#thank you to everyone who was kind to me during my time in the fandom
violetmuses · 2 days
Walk Like This - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Title: Walk Like This - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe
Character: Armando Aretas
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: You've crossed the unexpected patient.
Tag List: @nelo0wesker @yassbishimvintage @nobodygetsza @peaxhygirl @superstar-t20 @adoresmiles @klssngss @deja-r @hyper-trash-panda @amethyst-loves-bucky @planetblaque @sweettea-and-honeybutter @lovedlover @xjjawsomex 🏷
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Designated to work somewhere in Miami this time around, you've hustled throughout various placements after joining that large-scale facility.
While trying to sleep on one rare day off, this unknown number reached this cell phone.
“Hello?” You've hardly woken up by this point and still feel exhausted.
“Rook, I need a big favor.” Cutting your nickname, Detective Mike Lowrey called out of nowhere!
“Mike, what the hell?” You somehow pull thoughts together and sit up in bed, unsure of what's going on.
“Trouble. One of our guys is wounded. I really can't bring him to the hospital, though.” Mike explained.
“Damn. Where are you?” Your heart dropped with each passing moment.
“We're on the porch, but I'm barely holding him up right now.” Mike struggled.
“Hold on!” You ended that conversation and hustled downstairs, genuinely nervous.
The stranger's lifeline just counted down more and more.
When you open the front door, Armando Aretas nearly dropped from Mike's hold.
“Shit!” Knowing so much better, you aid this moment despite holding back questions. “C'mon, Mike. Help me bring him to the couch.”
“Okay.” Mike agreed to help without thinking twice.
With James McGrath dead, Miami's AMMO squad returned home, but Aretas couldn't risk public sight while known as this dangerous criminal.
After facing many questions or encountering secrets over time, even Mike took responsibility and now stood as Armando's biological father.
Using First-Aid and grounding other essentials, you knew that Armando's injuries could've worsened if Mike hadn't signaled right away.
“What else do you need, Mike? I can't babysit your son.” Telling the truth, you glared at Lowrey.
“Please look out for him. I can't book hotels for recovery, either.” Mike shook his head.
“Y'all can't go home afterwards? Christine is a physical therapist, too.” You say. Mike married this remarkable person named Christine as well.
“I know, but Armando is better off hiding near strangers.” Mike continued. “Right now, if I stayed in public with him, someone would call…”
“I'm harboring a fugitive and could lose everything.” You gritted anger.
“I'll figure this shit out.” Mike held your shoulders with gloved hands. “You won't get in trouble, all right? I promise.”
“Mike…” You trailed off this response when Armando grumbled from the sofa.
Clenching through pain, Armando woke up this time and sat up while shirtless. Bandages helped the wounds.
“Hey. Take it easy, man. We got this.” Lowrey cautioned his son.
“Who's that?” Revealing slightly accented English, Aretas looked at you, drained.
“One of my friends helped out.” Mike introduced you during terrible circumstances.
“Hi.” Lifting your hand, you offered kindness while greeting Armando. “We've patched you up.”
“Thank you.” Aretas expressed gratitude despite everything.
“Of course.” You still checked this stranger regardless.
Lingering grief and exhaustion pooled his deep brown eyes.
No matter what happens next, you just wanted this man to heal.
Sometime later, you've returned home from work and discovered that several cars parked in the driveway.
Even Detective Lowrey's classic Porsche beamed past moonlight, and your thoughts jumbled.
Entering the garage, you opened this following door but almost hopped within seconds:
“Surprise!” Mike Lowrey brightened the kitchen lights, and this AMMO squad cheered to celebrate your birthday.
This adorable cake towered as weapons expert Kelly stood beside tech genius Dorn.
“Thank you, everyone!” You smiled. Even Mike's partner and best friend Marcus Burnett chuckled over dessert.
“Make a wish!” Marcus would offer the plan every year.
Closing your eyes, you kept thoughts private and leaned forward, blowing out candles.
Once you turned around, Armando stood in perfect health wearing this random cap.
“Take off the hat, Armando!” Mike laughed this time, and everyone cheered even louder.
Aretas left the barbershop with this buzz cut and held flowers, opening both arms to embrace you.
Happy endings became real.
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maxwiljunkie · 9 months
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I’m aware Day 21 wasn’t trick-or-treat. Past me, even while hyperfixating on DST, couldn’t think of anything for Day 21, and changed it to trick-or-treat.
I swore I’d finish Starvetober eventually, and I’m posting the last 10 tomorrow.
Don’t expect anything else, though- my DST hyperfixation is securely marked as dead.
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note-boom · 1 year
Are u a bsd manga reader :D ??
Unfortunately, I am not. I might have time in a few months to sit down and read it (if so, I'll probably spam this poor and currently sleeping blog with rambling reactions/analyses because I can't control myself). Or, if I get too impatient, I'll probably just go what responsibilities? and read it anyway...
BUT. I have read all of Volume 20 and a few of the arcs that caught my eye, and they were REALLY fun.
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rebelliousstories · 1 month
Walking Tropes
Relationship: Logan Howlett/ Wolverine x Reader
Fandom: X-Men
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Angst, Brief Strong Language, Brief Suggestive Themes
Word Count: 1,495
Main Masterlist: Here
X-Men Masterlist: Here
Summary: Being introduced to the merc’s friend and finding that she is just as annoying? Absolutely believable. Liking said annoying friend of even more annoying red suited anti-hero? No way.
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In celebration of saving the multiverse, and returning home, Wade proposed holding another party. A do-over for his birthday celebration that was cut short because of the TVA. For the time being, Logan and Laura had taken to living in an apartment that was across the hall from them since it was all they could get on such short notice. Just about everyone was at the party, and Logan was having a surprisingly good time, considering some of the company.
He held the weird little dog-like creature named Mary Puppins while Laura fiddled with her little Mohawk. The girl took the dog from him, which allowed the man to grab his beer from the table and sit back to enjoy a drink. A knock sounded at the door, and he got nervous. Looking to Wade, he did not share in the nervousness, but rather looked excited. The merc got up from where he had been chatting with Vanessa to answer the door.
After some brief conversation, Wade brought in what could only be described as a ray of sunshine. Her clothing was muted, but her smile was not. Logan knew that his eyes were glued to her figure, as much as he tried to pull them away. A nudge at his side brought him out of his staring only to be met with Laura’s impish smirk. He rolled his eyes and took another swig of his beer.
“Peanut, mini-peanut, I want you to meet my friend that introduced me to all the good things in life.” Wade supplied her name, but Logan was not listening. He was only focused on the way she beamed and stuck out her hand.
“Logan.” Short and sweet, and he listened as she rolled his name off of the tip of her tongue.
“Hi. I’m Laura,” she jutted in, sticking her hand in. The woman turned and was happily engaging with the young lady.
“I’m so happy to finally meet you guys. Wade has said nothing but good things about you.” Her chipper voice made it rather difficult for Logan to try and not like her.
Over the course of the party, the mutant was faced with a dilemma. His gruff exterior refused to allow him to do much else except sip his beer and engage quietly with Laura and Al. But he so desperately wanted to talk with this newcomer that Wade had brought. His eyes silently watched her during the evening, and it was confusing for him.
This woman was so happy, so full of life, and held so much sunshine in her. But just could not help himself. She was in the kitchen, fixing herself a drink and a small plate of snack foods. The lukewarm and empty bottle in his hands gave him the perfect excuse to get up and go into the kitchen where she was. Making his way in, she began to make her way out with her drink and plate, but a collision changed everything.
Turning, her body collided with a thick chest. Food spilled across the floor, and her cup fell from her hands, and she was about to join her food. Except, large warm hands spanned across her back and held her close. She let out a squeak. Looking with wide eyes, she was smiling as she gazed up at her savior.
“Hi Logan,” she breathed out.
