#tbh i have been so SO nervous with this muse
sunnyvaler · 2 years
wish i had the desire to be here more
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HII!! I'm quite new to making requests, but I was wondering if I could ask for some headcanons: Percy Jackson x Aphrodite!Reader (with a sunshine personality, if that’s okay!). Please and thank you! 💞 I hope it's not too much to ask for. Also, remember to stay hydrated and healthy! And, Take your time!💗
(Quick side note: I made this pink because
I thought it looked cuter!<3 oh and, I’m not sure if you do this but if you’d like to pick like an emoji for me to use as a sign off. Then, that would be quite nice! Because I think I’ll be requesting from you quite often💞)
⋆⭒˚.⋆ percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite! reader hcs
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content: percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite! reader hcs warning: i don't think anything?? fluff ig watch out yall dangerous stuff might make you fall in love 😬😬 author's note: hihi ! this is my first time doing headcannons as well as writing for percy. tbh, i was a little nervous because new things scare me and i don't want to disappoint but i hope you like it!! also i shall dub you...🎀 anon, bc of all the pink 😋😋
okay, mr. loverboy and ms. lovergirl are in the house yall
i know he's head over heels for you the moment he sees you, leading around some new campers, excitedly clapping your hands as to get them excited too. It works, earning a few smiles
he was so distracted, annabeth managed to get the jump on him in the middle of their training, sending the son of poseidon sprawling on the hard dirt of the arena
"get your head in the game, jackson."
"it is!"
"no, i can literally see your eyes turning into hearts right now-"
"shut up!! she might hear you!!"
he spent days plotting, trying to figure out the best way to approach the bubbly daughter of aphrodite.
he didn't want to just come across as like all the other guys who only talked to them because of their beauty. from what percy's seen, you were one of the kindest and lovely people he's known.
one day he was laying on the dock, his foot passively swinging through the water and he muttered stupid pick-up lines or other introductions, all of them equally as terrible.
"mind if i join you?" a voice questioned before a shadow blocked his view of the sun, which he could vaguely make out to be the girl he'd just been lovesickenly talking about.
"y-yes, yeah, of course!" he sputtered out, jumping up and squeezing over, making space for her. she giggled at him, taking a seat with a sideways glance in his direction.
percy felt like he was evaporating
"i like the water, the seafoam especially. because…well, you know," the girl mused, gesturing vaguely with her hand.
"yeah, that's how your mom was born, right?" percy questioned though he knew the answer, he just didn't want her to leave quite yet as he was desperately trying to remember one of the pick-up lines he'd been thinking about. but with the girl around, the only thing running through his head was her.
"born is a loose term, but yes. it's comforting…feels like home," she replied, turning her head to percy and offering him a dazzling smile that he'd pay all the money in the world to see again.
"i know how that feels, trust me," he murmured back before tilting his head at her, a smirk slowly growing on his lips, "where would you go right now if you could go anywhere?"
"easy. there's this target near chicago that always has my favorite lip gloss," the girl replied like it was the most normal answer.
"what?!" percy questioned through his laugh which then sent the pair down a rabbit hole of questions and rebuttals, neither of them noticing how much time had passed until the sun was nearly completely hidden from view, only the last few rays shooting out from behind the mountains.
"Oh, ha, look at how the time fly," the girl muttered, laughing as her eyes got caught on the dying sun
"must've been having fun then," percy replied with a blinding smile and she laughed, shaking her head at the boy.
there was a pause, the two just staring at each other.
then soft movements from the daughter of aphrodite, who gently cupped his face with one hand before pressing a lip gloss coated kiss to his cheek.
"i was definitely having fun. you're fun, jackson, we should hang out some time," she whispered near his ear before moving to stand up, leaving the boy as still as a statue. she walked away, with a few giggly glances over her shoulder.
once he was sure she was gone, percy shot up and cheered, pumping his fists and jumping about all over the dock until he caught his foot and fell in.
and yet, he couldn't seem to loose his smile, even coated in seaweed and muck from the lake.
she always had the effect on him, his bubbly lovergirl.
author's note cont. : anyways, i present ya'll with this. i'm trying to work through all my new requests rn, which is very exciting bc i've never had those before, but do not be afraid to request away still!! anyways, hope you enjoyed, anon!!
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spiceofvy · 6 months
Hi! Can I please request relationship headcanons for BTS members with a non celebrity, female reader? Thank you ❤️
BTS - Dating a non celebrity
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a/n: omg this is my first time writing about the vocal line, so i'm kinda nervous right now, but also i really like how this turned out, so i hope you enjoy it too! also i'm super sorry but i totally forgot that you asked for a fem!reader. the headcanons honestly wouldn't have been any different except for me using gendered language anyway. so i hope you still like it!
cws: sfw, gender neutral reader, fluff, nothing to note here tbh, except for one (1) slightly sexual line (hoseok ofc)
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Seokjin: No matter how many prizes he wins, how much the newspapers praise him, at the end of the day the only compliments that matter to him are those coming from you. He wants to hear how much you love his voice, how good he looked, how amazed you were by his performance. He's only satisfied with his work when you declare how utterly and irrevocably in love you are with him. But don't worry, he will return all this love whenever he can, calling you the cutest nicknames, cooking for you whenever you want and believe me when I tell you that this man will show you off to everyone. He wants everyone to know how amazing you are and that you are his to love.
Hoseok: Hoseok sees his main goal in being your boyfriend and an idol in being able to spoil you rotten. Shirts from his favorite designers, tailored jeans to make sure that you legs always look perfect, the most expensive shoes you've ever worn. What's the point in being rich if he doesn't spend the money on you? And you really can't get him to stop, even if you make more money than him. He will still feel the need to spoil you. And of course drown you in compliments. Tracing his hands over your body as you try on some tight clothes, making sure they highlight all his favorite parts of you. Just to rip those clothes off of you at home later.
Yoongi: I know it's a cliche, but he writes love songs about you. And sad songs when he misses you on tour. And happy songs when he sees you sleep on the couch on the studio, feeling completely at peace with him. He just writes a lot of songs about you. You are his inspiration and his muse. Many of those songs never get released, they stay between the two of you, shared during emotional moments, followed by soft talking and sweet kisses. You are also Holly's co-parent. And in almost every photo Yoongi has in his Holly-Journal. He doesn't mind keeping you away from the public, unless it's about the basketball games he gets invited to, especially if you also love the game. He is pretty sad about not being able to also share this passion of his with you.
Namjoon: He is obsessed with your normal day to day life. Which he honestly misses a lot. Please tell him about your run to the grocery store, how overrun the subway was, the cute dog you saw today. He loves to hear about it all and will never get tired of hearing you talk about your day. He sometimes just wants to take you on walks through the city, but due to his popularity it's really hard. So he just schedules those walks to the night, when it's raining and the streets are empty. He also low key posts you on his insta. He is the king of soft launching. There are your shoes in the background, two bowls of food on the table, a sweater he's never seen wearing before on the couch, a shadow in the mirror in the background. It's his favorite little game, how well he can hide you in open sight.
Jimin: You are his number one tripod for his content. He 100 percent trusts you vision when it comes to filming his dance videos or taking his photos. Even if you have no former experience in those areas. He also takes you everywhere! This man is absolutely shameless in taking you to work with him. He doesn't even care if his explanations, why he needs you at set with him all the time are not making sense. He introduced you at one photoshoot first as his personal assistant in addition to his actual assistant, later as his translator the shooting was in korea so no need for a translator and his emotional support human okay this was probably a joke on his side. No one ever dares to object anyways. Including those times when he uses his times with highly ranked stylists to get you set up with some pretty new clothes instead of preparing for his upcoming comeback.
Taehyung: He is in desperate need for a calm spot of comfort in his life and you are that to him. Far away from all the hectic that comes with being an Idol you are his home and the place where he can 100 percent be himself. After a long day he loves nothing more than to fall onto the couch next to you and hug you tightly until he falls asleep. As you talk about your day, petting his soft hair. When he can't come home to you, he calls you in the evening when he is in bed at some hotel on the other side of the world. Just needing to hear your voice to finally calm his mind. Additionally Yeontan loves you almost as much as he loves Tae so you are the perfect dog sitter, and yes this includes managing the scheduled facetimes between the two of them when Tae is on tour.
Jungkook: Please note that he will kick you out of whatever room he wants to stream in, when he streams. Your shared apartment? No it's his personal filming studio and you live in it. I hope you are good at turning off cameras without being visible on them, because that is your job whenever he falls asleep on the camera. But all jokes aside he is always so excited to come to you after streams, asking if you watched it. You didn't need to, because you could hear him in the next room over, but just say yes, because he loooves you validation. "Did you like that photoshoot I did? What do you think about my dancing in that tiktok? Did I sound good during that performances?" It's almost as bad as Jin but Jungkook pairs it with his huge pretty puppy eyes, tearing into your soul. Also, he will tease you with his song lyrics, especially the spicy ones. Just to get really flustered by your answer afterwards.
