The fact that you think J2 tinhats are crazy, but yet cockles truthers have any credibility at all is hilarious to me. Honey, all Jensen-related tinhats, cockles and J2 alike, are delusional, but at least J2 had years of being very close and evidence of hanging out and even living together to fuel their imagination. Jensen and Misha are work friends at best, with one publicity boat trip between them, and have rarely been seen hanging out alone. And it’s not because they can’t control themselves around each other in public (real humans aren’t dogs in heat). You make a good point that none of us know these people in real life or how they feel, but there is literally no reason to believe any of them are romantically involved with each other expect that it fulfills people's fantasies. None of them see each other any more except on con weekends, so …
Also, shipping real people so you can use them as masturbation fodder while cloaking this in false care about reorientation and phony activism is incredibly cringy. It’s even worse than trying to make an actor admit your ship is real even though he’s made it perfectly clear multiple times he doesn’t personally agree and didn’t play his character that way.
All tinhats need to step away from their computers and interact with humans in person.
Girl, all your arguments had been single-handedly destroyed long time ago by Jensen Ackles himself. He actually posted the 10th anniversary of his relationship with Misha, confirming cockles has been a long term romantic relationship
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Sorry, cockles is real. Jensen and Misha are in love. I don't ship them, I just see the truth. You just happen to be too stupid and homophobic to realize it 🤷‍♂️
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honeyednights · 9 months
#death cw#cancer cw#dying grandmother cw#so from the tags you probably already know what this little rant/diary entry is about#so my nans cancer returned this summer after many years and it quickly got worse#so when i came back from my summer holiday i travelled up to her and spent a week with my grandparents and that was so nice (and sad ofc)#but it was like already thought that she probably wouldn’t have like a year left but rather months#and she’s gotten worse but not like she’s dying right now worse but a gradual thing since july right#and i was supposed to travel up last week but i got ill with a corona/cold/the flu kinda thing and that’s obvi an absolute no to be around#and this week she was hospitalised but i didn’t stress too much about it bc she’s been so a few times with infections etc#and then this morning my mum called and said i should get up as quickly as possible#so three hours later i was on the flight to them and like almost crying with regualr intervals and i managed to hold it together and not#break down on the train nor on the flight#and i got to the hospital and just… seeing how badly she’s doing and that she’s going to die within the next few days is just….#like we’re superclose we’ve always been superclose she’s my closest grandparent#and like these months of knowing she’s going to die soon and grieving her while she’s alive and okay has just been so weird#and i’ve been sad but also a little bit pushing away the thought that she’s dying while preparing myself#so it’s felt like unreal but a little real you know?#anyways the whole family is here and so when i got to the hospital we all sat in the room and a i cried a few tears here and there#after a while i got some alone time with her ans i just broke down#like i tried to talk but i just kept crying and not being able to control my voice and i hate that feeling so much#my nan can talk and she’s there but she doesn’t have the energy to lead the conversation#but we said we love eachother so much and she was very comforting while i had my breakdown#which btw i have a raging headache from crying so much<3 it really helps the situation i think to have a headache as well#anyways i feel bad that i didn’t say more or had anything in particular to say#but she said that’s fine and that she didn’t have a lot to say either but she loves me so much and it’s just#like i know this is grieving and being sad about death and it’s heartbreaking to see her this bad and i’ll be fine life will keep going but#her not being around is just Not Right at all#i’m just sad and i want to be comforted but i don’t want to at the same time and just i don’t know#i’m just sad and a mess idk sorry to anyone if they read all this
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ivys-garden · 5 months
Alright let's go season 10 predictions.
There will be at least one new Hermit, Probably Skizz, But I also think it's highly likely Joel and Lizzie also join - really hoping for this, Skizz is great, Joel is an amazing builder and has fun interactions with the others (expect his episode one to be dominated by Boat Boys and Neck Kissing Jokes) and Lizzie is also great at Building and would be another edition to the Hermit Girls Murder Group (before any of yall say Stress and Lizzie aren't murderes - they are.)
Soup Group won't base ontop of each other, but they will be relatively close and will commit shenanigans together. Someone else will also base near them and join the shenanigans- maybe Cleo, Stress or False, Mabye Scar if he isn't with buttercups, maybe Lizzie if she's added.
