#such a handful but so many adorable lil babies ;;;;
fe-fictions · 11 months
Okay but now we need to see a story of Dimitri and his boys all fretting over the newest addition to the family 😂 i love picturing them all protective over this tiny baby girl who sticks by her mama most of the time
(I am always a supporter of the Fodlan husbands having big families... first Sylvain and now Dima with his little trio!!! ; A ; )
When his firstborn son was brought into the world, he had initially fretted over hurting the baby by accident. Upon holding him the first time when you insisted he try it…he realized all those fears were for nothing.
The first prince was a strong boy, robust even as a newborn baby. His fears were quickly assuaged.
His second son, born a few years alter, was far softer and quieter than his brother, but was still a healthy and happy baby. Dimitri held even less concern over his secondborn, because he had the experience of being a father and knowing how to handle and raise a son, now.
But then came the third baby. A surprise pregnancy, and one that seemed to be different from your first two. It was a harder pregnancy,  and an even more difficult birth. The reason for this became clear in an instant; you had given birth to the first Blaiddyd princess in generations
Dimitri didn’t know what the hells he was supposed to do with this information.
He’d been stationed outside the delivery room, tending to his two young sons while waiting anxiously for news about his wife and third child.
He never anticipated Mercedes telling him that you gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
And when he was allowed into the room to see you and the baby?
He was just utterly flummozxed.
“B-Byleth…” he stuttered despite himself, nearly stumbling on his way to see you.
You cradled a bundle to your chest; a familiar sight he’d seen twice before.
But this time, there was an even warmer and softer smile on your lips. This time, you were cooing over a little girl.
The Princess of Fodlan.
The fact that those words had even crossed through his mind had made his heart erupt into thundering palpitations.
“Come, Dima…come meet your daughter.”
“I-I…” He trailed off when he finally made it to your side, drawing up a chair to the bedside so that he could sit beside you. “I cvan’t believe it. IMercedes…she said it was a girl. Is it truly…..do we have a daughter?”
‘See for yourself,’ You smiled at him, dawing the blankets back from the newborn’s round little face. “This is indeed your daughter. And she’s the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen.”
Dimitri was at a loss for words. She was so very tiny- were her brothers that size when they were born? He recalled them being pudgier, and still wailing even after their mother held them. 
This one…she was snoozing happily, nuzzled into your chest, and she was the cutest, tiniest creature he’d ever laid his eyes on.
“Oh…oh, Beloved…she is so very beautiful…” He gasped, on instinct his hand extended to brush the baby’ scheek.
But quickly he remembered himself and withdrew, a great fear coming over his face.
“Is she too beautiful to touch, my love?” You joked, but he shook his head, expression quite grave.
“I fear…she is far too small, Byleth. What if I harm her by accident?”
“You sound like you did when our firstborn was introduced to you.” 
He nodded, the wariness growing. “T-that is because she is so small! Look at her, Byleth! She’s….she’s so much more petite than her brothers were. I-is she not premature/”
“Mercedes told me she’s just a little bit smaller. But both the boys were closed to this size when they were born. Maybe they were a little bit bigger, but-”
“There! You see? She’s far more delicate than them- we must set up her room and update the nursery to be more safe than we ever prepared it previously. We cannot risk her falling to harm with such a tiny frame!”
“Dima, darling, she’s a newborn. She’s going to be fragile no matter what. There’s no reason to treat her any different than the boys; well, aside from her personality. Hopefully she’ll be an easy baby since the delivery was…difficult.”
“Yes…yes, of course.” He nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. He brought his arm around your shoulders, drawing you to his chest and pressing a kiss to your temple. “I-I was so stunned by the revelation that we have a daughter, I forgot to extend my deepest congratulations to you. You’ve done well, once again. And I am eternally grateful that you came through another delivery.”
“Heh, thank you.” You giggled softly, always amused by his sincerity. He spoke as if you’d completed a mission you could’ve trained for, rather than suffering through a long and hard birth.
“I am so proud of you. Thank you for giving us another beautiful child…and a daughter, no less.” He beamed at you, stroking your hair tenderly. “You never fail to surprise me, even after all these years.”
“Maybe next time I’ll switch it up with twins.”
“Beloved, please,” He laughed nervously, “I do not believe that’s something either of us have control over…nor is it something we should be worrying about when we have a newborn to take care of.”
“Fair enough.” You settled back into the pillows, offering the girl for him to hold. “Do you want to greet your daughter properly?”
“If…if you think it’s all right.” He replied carefully, going rigid when the little bundle was passed into his hands.
She was so tiny, she didn’t even fit in space from the crook of his arm to his wrist.
And his heart was filled with love, overwhelmed with the thought that this delicate, beautiful little girl was his daughter. Her tiny breaths were so sweet,cradled close to her father’s chest.
Dimitri was fighting the desire to cry right there- now was no time to cry. Certainly not while he had two young princes waiting to see their mother.
“Should I fetch the boys? I know they were waiting to see their mother. But if you’d rather enjoy the peace and quiet a little while longer, we don’t have to.”
“No, I think that’s a great idea. I’m sure they’ll be just as surprised to meet their new sister.”
Dimitri nodded, carefully returning the newborn to your arms.
He wasted no tie getting to the doors, informing the nursemaids that the young princes could join them. They needed to meet their new little sibling, after all.
The pair scampered in, eyes sparkling with excitement. Dimitri watched after them when they hurried past, all but racing to their mother’s bedside.
“Mama! You did it!” 
“Can we see him? Can I hold him?”
“Certainly, “You chuckled, shifting so that the boys could see the bundle in your ahnds. “MikhaelMikhail, Eisner…meet your new baby sister.”
The boys gasped, eyes wide in shock when they realized that pudgy, pink little thing you were holding wasn’t a new brother at all- but it was their sister.
“Yes, Eisner?”
Your youngest son gulped, jabbing a finger at his sister’s round face. “She’s a girl!!!”
Dimitri and you both laughed. 
“Yes, she is, my love.” You tousled his hair, “Isn’t she cute?”
“She’s real pink,” Mikhail observed, “Is she supposed to be that pink?”
“You and your little brother looked the very same when you were born, you know. Perhaps even rosier.” Dimitri replied, beaming at his adorable sons who were currently obsessing over their sister.
“Were we that tiny, too?” Eisner piped up again, putting a testing hand on the blankets she snoozed in. 
“She’s actually a little bit smaller than you two were. She’s the littlest of the three of you, from what I recall.”
“Which means you’ll need to take special care of your sister to make sure she grows up big and strong, like you two.”
“How do we do that, Papa?” Mikhail asked, wriggling his way onto the bed so he could also put a curious hand on the little girl.
“Well, for starters, you can help your mother by holding the baby when she needs to rest. You can play with her, and read to her…and when she’s ready for a bottle, you can also make sure she gets fed.”
“Ooh- if we can play with her, does that mean we get to fight with her too? If we start training her now, she’ll be super strong when she’s our age, right?”
“I’m afraid she won’t be able to pick up a blade for a while, son, let alone a toy dagger. The most she’ll be able to hold is your finger, perhaps.” Dimitri mused, motioning for Mikhail to give it a try.
Carefully, your eldest reached forward, finding the teeny tiny hand that wasn’t bundled away, and pressed his fingers into her palm. Almost instantly hers wrapped around them, eliciting an excited gasp from her big brother.
“Oh!! She did! She’s holding my hand, Papa!!”
“Good job.” You said with a smile that suggested all the happiness in the world was filling your heart right then and there.
After a little more time passed, the visit had to come to an end. The queen and princess did need their rest, and you were in need of a change of dress while the bedsheets and blankets were cleaned and refreshed.
Dimitri took his sons out for a delightful dinner and their favorite desserts, as a treat for being such sweet big brothers.
Of course, in the brief time they were apart from you, they formed a pact, vowing to protect the little princess from any and all harm. 
And said pact was extremely effective, until her Crest of Blaiddyd activated and her strength rivaled that of her adult father…at the age of five.
Needless to say, the addition of your little girl was a welcome and ever-exciting surprise for your growing family.
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fisheito · 7 months
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SCREMS my snautsticic child he is trying ok!!!!!! one tiny snake human hybrid built from the cave-ground-up, , attempting to learn all the implicit rules of humanness?! as if it isn't already tough enough out here!!!!
#ALL he has to work off of is the Great Serpent's memories? fuzzy clips of ppl he might have seen or interacted with??#depending on the kind of snake he was he could have a variety of defense mechanisms#he could have had to suppress his hissing instinct. or maybe he contorted his body in that adorably vertical corn snake way when he scared#big baby eyes trying to mimic the ppl around him but they are busy being judgemental#so many stupid little human things that villagers try to explain to him as “that's just the way it is” or “never really thought about why”#and yakumo just stares in disbelief bc how could u have never thought about the concept of goosebumps#you're telling me ur skin turns into plucked-bird-skin when you're cold or frightened and that is completely mundane?#you're telling me that when ppl try to hug you it is NOT because they want to strangle u to death and eat u????#how much strength am i supposed to put into a hug then. NOT bone crushimg??????#WHAT EMOTION IS THIS GESTURE SUPPOSED TO CONVEY#the tags tho#now imagining blade and yakumo shaking hands and discussing “why are humans such funky lil guys and why do they do the things they do”#several of the non-humans gather in a monthly meeting like:#on today's agenda: WTF is kissing. why are they smashing their food holes together.#one week they bring in a guest human (edmond?) and ask him all of humanity's big questions from non-human POV#and edmond's just like ??? i don't know???!?!??#and eberyone throws up their arms in frustration bc if humans don't make sense to the humans then what are we supposed 2do#nu carnival yakumo
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saetoru · 11 months
Tee 🥹 so RB Gojo always shows up to YNs house unexpectedly or wants her to come over. What if one day out of the blue, like 2 am she shows up at his house in tears due to stress. And for once he can be the caretaker and dependable one. And then she falls asleep in his arms arms and he gets to be the big spoon for once. I could see her whispering “you’re it for me too” while thinking he’s asleep.- dabitee anon
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。BEFORE & AFTER — GOJO SATORU. (rich boy! au)
contents. college au, rich boy! gojo, stressed reader :(, comfort, cheesy banter lol i tried ok, slightly based off of this drabble
notes. dabitee anon. babie u are my biggest rb! gojo inspo u always think of the sweetest lil moments between them sobsss i adore you sm
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sometimes, gojo forgets you're not always put together. sometimes, you struggle to get assignments finished, and sometimes you don't wake up for work on the first alarm, and sometimes studying is too much to handle no matter how determined you are for an A.
"thinking about me this late, sweetheart?" he grins as soon as he picks up your call, laying back on one arm as he stares at the ceiling. he doesn't expect to see you call at two am, but you do—and when he hears the short, wet sniffle through the phone, he doesn't waste a moment to sit up. "sweetheart? you good?"
"toru can you let me in?" you ask quietly. gojo feels every crack in your voice pierce into his chest—it's rare for you to need him like this. he thinks he's always needed you more than you've needed him, truthfully. you've always opened doors after he's stormed out on his father, you've always laced your fingers after arguments with suguru, and you've always rubbed his back when he's hunched over toilets after one too many drinks.
when was the last time you've let yourself need gojo? he doesn't have the time to even try and remember, his feet carrying him over to open his front door quietly. and it's you—you with teary eyes and puffy cheeks, you with tired dark circles and wobbly lips. it's you, but it's not the you he knows, the one he's used to.
the one good thing about gojo satoru is he always knows how to talk—he speaks enough for two, knows how to fill the silence when you can't bring yourself to speak. his arms tug you into his chest before you can open your mouth to explain.