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yyokkki · 1 year
Asking to Sketch Them
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Riddle Rosehearts
Honestly a bit shocked you’d ask him
But he’s had practice from posing for family portraits, so he isn’t too nervous
Until you say you want the backdrop to be Heartslabyul’s garden
It doesn’t break any rules… but that doesn’t mean someone else won’t break any rules
He doesn’t collar people as often as he used to, but he still makes it a point to lecture rulebreakers on the importance of said rule
So imagine the strain on his face when Ace walks by with a vase full of roses and it’s Wednesday.
In the end Ace sits beside you while Riddle gives a long lecture, keeping the rest of his body perfectly still so it doesn’t interfere with your work
You are sweating in fear. 6/10 a good model but it’s hard to draw when your model is half yelling at the dude sitting right next to you
Trey Clover
Might hesitate to say yes because he’s a busy guy,,
I mean they have tea parties like everyday and he’s always in charge of sweets-
You say he can go about his business and that you’re going to capture him in his natural habitat then he agrees
Raises an eyebrow cuz you make it sound like you’re on national geographic but ok
Anyways you’re drawing him while he’s baking and damnnn those biceps pop when he’s whisking
Secretly, however, he’s been holding back for a while now/
When you’re least expecting it he comes closer to you… and bam whipped cream on the side of your face
Devolves into flour tossing and chaos
6/10 you got whipped cream on your sketchbook and it was half finished but it was a fun memory
Cater Diamond
“OMS YAY of course ;DD”
Internally screaming because his makeup isn’t that good today and why him I mean there are better looking people in nrc and maybe he can get his clone to do it instead-
Overthinker fr
He’s a bit stiff at first, trying to only show his good side and checking his camera constantly to see if his smile looks good
If you’re close and you start talking to him about something he’s passionate about while you’re sketching he’ll loosen up a bit and his pose becomes a lot more natural
Eventually forgets you’re even drawing him and now it’s just him showing his true colours
Takes a pic of your finished sketch along with the both of you and posts it on magicam #muse #artistbestie
8/10 the sketch turned out well and you had a nice chat 
Deuce Spade
Has never been asked this question in his life
Boy is so stiff and awkward pls baby
He smiles like Oga from Beelzebub at first
Pls pls pls get this boy to do something else while you’re drawing him to get him to relax
Might be studying across the table from you while having a nice chat
Forgets you’re drawing him eventually pt.2
Tbh moves around a lot especially if a senior enters the room cuz he makes it a point to turn around and greet them while standing up
Is a bit surprised when you say you’re done because shit I forgot and I moved so much im sorry-
Also takes a picture of the sketch
Texts his mom the pic “I made a really good friend who’s great at drawing :D”
Will ask if you can draw a portrait of him and his mom together when you get the chance (will pay for it he just doesn’t know about the concept of commissions TT)
4/10 he’s so precious but not the best model tbh id still ask him again idc
Ace Trappola
Little shit (affectionate)
Not hard to make him agree but boy will he give you shit for it “my face is just that handsome ig” “you want me to get nude?” someone kiss him and make him shut up
At first he’s making a bunch of dumb faces and exaggerated poses and once he determines that you’re sufficiently annoyed he starts actually posing normally
Might get up halfway through and start stretching or laying down cuz he got tired though
Depending on how late he slept the night before and if you’re keeping quiet so he doesn’t get the chance to tease you, he might fall asleep
His sleeping face is cute so it works out for you ehe
When you’re done he acts all non chalant and smug about it but inside he’s sooo happy damn tsundere
Asks if he can draw you next and draws a potato with three dots on it <3
2/10 its only easy when he falls asleep but he’s cute so ill give him 1 extra point
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
Graphic design is not my passion dear lord i really need to read a guide on how to format tumblr posts TT
Also first time writing omg depending on my mood next part will either be out tomorrow or next month see yall
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mlm-writer · 1 year
Daddy/Dearest (Wade Wilson x M!Reader)
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Pairing: Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Alien!Cis!M!Reader  Rating: Mature (lowest I can go with a Deadpool fic) Words: 1048 POV: Third Summary: You matched with Deadpool on the intergalactic dating app Starcrossed. After exchanging many dick pics, you decided to visit Earth for your first date... and blow the planet up if the date sucked. Note: Inspired by the song Party Tonight by Joe Hedourix and this prompt. Tags: first date, fluff, idk who Nick Fury really is tbh, 4th wall breaks, romcom and reader’s appearance is a little vague but at some point I started imagining Megamind
“Deadpool! Open up!” Wade groaned at the insistent knocking on his door. He tried to rub his eyes, only to find out that he was still wearing his mask. A quick look down revealed he had fallen asleep on the couch in his PJs. The knocking at his door stopped, so he rested his body on the couch. He had barely closed his eyes, when the door was knocked down. 
He raised his head with a groan, only to be incredibly surprised by his guest. “Wow, Nick Fury, I am not sure if I am even supposed to know who you are, because the writer has seen exactly one movie in which you had a cat, but he supposes you’re an important dude or whatever.” 
“Shut it, motherfucker,” the man wearing a black trenchcoat barked back at Wade. He clearly took note of the dirty white shirt with a butt on it and the blue chequered underwear Wade was wearing, but he did not comment on it. “Do you know the app Starcrossed?” 
Wade laughed, not reading the room that had been filled with armoured men and women because we are inclusive here and women can and will kick your ass if provoked. 
“That app with all the metas on it? Why? Did we match? I’m sorry if I did not reply, but you’re not really my type and you must have been an accidental swipe.” 
“Stop yapping! Does this guy look familiar to you?” From his pocket he unfolded a picture printed on an A4 paper. Wade leaned in and squinted at the picture. He did recognise the person on it. 
“Oh yes that’s my daddy - not my father - but like a sexual daddy you know. You should see his dick.” Nick looked like he was gonna lose it. Wade could tell, but he frankly did not give a shit. 
“Well, your ‘daddy’ is the leader of an alien race, whose armada is in orbit right now to drop him off for a ‘date’ with you. So get dressed, because whether we get blown up or not today is apparently up to you.” That was a lot to take in, but Wade was used to weird days and this was simply just another one of them. 
Now it was common to be nervous for a first date, but the fully armed SWAT team dropping Wade off was not helping. He tried making conversation with them, but they seemed to blame him for possible annihilation before dinner time. 
When he stepped out of the chopper, there was a masculine figure waiting in front of the former military base. He held a large bouquet of iridescent flowers. They seemed either fake or from an alien planet. “Wadey!” The figure called out, waving frantically with all hands that were not holding the bouquet. The inhuman coloured skin seemed to change colour wherever the late morning sun was directly shining on it. 
“Hi daddy,” Wade called back in the same cooing tone. He skipped over to his date. “Are those for me?” He mused, knowing the answer as his date handed them to him. 
“I heard flowers are quite common to bring to a Terran date, so I brought some rare flowers from my planet for you. I am afraid they will not survive as long as they would on my planet though. The sun here is weak.” Wade smelled the flowers. They smelled like butt. Could be worse. At least Wade was familiar with the smell of butt. Wade held the flowers close as he thanked the other for them. “Well then, shall we? Your government was so kind to help me set up an Earth-date.” 
The atmosphere was… weird. There was a very extensive brunch on a beautifully decorated table, but they were surrounded by people keeping them at gunpoint. “You don’t seem bothered by being held at gunpoint,” Wade noted as he rolled up his mask just far enough to shove a croissant into his mouth. 
“Likewise,” his date smirked back at him. He reached out and touched the edges of the mask. “Come on, I already know your dick and ass are covered in scars. Your face cannot possibly scare me.” Wade thought about it. Well, his identity was not really a secret right now anyway. They already knew where he lived. Wade lifted his mask off his face, trying to not show how insecure he was about his fucked up face. However, when he looked at the alien before him, he swore he could see a hunger in his eyes. “If these people were not around, I would fuck your face right now,” the man sighed dreamily, before continuing to clumsily trying to spread butter on a piece of toast. 
Wade reached out and decided to help him. Their fingers briefly touched and Wade saw the other man smile at the contact. It set his body on fire with desire. “I frankly don’t care about the audience, but after writing all those kinktober fics the writer can really use a break from blowjob scenes, so let’s keep this from being E-rated.”
