#thank u for stopping into my inbox this made me smile :')
petew21-blog · 16 days
Family fun
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"Hi, I'm Simon and I'm an alcoholic." Haha. I'm just kidding. I'm just a normal nineteen year old kid still living with his widowed father and his three brothers. Today I was suppose to go on a trip with my 4 friends - Michael, Nathan, Daniel and Connor. I was ready to leave, but suddenly my - always happy and kind dad - started screaming about me not doing enough for our family, not doing chores and he banned me to go on the trip. I texted my friends, but only Connor replied:"Better luck next time. C ya". Then my dad even took my phone from me. I have no idea what I have done, but I didn't question him right now. Maybe later when he cools off.
My brother Alex came downstairs and offered me to go with him to the store. He acted different. I can't tell why, but he kept teasing me, which he usually doesn't. He is the quiet one.
We got into the store. I went to get some vegetable and when I got back to him. He was standing there completely naked
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"What the hell are you doing?"
"Hurry. Give my some clothes!!! I lost them!"
"How can you just loose your clothes you're wearing?!?"
"Doesn't matter. Give me something."
I gave him my jeans, my shirt, leaving me only with my socks, sweatshirt in my hand and my boxers. He put on the rest and then laughed as he took the sweatshirt from my hands and ran away.
I was standing in a storeonly in my underwear. How embarassing. Alex was standing outside of the store with a phone in his hand already recording and laughing
"What the hell is wrong with you today?"
"Haha. Nothing. Just... enjoying life."
We returned back home. Alex went to show my other two brothers how he humiliated me. I went upstairs to find my father in my bathroom completely naked. He held my phone in his hands and tried to take a nude.
"DAD! What are you doing?!"
He wasn't even shocked and kept trying to get a good photo.
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"Oh hey, I was going through your phone and I found this Grindr app where most of the profiles had pictures like this. I thought that maybe it is a dating website and I might have a chance. Maybe I'll find someone there."
"Dad, please. Go away. And don't install that app. I'll explain that to you later."
He checked himself out again and then winked at me
"Don't act like this isn't the dick that made you. You owe me for that, you know"
Has everyone gone crazy this morning or what the fuck is happening?
I went downstairs, ready for some more weird stuff. But fortunately my two brothers - Joe and Kyle fought. Thank god. The most normal thing in our family that could be happening right now. I sat outside on the porch just briefly watching them fight.
But suddenly the fight turned into this
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They made out passionately as many couples in love do. But THEY ARE MY BROTHERS!!!
All four of the stared at each other back and forth. My dad was the first one who started laughing, then the rest did too.
"What's so funny? Have you all lost your mind?"
"Oh come ooooon. It's just a prank, BRO" said my father
"Besides, would your brother that you secretly have a crush on let you do this?" Alex came to me and placed my hand on his abs, just going up and down and finally going down.
"How... Connor?"
"BINGO! You figured it out. We swapped bodies with everyone in your family just to mess with you. We discovered we could do that last night when we arrived at the campsite, but we decided to surprise you. So, what do you think?"
"Wait. What about my dad and my brothers? Where are they?"
"In the campsite hopefully. But they keep calling your phone, so that's why we took it from you. Seems like we might have some explaining to do. So, until we give these bodies back and might never use them again?" All four of them smiled.
I couldn't believe how perverted my freinds are. And I couldn't believe I didn't really protest.
A story from the inbox: Hello! I love your stories😍😍😍 can u write a story about some friends are doing prank by body swapping with his male family members?
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queerpumpkinnn · 10 months
is this how u request? anyways! i was wondering if u could do like a spencer reid w like a girl best friend, but like he has feelings for her
she does all these little things for him like bring him coffee and food and let him ramble and stuff
i was thinking of writing it myself but id love to see someone else’s take <3
This is typically how people send in requests (either via inbox or comments) so you're good! So sorry this took so long to write, my inspiration was down for a long time. I had so much fun writing this, thank you for sending it in!
1.6k words
Summary: Spencer's got a big fat crush on his best friend.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!bestfriend!reader
Warnings: Morgan makes a few innuendos, food/drink, feelings ew gross, sweet lovesick Spencer <3 as always, let me know if I missed something!
While reading, I recommend you listen to valentine's day - a Spotify playlist by me!
Everyone in the office that morning knew that it was far too early to be there. Spencer, more than most, relied heavily on the power of caffeine to get his day going. It was not uncommon for folks to be carrying around a mug even in the late hours of the night.
And as always you, like a gift from God, would always saunter through the meeting room door with two steaming cups of coffee and a weary smile.
Spencer adored you. Although everyone on the team had a place in his heart, you were always the one closest to him. You were the one who had taken the time to get to know him, who listened to anything he had to say and got to know him as more than a coworker, an agent, a "resident genius" like he was some kind of appliance.
It was rocky at first, no doubt. Spencer was not the most perceptive when it came to reading social cues (or giving them to others), so his stiff and awkward nature took a while to see past. Eventually, you managed to break down the walls of caution around him, and over the span of a few years the two of you became more accustomed to being around each other more than anyone else. Even though you spent practically days together at a time, the two of you found solace in each other's presence, often heading back to someone's apartment and ordering takeout to wind down after the case with a movie.
To Spencer's embarrassment and yours, it had become the group's joke to refer to you two as The Soulmates. The first time Morgan made the joke, Spencer's entire face went a deep shade of red and he couldn't look at anything other than his feet for the rest of the hour. Eventually the two of you became accustomed to the running joke, brushing it off with a sarcastic laugh and roll of the eyes.
To be fair, Morgan wasn't entirely wrong. The two of you were joined at the hip, but you were just friends. It saddened Spencer to think about it sometimes, really. But he was content with having you so close, to be able to work with you and come home with you. To get to bring each other coffee and let you rest your head on his shoulder when you fell asleep was a closeness he granted to few people, and so he was, for the most part, satisfied with having you as you did.
That morning was no different. The sun had just barely risen, and Spencer was stifling a yawn as sugar poured into his cup like water. This morning was odd- a thought had struck him in the car, a comment Prentiss had made saying you and him were like a married couple. Was that true? Spencer knew plenty of married people but he didn't see them in action very often.
Would you even want to marry him? No, Spencer thought. You were just his friend. Sure, you did all sorts of favors for him and hugged him, but that was surely just a mark of close friendship.
"Morning, pretty boy." Morgan came up beside him, bringing a mug down from the shelf.
"Morning." Spencer replied, sipping from his coffee.
"So have you proposed yet?"
Spencer nearly choked on his coffee, replying with a "what?!" once he stopped spluttering that might have been a tad bit too incredulous.
"Jesus, Reid, I was kidding." Morgan held his hands up, but he still wore an amused grin.
""We're just friends, Morgan." Spencer said defensively, moving to prepare another cup.
"You're making her morning coffee right now, pretty boy. You know who does that?" Morgan gestured his mug in Spencer's direction. "Married couples."
Spencer rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and coworkers."
"Keep tellin' yourself that, Reid." Morgan gave him a pat on the shoulder, sauntering back over to his desk with his free hand in his pocket.
Spencer heaved a relieved sigh, taking both cups over towards your desk. You beamed at him when the smell hit your nose.
"Well thank you, Spencer." You squeezed his wrist affectionately, and Spencer thought he might die. He turned his head to hide the stupid smile on his face, mumbling a "welcome", but the other direction didn't help him much. Morgan's desk shared a divider wall with yours, so the man in question simply raised his brow, a knowing smirk surely hidden behind his coffee cup.
Spencer rolled his eyes, turning back towards you. Your head was tilted in concern. "You alright, Spencer? You seem a bit jittery."
To strangers, Spencer might always seem jittery, like a nervous cat. But you could tell the difference.
Spencer cleared his throat. "I'm alright. Too much coffee, maybe."
Spencer nearly slapped himself when he realized his mug was still full. He prayed you didn't notice, tilting the rim so you couldn't see its contents.
"Alright kidlets, let's get this party started." Garcia called from the meeting room door, a stack of envelopes tucked under her arm.
You pushed off from your chair, nudging Spencer's shoulder. "Let's get this party started," you chuckled.
Spencer lightly touched his arm where you'd nudged him, watching you make your way across the office.
"Let's get this party started, Loverboy," Morgan, seemingly coming from nowhere, rubbed his shoulder against Spencer's dramatically, voice risen in pitch.
"Shut up!" Spencer pushed the man off of him, but couldn't help the laugh that came with it.
. . .
Four days later the team was right back where it started, making coffee and wrapping up paperwork- only this time there was a silent agreement that everyone wanted to get home.
Even in these low-energy moments Spencer still stayed by you, sitting with his legs folded on the large table nearest your desk, scribbling away.
His head perked up when he heard your chair wheeling over to him. "So, yours or mine?"
Spencer tried to ignore the way your arms folded over his knee to rest your chin atop them. "Uh- I was actually hoping yours?"
He definitely liked your place better than his. As much as he wanted to make it home, his apartment really was just a place for him to sleep at night and keep all of his stuff. Your apartment reminded him of you- but he wouldn't admit that that's the real reason he preferred your apartment to his.
You hummed. "Chinese?"
"Sounds good." Spencer was actually in a mood for Indian cuisine, but when you suggested Chinese it suddenly sounded like the best idea ever.
Work passed by fast, something that could rarely be said about Spencer's job. He was just excited to be going home, he told himself, even though he was headed to yours after this.
Although Spencer had to admit, your apartment was practically his. You both had a few items belonging to the other that you always forgot to take back. Spencer even had a travel toothbrush that sat in the cup on your sink. He knew where all your dishes were, knew your DVD collection by heart. He never lingered at the doorway like he might do at a new friend's place, he kicked his shoes off and made himself at home, because really, he was.
Tonight was no different. Spencer was sprawled out on your couch, half-empty foam box of chow mein sitting on the coffee table, and you under his arm. When you'd made yourself comfortable next to him, Spencer felt butterflies in his stomach, he thought. It was a marvel to him, hearing a phrase like that so often but not knowing what it really meant until now.
The time was nearing one in the morning, and while Spencer was still engrossed in whatever film you'd picked out this time, you were fast asleep, head heavy on his chest.
Spencer glanced over at you, smiling softly to himself.
"You know, you're not making this any easier for me." Spencer whispered, stroking your arm. "I mean, I'm not complaining, you know, but it's kind of hard to suppress a crush when you're falling asleep on me."
Spencer knew you couldn't hear him, which is why he felt a breath of relief leave him when the words came out. He attempted, with slow and careful movements, to adjust you to sleep on the couch. Spencer thanked whatever god might be out there that you'd purchased a sleep-worthy couch- he knew, he'd tested it personally.
"Good night," Spencer murmured, pressing a quick kiss to your hairline and giving you one last glance from the doorway.
Maybe someday.
. . .
It was mornings like these that tested Spencer's willpower.
It had not even been six hours since he'd left your home that he was being called in on another case. So here he was. Five days later, doing the exact same thing: making two cups of coffee.
But as always, you made it better.
