#tall cis women exist
darthlenaplant · 1 year
People who draw the female version (especially cisswaps) shorter than the male original design of a character are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo weak.
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princessefemmelesbian · 11 months
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Well would you look at this. 😵‍💫 Because obviously if you dare say anything as wild and controversial as “lesbians don’t like men, please stop using a label that hurts us and tries to force men into our identity” you’re a raging terf radfem transmisogynist. Because obviously ONLY trans women use the bi lesbian label and it’s not like there are transfem lesbians who are rightfully against the label as well or anything and it’s not like terfs use the label to refer to cis lesbians who date trans women and why can’t you just let people identify as how they want of course lesbians like men stop the infighting already if you disagree with me that lesbians can like men then surely that’s because you’re an exclusionist gatekeeper who hates trans women.
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fanonical · 11 months
I just wish people would stop treating trans women like crazy bitches any time we say negative ever. It’s so frustrating. After a life time of cis women and people assigned female at birth being treated like lesser, like whiny idiots who just complain about everything, for no reason, you’d expect them to listen more when trans girls speak about our experiences — but nobody’s interested, they’re just interested in reblogging “trans women are women!!!” posts a hundred times because y’all care more about not being seen as terfs than you do about actually listening to, respecting & protecting trans women. We don’t exist to be sexy tall awooga slay queens. We are people. Please listen to us
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leidensygdom · 2 months
I gotta say, one of the wildest radical transphobes' talking "points" is probably bathroom discourse. I can't even put to words how utterly detached from reality it is. It's terminally online stuff.
So, bathrooms. I don't know if somehow other people's realities are somehow vastly different from mine, but I feel like the extreme clear divide between "men's" and "women's" bathrooms is just not real. Where I live, stalls are often gendered, but how much they get used in that way is far less consistent.
For example: If the place had only the space to make one bathroom accessible, it's gonna be the women's bathroom. Always. It doesn't mean only disabled women have access to bathrooms- It means that the women's bathroom is also going to be used by disabled people. And this is common. Really common. Maybe it's because the women's bathroom tends to need more space- For pad dispensers and trash cans, for baby-changing stations (yes, I hate that these are only on the women's bathroom usually), and so on. Now- You see a guy enter the women's bathroom. Are you gonna micro-analize if the guy looks disabled enough to use it, or are you going to wash your hands and go on with your life?
Again, baby-changing stations are almost always located on the women's bathroom. It sucks- It should be in all bathrooms. But it's how it is. You see a cis guy enter with a kid. Or maybe not even with a kid- Just enters, wanders around, finds the baby-changing station, gets a diaper from the dispenser and leaves. Are you gonna throw a fit or just let this guy handle his kid?
Bathrooms get cleaned on the regular. A lot of times, you may wanna go there, and get told it's being cleaned, and just get asked to use the other gender's bathroom. Cleaning can take hours. If the men's bathroom is being cleaned and everyone is now using the women's, are you going to deem the bathroom to be the world's unsafest place or are you just go take a pee and leave?
Fucking hell, sometimes the stall you want to go to is incredibly dirty. It happens. No need to get on details. Just the kind of stuff that makes you want to not use it. Or maybe it's clogged, or maybe it's not working. Maybe there's a note saying "Broken, do not enter". Do you cry about it or just go find another stall- Which may be on the other fucking gender's bathroom?
Most times I'll use whatever bathroom is available. One is busy? Ok, let me get to the other one. I'm AFAB and while I don't present femininely, I still look like a woman to most people. Have I ever been in danger because I cleaned my hands besides someone with a dick? No. Grow the fuck up. This isn't even rare. People will switch bathrooms for speed. People will switch bathrooms because one of them is out of paper. Because one of them is out of soap.
The mall in my current city recently installed "Family" bathrooms. They're not being marketed as unisex, or inclusive, or anything. Just "family" bathrooms. For everyone. They're great. It's the bathroom everyone will use- Men, women, anything in between and outside of that, kids, disabled people, etc. There's a bunch of stalls adapted to different needs. There's accessible stalls. There's pad and diaper dispensers. There's stalls that have a big toilet and a little toilet so parents can go with their kids. There's tall sinks and short sinks- So disabled people and kids can reach.
And, to nobody's surprise, there's no reports whatsoever of any sort of assault in them.
I'm just. I don't know. I'm sorry you can't detach the existence of a dick near you from immediate assault. I don't know why that changes in the context of a bathroom- I've never (in my long life of using whatever bathroom) been in danger for that. And I'm talking as someone who has had some unsavory experiences in other situations. Grow the fuck up and maybe stop basing your views on imaginary scenarios y'all need to come up with to justify your hatred of a minority. Maybe if y'all got off your keyboards and went outside for once, you'd realize bathrooms work much differently from whatever weird ideal you have formed about them.
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star-anise · 1 year
Top-tier cis women athletes who whine about the possibility of trans women having "physical advantages" over them as though this is a brand new never-before-seen occurrence in sports are just
Really fucking clueless about their privileges
If you're a top-tier athlete, you got there by having
Yes a good work ethic and a whole ton of skill earned by very hard work. Good job. Bravo. Whatever.
