Can I see?" You asked, holding your hand out. 
Peggy nodded and took the device off, placing it into your hand. Your fingers grazed hers in a cheesy rom-com fashion, and you felt electricity for a moment, which could have been the Travelmaster. You examined it momentarily, realizing it would be a piece of cake to fix. "I can take care of this thing, but it may take a few days."
"That would be lovely!" Peggy exclaimed, more hopeful now that you could be of assistance. Her joy made your heart nearly collapse, and you sat the device on your knee to discretely wipe your clammy hands on your jeans. 
After a bit of back and forth about where Peggy came from, how she got here, and how in her timeline, she was the one who took the serum, thus becoming Captain Carter, you offered her a place to stay while you fixed her Travelmaster, and she accepted. 
The first day with your new guest was interesting, to say the least. You gave her some of your more loose-fitting clothes to wear to account for her larger build, and even then, they were still a bit tight on her. You weren't complaining as you silently enjoyed the view of Peggy in your sweatpants and Iron Maiden t-shirt that wasn't cropped on you but exposed a bit of midriff on her.
It's like if I let Jen wear my clothes, and then she hulked out. You thought upon seeing her in them. Only Jennifer was your best friend, and you weren't attracted to her like you were to Peggy. 
The biting jealousy came when she and Steve talked about the similarities in their times. They sipped coffee and laughed as you listened in, trying not to blatantly eavesdrop and being unable to help yourself. 
"The Travelmaster probably brought me here because I was thinking about how it must be fixed right before it shorted out," Peggy said. You stood and poked your head through the doorway, 
"Why would it take you here if that were the case?"
"Because you invented it in my time." She said, glancing at you as the cup made it to her perfect lips. God, how you envied that ceramic mug before what she said registered in your mind. You were an inventor, having been under the wing of Tony for some time, but you never invented anything as insane as a multiversal travel device. 
"I'm not surprised. My gal's a genius." Steve spoke up, mentioning you like you weren't there purposely and speaking to Peggy as if she were an old poker buddy. His eyes drifted over to where you were, and you passed him a wink that was more telling than anything you would have been able to say then. 
Oh yeah, he's getting his dick sucked later. You thought before your mind pictured it, but instead of you doing it, you pictured Peggy doing it. The visual caused the jealousy to linger again, and even worse, you had to adjust in your rolly chair at how aroused it made you. 
"Shit." You whispered, pinching the bridge of your nose at how absurd the thought was. It simply wouldn't work. 
Another day passed, and the atmosphere between you and Peggy was so thick you could cut it with a knife. You couldn't tell if it was just you or if Peggy felt the same and decided to hide it out of respect. On the flip side, you knew Steve was also delighted to have her around. 
The night before, Steve had you bent over the footboard of your bed, and your thoughts began to linger again. You loved your man, and he never failed to get you off, but when the image of looking back and seeing Peggy railing you with a strap-on popped into your head, you came harder and faster than you had in a long time.
It was challenging to look at her after that shameful thought. You could tell she noticed your awkwardness, and this frightened you. 
I got the hots for the woman sleeping on my fucking couch. What a nightmare. 
When you saw Peggy in the hallway on your way out of the bathroom, you tried to pass her by without yielding until she spoke to you first. 
"What's that room used for?" She asked, pointing to the room you avoided. 
"Uh, that was the nursery." You admitted, rocking back and forth on your heels. 
"Nursery? I-" She stopped herself, realizing the lack of children and the look on your face.
Probably noticed the extra baby weight and nothing to show for it, too. You thought before she picked her sentence up again. 
 "Oh, dear lord, I'm so sorry. How far along were you, if you don't mind?"
"Seven months. It's fine, really. Some things happen for a reason, you know?" You replied, trying to brush it off. Peggy pursed her lips and cocked her head,
"I guess that's also a good way to look at my being here."
"Look, I know this must be really strange, seeing Steve and..." You trail off, not sure where you're going with this, yourself. You just wanted to open a dialogue and hopefully make yourself feel less nuts. Peggy let out a small laugh,
"Believe me, it has been bizarre, but it's not what you think. If my Steve came out of the war to find someone like you, he's one lucky son of a gun." 
You stood paralyzed as the words floated through the air. Peggy looked down at you the way she usually did, causing your heart to thump as adrenaline washed over you. She was incredible, and her words only amplified your desire for her. 
"Fucking hell." You gasp as you finally catch your breath. The words fell out clumsily, and Peggy eyed you with confusion. 
"You alright?"
"Yeah, just losing my mind at how perfect you are." You admit, then immediately regret the words as her eyes widen at you. "Shit, I'm sorry." 
"You know, I've been quite irresponsible since my arrival. I neglected to tell you," Peggy started, stepping forward slowly. Her movements felt like a magnetic repulsion, causing you to back up as she approached until your shoulders and butt met the cold wall behind you. "I've watched you get involved with people who have no idea how to treat you, time and time again."
Your breath hitched as your back hugged the wall tighter, stuck between it and the buff woman pressed to your chest. "Fucking hell." You repeated the same way you said before, convinced you would die if she were any closer. The right corner of her mouth curled up at your breathlessness, toying with you. 
"Though I'm happy that you found Steve in this life," She leaned her face closer to yours, almost close enough to brush noses. "I still can't forget the sounds you make."
A small, pathetic whimper escapes your throat, betraying you as you feel yourself receding into the drywall. 
"Sounds like that, actually." She whispered. Her dark hair covered your peripheral vision, making her brown eyes the only thing you could focus on. You were in agony, realizing she was telling you that, in her time, she fucked you. Your mind raced through how it went, what she tasted like, how her tongue felt on your pussy. 
You felt hot and flustered. Having been with Steve for so long, you forgot what being pursued by someone new was like. There were so many things you wanted to say and do, but you felt like you were glued where you stood and couldn't find enough oxygen to speak appropriately. It felt like Peggy wanted to break you. 
As if the universe was trying to tell you to get out of that hold Peggy had you in, you heard the front door open, and footsteps proceeded through it. "How does macaroni casserole sound for dinner?" Steve called out as he entered. 
"Fucking hell." You groaned quietly with frustration from being cut off. Peggy loosed the distance between you for you to slip out and get to Steve. As soon as you turned the corner to the kitchen, where he was putting away the groceries, guilt washed over you. The thought of cheating on him was devastating, yet you had been doing it in your head for days now. "Mac casserole? Sounds good, baby." You finally answered his question as you came up and wrapped your arms around him from behind. 
You assisted with putting the food away and scampered off to the shower, hoping to rinse out the feeling of Peggy being pushed against you. All that was accomplished was more racing thoughts in the steam that caused you to turn on the high-pressure stream setting on the shower head and let the water rush against your clit, imagining it was her mouth. 
I still can't forget the sounds you make.
Her voice had a vice grip on your brain, repeatedly replaying like a Jedi mind trick. Your muscles jerked as the water drew an intense orgasm from you that nearly knocked you to the shower floor. A single high-pitched sigh punched from your gut as you heard the bathroom door open. 
"Did you trip?" Steve asked, responding to the thumping of your hands and feet and the sound you made. In a panic, you found it hard to lie on the spot. 
"No, I... uh..." You choked, slowly bringing the showerhead back up to the metal arm that held it over your head. Beyond the frosted glass that separated the rest of the bathroom from the tub, you could make out Steve's shape and the color of his hair, skin, and shirt, but no details. You did, however, hear a faint chuckle. 
"Playing with yourself in the shower is dangerous, baby. Why don't you come out, and I'll take care of you." He said, blurry form growing closer to the glass. It drives you insane when he talks like that. 
Yet, you imagined Peggy saying it to you also, English accent, nearly knocking you off balance again. You felt like an addict, looking for a fix for something you've never had before. 
You could see him more detailed beyond the glass now, but you could make out something else just behind him now. Another tall and wide stature, long, dark hair. Before you could respond, Steve pulled the door open to reveal himself and Peggy, who leaned against the bathroom wall and admired your drenched nakedness. You didn't bother hiding from either of them as the woman parted her lips to speak.
"Dry off and meet us in the bedroom. The three of us need to have a chat." 
Once sufficiently dried off, you exited the bathroom with the towel wrapped around you, tucked under your arms like a terry cloth dress. You felt indescribably anxious and fearful of what they might have discussed to cause this meeting.
Steve and Peggy stood with their arms crossed on either side of you, staring with amused faces. 
"Drop the towel and have a seat on the bed, baby," Steve said, gesturing to the mattress the two of you shared. Your eyes widened, and you immediately turned your attention to Peggy, then back to your boyfriend. 
"Steve, I-"
"Do as he says." Peggy interrupts in a much more commanding tone. Were you terrified? Yes. But her stern tone nearly caused your knees to buckle simultaneously. You allowed the towel to fall to your feet as you slowly and shakily took the few steps to the bed before pivoting and meeting your butt to the comforter. 
They eyed you up and down as they circled you like a couple of vultures. You had become a spectacle. 
"She's gorgeous, ain't she?" Steve asked Peggy, who nodded. 
"Quite. Her thighs and bum are a bit thicker than the one from my Earth, but I find it fetching." She replied, not pulling her gaze from you for even a second. Steve chortled at this,
"I tried to tell ya, my baby girl's special." 
"What exactly's going on here?" You finally speak weakly, your voice cracking as thick saliva pools in your throat. You gulp before Steve responds. 
"Peggy told me everything. How she slept with you in her time, the moment you had in the hallway earlier-"
"And we've decided that we would both have our way with you." Peggy finished his sentence perfectly. Your jaw dropped at the proposition, and you began to question if you really did fall in the shower and this was all some concussion dream. Either way, the ache and gathering wetness between your thighs felt real enough. "Lay back," Peggy said in the same commanding tone as before, prompting you to follow suit. 
As Steve lazed around to the other side of the bed, Peggy pulled your legs apart at your knees to get an eyeful of your dripping heat. "Such a pretty pussy." She complimented, nearly making you blush all over. It felt like you might pass out under them until Peggy inserted her thick middle finger into your entrance. Steve stood and watched with delight, palming himself over his jeans. 
"Tell her how tight she is. She loves that." He instructed, giving away your secrets. Her finger dipped in and out, grazing your soft spot with each curl of her knuckle, making you whine. 
"Very tight, darling. Mind if I have a taste?" Peggy asked, directing the question to Steve. He gestured to you with his free hand and nodded,
"Have at it. That pussy is sweet like honey."
You watched from downturned eyes as Peggy dropped to her knees and began lapping your clit right away, swirling her tongue over it like hard candy and humming with pleasure as involuntary noises left your lips. Your eyes began to roll upward and look at Steve, stroking his cock with one hand and caressing your head with the other. 
"You like how Peggy eats your pussy, baby girl?" He asked. "Tell me how it feels."
"Feel's good." You said breathlessly as her finger continued to pump into you while her mouth manipulated you closer to your climax. The view of Steve pleasuring himself while watching and talking to you was enough to push you over the edge. 
"Cum all over her fingers, baby. Go ahead." He growled, having you nearly trained to release at his will. Your ads tightened, and you arched your back off the mattress as satisfaction ripped through your veins. Peggy continued to fuck you with her fingers, prolonging your orgasm for as long as she could, causing you to cry out. 