“Hey bub. You alright?” His voice was soft, and caring as he assessed how she was.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. Thank you.” Their eyes were locked together, but after a brief moment she had to peal away to grab the contents of her plate from the floor. She was soon joined by Logan, who came down and began to help.
“You don’t have to clean up my mess, you know?” She quipped, putting a nacho on the plate bound for the garbage.
“Kind of is my fault though. Should at least help you clean up.” He replied, picking up a cookie that looked disgusting now.
“Thank you, then.”
“You’re welcome.”
From that point on, it seemed like she was everywhere he was. Logan did not believe in fate, and he did not want to ever admit to that out loud. And yet, he was starting to feel like something was dong this in the universe. It also probably did to help that she lived on the same floor of the apartment building as Wade and Logan.
All this to say, Logan was seeing her everywhere. At the store, at the mailboxes on the first floor, around town at her favorite coffee shop. She had even invaded his dreams. But the most frustrating part of it all, was that she had no clue how she affected him. Maybe he was not on his game like he had been in his long youth, but he was sure that he was giving her hints as to his feelings.
The stories he had heard through his time around her never ceased to amaze him as well. Somehow this clumsy cutie had almost gotten involved with the mob. She had to be saved by Wade who just came in and got her from getting deeper into the trouble that was brewing. Or the time that she was pulled over in a random search of her car driving home one night with a box of puppies someone had dumped on the side of the road. You would not expect it, but she had led an interesting life.
“Whatcha lookin’ at, peanut?” Logan was brought out of his thoughts by the annoying man he had begrudgingly befriended.
“Nothing.” He grumbled, but that answer would not suffice Wade. Following the older man’s eye line, he was met with the image of the woman of his affections talking with Laura and Vanessa while holding Mary Puppins.
“Oh, I see. Listen, peanut,” he began, “you’ve just gotta tell her you want to put some balls in holes for a ring. She won’t respond well to subtle hints.”
“What are you talking about?”
“All I’m saying is that you’ve got to spell it out for her. She’s a little absent upstairs. Like, the wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead most of the time. And especially being around a hunk like you; that hamster died, came back to life, got off on your image, and then died again.” Now, Logan had turned to face the merc, who was maintaining an almost innocent expression on his face.
“She just doesn’t want me. And I don’t blame her.” They both turned back to the women who were now laughing loudly at their best impressions of the pup.
“I know I make everything a punch line, but listen, Logan. She does. I’ve known that woman a long time, and she has never looked at everyone the way that she looks at you. Now I’m going to get the dog, you go talk to the girl.” Patting him twice on the back, Wade shot the older man a wink before stalking off and taking the three ladies away from his friend.
She made an excuse about needing another drink and went off into the kitchen by herself. Logan followed her with his eyes, and looked nervously back to the wrinkled man. He was mouthing what he only hoped was words of encouragement that looked oddly like, “go get the fucking girl.” Logan pulled a face, but went off in the same direction of the woman that had captivated him. Much like the first time they first properly talked, she was fixing herself a drink and a small plate of food.
“Hey.” A low rumble sounded through the kitchen. The girl at the drink station got spooked by hm, but did not drop everything this time around.
“Hey, Lo. How are you felling today?” She asked, genuinely turning to him.
“I’m doing alright. You good?”
“Yeah, I am.” There was a beat of awkward silence in the room while they both made their drinks.
“Hey, um, would you maybe-” Logan tried to start, but was struggling to find the words. She was just patiently waiting for him to finish his sentence.
“I want to go on a date with you.” He blurted out finally.
“Me? Really?” Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him. There was an adoration that he had not noticed before.
“Yeah,” Logan breathed out, “yeah. I want to take you out. If you’d like.”
“I didn’t think that you liked me like that. I’d love to go out on a date with you, Logan.” Sweet words tumbled out of her, and they sent the man into a state of euphoria. Logan chuckled, and smiled wide enough that he could have split his face. With his arms open, she took that opportunity to throw herself into them which threw Logan off balance. He quickly regained it, but squeezed his arms around her still.
Safe to say, Logan was glad that he saved this timeline.
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anouchard · 1 month
how did you get into the magnus archives? like how did you discover it since you were a fan before you got cast?
have your opinions on the podcast (like fav character, headcanons, etc) changed since getting cast?
anyways thanks if you do answer!!! you do such an amazing job as gwen in tmp and it’s truly a delight every time we get to hear from the fandoms favourite character!!!
So, during lockdown I started a TTRPG campaign with friends from uni, college, drama school ... you name it. Just a random bunch of people who liked the idea.
Around October/November 2020, one of them recommended Magnus. They're a massive horror nerd, and I was not into horror at that point (or so I thought, like a FOOL.), but I liked the sound of it and decided to give it a go. I listened to the first two episodes and only broke off because I was about to go and play D&D, and from that moment I was in love - with Magnus, with horror, with voice acting, the whole lot. I said "God, I don't care if I have to work awful jobs for 6.5 days a week - just let me spend the remaining half day working on a show like that" (touch wood, I haven't needed to keep that promise yet ...).
Anyway, time went on, friend and I were on the phone to each other sobbing over the finale (I had liveblogged every episode with them), and that was that. A week later I finished my MA, started working day jobs, and had already e-mailed RQ after being encouraged by my old improv teacher whose name I had heard in the credits a few times (thank you, Ian ❤️).
Three years on and here we are! Madness.
Anyway, I'm not sure how much my opinions have changed as I haven't re-listened since I was cast (except to the odd old favourite). I think it would feel strange to do so now - so much has happened and changed in my life both personally and professionally, and I also listened to TMA at such a distinct moment in time. I always loved the Archivist, Jonah, and the whole concept of the Eye, as well as the Leitner storyline in S2 (possibly my favourite series).
Right, that's turned into another essay. Thank you so much for such kind words - I fully expected everyone to loathe Gwen, so this has all been something of a surprise. Still, I suppose there's still time yet ... 😊
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connorsnothereeither · 4 months
Fable SMP has been an experience that has genuinely changed my life, in ways. I know I only came into it during the final season, but I was around before then too, and I adore this series, or project, or whatever you want to call it, from so many angles. First as a friend, and a fan, and finally now a collaborator, and a creator. I have gotten to work with some of my best friends, and made so many more in the process. It has genuinely been an honour and a privilege to work with so many amazing, talented, kind and creative people over my time in this space. I have learned skills and passions that I never knew I would, and it dragged me out of a creative rut I had been stuck in for a very long time.
I often joke around and talk about it as “the silly little minecraft story” and it is, to an extent, but it’s also so much more than that. It’s a story. Our story, that we got to tell, and that effected us and so many people in so many ways. One that had made me laugh and cry and that I have poured my heart and soul into. And now from the end I can look back and see how beautiful and elaborate and funny and heartbreaking this story is. I can see the creativity and the passion that everyone involved put into making it what it is. And from the end it is so… wonderful. It is something I am so incredibly proud of. I am proud to be a part of it, despite its ups and downs, and I so proud of the people who were involved. Who have made so much. I could not ask to have told this story with a better group of people, and I could not have asked for a better story to be invited into.
It has been a story, and an experience, and friendships that I am genuinely going to cherish.
It’s strange to consider this a goodbye to Fable SMP. Because in my mind it’s not, really. Fable isn’t gone. It’s not going anywhere. It’s still here. The story is there to be rewatched again and again, as many times as we want. I’m certainly not done stewing in this world and retelling it personally (just look at how much is left of Brink-) and I don’t think the fandom is either. Hell, I don’t think a lot of the cast are ready to leave it behind entirely. We’re still around. Fable is still around. We just get to view it in a different light. We get to look back on it, and immerse ourselves again, and see all that we missed the first time in the rush of flipping through the chapters.
