#that cringe is for MY EYES and MY EYES ONLY
Finer Things 2
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as non/dubcon, age gap, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your mom surprises you with a visit but has a lot more in store than you could ever imagine.
Characters: Tony Stark
Note: back on my bs.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like Thor loves thunder. Take care. 💖
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“Dessert,” Tony declares as he takes the small menu from the middle of the table. “You a creme brulee girlie? Cheesecake?” His eyes flick down to the menu, “I know your mom has a sweet tooth.” He snickers as he opens the leather folio, “oh, sticky toffee. Messy. Hm, the souffle sounds good. How about it? Soft, gooey.” 
“Mm, what’s the cheesecake?” Your mother leans in as she swirls her third glass of wine. 
Tony seems almost to wince as he looks at her. It feels like he’s been staring at you for much of the night. It didn’t make it feel any less like you’re the third wheel. 
“Apple and salted caramel,” he shows her the menu. 
Your phone vibrates in your bag. You move the purse into your lap and reach inside to mute it. As you look up, you find Tony’s dark eyes once more set on you. 
“Sorry, just turning that off,” you explain, “my friend...” 
“Oh, is that the one that was with you at the talk? My biggest fan? Besides you, of course?” 
Your mother laughs and touches his sleeve, “oh, you are so silly. Sweetie, isn’t he silly?” 
“Yes, sweetie, aren’t I so fun?” He seems to mock her. She doesn’t mind as she’s more interested in her wine. 
“Um, yeah, Perry... she’s in my... my stats class.” 
“Stats. Bullshit. I paid some dweeb to take my exam,” he chortles, “I bet you’re gonna brag all about me to her, huh? Twist the blade a little?” 
“Uh, what?” You stick your lip out in surprise, “no, sir. Tony,” you cringe at your slip, “no, I wouldn’t.” 
“Ah, come on,” he reaches across the table, “let’s get a pic for Perry. She can drool over it.” 
“No, no,” you wave him off, “that’s okay. I don’t want to trouble you.” 
“No trouble. I’m offering, sweetheart. Be a good memory. I mean, you had dinner with Tony Stark. Hate to stroke my own... ego but you know, some people pay for that pleasure,” he chuckles again. “Come on,” he beckons you over again, “get in close.” 
You look around awkwardly. You hate taking pictures in public. You see others do it and it always looks so awkward. 
“Go on,” your mother goads. “Live a little.” 
You glance at her sharply before you sidle over the seat. You get up as Tony sits back and you sit on the end of the curved bench. He taps your lower back, “gotta get closer than that,” he purrs. You slide in and he flips his palm up, “phone, sweetheart.” 
You shove your hand into your purse and find your phone. You unlock the camera and give it to him; he nearly snatches it first. He extends his arm and leans into you, wrapping his arm around you. He grips your hip under the table as his cologne smothers you. 
“Smile pretty for me, sweetheart,” he smirks and snaps the photo just as you muster a surprised pout. “Ha that’s cute. We’re keeping it,” he lowers the phone and examines the picture. “I’m just gonna send a copy to myself...” 
“What?” You squeak. 
“Sure. It’s funny.” He taps his thumb on the screen. “And you’ll have my number. Just in case.” 
“Oh,” you murmur. You don’t argue but wait until he hands your cell back. You take it but as you go to get up, he holds onto you. 
“So, dessert then,” he squeezes your hip so his fingers curl into your soft flesh, “how about it?” 
“Oh, they have a special apple cider,” your mom looks over the menu. You squirm. She can’t be that drunk. Especially as his hand moves-- 
“Um, yeah, sure, but I need to... go to the bathroom,” you exclaim and pull away before his hand can settle on your ass. You really don’t think he meant it but you’re about to combust. “I’ll be right back, I just need to... go.” 
You stumble off the bench as you stomach hits the table. Your mom looks up, an annoyed stitch between her brows, and she sighs. 
“Hurry up, sweetie.” 
“I’ll order you that souffle,” Tony offers. 
“It does sound delicious,” your mother waves the menu at him. “Maybe I’ll have one too.” 
You flit off before you can dissolve into embarrassment. You’re used to being the awkward one. You don’t mind the armour of your social dissonance that keeps you out of the way, but he just drags you out and puts you in the light. You hate that. 
You’re all too happy to hide in the bathroom. You take your time, not even eager to try the souffle. Dinner is still settling and you’re not sure it ever will with how your stomach mulches nervously. When you come out into the dining room again, you swerve around the other tables. 
Your mom scowls at her empty glass as Tony sits indifferently next to her. You haven’t missed the way other patrons glance over at the man they’ve only ever seen on magazines and television. You resume your seat across from him as he perks up. 
“There she is,” he flutters his fingers at the table, “dessert waiting and all.” 
“Oh, thanks,” you look down at the dark souffle dusted with icing sugar. 
“We only waited for you to dig in,” you mother scoffs. 
“You always get snappy with the wine, Joyce?” Tony challenges and gives her a nudge. “You should be happy to get to see your brilliant daughter. She really is just... wonderful. You raised her right.” 
Your mom looks at him and grins. He added just enough praise to tweak her narcissistic flare. She puts her shoulders up. 
“Well, twenty years of hard work,” she preens. 
You pick up your fork first. Anything to keep you from having to speak. You poke into the souffle as Tony puts his attention to his own plate. Your mom slices into her cheesecake and hums as she tastes it. You take a small bite and look up as heat speckles your cheeks. 
Tony stares at you as he sucks his spoon clean. You fidget at the way his irises seem to blend into his pupils. Your lashes flick and you look down at the spongy souffle. Your stomach is doing somersaults. Why is he looking at you like that? Why is he looking at you at all? 
You scoop up more of the dessert and focus on each bite. You know he’s watching. You feel it. You can still feel the tingle on your hip too. Right where he latched on. 
You haven’t had much success with boys but you don’t think that’s normal. Especially since he should have his arm around your mother. Shouldn’t he? Maybe you’re just put off by the surprise of it all. Well, if you go by the tabloids, he won’t be around very long anyhow. 
You clear your plate and wash it down with the last of your wine. You only had the single glass and it took all night to nurse it. You peer over at your mom. Her eyes are glassy as she silently ponders her crust. 
“Mom, you alright?” You ask. 
“Oh, you know, the doctor gave me these new pills. I think the wine might be mingling a bit too much with those,” she trills with laughter, “oh my.” 
Huh? Your mom’s always been on one form of antidepressant or another, you’re not entirely sure. The therapist wrote her scripts and you never bothered to check them. 
“Ah, the old Xanny-cabernet double hitter,” Tony chirps. You look at him sharply. “Relax, honey, I’ll take care of her. Huh, Joyce? I always do, don’t I?” He rubs her shoulder as she nods and slumps back, grinning. 
“Think maybe she needs to go,” you say as you stare at your mom with concern. 
“Don’t worry,” he raises his hand, “I’ll get us paid up and you can help me get her back to her hotel.” 
Another charge on her Mastercard. You try not to worry about it. You spent half your teenage years making sure she paid the bills before she went to the boutique but you have your own money to worry about now. 
“Okay,” you agree. You just want to make sure she’s alright. 
The server returns and Tony asks for the check. Your mom’s eyes droop with each passing minute. When at last, it’s all squared, she’s about to keel over the table. 
As Tony helps her out of the booth, you burn with mortification. You can only watch helplessly. She knew she shouldn’t drink on her new meds but it doesn’t make you feel any better about it. You should have said something when she poured the second glass. Sometimes you feel more like her parent than her child. 
“Keep her here, will ya?” He leaves you just outside the door. 
You watch Tony walk away and try not to make eye contact with anyone else coming or going. You shiver as you support your mom and she babbles, “isn’t he so handsome, sweetie? And rich? And perfect?” 
“Mm, yeah, mom,” you agree because you know she’s not really looking for an answer. 
“You know, it’s the funniest thing. I met him at the jewelers... what do you think he was doing in our town? Nothing much going on...” she trails off.  
You nod and watch the street. A red car pulls up and revs. Tony gets out and winks as he comes back up the pavement. He reaches for your mom and she staggers into him. 
“Oof, honey,” he snickers. “How about you take the front and I’ll get mom in the back laying down?” 
“Right,” you agree, “it’s not... I... I can get the bus.” 
“Nah, baby, I’ll make sure you get home safe. I can’t tell your mom I just let you wander off into the dark.” You scrunch your lips and nod. You walk to the car next to him as he helps your mother move her weak legs. “Get the door, sweetheart.” 
You pull the back door open and you find yourself nearly crushed against it as he angles your mom inside. As he pushes her up the seat, he presses into you. He bends her legs and they fall sideways. He huffs and stands, turning to face you. He doesn’t back up. 
“Ah, now, sweetheart, you keep those hands to yourself,” he snickers.  
“What?” You breathe. 
“Come on, let’s get out of here,” he purrs and brushes his fingertips down your sleeve, “you’re shaking like a leaf.” 
You shiver but you’re not sure it’s the frigid air. He backs up and you skirt around the door. He shuts it and quickly follows you, opening the front before you can. 
“Ah, allow me,” he steps back. 
You duck your head down and get in the passenger seat. Your heart is thumping. It’s nothing. It’s in your head. He’s just being... him? With how he’s behaved all night, you can’t say it’s unusual. You suppose he gets away with it because of his reputation. 
He shuts the door and goes around the other side. He drops into the driver’s seat and clears his throat. He pushes back his jacket and pulls on the seatbelt behind his shoulder. 
“Buckle up, sweetheart. Can’t risk that pretty face, can we?” He hums and taps the ignition button. “You want me to warm ya up?” He hits another button as you gape at his suggestion. “Seat warmer.” 
“Oh, okay, thanks.” 
“Hmm, you know, been a while since I had a pretty young thing like you in my car,” he adjusts the mirror and checks his reflection. “The grey tends to keep them away.” 
“Ah, yeah,” you agree tacitly. 
He strains to see around the car ahead of him and pulls out. He clucks, “so... you don’t like it?” 
“Don’t like... what?” 
“The gray hair,” he asks. 
“I didn’t... no, I didn’t say that.” 
“But you agreed.” 
“I-- I didn’t notice. Really. I don’t mind.” 
“You don’t mind, huh?” He combs the hair at his temple, one hand still on the wheel. “So, you think it makes me more handsome? Defined?” 
“I don’t... I don’t know,” you pick at your nails nervously. 
“You know, you can be honest. Won’t hurt my feelings. I’m more than just my good looks, you know?” He laughs as he leans on the pedal.  
“I’m not... I wouldn’t lie,” you say. 
He snorts, “oh, sweetheart, I know you wouldn’t. I like that about you.” He tilts his head at the road, “I can see right through you.” 
You swallow down the silence. The tension cords around your throat and you cough. You’re not sure why he’s so concerned with what you think. He should be more worried about your mother snoring in his backseat. 
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noobsoconfusing · 1 day
‘pothead? more like pot no head!’ hamzahthefantastic
summary: hamzah and you get high together very often, however this time is different, as you both take too much and end up greening out in different ways.
warnings: awkwardness, inexperienced hamzah and reader, cum, cringe.
“holy shit! holy f-fuck!” hamzah rubbed his heavy eyes, staring half lidded at your limp body passed out on his lap.
damn, he felt so overstimulated. his senses failing on him, per usual.
the smoke surrounding the living room –and yourselves– felt thick, almost like he could munch on it if he wanted to, and each time he breathed in he felt even more zooted.
and ow, fuck! you looked so beautiful. the light freckles, almost invisible, surrounding specific areas of your face, and then some imperfections that hamzah considered perfect on you –the same he considered ugly on him– you had dark circles under your eyes, and messy hair that covered your face almost entirely, but still he was able to peek at your flushed cheeks.
‘no! hamzah, stop! she could be fucking dead!’ –he thought to himself, regaining an ounce of consciousness through the warm haze that filled his brain and body.
“hey…” he shook your body, trying to keep his eyes off of your torso, though it was almost impossible for him. hamzah’s eyes drifted down, sheepishly admiring how the oversized shirt you were wearing –that yeah, in fact was his– rode up..
but as he kept shaking your body with his bigger hands, he realised you were far gone. that, of course, scared him shitless.
“oh my god..!” hamzah considered calling martin, but it was roughly 4 am, he wouldn’t be awake.
hamzah felt like he was losing the ability to breathe properly. his heart was beating so fast and blood going to every single direction inside of his body.
literally every single direction. fuck. oh no.
“y/n, are you… are you awake?” hamzah saw double lines, so fucking high. “oh god she’s dead, she’s fucking dead…” he felt like crying he was so fucking panicked.
and the scene was quite funny, tense even. how was he going to tell the police that you guys got super high that you probably had a heart attack? even worse! how was he going to explain the stupid fucking hard-on he had been resisting to beat since the fucking weed settled on him?
crying with a stupid hard-on was pathetic. crying stoned out of his damn head, with his possibly dead roomie laying next to him was dumb.
everything was dumb! nothing made sense to him at that moment, ugh, so confusing!
crying next to the girl he yearned for, the girl he liked since he first saw in that roommate application was beyond pathetic. and you were both high.
“oh god, please!” he yelled so fucking loud, which made you scramble out of your slumber. “i know you hate me! doesn’t matter cause you’re uh, like, you’re dead, but oh god! i like you.. so much and.. man i just…wanted to smoke with you… maybe make out… maybe even dip it! but y/n please don’t, uh, don’t kill me in my sleep too! oh my fucking god!” he rambled as he slurred his words from how high he was.
hamzah had this problem. one of many. where he would overthink and panick and talk his brain off as if his body had no power over him, only his thoughts. that maximised when he was zooted.
due to his extreme yapping, you found yourself awake on the couch, but you couldn’t move or speak. your limbs felt floaty and numb and your body felt so lightweight that you wondered if you were human still.
but hamzah’s greened out voice was getting on your stoned nerves
“mmm…” you slowly opened your eyes, red as fuck. “hamzah, a-are you tweaking?” your voice groggy after smoking only turned him on even more, and he felt so bad for thinking lewd stuff about you.
his eyes blew up wide, like two round red leds. he threw himself into your smaller frame, engulfing you in a big hug. he groaned out of satisfaction.
groaned again when he felt your body so close to his. so warm. so soft.
