#temporal archive
buttclench-ryugazaki · 4 months
i think the english localization making phoenix american actually really works, ie breaks the narrative less when taking ryunosuke into consideration. as we know, phoenix was written as Just Some Fucking Guy who becomes a renowned lawyer, but then retroactively making his great grandpa a legal legend who toppled the british judiciary somewhat lessens phoenix's charm as a complete rando. it can inadvertently support the vague idea that lawyering is in the naruhodo clan's blood, y'know what i mean? because ancestor veneration is valued in east asia, it's likely that ryuichi's parents would have put emphasis on ryunosuke being an admirable and aspirational figure. the naruhodos would have their in-house altar and be able to visit his grave and read about his exploits in whatever japanese public archives, on top of recounting their own personal memories of ryunosuke. retroactively, this makes it peculiar that ryuichi or any other lawyer never acknowledges his pioneer great grandfather
but the east asian diaspora tends to have a different relationship to its ancestors because our parents had no choice but to leave everything behind. we don't have access to those things anymore. some of us can't even speak the language, which is obviously a huge barrier. phoenix as a descendant of japanese immigrants would be far enough removed (temporally, geographically, and culturally) from ryunosuke and his legacy that i find it totally plausible that phoenix would never mention him. it would make sense if phoenix were mostly ignorant about who his ancestor even is because that's just realistic to the second-onward generation immigrant experience
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weirdmageddon · 4 months
the shift in lore literacy in homestuck’s fandom
i was thinking about how the people who got into homestuck after it ended—whose interactions with the comic are in a static, archived state, not an ongoing thing—missed out on information that was more common knowledge in the fandom at that time. i don’t know if this is true since i’m not on tiktok, but i wouldn’t be surprised if it was. the fandom certainly isn’t the same as it was before.
ive found that many people reading homestuck now simply do not understand things in homestuck that were common knowledge back in the day, with calls for “homestuck literacy classes to become mandatory” in response to baffling takes because so many people just now seem to have glazed over the comic without absorbing important plot points, and i think i know why this may be. i ended up writing a post reflecting on my time with the comic, my perspective and how ive seen this change. i still think and write about homestuck because it still fascinates me. earlier i quote retweeted that call in my thread talking about the temporal relativity of dave and rose’s god tier ascension in the green sun, saying “my homestuck literacy is 100% so guess im doing my part as a teacher by pointing out whatever i think is really cool about it”. this post im writing now started out as a reply to this tweet i got in response.
i joined the fandom in 2013. i was 11. i had been aware of it since at least late 2011, early 2012 when my friend ryan in fifth grade told me to read it but i couldn’t get past the first few pages. i remember writing a journal on deviantart around this time (late 2011-early 2012) that was mocking people who typed like gamzee, which ironically was very karkat of me. and i remember someone on flipnote hatena i was following was making flipnotes with the alpha kids.
i dont know what caused me to flip the switch into reading it but 2013. i got into it somewhere between april (i think closer to april—i remember it being quite a span of time between the last update before HOMOSUCK dropped.) this was the most recent page the comic, meaning there was no > [S] ACT 6 ACT 6 at the bottom.
i got into it during a pause in updates, which looking into it, was the year 4 megapause. i wasn’t sure of the month until seeing the news post detailing the reason for the hiatus and the status report of the comic’s development at that time. pretty cool i could narrow it down by referencing the dates of those updates and the news post to correspond with the pause!
according to readmspa, the year 4 megapause was a 59 day hiatus from Apr 14, 2013 ==> (EOA6A5) running to 12 Jun 2013, [S] ACT 6 ACT 6. then for a few months there were the first updates that i was apart of the fandom for.
and what an exciting time during the story get into the webcomic! when the updates resumed in june, part 4 of homestuck had begun. here was a glimpse of the updates in that span of time before the next hiatus began in october.
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that hiatus was none other than the gigapause, the longest hiatus in the comic, which started october 2013 and lasted for a YEAR, and i already posted about what happened on the date of return.
but here were the main events happening in the story at the time i first actually got interested in it. i wasn’t aware of the full context of them then like i am now, but i was looking at the most recent updates anyway with interest:
the alpha kids just emerged as god tiers from their slabs in derse and prospit, blown up by the condesce and caliborn / lil cal-possessed b2 jack noir.
the journey to the new session started 24 hours after jack called an early reckoning in descend—for context that was about when dave entered around midnight central time and before jade even entered. it’s pretty easy to forget that side 1 of homestuck basically happens within the span of a single day—and at this point in the story, the 3 year journey (which was also 3 real life years) had just ended. john and jade emerged from the other side of the yellow yard through the fenestrated plane on LOMAX. john’s real body was asleep upon arrival in the new session, while his dreaming projection out in the dream bubbles came across vriska’s ghost ship to learn lord english lore with vriska and aranea, and go on the treasure hunt where they found the ultimate weapon at the X mark out in in the furthest ring. in the dream john stuck his hand in the juju, started warping all over canon which removed his real body from the ship on LOMAX. he zapped around for a while but eventually zapped back to LOMAX, now awake, completely out of the loop of what everyone else is up to, and bored as fuck. what was everyone else getting up to while john was asleep?
jade was now once again within the domain of the green sun. im pretty sure her space god doggy essence comes with the power to sense what was anywhere within the domain of the session since her face looks like she arrived at that spot with intent (and she literally has jack noir’s exact powers from bec’s prototyping. also this panel). she immediately dispatched b2 jack to the edge of the incinisphere, defending the newly god-tiered jane and jake. i think even if they weren’t in any danger, she would have warped to them instantly anyway because she COULD now, and i can imagine she wouldve been sooooo eager to meet everyone. even davesprite comments about her rapid departure.
the pre-scratch refugees arrived during the only time serious shit ever went down in the nobles’ months-long inert void session. the condesce used her freak psychic bronze-cerulean powers to commune with jade’s bestial side and mind controlled her, which is super dangerous as someone with the powers of a first guardian. she then used jade’s powers to corrupt jane with the tiaratop. no funtime meetup allowed!
the trolls’ meteor with rose, dave, and the remaining trolls was pulling up into the new session with no way to slow it down. grimbark jade warped there once it was in the incinisphere and took active control. she warped everyone off the trolls’ meteor and sent them to LOMAX.
as john was losing his mind on LOMAX waiting for everyone, the meteor crew warped in. after 3 years he finally reunited with rose and dave, and at least saw the trolls in person. close curtains, end of A6A5. this was the newest [S] flash page at the time, one of my first impressions of this comic, and still one of my favorite flashes. knowing the context of the flash in the story only enhances the retrospective joy i have at getting into the comic at the time i did because it’s such an anticipated moment in the story for everyone, while for someone with no context of the story it was still enjoyable.
so that’s what was going on plotwise when i joined the fandom.
from this time, through those few months of updates and through the gigapause, i was familarizing myself with the characters in the story and overseeing the state of fanbase, getting myself acquainted with the story and wrapping my head around everything.
at that time i found that a new-ish group called colab HQ who were producing a let’s read homestuck series on youtube. hearing the voices and the pacing of it like that really, really eased me into it (maybe it was my adhd that gave me trouble actually starting it?). i caught up to a certain point using lets read homestuck and from that point was able to continue with the comic on my own, and by the time the gigapause came to a close i was fully caught up. i remember the rebranding of colab hq into voxus about a year and a half after i discovered them.
