#thank you so much for sending something :')) genuinely <33
canarydarity · 1 year
hi hello!! Any thoughts on Team Rancher and iron? I think there's something about Tango of the Tek being recognized as the "iron guy" and him giving Jimmy some of his iron in their first episode (I am insane). He's not much of a blacksmith like Impulse or Skizz but iron is natural in his hands and Jimmy can be impressed. And something about it being his equivalent to Nether gold. And something about him making polished axes and hoes and helmets for his Rancher that Jimmy appreciates but doesn't think further on and Tango is happy to see his gifts of something from his element recieved well
OOHHHHHHHHH MAN. the whole nether being and giving gifts instinct thing is one of my favorite widely accepted headcanons for them,, and I love the point you're making saying Tango's equivalent for that is iron and not gold...because youre so right !! he's the iron guy !! iron farms are his thing !!! You mention him giving Jimmy some of his iron in the first ep,,, yes the boots,,, but it's not even JUST that. oh man I'm so glad you brought this up. I rewatched Tango's dl pretty recently and besides him giving Jimmy that iron...he also TALKS about it multiple times those first few sessions. He says it to ETHO even. he's trying to trade Etho for some iron and he goes "oh come on four pieces?! I have to provide for my partner." and then later on in the season is mining for iron himself and goes "alright, I need more stuff for tools and I need more stuff for Jimmy." Which just....okay first of all Tango immediately deciding He Is The Provider in the relationship makes me lose it so much. but second...that gift giving instinct headcanon is sooo not even far off and youre SO REAL for connecting it to iron for Tango I love it. Especially because...like the examples you give at the end with tools and armor...thats another point to make. Tango would want his gifts to be FUNCTIONAL. They wouldn't have to be...I'm sure that some polished iron or gold nuggets or some trinkets would work their way into Jimmy's hands also... but for the most part? Tango would look to give gifts of USE...weapons tools armor appliances patented tango tek invention doo-dads...yes...yes...watching something be made easier for Jimmy by a gift Tango provided him? Addicting, he won't be able to stop once he starts.
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dawndelion-winery · 7 months
Thanks for the Flowers
You send them a little prank thank you text with flowers they never sent
Ft: Alhaitham, Arlechinno, Childe, Scaramouche, Wriothesley
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You thought it would be a funny prank to send him a stock image of flowers and a small thank you
"Glad you like them."
He smiles to himself, but then immediately deleted his message when he sees the attached image
That wasn't the bouquet he sent
His smile drops so fast because who exactly is sending you flowers apart from him?
"Throw those out, they aren't from me. Don't you like the one I sent more? I got your favourites, my love."
He gives the house a cursory scan the moment he steps in through the front door
It's only after you've given him his welcome home kiss and a hug that he starts looking for the bouquet for some trace of who the sender might be
At first he doesn't believe you when you say it's a prank because he wouldn't put it past you to just want to allay his worries
He'll come around though, and then he's annoyed
"That's childish and you know it, you can have my attention if you just ask for it."
This is her sign to publicly announce that you're with her because this sort of idiocy wouldn't be an issue if people knew you were spoken for
Initially chuckles to herself as she glares at the offending image
"Do you like them?"
Of course she's not telling you the weren't from her if you like them
The poor sucker who sent them to you deserves no credit anyway
If anything, they deserve her personal thanks for helping her gift you something!
Of course she needs to know their name and face to express her gratitude in person <33
In a totally genuine and non-threatening way (lie)
She ends up coming home late that day, having scared off any of your potential suitors just to be safe
"Had some unsavoury business come up, dearest, sorry to keep you waiting. Have you had dinner yet? No? Shall we dine together?"
She never brings it up though, so you sorta forget to ever tell her it was a joke
At first he doesn't process that he didn't send you the flowers
It's not like he doesn't pay attention, but he has his subordinates send you so much stuff as he comes across it that it's really hard to keep track
For all he knows it might have been something he came across and spontaneously thought of you liking it
And your likes were pretty much needs to him
"Love you, my pookie <33"
And then he stows his phone away
Only to remember he hasn't gotten you any flowers that day
"My honey drumlet darling-kins, there doesn't happen to be a note attached to the flowers, is there?"
When you insist that no, there isn't, and you've checked thoroughly, he makes a mental note to look into anyone who's ever had a crush on you
For a friendly spar, of course!
He just needs to make sure his competition is even worth noting (they aren't)
He comes home, thoroughly disappointed that none of them could even hold their own against him - few even dared to try, scared shitless by the sudden appearance of a harbinger demanding they fight
Sweaty and tired, he's all over you, whining about his day and how everyone wants you and can't take a hint that you're so happy with him ("You are, aren't you? I'm your favourite.")
Of course you cave and tell him it was only a prank
He scowls at first, but then breaks out giggling as he buried his face in the crook of your neck
"It doesn't really matter because I think they're all scared of me anyway. Some of them took one look at me and blanched. Unlike you, of course; the sight of me excites you, doesn't it?"
Ah. There's your bastard ginger.
"Wrong number, I think you meant to text your side hoe."
Sends you the most unbothered replies
Is actually overthinking
He knows logically this is most likely a joke because he swears he has seen that bouquet somewhere on the internet when looking for flower arrangement inspiration
But what if it's just a really similar layout and someone actually did send it to you?
Horrible. He doesn't want to think about it
But of course he does anyway
Brings you flowers because he planned to sneakily replace the stranger's bouquet
"Honey, please tell me this is a joke."
Seething inside
Who in their right mind dared to covet you while you were happily dating him??
Don't even try evade his interrogation, he needs to know every detail
From the exact time the flowers were sent to the arrangement and paper quality
Don't mind him, it's just a small investigation he'll carry out in his free time
The sooner you come clean the better
Not that you'll go unpunished...but hey, confessing to your crimes must at least lighten the sentence, yeah?
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Taglist: @ryuryuryuyurboat @yinyinggie @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @haliyarobin @irethepotato @boundedbyfate @favonius-captain @aqui-soba @tiredsleep @sadlonelybagel @mastering-procrastinating @lemeowade
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loveushijima · 2 months
ushijima bf hcs!!! like how would he be as a bf?
thank youuu!! <33
ushijima wakatoshi as your boyfriend!
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fluffffffffffff, clueless ushiwaka | female reader
a/n: hi pookie bear im so sorry but i have no idea how to write headcanons so i hope this is acceptable n i did ur request justice <3 😭 also not proofread!
Let’s start from the beginning:
Ushijima would not understand that his feelings for you are more than just platonic.
In the beginning, Ushijima would see you as a great friend to have.
But overtime, he would start to feel weird. The slightest touch you give him would send electricity all over his body, he’d memorise your daily schedule and subconsciously alter his path so he’d be able to bump into you more, and he’d take notice of the way you smiled or the way you put your hand up to cover your lips whenever you laughed.
He thought your smile and laugh were beautiful and contagious, why would you ever feel the need to do that?
Ushijima wouldn’t think much about it, he’d brush it off as him treating you nicer because you’re one of his only girl friends.
Tendou, however, isn’t that dense.
Tendou took notice of the way whenever something reminded Ushijima of you, he’d immediately ask out loud, “I wonder if she’d like this…” or, “If she was here right now, she would probably enjoy this very much.”
He sighs, his friend is not very adapt to his own feelings.
Tendou has a loooooong conversation with Ushijima before Ushijima finally realises that his feelings for you aren’t purely platonic.
“Wakatoshi-kun, do you get butterflies in your stomach whenever I lay a hand on you?”
“Do you ever think my smile is beautiful and contagious?”
“…not really.”
“Ouch. But there you go, Waka-kun!”
Ushijima isn’t the type to beat around the bush and get shy and blushy once he comes to terms with his feelings. Actually, he would be the type to not confess to you at all in case the confession completely ruins the friendship. But with Tendou’s relentless peer pressure, Ushijima eventually gives in and asks if you’d be available to meet around the dormitory buildings one evening after all classes at Shiratorizawa Academy has ended.
There, he confesses.
“I have feelings for you.” He confesses… rather bluntly.
“Yes. I would rather we just pretend this did not happen and go back to being how we normally were before this confession.”
“What???? But you didn’t even let me answer!”
“Oh. My apologies, go on.”
“If you would’ve let me talk, I would’ve accepted your confession! Idiot.”
Ushijima blinks in surprise and lets a small smile spread across his features.
“Thank you for accepting my confession.”
Now, Ushijima Wakatoshi as a boyfriend:
You would 100% be his first girlfriend, so please be patient! Whatever he says or does that gets on your nerves, he promises he means no harm — he’s just super oblivious.
Canonically, Wakatoshi is very well-mannered and polite. The epitome of a gentleman.
However, sometimes social cues fail him and his low emotional intelligence can be the death of him. Sometimes he can appear too blunt or aloof.
“Gosh, how did I fail this test?”
“I think you did not study hard enough. Try harder next time.”
He genuinely thinks he’s giving you constructive criticism and helping you out but in actuality, all you wanted was a listening ear.
There are certain things you have to be upfront with Wakatoshi about, such as certain wants. Wakatoshi is an upfront person himself, so as your boyfriend he’d be more than grateful if you just communicated your feelings to him straight up with no filter.
Setting all that aside, he tries so hard for you.
“So when I say, ‘Oh noooo, I failed a test!’ What are you supposed to say, Toshi?”
“I can’t believe you failed. That damned professor did you so wrong. The school system sucks.”
“Yes!!!!!!!!!” And you kiss him all over his face after his new and improved response. He smiles and leans in even more.
Wakatoshi’s love languages would also definitely be Acts of Service and Gift Giving.
He isn’t a man of many words, so he tries to make up for the lack of poetry by showing you his love, through his gestures. It could range from the bare minimum such as holding the door open for you, pushing your head gently onto his shoulder if you were nodding off to sleep, or whenever you’re both walking on a path beside an open road with traffic, he makes sure you stand safely inside and he stands on the side nearer to the road.
Or, it could be things more evident to show you he loves you. Such as making you bento boxes from scratch (all the ingredients fresh from his farm, of course), letting you wear his jacket if you get cold and blushing because of how cute you looked in it, or sometimes just being present with you. During the weekends, if he doesn’t have volleyball training and you have some errands to run, he offers to follow you and help run some of the errands on your list to make your life easier — it warms your heart but you always decline and tell him, “You don’t have to! I can do all this myself, Toshi. How about you just keep me company for the day while I run these errands? I would love to hear more about that match you played last Friday against that one school!”
He loves you so much.
As I mentioned before, Wakatoshi is not a man of many words. So, he would definitely enjoy the idea of gift giving very much. It doesn’t matter what you’re talking about, it could be the manga you and Tendou were currently reading together or how many different types of rice you could name, Wakatoshi listens to every single thing you talk about.
And he remembers.
Wakatoshi walks up to you one Monday morning, a bag in his hand and his normal aloof expression on his face. He hands you the bag and you look up at him confused. You open up the bag and gasp loudly, beaming ear to ear as you pick up the box from inside the bag. It was a figurine of the main character in that manga you and Tendou were reading. You jump into Wakatoshi’s arms as his aloof expression turns into one of fondness. He could stay in that position forever if God wills.
Remember the bento boxes Wakatoshi would make for you? He’d 100% remember your favourite type of rice and use that specific grain type for your bento boxes.
Wakatoshi remembered all the small, funny and mundane things about you, but sometimes that’s all you need. Everyone always remembers the exciting and thrilling things, like that one time you shop-lifted or that one time you got into a disciplinary case. Wakatoshi felt like a breath of fresh air from all the chaos. It felt nice to have someone remember your favourite flowers, or your favourite type of rice.
It’s a type of love that’s so innocent and pure, and sometimes that’s the best kind of love.
Wakatoshi would also definitely share more about himself with you than he has with anyone ever. He would tell you about his father leaving, his left-handedness being his mother’s biggest shame in life, and if he ever feels overworked or burnt out at times with volleyball. Wakatoshi was never one to moan and groan about his problems, but he just felt so safe with you, as if he could tell you anything and you’d still be there with him every step of the way. He felt so, so safe with you.
He’d want you to tell him about your problems too if you are ever facing any troubles. He wouldn’t force it out of you but of course he hopes that one day you’d be comfortable enough to share more about yourself with him. Wakatoshi really wants to know more about you as the relationship progresses more.
Wakatoshi is definitely the type of boyfriend who’d walk you to class in the morning and back to the dormitories in the evening. He’s a busy student — being the captain and ace of the volleyball team and juggling his academics was no easy task, but he always makes sure to accompany you whenever he has free time. Wakatoshi could spend just 5 minutes with you and he’d already be in a better mood after chatting with you.
The Shiratorizawa Volleyball Team Year 1s™ thank you for your service, as ever since their captain has gotten together with you, he’s become better vocally during trainings and so much more approachable. Of course he’s not hooting and hollering across the gymnasium, but he actually mumbles out a small “Nice kill.” now if impressed by one of his members.
One time Wakatoshi told Goshiki that his serves that training session were good and the junior swore he heard angels singing and he almost ascended to heaven on the spot.
You definitely brought out the best in Wakatoshi, and he loved you for that.
