#that and the fact you went red like a real loser
realisticfanfictions · 3 months
Hi! Can I as for headcanons just like the "being their Gf" from Sanji but with zoro? I would love that😁💖
Ahhh! I didn't realise this was a feature! Sorry about that, I hope this makes up for it! <3 (Not edited or beta-read.)
♥ 𝘽𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙂𝙁: 𝙕𝙤𝙧𝙤 ♥
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𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘔𝘦𝘵:
It's your typical love story, except with swords, and blood, and screaming. Lots of screaming.
You were just an average girl with an unhealthy obsession with starting fights you had no real chance of winning. Though, it wasn't your fault when no-good crooks hit on you or touched you whenever you walked by. In fact, you'd actually earned a nickname; "The Red Ogre."
It was the festival of the Lunar Eclipse, and people from all around had come just for this one spectacular occasion. From wealthy tourists to mountain bandits, the streets were packed like dried sardines in a cat's mouth. You didn't know where this expression came from, but it suited the moment rather well.
You'd just finished bottling up the last of the sake and were bringing it over to the market stall you shared with the local soba man, when you felt something brush your ass. Yeah, no. That wasn't happening.
With practiced precision, you whipped around and felt all of your energy rush to your fist, connecting it with the asshole's jaw and sending him flying into a pile of watermelons.
Everyone could hear you screaming profanities and death threats against the pile of human trash, grabbing him by the collar and repeatedly driving your fist into his face again, and again, and again.
Once his face resembled a tumor (not that it didn't already) and you were satisfied with permanently altering his face shape, you stepped back and spat on the ground next to him, blood running down your fist.
You heard a whistle. "Hate to be on the receiving end." When you turned around, you were met with a man with three swords strapped to his waist slowly walking towards you. His eyes were on the carnage that lay on the ground beneath you, but your own were fixed on his unusually coloured hair.
Before you could say anything, you felt the man grab onto your leg and you prepared yourself for another onslaught, but you didn't need to. The hand that had wrapped itself around your ankle suddenly went limp as the swordsman effortlessly disconnected it from the man's body.
That's where the screaming came in, but without sparing a second thought he simply hoisted the man over his shoulder and, while taking a bottle of your sake, flashed you a smirk. "Thanks for the free bounty."
That's when you decided you wanted to become a bounty hunter.
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𝘒𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 1#:
You didn't see the mysterious swordsman after that, he disappeared in the midst of the festival and seemingly also disappeared from your life.
A few months went by and you'd already collected a few high profile bounties. Ever heard of "Six-Finger Trigger"? Well, you certainly never would again. With a comfortable 3 million berries almost always in your pocket, you slowly became well known in the East Blue as a fierce fighter.
Just like a crappy romance novel, you were hunting down some loser with a 7 million berry bounty on his head (well, you're sure a novel like that existed somewhere) when you bumped into a familiar face. The swordsman stepped out of the bar and immediately locked eyes onto you as if he could sense you watching him. A smirk stretched across his face. "The Red Ogre," He called out as he warily approached. "Never thought I'd see you again."
You snarkily replied that you didn't think he'd bother with a bounty this low, and the man scoffed. "I was in the area." He coolly responded and before you both could react, you were surrounded.
The look you shared spoke more than words ever could. In a split second, you went from cracking your knuckles to cracking the closest pirate's skull wide open. You both were brutal in your assault, but with him it was like watching a ribbon dancer gracefully gliding along the stage with each slash and dismemberment his swords wickedly inflicted.
By the time it was over, you both were panting and sweating over the bodies of about 30 men who'd either had their skulls bashed in, or their bodies almost cut clean in half. You huffed and cracked your neck, commenting how you clearly had more victims than him. He scoffed and pulled the sword out of his mouth, sheathing it. "Don't be ridiculous," He sheathed the other two and then pointed to the bodies. "There's more blood than teeth."
You replied that by punching out teeth, you added to the blood but he just shook his head in mild disbelief. "You're just jealous I won a competition I didn't even know we were having." He thought for a moment, then flicked his head toward the bar he had left only a few minutes ago. "How about another friendly competition?"
The competition ended in a tie when the bar ran out of liquor, but sometime during the night when he'd downed his 33rd glass of tap beer, you told him your name. He placed down his mug, looked over at you and smiled. "Zoro." He simply said and called for another round.
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𝘒𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 2#:
It was only natural that you two became a hunting duo after that. It was big news in the bounty hunting world that the two most prevalent names in the East Blue teamed up, especially because you were also the most brutal. The Red Ogre and the Demon of the East Blue (your name was obviously better) were as feared as the bounties you hunted, and no one was safe when you had them in your sights.
But what they didn't see were the times like now, where even walking in a straight line with Zoro felt like traveling between realms and ending up in a completely different place than where you intended to go.
You rolled your eyes when you past by the same graffiti-covered rock for the fourth time and asked if he had any idea where you both were going. "The barkeep said he was just down the road in the casino." Your eyes widened, that was three hours ago!!
You smacked his arm. How the hell did you get from "go down the block to the casino" to being in the middle of the goddamn jungle?! He held your hands and slowly leaned in, his eyes steeled as always. "Don't be ridiculous." He slowly looked around, then squinted his eyes. "The trees moved."
Before you could continue your assault, a twig snapped and you both were suddenly back to back, ready for anything. Out of the shadows, a gorilla poked his head out and grunted at the two of you. You smirked and commented that you didn't know Zoro had a brother. "You wish I had a brother," He replied and turned his head so he could smirk at you. "Then maybe you would finally get laid and stop being such a bitch."
Trust me, you told him, between the two of you he was the bitch. "Oh really?" Yes, only a bitch would need to hide behind swords, instead of using his fists. Something flashed in his eyes. "Bet on it?" Of course you did.
After lending you his two swords (he wouldn't let the white one out of his sight), you both ended up not only finding your bounty, but you also managed to destroy half the island while getting used to your new weapons. You won, but comprised and called it a tie.
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𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘶𝘵:
It took quite a while for the both of you to realise you had feelings for each other. In fact, it wasn't until Zoro had up and joined Luffy that you felt... lost without him.
It's weird when you've spent so much of your life with someone and they suddenly stop being there. Hell, you'd even crashed in the same bed more often than not just cause it'd save you some coin. It was just... weird without him there.
You wouldn't see him again until you just so happened to be at the Baratie when he dueled Mihawk. It was practically a slaughter, and it hurt seeing someone you'd grown to care for fall to the ground - sliced practically in half.
You helped the rest of the crew get him onboard and asked Luffy, the weird, rubber man Zoro dedicated his life to, if you could stay with them until the swordsman was healed. Luffy, of course, agreed and you stayed by your partner's side until he woke up a short time later.
It was almost midnight when he groaned and shuffled in his sleep, slowly opening his eye and sighing when he caught sight of you. "Thought I'd finally gotten rid of you." Not caring if he was hurt, you smacked his arm and told him you thought he had died. He scoffed and groaned. "I wouldn't die like that, shithead."
You called him the shithead and tried to hit him again, but he caught your wrist. This wasn't like the other times he's done this, however. His grip slowly lessened and his hand slowly ran up your skin until his fingers intertwined with yours. He brought your combined hands up to his cheek and placed your palm against his skin.
His eyes flicked closed for a second and he seemed to just breathe for a moment, like he was savouring your touch. Those steely greys met your eyes once more and a slow sigh escaped him. "You better not leave me again." He mumbled against your skin and placed a kiss to the inside of your palm.
A smirk crossed your lips, bet on it?
His own smirk crossed his features, the one that you'd grown to both love and hate and the one that made your heart flutter. "Of course."
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prettyboypistol · 8 months
TF2 x M!Reader|| How The Mercs Get Jealous!
You and the merc have just started dating, and have kinda kept it on the down low for the time being. While at a neutral zone bar, the Scout from the opposite tram decides to try and shoot his shot with you.
No dadspy.
He already doesn't like the fact that he is at a bar where BLU is drinking at, even if it was a neutral day! But what really got to him was how blatantly his (obviously inferior, duh!)counterpart started hitting on you! First it was a shot that he covered, then it was a joke that made you laugh a little too loudly. Jeremy bit the inside of his cheek and got between you two rather quickly.
"Hey. Back off freak! Like he'd ever want some knockoff, halfwit, loser lookin' Scout like you!"
You couldn't help but choke back a laugh as the BLU Scout gave Jeremy a once over, then backed away with a sneering of something under his breath.
"Hey, whaddya say!? Say it to my face, punk!" Jeremy shouted. Before he got up from his spot next to you to beat the BLU's face in, you put a hand on his shoulder.
"Jer, please. Like you said, why would I want a knockoff over the #1?"
Jeremy turned to you with a look of confidence- but you knew him well enough to know that he was clearly hiding a but of insecurity.
"You're my Scout." You assured sweetly, "accidentally" brushing your hand against his. That seemed to put his spirits back up.
Scout gave you both a weird look and backed off, hands up in a sign of defensiveness. You nudged Soldier's shoulder before quickly whispering in his ear.
"Solly! You're gonna get us to lose bar privileges this week!" You remind him, rather sternly. It had been a while since you had socialized in a neutral zone, after all!
"Why? That Scout was clearly looking to upset the neutral agreement!"
"He asked me about weather probabilities to see if he was going to have to fight in the rain tomorrow! We broke BLUS weather detection, remember?"
"Hmph! Sounds like worming his way into our intelligence! You're lucky I was here to stop him, private!"
You rolled your eyes with a tired smile as you went back to your drink, but felt the hot breath of Soldier in your ear as he bent over you to whisper.
"I caught him making eyes at you and I didn't like it. I don't trust him."
Aww, you couldn't help but find that sweet.
You know that one scene from the comics where Pyro cuts a goddam bear in half? Yeah, same thing here. They see you and Scout at the bar, just casually chatting, then when you turn away, the Scout bites his lip and looks at your ass blatantly. To Pyro, Scout morphed into a big, bad wolf. You? You sprouted cute little sheep ears! Pyro wasn't about to let the cute little sheep get eaten, so they lunged at the Scout out of nowhere, the only thing that stopped them from decapitating the poor guy was you swiping the axe from Pyro's hands at the last second.
You profusely apologize to the Scout as you pull Pyro off of him and whisk yourself and your partner away to one of the more quiet corners. You hold Pyro by the hands and direct them to breathe. Once, twice, and a third time, before you let them start to explain themselves.
Once the situation was explained, you kissed their forehead and nodded in sympathy. You knew your partner thought you were in danger, and hell- you would do the same if you saw Pyro in danger they didn't notice! Nonetheless, you thanked Pyro for the protection and talked them down from their worries. You asked your Engineer to explain the situation to the enemy Scout, who refuses to even look at you again.
"Thank you for protecting me, that means a lot that your first instinct was to look out for my safety."
Pyro nodded and pulled you into a hug. They were just worried for you! They knew that there wasn't a good chance that the danger was real- but Pyro was not about to take that chance. Not after they had lost that gamble before.
He slammed his hand down between the both of you as Scout leaned in for a whispering in your ear and announced a drinking contest. Whoever lost had to pay the tab! Yeah, the RED Scout was annoyed, but noreso at your blatant advantage! Demoman probably had your insane Medic sew him an auto-recovery from alcohol! That wasn't fair!
So, you and Scout decided to pace yourselves against each other, with Demoman as the judge. As the flirtatious tension morphed into that of competition, Demoman seemed to smile proudly at his work. He didn't mind if people lusted after you- that was a compliment to the fact that he snagged you first! It was only an issue when you didn't notice. That's when he felt he had to intervene.
You had scraped the win by a hair. While you clearly had a lower tolerance than the Scout, you had remembered a few tips and tricks to keep your wits about you longer that the judge himself had taught you! Although, there was no satisfaction of RED paying your tab, as you both had forgotten that the night out was a Mann Co. Sponsored event.
The next morning, Demoman tended to you extra sweet with little possessive nicknames such as "My boy", "my champ", and "Blu's finest". He never mentioned why, though, so you assumed that it was to apologize for the wicked hangover you had.
He sits back and watches, but not without ill intent. No, this man plotted that little twig's demise at least 10 times in his head as you two sat a little too close together, as you two got so lost in conversation that you switched beers by accident, how you two seemed to get on a little too well. In fact, Dell had only realized that he was stewing when his mechanical arm cracked off a bit of the table that he had been grasping for dear life.
The noise certainly got both of your attentions, and if it didn't, then the loud curse in a familiar southern accent did. Engue usually kept an air of politeness about him, so you automatically knew something was up as he walked- or rather stormed up to the two of you.
He greeted the Scout with a forced and sickly sweet smile, and he introduced himself quickly before he asked to steal you away for all but a moment. You excused yourself quickly and followed Engie to the bathrooms, where your boyfriend started rambling things you couldn't quite hear. All youu knew was that whatever it was, it wasn't pleasant and it was all directed at that Scout.
"Dell, what's going on? Did that Scout fuck with one of your sentries?"
"No, no. I-" Dell took a moment to compose himself before he spoke again. "No doll, he was making googoo eyes at you, and I don't think I appreciated that kinda disrespect."
You nod, with a hum of acknowledgement. Now that you thought about it, he was acting rather familiar...
"Sorry, I guess I didn't realize how close we were while it was happening. Do you want me to steer clear of him for the night?"
"Well-" Dell said, clearly wanting to say yes. "You're your own man, I don't wanna step on your toes or nothin, it's just that- he uh, he's got some bad intentions with you. I can tell."
You smile sweetly as you give your boyfriend a gentle kiss. "I'd much rather spend the night with you, anyways."
Scout barely had the time to get a word out to you as your Heavy scooped you up in a seemingly sudden victory cheer. In one of his hands was a drink, so you assumed that your boyfriend had wanted to congratulate you on something that you had done recently to impress him.
"Tiny man! Come here, I have gift for you for being best teammate!" Heavy announced as he brought you over to a booth and started speaking to you in Russian. Yeah, you could swing your way around Russian well enough to understand certain words. You could make out "no", "bad", and "dangerous" vaguely, but the body language made more sense to you. Heavy didn't trust that Scout too well. He seemed fine with you talking to the RED Engineer, but not the Scout?
"What's wrong?"
Heavy kept his voice low and quiet, for your ears only.
"Scout wanted to make sex with you. Look at his eyes." He muttered with a quick glance to the lithe man. He was more built than your scout, speckled with more freckles and dark blue eyes instead of your Scout's light blue eyes.
"I'd smash his head in if he made a move on me, I promise." You assured your boyfriend sweetly, a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"No no, I will bash his little brains in." Heavy assured.
Stalks both of you like a shadow. He allowed Scout to buy you a drink, he allowed him to entertain his boyfriend, hell- he even allowed Scout to put his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder! With a downing of beer, a fast and powerful dart knocked Scout's hat off his head and pinned it to the wall. The look Sniper gave nearly made the Scout drop dead from the venom.
Scout knew damn well that he missed his head, not the dart board. Scout nodded you a quick good evening and scampered back to his team as Sniper looked to the outside. He just wanted to talk, in private.