So this is not a goodbye to Fable. But it is a thank you. A thank you to the cast, who made such an amazing story, made such an amazing environment to create in, and who gave me so many amazing opportunities. And it is a thank you, so so much, to the community, who got as attached to our characters as we did; played along with our silly games and codes; who encouraged me as I delved into this new way of storytelling for the first time; and who helped make the entire series what it was.
Thank you, truly.
- Connor
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Under Your Spell
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, insecurity, a little angst (with a happy ending)
Word count: 1571
Comments/Notes: From the imagine, "You put a spell on Thorin to make him fall in love with you, but as the spell wears off, you find out that he has always loved you." Requested by @asgardianhobbit98
Written while listening to Journey's Greatest Hits.
I hope you like the fic. As always, like, reblog and comment if you enjoy. If you wish to be added to any of my tag lists, let me know.
Thank you to everyone who supported me during my posting hiatus. I felt like it was needed to get back into a better mindset after I become incredibly overwhelmed by another one of my fics' reception.
The last twenty four hours had been beyond perfect. The spell which you had been keeping for the last few months, ready for the chance to use, had worked better than you could have imagined. Thorin had declared undying love to you as the sun set; the two of you having just shared dinner together with a large group. Then once on your own together, he had been so open in his affection toward you, blushing and smiling as the words tumbled out of his mouth. 
“I love you more than anything,” he had told you, confident and bold. He had taken your hand, kissed it, then asked for you to join him on the royal balcony. 
The two of you had sipped wine, while Thorin gazed at you over the top of the glass, unable to tear his gaze from you. 
You shared tender kisses, hand holding, and Thorin had held you as you fell asleep. Then you woke in his arms, warm and content. He had been watching you, and as you woke from your slumber, he smiled at you and kissed your head. 
All of that day and you had remained in Thorin’s presence, sharing meals, conversations, kisses. 
“Would you join me again tonight on the balcony? It is forecast that we should have a clear night sky.”
“Of course,” you had replied. Only now, sadness began to seep from your words, unable to hide any further. The realisation that all of this would be over at sundown was growing heavy in your heart and gut. The spell would only last for one twenty four hour period, and could only ever be used on one person once in their life. After sundown, and Thorin would return to his former self, purely a friend to you and your King, nothing more than that. 
It was almost sundown, and you excused yourself from Thorin’s chambers, telling him that you wished to quickly write a letter to a friend. He just smiled at you, his eyes so full of adoration, as you disappeared out of the door. 
As you walked the corridors back to your bed chamber, you felt tears fall down your cheeks. The pain was so heavy and hot in your chest. Just to have Thorin adore you for twenty four hours had been perfect beyond any kind of comprehension. However, the fall back to reality was going to be excruciating. In time, another woman would have Thorin fall for them, and this time it would be of his own choice.  
You lit your candles and sat down on the edge of your bed, staring at the vase of roses that Thorin had had brought to your chamber. They could now be disposed of as they would just serve as a reminder of your pathetic need to have Thorin love you. 
All sense of time slipped away from you as you fell asleep on your bed, still fully dressed. Once you had lay out on your bed, you had not moved. Tears had flowed, pulling you into your subconscious world where you could be happy temporarily. 
Dreams came and went, flickering pictures of far off lands that you had explored with the Company, months earlier, where you had fallen for their leader. Flashes of sunlight bouncing off swords and the calls of armies became a jumble in your mind. 
Your eyes opened slowly, adjusting. The candles had gone out hours ago. There was a dull thump behind your eyes and you winced, blinking hard. 
For a second, you felt as if you were still in a dream somewhere. You could feel something resting on your waist, curled around. Blinking again, you looked down and could make out a hand. On the middle finger was a ring. 
You gasped and shifted away suddenly, almost dropping out of bed. “What?” you choked. 
Thorin was lying on your bed, and was now rousing. His eyes opened slowly and he smiled at the sight of you. “Come back to bed, my love,” he said sleepily. “It’s still early.” 
He just smiled again and sat up. “You think a spell could make me love you?” 
“How did you know about it?” 
“I’ve known about it quite some time now,” he replied. “I will not name any names, but I was made aware that you acquired the spell from someone in Lake-town, did you not?”
Shame hit you hard and you lowered your head, feeling the tears fall once again. “I’m sorry,” you said softly. “And now you are playing along to mock me; the spell wore off at night fall yesterday.” 
Thorin got up from the bed and followed the edge of it towards you. “Why would you think I’d ever mock you?” He stood before you, his head to once side in question and disbelief that you could ever think such a thing. 
“I was stupid to ever think you could love me,” you hissed. 
Anger flared in Thorin’s eyes and on impulse he grabbed your hip and threw you both into a kiss. It was hot, demanding, needing. So much unlike the day earlier. All you could do in your weakness was cling to him, your backside resting against your dresser. He was pressing into you harder now, his tongue desperate in your mouth. 
Thorin drew back from you, his blue eyes ablaze. They were no longer soft like the day before, but they were on fire. That had always been the true Thorin, and as you had known him for the last six months: passionate, on fire. He pressed his forehead to you and then kissed it. 
You closed your eyes as you felt his hand become buried in your hair. His other hand was still on your hip. There was a desperation in his actions. The day earlier and he had wanted to be in your company, to look upon you. Now, he needed to touch you. 
The two of you kissed again, hard and needing. You could feel your inhibitions let go, and your hands became tangled up in his hair, your breath lost, your heart pounding. 
He whispered your name, needing you. 
Within minutes and the two of you were back on your bed, disrobed and exploring each other. Thorin’s lips caressed every inch of you, and when he was kissing down the inside of your thigh, he looked up at you. “Why did you ever think you needed a spell to capture my heart? It was always yours.” 
The two of you joined, exhaling in relief at the pent up frustration. Thorin was over you, his one hand gripping yours. To feel him connected with you, feel him inside you, giving himself over to you by choice, that was the true magic. 
Your bodies were synchronised, moving together in rhythm so well. 
Each and every time Thorin’s gaze connected with yours, and you could see the love for you there. It burned. The spell you had cast had diluted his true love, and his gaze the day earlier had been as if he weren’t quite in the room with you. Now he was present for every second. 
Every thrust was now making you build upward towards climax. The sensations feeling as if waves were cascading down your body, until the last one took hold. It came from the base of your stomach, and shattered outward. You shook, and as you rode out that one spectacular wave, Thorin kept his gaze locked on you. 
The sensation of you gripping Thorin’s girth in your plateau pushed him over the edge, and he spilled. He dug his head against your neck, groaning at the wondrous pleasure that washed over him. 
Both of you fell down beside each other, panting and sweating. Thorin reached for you, and you rolled over to him, and put your head on his chest. “Is that what true love feels like?” you gasped. 
“No spell could ever replicate that,” Thorin said softly. “When you first placed the spell on me, it was as if I couldn’t control my words, and no longer could I keep my feelings for you secret. But the expression of my love for you, it…I cannot describe it. It was as if it was dulled, and when dusk came, the spell having ended, my heart and my body burned for you again, like it always had. The spell stopped me feeling that love in a true sense.” 
“Why did you never tell me how you felt?” you asked, propping yourself up on your arm. 
“I was terrified of rejection. The spell at least took away my cowardice.” 
“You’re the bravest man I’ve ever known, and yet you couldn’t tell me you loved me?” you asked, not quite able to believe such a revelation. “You lead a kingdom, and armies, yet you couldn’t tell me three simple words.” 
Thorin sighed. “You did not tell me either.” 
“I had reason not to,” you scoffed. “You’re a king. Declaring your love to a king and expecting them to love you in return is just ridiculous.” 
