#thank you for coming to my ted talk ig
didiwaffles · 10 months
good lore, good lore.. i absolutely adore multiverses and immortals having arguments that last millions of years! this is so awesome
now that i know who devi is, i want to circle back and ask a bit more about eva
what were her lives before rebirth? how was she even made? what powers did she have?
thanks you for answering my silly questions about your characters 🙏
- void anon
It's such a pleasure to me I can do it all day if you let me
Actually, we do not need to circle back for that, we can just move forward from where I stopped the last time. Before we move on to Eva, I need to establish a few things that led to her birth.
There's a few things that happened in about a few hundred thousands to a million of years between the moment the Monster was sealed and when Devi left Afiar.
As I mentioned, she created 5 Elemental Spirits who went on to restore the world.
Amenir - the Spirit of Air - created a flying castle made of air for Devi.
Devi resqued Emi - a girl who lost everyone she ever knew as well as everyone of her race to the Monster's awakening.
Next few hundred years Emi spent in a hybernation, after which she went on to restore her kind and with time created an army of soldiers devoted to serving Devi. (Not like Devi was a huge fan of that at first, but she let Emi and the others do whatever they wanted.)
Devi made continuous efforts to change Darinir's mind about herself, but it was in vain.
Whenever she could, she spent her time helping people in need, protecting the weak, and fighting off anyone who posed a threat.
The rest of the time she spent on her own, with time creating two other Spirits - Rudy (the Spirit of Time - or rather a tiny fluffy fox squirrel) and Nirali (the Spirit of Art and everything that falls under the category of talent and inspiration) to keep her company. They will become the closest to her, and will remain by her side even when she will have many other friends in the future.
With time, Devi became quite bored of this routine. So she thought of something fun to do. Since she didn't remember ever having a childhood, she wanted to experience that for herself. She didn't consult anyone on that - not her mother, not her enemies, not her children. She just put Emi before the fact - she was going to be reborn as a human child in some other world. She took Nirali with her, merging their souls together so she'd always be by Devi's side, while left Rudy behind. It wasn't meant to take long. After all she intended to come back once she was 20 or something.
Thousands of years passed. She never returned. Everyone looked for her, but she was nowhere to be found.
Obviously something went wrong.
In the preparation to be reborn, Devi left her body and her soul traveled around the universe, in search of a good place to reborn in. Now, remember I mentioned that a piece of Afiar that flew out when the Monster awakened would form into a separate world that would go on to create an anomaly zone? Devi accidentally flew by and got caught up in it. It did quite a few things.
First, it suppressed her power. She was no longer in control of what was happening.
Then, when she was trying to fight it, her mind fractured and split her personality into 3 parts. One was the "Devi of Light" (I'm using such a wording intentionally, she's not the "good" and the other one is not the "bad" Devi, that matters), Rodari, who inherited Devi's wings, which became white with her. The other one was the "Devi of Darkness", Diano, who took the crack from Devi's eye. The third one was Devi herself, what was left of her.
As the result, she lost her memories once again.
As she was reborn, luckily to Devi, everyone inside of her - Diano, Rodari, the Monster, and even Nirali - were put into slumber. Nirali would wake up rather quickly though, but would realize she's trapped inside of Devi's mind, who didn't remember anything and was just like an actual human child.
As Devi grew up, she would often end up creating fantasies in her head. Between toxic family relationships, having no friends, and stressful school stuff, it was her only gateway. There was only one problem. The anomaly did drain all the magic it came in contact with, but what it also did was it made the fantasy of people inside the world affect the rest of the universe. Characters from the books were coming alive in a newly born world somewhere far away, far from the reach of its creator. But that was even more true for Devi. Because even though she lost her memory, she didn't lose her power, and even though it was constantly drained, that wasn't enough to rid of it completely. And the fact that Devi didn't know it existed didn't mean she wasn't using it unconsciously. So, unbeknownst to her, her fantasies were affecting the entire universe. Everything she were thinking about was coming true outside the anomaly. And not only did she affect the future, she also affected the past. She created the fates of people... who she already met. But she didn't remember them. I'm talking about Ula and Lana. She crafted a story of their lives... that she already knew. Just didn't remember. But those two weren't the only ones. There were 7 people she affected directly, and many more - indirectly. One of those 7 was Riam.