As soon as you followed Sniper out of the bar, he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into the alleyway, pressing you up against the cold brick wall as Sniper kissed you deeply.
You were only given a small moment to breathe as Sniper leaned close to your ear. "Don't you ever let someone touch my boyfriend again, got it?"
"God, you're hot when you're jealous."
"I'll drag you back to my camper if you keep misbehaving." Sniper 'threatened', smiling far too excitedly to be angry at the idea. You took your opportunity to grab him by the wrist and drag him to his van.
He found it funny and cute in a way, how the RED Scout tried to hit on you. A young man with laughable experience tried to charm a man who had the best of the best that gave him attention? Spy had nothing to worry about. Although, the accepting of the invitation to dance drunkenly made his stomach turn sour. You and Scout laughed and stumbled around each other haphazardly, moreso slapstick joking rather than dancing. At least Scout kept his hands to himself.
Scout started to ask you genuine questions over a calming drink, and that is where Spy snapped. He sauntered over to you with a look of importance as he tapped you on the shoulder.
"Ah, I must steal you away. Miss Pauling had an important message for you." Spy whispered into your ear, his eyes glared with a gloating essence at Scout.
"Well, I'll catch you later, okay?" You smile sweetly to Scout, who waved you goodbye as Spy whisked you away to the other side of the bar before he cloaked himself as he pressed you against the wall. His body was flush against yours, with his hot breath on your neck.
"So, younger men catch your eye? I can be him for a night, if you're curious?" Spy hummed, as you practically heard the Cheshire grin of teasing in his whispered tone as you blushed red. At least you could blame it on the booze.
"No Spy, he's just an old friend. Coincidence that we both work at Mann Co." You whisper back as Spy worked his hands over your body, brazenly groping your chest, legs, and ass while he remained unseen.
Medic watched as the RED Scout performed a silly little knife trick to impress you, and Medic knew exactly what he was doing. Scout was a puffed up bird, trying to gain your interest. Really, even Archemedes had more of a pretty routine than Scout did! In fact, Medic approached you, with Archmedes on his finger to lure you away from the failed suitor.
As you cooed and doted on the dove, Medic shot Scout a scarily smug look as you were completely distracted with the bird that absolutely loved your affections.
"You know, you're the only one Archemedes ever loved for affection from! Well, aside from me of course! I think he's got a little crush on you!"
You giggle, scratching behind the dove's head with little kisses to his soft feathers. "Ah yes, the bird love of my life. He's so caring. I'd be a housewife for him!" You teased to Medic with a little wink. "He's almost as jealous as you, with how he puffs up when I kiss you."
"You have two jealous men vying for your affection, whoever will you choose?" Medic hummed dramatically.
"Well, Archemedes would never take blood samples to see if we are biologically compatible."
"That was only once!"
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Look out its a Linkblr Dashboard Simulator!
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🪶 redwingskies Follow
So who was gonna tell me the Surface is Real, huh? Who.
🎶 ocarina-macarina Follow
Where are you from?? What....what are you??? ....God?
🪶 redwingskies Follow
Nah turns out she's my best friend though.
🪶 redwingskies Follow
Hey btw, If I kill a god does that make me one? Is there like. Rules for this? Asking for a friend. (Like seriously. I don't care. He does.)
1,680 notes
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🚋 train-life Follow
Today's Fact: Did you know Trains are the reason New Hyrule has Standardized Time Zones? As citizens needed to know when to get to a train station, the council lobbied for standardized time that could be applied precisely for travel by train! The entire modern perception of time is because of the Train!
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Thanks, I hate it. Lets go back to living by the sun rise and set.
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
??? We've always had standard time zones??? What are you talking about. Trains didn't invent that.
🚋 train-life Follow
...they literally did. I re-researched this to double check. What are YOU talking about?
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
Time zones? Like. The era of Legend, the Golden era, bullfish like that?
🚋 train-life Follow
... you can swear you know? I'm 12 not a baby.
🌊 kingoftheseagull Follow
you're HOW OLD? I thought you were a Royal Engineer???
🚋 train-life Follow
12? It's in my bio?
🌊 kingoftheseagull Follow
I love you but get the hell off of this website why are you here
🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Can we go back to the weirdo who thinks Time Zones are HISTORICAL PERIODS?
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
Haha yea total weirdo, what, are they like 400 years old or something? Lol
🐴 goatman4life Follow
Actually I wanna get back to why a 12 year old has a job
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🐟 indigo-gos-official Follow
Hey anybody willing to lend me bail money? I'm short like 10 rupees and it's really annoying.
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Wait shit wrong account! Wrong account!!
🐴 goatman4life Follow
Why do you have access to a hyper-famous Zora Band's account??
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Their lead guitarist died in front of me and I am very nice. Now get me out of jail goatman.
23,045 notes
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🌳 wildflowerwastaken Follow
#hi #i saw a cool bird today #the camera was left on selfie mode so it only got a picture of me squinting at it #the bird noticed the flash and it pecked me until I fell out of the tree #straight into a malice puddle #the bird was pretty tho #so I say my day went great!
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🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Hey apparently I need to update people on my boundaries. So. Here is a list of what's okay:
Kissing me
Kissing me directly on the lips
Parasocial relationships where you praise me constantly <3
And this is NOT okay
Hunting me for my blood to revive the prince of darkness
Ignoring me
Thank you, that's really all, I'm kinda sad that this has to be said but clarity is wisdom and all.
👑 princess-of-hyrule Follow
Link. This is not what I told you to post.
🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Well EXUSe ME if my boundaries look different than yours!!
25,690 notes
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⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
Hey pulled the Four Sword again so we need help figuring out who gets to run the blog lol.
Thanks everybody
⏳️ forestchild Follow
Lol this loser doesn't know how to make sideblogs
🎶 ocarina-macarina Follow
The poll says "Who gets to be Link on MAIN" though, so maybe they do? They just wanna have one person in charge of the first blog?
⏳️ forestchild Follow
The path to truth is unity. Many voices can be heard within one "main".
-The Diety
⏳️ forestchild Follow
...ignore him, I've made him a sideblog and he refuses to use it.
⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
Hey wait no let him come back, he's the only smart person I've ever heard
-Green (?)
⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
I am going to kill you.
#we have all agreed to not utilize this blog until the poll is complete #so shut up green
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kalims · 2 years
‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "are you a fool? don't fall in love with me."
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high school, wise fool,
to be straightforward. a remake of high school otome au :D
parts. one , two , three , remake
characters. epel, riddle, jade, ace, deuce, leona, jamil, malleus, floyd, neige, silver, and mysterious character.
cw. not proofread, yandere in the end. silver lowkey being main guy.
includes. gn!reader.
note. pretend we are smart cause we still are in this remake. this was kinda rushed cause I was struggling to fit all of them in the 3 paragraph limit I set for myself.
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・ㅤyouㅤㅤ— a surprisingly gifted child whom acquired a scholarship granted by headmaster crowley himself, just before an honorary recommendation from your loving father figure; crewel. nearly all professors had taken a certain liking to you though even if they didn't crewel would've been sure to 'discipline' their minds to see what an angel you are because no way anyone would hate, you. his lovely, lovely child. now everyone is weirdly being nice to you just because they're scared of him.
・ㅤepel felmierㅤㅤ— your childhood friend who can see through you anytime, it doesn't matter if you're a good or horrible liar. epel will find out anyways despite all the odds against him just because of the fact on how well he knows you. well,, it's a given since he's been by your side the whole time you grew up. if there's anything epel has over the multitude of people equipped with brilliance, or money.. it's the thousands of memories you've both made and he's certainly not gonna lose to some losers who don't know the first thing about you!
epel was your first man! the one who was there to wipe your tears when your ex carelessly played with your heart, the one who screamed with you when there's a jumpscare on the screen, and the one who laughs with you on random occasions you both catch sight of each other and honestly start dying after the other breaks into a snort. he might be unseen as a 'real' man in everyone else's eyes but he was yours, and he's gonna commit to that title till he dies.
out of everyone epel is the one particularly iffed by the decreasing time both of you spend together. he can't tell if you entering school with him was the best or worst ever because the tides of time are pulling you apart! next thing you know he's barging in your room to demand you spend time with him and personally claimed a day he called "epel day" and you can't really say no to his face, right?
・ㅤriddle roseheartsㅤㅤ— the terrifying student council president that might as well call his presence terrorizing because he's just eating and everyone would be quaking in their boots, even the lunch lady. your first encounter with him wasn't all that pleasant cause the moment your classmate burst into the classroom and yelled, "code:rosehearts!" was the moment the class went to chaos. everyone was hastily fixing their appearances, fast cleaning, sitting properly—oh my god someone just jumped out the window. midst your confusion (since you were a transfer) his eyes immediately zeroed on the hamburger on your hand. and you hear a whisper, "it's a tuesday." what?
okay so apparently eating hamburgers on tuesdays was banned and you were sent to the red room somewhere in heartslabyul. whatever the red room was, but apparently it's a discipline area or whatever. it was just a room you were made to stay in for like half an hour till' you were discharged. it wasn't that bad, but from now on you officially started hating on the prez for his poor judgment skills cause hello? couldn't you get a pass? you became an absolute migraine to riddle and now he hates you too because can you stop putting cheese in his tarts?! enough with this blasphemy! now riddle is trying to screw up your life too.
you learn that he's just actually really lonely so you swallowed up your pride and sat next to him in lunch since you noticed he looked quite.. sad eating, whereas he was alone. riddle only raised a brow and looked you over judgmentally. (lesson learned; don't tell him that you pity him because he's gonna start denying he ever looked sad with a red face, but strange.. he looks heated over your explanation for another reason other than anger..)
・ㅤjade leechㅤㅤ— your ex a year back. jade leech was one of the most random relationship you ever had in your life, once. you saw him in class, and the smile he had was somehow.. charming. mischievous, polite, and cunning. not the most ideal traits someone would look for a man but you'd admit you would have a thing for anyone who would treat you right. and he did! though to this day you're still not sure why he approached you in the first place but one thing led to another and now you've started dating.
everything was perfect. (keyword: perfect) you were content, and at some point gave a future with him some thought. the assumption that you were one of the rare people that saw first hand the more 'innocent' sides of jade leech got you wondering right now, the times where he looks like a little, happy kid watching his mushrooms or the remarks that genuinely got you flustered. you wonder why it all ended in the first place.
he cradled your heart in his hands and dropped it to sink under the water without turning back once. there was no explanation, just a simple; "let's break up." and it was all gone, just tears left. so when you were just at the climax of picking yourself up why in the hell is he standing in front of you right now wearing the same smile that enchanted you?! you hate the way your heart aches when he still remembers the things you told him since forever and you swear to ignore his existence even when he's awfully intent on messing with you again.
・ㅤace trapollaㅤㅤ— your roommate who would be more suited to classify as a demon, ace is one of the most annoying people you've ever met in your life and you simultaneously want to slap and smack him in the face because he's too laid back ninety percent of the time. you both, sorta disliked each other at first. him not liking you because you whacked him with a broom in dead of the night after overtime practice (but you don't blame yourself because it was totally justified!) and you to him because he started insulting your entire being.
anyways he's the worst roommates ever. there was clearly your name highlighted in bold colors on the tupperware of your favorite snack in the fridge then you find it completely empty the next day, sometimes he even has the audacity to place a sticky note containing "thanks for the snack loser :P" which in turn made you stick another note on the fridge, "fuck you" as a response. now it's some kind of ritual for the two of you to paste derogatory, lowkey playful messages to each other on the fridge. whoever comes over is gonna be concerned with the amount of sticky notes in the fridge.
he moans about how he's one of the 'talented' froshes in the basketball club which you actually can't deny because he's a first year being considered to be a regular on the team and some of the third years are still in the benches! actually, some of them hate him for it and for once you join him on complaining about them cause it wasn't even his fault? though his statement; "they're just bad at it and jealous of me" was concerning but eh.. it's ace, what else would you expect?
・ㅤdeuce spadeㅤㅤ— suprise suprise! turns out ace and you weren't the only ones who was going to be roomed in one dorm. here enters: deuce spade, your second roomie who is a hundred times better than ace. compared to the latter, deuce is a gift sent by god. he cleans up his messes, even insists on cleaning some of yours even when you try to talk him out of it. okay so apparently he still had trauma from when his mother whooped his ass when he didn't clean the house when it was an order. a mommas boy indeed.
unfortunately to the abrupt appearance of a new roomie (no thanks to crowley since he didn't even tell you.) ace and you had used the spare room as a dump for your stuff so it was full of random things like the the electric guitar you don't even use anymore. so you declared that all three of you will be cleaning it out, deuce wasn't originally in the plan but he offered to pitch in so.. the cleaning was full of sweat, heavy lifting which you left to deuce because damn. he can lift those without much effort compared to your arms.
deuce has a concerning obsession with eggs cause whenever it was his time to cook breakfast he always cooks a variety of eggs. you do like eggs but the taste is starting to make you nauseous from how many times you've eaten it for days straight. unlike ace who would attempt to kick you out of your room when you trespass even when he does it freely to yours, deuce even welcomes you in. and you don't know why ace is tagging along with you on your trips to deuce's room. (also deuce joins in on the sticky notes but ace says his notes are that of a boomer because all he puts is the grocery list)
・ㅤleona kingscholarㅤㅤ— the dude who you accidentally stepped and literally tripped on right after, who knew the dirt on the floor tasted so bad? when you said you were hungry you didn't mean this! leona peeked an eye open and when it landed on you, you were now his self proclaimed slave. or to word it better, working for him as repayment for stepping on him and dirtying his clothes. which got you flabbergasted because is it not already dirty from the grass and dirt he's sleeping on? does this dude not know what a bed is?
you only actually learn his name through epel since he never told you when you pointed at leona blabbering about he's the guy that practically enslaved you for stepping on him (which you'd emphasize on accident) and epel looked absolutely horrified when he frivolously whispered; "that's leona kingscholar!" to you but the guy still somehow heard it because he made a gesture for you to follow him. from now on starts the demise of your life.
you might as well call yourselves two peas in a pod because he always had you following around and doing tasks he can't be bothered to do. making you run off to his club room to grab a spare ball since he wanted to practice.. or running around looking for his lost shoelace, in short it was a nightmare! you're not sure why the hell he made you wear his jersey for a game and making you sit in his team area, place thing... for the period of the game. apparently it was so he can go back to you much faster when he wins this (he actually said that like he's sure he would) and the crowd goes silent when he tilts his head to you and asks if he was good.
