#thank you person in the comments for checking where the place actually is
harmonysanreads · 1 year
Thinking about Yandere!Sumeru Boys and the sweet, lovely bartender who's become the talk of Sumeru recently.
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After receiving the news of the Sage's downfall and Lesser Lord Kusanali's rescue, you, who'd been out venturing Teyvat to learn about its global gastronomy and arts, decide to return to your homeland and help your father's busy Tavern. The knowledge you've gained from your travels prove to be fruitful as Lambad's Tavern reaches a new peak of popularity. Though, not everyone's point of interest is the menu — no no, in fact, many have become frequent patrons simply to get a glimpse of the new face behind the counter.
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You and Kaveh click almost immediately. Your shared views on arts and beauty is one thing checked off, but the way your actually understand him? Unlike most people when they hear his story, you're not quick to put a lable on him ; instead, you make him feel heard and normal for the very first time. Listen patiently and don't throw factual advice on how to fix his life. No wonder he poured out his entire life story to you, all on his first conversation. He's left wondering where you've been all his life as you share a portion of your own struggles, views on life and snippets of your adventures. To this day, Kaveh recalls the conversation along with your benign smile and feels his heart thump as if he's become a teenager again.
Every ensuing visit to the Tavern has his belief strengthen as well : you two must be soulmates. He's even started (half) jokingly calling you one as well, which never seems to move you the way he wants though as, all you do is adorably giggle and ask him to pay for his order. Oh well, he supposes that's an indication that you do not pity him solely because of his financial status. Kaveh's life had gotten a lot better with your presence ; he no longer drinks himself to oblivion, sleeps better than before and doesn't even pay heed to his roommate's sharp comments that'd otherwise end in a massive argument, thoughts preoccupied with what kind of trinket he could bring to impress you. For a brief period, Kaveh had felt like he'd finally found his light, his reason to keep living. He'd only wish he hadn't introduced his friends to you.
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You first ‘officially’ met the dusty-rock-of-a-roommate of Kaveh (his words) when you took the responsibility of dropping him to his place of residence after the architect had passed out from taking a sip of the Sneznayan Fire-Water. You weren't sure what you were expecting from Alhaitham, but a talk over books that spiralled a little too late into the night and ended with him walking you back home certainly wasn't it. You can see where Kaveh came from, The Acting Grand Sage did not have the countenance that invited friendships. You'll have to thank your profound interest in all genres of books and an equal ease to share your opinions to not be at the recipient of that attitude. It takes you a little too much time to notice that since that night, the Scribe has found himself a second home in your radar. You see him at Puspa Cafe, the Grand Bazar, the streets and after a little while, even at your father's Tavern almost frequently. So much so, that calling him something of a friend might not be as far-fetched now.
In Alhaitham's defense, he's simply intrigued, it's not everyday he meets someone who can keep up with him. It took him only a glance at you to realize you're the person who has Kaveh blushing and giggling like a madman at random times. The architect's creepy behavior aside, at least, it seemed as though some of your sense of responsibility had rubbed off on him so, less headache for Alhaitham. You're easy to talk to ; granted, you don't always have agreements but that doesn't pose as an impediment from keeping the conversation flowing. In fact, you treat him no different ; neither his status nor his prolonged disappearances that'd no doubt affect anyone else can change your easygoing persona as he approaches you, the coffee and dishes you make are rather good too and— ah. Alhaitham understands now why Kaveh is so smitten with you.
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Lambad's Tavern is a prominent destination for fans of Genius Invocation TCG, you like the game, too. But because of your duty, you can only resign yourself to watching from the counter as some rejoiced in victory and others had their heads in their hands from loss. It's entertaining to a degree, frustrating to another as you have to remain silent while the players make dumb choices. You digress, whatever they do is none of your business. But if you had to pick one group that produced the most entertaining show out of this game ; it'd be the friends Kaveh brought along with him. Most of the times, they'd just be reduced to Kaveh's ranting pillows and really, only one of them—and by that you mean the General Mahamatra who seemed to truly care for the game. You're curious about him, actually. He seemed so different from the rumours that were floating around. And thanks to Kaveh's impulsive announcement that you'd be dueling Cyno one night, you had the opportunity to satiate that curiousity — and flex a win against the master of TCG altogether.
To say Cyno was flabbergasted would be the understatement of the century. He'd repeatedly demanded for a second match that time (all the while Kaveh looked like he could die of pride) but you'd shut it off with the (not really) threat of charging extra for your lost time. Since then, he'd been hot on your tail, too. Trying to coax you into a second match with every strategy he can think of : bribing, bargaining, cracking awful jokes to befriend you — his hard work paid off, but the sight of a win against you still seemed to be far. At one point, those concerns were lost as you both simply found fun in each other's presence. Cyno, in the meantime, had noticed that your amiable personality was both a blessing and a curse. Do you not see the corrupt glints in their eyes? The wanton touches and disgusting saccharine lacing their words? No can do, they do not deserve your courtesy. Do not blame him for taking matters into his own accounts or show any semblance of concern after the personnel mysteriously disappear the next day ; its just a little favor for his TCG buddy.
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Out of all of them, Tighnari took you the longest to get to know properly. Given his usually passive personality in the presence of others, no wonder he'd strayed a little from your attention. The forest ranger wasn't behind in knowing you, though. In fact, it seemed as though he had been picking up on clues his other friends were missing. Tighnari had been the first to take notice of your ennui, which he had surmised to be a result of all the people you have to deal with everyday. Turns out even you have your moments. One evening as Kaveh, Cyno and Alhaitham were preoccupied with debating over who-knows-what, Tighnari took the opportunity to approach you about it. He couldn't ignore the darkening circles under your eyes or the brightness in your optics dimming any longer — he's glad he did ; in truth, your life had gotten crazier than it was back when you were traveling, you'd confessed. You no longer felt truly...alone, even in moments that you're sure is securely private. Tighnari listened intently, for once the roles being switched. He sent hand-made remedies to help with your stress, frequently wrote to you to check your well being when he couldn't visit personally, anything within his power.
He felt sympathy for your state, such a precious person like you doesn't deserve this, you should be treated better, he could treat you better — now if only you're at arms reach to the forest ranger. Alas, for now he'd have to be content with this development. Tighnari has an inkling about who is, or are, responsible for your building misery. Does he intent to do anything with that knowledge though? Yes, coaxing you to his side, preferably.
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The innocent, nameless wandering boy you'd taken with you on your return to Sumeru, suddenly returned home with a glowing anemo vision in the span of a few hours one fine afternoon. Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary though, he was still as glued to your person (though nowadays he seemed to venture out more than usual), he was still the harmless boy you'd grown accustomed to. So then, why did it feel like something was amiss? Was it how often he'd find himself at the brink of an angry customer's fist? Or was it because that only occurs when you leave the counter to get something and that same customer just so happened to have been pushing you for a date beforehand? Your suspicions always end up fleeting though, you can never even raise an eyebrow at the boy, not when he looks at you with those glossy puppy eyes. In the end, it's always the other man that's handed over to the guards, it's always the others, in general at the face of your displeasure — not Wanderer, never Wanderer. If only you could see the same grin he directs at the retreating men behind your unassuming back.
You never did regret letting him trail behind your person (except maybe the bombarding allegations from your family of him being your significant other, it took one whole week to convince them otherwise, after all.) ; he was sweet and so.. clueless, as if he were but a newborn child. Your heart couldn't resist the poor thing and that's what brought you to this situation. Wanderer revels in the others' jealousy at the sight of you two's closeness (who could guess this same man had tried to take over Sumeru). He can do many of the things your other admirers can only dream of ; lean on your shoulder, fall asleep on your lap, play with your hair as you prepare a drink, whisper things in your ear with a purposefully lowered voice and get away with anything. All is well with the lost boy you'd picked up from the last turn of your travels, it's just that, you can't quite shake off the feeling of a strange familiarity everytime you look at his otherwordly eyes.
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what do you call this? a love hexagon? 🤔
[ au masterlist ]
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mewtwoandme · 2 months
I was hoping this would all blow over, but since it's continuing to happen, now with people attacking other artists of the commewnity. I'm putting out my two fucking cents! Cause this whole art/character theft and pointing fingers, who stole what from who bullshit it driving me up the fucking wall!!
Long story short, it started with me and one other blog whose name I won't mention publicly. Despite the horrible light they tried to paint me in, I don't want anyone going to this person and ganging up on them. This person had some serious bitterness towards more "popular" artists and claimed that I've made characters similar to theirs and once used a pose they apparently used before (which was a very common pose, considering it was a reference from the game version of mega Y). Since then, they had desperately tried to conjure up evidence, narrowing down to the most miniscule detail how I've been stealing from them when I hadn't even known their blog existed until I was forcefully thrown into that unnecessary drama with the unhinged call-out posts they've made. With this being said, I'd like to point out that they never came to me or addressed this concern with me in the first place. They had every opportunity to privately DM me if they had suspected I was "stealing," but no, simply because they already made up their mind that I was a thief, that was a good enough reason to lack common fucking sense and decency, making what should have been a private issue public, going on to villainize and dehumanize me. And apparently, it hasn't stopped with me either, cause recently I've been seeing other artists in the community having to deal with this where people are being white knights on high horses, pointing fingers on how one artist's mewtwo looks "the same" if not "totally identical" as another artist's mewtwo. I refuse to believe it's a coincidence. But what makes me disgusted is that since TC's post, apparently it's had the opposite effect on some people and they're hopping on this blame bandwagon like it's some damn media trend!!!
This is NOT okay! Nothing about this kind of behavior is funny! It's upsetting to all of us. We dont need you causing problems where there isn't any, thinking you're doing us a favor! The majority of us are adults for gods sake! We are old enough where we don't need other people coming to us being tattle tails saying this person did this and that. That's what little children do! If you suspect any form of theft, I think I speak for ALL creators in this commewnity that we'd prefer you DM us privately saying something like "Hey, I think this person is copying you, might wanna look into it." And if possible, provide a link to the art in question, for which we would kindly thank you for making us aware and we'll handle it ourselves from there. Just a brief, yet SIMPLE interaction...that's all we ask!!! Don't even come at me with "Well, it's scary attempting to talk to an artist that's well known." Or dare I say ~pOpUlAr~ If you claim that taking the first step to send me a quick DM makes you nervous, yet you have no problem making public call outs in posts or asks, belittling and degrading what could actually be innocent artists doing nothing wrong, literally leaving yourself open to all kinds of comments and opinions from all kinds of people....I'm sorry but your anxiety isn't as bad as you say it is then, if being rude and ignorant in a public post/ask is easier for you. If you come to us, shaming someone else who 9/10 probably isn't doing anything wrong, thinking you'll be in our good graces for doing so, sorry, you're not going to be told, "Good job!" with a pat on the back and given a lollipop! You're just being an asshole.
Quick reality check for everyone who's made it this far before I end this train wreck of a rant:
People can have similar ideas that coincide with one another! There's only so much you can do when a whole community is focused around drawing the same character! We mainly draw mewtwos and mews, you're bound to find a plethora of similar colors, patterns, and designs because of it! Creativity only goes so far when trying to stay true to a character and not stray too far. It's not a crime to take inspiration from other artists' characters, we actually encourage this! It makes us feel good that you liked something we've done and you want to incorporate it into your own designs! It makes us happy that we inspired you! The line is crossed when someone does a literal copy/paste of a character down to the exact detail, and they call it their own original creation. That my friends is what stealing actually is!
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johnbrand · 2 months
A Promise
Brady had been unenthusiastic about going to the gym. Actually, “unenthusiastic” may have been a light way to put it. Although he should have had the typical confidence of a college senior, his low self-esteem and horrible body image rendered him unable to socialize with others. Brady had made a promise to himself that visiting the gym would solve his problems. He hoped working out would at least combat his issues with body image, and then eventually friends would begin to magically come to him.
But now, standing in the massive gym, Brady could not help but let his eyes widen as he scanned the room of all the machines. Why were there so many–did humans truly have so many body parts to further develop? It was insane, overwhelming in a way that Brady was beginning to feel suffocated.
“Previewing all the options?” a male voice caught Brady by alarm.
“Uhh…” he swung around to greet the mystery person, immediately having to trace his eyes up along the rippled chest before him. Thanks to his smaller, hairless body, Brady appeared like a boy next to this man. “Yeah,” Brady stupidly replied, holding back a blush. He had not meant to lie, but the handsome jock twice his size caught him completely off guard.
Unfazed, the muscular jock stuck out a hand with a pleasant smile, “Michael.”
“The gym truly has everything a bro needs. It’s so great that the college focuses on funding areas for the majority of students, unlike other schools,” Michael remarked. Obviously there was a backhanded comment in that remark, but Brady was a little too infatuated to notice.
“It is impressive,” Brady agreed. “There’s just so much to work with, I don’t know where to begin.”
Michael chuckled, jabbing a bit at the shorter male. “What? A guy like you! By the looks of it I’d bet you follow a pretty rigid routine.”
“Huh?” Brady peered down at his baggy sweatshirt and sweats, confused.
“Don’t think your pump cover can fool me,” Michael poked. “A bro like you should only wear tight, revealing stuff anyway.”
Brady suddenly felt extremely self-conscious. There were too many places his extra weight hung off him weirdly. “Uhhh…I…I don’t really-”
“What's the point of working out if you don’t show it off.” 
Brady had an argument, but it suddenly left him, replaced by: “I mean…I don’t want to seem rude.” Subconsciously, he rubbed the back of his head, flexing his huge bicep almost on reflex. Brady did not realize just how much his veins were bulging out, squeezed by the tight black tee. 
Michael laughed. “Bro who cares, you’re an alpha male! Take up some space–it’s your right after all.” 
Brady thought back to how people had treated him all throughout life. People did look up to him, follow him around like helpless puppies. He had received high grades without even putting in the work, gotten one-night stands with pretty boys by a simple wink. Being ripped had its privileges.
“C’mon, stand a little taller bro. Put some hair on that chest.” Michael gave him a rough, playful pat on the back. Brady straightened back out after a moment, standing eye-to-eye with the other attractive jock. “There ya go, men like us are born superior. I bet you could even crush skulls between those thighs.
“I’ve cracked open a few watermelons in my day,” Brady showcased the glorious muscles underneath his short shorts. He could not help but take a moment to admire his legs, carved beautifully all the way down to his great stompers. It made Brady feel really good; he did deserve to enjoy his muscular body and display it for all to see.
“You got a girl yet?” Michael suddenly asked, pulling Brady back in.
“Uhhhh…” a flash of concern paused Brady. 
“You gotta be kidding!” Michael announced with an exaggerated amount of shock. “Who’s gonna keep you in check, bro? You probably work up a sweat beating all those fags back into place, so how else are you gonna relieve that pent-up energy if you aren’t smashing any pussy?”
The statement was a lot. Brady did not have a response immediately, but eventually his face softened, releasing a dumb guffaw. “Yeah bro, you’re probably right. It’s hard being the top dog all the time without getting any thanks.”
Michael smirked, “Course it is! Tell you what, flex those pumps for me and I’ll send them to a few of the chicks I know. I promise you’ll get some action by the end of the day.”
“Really?” Brady could not believe this steal rubbing happily at his beard. “Thanks bro!” Eagerly, he pulled up the lower half of his shirt and pumped his massive arms into the air.
“Oof, I guess you really do work up a sweat. Those pits are ripe, man!” Michael applauded. “Now, let’s get you laid!”
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Wicked Games 1
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
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Warnings: non/dubcon, cheating, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Steve Rogers
Summary: you had a one night stand. Or did you?