but.. back to the main point of my post. even these posts from hussie’s tumblr exist in archived states. how many new fans know about hussie’s old tumblr? i don’t know, unless theyre a new fan that must scour the internet for more deep more dives on homestuck and its fandom as a whole. but since hussie deleted his tumblr (it exists archived now on homestuck.net which, alongside from the unofficial homestuck collection, has nearly singlehandedly kept the most important relics of the fandom and lore archived), that page is not an active part of the fandom now, because it’s gone. it’s a pile of bones. it’s not living and breathing. it’s in an archived state. the whole thing is already there. homestuck and its fandom history is something you now binge instead of slowly consume and meld with as it comes out. it’s now this rapid information intake that you might forget about if you read it now instead of engaged alongside it. you’re not surrounded by people actively talking and theorizing about developments anymore. the ability to have those sorts of conversations during the ongoing development of the story reinforced concepts, ideas, and lore over and over as we tried to make sense of it.
being in a fandom when the author is still delivering the story is like nothing else. it allows you grow alongside the characters and engage meaningfully with the media and people in the fandom space around you. it feels like you’re participating IN the media itself, especially if you’re interfacing with the creator. it’s in always having something to theorize or talk about and speculate. and people become very aware of these sorts of forgotten story facts because they were applying the logic of the newest official post from hussie into making their sburb ocs or something and share resources and discussion posts about “what just happened in this update?? recap????” it was this cultural osmosis thing. i think this is why homestuck literacy is now at an all time low, at least from what i can see on twitter.
reading homestuck then vs now is like the difference between serialized shows with spaces between episodes to discuss stuff and time to reflect and learn and become attached to the story, narrative, worldbuilding and its characters, vs the netflix model where it’s all dropped all at once and people forget about it after binging.
at this point in time im getting the sense that “homestuck elders” now are no longer just people who were there since 2009-2010, but now also people who were there while it was still updating, probably stretching into 2014-2015. there are many sources of lore that were common knowledge in the fandom at the time that, since becoming susceptible to the deletion of content and link rot, and with the thanosing of mspaforums, are no longer accessible at the source. and a lot of people moved on after it ended, especially following the epilogues, the kate drama, and the whatpumpkin-sarah z drama, leaving a void of information behind if not for archivists and people such as me who continue to keep old facts relevant in discussions. my friend has called me a fandom scholar before and seeing this post i think i get what they mean.
EDIT: there is a series of video essays ive watched multiple times (because theyre that good) and they are exactly what modern fans need to see more of. they really help contextualize the comic and the themes present in it help you appreciate the basic fabric of homestuck a hell of a lot more. i highly recommend them and encourage any fan of homestuck to watch them, or someone considering getting into homestuck to watch the first one.
i think this is arguably as close to the “mandatory literacy class for homestuck” that person was talking about as you can get, especially the first video.
additionally, there is also the website https://rafe.name/homestuck which is essentially a sparknotes for homestuck and can help you follow developments in the comic itself.
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vavoom-sorted-art · 5 months
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Temporal Adjustment - a PwP collab fic with the awesome @ukcalico!
this is the art I made for it, and now go forth and read the smoking first chapter over on Ao3!
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knifeeater · 4 months
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So much of this episode is about proof of what is 'real', a theme that will draw itself through the season with the archival pages as well as the legal bindings of an upcoming trial later in the season.
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Several repetitions of photography as evidence, but as Armand reminds us there is no singular real that can be caught. A photograph is always a perspective too. A selection, composition and framing. Photography here stands in for memory in its mutability and as record, similar to Claudia's diary.
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In this episode Louis develops a negative of himself, slowly emerging as a moment held in time, elusive perspective of Claudia as she might have seen Louis. Searching for his memory aswell as for remnants of Claudia, Louis finds meaning diffuse in the image, separated through time by 'a thin veil'. At the same time in Dubai Louis and Armand work on painting a picture held in a historical moment for their audience of one. And Daniel is, as Santiago adresses, complicit (repugnant, apalling) and at the same time a voyeur same as Louis in the rambles. As he tries to style himself the objective, cynical observer the bubbling of his own memories unsettles his composure.
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Louis clings onto human life as he clings onto the camera, as Claudia calls him out "worshipping [his people pictures] in the red light". As a vampire living in a different temporal mode, humans will always be nothing more than a passing moment fixed in time, never a full picture.
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agnesmontague · 7 months
tmp - tma connection theory
i do not claim full credit for this as @anthonyampersand and i were bigbraining it (and screaming) in chat together but our current theory for how Archives and Protocol connect are as follows :
tl;dr : TMP and TMA are a setup for each other's premise respectively, feeding into each other like an ouroboros. we know that TMP is on some level a "sequel" to TMA (i.e. celia may possibly "remember" events from TMA that we know to have "already happened", such as the eyepocalypse) but it's entirely possible that events in TMP will influence those in TMA in turn, without much concern for actual temporality.
more specifically : it appears, at least so far in the canon, that fears in the TMP universe haven't really split themselves into categories the way they do in TMA. we've seen a case that sounds an awful lot like a Slaughter statement (the bloodthirsty violin), with others that overlap across several Smirke Fears (the very first one read by norris is a healthy mix of Stranger and Lonely, it appears to me), and others that don't strike me as being any particular fear (a malicious, hungering liminal space...? Spiral, Lonely, Extinction...?).
this is ironic because, well, the protagonists' very job is to do that kind of categorization. Dolls comma Watching, or Dolls comma Skin? it's the very type of job that smirke himself seems to have tried to undertake in TMA-verse (and ultimately succeeded). which means....
maybe there ISN'T any fear-categorization in this world prior to the OIAR. maybe, in the end, the way to "defeat" whatever Fear(s) stalk this world is to split it up into little parts that antagonize each other, and then send them away. in short, the OIAR crew are who will send the Fears into the TMA-verse in the form we see them in TMA.
there are some other indications that time may be a flat circle here. why did lynne hammond suddenly change her name to celia in s5 of TMA? why would it suddenly "feel right" to her out of the blue, unless it was the name she vaguely remembered using Elsewhere? of course, since TMA was written before TMP was even conceptualized, it's not extremely likely that it was some kind of deliberate foreshadowing back then ; it is however possible that they took this little detail to build TMP to fit "retroactively" with it. the archives of the magnus institute in TMP-verse being pristine and free of papers could indicate a sending-away or timeline-wide interference as well. and to say nothing of hilltop road, of course...
the tagline for TMP is "Fear takes many forms". sure, it's a pun (fear receives a lot of paperwork). but perhaps it's also a warning for what's to come. fear takes on many forms, in TMP--perhaps even as many as fifteen?
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kindlingkeen · 1 month
hi! do you have any recs for your favourite portrayals of Talia in fics? I just reread Choices and now I'm in the mood for some more well-written Talia
Few things make my heart go as soft as rereads, anon, thanks so much. 💙 I went through my bookmarks, and here are a few I love (some of these are locked to archive members only):
Drink Your Tea by Lysical. One of my all-time favorites.
people die (love does not) by JHSC. This is a comfort read that I come back to again and again.
Let the Night be Dark for All of Me by GavotteAndGigue. The premise of this fic is super unique and interesting.
make a wish (or two) by someplacewarm. I don't like to pick favorites, but if I was going to for Talia portrayals, this might be it.
Reviews Are In by Here_we_go. Part of the Bargain Bin series, this short installment might be the only one with Talia. You'll probably need to read previous parts to understand this one, but it's well worth it bc the series is fantastic, and I adore Talia as she's written here.
Nests and Cages by LanternWisp, Lysical. This is a series (the whole of which is amazing) - different installments feature varying degrees of Talia. I especially like Temporality (it hurts sooo good).
The Incredibly Reluctant Re-Establishment of Family (A Live Blog with Jason Todd) by southby. Another series, the entirety of which is wonderful and hilarious, but I think this is the only installment with Talia on-page for any length of time.
butcherbird, fly away home by e_va. Talia's on-page presence is pretty limited here, but her influence on the story is huge. Another of my all-time favorite fics.
I wish I had more recommendations on this topic. Unfortunately, it seems like the majority of fics cast Talia as a backdrop villain to the Bruce & Jay dynamic (she manipulated Jason, turned him against Tim, etc.), which is so disappointing.
