#taking on everything ; every duty left behind and every single thing that is wrong with spira on herself to fix.
braskide · 1 year
thinking about an unsent yuna verse to cope with the horrors today.
( clinging to life because she feels like her work is never done; becoming the very essence of what she has sworn to defy. being unable to let go of the high summoner duties entrusted to her and the ones she put on herself, because she does not want anyone else to take on the heavy mantle of sacrifice. )
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helenazbmrskai · 2 months
Dark Office Romance (m)
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Title [Dark Office Romance]
Pairing [Yandere Boss! Jeongguk x Reader]
Genre [Yandere Au, Office Au, Romance, Smut]
Summary [The company you work for is shady, sexist and full of men who think they could do anything. After Jeongguk's assistant quits you attend a meeting in her stead and you realise just how rotten these men are. You decide to quit and you have a thing or two to tell to your boss but what you didn't expect is for him to turn this around on you.]
Words [5,6k]
Rating [+18]
Warnings [Sexual harassment in the workplace, sexism, bad working environment, yandere behaviour, obsession, mental disorder, sexual content: rough handling, forced kiss, consensual unprotected sex, marking/biting, first times, take away virginities, oral (female receiving), creampies]
A/N: This fic has heavy themes so read it with caution!
Masterlist //
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“Did you hear what happened today at the meeting?” A person talked in a hushed voice to another. Hiding in one of the stalls you could hear every whispering word between the ladies.
“Of course! There’s not a single soul who hasn’t heard. I don’t think I would be able to live through such humiliation. I hate this company, it’s so strict and harmful to the employees that I want to quit soon.”
You take a deep breath with your forehead pushed against the cold wall. Tears are wetting your eyelashes and your nose is clogged but you stopped crying in fear of someone hearing you. At least no one sees you in tears after what happened. You managed to put up a brave face that time. You felt more angry than hurt at that time but look at you now breaking down in the women's washroom like a fool.
“Yes, I agree. I hate that men can do anything. I fear coming to work every day, but I still think it was too much. Y/N is a diligent girl, and she didn’t deserve to have that kind of treatment right in front of our CEO. That bastard didn’t even try to stop it.”
“Shh. We’re still inside the building if someone overhears you talk about the CEO like that we will be in big trouble.”
“You’re right. Let’s go back to work.” The voices fade away until you hear the door close again behind your coworkers. You exit the stall when the coast is clear. However, when you see yourself in the mirror’s reflection you want to cry again. You look miserable with your mascara streaming down your face. You breathe in and out slowly until you’re able to calm down. You don’t have more time to waste you need to get your act together at least for when you’re back alone in your apartment. You can cry all night and curse your boss and everyone involved in today’s incident with a tube of ice cream and a six-pack of cold beer. Steeling your nerves you fix your make-up and get back to your duties. You finish your report and get everything in order. You don’t even get up to get lunch like everybody else as you power through it with an energy drink in you. If you went to the cafeteria you would get more of those pitiful glances and you don’t have it in you to answer their questions about how you’re feeling.
You know they don’t mean anything bad about it but it’s undoubtedly a thing that crosses everyone’s mind. Thank goodness it wasn’t me. It’s not wrong to feel this way before this happened there were times when you felt the same way, it’s just how things in this company work. You get humiliated and the next day someone takes your place.
Today it was your turn. It was bad enough that the CEO asked for you. The person who was responsible for helping him out during the cabinet meeting with the shareholders suddenly quit and you were tasked with helping with operating the slideshow and making notes.
This was your first time attending one of those meetings and after it was over you had a strong desire to quit as well.
No wonder she left in tears last week as she gave in her resignation letter you didn’t know what was happening inside those meetings. There was only one time you caught her crying in the bathroom just like you did now. You tried to ask what was wrong but she never told you.
You’re unsure how she was able to endure it for this long. Jeongguk’s assistant receives the most salary inside the company but for a while the seat was vacant and you were new to the company so you had no idea what was going on. Why did his assistants quit so quickly? You remember talking to her she was excited to get this opportunity she shared that her family is in a tough situation and the pay is good to get themselves back on their feet. Now you have a rough idea. At first, everything seemed normal.
You took your place standing next to Jeongguk and the meeting began when the participants sat down. They were all men. You held back at first when they touched your butt as you were passing around documents. You even ignored their sexist comments but enough was enough. One of the men squeezed your butt and whistled when the meeting was about to be over. You looked over to Jeongguk he looked straight into your eyes but didn’t do anything. You said that you would report this to HR as a case of sexual assault if he tried to do it again, now you were angry about how everyone treated you like a piece of meat. The man got angry and poured hot coffee over you.
Jeongguk ended the meeting and you stormed out.
He never tried to stop anything or protect you. He just watched it all play out as if he was watching a movie. This was the most humiliating experience you have had in your entire life.
There are other jobs out there. Maybe not paying this much but at least they treat you like a human being. A small mistake is enough and you get blamed. You have to come to work even on the weekends sometimes to finish writing your reports. Everyone is walking around eggshells. Waking up each morning with a knot in your stomach that you need to take digestive medicine regularly. You won’t tolerate any of this even if it will cost you this job or even better you’re going to quit yourself.
You push these hateful thoughts into the back of your mind so you can pull through the day. The first month you started to work here you thought it would pass but things didn’t get better over time. It just became worse but you didn’t want to be a girl who quit when things get difficult but even you know there’s a difference between not giving up and being foolish. Today you felt like the biggest fool out there.
They say life is beautiful.
You don’t remember the last time you felt happy. You keep working without enjoying life. You don’t have a boyfriend and you rarely talk to your family due to issues. You have lost a few friends as well because of the workload. You think about all the cancelled plans.
Although, enough is enough. This is the time you decide to let go. You’re going to tell him your opinion after you hand in your report at the end of the day. You even write your resignation letter. He will regret it. You’re bright and a good employee. It’s his loss if he lets you go.
You said that but you get nervous once you stand in front of his office you won’t change your mind on the subject you just need to find some courage again. You’re going to do what no one in the company dares to do. Everyone is scared of him the only reason that people don’t swarm him with letters of resignation every day is because it takes a lot of courage to see him directly. Everyone is afraid of him. Bad rumours are circulating about him saying that he’s mental. He has weird fixations and someone even told you that his parents regularly went to a psychologist with him when he was little. You don’t know if anything is true. You’ve never seen his parents visit him or even call him once. He never smiles or talks about himself not that you spent that much time alone with him. You only see him in regular monthly meetings otherwise everyone tries to avoid him inside the company the only exception is when you hand in important documents that you have to see him directly but that doesn’t consist of much as he just takes it and you leave.
You knock first then enter when he gives you the green light.
He looks hellishly good-looking in that black suit and perfectly styled hair, like the devil. He’s reading something but stops what he’s doing and looks up at you when you stop right in front of his desk. You hand him your report and he receives it without a single thank you or in fact, he’s not saying anything. You take in a calming breath before you speak.
This is your cue to leave but you stay rooted. Reliving that humiliation and mistreatment over the year that you’ve been working here whilst looking into his dark brown eyes helps you to finally find the courage to speak.
“This is my resignation but there’s something I would like to tell you before I leave.” You take a deep breath before you lock with his dark gaze again. You’re still furious and hurt. His soulless eyes are staring at you intensely as if he’s seeing you for the first time.
“I’ve never been through such a humiliating experience in my entire life. I wanted to hold on and not give up this job but I can’t do this anymore. I had enough of the mistreatment I received as a woman. Do you even consider me as a human? Groping my ass and making sexual jokes if the men that work here think that it’s okay to do that then I don’t want to work here anymore. The CEO should protect its people yet you looked into my eyes and did nothing to stop it. Are you a psychopath? Do you have feelings at all? I wonder if there’s anyone left in hell seeing as you are here making my life a living hell.” You want to say more but words get stuck in your throat as his expression changes.
Once you’re done unleashing your anger Jeongguk stands up from his chair and gets close to you. Real close. You step back until your back is against the wall your heart is hammering away in your chest afraid of what he will do. He closes up on you with a straight face his gaze is unreadable as he presses you against the wall. His face is really close and you close your eyes waiting for something. Is he going to slap you? If he was going to shout he could do that from his seat just fine. You wait for your punishment but it doesn’t come in the form you expected it to be.
He slams his lips against yours taking your breath away. Your eyes pop open wide as you see his face up close. You could see his closed eyelids ending in long eyelashes he breaths hard against your face. His expression is weird like he’s in pain while kissing you.
You push him away harshly unsure how to handle this situation. His gaze is intense as he looks at you. It’s crazy how his usually unexpressive eyes show such impulsive desire in them. He looked dangerous before but now it feels like you’re caught up in a trap.
Maybe there’s some truth in the rumours. You need to get out of here.
“Where are you going?” Jeongguk grabs your wrist before you can bolt for the door. Your face contorts in pain and fear instead of the previous alluring expression you had and he dislikes it. His hand is crushing your wrist as he pulls you back against him keeping you in place.
He saw that expression enough times to be boring but when you said all those things your eyes were fiery. You looked angry, hurt and confident. Defiant. He liked that expression so much that his whole body got covered in goosebumps. He felt the impulse to kiss you maybe do more. This is the first time someone told him off. Did not cower in fear even his own parents feared him. In life there’s nothing that Jeongguk didn’t get if he wished for it it was already his. His every wish and whim was granted. His parents never cared for him he could tell from a young age. He was never like the kids his age. They got him everything so they wouldn’t have to pay attention to him and now that he had his company to run there wasn’t a single wish of his that was unheard, except for one, he wanted to get excited. Sometimes expensive things did the trick then he started collecting beautiful things but his excitement never stayed for long. He got bored of anything he possessed quickly. You could be another whim for all he cares but he feels that you will be different. You’re treating him differently and he wants to explore all your expressions. Now he decided to have you. You can’t just get away if he needs to use force he will do it. You piqued his interest so you need to pay the price. He sees you in a new light.
“I want to go home.” Your face twists as his fingers tighten around your hand. It’s past the point where you’re sure it will bruise tomorrow. His wild expression is activating your fight or flight reflexes. It feels like he’s far away before he focuses back on your face.
“Do you think you can get away with what you said?” There’s something crazy in his eyes. You can’t explain it but it feels like you’re onto something far more dangerous than just getting fired.
He’s not gentle at all as he handles you.
“What will you do? Kill me?” You spit it out without a second thought but you’re just trying to mask how terrified you feel. Trying to survive you realise quickly that you won’t get out if you show that you’re scared of him. You need to find out what he wants from you.
“No. I won’t kill you. I’m going to keep you.” His finger gently clasps around a few strands of your hair pulls the tips over to his mouth to kiss it and takes a huge perverted sniff smelling your shampoo. He doesn’t pull on your hair thankfully and when your expression changes his attitude changes as well. He’s more gentle as he touches you.
“Bold of you to think I would want to do anything with you after what I had to endure at this company.” You pull away pretending to be disgusted. While his careful touch was ominous you can’t deny how your heart started to beat faster. His face changes minute by minute and you can’t predict what he will do next. One time he’s docile and the next he’s aggressive. Your heart tries to jump out of your chest as you wait for his next moves.
“I can take care of them. The ones who humiliated you I can get rid of them. Make sure that no one will lay a finger on you at the company ever again. All you need to do is to indulge me.” He caresses the side of your face as he speaks his mouth forms a small smile when you don’t push him away.
“I don’t believe you. If you stop finding me interesting you will just discard me in the end. I won’t play your games.” He might give you momentarily power but you know that he could take it back anytime.
“Discard you? No baby, I’m going to use you until there’s nothing left of you. Once I get obsessed with something I won’t lose interest until there’s nothing left to obsess over.” It’s true he discards things that are broken by him. If he doesn’t like something anymore he destroys them.
A man like him obsessing over you. No wonder he doesn’t have a girlfriend. A handsome man only remains single for a long time if there’s something wrong with him and he clearly has a few loose screws.
“Okay.” You must be crazy to agree too.
Jeongguk kisses you again and this time you don’t push him away. You twist your fingers into his hair deepening the kiss. You’re kissing the infamous devil it feels thrilling how his hands pull you to him possessively. Courage saved your life many times but this time it feels like you’re going to hell.
It feels so wrong that it feels so good.
His lips map out the curve of your neck his body flush against yours. He picks you up and pushes you against the wall his arm muscles flex as he holds your weight up with ease. Your legs curl around his small waist to balance. With the new position, your skirt rode up your thighs until the fabric was bunched around your waist.
Things are escalating fast but you don’t try to stop him. You will let the flames engulf you.
It’s only your panties that separate you from the pleasure as he rubs his cock into you.
He’s going to be big you can tell by feeling the outline.
Your hands wrap around his neck and his hands wrap around your torso to lift you off the wall and place you on his desk. Jeongguk spreads your legs with his fingers placing them on his shoulders as he hovers over you. The position is embarrassing you feel open and spread out on his desk.  The pens and binders dig into your back but it all fades to the background. Anyone could just come in and see you but you remember that normally no one dares to come to his office unless it’s unavoidably necessary.
Even if someone came in they wouldn’t dare to say anything with the CEO’s notorious reputation.
He rubs his nose around your clothed slit taking huge whiffs of air as he’s committing your smell into his memory. It’s dirty but arousing. His nose does a good job at rubbing your clit eliciting moans from you.
“Stop teasing me.” Jeongguk could read your frustrated expression so he decided to push your panties to the side and push two fingers into you. The sudden intrusion hurt but soon ebbed away as he slowly moved them in and out paying attention to your clit with his tongue to make you feel good. You coated his fingers in your arousal, it made a wet sound each time he pushed his fingers back inside as you grew wetter.
His mouth ate you sloppily it did not look like he had much experience he just let his curiosity take the lead and experiment if it looked like you enjoyed something he repeated the motion until you were practically soaking his fingers. It's embarrassing how his inexperienced fingers could trigger your orgasm within ten minutes.
It's probably because it was the first time someone put his fingers inside you. Jeongguk cleaned up the mess. He put his soaked fingers into his mouth and cherished your taste.
“I don’t taste weird right?” You don’t know if it’s bad or not, no one tasted you to say it for sure and for a reason you felt insecure. No matter how bad of a reputation he has within the company he’s every woman’s wet dream he’s so perfect that it’s scary to think about it sometimes. He has a perfectly sculptured nose with sexy facial features even his body is fit and just the right amount of fat and muscle. He could be so perfect if he wasn’t so twisted in the head.
“No, It’s strongly sweet. I like it.” He reassures you with a smile. It would look almost innocent if he hadn’t got his hand palming his obvious erection as he sucks on his fingers.
“Sit down.” Drunk on his compliment you don’t think about anything other than having his perfect cock buried in you. He seemed to like anything about you even if you’re far from perfect.
It looked like he didn’t really care about your appearance he just found you beautiful after he changed his mind about you. You have a feeling he would have liked anything about your appearance it just needs to be you.
It’s embarrassing how your legs wobble once you try to stand but he doesn’t laugh at all. Jeongguk pushes his pants down his ankle along with his underwear and man spreads on his expensive leather chair waiting for you while his eyes look you over hungrily. You’re surprised he follows orders so well after all he’s a powerful figure that bows to no one. It looks like he doesn’t care about that if he can get his dick wet.
Jeongguk strokes his cock with his big hands spreading the precum all around as you get closer and closer. He’s more than ready. You straddle his hips positioning yourself over him one hand moves your panties to the side for quick access. You sit slowly swallowing him inch by inch until he’s buried deep. Jeongguk throws his head back when you slowly circle your hips testing out the stretch.
“Did you have sex before?” To be honest it feels like a ridiculous question to ask him but with his inexperience showing it makes you feel that way. You doubt he had a healthy relationship with a woman before so it wouldn’t be a surprise if he hadn’t had sex before.
“No. You’re the first.” Jeongguk moans deeply when you tighten around him suddenly. You can hardly believe that you can be the first to fuck him.
Technically he’s your first too but you’re not going to tell him that. He would like it too much. Thanks to your big dildo that you practised on for years you have no difficulty taking him.
A part of you likes it. Everyone keeps nagging you about when will you get a boyfriend. You were never good at keeping up with a relationship you didn’t want to make an effort to keep it and now with him, you don’t think he will care how much effort you put in. Even if you wanted to you had a feeling it would be nearly impossible to get rid of him.
He said so himself he’s not going to let go of his object of desire until there’s nothing left of it.
You start moving and panting as you extort yourself by bouncing on his lap with this angle he hits all the right spots that you can’t stop even when your thighs start to ache. Yet you push through the ache and ride him like you mean it. You should do some sports as you’re getting tired too soon. Jeongguk helps you with his hands lifting you by the hips and slamming you down on his cock. He trusts up into you for extra measure and that makes it super deep as he pounds into you. He’s going to cum soon.
His virgin cock fills you up to the brim with his cum but he doesn’t let up once he cums he pushes through the oversensitivity not stopping until you cum too. His thumb rubs your clit in fast circles while his hips flex and shove his cock deep inside with fast precise thrusts until you cream around him.
You move your panties to cover your pussy again and try to ignore the feeling of his cum oozing out. You help Jeongguk clean up as well using a lot of tissues to clean up the mess that he has on his desk and chair. The last thing you need to fix is his hair while you like it touseled like this you need to make sure no one knows you two just fucked.
There’s still an hour left until everyone clocks out.
“I guess this would do.” You look over him one more time except for his swollen lips he looks good. His hair and clothes are perfectly in order. Your finger swipes over his lower lip trying to clean the remains of your lipstick when you hear a knock.
Contemplating what to do you decide it’s best if you just remain there standing by his side.
Jeongguk clears his throat and tells the person to come in when you nod. “S-Sorry for disturbing you. I’m here to hand in my report.”
It’s the new blonde girl that entered the company not long ago. She tries to hide her desire for her boss but she does a poor job at that. If she didn’t show a strong face of fear she could be the one now with his cum dripping down your legs. However, Jeongguk finds her uninteresting. Fear is boring. He likes you now and everyone around him is just a passing figure.
“Oh, Y/N, you’re here too. Sorry boss, I didn’t know you had someone here. Then excuse me.” She bows and leaves quickly. Thankfully she doesn’t seem to think you standing next to him is weird.
You release a huge breath that you were holding back the entire time in fear of getting caught.
“I guess I have to go back to my seat too.” Unsure what to do you decided to just do more work before you let your thoughts run wild. You agreed to be somewhat his girlfriend but not at the same time so you’re confused about what you two are at the moment.
The entire situation is fucked up.
“No. Stay here until I finish my work.” Jeongguk pulls you to sit on his lap but you’re worried that his cum dripping out of you will stain his pants so you want to stand up but he doesn’t let you.
“I- I need to clean up.” You try again but he holds you against his chest firmly by a hand around your waist. His other flipping through some reports.
“I don’t want you to be where I can’t see you.” This man, can someone grow this obsessed so soon? Or maybe he is always transfixed on one thing and now that one thing is you. You barely know anything about this man but you will have all the time to learn.
“If you let me go clean up I will go home with you.” You can use this as a bargain chip if you don’t he might even try to kidnap you and make you stay in his house without ever letting you leave.
“Okay. Come back soon.” You can taste yourself on his tongue. Reality starts to sink in as you let Jeongguk kiss you needily.
After you clean up in the bathroom you take a look at your reflection. Not that long ago you dried your tears and fixed your make-up thinking that you were going to quit and now look at you. Your neck is forming bruises and you have your boss’ cum in you. Things changed fast.
After that, you went back just like you promised and sat on his lap while he reviewed reports until working hours. He occasionally kissed your neck as he worked dividing his attention. This might be the first time in weeks you don’t have to work overtime as he drives you to his condo. He held your hand which is a nice romantic gesture but you have an inkling he was just holding it knowing that you can’t run away.
His house is in pristine condition it looks like one of the model houses you see in a magazine. It doesn’t feel like someone is living here, no family pictures or any personal items in his space. The fridge is also empty. It didn’t look like he was cherishing good childhood memories. Usually, a home is filled with pictures but he doesn’t have any.
“Do you really live here?” Half a day ago you wouldn’t dare to speak to your boss this way but you realised that you have no reason to fear him anymore. Jeongguk hides his face in the crook of your neck smelling you again.
“Hmn.” He answers while hugging you from the back. It will take a while to get used to this new side that you see.
“There’s nothing here to eat.” You close the fridge with a dissatisfied frown. You’re famished after skipping dinner to write that report and now there’s nothing here to eat. Not even a single orange. The fridge is absolutely empty except for five bottles of sparkling water.