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Your phone wakes you. The room tilts as you open your eyes. A dull hammering thrums in your temples. The morning light makes your brain rough as sand paper. 
Dregs of vodka stick to your dry tongue. The hangover weighs you down like an anchor. Just the thought of moving hurts. 
You reach blindly for your jittering phone. Bubbly music tinkles from the speaker. Shit. It's Barrett. What did he forget this time? 
You answer and put your clammy palm to your forehead. You squint at the ceiling then your eyes slowly round. Where the fuck are you?  
"Hey, babe. You at Wendy's?" Your husband asks. 
You gulp and peel your tongue off the roof of your mouth. This isn't Wendy's house. 
"Yep," you croak. Your eyes ping side to side. 
"Look, I'm sorry about last night. Things got heated and I know I was an ass--" 
You cough as you sit up in the strange bed. "Yeah, you were." 
"So why don't you come home and we can talk it out." 
You peer around the room and your lips curve in a frown. Where the hell would you go besides home your loyal best friend's? You scratch you scalp and turn your legs over the edge of the bed, "let me get myself together." 
"Babe. Please. I'm sorry." 
"When I get home." You hang up.  
It was a hell of fight. The minute he started yelling, you bailed. He knows better. You're not doing a ten hour day and coming home his nagging. So you left out your coffee mug. Big deal. You didn't say anything about the garbage bag he left out to be torn apart by raccoons. 
Whatever. Fighting over dishes. Not of it matters right now. 
Your clothes are on the floor. Someone's floor. Who it is is far from the point. You stand and stagger. You catch yourself on the nightstand. Your hand moves instinctively between your legs. 
You're naked and tender. Did you have sex? 
Think! You ran out with your purse. You went to Wendy's. She was up for a night out. A night to forget and body did you. First drink, second, third, then it gets blurry.  
Fuck! You didn't. You wouldn't. You're pissed at your husband but you wouldn't cheat on him. You're not that type of person. Right? 
You don't have time for that. You have to get out of here.  
You dress as you search the room. It's tidy. Half the bed is mad and the other half messed from your drunken slumber. 
You shake out your hands trying to shoo away the flurry of guilt and denial. Just get out. You'll think better with some coffee in your system.  
You push down the door handle slowly. You listen to the silence of the hall. You tiptoe out warily, checking left and right as you advance. It's a nice place. A condo. Much nicer than your cramped one bedroom. 
Not important! 
You come out into the spacious front room. It's as empry as the rest of the place. The kitchen too. The bathroom. No one. 
Your purse is by the door. Your shoes too. You grab both and let yourself out. You'd rather not face your mistake. 
No, you didn't do anything. You wouldn't. 
You hurry down the hallway to the elevators. You don't look back, just keep going. You don't think, just go. 
It isn't until you're outside the familiar cafe marquee that your let your mind settle. You enter and join the queue. Your order a black coffee and drink it at a stool by the window.  
You lean your elbows on the high table that stands inside the pane. You take a slow, savouring swig of coffee and let it trickle down your throat. You shield your face from the New York morning and put your hands over your ears. 
You can't remember anything but Wendy. Your anger had you ordering round after round, trying to drown out the bile. The thought makes your stomach lurch and you gulp thickly. 
You shake your head and groan. Your phone chirps. It's probably Barrett. Several messages from him and missed calls. All through the night. It's bad enough you betrayed him, you had him up worrying. 
No, you didn't! 
It can't have happened if you don't remember it. A generous stranger took you home so you didn't wake up on the curb. That's it. 
That's the story. Nothing happened. And you'll let Barret believe you were with Wendy. It won't make a difference. 
Your mind is set. Nothing happened. 
Nothing. Happened. 
Because you don't remember. Because you were too drunk to do that. Because you're married and it can't happen. 
You're going to finish your coffee and go home. Everything will be just like it was before... after you tell Barrett where to put that coffee mug if it's such a big deal. 
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writa-anon · 6 months
"is that.. supposed to be me?"
francis mosses (the milkman) x artist!reader
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a / n ~ boom! first fanfic :3 i was a little inspired by uh.. myself LOL when i started playing tnmn i realized i was horrible at memorizing faces so i started drawing the characters to help me remember and it works sooo much. but anyway, super cute oneshot where they first meet, hope u enjoy :D
content included ~ isaack mauss, francis mosses, reader is an artist and doorman, no pronouns mentioned for reader, use of (y/n), shy n wholesome first encounter
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4.10.24 | 1.6k words
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Another slow day at work, huh?”
A enthusiatic-ridden voice boomed, instinctively making me look up to meet the gaze of a strong-jawlined man. I cleared my throat and placed my pencil on the scratchy sheet of paper, sitting up in my chair.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Gauss.” I greeted, grinning that customer-service smile.
“Good afternoon, (y/n). I assume work is treating you well?” He said before sliding both his ID and request form through the letter hole. “Only your third day and you’re occupying yourself with side hobbies!” He exclaimed, squinting a little to see my doodle through the glass screen. I chuckled a little as I examined his ID.
“Eh, yeah..” I sighed. “But this actually helps with my job, believe it or not!” I said proudly, pulling out the floor 2 folder to compare his ID number. “I’ve been drawing neighbors in order to remember their features better. It’s especially helpful because of my terrible memory.” I said, shaking my head. Isaack simply chuckled as I placed the folder to the side as I went through his request form.
“That’s pretty smart.” He commented. “Who have you drawn so far?” He asked, curiously tilting his head. As I went through the checklist as I idly thought to myself.
“Umm..” I hummed. “The Schmitts and the Mikaelys are definitely in here.” I finished up the last check before rolling back to my sketchbook, using my finger to thumb through the pages.
“Unfortunate. I haven’t been drawn yet.” He faked pouted. I rolled my eyes before flipping one or two pages before presenting the portrait to him.
“I’m not necessarily finish. Your face is pretty hard to encapture.” I sighed, looking at the smears of led blended together. Isaack was something of a character: a big prominent smile that is not hard to catch a glimpse of in a room full of people. His hair perfectly styled each morning that still manages to maintain its shape by the end of the day. His voice had depth to it, almost like he was born to be the daily news reporter for radios and TVs of all kind. He stared at the drawing in satisfied awe before leaning back.
“Wow, it surely is accurate!” He beamed. I smiled proudly before placing my sketchbook down.
“Thank you,” I politely nodded. I slid his ID back through the letter box. “Everything seems to be good to go. You’re allowed in, Mr. Gauss.” He nodded in his head in gratitude, but however, did not my window just yet. He took a minute to ponder, as if contemplating his next move, before beaming his teeth once again.
“Ah, before I go,” he quickly inputed. “is there by chance Francis Mosses is on today’s list? He’s the local milkman around here.”
I raised my eyebrow a little, not exactly sure as to why Isaack chose to bring up this person’s name. I shook my head gently before folding my arms in front of me. “I’m sorry, Mr. Gauss, but I’m afraid I cannot disclose that information for you.”
“—Ah, of course.” Isaack quickly fixed himself, putting his hands up a little in defense. “I understand. I was just curious is all. I’m sure you know him though, no?” Thinking for a minute, I’ve realized that this is a neighbor I have not encountered yet.
“No, actually..” I pondered out loud. “Huh, that’s interesting. I guess he works a morning or night shift because the name doesn’t really ring a bell.” I noted out loud.
“Interesting.” He muttered. “Well, keep the name in mind. He’s a rather interesting person, and I think you would find him just as interesting.” Before I could say anything else, he gestured a quick wink before walking through the unlocked door. I quickly snapped out my thoughts before locking the door back up again.
Isaack never really mentioned other names— it wasn’t necessarily out of character, but it felt a little outlandish. I looked down to see my pencil in hand again and blank surface of paper. My eyes trailed over to the paper taped on to the wall next to my window, realizing that Frances was in fact on today’s check-in list. Out of curiousity, I located his room number before surfing through the folders. After locating folder 3 and apartment 02, I was able to find more about him.
He was a slim, tall man with a crooked nose and ruffled brown hair. His eye bags were prominent from what I assume to be lack of sleep. As I stared at his picture, my hand moved by itself across my sketchbook, forming a circle to start defining out the headshape. I squinted slightly, trying to feel for each detail in his face. From the way his eyebrows were rotated a little outward, defining more of his tired expression, to the bump in his nose bridge, making it a bit more interesting to draw. It was mesmerizing, almost wishing I could sit here and draw his face in perso—
tap, tap!
I nearly jumped out of my seat. The pencil flung out of my hand, rolling off of the desk. My eyes flickered up—
and there he was.
My breath near caught in my throat as I stared up in shock. The man behind the glass was barely shocked to see my reaction. His white “milkman” hat rested perfectly on top of his brown hair with small curls slightly peaking out. I was swift to regain my composure in my head as I folded my hands in front of me with my legs crossed under the desk.
“Good afternoon, sir.” I smiled. “I haven’t seen you before. ID and entry request?”
He let out a small hum, barricaded by his pink lips, as he took out his paper and ID. He politely slid them through the letter slot before I took the items to examine.
“Mr. Francis Mosses.. Lives on floor 03.. Room 02.. Coming from work as a milkman.” I glanced up to look at him, comparing the photo ID to his face. His expression was exactly alike: tired eyes, slight frown on the lips, crooked nose, and a clean shaven face. I double checked with his file already on my desk, making sure that the ID numbers and the description aligned with his ID. “Everything looks good.” I confirmed as I slid his ID back to him.
“Mmm.. Thank you.” He hummed. I turned around to place his request form in a folder, but once I sat back up, I realized he was still standing at the window, curiously staring through the glass. I raised my eyebrow a little, confused as to why he was still lingering.
“I’m sorry, did I forget something?” I asked. Francis shook his head before pointing down at my desk.
“Is that.. Supposed to be me?” He asked. A tiny bit of emotion seeped into his voice, dripping in interest and curiousity.
“I— oh—” I looked down to see the rough drawing of Francis sitting at my desk, drawn with sketch lines still lightly defining his features, while the harder drawn areas sculpted his prominent details. “Yeah..” I mumbled. “I-I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable!” I exclaimed. “It’s just a way to help me remember faces and I was going through the files and I realized I haven’t met you before so I—”
“You make me look so pretty.” He mumbled, almost breathlessly. A faint pink color brushed his cheeks as he was unable to take his gaze away from the paper.
“W-Well.. I do aim for accuracy.” I chuckled, complimenting the man right back. My nerves had calmed down after noticing his calm demeanor. “You could keep it, if you’d like that is.” I offered. It would be awkward if I kept the drawing rather than give it to him— I mean— this is his first time ever seeing me and it was an awkward first interaction right off the bat. It was the least I could do for him. Francis nodded his head and in response, I tore the piece of paper out of the scrapbook before sliding it through the letter slot.
“There you go.” I smiled.
“Thank you..” He replied, graciously taking the piece of paper and admiring it once again. “Oh— um,” He quickly looked up to me. “What is your name? I’m sorry, I’m not really good with.. Introductions.” He trailed off, but something about his shyness and reluctant voice made me grin even harder.
“My name is (y/n). I’m the doorman in training for this building.” I greeted.
“Ah, of course. I’m Francis— Mmm..Though you already know that.” He said, shaking his head a little by the end of his sentence.
“Well, it was nice meeting you, Francis. I’ll be seeing you around, I assume?” I said, sitting at the edge of my chair as I looked up at him.
“More often than before.” He smiled. It was the widest he’d grin throughout our whole conversation. Something inside me told me that he doesn’t pass around smiles like that easily. It made me feel accomplished in some sort of way. But with that, he departed from my window. I made sure to unlock the door and listen for the door closing behind him before locking it again.
Francis Mosses.
I think I have someone to look forward to on tomorrow’s entry list.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
really hoped you enjoyed! replies, reblogs, and even likes are super appreciated! thank you so much for reading :]
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your works are jaw dropping broOOO. gorgeous. a work of art. you SLAY at writing hcs i love it so much i really hope you can write more <33
demon slayer povs: the hashiras tending to your wounds
this comment really motivated me to write more of this TYSM ANON ily
wc: 1.1k>
he’d probably complete the whole procedure silently, as he’s scared you’d waste your energy talking to him
you saw him carefully unwrapping the bandages and painstakingly wrapping it around your arm as you slightly winced at the pain
‘oh-, y/n, you okay? sorry, I didn’t mean to do that,”
you reassured him with a small nod as he gently continued to wrap the bandage, placing a kiss on it once he was done
“thanks hun,” you smiled weakly at him
“get well soon, darling,” he said before he got up to fetch some water
just like giyu, he’d do it with silent treatment though you’d hear kaburamaru’s quiet hisses along the way
throughout the bandaging, he momentarily stopped as it reminded himself of the time where he had to bandage his own mouth to hide his traumatic scars
“darling, you okay?” you asked, worried at the sudden slight widening of his eyes
“oh, its nothing,” he shrugged it off, but you sensed that it had something to do with the bandage on his mouth
while he was calmly wrapping the wound on your leg, you leaned down and placed a heartfelt kiss on his forehead
“you're beautiful just the way you are,” you said as he glanced up at you
his eyes crinkled slightly; you knew that put a smile on his face
she’d probably tend to your wounds the loudest way possible, constantly asking if you were okay
“oh dear, y/n, this looks terrible,” a pouty frown emerged on her face as she cleansed your wounds with cotton pads. “you okay??”
“im fine, honey, don’t worry too much,” you replied with a smile as you admiringly watched her bandage up the injuries on your knee
“alrighty! i hope this makes you feel better, darling. i put some ointment that kocho offered,” she smiled cheerfully, as she gave you a gentle headpat
“thanks ‘suri, youre the best,” you returned her smile with an even happier one from you
would be quiet too but would occasionally check up on you
he’d go like “oh, does this hurt?” or “you feeling okay?”
you were technically the only person he could express his true behavior to
he’d be experienced in this kind of stuff since he had to take care of his mom when she was sick
the thought of his sick mom made him want to protect you even more. he’d already lost his family, he couldn’t afford to lose you too
he’d treat the wound as meticulously as possible to prevent it from worsening
“thank you, mui. you don't know how much i treasure you,” you warmly smiled at him
though he didn’t say anything back, you knew his smile was all you needed to see.
tbh i feel like he’ll just treat you like how he treated tanjiro when he got stabbed during the mugen train arc
“kyo, it huuurts,” you whined, hoping that he’ll do something instead of keep asking you to control your breathing
“okay okay, i’ll go fetch the med kit. make sure to control your breathing to stop the blood from coming out!” he darted to the other end of the house to get the necessities, his voice still loud as ever
when he got back, he tended to your lacerations as gently as possible, doing all of it with a proud smile on his face
“why the long face, y/n?” he noticed that your usual happy aura had dissipated all of a sudden
“i- i just hate being weak. i hate that you have to get distracted by your missions just to tend to my injuries,” you pouted, biting your lip
“my love, its part & parcel of your journey to make mistakes. as you continue on, you’ll find that these obstacles are nothing compared to what you’re actually facing. so, heads up, and look brightly into your future, okay?” he cheered you on while giving you a soft pat on the shoulder
“thank you, kyo.” you gratefully smiled as you dozed the rest of the evening off
he definitely wasn’t the best at playing it gentle
“ouuuch, nemi, be gentler please,” you winced as he placed a bandaid on your collarbone
“bold of you to say, y/n. somehow you don’t act like this when we’re making out,” he sneered, as he discarded the cotton wools in the trash
you were left speechless as an obvious blush sprawled across your face. only your boyfriend could make you like that, and you loved him for it
“yeah that’s right hun. now be a good toy and rest till i come back,” he taunted, though you swore you heard him mutter “get well soon darling” before he uttered those words
he most likely cleans injuries with flamboyance no matter how bad it was
definitely has custom bandages embroidered with random stuff just for you
you saw him putting on gloves and stuff although your wound was really mild
“tengen- babe, there’s no need for all this,” you sighed in embarrassment; your boyfriend would go out of his ways just to treat a mild scratch
“nuh uh, i aint letting you pass with this wound. it could be infected, who knows?” he cocked his eyebrow as he placed a not-so-modest looking bandage on your wound
“aight, i really hope that helps, darling! want me to bring you some munchies?” he chuckled as he packed back up the amenities
“there’s really no need for that, babe. you’ve done more than enough,” you smiled, softly caressing his cheek
obviously he couldn’t care less about your response as he brought you snacks and then cuddled the night away
DEFINITELY would come up with an antidote just to cure your injury
“darling, we need you back on the ground as soon as possible. all your mentees are worried for you, and i can't bear seeing you in a state like this, okay?”
in this case, your injuries were quite bad and she had to put you on an iv drip
after she was done tending to your wounds, she placed a soft kiss on your cheek
“get well soon, honey,” she smiled as she rubbed her thumb on your fingers
“thank you, love. i’ll definitely recover fast thanks to you,” you chuckled weakly, squeezing her hand and never letting go
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
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Missing Lego bricks
{You come home to Spencer losing his mind over Lego pieces}
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Spencer, for the most part, is a level-headed person that’s what he likes to think at least. But right now at this moment, he thinks he might just go insane. He’s looked everywhere, in every nook and cranny of his living room and he’s starting to regret all of the books he leaves haphazardly around.