・ㅤjamil viperㅤㅤ— technically he was just ace's teammate to you. suprise, suprise! ace did make it into the regular team and now it's customary for you to attend his games, practice or not because he threatened that if you didn't he'd eat all the food you'd try to hide. you only know of jamil's existence after he had dropped an exhausted ace off your dorm just after he had also taken him to the nurse's office. you don't know if you hallucinated or not but there was definitely a bitter kind of look on jamil's face when you fretted over ace.
huh. since then you've been thanking jamil endlessly for taking the time to take care of ace (and admittedly throwing shade lowkey about ace's careless nature) apparently he had taken a nasty fall for his agressive play. jamil himself seems quite.. shy about your praises, probably having not been used to being openly grateful for his actions. you don't know why you're being so thankful to the extent that you had been learning how to make a decent bowl of curry for him..
though jamil's pokerface twitched a little when he sampled your 'first ever experiment' "it.. could use some work." he coughs and you wonder if he knows that you can see his hand impatiently shaking to gulp down the water. since then he's helped you hone your curry skills to the max and there's one thing you can say. he was an absolute god in cooking, for that you cried praises savoring the dishes you were given the luxury to eat. you've grown a lot closer than before and this time he looks particularly at peace when he's the one suffering the injury and now being the subject of your worry. perhaps this is one thing he'd like to have for himself.
・ㅤmalleus draconiaㅤㅤ— a stranger you've met by the woods, your parent would be recoiling violently if they found out you went against their firm words to not wander anywhere. especially forests! but you won't give up the beautiful spot you've found within the premises of the forest, just a perfect place for yourself. calm and serene are your favorite words. apparently it was an old building owned by the school, crowley wouldn't certainly mind if you used the place for yourself.. right?
the place was a bit dusty, old with a sense of ancient familiarity with it. a certain charm of the old place you supposed. nevertheless you've taken residence in the porch whenever there's just some things you don't wanna deal with. you were scared out of your wits when you heard a creak of the floorboard and several other signs that there was... something inside the house as you are.
here enters the 'thing' that scared you to death, a mysterious man with misty green eyes. he refuses to state his name when you've already given yours, seemingly quite delighted at your ignorance towards his existence. tsunotaro (the nickname you'd given him since he insisted you have whatever) was there when epel didn't understand you sometimes. he listens quietly, you'd mistake his silence to be bad but it's a habit so that he could hear your voice easier.
・ㅤfloyd leechㅤㅤ— the unbearing brother of your ex, ever since you and jade broke up you never really heard from him again. so you assumed it was because of the fragile relationship you had with his brother and eventually let it go. since you found out jade was also in NRC, you assumed the worst and that his two friends would be here as well. floyd in particular kinda terrified you sometimes but he's a good guy... usually! albiet his habit for violence to solve a problem.
speaking of violence he never had a problem offering his fist to you, which you'd mistaken as a fist bump but it was actually a sign of 'friendship' and it meant that if you ever needed someone to be taken care of.. floyd will gladly spare some of his gracious strength to pound them into oblivion! violence aside. he looked ecstatic by your presence, not at all affected by the fact that you were separated for like a year. save for a pout and a, "shrimpy, where were you?" then he went back to being all affectionate like in the past, you weren't sure if it was appropriate since he is your ex's brother but eh.. you aren't with jade anymore and floyd was a dear friend so..!
besides all that he still keeps the promise of protecting you ever since a year ago, which is kind of weird since jade (as your boyfriend) should've been the one to make that kind of oath. which is evident from the way he scares away all the bullies that might pick at you for being only able to enter the college through academic means. one thing that everyone knows how to calm down floyd though, is that your mere presence sends him into a flowery mood which explains why you're always getting dragged around somewhere.
・ㅤneige leblancheㅤㅤ— the celebrity happy-go-lucky boy from the rival school of NRC; royal sword academy. you can say this at the very least, you were just a small, teensy tiny little fan of neige! it's not your fault he's so genuinely adorable! moving into a new environment meant discovering new favorite artists and you just so happen to enjoy neige's music from time to time. so you can admit you really didn't expect to meet neige through VDC.. since you're only the manager you only expected a glance or two but.. talking live with him makes your heart race!!
the descriptions of him online honestly doesn't do him justice at all! 'bright and cute' neige isn't just a handsome face, they should see the events he held to donate to charity and your inner fan came out and decided it was time to tell neige how awesome he was without filter. it is admittedly embarrassing that our mouth run off without your consent but the boy himself looked awfully frustrated by your genuine words.
it seems like neige really had taken a liking to you after the little rant but hey, you're glad he didn't find you weird at all! a dream come true.. neige finds himself thinking of you every quarter of the day, bursting into a deep flush but he can't tell if it's by the thought of your kindness (oddly enough) or the fact that he caught himself in the act. either way.. even he notices that there's lots of other people parading for your love.. it's selfish of him to think so but no person can ever live up to you!
・ㅤsilverㅤㅤ— the ever softer gentleman that you had caught snoozing his life away in a grassy field. out of the goodness in your heart you gently shook him awake, knowing full well there's classes about to start at the moment and from the uniform he adores its clear he was a student like you. the first thing you thought of was, "stunning" and you had actually paused to register the rare, glistening colors in his irises. honestly it's not fair how much natural beauty this random man you just met had effortlessly..
you learn that silver is the whole package deal. where he is kind, he is also strong. he holds the type of persona that would fight the world for you, avenge you, and love you unconditionally. okay technically you're starting to get lost in your concerningly vast imagination including silver but you honesty can't stop daydreaming because he's like the epitome of a prince(ss) wait he could be anyone's type right now.
silver is kind, and frustratingly sweet. you think that maybe it's your love story blooming when he gingerly ties the stem of various flowers together and place it in your forehead. a craft he learned from when he was bored in his childhood. you feel like someone when he casts you the softest gaze you've ever seen in your life and it's breathtaking. since when did life move by so fast that you're comfortable napping amongst the vast green field together?
・ㅤmystery characterㅤㅤ— the one who witnesses, the one who knows the feelings of all these puny idiots towards you. the one who will remain a viewer to your story, and perhaps never make a debut for the main leading role, your love interest. if he can't get in your story, then he will drag you in his whether you like it or not. do you still remember him..? because he would have never forgotten your face since that day.
he refuses to let your story end with that silver haired buffoon who won't get half the luxuries you deserve.. this can't be.. you just can't have an ending where you're happy with someone that's not him...
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skzhua · 1 year
my treat ('my eyes' series)
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♡ "Just one bite."
pairing: lee felix x reader.
genre: fluff, fluff, fluff (did i mention fluff?).
word count: 7,698
warnings: swearing, might cause a heart attack of cuteness.
summary: brownie boy was a myth for you. since the first day you had stepped on the campus, everybody would be praising brownie boy. you could not believe that a grown man was kind enough to be giving out free food, good food. when brownie boy heard about your suspicions, he was more than willing to prove you wrong.
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Hyunjin tugged on your shirt once more and kept on pouting like a child. For being the big brother, he surely wasn't acting like one.
"I'm not helping you bring your luggage, gosh." you said for the nth time.
"Please, I can't make a fool of myself in front of Byeol, again." he tugged one more time. "Last year was a mess when I moved in, I wanted to die."
"I know, you told me this already." you rolled your eyes. "I've heard you're popular there, why are you being such a baby?"
"People think I'm good-looking, that's all. I swear I'm a loser."
You chuckled. "I didn't need you to confirm it."
He pouted. "Mean..."
"Hyune, I'm the one starting in a new college, so I should be the one stressing out." you pointed out. "Are you going to give me a tour later, or not?"
He pondered for a moment as he stared at his luggage. He knew he shouldn't be this dramatic but, between the two, you were definitely the sibling who succeeded in everything. Yes, he did worry about your arrival in his school, but he knew you would fit in just fine. You had decided to transfer school mid year since you didn't like the all-girls kind of vibe there was in your old one. The drama was intense, and because you were among the prettiest according to the other students, you were both praised and bullied. Having your brother around would definitely be of help, plus the fact it wouldn't be only girls going there.
"Sure, I suppose I can." he said nonchalantly. "Only if you help me bring my stuff today."
Being the good sister you were, you were driving Hyunjin to his apartment as your trunk was loaded with bags. You had already moved most of your things to your own place, and it didn't surprise you that Hyunjin was doing everything last minute. He struggled to bring all of his things with him and you mocked him as he dragged a bag behind him. Exhausted, he threw himself on his couch, exhaling a loud grunt.
"So? The tour?" you poked his cheek.
"Later." he mumbled into his pillow.
"Dude, school starts tomorrow and I want to be able to find my classroom, thank you." you pleaded.
"Ugh, fine." he groaned as he lazily got up from the couch.
You happily followed him as he opened his front door. You were suddenly stopped when Hyunjin didn't move, making you bump into his back. The impact made him stumble on his feet and he fell in the hallway. You were about to nag at him for being so clumsy, until you saw Byeol, his long-time crush. She laughed at the man and gave him a hand to help him get up, making your brother as red as blood.
"Be careful." she laughed.
"Yeah.. um... Thank you." Hyunjin coughed out while the girl went back into her own apartment.
As he kept his gaze on where she was standing seconds ago, you grew impatient with him and slapped the back of his head before walking towards the elevator. When the doors slid closed, you took the opportunity to slap his arm again, repeatedly.
"Ow! Y/N, the fuck!" he grunted in pain as he rubbed the spot you had hit.
"You're the dumbest person I know, for real." you rolled your eyes. "Why can't you speak to the girl normally?"
"I get nervous." he chuckled in shame, which earned him another hit. "What the hell?"
"Idiot." you muttered under your breath.
Hyunjin was surprisingly a decent tour guide. He showed you the common areas of the campus like the cafeteria and the library. You were intimidated by the size of the school, but Hyunjin reassured you that you would most likely stay in the same wing since they were all attributed certain departments. He ended the visit by showing you the dance studios. There, you met his friend, Minho, who was already practicing. You both sat on the couch in the corner of the room to watch him dance along the music. Not going to lie, you were more than amazed by his technicality and fluidity. You had thought about joining the dance club and Hyunjin had even told you he could get you a spot in no time. However, you deeply believed you should prove yourself instead of relying on your brother.
As Minho finished, he walked towards you, greeting Hyunjin before he sent you a sly smirk. "Hey there." he winked.
Your brother stood up right away and put his hand to stop Minho from approaching you any closer. "That's my sister, Min." he said sternly.
"Ah, Y/N?" he cocked his head on the side, still looking at you, as you nodded to confirm. "I heard you wanted to join the group. Auditions are next week if you are still interested."
"That'd be wonderful, of course I'll come." you squealed.
"Good, I'll post the information on our Instagram page, so you can go ahead and follow us."
You thanked him and he was quick to drop the talk and ask Hyunjin about his holidays. In the meantime, you took a look around the studio and were impressed at how clean and organized it was. You noticed on the table a tupperware full of brownies. While you did think it was odd, you didn't question Minho about it. The boys eventually ended their conversation and Hyunjin brought you to the courtyard.
"It's not much since we're still in winter, but it's very pretty in the summer." he said as he breathed in the fresh air. "I think I covered everything. Down for a snack?"
"Why not." you shrugged and followed him as he lead the way to the convenience store.
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Minho frowned as he counted the people in the studio, again. Someone was missing. He sighed loudly as he passed his hand through his hair.
"Has anyone seen Yongbok?"
You looked at the other dancers who were doing the same as you before telling Minho they haven't seen him. He sighed once more before deciding he'll start the auditions without his second dance captain, the other one being Hyunjin.
"Alright, I want to see how good you are at both dancing and freestyling. I'll put some music and we can gather into a circle." he explained. "One by one, you'll show us what you can do. You'll know by the end of the day if I selected you or not. Shall we start now?"
Just as he had previously instructed, you gathered in a circle and, one by one, you danced for a some time, enough for Minho to take some notes. His expression was blank so it was hard to determine if he was pleased with what he was seeing or disappointed. The whole thing didn't last more than 20 minutes, and you were quickly dismissed.
"We have some brownies from yesterday if you want to take one before leaving. I'll reach out to you by tonight if you are picked." Minho concluded.
You walked to Hyunjin who was happily clapping his hands as a some sort of congratulations. "You did good."
"Good? Come on, now. I was amazing." you confidently affirmed.
Just then, you felt a tap on your shoulder. When you turned around, one of the guys who were auditioning was shyly smiling at you.
"Hey, I'm Junsoo. I thought you were great just then, and I was wondering if you are free this afternoon. Sorry, I just think you're very pretty." the man said, looking at you with hope.
"Oh... I'm flattered, I really am, but I'm not looking for a relationship." you said with an apologetic smile.
"It can be casual." he prompted, and it only caused Hyunjin to let out a laugh.
You nudged him for mocking the poor guy, but it didn't stop him from interfering. "I don't think she's interested."
Junsoo stared at the both of you for a moment, and he then gasped as a realization hit him. "Oh my god! You're already with him, I'm so sorry." he bowed his head, panicked.
In a hurry, he joined back his friend to leave the room, taking one last shy glance at you before the door behind him closed.
"Uh, I never even had this option in mind to scare people off from you." your brother said as he squinted his eyes in thinking.
"Don't even... People are not dumb enough. They'll realize we are siblings within days." you grunted, and went to the table at the back where you had left your water bottle.
A few girls were already surrounding the table and they were giggling about something. One plopped a brownie in her mouth and was almost moaning at the taste. Her friends were no better as they were squealing.
"Um, sorry, I left my bottle here." you made your way through the group.
"You're Y/N, right? Hyunjin's sister." a girl asked, to which you nodded. "Can you introduce me to him?"
"Y/N, you should try these!" another said and you saw her holding a brownie to you.
"Sorry, I'm not very hungry." you waved your hand as a no.
The girls all gasped at your refusal. "Do you even know who made these?"
"No..." you trailed off, rather uncomfortable from their reaction.
"Brownie boy!" a girl said dreamily.
"Ah, well I'm sorry to this brownie boy, but I'm not in for a treat right now." you said and left to go back to the boys.
"You good?" Hyunjin questioned, noticing you were a bit off.
"Yeah, those girls are... weird. Let's just go." you pushed him out of the studio.
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Unlike what you had thought, those girls were not so different from the other students. As the weeks passed, things were being said more and more, spreading throughout the campus like a virus. Seemingly, brownie boy was this psychology major who liked to bake pastries for the other students. Apparently, his desserts were far better than the ones you could get at the cafeteria. And the best out of this was that they were free. First arrived, first served.
It sounded wrong to you. First of all, what kind of student had the time to bake while studying? You were barely managing your studies and the dance club. Second of all, you did not believe one bit they were that good, mostly because the majority of his clients were girls who claimed he was the prettiest man they have ever seen. And third of all, there was no way he was doing this without making any profits out of it.
"Alright." Minho clapped his hands. "I see Yongbok still has not shown up since the beginning of the semester. Anyone knows where he's at?" he said, frustration heard in his tone. Seeing that nobody was answering, he sighed loudly. "I'll really have to talk to him... Anyway, today we won't do much since I have plans, I can't be here for the entire hour. I just want to revise some moves we learnt last week."
Practice went on as usual, with Hyunjin sweating like crazy making girls fawn at how attractive he looked (though you did not understand how they even thought he was hot while being damped) and Minho was the usual strict instructor. When you were done, he summarized what you would do for the next practice and he dismissed you all. Once again, there was a tupperware on the table, full of cookies this time. You had never seen the guy drop off his food that you were starting to think he didn't exist.
"I'm going to Chan's tonight, you two coming?" Minho asked as he came to you and Hyunjin.
"I need to finish this painting for class, sorry." Hyunjin answered.
