#stim toy storage
kollector-of-stims · 1 year
I apologize if you already addressed this, but where do you store your fidgets?
Ok so the thing is, I did address it before I think, BUT, I've been unable to stick to it for...a weird reason I'll actually get into!
I got this 3 drawer stand for stim toys and misc toys alike. Top drawer for my more used/favorited stim toys, middle for the less used stim toys, and bottom for misc toys:
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But then I ended up keeping my EXTREME favorite fidget toys in my handbags for easier access I guess? Both my bigger handbag and my usual smaller one:
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And this is where these specific stim toys have always been despite me having the drawers, because I've found out I'm just more comfortable having them closer and easier to access from, say, my bed as opposed to getting up to get them. So all in all I keep my favorites in a handbag that I place in spots randomly, and others in those drawers!
Guess I'm not the most organized person 😂
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starry-agere · 3 months
hihi <33 you have a rly nice account ^_^
Could you give some ideas for getting (and hiding!) gear? I really need ideas OwO
hi! thank you :D
tips for getting gear:
look on etsy! there are lots of shops on etsy that sell pacis, sippies, teethers etc. i, personally, bought a custom sippy with my name on it that came with both a sippy cup lid and a regular tumbler lid, so it's easy to show someone the cup with tumbler lid if they ask what you bought! i will note that most plain pacis on etsy are way overpriced (usually $10-15 from my memory?). they're cheaper on rearz.ca and pacifieraddict.com, but they ship from canada so shipping can be a bit expensive.
follow agere shops on insta! there's tons of deco paci + general agere shops on there that do discreet shipping. some of my favorites include: @/chubbi_quorn, @/inkys.pacis, @/pups.paci.agere.shop, @/littlest._.creations, and @/baby.shark.binkies.
amazon! you can buy adult pacis on amazon, as well as teethers and baby toys.
check out your local target/walmart/etc! there's tons of cute teethers, toys, snacks, etc made for babies and kids there. plus, you can always order from these stores online and have stuff delivered!
note: i do not recommending buying or using pacis made for babies, as the teats are too small for an adult's mouth and extensive use can cause your teeth to move around. adult pacis were originally made by dentists (to prevent snoring) and are safe for adult mouths!
more under the cut!
tips for hiding gear:
when buying from a shop on etsy, check if they have an option to hide the paci in a stuffie! some shops will ship the paci inside of a stuffie, either with a zipper in its back or they will sew it inside.
keep gear in a bag or box inside of your clothes drawers, closet, or desk. for a long time, i had my pacis inside of a painted wooden box in a desk drawer.
you could also wrap your gear inside of a shirt and tuck it into the back of your dresser or closet
hide gear underneath your bed
get an opaque storage container and keep gear in there
you can buy fake/hallowed out books and store things in there on your shelf
tips for if someone finds your gear:
if you're a snorer, say that it's used to prevent snoring at night
say that it helps you calm down from panic attacks
say that it helps with teeth and mouth pain
if it's a deco paci, say that you think it's pretty
say that you use it for chewing stims
say that it helps with teeth pain
say that it helps to have something to bite when you're mad
workbooks/kids books:
say that you're collecting for when you have kids in the future
say that you like the pictures
say that they make you nostalgic
say that you like the author so you want to support them
i do want to note that if someone finding your gear would compromise your safety, it probably isn't worth it to buy any. your safety comes above all else, and you're a valid regressor whether you have gear or not!
that ended up being a lot more than i expected! i hope that helps, and you're welcome to send in an ask if you have any questions <3
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solacebloom · 6 months
Steven Grant x Autistic!Reader
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Just some drabbles of what being friends/partners with Steven Grant would look like with an autistic reader since, I myself, am autistic. Autism is a spectrum so I tried to make it inclusive but some of the traits are obviously going to be more geared towards my experience since that's what I'm writing from. Also gender neutral!reader
TW: talking about stimming, autistic meltdowns, cpstd, insomnia, DID
Steven Grant
Steven Grant has a lot of autistic traits, so I’ll be treating him like he is.
Rigid routines, hyperfixations (Egyptology), always calling his Mom every morning, being visibly upset when his routine is changed, etc
CPSTD can exacerbate autism traits so whether or not Marc and Jake have autism in particular I’m not going to get into right this moment BUT
man has insomnia among other things he gets it he understands you better than most.