You saw that anger flare in Thorin’s eyes again, and his jaw clenched. “I am a king in name and by my birth right. But I am no different to you in heart. There is only one that I bow to, and that is my wife and Queen. And those positions will only ever be filled by one person…you.” 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @middleearthpixie @linasofia @xxbyimm @luna-xial @knittastically @meganlpie @guardianofrivendell @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @mrsdurin @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @glassgulls @sazzlep @aliasauthor @solairewisteria @littlebird-99 @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee @danzalladaggers @ourlonelymountain @phantomessangel @estethell @windb3ll
Thorin Oakenshield tag list: @emmyspov @dumbassunderthemountain @braidedheart
Middle-earth tag list: @mismaeve @sotwk @valkyrie-of-the-light @deadlymistletoe
Special tag for this fic: @kurlyfrasier @littlesweetdressmaker
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matan4il · 1 month
Hi Alice! All my love to you in these dark dark times. You've been instrumental to me learning more about what it's like in Israel on the ground right now, and helping me not get swept up in the vitriolic rhetoric so many of my fellow liberals are espousing. I've been horrified by some of the behavior I've seen from the pro-Palestine crowd. I quietly support both sides of the conflict, and hope to see a return of the hostages, a subsequent ceasefire, and a realistic path to a two-state solution in the near future.
I'm asking this in good faith because I trust your research and input on these things, and I'm curious about your perspective. TW for rape and torture. I've seen a report come out on one of the tumblrs I follow (who is very pro-Palestine and anti-Zionist, unfortunately, I only follow them for fandom content) stating that there's been torturous conditions inside Israeli prisons–Sde Teiman specifically–detaining Palestinians. It includes accusations of rape, beatings, and amputations due to injuries from being cuffed. I was wondering if you had seen this report and had thoughts about whether this is another anti-Israel smear campaign or a cruel reality of bad people doing bad things. I'm always inclined to believe victims, and as an American, I'm painfully aware of the atrocities that can happen in detentions centers, especially during wartime.
Please know I'm not accusing you of anything or trying to make this a gotcha thing! I'm curious about your thoughts as an Israeli who does good research and knows her country and history. Thank you again for all you do, and I'm so sorry to hear about your colleague's murder. May you and your loved ones find as much rest and peace as can be found in a time like this. Take care.
Hi Nonnie,
thank you so much for your kind words (especially regarding Alex), your humaneness and willingness to listen to Jews and Israelis! Absolutely, there is no contradiction in supporting regular people on both sides of this conflict. This is NOT a zero-sum game. Both sides can thrive, if we all choose and are just allowed to coexist.
Okay, the Sde Teiman accusations...
Let me start with the history of this army base, because it is relevant to how it was used.
In 1942, the Nazis landed in northern Africa, and were headed eastwards, toward the Land of Israel. As a part of getting ready for that, The British (who ruled Israel at the time) paved a strip of asphalt in the desert, not too far from the expected direction of the Nazis' invasion, and used it as an airfield. They also built a few hangars next to the runway, and this is what in the 1950's became the military base called Sde Teiman ("Field of Yemen," in honor of the Israeli's air force operation of airlifting the Jews of Yemen, and bringing them to Israel. Along with the operation to bring the Ethiopian and Indian Jews to Israel, these mark the only times when a "first world" country brought people from "third world" countries - with the goal of making them citizens with equal rights). I'm sharing this info, so everyone can get an idea of how small and insufficient this army base is for the purpose of detaining prisoners. And indeed, under normal circumstances, it is NOT used for that purpose.
However, when Hamas launches surprise attacks from Gaza, it has been used for temporary detention (until arrested terrorists can be transferred to more adequate facilities) simply because of its proximity to Israel's border with Gaza.
That's how it was used following the Oct 7 Hamas invasion of Israel, too. Things to note about this: Israel did not initiate the massacre and following war, so it didn't have time to prepare a better temporary detention center with personnel properly trained to be jailors, and also, while Sde Teiman had been used temporarily for terrorist detention before, it was never used for as many arrested terrorists as after Oct 7. Consider that on the day itself alone, around 3,500 terrorists invaded Israel, and that was just the first day of the war.
When it comes to general accusations of awful conditions there, which might lead to terrible consequences, a big part of it is probably down to the fact that this base was not meant for this purpose (and the fact that it was used this way is because of the nature of Hamas' attack rather than any intended maliciousness).
The conditions were all wrong as a result of the chaos of war regarding the sexual assault case, too. The guards were not trained to be jailors, they didn't have the right tools to deal with arrested terrorists, especially these terrorists, who belonged to the Nukhba, a Hamas "elite" unit and the main perpetrator of the massacre (the Nukhba to Hamas are like the Waffen SS to the Nazis, imagine what Israelis feel when they hear "Nukhba"). Think of the atrocities committed by these men: the rapes, the beheadings, the mutilations, the murder of children, the burning down of homes with people inside, the extermination of entire families, the destruction of Israel's southern communities, and the psychological trauma caused to the entire country, when many are already dealing with lots of trauma, including of the inter-generational kind. Now imagine being an ordinary reservist, a regular civilian, not someone who has chosen the army as a way of life, not someone who has seen the horrors off war recently (or maybe ever), someone with a family that could have easily been targeted on Oct 7, someone who isn't trained for how to jail the vilest of criminals, then tasked with guarding in over-crowded and extremely close settings such monsters while being psychologically affected by their terrorism (which is the main goal of terrorism! To terrorize even those not directly harmed!)...
Initially, 10 soldiers, who are all reservists, were arrested. Since then, it turns out only 5 of them will be indicted (indicating that there is no substantial evidence against the other 5) for supposedly sexually assaulting a Nukhba terrorist. Specifically, the Nukhba company commander of Jabalya. He's not any regular terrorist, he's someone who was a commander that partook in the Oct 7 massacre, he oversaw the committed atrocities, he didn't only commit crimes, he gave the orders. At least one of the suspected soldiers testified that this Nukhba commander was going haywire, and had to be physically subdued. According to reporters, a doctor initially checked this Nukhba commander and found no signs of abuse. Only later did the terrorist start bleeding from his behind. According to a submitted report by Prof. Alon Pikarsky, a senior doctor at Hadassah, the civilian hospital this terrorist was later admitted into, the harm to the terrorist's behind is most likely self-inflicted. Based on accounts from reporters, the overall medical and forensic testimonies submitted cannot confirm nor refute the claims of the Nukhba terrorist.
So when it comes to the case itself, I can't say much. The accusations are serious, the question marks are serious, and I don't have the professional tools to figure out where the truth lies. There will be a trial, more qualified people than me will decide.
Obviously, as an Israeli, I hope the accusations are false. Not because I think there is ANY society out there which is perfect, and in which no crimes ever take place, especially where extreme circumstances are involved, but because I think it's natural to hope for the best for one's people.
Where it comes to the people who tried to stop the arrest of the suspected soldiers, I believe they're in the wrong for multiple reasons: for the sake of justice, for the state of the Israeli justice system, and even for the sake of the soldiers, if it turns out they're innocent. At the same time, while I am NOT okay with the arrests being stopped, I can understand the sentiment. In Israel, especially post Oct 7, soldiers are our most immediate heroes. They risk themselves, they save countless lives, (even the ones "only" guarding terrorists know they could be killed doing this, and they're saving people by keeping the terrorists locked up), they're dealt shitty hands sometimes (like having to guard Nukhba terrorists when they're not even trained for it), and they do all this for us, as a collective, men and women, adults and kids, Jews and Arabs. We ALL owe them, every Israeli. So the sentiment is that there is something difficult to process about a situation where the word of a massacre-committing terrorist commander is believed over that of people who are perceived as heroes. It makes a protective side of people come out, even people who at the end accept that the justice system must do its thing.
And when it comes to the justice system, I think it matters SO MUCH that it will do its thing. No army can prevent every single one of its soldiers, as individuals, from committing crimes. But there are armies that, as a system, commit crimes. The justice system that prosecutes individual crimes is a part of the difference.
