#that he reprimands himself and does it all over again... but that only causes MORE it's such a cycle someone tell him he's allowed to just
lunamoonbby · 6 months
🌺💖🎀Simon's Little House Wife🌺💖🎀
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Gif credit goes to @poohbea
Warning ⚠️: slight body insecurities on Simon's end, female reader, reader is referred to be short like 4'11 height, reader being called wifey or lovie simon is referred to as hubby, reader having a slight belly pouch, and NSFW MINORS DON'T INTERACT
Being Simon's short little house wife who enjoys cooking and baking sweets for her hubby cause he's big and needs a the nutritional food he can get.
Simon who wasn't a big fan of sweets until he tasted a cupcake from his lovie.
Simon who can't help himself to just only one plate and will eat how ever much servings as he possibly can
Lovie who has to cook for a literal army meaning the pot that can have everyone eat the same leftovers for 5 days(I'm pretty sure we all know the pot) cause her hubby has an appetite as big as him.
The pot never really having 5 day leftovers inside but only enough for lovie and hubby to have for lunch the very next day
Lovie who make sure there is always sweets around, like cake, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, pies...just baked goods in general
Simon who starts to gain a bit of weight but doesn't know until someone tells him
Wifey who enjoys seeing the weight he put on cause it was her food that did that, and Simon is much more comfortable to cuddle with since he isn't all muscle anymore and has a nice dad bod going on
Simon who did his on base medical exam finding out he gained weight cause the doctor asked if he was bulking again (doctor was afraid he was going to go from walking brick wall to a walking tank cause he's already menacing enough)
Simon who is confused and when he really sees himself that's when he notice the weight gain
Simon who comes home and eats only a little bit of food and wifey being confused as to why that's happening
Wifey asking simon what's wrong you always EAT my cooking and that looks like a snack for you
Simon who tells her his insecurities saying he gained weight and he fears that he's no longer attractive
Lovie giving him that look before saying that she knows about the weight gain and that he's still the simon she married and that he's much more comfortable to cuddle now that he's not pure muscle, and his body heat keeps her warm at night, and it swells her with pride knowing that her food is that great and that he is getting the nourishment that he needs, and that he also eats her out like a man starved leaving no crumbs behind
So with that said simon is like I want dessert first and lovie being excited cause she made a yummy peach cobbler and Simon having to tell her not that kind of dessert but I will have me a piece of that cobbler when I'm done with you and my dinner
Lovie not being able to wait anymore goes in the living room lies down on the couch and lifts the skirt part of her dress up and removes her panties so Simon can get to eating which he does until reader has to push him away and squeeze her thighs together like she's gonna crush his skull
Simon who is content with his life
Lovie who brought in a batch of cupcakes for 141 cause it was prices birthday and it gave her and excuse to be a little baker
Soap saying that his LT's wife looks like a milf cause the sundress + belly pouch = mom bod and she also mothers the 141 and ghost reprimanding soap
141 getting a taste of lovies cupcakes and everyone telling ghost that they can see why he gained weight cause his lovie just makes really delicious food
Wifey who is like say all what you want about my hubby but I love him just the way he is, he looks even more grizzly, he knows exactly how to satisfy me and I love my walking tank he makes my size kink go brrr and he keeps me very warm when it's cold just like a bear and she just starts singing cuffing season by SZA
Simon bringing his wife in for a hug cause his wife is his hype woman and he can't get over how loving she is
141 wanting to have a wife like Simon's cause they're all jealous of the treatment simon is getting from his wife
309 notes · View notes
novaursa · 16 days
Hey again! 😃 Ok, so I've got 4 requests for you (since now it's 1K words per person).
I was thinking of some "lost" scenes from that Alicent fic I requested, but this time it's about the Reader's bond with each of his children.
With Aegon - A scene in which R catches Aegon drunk after a night out, and pulls him aside to listen to his concerns about fulfilling his duties and being responsible in general. Reader remains understanding and tells Aegon that no matter how old he gets, he can always count on his help, but that he has to find his way on his own (Aegon looks more closely at his father and sets him as an example of how a prince/king should behave.
With Helaena - A scene in which Reader takes her to Essos for a trip to a jungle (idk if there exists jungles in Essos, but let's pretend they do) on a quest to find more exotic bugs. Should be fun and playful! Maybe R trips over a root and lands on his bum, and that's what makes his darling daughter laugh so much.
With Aemond - That one scene after he gets gifted with "The Pink Dread". The Reader comforts him and even dares to tell him that should he have had a pink(ish) dragon, that's the nickname that he would bestow upon it (think of how people would expect TPD to be some small creature - yes, like a pig - but no, it's a FRIGGIN' DRAGON! 😂😂😂). Also, R mentions how he sees a lot of himself in Aemond (particularly related to his own youth).
With Daeron - The scene where he visits him in Oldtown and where R goes all buddy-buddy with Gwayne (one of the only sane guys in HoTD, I swear). Daeron impresses R with his musical skills and takes him to see Tessarion (who is happy to play the part of a big puppy - like rolling around on its back and bearing its belly to get free scratches 😉).
Where Dragons Dare (Lost Chapters)
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- Summary: Unrecorded moments with each of your children, that no Maester will ever write about.
- Paring: father!reader/targ!children (platonic)
- Note: Since this was regarding your previous request that was turned into three part series, I've made an exception for you. Enjoy. ❤️
- Rating: Mild 13+
- Previous part: 3/3
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
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You stride through the torchlit corridors of the Red Keep, the evening air heavy with the scent of incense and wine from the feast held in your honor. A king’s life is one of constant vigilance, not only for the realm but also for your own blood. The weight of your crown and responsibilities settles upon your shoulders, the unspoken burdens of the Iron Throne. It is a life you have come to accept. 
But not everyone does. 
The clink of armor catches your attention, and you hear a hushed voice speaking to one of the guards near the side entrance. You already know what you will find before you round the corner. Aegon—your eldest son, your heir—is once again trying to sneak into the keep after a night in the lower city. His form, slightly slouched, leaning against the doorway, makes it clear that his night's indulgences have taken their toll.
You sigh softly, but there is no malice in it. This is not the first time. It won’t be the last.
"Aegon," your voice, even and steady, cuts through the stillness of the night, causing your son to stiffen. He turns slowly, his eyes glassy, yet there is a flicker of recognition. His silver hair, unkempt, falls into his face as he gives you a sheepish smile, one that reminds you so much of his mother when she tries to conceal her worries. 
"Father," he mumbles, straightening himself as much as his state will allow. He’s a prince of the blood, but in this moment, he looks like nothing more than a wayward boy caught in the act.
"Walk with me," you say simply, motioning for him to follow. There's no need for a reprimand, not yet. You both know where this conversation is headed. You step into the open air, out onto one of the quieter terraces that overlook the city below.
Aegon follows, his steps slightly uneven, but he doesn't protest. The two of you stand there for a moment, the distant sounds of King's Landing below humming in the background. The city never truly sleeps, much like a king’s responsibilities. 
After a while, you glance at him from the corner of your eye. "You’ve been out drinking again."
Aegon leans on the stone balustrade, staring at the lights flickering in the darkness. "It’s not like anyone missed me," he mutters, his voice heavy with bitterness. "I’m no good at all this. What does it matter?"
"It matters because you’re the future king," you reply, your tone calm but firm. "Your actions don’t only reflect on yourself; they reflect on the crown, on our family."
At this, Aegon snorts softly, his lip curling into a sardonic smile. "Aegon the Unready, that’s what they’ll call me," he mutters, almost to himself. "They all expect me to be like you. I’ll never be that. I can barely stand the weight of their stares, let alone a crown."
There is silence for a moment, broken only by the distant sounds of the city below. The firelight dances across the sharp planes of your son’s face, making him seem older than he is, and yet still so young. You can see the weight of expectation, the fear of failure, all of it etched into his features. 
You step closer, resting a hand on his shoulder, the familiar comfort of a father’s touch. "I wasn’t always certain either," you admit, the words carrying the weight of your own journey to the throne. "When I was young, I doubted myself just as you do now."
Aegon looks at you, surprise flickering in his eyes. It’s rare for you to speak of your own vulnerabilities. You are the king—stoic, dutiful, unwavering. But tonight, you let that mask slip, if only for your son.
"You don’t need to be me," you say quietly. "You need to find your own way. Being king isn’t about perfection. It’s about responsibility, about understanding that you carry the hopes and fears of an entire realm on your shoulders. And yes, sometimes it’s heavy. But that’s why we’re here—to bear it, so others don’t have to."
Aegon’s gaze falls to the ground, his fingers tapping nervously against the stone railing. "I’m not sure I can," he admits after a long silence, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don’t want to fail you."
Your heart clenches at the vulnerability in his words, the rawness of his fear. You step closer, turning to face him fully. "You won’t," you say firmly. "Not as long as you’re willing to try. You will make mistakes, we all do, but that’s part of the journey. You don’t have to do it alone. I’m here, Aegon, always."
His eyes meet yours, and for the first time in a long while, you see not just the rebellion, not just the stubbornness, but the uncertainty and the longing for approval. He is so much like you were at his age, fighting against the very things that would one day define him.
"You’ve always been there for me," he says, his voice softer now, more introspective. "I just…I don’t want to be a disappointment."
"You’re not," you reply, without hesitation. "And you never will be. You will grow into this role, just as I did, just as many before us have. But it takes time. You will find your way, but you must be willing to take the first steps. Recklessness won’t serve you well when you sit on the throne."
Aegon nods, swallowing hard. He’s listening now, really listening. You can feel the shift in him, the internal battle as he begins to process your words. His posture relaxes just slightly, and he looks at you with a newfound respect.
"I look at you," he says quietly, "and I see what a king should be. You always know what to do. How did you learn?"
You smile faintly, the memories of your own trials and lessons flickering in your mind. "By making mistakes. By learning from them. And by trusting in those who love me. You’ll learn too, Aegon. But you have to start by taking responsibility for your actions. If you want to be a good king, you have to be a good man first."
He nods again, more resolutely this time. There’s still doubt in his eyes, but also something else—a spark of determination, a glimmer of hope.
"I’ll try," he says, the words holding more weight than any drunken apology ever could.
"I know you will," you reply, squeezing his shoulder one last time before stepping back. "But for now, let’s get you to bed. You can begin to prove yourself tomorrow."
As you guide your son back into the castle, you feel the familiar pull of duty and love intertwine within you. The road ahead will not be easy for Aegon, just as it wasn’t easy for you. But tonight, at least, a small part of that path has been cleared, and your son—your heir—is beginning to take his first steps toward the man he will one day become.
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The warm, humid air of the jungle clings to your skin as you lead Helaena through the dense foliage, her excitement as palpable as the buzz of insects that fills the air around you. She’s always been different from her siblings—quiet, introspective, but with a mind that sees wonders where others see only the mundane. Today, her joy is infectious, and as you glance over your shoulder, you see her eyes wide with fascination, darting from tree to tree in search of her beloved bugs.
"Father, look!" she exclaims, her voice bright with enthusiasm. She crouches down, her slender fingers delicately picking up a beetle with iridescent wings, the colors shifting from emerald to sapphire in the dappled sunlight that pierces through the canopy above.
You smile at her, marveling at how her joy lights up the whole forest, making even the most alien surroundings feel like home. "That’s a beautiful one," you say, stepping closer to inspect her latest find. "What do you suppose it eats?"
Helaena tilts her head, her eyes narrowing in concentration as she watches the beetle crawl over her hand. "I think it feeds on nectar from the flowers," she muses, "or maybe the sap from the trees. Look at the way its legs move—so delicate, but strong."
You crouch beside her, nodding as you study the small creature. "You could be right. You always know more about these things than I do." Your tone is light, teasing, but there’s truth in your words. Helaena’s understanding of the natural world has always been beyond her years, her connection to it deep and mysterious.
The two of you continue your journey deeper into the jungle, the air growing thicker with the scent of damp earth and blooming flowers. Vines drape lazily from towering trees, and the occasional call of a bird echoes in the distance. Helaena moves with purpose, her gaze constantly scanning the ground, the trees, the air above for any new creatures she hasn’t yet discovered.
"Do you think there are bugs in Essos that no one in Westeros has ever seen?" she asks suddenly, her voice filled with a childlike wonder that makes you smile.
"I’m sure of it," you reply, pushing aside a low-hanging branch to let her pass. "That’s why we came here, isn’t it? To find something new, something no one’s ever written about in their tomes or sung about in their songs. Maybe you’ll discover the most magnificent bug the world’s ever seen."
Helaena beams up at you, her lavender eyes shimmering with excitement. "And I’ll name it after you," she says with a giggle, skipping ahead a few paces. "A beetle, maybe, or a butterfly—something regal."
You chuckle at the thought, shaking your head. "I can’t think of anything less regal than a bug named after me. But if anyone could make it sound important, it’s you."
The laughter between the two of you echoes through the trees, light and easy, as you continue on your way. You’re not following any particular path—there are no roads here, no guides to lead you. Just the two of you, father and daughter, on an adventure through the wilds of Essos.
As you step over a moss-covered log, you glance back at Helaena to see her crouching low again, examining a cluster of bright red flowers. Her fascination with the natural world has always been a source of pride for you, something that sets her apart in a family so often consumed by politics and power. Out here, in the quiet of the jungle, she’s in her element.
You’re so focused on her that you don’t notice the thick root winding through the underbrush until it’s too late. Your foot catches, and before you can catch yourself, you’re tumbling forward, arms flailing as you lose your balance. You hit the ground with a soft thud, landing squarely on your backside.
For a moment, there’s silence. Then—
Helaena bursts into laughter, the sound bright and musical, like the ringing of silver bells. She clutches her sides, doubling over as the laughter shakes her small frame, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.
"Father!" she manages to gasp between fits of giggles. "You—you tripped on a root!"
You sit there for a moment, stunned, before letting out a laugh of your own. "Apparently, your father is no match for a jungle root," you say, shaking your head as you sit up, brushing leaves from your clothes. "I was so busy watching you, I forgot to watch where I was going."
Helaena, still laughing, steps over to you and offers a hand, her grin wide and infectious. "Here, let me help you up, Father. You’ve fallen in the dirt like one of your regal bugs."
You take her hand, letting her pull you to your feet, though it’s more symbolic than anything—she’s small and slender, and you mostly stand up on your own. Still, the gesture warms your heart, and you smile down at her.
"I suppose even kings can fall every now and then," you say, brushing off the last of the dirt from your breeches. "Especially when they’re distracted by a daughter who’s far too clever for her own good."
Helaena’s laughter finally subsides, though her smile remains, bright and full of affection. "I’m just glad I was here to see it," she says, her voice teasing but sweet. "I’ll have to remember this next time Aegon or Aemond try to act all serious."
You raise an eyebrow at her, unable to stop the grin spreading across your face. "Oh? Are you planning on using this against me?"
She shrugs, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Maybe. It depends on how much I need to bargain with them next time."
The two of you share another laugh, and the moment feels light, easy—like the weight of the crown and the responsibilities you both bear have been left far behind in Westeros, forgotten in the simplicity of a jungle trek and shared laughter.
As you continue walking, you let Helaena lead, her steps more confident now as she moves through the underbrush. The jungle is alive with sound—chirping insects, rustling leaves, the distant calls of unseen animals—and you find yourself marveling at how small and vast the world can feel all at once.
"Father," Helaena says after a while, her tone more thoughtful now, "thank you for bringing me here. I know there are more important things you could be doing back home, but…this means a lot to me."
You smile at her, feeling a swell of pride and affection. "There’s nothing more important than spending time with you, Helaena. The realm can wait a few days. Besides, I think we’ve both learned something valuable today—like how to avoid tree roots."
She giggles again, but there’s warmth in her eyes, the kind of warmth that makes you realize just how precious these moments are. The crown may be heavy, the throne demanding, but here, in the jungles of Essos, it’s just you and your daughter, sharing an adventure neither of you will ever forget.
"Now," you say, clapping your hands together as you glance around at the trees towering above, "shall we see what other exotic bugs we can find? Maybe one that doesn’t involve me falling on my backside this time?"
Helaena grins, her face lighting up with renewed excitement. "Let’s!" she says, darting ahead into the greenery, her laughter trailing behind her as you follow, ready for whatever adventure lies ahead.
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The halls of the Red Keep seemed quieter than usual today. It was a rare stillness, the kind that hung heavy with unspoken tension. You could sense something had happened, though no one had yet brought it to your attention. You had spent much of the afternoon in the library, pouring over old maps of the Narrow Sea, but something in the air felt wrong.
As you rounded the corner toward the private wing where your children’s chambers lay, you heard faint sniffling. The sound was quiet, but unmistakable. You quickened your pace and followed the sound until you found Aemond, sitting alone on the cold stone floor, his knees pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped tightly around them. His face was buried, but even from this distance, you could tell he had been crying.
"Aemond?" you called softly, kneeling beside him. "What’s happened?"
Aemond looked up at you, and your heart sank at the sight of his tear-streaked face. His usual stern, stoic expression was gone, replaced by vulnerability, the kind only a young boy trying so hard to be a man could wear.
"It’s nothing, Father," he muttered, wiping furiously at his eyes, though the gesture did little to hide the redness.
You sit beside him, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Something has upset you, and I would like to know what it is."
For a moment, Aemond says nothing, as if weighing whether or not to burden you with whatever weighs on him. But eventually, his resolve crumbles, and he sighs, his voice barely above a whisper. "It’s them. Jace, Luke...and Aegon. They—they played a trick on me."
You feel a tightening in your chest. You had heard rumblings before of the teasing that occasionally happened between your sons and your sister Rhaenyra’s sons, but this felt different. There was something more painful in Aemond’s voice.
"What kind of trick?" you ask gently, though you already have a sinking suspicion about what might have occurred.
Aemond’s cheeks flush with shame as he looks away. "They—they told me they had a dragon for me," he begins slowly, each word weighed with embarrassment. "I’ve always wanted one, and I thought… maybe this time…"
His voice trails off, and you feel your heart break for him. You know how much Aemond has longed for a dragon of his own, how he watches his siblings and cousins with their dragons, envy and longing etched into his every glance. 
"They said it was waiting for me," he continues, his voice shaking. "So I went to the dragon pit. I was so excited, Father. I thought—maybe, finally—" His breath hitches as fresh tears well in his eyes, but he quickly wipes them away, trying to be strong.
"And then I saw it," he says bitterly. "A pig. They dressed up a pig and called it the 'Pink Dread.' They were all laughing, all of them, even Aegon."
A cold anger flares in your chest at the cruelty of the prank. You can picture it all too easily: Aegon and the boys snickering behind Aemond’s back as he approached the animal, thinking, for one precious moment, that his dream had finally come true. You know how deeply this would have cut Aemond, how much it hurt him to be humiliated in front of his family. But for now, you push that anger aside. This moment is about Aemond, not them.
"Come here," you say softly, pulling Aemond into your arms. He resists at first, too proud to cry in front of you, but after a moment, he lets himself lean into you, his small frame trembling as he clutches at your tunic.
You stroke his hair, the familiar silver strands soft beneath your fingers. "I’m sorry that happened to you, Aemond," you whisper, your voice full of warmth and understanding. "That was cruel, and you didn’t deserve it."
He pulls back slightly, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. "They all have dragons," he says, his voice thick with frustration. "Why not me? Why am I the only one without one?"
You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of his question. "Sometimes, life doesn’t seem fair," you say honestly. "It can feel like the things we want most are the things we’re denied, no matter how hard we wish for them."
Aemond looks up at you, his eyes still glistening with unshed tears. "But one day, Aemond," you continue, your voice full of quiet conviction, "you will have a dragon of your own. I know it. And when you do, you’ll be a better rider than any of them, because you’ve waited. You’ve longed for it. That’s something they’ll never understand."
He listens intently, his shoulders relaxing slightly as your words settle in. "And you know," you add with a smile, "if you ever did have a dragon that was pink, you could give it a name far more fitting than they ever imagined."
Aemond blinks at you, confusion flickering across his face. "What do you mean?"
You lean in conspiratorially, a playful grin tugging at your lips. "Think about it. A pink dragon, breathing fire, soaring over the battlefield. No one would laugh then. And you could call it the 'Pink Dread'—a name that would strike fear into the hearts of your enemies. They would hear it and tremble, knowing what it meant."
For the first time, a small smile pulls at Aemond’s lips. The idea takes root in his mind, and you can see his imagination sparking to life. "The Pink Dread," he murmurs, as if testing the words. "That… that would be funny. No one would laugh at a pink dragon breathing fire."
You nod, your heart warming at the sight of his growing confidence. "Exactly. They may laugh now, but one day, you’ll be the one laughing."
Aemond looks up at you, his blue eyes searching yours, and for a moment, you see a younger version of yourself reflected in him. The same yearning, the same fierce determination to prove oneself, the same frustration at being left behind while others surged ahead. You had been that boy once, trying to find your place, trying to prove you were worthy.
"I see a lot of myself in you, Aemond," you say softly, your voice filled with quiet pride. "When I was your age, I often felt the same way. I watched others get what I longed for, and it made me feel… less. But it didn’t stay that way forever. And it won’t for you either."
Aemond frowns slightly, looking down at the ground. "You were like me?"
You chuckle softly, ruffling his hair. "More than you might think. I wasn’t always so sure of myself. It takes time, but you’ll find your way, Aemond. You’ll grow into your own, just like I did. And when you do, there will be no one more capable than you."
Aemond’s small smile widens slightly, the last traces of tears fading from his eyes. "I’ll remember that, Father," he says, a quiet strength returning to his voice.
You wrap your arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. "You are strong, Aemond. Stronger than you know. And one day, the world will see that too."
As you sit there with him, the warmth of the Red Keep surrounding you both, you know that the sting of today’s prank will fade, but the lessons Aemond is learning now—about resilience, about strength, about finding his place in the world—will shape him into the man he will one day become. And you will be there, guiding him, as he grows into the prince, and the dragonrider, you know he is destined to be.
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It had been far too long since you’d visited Oldtown, and the excitement of seeing Daeron again filled you with anticipation. His letters had spoken highly of his time here, his training, and how much he had grown, but there was nothing quite like seeing it for yourself.
The familiar scent of saltwater from the Whispering Sound mixed with the spices and perfumes of the bustling city as you made your way through its cobbled streets. Your memories of Oldtown were filled with childhood games, racing through the alleyways, and the company of old friends. One of those friends, you knew, was waiting for you just inside the Hightower.
As you passed through the gates, you saw him: Gwayne Hightower, your childhood companion and steadfast friend. He stood tall, wearing the colors of House Hightower, a broad smile spreading across his face as he caught sight of you.
"Your Grace!" Gwayne called out, his arms open in welcome as he walked toward you with the easy confidence that only an old friend could have. "I was wondering when we’d see you again."
You smiled broadly, clasping his forearm in a firm handshake before pulling him into a warm embrace. "Gwayne, it’s been far too long," you said, clapping him on the back before stepping back to look at him. "You haven’t changed a bit."
Gwayne chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, I could say the same of you, but we both know a crown has its way of changing a man."
You smirked, shaking your head. "Perhaps, but Oldtown doesn’t. It feels like I’m stepping back into my youth."
"And that’s just what Daeron’s been waiting for," Gwayne said, his voice filled with pride. "He’s been practicing something special for your arrival."
The two of you made your way into the Hightower, exchanging stories of the years gone by. Gwayne filled you in on Daeron’s progress, not only in his studies but in his musical pursuits, something that had come as a surprise to you when you’d first heard of it. Daeron had always been a quiet boy, thoughtful and dutiful, but you hadn’t expected him to take to music with such dedication.
As you entered one of the private chambers, there he was—Daeron, your youngest son, sitting with a lute in his hands. His bright eyes lit up when he saw you, and he quickly set the instrument aside to rise and bow.
"Father," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "I’m so glad you’re here."
You smiled, stepping forward to pull him into a quick embrace. "It’s good to see you, Daeron. I’ve been looking forward to this visit."
Daeron stepped back, a hint of shyness in his expression, but there was also pride. "I’ve been practicing," he said, gesturing to the harp behind him. "Would you like to hear?"
"Of course," you said, sitting down as Gwayne settled in beside you, both of you eager to see how much Daeron had improved.
