#super pitfall
theknucklehead · 2 months
For those who don't know, AVGN has his own video game made by developers who are close friends with him, it's a side scrolling shoot-em-up platformer with NES style graphics and tons of call backs to his reviews of various different games. Now I could go through every one of those references, but this post would end up being way too long so instead I'm gonna focus on select moments that I particularly enjoyed from AVGN Adventures (1 & 2 Deluxe)
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The Browntown section of the game in question is a reference to the NES Ninja Turtles game, but this moment in particular is based on a jump he struggled with for so long until he found out you can just walk across it.
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The Assholevania is all a reference to Castlevania, including Nerd's opening line which is quoted from Simon's Quest whenever the game transitions from day to night.
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At the very start of Dungeons & Dickholes, the first ladder you see leads to a very elaborate death trap, this is a reference to a joke he made in his Super Pitfall review regarding the first ladder you see in that game being a beginner's trap.
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The penultimate stage Virtual Insanity is red & black just like the graphics on the Virtual Boy.
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One of the new bonus levels in the deluxe version features a massive truck named after the game of the same Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.
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The boss battle for Dungeons & Dickholes is actually a reference to Cinemassacre's Monster Madness; The Giant Claw a 1957 horror movie with a laughably bad looking movie monster, and Nerd's quote is from the movie as everyone refers to the monster being as big as a battleship.
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In the original 2nd game, the boss battle of Area 52 was the badguy in the AVGN movie, but for some reason they changed it to instead look like Darth Vader turning into a scorpion which is a reference to the Star Wars Famicom game.
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This is a double reference here: the first is regarding the "Freddy's Coming" screen that appears in A Nightmare on Elm Street for NES (complete with the trademark attached). The other is Freddy Kruger and Jason Voorhees being called Jimmy and Bimmy which was a translation error in Double Dragon III (They misspelled Billy's name)
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Fred Fuchs is still in the Deluxe version, but this time he's played by Gilbert Gottfried which he guest starred as in the Life of Black Tiger review.
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And finally if you get a game over, the game over screen is written out the same way as it was joked about in his Friday the 13th on NES review.
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kekwcomics · 2 years
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Super Pitfall (Activision, 1986)
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ejunkiet · 6 months
ej's adventures in romance: the good, the bad, the ugly
i've had kindle unlimited for the few months, and have been on a deep deep dive into all the recs from the romance genre that i can get my grubby little paws on. I've read.... many, many books. so many.
I've made a rec list of my new fave authors in the genre before, and this is not that. I'm just gonna list what I've read, by tropes, with ratings, and you can read my full reviews on goodreads. I've gone there. there are quite a few of the booktok hits here, because they came up on rec lists, and I'm gonna give my honest opinions on them okay. my goodreads!
Before we get down and dirty, have my actual recs from the last month: Heather Guerre remains a diamond in the rough, although she can now be joined by a further two authors: Kathyrn Moon (smutty RH queen) and Zoey Draven, a surprise last minute entry that doesn't shy away from darker themes, but handles them maturely.
other recs are the obvious: Talia Hibbert, Katee Roberts, and our very own @dominimoonbeam (whose book Doors I've been reccing a LOT lately, as I love it so much, and the sequel will be out soon >:3)
Okay. lets do this. this gets long, be warned. >:3
the "grovel" trope
books where the MMC fucks up and tries to make up for their mistakes. a good read where you get a healthy dose of angst and then a lot of making up for it. can be a great cathartic read.
Cate C. Wells has a whole series dedicated to this, "the five packs", one of which I already recommended as a guilty pleasure: the lone wolf's rejected mate". Now look, these books are ridiculous, the worldstate is terrible, each pack is a dude fest that reeks of misogyny, but they're pretty fun. I've read book 1 and book 3. I want to stab the MMC of book 1 with a rusty spork. you can skip it.
the lone wolf's rejected mate however is a ride, with a broken MMC who rejects his soulmate because he thinks he's too broken (literally, his wolf tries to kill her), and then they get captured, save each other, and he builds her a treehouse, yada yada. mind the content warnings, but if you want to read something OTT that basically epitomises the craziness that is the PNR and "grovel" romance genre, read this, and hold onto your butts.