“I mostly order takeout.” You roll your eyes but fish out your phone from your pockets. You can order from your favourite restaurant.
“What do you want to eat…uh, Jeongguk?” You hesitate for a moment before you cautiously call out his name. It’s past working hours so technically he’s not here as your boss and you’re in his house and already fucked which is already unprofessional enough that calling his name wouldn’t be that big of a deal.
“Anything is fine.” You nod noting that he doesn’t seem to mind you calling out his first name. You dial the right number and tell the server your order, and you decide on pizza. You try your hardest not to mess up your order as Jeongguk decides to stop waiting and pepper kisses all over your neck forming new hickeys and kissing over the forming ones. You will need a lot of make-up to hide this tomorrow. He didn’t really take your resignation so you think you still have your job at the company.
“S-Stop it, the food will be here soon.” The protest dies on your tongue as he fondles your breasts over your clothes. He kisses you passionately like he didn’t get to fuck you just hours ago.
“I can be quick.” You don’t need much more convincing as you spread your legs for him. He doesn’t waste time removing your underwear and spreads your pussy with two fingers. It feels good when he licks the bud flicking his tongue over it before he wraps his perfect lips around your clit and sucks. Your legs shake as he keeps licking your hands tangle into his hair pulling when he pushes his tongue into you.
Jeongguk moans and breaths hardly into you as you keep pulling his hair the sharp pain in his scalp goes straight to his cock. His face gets wet with your arousal as you keep squirming running from the pleasure. He doesn’t let you get away he holds you open with both hands on either side of your thighs using only his wet tongue to bring you bliss.
It's obscene how his brows furrow in concentration and his mouth makes that wet sound relentlessly licking and rolling his tongue until your orgasm washes over you and you cum all over his mouth.
Jeongguk made sure you finished before the food arrived.
You both scarfed down the food in ten minutes before he showed you his bedroom and laid you down on it.
He had the stamina to keep you up all night with his cock buried in your heat. You had work the next day but you were sure your boss wouldn’t scold you if you were late this time.
You felt invincible after becoming Jeongguk’s secretary no one dared to grab you or say anything rude to you after they witnessed Jeongguk’s anger everyone knew in the company that you had him wrapped around your finger. No one dared to approach you as Jeongguk is a possessive lover. The men hated you and the women loved you as you made their jobs easier after getting rid of the people who harassed the female staff. Jeongguk would fire everyone in a heartbeat if you said so.
At first, you were afraid if you could keep up his interest but his obsession never faded.
There’s this blonde again. You can tell what she’s thinking in that little head of hers. It was obvious from the start that she wanted Jeongguk but apparently, he only wants you. No matter how hard she tries to flutter her lashes or wear revealing clothes he doesn’t care.
She comes in to hand in a report trying to impress him with her work but fails when he doesn’t react.
Getting annoyed by her relentless tries to seduce your boyfriend you decide to end her delusions once and for all.
You sit down on Jeongguk’s lap as he flips through her report for a moment he looks surprised you normally don’t initiate contact when someone is in his office but he doesn’t mind it as he always craves your touches and attention. His hand is holding you to him by placing it on your stomach. You even relax into his body and lay against him with your head right under his chin. She can’t say a single thing but her face is turning red as you kiss his cheek. Jeongguk smiles at your cuteness but his eyes remain on the report.
He wants to read it as soon as possible so that woman would leave and he can have you all to himself.
“He’s mine.” You mouth to her.
She glares at you but once Jeongguk rejects the report and tells her to fix it by this afternoon without looking at her she accepts defeat and leaves the two of you alone. You swear there are tears in her eyes as she leaves in a hurry.
“You’re hot when you’re jealous baby.” You thought that he didn’t realise your little exchange as he was glued to the report but it seems nothing can escape him when it comes to you.
“Of course, no one can touch what is mine.” You smile into the kiss swallowing his wanton moans as you palm him over his pants.
Usually, he’s all over you but this time you decide to show him how much you appreciate his sole obsession.
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thethingswedotomorrow · 11 months
Crowley has been with humanity since the beginning. The original serpent of eden, he is the first "monster" in humanity's bedtime stories. He is the figurative and literal demon on human's shoulders, always there to guide them one way or another. He's weaved through history itself, and prides himself on an impeccable track record of demonic activity throughout the last 6000 years.
But, naturally, after 6000 years, Crowley finds that he's spent more time pining after a certain Angel than doing any sort of work. Like, an extreme amount of pining.
And it isn't until after the notpocalypse that Crowley realizes that, entirely accidentally and very embarrassingly, he may have accidentally made his pining very, very public.
One of Crowley's favorite ways to waste a day is to take Aziraphale to different museums around the world and watch as the angel wanders around and points out all of the inaccuracies
"Good Lord Crowley, have you seen this painting? Portraying you as a dragon is a tad dramatic, I think. All we were doing were having a picnic. And I have never had my hair looking like that, thank you."
"I don't know Angel, they've got your wings spot on. Wa-Hang on, have they added horns to my head?"
"Oh, I see, suddenly it's only inaccurate when they've got you wrong."
The museums always seem to be miraculously empty, and whenever Crowley mentions this, Aziraphale suddenly finds a new, very interesting piece of art to admire
Crowley admires the lengths Aziraphale goes to to hide the small miracles he's done for Crowley's sake
As if Crowley wouldn't move literal mountains for the angel
*He did, actually, do that once.
In the 12th century, they were having a lovely evening together with multiple caskets of wine, up until Aziraphale complained about the amount of light in his eyes
"Honestly Crowley, all this sun and no shade, it must truly be awful for the humans around here with no shelter. It's a tad much, even for me."
Crowley, even then, immediately recognized this off-hand comment as an underhanded complaint, and knew that would not stand
When the small earthquake passed, Crowley claimed that the nearby church was on a fault line and he was simply doing his demonic duty by damaging holy goods in the area
If Aziraphale realized that the mountain range in the distance suddenly provided much more sun coverage, he never mentioned it.
Currently, however, Crowley follows Aziraphale around, wandering behind him and never truly looking at the things in the museum
In every single place they've ever gone together, there was only ever one thing that deserved Crowley's attention
And it certainly was not an inaccurate model of a 18th century tea set
But when Aziraphale wanders into a hall titled 'Love of the Past', he starts to panic. Just a very tiny amount, basically none at all. A small enough amount of panic that he could deny it, even to himself.
He thinks about the past, towards the beginning, back when Humanity was still getting it's footing and figuring out how to have governments and societies and (the most important part) figuring out the whole alcohol situation
Throughout the years, especially towards the beginning, Crowley began to resent any time not spent with Aziraphale
Everything seemed small and dull when compared to the way the Angel smiled when he saw new type of human dessert, or the way he laughed when Crowley managed to work out a clever comment
And once Crowley experienced those things, he never wanted anything else
He had seen the poetry the humans had written, how much emotion they could pour into a simple piece of parchment or a clay tablet
He never cared for written word, but he was shocked at just how much feeling the humans could manage to pour into words
So after Aziraphale left Rome (after the oysters and the wine and the smiles, for somebody's sake the smiles), he went due east for a new miracle on another continent
Crowley stayed and got well and truly drunk. As he did best.
He had spent a few weeks around the other drunks around the area, most poverty stricken and saddened with some sort of grief of one type or another
It wasn't until a group of poets wandered into his dark corner of the pub that he started to considered writing
Obviously nothing anyone would ever read, he'd ensure that. Every scroll or parchment that he'd touch with a quill would be burnt with hellfire before it left his sight
But, as many of his worst ideas started, he had nothing better to do and too much time to think
So he wrote. He wrote letters, first addressed to nobody, about random thoughts that would pop into his very intoxicated brain. Whether humans would ever find traces of the unicorns they lost on the ark, whether he would ever find a way to count just how many scales he had, whether he would ever reach a point where he didn't have to cover his eyes every day
Slowly, the letters started becoming addressed to 'A'. Whether he was conscious of this or not, he'd never admit.
But he wrote. He wrote to A about Hell, the jobs they required of him, the things they'd have him do. He wrote of the way humans had beaten him to the punch 90% of the time. How they would do things worse than Satan himself could imagine, and they'd never blink an eye while doing it.
He wrote of the way the sun darkened each day that passed without his Angel, the way his wine never seemed to have enough flavor when he was alone.
He wrote of the ways he imagined he could orchestrate an elaborate reunion, a convoluted mess of too much demonic activity in a small area that just happened to have a wonderful new tea, or so he's heard, and wouldn't it be a shame to leave the town without tempting the angel to try it?
He wrote to A about how he was sure he had no heart, no emotions. He was a Demon, for somebody's sake, he certainly had no need for stupid things like that, and so the ache in his corporation's chest when he sees the Angel had to be some sort of malfunction.
Anatural function, surely, that could be fixed with the right amount of aloofness and strong liquor
He wrote of the way the sun always seemed to hit the Angel's hair just right, and Crowley had no faith, he had no God.
But in those moments, with a halo around the angel and that smile aimed towards him, he might consider praying now to a different source altogether, a closer source. One full of life and light and actual proper goodness, not that fake advertised bullshit they plaster on church walls in pretty paintings and sad songs
Crowley wrote for a long while, and found that the writing helped the pain.
Even if only because it brought on memories of Aziraphale, and that was enough to hold him until they met again. It had to be, he had no choice in the matter.
And he wrote so often throughout the ages, and often while he was drunk. And he was so sure, so positive that he had burned every trace of his heart and emotion out of existence.
He had to be. The danger those words could put Aziraphale in was far too great. He couldn't be bothered to care of the danger to himself, but the fact that the very hint of any emotion could come close to hurting his Angel was enough to ensure that they would never come across another being's eyes.
He destroyed every letter and word that described his desire, his pain, his greed. He ripped the words he created out of reality as easily as he had written them. Every time, he burnt the parchment, and every time, it burnt a part of him with it.
And then the Apocalypse had happened. Or, well, didn't happen, he supposed. Really, he wasn't entirely sure if there was a difference.
Because everything had changed, even if the rest of the world hadn't noticed. And he was suddenly allowed to see Aziraphale with no excuse, no half-hearted reasoning behind it. He was allowed to want, and to crave, and he relished it.
And he was allowed to take the angel to museums to watch him fuss over small mistakes humanity had collected throughout the ages
Until he realized that they had, in fact, also collected HIS mistakes.
In a hall. A whole bloody hall. A hall, dedicated to and full of stupid parchment and sappy letters and wine stains over words written so long ago
And honestly who gave them the right? Leave it to the humans to collect other people's belongings and put it on display as their own
And he knew, from the moment Aziraphale read the first page on display, he just knew. This was it. All of it was ruined.
All because Crowley had gotten so drunk and passed out in his room above the pub, and when they'd thrown him out in a drunken stupor, they'd collected his belongings to sell afterwards. And he'd never even realized, so concerned about the next meeting, the arrangement, concerned about anything and everything except the one thing he forgot about and could end them both.
Any moment now, Aziraphale would look up at him, with disgust and confusion and all those emotions that he'd really rather not see on his face, preferably ever, but especially not towards him.
But Aziraphale never looks up. He reads the first page 5, 6, 7 times, being sure to capture every single word. Every wrinkle in the paper, every crease.
Then he moves to the next, and then the next. He repeats this process. Every page, he scours each and every page. Searching and scanning, analyzing every word.
Crowley is frozen at the entrance of the hall, too terrifed to say a word, but too hopeful to leave. He stands there, suddenly feeling the same feeling in his chest that he felt so many years ago, in the corner of the pub, sitting in the dark, wishing for the light that he knew would never come.
He's so panicked, that he doesn't notice Aziraphale finishing the last page, and wiping the tears from his eyes. He startles when he accidentally meets his eyes, and prepares a number of excuses and deflections, all to preserve this shred of peace and safety they had carved out for themselves.
"Angel, I- you really- ngk- humans are so rid- are you hungry? I could eat, I've heard they've got a killer bar around here, and we cou-I can get us there in 10 minutes, ngk actu- scratch that, we could be there in 5, I bet. Museums aren-angel?"
Crowley finds himself stopping the random stream of words coming out of his mouth, when he notices tears in Aziraphale's eyes
"Angel, I-"
That's all Crowley can get out before Aziraphale is walking towards him with a purpose
And suddenly Aziraphale is very close to him
Very very close
And suddenly Aziraphale's lips are on his, and Aziraphale is holding onto Crowley's jacket, and Crowley's hands are just waving in the air back and forth while he processes the last .5 seconds.
By the time he realizes what is actually happening, Aziraphale pulls away just enough to rest his forehead against Crowley's, and laughs.
He laughs. Laughs. Aziraphale is laughing and it's a wonderful, beautiful noise and Crowley doesn't quite understand why, but then he's laughing too and then they are both standing there, arms around each other, laughing and Crowley realizes now that all the words he's written, all the praises he sang of his Aziraphale, the way he wished and prayed for his heart and laugh and love
Not one bit of it is at all comparable to the real thing.
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thekingofwinterblog · 10 months
Soul Eater Episode : 39 - Totally Uncool
Soul Eater has a number of great episodes, with the crowning jewel the series had being the finale to Maka's second fight with Crona.
However there is another episode that in my opinion is easily the second best, that being episod episode 39, where Crona's finally snaps regarding betraying Maka and the rest of the main cast to Medusa.
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It's a very great episode, but the single best part is the way it connects both Maka and Crona rejecting their abusive mothers, just in different ways, while also using that to strengthen the bond between the two of them.
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The first critical moment of this takes place in the early part of the episode, where Crona(Who is reeling with internal pains about Medusa, and betraying everyone) and Maka have a conversation where Maka bares her soul to Crona... Sort of.
Both of the two of them have massive, massive issues with their respective abusive mothers. While Medusa is an abusive mother who forces her child to dance to her tunes, and gasslighting Crona to believe nobody except her will ever show "forgiveness and kindness" Maka's mom instead very deliberately fought her exhusband for custody... Then after having achieved this symbolic victory over her husband, she took off, and abandoned her own child, only making contact with her through one sided postcards despite having every opportunity, and frankly a duty as Maka's legal guardian to look after her own kid.
Both of these women left deep, deep mental scars on their own children, just in different ways.
With Crona it is very, very obvious what Medusa has done, and is doing to her own child, as the episode is very much about confronting the effects of that abuse, but with Maka it's a bit less spelled out, and you have to read the subtext.
Maka puts her mom on a pedestal, mentally projecting her as a perfect woman who can do no wrong, not really being able to addmit to herself that her mom has left her and is not coming back. She instead projects all her frustration about everything to other people, more speciffically at the closest male figures in her life, Spirit and Soul.
It's a deeply, deeply unhealthy way of handling cope, and fuels a lot of her character flaws through the series, with both her relationahip with her father(Who though a terrible husband is not exactly the worst dad in the world) and her partner Soul being painted by hyper agression, a short temper, and a mental inability to give them any benefit of the doubt.
Interestingly enough, though chrona doesn't really push the point, it is Crona who is the person in the series who come the closest to realising directly just how fucked up Maka's relationship to her mom actualy is.
The most interesting part of their conversation though, is when Crona asks Maka what her best memories of her mother is, which Maka replies was when she divorced her dad, at which she saw her mom at her coolest.
This is a really, really fucked up thing to say for any child... But when you actually break it down, it gets even worse.
Maka blames her father rightfully for everything that went wrong in her parents marriage... But this divorce was a deeply fucked up thing. Her mother fought with her father for custody and won... Not because she actually wanted what was best for her child, but just to spite her husband. She wanted to rub it in that she won, and got the single most precious thing she could take from him... And having achieved this goal, she left, leaving her daughter behind in the same city her exhusband lived in, and effectively acting as her father anyway.
Its not exsctly clear why she did this. It could be that despite Maka's rose tinted glasses about her mother, her parent never actually loved her back nearly as much as she did her. It could be that she secretely came to resent her kid for a variety of reasons. Or it could be that she simply was too much of a coward to confront and live with the remains of her broken life, so she abandoned the most obvious reminder of that life.
Regardless, despite Maka's assessment that this was the coolest thing she ever saw her mother do, while the divorce itself was justified, what she actually did with it was the cowards way out, and left her daughter with a shit ton of issues, which she frankly was nowhere near able to recover from by the time the anime ended.
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Regardless of her intentions though, her baring her soul to Crona about her(in denial) feelings about her mother does not help Crona, who still runs away from Death city, and has a breakdown of sort(a much smaller one than the one that will immediatly follow) after leaving the city and wandering to find a place to be alone.
Feeling completely alone, guilty, and with a massive case of selfloathing, selfhate and fear of rejection, Crona essentially shuts down, while thinking about happier days, the days with Maka and the rest of the gang.
It's here in this sandpit that Crona finally loses it due to guilt and lays it all out as Maka and Soul catch up.
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Crona at first rejects Maka's request to come back home with them, angrily shouting that Maka doesn't know anything about Crona's real self.
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It is here that Crona really, really loses it and lays out everything, poisoning Stein, still following Medusa's orders, the words, the tone and body language making it abundantly clear that Crona is absolutely wracked with self hatred for all this.
What Crona wants in this scene is for Maka to come down there and reinforce everything that Medusa has ever said, every lesson ever drilled in through long, hard, abuse. That Crona is a horrible, horrible person, who does not deserve sympathy or forgiveness, who frankly cannot be forgiven.
It's not what Crona actually wants deep down, but it is what the horrible words being said should logically lead to. It is the easy way out. The cowards way out.
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And at first it seems to work, because Maka gets absolutely pissed, and storms down there to confront Crona directly, with Crona not offering a hint of resistance... Only for Maka, rather than punching Crona in the face for betraying her, instead say this.
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Maka calls Crona out, but not in the manner she has so often done with her father or Soul.
Instead, rather than act with anger, or rage, lashing out because she feels angry and betrayed, she forces Crona to confront the fact that Crona neither wants to be a bad person following Medusa's orders, nor is completely devoid of virtues, quite on the contrary.
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Maka is in this moment, doing the exact opposite of what her "Cool" mom did with her.
After experiencing a brutal, hard betrayal from her husband, rather than take the risk of opening herself up her heart again to anyone, she instead left her old life behind, and after one, final display of anger and rage, she left her own child behind after lashing out at her husband.
She took the cowards way out.
Maka does not take the cowards way out. Instead, after experiencing betrayal from a person she loves and understands, she makes the concious choice to take the hard road. To embrace the seeming madness that is opening her heart again to that person and risk facing betrayal again, despite Crona's words.
Its an extremely powerful moment, not just because it serves to show Maka's growth, how much Crona really means to her, but also for how in the end it ties her thematically to Asura, and the ultimate point of the series. Bravery and madness are two sides of the same coin.
It is madness to open yourself up to someone else, to bare your heart and soul, knowing fully well that action can lead to betrayal and hurt unlike any other... But it is also something that only those who are brave are able to do.
It is something Maka's mother, and Asura was never able to do... But Maka did, and through that, she's able help Crona begin the road to actual recovery as well.
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arctrooperechy · 7 months
Series Synopsis: The Bad Batch accepts an extraction mission to rescue a member of the Galactic Senate’s daughter.
Series Rating: Mature (though that will likely change as the story progresses)
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It was so...quiet. Uncharacteristically quiet for a ship full of four men and one child. Everyone was keeping to their own tasks on the ship as Hunter stood in the cockpit behind Tech in his pilot's seat.
Usually, a quiet moment such as this would be one Hunter would have savored. His enhanced senses meant feeling everything a bit more than everyone else.
And that was putting it mildly.
The sergeant learned how to quiet his mind years ago; it had been critical for his sanity and well-being. So no, of course it wasn’t the Kaminoans who taught him. And it wasn’t a member of the cuy’val dar, either.
Hunter had gotten the idea from his squad’s only friend: a gentle clone named 99. Hunter had struggled, hiding in corners when no one was watching and banging his little hands against his temples begging for silence. He thought no one noticed; but 99 did, approaching him quietly.
When trying to explain the problem, all he’d been able to say was, “it’s too loud, it’s too loud.”
99 had consoled him, stating that when things were too loud for him—when there was simply too much noise to think—he should choose a single thing and focus on it.
One thing. Focusing every heightened sense and every bit of his attention on one thing and allowing the sensation to wash over him wholly until it didn’t feel like he was really focusing on anything at all.
It took time to master the skill, through patience and seemingly endless practice. Wrecker had called it “Hunter’s quiet time” once, when they were still small. Tech had rolled his eyes and started to give the definition of “meditation” and Wrecker had covered his eyes with a groan.