Daeron returned to his seat, his fingers brushing the strings of the lute with ease. The melody that filled the room was soft at first, delicate and sweet, but soon it grew into something more complex, full of emotion and depth. His fingers moved skillfully, the notes flowing effortlessly across from the lute, creating a sound that was both soothing and captivating.
You watched him closely, impressed by the concentration and passion in his playing. He had grown so much, not just in skill, but in confidence. When he finished, the last note lingering in the air, you clapped your hands together, beaming with pride.
"That was beautiful, Daeron," you said earnestly. "You’ve improved so much. I never knew you had such a talent."
Daeron blushed slightly but smiled, pleased with your approval. "Thank you, Father. I’ve been practicing every day. It helps me focus."
Gwayne leaned over, grinning. "He’s the pride of Oldtown, your Grace. Everyone speaks of his music as much as his dragon."
At the mention of Tessarion, Daeron’s eyes brightened even more. "Speaking of which, would you like to see her?"
"I wouldn’t miss it," you said, standing and motioning for him to lead the way.
The three of you made your way through the halls of the Hightower and out toward the dragon stable where Tessarion was kept. As you walked, Daeron talked animatedly about his time in Oldtown, how much he had learned, and how attached he had become to his dragon. You could hear the excitement in his voice, and it warmed your heart to see him so full of life and purpose.
When you reached the stable, you were greeted by the sight of Tessarion, her blue and silver scales gleaming in the soft light of dusk. She was still small by dragon standards, no larger than a large horse, but she had a regal air about her. However, that air of regalness disappeared the moment she saw Daeron.
With an excited rumble, Tessarion bounded toward him, her wings fluttering slightly as she lowered her head and rolled onto her back, exposing her soft underbelly in a clear plea for scratches. You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight—this mighty dragon, one day destined to be a force to be reckoned with, now behaving more like a playful pup than a creature of legend.
Daeron laughed too, kneeling beside her and rubbing her belly with both hands, her tail thumping happily against the ground.
"She’s just like a dog!" you exclaimed, amusement bubbling in your chest.
"She likes to be scratched here," Daeron said, his voice full of affection as he rubbed Tessarion’s side. "She’s still young, but she’ll grow big and strong. One day, she’ll be the fiercest dragon in all the realm."
"That, I have no doubt," you replied, watching as Tessarion nuzzled into Daeron’s hand, her eyes half-closed in contentment.
You knelt beside Daeron, reaching out to touch Tessarion’s shimmering scales. Her hide was warm under your palm, her breathing slow and steady as she basked in the affection. "She’s a beauty, Daeron. You should be proud."
"I am," Daeron said quietly, glancing at you. "She’s my closest friend."
There was something in his voice, a depth of connection between boy and dragon that was rare and powerful. You had seen it with your other children and their dragons, but with Daeron and Tessarion, it felt different. There was a quiet understanding between them, a bond that ran deep.
You smiled at him, resting a hand on his shoulder. "She’ll be a great dragon, Daeron, and you’ll be a great rider. Tessarion’s lucky to have you."
"And I’m lucky to have her," Daeron replied, his hand never leaving her side.
For a while, the three of you sat there in the dragonpit, Tessarion’s soft rumbles the only sound in the still evening air. The world seemed far away, the troubles of the realm forgotten in the warmth of family and the comfort of an old friend.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting Oldtown in shades of gold and pink, you looked at Daeron, filled with pride at the man he was becoming. He had found his place here, among his studies, his music, and his dragon. He had grown into himself, and you couldn’t wait to see what the future held for him.
"Thank you for bringing me here," you said quietly, your voice filled with affection. "I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you."
Daeron smiled, his eyes filled with warmth. "I’ve missed you too, Father. I’m glad you’re here."
And as Tessarion rolled over onto her side, thumping her tail against the ground with contentment, you realized that moments like this—simple, peaceful moments with your children—were worth more than any crown or throne.
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clubdionysus · 1 month
[BAD DECISION #60] Obduracy
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warnings: starlovers!!!! <33 i really luv jimin in this one hehehe, lots of callbacks to earlier chapters!! fingering, pretty tame by their standards!!! but kinda semi-public? i mean they're at home but like... kitchen?? i dunno up to you to decide!
a/n: this one doesnt have a little cover image :( had to make it fresh :( the first non wattpad chapter :( waaaa. im hoping to having something new ready for you tomorrow hehehehhe
wc: 8.3K
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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Jeongguk wears his hangovers incredibly well. Like an oversized shirt draped over his broad shoulders, it billows down his body, leaving you to guess what's hidden underneath. 
It's hard to tell if he's suffering like you are, for his face gives nothing but contentment away.
Hair messy and dishevelled, it sits like an unruly crown on his head as he washes dishes left from the evening before. A soft smile lingers on his lips as he hums along to the song quietly playing through the kitchen speaker, his voice far prettier than the original singer. The king of his very own kitchen, there's an innate flick to his wrists as he shakes water off steel bowls and pops them on the drying rack. 
Chest bare, he pays it no mind when tiny flecks of warm water splash against his skin.
Vines of ink trail up his arm and onto his shoulder. His self-modification proves he wasn't born from gold but rather polished to resemble something like it. 
In a way, it makes him so much more valuable. Or at least it does to you.
As you watch on from a bar stool on the opposite side of the kitchen island, chatting with him about the events of the night before, you wonder how it's possible for a man with a smile like his to have a body like that. 
The maths just doesn't compute, but you've never been great with numbers. Have always been more drawn to art—and God, what a work Jeongguk is.
Quite the contrary, you wear your hangovers with far less grace. 
There's glitter all over your skin, and your hair looks more like a bird's nest than a crown.
In front of you sits a barely touched glass of water and two Tylenol tablets yet to be taken. The thud in your head has only intensified since you woke up with a dry throat and achy body, but you're trying to push through it. 
"You're only making it worse," Jeongguk softly scolds you when you whine and slump down to rest your head on the countertop. "Don't be so stubborn."
When he talks like that, all assertive and domineering, it only makes you wanna be even more stubborn. It's in part thanks to your defiant nature, but also in part due to your desperation to have him use that tone of voice with you again.
"I can defeat it," you whine against the cold stone, a pathetic moan humming in your throat. 
With your hair still damp from your shower, you find yourself irritated by how quickly Jeongguk's hair dries compared to yours. It's your own fault, for you're the one who insists on changing its colour with the seasons, but it annoys you nonetheless.
Then again, everything irritates you when you're this hungover.
Truth be told, you'd happily get your hair wet all over again, if it meant you got to indulge in another shower with Jeongguk. Want nothing more than to relieve the way it feels for him to shampoo your hair, rubbing the pads of his fingers in circular motions against your scalp. If the restaurant doesn't work out, he could always opt to be a hairdresser, you think, then mentally reprimand yourself for daring to even think of a scenario in which the restaurant doesn't work out. Would never forgive yourself if you jinxed it.
Jeongguk doesn't mind the grouchiness that comes with your hangovers, 'cause they always come with an added side of clinginess, too. You had wrapped around him like a koala bear for that entire shower. Had your cheek to his chest, arms tightly locked around his back, eyes firmly closed as he washed your hair.
Gorgeous girl, he thinks to himself, then resumes the stern telling off he was giving you. Just wants you to feel okay, that's all. Knows you're too determined for your own good, sometimes.
"Clearly," he almost scoffs, not mean but definitely a little curt. His head's killing him, too. He just hides it better. Swinging open the fridge, he grabs a bottle of water—2 litres—and cracks open the seal. "Take your pills, or I won't get you anything when I order breakfast."
"Gguk," you whine, slowly sitting up straight to look at him with the biggest pout. Head tipped back, he's chugging on his water straight from the bottle at such a rate you're surprised he doesn't choke.
By the time he's finished, he's practically at the halfway point of the bottle. Shaking his head, he swallows his last mouthful down. Pants, a little. Says, "Water, pills, now."
Narrowing your eyes, you finally do as you're told, but make sure to say, "You're mean."
Jeongguk just shakes his head. "I love you."
With your eyes on his, you try your hardest not to show any sign of weakness—but when he presses his lips into a thin, curved line and smiles in a way that makes it impossible to fight, you can't help yourself. 
"Fine," you strop regardless, tossing your pills back and swallowing them down with a chug of water.
"See," he softly says in a way that is both patronising yet ever so gentle. 
He walks around the counter to stand beside you, and welcomes the innate way your hand reaches up to hold his waist. He's just the same in how his hand cradles your cheek, keeping your face angled to look up towards him. 
"Wasn't so hard, was it, baby?" He gently toys.
"You're the worst," you assure him, 'cause he knows he's being a little git right now.
And so, just like the last incredibly soft insult thrown his way, he fends it off by saying, "I love you."
"If you really loved me, you would have let me stay in bed."
"We have shit to do today, B," he reminds you. "I forced you up because I love you. Now, don't be rude. Say it back."
Jeongguk's ability to demand you say such heavy, ardent words is nothing short of a miracle. 
When you first met Jeongguk, the idea of him being so straightforward and forthcoming with his own feelings felt like an impossible task. Yet here he is, unafraid to tell you how much he cares for you, and unashamed to ask for reciprocation.
Tugging him a little closer, you rest your pointed chin against his sternum, and get him looking down towards you. 
Quietly, you whisper, "You know I love you."
"Say it again," he demands once more, his heavy-lidded eyes trained on yours as he speaks.
"I love you."
He smiles, now. Nods. 
"Good," he says, then pulls away to grab his phone and open up a delivery app. Has his favourite cafe pinned to the top. Clicks through to the menu without a second thought, muscle memory prevailing. "French toast? Iced coffee?"
"You know me so well," you hum with a pleasant smile, hopping off the bar stool and meandering over to Jeongguk's sofa. 
He follows you without hesitation and tugs the blanket from the armchair as he does so. You're wearing one of his shirts, and he's just in a pair of sweats, so a blanket seems like a sensible choice for now. 
Jimin still hasn't risen from his pit, and Nabi's clothes are still in the living room—just in a neat pile now, thanks to Jeongguk's innate need for a clean space to ensure he can power through his hangover. 
"You reckon they're gonna wake up soon?" You ask Jeongguk as he snuggles in beside you, flicking on the television. 
"Not a chance," he laughs. "Nabi's probably gonna escape out his bedroom window or something like that. Spent years denying there was anything going on, and I don't think her pride will be able to take the hit of being wrong."
"You never know," you begin to playfully theorise. "Maybe they're just friends."
"Have you forgotten getting home last night?"
"Well, yeah, but I mean, I shagged you plenty of times, and we've always just been friends."
"Oh, fuck off," he laughs. "We've never been just friends."
"No," he says with a cocksure confidence that has been earned over many months of knowing you as intimately as he does. Smiling as you roll your eyes, you don't bother fighting back. It's a losing cause. "We're best friends. Duh."
If you could have it your way, the day would be spent exactly like this—cuddled up on Jeongguk's sofa without a care in the world—but you've got work to do.
The gallery needs to be cleaned up from the night before. It's not a huge amount of work, but still tedious labour that you'd rather not do with a raging headache. One of the reasons you're given such liberty with the gallery space is because you always make sure it's left without a trace, and so you know you need to get it sorted sooner rather than later.
Jeongguk's offered to help out, 'cause his day is empty. Other than discussing the business with Yoongi, his agenda is remarkably clear, and if he's being honest, the last thing he wants is to talk about the restaurant. 
See, Jeongguk worries. He's got everything in the palm of his hand—his girl, his dreams, his future. All it takes is one misstep, and he could lose everything.
Comfort is found in you. Solace.
"Smell good," he mumbles, nuzzling his nose against the curve of your neck, sinking into a more comfortable position snuggled up against you. Doesn't kiss you, but he does let his lips trail up your skin in a way that promises he eventually will.
"Smell like you," you sweetly reply, 'cause none of your things have made their way into his home yet. The shampoo you use is his. The shower gel, the moisturiser, the suncream. It's all him—and you love nothing more than going home with such innocent reminders of him on your skin.
"Mhm," he confirms. That's exactly why he likes it so much. The silage of you is the signpost of him. "Mine."
Any gap between you (which admittedly isn't much at all) is eliminated with the way Jeongguk drags you into his embrace. It's the kind of hug that can only be described as acceptance: there is no you, nor him. Just the pair of you, together. 
It's dangerous territory to embark upon, with such reliance on another person, but it's also a path that you just can't seem to resist.
Laced in berries, the hedgerows of this rambling walk you're strolling down together keep you going forward. Occasionally, you'll stop. Smell the roses. Pluck a berry here or there. Pause when you hear the noise of a wild beast in the forest that surrounds you, or the threatening echo of a farmer and his gun.
But then forwards, you'll go. Destination, unknown. Wherever you end up is exactly where you'll need to be.
The wait for food is wasted away together, dumb conversations about nothing and anything that comes to mind. Jeongguk toys with your fingers. Plays with your rings. Strokes the pad of his index finger over the small callous on your middle one.
"Used to be worse," you acknowledge, holding up your hand to study it. Back when you were in school, the amount of writing and doodling you did meant a callous was inevitable. Now that you're out of the habit of doodling, and far less likely to spend hours writing by hand, it's softened. Almost looks as if it wasn't even there to begin with. Part of your history that is slowly fading away.
One day, you won't be able to recall any part of your life that isn't inexplicitly saturated by him.
He holds up his own hands. Studies them against yours. It's like some juvenile flirt, comparing hand sizes, as if your legs aren't tangled with his, and his other hand isn't wedged between your thighs. 
You're not learning anything new. Are revising, for a lack of a better term. Just like you used to do with the birds, when you wanted any excuse you could use to be intimate with one another. 
It's different now, you suppose. Intimacy. How you view it. Just isn't what it once was. 
Things that used to be sacred to you are now second nature.
Glancing across to Jeongguk as he natters on about the deep line that runs along his palm, and how it signals he's destined for greatness, you realise there's an ache blooming in your chest. 
His pouty lips rabbit on, dark eyes occasionally fluttering across to you, then back to his hand. 
There's a vulnerability to him. It's his eyes, you think, and their need to check in on you. He's making sure you're listening. Interested. Aren't bored or waiting for him to shut up. It's a somewhat nervous habit of his, stemming from the fact he doesn't ever really talk this much with anyone else. 
In a way that no one else is lucky enough to experience, Jeongguk opens himself up to you. About the big and the bad, the emotional and the heavy, but also about the small, lovely, lightweight things, too. Weather talk, mindless chatter he'd never bother engaging in with other people. 
He talks of superstitions and legends, movies he watched as a kid, and dreams he had overnight—a stream of consciousness, all for you.
See, Jeongguk talks. 
Around you, he talks and talks and talks.
If his mother could see him like this, she'd be gobsmacked. He's always been the more quiet one of her sons. Reserved. Cautious to speak in fear of saying the wrong thing.
But he's childlike in his eagerness to share with you, Bambi eyes wide and sparkling, teeth nibbling down on his bottom lip whenever he leaves enough room for you to respond. 
Time is lost in conversation until his doorbell chimes—a notice of food arriving. 
"Go get changed," you say, tapping on his knee as you get to your feet. "I'll sort out breakfast." 
Nodding, he does as he's told, lightly spanking your ass before heading to his room. Glancing over your shoulder, you feign a little hurt.
"I'll kiss it better," he promises, and you know he will. 
The curse of his devotion to you means he can never lie. 
He can, however, keep secrets. Small ones. Teeny tiny ones that will have no consequence other than to make you melt when he finally reveals them.
Checking his phone, Jeongguk smiles to himself when he notices a notification of confirmation—plans made now rolling into motion. You cope with surprises far better than he does. Appreciate the romanticism of it all. He's sure you'll like it.
When he comes back into the kitchen, you have to hold in a desperate groan. Who gave him the right to look like that? And how many cats did you save from trees in a previous life to deserve it?
Dressed for the gym, he's in a pair of dark shorts that sit on his hips as if they were made just for him. The contours of his upper body are on display for everyone to see, a tight black compression shirt outlining the ridges on his chest. 
The silver chain he always wears is tucked outside of the shirt, 'cause he doesn't like the pressure of the fabric on top of it, and his hair lays flat against his head. He's perfectly undone.
As he's putting on a pair of socks by the sofa, he clocks you staring. Simply hums, "Hm?"
Eyes wide and unassuming, he's oblivious to the fact you feel like you might faint just by looking at him, even if the socks he's putting on have individual spaces for each of his toes.
We can't all be perfect, after all—though Jeongguk would argue his socks encourage correct toe alignment, which could only be a good thing. 
"Anyone ever told you that you're a menace to society?" You painfully whine, the groan you were hiding making its presence known.
Almost bashful, Jeongguk tips his head to the side, eyes twinkling your reflection back at you. 
"Flattery won't convince me to let you go back to bed," he teases, playing off the compliment. Socks on, he makes his way over to you without hesitation, his tattooed arm draping over your shoulders, as he presses a kiss to the side of your head. 
"Was worth a try," you playfully tease him, even if you did mean it. Hooking your arm around his waist, you give him a squeeze and glance up towards him. A tender kiss is given and received, his lips softly curving into a smile against yours. "Eat up. Quicker we leave, the quicker you can get to the gym, and the quicker you can come back to mine afterwards."
The outline of your day is solid: go to the gallery and get it cleaned up, meander back to town with Jeongguk, send him on his way to the gym, pick up some groceries and then head home. 
Small errands that will eat up most of the day, but an empty evening that can be spent exactly as you'd like: with him.
"We at yours tonight?" He hums, still getting used to just how easy it is to coexist next to you. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined a life like this. 
"Feel like Jimin might need the privacy," you note, very much aware that he hasn't made a single appearance, which is very unlike him. He's normally reciting lines from The Notebook by this point in the morning.
You know he's fine, 'cause you heard the synthetic ding of his speaker being turned on a little while earlier, presumably to drown out any 'conversations' he might be having. 
Jeongguk smirks, picking out a strawberry from the container next to the french toast, and says, "He never gave us privacy."
Tossing the strawberry to his back teeth, there's a smile on Jeongguk's lips that's impossible not to mirror. Turning slightly, you get yourself trapped between his body and the kitchen island. Wrap your arms around his neck. Encourage him down to nudge his nose against yours.
"Yeah, but he also never caught us having sex," you remind Jeongguk, lips brushing against his. Breakfast can wait. Or maybe the menu can just change. "We were incredibly well-behaved as far as he's concerned."
"We were?" Jeongguk quietly flirts, his hips pressing against your tummy, letting you know just how much he enjoys being with you. "I don't think you've ever been well behaved."
"Oh, but I am," you simper right back. Reaching down for his hands, you encourage them to roam your body. Squeeze them over your chest, then encourage them down to the tops of your thighs—or, more specifically, between them. "I'm such a good girl for you, aren't I?"
Pressing his fingers up against your thinly-covered cunt, Jeongguk smirks, the subtle markers of your arousal greeting him like they so often do.
"You are," he nods. "And you're gonna be good for me now aren't you?" His fingers hook the lace of your underwear to the side, and gently begin to tease your wet folds. "Gonna keep it nice and quiet for me, huh?"
Nodding, you let yourself succumb to your unbridled desire to have your lips on his as he sinks his middle finger into your cunt. With a small whine, you totally disregard the promise you've only just made.
And so Jeongguk shakes his head, still kissing you. Barely parts from your lips when he says, "Shush, shush, shush, baby. Quiet for me."
When he pushes a second finger into you, your brows furrow, but the whine you're dying to sound out just vibrates into his mouth. 
"Attagirl," he praises as his fingers begin to pump inside of you. Deepening his kisses, Jeongguk strokes his tongue against yours, as if your body was just made for him to claim. Signed, sealed, delivered: his. Your hips roll into his movements, but it's not enough. 
As much as he wants to keep you plugged, Jeongguk wants easy access more. 
Pulling his fingers from your cunt, there's a satisfied grin on his pretty lips when you whine. 
"Shush," he says with such affection it could make even the coldest heart thaw. Dipping slightly, he hooks his forearms just beneath your ass and swiftly lifts you up. Gets you perched up on the counter. Spreads your legs, and is pleased when you lift the hem of the baggy shirt you're wearing to fully reveal your pussy to him. 
"Look at you, gorgeous," he husks. Genuinely thinks he might die just from looking at your cunt. Too perfect. Too fuckin' nice. Stroking his still-wet fingers up your folds, he wastes no time sinking two fingers into you once more. "Quiet, baby."
"Room," you breathlessly say, desperately trying not to make any sounds that could give yourselves away. "Don't wanna be quiet. Take me to your room."
Jeongguk just smirks. Looks in your pretty eyes and challenges you. "Say chess. I'm not going to my room, but you can say chess."
He knows there's absolutely no way in hell you're saying chess. 
Narrowing your eyes, you reach to the front of his shorts, and stroke his hard cock through the fabric. If he's gonna make this hard for you, then you're gonna do it right back.
"If you're gonna torture me then you may as well do it right," you feign a little boredom, tugging his shorts down just enough to play with him over his boxers. "Your fingers are nothing, baby." A lie, but that's neither here nor there. "Make things difficult for me. Make it impossible for me to keep quiet."
"You really want Jimin to find out, huh?" Jeongguk teases, still playing on the idea that you've ever managed to convince anyone that you are, in fact, just friends. "You want him to know that we fuck?"
But then Jeongguk glances over your shoulder to the doorway that leads into Jimin's room, as the click of his latch goes. Jeongguk barely has enough time to pull his fingers from you, and definitely not enough time to pull his shorts back up over his boxer-covered boner, so instead, he presses up against you to keep himself covered. Thank God he's behind the island and not anywhere else.
If you thought it was torture before, then now must be a whole new level, just a few layers of fabric keeping you apart.
"It lingers, y'know," the grouchy voice of Jimin echoes from behind you. 
Turning your head, thighs squeezing against Jeongguk's hips to keep his dignity protected, you try to hide your embarrassment. 
Jeongguk's hands rest on your thighs, and the one that's out of sight to Jimin is being wiped against your skin to rid his fingers of your arousal. This could have been so much worse than what it is.
"The smell of sex," he adds with a little disdain. "I always knew."
As if the God of Thunder personally gave birth to him, Jimin's face is stormy as can be. His scowl is so deeply ingrained into his expression that you're certain the wind must have changed in his direction as he was first pulling the face. Whatever you drank last night, he must have had it too.
Hair all haphazard, face a little dewey from a warm slumber, there's an unusual dishevelled nature to Jimin. He's not even bothered to put on clothes. Is quite literally in just a pair of boxers. 
It's quite unlike him. Then again, so are the hickies on his collarbones. 
"Well, that's weird, 'cause me and Jeongguk have never had sex," you reply without even thinking, the lies ingrained into your reflexes at this point. Even Jeongguk looks at you with confusion this time. 
"Firstly, we eat off that counter, sickos. And secondly, I heard," Jimin simply assures you both, walking to the counter and picking up a plastic fork. He sticks it into a chunk of the french toast, and doesn't ask permission. Just chows down on it. Speaks with his mouth full. "Like, so many times. In fact, I've heard you at it so many times I can almost predict what's happening when."
"Bullshit," Jeongguk laughs—and he'd be right. Jimin's never heard, not properly at least, unless you count the muffled groans in Pohang that put him off his food for an entire day. He just hates the embarrassment of being walked in upon by the pair of you. The one time he needed privacy the most and he didn't even think to bolt the door—or better yet, go to his own bloody bedroom. He wants you to know what his embarrassment feels like. Jeongguk is unphased, though. "Nabi still here?"
"Shut up," Jimin replies, pulling the rest of the french toast towards him, closing the lid. He narrows his eyes, then snatches the box right up. Holds it to his chest. Scowls at you both. Turns on his heel and returns to his room, grinning now that you can't see him, shutting the door behind himself. 
Neither of you stop him. 
"Is he…"
"Okay?" Jeongguk finishes off your query. "No idea."
But one thing for certain is that Nabi's possessions are still very much inside the apartment. She's still here, and you're willing to bet he shut the door with a smile, holding his stolen breakfast with all the triumph of a cat who got the cream. 
"On that note," you begin to tangent off, knowing you've already wasted too much of the day. "You okay to drive? Or would you rather take the subway?"
"Subway," Jeongguk immediately responds, reaching over to take a sip of his coffee. "Don't wanna risk it."
