#tarot reding
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Aries Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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Tauro Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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Géminis Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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Cáncer Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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Leo Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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Virgo Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
0 notes
valcoutooficial · 1 year
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IstoÉ Gente procurou o tarólogo e vidente Val Couto, que é conhecido por fazer previsões sobre a vida dos famosos, que fez uma previsão sobre o futuro de Patrícia Poeta e Manoel Soares na Globo após a polêmica. Créditos @Istoé
“Vejo uma mudança na vida dos dois. Provavelmente, o Manoel pode deixar a Globo, mas irá se dar bem com uma proposta boa. Já a Patrícia Poeta vai passar por um problema de saúde. Ela precisa tomar muito cuidado. Não vejo mais os dois trabalhando juntos”, disse o clarividente.
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seleniangnosis · 2 years
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓬𝔂𝓬𝓵𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷 ?
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
This reading is about a situation in your life that has been going on for a while, so you might be wondering if better days are coming.
This is a collective reading so take whatever resonates,and/or applies to a specific situation you've been dealing with. You can choose more than one pile if drawn to more than one. Don't force yourself to pick a pile if you resonate with none, maybe there isn't a message for you here.💌
Feedback is always appreciated! 🌙
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Pile 1
Card representing your energy: The World rx
Hello pile one and welcome to your reading 🌙
With this pile there are 2 messages that I'm getting, and one of them might only relate to a few people.
It seems that this pile has pushed back the desire to accomplish their own goals, out of fear, or not feeling worthy enough to take advantage of some opportunities presented to them.
You might have had the opportunity to get out of your difficult situation, but you decided to stay put and not act, because the atmosphere around you didn't seem difficult enough for you to change it.
Family might be involved here too. Maybe you've felt pressured to be strong and mentain a perfect image, so you've been procrastinating on this path you want to follow?
For a few of you, this might have been a period when you couldn't pursue your own goals because you had to help your family and be a pillar of support for them
How is this change going to affect you?
You will be however urged to act and make a decision soon. You might feel insecure and afraid, but you've already got the inspiration and abilities to make this move and succeed. Pay attention to what your intuition says and try to clarify the issue. Our feelings and emotions have a role and are there to guide us, but you can get into a mess if you're disregarding them.
Additionally, a specific situation might occur that will help you clarify your thoughts and have an " eureka " moment, where everything is clear and you'll make the best decision.
Thank you for coming by, and I wish you the best if luck in your endeavours 💌
Pile 2
Card representing your energy: The devil rx
Hello pile two, and welcome to your reading 🌙
Pile two it seems that you might have been suffering the consequences of your own actions for a while now.
You were avoiding to look at the truth, or even acknowledge that there's an issue that has to be solved.
For some of you this might be about career and investments. You might have taken an opportunity that seemed fantastic (or too good to be true) in the beginning, but later on you've found yourself buried in money related problems, which led to unhealthy coping mechanisms.
For others this might be talking about excessive spending, without a specific purpose, rather than maybe self satisfaction for a short amount of time.
In a not so harmfulway, this can also relate to a bad work environment that you are experiencing, but not willing to change.
You were hardly avoiding to look the truth in it's face and were running away from your problems for a long time.
How is this change going to affect you?
Most of the times we are the ones who create a cage for ourselves in our minds. The problem can be serious or less serious, but we make ourselves feel incompetent and small in front of life's challenges.
You might already be on the way towards self liberation, and working towards a new beginning, if not , you'll definitely create an opportunity for yourself to be more trustworthy when it comes about your decisions, be honest with yourself, and live in the present.
You've got the Fool card here,  so this is definitely a chance to start anew.
I wish you the best of luck pile two, and I hope you'll always be successful in your endeavours.💌
Pile 3
Card representing your energy: 9 of swords rx
Hello pile three, and welcome to your reading🌙
Wow guys you have all major arcanas representing the cycle that's ending: Death, Wheel Of Fortune and The Sun
With death being the first drawn card, I feel like you've been trough a transition/ transformative period in your life. If you're engaged in any sort of deity/ spirit work activity, or overall just intrested in spiritual development, this might have been your period of reshaping and initiation onto the path.
The energy of this pile is massive!
I'm so sorry that you had to deal with harsh ups and downs, but as I've been there myself, these will be a memory, and the lessons learned will stick forever.
It seems that you had to fight for your position and defend yourself and your convictions. You might be tired of having to stand up for yourself against everyone and everything wishing you harm, but this is gonna end soon.
With the wheel of fortune, perhaps you have been in a situation where you've had small cycles within a bigger cycle, which (through some challenging situations) shaped your personality and mind, so you can go forward with courage and confidence. The clarifier card here was the devil rx, so you definitely had to break some old patterns, otherwise the wheel would have remained stuck, and you wouldn't advance further on your path.
If you aren't interested in spiritual development, then this can be related to major life events, which seem impossible to get trough.
You might have been delayed by unexpected events, or by your own actions, but nevertheless you are receiving your accomplishments, and this wasn't a wasted period of time.
You might have been disillusioned and neglected all the effort that you've put into this harsh journey, but it won't last forever.
If no one has told you this yet, I'm truly proud of you pile three and I wish you all the happiness in the world + the best if luck on your path 💌!
How is this end of the cycle gonna affect you?
This passage of life might have happened on a mental level? Like, you've went through a lot , but it wasn't something that others could see , you've dealt with mental turmoil, rather than people or situations in the 3rd reality.
Anyway, you'll be freed of this mental pressure and you'll be able to use all the wisdom you've got to accomplish what you deserve. You can also use the lessons you've learned to help and give others advice, for this cycle strengthened your mind and clarity of thoughts.
Additional message
This was a period neded for you to sort out things that couldn't be carried into your new path. You had to part ways with people, situations and mindsets that weren't helping you achieve your highest good.
The sun will shine for you soon!
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astroyongie · 8 months
IVE February Reading 2024
note: please take it lightly
Love: as expected, the relationship she had in September is finished. At the moment she is repressing her rage about the end of this love story and focusing on herself 
Career: something has happened here. I can’t really pin point what, but it feels like Yujin got herself in bad sheets with either the manager or an higher up. Whatever she did upsetter them a lot and she had to “pay the price” 
Self: she is trying to focus on herself and on her schedules. Yujin is also working with her sponsor to have a overseas schedule for something important (fashion show perhaps?)
Love: Gaeul is back in a relationship with someone older than her and very influential that works inside the entrainment. At the moment she is happy since her partner is taking care of her financially and supporting her sponsorship 
Career: I feel like this is a good moment for her. There’s recognition for her when it comes to her career and her talent. Gaeul will be able to create something stable and successful for herself if she is smart enough to move her cards along 
Self: she is happy, without a care of the world. Gaeul is enjoying her life, enjoying this positive moment she is experiencing in life. 