I already went on a big enough of a tangent, so I will skip laying out Devi and Riam's relationship. What matters is Devi heavily influenced his very existence, but some stuff remain hidden even from her. Eventually, she got caught up in her own fantasies so badly, that she completely fell in love with her own mind's creation - that is to say, Riam. So one evening when she was especially lonely, she unconsciously completely overpowered the anomaly and just teleported Riam to herself.
Again I will not go into the details of their relationships now, what matters is they fell in love, and after figuring out that finding out how to get out of the world they both ended in might take a bit, they eventually married. And during their honeymoon, Devi got pregnant.
That's how Eva was born.
Now, I will shift to her story.
When Eva was born, Nirali - who was practically her older sister - planted a kiss on her forehead. Being the Spirit, what that did was it blessed Eva with extraordinary talent. Combined with her father's genes, Eva developed extremely quickly. By one year old she could already read with no problems, and by three she could solve simple math problems. When she went to school, she was far ahead of her peers, and what ended up happening is that she would be let to do whatever she wanted in class, as long as she aced all her tests. And of course she did. Devi also made sure Eva had several tutors who would teach her in accordance to her level of development. Once Eva was a bit older, she agreed that it was better than shoving her in the higher grades with more grown up kids or depriving her of socialization by tutoring her at home. As for changing schools into a more advanced one, Devi debated doing that... But there was one slight problem with that.
When Eva was 6, she got two twin little brothers.
As they were growing up, they looked and acted absolutely identical to each other. Even their own parents couldn't tell them apart when they were in matching closes. For some reason, Eva was the only one who could always tell them apart. Consequentially, she was the only one that could put a stop on their twin antics.
But fast forward to the time Eva would go on to graduate. Even though no one doubted her ability to ace the final exam, that was still pretty stressful, and the stress only multiplied with what was happening at home.
After almost 20 years of searching and trying everything she could even think of, Devi finally was able to create a portal out of the world they were in. Funnily enough, it came to her in a dream. She tried her best to replicate it, but she must've messed it up in several places because the portal barely opened. But that was enough for something to grab Riam and shove him inside, after which it closed immediately. At first Devi was incredibly happy. She tried to achieve that for so long! But slowly her happiness faded as she came to the realization, "...But what about me..?"
Devi quickly spiraled down into a deep depression, and Eva had to choose between staying by her side to help her through it and preparing for her own exams, while also taking care of her brothers. But she managed through it and successfully passed her final exam. And when she came back to share the news...
Devi's pain was so unbearable that she unconsciously tore through the fabric of reality, completely overpowering the anomaly, and creating a portal. But when the answer was right before her, she hesitated. She couldn't just go in and leave her children behind. At the same time, they had their own lives and aspirations, Eva was almost an adult, with Paul and Pete already being teens. Forcing them down the path she wanted to go didn't feel right either. But they still needed to be taken care of, she couldn't just abandon them. But she couldn't stay either, not when she had that chance, she would go on to regret it for the rest of her life.
That's where Eva found her when she returned home. And she didn't need any words to understand what was going on. Then, she encouraged Devi to leave them and go, promising that she'll take care of the boys, and when they will be ready, they will somehow find a way to find her. She didn't really think that far ahead, she just knew that if her mom stayed, she'd be deeply unhappy. Devi didn't have time to think for too long, and just before the portal closed, she went into it.
But the task that Eva assumed upon herself was not an easy one. By then, the twins who used to be indistinguishable started showing signs of separating into two completely different people, and losing both of their parents made them develop completely different personalities.
