#texting drarry
daddiesdrarryy · 2 months
Harry: So the thing is, I’m kind of crushing on someone right now, but I’m afraid to tell you guys, because you’re not gonna like it
Hermione: Just say it, Harry, rip off the bandaid
Harry: It’s Malfoy
Ron: Put the bandaid back on
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ziggystqrdust · 3 months
the sillies
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sunfl0w3rmel0n · 5 months
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cheridraco · 2 months
harry: I love you
harry: I said I love you
draco: you fucking better
harry: bitch
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Am I crazy or is enemies to lovers only good when they're just enemies in canon and lovers in fanon?
It just feels like people writing enemies to lovers in canon don't actually know how to write the enemies part, and it's clear from the start that their characters are going to end up together. They never allow their characters to actually do evil things to each other because they fear the readers won't be able to forgive.
I don't want mild annoyance and teasing and secret crushes. I want full on hatred and attempted murders, is that too much?
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quail-in-red · 9 months
Loved your trope mashup art! If you're still doing them could you do 25 & 44? 🥰🥰🥰
This might be cheating a bit because idk if it's a Flower of Romance per se... 25. Fairy Tale AU + 44. Flowers of Romance
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babooshkart · 2 years
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loverboys in starlight (a gift for my darling)
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Draco: Did it hurt? Harry: Yeah Draco: I was talking about the fall from heaven Harry: It all hurts Harry: My life is constant pain and suffering Draco: Draco: Harry, I'm trying to flirt with you! Harry: Oh
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circeletters · 4 months
@drarrymicrofic prompt: blocked
word count: 230
Draco blocks him. He changes his profile picture to one that still looks blocked and unblocks him. It takes no longer than two minutes, really, but the effects are immediate.
> really oh my god.
> you are so stupid sometimes i actually hate you.
He puts the phone down after that. Draco did it only as a joke, something he heard from Pansy once, he thinks. He didn't exactly expect to read such hurtful truths easily thrown out like that, but the notifications keep coming.
> i hate you so much and hate me
> because im so stupidly in love with you
> im not even making sense here look
> you cant look cause u BLOCKED ME
> hating this goodbye
He lets out a tiny smile after that. They hadn't been fighting, not really, it was just a stupid discussion, but Draco just needed his dramatics sometimes.
> actully might just turn this thing into my notes until u decide to stop acting like a child over dinner reservations
> - toilet paper
> - mayonnaise
> - that one sauce you like and i only recognize it by the green bottle
> - chocolate (if i apologize with it you'll forgive me faster right?)
> - ring
Draco sits up from where he lays. The message is deleted after a few seconds.
> maybe too much nevermind
The app says "'Harry<3' is writing..." but nothing else is sent for a few moments. Until...
> fuck it
> - ring
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daddiesdrarryy · 3 months
Pansy: Have you ever been in love?
Draco: Yes. Once
Pansy: How did you know you were in love?
Draco: Because I was dying in his arms from a spell he cast on me
Pansy: …
Draco: It’s really romantic
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madeofbees · 2 years
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I’m a trust fund baby you can trust me~~
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sunfl0w3rmel0n · 5 months
Harry’s voicemail would sound like:
“Hi, you’ve reached Harry Potter. Sorry I couldn’t pick up your call.
If you’re Hermione, please limit your message to no more than 4 minutes. I’m a busy man, ‘mione, really.
If you’re Ron, yeah hi to you too. I’ll be at yours on Tuesday night for drinks. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten.
If you’re Neville, er- congrats on whatever new plant you just got.
If you’re Luna, yes I’ve renewed my Quibbler subscription. Tell your dad I said hello.
If you’re Ginny, congrats on winning your match and decided to call to scream at me about. If you lost… I’ll call you back soon.
If you’re Draco, I’ll be home soon. Don’t leave the stove on. Finish the laundry if you haven’t already. Yes I’m okay. Yes I miss you too. Yes I know you want my ‘bloody arse’ home. I love you too.
And if you’re anybody else, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!”