Love: she is still single and Rei is still recovering from her last relationship that ended during summer 2023. I recall all, that her relationship was very unhealthy and at the moment she needs to heal her heart and take tome for herself 
Career: positive and good omens for her. Just like Gaeul, Rei as the right people behind her to help her get more spotlight for her career. I feel like she will get better as an artists but that her visuals will equally improve 
Self: she is investing a lot of money in her career (everything she has that dent go to her trainee debts is put on something else to help her grow in her career)
Love: Wonyoung is back at being single, but not out of choice. Her sponsor asked her to break up and she had no choice but to do so. This is upsetting to her because she had feelings for the person but she does put her career first 
Career: she is struggling a lot with her relationship with one of the members. Wonyoung has been trying to talk to that member and solve things but they have way too many communications issues between the two. She feels also disconnected to the other members and she is scared that it will affect her image 
Self: I believe that Wonyoung is dealing with poor mental health at the moment,  I see some depressive episodes here and her being consumed and overwhelmed by feelings easily 
Love: her relationship is taking an unhealthy turn, since her partner has reveled themselves to be quite impulsive and ruthless. They have big expectations for Liz and she is unable to meet them 
Career: she is quite lost. She loves her job but as time goes, the more she loses hope about her career. She feels like it doesnt matter what she does, the company doesnt give her enough and that she always has to give to other members instead 
Self: she doesnt know what to do with her life. She has many opportunities but at the moment she is way too confuse to make any decision for herself.
Love: she is single. Around in September she ws talking/flirting with someone but that person has betrayed her by leaking some personal info n her to other people so she blocked them and stopped having any compact with that person 
Career: she is very possessive with what she has on her career and she doesnt want to open her wand to give to other members even if they ask for it. Leeseo has been a little impulsive and a little bit hasty which could generate some arguments between members 
Self: overall she is kay. Leeseo is working on herself as an image and as an idol. That is all she cares about at the moment and where all her energy goes to 
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evolutionessence · 2 years
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ashley--nicole · 2 years
New reading up on my channel!!
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plutoasteroids · 3 days
Paid Readings!
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Rules For Paid Readings
Dm me for a paid reading
No reading will be done without payments
send a screenshot of the payments
Readings will be delivered within 48 hours of payment
NO REFUNDS (but if it doesn't resonate, I can redo the reading)
$3 dollars extra for Kofi and PayPal fees
Feedback is non-negotiable
To book a reading just send your name, pronouns and zodiac sign as well as your email address to receive the readings (all through dm)
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Price List:
Express readings - $5
If you want to get your reading within 24 hours, it will be an extra $5 charge.
Yes or No Questions (using a pendulum) - $6 + $4 for an additional 6 questions)
For Yes or No Questions you are free to ask up to 6 questions (a dollar each question).
Mini Reding - $5.55 (3 - 4 card spread)
You can ask one question in regard to any aspect of your life like relationships, work, school or finances
What does your SP (specific person/ person on your mind) think of you. - $10
This reading will require both your initials/name and that of the person you are asking about.
Detailed Readings - $25
Ask 2 questions
You can ask me any 2 questions about any aspect of your life, and I'll go into as much detail as your guides allow me to go into about the certain focus of your life.
In depth reading - $15
Ask only one question
You ask just 1 question about any aspect of your life, and I will give as much detail that your guides will allow you to know.
Spirit Baby Reading - $25
Who are your spirt babies (their personality), how many are there, their possible genders.
What do your Spirit Guides want you to know - $15
Anything your guides want you to know at the current moment it could be general or in relation to a specific situation you are currently in.
Month Ahead Reading - $20
Deep dive into what will happen in the next month to come and any advice to make things a bit easier for you with dealing with the upcoming month.
The Next 3 months - $25
Overall energy of what the next 3 months will hold for you, any warnings, advice and what to look forward to.
The Next 6 months - $30
The overall energy of what the next 6 months will hold for you including any warnings, advice and what to look forward to.
Year Ahead Reading - $35
Overall energy of the upcoming year for you as well as possible challenges, warnings and advice for you relating to the year ahead.
Your Hidden Personality - $15
What aspects of your personality do you not see in yourself whether good or bad.
What the Universe loves about you - $10
These are your personality traits that the universe loves about you and admires about you.
Your Higher Self - $10
Who is your higher self and any advice from them.
Your Shadow Self -$10
Get to know your shadow self and how to embrace them.
Self-care package - $50
Includes: Your shadow self reading Your higher self reading What the universe loves about you Your hidden personality What do your guides want you to know
Special questions (Questions that aren't listed) - $15
Any question that you may have that I haven't listed in the paid readings list. IF YOUR QUESTION HAS THE WORD AND THAT'S 2 READINGS SO IT WILL COST $25.
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Love Reading Price List
18+ Readings
(Strictly for those above the age of 18 years MDNI)
Could be anyone from your Future Spouse to your celebrity crush (older than 18)
Each reading listed below is $15
Your person's kinks The first time with them Overall sexual energy between the both of you Their late-night thoughts What they want to do to you What will the aftercare be like What turns your person on
Channelled songs + mood board. - $8
An 18+ Package - $35
Pick any 4 from the 18+ list and adding a question is an extra $8
The first time with your SP - $15
Sex during the wedding night and honeymoon with your FS - $20
Channelled Love Letter from Your Future Spouse. - $10
Any channelled messages and words your fs would like to say to you but can't.
Your Next partner - $10
Adding more questions to this package will be an extra $8 whether it's from the 18+ list or Future spouse readings list.
Relationship with your celebrity crush - $20
This reading just gives the overall vibe of the relationship if you were to get into one with your celebrity crush (the person you choose should be older than 18)
Future spouse/ Future partner (includes future boyfriend or girlfriend) readings
$10 each (getting more than 1 will get discounted)
When you will meet Their current energy How you will meet Their personality First impressions Their parents' impression of you Their friends' impression of you their appearance The first date Their love language the engagement Your wedding day Your Honeymoon Marriage life with them When you could possibly meet $15 (energy changes so timing can also change)
Future Spouse/ Future long term partner Package - $50
Their current energy
Where and How You Will meet
When you COULD POSSIBLY meet
First impression of you
First impression of them
their appearance
the first date
Adding more questions to this package will be an extra $8 whether it's from the 18+ list or Future spouse readings list.