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Image credit: Red Hood: Lost Days
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laudaddysmitten · 4 months
Writers Guild Presents:
"Stunning View"
by LaudaddySmitten
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Ineffable May day 16: "1827"
Ch 1: Hell's Graveyard Shift Is Run by Interns
When Hell fails to notice Crowley’s Very Good Deed, he is left in an Edinburgh graveyard trying to navigate a world tilted by laudanum. Fortunately for him, Aziraphale has no intention of leaving him to fend for himself. Fortunately for both of them, Crowley's compromised brain-to-mouth filter leads to a far more enjoyable evening than they expect.
Crowley stared at Aziraphale through a long, drunken pause during which his brain's temporal lobe made an admirable effort to process Aziraphale's words. It was mostly unsuccessful, but it could hardly be blamed for the visual cortex hogging all of Crowley's attention.
“You're so lovely!” He loudly blurted out with a toothy grin, before continuing. “You're like…glowy. Twinkly? No, 'bright’, probably. Oh I know the word- beautiful! You're beautiful. Beautiful Angel. Oh! And when you smile like that it's even better!”
CW/TW: Canon-typical substance use (but NO dub con); Rated Explicit (eventual smut)
Continue reading on AO3:
This baby is chock full of: fluff and humor, fluff and science, romantic fluff, fluff and science and smut, fluff and smut, & fluff and science smut. (Yes I mean what I said.) 😉🔭🥰 🧬🔥
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Art banner (here's the uncropped version ^) by the amazing @lexarturo - thank you so much, it turned out so perfect!
Thanks to my most longstanding (and long-suffering) beta reader: @olfactoryventriloquism
And the @goodomensafterdark Writers Guild for all the support and even more betas:
@outrageousring5655 @happynachohologram
Astrophysics beta (yes, I really needed one of those, and yes, she's just the person): @nosferatini
And many others who read at least chapter 1 for me and gave great advice! @fishey-me @kotias @southernfriedamy @sixbynine-da @ghst-signal @foamfollowerisfallen @unapologetic-apathy
Also thanks to @bea-n-art for creating this Laudaddy portrait I've been obsessed with and inspired by since she made it. It's kept me motivated to write.
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felassan · 1 year
remember that wild Dragon Age theme park ride (Dragon Age: Flight of the Wardens), originally located in Dubai until it randomly turned up years later (now also oddly-rebranded as "[Not Dragon Age We Swears It]: The Guardian") in, of all places, Skegness England? well, I had to satisfy my curiosity and obsession with obscure pieces of Dragon Age media & archival thereof. and so - actually quite some time ago now - I finally got around to going on a pilgrimage there (which was this whole, like.. heinous harrowing in and of itself, that I will not go into), and I rode it
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and to my surprise the original Dragon Age in-ride movie is still part of the ride experience! - complete with references to darkspawn, a Pride demon, dragons, green "rifts", Discount Anders (a Grey Warden[?] mage called 'Eldron'), Discount Yavanna (a Witch of the Wilds called 'Alexia') and Dragon Age: Inquisition soundtrack music. there is also now a new pre-ride movie which replaces the old Dragon Age pre-ride movie as part of the ride's rebranding, and i simply ?¿?
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there are also still quite a lot of identifiable Dragon Age props in the fantasy-themed queue-area of the ride (so these must have been part of the whole purchase between parks), including multiple iconic Inquisitor helmets, Grey Warden shields, a Dragon Age dragon (now with DA-dragon identifiable horns.. sawn off??), and several Dragon Age banners, including the Inquisition hairy eyeball, the templar symbol and the Circle symbol. here's some pictures.
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[^this image is taken from the video linked below]
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I also captured the new pre-ride movie, and you can see it along with the Dragon Age in-ride movie here ⬇️. and so now, with this epilogue to the.. most odyssey of all time, more than two years after the first message about the ride was ever sent to Ghil Dirthalen, this adventure in obscurity and the strange fever-dream meta story of the Dragon Age: Flight of the Wardens era in Dragon Age history is finally complete.
Ghil Dirthalen: The Guardian??? {Overview. - Spoilers All}
[video source & link: Ghil Dirthalen, posted here w/ permission]
some further notes, thoughts and commentary under the cut -
there's a few seconds missing from this capture of the in-ride movie. for the sake of the curious and completion: in them, you're still in the fort and you see lots of 'Wardens' walking and milling around.
a camera in the ride takes two photos of the riders during the ride, which are displayed on a screen on the way out. you can choose to buy these from the Fantasy Island merchandise store. you know those photos of people on log flume rides? it's like those, only of the four riders in a row in the seats. the photos have Fantasy Island branding on them and fire along the bottom, then in two corners there's a bit of a dragon's head and that's about it. the ride photo is the only Guardian-specific merch available at the park.
some of the queue area props appear to be from random other places. like there was a barrel which had something like "1850 distillery" written on it, which is obviously temporally/thematically and universe-ly out of place (not that that's at all unreasonable given the rest of the rideworld lore, there's totally a way it could have gotten there easily hh, see below), and I guess it's a spare or leftover prop from a Western-themed ride or something? others were generic sword'n'sorcery fantasy props (some of these are from the ride's previous life in Dubai though). there are also some pretty random props, like a dead stuffed roe deer's head on the wall and a.. comically large spoon.
there's music playing in the queue area, but it's not DA music, it's generic ye olde fantasy world music.
some folks there mistakenly thought that the long themed lead-up (it was pretty darn long) queue area with the props was the entrance to or start of something completely different, like a haunted house or maze type thing, or was the ride 'experience' in and of itself.
the ride attendant gives you the option of watching the new pre-ride movie or not. I guess they get sick of putting it on and listening to it 9000 times a day (valid), and also cutting it out reduces queue times as it's about five minutes long. it's screened in a little enclosed room at the end of the queue area. you go in and sit down, they show it to you, then you go through another door to the chair machine.
the in-ride movie is blurry and poor quality. I heard someone else who rode it say that it was so blurry that they had no idea what was going on hhh
Now about the new pre-ride movie. first of all, here's the transcript.
Pre-ride movie transcript "Welcome, my friends, to the gates of our kingdom, and the start of your adventure. I know your journey has been a long and arduous climb to get here, but we are grateful that you are the ones that have stepped forward to help us in our quest. I should probably start at the beginning. My name is King Aethelswyth [sp?] and I am the ruler of Elvia [sp?] - at least, what's left of it. You see, six months ago, our world was invaded by giant demons and creatures from another dimension, which now plunder our lands, and continue to destroy our kingdom piece by piece. They came, through a time-rift, from another world, leaving much destruction in their wake. Ever since they came, our people have defended as best they are able, but, we were once a peaceful race, and sadly no match for the giant demons and dragons. Luckily, a few days ago, help arrived. They came through the rift, human in form but with incredible powers, and the ability to not only fly but transform into dragon-like creatures. That's where you all come in. You see, not only have they brought hope to our lands, but also gifted us with technology, the likes of which we have never seen before. This communication device for example - it enables us to talk to each other from great distances without being in the same room. And there is something else, and the reason why you are here. They provided us with plans to create our own machine, which as we speak is being prepared for your mission. I should explain. The machine, although made of metal and advanced technologies we can't even begin to understand, requires biological matter to function; a very specific amount of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and calcium, all of which you are made from my friends. Once you are connected to the machine, you will be lifted into the portal and instantly dropped into the outer world. You'll be able to fight alongside the guardians and help close the rift once and for all. I won't lie. The mission will be dangerous, but with your help, we can defeat the giant demons, close the rift and save the kingdom. Hahahaha! [dragon roars] Ah, do not be afraid! This is Mia [sp?], one of the dragon guardians. She will help you on your quest and guide you to the rift. There it will be up to you to find a way to close it. My friends, it is almost time for you to enter the machine, and become the guardians! [inaudible] a safe journey. Save Elvia, become the heroes you're destined to be! The gates will open momentarily, as soon as the machine is ready for you. Good luck my friends, and I'll see you on the other side!"