Still, even if the accusations are true, even while I'm happy they're investigated, I went into the details of the case, because I do believe that even at worst, there are extenuating circumstances. Those don't turn a wrong act into a right one, but they acknowledge that, under extreme circumstances, and without the right tools, many normative people without criminal intent might end up doing the wrong thing. The psychological burden of guarding extremist terrorists who have traumatized an entire society, including their guards, in close quarters and without the right training, it could be one that would make a lot of regular people crack. I'm glad I've never been tested like that. I'd like to believe I wouldn't have done the wrong thing, but who knows. We're all human, we all have our triggers. Especially in the face of complete evil that harmed our loved ones or threatens to. I feel lucky that I was never put in an extreme situation, like those soldiers, I hope they did the right thing, but I find it hard to morally judge them if they didn't, even where I recognize that if they did what they're accused of, they should be legally judged.
IDK if this helped, but I hope it at least reflects the fact that for quite a few Israelis ('coz I can't speak or all of us, but I think this probably represents a fair number of people), it is complicated, and not a clear-cut case of black and white, good vs evil...
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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sotwk · 3 days
I have come so very close several times over the last few months to putting my blog on hiatus. Once or twice I even considered closing up shop completely and just going *poof*.
I believe people should take social media breaks whenever needed for their mental health--please put your well-being first! In my case, however, that's a tough decision to make, because online life and fanfic writing are my escape from real life problems and the anxiety I suffer from because of them. I avoid disclosing my Life's Great Burdens online, but I'm shouldering some whoppers, and the toll they take on my mental health can get significant!
What I really want to express in this post is my deepest appreciation for the Mutuals and Anons who take the time to engage with me through comments and Asks. You help keep my blog active and lively even during my creative droughts, and I want to give you credit!
I don't belong to any writing communities, I'm not active in any Discord servers, and I'm not really in any subgroups of the Tolkien fandom. I'm really just kind of a floater who tries to be friends with anyone who'd reciprocate. Sometimes that makes me feel a little bit like an outsider, but those lovely individual Moots and Anons keep me from feeling lonely or unwelcome.
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Extra special thank yous to everyone, Mutual/Follower or not, who recently commented on/reblogged old fics of mine, especially those who did 2nd, 3rd, etc. kudos or comments! The longer I go without posting anything new, the harder I get on myself, and the worse my creative block gets. Thanks to your gentle encouragement, I actually started writing again yesterday. It's still a slow start, but hope it continues to flow.
And to the Anon(s) who regularly send me Asks about my OCs and WIPS--I don't even know what to say! I wish I could thank you properly for this BIG HELP you provide, but for now internet hugs will have to do.
Anyway! I guess the hiatus/desire to quit is once again shoved back into the closet for now. I will do my best to do my part of the work in keeping this blog thriving! :)
PS. Anyone still waiting for responses to requests (esp. for my long-past Summer event)--I'm still game to write if you are willing to wait. <3
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
141 Task Force & Hitman!reader
Okay, so I got two asks about more hitman!reader and two cool ideas, so I will kind of mix them up. Also, this before knowing who (Y/N) is. Also, this will have reference to the hitman games and author has watched it a while ago. Any inaccuracies are on me.
Summary: The team learns about ICA and about (Y/N). Let the hunt begin.
Warnings: violence, weapons, probably military inaccuracies, blood,
Anonymous   asked: So I want to bring a idea that I have for 141 and hitman. I want too write down just that I don't forget it. I would think because 141 has seen violence and death. That they're familiar with hitman and maybe encountered them while they work. Also Laswell must have some information about them or knows the organization behind them. So I would think they can recognize which hitman has done the job. It could also be before all off the missions they worked on these hitman cases. So many ideas maybe in the future I have more ideas. So all ways don't forget to drink and rest. 👋 Anonymous   asked: I must say I love so much the hitman x taskforce 141 fic and I hope there comes more to the story maybe also with könig and my brain thinks you have these senses like in the hitman games were you can see enemies or opportunities to kill someone there are so many possibilities my brain thinks of right now. Maybe becoming closer to 141 and so on. I am sorry to ramble all my ideas to you. I think there should be more 141 x hitman fics it seems like the fandoms would work quit beautifully together. Sorry for all the text but seeing like that the 141 is afraid of the reader. Is something new and refreshing. I hope I can read in the future more of this kind. Sorry if my english is not perfect I am still learning it. Thank You and I hope you have a nice day.
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Everyone on the 141 Task Force agreed that catching Hassan was hell. The mission was tiring, exhausting and the betrayal from Graves and Shepard really sealed it in for the team. It wasn't easy to recover from it.
All of them took some time off because of this mission. They just needed a few weeks off. It's not easy to weed out international terrorists and deal with a betrayal from your allies. But of course, a new mission came in and their time off came short.
They were called in and if it came during their leave, then it must mean that the mission they got was obviously a very important one. But that doesn't mean that they were happy with the predicament. They deserved their time off.
" Captain, what is this mission even? We were supposed to have our time off. " Soap said, disgruntled at the fact that the had to leave his apartment.
" I don't know sergeant, but it must be important if Laswell called us during our time off. " Price said, also disgruntled at the fact that his leave was cut short.
" Everything is important when it comes our team. " Gaz said, clearly annoyed due to his short leave time.
Ghost didn't really say anything, he just walked behind everyone. He didn't really feel different about his leave cut short. Shit happens and terrorist and criminals don't rest. Evil doesn't rest.
" Ghost, are you really okay with this? They took our time off and cut it short. " Soap complained to Ghost.
" It must be very important for them to do that. " Ghost said entering the conference room. Soap didn't say anything after entering, but he was clearly annoyed at the fact that they had to come here.
They sat down, waiting for Laswell to come. She came in, an apologetic look on her face.
" I know, I know, but trust me, this is more important. " Laswell started, pulling up a photo on the big screen. It was a triangle with the iconic pirate skull and bones and on the top of the skull, there was a crown that awfully resembled the Royal crown. Beneath the skull was a phrase in Latin, Merces Letifer.
" This organization is used for hiring assassins and mercenaries. " Laswell started. " It's a neutral organization that works with a lot of governments and organization's. Despite offering the assassinations, they don't accept orders from the enemies of the allies. " Laswell said, pulling up a photo from the guy.
" This is (Y/N). He is one of their best agents and apparently he went rouge. Also, he is killing off some of our targets. " Laswell said, putting the tablet down.
" Is that why he is our problem? " Soap asked, but Price remembered something.
" Wait a second. I think we already had a case with one of the hitman. Remember? In Spain? " Price prompted everyone to remember.
" Yeah, I remember. " Soap started, snapping his fingers. " It was... Uhm... It was in Africa. I remember. A target was killed swiftly and quickly. But we all saw that it was a very particular way that he was killed. " Soap said and Ghost nodded.
" It was done with a single stab. Just... Perfectly done. " Ghost said, looking at (Y/N)'s photo.
" But it wasn't (Y/N). That was the other hitman. The one that thankfully didn't go rouge. However, (Y/N) is one of their best agents." Laswell explained to the team.
" Do we know why he went rouge? " Gaz asked, tilting his head.
" No. They didn't tell us. " Laswell said. " As if they would. " She added the last part quietly, making the other men in the room chuckle.
" You will be joined by König, I know you have worked with him before. " Laswell said, looking at the screen.
Price was pleased with that piece of information. König is an absolute unit of a man and if there was a chance of going up against (Y/N), they are going to need every single backup they could get.
(Y/N) was one of the the most deadliest, if not the deadliest agent the world.
" So I assume we have a location? " Ghost asked, eyes moving to look at Laswell.
" We do. It's here nearby, actually. Soap will be excited. " Laswell said and Soap smiled widely.
" Scotland forever. " Soap said, pumping his fist in the air.