the paranormal romance genre: shifters, vampires and more
Heather Guerre's books. okay, so actual recs. She focuses on characters from working class backgrounds with a sprinkle of the paranormal thrown in, everyone is over the age of 25 (thank god, most are in their 30s), and she can really write. I won't tag Eeshley again, but the "Tooth and Claw" series was their rec and *chefs kiss*. this is still the self-published romance genre, so these books could use an editor/polish, but honestly, I'm a big fan of her writing, and have picked up all her books. (her contemporary romance is also excellent.)
post-apocalyptic trope
Claire Kent's books. Imagine Joel from the last of us as a book series. I've only read Last Light so far, which is the prequel to a longer series that explores life in america 5+ years after an asteroid collides with western europe, causing global environmental catastrophes. I'm not 100% sold on her world building, but this is a romance novel, and the way she writes the characters and their relationships are human and organic, and the most realistic I've come across so far. the world state is the walking dead, with evil biker gangs that rape and pillage. i'm assuming this is an american thing, but can't comment on what it'd be like in the UK considering we no longer exist, due to aforementioned asteroid collision. probably for the best.
omegaverse and reverse harem tropes
yeah, I thought omegaverse was just a fanfic thing too. it's not, and it is super prevalent in het romance. it was never really my thing in fanfic, and the fact it is not a shifter thing was very surprising to me, as knots/packs/heat/rut still exist, but it's just humans with animalistic traits. I kept on waiting for the motorcycle gang in 'baby and the late night howlers' to turn into wolves, and they never did.
So Kathryn Moon writes some delicious reverse harem books. I read the first of monsterfucker series 'a lady of rooksgrave manor' years ago, and liked it, although there wasn't enough plot for me to continue. she writes excellent smut. Seriously, just really, really good smut. BIG FAN. I've been making my way through her 'Sweetverse' series, which has more connections and actual relationships between the characters, and polymances, and I recommend starting with Lola + the millionaires, if you can handle a little omegaverse. mind the content warnings, this is a book about recovering from trauma, which happened in the first book (baby's book, although offscreen. Lola has a lot of flashbacks in italics.)
Otherwise, you can stick with the monsterfucker books! I bought her latest monster series off of regular kindle, instead of KU, and I'm really excited to read it hehehe
"mars need more women" and "fated mate" tropes
hehehe okay HERE WE GO. these books are all about women ending up on planets where due to some sort of cataclysmic event - disease, mostly - 80% of the female population of the planet has died. now as we're not here for angst, the arrival of these women are usually due to some other species abducting them, and they are then "rescued" or recovered after a crash on metaphorical mars, which needs a better sex ratio to ensure the survival of the species.
this trope is coupled with "fated mate" tropes, where basically the rescued/recovered women end up with a devoted alien husband, who yearns until he can win her over (we're all about consent here folks)
the ice planet barbarians series by ruby dixon. this is basically na'vi aliens that crashlanded on an ice planet 250 odd years ago, and have made it their home, living in tribal colonies. to survive in this planet's toxic atmosphere, they've taken in a native parasite called a 'khui' which helps their bodies adapt to the climate and atmosphere. the women in the books also receive the same parasite to survive (they're given the choice), and this is the basis of the "mate bonds" formed throughout the series.
now book 1 is a rocky start, and the weakest of the series. I nearly put it down because of the first 20 pages. you can skip the first 20 pages. it basically recounts the abduction of the women from their home planet, and mistreatment by their captors (tw for sexual assault of a side character, not explicit). the ship malfunctions, and the women "cargo" are dropped onto the ice planet, where they are found by the not-na'vi, who are called sa-khui, because of the parasite.
now the rest of the series is about adapting to life on an alien planet, understanding the culture of the sa-khui, and gaining a devoted alien hubby. look, I read four books in a week. they're fun, they're exciting, the smut is good, and it's an easy read. it's also written by an experienced and practiced author, as the topics are handled maturely, it doesn't take itself too seriously, and it has great representation.