Much like Eva, Paul understood mother's decision. He trusted both Devi and Eva with their decisions. But Pete... He didn't take it well at all. He was angry. Angry that his parents abandoned him, and he vented his frustration on none other than Eva. He criticized her cooking, comparing to how Devi used to do it, he criticized her for not having a job, despite them not having problems with money, criticized her for not cleaning the house. Eva understood his frustration so she didn't stop him, but Paul wasn't taking that, and the two of them were constantly fighting over everything now. But Paul understood that Eva also wasn't all that happy that Devi left, and with the university she just got in on top of that, the last thing she needed was chores and quarrels at home. He tried to do everything he could, but Pete was just making everything more difficult than it needed to be.
That went on until both boys hit 15. By then, both of them knew what they wanted to do in life. Pete has decided to be a professional musician, and as soon as he could, he left to study in the music college, making sure he let it be known that he doesn't want anything to do with his family anymore. By that time Eva went on to study for her future master's degree in chemistry. As for Paul, he had an obsession of his own. All he wanted was to protect Eva. So he went on his own path, going to the military academy.
Now that I laid out the kinda dynamic the three have and what they've been doing with their lives, I'll quickly go through the rest that happened there.
Eva graduated with the master's degree in chemistry, and went on to own her own lab where she started working on finding something that could create a portal so they could reunite with their parents.
Paul graduated the college and went on to serve in the military.
After that he went on to the military university and studied there in the air force department.
Sometimes they would do street patrols, and in one of such days Paul happened to pass by Eva's lab. He immediately noticed something was wrong. By a pure coincidence, exactly at the time he was passing through there, something went array in the lab, and just a moment after Paul thought something was off, there was a massive explosion. Eva was inside.
By an order of their captain, cadets helped evacuate people, but Paul was concerned since he couldn't find Eva. Eventually the fire got too strong, and Paul disobeyed orders completely and went inside.
Eva made sure everyone was evacuated, but by that time she inhaled too much toxins and passed out in the fire. Paul got to her in time to grab her and jump out of the window before there was another massive explosion that would've killed them both.
They both were sent to ER. Paul suffered from mild intoxication, light burns, and he also sprained his ankle when landing. Eva suffered much more heavily. She fell into a coma.
For more than a year Eva remained unconscious, and Paul made sure to stay by her side at all cost. His studying was paused for as long as he needed. Eventually, Eva woke up. Paul held a huge grudge against Pete for not showing up even once.
Paul would go on to finish the university, and Eva continued working on her research. They barely saw each other, and as soon as Paul graduated he was mobilized as a war broke right about that time.
He went on to pilot a fighter jet on the front lines, and nearly died. His body was never found, and he was declared missing.
Eva was going crazy worrying about him, while Pete as always showed miracles of compassion and care, just shy of celebrating his brother's death.
Paul survived though and returned home on his own two. He would be later awarded a medal since his feat practically turned the tide of the war.
Once the war was over, Paul didn't retire, instead he went on to be Eva's personal bodyguard. He ensured the lab's safety and protected her when she was awarded for her achievements in the field of chemistry.
Eventually, she achieved her goal. She created an essence that could turn a mirror into a portal. She couldn't control the destination, but it could bypass the anomaly's borders, and they could figure it out from there. Pete refused to go with them, but Eva left an extra bottle of that essence for him if he ever changed his mind.
From then on, Eva and Paul quickly reunited with Devi, and found out it's been many thousand years for her. At that point in time, Devi still hadn't recovered her memory, but she was already pretty strong.
A whole new world was open before them. For Paul it was simple - she went wherever Eva went. And Eva went everywhere - she wanted to try everything. Eventually she settled on two things. First, she became a succubus. And second, she became obsessed with fighting. She used to fight as a child, and seeing her mom being strong and beautiful, she wanted to be just as strong as her.
Eva made good progress, quickly becoming third strongest person in the universe - right after her parents (though it's questionable who made that list to begin with.) And then it happened.
As I mentioned before, Devi had a lot on her shoulders. Not remembering her past, she already defeated one enemy, and another one showed up right after, and she didn't even know why they were so determined to kill her. The truth was those two were sent after her... by her own mother.