If Skizz is added he doesn't make his own base and instead joins another Hermit and lives in there's, helping with building, Probably Impulse or Tango.
Buttercups will base superclose to each other, its tradition at this point.
Doc will continue to break the game in increasing absurd ways.
If there are new Hermits, Joe sings a little song to welcome them - and then The Hermit Girls Murder Group welcomes them with murder.
Gem keeps the head collecting going - especially if there's new Hermits
Tango (and probably some others) will start the season late. They bloody deserve it.
Someone acidentally breaks the game in the first 5 episodes.
A war starts within the first 25 episodes.
A Spawn area will be on an island.
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petit-papillion · 4 months
Questions I still have...
Will we see Charles and Lewis do silly CL²H Challenges?
And if so, are they going to make them sit superclose together and blindfold each other like they did with C²?
Will there be a cooking challenge where Lewis can teach Charles to prepare a vegan meal and Charles teaches Lewis to make crunchy pasta?
Speaking of, will Mamma Rossella add a vegan pasta dish to the menu of Ristorante Montana?
Is Roscoe going to get his own All Access Ferrari garage pass?
What will Lewis respond to, "We're thinking Plan F."?
Who will learn Italian faster, Fred or Lewis?
Will Lewis still be permitted to go skydiving, and if so, will he take Charles along with him?
How long will it take before Lewis gets a prancing horse tattoo? ...And will he be able to convince Charles to get one as well?
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jokey05 · 1 month
Luke Castellan is still the best tragic villain/ fallen hero of all fiction. And I don't like how the show is doing him, he is too nice, he should be angrier. The Book character is perfect. I don't even think Uncle Rick knows what a masterpiece of a character he created. The only thing that should be changed is his last line to Annabeth, and even that I always read it in a platonic way. But the thing with Luke is that it hits you later. You are so angry with him after the betrayal, after that he is the main villain and does terrible things, and you want him gone, until he is bleeding on the floor still asking for others. Until he dies and you think of May Castellan alone in her kitchen waiting for a kid that is already gone. Until Percy asks for the drape.Until you read the secret diaries and realised how much he cared. Until you read the sequels and see that despite everything Zeus still acts the same. That when it gets you. That where I think the pjo show failed, too much explaining, we need to SEE this character arch. He should be scary right know, I still think the betrayal scene in the books is PERFECT. Percy is 12, Luke is 19 there is no way they are on the same level, that was a major point in the books. Also another major plot point I don't see enough is how Luke and Percy weren't friends. Maybe Luke had a sorta of mentor role for Percy in the first book, but the fact that they weren't superclose and Percy only got to know him through others is really important for the phrofechy and also what allows Percy to make the choice at the end of the last olympian. They have a much more complex connection that simply hero Vs villain and I wish more people could see that.
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taehyungfirst · 1 month
OP here
I also think Tae is closest to Soejoon but more in the way of admiration like hyung is so cool crush kinda way. But after that I think Tae and wooshik is the closest like they can tell each other anything, chingu types.
For BTS , I think Tae is closest to Hobi and JK. Sometimes I don't understand with whom more. But with hobi, I feel hobi is closest to everyone like Jimin, jk, Tae, suga but doesn't have very intense/fav kinda relationship. Like his friendship with everyone is sweet and fun and he is kinda person who listen to people's problems but is strict in a sense and doesn't get too emotionally involved. Like he may choose jm as a fav of his only bcoz they've been roomates for so long. Not sure if Im making sense with hobi. With JK, I think Tae had been superclose even before debut but it's entirely different from what he has with hobi or Jin. More like vmin soulmate kinda relation in taekook but more intense? Deep? Idk I think I would like to see a kdrama with all the footage bighit hides of taekook. So yeah I guess he is closest to Jungkook.
Hi! Yes, on the Seojoon thing I agree!! Tae def admires him a lot, and Seojoon clearly adores him so I think they have a cute dynamic. With Wooshik they become the chaotic duo and it’s very funny. I find so sweet how every member of Wooga dotes on Taehyung, he’s the baby in every single context.