Crosshair, the stoic sniper that he was, had joined Hunter for the practice numerous times over the years. It seemed to Hunter that they sought silence for very different reasons. But the pursuit to find that silence was altruistic on both their parts.Tech and Wrecker tried but it was simply in their nature to…well, not be quiet.
But tonight’s quiet was a different story. In the few hours since the squad had left Crosshair alone on Kamino, Hunter's mind had been a prison of memories and guilt. What if the Empire never sends a scout team back to Kamino? What if Crosshair was never found? What if he…
The scenario had to be in the back of everyone else’s head as well. He knew that as the squad's sergeant, it was his duty to speak up and offer guidance, hope, for his teammates.
But he had nothing. He stood in silence, hoping for someone to speak up and distract him from the gnawing insecurity clouding everything.
He stood in silence wondering if they’d made the right choice.
Finally, Wrecker spoke up behind him, ever in keeping with his optimistic and empathetic nature. "'Mega, how about we play some sabaac when we get back to Cid's?"
Omega snapped out of her trance and grinned as she replied, "oh, you're soooo on. Loser buys the Mantell mix for our last mission!"
Wrecker chuckled as he whispered to the girl, "you know Hunter covers that anyway." Omega giggled jovially as she and Wrecker continued their banter. Up front, Echo and Tech began discussing necessary maintenance for the hyperdrive once they were on land again.
Thankful for the chatter, Hunter began selfishly longing for the moment they touched down on Ord Mantell. Maybe the squad would have a chance to relax (for once) and take their minds off of the last several rotations’ events.
As wrong as the notion felt, Hunter thought that perhaps the more distance the squad put between themselves and Crosshair...the better.
Merritt Belaena couldn’t wipe the frown off her face. She wouldn’t wipe the frown off her face. One act of defiance, one thing she could control, was this frown. She would wear it until the day she died. If only to prove a point.
The previous evening had been typical. A beautiful gala in a beautiful gown. A lot of conversation she couldn’t remember. A bit too much to drink. An unwelcome wave of emotions hitting her once she retired to her bedchambers. A fit of tossing and turning before sleep set her free.
This morning had been anything but typical.
She had been jolted awake by one of the handmaidens, imploring her to follow. After a moment of back and forth, Merritt relented and was led to the study.
Senator Belaena’s study, that is.
The Senator being her mother; the study being a room no one was typically permitted access while she worked.
The handmaiden ushered Merritt inside and was away with a final thud of the door closing. She looked around the room and saw no servants, no troopers, and no onlookers; only her parents gathered near a corner talking hushedly to each other.
“Mother? Father?”
The pair turned to face their daughter with wild looks in their eyes. Merritt felt her stomach lurch as she realized whatever this was, it was not a good thing.
“Darling,” her father began as he walked over towards her. “We have some news that might seem a bit strange.”
Her mother sighed and walked to meet Merritt before her father had even reached her.
“You must go.”
“Go?” She was dumbfounded.
“Yes. You must leave Carida,” her mother responded sharply. Merritt noted a hint of emotion in her mother’s voice, something she’d only heard a few times in her lifetime.
“I don’t…what?” A small wave of panic began creeping over her, but she pushed it away with every bit of force she could muster.
“You must leave. And it must be tonight.”
Merritt could not for any reason begin to grasp what was happening here. Of all the things she expected to happen…this was not one of them. “Do I have no say in this?”
“You do not,” her father replied. “This is urgent and non-negotiable.”
“We’ve arranged passage for you off-world. You’ll need to be ready in the next few hours. We don’t have much time.”
“Stop.” Merritt took a deep breath before continuing. It was always so nerve-racking to speak to her parents, but it seemed even more daunting now. “What is going on?”
“Something’s happened with the Galactic Se—“ her father began until he realized he was being met with a harsh glare from the Senator.
“It doesn’t matter what’s going on. All you need to know is you’re leaving and your father will pass instructions to you later in the day.”
“Mother, I’m sure I can handle—“
“You. Are. LEAVING. There will be no discussion. That is final.” Her mother’s face had turned wholly red, the veins showing in her forehead and neck.
Merritt had learned a long time ago not to argue with the Senator. The outburst seemed callous at first, but she soon realized that hidden within the vitriol in her mother’s words, there was fear.
That fear did not soften Merritt’s feelings towards her mother at all. It was so characteristic of her to make demands with no discussion. Once, after a particularly difficult situation arose involving the family’s reputation, Merritt asked if she could be of any help. Her mother had not replied; but she’d overheard her later ranting that Merritt was “not capable” of bearing such heavy burdens.
Perhaps she was right.
And yet, here Merritt stood with what felt like the heaviest burden of all—the unknown. Her only ally, it appeared, was the frown on her face. She was on her own, she and that frown, now just as she had always been.
Before the Batch could even settle in at Cid's, the Trandoshan was beckoning for Hunter to join her in the back.
The dimly-lit room was anything but welcoming on a good day. But now, when Hunter was desperate for a moment of downtime? It was even worse.
"Heard you almost died," Cid said nonchalantly. Hunter wasn't sure she was feigning the lack of sympathy.
"Been through worse. Nice of you to worry, though," he responded curtly as she took her usual seat.
"Well, I'm not quite ready to lose part of my top source of revenue yet," she shrugged, sifting through the items on her desk. "Besides, I've got a job for you."
Hunter sighed loudly as he started, "I think the squad needs to lay low for a bit."
Cid continued as if she didn't hear him. "Carida, planet that's been getting quite a bit of Imperial attention lately.” She activated a diagram from her holopad at the desk, showing the planet’s location in the Inner Rim. “The planet’s the site of a clone training facility that's been converted into an Imperial officer and trooper academy."
Hunter nodded quietly; he was familiar with Carida and the soldiers they produced. Why it was relevant to him, he hadn’t the slightest idea.
"Someone needs to be transported off-world, ASAP. Willing to pay a fortune," she grinned.
"Cid...the team's been through a lot lately. I'm not sure we're ready to engage in conflict with the Empire again just yet."
"Bandana, this is a quick extraction, easy score for you boys," she scoffed. "Details are on here," she explained as she tossed him a holodisc.
"No," Hunter said as he tossed the disc back towards her desk. "Not happening."
Before Cid could respond, a tiny voice piped up from the office's entrance. "What's not happening?"
Omega stepped in and sat on the arm of Hunter's chair.
“Tiny! Finally, someone with some sense. Dark and broody here’s rejecting a simple rescue mission I had for you all,” Cid said with a devious smirk. Hunter glared at her, knowing she’d used the right words.
“Rescue mission? Someone’s in trouble?” Omega’s eyes lit up; she looked to Hunter excitedly.
Before he could say anything, Cid made matters even worse by adding it was someone on an Imperial-occupied planet.
“Hunter, we have to go!” Omega exclaimed, beginning to tug on his arm.
“Omega,” he started slowly, “I just don’t know that the squad is ready for another mission just yet. There’s been…a lot that’s happened these last few days,” he finished.
She looked at him with a fierceness in her eyes, and he knew that was it. The kid was very persuasive and usually right…usually. “Hunter, we help people. Isn’t that what we do?” she asked firmly.
After a long pause and without looking away from Omega, Hunter spoke to Cid. “Just an extraction? This person is going to be ready for us…in and out, without any intense maneuvering?”
“Yup. And then we both reap a ton of credits. What could go wrong?” Cid smiled back with greed in her eyes.
Hunter sighed with a look back at Omega. He resolved to himself that this would be their last mission for a while, no matter what Cid bribed, or Omega pleaded. It wasn’t just that they needed rest; he was concerned his squad had been making far too much noise lately and needed to lay low for a while.
Perhaps one simple low-risk mission to provide them enough credits to relax for a long while wasn’t such a terrible plan.
“Alright, kid. Go round up the boys. Let’s make this quick.”
A/N: thank you for reading! After months of reworking, I am finally ready to begin sharing this TBB story. This is my first fic, so any tips or comments would be so helpful ❣️ I don’t know how to do a tag-list but if that’s something you’re interested in, please let me know!
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mermaidchan05 · 1 year
Inspired by this amazing headcanon by @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia​ ! The idea of Nadia loving storms just meshed so well with my Apprentice Chimalus who... decidedly does not love storms. 
Featured characters: Nadia, my oc Chimalus (they/them pronouns), their familiar Skye the Bluebird. 
Slghtly less than 3000 words. TW for thunderstorms and thunderstorm-induced panic attacks. (Also spoilers for/reference to one of Nadia’s paid scenes? Idk if it matters but just in case) 
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Nadia set the last bit of paperwork aside. “I believe that’s all for today. I assume we all remember our duties?”
The assembled palace staff all gave a general murmur of assent. There were some excited whispers as well. They were all looking forward to either a relaxing evening or the entertaining activities that some were sure to whip up.
A storm raged outside. Rain pounded against the palace windows. Thunder rumbled through the air. Lightning split the sky. Which meant that it was the perfect time to continue a Prakran tradition. A rainy day meant a day for things to cool off for a bit, both figuratively and literally.
It was more of a Prakran Royal Family tradition. Whenever a storm hit Prakra, Nadia and her family would pause in their endless duties and enjoy one another’s company… as much as one could, at any rate. Nadia had never admitted it aloud—to do so would be far too embarrassing—but out of everything she had left behind in Prakra, she missed these moments the most. It was a blessing to be able to bring a semblance of the tradition back to Vesuvia.
It was almost a shame that rain came much more frequently in Vesuvia than Prakra. None could afford to take a rest day for every single drizzle, of course, but it was a bit frustrating to save these particular rest days for the right type of storm. Luckily, this was quite a storm. The absolute perfect day to settle down, if only for an evening. The perfect chance to enjoy the somewhat cooler temperatures and to appreciate a bit of peace and quiet with friends, family, and loved ones.
Over the past few years, many of her storm nights had been spent with Portia. They would read together, or perhaps introduce one another to some of their favorite childhood games, or Portia would hustle Nadia down to the kitchens for a baking lesson. But this time, Portia had plans with her family, and Nadia had someone else she was eager to share this wonderful tradition with.
Chimalus. The wonderful magician who had not only saved all of Vesuvia from the wrath of the Devil himself, but had utterly captivated Nadia’s heart. Chimalus, who was incredibly brave, endlessly loyal, quick-witted and kindhearted. Not to mention incredibly attractive, with an air about them that was far more noble than any one of those infuriating Courtiers.
It would truly be a blessing to spend some genuine quality time with Chimalus. They could find a cozy spot in the library to sit together and read, or Nadia could show Chimalus some of her favorite spots around the palace, or she could enlist their help in one of the many tinkering projects that she hadn’t quite had time to finish, or the two of them could visit the Contemplation Tower… there were so many possibilities.
There was only one problem with her plans. Nadia couldn’t find Chimalus anywhere.
Losing sight of one another was hardly an uncommon occurrence, sadly. Chimalus had their own duties to attend to, both as Royal Magician and as Nadia’s betrothed. They were often called upon to assist others around the palace, and they paid frequent visits to their old shop in the city. But Chimalus would always let Nadia know when they went to the shop. And when Nadia asked around, no one had seen them.
A spike of alarm shot through Nadia’s chest. Logically, she knew that Chimalus must have been perfectly fine.  Her intuition would have told her if something had gone wrong. Or there would have been some other sign. Chandra had been keeping a surprisingly close eye on them lately, she would have found some way to alert Nadia of any crisis…
But no amount of logic could slow Nadia’s frantic pace as she searched the palace for her love.
She didn’t even bother to check the garden, which was one of Chimalus’ usual haunts. No one would be out there in this weather. To her dismay, the library was empty. Chimalus’ favorite sitting room was suspiciously devoid of magicians. Chimalus’ chambers, the very same room that they had used as a mere guest what felt like a lifetime ago, were utterly deserted.
But the room wasn’t quite empty. Chimalus had left all of their things. IF they had planned to go out, they never would have gone without their bag, as it held far too many precious objects: magical supplies, their prized notebook, their tarot deck…
Unless they hadn’t planned on going anywhere.
Nadia was about to rally the guards for a full-scale search of Vesuvia when she heard a little chirp. A chirp that had grown nearly as familiar as Chandra’s hoots.
“Skye?” Nadia breathed.
Even if Chimalus had gotten into some kind of trouble, there was absolutely no chance that they would have been out there without their familiar. Skye, the sweetest and most charming bluebird in the world, would never abandon her human.
Which meant that Chimalus was somewhere close by. Very close.
Skye chirped again. Nadia turned toward the sound.
“Skye?” she called. “Chimalus? Are you…?”
She was cut short by another clap of thunder. It nearly shook the walls. Skye’s chirp was more like a shriek. And there was another sound, so sudden and quiet that Nadia nearly missed it.
A gasp of pure fear.
Nadia carefully stepped around the bed. There, huddled in the corner between the bed and the wall, curled so closely in on themselves that Nadia had mistaken them for a pile of blankets, was Chimalus. Nadia couldn’t even see their lovely, deep blue hair; they had pulled the hood of their cloak so tightly over their head that they were completely obscured. They had even draped the fabric of their cloak over their knees, which were bundled up against their chest. A well-worn book was lying haphazardly on the floor in front of them. Clearly they had been trying to read before… whatever had happened that had caused them to fall into this state.
A thousand thoughts sped through Nadia’s mind, from illness to a horrible magical vision of a terrible future to some sort of attack. What could possibly drive Chimalus, the one who had stared down the Devil with hardly a wince, to be left like this?
Skye chirped again, drawing Nadia further forward. Nadia carefully reached out a hand.
No response. Skye bumped her tiny head against Chimalus’ hood, right where their cheek must have been. Chimalus curled in on themselves further, if that was possible.
Nadia let out a faint sigh. “My love, what’s…?”
Once again a crack of thunder cut her off. Skye chirped wildly again. And Chimalus visibly flinched, nearly throwing the little bluebird off of their shoulder by sheer accident.
And just like that, Nadia understood. Chimalus, clever, loyal, wonderful Chimalus, was terrified of thunder.
Nadia stepped forward, her hand still outstretched. She moved slowly, making sure not to add to her beloved’s fright. She called their name again, softly, gently, showing nothing but love and understanding. At last, Chimalus shifted, uncurling themself just the slightest bit.
“Nadi…” they choked out.
Nadia gave a reassuring smile. “Yes, my darling. I’m here.”
Chimalus let out a shaky sigh. “I’m sorry. I… I didn’t mean for you to—”
Another thunderclap. Another visceral flinch from Chimalus. Skye managed not to shriek this time, instead going back to gently headbutting her human.
Nadia carefully crouched down in front of Chimalus. “You never meant for… me to see you in this state?”
That got Chimalus to look up, to finally meet Nadia’s eye. Admittedly, they were more startled than anything else, but it was a good start. Nadia smiled softly.
“My goodness, Chimalus, something such as this will hardly make me think any less of you,” said Nadia.
Chimalus’ expression slowly shifted to something close to concern. “I… I wasn’t… I didn’t mean it like…” they sighed again, giving up. “I’m sorry. It’s… silly, isn’t it? I know it shouldn’t bother me. It’s just a storm, and we’re all inside, and we’re perfectly safe, and I’m sure there are a thousand emergency plans put in place just in case something—”
They cut themselves off with a sharp gasp and yet another wince as thunder clapped once more. They tugged their hood further over their head, burying their face in their clenched fists.
Nadia held back for just a moment. Before the thunder had frightened Chimalus all over again, the small rant they had begun had sounded almost like a mantra. It was as though they had repeated those exact words to themself countless times. As though they had tried to talk their way out of a fear that they couldn’t explain. As though their inability to rationalize their own fear made it all the more difficult to bear.
It was a sentiment that Nadia understood too well.
“Chimalus…” Nadia’s voice was as soft and gentle as a sigh. “May I hold you?”
Chimalus looked up, taken utterly by surprise. “I… of course. You know you don’t need to ask if you ever want to—”
Once again they were cut off. But this time it was by Nadia wrapping her arms around them and pulling them close. Chimalus let out a little gasp. For the span of three of their own rapid heartbeats, they were completely rigid. Then they let out a shaky breath. And they sank into Nadia’s embrace. They buried their face in her shoulder. Nadia thought that Chimalus may have been trembling slightly, though if that was from fear or hardly suppressed sobs, Nadia would never know. Not that it truly mattered. Nadia was simply glad to give them some kind of comfort.
“Chimalus,” Nadia said gently, “I assure you that you are perfectly safe. And I will never look down on you because of your fears. You are my sunlight, my heart, my past, my present, and my future. My love for you is not so fragile that it will shatter upon learning you are frightened of thunder.”
“Even though it’s a completely irrational fear?” Chimalus mumbled.
“We cannot control our own fears,” Nadia said gently. “Nor do we always have an explanation for them. And it is not only fears… may I share a secret with you? Since we seem to be learning new things about one another this evening.”
“Of course,” said Chimalus. “You can tell me anything.”
Nadia had to resist the urge to laugh. It would have been a fond laugh, naturally. Chimalus suddenly looked so serious that it was rather adorable. A fact that Nadia gladly would have explained, but her instincts assured her that this was not the time to laugh at her beloved, no matter what the reason behind it.
 Instead, she began her story. 
“When I was younger, I absolutely despised the color green,” she said conspiratorially.
Chimalus blinked up at her. “Green? But what about the emerald you gave me?”
“I did eventually overcome that particular bit of immaturity,” said Nadia, her smile playful. “Back then, however… to this day, I have no idea why I was so vehemently against the color. Prakra is known for its emeralds. One would think I would have a bit of pride for my homeland’s great treasure…”
 “You never were one to follow trends,” said Chimalus.
 Their voice still shook a bit. But a bit of their usual, teasing tone had returned.
Nadia’s smile grew. “No… I suppose I am not.”
Chimalus managed a smile in return. Then, playfully, they added: “Or maybe… it was because of Nasmira. Green’s kind of her color, isn’t it?”
For a split second, Nadia could only stare at Chimalus. Then she let out a laugh.
It was wonderful how, even in a moment like this, Chimalus always found a way to make her laugh.
“Why yes, of course,” Nadia teased. “Clearly I was unbearably jealous of Nasmira’s hair. Not to mention her fashion choices. That must be the answer. It seems the Mighty Chimalus has solved another mystery.”
Chimalus flushed, laughing awkwardly. “I don’t know about mighty, but—”
Their argument was drowned out by another clap of thunder. Chimalus winced. Nadia gave them a soft squeeze, drawing them back to the present.
 “I believe you are mighty,” she said gently. “Chimalus… we have not yet found the key to unlocking your past. It is possible that there is some unknown history behind your fear. Or perhaps there is truly no deeper reason behind it at all. It makes little difference in the end. You are still courageous, caring, and wonderful in every way. And I still love you and wish to bring you whatever comfort I can.”
Chimalus sank back into her embrace. “This is… good. More than good. Thank you, Nadia.”
“You’re very welcome,” said Nadia. She placed a gentle kiss on their forehead. “Remember that you can turn to me whenever you may need me, no matter how small or silly the problem may seem. Just as I know I can always depend on you.” Her eyes twinkled with humor. “We are knights in matching armor, after all. Are we not?”
That earned her a small laugh. It was soft, but it was completely genuine.
 “Yeah…” said Chimalus. “We are.”
From her new perch on the bed frame, Skye chirped approvingly.
Nadia and Chimalus stayed like that for a long moment. Neither of them were sure how long it was. All they knew was that, whenever another strike of thunder tried to interrupt, Chimalus didn’t flinch quite as badly. 
Eventually, Nadia pulled back just enough to shift her grip so that she held Chimalus’ hand. Then she stood, half-dragging Chimalus along with her.
Chimalus stared. “Nadi, what…?”
“Come along, my love,” said Nadia. “It is much more difficult to hear the sounds of the storm from the kitchens. And if you’d like, I’m sure we could whip something up for ourselves.”
Chimalus frowned a bit, confused. “We can whip something up?”
 “Why, yes,” said Nadia. “I allowed the majority of the staff the remainder of the evening off. I thought I had mentioned… ah, perhaps you are not comfortable with cooking? I apologize, I should have asked—”
 “No, I can cook,” said Chimalus. “I just thought that—”
 “Then let us begin,” said Nadia.
She playfully dragged Chimalus out of the room, leaving Skye swooping behind.
Sure enough, it was relatively more quiet down in the kitchens. And though it was empty, there were more than enough supplies to start a good cooking fire, and a few ingredients had been left out in the open.
Nadia clucked her tongue. “I had thought they would show a bit more care after our last storm…”
“Nadi?” Chimalus asked. “What’s wrong?”