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lovepeaceandtarot · 5 days
Pick a card - Someone will come back to your life
(Escolha uma carta - Alguém vai voltar para a sua vida)
If you want a reading on your energy, just schedule a paid reading with me in DM!
(Se quiser uma leitura na sua energia, basta agendar uma leitura paga comigo na DM!)
If that found you, it was for a reason. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t resonate.
(Se isso encontrou você, é por uma razão. Pegue o que ressoar e deixe o que não ressoa.)
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Card 1 - It could be someone you worked with in the past. I see that he is someone very strategic and very intelligent. You may be a mentor or teacher. For many of you, it can be a woman. For others of you, it may be a man coming. For others it can be someone of the air sign, it can be an ex-boyfriend (don't go back to abusive people and seek help in this case). For others, it can be a friend who worked with you or who studied with you in college or school who wants to see you again.
(Carta 1: Pode ser que seja alguém com quem trabalhou no passado. Eu vejo que é alguém bem estratégico e muito inteligente. Pode ser que seja uma mentora ou professora. Para muitos de vocês, pode ser uma mulher. Para outros de vocês, pode ser um homem vindo. Para outros pode ser alguém do signo de ar, pode ser um ex namorado (não volte para pessoas abusivas e procure ajuda nesse caso). Para outros, pode ser um amigo que trabalhou com você ou que estudou com você na faculdade ou na escola que quer te ver de novo.)
Card 2 - It can be someone who was selfish in the past and seeks redemption. It could be someone you didn't set limits to. It can be someone who has a lot of money and comes to pay you something they owe you. It could be someone who hasn't seen you for a long time and brings you a gift and gives you money like a grandmother or an aunt does.
(Carta 2 - Pode ser alguém que foi egoista no passado e busca redenção. Pode ser alguém que você nao estabeleceu limites. Pode ser alguém que tem muito dinheiro e venha te pagar algo que lhe deve. Pode ser alguém que não lhe vé a muito tempo e te traga um presente e te dê dinheiro como uma vó ou um tia faz).
Card 3: You can be a best friend who moved a long time ago. Lynn Painter's book "Better than in movies" can be significant here. It may be some distant relative who is back and willing to get closer to you. It could be a childhood love back. It may be a teenage ex-boyfriend wanting to contact you on social media. It could be an old crush who is back in town
(Carta 3: Pode ser um melhor amigo que se mudou há muito tempo. O livro “Melhor que nos filmes” da Lynn Painter pode ser significativo aqui. Pode ser que seja algum parente distante que está de volta e está disposto a se reaproximar de você. Pode ser que seja um amor de infância de volta. Pode ser que seja um ex-namorado de adolescencia querendo entrar em contato com você nas redes sociais. Pode ser um antigo crush que está de volta na cidade.)
#tarot #tarotportugal #tarotreading #career #careerreading #generalreading #foryou #foryoupage #explore #explorar #amorproprio #tarô #tarotcards #tarotcomunity #consultasdetarot #selfcare #autocuidado #freetarotreading #generalreading #acolhimento #loveyourself #pickapiletarot
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thejournallo · 11 months
Explain the basic: Everything to know before you start!
Surprise! surprise! Before I actualy start my new 'Explain The', I will like to make sure you know how to protect yourself and that you are doing the right thing that makes you comfortable in this new world and in your future way of practicing.
Desclaimer: Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
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What is witchcraft based on?
Witchcraft is a broad and complex practice with a rich history that spans many cultures and traditions. It's important to note that witchcraft can mean different things to different people, and its beliefs and practices can vary widely. However, I can provide an overview of some of the key elements that witchcraft is based on:
Nature and the Elements: Many forms of witchcraft are deeply rooted in nature and the natural world. Practitioners often believe in the interconnectedness of all living things and the power of the elements, such as earth, air, fire, and water.
Magic and Ritual: Witchcraft often involves the use of magic and rituals. These rituals can vary widely, but they are typically used to harness and direct energy for a specific purpose, such as healing, divination, or protection.
Ancestral and Folk Traditions: Witchcraft frequently draws on ancestral and folk traditions, incorporating practices and beliefs passed down through generations. These traditions can vary by culture and region.
Belief in the Supernatural: Witchcraft often involves a belief in the supernatural, including spirits, deities, and otherworldly forces. These may be part of a practitioner's personal belief system or tied to specific traditions, like Wicca, where various gods and goddesses are honored.
Herbalism and Folk Medicine: Many witches incorporate herbalism and folk medicine into their practice. They believe that certain plants and natural substances have healing or magical properties.
Divination: Divination is the practice of seeking to gain insight or knowledge about the future or the unknown. Tarot cards, runes, pendulums, and other tools are often used for divinatory purposes within witchcraft.
Personal Empowerment: Witchcraft is often seen as a means of personal empowerment and self-discovery. Practitioners may use it to develop their intuition, self-awareness, and a sense of inner strength.
Ethics: Many witches follow ethical guidelines, such as the Wiccan Rede, which encourages actions that harm none. However, ethical codes can vary among different traditions and individuals.
Covens and Solitary Practice: Some witches practice as part of a coven, a group of individuals who gather for rituals and support. Others prefer solitary practice, working alone and following their own path.
It's important to remember that witchcraft is not a single, standardized religion or practice. It encompasses a diverse range of beliefs and traditions, and individuals may interpret and practice it in their own unique ways. As a result, there is no single set of beliefs that universally define witchcraft.
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What will I talk about in my new "Explain the"?
In the new "Explain the," I will be guiding you in your journey by teaching the important basics when you start this particular journey, such as how to banish, heal, and protect, how to use the various tools, and what their meanings are. I'm going to talk about the astros and how we can use that energy, and the many types of magic that are out there. For the first few mouths, this particular "Explain the" will be "Explain the basics," because that's what I'm going to talk about. I'm not going to throw a spell tutorial without making sure you are safe while doing it.
Sometimes ago, I already talked about color magik. If you are interested, it is a good and fun way to start. We use colors every day after all.
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As always, I will be more than happy to answer every question you have in mind. I'm proud of you! Have a wonderful day or night!
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Lesson #1: Introduction to Magic
Witchcraft vs. Wicca vs. Paganism:
Paganism is a religion as well as an umbrella term to describe different religions. In the past, it was seen as anyone who wasn’t a Christian. Currently, a lot of practices and religions fall under the category of Pagan. No witchcraft or certain practices are required to be Pagan. Most Pagans do believe in the circles of life and death, with a strong connection to nature.
Wicca is a religion that usually involves witchcraft but not always. It was founded in 1954 by Gerald Garner and involves documents and beliefs such as the Wiccan Rede and the Harm None laws. The Wiccan religion falls under Paganism.