“holy fuck! you’re not dead! oh shit, y/n i fucking love you, i love you i love you, god i was scared shitless..” as high as he was, he meant it, he had been wanting to admit that for such a long time but sober he didn’t have the balls to.
you gave into the embrace and snuggled closer to his warmth. his words vague, though you cherished them and how sincere he sounded, it was almost impossible to concentrate in that state of mind. all you could do was enjoy the proximity.
so comfortable, so nice, and..
“im sorry im hard..!” hamzah pulled away from the hug to look down at his almost unbearable boner. his eyes wide and glossy like marbles looked at you like a kicked dog asking for help.
you see, in his right mind he wouldn’t even mention it, he wouldn’t even look at its direction. but he was definitely not in his right mind, right?
he surely knew how to silence a room.
“huh?” you stared at him confused and rubbing your right eye, pouting. looking like a fucking goddess. so cute. so beautiful it made hamzah wanna just explode.
here comes the world vomit. high trait of his.
“im sorry i have a boner. like, okay, it’s so painfully hard that i feel sorry because weed, well, weed makes me super fucking horny and on top of that you’re here and i think you’re so pretty and i love you so oddly much… im sorry i got a boner,” he swallowed the knot inside his throat. “i am sorry, so sorry. i love you though? is that weird? do you think it’s weird?..”
seconds that felt like hours passed and you would just switch stares between hamzah’s reddened face and the notorious bulge inside his grey sweats.
he felt like dying. and you were just sitting there, looking fuckable and so pretty, and he was just melting there waiting for a reaction from you, trying not to burst like a teen.
hamzah almost felt as if the high was gone from how nervous he got, but feeling sober was way worse.
you got closer, but it was like you were being pushed by an invisible force. like a magnet attracting you to hamzah’s shivering body.
your hands trembled badly.
no, you did not know what possessed you to crawl over him and caress his face, he was sweating cold, and his eyes far gone intoxicated.
“w-what are you…?” you laughed at how he pronounced the sentence, your giggles almost like a whisper.
tension so dense it could be cut with a knife
the eye contact was stupidly intense, both of your gazes drowsy and tired, eyes heavy and itchy from the smoke around you.
when your hand moved south, hamzah’s eyebrows knitted together and his mouth fell open wide, choking a whine. it was extremely weird how a little touch could make him feel so excited, and got him even harder, if it was even possible…
“dude, you’re bricked…” you said, feeling him up through the grey sweats.
he subconsciously thrusted his hips upwards to your hand, which you quickly moved away, earning a pathetic moan from him.
“nooo, owww!” he pouted, eyes teary.
it was funny.
“no! hey!..” he pleaded, grabbing your hand and trying to place it over his boner again, but you giggled at his impatience and swatted his bigger palm away. “y/n! p-please, h-hey, you can’t just..” he shrieked desperately. “please?”
hamzah was willing to jerk off right then and there, not minding your presence. even better for him, he would cum to your image, to your feel, to your sight.
that would totally cross the roommate line, wouldn’t it?
neither of you were experienced though, and as fucked up as you were, you also didn’t wanna ruin it, ruin whatever was going on between you two.
you got too nervous. nervous at the sight of him so fucked out over nothing. you never had a guy like that, never so desperate for you. or a guy at all. hamzah made you feel so stupid, so weird inside. so warm.
oh, so nervous…
“uh, do you want another hit?” suddenly, you got up looking for the rest of the blunt. too lightheaded to function. too nervous to continue. a good excuse.
hamzah stared at you in disbelief. then down at his pants. then at you again. he smiled, but it was such a hot smile. he looked so good, so fucked up.
“we are pretty cooked though, don’t you think?”
you shrugged. “whats the worst that could happen?”
so you grabbed the special blunt on the night table, and the lighter too. slid it into your mouth and lighted the pre rolled, you inhaled and swallowed the smoke in, turning over to hamzah and then blowing out the smoke on his face.
he stared at you with his mouth wide open, trying to take some of you in. so drunk on you.
and so, the worst thing that could happen, happened.
hamzah felt like he lost balance, his eyes rolled back into his skull and tried to reach for your hand to hold while a gutural moan erupted from the back of his throat, just as he emptied himself in his sweats..
came untouched. just at the sight of you blowing smoke out on his face.
“f-fuck, im so so so sorry, i didn’t… i- i just, i don’t know… you’re so pretty and…” he started rambling yet again and you felt so silly.
your gaze softened on him, and hamzah felt less embarrassed when he realised you weren’t angry or grossed out. your soft eyes felt gentle and he knew you weren’t judging him.
“it’s fine… i guess.” you avoided staring at the wet puddle forming inside his pants, and he giggled nervously too.
time passed by, maybe not really. you felt as time flew by too slowly, and found yourself lost in hamzah’s big eyes again. both of you staring at each other while sitting on the couch, the blunt consuming itself far forgotten but still creating smoke.
hamzah cleared his throat. “i feel sticky.”
“i bet you do.” you replied.
“have you ever…” he started but you quickly interrupted him.
“no head, hamzah!”
yay first small fanfic here ^_^ unbelievably cringe though, might have to kms.
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you can't be this oblivious
bradley bradshaw x fem!reader
warnings: none except like one swear word lol.
word count: 1026
summary: oblivious!bradley x affectionate!reader!! reader is super affectionate to everyone but it is different with bradley. She’s sweet to everyone but she isn’t sitting at a table for 30 mins and letting just anyone rant about their day, unless they are rooster.
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Y/N Y/L/N, aka Magnet was just that. A Magnet. 
“And then they had me doing pushups because I made a snarky comment according to them.”
Bradley Bradshaw better known as Rooster was someone you would consider a best friend. Though Phoenix would argue he’d be more than that if he wasn’t so oblivious. 
“I mean what did you expect Roo? I would’ve had you doing the same thing.” she giggled into her glass. 
They had been at the Hard Deck for around two hours now, coming right after they got off. It felt like a ritual at this point. Work, Hard Deck, go home and then repeat. There were a million other things they could all do and yet they always came here. Maybe it was the atmosphere that cheered them up after a long day. Or the beer.
What she hadn’t expected was sitting at a table for the last 30 minutes with Rooster ranting about the trouble he’d gotten in earlier, she didn’t mind that though. She could listen to him talk forever. There were very few times that Rooster felt comfortable enough to share things so anytime he did, she took it seriously. 
“You wouldn’t even think to punish me Mag, we both know that.” Rooster replied with a smirk playing on his lips. 
She often thought of what it would be like to kiss him. Would his lips be soft and plushy or more rough like he pretended to be. She liked to believe it would be the first option. She’d never get to really know though as it seemed he never reciprocated the feelings she was putting out. 
“You don’t know what I would do, Rooster. I could make you do 20 pushups right now.” she said
“And I would do them.” he said, a twinkle in his eye or maybe it was the lighting. 
She gasped quietly hoping he didn’t hear. Flirty Rooster only came out after a couple of drinks. She had heard the phrase that drunk words are sober thoughts. Never really believing it though, he never had so much to drink he couldn’t remember saying something so eye raising to his supposed best friend. 
“The worst thing about all this extra work is I feel like I have no time to eat something good. It’s always some fries from here and a couple beers” he continued, brushing past his previous statement. 
Coming back to her senses she spoke quickly, “We could go out together. I mean all I do is drink a couple of beers here.”
She felt him tense up. Preparing for the worst she thought of a way to recover.
“You are truly my best friend. I mean nobody else would’ve offered to do something like that.” Rooster spoke up before she could backtrack. 
Her heart cracked slightly. Best Friend. Who knew two words could hurt so much. Glancing to her right she could see Hangman and Phoenix cringing at the sight. Warmth flooded her body as she began to stand up. 
“Hey where are you going?” he questioned following her up. 
“Yeah um, my head is starting to hurt so I think I’m just going to head home. I’ll see you tomorrow Bradley.” she said as she turned to walk away.
Bradley? She only called him by his first name when she was upset or poking fun at him. 
“Well at least let me take you home? I mean I brought you here.” he rushed out.
“No. It’s fine I’ll call an uber.” she pushed past a few people and walked out the door. 
Shoulders slumping Rooster glanced out the window at the woman. Phone in hand she was true to her word in calling an uber. He felt a pang in his heart watching her. Had he done something wrong? 
A hand clapped against his shoulder. He could smell the cologne and know who it was before even turning his head. 
“Well that was a shit show. I mean come on, Rooster, you can’t be this oblivious.” Hangman said with a cocky smile. 
Shrugging his hand off Rooster turned his head; the muscles in his jaw contracting, “What do you mean, Hangman? Oblivious to what?”
Hangman laughed at him, “You’re meaning to tell me that you haven’t realized that Magnet has been flirting with you ever since she met you? I mean she practically asked you on a date a few minutes ago.” 
Was that a ringing in his ears? Y/N flirting with him? Bradley felt like his head was going to combust where he stood. 
“And there's the look of realization. You really must’ve been oblivious.” Hangman added. 
“I think you’ve gotten this all mixed up. I mean Y/N is close and affectionate with everyone. She leans her head on your shoulder, gossips with Phoenix, and is constantly fixing Bob's glasses. And with me she just leans up against me, compliments me and listens to me rant and she-” Rooster took a pause. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh. I mean Rooster, Y/N is an affectionate person for sure. But she has never once listened to one of my rants and she’s the only one who'll listen to yours.” Hangman said, an almost serious look on his face. 
“I just watched my future wife walk out that door after asking me on a date.” Bradley said.
“Well hold on nobody said she was-” Hangman started before Rooster talked over him.
“No Hangman, trust me I know. That is going to be my wife. As long as I haven’t ruined everything.” Rooster said, confidence in his voice. 
“Well then I guess you should go get your wife to be.” Hangman said, a small smile on his lips. 
“Yeah I’ve got to go.” Rooster took off out of the bar and to his car. 
“I cannot believe it took him that long to realize that.” Phoenix said, walking up besides Hangman. 
“He’s a little oblivious but we got there. Hope he has a gorgeous ring to propose with. Claims that’s his wife to be” Hangman replied. 
“I don’t doubt that.” Phoenix remarked quietly, watching Rooster peel out of the parking lot.
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let me know if anyone wants a part 2!
part 2:
!!!please don't repost my work anywhere, translate, or bind my works anywhere without permission!!!
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genericpuff · 1 day
I've watched both (this is a hazbin hotel ask btw) but tend to keep my eyes closed to merch sales (and such forth) unless it can pierce my five degrees of separation
also gotta admit that I've been not keeping up with HB since... honestly the since the season end. yeah I'm behind.
What do you mean they're waiting for what's functionally pamphlets? It's taking MONTHS for a pamphlet?
That's funny in the bad way 😭
yeah so from MY UNDERSTANDING (i.e. correct me if I'm wrong) the playbill was part of some exclusive package deal where buyers would receive some keychains, trading cards, and a playbill which was supposedly going to be filled with exclusive interviews/quotes/background information/etc. about the show's production. That playbill was exclusive to the pre-orders, meaning if you didn't pre-order this merch package, presumably you could still purchase the merch package on its own (or possibly its parts separately on the merch site like the keychains n junk) but the playbill would ONLY be sent to those who pre-ordered.
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The pre-orders started around a year or so ago, but then roughly 9 months ago when the bundles started to show up, people reported that the playbill - literally the centerpiece of the marketing - was missing.
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Since then, the playbills still haven't arrived, but customers have gotten TWO separate emails written from the "characters" of Hazbin Hotel updating them on the situation. Yes, you read that right, the emails meant to update people on the part of their pre-order package that was still missing - a package that cost them $76 and again, the playbill was exclusive to - were written in-character like a roleplay post in a message board forum.
And for some reason, the A24 staff decided that Husk would be the best character to deliver the bad news, a character who is, like many characters in Hazbin, just an asshole.
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It's wild that this even got approved as an official email from the A24 team because let's face it - if you had spent $76 with the good faith expectation that you were gonna get everything you were promised in return for that $76 is this really the response you'd want to get? I'm not exactly sure when this email was sent out but according to some of the people reporting on it via Twitter, it was around the end of January (so the end of the month that folks were expecting it to roll in). Not a great way to tell people that the product they're waiting on - and didn't expect to be missing in the first place - was delayed.
Months later, a second email rolled out, and A24 sort of learned their lesson, not by actually addressing their customers as human beings, but this time as Charlie, who is at least not a complete dickhead.
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It still doesn't really answer any questions though because it's putting the responsibility on fictional characters to explain what's going on. So of course everything is masked behind the "teehee, Alastor did a naughty and Niffty got stuck in the printing press machine!" roleplaying talk which literally does not actually tell anyone what's really going on, just gives them a vague impression based on what they chose to make a fictional character say.
Sure, it's nicer than Husk, but it's still disingenuous and frankly just cringe esp when this is concerning the interests of paying customers.
I don't know if this is Vivzie's doing or someone else on the A24 team, but it really feels like they're trying to operate the same way HH would have operated back when it was just a Youtube series... but it's not a small-time Youtube production anymore, it's a full on Amazon show with hired employees and a customer base that expects the thing they paid for to actually show up. So at best this is just really immature mishandling of a situation that should be taken at least relatively seriously.
And really, out of all the things to delay... the playbills? Really? For anyone who's not familiar with what a playbill is, it's literally just a booklet. Professional, "Playbill" branded playbills that you see in legitimate theatre productions are (if I recall correctly) anywhere from 30-60 pages, but a lot of those pages are often dedicated to ad space of other productions and companies, with maybe only 10-15 pages dedicated to the actual production. People love collecting them though because you typically only receive them when you go to see a play itself, so it can be a great souvenir from limited run productions.
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It's kinda like comic collecting for theatre-goers, they can serve as memorabilia or as "proof" that you were there to attend a specific show. Though playbills don't tend to accrue as much value as much as comics can, they can still have a lot of sentimental value.