He didn't have to turn to know who was calling him, but he did anyways, just to look at you. "Sleep well?"
"Yeah, I had a pretty nice pillow," you teased, and Spencer's ears turned red. "Hey, are you free Saturday?"
"Yeah, if Hotch doesn't call us in at the crack of dawn." Spencer snorts.
"Great. There's an art exhibit I wanted to see and it wouldn't be as boring if I went alone." You grinned, gratefully taking the mug he offered you.
"Can't imagine a better way to spend a Saturday." Spencer agreed.
"It's a date then."
Spencer's eyes went as wide as saucers at your response, mouth falling open a little. You giggled at his reaction.
"C'mon, Hotch is waiting." You turned, not waiting for a reply.
Spencer shook his head as if to clear it, a stupid grin plastered across his face as he trailed behind you.
It's a date.
Spencer Reid Masterlist
Criminal Minds Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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teaffrogy · 3 months
Everything's okay[Astarion]
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SUM. Maybe it was jealousy what Astarion felt when Layla was with Wyll, and that they had fun. Maybe it was because Layla made fun of him and with Wyll she didn't. Maybe it wasn't hate what he felt with Layla but hurt.
A/N: Tav is Female in this part. Also I will make more side stories for everyone. :)) as always you can change it to whatever you'd like. If you have any request u can always send them to my inbox!! Love you all❤️ also I am sorry if Astarion seems OOC :(
Explanation here<-
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Astarion wasn't very fond of Layla. After all, she is a kid, and he hates kids. She was a mess, a horrible mess. She gets dirty easily. She likes to get in the mud with scratches and the OwlCub. She was also a troublemaker. A big one. If Astarion looked away from his tent just for one second, his nicely stacked books were now all on the floor, or some of his belongings were missing.
Ha has openly said how much he hates Layla, but everyone calls him a jerk. Oh, but Layla had favorites, and one of them was Wyll. She admired him, she loved him!! And that annoyed him. He found it annoying how she would keep his tent so nice and tidied and nice. She never took anything and did not even make fun of him at all! He crossed his arms as he saw Layla talking with Wyll.
“Is something the matter?” You ask as you look at Astarion. He hummed and turned to look at you. “Oh, nothing, darling.” He says as he touches your face, admiring how gorgeous you looked. You smiled at him and kissed his hand. “Is it Layla again?” You ask as you look at your daughter who was playing with Wyll. You held his hand and smiled, “She will like you soon, okay? It just takes time for her.”
“Well apparently with Wyll she didn't.” He said and you chuckled at him. “Stop that,” Astarion says.
“Stop what?”
“Making fun Of me!”
“I am not! I just find it funny that you are jealous of Wyll.” You say. And he presses His hand to his chest, surprised. “I am not jealous. Not one bit! Actually, and I am sorry to say this, dear, but I hate Layla.” He says. You shake your head. “Okay, whatever you say.” She says and kisses his cheek. “You can feed on me tonight.” You say and head back to helping Gale. “Thank you, Darling.” He says, hoping you heard that. He looked back at Wyll, and Layla was looking at him. She had this curious look on her, but when she noticed Astarion looking at her, she stuck her tongue out and ran to her mother. You look at Layla gently pick her up and kiss her on her cheek.
Layla, while still looking at Astarion, kissed her mom on the cheek. He rolls his eyes at her and grabs his book. It wasn't like he cared anyway.
He sits down to read his book. And he knew that Layla was coming. He drops the book and grabs her arm. “Ah! I caught you!” He yells and Layla laughs. A Laugh she gives to Wyll or Karlach when they play. She stops, seeming like she noticed and stopped herself on purpose. And before she could run away, she kicked His nicely stacked books on the floor. She laughs at him and runs away.
“You little shit!” He yells.
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As Astarion pulls away from your neck, gently, he takes the last gulp of blood he had left in his mouth, moaning at the taste. “Thank you again, Darling.” He says and you nod. You moved to touch his face and moved his hair behind his ears. He smiles at you and you smile back, bringing him into a soft kiss. You sit up and say, “I will be right back, I'm going to clean myself off. Please take a look at Layla while I am gone.” You grabbed some spare clothes and looked at Astarion. “Can I kiss you?” You asked.
“Can't get enough?” You giggled, and he brought you in for a kiss. You kiss him back, testing the metallic flavor of the blood he drank. “Okay, I'll be back soon.” You say as you walk away. Astarion stood there, not knowing if he should stay in his tent or go to your tent. He decided to stay, not wanting to be greeted by Layla's attitude if she did wake up. Like always, he grabs his book, turns on a candle, and starts to read. He would look up from his book to your tent from time to time. His red eyes scanned around, and everyone was in their tents, sleeping. It felt quiet and lonely.
But the silence stops as he hears soft sobs. He hasn't heard these sobs before. He turned to everyone's tent but everything seemed quiet. No candle was on. He looks at your tent and is met with Layla, her hair is messy and she's rubbing one eye as she sobs. She looked lost. She moves to look at Wyll’s tent but he isn't there. She looked over at Karlach but She wasn't there either. She looked at everyone but the candles were out and no one was outside, except Astarion. Her sobs become crying as she runs up to Astarion. He froze as he saw her running to him. She then lays in his lap and wraps her arms around him as she sobs. “I miss Mama.” She cries as she hugs him. He slowly moved his arms to wrap them around her small body and he sighed.
“She will be back soon,” Astarion says. “I want Mama back!” she cries, he could feel her tears wet his shirt, but it didn't matter. “Everything is okay.” He says as he gently rubs his hand on her hair. “She will come back.” He still holds onto her as the candle shines. Her crying calms down and her breathing becomes softer. As she falls asleep, Astarion still holds on to her. He fixes her up in his arms as her head is lying now on his arm instead of his shoulder. He grabs a blanket near him and puts it on her. He looks down at Layla. She had dried tears on her cheeks.
She must have been terrified. She lost her mom once. Is this how she was when she couldn't find her mom in the morning? Did she cry like this? Who did she hug? He brushes Layla's hair behind her ear and feels sad. She must have felt so alone. He didn't hate her, he just didn't like that Layla didn't like him. He wanted to have a good relationship like hers and Wyll's. He had a soft spot for her. And he had that feeling for you too, that feeling of having something to care for.
He hears footsteps approaching and he sees you. “Oh.” Was all you said as you saw Layla in his arms. You smiled at him and kissed Layla's forehead. “Thank you Astarion.” You say and press your forehead on his. “She looks just like you.”
“I know, I've been told that a lot.” You say and close your eyes. “I…I don't know what to do.” He says and you look at him. “She likes you, you know?” You say. “She did this to a boy she liked but didn't know how to approach him so she would throw anything at him. At the end, she just said she wanted to be his friend.” You say, remembering how your Layla, who was 5, told everything to you about that boy. She wanted a friend, she just didn't know how to be his friend.
“What if she actually Doesn't like me?”
“She does.” You say as you kiss his cheek. You look down at Layla, who was sleeping, so calmly. “We will try, okay?” You say and he nods.
“I don't hate her, I really care for her.”
“And she knows.”
He looks at Layla, and he actually sees her with you and him. In his life. Where you three all live together. Maybe he did want that. Layla, you, and him.
And everything would be okay.
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Astarion was woken up by Layla's giggles. He opens his eyes and sees Layla looking down at him. “Hi.” She says.
This felt…weird. By now, his whole tent would be a mess, but it was nice, pretty like always. “Hello.” He says as he sits up. Layla looks down at her shoes and back at her mom, who was 7 feet apart from them. Layla was blushing, her little foot digging the floor. “I'm sorry.” She whispers. “I'm sorry for being a mean person to you.” Layla says, and Astarion just smiles at her. “It's okay, except for the fact you called me old.” Layla smiles at him, but her smile drops as she looks away from him.
“I just don't want Mommy to leave me again.” She admits. “And I won't take her.” He says. Her [Eye Color]’s look at his red eyes. “Really?”
“Really.” He says, and Layla smiles at him. She gives him a hug and runs back to her mom, giving her leg a hug and hiding behind it. She likes Astarion. And Astarion does, too.
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catch1ngmoths · 10 months
Could u write a 2023 bill x reader bill seen reader before when they were younger at a award show and wanted to talk to her but she was already gone now it's 2023 and bill seen her at another award show and bill won't let her go that Easley and if ur comfortable can it be smut please I love ur works 💞
˗ˏˋ♡You and me, always forever ♡ˎˊ˗
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Summary: you and your band performed at an awards show in 2007 and caught the attention of Bill Kaulitz but after you perform at another awards show in 2023.. Bill finally gets to talk to you, starting a long night of desire
A/N: like I said in my last post, I still have more request in my inbox (that are all of 2023 bill) to make, so if you’re seeing this when it comes you, expect more!!
May 5th 2007…
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You and your band were preparing for a award show backstage. As you finished practicing y’all’s final song, you let out a deep breathe as nervousness flooded your senses.
You felt a hand on your holder as you turned around. It was your drummer, kasity. “Hey y/n, I know your nervous but… it’ll be okay! We will do great!”
“Yeah yeah I know, thanks kasity!” You smiled, feeling better. “Y/B/N! Y’all are on in 5!” You heard your crew yell. You took another deep breath before standing backstage and waiting to go on.
“And for our next performance…” the host spoke into the mic, “Y/B/NNNN~” the host said as you ran on stage singing your most popular song as you lean down to interact with the screaming crowd.
As you went to look back up, scanning over the croud, you saw him. Bill Kaulitz looking into your eyes with a certain look in his eyes.
You blushed as you turned away from him, singing your heart out as the crowd screamed your bands name in excitement.
After a few songs, you and your band walked off stage after you said a few final goodbyes to the crowd
I was sitting in the crowd with my twin brother waiting for the next performer to start before my thought we’re interrupted by the host.
“And for our next performance… we have the lovely, talented, Y/B/N!!” Ah shit. I’ve always had a crush on the lead singer, y/n
As if on cue, y/n came on the stage, singing my favorite song of theirs. Unexpectedly, she looked even prettier in person.
She smiled and jumped around the stage, singing the song with a smile on her face. God, she looked beautiful.
She bent down to interact with the crowd and as she looked up, and we made eye contact. It was like the whole world stopped and it was just me and her.
I could see blush spread across her face that made confidence flow through my body. She looked up and continued the performance.
It seamed as time speed up, to my disappointment. And as quickly as she appeared, she disappeared. I searched for her the whole night.
Though with all the people I always ended up losing her. I went home with a feeling of sadness in my bones but also a feeling that I’d see her again.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚
June 21st 2023
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I was standing up talking to gustav as we waited for the next artist to come on stage and perform.
This event gave me déjà vu for so reason but I pushed the feeling down. “Okay! Our next performer is…. Y/B/N!!!!” The host spoke.
My eyes widened as I turned my head around quickly, seeing her again. Oh my god.
Finally it was happening, after almost 16 years. I’d finally found her again. Her body swayed to the music as she sung.