Witchcraft is a practice, not a religion. It can be used inside and outside of religious practices. There are many branches of The Craft, including Green Witchcraft and Cosmic Witchcraft.
Different Paths:
Not all Alchemists are witches, but Alchemy can be paired with the Craft.
Angelic Witches work closely with Angels in their practice.
A Celtic Witch would be a witch who follows the traditions and rituals of the Celtic religion. They may work with or worship Celtic deities and read Celtic myths, legends, and history. This could also include working with the fae, but it’s not required.
In a Ceremonial Witch's practice, it’s all focused on the sacred ceremonies and rituals of witchcraft. It’s more intricate than everyday magic.
Cosmic/Celestial Witches are the astrologers. Focused on the moon, sun, star, and planet cycles, zodiac signs and birth charts are their specialty. They use the energies from the cycles of the universe to fuel their spell work. Lunar Witches and Solar Witches would fall in this category, as their focus is mostly towards the phases of the moon or the sun.
Coven Witches are a part of a coven, this would include a high priest, or priestess along with members of a coven. They bring their powers together to cast spells and do rituals together.
Crystal Witches are all about the use of crystals and gems. Creating crystal grids, understanding the power of their properties, and using that power to manifest or attract the energies that the witch is trying to bring in their craft.
When it comes to Eclectic Witches they are a hit or miss. They mix and match their own practice from other religions or branches of witchcraft. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. You can make your practice your own and not be tied down to one thing. However, if you are taking from closed practices or taking from spaces where you aren’t welcomed then that is never okay. No matter what branch you practice.
A Death Witch is someone who works with the dead, or practices necromancy. This can also include helping them cross to the other side, honoring the dead in rituals, or helping people through periods of mourning their loved ones. Death deities such as Hel (Norse Goddess of Death) or Hades (Greek King of the Underworld) may be some deities a death witch might be interested in working with.
Demonologists are people who study, work with, or worship Demons and include them into their Craft.
Divination Witches are usually your psychics. They work with tools such as tarot or oracle cards, palm readings, pendulums, runes, etc. They can show the future or receive messages from the other side or from your guides.
Draconian Witches are people who work with Dragons. It is a very intricate path that isn’t made for everyone. You may approach dragons, but when it comes time dragons may or may not choose you.
Elemental Witches use the power of the elements in their practices. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and sometimes the fifth element known as the Spirit or Either. Through bonding with the elements, she’s able to call on them in her practice. This could also be broken down by Fire Witches, who connect mostly with Fire elements. Water Witches also could fall under Sea Witchcraft. Air Witches could include playing instruments, listening to music, or singing in their practice. And Earth Witches could be classified as a Green or Plant Witch.
Fae Witches are those who work with the Fae in their craft. This is usually paired with the Celtic pantheon, but not always.
A Folk Witch can be hereditary, but not always. They include practices that are either passed down from family members, or their community. They use their ethnicities and the origins of their ancestors in their practices. Sometimes they can be closed practices, sometimes they are just not shared with people outside of those communities.
Gray Witches practice both the left-hand path (black magic) of the right-hand path (white magic). What kind of magic they practice depends on the situation.
Green Witches are all about nature, they use herbology, healing, gardening, and plant magic in witchcraft. They prefer to be outside and in nature, especially when doing their craft. Plant Witches are in a subcategory of Green Witchcraft whose main focus is plants.
Both Hearth Witches and House/Cottage Witches overlap when it comes to how they practice. They are both focused on making their home peaceful and full of magic. This can include candle magic, kitchen witchery, house rituals, etc.
A Hedge Witch is similar to an eclectic witch. But hedge witches are more focused on herbology, elements, astral protection, auras, and nature.
A Hellenic Witch is someone who works with or worships the ancient Greek or Roman deities. They perform rites and give offerings that were presented to the deities long ago.
Hereditary Witches are people whose family practices witchcraft. Power or certain practices are passed through their family line.
Kitchen Witches incorporate magic into their food or drink. They understand the properties that certain foods or herbs have and are able to pair them together to create a delicious, magical-filled dish or drink.
Sea Witches have a strong connection to the ocean. They can incorporate water, seashells, sand, and moon phases in their practices. Any body of water will do, you don’t have to live near any ocean to do sea magic. Lakes, rivers, or any natural body of water will do. They can also work with water spirits, such as mermaids.
Sex Witches use sexual acts and sexual energy to enhance their rituals. This can be done alone or with consenting partners.
A Solitary Witch practices alone or without a coven. They can be any type of Witch.
A Traditional Witch can be a hereditary, a folk, or a ceremonial witch. Any kind of practice that follows a long-standing tradition.
Wiccan Witch follows the Wiccan Rede and the Harm None laws, within their practice. They can include almost any other branch of witchcraft as well. They worship a God and Goddess as the masculine and feminine energies, and love and respect nature.
These are just a handful of witches that are out there, I know I missed many of them. Feel free to mix and match titles or have no title at all. It’s whatever you are most comfortable with and what you have a connection to the most.
Altars are prominent in most religions; they are concentrated, personal, and sacred spaces meant for worship, spell castings, honoring ancestors, celebrating holidays and more. They can be simple and hidden, large and extravagant or anything in between. It should be created to please you and no one else.
The arrangement of tools on the altar can vary to each person, there is a basic outline, but you’re not required to follow it. When picking out the tools and decorations make sure you don’t choose random items that might clutter your altar. No matter how big or small your space is, you don’t want a messy place to work in; so make sure everything has a meaning or purpose.
Altars can also come in any aesthetic that you enjoy; some choose a very traditional altar, while others love a modern take on things. They can also be based around an element, deity, crystal, or even your favorite color.
There are so many ways you can present your altar, but as long as you make it your own precious space then the sky's the limit!
Witchcraft Tools:
A Book of Shadows, Grimoire, or another Spell Book can be anything you wish it to be, from a simple notebook, a file on your computer, or a fancy leather-bound book. No matter what it is, always keep it nearby when you are casting; you never know when you might need to jot something down or need a reference.
A Pentagram or Pentacle can be sat in the center of an altar, or worn on a necklace. It represents the five elements and can be used for protection.
Divination Tools would also be kept on your altar or nearby if you are doing spellwork. Whether it be tarot or oracle cards, pendulums, runes, tea leaves, or a crystal ball.
Photos or Statues are great ways to honor your ancestors and loved ones who have passed on (including pets!). You can add photos, notes, and other offerings on your altar as a way to honor them and call upon them. You can also add photos and statues of your guides or deities to dedicate a space to them.
Athames are beautifully crafted knives meant for spell casting or energy channeling only. They are usually not meant for cooking or other purposes.