"Tell Captain Rogers thank you for letting me lick your pussy." Peggy demanded as she got to her feet. 
"T-thank you, Steve." You stuttered, watching Peggy come to the side of the bed that he was on. 
"I'd say she's ready for you," Peggy informed Steve with a nod before he circled to the side of the bed you hung from. She started removing the too-tight track pants she borrowed from you and climbing onto the bed, one knee after another. You found yourself excited over the prospect of her sitting on your face, aroused again without much time to rest. 
"You treat Captain Carter real nice, now." Steve sang as you felt the tip of his cock rub through your folds. Another whimper pushed through your throat as it came into contact with your sensitive nub, and Peggy smiled beautifully at you. 
"Love that sound. I wanna hear that as he fucks you, understood?" She said, turning around to give you the best view of your Scream t-shirt that showed a peek of her tummy and contoured her breasts. Before you could voice a reply, your mouth was covered by her moist cunt, prompting you to open your mouth and start exploring. "You were right, Cap. She is a good girl." Peggy said with a shaky voice as you began to trace the alphabet over her bundle with your tongue. 
Another weak gasp escaped as Steve's cock pushed into you, fully bottoming out as always and making you crumble with slow, rhythmic thrusts to start. 
"So tight, baby." Steve groaned, picking up the pace and placing his palm over your stomach. The added pressure and his rutting against your g-spot caused a long moan, nearly making you lose your pattern on Peggy's clit. She stared down at you as she gyrated her hips and rode your face. 
"Don't sto-op." Her accent rang through the air, causing you to flick your tongue faster. You have no intention of stopping, eager for her to cum in your mouth. Just the thought of it caused another climax to build inside of you. It was just as you pictured it. 
Steve continued to fuck you harder, fingertips digging into the plush of your hips and thighs, feeling you grow closer to release. "Fuck, baby, I wanna feel you cum on my cock. Cum for me." 
Just like before, he spoke your orgasm forward. Your pussy quivered and gripped his cock as you moaned into Peggy's cunt, still vigorously testing the swollen nub to completion. The vibration of the sound you made as you came did it, and she followed with her own almost instantly, juices dripping onto your lips and chin while her muscular thighs closed over your ears.
Your pulsating pussy pushed Steve closer. "Gonna cum deep inside you, baby. Fuck, you feel so good." He rambled as Peggy removed herself from your face to hear your breathy moans. Steve gave one final, hard shove before his warmth filled you up, watching as Peggy wiped her wetness away from your chin with her thumb. 
Steve joined the two of you in the bed, laying sideways with legs dangling off the side, breathing heavily. "Did that make you happy?" He asked, caressing your thigh. You smiled and nodded in return at him and Peggy. It was exactly what you wanted for days. 
"Then, by all means, take your time fixing my Travelmaster." Peggy spoke up before bringing her perfectly soft lips to yours in a dreamy kiss. She didn't have to tell you twice. 
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swan-of-sunrise · 1 year
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Summary: Steve pays a visit to the Smithsonian’s new exhibit honoring Captain America, and a little bit of sunshine unexpectedly breaks through his cloudy day.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warning/Disclaimers: Disclaimer for a candid depiction of depression and its symptoms, and brief depictions of PTSD
A/N: I wanted to start this new one-shot collection off with a look into Steve’s POV, specifically when he meets (Y/N) in the Smithsonian. It was my favorite moment to write in The Winter Soldier and I had so much fun revisiting it from a new perspective! Thank you all so much for reading, and I hope that you enjoy!
Sunshine March 2014 Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington D.C. (Fanfiction Masterlist)
Although it had been over two years since he’d been discovered alive and frozen in time within the wrecked remnants of Schmidt’s plane, Steve Rogers still didn’t quite know what to do with himself. He had work, of course; completing missions on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D. was familiar, reminiscent of his past and all the work he’d done alongside the SSR as the leader of the 107th tactical team throughout the war. But outside of work, he struggled to find ways to keep himself occupied. The notebook he filled with seventy years of various pop culture references kept him busy but as his understanding of the 21st century grew, so too did the disconnect he felt from the people and places that surrounded him.
So, on a beautiful spring afternoon that others were no doubt spending with their friends and family, Steve found himself sitting alone in the screening room of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum’s ‘Captain America: A Living Legend and Symbol of Courage’ exhibit. The filmed testimonials of various men and women who’d been directly or indirectly impacted by his actions included an emotionally-charged interview of Peggy Carter from the early 1950’s, several years after the creation of S.H.I.E.L.D. and her promotion to its first Director. Her hairstyle was different and her brown eyes had the hardened look of someone who’d seen far too much pain in such a short span of time, but to Steve she looked exactly the same as she had when they’d fought through Schmidt’s mountain fortress together in 1945.
“That was a difficult winter. A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line. Steve…Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a Hydra blockade that had pinned our allies down for months.”
Steve remembered the battle, just as he remembered each and every battle before and after. His elevated body temperature and high metabolism kept him from feeling the chill of the blizzard that raged on as he fought, but nothing in the super-soldier serum could keep his body from going numb when he saw the frozen and broken bodies of hundreds of soldiers scattered amongst the snow. He squeezed his eyes shut to stop himself from visualizing the explosions ripping through Panzers and hearing the roaring gunfire ricocheting off his vibranium shield, and he took a deep breath before opening his eyes and refocusing on Peggy.
“He saved over a thousand men, including the man who would…who would become my husband, as it turned out. Even after he died, Steve was still changing my life.”
He looked down at the compass in his hands and studied the black-and-white photograph he’d clipped out of a newspaper back in ‘44. He was happy that Peggy had gotten to live a long and happy life surrounded by loved ones and he made sure to tell her every time he visited her in the nursing home, but he couldn’t help but envy her a little; she’d lived the life he’d always wanted back before he took the serum and became Captain America, but after all he’d seen and done since, he wasn’t even sure what sort of life he wanted to live. He was lost in an unfamiliar world filled with people who believed he should be grateful for a chance at a new life and who didn’t care to know how he truly felt about his situation. It didn’t take him very long to learn that only one thing remained constant after seventy years: the rest of the world only saw Captain America, the Star-Spangled-Man-With-A-Plan, and not Steven Grant Rogers, the kid from Brooklyn who hated bullies and who only wanted to do the right thing.
The video continued to play as Steve stood and exited the screening room, slipping his hands into his jacket’s pockets and bowing his head while he went. The rest of the exhibit was filled with tourists eagerly examining artifacts from his life before and during his time of service, and Steve felt a familiar twinge of discomfort at the sight; it’s like they don’t understand that they belonged to real people and not characters from a story, he thought to himself as he walked past a group of young adults snidely critiquing Dum Dum Dugan’s combat gear displayed on a mannequin along with the rest of the 107th tactical team. There were far fewer people near the display dedicated to Bucky, so Steve gravitated towards it and studied the old photograph of his best friend; he was smiling and there was still a sparkle of life in his eyes, eyes that hadn’t yet seen the brutality of war, the unspeakable horrors concocted by the Nazis and the gruesome torture inflicted on him by Hydra while he was a POW.
Steve’s memories of Bucky and that fateful mission in the Alps were suddenly interrupted when the young woman standing in front of him turned and collided with his chest, dropping her notebook onto the ground and scattering its loose papers across the floor; she immediately knelt and began gathering up the sheets and Steve winced at the accident he’d inadvertently caused. “Sorry! Here, let me help you with that.” He kneeled on the ground before her and assisted her. “I wasn’t paying attention, I’m sorry-”
“I’m the one who should say sorry, I was so wrapped up in writing that I didn’t see…” The young woman’s voice faltered when she looked up from their shared work and her (Y/E/C) eyes widened in recognition. “Steve?”
Steve’s own eyes widened as he finally recalled just where he’d seen the woman before. “(Y/N), right? From yesterday morning?”
(Y/N) nodded. “That’s me.” She took the papers and tucked them inside her well-worn notebook as they stood. “What brings you to the Smithsonian?”
He shrugged and took a moment to adjust the bill of his baseball cap while he thought up a suitable answer. “I had the day off, and I guess I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. What about you?”
“Research,” She answered with a smile as she proudly brandished her notebook. “I’m writing a novel, so I was looking up information on Soviet Cold War-era missiles. Then when I finished with that, I thought I’d also see what all the fuss was about. I actually had another spark of writing inspiration before I smacked into you just now.”
Steve’s brows rose with interest. “You’re a writer? Have I heard of any of your work before?”
“Well, this novel I’m working on is actually my first.” They both stepped aside to let a group of schoolchildren read Bucky’s display. “I’m trying to become a historical fiction novelist, and I chose to write about the Cold War for my first novel.” Steve couldn’t help but admire the brightness in her smile and how the simple gesture illuminated her entire face, so much so that he nearly missed her question. “So, what do you think? Is everything here historically accurate?”
“Pretty much. What do you think of it?”
(Y/N) considered his question for a moment before answering. “I don’t know yet; on one hand, I think it’s great that an exhibit like this exists to educate people, especially children, about history, but part of me can’t stop thinking that it’s also an invasion of privacy.” Taken slightly aback by her reply, Steve frowned in confusion and watched as she gestured towards the many display cases surrounding them. “Like these, for example. These are private sketches of your family and friends that I’m sure you never meant for others to see. And over there, they have your underwear on display, for God’s sake!” A nearby middle-aged couple threw her a disapproving glare at her exclamation and Steve did his best to stifle his chuckle. “I don’t know, I think that they should show more respect when they create exhibits like this, especially if the person they’re about is still alive. You may be Captain America, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a little privacy, too.” The earnestness and underlying indignation in her words of defense took him by surprise, and it wasn’t until her head tilted to the side in curiosity that he registered the small smile playing on his own lips. “What is it?”
“Nothing…you just sound a little different from most of the people I’ve met since coming out of the ice.” Steve looked over at his best friend’s display and awkwardly cleared his throat as he struggled to keep their conversation going. “It’s lucky that I ran into you, actually, I was gonna try and stop by the VA today but I have no idea what the address is.”
“Oh, I’ve got it right here!” She reached into her pocket for her cell phone and began tapping away. “Let me see, where did I-ah, found it! It’s 50 Irving Street Northwest. All you have to do is go down North Capitol-wait, it might be 6th Street instead…and of course, no signal in here…” A small line formed between her brows as she frowned. “Urgh, if I had my car with me, I’d just give you a ride since I’m going there later anyways but Sam took it to work this morning…”
“I could always give you a ride, if you want?” Steve blurted out, praying that he wouldn’t start blushing as she considered his abrupt but sincere offer. “It’d be no trouble at all.”
(Y/N)’s smile brightened her expression and she nodded. “Okay, then. I’m pretty much done here, so just let me know when you wanna leave.”
“Let’s go.” They walked out of the exhibit and Steve snuck a clandestine look at the writer walking beside him; she was undoubtably pretty, with strikingly intelligent (Y/E/C) eyes and lips that seemed perpetually ready to curve into a teasing smile, and just as he’d done the day before when they’d first met by the National Mall, he compared her to sunshine breaking through a cloudy sky. She was vivacious and so full of life – a shining example of a modern 21st century woman – but at the same time, something about the way she talked and carried herself reminded him of a different time. He’d gone on a couple of dates since coming out of the ice but up to that point, the only woman he felt comfortable being around was Natasha, his coworker and occasional mission partner at S.H.I.E.L.D.; with (Y/N), though, he felt unusually at ease and the only discomfort came from the shyness she brought out in him. C’mon, Rogers, there’s nothing scary about just talking to her, he scolded himself before swallowing thickly and speaking up. “So, how far along are you with your novel?”