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cheridraco · 2 months
draco: goooood morning to my beautiful scarhead
harry: it's 11 at night
draco: ok well you're supposed to be asleep and weren't supposed to open that until the morning so fuck off
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macabreafterparty · 7 days
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Hello boys, girls, and everything in between! Today, we have a very special lesson called: How not to be a shitty on Ao3!
Above us we have a very interesting comment! Why is it interesting? Well let me tell you!
Archiveofourown has a very very wonderful thing called filters, and what it does is that it keeps everything you don't want to read from kinks, genders, ships, or anything that maybe harmful to the reader away from the readers line of sight.
Now, presently, we always will have an issue of people not always tagging correctly. If you do come across fanfiction that isn't tagged properly, please let the author know, and if they refuse to change it, do not hesitate to report them.
Now, and this may come across as a shock to some people, if a story is tagged with a certain ship, kink, etc; then it probably has said things in it! O my googly moogly it's such a strange phenomenon.
The picture above me is an example of someone reading a properly tagged BL story. They proceeded to read this lovely story, and instead of either stopping, they went to the very end just to slap these words together and call it a compliment! It is not. It hurts the writers feelings. It's unnecessary.
We don't need to know that you hate the ship. We don't need a kiss at the end of said insult. The only thing that goes through our heads is, "Why even read it?".
So remember, it's okay not to like a ship, kink, story layout, plot, or anything non Canon. But do not take the effort on going through the filters you know you'll hate just to leave things like this on someone's hard work.
Thank you very much for coming to today's lesson. Until next time. Ciao!
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ravenclawh0re18 · 2 years
Scorpius: Father, I want to tell you smth Draco: What is it......? Scorpius: I'm gay Draco: OH! And here I was scared that you've gotten into trouble or something!!! Me too by the way Scorpius: *relieved* Oh I'm gla- Wait DID YOU JUST SAY "ME TOO"-
Albus: Uhh Dad, I think I might be in love with a guy Harry: Well, so long as it's not Malfoy's son, you have my blessing! Albus: ........ Harry: It-it's not Malfoy's son.... right? Albus: YOU can't blame me though, can you.....? Uncle Ron has told me quite a few stories of your school years, y'know Harry:
Harry: Don't you think we should tell them? Draco: WE?! YOU are the one who's better at talking people, Potter! Harry: Didn't you tell me just last night how awkward I am....? Draco: Yes, but you can talk people into doing whatever you want! It's your fault we're here in this mess in the first place!!! Harry: MY FAULT?! How in the name of Dragonskin is it MY fault?! Draco: YOU WERE TALKING! Harry: ......and? Draco: Your lips were moving Harry: So.....? Draco: OH SALAZAR YOU ARE SO DAFT HOW DID YOU EVEN DEFEAT VOLDEMORT?! Harry: I had help Draco: Of course you did! You and that sweet talking mouth of yours! Harry: I still don't understand how this mess is my fault, Malfoy. Why don't you explain that to me first? Draco: You're really gonna make me say it? Harry: *confused Pikachu face* Draco: Oh Merlin's Hat! Your lips were moving! So it made me want to move mine! AGAINST YOURS!!!!! Harry: Oh....? Oh- Draco: You can be so dense sometimes I have no idea why I still love you! Harry: Well, you're such a git, and that doesn't make me love you any less either!!! Draco: You know what, telling them that we are STILL together can wait *intense makeout session* Scorpius and Albus secretly watching the whole drama unfold from under the Invisibility cloak: *look at each other* Albus: I guess having a questionable taste runs in our blood...... *kisses Scorpius* *Invisibility cloak suddenly falls off them* ....... Any ideas what's gonna happen in the next episode.....?
P.S.: Don't hate me for this, I know it's terrible but I just had to-
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g4rdensofb4bylon · 9 months
this whole hunger games renaissance is giving me dracotok flashbacks because why are we once again simping for the bad guy with bleached hair and more importantly why has the society ONCE AGAIN devided into two groups: the people that "can change him" and the people that ship him with the brown haired guy that just wanted to help everyone???
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