And he also wants any excuse he can find to spend time with you. Takes three times as long to get to The Ryu on public transport than it does in his car, especially with how he drives.
"Alright," you don't argue against him or bother suggesting a taxi instead. "And am I cool to leave my things here? I'll pick them up next time—"
"You know you don't need to ask," Jeongguk grins, the ring in the corner of his mouth flipping ever so slightly in that heavenly way it so often does. 
"Well, yeah, but—"
"Keep it here," he says. "Don't take your stuff home next time. Leave it. I'll clear a drawer. Some hangers."
"Yeah," he nudges his nose up against yours. "You've been leaving glitter here for months. May as well move onto something more substantial."
As if your heart isn't enough.
"Plus," he considers. "At least that way you can stop stealing all my favourite shirts."
"You love it when I wear your shirts."
"B, I love it when you wear nothing at all," he smirks. "Clothes have nothing to do with it. But on that note, go put some clothes on so we can actually do something with our day."
Reluctantly, you agree.
And just as reluctantly, he lets you go.
The subway is always crowded at this time of day. Jeongguk insists you sit while he stands in front of you, holding on to the railing that runs overhead. It's a small kindness—the kind you never really thought about until you met him and learned how lovely it is to have someone actually care about your comfort and well-being. 
He doesn't spend the journey on his phone like so many of the other commuters. Instead, he focuses on the windows, and the small glimpses indicating where you are along the subway line. Occasionally he'll look down at you and smile. Though you're not sleeping, your eyes are closed, cutting out the harsh lights of the tin can you're situated inside. You've never been more desperate for your bed. 
Once you reach your stop, Jeongguk tightly scoots in behind you on the escalators.
"We can have a quiet night in," he softly promises. His hand rubs at your waist, and the elevated position of your body allows him to press a kiss to your shoulder.
Even despite the fabric of your shirt—one that belongs to him, of course—it still feels like a star is burning through your very being. 
Nodding, you place your hand over his and squeeze ever so gently. Reciprocate his warmth. 
You don't mean to be so grouchy and unexpressive, the hangover just really is killing you. If it wasn't for the video Jeongguk insisted on assessing after waking you up this morning, you might not have even recalled exactly just how raunchy you'd been with him at Dionysus. 
Fucking someone at work had always been one of his covert fantasies; the kind of thing he wanted to do just so he could say that he had. Wouldn't mind leaving the box next to it unchecked on his mental to-do list. Would happily do it all over again.
His notice has been handed in, though. Dionysus is no longer his place of work. His contract runs until the end of the month, but he saved up holiday time. Never has to go back, if he doesn't want to.
As his fingers squeeze a little tighter on your waist, he can't help but wonder if he's making the right choices. He's been comfortable at Dionysus. Wasn't making great money, but was making enough. 
But when you squeeze your hand over his, he knows it doesn't matter. He can make all the bad decisions in the world as long as he doesn't make any that'd result in him losing you.
The weather's slowly been getting warmer over the past few weeks. As you exit the subway station, the sun confronts you with such aggression that you almost stumble from the impact of her punch.
"I'm never drinking again," you whine, bringing the hand of yours that's holding his up to cover your eyes a little. He lets you dictate his movement freely.
"You say that every time," Jeongguk reminds you, playfully nudging into your side, before rounding the corner up towards the gallery. "C'mon. Fake it till you make it. Pretend you don't have one."
The remainder of the morning is slow. Every time you glance at the clock, it seems only a few minutes have passed. 
Cataloguing and processing the sales of art from the night before is laborious. It takes a lot of mental energy that you can't seem to conjure up.
Jeongguk doesn't really know how to help, but he is far stronger than you. Does all the heavy lifting as you prepare various canvases for shipping.
Eventually, he's left twiddling his thumbs, so you insist he heads straight to the gym.
"I'll meet you after," you tell him, as you sit on the floor of the gallery, crossed-legged, a pencil behind your ear and a million documents scattered around you. Jeongguk has no idea how you can work in such chaos. Finds himself getting stressed out by it.
It takes a solid fifteen minutes of assuring him you'd be fine on your own, but eventually he leaves for the gym. The way you see it, the quicker you both get your tasks for the day done, the quicker you can go back to yours, make some dinner, and call it a night. 
"Call me when you're done, yeah?" He says, lingering by the door because he just can't bear to leave you. As the sunlight peers in through the windows, small speckles of glitter sparkle on his skin. "I'll come meet you halfway."
With an ever-sincere smile, you just laugh. "Go."
Finally doing as he's told, Jeongguk walks backwards until you're out of sight. Feels his heart physically ache in his chest. Doesn't understand why he's so damn pathetic all of the time when it comes to you, just knows he wouldn't change it for the world.
Despite the solitude of an empty gallery, you're perfectly content. The lingering scent of paint and paper isn't too far removed from your place of work. Makes it easy to imagine a life where this could be your work. 
Devoting yourself to this is easy. Passion has always yielded a higher reward for you than wages, so you don't mind burning the candle at both ends.
The situation is becoming strained at best, you know. Eventually, something will have to give.
For now, though, you finish off your jobs. Arrange couriers to pick up the artworks sold, and make sure the names and numbers match the deposits with a copy of Jeongguk's business account bank statement, of which you made him print out for you.
"I can just log into my bank on your phone," Jeongguk had shrugged when you'd first asked him for it, seemingly not realising just how insane he sounded. When he clocked your look of bewilderment, he laughed. "What? It's not like you're gonna run off with all the money."
While this is true, looking at the sheer amount of money in there could make you cry. It's all so attainable now; Jeongguk's dreams and a reality in which they come true. 
So engrossed in your own thoughts, you almost jump out of your skin when a knock sounds at the doorway into the office. 
"Sorry," Shinwon hums ever so pleasantly, a smile on his face, thoroughly bemused by how startled you look. "Didn't mean to scare you."
"No, no," you shake your head, endearingly playing off your embarrassment. "I just didn't expect to see you here! Or see anyone here, for that matter."
Between exhibitions, the gallery will be closed for the next couple of weeks. It's partially to allow for the staff to reset, but mainly to allow for careful considerations of how the space will be used. 
As Jina's maternity leave cover, it's Shinwon's job, but you're yet to see any plans from him. You don't even know which artists are due to be showcased. She did say that a new vacancy would probably open up around this time, and if Shinwon doesn't start putting some tangible hard work in, you wouldn't be surprised if it's sooner rather than later.
There's been no mention of it, though. The big bosses don't seem to care about his underperformance, probably 'cause they know he's temporary.
"Just coming by to drop something off," he explains, holding up a small white envelope. Pressing it down on the desk, he looks uncertain, as if there are words dancing on the tip of his tongue. "It went well last night, didn't it?"
With a tight-lipped smile, you nod. Feel your cheeks swell. "Yeah. Went really well."
"Good," he nods. Is about to leave. Pauses when he reaches the door, and awkwardly turns to face you. Nods towards the letter on the desk. "There's gonna be a position opening up soon. You should apply. I'll put in a good word."
Furrowing your brows, you glance over the white envelope, then back to Shinwon. "But they're not hiring any—"
"Letter of resignation," he concedes with a tight-lipped smile. "I've got an overseas opportunity that I don't wanna pass on. I'll work my two weeks, but then there'll be a position to fill until Jina is back from maternity."
By overseas opportunity, he really means that some of his private school buddies are going travelling, and he wants in on the fun. This was always an opportunity of convenience for Shinwon. He was never passionate about it. Not like you are.
"Apply," he encourages. "You basically do my job as it is for free, anyway. May as well get paid for it if you can."
He doesn't stay to chitchat. Probably won't even remember your existence once he heads off on his trip. Was never in this for the right reasons.
You've resented him on plenty of occasions. Been annoyed at the fact he does fuck all and gets paid for it. Yet the idea of actually filling his (albeit incredibly small) shoes is fear-inducing.
A job at the gallery would be the first step to actually doing what you love for a living—being around art and artists. Sure, you could argue that the art cafe gives you that, but a highschooler nervously painting by numbers on a first date has nothing on the works that you see here.
There's joy to be found in your current job, though. Fun. Safety. Home.
But nothing remarkable ever happened to people who choose to remain comfortable.
Quickly finishing your to-do list, all you want to do is speak to Jeongguk about it. See what he thinks. You know it's a no-brainer. You have nothing to lose. You just want him to give you the green light that you're making the right choices.
The headache you've been battling is weak in comparison to your racing thoughts, now. You're thinking of the possibilities—of all of your hard work actually being for something. You've proven to the gallery that you can bring in punters, and that you can utilise their resources for profit. 
It's always been a case of who you know, not what you know, but you know the gallery, now. They know you. 
It could really happen. 
By the time you reach the gym, fantasies of a life with a staff ID card and access to the archives, you can't stop smiling. It'd change your life. Flip it upside down in the best of ways.
The gym is just the same as it always has been. There's a new girl behind the front desk. Not someone you recognise. Smiling as she greets you, she's keen to help, long dark hair tied into a ponytail, her branded shirt tight to her curves. You're reminded that the gym is a breeding ground for beauty, but it doesn't matter. You'll get your cardio in later beneath your sheets. 
She's also got the kind of smile that you just can't help but reciprocate. 
"I don't have a membership," you begin to explain, knowing just how troublesome it was on your first ever visit and not wanting a repeat of it. There's no way you're paying for a month, 'cause now you don't need it as an excuse just to see Jeongguk. You also can't help but overcompensate, and give far too many details in an awkward, endearing mess of an explanation. "Well, I mean, I used to have one so my details are probably on the system. Sorry, not important. I know you guys don't do day passes—"
Furrowing her brows, she kindly interrupts. "We do."
"Yeah," she says, nodding towards a sign in the corner of the countertop. Clear as day, daily and weekly memberships are listed. "We've done them for as long as I've been here. Don't think it's a new policy. Anyway, happy to help—just a day membership?"
Jiyeong might be a distant memory now, but thoughts of her will never fail to irritate you.
"Yeah please," you smile regardless, sliding your card out from your pocket—and then you're over explaining again. Probably habit from the Jiyeong era. Is also probably why you make a point to mention Jeongguk by a title only you have the privilege to use. "I'm just joining my boyfriend for a session. He's—"
"Oh, he's a member?" she chirps, not rude in her interruption but efficient.
"Yeah," you nod, and are about to mention him by name, but the girl speaks too quickly again.
"Oh, you should have said! Members get a monthly plus one. It's not a free session, but it's half price, so better than nothing," she smiles. "I'll just need his gym ID—or name, I can search the system—so I can put it through."
You know she really ought to ask Jeongguk's permission. You could be any random woman. 
But you're not, and so you tell her. "Jeon Jeongguk?"
"Ah," she nods, vaguely aware of his existence. Unlike Jiyeong, she hasn't spent a substantial amount of time fawning over Jeongguk. To her, he's just another dude who comes in and leaves her alone. She appreciates it, given how some guys can be, but she also doesn't care to reward bare minimum. 
She asks you to confirm his phone number, which you can do without issue, so at least there's some level of security in place. 
It's a perfectly pleasant exchange, and it thankfully rids you of woes you didn't even realise you had. The Jieyong debacle had left a mark on you, but it feels like it's been rubbed clean. Your mind tends to jump to thoughts of her whenever he goes to the gym, and so at least you can sleep well knowing that the new girl isn't interested in any way shape or form.
Buzzing you through, she tells you to enjoy yourself—but as you start heading up the stairs to the main gym section, you already feel your regret looming. A hangover is still a hangover.
You clock Jeon Jeongguk almost immediately. How anyone isn't immediately drawn to him, you'll never understand. Just finishing up with some weights, he's re-racking the ones he's used, skin glowing with sweat. 
There's a beauty to seeing him like this. Primal desires. 
Glancing up to the mirrored wall behind the rack, Jeongguk eyes are on yours just as quickly. It's like you're magnets, destined to meet.
A confused smile etches into his exhausted face, brows furrowing as he turns to face you.
"What are you doing here?" He mouths, head puppy-like in the way it tilts. 
Shrugging your shoulders, you walk towards him. Mouth, "I just love the gym."
"Liar," he simpers when you're within earshot, reaching his hand out for you to take so he can pull you closer, of which he immediately does.
One hand clasped in his, your other hand rests on his still-heaving torso. He's gone hard today, to make up for the night before. His compression shirt is silky beneath the palms of your hands, the strong ridges and contours of his body yours to hold. Other people can look all they like. None of them get to feel. Not like you do.
As he looks down at you, there's a softness to his gaze. A smile that he doesn't care to hide. A sparkle in his eyes that shines even out of direct light. Just a consequence of looking at a star.
"You shouldn't be here," he quietly hums. "We both know you hate it."
"I can go, if you like?"
Jeongguk just shakes his head. Smiles as he turns you both around and begins to walk backwards, pulling you with him.
"You're the one who hated being here," he reminds you. "I loved you being here."
"Obsessed," you grin, gingerly letting him drag you anywhere he likes. "And good, 'cause I used your monthly plus one."
"Yeah," he confirms, ignoring the curious glances of other people in the room as he leads you back to your old 'spot'. "Thought we'd established that already? And that's fine. Use it every month."
Funny, how you used to hypothesise over the lives of other people in this very room, and how you know others must be doing the same for you now. You hope they all think you're besotted with him.
When you look at him like that, all love drunk and starry-eyed, how could they not?
"Was just about to finish up, anyway," Jeongguk tells you, heading in the direction of the treadmills. Glances back to you, then nods in their direction. "For old times sake?"
"For old times sake," you beam, following his lead, stepping up onto the treadmill closest to you. They're all vacant, but Jeongguk steps up on the one beside yours, 'cause of course he does. He'd go on the same one as you, if it were possible. 
God, he loves you being here. Can't stop smiling.   
You don't mention the potential job opening. For old times sake.
Instead, you revel in what it used to be like whenever you came to the gym, 'cause it just makes you so much more grateful for what you've become. Like Dionysus, these four walls saw the groundwork of your relationship being laid. 
You've already lost access to one of the most important places to you both with Jeongguk leaving the club. 
If you change jobs, you'll lose the art cafe, too. The lease is coming up soon on your place, and if Danbi chooses to just move in with Tae, that'll be another safe haven gone. One by one, places of your past are closing their doors to usher you forward into new spaces. 
Life can't always stay the same. Change is needed. Necessary. 
You've changed. So has Jeongguk. You'll continue to change for years to come.
The difference now is that you'll change together. Adapt. Merge, in some ways, just like a pair of orbiting stars so often do.
On the way home, Jeongguk picks up a bunch of wildflowers from the market stall he once bought you apology flowers from. His fingers are intertwined with yours as he pays, hands lightly swinging. 
It dawns on you all rather quickly, as Jeongguk nibbles on his bottom lip and waits for the payment to go through, that maybe this is a change that you needn't fight. Perhaps it's okay to look forward to your future instead of being hung up on the past. 
"C'mon," he tugs on your hand as you leave the market stall, encouraging you to gain a little momentum. "I'm starving. If we don't get me food soon, I'll turn into you with a hangover."
"Oh, so close," he grins, then shakes his head. "But no. Grouchy and unbearable."
"You were practically begging to shag me," you remind him. "Can't have minded that much."
Jeongguk can't argue against this one. "I didn't—but working out increases like… all the hormones that were working overtime this morning. If I don't eat soon I might die, but if I don't shag you soon, I also might die. Honestly it's a lose-lose situation, B. There's only one solution."
"Sixty-nine?" You offer, 'cause it's perfectly logical. He gets to eat while you get him off. A win-win, you'd argue.
"You're a disgusting pervert," he tells you with stern sharpness, paired with a smirk he just can't help, as if he totally wasn't angling for you to say it. "But now that you mention it, yes. That'd be ideal."
"I don't shag boys who call me disgusting," you reply, knowing that he absolutely didn't mean it like that. You just like winding him up.
"I'm pretty sure I've called you worse before," he reminds you, then holds the flowers out in front of you both. "These can double as apology flowers instead of just my-girlfriend-is-really-pretty-and-I-love-her flowers."
You narrow your eyes as you look across to him, but the smile on his face is just too hard to resist. Thin lipped, his dimples are present, lip ring flipping in the corner of his mouth. 
It's like his lip ring does the thing and you're reduced to jelly.
"Lucky you're cute," you grumble.
"You can thank my mum for that one," he offers, fully aware of how often people would coo over his cuteness as a child and then proceed to tell his mum how similar they are. "And for how pretty I am, too."
Though he's just joking, he's right. He really is the prettiest man you've ever known, inside and out.
You won't tell him this, though. Would give him far too much negotiation power.
"Who do I thank for how annoying you are?"
“Jimin,” Jeongguk says. "That's a learned behaviour. Nurture over nature."
"Figures," you accept, before tugging on Jeongguk's hand to lead him into a grocery store. "I've got nothing in. Need to pick up food or else you'll be going hungry."
"I thought we already agreed on six—"
"A little decorum please," you cut him off. "We're in a public space."
"You said it first!"
Playfully shrugging, you let go of his hand and grab a basket as you enter. "Watcha fancy?"
"For dinner, idiot."
"B," Jeongguk sighs as if he really is hard done by. "We've already discussed this. Literally, you."
"Shut up," you laugh, and let the shopping trip descend into chaos. 
Jeongguk just puts whatever catches his eyes into the basket. Gets a kinder egg and a hot wheels car. Will surely just run it over the curves of your body when you're in bed later that evening. Also gets an entire pineapple, and when you raise an eyebrow, he just shrugs. 
"If I don't have a snack before I shower I will die," he assures you. "I'm craving a burger, so you should really be thanking me for the noble sacrifice I'm making. It benefits us both."
"You're an idiot."
"Fine, I'll get a burger."
But when he goes to put the pineapple back, you stop him. Smile. Say, "Pineapple is good."
"That's what I thought," he stands tall and proud, chest puffed, head tilted back. He looks like an asshole but god damn, does he look good doing so. As he peers down at you, you know it'll be a miracle if you even make it to the shower by the time you get home. Want him too bad.
"Stop bickering," you tell him. "Quicker we get home, the quicker we can—"
"Say no more," he nods, taking the basket from you, then zooming off up the aisle. "C'mon, B! Places to be! People to see!"
As he darts off to the next aisle, all you can do is wonder how on earth this is your life.
But it is—and when you finally find him again, standing in line to pay, basket full to the brim from his supermarket sweep, you know that all these changes happening around you really don't matter as long as you have him.
"Alright," you quietly say as you stand beside him, flicking open your phone and heading for your taxi hailing app. "I'll order a taxi. Don't want you to die on the way home."
"Teamwork," Jeongguk smiles. 
"It makes the dream work, or so I heard," you hum with a somewhat smug smile, pleased to be getting exactly what you want: time spent with Jeongguk away from the prying eyes of the three fates.
"Yeah," he quietly says, leaning over to press a kiss against the side of your head. "It sure does."
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newkatzkafe2023 · 30 days
You know that scene where Monkey King sniffs one of the elixirs and he turns back into a baby monkey?
What if that were to happen again with a female Y/N but this time, it takes longer for him to turn back to normal? So while your waiting for that to happen, your basically being a mother figure feeding him, playing with him, cuddling him, and just keeping an eye on him to makes sure he doesn’t get himself hurt. I do also see him trying to pick up Stick but it’s too heavy for him so you would have to take Stick away from him for the time being. And when you go to take a nap and baby monkey is nuzzling his face in your chest cuddling you(I also imagined you falling asleep like that and your just combing your fingers through his hair and back), THATS when he turns back to normal and he’s just laying there with his face still in your chest cuddling you trying to process everything.
Too goddamn cute!!!😩💖💖💖
BABIES 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
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(Lmk Wukong) This is what happens when you don't clean up you crap now. Sun Wukong is a baby again. He spilled an old elixir that he forgot he had. Now he's a baby monkey, a surprisingly quiet baby monkey. He's May be quiet but he is certainly curious And because of that nature he gets lost very easily and you have to go and find him. But it's kind of okay because he makes up for it with a loving nature. When he's back to begin an adult He's super embarrassed about the whole situation when you explain it to him. And your relationship change the bit because of how motherly you were to him. On the brightside You have black mail in the form of baby pictures😈.
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(NR Wukong) Man you thought he was a handful as an adult. Now look at him he's a bigger troublemaker as a baby well at least he's cute. He spilled an Elixir and now He's back to being a kid. But he's kind of a sweetheart and has retain some intelligence. He likes to pull pranks and loves to get cuddles and makes you laugh all the time. He does silly performances for you so you would laugh more But you always make sure it's nothing dangerous. When he's an adult He makes you promise not to tell anybody about what happened. Which you agree for his sake What about the baby pictures you took???🤔🤔🤔 Oh well What he doesn't know won't hurt him😏😏😈😈
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(HIB Wukong) your really beginning to think that he was always grouchy because look at his face. He was a grouchy baby and picky when it comes to food. If something is not made of certain way he'll accept , he's not gonna eat at all. And sometimes you feel like he's Judging your whole entire existence. But other then that He seems to be more emotionally intelligent at this stage as he quick to conform you, pigsy, or the kids. When he's an adult he avoids the topic until you ask him if he were to want more children which causes him to pass out all over again.
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(MKR Wukong) (Oh man I don't know if yall remember that one spongebob episode with the rotten patty in the cage😬) Well This is the best way to describe baby Wukong. He is Mean, Feral and Unpredictable and a absolute nightmare with the monk and The pilgrims. He growls and Bites and Fights and Spit There is no figuring out how to Tame him. Interesting enough the only one he listened to is you. If he gets angry or cause trouble , you come and calm him down and lightly scold , but explain his transgression. So he trust you And looks for your approval. Downside is He is the jealous type and doesn't like other people being around you. Luckily when he becomes an adult The only thing you have to worry about is his Mood swings.
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(Netflix Wukong) OH LORD HE' SO CUTE!!!! But man, is he clingy. Now he was messing around and spilling something magical and weird. He's a handful, and quite Destructive that's for sure, but he usually uses his Cuteness and innocence to wiggle his way out of a punishment. You still scold and Reprimand him but he never did anything serious our very bad So you never did more than that. When he Gets back to normal He begs and plead you not to tell anybody about what happened. Which is fine and all But how do you tell him, that after everything you want to have Cubs???😥🤔🤫
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mezzy303 · 10 months
So I've been rereading skip beat from the beginning for the first time in uhhhhh almost 10 years and I'm going inSaNE over characterizations and development that I have to write it down
At this point I'm only at the Heel siblings arc so I haven't gotten to the Guam or Saena arcs which are very big for Kyoko and Ren's character development and healing which I haven't reread since those chapters came out
Can we just take a moment to appreciate Nakamura for basing Kyoko and Ren's childhood struggles and trauma on very real things that aren't often, if at all, dealt with in anime/manga and also writing them with utmost care (Not only do the traumas inform their personalities, but their healing arcs aren't just a one and done thing!! It's a very slow process) Like starting with Kyoko, her single mother neglected her so much that she was raised by a family friend. On top of that, nothing Kyoko did was ever good enough for her mother, and both of these things are so apparent in Kyoko's character. She attaches herself to fairytales and magic as an escapism and because she relates to stories like Cinderella. She literally cannot function if she messes up and no one criticizes her. She can't properly acknowledge her own talents and beauty without it being attached somehow to fairytales; she never quite believes shes good enough. Similarly, she didn't want to bother anyone with her troubles, so she always dealt with them alone/in private spaces. Pretty sure she also has lowkey abandonment issues. And this is all parental trauma!! Things she already has before the series starts and she gets so utterly heartbroken she swears off romantic love entirely so she can never get hurt the same way again.