“I’m actually almost done with it, thank God. Not that I don’t enjoy writing, of course, but some days it feels like I’ve been writing this thing for a decade.” (Y/N) hitched the strap of her messenger bag higher on her shoulder and flashed him a thankful smile as he held the museum’s front door open for her. “Today was my last day of research. All I need to do is finish writing the last few chapters and then I can send them to my publisher for final approval.”
Steve smiled at the enthusiasm he detected in her voice. “Have you already chosen a title?”
“It’s called For Queen and Country, but there’s a funny story about how that came to be. I originally titled it The Détente Paradox, because the novel chronicles how a female MI5 agent discovers a plot to infiltrate and destabilize peace talks between the United States and the U.S.S.R.; my publisher argued that even if American readers knew the English translation, they wouldn’t understand the story from the title alone-”
“The Relaxation Paradox; makes perfect sense to me.” Steve felt himself flush as (Y/N)’s brows rose in surprise. “I, um, speak a little French. Sorry, you were saying?”
She looked impressed as they made their way towards the museum’s parking lot. “The criticism got under my skin and I couldn’t think of anything else until one night, my publisher called me after binge-watching some classic James Bond movies with his wife. In a couple of them, James Bond sometimes says he does the things he does as a spy ‘for Queen and country,’ and-wait, do you know about James Bond?”
“Nope, but I’ll go ahead and add him to the list,” Steve replied as he pulled out his notebook and jotted down the fictional spy’s name.
“So anyway, my publisher convinced me to change the title to For Queen and Country. I’d hate to boost his ego, but it sounds a lot better than anything I thought of.”
Tucking the notebook back into his pocket, Steve scanned the parking lot for any potential threats while he remarked, “In my day, authors usually sent a completed novel to a publisher instead of sending it in separate parts. I guess that’s changed, too?”
“No, that hasn’t changed; this publishing company’s co-owned by one of my old friends from high school who also happens to be the only person I trust to edit my writing. My situation is a little unorthodox, though; to convince his publishing partner to give a first-time novelist like me a chance, he’s been giving him some of my short stories to read. His partner likes them so far, so as long as I keep sending in things that he enjoys he might agree to publish my novel once it’s finished.”
Steve hummed to himself, even more impressed by the writer walking beside him than he already was. “Sounds stressful.”
“Well, it’s not ideal but it makes balancing research and work a little easier, and I’m not about to quit now, not while I’m so close to being published.” (Y/N) shrugged and looked over at him with a kindly smile on her face. “But what about you? What’re you doing to keep busy these days?”
Hastily deciding that (Y/N) didn’t need to know how he spent his free time alternating between visits with his ninety-three year old first love and moping alone in his apartment, Steve replied, “I work for S.H.I.E.L.D. Whenever I have some free time I read the internet and go through my list to mark things off. I didn’t have much to do this morning, so I listened to some of the soundtrack from American Graffiti; it’s not what I’m used to, but I liked it. All the songs sound unique from one another.”
The writer’s eyes lit up when he mentioned her music recommendation, and he felt his heart stutter at the beautiful sight. “Right? My mom was born in the sixties so she grew up listening to that type of music. Whenever my brother and I had to help on chore day, she’d put on her old records so that we’d have something fun to listen to while we cleaned the house.” They walked through the parking lot and as they turned down an aisle, Steve subtly checked that they weren’t being followed while an unaware (Y/N) continued to talk. “Sam thinks that music from that era is too cheesy, but this is also the guy who thinks that Marvin Gaye’s better than Jimi Hendrix so what the hell does he know?” He stopped beside his motorcycle and she sucked in a quick breath. “Is this yours?”
“Yep, it’s a Harley-Davidson Street 750. The one back there in the exhibit’s a Harley, too, a modified ’42 WLA Liberator. I’ve always preferred motorcycles to cars, so it was nice to see that they haven’t changed too much over the-” The rest of his sentence died in his throat when he caught sight of the unreadable expression on (Y/N)’s face, and his heart instantly plummeted in his chest. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told you that I didn’t have a car. If you’re not comfortable with-”
“No, no, it’s okay, I’ve always wanted to ride a motorcycle!” (Y/N)’s exclamation took him by surprise, but he managed to return her excited smile with one of his own. “Do you have a spare helmet?” He pulled a helmet out of the bike’s back compartment and tossed his baseball cap into it, trying his best not to think about how cute she looked when she placed the helmet on her head. “Wait, what about yours?”
Steve flashed her a teasing grin. “Super-soldier, remember?” She rolled her eyes as he swung a leg over the bike and sat, giving the empty space behind him a pat before placing his hands back on the handlebars. “Hop on.” She followed his direction with less than perfect grace, doing her best to respect his personal space while also trying her hardest not to fall flat on her face, and Steve bit back a smile as he watched her progress in the rearview mirror. “I’ll be able to hear you over the engine noise, so feel free to give directions as we go. And make sure to hold on tight, okay?”
“Sir, yes, sir!”
Chuckling, Steve revved up the engine and backed out of the parking spot; the writer seated behind him predictably panicked at the sudden movement and involuntarily moved her hands from beneath her seat to rest on his waist, causing Steve to blush as he gently took hold of her hands and guided her to wrap her arms around his torso. If he weren’t a super-soldier with heightened abilities, he almost certainly would’ve crashed the motorcycle because of how distracted he found himself by (Y/N)’s presence. He could feel the warmth of her body through his jacket and smell the faint scent of her perfume as she clung onto him and on a wild impulse, he sped up and grinned when she shrieked in delight and tightened her hold on him. True to his word, he heard her give him directions amidst her laughter and much to his disappointment, they reached the VA in under fifteen minutes.
Steve parked the motorcycle in front of the building and switched off the engine before turning in his seat to look at his beaming passenger. “So, how was your first ever motorcycle ride?”
“Amazing!” She held onto his shoulders as she clambered off the bike and removed the helmet. “I might even have to trade in my baby for one!” Steve’s eyes widened at her remark, and she hastily shook her head. “No, no, that’s just my dumb nickname for my Volkswagen Bug! I don’t have an actual baby, of course, and if I did I certainly wouldn’t trade it…um, so yeah, no baby…and no guy, either, in case you were wondering. I’m single, single like a Pringle.” (Y/N) cringed at her own words and dropped her head in her hand to avoid eye-contact. “You can stop my dumb rambling anytime now, Steve…”
Steve’s grin widened. “Don’t worry, it’s not dumb. Entertaining, yeah, but definitely not dumb.”
The writer shot him a glare that would’ve intimidated him if it hadn’t looked so adorable on her. “You know, you’re a lot more of a pain in the ass than the history books make you out to be.”
Just as he was prepared to say something flirtatious, his cell phone chimed with a notification and when he looked to see what it was, his heart sank in his chest and reality came crashing back down on him.
Nurse Alia: Mrs. Carter’s been having a rough day. Might do her some good to see an old familiar face.
Steve tucked his cell phone back into his pocket and looked back up at a confused (Y/N) with an apologetic expression on his face. “I’m sorry but I’ve gotta go, something just came up. I’ll try and make it for the end of the meeting, though.”
“Okay, I’ll be sure to let Sam know!” Their fingers brushed as he took the helmet from her and stowed it away, and she gave him a half-hearted wave as he revved the engine and backed out of the parking spot. He returned her wave and sped off down the street, the image of (Y/N) standing by herself on the sidewalk with a befuddled expression on her face burned into his memory while he navigated the streets of D.C. to reach Peggy’s retirement home. But while he drove, he recalled the way his heart lurched when (Y/N) smiled at him, how lovely her laughter sounded as he gave her her first ride on a motorcycle and just how – for the briefest of moments – he hadn’t felt so alone and unseen. Like sunshine breaking through a cloudy sky, he thought to himself once again, resolving to see the writer who uncovered Steve Rogers from beneath the façade of Captain America again as soon as he could.
A/N: This was my first time writing from Steve’s POV, so let me know how you liked it so I can decide if I wanna write from his POV in a future one-shot! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting, and I hope that you enjoyed it!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ziGMhEsAw833GQ9eV44nR?si=6dfead09c76848d5
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Part I)
Stumblin’ In Book VII: “Superhero Snapshots” Masterlist
Stumblin’ In Book I: “The Winter Soldier” Masterlist
Tagging:  @mrs-obrien​​​ @lahoete​​​ @awkward117 @cminr @natdrunk​​ @momc95​​​ @savedbystyle​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​ @mangosandmimosas @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​ @brooke0297​​​ @hufflepeople​​​ @becausewelie​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​ @ladydmalfoy @mads-weasley​​​ @username23345 @crist1216​​​ @capswife​​​ @lilmschild​​​ @avngrsinitiative @crowleysqueenofhell​​​ @y-napotat​​​ @mary1raven​​​ @groovy-lady​​​ @ljej95​​​ @innersublimefury​​​ @prettysbliss​​​​  
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
A Reverse Steve Rogers
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Masterlist - Taglist
Requested by @hawaiianpizzaenjoyer !! Thanks for the request, and for being so patient while I got it done! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Y/N, an Avenger, friend of Tony Stark, and the one who helped Steve Rogers adjust to the 21st century after he came out of the ice, gets flung back into the 1940s when something goes wrong on a training mission. She has no idea how long her stay in the 40s might be, but one way or another, it's going to be interesting.
Word Count: 4,684
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: This doesn't follow any of the season 2 timeline lol, just some vague stuff put together for the sake of this story.
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"We could always just find another ticket for her and make up a reason for her to be there on her own..."
"Yeah? Like what? At this event, anybody with the slightest hole in their story is gonna stick out like a sore thumb.”
I looked between Peggy Carter and Daniel Sousa as they talked, frantically trying to figure out what to do with me tonight. They were currently in the middle of breaking up a secret society in Los Angeles, and they had a mission disguised as a date tonight where they'd be infiltrating a fancy party being thrown by said society.
Unfortunately for them, I'd landed in their laps (pretty literally) this afternoon, and accidentally thrown a wrench into their whole operation.
One minute, I'd been doing a training mission with the Avengers. The next, I'd been falling on top of  a desk in the SSR in 1947. I still didn't know exactly what had thrown me back in time, but no matter what the cause, the fact didn't change that I was here, and would be for the foreseeable future.
I'd almost had a heart attack when I'd looked up to see THE Peggy Carter, founder of SHIELD and total badass, standing in front of me. I think I freaked her and Daniel out a little by fangirling the minute I got up off the floor, but a stranger landing in the middle of their super high-level organization probably would've landed me in the interrogation room anyway.
Thankfully, I knew Steve Rogers pretty well, and so did Peggy. I'd mentioned his name briefly when trying to explain how I knew who she was, but then I'd been able to use what I knew about Steve and the stories he'd shared with me to convince her I was telling the truth about time travel.
Since then, we'd done some brief introductions and I'd been let out of the interrogation room. I'd been given the bare minimum details of the mission to understand the conversation, and now I sat on the edge of a desk watching Daniel and Peggy talk as they tried to adjust their plans.