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reiding-writing · 9 months
I feel bad for sending one request after another but like okay hear me out, Spencer is cold and it's very obvious that his skinny ass purple scarf doesnt do much, so reader lends him theirs and he gets really flustered because it smells like them 😭
scented scarves [ s.r ]
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Vegas was a pretty warm city even in the winter, a stark contrast to Quantico’s freezing temperature. Needless to say, Spencer wasn’t fairing very well in the cold, and your offer of your scarf leaves him flustered and mildly overwhelmed.
pairing: spencer reid × gn!reader
genre: fluff
wc: 1.2k
a/n: this one’s pretty short but i hope it suffices nonetheless!
thank you for the request, you’re welcome to send as many as you want <33
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It was -2 degrees celsius. 28 degrees fahrenheit.
In other words, absolutely fucking freezing.
The joys of living in Virginia.
It was blatantly obvious which of your team members were acclimated to the colder climates, or more accurately, who wasn’t.
Anyone who walked into your office, profiler or otherwise, would be able to tell.
Garcia was wrapped up in a chunky knitted sweater, a pair of thick tights under her skirt as she padded across the bullpen back to her tech dungeon with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands.
Prentiss was wearing a shirt and a sweater, her hands held out in front of a mini heater on the top of her desk in a desperate attempt to warm up her extremities so the rest of her body would follow suit.
And Spencer…
Spencer was sat cross legged in his chair with two pairs of socks on, a knitted vest over his shirt and a cardigan over his vest, his signature purple scarf wrapped around his neck and covering his chin as his hands gripped his coffee mug like it was the only thing keeping him from turning into a human icicle.
Poor Spencer Reid. Vegas really didn’t serve him well when it came to Quantico winters.
If his trembles weren’t so adorably funny you’re sure you’d feel bad for the boy, but instead you’re muffling a laugh as you walk across the bullpen to sit at your desk beside him, disposing of your bag under the table and unfurling your chunky knitted scarf from your neck to drape over the back of your chair.
One of the pros of being born and bred in Virginia is that you didn’t have to worry about freezing from the inside out.
Spencer’s eyes follow you as you take your seat, and you swear you can see him shudder when you remove your scarf, as if you removing a layer of warmth made him colder.
“You good over there?” You can’t help the amusement painting your face as Spencer stares at you like you’ve got a second head.
“How are you not freezing?” Spencer’s tone carries genuine bewilderment as his eyes scan what you’re wearing, a pair of black slacks and a white shirt, alongside a semi formal blazer that you also shed to lie over your chair.
“It’s climate acclimation Spence, you of all people should know that,”
His expression doesn’t change at your answer, continuing to blankly stare at you like some foreign species that had just invaded the earth. “I know that- logically… But still i’m literally shaking from how cold it is,”
“That’s what happens when you’re a Vegas baby who moves to Virginia,” You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly as Spencer huffs, taking another sip of his hot coffee in attempt to regulate his body temperature back to something warmer, tucking the narrow purple strips of thin-knitted fabric under his chin to expose his mouth to the mug.
“That scarf isn’t going to do you very much you know, it’s basically a glorified fashion piece,” You weren’t trying to knock on Spencer’s scarf by any means, it’d become a staple of his office wear, one that you definitely weren’t complaining about, but in weather like this it wasn’t really doing him any favours.
“I know…” Spencer sighs at his own intolerance to cold weather.
You’d think having worked in Quantico for half a decade would have stopped him from turning into a human icicle the minute the temperature dropped into the negatives, but no, of course it didn’t. Of course he continued to feel like he was sat in a bathtub full of ice despite having four layers on. Of course he did.
You push your chair back from your desk, the noise of it’s friction against the cheap carpeting of the floor drawing Spencer’s eyes to you once more, and to you bring yourself to your feet and pull your scarf from under your blazer with a small amount of struggle before walking over to him, the scarf stretched out between your two hands.
Spencer doesn’t have the time to question what you’re doing before your scarf is wrapped around his neck, immediately engulfing him in a cocoon of extra heat that his own scarf failed to provide.
He didn’t have time to thank you either, as you departed with a ruffle of your hand in his hair towards the kitchenette to fix yourself a coffee.
At first he’s confused.
Then he’s warm.
And then the lingering scent embedded in the yarn hits his nose and he flushes a bright pink, thankfully hidden under the knit.
Of course it would smell like you. It was your scarf. Your cells would cling to the yarn as you wore it and leave a permanent trace of you behind.
But it smelled like you. And any lingering molecules of coffee in his sensory neurons were immediately overridden with your scent instead.
Any conscious sense of being cold had left his body. His trembling had seemingly stopped, his brain too focused on your scent invading his nose and making him feel fuzzy inside.
You returned with your cup of coffee soon after, Spencer still coming to terms with his reality as you take your seat again. “You look much warmer now,”
You half insinuate the flush on his cheeks, although he’s unsure if you recognise the origin behind it or if you genuinely just believe that your scarf has helped insulate his neck and warm up his face. Which it had, but not as much as your scent had done.
Spencer’s normally sharp mind stumbled over words, and he couldn't help but fidget with the ends of the scarf as he tried to formulate a response.
"Yeah… thanks," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact, his cheeks tinged with a subtle blush.
His reaction brought a soft smile to your face, alongside a small chuckle at his seeming inability to form a full sentence. "You're welcome Spencer, but it's just a scarf,”
But for Spencer, it was more than that, it was a tangible connection to you. The combination of your proximity and the familiar fragrance leaving him pleasantly flustered and mildly overstimulated.
As the day unfolded, the team couldn't help but notice the change in Spencer's demeanour. Teasing remarks were exchanged, and Spencer, although still focused on his files, couldn't escape the playful banter.
At the end of the day, you approached him, a twinkle in your eye. "I think you should keep the scarf," you suggested, "You need it more than I do."
Spencer's shy smile revealed his appreciation, and he nodded, holding onto the scarf as a cherished memento of a day that had unravelled his usual composure.
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incogrio · 4 months
can you do idol!reader x idol!soobin and a fic of how the two of them catch feelings idk
c.sb - idol!soobin x idol!reader falling in love hcs
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pairing: idol!soobin x idol!gn!reader
genre: fluff fluff fluff
synopsis: hcs on how u and soobin started dating :33
warnings: none! except for cat ears but nothing can be done there ☹️
a/n: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST!! i hope you like it (this is very intimidating) and i hope you don’t mind that i made it hcs!! hope you enjoy and feel free to send in as many requests as u want hehehe
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i think you guys would have had to meet at mnet, or something of that sort
he was a rookie, you had debuted a year before him, and he was always a huge fan of yours
he didn’t really know much about you, other than how talented you were.
so you may be asking, how did he catch feelings?
all of the members had their own little introduction moments when you first debuted
you were all nervous and he was a trainee at the time and something about seeing someone he looked up to being nervous brought him so much comfort
and then he watched more and more of your videos. and performances. and interviews.
it may have started as a comfort thing, but then it turned into being jealous whenever your fans would talk about you
or when the members would make fun of him
yeah he has a few posters of you in his room what about it
so a little bit after txt debuted, he was the MC that year with arin, and was so excited to interview u!! until he was told that for the cat & dog promotion he had to wear dog ears. the. whole. day.
“i’m gonna end it,” “you’ll survive” “THEYRE GOING TO SEE ME IN DOG EARS!!”
cut to members laughing hysterically and him pacing back and forth
he was soooo red during the interview that you even went off script, pointing it out which made him laugh and cover his face (he wanted to implode on the spot)
but then… him being flustered made u laugh and…
yeah he got a little hard on stage SO WHAT??
after the interview and after he had calmed down he was walking with his members (all dressed in cat and dog ears) and he saw you and i think he actually died
tried to hide behind beomgyu (stupidly) and was immediately met w a “yahh!” and a shove into the wall
the loud bang of his back hitting the wall made you look over and he literally refused to look at you
you felt sad for him and wanted to make him feel better, so u tried to give him a compliment!
“nice ears!” you smiled, but his flustered mind immediately made him think you were making fun of him. he didn’t respond, just bowing slightly and shuffling away awkwardly
when you told your members, they were absolutely horrified
what do you MEAN you complimented the ONE thing they had been insecure about?? OBVIOUSLY THEY THOUGHT YOU WERE MAKING FUN OF THEM!!
oh. oh god.
the next day, you were absolutely mortified and had to make things right, especially since you were a big fan and had a raging crush on the long legged loser
this day, you had an interview with the mcs as a group, and after you had promoted your new album, you went up to him.
yeah no soobie was pissing his pants
“hello.. i just wanted to say that i didn’t mean what i said yesterday to be mean! i genuinely think it’s cute and i love your group so much!” you beamed at him
he literally reached to his arm and pinched himself
no fucking way dude
he smiled nodded and physically could not do anything else other than bow
you seemed overly professional with him, and that made him sad
“alright well, i have to go. fighting!”
bro just nods like 😦
on the very last day as a mc, he knew he HAD to get your number
he tried to talk to taehyun, since he has borderline gotten every idols number
taehyun laughed and said he didn’t have rizz.
so he decided to just wing it
yeah haha that didn’t go well
he found you after your performance, you were sweaty and WOAH brother he was having thoughts
“hello!” he bows, “you did so good!” you didn’t really respond bc like.. why is he talking to you?? you have a strictly professional relationship
you smile awkwardly and thank him, before falling into DISGUSTING silence (how soobin describes it)
“um… i just wanted to say that i really liked your… your performance? and… i really like… you?”
L RIZZ!! (it worked on you so bad)
he was stuttering and nervous and was basically ASKING you if he liked you
you decided to put him out of his misery
“thank you!” you bow, “i have to go soon, but if you give me your number we can talk more?”
soobin borderline got on his knees and thanked jesus personally
in reality he just nodded super eagerly and was shaking so bad he had to rewrite his name in your contacts four times
now, you’ve been dating for three years
you still make fun of him for that whole event, and he wants to die everytime but it makes you laugh so he doesn’t care all that much
he still hates how he needs to act super professional towards you on camera
he wishes he could kiss you in front of everyone so they’d stop shopping you with people other than him
and so everyone knew you were taken
physically pains him whenever he sees a fan try to flirt with you
or another idol even doing so much as talking and laughing with you
my bf crazy he kill people
you just need to reassure him with kisses to his little bunny lips and he’ll be fit as a fiddle
no guarantees if you’re getting anything done that day tho…
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mercurygguk · 2 years
if it’s not you · kth (m)
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↳ summary; Kim Taehyung grew up watching his parents fall more in love for each day that passed and he always longed for that great, passionate love himself. But if it’s not you? Then he doesn’t want it.
pairing; taehyung x f. reader
word count; 8,582
rating; 18+
content; exes to lovers!au, smut/angst, a bit of fluff
warnings; making out, dirty talk, nipple play, oral sex (f. receiving), hand job, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, cream pie, possessive/jealous and slightly insecure taetae <3
chapters. part one | part two
↳ listen to the playlist here.
author’s note; it’s here!!!! the taehyung fic i’ve been wanting to write for SO long ughhhdjsk i really hope you like it and that you enjoy it despite all the hurt and angst heh – please let me know what you think! comment, reblog, send me an ask – whatever you feel most comfortable with!! everything is greatly appreciated <3 thank you sm for reading muah
ps. a big thank you to @kookingtae​ once again for beta-ing for me and for helping me brainstorm for the smut scene <33 ur the best ily thank you for your support and help!
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Kim Taehyung is not sad.
Sadness is not what he feels when he goes out with his friends and spots two people all over each other, happy and in love. Sadness is not what he feels when he sits at home, watching a movie by himself. Sadness is not what he feels when his friends tell him they’re engaged and are having an engagement party to celebrate.
No, Kim Taehyung is way past sadness. 
If anything, what he feels is most likely something more akin to a feeling called ‘I don’t care anymore’... a certain, unexplainable emptiness. He doesn’t care that everyone around him is falling in love and getting engaged, he doesn’t care if two strangers are all over each other when he’s at a bar. He doesn’t care that all of his one-night-stands give him a nasty look when he tells them to leave in the middle of the night after having emotionless – I don’t care who you are or what your name is – sex with them.
Taehyung just doesn't care anymore. Or that’s what he thought, at least.
He thought that he wouldn’t give two shits when he saw you walk through the door, arriving at the engagement party his friends are currently throwing. He also thought that he wouldn’t care that some unknown guy was trailing right behind you, his hand tightly wrapped around yours.
But Taehyung should’ve known better. 
He should’ve known his mind would play tricks on him and pull up flashbacks to the day he lost all belief in love.
Two years ago…
“Kiss me,” he pleaded, voice barely above a whisper as he spoke. He begged you, the unsteady tone of his voice giving away that he was on the brink of breaking down if you didn’t connect your lips with his within the next few seconds. He was desperate, breathing heavily as he tried his best to keep the tears from welling in his eyes.
The last few weeks had been absolute hell. The apartment has been empty beyond measure, most of your stuff gone by now. You haven’t been in the apartment since the day you left and the only reason you were back tonight was because you forgot a few things. Taehyung knew you’d come, you had texted him to let him know just so that you wouldn’t be barging in on him at a random hour. One thing he didn’t realize though when you texted him was how much he genuinely hated all of this until you stood in front of him with a small, sad-looking smile on your face.
How you ended up in the bedroom, cuddling and now almost kissing, was unbeknownst to him and you as well. Taehyung had been sitting on the edge of the bed, watching as you packed your remaining things in utter silence. When you were finished and wanted to give him one last goodbye hug, he had made the first move to urge you onto the bed with him. It’s not that he had bad intentions with it. He just needed to hold you one last time before you’d move on for good. Cuddles then turned into him pulling you on top of him to straddle his waist, begging and pleading for you to kiss him.