Wands are created for energy channeling and circle casting, they can be made out of wood, crystal, metal, or glass. You can also craft your own and add crystals, charms, or other decorations to personalize it.
Candles can be used for multiple things. It can represent the element of fire and air, can represent a space for deities or ancestors, or for simple color magic. It’s good to have multiple colors and sizes, but white is usually a good substitute. You could also use birthday candles for spells that have to melt all the way down but you don’t want to wait or leave a burning candle unattended.
For the Earth Element anything that comes from the Earth naturally such as dirt, sand, flowers, leaves, certain herbs, sticks, crystals, rocks, etc can be used to represent the Earth element and be used in many ways.
Cauldrons or other heatproof bowls would be needed for making potions, burning herbs, casting spells, or scrying.
A Chalice could represent the Moon Goddess and the element of water; a chalice can hold water, wine, or other offerings. It can also be used for fertility rituals and spells.
Feathers represent the elements of air, they can be nice offerings for certain spirits, guides, or deities or be used for waving away negative energies.
Bells can represent the air element and are known for cleansing a space of negative energies to leave a peaceful feeling environment.
Each Herb, Plant, or Flower has different properties, each being unique and special. With that being said, some ingredients can be very dangerous and harmful to handle if you are unfamiliar with them; so always proceed with caution when using unknown herbs. And make sure to keep poisonous ones away from your furry or scaly friends and curious children!
Incense not only smells lovely, but they represent the elements of air and fire. They are wonderful for cleansing and each scent has its own special property.
Waters from ocean, lake, rain, storm, tap, or even bottled water can represent the water element; each can be used in a different way in a spell. But also can be used for cleansing yourself or your tools.
Poppets are very powerful tools that can be used for causing harm to enemies, initiating protection around a household, or casting a blessing on those closest to you.
Crystals are helpful for healing, protection, peace, and many other things. They are gorgeous pieces for offerings, or to just keep on your altar or in your car.
Pouches, Boxes, and Jars are a very simple way to hold any spell that you create, usually kept with the person it was made for, buried in the ground, on your altar. It can contain anything from blessings to curses.
Book of Shadows:
1. Create your own spellbooks:
Decide if you are going to have a physical book or binder or if you want a digital book, which could be left online or if you are going to print it out. Figure out the style, do you want traditional, cute, full of stickers, dried herbs or plants included, add artwork. Make it your own. You don’t have to call your spellbook the typical names, you can name your book anything you want. If you work with Spirits, Book of the Dead. If you work with the water element, Storm Book or Way of the Waters. Or sometimes more traditional like The Book of Ways. You can be creative when naming your Grimoire if you want. You can also have more than one spellbook for different tasks or information.
2. Layouts:
The layout of your book is unique to you. Personally, I tend to group similar things together. But here are things you can add to your book.
Some type of index to keep your book organized. You could also include a glossary of common-use terms or phrases.
A book blessing, protection sigils, and/or book dedications.
Your personal correspondences such as astrology charts, what type of path you practice, coven meetings (if you’re involved in one), information about the deities or guides you work with, and favorite divination methods. You could also add your favorite crystals, colors, herbs, flowers, etc.
Basic information about magic. Tools used in your craft, how to make sigils, cleansing, protection, correspondences about crystals, herbs, incense, aromatherapy, etc.
Animal correspondences, what it means when you see certain animals. This could also include familiar work, or any animal guides you work with.
Moon, sun, and planet phases. This can also include constellations, zodiac signs, birth charts, and how to read them.
The Wheel of the Year, any holidays or sabbats that you celebrate and how to celebrate them. This could also include days of the week correspondences and time correspondences.
You can add recipes that you make for offerings or holidays or even have a spellbook be a cookbook instead if you are a kitchen witch or just love cooking.
Any rituals or spells that you perform, what it is, when you cast them, the herbs or crystals you use, what the moon or sun phase was, the phrases you said, what the results were, and if you would change anything.
Divination tools that you use, the meaning behind tarot cards or runes, etc. And you can keep a journal track of when you do any kind of divination, the questions you asked and the answers you received.
History of magic, the path you practice, the deities or guides you work with. Folklore or myths from certain areas that you are interested in.
Lists of deities or guides from the pantheon(s) or groups that you’re involved in.
Different psychic abilities and keeping track of your meditation progress, dreams, affirmations, yoga, and any other energy workings that you do.
Any mythical beings (mermaids, dragons, fae, etc) that you work with and information about them. How you work with them, favorite offerings, spellwork that they’ve helped you with, etc.
Covens are usually made up of 13 members that come together to practice Magick or celebrate a Sabbath together. They are normally very private groups that use their energies to reach a common goal or need.
Some Witches prefer Covens rather than solitary because you are able to learn and grow from the other members that you surround yourself with. If you are open with your practices then there can be a lot of backlash from non-pagans who don’t understand or accept your beliefs; so it’s always nice to have like-minded individuals in your life who you can communicate and socialize with.
However, if you are wanting to practice in solitude then that is completely up to you and your personal path. There is nothing wrong with not joining a Coven if your heart says no.
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sappy-witch · 1 year
✨🧹Ethical Witchcraft🧹✨
Hello darlings 🥰 
Today, let's talk about a very important topic in the world of witchcraft: the ethics of magick and spellwork 🕯️✨
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As practitioners, it's our responsibility to be mindful of the intentions we set and the energy we put out into the world. Here are some ethical considerations you may want to keep in mind:
🕯️Harm none: This is a big one in the witchy community, and has additionally been incorporated into many practices and religions including Wicca as the ‘Wiccan Rede.’ Universally, this calls for never harming others intentionally through our magick and spellwork.
🕯️Consent: Always get the consent of others before performing any magick or spellwork that involves them. This includes love spells or any spell that may affect someone else's life.
🕯️Responsibility: We must take responsibility for the consequences of our actions. If a spell goes wrong or has unintended consequences, it's our responsibility to make it right.
🕯️Respect for nature: Many witches believe in the power of nature and its role in magick. It's important to respect the natural world and use our magick in a way that doesn't harm it.
🕯️Self-care: Practicing magick can be emotionally and energetically draining. It's important to take care of ourselves and our own energy before and after any spellwork.
Remember, the intention behind our magick is just as important as the spell itself. Let's strive to be responsible and ethical witches, spreading positivity and healing wherever we go.
(Harm None Edited)
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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01298283 · 5 months
Exu prestou conta e tomou conta
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Faz um bom tempo que não escrevo nada,até porquê não tenho muito tempo livre mas eu vou contar algo a vocês que aconteceu comigo e o quanto Exu foi bom comigo,meu guardião.
