#thank you for this wonderful question!
setacin · 3 months
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"she's dead scar.... you won."
my cosplay of scar's secret life red life skin!
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glassedplanets · 5 months
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a few months ago giffy was like "haha hear me out, what if tattoo au" and then we blacked out and talked about nothing else for like three weeks
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lolli-popples · 5 months
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I was watching GIGS Phasmophobia streams so I could be productive while drawing and but then I got distracted by the idea of drawing them in the style of Scooby Doo; Mystery INC and so I redrew this promotional poster. (See below)
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Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go never do lineart again.
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What can I say? They're my favorite.
#twdg#twdg clouis#clouis#twdg clementine#twdg louis#sometimes they creep back into my mind and i'm like 'ah yes' like a crow admiring a pretty stone they found years ago and kept#also thank you pi for the screenshots. i used to have a whole folder full of them but that was when i was doing themed nights#the source for these is me i just have a random document full of dynamics and ship things i enjoy because.....i dunno i like keeping track#and so many of them apply to clouis but there's also an overlap of with clouis and rose/alistair [my warden from origins and alistair] like#alistair's romance route is like an evolved matured and extended version of clouis sksksks gee i wonder if i have a type#look you present me with a character who deflects with humor and isn't taken seriously by the rest of the group and the longer you know the#the more you realize how high they've built a wall around themselves and how *unwell* they really are and how they're not as sunshine#as they present themselves and also they avoid leadership and responsibility until they grow closer with someone who pushes them#and they end stronger and more balanced as a person while finding the affection they've craved#and also there's the daddy issues#present me with that character as a romantic option and i'm in no questions asked okay i don't want the mean broody one that's meh to me#i want the one that has every reason to be broody but chooses not to be because they have a completely different defense mechanism#and a warped sense of themselves and self-esteem issues they leave unaddressed until forced to face them#i'm just saying i'm aware that i have a type i'm always going to gravitate toward clouis nearly checks all the boxes#also the lack of clouis these days? my crops are thirsty and i have too many ongoing projects to do anything about it other than this sksks#so until i make time to finish my long ass louis/clouis analysis this is the best i can provide for now
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bellaxgiornata · 5 months
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Today marks Falling for the Devil's first birthday!!! 🎉🎉
Exactly one year ago today I published the first installment of FFTD over on AO3 with the intention of this series only being maybe 15 to 20 installments long, and now a year later we have NINETY and we are STILL GOING. Some of you have even been here reading and supporting me and this fic from the very beginning and it truly leaves me speechless. I had no idea the love this little fic was going to receive from all of y'all when I started it, and it truly is because of that love that this story is still going a year later ❤️😭 I've never had a fic ongoing for so damn long before, but yet I'm still over here having fun working on it (and truthfully FFTD Matt and Reader will always be my favorite).
I could honestly blather on and pour my heart out to y'all about what this fic means to me and how it's also been my escape in difficult times (and those of you who know my FFTD end notes know how damn true that is 😅), but I really just wanted to say thank you all for the support. Not just on this fic, but on all of my others, too. This community/fandom has been so welcoming and wonderful and I enjoy writing for y'all because of that ❤️
So here's to more FFTD installments (the next one is almost written now), that upcoming Second Angst Arc, and Matt hopefully getting his shit together and finally asking Reader to marry him because we have all been waiting so long. LIKE IT'S BEEN AN ENTIRE REAL LIFE YEAR, MATTHEW. GET IT TOGETHER.
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kingcrustacean · 10 months
i have a few questions! does ace ever show up? what about the canon events do they still happen? when the crew finally sets out do the OG five help in the kitchen? DOES GARP SHOW UP????
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“I thought you were gonna be pirate king!”
“I am! I’m just on hiatus right now!”
As for the canon events, they all happen, they’re just pushed back slightly.
