#still fun to dream with my clown shoes on
fugottron · 5 months
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Fannibals getting ready today
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petite-phthora · 1 year
It's a date :)
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 9]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
RedHood = Jason
Danny = Danny
The next day, Jason wakes up with a yawn. He stretches, letting out a relieved exhale. That was one of the best nights of sleep he’s had in a long time.
Usually, the Pit’s bothering him, combined with hours of patrolling and fighting crime, usually getting injured as well, he usually wakes up sore and almost just as exhausted as he goes to sleep.
But now…
It was calm. He felt calm.
He didn’t quite dream, though that was fine, as he hadn’t had any nightmares either.
It was… refreshing.
Though, all of it is also kind of… unnerving…
All these good things happening?
The Joker finally dying, meeting a cute guy who doesn’t seem intimidated by him as Red Hood and taking him out on a date, the Pit barely bothering him, sleeping better than he had in years…
With all of that happening, Jason can’t help but wonder…
When is the other shoe gonna drop?
His good mood slightly dampened with disconcertion, Jason gets out of bed with a small grunt. He doesn’t bother to get changed yet, instead moving along to the kitchen to start on breakfast.
After taking in the groceries he has left, Jason starts making some simple bacon and eggs. He catches himself humming while cooking and abruptly stops, continuing his cooking with a small frown on his face.
Why is he feeling this… this… good?
Just what is happening with the Pit?
He’s not enchanted or drugged or anything, is he?
It’s all the unknowns that are making Jason slightly worried.
Are his emotions still his own?
He feels like most of his worries have been stripped from his body. He feels way more comfortable in his skin. He feels happy, content, tranquil…
He just feels so much.
But still no rage.
He eats his breakfast while he ponders over his newfound emotional state. It’s as he eats that his eyes land on his phone.
The Bats have probably blown up his phone with calls and messages in the meantime.
And the fact that he doesn’t feel as irritated or mad as he should about it is another point of slight concern.
Either way. Ugh, Jason still doesn’t really want to deal with it.
After he has put his plate away, he picks up his phone anyway and turns it back on. Sure enough, he has too many missed calls and unread messages. And it seems that with his ‘online’ status, some are encouraged again and start sending him more texts.
Jason ignores it all in favor of doing what he had planned to do when turning his phone back on anyway, messaging Danny.
Just so that he has Jason’s number as well
And perhaps to plan another date meetup, he thinks with an involuntary soft smile on his face.
Private chat
RedHood: Hey, it's Red Hood. Just checking in and making sure you also have my number.
RedHood: In case of emergency, of course.
Danny: hi!! 👋😊
Danny: it’s Danny!! 😁                                     
Danny: which you already knew..
Danny: obviously 😅 😅
RedHood: I do now.
RedHood: Who knows, you could’ve given me the wrong number.
RedHood: It’s good to have the confirmation that it’s you :)
Danny: ahh yes!
Danny: good point 👉
RedHood: So, I was wondering if you had the time to meet again sometime this week?
RedHood: I can show you around the city, y’know? Like I mentioned yesterday? :)
Danny: !!!
Danny: yes!! 😁
Danny: that sounds like fun! ☺️ 🙃
Danny: and very useful 🤔
Danny: it’s good to know where not to go 😌
Danny: so I don’t kill another clown 🤡
Danny: haha
Danny: not that I’m like planning on killing another clown! 😰
Danny: no sir, there is no murder on this agenda!! 🙅 🙅
Danny: clowns or otherwise
RedHood: Haha, I didn’t think so.
RedHood: It was pretty clear to me it was self-defense anyway, don’t worry :)
RedHood: Even if it wasn’t, it was the Joker. So who, other than the Bat, cares?
RedHood: And it’s not like I can judge.
Danny: ah, good good
Danny: didn’t want my first impression to be being a murderer 😅 😅
Danny: that’d be bad 😓
RedHood: You don’t need to worry.
RedHood: You made a pretty good first impression in my opinion :)
RedHood: So, when are you free? For the meetup?
RedHood: I can come pick you up at your apartment again, if you want?
Danny: oh yeah that’d be nice!! 😊
Danny: and uhh, lemme check my school schedule real quick brb
Danny: alright, so I have classes till like 12.30 today
Danny: but I’m free from then on 🙃
Danny: minus like, time I need to eat lunch and stuff 😅 😅  
Danny: does that work for you?
Danny: I mean else I could probably do like thursday or something 🤔
Danny: if that works better??
RedHood: Today works just fine. And we can pick up some lunch on the way if need be. My treat :)
RedHood: I’ll come pick you up around 1 pm then?
Danny: it’s a date!! 😁
Danny: I mean sure, totally! it’s not a date!! 🙅 🙅
Danny: unless you want it to be a date?.. 👀
Danny: I mean did you mean for it to be a date?
Danny: is it a date? 🤔 🤔
Danny: I mean I don’t wanna assume 😅
Danny: and like
Danny: I wouldn’t mind if it was a date.. 👀
Danny: or if it wasn’t a date!!
Danny: wouldn’t mind that either, of course 😅  
Danny: I just wasn’t quite sure where we stood 😓 🥺
Danny: and what the context of the meetup was
Danny: ..?
Danny: Red Hood??
RedHood: It’s a date.
RedHood: ;)
Jason goes offline and turns his phone back off, still pointedly ignoring all the unread messages and missed calls from the Bats. He slides it onto and across the table in front of him and proceeds to put his arms down in front of him, resting his face on them.
Soft smile still on his face and cheeks colored faintly pink, Jason closes his eyes.
It’s a date…
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing
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akwolfgrl · 7 months
"I can't reach my nose from here,” Luffy whined, unable to pick his nose.
“Quit that idiot! You are about to witness an execution” Buggy snapped at him.
“Oh cool! I've never seen one before who's being killed?” Luffy asked.
“You are dumbass!”
“I'm sorry please let me go,” Luffy pouted, it was no fun being stuck like this, he wanted to live and go on adventures, he wanted to eat good food, to spend time on the Marry with his Nakama, to meet up with Ace again. He still had yet to become the king of the pirates!
“As if I'd just let you go, you rubber idiot!” Buggy shouted at him, his pointy shoe resting atop his hat. “Any last words?” The annoying clown asked him. When Luffy didn't immediately respond, he kept going. “Well whatever or not you say anything, it does really matter. It's not like anyone will care what you have to s..”
“I'M THE MAN WHO WILL BECOME THE KING OF THE PIRATES!” Luffy screamed at the of his lungs, declaring his interactions and ambition for all to hear.
“Is that all you have to say…" You stupid rubber brat!?” Buggy laughed at him, kicking the wood he was trapped under.
“Wait!” A familiar and welcome voice shouted from the crowd. In the distance, he could see Sanji and Zoro fighting to get to him.
“Sanji! Zoro! Help me outta here!”
“So you have come, Zoro! Well, it's too late now! Your precious captain is going to die!” The obnoxious clown began to laugh maniacally above him. “Bear witness to your captain's last moments!”
Oh looks like this was the end after all, Luffy would miss his friends. Maybe Nami could become Captain, they could still go to the Grand Line and achieve their dreams without him.
“Sanji! Zoro! Usopp! Nami!” He called each of his nakama by their name, his heart felt full with love. He wished them all the best. “Sorry but it looks like I'm dead,” he stated with the widest grin he’d ever smiled, looking much like the man executed in that same spot 20 years ago.
Zoro sliced and diced anyone who got in his way. Wave after wave of weirdos, clowns and circus freaks that made up Buggy's crew met their end at the tip of his swords. Sanji by his side fighting just as hard to get to their Captain. It couldn't end this way before they even made it to the grandline. He should have gone with him! It was his duty to protect the crew.
What good was his swords, his dream, his ambitions if he could protect those that belonged to him! If Zoro couldn't save the man who had saved him! He would be dead if not for Luffy. No chance to fulfill his and Kuina’s dream.
“Move it!” He yelled slicing into yet another body, they were all just cannon fodder to hinder him in his quest for Luffy. “Come down and fight me you coward!” Zoro screamed from behind Wado clenched tightly between his teeth.
Where were the Marines who were supposed to protect this town and its citizens? There were more than just pirates here. There were innocent citizens screaming and running from the grave danger they were in. The World Government yet again proving to be useless as always once again.
If only he could just cut down that damn execution platform then everything would be fine.
If only he could kick down that execution platform then everything would be fine. Sanji thought to himself as he kicked his way towards his captain. He knew Zoro was beside him doing the same with his new swords. To hear the peril in Luffy's voice broke Sanji's heart. Luffy should never sound like that! Unless he was asking for more food. Just what was this clown's issue with Luffy and Zoro anyway?
“Bastard!” Sanji cried out filled with rage and desperation.
“Sanji! Zoro! Usopp! Nami! Sorry but it looks like I'm dead,” Sanji watched helplessly just like everyday as a child. Too weak to stop what was happening before his eyes as his captain smiled as the sword drew near to his neck.
“Don't say that, you idiot!” Sanji pleaded, this couldn't be happening.
There was a flash of lighting and the rumbler of thunder Sanji saw the executioner's platform explode, its smoking remains soon soaked with the falling rain. In the rumble stood Luffy unharmed as if he hadn't been about to die. The strange clown with the vendetta was covered in charcoal.
“Looks like I did survive!” Luffy chuckled, placing his hat atop his head. “How lucky! Thank goodness!”
“Hey…” Sanji turned to Zoro who also was standing there lost. His swords sheathed once more as Sanji continued on with his question for his lover. “Do you believe in a god?” Sanji had never been much of a believer himself. The ocean was his goddess, he knew she could be harsh and cruel but he loved her all the same. She was his first love, she was a part of his dream. He had spent the majority of his life on her. But this couldn't be anything other than a sign from something divine.
“Enough talking and let's leave this damn town already. We've got more trouble on the way,” his ever so blunt partner stated.
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khepiari · 1 year
Thoughts on One Piece Live Action Trailer from a biased fangirl
First of all let me be clear, I am deaf, dumb and blind to One Piece Live Action complains; that are mean and hateful for the sake of hating. I grew up with censored One Piece episodes and terrible dubs.
I am immune.
My instant reaction after watching the trailer
A) I like it.
B) I am drooling after that 3 seconds of Taz, and brooding Mackneyu. But I am excited for Inaki, he is Luffy; the energy, goofiness and the voice!
C) Emily is like the bestest!
D) Not enough Jacob!
I am hyped none the less!
Was it a perfect trailer?
Absolutely not.
Was it a good trailer?
It is fun, goofy and it captured the spirit of One Piece— promise of an epic ADVENTURE.
Yes, Some things in trailer bothered me, like a lot, but if I can read 1086 chapters of a manga for last ten years and watch 1066 episodes for last eighteen years, I can patiently wait to judge all 8 episodes.
Things we the diehard fans need to remember!
Anime and Manga scenes and actions can’t be replicated entirely! And we fans will only complain if its frame by frame copy-adaptation; because that’s not how it works.
Please remember it is the same story told on a different medium! People will take liberties with it.
And the CGI work is still not over; so even before you crib about it: STOP!
We really need to control our innate distrust for adaptation. Yes Hollywood has terrible track record.
Trust in Goda!
But I am choosing to trust Odachii! He green lit the adaptation in 2017! It is 2023, if he didn’t approve we wouldn’t have witnessed a single poster of the Live-in adaptation! No one is more protective of One Piece than Odachii!
Luffy has his scar!
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Yes, some changes can bother us, like initially I thought Luffy didn’t have his scar, but after zooming on Inaki’s face on HD screen; I found the scar!
But Sanji’s Eyebrows: sssssh!
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Sanji’s missing eyebrows is a point of contention for many, but again things that don’t serve narrative with an active purpose can go; you have to understand things get changed; Sanji’s perv gag is getting dropped too. I can’t wait to meet the Sanji of my dreams!
Merry Go looks terrifying!
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I agree, I love it. But I think Merry needs exorcism too! Merry Looks scared as hell! This is Merry’s true face that has been terrorised by Luffy’s recklessness!
Wrong shoes UmU
Similarly Luffy’s flip-flops, as long as that wild child is wearing something on his feet, its fine. I mean look at the shoes he is wearing; it’s ridiculous!
Usopp’s Nose
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Don’t drag Usopp’s nose into this. All of us would’ve hated a prosthetic nose on Jacob! You know it! You don’t want him to look like a copy of a copy of Pinocchio!
Nami’s Hair!
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It looks okay, you all are nitpicking now! I swear, it looks alright.
Buggy-sama looks scary, duh he is a clown!
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People complaining that Buggy-sama looks scary, in East Blue! Buggy-sama after his debut Was Scary! Have you ever seen a funny looking Clown ever? All clowns look scary!
I literally lured and convinced my horror addict sister to watch One Piece, because of this horrific looking Buggy-sama! I lied through my teeth that Buggy-Sama is the final boss of One Piece! Now she will watch the live action!
Yellow filter! Do you want DCU dark screen?
And the complaint about yellow filter! Look, I would take a Yellow screen over a DC black screen any day! Many wanted the GOT and LOTR cinematic treatment, I understand, but it’s not the same story elements, our protagonist is a rubber-man; our universe is colourful, set on the sea, what we can hope and aspire for is Pirates of the Caribbean treatment for the Fishmen CGI.
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And remember, Luffy yelling Gum-Gum Pistol is the English translation of Gomu-Gomu no pistol! You can’t expect Inaki to yell Gomu-Gomu no pistol, while his entire angry fight speech is in English. That would be weird. And many didn’t like the pistol reveal because of how it looked. In every version of realism— stretched human skin will look weird!
Some things look great in manga art and anime frames but translate poorly in realism; I think we had already learned it the hard way! The cosplayish cinematography worked for Gintama Live Action but didn’t go well with Fullmetal Alchemist. Again the grim-gray thematic elements worked for Bleach Live In!
I think this version of One Piece is working well so far. And it was just teaser! We have 6 arcs to see!