Wade sat back down after buttering his date’s toast. He watched as the alien’s facial features reacted to the taste of Earth food. “Fascinating,” he spoke softly. Wade chatted with his date and those mesmerising eyes and charming smile kept drawing him in. At some point he was sure even Nick Fury could smell his arousal from wherever he was keeping an eye on the situation. There was no more food left, when his date rose from his seat and offered one of his hands. “Let’s get out of here.” 
Wade grabbed his mask and put it back on. “We’ll have to fight our way out of here if we want to do that.” A corona of blue light started surrounding the alien, a devilish smile appearing on his face. The sudden display of power got people loading their guns and Wade’s gun filling up with blood really quickly. 
“Do not worry, dearest, that can be arranged,” the most powerful being that had ever held him spoke, before he blasted a hole in the line of armed people, lighting the way to their future in a flurry of blue. “Let’s have a good time, dearest.”
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delulustateofmind · 7 days
Potions & Shadows (Part II)
Summary: An old neighbor of Feyre's is revealed to be not who they seemed when Feyre was a child. Leadign to Feyre needing the once village apothecaries help. Inspired by Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
A/n: This part is more background heavy to build up the plot a bit. Hybern in the books doesn't have a lot to build off of so I'm going to try to make him a greater villain tbh. At least make him a bit more feared. Thank you all for 100 follows btw!
Word Count: 3k
Part One, part two, part three. part four
Warmings: Mini trauma dump on Azriel, mentions of death.
Taglist: @cherry-cin, @sassybluebird, @aehllitas-blog
I shouldn’t enjoy doing this. what the hell is wrong with me
Is what Azriel had thought as he stared at the documents laid out before him in the middle of the night. Rhysand assigned him to look into you the moment you arrived in the night court. Of course, Rhysand trusted his mate that you were a good person. But one could not be too eager about letting someone foreign into the court. Also, it wasn’t like Azriel wasn’t curious about you. In fact, you were currently his muse. As you were easy to find information about, and perhaps in the future would inform you not to leave such an easy paper trail.
The sound of ruffling papers filled the room as he scanned the documents. 
By all means, you were an outstanding citizen. You were top of your class at a prestigious mage academy on a sponsorship a hundred years ago. You kept your mage certification current and renewed it before it expired. Initially, Azriel had thought that your adventurer guild meant you would be a mercenary, however, he was wrong. As he sifted through the quests you took on, he saw that they were for small rewards- helping farmers, rebuilding villages. You paid your taxes on time and your home in Feyre’s village is fully paid for. Mother above, there was no hidden information about you except for an eighty-year period where he couldn’t find a single piece of evidence that you existed anywhere, aside from word of mouth that a young elf lived alone in the woods.
A deep sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed his face. You were too sweet—not even a small fine for failing to pay a toll. There was nothing bad about you, yet here he was, investigating your whole life, feeling like it was more for his own sake than for Rhysand's. A report sat in his hands that he had written about you for Rhysand, perhaps Rhysand would offer you a position in the inner circle. It wasn’t like a court mage would be bad, in fact, mages in Prythian were rare.  A knock pulled him out of his thoughts. He opened the door to reveal Elain standing in the doorway.
“Elain, you should be asleep, it’s the middle of the night,” Azriel spoke lowly as he shifted to lean against the doorway, one of his wings blocking her view of the room behind him. It was a subtle gesture that would go unnoticed by her, as she spoke softly. 
“I couldn’t sleep and I saw your light, so I figured I would come to check on you, you seemed distracted at dinner tonight,” Elain looked nervous as she looked up at Azriel whose eyes softened. Perhaps he was getting a soft spot for mortals. Yet, neither of you was truly mortal. You smelled like one, with a faint scent of blossoms, you seemed fragile like one but your eyes spoke of an immortality of knowledge. Had he been staring for too long into the distance because Elain’s soft voice pulled him away again, “Azriel? I asked if you wanted to walk with me to the gardens?” Azriel brought himself to look at the once mortal in front of him. There was no doubt she was beautiful, becoming fae just heightened those features and the way she looked at him, spoke something. Yet, when he looked at her, he had wished it were you asking him to escort you to the gardens or whatever hell you tasked him to do. 
What in the hells have you done to him, he had just met you yet he felt like something was pulling him to you. 
“I cannot tonight,” Azriel offered a small smile, one that caused Elain to stiffen as she looked away, a gesture that did not go unnoticed, “When I return from the camps tomorrow, I will join you though” he answered softly as she nodded and offered a goodnight before she went back to her quarters. Azriel gently closed the door, his shadows caressing his frame and mentions of sleep in their whispers. Azriel rubbed his eyes before finishing the report and heading to a short slumber. 
In the morning when Azriel walked out of his quarters strapped in his Illyrian leathers, Cassian was waiting down the hallway, leaning against the wall.
“You hate the camps, is this healer cute or something” Cassian flashed a grin, but his expression changed when he noticed Azriel flash him an annoyed look, “Given her race, I don’t want her to have trouble at the camps. If those potions break, we will be behind schedule for the war. It has nothing to do with how ‘cute’ she is” Azriel mentioned with a smile tugging his lips as he gave Cassian a gentle nudge with his wing as he made his way past to head out for the day. 
Cassian nodded a small smile still on his face, though Azirel sensed that his brother wasn’t waiting for him this morning. Cassian’s eyes flicked towards the eldest Archeron sister’s room, perhaps Cassian was waiting for a meeting with a viper. 
Meanwhile, at the healer’s cottage, you were carefully packing potions and elixirs into crates. With your staff in hand, you guided various bottles to float gently into three crates, the soft clinks of glass filling the room. As you worked, Madja entered.
“One of the members of the court is going to escort you. These Illyrians can be… unwelcoming to folk like yourself. Better safe than sorry kid,” she said, her tone awkward. She avoided meeting your gaze, but you understood her concern. You knew you were different and that the Fae in these parts might not be kind to you. Offering Madja a soft smile and a nod, you continued your preparations.
Once the crates were filled and securely clasped shut, you used your magic to float them into the main room of the cottage. Madja followed quietly as the front door opened, revealing Azriel and his shadows. His wings were tucked in tightly as he entered, his gaze immediately locking onto you and your staff. Your watercolor eyes met his golden ones that hid behind his dark curls that fell just above his eyes as you gently set the crates down and desummoned your staff.
Azriel felt his heart tug when he saw you. His shadows seemed intrigued, attempting to pull away from his grasp and head towards you. Azriel just held onto them tighter, not letting them dare touch you. 
So pretty, pretty little mage, the shadows whispered to him. They spoke of your mixed heritage, and your connection with nature, and reminded him of your humanity. So fragile their whispers ceased when he waved them off. As he looked at you, he did not have a clue what you were thinking as you gazed at the talons on top of his wings. 
“You probably might want to winnow, I fear flying will be a bit difficult. Even with your mage magic y/n,” Madja said, nodding your way. However Azriel was not paying attention as once he finally heard your name, it sung like a prayer in his mind. Finally a name for that pretty face. Azriel picked up the three crates with ease.
“Can you winnow?” He asked, Azriel was unfamiliar with mages as they were quite rare in Prythian, their magic was different than the fae, as mages were limited to spells. You shook your head in response. Azriel simply balanced the three crates in one hand, as he extended his other hand to you. 
“I can winnow us to a point, but it will be a mile or two of walking. Can you handle that?” Azriel stated softly. You seemed so fragile as you placed your small hand into his large one. He had been around full-blood humans in the past and knew how fragile they were. Elves weren’t much different besides their mana making them only somewhat stronger than humans. Azriel wondered where you may lay between the two. 
“I’ll be okay, I’m used to traveling,” offering him a reassuring smile. Within seconds, shadows swirled around you both as you winnowed to the middle of the woods a few miles outside the Illyrian camp. 
You stood a couple feet smaller than him, his shadows whispered, So petite, so fragile. With a wave of your hand, you summoned your staff, a crescent moon on top of with a glittering blue stone hanging from the crest. The magic lifted the crates from his arms as you both walked. A smile tugged Azriel’s lips as he clasped his hands behind his back slowing his pace to match your stride.
Time to fill in the gaps of his knowledge about you. He struck up a conversation, an interrogation of sorts, “How did you become a mage?” Azriel spoke softly, his voice a melody to your ears as you sheepishly glanced back at him. You feared that if you looked at him for too long, you would fall for this deadly presence, for whatever reason every instinct in your body feared him yet a part of you wanted to be closer. A new emotion seemed to fill you with every glance you sent his way. 
You released a sigh as your gaze shifted to the large pine trees that grew along the dirt path, “When I was young, I was saved by a human mage,” Human mages were something that had only occurred in the continent. The continent had a more progressive approach by human and fae standards, allowing humans to practice magic if they had the mana for it. Meanwhile, the human villages in Prythian still feared the presence of magic. 