After the year spent at Baratie, the crew all help Sanji in the kitchen, but Sanji is still the Strawhat’s cook :)
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rodolfoparras · 8 months
Hi! I just have to know… what are your thoughts on Makarov/Price, or just Price with a very intense and feisty partner 👀
Oh my god friend I loved this question but Istg every time I went to answer it I ended up with a response in the form of a book so I’m doing my best to stick to bullet points
Anyways I present to you Price with a very intense / feisty reader
First and foremost I want to note that Price isn’t docile himself, he feels rather strongly and sometimes acts impulsively but he’s learned to handle it throughout the years.
However when he first enlisted , fresh faced and ready to conquer the injustices of the world, higher ups saw these attributes as something to take advantage of so that they did.
Back then he didn’t see that, he was just happy that there were people in power willing to listen and willing to help him and while he got his hands dirty and went against everything he stood for, the higher ups stayed back home while offering simple promotions for his dirty work.
Since Price rose so fast in ranking, he probably attended many private parties and banquets organized by the army, and at one of those events he was bound to meet his future s/o
Back then he’d met you because he’d snuck out the event, had felt suffocated by the crowd and went outside to smoke.
There you were leaned up against the wall and offering him your cigarette
He swiftly takes it, while discreetly giving you a once over, noting you must be a soldier but not one attending this specific event for whatever reasons.
“Party that boring eh?” You say, noting the suit on him and the gloomy look on his face,
“You can say that” he says before taking a drag of the cigarette. “I’m not much of a party person actually” he says, taking another drag before passing the cigarette back to you.
“Yet you attended this one “‘you say with a smile on your face while exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air.
“Didn’t have a choice” Price shrugs watching tobacco smoke swirl around in the dark sky.
“Says who?” You say, passing the cigarette back to him.
“The party’s for me” Price says, lip curling in disdain.
You feel your eyes widen at his words, attention now fully on him rather than the tobacco.
“Oh now you’ve got me curios”
“Just a promotion, nothing special” he says, lips now curling into a small smile
“Nothing special eh what is it? Captain?”
“You’re right, doesn’t sound special at all” you snort and he laughs along with you
Just as you’re about to say something else you see someone waving him over.
“Looks like someone’s calling for you -“
“I’ll see you around Lieutenant price “ you say with a smile on your face, snuffing out your cigarette before walking away.
The next time he sees you, is when you’re being reprimanded for your behavior and he’s in charge of your punishment. It had been a minor offense but had resulted in you having to run laps in the rain. However when you had arrived in front of him he had quickly released you off of it.
“A merciful lieutenant who’d think that?” You say with a smile on your face.
“Don’t see a point of you just running around in the rain, join me instead?” He says with a smile on his own while waving a cigarette in the air.
As you sit down and smoke, he finds out that many times you’ve ended up being reprimanded for your behavior but that they haven’t kicked you out yet since you’re a very good soldier.
However he cant seem to comprehend why you keep getting yourself in trouble and you don’t give him a clear answer to that question either.
“Just remember while our hands get dirty someone else’s stay clean, I’ll see you around lieutenant Price”
After that you continue to bump into each other and every time you do, it’s because you’re in some trouble and Price is the one to get you out of the punishment. He’s still torn between being loyal to the higher ups and accepting the fact that they’re using him as a pawn in their own little games .
However he ends up making a decision when you get in trouble despite having done nothing wrong. You’re sent to your room and ordered to attend a disciplinary meeting. Price tries to reason with the higher ups, but they aren’t listening and in that very moment he realizes that these people don’t care about doing the right thing. They care about having power and controlling their subordinates
Feeling frustrated about the situation, and also feeling deeply worried for you, he decides to go and see you.
For someone who risks losing their entire career you look calm as ever, opening the door with a soft smile on your face.
“Lieutenant” you say while gesturing for him to come in
“Price” he subconsciously correct while walking inside.
“So what brings you here? Not that I’m opposed to it or anything.”
“Just wanted to see if you’re alright after everything that happened today”
“Oh that?”You wave him off before patting down the pockets of your coat that hangs on the wall, and pull out a pack of cigarettes.