If you were cohabitating the both of you would have your safe spaces in the flat
On top of that the entire place would be sensory friendly, your little retreat
Overhead light never gets turned on when it’s with you two, Steven keeps the curtains open for some natural light
incense from his involuntary travels would be stockpiled
He definitely has some sort of trinket or keepsake that makes white noise of some kind
Might be a water feature or windchimes hung up by the window- Gus’ tank also emits some white noise from the filter and water pump
The flat will always have some sort of noise to drown out the busy streets outside
When the noises are overstimulating to the both of you though he’s got noise canceling headphones and earbuds- he misplaces them a lot so there’s always extra to go around
Though eventually he gets you your own pair for around the flat
If you use a cane or any sort of walker he invests in making sure you have a spot to put it while you’re around the flat and that there’s actually space for you to walk around with it if needed
While he loves his collections of books, if you can’t traverse the flat with all that stuff on the floor he’s going to find another spot for them. Shoved into a closet somewhere- a storage unit, whatever he can do to keep his books and you
You both definitely stay in a lot more than you do go out
The street just outside the flat is busy but in the quieter hours the two of you go on short walks under the moonlight
If you’re novelty seeking though Steven’s not going to be the best at helping but will do his best to tag along with you if it’s outside of the house. 
Sometimes he’s right there with you ready to go out and other times he’s just wanting to stay home, you don’t always match energies 
Novelty seeking at home though? Completely different story. He’s always happy to dive into a new topic with you, whether it’s related to his own hyperfixation or one of your own
Insomnia and DID affect his memory so even if he has come to terms with Marc he’s still going to be writing things down, taking notes on the subject you two are diving into
When you need to stim Steven has a TON of trinkets and stim toys around the flat if not already in his pockets
The only thing he wouldn’t share with you is his rubik cube, if that’s not already in his hands while the two of you are talking it’s in his pocket or misplaced on a shelf it’s definitely his most well loved stimming item and he has to fix it, often
Puzzles also! From old crosswords to literal picture puzzles he’s down to do them all with you and will probably be absentmindedly doing one while you info dump
He has a rocking chair somewhere in the flat that’s incredibly comfy and well loved for some full body stimming
I don’t think Steven would have a sensory swing and if he does he was to embarrassed to set up for himself
Like Steven doesn’t hate himself for being autistic
He never learned to mask but there’s still lingering anxieties, they just aren’t focused around his autism, more on his DID and just general trauma 
If you or any or the other alters found the swing though there would be some questions and a lot of hesitance and excuses on Steven’s end
Well you bet that swing is getting set up now
Even if Steven doesn’t end up using it as much he’s glad that it’s there if you or him need it at some point 
You both do parallel play/being alone together- you’ll focus on your task and he’ll do his while you both are in the same room
Whilst some tasks give Steven the ick he can’t offload all the chores to his alters 
So when the dishwasher needs to be opened or dishes cleaned in the sink he has a whole process to try and make it easier on himself
He wouldn’t be good at helping you out with these tasks either but his presence is appreciated 
If eating noises are triggering Steven will either fetch the noise canceling headphones or go eat out on the porch or off in another room
Safe foods! He has them written down if he doesn’t already remember them
The flat is stocked with both his and your safe foods
If you’re out of the house he keeps a backpack on him that would have snacks and trinkets
I don’t think Steven goes nonverbal often mostly because I think that version for him is probably just retreating back and forcing the other alters out so that at least someone is talking in whatever situation is happening
I think if it does happen in a safe space with you though he’s most likely writing down his thoughts to you over his notebook
When you go nonverbal he gets a little panicky, because he knows how he feels when that comes up so he’s much more fretful over that
He starts asking you a bunch of yes or no questions to things you may need which isn’t always entirely helpful as it can be a bit overwhelming
But after his anxieties are quelled he’s much more able to help out in whatever you need
Whatever communication device or tool you use he’s more than willing to accommodate and carries around cards in the backpack as well
When you have a meltdown for the first time in front of him he definitely isn’t entirely sure of himself, he doesn’t know exactly what you need so it takes some trial and error 
After the meltdown though he asks what you’d like to have happen when another one occurs
Whether you need physical touch or instead a weighted blanket or touch sensation at all he’s ready to help
Whatever entertainment medium you like he’ll put on/grab to keep your mind distracted and calmed
If it’s in public he will probably let another alter handle it since that’s overwhelming for him too though I think he feels guilty about it despite it just being a defense mechanism on his end. 
He wants to help you and himself, but part of that is accepting where he’s at and sometimes trying to push yourself is the opposite of what’s needed
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tinywitchgoblin · 5 months
TBB As Funny Quotes I've Either Said or Heard pt 5
Crosshair: It's like the Uno Reverse Card™ of trauma
Echo: It's like a dangerous game of reverse Jenga
Tech: Anything counts as a stim toy if you're creative enough
Crosshair: Anything is possible with enough spite
Tech: Does reading spicy fanfics count as research?