The cultural and economic advantage of a ton of excellent training, coaching, and opportunities. There are many athletes as talented and hardworking as you who couldn't afford to make it to that competition you won. Maybe they needed to look after their siblings or work a job or do their schoolwork. There are a ton of athletes who could have beaten you but they didn't have a gym to train at or a coach to help them or a team to join. Or those things existed and they quite simply couldn't afford them.
Unearned physical and genetic advantages over all the other girls your age who were shorter, or didn't build muscle as easily, or didn't get adequate nutrition when you did, or didn't get enough adult attention to build muscular coordination at the right age as you, or who had accidents or injuries or diseases or disabilities, or who were naturally fat and had to spend their whole lives worrying more about their weight than their physical abilities because fatphobia
I had to understand this the hard way from the other side. I wanted to be an athlete when I was a child, and I never understood that the bones of my right leg were just too short and too badly-built, so I would never be as tall or able to run as fast as everyone else—that actually, all my effort counted for piss because of the shape of my skeleton.
In fact, the harder I worked, the more I damaged the soft tissues all over my badly-built joints, so trying to put in 110% effort (and hiding the massive amount of pain I was in, because "no pain no gain") exacerbated what would already be lifelong disabilities.
Trans girls AREN'T your enemies. They're your competitors.
Some of them are naturally smaller or weaker or disabled, because testosterone isn't actually a superdrug.
Some of them are actually physically the same as you, because that's what puberty blockers and hormone therapy at the right age DO. Trans girls often want to be girls, and will therefore seek out medical solutions to avoid masculine puberty! Mindblowing but true!!!
And some of them are for whatever reason taller or stronger or faster than you and if this is the first time you've ever encountered competition like that then
Before this you have always been the competition who was inherently taller or stronger or faster than everybody else
In which case you're not actually an opponent of natural physical advantages in sport, you're just being a transphobic pissbaby because you can't win by default this time.
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lockandkeyhyena · 1 month
one insidious thing about terf ideology is the idea that women are worth less if they ‘mutilate their body’ (ie; remove their breasts). not only is this a fucked up thing to say to trans men and nonbinary people but it puts down women who have had mastectomies for breast cancer or any other numerous reasons. this plays into a larger theme of women only being valuable or worth anything if they conform to society’s very narrow view of what is expected from femininity and womanhood.
cis women who are naturally more masculine, cis women with adams apples, cis women with strong jaws, tall cis women and (because of patriarchal white beauty standards) black cis women are all considered ‘lesser’ from a terfs point of view.
the moment they started defining femininity by the already existing flawed societal standards, they had already failed in their so called feminist goal.
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scarefox · 5 months
Alright before I have to see someone else misunderstanding this
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as bad writing or Playboyy being like 'tall guy must be top always'! No... he is literally complaining about other people who judge him... it's his experience!
He is saying his dating life is difficult because of his height. Might be surprising to some but LGBTq folks can be sexist and toxic masc as well. So some exclusive tops (yes, exclusive tops and bottoms exist) may not like to be with a bottom who's taller. (this mindset exists with hetero cis men too who don't date girls who are taller than them / or many women don't like dating men who are smaller... that is often rooted in sexism but sometimes may just be not that deep preferences)
But yet if he's trying to be the top in the relationship they would complain about his D size. Which also surprise: a big D is not as badass as society makes it seem for some reason. Like at some point it can become uncomfortable or painful for the one who receives.
And the "It's funny" is simply that because his size is ideal for porn and fetish but apparently not asked in RL.
And in conclusion that makes Nuth his perfect partner because he is tall too, is into Phop as he is and likes to switch with him even.
So yea, that's imo an actual realistic conversation here but obviously doesn't get talked about often 🤷‍♂️ And just picking this line out of context just to point finger how badly written Playboyy is... is not it fam... especially if we consider that the director and the writer are both gay men.
(also can we please stop pretending as if the whole concept of topping and bottoming can not be talked about because ????? i don't even know where that comes from?? Especially when queer people talking about their own experiences and preferences? that's not what the top/bottom discourse is supposed to be about, the discourse is about generalizations and assumptions based on stereotypes...)
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saw a post that made me mad and i just wanna talk about it. it was a post saying that people promoting drawing trans women broad shouldered and hairy is transphobic and how making a trans woman "look like a man" is transmisogynistic. my big issue here is that.. well, being broad shouldered and hairy is something that trans women CAN be. my own wife is a tall, broad, hairy transfem.
it seems to have flown over this persons head that not all transfem people can be petite and hairless, and that trans women sometimes are hairy and cant/dont want to change that. the real transmisogyny here is having an exact way that a trans woman HAS to look in your mind, and that if they "look like a man," it must be malicious. loving trans women means loving ALL trans women, not just ones who can look cis.
this is a transphobia double reach around and idk. im defensive. i love my wife with my whole heart and soul and the implication of them being "bad rep" for exsisting as themself pissed me off really bad.
anyways transfems exist in many different ways, theres no wrong way to be transfem, and you should be able to draw hairy and broad transfems bc itll make my beautiful wife happy. thank you.