One thing I found sweet about Vhope, was Taehyung working hard to get praises from Hobi, he clearly looks up to him a lot but then again yes, Hobi acts the same with all of them, he cares about all of them and maybe he’s more leaning towards Jm. Not that he made it subtle anyways.
Taekook are the same person in two different bodies, soul twins one would say.
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clairedelune-13 · 2 years
Alright, since it’s November 5th, I’ve got a confession:
(takes deep breath)
I don’t like the actual scene in Despair where Cas confesses.
Not the Confession itself, of course. That was beautiful. But everything around it...ugh.
- The cramped, ill-lit room.
- The poor color correction and editing.
- Misha breaking character took me out of my immersion (I don’t blame him, but usually when an actor breaks, someone catches on and then they reshoot when back in-character)
- The Frankenstein cuts where they’re standing superclose and then next they’re no-homo-feet-apart. Consistency, people!)
Drives me crazy.
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cauldronofmorning · 2 years
THIS WHOLE THING is pain death agony suffering but these two bits killed me:
Similarly, his relationship with Saul is not superclose. There’s an arms-length-ness to it. Some of that has to do with that he knew Jimmy. He knew Jimmy McGill as Jimmy McGill. I think he had more respect for him and has [developed] less and less as [Jimmy has] Saul-ified — as he’s fulfilled Chuck’s prophecies about him.
The last thing he says before that gag goes in [in this episode] is, “It wasn’t me, it was Ignacio!” And when the gag comes off [on Breaking Bad], that’s the first thing he says. So I think there’s some sense memory going on for Jimmy/Saul, and he’s never going to outrun that fear. No rational part of his mind or rational information is every going to make him feel anything other than that Lalo has sent something out there that might take a long time to come smashing into him.
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sisterlyintimacy · 2 years
What happened to the superclose society ?
Idk exactly, I think it was mostly a thing before my time as a fan
I’m sure someone else knows?
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vera-dauriac · 2 years
Tagged by the delightful @lizlensky to talk about the books I've read in the first half of 2022.
·amount of books you’ve read so far: 37
best book you’ve read so far in 2022: new for the first time: Grey Bees by Andrey Kurkov (translated by Boris Dralyuk), with Young Mungo by Douglas Stuart a superclose second. Reread: LOTR is awful hard to beat.
best sequel you’ve read so far in 2022: Subtle Blood by K.J. Charles, the third and final book in the Will Darling Adventures.
new release you haven’t read yet, but want to: My whole life revolves around new releases, so I’ve got a stupid long list. But if I had to pick just one, let’s say Either/Or by Elif Batuman. (If you haven’t read her book The Idiot, it’s fantastic. Highly recommend on audio. It’s read by the author, and unsurprisingly, she really nails the delivery of her protagonist’s dry humor.)
most anticipated release for the second half of the year: Priest of Crowns by Peter McLean, the fourth and final book in his War for the Rose Throne series, which I can’t recommend enough to grimdark fantasy readers.
biggest surprise favorite new author (debut or new to you): It’s going to be incredibly hard for another debut author to impress me as much as Julia May Jonas. I love Vladimir an inordinate amount.
newest fictional crush: Between watching the show The Alienist and then reading the first book by Caleb Carr, I was developing a bit of a crush on Laszlo Kreizler and John Moore, but the second book kind of killed it.
book that made you cry: Got a little teary-eyed a few times, but my most serious cry was probably The Orchard by Kristina Gorcheva-Newberry.
book that made you happy: Honestly, this is where rereads are great. Going back through the Captive Prince series is currently making me very happy.
most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received): Beautiful as a physical item or in terms of prose? I’ve bought a handful of books so far, but none is particularly pretty, and I haven’t actually read any of them yet to say about the prose.
what books do you need to read by the end of the year? Total first world problem, and also probably a bit of a brag, but I have a giant stack of advanced reader copies I need to at least sample for work, and I really ought to finish about a half dozen of them sooner or later. Of the ones I’ve sampled, I’m particularly interested to get back to The Wolf Age by Tore Skeie (translated by Alison Mccullough) and The Lion and the Fox by Alexander Rose. The first is, essentially, Vikings: Valhalla, only, you know, an actual history about Vikings in Anglo-Saxon England, and the second is about Civil War spies from the author who brought us Washington’s Spies.