You had got him the typewriter Lego set for his birthday, and he was completely over the moon. In fact, he had even cried a little at the heartfelt gift, it was the first time in a while where his birthday didn’t feel like such a dreadful experience.
He remembers it so very fondly. How your eyes glistened with excitement as you watch him unwrap the present, the way your eyes crinkled with joy. He had rambled off about the history of typewriters to you a couple of times and in all honesty, it warmed his heart to know that you actually listen to him.
“Baby? I’m home” you call out hanging your coat on the hanger as walk further into his apartment. He would have greeted you and helped you with your coat and bags whilst sneaking in a shy kiss or two, but he was completely and utterly hung up on this lost Lego piece, he’s starting to think it might’ve just simply disappeared.
You smile, standing in the archway, he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose before threading his fingers through his hair, his eyes scanning over the floor.
“You lost something?” You ask, and he perks up with surprise as if he didn’t even hear you come in.
He's quick to grab the instruction manual off the floor before jogging over to you, tripping over the stack of books that sit beside the coffee table. “This one- I’ve looked everywhere baby and I can’t find it, it’s just gone,” he tells you, pointing to the rouge piece of Lego.
You look over to the half-built typewriter noticing the way he had separated the different parts into small piles.
“Well it’s gotta be around here somewhere,” you tell him and he sighs, looking at you with disbelief.
Spencer is adamant as he shakes his head, “It’s not- it’s just poof, gone” he explains, his hands gesturing in every which way as he tries to get his point across. And you can’t stop the little giggle that slips from your lips, he looks like he’s going to lose it.
“Don’t laugh- this is a serious problem” he tells you watching as you cover your mouth with your hand, trying to stifle your laughter.
“Okay, I’ll help you find it,” you tell him as he thanks you softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You both search for the tiny piece of plastic for a good minute or so. Moving the furniture around as you check in every corner of the room, looking behind all the books.
Then it hits you as you look over at the couch, “Have you looked under the sofa yet?” You ask. He frowns pushing the sleeves of his jumper up to his elbows as he scoffs at you.
“Looked under the sofa? Yes of course I did” he says, and you can tell from the way he fiddles with the strings of his jumper and the smirk that teeters on his lips that he’s lying.
You go and make some snarky comment something along the lines of ‘for a genius that was pretty dumb’ he could already hear it before the sentence could even leave your lips.
“Don’t even say anything” he says, a playful look flicking through his eyes as you purse your lips trying to stop the growing smile. You watch as he walks over to the sofa carefully stepping over the Legos that were neatly placed on the floor.
He picks up the edge of the sofa lifting it up slightly with a small grunt as you check underneath the couch and there it was a small grey Lego brick.
“Got it!- there you go pretty boy” You hand him the piece of plastic, watching as his eyes light up he. He thanks you as he walks back over to his place on the floor.
You join him on the wooden floor, your thigh against his knee as you watch him as he continues to build the typewriter, “Can I help you?” You ask, handing him the bricks.
He looks over at you, admiring just how pretty you are with those love-filled doe eyes of his. He presses a kiss to your temple. “Yeah of course you can sweetheart” he tells you, shuffling to make room for you.
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AN/ just wanna say that my requests are open! {I can also write for Emily Prentiss!} 💕
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cheriladycl01 · 10 months
You're a dick Stroll! - Lance Stroll x Engineer! Reader
Plot: You created the best car for the 2024 season however after some harsh comments from Lawrence Stroll about a female engineer having been the reason his son crashed out in Bahrain turns out after investigations from the FIA people owe you an apology!
A/N: Obviously this is fanfic so its dramatized so in no way does this portray anyone in a realistic light and is just for the drama and the vibes.
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"You innovations have been amazing this year Y/N all thanks to that brain of yours!" Mike Krack the team Principle for Aston Martin tells you, holding either one of your shoulders shaking them in delight at the new car in front of him.
You had been at Silverstone working as the lead mechanic/ designer on the new car throughout the last half of the 2023 season.
"Thank you, but you know it was a team effort right?" you smiled back, it really was a team effort.
"Well, we actually wanted to offer you a promotions of sorts!" he exclaimed a look of shock crossing your face.
"Excuse me?"
"We figured that you know the car the best and we want you travelling with us to make adjustments as and when needed. Last year was a struggle when we didn't have you here, you are the quickest we've seen and having you on the road with the team would really help.
"This is amazing, yes I'll do it!" you exclaimed happy that you were finally able to travel around the world with Aston Martin.
A month later and you were in Bahrain for pre-season testing of the 2024 year, everything was looking good on both the car, they were running well and the data figures looked good to you and your team.
You'd stayed late with a few other team members making sure everything was ready for the most important Sunday of the year, this race was the one that usually set the drivers mentality for the year. Nobody wanted to crash in the first race and no-one wants to not make it into the points.
You left, once you'd finished your checks on both cars, some people still working around.
"Okay, I'm off guys and ill see you for the big day tomorrow!" you smiled at them before heading back to the hotel that Aston Martin had placed you in. It wasn't a long ride, and you splurged on an Uber considering how much overtime you'd just done in the garage.
You did share a hotel with the drivers, as one of the lead engineers in Aston Martin you got the privilege of the nicer hotel compared to some of your colleagues.
As you entered, you could see some of the drivers sat in the bar, Lando Daniel, Max and his girlfriend Kelly were all sat together taking pictures, obviously for the .jpg accounts.
Charles, Pierre, Carlos and Lewis were also there sat at the bar, drinks in hand. However, with your attention directed elsewhere you felt yourself bump into something.
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry" you exclaimed looking towards the person you had bumped into that was now holding your forearm as if to steady you so you didn't fall back.
"It's er okay, you seemed distracted are you... okay?" you hear the person ask and look up to see your teams youngest driver.
"Oh Lance I'm so so sorry!" you say noticing it was him.
"It's okay" he says awkwardly before shuffling off. You watch as he walks up to Alex and George who were also sat with one another. You continue up to your floor before showering and passing out in your bed.
The next day your alarm was set extremely early, you came straight to the track having gotten ready in a record speed time. Your hair was whipped up in a ponytail and you'd nearly put your green Aston Martin team top on back to front.
You got to the track for when Mike told you to meet him there, he wanted you the radio engineers and the strategists to all talk before the race. Considering it was only 7.30 in the morning there were already loads of people in the paddock, from all different teams.
Where it was your first time you didn't know the protocol or anything for greeting other teams, so you just stayed your typical friendly self sending a smile and wave to everyone that you passed and made eye contact with.
Once you'd got into hospitality Ben Mitchell, Chris Conin and Peter Hall were all there, Peter held a coffee out to you with a small smile.
"Thanks" you smiled before you all started to talk about the race ahead, you guys checked the weather patterns and the track temp before trying to plan the race for both drivers.
By the time you'd done your final checks it was time for the race. Lance had placed P7 the day before and Fernando had placed P10 which was an amazing start to the year for Aston Martin.
"How's the car looking?" the social media girl asked, she was looking at the screen of data rolling in from the car but not understanding what the figures actually meant.
"It's performing phenomenally. Its definitely better than last year. Its also original and completely initiative, I've heard Horner and Vasser talking about it!" you explain having heard them interviewing about the grid and a little season preview.
She nods, and you talk a little before she leaves to go and try and film some social media stuff while there isn't too much excitement on the track.
However only 2 laps later Lance was reporting his breaks being stiff, which from the figures looked to be impossible. Before his race engineer could even ask for your advice, Lance went into a turn too quick skidding off the side taking Gasly with him. You looked up at the screen in shock, a hand covering your mouth.
Lance's car had gone sideways before flipping over Gasly's car. Lance and Gasly were both out of the race.
"What the hell happened!" Lawrence screaming coming over to you, all the pit crew who had just pulled Fernando's car in stopped what they were doing and came over to you.
"Sorry?" you asked pulling the headphones off genuinely not having heard him.
"What happened! Your the engineer who was here late last night. What did you do to my sons car, he's an impeccable driver and he has DNFed because YOU cant do your job" he screamed and you flinched taking a wide step back.
"Look i didn't do anything, I wasn't even the final engineer here last night. I think he was just unlucky sir" you tried to explain, but his face like thunder had you a stuttering and stumbling mess.
"Yes you did! Just admit you either sabotaged the car on purpose or your so damn incompetent at your job that you didn't build the car right! You know you should be fired for this, its completely unacceptable and I'll be speaking to Mike about having you removed because you clearly" he starts but one of the crew members behind decided enough was enough and stepped in front of you.
"Hey, sir with all dew respect there are camera's everywhere in here recording so just think about your image" he directs and Fernando having finally got out of his car and having seen what happened to you.
"Lawrence, i think its best that you take a step back" Fernando advises seeing how close he had gotten to you.
Instead he just storms out of the paddock, you release a breath you didn't even realize you had been holding in everyone swarming round you take make sure you were okay.
It only took 4 hours for the public to find out who you were and your social media handles as you had a few people following you. One of which was McLaren who you had worked for under an apprenticeship scheme.
The only thing you really wanted right now was have a drink, so the hotel bar where you were certain would be safe from the public eye. You came down from your hotel room, you weren't in anything fancy and felt out of place the minute you sat down at the bar. Most of the drivers were there celebrating wins, or drinking away the loss.
It was like you had this beeper on you, as when you entered the room and walked to the bar all the drivers seemed to notice you. I mean it wasn't hard, your hair was thrown up in a ratty bun and your eyes were red from having read all the hate messages sent to your inbox.
"She's the one they're investigating because of Stroll's crash! His dad went in on her after the race"
The whispers all around you from people in the bar had you shrinking in your seat.
"So your the one that made me crash!" Lance exclaims from behind you, you turn round seeing his face, angry and upset and expression nobody liked.
"Look, I didn't do anything to the -" you start but are slowly interrupted.
"No you did, you know nothing and you shouldn't be in this job! Everything they are saying about you online is true, you could have killed me and Pierre because of that accident. So careless!" he shouts, which shocked the other drivers as Lance wasn't really one to raise his voice.
"Please Lance, I've already had enough..."
"No, you haven't had enough! You shouldn't be in this sport if you cant build a car properly, it's shit! It's not powerful and you clearly cant build a car like Andre last year!" he says, you could tell he was getting frustrated and it made you take a step of your seat.
"You're a dick Stroll! Andre didn't build the car. I did that's why i took the position this year as he wasn't performing as Head Mechanic so yeah. I didn't do anything to the car, the data was fine maybe you just are as good as a driver as you seem to think you are" you say before storming out of the bar.
Two weeks later, where you'd lazed around all day at home was when you'd got that expected call. You were currently on suspended leave where you were still under investigation. Mike had been facetiming you on and off asking for help to try and speed up the pace of fixing the car before Saudi Arabia GP.
It was in fact Mike calling again, however this time he was telling you to open up any socials and see what the FIA had posted.
"Are you serious?" you say, the first piece of enjoyment in your life in the last few weeks has just occurred.
"Yes, we need you on the first flight out to Saudi, someone's waiting for you at Heathrow to bring you" he exclaims, you jump up cutting the call short and start to rush, packing a bag by slinging clothes in it not bothering to fold. You make sure your uniform is all packed as well as the essentials before running out the door and running to the train station.
You came into the terminal, shooting a text to Mike, not knowing who to be looking for. You look around to see if you can see one of the other mechanics or maybe Mike's personal assistant but you come short.
"Come on Mike" you whisper to yourself looking at your phone.
"Y/N?" you hear from behind you. You knew that Canadian voice all to well.
"Lance?" you ask with a slight sneer to your tone, you were still angry and upset with him and his father for jumping to such outrageous conclusions.
"Mike wants you there asap, so I suggested you come with me" he says guiding you down a secure back path to where it leads out to the jets.
"Your kidding me right?" you ask as he walks you out onto the den where his dad's private jet is waiting.
"We needed you there as soon as possible the car is in literal pieces without you there!" he exclaims, having heard from his father than things had been slow in the garage.
"Well, do you now trust me to build you an effective car?" you ask halting your steps, you didn't want to work with him anymore if you didnt have his trust. Throughout your suspension you had both McLaren and Mercedes reach out to you offering you a job with them once it all blew over.
"I do trust you, I just got angry when i crashed the car in the first race of the season, my dad blamed it on you and to me that seemed the most logical. I am sorry for what its worth" he says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
"For what its worth... you're still a dick. But i think i can put up with that" you smile, before following him over to the pane ahead.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc
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delulujuls · 11 months
papaya nails and everything nice | op81
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hi! i dont really know how to comment on that one, i just get this idea from few videos where oscar actually admitted that he has very interesting relationship with his nails
anyway, is this original? i think it is. is this wholesome? hell yes, we do be supportin in this household. enjoy!
summary: oscar is having an unusual problem but it's nothing a manicure cant fix
warnings: none, i hope that painted nails on a boy arent a trigger
pairing: oscar piastri x fem!mclarendriver (ft. lando)
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Oscar had been struggling to get himself together for some time now. As far back as he could remember, he considered himself as organized and put-together person who kept everything in check. However, for the past few weeks he had been the complete opposite—nothing seemed to go his way, he was incredibly scattered, sleeping poorly and was always last-minute everywhere.
This day was no exception to the rule that had persistently dominated Piastri's life for the past few weeks. Hurrying, he entered the garage running late and quickly started changing, not wanting to delay the start of training. His hair was messy, clearly having just detached from the pillow a few moments ago. Y/N observed her friend from the corner of her eye, seeing him struggle with unzipping his jumpsuit. Without hesitation, she approached him and eased his suffering, helping him with the zipper.
"Thanks," he mumbled, throwing a fleeting glance at his friend. Only then did Y/N noticed that Oscar's face was marked by several red streaks.
"Something happened?" she asked, clearly concerned. The recent strange behavior of Oscar had not escaped anyone on the team and she was no exception.
