#thank you nat!
vrainydays · 9 months
TAG GAME: 3 songs, 3 books, 3 movies
i was tagged by the lovely @theresebelivet thank you Nat 💘
three songs:
the archer - taylor swift
mikrokosmos - bts
28 - agust d
three books:
colorless tsukuru tazaki and his years of pilgrimage - haruki murakami
wuthering heights - emily brontë
the cat who saved books - sosuke natsukawa
three movies:
20th century girl
tagging: @thisfuckingdeadlife @cordiallyfuturedwight @fireworksgalaxy @magicshop @raplinenthusiasts @monvante @btscontentenjoyer @princehoseok @itsallaboutzayn @loversmore (only if you want to ♡)
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laurabenanti · 1 year
11, 20, 24 ❤️
favorite (or just one you love) piece of lgbt media?
oh i love so many... off the top of my head: [film] i can't think straight, carol, saving face, imagine me and you, but i'm a cheerleader, the handmaiden. [show] first kill, pose, steven universe, our flag means death, harley quinn (the animated series)
do you feel like you "fit in" with the queer/pride community overall?
no. i don't.
do you practice any religion, if so how does it play into your lgbt identity? do you feel welcomed by your spiritual community?
i do not. i was born and raised catholic, but really distanced myself from religion as a whole when i hit high school. it's easy to become disillusioned of something when you aren't forced around it anymore (aka, i went to catholic school). i guess i'd say i'm... agnostic, atheist leaning?? so religion isn't a factor for me.
pride asks for fun
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shortsighted-owl · 2 years
song suggestion!! more so buddie together than just buck but zolita's "explosion" gives me such buddie vibes throughout most of it! i tried thinking of more than just that one but i suck at music recs so just the one rn :)
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Really love the backing track - the dream like quality of it with the cello and the acoustic guitar that turns heavier with the electric guitar. Falling in love with your friend and not knowing where you stand? I can see the lyrics appeal 100%
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zzztlk · 9 months
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burninblood · 4 months
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Bucky Barnes and Alpine in Women of Marvel (2024)
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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#just a knight looking to her queen for approval
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rayandgay · 2 months
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I'll stay right here with you no matter what.
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otrtbs · 9 months
okay hi! hello everyone! yikes!
art heist, baby and tender curiosities, baby! have been taken down very briefly but please do not fret! i have every intention of uploading them again very soon. i have been dealing with people selling copies of art heist, baby! recently despite me asking 385845 times for people not to and despite me no longer allowing people to bind my fics. so i took the two works that people were selling down while i issued some cease and desist letters and made some more copyright infringement claims. but they'll be back up shortly as soon as all of this is resolved. it's nothing to stress over friends! <3
i will ask that you refrain from sharing the pdfs and things around unless you know and trust that the people you're giving the pdfs to won't open an etsy shop and start selling them for profit. at least till this is resolved. thanks!
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critter-of-habit · 1 year
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More of my ♀️ Avengers 'What If...?'/AU because someone reminded me Hawkeye and Black Widow have that fight 👀
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laurenkmyers · 3 months
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for: @ellieellieoxenfree
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faarkas · 9 months
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my wonderful @okayolek surprised me with this exceptional bday gift and i’m sharing with the class
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vrainydays · 9 months
lantern and amber 🔥
Hi Nat!!! thank you so much for these, hope you had a wonderful day 💘
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other? We were classmates at uni, and at first we didn't like each other very much haha. She was very loud for my liking and I guess I was too quiet for hers 🤣 but eventually we got closer and ten years later we even have matching tattoos haha.
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have. most of the times, the most popular blogs here on tumblr are not ruled by very nice people :/ especially the non-content creators ones (sorry, I said what I said 😶 and I'm not thinking about anyone here btw, but from my tswift blog)
autumnal asks 🍂
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dumbpilots · 4 months
bradley's been looking forward to this dinner reservation forever. it took four months to get his name on the list and it was only because he knew a guy who knew a guy. so when natasha calls him 30 minutes before their reservation to say she can't come (impeccable timing, really), bradley's not only disappointed, he's pissed.
"nat there's a $200 hold on my credit card that they're going to charge if i cancel this late!"
"i'm sorry bro. there's no way i can get there in time. anyone else you can take? or put on your big boy pants and eat dinner by yourself."
"they'll still charge me $100 for one person cancelling, nat. you better venmo me for this." he hangs up on her.
and that's how bradley finds himself loitering outside the restaurant, scoping out unsuspecting passerbys, looking for his mark.
he asks a total of four people (#1 "dude, no?", #2 completely ignored, #3 "sorry, not interested", #4 "ew, creep") before he starts to get hopeless. the reservation has already started and he only has a 10 minute window before he's out $200. just as he's about to call it a loss and head inside to the restaurant, he locks eyes with him. well, here's goes nothing.
"excuse me! i'm so sorry to bother you, but i have quite an insane ask."
"oh yeah? shoot." his eyes are sparkling. don't ruin this, bradshaw.