"Perhaps Mr. Jarvis would be available on short notice to take her as a date..." mused Peggy.
"Whoa, Jarvis? Oh my gosh, the real person Jarvis is alive and walking around right now. That makes sense," I said, mostly talking to myself.
"That still doesn't solve the problem of them not being on the guest list," continued Daniel, he and Peggy only briefly glancing my way at the outburst.
"Maybe Howard could help us secure another two."
"He already wore out his welcome with these guys to get you in there the first time."
"Did you just say Howard? As in Howard Stark?"
Peggy and Daniel groaned in unison.
"Don't tell me you're a big fan of him too?" groaned Daniel.
"His ego's already big enough as it is," Peggy agreed.
"No, it's not that, I- uh... nevermind." I pushed off the desk, waving off thoughts of Tony. I still wasn't clear on how this time travel stuff worked, and I didn't want to go telling people about Howard Stark's currently nonexistent son without more assurance it wouldn't have any crazy impact first. "Look, you guys clearly don't have space for me in this mission. The best path is a small team, specifically a couple, who can enjoy the night like a regular date while still gathering intel and handling the mission."
Peggy and Daniel shared a look, and I could see an entire conversation passing between them. I continued.
"I might not know much about the forties, but I'm still a capable adult. I'm an Av- I was on a team with Steve to take on missions around the world. I'll be fine handling myself for a bit while you guys take care of business."
"Are you sure?" asked Peggy with a frown.
"We don't want to completely abandon you. Disappearing from your own time and reappearing in another can't be easy," added Daniel.
I gave them a faint smile, momentarily overwhelmed with memories. I'd first met Steve when he'd shown up in the future and needed someone to help him adjust. I'd been a SHIELD agent at the time, responsible for liaising with Tony Stark, so they figured helping a living legend adjust would be nothing compared to that.
They'd been right, and we'd hit it off the bat. When Tony eventually formed the team, I'd been on the roster. And now, I was the one being faced with adjusting to another time.
"It's not easy," I said to Daniel, the smile still on my face. "But I also don't need babysitters when those babysitters have important, world-saving duties to attend to. I actually have a little bit of an advantage, going back in time. I took history classes and whatnot, so I at least have some idea of how this world works."
"Well, if you're sure-"
"Alright! Sousa, Marge, fear not! The cavalry is here."
I turned at the sound of a new voice, but not before I caught Peggy and Daniel rolling their eyes so far back into their heads I couldn't see the pupils. A tall, blond man in a suit was striding across the room towards us, and a second after I started sizing him up he noticed me and did the same.
"Who's this?" he asked, coming to a stop in front of us. Peggy and Daniel didn't answer right away, apparently working together to gather mental strength before entering the conversation with this guy. I just leaned back a bit against the desk and watched.
Peggy and Daniel took a second to make significant eye contact, then sighed as one. Daniel turned to Jack, and Peggy subtly shifted closer to me.
"She's somebody who does a job like ours, but from the future," said Daniel. Jack just stared at him for a minute, then looked to me, and then back at Daniel.
"Sousa, despite what you might think, I'm not stupid."
"Jack, I get that it's hard to believe, but if you actually listen for two seconds-"
Jack huffed and crossed his arms while Daniel kept talking. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Peggy leaning in towards me, and I blocked out the boys' argument as she whispered to me.
"Y/N, I have a favor to ask of you."
"Hit me," I whispered back. Peggy sighed.
"Jack has recently had a moral epiphany," she started. I took half a second to give her a curious glance, and she just rolled her eyes in response. "It's been mostly nice, both to have him on our side and to finally have him respecting me and Daniel and anyone that's not an older man already in power.
"That said, we don't have space for him on this mission. All he's going to do is be a nuisance, and he's far less likely to agree to being benched than you."
"And I take it you have a solution for this?"
"Yes. But it would require throwing you under the bus to keep him occupied tonight."
I paused for a second, giving Jack another good look. He and Sousa were still in the middle of a heated argument while Sousa tried to convince him I was actually a time traveler, and even though they both seemed exasperated, Jack also seemed to be enjoying the back and forth. A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth.
"Peggy Carter, it would be an absolute honor to assist you on a mission," I said, turning to her with a smile. "Even if it means spending the evening learning about the forties from a slightly questionable teacher."
"You're a lifesaver," she said, giving me a smile back. She pushed off the desk, moving towards Daniel and Jack to interrupt them but shooting me a wink first. "And don't worry, I'll give you an actual introduction to the decade after this mission is over."
I nodded, then Peggy got Jack and Daniel's attention to put their argument to rest and explain the situation. Jack raised an eyebrow when Peggy told him his job would be keeping me company, but she phrased it well enough that it didn't quite sound like babysitting for either of us. Finally, he agreed, and Peggy and Daniel headed out for their event, leaving me and Jack Thompson alone in the bullpen of the LA SSR.
He stood by the windows, staring out at the traffic below as I spun around in a swivel chair. I kept looking at him, but he didn't look over at me once, at least not that I could catch. Finally, after a few more rotations, I huffed a sigh and pushed myself up. I put my hands on my hips, but Jack still didn't look over.
"Alright, I'm bored out of my mind, which should not be a possibility less than three hours after I suddenly appeared in a different time period," I said. Jack finally looked over at me, raising an unimpressed eyebrow as he did. I continued. "You're supposed to be helping me adjust to this place, since I don't know how long I'm gonna be here. Believe it or not, it didn't take me that long to adjust to this office."
He sighed heavily, but stepped away from the window anyway, stopping a few feet in front of me with his arms across his chest. He stared at me for a few seconds without saying anything, and I just stared right back. I crossed my arms to mirror him and he snorted and rolled his eyes.
"You're really from the future?" he finally asked.
"Did the twenty minutes Peggy and Daniel spent convincing you not settle this matter?"
He grunted, then finally dropped his arms back to his sides.
"Fine. What do you want to do then?"
I grinned. "Any good places to grab a drink and a dance around here?”
"This is only my first week in LA, so if this place ends up being terrible, it's the city's fault and not mine," said Jack as we stepped out of the cab together. I'd taken a second to find a dress to steal from Peggy's emergency disguise stash at the SSR, since my 21st century mission clothes would probably cause a riot if I went out in them, and then Jack and I had jumped in a cab to a spot in town he'd heard about.
"Boooo," I teased as he paid the driver and we headed in together. "You can't consider the possibility of the night being a failure before it's even started! It's a jinx."
"A jinx?"
"Yeah, you know. Like bad luck."
"I know the definition of the word jinx," he scoffed. "I just think it's ridiculous you believe in them."
"Oh, yeah, of course. Actually, I didn't want to tell Peggy and Daniel this, but in the future we've discovered that a lot of things people dismissed as superstitions or bad luck are actually true. Like jinxes. Oh, and breaking a mirror? That actually will mess you up! We didn't realize it until science advanced a little further, I think in the seventies, but it's true."
Jack stared at me for a few seconds, and I stared back with a perfectly neutral expression on my face. Then, he broke into a grin and nudged me with his shoulder.
"You're messing with me."
"I definitely am."
He scoffed and shook his head, but the smile didn't drop off his face. He sighed dramatically, looking up at the club in front of us, then held out his arm for me to take.
"C'mon. You're the one who wanted to experience the time period."
I smiled up at him, then looped my arm through his. He pulled me a little closer, and I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't speed up a bit as we walked into the club together.
Immediately I got hit with the music I associated with the swinging jazz of the 1940s as we stepped into a world of men in suits and women in old-style dresses, all twirling across the dancefloor together.
"Whoa," I breathed. Suddenly, it started to sink in that I was actually in the 1940s, more than 80 years from everything and everyone I knew. A new surge of sympathy for Steve welled up in my chest.
"You alright?" asked Jack, nudging me a little as we stood in the doorway. I took a deep breath in and out, then slowly nodded. "Okay, good. Let's go get a drink.”
I huffed a laugh as he pulled me through the crowd and towards the bar. We managed to find two stools, and Jack pulled my seat out for me before I sat down. I couldn't help giving him a slightly bemused look, which he grunted about as he took the seat next to me.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing," I said, waving him off. "Just, you know... forties."
He turned to stare at me, his eyebrows knit together, but the bartender appeared before he could question what I was talking about.
"What can I get the two of you?" asked the bartender. Jack turned to me, letting me go first.
"I'll have an old fashioned, please."
Both he and Jack looked at me for a second, but I looked right back at both of them like they were crazy for questioning it (because they were). After a second, Jack shrugged and turned back to the bartender.
"I'll do the same."
The bartender nodded, then moved away to make the drinks. I turned and gave Jack a smile.
"Thanks for buying," I said. "I didn't have my wallet on me when I got sucked back in time, and even if I did, I don't think the bartender would be able to accept the kind of bills I carry. I'm not trying to get arrested for counterfeiting a few hours into being in the past."
Jack chuckled. "Sure thing. So, an old fashion, huh?"
"Yeah. It's Ton- uh, it's my friend's favorite drink. He got me drinking them, too."
"Hm. Future sounds like a wild place."
"Honestly, I'd say 1940 is a little wilder."
The bartender set down our drinks, and Jack put a few bills on the table. Then, once he was out of earshot again, I turned to Jack with a smile.
"Cheers," I said, raising my glass in toast. "To new experiences and getting to know each other and this weird ass trip back to the past."
Jack smiled, although I could tell he was fighting it, and clinked his glass with mine before we both took a sip.
"So, Jack Thompson... tell me about the forties."
Jack and I spent the next hour talking about everything from foods that hadn't been invented yet (ranch dressing!) to the weird, national popularity of baseball and how I couldn't wait to see people start getting the memo about the NBA. Some of it was informative, even helpful, but for the most part we just... talked. Laughed. Joked around and enjoyed each other's company like people who'd known each other much longer than a few hours.
For some reason, it just felt easy. Going into this, heading out with someone who was clearly a confident, if not arrogant, man from the 1940s, with Peggy's warnings on top of everything else? Well, let's just say I didn't have the highest of hopes. But by some miracle, whether it was our equally loud and teasing personalities or that fact that I proudly didn't know anything about baseball beyond the fact that games took way too long, rather than the ignorance or indifference he had been expecting... Jack Thompson and I got on like wildfire.
"I'm just saying, when you're watching a legend play, that's the only part of the game that matters!" Jack continued, defending his baseball stance. "And DiMaggio's a legend."
"Yeah, no shit," I scoffed, rolling my eyes to go with it. Jack snorted at my language, but I caught him grinning at me all the same as he took a sip from his drink. "But, unlike in other sports, your legend's only playing for like fifteen minutes out of every hour. Still boring!"
Jack opened his mouth, clearly ready with some other comeback that would do absolutely nothing to change my position, but before he could, the band started up with something I actually recognized.
"Oh my God!" I cried, setting down the now-empty glass that previously held my second old fashioned. "This song- we have to go dance!"
"You know this song?" asked Jack, only looking slightly bemused as he set down his glass and I dragged him towards the dance floor.
"Yeah. Steve plays it all. The damned. Time," I said, finally coming to a stop in the middle of the floor. I moved to drop Jack's hand now that I'd gotten him out here, but he just squeezed it tighter and pulled me closer. "It's one of the only songs from the forties he plays that I can actually stand."