It was like history was repeating itself as she scanned the crowd with her eyes before locking eyes with me. She had to do a double take before her eyes widened as well.
It looked like her shock was short lived as she smiled a gummy smile at me, making me reciprocate her smile.
She didn’t take her eyes off mine the whole time and I didn’t take my eyes off hers.
I finally found him. We smiled at each other every now and then sadly my performance had to come to an end. As I left the stage, I smiled at him again before I couldn’t see him anymore.
Once I could finally go out into the crowd, I was swarmed by people but my mind wasn’t off him. I needed to find him.
While walking around, I bumped into somebody. “Ah I’m so sor-“ I gasped at I looked up at the man I bumped into.
“Hi…” bill said looking down at you. “Hi..” you said as you laughed with him. The whole night was filled with you both laughing and enjoying each others presence.
Thought the feelings between the both of you was not unnoticed by Tom, Georg, and gustav. They decided to send you both up to bills room to grab something, in hopes that something would happen
Once you were up there, you and Bill are on his bed, just talking about life and his everything’s been. “Can I kiss you?” Bill blurred out.
“W-what?” Your said your eyes growing wider. “Shit sorry I don’t know why I said th-“ Bill was cut off by your lips on his.
He melted into your kiss as he kissed you back, hands moving up to cup your cheeks as he pressed closer to you. The kiss was slow at first, but soon grew hungry.
His tongue teased against your lips and you parted them, moaning as his tongue touched yours. Bills hands squeezed your hips and a small whine left your lips as yall made out
You tugged at the back of bills shirt with a soft whimper. With a breath, Bill pulled his shirt over his head. “Eager, my love?” He said with a goofy smile.
“Shut up and take off your clothes.” You said as you pulled your dress over your head. Leaving you in only your bra and underwear
“Don’t gotta tell me twice.” He murmured as he worked at his own suit. He eyed your body as you unclipped your bra, now going for your underwhere
He reached out to grab your wrists. “No. That’s for me.” He groaned quietly before lifting you. A squeak left your lips as he did so, not expecting him to lift you up like that.
You instinctually wrapped your legs around him as he took off your underwear, distracting yourself by tangling your hands in his hair and dragging his lips back to yours.
You felt bill leaning you back into the softness of the mattress. His lips left yours, returning to nuzzle your breasts before moving down your belly.
He pressed kisses against your abdomen, working his way down to your hips. You whined, lifting your hips to get more contact from him.
Bill snaked one hand up to grip your waist, his hot breath fanned over your core as he spread your legs. “You okay miene leibe?” He cooed, nudging his nose against your inner thigh.
“Yeah.. I’m okay” you said as you smiled down at him. He made sure to take time to mark your thighs until he had you squirming and wining for him.
It wasn’t until you begged did he finally flatten his tongue against you, licking a broad stripe against your core.
A whine left your lips as you arched your hips, wanting him to do that again. His hands kept a firm grip on your thighs as he fucked you with his tongue, making you wine under him.
You whined his name, rocking your hips as he pumped his finger slowly into you. “Bill, please.” You breathed, tugging on his hair.
“Please, what?” Bill asked against you, flicking the tip of his tongue against your clit and making you yelp at the contact. “I need you.” You whined, tugging on his hair again. “Need me how, sweets?” He chuckled and smirked
You know how!” You wined at him. “Say it.” He responded. You tugged on his hair again. Bill’s response was a swift smack to your thigh, and you gasped at the sting on your skin.
He licked his lips and raised a brow at you expectantly. You frowned at him. Bill shrugged and once again smacked your thigh.
A whimper left your lips. “Say. It.” Bill growled at you, turning his head to kiss your thighs. You groaned, huffing in defeat as you laid your head back against the pillows.
“I need you to fuck me.” You mumbled. “What was that? I can’t hear you.” Bill hummed, fingers tapping against your thigh impatiently. “I need you to fuck me.” You repeated a little louder.
Bill smirked, kissing over the mark he left on your thigh. “Ask me nicer.” Bill said. “Bill, I swear to God-” you were cut off by bill.
“Just ask me. Ask nicely and I’ll fuck you.” You huffed, as you smoothed your fingers in his hair. You gently started to massage at the roots where you had tugged and you felt bill turn into a puddle between your thighs.
“Billy..” You spoke sweetly. There was silence. “Billyy?” You tried again, “Hm?” He finally responded. A blush settled on his cheeks.
“Bill~” You cooed, starting to massage again. “Yes, pretty baby?” Bill breathed against your skin as he pressed a kiss to it. 
“I need you to fuck me, please?” You pouted at him. “I need you to make me cum on your cock.” You wined at him.
“Scheiße” bill groaned, pressing his face against you. You giggled as you slowed your massaging of his scalp, instead tugging once again. This spurred bill back into action.
He moved up your body, pressing his lips to yours. You groaned as you tasted yourself on his lips. You pushed his boxers off, managing to wiggle them off of his body and toss them aside somewhere in the room.
“Such a sweet girl. Letting me fuck you.” He cooed as he pushed his dick into you. You moaned, biting on your lower lip as he pushed into you.
You wiggled your hips, arms wrapping back around his neck and settling a hand in his soft, blonde hair as he sunk into you inch by inch.
Your walls fluttered around his length, begging for more. When his hips met yours, you let out a shaky breath. “Oh, my god.” You breathed, feeling a pleasant sting as he stretched you for him.
Bill pulled back before snapping his hips into yours again. A deep groan left his lips as he started a rough pace. Your mouth fell open in a pretty ‘O’ shape, moans and bill’s name falling from your lips easily.
 “Taking me so good, pretty girl,” bill moaned as he fucked into you. “Look so perfect under me while I fill you up.” You almost wanted to die at how he spoke to you.
Bill’s hard thrusts became rough and sloppy and you let out a high-pitched whine. You were starting to feel the coil tighten low in your belly.
Bill chuckled and kissed your pouting lips. He cupped your face in his hands and spoke, “Im never gonna let you go again baby.” You smiled before you and Bill moaned loudly.
You both came as your legs shook against bills. He didn’t get off but just held you, much to your relief. After a few minutes, he slowly got off you and slipped your underwear back on you.
He put his underwear back on as well before crawling into bed with you and holding you tight. This was definitely a start of something special..
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ive never done requests before 😭 would it be possible for u to maybe write a sick!mc w the dateables? i need more simeon in my life dawg
sick!mc with the dateables
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includes: the dateables x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .4k | rated g | m.list
warnings: mentions of fevers, colds, coughing
a/n: ugh this was so cute! thanks for requesting and i hope you enjoy <33 my inbox is open to chat, request, or leave feedback, so come say hi!!
Please reblog<33333
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➳ diavolo had noticed you looking pale and sluggish, so when you start to complain that you don’t feel well, he’s really not surprised. “oh, dear,” he says with a sigh, touching your forehead. “you’ve definitely got a fever. weak human immune systems. how about i run you a bath and make you some tea.” already, he’s thinking about how to best take care of you, making a mental list of things he needs barbatos to run out and get. and just to be safe, you’ll have to stay in his room tonight where he can look over you and make sure you don’t get any worse.
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➳ barbatos wrinkles his nose as you cough, long and painful-sounding noises escaping your mouth. without prompting, he hands you his handkerchief and then sets up the kettle, grateful you’re already in the kitchen. “i’ll make you some tea,” he offers. “you can just sit there and not strain yourself. and also please don’t cough all over the counter. i just cleaned it.” you smile at that, sensing the dry humor in his words, and he pulls down the honey, intent on making some of the best tea he’s ever made to help with throat and chest health.
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➳ simeon knocks on your door, chicken soup in hand. “i’m coming in,” he calls gently, pushing your door open. lord, it’s a good thing he’s around because the brothers would have no clue how to treat you. when he enters, he sees why you never replied–you’re asleep. unable to stop a smile from forming upon seeing your cute face and messy bedhead, simeon sets the tray down on your nightstand, pulling the blankets you kicked down back up to your chin. “get well soon,” he murmurs, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead. partly to check for fever and partly because he wants to.
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➳ solomon dismisses your concern for him catching your cold so he can nurse you back to health, staying by your side attentively while the illness runs its course. he’s always there with another blanket, to tell you stories, and to refill your water, even using his magic to keep you entertained. it’s nice, and you really appreciate him, but can’t help but roll your eyes when you recover and he begins to get sick. “hey, now it’s your turn to nurse me back to health,” he jokes weakly, and you sigh, but know in your heart that you don’t mind taking care of him, just as he hadn’t minded taking care of you.
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leviathan-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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cat3ch1sm · 9 months
Tamaki (Ohshc) with Fem!reader who dislikes him and finds him annoying. Reader always wears kimono dresses and has a little knife up her sleeve (FOR SELF DEFENSE PURPOSES ONLY). So sometime she hangs around with Haruki and the rest of the club come (she only tolerates Honey cause he looks a kid) and Tamaki starts his romantic antics and she gets pissed so she just swiftly throws the knife very close to his face saying "The next time I won't miss."
She goes to unplug the knife from the wall, accidentally caging Tamaki between her and the wall.
Honestly I have no more ideas,so just go ahead and finish it as you like.
🐸~ hi!! missed you in my inbox <33 thanks for your request! i hardly ever write for ohshc😭 hope u enjoy, ily
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ fem!reader, knives
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“It’s nice to spend some time alone with you,” Haruhi confessed, smiling a little awkwardly with a small laugh. “The host club has been all over me lately. I can hardly go to the bathroom without one of them on my tail.”
You and your friend, Haruhi Fujioka, were sitting outside in the courtyard of Ouran High School. Cherry blossom trees surrounding you and the occasional petal or two fluttered down into either of your hair, a gentle breeze blowing on your long dress. It was a free period, meaning students could simply do as they pleased for forty-five minutes. You hadn’t gotten to see Haruhi as often as you used to, so you were glad to steal your friend away for at least a little while.
“I agree.” You nodded, smiling as well. “Only time I’ve gotten to see you lately is when you’re with that infernal host club- and you know I can’t stand them.” Your smile faltered a little, and you folded your arms across your chest, the sleeves of your kimono rustling. “And I only tolerate Honey because he literally looks like a little kid. It feels morally wrong to hate him.”
Haruhi laughed out loud. “Senpai- sorry, Tamaki still bothering you?”
“To no end,” you replied bitterly, rolling your eyes.
“Yeah, he can be pretty persistent. There was a phase for a minute when he was absolutely obsessed with me.” Haruhi cringed as she recalled it. Then she smiled again. “Luckily, when you came into the picture Tamaki totally forgot about me.”
You pursed your lips in a sour manner. “Yeah, you owe me for the rest of your life.”
“I know, I know!”
Haruhi’s amusement was contagious, and the two of you just sat there giggling for a minute before your laughter was cut through with a shrill scream of “Haruhiiiiiiiiiii!”
Haruhi immediately stopped laughing, her expression dropping as her eyes widened. You made a face, recognizing the yell instantly.
Tamaki came barreling towards the two of you, followed from a distance by the rest of the Host Club, tearing through the throngs of students until he finally reached you both.
