#strike for rafah
mirthlenore · 5 months
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bingboop · 7 months
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peachie-keane · 5 months
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Strike for Rafah!!
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puddin-dear · 7 months
A daily reminder
Those Palestinian people were not killed, they were murdered
Its not a war on Hamas, its a genocide on Palestine
Its the beautiful land Palestine, not isreal
Its Genocide, not war
Its a murdered toddler/child/baby/teen, not a dead young lady/man
Its “isreal should have not..” not “Hamas should have not…”
Its Palestines last defense, not a terrorist organization
Its hostages, not prisoners
Neutrality is still just Zionism
It was a sniper shot, not a stray bullet
Boycott Starbucks, Mcdonalds, etc
Call your lawmakers
Keep ALL EYES on Rafah
And remember, from the river to the sea Palestine will be free
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
(remember to reblog and help get the bottom tags trending again, we must not forget palestine)
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cocksley-and-catapult · 7 months
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resources for palestine
resources for palestine (2)
operation olive branch, a spreadsheet full of families trying to escape rafah, in case you can donate
twitter thread of fundraisers for palestine
daily click for palestine
info post about sudan
twitter thread about sudan
twitter post for the DRC
friends of the congo, a list of helpful actions you can take for the DRC
post of donation links for the DRC
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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Bisan posted this message in Arabic, French, English, and Spanish on her socials: "Members of the French Parliament announced they're going to Rafah-Egypt February 3-6. Free people of the world travel with them to Rafah. Hold a sit in there. Break the siege on Gaza. #Break the Siege."
France also recently cut their funding to UNRWA. For those able to attend, please do, and for those unaware there is another global strike we can all participate in this month too:
And as always, end the occupation and free Palestine.
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jouno-s · 7 months
yes seeing the palestine tags not trending for days in a row is disheartening — but that doesn’t mean we’re not talking about it. we are still talking and sharing and reading and we will continue to do so until palestine and every other group of people struggling for freedom are liberated, and beyond.
we have known since this intense new wave of ‘israeli’ aggression started that all social media platforms have been suppressing all forms of palestinian content. so do not become disheartened or demotivated by the lack of tags trending—
*because that does not mean we have stopped talking.*
as people who are not currently in palestine, and especially as non-palestinians, we do not have the right to become demotivated by anything in this situation. we do not have the right to complain that it seems like nothing is changing. we do not have the right to lose hope when palestinians have been passionately fighting the occupation since it began.
and, do not forget about the other struggles for liberation in the world right now. keep talking about palestine, keep talking about congo, keep talking about sudan, about the uyghurs, about the rohingya, about *humanity.*
from the river to the sea 🇵🇸
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sea-snail-mail · 3 months
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Listen up guys! A strike for palestine is being held soon, and there's a lot you can do to help, like signing petitions, donating to gofundmes and boycotting as mentioned above. However please remember if you aren't able to do certain things during the strike like call off of work/school, focus on doing other things to help! Doing something is better than nothing.
(Note: The strike ends on June 23rd after June 22nd not on the day of)
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astralnymphh · 3 months
unsure if this has been posted anywhere else on tumblr, but i found this via twitter @/nadinewarnerr. please participate in every way you can!
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tortoisewithoutashell · 3 months
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Seen near a bus stop in San Francisco, California
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sayruq · 5 months
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acepumpkinpatrick · 7 months
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I think most of us have seen the first picture. It dates back to Oct. 21st. 2023
The second one is a very recent one from Rafah taken on Feb. 21st. 2024
Four complete months of Genocide and counting. Four months of the Israeli Zionist Occupation's crusade on the Gaza Strip.
Pictures taken by photographer Mahmoud Bassam
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elegyofthemoon · 7 months
Global Strike on March 2nd
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shutitdown4palestine has called for a global strike on 2nd March
What to do for 2nd March
Walk out from work and/or school
Picket Israeli embassies and consulates
Picket against companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestine (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Elbit Systems)
Host speak outs
Wear kuffiyehs
Wear black armbands
The website linked has further information about this strike as well as protests that may be occurring in your area.
Aside from this, as usual, boycott, call your reps, and donate when you can.
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capricioussuns · 7 months
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Haven't seen any post on here about it yet, so: there is another one day strike tomorrow (Thursday the 7th), as well as a call to boycott the oscar's on the 10th. Much like the super bowl and christmas, israel is planning to attack Gaza when they expect americans to be distracted, on top of having a history of targeting Palestine during Ramadan.
Here is a link to the instagram post, don't forget to call your reps, mask up and attend a protest if you can, and keep speaking up and staying updated on what's happening
Daily click
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pigeon-smidge · 3 months
Strike on June 16-22nd for Palestine ‼️‼️
Post originally written by evilbagellisence on YouTube.
organized by @nadinewarnerr on twitter- poster by @blythtism on twitter
Two days ago, there was a nonstop bombing in Gaza. Over 5 massacres were committed by the Israeli occupation in 24 hours the other day.
These are people, like you and I, being harmed and killed because they exist. This is why we strike, no matter how little our contributions feel by themselves.
Striking together in solidarity makes a statement. During the strike period, refrain from contributing to the economy and buying from companies on the boycott list. Uplift Palestinian voices, do not speak for them if they’ve said otherwise on a matter.
If you can, put up posters! Ones with QR codes to gofundmes or other helpful resources are always nice to see.
Links to help: https://gazaesims.com <Donate Gaza Esims https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch <Operation Olive Branch, includes a spreadsheet of Palestinian’s gofundmes decolonizepalestine.com <Educate yourself on Palestine Arab.org <Daily clicks to generate revenue for Palestine https://piousprojects.org/campaign/2712 <Provide hygiene kits for women and girls in Gaza https://x.com/nadinewarnerr/status/17...
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