"well, i made reservations with a friend to this restaurant here." he points behind him. "but she just cancelled on me. they're going to charge me $100 if i go in alone, or $200 in about... seven minutes if i don't go in at all."
"ahh... sounds like quite the predicament." bradley can feel his eyes on him.
"soo.. what do you say? fifteen, twenty minutes tops of your time and a drink on me?"
"you got yourself a date. i'm jake." he quirks a smile and extends his hand.
"bradley." he has a good feeling about this.
one drink turns into three, the food tastes like paper for all he knows. he's too busy concentrating on the new language that is jake seresin.
(bradley's pockets are much lighter when they leave, but they burn with the weight of jake's phone number)
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 year
Warlock: “The chasm is Donald Ducking it. It’s bottomless.”
Monk: “I throw my rope down.”
Everyone else: “…”
Monk: “One end of it, not the whole thing.”
Barbarian: “None of us are wearing metal armor.”
Warlock: “As far as you can tell. You dont know what’s under my pants.”
Barbarian: “You’re wearing a chastity belt?”
Warlock: “You don’t know.”
Everyone else: “…”
Warlock: “And the thing about being a tiefling is it is an infernal portal, so it’s best to keep it closed.”
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kdramamilfs · 1 year
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lykegenia · 9 months
So something has been bugging me for a while now about A and N’s backstories, and while I know not everyone will be as pedantic as me, as someone who loves history and has done a lot of writing, I feel that if you’re going to write a story about vampires and give them a specific time and date of origin, then there should be a certain level of research that goes into making that background authentic. I'm not saying that Mishka didn’t do any research. It just seems that in order to keep the vibe of a happy, mellow fantasy some of the less savoury aspects of A and N’s upbringings have been left out, and it's a shame. To be honest, it feels a bit disingenuous, and it feels like an opportunity got wasted.
Let me explain (long post got long, it's 2am)
Let's take A first, since the problem is simpler here.
A is the child of a Norman lord and an Anglo-Saxon noblewoman, born in the first generation after the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. A says that these were turbulent times but that their parents had a happy marriage. Which. While I’m sure a lot of unions in that time period made the best of it, I can’t help but feel this description strips away a lot of the context of what was going on at that point in history - and removes some of the complexity about A’s thoughts on love and relationships.
Basically, after he took control of the throne, William the Conqueror stripped many Anglo-Saxon lords of their lands and titles so he could give them to his Norman buddies instead - with the added bonus that it left the Anglo-Saxons without the means to raise armies against him. The sisters, daughters, and widows of the dispossessed Anglo-Saxons were then forced to marry these new Norman lords to legitimise their power, not infrequently after all of their male relatives had been slaughtered. It’s not as if Anglo-Saxon women weren’t used to being used as political chess pieces, but the years after the conquest were brutal. It’s why William had to build so many castles. The point that I’m trying to make is that even if A’s mother was content enough in her daily life, due to the power imbalance between her and her husband, it's very likely she had little choice in the matter. She may have seen a lot of her family killed for political reasons, with the knowledge that – in an age where women had very little protection outside of their paternal household – she might be next if she made too much of a fuss.
It would be fascinating to see what effect that tension has had on A 900 years later, or even to get an acknowledgement of how much times have changed, but we don’t. We don't see how their early years affected them, how they view relationships formed naturally instead of via political contracts. And I really, really wish we did. There is so much potential there.
But A is not the one keeping me up past 2 in the morning. It’s N, and the utter detachment their backstory seems to have from the period in history they lived in as a human. And it all stems from the fact that they came from the English nobility in the late 1600s.
See, the bulk of the problem is that English inheritance law at the time heavily favoured primogeniture, where a man’s wealth would go to his first-born son. Some dispensation was made for widows and other children, but the estates, assets, and most of the money had a very clear destination.
For one thing, this makes it kinda weird that N’s stepfather would have needed an heir before he could inherit, because except in extreme circumstances everything would have gone to him anyway. Don't get me wrong, this isn't the worst part of the problem, it’s just annoying when there are more plausible reasons for him marrying a woman already pregnant with another man’s child (old family friend wanting to save her from disgrace, needed the dowry to pay off gambling debts, there was a longstanding betrothal between them that would have been tricky to get out of, etc.).
No, the bigger problem with N’s backstory vs primogeniture is firstly that at the time the English aristocracy was racist af (still is tbh) and given his pretty obvious mixed-race heritage, no court would have agreed that Nate was a legitimate son (this is for a very special reason that we will be coming back to). I say Nate specifically here because primogeniture requires the eldest legitimate son. Nat wouldn’t have inherited at all, as women in that period passed from the guardianship of their father (or other male blood relative) into that of their husband after marriage, and only gained any kind of independence with widowhood. If N had been an only child, maybe they would have been treated as a special case, but unfortunately Milton exists: the eldest legitimate son who by law will inherit everything.