“Saved?” Azriel echoed as he glanced at you. He knew most of the Elven villages were burned by Hybern centuries ago, by the thousands, Hybern had sought to eradicate most of the elves because of their high amounts of mana, a possible threat to fae kind. Whoever wasn’t killed, he had them as slaves wearing collars that stripped them of their mana. 
“Hybern’s generals still wreak havoc in the continent,” you murmured with your gaze still on the path, “My entire village was slaughtered one night when one of his generals arrived, many of the people in my village were half-breeds like myself, my mentor, the human mage found me that night after the war party had left,” 
Azriel looked at your face, expecting to see a sad expression. Instead, he found a look that was unreadable, devoid of emotion. Not even your eyes revealed your thoughts. 
“I never got your name,” You spoke as your gaze shifted to meet his lingering one, “or what you do for the court.” Azriel looked ahead to the path. They were nearing the camp soon enough. 
“It’s Azriel. My position, however, is a secret,” he said quietly, bringing a finger to his lips. “You can just assume that I do a lot of paperwork. A boring position, really.”
A lie, you thought as you looked into his eyes. From your time as an adventurer, you had learned to read people. One thing you learned was to look into a person’s eyes to discern who they truly were. Azriel’s eyes revealed much more; they showed that he had done many unsavory acts, perhaps with killing being the least brutal. His golden eyes, like a pot of honey, hid a sinister predator behind their warm facade.
One of his shadows moved to twirl around your wrist at his command. You jumped a little at the cool, silk-like touch of the shadow. “We are nearing the camp. I will take the crates to the camp leader. You will stay here by this tree,” Azriel commanded. He was not asking you to stay; he was telling you to. The shadow seemed to serve as either a way for him to track your location or to signal that you were his companion in case any other Illyrians came near. You made a mental note that Illyrians seemed to be territorial or overprotective.
You desummoned your staff as Azriel grabbed the crates and carried them the rest of the way to camp. Sitting down next to a tree, you waited for him. Around half an hour later, you felt a brush of wind against you as Azriel landed. His wings outstretched before tucking in behind him, instilling a sense of awe within you.
“You don’t have fae senses, do you?” he asked quietly. You shook your head as he helped you up from the ground. If you did, you would have sensed him the moment he was within a few feet of you. “Can you detect scents either?” he asked. Another shake of your head. You mentioned that you could detect mana, but only if it was from another mage or a magical creature. Azriel made a note of that, perhaps feeling thankful for your lack of senses. This way, you couldn’t sense how his heart pounded every time you met his gaze.
“Would you like a tour of Velaris?” he asked, “I promise I won’t drop you in flight,” he added with a hint of amusement. You looked at him and then at his wings as he stretched them slightly. A fear still instilled within you.
“I should help Madja with preparations…” you whispered. Azriel listened to your soft voice, noting the fear behind your words. He smiled—a genuine smile that he reserved only for his family. A smile that heightened his beautiful features, causing you to look away. “I promise I will go slow. It won’t be so bad, I assure you,” Azriel said, hearing your heart pounding. You were nervous. Were you scared to be near him?
“Another time,” you responded finally, grabbing his hand without a thought. “For now, can you winnow me back to the healer’s cottage?”
“Of course,” he said. With that, he led you back to the cottage, shadows swirling around you both as you disappeared from the forest and reappeared at the healer’s door. You waved him goodbye as he bowed slightly at the waist, causing a warmth to form on your cheeks when you saw his dark curls fall above his eyes that seemed to pierce you.
“Until next time, y/n,” Azriel spoke softly before he took off into the skies, his wings outstretched as if they were big enough to block the afternoon sun, powerful enough to rustle the trees. Such a powerful creature, you thought as you entered the cottage.
Azriel took off to Rhysand’s office to drop off the report on the new healer. As he arrived, he found Rhysand at his desk, poring over piles of paperwork in preparation for the upcoming High Lords' meeting. Azriel observed the signs of stress on Rhysand—his disheveled hair, evidence of having run his fingers through it one too many times, and the dark circles under his violet eyes.
Rhysand glanced up as Azriel entered the room. “How was the camp?” he mused with a hint of amusement. “And the healer?”
Azriel smirked as he took a seat across from Rhysand, crossing one leg over the other and letting his wings drape behind him. “Camp was decent. Devlon scented her on the bottles and was asking if the humans were slaves again,” Azriel said, rolling his eyes. The healer's intoxicating scent still lingered on him, not that he minded. Rhysand muttered "Illyrian bastards" under his breath as he signed another document.
Azriel continued, “As for the healer, I have my report done. She’s a bit more closed off in person but leaves a paper trail. Overall, a good citizen. Only eighty years after her mage exam is left without any trail of her existence.” Azriel glanced at the document Rhysand was reading—something about budgets. “I have a feeling that was around the time her mentor passed away. Her mentor was human, after all.”
“From the continent then? Do you feel like she’s strong? From what Madja has praised, she’s a damn good healer,” Rhysand said, looking up.
Azriel nodded before continuing, “A first-class mage, one of the six that still remain. I can’t sense any magic or mana on her. I have a feeling she is suppressing it at all times—a skill even most fae can’t master.” Azriel smirked slightly. A damn good mage indeed.
“Your call then, Az,” Rhysand replied. “Is she a threat? Feyre wants her to come to dinner. Perhaps it would make her sisters feel more at ease with someone familiar around. Preferably Nesta,” Rhysand grimaced slightly with his last comment. 
Azriel looked at his scarred hand that once held your soft, dainty one. “Not a threat at all,” he murmured.
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sydsaint · 8 months
I would love to see another fic featuring the three cocky sexy boyfriends Austin Theory, Grayson Waller and La Knight.
My fav trio tbh
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The Smackdown GM gets some exciting news about a promotion as well as getting involved in another incident where she finds Waller, Theory, and Knight coming to her rescue.
The arena is buzzing with excitement for Smackdown's season premiere tonight. All of the big names have been scheduled to show up for the show, including your boss, Triple H. 
"Adam, will you stop pacing like that?" You ask Pearce from your desk as he paces endlessly around the room. "You're making me dizzy." 
"Sorry, Y/N." Pearce comes to a stop in front of your desk and fixes his unkempt tie. "How are you not nervous about tonight?" He asks you. "Hunter said in his email that he has an announcement that had to do with both of us." He reminds you. 
You shrug and tap your pen against your desk. "So? Why are you worried about it? Hunter didn't mention that it was anything bad did he?" You ask. "And as far as you and I know, we haven't done anything wrong. Have we?"
"No." Adam shakes his head. "But still,"
"Just relax, Pearce." You flash him an assuring smile. "I'm going to head down to the production truck to make sure they have everything ready for the show. You go ahead and get ready for Hunter, and I'll meet up with you later, okay?" You rise to your feet. 
Adam nods and walks back over to his desk. "Alright. But please don't be late to meet with Hunter." He asks you. 
"Mhm. Try not to have a heart attack while I'm gone, Pearce." You muse before walking out the door. 
You head down to the production truck and check to make sure that everything is in order for the night. On your way back to the office, you pass by the backstage interview setup and see Lexie interviewing Carlito and Bobby Lashley. You watch for a moment and are about to walk away when suddenly Montez and Angelo come up from behind the set and attack Carlito. 
"Shit!" You curse and hurry over to the set before any serious damage can be done. 
Lexie flies past you to get out of the way and you jump between Bobby wielding a chair and Carlito laid out on the floor. "Hey! Put it down!" You shout at Bobby, your hands held out in front of you. 
Lashley stops mid-swing and you flinch but stand your ground. He lowers the chair to his side and glares at you. But when you remain unmoved, he storms off with Montez and Angelo. 
"Someone get medical over here now!" You shout at a few bystanding stagehands. 
The medical staff arrived a few minutes later and help Carlito out. You take a moment to compose yourself and get ready to hurry back to the office before you're late. Zelina Vega and Bayley interrupt you arguing about what went down at Fastlane a week ago. 
"She got in the way and almost cost Iyo her title!" Bayley barks at you. 
"Well, she wasn't even supposed to be down there!" Zelina whines back. 
Frustrated, and knowing that you're about to be late, you glare at both women. "Enough!" You shout. "I want both of you out in the ring in ten minutes! You two can solve this little dispute out there." 
Bayley and Iyo both nod and head off for their match. With the dispute settled, you hurry back to the office before it's too late. 
When you arrive at the office, Pearce is standing by his desk and talking to LA Knight, Austin Theory, and Grayson Waller. Confused as to why Pearce would be talking with the three men that you're usually tasked with dealing with, you head over to them. 