Jack scoffed, wrapping an arm around my waist as we started twirling across the floor together. "You're actually friends with him? Sousa wasn't making that whole thing up?"
"What? No. Actually, I'm the one that helped him adjust to the future not long after he woke up in my time."
Jack nodded, looking thoughtful. "So that's why you recognized Carter? Sousa said you almost fainted from excitement when you first saw her."
"No. I mean, sort of, I guess. But I would've known her even without Steve. She's only the coolest, most badass woman and intelligence pioneer the world has ever known," I said. Jack snorted, and I scowled. "What? You disagree?"
He shrugged. "I mean, I'd probably argue there are some other intelligence pioneers that deserve mention. But... I guess no, I don't necessarily disagree. Just don't mention it to her, alright? I'll deny it, and I don't need her immortalization from a time traveler being thrown in my face every time I work a case with her for the rest of time."
I laughed, and Jack gave me a knowing smile before spinning me out and away from him. He twirled me across the floor before pulling me back to him quickly. We moved in perfect harmony, picking up our pace to match the band and putting the other couples to shame. We quickly got lost in our own little world, to the point that everyone and everything except the music disappeared. When Jack sped up, I sped up a little more, and we easily met each other's challenges, stupid smiles on our faces the whole time.
When a slower song started playing, Jack and I finally relaxed the pace, forgoing the elaborate dance moves to just sway in place and catch our breaths for a minute. I was still a little lost in our moment, enough so that I didn't notice someone else approaching us until he shoved himself part way between me and Jack.
"Hey doll. Mind if I cut in?" The guy leered over me, totally ignoring Jack as he reached for my hand without waiting for my answer. I scoffed, my tired-but-happy smile instantly turning into a scowl. Jack seemed equally frustrated and moved as if he was about to step in and do something about it, but I decided to just take care of it for the both of us.
"Actually, yeah, I do mind," I snapped, fixing the guy with an unimpressed look as I snatched my hand out of his reach. He seemed incredibly surprised by my response, but I plowed ahead anyway. "I'm dancing with someone already, and even if I weren't, I have no interest at all in dancing with you. So... scram. Or beat it. Or whatever people say now."
The man just stood there for a second, open-mouthed, blinking at me in stunned silence. Then, his expression shifted into a scowl and his face started to turn red.
"I- You- How dare you-!"
"Dude, get lost," I said, crossing my arms and staring him down as I talked over him. I glanced over his shoulder to Jack, who also looked shocked but in a pleasantly surprised way, and addressed him. "What's another good way to tell someone to go away?"
He shrugged, a delighted smile growing on his face. "Take a powder?"
"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Jack just nodded, so I looked back at the rude guy. "Alright, take a powder. Hit the bricks. Take a long walk off a short pier. Other creative ways to say leave. I want to dance to this lovely song with my dance partner here, who is not you, so... yeah. Take the blatant instructions."
The man whirled around to Jack, like he expected him to say or do something to reign me in. Jack just shrugged again.
"You heard the lady. I'm not gonna tell you anything she didn't already say."
The man scowled, whipping back to look at me again. I just met him with crossed arms and a look that told him I wouldn't be budging an inch. He spluttered a few more incoherent words in indignation, then stormed off the dance floor and out of sight. I sighed, then faced Jack again.
"How wildly out of place was that for the time period? Both him and me?" I asked. Jack grinned.
"Him? Not very. You? Insanely," he said, taking my hand again as we went back to gently swaying in place. He tugged me a little closer to his chest, and I smiled. "I gotta say though, I sure enjoyed watching it."
"Good. Because I don't actually care at all, and I had a lot of fun doing that."
Jack laughed, throwing his head back before fixing me with a brilliant smile. He twirled me out and away from him again, then pulled me right back into his chest. We swayed together, closer than we'd been all night, and to my surprise I started noticing more than a few butterflies squirming in my chest as I stared up at the SSR Chief. Hm, noted the more logical side of my brain as we moved across the crowded dance floor. Nice, my heart replied as Jack's strong hand laid firmly on my waist and my hand traveled to the collar of his shirt.
Jack and I spent the rest of the night at the club, enjoying the music, the dancing, and each other's company until the place turned on the lights and threw us out. A few times, other men came up to hit on me and "steal me away" from Jack. Each time, I dressed them down and sent them on their way, and each time Jack just grinned and watched me do it. I could still tell he was ready to jump in, that his instinct was to take care of it for me, but he seemed to enjoy watching the jerks splutter and babble in shock and surprise as much as I did.
Afterwards, when we wandered back out onto the LA street together, Jack insisted on escorting me back to Howard Stark's place, where I'd be staying with Peggy. It was going to be incredibly weird staying at Tony's dad's house, meeting him and the real-human Jarvis, but I could process that later. Right now, I wanted to focus on the amazing, less-weird parts of being in the 40s. Specifically Jack Thompson, who I'd just spent a wonderful night enjoying this new time period with.
Jack hailed us a cab, and I rested my head on his shoulder and watched the city go by as the taxi took us out of the city, to the massive Stark mansion. It was basically a 40s version of Tony's Malibu house, and a pang of sadness tightened in my chest when I realized I had no idea when–or if–I would see my friends again.
I took a deep breath and shook those thoughts out of my head as the car came to a stop. All of that was a problem for later, not now. Jack got out first, holding the door for me and offering a hand to help me out, which I took. Rather than dropping it once I stood, he wrapped it around his arm as he asked the cabbie to wait and escorted me towards the house. We stopped on the porch and turned to face each other, and I realized I actually really didn't want the night to end.
"Thanks for showing me around the forties," I said, giving Jack a small smile. "It was actually really fun."
"You don't have to sound so surprised," he griped, but a smile made its way onto his face all the same. "So... I don't know how long you're gonna be here, and obviously we've got a lot of other work to do with Carter and Sousa tomorrow, but... maybe I could take you out again sometime. There's still a lot of forties you haven't seen yet."
"I'd like that," I said, a warm feeling welling up in my chest. I hesitated a second as Jack and I stared at each other on the doorstep, then decided to say fuck it and keep doing what I'd been doing all night: following my impulses. "Quick question: in the forties, if I kiss you on the first date, is that going to scare you off or something?"
Jack grinned. "It might get a raised eyebrow from the cabbie, but I sure as shit won't be complaining."
With that, I grabbed Jack's lapels and tugged him towards me, leaning up just a bit and giving him a kiss. It was short, really just a quick peck since we'd just met, but fireworks exploded in my chest at the sensation anyway.
Jack's grin stayed in place as we pulled apart, and his hand lingered on my waist an extra second before dropping to his side. He took a step backwards, towards the waiting car, even as his eyes stayed on mine. I rested my hand on the doorknob, watching Jack and trying to stay in the moment even as he walked away.
"Welcome to the forties, sweetheart," he called as he made it down the porch steps and into the driveway. "I'll see you at work tomorrow."
I waved, a smile on my own face to match his. "Can't wait."
Jack gave a short wave and one last grin before getting into the cab. I watched as he drove away, a smile still on my own face even after I knew he couldn't see it. Finally, after the lights of the cab faded back into the LA night, I turned on my heel and walked into the house.
I'd been in the 40s for less than twelve hours, and I knew for a fact that I hadn't even scratched the tip of the iceberg on exploring the time period, or what frustrations being eighty years removed from everything I knew would bring. But, despite all that, I'd had a blast tonight, and tomorrow I'd get to start working with THE Peggy Carter. Whether I was only here for another few hours or it turned into months or longer, I couldn't help being excited at the idea of everything that was yet to come for me, not least of all my next date with Jack Thompson.
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lesbian-deadpool · 2 years
Y/N, after finding out Steve went back to Peggy: I resent being dragged into your heterosexual tomfoolery.
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Breach Of Contract: Part 9
A/N: Peggy Carter bashing as usual
You felt anxious before the plane had even touched down. It started with your palms sweating and your heart racing, the steady uptick in beating had been a synonymous symptom of your changing emotional well-being.
Senator Rogers had departed your side a half hour ago, leaving you to get a briefing of the events that would take place the first night you arrived.
He had left for the back of the plane to make a few adjustments to his wardrobe and his physical appearance. In his absence, you were welcome to fall into a pit of anxiety and restlessness, the debilitating awareness that you were going to face the media as both his intern and as some specimen, they wanted to shove under a microscope.
You knew, full well, that the connection between you and Steve had been noted by both likely supporters and opposition.
You knew full well that comments were comparing the kind of chemistry you two had, versus the kind of blasé and underwhelming bond that tied Steve and Peggy together. The evidence of support or animosity had already been noticed through different socials and handles on the vast internet.
However now you were going to have to face it head-on.
Pepper had made you aware of the media circus, of the absolute hell and chaos that would ensue once Senator Rogers touched the ground. It was only natural given the attacks that the other party was trying to unleash on him in order to dissuade the public from voting for the necessary parties to vote him in. It was rather nasty, from what you had already seen and it was only going to act as gasoline for this insane and innate fire that would be all-consuming.
Once he set foot on the tarmac, the press tour started. There would be no shortage of events that would aid Senator Roger’s message for unity in the country, and the need to help each other out rather than turning our backs on each other.
The start of the press tour on the west coast would start the moment he stepped off the plane and the docket had started to take place with the first flash of a camera. Senator Rogers was ready, he was prepared with a level head and an assurance that he could and would handle whatever was thrown his way.
“I hope you’re ready.” Chase had given you a forewarning as the process to off-board was starting. “We’re coming behind him and immediately going to the hotel.”
You reached for the bag you’d packed, one of the carry-ons with little inside other than a quick change of clothes and a few books, hesitating when you felt hands grazing your own. Given the last chance to give you a pep talk, Steve lifted the bag from the overhead compartment for you and set it on the floor.
Inhaling slowly, you focused on the scent of his cologne and the tinge of spice that made you want to turn into him for comfort. He was strong and broad-shouldered but he carried so much warmth with him, warmth that you wanted to surround yourself.
“Take a deep breath, don’t let them get in your head.” He whispered, he whispered gently as if the roles were reversed and you were the one who was going to be facing the onslaught of the media circus.
“I’m scared.” You replied with a mumble, unable to turn and face him, at least not while the doors were prepared to be opened.
“Fear is not a weakness.” Steve had pulled away when it was time for him to settle into his role, and after he stepped away you looked over your shoulder and locked eyes with him. It was only a moment, it was barely half a minute before he had to turn away but it was enough.
And then the door opened, a powerful vortex of questions and the steady click of cameras had come rushing to your ears before he had even stepped out. He had upped out of your line of sight although you could easily detect the cacophonous drone from the tarmac.
“We have to go, we have to face it.” Val and Sasha both stepped by your seat, the latter helping you pick up your bag and the files you’d been scouring over. “We’re right here with you.”
The buzz that you heard on the plane was tepid compared to being on the tarmac with a line of press, different media cycles and online avenues for gossip and information vying to get his attention. It was as if you were in a wind tunnel, being accosted by the piercing noise that hit your ears with an unseemly tangency that made you grit your teeth.