And weird aside. There are several of these books that I really related to as a Gen Xer, so an fyi to my older mutuals, you might be interested in Vladimir, The Orchard, and the Elif Batuman books.
Not tagging anyone, because I am beat at the end of one of the longest weeks ever. But if anyone else does this, feel free to say I tagged you, and tag me back so I’m sure I don’t miss your answers.
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what-if-i-just-did · 1 year
Silas Nescient (oc)
Full name: Silas Samuel Nescient
Nickname(s): Sile (common), Sammy (only by Gael)
Name Meaning (if relevant): Silas - asked for/ prayed for (because their brother prayed and they came back, albeit briefly) Samuel - reference to Sam Winchester (because of their strong bond with their brother, whose second name is Dean) Nescient - ignorant/unknowing (because their dumb ass decided it was a good idea to drive while high)
Gender Ingredients: amab they/them gender-nonconforming
Make & Model: an original character of an original work with the current placeholder name ‘Family’
Hair & Face: visibly unhealthy brown hair in like, an outgrown and thinned bobcut, skinny face & sunken gray eyes
Skin, Height, Body Build Etc: skinny as shit, white, average height
Clothing Style: well he’s a junkie so
Birthdate: september 8th, 1999
Deathdate: november 3, 2023
General Current Age: twenty-four
Sexually Attracted To: females, trans included
Romantically Attracted To: females, trans included
Neurodivergency: autisms
Family: Dad ran off while their mom was pregnant of them, they were basically raised by their mother and their brother, Gael. Gael and Silas were superclose growing up. Also their mother was a Supernatural fan which is why their middle names exist.
Extra Character Traits: he’s dead, he died in a car crash, that he caused, also he’s a junkie, and had a girlfriend called Lilly
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catball · 1 year
i keep thinking about the fact that like since i dont have like a superclose friend group that's my age anymore i'm like deprived of a social space to be a weird horny teenage boy and it's something i'm not really sure how to remedy
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mangrovian · 1 year
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Landscapes of the mundane, superclose terrains of quotidien objects.
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3/12/22 (366 words)
12.389 words, 38 pages
Acrosport again. This time, 80's asked me to pair with him. My "smallness" makes me very versatile for this sport, I weigh very little and so I easy to lift up and hold. So we spent the next hour and half messing with each other, having fun, experimenting with equilibrium (such disasters we made, lol) and me getting used as a doll by every couple who wanted to lift me up in t-pose. The others not much, but as long as I'm doing it with the right people I actually like acrosport.
So... change of plans. In two shops I couldn't find a bucket hat like I wanted it. The first, I reached it through a route I never took, far from the zone I know, but going from there to the second I realized... hey, I'm near the cd shop. I had planned to go there after finding a hat, but no hat! I went there anyway as it was superclose to get some stuff for me. And, and, and, instead I also found a substitute for the hat. Two small vynils. I know for sure he'll like one, the other is David Bowie and Morrissey and hell, I sure do believe he'll like it too, he's a man of musical culture. I still have to buy the second though, I'll take it Monday. And for me Chevelle, This Type Of Thinking. Should arrive next week with Fortitude.
Day three is clouds, but today the clouds weren't visible. Yesterday the sky was white and today rained lightly all the time, still with a greywhite sky. I forgot to take a picture when there was daylight, so you can only have this. But there wouldn't have been visible clouds anyway.
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Day 3: clouds
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hamoudablog · 5 years
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Metallic green damselfly - Macro with a 500? When this beauty appeared I just had to try! by Ann and Chris Taking a Macro with 500mm lens is something I'd not normally attempt But when this reasonably rare and beautiful metallic green damselfly suddenly appeared I just had to give it a go! https://flic.kr/p/2gTWFV9
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#porsche #hit #crash #pileup #wreck 3 #cars #offtrack #offroad #omg #wtf #drift #nearmiss #supercar #becauseracecar #fastandfurious #ff9 #fights #carmeme #jesussaves #superclose (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQT2G7WH6uC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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