"I overslept, nothing new lately," Piastri casually replied, putting on the jumpsuit and fastening it around his neck. He brushed his hair off his face and only now did Y/N have a full view of his face, where red stripes were visible on his even paler-than-usual skin.
"Yes, that too, but that's not what I meant," she said.
Y/N took her phone and showed him his reflection. He furrowed his brows in surprise but took the phone from her and looked at his face. It was a fact, there were strange red marks on it. After a moment, he figured out why he looked like so this morning.
"They're probably scratches; I must have done them in my sleep."
"Scratches?" she scrunched her eyebrows and involuntarily glanced at his nails when he handed her the phone. Indeed, Oscar's nails could make many girls envious.
Y/N still had something to ask, but she was called to take her place in the car. She didn't have the chance to exchange a single word with Oscar until lunchtime. The couple sat in the cafeteria and as Y/N was familiar with both the old Oscar, whom she had known for several years and the slowly emerging new Oscar, she had never paid much attention to his hands or, more importantly, his nails.
"Has this happened to you before?" Y/N asked when they were both eating lunch and Oscar focused all his attention on what she assumed was his first eagerly awaited meal of the day.
"That I took two portions of rice with vegetables for lunch?" he asked with his mouth full, glancing at her in the meantime "No, honestly, this is my debut."
She rolled her eyes. "No, I'm not asking about that. I mean, have you ever looked like you've just met Wolverine?"
"Still have those marks?"
Y/N nodded in response as she continued eating.
Oscar sighed, swallowing what was in his mouth and wondering whether to tell her about the embarrassing nonsense that had haunted him for as long as he could remember. Seeing her curious gaze he decided to confess to her an unusual fact about himself.
"I can't cut my nails."
Oscar threw this statement into the air without much ado. Honestly, at this point in his life where he was and with all the things happening, most of which didn't go the way they should, thinking about things like his unfortunate nails would be total foolishness.
"Oh, really?" she was surprised, but it was the kind of surprise when you hear some fun fact you didn't know before.
"You reacted like I just told you that there are twice as many kangaroos as people in Australia."
"It's quite an unusual thing, you're probably the first person I know who can't do it."
"I don't know if it's something to feel special about, although probably yes since for the rest of the day, I look like I do."
Oscar replied, pointing to his scratched face.
"What's worse," he continued, not interrupting his eating, "Even when I manage to deal with them, it takes a moment and they look the same again. They grow terribly fast."
"If you want, I can help you with them," she offered, glancing at him.
Oscar hesitated for a moment and after that he looked at her uncertainly.
"Could you?"
"Of course!"
Shortly afterward, Y/N's hotel room turned into improvised nail salon. She took her task very seriously, pleased that Oscar allowed her to do anything extra such as cutting his cuticles or giving his hands a massage with a cookie-scented cream.
"You have nice nails," he said when she massaged his hands. Her nails had short square shapes with a matte finish. The color was no surprise; it was papaya orange. "Do PR people dip their fingers in this too?"
Y/N laughed and shook her head.
"No, I just noticed this nail polish in the drugstore and I thought I'd take it. It amused me that this color haunts me everywhere."
"Do you do your nails yourself?" Oscar looked at her with a slight shock. "It must be terribly hard and time-consuming."
"I've been doing them for a few years now and as you can see they are pretty simple, so with each time I get better at it."
She replied, taking a bit more cream. She noticed that he was silently looking at her hands; it seemed that he was particularly paying attention to her nails.
"I can paint yours too if you want."
Y/N nodded and Oscar looked at her, shocked by how effortlessly she seemed to read his thoughts.
"Painted nails aren't for boys. "
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Anyone can have painted nails, Oscar."
"Zac would be pissed at me. PR people probably too."
"Fuck Zac, fuck PR people," she looked him in the eyes. "Everyone has the right to look how they want, so if Lewis can have earrings and tattoos, Alex could have red hair, then you or any other guy can have painted nails."
Oscar hesitated for a while, looking at her uncertainly. He was silent for a moment, thinking hard. However, he decided that it was time to finally do something contrary to the norm. He has stuck to the rules and regulations all his life, so it's time to make a small concession that won't harm anyone.
"Can you make them for me with a shiny finish?"
Y/N smiled and nodded, hurriedly getting off the bed and grabbing her bag with all the supplies. The smile on Oscar's face appeared with each painted nail, pushing away his fears and insecurities.
When the girl started finishing his other hand after more than an hour, Lando came into the bedroom without any warning, complaining about his friends and the fact that none of them had replied to any of his messages for over forty minutes.
When Norris noticed what he was witnessing, he opened his mouth in shock and his eyes almost fell out of his sockets. Both Oscar and Y/N knew their friend's unfiltered chatter, so they mentally prepared themselves for some comment from him. But beside that, he hurriedly took off his shoes and all excited sat on the bed, rolling up his sleeves.
"Oh my God! Will you do mine too?"
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modanisgf · 6 months
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☆ SUMMARY— you met yunjin at a beabadobee concert and never went back, being attached at the hip. though as you start to develop feelings for her, you realize she’s been hiding something from you. something that you couldn’t live with.
☆ PAIRING(S)— non!idol huh yunjin x fem!reader
☆ WARNING(S)— some angst, profanity
☆ GENRES— right person wrong time, wlw, miscommunication, forbidden love, yunjin is a bit toxic i am now realizing! (erm..)
☆ A/N— for my number one pookie @jayjj7 🙏 thank u for being my friend 🫶🫶🫶 you are so funny and thank u for making me laugh sm also i promise it gets good at the end guys.. i also actually dk a lot about cupid so pls dont comment on how accurate that part is
☆ WC— 1.5k
if you were being entirely honest with yourself, you’ve loved huh yunjin since the day you met her. the way she helped you when you were at your lowest, being the only person to even look at you.
yunjin was perfect in all ways but one, and you’re starting to catch on. she had been rather distant lately, giving you short replies and even going as far to leave you on read.
you weren’t sure what sparked this, it happened randomly one day and ever since you’ve felt different. the days seemed longer and more boring without yunjin to light them up, but you still made it through just barely.
one night though, you woke up to a loud ringing. cursing at yourself for forgetting to put your phone on silent, you picked up your phone and answered not checking the contact before.
“hello?” you say, yawning.
“y/n?” yunjin says her voice woke you right up, the shock making you sit up.
“yunjin?” you say, confused.
“why are you calling me this late?”
“i need to tell you something, can you meet me at our spot soon? it can’t wait i’m sorry.”
“i’ll be there.” is all you say before hanging up, quickly making an effort to get ready.
you weren’t sure why you agreed, considering yunjin hadn’t even taken the time out of her day to speak to you until now. but you’re soon reminded of your love for the girl, the thought making you sigh.
finally, you finish getting ready, leaving your house and making your way down your street heading for the lake you and yunjin would always visit.
the two of you could spent hours there just talking, the memories flooding in as you thought about the place.
pushing them back, you stopped at the front of the lake once you saw yunjin. you could recognize her face from a mile away, her bright red hair always making you laugh remembering the night she dyed it.
“y/n does it look bad?” she asks, looking horrified at you over the phone.
“no yunjin it looks good.” you say, barely containing your laughter.
“why are you laughing then?!”
“you’re so cute.”
yeah, you hated how good your memory was.
yunjin must’ve heard your footsteps, the girl turning around to meet your eyes waving to you timidly.
you walked over to her, taking a seat next to her. the tension was evident between you two, considering this was the first time you were around each other in weeks.
"where have you been?” you ask quietly.
“dealing with some things but—“ she replies.
“why didn’t you tell me?” you say, the anger you felt previously coming back.
“there’s more to it y/n.” yunjin sighs.
“yunjin i’ve told you everything, i’m sure that i won’t be mad if you just communicate with me.” you say, your hand reaching out for hers as she interlocks them.
“are you sure?” yunjin says quietly, making you more nervous.
“i’m sure.”
“y/n i love you, i’ve loved you since forever now and i want to be yours.” yunjin says, holding your hand tightly now.
your eyes light up, “why didn’t you just tell me? i’m in love with you too, i thought it was obvious.”
“that’s not exactly the issue though i just—“ yunjin pauses, thinking about her word choice carefully.
“we can’t be together.” she says finally, making you drop her hand.
“we can’t be together y/n, and it’s not right for me to keep this from you anymore.”
“what the hell are you talking about?”
yunjin flinched at your tone, moving away from you a bit in order to give you space. she bit her tongue, thinking of ways to explain this situation.
the truth is yunjin was here to help y/n find love, not have her fall in love with her and yunjin reciprocate the feeling. yunjin was never truly meant to become this close to y/n, and for weeks now her ‘boss’ had been sending her angry messages.
she had been gone too long from her post, other people needing her help were waiting for cupid to come into their lives and assist them. but the tale was slowly disappearing, as yunjin was gone.
yunjin was set to go home the next morning, so she had to explain this quickly. she didn’t know why she didn’t just spend her last days with y/n, and she knew how much regret she would be feeling as she left. she chose to ignore that for now, refocusing on you.
the silence was very long on your end, but it broke as you saw yunjin look at you again. her eyes boring into yours, yunjin not noticing how furious you looked.
“we were never meant to fall in love, i was supposed to help you find love.” yunjin says, leaving you confused.
“what do you mean? yunjin you sound so stupid right now—“ you say, thinking she was messing with you.
“i’m serious y/n,” she deadpans, “we aren’t allowed to date.” she says firmly.
“who isn’t allowing you?” you ask.
yunjin didn’t think this through at first, realizing the concept of cupid was just a myth in your eyes only making it harder for you to take her seriously.
“my dad,” yunjin lies not wanting to drag this out, “he isn’t fond of me being in a relationship right now.”
you look at her with sympathy, apologizing soon after.
“i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have been so rude—“ you rant on, yunjin cutting you off.
“it’s fine y/n, but there’s another thing. i leave tomorrow morning.” yunjin says.
“to where?” you ask, wondering so many different things.
why the hell was yunjin dropping all of this on you now? you could’ve spent her last week together, but instead she decided to ghost you. in short, you were frustrated with her immensely. you didn’t like how she had you wrapped around her finger, and you should’ve never accepted her invite to the lake.
“i’m just moving, my parents wanna move up north.” yunjin says, looking down.
it was obvious she was lying, but you chose to ignore it. at least she was saying something to you now, instead of leaving you on read for days on end not even bothering to respond ever.
“mhm.” was all you could say, not really sure what else to.
“yunjin, are you gonna tell me why you’re really leaving?” you ask, noticing how fast she tenses up.
she definitely thought she had you, the thought making you roll your eyes.
“i can’t, you wouldn’t understand-“
“just tell me, it doesn’t matter if i do or not i want to know the truth.” you say firmly.
yunjin sighs taking a long pause, “y/n, we can’t date because i’m not supposed to be yours.”
“we weren’t even supposed to meet, but i felt differently about you when i first saw you.” yunjin says.
“when i was crying at concert..?” you ask, trying to lighten the mood a bit. you smile when you see yunjin laugh a bit.
“yeah..” yunjin says, reminiscing.
“i’ll never forget that night.”
“i promise you if it was up to me i would take every chance i could to be yours, i’d love you until the end of time.” yunjin starts, “but unfortunately it couldn’t be that way, and i have to leave soon to help others.”
“i’m cupid.” she finishes.
“yes, i was meant to pair you up with someone at that concert.” yunjin says, quietly.
“yunjin, and you never thought to tell me this at least a week before you have to go back?” you ask.
yunjin takes a deep breath before replying, the tension in her muscles leaving her feeling uneasy.
“i just didn’t think you would love me back, i thought i could just leave and forget about my feelings but i didn’t realize until recently that you felt the same.” yunjin says.
“yunjin, you make it so hard to not love you.” you say, holding her face in your hands now.
“i’m so sorry y/n. i’m so sorry that we never get to be with each other.” yunjin says, looking straight into your eyes.
“it’s not your fault jin, i forgive you.”
“can i hold you before you go?”
the two of you spent a while at that lake in silence, as you fell asleep with yunjin in your arms. secretly you wished that she would be there when you woke up, knowing well she wouldn’t.
you felt empty when you woke up, yunjin’s presence not being there. you stared out at the rising sun, before you notice a little note in front of you.
‘i’ll always love you.’ it read, with no signature. but you knew who wrote it, not even needing to think twice.
you’ll always think about huh yunjin, no matter how much time passes. she just meant that much to you, a girl you met a concert during your worst. you’ll miss her for decades, moving on never working.
wishing you weren’t stuck on someone you couldn’t have, someone you wouldn’t even be able to see ever again.
you missed her so bad, and it hurt so bad knowing you were never going be with her.
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picklypickle · 5 months
- The only one -
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a/n: hiii everyone!! this is my first little story, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it, if you want to see more of my writing feel free to send me a request!! Enjoy! ;) words: 1.9k
warnings: tiny bit of swearing, I wrote this with a fem reader, kinda jealous Melissa
When you walk into the staff room in the morning, the first person you notice is your beautiful girlfriend, sitting at her usual table, sipping her coffee with her work wife, Barb, right next to her. At first, she doesn’t notice you, being way too preoccupied by whatever story Barbara is telling. But when she does turn to you, with a frown still on her face from the conversation that was happening prior, her gaze softens and she gives you a soft smile only you can recognize as an “I love you”.
“There she is!” you hear Jacob saying from across the room “Where were you? How come you didn’t get here at the same time as Melissa? Oh no, did you guys fight?” He nervously says as he quickly makes his way over to you.
“Nooo!! No no, I was just running a little bit late so I told Mel to leave without me, thank you for your concern tho!” you laugh.
Everyone at Abbott knew you and Melissa were together, infact, they were the ones who had gotten you two together in the first place, six months ago and they were the biggest fans too. If anything ever happened between you two, your colleagues would probably be more crushed than you and your own girlfriend.
You hear the teacher’s lounge door open and turn around to see who it might be. Suddenly, one of your very close friends and fellow teacher at Abbott, Lauryn, bursts into the room with her usual smile plastered on her face. When she sees you waving, she makes her way over to you.
“Hey girl!! Such a nice day today huh?” she says.
“It is! Oh my god I love your dress!!” you exclaim as you look up and down at her outfit. She is wearing the most beautiful flower patterned dress. You make a mental note to look online for a similar one when you get home tonight.
“Thank you so much!! You know, I bet it would make that perfect ass of yours stand out, you should get one.” She says and proceeds to lick her lips.
You blush out of embarrassment. Did she forget you are with someone? Even worse, that Melissa is literally sitting not even 2 meters from where this very awkward interaction just took place and heard it? You quickly try and look at Jacob, trying to see if he heard the same thing, but unfortunately, he has already left and is talking to Gregory. You quickly glance over at your girlfriend who you can tell very well, has her fists clenched so hard and is fuming right now.
“Uh, thanks!” you try to say as normally as possible, trying to hide the confusion in your face.  “Um anyways, I really have to go, the kids are going to get here soon.” You quickly say and wave goodbye, smiling at her. You rush out of the room, wanting to get away from this whole situation as fast as possible. However, Melissa notices this weird behavior, as she is getting up to come check on you Barb sits her back down. 
“Melissa, you heard what she said, the kids will be getting here soon, she probably just wants to prepare everything.” she says “And besides i'm not done with my story yet, so sit back down.” she adds, while tugging at her sleeve to bring her back down.