Anorava gave them a fraction of her power and wanted one thing in exchange - find Devi and do anything they had to but restore her memories. But Darkness was a wicked power, and given to those who were too weak, it corrupted their minds. And Alphonse completely forgot what was the reason he was fighting Devi - but unable to overpower her it seeded a deep hatred for her in his heart.
Alas, Devi was oblivious to this. She was just tired. She already suffered one heartbreak, and another one that shattered her soul in pieces completely, and she barely was able to recover. She thought that if Alphonse was so determined to kill her then if she died he'll rest easy. So she left the protection of the universe to Eva, and went to Heavens.
First of all, she got bored really quickly there. She did have her rest, but quickly realized that she would absolutely dread spending an eternity there.
But that was the least of her problems. Because there was someone who really didn't like her being dead, aside from her friends.
Eva thought she was ready to face any opponent, but she was absolutely unprepared for how wicked and insane Alphonse was. He didn't want Devi dead. No, he wanted to kill her. And surely Devi will come back if he hurts something really precious to her. And he knew nothing was more precious to her than her family.
All he did was he burned Eva's eyes out. Completely. Along with her eyelids. The pain was so agonizing that Eva's own scream ruptured her eardrums, and after a while she lost her voice too. She would regain her voice eventually, but never - ears and eyes. And as if that wasn't enough, he branded Eva's soul. That way, even if she somehow managed to restore her eyes, she was destined to lose them. Again, and again, and again. No matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried, she could return her speech, even her ears - with enough miracle - but never her eyes. Not for long at least.
To say that Devi was mad - to say nothing. She was furious, and also hurt. She would never stop blaming herself for what happened to Eva. And she was incredibly angry. Alphonse achieved his goal - Devi returned to the world of the living. But contrary to his expectations she didn't go on to fight him - first thing she did was making sure Eva wasn't going to do anything to herself.
When all that happened, Eva was left completely alone in the darkness. Saw nothing, heard nothing, only felt pain. Wanted to cry but tears wouldn't come out. She even forgot there was an enemy in front of her - not like he cared about her at all.
But soon enough she felt first touch. Someone grabbed her by the shoulders and slightly shook. She instinctively recoiled, and the touch stopped. Recognized it clearly wasn't an enemy, she reached forward and grabbed the shirt. Big warm hand gently laid over her hand. She skimmed through everyone she knew to figure out who that hand belong to. Figured out it can't be anyone but Paul, she relaxed.
Only when she lost her most important senses did she truly come to appreciate how much Paul cared about her. He carried her home, treated her injuries, applied bandages, and held her hand as she fell asleep. In the situation where she lost everything - he was the sunshine in the complete darkness that she needed to not give up completely. And then Devi came right into her mind, making her feel like the world around her still existed, like it was not all destroyed when she lost her senses.
Devi made sure Eva was still mentally stable, and went on helping her learn how to stop relying on her eyes and ears to live. Not like Devi knew how to. She had to bullshit her way through it, learning herself as she went. Because she knew that if she doesn't, she might lose Eva.
Thanks to her efforts, pretty quickly Eva became much more aware of her surroundings. She became more sensitive to smells, vibrations, and touch. The latter was also making her feel pain more strongly. Her voice slowly returned, a bit hoarse, but she could speak, though couldn't hear herself. Gradually she learned to identify the energy flow around her and translate it into a complete picture inside her head. And in next millions of years of practice she would even go as far as to be able to decipher the sound vibrations and understand speech without actually hearing it. Being forced in such a situation made her a true master of "seeing without eyes, hearing without ears", even Devi could not reach her level of mastery.
Devi tried everything she could to return Eva's eyes and ears. And if with ears it went well, Eva always lost her eyes, one way or another, no matter what, and then always decided to rid of ears to, just because she was used to get by without both. But no matter how much times she said that that's how she prefers it, deep inside she knew she wanted to be able to see. Even if the truth was that without eyes and ears she was stronger than with them, she was willing to trade that for the ability to see her mother, her brother... and of course, her son.