“Senator Rogers reaches the LAX airport with his team in tow-“
“Senator Rogers is starting the tour here on the west coast and is said to be attending a few ceremonies-“
“The excitement for the senator to arrive has boiled over and quite a crowd has been drawn. Now I’ve been told-“
You could remain ignorant to the questions as Steve had stopped by a few press junkets as the start of his tour commenced. However, when you started hearing questions fired off at you, you were not as poised and collected as the Senator.
“Y/N! Y/N do you have any responses to the fans and supporters of Madame Carter who have accused you of interfering in their marriage?” A reporter for a popular online gossip outlet had raised their voice to garner your attention, and immediately you were thrown off guard.
You were a deer in headlights, eyes wide and tongue-tied. Your mind was not cooperating with your vocal cords or your motor skills, you couldn’t move or respond in any possible facet. Rather, you were stuck where you stood with your fingers tapping on the inside of your hands.
And when you finally could speak, when you finally found yourself able to produce a sound, it came out as a stuttering and weak response.
“I’m…I don’t-“ you were steered away, set into the protective side of Chase and Val.
“Ignore them. Keep your head down and move. Act normal.” Chase squeezed your hand and led you off to the vehicles waiting for the support team. He opened the door and watched you slide into the back beside Val before he joined you, the other vehicle held out for Pepper, Sasha and Steve.
“This is madness. It’s chaos-” you rest your head in your hands, your eyes closing for a single moment to gather your thoughts.
You weren’t prepared for this, even with all the warning and prep you’d been doing it wasn’t expected. This was your first real, true job as a PR intern for a major political campaign, and maybe it was your naivety that made you ignorant, but you didn’t know it would be like this.
“The first day and I feel like I’ve been dumped into the Arctic Ocean.” You lowered your hands, watching aimlessly as Senator Rogers approached the lead vehicle and took a pause to wave once more at the crowds.
“We have the night off. Sasha, Pepper & the Senator are going to do a kickoff press conference, so…” Chase leaned in and nudged your arm with his. “Come to my hotel room, we’ll order food and watch B-rated movies.”
“As long as you promise not to start sexting your boyfriend. The last time you invited us over, we got a deeply personal insight into your sex life, and we didn’t want it.” Val leaned forward and directed her attention to Chase, the two of them continuing their ease back and forth until the driver started taking off from the airport.
As the vehicle moved, you leaned back against the seat and angled your head, staring out the window at the masses of people or reporters who were still recording or taking pictures of the envoy.
It was endless or seemed to be and you wondered, at any point, if you would be on the receiving end of Madame Carter’s hatred in person.
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“The press tour started eventfully,” the fabricated crooning which once had brought him to his knees had now been a nail upon glass to his ears, “are you enjoying playing with your intern?”
“Peggy quit.” Steve drew out his annoyance with a sharp hiss when his wife’s comments, through a picture-perfect screen, had come across as hypocritical at best. “We’re not doing this.”
“Not doing what, Steve? You’re not screwing around with a younger woman while your wife is doing charity work?” Peggy leaned forward tucking her hand under her chin, her long deep brown hair was pinned to the top of her head in a style that was as calculated as she was.
Peggy was unbothered by the weight of her affairs, by the notion that while Steve wanted to change the world for the better she wanted to acquire an endless stream of power and money for herself.
It was a reality that was more of a nightmare, the idea that she could have used Steve so easily and not found fault in the irony that she was committing physical adultery. Steve, in comparison, felt like he was genuinely falling in love with someone incredible.
“Where’s he hiding? Where do you have him this time? The closet?” Steve blew out the accusation with animosity, and disgust hanging off every syllable until his mouth was coated with bitterness.
“I have no idea who you’re talking about,” Peggy’s lips were drawn back into a smirk, a slow-building quirk riddled with heinousness, “I should remind you…”
His heart sank and his hands were balled into tight fists by his side.
He didn’t need to know what toxic spewing ire she would fire off at him to know that it was another tactic for control. Steve knew that she and her family, who had promised so much for the man who wanted to be a great politician and make a difference, were trying to tighten the strings and spin this discourse between the two of them into a positive light.
“It’s in your little whore’s contract that if she fucks anyone in her circle she’ll be fired.” It felt like a victory for her, Steve could see it written clearly.
Every shadow and highlight on her aesthetically pleasing face, her natural beauty and charisma that charmed more than just him, was now twisted.
Every facet of her that he once loved was tainted and obliterated by this poisonous facet that made him hate her. It was despicable, it was beyond what he thought he could handle. Peggy Carter and Pierce’s were fucking with what little glimmer of happiness he could have.
“Make sure you’re a good boy, Steve. Don’t put your dick in anything that could get you into trouble.”The irony, cruel and twisted, befell him.
He was finding happiness but couldn’t step over the line they drew in the sand. It was a method of torture to keep him in their distinctive clutch, and Steve was caught between letting himself chase the glimmer of hope and squandering it all.
“I wanted to change the world, Peggy. I wanted to do good and be good. I wanted a loving wife and kids to come home to, I wanted the American dream and you-”
“I told you to fuck her, didn’t I?” Steve’s heart sank, the acid in his stomach churning as he rendered himself stuck on this terrorizing notion that if he chased you, physically seeking you, you would be ruined. “Guess you better keep your dick clean.”
He wanted to call her a bitch, he wanted to call her a hypocritical whore for this cage she was forcing him into. Steve wanted to rip into her, endlessly tearing her in two through the screen, and yet all he could do was stare at this vile poisonous snake.
She was fucking every intern she had and dangling up above him like a carrot in front of a horse.
Peggy Carter was holding everything from him.
“I’m not letting you go, Steve. I still need you and you need me, my family, to get what you want. Who knows…maybe when I become the First Lady I’ll give you the whore as a gift. You could keep her locked under the Oval Office to suck dick for all I care-”
Steve closed the screen with a snap, using enough force to crack the screen. He stood violently and reacted in anger, swiping everything from the desk to the floor. Bile was crawling up his throat, stinging his esophageal system from the inside. His heart was thrashing violently as he continued the destruction, seeking an outlet for himself.
And as he finished, as he had spent all the anger he had, Steve slowly slid down the wall nearest the window. He drew his knees up to his chest and hid his face in his hands, slowly exhaling.
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Time In A Bottle(young!Howard Stark X reader)
Paring: young!Howard X Carter!Reader
Summary: after a time machine going wrong a few faces from the past get knocked into our century.
A/N: this is an old story of mine that I posted on Wattpad a while back. It's not edited but I hope you all enjoy.
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"can't believe how long it's been since you've been in the ice" I mumbled looking through a magazine that was just published. It was full of articles and pictures of Steve, my aunt peggie, and Howard Stark. I kept flipping through when I stopped on a picture of my aunt.
"you know you kinda look like her" Steve said standing behind the stool I was sitting on and looked over my shoulder looking at the picture of Peggy. I smiled and nodded. I was proud to be a Carter and I didn't hide it like my sister Sharon did. Before I could say anything else there was a loud crash coming for the lab. "what the hell was that?" I asked Tony who was sitting on the couch with pepper.
"you didn't leave anything on did you?" pepper asked. "it's probably just Bruce" Tony mumbled and got up.
"no because Bruce and natasha went on vacation... Remember?" tony stopped in his tracks and looked guilty. He knew exactly what he did he just wasn't ready to admit to what he did. "I'll be back" he said running towards the lab.
"miss. Carter, Mr stark has requested your assistance in the lab" I hear Friday call out from the speakers of the lab. I sighed and threw the magazine onto the coffee table and walked towards the lab. "Tony way do I always have to save your ass" I asked walking into the lab.
When I looked up I saw a treo of people serounding the time machine we've been working on for months. "who's your friends?" I asked crossing my arms. Tony tried to talk but I ignored him looking at three people. One that I recognized made my heart skip a beat.
"aunt Peggy?" I mumbled. She didn't hear me which I was thankful for. No need to add more to the confusion.
"how did you guys get here?" I asked my question was competly ignored and my aunt Peggy started to attack a man who looked like Tony. "Howard you buffoon I told you to not mess with that damed robot again"
"time machine!" Howard correct. "it's a time machine and it obviously worked so I'm a genius" he said with a smirk and crossed his arms over his chest with pride. Now we know where tony gets his ego. "what year is it miss?" the third one asked. He sounded like Jarvis just more human.
"2022" I said crossing my arms. As the three conversed with Tony and I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me I looked over and noticed Howard staring at me. Howard was pretty handsome in his younger years. He looked at lot like Tony but maybe a bit taller. They both seemed to have the same attitude and the same eyes and hair.
I looked at him and raised an eyebrow questioning him. He simply winked and tried to get his two since in the conversation. After a few minutes of arguing we finally came to agreement.
"okay so they'll stay here In till we can figure out how to send them back home" I said walking to the time machine. It looked burnt to the crisp and refused to turn one. I sighed as I picked up a piece that fell off and sat on top of the waist of space.
"(y/n) why don't you show our guests around and show them where the extra rooms are" Tony said before I could escorts them to their destinations Peggy chimed in. "that won't be necessary" she said to me. "I think I can find my way around" she left the lab and literally walked the opposite direction of where she was supposed to go. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at the woman I shared blood with. "she's going the wrong way isn't she?" Howard asked clearly reading my expressions right.
"yup" I said turning to him. He flashed me a smirk and looked me up and down. "if the offer of a tour of our new living facilities are still open I would love if you'd show me around" I rolled my eyes at him. He was definitely cocky and very brave you could also tell him and Tony are related. I scoffed "fine" I then started to walk down the hallway as Howard tried to catch up with me.
-----------(1st pov)-----------
I tossed and turned in my bed. Once comfy bed felt like a brick and the room felt like a hundred degrees. Millions of things ran through my head. From the simplest things to more hectic things. My first thoughts were on my aunt and how hard it felt to tell her I was her blood or the fact me and Tony couldn't figure out how to send her back to the right time period.
It also felt wired that I couldn't get Howard out of my head. The man was indeed a charming man much like his son. He also held the same ego and sarcasm but he seemed to know when to hide it unlike Tony.
The man wouldn't leave me alone the rest of the day. He would follow me around the compound like a lost puppy or try to 'help' me in the lab. On the contrary I don't need help in my lab and I felt that he needed to know I don't need a man to help me get my job done. That's why I own my own lab because dispit Tony being my best friend it was always hard to do a job with out him breathing down my neck.
I sighed giving up on sleep and left my room. I quietly walked down the hallway trying not to wake anyone and headed into the kitchen for some tea and maybe a snack. I sighed rumgimg through the cabinets in the dim almost dark room.
"can't sleep either?" I voice said making me jump. I quickly turned around and saw Howard setting at the counter in the middle of the kitchen. He looked just as tired as I felt. His brown hair slightly wet from a shower but in some strainds of hair were fluffy and Stubele peppered his jaw. He was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans that Tony possibly gave him. Above all he was handsome I wasn't denying that but in the end I would have to stop myself from getting close to him. For his, mine, and especially Tony's sake.
"no I can't sleep too much on my mind" I sighed setting a crossed from him. He simply smirked and shook his head. "this hole thing is a mystery to me too. I think this is an amazing experience but then I want to get Peggy and Jarvis home where they belong"
"if ony Bruce was home, he's just as smart as you and Tony"
"your pretty intelligent yourself doll" he responded. His brown eyes looked at me and he smirked making me blush.