Hazbin Hotel isn't a play though. It's a streaming show available on Amazon Prime that anyone can watch anywhere in the world. It doesn't exactly have the need for something like a playbill, because the exclusivity is simply tied to how much extra money you're willing to give them for the pre-order, not to any sort of unique in-person experience of going to the theatre and watching the show live with your own eyes.
Granted, Hazbin Hotel does obviously take heavy inspiration from theatre culture as it is itself a musical, so I can understand the novelty and appeal of creating a unique playbill for it. I just don't really understand why that's the item that got delayed when a booklet containing exclusive info should be one of the easiest things to make, especially when it comes to production costs (printing a bunch of playbills shouldn't be anywhere near as expensive as producing keychains and trading cards).
But there was an update on reddit about this a couple weeks ago and it seemingly contradicts what A24 - sorry, 'Charlie', sigh - said months ago that they were working hard on specifically printing and packaging the playbill orders-
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FINALLY the HH fandom gets a real human being from A24 responding, but they're saying that the designs are still being worked on??? So this means they haven't even started printing the things yet?? So that's an entirely DIFFERENT issue that hasn't been addressed up until this point.
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So yeah, again, I don't have any stakes in this and it's definitely not something that I'm like, putting a lot of emotional investment into, but it has still been fascinating to check in on every now and then. Big condolences to the HH fans who paid $76+ for this package and are still waiting for the MAIN CENTERPIECE to show up - if you're one of those fans and are now reading this, you're probably gonna be waiting a little while longer because apparently they haven't even designed them yet 💀😆
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duffslut · 2 days
Don't cry
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Axl Rose x Reader
My Masterlist.
Word Count: 580
Warnings: Angst!
Taglist: @guns-n-roses-gal @a4tumnvenice @used-to-love-her-06 @changbinsdummythiccahrms @guitarsfan @em-21 @their80smichelle @svrgs-blog @rocketttqueennn @wiifitboard @unknownperson246 @fxcethestrange @lovergirl4slash @rottoneggs01 @metallical0ver @brunette-barbie4562 @appetiteforattitude @prettypersuasion @gyaas @nenynra @brezeblog @damianodavds @ch3rry-earrings @1-800-meth-blog @hauntedrosie @inkieink @rocketqueen1989x @rafesgirl7 @thatsoversace @maverickman5k @metallicaloverrr @xoxytoxinx @queenoftheundergroundscene @beebemarie @yourowngirlie @impuls1ve
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- Hey... - You heard Axl's voice approaching you.
It was late at night, past midnight, you had left your boyfriend's house and simply couldn't go back home, you didn't want to have to face your parents in the situation you were in, so you went to the beach and just sat on the sand, watching the sea and letting the tears run down your face. It was cold and windy, but nothing could be worse than the throbbing pain you were feeling in your chest, the anxiety almost stopping you from breathing.
You greeted him Axl with a sad smile, cringing even more as he sat down next to you in the sand.
- How are you doing dear? - He asked in his deep, concerned voice, taking off his jacket and placing it over you, caressing your back with his hand.
- I... - You tried to speak but the tears came even stronger and you turned your face away. - It's all over.
Saying those words made your mind go back to a few hours ago, when you finally got the courage to break up with your boyfriend, and the scene repeated itself in your head, it was the best thing to do, but you didn't know it would hurt so much.
- Don't cry Y/n. - Axl said, touching your chin turning your face carefully towards him, drying your tears with his fingers. - Please, I hate seeing you like this..
You had called Axl because he was your best friend and the only person who could help you at that moment, he always knew the right thing to say, just having his presence calmed you down, he had that power, it was one of his many qualities.
- I'm sorry about this, Axl... - You said sniffling, looking at the redhead next to you. - I shouldn't have bothered you...
You let out a deep breath, Axl took your hand and held it lightly, warming your cold skin.
- I would come to you any time Y/n. - He said. - You know that, right? Things will get better.
You tried to believe him, but none of his words seemed real since you no longer had your boyfriend with you, who had promised the same things, but still had broke your heart.
- I don't know... I feel alone, lost. - You said, and noticed Axl's eyes sadden.
- You're not alone sweet girl, I wish I could make you believe... - He looked away. - I know exactly how you are feeling inside.
You couldn't decipher his gaze as he stared out to sea, you didn't say anything, you snuggled into him in a hug and closed your eyes for a few minutes, absorbing his scent mixed with the scent of the sea.
- Can I sleep at your place tonight? - You asked, opening your eyes and accidentally looking at him - I can't go home.
Axl nodded in response and you both got up and walked to his car.
You had already slept at his house several times, but it was the first time you actually lay down in his bed, your eyes red from crying began to close automatically, letting sleep take over your body, Axl watched you standing next to the bed, stroking your hair and saying things that sleep didn't allow you to understand perfectly, but something inside you felt that he was being the most sincere he had ever been.
- You're the most special girl in the world...
I will never leave your side...
I hate to see you cry...
I love you...
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obsessive-ego · 2 days
Pest of the west
Toonjuice x reader
Warning cringe
Gender neutral pronouns, pregnancy is mentioned once, also reader is forced to wear a dress
A shameless episode rewrite, swapping lydia for y/n and making it into a reader insert, I can not stress this enough, I just rewrote the episode to fit what I wanted, If this goes over well i might do more episode rewrites
Toonjuice takes you to the old west to goof off, and shit gets bad when an out law named bully the crud falls in love with you
"Come to the netherworld he said, it'll be fun he said, we'll go to the old west, you could use a good time, god" you grumbled to yourself, here you were handcuffed, wearing the ugliest, largest wedding dress you've ever seen in your life, hell, the size of the dress was the second reason stopping you from running from this cruel fate, the first being the groom. Not only were you handcuffed, your soon to be husband had a vice grip on your arm, a giant bull of a monster, Bully the Crud, you had no idea why this bastard wanted you, or why beetlejuice, scared out of his wits, ditched you to fend for yourself, all you knew was that you were screwed.
Finally, friday, it's been a long, rough work week. Between overtime, unreliable coworkers, and your bastard of a boss using you as a punching bag, you were beat.
Home again, you kick off your shoes, toss your bag and coat on the couch, and make the mental note to tidy up later. More importantly, you make your way to your bedroom, eager for the best part of the work day, changing out of your work clothes.
Passing the full-length mirror in your room, out of the corner of your eye, you notice the reflection wasn't yours.
"Hey BJ" you say casually, not bothering to look his way as you dig around your dresser for something more comfortable.
"It's about time you finally came around, babes,"
"Yeah, overtime again," you sigh
"Tell me about mister 'I don't have a job.'" You laugh, turning to the mirror to see that beetlejuice was gone.
"Huh," you mumble, scooping up your change of clothes. "Guess he had things to do?" You mumble.
Just then, you jump as the television in your bedroom turns on, loud static noises buzz from the speakers before an image settles on screen.
Your television lights up showing a desert like scenery, with cactus, wired fences, cow skulls, and there was beetlejuice, dressed in cowboy attire
"That's my name, and cow poking is my game,Are you tired of the same old same old boring modern breather lifestyle?"
"Yeah" you chuckle
"Are ya in desperate need for a change of pace? Then mosey on down to the netherworld's wild west rude ranch, conveniently located in tombstone scareizona"
"There's a wild west in the netherworld? Like cowboys and stuff?" The ghoul had your full attention now, maybe sometime goofing off in the netherworld could do you some good, and the wild west would seem like something new and fun.
"Cowboys, cowghouls, just spout those magic b words, and we'll be ghost town bound"
what's the worst that could happen?
"Beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!" You shout in a hurry, and in a flash you were gone, your change of clothes now abandoned on the floor where you once stood.
And there you were in the scenery you saw on your television, sand, cactus, cow skulls, all the cliches of an old west movie. Your work clothes now replaced with more appropriate attire, a black cowboy hat, with a matching vest, a soft blue coloured puffy sleeved shirt, with a dusty blue neckerchief, black pants, with a big skull shaped belt, and of course some big black boots, you look liked you walked out of freddy pharkas frontier pharmacist, but appreciated the wardrobe change, it was always so fun when your clothes changed when beetlejuice dragged you into the netherworld, it was something you grew to look forward to with each trip. Your adoration for the new look was short-lived as you glanced around, unable to locate your friend.
Did he ditch you?
"Oh bury me~ on the lone prairie~"
The ground next to you shakes before beetlejuice's head pops up from the dirt and unearths the rest of himself. "Welcome to the netherwest babes! I'm your ghost host with the most, should you have any questions, I'll be sure awnser them, as obscurely as possible" the ghoul proudly proclaims as he struts away from the grave he pulled himself out of.
"So this is the netherwest, it looks fun"
"Of course, babes, it has everything an old west motife should have, sun, sand, more cliches, then you can shake a stick at," the ghost hollers, shaking a stick at a cow skull
"Sounds great, beej," you chuckle, grabbing his arm, eager to see the sights, and get your mind off your work week.
"And dont you worry toots, if you're fretting on being bush wacked by bad guys, you're fretting for nothing"
"Oh? You some kind of old West hero?" You chucke, amused by his sudden confidence.
"You kidding, babes? Nobody messes with the pest of the west, I'll show ya what I mean later, " he cackles leading you into town
"Pest is right" you smile
The two of you were having a blast, beetlejuice eagerly showing you the sights, dragging you around town, you both were laughing and carrying on, you really needed this after such a shitty work week, you could always rely on beetlejuice to change your mood for the better.
It was all fun and games until your ghost, with the most, got kicked by a horse into a trough of dirty water. You were trying not to laugh at him as you helped him out.
"This has got to be the closest thing I've taken ta a bath in months," he grumbled
"It's surely an improvement." You laugh, hoisting your friend out of the water,
"Excuse me" an unfamiliar voice interrupts the two of you "allow me to introduce myself" standing in front of you was a man shaped like a dartboard and a tiny purple guy who's shirt was way too long for him.
"Howdy there stranger, The name's casualty, hop along casualty, I'm the mayor of this here tombstone and this is fester, we all in the market for a new sheriff, know anybody who'd be intrested in such a noble and HIGH paying job?"
"What-" was all you managed to get out before beetlejuice perked up
"DO I? Look no further, I am the slob for the job!" Beetlejuice lunges forward, eager to shake the mayor's hand before you pull him back
"Uh, beej? You a law man? Do you even know any laws?"
"Dont rob people"
"Oof, that's on me, I set the bar too low, but weren't we just here to have fun? And besides sheriff? Ya know, that's a lot of hard work, " the ghoul's one weakness. Maybe the mentioning of work would be enough for him to decline, and the two of you could go back to goofing off.
"WORK?! YUCK!" Beetlejuice shouts, you smile, there's the ghost you know and love more than you're willing to admit.
"Maybe the breather is right. Maybe the job would be too much for this tender foot to handle," casualty loudly proclaims as he and his sidekick walk away
Great, now they had him. Beetlejuice was always a sucker for reverse psychology.
"Can a tender foot do this?" Beetlejuice proceeds to 'show off' his so-called slime shooting skills, loudly proclaiming he could shoot his hat before it touched the ground.
The hat went up into the air and beetlejuice went trigger happy, the ghost hit everything BUT the hat, you were smart enough to take cover, the ghost proved in a matter of seconds slime shooting was something he had to cross out on his resume, as he proceeded to cover the towns folk in slime.
But yet the mayor was still eager to hire him.
"Beetlejuice, come on, seriously? you're the worst guy for the job, you lie, cheat, steal, hell you're wanted in 5 different states, and 6 provinces, plus we just got here, why would anyone want you to be sheriff? There's obviously a catch, think about it, " you pleaded with him, your words fell of deaf ears, beetlejuice was too excited with all the glory that came with his new title.
"Beetlejuice, I wouldn't do this if I were you -" You try again only to be shoved aside by the mayor, who was more than ready to slap that star shaped badge on Beetlejuice's chest.
"Congratulations, son, you're exactly what we're looking for!"
"This is a joke, right?" You groaned with arm crossed annoyed over the whole situation.
The mayor dragged Beetlejuice to the group of townsfolk who gathered in the street to see what all the commotion was about.
"Attention, yall, I'd like ya to meet our new sheriff"
The crowd cheered, and Beetlejuice drank in all the attention and praise being showered upon him, while you just stood there trying to put two and two together.
"Oh, I forgot to mention, bully the crud will be here at high noon," the mayor starts
"And he's gonna do terrible, horrible things to you -" Fester continues
"Great," you grumble, there it was, so much for a fun time.
A bell gong rings through the town, and in a matter of seconds the towns folk were gone, leaving only you and Beetlejuice standing in the middle of the street, you pull your phone out of your pocket, though you had no service, it still worked like a clock, time in the netherworld worked differently, though it was evening when you left, it was day time when you arrived, your phone always acted accordingly, it was weird, and you didnt understand it, but you werent complaining.
"Noon," you say in a whisper, your stomach now turning with dread. What the hell did beetlejuice just sign up for?
The ground rumbles, you grab the ghoul's arm out of nervousness, and in a sandstorm cloud of dust a pig pulled carriage charges into tombstone, making a hasty hault in front of the two of you. The door swings open, and there stands what you can only assume is bully the crud, a big bull of a man, snarling and staring down the two of you.
"I'm looking for trouble," he growls
Beetlejuice snorts "never met 'em, you know anyone by that name babes?" The ghoul gives you a nudge. You shake your head
"That ain't what I ment, that was a figure of speech! Which one of the two of you are the sheriff?!"
You clamp your mouth shut, you werent gonna rat out your friend or take the blame. Beetlejuice did the same.
Bully huffs through his nose before grabbing you by your neckerchief
"You better spill -" in the rough movement of grabbing you, your hat got knocked off, your eyes no longer hidden in shadow.
"You better, better- why, arent you a pretty little thing" bully sets you down, and hands you your hat "why you ring my bell little meadow muffin, hows 'bout you give ol'bully a kiss" you cringe at his change in mood and utter out a "what?" More confused than anything else, not to mention disgusted.
Beetlejuice quickly pulls you away, a tad angry over how this overgrown hamburger was now hitting on you, HIS best friend.
"I'm the sheriff round these parts, and this here is my deputy." The ghoul snatches your hat from your hands and roughly puts it back on your head.