Hunter, the oldest: My body is cracking like a skeleton coming out of a Spirit Halloween storage closet
Omega: Cookies & Vibe Check™
Wrecker: Mac & cheese is wife material
Crosshair: Karma in the form of uno flip
Wrecker (about coming up with the idea of croissant garlic bread): I'm a goddamn innovator
It's been so long since I've done one of these! But don't worry, I'll probably put more up soon
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oftlunarialmoon · 7 months
What To Put In A Self Care Box? How to Make a Box for Self Care !
Originally posted to www.onlyfunthings.org on May 21, 2018
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Ciao lovelies! Today's post is about how to make a self-care box and what kind of stuff to put in it!
A self-care box is a box filled with items that you can use when you're having a rough day, or just need a bit of self care. What do you need for this?
Well for starters, a box!
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I've got some boxes here, as examples. You can find big or small pretty photo storage boxes at craft stores and if you get them on sale they can be relatively cheap. You can also use a shoebox and either decorate it or leave it plain. You can use a "tupperware" style clear box as well. You can even use a jewelry holder styled box, like the one of the top of this pile- I found this one at a thrift store.
For my personal self care box, I will be using this pineapple pattern photo storage box from Joann's:
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So, now you've got your box, hooray! Step one, done. Now, what do we put in it?
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To begin, I put in this small book of Hello Kitty word searches. It's good to put things to distract yourself in your self care box. And small things that can lead to feelings of accomplishment, like word searches, are good for kicking bad feelings to the curb. 
Next I added some bath bombs, the big one is cucumber and the small one is peppermint. Bath bombs can help encourage you to take care of yourself hygiene wise and will motivate you to bathe/shower. You can also include nicely scented bodywash, bubble bath, bath crackles, a cute toothbrush/hairbrush, anything that will motivate you to take care of your hygiene.
I also added a movie I like to watch. Movies can be a great distraction from bad feelings, and provide you with something else to think about for a while. Movies can also take you to other worlds, and watching a movie while upset can really change your mood! Just make sure you choose an uplifting movie.
After that, I added some perfume, nail polish, and lip balm. Sometimes taking care of your appearance can help uplift your mood, I know it does for me. Plus, lip balm is good for your lips and as for the perfume, I always feel better when I smell nice. 
What else did I add to my box?
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I also added:
-Small Toys: I like to use small toys as a kind of Stim, they relax me and I like how cute they are.
-Stimming Items: I included a container of Silly Putty, 2 containers of modeling dough, and a fidget spinner as stimming items for myself in my box. For more info on Stimming, see THIS post.
- A bow hairclip: So I can feel cute even on my down days.
-Vitamin B-12: This vitamin is good for helping with energy levels and balancing mood! I also will later be including vitamin D because sometimes I don't go outside enough, become Vitamin D deficient, and then my depression worsens due to it. So including that vitamin can help as well!
What else could you include in your self-care box?
-Your Favorite Book: Reading, like movies, can take you to a different world and really affect your mood!
-Small Stuffed Animals: Having a small stuffed animal or two in your box could really provide some comfort!
-Friend's Phone Numbers: To text or call them when times get hard.
-Small Snacks (that don't need to be refrigerated): Sometimes you get into a bad mood because you might have missed a meal or your body needs a snack. Some fun snacks that you can keep in your self-care box include: gummies, fruit snacks, crackers, pretzels, cheese crackers, goldfish, dark chocolate chips (Which can help with mood!)..... the possibilities are pretty much endless! You can also keep a reusable water bottle and flavor packets in your box so you stay hydrated!
-A Journal And Something To Write With: So you can write about your feelings. Sometimes writing can be the best outlet.
-Coloring Pages/Book and Coloring Supplies: Keeping a coloring book or coloring pages and markers, crayons, or colored pencils in your self care box can provide a great outlet for stress relief!
-Nice Scented Lotion: To moisturize your skin. I find this to be a soothing thing. 
-Squishies: These can be great stress relievers. If you don't like squishies, maybe try a stress ball instead!
-Whatever Makes You Happy! In the end, this box is yours to customize to your hearts content, because this box's sole purpose is to make you happy!
What do you lovelies think of the idea of making a self-care box? Would you ever make one? Let us know in the comments!
Remember to Stay Awesome and Love Yourself!
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Okay so we know almost all the red flags in your boys, but what are so green flags in them?
Like, what some of your ocs will say to their darling to convince them *THEY* are the ultimate choice and ect?
Why you should date these losers!
He can cook so well!;
Great hunter;
B I G .
Juiciest tits in town;
Wholesome deep down;
Sugar daddy material.
Cute enough to give you diabetes;
Will make your enemies cry;
Heeheehoohoo he sleeps upside down like a bat.
Mysterious drama whore vibes;
For the living latex enthusiasts;
Knows his drinks better than anyone else.
Astrology bitch, but for real;
Loves animals;
Thick ass.
Thee wanteth the jestussy;
You can hold him like a balloon while he floats.