"did you drive all the way here with those watery eyes?" he hums, "wanted to see me that bad? it's dangerous driving like that, baby."
"didn't wanna be alone," you mumble, sniffling into his chest. his hands are big—they're good for rubbing slow circles into your back, the warmth of his palm seeping in through your shirt and pressing against your skin.
"i'd have come if you texted me," he hums, "'m always up, anyway. you know i was beating suguru's ass in mortal combat? he owes me a burger."
"you can afford one yourself, idiot," you huff, making him chuckle. something about the low rumble of his chest against your cheek makes the tears flow a little faster—not because you feel worse, but because it's safe enough that you can.
sometimes, you forget gojo isn't that spoiled and whiny handful you love to call him. sometimes, you're reminded that he's used to being alone, that carrying emotions enough for two is his forte. your cheek presses harder against his chest, like you could bury yourself inside of him like that, like hiding away in his ribcage is where you're safest from the rest of the world. maybe it is—maybe all you need is him to make it safe.
"who's got my baby crying the night before an 8 am class?" he asks softly, “i’ll punch ‘em.”
“what if i say you, will you punch yourself?”
“for you, always,” he nods seriously.
he knows how to ask these things like that: like it's not heavy, like you can make a light-hearted joke or two so that you're not drowning in your own vulnerability. sometimes, you forget that gojo is no stranger to hiding his own vulnerability, that he knows how to hide it under a playful grin and a cheeky laugh.
"that group assignment's due soon and no one's done anything yet but me, and i had to pick up an extra shift to cover for someone, and that quiz coming up is apparently super hard, and my electricity bill was high this month and i don't know why, and....and—"
"okay," he hums, "the electricity might've been me," he says with a quiet chuckle, "i always forget to turn the lights off. I'll handle it, yeah?"
"it's not paying for you," he cuts you off, "it's paying you back. there's a difference. now c'mon. i make good hot chocolate."
"it's out of a packet," you sniffle, lips curled into a pout as his thumb swipes away at your tears. he traces the swell of your cheek before pinching it lightly, making you huff.
"hey," he gasps, "it's special because i put extra chocolate in it! it's my secret ingredient."
"it's not a secret if it's the main ingredient, toru," you mumble, letting his fingers thread with yours as he tugs you along to follow him.
"do you just live to correct me?" he whines, "can't i have one thing?"
and when he hears that soft, breathy little giggle from you, he smiles to himself, the ache of his chest calming just a little. you think gojo could always do that if he tried—pull a small laugh or two out of you even if the world was crumbling around you, keep your lips curved up even as everything goes wrong.
he's enough to forget about that damn project, and that extra shift, and that absurd quiz, and that distressing bill. maybe it's in the way he makes the whipped cream look like a crooked heart in your mug, or the way he burns his tongue as he takes a sip too fast, or the way he swings your arm as he drags you to his room, or the way he wriggles his brows at you as he takes his shirt off before bed, or the way he presses that delicate, sweet, careful little kiss to your forehead as you lay on his chest.
because he has to be enough, he thinks as he holds you, he has to be good enough for you that he outweighs every bad thing you'll ever deal with. he wonders if you know you're it for him, if you know that no one else could fill the spot you've wormed your way into unknowingly. he realizes it that night you hold him, the same night you didn't scold him for ruining your sleep, the same night he finds his way to you when it feels like every road is blocked.
and when the roads are blocked you find your way to him too. so he lays quietly under your cheek, feeling your fingers trace those slow hearts into his skin as he hears you murmur, "i think you're it for me too, toru."
his brows furrow—and then he realizes you must have heard him that night, just like he's hearing you now. a small part of him wants to laugh at the odds, at the way you both can't bring yourselves to say it when you're sure you'll hear each other. the other part of him thinks maybe you were always supposed to find each other, that you were always meant to stay awake and hear hushed words that are supposed to be secrets.
but then you tilt your head up, meeting his eyes, like you know he's awake. oh, he realizes, you've always known, haven't you?
"oh yeah?" he asks, "what if someone cuter and funnier comes along?"
you giggle—not one trace of stress or fear or defeat on your features, not with him there. "i met suguru and still chose you," you tease, making his gasp in disbelief.
"that's so mean," he whines, "i made you hot chocolate with extra chocolate! you can't say my best friend is cuter. and for the record, i'm way funnier than him."
"i'm kidding," you grin, pinching his cheek. "i love you. thank you," you add quietly.
"love you too," he kisses your temple. sometimes, gojo forgets what it was like before you—and he doesn't really want to remember.
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atp rich boy! gojo is just his own character to me sjfjsjfj i’ve just created a whole new dude in my head with the same irritating blue eyes
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luveline · 8 months
hey luv (haha) bombshell!reader lives rent free in my head and I have a lil request for you 🫶🏽 can you write spencer calling reader a nickname for the first time and how flustered she gets? especially in front of the team I would ashdfkflsjah i feel like she always teases him with baby, handsome, etc. and he just turns red but when it’s his turn for (non malicious) payback she melts into a puddle of 🥹🫦 and forgets how to act 🥲 thank you queen ily 🫰🏼
thank you! this isn't in front of the team but i can def do that if that was the most important part, ly ♡ fem
"What's that?" you ask, peering over Spencer's shoulder. 
He turns his face to yours, sneaking a kiss against the curve of your neck. Your breath catches at his affection. "It's online shopping," he answers. "Have you seen it? They deliver your parcel the next day, apparently." 
You like the sound of that, wheeling your chair next to Spencer's to sit at his desk side by side. You're in the midst of a very rare occasion in which there's no  case and no paperwork. It won't last long, and you and your teammates are using these spare hours like a paid vacation. You deserve it (even if it isn't technically moral). 
"What are you buying?" you ask, squinting at his glaring screen. 
His gaze flashes between you and the monitor. He turns the brightness down for you. "You need new socks, right?" 
"Don't buy me socks." 
"Why not?" 
"Because I can buy my own socks?" 
"But I can also buy you socks. I felt bad this morning when I didn't have any matching pairs to lend to you. I'll buy you a big pack and this way you'll always have socks when you need them." 
"Spence, that's so sweet," you say, your hand on his bicep, thumb stroking a line he likely can't feel over his layers. "You really don't have to, though. I kind of like the odd sock look." 
Spencer looks down at your shoes. Your socks are mostly hidden. Despite what you've said, you don't like wearing odd ones, it doesn't fit your perfectly kept image, but you like Spencer a whole lot. 
"No, you don't, and that's fine." He clicks on the Buy Now button, a twenty four pack of black and white crew socks jumping into his cart. "What else should we get?" 
"We?" you ask, leaning back. 
You've barely lifted your left leg when Spencer grabs you by the knee and drapes it over his right. "You never have the stuff you need when you come over. We may as well get it all done now while we have time." 
"Are you serious?" you murmur, a slight pout to your lips. 
Spencer's eyes dart down, catch, and lift back to yours. He sounds soft as you do as he says, "Of course I am. Am I being too forward?" 
"You're never too forward. I'm too forward enough for both of us, Spence. But you don't have to buy me things, I can get all of this stuff myself and bring it with me." 
"What kind of boyfriend does that make me?" 
You can't believe he's your boyfriend. You could scream. "The most adorable one ever?" And that's just the half of it. Spencer Reid has a penchant for ignoring his own good looks. He could've been a super model if the whole genius thing didn't work out. "I need a pillow, then. If we're doing this Reid, let's do it. But I'm paying for my stuff." 
"Okay, angel. Whatever you say." 
You almost miss it, his pet name. Your brain assumes sarcasm, but when you play it back, there's only a soft giving in, like he'd do anything you asked him to just because it's you. Because you're an angel. 
You've called him so many pet names and though you knew they flustered him, you're thinking maybe the team was right, and that you were torturing him the whole time. You melt like a little square of butter in the middle of a frying pan, limp in your seat and uncomfortably warm. Angel. It inspires the want to be saccharinely sweet to him, and you would if you could regain your strength. 
You huff a breath up your hot face in hopes of cooling down. 
"What kind of pillow? Do you want a really soft one? They have hypoallergenic, or down feather." He looks at you sideways. "You can't pay for this, it's too expensive." 
"It's sixteen dollars," you say, feeling submerged. 
"Exactly. Are you okay? You look uncomfortable." 
"I'm feeling a bit hot, suddenly. Hot flush." 
Spencer abandons the computer and his online activities to unbutton the top button of your shirt, and then the second, his hands achingly gentle against your collar. "I'll buy a fan," he says, one hand trailing down your arm soothingly as the other searches for paper. "But for now." 
He fashions you an origami fan and fans you diligently. It works for a time, but you remember the dulcet cadence of his voice and the delicate way he strung the syllables together as though 'angel' were the name you were given at birth, and you feel warm all over again. 
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awearywritersworld · 7 months
i have for the first time found what i can truly love—i have found you
sukuna x reader summary: you and sukuna go out for a late night meal. gojo finds out about your... relationship. sukuna is forced to take care of you when you come home drunk. w/c: 2.85k tags/warnings: enemies to lovers. fluff. lots of banter. cursing. jealous/protective!sukuna. gojo being a flirt. aged up!yuuji. features a teeny bit of yuuji x reader. drinking and drunk!reader. not canon compliant. fem!reader. no use of y/n. no manga spoilers. a/n: i think i like how this turned out! also, the first two sections could def be read as a fluffy lil stand alone. idc whats happening in the canonverse, sukunas just a tsundere who adores us very much<3 series masterlist // masterlist
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"maybe if you stare long enough, food will magically appear," sukuna calls to you from the kitchen table.
"this is no joking matter," you scold from your place in front of the fridge. "i'm starving."
"well, here's an absurd idea— let's go eat."
you turn toward him, finally closing the fridge, and tilt your head to the side. "you eat?"
"of course." he leans back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest. "i typically prefer babies, but hell, i'd even go for an old man right now. i'm famished."
your eyes widen and your mouth falls open. he lets the panic simmer on your face for a few more cruel moments. "i'm kidding, idiot. i eat food, same as you."
"i knew that," you assert. the way your shoulders sag in relief tells him otherwise.
"right," he smirks. after standing up, he grabs your purse and tosses it in your direction. "where to? you're buying."
with only so many places open at midnight, you begin your journey to a 24 hour ramen shop.
you've hardly interacted with sukuna outside of your apartment, so this is certainly an experience you didn't anticipate. and in fact, you're shocked at how normal it feels— almost as if it's a date.
as you walk down the street, people eye him suspiciously because of the dark lines they assume are tattoos. it doesn't bother you though, nor does the lateness of the hour. you know that you're safe because you're with him.
your hands keep brushing against one another's, and you're hoping that he'll eventually take a hint and reach for yours. he doesn't (i mean come on, do you even know who you're dealing with?).
he does at least pick up on your pouty expression with impressive ease. "what now?"
"nothing," you huff.
"don't be a brat."
you sigh dramatically. "you're supposed to hold my hand."
"sure princess," he says condescendingly, lacing his fingers through yours. "maybe use your words next time like a big girl."
he doesn't fail to notice the ensuing skip in your step, and he kicks himself for regarding it as cute.
when you arrive at the ramen shop, sukuna orders no less than three bowls, which earns him a glare once the waitress walks away.