"What are you three doing here?" You walk over to the group. "Pearce? What's going on?? You ask Adam. 
"Y/N!" Grayson and Austin turn around in unison when they hear your voice. 
Knight turns around as well and sets a tentative hand on your arm. "Y/N, sweetheart, are you alright?" He asks you. 
"Yeah, we heard that Bobby Lashley almost smashed you out with a chair," Austin adds. 
"What the hell happened out there?" Grayson asks you. 
You look at Pearce, realizing that the reason Knight, Waller, and Theory are in the office is because they came looking for you. "Lashley, Ford, and Dawkins attacked Carlito while he was doing his interview with Lexie." You explain. "I stepped in to ensure they didn't seriously hurt him, and Lashley had a chair in his hands." 
"That neanderthal didn't hit you with the chair, did he?" Knight asks you. 
"No, he stopped himself and put it down." You shake your head. 
Austin and Grayson share a look of relief and Knight nods. Pearce on the other hand, looks like he's about to come undone. "Right, I told you three that she was fine." Adam gestures to you. "Now can you three please leave?" He asks. 
"Now hold on a minute!" Knight shakes his head. "We ain't done here." 
"Yeah." Grayson agrees. "Bobby Lashley can't just go walking around unchecked after almost hurting Y/N like that." He insists. 
"Not while we're here." Austin agrees. 
You smile to yourself at the boy's protectiveness of you, but you know that Pearce is already stressed enough about tonight. You put a hand on Grayson and Austin's shoulders and usher the pair over to your desk with Knight at your side. 
"Alright you three, I appreciate the concern for me." You smile at the trio. "It's sweet you know you guys care enough to co-exist when it comes to me. But Pearce and I have an important meeting that's supposed to start any minute now. So will you three please head back to the locker room? For me?" You ask them. 
"Yeah, alright." Knight nods. "But this conversation ain't over, sweetheart." He assures you. 
Grayson and Austin nod in agreement. "Yeah, Lashley's going to get his." Austin huffs. 
"You just leave it to us, babe." Grayson nods. 
The trio finally leaves so you and Pearce are alone again. You lean on your desk and Pearce walks over to you. 
"Are you really alright?" Pearce asks you. 
"Yes, Adam, I'm fine." You assure him with a nod. "If I wasn't then I'm pretty sure that Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits would be in an ambulance by now." You joke with a laugh. 
Pearce flashes a hint of an amused smile. "Yes, those three do make quite the intimidating trio." He muses. "It's a pain in the ass. Sometimes I wish that I was just in charge of Raw, you know?" He asks you. "You're more than capable of handling Smackdown by yourself, Y/N. Especially with those three at your side." 
"What a coincidence." Hunter suddenly appears in the doorway. 
"Hunter!" Pearce snaps to attention. "I didn't hear you come in." 
You stop leaning on your desk and smile at Hunter as he shuts the door. "Hunter, it's good to see you." You shake his hand firmly. 
"It's always a pleasure to see you, Y/N." Hunter nods. "And you as well, Adam. The two of you have been doing phenomenal work on both Raw and Smackdown." He adds. 
"Thank you, sir." You nod, and Pearce does the same. 
Hunter sits down behind your desk and Pearce pulls a chair out so the two of you can sit from across from him. "As I'm sure the two of you know, Survivor Series is coming up as our next paid live event." He reminds you. "Well, I've made the decision to bring back the brands war to boost our ratings for the end of the year. So, I'm splitting the two of you up. One for Raw, one for Smackdown. And I'm doing you the further courtesy of letting you choose." He explains. 
You and Pearce share a look. It's like all of your prayers are being answered. You both turn back to Hunter and you smile at him. "I think I'll stay here on Smackdown, if that's okay with you, Pearce?" You look at him with a joking smile. 
"That's fine with me." Pearce nods with a knowing smile. 
"Perfect!" Hunter claps his hands together happily. "I look forward to seeing the two of you work to make some friendly competition." He shakes both your hands again before making his exit from the office. 
Pearce laughs when Hunter is gone and you can't help but smile while you text your group chat with Knight, Waller, and Theory about the exciting news. You also mean to check up on them to see what revenge plan they've managed to come up with. 
"Good luck on Raw, Pearce." You smile at him. 
"And good luck to you as well, Y/N." Pearce agrees. "You and your harem of boyfriends." He jokes. 
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thesapphicdiaries · 1 year
an unhealthy obsession ;; ellie w. x abby a. x reader ;; pt. 1
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and i'll get done for somethin' stupid like disturbance of the peace. | (ghostface au)
NOTES: this is entirely self indulgent tbh ,,, but fuck it !! we ball. future chapters will b linked here <3 reblg if u want to be tagged idk that's it. modern au btw. ellie might be a little ooc? for the sake of the au
TRIGGERS: murder but it happens offscreen + blackmail under the threat of violence n manipulation. there's also smoking wed
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You'd be the first to admit your interests tended to ebb on morbid.
Maybe, you muse, it had to do with the source of your upbringing: Jackson. It was a stereotypical small town, where, cliché as it was, everybody knew everybody. The town's history was clean as a goddamn whistle. While places like Seattle— Abby's hometown— were a hotspot for crime due to the sheer amount of people making it slightly harder to get caught unless you were a goddamn idiot, with the close proximity of everyone within Jackson from Dina to Tommy Miller, any crime you could commit would be shut down by the local police force in a month at most.
At least— that was what you thought.
So, you indulged your macabre curiosity elsewhere: you binge watched slashers despite your parents' vehement protests and you researched the violent happenings that often took place outside your sheltered hometown. Hell, you'd even indulged in one of those stupid fucking murder mystery games with some of the allowance you'd managed to spare that wasn't spent on various branded paraphernalia... and the other kind, but nobody needed to know that.
You weren't exactly surprised at how others seemed to be creeped out by you: Friday the 13th wasn't exactly a commonplace interest. Even so, you'd managed to make a few close friends whom you considered enough to get you by.
You jolt as your locker slams shut beside your head, and Abby's cackling is all too familiar.
"Fuckin' dick," you groan, feigning your exasperation— you'd finished putting your stuff away, anyway. "What happened to 'hello'? 'How was your day, Y/N?'"
"Your day's always the same," Abby provides helpfully, and you roll your eyes. "You wake up, come to school, indulge the same 3 people—" Her, Ellie, and Dina— "in the same rotation of conversations until they leave, go home, get violently high, watch whatever weird slasher your fancying that night, and then go to bed."
You blink owlishly. "Got my schedule memorized down pat there, Abs. You been stalking me?" You smirk, playfully, but your brow arches when she falls suspiciously silent. "Uh... alright."
"Anyway, you're having a change of plans," Abby finally says, and your eyes widen as you pipe up to speak. "You'll still get violently high and watch a slasher, don't worry. You'll just be gracing me and Ellie with your company while you do." She finishes, and you fall silent.
'Alright," you mutter. "Do I get to pick the slasher, or are you gonna pick some cornball shit like Chopping Mall?" You huff. Abby begins to answer, but your phone suddenly chimes with a notification from your news app.
Local man found dead from apparent stabbing.
Your mouth falls open slightly as Abby reads the headline over your shoulder. You fail to notice her nervous expression.
"Huh," you mutter, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. "Something interesting finally happened in this town. Neat."
The choice in film, much to your chagrin, was Chopping Mall. Fortunately, you were too far gone to care.
Your head lolled of the side of the bed, your back strewn across Ellie's legs as you barely manage to register the words spewing from her mouth as you take another hit from the blunt she'd rolled.
"I just don't get how you like these," she complains. "I mean, it's the same damn formula every time. Does it not get boring?"
"That's the pointtttt," you groan. "The more formulaic they are, the better. Sure, some newer takes can be good: but sticking to the classics is a good play. Better safe than sorry." You wave off her concerns.
"Well, look at this little flim critic," Ellie teases as she stares at Abby, who's staring blankly at the ceiling. You'd never fail to find her lower tolerance hilarious.
"I mean," you and Ellie wait patiently through Abby's long pause. "They're right. Formulaic can be good. Patterns are more predictable— easier to keep up." She says, and you notice her and Ellie share a look.
"But they can also suck," she hisses. "Because if you're predictable, it makes it easier to connect. Like, in these movies how they're always killing off dumb, blonde bimbos— you can tell they're all copying eachother." She complains. You squint at the both of them, but don't comment on the subject.
"There's no right answer," you shrug. "I just find the middle ground. Sure, it's predictable, and boring. But it's also the safe call to make. People criticize these movies, but they make fuckin' millions. The original ones get better reviews, but they end up falling flat in the box office."