"Yeah, and I don't know Chan so well, I'll have to pass." you replied in your turn.
As the three of you walked out of the room, you went your separate ways since you still had one evening class before you could go home. Arriving at your locker, you noticed a man there, struggling to open your lock. He cursed a few words as he was starting to get impatient.
"Excuse me?" you tapped his shoulder and he jumped a little, not having noticed you were there. "This is my locker."
He looked at the number and gasped, feeling guilty. "Gosh, I'm so sorry! Mine is actually next to yours." he explained as he moved to his own locker. Meanwhile, you were taken aback by how deep his voice was and by how it did not match his freckled face at all.
"It's okay." you smiled as you both went to open your own.
While you put your dance bag away and took your books, you glanced at the interior of his locker. He didn't have much, but one thing caught your attention. A certain recognizable tupperware filled with even more recognizable cookies.
"Are you a fan of brownie boy or something?" you joked while packing your bag.
He chuckled. "Actually, I'm the one you would call brownie boy..." he embarrassingly admitted.
You stopped your action and slowly turned to look at him. You blinked a few before you laughed. "No way."
"I swear I am!" he pouted. "Do you want one?" he offered as he went to open the tupperware.
"No thanks, I'm fine." you continued to laugh. "Sorry, I just can't wrap my head around you baking to give it all away to people."
"I just like making people smile." he shrugged.
"I see..." you mumbled. "Why brownies?"
"Why not!" he smiled widely, his eyes almost closing. "I don't know, they're tasty and soft. It's comforting food."
"I guess so..."
He opened his phone to check the time, and then closed his locker. "I have to go now. Tell me whenever you want to taste my food, I'll gladly make a batch just for you." he winked, and then left.
Watching him walk away, you huffed as you were still taken aback from your interaction. Surely, he was a pretty boy, but was he as good as he claimed? You remained unconvinced.
The sound of your phone interrupted your thoughts, and you looked at your notifications quickly.
Hyunjin: I'm stuck outside my place... again.
Y/N: Can you stop stealing my keys?!
Y/N: I'll skip class to save your ass, I'll be there in 15 minutes.
Hyunjin: You're the best!
Y/N: I know, you're lucky to have me.
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The next day, you met Felix again, in the hallway this time. Although you two were locker neighbours, you had never interacted before which Felix found unfortunate. Unlike you, he had seen you around before. How could he have not noticed you when you were the talk of the school? Hyunjin's sister, even prettier than the good-looking art major. He would never tell this to his friend, but he did think you were the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on. He never dared to talk to you, but that didn't stop him from talking about you. Being friends with Byeol, he had repeatedly heard about you from her. She had met you a few times because of your brother, so he took the opportunity to ask what kind of person you were. She mostly told him you would constantly nag at Hyunjin which he thought was hilarious.
So when he saw you again, he didn't lose the opportunity to talk with you. He wasn't intrigued much because you were that pretty girl anymore, no. He was intrigued by how unimpressed you seemed to be about his cooking skills. While he had amazed everyone, you were the first to refuse his snack when he offered.
"Y/N!" he exclaimed the moment he spotted you.
As for you, you frowned when you saw he was the one calling you. Did you tell him your name unknowingly the previous day? You couldn't recall doing so, nor did you know his name.
"Hey, brownie boy." you nodded your head at him as he caught up to you to walk with you. "How do you know my name?"
"Ah, sorry. I'm Hyunjin's friend, actually. My name is Felix." he held out his hand and you shook it.
"I don't remember him mentioning you."
"I haven't hung out with him much these days, that must be why. Anyway, where are you going?"
His friendly attitude was quite strange to you. Never in your life had you met someone so happy and sweet. You were weirded out, but in a good way.
"I wanted to stop by at the dance studio to check the schedule. Do you want to go with me?"
He happily nodded, his hair bouncing with the movement. It was cute, if you were being honest. "I have to drop cupcakes, anyway."
You stared at him in shock. "You made cupcakes?"
"Yeah, yesterday."
"How the fuck do you make so much food?" you said, baffled.
"I like it." he simply answered before linking his arm with yours, which only made you even more shocked. "Let's go."
Felix was leading the way since you could not focus properly. Your eyes were set on your arms, entangled together as if you had known each other for years. Or worse, as if you were a couple. You didn't mind necessarily, minus the fact your heart was pounding in nervousness. Felix didn't seem bothered, and he kept rambling about some random things. He complained about his teachers and his friend who had started the whole brownie boy story which explained how he became somehow famous. He also took the time to ask you about yourself, though your answers were brief since your focus was on something else. The walk to the studio had seemed longer than it actually was, but you had finally reached it. You went in and spotted Minho immediately. You walked to him while Felix took the box full of cakes out of his bag.
"Hey, Min. Do you have the schedule for next week?" you asked the man as he was scrolling through his music on his phone.
"Next week is my week off, so no practice."
You had forgotten the school had been paying Minho to instruct the club. Not that he wouldn't do it without the money, but it did motivate him to run the entire club and do his studies simultaneously. He took his eyes off his screen and then spotted your new friend. His gaze immediately turned hard and he put his phone away to go to Felix. Confused, you called out for Minho, but he ignored you, still heading straight to the young boy.
"Yah! Lee Yongbok!" he grunted furiously.
Yongbok. So this was the dance captain who kept on skipping practice...
"Hey..." Felix waved, clearly nervous.
"It's not by leaving us food that you'll get away from this conversation so easily. Where the hell have you been? Hyunjin and I can't do everything alone, we actually need you." Minho nagged.
"I know, I know! I swear I don't mean to skip practice, but there is always something coming up. Seungmin has been asking me to replace him for his shifts at the café and you know I can't say no..."
The older man shut his eyes, and you could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears. "I really don't want to kick you out, and I should have already, but if you keep missing-"
"I won't!" he cut him off. "I promise."
Still not convinced, Minho glared at Felix one last time, and went back to the speaker to pick a song to dance to. You had watched the scene in silence and you coughed in awkwardness.
"You have two names?"
Felix grunted, discouraged. "Yeah, don't question it much."
With that, he left the room and for some reason, you followed him. "Where are you going?"
"My day is done, I'm going to bake something and watch something." It wasn't intended, but you scoffed, loudly. "What is it?"
Searching for your words, you didn't know how to tell him you found this whole baking thing ridiculous without hurting him. "I don't know why you do this." was the best you came up with.
"I told you yesterday, I like making people happy. What's wrong with that?" he started to get defensive.
"No, don't get me wrong. I'm not judging, but you realize you're like wasting time with this? And you get nothing out of this but happiness? I just don't get it." you said in all honesty.
He stopped walking and turned to you, a frown on his face. "Have you even tried my brownies?" You shook your head. "I'm 100% sure you'll change your mind and be glad I do this once you taste them."
"Felix, I'm very picky with what I eat, especially when it comes to desserts. I doubt they are that wonderful, no offense."
He grinned. "None taken because I'll make you eat some one day whether you like it or not."
"So never? Good." you snickered, but Felix answered back by grabbing your hand and dragging you somewhere. "Felix, the fuck?"
"Do you have school still?"
"No, my day's over, why?"
"You're coming to my place and you're going to eat those brownies. And you will love them." he smiled confidently.
He ignored your incoherent protests and still had a firm grip on your hand. Giving up on trying to change his mind, you looked at your hands intertwined together and noticed how small his were. What was not cute about this man? After walking for a while, you arrived at his dorm. He hurried you inside and you were welcomed by a plate full of the cupcakes, the same he had brought to school that day. You assumed it was his leftovers. They looked delicious, yes, but you were not going to assume just by the look of them.
"Serve yourself." he prompted, but you didn't budge.
He waited for you to move and yet, you were still standing at his entrance. He ended up picking up the plate and bringing it to you. He held it up to you and, with a smile, you refused to eat one. To this, he pouted. He seemed like a pouty person and it was adorable.
"Please..." he pleaded. "Just one bite."
He took one cupcake and offered it to you. At that point, you just couldn't say no. Hesitantly, you took it from him and slowly bit on the food. As you chewed, you were met with an explosion of flavours. While they were intense, they were surprisingly insanely good. Needless to say, you were beyond impressed.
"They're fine, I guess." you lied and his smile dropped.
"Fine? They're fine?"
You felt bad and wanted to tell him the truth, but thinking again, you had an idea. You could not give him the satisfaction of being right. Plus, if this means he'll try to make you like his baked goods by making more, you weren't going to complain. Food is food, after all.
"Yeah, they are fine. I still doubt you made them yourself, though."
In doubt, Felix took one himself to eat and stared at nothing as he munched, proceeding the taste. They were excellent as usual, why weren't you happy with them?
"Do you have a preference for something else? Cupcakes might not be your favourite."
"It's not that, I just don't see how they're so special."
Felix paused a moment. He wasn't sure if you were messing with him, but if you were, you were good because it worked. He wouldn't force anyone to like his food, but you were different for some reason. He just knew he had to prove himself. Why? He wasn't sure why he needed your approval, but he was determined to get it.
"I'll make another type of pastries and you'll let me know if they're good?" he suggested.
"Sure." you acquiesced.
He invited you to sit at the counter and he started to pull out the ingredients. You observed him as he laid out the bowls in front of him, and it was quite attractive how he frowned in concentration and rolled up his sleeves. His forearms were surprisingly veiny, and his muscles flexing as he moved his things around were also something you noticed. Realizing you were literally checking him out, you quickly spoke to snap yourself out of it.
"When did you start baking?"
"Hmm." he thought for a moment. "A few years ago. I don't know why, but I find it satisfying. I don't think about anything else, and the fact I get rewarded with food in the end is a plus."
"Fun." You looked around the place in the meantime. There wasn't much, but it was cozy. "Do you have this place alone?"
He shook his head. "No, there's my roommate Seungmin. He's more often at the coffee shop where we work than at home, though recently he asks me to replace him a lot. I think he's escaping a girl or something."
You laughed, imagining a grown man scared of a girl. "People tend to escape what they like. Maybe that's just the beginning of somethig nice."
He huffed as he placed the flour back in the cabinet. "I doubt it. Seungmin is not so fond of relationships."
"Are you?"
To that, he sent you a knowing smirk. "You curious?"
"I'm just making the conversation." you held your hands up in defense.
"Sure you are." he still grinned.
He focused back on his recipe after you connected your phone to his speaker to play some music. You offered yourself to help but he refused, saying it would ruin the cookies. You found it odd how easy going it was with him despite having met him the day prior. He brought such a warmth and it wasn't difficult to take a liking to him. Most importantly, you were quite mad at Hyunjin for never introducing you to the sweet man.
"How did you meet Hyunjin?" you asked while he put away the tray in the oven.
"Dance club. I thought he was mean at first, but turns out he's only a tall good-looking dumbass." he chuckled.
"That, he is." you laughed with him. "But you're the same year as him?"
"Second year." he corrected. "Same as Seungmin and our friend, Jisung."
"I know him! He lives in the same building as Hyunjin."
Your conversation was cut when the front door opened and, presumably, Seungmin walked in. He looked at you suspiciously, but then smelled the cookies.
"Again?" he said to Felix.
"It's your favourites, don't complain." he rolled his eyes at him.
"What is Hwang Y/N doing in our dorm?" Seungmin asked as if you were not in the room.
"She's here so I can prove to her how good of a baker I am." he said proudly.
"She would love to see us bake together then." he chuckled, but Felix glared at him. "Fine, I'll be in my room."
He left the two of you alone, and you continued to chat with Felix. You didn't see the time pass until the oven's timer rang, indicating that the cookies were ready. Felix got them out and displayed them beautifully on a plate. Then, he opened a drawer full of tupperware boxes and filled three of them. For the last one, he brought it in front of you.
"You can bring them home."
"That's very kind, but I don't think I'll eat the whole box." It was a lie, you knew in advance you would devour it completely by the end of the day.
Putting the box in your hands, he came incredibly close to you. He wasn't a tall guy, but tall enough so he was hovering you. You felt small, but it was somehow comforting. You didn't dare to move, afraid to ruin the moment. You studied his freckles, his soft eyes and the pink of his lips. There was no denying he was good-looking, a hundred times more than your brother you would say.
"Can I have your number? I'd like to do this again with you." he said softly.
He gave you his phone and you entered your phone number. "I should go home, it's late." you said sadly as you gave him back his device.
"Yeah, it might be a good idea." he rubbed the back of his neck. "Tell me about the cookies, yeah?"
"Will do, brownie boy."
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The day after, Hyunjin had texted you to tell you that Felix asked him for help to get you to like his pastries. You were touched at how he had to reach out to your brother only to please you. However, he didn't have to do anything since you already thought he was talented. But you lied again, and said they weren't so good. So the week after, he invited you over again to make some cinnamon rolls. This time, though, you had finally admitted how good of a baker he was.
However, it wouldn't be the last time you went over at Felix's to watch him cook, until you actually started to bake with him. The last time you went, he had explained to you each step to make brownies. You had listened attentively and tried your best to be as precise as possible. You could say this moment had pretty much confirmed how close you had become. You had played with flour, which made a mess in the apartment, and you stayed at his place until very late that night, cuddled up to him as you took a little nap. You had learnt quickly he liked physical contact as his way to show he cares for someone, but since he was also chasing Minho around for hugs during practice, you didn't see it as more than friendship. Plus, you were as much of a hugger as he was.
One day, you were in the courtyard reading your book for your class when Byeol came up to you. Removing your earphones, you invited her to sit with you.
"I heard about my brother offering you to live with him." you said with a knowing look, and the girl blushed.
"Yeah, I'm moving in tomorrow, actually. Hyunjin told me he'll skip class to help me out." she let out a laugh.
"I have the afternoon off if you'd like me to stop by." you suggested, though you were pretty sure she would want to be alone with your brother.
"No, it's okay. I have Felix helping me too, so I think I'll be fine. Thank you, though."
One more thing you had learnt about Byeol was that Felix shared everything with her since she didn't talk to many people and he couldn't keep his mouth shut about his own secrets. It was as if she was his personal diary. Since learning this, you became a bit closer with her, in hopes she would know if the guy was as interested in you as you were in him.
"Felix? Can I come, then?"
"Please, Byeol. I only see him when baking and dancing, it'd be good to do something else with him."
She eventually agreed and that's how you found yourself in her now-old room with Felix, trying to move her bed out to Hyunjin's place. Though Felix did have a certain amount of muscles, his strength did not correspond to it. To your surprise, you were the one who was able to push the bed further. Giggling as you both mocked him for his lack of endurance, Byeol had nagged you for not actually helping her. In the end, you managed to move the bed and she told you two off, saying she had the rest under control.
"I wanted to try out this doughnut recipe if you wanted to assist me on the task." he said as you walked out of the apartment building.
While you adored cooking with him, the past three weeks had solemnly been this. You were not joking when you said to Byeol you wanted to do something else with him. For once, you felt strong enough to resist his puppy eyes.
"Not this time. Sorry, Lix."
His face dropped when the words left your mouth. While you were comfortable with how the friendship was blooming, Felix was overstressing about it. He wanted to spend as much time with you as possible because you were so easy to be with. He felt the happiest with you, and that's a lot considering he's constantly a ball of sunshine.
