#tentatively.. maintags this...
weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
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i was going to post these to my main but theyre so self indulgent im too shy heheh but i do wanna post them <3
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pieofdeath · 4 months
"Hey Gorgug, Gorthalax wants to know if you're gonna run any drills today" "I think this is sort of crossing a boundary." CACKLING.
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leviathiane · 1 year
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Them! :)
For my PLA wingfic series in which in the future, everyone has wings. 
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candyskiez · 4 months
I don't know how to say this but these two are the closest you can get to making a character canonically be a system without making them canonically be a system
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aurora-cycle · 6 months
part 2 of an earlier fic i wrote, this time focusing on the spankoffski bros! felt soft about them so i churned this out.
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new-eyes-extra-colors · 8 months
@leavingautumn13 here. a fic snippet for @1-800-hellyeah featuring that deer hunting scene we were talking about, if you are still interested.
tw for animal death, gore, and blood. i cannot stress enough that an animal dies. also, dawn is like, 24 years old in this.
Dawn whistled, short and sharp, and the deer froze as its head jerked up and towards her, ears twitching—
Ori pounced in a perfect arc, flaring her wings at the last second before her talons slammed into the deer’s back. It squealed as its legs buckled under her full weight, and Dawn heard something crack as it hit the ground. The rest of the herd was gone in a heartbeat, bounding up the trail into the forest with white tails erect, sending birds scattering upwards across the clear blue sky.
The deer thrashed, eyes rolling and wide enough that Dawn could see the whites even from here, kicking its legs in a feeble attempt to throw off the gabite on top of it. Ori sank a talon into the back of its neck and her head arched towards its throat.
Dawn looked away.
Something crunched and then splattered.
It wasn’t any different than her sylveon hunting field mice, really. At least the gabite didn’t play with her prey.
Another heartbeat passed, and another, before Dawn could stomach looking down. Ori was standing still, one talon still gripping what was left of the deer’s neck, head tilted in Dawn’s direction but not making eye contact. Waiting for her flock leader. Right.
Dawn stood, noting impassively that her hands were shaking. She slid carefully down the embankment, and stepped around the rapidly widening pool of blood, moving warily toward her gabite. Ori was being remarkably still, and not hissing or booming, which was a good thing. She knew they were a team. Wasn’t going to turn all that ferocity on Dawn.
Ori chirped expectantly, peering at Dawn’s face for approval. Blood slicked her heavy jaw, and scraps of skin dangled from her teeth. Dawn reached out and placed a hand on her head, between her eyes, which squeezed shut. “Good girl,” she said quietly. Ori chirped again.
Now for the hard part.
Dawn untied her satchel, took off her jacket and gloves, and draped them across the low branch of a nearby tree. She rolled up the sleeves of her undershirt and plucked her knife from her belt. Turned it over in her hands. She could do this. Vertical slit from pelvis to breastbone. Let Ori deal with the offal and help crack the ribcage. Pack the body cavity with snow, drag it back to camp with the hide still on. Don’t get blood on your shoes.
Easier said than done.
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glitchyred · 2 years
Still working on refs but I touched up Semicolon lore doc, redid the first four character bios and completely reworked ;Mike's character, so here's a new link. Enjoy
(For the uninitiated; Semicolon is my Slender Mansion/"what if all the trainerpastas lived together and were FRIENDS" au I've been working on for almost a decade lol)
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dilfcherricola · 1 year
half of the lights on my fishtank went out one of my corys got stuck against the filter overnight and i have a brown algae problem why does everything happen at once
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wooshofficial · 1 year
Some of y’all need to calm down
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riacte · 1 month
As someone who got into mcyt in late 2022, when ship discourse was far less prominent, seeing early treebark posts is soo jarring, like the "don t take this so seriously", the trigger warnings, the drama. I can imagine the 1st time Martyn did smth gay in tumblr was a big shock lol
ohh it was the trenches. we were holding hands crying over the altar <3
2021 treebark hits different fr... the tentative exploration... wanting to ship but too scared to... quarantining... crying over the altar speech.... trying to figure out what was too shippy for main but we all emerged so much worse....