“Taehyung…” You softly let his name fall from your lips in a sigh as you looked down at him from your straddling position on top of him, “we shouldn’t-”
“Please, ____,” he tried again with pain laced in his words, sitting up with you still perched on his lap, “please, just kiss me.”
[end of flashback]
Two years since he last saw you and talked to you. Two years of losing every ounce of belief he had in ‘the great love’ of life. Why continue to look for love when he already had the love of his life and lost her?
In Taehyung’s head, there was no reason to look for love when the person he loved more than life itself left him with only half a heart to live by two years ago. Even if he wanted to find another great love, it simply wouldn’t be possible. He lives with only half of his heart and you can’t love someone with just half a heart.
Not when someone else has the other half.
“Hey, isn’t that ____?”
Taehyung is pulled from his thoughts by Jimin, his best friend since high school and the only person who would be able to recognize his ex-girlfriend from miles away – even after two years have gone by.
“Yep,” Taehyung curtly replies and brings his drink to his lips, taking a long sip. The heavy, dark taste of whiskey burns his throat on the way down but he welcomes it, suddenly in desperate need of feeling something that isn’t the tug on the strings of his half heart.
Jimin’s face scrunches up in confusion, “who’s the guy?”
I don’t know, Jimin. Does it look like I’ve stayed in touch with her since she walked out on me? Do you think she’d be across the room, in another man’s embrace, if I had stayed in touch with her?
Instead of saying that, Taehyung shrugs ‘carelessly’ and takes another sip of his drink, eyes following you as you and your date move towards the newly-engaged couple. 
He can’t take his eyes off you.
You look so different and yet the exact same. 
Every move of your body and expression on your face twist in the most beautiful, hypnotizing way as always. Your hair is shorter, he notices, but it suits you. You’re glowing from across the room and your smile lights up the entire apartment when you throw your head back in laughter.
It travels across the room and reaches Taehyung’s ears, cutting straight through the music flowing from the stereo. The pretty sound causes his chest to fill with a familiar warmth. Except this time it isn’t him who’s on the receiving end of your smile and gentle touch; your date is. As much as it bothers him, Taehyung can’t stop watching you as you talk with the hosts, wishing them congratulations on their engagement, and handing them the gift you brought along. And then you introduce the man next to you, a bright smile on your face as you watch them shake hands. 
Something vile rises within Taehyung at the sight. He knows he has no right to feel like this but something about the way you’re introducing this random guy to you and Taehyung’s shared friends doesn’t sit right with him. It used to be you and him, attending every get-together together. You always arrived hand in hand, all smiles and good vibes because nothing could stop the two of you from touching each other, from being attached at all times – from being in love.
“Jia didn’t mention anything about a new boyfriend,” Jimin mutters from next to Taehyung. The annoyed glare he shoots at his best friend causes Jimin to shrug innocently, “I mean – I think, of all people, she would know if ____ was seeing someone.”
Jia is a shared friend between you and Jimin. While Jia is one of your best friends, Jia and Jimin are more than friends but not quite enough to be considered a couple. They will get there eventually – Jimin just needs to get his head out of his own ass and ask the poor girl on a date instead of only showing up at her doorstep for some fun in bed. Jia is waiting patiently for him to make the next move but Jimin isn’t that smart when it comes to serious relationships.
“Don’t you have something else to do rather than talking my ear off about my ex and her date?”
The bitterness on Taehyung’s tongue feels odd but he can’t help it. He hasn’t seen you once in two years after you left that night and now you’re here, looking beautiful as ever with another man by your side. 
Jealousy has never been something Taehyung cared much for. He never had a reason to but as you let your date wrap an arm around your waist to pull you closer, the jealousy washes away every rational thought he’s had since he saw you walk through the door.
Jimin mumbles something under his breath before he disappears from Taehyung’s side, leaving him to stand there while rolling the glass of whiskey in his hand, dark and glaring eyes shooting daggers at the man you brought along tonight.
However, it seems his glare from across the room also grazes you as you turn your head to look around. Taehyung’s breath hitches in his throat when your eyes meet his and he can tell you let out a gasp once you realize just who exactly you’re locking eyes with. Your date asks you if something’s wrong and you shake your head in response, telling him it’s nothing.
Taehyung’s body heats up with a familiar tingling feeling that feels all too normal and yet it’s a strange sensation. He hasn’t felt what he just felt in two years, the different women he’s slept with or been out with have never once caused warmth and excitement to spread through his entire body as the ones he just felt. Not a single woman has managed to trigger Taehyung’s interest in more than just a one-night-stand.
But, of course, it’s you.
Who else would light a fire in his soul but the same woman who blew it out a few years ago?
The irony almost makes Taehyung huff out an unimpressed chuckle. He fights it and pushes it back but it's no use as you decide to raise your hand and give him a small wave, a hesitant smile on your lips as you do. Taehyung lets the chuckle leave him, shaking his head in disbelief, watching your smile falter into a soft frown.
You left him.
You walked out of the door two years ago and dropped off earth’s surface until tonight. Taehyung only knew you were alive and well thanks to social media and your circle of shared friends, not that it was much help. His so-called friends weren't very cooperative every time he’d ask about you. Especially when he would visit Jimin and Jia would be there – that woman kept all the news about you behind locked lips whenever Taehyung was around.
So, when it really comes down to it, Taehyung has no idea what you've been doing for two years. All he knows is that you went overseas to live and work there, making the distance between you and him bigger than he’d expected when he watched you walk out of the home you once shared. Taehyung doesn’t understand why you bolted out of the country as soon as you could – what you went looking for, he doesn’t know. Probably no one knows – except for your parents maybe. 
All Taehyung is hoping for is that he wasn’t the reason.
Thoughts like ‘how long have you been seeing this guy’ and ‘did you even think about me once while you were overseas, living a brand new life’ fill Taehyung’s head as he downs the rest of his drink. He steals one last glance at you, catching your eyes for a split-second before heading towards the kitchen of this penthouse apartment he currently finds himself in. He can feel your eyes on him as he slips his way through other guests but he keeps his own eyes focused on the whiskey bottle he spots on the kitchen island.
Once he reaches it, he uncaps it and pours himself another glass. He takes a swig of the brown liquor, sighing deeply as he feels the strong and burning sensation in his throat. 
“Slow down there, tiger.”
Taehyung freezes in his spot, his glass of whiskey halfway to his lips to take another slurp when a familiar voice fills the kitchen. His chest tightens for a split-second before he turns around to face the person he’s been thinking about non-stop since she left. 
You’re flashing a smile at him when he turns around, one that doesn’t really reach your eyes as your real smile would. He notices because he always notices. It’s one of the many things you can’t hide from him. No matter how much you try to plaster on a fake smile, he’ll always know when it’s real or not. 
When he doesn’t reply to your teasing comment, you pull your lips into a thin line as you cautiously step closer.
He can’t stop staring at you. 
When you left your shared home two years ago on the worst night of Taehyung’s life, he had no idea when he would see you again. Back then he had hoped you’d regret your choice of moving out and come back to him, tell him that you made a mistake, that not being with him was the only thing you couldn’t get yourself to do.
But it never happened – and two years passed.
“How have you been?” You ask, voice small and careful as if you’re afraid he’ll scream at you and throw all his pent up anger at you as the first thing.
Taehyung finally manages to take his eyes off you, shifting them to look at the glass of whiskey in his hand. He swirls the liquid around a few times before looking up again, a faint and slightly sad smile on his face.
“Okay,” he responds. “Given the circumstances, that is.”
He can tell that you know exactly what he means, the frown on your face giving it away. It makes a short chuckle leave his lips because it’s kind of comical how you haven’t seen each other in two years and the first time you meet again is at an engagement party – the type of party you were both so sure you’d throw sooner or later had it not been for the fact that the universe wanted it differently.
“You brought a date,” Taehyung breaks the silence hanging over you.
Your lips part in surprise. You did not expect your ex-boyfriend to ask about your date, but then again, you should’ve seen it coming. 
“Uh, yeah, he’s–” you begin, not sure what or where to start. Taehyung watches you intently, curious to hear your response. You feel a strong urge to explain yourself to him, why you don’t know. “It’s nothing serious– it’s very new, so…”
“I see,” Taehyung hums and takes another sip of his whiskey, the alcohol still burning and strong on his tongue.
“Hey, about–,” you begin but the shake of Taehyung’s head causes you to stay quiet.
“We don’t have to do that,” he simply says. You frown deeply as he glances over your shoulder at your date. “I’m over it and it seems you are too.”
“It’s good to see you again, ____.”
With that Taehyung grabs the half empty bottle of whiskey off the table and leaves the kitchen, a breath of relief escaping him. It’s gonna take a lot of alcohol to get through tonight with you being in the same room, so close yet so far – not his to touch or hold, the only thing that is his are the memories of doing exactly that in the past.
And nothing has ever left a more bitter taste in his mouth before.
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As the party carries on, Taehyung has been drinking more whiskey. He’s not drunk per say but he’s definitely tipsy and it shows as he stands in a corner alongside Jimin and Namjoon. He’s not paying attention to their conversation, too busy watching you and your date mingling. 
Taehyung is not much for admitting it but he’s been keeping an eye on your date all night, watching how he acts around you. He’s not afraid to touch you, that’s for sure, the constant placement of his hand on your lower back is a giveaway. However, he hasn’t seen the two of you kiss or anything of the sort ever since you arrived. It’s odd because, of all people, Taehyung knows that you’re not one to shy away from PDA. You were never big on it but you never despised it either.
“Tae, stop staring,” Jimin’s voice penetrates his focused thoughts. Taehyung tears his eyes from you to look at his best friend. Jimin gives him a look, one he can’t help but laugh at. Taehyung pushes himself up from his leaning position against the wall, standing to his full height. Jimin grabs his arm. “I’m serious, whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”
“Relax,” Taehyung smirks. “I’m just gonna introduce myself, that’s it.”
Namjoon shakes his head, taking a sip of his drink, “sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.”
“Exactly,” Jimin pointedly agrees with him. “Don’t ruin it.”
Taehyung shrugs off Jimin’s hand, shooting his friends a glare, “I’m not gonna ruin anything.”
Before his friends can try and talk him out of it again, he wanders off towards you and your date – a dark-haired guy who seems friendly, boring even, and nothing like the type of guy Taehyung had imagined you’d go for.
You don’t notice Taehyung’s presence until he’s standing right next to you, offering a hand to your date. Your eyes widen in surprise, eyes shifting between your ex-boyfriend, his offered hand and your date for the night. You can’t help the small sliver of panic within your chest as you watch them interact.
“Hey man, I don’t think we’ve met before,” he greets him, “I’m Taehyung.”
“Jinyoung,” your date replies, giving Taehyung’s hand a weak shake without much thought. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Taehyung smirks, eyeing Jinyoung up and down for a moment, wondering where on earth you managed to run into this guy and why you thought of bringing him to your friends’ engagement party. The majority of the people here know you and once this guy isn’t part of your life anymore, you’ll spend your energy explaining why at the next event.
“Taehyung is, um…” You begin, turning to Jinyoung to provide some information as to why he would suddenly come over and introduce himself like this. “He’s my, uh–”
“Ex-boyfriend,” Taehyung finishes for you. He watches in satisfaction as Jinyoung’s eyes widen in surprise, the faint hints of intimidation evident in them. “We broke up two years ago.”
“Oh, well, I had no idea there was an… ex-boyfriend,” Jinyoung trails off, glancing at you in confusion.
Your attention, however, is aimed at Taehyung, “Tae, can we talk–”
“Did you know ____ fled the country after breaking up with me?” Taehyung lets out a sarcastic laugh, watching how Jinyoung almost squirms in discomfort. Bet he didn’t sign up for a meeting with the ex-boyfriend when he said yes to join you tonight. “Is that where she met you or?”
Your jaw tightens as you place a hand on Taehyung’s arm, catching his attention. He glances at your hand and then you, eyes meeting yours. He notices the desperation in them, the grip you have on his arm.
“Can I talk to you under four eyes? Now, please.”
He smiles at you, a tipsy smile but endearing nonetheless.
“Absolutely,” he tells you before glancing back at Jinyoung. “If you’ll excuse us for a moment.”
Jinyoung looks confused and awkward as Taehyung flashes him a fake smile before allowing himself to be dragged away by you. It isn’t until you’re in a secluded corner of your friends’ penthouse, you let go of his arm. Taehyung leans against the wall, a small smirk on his face as you stare at him for a moment before your face morphs into disbelief.
“What the hell was that all about?”
He shrugs, “I was just introducing myself.”
You let out a chuckle, crossing your arms over your chest, “oh, is that what it was? How silly of me to think you were trying to measure your dick with his!”
He huffs out a scoff, rolling his eyes, “oh, sweetheart, I don’t have to and you know it.”
Your mouth falls open at his cocky behavior. Whoever this man in front of you is, you don’t know him. He is not the man you broke up with two years ago, he’s not even a shadow of the man you were hopelessly in love with once. 
Taehyung watches your expression fall as if realization hits you square in the face. His ego covers it up perfectly but it hurts seeing the realization on your face, his heart sinking to his stomach as he realizes himself what you just realized –neither of you are the same people you were two years ago. And for some reason that realization hurts more than he thought it would because change is supposed to be good, right?