Nadia shook her head. “No matter. I’m sure we can make something out of this.”
She swept further into the kitchens. Chimalus trailed behind her, taking a look at what the cooks had left behind. Nadia gathered everything up: a bowl of greens, a small roast that had apparently not been roasted yet… and there, shoved in the back of a nearly empty cupboard, was a small but decent loaf of bread.
“It’s hardly the makings of a feast, but I suppose this will do,” Nadia declared.
Chimalus cleared their throat. “Nadi, do the cooks… always leave things like this behind?”
“Not always, to my knowledge,” said Nadia. “Though they tend to leave this sort of mess behind more often than I would like…”
“Try not to worry about it too much,” said Chimalus with a little laugh. “And you’re right. We can certainly make something out of these. And… I think they may have… forgotten to set out some desserts after lunch.”
Chimalus reached into another cabinet and pulled out two small plates. One held an immaculate tea cake, the exact type that Nadia requested whenever she and Chimalus had the rare opportunity to relax on the veranda. The other held a lovely little fruit tart: one of Chimalus’ favorites.
Nadia smirked. “Well, now. It would be a shame to let those go to waste, wouldn’t it?”
 “It certainly would,” said Chimalus.
Skye chirped loudly. Chimalus laughed.
“Don’t worry, Skye, I’m sure we can dig up some sunflower seeds for you.” Chimalus rolled up their sleeves. “So… shall we get cooking?”
 Nadia couldn’t help it. Chimalus was so wonderful, and their smile was so adorable, that she laughed.
“Of course.” Nadia rolled up her sleeves as well. “Let us get cooking.’”
With Chimalus assisting, it turned out that they could make a lovely little meal out of the assorted ingredients. All the while, Chimalus was so focused on their task that they hardly flinched at any rumble of thunder. Each sound seemed more and more distant than the last. Though if Chimalus wanted to use the noise as a reason to hold Nadia’s hand a bit more often than usual… well, Nadia didn’t mind in the least.
All in all, she was very glad she was able to invite Chimalus to share in this lovely tradition.
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red-cape-morgana · 2 years
I Would Give It All Back Just To Have You (Pt5)
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(Pt1) / (Pt2) / (Pt3) / (Pt4) / Ao3
She seems so peaceful, her chest rising and falling with the slow rhythm of sleep. She can’t see everything from where she stands, but she can spot the dark circles under the eyes, scratches on her cheekbone, and some bruises on her hands.
Nothing that can explain what happened.
“Tell me again what happened exactly,” Lena asks with her gaze steadily fixed on the sleeping form.
She hears a sigh and ruffling papers from behind her.
“Lena,” Alex said, trying to hide her frustration the best she could. “We’ve been over this for the last two hours. Do you think I would hide something from you?”
“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time.”
Shit. The snarky comment had left her mouth before she could stop it.
“I’m sorry Alex,” Lena says, exhaustion creeping up in her voice. “It was a low blow, even for me. It’s just that I can’t believe it. She looks… she looks so peaceful, so like herself.”
She can hear footsteps coming closer and is not surprised when two hands softly hold her shoulders to make her turn around.
Alex looks older than ever before. More than during those nights spent working  in Lena’s lab, intoxicated more often than not. More than in the mornings following those nights, when the CEO had to help settle the agent on the cot in the furthest corner of the room before waking her up with coffee when duty required her.
But more than that, she looks broken. As if the last hope that had kept her going all this time to bring her sister back had finally been snuffed out. 
“Okay Luthor, but that’s the last time for today. After that, I bring you back to your place so you rest. And please do actually rest, otherwise Kelly will have both of our skins.”
Thinking back on when the woman had left them two hours ago, exasperated beyond measure, Lena could absolutely imagine her coming for them and sedating them so they would finally rest. Or do something more permanent.
“This is such a mess,” Alex grumbles to herself, rubbing her face.
“You tell me,” Lena answers with an eyeroll. 
“Hey, no need to be a smartass. Everything went wrong and unfolded too fast for us to react immediately. Which is why you got injured.”
Lena softens her stance a bit.
“Alex, you have no reason to feel guilty over that. We had no reason to believe…”
“It’s my job to anticipate danger Lena. I’m trained to assess any situation that is alien related, and it was a gross oversight on my part to treat this one any differently.’’
Taking a strangled breath, she adds ‘‘I just never imagined Kara, my sister…’’ 
Silence falls on them, the only noise breaking it being the regular beeping of the machines linked to Kara unconscious form in the other room. 
Lena lets the minutes roll, leaving the other woman time to gather her thoughts, and giving herself time to burn every single detail of the broken hero in her memory.
Alex clears her throat, catching her attention again.
“Kara came through the portal about a minute after it stabilized. She stumbled through it, immediately crumpling to the floor,” Alex said, her face distant, as if replaying the scene in her mind.
“Of course it wasn’t really that surprising. I mean, we don’t know what she’s been through all these months. Did she have to defend herself, what access she had to food and water, …”
The sun lamps in Kara’s room turned on at that moment, giving the sleeping hero the energy needed to keep the healing process going. And ensuring that Lena couldn’t keep staring unless wanting a bad case of uveitis and a major migraine.
When she turns her back to the room, her stomach tightens even more.
I’m failing her once more. What a great friend you are.
“You were the first to rush to her side, barely had she touched the ground that you were kneeling next to her,” Alex explains.
“But when you tried to help her up, things got wrong. Lena, I promise that we reacted as fast as possible, but you know Kara’s super speed.”
The brunette let out a dry chuckle at that.
“As a Luthor, I can’t say that many kryptonians have entrusted me with such knowledge.”
Alex doesn’t gratify her jab with an answer.
“When we saw her holding on to you, we all thought it was for comfort,” Alex sighs, continuing her retelling. 
“As I said before, we knew that the phantom zone would have had some psychological impact. What we didn’t see coming is the potential of aggression that would result from all that.”
Lena feels the bruises under her neck brace pulsing anew, as if Kara’s hands were still trying to crush her throat. And if Alex’s avoidance to look at her directly is anything to go by, Lena suspects that the marks are even worse than she has imagined.
Kara has attacked me.
Lena feels sick just to think that, the antithesis far more painful than any physical injury she has ever endured.
“In the blink of an eye you were sprawled on the floor, Kara on top and throttling you.”
Alex’s complexion seems to go greener by the seconds as she finally reaches the plot twist of the events. And Lena feels almost bad to put her through this. 
“J’onn immediately grabbed her, dragging her away from you, but Lena she was feral. We thought at first that she was confused, delirious even, after everything she went through. But she was coherent. She knew our names, referred to past events, all while cursing and fighting us.”
Despite the blinding lights in Kara’s room, Alex steps closer, trying to conciliate what she had witnessed and the loving image of her little sister.
Lena knows what that feels like. 
After all she had adored Lex, had put him on a pedestal for most of their life. He had been a kind and protective boy, and the only Luthor truly welcoming her in their now shared family. Until he wasn’t. Paranoia had erased any trace of that brother who had stood up for her and protected her from any harm coming her way, and had replaced it by an irrational fear of aliens, and ultimately mass murder.
It’s not the time to get lost in the past, get a hold of yourself Lena!
“We had to sedate her, and decided that it’s the safest option for us all at the moment,” Alex continues. “She will have time to heal, and may be her normal self next time she wakes up. Brainy is already working on the test results we’ve got, but most will take a few hours more. And, I can’t believe that I am saying this, it will also give us time to set up a room to contain her safely.”
Lena doesn’t know what to say to comfort the redhead. 
She feels sick at the idea of putting someone in a cage like a feral animal, ray-of-sunshine Kara all the more. But a rational part of her knows they don’t have much of a choice, an uncontrollable kryptonian would cause innumerable damages and casualties. Her concussion, damaged trachea and larynx all agree by throbbing more and more acutely.
Alex finally looks at her directly, her eyes more red and blotchy than she has ever seen.
“Let’s get you home, for now we can’t do anything but rest.”
Lena follows the redhead without a single protest.
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arcstral · 1 year
—  Fire Emblem: Engage, The Emblem Marth Retrospective.  —
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Marth in FE: Engage plays a fascinating supporting role.
He has a dynamic presence on the boxart though he’s not a character native to this installment; enlarged and immediately able to be seen on the left where the eyes tend to be first attracted. His title 'Emblem of Beginnings' implicates his role as the first emblem to be summoned on Elyos. He serves as the spokesman for the emblem family in a lot of cases, and provides worldly exposition for the ancient artifacts and plot detail uprisings.
If you acknowledge his role as a witness to every phase of Alear's life from beginning to end- the parts we see in game to the invisible sections we don't see a thousand years before- he suddenly becomes larger than life. The figure that has been with Alear longer than even Lumera. Someone who has seen everything there is to see about our protagonist, to an extent where if an omniscient narrator was ever needed to narrate the events of the game, the only qualified individual by necessity would have to be the ‘Emblem Marth’.
With that that said, I was initially willing to go into Engage thinking of its Marth as an offhand spinoff version. No different from the inconsequential single-beat portrayals of Smash or even Warriors. But this idea is wrong. Engage surprised me by putting a very human, very special Marth into my hands. An echo of the original Hero-King, Emblem Marth recognizes that he is only an emblem from the very first beat of his first appearance, and yet he's unaware of how faithful of a homage he is to the individual he's extracted from.
How much he takes the foundation and honors it elsewhere.
The Emblem Marth as set apart from simply Marth is a purely loyal existence from humble beginnings to bitter end. A millennial being who answers Alear’s call for aid at every cost and asks for nothing in return but to be remembered. His duty to protect this world is equal to his desire to be at Alear’s side. It's that enduring spirit of nobility, loyalty, and devotion to his friends, even forgiveness, that places him on par with his original.
It’s the adversities that best place these traits on show.
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Chapter 10 happens and brings the sky crashing down. Suffering on that course, as the last and latest emblem ring to be reclaimed from enemy hands- utterly miserable to be torn apart from Alear and company as Veyle aptly put it- still he serves to provide nothing but love and forgiveness for Alear on their long awaited reunion. The fact that chapter 10's devastation happened at all despite the counsel he’s spared. His even greater forgiveness of Veyle is extended in the aftermath, a compassionate empathy toward her circumstances that reflects the kind he shows for others in his time- his enemies. Hardin and Katarina. Camus and Michalis.
When Veyle returns the ring of the Hero-King to Alear in Chapter 22, she observes that “it was lying by your side, as if it wanted to be with you”, and to me this statement was the most touching. Marth no matter the circumstance will never, ever leave Alear behind if he can help it. But that situation, and that tragic day, arrives. And his reception to the cold fact is graceful.
Accepting his death without complaint, he quells Alear's fears with the reiterated admission of duty, no longer to Altea or to Archanea, but to Elyos. The Emblems exist to protect this world and in that call to existence is a reason worth dying for. His cessation means nothing, Marth nobly says. 'I am of no consequence' he remarks to Velyle tangentially in his paralogue when she laments at the idea of fighting him, with words that resemble humility but in actuality prioritizes the things that he sees as truly important--others.
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Duty is the overpowering virtue of Marth’s character. Whereas the original Hero-King cites himself a prince before a son or a brother, this one would call himself an Emblem above all else. That sense of duty to a world not his own even manifests in many different ways. From that unique perspective of both an emblem and a king comes his wisdom, the utmost belief that a world placed in Alear’s hands will know peace and prosperity, that it would be a beautiful place.
This interaction speaks of the telling final thoughts that the Emblem Marth possesses in the last chapter of his life; a dutiful onus to realize a successor to the emblems’ legacy, someone to watch over the lands they have protected for eons. To pick up the torch in their stead. This desire is coupled with his love and peace of mind. He is proud of Alear’s growth, has seen it himself over the course of a thousand years and then some. Of all Marth’s fond observations for the Divine One, such words might be the highest level of his praise.
Such words reflect the caliber of a noble and positive existence who is aware of his bitter end and smells only the flowers. An everbright future with or without the emblems.
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When the Pact Ring paralogue finally rolls around, we begin with Marth’s explication about the origins of the ring which even Vander does not know. Detailing Lumera’s mysterious history as its previous owner, and the familiarity of the local surroundings to him, it ends with his sound advice that Alear think carefully on which ally to give it. He is more than aware of the special meaning of this ring and how it will strengthen the bonds between two people.
That knowledge conjoined with his long history as Alear’s partner and a Lythos emblem posits an important side to the conversation:
He is consistently a voice of wisdom yet this example is special; it is in the late Queen Lumera’s place that Marth acts, informing her child about the ring most conducive to their happiness, second only in importance to the emblems and the birthday ring staving off Alear’s corruption. Marth, as always, is watching over the Divine One, nudging them toward their own betterment. Once a long-standing guardian to Alear’s slumber, he watches over them in the innocent and unassuming manner of this guidance as well.
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Ultimately, by the game’s ending I thought very deeply about what endeared me so much to this Marth. Why I mourned so much at his loss as a 'phony' version of the original and I think I can finally put it into words. It’s about how much he exemplifies the loyal Hachiko paradigm but ten times magnified. Waiting and watching at the side of his sleeping 'owner' for a thousand years, never failing to sally to Alear's side, and even when corrupted by the fell dragon incantation- even when unable to verbalize or express any component of free will- he's able to muster the scantest smile for Alear in their darkest hour.
Marth is the emblematic mascot who goes through a dozen different redesigns and cameos in the most offshoot games- the most of any existing FE protagonist in both aspects, all differing in appearance from one another in various degrees. In terms of those many portrayals that define Marth, FE17 is nevertheless set apart in this regard by its depth. Showing more than anything that a Marth of a vastly different premise and belonging to an alienated universe is still, well, Marth.
Someone who is dutiful to extremes and deeply appreciative of his bonds, unfailingly kind. Someone who has 'always been kind' as Alear puts it.
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Marth's words that Sombron's Emblem will never come back to him again is mirrored for himself. He, too, will never return, and what’s left in the wake of this knowledge is a unique iteration worth mourning. Engage teaches me nothing new about Marth but it does tell me one thing. The hero known as 'Marth' is as much a character as well as the allegoric ideal that puts greater duty and lordly goodness on the table.
Marth is Marth says Engage and that will always be an immutable worldly comfort.
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Taking care of them while they're sick
characters: Eula / Yun Jin x gn!reader
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: I decided to add Yun Jin to this, since I wanted to write something for her. Still, this is one of the first times I have ever written for her, so I'm sorry if I got her character a bit wrong.
Also I'm trying something "new" (well, I used to do smth like this, but abandoned it after some time) with the whole images instead of writing the names in italics, so I hope it doesn't look completely sh*t.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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You had absolutely no idea how Eula caught a cold. Sure, she was taking bath in the freezing waters of Dragonspine much more frequently than any person should, but that never seemed to bother her. But at the end of the day, it didn’t matter how she got herself sick, only that she managed to do so, and as the number one person on her list of people she swore her vengeance to, it was your duty to care for her until she was feeling well enough to continue avenging her grievances.
Taking care of her turned out to be not as difficult as you thought. Most of the time you found her sleeping and when she was awake, the most you had to do was cook chicken soup while making sure that she didn’t run out of tissues. All in all, you got much more out of it than you had to sacrifice, you had an excuse to stay at home for a few days, weren’t dragged to Dragonspine by Eula and got to hear some accidentally hilarious things coming out of her mouth.
“I swear on my name and on everything that I hold dear, I will take my vengeance on this stupid cold!”, you wished you could say how many times you had heard her say something of these lines in the past two days, but you had long lost count of it. Not being allowed to leave the bed for most of the time made the usually elegant and composed Eula into a frustrated mess.
“I’m sorry if me asking may seem disrespectful, but how exactly do you plan on taking revenge on an illness?”, you asked her while mockingly imitating the speech in which you imagined a servant would speak to their master. Your voice suddenly coming seemingly out of nowhere managed to catch the Lawrence a bit off-guard, causing her to turn her head so she would face you before giving you a short glare and taking the bowl of chicken soup you held in your hands.
“I don’t know, and I don’t care, all I know is that I want this stupid cold to finally end”, she muttered loud enough for you to hear before starting to shove the contents of the bowl into her mouth, only to stop after a few seconds and look you in the face once more. “You told me you know a bit about colds. So, how long until I’m fine again?”, she held eye contact with you for a few more seconds before starting to cough again and putting the bowl onto the small desk next to the bed.
“Well, you are still sick, and I don’t think you should go to work too quickly or else you might get something more serious. So maybe a week? I’m not an expert, but that’s usually how long it lasts”, the moment the estimated duration of her sickness left your mouth, Eula let out a frustrated groan before falling backwards onto the pillows.
You knew that Eula would be fine, maybe she would think twice about jumping into the cold water of Dragonspine the next time she was there or maybe she wouldn’t, you didn’t know. But what you did know, was that you had a week full of complaining in front of you.
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Having to perform regularly seemed like something stressful for you, but Yun Jin managed to do so without showing a hint of exhaustion, even though she didn’t miss a single performance. Well, not until she got sick with a sore throat at least. And while she had already seen a doctor, she still had to remain at home and rest, with you by her side to tend for her every need.
As her significant other you already knew what she was a sweet person she had hidden behind her polite public mask, but while most people would be a bit less bearable while sick, she was as nice as ever. Communicating with her was a bit difficult at first, since she couldn’t really speak without it causing her pain or at least discomfort, but you quickly resolved that problem by writing her a few cards with different things on them, causing her to simply show them to you whenever she needed the item written on them.
You didn’t leave Yun Jin’s side often, deciding to stay by her side most of the time, even if she didn’t really need you, you decided that she would probably appreciate a bit of company, telling her a few stories you had been told by your grandpa when you were just a child. To your surprise, and amusement, your “patient” had grabbed a blog and pencil before starting to write your tales down. At first you tried slowing down a little bit, but when you noticed that she was a fast writer and managed to keep up with your almost ramble like telling of the stories, you decided not to hold back.
But you also had a few things to do, so when you noticed how you ran out of ingredients for tea, you immediately ran to buy them, coming back in almost record time.
“You’re not going to believe this, Jin. So, when I was walking home, I met Chongyun, you know the exorcist boy with blue hair?”, you began talking the moment you re-entered the room, only to see her nod. “And he heard of your sore throat, so he was nice enough to give me one of his popsicles since he meant that they help against the pain. It hasn’t melted, yet, but I think it would be a good idea to eat it rather sooner than later”, you continued, only to hand the popsicle to Yun Jin, watching her give you a cute smile before starting to eat it.
“Thank you for taking so much care of me”, she thanked you in a hoarse voice, her smile never leaving her face. Your eyes instantly widened in shock. She wasn’t supposed to speak. You quickly scanned through all the cards only to realise that there was none for thanking you, immediately blaming yourself for forgetting to write one, indirectly forcing her to speak whenever she wanted to thank you. But before you had a chance to blame yourself too much, your mind was interrupted by Yun Jin laughing, only for it to turn into coughing. You quickly handed her a glass of cold water and saw her take a sip of it before she turned back to you. “You always worry so much, but be assured, I’m doing much better than yesterday, so thank you for that.”
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arcanadreams · 3 years
That time you and your demon boyfriend went viral
hi yes hello obey me fandom!! my name is Gabbi and i have never played a single second of the actual game but i have read enough fanon content for the past year to have this idea swimming around in my head and now i am finally letting this accursed thing out of my brain and putting it in yours
also i’m only doing the brothers because any more than that and i’d have an aneurysm probably. oh and shoutout to @obeythebutler and @beels-burger-babe for inspiring me with their works to feel brave enough to write for this fandom
You and Lucifer go viral on Asmo’s Devilgram story!
You’re in the kitchen helping Asmo with dinner duty and singing along to one of your playlists of human realm music that you like to show him.
Asmo starts filming your cute little dance while you stir the pot on the stove because you are just adorable!
About ten seconds into him filming, Lucifer appears in the doorway with quite the stern look on his face. You know, the one that comes right before a “MAMMOOOOOON” and strikes fear into the heart of all those with functioning eardrums. That one.
He opens his mouth, presumably to tell y’all to shut the fuck up, but then there’s a lull in the music and the eldest can hear your voice ever so slightly above the song’s vocalist and he freezes.
Man stops in his tracks like someone just smacked him in the face with a midair volleyball.
Asmo can be heard stifling a laugh behind his phone.
Lucifer’s face gets so soft and he almost, almost, loosens his metal-rod-through-the-ass posture before you notice him and give a little wave and ask if you and Asmo were being too loud like the considerate darling you are.
Lucifer clears and his throat and says something like, “No, you aren’t. I was just coming to check on how dinner is coming along,” and leaves, after which Asmo immediately presses the post button.