listen. late 2021. last life. martyn went on tumblr on livestream. thousands fell to their knees. i was doing laundry. he scrolled past a maintagged ship post of mine (had no idea he would go on tumblr) and i almost died and now i flee
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transblitzo · 4 months
im turning on asks tentatively to allow people to ask abt like. headcanons and shit idk. i liek to ramble. be nice or your anon priviliges get revoked 👍
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doodle to justify putting this in maintag
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Not to stir the pot but when ppl talk about "tma characters who need to apologize to Jon" they usually include Georgie and. I feel like we're forgetting the bit in season 5 where. She does apologize. For the main thing she did on him (i.e cutting him out when he needed her) and clearly feels bad for it. Like that was a pretty big thing that happened, development-wise for her that season.
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six sentence sunday- Post six sentences from an unfinished work, a new fic, a new wip, or even something you're not sure you'll ever post and tag anyone you want to play!
Tagged by the dear and darling @pyrrhlc <3 Thank you omg!!
Jon has been told, quite frequently, that he is not a very observant person. He doesn’t think that this is wholly fair. Jon is good at finding details, if not always good at focusing on the right ones or putting them together to get the bigger picture. What he’s not great with is people, which in his humble opinion is a different matter entirely.
However, he now thinks he owes at least three people a formal apology and one a fruit basket, because they were all absolutely and utterly correct, and he will make it his utmost priority to deliver on that if he gets out of here alive. There’s probably an excusable level of obliviousness to be allowed, and Jon has a feeling that managing to miss that one’s conversational partner is a homicidal vampire is quite surpassing it.
These are the first two paragraphs of my vampire hunter jongerry au I once wrote 2k of at 3 am and then never seriously got back to beyond yearning sessions on the doc! I am deeply fond of it and it may never coalesce beyond bullet points. Whoops
Tagging @coulson-is-an-avenger (who is the only reason I even considered expanding on this idea beyond nonsensical tag rambling), @thewrongshop, @private-snippers, and @rosie-with-knives :) But anyone who wants to participate should!!
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acerace · 3 years
Trying to decide on how angsty I should make X Life in my au hmm
Actually wait I just had a big brain idea ok so 
A lot of the X Life Players have been part of other, older series, including things like One Life where their time and hearts were limited. When X Life was founded, they all knew it was a matter of time until they died and were forced out of the world. So to them, death is not necessarily a scary thing- they’re prepared, they know what to expect, so taking someone’s life is not the worst thing ever. Once they die, they’ll respawn individually in unclaimed SinglePlayer worlds (the same thing that happens when someone dies in a Hardcore world) and move on with their lives. They’re friends and will most likely find each other again in a new world. 
This sets X Life up as a foil to Dream SMP, as the Players there had no idea about the three lives system until Schlatt and Wilbur died. Until then, everyone assumed it was a regular world with normal respawn. I haven’t decided if Schlatt and Wilbur permadied or not yet, but regardless it shook up the server. 
So now we have: 
Hermitcraft- unlimited lives and normal respawn where death is a minor inconvenience 
X Life- 10 lives and then you’re dead and gone, so death is something to be cautious of, but it is not the end of things 
Dream SMP- three lives with varied respawn- you might die to a creeper one day and be fine and die to fall damage the next day and lose a canon life, and you have no way of knowing if a death will take a life until it’s already happened 
One of the defining features of Dream SMP in comparison to the other worlds is how short of a time it’s been around and how most of the Players have only met each other recently, so where Scott can kill everyone in a fiery explosion with little long term harm, because they’re friends and ultimately know and trust each other, Techno doing something similar is an act of terrorism because, in the end, most of the server lacks this trust with the other members (but this feeds back into them only recently learning they have limited lives and is a Big Thing in the au and the fic). 
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riacte · 1 month
enough maintagging. scurrying back into my circus tent
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
I don't even wanna make high effort art anymore I just wanna do exploratory design for tma characters at this point.
Like I've always hc that you can't actually see little floating eyes around beholding users but if you could they'd be different colours for each person (i.e Jon's little floaty eyes would be a different color to Gertrude or Elias') but like I don't know what colour that'd be and I wanna draw 1000 pages of concept art dedicated to the little floating eyes. I'm INSANE rn
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