Submitted May 28, 2023
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butchwheels · 6 months
ways of describing your gender that might come from painful dysphoria but are also very sexist/misogynistic (and often cissexist) and worth actively confronting in yourself, since you might very well be reinforcing gender roles in yourself and others:
joking is 100% fine obviously, but sooo many of these i've seen completely unironically within the lgbtq community (terfs dni)
#1 - i'm not a woman or i don't feel like a woman because... i'm too masculine, hairy, loud, snarky, confident, wish i was tall and buff, want to be the one in charge, don't care if i'm pretty, do unwomanly things, don't like fashion, don't like makeup, don't know how to do small talk, don't understand social cues, enjoy stereotypically masculine interests, like to be the one penetrating during sex, like being rough during sex, like dominating, like being tough, all things that obviously contradict womanhood
#2 - i'm not a man or i don't feel like a man because... i'm too feminine, don't like body hair, have a more feminine or high pitched voice, talk or dress in a stereotypically girly way, enjoy dresses and skirts and dolls and makeup, enjoy stereotypically feminine interests, like being the submissive one and being penetrated (which i see as a "womanly thing" especially if it's in a rough way), like being polite and docile and dainty or being promiscuous and wearing revealing outfits, or even being a sex worker, all things that are girl things to me and make me feel like a woman and aren't something a real man would ever be
#3 - OBVIOUSLY i'm not a man/woman... look how androgynous i look!!! how did that cis person even think i was cis lmao???? i'm too gender nonconforming to actually be a cis man/woman, obviously even i will assume a gender conforming person is cis but a VISIBLY ANDROGYNOUS person like ME??? extra hilarious!!!! (there isn't a specific "trans look" bc trans/nonbinary can look like anything and gnc people exist so this is sexist and transphobic af)
#4 - [anything that implies that being trans/nonbinary is a political statement for the person or a choice to say fuck you to cissexist heteropatriarchal society instead of a very personal identity like being gay or bisexual, it's just a political subculture]
#5 - i'm gay/bi/etc and i believe that my lgbtq identity inherently contradicts me being a cis man/woman
fyi, #5 is said not in the respectful way someone will describe their own personal identity, but rather trying to literally state that being gay/bi/etc inherently means not feeling like a man/woman despite MANY lgbtq men & women being totally connected to their binary gender, feeling a special connection to it through their gayness. this includes binary trans people who have a very unique connection to manhood or womanhood. it's not cool to label gayness or transness as inherently nonbinary. radical sure, but binary lgbtq people have fought FOREVER to be seen as no less of a man/woman than anyone cishet, an obviously homophobic af belief that is pushed by bigots everywhere, to the point where some countries have transition legalized but not homosexuality bc they think that being gay makes you not a real man/woman, so you might as well become a "normal" straight person by transitioning. this shit should be called tf out
#6 - i don't agree with misogyny and i want to distance myself from it politically despite being 100% comfortable with being male and living as male and not having any social or physical dysphoria, or even euphoria, so i use the term nonbinary to show support to women. this is a take i've actually seen passed around lmao, both from transmasc and transfem people
#7 - i just want to make cishet people uncomfortable. it's funny as a joke obviously, i've said i'm gay to make men mad wayyy too many times i get it. but some people when prompted will deadass say that's their only reason to identify as nonbinary. and ngl that sounds like treating transness as a political accessory instead of just a personal identity. which means they think being trans is a choice, like political lesbianism back in the day
there's so many hilarious jokes to make about gender that i love seeing around. so many fun ways to describe gender identity. but let's not feed cishet people's sexism and reinforce the bullshit we've learned growing up, excusing it by giving it a fresh rainbow coat of paint. the last thing the community needs is tighter gender roles. we need to EXPAND not only what it means to be nonbinary, but ALSO what it means to be a binary man or woman!!! it's okay if some of these were signs for you, but the way you speak about it matters
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pariskim · 6 months
i wish i ever knew how to put my thoughts on the trendification of gender on this site in a comprehensive way because it makes me feel things. like oh my god am i glad people recognize you can be attracted to trans women and not be a freak about it but i feel like so much of it comes from this place of complete sexualization of being transfem and when i see those posts of like oh uwu a seven foot goddess i just feel kind of empty ? like im glad they exist as their own post but eventually i just feel kind of shitty about these expectations of how im supposed to be not as a woman but specifically trans. like sexualization problems aside it sucks to be a non stereotypical looking person yet still clockable in the ways that can hurt me. im not skinny im not tall i dont have a strong jawline but i still sound like a dude and look a little blocky in a skirt. im still not stereotypically a normal girl but im not what people Want in a transfem person either based on the ideal version thats been stacked upon so much by social media. i dont know how comprehensive this is to read or even post i just wish there was less of a triple standard for transgender beauty not only in society from cis people but also online. this like attempt to be perfect not only for cis acceptance but what you Should be like. i can't even imagine how much harder it is for trans poc, but that's not something i can speak on. just something sucky about being ostracized from the guys who are already "weird" sucks!!!!! it sucks!!!
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giltori · 9 days
Got accidentally reminded that butch women exist... thank you, butch women, please keep existing... the world is so much better with you...
Short and tall, tops and bottoms, cis and trans, muscular, fat or skinny, cool or not cool... you're all great... I love you... thank you...