Screenshots of Lucifer’s heart eyes for you go absolutely viral because every demon on Devilgram goes absolutely feral for seeing the eldest demon brother lose his dignified composure. It becomes a meme template. “Get you someone who looks at you like Lucifer looks at MC” and “me at the delivery demon when he shows up with my spicy bat wings” posts become commonplace. (Asmo thinks the memes are totally worth getting strung up with Mammon for laughing at them.)
Much like Lucifer, you and Mammon end up going viral off Asmo’s Devilgram. (Noticing a pattern here?) 
He pulls a silly prank on your asses and honestly I don’t know how you fell for it. But hey, they say “idiots in love” for a reason, so...
You and Asmo are sitting in the common room of the House of Lamentation just chillin. Well, he’s chillin, you’re on the floor studying for an upcoming exam.
The video starts in the middle of a conversation you and the avatar of lust were having.
“No, Asmo,” you say. “Mammon and I don’t use pet names for each other.” Now that’s just a darn lie, and every demon and crow within ten miles of Mammon and you together knows it.
“Really? I find that very hard to believe, MC.~” 
You sigh in response to Asmo’s teasing. “Okay, he has a lot for me but I’m just not much of a pet name person, y’know?” The rest of the exchange goes like this:
“Oh, I totally get it.” *pause* “Hey MC, what do human world bees make again?”
Cue a sheepish Mammon sticking his head in the doorway at the bluntness of your tone when you answered Asmo.
“Yeah, babe?” he looks like a puppy left on the side of a highway oh my god hUG HIM-
Asmo turns the camera back to his smug ass face and in the background you can be heard tripping on the damn carpet trying to get up and hug your mans. (”MAMMON GET OVER HERE SO I CAN HUG YOU” “W-WHAT? I THOUGHT YA WERE MAD AT ME?!?!?!?!”)
Streamer Levi? Streamer Levi.
You guys go viral the first time you make an appearance on one of Levi’s weekly (insert cool Devildom streaming service name here) streams. 
It’s completely unintentional. You had been asking him for weeks to play with him on there, but he’s the avatar of envy after all. He doesn’t like sharing his partner, even if it’s with random strangers who have no real access to you.
However, he has his stream on a Thursday instead of a Friday one week, and you come into his room carrying dinner because 1) You didn’t realize he was streaming and 2) No matter what he was doing, the boy needed to eat. It wasn’t unusual for you to bring him dinner, so you had no idea why he was blushing and stammering even more than usual this time in particular. Boy was speaking in beached whale trying to tell you what was wrong.
Then you notice his screen. Oh! “Hi chat!” You wave, setting Levi’s food down on his desk in front of his keyboard. “M-MC!” He full-on whines, slamming a hand over his mouth afterwards when he remembers his viewers could hear that.
Honestly, they’d meme the fuck out of him if it weren’t for the fact that they are FINALLY SEEING HIS HENRY!!! THE MYSTERIOUS MC!!!
Chat is bombarding you with questions while you make Levi eat dinner. And by make him eat dinner, I mean literally feeding this man forkfuls/spoonfuls while he games because you love how flustered he gets when you do that. 
Does it impact his score? Absolutely. Does he care? Not really when you’re pampering him like that.
You start answering chat’s questions about you while he’s chewing so he can’t tell you to stop LMAO-
You’re a natural on stream. The VOD becomes the most popular on Levi’s account in a matter of hours and soon cute highlights compilations of you and him on that stream start making the rounds on Devildom Twitter.
There was buildup to Satan going viral, similar to Levi in a way. 
Satan does have a Devilgram, but it’s basically a white woman’s Instagram with added book reviews for variety. Unless you’re a reader his account is pretty boring: candles, books, fireplaces, and cats.
However, after you two started reading together fairly often he began posting pictures of your legs draped over his while you sat together. They’d always be captioned with vague ass pretentious literary criticism. 
This goes on for months, and he gains a lot of (horny) followers after the leg pics start up. He doesn’t really get why but you both joke that it’s because you have some damn nice legs and I mean neither of you are complaining about the new following.
You two go viral when he finally shows your face, entirely by accident.
The post is a video, which is already strange for him and grabs attention. In it, you’re scoffing and reading an excerpt of a book, mocking its understanding of female anatomy.
“I’m quoting here, Satan: ‘her breasts bouncing around like giant pacmen.’ I’M SORRY?? THAT ISN’T HOW BOOBS WORK SIR. WHY ARE MEN ALLOWED TO WRITE?” 
(fun fact that is a very real quote from a very real book I really read last month pls save me)
Originally the camera is focused on your body, with your head out of frame to protect your privacy, but your righteous anger made Satan laugh. Like, a real laugh. The one that makes you and everyone in earshot wonder if he truly was never an angel cause he sure as hell laughs like one but anyway-
When he threw his head back, his DDD angled up just a tad without him noticing, and your face was in view for like .2 seconds. Screenshots of it are making the rounds on Devilgram almost immediately: FINALLY THE LEGS’ OWNER HAS BEEN FOUND.
Satan apologizes profusely but you honestly find it funny and you two opt to just start taking selfies while reading with both of your faces in them from now on. 
I’m gonna be real with you: you and Asmo go viral all the time. Pretty much everything Asmo posts can be considered viral because of his social media following and his status as one of the seven avatars of sin.
However, there are some fairly cute highlights to be pointed out among the times you were both featured in a post that blew up.
Your favorite is probably that time Asmo livestreamed on of you guys’ ‘Nail Nites,’ as you call them.
You’re both on the floor, doing your nails and kicking your feet back and forth while talking to chat. A lot of the questions are about your relationship, and there’s a lot of flirting back and forth between the two of you.
A particular clip of the stream does blow the fuck up on Devilgram, though, when someone screen records it and posts it with a bunch of heart emojis edited over it.
“’What colors do you think best describe each other?’ Ooo, that’s a good one, chat!” Asmo claps his hands together excitedly, making sure to be  careful of his nails.
Pretty much everyone expected you to say pink, but you surprised both your boyfriend and your viewers when, after a pensive few moments, you replied with “Hmm...probably yellow or orange.”
“Can I ask why, darling?” Asmo tilts his head in confusion. I mean, yeah, those colors look good on him, but he doesn’t wear them often so he’s wondering about your thought process. 
“Well, in the human world those colors often represent happiness, optimism, and positivity. You’re always the cheerful presence I need in my life when things get hard, so you have the vibe of those colors.”
Asmo proceeds to burst into tears and hug you, messing up both of your nails and prolonging the stream since you both have to start over. But neither of you particularly care. 
Fun fact: Asmo has the clip that demon made of that portion of the stream saved on his DDD and watches it whenever he feels sad.
Beel and you probably go the most viral out of everybody. Like this moment is an entire phenomenon across the Devildom internet. 
It’s a video, or well, multiple videos, taken at the end of a Fangol game that Beel’s team had just won. Everyone is cheering and going crazy, yourself included, and you just really wanted to congratulate your boyfriend.
So, like the rational person you are, you elect to climb up onto the railing of the bleachers and wave to get his attention. 
You were absolutely fine up there, and sat all comfortably motioning Beel over to you. He notices, of course, and jogs over, standing right beneath you and looking up. (Back where you were sitting, Mammon is screeching like a hyena in heat and Belphie, who is laying down, has one eye open to glare at him. The youngest knows Beel would never let you hurt yourself; you’re fine.)
A bunch of assorted demons at the game has started filming while you were sat atop the railing since you were rather noticeable. Therefore, there’s a shit ton of different angles of the adorable events that follow:
You slide off the railing, landing right in Beel’s waiting arms bridal style. You’ve got this brilliant smile on your face as you pull his helmet off. None of the DDDs filming can hear it over the crowd noise, but Beel asks you why you just went through all that trouble and you tell him it’s because you wanted to tell him how proud you are.
Soft boy’s chest puffs up and he smiles this big cheesy smile at you reach up to run a hand through his hair. You feel him practically purr at the contact, and with a laugh you pull him in and plant a big ole smooch on him.
The crowd, at least those of them that can see, scream. Everyone is running high on adrenaline and happy emotions; something that cute causes a ruckus!! When you pull away Beel proceeds to put you on his shoulders and you celebrate with him and the rest of his team.
The videos of you two being adorable go completely viral and there are some threads dedicated to stockpiling every single angle taken of the event. Beel is completely oblivious to the attention but you have a lot of them saved on your DDD.
If you think Belphegor has any sort of social media presence whatsoever then you are sorely mistaken. (Well okay he actually does run some anonymous troll accounts to meme on Lucifer’s posts but that’s neither here nor there-)
Therefore, naturally, you two go viral off of Asmo’s Devilgram. 
Okay so someone in the obey me tag the other say headcanoned that Belphie will go out of his way to nap in ridiculous places and my brain really took that and RAN WITH IT.
So what happens is that Belphie will fall asleep in the fucking weirdest places. I’m talking on top of the fridge, underneath the dinner table, on top of bookshelves...you name it, he has slept there, no matter the effort it takes to get there in the first place. 
And, ever since you two started dating, you would join him. Sometimes it involved putting yourself at risk of great bodily harm, but the little smile he gave when you he saw you fucking scaling the countertop to reach him made it worth it.
So anyway, since Beel adores the both of you to no end, he takes pictures whenever he sees you two napping together, whether or not it is in a crazy place. He sends these to the family group chat because he thinks they’re adorable.
Over a span of weeks to months, Asmo has built up a stock of images of you and Belphie cuddles up in seemingly impossible places. Once he has about ten or so, he posts a compilation of them to his Devilgram with some cheesy ass caption like “The things we do for love <3″.
They become a meme SO QUICKLY. Like UNBELIEVABLY quickly. 
The picture of you and Belphie sleeping on top of a bookshelf, in particular, is a big hit. Memes abound.
“If my girl doesn’t climb up a bookshelf to cuddle my ass, she don’t love me.” “Get yourself a partner who scales bookshelves just to be with your ass.” Etc etc...Belphie doesn’t give a shit but you laugh at a lot of them so he sees that as a good outcome.
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admiringlove · 3 years
hurtful things
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+synopsis: genshin boys and the hurtful things they said.
+genre: angst; headcanons.
+characters: kaeya; diluc; childe; zhongli.
+warnings: swearing; crying; implied panic attack.
+order: hey bubs! i saw you doing requests and i HAD to ask for genshin angst :) spare me some tears pls <//3 preferably w kaeya or diluc or childe :) [submitted by @crackheadsara​]
+author’s note: okay so i included zhongli bc he’s the love of my life, also i needed comfort from him after writing such hurtful things :D
+navigation: main menu, genshin menu.
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“i’m better off without you.”
you know from the way your door was knocked in the middle of the night on a weekday after months, that it’s kaeya. you rub your eyes sleepily, trudging towards the door as anger and doubt fuse into a nasty green in your mind. 
you unlock the door, pulling it open to see the man with the eyepatch tapping his foot on the deck of your home impatiently. he smirks when his eye lands on you, attempting to walk in but stopping himself when he realizes you're standing at the door, unmoving. 
"kaeya, it's three in the morning. and it's monday. i have to report to jean in three hours," you mumble tiredly as you look up at him. the lamp grass by your windowsill outside and the moonlit night accentuated his cerulean eyes and contrasting coffee-colored skin. he frowns, peering down at you as he asks, "may i come in?"
you shrug, opening the door wide as you let the man in. he places his sword on the table and proceeds to walk into the bedroom when you ask, "where have you been for the past two weeks?"
"work," his reply is the same. you let out a sigh in impatience as you retort, "that's the same excuse as always."
he was tired and wanted to sleep off the fatigue from his latest mission. but when he hears you say that, something in him snaps and he turns around, his jaw clenched and a fixed glare making you a little agitated. he raises an eyebrow as he says, "well, unlike you, i am an actual important member of the knights of favonius."
"kaeya, all i meant was that you're always gone. you never write a letter back even if i send you one, and you somehow manage to come back every single time, expecting that it doesn't hurt me. what am i supposed to do?" your voice is small as you look down, hair drooping towards the ground. you're not even yelling at him, you're just worried. he always leaves you alone(sometimes you tag along, but you couldn't tell why nowadays he'd leave you alone without some sort of warning).
"does it ever occur to you that you're just a hindrance?" he bites back, thinking that you're trying to put up a front. you flinch at his words, causing him to force a jeer before he starts again, "you always come along, so maybe i wanted to be away from you for a bit. that's why i leave without a warning so i don't have to tend to your yapping all day. because i'm better off without you."
you gasp as you look up to his figure, now retreating to your shared bedroom. you hear him fall onto the bed with a content sigh as you stand there, wiping at your tears incessantly as hiccups escape your lips. you bit your tongue to stop yourself from crying, pressing a hand on your mouth to muffle the sounds so you don't disturb kaeya. you get a quick peek in, eyes widening when you see him sound asleep and tucked in. 
so that's how it was, you think. 
the next morning, kaeya wakes up to a cold bed as his arm reaches out to an empty space. his eyes immediately pry open as he wakes up, to see that you weren't here. 
ah, he ponders to himself, you must've gone to tend to your duties. 
he stretches, letting out a yawn before walking out to the kitchen. he smiles when he sees a plate of food left for him on the countertop with a note from you. but somehow, something felt very wrong about this whole ordeal. this had happened before—he had come back from insanely long missions to you before, so what felt different?
and then it hits him. the things he said last night. he frantically looks around, his azure eyes completely drowned in horror as he notices small changes in your shared household. a few picture frames are missing on the living room walls, your keychain isn't on the bookshelf anymore, and worst of all, when he runs into the closet, half of your clothes are gone. 
did you really feel that bad about what he said?
in panic, he runs out and keeps going till he reaches the headquarters of the knights. he barges in this time, not returning the greetings of the guards upfront as he walks into jean's office. 
"where are they?" he pants, "i-i messed up, do you know where they are?"
jean's eyes widen as she says, "our associates were having a hard time handling with the fatui in liyue harbor so they volunteered to go there for sometime."
"how long has it been?"
"they left long ago, it's about to be around ten hours since," she says. kaeya's heart shatters as he hears those words. he hadn't expected you to outright leave like that, but if you had said the same things to him, he definitely would've stormed out. his voice cracks as he looks at the ground in shame, "h-how long until they'll be back?"
"i.. don't know."
he regrets everything he's said. he truly does because he doesn't even notice that tears are streaming down his cheeks until jean comes to his aid. he hates himself for all of it—he hates that he has to live in a home where traces of you are visible everywhere; worst of all, he hates how he knows he lost you for good. even if you come back, he knows you wouldn’t run and melt into his arms like you did before. you’re gone now, fading into the darkness and away from him. 
maybe it was for the best.
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“you’re nothing but a burden.”
after taking on a few abyss mages and mitachurls, diluc lets a grunt out in pain before you see the slash on his right arm. you gasp, pulling him to the side of the lake as you pull out a bandage and cotton from your bag to clean his wounds. he's reluctant to it at first, but he sits there quietly and broods as you clean the blood with cotton and some type of healing ointment. 
you tie the bandage on his arm, a tiny bit of vermillion liquid seeping through the white cloth before sitting down next to him, finally catching a breath. sighing, you look up at him and say, "that was reckless."
"no, what you did was reckless. who told you to come along with me to dadaupa gorge? you knew what you were getting into when you came along, so don't put this on me," he grumbled, frowning as you look at him with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. you are sort of hurt, but you know he's only saying this in faux indignation, so it's okay. you chuckle out, beginning, "diluc, i was-"
"i don't know why i even bother with you at this point," he exasperates, looking into the distance behind you. he curses slightly under his breath, his rouge eyes filled to the brim with anger as it finally overflows, "you're nothing but a burden."
your eyes suddenly flick to gape at him in disbelief. you stand up, your voice hitching in your throat as you ask, "diluc, you mean that?"
and it all simmers down into ashes when he mumbles "of course i do" under his breath. your vision is blurry as you walk away from the red-haired man, your body trembling as you almost give away that you're crying your eyes out. you walk back in the direction the two of you came from, leaving your broken heart in the hands of diluc, who sat by the lake not muttering a word after. 
he knows he's said things he doesn't mean; he does that all the time, but you probably knew that. he figures you're leaving to catch a breath of fresh air—to be away from the tension-filled environment for a bit, you had a habit of doing that at home. he sighs as he ponders over his words for a bit. he knew it was wrong to display such harshness to you, but you probably knew he didn't mean anything by it. he always bubbled over rash things when he was frustrated. 
the sun sets in front of him, painting hues of aubergine and peach as it flows down. he wonders where you are, getting up from his spot by the lake to venture towards the path you walked off. 
only when he can't find you, is when he thinks that you might've actually taken offense to his words. although he cares about you sincerely, he finishes his mission first, getting a lead on the abyss order—because protecting monstadt was his first priority. you lingered in his mind every second of every day till he finally got back home. and when he didn't find you there, he asks adelinde about it, who only shakes her head and tells him, "i'm sorry, master diluc, but i haven't seen them come back. i thought they were with you."
it all pieces together in his mind now, how a small gasp had escaped your lips when he had called you a burden. the way you nodded begrudgingly, getting up and walking away from his presence as your shoulders trembled. the way he could hear you choke back a sob, but still ignored it, thinking you had overreacted in the situation. 
he searches the whole city for you. he searches every nook and corner, and even walks into the headquarters of the knights of favonius(he ignores kaeya's teases instead of biting back this time). and when he finally sees you, he holds himself back. his hand is suspended awkwardly in the air as he reaches out for you, your back turned towards him. 
maybe this was better—maybe it was a good thing that you had walked away from him. this way, the abyss order won't be able to harm you. this way, he won't be able to harm you. this way, you'll be safe and sound, away from the storm known as diluc ragnvindr.
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“it’s not like you mean anything to me.”
it's not often you see childe. he's always in liyue, and you're here, stuck in monstadt or snezhnaya. it's cold today(as it always is) in snezhnaya, the snow covered almost everything outside as you looked out of your window, sipping on hot coffee as you sigh at the wilting roses on the sill. they'd wilted when you had gone to monstadt and you didn't have the heart to plant new ones.
just thinking about the blue-eyed childish man would make your heart bloom and cheeks flustered. you longed to spend more time with him, really. if only he wasn't affiliated with the fatui, he'd be able to spend more time with you. it had been months since you had seen him, and you longed to be in his arms once again, but who knows when that'll happen again? whenever he comes home, he chooses to spend a night with you and then head back. he'd laugh alongside you, tell you about his adventures, and give small reactions when you told him about yours. and the next morning, you'd wake up to an empty bed with a small note by the table, saying how he has to leave for work.  
a knock at your door snaps you out of your entranced state. as you open the lock and look out, you see childe, standing there with a tired grin and disheveled hair as he walks in without a word. he hands you a small paper bag, saying, "i brought you back something from liyue this time."
the same excuse, you think. it's always the same. he brings back small mementos and souvenirs as a pretense for staying, and by the time you think you can forgive him, he's gone. he plops down onto the sofa, stretching his arm out so you could join him. the thought of confronting him crosses your mind, but you shake it off—since he had only just gotten back. 
the night is the same as always. talking about each others' adventures, eating dinner by the fireplace, laughing alongside one another until you hit the bed. it's quiet now as you watch over his sleeping figure, his lapis-colored eyes now hidden. you sigh as you lay there for hours on end, twiddling with his brown hair as you wait for him to wake up(so this time you can actually say goodbye). 
when his eyes flutter open, he's a little taken aback when he looks over at you to see you wide awake. his brows furrow just a smidge as he says, "you're up."
"well, i wanted to say goodbye this time," you chuckle dryly, "you always leave without waking me up."
"i don't like the way you said that," he says, getting up from his position on the bed. you look away from him, your eyes displaying hurt as you murmur, "i don't like the way you leave."
"well, it's my job. it's not like i'm an adventurer like you, wasting my time around. i'm a harbinger and i have responsibilities," he says. his voice is neither too soft and nor too prickly, and you can tell that he's a little worked up by the way he lightly nips on the skin of his bottom lip as his gaze bores into you. 
"i didn't say you don't. all i said was that you could maybe sometimes stay for more than one night. it feels like you're using me, and when you're bored, you leave."
"oh?" he cocks an eyebrow as he stands up, "i'm using you, huh?"
you grimace at the tone of his voice, and when you look at him, you notice the sheer annoyance he puts up towards you. your voice is small when you ask him if he loves you—because you don't know anymore. seeing him once in a few months for the past few years has sure hurt you more than anything, and if you don't tell him now, then you might never get a chance. 