When you get to your classroom, you start writing everything you need down on the board, such as the date and the kids schedule that they can rely on during the day. While you’re writing with your favouite purple dry erase marker, your mind starts to wander off. You start to think about how everyone has been telling you for weeks now that Lauryn might be in love with you, but you’ve just been denying it and shrugging it off. But now, you’re starting to wonder if it’s actually true. It’s not like you’re into Lauryn or anything, you have the best girlfriend in the world! Infact, Lauryn’s flirty comments are starting to make you feel uncomfortable, you thought she knew that you were dating Melissa…maybe she forgot?
Before you know it, the bell rings and your little kiddos are running in and hugging you like they normally do every morning. You snap out of your thoughts and start your lesson, you’ll deal with the issue eventually, but for now, all that matters is your students.
After lunch was your free period while your students were in gym class. Today, you preferred to avoid everyone and stay in your classroom to do some grading on the most recent test.
Just as you put a sticker on the last copy, you hear a soft knock at the door, you turn arround expecting to see Melissa but you’re met with Lauryn’s grin, holding her cellphone.
“Hey! Am I bothering you?” She asks, peeking into your classroom to see if anyone else is there.
“Nope, I just finished grading these papers.” You reply, gesturing to the stack of documents on the corner of your desk.
“Ahhh alright well, I need to show you this video, it’s so us!” She says excitedly and comes to stand next to where you’re sitting down.
You start to watch the video but quickly realise it’s dedicated to couples… you stop paying attention and focus more on the reflection of the glass of the phone, when you see Lauryn, she’s not.. looking at the video? You try to see what she’s looking at and realize that she is staring directly at your cleavage, practically drooling too. You get red. You get uncomfortable. You start to pray for her to leave or someone to wal-
Someone knocks at the door, again.
“Am I interrupting something?” You look up, recognizing the voice. 
Melissa is standing at the door, hands on her hips.
“Oh hey Melissa!” says Lauryn “You aren’t interrupting anything, I was just showing Y/N this video.” She goes to show Mel the clip.
Your girlfriend clearly also realizes the video is meant for couples and clears her throat, crossing her arms. This makes you look up at her. You can see that she’s jealous, she is part of the group of people that think Lauryn is in love with you and she is also not having it right now.
“Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it!” Says Lauryn, she waves goodbye at the two of you and walks out of your classroom. Clearly she knows that you and Mel are together, so what is this all about?
You and your girlfriend stare at eachother for what feels like forever, until you decide to speak up first.
“Look I d-” You start.
“What the hell was that?” Your girlfriend cuts you off.
“Listen Melissa, I have no idea she just, ugh!” You say, being exhausted from this whole situation “Please don’t be mad, I don’t feel like fighting, I’ll talk to her later.” You finish.
“Hon,I'm not mad, heck if anything I'm jealous!” she says, uncrossing her arms and slowly walking towards you “She’s always making these comments and remarks about your body and undressing you with her eyes! I’m the only one who gets to do that here. And the worst part is, I can tell you hate it, it makes you extremely uncomfortable.” She continues, bending down infront of you and resting her hands on the armrests of your chair. You blush, she knows you perfectly.
“It does.” You say, getting more and more red. You quickly look down at her lips, unknowingly licking your own. The redhead in front of you notices.
“I know it does” she answers, bending her face down to yours, your mouths are inches away from each other “And no, i’ll be the one to do something about it.” 
You smile before kissing her softly, she kisses you back with just as much softness. After a moment, the kiss starts to turn more and more hungry. She places her hand on the back of your neck, pulling you closer. You smile into the kiss. The school bell suddenly rings, signaling that you have to go get your kids from the gym. 
You groan as you pull away from her mouth
“Fuck, I have to go get my kids at the gym! I’m so sorry Mel, I'll talk to you later!” You quickly peck her lips before exiting your class.
Melissa stays there for a moment, smiling to herself, thinking about how much she loves you. 
It’s the end of the day, you students have alrea dy gone home and all that’s left to do is go down to the teacher’s lounge to collect your things that you had left there. 
When you get there, you’re greeted by all your friends who are also gathering their things.
“Hey girl, did you have a good day? I didn’t see you around much?” Asks Janine, with a small frown, her face slightly coated in worry.
“Yes I had a good day, I just had a lot of grading to do and preferred to do it in my own space.” You reply reassuringly.
“Oh okay!” She smiles at you.
“Hey, uh, Y/N?” You recognize the voice, it’s Lauryn “Do you think maybe.. you’d wanna um, get drinks or something tonight?” She asks nervously.
“Uh, um” you have no idea what to say “I uh..”
Melissa, who was talking to Barb as per usual, notices you and Lauryn right away and decides that this is her time to shine, this is where this little Lauryn thing stops. 
“Hey, Lauryn?” Melissa says while approaching you from behind “Have you ever noticed in the last six months that, I don’t know, me and Y/N are dating? Or did you just think we were joking?”
“Oh! Well..” The girl in front of you says 
“Save it glasses, and save up that money for a new pair because this one isn’t working” Mel says “Now back the fuck off before I throw you down the stairs and the only drinks you’ll be getting are jello cups from the hospital” She finishes, before quickly turning around to grab her things and you by the arm and dragging you out the door.
“Oh, bye guys!!” She loudly says to everyone else in the room to make sure everyone heard.
“Bye Melissa!” Janine awkwardly says and makes her way towards Lauryn to check on her, not to comfort her, just to make sure no one ends up hating her in the future.
When you get to Melissa’s car, you can’t help but smile at her, and then well, laugh. You had no idea she was going to do this right then and there but she did. She joins the laughing fit after a few seconds.
“Oh how I love you!” You kiss her passionately before turning to your own car “I’ll see you at home sweetheart!” You yell at her before shutting your car door and starting your engine.
“I love you more hon, i’ll cook you your favorite pasta for dinner!” She yells back before shutting her car door as well.
With that, you both drive away to where was originally only Melissa’s house, but is now yours too, and you plan on it being for a very long time. Plus, you get to look for that new dress you want! 
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anystalker707 · 5 months
i lack words
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gn, amab] Reader Summary: De-stress session with the cook Tags: bottom reader / caring sanji
Requested by anon ["Hiii I hope you are doing well!! Could I request Sanji x amab male reader, where there's been tension between him and reader ever since they met when reader joined the crew but even with some heavy flirting..."]
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          Something different hung in the air this time, lingering as the day went on, and Sanji’s unusually constant presence seemed to cause that weird impression. You knew how to deal with him, just not with the fact that he was over your shoulder with flirty comments not just once or twice a day but ever since the morning now.
“How's it?” Sanji looked over your shoulder, his hand on your opposite one, watching you eat the dessert he’d prepared exclusively for you. Of course, he knew how to cook all your favorite meals, anything to please you as much as he could, even if the ingredients were hard to find or expensive.
“Perfect as always,” you said between bites. It was hard to compliment Sanji, since he did everything extremely well, so you lacked words to convey what you really thought. Hopefully, your happiness would be enough, along with how you savored each bite slowly, making sure to appreciate the meal as it deserved. “Thank you.” You glanced at Sanji, and your breath hitched when you noticed the actual proximity between you two; something he didn’t seem to mind. Predictable.
“You’re so pretty when you’re eating, my love—”
Sanji was cut off when you pressed a hand to the side of his face to push him off, and hopefully distract him from your embarrassment as well. You took a deep breath, recomposing yourself before he went back to thirsting over you, talking about how beautiful you were even angry; nothing that deserved attention, anyway.
          The peace Sanji gave you for a little during the day opened space for thoughts. So many weeks going from island to island were starting to catch up on you, and fuck… Maybe you needed a relief. Something to help you de-stress. Your eyes focused on the distance, where the sky met the sea, but your mind was somewhere else as you slipped your hand under your shirt to scratch your chest, maybe letting your fingers linger against the warm skin for a little too long.
It’d been long since someone last touched you like… that. Honestly, you didn’t have time to think about it, of course, so even if there had been opportunities, you didn’t notice. What a shame.
The thought kept echoing in the back of your mind as you went on with your day, trying your best to keep your thoughts in check through everything. Not that it worked a lot, but it was better than indulging yourself in it. Only Sanji seemed to be bothered enough by your dragging behavior. The deck was empty until he twirled in with a tray in hand, smiling as he strode over and held the tray out to you.
“A last snack for my dear,” Sanji announced with a small smile, invading your personal space as always, but you didn’t move away immediately this time.
“Oh?” You raised an eyebrow, taking the glass in hand. The dessert was purple, with a creamy texture, and it smelled good, though you didn’t exactly know what it was made of. You took a bit of it in the small spoon before trying it. It was sweet, refreshing, unlike anything you’d tasted before. “What’s this, Sanji?”
Sanji held the tray under his arm, shrugging a little. “It’s a mousse, made with an exotic fruit we found on the last island. I made a small portion just to test and decided to get the prettiest one ever to try it first.” He smiled, watching your reaction closely, close enough for his breath to fan on your cheek.
For some reason, you didn’t move away from it, only nodding faintly at Sanji, rolling your eyes lightly at his comment. Maybe, it was some sort of sign for him. Sanji put the tray aside on top of a wooden box before he placed a hand on your waist. The touch was featherlight at first, only gaining confidence at your lack of reaction, eventually squeezing your waist. It wasn’t uncomfortable or anything, no. You weren’t just too tired to push him off—part of you wanted to see where it would lead.
“It’s perfect,” you said before eating another spoonful of the sweet dessert, once again facing the same problem of not knowing how to compliment Sanji’s creations enough. Soon, you finished the dessert, and Sanji promptly took the empty glass from your hands and put it down over the tray.
“Did you truly like it?” Sanji’s voice was lighter than usual, laid back, but also tired. Something about the calmness of the night had that same effect on you, with the peaceful silence, which was accompanied by the sound of the waves crashing against the side of the ship.
“Is there something you prepare that I don’t?” You scoffed, shaking your head. The wood of the railing was cold under your hands, slightly wet because of the mist.
A grin tugged on Sanji’s lips as he observed you, humming happily as he squeezed your waist again. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad if you gave Sanji a little freedom, at least once. 
“You know, you seem tense. Are you worried? Is there anything bothering you?” Genuine concern laced Sanji’s voice, his hands firm over your shoulders, warm compared to the chilly night wind.
Was it that noticeable? You only raised your eyebrows lightly in response and glanced over your shoulder, looking at Sanji’s face, before observing the dark sea again. “Ah, no, there’s nothing. I think I’m just tired, y’know? Nothing important,” you excused. Even if you weren’t ‘just tired’, it ultimately was nothing that important. “Don’t worry about that,” you muttered, instinctively reaching a hand to place over his own. Even if it weren’t your initial intention, it felt… nice.
Sanji nodded slowly, eyebrows furrowed in concern, but he gently took your hand so that you’d face him and allow him to hug you. His arms wrapped around your torso firmly to pull you close to him, and you couldn’t do a lot but lean into the hug. Truth be said, you wanted the contact, even if you didn’t dare to voice your thoughts.
“I see,” Sanji muttered. “It’s alright. I’m always here if you need anything, okay? Don’t hesitate to look for me, whatever you need. Whether it’s a chat, a warm meal… Something more, maybe, who knows?” His breath was warm against your ear, his lips tickling the shell of your ear as he spoke, sending shivers down your spine. Something about that was so hot, honestly, making you instantly feel tingly all over, even if just for a second. You were sensitive, anyway, so it wasn’t helping.
“Yeah, of course,” you mumbled, lifting your hands a little, unsure whether to keep going with the hug. Going along with it could be good, though. You could use a little pampering. Still, it wasn’t about using Sanji to fulfill a need, but more like combining the need and the lingering temptation to give in to Sanji’s advances that had been bothering you for a while. It wouldn’t hurt, right? Sanji tensed up when you gave in and wrapped your arms around his neck, breath hitching in his throat. “I know you got me, right? For anything I need?” You whispered back into Sanji’s ear, able to smell his cologne, the smell of food and tobacco that’d impregnated his clothes.
Sanji raised his eyebrows for an answer that never came and instead died on his tongue the moment you pulled away a little to look at him in the eyes. His breath came fanning over your face when he exhaled, and his blue irises were reduced to thin rings around blown pupils while he observed you, taking in your closeness. “Of course, dearest,” he whispered, biting his lip as he couldn’t help but let his gaze fall to your lips for a moment. Did he notice the longing, the silent pleading in your eyes while your fingers idly traced patterns into his back? Perhaps.
Sanji’s lips also tasted like the same dessert you’d had earlier, so you presumed he’d tried some of it to make sure it tasted good enough for you. His lips were soft against yours, kissing you with a certain care before finally gaining the courage to deepen the kiss, firming his hands around your waist as he did so. His touch sent the blood rushing down, shamefully easily.
“Mellorine,” Sanji whispered, making a sound that resembled a moan once you started kissing him back with the same emotion he’d put into it, lips parted to allow his tongue in. A new kind of urgency brewed, but nothing that bothered Sanji, only snatching soft groans as you clung to him and let him kiss you until your lungs were burning. “Mon am—” Sanji’s breath hitched as he felt your erection press to his thigh. He couldn’t help but widen his eyes, cheeks heated up, a little blood threatening to escape his nose. “Do you…”
“Please, Sanji,” you cut in before kissing him again, but it didn’t last so long this time, conflicting with the urgency to find somewhere else to give in to your desires.
          The pantry’s door closed with a light creak, but you didn’t think anyone would hear it while sleeping, and the quarters weren’t nearby either way. The dim lighting created a nice atmosphere—the pantry was completely dark if not for the moonlight that slipped through the round window on the door, somehow making it more intense. Just the feeling of Sanji’s lips pressing to your neck was enough to make your cock twitch in your pants, sending a shiver down your spine as you wrapped your hands around the lapel of his jacket to pull him close, and he gladly did so, holding your hips in return.
Your back hit the wall right before Sanji’s teeth started tugging on your skin, insisting until a gasp escaped your lips, and it was then easier to snatch more sounds from you. His tongue worked over the bite marks soothingly before he attacked your neck again, progressively making it harder to let things drag slowly. Just grinding your cock against his thigh already drew an unusually loud moan from you, which made Sanji inhale sharply, his teeth sinking harder into your neck.
“I need you, Sanji.” Your breathy words cut through the silence of the pantry, immediately cut off by the rustling of clothes and messy steps until you finally sat down on a wide, wooden box, and took off your remaining shoe before your pants joined it on the floor. Sanji exhaled slowly and tried to rush, but the most he could do was take off his jacket, unbutton his shirt, and lower his pants before standing between your legs, bent over you to lock your lips together in a kiss once again.
Propped up on an elbow, your free hand wrapped around his crumpled collar, pulling Sanji closer to deepen the kiss. It was intoxicating. Would you never get enough of him? Despite how your lungs ached for air, your lips still pressed to Sanji’s, your tongue still glided against his. It turned so wild so fast, but you couldn’t help the way you craved his touch.
“I have no… no condom,” Sanji mumbled between sloppy kisses, his lips burning just like yours. “I will…”
“Just need lube,” you breathed in response, and those were the last words you shared for a while, diving into a silence punctuated by ragged breathing and occasional moans.
With lingering reluctance, Sanji finally pulled away from you, nipping on your lips until finally putting some distance between the two of you. “Lube…” He muttered thoughtfully before looking around. “Okay, we’re lucky,” he mumbled before grabbing a jar and pouring whatever it was into his hand. Any questions you could’ve had about it died down when the faint smell of coconut hit your nose, so anticipation started rising in you again.
“Sanji,” you breathed, and your breath hitched when Sanji’s fingers pressed to your entrance, making you clench around nothing as your cock twitched in anticipation. Sanji swallowed your moans in yet another kiss while he pushed his fingers into you.