"me and Tony will try to get you home" I said. "I mean no rush... This time period can't be that bad could it?" he asked.
I titled my head to the side and my straight face broke to a smile. "are you kidding? I would love to live in the 40s"
"why?" he asked with a chuckle. "I Love the history, the music, the cars are my favorite" I smiled.
"you like cars?" he smirked like he was surprised. I slightly nodded and He looked amused.
"what was Steve like back then? I mean before the serum?" I asked breaking the silence.
"much like he is now I'm guessing. I didn't really know him much before he took the serum" he said drinking the last of his coffee. As we fell into comfortable silence I started to feel my eyes get heavy. I rested my elbow on the tabe and my head was supported by my  fist. "you look tired.. You should go back to bed..we gotta lot of work to do tomorrow" Howard smiled at me. I only nodded and stood up from the counter. I smiled and padded his shoulder. "get some sleep too Stark" he only nodded.
"good night doll" he called out as I left the room.
The next morning I woke up before anyone else. It was pretty quiet which in my opinion was good. That ment Tony was getting the right amount of sleep he deserves and hopefully the rest of the team was doing the same.
I really didn't feel like working on the time machine before Tony and Howard got up so I just went down to the grauge where all the cars we owned sat. All of them were different in size in color. To Scott's rust bucket of a van to clint and Steve's motorcycles. I like to think my baby out shined them all. My car is back 1967 chivy impala. I worked hard to keep in shape and always made sure I ran to perfection.
I smiled at the black automobile and turned on my CD player. The silver machine flashed one and played Elvis Presley on a low volume. Tony and Clint always called me old school. I didn't use Bluetooth speakers to listen to music and I never saw the reason to by modern cars. I hated New music and new anything. I'm a old soul as steve would say. I loved old movies like Alfred Hitchcock movies or Friday the 13th. I refused to listen to any new music which annoyed Wanda and Peter in some ways.
I digged out the tools I needed and started tinkering under the hood. Things were going through smoothly in till I felt one bolt that wouldn't loosen. I grunted getting aritated and started to pull harder while cussing under my breath.
I then herd the door open and close. I ignored it and continued to work. So after the noises disappeared I felt someone come up behind me. The figure the bigger than mine and I felt his arms reach and grabbed the rinch I had. When I felt his chest against my back I quickly elbowed him. "hay doll I'm only trying to help" it was howard. I rolled my eyes and moved away from the car. "thanks but I got it" I said crossing my arms.
As I turned back around and finished my work on the engine. As I had my back to him I heard him snort and let out a sigh. I quickly wiped around and crossed my arms and Clinched the wrinch I had. "what?"
"nothing" he smiled and moved closer. I stepped back and leaned on my car. "your different from anyone I've ever met"
"oh?" I said not really amused but wanting to know what he meant. "you don't fall at my feet and you stand your ground" he explained. "your kind to me with out trying to be a flert and I really admire how smart you are"
"well... Thanks I think" I slightly blushed and turned back around before he could see. When I leaned over into the car under the hood I saw him move over to the side of the car in the corner of my eye. I sighed as he watched me closely as I worked.
When I went back to the bolt I was struggling with I pushed down as hard as I could and got it lose. But when I did I smashed my had making me hiss and pull back. I grumbled and shook my hand to hit rid of the pain. I squeezed my eyes shut not seeing Howard come up and grabbed my jammed hand in his hand. I opened my eyes and saw him looking down at my hand and rubbing where it hurt. "what are you doing?" I asked stepping back slowly.
"it's bruised let me see" he said taking my hand back and examining my thumb and palm. "im fine really" his chocolate eyes looked up at me making my heart race. My cheeks faded into a pink color and this time he saw it.
"I'm making you nervous, aren't I doll?" he asked kissing my knuckles then Releasing my hand. "n-no you don't" I said trying to stand my ground. I quickly turned around to my car and shut the hood. As soon as the hood shut with a thud I felt him behind me.
"so now your being shy around me?" he asked and kissed my cheek then my jaw. "what happened to your little attitude?" I sighed and turned around facing him. One of his hands fell to my hip and his other went under my chin lifting it up so we made eye contact. "we should see if Tony's up" I whispered.
He leaned in closer brushing his nose to mine. "he's not up yet" his brown eyes stared into my soul as his free hand moved to the back of my neck and pulled me closer. "can I kiss you?"
His question surprised me. I wanted to say yes but when I stared into his brown eyes all I saw was tony. What would he think or react to his best friend kissing a young version of his father. He would always tell me how much he hated Howard and I was always Tony's shoulder to cry on and was always there to listen when he needed to rant about his father.
"I can't" I whispered as I placed my hands on his chest as a single tear left the corner of my eye. "we- I cant do this to tony" he looked at me with hurt and confusion glossing over his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to over step-" he started but I cut him off.
"I'm sorry... It's not you" I shook my head and left his arms. "I should get to work Tony's probably waiting" I said leaving him alone in the garage.
"sorry about intrupting your vacation Bruce" I said crossing my arms and looking at him through the screen. "we wouldn't have called you unless it wasn't important" I said.
"don't worry about, sorry I cant be there to help" he responds. "no, you and natasha deserve to get away"
"wait I've got a quick question" Scott said behind me. "what?" me and Bruce said at the same time.
"so if Howard doesn't get back to his normal time period doesn't that mess up Tony's chance of being born?"
"no not necessarily" I said hoping up on my desk and flipping through my notebook of notes we've taken the last month.
"most likely when Howard and Peggy went into the future they made a different time line" Tony chimed in.
"wait, what do you mean?" Peggy asked crossing her arms. I looked over to my aunt and Howard. Howard avoided looking at me which made me upset but that was the least of my problems.
"okay like 5 or so years ago a member of the X-men had to trave into the future to fix something. Now when he did he made two different time lines. The one he was originally from the a different one...kinda like an alternate reality" I explained. "now if Tony's right you being here won't affect the past."
"so ignore everything you learned from back to the future Scott" Bruce committed through my computer.
"what if we don't want to go back?" Howard spoke up. Peggy whipped her head around and glared at him. "and take the chance of messing up the future? Messing up the chance of your son being born?" he said kinda shouting at him.
"aunt Peggy" I started she turned around and looked at me without any of the aggretion she gave Howard. "if you trave to the past or the future, that becomes your future/past and the your  future becomes the present. Which now can't be changed by your new future"
"so we could stay here if we wanted?" she asked looking at Steve. He was in the back of the lab trying to stay out of the way. "it's a risk to take, but most likely yes" Tony responded.
"we need to look more into it before you guys make any decisions" I said looking at Peggy then Howard. He immediately looked down and started to fiddle with button on the sleeve of his gray dress shirt.
Another week passed and we got a little bit closer at cracking the codes. Last week we were lucky enough to get Shuri to trave from Wakanda and help us. Me and her worked into the night so Tony and Howard could get sleep and then we got sleep in the early mornings.
"almost done with the coding on this" shuri said taping on one of the hologram screens in the lab. "I'm putting in the last of the wiring now" I respond twisting the red and blue wire together then closing the lid to cover it. Before I could continue with anything else the alarm went off signaling there was a mission.
I sighed and ran off after apologizing to shuri for ditching her. "what do we got?" I asked running into the jet were everyone else was. "just a standard Hydra base, nothing we aren't already use to" steve said.
The mission was longer than we intesapated and a lot of us got engerd especially me but I didn't really care. When we got home I tried to go to bed but Tony and Steve dragged me to the lab were Howard was working with Shuri. "what happened?" he asked as steve picked me up and sat me on Tony's desk. "I'm fine" I mumbled.
"Howard check her enjeries will ya" Steve said walking out of the lab. "I'm fine really" I said as Howard rolled up my sleeve to check the cut on my arm.
"so what happened?" he asked cleaning the cut that was on my forehead. "it was just harder than we expected... More weapons and better sacurity than we thought" I replied and tried to leave but he pushed me back down. "come on Stark"
"you know it's not a bad thing to get help some times" he said kinda irritated. I sighed and let him help. "thanks" I mumbled.
"your welcome" he simply replied and wrapped up my forearm with a bandeges. "I'm only trying to help ya know" he said breaking the silence.
"I know" I mumbled looking down not wanting to face him. He didn't seem to like that so he gently lifted my chin with his fingers. I looked into his brown eyes and felt the familiar feeling. My heart pounded as he leaned in closer than pressed his lips to mine softly. I surprisingly didn't push him away I let it happen. I felt his hands move to both sides of my jaw and pulled me close as he depend the kiss. "Howie.." I said.
He only hummed. "I like that" he said against my lips smirking. He tilted his head to the side for another but placed my hands on his chest stopping him.
"okay I'm sorry" he whispered.
"I'm not, but I can't get attached" I said. "why?" he asked looking scared of rejection. "because we live in two different worlds and time periods.. We have to get you back home" I said tearing up. I moved away and left him but he quickly grabbed my hand before I could get to far.
"you can honestly tell me you feel nothing for me" he spoke.
"yes... I have feelings for you Howard" I said with a whimper.
"then-then what's wrong? Why can't we be together?" he said stepping up closer. "you really want to know why?" I spoke getting frustrated.
"yes! I want to know why" he said shouting. "because I don't trust myself with you" I whispered. I wanted to hug him, kiss him, but I couldn't. The idea of being with someone always seemed to be slim or negative for me. I did care about him but I was scared.
"have you seen my father?" Tony asked coming into the kitchen where I was reading.  "how should I know? I'm not his babysitter" I said not looking up from my book.
"well I just noticed how he started following you around like a lost puppy" he said setting down in front of me. I looked up from my book and locked eyes with genius. "what are you implying?"
He tilted his head to the side like he didn't know what I was talking about. He gave me the soft puppy eyes he always gave me when he knew something was wrong. "okay forget my father, are you okay?"
I shook my head and felt the clinch in my chest as I tried to hold back the tears. "me and Howard kiss" I sob and covered my face afraid of his reaction.
"did he kiss you?"
"yes" I responded
"did you kiss back?"
"I'm sorry Tony, I tried to not get close bu-"
"I'm not mad" he said cutting me off. I raised my droppie head and gave him and questioning look. "why aren't you mad? You always told me how much you hated your father, now I'm starting to fall for him"
"it's okay" he whispered then wrapped his arms around me. "he just better not hurt you"
"it doesn't matter" I spoke pulling away from his arms. "once we get the time machine to work he's going back home.. It would have never worked between us"
"I'm sorry (n/n)" he wrapped his arms around me again and rested my head on his shoulder. "we'll figure this out okay?"
"okay" I mumbled.
----------(Howard's pov)----------
"okay let's start it up" Tony shouts. The machine that's supposed to take us home fired up. I stood there not really wanting to leave and I could tell Peggy didn't want to leave either.
I watched the time machine glow and slightly shake signaling us it was time to leave. I sighed feeling bad that I didn't tell (y/n) goodbye. She was probably the first woman a genuinely loved and was more than a fling or lust. She was smart and sarcastic and didn't fall to my feet when first met her. She made me work for her affection and attention which I actually liked and I worked hard for it.
The times she pushed me away only told me she cared more about other people's happiness than her own. She had a heart of gold and I admired that. She pushed me away because she was afraid of hurting Tony.
"wait" Peggy's voice said grabbing my arm. I looked at her kinda sad and stood in my place. "do you love her?"