Meow meow nerd man;
His ability to cum in his pants from a couple of touches alone will flatter you;
Two for one, you also get a gremlin horse-loving boyfriend!
*Slaps Fank-e's top* This bad boy can fit so many illicit substances in his storage space;
L0L R4ND0M XDDD R4WR :333 T4C05;
Rainbow dong, glow in the dark robussy, whatever you want.
This one's for the peeps in the back with religious guilt;
Can lift you into flight;
Usually very obedient.
Pick a shape!;
Amazing dad material;
Oral game on point.
Godfucker privileges;
Everyone fears you;
Dominion over The Clergy.
Ultimate dommy mommy;
Usually a very bright soul;
Breederism, you say?
So dedicated. He's trying his best;
Heeheehaha dark mode;
Gee Billy, two willies?!
Old wise soul. Sort of;
Alcohol and smokes always available;
Kind of like a living stim toy.
Jack of all trades, master of none;
Very chill for a wrath demon;
Living heater boyfriend.
Will eat your cooking no matter how terrible;
Will never judge the state of disarray your house is in;
Obscure musician.
Devoted, but subtly;
Will get you nothing but the best ever, if you're mistreated he will go into Karen-tier fits;
You get three platonic stepson yanderes;
This woman is so wholesome it hurts.
Very artistic and creative;
Knows mothman;
Cottagecore boyfriend.
THE sugar daddy;
Big ole hands to finger grab you with;
Has a pile of riches he sleeps on like a dragon.
Comfiest boyfriend;
You don't have to do anything, just exist next to him;
You have joint custody of 300 plushies.
Everyone wants to fuck you so bad oh my God-;
Three schlongs and heart nipples.
Short king;
Bug Man McGee;
Idk he's got Tumblr pretty boy charm, you guys like him a lot.
Can do the goblin shark jaw extension;
Have you ever seen a shark with tits? Huh?;
Very easy to satisfy, just get her hot dogs.
Limitless supply of honey cum;
You're treated like a bee Queen;
Heehee cute buzzing.
Rule over angels;
Silly man;
Chad won the eye number lottery.
You can ride his back!;
Serious but sweet;
Hell fears you.
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anachronisticmech · 1 year
S1 Archival Staff Disability Headcanons
[plain text: s1 archival staff disability head canons]
[i will do more characters soon, but this is just so i dont forget stuff for the fic i am currently working on, which is set during s1!]
-> Jon Sims:
[plain text: arrow Jon sims]
disabilities: autism, ocd, pots, cfs, fibro, hEDS, short sightedness, crohns, dermatillomania, scoliosis, npd
aids: aac device, cane, rollator, compression socks, stim toys, sound-proofing headphones, feeding/ng tube (gets g tube post canon)
extra: runs out of spoons very easily, often has to lay in document storage in the middle of the day to get enough energy to continue on, has very bad brainfog and resorts to writing almost everything he needs to remember on his hands, has a lot of marks from picking at skin and having eds skin, has a comfort moth pendant from martin, a comfort panda plushie from tim, and a comfort ace ring from sasha, fluent in BSL, spins are moths, owls, books, languages, classic literature, and pride and prejudice
-> Martin Blackwood:
[plain text: arrow Martin blackwood]
disabilities: autism, cfs, gad, short sightedness, otosclerosis, lupus, pots, fibro, endo, pots, vitiligo
aids: aac device, stim toys, chewellery, hearing aids, immune system control medication, anti-depressants, compression socks, rollator, electric wheelchair
extra: has very complicated feelings about helping himself because of his mum, fluent in BSl, always keeps spare heatpacks and icepacks and panadol with him incase anyone needs it, spins are bears, koalas, gravity falls, strawberry shortcake, mlp (from g1 to fim) and the care bears, has a comfort tenderheart bear plushie
-> Tim Stoker:
[plain text: arrow Tim stoker]
disabilities: autism, adhd, ocd, psychosis, aom, pots, hEDS, bpd, bipolar disorder, dyslexia
aids: hearing aids, compression socks, chewellery, wheelchair, elbow crutches, port, stim toys, anti-psychotics
extra: often hurts himself by trying to do things that harm his body (sasha and martin cannot count the amount of times he has started vouging, only to then end up in his wheelchair in the breakroom with ice packs on his knees), spins are drag, norse mythology, and splatoon, has a comfort inkling plushie from danny, and a comfort polyam flag ring from sasha, fluent in BSL
-> Sasha James:
[plain text: arrow Sasha james]
disabilities: autism, ocd, cfs, gad, pots, crohns, muscular dystrophy, vEDS
aids: cane, crutches, compression socks, stim toys, chewellery, feeding/peg tube, port
extra: doesnt have flare-ups often, or even really bad symptoms, spins are medical science, armadillos, horror, coraline, and european mythology, fluent in BSL, has a comfort armadillo plushie from tim, often reads statements like theyre horror fiction
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jacksdinonuggets · 11 months
How about something with little Amity and caregiver Lilith?