"what if i say i don't?" he smirks, walking up to you, "it's not like you mean anything to me. what if i agree that i am using you to make myself happy until i'm bored, so i can then throw you away?"
he doesn't like what he's saying either. his mind is screaming at him to stop, but he's worked up. he's irritated by the way you jabbed at him first thing in the morning, even though he knows you're right. his heart almost stops when he looks at the expression on your face after he says those words, and as he reaches out his hand for you, you turn away. 
your voice cracks, and he's sure his heart did as well when you mumble, "i-i'd like you to leave, please."
"wait, i didn't mean-"
"tartaglia," your eyes look into his, perhaps for the last time, as you give him a sad smile, "you don't have to come back to me anymore."
it hurts him as he leaves your home that morning. it hurts him when he comes back months later to see that your home is now empty. it hurts him because he tarnished the you that was once his. 
it hurts him, but he thinks it's for the best if you stay away from him if all he does is bring you pain.
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“i’d like you to leave me alone.”
zhongli was never one to pick fights. he was peaceful; his thoughts were positive(most of the time), and he almost always preferred to talk about his problem rather than fighting about it—he believes that fighting will only bring pain, so why not confide in one another about our problems instead?
he's quiet. he's not shy(it's quite the opposite, actually), but he's one to prefer to only talk when absolutely necessary. he's the type to listen rather than speak, saying something like, "we have two ears and one mouth. speak less than you listen."
he smiles when his mind goes back to the time when he said that to you while having a cup of tea together, and you'd replied, "my mother used to tell me that when i was a child."
because it's true; every child in liyue harbor has heard those words at least once in their lives. the quality of listening is appreciated more than the quality of speaking—and zhongli, for one, was a listener. 
you, on the other hand, were a speaker. you always woke him up every morning with a smile as bright and everlasting as the sun, babbling about breakfast and tea as he got up from the bed. you were the one that carried conversations on your shoulders on morning walks, you were the one that intertwined your fingers with his as the two of you walked amongst flowers, adoring them as you talked about the contrasting colors of silk flowers and glaze lilies. he loved you for that. he loved you because you were a speaker. he loved you because you were a perfect balance, the only one who could soften his hardened heart. the only one whom he'd chosen to wake up next to in the mornings, the only one whom he'd let ruffle his hair without asking(because he secretly liked it). 
so why had he reversed the roles tonight? why was he the one to bubble out his frustrations to you, speaking in a cold and stern manner instead of the loving tone that was only reserved for you? why was he the one to speak tonight, and why were you the one to listen?
it's not like he was actually frustrated—he was only thinking about something else as you asked him what he wanted for dinner. it surely wasn't your fault when he had poured over turbulent words to you. and he knows that the ones that hurt the most probably were, "i'd like you to leave me alone."
he looks up at the stars, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he walks back into his shared home with you. he looks around, and when there's no sign of you, he feels himself break apart even more. 
had you actually left? he wants to run to you and tell you he hadn't meant any of those words because he hadn't. he wants to touch you, to caress you, to please you, to make you smile—and he wants to admit he was wrong. he wants to make it right, but he doesn't know where you are. 
he walks into the empty bedroom, sitting on the cold mattress as his eyes sting. he doesn't understand what's happening, or why there are small drops of water falling from his eyes. he doesn't understand why everything feels heavy all of a sudden—his heart, his throat his lungs, everything. he doesn't understand why he feels like he's trapped in a box, and the water seems to be filling up more quickly than he'd prefer. he wants to reach for air, but he can't.
he couldn't breathe without you. 
he hears the door close and immediately gets up in haste to walk to the living room where he sees you take off your boots. you turn around to see him, his disheveled hair and frantic eyes finally calming as he walks over to you and engulfs you in a warm embrace. his throat cleared up, and so did his heart and lungs as he mumbles against your ear, "i'm so sorry."
you smile smally, looking up at him as you cup his cheeks and wipe a stray tear, and mutter, "it's okay, zhongli. stress gets to the best of us."
god, how he loves you. he places a small peck on the top of your forehead as he feels his lips turn upward at your touch and the scent of glaze lilies lingering over you tells him that you'd been to the flower garden. he sleeps with your fingers weaved with his that night and pulls you even closer if you untangle with him in sleep. 
he makes a promise to himself saying he'd never hurt you like that again, and he keeps it.
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© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
cw: unhealthy relationships, villain emmet, implied death (to ghetsis), poly, kidnapping
Pairing: Ingo/Reader, Emmet/Reader
Summary: Emmet doesn't handle the disappearance of those closet to him well.
words: 2325
Emmet felt empty.
At first, he presumed it was a joke.
"Haha, let us not come home and mess with Emmet."
Yet, as the hours ticked on, he became more and more distressed. He called both of your phones over and over again. Out of service - Leave a message. There was no message to be left. His sobs were loud and heavy as he called Elesa. The model was informed of the situation. She was also unsettled by this and immediately called the police. 
Interviews came up empty.
Searches turned up nothing.
The only information that held any weight was from a Depot Agent who had reported a strange light to Ingo, who had you in his office with him chatting. You were both about to leave and return home. Back to Emmet. You tagged along with Ingo for his investigation.
Nothing was found where the light had been reported.
In an abandoned tunnel that no longer held active lines. 
Emmet refused anyone's contact. Emmet refused anyone's consolation. Emmet refused anyone's comfort.
Three days in bed, he lay in endless tears. His voice was wrecked and raspy; his eyes were blooshot and puffy. It was not possible. It was impossible. Emmet refused to accept the reality around him. You were both out there somewhere.
He still felt Ingo's presence; Ingo and him connected beings from the moment of conception. Split, they may have, but together they would always be.
In spirit.
Emmet had never felt such aggressive loneliness.
Every single moment of his life preceding that horrible day had been spent with his brother in some form or manner.
Even the twenty minutes that separated them in birth had been filled with Ingo's loud cries to reassure Emmet that he was there; that Emmet was not alone. His, now, older brother waited for him to return to his side.
They grew up attached at the hip. Their parents let them share a crib, as was instructed for healthy twin development. As toddlers and children, they still sneaked into the other's bed, seeking an end to a loneliness that only the other twin could end. By the time they were teenagers, they had stopped the practise, but shared a room and basically everything. 
What had been creeping into the other's bed and lying beside them wordlessly with them knowing what was happening had turned into calling the other's name. He would wake up without pause and ask him what was wrong. They trusted each other completely, even during their phases of angst. Somehow, it would always end with them hugging and crying about their emotions. They were closer than most brothers could ever hope to be. Emmet could read Ingo's seemingly neutral expression with ease. Ingo could tell what Emmet was really thinking, despite the pleasant facade he left on his face.
In terms of both, spiritually and physically, they were both halves of a whole.
Without each other, they were incomplete.
Emmet, despite his age, still found himself relying heavily on Ingo for so much. Comfort, understanding, and talking. The younger still hid behind the older, even after such a thing became frowned upon. Ingo never stopped him, knowing how much comfort it provided him. A slight glare was given to anyone who dared question it. Ingo views Emmet as his responsibility; it is his duty as the elder twin to take care of the younger.
In those twenty minutes of endless crying, their mother had said she thought something was wrong with Ingo. The nurses and doctors all kept darting their eyes to him as he wailed louder than any infant should, with such heavy heartbreak. It did not end until Emmet was born. His softer cries mixed with Ingo's own, mellowing them out into a silence. They apparently reached out to each other. They were placed in the same crib in the nursery and peacefully rested beside one another.
Emmet had always wondered how he would have felt had Ingo not sobbed so loudly for him.
He knew now.
As they grew, their passion and love for battling became apparent alongside their affection for trains. It was nearly destiny that both twins would end up as revered trainers and Subway Bosses. They lived together in an apartment; they travelled to work together; and they spent all their time at work at each other's side. Time apart was reserved for evenings and separate days off, but the other twin was only a phone call away. Elesa joked that they were inseparable. If only she had been right.
It was natural that they would share a lover. Their searches for love independently always ended up with harsh judgement against their closeness as twins, and how the other twin always seemed to grow to dislike their partners, seeing them for how they truly are. That was why when you entered their lives as a secretary, a bond was easily formed.
You cared for them both professionally and personally. At first, you were careful and kept a healthy distance, but as you watched Ingo spend one too many a night drowned in paperwork. Helping him through it, he was too grateful not to repay you in some way. A friendly dinner taught you he skipped meals often, which led to further concern from you. Lunches brought for Ingo turned into lunches brought for both twins as it was only fair. You entertained Emmet with battles when work stressed him out too much, before it turned into a friendly competition.
With all your kindness and care, it was little wonder how both twins fell for you. Emmet blurted out a confession during a dinner they had both taken you out to, tired of dancing around his emotions. You were flustered, and, for a moment, both brothers were terrified of your rejection. You smiled brightly, however. "I-I'd love to! ... But my job," you had said. They shook their heads in sync, something that never failed to make you giggle. There was nothing to change but your relationship. 
Months turned into an entire year, and you found yourself living with the brothers. Ingo was happy to finally be closer to settling down, while Emmet was ecstatic that there was someone who did not judge them for their closeness. You found it cute; endearing, even. Mornings were spent in a cuddle pile until one of you (Ingo) got up to start everyone's day. Days were worked in relative peace; everything was nearly perfect.
Ingo proposed marriage to his brother carefully, but there would never be push-back from Emmet on that. You were not going to say no to the loves of your life, so marital bliss completed the circle. Talks of starting a family were happening, and the day you disappeared with Ingo was supposed to be your last day, truthfully. You were all going to try soon after. 
You laughed when Emmet said he would, without a doubt, have identical twin daughters. Ingo became flustered and said that he would want anything so long as he could finally become a father. The moment was so sweet.
A haunting reminder of something that would never be.
The three days passed.
Emmet stopped crying.
He buttoned up his white work shirt. His tie was tied and pulled taut to support his collar. The white slacks were buttoned and held in place with a tawny belt. The conductor's hat was heavy on his head while he slipped on his shoes. Emmet walked to work.
Eyes stared at him while people whispered into each other's ears while he passed by. Pitiful looks, disgusted looks, annoyed looks; all gazed at him. He entered the Gear Station without ever stopping. Depot Agents greet him, excited to see the return of their boss. Many freeze after looking at him. He unlocked the door to his shared office. It was a mess. Paperwork strown everywhere and a broken bottle of alcohol. 
He took a seat at his desk. His eyes stared forward. The tears burned his eyes, but they would no longer fall. Emmet was fine. Emmet would continue on.
He had lost the two halves of himself,
but he would carry on.
Someone had to.
Ingo and you would return, and Emmet could not allow things to be a mess for either of you. 
He took the black cap off his head and stared at it adoringly.
Emmet would keep everything under control.
He was more than powerful enough to do so.
Emmet's hard work paid off.
All of Unova was under his thumb, as White Kyurem stood fiercely at his side. Ingo's Chandelure at his other. It may have been cruel to take such a frightening role of power in order to enact revenge against those who may have been innocent, but in the younger twin's eyes, no one was. This world had taken so much from him and then expected him to just move on.
To take the pain and grow into a 'better' person.
An adult who does not hide behind their brother; an adult who does not rely on his brother. 
An adult who was happy to be alone without anything to fill the endless void inside him.
They all deserved to suffer.
Not that they did. Emmet was a fair leader. You either followed the laws or you faced punishment. Emmet worked to keep everyone safe and happy.
Complaining was not allowed.
No one would dare do it to his face, not with the ever increasing heat from his closest partners.
The Joltiks ran from him after he started his plans. That green-haired man thought he would manipulate Emmet, a reincarnation of one of the twin heroes of Unova. He was fool if he thought the hero of truth could be so unaware. 
Emmet liked winning above all else.
His smile was cruel as he turned the dragon on Ghetsis without hesitation.
Emmet sat on his throne, waiting for the return of his brother and their shared lover. Scientists were working tirelessly in order to reopen the portal that had taken them from him. His eyes closed. Soon.
Warden Ingo and you had been returned home after Akari had captured Arceus. A friendly smile and soft eyes on her face. There was nothing she could do about your memories, but taking you home was more than enough. Your feet landed on hard, solid ground. A stone of sorts under your feet. Ingo lightly grasped your arm so you did not become separated. Your infant son looking around the area. His silver eyes were filled with such curiousity.
The place felt heavy and gloomy. People walked around with slumped shoulders and heavy gazes. People froze as they stared at you for too long. Words were yelled and people in strange uniforms came to try to grab you. Ingo fought against them while you tried to shield your son. A strange pokemon came out and used sleep powder, rendering him unconscious. You complied with them, terrified for Ingo and your baby.
They brought you to what appeared to be a castle of sorts, guiding you through the halls with practised ease and dragging Ingo along. Large doors appear before you. One of the men knocked and whispered something to someone. They swung open and revealed a throne room. 
You gasped. 
A man nearly identical to Ingo sat on a throne.
His eyes lit up at the sight of you and Ingo.
"Brother, darling!" his voice pitched as he rushed over to you. A terrifying dragon pokemon watching you with scrutiny. A shrill cry resounded and a strange pokemon that resembled a lighting fixture floated towards Ingo. His eyes opened while the pokemon circled around him. The Ingo lookalike went to hug you, but froze after seeing the infant in your arms. His eyes went wide while his shoulders dropped.
"You had a baby..." he commented, tone vacant. Shaking his head, he smiled, "Ah! I understand it must have been hard to wait. I forgive you. Verrrry understandable! My cute nephew!" He reached a hand out for your son, but you moved to prevent it. A hurt expression fell across his face. The smile became odd, a strange undertone that you just could not pinpoint. Ingo rushed over from the pokemon's strange dance and guarded you. Eyes glaring at his doppelganger.
"Ingo... Calm down," they cooed, "Why are you both being mean? I just want to see my nephew!"
"I don't know how you know my name," Ingo spoke, but a strange feeling told him to stand down, "But I don't know who you are. Please don't touch my son without permission, it's extremely rude."
His eyes shot wide again, his smile opening into a distressed expression. "Emmet! I am Emmet! I am your brother, you are my twin brother! This is not funny! Stop it!" the doppelganger panicked. His loudness woke up your son, who started sobbing, unhappy to have been awoken from the sleep that he had fallen into.
Emmet could say he had died twice now.
Once when you both left, and again when you returned.
This 'Hisui' took your memories and rendered you both amnesic. 
Emmet hated Hisui. 
His nephew slept peacefully in his arms while he cooed at him. Erin, his name, was such an adorable baby. Emmet could not wait to have his own.
But he must.
You sobbed and pleaded for him to uncuff you from the bed, demanding your baby back. You will forgive him when your memories return. Chandelure was using their talents in hypnosis to bring Ingo's back. He sat with his eyes in a daze, murmuring incoherent phrases. Until it stopped, and he turned to Emmet with a look of minor recognition.
The younger twin smiled.
Soon you would both be back to normal.
Soon, Emmet could curl up beside you with Ingo on your other. Erin sleeping in a crib nearby.
Soon everything would be under his control again.
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talesofstyles · 4 years
Good Morning Indeed
absolutely no plot whatsoever, just a bit of husband and dad harry in the midst of the family’s morning chaos 😂
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“Go get the condom on.”
“I’ll pull out, I promise.”
“Your pull out game is weak.”
“Oi, them’s fightin’ words.”
“There’s a reason we’ve got six kids.” Says the missus with a roll of those pretty—but sometimes deadly (please don’t tell her I said this)—eyes. “‘Sides, I’ve just changed the sheets yesterday. You are not coming on the sodding sheets.”
“Fine,” I sigh and reach down to the bedside table. Why is the drawer filled with sodding Duplo and those tiny, pricey Sylvanian Family bunnies? I’m guessing kid number two, three and four have something to do with that. A few more seconds of rummaging before I finally found my treasure in the very back of the drawer. I lay on my back as I sheath myself up, and seeing as I’m already here… might as well, right? I smirk at her as I say, “hop on then.”
“Fat chance that,” she mutters. “Do I have to take off my top?”
“Nah,” I shake my head, it’s cold, and I’m a considerate husband. “A flash will do. Just give me a visual.”
She rolls up my shirt that she wears to sleep, a really old white rolling stones t-shirt that has two holes and a loose thread hanging on for dear life from the hem. She looks homeless. Gorgeous homeless though. 
“Nice,” I flash her a boyish grin, like a teenage boy seeing his first pair of tits. “You’ve got great racks.”
“You’re just saying that…”
I know what she sees when she looks at herself in the mirror and I wish she could look at herself through my eyes. 
“Hey, don’t you dare. My babies grew in that body, that’s everything.”
Her tender smile hits me right in the gut. “I love you.”
“Love me enough to ride me?” I say with a playful flick to one nipple.
“Nice try.”
“I love you,” I mutter near her mouth and give her a searing kiss. I run my tongue over her bottom lip, then I kiss her down her neck, her cleavage and her breasts. I slowly circle one nipple, and she giggles, knowing it’s a well-rehearsed move that is guaranteed to do what’s needed. See, her tits are kind of like start buttons. No matter the situation, a little attention to those bad boys switches things around real quick. Her head slams back against the pillow. And she moans, holding my head in place.
We’ve got ignition lads. 
I nestle my body on top of hers, and there’s a bit of wayward angling and poking until I find my way inside of her. And then it’s on. Two bodies writhing on the bed. My hips rotate in long, slow circles.
“What? The condom isn’t broken, is it?”
“No, it’s bin day. I forgot to take out the recycling bin.”
“S’fine, we’ve got time before the school run.”
The bin’s sorted, back to the shag…
I slide my hands under her, bringing us closer. Rocking us faster. My forehead hovers close to hers and I open my eyes so I can watch. What can I say? I’m greedy like that. I want to soak up every gasp, every flicker of pleasure across her face. Pleasure I’m giving her.
Her breathing changes. It turns panting and desperate, and I know she’s close. I move harder, grinding against her, inside her, with every forward push. Warms sparks tickle my spine and heat spreads down until every nerve in my body is shaking. I slam inside her, burying deep as her hips jerk upward. She spasms hard around me, gripping me tight. 
I rock back my hips and pull almost all the way out, but then I freeze. Because a dreaded sound echoes across the room, grabbing our full attention. It’s coming from the baby monitor. It’s a rustling, the sound of cotton rubbing cotton. Like snipers in the jungle, we don’t move a muscle. We don’t say a word. We wait, until the rustling stops. And all is quiet again. 
Too bad it’s not for long. Because two thrusts in, a light comes on in the landing. Followed by small footsteps heading down the stairs. Shit.
“Harry, just come already. They’ll all be up soon.”
“I’m close… don’t rush it, you’re scaring it away.” 
She grinds her hips. Also another well-rehearsed move that she knows will get me off. But I freeze again, because there’s a second set of footsteps and the sound of a toilet flushing. Oh, and the babies next door are starting to whimper. 
“I’M HUNGRY!” That’s James, darling little cockblocker number four who likes to be fed on time. He’s three.
“WE’LL BE OUT IN A SECOND!” My wife shouts over my shoulder. “Harry for the love of god-”
I pick up the rhythm. Small beads of sweat form on my brow. She grinds her hips again, and I try to focus. “Just like that, fuck, keep doing that.”
“Sshh, keep your voice down.”
“IS THERE ANY BREAD THAT ISN’T 50/50?” That’s Eleanor, child number two. She’s seven, and she’s one of those children who seem to possess a discernible palate that knows when we’ve changed brands of baked beans or attempt to bring sugar-free fruit squash through the doors.
“IT’S THE SAME,” I reply.
Honestly, seven-year-olds gunning for a fight this early in the morning can go do one.
The babies are starting to gather volume next door so I try to focus again. It only takes a few more thrusts before ecstasy wrecks my body, making me shudder. I press my lips against her neck as I come back down to earth. But I don’t move yet. I know we should get going because things are already chaotic outside our door, but I just don’t have the will yet. I’m considering going back to sleep for a minute or two. She won’t mind, will she? Well, I’m wrong. Because she proceeds to perform the move that seems to amuse every sodding woman on earth. And causes every man to squeal like a bloody pig. Without warning, she uses her powerful muscle to squeeze my extremely sensitive cock. 
Girls, grab a piece of paper and write this down. I’m speaking on behalf of every man to walk on earth here; we hate that. We don’t think it’s funny.
I jerk back, pull out, and roll off her. I try to look annoyed as she giggles, and obviously I fail, because that freshly fucked, flushed-face makes it impossible not to grin back.