“Maybe breaking up with you wasn’t a mistake after all,” you tell him, eyes filled with disappointment and hurt. Taehyung frowns as the words leave your lips. “You’re an asshole.”
“____, I–”
You shake your head before turning on your heel, heading back to Jinyoung who’s been watching the two of you with worried eyes. Taehyung catches Jinyoung’s gaze over your shoulder, the judgemental look he shoots at him bruising his ego. However, the sight of your hand slipping into Jinyoung’s bruises his heart as he watches you and your date bid the engaged couple goodbye before leaving the penthouse.
Hand in hand.
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Loud knocking wakes Taehyung up the following morning. He squints an eye open, the bright light coming from the morning sun hitting him straight in the face. He lets out a low groan, dropping his head back into the softness of his pillows. He forgot to pull the curtains when he came home last night. It happens too often after a night out – a bad habit, really.
The knocking disappears for a moment before it returns, more persistent this time around. With a sigh, Taehyung gets himself out of bed, slipping on a t-shirt and sweatpants before sauntering towards his front door.
Who in the world could be rapping their knuckles on his door this early on a sunday morning? 
He glances towards the kitchen, eyes squinting to read the red numbers on the oven. His eyebrows lift in surprise. It’s not morning anymore, it’s past noon and someone is very persistent on the other side of the door. Once he reaches the door, he sneaks a peek through the peephole, breath hitching in his throat when he realizes who’s on the other side. His forehead connects with the surface of the door as a low ‘fuck’ leaves his lips.
Inhaling sharply, he grabs the door handle and pulls the door open.
“What are you doing here?” He asks.
Taehyung sees no point in greeting you first, the question flying from his mouth before he can process it properly. He’s surprised to see you on his doorstep after what happened at the engagement party last night. When he came home and plopped into his bed, he had been thinking about whether or not he should seek you out to talk things through. He never got the chance to think further about it before sleep overtook and pulled him under.
“We need to talk,” you tell him, pushing past him, shoulder bumping his.
Taehyung closes the door after you before following you further into his home. You stand by his bookshelf, several feet away from him. He watches you as you look around, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants to keep them from feeling restless. 
“How do you know where I live?” He decides to ask after a moment of intense silence.
You turn to face him from your new spot by the big window, the view from it being of a park with endless rows of trees and bushes, the colors of them ranging from green to brown to orange to yellow. 
“Jimin told me,” you tell him, “but that’s not important – what the hell was your problem last night?”
Taehyung shrugs, “nothing… I was just introducing myself.”
A sarcastic laugh escapes your pretty lips, a look of amusement on your face.
“Bullshit, Tae,” you protest. “We haven’t seen each other in two years and you pull a stunt like that? It’s not like you.”
He can’t help but scoff.
Not like him? 
It’s not like him to spend two years watching women come and go in his home. It’s not like him to let the woman he loves leave him and not do shit about it for two years. It’s not like him to not care about love at all. It’s not like him to lose all faith and belief in the great love of his life but he did and it’s your fault. You made him what he is today. You up and left, leaving him because ‘things weren’t the way they used to be’. He accepted what you wanted because you were so certain that was what you wanted at the time. He shouldn’t have but he did because he loved you and he’d rather love you from a distance than keep you in a place that didn’t make you happy.
Blaming you isn’t right but it’s always easier to blame someone else than yourself.
“I pulled a stunt?” The anger that’s starting to boil within him laces within his voice as he moves closer. Your eyes are locked with his as he slowly moves across the room, nearing you. “You’re the one who brought a fucking date, _____! You knew I would be there and yet you thought ‘hey, let me bring a date and introduce him to everyone there while my ex is in the same fucking room’!”
You let out a frustrated groan.
“It’s been two years, Taehyung! For all I know, you could’ve brought someone too!”
The frustration is seeping through his veins as he steps closer, only a few feet from you at this point. You’re close and he can touch you if he just reaches his hands out to you but you’ve never felt farther away. Had he known two years ago that it would come to this, he wouldn’t have let you walk out of the door that night. He would’ve fought for you, told you that you would figure things out together. That he would do his utmost best to make you happy – no matter the sacrifices he would have to make.
“Do you know how fucking miserable I’ve been for the past two years? Do you know how many times I’ve asked about you only to get no answers from anyone?”
The guilt is evident on your face as he takes the risk and steps even closer. He can feel the warmth radiating off your body now, the close proximity doing nothing to calm his thundering heart.
“Have you ever, just for a second, thought about how fucking hard it’s been after you left and fled the fucking country?”
You let out a shaky breath, “I didn’t–”
Taehyung can’t fight the dry laugh leaving him, “I begged you to stay, ____. I was begging you but you left anyway and for what?”
He watches as you shrug helplessly, mouth opening and closing while you try to decipher what to say, how to explain. He would appreciate an explanation – ‘things aren’t the way they used to be’ isn’t enough anymore.
“I… I had some stuff I needed to figure out,” you mutter.
“We could’ve figured it out together!” He argues, hands thrown out in pure frustration.
The shake of your head has Taehyung frowning deeply. You look away, unable to watch the way his face falls as the words leave your lips, “I couldn’t love you the way you deserved. I had to leave. It was what was best for us back then–”
“No,” he mutters, voice soft and filled with sorrow, “you don’t get to decide what’s best for me.”
You feel him step back, taking his warmth with him. He sits down on the couch, running a hand through his hair as an exasperated sigh leaves his chest. You cross your arms over your chest; the act doing nothing to comfort yourself but doing enough to keep yourself warm after he removed himself from right in front of you. 
Unsure, what to do, you sit down on the window pane, watching the man you used to be inseparable from. He looks tired and not because you forced him out of bed by knocking on his door. He looks like the past two years have been nothing but hell for him – and you believe it. Leaving him was one of the hardest things you’ve ever done but it was necessary in order to find yourself.
“I didn’t tell you everything,” you quietly tell him, eyes dropping to look at the wooden floor instead of him.
You feel his eyes on you, heavy and filled with longing, hurt and love.
“I knew you’d never let me go if I told you everything,” you continue when he stays silent. “I lost myself, Tae… And I knew as long as I wasn’t at peace with myself, I wouldn’t be able to love you the way you deserved.”
You take a chance and look up, your eyes meeting his in an instant. You feel your heart skip a beat, a pain so strong it’s almost unbearable shooting through your body. Taehyung’s eyes are glossy as he watches you make your way to where he sits on the couch. You kneel in front of him, your hands finding his in a weak attempt to comfort him but you know nothing could possibly remove the two years of pain and anger he’s been through.
He stays quiet, eyes skimming your face as you sit in front of him.
“Leaving you is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” you softly tell him and feel a tightness in your throat. You bite back the tears but your voice betrays you as you speak up again. “And while… While trying to figure my shit out, I realized that you and I–”
Taehyung’s hands engulf yours, fingers slipping through yours to intertwine them. Pain is etched onto his face as you sniffle, one of his hands reaching up to wipe away the one teardrop that managed to escape just now.
“I realized that you and I were the only thing in my life that actually made sense but it was too late.”
“Baby…” Taehyung begins, the nickname leaving him before he can think about it and the appropriateness of it.
You shake your head, “I left you, Tae. I left and, like you said, I fled the country like a coward when all I had to do was talk to the people around me and find another way.”
The tears won’t stop coming at this point and it’s then Taehyung realizes that it was never about him. It has always been about you and how you felt; not your feelings for him but for yourself. If only you had talked to him, reached out to him and asked for help – he would’ve stepped in and done whatever it would take to make you happy again.
“I’m really sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you,” you cry, the sheer realization of just how much unnecessary pain you’ve caused him seems like the worst thing you ever could’ve done. You hurt the man you love and now it’s hurting you – well-deserved one might say. “God, you must hate me so much.”
“No, hey,” Taehyung calls softly, cupping your face and wiping your tears away. You look up at him, tear-filled eyes meeting his glossy ones. He smiles at you through the build-up tears in his dark brown eyes. “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you.”
He shakes his head, “sure, I’m pissed at you for leaving. But I could never hate you, _____.”
The way he says it with such tenderness and softness makes your bottom lip quiver, fresh tears coming to the surface but it’s not an issue – Taehyung wipes them away with the pads of his thumbs, smiling softly at you. Why he’s comforting you rather than kicking you out of his home is a mystery to you, one you probably won’t ever solve. But you’ll take it, the feeling of his hands touching you again similar to the feeling of finally drinking water again after spending days in the desert. Or when you finally get to sleep after a really, really long and stressful day.
Comforting. Healing. Loving. 
“I’m sorry,” you softly say, voice so quiet and soft as if the atmosphere would break into a million pieces if you spoke any louder. Your heart is beating hard, thundering at 110 miles per hour. Taehyung is leaning closer, a magnetic pull between him and you causing him to do so. It’s impossible to stay away, especially after you sat down in front of him.
Taehyung huffs out a soft chuckle, the air brushing your lips. He whispers, “stop apologizing.”
“Sorry,” you whisper, causing Taehyung to let another chuckle escape before softly, carefully pressing his lips to yours. 
The world stops spinning and your heart stops beating for a second, the feeling of Taehyung’s lips on yours so familiar you might start crying again. It’s like returning home after years of chaotic traveling, the familiarity of it so comforting and perfect. You sigh deeply, melting against him, hands gripping his forearms as if to support yourself. Then a soft moan escapes you and Taehyung tilts his head to deepen the kiss, tongue brushing your bottom lip before slipping inside and touching yours, warm and wet and so addicting.
In need of more, you get up and push him back on the couch. He welcomes you onto his lap, pulling you closer, hands gripping your waist tightly, fingertips digging into your sides. The kisses you share are soft, passionate, and filled with words and affection you’ve kept inside for two years. Things you never got to say and affection you never got to show – all of it being poured into the kisses, deep and scorching hot.
Your arms lock around his neck, pulling him so close your noses are squishes together. He moans against your lips when your hips sink down on him, grinding against him. He feels himself grow harder, blood rushing to his cock in seconds as you continue your movements. 
“Tae…” You whimper softly when his hands slide underneath your top, warm palms sliding over the expanse of your back, nails digging into your skin. “Need you– please…”
In reality, you’re not his to touch and kiss. You haven’t been for two years. When this weekend is over, you’ll both go back to your everyday lives, return to reality – realities where neither of you are in each other’s. 
“What about Jinyoung?” Taehyung can’t help but ask, pulling away just enough to look you in the eyes.
“He went back home this morning,” you tell him, your words causing a sliver of hope to appear in Taehyung’s chest. You smile softly, fingers playing with the curly strands of black hair at the back of his neck. You shrug with a sigh, “he asked about us, I told him the truth. He left.”
“What truth?”
The question is careful but Taehyung needs to know.
“That I’m still in love with you,” you quietly admit.
If you can’t feel the harsh beating of Taehyung’s heart, you surely must be able to hear it. It’s pounding against his rib cage, making it hard for him to breathe as he stares at you. A million thoughts are running through his mind but the only thing he can focus on is the overwhelming urge to kiss you like the world is ending, worship you and make up for lost time.
“I don’t blame you if you can’t forgive me for what I did,” you softly say. “But I hope you’ll give me a chance to-“
Taehyung cuts you off by crashing his mouth to yours; desperate, needy, eager and rushed. A whimpering moan escapes you and travels into his mouth, goosebumps rising upon his skin at the pretty sound.
“I forgive you,” he says between kisses as he pushes your jacket off your shoulders. You help him get rid of it, lips never leaving his as you continue to kiss. You have two years to catch up on – two years equals a lot of kisses and a lot of making love. You inhale deeply when he pulls away, hand gripping your jaw to make you look at him. His eyes stare into yours, dark and filled with so many emotions you can barely keep track. “Don’t make me regret it.”
You shake your head, “I won’t. I promise.”
“Good,” he whispers before pulling you back in for more, unable to stop for long.
The next clothing items to go are your top and his t-shirt as you tug it up and over his head, throwing it to the floor along with your jacket. Taehyung lets out a breathless moan against your mouth when you slide your hands up his abdomen, fingertips brushing over his chest and nipples. He groans as your nails dig into his skin, hands tightly gripping onto your thighs in a wordless response.
“Lay down,” he tells you, voice raspy from making out.
With one last soft kiss to his lips, you do as told. You lay down on the couch, watching him as he gets up on his feet, getting rid of his sweatpants. His eyes roam your body, grazing your skin and curves, taking it all in while feeling a wave of memories washing over him. It brings a feeling he can’t quite pinpoint to his chest, heart tightening as you offer him a soft smile.
That’s what he feels.
He finally feels at home again after two years of feeling like he didn’t belong in this new apartment of his; an apartment he found a few months after you left. He couldn’t stand being in the one you used to share because it didn’t feel like a home anymore. It’s when you sit up on the couch, your hand reaching for his to bring him back to you, that he realizes that no place will ever feel like home unless you’re there.
You’re his home – he belongs with you.
And you belong with him.
“Come back to me,” you whisper softly when he crawls onto the couch, hovering over you. His eyes shift between yours, three words he hasn’t said out loud to anyone but you at the tip of his tongue. “Tae…–”
“I love you.”
Your words get trapped in your throat, heart beating wildly in your chest as the three magical words bring a new kind of warmth to your entire body.
“I love you too.”