"Oh." he murmured, disappointed.
It broke your heart seeing him sad, so you were quick to suggest him an idea. "I do have this new Mario game I bought for my Switch, though. I know you mentioned you like gaming, so if you want to try it out with me."
Grinning from ear to ear, he cheerfully said yes and you were on your way to your dorm. At that point, your hangouts were always at his place, meaning he had never stepped foot in your dorm. You hoped internally that you had cleaned up. When you opened the door, you were happy to see that your dirty dishes and clothes were no longer laying around. Hearing a growl, you searched in the living room for the source of the noise. You soon spotted the black and white ball of floof.
"Kkami!" you ran to the dog and petted him as he tried to run away from you. You eventually managed to pick him up and cuddle him.
"I didn't know you have a dog." he said, joining you to tickle Kkami.
"He's Hyunjin's. He's at my parents' usually, but they went on a trip and Hyunjin can't keep him or he'll make a mess out of his art." you explained, letting him go since he clearly didn't want to be in your arms. "He's not very social, but I know he loves us."
"He's like you! You're mean to me, but I know in reality, you just love me."
While you blushed, you hid it by turning your face away from him and scoffing. "Keep dreaming, Yongbok."
"I told you not to call me that." he complained, but you acted as if you didn't hear.
You opened your Switch, started the game and went to sit next to your friend, giving him a remote. It started well as you were leading on the chart board, until Felix stopped going soft on you and was beating your ass. Again and again, he was winning, and you were growing frustrated. Game rage was never something you liked experiencing, even less in front of the boy you liked. Eventually, you gave up on trying to win, and grew tired as time passed.
Yawning after another round ended, you stood up to turn off the console, and then plopped right back on the couch. Felix scooted closer to hold you in his arms, and you snuggled comfortably into his warmth.
"You okay, Y/N?" he asked softly.
"Mhmm, tired." you mumbled before closing your eyes.
"Can a sweet treat comfort you?" he whispered.
You smiled weakly. "Depends which one."
"Can it be a surprise?"
"Lix…" you whined quietly. "I don't like surprises."
"Just one bite."
Too tired to bicker back, you nodded before you felt him move a bit, probably getting whatever snack he had packed with him. Seconds passed before you felt something on your lips. It was sweet, indeed, but it was definitely not something edible. It was soft and tender, and you recognized Felix's lips despite never having kissed the man. After the shock dissolve, you kissed him back slowly, scooting closer to feel his embrace as much as you could. As it got more heated, his mouth had opened slightly, allowing you to carefully bite his bottom lip. Startled, he back away from you and stared at you in shock.
"What was that?" he shyly spoke, blushing.
"You said one bite." you shrugged your shoulders, and he laughed.
"I should have asked, I'm sorry."
"Hey, I kissed you back. Don't worry about it." you smiled kindly.
"So… um… I kind of like you?" he confessed, though it came out more like a question.
"That's very convincing, yeah." you teased making him pout at you.
"You're mean."
"Sorry, sorry. I like you too." you confessed back.
Not knowing how to answer, Felix could only grin like a child as he grabbed your hand in his, rubbing it softly with thumb. He brought you closer to cuddle, and since you were still very tired, you eventually fell asleep in a matter of seconds. Felix, on the other hand, observe you as you snored quietly, not quite grasping what had just happened.
The next day, you woke up surprisingly late. You noticed the moment you opened your eyes that you were no longer on your couch, but in your bed. Suddenly, you heard a loud thud coming from your kitchen, along with a deep voice cursing. You got up in a hurry and ran to the kitchen to see what was happening. There was Felix, lost in front of your counter as he searched for ingredients. You soon noticed a mixing bowl on the ground, thus the noise from earlier.
"Are you trying to ravage my kitchen or something?" you exclaimed, not sure on how to react to the poor state of your kitchen.
"Good morning to you too." he smiled awkwardly only for you to send him a glare. "I just wanted to make you some pancakes for breakfast, but I never came here before so I have no idea where you stuff is, and I got a bit clumsy so I made a mess… I'm sorry."
You sighed loudly before you picked up the bowl from the ground and went to the counter to reorganize it better. "There you go… You could have woken me up, you know?"
"You look pretty when you sleep." he giggled, and damn, your heart melted.
"I snore."
"And it's adorable." he affirmed. "Now that you're awake, do you want to make those with me?"
"Gladly." you smiled and the two started to mix the ingredients.
Felix was being nothing but a gentleman. He didn't let you do the dishes and hurried to prepare the table. He decorated the pancakes with butter and whipped cream, as well as some fruits. You were still fighting to help him, but he didn't let you as he only allowed you to sit at the table and look beautiful (His words, not mine). After a while, he finally finished everything and brought the plates to the table.
"This looks yummy!" you complimented, clapping your hands in excitement.
"Serve yourself."
You wasted no time to dig in and eat the pancake whole under a minute. You had not even realized how hungry you were until you were already done eating. Felix still had half of his, so he cut a piece he aimed at your mouth as he brought the fork closer.
"That's cheesy."
"Shut up and eat." he rolled his eyes, and you gladly obliged.
"Thank you, Lix. This is so good." you hummed contently.
"My pleasure." he chuckled, but stopped and frowned instead.
He did the same move, only this time, he stopped moving the fork forward and brought it back to his own mouth. You pouted, disappointed, and he could only laugh at you.
"Wait, you have something on your lip."
He leaned closer and reached out to wipe off whatever you had. You thought he was done, but he kept his palm on the side of your face. You eyed him in confusion, and he answered with a smile. Without you noticing, he was getting dangerously closer, making your heart pound. It pounded so loud, you were afraid he was going to hear it. The instant he was close enough to almost be kissing you, he leaned backwards into his seat and laughed cutely.
"You are so evil." you huffed in disbelief.
"What can I say? You like bad boys." he joked.
You could only huff at him once more. "I'm this close to kicking you out of here."
"You wouldn't"
"I totally would."
"Felix!" you whined, frustrated.
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The next month or so was not so different from how things were before. Well, other than some kisses here and there, but you and Felix still acted like friends at school. You had never talked about labels, nor did you speak about your feelings. In other words, the situation was confusing. While he acted like you were one of the bros in public, he was the most touchy person when you would hang out alone. Even then, his behaviour apart from physical contact wasn't that different.
The last day of the semester eventually came. As per usual, a group of guys was staring at you the moment you stepped outside of the classroom, having finished your final exam. You saw a guy, Yooheon you believed, acting more nervous than usual. You didn't think much of it, until he walked up to you.
"Hey, Y/N. I'm actually in your class and, um, I just wanted to ask you something." he spoke anxiously.
"Yeah, I know who you are." you chuckled. "What can I help you with?"
"Do you want to go on a date with me? I believe you are single, so I'm simply taking my chance."
Technically speaking, you were single. With Felix, however, things were blurry. He had never told you how he saw you. Were you his girlfriend or his friend he would occasionally kiss?
"She's with me." you heard a familiar voice coming from behind.
Yooheon bowed apologetically and you gave him a sad smile before he went back to his friends who were teasing him. You turned on your heels and walked away from the scene, a frantic Felix catching up to you.
"Hey, what is it? I saved your ass." he breathed out.
"I didn't need to be saved. I can reject someone alone, you know?"
"Right, but I know he was probably going to insist and then you would have been stuck. With me there, he knows you're taken already." he justified as it made perfect sense in his mind.
"Lix, I'm not taken." you rolled your eyes.
He stopped walking and his eyes squinted, lost. "What are you saying?"
You turned around to face him, and exhaled loudly. "You never explicitly told me we were dating. I mean, on that point, I get it. I've been busy, you've been busy. I can understand we didn't have the mindset to figure that out. However, you only ever kiss me if we are at your place or mine. At school, it's almost as if you see me the same as you see my brother or Minho, or even Seungmin. It's like you're ashamed or something..." you trailed off, uncertain if you worded correctly what had been in your mind.
Felix slowly turned red, and he coughed to buy some time to think, and he then spoke in his turn. "I thought you were not comfortable with PDA or something. I don't know, I just figured it was a "at home" thing? Plus, consider the fact dozens of men are looking at you every day because, might I remind you, you are quite literally the most beautiful girl on campus. And, like, jacked men look at you all day, which can be intimidating. Meanwhile, you chose the guy who bakes cookies and brownies, and who likes Mario Kart." he explained the best he could, without wanting to sound too weird.
You let out a small laugh as a response. "You feel intimidated by other guys?"
He looked around, and nodded slowly in shyness. "Shush, it really is intimidating." You only laughed more, but it kind of reassured Felix in a way. "As for the labels, I just assumed it was obvious you are my girlfriend."
"It wasn't."
"Okay then." he took a deep breath and stepped closer to you, taking your hands. "Hwang Y/N, will you have the pleasure of becoming my girlfriend?"
You smiled at how precious he was being. "Gladly."
With that, he brought you closer to kiss you, other students around watching you as some of them gasped in surprise.
"Ah!" he exclaimed as he pulled away from you. "For Chan's party tonight, you're already stunning but I want you to dress to feel good about yourself."
You couldn't believe how sweet he was being. You had went back to your respective dorms to get ready, and later met up in front of Chan's building to go inside together. Felix had Seungmin and his girlfriend, Dahye, tagging along with you. You were among the first people to get there and installed yourselves comfortably. Felix went to get you some drinks and it didn't get missed by his friends how he called you baby before leaving.
As the evening went on, you were starting to wonder when Hyunjin was going to show up. You had pestered him into coming to the party to socialize for once instead of staying at home. The questioning in your mind was soon answered when you finally spotted Byeol. You got up to hug her tightly, and then doing the same with your brother.
"I could've sworn you wouldn't come and stay at your place to watch cheesy ass movies together." you joked.
Byeol sent you a shy smile and then said "That was the plan."
You smiled at her. "I'm glad you came."
You went back to Felix and he grabbed you by the waist to bring you into his embrace, nuzzling his face into your hair. You chuckled at his behaviour, since he was clearly starting to feel the effects of alcohol.
"Are you okay?" you asked as you rubbed his arm in a soothing way.
"Yeah." he said, voice hoarse. "I just love to have you in my arms."
"I love it too. A lot." you murmured to him, and he pecked your cheek lovingly.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @fairywriter-oracle | @xhazmania | @taetertotsv
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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dez-wade · 7 months
IDK man I think the real reason no one likes Blue team or rather no one ever celebrates their wins is cause almost all their wins they got threw exploiting some kind bug or just unfairly killing people. People can say all they want that Tubbo got their kill fair and square but we all know they wernt winning without that kill and I highly doubt they would have gotten said kill without that lag. It dosnt matter who wins or loses in the end its just a game but I think its fair to point out that whenever Blue wins there always some discrepancy that makes them win. Red has also done this once but their other wins they got not out of lags and bugs (the 2nd day was threw exploiting a game feature tho), Green just got beat into the ground cause they always tried to play fair (and again Blue used their crap ping against them for a diffrent win a diffrent day that also felt like a shit win) I switch between all POVs so its not like im biest for Red I just think Blue has gotten nothing but unfair wins and thats why no one likes them. I do get that their like "unlucky" but I dont know man I dont think I want to watch a bunch of people cheese an event just cause they wanna win so bad. Seems like cheating a win and that dosnt feel satisfying :/ like if they had gotten that win without killing a lagged out player id feel better about it.
Sorry but when Red stole the Green's NPC and killed El Quackity all by himself multiple times getting their first win, everyone was celebrating and saying they were allowed to do any dirty tactic because they deserved. Blue never got this treatment.
Their win yesterday was fair, but people started making up shit like metagaming and rule breaking to make it as if they only could win through cheating. And every single accusation was a lie, which just shows it's all about people being sore losers not about caring what's fair.
As Aypierre said "We win as a fraud, or die villains".
Also, it shows you clearly didn't see any stream post-event. Tubbo, Etoiles, Roier, and Cellbit went to a PvP practice server and kept dueling each other all night. Tubbo won a lot of fights against Roier. He won a lot of duels against Etoiles too. And that's where they have their equipment evenly matched. Roier's helmet was broken in his fight against Tubbo. Tubbo had a very big chance to with regardless if he had lag.
And why are you blaming Blue for the fact that Red logged in even though they didn't need to? All they needed was a kill and Red could have just left them, there was nothing that they could do. Roier was the one that decided to take the risk with his bad connection and fight. Why are you blaming Tubbo for Roier having lag?
Don't you feel not even a little ashamed?
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buckyarchives · 2 years
the trials and tribulations of getting Bucky Barnes a second date.
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summary: Bucky hasn’t kissed someone since the 40s and he needs a little… practice.
words: 2.1k
tags/warnings: tooth rotting fluff, gender neutral reader, bucky being old and reader being horny
a/n: small drabble i posted on ao3 awhile ago. i need to post more on tumblr so here’s this.
read on AO3
Boredom was going to eat you alive.
Bucky Barnes had fallen into a depression since his last date, it had probably been the tenth one this month because you and Sam were oh so determined to get James Buchanan Barnes back out into the dating scene. And the dating apps were definitely not working. So he opted out. Bucky came through the door of your shared empty apartment and declared he was destined to be alone and threw himself on the couch– and it seems he hasn't gotten back up since then.
“So like, Steve is an asshole.”
You hummed, eyes glued to the television screen. “Wait until you figure out that's not even his real name.”
Having been there on the whole failed-date-depression thing, you joined Bucky on the couch and decided to help him catch up with the 20th century. So you introduce him to netflix and your favorite series– shameless. It was trashy and loud and nothing like Bucky had ever seen. He described it as a train wreck that he couldn’t keep his eyes off. You agreed. He likes it.
Anyways, that was about 2 or 3 days ago, give or take. Sam had been texting and calling you both, in his words, to get off your lazy heartbroken asses before he had to come over and rip the television off the wall. Sam also texts you in big capital letters.
You scoff at the message and grab another piece of pizza from the coffee table. You glance at Bucky on the other side of the coach, lying parallel to you. His 5 o'clock shadow had grown darker, as well as the bags under his eyes. Bucky is wearing one of his many stupid red henley shirts and some sweatpants, your eyes travel down his body, and his foot is nudged between your side and the couch. You poke it. He flinches, Bucky’s a little ticklish. But don't tell anyone that.
“Alright, Buck.” You snatch the remote and pause the show. “What's your problem?” He looks offended, like he wasn't expecting this conversation at some point.
“I don't know what you’re talking about.” he sends a glare to you, the reflection from the tv makes his eyes glossy and bright. He looks pretty good, for being couch-ridden depressed. “You know what im talking about '' you snark back. Bucky turns, his face lands flat into a pillow. A muffled and pained-groan escaped his lips. Swiftly, you reach across the man's body and grab the pillow.
“Gimme that!” bucky reaches, but you’re quick.
“Not until we fix your… dating problem.”
Bucky rolls his eyes. “Jesus. You make it seem like I'm some loser.” he sits up, scooting to the edge of the couch. You tilt your head and give a teased look. He notices.