Maybe she's young enough to need protection and ends up having an accident after a nap or by being too absorbed in her playing. She obviously feels super embarrassed but also afraid of Lilith's reaction, so she decides to try and hide it and say nothing, but eventually Lilith realizes something is wrong because Amity feels super uncomfortable, grumpy and sad.
Here it is! sorry it took awhile!
also, since i don't own any diapers or protection (too scared to ask my mom even though she kind of knows I want to try it out), I might've gotten some of the descriptions wrong. sorry if i did.
Amity had her lessons with her mentor at Lilith’s parents house. They had been doing their lessons at Gwen and Del’s house since it was the only other place they could do it at. However, Amity hasn’t regressed in a long time and it was taking a toll on her. 
She knocked on the door to the house and Lilith answered.
“Good afternoon, Amity! I have the basement set up, but before we train, I just think we should do a check-up.” Lilith explained, leading Amity inside and onto the living room couch.
Amity was a bit confused by this but just accepted it. She sat on the couch across from her mentor, who had a cup of tea in hand.
“So, how have you been feeling?” The older women with glasses asked her.
“Umm, f-fine. I've been feeling a lot more stressed l-lately, i guess,” Amity fidgeted with her fingers.
“When was the last time you regressed? Please, be honest with me,”
Amity hesitated. Should she tell her? She really needed to but also wanted to do work. It was a hard decision but she had finally made her choice.
“Uh, about a month ago?” she recalled. Lilith sighed. She knew how refreshed Amity felt after regressing and if she couldn’t do it for more than 2 weeks, then she would be extremely mentally exhausted. 
“Its okay, dear. How about we spend today’s lesson having little time?” Lilith suggested. Since she herself was a flip, her parents would often take care of her. They even made one of the storage rooms a place for her to regress and keep her little stuff. But when they found out that she caregived for Amity, they made the room more of Amity’s style since she seemed to regress more often than Lilith. Lilith would only do it about once every 2 months.
“Y-yeah, i- I would like that, please…” Amity admitted, still feeling very nervous about this stuff. 
Lilith walked with Amity upstairs where the playroom/nursery was. When they entered the room, Amity immediately felt herself slip. Just being in the room made her feel small. Luckily, the room had all of her little supplies in it. She went over to the pacifier cabinet where there were two clear plastic bins. Amity got out her bin and picked one out. Lilith quickly washed it for her and Amity plopped it in right when she was done. She stimmed happily, knowing that she was able to finally regress.
“Do you want to wear protection?” Lilith asked. Amity wore them mainly for comfort and security. Lilith, of course, knew this, but always asked before she ever changed her into them. They kept 2 boxes of diapers and 1 box of pull-ups. Amity would mostly wear the diapers since they were thicker and felt more comforting and safer than a pull-up.
Amity nodded her head and went to pick out which type. She picked out a plain white one and gave it to Lilith. She laid on the ground while Lilith changed her into it. It was hard for Amity to do by herself so if anyone was around while she was feeling small, she would usually have them do it for her.
Once the diaper was secure, Amity giggled happily at the feeling of the comfortable padding. It made her feel so safe and smol. She pulled up her shorts and thought of what she could do.
“I went to the market the other day and got some new things for you. They’re in the toy chest if you want to play with them,” Lilith pointed to the chest. Amity looked over and crawled to the chest. She opened it up and aside from the same toys shes already played with, there was a shape sorter and a stacking toy! She was excited for these since they were baby toys and she was feeling very close to 1 years old. 
She took out all of the ones she wanted to play with and sat on the foam puzzle pieces to begin playing. Unfortunately, all the stress and her slipping, made her forget that she needed to go.
After about fifteen minutes, she felt a small warning twinge. She thought she had some time so she kept playing. But her body seemed to follow what she was feeling mentally. Being absorbed in the new activities didn’t help either. 
While she was playing with the blocks, horror stuck and she felt warmth in her bottom half. It surprised her since she never had accidents. Usually when she was big, she could hold it for much longer. 
She stopped in her tracks in shock and embarrassment. Her scary big thoughts were starting to come in. Lilith couldn’t find out about this! Amity was absolutely mortified. She really wanted to start crying right then and there but knew Lilith would find out. Lilith would probably be grossed out by her. Amity could not stand to see her mentor be disgusted by her. 
“Sweetie? Is something wrong?” Lilith asked from the rocking chair. She had looked over from her scroll and saw Amity in a state of discomfort and shock. 
“Unh-uh! I good!” She lied. 