“Haruhi! I’ve been looking for you all over!” Tamaki cried dramatically, throwing his arms around Haruhi in an exaggerated embrace. Haruhi let out a groan and thrashed around in his grip, snapping at him to get off, but he wasn’t listening. “Daddy was so worried when you weren’t in the music room! Free periods are our busiest time, and we can’t operate without our star host- well, second star host,” Tamaki whined.
“Senpai, I’m with a friend right now,” Haruhi grunted in annoyance, trying to pry his arms off of her. “Do you mind?”
“What friend could possibly be more important than being with us at the host club?” Tamaki demanded, turning vehemently- and that’s when he caught sight of you. You let out a weary sigh, already knowing what was coming next as the blonde’s eyes widened and that irritating lovesick expression softened his face. “Oh- it’s you, Y/N!” Tamaki exclaimed joyfully, abruptly releasing Haruhi and coming to stand in front of you. Haruhi dropped to the ground with a yelp, but when you moved to help her up, Tamaki blocked your way.
“You cannot be serious,” you muttered, dropping your head in exasperation. So much for a quiet period with Haruhi.
Tamaki, as usual, was oblivious to your obvious disinterest. “Why, Y/N- you’re looking even more radiant than usual today! Your skin is absolutely radiant in the sun.” He had that familiar gleam in his eye, the one that usually made girls’ knees buckle and cheeks flush, but all it did was piss you off. “May I humbly ask you to accompany the Host Club and I back to the music room? Such a dull place it is without your lovely presence…” Tamaki sighed as if in distress and placed the back of his hand on his forehead like a swooning maiden. You could practically see the sparkles gleaming off of him, and to be honest, it made you nauseous.
“Mhm,” you answered flatly. “I’ll pass, thanks.”
The rest of the host club had caught up with Tamaki by now, Kyoya and Mori helping a disgruntled Haruhi off the ground where Tamaki had dropped her. One of the girl’s arms in his grip, Kyoya glanced up from behind his glasses, watching the scene between you and Tamaki. “Clearly, Tamaki, she’s very interested in joining you,” he remarked sarcastically. “What a ray of sunshine, hm?”
“Like you’re much better,” you muttered in response. Tamaki hardly noticed Kyoya’s disdain, though.
“You’re interested?” he exclaimed, and before you could react he took your hands in his, twirling you around in a very theatric fashion that, much to your dismay, drew the attention of passersby. “Wonderful! To have someone like you join me at the Host Club… truly you are the most beautiful of them all.”
Your expression remained stony as you broke away from Tamaki’s grasp, smoothing down your kimono and blowing stray strands of hair out of your face. “You say that to every girl you meet,” you answered sourly.
Tamaki paused for a second in surprise, a slightly guilty expression appearing on his face. “Well, yes, but I only really mean it when I say it to you,” he offered sheepishly, hitting you with another one of those disgustingly blinding bright smiles. You let out a heavy sigh in response, and with your patience thinning you thought it best to not say anything.
“Wow, is free period almost over?” you asked offhandedly, checking an imaginary watch on your wrist. “Maybe I should be going-“
“Nonsense!” Tamaki exclaimed. “We still have twenty-five minutes left.” He suddenly reached for your hair, and before you could duck he plucked a pink petal from your head. Grimacing, you watched as he gazed at the petal with a downright corny amount of fondness as he brought it to his face.
“This flower was caught in your hair,” Tamaki explained, his voice sickeningly sweet, and you fought the urge to hit yourself in the head. “You are such a radiant creature that even the flowers wish to remain by your side. I will cherish it forever- as a token of your beauty.”
Tamaki’s dramatic antics had drawn something of a crowd by now- really just a handful of fawning girls who clung to every word he was saying to you. At this last remark they let out a collective squeal that made you wince. Behind Tamaki, Haruhi sent you an apologetic look.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, thoroughly exasperated. “Well, that’s definitely unnecessary. I’ll be going now-“
“But, my love, wait-“ Tamaki started, grabbing your hands again- but by now you’d had more than enough. All in one move, you tore your hands out of his, reached into the large sleeve of your kimono, pulled out a throwing knife, and hurled it at Tamaki with alarming accuracy. It was sheer luck that Tamaki wasn’t impaled through the face, dodging at the last minute, and the knife instead buried itself into a tree directly behind him.
The people around you went dead silent. Haruhi’s eyes were wide as frying pans and the host club members besides Mori and Kyoya wore equally disquieted expressions on their faces. Honey rushed to cower behind Mori’s long legs. Tamaki, eyes wide as well, was frozen against the tree, the knife barely an inch from his temple.
Not even noticing the looks of alarm directed at you, you tsked in slight frustration with yourself for missing. Keeping your gaze straight ahead, you walked straight up to Tamaki, who didn’t move an inch but whose eyes followed you like lasers, and pinning him just beneath you you roughly yanked the knife from the bark of the tree. But before pulling away with your knife in hand, you placed your lips at Tamaki’s ear, making sure only he could hear what you were going to say next.
“Next time I won’t miss.”
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kryptznnn · 11 months
1st part / 2nd part / 3rd part /
Series Masterlist ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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➸ INTERESTS; - olo'eyktan!jake x fem!omatikayan reader
➸ BACKGROUND; - working alongside Moat has helped you and your family in various ways, as a way to repay her for your free working she pairs you along side Toruk Makto to aid him in small departments he needs assistance in, but more importantly to find a Tsahik suitable for the Olo'eyktan, but he isn't always cooperative.
➸ WARNINGS; - wc. 2.7k slight age gap (25 & 21), takes place after the great war, slow burn, injuries, kissing, teasing, flirting, confessing, intimacy, sexual tension (really heavy), masturbation (fem), fingering, stalking? (barely), mentions of fem!receiving pleasure, some cock-blocking, p!play, nipple play, lmk if there’s anything else I missed.
➸a.i; - 3rd chapter!! (first two chapters are linked up top) NOT PROOF READ, yes i love cock-blocking enjoy being edged and thank u guys for all the love ❤️, i’m currently working on different master lists for all avatar characters so just flood my inbox or my dms :))) also smut warning ahead
*na’vi translation will be provided*
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The entire time Jake patched you up you remained silent, you found it a little humorous, the olo’ektyan being the one helping a healer who was harmed, but none the less his delicate care and comforting smile warmed your heart. He even made sure you ate a little after helping you, when you finished, you thanked him.
“You didn’t have to” You said, slowly placing a hand on the side of his neck, smiling sweetly, he shook his head and placed his hand on yours. “Yes I did” He says softly, closing his eyes and smiling. You rolled your eyes and laughed softly, “you sound like i’m your muntxate” [wife] You giggled, he opened his eyes just to look at you, his ears lowering slowly.
“I sound like someone who cares about you, which I do.” He said, soon taking your hand into his and kissing your fingers softly, you looked away immediately feeling your face heat up. Taking a deep breath to face him again, this was wrong, you thought. You guys can’t be doing this, he can’t be doing this, saying these things to you and making you feel this way, he probably doesn’t even-
“Can ya help me peach?” He asked, now kissing your palm softly and massaging your bruised wrist. Your ears perked up immediately, sighing softly. “What is it?” You asked, your head cocked softly to the side to which he eyed you up and down, slowly pulling you closer to him.
“Help me understand how I feel about something” He stated, and you nodded in response, your entire focus set to him as he looked down at your hands. “This something is very special to me, yeah? I care about it more than anything right now, even my place as the clan leader which means I love this something, more than anything right now. I’m constantly thinking about this something all the time. I’ve had close moments with her and she’s just-“
“She’s mated already.” You spoke, looking down at your lap and retracting your hands from Jakes, tears welling your eyes rather quickly, you couldn’t believe how foolish you were. Of course he was confessing his love for another woman to you, and that other woman being Ninat. In some ways you began asking yourself if Za’yukto was right, how you were dumb enough to believe that anyone didn’t just want to use you for their own personal issues. Jake, your ruler, your boss, and the man you’ve been in love with since he first stopped by in the healers tent a year ago had just sat here and-
“What.” He asked? his voice hoarse and dripping in disbelief, in all honesty when you said those three words his heart nearly leaped out of his throat, he just spoke with you yesterday and you clarified nothing had happened with your friend. Since when were you mated? Did he read the room wrong did he not understand the signs you gave him?
“Ninat, she’s already mated, I bumped into her and her husband yesterday, she introduced me to him and I figured I should’ve told you I just forgot because of what happened back home with Za-yukto. I mean she’s obviously the one you’re talking about so” You said, your voice quickly trembling, a tear quickly rolling down your cheek that you immediately wiped. After the evening you just had this was the icing on the cake.
“I don’t want Ninat..” Jake spoke softly, cupping your face with his hand, kissing your wet cheek and grinning ear to ear, eager for your response. “But you’re in love with someone, you just said-“
“It’s not just someone, it’s you. Nga yawne lu oer y/n” [I love you y/n] He said cheerfully, your mouth hung open, not being able to process or respond to his confession. “Jake..” You gasped softly, moving in closer to him and cupping his face with both of your hands and kissing him softly.
Without a second thought he kissed you back, neither of you being able to keep your hands off of one another. Your short sweet kisses soon became long and rough, making you pull back gasping for air. Jake however saw this as an opportunity to kiss your jawline and neck, leaving small love bites and kisses where Za’yukto hadn’t marked, smiling to himself and humming in response to hearing your moans. You quickly removed your left hand from Jake’s face to trail down his body, soon wincing and pulling away taking a pause. Seeing Jake’s immediate change in behavior reaching out to gently hold your hand, checking your bandages.
“I’m okay, m’sorry.” You said, not wanting to worry him, but continue earlier’s events. He shook his head, squishing your cheeks softly, “You should get some sleep, it’s late” He spoke, before you could even respond a yawn broke its way through your lips, further proving Jake to be right as he just laughed at you.
“It’s okay, i’ll take you to be-“
Three sharp pounds at the tents entrance quickly cut Jake off, startling you, but seeming completely normal for him. He told you to sleep in his bed tonight, and he would be there shortly having to answer the unexpected guest at the door, mumbling the words “cock-block” before leaving.
Soon after you found yourself laying on Jake’s bed, enjoying the comfort of his room, smiling softly to yourself. Eventually Jake made his way to the room to talk to you, sitting beside you and watching the way you rolled around to face him. “Hi” You said with a large smile, “Hi” he sighed and smiled as well, bending over to kiss your forehead. “One of the generals at the door asked for my assistance so I won’t be with you tonight, I’ll be coming back late but you’ll see me in the mornin, that okay?” He asked, caressing your cheek and moving his hand down to your hair, you only nodded, your eyes feeling too weak to open. You felt a soft peck to your lips before drifting to sleep.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
You slowly rise from your sleep, sitting up in Jake’s bed to see him sleeping beside you on the floor, you giggle softly, careful to not wake him. Figuring you had a valuable amount of time on your hands before he woke up you decided to go wash up and do something with your hair, it was definitely time to wash that too.