"when i agreed to pay, i didn't know what a glutton you are."
"oh yeah? cause i'm just the picture of temperance any other time?"
you scoff. "well you've got me there."
a sly smirk settles onto his face before he speaks again. "maybe one day you'll learn how greedy i am when it comes to the things i've deemed pleasurable."
you choke on the water you'd just brought to your lips, your face heating up as if it'd been bathed by fire.
wiping at your mouth, you try your best to recover quickly. "whatever, you hellion. as long as that doesn't involve a fourth bowl of ramen."
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you're no more than 10 steps away from the shop when you hold out your hand to him. "ahem."
he grabs it roughly and not without rolling his eyes.
"what?" you ask innocently. "that was a word."
"hardly," he jeers. "for as much as you read, i'd expect you to be more fluent than a child."
"and at 1000 years old, i'd expect you to be more charming than a teenage boy, but i guess we're both making concessions."
"see, this is the part that puzzles me. you never seem to have trouble with your words when you're being insolent."
"maybe it's a sign," you begin whimsically. "the universe decided you need to be taken down a peg."
"ah, yes. you as the executor of the universe's will. i don't know why i couldn't see it before."
you giggle, rather delighted that he's elected to play along with your quips. there's something that feels so warm and pleasant about it.
as you wonder if he feels it too, your hand tightens around his.
you're not quite ready to head back to your apartment just yet, because you're scared you'll lose the atmosphere surrounding the two of you. in truth, it's a bit intoxicating.
the perfect opportunity arises when you spot a small park up ahead. lights are strung around the trees, all of which are situated around a small fountain.
"we should stop at that park!" you hardly finish speaking before you take off in that direction, tugging him along behind you.
after you plop down on the fountain's ledge, sukuna takes his place beside you.
"let's sit here for a little while."
he doesn't respond and you take his silence as agreement. he's not really one to stifle his grievances.
as the minutes pass, the rush of the fountain is the only noise that fills the air, while you gaze at the trees with a serene expression.
sukuna, however, is looking at you. the only care he has for the trees is the way their lights reflect in your eyes. otherwise, he's fully occupied by the curve of your nose and the fullness of your lips.
"isn't this pretty?" you finally ask.
"it's pretty," he agrees, even when such a soft word feels foreign on his tongue.
his eyes still haven't left you, and you seem to be oblivious to this fact until he reaches up to stroke your cheek with the back of fingers.
when your gaze lands on him, the fondness written all over his face catches you off guard and you realize how close the both of you are. without really thinking about it, you lean into his touch.
"very pretty," he repeats lowly, as if he's talking to himself.
your heart lurches once in your chest, then hammers away at your ribcage without respite. he leans toward you a fraction of an inch, his eyes flicking down to your lips for a brief second.
truthfully, sukuna has never felt the way he does in this moment. it's a sincere sort of desire. he doesn't want the mindless devotion he once thirsted for from his followers. and he doesn't want the sex he used to crave from his concubines.
no. he just wants you— in whatever capacity you're willing to have him.
the way he's looking at you is just too much. there's a dull thudding in your ears and you swear your thoughts are moving at a million miles a minute.
so naturally, you blurt out the first thing you can manage. "we should take a selfie!"
his face shifts from whatever that expression was to one of confusion. "take a selfie?"
some twisted mix of relief and disappointment crashes through you.
"yeah, a selfie. a picture together. ya know, since the park is so pretty," you ramble.
he pulls away from you. not all the way, but enough that it gives you space to finally breath. he chuckles and it doesn't sound lofty like it so often does. in fact, he seems genuinely amused by you.
"a selfie," he deliberates. "that sounds great, but to the best of my knowledge, hell hasn't frozen over."
and just like that, your dynamic feels like it did during your walk from the ramen shop to the park— comfortable and fun.
"well i guess you would be one of the first to know."
ignoring his protests, you take out your phone and hold it far enough away that the camera captures both of your faces. you can see on the screen that he's put on an expression of complete boredom.
"c'mon," you nudge him with your elbow. "you look like you hate me."
the corner of his mouth curves upward. "that's because i do."
you think back on the way he was gazing at you just moments ago and laugh. "you're so full of shit."
then, without warning, you press a kiss to his cheek and click the button.
you decide that his vague look of contented surprise will just have to do.
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when you and yuuji walk into the bar, you immediately spot one of the people you're there to meet. he's sitting at a hightop by himself, his snow white hair pretty hard to miss.
you tap his shoulder and his face breaks out into a grin. he slides out of the barstool. "if it isn't my favorite civilian!"
as he pulls you into a hug, you wonder if he's ever going to get tired of that joke. "if it isn't my favorite old man."
"35 is not old," he argues, moving to greet yuuji. "i'm still in the summer of my life, thank you very much!"
"gojo you're 36," the pink haired man remarks.
"gah! such betrayal, yuuji!" he presses his hand to his forehead and takes a deep breath. "now i'm going to need another round."
"i'll go and get drinks for all of us," you offer. "you two stay here so no one takes the table."
before either of them can respond, you turn and begin making your way through the crowd. you don't hear gojo when he calls out, "but darling! i should go with you!"
he takes a step in your direction, but stops when sukuna's mouth appears on yuuji's cheek. "you certainly should not, you insufferable half wit."
"relax, dude. he flirts with literally everyone," yuuji informs him.
gojo scoffs. "i am right here—"
"as if that makes it better?" sukuna barks. "she isn't some toy to be played with."
"of course she isn't! you can't honestly think i'd believe otherwise."
gojo is left forgotten for a moment as the other two bicker, so he interjects once there's a lull in the conversation. "do either of you care to explain what the hell is going on?"
yuuji turns toward him, trying and failing to hide the embarrassment on his face once he realizes that gojo is, in fact, still standing there.
his eyebrows are raised above his sunglasses and it's clear he is inappropriately amused by the situation (what else is new?). he moves to sit across from the younger man, looking at him expectantly.
having no way to talk himself out of this, yuuji relays the recent events regarding you and sukuna, sparing some of the finer details. gojo's face doesn't really betray much emotion throughout the story, though he does look thoughtful by the end of it.
leaning forward, he crosses his arms on top of the table. "maybe your feelings for her are influencing his own, forcing a sort of bond between them?"
"i don't think so," yuuji contends honestly. "other than her, you're the person i admire and respect the most, but he thinks—"
"that you are perhaps the most imbecilic rampallion i've ever had the displeasure of coming across."
gojo jerks back, as if the insult had hit him squarely in the jaw. the look of giddiness from yuuji's compliment, followed by the shift to indignation at sukuna's insult is almost comical.
he stretches his neck forward, cupping his hand around one side of his mouth as if it'd keep sukuna from hearing. "what'd he just call me?"
yuuji shrugs. "beats me, but i don't think he was singing your praises."
"i see your point." gojo pauses, glancing over his shoulder. you're approaching the table, so he turns back to yuuji and quickly adds, "we'll talk more about this another time, but for now, keep this between us."
a few moments later, you appear in front of them and exclaim, "look who i found!"
megumi and inumaki situate themselves around the table too, offering their greetings. you slide yuuji and gojo their drinks, both of which are filled to the brim of the glass. "now then gentlemen, shall we?"
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when gojo teleports you and yuuji back to your apartment that night, it takes everything in you to keep from yakking all over your carpet.
"ta ta, hooligans!"
you turn to request that he never do that again, but he's already gone. taking one step forward, you promptly fall on your ass in the entryway with an unforgiving thud. yuuji staggers toward the couch, making it there just in time to face plant into the cushions.
looking down toward your shoes, you're dismayed to find that each one appears to have two sets of laces. you're fumbling with them determinedly when someone crouches down in front of you, their elbows resting on their thighs.
he doesn't say a word. brushing your hands away, he unties your shoes and carefully pulls them off your feet. you're lifted from the floor before you can register the arm that's looped under your knees or the other that's securely around your back.
"careful," you hiccup, your head falling into the crook of his neck. "'m gunna p-puke."
"i'd rather you didn't."
you groan. "s'not like i 'ave a choice in the matter."
he hums. "how much did you drink?"
"dunno. sss'much. nobara—" you hiccup again. "nobara n' maki made me."
he chuckles, placing you down on what you figure is your bed. "right, i'm sure you had no choice in the matter."
"tha's correct, yes."
unbuttoning your jeans, he tugs upward on your belt loops. "lift."
you do as he says, lifting your hips from the bed so he can slide your jeans off your legs. he knows you won't remember this— hell, your eyes are already closed— but he looks away as he does it anyway.
pulling your phone from your pocket and putting it on the charger, your pants are discarded off to the side. he only turns his head back in your direction once he's pulled the blankets up over your body.
"tuck me in?" you request.
sitting down on the bed beside you, he does so without protest.
he stares at you for a little while, worried about how poorly you're probably going to feel in the morning. he presses a kiss to your forehead, intending to get up and grab a water bottle for your nightstand.
instead, his body freezes when he hears you mumble, "i love you s'much."
his heart clenches so painfully, he honestly considers ripping it from his chest— it would probably be less agonizing.
but a thought that makes him feel like a fool occurs to him. of course it's not him that you love. "i'm not yuuji."
"well, duuuhhh. you're s'kuna." you're peering up at him through tired, hazy eyes. it's the first time you've ever seen him look bewildered, so a small giggle erupts from your throat. "s'okay. you don't 'ave t'say it back."
your eyes flutter shut and your breathing evens out before he even thinks to respond. all at once, it's as if his head is empty and as if it's about to explode.
what does he know about love? it's a sentiment he's cursed for so long, but sitting here beside you, he can't quite seem to remember why. one thing he is sure of, however, is that there's never been a thing in the world he's loved.
suddenly, he's struck with remembrance of a quote from jane eyre you had emphasized with messy underlines:
"after a youth and manhood passed half in unutterable misery and half in dreary solitude, i have for the first time found what i can truly love—i have found you. you are my sympathy—my better self—my good angel. i am bound to you with a strong attachment. i think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my centre and spring of life, wraps my existence about you, and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one."
rochester says it as he begs jane to stay at thornfield with him, an act sukuna had previously regarded as ridiculous, but is that still the case?
were you to ever scorn him, would he fall to his knees and plead with you to change your mind? or if you were in danger of dying, would he drag himself to a shrine and pray to the gods he doesn't believe in?
is that what love is?
could he stand to be apart from you? are you special to him? does anything else in the world compare to you? does he seek out your company? is he consumed by you? can he know himself without knowing you?
does the definition of love lie in those questions?
sukuna hopes not, because he's terrified of the answers. being in love is not his way, nor is it in his nature.
he buries his face in his hands as realization settles into his bones. it feels as if they're splintering beneath the pressure, trying resentfully to stave it off.
he transcends any imaginable scale of power. he's bled entire villages dry, he's commandeered death, he's the king of curses.
so why now? and why you? is it divine retribution? a sick sort of joke that even he couldn't have dreamed up?
gods, you were right. the universe has sent you to carry out its will and he's completely powerless to stop it.
the worst part of it all? he doesn't want to.
taglist: @96jnie @ay0nha @sad-darksoul @bbysatoruuu @luciiferian @thepup356 @risuola *users in bold could not be tagged
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hana-no-seiiki · 3 months
i think people don’t talk enough about how much power yan!batfam has with manipulating their s/o. like there are so many options prior to kidnapping courtesy of their big wrinkly brains and phat ass wallets.
babytrapping for example!!
like for afab reader, they’d definitely use their money to promote baby advertisements just to get you in that baby fever. maybe even get you a job where you’d be exposed to the cutest ones.
it’s only after you realize that Damian really isn’t going to pull out and that he took your “put a baby in me” seriously that you feel some regret
luckily your children are adorable. you just have an inkling that your baby daddies might be working with them to keep stuck to their side… jus a lil bit of suspicion
amab reader / maybe even reader that just doesn’t want children on the other hand is just definitely getting drugged to do something horrid. they might use a throwaway “incubator” as a method to babytrap you. same adverts and manipulation tactics just with an extra victim unless one of the batgirls are up for having your baby.
another less morally bankrupt way of trapping you with children might be either a genetically engineered one made specifically to be controlled. they’ll pretend it’s someone they found abandoned and took in that just doesn’t want to be apart from you.
in short, gahd i need more babytrapping fics with batfam. literally any kind. smut or not.