You quickly light one up and pass it to him, before gesturing for him to sit down on your bed with you.
“You’re not worried that you’ll get kicked out?” He says, taking a drag of the cigarette before passing it to you.
You chuckle in response, putting the cigarette between your lips before you go to respond “not really, maybe I’d be if I still were a recruit but now? Not so much?”
“Why?” He says watching you exhale the smoke into the air before his eyes fall onto your lips, the way they pucker up to release the smoke, before falling back into a natural pout.
“I don’t know if you’ve realized it yet but they don’t give a shit about us here”
“I’m starting to” he says, eyes still locked on your lips, noting the way they’re curling up into a grin.
“Good” is all you say, “now if that’s all you wanted to say I suppose we’re done here unless..” you trail off, voice going lower as you lean closer to him.
For a second his eyes widen, body freezing in place. You continue to lean in closer until there’s only a cloud of smoke between you, serving as a barrier.
“Im- I -“ he tries to speak but his brain isn’t cooperating with his mouth. Instead he focuses on the way you lick your lips before you speak.
“If you don’t want this tell me to stop and I’ll-“ but before you can say more he grabs ahold of your neck and smashes your lips together, leaving you wide eyed and gasping before your eyes flutter shut and you lose yourself into the kiss
“You sure you don’t want me to come with you” he says looking like a whole sight with the sheets draped over his waist while lounging on your bed.
“No I’ll be fine” you say while shrugging on your shirt. “You stay here, I’ll be back soon” you add, eyes trailing over his naked body and feeling blood pool down to your lower half.
“Okay “ he says biting down on his lips before sinking back into the sheets .
You return quickly just like you had promised, and Price keeps his own promises by staying in your bed.
He stays there all day and for many more years to come. However the two of you don’t become anything official until much later on seeing as he’s focusing more on his career than having a relationship.
But in between those years of waiting you become a close companion of his as well as someone who knows his body better than anybody else in this world. You taught him to not let people take advantage of him and to do what he thinks and feels is right. He’s still loyal to some degree to those above him solely for the reason that they sometimes can come in hand. However Price wouldn’t let anyone dull your spark. He’d always aim to make sure that you get to stay true to yourself even if that means getting into a fight with his squad because you’re getting on the teams nerves with your temper, or making it clear that you are to be as respected as he is even though you don’t have some fancy title to go with your name
You work seamlessly together so much so people will come up to him and tell him “keep your dog on a leash” referring to the way you’re hovering behind Price and barring your teeth. But Price’s lips would only curl up into a smile before he responds with “it’s not him you have to worry about” because even though he’s learned to bite his tongue in order to keep important pawns on his chess board, he’d bite anyone’s neck off if they were to disrespect you.
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fractiflos · 3 months
What happened to AFO seems like the most extreme 'big sister syndrome' that has ever existed to me.
It is one thing looking after a younger sibling since you were a little kid as well as them.
But literally, the second after they were born?
If AFO had not took Yoichi's hand with the deathgrip of all the deathgrip and cling into their mother's corpse, he would have just drown in the river and got eaten by rats.
What do you think?
As a big sister myself, I agree.
There have definitely been times where I looked after my little sister by choice and helped her, but we have parents who put a roof over our heads and bought us food. The Shigaraki Twins did not. And with AFO being literally bigger and healthier than Yoichi, of course he was the one who went out to get them food. They had no one else to rely on but AFO, leaving him with the responsibility of caring for himself and for a sick child.
Side note: I find it interesting that AFO clung to his brother. In the manga panel, they ended up far apart after being born (far for a newborn) and yet, AFO didn't first climb up to the scent of milk, but reached for his brother, who had no use for his survival, and saved him. My only theory for that is he was scared and overwhelmed by the sudden new environment and reached for the one familiar thing he knew. And then he never let go.
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always-a-joyful-note · 2 months
Welp. Tag tagged by @justplaggin for the game
rules: spell out your name or url with songs
I couldn't resist, and thank you very much for it, Jay/Plagg!