The rest is a blur – the way he kisses you deeply and passionately like it’s the last time, the sound of your pretty moans reaching his ears like a melody he’ll never get tired of, the feeling of his hands on your body, caressing you, taking you in and remembering everything about you; every dip and curve of your body. Every uneven texture of your skin, every dimple and small spot that makes you you.
“You’re mine,” he rasps against your chest as he trails it with kisses, your bra no longer covering you, giving him free access to all of you. His lips brush your nipple, another delicate moan escaping your lips at the feeling. “You’ve always been mine, haven’t you?”
“Yes– Oh my god,” You gasp, surprise shooting through you as he wraps his lips around a nipple, sucking. Your back arches into him as one of his hands cups the other breast, squeezing and caressing it in the most caring way possible.
That’s the thing about Taehyung – he can be rough both verbally and physically but he knows how you like it and he never strays far away from it. He’ll caress your body and worship it like you’re a goddess while arousing you with his words, dirty words falling from his lips without a struggle. It’s the perfect mix of everything; the best of both worlds basically.
You whimper softly when he tugs at your nipple with his teeth before letting go, leaving it wet and swollen as he moves further down your naked body. Your legs spread automatically when he reaches your core, his mouth hovering above your heat as he glances up at you. A small smirk spreads across his face as he watches you run your hands over your stomach and all the way up to cup your own breasts. You bite your lip, eyes closed as you await his touch.
“Tell me, baby,” he hums, leaving a soft kiss on your hip bone. “Did you miss this?”
You hum in response, fingers pinching your nipples as you feel his breath on your core.
“Words,” he reminds you, “I need your words.”
Your eyes peep open to glance down at him, the sight of him between your legs, messy and curly hair and swollen, plump lips twisted into a teasing smirk enough to cause you to let out a soft moan.
“Yes,” you tell him, breathlessly. “I missed you, missed your touch– please, Tae…”
The sound of you begging for him to touch you causes a feeling of pride to fill his entire body, the smirk on his face turning into a grin. He hums in satisfaction, leaning down to press a soft, careful kiss to your folds. You whimper softly, the hints of whine following.
“I’ll be honest,” the air from his words brushes your soaked core, a shiver running through your body. His hands tighten around your thighs as he brings them over his shoulders to pull you closer to his face. “I missed having you like this, too.”
Before you can even think of a response to his confession, his mouth is on you. You gasp in surprise, hands reaching for him to grab his hair, the couch, his hand – anything. Taehyung offers one of his hands, locking it with yours. Your fingers slip between his, your grip tight as he eats you out, his tongue licking your folds. You’re whimpering above him, the feeling of his tongue flicking your clit over and over again before he sucks it causing your moans to become higher and more whiny as he works you closer to the edge.
“Fuck,” you cry, thighs trembling as you feel your orgasm coming. Taehyung keeps your legs spread open with his free hand, his grip on you so strong you’re unable to escape the overwhelming feeling of an orgasm. “Tae, I’m close– fuckfuckfuck–”
An immense wave of pleasure washes over you, a guttural moan leaving your pretty lips as you tumble over the edge, abdomen tightening as you come. Taehyung moans against you as he continues to help you through it, licking up your juices, the slurping noises lewd and explicit enough to bring a heat to your face.
You’re trying to catch your breath, a smile on your face as Taehyung crawls back up. You sigh deeply as he leans down and presses a row of kisses onto your jaw and cheek, one of his hands sliding up your thigh.
“You feeling okay?” He asks, face inches from yours as his eyes meet yours.
You nod, smiling, “I feel great.”
He smiles softly as he leans down, connecting his mouth with yours. You’re able to taste yourself on his tongue as it brushes yours, the taste arousing and dirty but so hot, you might lose your mind.
“Wanna be inside you,” he groans as he grinds against you, the only thing keeping him from slipping inside being his boxers. His cock twitches in its confinements, eager to be let free, eager to be buried deeply within your warmth. “Wanna make love to you, baby– show you how much I’ve missed you…”
“Do it, Tae,” you urge him on, hands reaching for the waistband of his boxers, “show me.”
With his help, you manage to free his hard cock, his boxers ending up on the floor with the rest of your discarded clothes. Your hand wraps around his length, a soft groan escaping his lips as he drops his head to your shoulder. You pump him a few times before guiding the tip to your entrance, softly gasping when you feel it nested between your folds.
Taehyung takes over, replacing your hand with his own. Your arms snake around his neck, pulling him closer, lips catching his in a kiss. He takes this as his chance to slip inside, pushing against your entrance until he’s past your folds. You both moan against each other’s mouth as he sinks inside, the length and girth of him stretching you out. He moves slowly, sliding further inside inch after inch, carefully.
“Fuck, baby,” he groans once he bottoms out, every inch of him engulfed by your warm walls. His breathing is ragged as he stays still for a moment. “I’ll never get used to this.”
You smile at his comment, wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“Well, you better,” you tell him. “Because this time it’s forever.”
His heart skips a beat in his chest before he huffs out a strained laugh, the feeling of your walls tightening around him making it difficult for him to get words out.
“Is that a challenge or a promise?”
You shrug and smirks playfully, leaning up to kiss the corner of his mouth, “a challenging promise.”
He scoffs in amusement but doesn’t say anything in return. Instead he pulls out, leaving just the tip inside before thrusting back inside of you, hard and precise. The action leaves you gasping, back arching as he hits a sweet spot within you. He continues the action, pulling out and thrusting back in over and over again, fucking you hard but slow, his shaft brushing against your clit for every thrust.
“Fuck– feels good,” you whimper as he hooks a hand underneath your leg to change the angle of his thrusts. Your mouth falls open as he slides in even deeper, his tip hitting that sweet spot repeatedly.
“Yeah?” He watches you nod, teeth digging into your bottom lip as you suppress a moan. “Did he ever have you like this, huh? Did he ever make you feel like this?”
Taehyung knows expecting you to not have been with anyone since you broke up is a long stretch. The only thing that bothers him is if you’ve been with the one man he met and talked to last night. The thought of you and him together brings a bitter taste to his mouth and he just needs you to deny it.
The sudden possessive tone of his words has your heart beating faster. He doesn’t have to mention any name for you to know who he’s referring to. Like you said when you first talked to Taehyung at the party, you and Jinyoung’s relationship was nothing serious, very new and not intimate at all. You had barely kissed him properly – something held you back every time it would take a turn into something more.
The look in Taehyung’s eyes tells you he needs to know. He needs to know if you ever gave that part of yourself to Jinyoung.
“No,” you tell him, keeping eye contact as you answer him, hoping it’ll give him the peace of mind that he needs. Taehyung’s face softens as he lets his forehead drop to yours, his breath clashing against your face. You cup his face, thumbs brushing over his jawline where faint stubble is starting to appear. “He didn’t.”
The relief that runs through Taehyung’s body is evident in his kiss as he connects his mouth with yours, his free hand reaching up to grab one of yours. He intertwines your hands, bringing it above your head as he returns to the task at hand – getting you both to the edge. 
The constant touch of his tip to a certain spot within you has you reaching another orgasm faster than you’re prepared for. It washes over you in huge waves, running through your body with such force your walls tighten around him. Taehyung moans deeply, his thrusts becoming uneven as he, too, reaches his high. Soft words of encouragement reach his ear as he drops his head to your shoulder. Your fingers slide into his thick, black hair while your other hand tightens its grip around his.
He lowly groans as he stills within you, spurts of hot and white cum painting your walls as he comes, “shit–”
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Hours later you’re watching Taehyung’s fingers play with yours as he holds your hand up in the air, both of you watching it as a comfortable silence surrounds you. It’s nice – to be cuddled up with him again after so long. You didn’t realize just how much you had missed him until you saw him last night. But despite the blissful atmosphere, there’s still an underlying tension of something that you need to talk about. Whether it’s your guilt for leaving or his regret for not fighting more is unknown.
“I wish I could go back in time,” you suddenly break the silence.
“Why do you say that?”
Taehyung brings your hand down, intertwining them instead as he leaves them to lay on top of the blanket covering your naked bodies. You continue to stare at your intertwined hands, wondering how it’s possible to match so perfectly with someone only for you to leave for two years despite them being where you belong.
“I wish I could go back and do it differently.”
Taehyung stays quiet for a moment before speaking up, “you can’t change the past, baby.”
His voice is delicate and soft, comforting.
“I know,” you sigh. “I just hate that I caused you so much pain. It was unnecessary and uncalled for. I should’ve just talked to you about it instead.”
“I think a lot of things could’ve been avoided if we had just talked about it but like I said… You can’t change the past,” he carefully grabs your chin to make you look at him. “Besides, we found our way back, right? We got a second chance at this, at us. Let’s make the best of it, yeah?”
A smile spreads across your face as you lean up and kiss him, the kiss soft yet deep and filled with the things you still haven’t said; apologies, I love you’s, promises and everything in between.
Taehyung sighs deeply against your lips, cupping your face, “I missed kissing you.”
You can’t help but grin against his mouth, “keep doing it then.”
“Oh, I’m planning on it,” he tells you, a squeal escaping you as he rolls over, trapping you beneath him. He dips down and kisses you again, this time with more force and eagerness.
That great love in life that everyone keeps talking about is really not worth much if it’s not with the right person. Taehyung used to believe that there was only one true love for everyone. Two years ago, he lost all belief in that. There was no point in looking for that great, true love because he already had it and he lost it. And even if there is more than one true love for everyone, he wouldn’t want it if it’s not you.
It seems his beliefs have been restored.
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all rights reserved © mercurygguk, 2022. copying and/or reposting any of my work on any platform is NOT allowed. translations are NOT allowed.
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amymbona · 30 days
i need angst so !! thinking about patrick with an introverted, shy, kinda closed off reader who sometimes needs to just be by herself and isolates and ghosts the people around her because she gets overwhelmed. and of course patrick gets mad because he doesn't get it and he confronts her about it and they get in a huge argument idk. i feel like she's a lot like a female version of art and she gest sneaky and mean when she's angry so i just imagine patrick seeing this part of her for the first time and they end up saying the worst things to each other
thank you <33
Patrick angst Zweig <3
I think that, as much as Patrick tries to be a good guy, he's just really oblivious and fails to notice important stuff. It doesn't mean that he doesn't care - no no no - but he's simply kinda stupid. And unfortunately, he's having issues with figuring out certain social cues.
So when your responses are dry, only sending simple yes and no to his messages, Patrick gets really pissed. What exactly is the issue - do you suddenly hate him? Has he done something so terrible that offended you and you weren't even able to talk to him about it? Or is it the harsh truth that you don't want to be friends with him anymore? While you're (somewhat) peacefully asleep, hoping to get past your anxiety in that way, Patrick spends hours pacing around his room, literal steam shooting from his ears.
And then he storms into your dorm in the middle of the night - because Patrick Zweig doesn't understand the concept of time and because Patrick Zweig doesn't care if somebody wants to get rest and mainly because Patrick Zweig doesn't like waiting - so you're forced to listen to him rant, half asleep, in your pyjamas.
"I don't understand it, I just - did I do something? - or what is it? Why won't you just tell me?"
"Patrick, just go to your place. We'll talk in the morning," you beg him with a sleepy voice, eyes closing.
He stomps towards your bed, hands on his hips, staring down at your tired frame, "Why? Why won't you just talk to me? You've been ignorin' me since the start of the week. What the hell's your issue?"
"Just go," you plead once again, genuinely not in the mood for any of it.
"Don't tell me to go - goddamn - don't sleep now! Just talk to me, for fuck's sake," Patrick is still pushing his luck, unable to respect your wishes. He is determined to get this answer. And unfortunately, that pushes you over the edge.
"Why do you have to be so pushy all the time? Oh my god, just leave me alone - why don't you get it? I'm not texting you cause I wanna be alone!"
He's dumbfounded, totally.
"What the hell, Y/N?"
But you're having none of it, sadly, too upset about this whole treatment, about Patrick constantly chasing you, glued to your back, not allowing you a single moment for yourself. You love him, but you need to be alone as well, "You're after me all the time - do you have an idea how frusttating that is? I can't be with you all the time, Pat. I'm not a robot, I need some time for myself too!"
And you know Patrick is quite an emotional guy, dependent too. He requires constant reassurance and presence of his loved ones - so much, that he's blind to all the hints of discomfort, unable to understand the world doesn't revolve around him.
"Oh," he nods, stepping away from your bed slowly, "Okay."
Like a harsh shake, the realisation that you have unintentionally hurt his feelings wakes you up. But you couldn't hold it back, you just couldn't, when you were so overwhelmed, "Wait, Patrick-"
"No no no," he cuts you off, "Good night."
And then you're left alone. But suddenly, you don't want to be alone. You want Patrick to come back, to be here, lay next to you and talk your ear off. To rant and rant and rant until you're asleep, unaware of anything he's saying, but snuggled closely to his side. Hurriedly, you pick up your phone and text him.
Y/N: pat [0:28 am]
Y/N: sorry [0:28 am]
Y/N: i'm sorry [0:28 am]
Y/N: come baxk [0:28 am]
Y/N: please [0:29 am]
Y/N: sorry [0:29 am]
Y/N: :( [0:29 am]
[seen by Patrick Zweig]
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luna-the-moth · 2 months
Styling Deuce's hair has awaken something in me :)
Just hear me out...Deuce tries so hard to remember + take part in your self care stuff. He has a whole note section on his phone dedicated to what kind of face cleanser you use, the type of face cream you are picky about, what eye mask branch you like, any makeup you like, nail care oils, etc. He doesn't quite understand feminine care, but he tries hard for you! Also asks his mother about the different types of face toner, cleanser, serum, jade roller, etc. Oddly, but genuinely, finds face masks relaxing. Boy studies a lot, he needs it!