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arminsumi · 10 months
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ DILF TOJI Ⅱ
Toji x fem!reader / part Ⅰ
Overview; Toji's a mean, cheating dilf
Warnings; 🔞MDNI, nasty awful SMUT, infidelity, slight dubcon, age gap, slight size kink, mean!dom!Toji x sub!reader, light humiliation, dirty talk, light spanking, hairpulling, light dacryphilia, making you call him 'master' 🥵 orgasm control, pn 'bitch', Toji ain't shaved down there 😏, i think it's 🐶 position??
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Tormenting you with pleasure is dilf!Toji's favorite pastime, he absolutely adores that dumb look on your face as your tongue lolls out your mouth and your eyes roll into the back of your head.
"You look like a pornstar, baby." He sneers, "Have you got no shame? You know this is the same bed where I knocked up my wife? Doesn't that make you feel bad? 'Eh, too fucked out to care, hm?"
He's right. He's totally right. You're too fucked out to care, to even form a coherent thought that isn't sinful. The pressure his fat, dirty cock exerts on your gummy walls is unbearable, almost crossing the line of uncomfortable.
Those nasty squelching sounds that your pussy makes when squeezing and sucking on his dick is outright delicious to him.
"Oh, Toji — " you mewl, pawing at his muscles.
He grabs a fistful of your hair and yanks your head back, forcing you into an arched position.
"You better call me master in bed, or you're not allowed to cum."
"I'm sorry master!" you whine, feeling your hole clench and unclench uncontrollably around his nasty cock.
"That's better. Now milk my cock dry with that pathetic little cunt."
The way he stretched you out made you shudder.
And his thrusting... dear lord. Merciless. Unforgiving. He's ruining you for other men, making your pussy mold to the shape of him.
So many fat tears rolled down your cheeks that you started sniffling, hiccoughing, moaning; you sounded like you were really going through it.
"Are you fuckin' cryin'?" he cooed cruelly, "Can't take it?"
"No, I can take it! I can take it!" you cry determinedly, relaxing your little hole so he can get deeper. That puts a pleased smile on his face.
When he's close, he growls into your ear, getting balls deep even if your pussy can barely handle it.
His cock spits out thick, creamy ropes of cum. His big, veiny hand lands a harsh slap on your ass. He lets out another low growl at the sight of your ass jiggling.
"Now you can cum." he permits. "C'mon, show me how dirty this pussy can get."
You work it back on his cock like an animal in heat, panting erotically like some hentai voice actor. He just thinks you're so pitifully cute; just some dumb young bitch needy for a married man's dick.
"Keep going, get that relief." he encourages, intently watching you bounce your hole up and down on his messy cock. You've creamed all over him, it's being frothed up at his base.
And it feels so good when you reach the base of his cock with each sloppy move, because he's so thick there. You can feel his hair brush up against your skin, tickling it.
Even the buildup to your orgasm feels threateningly good, you have to cling to anything within reaching distance to comfort your body.
When it rushes through you, Toji just chuckles to himself. "Mmm, love that young lil' pussy. Look at the mess you made on my cock."
He forces your head down to look at all the cream and cum and slick all over his cock.
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bunny584 · 2 months
Thinking about our boys this fine evening,,
What would their reactions be if you bought them a present?
A/N: My love, I’ve been sitting on this ask for MONTHS. Just chomping at the bit to do it justice. I hope it’s everything you wanted. Enjoy this fluffy fluffy drabble with a lil sprinkle of angst 💕
C/W: Nada, the boys just being adorable. Established relationship. I hope this gives y’all as many delulus as it did me.
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“You’re never going to guess what I got you for your birthday, dimples!” 
Your pretty finger digs into the crater in his left cheek that you’re so fond of. 
Suguru swallows a grin. 
Two things. 
One, you’re the only human in this lifetime and the next, who could call him that and wake up the next morning. 
Two, he knows exactly what you got him. 
Because you’re oblivious in a way that made him fall for you in the first place. 
To you, birthdays are sacred. And must be treated like National holidays. All week you’ve been padding around the apartment, glee in your footsteps. 
You’ve been staring at him. A whole galaxy in your eyes. Precious little giggles escape you at every turn. Because there’s a secret only you are privy to. 
Or so you think. 
Suguru has heard you badgering someone over the phone. 
“No no, it can’t be purple. His favorite color isn’t purple. It’s indigo. The shade between royal blue and violet. Blue. Indigo. Violet. ROY-G-BIV. Rainbows. Indigo.”
You almost flung your laptop off the balcony   two mornings ago. 
Instead of just closing the browser displaying shipment confirmation for the silver analogue watch with the indigo face and chrome bezel. You tossed the entire laptop away and Suguru had to lunge to catch it from shattering.
You are clumsy. 
And terrible at surprises. 
And he adores you. 
More than he knew possible. 
Suguru shrugs out of his grey peacoat. Dinner was phenomenal, yes. But now he needs you on his tongue for dessert. 
He watches you step out of your heels, somewhat upset you didn’t let him take them off for you. 
“On the couch and close your eyes!!” You squeal before disappearing into your bedroom. 
“Yes ma’am.” Low chuckle spilling from his lips. 
You’ll be the one following orders in a second. 
Suguru does as he is instructed. Back against the plush couch. Legs spread a little further than usual. 
You’ve had him stiff as a board the whole night. Doting over him. Petting his thigh. Pretty lips full of quick kisses and “Happy Birthday baby” and “I love you.” He almost took you at the dinner table. 
But he’s a gentleman. 
At least, before you get behind closed doors. 
“Are you ready for me, birthday boy?” You call out. And your voice alone strips him of manners. 
“I’m ready to be inside you, gorgeous.” Suguru palms the length of his shaft. 
“Suguru!!! Behave.”
In a matter of seconds, your full body weight lands on his lap. You straddle him and his hands fly to your rounded hips. 
You are wearing significantly less clothes than you were 2 minutes ago. 
Suguru eyes flare open. The zipper on his suit pants nearly breaks. 
“Ohhh, my pretty girl.” 
His eyes violate every inch of your negligée. Lacy. Delicate. Riding the gentle dips and curves of your beautiful frame. Saliva pools in his mouth. You have no idea what he’s going—
“Eyes closed!” Your tiny palm can barely span his face. 
“Alright, alright.” Suguru hikes you further onto his hips. His rod thundering against his fabric. 
“Before you start, baby. Reach into my jacket pocket for me?” 
“What?” Suguru always loved how pretty you sound when you’re shocked. 
“Do it.” 
Your fingers scramble to follow his order. Always so compliant. His name, tangled with an airy little gasp escapes next. 
“Suguru Geto, what is this?!” 
Eyes still closed, Suguru flashes a mischievous grin. You’re so pretty when you’re stern with him. You punish (reward) him with a quick slap on his chest. 
Suguru pulls his lids open. He finds you holding 2 nearly identical boxes. A bigger one in the right, a demure one in the left. 
You’re flushed up to your ears and Suguru hasn’t ever seen a woman so beautiful. 
“What is this?” You probe again, eyes glossed over. 
Suguru gently works the smaller box out of your hand. 
“A present,” he plants a chaste kiss on your pouty little lips. 
“But it’s your birthday. And I wanted to surprise you. I saw this—“
“—silver analog watch with an indigo face and chrome bezel, I know baby.” Suguru’s lips find your flushed, warm cheeks. 
“So I got one for you too.” He opens the smaller box, just as you reveal his surprise. 
Yours is daintier. Scaled down to your small wrist. Both of your initials inscribed at the base of your watch. 
Mist coats your eyes the way it does. The way your love coats him. In all places. All at once. Gentle. Refreshing.
A blessing. 
“You are the love of my life. In this lifetime and the next. Thank you for the birthday gift, sweet girl.”
“Satoru, Jesus Chri—are you kidding me right now?” 
“What’s the matter, baby?” 
Your boyfriend was born with a silver spoon and a silver tongue. 
An expert at rolling, whipping and twisting words until they’re saltwater taffy. Sweet on the mouth. Sticky in reality. And at its worst, kryptonite to the person consuming them. 
As if he didn’t just steal the pink satin bow, from your head. And your hair falls in a slow cascade around your face. 
Satoru slides into the seat across the dinner table. Candlelight kissing his high cheekbones. Tonight makes it three years from the day he asked you to be his. 
Not that it matters, really. Because time crumbles to stardust around him. 
Every minute, every second with Satoru feels like the first. Your heart can’t tell the difference, and you’ve stopped trying to. 
A mischievous grin reaches his 10-carat diamond eyes. Razor sharp, and a reminder to everyone within a 1 mile radius that he’s not of this world. 
“You’re gorgeous.” Satoru toys with your hair tie. Deftly knotting it into a bow on his wrist — an egregious accessory next to his cuff links. 
“Save the pillow talk, Satoru!”
 “What?” He retorts, slinging his elbow over the back of his chair. Dangling his newest prized possession in your face. 
“Is it so bad that your boyfriend wants to feel close to you? You won’t let me sit next to you — I’m desperate.” 
You feign a gasp and lean over. Hushed because what you’re about to say is sacrilegious. 
“The Strongest Sorcerer in the modern era won’t survive sitting across from his girlfriend instead of next to her? Don’t let the bad guys hear that.” 
Bellowing laughter erupts. His base low and clear as an alpine lake. Your soprano a feather light harmony. 
Unbridled joy that is so unique to your relationship echoes throughout the dining room. Waiters and waitresses send fond smiles your way because the restaurant is dedicated to your celebration.
Satoru’s lips find the back of your hand. Embers from the candle catch the golden flecks of sunset in his Mediterranean Sea. Eyes with still waters, tonight.
He’s beautiful, your boy.
“Happy anniversary, princess.” 
“Happy anniversary, my love. I have something for you.”
 You glide your hand out of his grasp before he locks it in. Eyebrows already crawling to the center of his face. 
“I told you not to get—“
Always one to give, never one to receive, Satoru narrows his gaze. You know that look — he’s planning on tripling his retaliation gift. 
Satoru reluctantly takes the box out of your hands, while you watch on bated breath. 
His full lips hang open. Cotton candy dusting the tip of his nose, blooming to his ears. He’s never like this. Taken aback. Full of surprise.
Your full name tumbles out of his mouth. Almost foreign to your ears, but indulgent when coated in his rich, loving tone. 