After making your way to Jake’s bathing lake you quickly set your large cloth to the side and removed your top and bottom, sighing with relief as soon as your body touched the water. You let yourself walk further and further down to the depths of the water until it reached around waist length before bending your knees and completely submerging yourself in the water for a few seconds before quickly rising back up, gasping shortly.
You placed your hands on top of your hair, smiling to yourself remembering last nights events. You could feel your heart race just picturing it again, the way he kissed you, the way he held you, the way he spoke to you, and the way he touched you. It killed you how you couldn’t have gone farther with him yesterday, or confess yourself how you felt for him, but you loved how open he was with you. Your hand slowly slid down past your hair, lower to your breasts while your other hand reached down between your thighs, your slick quickly coating your fingers. It wouldn’t hurt to mess around just once, right? Besides it’s been so long since you’ve had some time to yourself.
You moaned softly, grasping your breasts softly while teasing your nipples softly, quickening the pace of your fingers on your clit, moaning even louder. “Jake..” You groaned softly, quickly biting your bottom lip afterwards and tossing your head back a bit, imagining him being here with you now, wondering if he was still asleep or awake or what it was that he was doing. Truth be told he was awake, and was watching you right now.
After waking up the first thing he did was go around to look for you, and when he couldn’t find you he began to panic a small bit. He stepped outside, his senses relaxing a bit noticing your ikran was still here, if anything she was cuddled up with his own ikran; Bob. He smiled softly at them, their closeness reminding him of how you and him are, happy of last nights events.
He began cupping his mouth and calling out your name, to which you answered with no avail, obviously because you didn’t hear him. Soon after he sat down outside, before hearing the sound of splashing water around, following his sense of sound towards the source to find none other than you, who had just resurfaced after being fully under the water. He squatted down behind plenty of bushes and watched you carefully, a smirk on his face. If anything with the way he hid there was no way you’d be able to see him, well that would be if you didn’t spot a blue tail swishing back and forth out of eagerness, which he quickly yanked down and held onto.
Soon after hearing you, and seeing the way you pleased yourself, whimpering his name. In all honesty he wasn’t expecting that at all, quickly catching him off guard as his tail quickly hit the bushes in front of him, making a rather noticeable noise, making you stop dead in your tracks, which wasn’t to neither your or his enjoyment. Taking note of how you nearly tipped over in the lake before lathering yourself to leave shortly, taking this as his opportunity to leave. Muttering to himself how he was his own cock block in frustration, truth be told he wasn’t planning on doing anything, just getting comfortable to watch you. Everyone has their own way of pleasuring themselves and he wasn’t going to miss a step when it came to you. Later on you arrived back to Jake’s hut, jumping slightly to find him directly by the entrance, tying the flaps down and greeting you, to which you returned the favor. He laughed at your sudden fear to which you responded how he startled you and you weren’t expecting him to be up so early, especially since he came home late.
“Wanted to make sure you ate something before visiting the Tsahik” He responded, placing two plates onto the table and ushering you to sit, to which you did with a smile, thanking him. He pushed your chair back in before sitting in his own seat, right beside you smiling cheekily.
Normal conversation went against you too, asking how your night was and how each of you slept until you opened the subject of how Jake’s morning was. He quickly flicked his tongue up poking at his fangs before answering, interlocking both hands with one another, resting his chin on them while his elbows pressed against the table. “I was looking for you this mornin’” He started, looking at your face for any expression, you just hummed in response and continued eating, your left cheek now full of food waiting for him to continue. “Couldn’t find you anywhere either, thought you ran away or something happened to you.” He said, watching your brows furrow carefully before swallowing to reply. “But you ended up finding me, I came right back home” You giggled softly, to which he laughed as well. “Yeah but I actually found you before then… at the lake” He spoke, not even attempting to eat his food anymore, shifting half of his body weight onto the table and turning to you, resting his left elbow on the elbow along with his head resting in his hand. You froze a bit, recalling the noise at the bush that caused you to stop in ‘the heat of the moment’ you decided to call it, asking yourself if that might’ve been Jake.
“Were you watching me?” You asked in a mumble, to which Jake looked you up and down, playing with your wet hair. “I left as soon as I realized what you were doin’” He replied.
Of course he was lying, he was there to witness the whole thing, he knew exactly what you were doing, but it’s not like you would’ve ever found out.
“I liked what I saw though” He spoke, pausing with the patterns in your hair and waiting for you to look over to him, which you did only for a brief second, attempting to not choke on your food, obviously flustered, he smiled at your shyness flashing his fangs at you. “Nothing t’be nervous about pretty, it’s a normal thing to do, I do it sometimes too” He said softly, now leaning over and resting his left elbow on his thigh, whispering in your ear, which quickly flicked around and brushed against his lips.
Whatever he was telling you was not making you feel any better than how you felt before. He knew that, he just-
“Relax! I’m just messing with ya kid! You’re so tense and bothered, you’re acting like you were doin’ it ‘cuz of me” He laughed, no longer by your ear and massaging your shoulders to get you to relax, kissing your temple softly to which you just grimaced, forcing a small laugh out of your lips, which anyone could tell was fake. “So funny…” You deadpanned, continuing to eat the meal in front of you that was almost finished, turning to look at Jake’s plate which was still pretty full, looking back up at him and his plate then scoffing.
“But y’ know if you ever need anything, i’m here for you, no matter what it is” He said sincerely, placing his large hand on your thigh, inching it higher and higher slowly. You nodded slightly, looking up at him slowly, bashing your eyelids and exhaling softly, opening your legs a little. “Jake..”
“Shh, shh, It’s okay” He said cutting you off softly, leaning down to kiss you, to which you returned and cupped his cheeks, soon breaking the kiss as you felt Jake’s index finger slowly graze in between your thighs, making you moan softly and shut your eyes quickly. “J-jake, we shouldn’t-“
“You don’t have to do anything kid, i’d be doing all the work” He said softly, kissing your neck softly as you giggled softly, feeling him toy with you through your loincloth. “You should finish eating” You mewled softly, pointing to his plate to which he shook his head. “Not hungry for that right now pretty, m’hungry for this” He said, quickly guiding his hand underneath your loincloth to tap against your innocence softly, all 5 of his long fingers cupping you, making you groan abruptly as you slowly grinded into his hand. “Y’gonna let me taste?” He whispered in your ear, sticking his tongue out to dampen his lips, to which you nodded, holding his shoulder tightly. To your response he nodded as well, now smiling and continuously kissing you, teasing you softly as he slowly stood up to pull your chair in front of him.
Quickly two bangs were heard towards the entrance of Jake’s tent, watching Jake’s jaw clenched as he huffed heavily, clearly upset, possibly more upset than you were. He ushered for you for you to go on with your day and go visit Mo’at, and promised he would finish what he started later, which scared you slightly, but not anymore than it aroused you. Cleaning up shortly and making your way to the entrance with Jake you hear him mutter the words ‘Cock-block’ yet again to which you giggled, finding the word funny, soon after saying your goodbyes to him, but not before grabbing your belongings and passing by the guest who had knocked on the door before, the guest being none other than Za’yukto.
What could he possibly be here for?
@dani111 @igotmajordaddyissues @bunniparadise @shadowmoonlight0604 @bigbootahjudy @innercreationflower @call-me-doll-face @taleiak @ellabellabus07 @anangelwhodidntfall
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c0la-queen · 11 days
Whispered Words | Red Leader x Reader | MDNI
Uhh, so I got the brain worms for this at midnight last night and finished it this morning when I woke up! I love soft Red Leader <3 I'm gonna try to go through my inbox later today, after I hang out with my sister this morning! Thank you all so much for your patience with me!
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: Soft spice, P in V, not super descriptive, wife!Reader, soft Red Leader, MDNI!!!!!
The cries of a baby pulled you out of the deep sleep you were in. Despite it being muffled by the wall, those instinctual parental feelings had you waking up anyway. You groaned softly as you stretched your legs out against the mattress, the expensive sheets smooth under your skin. The coldness of the bed made you sigh, eyes fluttering open to take in the empty side of the bed.
Red Leader had been away on a mission all weekend. It wasn't a normal occurrence, most of the time he left the field work to his trusted soldiers. But there were the rare occasions where something came up that was important enough for him to be directly involved.
You understood that it was his duty, but you couldn't help but miss him. It was easier before, earlier in your relationship. When you could hang out with other soldiers throughout the day, fulfill various duties around the base to keep your mind off him. But now that you were married and had a baby? You couldn't run away from the anxiety that plagued you. Rubbing the heel of your hand over your eye to dismiss the last ropes of sleep, you silently wished to the universe for his safety.
The sudden quiet made you pause. The baby had stopped crying. Why had she stopped crying? A spike of panic split your chest, making your heart hammer against your ribcage. Had someone broken in? Was there any way that one of the Red Army's enemies had managed to slip past the many security systems installed in your bedroom door alone?
Your hand creeped under the pile of pillows, finding the handle of the combat knife hidden there. For emergencies, Red had insisted. Seems like he was right.
Slowly, silently, you crept to the open doorway leading to the nursery. You hid the knife behind your thigh, tightening your grip on the handle. You held your breath as you approached the doorway, slowly peeking in.
A figure was standing in front of the cradle.
You raised the knife, prepared to protect your baby. Your muscles tensed as you got ready to lunge forward....
...only to freeze when you heard the whispered Norwegian words that slipped from the figures lips.
It was your husband standing there. Still dressed in his mission uniform.
All the tension poured out of your body at the sight. There was no intruder. You leaned against the doorway as the adrenaline faded away.
Red Leader swiveled in surprise. He blinked at the sight of you, half asleep and disheveled in your maroon silk nightgown. His expression softened.
"I was hoping not to wake you."
You sighed and set the combat knife aside on the bookshelf next to the door. Red's eyebrows raised at the sight of it, sending you a questioning look.
"I got worried when Hilde stopped crying. I didn't realize you were home."
Red smiled softly, holding your daughter against his shoulder, patting her back gently to soothe her.
"Clever girl. I got back not too long ago. We decided to push the debriefing back until the morning."
As Red continued to coo in his native language to the fussy baby, you walked closer, wrapping your arms around him from behind. The sight was so sweet to you, seeing the big, strong army leader cradle his little daughter in his arms. You laid your head against his back.
"Are you hurt?"
That was almost always the first question you asked him when he got back from missions.
"I'm fine, min dronning."
You hummed, enjoying having him there in your arms. A smile slipped onto your face when you noticed Hilde falling back asleep, eyelids fluttering closed. Since she was up on her father's shoulder, you had to stand up on your toes to reach her, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
"Goodnight, Hilde."
Red Leader chuckled softly, setting her back in her cradle. Once she was settled, he stepped away, turning back to you. His silver eyes drifted over you, taking in the full state of you. Despite the amusement glimmering in his silver eyes, you could see that he was tired. Dark circles sat under his eyes, and his shoulders hunched.
"You should change out of that uniform."
"I couldn't agree more, love."