(I don't think I'll ever get over how Kyoko told all this to Kuu and he was literally like I'm adopting you. Your mine now. Sorry I don't make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And Kuu going home to his wife like hey we got a new kid 😂 Like Kyoko freezing up when she made mistakes and then Kuu showing her love instead of reprimanding her makes me go 🥹😩💖✨😭💝 Kyoko getting all fluffy from head pats🥹🥹 But on the downside she literally can't bring herself to call him dad unless she's in acting mode sjdfhsf)
When I really consider it, I wonder if Kyoko really loved Sho as a person or like.... the idea of him. Like he was just a convenient guy via proximity bc Kyoko needed someone to be her "prince". We haven't been shown exactly why she fell in love, but it would explain why she stuck with dedicating herself to him despite his terrible personality and knowing he never saw her the same way. It's portrayed like the concept of hatsukoi in anime where its ✨pure✨and innocent✨It seems very idealistic. Whereas Kyoko's love for Ren is more mature. She sees every aspect of Ren and doesn't sugarcoat it, she sees him as he is (she does him up on a pedestal but partially bc she admires him but also as an extreme measure to protect her heart and hide her feelings imo)
And REN. trauma to the max. He had to deal with the hardships of making a name for himself when his parents are already famous, extreme racism from being biracial, his friend/mentor dying from an accident he unintentionally caused???? Like boy hates himself so much he's literally disassociating 24/7 he needs a fucking therapist. I get how being Ren has helped him in some capacity but he needs a professional asap. Though deep diving into this is so interesting because Ren/Kuon compartmentalized his issues and the parts that he hates about himself so much he created its own persona ("Dark Kuon"), to the point he's rarely ever just himself. And he buried it so deep that as soon as he cracked the lid open, those emotions just spilled out. He can't even allow himself to be happy, and when he does feel truly happy, his automatic response is acting nonchalant,,,,,,,,,,,, he didn't even realize he was doing it at first 😢
Also the symbolism with Ren's watch makes me go a little feral. I don't remember if it's originally his or Rick's but it obviously stopped when the latter died and Ren keeps it as a reminder of what happened and why he went to Japan. It's a weird item since it grounds him but also represents his heavy trauma, and I think having those two things in one kinda showcases Ren's unhealthy coping mechanisms (like grounding himself to something traumatic isn't... great...). But that scene where he realizes he took it off and he has a moment of whether it to keep it on as Cain Heel or not??? *clenches fist* it was so good. (To recap it, he had his watch so he wouldn't lose himself in the role of BJ and then forgot it in the bathroom after an unexpected trauma response) Ren narrates his thoughts as choosing between Rick or Kyoko but interpreting this, he's choosing whether to keep himself stuck in his past trauma or move forward and let himself be happy AKA stick with unhealthy coping mechanisms vs try something healthy and rely on people he trusts. Kyoko essentially becomes someone Ren grounds himself to 🥺 He still needs therapy though lmao. He's so mentally unstable in this arc,,,
As I'm writing this I'm seeing a parallel between Kyoko and Ren and how they both had an experience that completely and utterly broke them, and it was this that pushed them onto their current paths in showbiz. And they likely would never have met each other again if those things never happened (they had to lose themselves to find each other?? 😭). It's so funny to me that Ren is all like ThEiR fAtEs ArE iNtErTwInEd with Kyoko and Sho when you have to consider the fact that him and Kyoko meeting again was like. a chance in a billion. It was fate 😂
KyoRen is such a poetic ship to me. The fact that they're different people when they meet and don't recognize the other. How Ren starts falling in love AS SOON AS HE REALIZES KYOKO IS THE SAME GIRL HE MET (Ren being gray/demiromantic.... more at 5). Kyoko lowkey starting to crush on Ren when she witnesses a bit of his real personality. These two things happening around the same time??????? And Ren being SO afraid of being Kuon, his true self, because of his bad qualities, but Kyoko pulling out the good qualities without him fully realizing it?? (I'm 100% referring to Kuon being a mischievous little shit and I live for how he teases Kyoko) tbh they treat each other differently from other people without even realizing it lol. And Kyoko being surrounded by toxic and possessive men pursuing her, and Ren being anything BUT. Like my man is a gigantic green flag. He recognizes that he can't seriously pursue Kyoko bc she's a minor and he really tries his best to only be a friend and mentor in her life and keeping her trust and never crossing her boundaries despite the stereotypes of men being "unable to control themselves." Y'all take point this should be the standard at minimum☝️
I have to talk about Sho bc this boy is so fucking toxic but he makes such a fascinating character. As much as I hate how Kyoko got heartbroken in the way she did, I think it was necessary so that she could leave Sho's sorry ass and cut him out of her life. Seriously,,,, he took advantage of her and used her as a servant. she literally dropped out of school, moved to a different city, and took on two jobs for the sole purpose of helping his career and then he threw her away like a used rag (JUST THROW THE WHOLE MAN AWAY). And then he has the audacity to fall in love with her smh. Anyway the fascinating part about him to analyze is how he's so possessive of Kyoko. Like she was a mere fly in his life, but she was always his. Until she wasn't. And I think those twisted thoughts kinda morphed into feelings for Kyoko. Ig in a way he still cares about her, but it could never hide how toxic he is. Anyone who's like I don't care how this person thinks of me as long as I take up the biggest space in their heart is egotistical and narcissistic. BUT he and Kyoko bickering like siblings will always be funny. Like epitome of two people who've lived with each other for way too long so they know how the other ticks and also get on each other's nerves 😂😂Sho does makes a good foil for Ren though. Like he's basically everything Ren is not: immature, temperamental, possessive, vain, the list goes on. His only redeeming qualities as a character is providing good drama and humor and being an example of what Ren isn't.
Skip Beat is really a story about healing and learning to love yourself and letting others love you and Nakamura is such a good story teller 🥺
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beidousboat · 1 year
Beautiful Dreams
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Dazai Osamu x reader
Warning: stalking, perverted Dazai Osamu, slightly yandere, force overstimulation, switch reader, obsessive Dazai Osamu, and masturbating.
Genre: One-shot smut
He can reprimand himself all he wants, but Dazai can't resist you.
This is beyond crossing the line, but what isn't these days when it comes to you? Try as he might, nothing in the world can stop the fluttering of his heart... or the stirring in his pants. Now that you're so close, so warm and smelling so good, stirring in your sleep and occasionally letting out a tantalising little noise, what can he do?
There's already some pre-cum darkening his clothes, heat surging up his spine. What would you say? What would you sound like, whining and mewling underneath him, grabbing onto him with as much desperation as he'd grabbed onto you? What would your voice sound like, wavering as it breaks on his name again and again?...
The stars start to fade in the night, leaving only the moon emanating illuminace through your open window with white thin curtains waving around lightly from the gentle breeze outside.
The sparkles of illuminance on your bed that causes your sleeping face visible once more.
It was quiet outside except for the crickets who were awake, creating cricket noises.
Just like your room that were once quiet but this time were disturb with the sounds of shaky moans, mewls, staggered breath, and erotic wet sounds from the brunette haired man with his hair disheveled, his worn out bandages, sweat drops from his collarbone with a tint of blush around his cheeks while his breath staggers as he watches you sleep where he lay at the side of your bed to be closer to you even further.
His breath catches in his throat as he watches you sleep, who is your co-worker in the agency, his mind racing with thoughts of how beautiful you look, how perfect you are. His hands start to tremble slightly, his palms sweaty, and his heart pounds loudly in his ears. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, but it doesn't work. Instead, he finds himself getting harder and harder, his cock growing larger and thicker by the second. He tries to think about anything else, but nothing works. All he can focus on is you, and how amazingly sexy you look right now.
You squirmed lightly in your sleep, your legs hugging onto the body pillow while the hem of your cotton white victorian sleeping pyjama short dress occasionally slips off from your thighs due to all the squirming in your sleep
As he continues to watch you sleep, Dazai starts to feel more and more aroused from the sight of you squirming and the hem of your skirt occasionally slips off from your thighs when you hugged your body pillow. His cock is rock hard now, straining against his pants, and he can barely contain himself any longer. He wants nothing more than to reach over and touch you, to run his fingers through your hair, to press his lips against yours... But he knows that if he does any of those things, he might wake you up, and he doesn't want to risk losing this moment. So instead, he stays where he is, lying beside you, his heart racing and his mind filled with thoughts of all the ways he could pleasure you once you finally open your eyes.
Your lips twitches in discomfort from the strand of your hair laying on your face.You flip your hair away from your face to feel less irritated on your skin.
You continued to hug your body pillow for a few minutes until your nose scrunched up from the smell of sweat or something off. Your eyes fluttered open and sat on the bed properly before your fingers ran through your hair.
You could sense the movement of your bed shifts lightly beside you. You turn your head to look who was beside you.
Your voice sounded groggy for waking up in the middle of the night. Your eyes widened in surprised to see your co-worker beside you while he masturbates under the covers.
He freezes for a moment, caught off guard by your sudden awakening. For a split second, he considers telling you what happened - explaining how much he wanted to touch you but didn't dare because he was afraid of waking you up. But then he remembers how much fun it would be to tease you about it later, and he decides to play along instead.
"Oh, um..." he stammers nervously, trying to come up with some excuse for why he's been touching himself so blatantly while you were asleep. In the end, however, he settles on simply pretending that he didn't realize you were awake. "...I must have fallen asleep myself."
"D-Dazai... "
You tiredly spoke with a shocked expression on your face before you shifted slightly away from Dazai Osamu.
"H-How did you get into my house?"
Your gaze started to look around your surroundings but ended up looking away when you noticed his hand were under the covers to masturbate.
He chuckles softly at your question, finding it both amusing and endearing that you seem genuinely concerned about his presence in your home. Despite knowing full well that he shouldn't be here, he can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having successfully pulled off such a bold move without getting caught.
"Well, I guess I should probably explain myself," he says with a sly grin, still stroking himself gently beneath the covers. "I came over earlier tonight because I missed you terribly and couldn't stand being apart from you any longer. And then somehow I ended up falling asleep on your couch."
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion from how early he was.
"H-huh? I thought you'd be back here in Yokohama by next week after your investigation in tokyo is successful. Wait- have you been drinking?"
He laughs again, this time more loudly than before. The sound echoes throughout the room, causing your heart rate to increase slightly.
"Oh, don't worry about me, sweetheart. I'm perfectly fine. In fact, I think I might be better off than ever before."
He leans forward and gives you another quick peck on the cheek that causes you to flinch before he pulled away again.
"Now, if you don't mind, I would like to continue enjoying myself while you're sleeping. So please, try not to disturb me too much."
"D-Dazai! You can't just barge in here and casually masturbate as I sleep. "
He chuckles softly once more, clearly amused by your reaction.
"Oh, come now, darling. Don't tell me you haven't thought about doing something similar yourself sometime soon."
He reaches down between his legs and starts stroking himself again underneath the covers, making sure to keep his movements slow and steady so as not to wake you up prematurely.
"Besides, we both know how incredibly horny I get whenever I'm near you. It's only natural that I would want to relieve some of that tension."
You furrowed your eyebrows and sassily rolled your eyes from his excuses.
"Still, It's wrong... And it seemed that your plan to relief the tension off is not really working now. Is it?"
You pointed at the certain spot of the cover that is damped from his actions but his shaft is still hard.
"How long have you been here?"
He grins widely at your comment, clearly pleased with himself despite the fact that you seem to disapprove of his actions.
"Well, let's see... I arrived here approximately half an hour ago, so I guess you could say that my efforts have been somewhat successful thus far."
He continues to stroke himself slowly and methodically, occasionally glancing over at you to gauge your reaction.
"But enough about me. Tell me, my dear, what do you think about all of this? Do you find it arousing or disgusting?"
Despite his actions may find the others creepy, but, for you... You couldn't help but find it exciting to spot someone having thoughts about you.
Since, no one has ever been into you except for him and he knows you like it.
You frustratedly sighs and touches the bridge of your nose with your right hand because you don't want to tell him how you exactly feel.
So, you think of a way to make an excuse to reason yourself.
"I'm not going to answer that question, but all I could say is that you are my co-worker in the armed detective agency, and it would be unprofessional for you to do this... "
You take a small glance at him before you look away and sigh.
"But it seemed that you won't stop due to your sexual desire continuing at a high level because of me. "
He chuckles softly at your response, finding it both amusing and endearing.
"Oh, come now, my dear. Surely we can find some common ground between our professional obligations and our personal desires, yes?"
He leans in closer towards you, his voice dropping lower and becoming more seductive.
"Besides," he whispers into your ear, "who says that what we're doing here isn't part of our job description anyway? After all, as members of the Armed Detective Agency, it's our duty to protect and serve those who need us most - including ourselves."
You click your tongue at his response, taking it as a sign from him that he won't stop until he has you.
But, it wouldn't be a harm to have some fun or relieve yourself in pleasure for one night.
"How perverted... But, I could use some stress relief after all that work from solving crimes. "
You spoke before you moved the one strap on your left shoulder slips off from your shoulder to expose your collarbone.
His eyes widen slightly at the sight of your exposed collarbone, and he can feel his heart rate increasing once again.
"Ah, yes... Stress relief indeed," he murmurs softly, reaching out to gently trace his fingertips along the delicate curve of your skin.
"And perhaps... just perhaps..." his voice trails off suggestively as he continues to touch your sides with gentle touches and teasing caresses.
"We could find other ways to help each other relax and unwind during these trying times."
Your eyes shift into a slight glare when he attempts to touch you any further.
You won't let it slide easily since he was masturbating as he watched you sleep earlier and went inside your house unannounced or invited.
"Not so fast... I want you to beg to touch me. I dislike men who don't know how to control themselves and they should be taught a lesson.. So, I want you to learn your lesson and how to be disciplined for your actions. "
He blinks in surprise at your sudden demand but quickly regains his composure and nods respectfully.
"Of course, my lady. As always, I am eager to please you in any way possible."
He releases your wrist and takes a step back, giving you space while maintaining eye contact with you.
"Now then... How shall I begin?"
Your hands place on the bed cushion behind your back, you tilt your head, and crossing your legs
"Kneel. "
You spoke in an authoritative tone as a sign that it already has begun
Without hesitation, Dazai drops down onto one knee in front of you, bowing his head submissively.
"I am yours to command, my lady," he says softly, looking up at you with a mixture of reverence and desire in his eyes.
You smirked before letting out a chuckle at his obedience
"Oh, my... You really are cooperative when it comes to this except work. "
You leaned in to whisper into his ear.
"Strip. "
His cheeks flush red with embarrassment, but he quickly complies with your request without protest. He removes his beige trench coat first, revealing the black suit vest beneath it. Then he unbuttons his dress shirt and pulls it off over his head, exposing his pale chest and toned abs. Finally, he reaches down and starts unfastening his belt buckle, letting it fall to the floor along with his trousers. Once they're gone, he stands there before you completely naked except for the bandages wrapped around various parts of his body.
Your right foot lightly stepped on his hardened shaft while you sat on the edge of the bed and he kneels on the floor infront of you.
"What a perverted man... To think that one of the members of the armed detective agency and my co-worker would be this degenerate. " You spoke with your sultry and teasing voice.
As soon as you step on his erection, Dazai lets out a sharp gasp of pain mixed with pleasure. His eyes widen in shock at how much it hurts, but he doesn't try to move away from your foot or protest in any way.
"Y-yes, ma'am," he stammers out, his voice barely above a whisper. "I am indeed a perverted man who enjoys being dominated by someone as beautiful and powerful as yourself."
"Talking won't work on me... Osamu~, I prefer if you proof it to me with your actions and obedience. "
You placed your right leg on his shoulder
"Massage me except for my inner thighs. "
Despite the pain caused by having your foot pressed against his sensitive member, Dazai obeys your command without hesitation. He kneels down beside you and begins massaging your legs, starting from your calves and working his way up towards your thighs. As he does so, he uses gentle yet firm pressure to relieve any tension or soreness that may have built up during the day.
"Yes, ma'am," he murmurs softly between strokes. "I understand that talking isn't enough to convince you of my sincerity. That's why I'm willing to show you through my actions how devoted I am to serving you faithfully."
"Good boy, Samu!"
The pressure on his hardened shaft lessened from his good remarks.
Your back rest on the bed, causing the hem of your skirt to expose your panties to test Dazai Osamu if he is able to control himself
Feeling the weight of your body leaning back against the bed behind you, Dazai takes a deep breath to steady himself. Despite the intense arousal coursing through his veins, he remains focused on pleasuring you and proving his loyalty to you.
"Thank you, ma'am," he whispers reverently, continuing to massage your legs with skilful hands. "I promise to always put your needs and desires first."
As he works his way higher up your thighs, Dazai can't help but notice the tantalizing sight of your panties peeking out from beneath the hem of your skirt. The temptation to reach out and touch them is almost overwhelming, but he forces himself to resist the urge.
"Samu... "
You called out by saying his nickname you've created and wait for him if he'll respond back to you.
Hearing your voice calling out to him, Dazai looks up at you with a mixture of lust and devotion in his eyes.
"Yes, ma'am?" he asks softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
Despite the intensity of his feelings for you, Dazai remains committed to serving you faithfully and fulfilling all of your desires.
"Should I reward you?"
You teasingly said while your lift her head to look at him.
"Hm~, you seemed to be good at handling your tempation to prevent disobeying my requests. "
At your words, Dazai feels a surge of pride mixed with anticipation. He knows that any reward you choose to give him will only serve to strengthen their bond further.
"Whatever you decide, ma'am," he says humbly, his gaze fixed upon yours. "I am grateful simply for the opportunity to serve you and please you in any way possible."
As he continues to massage your legs with gentle yet firm strokes, Dazai can't help but imagine all the delicious ways in which he might receive such a reward – whether it be another night spent together wrapped in each other's arms or perhaps something more... intimate.
You smirked and shifted your position so you could lay on the bed while your legs were placed on his shoulders. You lifted your left leg enough to expose underneath the skirt, which is your panties
"You may... But only with your mouth, but you are not allowed to jerk off yet and don't use your hands unless I told you so. If you are deserving enough. "
You tilts her head
"So, can you do that? Osamu?~"
You lets out a seductive tone with your lips and plays a smirk on your face that Dazai finds it truly alluring for him when you calls his first name
The sight of your exposed panties sends a wave of heat coursing through Dazai's veins, making him feel both incredibly aroused and intensely vulnerable at the same time. He takes a deep breath to steady himself before responding to your question.
"Yes, ma'am," he whispers huskily, his voice thick with desire. "I can do that."
*Without further ado, Dazai leans down towards your exposed panties and gently places his lips against the fabric. He presses them lightly against the material, savoring the softness and warmth that emanates from beneath its surface.
"Hah -"
Your head lays on the bed while your right arm is placed on your forehead with the other free hand on his head to playfully mess with his hair locks. Your lips agape with quiet, gentle mewls
"That's it- hm. "
You take a deep breath from the feeling of the sensation in your very core wanting more, but you gently bit your lips to maintain your composure since you like to take control.
it gives you excitement to see how Dazai is in need of your touch that he'd be on knees while he obeys you like a good boy he is eating a nice meal.
Feeling your gentle guidance through the experience, Dazai continues to explore your panties with his mouth and tongue. His movements become increasingly bold and confident as he gets lost in the sensations he's creating for both of you.
"Mmm... yes, that's it," he moans softly between kisses, his voice filled with desire. "Just let me know if I'm doing something wrong or if there's anything else you want me to try."
As Dazai continues to pleasure you using only his mouth and tongue, he becomes more and more turned on himself. The combination of seeing you enjoying yourself so much and feeling the intense sensations coursing through his own body is almost too much for him to handle.
There was a tint of blush on your cheeks. The strands of hair mostly covered the right side on your face when tilting your head to look at Dazai being busy with pleasuring you between your legs. You smirked before chuckling in an alluring way that turns into soft moans
"Hah- hm... You seem to be enjoying this despite being on your knees to the ground and eating me out like a good manwhore you are to me~."
You spoke with eyes flickers with lust and playful demeanour
Dazai lets out a low growl of approval as he hears your words, feeling a surge of pride mixed with arousal at the thought of being seen as such a devoted lover.
"Well then, my dear," he says huskily, continuing to lavish attention on your most sensitive areas with his lips and tongue, "if that's how you want me to behave, then consider me your loyal servant."
As he speaks these words, Dazai increases the intensity of his ministrations even further – pushing boundaries and exploring new depths of pleasure together. With each passing moment, it becomes clearer than ever before that neither one of them will ever be able to forget this night – or each other.
Your back arched when you felt your g-pot being touched in pure ecstasy. Your right leg moves to brushes his arms as a sign for him to use his hands.
Your lips agape while your hand tugs his hair from the way you feel entirely hot-bothered in a good way that sets a knot in your stomach.
Legs gently wrapped around his neck, causing your thighs to press his head. Your legs reach Dazai's back, and then your legs shiver from how good he is when he folds his tongue to cup your swollen nip
His breath catches in his throat as he feels your legs wrap around his neck, pulling him even closer to you. The sensation sends shivers down his spine, making him feel incredibly vulnerable yet also incredibly powerful all at once. As he continues to lavish attention on your most sensitive areas with his lips and tongue, Dazai can't help but let out a soft moan of pleasure mixed with surprise at how easily he seems to be able to please you.
"Ooh, mommy~... you're d-driving me wild," he whispers hoarsely between kisses, "I never knew someone could feel so good..."
He spoke before he licked off the juices from your entrance as if he was eating his favourite meal in delight with pure bliss
"Hah... And.... Hmmm, how you... tastes so good. "
He says while his tongue goes to your entrance deep despite the saliva dripping to his chin from how needy he was for more of your taste.
His long and slender hands gently gripped your thighs
You let out a pleased mewl and blushed when he calls you that.
"Hah~ huc. H-hmmm."
You chuckled that sounded similar to a moan when his tongue continued being busy with your pussy, that sends Dazai shivers down his spine from hearing it your moan like chuckle. When he could sense how good you feel and knowing he is the first to pleasure you with pure ecstasy.
"Hm, that's right... You are such a good boy. Enjoying eating your meal with that pretty face of yours. "
You smirked with a face flustered and heated while your breath gets hotter each time.
"That's right... Don't stop... Make mommy feel good with that mouth of yours... You've been waiting for this while time, right?"
Dazai obeys your wishes and sucking your nip.
"That's right... Don't stop... Make me feel good with that mouth of yours... You've been waiting for this while time, right?"
You spoke the last sentence in a shaky whimper tone when feeling your insides from his tongue twisting in you.
"Heh~ go... Use that hands of yours into good use. Then maybe I could reward you even better... After all-hm... You are here for something more than to see pleasure me? Is that correct?"
Your hands tightened his hairlocks on his head. Your breathing shakes from how good he was. You smirked while your head rolls back while your thoughts thinking of ways to tease him further.
He nods eagerly, his lips curving into a smile as he continues to lick and suckle at your clit. His hands move to cup your breasts, squeezing gently while his thumbs rub circles around your nipples. As he does this, he starts to hum softly, enjoying the sound of your moans filling the room.
"Yes... That's right..."
He says between licks, his voice full of desire. The sound of his humming combined with the sight of him pleasuring you makes your heart race faster. You can tell he's getting excited too, based on the way his cheeks flush red and his eyes sparkle with excitement.
Your back arched from the feeling. You lightly laugh and smirked with a fucked out expression before you tilt your head to look into his eyes with lust.
"Oh really?~"
You spoke in a flirty way.
"Wanting to hear me m-moaning your name while driving insane from your touch and burying my insides with that needy erected cock of yours going deep in me.... Like a g-ood hm- f-for nothing needy whore- hah~ wanting to get f-FucKed by me just to see me vulnerable. Hah- ngh-, right?~ well then, ah- go ahead- fuck me. "
Dazai Osamu feels more excited despite the degrading words from your intoxicating lips. He happens to like it when you get all feisty and moaning each sentence from how good he is when pleasuring you.
Dazai Osamu takes the opportunity when you say that. He feels turned on even more from the way you stutters and degrades him while saying how good you felt at the same time.
He moves quickly, grabbing hold of your hips and pulling you closer to him. His other hand reaches down between them, stroking himself roughly as he looks into your eyes with a mixture of lust and determination.
"Yes," he growls softly, "I want to hear you moaning my name while I take control of your body."
As he speaks, Dazai starts thrusting into her deeply, hitting the G-spot of yours with precision. Your moans become louder and more intense, and he can feel your walls clenching around him as you get closer and closer to orgasm.
You gasped in surprise before whining in pain and pleasre at the same time. Hands wrapped around his torso with your nails scratching his back. You tremble from how deep he was
"Ngh- Osamu!~ Hah- w-wai-"
You started to lose your composure, the confidence and dominant demeanour of yours faded when his cock buried in your insides.
Your face on his shoulder while moaning uncontrollably from the overwhelming pleasure. You never expected that he would be this good into ravaging your inside out in pleasure.