(one of my favourite books in the series, book 7, is centred around Lilah, who was born deaf and had a cochlear implant that was surgically removed during the abduction. the book focuses on her struggling to adapt to life on the planet, aided by a sa-khui that rescues her and learns ASL to communicate, and it's an excellent read okay)
I'd say read book 1 (maybe skipping first 20 pages, or even to part 2) for context, read book 2 (my favourite of the series omg), and then pick and choose from there!! I've read 1,2,4,7, and I'm gonna end up coming back for more hehehe.
"choosing theo" is another in this genre, but it didn't quite vibe with me. it leans into the 'rescued human ends up on a planet that needs women for propagation', with a matriarchal society where the men go to husbandry school to learn how to please women, and all residents of the planet are required to participate in three month long marriages to try to find potential mates to propagate the species. the premise is a fun one, but the first book is not the strongest, and I didn't continue from there. (another rusty spork for the MMC...)
dothraki in space trope
we're at the end of my trope list! I liked the ice planet barbarian series a lot, and I'd kept on seeing the Horde Kings of Dakkar by Zoey Draven recommended, and they are good. (thank you woofs >:3) think dothraki from GoT in space; humans live in small, poorly maintained colonies on the Dakkar planet, where they aren't allowed to hunt or damage the earth. offenses are punishable by death. these books lean into the captive trope, and handle the issues of the worldstate and navigating cultural differences super well, with a heavy dose of consent and BAMF heroines that rise up to their situation and make a place for themselves in their new (objectively better) lives.
i'm on book two now, and I love the maturity in the characters and the writing (which I did not find in 'choosing theo'), and they're an excellent romp. fantastic rec, really glad I picked this up >:3
am I finally going to take a break from my reading binge now? I keep on saying I will, and then not doing that ahahahaha. my kindle library is still stuffed full, mainly with other books from my fave authors above, but also some nice space horror to round it off.
next on my list is gonna be either 'Haunt, Heart, Havoc', a horror romance that I've been meaning to read forever, or 'Dead silence', which is aliens meets titanic in space. >:3 if you read all of this, KUDOS TO YOU, have a lovely sunday ahahaha!
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bananonbinary · 6 months
its wild to me when people debate how problematic a show is with this or that odd implication, when im out here watching corny scifi comedy eureka, which is bald-faced eugenics. sometimes a thing can be enjoyable and have loveable characters and fun family friendly plots and also be deeply deeply offensive.
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mokeonn · 11 months
I'll make a post about it later but I swear the WORST advice I see being passed around in art circles is that art is a popularity contest and the only possible way to make money off of art, especially online, is to get popular first. Like that is BLATANTLY false.
The art community CONSTANTLY has to remind artists how damaging the numbers game is, and I think a huge reason why is because of how common a misconception it is that you have to be popular to make a living. It feels like the second I leave my specifically curated tumblr art community, I am bombarded with this idea.
#simon says#rant#delete later maybe#i made this bc I was watching a youtube video about how harmful fast fasion is for artists#and in the comments someone was talking about how they gave up on commissions bc no one ever bought them even though their prices were low#and someone responded by saying that the artist had to do youtube bc making a living was a popularity context#and I quote: 70% popularity 30% talent#and the first person said they were fucked because they had autism and social anxiety and couldn't do youtube#i instantly jumped in and made a long ass comment correcting this#giving advice on how to get more commissions and build an audience for themselves#while telling them that the person telling them it's about popularity is SUPER wrong#I now understand why there's ALWAYS a post about ignoring the numbers game getting popular#I totally fell into the same pitfall where I thought I had to get famous first before making a living#working with an artist as a studio assistant and deleting twitter has helped me stomp that mindset out#it's just not true yall. you don't need popularity you need passion#anyways I wanted to rant about this because I never realized that people were like... ACTUALLY telling young artists this#I thought that it was a mindset folks naturally fell into (like me) but it turns out people are just... blatently saying it#you're actively discouraging artists if you say shit like that btw#that's kinda why I decided to rant it just made me so mad like bro you are being a dick rn and preventing someone from creating#like the numbers game totally stops a lot of artists from creating what they like bc it won't do well#when you spread that idea that popularity is what makes an art career you are hurting so many artists#like I understand HOW the misconception starts and I understand where it comes from (once again been there done that still unlearning)#but don't spread that idea yall. it's just so shitty#anyways rant over uwu
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didsomeonesayventus · 10 months
swirls glass of apple juice. thinking thoughts about zephia. complicated thoughts.