Once back in the bedroom, you climbed back into the bed, settling back into your spot. Red kicked off his boots, tossing his jacket and belt onto the work desk pressed against the wall. He sat down on the edge of the bed before peeling the turtleneck off his torso.
Your breath hitched at the sight of his torso. Fresh, dark bruises littered his abdomen, splotches of burst blood vessels standing out from his beautifully pale skin.
"Who did this to you..?"
Red 'tsk'd, tossing the shirt into the hamper nearby.
"Just a little disagreement during the mission. I was hoping to hide it from you a little longer."
You crawled closer, a frown forming on your lips as you looked over the bruises. Tentatively, you reached forward, brushing your fingers feather light across the darkened skin. Red groaned softly.
"Poor thing..."
He chuckled breathlessly, setting his hands on your thighs as he pulled you to sit in his lap.
"I've had worse, min dronning. There is nothing to be concerned about, I assure you."
He leaned down, pressing his lips softly against yours. You sighed, mumbling against his lips.
"I still don't like it..."
Red's shoulders shook with laughter. He mumbled back, matching your low tone.
"I know how to take care of myself."
You deepened the kiss to shut him up, which he happily accepted. Your fingers slid into the back of his hair, fingernails gently scratching his scalp to soothe him. His fingers splayed over the skin of your thighs where the nightgown rode up, one warm flesh and the other chilled metal. Teeth nipped your bottom lip, wanting more of you, of your existence, of your warmth and softness.
You rolled your hips against his, causing him to pull his lips away from yours. A groan sounded from his throat, his silver eyes clouded with desire.
Gently, being careful of his bruises, you pushed him back, coaxing the Leader to lay on his back. He did so eagerly, looking up at you with what you could only describe as utter adoration. It made your heart skip a beat.
"Let me help you relax, min konge."
You leaned down, pressing your lips to his chest, tracing the various scars that you found. Red smiled, carefully squeezing your thighs.
"After a mission like that? I need it. Plus, how could I say no to my sweet girl~?"
A giggle bubbled out of your lips, sitting up to pull his trousers and boxers away. Too lazy (and too cold) to take your nightgown off, you simply slid your panties off and tossed them aside. Red's eyes glimmered as he took you in - though, they quickly fluttered shut at the feeling of your hips rolling, sliding your wetness along the length of him. He sighed, sliding his fingers up and down your thighs lovingly.
You reached down, slipping your hands underneath his and intertwining your fingers together. A soft whine escaped you as you moved, taking him inside of you slowly and leisurely, no rush whatsoever. The whine mixed with Red's hissed exhale, which turned into a groan from the feeling of your wet heat. His back arched off the bed slightly, comforted by the familiar feeling of you tight around him. This was safety. This was peace. This was home.
"Ffuck... min kjærlighet..."
Soft pants fell from your lips as you found an easy, sensual pace as you bounced your hips. The moonlight filtering in through the windows is your only light, bathing you both in the silvery blue glow of the Norwegian winters.
Red leaned his head back, giving soft, shaky groans. Not once did his eyes leave you, drinking in the sight before him. In his mind, he was going through a list of every deity he could think of, silently thanking them for the gift of his wife, so ethereal in the light of the moon. His hips rocked gently to meet yours, causing soft whimpers to spill from you.
"Du er så vakker min kjære...Min perfekte manglende brikke..."
It wasn't long before your pace began to falter. Three days of being apart was built up inside you both. Three days of waking up alone, three days of longing for each other, three days of yearning. A light sheen of sweat covered your skin from the effort of riding him, cooled by the cold air in your bedroom. The fire had long faded out in the fireplace, nothing but glowing embers and charred remains.
Red's breathing was ragged, body quivering from the mounting tension that was building up within his body. His hips continued to meet yours, making warmth pool below your stomach. Red's back arched again, gently squeezing your hands between his.
"Come on, min kjærlighet... come on, baby..."
Soon, that tension snapped within you both. Your hips stuttered to a stop, soft moans muffled into your intertwined hands as waves of pleasure flowed through you. Red hissed at the way you clenched around him, finding his own release.
When you collapsed against his chest, tired and panting, Red immediately wrapped his arms around you. His fingers slid soothingly along your spine. He peppered kisses all across your face, his heart filled with nothing but love and adoration.
Praises were whispered into the quiet night air, breaths mixing together as you both came down. You dragged your lips against his lips lightly.
"Feeling relaxed?
Red's shoulders shook in laughter. He pressed his lips against your forehead, smoothing the damp strands of hair away from your skin.
"Consider me completely boneless."
You both laughed softly, enjoying each other's presence. After a few minutes, you sat up, humming in content as you carefully slid off him. Red's eyes fluttered, but he remained where he was.
He hummed softly as he watched you fish your panties off the floor. His eyes traced over every curve, admiring and memorizing every acne scar, stretch mark, and sun spot.
You pursed your lips at him, tossing a pair of fresh boxers over his face.
"You need to sleep."
Red chuckled, pulling the black fabric off his face. He sat up with a groan, pulling the boxers on.
He moved, laying back against his pillows, before extending his arms to you like a lazy cat. You smiled, climbing into bed and cuddling up to him, allowing him to wrap his arms around you.
Red ran his fingers through your hair, brushing out any knots.
"Hi yourself."
"Sweet dreams, min dronning."
He rolled you both into a more comfortable position. Your back to his chest, one of his arms over your shoulder with the other underneath your pillow. His hand splayed over your stomach - a habit he developed when you were still pregnant. His legs curled up, tucked underneath yours, almost like you were sitting on his lap while laying down.
His voice was soft, lowered to a whisper.
"Sweet dreams, darling."
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coyotestarcraft · 5 months
Hi can u pls write a crowley fic where he is absoleutly in love with reader who is an angel and while he is confessing like he did in the show the reader just stops and kisses him just like he did. If u r comfortable with it it can be like a fluufy smut
Hav a lovely day
Yes I can! You have a lovely day too dude/dudette (no matter boy, girl, nonbinary or trans, or whatever other gender is out there, I call everyone dude, just a fyi)
This takes place in season 1 when the world was ending just a fyi
Please clarify if you want female/male or gender neutral reader when requesting please. (This goes for everyone) 🙂
Reader is gender neutral to keep it fair.
Requests: Currently On Hiatus (I’m just finishing the ones in my inbox for now)
You’ve known Aziraphale since the early years of when Earth was created.
Now that it was ending you needed to find him to confess how you felt.
“Aziraphale!” You called out but got no response back, that made you worry, but you saw a familiar redhead sitting in his chair.
“Where’s Azira?” You asked him, he shrugged, the smell of alcohol lingering in the air.
“Don’t know, don’t care. That idiot left and I didn’t do anything about it.” He groaned.
“Well do you have an idea where he might’ve went?” You dramatically threw arms out, “probably to find you, I don’t know!” He snapped.
“Fine.” You huffed, walking outside to quickly run as fast you can towards your apartment.
As you burst in you gasped in horror, Aziraphale was pinned against the wall by Michael who was holding a knife.
“Let him go!” You snarled, you went to take a step but another force stopped you, your head turns to see Sandalphon holding you back with one hand, his tight grip makes your wrist start to turn white.
“Let. Me. Go. NOW!” You shove him as hard as possible, knocking him off his feet.
You moved so fast no one, not even Aziraphale saw you grab Michael by the throat and yank them off Aziraphale.
You tone dropped to deadly level.
“Leave now, or I will rip every bone from your celestial body bit by bit until you drown in your own celestial blood.” If looks could kill, Michael would’ve been dead long ago.
They nod frantically as they pulled Sandalphon to his feet quickly miracling themselves to heaven.
“Are you okay?” You asked when you stepped up to Aziraphale.
“Yes dear, I’m fine, a little shaken up but fine.” He smiles, you gently cup his face to inspect for scratches or cuts, but nothing caught your eye.
You soon realized how close your faces were, out of embarrassment you quickly let go and backed up.
“Darling?” Aziraphale.
“Sorry, I didn’t-“ you get off when Aziraphale takes your hand in his, gently stroking your knuckles with his thumb.
“It’s alright my dear, I liked it. And to be honest I like you too, I always have since I met you 6,000 years ago.” He smiles.
“That’s a relief because I’ve been pining for you since we met.” A single tear runs down your face, the angel wipes it away while staring lovingly into your eyes.
“May I?” He asks, taking a glance at your lips.
“Please,” breathlessly you nod.
He cradles your face in his strong but incredibly gentle hands, his lips slot perfectly against yours as you two kiss one another for a moment before pulling away, panting slightly.
“That was lovely.” Aziraphale said after a moment of silence.
“Yeah, now I really love kissing.” You say but Azira feels you want to say more.
“So, does this make us a couple?” You ask.
“I suppose so, but it’s whatever makes you comfortable my love.” He replied.
“So we can cuddle and do all the things couples do?” You ask, a hopeful smile crosses your face, your question gets answered with a peck to your cheek.
“Yes.” He chuckles.
Suddenly your apartment door opens revealing Crowley.
“FINALLY!” He yells as happily as he can manage given he’s a demon.
“Thank you Crowley.” You laugh at the demons antics.
Thank you for reading!
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blue-jisungs · 11 months
5k followers event !
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CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? BC I CANR 😍 we hit 5k!!!! thank you all so so much from the bottom of my heart, i cannot fully express how thankful i am 🥹 it doesn’t matter if you’re new here or been there since the begging (well technically it does, you’re an OG!!! love u<;3), as someone once said: it doesnt matter whom you have known the longest, it’s about who came and stayed till the end (or something like that lol)
so to celebrate i decided to make a lil poll and txt won the voting! combining my first ever band that waltzed into my heart and stayed there (5sos) with one of the latest ones (txt) seemed like a fun idea! now, if i could i’d write it in a completely different way but my attention span isn’t the greatest + i have a couple of different projects going on (such as the july jam session which was inspired by it btw lol), so here’s how it looks: each member has a piece written (~1k words each) connected to a certain song from an album! i know, i know there’s no sgfg but i couldn’t match anything <\3 and i was having such a hard time bc i am biased, okay? i love youngblood and 5sos5 and it was SO HARD TO PICK A ONE SONG?!