To challenge myself, I'm gonna see if I can stick to songs from anime East Asian shows/stories
A - All-in (Alien Stage)
L - Last Dimension (TRIGGER)
W - wi(l)d-screen baroque (Revue Starlight)
A - Artistic Partisan (ALKALOID x Valkyrie)
Y - Yumemiru Architecture (Kagehira Mika; Enstars)
A - Ame (MEZZO)
J - Joker Flag (IDOLiSH7)
Y - Yume Shizuku (Re:vale)
F - Forever Note (MEZZO)
U - Until it Dies (覃云; Link Click)
L - Lily (Luck Life; Bungo Stray Dogs)
N - Now and Then (Re:vale)
O - Or the Beautiful Golden Drop (Knights; complete version out on May 22, so have the game version)
E - Eccentric Party Night!! (Five Eccentrics)
19 songs...and I tried to find ones that I genuinely enjoy right now (RIP to me making this challenge harder), so hence, the above mostly-Japanese-dominated list.
No pressure tags: @bobisnolongerhere @lizzieonka @rosencrantzsguildenstern @msperfectsheep-posts @mahounonbinary @praise-the-lord-im-dead @nitunio @akitchenknife @teslathelame @koi0boi @mihai-florescu @forebodinglight @imissthembutitwasntadisaster and anyone else seeing this because i am now incredibly curious about what songs you will choose (im so sorry if I forgot someone)
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brodinsons · 1 year
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mister dan mora...thank u for ur service
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ganondoodle · 7 months
you know what i just saw some more of that weird ass reward for getting all shrines in totk, and tbh im still so
what is that?? there are no dog like sentient species in this version of hyrule?? the most is the sonau themselves but they got no tails??? i dont think anything in this hyrule has a tail like that? and sonau legs are pretty normalish human too areant they? they dont even have proper claws, just veguely longer fingernails- i guess there are the statues in the underground that kinda look like it (they dont got tails either tho do they??) but like ,,, theres nothing you can learn about them right? its never mentioned or even hinted at despite there being so goddamm much of the sonau still just up and functioning- their lil "material deposits" in the depths arent even withered beyond some plants growing on them, all their 'tech' (isnt it just .. magic tho? where the mechanism actually? its usually just some stone animated by green swirlies ... but ill mention that in another post) just runs perfectly like it was made yesterday
where does that thing come from?? and its supposed to the the HERO FROM THE TAPESTRY???? huh????? and its decked out in sonau clothing head to toe with clear gerudo refs too?? that so weird bc youd feel like there would have been some mention of this, especially considering that that thing is on the tapestry and impa(was it her? or purah?) RECOGNIZES ITS THE HERO FROM THE TAPESTRY???? like, CASUALLY even?? like a well known fact ?? did i miss some big lore part somewhere that talked about that dog gerudo sonau thing?? and if its on the tapestry that means it wasnt that long ago really (i mean ... all the sonau shit is still pretty much fully intact so arguing that they came and went in the time between totks past and botws past isnt that plausible either imo ..??) o how come you never see anything from that and yet its somehow completely known for them, and you cannot tell me she saw the abstract version of the hero and then looked at that armor and went thats the same bc two colors veguely matched or what?!! also given that its fully clothed in sonau stuff .. like the arms are literally raurus bracelets .. thingies, but then the sonau where supposedly a complete and unknown mystery until it suddendly came all raining from the sky and revealing its been there and EVERYWHERE the whole time apparently? with the most we knew was some flimsyly made stereotypical barbaric armor set in faron in botw? which i guess is also fully undone by totk since it shares absolutely zero in desing to the 'actual' sonau stuff we got in totk
and if it where some sort of descendant from the mix of kids rauru and sonai kinda .. must have had (unless they did away with zeldas bloodline stuff too .. which .. why even call it zelda anymore at this point lol) then again, where did those features come from (like the tail and red hair, the strange googly eyes? is there a mix of goron in there too??) and how was it then not documented or seen anywhere else?? youd imagine the mutant kids of the first tragically dead king and queen of this hyrule would be known in some way .. that is assuming it was that, but given the weird features no other species has still is ... it just doesnt add up
(i had the awful thoguht for a second that it might supposed to mean the gerudo came from that but .. the gerudo are already there LITERALLY the 1:1 same as in the present, just like all the other species ... which is also disappointing as hell, like seriously? not even different feather colors for the rito? literally the same clothing for the gerudo as in botw but white with golden stuff instead?? some vaguely different zora features? idk ? anything? also the hero would never be gerudo, we know only evil comes from that *explodes*)
if its supposed to be a mystery then they absolutely failed in making it any interesting or intriguing but still something that feels like its part of the world, like botw was very good at giving you mysteries you wanted to talk and theorize about that still felt organic, harmonic with the world, but in totk its all either boring answers or just ... completely out of nowhere and just kinda stumps you (in a bad way)
*sighs* yet antoher ramble rant, this game could have had it all, it was right there on the plate in front of them all they needed to do is grasp at it, why wouldnt you ..