Yes, be skeptical, but of Netflix, not cast and crew and creators!
I have told this before, I have faith in the cast and the crew and the creators. My trust issues lies with Netflix. I would’ve been happier if it was Prime who was producing it or even HBO, as they seem more committed to a project.
Netflix has terrible track record of cancellation.
And One Piece is a long time commitment, I don’t think Netflix has the bandwidth or the brains or the money to produce 31+ Arcs! We know none of the canon arcs can be dropped. So their only way out is to build up the hype of the finale arc from second season itself. And do enough bread crumbing and introduce certain supernovas, warlords, yonkos, gorosei, races and other important figures early into the story instead of keeping them for surprise element, which can help them plan for long time. Not only that they have to give us glimpses into the various crimes and atrocities and political happenings across the Grandline parallel to Strawhats journey so that the emotional build up happens gradually— expecting viewers to care about an island and its characters all of a sudden when the Crew arrives to a new island will be tricky. It is much better to constantly tell the viewers of things happening simultaneously so that when Luffy arrives to beat Croc’s or later Doffy’s ass— audience already hates them. They don’t even have to reveal the face of the villains, but build up the lore well.
Will stupid Netflix do it?
I don’t think so!
Stop the bloody hateful comments
Stop hating on the cast! I don’t think we have any right to bully or be mean or outright hateful to the actors! Time and again they have proved how much they love One Piece. Being mean doesn’t make you the cool or smarter person you think you are.
After watching/reading a series that always emphasized on doing the right thing and fighting against bullies, you all haven’t learned anything.
Don’t like it? Don’t watch it!
Is the Live Action stealing away from your years of rich One Piece experience?
The manga is here, the anime is here, the games are here, the musicals are here, so are the ice-skating shows!
No adaptation is hurting the other!
This is just another medium to tell the story, now to non-manga readers/non-anime watching people!
I don’t play One Piece games, nor do I like how some game designs are, do I go an shit talk about it?
I love the Sandman comic books, I was not happy with changes made in the live action adaptation, did I go demand receipts for changes made to the story?
Because I know it’s impossible to please everyone, how hard it is to ignore something that bothers you?
If you bully the cast! I will curse you!
If you bully Inaki, Emily, Mackenyu, Taz and Jacob; I hope your toe cuticles itch all the time and your ear buzzes whenever you try to sleep!
And look how the cast cares about the story! Look at them! How dare you try to bully them!
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If you follow Artur - The Library Of Ohara’s page on Twitter you will see how much effort has gone into detailing. From Luffy’s attire to Baratie’s lighting.
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The series is made of love and respect for the source material. If they are diverting or changing something— remember Odachii agreed to it!
I mean look at them! They are precious!
Starving man never looked so fine. 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠. One Piece Live Action serving Zoro to us in all his glory. And before Dudebros even start Sanji vs Zoro.
They were never cast for you, they were cast for women and queer fans. They are not representative of your imagined cis-het male idea of hyper masculinity!
They are for us!
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Woman tired of her dumbass captain! This girl is going to kick ass and steal your money! She ate her role! And she will rule the screen!
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We must protect Usopp! Look at this baby! Look at him! He is the bravest person in the entire world!
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This the Sanji I am shamelessly looking forward to! Never will he beat babygirl allegations! And he is such a walking disaster bi energy already! And he is not limited by his perv gag!
The perfect man is here!
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Look at him! How he shines like the sun! Look at his silly shoes in the trailer! This silly silly silly boy!
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Hey that’s my favourite idiot. Look at him, heading to some dumbassery with the confidence exhibited by the baby from Baby’s Day Out film.
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Damnnnn it! Why can’t I upload more than 10 pictures from the app? Finally, from the web version I could uploaad it all!
Anyway, practice love not hate! Peace out!
Image source: from twitter by Artur- Library of Ohara
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novemberhope · 6 months
I guess since I'm doing this OC thing I'm going all out so I answered some OC questions I found (One Piece OCs)
here here here here here here
I ended up picking only the questions that fit in their "universe", so there's bits and pieces from all of these questionaires.
How did you come up with the OC’s name? Neri: When I was young there was an australian show about a girl living in the ocean and her name was Neri. I took that and assuming it comes from Nerissa, it's the name of a nymph. Then I took the name Sirena from the Mako Mermaids show and her last name Kaiyo means ocean/sea Kaiyo Neri Sirena therefore sounds like a good name for a mermaid.^^ Niara: I wanted mostly names that could be associated with the ocean since this is a pirate show. Kaito means "the one flying over the sea" and Niara means "bright, clear water". Azura: Nagisa means seashore and Azura means sky blue. Cordelia: Cordelia means daughter of the sea. Yes, I looked up possible ocean themed names for all of them. Lady X and Lady Y don't have names yet. Lady X was called Vilandra in the first draft but I really don't like it. If she ever gets a name, I want it to be a longer one and kind of mysterious sounding... How old are they? (Or approximate age range) Neri: 18 Niara: 18 Azura: 30 Cordelia: 24 Lady X: no age yet but she would be the oldest Lady Y: maybe early twenties?
Do they have any love interest(s)? Neri: Zoro Niara: Law Azura: undefined Cordelia: undefined Lady X: maybe? Lady Y: maybe?
What do they do best? Neri: swimming Niara: generally just having fun with whatever she does Azura: sword fighting Cordelia: flirting, rolling her eyes, sarcasmn Lady X: telling the future Lady Y: I want her to either have a really cool power no one sees coming or a really cool fighting style
What do they hate to do? Neri: Wearing shoes Niara: cleaning, following the rules Azura: wearing cheap clothes, cheap jewelry and cheap everything and being in dirty, messy surroundings Cordelia: dealing with Buggy the Clown (she came across him in one of the stories my friend and I wrote and she did not enjoy it!) Lady X: knowing something bad would happen and not being able to stop it Lady Y: no answer yet
What is one of your OC’s worst memories? Neri: losing her entire family Niara: being forced to join the navy and then leaving her entire family behind to pursue her own dreams of freedom Azura: her parents being killed Cordelia: living in the streets as a kid on her own both Lady X and Lady Y have sad backstories too but they are not developed that much yet
Is their current design the first one? Neri: I think she had green eyes at first but then I decided on brown eyes. Actually, I couldn't decide on a design forever. Niara: Her hair is still long but not as way too long as it was in the first draft. Her hair went from ordinary brown to a lighter/slightly reddish maybe version (but still brown overall) and the newest addition are her freckles. Azura: Pretty much kept her design. Cordelia: Also kept her design. Lady X: I think she was a blonde at first. Black hair was also considered, then white, then grey, now it's maybe a really really pale blonde/maybe pale grey/white... idk something very pale though Lady Y: was still a blonde yesterday, now I'm thinking oooh but I have every haircolor now except red... xD Also, recently I accidentally added a scar on one of her picrews, so now I want her to have scars?
How many sibling does your OC have? Neri: it is mentioned that she had quite a few siblings since I image that fish people clans are quite big? She did not grew up on Fishman Island (because she was created before I started to read the Manga), so this probably was a separate community in the East Blue (where she met the Strawhats after being the only survivor after humans captured her entire family) Niara: I initially started with four or five but reduced them to three later on. At some point, Rear Admiral Hina was turned into an older sister of Niara XD Azura: She's an only child Cordelia: unknown since she doesn't remember anything and was found wandering around on her own, stealing from people as a kid Lady X: unknown, probably an only child Lady Y: unknown
What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? Neri: I imagine her bond with her parents was very close. Niara: She was close with her late mother but does not have a good relationship with her father at all. It didn't take him long to put a bounty on her head when he learned that she had become a pirate. Azura: she was close with her parents Cordelia: unknown Lady X: unknown Lady Y: unknown
Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? Honestly, I never want to kill my OCs. The only one I could see dying is Lady X for noble reasons but it's highly unlikely that I will end up actually killing a character of mine
has there been any part of having this oc (designing, writing, drawing, etc...) that was difficult? Neri: she was the first One Piece OC so creating her was the hardest. I just didn't feel anything was right for her. Until bamm, all the puzzle pieces just fit. Niara: actually, she was the easiest Azura and Cordelia: not many problems Lady X: she hasn't even gotten a name yet Lady Y: she hasn't gotten a name or much of anything else really so...
Nickname? Neri: Nixie, although nobody called her that so far Niara: Nia, Nini Azura: - Cordelia: Cordy Lady X: lol she's not even named yet Lady Y: same here^^
Devil fruit power? Neri: - Niara: plant fruit Azura: - Cordelia: can create barriers Lady X: I might change that but so far her power is not a devil fruit power Lady Y: undecided
Biggest goal in life? Neri: she just wants to be happy with her friends (who are her new family) and never wants them to be apart from each other for long Niara: to have adventures and see the world and be free Azura: to see the world government burn Cordelia: to figure out her own past Lady X: something to do with the future/secrets of the past perhaps Lady Y: undecided
What was your OC's childhood dream? Is that still their dream? Neri: to see the human world (she lives in it now but still has to much to see and experience) Niara: to be free and have adventures (she does that now but there's still so much to see and do) Azura: to be rich and powerful (those ambitions killed her parents, now she just wants to take those down who killed them) Cordelia: honestly, she was just trying to survive another day (now she wants to find out where she came from) Lady X: to be "normal" (now she embraces being different for the sake of a higher calling - and she would want to save the world - or maybe she's selfish and just want to see the ones she loves being safe) Lady Y: undecided
Were there expectations placed on your OC when they were growing up? Have they lived up to those expectations? Neri: stay away from humans (she failed...) Niara: join the navy and make a name for yourself, have a successful career and take down many pirates (she failed) Azura: marry rich and live a wealthy life (failed) Cordelia: she had no one when she was little Lady X: people were hoping to gain something from her powers, so she ran the first chance she got (another fail) Lady Y: undecided but will be a fail also
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The Famous Introduction Pinned Post
Hi, Hola! You have found the way!
Not any way tho. Me, Wey. You found me! Hola! Que pedo? Pásale a lo barrido 🧹
(2024 note: I need to update this)
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That hooman that you see there. Si ese! That’s my sona. A pleasure to meet you. (Outfits change often lol) (Also! The formal clothes supposedly gives the hint that I work as a security guard on the game :v)
More about me: I’m a lazy simp artist. *bows with no shame* Yeah, that’s all of my self presentation :3
As you can see, I’m very much currently hyped with The Daycare Attendants. The scrunckly bois ❤️ I don’t have a specific way to draw the bot bois tho.
So in my blog you will find mostly reblogs of them than my own art. But I will try to share more of my doodles and ideas in the future. (Cuz can’t be considered an artist if I don’t do or share shid right? :v)
Besides being on the FNAF SB fandom I’m also interested in Welcome Home, The Arcana, MHA.
All my art is under #wey draws
My main OC’s are under #wiggles and giggles the clown twins (watch their very first Halloween experience #quick doodle , they are cosplaying as Skid and Pump!)
Here their reference sheet: (old reference btw, their shoes are bigger now etc)
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Gremlins dressed up as clowns basically. My babies 💜 (they were born after i got hooked on the game of FNAF SB)
Facts about them:
Both of them are boys. So he/him pronouns to each
Small animatronics that love to entertain families with their clown acts in the Pizzaplex
Their pants have hidden pockets, stuffed with materials and items for their clown acts. Mostly balloons. (Their hats have stuff too)
On birthday parties they always end up covered in cake
Free to roam around where the public is. Need employee permission or escort to go to restricted areas
Often seen in the daycare where there is a lot of kids to play with. Sun doesn’t always enjoy their visit (such troublemakers sometimes)
At night, when the Pizzaplex closes they immediately go to the daycare. To play with Sun and accompany Moon in his patrols (Moon will never admit he appreciates the company)
They can’t be separated. It causes an extreme anxiety for both, especially if it’s forced
Twin telepathy. Normally knowing what the other thinks. Often saying stuff at the same time and finishing each other sentences
They rarely fight with each other
Both love the attention
None of them knows personal space
They either help or create chaos (Both? Excellent partners in crime)
Press their nose, it does honk noises. They also have a feature to make their shoes do funny sounds
Fart jokes (noises) are hilarious for them
They are indeed high intelligent AI’s but they have the knowledge of a child. Teach and treat them like a kid
Can handle a limited amount of water if they get wet. Preferably to avoid it
Their white eyes can turn black with red pupils when turned in security mode. It is only to intimidate intruders and potentially dangerous people. (Can act scary if their target doesn’t normalize)
They have no virus! But that doesn’t mean they can’t obtain it 👁️👁️
Facts of each clown:
Giggles (Gig):
Likes the color blue and sharks
Normally the one who makes troubles (nothing serious, just mischievous child behavior)
Loves to make people smile and laugh but also get in their nerves (depending the person and situation)
Wiggles (Wig):
Likes the color pink and bunnies
The more responsible one of the two but still gets involved in troubles
Loves to make people have fun (specially if it’s done by his clown acts)
In the future I would like to share some ideas of AU’s I have in mind (idk if they are good enough lol) but for now my goal is to finish art projects that are meant for many friends and awesome artists.
AU’S Que Hice!
Ahoy! Mateys (AU mermay) - The journey of a high spirit kid named Y/N!
Dreaming of becoming a pirate one day!
Sailing the ocean in search of grand treasures and fun adventures with the unbelievable help of two sirens, their best friends!
Who and which said sea creatures seem conflicted with their actions and feelings when it comes to Y/N.
(non-romance just to clarify)
As it’s very known that these two species can never get along.
Will their friendship overcome the stereotypes?
Jump aboard and find out!