Sanji’s motions were fast and precise—or at least as precise as they could be—, only aiming to make sure you were lubed up properly, neglecting the occasional whines that escaped your lips, even more so after he pulled his fingers away, leaving you empty.
“I’ve wanted this for so long, my love,” Sanji mumbled in a weak voice once the kiss was over, breathless. “You’re so hot, a gift from heaven…”
Whatever you had to say to Sanji in return was replaced by a gasp when the tip of his cock pressed to your entrance, putting on some pressure, though it wasn’t enough to push it just yet. Only to surprise you, apparently.
“Can I…?” Sanji’s lips grazed against yours, tickling them with a couple of words.
“Yeah,” you breathed with a nod before he kissed you again. The kiss could barely continue, given the moans that spilled from your lips with Sanji’s cock slowly pushing into you. It felt so good. The burn from the stretch only added to the pleasure, running down your spine with a certain relief—it was exactly what you needed. Your thoughts slowly slipped from your grasp for a moment, according to how the arousal clouded up your mind.
A higher-pitched moan escaped your lips as Sanji started moving, making you inhale sharply, hands closing tightly around his shirt to hold him close. Sanji’s lips left yours to find your neck instead, kissing and nipping more on the skin while his hips moved against yours. Why didn’t you allow this to happen before? It felt so good, even if you were in the fucking pantry, with the surface of the wooden box digging into your shoulder blades. Sanji felt so good inside you, holy fuck.
You needed more of Sanji’s touch, even if he was already deep inside you, body pressed to yours while he fucked you. He managed to snatch strings of moans from your lips so easily and seemed to enjoy each of them, careful with you, but also giving in to the urgency demanded by the moment.
“Sanji,” you breathed with a moan. How was he able to make you feel so good? You were so sensitive that it felt almost shameful. Your mind slipped away easily once his thrusts started getting faster; his hands held your thighs tightly for leverage. “Mmph, fuck…” You arched your back at a particular wave of pleasure that made your cock twitch, leaking more pre-cum on your stomach.
Your moans were muffled by the shelves full of items in the pantry, sometimes escaping your lips past gritted teeth or unexpectedly, only stopping to change the position a little. His arm hooked under one of your legs, managing to allow him to go even deeper into you. Fuuuck.
“You feel so good, my dear.” Sanji’s breath fanned against your neck, a small moan escaping his lips. “Do I make you feel good? I want nothing more than to make you feel good,” he breathed as his hand slipped under your shirt, calloused fingers running up and down your side caringly, managing to make you even more sensitive. Sanji’s fingers found your chest, kneading the skin until he came across your nipple to play with. “Do you feel good, sweetheart?”
“So good,” you found yourself obligated to answer through a moan. Your toes curled as your nails dragged along Sanji’s back through his shirt, probably scratching his skin anyway. The feeling was great, intoxicating, and probably going to haunt you for a long while after that. You wanted it to last longer, but you couldn’t help the sensation that began pooling in your lower stomach and made your thighs quiver. “Sanji,” you choked out through a shaky breath. “‘M close…”
“Okay, baby,” Sanji breathed. He paused for a moment, enough to let his hand slip lower. His hand wrapped tightly around your cock, squeezing it before he started pumping it in the same rhythm of his thrusts once he started moving his hips again, harder than before.
Your fingertips hurt from holding so tightly onto Sanji’s shirt, but you really couldn’t help it, trying to ground yourself. You couldn’t cum too soon, not when it felt so good, but Sanji had different plans. Sanji pressed his thumb to your tip, letting it run along your slit before he ran circles around your tip, and it didn’t take a lot more. A soft cry escaped your lips before your balls tightened, and that was it.
Sanji’s name escaped your lips in an incoherent, loud moan as your orgasm hit, the knot in your lower stomach unraveling at the same time a blissful sensation ran down your spine, coated with relief, making you feel all tingly for a moment. It felt like your mind slipped away for a moment before you were back to reality, feeling Sanji’s cum coat your inner thigh. You should’ve told him to cum inside, but you couldn’t even remember your name anyway.
“Sanji,” you whispered. Light pain spread through your knuckles when you finally released his shirt, running your hands up until your fingers tangled with his hair. He hummed in response, nuzzling your neck. “More.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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listofwhyyouloveher · 1 month
can you write gang x reader who is really into theater? Thank you🩷
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Summary: The gang and a theater person
Warnings: none
Authors Note: none
PONYBOY is so wowed by your performance in the school play that he talks about you every day. Eventually, it circled back around to him, and you started talking to him. He was always praising you, telling you that you could be an actor, or a Broadway performer. He's all smiles around you.
He loves watching your plays, he thinks it's fascinating how you can portray people so perfectly.
JOHNNY isn't a big fan of plays but went because he likes you. He ends up really falling in love with theater and will secretly watch all your old plays that have been recorded when he comes to your house. He's always helping you memorize your lines, saying one's that you find tricky at random times to remind you.
He wants to one day try theater but he doesn't ever really try. He thinks it's a little embarrassing and he might not be good enough.
SODAPOP is actually in love with theater. His Mom used to reference it a lot, so he's grown his passion from there. He'll always try and catch a free play whenever he can, so he's come to all your school ones. He thinks you're the perfect actor and will always try and tell you that after your plays. He starts talking to you every time he sees you and eventually you guys start dating.
He will always help you rehearse. He'll have some lines memorized, and he'll act it out with you. He finds those moments really beautiful.
STEVE is also crazy about theater because Soda introduced him to it when they were younger. However, his tastes are more war and violent plays rather than the things they'd show at a school. However, McBeth was a good enough alternative. He was absolutely stunned by your performance. It was one of those performances where people could tell that you were going places.
He'd always try to catch your plays after that, and asking you on multiple dates. He'll always try and recommend more action plays for you to do but you just laugh and say maybe.
TWO BIT didn't know theater really existed around him. He thought Broadway was the only place and that it was only for rich people to enjoy. However, he asked you out once and learned that you do theater, so he decided to check it out. He was blown away at how good you did and started attending all the plays that you did.
Sometimes he let's his sister tag along and she stops you from holding hands because it was "only for married couples", she will stand in between you two and hold your hands and make you swing her like a swing. You've gotten a lot of comments about how "cute of a family you have"
DARRY doesn't have time to enjoy things like theater. He'll go because Pony once did a play. It was required by the school so everyone was in it. You were directing the play and Darry saw you and was smitten. You were a recent hire so he just asked around for the new teacher and found you. He apologized for how brash he was but that he wanted to take you out. Obviously it worked.
He'll always buy you tapes of plays from Broadway. He knows that you love watching them and he wants you to be happy.
DALLAS thinks you're a nerd. But he'll date you because you're pretty and smart and good enough to get him out of trouble. He'll never go to your plays if you invite him, but he will watch you mrk out and rehearse for your college drama exam. He thinks you're pretty good at it and he's always pushing you to try acting because he thinks actor is better than "theaterer" (that's what he calls it).
He sometimes finds himself repeating the lines you've been rehearsing to cool off when he's mad.
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intothegenshinworld · 10 months
Fate’s Destiny ~ Chapter 8.5 || The Cavalry Captain
You somehow, not being able to explain it, had fallen into the Genshin world you know oh-so-well. You were no new player and had explored most of the nooks and cranny’s of the world. When you first had woken up in Windrise you wondered; it might be a dream, after all, you were behind your screen usually and now- here? It made no sense, and the world was keen on keeping it that way.
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Warnings: Spoilers for main story.
Word count: 2.6k+
Summary chapter 8.5: What happens after you teleport away and land in Liyue? When you're gone, what will Kaeya do?
Auteurs note: It's been over a year. I will start a new taglist, so comment if you want to be notified at the next update!
Thanks to: @m1shapanda for giving me the motivation to continue posting this series :DD you're the mvp <3
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Some time ago, in Mondstadt:
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Kaeya watches the healer scan his body with their elemental power. Their hands hover over his chest, emitting a soft glow as they check his lungs. The cavalry captain had insisted he'd be alright many times, yet Eula persisted in having him checked out, hence how he ended up in the med bay within the Favonious headquarters.
Whatever happened on Dragonspine, he knew it had to do with the Creator disappearing. After that blinding flash of light, he felt as if he died, only to painfully resurrect moments later. As good as the healers were, they wouldn’t find the answer to the ache in his chest. That much he was certain of.
An involuntary shudder washes over his body, making the healer pause and look up with concern. 
“Don’t worry.” He tries to humor the situation, “you can't make me feel worse than before.”
Almost instantly, Eula smacks the side of his shoulder and sends him a stern glare. “You’ve got some nerve joking in a situation like this. I will have vengeance for that.” 
Despite her words, Kaeya knew she cared, probably too much, considering what he’d done behind the Knights’ backs. 
“Alright, alright.” He lays back against the pillows of the bed and accepts his fate silently. 
There was no use arguing and no use talking about the situation, not with the healer present. Any word about what happened, and chaos would ensue. 
Mondstadt had been through enough already.
Kaeya and Eula would both keep their silence until they were alone in the med bay. 
The healer continues to carefully examine his state with the help of their vision until they conclude nothing was wrong. At least, nothing physical.
In the end, Kaeya got diagnosed with overexertion of his body and mind, with the simple cure of needing bed rest. It's something he despised more than grape juice or people prying into his private affairs, especially with the situation as confusing and dire with the Creator disappearing.
“Well,” Kaeya breaks the silence in the medbay once the healer had left. He lays comfortably against the pillows as he looks up at his companion, “I did tell you I felt fine.”
Saying that had been a stupid jab at Eula’s worry for him. As the words leave his mouth, he instantly regrets them. Kaeya can’t place why he’s feeling so worked up. 
“You might have fooled that healer, but you can’t fool me. I suggest you stop lying and be honest with me, or I won’t be so patient in the future.” Eula’s voice snaps back at him, cold and sharp.
He places a hand on his chest. “If there ever is another time where I’ll be hiding the Creator from my friends, you’ll be the first one to know.”
“Do not tell me you actually believe that nonsense!” Eula gestures her hands angrily in the air, “ ‘The Creator?’ How could you be so foolish?”
He frowns. It seems yet another person failed to sense the aura of the Creator.
Kaeya wonders what caused this troubling phenomenon.
He lets out a deep sigh. Even if he wanted to argue back, there was no way Eula would believe him. That, and the fact that his chest felt as if it had been caving in on itself. 
Eula brushes a strand of light blue hair out of her face. She seems to have grown calmer, or perhaps simply tired of the same back and forth arguments. ”Kaeya, you cannot hope that Amber or I will be able to keep this quiet from Jean.”
”I was never planning to.”
Eula raises an eyebrow, urging him to continue. 
”She already knows. Or so, I assume. There is no reason why Albedo or I would keep silent after what happened.” 
The cavalry captain watches Eula’s expression shift. She first seems to thoroughly inspect him and his own expressions, then, she glances away and mulls about his statement. 
When she turns her head to ask him for more, the door is slammed open. 
In a fury of rage, a familiar person dressed in red and black enters the rooms like a raging inferno. Red hair frames a face that radiates both coldness and burning hate.
Kaeya had somehow anticipated Diluc, of all people, to come and scold him of all the things he’d done. He just hadn’t expected it to be so soon, and in the Favonious’ headquarters as well. 
” You .” Diluc’s voice is filled with resentment.
With the element of surprise on Diluc's side, he’s already at Kaeya’s side before Eula could interject. An angry glare is glued tightly onto his face. If Kaeya hadn’t been laying as pathetically on the flimsy bed, he was sure Diluc would’ve grabbed him, trying to shake some sense into his brain as he did. 
“How stupid could you be.” Diluc continues, his tone shifting from anger to disbelief. “Trying to help an imposter?” He lets out a chuckle of disbelief, turning away and back at Kaeya as his mind tries to catch up. “I knew the Knights were incapable, but this truly takes the cake of it all.” 
Eula steps forward, her arms crossed as she interjects. “Excuse me?”
“Oh please,” Diluc turns his attention towards the woman. “You’re telling me you weren’t there when the imposter ran away?”
“We were busy fighting. Kaeya–” She whips her head towards the cavalry captain as she speaks, “is the one who caused this situation.”
Diluc seems to agree with that statement, crossing his arms and closing his eyes for a tense moment. Still, he argues her own actions. “Busy fighting each other over capturing the imposter?”
“No we were–” Eula’s words remain stuck in her mouth. 
“You were… what…?” Diluc taunts her. He seemed close to bursting into flames out of anger.
It is Kaeya who finishes the sentence for her. “We were busy fighting the other Albedo, though, you seem to know about that already.” 
Despite the situation, Kaeya’s voice holds a teasing tone and he seems comfortable laying in the bed as the two remain equally angry as confused. 
“You cannot believe me to trust your or Albedo’s words after you so inadequately helped bring yet another disaster to Mondstadt.” Diluc seems done with Kaeya. He speaks the next words to Eula instead, “Care to explain?”
She lets out a chuckle, “I don’t have to explain anything to you, Ragnvindr.” 
And because Diluc no longer is affiliated with the Knights of Favonious, she really doesn’t have to. This puts the redhead in a tough situation that leads to him being even more frustrated. Red eyes watch as Eula leaves the medbay with confidence and silent pride.
Diluc utters a few profanities as he follows Eula.
One last glare gets sent into the cavalry capitain’s direction before the door is slammed shut one final time. 
Kaeya sits alone on the bed until he passes out.
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A few days have passed since the incident on Dragonspine. The place has been closed off for the time being, with the sole exception of Albedo who remains on the snowy mountain, although unlikely in solitude. 
Kaeya had carefully approached the topic a few times with Jean and Lisa, but both had kept their lips sealed, and thus Kaeya was left to speculate what had happened with the doppelganger and the missing Creator.
What connection could the two have…? 
Moreover, Kaeya had no opportunity to inspect the situation. While Jean was as forgiving as kind, she too had her limits, and she’d do anything to keep Mondstadt safe and running for as long as she was Acting Grand Master. 
“Thought we had it bad, but…” The patron in Angel’s Share talks loud enough for the full tavern to hear his story, including Kaeya. “The assassination of the geo archon, or Rex Lapis– whatever , is bound to bring ruin to Liyue Harbor.” 
Another person laughs heartily, raising a glass in a toast.. “I’ll drink to that!”
“Mondstadt doesn’t have an Archon either, though.” Laughter falters and Kaeya hears a loud smack echo over the general chatter of the tavern.
“Just drink up, asshole.”
Whatever brought the cavalry captain to Angel’s share, it gave him more information than he could hope for. 
A happy coincidence, the first stroke of good luck in days. 
“Oh my,” Kaeya grabs the half-empty glass of Death After Noon and turns around in his seat. “How unfortunate must I be to hear the news later than you do.” 
With him facing the group of gossiping patrons, he’s able to note that most of them are Fatui. Their masks are all discarded, forgotten at the Goth hotel, no doubt, but they continue to wear their uniform in the tavern. It’s likely that they’d been overworked and drank a few too many glasses of wine or beer and had forgotten their loose lips. 
“Hey… isn’t that… ” 
Before the group can grow suspicious, Kaeya waltzes over to the table surrounded by Fatui, dragging his own chair with him and inserting himself into the group.
Kaeya smiles, “Now now, I’m just an ordinary costumer.” He puts on his best mask despite the increasing pain in his chest. “Though, I know the best gossip before anyone else. Seems like you were ahead of me this time.” 