“I know, I know…'' Bucky trails off, eyebrows furrowed close as he dramatically falls back onto the couch. Pick a spot man. Bucky sighs and continues. “I just keep overthinking everything, like Steve always told me about how I used to be, y’know? That charming, romantic boy from brooklyn that swooned girls everywhere he went.”
You punch his shoulder softly, to lighten the mood? You were so not going to let Bucky go all doctor raynor therapy sessions on you, especially over your pizza. “Dude, don't brag.”
“Seriously,” bucky says your name, seriously. “I've come to face the fact, that boy is gone. But, i just overthink, and it gets awkward and then they start nagging me about me and my past–”
“Nope!” you interject. “That is not nagging, buck. That's called getting to know your date.”
“And, we had the talk about if you were going to try dating that mean having to tell people about your past.” you speak, matter-of-factly, your finger pokes his chest.
“Whatever. I just tense up and get nervous, it's hard talking to people. It’s not like you or sam!” he waves his hands around, motioning to you. Your mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out. You close your mouth. “Its just so stupid, dating is so different now. When did getting flowers become... weird?”
bucky looks confused, you could have sworn that sam and sharon gave him the run down on dating in the wonderful year of 2022. Guess not. “It's not weird, the standards have just gotten lower for men and dating.”
“More of a reason for me to be good at dating!”
“Oh poor you, old man!”
You throw his pillow back at him, Bucky grabs it before it hits his face. Almost, you thought. The room goes silent again, you lean back against the couch next to bucky. Your head turns to look at him, his eyes are shut. You take notice of his features, not your first time though. Your mind darts back to when he first came to the tower, when he was still recovering (i guess bucky still is recovering now) and barely spoke a word. But, you were, well– still are, a horrible insomniac and he had his night terrors that left him screaming awake. And Steve knew when he was awake and Bucky cared too much to keep Steve awake at night.
So, call it fate or call it a weird coincidence, you two found yourself in the commons room on late nights, which turned into sharing a bed. Two friends, sharing a bed to comfort each other. Totally platonic! And if the shoes fits. Bucky never had nightmares when he slept in your bed, maybe it was your brand of sheets? That was years ago and he still hasn’t told you that, maybe that was one of the reasons he agreed to buy an apartment with you.
Those nights, when you slept close to him (platonically!) you also, slept better and fell asleep much faster than normally. Which was a plus, but god– you could stare at him for hours. You wished to trance your finger along his jaw, or the curve of his nose, or maybe even just feel this skin on his cheek. You never indulged, you were scared you’d wake bucky and have to stop staring, is that creepy? Maybe, but he looked like he was sculpted by the gods so you’re sure they'd be very flattered knowing you were admiring their work. You’ve been doing that for years now and have yet to tell him about his beauty.
A quiet, breathy nose-laugh comes from bucky. You’re snapped from your thoughts and you see his eyes are open now. He didn't see you staring, did he?
“What?” you’re still looking at him. Bucky shakes his head, waving off your question.
You grab at his hand, the cold metal meeting your warm flesh, a comforting feeling. He doesn't flinch like he used to. You smile to yourself. “No! You can't do that and not tell me!”
“I can't say, really. It's kinda embarrassing.”
'`Oh?” you give him that look, that look that says ‘tell me or i'll cry.’ or maybe it's ‘tell me or i'll hurt you.’ whatever, it works.
“Don't give me that look, doll.” the nickname lulls off his tongue. You smile again. “Fine, okay. It's just… this last date. She– uh, she tried to kiss me and she was so close and i got nervous and tensed up, i panicked, really. Because i dont think ive actually kissed anyone since, well, the 40s.”
Your mouth gapes open. You don't mean to, really, but damn. No wonder he can't get a second date, the old man is practically a 13 year old boy when it comes to girls. Bucky glances over to you and sees your face. He screws his eyes shut in embarrassment and goes back to head in pillow mode. Maybe you'll tease him a bit more. “Buck, your virginity has practically grown back by now.”
“Oh, will you stop with that.” he playful smacks your leg. You laugh to yourself. And bucky swears he felt just a little bit lighter. Just a smidge.
Bucky sits back up again. Seriously pick a position to lay! He looks at you. Shifts his weight, shifting closer to you. He lays his head on your shoulder. You loved it when he did that.
“I'm never going to get laid.” he jokes, is he joking? You both laugh.
“You are shit out of luck, bucky.”
Suddenly, you had an idea. One that would go terribly wrong or terribly right. Maybe even wonderfully right.
You gulped. “Hey, bucky?”
He hums. bucky turned to look at you and you almost, just almost backed out on this very stupid and slightly self-indulgent idea. “I have an idea, to help you… get out of your shell. You can say no and hate it or me, and walk away and be mad at me for even suggesting this but…” you trailed off, slightly fiddling with your hands. Bucky's eyes brows furrowed slightly as he gave you a confused look.
“You can kiss… me. If you want, just to get you out of your shell, you know? And to make you more comfortable with the whole motion… of kissing.. Someone, anyone.” you keep talking, rambling. God, you need to stop talking. Finding the right words seemed so impossible. This idea sounded much better in your head, you fiddle with your fingers more.
He doesn't respond. Fiddle with fingers more. You screw your eyes shut and expect him to get up off the couch, finally, and be depressed in his room.
Bucky thinks for a moment, sucks in his lip. “Sure.”
Your eyes shoot open. ”what?”
Fuck, fuck, fuck–
“Only if you're comfortable with it, sure.” Bucky said. It was your turn to panic now, had you really thought this through? Did you really want to do this? Spoiler, yes you did. But you really didn’t think he’d actually agree to this, you assumed he’d say no and you two would, hopefully, just laugh it off and continue watching shameless.
“Doll? You okay in there?’ he smiled at you like this idea wasn’t crazy.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry. Just thinking..” you stopped yourself from speaking out your thoughts. You faced him. “You really wanna do this?”
Bucky just nodded and moved to face you. His eyes landed on you and just like that, a flip switched and you couldn't stop the word vomit.
“Seriously, I don't want to force you to do this or make you uncomfortable, also I really don’t want this to change anything between us, you know? Because i really like being your friend and if this jeopardized it that would be really bad-”
“Just shut up and let me kiss you.”
Then, suddenly. His lips slant against yours and bucky swears he’s in heaven. Swears that you're an angel. Bucky's hand instantly grabbed the back of your neck to quickly close the gap between you two. You sat there still under his grasp for a second, before snapping back to life and slowly beginning to kiss back. You'd never imagined being in this position years ago, hell even 30 minutes ago. Your hands raised to the sides of his face, this moment was so sensual and sweet it could rot your teeth. Bucky's lips were so warm and soft against yours, this felt like heaven. His tongue grazed your lips, you let him in and soon he danced in your mouth. It was all too sweet and hot. You had to cherish this moment while you could because this could, and probably, will be the only time you get to kiss him.
Pulling away slowly, your eyes made contact instantly. Surprise and… lust, flashed in Bucky's eyes. You were both breathing heavily and you glanced at his lips, they were pink and wet, even a little swollen. He had yet to say anything and it was getting harder to resist going in again. He sucked his bottom lip in and his eyes shot to your lips for a moment.
“Fuck it.” you breathed out.
And you dove into him, pushing him down onto the couch so you were on top of him as you connected your lips again. Your hands latched around his neck as he gripped your waist, pulling you even closer into him. The kiss was more aggressive this time, his hands were all over you as you started to trail yours down bucky's body, feeling how solid his chest was under his henley shirt.
“It's always been you.” bucky pulls away just far enough to murmur against your lips. Your body feels incredible hot. “I just wanted you.”
the world went quiet, your brain short-circuited and all you could focus on was his icy eyes and his hands holding your face. Was this a confession? or were you dreaming? oh my god. your mouth gaped open slightly.
“you’re telling me we could have done this months ago?”
Bucky's eyes crinkled and he laughed. you feel like you're on fire. and he dips down again.
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nutal · 23 days
time to witness part 2 of my school long paragraph essay about my imaginary scenarios that may age as bad as milk bc my blood flows with red bull and xanax (guitarspear and Adam), so here we GOO-
Pretty much, I have no idea how Adam and Lute's relationship started out, but judging by the fact that Adam keeps pushing others away, I'm pretty sure they were rivals before they turned into lovers (enemies to lovers thing, inspiration for this headcanon : "Thanks for the Venom" by @deadgirlwalking91 , it may not be necessary to also show the inspiration but imma show it anyway cause yes uvu)
Basically, I think that before they became lovers and stuff, Lute was like: "U STOOPID NI-" and Adam was just like: "lol get L + ratio'd loser", u get the idea XD
Tho, as time went on, when the two started to get to know each other more personally, Lute realizes she actually really likes Adam, and she's pretty much like: "WOT, I GOT FEELINGS FOR THAT DUMBASS?? THERS NO WAY UnU" cause she isn't used to relationships like Adam + she thinks she hates him with all her heart so she kinda tries to deny it (burning passion lol)
Adam also realizes that he really likes Lute (he's still a love-wanting little dummy), and he also tries to deny it, at first, but then he starts to realize that he actually fell HARD for Lute (bc he a lovey lovey dummy, tho I can't blame him for being like this, he was basically made to reproduce when u think about it, so it explains why he's so lustful). When he realizes this, he kinda starts to panic since denying wasn't really effective anymore, he kinda just has a panic attack, bc he basically vowed to himself to NEVER fall in love again (Lilith and Eve trauma) + he's just like: "DUDE, I HAVE SO MANY FUCKIN HOT MEGA BABES, AND I FELL FOR LUTE OUT OF ALL PEOPLE??? RRAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH" + deep inside, he thinks he's worthless, so he basically thinks she's just gonna reject him
Because he realizes that he has hard feeling for Lute, but also thinks that she is automatically gonna reject him, he starts to push her away even more, being more obnoxious and annoying, even being straight up mean to her, like, straight UP mean.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, it somehow didn't work, and Lute just grew more closer to him (if yk one thing about Lute, Lute is a crazy bitch, so she'll just take this all the fricking way), then at one point, he just emotionally breaks down cause his feelings for her were getting too strong (for he also grew closer to Lute somehow), he goes home, takes off his mask and just destroys everything in his room, then ending up just.. crying
Now, here's what I think on how the two confessed to each other:
One day, Lute and Adam would be having an argument, going back and forth and things (context: Lute wanted to have a serious talk with Adam, but then she sees his real face for the first time while he was having another panic attack... and Adam is mortified by it..), it goes like this:
Lute: "I know what's going on, Adam. Don't try to hide it."
Adam: "Pfft, please! YOU don't know S H I T . "
Lute: "You're literally just proving my point, you didn't even ask what it was even about."
Adam: "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, YOU CRAZY BITCH!!" (reference: Yuno and Yuki - because I love you, you crazy bitch! meme)
Lute, remains stunned for a moment... did he just.. confess..?
Adam becomes petrified, immediately realizing that he confessed, he wanted to just.. run away from her as far away as possible. But, instead, he just remained still, he couldn't even do anything at that moment, he was on the verge of tears. Then, Adam saw her face go completely golden with blush, he gets confused... why was she blushing?... wasn't she supposed to say something.. or just tell him she doesn't feel the same...? This didn't make any sense for him, but he just stood there.
Lute: "I... love you, too, Adam.."
Now that, THAT was just... he didn't even know how to describe it in words. Sure, he could have chosen to not believe her at all, but because the two grew closer.. he kinda just.. believed her.... just like that. His face becomes golden with blush as well, though he was slightly smiling.
Ever since that day, the two decided to have some kind of an open relationship (not committed, since Adam is still traumatized as hell after what happened with Lilith, ESPECIALLY Eve, who he basically committed to even more, only for her to leave him suddenly without a trace, confessing his love to Lute obviously didn't automatically make his fears go away), and Adam and Lute just enjoyed each other's company xd
sooooo uh ye, this is kinda what I think happened (those r just imaginary scenarios tho), im gonna take another breath now *intensly inhales the oxygen tank*
OKOK YES YES SO TRUE i agree with the idea of them being rivals/being annoyed with each other at first but again I wouldn’t necessarily call that ENEMY territory since it’s not like they’re out to kill each other or something LMFAOAOA also i love Thank You For The Venom so much @deadgirlwalking91 is so damn talented it’s crazy! That fic has definitely shaped a lot of my headcanons for them as well haha
And YES the part of him vowing to never fall in love again but……. then there was Lute and whoops here we go again LMFAO!! And yes, again, this man is so damn insecure and has a fear of rejection n shit so ofc he thinks she’s not gonna reciprocate. And meanwhile Lute is very much in denial, but she loves him just as much.
ALSO THE ARGUMENT CONFESSION? NEEDED. SO SO REAL. And I am a huge believer in Adam having commitment/trust issues but as time goes on Lute pretty much proves her loyalty to him and mends his deep-seated abandonment issues 😭
God, i LOVE guitarspear.
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lipeg · 6 months
The descendants of the devil
The advantages of working as chief of police in Vacuo they were very big.
Stopping being a hunter was very good for him.
His descended from Arc gave him some advantages as many of his ancestors came from Vacuo.
But his descent from the Diabolos Diogron Sabertooth gave him a very high morale with the Faunus.
No Faunus had the courage to look at him.
The fact that he is descended from the terrible Diabolos Diogron Sabertooth left any Faunus in terrible fear, they couldn't look them in the eye because they were so afraid.
Jaune passed a diner and the Faunus present were frightened.
Coco: This is ridiculous, he helped us kill millions of Grimm and on top of that he saved the city
Fox: Well, this Diabolos Diogron Sabertooth thing makes any Faunus scared Coco. There must be a reason for such a thing
Velvet: You don't understand! Diabolos Diogron Sabertooth has killed thousands! Alone! Unlike the SDC, which has now been proven to have used slave labor, this monster has killed thousands of Faunus alone! Without anyone's help
Velvet looked at Jaune's back.
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Yatsuhashi: Well, taking apart from being a descendant of the devil himself, he is popular with single mothers
Coco: Who knew blonde loser would be popular with women?
Fox: I hear there is an argument about whether he looks prettier with a beard or without a beard
Coco stood up.
Coco: I don't care, the only thing that matters is knowing more about this Diabolos Diogron Sabertooth
Coco took off after Jaune.
Her team ran after her.
Jaune walked calmly, his left hand resting on the hilt of his sword.
Coco: Oh handsome guy with the big ass, stop!
Jaune stopped and turned around.
Jaune: It's just you Coco
Coco: Good morning to you too sir police officer
Jaune: Say what you want Coco. I have work to do
Coco: Who knows more about Diabolos I don't know what
Jaune: Diabolos Diogron Sabertooth
Coco: Yes, the same one
Jaune: I have nothing to say, he was just some Faunus who was treated as a monster because his animal part was an extinct animal. So he accepted that role and became a monster
CFVY: Just kidding
Jaune: No, this is the purest truth
Velvet: Your ancestor accepted being called a monster and became a true monster!
Jaune: Yeah
Velvet: So why didn't you reveal that part of the story?
Jaune: No one will believe me
Velvet: But if you reveal the truth—
Jaune: I don't want
Velvet: WHY!!!