But that was not all. Because even after Alphonse was defeated and gone seemingly forever, he kept living in Devi's, and especially so in Eva's nightmares.
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gazumirei · 1 month
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the pressure fandom right now
#pressure#roblox pressure#pressure roblox#pressure game#pressure sebastian#sebastian pressure#sebastian solace#sebastian roblox#Like bro I have never felt this much “pressure”🤪 with fandom drama before like#like holy hell#I just feel mixed feelings about this entire situation#Like one second I see someone talking shit about the dev team and the fandom while trying to Spread a false Narrative#About zerum and then I see someone defending the dev team and the fandom#Or seeing people deconstruct this entire Situation and just boil it done to people being childish about someone else's character and#Boundaries or I'm seeing horror stories about zerum and zeal and other dev members getting doxxed and harassed#And then I'm seeing people getting pissy about the whole thing because of shipping drama or I'm seeing people calling zeal out for#ableism or something else entirely#Like I get where people are coming from with this#This isn't the only time people got mad at a character for put boundaries on their character#And I know it would be the last time unfortunately#I'm not trying to defend zeal or zerum nor am I trying to get people to hurt them#I just feel awful about this whole thing and it's just a reminder to stick to smaller fandoms where people are less vocal ig#ok i'm done yapping#Selfshippers live your best life#And I hope the rest of the dev team recovers from this and try to learn how to be more Professional#Once again#I'm not trying to defend anyone I'm just confused and scared of this whole thing#I just wanted to make silly crossover art with sebastian and not have the fear of someone coming into my inbox or dms with my full name#For once :(#thank you for coming to my semi vent ted talk about the current pressure fandom issue
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bloodfreak-boyking · 4 months
Thinking about S8 again and how Sam didn't wanna hunt alone and like...yeah. No shit. I think it's VERY fair that he doesn't want to hunt without Dean, especially considering his track record with it:
Mystery spot - Dean dies "for real" and for six months Sam is a a terrifying, cold, and robotic kind of unhinged killing machine. He still sets out two meals, lets hunting consume him completely, even cuts off contact with everyone unless they have info on the trickster.
Dean goes to hell: Sam hunts alone, tries to basically go out suicide by hunting. Ruby worms her way into his life by being Off Brand Dean Replacement and gets him addicted to demon blood. He's so consumed by the thought of revenge against Lilith for holding Dean's contract that he destroys himself (and helps start the apocalypse) in the process.
Dean's living his normal life with Lisa: Sam hunts alone and hurts a LOT of people. He's soulless during this time, but he DEFINITELY still blames himself for it. And to be honest, the only difference I see between Sam during the other times Dean isn't alive/around to hunt with him and his soulless era is that soulless Sam doesn't have the anger Sam did. But the actions, I could ABSOLUTELY see regular Sam committing them in an effort to save Dean if it came down to it.
(This one's in s9, but it still follows a very clear and fucked up pattern we see) Dean's a demon: Sam tortures demons in a way that makes them think he doesn't have a soul. He also leads a guy into a "fake" demon deal knowing full well he'll sell his soul and go to hell, all just to maybe find Dean.
Conclusion: Sam knows the kind of monster he turns into when he's hunting without Dean so he only wants to hunt if his big brother is there to keep him grounded.
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glauces-notebooks · 3 months
rewatching night at the museum for the first time in a while and wow. i missed this film.
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spottedgardeneelstan · 11 months
i really enjoy both shen jiu and chu wanning as characters, but despite being a similar archetype in my eyes they have quite a few differences. the most pressing difference is the fact that i think shen jiu could top a man if he wanted to, but i think chu wanning is incapable of that.