"I never agreed to that," you grumble, adjusting your hat.
"YOU'RE THE NEW SHERIFF?!" the bull bellowed, followed by a fit of laughter
"And who might you be?" Beetlejuice puffed out his chest, squaring up to the monster
"I'm bully the crud, the meanest ombre that ever licked a law man," he shouted
"Ya know you look a lot bigger than your eight by tens. Were you sick on picture day?" Beetlejuice laughs, pulling a photo from his pocket
"Enough small talk, I came to run you outta town, and that's what I aim ta do." The bully snorts
"Alright, bully, make your move," beetlejuice snorts reaching for his slime shooter
In a matter of second, the monster grabs beetlejuice with one hand, tightly wrapped about his gut, squeezing the afterlife out of him
"Nice move" beetlejuice croaks
"Wait!" You shout, dead or not, that's got to hurt
Bully drops Beetlejuice, his attention now on you
"Sweet little meadow muffin, ya change your tune about giving ol' bully that kiss?" He coos, quickly making his way in front of you and grabbing your hands. His voice was much less harsh when addressing you. It was nauseating.
"Ugh," you flinch. You'd prefer the same hostility he's shown towards beetlejuice over this 'sweet' side in a heartbeat.
As disgusted as you were, this little exchange, it was enough of a distraction to get beetlejuice back on his feet.
In a flash your ghost host with the most pulls you away from the Bull's grasp
"Back off bovine breath," he snorts, jabbing bully in his chest. "I hope you dont mind me asking, but what's your BEEF with this town anyway? Cuz we'd kinda like ya to just MOO-ve along" with each cow related joke beetlejuice pushed bully back away from you, you bit your tongue, trying not to laugh, despite Beetlejuice's confidence, you werent too sure how dangerous this guy really was, and besides, beej was doing enough laughing for the both of you.
You remained silent watching beetlejuice roll on the floor laughing at his own jokes, that is until Bully has had enough of the ghoul's shenanigans and snaps and screams.
Beetlejuice hops back to his feet and laughs
"Beej, I think you should get serious here," you urge. Yes, you know beetlejuice was a powerful ghost, but he was also a dumbass.
He snorts, "Come on, babes, you worry too much. This over sized hamburger is all bark and no bite, ya know what I mean?" Beetlejuice gives you a half-hearted shrug, turning away from Bully.
Of course, Beetlejuice wasn't as freaked out as you were, he wasnt the one getting kissy faces from a cow.
"Relax, babes, remember what I told ya earlier? Nobody messes with the pest of the west-!?" Beetlejuice freezes. While he spent his time ignoring bully and flapping his gums at you, the bull took his opportunity and painted a large yellow stripe on Beetlejuice's back.
were the towns folk watching this whole mess?
"You calling me a chicken?!" Beetlejuice screams back
"Boo" bully leans into him and whispers in Beetlejuice's ear
And that was all it took to turn your friend into a giant yellow chicken
Beetlejuice scrambled and clucked away from bully, hopping on the nearest horse and riding out of town.
"Fuck" was all you could say watching your friend ride out of view, you were now screwed.
You were pulled from the spot and hoisted up into bully's arms
"Now that I ran sheriff stinko out of town, let's have us a wedding♡"
"...I just have one question for you"
"Well sure there honey"
"What's the capital on Thailand?"
"Its Bangkok!" You shout slamming the heel of your boot into bully's crotch.
Bully drops you and screams. You quickly scramble away, thankful that stupid joke worked.
Your freedom was shortly lived, you didnt get far, no building would let you in, citizens too frightened to what Bully might do to them if they were caught harboring someone he wanted, which was fair in a sense.
Bully pulls you back into his arms and laughs. "You should be more careful there, my little meadow muffin, you dont wanna damage the family jewels, we're gonna need em"
Beetlejuice wherever you are please come back.
As you were being prepared/forced to marry a literal monster, Beetlejuice was in the middle of the desert not too worried about you, back to his old abnormal self, arguing with a horse.
"So your not gonna head back to tombstone? What about your friend?"
"Y/n? They're fine, they're the toughest living thing I've ever had the privilege to scare" he waves his horse off, despite all the teasing the ghoul gave you he held a very high opinion of you and just assumes you could take on bully no problem. "They could take on a whole herd of Bully the cruds, no sweat"
"Y/n's sure taking their sweet time, I'm beginning to worry" Beetlejuice sighs
"I told ya, bully the crud is one tough side of beef. Do you have any idea what's gonna happen to your little friend if you dont run him outta town?" The horse nags.
Beetlejuice snorts, "Yeah, like I can see the future -" in a flash, Beetlejuice's cowboy attire was replaced with to resemble swami, with a big crystal ball nestled in his lap.
The ghoul snorts out a laugh
"Now let's see if I can get a clear picture on this thing" beetlejuice focuses on the orb and what he sees makes his stomach turn, not only did you fail on rescuing yourself from his mess, you were forced into marriage with that monster, your living status was now gone, you were barefoot and pregnant in a kitchen, and all because of him.
So here you were, hand cuffed, now gagged, in the ugliest puffy dress you ever seen, standing before a minister with you future husband who had a vice grip on you and no way out, you were trapped, you couldnt run, you could barely speak, every objection from your mouth was quickly muffled by Bullys sweaty hands to the point the bull gagged you to make things easier for this mess of a ceremony, if you could manage a few words you would have said the B word 3 times before this got this far. Your time was running out, and your hopes of beetlejuice coming to save you were getting slimmer by the second.
"We are gathered here today to join these two in matrimony, be there any man, or beast" the father gesturing to the side of the church filled with what you could only assume is  Bullys extended family. "Who feels that this here wedding should not take place, let them hold up their hand, or hove, or forever hold their cud," the minister laughs nervously
This was it. You were doomed, there was nothing you could do, you stood there staring forward, utterly lost in despair.
"GET ON WITH IT!" Bully bellows tugging you in closer. This had to be a nightmare, right? Any second your alarm would go off, right? Waking you from this disaster, right?
"That's it! The only thing left to say is, I now pronounce you cow and-!"
You whip your head around, knowing that voice anywhere, there he was, your knight in stinking armor, standing at the entrance of the hall, rushing towards you.
"This lil' thing is spoken for" beej spats before pulling you away from Bully, with a snap of the ghoul's fingers your restraints vanish, with your new found freedom you were quick to embrace him, silently thanking the stars he came back in the nic of time.
"How dare you try and marry MY fiance!"
"Your what?" You mumble
"Your fiance?! They ain't got a ring to prove that!"
"Oh?~" Beetlejuice grabs your wrist and shoves your hand in Bully's face, "then what's this?" Placed upon your middle finger was a very large, very tacky, bright green jewel on a black and white striped band, a ring that sure wasn't there 2 minutes ago.
"I-?!" The bully stutters
"You didn't notice? were you too busy forcing my little cockroach into this mess you couldnt be asked to see if they've been already spoken for, I bet you wouldnt listen to a word they said" each word the ghoul spoke he would jab the bull in the chest, he was really laying on the country twang, you couldnt help bit crack a smile knowing the danger of you being married to that monster was gone, not to mention Beetlejuice saying you were his fiance, it was cute and it made your heart skip a beat.
This mirth was short-lived, though, as Bully had had enough of Beetlejuice's shenanigans, with a snarl and a bellowing howl.
"Name it"
Bully stomps out of the church to get ready for the dual
Beetlejuice quickly pulls you aside
"Alright babes, let's get out of here, just say those magic b words, and we can amscray," he whispers to you.
"We can't"
"right- WHAT?! WHY?! - I mean, why? Cat got your tongue? Suddenly, you lost your voice? Or, oh no, dont tell me ya changed your mind and ACTUALLY WANT TO MARRY THAT CHUMP??" The ghoul grabs you shoulders and shakes you as if to knock some sense into you.
You brush his hands away "no, Beetlejuice, we cant leave, if we leave Bully is gonna destroy this town and everyone in it, I can't live with that on my shoulders" despite the fact that you hung around with a professional con man, you yourself were honest and kind, and to be the cause of such misery, you could never forgive yourself.
"Like I'm gonna lose sleep over that-" he grumbles
"Please beetlejuice, I'm asking you as a friend, and after you ditching me, I think you owe me" you gesture to the awful dress you were forced in, not to mention how if he was seconds late you could have been hitched to a literal monster.
"Fine" he grumbles
"Besides you're dead, what do you have to lose?"
Beetlejuice groans
"Also, can I ask one more thing of you, Beej? Can you get me out of this dress?" You tug at the tooling. You could barely move, and the fabric was quite itchy.
"Y/n! In front of so many people, and in a church! Well, if you insist, " the ghoul gingerly reaches for the zipper on your dress before you swat his hand away, clearly embarrassed
"I ment with magic." You sigh, not really in the mood for games
"Right, I knew that, just messing with ya," he chuckles sheepishly. With another snap, you were back in your cowboy attire
"Thank you, now, now what about bully?" You sneer
"Sit tight, babes, Bully's got a date with the sheriff"
"No, we can beat him together." You give the ghoul a light punch in the arm, still a little sore he left you behind.
Like any other western movie cliche, beetlejuice and bully square off in the center of town
"Please, for the love of god cheat," you grumble, watching this soon to be mess from the sidelines.
"That would be ideal, your friend there couldn't hit the ground with his hat," the mayor buts in to your mutterings
"But I think I have something dumb enough it might just work -" you muse before running off.
"This is it bully. It's time to separate the men from the bulls. There's no tomorrow. It's now or never, the cheese stands alone!"
"Quit stalling and draw!" Bully sneers, absolutely fed up with Beetlejuice's nonsense.
"Draw? I'm a little rusty, but I'll give it a go. " Beetlejuice snorts swapping his cowboy hat for a beret, pulling a canvas and easel out of nowhere
"Now I'm gonna need ya to keep that pose for the next few hours -"
Bully screams in frustration, ripping the canvas away from Beej and slamming it over head
Beetlejuice unfazed snorts. "I really get into my work"
"I'm gonna give you one last chance to draw beetlejerk, or else I'm gonna start without ya, NOW DRAW!"
Beetlejuice swallows the lump in his throat "I guess this is it, theres no turning back now"
"Hold it!"
"Y/n!" Beetlejuice shouts, glad to see you
"Hey Bully I've change my mind about marrying you!" You shout
"WHAT!? Babes have you lost your mind?!"
"You have?! Oh honey I'd knew youd come around♡"
You run into the center of the action and with Bully distracted, you toss beetlejuice a different pistol
"Shoot!" You shout
"OH!" Beetlejuice fumbles with the gun before taking clear aim and firing, but instead of slime, a red sauce came out, covering bully, you let out a sigh you didnt know you were holding, the fact that beetlejuice ACTUALLY hit bully was nothing other than luck.
"Huh?! BARBEQUE SAUCE?! GET IT OFF OF ME" Bully screams
"I dont know about you, babes, but I could eat." beetlejuice growls, scraping a knife and fork together.
Bully scared for his afterlife screams and scrambles out of tombstone, off into the sunset and out of sight.
"Thank god" you sigh, absolutely physically and emotionally exhausted
"We did it, babes!" Beetlejuice pulls you into a side hug
"Yeah" you chuckle
"Sheriff, we can't thank you enough." The mayor shakes Beetlejuice's hand
"Yup, bully the crud won't be bothering this town anymore, so long as you keep plenty of barbeque sauce on hand, but alas, it's about time I hung up the old slimeshooters" beetlejuice sighs
"WHAT?!" The mayor of tombstone drops to the ground and hugs Beetlejuice's knees."NO! dont quit, is it because of me, because I got you to take the job with trickery, dishonesty, and deceit?"
Beetlejuice snorts out a laugh "heck no  I like that in a guy, but no, I'm hanging up my guns for personal reasons, all this mud are ruining my boots"
The mayor sighs, "we lose a lot of them that way..."
"We should get going, Beej." You finally interrupt, desperate to get home and rest.
Beetlejuice perks up. "So babes, how's bout a thank you for your hero, huh?" Beetlejuice  leans into you, wiggling his eyebrows
"A 'thank you' to the guy whose fault I almost married to cow?" You snort out a laugh
"I came back in the nic of time, didn't I? Come on, come on, come on~" the ghoul teases, nudging his elbow into your arm.
You yank beetlejuice by his neckerchief pulling him close to your level, that was enough to get him to shut his mouth, and in an instant, you give him a quick, soft kiss on his cheek.
Letting him go, he remains stunned. You give the ghoul a light punch in the arm
"Come on, beetlejuice, let's go home"
It was odd, everytime you've shown beej kindness or compassion, he would always go off saying it was 'gross' but this time that wasnt that case, he remained silent, which after the day you had, you were fine with that.
To be honest, you were exhausted, between a rough work week and that whole emotional nearly married to a monster thing. You nearly passed out when you returned home.
But now all that was behind you and you were home again, safe and unwed.
In the netherworld, the ghoul who dragged you into the situation/ saved you was laying awake in his bed, hand gingerly placed upon the cheek you so quickly kissed.
Yes, beetlejuice has kissed you multiple times, but as a joke, sort of, but this? You kissing him? With genuine feeling?
"Gross" was all he could utter, hand still holding the spot where your lips met his cold face.
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ttjisung · 1 day
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back 2 u 𝜗𝜚
p. jisung x fem!reader smau
in which jisung does his best to avoid you, his ex, until he realizes his mistake far too late cw: suggestive themes, bad angst, cheating, swearing
i'm not going back, back, back, back, back
previous next
chapter i. (wc: 1.1k)
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“I just don’t get it Yang… He was supposed to be my soulmate.” You sobbed into your best friend’s shoulder for the hundredth time in the day, more tears forming at the memory of your abrupt break-up. 
Yangyang simply sighed, holding you closer while offering you another tissue. “He’s an asshole, Y/n. Just forget about him.” You quickly shook your head in denial, forcing yourself further into the male’s arms. Dejun, your other best friend, cringed in pity at the scene. You looked horrible - your hair disheveled, your eyes puffy and red, and your clothes very obviously dirty. 