Satoru pulls the leather bracelet out of the box. An infinity symbol woven in the center with your initials and his initials flanking either side. 
Before you get a chance to breathe again you’re standing in his arms. In the middle of the empty room. Face nearly eclipsed by his large hands.
“Baby,” Is all that escapes him before he crashes his lips onto yours. 
His tongue immediately begs for entry. Faint taste of mint chocolate ghosting your taste buds. 
It’s comforting. It’s dizzying. It’s Satoru.  
“L-let me explain the gift.” Panting out of his embrace. A light sheen already coating his eyes. He’s statuesque except for his thumbs that strum the apples of your cheeks. 
“Of course.”
“You’ll probably live forever, fighting demons and such—“
“Curses, baby. The demons are just personal.” He laughs. 
Satoru flashes another smile, but this one is blue. Melancholy in a way that tugs on your heart strings. You draw him in for a quick kiss. 
A mere bandaid on a lifetime of third degree burns.
“I know I’m not invincible like you and your friends. And you spend an inordinate amount of time dealing with the fact that I’m a Normie.” 
Satoru’s nose crinkles. “It’s not a crime to not see curses.” 
“I rather you not see them. I don’t want you subjected to that.” Grit in his voice and his eyes glaze over. You know that Satoru is watching gruesome memories on his mind’s big screen. 
“I know, handsome.”Your hand cups his face and he subconsciously unravels in it.  All but purring into your warmth. 
“But that doesn’t change the fact that the world needs you for far greater things than it needs me.” 
“Do not talk like—“
Your finger presses against his lips. Your boyfriend has a real habit of cutting you off and at this rate you two will never get to enjoy your dinner. 
A small chuckle escapes him. He’s sorry. And you continue.
“I got you that bracelet…because..” Suddenly shy under his undivided attention, you drop your gaze. Thumbing his new gift instead. 
You pause. He pauses. Everything around you halts.
Then it all tumbles out at once. 
“You’re it for me, Satoru. The One. Forever and always. In every life we’re reborn in, even if I can’t stick around as long as you can in this one.” 
Cheeks incinerated by your confession, you muster the courage to lock eyes with him once more. Nearly flat lined at what you see.
A crystal tear sliding down one side of his face. All of his sharp lines and angles, like melted butter. Mouth ajar. Moused. Imperfect. Like his heart is splayed open on his chest for the world to see. 
Hearing his name jumpstarts his engine. Satoru lifts you into his arms and strides toward the exit in milliseconds. 
You toss your head back. Full of breathy giggles because this is the man you know and love. The modus operandi that made you fall so deeply for him in the first place. 
“Dinner! Baby our dinner!” You squeal a little too late, given that he’s 4 more long strides away from the door. 
“It’s taken care of. I’ll have them send it to the house.” Eyes straight ahead. A man on a special grade mission.
The two of you come to an abrupt stop just shy of the front door. Satoru rakes his glassy eyes over your flushed face.
“I would die for you. You know that, right?” His voice cracks. Actively staving off the flood threatening the rim of his eyes. 
“You and me…you know that I…I lo—, I’ve…you’re the only…fuck.” 
Satoru draws in a frustrated sigh. Tossing his head to the side. Hopeful that looking at anything else in the room would make this easier.
 “You know why I cant.. I can’t say it baby I—“
“I know, Satoru. I know.” 
‘Because love is the most twisted curse of all.’
And he believes that the moment it falls off his tongue, you’ll be taken from him. 
Your lover’s presence is grandiose. Demanding. Loud. Noticed from miles away. Earth shifted on its axis when he was born. 
A loan from Heaven’s stash. He’s a gift to mankind and your personal Moon.
But his love is the opposite.
Found only in quiet moments. Moments when his shield, breast plate and sword clamor against the hardwood floor after saving lives time and time again. 
When you wake up to him staring at you, caressing your cheeks. A gentle wake up call because he needs a kiss. A temporary reprieve from his nightmares. The demons that haunt him day in and day out.
When he comes home early from every single mission. Just to get back to where his heart is. 
His love is woven into your satin pillow cases, that hold his triumphs with students, his frustration from work, his regrets. 
His love is painted on walls of your apartment. The walls that could barely contain his grief. Wails loud enough to shift earth’s tectonic plates. That heard him scream in your arms. For months. All because he lost his first love at his own hands. 
His love glows under the moonlight. When he is buried deep inside you. Rambling about giving you a son first, then a daughter. Because he has to teach his boy to be strong. Strong enough to keep up with him. Strong enough to watch the world burn for his sister if it has to. 
Satoru Gojo is not soft, but he loves you softly. 
Another tear glides down his porcelain skin. Somewhat ashamed that he can’t swipe it way with his hands full of you, he flashes a lopsided smile. It makes his otherwise ethereal coalescence of features so boyish. Tangible. 
Satoru presses a salty kiss against your lips. And it’s the sweetest he’s ever tasted. Pulling away briefly, to affirm you in a way that only he can.
“Infinity, baby?”
“Infinity, baby.”
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neuvistar · 11 months
— featuring ┊blade x f!reader
— warnings / content warnings ┊both suggestive + kinda fluffy yup yup ! use of nicknames, oral (m!receiving), pathetic loser gamer blade is my favourite blade, he spits in ur mouth.. like once, mentions / implications of vaginal fingering, overall suggestive content | 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
— a/n ┊thx 2 the anon who sent an ask abt gamer blade, ily mwah </3 this is inspired by ur ask angel ! ♡ whaddahell it didn’t work the first time let us pray it works this time
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GAMER ! BLADE who would have an adorable girlfriend like you. honestly, he didn’t expect to have a girlfriend because of how pathetic and how much of a loser he is. you’re probably his first relationship too because he’s a loser who can’t communicate with women but that’s besides the point! i t’s his first time, give him a rest! for his first time being in a relationship, blade would surprisingly be a good boyfriend to you, he’s trying his best, really. he wants the best for you and him so he would try his best to spend time with you rather than his pc, bladie has such a huge puppy dog crush on you he probably kisses the ground you walk on.
GAMER ! BLADE who is actually pretty clean and organized, he’s a total hottie too.. that’s a bonus. his desk and room is always clean, and he actually looks hot for a pathetic loser. blade would get flustered every single time you called his loser ass hot because in all these years of his life he’s never been called such thing, and being called hot by you? that’s a blessing to him. i think he’s not confident about his looks much since he’s pretty much.. a sore loser! but when you came into his life, he changed his mindset about himself! a lil realization in his head while looking at the mirror after a long shower like.. “.. oh. i’m kinda attractive.” he would say, looking at his reflection with a towel around his waist. i bet he’s pretty muscular too, extra bonus points!
GAMER ! BLADE who would try and be secretive about his relationship with you from his viewers (if he even streams) but if the time comes that you both are ready to reveal your relationship, his viewers are sending shocked and funny comments, half of them saying how they never expected blade to even bag a pretty girl like you, hyping him up and telling him how lucky he was (he really was! he really was lucky to have a pretty girlfriend like you).
there are times where he likes showing you off and flexing to people how pretty his girlfriend is while sometimes there are moments where he doesn’t like showing you off, ooh. possessive much. i mean, can you blame him? he can’t have another guy trying to win your heart over! this isn’t a video game, he thinks!
GAMER ! BLADE who would spend hours on end playing games, maybe even streaming as well. he would take his sweet time on his games that he wouldn’t even notice how much time passed already, how late he was to dinner with you when he promised to be down in a few minutes. well, i hope he likes his food cold because you’re not making him more as payback for making you wait so long. blade would apologize to you by dropping his games and devoting his whole time on giving attention you, a lil bonus if he fucks you too as an apology, consensual ofc!
“that’s it, angel.. fuck.. you feel so good.” he mumbled against your neck, biting down and digging his teeth into your skin. “‘m sorry, baby. fuck! how many times to i have to say it, hm? mmh.. can i fuck it in your pretty head? mhm? ‘wanna make you realize just how sorry i am.. cmon.”
GAMER ! BLADE who would ask you to play horror games with him, i mean.. it’s not like he’s afraid he just wants you to accompany him. most of the time, it’s you screaming on his lap with your hand clasped around your mouth nuzzling against his neck, trying your absolute hardest to stifle any more screams from leaving your throat! he would tease you about it nonstop.
“why were you so scared? it wasn’t even bad.” if he’s feeling a little extra, he would ask if he could.. calm you down in a more intimate way.. of course you’d accept! but there’s something so erotic about how he slides his fingers inside your shorts while teasing your slit with the base of his fingers, trying to calm you down while he whispers praises and dirty things in your ear, so erotic. there’s something so good.. so erotic about that. “calm down, will you? that stupid monster’s not gonna get you, baby. i got you.”
GAMER ! BLADE who would ascend to heaven the moment he sees you kneeling under his desk, resting your cheek on his lap. he knows this, he knows your tactics.. he knows what you want from him. he would have his dick sucked under the desk from time to time, running his fingers through your hair.. it’d be even more riskier if he was streaming, trying his best to stifle his moans and hold himself back from completely fucking your mouth. it’s embarrassing enough that some of the viewers noticed his odd behaviour and commented if something was wrong. fuck, he knows it’s hard when you’re there swirling your tongue around his cocktip, stroking the parts of him you couldn’t reach. blade couldn’t take it anymore.
he would mute his mic and turn off his camera, grabbing a fistful of your hair while bucking his hips against your mouth with such force, tears beginning to form on the corners of your eyes because of how rough he is with you! “that’s it, sweet thing. keep sucking me off like that.. fucking naughty girl you are, huh?” he pulled you up from the ground, forcing you to open wide for him before spitting in your mouth. “you’re such a slut for my cock, aren’t you? couldn’t even wait when i was done streaming, hm?” he forced you down on your knees again, cupping your cheek. “you want me to fuck you infront of everyone, angel? you want everyone to see how much of an impatient whore you can be, hm? is that what you want? because i’ll gladly show every single one of these fuckers how much of a slut you are for my cock.” damn. he’s so.. mean sometimes.
GAMER ! BLADE who would finger you occasionally while he streams to ease up a bit! he knows it’s risky, you know it too. but he just can’t get enough of the feeling of your hole pulsing around his digits, he just.. can’t control himself when your hands are roaming all around his body, caressing his toned stomach, his biceps, everything. you sat on another chair, legs spread with your sweet pussy displayed for him, plunging his fingers inside over and over again, hitting your sweet spot. he’s so.. mean! blade told you to keep quiet.. he doesn’t want a sound to even leave your lips. but you know it’s impossible, he knows too. but.. i guess you have to try, you wouldn’t want his viewers finding out what he was doing to you behind the scenes, would you? </3
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cntloup · 3 months
Hi ^^ it's my first time requesting something, if you don't like the idea, feel free to turn down my request. Recently I've been reading your writings, particularly, pregnancy ones.
Then I remembered a kind of belief I saw on TikTok, about, if the father really really wanted to have a baby, he will get the pregnancy symptoms instead of the mother, and I imagined Simon getting the nausea, cravings... instead of reader, being annoyed of seeing her laughing at him.
Thanks <3
hiii<3 so this was an interesting idea thank you so much<333 and i had to do a little bit of research. apparently it's pretty common among men to have pregnancy symptoms when their partner is pregnant and it's called Couvade syndrome (sympathetic pregnancy). it's so cute and endearing imo :')
Simon having pregnancy symptoms during your pregnancy :')))
You’re both slumped on the couch in each other’s arms, exhaustion taking over your senses. 