Jaune: Why do I like being feared by Faunus. It makes my job a lot easier.
Velvet's eyes went blank.
Jaune: Fox, could you come with me for a minute
Fox: Ok
Jaune and Fox left while Velvet had a dead fish look on her face.
Jaune and Fox were in an alleyway where no humans or Faunus were moving.
Jaune: Fox, I would like you to watch the Oscar
Fox: Why?
Jaune: He has a worm inside his body that will slowly take complete control of his body
Fox was surprised.
Jaune: This worm is a very rare Grimm. It attaches itself to the soul of the person, the process of taking over the body is very slow
Fox: Continued
Jaune: This process of taking over the host's body is visible to the naked eye. Oscar's hair will turn white much earlier and his eyes will turn red
Fox: Now I ask you, why are you telling me this
Jaune: You are a real ninja, you are much quieter than Ren. I'm telling you this because I don't want to worry my old group
Fox: Okay, what do I do if Oscar's hair is completely white?
Jaune: Let me know right away, I have a remedy for this, but it only works when his hair is completely white.
Fox was silent.
Jaune had a serious expression on his face.
Fox: All good
Jaune: Thanks Fox
Fox was the first to leave.
Jaune stood and watched as Fox walked away.
Jaune's eyes took on a bright glow.
A slight pressure in the air had suddenly appeared.
Something fell behind him.
Jaune turned around and he found a raven.
Jaune: Very predictable Qrow
Jaune picked up Qrow in his bird form and left.
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thewertsearch · 2 years
We're 500 pages deep into Hivebent. We've been introduced to each of the trolls, experienced their messed-up society, and come to understand the broad strokes of their session's dynamics.
We've seen almost everything I expected Hivebent to show us - with one exception. I could be wrong, but I think the curtain is finally starting to twitch on a very old mystery - one that needs to be explained for us to fully understand the trolls' story.
Before we can call it an Act, we need to learn what went wrong.
Karkat's putting together the ideas that will form the basis for Project Trolling - which, from his current perspective, must be very soon.
And now, we truly understand why he did it.
Karkat lost. He thrust himself into the session, made plans, yelled, coddled, argued, dealt with Equius and Eridan and Vriska, solved the game's riddles, created himself, created his friends, died, killed, yelled some more, and did it all again - and still, he lost.
He's despondent, and he's angry. It's not the performative anger of a teenage troll - it's real, actual fury at the unfairness of the world, distorted into anger at himself. He's a feedback loop of rage, and he's sitting in the Veil, and they all might die any second, and he has no outlet.
If only he could find a real, actual target. If only there was someone to blame - someone he could really go off on.
If only there was someone who fucked everything up.
What a relief that would be!
It absolutely fucking wasn't - but Karkat isn't in our privileged position. He couldn't see the cracks start to form.
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One Player died before the session even started, murdered by a pawn controlled by a pawn.
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One Player's land is glitched, corrupted through unknown means, with unknown consequences.
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One Player has prototyped a Horrorterror, permanently imbuing the session with the traits of an eldritch monstrosity.
These are all huge red flags.
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So why do I think the most ominous flag of all is a white one?
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azulsluver · 2 years
Ok so; I see the non-humans as absolutely possessive bc of instinct and ofc, being a yandere. Imagine them and a bestie darling who just go "Hahaha, nope. He's mine", when another person wants to take them as a project partner or wants to spend more time with them than necessary (for example, immediately hugging Leona and saying "Sorry, we have something to do" whenever Vil wants to lecture him). They probably think that you like them back bc you're being "possessive" in their eyes when you just want to spend time with them.
I do this with my friends lol
Jack genuinely thinks you’re sooo into him. It leaves him flustered whenever you grab onto his arm and tug at him. He won’t admit it out loud but it’s quite attractive knowing you want to spend more time with him. Jack will think about the times you drove people away from him, it has to be a sign of wanting to be his mate. He’s sweating bullets every time you continue your “possessive” behavior, he must have you now.
Now imagine doing this with Leona. Leona’s not dumb, he watches your behavior like a hawk. He knows your little habit of dragging him away from others taking his attention, he’s not your only victim. But Leona would soon get bothered by your behavior, no matter how cute it can be it’ll get annoying real quick. Ironic for someone who would do the same but it’s ok he’s different.
#2 also thinks you’re into him. Would ignore the fact you told him you just want to spend time with him. It went from one ear and out the other like “Ruggie I love you so much so don’t talk to others ok<3” very into that, your unintentional behavior probably turns him on at some point. Like Jack, thinks you want him so bad so do fear.
Victim #3, Malleus is blinded by everything else whenever you hold onto him. You’re behavior is adorable to him that he holds himself back from cuteness aggression. Wouldn’t matter if you didn’t like him back and just wanted to spend time with him, Malleus is set on you. Ok maybe his feelings are a little hurt but that’s fine, it’s not like you have much of a choice.
Gonna add Sebek here because he needs more attention. Loser who yells at you because you’re dragging him away from a normal interaction. Sebek will get really pissy, especially when he’s busy being in the presence of the great Malleus. As much as he yells and screams at you he won’t stop you, his red face either from anger or embarrassment.
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returnofnonya · 2 years
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I had been a loyal Bears fan since I was a kid. I had never missed a single game, and the stadium even reserved a spot just for me. But under new ownership, things changed. Suddenly caring about other human beings was out, and profit was in. They told me I would no longer have a reserved seat once the season was over, and on top of that banned me from the stadium. They felt that me showing up in a different seat would outrage their loyal, PAYING customers and would be a pain for them to have to deal with.
I sat in my seat at the final game of the season, looking downright uncomfortable and upset. It was The Bears vs The Otters, and I didn’t even know who I wanted to cheer for. The Bears never lost a home game in their life, it would be so humiliating and upsetting for them to lose. Even then I felt like one of them, or wanted to be one…
A man in a trench coat sat down behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Joseph Hendrix? I’m Christian Walker, one of the owners of The Otters. I’ve heard about what The Bears are doing to you. It’s downright disrespectful and cruel. You may as well be one of them, but they’re going to throw you out like you’re nothing.” I felt a bit of anger surging in me, and he noticed. “With my help, you CAN become one of them. See that Batter out there, Sam Howser?” He asked. I just nodded. “Little shit is full of himself. Never once greeted me like the rest of his team, in fact he doesn’t even know my name!” Walker nodded at that. “He’s vain and arrogant, but also mentally very weak.” I raised an eyebrow at that. “What if I told you that you could become him? Take his body and life and be one of The Bears for real?”
I contemplated this, but just chuckled dryly. “I’d say you sound insane, but seeing as I’m just an old loser who’s going to lose everything he knows now, I certainly wouldn’t say no.” Walker didn’t skip a beat. “Fantastic! How about you come with me then?”
He escorted me to one of the back rooms in a stadium where there was a seat with some tubes attached. The tubes connected to one of the arm rests, which had a set of tubes attached to a baseball. “It’s easy enough. We put your essence inside this baseball, our pitcher ‘accidentally’ throws it at Sam, the impact will throw your essence out of the ball and into the nearest vessel. You’ll become Sam. Then you strike out and come here, we’ll displace the real Sam so you can have uncontested control over his body. Just throw this one game in his body and you’re free to live the rest of his life as you please.”
“Humiliate his entire team and get everyone as angry at him as I am, using his own body? Sounds like Karma to me!” Soon I was strapped in and watching a red, sparkling light steam out of me and into the baseball. Soon everything felt fuzzy, I couldn’t move a finger and my eyes draped before everything went black.
A loud whistle blew, snapping me back to reality. I groaned slightly, looking down and seeing a baseball hit the mound. I was holding a bat and looked up, the pitcher smiling at me before declaring it was an accident. I quickly said I was okay and we could move on. I did as I was told, striking out quickly. I said I had to rush to the bathroom, abandoning my confused and angry team and finding my way back to the room I transferred to the ball in. My body was already cleared out.
“So Mr. Hendrix, any preference on what we do to the real Sam?” He asked as I was strapped in again. I bit my lip, contemplating this. “You folks seem really talented with technology. Any chance you could make him an app or something like that? I want to be able to taunt the little shit, maybe go through his memories if I need to.” Walker just grinned a bit. “I like the way you think, Mr. Hendrix.” I was strapped in again, watching a green light flowing into the arm rest, and then into a PC.
“Enjoy the rest of the game from the front of the lines, Mr. Walker. A Sam Howser App should be on your phone by the time you’re in the locker room.” I grinned eagerly, hopping out of my seat. “Don’t you go anywhere Mr. Walker. Where I’m from we have to thank a man who’s done a lot for us.” I winked at him, causing him to grin. My new body was full of charm.
I rushed to the game where I played horribly, causing The Bears’ first ever home game loss. In the locker room everyone avoided me, which was exactly what I wanted. My phone buzzed with a few messages.
“What the hell did you do to me?!”
“Why am I some fucking app now?!”
“Answer me old man!”
I just sat in front of one of the mirrors, assuming a powerful position and texting the digitized Sam my first photo in his body. “It’s okay to call me Old Man. My old name doesn’t matter anymore. Now it’s Sam Howser.” I muted the twerp before getting up, walking out shirtless to the back room again.
It wouldn’t be long until I was on the very seat Sam lost his body in, legs up in the air as Walker went to town on my tight, sensitive hole. I moaned out in pleasure as one of his employees stroked himself, recording the video so I could send it to Sam once we were done. “Fuuuuck~ Mr. Howser, I like this new you. Maybe I’ll recruit you to The Otters so we can have a lot of post game debriefs!” He panted out in pleasure before shooting the first of many loads in my new hole.
From then on I ruled Sam’s life as I saw fit. Once people finally figured out that I disappeared I got a tattoo that read “R.I.P Joseph Hendrix” with a baseball bat striking a ball right next to it. I got it right at the start of my right cheek, so any time I admired my new ass I’d get to laugh knowing that not only was Sam possessed by a man he refuses to respect, he was also branded by him.
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milotraflgkl · 13 days
note: THIS IS A REUPLOAD!!! content: fluff, sfw, reader and usopp are both oblivious losers, requited feelings, confessions. WC: 1934
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Everyone on the crew knew. Everyone.
It was going old how often Nami would have to grab Usopp's attention from looking your way or when Sanji would have to hold his hand out while you mindlessly walked somewhere, too infatuated with the Usopp as he went about his “real” adventures. The small side glances you'd often share as you sat beside each other at the dinner table, it was obvious the feelings you two had for each other.
Well, expect the two of you.
It was aggravating for the rest of the crew to have to witness, desperately wishing that one day one of you would slip up and finally say something to the other but the day just seemed like it was never gonna show up. No matter how many attempts Sanji made to hint towards Usopp about your feelings, causing you to turn into a bright red tomato.
Today was like any normal day, minus the quick stop because your captain was becoming restless and Nami just couldn’t stand it anymore. You hummed as you put things into your bag, keeping it light so you’d have space to store more things within. Just in case you found anything interesting, for yourself or Usopp. You reached over to grab something and stopped as you stared at the small necklace that Usopp had gotten you a while back, he handed it to you in a rush with a quick jumble of words before he ran off somewhere. You giggled as you grabbed the necklace, bringing it up to your neck and hooking together letting it hang down your chest.
You hummed pleased with the assortment of items you had, so you stood yourself up and placed the bag over your shoulder. You pivoted on your shoes and made your way out of the room that you shared with Nami, you had noticed that everyone had already rushed off wasting no time to get off the boat and walk through the grass and find new interesting bugs; well mostly Luffy. You frowned slightly, not wanting to have to venture to the island by yourself. You let out a small huff as you began to walk towards the ladder to get off the ship, “Hey!” You heard a voice call out from behind you making you immediately snap to see holding your hands up ready to punch whoever. You froze as you saw Usopp stare at you shocked before chuckling, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He says while you let out a sigh of relief and drop your hands to the side, “You scared the shit out of me Usopp!” You scold the boy.
Usopp just let out a laugh, a laugh that made your stomach do flips. “I just wanted to wait for you…” He says, his voice trailing off for a moment. “Cause like you know… for protection…” He says trying to sound all cool but it is obvious he was getting a bit nervous. You let out a laugh that caused Usopp to turn his attention straight back to you, “Thank you, Oh brave captain Usopp~” You teased him. Usopp stood there in shock for a moment before he chuckled and nodded, "That's me!" He hummed out in excitement, as he made his way past you and to the ladder off the ship. "Ladies first~" He motioned with his arms for you to go ahead of him, and you gladly went ahead and flung your leg over the ladder. Make sure to take your foot landed on the bar before you swing your other leg over.
He watched you intently to make sure that not even for a second would you slip and fall, he couldn’t risk seeing you hurt. As he watched you he started to think about the fact that he probably should’ve gone first so he would have been able to catch you. While lost in his thought he hadn’t realized that you had safely made it to the bottom and were waiting patiently for him to come down. “Usopp?” Your voice broke him out of his thoughts, “Huh?- Oh!” He blinked staring at you for a moment wondering how long he had simply just stood there whilst you waited so patiently, then his mind went off again. You were so kind and so trusting, it truly amazed him how you were still his friend even after everything.
As he reached the bottom of the ladder he jumped off, landing on the solid ground with a small thud.
He shifted around to look at you with a smile on his face, “Ready?” He asked you as he held out his arm to interlock it with yours, you obliged sliding your arm to hook with his. “Always.” You hum to him, before beginning to lead the way for the both of you. You talked on and on about something that Usopp was not taking in, he was watching the way you used your free hand to talk almost as if you were painting a picture. You asked a question but Usopp didn’t hear it, oblivious to the fact you were asking him and he just admired you. “Usopp?” Your voice broke his thoughts again, usually when any of the straw hats would do that it would upset him. But when you did it, it was like an angel from heaven was bringing him back down to earth before he died simply because of how amazing you were.
“Yeah [name]?” He asked back, as he looked at you hoping that you’d take the lead in making sure they went in the right direction and not run into anyone. “Were you even paying attention?” You asked him, as you turned your attention ahead of the two of you. Making sure the two of you didn’t bump into any island people, weaving in and out of the crowd. “Uhm… Yeah totally!” He responded in a cheerful tone and a cheesy smile on his face, you glanced at his expression immediately knowing that the boy had caught nothing of what you had just explained to him. You let out a soft giggle before the smile quickly faded and your eyebrows furrowed with irritation, “Do people not know how to walk properly?!” You said out in anger, eventually shoving your way through people and into an alleyway that had fewer people.
You let out a sigh of relief, finally free from the busy street and annoyingly slow people. Usopp stood there in shock having not been fully prepared to be shoved through those people and suddenly ending up somewhere a lot more calm, he looked at you before letting out a chuckle. “You hate crowds huh?” He asked, teasing you. You rolled your eyes a small smirk on your lips as you looked around the alleyway, “Some people just don’t deserve legs.” You joked, the joke causing the boy to let out a loud laugh. You turned your head to look at him, you looked at him in slight shock at how he found your joke so funny. The way his head slightly tilted back and his eyes closed as he laughed, it was a beautiful sound and it made your face grow warm from the blush suddenly appearing.