in the linked video, the start of the new pre-ride movie isn't included in full at normal speed as it seemed to be a compilation of whatever random fantasy-themed stock footage the video creator could find, stitched together. but again for the curious and the sake of completion: it starts out panning randomly around SPACE, like at the solar system and of planets and at the Milky Way. for a sec I wondered if it was made up of random old Mass Effect assets. then it shows dragons (FROM SPACE) invading an Earth-like planet where I suppose the Ferelden-y kindgom (formerly called "Noathen", now called "Elvia" or something) setting in the rideworld is now supposed to be set. these invading dragons invade either from space or.. another dimension?? or maybe from the future or both?? [see below], entering through a big green rift. (and they still have the green coloring for the rifts and call it/them "rifts" like in DA, which was honestly so funny to me for some reason). the whole panning in from space start to the movie reminded me a lot of the Easter eggs in the DA and ME games that, while they're just Easter eggs for fun and I don't subscribe to this theory myself (as DA is its own great, self-contained thing), could light-heartedly imply that the planet with Thedas on it is a planet in the MEverse (like the krogan head in the Winter Palace in DAI or the ogre in that ME dlc).
in the pre-ride movie, the kingdom of "Elvia" might have actually been called "Albion", which is the earliest-known name for the island of Britain. (it was hard to make out exactly what the king was saying there) the new pre-ride movie seems like it was made in England and ofc thats a common fantasy setting, so I could see it, especially since the king character's name was something like Aethylswyth, which sounded very "Old English". for me personally, if it was "Albion", it adds fuel to the fire of Caitie's cracktheory/"trying to make this fit"-headcanon for the ride story/lore (see Caitie's original video on the ride's previous life for this), that it's set somewhere obscure and backwatery in Ferelden, which is kinda England- or Britain-inspired. (dont take these thoughts or other thoughts in this post about the lore/canon etc too srsly pls hh, it's just crack for fun and I know tis just an off-brand themepark ride)
on the whole the new pre-ride movie is pretty random. there's a giant in it, but it doesn't look like a DAI giant. (is it his big spoon??) it shows a fortress in part of it which looks a bit like Skyhold if you squint, with the long bridge approaching it as the entrance. at one point one of the dragons that pops up is a dragon designed more in the style of a dragon as they are sometimes depicted in, for example, Chinese mythology and folklore. the "communication device" the king described had me rolling, it's exactly like a Dragon Age Skype Crystal or a working set of eluvians from Thedas.. I wondered if the video creator was inspired some by DAI promo images and took cues from the Inquisitor's green hand/the Anchor, since the king has a green glowing thing on (or in?) his chest. and when the king started listing the elements humans are made of, I was reminded of Fullmetal Alchemist.
also, "through a time rift".. I mean technically Dorian's involvement in DAI DOES show green space-time magic right? Where is this other dimension? ofc I know it's not literally Dragon Age, but it's funny to think about and to try and make it "fit" skhskdhfjhe. is it the Fade? the Void? from somewhere in-between like Tevinter Nights implies exists? or is it the dimension which has Thedas's mundane world itself in it - like maybe the dragons are invading this poor guy's kingdom dimension from Thedas? if so what tf is going on in Thedas?? did Solas' explosion at the Conclave ripple through spacetime and rip holes in the fabrics of other worlds as well - like is Solas out here accidentally causing interdimensional Space Dragon invasions? like, theoretically.. the new pre-ride move does reference the in-ride movie, and in turn the in-ride movie is still Dragon Age (!), so technically the new pre-ride movie IS.. kind of.. weirdly.. canon.
((the pre-ride movie references an "outerworld", implying that even in THAT dimension there's an outer world and an inner world, definitely more than one at least. and back on the dimensions thing, I'm not clear - are the dragons coming from Thedas dimension? or are they coming to Thedas dimension? "they came through the rift, human in form but with powers, the ability to fly [that's Eldron] and the ability to transform into dragon-like creatures [that's Alexia]" implies that the dimension on the other side of the rift - if the helpers came through the same rift as the invading dragons - is Thedas, because that's Eldron and Alexia from the Dragon Age in-ride movie being referred to, and Noathen where they're from is in Thedas somewhere. so some Thedosians have travelled to another world to save it?? Dragons are escaping out of Thedas? but.. from space? but also - the narration is telling us that Eldron and Alexia and the other Guardians brought with them from where they came from, as a gift, incredible advanced technology that the people of Elvia have never seen before. he then gives the example of "this communication device" which could be read meta-ly as meaning the television screen, and of plans to build a machine made of metal and advanced technology (meaning the ride machine you go sit on, which is a themepark machine irl obviously and in the 'world' of the ride, some kind of flying machine). so like.. are Eldron and Alexia from Future Thedas (think Avatar Aang/Korra, when by Korra's time there's like lots more machinery and a more modern feel), a Thedas which has advanced complex machines like idk, AEROPLANES? is that what they mean by "time-rift"? because they specifically did say "time". is that to try and explain the modern machinery? does that mean the invading dragons also came from the future, not just from space or another dimension? the other option: Eldron and Alexia came from alternate universe Thedas, which has more modern technology in it. but Thedosians Time-Travelling From The Future And Also Space And Another Dimension is so funny to me so lets go with that. my headcanon is that on the way to Elvia they also timetravelled through a Westernthemed time period and thats why theres a recent-modern period whisky barrel)).
in the ride's previous life, the explanatory hook was that Eldron made you a special harness or saddle thing with which to ride a dragon, which was what the ride machine was simulating. however now, the hook to explain the machine is that it's a gift of advanced technology powered by carbon, hydrogen, organic matter (Big Oil lmao?) etc. (I enjoyed that this explanatory hook got wackier between eras of the ride's life, much like the whole meta story of this piece of media itself. it was already weird because riding dragons isn't really part of DA. though I don't understand meta-ly speaking this convoluted explanation for the machine. dragon-riding isn't an identifiable or key part of the Dragon Age franchise, so they could have kept the idea that you're sitting on a dragon's back and flying around on that in instead of having this wacky explanation about a flying machine gifted from magical strangers from Back To The Future and it would have been fine. I love it though bc its so absurd)
And Tiny Dragon Alexia from the original ride experience is kinda referenced (unintentionally?) when the king introduces the dragon "Guardian" "Mia", as when she comes on-screen her size or scaling looks small/kinda off, so maybe Tiny Dragon lives on. so now we have Tiny Dragon Alexia, Tiny Dragon Mia, and Tiny Dragon queue prop. it's a Tiny Dragon Conference.
and like I just have so many questions. in her original video on the ride, Ghil Dirthalen wondered at length where in Ferelden/Thedas Noathen could be. where is Elvia? why does the pov of the pre-ride movie proceed downstairs into the room where the king is - like why does the king have his throne in a basement? is he in an underground bunker for safety because of the Space Dragon invasion? why does he say we "climbed" up when we have just gone down into his dungeon? why is the tiny dragon introduced as "Mia" when the tiny dragon witch lady in the in-ride movie is called "Alexia"? does the king's green glowing chest thing work like the Anchor - does he have a chest Anchor.. a Chanchor? where did they get Discount Gandalf from the queue area and why is he exactly like the Ghil Dirthalen Stock Theatre Wizards in her original video? why did they change the kingdom's name from "Noathen" to "Elvia" in the pre-ride movie when "Noathen" was already non-existent in Dragon Age lore? why did they scrub Dragon Age from or avoid Dragon Age in the pre-ride movie but leave the whole Dragon Age in-ride movie intact? are the "Guardians" Discount Grey Wardens? is the king's whole schpeel secretly an evil plot so he that can use our bodies for like necromancy-alchemy? why does the ride run on your flesh and are we about to be sacrificed in a blood magic ritual? do we end up like the husks in Mass Effect after our organic forms are broken down into compounds to fuel the King of Elvia's flying anti-dragon defense tank? is the actor of the king a park staffer who is into larping, or someone's fun nerd uncle who likes DnD? does Caitie not in fact agree that I am very handsome and smart, indeed the World's Most Interesting Guy? 😤 why go to the trouble of sawing off the dragon's DA-dragon horns when the in-ride movie is still Dragon Age?? why are the dragons invading from space anyway like what do they want??? how can I obtain the king actor guy's autograph? where are EA's lawyers? and why is there a giant spoon?