My social skills are terrible very good. I have a messed up social battery, it comes and goes. So is very common to find me active some days and then gone for some weeks (months). But frens, moots feel free to reach me anytime. Bother me. Tag me. Be random. Quick chat or a question. I’m okay with all that. I also like it, feels like I’m not forgotten (I’m not the greatest to initiate the conversation but I will totally respond to whatever I get included on 🫂💞)
As for strangers, people who follows me. (Actual real people and not bots lol) Feel free to send asks. Just don’t expect a genius answer from my part heh. Remain respectful, and yup :)
Thank you for your time and attention until the end if you got this far. *hugs ya and gifts ya a real Mexican taco 🌮* Have a nice day/night! Te quiero güey ❤️
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bengiyo · 2 years
My School President Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Y'all, I just know I'm about to put on my clown makeup, so let me just go ahead and get it ready.
Last time, a jaded school counselor doused the naive optimism of a bunch of high school seniors, and inflicted massive doubt on Chinzilla. They took some time to reevaluate, and Tinn spent the episode helping rebuild Gun's self-confidence. Gun's mom collapsed at work, and he briefly considered giving up his dreams on music, before everyone came together in a lovely musical number. Finally, Tinn all-but-confessed his feelings to Gun, and I'm hoping I won't have to put on my makeup.
🤡 Gun doesn't know who Tinn has a crush on, and wants to play matchmaker. 🤡
BL shirt messaging of the day: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
Oh no, Tinn is back to his fantasies and now they're harsh.
He put Gun in his phone as "Chinzilla Baby." I can't.
Both of them in this angsty spiral are going to demolish me. It's very high school and appropriate, and at least endearing because they like each other. Still, I want to mash their faces together. Where is Tiwson?
I'm with Por. Just Being Friendly is a banger.
🤡 Is Gun only just now connecting the dots about everything Tinn has been doing, including the pinky touch? We thought he maybe liked Tinn this whole time and we were wrong lol. 🤡
Alright, real shit. If you grab my neck like Tinn did here, we better kiss immediately.
Of course this is Tinn's favorite song. You're my favorite simp, baby boy. You and Vincent Liang eat at the same table.
"Don't mind a nosy boy like me." Thank you for showing up to save these clowns, Tiwson.
I will say, as a former educator, I'm a strong advocate for peer mediation. So, I'm really enjoying Tiwson stepping in to manage this MV project after Sound and Win started fighting so hard they kicked off their shoes.
That's right, Tiwson, ship to your heart's content. "Good job, BL."
The Tiw and Tinn friendship is a lot of fun.
Tinn is flustered at the first question? Baby boy, please.
I'm so glad Tiwson is taking his role as director seriously, and now I want to try these noodles.
Mark is genuinely funny. He and the noodle shop owner made me actually laugh.
The interesting thing out of the badminton scene is that Win doesn't lord over Sound something he can do that he can't. Instead, he genuinely tries to teach him. Sure, he gets frustrated and yells at Sound, and it shows that Sound struggles with being seen as incompetent, especially when he's being berated about it.
I like the fantasy sequence of them laying on the bed together answering these questions.
Car violence continues to play a role in these shows. Determined to build a future where our transportation modes aren't so hazardous.
Fourth and Gemini played the emotional shifts of that bed scene really well.
Sound doesn't like to lose or be bad at things. He clearly practiced for a long time. Win also gives praise easily.
I don't know why Tiwson is dressed like this, but I am thankful.
😂 Yo is too big to just be fainting like that.
"Cut! We got it!" I'm dying 😆
Love the era we're in where the boys fight over who likes who.
Okay, I really love that everyone got life from that medal kiss, and now these two caught feelings.
The music cues in this umbrella scene are timed so well. I am leaning in so hard with the tension.
"Got it, friend." "See you, friend." Why am I being crushed?
Excellent use of comedy after that scene. Gentle reminder of the kind of story we're in.
Gun going for a repeat on wiping his lips, eh?
Tinn and Tiw were not prepared for Gun's improvised kiss.
Oh, I had to pause. Usually Tinn likes when Gun grabs his chin, but he threw him off this time.
Finally, mutual open admission of the attraction. Good use of the friend zone graphic.
Oh lord we are at Church's Texas Chicken.
Tiwson knows his audience. "You are allowed to eat and watch."
I'm back in my The Way He Looks era and thinking about Gabriel asking, "If you stole a kiss, how would you give it back?"
I am always taken out by these boys flirting over chicken.
Okay, but do I get to see the music video???
Secret dating next week? Be still, my heart.
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tech-obssessed-shark · 8 months
Some of my Liked Songs on Spotify sorted by BPM
This is just a goofy little list that I'm posting so I don't forget about it later
Homage- 73
Ghost Town - 74
The mind electric/Chonny- 75
The Mind Electric- 77
I wanna tell you a secret - 78 Eventually- 78
I dropped out- 78 
Mama’s Boy
Ammonia Baby/Junie- 80
Alien Blues- 82
Nothing Man- 83
Cupid- 83
Ruler of Everything-83
Long Long Time Ago/Jack Conte- 84
Make The Grade- 85
You can't hide- 87
Hey kids– 87
I’m gonna win- 87
Feel Better- 87
Blah Blah Blah- 90
Long Time Friends/The Living Tombstone- 90
Sunflower/Michele Leigh- 90
The woods/San Fermin- 92
Simple Science/Cricket!- 92
Lay Down - 94
Drown Me! - 96
It’s Been So long-  96
Goodbye to a world - 96
Hayloft- 96
Crutches/Drive45- 96
AngstMode3000/Junie- 96
Soul on Fire/Mystery Skulls - 96
Nothing’s New/Rio Romeo- 96
Over and Over- 96
Wrecking Ball- 97 
Stuck Inside/Black Gryph0n- 97
Boi Cha Cha/Junie- 97
Leviathan, the Girl- 97
Locket/Crumb- 98
Icicles - 100
For the departed- 100
Saint Bernard- 100
Adapt/That Handsome Devil - 100
Bloody!Bloody! - 101 
Hollywood Endings/Jack Conte- 101
When It Rains-102
Something Stupid/Frank Sinatra - 103 
Five Nights at Freddy’s- 103
Problems/MM- 104
Pantsuit Sasquatch- 106
Wonda/Caravan Palace- 106
This comes from Inside- 107
End-world normopathy- 107 
Dead Weight- 108
Bonnie’s Mixtape/Griffinilla- 108
Memento Mori- 110
Die in a fire - 110
Nothing Critical- 110 
Vacillate- 110
Artificial Sweetener/Drive45- 110 
Oleander - 112 
Maniac/Caravan Palace- 112 
A Man Without Love- 112
The Family Jewels/MARINA- 112
Kids- 113
Girls/Marina- 114
Bad Things/Cults- 114
Candle Queen- 115
Hullabaloo/Rare Americans- 115
Freezer Burn/T1lt- 115
Crucified/Ghost- 116
Chug Jug with You- 116
Circus/Brittney spears- 116
Highway to Hell- 116
Notion/Rare Occasions- 116
Michelle/Sir Chloe- 116
Coffee/Jack Stauber- 116
Brass goggles- 117
Copacabana- 117
Fifteen Minutes- 117
Hansel- 118
The Fool/Roan Martin- 118
Watermelon- 118
Absence- 119
Money, money, money- 120
Moonsickness 120
Honey I’m Home-120
Buttercup- 120
Nunemaker’s Parable- 120
I am not a Robot/Marina- 120
I created a monster- 120
Mister Money Bags- 121
Dumb Dumb- 122
Crucified/Army- 122
Human Leather Shoes for Crocodile Dandies-122
Hermit the Frog- 122
Egg and Soldiers- 123
The Distortionist-124
The Water’s Fine- 124
Are you satisfied- 124
As the world caves in- 124
Hand Me my shove, I’m going in- 125 
I’M SANE - 125
Nightmare Parade- 125 
Love I Need/The Living Tombstone- 125
Redmageddon- 126
Watch Your Back - 127
Labyrinth- 127
Oh No!/Marina- 127 Clash/Caravan- 127
Weird Science- 128 
Dog of Wisdom(Blue Verison)/The Living Tombstone- 128
Animal/The Living Tombstone- 128
Crown/Limbo- 128
Freely Tomorrow- 129
Getting Bigger- 130
Hungry for Another One-130
Dinner is not over- 130
You weren’t meant to see that - 130 
Welcome to Freddy’s/Madame Macabre- 130
Smile Ukulele- 130
Chamber of Reflection/Steezy Knicks- 132
Gretel- 133
Simon Was- 133
Queasy/Drive45- 134
They’ll keep you running - 135
1000 Doors- 135
My time- 135
Ruler of Everything/Chonny Jash- 136
Chickens- 136
I wanna haunt you - 137
Off with his Head- 137
Follow Me/Dream Valley Music- 137
Little Clown/Phemiec- 137
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land- 138
Bloody Nose/Jack Conte- 138
Fighter - 139
Feel Good Inc- 139 
Burning Pile- 140 
Aftermath- 140 
Something for your mind- 140 
Arms Tonite- 140 
Crash/Neovaii - 140 
Honeywell- 140
No wind resistance!- 140
Eighth Wonder- 140
Still Life- 142
Carousel Waltz- 142
A Million Gruesome Ways To Die- 142
Tetractys- 143
Murders/Miracle Musical - 144
RAT- 144
Goose Goose Revolution/The Living Tombstone- 145
Charlie’s Inferno- 146
Princess Andy/Petrojvic- 147
Body - 148
Death by Glamour-148 
Savages/That Handsome Devil- 148
Are we having fun yet?- 150 
Breezeblocks- 150 
Take A slice- 150 
Under My skin- 150
Cheeseburger Family- 152
Squid Melody- 153
Microchip- 153
Dog Nightmare- 154
As Your Father I expressly - 155
Poison Pop- 157
Leopard- 158
Shutup You’re Stupid/That Handsome Devil- 158
There’s something happening- 159
Chosen- 160
Bring Her Along- 160
Idwtgtbt- 160
Everything I own/Drive45- 165
The Worlds Dumbest Puppet Show- 165
Like a Match/Jack Conte- 166
Join Us(And Die)- 166
Along Came A Spider- 166
Like a Star/Mike Krol- 169
Cabinet Man- 172
Push/Jack Conte- 174
My Ordinary Life- 176
Dopamine high score - 180
I Got No Time- 180
Twist the Knife- 182
I can’t handle change- 184
Just take my wallet- 184
Eat you/Caravan of Thieves- 184
Community Gardens - 190
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choochooboss · 1 year
Butlermas artdump! 2022 May - 2023 April
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▲ "At your service!" ▽ "Leave it to me."
Before diving into the sketches I need to talk about this song. This remix slaps me to the moon and back. How can you improve perfection? You can't! So better head over to a new track! In other words, the Subway Bosses theme can't apparently be beaten, but this remix plays no second fiddle to it! Let this sexy jazz piano duet accompany this post featuring the handsome gents in their fanciest attires yet. (Fun observation: The song shifts themes pretty much in sync with the Sync Moves being used in Pokémas!)
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By chance I got into submas & installed Pokemas during the first run of The Curious Tea Party event, a week before butler Ingo's banner. I was so hyped to meet the boys in game so soon, and I was super lucky to get Ingo on his release day! Emmet on the other hand eluded me until the very last day ahah (the struggle was real), but I was so glad to FINALLY REUNITE THEM. The agony for their situation was so painfully fresh at the time, that brought a bit of relief to the suffering ahah. At first the costumes felt a little strange to me, but now I adooore them. Dang, do they look dashing and sleek in those fancy tailcoats and mirrored monocles!!
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One of the first doodles of the butlers, still learning how to draw the sillies and their funny hats.
Love the suit designs! The tailcoats make the twins look even more graceful and slender, and the tails would float when they dash around! The hats are almost comically large, but after drawing them many times they actually look the best that way! This time no funny clown shoes, but these classy loafers look pretty chunky! And fittingly they are wearing cross ties, which is also another word for railroad ties. Yes there's another train pun in their outfits! Pretty clever design! Emmet's outfit has warm light grey (I believe it's because in a white suit he would look ready for the altar ahah) with sapphire blue accents, while Ingo's is a grayish dark blue with ruby red accents for the contrast they have going in all of their outfits. Furthermore they embrace the ruby and sapphire colors in their EX suits, which make them look even more luxurious!! I imagine them wearing the regular costumes during daylight hours, then switch to EX for late night events and parties. About the details. The metal bits are silver and gold, both reflecting their personalities. Emmet likes to dress bold and go for the gold, while Ingo dons the slightly more modest silver. EX costumes trade them for cool onyx black. That's enough twaddling for this round ahah! Hope you enjoy the rest of my doodles, attempts and experiments! More butler art coming up soon!
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They're eager to serve at any given opportunity, ready to dash by your side if you just give them a word, accompany you wherever you want to go, make sure you feel safe and protected, and offer to become your personal butlers... wouldn't that be a dream! Butlermas are the ultimate official submas fanservice!
"If I can be of service in any way, please let me know! I will come to your aid faster than an express train!"
"If you're ever out alone, please feel free to call on me. I'll get you to your destination safe and sound!"
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hannahhasnofriends · 3 years
two people one bed | dream
summary: famous bed sharing trope!
pairing: dream x reader
warnings: swearing, fluff :)
word count: 1.7k
a/n: this fic was weird to write bc i normally write that the character calls him clay but with the setting it didn't seem right lmao – also psa, i have very little knowledge about constellations but i thought it was cute so i left it in lol
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many members from the dsmp decided to take a road trip together (yes they clowned on dream the whole time)
it was a week long trip and it was finally the last day! you'd went cross country, stopping at a few different airbnbs along the way
and at this point, you were kind of over it😐don't get me wrong, it'd been an amazing trip, but you'd had little to no alone time in a week and you were just relieved to be going home after this
until you saw the last house, where someone had to share a bed.... and you and dream had just happened to pull out the two shortest straws…
‘Damn it.’ You mentally rolled your eyes, of course you’d end up the one to share a bed on the last day. You’d been driving all day and considering it was only one night, you had no mental energy to argue over sharing. Dream didn’t even seem phased at the fact, honestly you almost felt bad about how annoyed you were with everyone with how nice he’d been about it all. But he was always like this, he was always kind to you.