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shotofstress · 15 days
if women (women, not girls) that consume a lot of yaoi/BL bc horny, sexism, sexual frustration, dealing with their traumas, misogynia and patriarchy in general via using gay and queer bodies and stories for it, while at the same time that saying that yaoi and similars is not about gay are queers and is just about women readers and authors desires and pains, put all that energy in making works about women outside the norms of patriatchy and also work with gay and queers to make patriarchy fall we would have been living in a better world long ago. Been agressive when ppl point out the problems that have caused, ignoring their feelings, and saying is fake and that it doesn't affect them is not really the better way nor really showing humanity for the people that is trying to talk to explain why affect them. We can't ignore japanes gay men that since the 70s have speak about it, how the og "fujoshi" author (term that was reclaimed by the group) told one gay author back in the day that "my gay work is not about gays, is about japanes women trying to exist outside japanes patriatcal society using gay male bodies and sex, fuck u and ur identity", and caused in response a new genre (gei komi) among other things (that are not excent of critic of course and are complex too), as well how gay and queers from other countries have speak about it (in relation to yaoi and western media like slash fiction), even leading to the creation of the term "yaoification". This is like when brown and black women and ppl have speak up about how white women (and others bc we live in a society) use works portraying them in terrible situations just to have catharsis, to have a voyeuristic and empowering vision by taking the position of the oppressor and the opressed. Or western woman doing that with japanes women bc that is not talk enough and ppl usually focus in western men seen japanes women and lesbian works made by and for men.
Perhaps continuing with the heterosexist and heternormative patriarchal narrative of a stereotypical version of a passive feminine small man and an aggressive and possessive masculine tall macho man is not the best way to deal with patriarchy or to improve your life or the lives of others (men like that exist, but is not the only way of being). There is a deep misogyny in addition to the dehumanisation of queers. Why some women don't want to write about a new society with new roles or ways where women are not opressed by their society and culture? where their bodies and miends are free of all that in place of using the body of men bc is not subject to that but holds power and more freedom? why don't portrait women/female bodies with that same freedom or even better? This is something that gay men should ask themselves and what was thr historical context of it and why there is this a thing for some women (I think western men or not Japanese men don't know this things nor have cared to learn the context, and it's important even if at the end of it u still don't agree).
Perhaps continuing the patriarchal narrative is not positive for anyone no matter how empowered it makes you feel or how safe it makes you feel (especially when you have to read things that portray gay or queer male rape as love or other forms of abuse using us as if we are an object, a vessel, a trope or something similar that is not so unlike how feminist women have pointed out and criticised how men have historically portrayed the rape of women.). Justify it by saying ‘but straight and gay men do and read yuri to use women and lesbians for their pleasure’ is not the great defence some may think it is. Nor is it a great defence to say that gay men perpetuate patriarchy by using cis women, reinforcing heterornorma or mocking it.
Patriarchy is patriarchy and it doesn't make one thing justifiable because there is another. It's not surprising that we don't fight together if you can't even point out the bad and don't get knocked down because they are unable to accept two things: you make mistakes and things that have consequences and you can work on it while fighting alongside other groups for the main thing.
Maybe we all need to read not only works about the sex lifes of opressed groups wrote by women under their cis het female view of gays or queers (constructed by capitalism and some media for profit) or even just women or anyone writting using people's identity in taht ways, and read more gay fics, manga, and books written by gay men, queer books written by queer people for queer people, maybe they need books written by women that don't use trauma porn, maybe they need to talk to safe people in safe spaces, get support and community from women that don't reject women and help them celebrate and be ok with their bodies, desires, dreams, lifes. Gays and queer should help with that. Perhaps you need to read complex books made by women, about their experiences or their views about their world and they creating new worlds and universes, and not only fics made books or mangas by greedy capitalists that don't care if is bad wrote and lacks life as if women coudn't be capable of enjoying better works with awesome complex women protagonists that speaks to their minds, hearts, and bodies. Maybe people should discover the books of, idk, Clarice Lispector, Lydia Cacho, Anaïs Nin, Susan Abulhawa, Alejandra Pizarnik, Ursula K. Le Guin, Shirley Jackson, Alice Hoffman, Sahar Khalifeh , etc.
God forbid women wrote tons of life changing books and other artworks about been a women, human, life, bc everyone gonna ignore them, including women.
Women having grown up and still living in a world where being a woman is dictated by men (about how they should think, how their bodies should look, the way they should talk, eat, desire, dress, love, what to work on, etc.) should understand the criticism and discomfort towards certain works and their creators and surrounding culture. Women are trying to exist outside of patriarchal logics and not just be through a patriarchal lens, gays and queers are also trying to do that.
This is not about banning women, trans, agender or gay, lesbian, queer, pan, bi or other people from reading or writting queer literature, erotic literature, or shipping. If that's what you got out of it, well, I ask you to read it again some other time. And while you are on that also question why some gay men in Japan find better to say that they are fudanshi (male version of fujioshi) than saying they are gay (if they say it at all) or how in a research in Japan asking if ppl knew queer characters a lot of them said they weren't sure even when Japan is the great producer of yaoi/BL (gonna give u a clue: bc state queer hate, homophobic laws, and capitalism profiting on queerbating and similars). Did u know that yaoi have more animes and ovas than the basically non existent gei komi bc its not seen as profitable bc who is gonna want to watch gay anime made by gay men, this even when yaoi produce billions of profit?. So yeah, of course all this has relation with capitalism, but as well with misogyny, nationalism, homophobia/queer hate/trans hate, cultural aspects and history of Japan post war and traditional expectations, exotism, racism, etc.