I tilted my head to the side trying to play dumb. "don't you look at me like that, you know what I'm thinking about" she said.
I dropped my head and sighed. "I do" i shook my head and started fiddling with the insides of the pockets of my jeans. "than go to her" she said crossing her arms. "stay here and be happy"
"what if effects something? What if I screw up the time line?" I asked pacing back and forth.
"you won't" Tony butted in. "I've talked to Bruce and Strange, and they both said you can't mess it up" I looked down not wanting to look at the man that would be my son in the future. "look she loves you so just stay with her" he said with a sigh. He had the look of someone being forced to say something they didn't.
"I don'-" I started. "go!" Jarvis and Peggy both said at the same time cutting me off.
I nodded and ran out of the room than down the hallway looking for her. I frantically looked around and found a lot of dead ends before I found her in one of the labs. "hay" I said casually.
She quickly looked at me with big dough eyes. "aren't you supposed to be back in the 40's now?"
"I've come to a conclusion" I said walking up to her. "and what is that?" she said crossing her arms. "I'm staying here"
She stared at me with shock painted all over her face. "why would you? What dose this time period have to offer really?"
"you" I said truthfully and stepped up closer maybe only leaving five inches between us. "I want to stay here with you"
I placed my hand on her cheek and slowly leaned in connecting my lips to hers. I felt her arms slowly wrap around my neck and deepen the kiss.
"I love you" I whispered against her lips.
She slowly pulled away and smirked. "I know" I playfully rolled my eyes knowing she was joking. I kissed her forehead and smiled. "your gonna have to teach me about modern time though"
"oh that should be tons of fun" she chuckled than wrapped her small arms around my waist.
"is Peggy staying too?" her small voice spoke making me sighed. She's going back for me, for us. She was on of my closest friends and she's giving up the opportunity to be with steve just so I could be with (y/n). She told me of one of us stays someone needs to be on the 40's keeping it safe. She also told me to keep her safe because (y/n) was her niece. Even though the the two just met you could tell how much Peggy loved her. "she's going back so I could stay with you"
"she also told me to take care of you and if I break your heart she'll come back and kick my ass" I said trying to make her smile. She sadly smiled and looked up at me with her (e/c) eyes.
Everything happens for a reason. I was supposed to screw up with the time machine so it would take us into the future. I like to think I was supposed to find (y/n) and maybe I was supposed to make myself a better father to tony. What ever it supposed to be its definitely a second chance and I'm grateful for that.
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riveramorylunar · 1 year
Return Of The Lost Soldier
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Soldier Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader(Platonic) & Bucky Barnes x Reader(Platonic)
Warnings ⚠️: Scars, Magic Manipulation, Ink Manipulation, Mentions of Death, age difference & height difference
Pet Names/Nicknames: Doll, Hon, Sweet Thing & Buck
Word Count: 1,711
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Y/N was a dear friend of Bucky and Steve. But when Bucky supposedly died and Steve vanished Y/N went missing at the age of 19. She was a soldier just like her two friends. Everyone had gone looking for her but it was like she just vanished into thin air. No one was able to find her and it broke Peggy's heart the most. She had lost the three people she loved the most just in a year.
It was a hundred years later when Steve and Bucky had joined the Avengers after coming out of the ice. They've been Avengers for 6 years now. A girl named Wanda Maximoff and her brother Pietro Maximoff joined a couple months after the alien attack that went down in new York. The two were welcomed in with open arms.
After a year of them joining they all had a mission to take down a hydra base. Once they got there it was completely empty making them all confused until they came across a metal door. The Avengers that were at the base stood aside as Steve rammed into the door breaking it. Right as Steve tumbled in a huge scream was let out causing them all to cover their ears. They all looked over to see a girl wearing a black blindfold. She was holding a skull mask as she continued to let out the scream. "Pietro do something" Clint shouted and Pietro used his superspeed and punched the girl in the face. The girl stopped before whipping her head towards Pietro and kicked him in the stomach making him go flying backwards into the wall. The girl put the mask back on before breathing in. "You guys are absolutely weak" the girl muttered out as she took her stance to fight the other Avengers that were there. The girl had ash blonde hair and some of it was pinned back. She had some hair pins dangling from it. Bucky looked at the girl before looking at Steve then Wanda. As Sam took a couple steps forward the girl quickly threw a black vile towards sam. He dodged and it exploded behind him before it attacked him causing him to fall to the ground. The girl smirked under her mask as she saw Sam squirm and struggle to get the ink off. "Are you three just going to stand there or are you g-" before she could finish she dropped to the ground knocked out cold.
The girl bolted up before looking around. She touched her face and sighed in relief when she felt her mask and blindfold still on. She looked around the room and realized she was in a glass cell. She was about to take her blindfold off when she heard someone speak behind her. "You got some cool powers" the person said and the girl turned around and spotted the brown haired girl from before sitting down in a chair. Y/N reached for a vile but she couldn't find any. "Oh we took all of those ink filled viles from you" the woman said as she stood up and walked closer to the cell. Y/N walked up as well and knocked on it. "You're not gonna get out so I suggest you cooperate" the woman said and the girl just growled under her mask before turning around. She walked into the middle of the room before plopped down onto the floor with her legs crossed. "Well looks like we won't be going anywhere for awhile then" the girl said as she closed her eyes and tilted her head back a little. "Guess so I got all day and I don't plan on moving" the woman said as she sat back down on the chair and leaned back slightly.
It's been two hours and the girl wasn't talking at all. The other Avengers were getting annoyed so Steve walked down and shooed Wanda away. Steve unlocked the cell before walking in and shutting it behind him. The girl stood up and let herself get shoved against the glass cell. "Tell us who the hell you are" Steve growled out and the girl smirked under the mask. "Oh I'm afraid I can't" the girl said and her blindfold was ripped off causing her to blink her eyes to adjust to the light. When she opened her eyes they were a sky blue color making Steve loosen his grip on the girl. He was shoved away by the girl kicking him in the stomach. He fell to the ground as the girl looked down at him. "Y/N" he stuttered out as he looked up at the girl. The door to the room opened and Bucky rushed in before stopping dead in his tracks. Y/N sighed before taking her mask off and throwing it to the side. "Hello Stevey and Buck long time no see" Y/N said as she held her fists up while smirking. The two looked at Y/N in shock as they saw the scars on her face. "Y/N how" Bucky said and Y/N just smiled showing off her white teeth. "I could ask you the same thing you should be dead and god knows where you were" Y/N spat out as she clenched her fists tightly. The two looked at Y/N's right hand to see it was a robotic one. On her left hand there was a deep scar on the top of it.
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"We don't want to fight" Steve said as he got up and put his hands up in surrender. "Hmm seemed like you wanted to a couple seconds ago until I beat your ass" Y/N said and buckey laughed as Steve rolled his eyes. "Why were you in that Hydra base alone" Bucky asked and Y/N looked at him before narrowing her eyes. "I was meant to knock you guys all out before everyone got back but guess that didn't happen" Y/N said as she put her hands down. "Come on we'll introduce you to the team" Steve said before turning around. Bucky opened the cell door and Y/N tackled Steve out of the cell causing the two to go tumbling to the ground with Y/N on his back. "You really shouldn't turn your back on someone you haven't seen in a hundred years" Y/N said before she stood up and walked away dragging Bucky with her. Steve stood up and brushed himself off before following the two.
The three walked into the living room and everyone that was there looked up. "Why the hell is she out of her cell" Tony shouted and Y/N rolled her eyes before looking away. "Turns out she's an old friend of ours" Steve said as he stepped beside Y/N. "So it doesn't matter she should be locked up in a cell she works with hydra she can't be trusted" Bruce said as he stood up. Y/N looked over and licked her lips. "You're right I can't be trusted" Y/N said as she swung her leg and made Bucky and Steve fall to the ground onto their knees. Tony stood up as well and held his hand out. Y/N looked over to see the brown haired woman still sitting down on the couch with a raised eyebrow. Y/N walked over and plopped herself down next to the woman and put her legs on the woman's lap. "You're really pretty what's your name" Y/N said as she leaned in slightly. "It's Wanda Maximoff you're quite bold Hon" The brown haired woman said causing Y/N to smirk. "Well thank you it's part of my personality" Y/N continued and Wanda smirked before leaning in. "Mmm are you sure about that, I can see through you I can tell you're trying so hard not to blush right now" Wanda whispered out and Y/N gulped. Wanda's smirk widened when Y/N looked away while blushing. Y/N stood up and was about to walk away but Wanda wrapped her hand around Y/N's wrist.
"What the hell just happened" Tony said and Sam stood up before patting Tony's shoulder. "She tricked you and Bruce that's what happened" Sam said before he laughed as he walked out of the living room. "Y/N can you stop flirting with every woman you think is hot" Bucky said and Y glared at him. "Shut up old man" Y/N growled out. Y/N tried to pull her wrist free from Wanda's grip but the grip tightened. "So you think I'm hot" Wanda teased causing Y/N to blush even more. "Can you let me go now" Y/N said as she turned around to look down at Wanda. "And why would I do that" Wanda asked as she looked up at Y/N with that hot smirk of her's. "Because I said so plus I could use my powers on you if you don't" Y/N said making Wanda chuckle before she stood up and towered over Y/N. "Try it I can stop you with a flick of my wrist" Wanda challenged as she looked down at Y/N. "Alright alright stop it you two" Bucky said as he pulled Wanda's grip off of Y/N's wrist. Y/N stuck her tongue out at Wanda and Wanda did the same thing back before sitting back down onto the couch.
"Hiya Wands" Y/N said as she walked into the kitchen the next morning to see Wanda making breakfast. "Oh hello sweet thing" Wanda teased which made Y/N huff. "I'm not sweet" Y/N said and Wanda laughed at that. "Okay sure" Wanda said which made Y/N growl under her breath. Y/N stormed out of the kitchen bumping into Bucky on the way. "Good morning doll" Bucky said but Y/N stormed past him. Bucky looked over to see Wanda smiling down at the food she was making for the team. "What did you say to her" Bucky said as he walked over. "All I did was call her a sweet thing" Wanda chuckled out. Bucky shook his head before walking to the fridge and opening it.
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A/N: If you guys want a part 2 where Y/N and Wanda's friendship grows and possibly become lovers leave a comment!!
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supercap2319 · 1 year
The guy you like:
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His mum:
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His dad:
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His father:
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cthulhu-calling · 2 years
Wedding Bells
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Summary : Your best friend is getting married. You're beyond elated. And he asked you to be his best man. But there's a catch. The maid of honour is the woman you were with for two years. The woman you were going to get down on one knee and ask to spend the rest of your life together. The woman who cheated on you, smashing your heart into millions of tiny pieces. Can you truly make it down the aisle with her on your arm?
Warnings : fluff, angst, cheating
ao3 link
Chapter I
Chapter II
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lovely-geek · 2 years
Looking for a Steve Rogers story.
I don’t remember much. Just the ending. Steve and reader are dating. She gets kidnapped by brock. Who then makes Steve choose between saving reader. His living girlfriend or save Peggy coffin. Steve decided to save Peggy’s coffin. (Which has a bomb inside.) And brock teases reader bout how her boyfriend loves Peggy more then her and then proceeds to throw reader of the building.
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