Simon has been experiencing morning sickness more than you recently and you’ve been taking turns in the bathroom for god knows how many hours until now. 
His head rests on your chest as you caress his nape and run your fingers through his hair soothingly. 
“You feeling any better?” you ask him quietly as you notice him dozing off. 
He only hums and you start giggling, getting louder by the second until you can’t control it anymore. 
“What are you laughing about?” he asks, voice muffled by your boobs which have been getting larger and more sensitive, slight irritation evident in his tone as your body vibrates with full-on belly laughter. 
He whines and squeezes your sides lightly with his burly arms. 
“Si, you haven’t noticed?” you ask, finally able to speak between laughs. 
“It’s like you’re the one who’s pregnant.” you giggle again at your own words. 
“Shut up.” he chuckles. 
“I’m serious. You were also eating peanut butter and pickles the other day!” you go on listing all his symptoms and giggling. 
You reach down to rub your hand gently on his tummy as you’ve noticed it has been gaining a little bit of pudge over the last few months along with your belly growing. 
“Maybe I should take some time off work to tend to my pregnant husband.” you mention with a smirk to annoy him a lil bit more :) 
“I said shut up... fuckin’ hell...” he grumbles as he lifts his head to give you an annoyed look, but you notice the faint smile on his lips. 
You grab his face and squish his cheeks between your hands, “You’re so cute, baby!” you mumble and bring him closer for a smooch, pulling away with a loud smack of your lips. 
“I was just messing with you, love.” you murmur as you lean for a tender, loving kiss. 
“I love you, Si.” you coo against his lips. 
“Love you too, dove.” he responds with an adoring smile. 
“... and I’m not pregnant.” 
“You so are!”
comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥ 
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routeless-writer · 8 months
Adored your lilia smut
can I request body worship and breeding link with lilia??
ANON YOU ARE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE RN. Thank you hun! I’m so glad you and so many people liked it, I honestly didn’t expect it to blow up like it did! Happy to write for my favorite old man.
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MC pronouns: GN/NB (no pronouns used, implied they/them)
CW: NSFW, breeding kink/breeding talk, pregnancy talk, excessive praise/body worship, Lilia being a brat dom, Lilia also being filthy, mod mezzo ALSO being filthy, oral sex mentions (reader receiving), marking, blood/biting/vampirism mention (it’s Lilia, so), light light LIGHT possessiveness, the slightest degradation (I use slut like once), i say he’s a tits man and then clarify that the tits are gender neutral and just mean your chest.
Listening to: Casket – Ren Zotto
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Now Lilia is a dom that’s heavy on praise
He will absolutely degrade you if you ask for it, but his favorite thing is watching you squirm from even the smallest of compliments. He wants his baby bat to know how much he loves them!! Especially when you have just the cutest reactions to it.
Think Gomez Addams if Gomez was a switch leaning dom (because Mr. Addams is like, canonically a sub lol)
He follows you around a lot, even more so when he’s horny or finds himself having…baby fever, shall we say?
He can’t help it! He’s been wanting to raise another kid and all, and the thought of getting to spend a domestic life with you…the thought of you carrying his child…even if you physically can’t, he still finds himself hot and bothered at the idea. Plus, adoption is always something you two could discuss if you were serious about the actual breeding portion of the breeding kink, but wouldn’t be able to have kids/didn’t want to go through pregnancy.
Unless you’re shorter than him, he’ll likely be the perfect height for him to rest on your chest, and even if you are shorter than him, I can see him being quite attached to your upper body, regardless of whether there is boobage there or not and regardless of level of boobage.
What can I say, he’s a tits man (read tits as gender neutral)
So it’s the first thing he goes for with praise
He’ll casually slide a hand up your shirt at any given time to feel you up, resting his head on your shoulder and humming little compliments in your ear about how soft your skin is, how warm you are, how he just wants to bite down on your cute little nipples and–oh, look at that! They’re already hard hehe
“Khehehe, are you that sensitive, darling? Don’t worry, if it works you up that much, I’ll make sure to take care of you. I love the way your body reacts to just the slightest touch…so gorgeous.”
Lils is an oral fiend, too, and it’s one of his favorite ways to worship you. He’d gladly get on his knees for his precious baby bat at the drop of a hat. Holding your hips in place as he nestles between your thighs and tastes your arousal, his eyes rolling back dramatically so he can show you just how sweet you are to him. Don’t move too much, darling. It’s his job to pleasure you!
“So good. So good for me…you taste perfect…such a sweet pet, all the blood rushing here…be careful, I might just devour you.~”
Obviously it’s hard for him to be vocal with his tongue on your clit/your cock down his mouth, so the heavy praise comes when he finally gets to fuck you.
Lilia typically either opts for doggy or mating press. He loves seeing you ass up, face buried into the pillow as he rams into you, but when his breeding kink flares up, that’s when he prefers the second option.
He likes to see your face when he fucks into you and talks about how cute your red cheeks are, how he wants to stuff you full and fill you up. And he talks. He doesn’t know how to shut his mouth unless he’s using it to get you off.
He’s also generally just very playful and giggly during sex. A brat dom, if you will, so expect plenty of teasing on his end about how needy you look with your legs hiked up like that.
“Pretty little thing, all folded over under me. Look at me, let me see your expression. Ah….mmnh, take my fingers in your mouth, just like you take my cock. Tight little bloodpet…you’re so perfect, little one. I want to see it, I want to see you all full and fucked out. That’s nice isn’t it? You’d love to be knocked up, you’d love to be pumped full of my cum. Awe, look at you. Look at you take it. Your hole is so tight around me, so pretty as you bounce on it. That’s it…that’s it, you’re doing so well. So gorgeous…”
He’ll drag your hips closer as he rocks against you, touching you to the pace of his thrusts, and pushing you down further into the bed with the kind of strength you wouldn’t expect someone so small to have.
He kisses and nips at anything he can get his lips on–your neck, your chest, your stomach and thighs. He’s a groper, too, so he’ll watch as his fingers sink into your skin, leaving bruises on your hips and legs.
“You’re going to be so full and sensitive, I’ll watch you get heavy with my child…you’re mine, you’re perfect and you’re mine.”
Usually Lilia’s far more focused on your pleasure than his, but something about the way you’re begging him to empty inside you is sending shockwaves down his spine. It feels like during sessions like this, he loses his well-composed nature altogether. Right before you’re about to cum, tightening up around his aching cock, he’ll lean in and sink his fangs into your neck, pressing a hand to your abdomen to feel how his dick drags along your walls.
That’s enough to do it for you, the aphrodisiac bite making you cum hard around him, and he doesn’t dare pull out as he cums with you, growling into your neck.
Lils is a fae, and faefolk cum a LOT. It’s hot and sticky as he spills inside of you, holding your hips as close to him as he can, fucking into you as you both finish and you shake. It’s enough to drip out without pulling out, much to Lilia’s disappointment. Guess he’ll just have to cum inside you a few more times to make up for it!
Lilia’s the type to make you cockwarm him after breeding sessions. He can’t have his efforts go to waste–you will be knocked up by the end of the night.
“Maybe I should make you keep a toy in overnight. I have to make sure it takes, sweet thing.”
You can expect a quick session right before class the morning after, too. He’s serious! He really wants to raise kids with you, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.
You two make quite the mess of the bed, cum and blood stains are scattered across the sheets. Lilia will handle the clean up, don’t you worry! He has to make certain that his spent little human rests after such a rough session.
Now that you’ve awakened this kink in him, Lilia’s ready for regular breeding talk during sex. Hope you like being fucked into the mattress and used for hours, cause he’s hellbent on making you his breedslut now.
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lovelytsunoda · 5 months
nation of two // oscar piastri
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summary: a camping trip in perth, and a set of missing sleeping bags brings together a pair of childhood friends in a way neither of them had quite anticipated
pairing: oscar piastri x female reader
warnings: lando being a little shit, wee lil' age gap (reader is a year and a half older than oscar is), general outdoorsy activities, forced teambuilding. for all intents and purposes, this is in the very beginning of lando and oscar's time as teammates and they don't know each other well yet.
authors note: I was so tempted to make this a fic for a different fandom but knew y’all would hate me if I started dropping top gun fics out of nowhere instead of the f1 goodness you’ve come to expect, and then this prompt was just so perfect for oscar and now here we are
the australian sun beat down as she trekked up the rocky hiking trail, rugged outdoor shoes digging into the dirt and mud beneath her feet. sweat soaked through the back of her concert shirt, her black bucket hat concentrating all of the sun's rays on her scalp.
"jesus, piastri! how much further?" she whined, taking oscar's outstretched hand and allowing him to pull her up the trail.
oscar laughed, looking over and grinning at how ridiculous she looked with her massive backpack and sweat stained shirt, the hot pink of her sports bra showing through the white fabric underneath the words 'duran duran'.
"don't be such a baby!"
"i'm older than you!" she shreiked, feeling the burn in her legs as she rested her weight on the younger boy. "carry me the rest of the way?"
"no! you have to get to the lookout yourself."
she groaned, rolling her eyes. "then where are lando and will? i'll sit in the damn wagon if i have to. how are you not winded?"
she hadnt planned to even be here. oscar had phoned her late the night before, asking if she would be up for a hike. she'd agreed, searching for a reason to get out of the house. it wasnt like she had anything better to do.
she'd known oscar all her life. in elementray school, they waited for the big yellow bus at the same stop, and were in the same homeroom for most of secondary school with oscar taking advanced classes for his age and y/n sinking down a level in maths, despite oscar's many absences. their mothers were in the same knitting club, and many a night teenage oscar would apologetically come to her house and collect his wine-drunk mother from the knitting circle. (despite it all, she loved nicole. how could she not, the woman was an icon)
"because i'm an athlete and you're out of shape?" oscar guessed jokingly, prodding at the cute pudge of her stomach.
the action gave her butterflies, a feeling in her stomach that wasn't welcome when thinking about the younger man she was leaning against.
they'd always been friendly. too friendly, some may say, eyebrows raising when people heard about the age gap. what did a sophisticated older woman want with oscar piastri?
it was simple: she liked stupid men with hearts of gold. and so far, nobody had compared to the 21-year-old. she was 22, so the gap wasn't even that bad.
and oscar didn't really think she was out of shape. he might joke, but that small bit of pudge on her stomach was so adorable, like a kangaroo pouch in his head, and he dreamed about the day he could cuddle up behind her and wrap his arms around it, skin to skin between cotton sheets.
"shut up." she whined, relieved that the group had finally stopped. she flung down her badly-packed and underprepared rucksack and slumped against it, pulling her hat over her eyes. it was getting cooler, though still humid, as the sun began to sink below the horizon.
"i think it's time we think about making camp." mark webber suggested, stretching out his old man limbs, tapping the giant stick he held as a walking aid against a rock. "this is as good a spot as any. lando, do you have the sleeping bags?"
"do i have the sleeping bags?" lando repeated jokingly. "what kind of muppet do you think that i am? of course will and i have the sleeping bags!"
the mclaren driver sidestepped towards the wooden wagon, dramatically ripping back the tarp on top to reveal the cardboard tent box (which had been duct taped back together so many times that it was more tape than cardboard) and the clusters of rolled up sleeping bags.
one by one, lando and will started tossing the bags at the hikers. in almost no time at all, everybody had a sleeping bag.
well, everybody except y/n.