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e-louise-bates · 11 months
Kinda funny how I actually enjoyed cataloging when I was working in a library, but now that I'm taking a class on cataloging my brain has started shutting down at the very mention of the word ...
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manofmanymons · 2 years
how do you think the urvive kids would have dealt with the main enemies of, i dunno, adventure (1999)
I think it would be really funny if they just hit Myotismon and Machinedramon with an uno reverse card. Just like "well my partner is the same Digimon but better, soo..."
Before I keep talking I wanna clarify that rather than looking at this as "Adventure enemies but in Survive" I'm thinking more like "Survive kids but in Adventure"
I think the Devimon arc would be interesting bc the Survive kids are older and more cautious so I feel like tricks like the mansion illusion wouldn't work as well on them? But also as a "first boss" I think they might also be less united than the Adventure crew. I feel like they'd either roll a nat 20 in persuasion and win Ogremon to their side way earlier on or like straight up kill him instead of just temporarily defeating him tho so in that sense the Devimom fight would be easier for them. I like to think the former would happen tho and then it would just be a matter of like kicking that demons ass as a crew instead of winning by any sort of last minute evolution.
I'm having such a hard time imagining the Etemon arc with these kids. I feel like even though they're not stupid and obviously they would understand the danger, as more modern age kids I can't imagine they wouldn't find Etemon at least a little bit silly. Like Minoru would so laugh his ass off they first they meet the funky singer chimp.
Assuming they would also be undergoing a "find the crests" arc I feel like they would argue significantly more than the adventure crew. Stay on file island vs go to server, focus on crests vs focus on kicking Etemon's ass. Ironically I think having our MC with an Agumon throwdown with monkey man and end up in the real world would just happen exactly like in Adventure?
But then after that like...without the fog forcing them to stay together and w all their arguments leading up to this point I think they'd kinda fall apart. Similar to Adventure again but this time they're not just splitting up to find a friend they just kinda can't stand each other rn so the "bring everyone back together arc" def has to happen before they can face off w myotismon.
Although the stakes for them would be way different than in adventure bc there's no 8th kid they're looking for or anything so I think it would be more fun if they all just like
Well a) underwent a crest activation arc but ALSO just had a friendship arc. Yknow like gained some perspective in their time apart and then really bonded when they got back.
While I still stand by that uno reversing myotismon by killing him with a different myotismon would be hilarious, I GUESS they could just use the power of friendship or whatever instead :/
Except actually fuck it if Adenture could have random kids getting a "bippity boppity deus ex machina, bitch" moment and soloing the main boss then so can the Survive kids so actually yeah they should be allowed to kill the vampire with a better vampire.
Speaking of the anime power of friendship I really want them to just kick puppetmon's ass with a genuine coordinated group attack. Like idk considering the whole thing with that guy was "oh he's weak bc he has no friends" it's a little weird that in adventure he was ultimately killed by one (1) angsty boy who was NOT being a team player at the time. It would be fun if the payoff for everyone becoming besties was just flawless teamwork yknow. I also think that being able to strategize like that would be a neat way to set the Survive cast apart from the Adventure cast.
I STILL want to uno reverse machinedramon so badly.
I genuinely can't even remember what actually happened with metalseadramon. I think he dies first out of the dark masters, yeah? Like he kills whamon and then Tai wrecks his shit? Honestly I think ANY Survive kid could solo that guy. I don't even care which one. Whoever is the most violent in that moment. Maybe Aoi bc he just murdered a friend in front of them. Or Miu bc mega level marine digimon vs mega level marine digimon.
Piedmon uuuuh. Well he's different from Survive Piedmon so instead of getting soloed by Takuma maybe he can be our fancy dancy Omegamon moment.