It had been three days since Park Jisung called you to his apartment, telling you he knew about your ‘secret’ and announcing your relationship was over. You were left confused and heartbroken outside of Jisung’s door, holding a random cardboard box full of your own belongings. You tried reasoning with him for well over half an hour until he seemingly got tired of you and kicked you out to the curb, leading you to cry your heart out to your friends instead. You wondered if this was affecting him as much as it was affecting you. Although he seemed reserved to others, you had spent enough time with him to learn about his emotional nature. Nonetheless, there was no way to know about his state, considering all of your mutual friends had taken his side, blocking you after cussing you out. It was as if your world had completely shifted that day, only leaving behind your own two best friends to pick you up and take care of you, because God knows you weren’t going to. 
It didn’t take a genius to figure out why Jisung broke up with you. For some reason, he thought you had cheated on him. Unknowingly to him, there was no truth behind this accusation considering you were deeply in love with him and would never think about hurting him in such a manner. The fact that you were innocent only added to your frustration, trying to reach out to him in several ways to explain yet he wouldn’t allow you.
In a desperate last attempt, you messaged your old best friend Huang Renjun who had actually set the two of you up, only to find out your message never went through. He had blocked you as well, alongside every other friend of his you knew. Dejun, furious at them for not even listening to you, took your phone as soon as you arrived at his shared apartment with Yangyang, blocking them all back except for Jisung, only because you begged him not to. In your head, soon he’d realize his mistake and message you, reconciling immediately. It had been two days since you last messaged him though, and the hope was slipping through your fingers due to his radio silence. His threat to block you was a sign enough that he had no interest in speaking to you.
“I… I know he said not to message him, but maybe I could show up to his place? He can’t block me in real life…” Your friends were quick to voice their disagreement with your plan, Yangyang taking the lead. “Look, Y/n, I’m sorry but maybe it’s time to maybe contemplate moving on. If he truly cared he would have listened to you by now.” “You don’t get it Yang, obviously he thinks I cheated on him so naturally he won’t believe me. I just have to show him I didn’t.” You reasoned, earning concerned glances from your friends. You didn’t realize how delusional you sounded, yet you were too sensitive to get made fun of so they held back, simply consoling you further.
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Despite the constant warnings from your friends, you were dead-set on getting Jisung to listen to you, so you did as you planned, buying his favorite food and some flowers as a gift and making your way to his familiar apartment. Alongside the gifts, you had written him a letter explaining the situation, just in case he wasn’t home.
It took you fifteen minutes to gain the courage to enter the elevator, yet you eventually did it. Pressing the number to his floor, you fidgeted uncomfortably at the silence until the doors slowly opened, allowing you to walk to his door. 
Just as you were about to gently knock your fist on his door, you heard three familiar voices. Huang Renjun, Lee Donghyuck, and of course, Park Jisung. You subconsciously smiled, having missed hearing them, and although it added to the nerves, you felt more determined to walk inside and prove your innocence. That was until you heard what the familiar voices were saying. 
“She was kind of annoying sometimes, honestly.” Donghyuck was the first voice you were able to make out, although muffled, making you press your ear closer to hear what he was saying. “You cursed Ji by setting them up, Jun.” A laugh came out from his mouth. “It’s not my fault dude, I didn’t know she was weird like that.” “It’s fine. I won’t be answering her anyway.” It had been so long since you had heard Jisung’s voice, and although the familiar tone made you want to smile, understanding what he was saying had the opposite effect, and before you realized it, there were several tears running down your face. “I have some chicks that asked me for your number, Ji. Maybe it’s time to rebound.” Your heart broke at Donghyuck’s suggestion. You two hadn’t been as close as you and Renjun, yet you still considered him someone you cared for, so to hear him sabotage your relationship in such a manner made you deeply upset. You held your breath waiting for Jisung’s response, hoping he’d deny. “I think I’m good.” Your heart swelled with hope for a second before it broke again at his next words, “Actually, maybe. Text me their numbers.” 
Not wanting to hear anything further, you left the gifts at his door. You muffled your own sobs with your hands, slipping the letter on top of the items, yet a cry made it through and you panicked realizing footsteps were approaching the door. Quickly rushing to the end of the hallway where there was a blind spot, you heard it opening. “Holy shit, she’s a stalker Ji.” “That’s it… I’m blocking her.” 
You regretted coming, cursing yourself for not listening to your friends. After hearing the voices stop and the door shut again, you waited a minute before returning to the hallway. It wasn’t until you neared the elevator that you saw your gifts in the trash can near his unit, with the letter sitting idly on top of the other garbage. 
You dissociated for the rest of your walk home, falling onto your bed and immediately falling asleep, yet making sure to block him back before. You decided you would listen to Yangyang and Dejun from now on.
Maybe it was time to move on.  
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a/n: haechan when i catch you...
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pleasantspark · 1 day
Dissecting the Inconsistencies in Poison (Commentary)
For some fucking reason despite this song intending to be Anti-Rape and Blake trying to be the next Michael Kovich with him trying so hard to sound like him, the song makes me think it's Pro-Rape.
I'm not above a love to cash in Another lover underneath those flashin' lights Another one of those ruthless nights Yeah, yeah, yeah
In this verse, Angel Dust is talking about his work as being a Porn Star, and how he spends time under the spotlight recording with strangers "Another lover" implies there's more than one each night.
I shoulda' guessed that this would happen I shoulda' known it when I looked in your red-hot eyes Spewin' all your red-hot lies Yeah, yeah, yeah
In this verse, he laments on how he should have guessed what had happened, and how he should have known it by telling from a red flag via Valentino. Red hot lies are also referring to manipulation.
What's the worst part of this hell? I can only blame myself
He blames himself for ending up in this Hell.
'Cause I know you're poison You're feedin' me poison Addicted to this feelin', I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice, and Every night I'm livin' like there's no tomorrow
This verse conflicts me, on one hand, he's accepting of the poison and refusing the much needed help, and I am pretty sure Val isn't actively trying to isolate him from anyone else, which makes him less of a threat and all of his threats have to do with something related to making Angel Dust fuck other people. And most of the threats sound so goofy that it makes me wanna fucking cringe.
He's talking about how he has no choice but to accept the poison I get it, he's a victim but the thing is about Angel Dust as a whole is, that the song is not even representive of the fact this guy is a victim of SA, rather he's depicted as enjoying it and doing all this.
Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me, baby That's the way you got me, I'll be yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison
Most of the time, I believe he finds himself in a place where he is trapped, although there's tons of people who he cares about. The best part of a character arc for him would technically be Angel Dust being led to believe most of the people in the Hotel were "using him" and that he is forced to stay with Val until he is showed that people care about him.
I got so good at bein' untrue I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear I disassociate, disappear Yeah, yeah, yeah So far beyond difficult to resist another gulp
In this verse, he is completely talking about losing himself, and falling into the gulp of Val's poison. Which we don't see any of.
Yeah, I know it's poison You're feedin' me poison I'm chokin' from the taste and I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice, and Every night I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me, baby That's the way you got me, I'll be yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison Poison, I'm drownin' in poison I'm fillin' up my glass but it's always hollow Full of poison, I'm sick of the poison Wish I had something to live for tomorrow…
And it ends with him having a (semi) realistic panic attack to distract us from the fact that Angel Dust deadass sang a Love Song about his abuser.
This is a Pop Song.
I feel like making a song about anti-rape SHOULDN'T be something like Pop, it's too cheerful and makes it insensitive. I feel like something on the level of Nirvana can actually work out.
In Conclusion, while Poison is catchy, it's NOT a good song at all, and gives me mixed signals. Compared to Addict its a complete downgrade of it, beyond the vocals and lyrics. No 8 year old should be listening to this, and no one should "Cum" to the visuals VivziePop.
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peachyfnaf · 18 hours
I'm sorry but "MY BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS WITH A DISORDER<3" really made my day and I needed you to know
I can't believe Nexus is bullying peepaw war criminal.
Do you think Nexus is going to be stopped by big bro Sun or do you think the lil guy is going beyond the point of no return?
(Please talk about baby cringe Lord Nexus, I want to hear about your blorbo 🙏)
That's because Nexus IS my beautiful princess with a disorder, I'll have you know <3 they're diseased but it's okay I can give them their tetanus and flu shots and it'll all be better I GOT THIS
But. ahem, okay, blorbo yapping time. I'm not even gonna say "I'll try to keep this short" because I know it wont end up that way HAHAHAHAHA
"Do you think Nexus is going to be stopped by big bro Sun or do you think the lil guy is going beyond the point of no return?"
I... have absolutely no idea!!!1! (and also it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize peepaw war criminal was Ruin KJDFHSDF)
The most frustrating thing about canon Nexus is how his morals, motivations, and goals seem to see-saw back and forth all the time. at first, he became how he is now due to Solar's death. he spiraled in his grief, identity-issues, and abandonment. but... now his motivation is to become an all powerful god??? while it's most likely that NSP is at play and affecting his thought process, it's... well, it's really hard to take him seriously as a villain because of it, lol. for an audience to enjoy, and even sympathize in some cases, with a villain, their goals and motivations have to be concrete. they have to be relatable, or at least understandable, but Nexus' whole thing is... not, Imho. and I know I'm not the only person who feels this way!!!
I see a lot of people calling Nexus "cringe", and the thing is, when it comes to canon Nexus, they're not really... wrong??? The worst thing Nexus has done so far is make Old Moon see his past victims, which is fucked up of him to do, but.. so far, that's kind of it??? other than that, his "villainy" consists of saying empty threats and cheesy evil one-liners. hell, he was supposed to kidnap Sun yesterday but instead spent the whole episode yapping and venting to him, chasing Sun around in the worlds darkest game of tag before getting some lead right in the face dkfjhsdfsd
Also, notice how he's only targeted Old Moon when it comes to actual physical violence? not Lunar, Earth, Solar, or Sun, but Old Moon? yeah, I did too. we already know that Nexus does everything because he's lashing out, but as of rn the only target he's gotten his hands on physically being O.M...? well. I think it says a lot. cause' yeah, he sure as shit scared the life out of the other Celestials, but he's never put his hands on them!! the only other one of them he harmed physically was Earth- and not only was he not aiming for her, she was just in the way- he felt immediate regret for his actions once in space, and has yet to even see Earth ever since that day.
So, I really have no idea if he's going to be "redeemed" or not. one second he's showing signs he might be, and the next he's falling further down the "pretty badly written villain" rabbit-hole. if he does get something akin to a redemption arc, he'll prolly mostly be accepted in the eyes of the viewers, considering a lot of peeps sympathize or at least understand where he's coming from, but I seriously doubt the other Celestials would take him back. the only one's who might see him as family/a close friend again are Sun and Solar, but even then, nothing would ever be the same.
I hope he gets redeemed, or at least freed from the hold Dark Sun has on him and he's able to live his own life, I really do. at his core, Nexus is a good person. a good person who was crushed under the weight of the shadow of the man he was born under. and we know this because he used to be New Moon. sweet, dorky New Moon.
New Moon, who made inventions like sentient knives and whoopee cushions. New Moon, who had matching My Little Pony stickers with his best friend. New Moon, who bought a whole ass island-luxury-house for Sun because he wanted to make him feel better and give him the proper space to heal. and New Moon- the poor freshly-baked A.I who gave his all to make sure he could do everything that Old Moon could, but it just wasn't enough. he tried and tried and tried, but it wasn't enough.
So yeah, idk if he's getting one in canon, but to me, he more than deserves a good ending, for the life he was given. let him be at peace.
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g1rld1ary · 2 days
Hey!! I saw you write for lockwood & co, so I've been summoned ✨
May I request an Anthony Lockwood x reader where it's basically like the deleted scene where Lucy is in a towel and compliments Lockwood's pajamas, and Lockwood (probably panicking) says he likes her towel and he has this face of instant regret
Basically that but with reader and maybe they're already dating? Thank you so much!!
nice towel - anthony lockwood x reader
wc: 922
cw: r gets caught in just a towel, kissing (slightlyyyy suggestive content maybe??), swearing
thank u so much for this request sweetheart!! i know it took so long but it was so fun to write -- i know i took it in a little different direction but i hope u enjoy & i did ur req justice!!!! lots of love xoxo
It wasn’t always easy living with your coworkers. Especially when your coworkers were all teenagers your age, including your very new boyfriend. Having four people in relatively cramped quarters was bound to bring uncomfortable situations, but you all tried to handle it like the adults you weren’t yet.
The aforementioned uncomfortable situations happened most often surrounding the bathroom. One bathroom between four people wasn’t the worst arrangement in the world, but with four people with such irregular schedules, it was inevitable that sometimes your visits would coincide.
Usually it wasn’t so bad; two people sharing the sink as they brushed their teeth, you sitting in the shower (clothed, of course) shaving your legs as George did his hair. Life was mostly peaceful.
You were taking a Sunday night everything shower, washing your hair and using the fancy exfoliator and body wash you got as a birthday gift. Your body was smooth, you felt glowing and you were wrapped in a fluffy warm towel, painting your toes as you sat on the toilet. You were the last to shower so you had no inclination to rush, knowing there wasn’t a great chance of anyone bursting in with any urgency.
Except, of course, Lockwood and Co. never did what you expected. A loud banging came through the door and you jumped, swiping the nail polish over your skin instead of the nail.
You jumped up regardless, clutching your towel tightly across your chest as you opened the door. George, Lucy and Lockwood stood on the other side, all in their pyjamas and panting slightly. You stared at them, one eyebrow raised expectantly.
“What do you remember about the Jefferson House ghost?” George asked, catching you off guard.
“Jefferson House ghost. The poison case. I was visiting family, Lucy wasn’t part of the company yet and Lockwood is useless at remembering research. What do you remember?” You were still struggling to understand the purpose of this question, but shrugged and answered anyway, rattling off whatever you could remember about the house, the ghost and the case.
“You’re so much more useful than Lockwood,” Lucy said, shooting you both a teasing smile. Lockwood rolled his eyes, but amusement shone through underneath.
“Right. Well, I’d like to get back to my night, uh,” You caught a glance of Lockwood’s matching pink set of pyjamas, “Nice pyjamas.” Lockwood glanced down at his outfit and you swore you saw him blush, a rosy colour similar to his shirt. Lucy and George watched between you.