Exu e Pomba-Gira não compactuam com a injustiça é um pena que vemos tantos marmoteiros por aí que não sabem nem o que estão fazendo ou dizendo menos ainda levam a espiritualidade a sério,eu levo minha vida espiritual muito a sério e estudo sobre ocultismo a muitos anos,não comecei ontem e também leio tarot (Tarot Cigano e Tarot de Marselha) às pessoas acham que Exu e Pomba-Gira é brincadeira,que se resume a incorporar,beber e fumar tanto que alguns passam anos em terreiros e não sabem nem fazer um padê menos ainda tem uma intimidade real com seus guias é tudo girando em torno de seu ego e $$$ e para mostrar que incorporaram,mas algo que vou dizer a vocês,eu frequento terreiros desde pequena e tenho parentes que são Pais de santos a espiritualidade não se resume em incorporação e não adianta nada incorporar e não buscar amadurecer,crescer,evoluir,estudar e ter uma conduta reta.
Seus guias estarão ao seu lado se você for uma pessoa justa e caminhar com equidade e responsabilidade e procurar amadurecer e obviamente não prejudicar os outros injustamente,nunca prejudique alguém injustamente se isso não está no merecimento de alguém menos ainda por "picuinhas" clichês e imaturas,seja justo não damos a outra face mas precisamos ser justos e responsáveis e algumas coisas devem ser pesadas em uma balança e não vale a pena,é melhor virar às costas e manter o silêncio e ignorar.
Eu frequento um determinado lugar e lá tinha algumas pessoas das quais eu não mantive uma amizade ou aproximação,não mantive porquê não tenho estômago para gente falsa,fofoqueira,pessoas que arrumam encrenca a toa por aspectos superficiais e ficam o tempo todo cuidando da vida alheia e tentando descobrir sobre a vida alheia,o típico desocupado e frustrado que nutre inveja até do chinelo que você usa no pé.
Vai por mim,essa laia você encontra um em cada esquina e quando você revida a altura,isso é,da maneira que eles realmente merecem você sairá como a vilã da história e os lírios do campo como vítimas,eu tenho experiência com esse tipo de gente e elas são como pragas brota igual erva daninha,conheço os jogos delas e me faço de idiota pra ver até onde eles vão,se você revida eles conseguem perfeitamente manipular tudo contra você,cinismo puro é o porco que acha que é pérola e não adianta o mundo é lotado deles,cabe você a se cuidar e proteger,é esse tipo que quando leva um soco chora nas redes sociais dizendo que foi "injustiçado" eles só não mostram a parte em que infernizam você.
Pois bem,o fato de eu não aceitar ter uma amizade com essas pessoas e expor a minha vida para elas deixaram elas muito iradas,elas faziam de tudo para tentar uma aproximação comigo mas obviamente que eu não quero convívio com gente assim e então eu fingia que não existiam e então eles começaram a me perseguir e provocar a toa,ainda bem que faço terapia há mais de um ano e aprendi muitas coisas principalmente a lidar com cobras,daí me provocam aqui e ali e acho que eles acreditavam que isso estava me atingindo mas na verdade não,eu sentia era pena até porquê isso só mostrava a frustração e o desespero interno deles pela rejeição que tinha ferido o ego deles,mas o sonho desses guris e gurias era me ver bater de frente com eles e fazer um "barraco" eu boba nem nada tenho métodos mais eficientes que demoram um pouco para acontecer mas acontece,eis o método:
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Pois bem,fiz o que tinha que fazer pois eu estava na minha razão e obviamente que eu não faria nada de modo injusto,fiz o que tinha que fazer na medida certa e de forma justa e passou um tempo eles continuaram mas eu sabia que eu já tinha feito o que precisava ser feito,pois bem,depois de mais ou menos dois meses eu tive a notícia que eu esperava e Exu prestou conta e provaram do próprio veneno.
Meu conselho para vocês mediante a isso é que dependendo do tipo de pessoa e situação não suje às suas mãos deixe na mão dos seus guias e tenha paciência,nada é de uma hora para a outra e tudo tem um tempo e apesar de tudo eu pude aprender algumas coisas com essa situação,como por exemplo a jamais ser como essas pessoas são tanto que a vida delas é um caos e mais vai para trás do que para frente e quando você desce ao nível delas você automaticamente entra nessa egrégora cancerígena delas e atrai tudo o que há de ruim para os caminhos de vocês,se eu tivesse revidado provavelmente eu sairia prejudicada e eles se fariam de "santos e coitadinhos" e eu a "louca,surtada" algo que percebi em pessoas desse nível é que elas são perigosas,porquê elas conseguem manipular situações contra você,pessoas contra você,inverter tudo o que você disse ou fez até você ter um surto de raiva e quebrar elas e quem estiver na frente e depois se quiserem podem até abrir um processo contra você,não importa aonde você vá você sempre irá encontrar pessoas assim,por isso mantenha sempre sua fé e uma conduta íntegra e responsável perante sua espiritualidade e faça o possível para não explodir pois isso é tudo o que elas querem e no final das contas não fui eu quem tomei no cu no português claro.
Por mais difícil que seja hoje em dia eu uso essas pessoas e situações como escadas para minha evolução,elas não enxergam o nível de podridão que estão mas nós enxergamos e como enxergamos,um médium tem seus sentidos aflorados e enxergamos além dos véus,se essas pessoas soubessem às coisas que às acompanham,se elas enxergassem o que realmente tem do lado delas e elas não vêem mas nós vemos talvez acordariam,ou não,porquê porco ama rolar na carniça e já está acostumado e isso é que mais vemos por aí,o pior cego é aquele que não quer ver e tenta silenciar a sua consciência fingindo que não tem nada acontecendo ou não fez nada,ao menos eu durmo em paz e com a minha consciência tranquila.
Tanto essa quanto tantas outras situações aprendi muito com elas e no fundo nem sinto raiva de quem se enquadra nisso,apenas repulsa e pena,são dignas de dó em todos os sentidos,essas pessoas frequentavam terreiros e ao mesmo igrejas nada contra ao fato de frequentar uma igreja mas sou contra a hipocrisia dessas pessoas e ao cinismo delas,rola na lama e na carniça e ainda acha que vai para o céu ou sei lá aonde,fica a lição e conselho para todos que lerem isso, axé.