totk will never not frustrate me huh ಠ_ಠ
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m00ngbin · 6 months
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Ehmm hello! I don't know if I can ask this but how do you see akutagawa in a romantic relationship? What kind of boyfriend would he be hehe. I'd just like to hear your thoughts and headcanons on him , I guess. Thanks in advance and sorry for my English, it's not my mother tongue
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hi hi!! you’re totally allowed to ask that! i don’t take requests, but i do welcome suggestions/prompts, and while i don’t answer all of them, any of the ones that make my brain n heart go !!!!!!!!!! get stashed and stored safely in my drafts hehe c: 
AH okay i am in love with this question!!! i have many, many thoughts on this topic hehe <33
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warnings: toxic traits/relationship, mention of rough sex and kinks at the end (marking, dom/sub dynamic, dacryphilia, degradation + dumbification, etc).
words: 1.9k of me literally rambling about aku
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akutagawa in a relationship is very interesting because i think there’d be multiple layers to the whole thing; it would be quite complex! i also don’t think a 100% healthy relationship is possible with him, for reasons i’ll get into below! 
and of course, keep in mind, these are just my personal opinions and interpretations of him!
𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: 
- at the beginning, he is awkward, clumsy, and standoffish. these are all very new, very intense feelings for him, and while he likes them—likes the way warmth seethes pleasantly in his chest whenever you smile at him or call him baby, likes the way his ribs expand with bubbles of sunshine whenever you gaze at him with such pure, potent adoration—they do still frighten/unnerve him to an extent, and he does not know how to properly express + process these emotions of lust and love and compassion. as such, he truly doesn’t know how to act in a romantic relationship, and will most likely end up unintentionally stepping on your toes or hurting you with his actions and his words, purely out of ignorance. he’d feel horribly guilty for these mess-ups, and would learn from them extraordinarily quickly (could also see him researching relationship things on like, google or something lmao). 
*a side note here: i believe when akutagawa feels, he feels very intensely; he is apathetic towards a lot of things, but when his emotions sprout, they fucking surge, they take over his body and invade his mind, they are extremely powerful and he cannot ignore them, though he can sometimes reign them in enough to get shit done and momentarily dull them to a constant tugging at the back of his mind
- the possibility of him unintentionally hurting you with his words is particularly large, considering he is incredibly blunt and says exactly what he thinks and means without any regard for the feelings of others. he is extremely honest, and he doesn’t ever sugarcoat his words. the fact that he is quite logical and technical in his thinking patterns only adds to this and his emotional ineptness.
- he is selfish! he feels very possessive and protective over you, well past the point of normal or healthy. it almost bleeds into yandere territory; he’s greedy with you and will get jealous extremely easily, extremely quickly. he likes to know where you are at all times, whom you are with, and when you’ll be back, and you can expect constant texts from him while you’re out. 
- on that note, once he finally comes to terms with his feelings for you and fully accepts them, he will be incredibly clingy in both the literal and metaphorical sense of the word. 