YESSSSS deuce is sooo boyfriend coded and him being invested in your self care routine is the cherry on top <33
SFW, GN! reader but mildly spicy at the end for my fellow period-havers lol
he has photos of all of your cosmetics and whatnot in a folder on his phone in case you ever ask him to pick up refills from the store <3 tbh the first time u take him into the beauty section/a beauty store he's in awe at the variety but also gagged at the prices LMAOO. he did Not know that snail secretion was a thing that can be good for ur skin but he does now ! definitely will be like a lost puppy at first but he's got the spirit! if he notices a product similar to one you use that's at a better value he'll bring it to you and ask your thoughts on it <3
but also if u have sensitive skin he's so sweet about it , , , sending you magicam reels about new products for sensitive skin that might suit you , , , sending you photos of fragrance-free lotions and moisturizers if you mention you want to branch out and try new ones , , , making sure you don't run out of the lotion you rely on , , ,
also i hc he has skin with minimal acne but it's a bit Dry and he has a bad habit of scratching at it here and there using more hydrating products will be a huge help!! also he does enjoy a skincare regimen a Lot once you've introduced it to him bc he enjoys feeling his best and it wakes him up nicely in the morning!
self care nights Will be a thing once u bring them up . generally i hc deuce prefers the milder, cleaner scents for his skin (cucumber, honey, etc) and avoids things like heavy florals/heavier scents in general (orange, rose, etc) simply bc they overwhelm him a bit and his skin's a tad sensitive :( but he does enjoy face masks like you mentioned- they make him feel refreshed and pampered <33
and if you want to do your nails he likes to watch you paint your nails <3 deuce isn't a gossipy bitch but he LIVESSS for spilling tea over painted nails and drinks , , , will ask you to do clear coats on his nails or solid dark blue on his nails but if you want to experiment who is he to say no , , , he can't deny his partner if they want to treat him and put so much care into him , , (just no acrylics or extensions pls they feel so heavy and they Will break by accident within 24 hours) , , , also gets sooo lovesick if you ever wear dark blue on your nails because they remind you of him , ,, hes such a sentimental loverboy i love him .
if you're someone who has periods he has a period tracker on his phone 100%. puts in little reminders on his calendar to get your favorite snacks/charge up the heating blanket the day before it start , , , he would get you a heated waterbottle too if you asked and it'd have little chicks on it too , , , also eats you out like a man starved on ur period if ur into that . he didn't think about it before but now...
thank you for sending in this ask i did Not realize how much self care/cosmetics mean to me in terms of love aksdihf. PLEASE feel free to send asks if you would like to hear my thoughts on the other boys/more detail on deuce re: self care <3
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audaciousacolyte · 11 months
Hi lovely! First of all before I request.. How are you? How have you been? And also, I seriously enjoy your writings, keep up with the good work and ignore all the haters! They're not worth your precious time.
As for the request, could I pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee request Oswald the lucky Rabbit, Bendy and Cuphead x female reader? Like, how would they be as boyfriend or husband head canons. I hope it's not too much darling! Take all the time you need!
Have fun and have a lovely day/night/morning/evening!! <33
♡ My own Mr. Loverman ♡
Oswald the lucky Rabbit, Bendy and Cuphead x reader romantic partner headcanons (separate)
AN: 《|| Hello!! Thank you so much for requesting!!! I'm doing quite well, but I have been busy trying to figure out what exactly I should write. I'm relieved that you enjoy my silly rambling, and I will gladly bring you more in the future!!! However, I'm terribly sorry that I don't post too often. Please be patient with me ;w; ||》
(Boyfriend/husband headcanons)
♡| Cuphead is not exactly what Someone would call boyfriend material…at first.
♡| He's brash, arrogant, and quite literally has zero self control.
♡| However, the thing that makes him boyfriend material is that while it might not seem like it, he's actually a really sensitive guy.
♡| Cups likes to hide behind bravado and anger, but underneath, he cares deeply about the people around him. He just…doesn't really know how to express that.
♡| By the time you are dating, he will definitely try to communicate this… kinda.
♡| (You had thought he was mad at you for the longest time, but no. He's just awful at communicating his emotions.)
☆| Nobody knows how he managed to land you as a partner, but Bendy theorizes that there may have been witchcraft involved. (Felix disagrees, but only because he thinks that you know something that everyone else doesn't…which like, he's not wrong??)
♡| When he does announce that y'all are dating, it's at the most random moment possible. No context, no elaboration. Just.
♡| Y'all are dating now. 🤷‍♀️
☆| (Boris nearly had a heart attack when he first said it, because he genuinely did not expect it. However this was not as bad as when Mugs demanded that he was to be Cups' best man at the wedding.)
♡| Very spontaneous. I would expect a lot of last minute dates to places neither of you have been before.
☆| (Bro once took you to a monster truck rally for your anniversary. He said it "seemed cooler than I thought it would be", when you asked him about it)
♡| He is not only one of the most loyal men on the planet, but he's also incredibly attentive! Any attention you want is given to you, and Cups is more than happy to cuddle up with you any time of the day.
♡| Casually (cough cough he's so nervous please help cough cough) proposes during your 4 year anniversary with a genuine diamond ring. Literally cries when you say yes.
♡| The best boyfriend ever. Send Post.
♡| I'm serious though, Bendy is the sweetest boyfriend to have.
♡| Having a bad day? He'll make sure that you get whatever you need to unwind and feel better.
♡| Want to spend some time together? Of course! He'll go set up a movie for the two of you to watch
♡| Can't open something? Don't worry, honey, he can open it for you (♡♡♡swoon♡♡♡)
♡| Whatever comes, through sickness and in health, Bendy will stay by your side for as long as you allow him to.
♡| Can, will and has done everything in his power to give you everything he thinks that you deserve in a partner. Anything you want, you are going to get it.
♡| (The day he proposes is also the day that Boris got tired of listening to his brother gush about you at 4 in the morning and forced him to go get married or he'd tell Felix their tragic backstory (read, he'd tell Felix to sign the damn adoption papers already))
Oswald the lucky Rabbit
♡| When he does propose, it's at a mega-fancy restaurant, and with an intricately carved golden ring. He won't cry when you say yes, but he gets REAL close.
♡| Whether you realize it or not, the two of you have practically been married for like, ever.
♡| Ever since y'all met, you act just like a married couple with how domestic y'all are with each other.
♡| Love at first sight? Nah, MARRIAGE at first sight
♡| Oswald does not notice this at all. He considers you his best friend, and he (loves you) cares about you a lot, but c'mon guys! there is NO WAY he can be in love with you! He's already in love with Ortensia, you know,HIS WIFE?
♡| (Polyamory exists for a REASON Ozzie)
♡| Ortensia would actually be the one to sit him down and talk to him about it, because you and I KNOW that our poor, sweet, dumb bunny boy won't do anything about this.
◇| (Again, like I've said in Oz's general headcanons, she'll be happy if Oswald's happy and if Oswald wants to start a polycule because he's head over heels for his bestie, then she’s okay with it.)
♡| When he does ask you out, and y'all eventually start going steady, he is such a sweetheart. I am a firm believer in hopeless romantic Oswald, and I will die upon this hill.
♡| Any bit of affection is met with really loud purring, and foot thumping.
☆| (Did you know that rabbits can purr? Yeah, neither did I.)
♡♡♡| He and Ortensia team up and propose to you at the same time with matching silver rings, each with their name carved on the inside. They both tackle-hug you to the ground when you say yes
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little-star-bun · 1 year
⋆。‧˚ʚ 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙥𝙩。 𝟮 ɞ˚‧。⋆
because you all liked the first one so much, i have more for you &lt;;33
warnings: 18+ Lesbian fanfiction!! Men and Minors DNI!! masturbation, low-key stalking, Ellie is a bottom, mentions of drug use;;
enjoy angels ♡♡
I do not own Ellie or anything associated with TLOU.
✎ ;;
Loser! Ellie is a stoner. She has joint butts littering her car and her room. She smokes after school, before work, after work. Pray for her lungs please.
She wants to smoke with you. She low key fantasizes about getting you high for the first time, to watch your eyes turn red and your lips form around the blunt.
She made a playlist and fills it with songs that remind her of you. She's so stereotypically lesbian it hurts.
She has at least a dozen drawings of you in her journal. Sometimes she'll sit in her car, watching you talk with your friends while she doodles you. Sometimes using your social media as references. But it's so sweet the way she adored every feature of yours :((
Like I mentioned last time, she definitely whimpers and begs. I love top! Ellie, but let's be honest, she's a total bottom. She loves to think of you touching her, eating her wet cunt. She genuinely has so many perverted thoughts of you. She wants you to take control of her, make her do anything to give yourself pleasure. Use her face to masturbate, please.
Not just that, but she watches porn thinking about you. She can't help it, she's just so in love. Loves to rub her needy cunt to videos of girls scissoring and cumming, thinking of how she could try it with you.
One day you had asked her if she finished the homework. You were out and hadn't had time to do it. Poor girl could hardly speak, handing you the answers before you could even finish asking.
Your words had played in her head for three days straight. "You're a life saver, Ellie!"
Later that night you even texted her.
[Thanks again! Seriously, I owe you one.]
She stared at the message, heart racing. Come on Ellie, say something clever!!
[No problem, I'll take you up on that one day!]
[You're cute. Goodnight, Ellie.]
She had stared at the conversation for hours. She couldn't believe you had been so grateful to her that you texted.
She was so flustered that of course she had gotten hot and bothered, touching herself through her boxers at the way you called her cute.
Shes a gamer, duh, preferring open world rpg shooters. She's tried every cringe game at least once. Fortnight, World of Warcraft, Valorant. She loves GTA and RDD. Her perfect night is just sitting in her room, smoking a joint, playing on her XBOX. (XBOX is superior idc)
She did get the Sims, making a sim of you and then a sim of her. She made you two have a dog (she didn't even know if you liked dogs). And she makes them woohoo. Alot.
Definitely plays with mods and cc. She has wicked whims and basemental. Loves looking at your Sims tits and making them get high together.
And the drawings I've mentioned before? Half of them, you're half or fully naked. She loves to sketch your boobs, your curves. Makes her mouth water. She has no shame, she masturbates to them when she's done.
Her major is defined the arts. She loves to paint and draw and sculpt. She may not seem like it, but she's such an artistic person. Sometimes you'll see her walking around with clay or paint on her hands. It's honestly adorable :(( Thinks of your body as a work of art fs.
Def shops at Spencer's and Hot Topic. She's so fucking emo and cringe. Reddit user vibes.
My requests and asks are open!! I'm so bored, please send some!!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
© 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎-𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛-𝚋𝚞𝚗 — 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚎. 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚢, 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚖, 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝, 𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚢 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔!
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cheollipop · 11 months
Ok ok ok idk if you’re still taking stuff for your sleepover (which by the way congrats on 2k omg) BUT I had a thought —
Paramedic!San who helps calm down panicky reader when they have to be taken by ambulance to the hospital for something idk but the entire time San is just talking to them and like introducing himself and keeping the reader distracted from whatever medical stuff is going on so they can calm down or won’t pass out.
Just things like San calling the reader darling or something cute like that from the second he gets to their side and talking all sweet to them or saying stuff like ‘hey just keep your eyes on me’ or like ‘I’ve got you’ just AH
I feel like it has San behavior and I just like being taken care of lol
2𝙠 𝙎𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩
I remember reading your ask for the first time and full-on swooning over this omg, marian your brain....let me kiss it. this is seriously so him and writing it had me giggling and blushing like crazy bc??? personally, I'd be cracking a bone every other week if i were reader, just to have him hold my hand and calm me down. just me? okay T-T this was so fun to write, so thank you for sending this in!! and thank you for all the support, it means so much to me <33 happy reading~
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pairing: paramedic!choi san x gender neutral!reader
w.c.: 0.7k
tags: fluff, reader is called pretty, tw: ankle injury, reader gets anxious about it
Echoing voices overlapped around you, and the pain in your ankle persisted as the paramedics rolled your stretcher into the back of the ambulance. You squinted under the white light, and nearly flinched away from the sudden chill on your skin as one of the responders pressed an icepack onto the swollen flesh, a hand around your calf stabilizing it to prevent further injury. Everything was happening too fast, your chest heaving with anxiety as the vehicle rolled over bumpy roads.
A dark head of hair popped into your vision, honeyed voice and delicate hands calming your racing heart, “take deep breaths for me, darling,” he spoke, a smile stretching his plush lips while he squeezed his hand around yours. “My name’s San, can you tell me yours?”
Despite its simplicity, it took you a few moments to process his question, smiley eyes distracting you from the beeping equipment surrounding you. “(Y/n),” you spoke, managing not to shiver while he maintained eye contact.
San had an intimidating face, and yet his aura emanated cordiality and benevolence, multiplying with every millimetre his lips stretched. “And what’s a pretty thing like you doing to hurt their ankle this bad, hm?”
The sudden teasing shift in his tone caught you by surprise, heat flushing your face as you stumbled over your words, attempting to explain the way you tripped over uneven ground while he kept you bound under his unyielding gaze.