Now here’s the thing. Your average aristocrat in the 17th century is very obsessed with lineage and keeping the family line unbroken. He would not, therefore, send his legitimate heir to sea to be shot at or drowned before he can carry on the family name – that joy instead goes to any other sons who need their own profession, because again, they will get very little. Nat would have had a dowry, but would never have been expected to make her own living, so I'm going to focuson Nate for this next bit.
In Book 3, if you unlock his tragic backstory Nate tells you he joined the Royal Navy after Milton went missing so that he could go look for him. And, well. This is where his backstory as Mishka tells it completely falls apart. For two reasons:
1. Even in the modern day, you can’t ‘just’ join the Navy, and you certainly can’t just jump straight to being a lieutenant – it takes years of training and after a certain age they won’t take you because they won’t be able to mould you easily enough into a useful tool. For most of the Navy's history, the process was even more involved. It wasn’t an office job you could just rock up to and then quit if you felt like it, it was a lifetime commitment. Boys destined to be officers would be sent to sea as early as 12 to learn shipboard life, starting at the bottom and moving up the ranks. These were gained by passing exams and by purchasing a commission – which is why you generally had to come from wealth to be an officer at all. Once you get to lieutenant you're responsible for a lot of people, and might be tasked with commanding any captured ships alongside the daily running of yours - it was not an easy job.
2. Even as a lieutenant (one rank below Captain, with varying levels of seniority) it’s not like you can just go where you want. In the 1720s British colonies already existed in India, the Caribbean, and up the entire eastern seaboard of North America and into Canada, and the Navy was tasked with protecting merchant shipping along these seaways (and one trade in particular that we’ll be getting to, don’t worry). Nate could have ended up practically anywhere in the burgeoning empire. He would not have been able to choose whom he served under, and would not have been able to demand his superior officer go against orders from the admirality to chase down one lone vessel because he thinks another one of the admirals might be a bit dodgy. It could not have happened.
Besides these impracticalities, there’s a far easier way for the child of a wealthy man to get to a specific point on the far side of the globe to look for their lost sibling, which is the route I assume Nat took sine she couldn’t have joined the Navy (yes she could have snuck in but she’s specifically in a dress in the B2 mirror scene so). All they'd have to do would be to charter a ship and tell the captain where to go, which is the plot of Treasure Island. It's quicker, less fuss, with less chance of things going wrong. It's even possible in the age of mercantilism that the Sewells had some merchant vessels among their holdings that could be diverted for the task. Why go through the hassle of joining the Navy and potentially ending up on the wrong side of the world when you can just hire a ship directly?
If Nate does have to be in the Navy (and let’s face it, it’s worth it just for the uniform) then it's far more plausible is that, as the illegitimate son who would not inherit because of racism etc, he got sent to the Navy as a boy and rose through the ranks to become a lieutenant. When he got news of Milton’s disappearance not far from where he was stationed, he begged his captain to go investigate in case whatever happened turned out to be the symptom of a bigger problem. Like pirates.
I like this version better not just because it makes more sense, or because it keeps Nate’s situation re: inheritance closer to Nat’s and therefore makes their stories more equal, but also because it adds a delicious amount of guilt to Nate’s need to find his brother. We know his entire crew died looking for answers, because he was selfish – that’s roughly 100-400 lives lost because of him, and we know that sort of thing eats at him.
So that's one side of the story, but if Milton wasn’t in the Navy, what was he doing on the other side of the Atlantic in the first place? Well, this is where we come to the biggest elephant in the room regarding N’s backstory as a member of the 17th century English aristocracy and potentially as a naval officer: the Atlantic Slave Trade. If you are wealthy in 17th century Britain it's more than likely that your wealth comes either from the trade itself, or from the products made with the labour of enslaved people. If you are wealthy, you want to protect your assets from attack by pirates or foreign powers so you don't become less wealthy, and that is what the Navy is for.
Regardless of N’s own views on slavery at the time – and any subsequent changes in opinion – it’s likely their family owned or had shares in slave plantations in the Americas. As distasteful as it is, it makes far more sense that Milton was on a trip to check the family’s holdings when his ship - specifically a merchant vessel - went missing. From a pirate perspective, a merchant ship would make a much better target than a Navy vessel, being slower, more likely to have valuable cargo, and less likely to have marines or a well-trained broadside.
It's not surprising that Mishka left out the subject of the slave trade given her tendency to skirt around darker subjects and general blindspot for racial politics, but it is nuance that, if it was there, would create a more grounded and coherent backstory for N that doesn’t have quite so many holes. Like with A being the child of an invader and his war bride, we could get some deeper thoughts from N about their place in the world - How do they feel to have grown up so privileged when others who looked like them were regarded as literal property? How did they feel being part of the system that made it happen? Did it inform their compassionate nature? Is it still a source of guilt or someithng they've tried to make up for?
I'm not sure where I was going with all of this. It's late, my sleep pattern is fucked. The tl;dr is that giving the vampires' backstories historical context would make them feel more multifaceted and would give opportunities for character growth that are instead missed because of a desire for a more sanitized version of the past.
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