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fruitviking · 3 months
Hey, you!
Yes, you. With the hat.
Have you ever fervently wished that Dr Watson had a time machine so he could go back and save Holmes from dying at the Reichenbach Falls?
Well guess what! @jabbage and I put our heads together a little while back and wrote an AU where he does! Hooray!
This is part of our wider ongoing Watson Is A Time Lord series, in which the reason Watson is played by two actors in the Granada Show is because he's a Time Lord. Duh.
Anyway, enjoy the temporal shenanigans!
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ineffableclassics · 27 days
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Edinburgh, 1827
Crowley stared at Aziraphale through a long, drunken pause during which his brain's temporal lobe made an admirable effort to process Aziraphale's words. It was mostly unsuccessful, but it could hardly be blamed for the visual cortex hogging all of Crowley's attention.
“You're so lovely!” He loudly blurted out with a toothy grin, before continuing. “You're like…glowy. Twinkly? No, 'bright’, probably. Oh I know the word- beautiful! You're beautiful. Beautiful Angel. Oh! And when you smile like that it's even better!”
When Hell fails to notice Crowley’s Very Good Deed, he is left in an Edinburgh graveyard trying to navigate a world tilted by laudanum. Fortunately for him, Aziraphale has no intention of leaving him to fend for himself. And Crowley's compromised brain-to-mouth filter leads to a far more enjoyable evening than they expect.
Words: 37,103
Status: Incomplete
Rating: Explicit
Art credit: Honeysuckle by Pierre-Joseph Redouté
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liwysz · 1 month
Imagine if the protagonists just died in the first scene
Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc
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Max wished could go back in time, to the moment when they were just two dreamers talking about planets. The moment when the only certainty he had was that he and Charles would be together.
With his last breath in that cabin surrounded by rosso corsa red, Charles wished he could have another chance.
Lestappen Time Travel Au!
⚠️ Warnings: Major Character temporally death; Major Character Injury; Angst and emotional hurt (With comfort I promisse);
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tallseaweed · 5 months
Temporal Meltdown CXXXIV
A prequel to Relinquish Your Burden
Summary: It all becomes too much for Loki during his 134th attempt at fixing the Loom. Mobius takes notice.
Pairing: Loki x Mobius
Warnings: angst, description of a panic attack, bittersweet fluff, bittersweet ending
Word Count: 1.6k
Temporal Meltdown CXXXIV - tallseaweed - Loki (TV 2021) [Archive of Our Own]
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gif by @zehiiro
"TVA Code 1127. All personnel report to your nearest time door evacuation point."
"Total Loom failure imminent."
Loki could hear the announcements echoing down the R&A corridor. It was making it nearly impossible to focus on what O.B. was saying. The incessant reminder of the impossibly high stakes was making him feel like he was suffocating inside the Gizmo he'd used on X-5.
Seemingly unaware of Loki's rising distress, O.B. continued to prattle on emphatically. "So you see, the proton-to-electron mass ratio…" What were they even talking about? Loki stole a quick glance at the mobile chalkboard. Casey's tidy scrawl had spelled the words 'Dimensionless Physical Constants' across the top. His jaw tightened. This was the fifth time he'd asked O.B. to teach him this particular lesson, and he still couldn't seem to fully grasp it. He was about ready to rip his own hair out from frustration.
Loki glanced toward the gaudy orange chairs along the wall, his eyes immediately locking onto familiar pale blue ones. Mobius sat there watching him, one hand wrapped around a cup of hot cocoa. The sugary drink was much to the delight and distraction of Victor Timely, who had a seemingly endless line of questioning about it. Mobius didn’t seem to even notice.
He was often like this, after reading the letter.
After his 15th attempt at fixing the Loom, Loki had decided to shift his approach. Repeating the same 6 hours and continually explaining his actions to everyone had become extremely tedious and a waste of his time. To fill in their knowledge gaps, he'd begun carrying a letter with him. At the top was a tally of how many times he had gone back. Underneath was an explanation of his time slipping, the Loom's imminent failure, and his individual instructions for each of them.
This routine worked quite well for most of them. All except Mobius.
The agent always seemed more concerned about Loki's well-being than the Temporal Meltdown. He'd ask when Loki last slept, when the last time he'd eaten was, and if he needed a minute to 'take a breather.' Keeping himself composed under Mobius's barrage of questions was a feat in itself. Each time Mobius showed concern over him, he felt one step closer to collapsing into sobs. He couldn't afford to take care of himself these days—outside of the occasional 4 hours of sleep to keep his mind sharp. The fate of the multiverse rested on his shoulders. So why did Mobius seem concerned about him?
"Loki? Are you still listening?" O.B.'s voice floated toward his consciousness.
Loki snapped back from his introspection, painfully aware of the continued weight of Mobius's gaze.
"Total Loom failure imminent."
It felt like the announcement was mocking him. His breathing came in shallow.
"I apologize," Loki muttered shaking his head, "I think I need to step out for a moment. I—I'll be back shortly"
He staggered toward the door and into the cramped hallway. The flashing alarms and flickering lights had all become so horribly familiar. He'd spent a little over a month reliving the same 6 hours before the Temporal Meltdown. Is this how Sylvie had felt? Reliving the same apocalypses over and over again? Suddenly, he couldn't find it in himself to blame her reluctance to be here. He raced up the black spiral staircase and into the corridors above.
"TVA Code 1127. All personnel report to your nearest time door evacuation point."
"Total Loom failure imminent."
He vaguely realized his hands were trembling. He felt lightheaded, his heart hammering so fast he couldn't breathe. He was trapped, trapped, trapped—
He collapsed against a wall, vaguely realizing that he'd somehow made it into the open-air hallway that overlooked the entirety of the TVA.
"Total Loom failure imminent."
He pulled his knees into his chest, and everything but his gasping breaths faded into the background.
Distantly, Loki realized someone's hand was resting on his shoulder. Mobius's familiar voice sounded as if it were coming from deep underwater.
"Deep breaths, Loki. Deep breaths."
He gasped painfully.
"Hey, hey, you're okay sweetheart. Can you look at me?"
Loki took another shuddering gasp, but managed to lift his head.
"There he is," Mobius smiled. "Let's take some deep breaths together, okay?"
Loki nodded feebly and tried to slow his breathing. Had it been anyone but Mobius, he would have chafed under the infantilizing words.
"That's it, you're doing really good," Mobius encouraged. A fresh wave of tears spilled down his cheeks. He was failing, everyone was going to die…
"Hey, hey," Mobius said gently, peeling a strand of Loki's tear-soaked hair from the side of his face. "It's gonna be okay, Loki. It's gonna be okay."
Loki practically melted into Mobius's hand on his shoulder, and Mobius seemed to take notice. He shifted to sit on the wall next to Loki and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I'm just gonna hold you for a bit, is that alright?"
Loki nodded wordlessly, slumping into Mobius's embrace. Face buried against Mobius's neck, his breathing eventually began returning to normal. The comforting scent of Mobius's cologne surrounded him, soothing his panic. It made him feel safer than he had in centuries.