okay i need to stop talking so much. anyways, here’s the masterlist that will be updated! (did u see what i did here? i put them in the order of release just like the way i’ll post my fics–)
good girls ,, huening kai — 2/07
the only reason ,, yeonjun — 4/07
better man ,, beomgyu — 7/07
best years ,, soobin — 10/07
HAZE ,, taehyun — 12/07
again. thank you so so much! i wouldn’t be here if not you!! :( i’d like to thank my moots, my beloved friends i’ve made on here. now bare w me bc why does it feel like i’m leaving or something 💔 i just love n appreciate you so much but, here we go:
thank you ola, my mother ☝️ (@l3visbby) for correcting my works even when i didn’t ask you to :( you’re always there to hear my rambling (literally) and you’re the grammar police muahaha also a big big inspo, i’m genuinely grateful that you’re here, bearing n somehow managing my bullshit
ZANNA! @slytherinshua, my loveliest friend, an angel, felix in disguise, biggest joshua and dk stan e v e r!!! what id do without you…? probably die (not to be dramatic 🙄). you’re such a inspiration and good person to be around, i love your reblogs and conversations with you! you never fail to me make me smile and it’s always a fun time screaming abt taehyun together <3 you’ve been with me since… what, like… forever!! (almosr a year actually i still can’t believe it) and i’m so happy that we met <3
KIMCHI!!! 김치 LIKE THE KOREAN DISH!!! KIMCHI LIKE NY BELOVED FRIEND @planetkiimchi!!!!!! you’re so sweet. like, always. thank you for introducing me to nct LMAO but in general, i love texting with you :( you’re so funny and always being such a positive vibe!!! not to mention your writing, it’s genuinely so amazing?? i still remeber the chan piece you sent to me before posting, it made me so emotional AND IF THAT DOESNT SPEAK VOLIMES THEN I DUNNO⁉️ thank you for popping in my inbox n making me smile so much <3
speaking of inbox @lipedaisy i’m looking at you 🫵 debs, you’re so so lovely :( i uh, tend to forget about things, ahaha! so when you pop in n say simple stuff like drink water i feel like… well, you’re a life saver lol! you’re always so kind and bring positive energy, i love chit chatting with you (even if i forget to reply💔).
i hope you won’t be mad i mention you in one paragraph but it’s only because it applies to you all!!! @fairyhaos ,, @mirxzii ,, @rubywonu ,, @etherealyoungk ,, @delcakoo ,, @crxzs and @enluv you inspire me so so much!!! not only you’re the loveliest and funniest people i’ve met but i love your writing!! i know i don’t reblog that much but i write more than i read <\3 but you have amazing talent, your works are always beautifully written. nia, roxie, skye, yena, ema, angie, coco you deserve all the happiness in the world and i’m so grateful we’re friends (even though i’m a dry n late replier sometimes <3)
and to my other moots — @yeonscity-main ,, @sieunsgf ,, @malarign ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @pnkvernon ,, @wqnwoos ,, @wheeboo ,, @ylliris-hanniehae ,, @icyminghao : thank you for being here!! even if we met only a couple days ago… you make me so happy, i love interacting with you n talking abt goofy stuff, you understand me so well and we get along so smoothly it’s making a lil heart really happy :( you make tumblr feel more like home <3
and to readers (if you made it to the end, wow. like, seriously. i personally wouldn’t 🏃‍♀️💨 so, thank you <3), my babies precious gems angels cuties patooties!! thank you so so much for supporting me and my work! i know i complain abt empty reblogs but it’s only bc they motivate me more lol!! i am truly grateful n blessed to have you, even ghost readers (i see you🫵)! without you, rhis blog wouldn’t exist today >_<
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tamelee · 3 months
Hi, I recently followed like in the last week or smth. I wanted to comment on that post that you just made-- I'm sorry people aren't spending there energy in more constructive manners and that you had that garbage in your inbox.
I understand why comments would be restricted. I gotta say, I truly love your art. I've been on/off tumblr for years (diff accts over time) and your art & reblogs are legit a big reason why I check my dash daily. (Even if I've been lurking more than interacting rn)
ik we don't know each other, but SasuNaru (whichever order it is, i tbh dont get the variation.. ;u; ) was my very first ship so long ago. Given my early life their relationship (fanon/canon) gave me hope and helped me push through and ultimately heal some abandonment wounds. These two have been thru hell and back and give me the audacity to believe I and my loved ones can make it back too.
That all being said, Ik it is easier to say "don't let them get under your skin" and all, and that you didn't talk about quitting. But I hope you don't. You're wildly talented. Thank you for sharing what you choose to.
Hi~ @theskinofawriterbella ! Ah dw, it’s usually easy to ignore certain asks and I mostly do, but sometimes I feel like responding when it’s part of a bigger thing/issue. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I stopped doing what I do, especially because other people say I should… I’m ultimately doing this because I love creating. (Oh yes, the comments are restricted! I forgot about that, but it should be temporarily! ^^) 
And whoaaa really!?! That is so kind of you, thank you so much ;-;💕!!! 
I’m sorry to hear you’ve being going through bad times, though I’m very happy that you were able to connect with something and find hope/strength that way. I’d wish’ that for anyone. Naruto’ truly is such a story, don’t you think? As idealistic and flawed (through demographic limitation) it may seem now, its messages are inspiring and Kishimoto truly has a gift that lets you connect with the characters on an emotional level. Especially Naruto and Sasuke and their bond, naturally.
Ahhh I completely missed those glory SNS days. I hear about them frequently from my friend in Japan. Unfortunately I’m a bit late with being an SNS-fan xD and I couldn’t watch everything the first time, but I did see a few episodes and I don’t think there was anything else that lifted my spirits like Naruto’s attitude had. I had my books and my movies which always helped me escape, but I think I could write my own book about all the times Naruto inspired some action I took, because I too grew up in a village that absolutely hated me. Not for the same reason of course, lol, I was just a weird outsider and all, but I did think “well, if Naruto can smile through his pain and still go after his dream then I can as well.” A bit optimistic I’d say, but still. I have no idea what you went through, but on some level I’m sure, I can relate to what you say. I understand. 
Thank you for sharing this with me and taking your time to write and send it 🥰 I really appreciate it ^^! 
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 8 months
hello mei 😊 how are you today? i want to start this ask off by saying how surprised i was when you first followed me! pleasantly though of course :) ive made efforts to make my account as private as possible out of shyness but im so happy you followed me because you are such a pleasure to have on the dash 😊
i love how you keep your main f/o a secret… i admire it so much..! i have a secret f/o myself but she is by no means a main f/o and i dont post about her that much really!
ANYWAY. i have a few questions if youd be comfortable answering :) i know the nature of having a secret f/o can make answering questions hard… but i will try my best to ask questions you can answer vaguely while hopefully not giving anything away about him :)
first… when did you realise you loved him? and… do you have a story attached to your ship? if so, did it take long for the two of you to fall in love? or was it relatively fast?
OH MY GOSH HI!!!! YOU !!!!! i'm so sorry this is so late i think my inbox is eating th asks or something idfk BUT!!!
you are too sweet what the heck!!!!! /pos :'DDD omg yes apologies if my following was startling initially but i'll be so honest gorillaz is my fav band so i was soosososo excited to see a murdoc self shipper!!!! i know the lore pretty decently if u ever want to gush or discuss or anything, and i love seeing your posts as well!! hes v lucky to have u ;3
and thank you for the kind words AAAH sometimes i feel so invalid for keeping things secret so that really means a lot!! i'd be more than happy to answer though, those are such thoughtful questions im smiling ADHASUFDHD
cutting this up bc i rambled quite a bit im afraid...
anywayssss i actually saw my f/o for the first time on my damn TIKTOK FOR YOU PAGE which is. so goofy but i was like omg who is that :0 nd i eventually got into his source bc of him, so i guess i just liked him from the start as silly as that sounds :'3
as far as a story, i havent really thought of one but there is kind of an au that i play around w sometimes!! i like to headcanon that we wer both like. lowkey pining after first meet but both too oblivious to realize it LMFSKDJF . so i guess a mix of both lolz :)
ANYWAYSSS sorry that was insanely long but i would love to hear about ur selfship lore as well, if youre comfortable!! ur relationship seems so devoted n genuine , im curious to hear more abt how it happened (no pressure tho ofc!!) thanks again this was so sweet!!!<3
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emypony · 5 months
Hey this is sudden and I hope it's okay to send this as an ask, but I wanted to tell you you're practically my comfort blog! I really love your art AND what you share and reblog, seriously, it makes me so happy and the things you reblog really are important for me!!! There's such an awful lot of kind, supportive or just funny stuff!! You seem like a generally comfy person and I really like checking your blog, I genuinely wish you the best and I hope you're doing ok!!! You got me to like Sentifelis and Pardosentihua even though I didn't even know that ship existed before!!! I'm so happy you posted Sentihua content too, they're my fav qwq I really love your art too <3
noooo stop wtf thats so cute...gfjh fgjhkjfg thank you...
Some of the nicest words someone has said to me 😭😭i almost dont wanna post this and keep it for myself in my inbox for rainy days when I need to cheer myself up...they really made me smile!!
I always wondered / worried if my reblog tendencies were too random for most people but it looks like it's been working so far and I might keep doing that (until i get enough content to actually post on a side blog, but for now ive got like 7 drawings and a fridge magnet ahaha) I'm glad that you are enjoying what I happen to come across and spread further! 'tis my goal to provide the upmost even enrichment for my fellow followers :3
AND THANK U FOR LIKING THE SHIPS THAT MAKES ME VERY HAPPY!! They are my life and still going strong ... im so surprised by it actually. Sentihua has begun taking root in my proverbial brainrot room so who knows what the future will bring in regards to them- 2024 will start shortly, and who knows what the new year will bring! (this is a threat to hoyoverse, make pardosentihua canon u cowards!!)
Thank you again for your kind words!! And hey- if you ever wanna chat more the discord's always open for direct interaction with the animal in the exhibit (me)! I promise im a totally, completely normal person on the internet and that nothing nefarious goes on in the proverbial referenced server
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(this is a cry for help /j)
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So yeah Happy Valentines and if u get a random pick up line in ur inbox yep that was me. And to celebrate Valentines!!!
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(Most are pickup line tho one will be a joke because...no just no)
Today was the day! The day of love and romance, and you were going to make your dear friends feel the love with your overwhelming affection. You already decided what you were going to do! And it's time to make it happen~ you slipped the the goodie bags you made yourself on their desk. You couldn't wait to get they're reactions! You walked away with a smile on your face happy to have completed your little project successfully.
♡ Riddle was surprised to say the least. Who could have put this on his desk? And why? This is unbelievable..this must be a joke now way would someone give him a chocolate and a...paper? When he read that paper slip his face was reddd like he was extremely embarrassed! But he appreciates the paper ...
The paper says: If beauty were time, you’d be eternity
♡ Trey was also a little shocked at first but he was suddenly overcome with amusement. This was really cute and nice and he would cherish this! The chocolate was tasty too ngl and he thinks he knows who might have given this to him. He's definitely going to back them something and give them a little note tomorrow!
The paper says: Are you a cake? Cause I want a piece of that.
♡ Cater got extremely happy when saw the gift on his desk! He most definitely bragged to the other's about this! He didn't care as much that the other's got the same gift as him. Because he was sure his had a certain feeling behind it. But either way he was happy and posted about this surprise gift! He was really happy when he noticed it wasn't chocolate but his favorite snack #BestValentine #Hilarious Pickup line #Happy Valentines Day
The paper says: Wow, when God made you, he was seriously showing off!
♡ Deuce He was stunned tbh like he was frozen still to the point he looked like a statue! He only recovered when he noticed Ace got one too. He was curious as to who gave him these? Not that he does mind...in fact he likes it a lot. He was red the whole day and very distracted. He really liked the pickup line
What the paper says: If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable.