“CAN I HAVE JAFFA CAKE?” That’s Victoria, child number three. She’s five, and she’s yelling as she thunders up the stairs. 
“JAFFA CAKE ISN’T BREAKFAST,” my wife shouts back as she sits up and hands me a nappy sack. “Harry…”
I wrap up the condom with it and toss it to the bin. “You’ve just taken me life force, woman, give me a moment.”
“NO.” We shout in unison. 
“You want to wrestle a biscuit-hunting kid out of a cupboard and 50/50 bread drama or fussy babies with full nappies?”
“Babies.” I hear a small child get whacked by a sibling downstairs and I feel like I may have got the better deal here.
Next door, the twins are not happy. They’re six months old now, and they’re both teething. Thing one glares at me as I walk into their nursery and thing two stares at me stroppily from the corner of her cot. Their cheeks are scarlet, and thing one proceeds to bark at me like a seal. I pick his warm, sleepy, cuddly body and cradle it close to mine as I lay him down on the changing table. I smell the dampness. It’s definitely wee. He’s soaked through, I think I didn’t tuck his willy in when I last changed him around three in the morning so it sprayed in some upward motion and drenched his clothes. See, this is why girls are better than boys. There’s no way they can pee upwards. 
After I put a fresh nappy and a change of clothes, I put him down on the rug so he can wiggle around while I grab his sister and sort her out. After six kids, I’m definitely a pro with baby duty and can practically change their clothes one-handed. The whole thing takes only a few minutes.
I cuddle the babies on each side as I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. They immediately reach out to their mum who’s cracking some eggs as soon as they spot her, knowing she’s the only one who can cure their hunger this morning. 
“Uniforms!” She says to the big kids as she takes one baby into her arms. “We’ll do breakfast after. Please, please, please…”
Desperate pleas lead them to saunter out and up the stairs. I follow my wife into the living room and hand her the other baby as she plops down on the couch. She rolls up her shirt and the babies latch instantly. Tandem nursing is harder now that they’re a little older and aware of their surroundings. They’re trying to scratch each other’s faces as they nurse. “Oi, what’s this? You each get a tit, stop fighting.”
They seem to somehow listen to me and have stopped trying to poke each other’s eyeballs. We’ll see how long that lasts. “Finish the eggs?”
I nod. “I’m on it.”
I brew some coffee, finish the scrambled eggs, and pop the slices after slices of bread in the toaster. Breakfast is done just in time as my wife walks back into the kitchen with two full and happy babies. She puts them in their high chairs and I scoop a bit of eggs on each of their trays for them to nibble on.
George appears back in the kitchen clad in his uniform with his also dressed brother trailing behind. We always lay his clothes the night before on his bed and he gets dressed all by himself in the morning. And he’s getting better at it, seeing he only missed a button on his shirt.
“Hi mate,” I say as I fix his button and he flashes a toothy grin at me. I plop him down on the chair, he’s graduated from the high chair now but still uses a booster seat.
“No toast!”
“What do you want then?”
I nod before I grab a handful of cheerios and set them on his plate next to his eggs. Then I take a few steps back across the table. “Hey, James, set it up.”
He flashes me another toothy grin before he opens his mouth wide and keeps it open. I hold a single Cheerio between my fingers while I bend my knees and bounce my hand as if I were dribbling a basketball. “Three seconds left on the clock, down by one. Styles got the ball. He fakes left, he drives in, he shoots…”
I toss the Cheerios in a high arc. It lands right into his mouth.
“He scores! The crowd goes wild!”
James holds both hands over his head. “Core!”
“Viv stole the biscuit tin, you know? She ate three jammie dodgers upstairs.” Eleanor says as she walks in with book bags and school shoes. 
George, seeing his sister walks in, proceeds to open his mouth wide and flashes her the half-chewed eggs on his tongue. It’s his current thing and it annoys his sisters to death. The young’uns think differently though as they double over in laughter. 
“Eeewww!” She shrieks. “You’re so gross!”
“I didn’t have any biscuits!” She yells and runs down the stairs.
This kid is the quintessential daddy’s girl. She climbs up onto my lap right away, handing me the brush and a hair tie. 
“See, poppet, I would’ve believed you if you didn’t leave evidence all over your face,” I arch one of my eyebrows as I sweep a speck of raspberry jam on the corner of her mouth. 
“You always do a ponytail,” she huffs.
“Either that or I give you a bowl cut with kitchen scissors. I reckon that fruit bowl will do. Your choice.”
“Can I have some more eggs?” George asks with his mouth full of his last bite.
“God, that’s like your third serving,” Eleanor grumbles.
At that insult, Eleanor flings a piece of toast like a ninja. Before George can retaliate, my wife gives them both the look.
“Viv, will you at least have some eggs?”
“Fine,” my wife sighs. “I’m gonna get changed then.”
I glance at the clock and, well, shit, I should get dressed too. “Can you lot watch the babies and try not to kill each other for the next five minutes?”
“Five quid each?” Eleanor tries to negotiate. “Babysitting isn’t supposed to be free, you know? That sounds like child labour to me.” 
“Two quid each,” I give her my dad look that says the offer is final and indisputable.
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babyboibucky · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You and Bucky are more than friends but less than lovers.
Word Count: 1,700
Warnings: slight angst??? mention of injury???
A/N: Inspired by Ariana Grande’s “obvious” because I fucking love that song lmfao. Let me know if anyone wants to be included in my Bucky Barnes tag list! Will do separate tag lists for everything Bucky and Babysitting Bucky. Feedback is highly appreciated!
You and Bucky weren’t lovers, no. But you were definitely not just friends either.
There were kisses early in the morning, while both of you were cuddled in bed basking in the warmth of the sunlight spilling through the thin curtains; soft and subtle touches in the afternoon as the two of you navigated through the kitchen in an attempt to bake together. Slow touches late at night, cold metal fingers grazing you in just the right places that made you feel like on fire. And the exchange of whispers in the wee hours of night after coming down from the high of exploring each other’s bodies, uttered so softly, words meant only for each other to hear.
More than friends indeed, less than lovers? Maybe. Maybe not. Does it matter though? Because even without the words of affirmation, you loved Bucky and was sure that he loved you just as much.
Besides, you were obviously head over heels for the soldier. Not that you were denying or hiding it, in fact, you felt like you showed it a tad bit too much.
“Leaving so soon, soldier?” You’d asked with a pout as you watched Bucky leave your side on the bed.
“Duty calls.” He told you as he began to dress up.
Noticing your frown, he chuckled and approached you on the bed, bending down to press a kiss on your forehead.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He reassured you, smoothening out the crease on your forehead with his thumb.
“But I wanna cook you dinner.” You told him.
The thought of you and Bucky spending a domesticated evening together always elated you. You loved daydreaming about it, about sharing a life with your super soldier. Him coming home after a mission and you making sure to take good care of him. Maybe run him a bath while you prepared dinner. Silly, it seemed but you couldn’t help imagining all the possibilities with Bucky. Letting him sleep in on Sundays while you go on a jog, only to come back home with pancakes and bacons waiting for you in the kitchen. And Bucky of course, fresh out of bed with his hair sticking up in different directions.
Being with an Avenger of course, made it difficult to experience all these things. Sometimes you’d wake up alone but Bucky always made sure to leave you a little note.
I’ll be back soon, beautiful.
His notes found a home in one of your drawers. There were plenty and although these notes symbolized his absence on most days, they also meant promises. Promises to make it up for the lost time, promises that were never broken nor forgotten.
Dinner dates were often postponed, sleepovers a rare occurrence— spending time together in general, wasn’t as easy as it was for other couples out there.
But that’s okay. Because you’d always wait for Bucky. You’d wait for him to come home and even if it’d take him three days, one week, two months or even a year, you’d still wait and welcome him with hugs and kisses and affectionate whispers.
Sometimes you wondered whether Bucky knew how much you loved him.
Disagreements were of course, unavoidable even between you and Bucky. Oftentimes, the arguments would stem from his carelessness and selfless decisions during missions. Your super soldier, always so giving and generous and kind. You couldn’t care less about what others thought of him and his days under the influence of monsters. The moment you knew you loved Bucky, you had already accepted him. And that included his demons and dark days too.
To you, Bucky had always been kind and put others first before himself. Sometimes a little too much that you couldn’t help but feel hurt that he didn’t seem to care how you’d feel if ever he wouldn’t make it home.
If Sam hadn’t called you that night, you wouldn’t have known about the serious injury inflicted on Bucky while on a mission.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked as soon as you barged into the medical bay, ignoring the nurse who immediately scrambled out of the room.
Bucky laid in bed, bruised and wrecked and unable to respond upon seeing you seething with anger for the first time ever.
“Were you even planning to tell me in the first place?” You scoffed.
They needed to infiltrate another Hydra base. Raid the base, get all possible information and blow it up to ashes. But then Bucky found a secret basement at the very last minute, young women and men were kept— future Winter Soldiers. The serum hadn’t been injected into their systems yet, they were merely poor teenagers in captivity. Bucky knew he couldn’t let these young people suffer the same fate as him. With barely a minute left before the bomb was set to explode, Bucky did his best to save everyone in that basement.
Never mind the Falcon’s orders to abort his mission, never mind the back-up they had called for to help them out. Bucky knew the choices he had: walk away unscathed knowing that the back-up wouldn’t arrive in time to save the children, or stay behind and do his best to make sure that no one will become another toy for Hydra to play with.
Even if it meant risking his life, even if it meant leaving you back home unaware of his fate.
“They needed me. I couldn’t just leave them behind.” Bucky explained.
“And you didn’t think I needed you too?” You asked, eyes rimmed with tears.
God, you knew you were selfish for feeling hurt but you couldn’t help it. Did it not cross Bucky’s mind that if he had died, you’d be left behind too? Did you not cross his mind during that time?
“Look, I understand what the superhero life is all about. And I know that it’s fucking selfish of me to say this but...Bucky, I need you too. As much as the world does.”
It was a conversation that you and Bucky had many times now. But with how your love grew for him with each passing second, the thought of losing him, it had become too much for you to suppress.
Waking up without his little notes of reassurance that he’d be back soon, no more cold fingers tracing against the smooth expanse of your skin and having to sleep knowing that the next day, Bucky wouldn’t be there anymore— just the mere thought of losing him broke your heart.
“I can’t...” you breathed out, “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, Buck.” You admitted with a shaky sigh as your tears continued to fall.
Bucky wanted to get up and pull you to an embrace, but he was too injured to do so. How we wanted to kiss your tears away, all he could do was extend a hand towards you, inviting you to come closer and touch him.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “I should have told you, I’m sorry. C’mere.”
Despite your anger, you didn’t think twice and immediately went to hold Bucky’s hand, squeezing it tightly as if you were trying to make sure that he was fine and real and that you didn’t lose him.
“Please stop being so reckless. With how much I love you, it drives me crazy whenever you come home all wounded and bloody and now—“
“You love me?”
Bucky had asked the question as if he couldn’t believe that yes, you do love him. Sam really wasn’t kidding when he said how dense Bucky was.
“Is it not obvious?” You asked, wiping away your tears.
“I mean yeah but...I just didn’t want to assume that you do because we never really talked about it.” He explained, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
His metal fingers, although cold and hard against your skin, had always been your favorite. They were gentle when they needed to be, or at least whenever Bucky touched you. They were cold and made you shiver but always in a good way.
“Bucky, I’ve talked about wanting a future with you. You still didn’t think that that was love?” There was a hint of playfulness in your tone despite your deadpan expression.
Oh no, what if you interpreted everything the wrong way?
“Do you not...oh my god, Bucky am I the only one in love?” You asked, panicked.
“Oh god, no.” Bucky immediately clarified as he pulled you to sit down on the bed beside him.
“I love you. So much. Please don’t think otherwise.” He said, cupping your face and wiping away the remnants of your tears.
A smile followed by a quick peck on the lips. Bucky moved and gave you enough space to lay down beside him on the hospital bed. Suddenly, everything felt right. Not that it wasn’t before but with the both of you finally uttering those words, it felt different.
The perfect kind of different.
You laid your head against Bucky’s chest and listened to his heartbeat as his hand rubbed comforting circles on your back. You can’t imagine a life without being this close to him, your super soldier.
“I thought of you, you know.” His chest rumbled as he spoke.
You lifted your head up to look at him in confusion. He smiled at you lovingly, “During the mission. Every mission I go to actually, I thought of you.”
Bucky thought about how you always waited for his return no matter how long he took. He imagined what you’d be doing when he’d come back, would you still be asleep? Perhaps you’d be in the shower, singing. Bucky thought about how he’d kiss you as soon as he comes home, how he’d make you feel how much he missed you and your scent, how your smooth skin felt against his.
Every single time, Bucky thought about coming home to you. It was his motivation to stay alive no matter what. He knew you needed him as much as the world does.
Because he needed you just the same.
More than friends, indeed. Less than lovers? No, you and Bucky were more than that.
You were each other’s worlds.
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goldengoddess · 3 years
hi i know your requests are closed but could you do headcanons about how it would be to work through almost getting a divorce with nikolai lantsov after kind of falling out of love then deciding not to and working on getting their relationship back to how it was before because that unbreakable love for each other is still there and its noticeable.
love was enough - nikolai lantsov 
pairing: nikolai lantsov x reader 
a/n: this is really long and the start hurt to write tbh!!! i never think nikolai would say those things so i tried to justify it by his workload,,, nikolai best husband but just for this fic i will make an exception 
warnings: angst!!! divorce, mention of not getting sleep, two people not taking care of themselves, ends happy dont worry friends
no one ever said falling in love with the king of ravka would be easy
in reality, they said exactly the opposite
that it would be the most difficult obstacle of all times
after a couple of years married to nikolai lantsov, you knew they were right
nikolai was sunshine, he was good in every way a man could be good
and he loved so fiercely that sometimes it made your heart hurt
but he loved so much, he loved ravka, he loved his work as privateer, as king
he was dedicated to everything he did, never leaving anything half done
but it wasn't easy to dedicate himself to his projects and his country and to you as well
and you weren't a saint either
you were constantly travelling, fulfilling your duties as queen of ravka
attending parties and events that nikolai hated, creating friendships and alliances with different nobles
and also attending to your duties regarding the first army, a responsibility you took very seriously
and at the end of the day, there was little energy left to spend on the other
but somehow the two of you seemed to have enough energy to fight
it would happen every couple of weeks
small little petty comments turning into screaming matches that ended with you sleeping in a guest room instead of your shared room
it had never been like this between the two of you
you'd grown up with each other, falling in love slowly and beautifully the way two children who wanted to change the world did
one day it all got out of hand
you were sat at your desk in your shared room with nikolai, writing letters to nobles in shu han
nikolai walked in the room and just from the looks of him you knew it would be a difficult night, so you'd opted not to say anything
which only made matters worse
"what? no hello for your husband?" he'd let out a little scoff and kicked off his shoes
you had turned your attention to him and gave him a forced smile, "hi nikolai, how are you?"
a 'baby' almost slipped out your mouth but the two you hadn't used nicknames with each other in a long time
he shook his head and narrowed his eyes at the papers in front of you, "what are you working on?"
you let out a tired sigh. "saints, i've been writing and answering correspondence all day, surprised my arms hasn't fallen off" you had tried to joke
but nikolai was tired, he was hurt. little did you know, but an attack that he had ordered and coordinated had gone horribly wrong and he'd lost some of his best men in battle
so he was mean, out of sadness, anger at himself, misplaced onto you
he'd scoffed once again, "like that's real work"
you hadn't known the details of the day, but you knew nikolai and you knew the comment wasn't out of anger
but it had stung
and when you responded accordingly it had ended in a screaming match
nikolai disrespecting your work was the last straw
the next day, you came back to your room
packed a small bag with your clothes
and left divorce papers on nikolai's desk
you cried for weeks
didn't say a word to anyone but genya
and only because you'd shown up to her room at the little palace, sobbing, asking for a place to sleep
it was the worst time of your life
and though you didn't know, it was also the worst point for nikolai
he worked for hours
throwing himself into every project he could get his hands on
never sleeping
filling his body with caffeine
working for five days straight and then sleep 48 hours after
it was hell for the two of you
after about a month genya convinced you to take a walk in the forest, clear your head and get some fresh air
but your traitorous feet led you to the hidden spot next to the lake where nikolai had first kissed
you sat with your feet in the lake and cried silently
as fate would have it, nikolai was taking his first break in weeks at the same time
finding the same place
except when he got there, he found you crying
he crept closer and placed a hesitant hand on your shoulder
you quickly pulled your hands away from your face in shock and flinched when your eyes met nikolai's hazel ones
his heart broke at your reaction to his presence
"um, i," he stuttered, "i can go."
you wiped your eyes and stood up, "no it's okay. i'll go. it was a mistake coming here."
you started walking away from him, holding yourself because in that moment you felt like you could fall apart at any moment
"please don't go" you heard behind you
when you turned nikolai had tears in his eyes and you finally noticed the dark circles under his eyes, the redness that lined his eyes
you knew you probably looked the same
"nikolai" you sighed "i can't do this. i was hurting for so long. i was not happy the way we were."
he stepped closer to you, "then let's not be like that anymore. lets start again. let me do better, please. you are the single greatest thing that has ever happened to me. give me a second chance, i promise on the crown that it will be different."
you sniffled and thought about it
as much as you loved the beautiful boy in front of you, it hurt to love him
but you didn't want to stop loving him
and you wanted what the two of you had before
so you'd nodded
and the two of you had spent the rest of the afternoon sitting by the lake, talking about what you thought had gone wrong between the two of you
the two of you kept that routine, sitting and talking by the lake, for the next two months
after two weeks you asked him for the divorce papers back
the grin nikolai wore at your words gave you the tiniest sliver of hope that everything might work out after all
nikolai agreed to put less on his plate and attend parties with you
the two of you agreed that every saturday would be dedicated to the two of you, no kingly duties involved
one afternoon nikolai places his hand on top of yours
it was the first purposeful contact the two of you had shared in a long time
he'd said " isn't it kind of romantic that the place where our relationship began is also where we sat and tried to start again?"
nikolai started to flirt with you again
and you started to touch him the way you used to
"you look ravishing in those pants" or "you know you love me"
he didn't realize how much he missed the feeling of your hand in his or your touch on his cheek
and you didn't realize how much you needed his comments, how much you needed him to keep trying to win you over
it was hard work
but it did work
a couple of weeks later you decided to come back to his room
you'd decided on a whim
packing up your things quickly and standing outside of the door filled with anxiety
but when nikolai opened up the door and his hair was all messed up from his pillow you knew that you were making the right choice
"hi sobachka" you yawned
he wore his heart on his sleeve at your comment
bursting into a very vivid and awake grin
"hi princess"
the nicknames signified the start of something new
where things would work
because in your case, love was enough
love made it work
@vintagebitc @obiwansjedi  @thegirlwiththeimpala  @hybrid-in-progress @mrs-brekker15 @mrsbrekkers @simplyluvzuko  @ode-to-joy @gallysonegoodlung @sixofshadowandbone @castielcouldbeasecretdentist @meiitanoia @caaarstairs @itisroe @the-jess-life @xsamsharons @heavenlymidnight @wtfrae  @deardiarystuff  @bookishcrows @kazsimp @mriddlemethis
if your name is in bold it means i couldn’t tag you!
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roscgcld · 3 years
DAYDREAMING!AU || new reality
;request: rn i’m obsessed with your writing & the daydreaming!reader<33 but i also love angst so what would happen if she ended up getting really hurt protecting another student - hope that wasn’t too weird.. again, i love your writing !!
note: ahaha, i am glad that a lot of people enjoy my daydreaming!reader works; she is also one of my babies as well >< and originally i wasn't going to do this cause i had no idea on what to write - but i had managed to layout a rocky plan before i got some bursts of inspiration lol. ended up becoming too loud though ><” I am sorry for that~
pronouns: she/her
daydreaming!reader masterlist
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“There is a chance that she will never wake up from this.”
Shoko gave the others in the room a concerned glance as she glanced up from her tablet, hating how silent it was besides the quiet beeping of the machines around the occupied bed. Laying in the bed was Y/N, a breathing tube carefully inserted into her mouth with the ventilator beside her being the only thing that’s keeping her oxygen levels normal. “The amount of damage she took was quite large. And even though she had managed to regulate quite a strong barrier of Curse Energy around her at all times, it wasn’t enough to brace her for the impact of her being slammed into the build.”
The mission shouldn’t have ended this way - the first and second year students were sent on a mission to deal with a few Finger Bearers that had appeared in the city due to the lack of sorcerers on duty at the time. They were under the care of a few First Grade sorcerers, all hand-picked by Yaga-sensei to ensure the safety of the kids.