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silverjurors · 1 year
Incredibly random and obscure Hot Take:
Ghost shouldn't have been Emmalyn
Ghost should have been Janus
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rotting-butterscotch · 4 months
so i am a bit late to clancy album (bcuz of finals😭) buuut here i am and here are my thoughts while listening to all the clancy songs (and rating them 1-10)
1. Overcompensate: great opener, lyrics are a little random (but iconic lol), vocals are amazingg (love the piano :3), 8.8/10
2. Next Semester: have literally 0 complaints, fucking love this song, 10/10
3. Backslide: vocals are great, but the beat could've been more energetic imo, love the lyrics, 8.5/10
4. Midwest Indigo: don't feel like the drums match, but i like the rest of the beat, good vocals, kinda 50/50 on the lyrics (start kinda reminds me of Momentz lol), 7.9/10
5. Routines In The Night: very chill honestly, love the vocals & lyrics, (ooh little rat bit :3), beat is nice too, 9/10
6. Vignette: ooh very strong beat at the start, loving the lyrics (ooh little rap bit :3) beat is very nice too :D, 10/10
7. The Craving (Jenna's Version): vocals always a 10, very chill song, and i find it so cute that he's made a song abt Jenna in almost every album, like so sweet, but in a aesthetic factor it doesn't really fit Clancy, soo 8.5/10
8. Lavish: best is majestic asf, not 100% on the lyrics rn but lyrics are very nice ("got both hands on ur shoulder while ur bottomless" WHAT😭🙏), 9.2/10
9. Navigating: love the drums, love vocals, love the rest if the best too, lyrics are fucking amazing, 9.7/10
10. Snap Back: beat kinda reminds me of like those alarms, but in a good way? vocals great ofc, also kinda like the slight switch in beat (ooh loved that buildup too), lyrics are good, 8.9/10
11. Oldies Station: i feel like im being called out. love the vocals, pretty chill beat but i like it :) kinda got a nostalgic vibe to it? 8.6/10
12. At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb: kinda strange beat at the start, but im liking it, actually scratch that this is an amazing beat, vocals are beautiful, ok now where are the cameras, WHY IS THIS SONG LITERALLY ME???, 9.8/10
13. Paladin Strait: omg the finalee :3 vocals kinda remind me of a traditional greek song that id hear in my school's choir? not in a bad way tho, chill beat, omg it's 6 minutes long? holy crap, anyways, very nice lyrics :3 ok wait a sec, will there be a beat switch? omg yes there will!! loving the ukulele, and the softer vocals too :D omg JUMPSCARE what's that voice😭 omg i loved it, 9.5/10
btw these are all my opinions, i am not some kinda specialist i just love tøp and might be neurodivergent so, results may vary lol
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the-kestrels-feather · 10 months
The existence of Pluribus and Barb Azure in Songbirds and Snakes raises a question: is Gay Marriage legalized in Panem?
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fadewalking · 7 months
this post is about spiders
I'm scared of spiders just as much as the next guy. I do however, own several of them as pets at this point (hands off, display pets only as my fear keeps me from ever wanting to actually touch one), including a black widow and as of today, a brown recluse. And i know that they're the United States boogey monsters of spiders, but the lack of knowledge around them from the general population is staggering, and im getting kind of tired of it. Every single person in my life has reacted with anger and horror at my perceived stupidity from "Keeping an animal that can and will kill you if given the chance". And very few people are even willing to believe me when I tell them the truth.
Like the fact is that it just isn't true that either spider can kill me. Unless im allergic to them, which would be like winning the lottery (of pain and death), then I as a healthy adult cannot be killed, not even close. I'm not saying they're puppies or anything, they do have a medically significant bite, or more accurately- they can have a medically significant bite. But they can also choose how much venom to deliver in a bite, and they do not want to waste it for something that isn't prey.
Both of these spiders are also incredibly shy, and you have to be actively squishing them to death for them to want to bite at all. If i was bitten by either of these spiders, i would spend an afternoon at the ER, and then go home and for the next few weeks/months (depending on venom amount), i'll be in a good deal of pain while i recover. Is it a walk in the park? absolutely not. But these spiders just.. aren't life threatening. I also don't plan on touching them at all let alone harassing them aggressively enough to get any kind of bite.