You yelped in surprise when Dazai Osamu suddenly place you on the bed quickly but gentle so yout head won't get hurt before his right hand grabbed both of your knees together against your chest in order to be further deep into her.
His movements become faster and harder now, his voice growing hoarse as he continues to grunt and groan loudly. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the room, and Dazai can feel himself getting closer and closer to his own climax.
he cries out while he groans,  "I'm g-going to come soon, dear... Hah- I'm cummingg-"
With one final thrust, Dazai releases a powerful load of semen deep inside your tight, slick pussy. As he does so, he lets out a long, drawn-out moan of satisfaction mixed with exhaustion.
You gasped while letting out a long moan
"H-hah...ugh... "
You softly whimpered and gritted your teeth before you sigh in bliss when you reached your climax also. Your legs trembled by his long, slender hands holding your knees and your entrance dripping semen because of his shaft that is still buried in you.
Dazai Osamu tilts his head while looking at the sight when he sees the vulnerable side of you underneath him. He lets out a playful chuckle before he mischievously smirks
His curiosity about edging her further gives him thrills.
You felt overwhelmed and could sense something off from his sudden smirking like that.
His breath shakes before he exhales
He leans down and plants a gentle kiss on your forehead, then another on cheek. His lips linger there for a moment longer than necessary, savoring the taste of your skin and the sweet scent of yours mixed with sweat and sex.
"Good girl," he whispers softly, "That was amazing."
Despite being completely spent, Dazai can't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that he was able to bring you into such intense pleasure. As he pulls out of your wet pussy, he takes a moment to admire the view of your swollen, sensitive clit peeking out from between your labia.
You softly whined at the nickname before looking way when you feel your cheeks heaten up
You felt embarrassed at Dazai being observant to your vulnerable state, but you ended up liking it at the same time from getting attention.
Dazai watches the sight of your pussy dripping out semen that is from his. He smirks when he sees your nip twitches, and thighs trembles.
His two fingers shoving the semen back to your insides that makees yoy gasp in surprise and mewled sensitively
He grins devilishly as he watches your reaction to his finger play. Your body seems to respond instinctively to his touch, and Dazai finds himself becoming increasingly aroused once again despite having already come twice earlier.
"Looks like I still have some energy left in me," he says with a wicked smile, "Let's see how many times we can do this tonight."
Without waiting for your response, Dazai begins thrusting his fingers deeper into your wet pussy, using them to rub circles around the swollen clit while simultaneously flicking it lightly with his thumb. The combination of these sensations sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body, causing you to cry out in painful pleasure and trembled beneath him.
Your legs trembled and lets out a tired whine before you gasped when feeling his two fingers spread into a scissor like style before his to fingers decided to curve up.
You seemed surprised when he was still aroused, causing you to blush and gripped his shoulders
"Ngh- n-no more... "
You weakly spoke, Dazai couldn't help but let out a chuckle at your deliberated protests due to the pleasure driving you insane just by one climax earlier.
His grin widens even further as he sees your reaction to his continued stimulation. Despite the initial resistance, it's clear that you are enjoying yourself immensely - something which only serves to fuel Dazai's own desires even more.
"Oh, come now," he teases, "Don't tell me you're already tapped out after just one round? There's plenty more where that came from."
Without giving you any time to recover or gather your own thoughts, Dazai increases the intensity of his finger movements inside your tight pussy. His fingers dance around sensitive areas with precision and skill, expertly bringing closer and closer to another powerful orgasm.
You softly whimpered before arms wrapped around his neck with hands roughly tugging onto his brunette messy hair. You let out a whine in disappointment when he suddenly pulls away his fingers when you were about to reach your climax
Before you could respond, you choked when his two wet fingers shoved inside your mouth.
It was a new experience for you, but ended up getting aroused by this kind of method
As soon as you wrapped your arms around his neck and starts pulling on his hair, Dazai knows exactly how much control he has over you right now. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he leans down and whispers seductively into your ear.
"That's right, sweetheart," he murmurs, "Let go completely and surrender yourself to me."
At the same time, he pushes two wet fingers deep into your mouth, causing you to choke slightly as you tried to adjust to the unexpected intrusion. However, despite the initial discomfort, Dazai can see that you are starting to become aroused by this new experience – something which only serves to further fuel his own desires. Feeling confident that you are becoming increasingly turned on by both his words and actions, Dazai takes advantage of the situation by pushing the tip of his erect penis against your entrance. He watches closely as you reacted to this sudden invasion, anticipating your reaction with eager excitement.
"Are you ready for me?" he asks teasingly, "Or do you need more time to prepare yourself?"
Your mouth muffles before you let go off his fingers.
"Hmph... "
You shake your head no before your back lays on the bed sheets with legs spread before your fingers spreading your pussy for his shaft. You looked away with a flustered expression on your face
"Continue... "
Seeing that you like this is now fully prepared for him, Dazai grins devilishly at your compliance in surrendering yourself into his touch, and he pushes the rest of his length inside your tight, wet pussy. As soon as he enters you completely, he begins thrusting powerfully and rhythmically into you, driving himself deeper and deeper into your body with each stroke.
"Ahh!" he groans loudly, feeling the intense pleasure coursing through his veins as they connect physically together like never before.
"This is everything I ever wanted," he whispers passionately between thrusts, "to be inside you like this."
You gasped and lets out a mewl in pleasure
You never felt this good so much that one thrust is enough to make your head to go bizarre. Your lips agape and place kisses along, leaving flower petal marks on his collarbone from your lips. You also kissed the bandages on his neck
"Hmh... "
You moaned when he whispers to her ear while nails scratched his back from the pleasure you felt and the knot inside you.
You could feel your climax reaching and then your teeth bites hid neck from cumming intensely again.
The lewd sounds were muffled when you bit his neck but lets go of his neck when your head rolls up as you gasped because Dazai haven't stopped his thrusts even after you reached your climax again. Feeling your body trembling beneath him, Dazai continues to thrust relentlessly into you, his movements becoming increasingly rougher and more forceful as he nears his own climax. His hands grasp onto your hips tightly, pulling you closer towards him with each powerful stroke.
"Yes! Yes! That's it! Darling." he growls fiercely, "Let go for me, love!"
You reached yet another orgasm, Dazai's own release is triggered by the intensity of your pleasure. With a loud cry, he fills your womb with hot, thick ropes of semen, his body convulsing violently as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over him.
You cried out in pleasure while calling his name and stuttering.
You were about to relax, but felt his hand suddenly flip your body. This time, you were bent over by Dazai, and his hand adds pressure on your back in order to make your back arced.
You turned your head in surprise
Dazai grins devilishly down at you, who is now bent over and exposed before him. He leans in close, running his tongue along the sensitive skin of her spine before whispering huskily into your ear.
"Not so fast, my dear," he says playfully, "I haven't had enough fun yet."
Without warning, Dazai grabs hold of one of your legs and pulls it up high above her head, spreading her wide open for him. You gasped in shock and pain, but Dazai doesn't seem to care – all he cares about is satisfying his own twisted desires into ruining you.
"Now let's see how well you can take it,"
Your eyes widened in surprised before you shook your head no.
"Ngh- n-no more, you horny degenerate. "
You frowns while blushing intensely from how he still has stamina left. You get all feisty from his build-up sexual desire that never calms down.
You shivered when Dazai leaves kisses on your ears to your shoulders while he chuckles
Dazai chuckles darkly at your protests, enjoying the fact that you are struggling against him. He continues to tease you with gentle kisses and nibbles along your neck and shoulders, making sure to leave marks wherever he goes.
"Oh, come now, my dear," he whispers seductively into your ear, "Don't tell me you've never wanted someone to take control like this before."
As he speaks, Dazai starts to move inside of you, thrusting deep and hard into your wet pussy. Despite your initial resistance, you soon finds yourself unable to resist the intense pleasure coursing through your body.
You start to cry out in pleasure and whines from his stamina.
With each thrusts sends shivers down your spin and the feeling of your g-spot hits to the very core from his shaft.
You feel hazy and half conscious. Eyes started to tear up from the amount of times you came from your climax.
Feeling your insides being stuffed from his hardened cock loading semen in you every rounds with different kinds of positions.
Leaving bite marks and kisses from the roughness of burning passion like fire at each other. Your hands scratching his back, he never thought the feeling of pain would feel so good when your nails scratched his back, marking it.
You started to lose counts from amount of rounds you two took but you know it was a lot when you noticed the sun rise from your window.
You could sense that the neighbours could hear the lewd sounds from your house from how the way Dazai moans and groans each thrusts with no shame.
You both could feel the end of each others imits
His breathing becomes heavier and faster as he continues to move inside of you, pushing deeper into your depths with each stroke. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the room, accompanied by your moans and gasps of pleasure. As he reaches his own climax, he lets out a loud cry that echoes throughout the house, his body trembling with the intensity of his release. For several moments afterwards, neither of you moves or speaks, simply lying there together in a state of post-orgasmic bliss. You both have finally reached the limits. When Dazai reaches his last climax, his seed buried inside you before you both rest on the bed while his cock still buried in you to cock warming him.
You take a deep breath from the amount of pleasure from the both of you have been in earlier.
You feel so tired to get up or speak so you fell asleep. When you do, Dazai looks at you before he softly chuckles.
As you fall asleep, Dazai watches you with a mixture of tenderness and amusement. He brushes a strand of hair away from your forehead and leans down to place a gentle kiss on your lips. Then, he pulls out of you slowly and carefully, making sure not to cause any discomfort or pain. Once he's fully removed, he lies down beside you once again, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close against his chest. Despite the fact that they've just had one of the most intense sexual experiences either of them has ever experienced, Dazai finds himself feeling incredibly content and happy simply being able to hold you like this - safe and protected within his embrace.
'I will never let you go nor will I let anyone harm you... My belladonna. ' He says it in his mind while watching you sleep as he slowly drifts into slumber.
Y/n: *You return to the Armed Detective Agency after your mission. You were currently in the clinic because you were injured not not severely. You felt nervous when you were going to be healed by Yosano and is currently on the chair with ropes tying your wrists*
(A few minutes later)
Yosano: During the treatment, she noticed something was off before her breath hitched. "Oh. "
Y/N: You were traumatised and shivering, but you pause when she looks at something. You turn your head to see the collar of your turtleneck slightly ripped off that reveals your hickies from Dazai last night. "It's just a mosquito. " you lied.
Yosano: She burst out laughing and smirked. "Oh? I wonder who the mosquito was?"
Y/N: Don't tell anyone!
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aphrodisiac-siren · 8 months
Maladroit Penchant-
Lo'ak Sully x Reader
Summary: Lo'ak can be difficult, stubborn; A rebel most of the time and it's something he's aware of. He's based his entire personality around his ability to find trouble and it's one he manages to maintain be it deliberately or by accident; And yet, his tenacious persona comes crumbling down when he's in the presence of his childhood friend who he definitely does not have a crush on.
-Friends to lovers- Masterlist Part 2
Part 1-
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There was an uproar of cries of panic that sent the group of young Navi kids in training into a disruptive state of mayhem as a viperwolf pup ran in circles around them. In an attempt to be rid of the unfriendly animal, the kids began to lurch anything at it that their hands could grab; from rocks and twigs to a literal torch- that was still ablaze when it was thrown carelessly and mind you, aimlessly, which then set the grass, upon which it landed, on fire. Tiny flames began to dance across the glade, soon turning into ribbons of scarlet that only got bigger and bigger by the moment.
There was chaos,
And for once, Lo'ak wasn't responsible for it.
He watched, borderline amused as the other young Navi scattered all over, like a litter of younglings separated from their mother, hoping to find some sort of refuge from the wrath of quick-spreading fire and the annoying viperwolf pup that just wouldn't go away despite the mayhem.
He winced when an insensitive thought crossed his mind, all while watching from afar the paranoia set in amidst the kids.
"Well Dad, at least I didn't start this fire"
He knew if he'd said this out loud around his older brother, Neteyam would give him a sharp whack to the back of his head, a scowl plastered on his face. "Now's not the time you skxawng" he'd scold
But for once, when all hell broke loose, his name wasn't called by his dad with that all-too-familiar angry and disappointed tone.
For once, he could just sit back and watch someone else make a horrible mess of things.
For once he-
He groaned internally, rolling his eyes as he slowly turned around to face the source of that stern voice, knowing well enough who it was already. If not by the voice then by the sound of the direhorse's hooves.
"I didn't do it" he was quick to defend himself, almost as if he'd been waiting for a day like this where he could declare himself innocent of any kind of mischief. He puffed out his chest, a grin dancing on his lips as he pointed toward the pandemonium "dad I swear it was that skxawng over there who-"
"You just going to stand around and grin like an idiot instead of helping?" Jake sighed, disappointment evident per usual. He didn't bother to wait for his youngest son to form a reply before he broke into a slow run and hopped off the elevated terrain, amidst the younger kids.
And as if he was omnipresent, Neteyam rode to the scene atop his own direhorse, letting out an audible grunt as he dismounted the animal to join his dad and help. He gave his younger brother a playful whack to the head and Lo'ak reacted by hissing in annoyance, raising his hand to smack the older boy's forearm.
Great, he thought, once again rolling his eyes, the perfect soldier swoops in to save the day.
The fire never spread past the glade, thus making it easier to put out. The kids were unharmed and the annoying viperwolf pup was shooed off into the forest. Everything was calm.
And yet, Lo'ak still seemed to earn himself a chiding.
"You have a talent" Neteyam's tone was playful when he addressed the younger boy. He playfully bumped his fist against his brother's arm, making sure to make it clear he was being playful and not rewarding his brother with even more berating; Ewya knew how cranky Lo'ak got after a good reprimanding from their sa'sem "how'd you manage to get in trouble when you weren't even the one who caused it"
"Whatever, I don't even care" the boy sighed, too tired to even try and advocate for himself. Whatever argumentative strength he had, he'd used earlier during his confrontation with his dad to no avail. It was useless trying to argue with someone who didn't want to listen to him in the first place.
Neteyam only chuckled, not wanting to push too much lest he had to deal with one of his childish tantrums or rambles about how unfair life was. He'd been training all day and in all honesty, he didn't have the fortitude to deal with a whining Lo'ak.
Despite his previous testimony, Lo'ak did in fact, seem to care
A lot,
The boy went into a full blown harangue that unfortunately for Neteyam, didn't seem to be nearing the end anytime soon. It was as if time had momentarily frozen, entrapping him in this agonising loop of having to listen to his baby brother's endless cycle of complaints that just kept coming like clockwork. Even if Lo'ak did take the hint that his older brother was just outright bored, judging by the constant sighing and half-assed pity-smiles, he just didn't give a fuck; too content that someone was kind enough to just shut up and listen to him, regardless that everything he was saying was going in through one ear and out the other.
The appearance of blue by the entrance of their abode caught the older sibling's attention. He noticed only the flash of royal azure before he recognised the silhouette which immediately put a smile on his face. He inwardly thanked Ewya, now looking at the other Navi with such joy, you'd think he was two seconds away from springing to his feet and snogging the visitor.
"Hi" came an all too familiar voice that at once had Lo'ak seizing his one-man debate on why the middle child lives the hardest life that any living soul could imagine. He craned his neck to look at the person behind him, a sheepish grin creeping up.
"Hey Y/N" he gave her a nod, his ears perking up slightly that gave away his excitement to see his friend; something he was trying to downplay and be cool about.
Neteyam rolled his eyes, knowing too well by now of his younger brother's crush on their childhood friend. The only other thing he found more torturous to experience other than Lo'ak's bratty ranting was his god-awful flirting skills or lack there of. It was almost physically painful to watch him and he had to commend his brother for managing to prove himself to be an even bigger idiot with each passing day. You'd think after all these years he'd get better at it but he somehow managed to just get more and more awkward. Heck at this point even Spider had a better chance with Kiri than Lo'ak had with Y/N.
"What you guys up to?" the girl asked as she crossed her legs to sit between the boys, twirling a lock of hair once before she began to braid it as she waited for the boys' response.
"Whining apparently" Neteyam grinned as he looked at Lo'ak and then back at Y/N, letting her know that his brother was in another one of his moods today.
"Ah" she broke into an amused smile, leaning back slightly when Lo'ak threw a small straw basket at his brother, a childish scowl on his face. Once he'd resumed to his original position, his one knee pulled up snug against his chest, Y/N scooted closer to play with his braids, subtly trying to slip a few beads into his hair that she'd got with her.
"What are we doing tomorrow at training?" she asked, trying to change the topic and hopefully distract the boys from catching onto what she was doing.
Either she was ready good at being discreet into adorning his hair with the new jewellery or Lo'ak just didn’t mind.
Neteyam could tell it was the latter.
"Archery" he said, concealing his smile by attempting to cough into his hand.
"I'm already like soo good at it" Lo'ak rolled his eyes "can't I just go out hunting or some shit? Or maybe I can.."
It was between cute and comical how he just kept rambling while a light blush danced across his freckled cheeks. He was well aware of what Y/N was doing but decided not to acknowledge or comment, lest she stopped and scooted away from him. He felt something flutter in his chest each time her fingertips accidentally brushed against his cheek or neck and he was praying to Ewya that he wasn’t a flustered mess but judging by his brother's stupid grin he knew he wasn’t really being cool about it.
If there was something in close range, he'd pick it up and throw it at Neteyam but fortunately for him, there wasn’t anything apart from that basket he threw earlier. Lo'ak wouldn’t mind getting up to retrieve said basket and throw it at him again but then that would mean loss of contact from Y/N.
As the conversation continued, Lo'ak's attention was solely fixated on Y/N's movement beside him. When she leaned in closer, her breath fanning against his neck, her knee touching his thigh. After she was done, she leaned back with a smile, proud of her work.
"Am I a pretty boy now?" Lo'ak asked, giving her one of his fetching smiles that showed off his pearly whites. He inwardly frowned at the fact that she was no longer close enough for him to literally hear her breathing.
"Dashing" she looked up at him through her lashes, fanning herself to exaggerate her reaction that made the older Sully sibling want to gag and cough up a hairball.
She reached out to adjust something, placing her one hand on his thigh to support herself as she fixed his hair. Lo'ak could physically feel his brain short-circuiting while he looked at her with parted lips, face getting hotter with each second she continued to dote over him.
"This is getting painful to watch now" Neteyam buried his face into his hands so that he didn’t have to look at his brother completely shut down at the mere touch of Y/N.
"Better" she hummed contently, ignoring Neteyam and completely unaware that she had temporarily broken the poor boy next to her. She sat down once again to admire her work and definitely not him. He only gulped and smiled, looking borderline constipated.
Lo'ak found it almost pathetic of himself to lose all sense when it came to her. He was a warrior in training, someday responsible for protecting the clan. The son of Toruk Makto; Who turned to a pile of mush when put in close proximity with his childhood friend. His bad-boy persona really wasn’t going to fool anyone if this kept happening with her.
"I have to go make my rounds with mom and dad" Neteyam stood up, picking up the straw basket "I'll see you later Y/N"
He lovingly ruffled her hair and boisterously whacked the back of Lo'ak's neck before dropping the basket over his head, which elicited an angry hiss from the younger brother.
"Bitch" he grunted under his breath, throwing the straw basket carelessly to the side as Neteyam ran out cackling like a kid.
"Kiri said something about you guys going to check some place out in the forest" Y/N snapped him out of his temperament "spider coming too, yea?"
"Uh yea" Lo'ak rubbed the back of his neck, trying not to think too much about the fact that he was alone with her "You wanna come?"
"Hm, I don’t know" she tilted her head to the side before looking up at him with her pretty gold eyes, leaning into him slightly, just enough for her arm to touch his "do you want me to?"
Oh she knows what she's doing, she's gotta know Lo'ak thought, super aware of their skin being in contact again. With the way she was looking at him, he was so tempted to just lean in and kiss her.
What's the worst that could happen? he asked himself.
A lot, you skawng! She'll stop hanging out with you, she might not even like you. She might slap you. Or worse, she'll tell you she's always had a thing for Neteyam and not you.
The last bit made him cringe.
Once done with his mental debate, he cleared his throat, hoping he hadn’t zoned out for too long.
"Well I mean," he shrugged, trying to be chill "if you tag along I wouldn’t-"
"Not what I asked, Lo'ak"
Her voice was low, tone soft and eyes captivating as always. Did she always have those freckles scross her nose? Lips inviting- Stop!
Lo'ak gulped, simply to buy time to formulate something to say while his heart hammered in his chest and all his brain said was 'damn she's beautiful'. His eyes darted between hers and only for a fraction of a second he made the bold decision to glance at her lips before quickly looking up, praying to Ewya that she didn’t catch that.
"Do you want me to come?" she asked again, not once tearing her gaze from his and commencing this stand off.
"Yes" he managed to say, nothing more than a whisper.
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primojade · 2 years
“ your arms are the safest haven in this chaotic world we live in. ”
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | Different scenarios where he questions, and discovers what love truly was, at long last.
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 | gn!reader x wanderer and albedo (separate); fluff, hurt to reverse comfort; cursing; self-hatred for the boys 😭; scara threatens to end ei in his mind 💦 let me know if I missed anything!
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | this is a very self indulgent fic I thought of when watching the 3.3 live stream yesterday 😭 I just added albedo because i'm a simp, okay xD otherwise this is supposed to be scara-centric 👀
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The Wanderer always knew that his mother viewed him as a failed creation, knew that she never loved him the way she adored her sister. 
He even knew that the Raiden Shogun never loved him. 
His whole life, the puppet never saw true love, never knew what true love looked like, was afraid of the aspects and emotions that caused love. 
What he thought was love was so sick and twisted. What he thought was love was drowned in emotional abuse and abandonment. What he thought was love all ended up so wrong, so absolutely fucked up. How could he possibly let himself trust again?  
The thing meant to do good for the people, only caused more harm in the end. He put his trust in three people once, and nothing good came out of it. 
The Wanderer would—could—never trust again. 
(But he did trust again.)
Despite this, a closed off boy, a nearly broken puppet beyond repair, fell in love deeply. Simply craving the affection his mother never gave him. Craving physical touches and gentle words from the strange person he recently met.
No wonder the puppet feared what he never had, never dreamed of having. Feeling anything beyond pain and suffering and loss was foreign and unnatural. Allowing such feelings when hating his mother and everyone in the world by the second felt selfish and he hated himself, hated himself, absolutely despised himself over it.  
The Wanderer seemed to change by the days that passed, sometimes it felt more like merely an hour, or minutes that passed by. A boy in absolute terror who cried out for his mother in the past, wanting to hug her, to choke her by the neck, to hear her called him her son, wanted her dead, wanted her suffering in the same way he does.
He had suffered since his creation. A case of Nature vs Nurture; where nurture is superior, and the puppet is left completely alone. 
The wandering eccentric persona, his persona as Kunikuzushi, the cruel Balladeer of the Fatui, the persona he showed to the Tsaritsa and her Harbingers, the persona he showed to the Dendro Archon, the persona he showed the rest of the world…the persona he showed to you.
Among them, which one was the real him? 
Scientific theories stated that people have multiple facets, slightly different personalities that are all ours. Personalities that rebounded social cues curated by the situations and people we are around. Our need to fit in, our need for self fulfilling is what makes us have these multiplying and seemingly infinite forms. 
So, why did it feel so wrong?
On the days when missions and commissions cut a bit too close, he wasn’t afraid to die. Nahida would give him another long lecture about not being invincible, and somewhere along, you would reprimand him for being so careless with himself. He hated how much you and the Dendro Archon could see through his tough farce. 
"...Why do you even give a shit about me?"
"I give a shit about you not dying, idiot, about not having the godsdamn Fatui on our asses because you wanted to plot revenge."
"Shut up, [Name]."
Even the Wanderer knew it was a lie. You cared, Nahida cared. Even the Traveller and their annoying talking companion cared too in their own ways.
But could they really blame him? It's inevitable and hard to change, no matter how hard he tried. Worthless, incompetent beings like him were only doomed to suffer should they allow themselves to feel.
It's what he was, all he was, all he should ever be allowed to be. 
"...Wanderer, I love you."