However, things rarely go to plan in the jujutsu world.
Yaga-sensei sighs softly as he leans back into his seat, his eyes glancing over at his student that was clearly battling to stay alive. Guilt started to eat him from the inside out, since this was technically his fault. Sure, everyone knows that there is no way that you can go on a mission without enduring some casualties. But the fact is that this was not what he had expected for the outcome to be.. “I am going to kill them myself.”
“G-Gojo-san!” Ijichi hissed out as he glances over at the white haired shaman in the room with wide eyes, the man having been leaning against the wall opposite from the hospital bed with his arms crossed over his chest. His head was tipped forward with an almost too casual expression on his face, yet anyone can tell the barely suppressed anger that lurked underneath. An anger that was only a few moments away from exploding. “You can’t - don’t say things like that!”
“And you expect me to sit back as they failed to save the children?” Gojo asks in a loud voice, effectively squashing whatever confidence Ijichi had built up inside of him. The hand that was resting arm tightened, the veins at the back of his pale hands started to protrude out as Gojo’s anger started to show itself. “I need a good explanation on how their incompetency put our student in this state. 5 First Grades against 3 Special Grade Curses? With 7 talented students by their side and they still can’t handle it? Give me a fucking break.”
“Not everyone can be like you, Satoru.” Yaga-sensei finally mumbles out as he rests his forehead into his hand, fingers pinching at the space between his eyes tiredly. “If anything, it was my fault. I had underestimated the brains of the Finger Bearers, and because of that, all my calculations were wrong. I put retrieving the fingers over numbers. So if you want to find someone to be angry to, the blame is on me.”
The room went quiet after Yaga’s explanation, both Ijichi and Shoko sharing a caution look before casting a glance over at the blindfolded man. After a few tensed moments Gojo pushed himself off the wall and walked out of the hospital room without another word, closing the door behind him quietly; a stark contrast to his usual habit of either slamming the shoji doors too hard, or leaving it open completely.
That out of character move definitely had Shoko sighing in concern. “That idiot...I hope he’s not going to do anything stupid.” She mumbles softly before she turned back to face the young girl laying on the bed, quietly reaching over to brush her fingers through the soft strands that had fallen over Y/N sleeping face. “You better wake up soon, sweetheart...I worry that this might finally push him over the edge.”
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Occupying each seat outside of the small waiting area in the infirmary were the other students; wounds bandaged, yet their anxiety was palpable in the air. They had heard what had happened, yet were sheild by the other sorcerers who had called for back-up. Last they heard of Y/N was a scream before what sounded like a building collasping. “Do you think Y/N-senpai is alright?”
Yuji was the first one who dared to break the silence, glancing up from his clenched hands before him to glance at the others. “I mean...it must have been bad, since she was charted off as soon as back up arrived.” Yuji mutters softly as he tightened his fingers together, trying to stop them from shaking. He felt awful - if only he had spared a few seconds to glance over at his senpai, maybe she wouldn’t be in the condition she’s in now. “It’s not every day you’re rushed straight to Ieiri-sensei’s office...”
“...If there is one idiot who can pull through, it’ll be her,” Maki mumbles out quietly after awhile, looking away from her kouhai to stare down at the wooden floors of the building they were in. “Even if it’s bad, she always pulls through it...there is no reason why she can’t do it this time.” She mutters softly just as a pair of footsteps came towards them, causing everyone to look up at the approaching figure. 
Gojo paused when he spotted the others, the question they wanted to ask was clear as day. And for once, Gojo wished that he was able to reassure them like he always does. For him to be able to put up the act that everything was alright, that everyone will be okay. 
But he knew that it’ll do no justice if he did. “Is she...is she alright?”
The question that fell from Yuta’s mouth was left hanging in the air for a few moments, the sliver of hope they had moments ago slowly dimming with each passing moment. Quietly Gojo slipped his hands into his pockets, his blindfolded eyes downcast; too scared to see their reactions. For once, he wished that he was not the one to break the news to the students. “Y/N-chan...might not recovery from this.”
His words sent shock waves through the students, yet he balled his fists up in his pockets to continue with what he had to say. “She hit her head too hard...and if she was not subconsciously protecting herself with Cursed Energy all the time, the impact would have caused her skull to crack in two on impact. But it still took a lot out of her person, and Shoko said that-”
The sound of a metal chair being thrown backwards echoed across the room, causing Gojo to look up just in time to see Yuta standing up with wide eyes as he hastily tried to calm his friend. “Maki, you need to calm down.” He tried to reason with the girl, who had her backed turn to the group, her hands shoved deep into the pockets of her jacket. “This isn’t your fault-” Yuta tried to reason, only to pause when Maki just silently started to walk away, leaving with no more but a loud slam of the main door that echoed down the hallway once more. 
For a few moments no one said anything else, yet the first one to move was Megumi; who turned to face his sensei. “Can we visit her?” He mumbled out quietly, to which Gojo just glanced over at him with a slightly raised eyebrow. “Usually people talk to someone who is in a coma. Might jolt them awake or give them encouragement to fight harder...I am sure Y/N-senpai will get lonely if no one visited her..”
“Why not?” Gojo said after a few moments of thought, giving his students what he hope was a reassuring smile as he turns a little; nodding down the hallway. “Shoko managed to stabalise her condition. Just make sure to sanatise your hands at the door.”
Quietly the group of students followed behind their silent sensei, keeping close to one another as if they were trying to give each other comfort. The walk to the room seemed too far, the door seeming to grow further and further away from them with each step. It was if it was trying to stop them from seeing the truth; yet they didn’t stop. Yet soon they found themselves standing before the smooth door; the single grey name plaque with her name written in black resting in the silver plaque holder. “Right, here we are.”
After everyone was handed a blob of hand sanitiser and had wiped it onto their skin, the small group entered after a quiet knock to the door. “Y/N-chan, I’ve returned with the others...minus one, that is.” Gojo hummed out in delight as he made his way towards the bed, a silent gesture for the others to do the same. “You know Maki-chan though. Once she finishes beating herself up, she’ll come running back. She always does~”
Quietly the others made their way into the room, eyes scanning over the beeping machines and many wires connected to the sleeping girl. “Y/N...senpai..” Nobara mumbles out in shock, her eyes resting the ventilator; not believing that a girl that was bounding about the college earlier today now needed help to do something as simple as breathing. “No way...there is...”
A warm hand rest on the top of her head, Megumi quietly giving her a form of comfort whilst his wide eyes stared at the bed before him in shock. No one dared take a step forward, like they were standing on the other side of a fragile glass bridge that was moments away from breaking. “Y/N..”
Gojo felt the hole started to eat inside of him as he watches how his students were staring at their fellow classmate in shock. Quietly he settled down in the only seat at the corner of the room, watching from the shadows at how the others will react to seeing her in such a state. The first person to snap out of it was Yuta, who quietly places a hand on Toge’s shoulders before giving it a light squeeze. “Shall we go and say hello?” 
Quietly Yuta made his way towards the bed, only to hesitate one step away from grabbing onto her hand. He stared at the frail hand, a simple IV needle carefully taped on the back of her palm for a few moments; a clear look of uncertainty on his face. Yet he took a deep breath, and with a trembling hand, carefully took Y/N’s cold hand in his. “I...Hi, Y/N...” Yuta mumbles quietly into the hospital room, voice barely heard over the constant beeping of the heart monitor. “Sorry...we took awhile to visit...and sorry that Maki isn’t here...I am sure she’ll drop by when she is ready though.”
The only response he got was the sound of the steady beep of the heart monitor, to which he just tighten his grip ever so slightly on Y/N’s unmoving hand. He could hear the soft giggle that Y/N would let out at his words, and if he felt tears welling up in his eyes as he hears her voice bouncing around inside his head.
“It’s alright, Yuta-san! I am sure you were busy before that. And I know Maki-chan will come after you leave - but you didn’t hear that secret from me~”
The silence of the hospital room made Yuta sick to the stomach, the idea that he might never hear Y/N’s voice again started to really sink in. Her usually warm and familiar touch felt cold and lifeless, causing Yuta to carefully tuck her hand underneath her hospital blanket; as if he was trying to warm it up once more. “I...I am going to go grab her favourite stuffed animal from her room. I am sure she’d love to have something of comfort whilst she’s here...if you’ll excuse me.”
Without another word Yuta just walked out of the room quietly, Yuji being the only one turning to watch his senpai leave with a look of concern. Out of everyone Yuji was definitely the one who seemed to be able to hold himself together the most, so it was no surprise when he was the one that went next. “Yo, Y/N-senpai,” Yuji greeted quietly as he walked towards the hospital bed, easily dodging all the wires and such. After all, this wasn’t his first time visiting someone he cares for in the hospital. “Can you hear me? I hope you can - or not Fushiguro might lecture me for being loud.”
The other sorcerer couldn’t even find his voice whilst Yuji continues on; his voice soft yet soothing as he looks down at his senpai with nothing more but a soft smile. “I know you’re trying your hardest go come back to us, and you’d probably tell us that we’re not the ones to blame. That you’re a big girl now, and things like this happen all the time.” Yuji continues, the only indication to his change of mood was the slight quiver that was hard to hide. Yet Yuji continued on anyway. “I hope you know we miss you...and we’re worried sick that you’re in the state you are now. But I know that you need some time to rest up, and soon you’ll be back on your feet again, right? ‘Cause..b-because that’s how you’ve always been.”
Silence enveloped the room once more, with Yuji just not sure on what else to say to her as he stared at her pale face. The other three in the room sort of just huddled together, all of them unsure of what to say to her. They weren’t the best with emotional words - beside Toge, who usually doesn’t use words at all - so asking them to keep their tone in check whilst referring to their unconscious classmate is a little too much for them.
So after awhile Yuji decided to lead them out of the hospital room, giving Gojo a parting smile before he closes the door behind him. Leaving him alone as he stared at the slumbering figure of his student as he rests his elbows on his parted knees. Quietly he rests his head in his hands, eyes closed as he tried to push back the light migraine that was coming on. He hates that it is his duty to break the news to the others - her parents, her elders. Heck, he has to give a call to Nanami and Utahime to tell them the bad news. 
If it was anything else, he wound be more than excited to blow their phones up. But this? He wishes that the duty was handed to someone else - because he himself doesn’t even believe that this was happening in the first place. 
He wishes that this was all just a terrible nightmare.
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Maki quietly pushed the window open as she climbed in from the roof, the doors of halls of the infirmary long going silent; cicadas chirping away in the night sky. Maki quietly stuffed her hands into the pockets of her hoodie, eyes racking over Y/N’s sleeping form, to the amount of machines that were working by her side to make sure that she’s alive. “Hey, idiot...I’ve arrived.”
Quietly she made her way towards Y/N’s bedside, her eyes clouding over with an unreadable emotion. If she was being honest, she didn’t know how to react right now. On one hand, she was pissed - she is pissed off because she could have done something to help Y/N. Maybe if she was just faster, just a bit more aware, maybe if she was training to try harder. Maybe if she can just try harder-
A loud slap sounded across the room, Maki having pulled her hand out of her pocket to slap across her cheek hard to snap out of the spiraling thoughts. The burning sting on her cheek reminded her to return to reality before she started to trash the room out of anger, something that she and Y/N had been working on for some time now. Y/N would always say, “You should never turn to anger and violence to deal with your issues!”
Maki wonders what her reaction would be if she had saw Maki slapping herself so hard that there was a light handprint on the side of her cheek. “You’re so annoying, you know that?”
With a tired sigh Maki settled down in the seat that Gojo had occupied earlier in the day, keeping her eyes on the steady heart monitor; her eyes following the spike that indicates the faint heartbeat of Y/N. “Who the hell knew that it took an entire building to really get you hurt.” Maki sigh as she tore her eyes away from the screen, looking down at her boots quietly; examining all the scuffs and scratches on marring the smooth leather. “Call me stupid, but I really thought that it’d take more than that. Remember when you had jumped out the window of the 10th floor and left with no more but a bruise? You were crying about it ‘cause you couldn’t wear dresses for about 2 weeks.”
Maki let out a tired laugh at the memory of finding Yuta trying to reassure a crying Y/N when she found the bruise on her knee; Yuta just patting her head with the most amused look on his face whilst she cried her eyes out at the idea that she can’t wear her cute dresses until it cleared up. “Imagine what will happen when you wake up from this? God, that is going to be a pain.”
A soft sigh left Maki’s lips as she glances over at the stuffed sheep that Yuta had brought from her room; along with a few more random stuffed animals that surrounded her head like a halo. This caused her to smile sadly as she rests her head on her shoulder, watching her for a few minutes without saying anything. Maki had always been bad with words and emotions; with all the things she had gone through when she was younger. Wording how she feels and emotions are not Maki’s favourite thing to deal with, since she wants to keep this badass, strong woman front she has on all the time to prove something to her elders.
“You better wake up from this, or not I am going to kick your ass.” Maki mutters after a few moments, getting up with a tired sigh before she casts her another glance at Y/N. Without missing a beat, she reaches over to brush strands of hair away from her face, warm hand resting on her head for a few moments before she places a few parting pats on her head; something she had always done when she needs to leave for a mission or a meeting outside of school. 
“‘Night, brat. Wake up soon, okay?” Maki mutters, and with a final sigh she made her way towards the window she climbed in once more, quietly shutting it behind her after she hauled herself over the railing. It was only in the dead of the night that Maki quietly lets her tears fall, biting her lip hard to stop whatever sounds that were threatening to leave her lips. 
Because at the end of the day she is stubborn, and refuses to believe that this might be her new reality.
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A week had passed since the day that the others found out that Y/N had fallen into a coma of a sorts, and everyone would visit at least once just to see if there is any sight of change. That there might be a sign that she was going to wake up soon. And there were slight changes; a few days after she had been admitted she was allowed to get off the ventilator and rely on oxygen instead. But she was still in bad shape.
Nanami tries to make time to drop by to visit as well, coming over to quietly read pages of the book that he was reading. Whenever Y/N was sick, she would call Nanami over the phone and ask if the man can read to her; something about how she finds comfort in his voice that puts her at ease. And since Ieiri had encouraged them to talk to her more for stimulation, Nanami takes the time to read to her after a long day of work. It brought him some comfort as well, listening to the constant beeping of the heart monitor and the humming of the other machines around her.
Gojo would sometimes drop by as well, only to berate Nanami for his ‘boring’ book choices; and an unconscious Y/N has to endure two adults arguing about book choices and how Gojo’s titles are definitely not appropriate to even bring onto school grounds.
Besides the occasional argument, sometimes Gojo will prop his phone up against a vase of flowers that Yuji brings so that Utahime can FaceTime him; the students from the Kyoto side being able to see and talk to the slumbering Y/N. For the most part, everyone was shocked that she was in the state she was in; having never expected such a bright and talkative person can fall into such a state.
The most distraught one was definitely Todo, who had almost jumped out of his seat and make a full on dash towards Tokyo if it wasn’t for Noritoshi and Mai joining together to restrain the man, along with Principal Gakuganji threating to hold him back from their planned trip to Tokyo the following week that had him calming down.
But barely - the man is still more than ready to just up and run across the country just so he can be closer to his ‘beloved Y/N-chan’.
Every day, without fail, Toge will come into her hospital room with a new accessory to pull her hair back into; carefully brushing her hair out and applying dry shampoo so it wasn’t greasy to the touch. Once he was satisifed he’d carefully style her hair back so it didn’t get in the way of her checkups, taking his time with everything so he gets to spend more time with her. He doesn’t say much, he usually finds that doesn’t whenever he is around her; so he takes his time when he does her hair in hopes that she can feel that he is there for her.
Yuta and Megumi will find time after classes to go and visit her together, telling her about everything that had happened whilst she is asleep. Sometimes Nobara will visit as well, must for the most time she’d come alone in the evening after dinner to just rant to her about everything that she found annoying that happened over the day. Nobara usually stay until Ieiri comes to kick her out, hoping that Maki might come in as well to visit Y/N.
But Maki never does - yet everyone knows that Maki finds the time in her day to go and visit her like everyone else. However, no one dared to ask her how or when she does it. They’ve accepted that it was probably a sensitive subject to her, and that it’s off limits to ask her unless you want her to ignore you for the rest of the day. Gojo had learnt it the hard way when he had teased her, only to be thrown out the window of their classroom by an annoyed Maki.
Even his Infinity is no match for that woman’s wrath.
Days soon led into weeks, with slow but not so encouraging signs of improvement from the young girl. The elders of her clan and her parents had visited the college as soon as they can, and had kept tabs with every single thing that is going on with her. There was no denying the fear of her suddenly relapsing once more, and soon it will become too much for her parents to bear. The idea of keeping Y/N around, knowing that she is in so much pain, just for their selfish want of keeping her alive was a reality they want to avoid. 
The once vibrant and lively campus soon turned gloomy; the hallways of the school quiet without the familiar sound of bunny-themed slippers running across its worn-out flooring. The chime of a familiar giggle was missing in the air, along with a dreamy voice that just never seems to stop; no matter what time of the day it is. There were days where the others forget that Y/N was not there to make dinner for the night, or she wasn’t there when they want to ask her opinion about something. Her room, which once served as a sanctuary for the students who can’t sleep at night, now became too painful to even walk past on certain days.
Yet everyone tried their hardest to go on with their days, knowing that it was what Y/N wanted them to do. If they were to allow their grief to consume them whole, they knew the delicate routine they had rebuilt would crumble before them. And if there is one thing they can do to keep Y/N’s memory alive, is to live their lives to the fullest. To try and cherish each and every day, no matter how painful reality is without her by their side.
They have to try, for her sake.
It wasn’t until a month passed when Yuta had came running into the lunch hall, looking like he had seen a ghost as he tried to catch his breath. “Okkotsu-senpai?” Megumi asks in concern as he looks over at the older man, putting his tray down to try and give his panting senpai a hand. “Are you-” He asked, only to have Yuta put a hand up to stop him as he took a few deep gulps of air.
“A-Awake...Y/N...Y/N is awake.”
Within a few seconds the students were sprinting across campus, none of them believing what Yuta had said until they have see it for themselves. What is usually a 10 minute walk from the lunch hall took about four minutes with them sprinting, possibly annoying half of the cleaners of the school that they were breaking the no running rule. Yet they didn’t stop even at their annoyed outcries, the simple wooden door of the infirmary almost coming off its hinges at how hard Maki had thrown it open.
Maki was the one who pushed the hospital room door open, causing the people in the room to jump in shock. Including Y/N, who had let out a soft squeak of shock; her voice hoarse from not using it for so long. The others blinked in shock at the sight of Y/N’s bright eyes meeting theirs at the doorway, ones that blinked before she gave them the biggest smile she can muster.
“H-Hi.” Y/N mumbles softly, to which Nanami just gave her a rare smile as he gently rubs her back, Gojo smirking softly as he recorded the reactions of the others by the door. He had gotten over the shock a few moments ago. “Don’t strain yourself, Y/N-chan. Remember what Ieiri-sensei said about straining your voice.” The blonde man hummed before he turned his blue eyes over at the shocked students as well. “And that goes to you too. If you all stress her out, I am not against tossing you all out.”
Y/N made a noise and turned to try and reassure the older man, not noticing how the others were staring at her in shock. The first person to move was Maki, whose eyes look suspicious wet as she stormed into the room. “I am going to kill you.” She growled out loudly, to which Y/N jumped before she held her arms out for protection; feeling a shiver of fear go up her spine. Yet before she can make a move to stop her, Maki suddenly wrapped her up in a hug, the arms that Y/N held out to try and pacify her angry classmate freezing from the unnatural reaction from Maki.
Y/N blinks for a few moments before she smiles softly and wraps Maki up in her arms as well, gently patting her head as Maki silently wets her shoulder with her tears. “I know.” Y/N mumbles out softly before her eyes met the others, giving them a soft smile as she gently gestures to the others to enter her room. Soon there was just a huge ball of crying teenagers hugging one another on Y/N’s hospital bed; Gojo and Nanami having moved aside to give them more space for their reunion as they watched on from the other side of the room. “Should we stop them?”
“Nah, we might get murdered if we try.” Gojo said with a hum as he grins over the sound of intelligible crying, looking over at Nanami who had a ghost of a smile on his lips at the sight. “Besides, this is great content. I never had a video of Maki crying before.” Gojo admitted, to which Nanami’s smile dropped as he looked over at him in annoyance. 
“Why am I not surprised at all?”
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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