Ghost shook his head quietly, trying not to smile.
" We have a location somewhere in the middle of no where. Satelite footage shows a small cabin and we have conformation that (Y/N) is in there. König is going to meet you at the base in Scotland. " Laswell said and Price stood up.
" Alright everyone, lets suit up. " Price said and the others stood up too.
Soap was bouncing in his seat in the plane. Ghost looked at him with a neutral look, but he was softened by this Scot. He really was. They stood up when the plane landed. All of them geared up, stepping out when the doors lowered down.
Soap was happy to be back, but the others weren't really happy as Soap was.
" Captain Price. " A voice said from the front and there was the giant named Konig. His voice was deep with a prominent German accent. Price shook his hand with the giant and the others nodded at Konig in return.
" Laswell briefed you? " Price asked as the five of them moved to the cars.
" Yes. I know that (Y/N) is dangerous and could kill us with everyday objects. I also know that he went rouge from his agency. " König explained to Price.
" Alright. It's just the five of us so we need to be careful. " Price said before getting in. Price, Konig got into one and Soap, Gaz and Ghost in the other. They didn't have any additional backup due to the secrecy of this mission.
After 2 hours of driving, they parked a little further from the cabin. They moved in silence and Price has ordered radio silence. They need to do this quietly.
They need to catch (Y/N) off guard.
But that's easier said than done. (Y/N) was trained as a mercenary, a really good one. No, not the good one, but the best one. And if this was going to succeed, then they need to do this quickly and carefully.
One way or another.
Price broke in first, rifle ready to shoot him. This mission was capture or kill.
They moved quitely through a bigger cabin then they thought. They were on high alert, moving quietly. Lets fucking go.
They separated and moved through out the cabin. Price stepped into the kitchen, grunting in pain as something hit him in the face. He saw (Y/N) in a blur as he was thrown across the room.
Ghost tried to help, but (Y/N) jumped on the counter, using it a jumping boost before he managed to bring Ghost down. Ghost grunted as he was slammed down. (Y/N) slid in between König's legs before jumping up using the wall and climbing up on König's shoulders and using his body to bring him down.
Konig didn't expect it and let out a grunt of pain as (Y/N) managed to slam him into the ground. He lunged at Soap and Gaz, bringing them both down.
Both Soap and Gaz didn't expect it, even though they saw it coming. (Y/N) ran out, getting into one of the vehicles. He drove off, chuckling.
He never intended to kill any of them. They weren't his targets in any way shape or form. He didn't have any intention to kill anyone who didn't deserve it. Not anymore. He killed those who did and didn't deserved it.
But now he was going to change. After being under someone else's control for a long time, he wanted some freedom. And he liked 141 TF. There was something about their tenacity and spirit that (Y/N) liked.
He knew that he is going to see them again. The search has started and so has the game of nerves.
Let the fun begin. ,
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jegulus-microfic · 2 months
Hello everyone!
Firstly, I would like to thank you all for the very kind reception to my hiatus announcement post. I already knew that everyone who followed and participated in this blog were wonderful, but I haven’t received a single negative response and that means the world to me.
This blog will be on an indefinite hiatus. I am not permanently shutting it down, but for the time being, I will be inactive. So for now, no more daily prompts and no more reblogging submissions. This blog has become more work than fun for me right now, and I also am going into my final year at university, which will take up the majority of my time. I hope to come back and do a month or two at a time on occasion when I’m able to.
In the meantime, please feel free to continue posting fics with any of the prompts. You can choose whether or not to tag the blog, but I would still appreciate if you could mention where you got the prompt. You can find all 414 prompts in the prompt archive. 
If you want to read any of the previous submissions, please search them by either using the tag navigation or by looking through the AO3 collection.
Any fics posted to the AO3 collection will still be accepted, as I get email notifications whenever someone posts to it.
I have gotten a couple messages asking if I would like to transfer the ownership of this blog during my absence, and while I truly appreciate the offer, at this time I would prefer not to do so. This project is like my baby, and for now it doesn’t feel right to let someone else run it/have access to it.
I can’t put into words how incredible my experience has been running this blog. I am so happy that this little section of the fandom has remained entirely positive. Everyone who has submitted something or sent me a message has been wonderful, and I cannot thank you all enough for that.
If you have any more questions, please dm me or send an ask. I will try my best to get to them in a timely manner.
Thank you all again for your continuous support of this blog. 🫶🏼
— the jegulus microfic mod 
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psychedelic-ink · 6 months
♡ 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟏𝟎𝐤 + 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 ♡
I am so happy to finally be making this post, I've reached 10k a while ago but didn't have the chance to thank y'all properly so;
thank you
I am forever grateful to everyone who has supported me, read my work, reblogged, and sent asks even when I haven't been around as much as I wanted to. I really wanted to do something special but due to work and my living situation, I don't really think I can but believe me when I say I appreciate each and every one of you! 💗💗💗
As for updates, I'm still within the pedro fandom so I haven't left or anything, when I get the chance I still write for it, it's just now that my time has been very limited--on my days off I don't enjoy being at home due to my aunts and their odd behaviors, which means usually I try to find a way to leave, taking extra shifts even when I'm tired and etc because it's just been so stressful and anxiety-inducing for me to stay. Even when I do they stress me out and I end up shutting down all day. The night before yesterday I had a breakdown, cried all night, and had urges to cry during the day. I'm not sure why, but something just snapped inside me.
My series are all still ongoing and I'm working bit by bit, though I'll probably work on a couple of one-shots (your girl has so many filthy ideas) first when I do manage to sit down and write.
Writing is my biggest comfort and release and the fact that I can't do it right now has been draining me even more. I miss my blog and all of you guys and I'm trying to be more active right now because I just miss my little corner so freaking much.
That being said, I need to move out this summer and I've desperately been trying to save every penny I earn. I appreciate any kind of support that you can give and reblogs are appreciated 💗
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rkaln · 2 months
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its akatsuki!Lee propaganda & #like what is the lore
random part V & sasuuuukeeeee
THANX U SKUUN♥ @egregiousderp for all ur ideas *U* and for permission to use your quotes
in general, THANKS♥ everyone from the Glugchat, you are an incredible community, and I really appreciate your support And I don't remember when my presence in the fandom was LIKE THIS
but if they’re on the same team and Sasuke confides in him that he’s looking for his brother (to kill) that might be a sympathy point for Lee.
His whole grudge against Sasuke initially I mean? At first it’s just “ah he’s from a prestigious clan so I can test my own abilities against him.” But then Sasuke learns movement from Lee without Lee meaning to allow him to…
But if Lee eventually becomes Akatsuki is could also be because he’s trying to infiltrate it and locate Itachi for Sasuke.
Genuinely there’s a lot of possibility in an AU like this and a Sasuke and Lee friendship could be SO INTERESTING like this, because Lee’s personality is so similar to Naruto’s but also…a little different?
Sasuke would probably take the Gaara thing as “makes sense of course you want revenge on the man who took away your life too. We’re the same.
I've thought about it a lot. I've never had much love for Sasuke, you know. but the more I thought about how their friendship would develop, the more interesting it seemed to me.
(by the way, it's funny if you look at the team that Sasuke has assembled - purely a TEAM OF RABID HYPERACTIVE EXTROVERTS, Lee fits in perfectly)
b u t
it turns out that they would still have time to spend some time with Orochimaru
when Sasuke comes to Akatsuki, not knowing that Rock Lee is already there
and FUCK Lee wasn't there just because of Gaara but also because of Sasuke
(in general, it's funny to parallel, because Lee is in some ways similar to Naruto, and Sasuke is in some ways similar to Gaara
I can already go draw memes where Lee and Sasuke, with faces full of pent-up jealousy and indignation, look at Naruto and Gaara and randomly come to kage's office if they met TO REALLY DISCUSS BUSINESS …OKAY, I got distracted by how many jokes you can make on this concept
Anbu!Lee: 'I assure you, I'm just doing my job, I just want to make sure that the meeting IS GOING WELL' the rest of the anbu: 'yy e aaaah, of course. =/ after all, Naruto is definitely the one with whom the meeting can go wrong… mind your own business, we don't want to get involved in this') + another line of Sasuke and Gaara in the five kage arch is complemented by the fact that he now knows a little more about Sasuke because of Lee…..
so then think they would have to really try to get over their mutual dislike.