That was until you rolled over for the hundredth time that night. The space between the pillow wall you'd built and the edge of the bed was seeming to get smaller and smaller as the night went on. Even though the air was thick in the room, your feet were cold from Dream hogging the blanket and the bed would shake every few minutes from his constant movement. You could tell he was awake even though he was staying silent, and you tried your hardest not to let out an annoyed huff.
Finally, he shifted to peer over the pillow wall. In the dark you could still make out his green eyes and fluffy hair.
"You awake?" He whispered. You groaned internally, literally why does this man want to have a conversation now?
"Oh come on now, you can't say that and be asleep. I cant't sleep. We should do something." He shifted again so his forearms were leaning against the wall, basically destroying it.
"We are doing something. It's called trying to sleep so we can wake up at a good hour and go home." You sighed, screwing your eyes shut.
"It's only like 1 in the morning, we have plenty of time to sleep. Come on.. please, it'll be fun." Whatever, fine, maybe he'll actually calm the fuck down after this.
"Fine. What the hell can we even do right now." You opened your eyes up again, staring at the ceiling.
"We can go for a drive?" You can hear the smile in his voice. This man's love for driving was absurd.
"Uh how about no? We've literally been in the car all day and I'd rather not go back until we have to." You finally turned to face him, he wore a lopsided grin and a crooked pajama shirt. Cute.
"Fine, fine. How about we just go for a walk, yeah?" You grumbled, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and grabbing the hoodie you left on the floor. No way in hell were you changing for this, it was bad enough you were even indulging in it.
“Alright,” He grinned in your direction, slipping a pair of shoes on. “We can walk to that clearing with the little pond we saw on our way here, it's not far."
"That's fine but can we please not be out forever? I'm serious about getting sleep." You recalled the place he was talking about, it was pretty over there. Plus, you were pretty sure you could see the stars tonight.
Dream hummed, "Yeah, yeah grumpy. Let's go and be quiet, I don't want to wake anyone."
"Didn't seem to mind waking me up." You rolled your eyes, the audacity.
"Not my fault you got stuck sharing with me." He elbowed your side lightly.
You decided to keep quiet after that, slipping out of the airbnb. It wasn't cold, but there was enough chill to make goosebumps rise on your skin.
The walk there was silent, both of you just taking in the scenery. Your mind was replaying all your favorite moments from the past week, sure you were tired and ready to sleep in your own bed, but you were grateful for the people around you and how happy you'd been the past 6 days. Dream had invited you to come along almost last minute compared to everyone else. He had messaged you one night and told you he was paying for everything and would be happy if you came, and who could say no to that?
"What? What is it?" Dream had his eyes on you as you came to a stop, reaching your destination. "What's with the smile, I thought you were grumpy."
"Shut up. I'm just thinking about the past week. I had a really good time, I'm really glad I came, thank you for inviting me." You rolled your eyes, but the smile stayed put.
Dream hummed, "Me too. Honestly I thought you were gonna say no when I asked you." He chuckled as his arm raised to the back of neck, scratching slightly.
"Really? What makes you say that?" Your nose scrunched slightly, you guys had always had a good relationship, you always enjoyed hanging out with him.
"I don't know! I guess I thought you wouldn't want to spend that much time with me." He was smiling, but you could tell he was being serious.
You frowned, "I'd never say no to something like this. I know I'm 'grumpy' or whatever but I seriously like spending time with you, all of you."
"Thanks, I like spending time with you too." He turned to face you, but you tilted your head up, getting a good look at the stars. Your heart softened at his words, he really was a good man.
There was a moment of silence before you spoke up again, "Do you know any constellations?"
"Uh, I can find Leo probably." His head tilted up to match yours and you snorted.
"Of course you can." You smiled and shook your head, typical Leos.
"Oh, there it is, here look." His finger pointed up at the sky, your eyes following where it led.
"There?" You asked, raising your own finger. Dream shifted behind you, close enough to feel his breath on your neck. He hooked his hand on yours and moved your finger up slightly, "Here." He murmured. His skin was soft against yours, you felt his heartbeat on your back and you could smell his aroma.
Neither of you moved, you could feel him turn his head to look at you. Your cheeks heated and you slowly lowered both your hands. You tilted your head to meet his eyes, your noses were barely touching. The beating in your chest grew faster and your mind whirled as you saw him lean in, just so slightly.
You pulled away and turned around quickly, "We should get back." You cleared your throat. Your palms were still sweating, but for a second your thoughts went blank.
"Um, yeah sure." He shoved his hands in his pockets and started his way back to the airbnb. You stood there for a moment before following after him.
What the actual fuck just happened. You were going to kiss him? Or was he going to kiss you? None of that even matters since you'd just rejected him. You cursed yourself as you kept trudging on.
This whole thing was a hot mess, it wasn't like you didn't like him, it was just you'd never thought about it before. Sure, you'd flirt with him in call or make dumb suggestive jokes, but you'd always assure yourself there was nothing underlying there. They were just jokes.
But now you couldn't stop thinking about it, his soft skin against yours, his heartbeat, the way his eyes looked so intensely into your own. Your brain kept repeating it over and over again, it made you sick.
By the time you reached the airbnb again, you began to hate how you yearned to be touched by him again. That, ok fine, you did want him to kiss you but you chickened out. He didn't help by holding the door open for you when sneaking back inside. You mumbled a thanks, not daring to look at him. You could still feel him behind you as you tiptoed back to your room, which you just conveniently forgot you had to share.
You got situated as fast as you could, climbing back into the bed, holding your breath as you went. You waited to feel the dip in the bed signally him coming to lay next to you. When it didn't come, you peeked at his side, he stood there gathering a pillow and his phone before turning to leave. Your heartbeat sped up again.
"Clay," You sat up before you could stop yourself. "Wait, can- can you stay. Please." Your voice wobbled, but the moments back at the clearing kept playing again and you couldn't just sit there anymore.
He turned around shifting his feet, "Yeah, yeah sure." His eyes seemed to soften at the expression on your face.
Your hand swiped at the pillow wall, this time completely dismantling it and you lied back down. You felt the weight shift as he settled next to you, your breath was still shaky. He lied down facing you, eyes searching your face.
"Hi." You whisper, nerves come rushing back now that he's here again.
"Hi." He chuckles and smiles softly. His eyes are still searching your face, he looks uncertain.
"I– Well I–"
"Listen, don't worry about it. I was dumb I don't even know what I was thinking. We can just forget it." He interrupts you, his eyes darting down and cheeks flushing.
"That's not what I was gonna say." You faltered. He stares quizzically, silently asking you to continue. "Well I-I first wanted to apologize, I was a dick back there. And um.."
The words taper off, lost. You feel his gaze bore into your face, he tentatively raised his arm from inside the covers, hooking your chin with a finger.
"It's ok." He whispers affirmatively. The consequences are instant, your nerves slow and you can only focus on how close he is. His eyes find yours, and he no longer seems uncertain. "Can I kiss you?"
You can only nod, so sure of your decision.
And he does.
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semper-legens · 2 years
90. Ballet Shoes, by Noel Streatfeild
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Owned?: Yes Page count: 235 My summary: Three adoptive children, Pauline, Petrova, and Posy Fossil, are in financial trouble. To make ends meet, they all train to become ballet dancers and performers, though not all like it. Pauline’s a born actress, Posy’s a perfect dancer, but Petrova prefers car magazines. Can these girls achieve their dreams? My rating: 4/5 My commentary:
Look. Sometimes you just have to admit that you have an affinity for a certain type of twee, quaint, older style of children’s writing. I’m okay with it. Ballet Shoes is...it’s weird, my copy’s an old little paperback, but I don’t remember reading it as a kid. Still, I’ve found since that I really like it. The story’s old-fashioned, but it manages to maintain a certain charm, never quite crossing the line into being cringeworthy for me. It’s a step up from Enid Blyton, that’s all I’m saying.
The three girls are fun characters. Pauline’s that kind of pretty girl who’s a little up herself, and has to learn humility and that she’s not the main character of the universe. Petrova’s the tomboy, who wants to be a pilot and fix machines. And Posy’s the class clown, a perfect dancer who knows how good she is, but isn’t quite as stuck up as Pauline can be. They feel like they’re designed for the reader to pick one with whom they identify, in which case I am a Petrova stan first and a person second.
One thing I find interesting is the 1930s setting (then-contemporary, it was first published in 1936) and the assumptions it’s making. This interwar period in England is a really interesting slice of history, and with these middle-class characters we can really see the changing times. The Fossils have servants, a cook and a nanny and a maid, but they’re struggling to pay them and have to take in lodgers to their giant house in order to pay the bills. The kids are educated by said lodgers, a pair of lesbian teachers because they can’t afford private school and (implicitly) don’t want to be educated in a state school with the poors. Much is made of the family’s financial situation not being able to keep up with the kids’ need for new clothes - dresses are passed down, but Pauline and later Petrova need nice dresses to get jobs, and their finances don’t always stretch that far. (Also, they keep going on about fabrics and I’m just sitting here clueless like ‘ah, no, wearing cotton at that time of year, ludicrous’ like I know what’s going on. But that’s a me thing.)
I also wonder how much the ballet world has changed since the 30s. Obviously this is a sanitised and idealised look at being a child performer in the 30s, but I have read a lot about the extreme bullying of young ballet dancers, with a focus on their body types. Granted, Pauline’s more an actress than a dancer, and Posy isn’t old enough to begin a professional life by the end of the story, but we still see these kids being affected by beauty standards of the time. Pauline’s fair, the exact image of beauty in this time, but Petrova’s dark and Posy’s a redhead. Pauline ends up getting a role as Alice in Wonderland over a much more talented and skilled classmate because Pauline physically fits the part better, the classmate being plain and ill-dressed. But that’s not really commented on, other than the reader being invited to feel sympathy for the classmate, it’s just a fact of life and the industry these kids are in.
Next up, some real history, as we go back to 1980s Britain for a tale of solidarity.
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iinksplit · 2 years
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my sleep schedule watching me consider waking up at 7am for opening... this is queued tho 😭 hihi i’m melo (21+, s/h), writer of hot girl trash raccoon lee yuram & her functional symbie known as yubi! she’s currently a low ranking journalist at the herald & has lived all her life in eden while dreaming of taking over the world ( yubi tells her to pass her exams first, loser 😔 ) all her info is scattered around the blog ( stats, bio, power ) & i have no plots so here’s an attempt at putting everything together under the cut 😬 hit the ♡ or drop an im if you’d wanna plot, i also have discord if that’s easier!! 💖
eden born & raised! her parents were both metas who decided quickly that they wanted to settle down, get registered, & live a good safe life. her dad talks to animals & her mum has some healing powers
think about the most law abiding, nice, polite, incredibly normal two people who could ever exist. that’s yuram’s parents. that’s also how you get an absolutely unhinged child
yuram’s a terror before she gets yubi, the sort to get into playground brawls & play dumb pranks. that annoying kid who likes to ask but why tho when she’s told no. extremely bored of being a goody two shoes like her parents so she turns around & is no shoes gremlin
anyway she’s born with a funky looking birthmark that turns into symbiotic ink when some kid breaks their pen & splatters her with ink, around age ten-ish. enter: yubi!
( basically venom but ) reverse symbiote trope! yuram wants WORLD DOMINATION & yubi just wants to pass their tests & maybe get a steady income
so ( v sadly ) yubi doesn’t help with any of the taking over the world stuff. they do help with exams & chores though 🙏🏻
yuram ends up in university thanks to her symbie, as a journalism major bc she’s a nosy little shit & thinks she knows what the news should be reporting
fresh grad, just got herself hired by the herald but doesn’t get to cover the mayor chae story :( but she might be poking around on the downlow......
other symbie facts! yubi’s personality fluctuates depending on what kind of ink yuram uses to build them up, but they’ve got a solid lawful good base. they aren’t always awake; if there’s too little ink on yuram, the symbiote just hibernates/goes dormant. they communicate telepathically but yubi can either borrow yuram’s mouth or pass notes to other people to talk to them. their big venom form is a huge mass of inkperson, pitch black; kinda scary but they only use that form for sneaking around, non-combative even though yuram wishes they were. ( but someday... 😉 )
chara insp! venom & eddie brock ( venom ), jang hari ( mad dog ), ji seungwan ( 2521 )
personality / misc! gemini sun, sagittarius moon, aries rising, a powerhouse clown. loves being argumentative & is always ready to go. probably willing to go to bat for you even if she’s only known you for 10sec bc she’s nice looking for a fight like that. can’t cook or clean but would d*e before admitting it or the many other things she sucks at. her common sense only exists in yubi, really really rebellious for fun & impulsive because she’s not patient enough & just wants instant gratification. in my head her bgm is any mgk x blackbear collab bc she’s got loser punk rock vibes. disaster really
petty crimes crew: exactly what this sounds like! just a ragtag buncha dummies spraying graffiti & pickpocketing, have been saying they’ll commit a heist since high school but still have no idea how to. lame gang things!!
free printer services: if you need help printing something or, ahem, ‘editing’ a document wink wink... she’s here to help
herald coworkers: yuram’s notorious for being a bit too headstrong & willing to investigate excessively for a story, asking way too many questions & only trusting herself. writes articles freakishly fast once she’s done tho. maybe a mentor or someone who has to keep her in check? fellow new hire jostling for a promotion?
snu friends: anyone from journalism, or their school’s broadcasting & journalism club? maybe someone who saw her ( yubi ) sign up for a million clubs but she never turned up too
bulleog apartments: neighbour plots!! yuram’s a petty little shit of a neighbour & somehow always up to something strange
commitment issues tm: yuram’s string of flings, past & current, or the (1) serious relationship she screwed up? ( also lowkey would love an enemies to friends / lovers / worse enemies but now we care for each other gdi plot )
thats all the ideas i have in my head but we can brainstorm instead!!