Algo que deixo antes de ir,o problema dessas pessoas é que quando elas encontram um pra devolver de fato o que elas merecem (não merecem nada de bom) elas ainda crêem que tem razão e se fazem de vítimas,eu sempre digo em meus grupos de estudos de espiritualidade onde falamos sobre desencarnados e obsessores,que a maioria delas são obsessores encarnados,existem os desencarnados e elas são os encarnados,elas não fazem nada de produtivo,não amadurecem,não evoluem,não reconhecem os seus erros,espalham injustiças onde pisam mas mesmo assim continuam com a venda nos olhos onde acreditam que são "anjinhos fofinhos" até encontrar um que devolva bem devolvido o que merecem,elas realmente não tem uma percepção de que são extremamente filhas da puta no português claro,por isso na maioria dos casos é perda de tempo bater boca ou brigar,você vai atrair tudo o que não presta para sua vida pois elas se alimentam de tudo o que não presta e depois acreditam que ir a igreja ou qualquer outra religião às transformam em "bons samaritanos" o nome disso é cinismo e dissimulação. Então tente não nutrir ódio,porquê são dignas de dó.
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
My friend designed her own tarot deck and it's absolutely gorgeous ❤️
You can't believe how in love I exactly am 🥰
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Deck is intuitie & rede by Pepita Aarts
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Book Of Shadows Index
I see a ton of Witchtoks/people who only give a basic summary of what to research along with a ton of books and I'm more of a bullet point girl. So... Here we go.
A book of shadows was coined by Alaisar Crowley, alongside garnder who was the founder of Wica, then changed to Wicca later on [I will go in depth in history with links/sources and more detail on another post]
So here's the index for a book of shadows, full of all things you the individual want to learn include in your practice and like Pirates of the Caribean, take it more as guidlines and you're free to decide what you like/don't like.
So Include a Book Of shadows Blessing in the begging of your book [or digital document] And a BOS is like a diary, only you can see it or your coven.
Beginner Studies; Introduction to Witchcraft. I.e: What is Paganism, Wicca, Witchcraft? What is the difference? Wicca History: Origins in your country of origin. Salem, etc. Covens and Hierchies and Solitary witches. Basic rundown, you have your first, second, third degree. Like an employee, a suvervisor and a manager. Managers are in charge of their own store, like a third degree can create their own coven.
Lore: Tree of life, Triple goddess, Horned God, Morgan le fey and other mythical lore and research depending on which one your aligned with. Like Norse, Greek, Celtic, Viking, Roman, or any other types. Wiccan Rede, rules of Wicca power of three times three. Etc.
Symbols: Look up certain symbols, or sigils, runes, thats commonly used in Wicca/Paganism or your preffered craft. Cast a circle: Most begin a spell and cast a protection circle before you begin your spell. Pentacle [Star with circle] Pentragram [No circle] *Include the Spirit, fire, earth, water, air. Evil eye. [usually used as protection AGAINST the evil eye]
Witch Tools: Witch tools you use, or place on your altar. Like an Athame, cualdron, wand, etc Tools of Divination: Pendulum, spirit board, tarot, angel cards, scrying mirror, playing cards, etc Additional tools: Candles. Crystals. Elements Herbs Chakras/Meditation Lucid Dreaming Astral projection Milk baths
Year Calender/Sabbets Month Calender Day Calender: Like Moday is MOON. Sunday is SUN, Saturday is Saturn etc. Deities Celtic/ Roman/Norse Other gods to research. etc Astrology.
Star Sign, Moon sign, Sun Sign, other planetary signs. Planet Retrograde, Mercury retrograde, mars, venus etc Moon Phases. Like hunters moon, pink moon etc.
Animals as omens [Careful with this one, as it links to other occult/cultures/religions and best not to appropriate and lead to indiginous tribes or others. But not all animals as omens is a sign, usually it links to the Fea as animals are fea and fea are animals and other religions like kitsune, tanaki, are shapeshifters or known as spirits in other cultures]
Spells Moon Water Witch bag/bottle Broomsticks Seashell collecting [A practice looked down on now for enviormental effects, but I have bottles/jars of shells I've collected when I was six so I've kept them and included them as I have some] Witch Outfits [this is just my personal interest, it ties in with the history a little] Symbolism of the Hat [Like a Candle] Witch Nudity Haute Couture Bohemian/Grunge goth fashion Media/Pop culture:
Books or movies that have had witch consultants or other ties to witchcraft/wicca etc. Such as practical magic, the Craft and maybe even Neil Gaimans works such as the ocean at the end of the lane. Coraline that had mentions of a dowsing rod, and rock with a hole in the center to find lost things. Music:
Listening to music can also set da mood, so I will compile playlists and songs that made me feel witchy. Anything else to include feel free to ask or reblog :D
*ALSO IMPORTANT! CLOSED/OPEN Practice! Wicca as it is is open, you can buy a wicca book/watch withtok who have you whatever whatever! But a closed practice? Thats a religion or something you CANNOT access too UNLESS you are invited in, or iniated into that group! Indeginous tribes/jewish traditions/hoodoo/voodoo/ etc. A closed practice is a closed door. You cant access that by yourself. Which is why White sage cant be used, theres many alternatives and other incenses/sages to burn. Not the one thats sacred/endangered and used speicifially in indeginous tribes. They've already had enough taken away from them what do witches need white sage for in this current enviromental crisis? so yeah...
Additional last note: I will also include passages alongside the books I have by cunningham and others with the book as well as the passage and page/chapter and try to include web links in any future post I make.
Bear in my mind and I will TRY to be as accurate as I can, but I will make mistakes and end up posting some things thats misinformed even when I post links. But I will try my best to fix any mistakes if I can.
Blessed be.
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magickkate · 1 month
about me: FAQ my practice
I have been holding off on answering many of my Asks as they relate to this post. Hopefully, this answers many of the questions sent my way! this is a really long post, but it's good info about me!
What name do you go by in your practice? Kate
How long have you been practicing? about 8 years, since 2015-2016
Path and Tradition
What type(s) of witchcraft do you practice (e.g., Green Witch, Eclectic Witch, etc.)? I primarily stick with kitchen, green, and solitary witch, however, I am really drawn to the practice and idea of speaking and working with the dead and kind entities.
Do you follow a specific tradition or path? If so, which one? I am religious in addition to my practice as I follow a Christian faith. I utilize this in my practice having a deity to talk to as well as ask for blessings from, etc etc. I give offerings of time and energy more often than physical gift offerings.
Beliefs and Ethics
What are your core beliefs or principles in your practice? Simply do no harm, since I have an underlying religious belief that what needs to be taken care of will be taken care of. (such as if someone wrongs me, I don't need to do anything, my deity, the Christian God will or the universe will get everything all sorted). And I just don't like retaliating my energy in that way when I have way better uses.