Enjoy the recommendations, maybe u end up reading along side a women, gays, queers, etc and find out things and experiences in common.
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mintedwitcher · 11 months
I just had two transphobes attempt to insult and degrade me by calling me a tranny, because I said I wasn't going to stop referring to cis people as cis. Then they got absurdly angry that I didn't react in the way they wanted when they called me a tranny. Because I've been calling myself that, proudly, for years now. I've reclaimed that term for myself, because fuck yeah I am a tranny. I think it's a funny term and I like it for myself. And these transphobes lost their goddamn minds because I didn't react the way they wanted me to.
See, this is what exposes them, though. They compared being called 'cis', a scientifically accurate term describing their relationship to their gender, to a transphobic slur, implying with that comparison that the terms were of equal moral value and impact. They're so mad about being called 'cis', because they see 'trans' as an insult, and therefore assume 'cis' is an insult. Their worst fear in this world is being assumed to be trans, or being called trans, or even being accused of being supportive or accepting of trans people. Because they see trans existence as inherently subhuman.
They don't even try to cover that up. They demand we use terms like 'normal' or 'biological' when talking about cis people, implying once again that being trans is subhuman. They cannot stand the thought that they could need to be classified in the same way that we classify transness.
This is also, btw, why their arguments and their composure absolutely shatters when you compare the terms 'cis' and 'trans' to terms like 'tall' or 'short' or 'blonde'. Because 'cis' and 'trans' are adjectives, they're descriptors, that's all they are. They're a way to classify groups of people into mostly accurate categories to make discussions simpler.
If I wanted to give a lecture about the commonality of blonde hair, for example, I would be wasting time and breath by trying to describe blondeness without using the word blonde, and I'd most likely end up accidentally excluding some types of blonde hair while accidentally including some types of hair that would be better suited under the 'redhead' or 'brunette' categories. The same can be said for discussions of gender and sex, which is the only context where these terms are actually widely used.
If I wanted to talk about cis women, I would say cis women. Because that includes all women who were born female and still identify as women now. If I wanted to talk about all women, cis and trans together, I'd simply say women. Likewise, for discussions involving only trans women, I would say trans women. Notice how in none of these circumstances anyone is being incorrectly categorised. Discussions of cis women stay about cis women, discussions of trans women stay about trans women. Discussions about women stay about women.
Categories are helpful. Adjectives are helpful. No one is hurting you or excluding you by calling you cis, unless you're not cis.
And really if you have this much of a visceral reaction to being called cisgender, maybe it's time you do some self-reflection, because you might not be cisgender.
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jakethesequel · 4 months
Thinking about... elves and dwarves. Plus, gender.
Post-Tolkein, post-D&D depictions of elves and dwarves in popular fantasy stories have an interesting contrast. They almost always come in a pair, typically with an established cultural rivalry to boot, which makes sense. Though both long-lived non-human humanoids with great skill for combat and craftsmanship, they're opposites in a lot of ways: short and squat vs tall and skinny, subterranean industrialists vs arboreal ecologists, gruff and direct vs gentle and patronizing... and one is typically very strongly masculine, the other very strongly feminine.
It's common for both dwarves and elves to be given very little sexual dimorphism. Curiously, though, it's usually only the elves who get described with words like "androgynous." Mentions of the limited dimorphism of dwarves usually only come about through jokes about bearded ladies. Where are the dwarf women? Not in the Hobbit or LOTR. Not in Snow White, I don't recall in Narnia. Some movies don't mention dwarf women in the first place, leaving it open that they may be off-screen or just may not exist. But still, think of how many male elves you've seen on-screen. Compare that to zero female dwarves. Isn't it odd?
Even a lot of video games and TTRPGs that do include female dwarves often pull back significantly from the supposed androgyny of dwarves, giving them roughly the same dimorphism as humans (with the downside of making female dwarves hard to tell apart from a curvier halfling). They usually let elves keep their feminine androgyny, though. The feminine elf men are fine, they're often sex symbols even, but masculine dwarf women are consigned to be off-screen or de-masculinized. Why are they not worthy of depiction?
It's like... the androgynous elf man is still allowed masculinity, his maleness can't be revoked. Some viewers might see him as less-than a more masculine hero, but his femininity also makes other viewers see him as more sexually desirable or available, so it balances out. The feminine elf man is still a man, if not the manliest. The feminine elf woman and masculine dwarf man present no questioning. The masculine dwarf woman, though, is hardly worth even being depicted.
There's some horrible implicit misogyny that says that a woman who is perceived as masculine has no place, saying: "The dwarf woman can't or shouldn't compete with the dwarf men for cool action shit because a man would be better, and her masculinity makes her undesirable as a woman." But we hunger for the taboo, or at least flirt with it, so we throw in a joke about bearded ladies. "A woman who needs to shave, how ludicrous!" and then everything moves on. Even the elf women are allowed to do some cool action shit, as if they've "earned" some agency by over-performing femininity. Dwarf women don't even get to exist.