You don't realize Ellie and Abby's argument isn't referring to movies in the slightest.
"You sound way too fuckin' smart for the both of us," Ellie says, and you snort.
"It's because I am," your eyes flash toward Ellie's clock. "Shit. I gotta go. Parents will kill me if I'm not home soon." You shoot upward, trying to adjust to your surroundings. You cannot come home looking high out of your fucking mind. "See you guys later."
You watch as the two of them give you a halfhearted wave, and once you shut the bedroom door, you chalk up the strange shuffling to... something you don't want to know, honestly.
You don't realize it's much worse than you thought.
You surmise the punishment for being late is slightly lesser than the punishment for coming home inebriated, so you take the risk to sober up in a nearby alley between a convenience store and a small restaurant.
The alley is lit up by string lights and decorated with a few benches— perfectly habitable, and it's not what scares you— what does set you on edge is the unchecked darkness of the forest beyond the alley.
You elect to ignore the unease in your stomach, instead taking a hearty swig of the water you'd bought from the convenience store before coming outside. The tension in your shoulders almost releases, then—
You hear a scream.
A bloodcurdling scream.
Every nerve in your body tells you to run the opposite direction of the plea for help, every goddamn slasher you've watched over the years telling you playing the hero always gets you killed, but it's not heroics that lead you toward the source of the noise.
It's that same morbid curiosity that gets you watching slashers in the first place.
The noises grow louder as you draw nearer, and your eyes widen as you stifle a gasp when you see the bloodied body of Nora lying at the feet of two masked killers. You sigh in relief when you realize the treeline obscures you from view, but the noise comes out far too loud.
It hits you just how fucked you are.
You've made a few essential mistakes in the laws of survival so far, but you're not stupid enough not to run: you make a mad dash, but in a sick (and ironic) twist of fate, you trip over your abandoned water bottle and wince as the solid trunk of a tree collides against with your head with a loud thunk.
Through the blurry haze that is your vision, you see the two killers standing right in front of you. You prepare for the worst, when—
Oh, shit.
"El?" You hear the panicked rambling of another woman. "Abs? What the FUCK!?"
You almost kick out when Abby covers your mouth with a gloved hand, but know better than to get violent with the woman twice your size with a fucking hunting knife to boot.
"Ellie, El, this is bad." Abby's voice is shaking. "What the Hell do we do, man?"
The forest falls painfully silent.
"Well," Ellie finally begins. "The best course of action? Kill the witness." You whimper, and mentally hit yourself for showing any vulnerability. "But," she continues. "On the other hand, I kind of like this one."
You will Abby to take her hand off your mouth with a pleading look.
"So," you hiss. "What's your plan, here? I don't have all night. Either get this over with and slit my throat or hurry the fuck up."
Ellie grins. "I've always liked that you were a little feisty, Y/N."
"I said," you grit your teeth. "Hurry up."
"Here's the deal, darling," Ellie tilts your chin up with the hilt of the knife. You look away. "You help us out. And we don't kill you." She wrenches your head forward, just enough to look her in the eyes. "You say no, or you rat us out," she mutters, lowly. "And we slit your throat. Deal?"
It hits you there's not a lot of options on the table. You glance over at Abby, clearly the more emotionally charged of the two, and wonder if you can bargain with her. But, you decide, she's probably just as crazy as Ellie or too scared to say no if her going along with this in the first place was any indication.
And, a darker part of you whispers, you wonder how it must feel, if they're willing to do such heinous things.
Finally, you assent with a shaky nod.
"Alright," you wrench your gaze away again.
"I'll help you."
WC: 1.5K
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muzzleroars · 4 months
alright, i looked trough your blog and it is quite fascinating both for original parts of your narrative and how it seems specifically based off of ultrakill plot as of 6-2. with later versions will you plan to edit your AU to fit with new narrative elements or you prefer to keep it true to how it is now?
on the note of newer narrative elements, what is your interpretation for mind of hell? it really does seem that if ultrakill has a true main antagonist then it is hell itself. and with current way how it was characterized it seems to have "inherited" the world from god and is in complete control over current situation. angels are lost without gods plan and just try to make the same motions as before. humanity may have actually been ended by hell's design, even with how much the earths machines act as a force of nature hell seems to comfortably channel them like water and using for its own purposes and entertainment. so far hell restrained itself only for its wins to be more cathartic (various "uprisings" on different layers), and so far is the most in control and very distinctly from everyone else is absolutely enjoying its time
so yeah, i am really curios on your take on hell's mind in both official material and your AU since i saw only very passing mentions for it in your posts
p.s. absolutely love your art, your character designs are immaculate❤️
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ooooo good questions tbh...i've definitely thought a lot about what will happen with the au as ultrakill reaches its end and what i'll do about elements obviously becoming unfit compared to the story. i think it really depends on how much it's going to be off, but i will be honest in saying i would have a tough time abandoning my ocs if official versions of michael, raphael, uriel, or lucifer are introduced! i think of course they would be well done and i would actually love to see them in canon, but i think it would cause a divergent au in that case. because i would love to explore how this au might fit into whatever becomes canon, but i've just developed the world and characters too much to leave the au behind as it is now. overall though, i just need to see how it ends and what it introduces to know where i might want to go, if i'd want to do a properly canon-divergent au when everything is said and done, or if i might just...stick with a canon-divergent from 6-2 onward. it's funny bc i actually was nervous about this just with layer 7 dropping, so i can't imagine how anxious i'll be for the last 2 layers! esp with lucifer looming in treachery - i think it's very up in the air if any of the other archangels will play a role in the game at this point, but more about lucifer is highly likely to come imo so!!! it's a big waiting game to find out!!
you're right in that i haven't done too much with hell, though i am interested in it as a character - i have considered it more with lucifer becoming much more of an element in the au, as he has spoken with it constantly and hell is sort of...in love with him, in an abstract way. it views him still as one of the most beautiful works it has, the first bright and radiant thing it had ever seen in its misery, but hell has become utterly engrossed with the cruelty of humanity. while lucifer was some celestial god that fell to it, humanity had minds much like it, and so it fell in love with them in a way it could understand. hell is always searching for more, an artist always looking for inspiration while holding lucifer as its muse. it's the capacity they connect with on the most, both great creators with god's spark in them, and admittedly, in his suffering, lucifer sometimes understood hell's work. but lucifer was secure, lucifer it had always to speak to, but increasingly it whispered the brutality of mankind, the wonderful inventions of their minds and the horrible works of their hands it began to copy. it hooked itself into the terminals they installed, and so lucifer gained all the knowledge of machines through their internal circuit. and when mankind was wiped out, hell became master in a world run by automation with all the creators gone from their servants. it has all it wants, and it indulges in testing its creations upon the machines and the husks of mankind in such tangible joy that an abstract like lucifer could not bring to it. lucifer it relates to in hatred, in his deep, abyssal loathing of the god that trapped him here, but even that is something more abstract to hell than the brutality of humanity - lucifer hates perfectly, he hates with the mind of god, and it is not met precisely by hell as hell was born into what it is.
so what then can hell feel when lucifer is released from it, when the dragon is cut down and its flesh severed from treachery's? this is really where i want to explore the relationship between lucifer and hell, what they are to each other - hell is a take on "this place loves you", but it is entirely malignant, noxious and harmful, while lucifer recognizes it as the hideous creation he fell trying to destroy, yet it is now irrevocably his home, the one entity he now knows. they are tangled up in each other, lucifer in an obvious sense but hell now cannot bear to lose its little spark of god's light. something in his beauty sustains it, it pulls at him constantly now that he's partially left it, and lucifer is stranded not knowing what decision to make. he still hears it speaking to him, esoteric fragments made up of the ambient noise of its body, but what can he do with it now? it is alive, sentient, a being put into a wretched position by god which condemns it for how antithetical it is to the fulfillment of all other creations. lucifer wanted it gone. he protested against it all those eons ago. but now he is frozen by choice, seeing it behave as some evil god yet knowing it cannot be any other way. what is fair then? to find some way to kill it? to cut off whatever constitutes its brain? to reason with it? try to change its very essence? lucifer must work through the possibilities while accepting hell, in so many ways, is the place he now wants to be. free at last, but once more full of despair. how can he kill his home and what might be his only friend? how can he reason with it, when he once tried the same with god and was struck down? how can he change it when he is just a pale shadow of what made something so monstrous in the first place? yet he fears hell will grow angry in its stasis, in running out of victims for its cruelty, and act out in retaliation
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athousandmorningss · 9 months
I'm starting with some musings about stray cat chronicles, feel free to scroll past that content if you don't wanna read it.