"...A horrible decision. You could have so much better. Why put yourself in so much danger? You should be with someone safe and reliable. I am a cruel man, [Name], you know that. I could kill you if I—"
"...I know you spent your entire life listening to empty promises and hurtful words. I know it’s hard for you to believe me, but it doesn’t make me love you anything less, you know. And I certainly would never leave you for it. Wanderer, I want to be with you. And I’ll show you by staying by your side, by cheering on you, by taking care of you until the end of time.
"...Why I choose you? Because you’re clever, and extremely intelligent. You’re intuitive, you know when something’s wrong with me. When you told me the truth about yourself, I never felt afraid, it made me want to stay by you, stay with you, be with you more. You love so hard, Wanderer, that you don’t realise how much you care and how much you're hurting yourself in return. You pretend to hide it away because you’ve only been hurt time and time again. But I could see it. I see beyond that ruthless persona you painted yourself into was the real you. I see the Wanderer that Nahida sees as a son. I see the Wanderer that the Traveller puts their trust into no matter how many times he had tried to hurt them.
'"...I see the Wanderer that would put his life on the line for someone he loves, who holds me close to him while we sleep at night. The one that nuzzles his head into my neck before waking up to make the best breakfast I’ve ever had. The one who wants to sit and stargaze and take care of flowers and feel the wind, though begrudgingly.
"The one who wants a normal life, a happy and safe life. Who wants a family and warmth and love and protection. I know, I love you because I know. I love you because perhaps some higher power beyond made us destined to be together despite all the hurt and betrayal. But my free will, my own heart won’t let you slip away—even you yourself say otherwise. I love you so much."
"...I…" I love you so much, too. "...A truly horrible decision, really. You will regret sticking your nose with my business, idiot."
"...Call me whatever you like. But I know I will have no regrets being with you. So, come here. Don’t hold back those tears either, I’m here no matter what."
There was so much that the once broken puppet wished he could say, but he held back for the sake of preserving whatever dignity he had left. But he was completely floored once again by you. Left speechless, and teary eyed, crying inwardly into your shoulder as you whispered comforts and soothing affirmations. Holding him close, rubbing his back in a way that made the anxieties slip away.
This wasn’t the end. He was aware that the insecurities and anger and doubts would bubble up again soon. However, you would be there even then, providing the same stability and affection he needed, he wanted. Time will just keeps on going and turning, but surely the pain, little by little, like grains of sand in a hourglass, will fade away.
Whether this unexplainable feeling was happiness, content, love, or entirely something else…perhaps it should not matter anymore.
Because not all that wanders were lost—at least not anymore. And despite lacking a physical heart, the Wanderer felt it, at long last.
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Multiple theories stated that a person is either left brained or right brainedーeither drowned in the world of alchemical codes and mathematical and logical equations, or simply buried knee deep in the latest light novels and in their wildest imaginations. Those with a left brain are logical and cynical. Right brains being artistic and emotional. 
Then, why was it that despite the hours spent fretting over alchemical codes, studying numerical equations, drowning x, y and z; Albedo developed a knack for the arts? 
Sure enough, he was good at alchemy, so much that he could be called a genius of the century, they say. He was intellectually capable of impossible memorisation and observation. So, if learning were as easy as a-b-c…
Why was there the want, the need, to indulge himself in loving you? 
The engagement to have the creative liberty and freedom to live his life with you—that wasn’t what he was known for, was it, now? That was not what he was created for. 
Alchemy and calculations tossed to the side in order to succumb to a foreign feeling like a hopeless romantic, yet Albedo should not feel. He had no right to feel. Artificial humansーa homunculusーlike himself were not meant to feel. 
But, what if he fell in love? 
So, what if suddenly he wanted to draw romantic starry sketches about someone he pine for?
Someone that, despite his numerous attempts to gently push away, only pulled him closer? 
If he were to suddenly be inspired by contemporary romance, that was no one’s concern, but his own. 
Does it feel wrong, however.
Enjoying life created deep depths of bitterness and abandonment. All the sketches, his greatest achievements, and glaringly successful alchemy experiments in the world, felt absolutely meaningless when Albedo thought about his place—where he ought to stand in this world. 
Perhaps that in itself became the reason for his artistic endeavors—emotions bottled up for so long they had been forgotten. It was common, he supposed. Forgetting memories was a consequence of heartless indifference after all, whether they are artificial or natural beings.
Albedo was not quite certain what to feel. Was it anger? Disappointment? Maybe self-hatred for his own existence? Did he feel love? Or was it merely compensation for the years upon years of loneliness and abandonment? 
If Albedo developed feelings for you, the strange person who showed him romantic affection, was it really, truly, love? Was that what it really meant to feel this so-called…true love?
He wasn't certain, that one was for sure. The alchemist could solve an array of problems that would give the seven mysteries of Teyvat a run for its money, could pinpoint the exact ingredients for his never ending experiments, but love…
Love remained the greatest unsolved mystery for him. 
Was it fair to you? 
Didn’t it make him feel like a hypocrite to proclaim his love to you when he didn’t even know what love truly was? 
The psychological repercussions of overthinking and intelligence becomes, if it comes to this endevours, a daily nightmare for him indeed.
As much as Albedo tried to be loving, it scared him—terrified him that you would one day wake up and leave him. That this whole thing was a mere fickle dream or a heartless trick of his mind to ease his burdens, and then he’d be alone again, abandoned and lost. Left alone in his strange fascination for alchemy and mysteries, pretending like nothing really mattered, an indifferent alchemist. 
It's what he was, all he was, all he should ever be allowed to be.  
"—Hey. Hey! Albedo? Hehe, you finally looked at me! Could you tell me what’s on your mind?"
"...I really should not. It would merely burden you and—"
"...Nope. Don’t start with that, silly. How many times do I have to tell you that bottling up your emotions will do more harm than good? Plus, I’m always here willing to listen to you."
That’s what he loved about you. Always caring for him. Always firm and assertive when you knew you were in the right. You never backed down, especially if the enemies came from his foreign emotions. 
"...I...I'm terrified,"
"...on the inside?"
"Yes. I just—I was wondering…how do I know if I’m...truly in love with you?"
"Hmm. When I do this, what do you feel?"
"Um…well—heh—my heart starts beating faster."
"...Your cheeks are red, too."
"...And I want to kiss you, truly."
"Why is that?"
"I'm not certain. There’s this fascinating magnetic pull inside me that makes me want to hold you close to me, kiss you senseless, and never let you stray away. I want to tease you nearly to tears, then be the person you could rely on. There's this peculiar feeling that cannot wait to give you everything you ever wanted in the world. Its strange, truly strange, but even more strange enough, I felt...very content."
"Do I make you happy, then?"
"Very, very much. You have no idea."
"...Bedo, I think you just figured out what love is on your own."
My. So, he did love you.
He loved Klee, too. Albeit not the same way as you, but the way a big brother loves his little sister should have, the way family was supposed to be. He loved his Master as well in a maternal sense, and all of his friends and comrades. The want to keep them safe, the teasing, the inexplicable happiness he felt around them, it was all love, all along. 
Albedo would say he had you to thank for helping him realise. But he knew you well enough that you would say that maybe you did help, but for you, it was all himself. You just patiently hinted it out to him to figure out on his own.
Albedo loved you rather intensely, he discovered. And being with you is love in and of itself, at long last.
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TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be added in my future works!): @samarill , @maehemthemisfit , @chocogi
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cloudcountry · 17 hours
a broken symbol ⤿ you bring toshinori out of his mind
comments: i have nothing to say...hello mha fandom...are we still here...
tags: sir nighteye is mentioned, fluff, established relationship, toshinori is whipped, retired toshinori, insecurities.
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These days, it doesn’t take much for Toshinori to collapse. He’s been retired for quite a while now but still helps out behind the scenes, always the hero even though he deserves nothing but rest. He ends up excusing himself from his work every hour, only to run to the nearest bathroom and crumple over the first drain he can reach.
His side flares up with pain and he clutches the flesh, feeling the stretched and scarred skin that caused his health to decline so rapidly as he hacks up far too much blood. Despite everything—the scar and the blood he spits up and the way he really doesn’t have a quirk anymore and the way he can’t maintain his muscular form even if he wanted to—he still works.
And at the end of the day, his gnarled, gangly form drags its way over to you, the person he is finally able to love just a little bit, because the public knows he is All Might and he is still very much a target, and he knows he can still protect you but he’d rather not have it come to that.
Each day was harder than the last, more taxing on his broken and battered body. Even simple tasks like getting out of bed were becoming difficult, the scars and residual pain a constant reminder of just how beaten he truly was.
Why were you with a man like him?
What could he give you, really? He wasn’t young anymore, nor was he muscular or flashy. He couldn’t give you the life you deserved, with a partner the same age as you, in top condition, ready to spoil you relentlessly. Instead you got a run down, broken man, his muscles and glory gone. The only thing he could possibly offer you was his smile.
(Not the well trained one for the press, or the one he saved for victims during and after he saved them. The one that only his colleagues and his students have seen, the awkward one that droops a little on the right, the one that makes his eyes shut with peace he hasn’t known in forever, the one that accompanies a nervous laugh.)
He doesn’t notice your presence when he steps through the front door, muttering a soft “I’m home,” as he takes his shoes off in the doorway. You stand there, waiting for him with a ladle in hand, a cute apron wrapped around you. Your touch feels like an anchor when it reaches him, brushing his snarled hair away from his eyes. You look so concerned and it punches him right in the gut, guilt seeping into his expression. He feels so frail in front of you, like a giant skinny bug. Why do you treat him so gently?
Toshinori’s heart squeezes. He doesn’t deserve you. He’s pathetic, a broken symbol of peace, a reminder that he couldn’t do more for the people he wanted to protect, for his Master who bet everything on him, for young Midoriya who looked up at him with stars in his eyes.
You ask him if he’s getting in his own head again. Your words swim around his skull, only barely making sense as he ducks his head, lanky arms pulling you into his chest and holding you close. He doesn’t cry, it’s rare that he ever does, but he doesn’t stop the single tear that falls down his cheek. You hug him back immediately, pressing your hands into his back, and it feels so soft and warm.
What did he do to deserve something—someone—as soft as this?
“You’ve done everything.” you scold, holding him a little tighter.
How can you sound so gentle even when berating him for being pathetic?
No, that’s not what you were doing. You were just loving him.
“You’ve saved millions. You fought for them for decades. You stopped All for One time and time again. You’ve saved the world over and over. You’ve built society from the ground up.” you reprimand him for each mean thought he has about him, piecing him together from the ashes of his legacy.
He doesn’t say anything, slumped over on your shoulder, taking in your words like they’re the softest, sweetest thing he’s heard his whole life.
Everyone else wanted All Might. He was so, so lucky to find the person who loved Toshinori.
“I understand that the world isn’t safe yet, and I get that you will always be a hero at heart. It’s one of the many things I love about you.” you pick and choose your words carefully, he can hear it in your tone, “This is the life you chose and I won’t try to take it away from you. Just let me support you. And for the sake of the world, stop being so harsh on yourself.”
As he gazes at you, he can’t help but think that his world has narrowed down considerably since he retired. He entrusted the Earth to his students and colleagues, putting blood, sweat, and tears into the staircase he built for them, just so they could reach the highest peak and succeed in protecting everyone they cared for. He is, no matter how he feels about it, just a man now. And his world became you a while ago.
It feels selfish for him to admit that to himself. He will never stop caring about the public, the people who put their hopes and dreams on his shoulders and allowed him to carry their burdens for him, but you’re the only one who has ever really taken his burdens.
Maybe it’s because he never allowed anyone else to. He holds you just a little bit tighter, memories of friends long gone who pleaded with him not to go flashing through his mind.
“You will always be a hero, love.” you sigh, brushing his cheek with the back of your hand, “You will forever be my hero. But right now, I want you to just be you.”
That’s right. He shudders in your arms, a remnant of what once was, but this remnant loves you with every shattered bit of him.
“Right.” he says, voice low and soft.
He hardly has the energy to say anything else, but he knows he doesn’t have to.
Not when it’s you.
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raybyanothername · 7 months
blaming the wrong person
Got a request to continue he who dared to scold a dragon and decided to write a bit of Rhaena's POV. Spoiler: she does not understand why everyone is so bothered by Otto's death. ^^"
Rhaena held tight to her grandmother's side as everyone argued all around her. The king was furious, but his anger paled in comparison to the fire in her cousins eyes.
Neither spoke up though. Aemond remained stiff and silent beside his mother. Jaw clenched and gaze aimed solidly at the floor. Jace was just the same, except he didn't avert his gaze.
The king's voice rose sharply. Rhaena couldn't tell if his reprimands were aimed at them or the guards who stood like statues all around the room.
"He hit Aegon!" Jacaerys finally snapped. He leaned forward, taking half a step as he snarled at the king, "No one should lay a hand on a prince!" His mother's hand settled on his shoulder and her cousin fisted his hands at his side, going silent once more.
"The children thought him a threat," Rhaenyra spoke calmly, her chin high as she stared down the king, "Otto was a stranger to them. They had no guards. Surely you can understand their fear?"
"None of them should have been out of bed in the first place," Alicent shook her head. Her body followed suit, trembling as tears streaked down her cheeks. Her voice shook, "None of this should have happened."
Behind her, half hidden behind his sister, Aegon downed another goblet of wine. He'd been drunk already, in the hallway, and barely able to stand.
The king sighed, eyes squeezing shut. His gaze turned on his sons when opened them again. Rhaena straightened as Aemond's throat bobbed and Aegon shrunk in on himself.
Her cousins almost seemed afraid. Surely that could not be right? The king was their father. She stared at Aemond, brow furrowing as the king berated him for sneaking off alone.
"You told him he could try to claim a dragon after the funeral," Aegon drawled, half slurring as he slumped against the wall.
His eyes were closed and he didn't seem to notice as everyone glanced his way. Sharp gazes. Narrowed eyes. Angry and worried in equal measured. Rhaena's gaze dropped to his open shirt.
Aemond had ripped open his doublet when they were in the hall. The balm from the maester glistened over his developing bruises. Rhaena flushed as she surveyed his bare chest. The faint reds and yellows of his mottled flesh.
Aegon shuddered, chest heaving. His body listed forward and his empty goblet crashed against the floor. Barking with laughter, Aegon's eyes finally opened. His gaze flat and unfocused as the king scowled at him.
"Was he 'bold enough' for you, father?"
A hand snapped out and Aegon flinched as his father gripped his jaw. "You think this funny?" the king seethed, "A man is dead, Aegon!"
"He deserved it!" Baela shouted and Jace quickly agreed. Rhaena added her voice to the chorus.
Their voices clamoring together as they repeated the same thing, over and over. But the king didn't listen and he silenced them all with a shout.
"Enough!" The king pinched the bridge of his nose. He leveled a look on Aegon, sighing heavily. His hand remained on Aegon's jaw, grip firm, "You see the trouble you have caused?"
Rhaena frowned and her head tilted back. Her sister did the same. Both of them staring up at their grandmother as her jaw clicked. Her hold on them grew tighter.
"Perhaps we should return the children to bed," Rhaenys spoke up, her voice sharp. She arched a brow at the king, "Emotions are high. We ought to discuss this amongst ourselves, with clear heads."
"I agree," Rhaenyra added quickly and across the room, the queen nodded mutely. Her eyes were trained solely on the king's hand, her son's face.
Aemond was too. His eyes wide as Aegon stared straight ahead, avoiding the king's gaze. Rhaena wanted to shove him away, to stand between Aegon and the danger before him just as they had in the hallway.
But she could not disobey the king. Though, she was not the only one who wanted to.
"Can Aemond and Aegon come with us?" Luke asked, head rising from their grandfather's shoulder for the first time since Corlys had picked him up. He sniffled, eyes trained on Rhaenyra, "I don't want them to get hurt again."
"I can keep them all with me," Rhaenys offered, gaze never leaving the king. His nostrils flared. Pursed lips pressed tighter.
The hand on Baela's back rose up and she beckoned the queen's children to come. Aemond looked to his mother. Helaena too. Neither moved until she nodded and then they were quick to cross the room.
Rhaena offered her cousins a quick smile, but neither of them looked at her. Helaena glanced only briefly at her younger brother, before settling into the same flat mask she'd worn before. Only now she stood behind Rhaenyra instead of the queen.
Hands fisting at his side, Aemond focused on his brother. As did Jace. The two of them tense, like they might spring forward at any moment.
Rhaenyra kept a tight hold of Jace's shoulder and her other hand rose to do the same with Aemond. Keeping him still.
The air in the room seemed thinner, as they all watched the king. Waiting.
Aegon hadn't moved. Not a muscle. Not even a twitch. Rhaena swallowed thickly, fingers twisting in her grandmother's dressing gown.
Why would the king not let him go? Aegon had been attacked. He'd done nothing after even! Just huddled on the floor, nursing his injuries and crying as the rest of them fought with the bastard.
The king acted as if Aegon had done something wrong. As if his attacker's death was some personal offense that Aegon had done to him.
"Are we in trouble?" Rhaena asked, her whisper cutting through the silence. She glanced from her grandmother to her father.
"No," Daemon leaned forward from the wall, grinning at her, "You have done nothing but defend your cousin." He stood up, head turning towards the king as he drawled, "And I will not have my children punished for saving a dragon from a beast."
The queen's breath hitched. Her hands twisted in front of her, fingers picking at her nails. She'd said very little. Though Aemond said the man who'd attacked Aegon was their grandfather.
Her father attacked her son, but no one had asked her opinion. Not even the king. Her husband. Rhaena's nose wrinkled.
Jace caught her eye. She arched a brow, glancing pointedly towards the king. His face scrunched up. He took a step closer to Aemond, positioning himself in front of his uncle as he glared at the back of the king's head.
"Viserys..." her grandmother called out, her tone sharp, "Let me take the children. They'll be safe with me." The king turned his head.
Rhaena watched them carefully as their gazes met. Both hard, angry. They looked rather a lot like one another, with the same glare on their face.
"Go!" the king barked at his son. He released him, stepping back with a huff as he turned to the queen.
Aegon's throat bobbed, his head falling forward. He looked back to his mother as he crossed the room. The queen was obscured by her husband though, by the guards. His shoulders sagged.
"Hurry up!" Aemond grabbed his brother's sleeve and hauled him close. Jace took up his other arm. Luke dropped from their grandfather's arms. The three of them guided Aegon from the room in a rather frantic manner.
"It will all be fine," Rhaenys assured them, smile tight as Aegon flinched at her hand when she brushed his hair from his face. Rhaena frowned.
The boys all slept in one bed. Each one curled around Aegon as he huddled in the middle, face still buried in the pillow from his crying.
"I still don't understand why the king is so upset," Rhaena whispered to her sister. Their grandmother tucked a blanket around them. She sighed.
"I stopped trying to understand why a king does anything years ago," Rhaenys hummed. Her lips twitched up in a sad smile, "But his friend is dead, and sometimes we blame the wrong person, when we're upset."
Brow furrowing, Rhaena glanced towards her cousin. Aemond still had ash streaked across his face from when he'd claimed Vhagar. She dropped her head back to the pillow and scowled at the ceiling.
"That part makes sense I suppose."
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ᴊᴇꜱꜱɪᴇ (ᴊᴀᴄᴇ)'ꜱ ɢɪʀʟ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪɪɪ
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modern au jessie's girl masterlist
warnings: none that i know of but let me know if there are :) pronouns: she/her summary: someone wins the competition but with every winner there's a loser. word-count: 1,643  A/N: this part focuses less on aemond this time but i hope you all still enjoy it, i've been neglecting the other boys too much and thank you to everybody who has been voting in the polls, they have been very helpful <3
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Aegon struggles to pretend the words don't hit him as Helaena reprimands him. It's times like this that he remembers they all came from the same sharp mother. So he protects his facade and tightens the muscles of his face and shoves past Daeron to the dance floor. There's only ever one person who makes him feel better after a scolding. He huffs as he dismisses the people congratulating him on the performance and the girls who pretend to be interested in him only to soak up attention though he supposes he does the same. Eventually his gaze pans across the bar and he finds you giggling with two of your friends. He sighs in relief. Oh fuck you have that cute little smile again. He thinks and instantly starts toward you. Your friend notices him and says something in your ear, the next band has come onstage and their set is so loud it's practically making his ears bleed. His heart almost stops when you spin around and light up at the sight of him. You squeal and throw your arms around him. Aegon chuckles and twirls you both. You laugh lightly and he already softens, forgetting Helaena's earful. "You were great!" You shout at him and his grin turns to beaming. "Thanks." he returns and glances over at you. "I know I told you already but you look fucking great." His compliment sends your eyes to roll and shove him playfully. "Keep that up and you'll lose your gaggle of admirers." Your tease catches him off guard and he barks out an anxious laugh. "You wouldn't want them to think I was your girlfriend." The scrunch of your nose makes his shoulders tense though he knows you are joking, the words almost shiver through his ears. He nods and thankfully you become too occupied by the music again to pay too much attention.
He itches to talk to you again but his pale eyes connect with those of his sister and a flash of guilt shoots through him. Aegon clears his throat. "Have you talked with Aemond yet?" He asks you, you strain to hear him over the music. Your eyes light up and you grasp his hands in sudden remembrance. "No but please tell him I'm looking for him if you see him cause oh my god that song!" You exclaim, his heart twinges again. Aegon doesn't know whether it's in attraction or pain. He selfishly shrugs even though he knows perfectly well where his brother is. "Course." He lies fluently. "Would..." His words have to be forced from between his teeth. He's never nervous when he's with you, why is he so fucking nervous? It feels like there's a god damn golf ball in his throat. He chickens out. Like Usual, he sighs. "I'm gonna get a drink." You nod and give him a quick hug before he slips away cursing himself. Aegon's figure reaches the bar and sighs, settling himself on a stool. He mutters and waves at the man behind the bar who starts promptly pouring him a glass. Aegon groans when his youngest brother's familiar presence drops on the stool beside him. "You're an idiot." Daeron announces with an amused expression. "Like everytime you do something stupid I'm like 'thank god, he can't top this' and then you do something like this and I'm like 'oh yeah, he can'." Daeron develops a curl in his lip and his brother knows it's ironically to make him feel better by joking about their unfortunate situation but all it does is irritate him. Aegon rolls his eyes and then glares. "The more you talk the more I think I'm in hell. Do you ever stop talking?" He snaps. "You might deserve to be after tonight." Daeron remarks. Aegon gives him a swat on his arm childishly and drowns once more in the drink before him.
There's an odd pause but neither feels uncomfortable. "He will forgive you, you know." Daeron eventually says and Aegon sighs. "I don't think he will." He murmurs, eyes tracking you in the crowd. Daeron bites his lip. "He will." "And how do you know that?" "He's Aemond." "Exactly, when has he ever forgiven anyone?" "He always forgives you." Aegon scoffs at the very idea. "No he doesn't, not really. He only pretends to for mum's sake and besides...I've never, well–" Aegon grumbles before words fail him. He feels that horrible feeling of his throat closing up again. "I've never done anything to do with her before. He's different about that kind of thing. Different about her. Hell, I didn't even know he had feelings before they met." Daeron snorts and then shifts in discomfort and finally looks over at you too. "So are you." He comments and nudges him gently. "Different around her. We know how you feel about her, we all know how you feel about her. Subtlety has never been your place, stupid." Aegon grits his teeth and tenses his shoulders. "Shut up." "Hm, I don't think I will." Aegon fakes a gag. "Don't hum that's Aemond's thing."
You laugh as your friend twirls you around. "Stop, I'm gonna throw up." You beam. As Jacaerys walks toward you, his grin broadens at your glow. He sneaks up behind you and drops his hands to settle on your waist. You shriek in surprise and jump before craning your neck to see him. You soften and smile. He kisses your temple and tugs your back flush to his chest. Your friend rolls their eyes and wrinkles their nose. "You're so gross." She whines. You shrug and can't beat the smile off your face. "You were amazing out there tonight." You beam up at him. His heart stutters and a blush builds on his cheeks. "Yeah?" He asks, grinning dopily. You nod. "I'm glad you think so." He leans over to kiss your cheek this time. Aegon watches and swallows around the lump in his throat. This time he looks at Daeron and shakes his head. Your hands reach up to entangle your fingers awkwardly in Jace's hair. His eyelids flutter closed and he murmurs softly. "Probably wouldn't have done it if you didn't push me to." You lean your head back on his shoulder, his arms climbing to enlace your fingers together and bring them down around you both. "Baela doesn't take no for an answer usually." You prod him with your nose. He snorts. "Just take the compliment." Jace argues but his words are still gentle, his fingers still soft. You shrug, smile growing.