I feel for the dwarven bearded ladies. A woman deemed tainted by masculinity isn't allowed to exist in a cis-hetero-patriarchal society. You're not a man, but you're too ugly to be a real girl. You're forced into the shadows, acknowledged only for jokes or derision. Presumably the hidden dwarf women still exist, still labour and laugh and love in dwarven communities, but out of sight. Out of mind. "Maybe," they say, "you can do the work of a real girl, just not as well. We'll let you, just as long as you remember where you stand, and you don't shame us by existing too much in public." That's the fate of the masculine woman, the clocky broad: You get to be treated like a woman for all the bad stuff, but your very existence will be denied if it might benefit you, with the rare sole degrading exception of the bearded-lady circus act.
In short: There should be more dwarven women, unapologetically as masculine and bearded as advertised. But we won't get that in fiction unless society can change to accept the lesser-than women that already exist. Misogyny (+lesbophobia, misogynoir, transmisogyny, intersexism and other very relevant intersections) is still a powerful force preventing that. Be nice to a bearded lady today. Or a lady who recently shaved. Give them both 100 dollars. Do anything, IDK.
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ohshy · 4 months
Just so ya know you’ve asked for it
And finally who would be trusted to watch your kid to watch your children most to least with both men and women circs (hypothetically)
(Giving an anon emoji sign off bc why not statue of litterby )
king hippo (Duh)
von kaiser
hmmmm thats a tough one uhhhh probably either bear hugger, disco kid, aran ryan or soda popinksi !! but id i had to pick, rn itd b (joe biden voice) SODA !!!!
and now for the womens circuit !!!!
Ok so... starting with the challenger, Cassidy Cornfield !
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hailing from farley, iowa, shes a little off her rocker. She believes she was put on earth by aliens to box. Though, this is likely just smth she made up as a result of a vivid dream she had when chowing down one too many corn nobs! Speaking of corn, she WILL talk your ear off about all the supposed ‘’proof’’ she has of alien existence, like the crop circles that show up frequently around her hometown. That being said, she IS determined to prove herself for her alien overlords, so prepare for a challenge!
She's modeled after glass corn, which looks like this (thanks to charlie for that idea !!):
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Other details include...
her full name is Cassidy C. Campbell (she won't tell what the C stands for)
she's of irish/cherokee descent
they are a tiny straw weight standing at 5'2 feet and weighing 90 lbs, and an adult little mac trains her !!
Speaking of little mac, unlike him, she had to wait a year to get her boxing license for her 18th birthday. She simply doesn't look old for her age😔 Poor girl still gets handed the childrens menu at restaurants as well!
Her gimmick is that when charged with enough punching power, she can unleash a painful series of punches known as the ‘’Glass corn combo’’. think hondo rush, except like the star punch, it cant be countered, only avoided.
Next up, Beauty Bling !!!
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All bling and no brawn !
I've posted her bio before, so i'll keep it brief; basically shes macho man's fame monger younger sister, and unfortunately for her, shes all bling and no brawn! Despite herself though, she's no quitter! She once pulled many all nighters trying to figure out computer science, and now it's one of her biggest hobbies !
other little factoids about her are...
her full name is Brittany Anita Jones
Cis woman, she/her
shes mixed white/native hawaiian (i hc macho to be white/native hawaiian as well).
She's modeled after 00s/y2k fashion
talks like a valley girl
talks on her phone during intermissions. will either b calling her dad or her friends.
Gimmick: Similarly to glass joe, she has poor defense and rarely attacks. Her special attack is her stepping back, moving a hand through her hair, and saying ''Ready to be punched in style?'' and releasing a very easily avoidable uppercut.
Will also say ''rude!'' when you avoid her punch
Next... Axelerator !!!!
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The Mighty Mechanic!
This Welsh wrestling-watching mechanic from Cardiff packs a meaner punch than his predecessor ! Too bad this motor mouth gets so excited he can’t resist calling out his attacks every time he throws a punch ! But hey, gotta put on a good show, just like those cool wrestlers on tv !
other factoids about him...
his full name is Axel Cadogan
21 years old
hes a cis woman but goes by he/him pronouns bc hes swag like that
stands at 5 foot tall and weighs 220 lbs.
he wears a mechanic outfit as his boxing uniform.
Gets flustered really damn easily. Especially around hot women. 
Gimmick: Basically a huge motor mouth (haha geddit) who calls out all of his attacks, and gives you plenty of time to avoid them. You do gotta watch out which way you dodge, though. Next up, Silver Hook and Scallywag !!!!!
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The Meanest Hook Of The Seven Seas !
Ever since she was a little girl, she wanted to be just like the pirates from the stories she read all the time. This of course, includes having a parrot, which she affectionately named Scallywag. Unfortunately, Scallywag keeps running her mouth and telegraphing her owner’s moves ! Despite this, however, Silver can’t stand the thought of not having her emotional support parrot by her side. 
Other factoids about her:
Her real name is Maria Bermudez
Cis woman, she/her
shes 29 years old
stands at 6'2 feet and weighs 200 pounds
from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Her parrot is a Black-legged parrot. She’s had it since she was 5 years old.