I'm increasingly feeling like I did the wrong thing by taking Tree home. There's a clear demarcation between a feral cat, and a friendly cat that likely has a home. The fact that he came to me pretty readily AND let me carry him indicates he has a home. Perhaps I should have just left him alone and visited the park a few more times to see if he was still there, and then did something. I have a bleeding heart. Sometimes this means I lead with feeling rather than a well thought out plan. I'd hate to put the baby through the process of adoption and re-homing if he already has a place he lives. I'm also increasingly unsure about keeping him. He is def. a Young Baby--he's in his "bite everything era," and I worry what introducing a small male cat into 16 year old Oliver's home would do. TBH though, my babies are very surprisingly chill about it: some occasional hissing at the bathroom door but for the most part, carrying on as normal. That is surprising and interesting to me, and could indicate keeping him (if I need to) might be possible. Anyways. The point is, sometimes I need to mind my business. Maybe this was one of those occasions. That said, I'd add that at this point, the family attempting to find Baby could do so pretty easily if they called any of the local shelters and offered a description, or navigated to one of the top local lost pet facebook pages, or (if they live close by), walking to the nearby park where posters are located. No word from anyone though, and that makes me really wonder if anyone is looking.
Anyways. Tree is the sweetest boy: very rambunctious, lover of chewing of the fingers/arms/legs/towels, anything he can put his mouth on. I discovered if I wrap him in a towel and sing to him, or do odd mouth sounds ASMR style, he'll get big wet eyes and nod off in sleep pretty quickly. Here's him in such a state:
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he goes a little cross-eyed when sleepy.
Anyways. My two other classes started today, bringing my total teaching load to 7 courses. Light work (hehe). One of my favorite courses I teach is Family Communication, and one of my favorite theories I teach in it is the Relational Dialectics Theory. It holds that in all relationships, including family dynamics, we osculate between opposing forces or needs, and work to adopt ways to address these tensions. For instance, family members might be struggling between the dialectical tension of autonomy (wanting personal identity, space, etc) and connection (seeking togetherness, wanting to consistently be around your family members, etc). There are suggested ways of dealing with these tensions (you can read more here) that are pretty useful.
I like teaching the course because it seems to give language to a lot of experiences students have. I consistently get feedback about the relevancy of the content, and usually enjoy reading and responding to student assignments in that course.
Since I'm in my can't leave my house era due to Tree, I've invited C over on Wednesday night. I'm a bit nervous-- I rarely have people over to my house. In fact, in the last 8 months, no one's been in my apt. save for my cat sitter and the maintenance guy. That's kinda wild. I am very protective of my space and who I let into it...
Anyways, I'm ganna put out treats and we'll swap stories about our various trips we've taken. I'm hoping in future to host a Halloween party, some small potlucks and a Friends-giving, too. Tryna manifest a little more coziness in my space..
That's all, from the House of Wayward Cats.
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tvrningout · 5 months
4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive? — 7. where is your muse most sensitive? — 8. is your muse a good kisser? are they experienced or inexperienced? // for chiyo !
romance & relationship headcanons | @fangier asked about chiyo!
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4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive?
what physical feature chiyo finds particularly attractive truly depends on the person bc she really!! has an appreciation for the beauty of the human figure in general. she's been captivated by the curve of someone's legs just as she's been captivated by their smile okay :' ))) but i would say that most commonly, she's drawn to a person's hands and eyes/face as a whole. hands can say a lot about a person -- how well they care for their skin, the kind of work they do, if they have nervous habits, etc. -- and the lines and curves?? the contrast between very pretty hands and very rough hands?? chiyo loves it and loves to draw them. similarly, chiyo watches a person's face closely as someone who is always thinking and analyzing, so she tends to notice and admire someone's eyes, lips, and the curve of their jaw first before she notices anything else about them. pls know that if chiyo likes them as a friend or more, she has probably drawn your muse and their hands/eyes/smile at least once if not multiple times :' )
7. where is your muse most sensitive?
this is actually included in a headcanon i reblogged today! but the quick answer is that chiyo's thighs/inner thighs are the most sensitive place on her body, followed by her scalp, lips/mouth, and hands ( in no particular order ). i won't ramble too much about this bc i could tbh asdfg but chiyo is pretty sensitive to sensations?? like tugging on her hair, the lil pain from having her lip bitten, having fingers in someone's mouth, light touches on her thighs, etc.
8. is your muse a good kisser? are they experienced or inexperienced?
she's experienced, but she's rusty bc canonically, chiyo hasn't had a partner since high school. that being said, she is a quick learner, and she's the type to pay attention to what her partner likes and adapt to that. i will say if the mood isn't soft and it's just a regular day, chiyo is either very teasing or very eager and demanding; it truly just depends on the situation and if she's feeling like being nice and compliant or like she wants to be a brat :' )
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anemcia · 1 month
4, 13 aaaand 28!
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4. What’s one thing that always manages to get under your skin?
//A lot of things get under my skin tbh, but I'm finding that's a lot easier since I've been here long enough to see it all. If I had to narrow it down to a singular problem, I'll keep it RPC relevant. Not a fan of muns policing how to run other people's muses if it doesn't fit the "fanon" interpretations (Or sometimes even THEIR OWN headcanons)
I get that many of us get attached to a specific view of a character. I'm one of those people! Everyone knows by now that I am a stickler for how Cell is portrayed, it's just my vision. Ya can't get heated over someone doing their own thing with em'. I genuinely don't care if the entire community has agreed that "This character IS LIKE THIS / NOT LIKE THIS!!!" Nnnnnaaaah, you don't make the rules. People are going to play with their fictional paper dolls regardless of your input, so let go and move on. Even if it's Problematic? More like NOT MY PROBLEMATALL. I don't care, it's just not worth the fuss or headache. Just block them for fucks sake.
13. What’s underrated in the rpc?
Perhaps a nostalgic feeling, but what ever happened to magic anons? I get that it's easier to reblog memes for specific prompts, but I kinda miss the wild west of "SHIAKAZING, YOU ARE NOW NAKED FOR 24 HOURS." And that's just how it was a little over 10 years ago. I think we need to go back to that old tumblr rpc, bring a little bit of goofy fun now and again for the sake of something unusual to happen to our characters. This is implying you're allowed to ignore CERTAIN prompts, but otherwise? Have fun with it.
28. What’s your favorite genre to write?
I would be lying to myself if I didn't fancy a little bit of romance now and again. It's hardly touched upon because I'm a lil stinky nervous baby who overthinks everything when writing with friends, but it warms my soul. Refreshing, even, just to do something nice. Though it goes without saying that I love just about all genres of writing, I just wish I could do romance a little more sometimes.
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aceofwonders · 4 months
bard, paladin, ranger for rhydian and any other of your choice!
ty 🥰 // character class asks
—Bard: How does your muse handle social situations? Are they personable, charming, awkward, shy? How does your muse respond to being the center of attention?
RHYDIAN — uhhhh terribly rip! he’s just so incredibly awkward my poor boy. and he’s always been that way even in the before times (pre-trauma and resting bitch face lmao). as for being the center of attention? he doesn’t handle it super well tbh he’d rather be a supporting character thank you don’t look at him
MAIZAKEEN — she’s pretty good at handling social encounters, even if she is an anxious wreck on the inside. she’s always nervous meeting new people, worried that her ghosts will cause a scene. she’s generally quiet and polite, can be quite charming when she wants to be. as long as the reason she is the center of attention is her performing she’s doing great she lives for that shit
—Paladin: What does your muse fight for? What tenets or oaths drive them? Have they ever had to break a vow, and if they have, why?
RHYDIAN — my knee jerk reaction was Justice. he has been keenly aware of the injustice toward his elven people and to mages from a young age. he just wants to protect/help people like his parents taught him to do. he feels that is his purpose in life, which is part of why he is struggling with the recent murders he’s been involved in. his father was pretty much a pacifist, which rhydian felt was not a viable way. however…the recent blood on his hands and the Guilt? that ain’t working either chief. he’s really trying to find a balance in future.
MAIZAKEEN — at the moment she’s just (literally) fighting in self-defense and to protect her friends/people they meet on their travels. but I can see it now…as she learns in detail the injustices of the world she is going to become such a little activist (even if it gets her in trouble). she has never had to break a vow and I am scared to find out what it would take for her to break one tbh
—Ranger: What is your muse's preferred environment? How good is your muse at fitting in with the world around them? Can they survive on their own, or do they need support?
RHYDIAN — answered here!
MAIZAKEEN — answered here!
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deaddoveadventures · 2 months
⋆ NAME?: Dove / Ev
⋆ PRONOUNS?: he/him but I'm not outed irl.