"oi, orlando, what the fuck!" she shouted, deliberately getting his name wrong. "where's my stuff?"
not looking sorry at all, lando shrugged his shoulders, eyes hidden underneath the brim of his bucket hat. "i guess i miscounted."
"you didn't miscount shit." she glared at him, using both of her hands to flash the man her middle fingers.
lando stifled a laugh, looking over at oscar. "are you sure she's the older one?"
"lando, shove off." oscar defended before turning to her. "my sleeping bag is a double, we'll be just fine. as long as lando hasn't lost the second tent."
y/n chuckled darkly, using the rock behind her to push herself to her feet. "the tent is in my rucksack. there's no way in hell that i'm sleeping on the dirt floor."
"princess." lando coughed into his fist, hoping that neither oscar or y/n noticed.
see, lando norris had a plan. a plan that was formed out of one too many rom com nights with his girlfriend, and an impatience born from watching y/n and oscar run circles around each other like horny dogs too nervous to get to humping.
the way lando saw it, hiding the sleeping bag was just going to help that along.
"anyways, im heading out." y/n sighed, getting to her feet and brushing the leaves and twigs off her thighs. "you freaks better not follow me into the woods and watch me piss."
oscar watched her leave with a dreamy expression as she pushed branches out of the way, stumbling over tree roots and branches. he saw her loose her footing in the mud , scraping the side of her knee on the tree bark.
"you okay?" oscar shouted, ready to jump into the woods after her.
"i'm fine!"
when she came back from the woods, legs slightly scratched up from the way she stumbled, hat dangling from the chinstrap around her neck and her sweat-matted hair falling down her shoulders. oscar was setting up the tent, shirtless as he hammered the tent stakes in place. all in all, the tent was fairly well constructed considering that oscar had done it all himself.
"so, your new teammate is a jackass." she laughed. "who suggested this trip?"
"i did. against my better judgment." oscar rolled his eyes, straightening up at dusting off his hands before peeling back the zipper door to the orange tent. "welcome to my humble abode. ladies first, your highness."
"oh, shut up." she laughed, her face turning pink as she ducked into the tent.
it was a large space, backlit by the battery powered lantern from oscar's rucksack. the soft yellow lighting made their shadows dance as she sat down on the double sized sleeping bag, unsure of what to do next.
they hadn't shared a bed since they were sixteen years old on a joint family trip to fiji and they had been so drunk that they fell asleep together on a sun lounger.
it's okay. you can do this.
"can i have the right side?" she asked timidly as oscar followed her in, zipping up the door behind him.
"knock yourself out." oscar said, avoiding eye contact as he reached into his backpack and passing her a bag of cheetos.
the proximity and the rising heat in the tent was starting to make him uncomfortable. no doubt he was also thinking about the sun lounger.
"i'm glad that you came. i missed spending time with you, y/n."
she laughed, popping the bag open and cursing when she spilled orange cheese dust on her leg. "me too. i've been at a loss lately. a crossroads, if you will. this is exactly what i needed to get out of my head."
"remember what mark said? leave your problems at the bottom of the mountain!" oscar laughed. "just put one foot in front of you and keep moving.''
she grinned, popping a crispy cheeto into her mouth. "easier said than done when thinking about the future paralyzes you."
oscar moved his body along the sleeping bag so that he was sitting directly next to her, his thigh touching hers. the sleeping bag took up most of the floor space, neither of them wanting to lean back, lest they cause the whole tent to topple over.
the feeling of his skin against hers made the hair on her arms stand up, goosebumps following in its wake.
"you'll figure it out. i know you will. have some faith in yourself."
the way the led lantern highlighted every pore, every contour of his skin should have been reserved for the film crew on fifty shades of grey. he looked so breathtaking in the dark that it had just that effect: taking all of her breath away. she felt like she'd been hit in the lungs, unable to think about anything except the greek god in front of her.
and she was going to have cheeto breath when she kissed him.
outside the tent, their silhouettes danced in the half light as she leaned towards him, lips moving to whisper something inaudible but that the aussie seemed to understand instantly, wrapping his hands around her waist to pull her closer.
and when oscar kissed her? she forgot all her worries, this airy feeling spreading throughout her body. the skin around their lips would be stained from the cheetos, as would the sleeping bag where the bag toppled over, but neither of them could find it in them to care, too lost in the others touch as oscar's calloused fingers ran up her t-shirt, gently squeezing the part of her stomach that made her the most self-conscious,
"you're beautiful. and smart. and brilliant. and i'm sorry that nobody has ever told you that." he whispered in his kiss, his tongue licking into her mouth. he growled at the taste of cheetos, something that was suddenly so much sexier than he had ever believed it could be.
"shut up." she blushed, kissing him again.
outside the tent, lando and will sat by a crackling fire, watching the embers rise in the air and wondering if the pair knew that the lantern allowed them to see everything through the tent walls.
"i knew he had it in him." lando laughed. "look at the little guy go."
"should we tell him about the lantern?" will chuckled, popping a marshmallow into his mouth.
"nah. they'll figure it out in a minute when we all start wolf whistling."
@magnummagnussen @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck @twinkodium @thatsdemko @userlando @libraryofloveletters @diorleclerc @lorarri
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joonipertree · 9 months
Tags: Fluff, crack, absolutely stupid. Enjoy.
a blank stare.
"michael manjiro." you said and promptly burst out laughing, leaning against your boyfriend who simply turned back to Draken and continued talking, face on his palm and body not budging at your weight.
toman chose not to mention your maniacal snorts and the uncharacteristic way their leader didn't pay attention to his partner.  The one person he looked at every time he talked to them, the person he would give his food to, the person that he has any inclination in taking care of. 
If there was a fight going on, they weren't getting involved. If a breakup was to happen, they would need a way to steer a sunken ship that would have their captain dangling from the side. Mikey and you fought but it was never public, nor did it last more than it takes you time to bat your eyes and cling to him. 
"Can I please for the love of god ask what's so funny? Mikey looks two seconds away from murdering kenny." Emma was the only one who had the guts to ask.
You got off mikey's back and stared at his side profile that was indeed glaring daggers at the vice captain. ooooh, you didn't realise there was trouble in paradise.
"Oh my god, Kenchin did something? In this economy? To you? How exciting."
"I didn't do anything, he's not mad….he's just taking his frustrations out on me because he's fucking soft for you.”
“You sound whipped, bro.” You said with a snort. “Couldn’t be me.”
A hand comes to squish your cheeks together. Your boyfriend finally looks you dead in the eyes, expression blank but edges soft. Your pout was even more puckered up and you made kissy sounds to ask for love.
The boy didn't budge.
How fucking dare he.
"What's my name?" Mikey was not going to let this go.
"It is not."
"That's what Mikey is short for." 
"what the fuck is this conversation?" emma murmured.
“I’ll give you a kiss if you call me anything but that white boy trash name." 
Your lips quirked up, "Michael Manjiro." and you were back to giggling uncontrollably.
Toman had never seen Mikey give you a stare that unamused, you were his baby so of course he could never feel anything but complete and utter adoration for you.
 He was still adoring, considering his rough calloused hands cradled your face but the vein popping out did not hide his irritation. 
“I said your birth name, I have done nothing wrong.”
“You barely call me Manjiro, it’s always when you’re serious. You are most definitely not serious right now.”
“Michael Manjiro is a meticulously crafted name that was forged from what’s yours to sound like the name of the dude from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. How is that not serious?”
“It has been three days, please for the love of god, call me anything else.” The gang never thought they’d hear their leader sound that desperate.
 They’ve seen him cling to you and literally stop a fight just so he could go and hang out with you. They have seen many sides of Michael since you two started dating. But they have never heard their commander beg. They didn’t even realise he was capable of that and that you held all the power in Tokyo simply for being you. 
The fear they had for you had grown, wondering if this was a torture device that  could be used against them when an enemy attacks. Were you the enemy? Were you the devil toying with a poor man’s heart? Should they be worshiping you now??
“Mmmm, okay bro.”
And with that, they saw the fall of the most feared gang leader in Tokyo. The Invincible Mikey had been left for dead. 
You squish his face.
"my lil baby, why you so angy huh? is it cuz I called you a thing that lives in the sewers?" 
mikey felt his body melt at the pet name, leaning against your palms and deciding to ignore the second statement.
something caught his eye though.
both his hands cupped your face and you shut your eyes to enjoy how big and warm they were. he was always engulfing in his love, never scared to radiate his feelings onto you. 
mikey told you once that he had a chance to live a new life and he wanted to feel unapologetically. you loved that his feelings for you were felt with no hesitation. 
"is this some weird mating ritual?" hanma asked with his usual disgusted tone.
your hands squished your boyfriend's cheek harder in defiance. 
mikey swiped his thumb under your eyes, the pressure soothing your tight skin and making your cheeks relax completely.
"when was the last time you slept, love?" 
oh fuck.
"last night." You said in a meek voice.
mikey hummed and his thumb caressed the apple of your cheeks gently and you hoped if you stayed still long enough that he'd forget about you.
"how long?"
ofc he'd never forget u. fuck him and his undying love for you.
"the appropriate amount of time." 
he said your full name with a warning tone and your bottom lip wobbled because my god, mikey using anyone's proper name? unheard of.
"there you are, I was looking for you." a voice chimed in just as you were praying to the eldritch gods. chifuyu had earned himself the title of best friend right then and there. a blessing from the universe, your saviour. 
"what volume are you on now? are you done with the manga?
you hoped michael killed him.
your boyfriend stared at you, daring you to answer the question. you could just lie but in any case, you had been found out. mikey knew how you functioned. if a manga was good enough, you would sacrifice sleep and all worldly possessions to finish it.
"I did finish it." you mumbled, begging fuyu to read the room.
"in three days? god, it took me a week. so tell me---" 
mikey threw a shoe at chifuyu, it landed square in the face. 
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ma1dita · 3 months
🐥 okay but how about a lil something based off of lyrics from 18 by Anarbor
So if you wanna piss off your parents, date me to scare them
Show them you're all grown up
If long hair and tattoos are what attract you
Baby then you're in luck
And I know it's just a phase
You're not in love with me
You wanna piss off your parents, baby
Piss off your parents
That's alright with me
dionysus!reader just turned 18 and is proving to her dad that she's all grown up but D won't listen cuz she's the only girl child he has so she dates the golden boy of camp, Luke Castellan to piss off her dad which he doesn't approve bcs well, he's his father's son
luke castellan x dionysus!reader
a/n: yall know i love a dionysus!reader. in a world where rick didn't write children's books, luke castellan would've had tattoos and definitely fucked. anyways suggestive content ahead!!
wc: 692
You were only going to date Luke Castellan to prove a point.
You’re 18 now, and it’s about time that daddy dearest takes you seriously. Being Dionysus’ only daughter meant that you were essentially kept under lock and key, and it was so unfair in the grand scheme of things—there’s inhibitions inside you that beg to be set free… It’s not your fault. Might as well hit him where it hurts—so you went for the bane of Mr. D’s godly existence, also known as Luke Castellan.
It’s not your fault that your dad’s temper drove you to the doorstep of Cabin 11, twirling your hair between your fingers as you waited to see their cabin counselor. He sauntered over to the door with a half-grin on his face, slinging his arm to lean against the doorframe as he hovers over you. It’s not often that Camp Half-Blood’s princess comes asking for a favor. You always get what you want, even without asking, so it was a surprise to hear you give him the proposition of being in a fake relationship.