I think during orochimaru (I'll call it orochimaru timing lol) they still experienced it, but nevertheless they could already take a closer look at each other as individuals. Moreover, then it will be, on the contrary, a kind of period of skill improvement for both.
just imagine how Lee, with the same zeal with which he studied taijitsu, studies the use of chakra with Sasuke and Sasuke is improving his taijitsu skill
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( while I was writing this, I realized that I had not decided which element of the chakra Lee had =/ )
I literally expect Sasuke to have to train with him - he still understands that they can train each other well, especially since Sasuke copied Lee for a reason, and the original goal of becoming stronger should be above personal relationships.
and for Lee if copying Sasuke on the exam was a pretty painful blow, now it's gradually becoming interesting Sasuke trained the speed skill with Kakashi for the sake of chidori, so I'm sure Lee could, u know TO REPEAT IT NOW
without sharingan technique is useless (the story of smol kakashi and this technique), but purely at speed without weights
just technically it can be done just as a fact of training. put a check mark in your head.
it looks to me like those moments when Lee is more confident in the correctness of his decisions.
because it's like a closed gestalt for himself, just technically to do what he saw from Sasuke at that moment It's like a confirmation that he's really right. that it was worth the risk to have such opportunities to use the chakra.
(by the way, I generally think what a huge potential Lee has then, at this moment they showed us the CHAKRA↓ if you add to this the things that were shown in the canon - the speed boost and the whole feint with weights, the opening of the gate, IT REMAINS ONLY TO GIVE HIM A BOTTLE OF ALCOHOL IN THE END. moreover, at first I also forgot about OROCHIMARU's SEAL, I remembered about it only when I thought about Itachi and joining akatsuki. I created a monster, you know. and I don't regret anything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
but look at this…. chakrashot lol)
Actually, it's about Itachi and Sasuke
initially, I immediately decided that Itachi had influenced Lee to join Akatsuki in the end.
so Skuun's ideas influenced me to think about it in more detail, because I didn't think about Sasuke at first.
"but if they’re on the same team and Sasuke confides in him that he’s looking for his brother (to kill) that might be a sympathy point for Lee."
so sooner or later they would have discussed this point too, and I think they would have managed to build a trusting relationship for this.
..at some point after Sasuke's rescue arc, Itachi would have found Lee. Also to talk, as it was with Naruto. (Apart from what was described in one of the parts where I told you that Itachi just chose to pick up the Konoha boy from Orochimaru in the mom mode lol)
Of course, this conversation would not be like a conversation with Naruto, I imagine how Lee, on the contrary, purses his lips "in a beak", saying that he and Sasuke are not friends at all. (for now)
Itachi would like to know more about Sasuke, but since there would be little information, he would eventually tell about Akatsuki, predicting that the alliance with Orochimaru would not last long.
"When you decide to leave, we'll find you ourselves." (Lee just didn't know that Itachi would know anyway, since he was looking out for his brother)
…will offer to help with the removal of the seal if he joins them. And this will be another small lead to Sasuke.
In the long run, it seems that Itachi looks to me next to Lee really like a bit of a "mom", a slightly more mentoring figure, which he could not become for Sasuke.
Moreover, he also understood that Lee would most likely sooner or later begin to understand what he had fucked up about. -> they would have had a lot of dialogues about it
- why did you leave -are you really right -what will you do after …you've talked a lot about becoming someone who doesn't use chakra, but you've given up on it. Is strength the main thing?...
"Sasuke showed me that there's no point in what you can't use."
Skuun really inspired me to think about them a lot more
because in the future, it seems to me that they really have a pretty interesting long friendship, cemented by time and common problems
NOT TO MENTION THE WAR ARCH AND THE POST!WAR TIME (it's even a pity that I already described about anbu in another part ahahah)
and I really like the fact that then the canonical situations between Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara and Lee intertwine and parallel a little differently
I even started to think that maybe Sasuke would trust me with a story about his plans for the final arches.
and it seems that this would be a disagreement that would gradually grow and strengthen between them, because in fact the way of "correcting" Lee would be different, just because of Gaara. Where in the final arch he has already really revised his past choices, and despite some mistakes, he chooses in the end to just accept them, and use the acquired power for what he talked about from the first arches. for protection.
It would be a great entry into the arc of war.
He comes with Sasuke's team. They come to help and protect. …and there's just a tense silence between them for the first time in a long time, because Lee knows. but he would like to believe that he, too, will come to a different decision.
I'll also add a little bit about art from prison. I just think of them sitting in neighboring cells in these straitjackets, talking through the wall. Where Lee jokes dubious jokes about returning to Konoha, and Sasuke laughs very quietly anyway about where they ended up. (Lee hardly hears it, but he just knows)
I WROTE TOO MUCH HERE, although I wanted to think a little more about Sasuke's attitude to the "Gaara thing" T___T
"Sasuke would probably take the Gaara thing as “makes sense of course you want revenge on the man who took away your life too. We’re the same." ©
..and it is in this quote that one can reflect what Sasuke sounds like here
...want revenge on the man who took away
but ok , apparently that's enough for this post
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meryachkins · 1 month
so. um. i wanted to post something about my mc. but i realized i need to Explain her a little. even if my english is wonky. even if no one besides me will like her. i'm willing to sacrifice my pride lmao ( pls don't beat the shit out of me because of misspelling or weird use of words or horrendous grammary. i'm silly your honor )
SO. there's her profile thing ?? i guess ??? and yes. my every character is armenian, thank you very much. es hay em what can i say 😭
cr for sheet: @kiwiplaetzchen
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aaaaand there we go with A Lot Of facts sbout her ...
about blood status ! i believe she doesn't really know about all that stuff. in my head magic armenia is tied together with non-magic one, because there's no magic school and communities are small and local. wizards live like muggles, live side by side with them. therefore blood of her family is so mixed, that i can't even say is she half-blood or what.
and she doesn't know english very well. her handwriting is in block letters and it's stiff and sloppy. often when she's yapping about something she switches to her mother tongue without realizing it. and then she tries to translate her rant, but fails miserably lmao. that's why she asks her friends for help with textbooks in classes and why she hates potions ( she doesn't know all that terminology for ingredients )
during the first days at hogwarts she was a little shy, but quickly became friend with poppy and natty. then she beat the shit out of sebastian in the duel and felt Very confident because of everyone's vivid reaction, so she started to befriend every person in this school lol. she's very tactile and kinda touch-starved even though she always pissed her siblings off with the need to touch and hug and peck Everyone ( but they always let her do it )
also. she's aroace. she really loves her friends, but she do not understand ( and need ) romantic love and relationshisp. i mean, she doesn't really know she's aroace she live in 19 century lmao. but not once in her live she fell in love
she have 5 siblings: two oldest siblings zabel and levon, older siblings lilith and masis and smol sis asthik ( who's a menace to society. ) she loves them to death, but in the summer after 5th year there was a huge drama about levon and maro was Fighting for him with zabel ( who's a homophobic bitch, but i'm the one who made her like this so i'm not shitting her 😭 )
and they lived in constantinople, but when father died they moved to erivan, hometown of their mother. after this she have some kind of prophecies about something bad happening with their family and maro being their "savior". that's why maro ended up in hogwarts, like it's the only school except koldovstoretz that her mother know about. and there's some relatives in england, who left erivan when it became part of russian empire in 1829 ( i think ??? i'm not too familiar with dates, but i want this story to work ... )
also her patronus was the van cat ( or vana katu, it's a landrace of cats found around lake van ) like her father's. but she doesn't cast patronus often so she found out that her patronus has changed to the borzoi at 6th year. her neighbor from a wealthy family bred borzoi from russian empire and she fell in love with these dogs from the very first time she saw them. it's kind of a symbol of her homesickness and yearning for family, for her life in erivan.
so. um. if you read all that text above. thank you. i really want to be in fandom and to show my maro to everyone 🤲 i will post arts with her. i guess ........ and i really want to draw other people's characters !!! i just like the vibes in here lol
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pine-rhyme · 12 days
Pine I’m going insane please clear something up about tlt
I keep seeing art of two(?) v similar looking people, one with short hair and another with pigtails and I’ve seen both being referred to as Harrow or Nona or similar. I thought they were the same person (with Nona being a nickname of Harrowharks family name) but I saw some art that’d imply they’re two different people???