“Alright, but if you need anything, I’m here for you,” She told her.
Amity tried to distract herself by playing with her stuffed demons but her diaper started to get really itchy and more uncomfortable than before. She squirmed around in place and whimpered a little. But the embarrassment of Lilith finding out she had an accident, made her really try and hide it. She had a lot of sensory issues so it bothered her a lot more than it would a neurotypical person.
Her squirming and distressed face made Lilith know something was up. Amity would usually only hide things that she thought made her seem pathetic, weird, or weak. Maybe she was feeling sick? But she couldn’t have, since she hadn’t been showing any other symptoms. She went through a bunch of other possibilities, before she realized what it could be. 
“Hey, Amity?” Lilith got her attention. Amity looked over to her.
“Do you…uh… need a change?” She asked. The Little witchlet blushed and curled up her knees to her chest. 
“N-nu…” she mumbled, looking away from Lilith.
“Hey, its okay to have accidents. I had a small one when I was about your age when i got to see the emperor's coven up-close.” She admitted to the small girl. This made Amity feel a little better, knowing that it wasn’t too weird. 
“They’re called accidents for a reason, sweetie. Besides, you’re feeling a lot smaller than usual, its normal,” She kneeled next to the girl and rubbed her back. It made Amity feel like it was okay. She felt like she could trust Lilith a little bit more. Lilith comforted her for a little bit before Amity started squirming again.
“So, you need a change?” this time, Amity nodded. It was a bit uncomfortable but Lilith kept promising and assuring her that she wasn't judging her. She also made sure to keep baby-talking her to help her stay in her regressed state. 
Once the change was finished, Amity curled up in Liliths arms and snuggled up against her. This was basically her way of saying, “thank you so much for being a good mother-figure and not making me feel bad”
They cuddled on the foam puzzle-piece floor until Amity fell asleep quickly. Lilith carried her to the corner of the room, where there was a bed with bars on its side. It was basically a big crib with a little half tent curtain above the bed. There was a small mobile attached to the tent-like  curtain too. 
Lilith tucked her in and kissed her forehead. Amity’s pacifier was also slowly falling out, so she fixed it before leaving the room, glad that Amity was able to feel safe and relax.
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sonicnerd · 2 years
I was bored so I drew my human Scorch design + Scorch HC's
I feel like Scorch hisses when he gets scared, like if something comes out of nowhere like something runs by his peds, he hisses at it
Scorch was a quiet Sparkling growing up but we all know the fame got to his head so now he's a jerk
This boy blast his music to the point a bot/person goes deaf
He overworks himself every. single. day. His teammates are concerned about it but stopped caring about his well being when he became a jerk
The boy lies, He lies a lot, and he lies for two reasons. 1- he wants to be better than everyone 2- his childhood was not the best so he lies and pretends that he had a good childhood
When he's really comfortable around someone, like really x2 comfortable around someone, he'll be more honest about things and will open up about his past + he'll cry, like actually tears, cause if he feels that amount of safeness, he will cry
When I tell you this boy has a talent for singing + acting, it's real, he can hit the high notes and act the part, but he doesn't do this stuff Infront of bots cause he's insecure about his singing voice and his acting skills
He has a secret art side to him, he draws whatever, whenever he wants, but, he hides all his sketch books from bots
When he saw the recruits attachments he drew up plans of how to improve them on certain rescues, but... He accidentally left them at the academy and when the others found it they all thought it was Ratchets... Hotshot told Scorch about "Ratchets new updates" for their attachment and instead of saying anything about the drawings being his... He let Ratchet take the credit
I think his fear of heights are from a past incident and he never really got over it, just the one time to save a human
He loves to talk, but not about himself, more about him and his teammates and cube, but if you let him talk about his interest he'll shake his hands as one of his stims and will become a full nerd about the stuff he likes
He treats Hotshot like a younger brother to pick on but there were probably times Hotshot got hurt when he was first starting playing cube and Scorch was like the best big brother model in Hotshot's life
Scorch gets panic attacks sometimes about stuff, like certain noises cause him to panic, but since he rarely hears those nosies he barley gets panic attacks
His first panic attack happened when he was alone so he didn't know he was having a panic attack till a few hours later when he put on his headphones to calm down and witness someone else having a panic attack
Scorch has a very special toy that he kept ever since he was a sparkling and hid it from his teammates but he always has it in a small bag or his storage box
He gets uncomfortable when bots touch/hug him in any way
That's all I have for now
Note: I'm not the best at drawing humans but I tried my best for this
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Have a good day/night!
@sphnyspinspin @blueberry-cute-cat @asmoteeth @dragonsgirl572
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littlejazzy · 2 months
Hi hello I saw your post of your craft box with an organized collection of stim toys inside hello do you have a link to that box please?????