- he doesn’t like your friends. in fact, he doesn’t like anyone who gets to spend time with you and takes you away from him for even a few moments. he is generally cold towards the friends he plainly dislikes and downright hostile towards the ones he hates, the ones who cause his envy to flare and sprout talons and claw at his ribs, the ones he disapproves of, as well as previous exes, if you have any. he genuinely does not see anything wrong with this behaviour and truly believes himself to be doing the ‘right’ thing and what’s best for you (and he knows what’s best for you better than you do, duh).
- he’s touch-starved, and at the beginning any sort of skinship makes him flinch—not because he doesn’t like it (he very much does), but because it’s quite new and unfamiliar to him. he wouldn’t be incredibly interested in PDA, partially because he’s shy and partially because he thinks that’s special and private and just for the two of you to experience, but you can expect his hands on you, or his body touching you, somewhere, someway, all the time when you’re out and about. this could manifest as a hand resting on your lower back, just above the swell of your ass; or an arm twined tightly around your waist, large palm resting on your hip, wrist curled around you; or his thigh slotted up against yours at any event; or his ankle linked with yours beneath the table at a dinner; or your pinkies intertwined; etc.. he just likes to be touching you in these small, soft, subtle ways; it makes him feel calm, it makes him feel grounded, and it makes him feel like he’s visually staking his claim on what’s his for everyone in the immediate vicinity to see without drawing too much attention to himself.
- his starkly defined black-and-white philosophies are immovable and unbreakable, and he holds steadfast to his world views. to me, this steadfast devotion would bleed into other important areas of his life, such as a romantic relationship, which means that he would be incredibly loyal and faithful to you. he’s with you for life, through thick and thin, no matter how angry you make him or how many fights you have, he will not let go of you, and he will always, always defend you against others (aka he’s the only one allowed to criticize you lmao). he may be the mafia’s dog, but he’s your fucking dragon (ew cheesy as heck i know!!! but it’s true!!!).
- he definitely gets in Moods. sometimes you’ll be able to offset these Moods or dispel them (ie. the way gin did with tea n figs), but there will be times where you just have to accept that he’s in a Mood and leave him be. 
- on that note, he genuinely does value his space and his alone time. this is of utmost importance to him and he needs you to understand that, as well as understand that it’s nothing personal. he is an introvert in all respects and doesn’t really enjoy being in big crowds or conversations, or loud and hyper spaces. this is just another inherent trait to who he is; he needs his own space to recharge, even from just you. 
- his moral compass exists in some vague form, but it is extremely weak. he will take disproportionate revenge on anyone he believes has wronged you. 
- he most definitely holds heavy respect for you and holds you in high esteem, but i don’t think he’d think of you as his equal, necessarily. he’d probably consider you to be ever-so-slightly below him; someone who is strong, but needs his guidance and control. someone who would do satisfactorily on their own, but does even better with him. it is because of this that he doesn’t feel inferior to you, irregardless of the fact that he feels inferior to those above him (and, deep inside, himself). 
- he’d hate you trying to take care of him when he’s sick or when he’s experiencing a particularly acute flare-up of symptoms, because it makes him feel weak. as far as he’s concerned, it should be him taking care of you, always.
𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬’ 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬:
- he has a hair-trigger temper, and you will have to learn how to expertly avoid not tripping it up at any given moment, not accidentally snapping that thin thread. this will take some practice and trial and error, but the thing about akutagawa is that while he is quick to anger and give into the sharp flashes of fury in his chest, he is also fairly easy to calm, as long as the offense wasn’t a serious one. this may just be me thinking wishfully HEHE but i do think that his temper would be subdued by and dulled down in your presence because he truly doesn’t want to get angry at you, hates hurting you over inconsequential things, but has severe difficulty controlling his wrath. this is something i think he’d attempt to work on for you.