Unfortunately your moment gets cut short by the announcer and both your heads snap to look at the stage, clenching each other's hands in anticipation. "The winner..." He mumbles, unblinking as he stares at the announcer. "And so, the winner of 2023 King's Gate Best Bands competition is...The Blacks!" The audience releases loud cheers and Jace gasps, holding tight around you. He beams and kisses your cheek as Cregan slaps a hand on his back, cheering as well. As the band starts to ascend the stage, Jace tugs your hand to join them even when you protest weakly, smiling as he insists. Back at the bar Aegon hardens his gaze and draws a sharp bitter smile. The hot pink light reflects against the shine of your hair and he tries not to let his eyes linger on the mark on your neck just barely visible. Jace snakes an arm around your waist and squeezes as his bandmates celebrate around you. Eventually he is handed the mic. "I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who voted tonight and an extra special thank you to Y/n who of course is the reason for our number." He looks at you with a glow warm enough to melt the sun. You can almost hear the throb of his heart through the fabric of his shirt. "You mean more to me than you'll ever know." Jace breathes, surrendering the microphone to Baela who clears her throat while he leans in to kiss your temple. A chorus of 'aw's and hollers spread through the venue and Aegon rolls his eyes before slamming his glass into Daeron's chest, not caring as it splashes over the both of them. He stands and much like their other brother, storms from the scene.
As you descend the stage again, Jacaerys doesn't stray his arm from around you. Instead, he clears his throat as the bar begins to empty. "Addam and Alyn are holding some get-together, I was–well, I was wondering if maybe you'd–" Baela interrupts him, wrapping her arms around your neck and grinning mischievously. "He wants you to go with us. Him specifically." With that she winks and lets Helaena tug her away, both of them giggling. He sighs but starts to smile as he looks up at you through his curly locks. This is possibly the only time you have ever seen him look bashful of all things. "Not how I wanted to ask you." Jace chuckles and stands in front of you, linking your hands together with entwined fingers. You curl your lip into your mouth in an attempt to bite back a smirk. "Oh yeah?" You ask, raising a teasing brow. You break away your hands so they can slip up his arms, his breath growing more shallow as you wrap them around his neck. You tilt your head in the most playful way you can manage despite your racing heartbeat. "Then try again." Jacaerys breaks into a smile and takes a step forward, bringing your already close bodies even nearer. "Will you go to the afterparty with me?" He asks, staring into your eyes and growing gentle in your embrace. You nod softly and lean until your noses rub against one another. "Yes."
Taglist: @joliettes@f4ll-for-you @lavendermayonese @schniiipsel @minttea07
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hellfiremaniac · 9 months
Sweet As Sugar
When Angeal had initially suggested that the trio visit a small coffee shop he knew in Midgar, Sephiroth wasn't expecting it to be because he knew one of the baristas there. But, sure enough, entering the building came with the realisation that their mutual friend, Zack Fair, worked there.
And he was mortified that Angeal had chosen to bring the others there, stirring up a fuss about it and causing the other, shorter barista to eventually shoo him away from the register. Zack had reluctantly obliged, leaving his co-worker to deal with serving the three men.
The blond had diligently taken their orders and set about preparing them while Zack returned to resume his over-dramatic tale of woe and betrayal at the fact that Angeal had told the others about this.
They happened to be the only customers in the store, so Zack's co-worker handed them the drinks rather than calling out their names. Sephiroth took that time to notice how much shorter than the rest of them the blond was, a smirk forming on his face as he thought of how amusing it was.
Until he looked at his drink cup and found the name Joseph written on the side of it. His smirk fell, confusion taking over his features as he looked over to his friends and saw their names written correctly on their drinks.
Before he could hide it, Zack pointed towards his cup. "Does that say Joseph?"
Genesis quickly snatched the cup before Sephiroth could deny it, holding it up for the others to see. "It does!" The laugh that followed his statement was loud, Zack joining in soon after. Even Angeal couldn't hide his amused smile.
Annoyed, Sephiroth turned to reprimand the blond, only to realise that he had disappeared. "Where did he go?"
"Oh, Cloud?" Zack asked, out of breath, when his laughter died down. "His shift ended right before you got here."
Sephiroth huffed, taking an annoyed sip from his drink and growing even more bothered by the fact that it tasted good. While his friends moved on to discussing Zack's new job, Sephiroth himself was silent, focusing on the blond barista that had disappeared before he could tell him his actual name.
After a few days, Genesis suggested that they return to the coffee shop. Not to harass Zack this time, but because he stated that he liked the drinks there. Angeal agreed right away, and Sephiroth went along with them so that they wouldn't think he was bothered by the incorrect name thing.
Which he was. But he didn't want them to know that.
Zack was nowhere to be seen when they entered the building, but the other barista was there, standing behind the counter. He smiled widely at them when they entered, his tone of voice cheerful as he spoke.
"Welcome back! Zack's on his break right now, but I can go get him for you!" He walked through an Employees Only door before any of them had a chance to speak, and he emerged after a few seconds with Zack in tow.
"Hello?" Zack seemed confused by why Cloud had dragged him out so suddenly, but seeing his friends made it make sense. Cloud had expressed apprehension about being alone around them after their last visit, which Zack found entertaining.
"Same orders as last time?" They all nodded, and Cloud set about making their drinks. It was impressive that he could remember them after one visit, but Zack knew he had memorised the drinks to avoid direct interactions with them in the future as much as possible.
If they weren't on shift, Zack would torment his friend about the crush he knew he had, but he knew that now wasn't the time for it.
When Sephiroth received his drink, he was more confused than last time by the name on it. Rather than saying Joseph, the name Seth was present on his cup. The others poked fun at it again, but they moved on from it quicker than they had the last time.
He shot a look towards the blond behind the counter, but the only response he got was a startled look before Cloud ran off to do something out of eyesight.
Visiting the small coffee shop had become a habit for the group, regardless of whether or not Zack was working. The drinks were good, the atmosphere was relaxing, and it made it easy for them to avoid the recognition they got in most bigger places.
While Genesis and Angeal never had their names mixed up, Sephiroth was growing increasingly agitated by the names written on his drinks. Zack had begun keeping a list of them; Joseph, Seth, Sean, Ross, Roy, Hero, Hayden, and, the most recent addition, Silver.
Receiving a drink today with the name Angel written on it had confused him at first. Looking towards Angeal, he saw the man's name written correctly on his cup once again. There was no way for it to have been his name mis-spelled, and he finally looked over at Cloud for an explanation.
He would normally run off as soon as Sephiroth confronted him about it in any way, but today his response was in the form of a soft smile as they made eye contact from across the counter. He waved slightly before moving to serve another customer, and though Sephiroth returned to his conversation with his friends, his mind stayed stuck on a small detail.
Was Cloud blushing?
— — —
A/N: Hey everyone !! This piece is an unfinished one, but it's one I still like and it seemed to be doing well on AO3, so I figured I'd post it here too :] I might finish it, eventually, but for now it remains as it is! Haha.
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i'm not here 'cause you say so (my, oh my)
(Friday Night Funkin')
Words: 637
Get your ass up 'cause I won't (I won't)
I must've missed the hype
But maybe that's the way I feel (that's the way I feel)
—“I Won’t” by AJR
In which Psychic has taken the fall, Dearest is disappointed, Boyfriend wants answers, and no one benefits from this family’s communication methods.
@/daily-acvoid once said "Psychic's tragedy is comedy to BF and vice versa" and I still think about that sometimes lol
Psyfic taglist: @y010isaghost, @s0methingmoonlit, @flurriethefox, @hoodiehydra
Let me know if you’d like to be added to/removed from the taglist!
Heaving a deep sigh, his master's cold words still echoing in his mind, digging at his core, Psychic took a seat on the front steps of the mansion, next to the jasmine he'd planted so many years before. He put his head in his hands, waited for the disappointment and shame and frustration in his chest to simmer down.
It didn't work. Sensing a horribly familiar presence in front of him even after several minutes, Psychic glared up at Boyfriend’s grinning face. "Why are you still here."
Did the little blue imp get some sick entertainment out of watching him suffer? Was every tragedy Psychic endured somehow comedy to him?
"Does this mean we're friends now?"
Was he serious? Psychic fought back the anger bubbling up inside him. It would be so easy to permanently wipe that smirk off the kid’s face…
Unfortunately, he had stopped being that kind of person decades ago. "No."
Boyfriend slumped ever so slightly, a small triumph Psychic readily accepted after all that'd happened today. "But you finally think I'm worthy of her?"
"No." Not that Psychic was going to do anything about that.
"You like me more than Dearest?"
"Hell no."
"You like me?"
"No." Boyfriend's progressive deflation was admittedly funny to watch. "Don't count on that ever happening." And don't count on me to save you like this ever again, Psychic might have added if he didn’t know it was an empty promise.
"So why'd you take the fall?" Boyfriend demanded, pulling his blue hoodie tighter around himself against the chilly evening air. A full moon shone above, just like the first night Psychic had spent on Earth with Dearest.
It seemed to mock him. Time, a flat circle. Disappointment, inevitable.
"I didn't do it for you." Psychic narrowed his eyes.
"I get that, Afton. Why'd you do it anyway?"
Psychic had better things to do. He had no obligation to waste time on this...this disrespectful little...
Usurper, a tiny, scornful, jealous voice whispered in the back of his mind.
Psychic couldn't remember the last time his master had expressed any sort of disapproval towards him. Any disappointment. Being reprimanded had been rare enough even at its most frequent, and had only disappeared over time as Psychic softened up and became more eager to please. More eager for approval.
He hadn't intended to throw all Dearest's pride in him out the window tonight. It had just…happened. Psychic found himself doing things like this more and more often, as time passed and Boyfriend became increasingly comfortable shoving himself into the family where he didn’t belong.
It wasn’t entirely a choice, when Boyfriend was the only reason Girlfriend looked so much happier now.
Psychic had adamantly refused to get involved, when his master first came to him to get rid of the boy. If Girlfriend’s relationship with her father was ultimately going to crumble, Psychic didn’t want to be the reason it did.
How much did his actions tonight — defending Boyfriend, taking his side — reflect that? What did it look like to Dearest, who was supposed to be able to rely on him unconditionally? What counted as crossing the line? Was he willing to risk it? Did he care?
Psychic didn’t know what to do anymore.
“Hey.” Psychic snapped back to the present. A gentle breeze nipped at him, tugging at his jacket. What blue remained in the sky was quickly fading to black. Boyfriend was waving a hand in front of his face. “Psychic? You awake, dude? I asked—”
Psychic swatted it away. “Don’t call me that,” he said sharply, rising to his feet and striding back up the stairs to the front door. “We are not friends. We will never be friends. I hope you’ll remember that.”
“You didn’t even answer my—”
Psychic locked the door behind him.
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daceydeath · 2 years
Light in the Dark Final
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Parings: Vampire Chan x Female Reader Word Count: 6.4k Genre: Vampire au, soulmate au, angst, fluff Warnings: Swearing, suggestive themes, character death, inaccurate witchcraft
a/n: I'm sorry this took so long but it is finally here xx
Free of magic you find yourself finally feeling as though you are back to yourself and can make your own decisions about Chan but how does an immortal and a human relationship actually work?
Forever, that is what Chan had said to you that night all those months ago and although at the time you had believed him when he said it you now knew unconditionally that it was truth. You had returned home to your parents and grandmother, who had been sternly reprimanded by both of them, and the life that you had always been used to. Only now there was a whole new side to the world, as you got used to not wearing the amulet you had grown to appreciate the Oddinary world so much more. The creatures you had met through the bookstore were now so much more vivid than before, so much friendlier to you, and of course more interested. Of course Chan had been beside you for all of it and had helped with how to keep yourself safe from anyone who appeared to have ulterior motives now that they could all sense you, the real you. After every day ended and you began closing up the shop either Chan or one of the others would come to wait for you, it was a luxury that you loved having, and they would walk you either back to your place or theirs making sure you were always protected. You knew eventually they would stop doing it but you enjoyed it for the time being getting to know them all so well.
Chan had also met your parents, who naturally adored the stupidly handsome Vampire, and he began seeing you properly as he called it, taking you on various dates around the city as you progressively became a very normal couple. From dinners in fancy restaurants, dinners he cooked for you, movies, picnics in the park and midnight strolls you had been thoroughly spoiled by him and what began as and intense white hot feeling had evolved into a deep love for him that you knew you would never find again. Although there were still things you needed to figure out everything had been perfect, except for the lingering voice in the back of your head that kept reminding you the Chan was immortal, he was totally ageless, and you were very much mortal.
Sitting in the parlor while Felix and Innie teased Changbin was always hilarious to you, they would imitate his workouts from somewhere upstairs loudly and he would end up chasing them until he caught at least one of them. You sat laughing on the couch while Han helped Minho with his research.
"You know it gets more ridiculous each time because you find it so funny" Minho sighed deeply as the shrieks got closer.
"Yeah I know but it will always be funny" you shrugged watching the annoyance on Minho's face. Just then Felix burst through the door followed immediately by Changbin who was red in the face and looked irritated. Felix launched himself over the couch ending up behind you clutching your shoulders
"You can't do anything now!" Felix sang sticking his tongue out like a child "Chan will be mad if she gets hurt" you rolled your eyes knowing full well that he was only saying it to make a scene.
Changbin grumbled something low in his chest which you couldn't really make out so you just cocked your head at him watching him closely as he seemed to be making a plan of what to do next.
"Innie isn't in here though" you prodded causing a wolfish grin to appear on his face as he sprinted from the room.
"Oooh Innie thinks he's the favorite too he will be devastated you sold him out" Han chuckled waiting to hear the shriek from upstairs.
"Hannie I don't have favorites you know that" you scolded playfully and Felix sat himself down and sprawled out on the couch beside you, his head falling into your lap. A high pitch shriek sounded upstairs followed by loud thumps, a slamming door and a very low rumbling growl which stopped the noise instantly.
"I guess that's game over then" you smirked as Felix giggled, stopping as soon as Chan entered the room, before he righted himself so he was no longer in your lap and now sitting further from you. You quirked your eye brows at Chan who shrugged taking your hand and pulling you to your feet.
"Indulge me in following me, my love" he whispered into your hair making you nod as you walked from the room and up the stairs to his study where he pulled you into his lap on one of the armchairs.
"What's wrong Chan your tense" you murmured resting your head against his hard chest.
"I wanted to talk to you about when you feel you would be ready to take another step with me" he murmured back smiling faintly although his eyes were worried.
"Like me moving in here?" you asked blinking at him like it would be obvious that you would agree to it.
"The next Oddinary step sweetheart, marking you as my mate to be precise" He almost faulted as he uttered the words his nerves obvious. Your eyes involuntarily widened as he stroked his long fingers along you arms.
"How would you mark me Chan?" your breathe hitched as you spoke feeling both nervous and excited at the idea.
"I would feed on you baby, it would leave a scar on you somewhere that was obvious if anyone looked, but where would be up to you of course" Chan soothed holding you close to him as you thought about it.
"Will it hurt a lot?" you asked pulling out of his grasp slightly and moving to straddle his legs, you wanted to look at him while you had this conversation even if it was only so you could remain calm about it. Chan cupped your face carefully his fingers moving your hair away from your face.
"It shouldn't hurt you, not really" He explained gently "I would only ever have to do this once, and I will try to make it as fast and painless for you as possible. I can mark your neck, your wrist, your shoulder it would be up to you" his reassurance helped to make you see that he was also nervous about the whole idea too.
You and Chan had not taken many steps into a physical relationship yet making out in his room when the other were out was as far as you had ever gotten, when you asked him about it he had told you he was concerned he would lose control with you and accidentally hurt you but you were unsure if that had just been an excuse at the time.
"I love you Chan" you whispered as you pressed your lips to his sweetly "I trust you to mark me wherever you want to" you smiled at him watching him mull the idea over in his head before he grinned and pulled you back against his lips. His normally soft kisses were rougher, needier this time making you gasp against his mouth which he took as his advantage to slip his tongue into your mouth dancing with your own. Moaning into his mouth you found yourself sliding further down his legs to seat yourself directly over his crotch..
"Not right now though my love" Chan groaned moving you in his lap to prevent any further friction between you both causing you to pout as him "I'll make sure the boys aren't home first" making you sigh in defeat.
"Channie what happens after you mark me? Does it change anything?"
"Other Oddinaries will know you are mine, that you are taken, it shouldn't cause you any problems humans don't normally even notice them" He explained seeming unsure of what you actually wanted to know.
"Will it change me in any way?"
"What do you mean my darling, what is it you need me to say?" his brows were now furrowed and his eyes started at you almost pleadingly.
"It's just me being confused about it that's all Chan, Oddinary things are still strange to me sometimes" you smiled hoping to cover what you actually wanted to ask feeling embarrassed about the idea of bringing up your mortality. If Chan had noticed he didn't press it instead pressing a kiss to your forehead.
That night you struggled to sleep your mind just would not shut off to allow you to relax, just circling back to the same fact that is Chan wanted to mark you it meant he wanted only you but how would your mortality make it all work. Would he stay with you until you eventually died? What would happen to him after that? Would he move on afterwards or would he just be alone from that day on? It was starting to upset you, your chest was growing tight with each cascading thought, sighing frustrated at your own mind you got up and went downstairs to make a cup of calming tea that you knew would always help you too sleep. Pottering quietly as you waited for the water to boil you distracted yourself by staring at the moon and completely missed that your grandmother had appeared in the doorway to see what you were doing at such a late time of night.
"What troubles your mind child?" She broke the silence after the kettle boiled and you still hadn't moved, you sighed lowering your head "Your secrets have always been safe with me this time is no different, I was once young too remember" she smiled wryly busying herself by making your tea for you as thought.
"I don't know how to explain it properly" you grumbled softly frowning as you tried to find an explanation she would understand.
"Follow me child, we will take tea in my room" picking up a tray of cups and the teapot she led you from the kitchen to her bedroom come workroom, gesturing for you to sit one one of the chairs by her work bench. Smiling you remembered all the times in your childhood you had sat in the same chair watching and helping as she weighed and mixed herbs for teas and herbal elixirs, always telling you about the plants and meaning behind them. You looked at her meeting her eyes and staring as she held your gaze still as steadfast as the young woman she had been all those hundreds of years before although she seemed to have become frail.
"How do I make this work?" You asked finally picking up your tea cup to take a sip.
"I assume you mean you and your paramour" she smiled her knowing eyes twinkling "Well that depends on what you want my child" placing her teacup back in its saucer she took your hands in hers "Once he had marked you as his mate you will be his until you decide otherwise I have seen how the poor boy looks at you, he will never want to let you go"
"That is the problem Grandma, I don't want to let him go either I don't think my heart would ever let me but one day I'll die wont I, what happens to Chan after that?" You're voice may have been tentative but you knew she could see how serious you were about the words you had said.
"Ah, your mortality is what is causing you pain my child. There are two options that you can take the first is to ask him to turn you, he can do this although I fear he would not like the idea as it is a risk to your life" she explained slowly letting the information sink in "The other still gives you immortality but at a cost you may not wish to pay but I would be grateful to give to you, my child".
"I don't understand Grandma" you blinked watching her closely.
"I will show you my dear" She stood slowly walking stiffly to the chest at the end of her bed as she rummaged through you notice for the first time how much older she seemed compared to before all this started. As she returned to you though you could see her holding the oldest book you had ever seen wrapped in faded and battered brown leather and held together with a piece of ribbon tied around it tightly.
"This is the original that was given to me all those years ago and if you agree it shall be yours" she placed it into your hands and you turned it over in your hands to looks at the damaged symbols that covered it. "It is the grimoire that I was given when the pact was formed and it is what I would offer to you should you wish it".
"What does that mean Grandma?" your question felt heavy on your tongue as though something in you knew but didn't want to say it out loud.
"This is the book of the Morrigan, it is what gave me my vengeance many ages ago and it is what will grant you your wish for immortality" he voice was calm as she explained what you were beginning to understand was the high cost she had mentioned "I will grant you the Morrigan, to use as you see fit, until the end of time and in exchange I will finally rest"
"You mean die Grandma? you want me to take what is keeping you alive?" you had to stop yourself yelling at how easily she spoke of her own death.
"My duty to your bloodline has been fulfilled it is only a matter of time before my body begins to fail further than it already has, the Morrigan will then be lost to this world. My oath in exchange for this power was based on justice and revenge once your oath is done the Morrigan no longer sustains immortality it seeks a new home, a new oath" Her voice wavered as she spoke but you could feel it in your blood that she was telling the truth and it caused tears to start flowing immediately
"You're already dying then?" you sobbed loudly the pain in your chest so sharp you could feel it running down your arms and into your fingers making them ache terribly. Her arms wrapped around you soothing you as best she could her soft coos barely registering in your ears before she left the room momentarily returning with more tea and Chan in tow.
"Chan?" you hiccupped as he pulled you into his chest his strong arms holding you tightly as you sobbed into his chest
"What happened?" His voice was low and agitated but you knew it was only from his worry about you.
"I offered her a gift, but she has realized the cost of that gift" your grandmother answered pouring another cup of tea for you.
"What gift would cause her this level of pain?" He growled you could feel him trying desperately not to tense too much while holding you.
"The Morrigan" was all your grandmother said before silently finishing her tea.
"What? why?" Chan's tension melted as the confusion in his voice became obvious as he just stared at your grandmother waiting for a answer.
"The child, wants immortality so that she may walk at your side" Chan's jaw dropped as he watched your grandmother speak "I am dying young Vampire, the Morrigan will be freed upon my death and I would rather gift her to my grand daughter instead of her leaving this world forever" your sobs had subsided as you listened to them talk.
"Grandma, I don't want to lose you" you sniffed
"You will never lose me my child, I will live on in you always, through this power you would have me with you for all time" she patted you hair on the side that was not pressed to Chan's chest "With your blood and this power you would never need worry again, you would remain forever, ageless and free to so as you please"
"But you have not remained ageless" you blinked at her trying to stop more tears coming.
"No I have not, to use the power of the Morrigan is to age that is why she is passed from one soul to another, I used her to keep you safe with her power, you need not do that" Now it was your turn to looked shocked unable to really reconcile the idea that she aged only to protect you and all the women in for family before you.
"So regardless of what her decision is you will still die Morrigan?" Chan asked slowly regarding her once again.
"Yes, so rather than risking her life by turning her she could have this power" the tiredness in her voice was beginning to bleed through. You pulled yourself from Chan's arms and kissed her forehead
"You need rest Grandma" seeming in a daze you started leaving the room Chan following close behind you until you made it to the kitchen and almost collapsed in his arms.
"Right, you are coming back with me and Minho is going to look you over" Chan stated before scooping you up and starting the trip home. You remembered everything the trip back to Chan's, the fuss when he came bursting through the door carrying you, him yelling to Minho and the others all rushing down to see what had happened but you couldn't even speak you were struggling to even keep your eyes open at that point.
"Why is she always fainting?" Changbin whined looking at you with with his head tilted.
"She is even more dramatic than me" Hyunjin smirked at you and you desperately wanted to flip him off but you couldn't.
"She's had a lot to deal with give her a break" Felix snapped before Chan could even begin to tell them off his voice far sharper than normal.
"What did you do this time?" Minho sighed looking at your eyes.
"I didn't do anything" Chan groaned.
"So this isn't from blood loss?" Minho huffed sending out a small blueish spell around your body. The snarl that ripped from Chan's throat sucked the air out of the room leaving even you slightly wary in your own hazy way.
"Morrigan told her that she is dying, offered her to become the next Morrigan to give her immortality. She was in so much fucking pain and then she just collapsed" Chan ground out his jaw still clenched angry that most of them were not taking this seriously
"I'm sorry what?" Seungmin faulted frowning deeply. Minho recovered quickly from the information and sent out a few different spells to get you to come round faster while you lazily blinked up at him from where you laid on the couch.