⋆ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Curumë but tbh also Raistlin but I am too nervous about getting him wrong and thus shy away from writing more for him
⋆ RP PET PEEVES?: Roleplay Answers that don't have any hooks in them and thus don't drive the story forward. Give me something active to work with, there are only so many times I can come up with everything on my own. Don't just make your character react, make them act! (Or add Environmental and Atmospheric cues that my Character can react to)
⋆ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: I lost count. I've been rping since I was 11 and I am now over 30.
⋆ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: I am an Angst whore! But I want Fluff in between to make the Angst hit harder and to actually build character relationships. Depends on the muse, however. I also love Whump. I don't care much about smut, and I suck at writing it. But if it fits into the story I will write it.
⋆ PLOTS OR MEMES?: Both! Sometimes Memes can be really good Ice breakers. And plot can come second to see where it should go! Or sometimes you want / need to plot first because else interaction might be difficult. I guess the mix does it.
⋆ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: Length is not as important as content. You can give me 3 pages of just describing one single object and it will do less than 2 paragraphs of describing what your character does, says, feels, and what the mood of the room is, and then I can actually work with it! My own replies vary as well. I suffer from always feeling like I need to match my partner or feeling that I write too little, though, for myself.
⋆ TIME TO WRITE?: The night, after midnight. Sadly I can't always do it because of work.
⋆ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: So in all honesty, yes and no. For both of them. Curumë specifically actually incorporates a lot of my personality traits and traumas. He (originally) was based on my Tav in BG3. BG3 was my coping game while dealing with the aftermath of an extremely toxic relationship and breakup. BG3 turned out to be about the abuse cycle in its essence and thus made me obsessed. And I put a lot of needs and wants and wishes of what I should have done into Curumë. The theme of Freedom and the fight against being controlled is a huge part that both haunt/ed me (and him). It also made me vibe hardcore with Astarion, but I shy away from writing him because it feels like a competition. And also Curumë is more personal, more catered to what I personally experienced.
I write him like an Asshole because that is the part that is the opposite of me. But it is - sometimes - what I wish I had done, instead of people pleasing and being a "I can Fix him" person. Anyway, this got a bit personal I am sorry.
As for Raistlin sadly he is also a lot like me. But also not. I actually want to rp and write for him because he is so relatable. I started out reading the books dealing with his character development specifically and it was scary how someone could put some of my own experiences as a (constantly rejected) disabled person with a nondisabled sibling into one character so well. I'd say Raistlin is someone I could have become if I hadn't gone to therapy and decided to deal with my inner demons. The biggest difference between him and me though is the hunger for power, because I don't have that. I do have a need for adoration though, ngl.
Tagged by: @windwithinmyveins thank you so much!
Tagging: @astralfox0893 @springvaletales
Bonus, my desk:
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As you can see, I suck at keeping my place tidy. Also, yes, the wig is there because I am working on a Raistlin Cosplay irl.
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whitexdove · 2 months
⭐  𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙪𝙣
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— 𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙨
(𝙋𝙀𝙉)𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙀: Stumpy
𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙉𝙊𝙐𝙉𝙎: they/them (genderless, probably a demon)
𝙕𝙊𝘿𝙄𝘼𝘾: pisces but spiritually an aries
𝙎𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙇𝙀 / 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀𝙉: totally married to @/fatetainted (pete)
— 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙨
𝙞. i am NERVOUS. constantly. just a fuckin mess. i have a hard time with social interactions and i'm trying more on this blog but you guys i'm fucking dying. (autism and anxiety is a hell of a combo). it's been weird to be the most authentic version of myself on this blog but.
𝙞𝙞. i have a fursona and my friend is making a partial fursuit of the dude. uh. they're a poorly bred german shepherd/a neurotic mess that chews holes in their clothing, like me. goth/punk aesthetic but nerves.
𝙞𝙞𝙞. i feel like im the peak depressed artist. i'm constantly sleep deprived and struggling with my art. i share my art occasionally but tbh with the drawing ideas i have here you will unfortunately see it more
— 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚
haha i started rping on tumblr when i was 13. i'm 25 now so i've certainly got roleplay experience. uhhh i do write standalone things, but not frequently. you can find some of those HERE (though it's back when i wrote cats so... jot that down) --i stille WRITE standalone short stories but its really only a fit of passion thing. look i draw i'm bad with words (i say, when people have surely seen my nonsense/read the stupid long bio page anyway)
— 𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚
if this is what i write... feral. animal-like. not quite an animal but they're a little too wild to be a normal person (which is like, the vibe with rufus. he bites.) i used to have a werewolf oc that got big and was known for being unhinged and feral. just,,, lets not talk about that bitch please ty. i also write dragons, cats, kinda anyone.
either the muse is picked up as a joke, because i had like extreme passion&ideas or like,,, some fucked up combo. i have a sideblog for college fratbro versions of slashers LMAOOOOO nothing is safe
— 𝙨𝙪𝙗-𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚𝙨
juuuuust about anything within reason (like sometimes. sometimes we are gonna have to plot i'm not just writing wild shit with anyone you feel) -- horror is a personal preference but like. haha i love horror. i need to make a list of horror influences i've used. idk fuck it we ball after discussion. fluff/soft stuff is also SUPER NICE. but if im not writing casual stuff im probably writing soul crushing angst. iiiii do not rp smut. fine to imply it /talk about it in threads but like. please. please do not boink my muses in threads. even if they joke about it. i will hard skip into the next scene ty goodbye
— 𝙥𝙡𝙤𝙩𝙨 𝙫𝙨. 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙨
U H. look, memes are the best way to start bc like either i'm shit at plotting or galaxy brained. there is no between. once i have a better feel for how our characters interact it's easier/more comfortable to bullshit plots! i'm the captain of the uss make shit up
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oceanblueeyesoul · 1 year
hi hi!! can I req a matchup for -> Wednesday, Descendants, and Stranger Things!!
I'm syd, ofc, I use he/she pronouns (gender fluid) , I'm about 5'5, I dress between grundge + and skater tbh— i have brown hair, VERY thick it's insane, with two blonde stripes at the front of my hair. I have blue green eyes, they switch what color they are randomly. That's about it!!
Personality wise, I'm very shy at first (except on the internet tho interacting makes me nervous!!) I have very extreme emotional changes, like something minor will happen and I won't get out of bed for awhile 😭
In INFP and creative type, as I told you :))
I'm a huge hopeless romantic, I love the idea of being in love but never have been!! I'm really bad at meeting new people, so that's why I've never been with anyone. I have 1 friend in real life and that's it honestly
I have a lot of opinions but I'm very open minded, as long as opinions are harmful to anyone. I'm VERY into shows I like, I mean they're my whole personality until I'm no long interested in it
I'm a huge horror fan, specifically old cheesey horror movies!! And I've always been really interested in having a close group of like 5 friends like they do in the movies. And I love collecting anything horror
My cat is the absolute loml so he always comes first as well,, I'm not a huge cat person but I'm a huge my cat person
I love love love music, and art
I love to draw, paint, bleach clothes, all sorts of things like that. But I don't really go out and tell everyone because its not that important to my personality (though I draw in front of anyone who stays around long enough)
I honestly just really love being able to talk to someone about me and them without them getting bored of me + i like to live in the moment the future TERRIFIES me so I love to do spontaneous things all the time
Thank you so so much!! <3
Hi there, Syd! I really hope you like this a lot!
Wednesday (Netflix) Matchup
Your Wednesday (Netflix) soulmate is...
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The two of you would treat your pet cat like a queen she is and Wednesday would love to pet your cat's fur a lot than she has anticipated.
The two of you would watch horror movies together a lot and you guys like to discuss theories about the murders and killers that did it in the movies.
She would definitely love to hear your opinions on everything because you are her soft spot in the world.
INTJ x INFP soulmates!
Descendants Matchups
Your Descendants soulmate is...
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The two of you would definitely be drawing and painting together because the two of you are each other's muses and individual art projects.
She would definitely love your fashion style because it is rather different from the others here in Auradon and thought it was totally cool indeed.
The two of you would do spontaneous things all the time it is pretty ridiculous but you guys loves doing spontaneous things because it keeps you guys full of life and having fun with each other.
ISFP x INFP lovebirds!
Stranger Things Matchups
Your Stranger Things soulmate is...
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The two of you would definitely be watching horror movies to watch on your date night and the two of you would discuss theories about the murder and who is the killer that caused the murder.
She would love cats a lot so when she first met your pet cat, she immediately picks up the cat and starts to pet the car lovingly and your pet cats starts to love Robin.
The two of you would be dancing and singing along to the songs to all kinds of music you guys want to listen to during the day and at night time as well.
INTP x INFP sweethearts!
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