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Reckless Rescuer
I literally just came up with this idea at midnight last night when I was just starting to go into fever dream mode so... This will be interesting. You asked to be tagged so here you go @justconfusedperiod!
Imagine that Marinette never became Ladybug.
Master Fu chose actual adults to go save Paris while Sabine and Tom gave Marinette combat training.
Despite not being a hero Marinette was still caught up in a lot of akuma attacks (Because Hawkmoth is a bitter ass) so she learned how to use everything and anything to her advantage.
Even though she's crafty Marinette still dies in akuma attacks and gets revived by the Miraculous Cure at the end of the day.
As sad as it is, she becomes used to dying.
That doesn't mean that she TRIES to get hurt during attacks, it just means that she expects her life to end one day because of an akuma or something and for her to not come back, so dying isn't a fear for her anymore.
She also builds a tolerance for pain during attacks where she doesn't die, but still gets very injured.
It's amazing how trauma can practically destroy someone's life while others are just so desensitized that it doesn't affect them anymore.
One day the Dupain-Chengs move to Gotham to both expand their business, and to get away from a certain magic fueled fashion disaster.
I mean, seriously.
You're supposed to be a designer but here you are walking around looking like a cardboard candy cane beige toothpick of a man.
Don't get me started on what the heck happened with Hawkmoth's costume.
What is that?
Are you wearing a silver condom on your head or what??
Anyways, Marinette attends Damian's school and they bond over being the only one's not overly worried about danger in certain situations.
At one point Damian thought that she might have been a hero or something but threw that thought away when he witnessed her somehow fall UP a staircase. (I've actually done this before. Surprisingly it's pretty fun.)
All was fine and dandy until one afternoon when they were walking to Neti's place after school to work on a project.
They were walking through a less populated part of the city and were passing a shoe store when two thugs held them at a gunpoint demanding for their cash.
The youngest Wayne was fully prepared to attack the men when Marinette started scolding them for being rude?
Marinette: Hey! You can't just do that! Do you know how rude it is to interrupt someone's conversation?! Apologize right and leave us alone right now OR ELSE.
The two men just looked at her for a moment before doubling over and bursting out in laughter.
After all, what can this tiny school girl do to hurt them?
The first guy calmed down and was about to threaten them again when all of a sudden a pink flat was thrown at his face.
Because of he was unprepared and because of the force behind the flying shoe, he was knocked over and fell to the floor with a thud.
The second guys turned to look at the girl who just threw her shoe at his partner when he was suddenly wacked in the face as well.
So there they were.
Two teenagers, one with no shoes on, in front of a show store with two thugs at their feet.
Truly a sight to behold.
Marinette turns to Damian and asks him for his shoes.
She then turns to the second dude who was on his knees and says in a dark tone, "You better go and leave us alone before I get my hands on a pair of iceskates. Got it?"
He nods his head and scrambles to run away from the short girl with pigtails that just single handedly smashed her arm through glass and was somehow not wincing in pain from her many bleeding cuts and she threw shoes at them.
His partner frantically got to his feet and followed him.
After making sure that the two would-be-muggers are far away Mari turns to Damian and waves her still bleeding hand in front of his face.
"Heelllooooo? Anybody home?"
She then shakes his shoulders a bit.
Damian, now no longer in shock, starts freaking out about her injuries.
She tries to get him to calm down but that honestly makes him freak out even more.
"Well that would make it the 2615th time."
Marinette was trying to get him to breathe since he was almost on the verge of a panic attack when the owner of the shoe store came out with a first aid kit.
The elderly woman proceeded to patch up Marinette's arm while thanking her for scaring away the muggers.
"Those two just keep scaring the customers away so I cannot thank you dearie enough!"
"Oh, it was no problem ma'am. They really needed to learn some manners anyways!"
"They really are so rude aren't they. And there we go! Your arm is all bandaged up. I would be careful with it if I were you."
She old lady then turns to Damian who has calmed down a bit now that Marinette's arm is bandaged.
"You've got quite a wild girlfriend here. Be sure to watch out for her safety or else you're gonna lose her."
That causes the two teens faces to burn red.
"Oh no you've got it wrong. She's not my girlfriend although I do agree that I should start looking out far her health more." He turns to Marinette as he says the last bit.
She just replies with a sheepish smile and a shrug.
"She's definitely going to give me gray hairs early."
The store owner gave Marinette and Damian a knowing look before sending the two on their way.
On the walk to Marinette's house Damian kept scolding her for her brash decisions and worrying over her arm at the same time.
At one point Damian asked her if she could actually feel the pain from her cuts or not and she just replied with "I got injured a lot when I lived in Paris so I have a high pain tolerance. This isn't even the worst wound I've ever gotten."
Needless to say, that did not reassure Damian at all.
When they did reach their destination they ended up deciding to finish the project on another day to let Marinette's arm heal a bit.
He calls Alfred to pick him up and when faced with the butler's questioning stare he just replies with "Too much excitement for today."
Before the limo drove off Marinette ran outside to the car and handed Damian a bag full of pastries.
"Consider this an apology for making you freak out so much."
He nodded and took the bag but still told her "You're an idiot you know right?"
"Haha. Or so I've been told." She shrugs. "See you tomorrow in class if you're not too traumatized!"
"Tt. We live in Gotham. It's gonna take more than that to truly scar me. Although I have to say, that's the closest someone's gotten in a long time. Don't do it again."
"No promises!" Marinette yells as the limo drives off.
That night Damian got a nightmare filled with shoes.
Marinette is now known and feared throughout the more amateur criminal community.
True to her word, Marinette tried to reduce the amount of risky choices that she took.
I mean, there was that incident with the llamas, trumpets, and skateboards but we don't talk about that.
Her safety streak ended when Damian was kidnapped.
And by the Joker no less.
Ya, no.
She's not just gonna stand by while her friend litteraly gets kidnapped by a clown man thing when she could do something about it.
The Joker called the Waynes through a video chat and threatens the dump Damian into a pool filled with unidentified and possibly contaminated water until they give him half a million dollars.
And because it's a two way video chat and all of the Waynes (except Damian) are there they can't 'call the batfam' to save him.
Because they were all so busy panicking and Joker was busy laughing, no one but Damian noticed a dark silhouette sneaking around in the shadows.
The moment he saw them he immediately knew who it was.
'Oh no. ThaT'S MY IDIOT!!'
Marinette noticed Damian's panicked stare on her and just, gave him a thumbs up? Before going back into the darkness.
'Oh no oh no ohnoohnononono what's she doing?!' He thought to himself as he heard quiet shuffling in the shadows.
Going back to the screen, Bruce was about to send the money when all of a sudden a bright light was turned on from behind the Joker to the left.
And they weren't expecting what they saw.
There under the light was someone in a Barney the Dinosaur costume sitting in a rainbow bumper car with a radio and a bag filled with something strapped in the passenger side.
TrULy RaDiAnT.
The purple dino turned on the radio, (which was playing the Barney theme song) made eye contact with the clown, and promptly said "Beep beep bitch." in a robotic voice (there was a voice changer in the costume) before driving full speed at him.
At first the Joker tried to run away from the vehicle but for some reason the bumper car was extremely fast and RAN HIM OVER before turning around,
Double oof.
They did this around 12 times before the Joker managed to push up from under the bumper car at the perfect time.
Marinette did a backflip (dramatics are guaranteed) as she jumped out of the rainbow ride while simultaneously throwing the radio at the Joker at full force.
The Joker, not expecting that, was thrown against the base of a wall.
He got up just in time to see his attacker pull out a shoe from the bag and chuck it at his nuts.
*cue everyone either laughing at his pain or wincing in sympathy*
The Barney pulls out a sandal from the bag and throws it at his face and uses a black stiletto to pin the clown's arm tO THE FRIGGING WALL when he reaches to touch where the flip flop hit him.
(Is there a difference between sandals and flip flops?)
She then uses another stiletto (a red one this time) to pin his other arm and pulls out YET ANOTHER SHOE (a rainboot) to hit his face.
This time he gets knocked out though so there's that.
The power of FOOTWEAR!!
The purple and green dinosaur goes to untie Damian while his family just watch through the screen with their jaws on the floor, still processing what the actual heck just happened.
They get snapped out of their shock when the youngest Wayne launches himself into the Barney's arms and starts rambling about how worried he was and did the store owner give you all those shoes and why the heck did you follow me here.
They don't know what they were expecting the person under the Barney costume to look like but they definitely weren't expecting a young girl with pigtails wearing stilts to come out.
Apparently she needed them to fit into the suit.
Damian: How did you even know I was in trouble?
Marinette: I sorta have a six sense for this kind of stuff. It's disappointing that I didn't get to use all of my amo though :(
Damian: Wait. You brought MORE shoes?
Marinette: Yep! And a couple other things as well. Like this trumpet case, and this bowling ball, and this duck themed alarm clock (I have one lol), and oh! Wait a moment would ya?
*walks over to the pool and dumps around 30 bath bombs in*
Marinette: There! Now this place will smell super nice!
Damian: Did you just dump a ton of bath bombs into a pool of unidentified liquid?
Marinette: Yep!
Damian: Let me rephrase that. Did you just dump a ton of bath bombs into a pool of possibly chemically contaminated water which could possibly have a bad reaction to the bath bombs which could possibly explode or just generally be the death of us?
Marinette: ........
Damian: ........
Marinette: ......
Damian: ........
Marinette: ....well it wouldn't be the FIRST time I-
Damian close to tears: yEs I KnOw PLeaSe StOp ReMinDiNg mE.
Ya so this was just a random idea I had and that I will probably not be adding to but y'all reading this are more than welcome to! If you do continue or make your own little spins on this please tag me! I would love to read them :D
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literaphobe · 4 years
season one of she-ra rated by catradora content
the sword part 1: right off the bat we find out just what adora’s all about. she’s a so called goody two shoes but she’ll lie to authority to protect catra.... ok lesbian lmao. but then we meet catra and she’s like “hey adora ;) how’s it hanging?” and we get it. we completely get it. oh my god. everything from the way catra talks to the way she laughs. adora never stood a chance :( we get a classic locker room flirting scene where catra teases adora and adora pretends she’s above all that only to be like hey cat gf is that a MOUSE which is very rude :( don’t scare ur cat gf or she will become evil :( oh wait. anyway.... their flirting gets cut short because homophobia walks in and separates them :/ before that tho she praises adora. adora who loves her gf so much ignores shadow weaver’s praise and says “catra did so good tho <3” and puts her arm around catra which pisses off the only homophobe in etheria. adora doesn’t really want to follow shadow weaver because she just wants to be with catra, and she even argues with shadow weaver about bringing catra onto the field with her. but she loses the argument because shadow weaver fucking sucks and has no idea how to be chill :/ catra finds adora after that and greets adora the way all gals greet their pals. by... pouncing on her waist. ok lol. catra is so proud of her gf getting promoted and says baby i love you <3 baby when are we leaving <3 except adora says catra’s not allowed to come :( so cat gf gets sad and runs to the roof. in response, adora gets a literal Grappling Hook to chase after her. adora doesn’t want her gf to be sad so she steals a skiff and they go on a date <3 but they’re so obsessed with control and play fighting with each other that adora falls off the skiff and finds out she’s like. god with a sword. i mean she-ra. uh, so adora fake wakes up in a dream and is like catra? :( because catra is the only thing she ever looks for when she wakes up (yes i am clowning. of course i know catra was the only person she was with but shhhh), and then she wakes up for real and catra is straddling her waist, which... ok. catra worries about her gf maybe being brain damaged so they cut their date short and go back to the fright zone. they go to sleep, and have their nightly sleepover, which means they sleep in the same bed :) even tho catra’s own bed is already on top of adora’s :) superb :) anyway adora dreams about her lesbian sword and wakes up scared. she smiles when she sees catra sleeping soundly in her bed however because uwu cat gf go zzzzz. adora gets out of bed which catra IMMEDIATELY senses because she opens her eyes right after and follows adora. because uh.... their friendship is just that lit and strong. catra is worried and wants to follow her gf to find this cool lesbian sword she keeps talking about, but adora makes perhaps one of the worst calls ever and tells catra to stay behind because she doesn’t want to get catra in trouble :( which is like, she has good intentions and all, but you should always bring your gymnast cat gf along when u look for sick ass gay swords. adora would know that if she wasn’t raised by the literal embodiment of gay oppression. oh well. guess they’re gonna have to fight each other for five seasons to figure it out. 9.5/10 because we got so much content all literally in the first ep. it’s like hey look they’re in love and they’re girlfriends who touch each other way too much. and we’re like noelle that’s really cool! will we get more gf content? and noelle said yes but also you’ve got a big storm coming! and it’s going to kill you!