Loki pulled back slowly to look Mobius in the eye, close enough to feel the agent's warm, cocoa-scented breath fanning across his cheeks. "You astounding creature," Loki whispered reverently. "What did I ever do to deserve your kindness?"
Mobius blushed, and Loki's heart rate kicked up for entirely new reasons. Mobius pushed a stray curl behind Loki's ear and smiled earnestly. "Nothing, Loki. You've always been worthy of kindness."
Loki felt another tear slide down his face, and Mobius gently wiped it away. His breath caught. How hadn't he realized it before? Every time Mobius touched him felt electric. He clung to the agent's every word like a lifeline. This man had done the impossible, had seen every inch of who Loki was, and embraced it all without question. How had it taken him so long to realize what had been in front of him this entire time? 
Under different circumstances, Loki might have pulled Mobius close and kissed him with all the tenderness he deserved. But the thought of Mobius not remembering any of this had Loki pulling away. Mobius seemed to read something of this in Loki's eyes because suddenly he was taking Loki’s hand. He brought it gently to his lips before letting their hands fall between them. Loki's chest heaved with emotion. He forced himself to look away.
The two of them leaned back against the wall in silence, the flickering lights casting strange shadows across their faces.
"One day, I'll show you," Loki murmured, his eyes fixed on the distant flashes of red.
"Show me what?"
Loki swallowed against the lump in his throat, turning to face the man beside him. "Just how much you mean to me," he said thickly, hoping the gravity of the words shone through his eyes as they held on to Mobius's. Before he could help it, they drifted down toward his lips, but Loki didn't let himself linger.
"Loki," whispered Mobius, his eyes lined with silver. He reached out for Loki's other hand and squeezed them both tightly. "You mean everything to me."
Loki took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Fresh tears escaped their corners as his shoulders began shaking with restrained sobs.
"Mobius, I—" His voice broke. "I can't do it anymore, no matter how many times I go back, it's never enough—"
Mobius pulled him into a seated hug and began stroking his hair. "No one would blame you for stopping, Loki. I still can't believe you've been through all this 134 times."
"It's nothing, I've gotten nowhere near fixing the Loom—"
"Shhh, hey, hey. Let's just take this moment to relax, okay? I believe in you. We all do. But you won't be able to solve this unless you rest. You've gotta take care of yourself, Loki."
Loki's fingers dug into Mobius's suit jacket. They sat in silence for a few moments, finding solace in each other's arms. Letting out a shaky breath, Loki whispered, "I don't want to lose you again."
Mobius took a long, steadying breath, his grip on Loki tightening ever so slightly.
"I'll always be here for you. No matter what. I promise." His tone left no room for uncertainty.
Loki's heart constricted, and he slowly raised his head. This close, he could see every fleck of blue in Mobius's eyes. Loki gently cupped his cheek, allowing himself to relish in the sensation, committing the gentle rasp of the stubble against his palm to memory. The announcements had stopped. The Loom wouldn't hold out for much longer.
"It'll be any moment now," Loki whispered defeatedly. At Mobius's panicked gaze, his eyes softened. "Thank you, Mobius. For everything." Mobius ducked his head, a lone tear slipping past his eyelashes as he leaned forward to adjust Loki's tie.
"You're the bravest, most stubborn person I know, Loki. If anyone can fix this, it's you."
"I will," Loki vowed. "I promise." For you. For us.
A blinding flash of light erupted in the distance, barreling toward them at a blistering speed. Loki felt Mobius's grip tighten on his jacket, and he squeezed back in reassurance. The last thing Loki saw was Mobius's frightened eyes, stark against the searing white light pressing in around them.
The next moment, he was back in O.B.'s workshop.
"TVA Code 1127. All personnel report to your nearest time door evacuation point."
"Total Loom failure imminent."
He took a deep breath. Again.
Thanks so much for reading! If you want to see these two get a happy ending, I encourage you to keep reading my Relinquish Your Burden series if you haven't already 💚
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated 💞
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@loopsisloops @muddyorbsblr @superficialdomina @infinitystoner @unlucky-number-13
Chapter 1 | Masterlist
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dino--draws · 14 days
TL-5956 Survival Headcanons
Involving: Some bending of the rules to make it more likely for these guys to have survived for 12+ years and counting, the likelihood I misread at least one part of how this all works so please don’t kill me, various overthinking shenanigans, me being a lil mean to characters, and my unabashed mental illness
and a sizable amount of text under the read more (not even kidding it’s like 1,500+ words LMAO)
Exclusively red monochromacy. This is not a visual filter sort of effect, everything has turned red. This actually isn’t a head canon it’s something Harry told me and it fucks me up. Actually a lot of this specific section is shit from the article itself that I’m emphasizing for fun.
The sky has become pitch black, and the horizon is rimmed by red like a macabre sunset. There is no difference between night and day. The sun will never rise here again.
Site-43 remains the single most stable area in the wake of the K-Class Paradox, and is considered the last bastion of human civilization. The rest of the world is left a nonsensical, contradictory wasteland due to spatial and temporal damages. Any entity you find roaming those reddened wastes are no longer what they once were. Do not engage, for those who wander are lost.
Randomized increases and decreases in the number of perceivable temporal dimensions results in visual distortion of surroundings. Added extrasensory perceptions may increase this disorientation in survivors. It takes a lot of getting used to, that constant bombardment.
Due to condensation of vaporous substances, there has been a sharp global temperature increase. Everything is humid.
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Site-43 Condition
The following parts of the Site are lost/heavily damaged: 
Euclid and Keter Class Wings of the Security and Containment Sections [Detonated, First Sublevel is functionally abandoned due to instability]
Applied Occultism [Second Sublevel, damaged by detonation and other breach occurances]
Archives and Revisions Section [Burned]
All underwater site facilities and utilities. [Completely destroyed] 
With each instance of the breach, all areas that were previously destroyed become reverted to their 2002 states, then re-destroyed. This results in these locations being able to be scrapped and harvested for functionally renewable supplies after each amelioration of the breach. These salvaged supplies only vanish with the causal loop’s reset if they are left within their original area. 
Due to the heavy damage done to the First Sublevel of the site, the Second Sublevel is left similarly unstable structurally and partially collapsed. Both Sublevels are abandoned sans annual gathering of supplies. 
The Third Sublevel of the Site remains the most structurally stable and safest part of Site-43, the surviving personnel remain here. 
The Inner-Sectional Subway System is no longer in operation due to sustained damages during the breach, but its tunnels are still utilized for transportation to different areas of the Site by foot. 
Site’s power remains in operation, requires vigorous upkeep.
Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE) rations were the primary food source for several years as research was directed towards the creation of a renewable food supply. They have a metric fuck ton of rations to work with, but it's always smart to look for alternatives Just In Case, y'know?
Due to the fact that everything is red, and there is a notable lack of a sun, growing traditional plants is out of the equation because I don’t think we’re photosynthesizing in these conditions. However, what they can grow and cultivate is things such as mushrooms and algaes! Utilizing waste from the site as fertilizer, gathering soil, and perhaps a bit of GE to make sure they’re not eating anything toxic and getting the right vitamins — they can grow food. It’ll take work, but can be done with enough care. Keeping out mold will be a nightmare but god love 'em they're trying.
A handful of stray storage closets and part of the Hiring and Regulation Section have been converted into spaces for food growing
There is probably a whole bunch of shit they could science their way through when it comes to synthesizing food that isnt just mushroom farming tbh. Like turning petroleum and CO2 into food
Bottled water stores ran out swiftly. Water is primarily gathered through the usage of moisture traps (see: increased humidity). Due to SCP-001-A the harvesting of these traps are risky endeavors, and require a pre-setup of dilution equipment to ensure a lack of reflectivity. This harvested liquid is then abated to reduce risk of anomalous effects, and stored/distributed to personnel. Prior to his death in 2023, Dougall Deering would accompany those harvesting to ensure 001-A’s pacification. 