I do! I got it during Prime Day (though it was only 3 dollars off, lol) Here you go <3
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companionwolf · 7 months
things to put in the fort of fear v3
- weighted blanket
- stim toy box
- books
- agere stuff; dog person stuff?
- my wii u? my ps4? some kind of console + a stand
- the old android tablet when I get it from mom
- my DS/3DS
- a power strip
- storage solution (shelves? boxes?)
- something to sit on (soft thing)? bean bag? just a fuckton of pillows?
- regular fluffy/fuzzy blanket/s
- uhhhh small box with kinetic sand
- fairy lights
- portable DVD player?
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Eleanor Starlight - they/them - fem-presenting enby - pansexual
The more chatty yet reserved of the Starlights, Eleanor is the pilot and captain of the SS Eclipse, specializes in data management and planning, and works a job ferrying civilians to and from local planets in their ship. They start planning out trips weeks to months in advance, and manage back-up plans for if/when things go awry. Eleanor was born and raised on Koppai. They have a strong amount of Giyan ancestry on one side of their family. They live with their partner, Hazel. They enjoy wearing dresses, skirts, and anything soft and fuzzy. They keep a keychain of broken keys on their spacesuit as a stim toy. Eleanor doesn't emote through facial expression or body language well at all, but makes up for it through charming dialogues. Sometimes they don't process implied danger until it's far too late, but at least when they are aware of danger they can stay calm and focused.
With the 10th anniversary of their wedding coming up in a few months, Eleanor starts planning a long space-cation that should last around 3-4-months. Considering the length of the trip, they plan out a lot of backup strategies (20+) and bulk buy a lot of extra food in case they get stranded somewhere. And yet, even with all of these backup plans, Eleanor didn't exactly account for a child to stowaway in the ship's storage closet, making the food supply go down a lot faster than it should have. Not wanting to shatter Arelar's young dream of sailing through the stars, and also not realizing just how much danger she'd be in if something were to actually go wrong, they don't address the situation or bring it up to Hazel. Unfortunately within the next week or so, fate pulls the Eclipse near a mysterious uncharted planet, and all of a sudden... something goes wrong. It's only now that Eleanor realizes their mistake. Not having time to tell their partner about the child on the ship as it enters the planet's atmosphere, their first course of action is appointing Hazel in charge of stabilizing and trying to land smoothly while they get their helmet on and comfort Arelar as well as they can. A few moments later, the airlock fails and the ship's door swings wide open and the two get caught in the crosswind. Eleanor manages to pull Arelar back into the ship briefly, but loses their grip and flies out, crashing into the ground and getting knocked unconscious on impact.
Upon awakening, Eleanor quickly tries to get their bearings and realizes two things--one, they're being carried by a bunch of strange little plant-like creatures to... somewhere... and secondly--their helmet is cracked and actively leaking. The leak is slow enough that Eleanor is able to stay relatively calm. Soon, the creatures put them down and they turn around to see a strange onion-like vessel. The light it emits downwards is almost captivating... Are the creatures saying to go into the light? It wasn't like Eleanor necessarily had a choice--their helmet was leaking, they had no idea where the SS Eclipse was, and they were likely to die of oxygen over-saturation soon enough... What did they have to lose? So, somewhat reluctantly, they step into the light, feel themself get pulled upwards, and suddenly... all their senses start fading into blackness.
🍃... Suddenly waking with almost no memory, the only thing Ell can think of doing now is... Dandori. That's... planning and working efficiently... they're already pretty good at that. This shouldn't be too hard.
The only remnants they have of themself are... some jangly keys on their suit that they enjoy the sound of... and a photograph in one of their pockets of 2 people in formal attire at some sort of ceremony... But why does the image make them so sad?
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my-silly-rabbit · 3 months
idk where else to share this but I have a yellow ball pit ball that was one of my nephews. I don't think they would miss one ball, they have a whole bag of them. I have turned it into part of my tiny William shrine where I have a Perler bead spring bonnie, a custom pixel art sticker of spring bonnie, and a silly purple bunny toy I found in storage where u press a yellow button and it switches the bunny's faces. it's very stimmy and so is the ball. I just want to say I love this ball and it's yellow and perfect and I like to think bonbon took it and now i/they rub it and stim with it . it makes me happy. that is all.