“Thanks,” He said, eyes giving you a once over, “Nice… towel.” You could actually see the regret seeping into his bones, mortified cringe screwing up his features. You bit your lip, an awkward giggle escaping as all four of you stood, slightly unsure of what to do.
You took the initiative, slowly backing away from the group, pressing the door closed as you heard Lucy’s deadpan: “Lockwood, what the fuck?” and his panicked reply.
“I panicked!”
You had a total physical reaction, the tangible awkwardness of the moment permeating through the bathroom. You did an embarrassing wriggle-shake-expelling of discomfort and immediately felt better, going so far as to laugh at the ridiculousness of it.
You and Lockwood had only been dating for a few months, trying to take things slow and ensure you weren’t compromising the state of the company. Therefore, you hadn’t spent the night in his room yet. So you’d never seen Lockwood in his adorable matching set of flannels and he’d never seen you less than fully clothed (with the exception of him patching you up a few times where you looked so unsexy).
Later that night, you knocked softly on Lockwood’s door, pushing it open gently. Only the lamp was still on, Lockwood reading in his bed, still dressed in the pink pyjamas. He looked up when you entered, surprised but not at all disappointed.
Your usual rule was that you spent time together in the library at night; private but not at risk of crossing lines that might make George or Lucy uncomfortable — the company was both of your priorities.
“I am so sorry for before,” Lockwood begged for forgiveness, smile both embarrassed and entertained. You shook your head, dismissing the apology.
“It’s ok, I laughed.” He relaxed immediately, megawatt smile back out for you to admire. He patted the spot beside him and you all but dove in next to him, giddy at the feeling of being in his bed. “You’re pyjamas are really cute, by the way.” He blushed again, putting his arm around you and pulling you close. You hoped he couldn’t feel your racing heart.
“Yeah?” His eyes glinted with mischief, “You looked pretty cute in the towel too.”
“Yeah?” You couldn’t help the girlish giggle that escaped you, looking up at him through your lashes in a way you knew he liked.
“Yeah.” He swooped down and stole a kiss, triumphant when he pulled away until you grabbed the back of his neck, connecting your lips deeper. He let out a startled noise before he melted into it, adjusting you to a more comfortable position underneath him.
Lockwood pulled away to admire the view.
“Maybe we need to rethink our rules,” He murmured, playing with a strand of your hair absentmindedly.
“Anthony, I swear to God, if you don’t keep kissing me —”
You didn’t have to finish the sentence.
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jealousmartini · 2 days
I am a firm believer that it's okay for your man to be a turn-off sometimes. Not too much tho. And this reminds me of how I came back to youtube, making my first appearance since 2022 through a random livestream.
In the live, I revealed that not only are me and my best friend whom I swore I was not in love with for years, but I had also lost my virginity one night and this was literally after Rodrigo had done a disastrously cringe reference in the middle of the stream
[Rodrigo] "...isn't that the sound where a bunch of people were dancing like this?.."
[Lucia] "..no stop that😦. What the fuck are you doing you turn-off☹️." *throws several pillows at him*
[Rodrigo] *He laughs, shielding himself and continues dancing*
[Lucia] *pulls an absolutely disgusted face and chucks another cushion at him, turns to camera* "yknow what😐, I actually can't believe THAT😒 is the same man who took my virginity last night"
[Rodrigo] *He finally quits dancing and walks up to his seat, reading the live chat* "Lmaoo and your not getting it back eitherrr😝😋"
[Lucia] *Punches his arm jokingly,* "You know what, I should probably clarify that I am a firm believer that it's okay for your man to be a turn-off sometimes." *pauses and glares at him from the side of her eye before emphasising* "SOMEtimes"
This was to my 9.8 million followers after not showing my face since 2022 so we had an irresistible glow up, only irregularly posting bits and peaces of art on tumblr and very rarely on tiktok. Consider this our official return to youtube. And the 3rd biggest shock of 2024.
our fans predicted we were going to end up getting together
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| Reunions and Rivalries |
tetsuro kuroo x f!reader
The first time Kuroo saw you was when he noticed you sitting with Kenma, happily playing video games together. He would have been lying if he said he wasn’t surprised when Kenma mentioned he had made a friend on the first day of the new school year. He didn’t share much about you, but Kuroo knew you had just transferred to Nekoma High and somehow you had piqued his interest.
warnings/notes: highschool romance, fluff, slight angst, I do NOT write fanfictions or storys normally, this is a first, so I am generally sorry for everything. CRINGE. def will be cringe in some parts. I'm a big sucker for Kuroo, him and Kenma may be ooc but I don't care this is my silly story and I just need to get it out of my head so I can finally write my Master's Thesis in peace. Also, english is not my first language. This has been "proofread" by my friends (who are also non-native speakers, enjoy).
word count: 2659
former chapter | masterlist | next chapter
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The familiar sound of Karasuno players shouting to each other filled the air as the Tokyo team approached. You walked next to Yaku, chatting casually, when suddenly two familiar figures came sprinting toward you.
“Y/N!” Nishinoya shouted at the top of his lungs, while Sugawara waved enthusiastically from behind him. Before you could even react, Noya wrapped you in a tight hug, nearly knocking poor Yaku off his feet in the process.
“Noya! Suga-Chaaaan~!” you grinned, pulling Sugawara into the hug as well. Noya, now gripping your arm dramatically, suddenly shifted his expression to one of exaggerated misery.
“Y/N!” he whined, pushing you away just enough to meet your eyes, still holding onto your arm. “You have no idea how terrible school is without you. It’s been torture!”
You laughed, playfully pushing at Noya’s shoulder. "Oh, come on, Noya. It can't be that bad."
"It is that bad!" he insisted, throwing his head back in exaggerated despair. "Ever since you transferred, it's like the life has been sucked out of our classroom. I can't even focus on anything anymore!"
Sugawara chuckled, shaking his head at Noya's antics. "I think you just miss having someone to cheat off of during tests."
Noya pouted, clutching his heart as if he’d been gravely wounded. "How could you say that?! I would never cheat! I just… I mean, maybe I miss having Y/N to help me out once in a while, but that's totally different!"
You smirked, crossing your arms. "Uh-huh, totally."
Nishinoya groaned, burying his face in his hands. "You don’t understand! It’s like no one else gets me. The energy in class is so dull now, Y/N! I'm completely doomed."
You rolled your eyes affectionately, patting Noya on the head. "You’re being a bit dramatic, don’t you think?"
"Not dramatic enough!" Noya cried, throwing his arms wide for emphasis. "It's been painful without you. Seriously, how do you survive at that new school? Do they at least let you sleep through class?"
You chuckled. "It’s not so bad, actually. I’ve made some new friends, and I still get plenty of sleep."
Noya looked betrayed, his eyes wide. "New friends? What, and you didn’t miss us at all?"
"Of course I missed you guys!" You reassured, smiling. "But you know, life moves on. Besides, we still get to play Guild Wars together."
„Yeah, nice raid yesterday,” Nishinoya exclaimed, fist bumping you.
Kuroo, watching the scene from a few steps away, furrowed his brow slightly. “So, she's close with the volleyball team at her old school too?” he asked casually, glancing over at Kenma.
“Hm?” Kenma blinked, only half-listening. “Obviously,” he said with a shrug. “Why? You jealous or something?”
Kuroo scoffed, his expression tightening for a moment. “What? No,” he replied, though his gaze drifted back to you, now laughing a bit too hard—at least from his perspective—at something Sugawara said. His jaw clenched involuntarily.
“You sure?” Kenma muttered, still not looking up. “Because it kind of seems like you are.”
“I’m not,” Kuroo grumbled, crossing his arms defensively. “Why would I be—”
His words trailed off as Daichi approached you, a calm but warm smile on his face. He greeted you with a firm hug, his arms wrapping around you in a way that spoke of years of friendship. “It’s been too long, Y/N,” Daichi said, his voice soft. “It’s a nice surprise you’re here.”
You smiled, your face lighting up. “It feels like ages.”
Kuroo watched the exchange, feeling his heart sink just a bit. Daichi’s hug wasn’t overly affectionate, but there was a sense of familiarity between you two that stirred envy in him. He tried to brush it off, forcing a smile, though it felt stiff on his face.
“The third years used to be in the same class as her brother since Kindergarten,” Kenma said quietly, as if reading Kuroo’s thoughts. “They’ve known each other for a long time.”
Kuroo exhaled, rolling his eyes, though the slight tension in his shoulders didn’t ease. “Great. Old friends,” he muttered, his smile feeling more and more strained.
Kenma smirked. “You’re terrible at hiding your feelings.”
"Wait… she has a brother?" Kuroo asked, his tone sharper than he intended.
Kenma gave him a surprised look. "You didn’t know? Yeah, L/N Ryouta—he goes to Nekoma too."
Kuroo’s mind raced. "L/N Ryouta? I don’t think I’ve met him."
Kenma shook his head. "Probably not. You’re in the university prep class, and he’s in regular courses. Still, kind of strange she didn’t mention him during one of your study dates."
Kuroo’s lips tugged into a slight frown. "We’re studying, not chatting." The fact that you had a brother he didn’t know about made him feel a little out of the loop. He didn’t like it.
Kenma shrugged. "It makes sense she'd be close with them. They’ve been hanging out since she was little."
Kuroo watched you laugh with Daichi and Sugawara, Noya had left you to help Tanaka “protect” Shimizu. You clearly had a lot of history with these guys. The way they greeted you, how easily you fit into their circle—it was obvious you were used to attention from boys. It bothered him more than he cared to admit.
Just as he was about to look away, you caught his eye and waved, your smile brightening. For a split second, you seemed to hesitate, a faint blush coloring your cheeks as if you hadn’t expected him to be watching. Kuroo smirked, feeling a little more at ease now.
Daichi, noticing your reaction, raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?" he asked, his tone casual but curious.
You turned back to Daichi, still smiling. "Oh, that’s Kuroo, Nekoma’s captain. You should probably go introduce yourself."
Daichi nodded, though his expression became a little more guarded. "Right. I’ll go say hi."
As Daichi walked over, Kuroo straightened up, masking his emotions behind his usual confident grin. Daichi extended his hand, his smile polite but strained. "Daichi Sawamura, captain of Karasuno."
Kuroo grasped Daichi’s hand, matching his too-firm grip with one of his own. "Tetsurou Kuroo. Captain of Nekoma."
Both captains forced smiles, but in the back of their minds, they had the same thought: I don’t like this guy.
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“So… you’re not their manager?” Sugawara asked, giving you a playful nudge as he leaned against the wall next to you in the gym, a soft smile playing on his lips.
“Nope,” you chuckled. "I’m just here for moral support.”
Sugawara laughed. “Then I can support you supporting. We've got a cracking new setter, so I'll probably be on the bench the whole time.”
There was an ease between you and Sugawara that came with familiarity. You caught up on everything—school, mutual friends, and volleyball, of course. Time slipped away as the two of you talked, oblivious to anything else happening on the court.
Except someone was paying attention.
From across the gym, Kuroo’s gaze flickered toward you more than once. He tried to brush it off, but the more you laughed with Sugawara, the harder it was to ignore the twist in his chest.
“Oi, Kuro,” Kenma muttered, not even looking at him as he noticed the subtle tension radiating off his captain. “What’s up with you?”
Kuroo blinked, dragging his gaze back to the court just in time to see one of Karasuno's players miss a spike. “What do you mean? Nothing's up.”
Kenma sighed. “You’ve been staring over there for the last ten minutes. You’re distracted.”
“Distracted?” Kuroo scoffed, though his eyes flicked once again in your direction—watching as Sugawara leaned in to say something that made you laugh. Why does he get to make you laugh like that? Kuroo felt his jaw tighten. “I’m not distracted. Just… keeping an eye on the competition. You know, strategy.”
Kenma raised an eyebrow. “Sugawara isn’t even playing.”
Kuroo rolled his eyes, “You mean Suga-Chaaan~,” he mocked your greeting only to feign indifference afterwards. “I’m not watching him. Why would I care about some third year who isn’t even in starting lineup?”
Kenma looked at him blankly for a moment before shrugging. “I don’t know. Why would you care?”
“I don’t,” Kuroo huffed. “As I already said, it’s not like I’m jealous or anything.”
Kenma eyes flicked toward Sugawara, then back to Kuroo. “I didn’t say you were.”
“I’m not,” Kuroo added, a little too quickly. “I mean—”
“Kuro,” Kenma interrupted, his deadpan expression growing sharper.
“I—" Kuroo hesitated, suddenly aware of how ridiculous he sounded. “I’m just looking out for her.”
Kenma’s lips twitched into the slightest hint of a smirk. “Sure.”
Across the court, Sugawara was finishing a story, his eyes twinkling as he spoke. You laughed, leaning in a little closer. Kuroo’s eye twitched.
“It’s not like they’re flirting,” Kuroo mumbled under his breath, though his voice lacked conviction.
“What was that?” Kenma asked, not bothering to look away from the ball on their side.
“Nothing!” Kuroo snapped, a little too loud, drawing some curious glances from nearby players.
You and Sugawara, still chatting, were blissfully unaware of Kuroo’s growing frustration. Every time Sugawara made you laugh, it felt like a small jab, not because he disliked Sugawara, but because… well, he wasn’t entirely sure why. Or at least, he wasn’t willing to admit it yet.
The match was in full swing, as Shimizu joined you and Sugawara at the side, observing as the teams went back and forth on the court. You’d fallen into an easy rhythm with Sugawara, catching up and making jokes, but now that Shimizu had joined you, the conversation was a bit more reserved.
After a moment of comfortable silence, Shimizu turned toward you. “You’re not their manager, yet you’re wearing their jersey,” she remarked softly, her eyes following the ball.
“Yeah, it actually belongs to Kenma, we're about the same size, thought it would boost the team spirit” you replied, smiling fondly.
Shimizu nodded thoughtfully, glancing between you and Kenma on the court. “He seems to enjoy your company.”
You blinked, catching the subtle implication in her tone. “Wait, do you mean…?” You hesitated, feeling a slight blush creep up your neck. “You think I like Kenma?”