Brings her parrot literally everywhere
Gimmick: Sure, she might be faster than Axel, but she's still a rather predictable fighter who telegraphs her attacks very clearly. You do gotta watch better which way you dodge, though. When the parrot says ''left!'', well, you better watch your left.
Up Next, the minor circuit champion, Dancing Queen !!!!!
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Lay All Your Gloves On Me ~
A huge fan of ABBA, if that wasn’t already obvious, veteran Queen’s entire gimmick is based on that of 70’s pop and disco. She’s also by far the happiest person of perhaps the entire WVBA, despite being arguably the lowest ranking champion of all circuits. Some even theorize that she’d be happy, even if she was THE lowest ranked boxer. That’s because everytime she gets in the ring, she’s 17 again. That’s just how happy those Swedes are !
Other factoids:
Her real name is Heidi Karlsson
She's a trans lady, she/her
shes's 45 years old
she stands at 6'4 ft and weighs 215 lbs.
From Jönköping, Sweden
Always seen smiling. Always.
Became a boxer partially to let our her frustrations about disco fading away as a trend
Gimmick: she has a special move called the criss cross punch, where she diagonally raises her fist to punch you and then the other, similiarly to that iconic disco dance.
____________ Now for the major circuit !!!
Disclaimer: I do Not have designs or certain info for the majority of the characters from here on out. Please bare w/ me
Next up, Black and Bunraku !!!!! (props to charlie for the name)
A Boxer based on the japanese art of bunraku, Black and Bunraku actually consists of ''two fighters''; A puppet who hits you, and the puppeteer who controls the puppets movements, covered from head to toe in black. As a result, the woman's identity is a real mystery.
Other factoids:
Refuses to say her real name, age, height and weight, instead letting the puppet do all the talking.
From Osaka, Japan. This is also where the biggest bunraku theatre is located.
Gimmick: Hitting the puppet won't do anything. Once you figure out the trick to hitting her in the head, she's a fairly easy opponent to take down.
Next up: Nike the Great !!!!! A threatrical tirant and a complete history and art geek, Nike longs to be a wise philosopher slash theater actor like the ancient Greeks, with a boxing twist. Her stage name ‘’Nike’’, meaning victory in Greek, is one she holds because she is sure to be the victor, despite only being in the lower major circuit. Oh well, confidence is a stepping stone to success, right?
Other factoids:
Her real name is Nikki Ioannidis
She identifies as a nonbinary woman, she/he/they
27 years old
She stands at 6'0 feet and weighs 220 lbs.
From Athens, Greece
HUGE rivals with Narcis Prince. only ONE can wear the V for victory and that's HER.
Huge rivals with A Lot of people, including Monarch Mayhem (keep reading to see her bio !!)
During her intermissions and fights, she'll show you some of the art she's made, like painted vases. If you punch it out of her hands, she’ll get REAL mad though, so watch yourself !
Gimmick: Pretty clean fighter, outside of the fact she brings art into the ring. Hey, she's an artist after all !
Up next, Moto Mauler, The Electrifying Biker !!!!!!
This biker chick loves nothing more than the rush of the road and the wind in her hair ! and a good tussle of course. She will make sure to knock you out with the great speed she feels on her motor cycle.
Other factoids:
Her real name's Nguyen Lihn
She's a trans woman, she/her
24 years old
She stands at 5'9 ft and weighs 170 lbs.
From Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
During her intermissions, she'll talk about how beautiful the sights are and how you oughta be quicker on your feet.
She gets along swimmingly w/ Axel bc duh. mechanic x biker chick, cant go wrong w/ that right?
Gimmick: Clean fighter, outside of entering the ring on a motorcycle. Will try to exhaust you with quick jabs, and when you're tired, releases a series of punches to take you down.
Lastly, Monarch Mayhem, The Monarch of the Major Circuit !!!
Formerly known as Butterfly Bash :3
An unsuccesful artist turned boxer, Monarch Mayhem brings her frustrations into the ring, and with success! She is the crown jewel of the Major Circuit after all. That being said, she will NOT let you forget she's an artist! She will try to hypnotize you with stunning butterfly patterns on her sleeves made by herself of course, and dodge equally elegantly. At least the boxing crowd appreciates her !
Other factoids:
Cis woman, she/her
She's 31 years old
She stands at 6'1 ft and weighs 175 lbs.
From Calabar, Nigeria
Gimmick: Like i said, she'll try to stun you with hypnotizing patterns on her sleeves. The way to avoid this is to block your face, otherwise you'll get dizzy and become incapacitated ! Additionally, she does a lot of fake-outs, making her a formidable champion.
Now for the world circuit !!!
First off, Scarlet Fever, The Bad Omen !!!!!! Clad with arguably the most unorthodox boxing wear, a robe with a plague doctor mask, Scarlet Fever serves as an omen that the next opponents you’re about to face are the real deal. Other factoids:
Trans woman, she/her
She's 55 years old
Stands at 6'7 ft and weighs 210 lbs.
From Florence, Italy
Doesn’t speak, but does speak in Italian sign language.
Also does plenty of hand gestures in the ring
Secondly, Flossin' Fury, The Mental Dental Case !!!!!
After getting her medical license revoked for malpractise, she's now a dentist turned boxer. Got any cavities? Let's find out!