Truthfully, there was nothing in it for him. He’s a nice guy, and Luke just loves to piss your dad off. To outsiders, there was nothing that made more sense than Mr. D’s little girl dating the camp hero–Luke’s hand gripping your waist like it’s a vice and you pressing kisses onto his jaw and neck unlike the innocent girl everyone thought you were. Holding hands in public, sucking face at the bonfire, playing house with the campers—it was all part of a show that everyone adored, all except for Mr. D.
Your dad saw straight through it—hating that you had to pick a son of Hermes, hating the reality of his daughter entangling herself with the older boy who’s innate nature is to trick and deceive and penetrate through the many defenses your father set to protect you. It’s his fault for raising you to make everyone eat out of the palm of your hand. You always get what you want, and even daddy’s little princess isn’t safe from the wiles of that scar-faced sucker. It was a losing battle, even for the god of insanity—poor guy pulling at his graying hair at the conduct report Chiron put on his desk a few weeks later. 
Getting caught in the stables with Luke’s hand up your skirt and your soft hands grazing the tattoos along his torso wasn’t necessarily part of the plan. The two of you were moving hay bales for the pegasi and it was hard work (that you made Luke do as you sat pretty on an overturned bucket). He was glistening with sweat, lifting his shirt to wipe his mouth—revealing the cascading tattoos along his ribcage and infiltrating your mind with other things he could put his mouth to if he wanted. 
Who are we kidding—you want Luke Castellan, and you’ll be damned if you don’t have him right now.
All it took was scrunching up the hem of your denim skirt over your crossed legs and smiling at him in the sunlight and he was on you—twisting and writhing in hay as you kissed like your lives depended on it, even without an audience. The grins on both your faces signaled that neither of you cared, him grabbing the plush of your ass and you raking your nails up the back of his neck. Luke presses kisses into your collarbone, whispering things your dad would smite him for, but to you, it was like he was putting in the password to your untapped thirst. Ecstasy was about to unfurl with how his fingers played with the band of your underwear, tiny noises and nods letting him know he was doing everything right. It’s not your fault, really—you just want to prove a point!
But then the both of you were caught red-handed by a satyr, lips kiss-swollen and giggling at how he unraveled you so quickly. A conduct report was filed, but it didn’t stop Luke from finding new ways to unlock your deepest desires.
Besides, picking at locks is part of Luke’s expertise, among other things.
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theemporium · 9 months
🐈‍⬛ lestappen werewolves where sometimes the animal instinct takes over and they feel the need to provide for you…like bringing a bunny to the back porch
basically we need to see them in wolf form being adorable
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“Is that…is that a bunny?”
Your eyes widened from you spot in the kitchen as you quickly grabbed the drinks from the fridge before rushing back out to the living room where Alex was currently standing. He was by the window, staring wide-eyed and shocked at the dead bunny lying on the small porch that led outside to your garden.
“Uh yeah,” you said as you handed him his drink, trying to stay as calm and casual as you could. “Poor guy must’ve had a bad run in with a fox.”
Alex frowned sadly. “Poor guy indeed. Are you gonna…dispose of him?”
“Are you asking me what I’m gonna do with the dead bunny on my porch?” You deadpanned, watching as the Brit grew sheepish.
“Well you haven’t moved it yet so,” he trailed off before shrugging his shoulders. His expression became a lot more teasing as he grinned at you. “Why do you not get one of your little boy toys to move it?”
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “They aren’t here right now, they are—”
Alex frowned at the way you quickly cut yourself off. “They are what?”
“Camping,” you said suddenly, frowning a little at your own excuse but you had already dug your grave, you may as well lie in it. “They, uh, wanted to get outdoors for a few days.”
“And you didn’t go with?” Alex asked.
“Pfft,” you let out a small laugh. “Nah, I don’t do the outdoors. That’s their thing.”
And that much was true, so very true in a way that you could never disclose to your best friend or anyone else for that matter. Your relationship with Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc was already constantly under question and scrutiny, the last thing they needed was another thing to obsess over.
And you knew they would love to find out you were practically dating two massive puppies.
“You can’t keep doing this,” you said with a sigh as you stood on the porch, a blanket tightly drawn around your shoulders to battle the evening chill as you watched the two wolves pad towards the house. “I can’t keep explaining the dead bunnies.”
Max approached you first, slightly larger than the two of them with light brown fur and narrow eyes that reminded you of a predator. Charles had darker fur, slightly leaner and smaller of the two.
The lighter wolf padded forward, dropping the small animal at your feet before looking up at you expectantly.
You huff out a small laugh, shaking your head. “I appreciate it, baby, but I don’t know how many more I can handle burying.”
The darker wolf let out a whimper, his head tilted to the side. It took everything in you to not roll your eyes as you leaned over, softly scratching behind his ears as he nosed at your legs.
It was rare for them to get like this, to crave their animal form. But it happened. Not very often, and honestly you hadn’t even seen it many times in the time you had been dating. It was just these deep, primal urges that made them crave the wolf side of themselves, that made them parade around the woods behind your house for days in their animal form until they were ready to come back home.
But even in these moods, your boys had an overpowering sense of caring for you. And unfortunately in wolf form, that meant hunting innocent bunnies as a small present (and probably dinner) in their eyes.
“I forget how cute you two are like this,” you murmured as you sat on the steps of the porch, both wolves curling up by your feet as they preened and flourished under your attention. “My lil’ puppies, hm?”
Max lifted his head up to glare.
“Oh hush, you’re the biggest puppy,” you smiled as you leaned down to softly pat his head. A smile that widened when he whined after you pulled away.
“But I seriously mean it, no more bunnies or you’re both staying in the dog house.”
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k-hotchoisan · 7 months
Helloooo Congrats on the milestone~
25. Sex with all 8 members or 5some with your top 4 members? I haveee to know!!
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25. Sex with all 8 members or 5some with your top 4 members?
I be picking my men like I’m picking strawberries,, and it has come to,,, San, Woo, Hwa and Mingi!! Crazy ass combo i KNOWWWW 😐😐
Hope you enjoy though! 🩷 and thank u for the congratulations! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)~
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Warnings/Genres: smut, Drabble, 5some, multiple partners, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (ooo that’s a lil… dangerous don’t u think), slight humiliation, double penetration
Taglist: @bro-atz @diamond-3
K’s 500 this or that? Masterlist here!
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You don’t know how long it has been. Time didn’t seem to exist, especially when you’re being fucked dumb by Mingi’s fat cock from below. The boys before you showed zero mercy, with Wooyoung licking and sucking your left nipple and San on your right—twirling, sucking, fondling.
You don’t know how many times you’ve cummed on Mingi’s dick but every time he pushes his cockhead into your tight cunt, you’re back to square one and he has your thighs shaking so much despite holding them up.
“Look at our baby girl, so fucked out just from Mingi’s cock. How many times have you cummed on him already?” Seonghwa asks. Your eyebrows are scrunched, and you’re only staring at his lips, craving for something to devour, and Seonghwa doesn’t let it go unnoticed.
You hear Mingi’s groans as you clench around him, and your abdomen flexes, pushing your body forward from the sheer amount of pleasure pulsing through you. You could barely keep your eyes open at this point, only sobs and incoherent babbles leaving your lips.
“God, princess, you’re so fuckin tight”, Mingi grunts into your ear as your orgasm hits you another time, your cunt fluttering uncontrollably around his cock as he spills his cum right into your hole. His moans and breaths are ragged as he’s whispering dirty things into your ears.
“Such a cute little slut, cumming so much from being watched by them when I’m fucking you dumb?”
You nod. You love the attention you got from all four boys when they play and pass you around like their favourite fucktoy. You love it when they’re slightly rough with you, especially Mingi and Seonghwa.
Mingi pulls out from you and lays you down, letting the three men before you watch as you’re jolting from the aftershocks from your orgasm, and the way Mingi’s load is seeping out of your hole. San doesn’t hesitate to push two fingers in, and your back arches slightly, a whimper leaving your lips as you feel Mingi rub your cheek with his thumb.
You squirm a little as San pulls his fingers out, grazing against your swollen clit, causing you to jolt again.
Wooyoung then has your legs hooked around his waist as he towers over you, pumping his cock as he looks over at your decorated body. You are still panting, your fingers pressing onto your lips, acting all innocent as your gaze meets Wooyoung’s lust-filled one.
“Fuck, I wanna break her so bad”, Wooyoung sighs, as he pushes his cock into you, and your eyes roll back as he fills you up, Mingi’s cum leaking right out of you. Mingi’s cum only adds on to how easy it is for Wooyoung’s cock to slip right into you, before he starts pounding your brains out.
Seonghwa and San are by each of your side as they fuck into their hands, cocks aimed right at your mouth.
Wooyoung folds your legs to reach a deeper spot in you, and your cunt only pulls him deeper in, as his moans climb and octave.
“Such a good cocksleeve”, San hums, trying to maintain his composure even though he’s in pleasure, fucking his hand and relishing the way Wooyoung is fucking you.
“Of course she is, she’s our y/n after all. Only good girls are good cocksleeves, aren’t they, Angel?” Seonghwa smiles.
“Don’t ask her, she’s so fucked out from her mind. So fucking adorable”, Mingi laughs, slapping your cheek lightly as your eyes roll back again.
Wooyoung cups your jaw as he leans in to collide his lips with yours, drinking every dirty moan that spills out of you as he’s rhythmic thrusts become more like ruts. At this point you don’t even know what’s leaking onto his cock—your cream or Mingi’s cum, or both, but you didn’t want to think about it because soon enough, Wooyoung has you filled up with his, as he moans right into your ear, jerking into your cunt every few seconds. You’re clawing at his shoulders from the way he’s pulsing into your cunt.
“Oh my fuck. I can never get tired of this pussy. So fucking good”, Wooyoung exhales, catching his breath.
Seonghwa now looks a little irritated, even though he’s hiding it. He really wants to fuck you so good and dumb, and you see it in his eyes.
You stare at Seonghwa, then San, with your doe eyes, before your fingers tug your folds open, your sopping cunt spilling more cum.
“I wanna fuck you both”, you whine.
San strokes your head. “You sure, Angel?” And you nod, involuntarily shivering as another load of cum leaks out of you, and Seonghwa almost completely loses his composure.
“Safe word okay?” Seonghwa whispers as he kisses the back of your ear as he sits you on his lap. San is snuggled right in front of you and you feel his broad chest brushing against your nipples.
Gods, San is so fucking handsome. He loves backshots but you always want to face him when he fucks you just so you could admire his face while he does so. Seonghwa’s length sinks in first, as he coaxes you to relax. He’s kissing your neck, sucking against the sensitive spots as San pushes himself in next, and you gasp, which turns into a sob. San is rubbing your sides, telling you that you’re doing so well, and that you’re such a good girl for wanting to take both their cocks.
A drawn out sigh leaves San’s lips when he’s almost to the hilt, and he doesn’t want to push you any further.
“How are you feeling, babe?” Seonghwa asks, stroking your thighs as he fights back the feeling of wanting to just burst into your cunt as his cock rubs against your walls and San’s own cock.
“So full”, you sigh, feeling the bulge on your lower body.
“Great, because you’re gonna be left even more filled when we’re done.”
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