You cleared out your throat before a thought popped up into your head. “Hey, I have an idea.” You say to him in almost a whisper not allowing him time to respond or even think of what you said dragging him along through the alleyway. “[Name]!” He called out, his feet almost struggling to keep up with how fast yours were going. He let out huffs as he started to run out of breath from having to keep up with you, “[Name]..!!” He whined out wanting you to slow down, but even after a small tug, you kept your speed rushing through the alleyway.
As the two of you made your way, you eventually stopped as you came up to a small area. Vines grew down the wall and it was slightly dark small amounts of the sun peeking through the cracks between the buildings, and you decided this place was the perfect area.
Usopp looked around the area, his brows raised as he let out a quiet “oooo…” His eyes darted around the area and you smiled softly as you watched them, before eventually, his eyes met with yours. You feel your posture suddenly straighten out as his attention is on you, you turn to look at the area trying to cover the blush on your cheeks. “It’s pretty isn’t it?” You asked him with a small hum coming from your lips. What you didn’t notice was the way that when Usopp responded his eyes never left your face, “Yeah, it’s beautiful.” He nodded before eventually turning to look around the small area the two of you were now standing in, he slowly walked further in and looked up. The buildings left a small space so that when you looked up it was a perfect view of the sky, you watched him for a moment before you went and stood next to him.
The two of you enjoyed the silence, the sound of distant chatter and seagulls flying overhead.
As you watched the clouds move past quickly you eventually felt your neck begin to hurt, you brought your head down and rolled the knot that started to grow out. You then turned to look at Usopp whose eyes were already on you, your eyebrows raised in shock and your face suddenly became extremely warm. “[Name].” He spoke out to you causing you to lock eyes with him, “Yeah..?” You spoke out with a small sigh, you hadn’t realized but you had been holding your breath. Usopp stared at you for a moment longer before bringing a hand up to your cheek, “I… I think I like you.” He says, letting a sigh of his own from holding his breath.
You stare at him for a moment, it is like a wave of realization has just crashed over you. The more you thought about it the more obvious it became, how he would try to flirt with you and be around you more than the rest of the crew. Usopp hesitated for a moment before slowly bringing his hand down from your face, “My bad, I shouldn’t have…” “No! No…” You cut him off quickly bringing your hand to grab him, “I like you too Usopp.” You told him, and you watched as his face went from sadness to excited shock. “Really??!” He squeezed your hand.
You nod back to him, “Really.” You say. The two of you stare at each other for a minute or so, before you take notice of the way his eyes glance down to your lips and then quickly back up to your eyes. You smile softly, “You can kiss me Usopp.” you whisper as if there would be anyone in a dark alleyway other than you two. Usopp wasted no time before he softly pressed his lips against yours, his free hand going up to cup your cheek. It felt like a dream and you didn’t wanna wake up and you never did, when you opened your eyes and pulled from the kiss he was still there looking back at you.
You couldn’t wait to hear him tell the crew about how he took you to a spot and kissed you. And you knew you wouldn’t correct him.
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misseviehyde · 2 years
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"Until I can find a way to remove these magic nails I guess I'm stuck as a bitchy, eighteen year old girl. It probably wasn't a good idea to try them on - the glue seems to be magic as well and the nails themselves seem indestructible.
At least now we know where Madison, Ashley and Tori got their powers from. Pink nails, red nails and black nails transformed them and I managed to intercept these blue ones before they could give them to my sister Molly.
In fact they have no way of knowing that Molly never got to wear them. I could trick them into thinking I'm her. You keep Molly locked in her bedroom and I'll go hang out with those bitches and see if I can work out where they got the nails from and how they work. There has to be a remover or something that will let me take them off and turn back into a boy.
Imagine if I got stuck like this forever? Not that it's so bad mind you. This body does feel pretty fucking good. Look how pretty I am? I love how sexy my new body is... and finding out how it feels to have a pussy and boobs is pretty exciting.
I never thought I'd have skin as soft as this, or a pretty face. My hair is so long, but it looks good don't you think? I have to admit, these nails look good too. I can't help but imagine what they would look like wrapped around a... ummm never mind. I'm getting distracted. You keep the real Molly occupied whilst I go investigate what is going on."
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"What the fuck do you want loser? I already told you and that snivelling sister of mine that there's no way to ever remove the nails now. Sure... it means I can never wear a different colour, but it's a small price to pay for being a bitchy slut forever.
I already told you what happened when I went round. The girls saw through me right away and just laughed. By bringing the four sets of magic nails together we completed the spell and unleashed their full power. I was transformed mentally as well as physically and reality was altered forever.
Now I am Holly and your friend is gone. Me and the girls will be spoiled bratty bitches forever. I LOVE what I have become. Only you and my loser sister even remember the old me.
Oh and by the way... my nails DO look amazing wrapped round a big cock. Wanna see?"
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sunsguilt · 2 years
YOU'RE MY NEW BFFL!┊ft: cater diamond
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warnings: none! contains: gn reader <3
notes: cater my beloved let's go to restaurants and fake propose to each other for free dessert until we fall madly in luv with each other new title may be incoming let's see how i feel in a few hours
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redheads are a weakness of mine, gonna be real. but kae! you ask, isn't every pretty man a weakness of yours? yeah, shut up. actually obliterating your family line right now.
anyway, cater diamond xoxo! personally, i see him as a drifter, the kind of person who floats through friend groups without any type of commitment. he's easygoing enough that he's able to befriend just about anyone he puts his mind to.
when it comes to him, i feel like neither of you would be able to pin down when your first meeting was. seeing him around became so normalized: seeing him during classes, in the hallways, even sometimes when you were in town separately but still crossing paths.
the specifics of your very first meeting never really mattered to you but cater has a sharper memory than he likes to let on.
he would remember the day a bit more vividly than you, though he'll play along when you mention to others that you can't remember when you first spoke to cater first. he'll feign being hurt like "mc how could you say that? I'm so hurt you could forget that easily, you know. just kidding ☆!"
but he wouldn't dream of holding it against you. you're his best friend after all!
cater frequently invites you to eat at places that he heard of once. it's always a mixed bag with his choices in restaurants since he'll pick a place that happens to be trending. he'll insist that you come with him (he's asking you to come so he doesn't have to sit alone).
he'll joke about sharing a milkshake with two straws! it wasn't a joke, but he quickly skirts by it and moves onto a different conversation topic before you process his words. are his ears a little red, or was it just your eyes?
cater is, in fact, a magicam addict so keep in mind that he's going to take an obscene amount of pictures and videos of the food. he slaps your hand lightly if you try to grab a french fry while he's bending over backward for a good angle. he ends up having to mute the video because neither of you can shut up for more than five minutes when you're together. cater wouldn't have it any other way.
he's so attached to you, honestly. he's constantly texting you when you're not around, and you have to wonder how he manages to get away with pulling his phone out so often during lectures just to respond to something you said at lightspeed. if more than 30 minutes have gone by without a reply from cater, he's probably bedridden.
he jokes about how he can't live without his best friend in the whole world forever and ever, but he would never admit aloud just how it rings true. bro's hitting you up with a "can we call :> ?" like it hasn't been an hour since you both went back to your dorms. then he's talking about "oh what if we both slept on call together" like a loser.
he's an attention whore, but he just wants your attention.
he literally talks about you all the time even if he doesn't realize it. like most of his day is centered around yours. at some point, he inadvertently memorizes the paths that you generally take to most of your classes and plans to walk with you to them.
he'll carry your books for you because he is just such an awesome, reliable guy! thank him for it, he'll be giggling about it for the rest of the day.
if you even jokingly say you're not his best friend, he's bawling his eyes out when he gets back to his room. (i imagine that he is not fond of crying because his eyes get really red and his face gets splotchy). you just ripped his poor heart into a million pieces, how cruel can you be! he is crying into his pillow that night.
so touchy. like it's his way of being friendly, so it's always him holding your hand (interlocked fingers! a win) and grabbing you by the waist to move you out of the way. he will also squeeze your hand just a little tighter whenever someone is looking at you a little too long. he's worried you'll decide that he's not good enough to be friends with him, you've told him that's an irrational fear to have, but he's scared anyway.
physical affection aside, he tells you "i love you" a LOT. at some point, he's all like "you're the love of my life" then proceeds to ask you for lunch money or something absurd. so you never really take it seriously; you think it's just cater!
he realizes he's in love with you too far down the line for any affection he shows to you to be anything but platonic in your eyes. his ploys to obtain your affection get a little desperate, in a cute way. he tries, he tries really hard, y'know!
— ☆
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ambeauty · 1 year
Titans Final Thots & Feelings
Hi Family! We’ve come to that time where I have final processed my journey with Titans. I started Titans in 2020! Thanks to you folks on here giffing the gorgeous Brenton & Anna smiling next to the Jeep at the end of s1! I was trying to figure out what the hell that show was for probably a year and it was finally available on a streamer I had access to! And s1 sucked me in immediately! I watched TTG a bit but other than that I was completely unaware of the depth and beauty of the stories the Titans had. And of course I was deeply smitten with the romantic story blossoming between Dick & Kory. But I also loved the group dynamics of everyone and that continued in s2! I honestly was okay with Kory having her own journey to go on separate from Dick, because that was what they decided to do before “trying it again sometime.” And I loved Slade as the villain! I truly believed he was going to fuck the Titans up and tear them apart. Now the ending with Donna was a mess but otherwise the villain arc was so well done! And then we come to 3! And I had been watching Titans virtually alone up until that point and then I discovered there was a whole community of Titans fans on Tumblr/Twitter and we all got to commiserate together about how bad Jason/Crane were, DickBabs unnecessary romance, and Dick being a total loser! A fun time was had by all. And then after much anticipation we get to s4!
Season 4 opening was damn near perfect! I literally had no notes! Opening scene Kory! Next scene the fam goofing off and Dick and Kory on their own private mini date. Dick was TALKING! FLIRTING! DOING ALL THE THINGS WE EVER WANTED HIM TO DO! He and Kory displayed the perfect balance between co-leaders and tiptoeing around their budding romance. And then Jinx entered the picture and I just wanted to ask why. Not as a character but as Dick’s ex? I reiterate again that it was just another opportunity for DK antis to find another person to ship Dick with. Now it was very obvious how annoyed he was by her but still a completely unnecessary plot and I feel like the tone and momentum shifted in 3&4 that I just did not like in terms of DK’s development.
My main issue with Dick is that he did not allow for Kory to be vulnerable with him in regards to her fears about the prophecy. He stopped being a partner and regressed back into old Dicholas out of fear! I wanted him to listen to her, even if he didn’t believe it or didn’t want to. That would’ve shown growth in his character. That he didn’t have to always be right and that he was emotionally strong enough to be Kory’s strength. It was a complete missed opportunity to have their vulnerability end with the end of 406. That being said 405 was the best episode of the season! THAT WAS A MOMENT I WILL NEVER FORGET! Even though it was a vision, seeing Dick, Kory and Mar’i and the entire family celebrating their baby’s birthday was perfect and what we deserved after everything.
They set part 2 up to be something that was going to be important and the fact of the matter was it just wasn’t. Brother Blood was still crying and throwing up over Mayhem. And he didn’t get his suit or real powers until the literal end. Gar’s episode was really special and I enjoyed it a lot! But it seems like all of his progress in the red went unused after the episode ended. Like they just did not care that he gained so much power after he and Kory got out of the red. And that just fell by the wayside. There was no reason why he didn’t shift to pull those cords or turn into multiple animals in that hallway fight in the finale. Make it make sense.
And then we get to my main gripe! Who was doing the actual writing in the room? Because Dick had the same lines every episode. “Kory” “It won’t happen.” “I thought I lost you.” As much as I love him calling out her name, he had so much more to say to her. Talk about how he wanted the future in the vision. How he was scared to lose her. How he couldn’t say goodbye to her because he didn’t want to do life without her. HOW HE LOVED HER! Y’all they never got to say that but he did get to insinuate he was ready to have that baby (which I loved) but also like where’s my love confession! They deserved that moment at the very least.
At first I was underwhelmed by the kiss but further investigation with gifs and stills it was really sweet. Their entire arc was sweet. Wholesome, but it wasn’t as intense as I personally expected it and need it to be. Chemistry was wasted on frankly elementary writing. Thank God for Brenton & Anna’s acting skills which allowed us to be able to read between the literally lines, but at this point, I have been so tired of having to interpret every damn glance and brush of the fingers against the face. LIKE GIVE THEM THINGS TO SAY! You could tell that imo the show runner did not want to do a romance between them and literally just did the bare minimum in order to shut the fans up. He says as much in the featurette. And in doing so, he destroyed his favorite characters ability to grow beyond just the muscle and man with the plan of the team. Kory deserved a partner who she could lean on. And Dick wasn’t always that, even when it was literally his only plot point of substance.
Also nobody expects this show to be a romcom or a DK porn. And it abhors me every time I see someone using that as an insult to DK Stans. What we did want to see them do is grow together authentically at a pace that matched what had been shown to us to the prior 3 seasons. We knew that Dick had feelings for Kory in s2. He was so upset that she left him in a vulnerable spot, he sent himself to jail! And in s3 he could barely keep his eyes off of her. Stalking her from high vantage points, completely sabotaging his date with Babs, and visualizing their daughter as a reason to come back to life. So WHY was there a need for them to literally snail drag to the finish line? My only reason is because the show runner wasn’t into it.
And I can say objectively that I enjoyed the fact that Kory was the center of the season. It literally started and ended (Conner scene aside) with her. She was the key to it all and the Titans got to help her, albeit frustratingly so along the way. I wish that Rachel, Gar and Kory all had equal time with a formidable villain like Brother Blood. It really would’ve ratcheted up the stakes for a Dick who remained completely delusional (although he was the manifestation warrior) the entire season. This season had no stakes whatsoever. Our family did the best the could with what they had but they could’ve been given so much more.
I don’t think we’ll see Titans at least in this form, in a very long time. Unfortunately DC is sitting on a goldmine with these characters and if they are done well could probably turn the profits for the company. I think if they touch them again.. they’ll be younger and probably not as diverse, but that’s me being pessimistic. My hope is that the impact our actors made on these characters is a lasting effect and if they choose to reboot the team that it is done by someone who has passion for the actual Titans. Let Batfam be batfam but let the Titans have their own thing. Our show put in the work to build a special fanbase and I want it to continue, but those people in charge, I don’t trust them.
It’s been hella fun with you all for the most part. I definitely got to see the ugly side of fandom, but what I love and take with me in this experience is the beauty. I have met so many wonderful and genuine people and I never thought at my big age that I would be making new friends who I genuinely love and respect. It takes a special type of person to be a titans fan and it’s clear that we all have way more in common than we think and that is the most beautiful thing of all. Never in my life did I think creative writing would come back to me in this way. That I would have supporters and partnership in this way. Just from a little DC show! I am still blown away and thank you all for making this hobby something so worthwhile and fulfilling in my busy life!
I have stories to finish and ideas flowing out of my pores so you guys got me for a long time to come!!!💜💙💜💙💜💙🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚
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