“San, stop flirting with the patient,” a voice interrupted you mid-story, and San looked back at the man perched by your feet in annoyance.
“Can you ice her ankle in silence, Woo?” The faux smile he put on while talking to the two-tone haired man turned genuine when he moved his attention back to you, his fingers still wrapped around your palm and squeezing gently, easing the tension weighing down on your chest. “Ignore him, he’s just jealous I’m the one talking to you,” he winked.
So he was flirting.
Warmth tingled the skin at your ankle as soon as the paramedic pulled the ice pack away, examining the area and assessing the degree of swelling. The pain started again, and your eyes shifted down to peek at the bruising flesh, eyebrows furrowing as the anxiety threatened to close up your airways.
“Hey, hey, eyes up here, darling,” San’s hand left yours momentarily to close around your chin, guiding your focus back to him, to glimmering orbs and dimpled cheeks. “We’re gonna take care of you, alright? Woo just needs to give your skin a break from the ice,” he explained, moving his fingers back to yours.
You nodded, allowing the deep decibels to mute the pain panging in your joint, blinking slowly while his lips moved. You knew he was trying to distract you, to calm your quivering nerves, and it was working. Small talk worked. Questions about your hobbies, favourite shows—that you happened to share a few of—and his small rant about his cat, worked. And before you knew it, the ice pack was back on your skin, and your fingers had long since ceased their restless trembling underneath his own.
The ambulance slowed before stopping completely, the back door swinging open to reveal the emergency room entrance, and you couldn’t help the disappointment slumping your shoulders. San must have noticed, giving your hand a tight squeeze before moving away to help the other paramedics roll you out the back and onto the pavement. Once your stretcher fixed on secure ground, his fingers closed around your bicep to pull you up and off it, helping you into the wheelchair a nurse was perched behind.
He kneeled by your side, both his hands finding yours as he spoke, eyes wide and a gentle, amiable smile gracing his lips, “it was nice meeting you, (y/n).” He squeezed around your knuckles, his next words quieter, as though he wanted no one but you to hear them, “take care of yourself, you won’t need to sprain another ankle to see me again.”
Deep dimples sunk into the soft skin of his cheeks, a sickeningly sweet smile on his lips as he sent you off with a wink, a crumpled paper tucked into your palm and butterflies thrashing around in your lower belly.
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prentissluvr · 3 months
sammy brain rot hours:
feminism leaves my body when i look at sam winchester,, wanna be a good lil housewife for him (!!!) (like im their bobby yk? mostly doing research from the bunker, joining on hunts occassionally) welcome him home with a kiss and home cooked meals (idk how to cook proper food) and and and bombard him with love and force him to take a day’s break after each hunt ,, cuddle him , go with him on walks (god pls) ,, listen to his nerd talk
i deserve it 😭
thank u for listening to me yap
-mwuah 💋
GIRL YOU ARE SO TRUE FOR THIS AND I MEAN THAT !!! i love this for you actually, like this is facts of you to say and it's so valid and yeah! i think that's the real stuff. and like there's actually so so much merit to that kind of thing, like bro research is so hard imo HAHA so you'd be so strong for that. and yeah who's to say you can be a badass hunter when you want to be! but like bro i think it'd be nice not to have to do all that travel and hard physical labor of yk killing stuff and almost getting killed. and then yeah!! that means you're likely far more well rested than sammy when he gets home which means that you can take care of him hehehehe.
like him being greeted with a kiss from you after a long drive is just so beyond amazing for him, it's so comforting and relaxing and lord knows that he needs and deserves that. plus you have food from him that's not from a diner?? this must be the real heaven for him. like i also cannot cook for the life of me, but mans loves salad! you could just makes him a simple salad and he'd be so delighted because it has freshly cut apples, his favorite dressing, and non-soggy greens! like how amazing is that! genuinely you could makes the simplest of things (which is the only thing that i personally am capable of LOL) and he'd just be so delighted <3 like anything homemade is such a rarity for him and it's genuinely actually something really really special to him when you make him food and now i'm getting all soft and emotional about the fact that sam's barely had that sort of thing in his life. for some people hand made food is an indicator of home, and we all know that sam has never really had that. anyways crying because you just make the bunker somewhere infinitely better to come back to purely with your presence. on top of that, you make him salads and kiss him sweetly and you make him lay in bed and let him cuddle you to his heart's content. like truly you're such a comfort to him i can't :,)
and walks!! oh god i literally was thinking about how much sam would love love love to go on walks with his partner, genuinely. he loves the fresh air under a circumstance so domestic and normal and it's made a million times better by you. your hand in his makes him feel so calm and it gives him those little pieces of normalcy that he craves, no matter the fact that he'll always choose this life. you give him balance and something pure and good to come home to. and ahhhh yes the nerd talk <333 i'm making heart eyes right now for real. he feels so so so grateful for someone to talk to about all these little random facts of knowledge that he has floating around in his head! in instead of shutting him down or calling him a nerd (well, sometimes you do but it's done so lovingly that he doesn't care) you actually will listen, and even ask him follow up questions! he's just so excited to share things with you <33
argh i love him so bad and i thank you for sending this ask, i'm always so so happy to listen to your yapping hehe i love it <33 but you so got my thoughts flowing so ty for that hehe <33 love it sm fr <33
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nights-flying-fox · 21 days
leo for 3, 6, or 8?
Hey hey sorry for being a bit late but I got inspired and. I will write for 3 & 8 too >:] But first!! Part 1 of 3:
6 [Reverse amnesia (everyone else has no memory/recognition of your character)]
Word Count: 1540 ❀ thank you @clairvoyyages for beta reading <33
Leo had failed to stop the yokai’s attack. He was too slow, too late to open a portal. The yokai was running away but his brothers were frozen with a blank stare. As if some statues on top of the roof, stuck in a defensive position. “Raph, Donnie, Mikey!” Leo called in fear as he stopped right in front of them, immediately approaching the closest turtle mutant to him. He relaxed when Raph broke out of the stare and turned to look at Leo’s hand on his arm. Quickly Leo realized something was off, and he hid his panic behind his comforting smile as he talked: “Raph? Are you okay?”
Raph blinked a few times before smiling awkwardly. “Yes… I’m okay…” He kept looking at Leo, as if searching for an answer. A familiarity. Leo was confused, this wasn’t how Raph would answer if he was okay. Something was definitely wrong. Right on cue, Raph spoke and Leo was sure he misheard. For it must be that, because why else Raph would ask him who he was?
“I’m sorry, Raph’s just… his mind is really foggy… Have we met before?” He said those words so genuinely… and each of them stung so much to hear. Because this couldn’t be real. It couldn’t– He couldn’t– Maybe he was having a moment like when he went feral? Yeah, it must be something like that. He was sure Donnie could figure it out, or if it was a psychological situation Mikey would. He could see them watching him and Raph silently from the side of his eyes.
Leo turned to them, “Guys, there’s something wrong with Raph.” They looked at him puzzled. Somehow, this was enough to make Leo’s world come crashing down. “Donnie? Mikey?” Leo called, trying so hard to not let his voice shake with fear.
Mikey was first to talk, “I think there is a misunderstanding–”
“No there is not.” Leo interrupted almost immediately. “Come on guys, this isn’t funny.”
“If you could explain to us- what is supposed to be funny?” Donnie said and Leo didn’t miss how he held his bō. His twin was ready to fight, protect others. From Leo. His twin.
Leo smiled with distress, still keeping a small hope of this being a big ugly joke, “I’m your brother.”
Leo looked in between them. When had Raph moved closer to the others? They looked at him scared, puzzled, and worst of all as if he was a stranger. Leo wasn’t sure what to say– to do. They didn’t… they didn’t remember him. They- they didn’t. Donnie was still looking at him sternly, and Raph and Mikey still were so confused. Not giving them any answer probably didn’t help, but Leo couldn’t think what to tell them. He didn’t know what he should do. He—
His phone buzzed and he grabbed it seeing the message from April. Of course! April could help! With shaking hands (when had they started shaking?) Leo called her. Soon enough he heard her voice: “Leo?”
“April, we have a problem.”
“What did you do again?”
“What– No! I– Not that ki-kind of situation.” Leo couldn’t look away from his brothers, so he didn’t miss when Mikey turned to Donnie and asked “How does he know April?”. Leo took a deep breath, “They– a yokai did something to them and I– I don’t know what to do– they don’t believe I’m their brother–”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay baby, we can figure it out. Where are you?” April asked calmly.
“On a roof. We aren’t far from your home actually.” Leo answered.
“Alright send me the location and I’m coming.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Until April arrived, Leo managed to convince his brothers that he wasn’t a stranger and that April would make things clear. That she would explain everything to them. That there was an explanation of the situation. That she would confirm that he wasn’t a liar. He was telling the truth. He was their brother and some yokai had made them forget this. And they would figure out what was going on and fix it. Because they always did. They were the Mad Dogz, they had stopped the Shredder and the Krang. A simple trick from an every day bad guy wasn’t something they couldn’t handle.
They didn’t believe him, but Donnie agreed to look at the records once April arrived. Raph kept a distance from Leo but kept chatting with him, giving him a chance. Mikey told him how much he liked him already. “Even if you aren’t our brother you’d make a great brother!” He said. Leo wanted to scream so bad about how he already was, but instead he kept smiling.
At any moment now April would arrive and she’d tell them Leo was right. She’d prove to them that Leo was their brother. The minutes felt like hours and Mikey’s happy chatter only kept making him feel like he was sick. But finally he saw April climbing up the ladder to join them. As she got up on the roof, she must’ve noticed something on the ground because she stopped to inspect something on the hand she had grabbed the roof with. After a sneeze though she ignored it, taking a moment before approaching them.
“April! Finally!” Leo called at her. He was met with a startled look. Leo kept talking, “Please, do your magic and reveal the truth to my dear brothers.” He gestured at them.
April looked at Raph, Donnie and Mikey, and then back at Leo. “Who’s that guy?”
Leo froze. Then he turned at her, he was sure he made the disbelief he felt clear even though he smiled. “April? What do you mean who’s that guy? It’s me, Leo.”
“So you don’t know him either.” Donnie didn’t ask, he stated it as a fact.
April shook her head. The three mutants turned to look at Leo, along with her.
Leo felt like he was sinking.
Donnie raised his bō and Leo noticed how Raph changed his stance. April looked at him with a protective glare. Mikey, however, looked heart-broken.
“Please,” Leo pleaded. “Donnie, I know you record everything… Come on, just check your phone gallery or anything! Raph, Mikey, April! Please!”
Raph took a step towards him, “I don’t know what you want or what you’re trying to do, but you better tell the truth Leo.”
He had never heard his name told with such bitterness from Raph. Leo swallowed, “I am telling the truth!” he replied, his voice tiny.
Why wouldn't they just listen to him? Why wouldn't they believe him? All they saw was a stranger who right now was hurting the family with his lies. If only they would–
Raph grabbed his sais. “Last warning, kid. Either you give a proper answer and tell the truth or you leave.”
Leo looked at how Raph was staring at him. Angry, dangerous. Briefly Leo remembered how Raph also stood in the Technodrome, under control and ready to attack him. “I won't fight you. Not again, not ever.”
Raph took a step.
Leo had to take a step back. He wouldn't be able to convince them, would he? And after everything they've been through, could he really blame them? No… he couldn't. He didn't.
He had to figure it out in a different way. He had to think, figure out what that yokai did to them– how. He had to find the yokai.
“I will fix this.” Leo promised as he reached his katanas and swung them, opening a portal. “I promise.”
Before he could see their expressions or hear their responses, he left.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
He clumsily landed on another roof, away from his siblings. Immediately he dropped his katanas from his shaking hands and pulled them up to his face and covered it. He tried to calm himself down, sliding down to the cold ground with his back on the wall. It will be okay, he can fix this. He can, he can, he can—
All he needed was a bit of time to think. To make a proper plan and he’d fix everything. Get his brothers and April back to normal. He could do it.
As he calmed down, focusing on making a plan he started thinking about his next steps. What he needed right now? To find the yokai who caused this mess. But who would know such a weirdo? Sure, he could ask people in the Hidden City but to be honest Leo himself was still a criminal (which was totally unfair). He doubted Draxum would have any relations with such a guy… Oh! That’s it! Leo’s eyes sparkled with the idea: Hueso! Of course he’d know. He accepted anyone who could pay and not cause trouble in his restaurant. He probably at least would know someone who knew this troublemaker. He was sure the bone man would help him, one way or another.
Leo grabbed his katanas from the ground and got back on his feet. He sliced the air with one of them and saw the Run of the Mill right before him. Time to get some answers and remind everyone of their favorite champion!
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junityy · 1 year
ʚïɞ — acts of service with enhypen.
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pairing. ot7 x gn!reader
genre. fluff, hcs
wc. 1.4k
note. starting off with the shortest of all help 😭😭 definitely not my favorite tbh but i hope you enjoy regardless <33
taglist. send an ask or reply to this post if you want to be added to the taglist. — you can also sign up for my general taglist here if you want!
➝  5 love languages masterlist.