♡ Ace Woah Woah WOAH! Is this chocolate!? And a note! HELL YEAH! He was so excited he couldn't stop talking about it allll day it was starting to get annoying. But he couldn't help it! The note was extremely hilarious and the chocolate was goood. He definitely wants to thank the person who gave this to him! And he would definitely find them!
What the paper says: Are you a time traveler? Because I absolutely see you in my future.
♡ Leona, He wasn't planning on going to class at all but Ruggie wouldn't stop nagging him so he had no choice. He didn't really know what he felt when he saw the gift on his desk. But either way he was a little curious and opened the note..I don't know how you did it..but you made him a chuckle. He couldn't help it! It was just to damn cheesy! Who in this twisted world would even write this?? Actually he has an idea of who did. He'll be sure to tease you when he sees you
What the paper says: Are you any good at boxing? Because you look like a knockout.
♡ Ruggie, He was very interested in the chocolate now! Tho he kinda wishes it was a donut but he'll take it anyway. He wasn't interested in the note at all until Jack had mentioned so he decided to read it. He was caught of guard. He expected a "I love you" not this! Though it made his day so he'll take it
What the paper says: Now I know what a hot fudge sundae lacks. A hot slice of you.
♡ Jack, Chocolate? It's been a while since he last had Chocolate. And it was very delicious! He ate a couple of the Chocolate before reading the note. His usually serious face went red a little and couple of laughs could be heard. He's never laughed this hard in a while...
What the paper said: If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I’d still only have five cents
♡ Azul, He was a confused to see a note and a bag of chocolate on his desk. Tbh he was Hella suspicious of the goods, it took him a while to eat the chocolate. He only ate it after he read the note, His opinion on the note? Oh he thought it was weird...but He guesses it was cute...
What the note says: Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day, but I’m asking for only one.
♡ Jade, Jade was amused, don't get him wrong though he is curious to know who gifted this to him. And he will be investigating this matter soo yeah watch out, haha don't worry tho he'll most definitely thank you! And he'll give you a gift of his own that's all. He'll also compliment the chocolate you made and maybe ask for the recipe if he really likes it.
What the paper says: You know, I believe that honesty is the best policy, so to be perfectly honest, you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.
♡ Floyd, He wasn't interested in valentine at all. That was until he saw the gift in his desk. So he got curious and opened it tbh he wasn't really interested in the chocolate, he was more intrigued by the note. So when he read it he exploded in laughter honestly it was scary to the people next to him. Man his sides hurt too and couldn't breathe. But his thoughts on the gift were positive! Yayy
What the note says: I’m not currently an organ donor, but I’d be happy to give you my heart.
♡ Kalim, Kalim was confused but flattered. He didn't really understand the line but he thought it was cool and he could tell it was a compliment? He most definitely asked Jamil what he thought the paper meant and who thought gave it to him. But let's just say Kalim was veryyy happy the whole day! He very much liked the bracelet that was given to him!
What the paper says: If you were a Transformer, you’d be ‘Optimus Fine.’
♡ Jamil, Was also suspicious of the gift. Tho he later confirmed the chocolate was okay to eat when he saw the aduece duo eating similar chocolate. He wasn't really interested in the chocolate tho he did eat some. Let me tell u a secret he might not show it but he enjoyed the gift a lot!
What the paper says: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.
♡ Vil, Vil wasn't shocked since he already received tons of chocolate and gifts from his fans. He wasn't surprised when there was some cheesy pickup line on a paper he also want not surprised for the gift to be a necklace that seemed to be hand-made. But he was surprised when he noticed a familiar writing style. He couldn't hold back a little a smile he had for you, this was very nice. He was also happy that you gifted him a necklace instead of a traditional chocolate or bear. You will definitely see him walking around with it on sometimes
What the paper says: I wish I’d paid more attention to science in high school, because you and I’ve got chemistry and I want to know all about it.
♡ Rook, He already knew it was you who gifted him this! He was in the classroom when you were going to drop the gifts on the desk. So of course you just handed him the gift with a smile. He was very thankful and liked the chocolate a lot! The note was very amusing and he'll be sure to write u a poem for you!
What the note says: You know, I’m actually terrible at flirting. How about you try to pick me up instead?
♡ Epel, Tbh Epel was having a bad day today, So he was annoyed when he say something on his desk thinking it was from Vil he walked up to his desk ready to throw it away when he noticed it was bag with a note. So out of curiosity he opened the bag. He actually never thought he would get chocolate and note tbh. That doesn't mean he doesn't like it! Infact he's very happy considering that today is Valentines! Though Vil might just take this chocolate from him....so he has to be careful
What the note says: If you were a fruit, you’d be a ‘fine-apple.’
♡ Idia, You gave the note and gift to his brother Ortho! Idia was a little embarrassed and nervous at first but he eventually opened the note and red it...AND BOY WAS HE FLUSTERED! Like the tips of his hair was pink! Just imagine if u said this to him in person? Oh lord he'd die.
What the note says: Do you have a name, or can I just call you ‘mine?
♡ Ortho, He was surprised when you came up to earlier with a bear and bag. He was really happy when you gave him the bear and note! He found the joke hilarious! Ah! He promise to give the bag and note to his brother! So don't worry
What the note says: Why don't sharks eat clowns? Because they taste funny.
♡ Malleus, He was the most surprised of them all. He would never expect anyone would give a him gift since...yeah. But he can tell who gave him this! He couldn't wait to see you tonight! So just expect to see a happy dragon man with flowers and chocolate for you and only you<3 You might even get a kiss On the forehead.
What the paper says: Kiss me if I’m wrong but, dinosaurs still exist, right?
♡ Lilia, He was amused, This was really cute! He could tell who wrote this and they weren't being very sneaky about it tbh. Just expect a note and box of chocolate on your desk the very next day! It might be to late but it couldn't hurt to repay you back! He hopes you enjoy his homemade chocolate as much as he enjoyed yours<3
What the note says: I’d like to take you to the movies, but they don’t let you bring in your own snacks.
♡ Silver, Silver was also in class the only difference is he was sleep. And when I say he was sleep, he was really in dream land so he didn't hear place the bag down. He only awoke when the teacher taped on him. He was confused when he saw the bag and ofc suspicious of it at first. But he eventually ate the chocolate when his father said it was fine to eat. Also bonus points you made him blush and chuckle because of the note!
What the note says: Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I try walking by again?
♡ Sebek, You were placing the gift on his desk when he caught you. Manz demanded you tell him what you were doing. So all you could do was come clean and tell him that it was a Valentines gift for him. He was flabbergasted but had an odd overwhelming feeling of pride? Anyway to say the least his face was red and was stuff like "Oh? Uh um you got me a gift? Will..I.I see...will human thank you" He cleared his throat a lot lol! He greatly appreciates it so yayy
What the note says: You’ve got everything I’ve been searching for, and believe me—I’ve been looking a long time.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ♡
I hope u guys enjoyed this lol! Because it was fun writing this<3
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madfantasy · 2 years
So I went to the hospital, ER, cuz I haven't been able to breathe or sit upright or do the minimum effort without feeling like fainting or puking, for over a week, heh.
It happened suddenly when my guardians were yelling about something and me yelling back of not having coffee when I felt so lightheaded and dropped on the couch..
I'm getting better now, they checked my vitals and told me everything is normal and asked me if I wanted this contraption on my face, which I said ye..?
The three severe social anxiety induced panic attacks before going really were worth it huh.. my guardian promised they'll be with me just then I agreed to go, only for them to drop me at the gates and drive off to park and the nurse at the reception plucked me to register and prevented anyone from coming with me but my younger sib.. I had to do the talking and everything I dreaded by myself, yet again.. ofc half the time I didn't know what she was saying and I only guessed what she wanted. Ofc x2 with my freakish smile plastered on my face unable to change it or realized I was till my sib took pics of me, instead of idk looking sickly I was smiling .. I hate it so much.. I hate to look like the ppl pleaser I am..
Coming back it was nice, guardians stopped yelling and cussing around me, checked on me, treated me nicely in ways I never felt before, got me pizza.. they still managed to "calmly" ask me to change my outfit, ya know, the thing i wear below the cloak that no one can see, which I did half consciously..
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I think I was worrying over the limits and the fighting didn't help, I has zero capacity. Also, us being in this nice uncomfortable house, rented for 6 months, that we can't afford to pay again and all. Nd me feeling I'm not producing enough art, or not getting enough commissions to make a difference, barely enough to just pay for shi for myself.. feeling there's no more joy in this life as it seems only to get worse everywhere, saddening me to no end..
but I'm trying to relax..
I've closed my commissions nd spent my last buck on some plush fabric so I can make a plushie, the next joy source I have besides drawing, cuz I need to rest from it too, body tens from my face, to my ribs.. whatever happen happen
Spending time in bed, playing random shi with sibs
Coming here, reading your messages nd inbox made me well up in tears, thank u so much for your words, you have no idea how it means to me and its effects of making me feel alive nd hopeful nd knowing I'm not alone
I wish you all the best my dears, love u lots 💛🙏🫂 ..
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5.7.2022, 8 p.m. in bed prompted to cry all bottled tears heh
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forlix · 7 months
crying lightning is absolutely everything to me
I said this in my tags but I need to say it again - do you write novels? you should write novels. this got me so good. the complexity of the characters, the way you wrote the slowburn, MC and how you characterised hyunjin???? absolutely fucking insane I ate that shit up. also the pacing was so good, you killed it.
seriously, though, I read it and it got me *excited* for reading and writing like nothing has in a long time. like it was actually so inspiring ;-;
I hope you're getting all the best feedback for how much you've evidently poured into this magnum opus of yours because it was so so worth it <3
-May, @skzms
hi may!! PLEASE i had to stop reading this to collect myself multiple times this is SO KIND you are so kind 😭😭😭 let me take apart ur points one by one
"do you write novels? you should write novels." no skjdlfsj i do not write novels and i don't plan to try anytime soon, but this was the greatest thing to hear thank you holy fuck. and i'm glad that u liked those aspects of the fic, i'm especially proud of how hyunjin and mc's characters turned out as well :')
"it got me *excited* for reading and writing like nothing has in a long time." wow. again this was just every writer's dream to hear and you just went and dropped it in my inbox so casually?? i'm legit gonna cry hello i'm so happy it could have this effect on u. (i'm also curious as to what u mean by inspiring—in the sense that the fic as a whole made u want to write/read, or was it something in the fic that inspired you in other ways? :o)
"i hope you're getting all the best feedback for how much you've evidently poured into this magnum opus of yours because it was so so worth it <3" THANK YOU I HAVEEE :( i've been unable to stop smiling since posting it i'm so grateful for all of ur kind words. even smth as small as one tag on a reblog makes me so happy let alone messages like this one!!
tl;dr i'm sure u didn't ask for this ESSAY but it was absolutely necessary!! truly, thank you so much 🤍🤍🤍 hope you're taking care~
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