Sugawara, who had been listening in with a bemused expression, chuckled under his breath. “Oh no, Shimizu,” he said, shaking his head, “you’re way off.”
Shimizu tilted her head slightly, giving Sugawara a questioning look. “Really? I thought—”
Sugawara waved her off with a smile, clearly amused. “Trust me, I’ve known Y/N for a long time. She doesn’t go for the quiet, brooding type.”
You narrowed your eyes at Sugawara, half-embarrassed. “Hey, I can like quiet guys,” you defended, though it came out more as a weak protest than anything else.
Sugawara gave you a teasing smirk. “Maybe, but not that quiet.” He leaned in a little closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially. “Kenma’s great and all, but your type’s always been more… I don’t know, bad boy. The kind of guy who’s a little rough around the edges, gets under your skin.”
Shimizu blinked, her curiosity piqued. “Bad boy…?” she repeated thoughtfully, then her gaze drifted toward the court where Coach Ukai stood, arms crossed, observing the match with his intense focus. She nodded in his direction. “Ah. You mean someone like Ukai?”
You nearly choked, waving your hands in protest. “What? No way! He’s… hot, sure, but he’s way too old!”
Sugawara burst out laughing, and even Shimizu’s usually calm expression cracked into a smile.
“Nah, I wasn’t talking about Ukai,” Sugawara chuckled, nudging you playfully. “I had someone more… age-appropriate in mind.” He pointed subtly across the court to where Kuroo was setting up for a block, his sharp gaze focused on the game, his usual smug grin tugging at the corners of his lips. “I was thinking more along the lines of that bad boy.”
You froze, suddenly feeling like all the air had been knocked out of your lungs. “Kuroo?” You hadn’t even realized it, but the moment Sugawara mentioned it, something clicked inside you—like a light had been switched on.
Sugawara’s grin widened as he saw the realization dawning on your face. “There it is,” he said, his voice smug but not unkind. “Ryouta told me you just can’t shut up about him.”
You could feel the blush deepening, the heat spreading up to your cheeks. “I… I don’t…” you stammered, not quite sure how to deny it now that it was out in the open.
Shimizu watched you carefully, her quiet gaze perceptive. “So, it is Kuroo?” she asked softly, her voice neutral as ever, though there was a trace of curiosity.
You glanced at her, feeling a little trapped but knowing you couldn’t lie, especially not with Sugawara there, reading you like an open book. You sighed, defeated, and ran a hand through your hair. “Okay, fine,” you muttered, embarrassed but kind of relieved to admit it. “Yeah… I think I like Kuroo.”
Sugawara looked like he’d just won a game. “I knew it,” he said triumphantly. “I could tell from the beginning.”
Shimizu gave a small nod, her expression thoughtful. “He does seem like someone you’d get along with,” she said quietly.
“Well…” you began slowly, a shy smile creeping onto your face, “he is pretty great. He’s been really nice to me, even when he’s annoying.”
Shimizu gave you a small, knowing smile.
Sugawara’s grin softened a bit, turning more genuine. “Sounds like you’re smitten.”
You shot him a playful glare. “Don’t make it sound so cheesy.”
He chuckled. “Hey, no judgment here. I’m just glad you finally realized it.”
You groaned, half embarrassed but secretly hopeful. “Great, now I’m going to be overanalyzing everything he says to me.”
Sugawara laughed, clapping you on the shoulder. “That’s part of the fun. Just keep me updated.”
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Later that night, the team piled into the bus, the soft hum of the engine filling the silence as the Nekoma players settled into their seats. You slid into a spot next to Kenma, Kuroo sitting in the row just ahead, his head tilted back against the seat.
As the bus started to roll down the road, you pulled out some flyers Sugawara had given you earlier and turned to Kenma and Kuroo. "Hey, by the way, Sugawara invited me to a festival nearby. His and my brother’s band, Secondhand Youth, is opening." You held out the flyer so they could see. "You guys listen to pop-punk, right?"
Kenma glanced up from his DS, raising an eyebrow, but before he could say anything, Kuroo replied a little too quickly, "Sure!" His voice was overly enthusiastic, and his eyes darted to you for a reaction.
Kenma blinked, clearly unimpressed. He gave Kuroo a sideways look, stifling a smirk as he mimicked, "Sure." His tone was flat, dripping with sarcasm.
You snorted, trying to hide a laugh, but Kuroo shot Kenma a mock glare. “What? It’s not like I don’t listen to it.”
Kenma couldn’t resist. “Name one band.” He leaned his chin on his hand, watching Kuroo with a blank stare, knowing full well his friend didn’t have a clue.
Kuroo paused, clearly stumped, his mouth opening and closing as if searching for a band name. “Well, Secondhand Youth, obviously.” You couldn’t help but giggle, and Kuroo turned to you, his expression a mix of mild panic and frustration.
"Okay, fine, maybe I’m not a huge fan," Kuroo admitted, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, "but I’d still go. For the experience, you know?"
Kenma rolled his eyes but kept a small smile on his lips. “Yeah, the experience of pretending to like music you’ve never heard of.”
You nudged Kuroo’s seat playfully from behind, your smile softening. "You don’t have to, Kuroo. But… you’re welcome to come, if you want."
Kuroo’s eyes met yours, his expression softening as well. “Nah, I wanna go,” he said, his voice sincere this time. “Could be fun.”
Kenma returned to his game, though he couldn’t hide the amusement in his eyes as he watched you and Kuroo interact.
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verycoolusername1 · 8 hours
The Game
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Summary: In which Ethan Edwards can't help but pay attention to the drum major of the Umich marching band.
Ethan Edwards x Gn!reader
Warning: I can't really think of any right now
A/N: Yes, I made y/n drum major, something I could only wished to achieve in high school, and I'm a band kid. SO WHAT?? I based this off of my high school band(which isn't competitive but has two drum majors(in this it's just one, I'm giving yn the spotlight- BUT I DO HAVE AN EXCUSE FOR THE OTHER DRUM MAJOR) and like SO many people), so things might be a little bit different, but nonetheless band is band, so let's go!
I never had games during the day so for 3rd quarter break, uhhh they're just getting lunch(which is still pizza cause that's what I always got lmao)
Uhhh and this when the hughes family came to umich for a game, so like recent(Jack's girlfriend isn't in this though at all as I do not support her nor her actions)
I have a cold rn so I'm missing a game today :(
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It was his senior year of college. Ethan honestly had no idea how he made it this far, but he was happy it was almost over.
His lungs were on fire for cheering at every touchdown. He had never been more grateful it was now halftime.
"I'm going to concessions, you guys want anything?" Luca asked.
"Nah, I think I'm gonna stay for this." Ethan exclaimed.
"Looks like someone wants to see the cheerleaders." Luca mutters.
Ethan slapped the back of his head, Luca held his hands up in surrender. When Ethan turned his head he was met with a stranger bumping into them.
"Oh gosh I'm so sorry!" They began to apologize.
"It's fine." Ethan rushed out.
This also gave him a moment to observe the person, they weren't in typical clothing but rather the opposite. In uniform that stood out from others.
"That's uh a nice uniform you got there." Ethan cringed mentally at how he sounded.
You chuckled awkwardly. "Thanks." You turned your head. "Sorry I gotta go, uh see you around stranger!"
"It's Ethan!" He called out after you.
"See you around Ethan!" You said your goodbye before running to the field.
Ethan watched you in confusion, you weren't on the football team or atleast not that he knew of but then he saw it. You were with the band.
You stood in front of them on the field while the band was in count out position.
Subconsciously you looked up and met eyes with Ethan, you blushed slightly before remembering why you were there.
"At the ready!"
The band followed your command and got into position, getting quiet while doing so. The crowd got silent too, waiting in anticipation for what to come.
"Band ten hut!"
"Hut!" The band replied.
Ethan watched in amazement as you controlled the band and how they listened to you without a second thought.
You were nervous to say the least, this was the first time you was on the field without James(the other drum major, he had a cold).
The band were making their way towards the opening set of the opener leaving count out position.
Just ten more minutes you told yourself, but it felt longer with Ethan? You think his name was, had his eyes set on you. You couldn't see it but you felt it.
"One, two, one, two, ready, and!" You counted off.
Ethan watched at the band move miraculously as you kept conducting and in time. He could never do that, playing a song from memory and remembering where you went on the field. He never knew how much work the band puts into a ten minute show until now.
Ethan watched you most of the time rather than the actual show. Hell, even when the band came off the field, he was still only staring at you. No cheerleader could pull him away from the drum major.
"Looks like someone caught Ethan's eye." Duke whispered to Luke, who laughed.
Luca came back from concessions with a bag of popcorn and a hotdog.
"Who caught Ethan's eye?" Luca practically yelled, forcing Ethan's eyes to leave you and to his friends.
"No one!" "Someone in the band!" Ethan and Mackie spoke at the same time.
"The drum major?" Luke clarifies.
"What no you can't be serious?" Luca asked. "A band kid?"
"Hey band kids are awesome." Quinn piped up.
"I gotta agree with Quinn there Luca." Jack agreed.
"And this one in particular is good looking." Mark adds.
"You aren't allowed to say that." Ethan muttered.
"Yeah cause only you can." Luke teases.
"Do you know their name?" Jack asks.
"No but they know mine." Ethan began to smile.
"Oh my god, don't even know their name and you're already whipped." Duke laughed.
"Ethan!" You called his name, making him and everyone turn to look at you.
You were used to the attention being drum major and all. But having Ethan and his friends look at you made your stomach churn up butterflies.
You guestered for him to come to the plaza as the band was having their 3rd quarter break. You stifled a laugh as Ethan practically tripped on his own feet trying to get to you.
"Are you okay?" You asked as he reached you.
"Better now." He chucked, out of breath.
"Y/n." You told him.
"Hm?" Ethan looked down at you.
"My name is Y/n." You clarified with a nervous chuckle.
"Oh." Ethan now realized what you meant. "Well then Y/n... halftime was amazing."
The way your name rolled off his tongue made it feel like he'd known you for years. It made your heart swell.
Realizing that you have been staring at him and didn't say anything in reply and you cleared your throat and looked away.
Thankfully before you could say anything, your friend Robin came up to the two of you.
"Hey Y/n and..." Robin eyes widened as she whispered to you, not so subtly. "Oh my god, is this the cute guy you bumped into before halftime?"
You looked at her with a look that read, 'if you don't stop talking imma shut you up myself."
"His name is Ethan." You muttered, not even daring to look up at him as he held an amused look on his face.
Robin nodded slowly before blurting out. "I'm gay! I mean uh- I like woman not men! They said you're cute not me obviously I mean- wait what? Sorry!" She clarifies.
"Robin I love you," You started. "But please leave."
Robin nodded quickly. "Alright yeah got it bye!" She ran off.
"Sorry about her, she tends to over share sometimes." You explained.
"Oh no Luke's like that all the time." Ethan chuckled. "So uh you think I'm cute huh?" He starts to tease.
You muttered an "Oh my god." Before covering your face with your hands.
Ethan laughed again only a bit more softly as he spoke. "Hey it's okay."
"And this is the part where you tell me you have a hot girlfriend back at home." You told yourself, not caring if he heard it.
Ethan frowned at this. "This is actually the part where I tell you I'm single and I would like to get your number."
You snapped your head up at Ethan, shocked.
"You want my number?" You asked him.
He nodded rapidly. "I mean yeah, why wouldn't I want the cute drum majors number?"
Your face grew hot to his words before clearing your throat. "Oh... then uh yeah yeah I can give you my number."
Ethan gave you his phone as you quickly typed your number in and sent a message to yourself.
"Two minutes!" Your band director called out.
"Shit," You cursed under your breath. "I have to go."
"Right." Ethan smiled sadly.
You did as well before you came up with an excellent idea. "Meet me at the band room after the game."
"Uh I would but I have no idea where that is." He explained.
"The band room? Oh I definitely know where that is." Luke suddenly appeared beside him. "I'll make sure he arrives in one piece."
"Thanks Hughes." You chuckles before giving Ethan a soft smile. "Bye Ethan. I'll see you later."
"Band, let's start making our way back now!" You yelled.
"Oh they could totally yell at me like that." Ethan whispered under his breath.
Luca slapped his chest. "Dude this is getting weird."
"Hey uh Luke, how did they know your name?" Mackie asks.
"Well It's complicated." Luke says before quickly adding. "We didn't hookup!"
"You're probably the reason Robin's gay." Ethan muttered as a joke.
"Hey! I heard that!" Luke rolled his eyes.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 day
hi! can I have some angel Neil this week?
WIP Wednesday (9/18) | Guardian Angel Neil AU (Part 236)
"No. I was just making sure," Andrew says, aiming for nonchalance. Neil doesn't look particularly convinced and now Andrew worries he's accidentally granted himself an angelic audience for tomorrow's session. Damn. Andrew licks his lips. Time to lie. "I am going to talk to her about the nightmare I had the other night. I wanted to be sure you wouldn't listen."
Neil's eyes widen minutely, then he nods. "Good. You should talk to her about it," he says, taking Andrew by surprise.
"I thought you didn't believe in therapy."
"I don't. But you do. And I could feel how much that dream affected you, Andrew. It feel like you needed me, it felt like I needed to wake you. But then you woke yourself up and came up here and tore your brother a new one." Neil says, making Andrew cringe internally. He really hadn't meant to go berserk that morning, but Aaron's a fucking idiot. (And no matter what Neil says, they're twins. They're the same.)
Neil moves to sit back up and stretches his arms over his head. "All I'm saying is it must've been bad."
"It was."
"So, if you can't talk to me about it you should talk to her. Maybe she's got the magic cure for recurring dreams."
"Recurring." Andrew repeats. 
“Isn’t it? I’ve felt you have nightmares before.” Neil says. Andrew isn’t sure. He's never thought about it much. He's never tried to label the horrible things his brain makes him relive when he goes night-night. But he supposes Neil could be right. Is it recurring when the places and faces and sheets are sometimes different? Does he actually need to talk to Bee about this? (Probably.)