Any and all site wastewater is subjected to purification processes to acquire as much drinkable water as possible. Nothing goes to waste.  
Lake Huron itself and any groundwater adjacent to the site is unreachable and unusable due to SCP-001-B and SCP-001-C. 
There’s probably a vending machine or two that’s caught up in the 2002 causal loop reset that they can loot each year. They can have some treats, as a treat. 
For all I know this is one of those weird space-time situations where no one actually needs to eat or drink but sshhhhh it's fun to think about
After each causal loop, the areas of the Site that are restored and re-destroyed are functionally “refreshed”. Though still heavily damaged and destroyed, these areas can be looted each year for materials -- copper wiring, plating, materials to repair other parts of the site, possible acquisition of rations and water.
Clothing from transmogrified personnel annually slain in the Archives and Revision and Applied Occultism can sometimes be recovered for use in repairing existing clothing, or as medical bandaging. 
Sections and faculties of the Site that go unused in the wake of the Paradox have been stripped; materials moved elsewhere for post-breach repairs and general maintenance of vital site functions.
Excursions outside of the Site are risky and dangerous -- though as successful containments of the breach have occurred, stability around Site-43 has begun to increase and grow safer. Nearby areas are occasionally scouted for any usable materials that remain, or were brought about by spatial/temporal distortions. 
The building of the REISNO Cannon was a nightmare to build in spite of its small size -- due to the amount of brute-forcing they had to do with its construction. When PHMD build the PXE alone, it took far more supplies to build.
Medical Care
To aid individuals wounded by SCP-001-A, able bodied personnel are encouraged to donate blood. 
These guys are working overtime due to the inherent dangers of the Paradox, doing the best they can to ration out their supplies and create what they can to help others.
Some members of personnel need to undergo treatment for sialorrhea, as the excessive production of saliva can put them at risk of both SCP-001-A and dehydration.
Medical personnel worked with the Memetics and Countermemetics Section to create Solution 001-A.
All reflective surfaces have either been destroyed, scuffed and scratched so that they are no longer reflective, or treated with Solution 001-A.
Application of Solution 001-A results in a clouding of the eyes and an impairment of vision. In light of added perceptions due to SCP-001, this is considered a blessing in disguise. 
Any personnel who had glasses has either had them destroyed, or took out the lenses from the frames.
Individuals wounded by -A are often given two options — needing to rigorously clean their wounds and be given bi-monthly blood transfusion to counteract the inability of the wound to heal and the risk of infection; or undergo amputation to completely rid themselves of the injury. For individuals whose injuries are not localized to their limbs, amputation cannot be done and the wounds simply must be taken care of. Seeing personnel with always bloody bandages, amputated limbs and prosthesis are not uncommon sights.
Bandages for -A wounds must be prior soaked in Solution 001-A, and wrapped tight, as to avoid the risk of the blood’s reflection. This is preferably done by medical staff, who have recordkeeping of all individuals wounded by -A.
Keepers of 001-B cannot communicate and over time grow conceptually vague, but the cycling of -B occurs while individuals are still recognizable. The Memetics and Countermemetics Section is in charge of the recordkeeping of Keepers.
Keepers can still interact with others and show their presence through physical touch and facial expressions. 
I don’t know if they are capable of writing, but it’d be cool if they devised a non-verbal and non-words series of drawn symbols and gestures for Keepers to utilize as a way to quasi-get around the anomaly. However “cannot communicate” could extend to “writing and sign language”
Lake Huron is to be avoided at all costs. Any individual attempting an excursion outside of Site-43 (typically for the gathering of biological materials from dead trees/foliage/etc) is not to approach due to the risk of the water rising again.
Respiration from the anomaly sometimes results in structural damage to the Site, or tremors, which requires repair.
The Survivors
The Site’s original population has been cleaved -- both by the initial breach’s heavy losses, and subsequent accidents. Only a little over 100 people remain come the 2030s, and Site-43 functions on a stretched-thin skeleton crew. 
Agent Radcliffe -- A bit torn up here and there from encounters with spectral and temporal entities, but is mostly okay. 
Agent Gwilhem -- Has a bad shoulder due a shrapnel injury. She has taken charge of the remaining members of MTFs Alpha-43, Beta-43 and Delta-43.
Technician Markey -- One of many individuals issuing repairs and maintenance to Site-43, he has sustained various small injuries to his hands due to his work. Lost a finger when it was crushed in a collapsing pipe. 
Dr. Wirth -- Has become pockmarked by various burn scars across his face and hands over the breaches. He received deep wounds across his stomach from SCP-001-A in 2027. Will never forgive himself. 
Chief Mukami -- Has taken major charge within the Site, primary maintainer of reports and processing of incidents. She has a few sparse injuries from an instance in which the bulkhead jammed during one of the loops, and she was injured by shrapnel. 
Technician Ambrogi -- Another individual who aids in site repairs, he would lose his leg in the aftermath of the initial breach due to structural damage caused by the detonation of the Keter and Euclid Wings, resulting in a small collapse of a hallway. Now utilizes a ramshackle leg prosthesis. 
Dr. Del Olmo -- Has sustained two injuries from SCP-001-A, a clawmark to the upper thigh, and one to the shoulder. Initially had turned down the offer of amputation due to their locations, but would have his leg amputated after severe infection years later. 
Dr. Deering -- Unscathed until the day he died. While everyone around him was hurt and bleeding and dying, he was always fine. It’s unclear if this is out of luck, or punishment. He thinks the latter. 
PHMD -- Injured by SCP-001-A shortly upon retrieval, receiving claw marks to the face and lower arm. Turned down amputation of the arm, claiming he needed both hands for his work. Wounds had become severely infected by the time he went missing due to neglect. 
Dr. Ngo --  Had a tendency to throw herself into danger to help others, was never wounded by SCP-001-A, but was a bit scuffed up due to other small scale accidents. Was practically the backbone of the Site for some people, as the only remaining psychologist, a lodestar of hope against this nightmare. Her death is still mourned. 
Dr. Reynders -- Mostly unscathed, aside from a few injuries -- notably one to her cheek from a temporal entity. Has gone missing.
Chronological reversions seem to have odd effects on those still alive. The running theory is that SCP-001 has severely slowed their aging to preserve their lives.
The See You In Hell PTF members are all friend-adjacent in my heart of hearts. Breach containment solidarity. Maybe a bit rough against the edges but we gotta tough it out together. All we’ve got is each other now, yknow?
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jesus christ ok I think that's it I think that's all the thoughts in my brain if anyone actually reads this whole thing i heart you forever ok? i fffffucking love TL-5956-X 'n how fucked up it is I hope we get to see it again at sometime. regardless i will be thinking about it forever
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xjulixred45x · 10 days
I Saw Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2) yesterday, and Even thoug i LOVED the movie, i personally have a problem i'm how they managed the character of Delores. Bc GOD she has potential to be the ACTUAL MAIN VILLIAN OF THE MOVIE.
Why i Say "actual Main VILLIAN"? Bc the trailer of the Movie show her LIKE THE MAIN VILLIAN, but we BARELY SEE HER and Worst, we see other minor antagonists (the "Romantic interest" of Astrid/ Rory) MORE THAN HER.
And normally this SHOULDN'T have to be Bad perse, but we got something totally different from what we spected in the Bad sense. And from a Character VERY IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT(A SOUL SUCKER, A PERSON FROM THE PAST OF BEETLEJUICE AND WHOM WE USE TO KNOW HIS BACKSTORY!) so, i came up with how I would handle Delores without changing ALMOST NOTHING of the Movie.
Instead of the guy, Dolores could have make her way into the living wolrd, both to stalk Lydia, and to make the arrengments to make the ritual to archive inmortality. But in the proccess she needs to 1- get the soul of Beetlejuice and 2- have her own life Back. And how does she do it?