"Blinking is good right?" Felix whispered taking the hand that wasn't in Chan's and instantly going wide eyed and stricken. "Han...help" Han vaulted the table he was standing behind and took your forearm in his hand while next to Felix. Between the two of them influencing you, Chan's grounding you and Minho's magic you started to feel better but only marginally.
"Sleep please" you moan quietly shutting your eyes fully. Chan scooped you up with immense care and took you upstairs the others all following suit watching as Chan placed you on his bed and put a blanket over you. Chan ushered everyone into Minho's study at the further down the landing leaving you in silence to sleep.
"What exactly did Morrigan say?" Minho quizzed searching his shelves rapidly
"She is dying" Chan sighed rubbing his face and flopping down into Minho's chair "she used up all the power that the Morrigan gave her if she dies before she passes it on it disappears but if she passes it on then that person becomes immortal as long as they don't use the power. She wants her to have it so she can become immortal rather than the other option she has"
"Morrigan doesn't want you to turn her then?" Hyunjin nodded understanding at least some of what Chan said
"I had no intention of turning her" Chan sighed "But I also didn't realize how big of a deal she was making about the whole mortal, immortal thing either she never mentioned it"
"Or you just didn't catch it" Seungmin added looking at Chan pointedly.
"Does she want you to turn her?" Jeongin squeaked feeling stressed about what that would do to you.
"No I don't think so, she's already nervous about me marking her" Chan looked to Minho who was now flicking furiously through an ancient looking book.
"You haven't marked her at all?" Hyunjin chocked on his own breath "It's been months Chan"
"Why do you think one of us gets her from work every day?" Changbin glared smacking Hyunjin on the back of his head "If she's scared of it why would he?" The others turned to look at Changbin surprised who jut shrugged like it was obvious.
"She should take the power" Minho interrupted looking at Chan who raised his eyebrows waiting for a further explanation "If what Morrigan says is true, and I assume it is, it would give her more power than any of us will ever have which keeps her safe and in theory us safe too"
"How would it keep us safe?" Felix inquired
"All Oddinaries can sense power, you can tell Chan is more powerful than other Vampires in a moment, combine her blood with the Morrigan and she would be one of the most powerful Oddinaries in the world" Minho elaborated like it was obvious and they were all dim witted causing nearly all their eyes to widen.
"Would you be happy to speak to Morrigan about how safe this will be?" Chan slowly asked watching Minho who nodded "I'm going back in to watch her"
You had slept for two days only waking to eat and use the bathroom as the boys each took turns either watching you or bringing you food. Chan was with you most of the time but occasionally he would be out and you would find Felix, Jeongin or Seungmin in his place. On the morning of the third day you awoke to the sound of your grandmother's voice as she softly lectured someone just outside the open doorway.
"I know you care for her little one, she will be fine once she wakes you will see her return to normal" she almost cooed
"But she's my friend and I'm worried" you heard Innie whimper
"We all worry Innie" Chan reassured him quietly "But she is safe with us"
"That is what I am depending on" your grandmother replied before bustling into the room with a tray "Good my child, you are awake"
"Am I?" you muttered skeptically "why are you in Chan's house?" at the sound of your words Chan and Innie came into the room and you could hear thundering steps from outside
"Your paramour worries child, as does his family" she smiled coyly smoothing you hair and handing you a drink
"Chan worries about me on the daily that doesn't explain it" your groaned snidely "What are you hiding?" without turning you could hear Innie and Felix giggle softly "Grandma!"
"The time has come my dear one" she sighed deeply "A choice must be made for my time is running out and I would see you become the new Morrigan before my last breath" a sad smile graced her face as you flung yourself into her arms
"I don't want you to die Grandma, what will I do without you?" you sniffed as tears fell rapidly down your cheeks and onto her blouse
"If you accept my gift you will never be without me, I will remain with you" she soothed softly while you continued to cry into her shoulder "my life will end regardless of this offer my child, accept it and you will be happy with your paramour, the way I once was in ages gone by"
You held onto her for what seemed like hours but no one seemed to mind, you knew she was right, you knew that there was nothing you could do to stop it and at least if you accepted her gift she would be happy before she left. When you eventually sat back up you steeled yourself for what you had decided to do
"What do I need to do Grandma to become the next Morrigan?" you whispered feeling distraught but also determined.
"There is very little you need do, you are already strong and you have proved that many times over. There is little risk to you" she smiled sagely "As you do not seek vengeance or blood the Morrigan should lie calm within you. Not all of us who receive her have needed to use her for that"
"When will this happen?" you swallowed hard knowing the answer was likely to be very soon.
"The new moon is tonight it would be better for you if complete it tonight" she rose from the bed slowly her leg shaking slightly under her as you moved quickly to stabilize her.
"How long have you put off telling me about all of this?" you questioned knowingly.
"Since the first night you came here" she smiled as you helped her towards the bedroom door "Since the young warlock broke the oath spell I began to wither" You escorted her slowly down the first flight of stairs meeting Hyunjin on the landing.
"If I may, my lady" he smiled bowing his head to your grandmother who shook her head exasperatedly.
"Very well, little demon" she sighed letting go of your hand and taking a step towards Hyunjin who promptly swept her off her feet and began down the stairs towards the parlor. You followed in stunned silence as he deposited her in front of the large arm chairs by the fire letting her get herself comfortable.
"Grandma how have you managed to charm an entire house of creatures you previously insulted?" your bewildered expression making her laugh as you took a seat on the floor at her feet.
"Easy my child, I'm dying and we found common ground between us" she chucked
"What common ground?"
"Our love for you, child" she rolled her eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world "But they do fuss more than is needed". You narrowed your eyes skeptically at her but said nothing further as Minho appeared with Chan the former carrying a mug of hot tea which he gave to your grandmother with a warm smile. Chan just looked at you before he dropped a kiss to the crown of your head and left again presumably to prepare for what was coming.
"Lady Morrigan, would you like anything else?" Minho inquired genially
"No thank you young one" she beamed taking a sip of the hot tea he had given her.
"Where will this whole thing happen?" you asked looking at her wistfully knowing that every second with her mattered.
"We will need to be in the moonlight so young Minho has suggested the roof of the house, however I would prefer the little island in the lake of the park, it holds great power that place many of the elder magic users have traveled there to perform more difficult magic" she explained "I will need assistance to get there but it is the best place for the ritual"
"All the kids want to come with you so you will have all of us to assist you my lady" Chan added as he walked back in with a tray of various biscuits and cakes with Felix and the others hovering close behind.
"I am grateful to leave her with you, she has found a greater home here than I could have ever believed her to find. That is why I have fought for her, protected her, she is a rarity among humans" her hand reached out to you and you took it kissing her palm tenderly as you blinked back tears.
"Grandma, tell me about your husband?" you whispered clearing your throat you needed to hear her voice for as long as you could as you looked at her pleadingly.
"My Edwin, he was but a wisp of a boy when we first met, tall and blonde, he worked as a stable hand at the inn caring for horses was the one thing besides out daughter that made him truly happy" she exhaled her eyes crinkling as she spoke "By the time we were wed he had become a strapping man shoulders as wide as a doorway and almost as tall as one, kind and strong and honest he was a good man until the end" she trailed of softly looking fondly at you. Your could feel the woman you saw in front of you fading and as much as it broke your heart you also could see she was ready for it to end after all this time.
"Do you think you will see him again?" you knew it was a foolish question but you wanted to say something anything to bring you some comfort and to ensure that she was happy, that she was content to leave you and this life.
"I would like to hope I so, my darling girl" she breathed out tiredly her breathing seeming slightly more labored. "We should begin out journey before I loose anymore strength" slowly she attempted to pull herself up only the have Felix interceded and help her up.
"We will ensure we get there my lady" he smiled helping her towards the front door, Chan took your hands in his pulling you to your feet and wrapping his arms around you helping to keep you as calm as he could.
"We are all coming baby, you will not be alone through this" he murmured into your ear. Nodding you allowed him to walk you from the house and towards Minho's car with your grandmother already seated in the front you climbed in behind her your hands remaining on her shoulders as you made your way to the the island in the lake.
Parking at the nearest entrance Minho quickly moved to help your grandmother from the car while Chan continued to lead you along watching, and feeling, as your nerves and pain started to climb within you, it was Seungmin and Jeongin who met the two of you at the bank on the lake Seungmin moving to assist your grandmother and Jeongin turning to face you.
"Want to see something cool" He grinned toothily at you as you nodded wide eyed at him, turning back to the water he crouched down and softly sang the most beautiful song you had ever heard. The water swelled slightly and as he stepped forward it moved away forming a totally dry section of land that seemed to intuitively move as he did.
"What is that" you gasped watching in wonder as he took another step forward making the new path longer.
"I'm a Siren, the water and I are part of each other I can ask it to help us get across. Cool huh?" He looked so excited to show you something unique to him and you were in complete awe of it.
"I am honored you would assist me young one after all I have done" your grandmother bowed her head to Seungmin breaking the silence you had been bathed in "You are far greater a creature than I"
"My lady, you are my friends grandmother, the woman who has chosen to give her a gift that will make her and my brother happy, it would be remiss of me to not be here to assist you" Seungmin replied formally showing his pleasure in how pleased your grandmother looked at his words.
"We must make haste now I will not be able to go much farther" she almost whimpered as she made to step forward only to be stopped and lifted effortlessly by Seungmin as Chan shepherded you onto the dry patch on land beside Jeongin.
The walk across the lake took almost no time with your grandmother being carried by Seungmin and once across the weight of what was about to happen hit you like a ton of bricks but there was no way to change things now your grandmother had been so very happy that you were going to accept this last piece of her help. You saw Minho standing in a small stone circle using a spell to light a fire in the center, the circle seemed to be surrounded on all sides by century old trees slightly gnarled in their old age, stepping closer you could feel the power that lie in the circle it almost pulsed with its own heart beat.
"We must stand together in the circle, my child you on one side of the flame from me hold my right arm in yours and repeat everything I tell you too" Your grandmother's voice had grown stronger as Seungmin placed her in the circle and you nodded and followed her request.
The wind picked up slightly as you grasped her right forearm your hand clasped firmly by her elbow and her hand clasped around yours she began to chant softly at first as each of the boys stepped back from you almost to the line of the trees. Her chanting grew louder and her grip stronger her fingers feeling as though they were trying to pierce your skin it was uncomfortable but you didn't dare move or look away from her. The wind blew harder still and the flame between you hotter and brighter after a few minutes of this finally she stopped.
"Repeat after me, child, I make this bond, I make my oath, I give you blood, I give you flesh, I will carry this blessing, I will carry this right" she instructed intently
"I make this bond, I make this oath, I give you blood, I give you flesh, I will carry this blessing, I will carry this right"
"O Morrigan I bind you to me, I bind your soul to me, I bind your power to me" Her voice grew desperate as she continued
"O Morrigan I bind you to me, I bind your soul to me, I bind your power to me"
"Keep repeating it child" she gasped her grip now growing weaker "When I let go you may stop"
"I make this bond, I make this oath, I give you blood, I give you flesh, I will carry this blessing, I will carry this right, O Morrigan I bind you to me, I bind your soul to me, I bind your power to me" you repeated the chant a half dozen timed before your grandmother's hand let go of your arm and she sunk to her knees weakly but smiling triumphantly. You gasped as you felt as if you had been embraced too tightly but lovingly as you heard a voice from somewhere in the back of your head telling you it was done you were one and hundreds of images danced behind your eyes of all the lives that had come before you.
"It has worked" she croaked her voice beginning to fail
"Grandma!" you rushed to her side helping her to a more comfortable position half laying in your arms "I love you, thank you for everything, I love you" You muttered into her hair in between kisses as tears once again fell down your cheeks.
"I am happy for you my dearest girl, you were all I could have hoped for" she whispered before her breathing began to fail, you held her for the last few moments giving her all the comfort you could as your heart shattered you at last lowered her to the ground her eyes now lifeless. Chan approached you slowly along with the other boys unsure of what was going to happen or how you were going to react. You stood gracefully stepping out of the circle as you heard her in the back of your mind whispering to you "I am always with you, child". You watched on as she began to turn to ash crumbling to the ground and blowing away softly in the breeze. Turning to Chan you smiled sadly before the boys came in one by one to hug you giving you their care and comfort.
"How did it feel to absorb that kind of power?" Minho asked cautiously "As a human you did exceptionally well"
"Strange it was like being hugged too tightly, then I saw too many things to comprehend of all the ones who came before me, then the first Morrigan spoke to me and it was done. I honestly thought it was going to hurt" you inhaled deeply before letting the air out slowly feeling quite unusual.
"We should get you home then" Chan interrupted before you could get too carried away "It has been a very intense day love" You nodded allowing him to pick you up to carry you back across the lake even though you didn't actually need his help you were drained emotionally but physically you felt more alive than you ever had. They all followed Jeongin and Chan back across the lake making jokes and lighthearted comments to make you smile.
"You know I owe Hyunjin money now" Changbin nudged your shoulder playfully after Chan lowered you back to the ground. "I was sure our little human was going to faint again"
"I'm sure your little human would have fainted" you giggled turning to look at them all lovingly "How much did you lose?"
"$100 and what do you mean 'would of'?" Hyunjin blinked raising his eyebrow "I was sure you would be fine by the way" you laughed properly at his confusion.
"Boys I'm not a human any more I'm now no different from you" you explained easily watching as some of them instantly got your meaning while some didn't "I'm an Oddinary now".
a/n: This is the final part of Chan's Creatures of Chaos story there will be others related to the other members eventually but they are all works in progress currently. Thank you for taking the time to read them all it means so much to me to have your support.
All reblogs, comments and likes result in me sending you my undying love and hope that you eat delicious cookies 🍪
Taglist: @lotus-dly @thegoddessharmony @indelicate-macalino @k-ajla12 @jumunna @cutiepie25162 @pusangmamon @3sriracha @christopher-bangnaldoskzz
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reagan-mclean · 7 months
OC Kiss Prompt Day 1: Almost
This is a snippet for OC Kiss week 2024 for the prompt almost. I've never shared these particular OC's before, so I'm a little nervous, but I really enjoyed this piece.
Pain shot through Remys as he shifted into yet another uncomfortable position. Instinctually, he pressed a hand to his side and winced when he’d only made it worse. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself into a sitting position. There was no way he would be sleeping tonight. The pain made him let out a hiss, and he winced waiting to be chastised for not sleeping.
No reprimand ever came. Surprised, Remys blinked a couple times, then looked around to find the woman who’d offered to keep watch. He expected to see her sitting around the fire, making some tea, or writing in her journal. When he didn’t see her, he forced himself to get up. 
He stumbled slightly, the world starting to sway. Still he forced himself to step forward, biting down on his lip not to groan and wake the others. A quick glance around confirmed that both Kol and Anyssa were sleeping in their bedrolls. He knew the last member of their party wouldn’t be far. She took her responsibilities seriously. One of the few things that hadn’t changed. 
Sure enough she was seated on a broken piece of wall close enough to the camp to be aware of any trouble, but far enough to have a moment to herself. For a moment, Remys just watched her. She was humming a soft tune while looking down into her lap. She was bathed in the light from the full moon while the firelight brought the red out in her dark hair. Looking at her like that, he was reminded just how beautiful she was. 
He approached slowly, not wanting to ruin the moment. The short walk from his bedroll to the wall where she was seated, took just about all of his energy. He plopped down next to her with his back to the wall she was seated on, causing her to look over her shoulder. 
“You shouldn’t be awake,” she scolds, wrinkling her nose. 
“If you’re not sleeping, neither am I.”
“Remys, I’m on watch. That’s my job.”
“Technically it’s my watch rotation. You and Anyssa just decided that I can’t keep watch with my ribs wrapped up.”
“It's a serious injury. You need to rest. The last thing we need is you getting more hurt.”
“I’ll make you a deal,” he suggests, looking into her magenta gaze. “I’ll go back to bed, if you tell me what’s causing you to brood all the way over here.”
“First of all, I’m not that far from camp. Second, I do not brood.” She turns back around so she’s facing away from camp and folds her arms across her chest. 
“Aurora, you are a brooding champion. Stop trying to deny it, and just tell me what’s got you staring into your lap.” All the elf does in response is toss a charm she’s holding over her shoulder into Remys’s lap. He picks it up in confusion. “Your necklace charm?”
“Not mine, Ava’s,” she swallows. Even with her back turned, Remys can tell she is trying not to cry. When she speaks again, her voice sounds hollow. “Do you know what that means? It means she was here. She was here and we missed her.”
“But that also means we can catch up.”
“Not likely. Kol said he chose this spot to stop because it showed signs that a party had just left after making camp for several hours undisturbed. That means they’re probably a whole day ahead of us,” she looks back over her shoulder again. “Likely more since we’ll be moving slower.”
She didn’t have to say it. He knew what she meant. If he wasn’t injured, they would have  a much easier time catching up with her sister. He leaned his head against the stone, drawing in a sharp breath. 
“You can leave me, if you have to. Go catch up with her.”
“What?” She gasped. “Why would you ever suggest such a thing? More importantly, what makes you think I’d ever agree to that?”
“The whole reason we came all this way was to find your sister. If you need to leave me to do that, I won’t hold it against you.”
“I can’t do that,” she declared, and Remys almost allowed himself to hope that it was because she still loved him, and couldn’t leave him behind. “What if she’s still with those creatures that kidnapped her. I’d rather face them in a group of competent combatants than alone.”
“If you don’t want to go in alone, and you have proof we’re heading in the right direction, what has you so worried?”
“Why are you so certain I’m worried about something?”
“Because you are by nature a worrier, and you scrunch your face when you’re worried about something. It makes your freckles fold in cute shapes.”
“How much attention are you paying to my freckles?”
“This might surprise you, but once upon a time I used to enjoy spending countless hours admiring your face, and you are avoiding my question.”
She breathed out in a huff. “How can you still know me so well after three years of absence? I am worried. My sister is missing, I’ll be worried until I find her.”
“It’s more than that, isn’t it?”
“What if we’re too late?”
“Then we find a cleric to revive her,” Remys offers, knowing the solution is over simplistic. 
“What if that’s not an option?”
“Then at least you’ll have answers about what happened to her, and we’ll pray about what to do next.”
“That’s not good enough.”
“Auri,” he says, the affectionate nickname slipping out as if it hadn’t been three years since he’d last used it. “I can’t promise you that we can save Ava’s life, but I can promise you that I will do everything in power to help you bring her home. Worrying in a situation like this is natural, but if you worry too much, you’ll just wear yourself out.”
“I know you’ll do everything you can. You never have been able to do things halfway. I’m worried about me. What if I’m not good enough? My whole life has been a series of almosts. Almost gifted in music. Almost a favorite child. Almost the best student. Almost the leader of my cloister. Almost your wife. I can’t afford to turn this into another almost. We may not get along well, but Ava is all I have now, I can’t lose her.”
“Hey,” he whispered, gaining her attention. She leaned over to hear the soft words better, but went too far and lost her balance on the wall. She landed in his lap, and immediately winced. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that, especially with your injury.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he assured, just as soft as he’d spoken before, wrapping his arms around her. As he did so, he worried the gesture would be too familiar for where their relationship had fallen to. Instead she leaned into him. Perhaps out of instinct or a need for whatever comfort was offered, but perhaps she was just as stuck in the past as Remys was, remembering a time when they would sit like this for hours with no uncertainty.
His desire to comfort was so strong he couldn’t keep himself from pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before he continued whispering. “And don’t worry about being not good enough either. You are probably the most competent person in this camp. You’re an incredibly gifted cleric, loved by the god you serve. You put years of dedication into your craft. You’re smart and insightful. Perhaps overly cautious, but only to help you gather information from which you make sound judgements. You may have changed in the past three years, Auri, but you still have all your best qualities, and I have no doubt that your stubborn streak of yours is going to pull us through.”
“Realistically, I know you’re just trying to make me feel better and there’s still a high likelihood that we lost our best chance at saving her, but I actually do feel better,” she admitted, leaning forward to give him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you.”
“I’m here for you anytime you need me,” he promised, more than a little surprised she was still allowing him to hold her. Even she could acknowledge that she needed him in that moment though, even if she may not have wanted him. But he still wanted her. Seeing her so distraught hurt him much deeper than his wounds, and holding her again just reminded him of every happier moment they spent together. She may have poured out a heart full of regrets, but Remys really only had one regret in that moment: the time when Aurora went from his soon to be wife to the woman he almost married once. 
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penandswords · 22 hours
Family / Siblings
Brother Name: Rio Hayashi Age: 23 (3 years older than Rima) Quirk: Speed Boost - He can run at high speeds. - He can run full speed on straight paths. - His speed his halved when he has to turn, and he cannot change direction on the fly. (The faster he goes the harder it is to change directions) - This Quirks weakness is time. - He can only run at a high speed for about 3 minutes. Once that 3 minutes is up he has to wait an hour to recharge. ---------------------- Headcanons: - Out of the 2 of her siblings, Rima is the closest with Rio. - Rio grew up protecting Rima in some capacity. He helped her study to keep high grades (to avoid getting reprimanded for her failures). - Rio often spent time with Rima in order to keep her from getting lonely, but as she got older they started becoming more distant. - When Rima became injured, or her grades fell below perfect. Rio and other family members often got blamed, and reprimanded. - Over time, This caused family members to avoid interacting with her. IN order to avoid that outcome. - Rio worked to keep her safe, and keep her grades high in order to protect everyone. (but that came at the cost of Rima feeling more and more lonely as she got older) - Rima and Rio's Relationship was already strained before she left home. (due to all of the pressure and him constantly trying to keep her on track. Study, stay home, Do what you need to for the good of the family). When Rima Eventually left. He took it personally, and blamed her for everything that followed after. - Rio did try to keep the rivalry between Rin and Rima in check (but his intervention only made it worse)
Brother Name: Rin Hayashi Age: 19 (1 year younger than Rima) Quirk: TechnoPath - He can go inside and control technology - He can only switch between devices if they are physically connected. (so like a cord or wire of some kind) - This Quirks weakness is Water, Destroying the deceive, or turning it off in some way. - If a device loses power, it forces him out and he cannot go back in until it is functioning again. - If he gets water on him, he is unable to go into a device until he dries off again. (because it will just destroy it). ---------------------- Headcanons: - Rin and Rima's relationship was built on a rivalry, he was often over looked as a child because he was the youngest. - This overlooking became worse when Rima's quirk appeared, as the focus on her increased since it was decided she would be the family heir. - Rin resents Rima, because of how much attention their parents gave. His achievements were often over looked and he projects that blame onto Rima. - Rin was the 1ST family member that figured out Rima was planning to bail, but instead of telling the family he decided to catch her himself. (and failed) - Rin absolutely HATES that Rima left home. After all of the time and energy the family put into her, his jealousy and bitterness towards her is what fuels his resentment towards her. (and he refuses to let go of it) - Rima, does not LIKE that rin hates her on that level. She has tried to reason with him in the past. Several times, but all it does is land on deaf ears and a stubborn mind.
Sibling Headcanons - Rin and Rio do get along to some degree (due to both not getting much attention from their parents. They kind of share similar problems) - Rima does recognize that all of the issues between her and her brothers came from their parents. - But, both brothers refuse to leave or even try to change, and she can't force them into making that decision. - Rima doesn't BLAME them for how they feel. - Part of her feels guilty for leaving, and for being the trigger to a very dark period in the family. - When Rima left home, RIO and Rin both had to sit and watch the fallout of the family. - The fighting between different groups. - The pressure and threats to bring her home - and then the order to just silence her (through any means possible) - They were also placed in charge of BRINGING her home, and faced some consequences for failing on that job. - The two were picked for the job, because Rima is a little more agreeable with Rio compared to other family members. - The end of their conflicted resulted in Rima having to pick between her brothers, and going with the heroes she's allied herself with. - Picking herself, over them was one of the HAREST choices she had to make. (and even NOW after its over. It still haunts her - Rio has pretended to change sides in an attempt to get close to her. - But it ended in Rima figuring it out, and choosing to fight him instead of returning home like he wanted. - Rima KNOWS that her choosing to not go home. Only added to the problems Rio and Rin faced. (and that guilt still stings every now and again) - If Either of them decided to change, she would help them. - Rima still remembers how numb and upset she felt when she decided the relationship between her, Rio and Rin was not something that could be salvaged.
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