"I used to have a recurring nightmare when I was a little kid. It was about a clown," Neil offers randomly.
"Yeah. It would come into my bedroom and just stand there in the doorway, staring at me with a bloody knife in its hand. Sometimes it would laugh, but usually it was deathly quiet," Neil says, trying to suppress a shudder. He fails and shivers so violently Andrew can feel it. A moment later, Neil makes a face as if something's occurred to him. "Come to think of it that might've just been my father playing a prank on me."
The easy way Neil says it has Andrew choking on a badly-timed laugh. He coughs at Neil's look. "How fucked up of him."
"Oh yeah, he was real fun like that. It's not the worst thing he ever did though," Neil says with a shrug. Andrew looks at Neil for a moment, then glances down to where the hem of his jeans has rolled up, revealing a thick scar around Neil's ankle. It matches the ones Andrew's seen on his wrists. He very nearly asks about it, but forces the question off his tongue because he swore he'd never ask.
Instead he sighs and accidentally lets, "Honk honk," slip past his filter.
Neil gives him a quizzical look. "What was that? Are you a goose now?"
"No. Don't clowns honk?"
"I... My father didn't."
"Never mind then."  Andrew says, looking to the side. They're quiet for a moment, then Neil is sputtering laughter. 
"Honk honk." He says, devolving into a fit of giggles. Andrew can only watch, awe-struck and mesmerized at the sound. When Neil covers his face with his hand and starts to settle down, Andrew says it again and laughs with him until he can't breathe.
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gimmeurmoneyagh · 2 days
𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 - 𝟎:𝟎𝟒
❝𝟏𝟔𝟎𝟎 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭, 𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭❞
- Cleo De Nile
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“There really isn’t anything,“ Crowley thought out loud paging a book, while you just awkwardly stood up watching him read book after book.
“Not only on the world map, but the name of your home isn’t written in any history book!“ He dramatized, crossing his arms over hischets while laying back in a seat. (where did that come from?)
“Are you truly from there? This is not some sort of lie or jest?“
You quickly shook your head for a ’no’ before clearing your throat, “Um, no way. It couldn’t because why would I lie to you about where I’m from?“ 
He hums, smiling a bit (sadist) “Looking at all this, you may have somehow been brought here from another planet...There’s also the possibility that you’re from another world“ He frowns at the bad news he ’found’ out.
You felt yourself barely being restrained from rolling your eyes and saying something crude about him.
“Another world no way! I couln’t possibly have thought that!“ You (fake-)gasped holding your hands in front of your face. “Completely right!“ Crowley nodded along, ignoring your sarcasm. You gave him a dirty look wishing for your cursed amulets and totems (again).
“Now... I ask you, what did you have on you when you came here“ He demanded putting his hands on his hips. “Do you have any indentification, like a license for a magic car, name or a shoe? You seem quite... empty-handed.“
“Did you just call me poor?“ You seethed, his sockets glanced down at you. His way too bright yellow eyes zeroed in on you and you bit your tongue hard to not say anything (else) stupid.
You rummage through the pockets of the robe you were wearing cringing when you found dust in it and nothing else ’NO NOT YOUR I-COFFIN NOT YOUR CREDIT CARDS! NOOOO’. You sigh “Nothing,“
“I can’t just let someone with no magic to join this school!“ He puts a finger to his chin and seems to... weep?! Nope, nope, nope, you need to leave this place immediatly.
“However, as an educator, I can’t just toss some penniless teenager out on the street with no form of communication! Why, that would be just inhumane!“ Your dad has done it before why can’t he? You do not want to be at this stinky, full of teen boy hormones school. “For I am gracious😼!“
How did he say that emoji out lou-.
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"What the fuck is this?"
You sneer at him, cocking your eyebrow. 
The dorm looked like it was about to fall apart. There was dust everywhere, and... OH MY RAH A COCKROACH. 
You sprinted away from it, moving farther from the dorm. Maybe if you ran right now, you could leave this hellhole. No offence to any demons living there, of course. 
He hums, "Right Right," He waves off your words "Come inside!"
"NO?!" You look up at him, he should not be treating a De Nile like this!
He doesn't seem to care, as he pushes you inside.
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"Staying here will at least keep you out of the rain!" He smiles, before patting your back. Which you tried to move out of the way quickly.
"I'm going back to do more research! Make yourself at home! Oh! And don't go wandering around the school. Byyyyyyyeee!!"
And then he hightails it out, Bitchhh... You didn't want to stay at this clearly unsafe dorm.
You quickly moved out the of the way, and surely enough a peice of the ceiling fell on the spot you were standing on.
You grimaced, why were you here? You couldn't possibly deserve this! No way! Now how!
Ewwww. The dust looked like snow, if Abby was here could she control it?
Actual question.
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You decided to look outside after an hour of moving around and trying not to get your outfit dirty.
It was raining.
You weren’t going to survive here, the rain fell through some of open patches of the ceiling.
“Hyiiii! It’s really coming down!“ Wait... Is that... No. NO. You won’t accept this.
You turned around slowly. It was.
It was that stupid-ass, furry expirement, social deformity... Wait what’s it’s name again. Grahh? Gross? Giles? No no, Gael!
“Gyahaha! You’ve got this stupid look on your face like a spider being attacked by a water gun!“
He put his paws(hand? you don’t care) on his hipbone and grinned stupidly while laughing loudly.
You sneered down at him. Oh my Rah...
“At this point I’ll have no trouble sneaking back into school. Come on, come on!“ He starts giggling at you, BITCH.
You don’t usually get your hands dirty with trash but you may do it now...
“If you think getting thrown out is gonna make me give up on getting in you’ve got another thing coming!“ 
“Can you please shut up.“
It seems to be caught off guard, “Wha-..“
“Oh right! You probably can’t understand me with how small and underdeveloped your brain is. If you even have one...“
You begin to laugh at the creature, “You know I can call security right now?“ You leer down at him. “So if you don’t want to get kicked out right now, you better give me a good fucking reason for me to not.“
It starts to sweatdrop and it starts to open it’s mouth... When you cut it off, “Ew. You actually thought I was serious. SECURITY!!“
You cup your hands over your mouth to make it sound a bit louder.
“HUH?! Aren’t you humans supposed to be sympathetic or-or really kind to people?“
It snivels on the ground and is it paws your pants.
You were seriously going to pummel it with a crowbar.
“Blah blah blah.“ You wave it off. “But could you seriouslystop scratching up my pants?!“
“No!“ It had an angry expression on it’s face. So you kicked it.
You are not a bad person. He’s just making you angry!
“I’m a genius who’s destined to be a great magician! You can’t do this to me!“ 
He cries over at the corner you kicked him too.
“I don’t care?!“ You place your hand on your hip, disgusted by the bullshit it was spewing.
“Why do you even want to go to this school? It seems pretty shitty“ You ask, pretending to be interested and actually caring.
“It’s simple!! I’m an amazing mage, and deserve to be treated as one!“ It puffs out it’s chest in pride before it begins looking sorry for itself.
“But-but..“ But! But!
“Hmph! The Dark Mirror just doesn’t have any time for talent!“ Sure... Even though the Dark Mirror insulted you, you understand why it didn’t invite it.
“So that’s why I came here on my own! 😼😼😼!“ It stands on it’s bottom legs and stares up at you as if asking for praise. Which you weren’t going to give. Pathetic.
“Not letting me in would be a loss for the entire world! 😢😢! Humans just don’t get it.“ 
“I am not a normie! How much do I have to tell you?“ You roll your eyes, wondering how stupid a monster can get. ’Cause he was clearly a monster. 
Water from the ceiling started to leak more aggresively, you look up. Huh... Someone should do something about this. Because you definetly weren’t.
“Brrr! So cold! The roof is leaking“ It shivers curling up and rubbing (not in that way broski) against your feet acting like you didn’t just kick it across the room.
You look down at it in disdain, wishing for Father’s credit card again because the filthy creature dirtied your new shoes!
“FNGYAH! It just keeps pouring! My adorable ear fire is gonna go out at this rate!“ It mumbled, trying to gain warmth from you. You isghed and picked it up, and cuddled it.
You lightly flick it’s forehead with a monotone expression, “I’ll try to find some buckets to contain the water you can just stay near me“
You shrug, you may dislike it but you’re not a villain and would never wish that a monster would lose something clearly valuable to itself. 
Except Torelai, Torelai can go fuck herself.
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littlestarbigsky · 19 hours
a lil something inspired by this post by @trekkiehood :))
also at the end i used the dialogue from the musical so i threw ace into the mix, too :)
“darry, can you help us with something?” soda asked, poking his head through the front door.
“i thought you were fixing two-bit’s car,” darry called from the kitchen, where he was washing the dishes from the morning. “don’t you and steve have that under control?”
“gotta borrow your muscles, superman,” two-bit appeared next to soda in the doorway.
darry sighed heavily, wiping his hands on the dish towel and walked over to meet them at the door, cringing at the grease on their hands leaving marks where they were holding the door frame.
“you think you could wipe your hands down next time, pepsi?” darry rolled his eyes at them as they all started walking towards the driveway where car was parked.
“i’ll clean it up later,” soda laughed, jogging towards the car and checking something under the hood.
steve was lying on his back on a skateboard under the car, tool kit lying open next to his hip, and johnny was leaning against the hood, watching soda as he fitted pieces back into place under the hood. ace was stretched out, lying on the roof of the car.
steve bent his knee to pull himself back out from under the car and shouted to two-bit, “she’s not perfect, but she’ll run for now.”
“for now?” two-bit called back. “what do you mean for now? i thought you said you could fix it?”
“bring it to the dx and actually pay us to fix it and it’ll last longer,” soda laughed, tapping johnny on the back so he could close the hood.
darry rolled his eyes at their antics, “what did you need my muscles for again?”
“oh, yea!” soda came back around the car and kicked one of the tires laying on the ground. god, what wasn’t messed up with this car? “can you hold these in place while we put it back on?”
darry sighed, but picked up the first tire and held it in place while they reattached it to the car. it didn’t take too long, and darry was grateful to be doing something that wasn’t his chores for a few minutes. they had just finished putting the last tire back on to the car when it happened.
it was a blur, darry only really felt like he was there for fragments of it.
a familiar body came sprinting through their group, shouting at them to follow. clearly he had seen something the rest of them had missed. dally? what the hell was he doing out of the cooler? he hadn’t seen dally run like that in forever, which couldn’t mean anything good for where they were going, but his legs were sprinting underneath him anyways.
he wasn’t sure how he caught it over the noise of all their running footfalls, but it made his blood run cold.
it was ponyboy.
“soda! help!”
he hadn’t run like this since his football days, he could feel the unused muscles in his legs screaming in pain and his lungs felt like they were on fire, but he would die before he slowed down. it didn’t occur to him that he had left the rest of the group far behind him, including dally, meaning he had no idea where he was even going. all he knew was he had to get to pony. pony was the only thing that mattered.
he was painfully reminded of their conversation from that morning. they had argued.
“i told you to put your laundry away last night.”
“i was reading.”
“i need you to do it when you get home from school.”
“i’m gonna see a movie downtown, i’ll do it when i get back.”
god, the kid didn’t ever use his head. he was probably walking around town with his head in the clouds, not even thinking about how he was on soc territory, that they had class rings and blades and mustangs.
he thought of what happened last time the socs got ahold of one of them, he thought of johnny. how they didn’t even realize it was a human lying there on the ground, and how when they flipped him over, they could hardly even recognize him. he had only just started talking again.
get to pony. get to him right now.
there was a bang from the direction of the park and darry ran about ten feet before he could slow down enough to turn himself and see what he had passed. when he finally caught a glimpse, his stomach did an odd sort of somersault.
there was pony, his pony, his baby brother, knocked out cold on the gravel next to the corvette, left eye already swollen shut.
all he needed was one look at bob, class ring proudly glinting scarlet in the sunlight, before darry saw red. it was a good thing the rest of the gang had caught up with him. golly, how far ahead had he gotten? he pulled his fist back and sank it into the jaw of the first soc he could get his hands on, which happened to be clark brillstein. the fight didn’t last long, seven greasers out for blood against five socs just having a laugh meant they ran back to the car pretty fast.
darry made a beeline for pony, soda close behind him. he hoisted pony up by his shoulders, shaking him. he didn’t care that his hands were covered in motor oil, that they were getting all over pony’s shirt and it would be a nightmare to get the stains out. he was still completely limp and sickeningly pale.
god, kid, please wake up.
pony’s eyes fluttered open, and darry thought he could cry on the spot. instead, he dragged pony over to the fountain to start cleaning him up. soda was next to them in a heartbeat, pulling off his shirt to dip in the water and wipe the blood off his face.
“they didn’t get you too bad, did they?” he asked, maybe a little too harshly than was strictly necessary, grabbing pony’s face to look at his eye. it was already bruising, a couple of blood vessels popped in his eye.
“jesus christmas, go easy on him, darrel,” soda pushed his hands away and hugged ponyboy to him, both of them shaking.
“when i want my kid brother to tell me what to do with my other kid brother, i’ll ask you, kid brother,” darry practically shouted. he was having a hard time getting his heart to stop racing.
“pony, what’d you do to piss off the socs?”
“i didn’t do nothing,” pony spat back at him.
“you were prolly on the west side again, weren’t you?”
“it’s the only place they’re showin’ the new paul newman movie!”
“you and your goddamn movies. you know those bastards’ll be waiting for you!”
it was lucky that the rest of the gang had gotten back from chasing the socs off, becuase once the two of them started going at each other, it never really ended well. johnny put an arm around pony and offered him a cigarette. darry let out a sound that might have been discouraging, but with the way pony looked up at him, he knew the damage had been done.
darry dragged himself over to the jungle gym, taking deep breaths and subtly trying to get himself together. the rest of the gang was crowding around pony, rooting for him and offering him what comfort they could.
he knew he’d messed up, been too hard on the kid. he should have hugged him, told him he was glad the socs didn’t hurt him that bad. hell, he should have dropped to his knees when pony woke up, but he didn’t. god, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for pony but when he got too worked up it came off all wrong.
“two-bit, you got your grease?”
oh, god.
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