One of the more inebriated Fatui members laughs loudly, his belly shaking as he does. “You hear that! This guy thinks he’s something, huh?” 
“Shut up, idiot!” 
“Nu-uh. You’ve been ruining our fun ever since we started drinking. If you’re gonna be such an uptight prick, leave .”
“Whatever. It’s your funeral.”
Tension rises amongst the Fatui, and it’s clear that not everyone has forgotten to keep their mouths shut. Kaeya had to tread lightly if he wanted to prevent causing harm to the diplomatic alliance of Snezhnaya and Mondstadt. But luck seemed to be on his side, and the Fatui member that previously tried to silence the group stood up and left.
Probably the best thing they could do, given their superiors. 
Kaeya was only half sorry for the punishment these Fatui would get once he’d gather the intel and share it with Jean.
“How unfortunate.” Kaeya smiles as brightly as he can, “Some people just can’t seem to loosen up.”
The group agrees with him, and he’s considered one of them by the time he gives them a free round of drinks. Kaeya no longer has to put in any effort to retrieve the information as it’s handed to him on a silver platter.
“So,” one Fatuus stares at another, “He was just killed?” 
“Fell straight out of the sky. Believe me, Alexey swore to the Tsaritsa he saw it with ‘is own eyes.” 
A fatuus shoves the other nearly out of his seat, “You’re lying. You can’t just kill an Archon. Don’t be stupid.”
“But if it’s—”
“You think…” 
There’s a brief silence after the murmurs, and Kaeya instinctively leans closer. The Fatui look at each other and then hang their heads low. The cheerful atmosphere from before has instantly dissipated.
The Fatui seemed to have realized that their superiors might have been involved, something that doesn't seem too far-fetched in Kaeya's eyes.
The cavalry captain makes up his mind and leaves whatever is left of his Death After Noon on the table, making a half-hearted excuse to leave so he can report back to Jean.
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Before going to the headquarters, Kaeya stops and thinks that the death of the geo Archon might be too far-fetched to be true. However, with the recent descent of the Creator and their defect aura, nothing seemed ordinary anymore. For the small chance the intel to be true, he’d have to try.
So, he shared everything with Jean. If he were to be caught keeping any information from her at this point, he’d be digging his own grave. And for the slim chance of the news being true, he’d bring in extremely valuable information.
Jean crosses her legs. “We know.”
“You know?” Kaeya blinks. 
He’s stunned. 
The Acting Grand Master simply smiles and tells him not to worry, but that only causes the pain in his chest to rise.
Lisa chimes in. “Say, what were you doing in Angel’s share during work hours?”
Drinking to chase away the feeling of impending doom,
“Gathering intel, as you heard.”
Kaeya leans back into the chair across Jean’s. Certainly doing nothing wasn’t good for Mondstadt either. Why would Jean choose to ignore the death of Liyue’s Archon, especially if she confirmed the news to be true?
The mask of confidence falters and Kaeya’s voice turns to something unrecognizable to himself, “I don’t think this is good.”
“What isn’t?” Jean shares a quick look with Lisa before returning her gaze to Kaeya. 
“Doing nothing.” He sighs and puts his hands on the desk, leaning closer. “I know you don’t believe me, really , I don’t blame you.” He hesitates, “But now with the death of Rex Lapis?”
Kaeya puts his weight on one armrest, leaning with his arm over to the side. He thinks about all the stupid ways he can put this, a way to see the Creator again, but the situation continues to grow more and more complex. 
He can no longer act alone. 
“Jean,” Lisa’s voice interrupts the silence. “Perhaps it would be time to send a diplomat to assess the situation in Liyue.”
Kaeya can’t believe his ears. Was he hearing this correctly?
She continues, “The situation is growing beyond our control and it’d be best to confront this problem before rumors can spiral and cause panic.”
The cavalry captain turns his head from Lisa to Jean. Whatever prompted the librarian to come to his aid, he’d be reaping the benefits. 
“Oh my,” he starts slickly, ”That does seem like a good idea. After all, if the Fatui already knows, we should have all the juicy details as well.”
Jean sighs, she rubs her thumb between her eyebrows in a helpless way. After a moment, she looks up again. 
Her voice sounds exhausted, ”So, who do you suggest?”
Lisa chuckles, ”Without any cavalry, our captain here might have the most free time on his hands. Especially if he’s been caught drinking in Angel’s share during work hours.” 
A small jab in his direction, but Kaeya takes it as a compliment. ”Excellent idea, Lisa.”
While he shares an equally mischievous glance with the librarian, he hears Jean ruffle some papers. ”Okay–”
Kaeya smiles-
” –but only if you take Diluc with you. ”
Kaeya´s expression darkens.
”Diluc, really?” he suppresses the disappointment in his voice. 
”He was the one who told me about Liyue’s predicament, and he is more than capable of handling situations like these.”
If Diluc had heard of the incident before Kaeya, it was most likely due to a city lockdown, which might have delayed his business between Dawn Winery and the partners he had in Liyue. This meant Diluc would be going to Liyue regardless of this conversation, and considering Jean's adamant decision, going with Diluc would be better than not going at all.
Jean seems to relax and sends him a warm smile. ”I’ll be expecting you to act as the Mondstadt’s diplomat, keep that in mind. Report to me if you find anything noteworthy.”
Kaeya stands up from his seat. ”You know I won’t disappoint, Acting Grand Master.”
When the door closes shut behind Kaeya, Lisa moves to sit in the now vacant chair across Jean. She sends her a warm smile, which fails to bring ease to the Acting Grand Master. Jean throws her head into her hands in a desperate attempt to hide her stress. 
“Lisa.” The blonde lifts her head, “Did you really think it was wise to send him? Shouldn’t we keep this between the four of us?”
The librarian leans back into the chair, crossing her legs comfortably once she’s settled, and calmly sighing. “If he stays here, he’ll pry until he figures it out.” Lisa turns a finger in the air. “And I do believe Diluc would keep a close eye on him for us.”
“Don’t worry so much,” Lisa places her hand over Jean's. “We’ll figure out what’s going on.”
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© intothegenshinworld. Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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gilbirda · 8 months
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 23
BatmanxDP crossover. JasonxJazz
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post
First chapter || << Previous chapter || Next chapter >>
“Sorry about that,” Jazz was as chirpy and radiant as she usually was when she found them in the breakfast room. “Danny’s extra cranky. Probably haven't slept in a few weeks.”
“Everything okay?” Bruce had to ask.
Jazz's smile was bright as she sat down next to Jason, who was finishing his toast. “Yeah! I feel better than ever!”
Right. The vials.
“I meant your brother.” Bruce’s eyebrow twitched with the thousand questions he surely wanted to ask.
Jazz looked up from where she was reaching for the toast and some strawberry jam. “Yeah? He’s sleeping. He’ll be fine.”
Dick chuckled and leaned in. “What Bruce meant to say,” he side eyed his father, who breathed in relief and continued drinking his coffee, “is what was that about? Things seemed pretty heated between Danny and you.”
Jason gave him a warning look, but otherwise didn’t react.
On the other hand, Jazz snorted. “Ghosts’ love language is fighting.” She shook her head. “He wouldn’t actually hurt me.”
Jason’s eyebrows went to his hairline, and very wisely chose to bite back a few questions. Also Jazz’s personality was slowly starting to make sense. He was sure that once he knew everything he wouldn’t need to feel this confused.
“Could have fooled me.” Dick commented instead. “Danny really didn't like Jason.”
“He didn’t—” Jazz tensed. She finished chewing and forced her shoulders to relax. “Is not that— I mean. I think Danny will like him, it’s just—”
“Is this about your exes?” Her boyfriend asked softly, reaching for an apple and putting it on her plate. She quietly thanked him.
“Yes and no. I…” she blushed, “I don’t have the best track record.”
Bruce cleared his throat. “Did you— Uh.” He realized too late he could sound like he was interrogating her. “I apologize, but I need to ask. The report Danny mentioned—?”
“Yeah. That.” With a tired sigh, Jazz put her knife down. “David. He… Well.”
“That’s the one that cheated on you, right?”
She nodded at Jason. “I found out I was actually a side piece. It wasn’t fun.” She scrunched her nose.
“What happened?”
“Dick.” Jason warned.
“No, no. It’s okay. I took care of it.”
“Dislocated shoulder and shattered hand?” Cass spoke for the first time.
Jazz sighed again. “The dislocated shoulder was because he didn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘no’.” She made a face. “And the hand was because I didn’t realize how… soft humans actually are.”
At this point? They were getting used to Jazz — and her brother — being a different category in their heads. For Dick it was like the slight adjustment he had to make when he was with the Titans. He had been the only human, fully human, of the group and he had to get used to his best friends and then girlfriend making these types of comments regularly.
“I found out…” Jazz continued with a distant look in her eyes, “I found out because I came back to the living world sooner than I expected and decided to check out my favorite coffee place and he was there with another woman. I thought — ‘well, I’m not around much and I’m also not the most exciting person, of course I got cheated on’ but the more I listened the less it made sense.”
“You are not boring.” Jason scoffed, frowning a little at the self deprecating behavior and the story. How could that idiot not see what he had in front of him?
“Thanks,” her smile was small, but sincere, “but the story doesn’t end there.” She leaned in, her eyes narrowing as her smile twitched a little. “Things didn’t quite add up and I quickly realized it was me who was the ‘other woman’ and this poor person didn’t know. And him? He was abusing her.”
Jazz nodded at Dick. “I followed them, listening in, trying to see any sign that he was not the same person he was with me that he was with her. Claudia — that’s her name — showed textbook behavior of abuse and I had to make sure.” She sighed, leaning back on her seat, looking tired. “Long story short I caught him threatening her and taking her phone and I decided to act. Waited until she was home safe and had a chat with David and told him very nicely that he shouldn’t do that and yes, I may have accidentally sent him to the hospital.”
She went back to her breakfast, choosing to take a bite of her toast and chew for a few moments.
“Claudia took the chance while he was recovering and broke up with him, moved apartments and found the help she needed. I would have preferred she reported him, but I can’t force her and if that was enough for her then it’s fine by me.” She shrugged. “I had to go back to the Realms shortly after so I couldn’t stay to check further, and then things got complicated and I just came back for college stuff and even then I had to be quick.”
Bruce took a sip of his coffee to hide the tiny smile.
Jazz was not a hero or a vigilante, but he could see why she fit in the family so much, and more importantly, why his son liked her so much.
“What happened to the guy?”
Jazz chuckled at Duke’s question. “As much as I'd like to report some type of karmic punishment, last time I saw him he was still frequenting the same coffee place. But he was alone. His hand was healed, though. I didn’t stay longer to check more. I couldn’t.” Her little frown and tense shoulders told them not to pry.
Conversation continued as they finished breakfast, mostly questions about her brother and what they saw almost go down in the kitchen. Jazz was very open about what she could tell, and shared a few stories about Danny and his “bad taste in women”. They noticed how earlier stories about Danny’s powers and Team Phantom adventures were easy for her to tell; but later ones, from about the time Danny graduated highschool, became a stream of “ummm”s and “uhhh”s and “and etcetera” that she used to dance around the truth.
Jason almost felt guilty for contributing to the general subtle questioning, but Jazz was happy enough to share stories and she even acknowledged that she was happy to share the whole thing at a later time.
Soon the timeline that Barbara had roughly put together was filled with tidbits of information — all those blank spots she found were the times the siblings (and their friends) were back in the Infinite Realms. Doing what exactly? That was the final piece of the puzzle.
She talked about training, about classes, about Frighty and Frostbite and Clockwork and a plethora of ghosts as if they were supposed to know who they were — classic Jazz — and with context they quickly understood that the names she repeated the most were some kind of guides or teachers on this mysterious part of her life.
It wasn't difficult to put together that Jazz, Danny and this… “Team Phantom” were somehow related to the High King of the Infinite Realms.
That still left a bunch of questions, like what were their exact roles, who was the king and what were her parents doing during those periods of time. They didn’t broach the subject but they knew from Babs’ research that they were working for the GIW, a sketchy organization that wanted them eliminated, during those times they were in the Infinite Realms.
If they knew about all of this, why haven’t they done something already? If their guesses were correct, they’ve been fighting and training for a bit less than a decade. It didn’t make sense that they had this kind of power, this kind of backup, and haven’t tried to bring down the GIW yet.
Or contacted the Justice League. Sure, they were angry and disappointed that the heroes never came to help, but Jazz insisted they had the situation back at her hometown under control. Technically, they could now ask for that support.
Glancing at Bruce and his calculating eyes, Jason decided he didn’t blame her for not reaching out. And he wasn’t sure what she would do after how bad Bruce had treated her.
“Oh Ancients,” Jazz jumped and put her orange juice back on the table. She glanced at Dick. “The class. Today. I forgot.”
The man chuckled. “I already called and said that I wouldn’t be able to attend today. The show you and your brother put on in the kitchen told me today was going to be interesting enough.”
She blushed. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. They are already used to me canceling at the last minute. Just Vigilante Things.” He winked.
“Don’t I know it.” A new voice answered from the door. Danny walked in dragging his feet, hair sticking outwards in every direction and eyes narrowed. “Good morning.”
“Hey you.” Jazz turned in her seat. “You look awful.”
“Is my natural charm.” Danny yawned and sat next to his sister. “Hi all. My name is Danny. Can I eat some food?”
Some at the table chuckled at his words. Bruce nodded, amused, and abandoned all pretense that he wasn’t analyzing the siblings.
“Slept okay?” He asked.
“Better than I have in weeks.” Danny shrugged, making quick work of what was left on the table. He wasn’t picky, and he didn’t complain about the food being cold. “Mostly because I haven’t slept in weeks more than a few naps under my desk.”
“I told you—”
“I know.” He cut off his sister. “I know. I just never find the time.”
Jazz looked like she wanted to argue but chose to let it go and helped Danny assemble the worst breakfast combination in the world. The rest watched in horror and fascination as the young man devoured everything at a fast pace, not caring about chewing or tasting the food.
Once he swallowed, he continued talking. “We have been using the system — you know, the one you created?” He rolled his eyes when Jazz smiled, pleased. “It has been working fine. It’s just,” he sighed, “after you left everything kept piling up. I didn’t know how much work you did — how much reading I would do.” Danny rubbed his face in despair.
“And that’s why Tucker was my back up for the—”
“And he has been doing a great job but I made the mistake of offering my help, you know, I thought ‘oh, I have some free time! I can help my loved ones’ — that was my first mistake.”
“Thinking?” Jazz arched an eyebrow, her smile mocking.
Danny didn’t find it amusing, but quiet and barely contained chuckles around the table disagreed with him.
“Now seriously, do you need me to come back?” She asked, pointedly ignoring the stares, especially her boyfriend’s.
Danny’s eyes opened wide. “No! No, please. You stay where you are.” He gestured widely with his hands. “We got this. You— You enjoy your vacation.”
Vacation? Jazz said she was in Arkham to learn skills for her work in the Realms.
“I told you I’m not—”
“Yes. You are. Vacation.” He grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little. “Stop worrying. We got this.”
“Good luck with getting her to relax.”
“Hey!” Jazz turned towards her boyfriend. “I thought you were supposed to be on my side?”
“And I am. On the side where you stop worrying.”
Danny finally smiled. “You are not that bad, Mr Boyfriend.”
Danny’s smiles grew with mischief, and didn’t say anything else. Jazz sighed.
“Please behave.”
“I always do.”
“You know as well as I do that that’s a lie.” She narrowed her eyes at her brother. “I thought we agreed you’d behave when you visit.”