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Tell me about your dream house bestie
since there's different levels of "dream house" from "relatively minor interior design ideas i could semi-realistically implant" to "three-story house with indoor theatre and gym" im just going to sort them by rank
Level 1: Could Realistically Implement This In An Apartment Or Rental House
storage bench by the entryway with hooks. There's a shelf to put shoes under the bench as well as a hat rack and little umbrella stand to the side. It's white with brightly colored pillows.
shelf system surrounding or near the tv. top shelves for displaying nendoroids and other figurines. middle shelves for dvds and games, in alphabetical order and sorted by system. lower cabinets for storing headsets and controllers and anything else that you don't want lying around.
plants! lots of plants. herbs and cherry tomatoes and potatoes by the kitchen window.
little window reading nooks <3
Level 2: It's MY house I'm gonna do what I WANT
writing office! I don't want a big space so usually I imagine it as being like, a small office under the stairs? just big enough for a chair and tiny desk! all the walls have whiteboard paint so i can take notes anywhere.
kind of (VERY) specific, but. lilo and stitch themed bathroom. what i mean is, it looks like a generic (but pretty) tropical beach theme painted on the walls. then you turn off the main lights and suddenly there's blacklit stars on the ceiling and aliens on the painting. you understand my vision.
lego movie basement. YOU KNOW THE ONE.
like a sensory/ decompression closet? the walls are soundproofed and it's lit up by fairy lights. there's beanbags and blankets and stuffed animals and coloring books and stim toys.
i know someone on here mentioned having a sofa full of a3 plushies. living the dream. sofa in my bedroom JUST for a3 (and sonic, and everything else) plushies.
fitness room, but only like half a room bc it'd only be a treadmill and some yoga mats and stuff.
Level 3: I Have A Million Dollars Bitches Let's Go
LIBRARY. Ok, I could (and would) implement this on any of the previous levels but it's going here bc of the decoration. Which I would base on my favorite bookstore, which is small but has some absolutely killer themes going on. There's a faux-Narnia wardrobe that leads to a "secret" room. There's a little hobbit hole with a reading chair and fake fireplace and fake food. There's a yellow brick road winding around the floor and a 221b Baker Street door. tbh the hardest part would be figuring out what literary themed ideas to NOT add in.
sunroom, you know those little side rooms with giant windows? yeah that's being used for cosplay making. there's shelves full of fabric and materials and accessories and a table with a sewing machine and dress forms. the walls are painted yellow.
fairy garden, aka flower garden but i put in those cute little fairy statues and stuff. also a swinging bench under a flowering tree, probably dogwood or magnolia. also a little area that's like a life-size miniature replica of smurf village w mushroom houses and character statues.
that's all i can think about for now but these are my top priorities :)
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aactailmon · 1 year
A list of things I would want in my dream sensory room
Black out curtains
Fairy lights
Hammock or sensory swing
Lava lamp
Bubble tube
Toy storage organizer for stim toys and candy
CD player
Kinetic sand zen garden table
Weighted blanket and pillows
Bean bag chair
A place for my cat to relax and sleep
Liquid floor tiles
No smells because I am sensitive to them. Lights kept to a minimum too. Can't have too many activities where I am overly active due to disability , like climbing walls or a trampoline.
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stimtoybox · 6 years
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[image description: multiple squishies and a few other stim toys housed in a white plastic weave basket sitting on a blue, white and black tree-silhouette-on-night-sky quilt cover. The squishies include: a large red and green watermelon slice; an orange carrot; a red apple; a small yellow and orange peach; a light pink strawberry; a white tofu square; a yellow, green, pink, blue and white alicorn; a smaller red and green watermelon slice; a red apple inside plastic bag; two white tofu squares, also inside plastic bags; and a large white, pink and green peach. Non-squishy toys include a blue and clear cactus shaped gel pack; a rainbow plastic slinky; a white fabric star made from white and silver mermaid sequin fabric; and a clear plastic ball filled with glitter, the word “smiggle” printed on the top in white text.]
Stim Toy Storage - Open Basket
This has become known as the Basket of Squish, and for good reason!
I find storing squishies in an open basket is good for two reasons. One, this sits on my bookshelf, meaning that the squishies are easily grabbed when I want one without squishies ending up all over the house. (Since I tend to get panicky when things don’t have their proper spot, a basket solves the problem.) Two, it lets the scents fade. Not all squishies come with scents that fade over time--I’ve had to give several away because the scents haven’t faded enough to be tolerable--but an open basket helps expedite the process for those that do.
I don’t recommend this storage style for mochi squishies, because it is difficult to remove the dust (and they attract dust like a computer monitor, honestly). For foam squishies, especially those that aren’t tacky, a duster or even a new, dry toothbrush works just fine.
The white plastic means that there’s no colour to stain the squishies inside. I have had a few squishies stain (the metal chain attachments tend to stain the squishies that press up against the metal) so choosing a colour with no dye avoids this. I’d avoid dark-dyed wicker or anything else that might leech the colour of the basket into the squishy.
I bought this basket at a local dollar shop. Stores like K-Mart or Daiso (especially Daiso) are great for having a good selection of plastic baskets, but any dollar shop usually has something. There’s also a lot of extremely cheap, free-shipping listings on eBay.
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