the sword part 2: against adora’s wishes, catra gets in trouble for adora’s departure, and this makes catra sad bc where did her gf go? :( shadow weaver accuses catra of knowing where adora is because despite her raging homophobia she still knows that adora wouldn’t go anywhere without telling catra. and she’s right but just because she’s right doesn’t mean i have to like her. anyway... catra gets sent to bring adora back to the fright zone, and even tho shadow weaver threatens her in scary horrid ways catra is only happy to see adora again and once again pins her to the ground with her knees on adora’s.... yea........ and she’s happy bc she has a tank :) good for u catra we all love and cherish you <3333 anyway catra makes fun of adora because she thought adora got captured which... technically true but also not but also! catra sees a flower in adora’s hair which she takes to mean that adora cheated on her :( wtf :( and adora says no baby :( no i didn’t cheat on u :( and catra is like. ok fine. let’s go back to the horde. and adora says baby we can’t go back to the horde :( did u know that they were evil? im woke now. come be woke with me. and catra is like. wait. u just realized the horde sucks? did you not see shadow weaver electrocute me. did you think she did that for gay rights? and adora is like catra baby i didn’t mean it like that :( but it’s too late. it’s all very upsetting and i don’t wanna get into it. essentially catra thinks she can escape shadow weaver’s abuse by fighting the horde from within but adora thinks she can escape shadow weaver’s abuse and the horde’s evil by literally escaping the horde. u can see where both of them are coming from and that’s why it’s so sad :( it’s so fucking sad y’all :( they do their whole. come with me vs stay with me thing,,, and it doesn’t work out. duh it’s like ep 2 why would it work out. catra finds out that adora can use her lesbian sword to turn into a taller lesbian and instead of giving into her gayness and marrying adora right away her internalized homophobia makes her run away :( she thought adora doesn’t care about her anymore because she has new friends and can turn into a giant sword lady :( and it’s all very sad :( 8.5/10
razz: adora’s having trouble turning into she-ra. no one asked, but based on this whole show, it’s because she just broke up with catra and that hit hard :( it’s pretty hard to turn into ur superhero alter ego when you’re yearning. back at the horde, catra is also yearning. she is bitter because everyone is raving about how lit she-ra is and catra is like yeah she-ra is sexy but can we have a discussion about how she-ra breaks your heart. how she-ra makes you cry. how she-ra abandons you for new friends and doesn’t want to be your gf anymore? have we considered that? and everyone is confused because why does catra seem like she knows she-ra so well. didn’t you just meet her catra? and even tho catra is a bitter ex who’s angry and wants revenge she’s still like. in love with adora and wants to protect her. so she acts cool and doesn’t tell anyone that adora is she-ra. even tho lonnie tells catra not to be so feral because “adora’s not here to protect you anymore” catra still wants to protect adora. okay. yes the thought of that does make me wanna cry. what about it. catra goes and lies on their shared adora’s bed. and she sees the teeny drawing of catra and adora on the bed frame. it reminds catra of the break up and she scratches adora’s picture. she regrets it like instantly and starts destroying the bed. and she cries. she like cries real tears what the FUCK. and then SHADOW WEAVER WALKS IN?? rude much?? can’t a girl get some privacy as she mourns a break up with a girl she’s been in love with her whole life but technically never dated for real? 9/10
flowers for she-ra: adora realizes that it’s a pretty bad idea to break up with your girlfriend when you spent your whole life sleeping in the same room/same bed as her and she comes to the Very Shocking realization that she gasp! cannot sleep without catra! wow who would have thought! so she immediately goes on a search for a sleeping partner rebound... who is glimmer (sorry glimmer it’s her first time not having her gf) and she even sleeps at glimmer’s feet the way we saw catra sleep at adora’s feet. really makes you wonder if catra and adora take turns doing that? sleeping at each other’s feet because their internalized homophobia (thanks a lot shadow bitch) prevented them from going a step further and sleeping in each other’s arms... oh well. meanwhile, catra is gloating about being force captain, but she’s also Still protecting adora’s identity as she-ra. and apparently, drawing pictures of she-ra? that she hid from shadow weaver? is that what happened? i can’t tell if she drew that picture or not but the way it looks from the scene she Definitely drew that picture! hello????? anyway, catra’s still crying to anyone that has ears about how her gf dumped her, when really it was kind of a mutual break up that was entirely shadow weaver’s fault even tho she wasn’t there. sigh. i’m bringing this up to a 7/10 because of “it’s just a phase! she’s confused, i’ll bring her back, i swear :(“
the sea gate: “i’ve got something more important to do” and here we see the start of catra literally abandoning all other duties because she would rather go flirt with her enemy gf... she literally hopped onto she-ra’s sword.... she insult her gf....... she brag to her gf about achievement.... but she also want her gf back :( adora refuses to go back to the land of oppression tho so they get into a. really suggestive fight. and catra always makes adora leaving the horde out to be adora leaving her.... she’s like babe i am literally so sexy. why would you dump me :( i’m hot :( and she’s right but i hate them. can y’all just like. not be so gay? :/ it’s starting to make me a lil bit homophobic tbh! and catra whispers into adora’s ear but it’s kind of like an insult so she gets water slapped and is forced to stop flirting :( boooo 8.5/10
system failure: hm. catra wasn’t in this ep? damn :( it’s a great ep but it’s pretty hard to find any catradora if adora is delirious the whole time and catra isn’t there. but! drunk/high adora existing gives us an idea of what she would be like around catra. 1/10 for the potential
in the shadows of mystacor: catra’s face when she sees adora in shadow weaver’s spy cam thing... interesting. she also acts like she’s So Sick of the adora missions which is true but also she is lying. kind of annoying that shadow weaver would be like. homophobic. but when she’s messing with adora’s head in mystacor she uses catra’s voice and laugh to achieve maximum effect :/ which like. thanks? but catra wasn’t actually there so shadow weaver really full on gaybaited adora huh :/ adora eventually defeats shadow weaver and we finally see catra again uwu she ends up plotting to kidnap bow and glimmer but the line “if you want to take down adora, you have to go for the heart” is so interesting because we eventually find out just how much of adora’s heart is filled with catra... 4/10 on its own 6/10 if you let the heart comment ruin your life!
princess prom: ARE Y’ALL READY TO PARTY oh my god,,, this is it you guys. this is THE ep. so funny of adora to be like. i have so many plans for every single thing that might happen. i am GOING to spend the party getting princess frosta to join the rebellion. and then catra shows up and adora is like nvm. what if i followed catra wherever she went instead. which is very interesting! adora, sweet baby, why do you always assign yourself to fight/follow/chase catra? when according to her in future eps is actually a bad decision which we can infer from her saying stuff like catra knows my every move she will be able to take me down,, ok then stop hogging her all the time?? anyway. let’s get into things chronologically. “how dare those princesses pretend they’re better than you? just because you’re different? how dare they abandon people just because they don’t fit in with their perfect little lives? how DARE they take best friends and turn them into giant sword ladies who run off with people clearly inferior to you?!” catra.... u got sth to say there buddy? :/ u got something u wanna get off your chest? :/ u had us in the beginning but then you started to get really specific :/ what’s that about sweetie :/ catra’s coping mechanism for this is to put on a really hot suit and going to princess prom to seduce the shit outta adora? fucking genius. yes she also kidnapped two people but let’s focus on the ingenuity of catra’s plan to make adora hot and heavy and also somehow jealous the entire time. incredible. so, catra shows up at the prom with scorpia and adora immediately starts bickering with her about rules. she fails to get catra kicked out so she resolves to stalk her instead! and catra... oh catra... she puts on a whole show..... performing everything from popping a tiny cake into her mouth to circling around a pillar seductively and dropping a note into a bin that says hi adora >:3 with a drawing of catra’s face that she worked hard on!! and adora looks like a crazy stalker ex gf and everyone is like damn.... u ok? :/ but adora doesn’t have time to care too much aside from a little “haha i swear i’m not a weirdo!” look because her mind is just screaming CATRA CATRA CATRA and she finds catra creeping up to entrapta. but ofc catra’s not trying to push entrapta off the ledge! no! she’s using entrapta to make adora jealous :3 catra pulls entrapta close and says “she stole my food and then asked me to spy on people with her. is this what love feels like?” and it WORKS and adora has to pull entrapta aside and be all hey i know we’re not super close yet but the bro code kinda states that u don’t date ur friend’s ex :/ so could you please back off? and entrapta is like say what now? ur gf just ditched btw so adora goes running after catra again and surprise surprise! it’s time to dance! and there are romantic lights and music! and uh oh! everyone else has a partner except for catra! guess this means adora’s gotta dance with her ohhhhh noooooooo :/ “i don’t know about you.... but i am having a blast” i really don’t think catra was lying!! i am on the verge of passing out!! adora moving away from catra after saying “whatever it is you’re planning, it won’t work!” and catra, many dance partners later, slamming back into adora’s body to continue their conversation with “maybe my plan won’t work, but then again...” THE DIP!!!!!!! “maybe it already has...” oh my god you guys. what the fuck. like they get into an angry shove fight after this but the tension! the tension! and then adora LIFTS catra up in the air? real close? they get ice blocked by frosta after this, more specifically she traps adora because she shoved catra first djfjdjdjdjd,,, after telling glimmer to find bow catra grazes adora’s chin with her tail to remind her that she’s still here!! don’t neglect!! and catra says the iconic “it was fun distracting you though ;)” line that adora was clearly affected by because she memorizes it and says it back to catra..... years later. i CANNOT make any of this shit up. what the fuck y’all. the fact that these evaluations are so long bother me but i HAVE to call these hoes out!! moving on, adora runs after catra in a very dramatic chase/fight scene, and adora is very amped up on uh, hormones. she catches catra at a “dead end” and goes “hah! trapped >:)” which is such a stupid thing to say to ur cat gf who can jump very high, so catra says “you wish ;)” and it is just. everything they are saying sounds very suggestive okay why are they LIKE THIS anyway catra jumps up some floating ice and adora follows her up the floating ice because she’s gay and she will jump however much is required of her to chase her gf down ok!! and so adora and catra are now on some ice cliff where adora keeps lunging and they’re also kind of like dancing? and catra is being very ~smooth~ dodging all of adora’s strikes and hitting her in one move. that’s kind of cool but also don’t bully your gf :( come on catra :( not cool :( but adora doesn’t give up and they continue fighting, until one missed move from catra nearly sends her off the cliff. but adora thinks she’s hot and she’s in love with her so she’s like nooo catra don’t fall off this cliff ur so sexy aha and catches her by. the waist. not the hand! but by the waist. any normal person would’ve gone for the hand. factually speaking, catra’s hand is easier to reach than her waist. but adora’s a hoe. so, she grabs catra by the waist and pulls her in closer by grabbing! oh you guessed it! her chest! like she grabs her shirt but it’s the part of the shirt that was at the chest. what the fuck. they both get this look in their eye that makes it seem like they want to kiss each other???? hello????????? and like. very upsettingly we now know that they’ve always wanted to kiss each other so. that knowledge makes watching this scene even worse. they shouldn’t have become enemies if they were going to be this horny. they’re so distracted by each other’s lips that they forget they’re standing at the edge of a cliff and guess what! they fall off the cliff! what a twist! but adora is like i’m NOT going to die because i was distracted by catra’s lips, so she grabs her hair stick thing and stabs it into the ice cliff. she grabs catra by the hand to save her, not the waist this time, because holding catra’s hand is also gay so she might as well do it. too bad catra lets go of her hand and ditches her tho :( i would minus points for that except it wouldn’t make much of a difference. catra says “see you later, princess ;)” because she’s already expecting to see adora again.... good lord 4828473737373/10 thanks noelle! i died
no princess left behind: but i’m a buddhist so i’m back. we open with catra laughing so prettily looking at her gf’s lesbian sword. very cute. later on, when shadow weaver betrays catra and tells her to go pack her things because she’s not needed anymore... adora gives her this look? :( she looks like she feels bad because catra’s clearly still suffering under shadow weaver’s thumb. but let’s zero in on the most important part! catra dragging the sword and pointing it at adora, before turning it around and giving it to her. “this is NOT because i like you” ok catra i didn’t think that before but now i Absolutely believe that you did this because you like adora. and u can tell adora kind of is like. ready to start her whole “you can come with me! we can be together! :(“ thing but things are complicated and catra told her to Just Go so... it is a lot and we know things are deeper than just catra liking adora but we will get emo over that later. 9/10 that was a good fucking scene
the beacon: “she left me behind too, like i was nothing :(“ some people say this is catra manipulating entrapta, and they are correct, but also she’s like.. “oh adora left you too? mad kin :(“ she was deadass about to start a support group with entrapta and technically she kind of did! good for them <3 catra goes to look for first ones tech and adora goes to look for the beacon to learn how to heal and guess what happens! they’re looking for the same place! catra’s “on second thought... hey adora >;)” at the end pushes this up to an 8/10, but that’s just like the last five seconds of the ep so objectively the rest of the ep was like. 4/10 idk lmaoooo