- he is extremely stubborn and resilient, especially when it comes to his own personal views, beliefs, ideals, and opinions, and this makes me think he would be absolute hell to be in a fight with because of his sheer willpower; he just absolutely will NOT give up. if he genuinely and wholeheartedly believes he’s right about something, his belief will be unshakable. he’s right, you’re wrong, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. as such, he won’t let things go, especially if you haven’t given into him yet and agreed with him, meaning he will continue to pick at and pull at and press the issue until you really snap, break into pieces and allow him to put you back together his way, the right way. 
- he holds grudges. he will, without a doubt, bring up your past mistakes committed against him—things he knows you feel awful about—and wield them as emotional and psychological weapons in a fight, irregardless of how long ago those mistakes were made, irregardless of if you thought the two of you had forgiven and moved past the issue. he plays dirty, and he doesn’t care; it’s all about him winning, him coming out on top, him proving that he was correct all along. he’ll use anything at his disposal to do so. 
- he won’t compromise, either. i genuinely think this is just one of his toxic traits, a flaw inherent to who he is as a person, and it’s pretty much non-negotiable. it’s a harsh truth you’d have to accept if you were to date him.
- on the contrary, very rarely, he may back down if his views on the topic or issue at hand have not yet been fully solidified. but once they are, there’s no changing them. 
𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦:
- he fucks viciously, hips pounding hard and rough and fast, with such force that they shove your body up the mattress with each snap, his hipbones slapping your skin so hard it causes your flesh to ripple. he’s always leaving marks across your body, too; with the harsh drag of his teeth over your neck and collarbone and shoulder, or the sharp sinking of his nails and fingertips into your hips and thighs, marring your skin with crops of red streaks and rapidly developing smudges of navy and violet. there’s definitely an element of sadism here but it isn’t nearly on the level of, say, dazai’s sadism.
- i think akutagawa is a dom-leaning switch. he doesn’t like to be told what to do unless it is from a VERY specific person. otherwise, he likes to be in charge, not because he necessarily has those dom caretaker urges but simply because he likes to be The Boss; he likes to have all of the power and the control over you and your body.
- we know he isn’t fond of meaningless torture (which is why i don’t think he’s as sadistic as dazai), however i think his sexual punishments would be absolutely fucking brutal (because these are not meaningless; these have a very important, very specific purpose, in his mind).
- he really enjoys praise and admiration; he wants to hear how good he’s doing, how good his cock feels, how pretty it is, how much you love it, etc.. such compliments tug the most gorgeous little whines from the back of his throat, and are often followed by a jagged growl of more or again.
- his favourite kinks include: marking, bondage, breathplay, cumplay, impact play, dacryphilia, degradation + dumbification (HEAVY), discipline/punishment, cock worship, praise, dry humping, power play (bdsm dom/sub dynamics), orgasm control, and humiliation!
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andrewscottsource · 8 months
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Hey all! It's been a very long time since I made a post on this blog (I do keep an eye on everything from afar) but I wanted to share something really cool and very special that happened!
Over the weekend I went to MCM Comic Con in London and I had the privilege of meeting Andrew Scott (I still can't quite believe it!)
He was so SO lovely and the entire experience was just amazing. I got to gush about how much I love his work and how much it helped me through some of my own life experiences being Bi and Trans - he listened so intently to everything I had to say and asked me so many questions, it was just wonderful to have that time with him and I feel very lucky.
After we had a chat he signed the beautiful print above for me and took such care in writing me a lovely message that just really warmed my heart. He really is just such a wonderful caring person and I will pass on to you all what he said to me as I left his table: "Don't stop making your tribe bigger." Surround yourself with people who can support you and who you can support in turn, love people and be loved because there can never be too much love in the world. I know how kind-hearted you all are, and I couldn't be more thankful for this little space we've created in our corner of the internet.
Thank you all.
Love and Hugs,
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
*skitters up to you on all fours with a bunch of drawings in my mouth* *drops them at your feet* *skitters away*
enjoy some schizophrenia / psychosis / mental health-based humor.
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coconut530 · 2 months
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