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ʚɞ. lee heeseung — 이희승
helping you with your tasks / projects
whether it be random projects you just started and dedicate most of your time to, or tasks for work/homework for school you still need to get done; heeseung is always right by your side to help you out with whatever you need. even when you don't really tell him that you're struggling with something, heeseung grabs a chair and sits down beside you anyway - without a word, like it's a given. regardless of the fact that he might have other things he'd like (or even has) to do; helping you with whatever you need to get done with has priority now. plus, especially when he knows you're stressed, he'll try his best to help you out even more - knowing full well he doesn't actually have to and he could just let you do it yourself, since he knows you'll get it done either way. but of course, you thank him every time for it. and you make sure to thank him especially when you know it's a task he doesn't quite enjoy doing; knowing he takes time out of his day for such things makes you happy.
ʚɞ. park jongseong — 박종성
cooking your favourite meals for you
whenever jay finds out about another one of your favourite meals, he promises himself that he's gonna try making it - despite the fact that sometimes, he's never even heard of some of them. but even then, he will try his best so he can surprise you with it even better. because, one; they're your favourite meals. and made by jay? he knows it'll make you happy. he loves nothing more than making you happy, with literally anything - and hey, if cooking for you does the job, then he'll even spoil you with all the food he cooks. and two; if they're your favourite meals, then he might want to try them himself; possibly wanting to see why you love them so much. and who knows, maybe he'll love them as much as you! so as soon as he knows, you can bet that he'll make your favourite meals more often from time to time, knowing how happy it makes you. plus, making them more often, means he'll get to polish his skills! since everyone knows how much of a perfectionist he can be. but what makes you the happiest about it, is that now you'll have your favourite meals with jay. and what makes jay the happiest about it, are your happy reactions each time and how you genuinely enjoy it.
ʚɞ. sim jaeyun — 심쟤윤
giving you a massage whenever you're stressed
whenever you just fall into bed and sigh, jake knows something's up. and if you don't wanna talk about it or are simply too tired, jake just asks if you want a massage and chuckles when you nod in an instant. you simply relax like you've been waiting for this all day, sometimes even going as far as falling asleep the second he's got his hands on you. jake loves making you feel good, so it's not only something he does when you're stressed; oftentimes, he'll randomly ask when you're just sitting at home, and of course, you'll randomly say yes. if it were to go after him, he could have his hands on you all the time. and if it were to go after you, you'd let him. plus, to your luck, he gives good massages. like, really good, and therefore, you could never get enough of them. it's like his hands work magic on you, and suddenly you feel so much better. a very very good thing you were lucky enough to get used to after a while.
ʚɞ. park sunghoon — 박성훈
tying / braiding your hair for you
the fact that sunghoon knows how to braid hair isn't too surprising, all things considered; so it only seems natural. yet you still can't hold in a tiny chuckle every time he braids your hair - you think it's cute, especially considering how much he loves doing it. he'll do it at any given chance, never missing a single opportunity. it's something rather small, although daily, but it makes both of you happy in a silly way. even something small as simply tying your hair for you when you're almost falling asleep, and therefore too tired or lazy to do it yourself - you appreciate the fact that he pays attention to details like that. it feels like a tiny favour he can do every now and then (quite often actually). whenever he sees you wearing your hair in a braid, - which, needless to say, he braided - he can't help but smile. even more so when you wear it throughout the whole day - although it, obviously, looks rather tacky after a while compared to how it looked in the beginning. but it's more than okay, because guess what? he's already down to braid your hair again. and additionally, you also braid some short strands of his hair just for the fun of it sometimes. because of this, he's always got at least one hair tie on his wrist - and needless to say, none of them are ever really his.
ʚɞ. kim sunoo — 김선우
taking care of you when you're sick
you could almost call sunoo your personal nurse whenever you get sick, or just don't feel good at all. he will make sure you stay in bed so you can rest; therefore bringing everything he makes to bed so you can relax extra much. it can go from meals, additionally specific soups to make you feel better, to tea and over to hot water bottles and more - he will most definitely make sure you got everything you want. but also everything you need, for that matter; for example, sunoo always makes sure you don't skip any meals, even when you're sick and barely feel like eating. and honestly speaking, you could never resist him, not when he's there to make those meals for you. but what you probably almost love most besides his five star service, is also him always making sure to ask if you're feeling better by now, and assuring that you will get better in no time. that he loves you, and how he asks if you need anything else - like he hasn't given you the world by now. it's something you appreciate beyond words, and you can never actually thank him enough for doing everything he can just so you'll get better.
ʚɞ. yang jungwon — 양정원
always asks how / if he can help you
maybe most people would barely notice how this became an actual thing jungwon does every time he sees you doing something, literally anything. but you did notice, and it's kinda really adorable in a way. whatever you're doing, - cooking/baking something, cleaning, doing other chores such as laundry etc, homework and what not - he always asks how or if he can help you. and if he can, he's doing it in no time. like, you'll barely have finished telling him what exactly he can help with, and he's already doing it. you'd say he's dedicated within only a second, just to help you. like mentioned, it's something rather small, - really small, most would say - but jungwon always wants to help wherever he can, and with whatever there is. and you really, really do appreciate it; despite the fact that you might already be doing something quick and easy. he loves to do things with you, even if it's something such as chores. even chores you're almost done with, for that matter; if he sees a chance, he'll take it. and hey, if you get it done faster together than you would have by yourself, maybe jungwon can even spend more time with you for the rest of the day, just enjoying your company.
ʚɞ. nishimura riki — 西村 力
tying your shoes for you
sometimes riki will notice that your shoelaces are untied before you do; meaning he'll simply stop you from walking any further and basically drop to his knees to tie them. and well, sometimes you're quite taken aback as he does it without saying much. he loves doing it for some reason - whether you're already outside and they're suddenly untied, or you're just about to leave and you (well, initially you) need to tie them. the boy will literally drop to his knees in no time, leaving you barely time to react sometimes; no matter where you are. he won't even ask whether he should do it for you, he'll just do it. but it always gets a little giggle out of you regardless - you love when he does it, so you let him. although.. at times, you wouldn't put it past him to tie your shoelaces together just to mess with you - like the menace he is (more like the menace you're hopelessly in love with, though) - however, you couldn't say you'd be surprised. but needless to say, at the end of the day you'll always let him do it, because why wouldn't you?
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taglist @tyunni @geombyu @jaeyunverse @yjwfav @sieuneo @choconyu @czlluvriki @envirae @aureliaxuuu
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 7 months
hi Jake! I absolutely love your blogs, and I’m wondering if you can do some Homicidal Liu/liu woods hcs? :3 please & thank you!!
GUH LIU <333 He's my special guy I love him
TW: Mentions of abuse, trauma, very light gore, a little angst
Thank you so much for requesting!!
General Liu Headcanons
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The biggest thing about Liu that effects his day to day life is his DID
He grew up in a very dysfunctional home, where his parents only really had kids as makeshift butlers and to live vicariously through them
Liu, being the older brother had a lot of the "harder" tasks given to him such as cooking for the family, making sure everyone had clean clothes, when jeff was a baby he had to change jeff's diapers, etc
So both kids were very mentally unstable from the start, but what really set the hammer in the coffin for Liu developing DID was that whenever he either did something wrong or didn't do his "chores", he was severely punished by being locked in a closet with no food, water or bathroom privileges for unknown amounts of time
This being said, he has waaay more alters than just Sully, Sully is just the one that fronts the most due to Sully being the main protector of the system
Other than Sully, Liu's system is made up of mostly littles and caretaker alters
Which can be very scary at times, so he does everything in his power to make sure that if someone does happen to front, it isn't any of the littles
Ok, i'm done talking about his DID now
I imagine him to either be fully Columbian or mixed Columbian with American
Jeff is the same way
Speaking of Jeff, Liu is about 5 years older than Jeff
Also on the topic of Jeff, Liu still very much loves his brother, and understands that during the "incident" he was very mentally unstable and he wasn't entirely in control of his own actions at the moment
But after being reunited with Jeff, it took a very, very long time for Liu to even stay in the front of his mind when around Jeff, let alone feel safe around him
Over the years, their relationship has significantly improved
Liu still doesn't feel comfortable being alone with Jeff, or even really going anywhere with Jeff, but he is able to hang out with him and talk
His height is around 5'9"
He always smells like vanilla and sometimes like a grandma's perfume
Liu is a total grandma
He says "oh lordy lord" after waking up from a long nap, he does the english teacher cardigan tuck, he says "kids these days", etc
But he's chill guys I swear (Jeff come get your boy he just said "Flabbergasted" in front of the hoes)
Also he loves plants
so much
someone stop this guy
It started out innocent enough, just a few plants to take care of because he read that taking care of plants can help with depression
And then he kind of spiraled
He has names for all of them, designated personalities, sometimes he knits them clothes for their pots
He's generally a very quiet guy
I wouldn't say shy per se....but he's like....shy in a cool history teacher way
guys he takes it up the butt
Woah who said that??? wild. Anyways!
He's so gentle and calming guh..
Love that guy, he's so special to me
ALSO he doesn't techincally have any pets but like...there's this one stray cat that comes around that he feeds and in return the cat brings him little dead things
He's named him "Harold Jackson"
He likes to read
He's one of those booktok girlies with all the tabs and highlighters
Genuinely squeals like a bitch when he sees a "Penguin Classics" book out in public
(I'm projecting onto him)
His proxy tattoo is on his shoulder, like right on top of it
He got his ears pierced at the young young age of 25 (reluctantly. Jeff forced him)
And now he wears all sorts of fun earrings! (he wears those e-boy cross earrings...)
His spotify wrapped consisted of David Bowie, Hozier, Cigarettes after sex, and mitski
His favorite color is beige and his hobbies include ironing clothes and sending emails <33
Guys idk if you can tell but i love him a lot
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charlottesbookclub · 7 days
hiii ! 😘 💐 🥂 for hux? if that’s too many you can just pick one no worries !!! i love love love your work <33
send me a headcanon request 🥰
hello my dear! ☺️ no worries at all – that's definitely not too many! in fact I'm very excited to do them! ☺️💕 and thank you so so so much for your super sweet words! 🥰🥰 I genuinely am so touched that you enjoy my work that much! 🥹🥹🥰🥰 I hope you enjoy these headcanons as well! ☺️💖
putting them below the cut because they got long (whoops!), but under the "read more" are:
what would they look for in an s/o?
would they give their s/o gifts? if so, what kind?
what are dates with them like?
for Armitage Hux!
General Armitage Hux
😘 – what would they look for in an s/o?
I think Hux would look for two conflicting things in an s/o: ambition/drive and the ability to relax and not take things too seriously. on one hand, I think he does really need someone who can match his energy. his whole life is about working in dogged pursuit of his goals, and I think he would find it hard to relate to someone who didn't share that sense of drive, at least to some extent. I don't think they would have to be in the same field as him (in fact, it's probably better if they're not so that no competition emerges), but I do think that Hux would look for someone who takes their goals seriously and has a lot of passion for their work
on the other hand, I think he also needs someone to temper that impulse in him. everyone around him expects something of him, and his work is constantly under scrutiny. it would be nice for him to have someone who he didn't have to perform around, someone who would encourage him to take a breath and just be for a moment. so I guess what he really needs is someone with perspective; someone who can appreciate and empathize with his ambition, but also remind him that there's more to life than constant work
💐 – would they give their s/o gifts? if so, what kind?
again, I think Hux would be of two minds in this regard. on the one hand, he grew up in the imperial remnant where supplies were hard to come by, and I think that instilled in him a sense of austerity and distaste for clutter and wastefulness. in that sense, he certainly wouldn't be giving "useless" gifts, like things that would just sit and collect dust. even for sentimental things, I think it would be hard for him to overcome that idea that everything needs to have a functional purpose. he might make a couple of exceptions for really meaningful things though
on the other hand..... whooooo boy does this man have self-esteem issues! he finds it so hard to believe that anyone would be with him just to be with him. he projects this ultra-confident facade, but inside he is so insecure. one way for him to make up for that would be by giving his s/o things that he thinks might make it "worth it" for them to be with him. they're still mostly functional (often expensive) things, but he does put care and thought into selecting them. as the relationship progressed and his s/o was able to convince him that they weren't with him as some sort of transactional exchange, I could see him getting more comfortable giving more sentimental, meaningful gifts. even once he got past that insecurity, expressing his feelings verbally is still hard for him, so giving gifts is a nice way for him to show his affection without having to be too vulnerable
🥂 – what are dates with them like?
first, they are few and far between 😅 at least if we're talking in terms of "formal dates." Hux is a busy man and he just doesn't have a lot of time for things like dates, even if he would like to. however, "informal" dates, like having a quick meal together in the privacy of his quarters or just working together in a private space, are much more frequent. Hux definitely feels guilty about not having more time to spend with his s/o, so when he makes the time for a formal date, he goes all out
they usually happen planetside, since first order ships don't exactly scream "romance" lmao. Hux will book an expensive restaurant and reserve a speciality table (usually on a balcony or by a window looking out over the planet). afterwards, he'll have gotten tickets to some kind of fancy entertainment (whatever that particular planet specializes in, usually something adjacent to opera or theatre or ballet). then the night will end in a suite at the nicest hotel the planet has to offer, and both Hux and his s/o can enjoy a night away from the pressures of the first order
if his s/o is the kind of person who prefers "quirky" dates (like whatever the star wars equivalent of going to a farmer's market or playing mini golf is), he might be able to get on board with it, just because his s/o enjoys it. however, those kinds of more free-form, sometimes silly outings are much more foreign to him, and he's a lot more comfortable in more "formal" dates. however, no matter what he does with his s/o, he always tries to make it a time to show them how much he love and appreciates them 💖
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