promise: finally some good fucking food. catra follows adora into the beacon and has a little fun spying on her and enjoying her epic fails at getting information on she-ra. she also finds the first one tech she needs, because she’s a multitasker and she can spy on her gf while doing important missions <3 but also she gets caught and adora nearly kills her fksjdjd “hey watch it! >:(“ is so funny because catra??? u are trespassing???? but also uwu baby yeah don’t accidentally kill ur gf adora :( adora’s reaction is also very funny “catra? what are you doing here? :O” as if catra hasn’t shown up at 70% of the places adora has been, but the way she asks it’s like. adora is happy to see catra? pleasantly surprised? man she is whipped. anyway, adora tries to pull the Tough Girlfriend move and like, mildly scold catra for trespassing into a building where only one person (she-ra) is allowed to be in. but she still grabs catra’s hand and guides her to an escape path :’) she lifts up a giant door thing and waits until catra runs in to let go and run after her <3 chivalry isn’t dead after all <3 they get into a lover’s tiff as they run for their lives and essentially it’s like “babe wtf WHY are giant mutant spiders trying to kill us isn’t this ur house” “they’re trying to kill YOU this is why you ring the doorbell instead of running in secretly after i open the door!” “oh and how was i supposed to know that! why can’t you just tell your teenage mutant ninja spiders to chill out??” “they’re not house-trained babe :( i moved in two minutes ago they came with the apartment” anyway the angry spider monsters catch up to them so catra goes “adora? :(“ and that’s enough for adora to take Direct Action so she slashes the walls and ceiling of the room they’re in before grabbing catra to shield them both. she is NOT getting her deposit back but uwu anything to keep gf safe <3 adora transforms back to her usual body and she once again reminds catra that she’s Not Supposed To Be Here and she’s like “god now i have to like Protect You and it’s gonna put my life in danger :/ haha what are you gonna do for me in return tho ;)” and catra is like. “well good thing i didn’t ASK you to protect me” so adora is like :( —> >:( wait u know what??? ok u know what????? why are u here >:( how’d u find me?? >:( and do u mean any of this in a gay way?? >:( say it’s in a gay way right now >:( and catra is like. ur gay castle sent a gay beam of light into the sky. i saw it immediately bc im gay but i do NOT mean this in a gay way. and adora is like oh :( ok :’( and then asks about shadow weaver bc she saw what went down in the horde and she like. i think she can tell shadow weaver still exerts some form of control that catra hasn’t broken free from? :( and then catra is like haha shadow weaver is a LOSER and adora starts giving her Gay Looks and it makes catra scared because her gf now thinks she has a crush on her!!!!!!! how Embarrassing!! “ugh, i knew you’d be weird about me letting you escape” ok so why did you say that thing about not liking her? “i told you it’s not because i like you!” there it is! that’s EXACTLY what i thought you’d say you lesbian! and the way she says it??? she definitely likes adora???? she is so bad at lying?????? and adora is so smug about it like her Face plus her crossed arms and the whole “i mean, i didn’t ;) i didn’t say anything ;)” her eyes.... your honor she’s gay...... she’s like what if we were in my secret castle..... standing amongst the rubble because i destroyed the infrastructure to protect you..... and we were both girls....... adora was Ready to turn her sword into a Bed right then and there ok!!! it’s not me it’s Her Eyes,,, anyway catra starts being salty again and brings up bow and glimmer and is like hey where’s those idiots u dumped me for :/ thought you looooooved hanging out with them and doing everything with them :/ like we used to :/ are they not as fun to hang out with adora is that why you’re standing in this spider infested building with me instead :/ and adora suddenly remembers that she can’t just be horny and that she has to hold catra accountable for her actions so she’s like oh my friends? the ones who u kidnapped and held for ransom???? >:( and catra is like ya what other friends would i be talking about :/ like god i know she’s evil but she’s so funny take her back adora :( jk ik ur gonna start begging her to Come With You in like minutes u absolute simp. but before that happened catra was like fuck u lets Split Up >:( we already broke up why would we run away from spiders together huh? unless u still like me? but clearly there’s only one way for them to walk so they can’t split up just yet and adora gives catra this >:( look so catra is like FINE one last date and they walk away together. they go into this... dark room and catra wants to leave the dark room because she’s scared of ghosts :( jk but the door disappears and something scans catra and adora and light hope is like cool! time to show them memories that are specifically picked to make catra resent adora! which :( not cool light hope :( i get that ur a bot who’s programmed to serve the homophobic agenda but damn u were gay once too :( anyway they’re sent to a memory in the fright zone and adora gets Angry bc she thinks catra tricked her and catra is like i wouldn’t play u like that :( and she finds out it’s all fake so she’s like adora :D u don’t have to be scared or mad at me anymore! :D she goes to look for adora but adora’s watching a memory of them when they were six and being really cute. back when adora had the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair and only really cared about making catra happy and having her back. catra blinded octavia and insulted her and adora was still like: ur not bleeding ur bones aren’t broken and u picked a pointless fight with someone who did not provoke you in any way. where is she i will insult her some more. i love u. like damn adora really do be a ride or die girl huh!! she’s still like this but they both have too many issues to realize it :( anyway catra and adora slip into the catra and adora of their memories and begin running off together holding hands............ and then they Realize they’re running off together Holding Hands....... and catra pulls away because of her internalized homophobia :( devastating. they get into a tiny little fight over magic and kidnapping again and then adora’s face softens and she’s like catra :( why Did you let me escape :( i know i made fun of u for it before but i legit do not know if u meant it in a gay way. pls confirm? :( u could have gotten caught catra :( why did u risk it :( is it because you secretly want to run away with me and join the rebellion? :( and be my gf? :( she’s so caught up in her questions that she nearly falls off a cliff AGAIN and catra catches her by the hand because these girls are obsessed with almost falling off cliffs to their deaths and saving each other. don’t judge them their Intricate Rituals are THAT deep. and catra is like. did you really think. i would let shadow weaver erase your memory like that? and risk you forgetting our relationship? even towards the end when we were broken up and fighting each other it was kinda lit and i want u to remember it. and adora is an idiot so she’s like idk lmao probably aren’t u like evil now and catra is like well you have a point but also fuck u for thinking i don’t care about u,,, u never did have too much faith in me :( and adora is like can u blame me :( and catra is like ur hot so.... no. i will let my tail linger on your hand as a hint that i still love you. and then catra is like.... adora i know u said fuck horde rights but does that include our relationship :( u had good memories right :( of me? :( and adora is like um duh??? i miss you so goddamn much too oh my god and catra is like hey how dare you imply that i missed you even tho it’s true!!! get over urself! and adora is like not until you admit you like me ;) and they play fight again because the rituals are so intricate..... and catra lies and says she doesn’t like adora ok lmao... they enter the next memory and it’s catra and adora sparring and they’re competitive but it’s also flirty? catra pretends to be hurt to get adora to let her guard down but lonnie interferes and this causes adora to beat catra. which. yeah :( and after adora wins she does the good gf thing where she asks catra if she’s okay and catra’s not ok but she lies and hides away to cry :( and we get it babe we do!! it’s hard being in love with someone who you’re also resentful of because you’re raised in a competitive environment and always treated like you’re worthless in comparison :( but the simulation stops and catra is caught by one of the spiders and adora doesn’t manage to save her in time, grabbing her hand only to fail and have catra slip through her fingers :( they scream for each other but catra manages to get the upper hand on the spider monster, except adora charges in at the last second and delivers the final blow, further driving home the false point that light hope is trying to make :( adora just wants to protect catra but because of their upbringing catra sees it as adora always wanting to be the best and adora thinking she’s better than catra hence her telling catra what to do “all the time” which isn’t totally true but it’s what catra has been led to believe :( and also adora’s upbringing plays into it too because she thinks she has to save everyone and take responsibility for everything and it’s all just really sad bros :( what the fuck :( adora apologizes for leaving again and tries to convince catra she never meant to leave her and that she wants catra to come with her because she knows catra isn’t a bad person :( and you can see!! catra considering it!! but then precisely BECAUSE catra is considering it the memory simulation thing kicks in again and... hoo boy. we see catra and adora sneak into the black garnet chamber, after being cute and competitive and running around the horde swinging from wire to wire.... they get caught by shadow weaver and she specifically punishes only catra. and it’s so fucked because it puts adora in this position of guilt where she always feels like she has to protect adora whilst slowly brainwashing her over the years into believing that catra does do disobedient things and that adora can only escape that if she’s always perfect and taking charge of everything. and for catra.... it takes the mutually loving relationship they have and poisons it because shadow weaver makes it very clear that to her, catra’s only redeeming quality is that adora favors her? and if not for that she would be disposed of? and so it’s very hard for catra to find individuality and a healthy connection to adora which created unresolved resentment and issues and just... :( and the whole confrontation they have after the simulation ends... adora could never protect catra in the way she needed to be protected because adora was also a child, and receiving a different form of abuse, and it’s just. harder for catra to leave? especially because she didn’t receive a sudden destiny the way adora did and her issues with the horde were never limited to morality. and so catra is just. she has way too much to work through and she can’t see past her resentment for adora because the machine is making her remember all of it. and so she tells a half truth and half lie to adora about giving her the sword because she didn’t want adora to come back :( catra runs away from adora and is attacked by flashes of memory. and then she faces one last memory alone. and it’s the promise adora made to catra when they were kids, about always looking out for each other, and catra looks at kid!catra and thinks adora has broken that promise, still stinging from the hurt of adora leaving her behind after finding the sword and becoming she-ra. it was never meant to be like this but catra is hurting so she focuses only on her side of things and how she saw these events play out and she :( decides to kind of betray adora? it hurts So Much because adora looks so hopeful when she sees catra while hanging on for dear life, and she thinks catra will save her again but catra talks about how the sword won’t work for her because she’s never been the Special One like adora was always heralded to be in the horde. and having adora literally be she-ra just drives that point home for catra and she hates adora for it because this means all the other stuff she believes is true too. adora made her feel weak on purpose, adora made catra think she needed her on purpose. “every hero needs a sidekick, right?” and adora’s “catra, no, that’s not how it was!” hits even harder now because we know that adora just. loved catra. she was in love with her but adora was also like catra in that she’s a product of her circumstances and upbringing. she was the way she is as a means of survival. but the one thing there that was pure and true was that they loved each other.... upsettingly neither of them can see that. catra goes down even further into the path of evil and thinks that. being free of adora. is the thing that will liberate her and bring her happiness. which. she is wrong about. but she can’t exactly see all that clearly right now :( and adora begging catra not to “do this” which... means she’s begging her not to leave? “bye adora! i really am going to miss you” and adora’s desperation skyrockets but it’s too late :( catra doesn’t come back for her and adora cries.... and it’s just so insane that literally everyone who wants to control adora focuses on poisoning her bond with catra because that’s the relationship that... matters most to her in the world. when you’ve loved someone your whole life it hurts when they betray you and it hurts to betray them too, as we can see from catra when she arrives back at the horde. she essentially looks Wrecked and freezes up when scorpia calls her “the best friend ever!” but i want to make one quick note of her “personal space” talk with scorpia? like fjdjdjdjd you have never had personal space with adora not once in your life ok that’s reserved for the gf only i see. 10/10 i am so wrecked emotionally this is way too much but also because it makes me so emo i will give it a perfect score but nothing else. no bonus points because i do not want to reward putting me in pain!
light hope: light hope showing adora the memories that make her feel guilty and it’s the first scene where catra sees her as she-ra and walks away.... adora’s been feeling guilty over catra since the moment she failed at getting catra to leave the horde :( 3/10
the battle of bright moon: “catra will be leading the horde when they attack. i have to face her.” it’s so interesting how there’s so many pressing things at hand? the weather is screwy, the alliance is broken, no one’s coming to save them, the rebellion could be crushed, but the thing that is really bothering adora, the thing that she brings up first, is catra. “i saw catra in there. i thought i could get through to her, but all i did was push her farther to the side of evil” she sounds... so heartbroken about it all :( catra and adora meet on the battlefield and the first thing catra says is,,, u guessed it,,,, “hey adora.” and adora’s like “catra. surprised to see me?” and like damn they’re really so good at being enemies. the talent. the tension. impeccable. and then catra says nah i didn’t think u died and im glad u made it out alive. and adora, bless her soul, is like oh.... u mean in a gay way..... u didn’t want me to die..... for homosexual reasons?? and catra is like no! haha! i uh, i just wanted to kill u in a cooler much sexier way. and adora is like oh :( oh >:( oh >:’( and they get into a very heated sexy fight like catra wanted. and they taunt each other like. “i thOUgHt yOU weRe suPposED tO bE stRoNG” “aND i tHouGHt yOu wERe sUpPOsEd tO bE fAst” you know. very cool well crafted taunts. and like. they fight a lot which is kind of sad but also kind of sexy because their styles are like? similar and different? which is the dumbest way to compare any two things ever but like :( y’all get what i mean right :( we get one more Hanging Off A Cliff scene and this time adora grabs catra by the chest and shoves her against the wall, and catra is like cool! but u did this,, for what? and then adora realizes catra was just distracting her Again and bright moon is very badly under attack :( catra bids her adieu so adora can run back and fight. but she like. gets caught :( and catra walks up to her and gently caresses her cheek before adora passes out and it’s evil but it’s also tender? but it’s also evil i know i know :( all of the princesses come to help adora so she sends a beam of magic gay light and heals everything and then all the princesses send a gay tsunami washing over catra. the horde loses, and catra retreats in a skiff, but adora and catra exchange one more Look as she leaves... hm. 9/10
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ravenadottir · 4 years
how do you think the islanders high school prom nights went?
oh nooooo! don’t make me suffer thinking about proms!
ok, um, let’s see.
((edit: it became a bible, as per usual...))
bobby. i can imagine cupcake being nervous to ask a girl to go with him to prom, rehearsing his “promposal” several times in the mirror, and joking about something related to proms that would light up the mood. i picture him with a really cute and shy girl that had her eye on him during chemistry class. and yes, i think he used the chemistry hook to ask her to be his date. he probably did weird worm dances, got the stage for ‘paisley cuddle’ for a three songs, was elected ‘class clown’ and got a good night kiss in front of her house when dropping her off, afterwards.
carl. i don’t want to sound too mean, but if carl went to his prom, he didn’t go with someone. he was too awkward and didn’t pick up the courage to invite the girl of his dreams. he had the corsage bought, but deep down he knew he couldn’t ask her. i must add here, he had a close friend that ended up spending the party with him because they were that connected. carl didn’t have fun, didn’t find the meaning of friendship and danced with his friend. he was too worried about uni applications and his future, and couldn’t wait to run for the hills. his entire high school experience sucked, and his prom wasn’t different. maybe one liberating song that set him free was “gives you hell”, where he didn’t feel like holding back and really let all the weird alien moves out. after that, he left. for good. this is why i think when he tells the story to mc she’ll find a way to throw a prom just for him, with his friends from the villa, where he’ll be picked up in a limo and dance awkwardly, but freely, with true friends. 
chelsea. this girl had fun on her prom, had a really cute guy taking her, the most gorgeous corsage she put together herself and gave it to her date the day before, so he could bring it when picking her up. chelsea had a close group of friends in school and danced the night away. if i know my bra well i think she was in charge of the decor, and you can bet your ass she talked her way into making everything pink-toned. all the blush and millennial pink you can imagine, down to the punch and the tablecloths. she organized everything related to the decor while bonding with a different person in charge of the rest. i can only imagine she had tons of fun at the night of the prom, being taken there in a pink limo. if her date didn’t do it, she would do it for herself, don’t at me!