Easy! She manipules Astrid into becoming her friend(maybe using a máscara?) and make the pact they do in the movie. Going for "migration", getting a soul, being temporally stoped by Beetlejuice, and then the secuence of the weeding.
The rest of the movie? The exact same. But with the participation of Delores instead of the "Romantic interest"(it would be funny if Delores ends up obsesed over Astrid like Beetlejuice with Lydia thoug). And FIN!
It was that hard? I mean WHY WAS THERE TYE ROMANTIC INTEREST IN THE FIRST PLACE?? IDK. Hope You at least enjoy My rant.
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critter-genfic-events · 4 months
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This week, we have nine (nein) fics that feature Time/Dimension Travel: Other universes, Isekai, time travel (in either direction)! Check them out beneath the cut and if you like them, remember to comment and kudos!
Remember Me in the Intervals by inkedinserendipity (70530,Teen) Warnings: the author doesn't warn for them but canon character backstory elements, major character death (implied) Pairings: The Mighty Nein & Caleb Widogast, Beau/Yasha, Yasha/Zuala, Caleb/Mollymauk
Caleb goes back to fix everyone's backstories instead of his own, basically.
Reccer says: It illustrates very clearly how much Caleb loves the Nein. Listen, this is SUCH a heart-wrenching story, I always cry when I read it BE WARNED! I usually read it twice: first in chapter order and then in chronological order.
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In this World or any Other by Amrynth (1907,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death (Canon) Pairings:
After Mollymauk's death in the Marrow Valley, he wakes up in the library with a burning need: to get back to his friends.
Reccer says: I liked it
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The Worlds Between Us by Nellaplanet (159303,Mature) Warnings: graphic depictions of violence Pairings: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast, Beauregard Lionett/Yasha Nydoorin, Beauregard Lionett/Jester Lavorre
Or; Caleb and Beau have to rapidly reexamine their worldview upon discovering that magic is not only real, but exists in a world all of its own (and that the people wielding it are unfairly attractive and very, very dangerous).
Reccer says: One of the great isekais in the fandom! I love all of the different elements they were able to weave in
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every moment changes lifetimes (even moments we regret) by grayintogreen (789,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death (time loops) Pairings:
Caleb is in a time loop, staring at the temporal dock
Reccer says: Heartbreaking and an interesting form
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Fortune's Favor (Fortune's Fools) by flashhwing (30289,Teen) Warnings: Choose not to warn Pairings: Eventual Shadowgast
In another timeline, the Mighty Nein fall to Lucien. Essek, with Artagan-the-weasel's help, travels back in time to save them.
Reccer says: It's fun to see a late campaign Essek try to wrangle an Early Campaign Mighty Nein
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What endures beyond the silent edge by Beleriandings (241985,Teen) Warnings: Choose not to warn Pairings: Canon relationships present
The Ring of Brass fall into the future during the Apogee Solstice. There, they meet the Nein.
Reccer says: It's fun seeing the various parallels and crossovers!
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Fall Back by Killbothtwins (4050,Teen) Warnings: No archive warnings apply Pairings: Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast
After the fight at the Malleus Key, mid-C3 Beau and Caleb are shunted not only through space but also through time, arriving back in early Campaign Two to friends who are very surprised by their sudden changes.
Reccer says: A really fun idea and a great way to highlight just how much change all of the Nein have gone through since the beginning of the series. Killbothtwins has a fun writing style and an excellent grasp of the characters' voices, the bantering reads just like what we hear around the table.
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The Heart External by BeatriceEagle (3554,Teen) Warnings: CNTW Pairings: Caleb & Beau, Beau & Bren, Caleb & Bren, Caleb & OC, Beau/Yasha, Caleb/Essek
Post-C2. As Beau struggles with the challenges of being a new adoptive parent of a teenager, she receives an SOS from Caleb. She arrives to find him standing over his bound, unconscious younger self—and though Bren should be just an echo, it seems he isn't going anywhere.
Reccer says: A fantastic Caleb & Beau QPR—with all the warmth *and* friction of the original—as well as a nuanced, thoughtfully observed take on what Caleb being brought face-to-face (literally) with his younger self would really mean.
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in the times inbetween by jakia (8098,Teen) Warnings: miscarriage, fantasy racism, homophobia (all mild but present) Pairings: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast Una Ermendrud & Caleb Widogast Leofric Ermendrud & Caleb Widogast
Una Ermendrud meets Caleb Widogast for the first time when she is nineteen and pregnant, and he’s passed out in her azaleas.'
Reccer says: It's everything I ever wanted in a 'Caleb actually completes his goal' fic: Una immediately clocks Caleb as the 'weird but sweet and harmless' type of wizard! Caleb makes a tiny paradox happen! Leofric punches Essek in the face (and it was awesome!)
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, it'll be Storytelling! Whether it be sharing backstories or spinning a brand new yarn, all are welcomed.
Then the weeks after that, it'll be Grog focused stories, Cross-Campaign works, and then Skill/Class Swap fics!
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit!
Oh! Also! Critter Gen Week is happening! Prompts have been announced, you should check them out.
And hey, if you're looking for some more good gen content, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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fatehbaz · 4 months
going through some recent essays from e-flux Journal on intersections of gender and trans-ness with colonialism and imperial imaginaries (of music, architecture, geography). all can be read online:
"Hija de Perra: Writings from a Poor, Aspirational, Sudaca, Third World Perspective" by Julia Eilers Smitth (Journal Issue #140, November 2023)
"Anarcho-Ecstasy: Options for an Afri-Queer Becoming" by KJ Abudu (Journal Issue #139, October 2023)
"Sadistic Chola Manifesto" by Olga Rodriguez-Ulloa (Journal Issue #137, June 2023)
"Reluctantly Queer" by Akosua Adoma Owusu and Kwame Edwin Otu (Journal Issue #137, June 2023)
"Don't Take It Away: BlackFem Voices in Electronic Dance Music" by Alexander Ghedi Weheliye (theme issue "Black Rave", Journal Issue #132, December 2022)
"Dark Banjee Aesthetic: Hearing a Queer-of-Color Archive within Club Music" by Blair Black (theme issue "Black Rave", Journal Issue #132, December 2022)
"A Whale Unbothered: Theorizing the Ecosystem of the Ballroom Scene" by Julian Kevon Glover (theme issue "Black Rave", Journal Issue #132, December 2022)
"Editorial: Black Rave" by madison moore and McKenzie Wark (December 2022)
"Pasolini and the Queer Revolution in Beirut" by Raed Rafei (Journal Issue #126, April 2022)
"Inappropriate Gestures: Vogue in Three Acts of Appropriation" by Sabel Gavaldon (Journal Issue #122, November 2021)
"Taking the Fiction Out of Science Fiction: A Conversation about Indigenous Futurisms" by Grace Dillon and Pedro Neves Marques (Journal Issue #120, September 2021)
"Editorial: trans femme aesthetics" by McKenzie Wark (Journal Issue #117, April 2021)
"The Cis Gaze and Its Others (for Shola)" by McKenzie Wark (Journal Issue #117, April 2021)
"Our Own Words: Fem & Trans, Past & Future" by Rosza Daniel Lang/Levitsky (Journal Issue #117, April 2021)
"Post-genitalist Fantasies / Temporalities of Latin American Trans Art" by Kira Xonorika (Journal Issue #117, April 2021)
"S/pacific Islands: Some Reflections on Identity and Art in Contemporary Oceania" by Greg Dvorak (Journal Issue #112, October 2020)
"Capitalocene, Waste, Race, and Gender" by Françoise Vergès (Journal Issue #100, May 2019)
"Non-Aligned Extinctions: Slavery, Neo-Orientalism, and Queerness" by Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic (Journal Issue #97, February 2019)
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