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tsisisail · 26 days
Eugene Finch could have a tongue piercing and no one would know. Like we can’t prove otherwise.
That’s it that’s the post
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maxdurden · 4 months
73, 94, and 100 for the unusual asks!
73. do you want to get married?
i have,,,, no idea. we simply cannot get into my nitty gritty queer feelings about the institution of marriage as a tool of oppression and upholding the Ideal Of Whiteness (you often hear about the whole 'marriage is about owning women' which like yeah,, its primarily concerned with property rights which can get icky, but it's also an often racist, not to mention hetero/cissexist, institution). this of course!! isn't me dogging on people who want to get married! i might get married someday, i don't know, i just know that right now i have very complicated feelings about it and some of those feelings are probably chronic commitment issues but for sure a lot of those feelings are deeply political! there's an article i read during my last semester of college that really shaped a lot of these feelings and opinions (that for some reason i can't get my annotations off of soooo enjoy those if you decide to take a look rip). but anyway!!! yeah!!! marriage is a whole can of worms to me! who knows! maybe some day i'll get married but i can't imagine doing it before the age of like,,, 30 if i ever do wanna do it (sorry for rambling soo much woah)
94. favorite lyrics right now
"depollute me, pretty baby / suck the rot right out of my bloodstream / oh dilute me, gentle angel / water down what i call being grateful / oh you kissed me, just to kiss me / not to take me home" (we'll never have sex by leith ross)
"fear on my fingers and hate on my tongue / i trace words in cursive hoping they could be enough / condemn me in my most righteous form / for i have been weak in the eyes of the lord / the devil's known to tempt angels with apples and nothing more" (broken wing by evil)
"in your car with your head in your hands / at far end of the walmart parking lot / trying not to buckle under the strain / striking a bargain with the imp in your brain / prepared to take another knock for the short game / but you can ask any veteran running back / eventually your joints complain" (same as cash by the mountain goats)
100. who was the last person you cried in front of? 
probably my therapist lmaoo
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kateubanks · 2 months
we are in rarified air tonight ladies. RARIFIED AIR
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Shotout to religion for givimg me internalized homophobia for over a year without the homo
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eggscaffolding · 4 months
My biggest most secret confession go:
I knew nothing about Supernatural. I was eleven-ish when I was looking through Netflix and I found it, wow!!
I was pretty sheltered so I had no idea it was insanely popular, I just went “wowoahh monster killing fun”
However, my mom was iffy on horror/monster-y things (see above about being sheltered) so I felt as if this was the eighth deadly sin, and hid the fact I was watching it like I would be sent to the stocks or something
Here’s where it actually kicks in.
A while later, I’m still enjoying Supernatural (still unaware of its popularity) and my mom has gotten way more chill
My mother, brother, and I tended to watch an episode or two of a show together as a family each Friday night or something
You might know where this is going
“Oh this looks fun” and I LOOK UP TO SEE SUPERNATURAL (my mom was ALSO like “woah!!!! killing monsters! Fun!!)
So I’m freaking out but I stay calm
I was built for this
I had years of drama camp under my belt and I was ready to put on the act of my life
And like any logical person, instead of saying ANYTHING about the fact I know it, or even know it exists, I go “yeah sure seems cool” when they ask if we should watch it
For the next like… FOUR OR FIVE SEASONS??? I watch with them SLOWLY and the ENTIRE TIME I am pretending I have NEVER seen ANY of it and went “oh wow I hope he makes it (😰)” and stuff for the WHOLE TIME
then after a point, I got tired of hiding the fact my Netflix account (which was very much able to be seen by them) was like three seasons ahead, so I told them I just watched ahead on my own account because I wanted to find out what happened next
And THAT is how I explained that away
But wait
It gets BETTER (maybe)
To this day, they still have NO clue that this happened. I have never told them that we did not discover Supernatural as a family, I will never tell them just found it and watched it in secret.
It’s too late to go back and this will be kept to my grave.
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