She's my newest addition to the OC roster, so i. Don't have much apart from a basic premise. She'll get developed soon though dw dw ! Thirdly, Sunny Gunny, The Granny with Guns !!!!!
After becoming tired of being bullied all the time, she trained to defend herself against bullies. Don’t let her old age fool you, she’s still a tanky old lady who can deal quite the mean punches ! That being said, whether you win or lose against her, she’s a nice old woman who’ll bake you some delicious goods !
Other factoids:
Her real name is Sondra ‘’Sunny’’ Seydoux
Cis woman, she/her
She's 80 years old
Stands at 6'5 ft and weighs 180 lbs
From Tallahassee, Florida
Of Haitian American descent
Of course brings baked good in the ring during intermissions. Also Oft seen knitting as well.
Balls of yarn spin around her head when she’s stunned
Gimmick: She just loves hugging her grandchildren, and this bleeds over in the ring as well; she's a real powerful hugger to the point you can b immediately incapacitated when you're hugged. During title defense, She will protect her body with her knitted blanket that can be removed in a certain way. Next up, Butch Diamond, A Girl’s Best Friend !!!!!
An Australian football player turned boxer, Butch has a robust body and an near impenetrable defense, making her a formidable fighter ! She puts her skills she learned from football into good use, so be quick on your feet ! Albeit somewhat cocky, she mostly just hams it up in the ring, and is a kind soul outside of it.
Other factoids:
Her real name is Desmond Kelly
GNC cis woman, she/he
He's 39 years old
He stands at 6'0 ft and weighs 235 lbs
She's from Melbourne, Australia
She's of Aboriginal Australian descent
Very sociable and friendly
Gimmick: Your Glass corn combo won’t work on her stomach! In fact, if you try it, you will lose HP! Instead, try stunning her and hitting her in the face with it! During her title defense, she’ll train harder, and somehow become even more robust. Now, your hands will be incapacitated for a short while if you try to hit her in the stomach repeatedly, longer if you try to do a glass corn combo.
And lastly but not leastly, Nessie,
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The Shadow Champion !!!!
I've talked ab her before too, so again will keep it brief.
Gimmick: She's called a shadow champion for a reason ! Somehow, her surroundings become all dark whenever she enters the ring. During title defense, its as if you get pulled underwater. Does she use magic? Is she just that powerful? Nobody knows.
As for who would be good w/ kids...
Cassidy Cornfield: Not good with kids. Keeps scaring them with stories about aliens.
Axelerator: Axel co-runs his dad's mechanic shop, so hes definitely used to the responsibility.
Silver Hook and Scallywag: Makes kids laugh with her parrot, so pretty good with kids !
Dancing Queen: She has a couple kids of her own ! She's a great momma :3 Loves dancing with them
Black and Bunraku: Nah. Has made kids cry with her puppet. On her own, she's kinda awkward.
Nike the Great: Loves kids ! She loves telling them all kinds of stories ab ancient Greece and myths and being all theatrical about it.
Moto Mauler: Cool big sister type figure. Has a tendency to be too lenient towards kids though.
Monarch Mayhem: Think's kids r alright. Despite how difficult her path as an artist has been, she'd 100% encourage kids to follow their dreams.
Scarlet Fever: Same w/ Cassidy and Bunraku, she scares kids (albeit unintentionally).
Flossin' Fury: She's a dentist. and a scary one at that. So no, kids dont even get close to her vicinity.
Sunny Gunny: Has grandchildren, so naturally adores kids. Would bake delicious goods n spoil them rotten.
Butch Diamond: Also loves kids ! Loves carrying them on her shoulders n letting them climb all over her.
Nessie: Again, scares children, although she finds it funny.
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19-bellwether · 2 years
The flaw in the argument against trans people in sports is that sports are already dominated by 'biological advantages.' The idea of generally equal competitors succeeding on skill alone is a fantasy. Look at our most widely decorated olympians. Usain Bolt did not become the fastest man on the planet by training hard, he started training because he was already biologically inclined to it. Michael Phelps isn't built with long arms and hyper-flexible chest joints because he swam every day, he started swimming because his body happened to be built to reward it.
So when Becky the highschooler hits six feet tall by age fifteen, she's praised and told she should try basketball. Her uncommon deviance from the average is seen as an opportunity. But when Sarah the trans girl wants to compete - even if she's shorter and slower than Becky - she's accused of having an unfair advantage over her fellow women. The argument for fairness does not work because fairness in sports does not exist in the first place.
This double standard further falls apart when you stop thinking of trans people as hypotheticals. Few people actually believe that any random person can become a successful athlete. Odds are, no matter how much you train, you would not be able to match the top competitors that have an actual biological advantage via the genetic lottery. Trans people are the same way: we come in just as many different body types as cis people. For every trans woman that's built perfectly for basketball, there are thousands more who would be average at best. That's no different than cis women. On top of that, hormone transitioning brings trans people's physical ability close to a cis person's of the same gender.
When a trans woman athlete loses nineteen games in the woman's division, no one says a word. But when she wins one, everyone starts questioning if it's unfair. The biological advantage myth is based on nothing but transphobic double standards and it's irritating how common it is even among self-described cis allies.
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