“Still thinking you are capable of ‘being normal’?” He did the air quotes and everything. “Jazz, I love you, but you know that—”
“I know.” She looked down at her hands on her lap. “Believe me I know.”
Something clicked in Danny’s mind, because his teasing smile melted from his face the moment her words were out of her mouth.
He glanced at Jason, who tensed at the look, and went back to his sister. “What happened?”
Everyone noticed the switch in the siblings. Danny’s tense shoulders and alert eyes immediately going around the room looking for something. He didn’t know the details but he knew something was up with Jasmine.
“The situation has changed.” She started, still looking down. “I… The—I mean, I will take care of it, I always do, but we need to talk.”
Jason didn’t miss Danny’s dangerous glint in his eye when he looked at him again. Or the green glow in the blue irises.
“You said so in your text.” He nodded. “So this isn’t just about Mr Muscles over there?”
Jazz's soft chuckle was almost able to break the tension in the room. Cass, Duke and Dick stopped breathing, knowing this was it. Damian, who had been ignoring everyone and had been texting John the whole time, finally put his phone down. Bruce and Jason shared a look. This was it.
“How about we move this important conversation to the drawing room? I feel like you will be more comfortable there.” Alfred as always knew when to walk in, and started picking up the dirty dishes without waiting for a reply.
With a few murmurs in agreement, the whole group stood up and moved towards the room they’d been in the previous night. The arrangement was similar, with Bruce in the loveseat and the siblings cramming themselves in the opposite couch to the one where Jason, Jazz and Danny sat down.
Jazz was holding on to her boyfriend’s hand for dear life, trying to calm down. She appreciated his words of encouragement as they walked with the group, and held her head high by the time she faced her brother again.
“Jason, and his family, they… they know.”
Danny lifted an eyebrow. “I have noticed.” He crossed his arms. “After this morning, I’d expect a few screams in horror, but nobody has reported us to the police yet, so…”
“No, no. Danny, they know.”
It took a moment for her words to settle in, but when they did he bared his teeth and stood up. “WHAT?” He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “What the hell, Jazz? It’s been what, a few months? And this guy,” he pointed at Jason, who didn’t, couldn't, look at him, “makes cute eyes at you so you spill MY secrets?”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Oh yeah?” He threw his hands up. “Enlighten me. Tell me how it was, because I was mostly joking when I said you have terrible taste, but—”
“It wasn’t like that.” She growled, bristling. “Things happened and I really need you to trust me for this one.”
“Trust you?” Danny asked, incredulous. “Are you seriously asking me to trust you right now?”
She straightened her back. “Yes I am. When have I led you astray?”
Danny scoffed. “You want the list alphabetical?”
The siblings glared at each other, face expressions and eyes telling more than what words could tell. Danny was furious but cautious, and the fact that he hadn’t ran away yet was taken as a good sign. Jazz was hurt and pleading, but firm even when both their eyes started turning green.
Bruce wanted to shrink into his seat in shame, but he couldn’t. He did this. Jazz was forced against her will to reveal information so he wouldn’t march her into the Justice League and trial her for crimes he thought she committed. And now she had the chance to pay back, to rightfully blame him and tell her brother how he kidnapped her and hurt her, and she wasn’t saying anything.
“Okay.” Danny finally said. “Okay,” he sighed, “when we are back home you bet your ass you are explaining.”
“Everything will make sense in time.”
“You are starting to talk like Clockwork.”
This made her smirk. “Good. It keeps you on your toes.”
Danny made a mocking face to his sister and turned to look at the others watching.
“I guess there’s nothing to lose.”
There was a flash of bright light and instead of the tired and burned out younger Fenton sibling, they saw a floating glowing figure dressed in black and white. It was still Danny, but hair was white and eyes were green; and all the ghostly physical traits they saw in the siblings — fangs, claws, pointed ears — were exaggerated in this form.
“My name is Danny Phantom. The one and only hero of Amity Park—” Jazz cleared her throat, “I mean,” he glared at her and crossed his legs in the air, still floating, “I am the only undead hero of Amity Park. I have helpers.”
“Very funny.” Jazz said. She turned towards Bruce, Jason and the others. “Guys, this is my brother. Danny, these are the Waynes. Jason’s family.”
Danny’s eyebrows arched. “You are Bruce Wayne?” The way he asked had zero amount of awe. He was familiar with the name and not in a good way.
“You know who I am?”
“Sam — my girlfriend — knows who you are. She’s been to a few of your fancy-schmancy galas. She said she hated every second of it.”
The older man found it funny. “They tend to be mind numbingly boring.”
“Hey Danny,” Jazz’s voice was careful, “is this place safe?”
This made the young man tense and unfold his legs, all playfulness gone. “What do you mean?”
“I— I did my own check, but I’d feel better if you did one too. I wouldn’t like for, hm, Vlad to—”
“Vlad is involved in this?” Nobody missed the growl in his chest.
“All will make sense, I promise.” Jazz pleaded, lifting her hands in a placating manner.
Jason glanced at Bruce. They knew Vlad Master was bad news, but this confirmed it.
“Okay. Trusting you. Whatever.” Danny breathed slowly and disappeared.
Immediately, Jazz explained: “He’s doing a sweep of the haunt.” Determined, she looked at Bruce and then at Jason. “Will it be okay if I tell him about you guys?”
Bruce looked conflicted for a second, but Jason didn’t hesitate. “Go ahead.” He glared at Bruce as if daring him to say otherwise. “We owe you at least that.”
By the time Danny was back Bruce had come to terms that he had to start being okay with a bunch of things really quick if he wanted his answers. Glancing at Jasmine and how her worried frown never left her, he considered it wasn’t that bad of a step towards properly apologizing to her. She had said a few days ago that his apology at Jason’s apartment wasn’t enough. He was starting to understand the dimensions of the situation he caused.
“Okay. Place is clean. There’s a lot of dead relatives but that’s expected from a haunt like this one.”
Bruce wanted so badly to ask him to elaborate on that. But kept his mouth shut.
“Alright.” Jazz breathed in slowly. “Danny,” she started, “remember you are trusting me, ok?”
“You are scaring me.” He tried to joke, but his sister didn’t even smile.
“Could you please show them the… the other thing?”
“What other—” realization dawned on him. “Jazz, you didn’t—!”
“I haven’t!”
“Then why—?”
“I asked you if this was safe, didn’t I?”
“Yes, but—”
“Then listen to me,” she insisted, standing up to approach her brother. “Trust me. Show them.” She took his hands in hers, the contrast of both the alive and dead sibling blurring the longer Jazz stood there. It was like their auras became visible and pulsed together, a low hum barely perceptible rumbling in the room. “Trust me.”
The rumbling stopped when their hands stopped touching. Danny floated back and let his body lower until his feet touched the floor. He threw a worried look at Jazz and nodded, all aggressiveness dissipating and leaving a vulnerable expression on his face.
He didn’t say anything else, but he didn’t have to. Gasps and one yelp in surprise filled the silence when green flames engulfed his body, from the bottom of his feet to the last strand of hair, and in its path, it revealed the same undead creature but not quite the same young man.
Danny looked like a completely different person with the dark metal armor over the suit. He looked taller, and bigger, and his presence commanded attention even if he wasn’t saying anything. He wore a cape dark as night, with millions of stars glowing on the inside, and that floated as if some kind of invisible breeze had entered the room.
The most impressive thing, though, was the black crown over his head. It floated a few inches over his hair, and the flames of his transformation seemed to concentrate in the mysterious metal, flowing and pulsating like a heartbeat.
“I am…” Even his voice sounded different. Heavier. He glanced at Jazz, who nodded. “I am Daniel James Phantom, the High King of the Infinite Realms.”
In the following moments, the Waynes felt like they were living in some kind of surrealistic alternate dimension. It was the moment at the maximum height of a jump, right before gravity did its thing and violently pulled you back down to Earth. Watching Danny, who just a few hours before had crashed into the house and looked more roadkill than person, was floating now in the middle of their drawing room wearing a full armor, a burning crown and a heavy presence that rivaled Batman on a bad day.
Dick broke the moment, acting like the gravity he loved to defy, and hollered a laugh coming from deep in his chest. “Eat shit, Stephanie!”
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
ugggghhh I love your writing! your style and just voice are outstanding!
could you write something with Jamie and a professional footballer (female reader) who are dating (but no one knows) and they are doing a PR thing for England or some ad campaign? And they have to do silly things and show how much they know about each other (like they have known each other since they were in school and have been friends for a while) but then Keeley catches on or something. Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but essentially it is Jamie and a professional footballer (female reader) relationship, thank you! <3
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you’re a mansion with a view
There’s an insistent knocking on the door. It’s who-the-fuck-knows o’clock Jamie has been inside all day, lights off and dealing with a wicked hangover. The pounding on the door syncs up with the pounding in his head, and he Jamie shuffles to open it so the person on the other side can shut up.
He opens it to find you, mid-knock.
“Put a shirt on, Tartt,” you say as you push past him, grocery bag in hand. Jamie looks down. He’s just in his trousers, and for once he’s grateful that it isn’t the other way around.
“Fucking hell, Killer,” he groans. “Shouldn’t you be at training?”
You shake your head, ignoring the fact that he used your football nickname as opposed to your actual name. “Nope. It’s five. Training’s done for the day.”
Jamie follows you to his kitchen. Why you’re walking around like you own the place, he has no idea.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he asks. “And how do you know where all my stuff is?”
You tap your head. “Our houses have the same layout. I can see yours from across the street, and noticed you haven’t been out in like, a week. That’s a record for you.”
Jamie rubs his face. “Fucking hell,” he says again. “So why are you here?”
You turn around from the fridge. “Figured you haven’t had a decent meal besides vanilla vodka.” You make a face. “Disgusting. Just because you’re not playing football doesn’t mean you can neglect nutrition, Tartt.”
“I ain’t neglecting my nutrition,” he replies. “Just…” he trails off.
You smirk. “Uh huh, that’s what I thought. The great Jamie Tartt, drowning his sorrows in vanilla vodka and becoming a couch potato. You haven’t even had any women ‘round to numb the sting. That’s new.”
You flip on a light to which Jamie groans. You flip it off. “So are you going to put on a shirt, or..?”
“Killer,” Jamie says for the third time, “the fuck are you doing in my house?”
You pretend to be digging in the grocery bag so you don’t have to look at his face.
“Saw your interview,” you reply as nonchalantly as possible. “Thought you might need someone to make sure you haven’t, I don’t know, died.”
Jamie knocks his head against the wall. “Has everyone fucking seen that?” 
You shrug. “Personally, I liked it a lot better than your season of Lust Conquers All. Lot more feeling in that one interview than the whole show, if you ask me.”
“So you saw that,” Jamie comments. This is far too many words for the headache he has.
“And you’re still here.”
“Uh huh.”
Jamie is at a loss for words. Everyone else has left him because of that fucking tv show, where he acted like the worst version of himself and didn’t even fucking win.
Doesn’t make sense that you, a midfielder from some women’s FC, would be in his house pulling out real food and making sure he’s alright.
For a moment, Jamie feels bad that he can’t remember what team you play for.
He thinks that this goes beyond neighborly duties. Sure, you live across the street from him and you’ve seen each other at various events, but this is probably the first real conversation you’ve ever had. He has no idea what to make of it.
He asks, “Why do you care?” then immediately cringes at the harsh tone of his voice.
You slam the fridge door harder than you anticipate, making you both jump.
“Because,” you say, then you sigh. 
“Footballer life off the pitch sucks sometimes. I wish someone had checked on me.”
“I ain’t a footballer,” Jamie points out, vaguely remembering something about your name in some less-than-friendly headline.
You roll your eyes. “Whatever you say, Tartt.”
Five months later, you’re at some random football pitch in your full kit and far more makeup than you’d wear to a match. 
Some magazine is doing some profile on different footballers, taking photos with different men and women from all kinds of teams together. You’re not sure why you, a midfielder, are here with Tartt, a striker.
You’re not complaining.
“Oi, Tartt,” you call, “how does it feel to be scored on by a girl?”
(The photographer wanted some action shots of you and Jamie playing 1 v 1.)
Jamie scoffs. “My masculinity ain’t fragile, Killer. Just lucky you didn’t break any of my bones.” He says the words carefully, as if they’re unfamiliar to his tongue and he wants to get them just right.
“You know I have a name, right?” you ask, breathing hard. You’ve dribbled the ball back to Jamie and are standing practically forehead to forehead. “Like, a real actual name that you’re allowed to use?”
Jamie grins and drops his voice to a near-whisper, “Oh I know how to use your name, love.”
You shiver, trapped in his gaze for a minute. 
The spell is broken as the photographer shouts, “Alright loves, let’s stage some of you two together.”
You both turn to jog to the sidelines, where she begins posing you. 
“Wow,” she remarks, “you two have great chemistry. Usually I have to tell you footballers to act like you like each other.”
Jamie grins and knocks his shoulder into yours. “Hear that, Killer?” he asks, “She thinks we have good chemistry.”
You roll your eyes and feign annoyance. “Be professional, Tartt.”
The photographer asks, “How long have you known each other?”
You and Jamie say, “Two years,” in perfect unison.
“My goodness,” she laughs, “you two are just in sync today! How’d you meet?” You say, “we’re neighbors,” at the same time Jamie says, “at a party.”
You both look at each other. “We met because we live across the street from each other,” you say.
Jamie shakes his head, “No, we met a week before you moved in at a party.”
“What party?” you ask. “Pretty sure I would’ve remembered meeting you.”
“Nah,” Jamie replies, “You were too busy getting sloshed with your teammates while they all hit on Keeley.” 
You scrunch your nose. “Was I sloshed?”
“Yep,” Jamie says. “Properly. It was the end of the season, so makes sense.”
“Weird,” you reply. “My first memory of you is when you tried to break into my house because you were too busy snogging this model to figure out you were on the wrong side of the street.”
“Oi, it could happen to anyone!” Jamie says defensively.
“Sure,” you laugh. “Happens to me all the time.”
You reach out to steal the football that’s tucked under Jamie’s arm, but he’s too quick for you. 
“Give it!” you say, still laughing.
He holds it above your head. “Give what?” he asks innocently. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You’re jumping and trying to pull his arm down to where you can reach and are almost successful when he tosses it to his other hand.
“No fair!” you cry, “You’re taller than me!”
Jamie grins. “Oh, you want the football then? Maybe try asking nicely.”
You still. “Jamie,” you begin, “could you please give me the football?”
He’s still holding it high above you as he considers. “Hm.” He pretends to think for a moment. “No.” He breaks away from you and kicks it into the goal across the field.
“You can have it now,” he says when he returns. You’re trying so hard to be mad at him, but he has that silly little grin he gets when he’s trying to make you laugh and you just can’t fake a frown.
“Screw you, Tartt,” you laugh.
Jamie raises an eyebrow and opens his mouth to reply when he’s cut off by the photographer.
“You two get along really well,” she says. “I think you’d be cute together.”
You blush and Jamie says, “I fucking hope so. She’s my girlfriend. Oi, d’you want a picture of us kissing?”
“No she doesn’t,” you say.
“Yes she does,” Jamie says. “We’re fucking adorable, babe. Football’s power couple. Behind Posh and Becks, of course,” he says as an afterthought. 
“Fine,” you say, “One. Then I’m getting that football and your ass is grass, Tartt.”
Jamie grins. “Fine by me, love.”
He leans in to kiss you but you pull away at the last second, sprinting toward the football still under the goalposts. Did he really think you were going to play fair?
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