gary. gary went to this prom, but i don’t reckon he took a girl. at that point of his life he was still “villain” looking, like he said, and i don’t think he had enough confidence to ask someone to go with him. what i do believe is that dicky was there with him, with a six pack and a playlist on his car that would be “infinitely better than whatever those fucking nerds are playing in there, mate!”. they would go in but not stay too long. i don’t think gary was a class clown or a sportist, despite of him playing football early on. he must’ve left that aside while focusing on robotics, so he was pretty much invisible. at least i think he defined himself in those terms. but they would drive somewhere gary adores, like the mountain, to watch the shipyard, have the beers, the music from the car radio and just talk and make fun of the popular kids that listen to ed sheeran. they would stay up all night, making plans for the future, since gary has his forklift license and is more than ready to start working. “cheers, mate.” besides the usual arctic monkeys, i think the song that best illustrates his prom is “mr. brightside” by ‘the killers’. “you know you’re gonna have to come back later for the car right, rennell?” “yeah...” “i’ll come with, you pussy. no need to be so sad.” dicky completed, pouting and draping an arm on gary’s shoulder as they walked home, ties untied, jackets and shirts open.
henrik. this kid couldn’t wait to wear those suspenders, beige pants and white shirt. he definitely had matching boutonniere with the corsage he got for his date, and his hair down. because whenever he hits the dancefloor, he lets his locks down and everyone knows that means the party is about to start. it wasn’t difficult for him to invite the girl he likes and she didn’t even blink before saying ‘yes’. i think he drove there, his friends on the back, singing along to "heroes” a cover by ‘the wallflowers’. i see henrik laughing while spinning a girl in place, catching her, goofing around with his friends while having the time of their lives. he already knew what he wanted to be, and everything was planned out. he drove everyone home and had his first night out with the girl he took to the prom.
kassam. i think kassam did his best to follow the protocol and asked a girl to go with him, got her a cute corsage and planned out the limo bit with his close friends. but i think it truly hit him that everything was going down when he put his jacket on, at the store. he saw himself on the mirror and realized what prom was, to him. it wasn’t just a party he would probably get laid after. i think he partied extremely hard that night, took some stuff, lost control, danced like an absolute asshole and probably ruined the night for a couple of people. it wasn’t smooth or tranquil like he thought it could be, and i really think he regrets lots of things he did that night. except for one. he decided to be the life of the party in different ways.
lottie. her “year 12 formal” was probably the first time lottie had real fun in her high school experience. like priya said before, i think lottie had some control issues and that stops her from seeing the full picture. ending your school experience usually opens your eyes for bigger things, and that’s where i think she really enjoyed herself for a long time. of course she wore a black dress and black and white corsage, if any. probably the first time she dyed her hair, not only a couple of streaks. high heels and black lipstick but just as gorgeous as she is today. maybe not the same level of confidence as today, but she was on the right path, i’m guessing.
lucas. i wanted to say lucas was the prom king, but that didn’t happen. he definitely didn’t know what to do while having a girl linking arms with him. he always felt like an outcast because of his previous experiences in school. always moving away, never staying too long to truly bond with his peers. so prom wasn’t exactly a fun time for him. it was though, the moment he realized he could do anything he wanted, not only conform to what his dad expected from him. the moment he realized that was possible the punch tasted different, the music became more fun, the dance moves weren’t so rehearsed and awkward, and he could truly appreciate what that night represented. i do think lucas wasn’t as smooth as he is today, so you can expect very boring tuxedo+shoes+tie combo, and not a lot of jazz going on with his ride. the whole point of getting a limo is to share it with your friends, but if you’re there for only a few months, then i don’t think there’s a bond strong enough to make you sing along to songs while picking up a girl. truth is, school wasn’t the best time for lucas, and just like carl, i don’t believe his prom was either.
marisol. she had to conform to a dress even though she wanted to rock a suit. at that point marisol already knew damn well who she was, but she couldn’t come out yet. i don’t think she had a very open relationship with her parents, and had to hide it for a while. what i do think though is that she took a girl, and changed into a suit at the dance. her closest friends knew about it and supported her, helping her hide her secret until the time was right. but that didn’t happen that night. she gave her date her corsage, and danced the night away with all of them. i even think her first sexual experience with a girl happened that night. awkwardly but very fully loving experience.
noah. i really think noah had a long term girlfriend by the time he graduated from high school, and she was the lucky girl he took to prom as his date. he asked her in the most traditional way, getting to her by the lockers, after class, possibly proceeding to take her to the library, finding the aisle with his and hers favorite books, then asking her there. the whole shebang of corsage and tuxedo, but no fancy limo bit or big gestures. just what he could afford. his dad took them to the dance and they entered the room being greeted by his closest friends. i do think noah was somewhat popular among the boys, because of his swimming, and the girls because he was so sweet and caring, besides hot! definitely popular enough to get some votes for prom king, but not quite there. i also believe the night of the prom could’ve been the first time he had sex. i could be wrong, but in my head, teen noah would’ve waited for a night as such, knowing what it means to him and to his girlfriend. not a lot of dancing but a lot of talking and watching as his crazier friends would let go and pull off moves no one should.
priya. it wasn’t the most fun she had in her life, that’s for sure. she mentioned a couple of times about her life in school and how hard it was to fit in. i don’t think big things happened for her back then. she tried her best to conform and become friends with people but it wasn’t in her, and eventually, those friendships would crumble. she probably had a date, a boy who asked her, and a couple of close friends, but didn’t feel like that was the fantasy prom she pictured for herself. i can see her wearing something discreet, because the priya we know and love blossomed later in life. besides, it was 2007/2008. emo phases were ending, but the alternative hairstyles were still here. if she had one of those or not, it’s up for debate. but her family doesn’t seem the kind to forbid her from having a haircut of her choice, so… you know what that means for her fashion choices back then! she did have a good time after a while at the dance, but it took her too long to realize it only depended on her. i think she danced, but didn’t really let the beast out. “not the greatest party i’ve been to, and definitely not my hottest look. but i guess no one’s prom is perfect.”
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borisbubbles · 3 years
ESC2021 Preshow: 20. Estonia
Uku Suviste - “The lucky one”
Semi 2, #02
Going through the motions of 2021′s shitty NF season, it was a given that the critical mass of the “2020 returnees” competing the selections in these would win them hands down. 
So given how much i DISLIKED the offensively boring abomination “What love is”, and how PAINFULLY inevitable Uku’s victory in a decent Eesti Laul (um spoiler for NF corner?) seemed to be, It’s actually a shock I ended up liking Uku? But I do, lol and I’m not apologizing, sorry boos. 
In fact, I was rooting for Uku to win EL as soon as I saw his performance in the semi. “The lucky one”, which suffered from Aggressive Autotune + Forgettable Melody (we need a name for this. I propose Roxen Syndrome?), is legit good live and harps back to the (admittedly better) “Pretty Little Liar”, and that’s good enough for me. 
Of course, I am aware of the obvious ~*SOULLESS HIMBOT FROM THE DREAM FACTORY*~ label attached to this this entry (written by Uku and something called “Sharon Vaughn” are we certain this person isn’t just Kontopoulos in drag?), don’t worry. I rank him twentieth, not seventh. 
Fortunately, Uku is a mandroid from the SAME sweatshop that gave us Lucie Jones a few years back - in other words omfg he’s barely functional. 😍 Droning robot turned incompetent DRAMA KING <333333 The amount of EFFORT that needs to be thrown in to keep a ~pretence of competence~ is the most tangible in the backing vocals, which trail Uku’s like a shadow and STILL his voicecracks come through at key intervals <3
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The pathos of Uku throwing in high votes he cannot sing and then his voice breaking over the strain each time, gets me, okay? He doesn’t need a crystal ball to show me, baby it’s clear that you don’t know him :SOB:.  So dramatic, so inept, so unintetionally comedic, so Uku <3 
In other news, this lockdown had better end soon because with each passing day I feel like I’m turning further into a cat lady. 
ps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYXNeYXUmEQ&loop=0  😍😍😍
NF Corner - Eesti Laul 2021
Finally a decent Eesti Laul, lol. I wish I could say it was good, but it had one of the weirdest semi split’s I’ve ever seen. EL’s first Semi was without exaggeration the WORST show in the entire season, and the second was a contender for the BEST one across all NFs???? I suppose EXTREME Evil and EXTREME Good balance each other out in blistering adequacy? 
Anyway, I’ll now proceed to ignore Koit and Egert and Karl Killing and Hans and all the other bad (non-Linna/non-Kéa) entries from semi 1, and proceed to an NF Corner composed ENTIRELY of semi 2 songs :-)
Jüri Pootsmann - “Magus Melanhoolia”
It was between Sissi and Jüri for the Token Superfinalist Contender slot on this list, and Jüri is infinitely more notable. Sorry, Sis ur time (to win Eesti Laul?) will come once you figure out to write good music :(
Anyway, what can I even say about Jüri because lmfao what a baffling entry. Registered BARITONE JÜRI POOTSMANN coming back with a an experimental lounge jazz song that is song almost entirely in falsetto. 😍 The camera angles <3 the fact that this already INCREDEBLY short song includes 10 seconds of Jüri standing on the stage looking bored <3 what a fucking baffling entry, I have no opinions, only exclamations of surprise. 
REDEL - “Tarttu”
I HAAAATED “Tarttu” on first listen. 😂😂😂😂 but seriously though, this is downright epic. The UNPLUGGED Meiekündimees MADNESS of it all, now condenced into a equally nonsensical song that is basically like “X is a wooden town but NONE OF THEM ARE AS WOODEN TOWNY AS TARTTU. *incoherent kazoo noises*” 😍😍😍 Once got the chorus stuck in my head at the zoo as I was watching the penguins getting fed and it was one of the most bizarre synesthesic experiences I’ve ever had lmfao <3
Gram-of-Fun - “Lost in a dance”
If you’re wondering what the sort of music I listen to Eurovision is like - this is it. INCREDIBLY good and addictive and EMOTIONALLY tangible 80s New Wave is my fucking jam, can we have entries like this in EVERY selection from here on out? WELL DONE Kristel... on composing this wonderful song, less so on the Kazka-esque vocals that caused it to tragically NQ in the semi. 🙄 Still, BRING THEM BACK (and restrict Kristel to a songwriter only role, plz.)
Gram-of-Fun were my fave, but because they NQ’d somebody else had to fill their shoes in the finale. I’ll now reveal who it was
Kadri Voorand - “Energy”
IT WAS HARD DECIDING BETWEEN SUURED TÜDRÜKUD AND KADRI THOUGH. But given that Charlotte Perelli is guaranteed to appear in Sweden’s NF corner (um is she? :counts on fingers: Clara, Evas, Dotter... ehh sure I’m committed now I guess), it would be best NOT to post Dagmar & Kaire as they fucking clown her lol <3 But their song WAS pretty antiquated schlager...
Kadri otoh... absolutely breaks all records for me by delivering a unicorn: an entertaining stripped-down piano ballad. For the most part because she has incredible emotional delivery that serves personality on a fucking pyrotechnical level, like onn-stop “Loudmouthed Oaf Energy” in the form of a introspective jazz ballad <3 Can you imagine Estonia actually picking this? They could have come left-handside. 
But will Uku do well? :o
Predicted Journey - Estonia
He won’t come top 10, if that’s what you mean by “well”.😂 If you mean “qualify for the Grand Final” then... potentially? Semi 2 is less of a crapshoot than the first semifinal however. At this stage, it’s pretty much “okay, so these twelve acts can qualify... but which ten will?”.
Fortunately for Uku, he is one of aforementionned twelve possible qualifiers. (the others are: san marino, czech rep, greece, moldova, iceland, serbia, albania, bulgaria, finland, switzerland and denmark). UNfortunately for Uku, he’s one of the candidates for the two NQ slots inside that group of twelve.
The problem with Estonia is that their entry is a televote-friendly ballad, stuck in a really televote-UNfriendly slot (#02), in a semi where the jury vote will very likely put them outside the top 10. If we add in a dark stage and Uku’s shaky vocals, they don’t look particularly secure. 
However, I also think Estonia can qualify relatively easily because “televote-friendly ballad” is a unique niche inside that semi; the other ballads (Switzerland is NOT a ballad), won’t be getting many votes and Uku’s appeal as a handsome man with a dramatic song will make him stand out in spite of his spot in the running order, as LONG AS his vocal delivery (or that of the prerecorded backing vocals) remains adequate enough. If not, he’ll be swiftly forgotten and NQ.
Another thing that can cause Uku to qualify is if at least two others of the twelve underwhelm (my money for that would be on Albania, Denmark, San Marino and/or Czech Rep), making Uku the lucky one as he’ll ascend in the ensuing powercreep.
At any rate, it’s really difficult to gauge how well Uku would do since I haven’t really thought about the other BL qualifiers’ odds enough. His televote should be strong enough to avoid bottom 3, I think, and I think it’s safe to say he won’t come top five. Between those values, pffffew, who can possibly tell? I’m not burning my fingers on that. 
Projected placements > Qualifier Tier: Borderline > Semifinal: 6th-14th (out of 17) > Grand Final: 17th-22nd (out of 26)
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01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ESTONIA - Uku Suviste - “The lucky one” 21. FINLAND - Blind Channel - “Dark side” 22. AZERBAIJAN - Efendi - “Mata Hari” 23. the NETHERLANDS - Jeangu Macrooy - “Birth of a new age” 24. CZECH REPUBLIC - Benny Christo - “Omaga” 25. DENMARK - Fyr og Flamme - “Øve os på hinanden” 26. SLOVENIA - Ana Soklič - “Amen” 27. SWITZERLAND - Gjon’s Tears - “Tout l’Univers” 28. ROMANIA - Roxen - “Amnesia” 29. SERBIA - Huricane - “Loco loco” 30. POLAND - Rafał - “The ride” 31. ISRAEL - Eden Alene - “Set me free” 32. GEORGIA - Tornike Kipiani - “You” 33. PORTUGAL - The Black Mamba - “Love is on my side” 34. SPAIN - Blas Cantó - “Voy a quedarme” 35. NORWAY - Tix - “Fallen Angel” 36. CYPRUS - Elena Tsagrinou - “El Diablo” 37. AUSTRIA - Vincent Bueno - “Amen” 38. NORTH MACEDONIA - Vasil - “Here I stand” 39. GERMANY - Jendrik - “I don’t feel hate”
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