Do you follow any ethical guidelines or rules (e.g., Wiccan Rede, Threefold Law, personal code of ethics)? I guess the Christian code of ethics + my own adjustments to them bc some takes are wonky.
Deities and Spirits
Do you work with any deities, spirits, or other entities? If so, who are they? The Christian God, but I would love to work with the dead or other kind entities since I believe in spirits. I don't work with my ancestors though.
How do you honor or communicate with them? through praise and time, prayer, and reading the Bible.
Tools and Materials
What tools are essential to your practice (e.g., athame, wand, crystals)? cup of water, a candle, and a bowl of salt!!! I now live in an apartment where candles aren't allowed so it's just been the water, salt, and a spicy oil (to simulate fire).
What materials do you commonly use (e.g., herbs, candles, oils)? oils, herbs/spices, (no more candles...:(( ), salt, water, teas (not counted as herbs bc most herbs I use otherwise are for throwing into the air or something witchy I don't know it's complicated, tea is specifically for brewing and consuming.
Rituals and Ceremonies
What regular rituals or ceremonies do you perform (e.g., Sabbats, Esbats, daily rituals)? BATH RITUALS omg my favorite, I think I made a post about this somewhere on my page, if I can find the ritual template I'll link it here. otherwise, I am a wh*** for Sabbat rituals, specifically Litha, Beltane, Samhain, and Yule, but I love them all tbh esp when Ostara lines up on the Christian holidays and I don't have to explain why I'm extra giddy.
Describe a typical ritual or ceremony you perform: a lot of it is cooking, like I just look insane like I'm dramatically cooking dinner or something. otherwise, there are usually hella candles that I can't have in this apartment and so much salt and herbs, and my journal (grimoire/BoS)
What types of spells do you commonly cast? usually something like a personal or home protection spell (short and long-term ones, and for the long ones, the renewals of them), wards, and refreshers of them, but also spells for "anti-" migraines and other headaches since I struggle with multiple types of chronic headaches.
Describe your process for creating and casting a spell. I usually use candles (not indoors anymore) spell jars or a food dish of some sort that has corresponding elements to the task/intention at hand
What forms of divination do you use (e.g., tarot, runes, scrying)? I only tarot right now, scrying can be really draining for me and trigger my migraines.
How do you integrate divination into your practice? I use tarot once daily whenever I have free time or if have a specific question to ask or when I want to try out a new spread (usually the case)
Nature and Elements
How do you incorporate nature and the elements into your practice? I use herbs and spices primarily, if I can find them fresh in the wild (I live in the city, so that's rare), then I will use those (not to eat) in my spells. I usually get stuff store-bought. But I have been looking for good trails and parks in the area since we moved an hour from where we lived during college. I want to get a local field guide and find some cool plants, mushrooms, animals, and things while out on the trails. My husband says he is eager to go on walks, and I am too ADHD to walk without something to do so looking for plants and animals/birds would be so fun.
Do you have a special connection to certain natural places or elements? I feel like I belong somewhere rainy with no bugs... (no fresh cut grass since I'm allergic), I unfortunately have a strong fear of bugs (thanks dad).
Astrology and Cosmic Influences
How do you use astrology or cosmic events in your practice? I don't use a ton of true astrology, but I pay attention to the moon, the sun, and the planets as they are currently, but not as they relate to me or others in my daily life and practice. This next question explains it a bit further.
Do you follow moon phases, planetary transits, or other celestial influences? I usually do a moon phase bath on the high points of each turn (new, first, full, third) to reset for the new week. For planetary transits, of course, we all know mercury retrograde, however, I like to journal at every point, whether highs or lows to see which point I'm being affected the most, see if it is mundane or mystical. I have a calendar specific for these days, and I like to map out what my "tasks" are for the week or month.
Sacred Space
Describe your sacred space or altar. I have a physical altar on my dresser in front of my dresser mirror, but also a cute tech altar on my computer, and most of my resources and books and stuff for information are digital so having a digital/tech altar allows me to have quick access to any info I may need.
How do you create and maintain this space? My dresser can sometimes get cluttered but usually, it's easy to clean up. My computer altar just needs a bit of organization occasionally when files get to be too much. I normally do y workings all over the place however I use many of the same elements in all workings which allows for the continuity of my altars.
Personal Development
How do you continue learning and growing in your practice? I love to learn. If I hear something new, I will spend so much time trying to learn as much about it as I can. Sometimes, I don't resonate with it for my practice, but I enjoy knowing about it. I am by no means an advanced practitioner, so I still have so much to learn.
Do you keep a Book of Shadows or a journal? If so, what do you document? I do, I journal my daily events, thoughts, etc. I also take note of most of my research and all of my workings to look back on. If I have odd dreams, I will write down those as much as I can remember. If I have a weird experience, I will explain that in my journal for future reference, sometimes, I think I get shown omens of sorts, but who knows!
Community and Coven
Are you part of a coven or magical community? No, not at this time. I work alone. I am involved in a couple Discord servers that are like groupchats for a lot of practitioners around the globe. Sometimes, I get so busy with school, work, and home life that I don't interact there often.
How do you interact with or contribute to this community? I interact with mutuals on Tumblr and Discord and occasionally run into people who will comment on my accessories/jewelry that spark further conversation opening up about our practices.
Challenges and Goals
What challenges have you faced in your practice? Since I practice alone primarily, I have noticed that I have a lack of close-by practitioners to lean on for suggestions, information, meetings, etc. Like when I say I practice alone, I mean I don't conduct workings with the help of additional witches or practitioners in the form of a coven or group. I do find interest in friends or groups with other individuals who are practicing.
What goals do you have for your future practice? To feel more comfortable in my craft without aid rather than using ritual/spell aids as I sometimes forget the steps or wording I've written since I sometimes have gaps in my workings due to my schedule.
Let me know what other questions you guys have!
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viajeroindomito · 4 months
Título: Carta de Rhóhnʌ, Praesagium 🐆⛰️ - GBC 🌾
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Saludos a todos ^w^ 🐆⛰️🌾!!!
En esta ocasión les traigo una nueva carta PixelArt, la cual nació a raíz del anterior pixel art hecho con colores complementarios. 'Una semilla puede llevar a una bifucarcion, exploración de sinfonías' 🍉🐆🌾.
Todo fluyo de forma natural xD, y al parecer se quiso expresar una relación entre el eje 2 del tarot, o al menos entre sus formas de contemplar. Toda una aventura y gozo el vivir 🥳🥳🥳💫.
Con cariño, Viajero Indómito 猫 🐆💫.
Redes de Arte 🧡🍂:
La Obra fue concluida el día 15 de Mayo del 2024 🍉.
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