I always interpreted it as ‘Nona is what Harrow would be without the Horrors’ since she’s v cheerful. Like a sort of collective fandom oc. But now I think that’s wrong. Pls advise T^T
(Also hiiiiiiii hope you’re having a nice day ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́) )
That and the wild contrast between Harrowhark and Nona makes me giggle maniacally every time.
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Here is some sketchy art and rambling under the cut because I LOVE LOVE LOVE NONA!!!! And by extension the book she stars in!
Nona is a real character! But very well pointed that her name derives from Harrow's NONAgesimus! She is the narrator and main lady of the 3rd book (Nona the Ninth :DDD).
The thing about Harrow and Nona is that yes! They share the same body! Harrow is such a haunted character that it is already ridiculous how many other ghosts could take over her body if she falls unconscious (which already happened a few times and ngl it was very sexy).
But this time, in Nona's case it is unclear if it is one of her many ghosts piloting her body or if it is really Harrow whose trauma caught up with her and got her brain reset (you already know it wouldn't be her first rodeo given that she already has had the lobotomy experience :)) but the thing is, Nona can't remember a thing from before she got saved by Harrow's... friends? Acquaintances? People that owned her a favour?
The beautiful thing is that you have this vulnerable person, who doesn't know anything about herself is getting taken care of by these people that? Genuinely cared about the old Harrow? And are actively trying to figure out who Nona actually is. And how she can be helped. All we know is that Nona is uncharacteristically kind and sweet-natured for the tlt world :)))
She is deeply aware that she is unlikely to survive for much longer and experiences everything around her with a deep sense of wonder. She has only been alive for 6 months and it was a gift. The world is slowly crumbling around her and her body is slowly dying but she loves the people that take care of her nevertheless. She looks in the mirror and finds herself truly beautiful and she is openly grateful for the girl who let her borrow her body to experience this life. It is a bittersweet story and a very big tonal shift from the intense and alienating POV of the previous book (Harrow the Ninth), focusing more on the domesticity and closure nurtured in a wartorn refugee camp, between unlikely characters.
AND IT IS JUST HILLARIOUS to encounter characters with whom Harrow has been AT LEAST highly disagreeable, getting absolutely showered in affection by Nona. Nona herself being so full of love and admiration for everything and everyone she meets is just amazing when you remember that's HARROW'S body she's piloting. Harrow who is easily the most people-allergic character out of this whole series lmao. AND NONA IS WEARING HER HAIR LONG AND BRAIDED! AND PARADES AROUND IN THE MOST INSANE GRAPHIC T-SHIRTS. SHE WANTS TO DYE HER HAIR ELECTRIC BLUE LIKE HER CRUSH!
I absolutely love Nona she is my favourite character in this series. It is because of her that Harrow started to grow on me as well. It is just wonderful to find, after how distressed and alone Harrow is during the 2nd book, she has people that would go to such lengths to care for her, despite the fact that she lost her necromacy, genius and aptitudes, along with her memories and, in fact her body might be the only thing that remained out of her because, by the end, Nona might indeed be somebody else entirely.
More than that it is a story about a girl with no past and no future loving unconditionally and getting unconditionally loved in return by her friends and family. Even when it gets very complicated and twisted and at times you are forced to question what is everybody's hidden intentions or what is the meaning of it all. It is just as grim (and upsetting at times) as the rest of the series but having for once an optimistic pov (even tho it comes with her forcing herself to suppress her ugly feelings because her life is very short and she needs to enjoy everything while it lasts) feels almost like a fever dream.
"Life is too short and love is too long."
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(This is Nona with Pyrrha! Pyrrha loves Nona so much it makes me sick to my stomach and I could talk for hours on end about them. )
Thank you so much for this ask and for indulging me in my madness!!!!!!! MMMMWAH!
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wordstome · 3 months
Thanks for everything, but it’s time to close up shop.
Hello, everybody. Sorry for this post being a portent of doom, but I feel like you all deserve better than radio silence. Originally, I went on hiatus because I got busy with school and work. This is still true—real life is getting in the way of me being able to write creatively, which I haven’t done in a while.
However, I think it would only be fair for me to admit that I’m just not as into COD anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never been into the games and always have been a fan of the little fandom of writers here, but I have to admit that part of my difficulty writing is just not being as into the content anymore. Most of it is just naturally moving on from something you used to like, but I also feel uninspired and weird about the idea of writing fanfiction about the military nowadays.
TO BE CLEAR: I don’t suddenly think that all my fellow writers are doing something problematic and amoral, and I vehemently do not want my departure from creating fan works to be used as some sort of gotcha to attack other writers. I don’t think any of us respect the military or US imperialism (I hope not) and I think the tumblr subsection of fandom is especially aware that COD is military propaganda. What we do here is writing about characters, not the institution they operate in. A lot of cod fanfiction doesn’t even take place in the military. I also haven’t drifted away because some writers make heavier/darker content, so I’m squashing that discourse before it has a chance to start.
It would also be disingenuous to say that I drifted away solely because of fandom discourse, but it certainly didn’t help. Thankfully, I only caught the tail end of a recent…controversy? Discourse? Involving other creators. It’s exhausting and disheartening to see this sort of thing happen, but I also realize it’s kind of inevitable that feathers will be ruffled when subjects like racism against Gaz are addressed, and that doesn’t mean we should just stop talking about those subjects. I don’t have a good solution to this and I don’t mean to complain about something that’s just a part of human nature. I just can’t pretend that it isn’t really demoralizing to see people acting poorly and the internet slapfights that result from it. I hope those involved in the recent incident are taking care of themselves. ❤️
Anyway, if you’ve gotten this far, thanks for reading. I have a lot of love left for this fandom, and especially my fellow creators who I have come to consider genuine friends. I feel a deep obligation to everyone who reads and interacts with my work, and I can’t continue to leave people waiting when I know it is, most likely, over. So, to be clear: this is the end of my COD writing journey. I won’t be writing any more or continuing any of my fics.
All of my works, both here and on AO3, will remain up, so you don’t have to worry about anything being deleted. I’m still grateful to cod for bringing my zest for writing back, even if it was only for a handful of months. And if you guys want to see unpublished drafts (like for kingdom come), have questions, or simply want to know my plans for fics that won’t be finished/want to know how they end, please send me asks or reach out! I would love to talk about it. Mutuals are, as always, extremely welcome in my DMs, and it means the world to me that people have been checking in on me during my hiatus.
I’m leaving for good. None of my fics will be deleted, but they won’t be updated anymore. I won’t be active on this blog, but I’ll still check in once in a while to answer any asks or questions about my fics.
I don’t think this will happen, but it’s worth saying: please don’t use my departure to make sweeping generalizations about the fandom or start more discourse. I just drifted away and lost interest. Take care of yourselves.
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