Apocalymon idk would just be the equivalent of the master tbh. Maybe they could even have a heart to heart to with him yknow like instead of totally blowing him up they could like kick his ass a little and then be like "but what if you weren't evil" and he could be like "oh shit you're right" and they all live happily ever after ksjsnd
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tngmpersonal · 1 year
Another poll, this one out of spite
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g4zdtechtv · 10 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: G4 Vault #1 - At the Movies
Picture K-Per’s booty up in 3D…
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
I feel like almost every book I read lately no matter how long it is I end up completely losing steam for the last 15% or so, almost universally especially with newer books I really feel like it's the obsession with completeness like. so many books could be instantly improved by removing the last 10% to leave things more open and let the reader fill things in for themselves and finish your story on an emotionally high note rather than giving me like 40 pages of a completely different genre bc now this high fantasy collapses into a cutesy little slice of life thing while u tie up every possible loose end
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mikiruma · 1 year
just had a lady yell at me earlier for not unlocking a purse fast enough and how the whole system at our store is broken. because we took slightly too long. bc its really busy and we're shortstaffed. i have never wanted to quit my job in front of a customer and inflict that on them more than i do in this very moment
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sammydem0n64 · 1 year
Constantly thinking about a conversation me and a buddy had about how people in the modern era always end up making or Headcanoning villains as homophobic or just general bigots...
#No bc I think it’s a very interesting phenomenon#our conversation came down to how people are honestly unable to comprehend a person is horrible unless they’re a bigot#the example we were talking about is how so many ppl headcanon William Afton furnaff was homophobic to make him like. worse#when like. he’s already a kiddy murderer. I don’t think he can get any worse than that? he kills kids and is an abusive father#no need for him to also be a bigot but yet it’s a popular headcanon#and my pal said it’s bc a lot of ppl are unable to comprehend villains who are complex and have complex opinions/world views#and tbh YEAH!!! I think it’s really common for us to see villains or just people we don’t like as. unable to be like us#if a person sucks then we cannot have anything in common with them. when that isn’t the case#not everyone person who’s a piece of shit is a bigot. it’s common sure but not every villain is gonna be openly racist or transphobic#if anything a villain who has the same world views as the heroes/protags/audience makes them more complex!!#because it can show that anyone who is considered ‘a good person’ can actually be a pos despite their views or show how a person can fall to#-the dark side lol#and yeah obviously in certain cases a villain being a bigot makes sense and works story wise#I know I have quite a few antagonists who are bigots#but it’s a super common pitfall to just assign an antagonist ‘oh they suck so they also hate autistic people!’ or smth instead of like#just letting their horrible actions show how they’re a horrible person#I promise if a serial killer is a serial killer then like. yeah THEYRE horrible. and if you can only see them as horrible if they’re a bigot#then uh. I don’t know what to say to that!!!!!!#also going back to the complex point I know it’s common for people to not comprehend when a character does something bad and is considered b#-ad in the story unless it is EXPLICITLY spelled out! and I think the bigot stuff ties into that#ppl refuse to be like ‘ohhh this is a villain!’ unless the guy drops a bunch of slurs lol#once again depending on the story a bigoted villain makes sense and I have several bigot Ocs#but sometimes. bad people are progressive. or just aren’t homophobic. sometimes they have the same views as us#and sometimes... that makes them scarier and better written.#IDFK why I shared this rant here I just thought it was interesting and also this is a site where ppl make every villain in media#-homophobic soooo-
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daisywords · 2 years
this wip is just fireboy and watergirl fanfic
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swiftsmash · 2 months
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mondoreb · 1 year
End Times Prophecy Headlines: July 3, 2023
End Times Prophecy Report.com HEADLINES MONDAY JULY 3, 2022 And OPINION “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” —Matthew 24:4 ===INTERNATIONAL UKRAINE: U.S. is considering sending cluster munitions to Ukraine, officials say UKRAINE: Ukraine moves soldiers north to protect its border from a possible invasion by mercenary Wagner troops RUSSIA: A new road for…
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